2001 DEC 18 CC PACKET - 3size of the proposed project could reduce the number of impacted intersections, due to the reduction of trips associated with the reduced project size. New traffic noise analysis is being conducted and will be included in the Final EIR Based on the disparity between projected job growth and housing construction, the Draft EIR concluded that the proposed projects incremental contribution to growth and housing demand would be cumulatively considerable, resulting in a significant cumulative impact There are no feasible mitigation measures available to reduce the cumulative regional impact Finally, the Draft EIR also concluded that the project would contribute to a significant cumulative impact on solid waste disposal capacity caused by regional growth. There are no feasible mitigation measures available to reduce the cumulative regional impact IX. Application Findings In order to approve the project, the City Council must take certain actions related to the proposed project. The Planning Commission's responsibility is to make recommendations to the City Council related to the CEQA, Specific Plan, Development Agreement, Administrative Use Permit, Zone Change, Zone Text Amendment, General Plan Amendment, and Subdivision applications. The required findings for each of the applications is attached as Exhibit E A detailed discussion of each required finding is provided below. CEQA Findings 1 The Draft EIR was completed in compliance with CEQA, (Section 15090) An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for this project pursuant to the requirements of CEQA. A Notice of Preparation of the Draft EIR was prepared and circulated for public review from May 11, 2001 to June 11, 2001 The public review and comment period for the Draft EIR extends from September 24, 2001 to November 8, 2001. A Notice of Completion was filed with the State Clearinghouse on September 24, 2001 2 The Final EIR will be presented to the City Council, which will review and consider information contained in the Final OR before approving or denying the project, (Section 15090). Pursuant to City CEQA Regulations, the Final EIR will be prepared, distributed, and presented for City Council approval. 3 The record on which the Commission's findings are based is located at the Department of Planning and Budding Safety, City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 The custodian of the record is the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services. (Section 15091). 4 The Final EIR will reflect the City's independent judgment and analysis (Section 15090). The Planning Commission has independently reviewed and 25 347 significant and unavoidable While the reduced project would lower these impacts, the impacts may remain unavoidable and significant with the reduced Project New "hot spot" analysis is being conducted and will be included in the Final EIR. As indicated above, the Draft EIR identifies significant project related traffic impacts at two intersections and significant air quality impact that cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level In such cases, CEQA requires that the project cannot be approved unless special findings of overriding concerns can be made by the City Council CEQA Section 15093(a) states. "CEQA requires the decision making agency to balance, as applicable, the economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits of a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks when determining whether to approve the project If the specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits of the proposed project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects, the adverse environmental effects may be considered "acceptable" " Unless the project is modified by the applicant to avoid the significant impacts, a Statement of Overriding Considerations must be adopted by the City Council stating the specific reasons why the project's benefits outweigh its significant environmental impacts Based on the consistency of the project with the General Plan as described earlier, the dedication of a fire station site, the inclusion of a public recreational component, the public use of internal roadways, the creation of approximately 6,722 fobs, and the other economic and social benefits that will derive to the City, and the nature of the unavoidable impacts, subject to any modifications or revisions to the project that may be included in the Final EIR, staff recommends that the Planning Commission find that the overriding benefits of the project outweigh the environmental impacts and recommend to the City Council adoption of a Statement of Overriding Consideration as required by CEQA Cumulative Impacts The Draft EIR also identified three cumulative impacts, to which the proposed project would contribute. In each of the cases, the project impact is insignificant but cumulatively considerable when the impacts of other future planned projects are also considered Traffic noise impacts at a number of intersections in the project area would exceed the established three - decibel increase threshold (page IV.D -12 of Draft EIR) Traffic noise is directly related to traffic volume. The traffic noise levels from the project alone do not create a project specific noise impact However, when combined with the traffic noise levels associated with other known projects, the traffic noise level would exceed the established threshold. Therefore, the project would contribute to a unavoidable cumulative impact. The reduction in the 24 3 d r, impacts would remain at these intersections The proposed mitigation measures at the other identified impact intersection would reduce the traffic impacts to insignificant levels. The Final EIR will include an analysis of the need for all the identified mitigation measures for the reduced project. Additionally, since the final design of the project has not been developed, staff has drafted condition No. 54 to require the submittal of a Traffic, Circulation and Parking Plan prior to the issuance of each building permit to ensure that site specific traffic issues have been fully evaluated This condition will also be used to determine at what point specific off -site improvements or mitigation measures must be implemented. Since the precise mix of land uses may differ from those described above, Condition No. 28 would institute a trip cap based on trip generation identified in the EIR. The trip cap would limit the number of project generated vehicle trips to 20,013 per day based on the reduced project This would insure that no matter the mix of commercial and office uses that are ultimately developed on the project site, the traffic impacts would not exceed the levels evaluated in the EIR Air Quail According to the Draft EIR, the originally proposed project will have negative air quality impacts associated with project related mobile source emissions and microscale Carbon Monoxide emissions. When comparing the proposed emissions from mobile sources associated with the proposed project to the South Coast Air Quality Management's (SCAQMD) significance thresholds for criteria pollutants, the EIR concluded that the project would exceed the thresholds for Reactive Organic Compounds (ROC) and Nitrous Oxides (NO.) at partial buddout in 2005. At full buildout of the project in the year 2010, Carbon Monoxide (CO) would also exceed SCAQMD thresholds. Because the degree of "excess" emissions substantially exceed the strict SCAQMD limits, the Draft EIR concluded that there was little potential for any mitigation measures to reduce the projects mobile emissions. As a result, the project's impacts will remain significant and unavoidable At this point, staff does not believe that the reduced project would eliminate the significant impact due to the 15 percent reduction in project size The Draft EIR concluded that the originally proposed project would exceed the state eight -hour microscale CO "hot spot" exposure limits of 20 parts per million (ppm) at four intersections due to the project traffic volumes. Additionally, the cumulative effects of the approved project identified in the Draft EIR, in combination with the proposed projects' would be cumulatively significant for both the State one -hour and eight -hour CO "hot spot" standards. The cumulative one -hour impacts would affect three intersections in the P.M peak hour only and the cumulative eight -hour impacts would affect four intersections. Therefore, there are significant individual and cumulative impacts for CO microscale "hot spots" However, the Draft EIR was not able to identify any feasible mitigation measures available that would reduce the project related eight -hour significant impact or the cumulative impacts. As a result, these impacts would remain 23 ids expansion of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and redevelopment of the Los Angeles Air Force Base, which may be very speculative at this point in time As a result, the traffic study takes a very conservative approach to measuring growth from projects that may affect traffic in the City. Based on the applicant's estimated project completion in the 2009, the future traffic conditions with the proposed project were estimated. The study also examined future traffic conditions with the Nash - Douglas couplet operating as both one -way and two -way streets The Traffic Impact Study concluded that the forecasted average daily trip generation for the original proposed project would be 24,845, of which 2,563 trips would be in the A.M. peak hour and 3,170 trips would be in the P M. peak hour. Based on the reduced project, approximately 2,186 trips would be generated in the A.M. and 2,631 in the P M The total average daily trips for the reduced project would be approximately 20,013. This would be a 24 percent reduction in average daily trips. For the original project, the Study identified two intersections which would require mitigation during the A.M peak hour only, two intersections during the P.M. peak hour only and two intersections during and A.M. and P.M. to reduce to insignificance project related impacts with one -way operation. With two -way operation, one intersections in the A.M peak hour only, three in the P.M. peak hour only, and two in the A.M. and PM. Peak hours were identified with significant deficiencies. An analysis of the cumulative traffic from 28 nearby projects was also conducted to determine the percent contribution of the proposed project to overall /cumulative traffic growth in the area. The study identified 18 intersections that would be significantly impacted by cumulative growth with one -way operations and 19 significantly impacted intersection with two -way operations It should be pointed out that CEQA does not require a project to mitigate all cumulative growth, only its fare share contribution toward cumulative impacts. Based on the original project, the Draft EIR recommends a number of mitigation measures (B -1 through B -5) to reduce the number of vehicle trips associated with the proposed project and several potential roadway improvement projects (Mitigation measures B -6 though B -14) to improve the traffic flow at the intersections directly impacted by the proposed project. With one -way or two -way operations on the Nash - Douglas couplet, mitigation measures would include intersection improvements at Imperial Boulevard /Sepulveda Boulevard, El Segundo Boulevard /Sepulveda Boulevard With one -way operation of the Nash Douglas couple, ramp modifications to 1 -105 off -ramp at Nash Street, and on -ramp and intersection modifications to the 1 -105 on -ramp at Atwood Way would be required. With two-way operations of the Nash - Douglas couplet, intersection modifications at the 1 -105 on -ramp at Atwood Way and improvements at the intersection of El Segundo Boulevard /Douglas Street would be needed However, the study concluded that proposed mitigation measures B -9 and B -10, which affect the intersections of Sepulveda Boulevard / Rosecrans Avenue and Rosecrans Avenue /Aviation Boulevard, were not feasible due to right -of -way acquisition requirements that are not possible due to the location of existing buildings or structures. As a result, significant unavoidable project related traffic 22 344 comments received from the public by November 8, 2001, as well as written comments from the public, governmental agencies, and other interested parties during the public review period received by November 8, 2001, will be prepared and will be included in the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) As required by law, the responses to comments received by November 8, 2001 will be distributed to the public who request a copy and all responsible agencies who comment on the Draft EIR 10 days prior to the City Council hearing on the project. The City Council action will be to determine whether or not to certify the Environmental Impact Report and adopt a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Exhibit A — Attachment H). The City Council is scheduled to conduct a public hearing on the project on December 4, 2001. The Draft EIR analyzed a larger project than the reduced project currently being proposed by the applicant. The Draft EIR examined the environmental impacts of a project with a maximum permitted FAR of 1 15:1 The reduced project is 15 percent smaller than the project discussed in the Draft EIR. The mix of office commercial, R & D, light industrial, restaurants that are proposed in the reduced project is consistent with the mix of uses studied in the Draft EIR The Draft EIR studied the impact of a project with 2,000,000 gross square foot of office (approximately 80 percent) and 550,000 gross square feet of non - office uses. The environmental impacts for the proposed reduced project are within the scope of the project studied in the Draft EIR The discussion below is based on the larger project. More detailed analysis of the net change in impacts for the reduced project will be discussed in the Final EIR. Summary of EIR Conclusions Based on public comments in response to the Notice of Preparation and a review of environmental issues by staff, it was determined that the Draft EIR would analyze the following environmental impact areas. traffic, air quality, noise, geology and sods, cultural resources, hydrology and water quality, aesthetics, land use, pollution/housing /employment, hazardous materials, public services, and utilities The Draft EIR concluded that all potentially significant project related impacts identified in the Draft EIR, with the exception of traffic and air quality impacts, are at a less than significant level due to the application of relevant City policies and regulations and the imposition of project specific mitigation measures Table 1 -1 (page 1 -7) of the Draft EIR summarize the potential environmental impacts, the proposed mitigation measures, and the level of significance of each potential impact after mitigation. Below is a discussion of the environmental areas with significant unavoidable impacts Traffic As part of the Draft EIR, Crain & Associates prepared a Traffic Impact Study to analyze the potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed project. The Study analyzed the project traffic impacts on 28 intersections in the area, and factored in several planned roadway improvements, and other planned and approved projects in the area. These included major projects, such as the 21 343 project as creating a significant impact on the environment. Therefore, there is no nexus, as required by law, to require the undergrounding of off -site utility poles Staff has developed a draft condition of approval to address a number of traffic related issues raised by the Public Works Department. Condition No 54 requires the submittal of a Traffic, Circulation and Parking Plan for each building or project area to ensure implementation of site specific traffic designs that mitigate impacts of the final building designs. This would include warrant studies and deceleration lanes for intersections and driveway access points, including those on Atwood Way Staff will review the proposed condition to insure that all of the issues raised by the Public Works Department would be addressed in condition No 54. Condition No 62 requires City of Los Angeles approval for 1 -105 off - ramp restnping Draft condition No. 64 is intended to address the conversion of Nash - Douglas one -way couplet to two —way traffic The Los Angeles County Congestion Management Plan (CMP) requires a full Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) of the CMP Network when an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is prepared. Such TIA was prepared and incorporated into the EIR The project is proposed to be conditioned (condition No. 51) to require the balancing of all CMP debits and credits to insure that the proposed project does not cause the City to become non - compliant with regard to our credit balance The City could lose Gas Tax revenue from the State if a positive credit/debit balance was not maintained. Condition No 59 has been drafted to address the construction design and maintenance of the proposed private roadway, as suggested by the Public Works Department. The proposed project includes mitigation measures M.2 -1 and M.2 -2, as well as condition No.s 8, 84, 85 and 86 to require the use of reclaimed water for irrigation, when reclaimed water becomes available The Department of Public Works has also requested that the existing asphalt concrete paved raised median in Atwood way be landscaped. Staff has incorporated this request into condition No 6 of the draft resolution No. 2517 VIII. Environmental Review An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for this project pursuant to the requirements of CEQA The City hired the firm of Christopher A. Joseph and Associates (CAJA) to prepare the EIR The City independently reviewed all work products prepared by CAJA. Pursuant to CEQA requirements, a Notice of Preparation of the Draft EIR was prepared and circulated for public review from May 11, 2001 to June 11, 2001 The public review and comment period for the Draft EIR extends from September 24, 2001 to November 8, 2001. In accordance with the City's local CEQA guidelines (City Council Resolution No 3805), the Planning Commission is conducting a public hearing on October 25, November 8, and 17, 2001, to take public testimony on the Draft EIR and make recommendations to the City council. Revisions to the Draft EIR, responses to 20 342 DEPARTMENT COMMENT The Public works Department requested that the Atwood Way median be landscaped and that the power poles along Manposa, Nash and Douglas Streets be undergrounded by the applicant to improve aesthetics Traffic comments were related to insuring internal roadways comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), verifying that permits from adjacent agencies and Caltrans are required, questioning the feasibility of mitigation measure B -9 to add a Public Works fourth through lane to southbound Sepulveda Boulevard at the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue, commenting on the impact of conversion of Nash - Douglas streets to two -way traffic, recommending elimination of Atwood Way driveways, and requesting analysis of DuleylManposa intersection Other comments pertained to requesting the use of reclaimed water for landscaping, ensuring Congestion Management Plan conformance by balancing debits /credits, and requesting handicap accessibility be reviewed for all public sidewalks This report incorporates all the interdepartmental comments received as of November 9, 2001 (Exhibit C). Additional comments from public agencies and other interested parties are attached as Exhibit D As additional comments are received before the November 15, 2001 public hearing, they will be forwarded to the Commission in a Supplemental Staff Report The City's environmental consultant, Christopher A Joseph and Associates will provide a list of all revisions to the Draft EIR and written responses to all comments received by November 8, 2001, in the Final EIR prior to review by the City Council. Staff has incorporated all of the Budding Safety Manager's comments into the draft conditions of approval The Police Department's comments have been incorporated by reference into the draft conditions of approval (No. 24) as part of Draft Resolution No 2517 A strategic security plan, as required by mitigation measures No L 1 -2, will also address the security issues raised by the Police Department. The Fire Department's comments have been incorporated by reference into condition of approval No 15 The Department of Public Works commented that Atwood Way should be landscaped and utility poles along Manposa Avenue, and Nash and Douglas Streets around the project should be placed underground at the applicant's expense to improve aesthetics The poles are owned by Southern California Edison and the applicant is not required to improve the aesthetics in the public right -of -way Additionally, the Draft EIR did not identify aesthetics created by the 19 341 VII. Inter - Departmental Comments INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS DEPARTMENT COMMENT City Manager' Office None received as of November 9, 2001 The Building Safety Division commented that all buildings located next to parcel lines shall meet the Uniform Building Building Safety Code requirements for exterior wall and opening protection, that geotechnical reports for all buildings will be required, all buildings will require fire sprinklers, accessible path of travel shall be provided between all parcels and structures, and an on -site inspection trader shall be required for City staff during construction The Department of Recreation and Parks commented that Recreation and Parks Alternative Project E in the DEIR should indicate the one -acre fire station land would be separate and not included within the five -acre park The Police Department commented that since the project was still in the conceptual stage of design, specific safety and security recommendations could not be made yet They also provided a checklist of standard comments related to lighting, Police addressing, entrances, landscaping, door and window hardware, walls, dumpsters, parking areas, ladders, dock areas, security cameras, site directories, pools, telephones, alarms, security personnel, and other security details The Traffic Division commented on the need for adequate parking, loading dock access, and street ingress and egress Finance None received as of November 9, 2001 The Fire Department provided comments related to Fire requirements for fire mains and hydrants, emergency vehicle access, automatic fire extinguisher systems, fire alarm systems, high -rise budding requirements, exits and exit signs, and possible locations of Fire Station No 2 Library None received as of November 9, 2001 340 18 MU -N ZONE REQUIREMENTS STANDARDS (Street Side) 30' min Rear (interior) 5' min. (Street Side) 30' mm Landscaping a) Vehicular - 5% of VUA Use Area b) Budding - 5' min. perimeter c) Property Fully Landscaped perimeter CORPORATE CAMPUS PROPOSED SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT * 15' mm 15' mm * ** 5' min. 5' mm. * ** 15' min 15' mm * ** 5% of VUA 5% min 5' min 5' min. Fully landscaped Fully Landscaped Parking Spaces 6,322 spaces 6,332 spaces 7,685 spaces * While the overall FAR in the Corporate Campus Specific Plan would not be permitted to exceed 0.991, individual parcels within the plan area could exceed 0 99 1 as long as the overall FAR was not exceeded ** Not all parcels within the Corporate Campus Specific Plan would have street frontage on a public roadway. Parcel No s 3, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 would have a minimum of 100 feet of frontage along one of the internal private roadways. These roadways will be required to be maintained for the required public access to the internal parcels ** *The Corporate Campus Specific Plan would require setbacks adjacent to the four perimeter public roadways to be a minimum of 15 feet. Additionally a 15 foot setback from all the internal private roadway curbs is proposed. Other interior property line setbacks would be a minimum of 5 feet Due to the conceptual nature of the proposed plans, and the possibility that the final building locations and configurations may be different than depicted on the proposed site plan, conformance with all of the development standards will be required prior to the issuance of each budding permit 17 339 Pubic Safety Public Safety Element Policy PS6 -1.2 to continue efforts to reduce fire hazards would be furthered by including a one -acre fire station site as part of the proposed project, thereby allowing the relocation of Fire Station No. 2 to a new state -of -the -art facility within the project site A new fire station located within the project site would also improve already outstanding emergency response times and strengthen the City's ability to respond to earthquake and other emergencies (Policy CN7 -1.4). Hazardous Materials and Waste Management As a re -use of a previously developed industrial site, that has been remediated to the satisfaction of the appropriate regulatory agencies and does not pose any health hazard to employees, patrons or visitors to the site, the project is consistent with Policy HM3 -1 1 requiring compliance with hazardous materials handling laws. Mitigation measure K -1 will ensure that all future uses of hazardous materials on the project site are handled in accordance with applicable safety regulations Zoning Consistency The following table compares the proposed site development standards in the Corporate Campus Specific Plan to the current MU -N Zone and compares the proposed project against the proposed standards Where specific standards are not provided within the Corporate Campus Specific Plan, the requirements of the El Segundo Zoning Code would apply CORPORATE MU -N ZONE CAMPUS PROPOSED REQUIREMENTS STANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT Building Area 1.3.1 FAR 0.99 1 overall 0 00.1 to (Floor Area Ratio) 5.75 FAR* Lot Area 10,000 s.f. min. 10,000 s f. min. 22,651 s f min. Street Frontage 100' mm 100' min. 102' min ** Building Height 175' max 175' max 175' max Setbacks Front 30' min 15' mm 15' min. * ** Side (Interior) 25' min 5' min 5' mm. * ** 16 3? R soccer and baseball fields, which would expand the recreational opportunities for residents and employees in the City (Goal OS1, Objective OS1 -11) In accordance with California Government Code § 65402, the location, purpose and extent of the acquisition of the five -acres of parkland is in conformance with the General Plan Air Quali The implementation of transportation demand management programs, as required by mitigation measures B -1 (TDM measures), B -2 (shuttle bus), B -3 (bike station), B-4 (bike amenities), and B -5 (centralized TMO), and as required by Chapters 15 -16 and 15 -17 of the El Segundo Municipal Code will demonstrate compliance with air quality objectives to encourage alternative commuting strategies (AQ1 -1), reduce vehicle trips (AQ3 -1 1, AQ3 -1 2), and promote non - motorized transportation (AQ4 -1 1) Approximately $3,700,000 in Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees and in lieu mitigation measures are required by City regulation to offset development impacts (AQ5 -1.2) related to the reduced project The applicant, as required by mitigation measure B -2 (AQ9 -1.3), will provide a shuttle bus to the City to provide transportation to the Green Line and downtown The applicant has also agreed to provide a second shuttle bus to the City The proposed project is consistent with the City's policy requiring new developments to meet or exceed SCAQMD requirements for PM -10 emissions (Policy AQ10 -1.3) Mitigation measure M.5 -1 provides that the proposed project will incorporate energy conservation features (i e., motion - sensitive light activation switches, etc.) consistent with City (Policy AQ12 -1.2). For further analysis of air quality impacts, refer to Section Vill of this report Noise Implementation of the proposed project, subject to mitigation measures D -1, D -2, and D -3, which address construction hours, equipment mufflers, and construction equipment staging, will be consistent with relevant policies of the City's Noise Element (Policies N1 -2 1 and N1 -3 1) Conservation The proposed project is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Conservation Element Specifically, the construction of plumbing to accommodate the use of reclaimed water for irrigation systems, when available, and the application of the City's Water Conservation in Landscape regulations (Title 10- Chapter 2 of the EI Segundo Municipal Code), as required by mitigation measure M.2 -1 and M.2 -2 and condition of approval No. 8, 84, 85 and 86, would be consistent and further Policies CN2 -7, CN2 -12 Condition No. 85 requires the use of low -flow water fixtures as required by Policy CN2 -5. The project would provide a comprehensive and coordinated design of the entire project site, including landscape amenities to substantially improve the aesthetic appearance of the site and the surrounding area as encouraged by Policy CN5 -6. 