2001 FEB 06 CC PACKET•t <4 AGENDI EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The Cin Council v uh certain statuton except iom can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items L nless othem ise noted in the Agenda the Public can onls comment on City- related business that is withm the jurisdiction of the Cia Council and or items listed on the Agenda durmL the Public Commumeations portion of the Meeting Addntonall}, the Public can comment on any Public Hearin,-, item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments 1� fix l�l minutes per person 8"wit +Peakvo' to flit Ctn Council plrasi comr n- tin podtwn and state low name and residence and the oigant_ anon ton teptesetn ddeened Pleweiespect the unit °limos Members of the Public ma} place items on the Agenda bx submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least sit dais prior to the Cin Council %leenne (b% 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be rransact:d or discussed at the meeting Plaving of video tapes or use of Visual aids ma} be permitted during meetings it the/ are submitted to the Cin Clerk n.o (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed th e I � I minutes in length In tnmphim, .,tilt the American, .. in nuabdnus Act it wu nod spcaal assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Gn Clerk. 523 -2305 \oti r,, at aM hours prior to the meeting wnl anabic the( its to make riasonable arrangements to ensure accessibibts to this meeting REGLLAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TL ESDA) , FEBRL ARY 6, 2001 - 5:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4202 Next Ordinance #1331 5:00 PM Session CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION• The City Council may mo%e into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act ( Go\ ernment Code §54950, et sseq ) for the purposes of confemng with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and or conferring \i, ith the Cn` Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters co\ ered under Go\'t Code `54957 (Personnel), and or confemng with the City's Labor Negotiators as tollous CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) I City of El Segundo v Bd of Airport Commissioners, et al, LASC Case No BC 220609 2 Hill v El Segundo, USDC No CV 98- 1463- LGB(SHX) 3 Phillips Petroleum, et al v. County of Los Angeles, et al., USDC No 1938 -NW (MANx). 4 Shell Chemical Company, et al v County of Los Angeles, et al, USDC No 1917 -GHK (RCx). 5 Jeffrey Capistran v El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 038535 6 In re Randall's Island Family Golf, Case No OOB41065 (SMB) 7 Lucas v El Segundo, LASC Case No L04721 8 Partlow v El Segundo, WCAB Case No MON0243177 9 El Segundo v Tno Manufacturing. LASC No YC038567 10 Richardson v El Segundo, LASC No BC233685 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(b) -I- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(c) -3- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS ( Goi't Code §54957) —None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957 6) — None CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) — None. 02 GSA Y O� k t4 S�GtZ� ♦ , EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The Cim Council with certain statutorN ewepnons can only tale action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Lnless othem ise noted in the Aeenda the Public can only comment on City - related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and or items listed on the Aeenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally the Public can comment on am Public Hearme item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is fi� e ( �) minutes per person Boone speadmg io the Cm Council please come to tht podium and state loin nave and residence and the organization iou represent lidesued Please respect the nine hunts Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by subnutting a Written Request to the City Clerk or Ctty Manager's Office at least sn da }s prior to the Gn Council fleeting Ib} 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief �:eneml description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be pernuned during meetings if the} are submuned to the CaR Clerk two (2) workmg days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed fit t I � i minutes In length In tumplune, with the Americans ssnh Disabilities Act d sou need special assistance to participate to this meeting, please contact Cin Clerk. 524 -2305 Nonficdhnn 48 hours prior to the meeting sill triable the Cin to make reasonable arrangements to ensure aceessibthn to this meeting REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TLESDAI. FEBRU ARY 6, 2001 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4202 Next Ordinance # 1331• 7:00 PM Session CALL TO ORDER INN OCATiON — Pastor Randy Williams of Pacific Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member John Gaines PRESENTATIONS (a) Proclamation proclaiming February 2001 as " Literact, Awareness Month," and recognition and acceptance of Che%ron s S5,000 donation in support of the El Segundo Public Library Literacy Program (b) Proclamation encouraging all citizens to Join the American Cancer Society in its crusade against cancer and proclaiming the month of February 2001 as "Daffodil Days 2001 (c) Presentation by Marcy Dugan, on behalf of the El Segundo Rotary Club, of signage for school safety (I 3 (d) Presentation by El Segundo Power II LLC on power plant project, its Application for Certification to the California Energy Commission and related matters (15 min presentation) ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who hate recened ialue of S50 or more to communicate to the Cary Council on behalf ofanother and employees speaking on behalf of their emplover must so idenafi themselves prior to addressing the Cm Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by ¢ fine of $250 While all comments are welcome the Brown Act does not allot, Council to take action on ant aem not on the agenda The Council "ill respond to continents after Public Communications is closed (e) Request by the Chamber of Commerce for City approval to close certain City streets for the dedication of the Mayors' «alk on Friday, February 16, 2001 at 4 00 P M A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Azenda by title only Recommendation - Appro,* al. B SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1 Ordinance to re%ise Title 6 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code regarding animal control Recommendation - a) Introduce ordinance. b) Schedule second reading and adoption for February 20, 2001. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2 Presentation by Shute, Mthah & Weinberger and Urban Dimensions on preliminary review of the LAX Master Plan DEiR and le_al and stratemc efforts to date (15 min presentation) Recommendation - Recen a and file. D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - NONE E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion i>, nhout discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made. the item(s) %� ill be considered individually under the next heading of business Warrant Numbers 2515156 - 2515586 on Register No 8 in total amount of $1,303,953 71 and Wire Transfers in the amount of S 1,094,872 37 Recommendation - Appro,, a NN arrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers from 01/06/01 to 01/26/01. Citv Council meetmo minutes of January 16 2001 Recommendation - Appro,,al Examination plans for the Personnel Merit System job classifications of Community Cable Program Manager, Crime Scene Investigator UII, Fire Engineer, and Senior Administrative Recommendation — Appro%a the Examination Plans. n4 6 Amendment No 2 to a professional service contract with Meyer, Mohaddes Associates (MMA) for traffic and environmental services to prepare additional traffic analysts for the General Plan Circulation Element Update Task Force The amount to be paid to the consultant under this amendment would not exceed 110,000 00 Traffic Impact Fee Mitigation funds will be used to cover the cost of the services Recommendation — Approve an Amendment to Contract No. 2645 with MMA to prepare additional traffic and environmental analysis. Acceptance of the Cleaning and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection of sew er lines — Proiect No PW 00 -6 (final contract amount + 5187,322 66) Recommendation — Accept the work as complete and authorize the CitN Clerk to rile the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office. Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, amending Section 5 75 of Resolution No 4162 proN [ding for a three -way stop intersection at Manposa Avenue and Concord Street Recommendation — Adopt resolution and authorize staff to install the stop signs. A%c and contract to C J Construction for Holly Avenue curb and sidewalk — Project No PW 00 -16 (contract amount = S17 596 50) Recommendation — Aw and contract to the lowest responsible bidder, C.J. Construction, in the amount of $17,596.50. authorize the Mayor to execute the standard Public Works contract after approval as to form bN the City Attorney. 10 .Acceptance of the refurbishment of Recreation Park restrooms — Specifications No PW 00 -3 (final contract amount - S5S 266) Recommendation — Accept the work as complete and authorize the Cit} Clerk to file the Cit% Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office. 1 1 Acceptance of the lining of sanitary se" er access structures — Project No PW 00 -12 (final contract amount = 562,460 39) Recommendation — a) Approve Change Order No. I in the amount of $12,460.39; b) Accept the work as complete; C) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the Counh Recorder's Office. 12 Proposed revisions to the class specification for the Job classification of Police Lieutenant Recommendation — Approve the proposed class specification. 13 Request by the Chamber of Commerce for City approval to close certain City streets for the dedication of the Mavors' Walk on Friday, February 16 2001 at 4 00 P M Recommendation — Approve request, provided the event meets all applicable City requirements. 14 Request for proposals to retain specialty firm for a Capital Improvement Project (total estimated cost = 547,000) Recommendation — Authorize staff to solicit proposals from firms that specialize in parking lot construction. 5 ALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS 15 After School Pilot Program — El Segundo Middle School Recommendation — Approve acceptance of ROAD funds for recreation element of the After School Program 16 New developments on the implementation of the Downtown Specific Plan in consideration of modifications to Main Street improvements as recommended by the Downtown Subcommittee Recommendation — Approve recommended changes in the design of the street improvements for the design, slurrN seal and restriping of the 300 -500 blocks of Main Street and direct staff to implement such at a cost of approximately $40,000. G REPORTS - CITY MANAGER 17 Oral Report on the City's efforts to conserve energy Recommendation — Receive and file. H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEI -NONE I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member McDowell —NONE Council Member Gaines — 18 Authorization for one member of the LAX Master Plan Advisory Commission ( LAXMAC) and one member of the A� ianon Safety and Noise Abatement Committee (ASNAC) to attend the Universitv of California Airport Noise and Air Ouahtv Svmposium Recommendation — Approve attendance at airport Noise and Air Quality Symposium by one member of LAXMAC and one member of ASNAC. Council Member Wernick — 19 Request for City to be represented at the National League of Cities' Congressional City Conference 2001 entitled "Investing in Communities — Investing in America's Future," to be held March 9 -13, 2001 in Washington, D C (total cost $2,550) Recommendation — Approve sending a Council representative to National League of Cities' Congressional City Conference 2001. Nlavor Pro Tern Jacobs — NONE r Mayor Gordon — 20 Nomination by Mayor Gordon to appoint Council Member Kelly McDowell to the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles County West Vector Control District, effective March 1, 2001 Recommendation - Approve appointment of Council Member Kelly McDowell to the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles County West Vector Control District, effective March 1, 2001, and notify District of appointment. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have recened value of S50 or more to communicate to the Cin Council on behalfofanother and employees speaking on behalf of their emploter must so idennfi themselves prior to addressing the Cin Council Failure to do so shall be a mtsdenteanor and punishable by a fine of S250 While all comments are welcome the Brown Oct does not alloy+ Council to take action on any Bent not on the agenda The Council xdl respond to comments after Public Communications is closed MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec 54960, et sec ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or confemng with the Cm Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters cox ered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5 00 p m , February 6, 2001 under "Closed Session" (if needed) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED D ATE TIME `t 3L c \k-ME (� CST c�ritCetitiv 020601 a [lam] (, 7 Draft El Seeundo Power II LLC 1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 5800 Houston, Texas 77002 I AL �Ia DYNEGY Januan 12. 2001 Mar} Strenn City Manager Ctt} of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Seeundo, CA 90245 Re El Segundo Generating Station Repowertng Project Dear Mar} El Segundo Power II LLC has submitted an Application for Certification (AFC) to the California Energy Commission (CEC) O% er the ne\.t seN era] weeks the CEC will be reviewing the AFC to determine whether it is data adequate and can be scheduled for public hearings The City w ill recene a copy of the -yFC for re\ ie" and comment To help the community effecnvel participate in the re\ iew process El Segundo Power requests the opportunity to outline the project and describe the process at the February 6 Council meeting We believe this presentation w ill help residents businesses and the city itself better understand what is being proposed The outline can be presented in about 30 minutes After presentation of the prepared material. we "ill be happy to answer questions from the audience, adhering to the time you allocate to that effort If there are particular issues or topics of interest that the council or staff wants covered, we can tailor the presentation to include that information Let me know as soon as possible so we can work it in Thank you for your help in this matter As always, it is a pleasure dealing with you and your staff Sincerely Ron Cabe Senior Director cc Jim Hansen [1 8 EL SEGUNDO CHAMBER The Voice for Business Januart 30 2001 MaN or Mike Gordon El Segundo Cm Council 3 ?0 Main Street El Sec-,undo CA 9024 Dear Mat or Gordon K Members of the City Council On February 16.'_001 the El Segundo Chamber will be conducting a ceremom and reception for the umeiling of the Mayors' Walk —a stepping stones path sponsored bt Chet ron and Honeywell to honor the ma} ors of El Segundo The et ent is scheduled from 4 30 to 5 30 pm In conjunction ttith this etent ite are requesting that Franklin Avenue (bet%%een Main and Richmond Streets) be closed to through traffic starting at 4 00 pm through 5 30 pm R e also ask that all city fees be waived. Thank } ou for } our consideration 1 am atailable to answer any questions regarding the Mat ors' Walk Smcereh kathrvn Lourtie Executite Director 427 Main Street E Segundo GA 90245 • (310) 322 -1220 • Fax (310) 322 -6880 E -mail elsegundochamberC aol com (, j EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Special Order of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Ordinance to revise Title 6 of the El Segundo Municipal Code regarding animal control RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1 Introduce ordinance 2 Schedule 2nd reading and adoption for February 20, 2001 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION On October 17, 2000, the City Council gave staff the go ahead to proceed with the new animal control project An ordinance was Introduced on January 16, 2001 Since that time substantial changes have been made, therefore, the attached ordinance will be introduced as a 15` reading The fee resolution will be provided for Council review and approval with the 2nd reading of this ordinance ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Proposed Ordinance Operating Budget None Amount Requested None Account Number None Project Phase Appropriation required None INATED r Police DATE January 25, 2001 RE WED BY DATE: ar5te11ih, ity anager '' 10 1/31/01 1 45 PM ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1 Title 6 of the El Segundo Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows CHAPTER 1 COUNTY REGULATIONS SECTION 6 -1 -1 Incorporation of Title 10, Los Angeles County Code [6 -1 -2: General Penalty] 61 1 INCORPORATION OF TITLE 10, LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE. Title 10 of the Los Angeles Code, with the exception of title 10, section 10 90 010 (VI) and section 10 90 010 (VII) is hereby incorporated into the City Code To the extent any provision of the Los Angeles Code incorporated hereby is inconsistent with some other provision of this code, the later provision shall be controlling. A4 [6.1.2: GENERAL PENALTY:] Any person violating any of the provisions of this title is guilty of a misdemeanor unless another penalty is provided for in this title. II CHAPTER 2 ANIMALS SECTION 6 2 1 Animals Permitted 6 2 2 Animals Prohibited 6 2 3 Animals At Large 6 2 4 Animal Care 6 2 5 Public Nuisance 6 2 6 Permits Required 6 2 7 Application For Permit 6 2 8 Criteria For Approval 6 2 9 Expiration Of Permits 6 2 10 Appeal Decision Of Director, Fee 6 2 11 Planning Commission Hearing, Notice, Decision 6 2 12 Grounds For Revocation 6 2 1 ANIMALS PERMITTED A Generally It shall be lawful for any person to keep or maintain or have in possession or under control in the City the following animals 1 Canaries, pigeons, doves or birds of the psittacine family kept as household pets or as a hobby only, not exceeding ten (10) in number, when kept in facilities that are humane and adequate as to noise, sanitation and security 2 Fish and turtles kept as household pets or as a hobby only, 3 Hamsters, white rates or guinea pigs as household pets or as a hobby only, not exceeding ten (20) in the aggregate and the young thereof not exceeding three (3) months in age, (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) 4 Hen chickens, kept as household pets or as a hobby, not to exceed five (5) in number when kept in facilities that are humane and adequate as to noise, sanitation and security, (Ord 825, 11 -20 -1973) 5 Rabbits as household pets or as a hobby only, not exceeding four (4) in number and the young thereof not exceeding four (4) months in age, L k - 6241 ? 12 12 6 In one -family and two -family dwellings or duplexes, dogs and cats not to exceed three (3) for each residential living unit in any combination thereof and the young thereof not exceeding four (4) months in age, 7 In dwelling units other than one -family and two -family dwellings or duplexes, one dog or cat per unit and the young thereof not exceeding four (4) months in age, 8 Except in residential districts, dogs used for guard or sentry purposes (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) B Circus. All animals enumerated in this Chapter may be kept within the City in connection with any circus, carnival or wild west show, or in conjunction with any parade for which a permit has been issued, provided, however, that without the approval of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, animals may not be brought into the City more than twenty four (24) hours before the first performance of the circus, carnival or wild west show or the start of the parade, as the case may be, nor may animals be kept within the City without the approval of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services for more than twenty four (24) hours after the conclusion of the last performance of a circus, carnival or wild west show or within twenty four (24) hours after the conclusion of a parade C Laboratory All animals enumerated in this Chapter may be kept within the City in connection with a laboratory that holds a valid clinical laboratory permit issued by the State Department of Health D School All animals enumerated in this Chapter may be kept within the City in a public or private school license by the State. (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) 6 2 2 ANIMALS PROHIBITED Except as provided in subsections 6 -2 -1 B, C, and D of this Chapter, no person shall keep or maintain or have in his possession or under his control any poisonous or venomous snake or any wild, carnivorous animal (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) 6 2 3 ANIMALS AT LARGE It is unlawful for any person owning or having possession, charge, custody or control of any animal or fowl to cause, permit or allow the same to stray or run, or in any other manner to be at large in or upon any public highway, street, avenue, roadway, road, way, lane, alley, park , square, sidewalk or other public place in the City, or in or upon any unenclosed lot, land or premises, or to stake out, herd or graze any animal or fowl upon any unenclosed lot, land or premises in such manner that the rope or other attachment by which the same is tethered may permit it to be or to go beyond the t v _624, , 13 boundary of the lot, land or premises, provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply in the case of animals lawfully upon the public highway, street, road, roadway, avenue, way, lane, alley, park, square, sidewalk or other public place and which are temporarily hitched to hitching weights, devices or posts at the curb or side of the highway, road, roadway, street, lane, park, square, sidewalk, way, avenue, alley or place, or which are otherwise located therein (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) 6 2 4 ANIMAL CARE Requirements for owners and kennel operators Every person, within the City, who owns any animal or who owns, conducts, manages or operates any kennel for which a permit is required by this title, shall comply with each of the following conditions A Housing facilities for animals shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair, to protect the animals from injury, to contain the animals, and to restrict the entrance of other animals B All animals shall be supplied with sufficient good and wholesome food and water as often as the feeding habits of the respective animals require C All animals and all animal buildings or enclosures shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition D All animals shall be so maintained as to eliminate excessive and nighttime noise E No animals shall be without attention more than 12 consecutive hours Whenever an animal is left unattended at a kennel, the telephone number of the police department, or the name, address and telephone number of the responsible person, shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the front of the property F Every reasonable precaution shall be used to insure that animals are not teased, abused, mistreated, annoyed, tormented or in any manner made to suffer by any person or means G No condition shall be maintained or permitted that is or could be injurious to the animals H Animal buildings and enclosures shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent escape of animals All reasonable precautions shall be taken to protect the public from the animals and the animals from the public 14 Every animal establishment shall isolate sick animals sufficiently so as not to endanger the health of other animals Sick animals shall at all times be isolated from the other animals J Every budding or enclosure wherein animals are maintained shall be constructed of material easily cleaned and shall be kept in a sanitary condition The budding shall be properly ventilated to prevent drafts and to remove odors Heating and cooling shall be provided as required, according to the physical need of the animals, with sufficient light to allow observation of animals and sanitation K Such person shall take any animal to a veterinarian for examination or treatment, if the director finds this is necessary in order to maintain the health of the animal and orders the owner or custodian to do so L All animal rooms, cages, kennels and runs shall be of sufficient size to provide adequate and proper accommodations for the animals kept therein M Every violation of an applicable regulation shall be corrected within a reasonable time to be specified by the Chief of Police N Such person shall provide proper shelter and protection from the weather at all times O Such person shall not give an animal any alcoholic beverage, unless prescribed by a veterinarian P Such person shall not allow animals that are natural enemies, temperamentally unsuited, or otherwise incompatible, to be quartered together, or so near each other as to cause injury, fear or torment If two or more animals are so trained that they can be placed together and do not attack each other or perform or attempt any hostile act to the others, such animals shall be deemed not to be natural enemies Q Such person shall not allow the use of any tack, equipment, device, substance or material that is, or could be, injurious or cause unnecessary cruelty to any animal R Such person shall not allow any animal to cause a hazard, or be a menace to the health, peace or safety of the community LA =6341? ' 15 6 2 5 PUBLIC NUISANCE A Any animal (or animals) which molests passersby or passing vehicles, attacks other animals, trespasses on school grounds, is repeatedly at large, damages and or trespasses on private or public property, barks, whines or howls in an excessive, continuous or untimely fashion, shall be considered a public nuisance B Every person who maintains, permits or allows a public nuisance to exist upon his or her property or premises, and every person occupying or leasing the property or premises of another and who maintains, permits or allows a public nuisance as described above to exist thereon, after reasonable