2001 JUL 16 CC PACKETtrt� Y D� x AGEND] EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL THE LAKES AT EL SEGUNDO — 400 S. Sepulveda Boulevard El Segundo, CA The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 16,2001 — 8:00 A.M. THE LAKES AT EL SEGUNDO, 400 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Next Resolution # Next Ordinance # CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member McDowell ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on beha[fof another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Strategic Planning Session to discuss process for and determination of priorities for City projects PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on beha[fofanother, and employees speaking on behalfofthem employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec. 54960, et seg ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows ADJOURNMENT POSTED. DATE. ° 0 TIME 4. NAME _ . Aa4 s� i 071601ag 2001 -2002 STRATEGIC PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING JULY 16, 2001— 8:00 A.M. — The Lakes at El Segundo AGENDA 7 :45 -8:15 a.m. Coffee 8 :15 a.m. Introduction and Purpose of Session (City Manager) 8 :30 -8:45 a.m. Budget Update (Finance Director) 8.45 -9:00 a.m. FY 2000 -2001 Preliminary Capital Improvement Protects Master Schedule (Public Works Director) 9:00 a m. Description of departments' proposed projects and priorities (Department Heads) 11.00 a.m. Council objectives and priorities noon -1:00 p.m Lunch on the patio mb \n \2001 strategic planning meeting agenda TIOU PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 City Manager's Office LAX COMPLE- COST/ Covers expenses related to D.H. C.C. CalCard Policies, TION FUNDING City's opposition to expansion PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY City Manager's Office LAX 07/01 $800,000 Covers expenses related to CalCard Policies, for FY 01 -02 City's opposition to expansion Procedures and Flow of LAX Provides funding for Chart, implementation Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger of pilot program and Urban Dimension's 5 Cal Card Program 03/02 In -house staff response to LAX Master Plan Phase I EIR/EIS and potential litigation against LAX Also Accounting Policies 09/01 In -house staff provides funding for LAX and Procedures Master Plan Advisory Manual Committee (LAXMAC) Fund Balance Policy 07/01 In -house staff activities, including commentary on Draft EIR/EIS, due July 25, 2001 and other activities that may be assigned by City Council Administrative Services Development of 09101 In -house staff Draft policy and flow chart CalCard Policies, completed, pilot program to Procedures and Flow Council 9/01 Chart, implementation of pilot program Cal Card Program 03/02 In -house staff First phase to the City Phase I Council, once pilot program is tested Accounting Policies 09/01 In -house staff In process, expect to have first and Procedures draft available to Council and Manual staff 09/01 Fund Balance Policy 07/01 In -house staff Recommended policy to City Council 7 /17/01 Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Pnonty rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV - 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page I of 20 �.. . a PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Combination In- CO MPLE- COST/ To be considered by City D I3. C.C. house /Contracted Risk TION FUNDING Council 817101 PRI- PRI- PROJECT _ DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Combination In- 10/01 $80,000 To be considered by City house /Contracted Risk 9/30/02 To be Council 817101 5 Manager split completed by Council Minutes Initiate Recreation Park 9102 $26,000 Connect clubhouse, checkout, computer network and Joslyn together and then infrastructure 12131101 FY 00/01 connect the park to the rest of 4 Records Retention General Fund the network with a wireless 5 Schedule — three 1301 connection Prepare budget 9102 In -house staff In -house staff to publish a summary summarized budget for public 2 Document Imaging and departmental Phase I distribution Organize current 6102 In -house staff Initial steps in preparing for Fixed Asset GASB 34 3 information and begin to collect information on city Infrastructure in preparation for GASB 34 City Clerk Document Imaging — Phase I 12/31/01 • Phase I = $74,500 / General Fund Funded FY 00 -01 City Clerk's Office Document Imaging Phase 1, fully implemented Document Imaging — 9/30/02 To be Complete archival of all City Archiving completed by Council Minutes Initiate existing staff archival of City Ordinances and Resolutions Development of a 12131101 FY 00/01 Records Retention Schedule Records Retention General Fund for City Clerk's Office, Police 5 Schedule — three 1301 Department and City Attorney departments in $4,00000 conjunction with Document Imaging Phase I Newly Proposed Projects m Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n Tmiec:s 2001 -2002 REV- 