15 337 safety Code regulations, as well as all seismic safety, water, noise, and air standards be adhered to (LU4 -1 2 and LU4 -1.4) Circulation The proposed project is consistent with the policies of the City's Circulation Element Consistent with mitigation measure B -1, B -2, B -3, and B-4, the Proposed project provides pedestrian and bicycle access to the site and storage facilities and shower and clothes change facilities (Policies C2 -2 2 and C3 -1 7) The project will have sidewalks around the perimeter, walkways along all the internal roadways, and other internal pedestrian walkways with linkages to surrounding properties and public transit stops (C2 -1.3, C2 -1 6, and C2 -3 3) The proposed project will adhere to any applicable regulations regarding preferential parking areas or promotion of nde share (Policy C2 -5.1). The proposed project will provide sufficient on -site parking and loading (Policy C3 -2.1 and C1 -3.2) as required by the El Segundo Municipal Code The internal roadways will be a minimum of 37 feet wide, which meets all applicable emergency vehicle access standards (C1 -1.8) Implementation of mitigation measures B -1, B -2, B -3, and B-4 will ensure that pedestrian and bicycle impacts, as well as parking related impacts, as they relate to the General Plan, will be mitigated to less than significant levels Policies C3 -1.1 and C3 -1 5 of the General Plan require all project- related transportation impacts to be mitigated, where feasible, by the developer. The traffic impact study identified a number of intersections in the City that would require mitigation and identified mitigation measures to address the traffic impacts However, because two of the proposed mitigation measures are infeasible due to right -of -way constraints, not all traffic impacts can be mitigated to an insignificant level. In order for the City to approve the project with significant impacts, the City Council must adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations finding that there are positive aspects of the project, that when taken as a whole, outweigh the unavoidable negative environmental impacts. A Statement of Overriding Considerations would indicate that all feasible mitigation measures were incorporated into the project. As an alternative to a Statement of Overriding Considerations, the applicant would have to develop other feasible mitigation measures that could be incorporated into the project as part of the Final Environmental Impact Report and reduce the identified impacts to a level of insignificance. For further analysis of traffic impacts, refer to Section IX of this report Open Space and Recreation Implementation of the proposed project will meet the policies of the City's Open Space and Recreation Element as it provides recreational facilities, including a health club and walking paths (Policies OS1 -2.3 and OS1 -2.5, OS1 -2.8). Parcel 21, 23, and 26which equal 2.73- acres, would be devoted entirely to passive open space use with a water feature. The reduced project also incorporates five -acres in the southeast comer of the property for public recreational facilities such as 14 3,F Implementation of the proposed project will meet relevant goals and policies with regard to the Land Use Element The project would have multiple tenants, retail uses, probably restaurants, and other uses which would "provide synergistic relationships which have the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impact, and encourage pedestrian environments" as envisioned by General Plan Land Use Objective LU4-4 Staff believes that these characteristics contribute to the mixed -use nature for the project As conditioned, staff believes that the proposed uses on the 46 53 -acre parcel is a mixed -use project as envisioned in the General Plan for the property provided the non - office use has approximately 435,000 square feet or a minimum of 20 percent of the square footage proposed. The proposed project would provide "high quality retail facilities in proximity to major employment centers" (Objective LU4 -1). The project would "encourage retail uses, where appropriate, on the ground floor of Urban Mixed -Use and corporate offices .." (Policy LU4 -3.1) and would be a "mixed -use developments within one - quarter mile of the Green Line Stations" encouraged by Policy LU4 - 3.2 Objective LU4-4 contains a number of Policies, specifically, LU4-4 3, LU44 4, LU44 6, and LU4-4 8, which discuss the promotion of mixed -use projects in the Urban Mixed -Use Zone While the project would change the Urban Mixed -Use North Zone to the Corporate Campus Specific Plan, the mix of uses is consistent with the Mixed -Use North designation. Therefore, the land use policies that apply to the Mixed -Use designation would apply to the project as well. The proximity of the existing Norwalk-El Segundo MTA Green Line stations will encourage employee utilization of this transportation facility and will provide a viable alternative to commuting by automobile The applicant shall also construct a Bike Station next to the Manposa -Nash Green Line station (mitigation measure No B-4) to support alternative commuting (Policies LU4 -3.2, LU4 -3.4, LU44.7, and C3 -1.2, and Objective AQ3 -1). The project has been designed to provide the higher density buildings within a one - quarter mile radius of the Mariposa - Nash Green Line station to facilitate public transit use. Commercial uses have also been concentrated along the west side of the project nearest the Green Line station (LU 4-4 4 and LU 4-4.6) The proposed project will be accessible by other public transit (i.e , bus service, and the MTA Blue Line) and provide a shuttle van to the City for expanded public transit uses (mitigation measure No B -2). As provided in condition of approval No. 6, the proposed project will include landscaping throughout all project areas that will meet coverage requirements of the City (Policy LU4 -1.1 and LU4 -3.6). The proposed project will be required to have strategic safety plans (MM L 1 -2) and a fire life safety plan (MM L.2 -2) in place, as well as a fire station site adjacent to the project (LU 7 -1 1 and LU 7- 1 2) All on -site utilities will be placed underground (LU7 -2.3). The potential cogeneration facility and electrical substation would be incorporated into the budding architecture and screened to not detract from the appearance of the project (LU7 -2 5) The EI Segundo Municipal Code requires that all health and 13 33 Therefore, the project meets the fob creation Objective (ED1 -2) in the General Plan. Policies ED1 -2 1 and ED1 -2.2, both seek to promote land uses, which improve the City's retail and commercial tax base Since the stated purpose of the Corporate Campus Specific Plan Land Use Designation is to provide a mix of compatible commercial, offices, research and development, retail, and hotel uses, it is appropriate to examine the potential fiscal impacts of the proposed project and compare them with other potential uses of the property This will enable the Commission to determine if the fiscal impact might be similar to land uses, which promote growth and diversification of the tax base. The Fiscal Impact Analysis shows that the fiscal benefits for the City would be consistent with the estimates that were prepared for the Grand Avenue Corporate Center (GACC) The applicant for the proposed project prepared a Fiscal Impact Analysis. The Fiscal Impact Analysis for the proposed project concluded that the project could generate an annual marginal fiscal benefit (project versus existing conditions) of $1,389,100 This compares favorably to the $838,900 marginal fiscal benefit estimated for the GACC (Plan B), which was a similar mixed -use project on half the amount of land (23- acres) as the proposed project. Staff has independently reviewed the assumptions used in the applicant's fiscal impact analysis and agrees that they are consistent with the assumptions used in the City's own fiscal model to determine the revenues and costs associated with the project. The proposed project meets the City's policy of seeking balance between enhanced economic development and available resources and infrastructure capacity (Policies ED1 -2.3 and LU7 -1.2) As adequate resources are currently available within the City to serve the proposed project, as supported by the Draft EIR, a substantial new commitment of resources or infrastructure is not required The project also proposes several roadway improvements to ensure that the project would not overburden the existing roadway infrastructure. A fire station site will be dedicated to the City to further improve public services. Based on this, staff believes that the proposed project is consistent with Policy ED1 -2.3. Land Use Staff has determined that the project, as proposed and as conditioned, is a mixed -use project, as contemplated by the General Plan. The reduced project would include approximately 108,000 gross square feet of commercial uses such as retail sales and service, day care, health club Research and development and telecommunications /web hosting would comprise 165,000 gross square feet There would be approximately 75,000 gross square feet of restaurants. A 87,000 gross square foot hotel is also included in the mix of use in addition to the 1,740,000 gross square feet of office uses. Any combination of these other uses would contribute to a diversification of the mixed -use nature of the project. t2 334 The Urban Mixed -Use North land use designation is also intended to "allow for the flexibility of uses near the three existing, Green tine transit stations " The proposed project would change the designation of the project site to Corporate Campus Specific plan This new designation seeks a range of uses, which promote employment and diversity The proposed project and its consistency with relevant Element Goals, Objectives and Policies of the City of El Segundo General Plan are discussed below Economic Development The General Plan also contains a number of relevant Goals, Objectives, and Policies in the Economic Development Element The goal of Objective ED1 -1 is building "support and cooperation among the City of El Segundo and its businesses and residential communities for the mutual benefits derived from the maintenance and expansion of El Segundo's economic base ". Staff believes the benefits of the development will be shared and supported by all constituencies in the City Staff believes the proposed protect also provides benefits for the applicant with important benefits for the community as a whole. The development will provide significant -fiscal benefit to the City, A Fiscal Impact Analysis has been prepared for the project to estimate the fiscal benefits to the City The analysis is attached to this report (Exhibit B). According to Policy ED1 -1.2, long -run efforts for economic development should focus on "diversification of El Segundo's economic base in order to meet quality of life goals " Staff is of the opinion that the project will add to the diversification of the economic base in the City by providing for a mix of permissible uses and requiring at least 20 percent of the uses be non - office The proposed telecommunications /web hosting use may serve as a catalyst for other internet related companies to choose El Segundo as a location for their business operations Objective ED1 -2 also directs diversification of the economic base "on targeted industries that meet the City's criteria for job creation, growth potential, fiscal impact and fit with local resources." The City's Economic Development Advisory Council (EDAC) prepared a list of targeted industries, which was approved by the City Council These industries are eligible for certain financial incentives because they meet the criteria described in Objective ED1 -2 The research and development and telecommunications /web hosting uses would be on the list of targeted industries that the City is recruiting in order to meet its diversification efforts Therefore, the proposed protect does meet the diversification criteria established in the General Plan, by the EDAC, and the City Council. Due to the City's tax structure, a significant portion of the fiscal benefit derived from most proposed development would be attributed to the number of employees in a new development The reduced project is proposed to generate approximately 6,722 full time jobs in El Segundo if developed as proposed. 11 31.s The proposed Development Agreement establishes the permitted uses for the proposed project and minimum and maximum floor areas for certain types of uses as well. The proposed Development Agreement sets a nine -year duration of the Agreement, which is consistent with the proposed phasing plan for the project. The developer would also be entitled to request a five -year extension, subject to the approval of the City Council. Typical Development Agreements approved by the City, including the Agreement for the Grand Avenue Corporate Center, have set terms with a similar length One provision of the Development Agreement provides for the dedication of approximately one -acre of the property to the City for the construction of a planned fire station to replace existing Fire Station No 2. An exact location for the proposed fire station parcel has not yet been identified. On the concept site plan, it is shown on Parcel No 11 at the southeast comer of the property The Development Agreement would allow the applicant to forego payment of the standard $0.14 per square foot fire service mitigation fee in consideration for the dedication of one -acre of land, appraised at approximately $1,880,000 The fire service mitigation fee would have been approximately $304,500. The Development Agreement would allow the applicant to offset a portion of the cost of construction of the Maple Avenue extension and the Atwood Way 1 -105 Freeway on -ramp extension (Streets "A" and "B" on the Tract Map) and other off - site mitigation measures against the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee that is required. The Development Agreement contains Section 3.1, which stipulates that the Agreement is conditioned on the applicant's acquisition of the property. If TPG -E1 Segundo, LLC does not purchase the property by January 1, 2006, all entitlements granted as part of the project approval would be voided The entitlements would not transfer to the current property owner, Federal Express Corporation, or any other party. The City and the applicant have completed negotiations on the substantial issues in the proposed Development Agreement. There may be minor modifications made to the agreement to clarify provisions before the proposal would be presented to the City Council for consideration All of the provisions of the proposed Development Agreement are recommendations by staff for Planning Commission recommendation and City Council approval Vi. General Plan Consistency The El Segundo General Plan land use designation for the proposed project is currently Urban Mixed -Use North, This Urban Mixed -Use North designation was originally adopted as the Urban Mixed -Use (MU) designation in 1993 for purposes of changing the future land use patterns to seek a "mixture of office, research and development, retail and hotel uses rather than industrial type uses 10 332 Utilities Additionally, to partially offset the potential power needs of the proposed project, an on -site power generation facility may be included in the project. If this component were included, it would occupy a portion of one of the parking structures Such a power plant would be an approximately 15- megawatt, gas turbine based, combined -cycle cogeneration facility, which would supply power to all of the buildings in the project The facility would be subject to permitting and regulatory requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District The Draft Environmental Impact Report (Page II -9) contains a more detailed description. If a large telecommunications /web hosting facility is included in the project under the permitted mix of uses, an onsite electrical substation may be required due to the unusually high electricity demands of such uses. The proposed subdivision, which is based on the conceptual site plan, includes 26 separate parcels of land ranging from 0 52- to 5.83 -acres Minimum parcel sizes in the Corporate Campus Specific Plan are consistent with the MU -N Zone All the proposed parcels would comply with the 10,000 square foot lot area minimum Each parcel would provide access to either one of the perimeter street public rights -of -way or one of the proposed private internal roadways The Corporate Campus Specific Plan would not require all parcels to abut public streets, as is the case in the MU -N Zone. All of the internal private roadways will be required to be maintained for public access through the recording of covenants or easements Parkin Parking is proposed to be provided primarily within five on -site parking structures varying from seven to nine levels in height. As indicated on the site plan, each structure would be sized to provide the required parking for the buildings assigned to each structure A total of 7,453 parking spaces are proposed in the five parking structures. Additionally, 232 surface parking spaces would be provided throughout the site, primarily adjacent to the commercial and restaurant portions of the project Based upon the parking requirements contained in the Zoning Code, a total of 6,332 parking spaces would be required A surplus of 1,353 parking spaces is proposed. The actual parking requirements depend on the eventual breakdown of the mix of uses that are constructed Development Agreement The proposed Development Agreement would also require the applicant to provide the required parking for the parkland within adjacent parking structures on the project site on a shared -use basis By agreeing to this requirement, the City will be saved the cost of construction parking spaces on the park site, saving approximately $7,000 - 12,000 per parking space, excluding land costs, and enabling the full five -acres to be devoted to recreational uses 9 3'�j Fire Station Site The project site would also include a fire station site, approximately 1.0 -acre in size to be dedicated to the City The final fire station location is yet to be determined The site is currently depicted on Parcel No 11 on the southeast comer of the protect at the intersection of Douglas Street and Manposa Avenue. Fire Station No. 2, currently at the comer of Nash Street and El Segundo Boulevard would be relocated to this new location. Park Site The project also includes the City purchase of approximately five -acres of the property (Parcels 10, 11, 12, and 13) in the southeast corner for use as a public recreational facility The land would be used for such things as soccer and softball fields The actual design of the recreational facilities and the amenities to be provided would be determined by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Through the Development Agreement, the purchase price of the parkland would be a total of $5,000,000 ($1,000,000 per acre) This equals $22 95 per square foot The City had an independent appraisal performed, which estimated the fair market value of the land to be $1,880,000 per acre or $37.50 per square foot Internal Roadways The proposed project would also include the construction of internal roadways to facilitate vehicle and pedestrian movements within and through the property. As depicted on the proposed site plan, a portion of this internal road system would link to the 1 -105 Freeway on -ramp at Atwood Way, another segment would serve as an extension of Maple Avenue, and a portion would intersect with Duley Road on the Manposa Avenue side of the protect site The Maple Avenue extension ( "A" Street on Tentative Tract Map) and connector road to 1 -105 on ramp at Atwood Way ( "B" Street on Tentative Tract Map) would be designed to meet full public roadway widths defined in the Circulation Element of the General Plan By constructing these roadways to meet full public roadway standards, the developer would be eligible to offset a portion of the cost of construction against the traffic mitigation fees that would be paid for the project, since these two roadways would improve traffic circulation for the area, in addition to serving the protect. The remaining internal private roads would be slightly narrower than public roadway widths and are intended as typical collector roadway that would not tend to serve through traffic. As private roads, the applicant would be required to provide all maintenance on the roads. The applicant will be required to record public access easements on all the internal private roadways to insure access is provided to all parcels. No parking would be permitted along the internal private roadways. 8 33() Parcel Bldg. No Acres Office Area R &O/ Telecom Hotel/ Conf Retail Area Restaurant Total Area FAR No 17 None 052 000 000 18 1 074 6,000 8,000 14,000 040 19 9, G 1 83 172,000 9,000 6,000 187,000 216 20 10, H 177 155,000 4,000 6.000 165,000 197 21 None 081 000 000 22 5, B 105 279,000 7,000 286,000 575 23 None 094 000 000 24 6 192 215,000 215,000 237 25 11 1 56 289,000 289,000 391 26 None 1 01 000 000 TOTALS 46.53 1,740,000 165,000 87,000 108,000 75,000 2,175,000 0.99 Phasing The proposed project would be built in ten phases over seven years with construction expected to begin in 2002 and completion in 2009. The particular budding to be built in each phase would depend on market conditions at the time Each phase is currently expected to begin approximately 18 months apart A proposed phasing plan is included in the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Page II -11) This project description acknowledges that there are a variety of options and site plan configurations, which may ultimately be developed within the overall development envelope for the proposed El Segundo Corporate Campus Project The Project Description defines the project as to include several land uses including. office, retail, hotel /conference, telecommunications /web hosting, health club, restaurant, and day care The Corporate Campus Specific Plan would allow a maximum of 80 percent of the floor area (1,740,000 gross square feet) to be developed with office uses The remaining 20 percent (435,000 gross square feet) would be required to be non - office uses permitted in the Corporate Campus Specific Plan, such as commercial, retail, and light industrial uses. Such a proportional mix of uses would be consistent with the other projects approved by the City in the MU -N Zone. The Grand Avenue Corporate Center (EA No. 430), the Proficiency Capital seven -story building addition (EA No. 539), and the Douglas Technology Centre (EA No 530) were all conditioned to require a minimum of 20 percent non -office uses to ensure a mix of uses as required by the zone 3 ?9 7 as the five -acres to be purchased by the City for parkland would not be deducted from the site area for FAR purposes. The Corporate Campus Specific Plan would provide for the transfer of density rights within the plan area. As a result, FARs on individual parcels may range from approximately 0.00.1 to 5.75:1. Eleven of the proposed parcels would have no FAR at all because two parcels (No. 5 and 9) would only contain parking structures, two parcels (No 1, and 17) would only contain surface parking lots, another three parcels (No 21, 23, and 26) would contain common open space areas, and four parcels (No 10, 11, 12, and 13) represent the location of the proposed fire station site and the five -acre recreational site Any donor parcels for FAR purposes will have covenants recorded stating the maximum FAR permitted on the parcel. However, the Corporate Campus Specific Plan would prohibit the overall FAR to exceed 0.99:1. For reference purposes, the maximum allowed FAR in the MU -N Zone is 1.30:1 The following table provides a breakdown of the proposed uses by parcel. Parcel No Bldg. No. Acres Office Area R &D/ Telecom. Hotel/ Conf. Retail Area Restaurant Total Area FAR 1 None 095 000 000 2 E, F, G-4 583 87,000 44,000 10,000 141,000 051 3 3 164 187,000 187,000 241 4 A 072 10,000 10,000 029 5 G -1 267 000 6 1,M 087 65,000 7,000 72,000 175 7 2, L 1 53 100,000 4,000 8,000 112,000 1 55 8 4 136 109,000 109,000 169 9 G -2 281 000 000 10 Park/Fire Station 1 000 0 00 11 Park/Fire Station 314 000 000 12 Statioire Station 1 52 0.00 000 13 Park/Fire Station 055 000 000 14 13 231 122,000 122,000 1 12 15 12, K 248 212,000 4,000 8,000 224,000 191 16 J, G -5 466 30,000 12,000 42,000 019 6 3'8 Uses east and southeast of the proposed project site across Douglas Street include multi -story facilities for Northrop - Grumman and the Los Angeles Air Force Base ( LAAFB). These properties were zoned M -1 and M -2 prior to the creation of the Urban Mixed -Use Zoning designation The LAAFB is currently zoned Public Facilities (P -F) These two developments predate any zoning for the properties on which they are located An 11 -acre parcel owned by Overton Moore Properties with a 216,000 square foot office and industrial building under construction, the Microcraft Tnsonic Wind Tunnel, and various airline industry- related facilities are located immediately south of the site. These properties are also currently zoned MU -N, but were also zoned M -2 prior to the 1993 zone change amendment Southwest of the site are also a hotel, recreational /sports training facility, and office building built as part of the Grand Avenue Corporate Center (GACC) 23- acre, mixed -use project approved in 1998 The GACC was approved and developed under the current MU -N Zoning. About a quarter of a mile to the east, across Aviation Boulevard, and two- thirds of a mile to the west across Sepulveda Boulevard are primarily residential uses with pockets of supporting retail and commercial development Land Use Zone North: Office MU -N South: Office, industrial MU -N East: Light Industrial MU -N West: Light Industrial, Office M -1, MU -N Protect Characteristics Density The applicant proposes a mixed -use development program that will accommodate a range of uses and budding square footage The uses proposed in the Corporate Campus Specific Plan are consistent with the uses provided in the MU -N Zone and the MMO Zone The only use excluded from the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan that is permitted in the MU -N and MMO zones is drive -thru restaurant uses. The proposed reduced project would permit up to 2 175 million ra oss square feet of built area on approximately 46.53- grossacres of land The net floor area, as defined in Section 15 -1 -6 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, would be a maximum of 2.00 million square feet Based on the net floor area, the overall development floor -to -area ratio (FAR) for the reduced project would be 0 99.1 The 0.99 1 FAR would exclude the fire station building (approximately 14,400 square feet) and any community buildings (i.e., restrooms, maintenance buildings, snack shop) that would be located on the five - acre park site For purposes of the proposed project, the FAR would be based on the entire 46.53 -acre site. The land to be dedicated for the fire station, as well 5 3 ?7 Assessment No 415), which was an approximately 1,500,000 square foot mixed use project, was withdrawn by the previous applicant prior to a Planning Commission public hearing. On October 25, 2001, the Planning Commission opened the public hearing on the pending applications, took public testimony on the project and continued the public hearing until the November 8, 2001 meeting. On November 8, the Commission reopened the public hearing, took additional testimony and continued the public hearing until a special meeting on November 15, 2001, at 6.00 p.m V. Analysis Site Description and Surroundi_nq Land Uses The proposed project site, formerly occupied by Rockwell International, is located in the City of El Segundo at the southwestern edge of the Los Angeles coastal basin, approximately 0.5 miles south of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The proposed project site is situated slightly more than one -mile inland (east) from the Pacific Ocean The City of Los Angeles' territorial boundary is a few blocks to the north of the proposed project site. The proposed project site is bounded by Douglas Street on the east, Nash Street on the west, Mariposa Avenue on the south, and Atwood Way on the north. Additionally, the elevated Metro Green Line runs along the north of the property, turning south across the northwest portion of the property, and continues south along the west side of Nash Street adjacent to the project site The property is designated by the City of El Segundo General Plan Land Use Element as Urban Mixed -Use North, and, zoned Urban Mixed Use -North (MU -N) The property also is within the Multimedia Overlay (MMO) zone. Rockwell international used the property from 1953 to 1990 to manufacture metals and composite aircraft parts During that time, numerous buildings and underground storage tanks were located on the site. The proposed project site has remained as level, unimproved land since 1992 when Rockwell International demolished their facilities on the site and remediated the ground contamination that existed on -site. In 1997, the California Environmental Protection Agency issued a determination that no appreciable health, safety or hazard risk remained on the property Mid- and high -rise office buildings with multi- storied parking structures are located along Imperial Highway, immediately north of the proposed project site, across Atwood Way. These properties are zoned MU -N. Light industrial and office uses predominate in areas southwest of the site. These areas were zoned Heavy Industrial (M -2) and Commercial- Manufacturing (C -M) when originally developed prior to the 1993 zoning change amendment, which re- designated these properties as Urban Mixed -Use Zoning. This 1993 zone change implemented the new land use designations adopted in the 1992 General Plan. These areas are now zoned MU -N and Corporate Office (CO) 4 32.6 IV (MU -N) Zone for the property and establish specific permitted uses and development standards for the project (Exhibit A - Attachment B). 3) Development Agreement No. 98 -1 (DA No. 98 -1) - A nine -year Development Agreement (Exhibit A — Attachment G) is proposed to allow the developer sufficient time to build the project and provide a mechanism for the dedication of a one -acre portion of the property to the City for a Fire Station site and City purchase of a five -acre portion of the property for a public park 4) General Plan Amendment No. 01 -2 (GPA No. 01 -2) — A General Plan amendment is requested in order to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan to re- designate the project site from Urban Mixed -Use North to Corporate Campus Specific Plan 5) Zone Change No. 01 -1 (ZC No. 01 -1) — An amendment to the Zoning Map is required to change the zoning for the project from Urban Mixed -Use North to Corporate Campus Specific Plan (CCSP) 6) Zone Text Amendment No. 01 -1 (ZTA No. 01 -1) - An amendment to Section 15 -3 -2 of the El Segundo Municipal Code is required to list the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan as one of the specific plan zones within the City 7) Administrative Use Permit No. 014 (AUP No. 01 -1) - An Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license is required for the on -site sale and consumption of alcohol in the restaurant and cafe facilities located throughout the project, as well as in room self service and bars in the hotel rooms 8) Subdivision No. 01 -5 (SUB No. 01 -5) - Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 53570. Twenty-six lot subdivision with parcels ranging in size from approximately 0.52- to 5 83 -acres The project site is currently comprised of eight separate legal parcels All eight applications require review and recommendations by the Planning Commission The City Council will take final action on all the applications Background There are currently no entitlements in place for development on the proposed site On June 25, 1999, the Planning Commission denied a Conditional Use Permit (EA No 415, CUP No 97-4) application for Federal Express Corporation to construct a freight forwarding operation on the entire property Subsequent to that action, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1313 to amend the MU -N Zone to prohibit new freight forwarding uses in MU -N Zone Staff also reviewed another project similar to the proposed El Segundo Corporate Campus in 2000 The El Segundo Media Center (Environmental 3?5 for alternative mixes of non - office uses within the 20 percent requirement The current Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone allows a 1.3 1 net FAR The applicant has proposed to revise the size of the project in response to concerns from the community and City staff. The reduced project now being requested for consideration by the applicant represents a 375,000 gross square foot (approximately 15 percent) reduction in project size from that was originally submitted and analyzed in the Draft Environmental Impact Report The proposed reduced project includes a total gross floor area of 2,175,000 square feet. This includes approximately 1,740,000 gross square feet of offices comprising approximately 80 percent of the project. A mix of commercial and industrial uses consisting of approximately 100,000 gross square feet of research & development/light industrial, 65,000 gross square feet of telecommunications /web hosting, 75,000 gross square feet of retail, 75,000 gross square feet of restaurants, a 19,000 gross square foot health club, 87,000 gross square feet of hotel /conference facilities, 7,000 gross square feet of medical /dental offices, and a 7,000 gross square foot day care center would comprise a minimum of approximately 20 percent of the total building area. The CCSP would also allow for alternative mixes of non - office uses within the 20 percent requirement. The reduced proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan (CCSP) would allow a maximum overall floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.99:1, based on a maximum net floor area of 2,000,000 square feet II. Recommendation Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the facts as contained within this report, and adopt Resolution No. 2517 (Exhibit A) recommending that the City Council approve Environmental Assessment No 548, Specific Plan No 01 -1, Development Agreement No 01 -1, General Plan Amendment No 01 -2, Zone Change No. 01 -1, Zone Text Amendment No. 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No 01 -1, and Subdivision No. 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 53570) with conditions for the reduced project. III. Proiect Description The following applications are proposed. 1) Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) - An Environmental Impact Report is proposed for this project pursuant to the requirements of CEQA. The public review and comment period for the Environmental Document extends from September 24, 2001 to November 8, 2001 2) Specific Plan No. 01 -1 (SP No. 01 -1) - The proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan (CCSP) would replace the existing Urban Mixed -Use North 2 324 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PUBLIC HEARING: November 15, 2001 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. 548, Specific Plan No. 01 -1. Zone Text Amendment No. 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No. 01 -1. and Subdivision No. 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No. 53570 APPLICANT: TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC PROPERTY OWNER: Federal Express Corporation REQUEST: 2,175,000 Square Foot Mixed -Use Development El Segundo Corporate Campus PROPERTY INVOLVED: 700 and 800 Block North Nash Street (former Rockwell site) Introduction The Planning Division has received the above request to approve a Specific Plan and a nine -year Development Agreement between the City and the applicant for a 2,550,000 gross square foot mixed -use project to be located on a vacant 46 53 -acre former Rockwell International property bounded by Nash and Douglas Streets, Manposa Avenue, and Atwood Way. The property is located in the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone The project is called the El Segundo Corporate Campus. The proposed project includes approximately 2,000,000 square feet of offices comprising approximately 80 percent of the project. A mix of commercial and industrial uses consisting of approximately 100,000 square feet of R & D /light industrial, 75,000 square feet of telecommunicationslweb hosting, 153,000 square feet of retail, 82,000 square feet of restaurants, a 20,000 square foot health club, 100,000 square feet of hotel /conference facilities, 10,000 square feet of medical /dental offices, and a 10,000 square foot day care center would comprise a minimum of approximately 20 percent of the total building area The proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan (CCSP) would allow a maximum overall floor area ratio (FAR) of 1 15:1, based on a maximum net floor area of 2,350,000 square feet The CCSP would also allow 323 NOV 29 '01 11 31AM y -U � � F m � 3 U � U C U G cd y C U � N W 4 OC m n y y V H C � � Ir 0 � h V •� O O h 7 N N U O " A 2 V � DUD H V y Uri O y O y � w U od = °z 0 U u u - R U U O rq NOU -29 -2001 11 31 a, x U r L 7 c a c r.� c - n M Cn .7 V i Z d m y C 0 U N 67 d CC C Q N J C 7 V d L d a 5 W a C C i p C U h y 0 4 4 O U ^ c U N U CIO n cr �� ^ U b � O M y C 7 V d L d a 5 W a C C i p C U h y 0 4 4 O U N U c � � C f9 r V 1 -1 E2 C L:7 Q J 0 Lt l '+ U ti r.� `.1 W vr�ll 1� V F 7 N 0 d O U O G v C U c� co U y O U � F U � d v m O y O d a G 0 Lzi - H C c b N d C O 9 n 2 � y � C p o N � o � w^ U U .0 a N C a d CL. y O y 4 V 'p O U C j O H U v !? s 8 372 q i 0 a NOV 29 '01 11 29AM F b i I J l NI f I 1 { 144 1 b ena � � �• : o �' d Ns � � � oa HnS ° '' � � � •� ro NU34 b� Y� L y' 3a� I s _ am •, '� km '1 /.0 t' a t, C�) • 3. �t ���'a��M�? 6iti��fJr1l+.ii.�.,�,y �1Y bas %JiwM .� -� ..� �`�' 'YN'11i.''�+�1•^� Y :E 1:'^'•�.i L'' •.i•�.+i.rAf W�,�,�,'S?��i`si,� ,'�J -e r1� y� Cl LWU s _ y iIIMi;= K ^r '�y art.: G '�-- C watrla ) _______ _ � •Yl 6 _ � � 1!