notice in writing from the City has been served upon such person to cease such nuisance, is guilty of an infraction The existence of such nuisance for each and every day after the service of such notice shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense 6 2 6 PERMITS REQUIRED A Compliance, Permit It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain, or have in possession or under control in the City, any living member of the animal kingdom except human beings, except as permitted by this Chapter and without having applied for and received a permit fa-,4 [when] hereinafter (PRYlded) [required] B Permit For Keeping Animals Any person may keep animals other than or in excess of the animals enumerated in subsection 6 2 1A of this Chapter and may keep the animals enumerated in Section 6 2 2 of this Chapter in the circumstances described in subsections 621B, C and D of this Chapter by securing a permit for the keeping of such animals (Ord. 790, 7 -24 -1972) 6 2 7 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT An application for a permit shall be initiated by filing a verified application on a form furnished by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services stating fully the applicant's name, address, and telephone number, the number and kind of animals for which a permit is requested, the number and kind of other animals kept on the premises; the type and location of caging, if applicable, and other information required by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services upon receipt of the application The Director of Community, Economic and Development Services shall make or cause to be made such investigation as he deems appropriate (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) 16 6 2 8 CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL* The Director of Community, Economic and Development Services shall issue or renew the permit if he finds. A. That the issuance of such permit will not adversely affect the public peace, health or safety, B That the keeping of such animal will not violate any provision of law, and C That the facilities for keeping such animals are humane and adequate under the circumstances as to noise, security and sanitation (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972; amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000; 2000 Code) 6 2 9 EXPIRATION OF PERMITS All permits issued on or before October 31 of any year shall expire on December 31 of that year Any permit issued on or after November 1 of any year shall expire on December 31 of the next succeeding year (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) 6210 APPEAL DECISION OF DIRECTOR, FEE Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services may file an appeal of such decision with the Planning Commission by filing a written notice of appeal in letter form accompanied by a filing fee in an amount set by resolution of the City Council, said fee to cover the cost of posting, postage, advertising and other costs incident to the proceedings Said notice of appeal may be filed at any time after the decision of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services has been made, provided, however, that an appeal may not be filed on the granting of such permit after ten (10) days have expired from the action of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services in granting such permit (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd Ord 1315,1 -18 -2000) 6 2 11 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING, NOTICE, DECISION- A Hearing Notice When an appeal is filed, the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services shall give notice of a public hearing by mailing a letter notice, first class mad with postage prepaid, to the applicant and to the owners of property abutting the boundary of the property that is the subject of the application for an animal permit, using for this purpose the last known name and address of such owners as shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of Los Angeles County Such notice shall contain the address, a general explanation of the matter to be considered, and the time and place at which the public hearing on the matter will be held LA- 6'_413" 17 B Decision By Resolution The Planning Commission shall announce its decision by resolution (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd Ord. 1 15, 1- 18 -2000) C Decision Final Any action by the Planning Commission on such matters shall be final and conclusive Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd. 2000 Code) D Notice Of Decision Not later than fifteen (15) days following the adoption of a resolution ordering that an appeal be granted or denied, a copy of the resolution shall be mailed to the applicant and to any other person requesting notice of the action (Ord 790, 7- 24 -1972) 6 2 12 GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION Any animal permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter may be revoked by the Planning Commission In the event the Planning Commission determines to initiate proceedings for the revocation of any animal permit, said Commission shall adopt a resolution declaring its intention to revoke such permit and fix a time and place for a hearing on said resolution No such hearing shall be held unless a copy of the resolution is mailed to the permittee not less than five (5) days prior to the hearing At such hearing the Planning Commission shall hear all evidence presented material to its determination and may revoke the permit following such hearing by resolution after it finds A That the permit, or a prior permit of which the permit is an extension was obtained by fraud, or B That the permittee has violated the law in keeping such animal; or C That the animal or animals endanger the public peace, health or safety (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) CHAPTER 3 DOGS SECTION 63 1 Definitions 6 3 2 Licensing Requirements 6 3 3 License Tags 6 3 4 Receipt Blanks 6 3 5 Kennel Licenses 6 3 6 Suspension Or Revocation of Dog License 6 3 7 Refusing to Show License Unlawful 6 3 8 Running At Large Prohibited 1 >= b' -41i" tR 6 3 9 Dangerous Dogs, Impoundment, Hearing 6 3 10, Rabies Control 6 3 11 Dog Park Rules 6 3 12 Interfering with Animal Control Officers Prohibited 6 3 13 Interference with Police Dogs 6 3 1 DEFINITIONS The following words when used in this Chapter shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this Section DOG Includes male and female KENNEL A place where four (4) or more adult dogs or cats or any combination thereof, are kept, whether by owners of the dogs and cats or by persons providing activities and care, whether or not for compensation An adult dog or cat is one of either sex, altered or unaltered, that has reached the age of four (4) months POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG Any of the following A Any dog which, when unprovoked, on two (2) separate occasions within the prior thirty six (36) month period, engages in any behavior that requires a defensive action by any person to prevent bodily injury when the person and the dog are off the property of the owner or keeper of the dog B Any dog which, when unprovoked, bites a person causing a less severe injury than as defined in section 31604 of the State Food and Agriculture Code C Any dog which, when unprovoked, on two (2) separate occasions within the prior thirty six (36) month period, has killed, seriously bitten, inflicted injury, or otherwise caused injury attacking a domestic animal off the property of the owner or keeper of the dog VICIOUS DOG Any of the following A Any dog seized under section 599aa of the Penal Code and upon the sustaining of a conviction of the owner or keeper under subdivision (a) of section 597 5 of the Penal Code B Any dog which, when unprovoked, in an aggressive manner, inflicts severe injury on or kills a human being C Any dog previously determined to be and currently listed as a potentially dangerous dog which, after its owner or keeper has been notified of this determination, continues the behavior I \ ob]J 1 t , _' t9 described in the definition of "potentially dangerous dog" in this Section, or is maintained in violation of section 31641, 31642, or 31643 of said State Food and Agriculture Code 2000 Code) 6 3 2 LICENSING REQUIREMENTS A License Required, Exceptions: 1 Except as provided in this Chapter, it is unlawful for any person to have, keep, maintain or harbor within the City any dog without first having obtained from the City an annual license so to do upon the payment of the fee required by subsection B of this section 2 It shall not, however, be necessary to purchase a license or to pay a license fee for any dog under the age of four (4) months whether the same is male or female 3 It is further provided, however, that the license fee shall not apply to any dogs kept or maintained exclusively in any dog kennel in the City (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) B Annual License Fees The annual license fee for keeping and maintaining an unaltered dog in the City shall be set from time to time by resolution of the City Council The annual license fee for a spayed or neutered dog shall be set at an amount that is one -half of the annual license fee for an unaltered dog, if a certificate is presented from a licensed veterinarian verifying that the dog has been spayed or neutered (Ord 1091, 1 -6 -1987) C Discount For Senior Citizens A fifty percent (50 %) discount on the dog license fee shall be made available to any resident sixty -two (62) years of age or older who makes application for the discount (Ord 972, 6 -19 -1970, amd 2000 Code) D Seeing eye or guide dogs are those dogs that have been especially trained to lead and aid the blind or deaf Any blind or deaf person having custody of such a dog may keep and harbor the dog within the City by obtaining a license to keep a dog as provided herein, and may lawfully take the dog into any food establishment within the City There will be no fee charged for such dogs upon proof of antirabies vaccination E Date Payable, Proration, Penalty 1 Any license fee required to be paid by this Chapter shall be payable annually in advance on March 1 of each year, and the license shall expire at midnight on the last day of 20 February of the following year The full amount of the license fee shall be payable for any license falling due during the period from January 1 of the year to June 30 of the year. 2 Fifty percent (50 %) of the amount of the license fee shall be payable for any license falling due subsequent to September 30 of the year for the remaining fraction of the year 3 Any license fee payable under the provisions of this Chapter remaining unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days after the same shall become payable hereunder, shall be subject to a penalty of fifty percent (50 %) of the fee due, which penalty shall be collected by the license collector at the time of the collection of the license fee, and shall be in addition to the principal sum thereof In determining whether or not a penalty has accrued under the provisions of this Chapter, the License Collector may require an affidavit from any person claiming exemption from the payment of any penalty hereunder, which affidavit shall set forth the facts upon which the claim for the exemption is based (Ord. 973, 6 -19- 1979, amd 2000 Code) F Failure To Pay License Fee Whenever any person owning, harboring or having the care or custody of any dog fails to pay the license fee provided and specified in this Chapter for the dog, the poundmaster may cause the dog to be seized and kept in the public pound for the period and in the manner and upon the terms, conditions and requirements as specified in this Chapter (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) [G. Animals, other than dogs, are not required to be licensed pursuant to this Chapter.] 6 3 3 LICENSE TAGS A Contents The City shall each year procure a sufficient number of suitable metallic license tags to meet the requirements of this Chapter, numbered from one upward consecutively, on which tags shall be stamped the date of their expiration and the license number, and shall issue the same to the poundmaster in consecutive order as may be required, keeping an account thereof B Duplicate The City Council shall by resolution establish a fee for the issuance of a license and metallic tag to replace a lost license or tag ?j C Affixing To Dog Collar The owner or person having the care, control or custody of any dog upon which the license fee has been paid shall securely fasten the metallic license tag upon a suitable collar and securely fasten the collar with the tag attached thereto upon the dog A dog harness or other device may be substituted in lieu of the collar, if so desired (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) 6 3 4 RECEIPT BLANKS The City shall cause to be printed a sufficient number of receipt blanks to meet the requirements of this Chapter The receipt blanks shall provide for the description of the dog for which the license fee is paid, the number of the metallic license tag which has been issued for the dog and also the name and address of the owner of the dog, The receipts shall also designate the rabies vaccination date and tag number and the sex of the dog for which the license fee has been paid (Ord 733, 1 -26 -1970) 6 3 5 KENNEL LICENSES A License Required, Fee Any person conducting, managing or maintaining a dog kennel as defined in Section 6.3 1 of this Chapter shall pay to the City for the privilege of conducting or maintaining the dog kennel an annual fee [as] set by resolution of the City Council for the kennel which shall entitle the kennel operator to maintain ten (10) or fewer dogs An additional license fee shall be paid for ten (10) dogs, or fraction thereof, in excess of the first ten (10) dogs (Ord 733, 1 -26 -1970) B Operation Permit No kennel license shall be issued unless a written permit to have, maintain or operate the kennel is first obtained from the City Council Before granting the permit, the City Council shall refer the application therefor to the Planning Com- mission, poundmaster and to the Health Officer for investigation, report and recommendation to the City Council with reference thereto (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) C Every person owning or operating any kennel shall keep all animals therein under proper confinement on the premises and shall not cause, permit or allow such animals to be or to run at large D Records required for each animal The holder of a kennel license shall keep available for inspection, on the premises, a record that shall show 1 The name, current address and telephone number of the owner of each animal kept at the kennel, 2 The date such animal entered the kennel, 3 The reason for such animal being at the kennel, such as for boarding, sale, breeding or grooming, LA- 6'4' 11,] 7 7 4 The description of the animal, including its age, breed, sex and color, 5 That there exists a current, valid rabies certificate for every dog over four months of age so long as such dog is kept at the kennel 6 3 6 SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF DOG LICENSE The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, shall have, and the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, expressly reserves the right and power, notwithstanding any other provision, term or condition in this Chapter contained to the contrary, to suspend and also to revoke any dog license issued under the provisions of this Chapter, if at any time it appears to the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, or the Chief of Police, or is or her designee, finds that any dog described or referred to in any dog license, or for which any dog license has or may be issued under this Chapter is vicious, dangerous or apt to bite or injure any person (Ord. 1258, 6- 19 -1996) 6 3 7 REFUSING TO SHOW LICENSE UNLAWFUL Any person upon whom any demand is made under authority of this Title for the exhibition of any dog, rabies vaccination certificate, or any dog license or tag, who fails or refuses to exhibit the same if he has it in his possession, is guilty of a violation of this section 6 3 8 RUNNING AT LARGE PROHIBITED A No person owning or having charge, custody, possession or control of any dog shall, and it is unlawful for any person to cause, permit or allow the same to be, or to run at large in or upon any highway, street, lane, alley, court or other public place, or in or upon any private property or premises, other than those of the person owning or having charge, custody, possession or control of the dog within the City, unless the dog is restrained by a substantial leash not to exceed six feet (6') in length and is in charge, custody, possession or control of a competent person (Ord.360, 11 -8 -1949) B This provision shall not apply to public areas of the City officially designated as a "dog park" or to police service dogs while such dogs are under the control of a peace officer 6 3 9 DANGEROUS DOG, IMPOUNDMENT, HEARING A Filing Of Opinion, Impoundment Whenever any dog is, in the written opinion of the poundmaster, file with the City Clerk, vicious, dangerous, potentially dangerous or apt to bite or injure any person, and is kept in such manner as to constitute an apparent menace to any person, the dog may be immediately impounded by the poundmaster or his duly authorized agents, representatives or assistants L N 9'6_'31 1 ,'_ 23 B Notice Of Impoundment, Opinion, Hearing As soon as reasonably possible after the dog is so impounded, or a written opinion is filed with the City Clerk, the owner of the dog, or the person harboring the dog, or the person to whom the license for the dog was issued or any person whose name appears therein, shall be notified, either personally or by mail addressed to the person, at the address shown in the license, of the fact of the impounding or of the filing of the written opinion and that the person or any person interested may appear at a hearing before the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, to be specified in the notice, the notice of hearing to be served at least forty eight (48) hours prior to the time of the hearing, and show cause if the person can, why the dog should not be destroyed The notification shall also contain or have attached thereto a copy of the opinion so filed, if any C Hearing, Decision Upon the hearing, the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, shall hear all persons who appear and desire to be heard, and shall thereupon decide whether the dog shall be released, destroyed or otherwise disposed of, and the decision of the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, after the hearing, shall be final and conclusive (Ord 1258, 6 -19 -1996, amd 2000 Code) D Any dog declared after a hearing to be dangerous, if not already impounded by the department, shall be immediately surrendered to the department 6 3 10 RABIES CONTROL A Vaccination Requirements 1 Vaccination Required, Exception Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog over the age of four (4) months in the City shall cause the dog to be vaccinated with rabies vaccine within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of harboring, keeping or having the dog within the City, or from the date the dog attains the age of four (4) months, provided, however, that the aforesaid provision shall not apply so as to require the vaccination of any dog which has been vaccinated with a chick embryo vaccine by a person licensed by the State or of any other state or nation to practice veterinary medicine where the vaccination has been completed within the period of time prescribed in this Section if chick embryo vaccine was used in the vaccination, it must have been completed within two (2) years prior to the date the dog was kept, harbored or brought into the City If tissue phenolized vaccine was used, the vaccination must have been completed within one year prior I % =6241•,` 24 to the date the dog was kept, harbored or brought into the City (Ord 526, 5- 12- 19513) 2 Revaccination a Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog in the City that has been vaccinated with chick embryo vaccine shall cause the dog to be revacanated within a period of not more than two (2) years after the prior vaccination b Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog in the City which has been vaccinated with tissue phenolized vaccine shall cause the dog to be revaccinated with rabies vaccine within a period of not more than one year after the prior vaccination 3 Vaccination Certificate Issuance Every person practicing veterinary medicine in the City who vaccinates a dog with rabies vaccine shall issue to the person keeping, harboring or having the dog a certificate, which is signed by the veterinarian and which states thereon the name and description of the dog, the date of the vaccination and the type of vaccine used (Ord 510, 9 -30 -1957) 4 Certificate And Tag, Exhibition a Every person applying for a dog license, whether to the poundmaster under contract to the City, or to the City, shall exhibit a certificate and rabies vaccination tag issued by a person licensed by the State or any other state or nation to practice veterinary medicine, which certificate shall show that the dog for which the license shall be issued either- (1) Has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of subsections AI and A2 of this Section, or (2) Should not be vaccinated with rabies vaccine by reason of age, infirmity or other disability, which disability is shown on the face of the certificate and to the satisfaction of the person issuing the license to be in effect at the time B Impoundment Of Dog Without Tag I A cp].1, : , _ ?J 1 The poundmaster, under contract to the City, shall capture and impound any dog found within the City limits which is not wearing a valid license tag and rabies tag conforming to the provisions of this Chapter 2 Any officer or employee of the poundmaster, any police officer of the City or of any City in Los Angeles County who is in pursuit of a dog shall have the right to enter upon any private or public property in the City in order to examine or capture any dog thereon or therein which is suspected of being in violation of the provisions of subsection A4 of this Section or is suspected of being rabid or infected with rabies, provided, however, that no such officer or employee shall have the right to enter a house which is in use as a residence without first having secured a search warrant therefor (Ord 526, 5 -12 -1958) C Release From Impoundment 1 No dog impounded as provided in subsection B of this Section shall be released to any person except where there has been a performance of the following conditions (Ord 510,9 -30 -1957) a There has been presented to the poundmaster a current license and rabies tag conforming to this Chapter for the dog (Ord, 512, 11 -12 -1957) b Where the person keeping, harboring or having the dog is a resident of the City, there has been paid to the poundmaster the license fee for a City dog license as provided by law c There has been paid to the poundmaster the impounding, collection and other fees as provided by law d There has been paid to the poundmaster a reasonable fee as determined by the poundmaster for the vaccination of the dog, provided, (however, tha the fee Shall Rat 8)(Geed five del!aFs ($6 00)4 or, there has been shown to the satisfaction of the poundmaster that the dog has been vaccinated with rabies vaccine within the time periods and according to the other requirements as prescribed in subsections Al and A2 of this Section, or, that a L� =0241 I,' certificate of disability has been issued for such dog as provided in subsection A4 of this Section e The poundmaster has determined that the dog does not have and is not reasonably suspected of having rabies (Ord 510, 9 -30 -1957) D Rabies Suspect, Impoundment Procedure If the poundmaster suspects that any dog so impounded has rabies, he shall hold the dog for inspection by a health officer of the County In the event that the health officer determines that the dog is afflicted with rabies, it shall be disposed of or confined for such time as the health officer directs In the event that the health officer suspects that the dog may develop rabies, it shall be confined for such time as the health officer directs Whenever the health officer determines that the dog does not have rabies, it shall be released in accordance with the provision of subsection C of this Section Ord 510, 9 -30 -1957) 6 3 11 DOG PARK RULES A Hours, Rules Owner's and/or handlers shall be in attendance with dogs during the use of the dog park The dog park shall be open from dawn to dusk, seven (7) days a week The following rules shall be in force 1 Aggressive dogs are not allowed in the park, 2 No food in the park/don't feed dogs in the park, 3 Owners must supervise and clean up after dogs, 4 Children under twelve (12) years of age must be supervised by an adult, 5 Dogs must be at least four (4) months old and vaccinated, 6 Dogs in heat are not permitted, 7 No spiked collars, 8 No bikes, roller blades, roller skates, strollers or similar items allowed in the park, 9 Owners must have a leash available at all times, 10 Parking regulations must be obeyed, IV= 6224/,, 77 11 Dog owners are liable for any injuries or damage caused by their dog(s), 12 All dogs must be currently licensed, 13 Professional dog trainers are not allowed to conduct training on site, 14 No person may bring more than three (3) dogs to the park at one time B Prohibited Behavior The following behaviors must be stopped immediately 1 Prolonged growling, 2 Mounting or pinning of other dogs C Emergency In case of an emergency 911 shall be called (Ord 1 318, 6 -20 -2000) 6312 INTERFERING WITH ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERS PROHIBITED A person shall not interfere with, oppose or resist the poundmaster or any employee of the City, while such person is engaged in the performance of any act authorized by this Title 63 13 INTERFERENCE WITH POLICE DOGS It is unlawful for any person to willfully tease, torment, agitate, provoke, beat, kick, strike, inure, maim, disable, kill, or in any way interfere with any dog being used in a police function by law enforcement officers CHAPTER IMPOUNDMENT OF ANIMALS SECTION 6 4 1 Poundmaster, Duties, Impoundment Fees 6 4 2 Public Pound Created, Expenses 6 4 3 Animal Impoundment 644 Reclamation Of Impounded Animals 645 