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 4 of 20 TVW PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 DRAFT Treasurer Community, Economic & Development Services Downtown Specific COMPLE- COST/ Initial phase completed at cost Plan TION FUNDING of $44,933 PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Treasurer Community, Economic & Development Services Downtown Specific Adopted by Not Initial phase completed at cost Plan City applicable of $44,933 Council on 7/18/00 Downtown Specific 9/01 Total cost Main Street slurry sealmg to Plan Implementation Multi -year $1,500,000 be done on 7/8/01. Awaiting effort Phase I submittals of design proposals $735,000/ in mid -July General Fund Proposed FY 2000 -2001 Move forward on B.I.D. for promotion and parking district and market - oriented incentives $1 million additional from 99 -00 fund balance Civic Center Plaza To be Combined Project on hold awaiting CC Design/Construction deter- with direction mined Downtown Specific Plan Implementa- tion Downtown 9130102 $25,000 Assistance may be required to Development structure financing of 4 Financial Analysis development on the former Ralph's site Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority rob \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV --0VI YOl 1 01 PM Page 5 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Smoky Hollow COMP LE- COST( CC previously approved D.H. C.C. Development Potential TION FUNDING $70,000 for Reuse & MMOD PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COlYI11ENTS ORITY ORITY Smoky Hollow To be $40,000/ CC previously approved Development Potential deter- General Fund $70,000 for Reuse & MMOD mined Project to start project Revised project will after recommend solutions to completion of development constraints and Downtown include an EIR EDAC Specific Plan received briefing on project. LA AFB SAMS Multi -year $30,0001 Evaluation of alternatives Project effort General Fund proposed by developers to 5 (of which address project funding gap $20,000 was previously approved) LA AFB Reuse Multi year $50, 0001to Preparation of a Specific Plan Specific Plan effort match to help retain the Air Force 5 $50, 000 of Base state approved grant EIR for LA AFB Multi year $150,000 CEQA requires the Specific Plan effort preparation of an EIR for a 5 Specific Plan prior to its adoption Circulation Element To Not Planning applicable Comm 08/01; to City Council 09i01 Traffic Mitigation Fee To $7,500 /Gener This project logically follows Study Planning al Fund adoption of Circulation Comm Element 3/1/02 Business Retention & Annual $192,000/ A portion of the budget will Recruitment Program Program General Fund be used for downtown marketing purposes. Housing Element To Council $5,300 7/01 General Fund Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV- 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 6 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 DRAFT Fire Dept. Fire Station No 2 COMPLE- COST/ $ allocated as of 9/30/00 TION FUNDING $1,341,300 PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY PBID Formation 9130102 $40,000 An entity to manage a Fire Station No 2 Services CIPAC recommendation program of extraordinary Have $1 6M $250,000 more 5 services for the Downtown 3 allocated Awaiting Full Funding established with the Self- Assessment 01/03 $9,0001 5 Year Master Plan Working assistance of consultants Multi- Department Semester $40,000 One intern per semester and Intern Program Program one through the summer The Automatic External 9101 $20,000 /Total Currently working with L A number of hours per week and 4 General Fund County Department of Health length of service will vary Program ($12,000 Services on new regulations depending on their schedules Preliminary Design 411102 $40,000 The study will establish the Study for parking budgeted $6, 000 in FY 01 -02 parameters regarding 3 garage for AED training footprint, height, number of spaces, etc Downtown Parking $420,000 CIPAC below the $15 million Garage Design No prior line Will provide additional 2 allocation I downtown parking Fire Dept. Fire Station No 2 Unknown $3,690,000/ $ allocated as of 9/30/00 Vanous/ $1,341,300 General $250,000 recommended by CIPAC for FY 2000 -01 Fire Station No 2 $3 4M CIPAC recommendation Have $1 6M $250,000 more 5 allocated Awaiting Full Funding Self- Assessment 01/03 $9,0001 5 Year Master Plan Working General Fund with the Association 4 Budgeted $9, 000 in FY 01 -02 Automatic External 9101 $20,000 /Total Currently working with L A Defibrillator (AED) General Fund County Department of Health Program ($12,000 Services on new regulations equipment) Purchased equipment and budgeted $6, 000 in FY 01 -02 for AED training Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority rob \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV- 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 7 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 ,? 