_'}'111 ' , '• O 61. xefi. ❑ nN V �E yFC " -� ' M Z N s •• LU W W _ 1fO 1 Y1d3S ' 7. Ar +s\ z I NyIONI Em ,�4 N 14 (Hs y s 'vil Q n l I Q K J k� o r_ w VIN OalltlO i q •' i � 0 3a0 i a` N A3N V+ ry 3?I NO, I -29 -2001 11,31 qq. P fAG NOV 29 '01 11.28RM s If you would like to know more about the state law or AQMD s toxics program, call or write the AQMD at AQMD - Air Toxics Branch 21865 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 396 -3149 If you would like to know more about Northrop Grumman Corporation's activities, call or write Mr Michael Martin Environmental Engineer Northrop Grumman Corporation One Northrop Avenue _ Hawthorne, CA 90250 320 NGV- 29 -c001 11 31 oa•. n nc NOv 2P '01 11 28AM c 4 How does the risk from this facility compare to other risks' The risk from this facility is relatively small compared to the overall risk that the average American has of getting cancer Currently, about three out of ten people get cancer for one reason or another In other words the odds of getting cancer at some time in your life are about 300,000 in a million What is the cancer risk from toxic air pollution in general? The "Cancer Risk from Toxic Air Pollution" map on the last page shows the estnnated chance of getting cancer due to a lifetime of exposure to the air pollution in our four - county area The cancer risk estimates are based on a study lust completed by the AQMD, called the Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study This study is currently being reviewed by the public and will be finalized in the spring of 2000 The estimated chance of cancer in our area ranges from 1120 in one million to 1740 in one million These estimates assume that a person is exposed for a 70 -year lifetime to the current levels of pollution The levels of pollution should decrease in the future under AQMD and other government programs to reduce emissions The cancer risk fiom toxic air pollution in your neighborhood may be higher or lower than the risks at these six locations, depending or, toxic emissions in your area AQMD is expanding its pollution monitoring activities so that it can measure pollutants at more locations in the future What is being done to reduce the health risks from this facility? I he state law requiring issuance of t1iis public notice is one step in getting facilities throughout the state to reduce toxic emissions resulting from their operations The AQMD and other agencies have also developed other programs designed to prevent pollution and reduce exposure to toxic air pollution Ho,,v can I get more information' A copy of Northrop Grumman Corporation's risk assessment report is available for your review at the following two libraries AQMD Library 21865 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (Tues - Thurs, l Oam - 5pm Fri 8am - 3pm Closed Sat, Sun, Mon) El Segundo Public Library 111 W Manposa Ave El Segundo, CA 90245 (Mon - Thurs. 9am - 9pm Fri, 9am - 6pm Sat, 9am - 5pm Closed Sun) NOV -2P -2001 11 31 99%, P.04 Nov 29 '01 11 27AM INFORMATION SHEET What are toxic air pollutants? F.? Chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other health effects are known as toxic substances When these toxic substances are released in the air, they are called toxic air pollutants Where do toxic air pollutants come from? Toxic air pollutants come from a variety of sources These sources include chemical plants and large manufacturers as well as cars and trucks and smaller businesses Many products used at home, such as cleaners and paint thinners also contain toxic air,pollutants What toxic air pollutants does this facility emit? Under normal operation, this facility emits the toxic air pollutants listed below The possible health effects of exposure to those pollutants are listed below Pollutant Possible Health Effects Hexavalent Chromium Cancer What is the cancer risk from this facility? For chemicals that could cause cancer, a calculation called a "risk assessment" was done This is the best method officials currently have for estimating the chance that breatlung small amount of a chemical over a long period of tune will cause cancer Because the odds are generally small, they are written as a "number of chances in a milbon" of getting cancer The risk estimate conservatively assumes that a person continually breathes the same level of these pollutants for an entire lifetime (24 hours per day, 365 days per year, for 70 years) Most people are not exposed for that amount of time, so their actual risk is likely to be lower Based on the risk assessment, people who live in the area shown on the Facility Risk Map would have their chance of getting cancer increased by up to 61 chances in a million because of the emissions from this facility The map shows the risks at various locations The risk assessment is based on what the facility emitted in 1991 The current emissions from the facility are lower than in 1991 This facility must continue to report its emissions to the AQMD. 318 NOb 29 '01 11 27RM F South Coast �. Air Quality Management District 21865 E Copley Dr%ve, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 -4182 (909) 396 -2000 http //www agmd gov NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS TOXIC RISK FROM A FACILITY IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD State law ensures your right to know about possible health risks from toxic air pollutants emitted by facilities in your neighborhood The law requires the following facility to notify you Facility Name Northrop Grumman Corporation's El Segundo Plant Address 500 -800 N Douglas St, El Segundo, CA 90245 Type of Business-- Aircraft Manufacturing Even though this facility may be complymg with all current air pollution control regulations, some toxic chemicals escape to the air during its normal operations State law requires the facility to notify all of the people in the area where there is a possible health risk Summary of Health Risks Toxic air pollutants (hexavalent chromium) from Northrop Grumman Corporation may be increasing the cancer risks of people who live;in the area shown on the attached "Facility Risk Map ". Based on the calculated risk, people who live in the area of impact would have their chances of getting cancer increased by a maximum ofi61 chances in a million (over a 70 year lifetime) due to emissions from this facility. As the air pollution control agency for this area, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) has prepared the enclosed "Information Sheet" Officials from Northrop Grumman Corporation will conduct a public meeting in your area to answer questions about the toxic chemicals, the potential health risks, and what is being done to reduce toxic emissions Officials from the AQMD will also attend the meeting to help answer your questions PUBLIC MEETING Date: February 24, 2000 Time: 7:00 to 9:00 PM Location: Ell Segundo Public Library 111 W Mariposa Av, El Segundo CA 90245 For more information about the facility or the public meeting, please contact Mr Michael Marlin of Northrop Grumman Corporation at (310) 331 -1766 For more information about government programs to control toxic air pollution, call the AQMD Toxics Section at (909) 396 -3149 Businesses receiving this notice should post it where it is most likely to be read by employees. NOV -29 -2001 11 31 Y ' -, PROPOSITION 65 WARNING Northrop Grumman Corporation operates a facility which emits chromium at (1) 800 N Douglas St., El Segundo, and a facility which emits chromium and perchloroethylene at (2) One Northrop Ave., Hawthorne. The map below depicts the approximate areas, as of October 31, 1997, in which persons are exposed to (solid Ines) and percriome*hviene (dotted line), chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, at a level determined by the State to require a warning. N O a z 2 W 3: y Z CENTURY U) O y�y = a W z W C > ; N a W U o IMPERIAL z a U) 120TH NORTHROPA _ N _ - LSEGUNDO (1) EL SEGUNDO I FACILITY (2) FACILITY TY ROSECRANS MORTMROO GR`MAIMgM 31F C \ PROP65\ECWCNEWS \97QTR4\97Q4ECWCNEWS DS4 C Proposition 65 and AB 2588 Notices 17) IA n nrmg -6ad ti^1 Paul Garry, Senior Plager J meslM Hansen, Director ommunity, Economic, and Development Services P \Planning & Building Safety\PROJECTS1526- 550\Ea- 548 \EA -548 SR-4 ver 2 ooc 17 315 Given the nature of the risks associated with the NGC facility, as discussed in the attached AQMD notice (Exhibit C), compared to the average cancer risks for the region, staff believes that the use of a park on either the southwest or southeast comer would be compatible with the NGC emissions Neither Proposition 65 nor AB 2588 restricts the types of uses which may be allowed in the so- called risk areas. Development Agreement The Commission requested clarification of the dedication of the fire station site Pursuant to Section 6.2 of the draft Development Agreement, the site is required to be dedicated to the City prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy for any building on the property. The Development Agreement would impose no restrictions on the City for when the fire station would have to be constructed. Once dedicated, the City would determine when the Fire Station would be constructed. The Commission also requested additional information about the basis for the fair market valuation in the independent appraisal commissioned by the City in conjunction with the proposed park purchase. As stated in the previous staff report, the appraised market value of the property for purchase is $1,880,000 per acre or $37 50 per square foot This valuation amount is based on the raw land "as is" on the appraisal date of October 14, 2001. It does not factor in the value that the proposed entitlements may add to the property, if approved. The agreed upon sale price to the City is $1,000,000 per acre or $22.95 per square foot. V. Conclusion Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the proposed reduced project, subject to the conditions contained in Draft Resolution No. 2517 VI. Exhibits 16 3J 4 As a result, if the NGC facility were proposing this amount of emissions today as a new facility, it would not be subject to the AB 2588 notification requirements at all. It should be further noted that the SCAQMD's health risk Assessment criteria assumed a 24 -hour a day, seven day a week exposure for 70 years Maximum use of the park site, and the exposure to the already reduced level of NGC emissions, would be limited to a few hours per week over a much shorter time span. Thus, park users would be exposed to significantly lower levels of emissions than NGC's employees, who are present during normal work hours nearer the source Further, this limited exposure would generally not occur during the peak emission period from the NGC facility, that is, park usage will occur primarily during evenings and weekends. Therefore, any increased cancer risks on the park site from exposure to emissions from the NGC facility would be negligible In discussions with SQCAMD, staff has learned that health risk associated with people using the park site would be less than for office tenants because an assessment of health risks to office workers would take into account the fact that workers are exposed to toxic emissions 40 hours per week. Since people would be at the park for only a few hours a week, their risk factors would even be less than indicated in the existing NGC health risk assessment and less than an assessment based on office worker exposure NGC recommends requiring the project applicant to pass on Proposition 65 notices to its future tenants Staff supports the additional noticing requirement requested by NGC and has incorporated it into draft conditions of approval No 23 (Exhibit A — Attachment A) The NGC letter also recommends locating sensitive receptors, such as the proposed on -site day care facility, outside of the area designated on any "facility risk map" or "cancer risks from toxic air pollution map" as published by any business, unless proper mitigation can be applied to limit the geographical extent of the risk areas. According to the SCAQMD, there are no other companies in El Segundo subject to AB 2588 notifications that would affect the project site. Since there appears to be no agency which tracks the publication of Proposition 65 notices, staff is unable to determine if other companies have Proposition 65 "facility risk maps" that would affect the project site Although not required to by law or by the potential health risks as discussed above, the applicant has agreed to a condition of approval (No 24) that would require the proposed day care center be located out of the risk areas published by NGC, as represented by the current maps included in Exhibit C Furthermore, the placement of tall buildings (up to 12 stories) between the child care facility and NGC property will act as a barrier against the migration of emissions between the source and the receptor The NGC letter recommends the relocation of the park site to the southwest corner of the property to take advantage of potential synergistic relationships between the proposed park and the off -site Healthsouth facility and to minimize the impacts from the NGC facility Alternatively, the NGC suggests moving the park from the southeast comer an area of the protect site outside any risk areas of any companies subject to Proposition 65 disclosure obligations 15 31 .s NGC raises the issue of compatibility of the proposed park use site with NGC's manufacturing and fabrication activities due to NGC's requirement for compliance with Proposition 65 and related environmental notices. Proposition 65 requires companies to post notices for the use of certain chemicals NGC uses hexavelent chromium at its facilities in El Segundo Additionally, Assembly Bill (AB) 2588 requires notification of property owners of the use of certain toxic chemicals In its letter, NGC suggests that the park site should not be located to an area which is located on one of its or any other companies "facility risk map" or "cancer risk from toxic air pollution map ", which identify areas that may be susceptible to those emissions A copy of the NGC Proposition 65 warning and map and NGC's AB 2588 health risk assessment information sheet and "cancer risk from toxic air pollution map" is included as Exhibit C It should be noted that both Proposition 65 and AB 2588 are primarily disclosure statutes with conservative thresholds for public disclosure For example, Proposition 65 provides in part that no person or company may knowingly expose individuals to a chemical known to the state to cause cancer without providing a warning. There is no minimum duration or amount of exposure specified as a trigger for the notice requirement, although there is an exception if it can be shown that 'the exposure poses no significant risk assuming lifetime exposure at the level in question . " As a practical matter, in an abundance of caution most companies provide the required notice. As a result, these notices are prevalent in gas stations, supermarkets and even office buildings. The fact that the project site is shown on the above - referenced maps does not mean that future occupants will face significant health risks. it is noteworthy that some City facilities, including parks, have posted Proposition 65 notices. The contour shown on the "cancer risk from toxic air pollution map" published by the SCAQMD was based on a conservative health risk assessment analyzing peak emissions from the NGC facility in 1991. This health risk assessment concluded that a receptor breathing the maximum concentration of peak emissions twenty -four hours per day over a seventy -year lifetime would have an increased cancer risk by a maximum of 61 chances in 1,000,000 The "cancer risk from toxic air pollution map" shows the peak emissions receptor at a location some distance from the project site on the far side (eastern) of the NGC facility A portion of the project site is located along the outside contour of the map area, where, due to the dispersion of emissions, the increased conservative cancer risk would be, at most, 10 in 1,000,000 Because the NGC health risk assessment showed an increased cancer risk of more than 25 in 1,000,000, the SCAQMD, the local agency implementing AB 2588, required NGC to implement risk reduction measures The measures reduced the increased cancer risk at the peak receptor from 61 in 1,000,000 to 7 6 in 1,000,000. The health risks at the outside contour were also proportionately reduced 14 1`1 1) considerable As stated by NGC, no application has been filed to date, much less at the time that the NOP was released for the proposed project It should also be noted that the cumulative impact analysis contained in the Draft EIR represents a conservative "worst case" analysis in that it considers the potential cumulative impacts of a number of projects, which may be built at a lesser density, or not built at all For example, it is reasonably foreseeable that the size and scope of the LAX master plan will be reduced based on recent statements from the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles Furthermore, the traffic analysis in the Draft EIR assumed that none of the related projects would be required to implement any traffic mitigation measures It is reasonably foreseeable that such mitigation measures will be implemented, and have future traffic conditions that will be better than projected In addition, the traffic analysis in the Draft EIR factors in ambient traffic growth of one -half percent per year This growth factor was intended in part to cover possible future projects, such as NGC's possible expansion, which were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the Draft EIR was prepared Finally, it should be noted that the Draft EIR analyzed the impacts of a project containing a total of 2,550,000 gross square feet. Since the completion of the Draft EIR, the applicant has reduced the size of the protect by 375,000 gross square feet to 2,175,000 gross square feet Although the reduction in project size will result in a corresponding reduction in the number of a m., p.m and daily vehicle trips generated by the proposed project, staff is still recommending requiring that all of the mitigation measures found feasible in the Draft EIR be implemented. This will result in incremental increases in capacity at the study intersections which would be sufficient to accommodate the traffic generated by an expansion on NGC's property of approximately 375,000 square feet of new office uses as stated by NGC. Therefore, the conclusions of the Draft EIR would not change even if the possible expansion by NGC were to be taken into account NGC proposed a condition of approval that would assign the excess roadway capacity resulting from the over - mitigation of the reduce project to other future development in the immediate area, which could include NGC's own future expansion. Staff recommends that the proposed traffic condition not be incorporated into the project Staff does not believe it would be appropriate or perhaps even legal to assign some of the reduced trips resulting from the reduced project to another possible development in the City NGC or other future developers would be responsible for conducting an analysis of their own traffic impacts upon submittal of a development application. However, based on the proposed protect described by NGC, the traffic from the proposed NGC expansion project may be accommodated by the excess capacity generated from the required mitigation measures from the El Segundo Corporate Campus project 13 311 of Service —LOS F) under future cumulative conditions. However, the cumulative analysis incorporates currently proposed projects in the Corporate Campus project vicinity with full build out and no conditioned traffic improvement measures The cumulative analysis is a "worst -case" analysis and traffic operation is expected to be better than noted The addition of both project and cumulative background traffic results in the LOS F condition The Los F conditions for Sepulveda Boulevard described in Mr. Greenspan's testimony are not created by the project itself It is the combination of the project with the cumulative projects identified in the Draft EIR that may lead to the LOS F conditions on Sepulveda Boulevard in the future It is likely that future conditions will be better than the "worst- case" cumulative project analysis It is not likely that all of the related projects will be built or built to the intensity currently envisioned It is also likely that these intersections would be at a reduced LOS in the future even if the proposed project were not approved. In addition, several projects will be conditioned to provide traffic enhancements to mitigate their own project impacts, but none of these mitigations is included in the analysis. Resident access and mobility and emergency services access west of Sepulveda Boulevard will not be significantly impacted by project related traffic Northrop Grumman Letter The Commission directed staff to respond to the issues brought up by the Northrop Grumman Corporation in a letter, dated November 9, 2001 and received on November 15, 2001 The letter raised questions about traffic mitigation, land use compatibility related to Proposition 65 and related notices, sensitive receptors and the public park area It also recommended several new conditions of approval. Each issue will be discussed individually CEQA requires that an EIR consider whether a project's incremental effects are cumulatively considerable in light of the cumulative impacts generated by other reasonably foreseeable past, present and probable future projects. The Northrop Grumman Corporation (NGC) letter identifies their possible future expansion plans, but states that these expansion plans have not been "finalized" and the "precise nature and square footages of the new or renovated uses are still subject to change " The letter also states that as part of these expansion plans "certain existing on -site activities (e g., office space) may be replaced with manufacturing, fabrication, or light industrial uses." Consistent with CEQA, it is the existing policy of the City to analyze only the actual physical change over existing conditions and to grant credits for the discontinuance of existing on -site uses for the purposes of traffic and other impact analyses Therefore, not only is the precise square footage and type of uses of NGC's future expansion plan unknown at this time, it is possible that any potential increase in traffic from these expansion plans could be offset by a corresponding discontinuance of current on -site activities. As such, NGC's proposed expansion plans are not reasonably foreseeable for the purposes of determining whether the cumulative impacts of the El Segundo Corporate Campus Project are cumulatively 12 310 The El Segundo Corporate Campus project could become a member of the El Segundo Employers Association The developers and tenants could participate in the various trip reduction programs outlined by the El Segundo Employers Association The City's traffic consultant for this project, Crain & Associates, has analyzed the traffic improvements associated with this possible sub - regional improvement package and determined that it could increase capacity in the region by approximately five percent However, because it has not yet been determined if implementation of such a program would be feasible or would be fully funded or supported by the South Bay Cities Council of Governments, for the purposes of CEQA the Draft EIR still assumes a "worst case' scenario and identifies unmitigated intersections The Commission requested staff to address the traffic issues in the written testimony that was submitted by Mr Jack Greenspan at the November 15, 2001 public hearing The issues he raised involved project mitigation, reversible lanes and grade separations, additional right -of -way, 1 -105 Freeway access, and Sepulveda Boulevard traffic It is not unusual, in staffs opinion, for a project of this size to require a Statement of Overriding Considerations While the City has not approved such a statement since approval of the General Plan itself in 1992, if there are benefits of the project that outweigh the unavoidable significant impacts, approval of a Statement of Overriding Conditions is an appropriate mechanism for compliance with CEQA Reconfiguring mayor roadways such as Sepulveda Boulevard, El Segundo Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard with reversible lanes or grade separations may improve directional traffic flow but create secondary impacts to parking, access and circulation In addition, significant acquisition of right -of -way would be required. Sepulveda Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard currently have raised medians, which would provide additional barriers to the feasibility of such improvements These types of improvements would require multi - jurisdictional coordination (including Caltrans) as well. These types of regional improvements may have long -term merit but are beyond the scope of project -level mitigation The improvement measures at the intersections of Rosecrans Avenue and Aviation Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard would necessitate acquisition of right -of -way from private landowners and indeed, landowners in another City If the City of El Segundo were to require this acquisition, the applicant has no way of guaranteeing that the right -of -way could be acquired and therefore the improvements could not be included as mitigation measures The project has mitigated its incremental impact on the I -105 on -ramp at Atwood Way through the addition of a right -turn lane and through upgrading the traffic signals. The cumulative analysis identifies this intersection as congested (Level 11 3193 of a grid network improvement These adaptive signal system enhancements will improve traffic flow along these key arterial networks This adaptive signal system will monitor and adjust signal timing continuously based upon real time traffic needs throughout a network of signals The El Segundo Corporate Campus proposes to participate in the expansion of the already proposed Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in El Segundo to improve all remaining traffic signals in the City of El Segundo, east of Sepulveda Boulevard It is anticipated that this improvement will encourage local traffic to remain within the local signal system network and create a region wide capacity enhancement The ITS system will create capacity enhancements and improve progression on the area's surface streets. Expansion of the system to tie in the ITS system with freeway ramp meters as well as volume detection systems for the ramps along the Century Freeway and the San Diego Freeway will provide a fully functioning integrated system between the surface streets and freeways It is estimated that full implementation in the region would also improve capacity Creation of a local transit system to provide transit service between large employment comdors, Metro Green Line stations, bus transit stop locations, services and downtown El Segundo would reduce vehicle trips within the El Segundo industrial and corporate centers This can be achieved with the purchase of additional transit vehicles for the El Segundo transit program Additionally, innovative transit pass systems could be made available to employers in El Segundo for Green Line as well as other transit services in the El Segundo area A bike locker /storage system at existing Green Line stations could be implemented to encourage bicycle travel throughout the region The internal streets to the El Segundo Corporate Campus project consisting of the east/west extension of Maple Avenue between Nash Street and Douglas Street as well as the north /south roadway extending from the extension of Maple Avenue to the eastbound Century Freeway on -ramp would be constructed as four -lane roadways and would also be made available for non - project, ambient traffic These streets will remain as private streets to be maintained by the applicant but easements will be established to ensure that they remain open to the public This will create additional roadway capacity enhancements Overlay the above - described signal system upgrades by providing cost - effective Transit/Emergency Vehicle preemption devices (Opticom) for emergency vehicles and transit vehicles operating in the grid system of El Segundo. While some of the City's emergency fleet is equipped with this preemption capability, it is not complete This action would complete the fleet deployment and finish the equipment installation on the remainder of the traffic signals in the City. The transit vehicles are not now covered by the City's current system and this action would add the transit vehicles to the preemption system 10 308 Plan (CMP) routes was conducted It was determined that the project would not significantly impact any CMP routes, other than the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard /Rosecrans Avenue, which has been identified as an unavoidable significant impact The other unavoidably impact intersection, Rosecrans Avenue /Aviation Boulevard, is not on the CMP network The CMP does not contain minimum roadway service levels, which must be maintained by the City in order to remain in compliance By implementing all feasible mitigation measures, the proposed project would comply with all regulations The Commission requested that staff provide a discussion of the proposed project in relationship to the current Circulation Element The Circulation Element of the General Plan was adopted by the City Council on December 1, 1992 (Ordinance No 1189) Staff believes that the Circulation Element accurately reflects the environmental setting for the traffic conditions that exist in the City in 2001. Additionally, there is no requirement that the Circulation Element to be updated at any particular time While the City did begin a process to update the Circulation Element, which was ultimately discontinued at the direction of the City Council, the mere process of initiating an update does not invalidate the current Circulation Element Staff has also compared the projected traffic levels in the existing Circulation Element to the traffic levels projected in the Traffic Impact Study for the proposed project. Based on this comparison, the projected traffic levels are consistent with those that were predicted in the Circulation Element in 1991. Therefore, the basic traffic assumptions upon which the Circulation was based are still valid today, and the proposed project, which would be built at a density much lower than permitted in the General Plan, would be consistent with the land use buildout factored into the existing Circulation Element Staff believes the proposed project can and should be considered under the current Circulation Element and that it is not required or necessary to update the Circulation Element before considering the proposed protect. The Commission requested information about additional traffic mitigation measures, which the applicant was considering in an effort to further reduce the traffic impacts from the protect The proposed protect identifies two significant protect related impacts, which cannot be mitigated by physical roadway improvements due to right -of -way constraints, and the "worst case" cumulative analysis demonstrates a degrading traffic system. Therefore, the following sub - regional improvement measures have been identified by the applicant for potential implementation by the protect in partnership with the South Bay Cities Council of Governments or other governmental and non - governmental organizations. The South Bay Cities Council of Governments currently has a funded signal improvement package, which will improve signal systems along Sepulveda Boulevard, El Segundo Boulevard, and Aviation Boulevard in the proposed El Segundo Corporate Campus protect vicinity The City of Los Angeles will be improving the signal system along Impenal Highway in the protect vicinity as part s 307 standard by 2010 throughout the basin. (The federal ozone standard has been met in El Segundo for many years except for a few isolated days ) The Draft EIR acknowledging that secondary pollutant air quality impacts are significant on a regional scale, and that they cannot be reduced to less than significant by regional emissions reduction programs until near the end of this decade Any individual health impacts, however, are mainly to people many miles away from the coastline, and at microscopic levels from only this proposed project The Commission requested that staff address the air quality issues raised in Mr Brian Crowley's second Draft EIR comment letter Mr. Crowley's second Draft EIR comment letter suggests that the proposed project is in violation of General Plan Air Quality Goal AQ14 (and associated Policies AQ14 -1.1 and AQ14 -1.2) and Goal AQ15 (and associated Policies AQ15 -1 1 through AQ15 -1.3) because the project would result in air emissions that exceed SCAQMD standards Air Quality Element Goals A014 and AQ15 generally state that the City will ensure that pollution sources comply with all federal, state, regional, and local regulations, and that the City reserves the right to be more strict with development projects that these regulations require As described above, the proposed project is consistent with the AQMP and therefore is considered consistent with Air Quality Element Goals AQ14 and AQ15 (and related policies) The project's exceedance of SCAQMD's emissions -based thresholds does not constitute violation of such General Plan goals and policies. Traffic Impacts At its November 15, 2001, meeting, the Planning Commission requested staff to respond to the Circulation Element issues raised in the letter from Brian Crowley, received on November 14, 2001 One such policy (C3 -1 1) requires "all new development to mitigate project related impacts on the existing and future circulation..." and Policy 3 -1.5 requires 'the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures" in conjunction with a proposed project. As indicated in Finding N in Section 4 of draft Resolution No. 2517, staff believes the project would implement all feasible mitigation measures to mitigate the identified project related impacts. Staff does not believe that the approval of a Statement of Overriding Consideration for the unavoidable significant traffic impacts, which are due to the infeasibility of the identified mitigation measures is incompatible with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan Circulation Element to mitigate all impacts. Staff does not think the purpose of these policies was to preclude the use of Statement's of Overriding Considerations as provided in CEQA or the