Impoundment Sale Proceeds 6 4 6 Trespassing Animal Or Fowl 6 4 1 POUNDMASTER, DUTIES, IMPOUNDMENT FEES A City Contract The City Council may at its discretion at any time hereafter, and from time to time hereafter, and for such period as to the City Council may seem proper, contract with any qualified and responsible person for the furnishing to the City of the public pound referred to in this Chapter and for the performance of all of the duties of poundmaster in connection therewith, as contemplated in this Chapter, including, if the City Council shall so contract, the collection and issuance by the poundmaster of any license under this Chapter In the event the City Council does so contract, then and in that event the contract shall designate the person to act as the poundmaster under this Chapter and also provide for the appointment of his deputies, assistants and successors, if any In the event of the making of the contract, the person so designated or selected, as contemplated in the contract, shall be the poundmaster and the public pound of the City shall in this case be maintained at the place or places indicated in the contract B Office Created The office of poundmaster of the City is created The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall serve as poundmaster C Collected Fund Disposition All monies received by the poundmaster as fees and charges of every kind in connection with the licensing, impounding, sale or keeping of any animal or fowl, unless otherwise provided in the contract provided for in this Chapter, shall be paid by him into the City Treasury before twelve o'clock (12 00) noon on the Saturday next succeeding the collection thereof D Entry On Private Premises The poundmaster is authorized to enter upon private premises at any and all reasonable times while engaged in the discharge of his duties under this Chapter for the purposes of enforcing the provisions of this Chapter E L1 =62_41; , Duties 1 Generally It shall be the duty of the poundmaster to make investigations concerning, to take up, receive into the pound, maintain therein an to release, discharge or dispose of therefrom, all animals and fowl found running at large upon any public highway, street, avenue, way, lane, alley, park, square, sidewalk or any other public place within the City, or which shall be staked out or fastened in such a manner that they can go or enter into or upon any such public highway, street, avenue, way, lane, alley, park, square, sidewalk or other public place within the City, or which may be delivered to such poundmaster by any person under the provisions of 29 this Chapter, or which may be on private premises within the City, but which are nevertheless subject to impoundment or disposal under the provisions of this Chapter (Ord 431, 1- 27-1 54) 2 City Dog License Collector The poundmaster is declared the City dog license collector and the poundmaster shall, upon the payment of the license fee as contemplated in Chapter 3 of this Title by any owner or person having control or charge of any dog within the City, deliver to the person an appropriate tag for which the license fee has been paid and shall also deliver to the person a receipt for a sum of money as has been paid as the license fee (Ord 982, 12 -18 -1979) 3 Records And Notices The poundmaster shall keep a full, true and correct record of all animals and fowl taken, received and impounded, the date of the impounding and the date and manner of their release, discharge or disposal and except as hereinafter provided shall keep conspicuously posted, at the entrance to the pound, a list of all animals and fowl therein contained, together with a brief description of each of the animals and fowl at all times during which animals and fowl remain in the pound, provided, however, that the notice need not be posted if all animals and fowl within the pound are open to viewing by the public between the hours of ten thirty o'clock (10 30) A M and five o'clock (5 00) P M each day, except Sundays and holidays 4 Care Of Animals And Fowl The poundmaster shall provide the necessary subsistence and shall properly care for all animals and fowl while in his custody 5 Animal Or Fowl Disposal In addition to any other duties imposed upon the poundmaster by this Chapter, unless otherwise provided in any contract executed under this Chapter, it shall be the duty of the poundmaster to remove and dispose of any and all dead animals or fowl found in or upon any of the public highways, streets, avenues, ways, lanes, alleys, parks, squares, sidewalks or other public places within the City The poundmaster shall also have the right to remove and dispose of any abandoned dead animal or fowl found or being upon any private premises, and, also to remove and humanely dispose of any live animal or fowl which, either by reason of age or infirmity or request of the owner or person having the care, custody or control thereof, is to be destroyed and disposed of within the City; provided, however, that in case of large animals weighing two hundred I %- 11'411,' 30 (200) pounds or more each, and whether live or dead, the poundmaster shall have a claim against the owner of the animal for the actual cost of removal and disposition of the animal and the owner shall be liable to the poundmaster for the amount of the claim (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) F Fees For Impounding And Keeping Animals The poundmaster shall collect from the owner or owners of all animals and fowl impounded, except dogs, fees for impounding and keeping the same 1 For all animals and all fowl impounded in the public pound, the poundmaster shall collect an impounding fee and in addition thereto an additional daily maintenance fee shall be charged for each day the animal or fowl is necessarily held in the pound The impoundment and maintenance fees shall be set by resolution of the City Council {*[.] (Ord 938, 6- 21 -1977) G Vaccination Fee, Redemption Of Stray Dogs And Cats The poundmaster shall collect a fee SeunGil) from persons redeeming impounded dogs and cats for administering distemper vaccinations to stray dogs and for vaccinating stray cats for feline diseases [This vaccination fee shall be set by resolution of the City Council.] H Fees And Procedures For Impounding And Keeping Dogs Upon impounding any dog found running at large, the poundmaster shall immediately prepare a notice containing a brief description of the dog and within twenty four (24) hours thereafter shall deliver to the Chief of Police a copy of such notice 1 At any time within five (5) days from the date of the first posting of the notice, the owner or persons entitled to the possession of the dog may reclaim the dog upon payment to the poundmaster of the impounding fee, 2 For the second impoundment of a dog, owned by the same person, the pound fee shall be an amount that is double the standard impoundment fee, 3 For the third impoundment of a dog, owned by the same person, the pound fee shall be an amount triple the standard impoundment fee, I A =0211 „' ?1 4 In addition to the foregoing impounding fee, the daily maintenancefee shall be paid for each day or portion thereof for which the dog has been impounded (Ord 71, 6 -19- 1979) 6 4 2 PUBLIC POUND CREATED, EXPENSES A Created, Location A public pound for the City for the impounding of animals and fowl is authorized and the public pound is created and established The public pound shall be maintained at such place or places as the City Council may from time to time hereafter by resolution of the City Council determine or as may be designated in any contract for the performance of pound services approved and authorized by the City Council (Ord 431, 1 -27- 1954) B Expense Of Establishing And Maintaining All expenses of keeping, maintaining and establishing the public pound, unless otherwise provided for in the contract referred to in subsection 6 4 1A of this Chapter shall be paid by the City All claims therefor, unless provided otherwise in such contract, shall be presented, allowed and paid as other claims against the City are presented, allowed and paid (Ord 733, 1 -26 -1970) 6 4 3 ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT A Costs Of Subsistence And Care The costs of subsistence or care for impounded animals and fowl shall be a charge against and paid by the City, unless otherwise specified in any contract which may be awarded for the pound service as contemplated in subsection 6 4 1A of this Chapter, in which case the costs thereof shall be paid and discharged as contemplated in the contract B Minimum Period Of Impoundment Every animal and fowl impounded in the public pound shall be kept therein for a full period of at least five (5) days, exclusive of the day of impoundment, unless sooner redeemed by the lawful owner thereof or unless in the opinion of the poundmaster the physical condition of the animal or fowl is such as to justify prior disposition in order to serve humane considerations (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) v _„24 1 6 4 4 RECLAMATION OF IMPOUNDED ANIMALS A Right To Reclaim Upon Payment Of Charges The owner or any person entitled to the control of any animal or fowl impounded in the public pound has the right to reclaim the same at any time prior to the sale or other actual disposal thereof, upon payment to the poundmaster of the costs and charges provided for in this Chapter B Payment Of Fees When any redemption is made under this Chapter, in addition to paying any impounding (and maintenance] fee or costs incurred by reason of impounding any animal impounded under this Chapter, there shall also be paid the amount of any license fee which may then be due or payable on such animal under this Title or any other section of this Code or ordinance of the City, in case a current license for the animal is not in existence at the time C Damage Payment When any redemption is made under this Chapter, in addition to paying any impounding fee or costs incurred by reason of impounding any animal or fowl, there shall also be paid reasonable demands for actual damage done by any animal or fowl running at large The damages required to be paid by this subsection shall be paid to the person whose property was damaged Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) 6 4 5 IMPOUNDMENT SALE PROCEEDS Whenever any animal or fowl is sold as provided in and under the provision of this Chapter, the proceeds of the sale shall, unless otherwise provided in any contract made as provided in subsection 6 4 1A of this Chapter, be paid into the City Treasury (Ord 431, 1- 27 -1954, amd 2000 Code) 6 4 6 TRESPASSING ANIMAL OR FOWL Any animal or fowl found trespassing upon any private ground or premises within the City may be taken up by the party owning, controlling or having possession of the ground or premises, or by the agent or representative of the person, and committed to the poundmaster to be dealt with as provided in this Chapter Any person taking up the stray animal or fowl found running at large or trespassing upon any property, ground or premises owned, controlled or in possession of the person shall promptly notify the poundmaster of such taking up and it is unlawful for any such person to fad or refuse to surrender the animal to the poundmaster or his duly authorized representative upon demand (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth (30) day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof i %_6,a1 33 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION Presentation by Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger and Urban Dimensions on preliminary review of the LAX Master Plan DEIR and legal and strategic efforts to date RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Receive and File BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION Clem Shute, Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger and Denny Zane, Urban Dimensions, will be in attendance to update the City Council on the following Issues the status of the City's lawsuit against LAWA, the preliminary strategy and review process of the LAX Master Plan Draft EROS and the status and future strategy for the multi- agency regional airport coalition None ED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Ilu1ZTIN Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required ORIGINATED DATE January 31, 2001 J9 ftewart, Assistant City Manager D BY Mary Wrenn, City Man f, 2 SECTION 3 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance, shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City, shall make a not of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted, and shall within 15 days after the passage or adoption thereof cause the same top be published or posted in accordance with the law PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the day of , and duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20TH day of JUNE, 2000, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN NOT PARTICIPATING Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D Hensley, City Attorney L \ =6'_11 V ,'_ s 34 REVISION LIST The bracketed numbers refer to the Page and Paragraph for the start of the paragraph in both the old and the new documents [1 11 1-11] Add Para "6 -1 -2 General Penalty" [1 11 1 13] Changed "controlling which states " to "" [1 12 1 13] Changed "A " to "6 1 2 GENERAL PENALTY " [7 6 7 5] Changed "permit as hereinafter provided" to "permit when hereinafter required" (12 4 12 4] Add Para "G Animals, other to this Chapter " [13 3 13 3] Changed "fee set" to "fee as set" [ 17 7 17 7] Changed " provded, (S5 00), or," to "provided, or," [22 1 22 2] Changed "as" to" " [22 2 22 3] Changed "fee as set Council from" to "fee from" [22 2 22 3] Changed "diseases " to "diseases City Council " [23 7 23 S] Changed "impounding fee" to "impounding and maintenance fee" This redlined draft, generated by CompareRite (TM) - The Instant Redlmer, shows the differences between - original document F `.DOCSOPE\ DOCS_LA\LUEBBERK \1C5POli DOC and re\ ised document BWS LA2`DOCSDATA DOCSOPEN,DOCS LA\LUEBBERK \105P021 DOC CompareRite found I I change(s) in the text Deletions appear as O%erstrike text surrounded by {} Additions appear as Bold text surrounded b} (] L \=c,,ai:,I 35 ; \)) }) \ \()) \B B■!�\ .:8 !� §,� { ! > -- - - - - - - - - -- =E ;«BEEP:! § � � \ � / {� §( ( ) (. \ \ { f8 \\ | \\ \ : )k �k � � !7 / {� §( ( \ \\ \ : !7 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 1/6/2001 THROUGH 1/26/2001 Date Payee Amount Description 116/01 Federal Reserve Bank 250,00 Emp Savings Bond PR14 EE 1/6/01 Federal Reserve Bank 25000 Emp Savings Bond PR14 1 1/10/01 Wells Fargo Bank 30,000 00 TPT Golf Course Payroll 1/10/01 Health Comp 1,03345 Weekly claims 1/5 1/10/01 West Basin 785,302 32 Water Payment 1/17/01 Health Comp 1,081 41 Weekly claims 1/12 1/19/01 IRS 186,533 95 Federal Taxes PR 15 1/19/01 Employment Development 35,049 15 State Taxes PR 15 1/19/01 Federal Reserve Bank 20000 Emp Savings Bond PR15 EE 1/19/01 Federal Reserve Bank 15000 Emp Savings Bond PR15 1 1/22/00 Wells Fargo Bank 25,000 00 TPT Golf Course Payroll 1124/01 Health Comp 89380 Weekly claims 1119 116- 1126/01 Workers Comp Activity 29,128 29 SCRMA checks issued 1,094,872 37 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 0216/01 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE, Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by Deputy Treasurer �. ilaylo! Date Finance Director 1 /3D /0/ Date —� City Manager Date // 1, p� 1,094,872.37 Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo 38 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2001 - 5:00 P.M. 5:00 PM Session CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 5,00 p m ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Gaines - Present Council Member McDowell - Present Council Member Wernick - Present Arrived at 5.05 p.m SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1 Appoint Mary Strenn, City Manager, as real property negotiator for Parcel No 6 of Parcel Map 17750 (the parking lot in front of the West Basin plant on Sepulveda Boulevard) MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to appoint Mary Strenn, City Manager, as real property negotiator for Parcel No 6 of Parcel Map 17750 (the parking lot in front of the West Basin plant on Sepulveda Boulevard) MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES AND MCDOWELL; ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK 410 CLOSED SESSION. The City Council moved Into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et sec ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) 1 City of El Segundo v Bd of Airport Commissioners, et al , LASC Case No BC 220609 2 HIII v El Segundo, USDC No CV 98- 1463- LGB(SHX) 3 Phillips Petroleum, et al v County of Los Angeles, et at , USDC No 1938 -MRP (MANx) 4 Shell Chemical Company, et al v County of Los Angeles, et at, USDC No 1917 -GHK (RCx) 5 Jeffrey Capistran v El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 038535 6 In re Randall's Island Family Golf, Case No 0OB41065 (SMB) 7 Lucas v El Segundo, LASC Case No L04721 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNOO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16 2001 4 PAGE NO 1 1�() CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(b) -1- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(c) -2- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — None. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957 6) — City Representative Mary Strenn, City Manager Employee Organizations- City Employees' Association and Supervisory & Professional Employees' Association CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) — Meeting with real property negotiator Mary Strenn regarding Parcel No 6 of Parcel Map 17750 (the parking lot in front of the West Basin plant on Sepulveda Boulevard) Council reconvened in Open Session REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2001 - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 PM Session CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 7 00 p m INVOCATION - Rev Dennis Estill, El Segundo Four Square Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Council Member Nancy Wernick PRESENTATIONS (a) Council Member McDowell and Council Member Wernick presented Certificates of Recognition to recipients and judges of "2000 Lighting Up the Community Program." ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon Mayor ProTem Jacobs Council Member Gaines Council Member McDowell Council Member Wernick - Present - Present - Present - Present - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16 2001 PAGE NO 2 40 Andrea Dahm, resident, spoke on behalf of the El Segundo Little League, requesting City approval to close streets for annual opening day parade Janice Cruikshank, resident, spoke regarding Agenda Item 2 and animal control Sandra Mason, resident, requested clarification on Agenda items 9, 11, 15 and 19. Also spoke on animal problem Peggy Tyrell, resident, spoke regarding the Farmers' Market, public records request and an article in the Herald regarding business renovation Liz Garnholz, spoke on the LAX expansion presentation and the Water Well presentation Praised the El Segundo Fire Department Angelica Roquet,Tree Muskateers, spoke regarding the recent "One Million" campaign and the "Count on Kids" program Eric Johnson, resident, spoke regarding Agenda item 22, landscaping on Imperial Bridget Dugan, new business owner, spoke regarding the Edison electrical power problem when requesting new service Council directed the City Manager to look into the Edison problem ITEM TAKEN OUT OF ORDER FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 8 Request by Andrea Dahm, on behalf of El Segundo Little League, for City approval to close certain City streets for its annual opening day parade from 9:00 a m to 11 00 a m on Saturday, March 3, 2001 (Fiscal impact $460) MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member Wernick to approve the request by Andrea Dahm, on behalf of El Segundo Little League, for City approval to close certain City streets for its annual opening day parade from 9 00 a m to 11.00 a m on Saturday, March 3, 2001 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 Council Member Gaines gave an update on the animal control program City Manager Mary Strenn noted that Jeff Rudolf at the Police Department, 524 -2229, should be contacted regarding Animal Control issues A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16, 2001 PAGE NO 3 41 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Public hearing on the proposed projects and budget for allocation of the Fiscal Year 2001 -2002 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds Proposed total Fiscal Year 2001 -2002 CDBG budget $220,058 (Proposed Community Development Commission CDBG 2001 -2001 Allocation - $111,618, Community Development Commission Unallocated CDBG Funds - $75,000, General Fund monies - $33,440) Mayor Gordon stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on the proposed projects and budget for allocation of the Fiscal Year 2001 -2002 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds He asked if proper notice had been done and if any written communications had been received Deputy Clerk Domann stated that proper notice had been done and no written communications had been received by the Clerk's office Mary Strenn, City Manager, gave a brief report Tina Gall, Community, Economic and Development Services, gave a report and responded to Council questions Council consensus to close the public hearing MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs to approve the CDBG projects and budget and authorize the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services to execute agreements with Community Development Commission and authorize him execute agreements in excess of $10,000 with all sub - recipients receiving CDBG funds MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Ordinance to revise Title 6 of the El Segundo Municipal Code regarding animal control Mary Strenn, City Manager, gave a brief report City Attorney Mark Hensley read the following ORDINANCE NO. 1330 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL Council Member Gaines introduced Ordinance No 1330 as amended C UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Water Well Project Report presentation by RBF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16 2001 PAGE NO 4 42 Mr Mike Rudinica and Mr Bill Whittenberg, RBF, gave a presentation Mayor Gordon gave a briefing on the background of the Water Well Project. RBF responded to Council questions D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 4 Announce appointments to the Camp Eucalyptus Task Force and set first meeting thereof Mayor Gordon announced the following appointments to the Camp Eucalyptus Task Force The Local Girl Scout Council to appoint 2 members, The Local Boy Scout Council to appoint 2 member, Don Brann, resident, immediate neighbor to the South of the Camp, the Recreation and Parks Commission to appoint 2 members, Alan West former Council Member, and Chris Powell, School Board Member Council directed staff to schedule task force meetings and report back by March 31 2001 5 Review Recreation and Parks Commission recommendation on proposed Skate Park location Greg Johnson, Director of Recreation and Parks, gave a report MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member Wernick to approve the Recreation and Parks Commission recommendation on the proposed Skate Park location MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 E CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business 6 Approve Warrant Numbers 2514652- 2514924 on Register No 6 in total amount of $625,243 32, Wire Transfers in the amount of $1,142,419.94, Warrant Numbers 2514925 - 2515155 on Register No 7 in total amount of $724,014 82, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $284,846 00 7 Approve City Council meeting minutes of December 19, 2000 8 ITEM TAKEN EARLIER ON AGENDA 9 PULLED BY MAYOR GORDON AT THE REQUEST OF RESIDENT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16 2001 PAGE NO 5 4J 10 Approve an Agreement for Professional Services, Contract No 2851, between Moreland & Associates, Inc and the City of El Segundo to provide accounting services during a staff leave of absence in the Accounting Division of the Finance Department and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City 11 PULLED BY MAYOR GORDON AT THE REQUEST OF RESIDENT 12 ITEM PULLED - POSSIBLE CONFLICT BY COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK 13 Approve the purchase of one police canine, all support equipment and all related training on a sole -soure vendor basis 14 Approve the Revocable Lease Agreement, Contract No 2852, between the City of_El Segundo and New York Food Company to lease a portion of City property at 630 South Douglas Street (monthly revenue of $618 50) and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the City 15 PULLED BY MAYOR GORDON AT THE REQUEST OF RESIDENT 16 Adopt Ordinance No 1329 which implements the standard urban storm water mitigation plan of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Los Angeles region by amending the El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 6.28, "Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan Implementation" (no fiscal impact). 