7 Fire Prevention COMPLE- COST/ Under development D.A. C.C. Bureau Cadet Program TION FUNDING Budgeted $3, 000 in FY 01 -02 PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORTTY Fire Prevention Begin $3,000/ Under development Bureau Cadet Program 01/02 General Fund Budgeted $3, 000 in FY 01 -02 Ongoing Donation, for uniforms, background 2 Personnel & checks, physicals, and Operating fingerprinting Hazmat Area Plan Completed $7,000/DOT Local Emergency Planning Upgrade of Innopac 7/31/01 Grant Committee grant funding system to provide State Library Completed Copies to be Library Catalog on the Grant distributed within by 9/01 Industrial Waste Ongoing $12,000/ National Pollution Discharge Sampling General Fund Elimination System (NPDES) pre - treatment – inspect 7 sites per quarter Ventilation System for 9/01 $39,000 Researching options based Fire Station General Fund upon function and cost No 1 Currently in process Fire Station No I On hold $50,000 Design $ only for FY 00 -01 Expansion General Fund Fire Department Ongoing $8,000 Near completion Information Map/Run General Fund Book Library Richmond St 10 /00 Books Completed Fully staffed & School Library $45,000/ operational Online catalog Donation, networked to main library Personnel & Operating $57,000 Upgrade of Innopac 7/31/01 $50,000— A grant from the State Library system to provide State Library was used to complete the first Library Catalog on the Grant phase of upgrading the Internet —Phase I Library's Catalog and network system Installation of equipment and software completed; a link to the City's Home page is in progress Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from I to 5 with 5 being the highest pnonty mb \a Tro}ects 2001 -2002 REV - 07113101 101 PM Page 8 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Innopac Network COMPLE- COST/ Completes the cabling and D.H. C.C. Upgrade —Phase II TION FUNDING upgrade oflnnopae System to PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Innopac Network 7102 $26,350— Completes the cabling and Upgrade —Phase II Outside upgrade oflnnopae System to Services a PC network, eliminating 5 Public outdated technology (Made Library Fund above the line cut with ETRC) (PLF) Expand and upgrade 3/01 $16,200– To be completed this month computer lab in 9/01 PLF Children's Room, plus add two staff computer work- stations Extend computer 5/01 $7,850 – PLF New staff office and computer workstation counters counters completed in Children's Room, convert children's computer lab room to office space City Hall Historical 9/01 $19,955/ Contract with Photo Display CIP Exhibitgroup /Giltspur approved by C.C.5 /01, construction of display in progress Sunday Hours 1 -5p in Jan -Sept $32,6501 Offer new Sunday hours to the 2002 9 months public (with or without Trial basis ($43,550 reduction of hours on Friday) annual cost) Requires additional part -time 3 General Fund staff and rotation of existing full -time supervisory personnel, costs for additional utilities Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV-07 /13/01 1 01 PM Page 9 of 20 f r PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Police Dept. Communications COMPLE- COST/ Completed, except for D.H. C.C. Center TION FUNDING frequencies. PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Police Dept. Communications Completed Note Completed, except for Center construc- Budgeted frequencies. tion 07/00 $426,000 in The City is currently utilizing Account General Fund two pairs of UHF radio closed by revenues for frequencies loaned to us by Finance reimbursemen the County of Los Angeles 01/19/01 t from Sheriff's Department The Hermosa City Attorney has filed a Beach claim to the rights to radio frequencies licensed to the Total Budget City and the SBRPCA Construction Equipment for Our Congressional this project Representative sent a position was paper to the FCC expressing $5,010,139 her support Project was completed for $4,441,283 Return $ to General Fund Radio Broadcast/ Completed A new three -site radio Repeater system infrastructure has been completed and is operating effectively. Hiring of Ongoing To date, three senior Communication dispatchers and eleven Center dispatchers dispatchers have been hired There are three full -time and two part -time positions unfilled Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb m \Projects 2001 -2002 REV- 07113101 1 01 PM Page 10 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Local animal COMPLE- COST/ To Council on 7/18/00 with a D.H. C.C. control /shelter TION FUNDING I I PRI- PRI- j PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Local animal Operational $190,000/ To Council on 7/18/00 with a control /shelter General Fund report estimating $190,000 initial startup costs and Note $120,000 annually thereafter Budgeted Cost to be offset by licensing $90,000 in fees currently estimated at General Fund $40 per dog or $20 per revenues spayed/neutered dog ($20/$10 for senior citizens) One additional PSO has been hired and three backups