approval of future developments. Additionally, the General Plan provides for a 1.3.1 floor area ratio (FAR) and the proposed project would be developed at a 0.99 FAR Balancing the various provisions in the General Plan, it appears that this project meets the intent of these provisions Staff also believes the project would comply with all Federal, State and regional regulations (Policy C4 -1.2). As part of the Traffic Impact Study in the Draft EIR, an analysis of the project's impacts on the regional Congestion Management a 306 Gabriel Valley or inland empire area by early afternoon Because of the extensive turbulent mixing that occurs in four hours of travel, the individual air quality impact from any project is microscopic on a regional scale It is, however, the cumulative impact of vehicle trips associated with thousands of individual projects that creates the basin's continued violations of ozone standards Because it is impossible to assess the direct project impact on a regional scale, and because the impact is microscopically small for secondary pollutants, the SCAQMD has developed surrogate significance thresholds that are based upon the amount of emissions generated by an individual project These emission levels (lbslday, etc ) are meant as an indicator that there are project- related regional impacts even if the health impact cannot be quantified in terms of actual air quality An noted above, the SCAQMD thresholds are regional standards which are intended to address regional air quality issues and to help achieve compliance with State and Federal air quality plan. They are not intended to measure local health impacts on a project scale. As such, the project's exceedances of these thresholds does not mean that the project will create or contribute to unsafe health levels of air pollutants in the City The proposed project, by virtue of its size /scope, exceeds these SCAQMD emissions -based thresholds The actual amount of secondary pollution that any person in El Segundo, Azusa or Upland will experience from this project, however, is infinitesimally small It is a regional phenomenon that results because of atmospheric chemistry, regional on -shore flow, restrictive temperature inversions, and traffic patterns that derive from land use practices that place fobs where land prices are highest and homes where land is more affordable (inland) The Regional Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP), which is based on the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) regional growth projections, uses complex computer models of air flow, emissions and chemistry, to predict that the federal ozone standard will be attained by 2010 in the region as long as patterns of population, housing, employment and land use remain consistent with SCAG projections Since the SCAG growth projections are based on the land use bwldout projections of all the General Plans for cities in the air basin, as long as development within each city is consistent with its own General Plan, a project would be consistent with the SCAG projections and the AQMP. Exceedance of SCAQMD significance thresholds should thus be viewed as follows. (1) The project will incrementally contribute to ozone and other secondary pollutant impacts in inland valleys of the basin, (2) The impact is primarily cumulative in nature in that the increment is immeasurably small on an individual basis, and, (3) The regional AQMP suggests that the cumulative level of regional development can be accommodated while still meeting the federal ozone P5 Prior to conveyance of the park site, the City will conduct its own due diligence with respect to the park site and if it is determined that there are any significant environmental risks, the applicant will be responsible for remediation, and if still not satisfied, the City has the option of not completing the transaction. Air Quality Impacts The Commission directed staff to provide additional information related to the relationship between air quality impacts and health impacts and how this would affect the placement of a public park on the project site. As background, air quality analysis is usually divided in to impacts associated with primary and secondary pollutants Each of these uses different types of thresholds for determining significant air quality impacts For "primary pollutants ", such a carbon monoxide, emitted in their already most unhealthful form, there is a direct means of calculating the degree of ambient air quality degradation in close proximity to the source The Draft EIR provides this analysis for carbon monoxide (CO) for mobile sources as the most common primary pollutant. The South Coast Air Management District SCAQMD has adopted one -hour and eight -hour CO exposure increments that would be considered a "substantial impact' under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Primary pollutant impacts from the proposed project are: (1) Individually less than significant (one -hour CO) (2) Individually significant (eight -hour CO). (3) Cumulatively significant (one- and eight -hour CO. According to the Draft EIR, the localized CO concentration at the nearest intersections to the alternative proposed park sites, Nash Street/Manposa Avenue and Douglas Street/Manposa Avenue would be well below the significant thresholds for one- and eight -hour concentrations for project and cumulative impacts under both one -way and two -way street configurations. Additionally, since a significant period of park use would be at night and weekends when surrounding vehicle traffic is at lower levels, this would also tend to further reduce the potential CO "hot spot' risk Therefore, the proposed use of a portion of the project site for recreational uses would not subject people to a significant air pollution related health risk Additionally, health risks at parks located west of Sepulveda Boulevard are identical to the potential health risks of this site Many pollutants require additional conversion to reach their most unhealthful state These are called "secondary pollutants " Ozone (photochemical smog) is the best known secondary pollutant. This conversion process takes several hours (typically 2-4) The primary source of these pollutants is automobiles Primary pollutants released from cars in El Segundo in the morning may become smog in the San J 3011 would serve that need Policy OS1 -1.2 "encourages a locational service standard of one - quarter mile for neighborhood parks and one -half mile for community parks " The currently proposed park site at the southeast corner of the project site would be approximately two - thirds of a mile from the nearest residents in El Segundo If the park site were relocated to the southwest comer, it would be approximately 0 56 miles from the nearest El Segundo residents It is important to note that this policy does not require a strict distance threshold, it merely encourages a locational service standard As a community park, it would also serve the employees within the area of the park, which would be consistent with the overriding goal (Goal OS1) in the General Plan to provide park needs for .,existing and future residents and employees within the City of El Segundo " There are no other public parks in the northeast quadrant of the City As such, the employment community park needs in that portion of the City are currently underserved and would be improved by the development of a park site The Commission asked for additional clarification about the condition of the sod on the site in relationship to the proposed use of five -acres of the site for parkland. The project site was historically occupied by Rockwell North American Aircraft. Several dozen underground storage tanks (UST's) and /or pits were used by Rockwell in the operation of the plant. Rockwell began removing the UST's and closing pits in the late 1980s under the supervision of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works ( LACDPW). In the early 1990s, a site wide investigation was conducted to determine if the past use of the property had impacted the project site. Remedial activities at this time consisted of excavating contaminated soil, as required by the LACDPW. Groundwater and sod contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and petroleum hydrocarbons were discovered in 1994 at the southwest comer of the project site Although much of the impacted soil was excavated from the project site, VOC contaminated soil and groundwater were permitted to be left in place by the appropriate State agencies A subsequent risk assessment based upon conservative residential exposure scenarios determined that the contamination left in place did not present a significant threat to human health or the environment The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB), California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) and the LACDPW have all been involved with remedial activities at the project site These agencies have determined that the site is safe to use for any type of development, which would include recreational facilities None of the agencies has requirements for further investigation at this time Based on this information, no further action or investigation is recommended at this time concerning the historical use of the project site and there is no evidence to indicate that use of any portion of the property would expose anyone to contaminated soil Thus, the park can be safely located on any portion of the project site, including the southeast or southwest corner Copies of closure documents are attached (Exhibit B) and were included in the Phase I Environmental Assessment prepared for the proposed project, which is included in Appendix G to the Draft EIR 5 3'0 3 The Commission asked staff to clarify if the growth projected in the City's General Plan is inconsistent with the Regional Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) The AQMP is based on the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) regional growth projections. SCAG's regional growth protections are based on the land use buddout projections of all the General Plans for cities in the South Coast Air Basin Therefore, because the City's General Plan buildout has been included in SCAG's regional protections, the General Plan is consistent with the AQMP Additionally, provided development within each city is consistent with its own General Plan, a project would be consistent with the SCAG projections and the AQMP Park Site A number of issues were raised by the Planning Commission associated with the future use of the proposed park site. The park would be owned by the City of El Segundo and managed by the City Department of Recreation and Parks As with all public parks, the Department of Recreation and Parks, with input from the Parks and Recreation Commission, would oversee the design and development of the park and set the priorities for the use by various groups and individuals. One of the main purposes for acquiring the park site is to provide special purpose soccer fields for youth soccer in the community. Groups such as AYSO would likely be given priority in the use of the athletic fields that would be developed As a public park, other groups, including corporate groups, would also be permitted to use the facilities, but would not be given any special rights or preferences Draft Condition of Approval No 68 requires the applicant to provide parking for the park site in parking structures to be constructed adjacent to the park site This would eliminate the need for parking to be developed on the five -acre park site itself It is anticipated that there may be some surface parking provided on the park site for some interim period of time if the parcels immediately adjacent to the park site are not developed at the same time as the park site. Since the applicant is not required to develop any portion of the site first, and it is also expected that the park site would be developed as soon as the purchase is completed, there may be a need to provide on -site parking until the nearby parking structures are built The Parks and Recreation Commission would determine the number of on- and off -site parking spaces required through the design process for the park Staff was requested to respond to a letter from Brian Crowley, received on November 14, 2001, that raised issues related to the Open Space and Recreation Element of the General Plan Staff believes the City's purchase of a five -acre portion of the project site for a public park conforms to Objective OS1- 1, which seeks to "acquire future public park and recreational facilities which are adequate for serving the existing and future resident population." Staff believes there was clear testimony at the November 15, 2001, public hearing from Mr. Tom Ashe, Commissioner of the AYSO soccer group that there is a need for additional facilities to serve the existing resident population The proposed park a 3('r applicant's discretion The Specific Plan has been revised to incorporate the phasing plan As a result, up to 1,000,000 square feet of office floor area could be constructed before the requirement that non - office floor area be constructed if the applicant chooses the full amount of deferral at the beginning of the project However, the applicant has indicated a desire to build non -office uses in accordance with the phasing plan, and, would only utilize the deferral if market conditions dictate Prohibited Uses Based on comments received from the public, staff has clarified the draft Corporate Campus Specific Plan (Exhibit A, Attachment B) by adding a prohibited use section, which among other things, would prohibit freight forwarding or similar uses in the Specific Plan area. The proposed language has been taken verbatim from the Mixed -Use North Zone prohibited use section Staff has also revised the draft Specific Plan to include light industrial uses as a permitted use However, the City Attorney has opined that regardless of whether the Specific Plan specifically prohibits uses, only the identified permitted uses are allowed in the Specific Plan area. Additionally, freight forwarding cannot be allowed in the Specific Plan area unless resident registered voters qualify an initiative petition providing for such use and it properly ratified by the Council or residential registered voters General Plan Consistency In response to a question raised by public testimony, the Commission requested that staff address the consistency of the proposed project with the Multimedia Overlay (MMO) zone The MMO Zone is an "overlay zone" which adds additional permitted uses to certain zones east of Sepulveda Boulevard, including the MU- N Zone. One of the purposes of the MMO Zone was to grant environmental approval for 1,500,000 square feet of entertainment related use that could be developed throughout the MMO Zone The MMO Zone does not restrict the development of non - entertainment uses in the underlying zones. In addition, it does not limit the total amount of development permitted in the underlying zones to a maximum of 1,500,000 square feet A prospective developer of property in the underlying zone could develop permitted uses up to the densities permitted in the respective zones The entertainment related uses permitted in the MMO Zone have been incorporated into the draft Specific Plan as permitted uses. While the Corporate Campus Specific Plan permits entertainment uses, the applicant is not currently proposing any entertainment uses Additionally the Specific Plan as been revised to clarify that the Specific Plan is limited to a maximum of 2,175,000 square feet of total development in the Specific Plan area regardless of the type of use 3 301 applicant's discretion The Specific Plan has been revised to incorporate the phasing plan As a result, up to 1,000,000 square feet of office floor area could be constructed before the requirement that non - office floor area be constructed if the applicant chooses the full amount of deferral at the beginning of the project However, the applicant has indicated a desire to build non -office uses in accordance with the phasing plan, and, would only utilize the deferral if market conditions dictate Prohibited Uses Based on comments received from the public, staff has clarified the draft Corporate Campus Specific Plan (Exhibit A, Attachment B) by adding a prohibited use section, which among other things, would prohibit freight forwarding or similar uses in the Specific Plan area. The proposed language has been taken verbatim from the Mixed -Use North Zone prohibited use section Staff has also revised the draft Specific Plan to include light industrial uses as a permitted use However, the City Attorney has opined that regardless of whether the Specific Plan specifically prohibits uses, only the identified permitted uses are allowed in the Specific Plan area Additionally, freight forwarding cannot be allowed in the Specific Plan area unless resident registered voters qualify an initiative petition providing for such use and it properly ratified by the Council or residential registered voters General Plan Consistency In response to a question raised by public testimony, the Commission requested that staff address the consistency of the proposed project with the Multimedia Overlay (MMO) zone The MMO Zone is an "overlay zone" which adds additional permitted uses to certain zones east of Sepulveda Boulevard, including the MU- N Zone. One of the purposes of the MMO Zone was to grant environmental approval for 1,500,000 square feet of entertainment related use that could be developed throughout the MMO Zone The MMO Zone does not restrict the development of non - entertainment uses in the underlying zones. In addition, it does not limit the total amount of development permitted in the underlying zones to a maximum of 1,500,000 square feet A prospective developer of property in the underlying zone could develop permitted uses up to the densities permitted in the respective zones The entertainment related uses permitted in the MMO Zone have been incorporated into the draft Specific Plan as permitted uses. While the Corporate Campus Specific Plan permits entertainment uses, the applicant is not currently proposing any entertainment uses Additionally the Specific Plan as been revised to clarify that the Specific Plan is limited to a maximum of 2,175,000 square feet of total development in the Specific Plan area regardless of the type of use 3 301 The Commission asked staff to clarify if the growth projected in the City's General Plan is inconsistent with the Regional Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) The AQMP is based on the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) regional growth projections SCAG's regional growth projections are based on the land use buildout projections of all the General Plans for cities in the South Coast Air Basin Therefore, because the City's General Plan bwldout has been included in SCAG's regional projections, the General Plan is consistent with the AQMP Additionally, provided development within each city is consistent with its own General Plan, a project would be consistent with the SCAG projections and the AQMP. Park Site A number of issues were raised by the Planning Commission associated with the future use of the proposed park site. The park would be owned by the City of El Segundo and managed by the City Department of Recreation and Parks As with all public parks, the Department of Recreation and Parks, with input from the Parks and Recreation Commission, would oversee the design and development of the park and set the priorities for the use by various groups and individuals One of the main purposes for acquiring the park site is to provide special purpose soccer fields for youth soccer in the community Groups such as AYSO would likely be given priority in the use of the athletic fields that would be developed As a public park, other groups, including corporate groups, would also be permitted to use the facilities, but would not be given any special rights or preferences. Draft Condition of Approval No 68 requires the applicant to provide parking for the park site in parking structures to be constructed adjacent to the park site This would eliminate the need for parking to be developed on the five -acre park site itself It is anticipated that there may be some surface parking provided on the park site for some interim period of time if the parcels immediately adjacent to the park site are not developed at the same time as the park site. Since the applicant is not required to develop any portion of the site first, and it is also expected that the park site would be developed as soon as the purchase is completed, there may be a need to provide on -site parking until the nearby parking structures are built The Parks and Recreation Commission would determine the number of on- and off -site parking spaces required through the design process for the park Staff was requested to respond to a letter from Brian Crowley, received on November 14, 2001, that raised issues related to the Open Space and Recreation Element of the General Plan. Staff believes the City's purchase of a five -acre portion of the project site for a public park conforms to Objective OS1- 1, which seeks to "acquire future public park and recreational facilities which are adequate for serving the existing and future resident population." Staff believes there was clear testimony at the November 15, 2001, public hearing from Mr Tom Ashe, Commissioner of the AYSO soccer group that there is a need for additional facilities to serve the existing resident population. The proposed park a 3i'1 II Recommendation Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the facts as contained within this report, and adopt Resolution No 2517 (Exhibit A) recommending that the City Council approve Environmental Assessment No 548, Specific Plan No 01 -1, Development Agreement No 01 -1, General Plan Amendment No 01 -2, Zone Change No. 01 -1, Zone Text Amendment No 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No. 01 -1, and Subdivision No. 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 53570) with conditions for the reduced project. III. Background On October 25, 2001, the Planning Commission opened the public hearing on the pending applications, took public testimony on the project, and continued the public hearing until the November 8, 2001 meeting. On November 8, 2001, the Commission reopened the public hearing, took additional testimony and continued the public hearing until a special meeting on November 15, 2001. At that meeting, the Commission took additional public testimony and began deliberating on the merits of the proposed project. The Commission voted to close the public comment portion of the public hearing and continued the item and action to a special meeting date of December 6, 2001, for further deliberation by the Commission. IV. Analysis At the November 15, 2001 public hearing, the Commission requested additional information regarding a number of issues related to the proposed project These issues broadly fall into the following categories. Specific Plan, prohibited uses, General Plan consistency, park site issues, air quality impacts, traffic impacts, the Northrop Grumman letter, and the Development Agreement. Staff will address each of the issues in this report. The issues that were raised in a letter from Brian Crowley and testimony from Jack Greenspan will also be discussed as requested by the Commission Specific Plan Staff has also incorporated a new section to the draft Specific Plan, which addresses the issue of the phasing of the office and non - office components of the proposed project The Speck Plan requires that a maximum of 80 percent of the building area be devoted to office uses, with a minimum of 20 percent devoted to non - office uses. Additionally, a minimum of 20 percent of each phase that is developed will be required to be non - office to ensure the balance between office and non - office is maintained as development progresses. Section 6.2 of the Development Agreement does provide a deferral of the first 50,000 square feet of non - office floor area in consideration for the dedication of the one -acre fire station site. An additional 150,000 square foot deferral of non -office uses in consideration for the sale of the park site has also been negotiated between the City and the applicant to be applied to any phase of development at the 2 3�0 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: December 6, 2001 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. 548, Specific Plan No. 01 -1, Development Agreement No. 01 -1, General Plan Amendment No. 01 -2, Zone Change No. 01 -1, Zone Text Amendment No. 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No. 01 -1, and Subdivision No. 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No. 53570 APPLICANT: TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC PROPERTY OWNER: Federal Express Corporation REQUEST: 2,175,000 Square Foot Mixed -Use Development El Segundo Corporate Campus PROPERTY INVOLVED: 700 and 800 Block North Nash Street (former Rockwell site) Introduction The proposed project is for a Specific Plan and nine -year (with one five -year extension) Development Agreement, which includes a total gross floor area of 2,175,000 square feet This includes approximately 1,740,000 gross square feet of offices comprising approximately 80 percent of the project. A mix of commercial and industrial uses consisting of approximately 100,000 gross square feet of research & development/light industrial, 65,000 gross square feet of telecommunications /web hosting, 75,000 gross square feet of retail, 75,000 gross square feet of restaurants, a 19,000 gross square foot health club, 87,000 gross square feet of hotel /conference facilities, 7,000 gross square feet of medical /dental offices, and a 7,000 gross square foot day care center would comprise a minimum of approximately 20 percent of the total budding area The project would also allow for alternative mixes of non - office uses within the 20 percent requirement. Additionally, the Development Agreement provides for a one -acre dedication by the developer to the City for a future fire station site and the sale of a five -acre park site. These public facilities provide a further mixture of uses on the site The reduced proposed project would allow a maximum overall floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.99.1, based on a maximum net floor area of 2,000,000 square feet. 299 LA x80172 Q EXHIBIT "E" AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS EXHIBIT "2 l" ESCROW HOLDER'S STANDARD PROVISIONS [To be added] -20- 2309900002 - 1246027 4 L O LA #80172 .2 2309900002- 1246027 4 EXHIBIT "E" AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS EXHIBIT "I I" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY [To be added] -19- EXHIBIT "E" AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 1 Legal Description of Real Property Exhibit 2 1 Escrow Holder's Standard Provisions Exhibit 3 1 Covenant and Agreement LA #80172 Q M 2309900002 - 1246027 4 296 E -XHMIT "E" Receipt of the foregoing instructions by Escrow Holder is acknowledged, said escrow holding is accepted and Escrow Holder agrees to hold and dispose of the funds and documents deposited in the escrow in accordance with these instructions Dated LA #80172 v2 -17- m Title: 2309900002- 1246027 4 295 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, INC, a California Municipal corporation m Mike Gordon, Mayor LA #80172 v2 2309900002 - 1246027 4 EXHIBIT "E" -16- r2sa ASSUMPTIONS AND GENERAL LIMITING CONDITIONS Sedway Group has made extensive efforts to confirm the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained in this study Such information was compiled from a variety of sources, including interviews with government officials, review of City documents and third parties deemed to be reliable Although Sedway Group believes all information in this study is correct, it does not wan-ant the accuracy of such information and assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies in the information by third parties We have no responsibility to update this report for events and circumstances occurring after the date of this report Further, no guarantee is made as to the possible effect on development of present or future federal, state or local legislation, including any regarding environmental or ecological matters The accompanying projections and analyses are based on estimates and assumptions developed in connection with the study In turn, these assumptions, and their relation to the projections, were developed using currently available economic data and other relevant information It is the nature of forecasting, however, that some assumptions may not materialize, and unanticipated events and circumstances may occur Therefore, actual results achieved during the projection period will likely vary from the projections, and some of the variations may be material to the conclusions of the analysts The existence of hazardous substances, including without limitation asbestos, polychlonnated biphenyls, petroleum leakage, or agricultural chemicals, which may or may not be present on the subject property, as well as other possible environmental conditions that may or may not affect the property, are beyond the scope of this study If any hazardous substances or environmental conditions are present, the value of the property and the optimal uses of the property may be affected No responsibility is assumed for any such substance or condition Contractual obligations do not include access to or ownership transfer of any electronic data processing files, programs or models completed directly for or as a by- product of this research effort, unless explicitly so agreed as part of the contract 3 0ti City of El Segundo COMMUNITY, ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 0 J1-� 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA. 90245 (310) 524 -2344 FAX (310) 3224167 APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Date 4/24/01 The Applicant Mr. Thomas Ricci TPG - E1 Segundo Partners, LLC 355 S. Grand Avenue, 112820 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Name Address Phone 213/830 -2264 (Applicant must have legal or equitable interest in the real property. Attach evidence.) (If not owner, a written statement from owners stating they are aware of this application.) Federal Express Corp. 1980 Noncounah Boulevard Memphis, TN 38132 Owner's Name Address Phone Property Situated at Portion of northeast quarter Section 7, Township 3 South, Range 14 West, (Exact legal description If legal description is by metes and bounds, attach a copy.) SBM. General Locations 827 N. Douglas Street between Atwood Way and Mariposa Avenue Address and Street, Avenue Street, Avenue Existing Zoning MU -N Existing General Plan /Specific Plan urban Mixed Use - North REQUEST. Underthe provisions of City Council Resolution No 3268 and Government Code Sec 65864 - 65869.5, application for consideration of a Development Agreement for the above described property Describe the proposed project in its entirety Include information on the type of construction proposed, materials to be used, and type of uses involved (i e., bank, general office, restaurant, etc) Provide details on square footages, heights, number of stones, number of parking spaces etc See attached. AE WVED 3 P %A 0 3 2001 pA a PLANNING DIVISION OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT l,(We) Federal Express Corporation the undersigned, depose and say that (1 amble are) the OWNER(S) of the property involved in this application and that I(we) have familiarized myself(ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all documents and plans attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief In lieu of property owner's signature, please reference attached 20_ letter from FedEx dated April 19, 2001. Signature Date 20 Signature Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize Joel B. Miller of Psomas to act for me in all matters relevant to this application I understand that this person will be the exclusive contact on the project and will be sMat.WLinformation and correspondence April 24, 2001 In lieu of property owner's signature, Thanas S. Ricci please reference attached letter from wne s signaye FedEx dated April 19, 2001. AGENT AFFIDAVIT I,(We) Joel B. Miller the undersigned, depose and say that (I am/We are) the AGENT(S) of the property involved in this application and that I(we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all documents and plans, attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief r .200/ / Signature ate 20_ Signature Date 38-' PLANNING DIVISION MAY 0 3 2001 UU 38-' PLANNING DIVISION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT APPLICATION RESPONSES 1 Describe the proposed project in its entirety Include information on the type of construction proposed, materials to be used, and type of uses involved (i e , bank, general office, restaurant, etc ) Provide details on square footages, heights, number of stories, number of parking spaces, etc a Proposed Uses Uses on the subject site may consist of retail, office, research and development, light industrial /manufacturing, technology /telecommunications /web hosting, hotel/conference center, recreation, and public service b Building Materials i Types of building materials currently anticipated include glass, steel, and textured concrete However, building materials are subject to change based on the types of uses constructed c Square footages The El Segundo Corporate Campus proposes approximately 2 55 million square feet of mixed uses on 46.53 acres. Land uses are approximately allocated as follows- 2 million square feet of office uses, and approximately 550,000 square feet combined of retail, research and development, light industrial/manufacturing, technology /telecommunications /web hosting, hotel /conference center, recreation, and public service. d Heights i Proposed building heights are not to exceed 175 feet