17 Award annual concrete Contract No 2853, to C J Construction, Inc for P C.0 Curb, Curb & Gutter, sidewalk and other minor improvements, Public Works Protect #PW 00 -14, total contract amount $50,000 00, and authorize the Mayor to sign the standard Public Works construction agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney 18 Approve the 2000/2001 proposed vehicle and equipment purchases in the amount of $206,410 00 and authorize staff to solicit bids an award contracts to the lowest responsible bidder, purchase designated equipment and dispose of all identified surplus vehicles and equipment at auction 19 ITEM PULLED 20 PULLED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK 21 Approve Examination Plans for the Personnel Merit System job classification of Senior Planner MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member Wernick to approve Consent Agenda items 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, and 21 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16, 2001 PAGE NO 6 41 9 Approve Resolution No 4202 of the City Council of the City of El Segundo adopting a schedule of fees for work or encroachment in the public nght -of -way (no fiscal impact) MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs to approve Resolution No 4202 adopting a schedule of fees for work or encroachment in the public right -of -way MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5.0 11 Approve the Municipal Area Express (MAX) Capital Reserve MOU Amendment, Contract No 2681A and authorize Council Member and MAX Delegate John Gaines to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member Wernick to approve the Municipal Area Express (MAX) Capital Reserve MOU Amendment, Contract No 2681A and authorize Council Member and MAX Delegate John Gaines to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5.0 12 Approve Professional Service Contract No 2854 with Christopher A Joseph and Associates (CAJA) to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a proposed mixed -use project on a 46 5 acre property bounded by Mariposa Avenue, Nash Street, Atwood Way, and Douglas Street and authorize the Mayor to execute the Contract on behalf of the City The amount to be paid to the consultant under this agreement is $116,850 00 The full amount of the contract will be paid by the applicant of the project Authorize staff to increase contract by $8,500 if additional traffic counts are required, and, authorize a ten percent contingency increase in the contract if unanticipated analysis is needed MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs to approve Professional Service Contract No 2854 with Christopher A Joseph and Associates (CAJA) to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a proposed mixed -use protect on a 46 5 acre property bounded by Marposa Avenue, Nash Street, Atwood Way, and Douglas Street and authorize the Mayor to execute the Contract on behalf of the City MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES AND MCDOWELL, COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK NOT PARTICIAPTING DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST. 4/0 15 Adopt of Plans and Specification for the lining of sanitary sewer access structures at various locations — Project PW No 00 -18 (estimated cost $60,000 00) and authorize staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to adopt Plans and Specification for the lining of sanitary sewer access structures at various locations MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5.0 20 Authorize staff to submit an application to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's (MTA) 2001 Call for Projects for the conversion of Nash MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16 2001 PAGE NO 7 45 Street - Douglas Street one -way system to a two -way street system (estimated cost $1 65 million) MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines authorize staff to submit an application to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's (MTA) 2001 Cali for Projects for the conversion of Nash Street - Douglas Street one -way system to a two -way street system MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5.0 NEW BUSINESS — 22 Presentation by Kilroy Corporation regarding application to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's (MTA) 2001 Call for Projects — Imperial Highway (southside) Streetscape Enrichment Project, between Nash Street and Pershing Drive Mr Bill Winger, Kilroy Corporation, gave a presentation on the Imperial Highway Streetscape Project and responded to Council questions He stated that the estimated project cost was $1 6 million Local Agency Match, which should include funds from public and private sources, would amount to $320,000 Mr Winger further stated that Kilroy Corporation agreed to commit to the community portion of 50% ($160,000) and that this dollar amount would be stated in the application Kathleen Jackson, Kilroy Consultant from the Dardnell Group, gave a report MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Wernick to authorize staff to submit an application for the MTA 2001 Call for Projects with an estimated project cost of $1 6 million and a Local Agency Match, which can include funds from public and private sources, of $320,000 MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES- MAYOR GORDON, COUNCIL MEMBERS MCDOWELL AND WERNICK; NOES; MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS AND COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES. 3/2 F. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member McDowell - Noted the "City Council Live" program would be televised on Cable Channel 3, Thursday, January 18, 8 -9 p m Council Member Gaines - MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16, 2001 PAGE NO 8 M 23 Discussion of ongoing electrical power Issues Gave presentation on electrical power Issues Council Member Wernick - 23 Request to determine Council Interest in and representation at the National League of Cities' Congressional City Conference 2001 entitled "Investing in Communities — Investing in America's Future," to be held March 9 -13, 2001 in Washington, D C Consensus of Council to have staff review associated costs and return to Council for consideration Council Member Wernick reported on the California League Conference, FPPC changes and electrical power issues Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - Reported on South Bay Women of the Year Mayor Gordon - Reported on LAX Master Plan PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Peggy Tyrell, resident, spoke In support of Imperial Streetscape Grant and regarding Weed Abatement Sandra Mason, resident, spoke regarding potholes on Sepulveda Blvd and Senior Bingo Mayor Gordon requested staff to prepare update on Farmers' Market financial information and bring back to Council City Manager, Mary Strenn, stated that weed abatement problems should be referred to City Code Enforcement CELEBRATIONS - Adjournment in celebration of the birth of new daughter Katerina, to Philip and Stella Georgious MEMORIALS - Adjournment in memory of retired City employee George Greene and resident Bob Bramhall ADJOURNMENT at 10 30 p m Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16, 2001 PAGE NO 9 47 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA MEETING DATE February 6, 2001 AGENDA HEADING- Consent Calendar Examination plans for the Personnel Merit System lob classifications of Community Cable Program Manager, Crime Scene Investigator 1 /II, Fire Engineer, and Senior Administrative Specialist RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve the Examination Plans INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Chapter 2 28 080 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, entitled "Administration and Personnel', provides that the Personnel Officer shall review and recommend to the City Manager, who in turn shall recommend to the City Council, an appropriate examination plan and weights for each portion of the examination for Personnel Merit System lob classifications DISCUSSION -REFER TO ATTACHMENT- ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FISCAL IMPACT (Check one) Operating Budget Amount Requested Project/Account Budget Project/Account Balance Account Number Protect Phase Appropriation Required - Yes_ No Capital Improv Budget. Date. ORIGINATED Date. January 31, 2001 Jeff/5 wart, Assistant Citv Manager TAKEN ag,da 365 Ma Date. i j /i 5 FIR DISCUSSION The Human Resources Department has initiated the recruitment, testing and selection processes for the lob classifications of Community Cable Program Manager, Crime Scene Investigator 1 /11, Fire Engineer, Senior Administrative Specialist and Special Events Coordinator and has posted the notices of the examinations in accordance with the City's Municipal Code and the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations It is recommended that the City Council approve the examination plans that contain the following examination techniques and weights for each portion of the examinations Community Cable Program Manager (Open - Competitive) Career Preparation Interview & Structured Technical Interview Crime Scene Investigator Illl (Open - Competitive) Career Preparation Interview & Structured Technical Interview Fire Engineer Written Test (Closed - Promotional) Practical Driving - 30% Pre - Inspection (10 %) Street Driving (10 %) Rodeo Driving (10 %) Pumping Operations (10 %) Aerial Ladder Operations (10 %) External Oral Senior Administrative Specialist (Closed - Promotional) Career Preparation Interview & Structured Technical Interview Weighted 100% Weighted 100% Weighted 25% Weighted 50% Weighted 25% Weighted 100% Ac? EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING- Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION Amendment No 2 to a professional service contract with Meyer, Mohaddes Associates (MMA) for traffic and environmental services to prepare additional traffic analysis for the General Plan Circulation Element Update Task Force The amount to be paid to the consultant under this amendment would not exceed $10,000 00 Traffic Impact Fee Mitigation funds will be used to cover the cost of the services RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve an Amendment to Contract No 2645 with MMA to prepare additional traffic and environmental analysis KGROUND & On October 21, 1998, the City Council approved Contract No 2645 between the City and MMA for professional services to prepare an update to the Circulation Element of the General Plan (EA No 454, GPA No 98-4) The amount of the original contract was $86,300 00 On September 6, 2000, the Council approved a contract amendment No 1 for $9,970 00 for analysis of several additional traffic issues that were then incorporated into the Draft Circulation Element that is currently available for public review ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1 Draft Contract Amendment No 2 with MMA not to exceed $10,000 00 2 MMA Amendment Proposal and Work Scope /Budget FISCAL IMPACT Amount Requested: Not to Exceed $10,000.00 Account Number: 702 -400 -8141 -6214 Project Phase- N/A Appropriation required- YES ORIGINATED DATE: 1, Ja es M Hansen, Director of Community, Economic and Development Services REVIEWED BY DATE Mary S r n, City Manager 50 6 STAFF REPORT February 6, 2001 DISCUSSION: Page 2 This additional contract amendment would provide funds for further study of issues that have been raised by the members of the Circulation Element Task Force MMA submitted a scope of work for $4,000 for the technical studies requested by the task force Staff recommends this contract amendment provide authorization for an additional $6,000 00 in expenditures on additional technical studies that may be requested by the task force The total amount of the contract amendment would not exceed 510,000 00 Staff recommends that funds from the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program be allocated to the Circulation Element for the purpose of funding the attached contract amendment P \Planning & Building SafetylPROJECTS \451 - 475 \EA -454 \MMA Contract Amendment a,s 3 doc 5? AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO TO THE PROFESSIONSAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (CONTRACT NO. 2645) FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND MEYER, MOHADDES ASSOCIATES, INC The Professional Services Agreement for Planning and Environmental Services by and between the City of El Segundo, Municipal Corporation of the State of California (hereinafter "CITY ") and Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, Inc (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT ") is hereby amended to add Section 21, Additional Srope_of Services, as follows 21 ADDITIONAL SCOPE OF SFRVICFS Consultant agrees to perform the services set forth in Exhibit "C" "Contract Amendment No 2" and made a part hereof Consultant represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience and facilities to properly perform said services in a thorough, competent and professional manner and shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law, including, but not limited to, a valid El Segundo Business License Consultants shall begin its services under this Agreement on February 7, 2001. Consultant shall complete each of the services set forth in Exhibit C to the City's satisfaction If the City is not satisfied with any such services, the Consultant shall work on such matter until the City approves of the service, provided such revisions are within the approved scope of work (Exhibit "C ") Compensation to the Consultant shall be as set forth in Exhibit "C" hereto for the scope of work described in Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof The compensation for the work in Exhibit "C" shall not exceed $4,000 00 The City authorizes a maximum of $6,000 00 for additional expenditures for professional services on additional tasks to be determined in the future under this Contract Amendment No 2 upon the approval of a supplemental scope of service by the City The total amount of the contract amendment shall not exceed $10,000 Ali terms and provisions of the Agreement which are not inconsistent or in conflict with this Amendment Number One shall remain in full force and effect and neither party waives any rights it may have arising out of past performance, or lack thereof, of the other party APPROVALS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO By Mike Gordon, Mayor Date ATTEST Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Date CONSULTANT MEYER, MOHADDES ASSOCIATES, INC Gary Hamrick, Principal APP ED AS TO FORM: rk D Hens ey, City Attorney P ,- a7 -� ; & BjJO,gg SaferyiPROJcCTSl45t375\EA- 454WMA Contract Amendment No 2 doc 5 ' Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, Inc, EXHIBIT SCOPE OF SERVICES 11MUH0 91MM MA U" An Itens Companv TO Chris Ketz JAN 1 i [out FROM Gary Hamrick RE Circulation Element Additional Tasks DATE January 9, 2001 J98 -094 MMA will conduct the following technical studies as follow -up to the Circulation Element Task Force Meeting Review Trio Generation Potential of Modified Land Use Forecasts — MMA will prepare revised trip generation estimates for the modified land use forecasts (vacant and recyclable parcels) This will include calculating revised trip generation for the citvwide study based upon new land use estimates provided to MMA by City staff MMA will then compare the re,, ised trip generation totals to the totals that were analyzed in the Circulation Element and make a qualitative assessment of the ability of the land use growth modifications to reduce impacts as indicated in the Circulation Element technical background report The purpose of this task will be to quatitati\ely evaluate whether the outstanding "unavoidable" impacts can be solved by reducing land use growth in the City For this exercise, MMA will not be able to determine the potential regional or subregional "shifts" in traffic that could occur, but will instead focus on the trip generation due to growth in the City itself It is assumed that all land use data will be pros ided to MIMA b} Cm staff in a usable format The traffic model will not be re -run at this time, but may be run as an additional task as needed following presentation of the results Re\iew Impacted Intersections and Mitigation — MMA will review the intersections that were listed in the Circulation Element technical report as "unavoidable adverse impacts" to determine if there are am further feasible mitigation measures that might be considered The types of mitigation will not necessarily be constrained by cost We will determine if there are a addir ^nal measures that could be :mplemented through obtaining additional right -of- way that would mitigate the impacts of growth This will be done by reviewing as -built plans pro\ ided by the Cin and conducting additional field visits to impacted intersections The level of effort for these tasks is as follows • Principal - 12 hours a 5165 /hour - $1,980 • Engineer — 24 hours (¢ 580 /hour = 51 930 • Other Direct Costs - 5100 (estimated) • Total - 54 000 53 -0C Ocea ^pa e Suite 480 • Erne Bead CA 90802.30- • Pnooe i562i 432 -8484 • Fax (562) 432 -8485 •Verret www mmausa com EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION Acceptance of the Cleaning and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection of sewer lines — Project No PW 00 -6 (final contract amount = $187,322 66) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1 Accept the work as complete 2 Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION On June 20, 2000, the City Council awarded a contract for $212,887 72 to National Plant Services, Inc for the Cleaning and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection of sewer lines The work has now been completed to the satisfaction of staff The final contract amount, based on measured quantities, is $187,322 66 The reduction in the final cost was due to deletion of some large sewer mains from the contract After start of work it was determined that the television inspection was not feasible due to the heavy existing flows in these sewer mains Staff is recommending City Council acceptance of the completed work ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Notice of Completion FISCAL IM Capital Improvement Program Yes Amount Requested $187,32266 Account Number 301 -400- 8204 -8317 Project Phase Acceptance of the work as complete Appropriation Required No ORIGINATED BY Andres Santamana Dlre for of Public Works REVIEWED BY /Y� 'JAN 3 0 F7 Date 1� 7 COUNCIL 02\FEBRUARY06 06 (M.nday 01129/01 1 00 P M ) 94 Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name Cleaning and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection of Sewer Lines Project No PW 00 -6 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et secl that 1 The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described 2 The full name of the owner is City of El Segundo 3 The full address of the owners City Hall 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4 The nature of the interest of the owner Is 5 A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on January 15 2001 The work done was Cleaning and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection of sewer hires 6 On February 6, 2001, the City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder 7 The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was National Plant Services, Inc 8 The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo County of Los Angeles State of California, and is described as follows City sewer mains 9 The street address of said property is NiA Executed on Dated Bellur K Devaraj City Engineer VERIFICATION i, the undersigned, say I am the City Engineer of the City Ei Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion. I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof, the same is true of my own knowledge I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct 2001 at El Segundo, California Bellur K Devaraj City Engineer N NOTICE SvPW00 -6 NOC 101,24101 1 JJ EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION MEETING DATE, February 6, 2001 AGENDA HEADING. Consent Agenda A resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, amending Section 5 75 of Resolution No 4162 providing for a three -way stop intersection at Mariposa Avenue and Concord Street RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Adopt resolution and authorize staff to install the stop signs BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The El Segundo Unified School District has requested stop signs for eastbound and westbound Mariposa Avenue at Concord Street This request was made to enhance the pedestrian safety at the intersection to facilitate the increased pedestrian crossings generated from the Richmond Street Elementary School (Please see attached discussion ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1 Request from the El Segundo Unified School District 2 Comments from the City Recreation and Parks Department 3 Vicinity map FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required REVIEWED BY Yes 001 - 400 -4205 -5204 IT Date Date JAN 3 0 2001 �3"o COUNCIL 02TEBRUARY06 03 (Monday 01129101 1 OOP M ) 8 56 DISCUSSION The City Traffic Committee, consisting of staff from the Public Works and Police Departments, has reviewed the School District's request. A traffic analysis based on a Caltrans methodology of evaluating stop signs was conducted This analysis, which takes into account traffic volumes and accident history, did not justify installation of three -way stop signs The School District's request was discussed with the Recreation and Parks Department which operates the City Plunge located at the northside of the Mariposa Avenue / Concord Street Intersection The Department supports the School District's request as an Improvement that would also help the users of the City Plunge The church on the southside of the intersection also supports the installation of the requested stop signs Even though the School District's request did not satisfy the criteria established by the Caltrans methodology, the Traffic Committee recommends the installation of three -way stop signs due to the mitigating circumstances existing adjacent to this particular intersection COUNCIL 02WEBRUARY06 03 (Monday 0129/01 1 00 P M ) 57 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTUON NO. 4162, PROVIDING FOR THREE -WAY STOP INTERSECTION AT MARIPOSA AVENUE AND CONCORD STREET BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS. SECTION 1 Section 5 75 stop intersections of Resolution No 4162 shall be amended as follows Delete MARIPOSA AVENUE Concord Street, S entrance MARIPOSA AVENUE Concord Street, all entrances SECTION 2 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6" day of February, 2001 ATTEST. Cindy Mortesen City Clerk APPROVEP AS TO FORM- ark D He ey City Attorney Mike Gordon, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California RESOLUTION NO 3 -WAY STOP MARIPOSA S CONCORD PAGE NO 1 50 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five, that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO was duly passed an adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the day of 2001, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTENTION NOT PARTICIPATING WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this day of .2001 Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk City of El Segundo, California, (seal) RESOLUTION NO 3-WAY STOP MARIPOSA S CONCORD PAGE NO 2 59 (a hvPERINTENDENT WfLL1AM J WATKINS Ea o El Segundo Unified School District 641 SHELDON STREET • EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA 90245 (310) 615 2650 • FAX (310) 640 -8272 November 2, 2(NX) Andrew Santamana Director of Public Works City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Dear Mr Santamana BOARD OF EDUCATION CHRISTINE M SHERRILL P•ws�Oem CHRIS J POWELL vrcw vmsnrm MICHAEL D BRINE' cl." KATHLEEN A WILEY Mwnrnw. JO ANN E EDLEFSEN Mem D" With the opening of Richmond Street Elementary School, we have been watching the places where children cross the street In addition we have received calls from parents concerning certain intersections The one that is of most concern is the comer of Manposa and Concord We received a call from a parent whose child was narrowly missed by a car while the child was crossing at that comer In addition there is the regular flow of pedestrians crossing to the plunge Because of this increased Student traffic, I am requesting that the city place a four wav stop sign at that corner We believe this will make our city safer not only for our students as they LOme and go from u tul hool. but also for all of our cdren who use the swim stadium and the Richmond Street Elementary School grounds for soccer and softball Think you for considering this request Sincerely, Wdham 1 Wat ns Supcnntendent WJW)nJp Ed D u ✓Captain Jack Wavt, El Segundo Police Department Geoff ti antz, Principal, Richmond Street Elementary School .�J/ nr. .y. /iri.rui. /rrirnrii� rr.rvr�rui.rn / /�ii / /u- r /irirr -. P�/iito /� /irf•r�ir- /iry G 0 ..... /........ r..rl r. /it.r•. /r rrarr / //. � /ri / /ryr.. ra y�i•�iir/vt•err /�/ rig ///r J /,/ �ri� /nrf To: Greg Johnson, Recreation and Parks Director From: Gala Burkholder, Recreation Supervisor Subject: Stop Sign at Concord and Mariposa As per your request, the pool managers and myself believe the installation of a stop sign at Concord and Manposa would be beneficial to the community I have personally seen cars race down Manposa with is potentially hazardous to swimmers who are crossing the street at Concord Also, I have seen a car travel west on Manposa and try to make a left turn on to Concord while traveling too fast and hit a car on the southwest corner of Concord and Manposa Mark Fhnes, one of pool managers has had his car hit twice in the same spot Mark Hines says he has seen youth swim team members nearly hit in the crosswalk by speeding cars This hazardous condition of crossing the street is intensified when it is dark In conclusion, a stop sign at this corner would reduce several hazardous potentials Let me know if you need additional information 61 ad'��w ss vaaals .ssb�' w iS Z C] Q � NOOI3HS p a� iS ° J aoo DO I[] a3dd3d I I r d n 100HOS AHV1N3W313 aNOWHOW 31d 1 f I i e� 3JNn ld A.UO II 0 al31zl (f(�- C05E 11VOn3 �� L�Co����_�_ iL�� ��� aaVarlVls � C] C� NIVW LS C� aNOwH�Ia =� CHURCH =1� LJ LS �� Oa :)NOO 1 z1 �a �� VINI alA � u lox Q or- 0 a �_J .1 w 15 IlIHM > a 1 3NNOAVII 1S a VLSIA ¢ La VLSIA ILO1 z I m S X31lV is IS 380111H J � Fso O11IH ' ' i i6 _J d W J W 7 0 0 z w J w EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION MEETING DATE- February 6, 2001 AGENDA HEADING Consent Agenda Award contract to C J Construction for Holly Avenue curb and sidewalk — Protect No PW 00 -16 (contract amount = $17,596 50) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1 Award contract to the lowest responsible bidder, C J Construction, in the amount of $17,596 50 2 Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard Public Works contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION On December 19, 2000, the City Council adopted plans and specifications for Holly Avenue curb and sidewalk and authorized staff to advertise the protect for receipt of construction bids Based on the bid opening on January 23, 2001, staff recommends award of contract to the low bidder, C J Construction, in the amount of $17,596 50 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1 Bid results 2 Protect vicinity map FISCAL IMPACT Capital Improvement Program Amount Requested Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required Yes $17,59650 106 -400- 8203 -8487 Award of contract No ORIGINATED BY a G Date AnrirAQ Santamnrm nirartnr nff Piiiihhrr WWnnr- kacµ�- 'JAN 2 5 2 (Ml REVIEWED BY ���� Date Mary Strenn, Cdv Manaaerl / -1/ COUNUL01\PEBRUARY0602(Wednesday 01J24101 200P M) —^- b .J BID RESULTS CJ Construction $17,59650 Ranco Corporation $17,84400 Civil Works $18,021 00 Damon $21,10000 Alameda Construction $21,14990 Metropole $21,18500 Nobest, Inc $23,299.00 JDC $24,93500 Palp, Inc $27,41000 - POJECTS RESJ-TS Bic tot 25 1 64 z a e N W J W a C9 2 ~ Q W U O J N W J W c� Q N O J W O r v 0 (3.LVAWd) 1M S3wom l�r S 1MOdl.r I v. r�JI (tom y .IONIC NUC 1 111{ 10 l lu ma a e c 0 mJ4() W c 0 r 15�(is i1{ JrI��U »n . W 'a 1 + � �oWrlov Auo Isom �E5 � PNGE E O � mz 3 7 =1 2 2 6 9� �; Al CD Z1 MfIM N 15 .N.IONI M 91 b JJtltl rn 0 0 is 1S SION1111 N01MINS.M is 1S S.SN.