are being trained Equipment purchases have begun and a draft ordinance has been created. Annual Report 1102 and $2,000 /Asset A draft report is being ongoing Forfeiture compiled to go to printer no project later than July 13, 2001 with calendar year -end statistics School Crossing 9/01 $8,350 To be funded in place of other Guard (Richmond St current service at discretion of School) ESUSD The Superintendent advised that ESUSD will not be able to fund this project Instead he requested a stop sign at Concord/Manposa which has now been installed School Drug Abuse 9102 $25, 000 from These funds are to hire a Prevention Education Asset professional to research and Program Forfeiture develop a school Drug 5 No cost to Prevention Program that may General Fund eventually replace DARE Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV -07 /13/01 1 01 PM Page 11 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Police Officer COMPLE- COST/ This is a one -time advertising D.H. C.C. Recruitment /Promo- TION FUNDING "Blitz" to include radio, PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Police Officer 9102 $87, 700 from This is a one -time advertising Recruitment /Promo- Completed Asset "Blitz" to include radio, 4 tional Program Forfeiture movie theaters, bus benches, Miscellaneous 10/01 No cost to fob fairs, etc Drainage General Fund completed Work will Public Works Sewer Access 11/00 $60,000/ 2000 -01 Program has been Structure Lining Completed General Fund completed 2001 -02 Program is to commence in April, 2002 Miscellaneous 10/01 $100,000 /Gas Survey work has been Drainage Tax completed Work will Improvements FY 99 -00 commence during 2001 Budget calendar year Flashing red lights for 01/02 $75,000 /Gas Construction to start on Main Main/Pine, Tax intersections in November MamlMaple stop sign FY 99 -00 2001 intersections Budget Sewer Pump Stations No 4 $472,000/ The design for these two Nos 4 & 5 07/02 General Fund stations has been combined Total with the design of station #6 No 5 5/00 Council PS #4 construction to start in 09/02 added January 2002. PS #5 $22,000/ construction to start in March General Fund 2002 $100,000/ General Fund FY 99 -00 $350,000/ General Fund FY 00 -01 Sewer Pump Station 03/02 $225,0001 Construction has started and No 13 General Fund will end in March 2002 FY 99 -00 Budget Manposa and West Undeter- $244,000/ Approval has been received Palm Avenue Storm mined General Fund Design to start in September Dram 1 1 2001 Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV- 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 12 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 2000 -01 Water Main COM ?LE- COST/ Contract has been awarded for D.H. C.C. Replacement TION FUNDING placing water valve at MWD PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY 2000 -01 Water Main 01/02 $100,000/ Contract has been awarded for Replacement General Fund placing water valve at MWD (loan from feeder connection General Fund to Water Fund) Sewer Pump Station 09/02 $160,000/ Design has been combined No 6 General Fund with Stations 4 & 5. Maintenance Facility 10 /01 $60,000/ Contract to be awarded Generator General Fund August 2001 Replacement Upgrade Imperial 09/02 $72,000/ Design RFP to be awarded Avenue Vista Area General Fund August 2002. Eucalyptus Drive 01/02 $40,000 /Gas Survey has been completed Improvements Tax Start design 7/01 Holly Avenue Completed $30,000 /Gas Construction completed in Sidewalks Tax April 2001 Replace water pump 03/02 $50,000/Wate Construction to start in and motor at 400 r August 2001 Lomita Street Re- construct Storm 01/03 $615,000/IR 80% complete Start Drain Pump Station construction in February No 16 2002 Douglas Street Grade 3/03 $14 185 Consultant selected Separation/ million Finalization of scope of work Gap Closure FederaVMTA and agreement in progress Funds Sepulveda Blvd Completed $60,000/ Construction completed in banners General Fund June 2001. FY 99 -00 Budget Water Well Project 04103 $68 Water rights to be acquired, million/Bond land to be purchased; permits to be obtained. In -house sidewalk 09/01 $64,800 Offset by $50,000 annually repair for outside contractors out of gas tax funds The balance of $14,800 to come out of gas tax funds Contract awarded Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority rob \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV- 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 13 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Reconstrucuon of City COMPLE- COST/ Construction completed in D.H. C.C. Hall Parking Lots TION FUNDING June 2001 PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Reconstrucuon of City Completed $47,000/ Construction completed in Hall Parking Lots General Fund June 2001 Replacement of Sump 02/02 $45,000 / Installation to commence Pump at Storm Water General Fund November 2001 Pump Station No 17 Repair Sewer Mains at 10/01 $175,000 Construction to commence in various