e \umber of stories i The maximum number of stories proposed for any single building is 12 f Number of parking spaces i As the exact mix of uses is not yet known, the precise square foot allocation by use has not been deternuned Thus, the number of onsite parking spaces is currently unknown However, the number of off -street parking will be provided according to Chapter 20 54 of the El Segundo Municipal Code 2 Provide a detailed explanation of how the proposed project is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs specified in the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan. Specifically, reference the applicable General Plan and Specific Plan sections The proposed project lies within the Urban Mixed Use North General Plan designation and also within the Multimedia Overlay Zone The E1 Segundo Corporate Campus specifically promotes the goals, objectives. and policies of the Economic Development and Land Use sections of the General Plan in the following ways • The project provides land uses that improve the tax base through the addition of a variety of retail and commercial uses (Policy ED1 -2 1) ECEOVEn MAY 0 3 2001 IIIJj)I� Page 1 R PLANNING DIVI1 :ON Development Agreement Application Responses • Objective LU4-4 "require[s] landscaping, its maintenance, and permanent upkeep in all new office and mixed -use developments" The proposed project will implement extensive landscaping around the perimeter and throughout the project site, and will provide for its on -going maintenance. Furthermore, Objective LU44 states "provide areas where development has the flexibility to rmx uses, in an effort to provide synergistic relationships which have the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian environments" The El Segundo Corporate Campus has been designed to integrate pedestrian walkways between uses throughout the site to encourage the execution of multiple tasks on site Moreover, by providing a wide variety of uses on site, the project is expected to effectively limit vehicle trips generated in the area • The project specifically implements Goal LU4 as it "provides a stable tax base for the City through development of new commercial uses, primarily within a mixed -use environment..." • The El Segundo Corporate Campus "promotes the development of high quality retail facilities in proximity to major employment centers" (Objective LU4 -1) by providing an assortment of retail and office uses on site. • In accordance with the Land Use Element's Objective LU4 -3, the project "provides for new office and research and development uses" Furthermore, in agreement with the policies of this Objective, the project implements retail uses on the bottom floors of office and other uses, and provides mixed uses within one - quarter mile of a Metro Green Line Station • In support of Policy LU44.5, the project will submit and implement a Transportation Management Plan in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Chapters 20 55 and 20.56 3 Describe how the proposed project is compatible with the uses and regulations prescribed for the zoning district in which it is located a The proposed project lies within both the MU -N and the Multimedia Overlay (MMO) zones Each of the project's proposed uses is a permitted use in either, or both, of these zones However, an Administrative Use Permit is being sought for the project for the sale of alcoholic beverages associated with retail uses. Furthermore, the project has been designed to accommodate the development features outlined by the applicable zones 4 Describe how the proposed project's design would be compatible and integrated with, and not be detrimental to, existing development on adjacent and surrounding neighboring properties The proposed project is compatible with surrounding land uses which generally consist of commercial office, industrial, and light industrial/manufacturing. As these uses are similar to those proposed by the project, no adverse consequences are anticipated. Sufficient parking facilities will be provided on site so as not to deplete the availability of spaces required by surrounding uses. Furthermore, project ingress and egress will be designed to be compatible with the circulation of the surroundisig area p = ( _ 0 V E {��� MAY 0 3 2001 J Page 2 3 F 9 PLANNING NVIIE CN on - o=L4 Graham R Smah Delnery Cote 7773 1S Mad PC 60.727 7eiemone 901 434 996C lice Fresdenr 3680 Maces Gass goat Me , TN 38194 777: ray 90• 433 951E PrWa,es and iacibnes Memdus TN 38125 tmau arsmim@renuor ', — r Express VIA FEDEX LETTER April 19, 2001 City of El Segundo CED Services Department 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 RE: APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT EL SEGUNDO CORPORATE CAMPUS — EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA Dear Sir This letter serves as an attachment to the "Application for a Development Agreement" and "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" as submitted by Thomas S Ricci, Senior Vice President of Thomas Properties Group, LLC on behalf of TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC As owner of the subject property, we hereby acknowledge that we are aware that Mr. Ricci is applying for a "Development Agreement" by and between the City of El Segundo ( "City ") and TPG —El Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC Federal Express Corporation ( "FedEx ") executed a purchase and sale agreement with El Segundo Media Center LLC. El Segundo Media Center LLC has assigned the purchase and sale agreement to TPG -E1 Segundo Partners LLC. FedEx hereby acknowledges and authorizes TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC to work with the City to negotiate and obtain a Development Agreement that will allow it to develop the property consistent with the project parameters outlined in the application We wish TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC all success in their development Our agreement however is subject to the condition that the Development Agreement provide that if TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC does not purchase the property, the Development Agreement may be null and void and of no further force or effect, at FedEx's sole and absolute discretion, so that the Development Agreement does not automatically bind Federal Express Corporation or the property in the event the property is not purchased HE C E � V E MAY 0 3 2001 IJ 3�D PLANNING DfVi4.f ^' April 19, 2001 Page 2 of 2 FedEx's execution of this letter is subject to the immediately preceding paragraph In addition, FedEx's execution of this letter is based solely upon its reliance on the information provided by TPG El Segundo Partners, LLC and Thomas Properties Group, LLC in the Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire and Application For a Development Agreement. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Sincerely, FEDERAL XPRESS CORPORATION Graham R. Smith Vice- President Properties and Facilities 390642 App,oved ul Legal Department 9H' T O/ ,y ,lp'e� HR C E 9 w E MAY 0 3 2001 r�ANNING DIVISION 311 The Applicant (Check One) Owner _ Property Owner COMMUNITY, ECONOMIC AND EVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 80245 (310) 524 -2344 FAX (310) 322 -4167 TION FOR A ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT PROJECT NO Date 10 -09-01 TPG-El Segundo Partners, L.LC 355 S Grand Ave Ste 2820, LA. CA 90071 213 6131900 Name Address Phone Lessee _V Name Agent Property Situated at See attached local description (Exact legal description. Provide attachment if necessary) General .ocation: south of Atwood Way /north of Mariposa Ave between Nash and Douglas Streets Address and Street, Avenue Street, Avenue Existing Zoning. MU-N Request Under the provisions of Title 15, Chapter 26 of the Municipal Code, application for consideration of a Zone Text Amendment for the above described property Does public necessity require the proposed amendment? Describe the nature of the proposed amendment, including the section(s) of the Municipal Code to be amended Public necessity warrants this zone change as it is required to make the zoning of the site consistent with the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan General Plan designation The proposed amendment includes revising Section 15-3 -2 of the El Segundo Zoning Code (Specific Plan Zones) to add the Corporate Campus Specific Plan Zone. 2 Would the changes proposed by the amendment be detrimental in any way to the surrounding property? (Explain reasons supporting your answers ) No The proposed uses are consistent with both the existing and proposed zoning designations, and pose no detrimental health or safety effects to surrounding properties The Corporate Campus Specific Plan zone is intended to provide positive effects on area properties by allowing for supenor site planning with reduced density Any specific impacts will be identified in the project's Environmental Impact Report and mitigation measures incorporated ensure that surrounding properties are not affected by this proposal. 392 OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT 1 /(We) Federal Express Corporation being duly swom dispose and say that (I am/We are) the OWNERS) of the property involved in this application and that Ilwe have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on documents and all plans attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief On lieu of oroperty owner's signature, o/ease reference attached letter from FedEx dated April 19, 2001) Signature Date STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Los Angeles )ss. 20 On this day of 20 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said county and State, personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name subscribe to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he /she executed he same WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said County and state AGENT AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize TPG-E1 Segundo Partners, LLC)Thomas S. Ricci to act for me in all matters relevant to this application I understand that this person will be the exclusive contact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondence (in lieu of property owners signature. Please reference attached /elver from FedEx dated April 19 2001) Owner's Signature 393 AGENT AFFIDAVIT I, We TPG-EI Segundo Partners, LLC/Thomas S. Ricci being duly sworn dispose and say that Me am the AGENT(S) of the property involved in this application and that I /we have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on documents and all plans, attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge�an�belie� „ e STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Los Angeles )ss On this day of 0Ch bt , 20__42L, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said county and State, personally appeared n&rils S • I�Cm r known to me to be the person whose name /'S subscribe to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/*a executed-he same WIT Shan dll119df44'tatN6al Conrnlalon ►118t13S l.�f/ /� ( " N01MyPCb1:'Cah°ntO Notary Public in and for said County and state ras AnoWn CauAv G Procedures for filing application File application property completed in the office of the Planning Division Signature of the owner, owners, lessee, and/or agent shall be notarized before a Notary Public Applicant shall provide all information, drawings and other materials as requested by the Planning Division 3 Pay filing fee 4 Applicant and affected property owners writ be notified of time of hearing. 5 Applicant must be present at the hearing and may offer additional evidence to support his/her request 6 There shall be an additional fee for filing an appeal rrAAPP Planning Staff Date receive EA S Wy Signature 2TA o I— 1 394 00 — CD-?L: —f— Graham R Smith Delivery Cade 1117 1 ,ms 111 ieleehome 901 434 -9960 P". in ,m011 1rJm IAar- 1 ,n W id phi , N 111194 / 11i ! m M1 414 9r.10 Hopenres W Far hoes Mempms TN 36125 tmae grsmnh @team core L1 7 " Express VIA FEDEX LETTER April 19, 2001 City of El Segundo CED Services Department 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 RE: APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT EL SEGUNDO CORPORATE CAMPUS — EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA Dear Sir This letter serves as an attachment to the "Application for a Development Agreement" and "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" as submitted by Thomas S. Ricci, Senior Vice President of Thomas Properties Group, LLC on behalf of TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC. As owner of the subject property, we hereby acknowledge that we are aware that Mr. Ricci is applying for a "Development Agreement" by and between the City of El Segundo ( "City ") and TPG —El Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC. Federal Express Corporation ( "FedEx ") executed a purchase and sale agreement with El Segundo Media Center LLC El Segundo Media Center LLC has assigned the purchase and sale agreement to TPG -El Segundo Partners LLC FedEx hereby acknowledges and authorizes TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC to work with the City to negotiate and obtain a Development Agreement that will allow it to develop the property consistent with the project parameters outlined in the application We wish TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC all success in their development Our agreement however is subject to the condition that the Development Agreement provide that if TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC does not purchase the property, the Development Agreement may be null and void and of no further force or effect, at FedEx's sole and absolute discretion, so that the Development Agreement does not automatically bind Federal Express Corporation or the property in the event the property is not purchased 395 April 19,2001 Page 2 of 2 FedEx's execution of this letter is subject to the immediately preceding paragraph. In addition, FedEx's execution of this letter is based solely upon its reliance on the information provided by TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC and Thomas Properties Group, LLC in the Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire and Application For a Development Agreement Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Sincerely, FEDERAL /EXPRESS CORPORATION J. Graham R Smith Vice- President Properties and Facilities 390642 App,oved y of Legal Department 396 • Community, Economic and Development Services Department 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524 -2344 FAX (310) 322 -4167 www.elsegundo.org APPLICATION FOR A SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT No. 01 -01 Date. September 25, 2001 The applicant T_PG — El Seaundo Partners LLC 355 S Grand Ave Suite 2820 LA CA 90071 213 613 1900 (Check On Name Address Phone Owner Lessee X Agent Federal Express Corp 3680 Hacks Cross Rd Bid a 'H' 2nd FI Memphis, TN 38125 901 434.9610 Property Owner's Name Address Phone Property Situated at. Legal Description Attached (Exact legal description. Provide attachment if necessary) General Location south of Atwood Way, north of Manposa Avenue between Doualas and Nash Streets Address and Street, Avenue Street, Avenue Existing Zoning; MU -N Request Under the provisions of Title 15 of the Municipal Code, application for consideration of a Specific Plan for the above described property Describe in detail the entire proposed project (type of construction, materials to be used), uses involved (e g., bank, general office, industrial, restaurant, etc ) including buildings and other equipment necessaryto the project The project proposes approximately 2.55 million gross square feet of mixed uses Uses may include (but are not limited to) office, research and development, light industrial/manufacturing, laboratories, restaurants, technology related telecommunications and web hosting facilities, hotel/conference centerwith appurtenant restaurant, retail, service, recreational, and public service uses. Types of building materials currentlyanticipated include. glass, steel, and textured concrete. Building materials are subject to change based on types of uses constructed. Because of the prospective levels of power consumption associated with the proposed uses, the Specific Plan area could include an on -site electrical co- generation facility. If necessary, this cogeneration facility would be designed to meet the requirements of the utility provider and would be located and screened in a manner so as to preclude its visibility outside the boundaries of the Specific Plan area 2 Describe the existing development on the site. Include square footages and uses of each budding on the site There is currently no development on the project site. However, Rockwell International previously utilized the proposed Specific Plan area from 1953 to 1990 to manufacture metals and composite aircraft parts. 31)7 Explain in detail why this particular site is especially suited for the proposed development The subject site is both zoned for, and in the midst of, mixed 'uses. The project land plan and internal circulation have been specifically designed to suit the size and shape of the subject site The site is surrounded by roadway and transit facilities that are capable of supporting the uses proposed by the Specific Plan. Furthermore, the Specific Plan designation is intended to provide positive effects on area properties by allowing for superior site planning with reduced density Describe how the proposed project will compare /contrast to the development of adjacent properties and the immediate area and will not have detrimental effects to the adjacent properties or neighborhood flow will potential impacts be mitigated? The proposed project has been designed to complement adjacent development. Proposed buildings will be similar in size and scale to surrounding development, and proposed uses are also compatible with those in the area Uses such as retail, services, and restaurants will bean amenity to area businesses Potential impacts will be identified in the project's Environmental Impact Report and measures will be proposed to ensure that potential impacts are mitigated to the greatest extent feasible. 5 Describe the technological processes and equipment employed on -site and their compatibility with existing and potential land uses within the general area. With few exceptions, all uses proposed by the Specific Plan will be conducted within enclosed buildings and shall not impact other uses in the general area The Specific Plan may include an electrical co- generation facility. If necessary, this cogeneration facility would be designed to meet the requirements of both the onsite uses, as well as the utility provider, and would be located and screened in a manner so as to preclude its visibility outside the boundaries of the Specific Plan area OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT ],(We) Federal Express Corporation the undersigned, depose and saythat (I am/We are) the OWNER(S) of the property involved in this application and that I(we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all documents and all plans attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief (in lieu of property owner's signature. please reference attached letter from FedEx dated April 18 2001) 20 Signature Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC<Thomas S. Ricci to act for me in all matters relevant to this application. I understand that this person will be the exclusive contact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondence (in lieu of property owner's signature, please reference attached letter from FedEx dated April 19 20011 20 Signature Date 398 AGENT AFFIDAVIT 1,(W e) TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC/Thomas S. Ricci the undersigned, depose and say that (I am/W a are) th( AGENT(S) of the property involved in this application and that l(we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all documents and all plans, attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my[aMt�sngwiedge and belief Date Procedures for filing application 1 File application properly completed in the office of the Department of Community, Economic and Development Services along with completed Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire. Signature of the owner /owners, lessee (If applicant), and/or agent shall be required on all applications 2 Applicant shall provide all information, drawings and other materials as requested by the Planning Department as Indicated on the Notice to Applicants 3 Pay filing fee (See fee schedule) 4 Applicant and affected property owners will be notified of time of hearing. 5 Applicant must be present at the hearing and may offer additional evidence to support his /her request. 6 Thnre ,hall be an additional fee for filing an appeal P 1Planntng & Building Safety,AP•FORMS\specahc plan APP dx Planning Staff Date received l a Off _ E.A. S 4-7 Signature L4. 91 /r J S.P. (31- 1 399 0o —om:�-kN�- Graham R Smith I)ei[VYr, Caoe 7773 os 771 ielenane 901 434-OW Vnr7naxLm IIJNIIFI -i1.i N"d ipdn ,N 1111111 ., 11101n m10 Pooperoes and facilities Mempms TN 38125 Enron grsmim @ieaes car Express Cpress VIA FEDEX LETTER Apn1 19, 2001 City of El Segundo CED Services Department 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 RE: APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT EL SEGUNDO CORPORATE CAMPUS — EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA Dear Sir- This letter serves as an attachment to the "Application for a Development Agreement" and "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" as submitted by Thomas S. Ricci, Senior Vice President of Thomas Properties Group, LLC on behalf of TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC As owner of the subject property, we hereby acknowledge that we are aware that Mr Ricci is applying for a "Development Agreement" by and between the City of El Segundo ( "City'7 and TPG —EI Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC Federal Express Corporation ( "FedEx ") executed a purchase and sale agreement with El Segundo Media Center LLC El Segundo Media Center LLC has assigned the purchase and sale agreement to TPG -El Segundo Partners LLC. FedEx hereby acknowledges and authorizes TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC to work with the City to negotiate and obtain a Development Agreement that will allow it to develop the property consistent with the project parameters outlined in the application We wish TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC all success in their development Our agreement however is subject to the condition that the Development Agreement provide that if TPG -E] Segundo Partners, LLC does not purchase the property, the Development Agreement may be null and void and of no further force or effect, at FedEx's sole and absolute discretion, so that the Development Agreement does not automatically bind Federal Express Corporation or the property in the event the property is not purchased 400 April 19,2001 Page 2 of 2 FedEx's execution of this letter is subject to the immediately preceding paragraph. In addition, FedEx's execution of this letter is based solely upon its reliance on the information provided by TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC and Thomas Properties Group, LLC in the Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire and Application For a Development Agreement. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Sincerely, FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION Graham R Smith Vice- President Properties and Facilities 390642 ApP,oved of Legal Department y �� 40i Date, June 27, 2001 The Applicant TPG -El Segundo Pa Name (Check One) COMMUNITY, ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT IPLICATION FOR A ZONE CHANGE PROJECT NO O1— 1 '� - f} -54.2 Owner Lessee X Agent Owner Name Address Address Property ituated at see attached legal description (Exact legal description Provide attachment if necessary) General Location south of Atwood Way /north of Mariposa Ave between Nash and Doualas Streets Address and Street, Avenue Street, Avenue Existing Zoning MU -N 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524.2344 FAX (310) 322 -4167 Phone Request Under the provisions of Title 20, Section 20 86 of the Municipal Code, application for consideration of a Zone Change for the above described property Does public necessity require the proposed change? Is there a real need in the community for more of the types of uses permitted by the Zone requested that can be accommodated in the areas already for such zones? (Fully explain your answer, considering the surrounding property as well as the property proposed to be reclassified) Public necessity warrants this zone change as it is required to make the zoning of the site consistent with the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan General Plan designation The uses proposed under this requested zone change are identical to those allowed under the existing MU -N zone and, therefore, would have no impact on surrounding properties The proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan zone simply provides more precise development standards under which the project will be developed 2 Is the property involved in the proposed reclassification more suitable for the purposes permitted in the proposed zone than for the purposes permitted in the present classification? (Answer completely, give all reasons for your answer ) ,� E C rg- 0 M E — The property and the proposed project are consistent with both the existing and proposed inV 2 6 2001 B 40 2 `_ARRiNG DiVIc'^' designations The Specific Plan designation is intended to provide more flexibility for the development of a master - planned corporate campus that will be constructed in several phases The primary objective of the Specific Plan is to provide for superior, more comprehensive, site planning of the property Additionally, the requested Corporate Campus Specific Plan zone will lower the overall permitted Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of the site 3 Would the uses permitted by the proposed zone change be detrimental in any way to the surrounding property? (Explain reasons supporting your answers ) No The proposed uses are consistent with both the existing and proposed zoning designations, and pose no detrimental health or safety effects to surrounding properties. The Corporate Campus Specific Plan zone is intended to provide positive effects on area properties by allowing for superior site planning with reduced density Any specific impacts will be identified in the project's Environmental Impact Report and mitigation measures incorporated to ensure that surrounding properties are not affected by this proposal 4 What were the original deed restrictions, if any, concerning the type and class of uses on the property involved Give expiration date of these restrictions (You may attach a copy of these restrictions, after properly underscoring the portions that are in answer to this question ) None OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT I, We Federal Express Corporation being duly swom dispose and say that I/We am the OWNER(S) of the property involved in this application and that I /we have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on documents and all plans attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief In lieu of property owner's signature, please reference Attarhpd IPt_fPr frrvn PMFv A a1 Apri 1 9,_7nn1 _ , 20 Signature Date STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Los Angeles )ss On this day of 20 before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said county and State, personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name subscribe to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he /she executed he same WITNESS my hand and official seal Notary Public in and for said County and state AGENT AUTHORIZATION TPG-El Segundo Partners, LLC/ I hereby authorize Thanas S. Ricci to act for me in all matters relevant to this application I understand, that this person will be the exclusive contact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondences Lb 2 4n3 1 JUL 26 2001 Dwner's Signature AGENT AFFIDAVIT I, We TPG--El Segundo Partners, LLC /Ttxmas S. Ricci being duly swom dispose and say that I/We am the AGENT(S) of the property involved in this application and that Uwe have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on documents and all plans, attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Los Angeles )ss On this L day of 20�: / before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said county and State, persona&j appeared Id- A known to me to be the person whose name subscribe to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he /she executed he same WITNESS my hand and official seal Public in and for said County and state Procedures for filing application 1 File application properly completed in the office of the Planning Division Signature of the owner, owners, lessee, and /or agent shall be notarized before a Notary Public 2 Applicant shall provide all information, drawings and other materials as requested by the Planning Division 3 Pay filing fee 4 Applicant and affected property owners will be notified of time of hearing 5 Applicant must be present at the hearing and may offer additional evidence to support his /her request 6 There shall be an additional fee for filing an appeal, Planning Staff Date receive a r o EA SU -2 Signature ZC G I — { 5 It 2 6 2001 �- 4 n 4 01VIS1O' Graham R Smith VCR Premem %penes and Fardmes i Express VIA FEDEX LETTER April 19, 2001 City of El Segundo CED Services Department 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 DelweN Code 7773 L .ox 72' 7einnone 901434 898= 3590 Hacks Cross Road M. . Y4 38194 777, tm 991 434 -961C Mempha TN 38125 cma, msm0@ieaex cor RE: APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT EL SEGUNDO CORPORATE CAMPUS — EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA Dear Sir This letter serves as an attachment to the "Application for a Development Agreement" and "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" as submitted by Thomas S Ricci, Semor Vice President of Thomas Properties Group, LLC on behalf of TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC As owner of the subject property, we hereby acknowledge that we are aware that Mr Ricci is applying for a "Development Agreement" by and between the City of El Segundo ( "City") and TPG —El Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC Federal Express Corporation ( "FedEx ") executed a purchase and sale agreement with El Segundo Media Center LLC El Segundo Media Center LLC has assigned the purchase and sale agreement to TPG -E3 Segundo Partners LLC FedEx hereby acknowledges and authorizes TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC to work with the City to negotiate and obtain a Development Agreement that will allow it to develop the property consistent with the protect parameters outlined in the application We wish TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC all success in their development Our agreement however is subject to the condition that the Development Agreement provide that if TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC does not purchase the property, the Development Agreement may be null and void and of no further force or effect, at FedEx's sole and absolute discretion, so that the Development Agreement does not automatically bind Federal Express Corporation or the property in the event the property is not purchased JUL 2 6 2001 ._g ex)Atlhi _1 405 April 19,2001 Page -1 of 2 FedEx's execution of this letter is subject to the immediately preceding paragraph In addition, FedEx's execution of this letter is based solely upon its reliance on the mformation provided by TP&EI Segundo Partners, LLC and Thomas Properties Group, LLC to the Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire and Application For a Development Agreement. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Sincerely, FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION Graham R Smith Vice- President Properties and Facilities 390642 App,oved Legal Department f vi Y8ot 1 of 4�6 v- u u JUL 2 6 1001 ,I Community, Economic and Development Services Department APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PROJECT No. 'EA Jd Oi -S 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524 -2344 FAX (310) 322 -4167 www.elsegundo.org Date: 4/24/01 The applicant: TPG -E1 Segundo Partners, LLC 355 S. Grand Avenue, $2820 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Name Address Phone (213) 830 -2264 (Check One) Owner Lessee x Agent Property Owner: Federal Express Corp. 1980 Nonconnah Boulevard Memphis, TN 38132 (901) 434 -9168 Name Address Phone Property Situated at: Portion of Northeast quarter Section 7, Township 3 South, Ranee 14 West. (Exact legal description. Provide attachment if necessary) SBM General Location: 827 N. Douglas Street between Atwood Way and Mariposa Avenue Address and Street, Avenue Street, Avenue Existing Zoning: MU -N Tentative Parcel Map Vesting Tentative Parcel Map Tentative Tract Map x Vesting Tentative Tract Map Final Tract Map Final Vesting Tract Map 9{deYi E lvi E 0 `�% L`s It 1 Request: Under the provisions of Title 19 of the Municipal Code, application for con r (0 a Qavisis +on for the above described property 4f�7 SUBMIT WITH THIS APPLICATION: IS copies of the above noted map(s) prepared in accordance with Title 19, "El Segundo Municipal Code" Supporting documents or drawings to illustrate the proposed subdivision (parcel) map as fully as possible Other information as may be required by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services or City Engineer MISCELLANEOUS: All deeds required shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Los Angeles, California Provide the City with one reproducible mylar copy of the map(s) after recordation in the County Recorder's office together with two prints of the same All maps to be submitted in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT I, We Federal Express Corporation the undersigned, depose and say that I/We am the OWNER(S) of the property involved in this application and that I /we have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all documents and all plans attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of mylour knowledge and belief. In Lieu of property owner's signature, please reference attached letter fiat FedEx dated April 19, 2001 20 Signature Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC to act for metus in all matters relevant to this application I understand that this person will be the exclusive contact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondence. Ctj�/ April 24, 2001 Owner's Stgnatu 2 LS ��o LE; u v MAY 0 3 2001 . 