>t .INY0J11.7 LS N093W0 15 .O.A3M J J V 15 W31N30 3 G 0 Wa wol.aNne W ca i is ONT14ov" is .lido, 1S W315 i is NN3d C is N0013Ns = U is .N3W. Q 15 OW.ON.LS 1s N1.N J W 1s aNONNOIW 15 OWOoNOo 1S .INIONIA 3 is 9NIlINA1 1S .1SIA .NO, is 153WollIN i Z II a 65 v w U rl Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name Refurbishment of Recreation Park Restrooms Project No PW 00 -3 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et seq that 1 The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described 2 The full name of the owner is City of El Segundo 3 The full address of the owner is City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4 The nature of the interest of the owner is Improvement to the City Facility 5 A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on January 25, 2001 The work done was Refurbishment of existing restrooms 6 On February 6, 2001, the City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder 7 The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was TJ Construction 8 The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows Recreation Park restrooms 9 The street address of said property is 400 Eucalyptus Drive Dated Bellur K Devaraj City Engineer VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say I am the City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof, the same is true of my own knowledge I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct Executed on , 2001, at El Segundo, California Bellur K Devaraj City Engineer 67 N NOTICE S�PW00 -3 NOC EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION MEETING DATE February 6, 2001 AGENDA HEADING, Consent Agenda Acceptance of the refurbishment of Recreation Park restrooms — Specifications No PW 00 -3 (final contract amount = $58,266 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Accept the work as complete Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The City Council on October 3, 2000, awarded a contract for $58,266 00 to TJ Construction for the refurbishment of Recreation Park restrooms The work has now been satisfactorily completed The final contract amount is $58,266 00 Staff recommends acceptance of the work as complete ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget $58,26600 Amount Requested $58,26600 Account Number 301 400- 8202 -8467 Project Phase Accept the work as complete Appropriation Required No ORIGINATED BY Date 'JAN 2 5 2001 Andres Santamana, Director of Public Works REVIEWED BY Date Mary Strenn. Citv Mana r //i 10 COUNCIL 02�FESRUARY06 04 (Wednesday 01/24/01200 P M) 6 b EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE- February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION Acceptance of the lining of sanitary sewer access structures —Project No PW 00 -12 (final contract amount = $62,460 39) ENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve Change Order No 1 in the amount of $12,460 39 2 Accept the work as complete 3 Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION On September 5, 2000, The City Council awarded a contract for $50,000 00 to Transportable Treatment Services for the 1999 -2000 annual program for the lining of sanitary sewer access structures After contract award and during construction, staff determined that the floor of the sewer access structures were also in the need of lining The contractor agreed to Install this additional lining at the low bid contract unit price The total additional cost of this work for sixty (60) access structures is $12,460 39, for which Change Order No 1 is being requested Sufficient budgeted funds are available in the annual program to fund this change order and no additional appropriations are necessary The work has now been satisfactorily completed The final contract amount, Including Change Order No 1, based on measured quantities, is $62,460 39 Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the work ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Notice of completion Area map FISCAL IMPACT Capital Improvement Program Amount Requested Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required $120,00000 $ 62,460 39 301 -400- 8204 -8393 Accept the work as complete No ORIGINATED BY / Date. �J 'JAN 2 5 %Int :OUNGL 02TEBRUARY0601 (Wednesday 01/24/01200 PM) 1 1 Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name Lining of Sanitary Sewer Access Structures Project No PW 00 -12 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et seq that 1 The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described 2 The full name of the owner is City of El Segundo 3 The full address of the owner is City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4 The nature of the interest of the owner is Public street right -of -way 5 A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on December 8, 2000 The work done was Lining of sanitary sewer access structures 6 On February 6, 2001, the City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder 7 The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was Transportable treatment services 8 The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles State of California, and is described as follows Various streets 9 The street address of said property is Not applicable (various streets) Dated Bellur K Devaraj City Engineer VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say I am the City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion, I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof, the same is true of my own knowledge I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct Executed on N 'JOT CE 5 P '.00 12 NOC 2001, at El Segundo, California Bellur K Devaraj City Engineer [ r I ( u=nf7 RVfMr toll •_. sr/OILy��M 90 litJ onto a" �aa. a c • � _ J J JG_ � �. � - uuul I Uj u - raw W - pL I i V a it - 1 y I 1 .•.. w• a� _ • y t�l va JI = LLJ w••�•a ; but ffl Q s an C 1 ftm Iv a..aaa••a• a.•au• .asY•gy 1 I I Y �.� � !+a• u Y aru•a Lu s ^ 70t v ...., LL : � .� I I I u � I -•— �t � p aas.Y w �•( Y .Ow �, Y tA. ij. +• f, 10 �,� .--. , Y ....a. � . •1! �• Cry !rf la-1 L awn •� • :. i j Y maw. i__.ra• ••a.. 1 tiww• MJ ar• /"�� • I ° W W O J W a 3 0 H E 1 _ �r .1 - 70.— EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Proposed revisions to the class specification for the job classification of Police Lieutenant RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve the proposed class specification BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION As part of the examination planning process for the fob classification of Police Lieutenant, Police Department and Human Resources Department management staff identified the need for several revisions to the current class specification - Please refer to attachment - ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Proposed class specification in an add /delete format FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget N/A Amount Requested NIA Account Number N/A Project Phase NIA Appropriation required No ORIGINATED I rJ ACTION TAKEN Agenda364 DATE 1130/01 DATE. 71 12 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (CON'T ) The proposed revisions consist of the following A "Two years of supervisory experience" is replaced with "two years of current, continuous, experience as a Police Sergeant' B "Possession of POST Advanced and Middle Management Course Certificates" is replaced with "Meet all POST requirements° C "High school diploma or GED with college -level coursework in Police Science, Law Enforcement or a directly - related field" is replaced by "meet all Memorandum of Understanding educational requirements" Should Council approve the proposed revisions to the Police Lieutenant class specification, the announcement of the closed - promotional testing process will be posted on Friday, February 9, 2001 The resulting employment eligibility list will be used to fill the vacancy created by the recent promotion of David Cummings to Police Captain, and any other Police Lieutenant vacancies in the following twelve months 72 City of El Segundo, CA POLICE LIEUTENANT Job Description Job Code: 703 Definition: Under general supervision, plans, supervises and coordinates the day to -day activities of an assigned watch or division of the Police Department Essential Functions: Essential functions, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, may include the following duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skills and other characteristics This list of duties and responsibilities is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY, and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and tasks performed by positions in this class Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities Plans, supervises and coordinates designated police activities and services, prepares work schedules and assigns special protects, conducts briefings with subordinate supervisors regarding assignments, training, law enforcement issues, citizen complaints, etc Reviews reports prepared by subordinate officers and supervisors, conducts research and compiles statistics, analyzes crime statistics and trends, prepares complex reports and recommends division, bureau and /or Department changes to meet police service needs of the City Coordinates division activities with other police programs or staff to ensure service delivery according to appropriate policies, procedures and specifications, serves as a technical resource within the City for the division, provides public information on police incidents, operations and services, participates in developing division goals and objectives, participates in developing and administering division budgets Works with community groups and representatives in developing and administering crime prevention programs, represents the Department to external contacts and resources, participates in special projects and assumes special assignments as directed Schedules, assigns, monitors and evaluates staff, provides for and /or conducts staff development, establishes work methods and standards, initiates corrective and /or disciplinary action and responds to grievances and complaints according to established personnel policies and procedures and in consultation with Human Resources Knowledge, Skills and Other Characteristics: Knowledge of principles, practices and techniques of law enforcement and police administration Knowledge of causes, prevention and control of delinquency Knowledge of rules of evidence, rights of citizens and prisoners, and laws pertaining to search, seizure and arrest Knowledge of traffic enforcement and education °= -cmi urra on roverse sloe) 09/00 "r 3 Police Lieutenant Knowledge, Skills and Other Characteristics (Continued): Knowledge of court procedures Knowledge of patrol methods, criminal investigation and identification techniques Knowledge of physical layout and composition of the City Knowledge of the principles and practices of effective supervision Skill in program implementation and evaluation Skill in preparing statistical reports Skill in supervising, motivating and evaluating staff Skill in the use of personal computers and office related software Skill in conducting research and preparing clear, concise and comprehensive reports Skill in understanding and applying regulations, procedures and guidelines Skill in communicating effectively orally and in writing Skill in working under pressure, handling day -to -day operational problems and tasks that arise simultaneously and /or unexpectedly Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with staff, other City employees and the public Licensing /Certification Requirements. California Class C drivers license and a satisfactory driving record Qualifications, Four (4) years of progressively responsible professional law enforcement experience, including two (2) years of sapewfsGFy current, continuous, experience as an Police Sergeant, meet all POST requirements, meet all Memorandum of Understanding educational requirements, or an equivalent combination of education and experience PsPC 09/00 7 d EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE- February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION Request by the Chamber of Commerce for City approval to close certain City streets for the dedication of the Mayors' Walk on Friday, February 16, 2001 at 4.00 P M RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve request, provided the event meets all applicable City requirements BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION On Friday, February 16, 2001, the El Segundo Chamber will be hosting a ceremony and reception for the unveiling of the Mayors' Walk The event will be held on Franklin Avenue, between Main Street and Richmond Street, from 4 30 to 5 30 p.m The Chamber of Commerce is requesting the streets be closed to traffic from 4 00 to 5 30 p m City support will include the volunteer services of the R S V P s for traffic control, If needed Street Department crew will set up and take down the necessary barricades No services are required of the Fire Department ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Letter from the El Segundo Chamber dated January 30, 2001 FISCAL IMPACT $ 200 00 As in the past, the FY 2000 -2001 budget has Included provision for City expenses in connection with this type of event Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required Yes_ No X ORIGINATED i -JG(ia breu -Mason Executive Assistant DATE: January 31, 2001 REVIEWED BY DATE January 31, 2001 13 75 -I bras I- ,M 01 k¢-� -Col 2cqu¢,rt Nrors lmk _f EL SEEGUNDO CHAMBER # The Voice for Business Januan 30. 2001 Mayor Mike Gordon El Segundo Cit} Council 350 Main Street El Segundo. CA 902.35 Dear Mayor Gordon & Members of the City Council On Februan 16, 2001, the El Segundo Chamber will be conducting a ceremony and reception for the un%eiling of the Mayors' Walk —a stepping stones path sponsored b} Chevron and Honeywell to honor the mayors of El Segundo The e%ent is scheduled from 4 30 to 5 30 pm In conjunction with this eNent %%c are requesting that Franklin Avenue (bet-,Neen Main and Richmond Streets) be closed to through traffic starting at 4 00 pm through 5 30 pm W e also ask that all city fees be waived Thank you for,, our consideration I am a% ail able to answer any questions regarding the Ma } ors' Walk Sincereh Kathrvn Lourtie Executive Director 427 Man Street El Segundo CA 90245 • (310) 322 -1220 • Fax (310) 322 -6880 E -Mau elsegundochamber @aol corn 7 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: February 6, 2001 AGENDA HEADING. Consent Agenda Request for proposals to retain a specialty firm for a Capital Improvement Project (total estimated cost = $47,000 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Authorize staff to solicit proposals from firms that specialize In parking lot construction BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The adopted FY 2000 -01 budget included this new Capital Improvement Protect for implementation and staff is requesting City Council approval to solicit proposals City Council approval for awarding this contract will be requested after staff review of the received proposal Reconstruction of City Hall Parking Lots $47,00000 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Attached description FISCAL IMPACT Capital Improvement Protect $47,00000 Amount Requested: $47,00000 Account Number 301400- 8201 -8491 Protect Phase Solicit Proposals Appropriation Required No ORIGINATED BY , }Date L.l FEB 12001 REVIEWED BY Date q7 COUNCIL 02\FEBRUARY06 07 iThumday 2/V01 8 00 AM) 14 7i ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION The two (2) City Hall parking lots, one (1) adjacent to City Hall and one (1) easterly of City Hall on Holly Avenue, are in need of repair The pavement has failed for each lot and is to be replaced as part of this project The lots will be re- striped and new concrete wheel stops will be installed COUNCIL 02 \FEBRUARY06 07 (Thursday 211101 600 AM) 78 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION After School Pilot Program — El Segundo Middle School RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. Approve acceptance Of R O A D. funds for recreation element of the After School Program BACKGROUND a DlscussION• Staff has been aware of the R O A.D (Reach Out Against Drugs) committee's interest in supporting an After School program at El Segundo Middle School since last year Recently, staff was contacted by R O A D members to discuss the feasibility of developing the recreation program for Middle School students from 2 -5 30 pm Monday through Friday A meeting was set to discuss the recreation element and a library element of this program on Tuesday, January 30'h at the School District Administrative Office At the meeting, the R O A D committee's program vision was delineated, funds were identified within the committee's budget, and a tentative starting date of Monday, February 26" was set, pending Council approval The City's Recreation Division would furnish two part time employees to coordinate the recreation program Dr Dan Webb, Middle School Principal, will assist staff with facility logistics, equipment use, program promotion, and other support The allocated funds will support the program through the Spring Semester The program will be evaluated at the end of the semester, to determine a course of action for the Fail 2001 Semester The school district will fund a district employee to work in the Library after school to give students an opportunity to access reading material and complete homework assignments The City's Library Department will oversee this element of the program ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS None FISCAL IMPACT Amount Requested $7,000 Account Number 001 - 400 - 5205 -4102 Protect Phase Pilot Appropriation R�quired $7,000 (off set by funds from the R O A D committee) Greg Johnsory, creation and Parks Director J City Manager ry� 15 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING- New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION New developments on the Implementation of the Downtown Specific Plan in consideration of modifications to Main Street Improvements as recommended by the Downtown Subcommittee RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve recommended changes in the design of the street Improvements for the design, slurry seal and restriping of the 300 -500 blocks of Main Street and direct staff to implement such at a cost of approximately $40,000 D & DISCUSSION On January 21, 2000, the 300 -500 blocks of Main Street were restriped in a two - lane configuration with parallel parking on both sides Bollards were installed to indicate potential widening of the sidewalks The Downtown Subcommittee evaluated the reconfiguration on January 30"' Based upon a review by staff, Meyer Mohaddes, the City's traffic consultant, and considerable input by the public, the Subcommittee is recommending a few modifications Specifically, the recommendations include widening the driving lanes and smoothing the transition from the left turn pocket lanes Refer to page 2 for a summary of the proposed changes to the two lane configuration of Main Street ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS None FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Protect Phase Appropriation required $2,500,000 $40,000 301 - 400- 8201 -8573 Design and Construction Funds for engineering and resurfacing need to be appropriated from the existing capital budget. ORIGINATED. Chr�,Ketz, Planning Manager DATE. �1311O/ Hansen, Director of Community, Economic and Development Services DATE: ity Manager 8o 16 The four lane configuration of Main St. had driving lanes of approximately 10' for the center lane and 11' for the parking side lane The parking lane was 7' There were no left turn pockets When the temporary restnping was completed, the two driving lanes werel l' and the parking lane was 7' According to the El Segundo Police Department, there have been no reported accidents since the temporary restriping was completed To make the driving lanes safer and to avoid conflicts with opening car doors, it is recommended that the lanes be restnped to approximately 14' which is 3-4' larger than when there was a four lane configuration and 3' larger than currently exists The parking lane will remain at 7' This wilt result in a reduction in sidewalk width but will still allow ample room to provide landscaping, seating and outdoor dining. Please refer to the table for a summary of the lane widths 300 -500 Blocks Main Street 4 Lane Previous 2 Lane Current 2 Lane Proposed_ Lane Width 10' Center 11' Far lane 11' 14' Sidewalks 12' 16.5' — 27' 12'— 26' Parking Lane 7' 7' 7' Turning Lane None 11' 11' In addition to the widening of the lanes, the following improvements are proposed a bus turnout to allow traffic to pass a smoother transition on the curves no widening of the sidewalks on the east side of the 300 block of Main St in front of the Civic Center complex The proposed changes could be completed by February 25, 2001 :I EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE, February 6, 2001 AGENDA HEADING- REPORTS — CITY MANAGER Oral Report on the city's efforts to conserve energy RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Receive and File BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION The City's energy conservation efforts include 1 Completion of a retrofit of City facilities for energy efficient heating, cooling and lighting equipment at a cost of $1 6 million, paid for out of energy cost savings 2 Annual energy audits and inspections 3 A computerized energy management system 4 Purchase of generators as part of the Y2K preparedness effort 5 Reduction of non - essential lighting and equipment ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Protect Phase Appropriation Required Yes —No X ORIGINATED DATE- January 26, 2001 REVIEWED BY DATE. January _, 2001 '111119,1 Mary nn, City Manager 82 17 lam Fours 0: 0 01 Agrn la - rtc Staff Rc n EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: COUnCII Member Reports AGENDA DESCRIPTION- Authorization for one member of the LAX Master Plan Advisory Commission ( LAXMAC) and one member of the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee ( ASNAC) to attend the University of California Airport Noise and Air Quality Symposium RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve attendance of Airport Noise and Air Quality Symposium by one member of LAXMAC and one member of ASNAC BACKGROUND 8 DISCUSSION The 2001 Airport Noise and Air Quality Symposium will take place In San Diego, CA from February 25 through March 2 2001 The symposium is an outgrowth of the University of California, Berkeley Institute of Technical Studies In years past, members of the City Council, LAXMAC and ASNAC have attended the symposium Last year, the Council authorized attendance for one member of LAXMAC and one member of ASNAC The FY 2000/2001 Budget includes funding for attendance at this conference ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FISCAL Operating Budget Amount Requested $2,500 Account Number 001 -400- 2901 -6213 Protect Phase Appropriation Required No ORIGINATED DATE: January 30, 2001 John G Games, Council Member REVIEWED BY DATE: Aj M EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Request for City to be represented at the National League of Cities' Congressional City Conference 2001 entitled "Investing in Communities — Investing in America's Future," to be held March 9 -13, 2001 in Washington, D C (total cost $2,550) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve sending a Council representative to National League of Cities' Congressional City Conference 2001 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION This conference has not been budgeted for in Fiscal Year 2000 -2001 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Conference brochure FISCAL IMPACT The cost to attend the Conference is approximately $2,550 per person Operating Budget $16,000 Amount Requested 2,550 Account Number, 001 - 4000 -1101 -6213 Project Phase Appropriation Required Yes No X ORIGINATED. / DATE. January 26, 2001 (fix — %A1�f� /s ti Nancy Wernick, Council Member REVIEWED BY; DATE: January 26, 2001 Ma#4�enn, City Manager 84 19 ,. Furors - w i A,. -nw ssaf rtp - NAp any 2001 will begin unh a neu President a nets, Congress and a tits, domau, a¢cnda tar In%esrm2 In Commani,ie, spearheaaed o \L(_ aril a coalition of more rho 10 national orcan :a-ions \kith this ehang= seen, to O asluan-,r ,ou cant afford to miss tn, '0i' Cu. Conference Alarcn 0 1, a t l \a,niri Hinon and To,,-, Th, neu President an-1 "-tom C-oreres, ud a,>ume ofiice wan an 'nmz but a nea: manaa2 from the, oters { alsps,ma f,,saa,nuel el rion and razor tv- Repub .car raionties in m, House an-' Na-ra , .u^.,' R na;, a ­arch , nor a neu I, an sa- c, ,r tra s,'s NJI "C . omeral'i rice, .r u.n c a,n c ,'e con,,nsus on toug° pup � to issues \LC s Incoming President Dermas Archer is leadute she effort to ensure that the Imesnng in Commtuuues agenda cmnattes with the neu \dmuustrauon and Congress The agenda calls or me nev leadership to invest m Atnmca s la ✓ b, crcatmst neu partnerships that o,.,lo a vital and prosperous future for all of s corvnurunes The six -point anon tacuses on ✓red_cing povem by improving public ed.,atior, job t:aunng and public trans fnrcauor ✓tn,esting in rnttnlazurg emstang communities ard providing aftordablt housing ✓ou Jine and maintaining local infrastructure ✓ s mmg N chdoren south and families ✓sup�e and protecting local authonn and rnsoons,bJ r and d p•omorine equal oppertunm for all 10 REASONS TO ATTEND THE 2001 CONGRESSIONAL. CITY CONFERENCE 1 1;- „arm first nar. amu e \_m NS.raUons,isa- : t-, ,omen, tou• ,ear, ar_ n�. viol r - \LCs I, aung to Co^ ,"fir r5 10_ II n,ar aboo to mars ar_ a.,,c ^ ta,. 