locations August 2001 Consultant (annual program) contract for development of sewer master plan has been awarded Maintenance Facility 9102 $25,000 cost CIPAC recommendation Exhaust System No prior System will divert exhaust 5 allocation fumes from inside the facility Water Main On -going $100,000 CIPAC recommended project Replacement No prior be funded by Operating 3 allocation Budget Will provide for 900' water main replacement Sewer Structures On -going $60,000 CIPAC recommended project Lining No prior be funded by Operating allocation Budget This annual project 4 provides for refurbishment of 50 maintenance hole structures PD Air Conditioning 9102 $133,000 CIPAC recommended project No prior be funded by Operating allocation Budget Will provide 5 replacement of 13 -year old unit PD Heating 9102 $10,000 CIPAC recommended project Replacement No prior be funded by Operating 3 allocation Budget Will replace hot water coils Various Sidewalk 8102 $60,000 4 new locations to be Construction No prior provided sidewalks 2 allocation Gas Tax Newly Proposed Projects m Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV - 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 14 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Daley Road COMPLE- COST/ Total Reconstruction of D.H. C.C. Reconstruction TION FUNDING heavily traveled road PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Daley Road Multi year $316,000 Total Reconstruction of Reconstruction ongoing Total heavily traveled road No prior $196,000 Gas Tax 3 allocation $120,000 Traffic Congestion expenditures Funds Sepulveda Blvd 9102 $88,000 to Design complete Landscaping match 15% Sepulveda 4 $678,000 State Grant Sepulveda Blvd Signal 9102 $387,500 to Signals at El Segundo, Modifications match State Mariposa and Grand 3 Grant Sewer PS 4, 5 & 6 Multi -year $1,650,000 CIPAC recommended project Rehab total, be funded through $610,000 Infrastructure Replacement 5 previously For construction projects allocated Design ongoing. PS 16 Multi year $865,000 CIPAC recommended project total, be funded through $615,000 Infrastructure Replacement 5 previously Storm drain PS replacement allocated Design ongoing Sewer Main Repair 9102 $3 2M CIPAC recommended project $900, 000 for be funded through 5 allocation Infrastructure Replacement 2001102 To repair broken sewer lines IR Recreation & Parks Fanner's Market Weekly $43,800— Revenue offsets some ongoing Associated expenses Start print ads Recreation immediately. Print ads and Fund movie theatre ads expenditures accomplished; light pole and revenues banners placed along Sepulveda Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Pnonty rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n TrGjects 2001 -2002 REV- 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 15 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Janitorial Service COMPLE- COST/ Completed. Coastal Cleamng D.H. C.C. TION FUNDING contract services in place and PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Janitorial Service Completed $43,950— Completed. Coastal Cleamng General Fund contract services in place and working well Events 03/01 Estimated Hired Spring 2001 Specialist position additional cost $36,000 and reclassify vacant Admm Analyst position City Council Live On -going $6,000— Hiatus for summer 2001, new General Fund set being built, and a modified format has been discussed with Council Washington Park 4/02 $185,000/ Plans and specifications have Extension General Fund been reviewed by city staff in carried plan check and approved as of forward into 7/7/01, plans have been FY 00 -01 reviewed by SCE and changes made by architect, final approval expected by 7/22/01 Specifications being reviewed by Building & Safety, Bidding to commence in August 2001 Recreation Park Completed $59,500 — Project completed Restrooms rehab General Fund FY 99 -00 Budget Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV- 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 16 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 City -wide Parkway COMPLE- COST/ FY 00 /01 D.H. C.C. Tree planting and TION FUNDING 1,993 street trees pruned, PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY City -wide Parkway On -going General Fund FY 00 /01 Tree planting and $40,000 FY 1,993 street trees pruned, removal 99 -00 317 street trees planted, $120,000 FY 92 street trees removed. 