1,r.111` 12 4 P'R AGENT AFFIDAVIT 1, we Joel B. Miller of Psomas the undersigned, depose and say that I/We am the AGENT(S) of the property involved in this application and that Uwe have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all documents and all plans, attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief �✓ , �l�� l cZ Z � 20 Il/ Signature Date Procedures for filing application File application properly completed in the office of the Planning Division along with completed Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire. Signature of the owner/ owners, lessee (if applicant), and/or agent shall br required on all applications. 2 Applicant shall provide all information, drawings and other materials as requested by the Planning Division as indicated on the Notice to Applicants. Pay filing fee (See fee schedule). 4 Applicant and affected property owners will be notified of time of hearing 5 Applicant must be present at the hearing and may offer additional evidence to support his/her request. 6 There shall be an additional fee for filing an appeal Planning Staff: Date received Signature tin P/pbP*fo,®/mbd,v,swv EA Sy"F SUB r0)_ S J l '. ; 16 Il "V;/ 'S I i , 1� MAY 0 3 2001 409 COMMUNITY, ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DF-PARTMENT 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524 -2344 FAX (310) 322 -4167 APPLICATION FOR A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT PROJECT NO. Date: June 27, 2001 The Applicant: TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC 355 S Grand Ave, Suite 2820 Los Angeles, CA 90071 213 613 1900 Name Address Phone (Check One) Owner _ Lessee X Agent Property Owner: Federal Express Corp 3680 Hacks Cross Rd Bldg H, 20° FI Memphis, TN 38125 901 434 9610 Name Address Phone Property Situated at: description attached (Exact legal description Provide attachment If necessary) General Location: south of Atwood Way /north of Manoosa Ave between Douglas St and Nash St Address or Street/ Avenue Street/ Avenue Street/ Avenue Existing General Plan Land Use Designation: Urban Mixed -Use North Describe the proposed amendment and /or proposed land use redesignation that is requested with this application It is requested that the site's land use plan designation be changed from Urban Mixed -Use North to "Corporate Campus Specific Plan" The land uses proposed under the Specific Plan designation would be identical to those permitted under the existing designation The Specific Plan designation is Intended to provide more flexibility for the development of a master - planned corporate campus that will be constructed In several phases The primary objective of the Specific Plan is to provide for superior, more comprehensive, site planning of the property Additionally, the requested General Plan Amendment will lower the overall permitted Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of the site Does public necessity require the proposed amendment and /or proposed land use redesignation? (Fully explain your answer, considering the surrounding properties as well as the subject property) The change in land use designation to Corporate Campus Specific Plan will promote comgtQlll;,y wdh pdtacent 1 410 "" JUL 2 6 2001 property development and allow increased flexibility to provide the amenities identified in the General Plan The Specific Plan authorizes development to be concentrated into campuses that provide for more landscaped open space on both the project's interior and perimeter, while lowering the overall FAR permitted for the property 3 Is the property involved in the proposed land use redesignation and /or amendment more suitable and consistent with the purposes, objectives, goals and policies, of the applicable General Plan Elements than the present designation? (Answer completely Give all reasons for your answer and specifically cite applicable General Plan sections ) The proposed General Plan redesignation provides more flexibility to allow this project to be constructed over several years, enduring potentially changing market forces The property and the proposed project are consistent with both the existing and proposed land use designations Specifically, the project promotes the following General Plan policies Economic Development Element (Policies ED 1 -1 1, 1 2. 2 land 2 21 • The project will expand the City's tax base through the addition of commercial development of a parcel that is currently vacant • The project provides land uses that improve the tax base through the addition of a variety of retail and commercial uses • The proposed project will contribute to the enhancement of the City's infrastructure by contributing to traffic improvements in the vicinity of the project Land Use Element (Policies LU 4 -1 1, 1.2, 1 4, 3 1, 3 2, 3 5, 3 6. 4 3. 4 4. 4 5. 4 6. 4 7. 4.8. and 7 -2 31 • The El Segundo Corporate Campus "promotes the development of high quality retail facilities in proximity to major employment centers" by providing an assortment of retail and office uses on site • The project provides for new office and research and development uses • The proposal implements retail uses on the bottom floors of office and other uses • The project provides mixed uses within one - quarter mile of a Metro Green Line Station • The proposed project will be constructed and maintained in accordance with Health and Safety regulations and will meet seismic safety and environmental regulations • The El Segundo Corporate Campus shall adhere to all noise, air quality, and water regulations • The proposed project will implement extensive landscaping around the perimeter and throughout the project site, and will provide for its on -going maintenance • The El Segundo Corporate Campus has been designed to integrate pedestrian walkways between uses throughout the site to encourage the execution of multiple tasks on site Moreover, by providing a wide variety of uses on site, the project is expected to effectively limit vehicle trips generated in the area • The project provides a stable tax base for the City through development of new commercial uses within a mixed -use environment • The project will submit and implement a Transportation Management Plan in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Chapters 20 55 and 20 56 • As a mixed -use proposal, the project has the capability of increasing economic benefit while reducing vehicle trips • All on -site utilities necessary for the proposed project will be placed underground Circulation Element (Policies C 1 -1 13. 1 4,.1.7, 2 -1 1. 2.2. 3.2. 3.3. and 5 1) 4 1 • Potential traffic impacts related to the proposed project will be mitigated to a level of m gaifrcanr a II 2 ��11 JUL 2 6 2001 • The project shall provide adequate on -site parking, in garages and surface spaces, to meet the demand of the mixture of uses • The project will facilitate and promote usage of the Metro Green Line, which is across the street from the proposed project Would the use(s) permitted by the proposed land use redesignation and /or amendment be detrimental in any way to the surrounding properties? (Explain reasons supporting your answers ) No The proposed uses are consistent with both the existing and proposed general plan designations, and pose no detrimental health or safety effects to surrounding properties The Specific Plan designation is intended to provide positive effects on area properties by allowing for superior site planning with reduced density Any specific impacts will be identified in the project's Environmental Impact Report and mitigation measures incorporated to ensure that surrounding properties are not affected by this proposal No Are there any deed or other restrictions concerning the type and class of uses on the property involved If so, give expiration date of the restrictions and attach a copy of the restrictions Explain how the proposed redesignation and /or amendment would be integrated, internally consistent and compatible with all of the Elements of the General Plan, as a whole (Cite specific applicable General Plan sections ) The proposed land use redesignation is internally consistent with following applicable elements of the General Plan Economic Development, Land Use, Circulation, Conservation, Air Quality, Noise, and Public Safety (the remaining elements of the General Plan Housing, Open Space and Recreation, and Hazardous Materials and Waste Management do not have policies that pertain to the proposed project) In addition to the Economic Development, Land Use, and Circulation Element policies note above (Item 3), the proposed project is also . onsistent with the following sections of the General Plan Conservation Element (PO)ICIe§ CN2 -5. 2-Z,2-_8,5-61 • The project will install water - conserving fixtures and appliances to reduce the amount of new demand • The project landscape design and management will utilize practices that consider water and energy conservation • At the City's request, landscaped areas shall incorporate distinctive elements of the existing community landscape Air Quality Element (Policies AQ3 -1 2, 10 -1 3. 12 -1.21 Transportation System Management (TSM) plans, which encourage various trip- reduction programs will be prepared prior to operation of the proposed project The proposed project will meet or exceed the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) for reducing PM 10 standards • Project implementation anticipates the use of energy conservation features Noise Element (Policy N1 -2 1) - • The project will meet the City's Noise Ordinance Standards as a condition of budding permit approval Public Safety Element (Polices PS1 -1 1, 2-12. 3 -1 1.4 -1 1. 5 -1.2. 7 -1 1)- • The project will be required to submit a geotechnical report to identify and mibgate any potential on -site hazards In the event that toxic sods are identified on the project site, such areas of the site will be remediated in accordance with local, state, and federal laws 3 412 ll JUL 2 6 2001 !" Any protect- related impacts to stormwater runoff will be identified and mitigated in the project's Environmental Impact Report The proposed project will help the City of El Segundo with its enhancement of emergency services by providing a fire station site on the property OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT I, We Federal Express Corporation being duly swam depose and say that I/We am the OWNER of the property involved in this application and that 1 /we have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation(s) of the City of Ef Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on documents and all plans attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief 20 Signature Date STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) * In lieu of property owner's signature, please reference County of Los Angeles )ss * attached letter fran FedEx dated April 19, 2001. **************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** On this day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name subscribe to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same WITNESS my hand and official seal Notary Public in and for said County and State AGENT AUTHORIZATION TPCr -El Segundo Partners, LLC/ I hereby authorize Thomas s. Ricci to act for me in all matters relevant to this application I understand that this person will be the exclusive contact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondence Owner's Signature AGENT AFFIDAVIT I, We TPCrEl Segundo Partners, LLC /Thoims S. Ricci being duly swam depose and say that I/We am the AGENT of the property involved in this application and that I /we have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on documents and all plans, attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief __ , 4 13` JUL 2 6 2001 '- Signature STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Los Angeles )ss L-, r 20. Comm 11256149 007M PUBUC- CALFOM LM wMU Crry my Csa, Erin Yrd 10.7001 On this ; T day of 20 / before meJ.the undersigned Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared 91 �� ✓ F cc� known to me to be the person whose name subscribe to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he /ehe executed the same WITNESS my hand and official seal ` Notary Public in and for said County and State Procedures for filing application File application properly completed in the office of the Planning Division Signature of the owner, owners, lessee, and /or agent shall be notarized before a Notary Public Applicant shall provide all information, drawings and other materials as requested by the Planning Division. 3 Pay filing fee 4 Applicant and affected property owners will be notified of time of hearing Applicant must be present at the hearing and may offer additional evidence to support his /her request 6 There shall be an additional fee for filing an appeal Planning Staff* Date received- Signature —F ad, I A. 1 GPA OI" Z�- L JUL 2 6 2001 4 14 , „, revised 09/04/97 JUL 2 6 2001 415 Property Owner: City of El Segundo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 350 Main Street EI Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524 -22344 APPLICATION FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT A.U.P. No. r Ay; `R i fts RuP 1 -1 Date: 4/24/01 Federal Express Corp. 1980 Nonconnah Boulevard Memphis, TN 38132 Name Address Phone Note: Property Owner's signature is required on reverse side. Applicant (if different from property owner): Mr. Thomas Ricci TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC 355 S. Grand Avenue, #2820 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Name Address Phone (213) 830 -2264 Property Location: S/0 Atwood Way, N10 Mariposa Avenue, W/0 Douglas Street and E/o Nash Street Address Zoning: MU -N General Plan Land Use Designation: Urban Mixed -Use North Request: Under the provisions of Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, application for consideration of an Administrative Use Permit for the above described property. 1. Describe in detail the entire proposed project (type of construction, materials to be use, uses involved, i.e., bank, general office, industrial, restaurant, etc.) buildings and other equipment necessary to the project. The proj act proposes approximately 2.55 million square feet of mixed uses. Uses may include commercial office, research and development, retail commercial, light industrial /manufacturing, laboratories, telecommunication and web hosting, hotel /conference center, service, recreation, and public service. Types of building materials currently anticipated include: glass, steel, and textured concrete. Building materials are subject to change based on the types of uses constructed. 2. Describe the existing development on the site. Include square footages and uses of each building on the site. C � - -�� G� There is currently no development on the subject site. ID, �� MAY 0 3 2v001 ` 1 418 3. Explain in detail why this particular site is especially suited for the proposed development. The proposed project is consistent with the City's General Plan and zoning designation for the site, as well as the applicable Multi —Media overlay zone. The subject site is of sufficient size and shape to accommodate necessary development features such as parking, setbacks, landscaping, and pedestrian and vehicular circulation. The site was previously used for industrial manufacturing. However, previous uses have been demolished and the site has been remediated. Cal —EPA has determined that "no appreciable health, safety or hazard risk" remains on the subject sat 4. Describe how the proposed project relates to the development of adjacent properties and the immediate area and will not have detrimental effects to the adjacent properties or neighborhood. Properties surrounding the subject site are already developed. Thus, implementation of the proposed project is not anticipated to significantly impact adjacent properties. Additionally, the proposed project is compatible with surrounding land uses which generally consist of commercial office, industrial and light industrial /manufacturing. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT QWe) Federal Express Corporation am(are) the OWNER(S) of the property involved in this application; I(we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application; and the Information on all documents and all plans is true and correct to the beat of my(our) knowledge and belief. In lieu of property owner's signature, please r f r a ached 1Pf-+ar from FPAEX dated April 19, 2001. Owner's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize TPG -El Segundo Partners. LLC to act for me in all matters relevant to this application. I understand that this person will be the primary contact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondence. • April 24, 2001 In lieu of property owner's signature, please Thanas S. Ricci eference attached letter from FedEX dated April 19 Owner's Signatu Date 2001 APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT 1,(We) TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC am(are) the APPLICANT(S) of the property involved in this application; 1(we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application; and the information on all documents and all plans is true and con eot to the best of r) knowledge and belief. • April 24, 2001 Thomas S. Ricci L b f l MAY 0 3 2091 2 4l9 -• Applicant's Signature Date Applicant's Signature Date Procedures for filing application Submit the application with the signature of the property owner(s) and applicant(s) to the Planning Division along with the following documents: A map of all properties within a 300 -foot radius of the subject property, keyed to a list of names and addresses of the current property owners. Planning Staff can assist in the preparation of the radius map. The names and addresses of the property owners can be obtained by contacting: Los Angeles County Assessors Office, 24330 Narbonne Avenue, Lomita, California. Phone number: (31.0) 534 -6100. 2. Certification that the names and addresses provided are those of the property owners currently listed in the latest available Tax Assessor's records. (Your hearing may be delayed if an excessive number of notices are returned). 3. Two sets of unaddressed business envelopes with no return address, stamped with first class postage, of sufficient number to contact every property owner within the 300 -foot radius, the subject property owner, the applicant, and any other interested party which the applicant wants notified (sufficient for two mailings). 4. Two sets of adhesive mailing labels, and one copy of a list of the names and addresses, both keyed into the radius map in Item # 1 with the names and addresses of every person indicated in Item #3. 5 Provide 8 sets of plans (site plan, floor plans, and elevations), preliminary title report (for new construction only), and all other information requested by the Planning Division. 6. Pay a filing fee of $ 500.00. 7. Applicant will be notified within five working days as to the completeness of application. S. The Director of Planning and Building Safety will approve or deny the application within ten (10) working days from the date the application is deemed complete. 9. The Director's decision will be set for the next available agenda of the Planning Commission meeting as a receive and file item, and noticed through the Public Notice process. Any Planning Commissioner may request that an Item be discussed. The decision of the Director is not final until received and filed or acted upon by the Planning Commission or upheld on appeal. ap-lo APPIIMV UPAPP Planning Staff: Date received 5 D ) Signature DMA �J E.A. SLr?, A.U.P. Z) l - I L l� U is u _ L MAY 0 3 2001 4 20 00 - 0M:.k4 -17`03 Gnhnn R. Smith Uefiw" Lone 7773 ,a Mad PO Boe 727 ieieohone 901434 -898( V� FYesment 35M narks Lmn flood Memphis IN 3Bt94 7773 Fax 901434 9810 BWemes and fwdlrres Memphis IN 38125 tmail grsmim@leaex Corr Express VIA FEDEX LETTER April 19, 2001 City of El Segundo CED Services Department 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 RE: APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT EL SEGUNDO CORPORATE CAMPUS - EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA Dear Sir This letter serves as an attachment to the "Application for a Development Agreement" and "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" as submitted by Thomas S. Ricci, Semor Vice President of Thomas Properties Group, LLC on behalf of TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC. As owner of the subject property, we hereby acknowledge that we are aware that Mr. Ricci is applying for a "Development Agreement" by and between the City of El Segundo ( "City's and TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC. Federal Express Corporation ( "FedEx ") executed a purchase and sale agreement with El Segundo Media Center LLC El Segundo Media Center LLC has assigned the purchase and sale agreement to TPG -El Segundo Partners LLC FedEx hereby acknowledges and authorizes TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, c/o Thomas Properties Group, LLC to work with the City to negotiate and obtain a Development Agreement that will allow it to develop the property consistent with the project parameters outlined in the application We wish TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC all success in their development Our agreement however is subject to the condition that the Development Agreement provide that if TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC does not purchase the property, the Development Agreement may be null and void and of no further force or effect, at FedEx's sole and absolute discretion, so that the Development Agreement does not automatically bind Federal Express Corporation or the property in the event the property is not purchased MAY 0 3 10(3 L r..1,1^ nivrct�r•: 421 April 19,2001 Page 2 of 2 FedEx's execution of this letter is subject to the immediately preceding paragraph In addition, FedEx's execution of this letter is based solely upon its reliance on the information provided by TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC and Thomas Properties Group, LLC in the Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire and Application For a Development Agreement. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Sincerely, FEDERAL CRESS CORPORATION Graham R. Smith Vice- President Properties and Facilities 390642 App,oved part 51.S ,L,Jot Legal Department �7 vi I 1w, MAY 0 3 2001 - "^- nnretOt; A n � CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PUBLIC HEARING: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: PROPERTY INVOLVED Introduction November 8, 2001 Environmental Assessment No. 548, Specific Plan Administrative Use Permit No. 01 -1. and Subdivision No. 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No. 53570 TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC Federal Express Corporation 2,550,000 Square Foot Mixed -Use Development El Segundo Corporate Campus 700 and 800 Block North Nash Street (former Rockwell site) On October 25, 2001, the Planning Commission opened the public hearing for the proposed project, received public testimony, and continued the public hearing until November 8, 2001 At this meeting, the Commission stated that its intention was to re -open the public hearing on November 8, take additional public testimony and continue the hearing until November 15, 2001, at a special meeting to be held at 6:00 p m. A public hearing on the proposed Zone Text Amendment (ZA No. 01 -1) application associated with the project was noticed separately from the rest of the entitlements for the November 8, 2001, Planning Commission meeting The public hearing for ZTA No 01 -1 was not opened on October 25, 2001 Recommendation Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission re -open the continued public hearing, take public testimony, and then continue the public hearing until November 15, 2001 Staff further recommends that the Commission open the 473 public hearing on ZTA No 01 -1, take public testimony and continue that public hearing until November 15, 2001 III. Background Staff scheduled the public hearing for October 25, 2001 in anticipation that all review of the proposed project would be complete Unfortunately, discussions between staff and the applicant on substantive Issues In the proposed Development Agreement were not completed. As result, staff recommended that the Commission continue the public hearing until November 8, 2001 On October 25, 2001, the Commission opened the public hearing, took public testimony, and continued the hearing without any deliberation by the Commission, until November 8, 2001 Since the Planning Commission expressed the Intent to further continue the public hearing to a special meeting on November 15, 2001 at 6.00 p.m., staff will present a full staff report and project analysis for that meeting. IV. Proiect Description The Planning Division has received the above request to approve a specific plan and a nine -year Development Agreement between the City and the applicant for a 2,550,000 gross square foot mixed -use project to be located on a vacant 46 53 -acre former Rockwell International property bounded by Nash and Douglas Streets, Manposa Avenue, and Atwood Way. The property is located in the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone. The project is called the El Segundo Corporate Campus The proposed project includes approximately 2,000,000 square feet of offices comprising approximately 80 percent of the project. A mix of commercial and industrial uses consisting of approximately 100,000 square feet of R & D /light industrial, 75,000 square feet of telecommunications /web hosting, 153,000 square feet of retail, 82,000 square feet of restaurants, a 20,000 square foot health club, 100,000 square feet of hotel /conference facilities, 10,000 square feet of medical /dental offices, and a 10,000 square foot day care center would comprise a minimum of approximately 20 percent of the total building area. The proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan (CCSP) would allow a maximum overall floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.15.1, based on a maximum net floor area of 2,350,000 square feet The current Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone allows a 1.3:1 net FAR Paul Garry, Senior nner ame;; M Hansen, Director Community, Economic, and Development Services P lPlanrnng & Building Safety \PROJECTS\526- 550\Ea•548 \EA -548 SR•3 doc 2 V 4 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PUBLIC HEARING: October 25, 2001 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. 548, Specific Plan No. 01 -1. Development Agreement No. 01 -1. General Plan Amendment No. 01 -2. Zone Change No. 01 -1. Administrative Use Permit No. 01 -1. and APPLICANT: TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC PROPERTY OWNER: Federal Express Corporation REQUEST: 2,550,000 Square Foot Mixed -Use Development El Segundo Corporate Campus PROPERTY INVOLVED: 700 and 800 Block North Nash Street (former Rockwell site) Introduction The Planning Division has received the above request to approve a specific plan and a nine -year Development Agreement between the City and the applicant for a 2,550,000 gross square foot mixed -use project to be located on a vacant 46.53 -acre former Rockwell International property bounded by Nash and Douglas Streets, Manposa Avenue, and Atwood Way. The property is located in the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone. The project is called the El Segundo Corporate Campus The proposed project includes approximately 2,000,000 square feet of offices comprising 80 percent of the project. A mix of commercial and industrial uses consisting of approximately 100,000 square feet of R & D /light industrial, 75,000 square feet of telecommunications /web hosting, 153,000 square feet of retail, 82,000 square feet of restaurants, a 20,000 square foot health club, 100,000 square feet of hotel /conference facilities, 10,000 square feet of medical /dental offices, and a 10,000 square foot day care center would comprise a minimum of 20 percent of the total building area. The proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan (CCSP) would allow a maximum overall floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.15 1, based on a maximum net floor area of 2,350,000 square feet The current Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone allows a 1.3,1 net FAR 425 II. Recommendation Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission open the public hearing, take public testimony, and then continue the public hearing until November 8, 2001 III. Background Staff scheduled the public hearing for October 25, 2001 in anticipation that all review of the proposed project would be complete Unfortunately, discussions between staff and the applicant on substantive Issues in the proposed Development Agreement have not been completed. As result, staff recommends that the Commission continue the public hearing until November 8, 2001 Since the public hearing was noticed, staff also recommends that the Commission open the public hearing, take public testimony, and then continue the hearing without any deliberation by the Commission, until November 8, 2001 Staff will present a full staff report and project analysis for that meeting Paul Garry, Senior P19nner Ja es q Hansen, Director Community, Economic, and Development Services P \Planning & Building Safety\PROJECTS \52&550\Ea- 548 \EA -548 SR -2 doe 2 426 Planning Technician Truitt reviewed staff report (of record) related to this matter Chairman Kretzmer opened the public hearing Vance Pomeroy, JIM Consulting Group, representing AT &T Wireless Services Mr Pomeroy stated that the restriction of 12 antennas maximum in the Conditions of Approval, Design Conditions No 2, Master Page 27, is acceptable to the Applicant; and added that the Applicant concurs with all the Conditions of Approval In response to Commissioner Busch's inquiry, Mr Pomeroy commented on some of the limited AT &T service coverage in the El Segundo area; advised that a new antenna is currently being installed on the roof of the City's Police Department; and stated that it is anticipated this work should be completed within one month — pointing out that this installation should greatly improve AT &T's coverage in the City. Chairman Kretzmer closed the public hearing Commissioner Busch moved, seconded by Commissioner Frick, to concur with staffs recommendation, adopting Resolution No. 2520 Motion passed 5 -0 (Agenda Item No H-4, El Segundo Corporate Campus, was considered as the first order of business this evening ) Chairman Kretzmer presented Item No H-4, Environmental Assessment No 548, Specific Plan No. 01 -1, Development Agreement No. 01 -1, General Plan Amendment No 01 -2, Zone Change No. 01 -1, Zone Text Amendment No. 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No 01 -1, and Subdivision No. 