3. tauLr,ip snots: \LC +c .'ti's ua m, .ag c- r, Im,,t 112 1- Lo^ -tin ti rs at,-_. f e,ia, ov a_ aa, vo•s^ 'nr 4 l ou 11 n,ar from ne +Ii el,. e_ car,. n,1 i . appoNtrd leaders in 1 \ssrurr on uno ,na., tie' persp,cu,es on ae tvu,s at , � r, c, "I and 1017" 1 The Congressional Cm Conference provides a unique opportunm to lean about hm %ou can help advance the agenda and be put of a unified and poa, ful %ora In kk uhutgton on behalf of Ammca s rominnur es 1 ou II na, e a chance to meet u A your . Con revs onal delegation to dtsnsss local - :s=ires for national action and influence hou vat, on kev Issues. 61 ou E loam the federal perspecove on a .110, canoe of issues affecting }out an such a-, : 3cfuc commerce equity talungs pnvac% "^ Ina Sr1 N,6tinetlt N a1it35LnIC.Nre — 1,s, L h its, to attend special Leadership 1. T rauune Institute seminars that will 1^ -,a_e re value of ,our %aft to Washington QQ S ou U swe experiences and O. 2„+ork with local leaders Iron uucughout the country 9 7 Du d see old friends and . rim e neu s ones •9 (j�� \cu It be a ke, pla,er as Ali. pa: o, the \LC team at 1 -a. ona. felt, - and %ou II be a: ie to clan, a difference for %our nn^inoan Come to CCC 2001 to learn, exchange ideas, and make the connections that wtll make a difference in 2001 LGI a. r.1 a CCC 2001 will feature legtslatne and pohq sessions, workshops, and meetings on Capitol Hill with congressional and admaustration leaders to focus on the federal issues that will be most critical to ones and towns in 2001 and beyond Examples of some issues that will be cosered at CCC 2001 Include ELECTRONIC CO\I\fERCE EQLTTl Tn, I Ooeh Congress faJm ro rm6, me k, um, facing cues and seta ss otJmr stapP'n¢ tn�or�„ a ors of Wr and thmtens [he tumn m vadni .r, m"t,T, and the sales tar. a, Wei, solr.zo , coot for lour pubLc men ¢. \\'vin C.on; . debated but dad not fmalae iegtsunor in `m sates and hod gola nenu coin nued to togemrr m develop a so ..oloI � . 16 u s s tern shat could senpW, tax syswrts and'n,t L th, burden of collecson on mtnsua .,Hours Learn . tut s ahead a ms unportal[ pub„ po]n debate continua TELECO \f\fU\TCATIO \S AND \fnICIP`,L RIGHTSOF 11 \1 C.mmuvaoo. mhnolog, a chan¢me sc np,dl shat me sepans<s "es w [sins wda, .s] sin be a unng tit In[ nu Tin, oundamg of concrn uauom sen¢es su,n as ivephone able broad nand Interne u war, happemn¢ Guam,dw.on . I� loot genet., etuhstm, and ter telecommunouons mdunn to ensure the. mntm cad aLIcIln clef Tree nghu of .a, and the, nghu to ta, certw tuecommuruauorls sr t,a lu able l...i'I ha„ TIT, op ortumn to lam uha approaches .JI be taken b, In, ne. Ll'i ,lion. an,: ConuoY cal re¢watmg and lee la ,nz on than s,on ano .t he p,.,,drd .nn a boa, oni,w eL d, on nn, to manage m m .Pa -n i of .a, PREE \IPTIO\ Ir ' WC hues and m.tu .on on, and lost one on ke pneempnon battles The Ro mom Lod L. and lnsutuuotulutd Persoru {- RLL IP -a 'Taunt pump". of I" runt,'wh .as umvd To la. But pras,.r, 1111 its on nags led the bmare )udtcun C,, ,n, no leer donenanstopaut....... Ian tie von mat [mold ledcr .".al nn_ - Lrun alm suet m'Q01'd ha. to,'a_nr a m In me 10 -th Congress THE DIGITAL DRTDE T,ehmltgs offns tmrabbl. opt rrturuu.. i, unpm,ed mnwmuanon mhan --J NN.. non and ea, accts to pub], sr , .and purl utcr ocn Go,e,nnene he.nr .e m estsureng cut all 1rss,rn,w Its,, tn, „pn.r, sun to learn and has, access in the a&muagm at high wdunksg, \LC s Ins,mng m co mmmsoa agenda ails on the pubLc and pn%w sectors to auk rogetha w Aumru[z the dsmd dnyal, lam shorn cola eaponssbdstia, and apportus. for auunng that technology deest I race a .tdu gap femm hay. amf ha,eemn mow mtmnumua S \L\RT GROR"IH \LC 1 i,e Presdent Garen And,non v laun,lvng a y,a Ian; taw on budding qualm Lo..tt. that . ill sdueess k„ W s nlawd to gm.th and dry.lopmmt m dui nr. cmtun \\l,., rot, Will lnnu , play m main and dr,rlopmrnt sou. anectm2 our eommusuues rental to trarnponanon aonotsu, daelopmmt and "penal appsoa..hes to meet shored needs I� 1OLTH V \DF\\IILIES s Lk, 1, 1. ,pion a.dr .�. al"eT, <hildr,n c.,h and vin, of the taus ItoI .itl b% on the t, �. a ax coda m.lud, a, alabsLn ne health cut r . v,cm, tamdia and ,h,ldr,, n,ueho Non - m, J'm'tan and s anJu, odoa I - e, ors mndm: ter in, youth lobs program IT .. n. I I - h I, on¢nv addrtv Ln mute n -.. , 1.,T LmtmW to \!-Cs In,., ng m u. trr-„nit,,. agenda inJud,ng s.npee.ng pro grams that art remgmad fm ties sumo in dev,l op" duWam and youth smengtbmmg public edu amn. and enemng adequate resoutm in act do bas: needs of ow families mrdding health are and child care' PRI\ AM Ear aeries in technology a tvanmgly rang quesuatu about has, aecm to mhfidmtW and pe Bond momutimn It u alm rmang quemora about he Ind of goeaurrev should nuke deasaons about pmts requranmo and how those mgmre ss.,au Will affect lot govanmmrs larncduh, espard,d labhbn l.om about evspng regulations thin s-il have an m+pm m ones and ism and other lotnung pnsacv requirements - that tool officals should be aware al L\'M&STRUCTURE The future of our mrtanmutres depends w budding and mamtauung the tide sesame best voted in the, needs fee the 21stcots) - Including tnnspotovon trdeasnuctare en,unon mental tnhasnucture and udm and energy enfoustucroe What bin ahead on the continuing pubk debar about theme uubn dnegulat on' WW Congress address mntsnumg .aseraat. mfrawenve awns Whits Wily in be m the age.& on l n tnmpomams awes rmludmg railroads moat ame safety ad other surface namportanm camas PUBLIC SAFETY Lod officials are fundamentally respaat bee fm ousunng public safety in ever oommwuves But the federal government an and shoud play a key ale in support mg those efforts hey Public safer Issue big, no be on the ramgrtsaosuV agenda include reeuthoseemon of the come bdl and mcmuladwgm m the Leal La, Enforconmt Block Grans shnch is a ,td source of s ippienental funding fm lot pubLc afm wtav as HOUSL\G The Investing in Cnmmurutte agenda urges Congress in be a key player in the fume of cam CMYr1YNnp by my6Mg in the IMalllaf%MI of counting commiserates and suppomng the awtlabdnp of affmdsbie Iw and mod nimcue utconehousng both fee hmsewo nalup and metal The wth Confirm could take up a range of hoe mg wean suc h u federal wtue,es m enc ease the supply of affinn"e haamg and federal funding for new production ss sill m matdung grants m win and loot gwatmmt fee prmvatmn S Il 7i 'i.9 �i1 IN" . M Tkk�\Lk I IEkDER SA635 FDft THEIST Q\TLw p lalum -,wpm Rr31n.anen Fee 1150 t.u.r (- omlvl.+ln CnrnrrnoN Tws smvw ea1V mNn,<ladnshlp w. m auca aw pwus< Imps- or Nnq[ Cro<a`G }u, call I,y'f N[ inma .Nr1-,rsoa vv > - vsssamJS wu IraJt510u Y < -1e Irylrnr_: ¢y,5 Rcr<r.I,<,r s .. IaJ.- parcapanu •.all lvwtssaml nova ,arJl Irasc-swp pwm Y_ mmvusr w prolnslaJl am 7 ,vv.ad v� Ian Icswvua w mspms� I., vmm¢ blaauo YJ un ns vvv Im.-vup vppomuuva olumnr . U hl<In \r+var \rvs \v¢ J STR\TFLIC LE� 1 \D D=o\ \LU3\c F(M F1fCiTD OFFYISL• Rrgs.lronon Frr SIK �.rsvrcK Cain.. T -a ssnvw Im>,sa m a•ebpnq vK ainapu and mmtn<ma Iacelu ro< s, loamvup aw dr<.alar maamq e. nmN oF<u. II uw<.yonla n�a•mua. amour maned rr nr - pv,aoa. -s arserrtunr Ihnr IsMI•>v -u are a..-vup ml< Puvapmv a - -.. _ wmmn<gmrna-.z_ ' -- uLfom NtY L \r_ IJ'.' Cawon_ .AFTER \00\ 5B E\iR5 FRID\L \LiRCH9 Es IL 1m1 7T Ocv E\ZAL L (lifl(Z31 RrpnroLOn Frr Ns ^[ C (' pr<rnl Prannlm[r <Ia hu lr ve - I ,r-,an , Y: the tm^onsurc <d sN ara - - nmu. un.-.L• I- 01 aI•Ine rear lel`ak bri M'CTJ aIa Y.IaWr •• ..+muclu,r Oue rart-au a • ..,ti i•.f ^ a S, Jnun j«a na T-r_5 - . mia<c part+rpanu m m vIr - J•<r6fl,n WI aI1WQara VI<•iX Y.1 msPrJn<a Cmssdsn9laadci<a a M lop aPanlnl aFKW v IdJ \mu Gn \taragr R r U C Malwl Ia F f ,irl 1ImIbQ Fm Cdim t.norl!a How TD \Lulu TYoLROn l to pm -.Wpm Rerl.rrMm Fa 395 T. (ampraa+ CJxnptlrnv Pnmlmna Tlw v war opponumn m qun skills earh a v<S vv aap gwx w dnmlµ unplmmsl _ rsvwl<a muarmg dY N sau om m Y..r Eauwrc tsirn•<nw.mn¢md m ^nwuwuarl rna¢� Jul bd ev-m - <N•r wrJ m avlLn: vam suppm • „nlJ m, n�mdmnnnr, p.-.IJ Paronsvvl Nnawn mnudr the \� wsa \1rlcvs GuIJC MOU b \ L. }OC L,r O SpfAYF61 b• _:. \l � R,+Jrd Llwlos Eae<um<Dvmol 3C\L1 Hmdan \ugNu iJrvde Anwg¢ LlaNgm \lYkevnq �mmlwmmc \m D lw¢ut aI um ll ashuwm DC L-ocu Oma GLT To \Imt, R l +n \\ Rrp.nonm Frr 395 v - ..Jm.. -n. Cammumcamr ' rv. mlc -a-c•r sr-unl elll rack lam"+ -.a -s be m ma Y.: swruj T\ a+. e,n van ;. _i dv rNdJ T\ u..,c Lv plm� - ttar Imug<Mdop far bfVR�WlnfrfvMetmmMra \ W .ill Iarn be b NfW<<weil b1R .,r.i mvu•e Nua asd rlum svporua 1v Ian hoe w drevop w vsn•unase msarwn ss e<ll u nw w..ras vl ..,._ and gmae.aN r m�•mcss Iv ^� - « sI, r Aal s` iDlrnumacma FLU DVt SENIL\ 1R S.\T LTD \LiRC1-I10 EJTLCTTT Rrpuronon Fe 39J „a .nr VJ a alolr all Iwd n Y_'. m.ra,e -. wa�saw-Il lsnrsunq n -Nn er IsmmJn ' x .� rr_.arwn pLtiapa for 1; .Yale[\- ,plrR(<.<164101ma1 vuw b n mmx skJ s : ri ms o1M +xa al,.. mw•us ' -w semuwu 1zz, _ cam taA kpoul NC<arv..:�rx'TLC Io alf�,«ew! rnvmeu a. a Ic+.m M drsnaping asxi. \�. � L \illrnal Utm irml: - ti I N<ppm,T \lu•; L -_ \uwrJl lJr Group i14_ r L -_ 1 ,ICP'RTl Lars. \ N1, Y MORINNG SEN14\IARS SATURDA-4 MARCH 10 RES %T.\G C(rairm CO %M' CkTp SLR Slc\vs 9 W am \ovn C-, C ron Fn 395 G.r Ca^IMmn Cdlabanmr FSms. <aanmsuunvm udu Webd of nen srlanm=h5p Ilya va nasr and a mmg d<rmmvnt of swr mcnas or fides. In t 7ti > soml xam L a cmamram rhav m In51 i percml or all rf ss<sn fmm mmanummom mlr dsnmmm is a pasvnpml m IN5 eorbdsup sw eall dmvn wds m vmmnndv mdua aadLn W[ vW mpmse smr Polesvaul and pmvul Napaalupa lw eilI ilm dntlOp Ali!<g16 m mCaVaQ<ONQa m b<mae I¢rpuse ro sav msuge Thu mgamnR asd Iw psvgrvn hu bm a rasasu m n a nmad odlaals Isms all Inds gmemmel IlumLlm Rm, Hnsr 1¢samms lhaurus In aravuc U ashmezor App GSLC u \'TLTfUC BU tx Dmtt"IDRS L� FROM FJ}£ T Ca 9 W um -Amn Rrpuml.m F<r 395 Car Gmryxtnue C.,wr=t Pramvasa P.bhc Boards d Duaaaa ha<a d16<Imv opmma and opmu m a ds"am” but akabk mwammt codas -I I .td, .pm sneeangs. arose munmu and s1I d. arcarabn Tk.svuswap luun gE ua laaau fialsl av a l w u m war mauil gs'am3 ew gmfrc ¢Mlqua m Bales warpmm Cm ssa fhd Bauder Duman Gun adunced eaudasce and nags mvk<amm back holN Lsl<wnck Halhme Flmda FbG L\w5 RE15TI0\41B STR <TFI=' -P1 l 91bam \am Rrpuwmll Fn 395 cm, Comprlm,. GmmaNO Gun umghs mm.au sw vamal Nh. mrc and amore, u edl a d d. ...d yes Lan hoe pwrlilm wa mRasla dl<ea1 wulbmk. plx Lpm3aimaa ., praaa Idammon ukch ch vary wt . Inponvhp,.O dd ev11 <lung< coil N1 T f pmPl< L. dl< add san demenu d mmnluuaoan m build a wrong mmt«sm bmaam va aM>au mn.nnsmss rW mTad1 lreood Leumdl< Amnncks AFTER.\OONSE\IL\1AR SATURDIix MARCH 10 SrrLARr L:�F'ORLncu- QFFI(1515 1 .Jpm -, apm Cq C.O FK AS D. Comprnm,T Comernm Da .,h, Sav, . pmlch, ho+ of roam stet µvple arwlsd vow' Thf goil I Iw serum u w amss kd dse+d off maa arc gmemlaeu k daa m d wo k dvlr mm wawak knkup,ed ealr latyu kalfxahW uek 5m eJl lone M w as4pt wlnr kadmhlp nie m duiemv vrl, amn and d, paa9nm d odI du, volt dse dndapllamt ksd a ywr ml ss.'umu ale a mlplmx and Nm ms , mlr mra vnulm AlmWnae lom e6m kudmssuP sse4 a Thw I aPlr pna r v JJIa<mr vwl xu e umuna - ^e1NiIdVSmmdlddCel' ¢Oy 'o,nm4 aNnlsS ind pmvlul atwN p11 W P I hams Grtsc Trauaa mlutlw. Glwp Fm Uasve In,lurJ Tm CA R1 rwLLS - L'STSPSTDLES \ULRQn I IDpm -a Wpm Rrpasuron Fn 395 Cam comp n Gauls Le mq som on a M Im nW Pol. us<- \w led Ws sou an mAme a nn on sa mllwssm. Yd m tk fvnm Tnl ." lawn m ulspvNq INSas Y.. wal mnnbm mha•xlNmvav<o .. aW pmsad5n9 usnPl¢ pvsm Ird1I1V.Iln o lainalup m muwelpil gmvmlml Lei - Iht mme dunmumu mar < Defi was, Na m mmvlan (I ) Ads Llnuur - a<1 *tf d On QOY 1k IVm[< T=B W -bda ales ampnl I. Te ®BmWmg -6ldxse dIU m<muzl dndvppumasm apsmv that goaiv (3) Gmdlna - 6dmee llur rM needmw vulvamH mempoer ahmmnuk duss.au w ,, Lokammk Xo1Mae FWmia VbGa4L\1P'LT RFS-a� SmTmo -PS B I Plpm -a Wpm Rtfammm5 Fn 395 Cmr CeaW<mae Cdlabomor Expand evv bauc rtlavmslup skBs el h RraltglG nl 4'UI.S b d� gate <4V <iP, hduemn wch u -41w n il4 p+ln r5olurtl' -bulLn ' vnwi p<vP. w wrclW atn I,.runhwmfu<nm ds. muelva p<Imn hasu< you.' be umN evh du look na vn Ihal oak' G. dl, a mksm mo. P' Dm dur bru l u d tease d adl wh, D<edapabok un ,d nxgdrk m maknnae ad Irmealsma m mlpoman y Sun wlghu mw tees mmiI1.Ih " aynlYadl YId dW[ m.av itlnmwun Todd Anmd L. Amu,ks C..fi 1 ( Ard.m m Ludy dap pro,. Z. kd km ,d d ,k m 9ttWa dam pnaf. _ -I do <kgnanu inv ka crj f Thepmn C.. a&caro kn d&n Th<pm {run u bm1 uoluld Be«un kd<tk eanp.bL far kcal ek Lnuml «ate edl Ldr e j p Trulm3 Wuusr wnwd addnv.m3 am d tk fdbmm3 (1)c r (L Cwnpeanl Pnn. 111 Csnlunvuvcarur In Cobbnramr (5) C.W,. 87 r --------------------------------------- NLC CorrGREssioNAL. C -Y CommuNcE REGNmAmN, AND HousL\rG FoRm I Wmhutgtnn Felton Had and Ta • Wuhugtm DC- hlar69 -Lt 200t 1 Ad\ance Reganratwn Deadline February 2.2001 • Online mnCegeatt tegtcraoonat hmp / /%vvAeorg No housmg or regwmBan mdl be poeeared mahout acmnPmvn pamne t aful I1n .w s m1. emai apcm`ud o(,oal OMER QlIDrr C1rtD L�FORXkTla%,.,nay.uorsn 4r .w a .vam dupaorc Fuss omt oaverrrce sa6< lars monies 1 \ mnv a m eem ana,d d Soc of on u 1 \ore a ' Gnr urquuma, REGISMknON C, \%m -L1n0\ 1'OLKl 1 Gr LP Prole Fa. Ham REglt \A77CAI �.�m ^�.mw...er....ase. m.=.a to �..... m.em.a.•....m. 1 w \ m S_.la aPm mil my hdmeuvo uvua bnw �. 1 do nol rtquua but- ^••••• ^-^' -'° a an. al th brds Wud odw 1v �. Plisse mnoa me rtguduy mu¢Wamuvm 1 Iwc Daeeu< \urr• o h 5• rt Age - .�u-.,,,m•s..a urn REgR1 {710A REQl,43r bFD0.\I4rG\ .r..a...a..a �,.... .A. .. Suql +fi peaon.'I hai _ 1 SFEaLL CrnTFx��cE R,T>� C P bi 1Z rl�r,beds, — S. G 5 • lwo Ce e¢n E SPECL{LHOLSL\GREQL=Sr g u+.rJw ec<m5usmluarl 1 _ H 5 Iw_r Cow. roa ._ o.n-_y4 -_ 5 QIl'oo ha.e P. w%LC \Ixwq I srt..m 1 1[T \\� RECStx \ryLY. FE61Pou.,a.erd a Fro.w.. _ ]rotl I KQI Be Sb g \I. R. K nh _ f_Sm \LG \l_L. -wc• S r,�pnt \ay. E u�me,d.. p.....rr....s e....r.�w..w��.�.�,.. o,zam.. 1 = F' E J \m \Irnw 0.r••' b Ham CHOKES 1 m.m....m 1 s......a. �.®- .r..a.e.,..� -e L.E.\DE]LQi1P 7RV. \TG L�SiR1TE SE\tRVLS iF�da. \im<h9 ]rot) P 5 notEL scvoac ala¢ Nom fcVDar 1 _ 5- E,a_a_: v� -,t E.r,_...- _ e _...e,..e. u.•d n. n ,c _u... n.r nulr LE\DFxv� TRLL\i\C, hRrrtZE Sec\\RS r5�w.m, \lurch la mot) c _ n.e m., aiwls, , _ nt,�we. a... 11 ool.l, 5 [— �...m• u. i. � —nu.m n.. unn 1 = \ -_ - - •o.._.,. rya E v_m..v.+..a u.. nrr Hottl DtSdsr NwRU +no\ 41�fu ae4l atdama¢<PU\I. tl.mmemQhm.. wdw r+rn.m�r.m`.mde. - - .. ._x'+' ^'-.. I,: 5 .a v,LUro munbuhnmpNpdmdehmlFUIR M £Atprtm.w.....alNnuq.n SPEau E\�T F¢, g _ _ �_F \ -, -" 5 Rtn�ICaTFR�RF[aR.+nor. nuv Has\n FOawTa GIST -kTI b.: ` E 3 cio j5pvp L .mmm 1 Tl7TLL RFGISTR 1710\ FEE 5 t garb Sr�a au6 ' `-< -F< -.Y Furh. gk5 REC6MR IO\ Po\IC\T L\FOR\LkTON Foes \wRE wnmkT 1 A I L ST BE CHECKE D FOR HOTS L USE R\ {n0 \1 H� _ l- -.uerr F_i k1 �`\r i:a l:•\r \Iu..- .i.'.,u.cl Lra f f YFIIUwnnLwwte gur omrs Ew. F_ -.at rtF IJ1 I([. R1 . S C. —u. f \m ot'. 01 Nr NrCY4 Ord[• 'OrKarl°.am•alm•rw� Hurts. DumT L \FOR \ttTk^ s ` L,,_HOTE_DEHn^ 1 CRIDrrC{RDAL7HOR2L {nO\ ir ' NUMB z 9 00 am i 00 p m Lndersmp Tuuune Irsnnrr xmuurs s 1 ^ p m t K pm Cmenu x. Seslor tar F us Tune lncdem and \e%I Sewed Or"a, i ac p m %0u P, Cnissonunn and pets, Group \Izeun¢s fflAJND - �1 9 OV a,r -Q,Pm \LC Baud w L)VMD^S \IK Q 90car too pm \LC 1C.uan Couti_\6rre 900a rWpr l.ra,rrnn p T :, -sv ^r Xnvas Io W a r 1D t En. -v E•s •ac-. a -_ Aa _-a, nn.��cm EE \R x I c- ir•_ c and Commura.aoaru s - I-C ITC e P- t Firs E-- __r_-,- a -- \u.,rJ R.scur:n EE \R ♦ Comr,.,r_r ar_ E.Dror, Dmelacmn, CED t Trussponarc- Iv-u -.rut r.:.r.mm?6 t Fuwcr 1. ^. --a ..� car.: Irrereoverlm,mral Rrus.atu F11F * Pah,,, y.r r_ _ -r F nnna•'P_CP • -- ve --_ +r ,._reset -r SvNDOY MARCH 11 " a- s ar GrrY eruct o- in•: m sic., Pr�rua X I^ :_ —J a^ IK•_"G C. Yti I.CT.— ,..- +.7UOR5 t En. -v E•s •ac-. a -_ Aa _-a, nn.��cm EE \R s - Ce , -ra r E I e P- ^rr TI, • -- ve --_ +r ,._reset -r Mom MARCH 12 TtiiMm MARCH 13 Cap „D. M Ear , mom+rg 1,.; .. ;a L,-, Err c , a T I I Oa a m R.]vr�s6r essays or U^ N SPEC. Evaim Sunday, bfuch I I s CELEBRATE DIVERSITY 13REAKFASF - 830atn 1000a In e Regmmtiun fee Sid (S50 ohms) Ddegatm and guests a CCC 2001 art mnrad m "Cdebnte Drvasrty m Ammo a Goes and Towns a the 16th annual breakfast sptosme? by five NLC mnsommq groups Arun Pacific Ammon hfumcryd Officlils (APA\IO). Gas Lesbuo. and Bisexual Lad Officals (GLBIA). H[spuuc D>tei Lod Otfimsd (HEI I ivaoanal Black Caucus of lad flared Officials (NBC/LEO) and Worries in Munsmpai Gmetmnent (NRNIG) The breakfast %-L texture a truest speaker who will pmnde a pesspeeoss on issues facing local officials and lmertn s mom and masse ' CAPITOL STEPS Back by popular demand the Capitol Steps %ill pttform on Sunda, \larch 2001 a the Opening Reception It dawn t matte whether you are Democra- Independent or Republican this oho, is In partisan fin for a one DATES To REMEn DER Ftbrvuy 2 2001 Deadline: for adrasce rtguttatson said housing requests 111 requests must be pwm=ked by this date. After thus dal. all delegates must register crime at iuener tit¢ February 2, 2001 Deadline for ancellaoons: Cancellation letters must b\ postmarked b) dus date and are subrect to a $50 cancellation charge There are on rdunds for cancellations me ems date - - How To REGETER To register for the 2001 Congressional Can Confermu, fill out the registration form and retain it with your check con purchase order or mart and udormation to the \T_C klectmg Sconces pasmurked by February 2, 2001 or reguttr ordvhe at %wsv nlcorg • Each delegate, guest speaker member or the press and anv other confer once participant must resister There Is a S,O vouch delegates fee There ss m charge for peels regssuu"hm umh proper press medenuais. • No telephone maturations or cancellations %dl be accepted • Payment (check. cin purhue order- or creda card, must b. included %stn adwasa reguoamns • People unable to meet the Februan 2 deadline a-ill have to register oracle at the meeting and make their o%n hotel reservations • Refunds cell be mad., rot cancellations ramved by February 2 2001 sub nxt m a Si0 cancellation charge Cance0amon Ittten whist he pasmurked by this date \o telephone cancellations cell be accepted \o pvtol refunds %sil be made if you decode not in amend particular funcva¢ WOO_ • I I you need hotel accommodations. please check the appropriate box on the registration form • \LC sill nuke a hotel reservation for you %hen you register for the con (went • Rooms %dl be assigned on a first come first serve bun • 111 conference sessions -ill be held at the kkashmgtan Him Hotel C” q GrrY eruct o- in•: m sic., Pr�rua C:rra, w rc w 1.: ,z c• F -c^ r a e e P- TtiiMm MARCH 13 Cap „D. M Ear , mom+rg 1,.; .. ;a L,-, Err c , a T I I Oa a m R.]vr�s6r essays or U^ N SPEC. Evaim Sunday, bfuch I I s CELEBRATE DIVERSITY 13REAKFASF - 830atn 1000a In e Regmmtiun fee Sid (S50 ohms) Ddegatm and guests a CCC 2001 art mnrad m "Cdebnte Drvasrty m Ammo a Goes and Towns a the 16th annual breakfast sptosme? by five NLC mnsommq groups Arun Pacific Ammon hfumcryd Officlils (APA\IO). Gas Lesbuo. and Bisexual Lad Officals (GLBIA). H[spuuc D>tei Lod Otfimsd (HEI I ivaoanal Black Caucus of lad flared Officials (NBC/LEO) and Worries in Munsmpai Gmetmnent (NRNIG) The breakfast %-L texture a truest speaker who will pmnde a pesspeeoss on issues facing local officials and lmertn s mom and masse ' CAPITOL STEPS Back by popular demand the Capitol Steps %ill pttform on Sunda, \larch 2001 a the Opening Reception It dawn t matte whether you are Democra- Independent or Republican this oho, is In partisan fin for a one DATES To REMEn DER Ftbrvuy 2 2001 Deadline: for adrasce rtguttatson said housing requests 111 requests must be pwm=ked by this date. After thus dal. all delegates must register crime at iuener tit¢ February 2, 2001 Deadline for ancellaoons: Cancellation letters must b\ postmarked b) dus date and are subrect to a $50 cancellation charge There are on rdunds for cancellations me ems date - - How To REGETER To register for the 2001 Congressional Can Confermu, fill out the registration form and retain it with your check con purchase order or mart and udormation to the \T_C klectmg Sconces pasmurked by February 2, 2001 or reguttr ordvhe at %wsv nlcorg • Each delegate, guest speaker member or the press and anv other confer once participant must resister There Is a S,O vouch delegates fee There ss m charge for peels regssuu"hm umh proper press medenuais. • No telephone maturations or cancellations %dl be accepted • Payment (check. cin purhue order- or creda card, must b. included %stn adwasa reguoamns • People unable to meet the Februan 2 deadline a-ill have to register oracle at the meeting and make their o%n hotel reservations • Refunds cell be mad., rot cancellations ramved by February 2 2001 sub nxt m a Si0 cancellation charge Cance0amon Ittten whist he pasmurked by this date \o telephone cancellations cell be accepted \o pvtol refunds %sil be made if you decode not in amend particular funcva¢ WOO_ • I I you need hotel accommodations. please check the appropriate box on the registration form • \LC sill nuke a hotel reservation for you %hen you register for the con (went • Rooms %dl be assigned on a first come first serve bun • 111 conference sessions -ill be held at the kkashmgtan Him Hotel C” q EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Nomination by Mayor Gordon to appoint Council Member Kelly McDowell to the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles County West Vector Control District, effective March 1, 2001 RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve appointment of Council Member Kelly McDowell to the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles County West Vector Control District, effective March 1, 2001, and notify District of appointment BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION On August 25, 1992, Former Mayor Carl Jacobson was appointed by the City Council to the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles County West Vector Control District This term of office expired August 25, 1998 Mr Jacobson has continued to serve in this capacity under the Health & Safety Code, and has agreed to serve until March 1, 2001 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS None FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Protect Phase Appropriation Required Yes_ No ORIGINATED DATE January 31, 2001 Mayor Mike Gordon REVIEWED BY DATE- January 31, 2001 i Mary Stre� , City Manager //" 90 20 I F'm v_wuI k'-1 _rt [uF'cy - %"c 'y,% ." AGENDA ITEM #1 2,/6/01 TO: MAYOR GORDON MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL & WERNICK FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ATTACHED IS A REVISED RED LINE OF THE PROPOSED ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE SHOWING ALL PROPOSED REVISIONS. cc: City Manager City Attorney CHAPTER !CGUNT49 [ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Title 6 of the El Segundo Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 1 COUNTY] REGULATIONS SECTION 6 -1 -1 Incorporation fOq [of] Title 10, Los Angeles County Code [6 -1 -2: General Penalty] 6 1.1 INCORPORATION OF TITLE 10, LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE. Title 10 of the Los Angeles Code, with the exception of title 10, section 10 90 010 (VI) and section 10 90 010 (VII) is hereby incorporated into the City Code [To the extent any provision of the Los Angeles Code incorporated hereby is inconsistent with some other provision of this code, the later provision shall be controlling.] LA #62413 RED M [6.1.2: GENERAL PENALTY:] Any person violating any of the provisions of this title is guilty of (an 'a#Fast+en) [a misdemeanor] unless another penalty is provided for in this title LA #62413 RED [CHAPTER 21 (40 12 190 10 29 280 102039 4028960 40,32020 10 32 07-0 1032089 W37933�0 10 3:7 °°° \°7 u) 37- arao(f) 19 49:940 19 49 949 4086010 [ANIMALS] SECTION LA #62413 RED 6 2 1 Animals Permitted (6 [6.2.2] Animals Prohibited 6 2.3. Animals At Large 6 2.4[:Animal Care 6.2.5: Public Nuisance 6.2.6] Permits Required (6 [6.2.7] Application For Permit (6 2 6) [6.2.8] Criteria For Approval "ice ) [6.2.9] Expiration Of Permits [6.2.10] Appeal Decision Of Director, Fee (6 [6.2.11] Planning Commission Hearing, Notice, Decision [6.2.12:] Grounds For Revocation 6 2.1 - ANIMALS PERMITTED' A Generally It shall be lawful for any person to keep or maintain or have in possession or under control in the City the following animals 1 Canaries {afi *[, pigeons, doves or] birds of the psittacine family kept as household pets or as a hobby only, not exceeding ten (10) in number[, when kept in facilities that are humane and adequate as to noise, sanitation and security] 2. Fish and turtles kept as household pets or as a hobby only, f3i 3 Hamsters, white rates or guinea pigs as household pets or as a hobby only, not exceeding ten (20) in the aggregate and the young thereof not exceeding three (3) months in age, (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) 4 Hen chickens, kept as household pets or as a hobby, not to exceed five (5) in number when kept in facilities that are humane and adequate as to [noise,] sanitation and security, (Ord 825, 11 -20 -1973) LA #62413 RED 5 Rabbits as household pets or as a hobby only, not exceeding four (4) in number and the young thereof not exceeding four (4) months in age, 6 In one -family and two -family dwellings or duplexes, dogs and cats not to exceed three (3) for each residential living unit in any combination thereof and the young thereof not exceeding four (4) months in age, 7 In dwelling units other than one - family and two - family dwellings or duplexes, one dog or cat per unit and the young thereof not exceeding four (4) months in age, 8 Except in residential districts, dogs used for guard or sentry purposes (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) B. Circus All animals enumerated in this Chapter may be kept within the City in connection with any circus, carnival or wild west show, or in conjunction with any parade for which a permit has been issued, provided, however, that without the approval of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, animals may not be brought into the City more than twenty four (24) hours before the first performance of the circus, carnival or wild west show or the start of the parade, as the case may be, nor may animals be kept within the City without the approval of the Director of Community, Economic and Development (Se —lees) [Services] for more than twenty four (24) hours after the conclusion of the last performance of a circus, carnival or wild west show or within twenty four (24) hours after the conclusion of a parade C Laboratory All animals enumerated in this Chapter may be kept within the City in connection with a laboratory that holds a valid clinical laboratory permit issued by the State Department of Health D School All animals enumerated in this Chapter may be kept within the City in a public or private school license by the State (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd. Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) 6 2 2 ANIMALS PROHIBITED Except as provided in subsections 6 -2 -1 B, C, and D of this Chapter, no person shall keep or maintain or have in his possession or under his control any poisonous or venomous snake or any wild, carnivorous animal (Ord 790,7-24-1972) 6 2 3 ANIMALS AT LARGE It 1s unlawful for any person owning or having possession, charge, custody or control of any animal or fowl to cause, permit or allow the same to stray or run, or in any other manner to be at large in or upon any public highway, street, avenue, roadway, road, way, lane, alley, park, LA #62413 RED square, sidewalk or other public place in the City, or in or upon any unenclosed lot, land or premises, or to stake out, herd or graze any animal or fowl upon any unenclosed lot, land or premises in such manner that the rope or other attachment by which the same is tethered may permit it to be or to go beyond the boundary of the lot, land or premises, provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply in the case of animals lawfully upon the public highway, street, road, roadway, avenue, way, lane, alley, park, square, sidewalk or other public place and which are temporarily hitched to hitching weights, devices or posts at the curb or side of the highway, road, roadway, street, lane, park, square, sidewalk, way, avenue, alley or place, or which are otherwise located therein (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) 6 2 4[: ANIMAL CARE: Requirements for owners and kennel operators. Every person, within the City, who owns any animal or who owns, conducts, manages or operates any kennel for which a permit is required by this title, shall comply with each of the following conditions: A. Housing facilities for animals shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair, to protect the animals from injury, to contain the animals, and to restrict the entrance of other animals. B. All animals shall be supplied with sufficient good and wholesome food and water as often as the feeding habits of the respective animals require. C. All animals and all animal buildings or enclosures shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. D. All animals shall be so maintained as to eliminate excessive and nighttime noise. E. No animals shall be without attention more than 12 consecutive hours. Whenever an animal is left unattended at a kennel, the telephone number of the police department, or the name, address and telephone number of the responsible person, shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the front of the property. F. Every reasonable precaution shall be used to insure that animals are not teased, abused, mistreated, annoyed, tormented or in any manner made to suffer by any person or means. LA #62413 RED G. No condition shall be maintained or permitted that is or could be injurious to the animals. H. Animal buildings and enclosures shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent escape of animals. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to protect the public from the animals and the animals from the public. Every animal establishment shall isolate sick animals sufficiently so as not to endanger the health of other animals. Sick animals shall at all times be isolated from the other animals. J. Every building or enclosure wherein animals are maintained shall be constructed of material easily cleaned and shall be kept in a sanitary condition. The building shall be properly ventilated to prevent drafts and to remove odors. Heating and cooling shall be provided as required, according to the physical need of the animals, with sufficient light to allow observation of animals and sanitation. K. Such person shall take any animal to a veterinarian for examination or treatment, if the director finds this is necessary In order to maintain the health of the animal and orders the owner or custodian to do so. L. All animal rooms, cages, kennels and runs shall be of sufficient size to provide adequate and proper accommodations for the animals kept therein. M. Every violation of an applicable regulation shall be corrected within a reasonable time to be specified by the Chief of Police. N. Such person shall provide proper shelter and protection from the weather at all times. O. Such person shall not give an animal any alcoholic beverage, unless prescribed by a veterinarian. P. Such person shall not allow animals that are natural enemies, temperamentally unsuited, or otherwise incompatible, to be quartered together, or so near each other as to cause injury, fear or torment. If two or more animals are so trained that they can be placed together and do not attack each other or perform or attempt any hostile act to the others, such animals shall be deemed not to be natural enemies. LA #62413 RED Q. Such person shall not allow the use of any tack, equipment, device, substance or material that is, or could be, injurious or cause unnecessary cruelty to any animal. R. Such person shall not allow any animal to cause a hazard, or be a menace to the health, peace or safety of the community. 6.2.5: PUBLIC NUISANCE: A. Any animal (or animals) which molests passersby or passing vehicles, attacks other animals, trespasses on school grounds, is repeatedly at large, damages and or trespasses on private or public property, barks, whines or howls in an excessive, continuous or untimely fashion, shall be considered a public nuisance. B. Every person who maintains, permits or allows a public nuisance to exist upon his or her property or premises, and every person occupying or leasing the property or premises of another and who maintains, permits or allows a public nuisance as described above to exist thereon, after reasonable notice in writing from the City has been served upon such person to cease such nuisance, is guilty of a misdemeanor. The existence of such nuisance for each and every day after the service of such notice shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. 6.2.6] PERMITS REQUIRED A Compliance, Permit It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain, or have in possession or under control in the City, any living member of the animal kingdom except human beings, except as permitted by this Chapter and without having applied for and received a permit {as} [when] hereinafter (pFevidedj [required] B Permit For Keeping Animals- Any person may keep animals other than or in excess of the animals enumerated in subsection `ate [6.2.1A] of this Chapter and may keep the animals enumerated in Section (6 2 2) [6.2.2] of this Chapter in the circumstances described in subsections (6 2 113} [6.2.16], C and D of this Chapter by securing a permit for the keeping of such animals (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) LA #62413 RED [6.2.7] APPLICATION FOR PERMIT An application for a permit shall be initiated by filing a verified application on a form furnished by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services stating fully the applicant's name, address, and telephone number; the number and kind of animals for which a permit is requested, the number and kind of other animals kept on the premises, the type and location of caging, if applicable, and other information required by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services upon receipt of the application The Director of Community, Economic and Development Services shall make or cause to be made such investigation as he deems appropriate (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) [6.2.8] CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL The Director of Community, Economic and Development Services shall issue or renew the permit if he finds A That the issuance of such permit will not adversely affect the public peace, health or safety, B That the keeping of such animal will not violate any provision of law, and C That the facilities for keeping such animals are humane and adequate under the circumstances as to [noise,] security and sanitation (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000, 2000 Code) [6.2.9] EXPIRATION OF PERMITS All permits issued on or before October 31 of any year shall expire on December 31 of that year Any permit is- sued on or after November 1 of any year shall expire on December 31 of the next succeeding year (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) [6.2.10] APPEAL DECISION OF DIRECTOR, FEE Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services may file an appeal of such decision with the Planning Commission by filing a written notice of appeal in letter form accompanied by a (fee of twenty fiYe dew [filing fee in an amount set by resolution of the City Council], said fee to cover the cost of posting, postage, advertising and other costs incident to the proceedings Said notice of appeal may be filed at any time after the decision of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services has been made; provided, however, that an appeal may not be filed on the granting of such permit after ten (10) days have expired from the action of the LA #62413 RED Director of Community, Economic and Development Services in granting such permit (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) [6.2.11] PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING, NOTICE, DECISION A Hearing Notice When an appeal is filed, the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services shall give notice of a public hearing by mailing a letter notice, first class mad with postage prepaid, to the applicant and to the owners of property abutting the boundary of the property that is the subject of the application for an animal permit, using for this purpose the last known name and address of such owners as shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of Los Angeles County Such notice shall contain the address, a general explanation of the matter to be considered, and the time and place at which the public hearing on the matter will be held B Decision By Resolution- The Planning Commission shall announce its decision by resolution (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd Ord 1 15, 1- 18 -2000) C Decision Final Any action by the Planning Commission on such matters shall be final and conclusive. Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972, amd 2000 Code) D Notice Of Decision Not later than fifteen (15) days following the adoption of a resolution ordering that an appeal be granted or denied, a copy of the resolution shall be mailed % [to] the applicant and to any other {part} [person] requesting notice of the action (Ord 790, 7 -24 -1972) [6.2.12:] GROUNDS FOR (REVOGAT QN) [REVOCATION] Any animal permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter fffph [may] be revoked by the Planning Commission VeF saase) In the event the Planning Commission determines to initiate proceedings for the revocation of any animal permit, said Commission shall adopt a resolution declaring its intention to revoke such permit and fix a time and place for a hearing on said resolution No such hearing shall be held unless a copy of the resolution is ifna+ld) [mailed] to the permittee not less than five (5) days prior to the hearing At such hearing the Planning Commission shall hear all evidence presented material to its determination and may revoke the permit following such hearing by resolution after it finds A That the permit, or a prior (peF 1t) [permit] of which the permit is an extension was obtained by fraud, [or] LA #62413 RED B That the permittee has {welate} [violated] the law in keeping such animal, fan* [or] C That the animal or animals endanger the public peace, health or safety (Ord 790, 7- 24 -1972) CHAPTER DOGS SECTION 6 3 1 Definitions 632 Licensing Requirements 633 License Tags 634. Receipt Blanks 635 Kennel Licenses 636 Suspension Or Revocation of Dog License 637 [Refusing to Show License Unlawful 6.3.8]• Running At Large Prohibited (639) [6.3.9] Dangerous Dogs; Impoundment, Hearing [6.3.10: Rabies Control] [6.3.11: Dog Park Rules 6.3.12: Interfering with Animal Control Officers Prohibited 6.3.13: Interference with Police Dogs] 6 3 1 DEFINITIONS The following words when used in this Chapter shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this Section DOG Includes male and female KENNEL A place where four (4) or {ere} [more] adult dogs or cats or any combination thereof, are kept, whether by owners of the dogs and cats or by persons providing activities and care, whether or not for compensation An adult dog or cat is one of either sex, altered or unaltered, that has reached the age of four (4) months POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG Any of the following A Any dog which, when unprovoked, on two (2) separate occasions within the prior thirty six (36) month period, engages in any behavior that requires a defensive action by any person to prevent LA #62413 RED bodily injury when the person and the dog are off the property of the owner or keeper of the dog. B Any dog which, when unprovoked, bites a person causing a less severe injury than as defined in section 31604 of the State Food and Agriculture Code C Any dog which, when unprovoked, on two (2) separate occasions within the prior thirty six (36) month period, has killed, seriously bitten, inflicted injury, or otherwise caused injury attacking a domestic animal off the property of the owner or keeper of the dog VICIOUS DOG Any of the following A Any dog seized under section 599aa of the Penal Code and upon the sustaining of a conviction of the owner or keeper under subdivision (a) of section 597 5 of the Penal Code B Any dog which, when unprovoked, in an aggressive manner, inflicts severe injury on or kills a human being C Any dog previously determined to be and currently listed as a potentially dangerous dog which, after its owner or keeper has been notified of this determination, continues the behavior described in the definition of "potentially dangerous dog" in this Section, or is maintained in violation of section 31641, 31642, or 31643 of said State Food and Agriculture Code 2000 Code) 6 3 2 LICENSING REQUIREMENTS A License Required, Exceptions 1 Except as provided in this Chapter, it is unlawful for any person to have {}[,] keep, maintain or harbor within the City any dog without first having obtained from the City an annual license so to do upon the payment of the fee required by subsection B of this section 2 It shall not, however, be necessary to purchase a license or to pay a license fee for any dog under the age of four (4) months whether the same {be} [is] male or female 3 It is further provided, however, that the license fee shall not apply to any dogs kept or maintained exclusively in any dog kennel in the City (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) B Annual License Fees (Upon 4he a #eGti a date heFeef, t [The] annual license fee for keeping and maintaining an unaltered dog in LA #62413 RED the City (is fixed at the s of fifteen ,del!aFs ($16 nm . ao [shall be set from time to time by resolution of the City Council] The annual license fee for a spayed or neutered dog shall be (seven dellaFs fiµ• Gents ($7-60) peF eaF,) [set at an amount that is one -half of the annual license fee for an unaltered dog;] if a certificate is presented from a licensed veterinarian verifying that the dog has been spayed or neutered th8FGGf, ..hall be fixed and established b the r.1., !`.........I fFe Fn time te time by (Ord 1091,1 -6 -1987) C Discount For Senior Citizens A fifty percent (50 %) discount on the dog license fee (#er- ene —deg) shall be made available to any resident sixty[ -]two (62) years of age or older who makes application for the discount (Ord 972, 6 -19 -1970, amd 2000 Code) D [Seeing eye or guide dogs are those dogs that have been especially trained to lead and aid the blind or deaf. Any blind or deaf person having custody of such a dog may keep and harbor the dog within the City by obtaining a license to keep a dog as provided herein, and may lawfully take the dog into any food establishment within the City. There will be no fee charged for such dogs upon proof of antirabies vaccination. E.] Date Payable, Proration, Penalty 1 Any license fee required to be paid by this Chapter shall be payable annually in advance on {Ap* [March] 1 of each year, and the license shall expire at midnight on (MaFGh 31 of the suGGeedingj [the last day of February of the following] year The full amount of the license fee shall be payable for any license falling due during the period from {Apf* [January] 1 of the year to Member [June] 30 of the year 2 Fifty percent (50 %) of the amount of the license fee shall be payable for any license falling due subsequent to September 30 of the year for the remaining fraction of the year. 3 Any license fee payable under the provisions of this Chapter remaining unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days after the same shall become payable hereunder, shall be subject to a penalty of fifty percent (50 %) of the fee due, which penalty shall be collected by the license collector at the time of the collection of the license fee, and shall be in addition to the principal sum thereof In determining whether or not a LA #62413 RED penalty has accrued under the provisions of this Chapter, the [License Collector] may require an affidavit from any person claiming exemption from the payment of any penalty hereunder, which affidavit shall set forth the facts upon which the claim for the exemption is based (Ord 973, 6 -19 -1979, amd 2000 Code) f Eq [F] Failure To Pay License Fee Whenever any person owning, harboring or having the care or custody of any dog fails to pay the license fee provided and specified in this Chapter for the dog, the poundmaster may cause the dog to be seized and kept in the public pound for the period and in the manner and upon the terms, conditions and requirements as specified in this Chapter (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) [G. Animals, other than dogs, are not required to be licensed pursuant to this Chapter.] 6 3 3 LICENSE TAGS A Contents The City shall each year procure a sufficient number of suitable metallic license tags to meet the requirements of this Chapter, numbered from one upward consecutively, on which tags shall be stamped the date of their expiration and the license number, and shall issue the same to the poundmaster in consecutive order as may be required, keeping an account thereof B Duplicate The [City Council shall by resolution establish a fee] for the issuance of a license and metallic tag to replace a lost license or tag C Affixing To Dog Collar The owner or person having the care, control or custody of any dog upon which the license fee has been paid shall securely fasten the metallic license tag upon a suitable collar and securely fasten the collar with the tag attached thereto upon the dog A dog harness or other device may be substituted in lieu of the collar, if so desired (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) 6 3 4 RECEIPT BLANKS: The City shall cause to be printed a sufficient number of receipt blanks to meet the requirements of this Chapter The receipt blanks shall provide for the description of the dog for which the license fee is paid, the number of the metallic license tag which has been issued for the dog and also the name and address of the owner of the dog The receipts shall also designate the rabies vaccination date and tag number and the sex of the dog for which the license fee has been paid (Ord 733, 1 -26 -1970) LA #62413 RED 6 3 5 KENNEL LICENSES A License Required, Fee Any person conducting, managing or maintaining a dog kennel as defined in Section (6 3-1) [6.3.1] of this Chapter shall pay to the City for the privilege of conducting or maintaining the dog kennel peF yeas} [an annual fee as set by resolution of the City Council] for the kennel which shall entitle the kennel operator to maintain ten (10) or fewer dogs An additional license fee W twenty feUF dellaics ($24 00)) shall be paid for ten (10) dogs, or fraction thereof, in excess of the first ten (10) dogs (Ord 733, 1- 26 -1970) B Operation Permit No kennel license shall be issued unless a written permit to have, maintain or operate the kennel is first obtained from the City Council Before granting the permit, the City Council shall refer the application therefor to the Planning Com- mission, poundmaster and to the Health Officer for investigation, report and recommendation to the City Council with reference thereto (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) [C. Every person owning or operating any kennel shall keep all animals therein under proper confinement on the premises and shall not cause, permit or allow such animals to be or to run at large. D. Records required for each animal. The holder of a kennel license shall keep available for inspection, on the premises, a record that shall show: 1. The name, current address and telephone number of the owner of each animal kept at the kennel; 2. The date such animal entered the kennel; 3. The reason for such animal being at the kennel, such as for boarding, sale, breeding or grooming; 4. The description of the animal, including its age, breed, sex and color; 5. That there exists a current, valid rabies certificate for every dog over four months of age so long as such dog is kept at the kennel.] 6 3 6 SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF DOG LICENSE The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, shall have, and the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, expressly reserves the right and power, notwithstanding any other provision, term or condition in this Chapter contained to the contrary, to suspend and also to revoke any dog license issued under the provisions of this Chapter, if at any time it appears to the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, or the Chief of Police, or is or her designee, finds that any dog described or referred to in any LA #62413 RED dog license, or for which any dog license has or may be issued under this Chapter is vicious, dangerous or apt to bite or injure any person (Ord 1258, 6- 19 -1996) 6.3.7. (RUNNING AT LARGE PROHIBITED 1 REFUSING TO SHOW LICENSE UNLAWFUL: Any person upon whom any demand is made under authority of this Title for the exhibition of any dog, rabies vaccination certificate, or any dog license or tag, who fails or refuses to exhibit the same if he has it in his possession, is guilty of a violation of this section. 6.3.8: RUNNING AT LARGE PROHIBITED: A.] No person owning or having charge, custody, possession or control of any dog shall, and it is unlawful for any person to cause, permit or allow the same to be, or to run at large in or upon any highway, street, lane, alley, court or other public place, or in or upon any private property or premises, other than those of the person owning or having charge, custody, possession or control of the dog within the City, unless the dog is restrained by a substantial leash not to exceed six feet (6) in length and is in charge, custody, possession or control of a competent person (Ord.360, 11 -8 -1949) [B. This provision shall not apply to public areas of the City officially designated as a "dog park" or to police service dogs while such dogs are under the control of a peace officer. 6.3.91 {6 3 81 DANGEROUS DOG, IMPOUNDMENT, HEARING: A Filing Of Opinion; Impoundment Whenever any dog is, in the written opinion of the poundmaster, file with the City Clerk, vicious, dangerous, potentially dangerous or apt to bite or injure any person, and is kept in such manner as to constitute an apparent menace to any person, the dog may be immediately impounded by the poundmaster or his duly authorized agents, representatives or assistants B Notice Of Impoundment, Opinion, Hearing As soon as reasonably possible after the dog is so impounded, or a written opinion is filed with the City Clerk, the owner of the dog, or the person harboring the dog, or the person to whom the license for the dog was issued or any person whose name appears therein, shall be notified, either personally or by mail addressed to the person, at the address shown in the license, of the fact of the impounding or of the filing of the written opinion and that the person or any person interested may appear at a hearing before the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, to be specified in the notice, the notice of hearing to be served at least forty eight (48) hours prior to the time of the hearing, LA #62413 RED and show cause if the person can, why the dog should not be destroyed The notification shall also contain or have attached thereto a copy of the opinion so filed, if any C Hearing, Decision Upon the hearing, the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, shall hear all persons who appear and desire to be heard, and shall thereupon decide whether the dog shall be released, destroyed or otherwise disposed of, and the decision of the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, after the hearing, shall be final and conclusive (Ord 1258, 6 -19 -1996, amd 2000 Code) [D. Any dog declared after a hearing to be dangerous, if not already impounded by the department, shall be immediately surrendered to the department. 