00 -01 Requested $100,000 through $100, 000 FY CIP Committee for FY 01 -02 01 -02 to complete city-wide tree pruning and continue removal/replacement, as needed Recreation & Parks 05/02 $215,000/ Design being finalized electrical upgrades General Fund Construction to commence in Phase I January 2002 Recreation Park 9102 $245,000 CIPAC recommendation Will Electrical Upgrades — additional for complete electrical upgrade 5 Phase 2 Phase II project Sycamore Park 12/01 $30,000/ Project has gone out to bid for Irrigation Replacement General Fund construction Construction to commence in October 2001 Swim Stadium Pool 9/01 $85,000/ Pool consultant is completing Upgrade General Fund analysis of pool infrastructure Study/Filtration After scope of services has been determined, pool architect will be hired to develop plans and specs for rehab, estimate of costs for project stands at $485,000 and has been reviewed and scored by CIP committee for FY 01- 02 Skateboard Park 9102 $125,000 CIPAC recommendation total, 4 $25,000 previously allocated Newly Proposed Projects m Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n Tmiects 2001 -2002 REV- 07 113101 1 01 PM Page 17 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Pond and Community COMPLE- COST/ Two design proposals D.H. C.C. Gardens TION FUNDING submitted Bids for design PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Pond and Community Unknown $70,000/ Two design proposals Gardens General Fund submitted Bids for design $15,000 came in substantially over Design budget One firm has $45,000 requested a meeting to discuss Construction value engineering $5,000 suggestions Mgmt/Inspec- On hold for further direction tion $5,000 Other Recreation and Parks 07/02 $60,000/ Combined with the Master Plan General Fund Community Center Contract awarded in July 2001 Racquetball/ 05/02 $20,000/ Plans and specs approval in Handball Courts General Fund July 2001 Handball $4,000 Grant court/bouldenng area being $1,000 Design priced with climbing $18,000 company Construction $1,000 Mgmt/Insp $4,000 Contingencies Drama Program Completed $6,950 / Gener Program has been (grades 1 -12) al Fund successfully separated into two age groups Community Center 12/02 $300,000 Preparations being made for Design Design- scope of work LPA S550,000, Consultants recommended to Construction- design Community Center, $6 million Public Policy Group from Cal 3 State Dominguez conducting needs assessment, project was submitted to CIP Committee for funding for FY 01 -02 The Inventory of Facilities to be completed 02/02 Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n Troiects 2001 -2002 REV - 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 18 of 20 a. PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 The following projects were not recommended for funding from the General Fund in 2001 -2002 by the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee Recreation Park COMPLE- COST/ CIPAC below the $15 million D.H. C.C. Upgrades TION FiJNDING line Three year program to PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY The following projects were not recommended for funding from the General Fund in 2001 -2002 by the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee Recreation Park Staff $24,000 CIPAC below the $15 million Upgrades recommend No prior line Three year program to 2 hold allocation address ADA accessibility issues on playgrounds. Acacia Park Irrigation Staff $35,500 CIPAC below the $15 million System recommend No prior line 3 hold allocation Hilltop Park Pool Staff $136,000 CIPAC below the $15 million Improvement (Aquatic recommend No prior line 2 Playground) hold allocation Washington Park $200,000 CIPAC below the $15 million additional line 2 requested Storm Basin 17 — Staff $300,000 CIPAC below the $15 million Concrete Floor and recommend No prior line 1 Slope Protection hold allocation Library HVAC Staff $58,000 CIPAC recommended project Replacement recommend No prior be funded by Operating I hold allocation Budget E Sycamore (500 Staff $105,000 CIPAC recommended project Block) Improvements recommend No prior Curb, gutter, sidewalk 1 hold allocation improvements Gas Tax Camp Eucalyptus $205,500 CIPAC below the $15 million line 4 Janitorial Service at 15,0001 The Plunge is in use from 6am Urho Saari Swim General Fund to 8 45 pm on weekdays, with Stadium Saturday hours lam — 4pm Increased use of the pool, and 4 minimal custodial support for the pool maintenance technician requires consideration ofprofessional custodial services a minimum of 3 nights per week Newly Proposed Projects in Italics Notation of CIPAC protects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority rob \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV- 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 19 of 20 PROJECTS FOR 2001 -2002 Urho Saari Swim COMPLE- COST/ The pool is open 6 days per D.H. C.C. Stadium Extended TION FUNDING week, but community demand PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Urho Saari Swim $13,1001 The pool is open 6 days per Stadium Extended General Fund week, but community demand Hours (Sundays) Staffing and for additional pool time 3 utility costs necessitated a proposal to open on Sundays from gam — 3 30 pm There will be time for club /swim teams, lap swim, slimnastics, and private /adaptive swim lessons Newly Proposed Projects m.1takcs Notation of CIPAC protects in Comments column Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority mb \n \Projects 2001 -2002 REV - 07/13/01 1 01 PM Page 20 of 20