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 53570). Address: 700 -800 North Nash Street Applicant: TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC Property Owner- Federal Express Corporation Following a request to re -open the closed hearing, there was a unanimous decision by the Planning Commission not to re -open the hearing this evening — pointing out that all prior meetings in regard to this matter had been properly noticed and that the public had been given adequate opportunity to provide input Senior Planner Garry reviewed staff report (of record) related to this matter, highlighting the answers to questions the Planning Commission had posed previous to this meeting DRAFT MOTION CLOSED HEARINGS, CONTINUED BUSINESS, EA NO. 548, SP NO. 01 -1, DA NO. 01 -1, GPA NO. 01 -2; ZC NO. 01 -1, ZTA 01 -1, AUP NO. 01 -1, AND SUB NO. 01 -5 (VTT NO. 53570) 2 El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, December 6, 2001 /� 9 , DRAFT Planning Manager Ketz stated that three letters (of record) had been received following the Agenda package distribution and that these letters had been handed out to the Planning Commission at this evening's meeting ( 1 Continental Development Corporation; 2. Ronald Cano, 3 Loretta Frye) Chairman Kretzmer asked staff who could answer questions regarding Proposition 65 issues Mr. Garry indicated the City hired Deborah Proctor to assist the City on this issue. Deborah Proctor, Environmental Consultant and Toxicologist Ms Proctor advised that she was hired by Geoff Redly of Christopher A. Joseph & Associates, the City's EIR consultant, to furnish additional technical expertise in regard to this matter, and provided some background information on her 13 years of experienced expertise in the area of hexavelent chromium and other Proposition 65 warnings and related notices — stating that the air emissions of hexavelent chromium and inhalation exposure is the basis for the Proposition 65 warning. Ms. Proctor explained that the emissions from the Northrop Grumman facility have previously been in excess of 1 in 100,000 and that is the reason for the facility's posting of a Proposition 65 notice; and she added that since that time, it is her understanding that the air emissions have been reduced and that now it's questionable as to whether or not Northrop would even need to make a notification for being under a 1 in 100,000 risk factor Ms Proctor explained that the model which is used to assess toxicity /carcinogenicity in hexavelent chromium assumes there's a linear relationship with time, exposure and cancer She went on to further explain that when one considers the exposure of hexavelent chromium, for example at the park, the exposure duration is going to be far more limited than in a residence, advised that the residential standard is very protective and ultraconservative and is based on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week continuous exposure for 70 years, and concluded that even if one were to take the old emission rates of the Northrop Grumman facility for risks at the park, it would not be above the significant risk level of 1 in 100,000 Ms Proctor explained for Commissioner Busch that yes, prevailing winds at various times of the day do affect how a population is exposed; that actual weather patterns are taken into account when one determines what the nsk is and where it potentially exists; and advised that it is her understanding the air emissions at Northrop have been reduced as a result of improved air emission requirements /controls, keeping the facility from emitting less, not necessarily less usage 3 El Segundo Planning Comtmssion Minutes, December 6, 2001 4 :� DRAFT Ms Proctor explained that in the Los Angeles area, as well as throughout California, hexavelent chromium is in ambient air at levels that produce a risk of continuous exposure — stating that these levels measure 19 in 1,000,000 in Los Angeles and 15 in 1,000,000 throughout other parts of California, and that it is her opinion the 7 in 1,000,000 is not that alarming and is lower and more consistent with what's already in the ambient air throughout the state. Ms Proctor stated for Commissioner Rickard that Northrop employees are covered under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements and that these exposure requirements for workers fall under the appropriate state agency regulations; and that she is confident Northrop meets those standards for its employees Ms. Proctor pointed out that her focus of study was not on the exposure to workers at the Northrop facility, but was focused on the offsite areas; and that it would be a reasonable conclusion that an individual playing in a park for two hours a week versus a full -time employee working at Northrop has a much lower risk level. She added that the air emission and dispersion models are for outdoor exposure only In response to Chairman Kretzmer's inquiry with regard to how she, in her professional opinion, would summarize the risk to users of the park area, Ms. Proctor stated that it would be insignificant; and that at some point, she would predict the nsk to be so far below what's observable that it probably isn't actually present Ms Proctor stated that as far as she is aware, there is no valid, scientific opinion, literature or other information which would support opposing views that there would be a more than insignificant risk Responding to Vice - Chairman Mahler's inquiry, Ms. Proctor explained that the risk is linear with exposure time, and that it would be her professional opinion that the nsks are below anything that would be significant, less than 1 in 100,000, for a full -time parking lot attendant working at this site Ms. Proctor noted for Chairman Kretzmer that some businesses display a Proposition 65 warning just to be on the safe side, to ensure that everyone is informed that there is a potential exposure to chemicals that are recognized by the state to be carcinogenic, reproductive or developmental toxins; that Proposition 65 warnings are required when exposures exceed a 1 in 100,000 risk level; and expressed her belief that the Proposition 65 warning at the Northrop Grumman facility does not extend into the proposed soccer field area. Ms. Proctor stated that based on the current emissions, she does not believe any Proposition 65 warnings will be required with regard to the construction of any of the 4 El Segundo Plammng Commission Munnes, December 6, 2001 4 ? 9 DRAFT buildings and occupancy of those buildings on this 46.5 -acre parcel; and advised that throughout each of the construction phases, the Applicant will be coordinating and working with public agencies to ensure that they meet Proposition 65 thresholds and whether any warnings need to be posted. She expressed her belief that the onus is upon the emitter of the chemical to make that determination, but that others can bring to the emitter's attention the potential for violation of Proposition 65 and the requirement to test for levels, and stated that she is not aware of any governmental agency which is responsible for monitoring the construction of any commercial building and determining whether or not one needs to post Proposition 65 warnings Ms Procter confirmed for Vice - Chairman Mahler that Proposition 65 warnings are posted in many places, such as industrial sites, factories, offices, restaurants, food packaging, etc Senior Planner Garry explained for Commissioner Busch that when the former Rockwell buildings were demolished on this site, Rockwell remediated and removed contaminated soil — noting that this was mostly in the southwest corner, that they were permitted to leave some contaminated soil in place; and as documented by the closure letters, with the amount of contaminated soil still in the ground, the regulatory agencies had determined that the site was clean, and the files were closed Mr Garry explained that all the topsoil is clean sod; and that if the Applicant were to encounter contaminated sod, the contamination would have to be remediated City Attorney Hensley stated for Commissioner Busch that before any grading occurs on this site with respect to the soccer field area, the City will conduct additional due diligence to the extent necessary to review all documents related to the closure of this site; and that further testing may be conducted if deemed appropriate in order to ensure the City that this property is clean; that if discovery of any contamination occurs, the developer /seller will assume the obligation to clean up any contamination Chairman Kretzmer and Commissioner Busch voiced their concern that the City avoid any and all liability on the part of contaminated soil and remediation at this park site; and encouraged staff to incorporate strong language which insulates the City against that kind of liability Chairman Kretzmer asked for assurance that there is no risk of upward seepage of underground well products, endangering the health of those using the park site City Attorney Hensley explained that staff has a high comfort level given the amount of cleanup that has previously been done and the DTSC's El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, December 6, 2001 A S n DRAFT signing off on this property, but that if further testing is necessary, it will be done to the full extent. City Attorney Hensley noted that environmental laws continuously change and pointed out that what is currently an acceptable level may not be considered an acceptable level in the future, advised that contamination migrates from property to property, and therefore stated that there cannot ever be a 100 - percent guarantee that the City won't have any liability for this property or other properties the City owns He reiterated that staff would undertake more tharr reasonable due diligence in its studies with respect to this property should the City move forward and purchase it Hans Giroux, Giroux & Associates, Consultant for the City In response to Chairman Kretzmer's inquiry with regard to whether or not this project will pose any air quality health risk to the City's residents, Mr Giroux explained that the only health risk which is significant to local residents is within a circle of approximately 50 feet at a number of identified intersections wherein the level of services are "E" and T ", explained that while the cars idle waiting to go through the intersection after two or three light changes, it creates isolated hot -spots in these areas, and provided an example that if an individual were to sit in these hot -spot areas for 8 continuous hours, it would be unhealthful to that individual Mr Giroux explained that the other impacts are microscopically cumulative in nature, that the amount of emissions at these intersections, which will convert to ozone by the time the conversion process is completed, will be so dispersed into hundreds of thousands of cubic feet of air, that these emissions will be undetectable by any equipment that is currently available on the marketplace. Mr Giroux explained that it is the cumulative impact of all that which creates the ozone levels which are predicted to exceed in the inland communities the federal standard until 2010 and the state standard beyond that point — pointing out that the federal standard already has been met in El Segundo and has been met for a number of years. He explained that because the winds blow from west to east, places such as Azuza, Upland and other inland valleys are being impacted by what is going on in the coastal corridor; that if the level of growth within the coastal corridor does not exceed the level that's predicted in the General Plans of various communities, there are enough environmental programs in place to achieve clean air — at least relative to the federal standard -- by 2010. Mr. Giroux concluded that these emissions will not impact the local community, and mentioned that the soccer fields are not near any of the predicted hot -spots While highlighting the significant growth and development in the Inland Empire, Commissioner Rickard questioned whether the 2010 federal 6 El Segundo Planning Conumssion Minutes, December 6, 2001 131 1 DRAFT threshold /deadline for air quality includes anticipated development in the Inland Empire region or only the coastal areas Mr. Giroux stated that it includes the entire basin, all of L.A County south of the San Gabnels, all of Orange County, and the western portions of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, and mentioned that SCAG is the planning organization which produces these thresholds for this region Liz Culhane, Crain & Associates, Traffic Consultant Ms Culhane highlighted for Chairman Kretzmer further efforts which will be undertaken to mitigate traffic impacts, stated that this protect identifies impacts at Sepulveda Boulevard and Imperial Highway, Sepulveda and El Segundo Boulevards, Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue — noting that efforts to mitigate the impacts can successfully be done at all intersections with the implementation of the subregional package, with the exception of Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard; and stated that this project will add 3.5 percent more vehicles following project build -out Ms. Culhane explained that the subregional package is a group of mitigation measures that increase capacity by approximately 5 percent; that these measures can be implemented by not only EI Segundo, but other neighboring cities in the region, that they include improvements to the signal systems within El Segundo that are on and off the main corridors, improvements to the transit system, bicycle facilities, shuttle services, as well as adding on /off -ramp metering to the ITS program, in addition to the 7 to 10 percent for signalization along Sepulveda Boulevard — a total significant cumulative potential benefit of 12 percent capacity In response to Commissioner Busch's inquiry, Senior Planner Garry clarified that the signal synchronization is part of the ITS program package that will be done along corridors of Sepulveda Boulevard, Aviation, Imperial, El Segundo and Rosecrans, advised that L.A. County will be administering the program, and that the RFP process is underway at this time and being reviewed for implementation of this program Ms Culhane stated for Vice- Chairman Mahler that the signal system along Sepulveda Boulevard will be upgraded to an interactive system, wherein the number of vehicles approaching an intersection will be monitored along the corridor for capacity; and that the change to the signal timing will occur to provide the capacity for the greatest demand — mentioning that currently, this is expected to result in a 7- to 10- percent increase in capacity. Ms. Culhane commented on the Transportation Demand Management Program which will be responsible for managing and increasing ride sharing programs and other alternative modes of transportation 7 El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, December 6, 2001 4 2 DRAFT Ms Culhane stated for Chairman Kretzmer that the lack of an updated Circulation Plan did not in any way handicap her analysis and evaluation for traffic Impacts since the projections which were done in 1992 were evaluated for what is currently existing in 2001; and that the figures were compared and were within reason and reflected a correlation between the original General Plan and what was done with this traffic analysis Ms Culhane pointed out that there are 20 related projects that are listed in the traffic analysis and that consideration was given to a complete build -out and all those other projects. Responding to Commissioner Busch's request that a condition be created to require the park site to be placed on the southwest corner of the site, Planning Director Hansen explained that the soccer fields will most likely be placed on the southwest corner of the property, and addressed his hesitancy to place this as a condition, citing future redevelopment — particularly to the neighborhood to the northwest - and future conversion of land uses that are bound to occur In that neighborhood Planning Manager Ketz highlighted for Chairman Kretzmer the benefits of the project which outweigh the unavoidable significant impacts, as required for a Statement of Overriding Considerations: creation of many fobs, tremendous economic benefits for the community, both primary and secondary, and a dedicated site for the fire station Highlighting a statement made by the air quality and traffic consultant at the last public hearing that this project would have to be reduced 80 percent In order to avoid having to do a Statement of Overriding Considerations, City Attorney Hensley expressed his concern that reducing it that much would take this property down to a 0.2 FAR; and that that could infringe upon the property owner's rights to develop this property, thus potentially presenting some significant legal issues for the City Chairman Kretzmer recessed the meeting at 8 33 P M. and reconvened the meeting at 8 45 P M Commissioner Busch reiterated his concerns with the impacts to air quality and traffic, and encouraged all cities to get together and proactively initiate a coordinated, long -term program to control traffic problems and sulfur and diesel fuel emissions throughout the region — expressing his belief that the majority of the pollution originates from mobile sources Commissioner Busch strongly encouraged City Council to require that the park be placed at the southwest corner of the property due to the Proposition 65 warnings at Northrop Grumman, Highlighting 8 El Segundo Planning Comrnisston Mmutes, December 6, 2001 n 3 DRAFT the need for additional soccer fields, he expressed his belief that the majority of children will be transported to their games /practices by the parents, and encouraged staff once again to do all it can to thwarttlimit any liability with regard to soil contamination He highlighted the following positive points of the project economic benefits for the City, a new fire station, reduced land cost for purchase of the park site, the development of a beautifully designed project which incorporates open space and mixed use facilities, believing that this will all add value to this community Commissioner Frick thanked and commended staff and the consultants for answering the questions put forth by her and the Planning Commission and for educating and interpreting for her and others matters involving traffic and air quality Commissioner Frick expressed her belief that this project will create wonderful opportunities for this community and its residents, such as increased employment, increased revenues to the City, additional sports opportunities for the children, new state -of- the -art fire station, a project less dense than what is permitted in the City's General Plan, implementation of mixed use development, and the convenience of shuttles and alternative modes of transportation being made available For the record, Commissioner Rickard advised that he had viewed the entire videotape of the November 15, 2001, Planning Commission meeting wherein this matter was discussed during his absence. Commissioner Rickard expressed his belief that this high quality project provides a higher and better use for this community overall, commented on his support of a less dense project at this site than what is permitted in the City's General Plan, stated that the project is a thoughtful use of the land in terms of circulation and provides amenities not only to the local tenants, but also to those in the surrounding area He highlighted some of the pros to this project, such as creation of skilled and unskilled job positions, open space, recreational amenities, improved emergency services with the addition of a fire station — noting that he would someday like to see a police substation at this site — increased revenues for the City and business owners, accessible public transportation, and increased residential values Commissioner Rickard expressed his belief that the developer has made every reasonable effort to meet the intent and spirit of the City's policies and guidelines. He commented on his concerns with air quality and traffic issues throughout the region; and encouraged this City and other cities to find a way to work together in managing regional goals and objectives for guidelines to improve traffic and air quality Vice - Chairman Mahler thanked staff for providing the extensive 9 El Segundo Plammng Commission Mmutes, December 6, 2001 4 ?� DRAFT materials associated with this project, and thanked the community members for their involvement/participation in this matter. Vice - Chairman Mahler commented on child safety and noted his belief that the parents will remain a responsible entity in transporting the children to and from the park site; voiced his support for the competence of the City's Parks and Recreation division to maintain child safety at the park site; and stated that he is satisfied with the expert testimony which has been provided at these meetings — expressing his belief that all matters of concern have thoroughly and adequately been addressed. Vice - Chairman Mahler expressed his belief that this project brings with it more positives than negatives, such as a well - planned development, improved signal synchronization, car and van pool preferred parking, alternative modes of transportation and accompanying amenities, upgrades to various intersections, increased revenues for the City, increased employment, additional soccer fields, new fire station, onsite transit management office, and increased property values. Chairman Kretzmer thanked and commended staff who have worked hard and long on this exhaustive process, thanked and commended all the consultants for their input; thanked the public for the exemplary quality in which discussions took place during these proceedings, and requested that City Council receive all written correspondence in regard to this matter, including the letters distributed this evening Chairman Kretzmer reiterated his concerns with traffic impacts and health concerns for those utilizing the soccer fields — pointing out that he is satisfied with the expertise of the consultants and the investigations that have been conducted and stated that he sees no significant safety or health risks Chairman Kretzmer stated once again that he believes parents will continue to be responsible in transporting their children to and from the park site, stated that he is confident the City will make appropriate arrangements for parking, pickup and drop -off areas at the field so that children will not be exposed to dangerous conditions With regard to air quality and traffic impacts, Chairman Kretzmer encouraged a cooperative effort on the part of all cities to coordinate and aggressively pursue technologies for traffic and air quality improvements, and encouraged everyone to participate in alternative modes of transportation. Chairman Kretzmer expressed his belief that this unique project does merit a recommendation for a Statement of Overriding Considerations to City Council, stated that this project will bring tremendous economic benefit in the way of lobs, tax revenues, open green space, and he concluded by expressing his appreciation of the Planning Commissioners' diligent work in reviewing all the information which was MOTION provided 10 El Segundo Planning Comrnission Mmutes, December 6, 2001 4 Vice - Chairman Mahler moved, seconded by Commissioner Busch, to concur with staffs recommendation, adopting Resolution No. 2517. Motion passed 5 -0 Planning Manager Ketz recommended that the next two meetings be adjourned and that the next Planning Commission meeting be held on January 10, 2002. No objection was noted The Planning Commission wished everyone a safe and happy holiday season and reminded everyone of the holiday parade this Sunday There being no further discussion, Vice - Chairman Mahler moved, seconded by Commissioner Busch, to adjourn the meeting at 9.45 P.M. to the meeting of January 10, 2002, 7:00 P.M Passed 5 -0 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 10th DAY OF JANUARY, 2002 James Hansen, Secretary of the Planning Commission and Director of Community, Economic and Development Services City of El Segundo, California DRAFT REPORT DIRECTOR PLANNING COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT Michael Kretzmer, Chairman the Planning Commission City of El Segundo, California 11 El Segundo Planting Comrmsston Minutes, December 6, 2001 a '1p Chairman Kretzmer presented Item No 1 -3, Environmental Assessment No 548, Specific Plan No 01 -1, Development Agreement No. 01 -1, General Plan Amendment No. 01 -2, Zone Change No 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No 01 -1, and Subdivision No 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 53570) Address 700 -800 North Nash Street Applicant TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC Property Owner Federal Express Corporation Senior Planner Garry reviewed staff report (of record) related to this matter Chairman Kretzmer opened the microphone for public input Geoff Reilly, Christopher A. Joseph & Associates, Draft Environmental Report (DEIR) consultant Mr Redly provided a timeline of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) review process and briefed the Planning Commission on the findings of the DEIR and its current status Mr Redly commented on each category of the following project impacts, as noted in the DEIR report less than significant impacts which do not require any mitigation measures, potentially significant, but mitigable, impacts; significant Impacts which require mitigation; cumulative impacts; and significant, unavoidable Impacts Mr Redly noted that a mitigation monitoring /reporting program has been prepared to ensure that the mitigation measures will be fully Implemented, monitored and enforced Because of the significant, unavoidable traffic and air quality Impacts, Mr. Reilly explained that the City must adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations to approve the project Mr. Redly advised that he Is In the process of preparing the Final EIR; that he Is responding to the comments and letters which were received during the public review period, and stated that based upon the letters and comments received, no substantive changes are being made to the DEIR Mr Reilly addressed his belief that the Final EIR will be completed within the next two weeks Vice- Chairman Mahler requested a comparison, If possible, to the air pollution Impacts of this project as opposed to the air pollution Impacts from the Chevron plant at the other end of the City. Hans Giroux, Giroux & Associates, Consultant for the City U U OWED PUBLIC HEARINGS, CONTINUED BUSINESS, EA -548, SP 01 -1, DA 01 -1, GPA01 -2; ZC 01 -1, AUP 01 -1, AND SUB,. 01 -5 (VTT NO. 53570) Mr Giroux, In response to Vice- Chairman Mahler's Inquiry, explained that no definitive study has been done which seeks to Identify different parts of a town „as having substantially different air quality, explained 4 ? 7 2 El Segundo Plarunng Commission Mmutes, November 15, 2001 that it is more of a regional issue rather than a local issue — pointing out that the biggest air quality difference would be made between El Segundo and Upland or Pomona, for instance, as opposed to one side of town versus the other Responding to Chairman Kretzmer's inquiry as to whether there exists an unmitigable problem with the air quality as a result of the proposed build -out of this project, Mr Giroux explained that yes, there is, but that it is-a regional impact to the South Coast air basin rather than the City; and commented on the significance of cumulative impacts. Mr. Giroux stated for Chairman Kretzmer that the project would have to be reduced in size by 80 percent in order to have no unmitigable problem with air quality, and explained that this project's contribution to the air quality on a regional scale is infinitesimally small, reiterating that the impact is measured on a regional scale, that it is not a direct/local impact to the City of El Segundo Mr Reilly stated for Commissioner Busch that this project is consistent with the City's General Plan and with SCAQMD's Regional Growth Management Plan; and advised that every attempt is being made to reduce these emissions to the maximum extent feasible Thomas Ricci, Thomas Properties Group, 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2820, Los Angeles, Managing General Partner of TPG -El Segundo Partners Mr Ricci stated that the project is consistent with the City's General Plan — pointing out that the project is at a significantly lower density than what is permitted by the City and that the project is consistent with the desired intent of the Zoning Code and the Mixed -Use North Zoning Regulations Mr Ricci stated that this project, upon build -out, is expected to generate $2.8 million per year for the City's General Fund. Mr Ricci commented on the infrastructure design which will facilitate pedestrian and vehicular access throughout the site without impacting the surrounding roads, and noted that convenient, multiple points of ingress /egress will be provided throughout the site and all parking structures, thereby providing employees and visitors with many convenient options. Mr. Ricci highlighted the close proximity to the freeway and Green Line Station; stated that this plan has been reduced in size and offers a greater variety of uses from what was originally proposed by the Applicant -- highlighting some of the project attributes less density; provides the public park benefits and a fire station facility; increases revenues to the City, redevelops an urban in -fill site; takes full advantage of alternative modes of transportation; development of distinctive, high quality architecture, will be an environment which can accommodate the expansion of existing businesses in El Segundo and Z 3 El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, November 15, 2001 also act as a catalyst to bring new businesses into the City. Mr Ricci urged the Planning Commission to approve the Applicant's proposal. In response to Commissioner Busch's inquiry concerning phasing of the project, Mr. Ricci explained that development on this site will take place incrementally, that they will attempt to spread the density evenly over the site to allow them to respond to market demand and to tenants in the market that may need built -to -suit opportunities — noting that certain areas of the site lend themselves more to that type of development Mr Ricci stated that they are currently looking at alternatives for the park location, believing that the park might be better suited on the southwest portion of the property, at the corner of Manposa and Nash, stated that infrastructure improvements will take place first, such as roads and wet/dry utilities, and that he anticipates the center portion of the site on Douglas, and the southeastern portion of the property at the corner of Mariposa and Douglas will probably be some of the first areas to be developed Mr Ricci stated for Chairman Kretzmer that the density of this project has been reduced to 0 99 Floor Area Ratio (FAR), approximately 15 percent less density from what they originally proposed in the EIR; that the Applicant is proposing to mitigate as many of the traffic impacts that can feasibly be mitigated, and advised that they are proactively exploring alternative means of mitigation measures outside of the EIR on a subregional basis Mr. Ricci mentioned that one of the mitigation measures agreed to is the purchase of an additional shuttle bus for the City's shuttle program and that consideration would be given to purchasing more than one shuttle bus for the City — stating that he would want to first know what the incremental benefits would be for additional shuttle operations. Chairman Kretzmer stated that he would like to see convenient access to and from this site for everyone and that the Applicant look at ways to make access to and from this site more viable without increasing the traffic, suggesting the possibility of creating safe /convenient bicycle access Mr Ricci stated that consideration is being given to looking at placing bike lockers around the project site, constructing a bike station adjacent to the Metro Green Line, addressing alternative modes of transportation for getting people around this area without just relying on vehicular travel, and noted that alternative transportation incentives will be addressed. Responding to Vice- Chairman Mahler's inquiry, Mr Ricci stated that as part of their mitigation measures, they will operate a Transportation Demand Management Program; that a transit office will be onsite; that 4 3 4 El Segundo Planning Comcrossion Minutes, November 15, 2001 -1=, information and literature will be available for various employers to `JAS 11 11'JV Li_ ` assist their employees with car /van pools, that special car /van pool parking sites will be placed on site; and that they are exploring a program for MTA discounts. Commissioner Frick stated that a greater number of shuttles would be necessary to ease the travel to and from this site; and commented on the benefits of employer -paid incentive plans for alternative modes of transportation Mr Ricci noted that alternative modes of transportation will be proactively studied and advertised Mike Crehan, 845 Eucalyptus Drive Mr Crehan noted that while he is concerned with increased traffic and air pollution, he believes this developer has taken great steps to lessen the negative impacts, and that he is in support of this proposal, noting that the project will create some positive effects for the City and its residents Loretta Fry, 538 Whiting Street Ms Fry noted that she has lived in this community for 45 years; expressed her concerns with increased air pollution and the safety of children crossing Sepulveda Boulevard to get to this site; and questioned whether there is a conflict of interest with the City's involvement in purchasing the park property. If this project is to be approved, Ms Fry suggested that the developer dedicate this park land to the City Ms Fry also expressed her concern with increased air pollution Jane Friedkin, El Segundo resident Ms Fnedkin addressed her concern for the children traveling to and from the park site, expressed her opinion that the City has abused its discretion by considering the Corporate Campus project without first completing the process of updating the Circulation Element; highlighted what she believes is a conflict of interest with the City negotiating the price of the park land before approving the project, expressed her belief that the developer should be dedicating this park land to the City, and stated that with the sagging economy, the City should be more frugal in its spending activities. Ms. Freidkin expressed her concern with creating additional air pollution in the City. Terry Ceretto, 210 West Acacia Avenue 4 4 0 5 El Segundo Plannmg Conumssion Mmutes, November 15, 2001 r - -- Mr Ceretto urged the Planning Commission to deny the Applicant's request, believing that the negatives outweigh the positives for the City Liz West, President of the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce Ms West offered for the record a copy of the Chamber of Commerce October 23, 2001, statement with regard to this project; and noted that the Board of Directors voted to support this project — pointing out the enthusiasm of seeing this fallow property developed Jim Cook, 514 Concord Street Mr Cook noted his support of this project, stated that additional park land is essential for the residents of El Segundo; and pointed out that most of the children are driven by their parents to the parks for their athletic games. Hugh Greenup, Executive Vice- President of Kilroy Realty, 2250 East Imperial Highway Mr Greenup stated that he is not opposed to an office development on this proposed site — pointing out that this is an impressive development, expressed his belief that because this is one of the largest square -foot developments in the South Bay area, the community should be given an adequate chance to provide input and analyze this situation — highlighting his belief that the EIR process has been too hasty in coming to a conclusion Mr Greenup stated that the