6.3.101 (6 3 9} RABIES CONTROL' A Vaccination Requirements 1 Vaccination Required; Exception- Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog over the age of four (4) months in the City shall cause the dog to be vaccinated with rabies vaccine within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of harboring, keeping or having the dog within the City, or from the date the dog attains the age of four (4) months, provided, however, that the aforesaid provision shall not apply so as to require the vaccination of any dog which has been vaccinated with a chick embryo vaccine by a person licensed by the State or of any other state or nation to practice veterinary medicine where the vaccination has been completed within the period of time prescribed in this Section If chick embryo vaccine was used in the vaccination, it must have been completed within two (2) years prior to the date the dog was kept, harbored or brought into the City If tissue phenolized vaccine was used, the vaccination must have been completed within one year prior to the date the dog was kept, harbored or brought into the City (Ord 526, 5 -12- 19513) 2 Revaccination: a Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog in the City {wh eh) [that] has been vaccinated with chick embryo vaccine shall cause the dog to be revaccinated within a period of not more than two (2) years after the prior vaccination LA #62413 RED b Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog in the City which has been vaccinated with tissue phenolized vaccine shall cause the dog to be revaccinated with rabies vaccine within a period of not more than one year after the prior vaccination 3 Vaccination Certificate Issuance Every person practicing veterinary medicine in the City who vaccinates a dog with rabies vaccine shall issue to the person keeping, harboring or having the dog a certificate, which is signed by the veterinarian and which states thereon the name and description of the dog, the date of the vaccination and the type of vaccine used (Ord 510, 9 -30 -1957) 4 Certificate And Tag, Exhibition* a Every person applying for a dog license, whether to the poundmaster under contract to the City, or to the City, shall exhibit a certificate and rabies vaccination tag issued by a person licensed by the State or any other state or nation to practice veterinary medicine, which certificate shall show that the dog for which the license shall be issued either* (1) Has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of subsections Al and A2 of this Section, or (2) Should not be vaccinated with rabies vaccine by reason of age, infirmity or other disability, which disability is shown on the face of the certificate and to the satisfaction of the person issuing the license to be in effect at the time B Impoundment Of Dog Without Tag. The poundmaster, under contract to the City, shall capture and impound any dog found within the City limits which is not wearing a valid license tag and rabies tag conforming to the provisions of this Chapter LA #62413 RED KNOW B Impoundment Of Dog Without Tag. The poundmaster, under contract to the City, shall capture and impound any dog found within the City limits which is not wearing a valid license tag and rabies tag conforming to the provisions of this Chapter LA #62413 RED 2 Any officer or employee of the poundmaster, any police officer of the City or of any {srty} [City] in Los Angeles County who is in pursuit of a dog shall have the right to enter upon any private or public property in the City in order to examine or capture any dog thereon or therein which is suspected of being in violation of the provisions of subsection A4 of this Section or is suspected of being rabid or infected with rabies, provided, however, that no such officer or employee shall have the right to enter a house which is in use as a residence without first having secured a search warrant therefor (Ord 526, 5 -12 -1958) C Release From Impoundment 1 No dog impounded as provided in subsection B of this Section shall be released to any person except where there has been a performance of the following conditions (Ord 510, 9 -30 -1957) a There has been presented to the poundmaster a current license and rabies tag conforming to this Chapter for the dog (Ord 512, 11 -12 -1957) b Where the person keeping, harboring or having the dog is a resident of the City, there has been paid to the poundmaster the license fee for a City dog license as provided by law c There has been paid to the poundmaster the impounding, collection and other fees as provided by law d There has been paid to the poundmaster a reasonable fee as determined by the poundmaster for the vaccination of the dog; provided, (heweyeF, that the fee shall net e ed fiye del!aFs ($5 nm) or, there has been shown to the satisfaction of the poundmaster that the dog has been vaccinated with rabies vaccine within the time periods and according to the other requirements as prescribed in subsections Al and A2 of this Section, or, that a certificate of disability has been issued for such dog as provided in subsection A4 of this Section e The poundmaster has determined that the dog does not have and is not reasonably suspected of having rabies (Ord 510, 9 -30 -1957) LA #62413 RED D Rabies Suspect, Impoundment Procedure If the poundmaster suspects that any dog so impounded has rabies, he shall hold the dog for inspection by a health officer of the County In the event that the health officer determines that the dog is afflicted with rabies, it shall be disposed of or confined for such time as the health officer directs In the event that the health officer suspects that the dog may develop rabies, it shall be confined for such time as the health officer directs Whenever the health officer determines that the dog does not have rabies, it shall be released in accordance with the provision of subsection C of this Section Ord 510, 9 -30 -1957) [6.3.11] DOG PARK RULES A Hours, Rules Owner's and /or handlers shall be in attendance with dogs during the use of the dog park The dog park shall be open from dawn to dusk, seven (7) days a week The following rules shall be in force 1 Aggressive dogs are not allowed in the park, 2 No food in the park/don't feed dogs in the park, 3 Owners must supervise and clean up after dogs, 4 Children under twelve (12) years of age must be supervised by an adult, 5 Dogs must be at least four (4) months old and vaccinated, LA #62413 RED 6 Dogs in heat are not permitted, 7 No spiked collars, 8 No bikes, roller blades, roller skates, strollers or similar items allowed in the park, 9 Owners must have a leash available at all times, 10 Parking regulations must be obeyed, 11 Dog owners are liable for any injuries or damage caused by their dog(s), 12 All dogs must be currently licensed, 13 Professional dog trainers are not allowed to conduct training on site, 14 No person may bring more than three (3) dogs to the park at one time. B Prohibited Behavior The following behaviors must be stopped immediately 1 Prolonged growling, 2 Mounting or pinning of other dogs C Emergency In case of an emergency 911 shall be called (Ord 1 318, 6 -20 -2000) [6.3.12: INTERFERING WITH ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERS PROHIBITED: A person shall not interfere with, oppose or resist the poundmaster or any employee of the City, while such person is engaged in the performance of any act authorized by this Title. 6.3.13: INTERFERENCE WITH POLICE DOGS: It is unlawful for any person to willfully tease, torment, agitate, provoke, beat, kick, strike, injure, maim, disable, kill, or in any way interfere with any dog being used in a police function by law enforcement officers.] LA 862413 RED CHAPTER 4 IMPOUNDMENT OF ANIMALS SECTION 6 4 1 Poundmaster, Duties, Impoundment Fees 642 Public Pound Created, Expenses 643 Animal Impoundment 644 Reclamation Of Impounded Animals 645 Impoundment Sale Proceeds 646 Trespassing Animal Or Fowl 6 4 1 POUNDMASTER, DUTIES, IMPOUNDMENT FEES A City Contract The City Council f" [may] at its discretion at any time hereafter, and from time to time hereafter, and for such period as to the City Council may seem proper, contract with any qualified and responsible person for the furnishing to the City of the public pound referred to in this Chapter and for the performance of all of the (d —t+es) [duties] of poundmaster in connection therewith, as contemplated in this Chapter, including, if the City Council shall so contract, the collection and issuance by the poundmaster of any license under this Chapter In the event the City Council does so contract, then and in that event the contract shall designate the person to act as the poundmaster under this Chapter and also provide for the appointment of his deputies, assistants and successors, if any In the event of the making of the contract, the person so designated or selected, as contemplated in the contract, shall be the poundmaster and the public pound of the City shall in this case be maintained at the place or places indicated in the contract B Office Created The office of poundmaster of the City is created The (pE)wndFna6t8F shall be appeinted by and shall hold his pesitleR [Chief of Police or his or her designee shall serve as poundmaster.] LA #62413 RED 62] [C] Collected Fund Disposition All monies received by the poundmaster as fees and charges of every kind in connection with the licensing, impounding, sale or keeping of any animal or fowl, unless otherwise provided in the contract provided for in this Chapter, shall be paid by him into the City Treasury before twelve o'clock (12 00) noon on the Saturday next succeeding the collection thereof {F} [D] Entry On Private Premises The poundmaster is authorized to enter upon private premises at any and all reasonable times while engaged in the discharge of his duties under this Chapter for the purposes of enforcing the provisions of this Chapter [E.] Duties 1 Generally It shall be the duty of the poundmaster to make investigations concerning, to take up, receive into the pound, maintain therein an to release, discharge or dispose of therefrom, all animals and fowl found running at large upon any public highway, street, avenue, way, lane, alley, park, square, sidewalk or any other public place within the City, or which shall be staked out or fastened in such a manner that they can go or enter into or upon any such public highway, street, avenue, way, lane, alley, park, square, sidewalk or other public place within the City, or which may be delivered to such poundmaster by any person under the provisions of this Chapter, or which may be on pnvate premises within the City, but which are nevertheless subject to impoundment or disposal under the provisions of this Chapter (Ord 431, 1- 27-1 54) 2 City Dog License Collector The poundmasterf, eF9irestef is declared the City dog license collector and the poundmaster shall, upon the payment of the license fee as contemplated in Chapter 3 of this Title by any owner or person having control or charge of any dog within the City, deliver to the person an appropriate tag for which the license fee has been paid and shall also deliver to the person a LA #62413 RED receipt for a sum of money as has been paid as the license fee (Ord 982, 12 -18 -1979) 3 Records And Notices The poundmaster shall keep a full, true and correct record of all animals and fowl taken, received and impounded, the date of the Impounding and the date and manner of their release, discharge or disposal and except as hereinafter provided shall keep conspicuously posted, at the entrance to the pound, a list of all animals and fowl therein contained, together with a brief description of each of the animals and fowl at all times during which animals and fowl remain in the pound, provided, however, that the notice need not be posted if all animals and fowl within the pound are open to viewing by the public between the hours of ten thirty o'clock (10:30) AM and five o'clock (5 00) P M each day, except Sundays and holidays 4 Care Of Animals And Fowl The poundmaster shall provide the necessary subsistence and shall properly care for all animals and fowl while in his custody 5 Animal Or Fowl Disposal In addition to any other duties imposed upon the poundmaster by this Chapter, unless otherwise provided in any contract executed under this Chapter, it shall be the duty of the poundmaster to remove and dispose of any and all dead animals or fowl found in or upon any of the public highways, streets, avenues, ways, lanes, alleys, parks, squares, sidewalks or other public places within the City The poundmaster shall also have the right to remove and dispose of any abandoned dead animal or fowl found or being upon any private premises; and, also to remove and humanely dispose of any live animal or fowl which, either by reason of age or infirmity or request of the owner or person having the care, custody or control thereof, is to be destroyed and disposed of within the City, provided, however, that in case of large animals weighing two hundred (200) pounds or more each, and whether live or dead, the poundmaster shall have a claim against the owner of the animal for the actual cost of removal and disposition of the animal and the owner shall be liable to the poundmaster for the amount of the claim (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) ura L%W [F] Fees For Impounding And Keeping Animals The poundmaster shall collect from the owner or owners of all animals and fowl LA #62413 RED impounded, except dogs, Rhe- feNew+ag) fees for impounding and keeping the same 1. For jenny, ass, bull, ex, steeF OF Galf incipaunded by hem, the sum [all animals and all fowl impounded in the public pound, the poundmaster shall collect] an impounding fee and Rhe fuictheF 0 twe [in addition thereto an additional daily maintenance fee shall be charged] for each day the animal Ls , F"y field . oh r nd or fowl is necessarily held in the pound [The impoundment and maintenance fees shall be set by resolution of the City Council.] (Ord 938, 6 -21 -1977) fq [G] Vaccination Fee, Redemption Of Stray Dogs And Cats The poundmaster shall collect a fee from persons redeeming impounded dogs and cats for administering distemper vaccinations to stray dogs and for vaccinating stray cats for feline diseases [This vaccination fee shall be set by resolution of the City Council. H] f4 Fees And Procedures For Impounding And Keeping Dogs. Upon impounding any dog found running at large, the poundmaster shall immediately prepare a notice containing a brief description of the dog and within twenty four (24) hours thereafter shall deliver to the Chief of Police a copy of such notice 1 At any time within five (5) days from the date of the first posting of the notice, the owner or persons entitled to the possession of the dog may reclaim the dog upon payment to the poundmaster of faa} [the] impounding fee (of seven 2 For the second impoundment of a dog, owned by the same person, the pound fee shall be , [an amount that is double the standard impoundment fee;] LA #62413 RED 3 For the third impoundment of a dog, owned by the same person, the pound fee shall be [an amount triple the standard impoundment fee], 4 In addition to the foregoing impounding fee, the (sum of twe dellaFs ($2 00) peF day) [daily maintenancefee shall be paid] for each day or portion thereof for which the dog has been impounded (Ord 71, 6 -19 -1979) 6 4 2 PUBLIC POUND CREATED, EXPENSES A Created, Location A public pound for the City for the impounding of animals and fowl is authorized and the public pound is created and established The public pound shall be maintained at such place or places as the City Council may from time to time hereafter by resolution of the City Council determine or as may be designated in any contract for the performance of pound services approved and authorized by the City Council (Ord 431, 1 -27- 1954) B Expense Of Establishing And Maintaining All expenses of keeping, maintaining and establishing the public pound, unless otherwise provided for in the contract referred to in subsection {6-4 4-A) [6.4.1A] of this Chapter shall be paid by the City All claims therefor, unless provided otherwise in such contract, shall be presented, allowed and paid as other claims against the City are presented, allowed and paid (Ord 733, 1 -26 -1970) 6 4 3 ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT A Costs Of Subsistence And Care The costs of subsistence or care for impounded animals and fowl shall be a charge against and paid by the City, unless otherwise specified in any contract which may be awarded for the pound service as contemplated in subsection (6 4-1A) [6.4.1A] of this Chapter, in which case the costs thereof shall be paid and discharged as contemplated in the contract B Minimum Period Of Impoundment Every animal and fowl impounded in the public pound shall be kept therein for a full period of at least five (5) days, exclusive of the day of impoundment, unless sooner redeemed by the lawful owner thereof or unless in the opinion of the poundmaster the physical condition of the animal or fowl is such as to justify prior disposition in order to serve humane considerations (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) LA #62413 RED 6 4 4 RECLAMATION OF IMPOUNDED ANIMALS A Right To Reclaim Upon Payment Of Charges The owner or any person entitled to the control of any animal or fowl impounded in the public pound has the right to reclaim the same at any time prior to the sale or other actual disposal thereof, upon payment to the poundmaster of the costs and charges provided for in this Chapter B Payment Of Fees When any redemption is made under this Chapter, in addition to paying any impounding [and maintenance] fee or costs incurred by reason of impounding any animal impounded under this Chapter, there shall also be paid the amount of any license fee which may then be due or payable on such animal under this Title or any other section of this Code or ordinance of the City, in case a current license for the animal is not in existence at the time C Damage Payment When any redemption is made under this Chapter, in addition to paying any impounding fee or costs incurred by reason of impounding any animal or fowl, there shall also be paid reasonable demands for actual damage done by any animal or fowl running at large The damages required to be paid by this subsection shall be paid to the person whose property was damaged Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) 645 IMPOUNDMENT SALE PROCEEDS Whenever any animal or fowl is sold as provided in and under the provision of this Chapter, the proceeds of the sale shall, unless otherwise provided in any contract made as provided in subsection {f-4 1 A} [6.4.1A] of this Chapter, be paid into the City Treasury (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954; amd 2000 Code) 6 4 6 TRESPASSING ANIMAL OR FOWL: Any animal or fowl found trespassing upon any private ground or premises within the City may be taken up by the party owning, controlling or having possession of the ground or premises, or by the agent or representative of the person, and committed to the poundmaster to be dealt with as provided in this Chapter Any person taking up the (estr-ay) [stray] animal or fowl found running at large or trespassing upon any property, ground or premises owned, controlled or in possession of the person shall promptly notify the poundmaster of such taking up and it is unlawful for any such person to fad or refuse to surrender the animal to the poundmaster or his duly authorized representative upon demand (Ord 431, 1 -27 -1954) [SECTION 2.This Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth (30) day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof. LA #62413 RED SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City; shall make a not of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall within 15 days after the passage or adoption thereof cause the same top be published or posted in accordance with the law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the day of , and duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20TH day of JUNE, 2000, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: NOT PARTICIPATING: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney] LA #62413 RED REVISION LIST The bracketed numbers refer to the Page and Paragraph for the start of the paragraph in both the old and the new documents. [1 1 1 1] Del Paras " . IMPOUNDMENT OF ANIMALS 15" [2 1 1 1] Add Paras "ORDINANCE NO CHAPTER 1" [2 1 1 81 Changed "CHAPTER 1COUNTY " to "COUNTY " [2 3 1 10] Changed "Of " to "of " [2 3 1 111 Add Para "6 -1 -2 General Penalty" [2 4 1 12] Changed "Incorporation which states " to "To the extent controlling " [2 5 1 131 Changed "A "to "6.12 GENERAL PENALTY " [2 5 1 13] Changed "an infraction " to "a misdemeanor " [2 6 3 1] Changed "B Violation of sections." to "CHAPTER 2" [2.7 3 2] Del Paras "10 12 190 . CHAPTER 2ANIMALS" [4 2 3.2] Add Para "ANIMALS" [4 4 3 5] Changed "6 2 1" to "6 2 2" [4 6 3 7] Changed "6.2 4 " to "6 2 4 Animal Care" [4 6 3 8] Add Para "6 2 5 Public Nuisance" [4639]Changed "624 "to "626" [4 7 3 10] Changed "6 2 5" to "6 2 7" [4 8 3 11 ] Changed "6 2 6" to "6 2 8" 1493 12] Changed "6 2 7" to "6 2 9" [4 10 3 13] Changed "6 2 8" to "6 2 10" [4 113 141 Changed "6 2 9" to "6 2 11" [4 12 3 15] Changed "6.2 10 " to "6 2 12 " [4 15 3 181 Changed "and " to ", pigeons, doves or " [4 15 3 18] Changed "number " to "number, when security " [4 17 3 201 Changed "3 Hamsters," to "Hamsters," [4 18 3 21] Changed "to sanitation" to "to noise, sanitation" [5 2 4 41 Changed "Se ices " to "Services " [5 7 5 1 ] Changed "6 2 4 " to "6 2 4 ANIMAL CARE " [5 7 5 2] Add Paras "Requirements for . distinct offense " [5 7 7 4] Changed "6 2 4 " to "6 2 6 " [5 8 7 5] Changed "permit as hereinafter provided" to "permit when hereinafter required" [6 17 61 Changed "6 -2 -1A " to "6 2 IA " [6 17 6] Changed "6 -2 -2 " to "6 2 2 " [6 17 61 Changed "6 -2 -113" to "6 2 1B" [6 2 7 7] Changed "6 2 5" to "6 2 7" [6 3 7 81 Changed "6 2 6" to "6 2 8" [6 6 8 3] Changed "to security" to "to noise, security" [6 7 8 4] Changed "6 2 7" to "6 2 9" [6 8 8 5] Changed "6 2 8" to "6 2 10" LA #62413 RED [6 8 8 5] Changed "fee of twenty five dollars ($25 00)" to "filing fee City Council" [6 9 8 6] Changed "6 2 9" to "6 2 11" [7 3 9 2] Changed "mailed t the" to "mailed to the" [7 3 9.2] Changed "part " to "person " [7 4 9 3] Changed "6 2 10 "to "6 2 12 " [7 4 9 3] Changed "REVOCAT ON" to "REVOCATION" [7 4 9 3] Changed "m y " to "may " [7 4 9 3] Changed "Commission for cause " to "Commission " [7 4 9 3] Changed "mail d " to "mailed " [7 5 9 4] Changed "per it " to "permit " [7 5 9 4] Changed "fraud," to "fraud, or" [7 6 9 5] Changed "violate " to "violated " [7 6 9 5] Changed "and" to "or" [7 7 9 61 Changed "safety by sanitation " to "safety" [9 9 9 15] Changed "6 3 7 " to "6 3.7 Refusing License Unlawful" [99916]Changed "637 "to 11638" [9 10 9 17] Changed "6 3.8" to "6 3 9" [9 119 18] Changed "6 3 9 Rabies Control" to "6 3 10 Rabies Control" [9 12 9 19] Add Paras "6 3 11 Dog Park with Police Dogs" [9 12 10 21 Del Para "6 3 10 Dog Park Rules" [9 15 10 4] Changed "ore " to "more " [10 6 11 3] Changed "` " to ", " [10 7 11 4] Changed "same be male" to "same is male" [10 9 11 6] Changed "Upon the effective date hereof, the " to "The " [ 10 9 11 6] Changed "is fixed at ($15 00) per year" to "shall be set . City Council" [ 10 9 11 6] Changed "seven dollars . per ear, " to "set at an unaltered dog, " [10 9 11 61 Changed "neutered resolution (Ord " to "neutered (Ord " [10 1011 7] Changed "fee for one dog shall" to "fee shall" [10 10 11 7] Changed "sixty two" to "sixty -two" [10 11 11 8] Changed "D Date" to "D. Seeing vaccination " [10 11 11 91 Changed "D Date" to "E Date" [10 12 11 101 Changed "on April V to "on March I" [ 10 12 11 101 Changed "March 31 of the succeeding " to "the last day following " [10 12 11 10] Changed "from April 1" to "from January 1" [ 10 12 11 10] Changed "September " to "June " [ 11 2 12 2] Changed "Director of Finance " to "License Collector " [11 3 12 3] Changed "E" to "F" [ 11 4 12 4] Add Para "G Animals, other to this Chapter " [1 l 6 12 71 Changed "charge of shall be made " to "City Council ... establish a fee " [12 2 13 3] Changed "6 -3 -1 " to "6 3 1 " [12 2 13 31 Changed "a fee of twenty per year " to "an annual City Council " [12 2 13 3] Changed "fee of twenty ($24 00) shall" to "fee shall" [12 4 13 51 Add Paras "C. Every person at the kennel." [12 5 14 2] Changed % 3 7 RUNNING" to "6 3 7• REFUSING . section " LA #62413 RED [12 5 14 2] Changed "6 3.7 RUNNING 11 -8- 1949)" to "6 3 7 " [12.5 14 3] Add Para "6 3 8 RUNNING AT LARGE PROHIBITED " [12.5 14 4] Changed "6 3.7 RUNNING" to "A No" [12:6 14 5] Add Para "B This provision peace officer " [12,6 14 6] Changed "6 3 8" to "6 3 9" [ 13:3 15 2] Add Para "D Any dog declared the department " [13 3 15.3] Changed "6 3 9" to "6 3 10" [ 13 7 16 1 ] Changed "which " to "that " [14 7 16 8] Changed "b At the B " to "B " [14 10 17 1] Changed "city " to "City " [15 6 17 71 Changed "provided, . ($5 00), or," to "provided, or," [15 8 18 1] Changed "2 Within D " to "D " [16 1 18 2] Changed "6 3 10" to "6 3 11" [19.1 19 6] Add Paras "6 3 12 INTERFERING enforcement officers " [ 19 10 19 19] Changed "m y " to "may " [19 10 19 19] Changed "d ties " to "duties " [ 19 1120 1 ] Changed "poundmaster City Council " to "Chief of Police poundmaster " [19 12 20 21 Del Paras "C Temporary Poundmaster occasion may require " [19 14 20 2] Changed "E" to "C" [20 120 3] Changed "F" to "D" [20 2 20 4] Changed "G "to "E " [20 4 20 6] Changed "poundmaster, Chapter, is" to "poundmaster is" [20 4 20 6] Changed "receipt signed poundmaster for" to "receipt for" [21.3 22.11 Changed "H" to "F" [21 3 22 1 ] Changed "dogs, the following fees" to "dogs, fees" [21 4 22 2] Changed "every horse, ($10 00) as " to "all animals . shall collect " [21 4 22 2] Changed "the further ($2 00) per day " to "in addition be charged " [21 4 22 1 ] Changed "animal is such pound " to "animal " [21 5 22 21 Changed "2 For all . animal or" to "or" [21 5 22 2] Changed "pound (Ord " to "pound The Council (Ord " [21 6 22 3] Changed "I" to "G" [21 6 22 31 Changed "a three dollar ($3 00) fee" to "a fee" [21 7 22 3] Changed "J " to "This vaccination City Council " [21 7 22 4] Changed "J" to "H" [22 122-51 Changed "an " to "the " [22 122 5] Changed "fee of seven cents ($7 50)," to "fee," [22 2 22.6] Changed "fifteen dollars ($15 00)," to "an amount impoundment fee," [22 3 22 7] Changed "twenty five dollars ($25 00)" to "an amount impoundment fee" [22 4 22 81 Changed "sum of two ($2 00) per day " to "daily mamtenancefee shall be paid " [22 7 23 2] Changed "6 -4 -1 A " to "6 4 IA " [22 9 23 41 Changed "6 -4-1A " to "6 4 IA " [23 3 23 8] Changed "impounding fee" to "impounding and maintenance fee" [23 5 24 2] Changed "64-1 A " to "6 4 lA " LA #62413 RED [23 6 24 3] Changed "estray " to "stray " [23 6 24 4] Add Paras "SECTION 2 This Hensley, City Attorney" This redlined draft, generated by CompareRite (TM) - The Instant Redlmer, shows the differences between - onginal document F \ DOCSOPEN \DOCS_LA\LUEBBERK \1BB101 I DOC and revised document \\BWS LA2\DOCSDATA\DOCSOPEN\DOCS LA\LUEBBERK \105P021 DOC CompareRite found 110 change(s) in the text Deletions appear as Overstrike text surrounded by {} Additions appear as Bold text surrounded by [] LA #62413 RED LA #62413 RED