traffic impacts can and should be mitigated; and requested that additional time be given to the EIR process Jack Greenspan, Linscott, Law & Greenspan Engineers, 234 East Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena Mr Greenspan noted that his firm has been retained by Moskowitz, Brestoff, Winston & Blinderman, the attorneys for Kilroy Realty, to review and comment on the traffic portion of the Corporate Campus EIR, expressed his opinion that it is most unusual for a project which affects so many key streets and intersections in the City to result in unmitigable traffic impacts requiring a Statement of Overriding Considerations — noting his disappointment that only a limited number of traffic mitigation measures have been employed on a project of this magnitude; and stated that extraordinary mitigation measures should be considered — highlighting his suggestions which he has provided in written form (of record) to the Planning Commission. AAi 6 El Segundo Planning Commussion Minutes, November 15, 2001 III! u s I Bill Wenger, 531 Arena Street, and representing Kilroy Realty Corporation Mr Wenger expressed his belief that this proposed project conflicts with the City's General Plan and Zoning Codes, stating, for instance, that it is inconsistent with the Multimedia Overlay District He expressed the following concerns /beliefs increasing traffic congestion on Sepulveda Boulevard, efficient emergency vehicle operations on Sepulveda Boulevard, possible decline in property values due to gridlock, and health risks and safety associated with the abandoned underground storage tanks still on site Nick Brestoff, Moskowitz, Brestoff, Winston & Blinderman, counsel for Kilroy Realty, 1880 Century Park East, Los Angeles Mr Brestoff expressed his belief that additional time should be given in considering this huge proposal -- noting his concern that details are being overlooked; addressed his concern that the Corporate Campus Specific Plan does not address prohibited uses — pointing out that there is nothing to prevent Thomas Properties from purchasing the property, assigning it to Federal Express on a leased -back transaction, and eventually having a freight- forwarding facility on this site which had previously been rejected. In response to Mr Brestoffs concern, Planning Manager Ketz advised that the list of prohibitive uses was inadvertently left out of the Specific Plan by staff and that staff will be changing the Specific Plan to include the inventory of prohibitive uses which are listed in the MU -N Zone Because of the initiative petition which was approved by the City Council, City Attorney Hensley stated that the prohibition of a freight - forwarding establishment in the region of this particular zone cannot be negated without additional deliberations Chairman Kretzmer recessed the meeting at 8:04 P.M and reconvened the meeting at 8:20 P.M. Janice Cruikshank, 1509 East Elm Avenue Ms Cruikshank requested clarification as to whether the soccer fields on this site will be used by the project tenants Katie Crowley, 501 California Street 4 4 Z El Segundo Plannmg Commission Minutes, November 15, 2001 r, r, ^(1�1(1rr' 1 Ms Crowley addressed her concerns with the existing traffic problems on Sepulveda Boulevard, and noted her concerns that this project will create too much air pollution and that traffic will spill over Into the residential areas. Ms. Crowley further addressed her concern for the safety and health of the children traveling to and from the park site, and questioned who will be responsible for the maintenance of the park site Ovie Mashal, 7765 West 91st Street, Westchester Mr Mashal expressed his belief that this project will be a great enhancement to this area, and stated that while he is not a resident of El Segundo, he does work in this city (Network Services, LLC) and that he believes the benefits outweigh the negatives for all involved Tom Ash, resident and current Regional Commissioner for AYSO in El Segundo Mr Ash stated that there are currently 962 children playing soccer In El Segundo, advised that it Is a year -round sport, but that because the fields in the City have to be shared with baseball, softball, and football, it is limited in its playtime Mr. Ash advised that soccer is rough on the grass; that it creates muddy conditions which can be unsafe, pointed out that with the new soccer fields, a rotation schedule could be put in place for turf mending purposes and that a more appropriate type of grass could be planted for this sport; and urged the Planning Commission to approve the Applicant's request Mr Ash noted for Commissioner Busch that In his experience, most of the children are driven to the parks for these games /practices Liz Garnholz, 442 Whiting Street Ms Gamholz expressed her belief that the price of the park site Is excessive and not a good deal for the City; she questioned whether this project is using these five acres as open space requirements, citing use by project tenants during the daytime hours, expressed her confusion that a much smaller project on Rosecrans will provide almost twice as much revenue to the City than this project is proposing, and reiterated her concern with traffic and pollution Ms Gamholz questioned whether the inventory of prohibitive uses in the Specific Plan for the MU -N Zone will include freight forwarders being banned in perpetuity, suggesting that if not, that wording be included Ms. Gamholz noted that this project should be greatly scaled back; and reiterated her concerns with the health and safety of the children. AA3 8 El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, November 15, 2001 Mark Riener, El Segundo resident Mr. Riener noted his opposition to increasing traffic; urged the City to put something else on this site that won't create such a traffic problem; and suggested that AYSO pay for the park site Jim Garza, 736 Sierra Street Mr Garza noted his concern that this proposal is being processed too hastily, expressed his support for soccer fields; and suggested that the developer further negotiate a better deal for the park site on behalf of the City. Susan Perry, 601 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, representing Kilroy Realty Ms Perry expressed her belief that this proposal is being processed too quickly for this large a project; that further public review and comment period is necessary, and suggested that the community be given the chance for a thorough and thoughtful review of the documents. Tom Tyrell, El Segundo resident Mr Tyrell stated that the City shouldn't have to pay for this park, that it should be dedicated to the City by the developer Herb Kelly, El Segundo resident Mr Kelly commented on the increasing air pollution and suggested that El Segundo purchase the property and plant trees Dale Goldsmith, Greenberg, Glusker, counsel representing the Applicant Mr Goldsmith noted that the Applicant will be giving to the City an easement to assure that safe, adequate, and convenient parking will be provided for the project park site; with respect to the comment regarding the Multimedia Overlay District and how it limits site development, Mr Goldsmith explained that this project is less than what is permitted under the current General Plan; and commenting on cumulative impacts, Mr Goldsmith addressed the law which says that a developer needs to mitigate their project impacts; that with respect to all but two intersections, the Applicant is doing that mitigation, and that with those two intersections, the traffic study proposed mitigation but that it was determined the mitigation was not feasible With respect to the 4 4 4 El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, November 15, 2001 reversible land on Sepulveda Boulevard, Mr, Goldsmith identified Sepulveda Boulevard as a Caltrans road and noted that jurisdictional issues come into play; and stated that the park site will be owned by the City and used as a public park With respect to the comments made concerning a rush to judgment, Mr Goldsmith stated that this project has been thoroughly scrutinized and analyzed by City staff for over eight months, which is consistent with a normal CEQA process Mr Goldsmith urged the Planning Commission to approve the project based on its high quality architecture, provision of needed office space, provision of numerous amenities for both on -site and off -site businesses, lush landscaping and abundant open space, child care facility, close proximity to transit opportunities, and substantial fiscal benefits to the City There being no further public input, Chairman Kretzmer closed the microphone to public input, and expressed his appreciation for everyone who participated in these hearings Vice - Chairman Mahler noted he would not be opposed to further public input if this meeting is adjourned for another session Commissioner Busch expressed his preference that no further public input be sought, believing that further public comment will not be of any additional benefit, and that the Planning Commission take the opportunity at the next meeting to address the issues of this project and obtain responses from staff Commissioner Frick stated that many of the comments became redundant and that she would prefer that public input be closed in regard to this hearing; and that the Planning Commission be given the opportunity to discuss this matter more thoroughly at the next Planning Commission meeting. Chairman Kretzmer expressed his belief that each of the hearings in regard to this matter were properly noticed; reiterated his appreciation for all those individuals who spoke or provided written comments on this matter, noted his preference that no further public input be obtained and that the Planning Commission now be given the chance to analyze the materials and statements and have the opportunity to address concerns with staff There was consensus from the Planning Commission that the public portion of the Applicant's proposal be closed and that it be reconvened on Thursday, December 6, 2001, 7 00 P.M., for final consideration by the Planning Commission. 445 10 El Segundo Planning Commtsston Mmutes, November 15, 2001 Commissioner Busch expressed his belief that traffic will Increase no matter what project is proposed for this site, and expressed his belief that the project benefits outweigh the negatives at this point in time Commissioner Busch addressed his concerns for child safety, agreeing with a comment this evening that very few children walk to their games Commissioner Busch requested that staff provide the following information at the next meeting is the growth of this General Plan consistent with the growth of what AOMP has anticipated for this region; what percentage of the mixed use facilities will be constructed along with office space, will there be any timeline restrictions for the development of the fire station, who will control the use and access to the park site; and will any of the intended space for the park site be used to provide parking spaces for the lots Commissioner Frick expressed her belief that this project will provide tremendous benefits to the community; and requested the following information from staff at the next meeting provide the list of further traffic /pollution mitigation measures for reduced number of trips, provide list of prohibitive uses; requested additional information on the Multimedia Overlay District issue and questioned whether it complies with the General Plan in terms of mitigation measures. Chairman Kretzmer requested that staff provide the following information at the next Planning Commission meeting- is there any assurance that the abandoned underground storage tanks pose no health risks; request that staff review the Northrop - Grumman letter with respect to EIR inquiries and that responses be provided to the issues raised, and requested further information in regard to land use compatibility, Proposition No. 65, related notices, and public park area. Chairman Kretzmer requested that staff address the issues which were raised in Brian Crowley's November 13, 2001, letter and also Mr. Greenspan's letter (both of record), and requested that staff look again 4 4 i 11 El Segundo Planning Comnussion Minutes, November 15, 2001 Vice - Chairman Mahler expressed his belief that the developers have proposed a good project with more pros than cons which will benefit the City with new jobs, increased revenue, new fire station, and possible increases in property values for the City's residents. Vice - Chairman Mahler noted the need for additional fields on which the children can play athletics and expressed his confidence in the City's Parks and Recreation Department to secure the safety of the children Vice - Chairman Mahler asked that staff provide additional information on the following matters. further exploration of reducing pollution and traffic impacts, that staff provide their response as to whether or not there is an infringement on the General Plan with regard to the multimedia issue and the prohibitive use for freight forwarding in the Specific Plan Commissioner Busch expressed his belief that traffic will Increase no matter what project is proposed for this site, and expressed his belief that the project benefits outweigh the negatives at this point in time Commissioner Busch addressed his concerns for child safety, agreeing with a comment this evening that very few children walk to their games Commissioner Busch requested that staff provide the following information at the next meeting is the growth of this General Plan consistent with the growth of what AOMP has anticipated for this region; what percentage of the mixed use facilities will be constructed along with office space, will there be any timeline restrictions for the development of the fire station, who will control the use and access to the park site; and will any of the intended space for the park site be used to provide parking spaces for the lots Commissioner Frick expressed her belief that this project will provide tremendous benefits to the community; and requested the following information from staff at the next meeting provide the list of further traffic /pollution mitigation measures for reduced number of trips, provide list of prohibitive uses; requested additional information on the Multimedia Overlay District issue and questioned whether it complies with the General Plan in terms of mitigation measures. Chairman Kretzmer requested that staff provide the following information at the next Planning Commission meeting- is there any assurance that the abandoned underground storage tanks pose no health risks; request that staff review the Northrop - Grumman letter with respect to EIR inquiries and that responses be provided to the issues raised, and requested further information in regard to land use compatibility, Proposition No. 65, related notices, and public park area. Chairman Kretzmer requested that staff address the issues which were raised in Brian Crowley's November 13, 2001, letter and also Mr. Greenspan's letter (both of record), and requested that staff look again 4 4 i 11 El Segundo Planning Comnussion Minutes, November 15, 2001 at the circulation issues, especially in light with how they reconcile them with the current Circulation Element. Vice - Chairman Mahler moved, seconded by Commissioner Busch, to close this public hearing to public input and continue this matter for Planning Commission consideration to a Special Meeting on Thursday, December 6, 2001, 7:00 P M. Passed 4 -0 Planning Manager Ketz commented on the possibility of discussing EA No 566 and CUP No 01 -04 at the December 6 meeting The Planning Commission wished everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving There being no further discussion, Vice- Chairman Mahler moved, seconded by Commissioner Busch, to adjourn the meeting at 9 27 P M to the special meeting of December 6, 2001, 7.00 P M Passed 4 -0 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 6th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2001 James Hansen, Secretary of the Planning Commission and Director of Community, Economic and Development Services City of El Segundo, California ,1 MOTION REPORT FROM DIRECTOR PLANNING COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT Michael Kretzmer, Chairman of the Planning Commission City of El Segundo, California 12 El Segundo Planning Comtmsston Minutes, November 15, 2001 AN' Chairman Kretzmer presented Item H -3, Environmental Assessment No. PUBLIC HEART. 3, 565 and Subdivision No 01 -11 Address 345 Richmond Street. NEW BUSINESS, Applicant Elizabeth Srour Property Owner- Michael J Cunningham EA NO. 565 AND SUB 01 -11 Assistant Planner Huerta reviewed staff report (of record) related to this matter and advised that the Resolution contained in the Planning Commission packet be replaced with the amended Resolution distributed at this evening's meeting Chairman Kretzmer opened the public hearing in regard to this matter. Elizabeth Srour, representing the property owner and the developer Ms Srour explained that the Applicant's purpose for requesting the parcel map is to tie together the three separate, originally subdivided lots into one lot, and stated that her client concurs with all the conditions of approval Ms Srour added that the owner's intent is to build commercial condominiums for general office use, which will be regulated by CC &R's Chairman Kretzmer closed the public hearing in regard to this matter. Commissioner Busch moved, seconded by Commissioner Rickard, to MOTION concur with staffs recommendation, thus adopting amended Resolution No 2519 Passed 3 -0 Chairman Kretzmer presented Item No 1-4, Environmental Assessment No 548 and Zone Text Amendment 01 -1 and Item No 1 -5, Environmental Assessment No 548, Specific Plan No 01 -1, Development Agreement No 01 -1, General Plan Amendment No. 01 -2, Zone Change No 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No 01 -1 and Subdivision No 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 53570) Address 700 -800 North Nash Street. Applicant: TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC Property Owner Federal Express Corporation Chairman Kretzmer advised that a further public hearing on this matter will be conducted on Thursday, November 15, 2001, at 6.00 P M and encouraged residents to provide their comments in written form Chairman Kretzmer opened the microphone for public input PUBLIC HEARINGS, NEW BUSINESS, EA NO. 548 AND ZTA 01 -1 AND EA NO. 548, SP NO. 01 -1, DA NO. 01 -1, GPA NO. 01 -2, ZC NO. 01 -1, AUP NO. 01 -1, AND SUB NO. 01 -5 (VTT NO. 53570) AA= 2 El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, November 8, 2001 Brian Crowley, 501 California Street J u' Mr Crowley noted that he would not be able to attend the November 15, 2001, Planning Commission meeting and provided to staff his concerns in written form (of record). Janice Crookshank, 1509 East Elm Avenue Ms Crookshank highlighted the proposed location for the park site and addressed her concerns with the safety of the children crossing Sepulveda Boulevard and her concerns with the air quality and its negative impact upon the children playing on the fields Liz Garholtz, 442 Whiting Street Ms Gamholtz questioned whether the proposed El Segundo Corporate Campus project will have a helicopter facility; if so, what will the routes be, questioned whether the helicopters will be permitted over El Segundo, west of Sepulveda Boulevard in the residential areas, and questioned what enforceable penalties will there be to protect residents from maverick helicopter traffic. Ms. Gamholtz provided a written copy of her concerns to staff. Peggy Terrell, resident Ms Terrell urged the City to not rush this project through, questioned whether a county or state hearing is necessary to subdivide this property, questioned the placement of a fire station on this site and whether the land will be donated, will it lower the FAR or help the project qualify as a mixed use parcel, and questioned whether a conflict of interest exists with the City entering into an agreement for use or purchase of five acres on this site Ms Terrell questioned if the City will mitigate the air pollution at the soccer field site in order to prevent children from being exposed to the additional air pollution; and questioned how the City will justify overriding all of the environmental and traffic concerns when the City is using these same arguments against LAX Bill Wenger, 531 Arena Street, and representing Kilroy Reality Corporation Mr Wenger urged the City to update the circulation element first so that the traffic circulation framework can be understood before approving new, large projects; urged the City not to settle for adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations as part of the Corporate Campus approvals, expressed his concern that emergency response time not be X14 � 3 El Segundo Planning Comnusston Minutes, November 8, 2001 negatively impacted for the sake of commercial development; and urged " the City to require that the Corporate Campus development fully mitigate its own impacts Bill Mason, representing the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce Mr Mason stated that the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce is in support of the Applicant's proposal Liz Garnholtz, 442 Whiting Street Ms Garnholtz questioned how the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce could support this proposal when it has expressed its opposition to the LAX Master Plan because of the excessive impact it will have upon traffic in El Segundo There being no further public input, Chairman Kretzmer adjourned this public hearing matter to Thursday, November 15, 2001, at 6.00 P.M Chairman Kretzmer presented Item No K -6, Environmental Assessment PUBLIC HEARINGS, No 530 and Administrative Use Permit No. 00 -02 Address: Southwest NEW BUSINESS corner of Douglas Street and Manposa Avenue (Douglas Street DISCUSSION, Technology Centre) Applicant* Overton Moore Properties. Property EA NO. 530 AND Owner- Overton Moore Properties AUP 00 -02 Planning Manager Katz reviewed staff report (of record) related to this matter Discussion ensued concerning the conformance of proposed uses on this site Rudy Dashbuck, representing Overton Moore Properties Mr Dashbuck noted that this matter was brought forth due to the deli now being proposed to service only the Northrop employees and their guests and not the general public Planning Manager Katz mentioned that there is no requirement that the deli be opened to the public. Chairman Kretzmer highlighted the multiple uses (3) on this site- deli operations, research and design, and office use 450 4 El Segundo Planning Comtmssion Mmutes, November 8, 2001 Liz Garnholtz, 442 Whiting Street - Ms Garnholtz thanked Mr Crowley for his professionalism while serving on the Planning Commission, and briefly commented on the City's handling of amending the Municipal Code to allow liquor sales, in conjunction with dining services, on a public sidewalk None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Kretzmer presented Item H -2, Environmental Assessment No 548, Specific Plan No 01 -1, Development Agreement No. 01 -1, General Plan Amendment No. 01 -2, Zone Change No 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No 01 -1, and Subdivision No. 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 53570) Address 700 -800 North Nash Street. Applicant- TPS -El Segundo Partners, LLC Property Owner Federal Express Corporation Planning Manager Ketz advised that no staff report would be given this evening and recommended to open the public hearing, take public testimony for those who cannot attend the November 15, 2001 public hearing , and continue this matter to November 15, 2001. Chairman Kretzmer proposed that this matter be continued to November 15, 2001, 6 00 P M , due to the desire for a full quorum in regard to this matter Assistant City Attorney Berger suggested that this matter be opened for public input this evening; that because this matter has been noticed for November 8, 2001, that the hearing be opened for public input at that time, and then continued to a special meeting on Thursday, November 15, 2001 Responding to Chairman Kretzmer's inquiry, Planning Manager Ketz clarified that the zone text amendment had been noticed for the November 8, 2001, meeting, and stated that the zone text amendment public hearing matter would be opened on November 8, 2001, and then further continued to November 15, 2001 Chairman Kretzmer opened the public hearing in regard to this matter Brian Crowley, 501 California Street PUBLIC HEARINGS, NEW BUSINESS, EA NO. 548, SP NO. 01 -1, DA NO. 01 -1, GPA NO. 01 -2; ZC NO. 01 -1, AUP NO. 01 -1, AND SUB NO. 01 -5 (VTT NO. 53570) Mr Crowley highlighted a recent newspaper article which states that the City's Mayor has endorsed the pending Thomas Properties mixed -use development on this 46 -acre site, which also involves the City 5 2 El Segundo Planning Comausston Mmutes, October 25, 2001 _ �73) � •II purchasing five of these acres to build soccer fields for the local children and questioned whether the Mayor's endorsement constitutes a violation of the Brown Act before the first public hearing on this matter has taken place, urged that if a development agreement is drawn up, that a distribution of uses within each phase of the development be provided, and expressed his opposition to this project due to its large, negative impacts upon traffic and air quality Mr Crowley expressed his concern for the precarious placement of the proposed 5 -acre park and the safety of pedestrians Liz Garnholtz, 442 Whiting Street Ms Garnholtz expressed her concerns with the negative impacts to air quality and traffic, and noted her concern for the safety of the children attempting to travel to and from the park site Bill Crigger, former president of the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce Mr Crigger, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, urged the Planning Commission to approve this project. There being no further input, Chairman Kretzmer closed the microphone to public input, noting that further public input will be taken at the November 8 and November 15, 2001 Planning Commission meetings Chairman Kretzmer highlighted the importance of public input but also urged that comments be provided in writing, noting the benefits to reading the public comments prior to the meeting Planning Manager Ketz advised that the public comment period for the Environmental Impact Report will end on November 8, 2001 Chairman Kretzmer moved, seconded by Vice - Chairman Mahler, to MOTION continue this matter to the Thursday, November 8, 2001 (Zone Text Amendment No. 01 -1) Planning Commission meeting, 7*00 P.M; and then to be further continued to a special Planning Commission meeting to be held on Thursday, November 15, 2001, 6 00 P.M Passed 5 -0. None PUBLIC HEARINGS, CONTINUED BUSINESS Planning Manager Ketz reviewed the upcoming matters for future REPORT FROM Planning Commission Agendas. DIRECTOR 452 3 El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, October 25, 2001 RESOLUTION NO. 2517 A RESOLUTION OF THE EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION REGARDING AN APPLICATION FROM TPG -El SEGUNDO PARTNERS, LLC RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 548, SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 01 -1, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 01 -1, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 01 -2, ZONE CHANGE NO. 01 -1, ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. 01 -1, ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT NO. 01 -1, AND SUBDIVISION NO. 01 -5 (VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 53570) FOR THE EL SEGUNDO CORPORATE CAMPUS PROJECT. The Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows SECTION 1- The Planning Commission finds and declares that A On May 3, 2001, TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, filed an application for Environmental Assessment No 548, Development Agreement No 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No 01 -1, and Subdivision No 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 53570) to develop a vacant 46 53 -acre vacant property bounded by Atwood Way, Douglas Street, Manposa Avenue, and Nash Street for a 2,500,000 gross square foot mixed -use project, to permit the on- site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants and hotels in the project site, and to divide the property into 26 separate lots B On July 26, 2001, TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, filed an application for General Plan Amendment No 01 -2 and Zone Change No 01 -1 to amend the land use designation for the property from Urban Mixed Use -North to Corporate Campus Specific Plan and to amend the Zoning Map to change the zoning from Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) to Corporate Campus Specific Plan (CCSP) C On September 26, 2001, TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC, filed an application for Specific Plan No 01 -1 to adopt a specific plan (Corporate Campus Specific Plan — CCSP) for the property establishing permitted uses and development standard that would supersede the existing MU -N zoning on the project site D On October 12, 2001, TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, filed an application for Zone Text Amendment No 01 -1 to amend El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") § 15 -3 -2 by listing the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan as one of the specific plan zones within the City E TPG -EI Segundo Partners, LLC's, application and supporting evidence was reviewed by City's Department of Community, Economic and Development Services for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the ESMC F In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA "), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal Code of Regulations § §15000, at seq., the "CEQA Guidelines "), and the City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No 3805, adopted March 16, 1993) 453 G The Department of Community Economic and Development Services completed its review and scheduled a public hearing regarding the application before the Planning Commission for October 25, 2001 H On October 25, November 8, 15, and December 6, 2001, the Planning Commission held duly advertised public hearings in the Council Chamber of the El Segundo City Hall, 350 Main Street to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including, without limitation, information provided to the Commission by TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC The Planning Commission considered the information provided by, without limitation, City staff, public testimony, and TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC This Resolution, and its findings, are made based upon the evidence presented to the Commission at its October 25, November 8, 15, and December 6, 2001 hearing including, without limitation, the staff reports submitted by the Department of Community Economic and Development Services SECTION 2 Factual Findings The Commission finds that the following facts exist A The proposed project as originally submitted was to have included approximately 2,000,000 gross square feet of offices A mix of commercial and industrial uses consisting of approximately 100,000 gross square feet of research & development/light industrial, 75,000 gross square feet of telecommunications /web hosting, 153,000 gross square feet of retail, 82,000 gross square feet of restaurants, a 20,000 gross square foot health club, 100,000 gross square feet of hotel /conference facilities, 10,000 gross square feet of medical /dental offices, and a 10,000 gross square foot day care center would comprise a minimum of approximately 20 percent of the total building area The originally proposed floor area ratio would be 1 15.1 B Through negotiations with staff, the applicant proposed to reduce the size of the project The proposed reduced project includes approximately 1,740,000 gross square feet of offices comprising approximately 80 percent of the project A mix of commercial and industrial uses consisting of approximately 100,000 gross square feet of research & development/light industrial, 65,000 gross square feet of telecommunications /web hosting, 75,000 gross square feet of retail, 75,000 gross square feet of restaurants, a 19,000 gross square foot health club, 87,000 gross square feet of hotel /conference facilities, 7,000 gross square feet of medical /dental offices, and a 7,000 gross square foot day care center would comprise a minimum of approximately 20 percent of the total building area The CCSP would also allow for alternative mixes of non - office uses within the 20 percent requirement C The proposed reduced project would permit up to 2175 million ross square feet of built area on approximately 46 53 acres of land The reduced project represents a 375,000 gross square foot reduction (approximately 15 percent) in project size from that originally submitted The net floor area, as defined in ESMC § 15 -1 -6, would be a maximum of 2 00 million square feet Based on the net floor area, the overall development floor area ratio (FAR) would be 0.99 1 The 0 99:1 FAR would exclude the fire station budding (approximately 14,400 square feet) and any community buildings (i e , restrooms, maintenance buildings, snack shop) that would be located on the five -acre park site For purposes of the proposed project, the FAR would be based on the entire 46.53 -acre site. The land to be dedicated for the fire station and "A" and "B" Streets, as well as the five- 454 2 acres to be purchased by the City for parkland would not be deducted from the site area for FAR purposes The Specific Plan would provide for the transfer of density rights within the plan area As a result, FARs on individual parcels may range from approximately 0 00.1 to 5 81.1 Eleven of the proposed parcels would have no FAR at all because two parcels (No 5 and 9) would only contain parking structures, three parcels (No 1, 13, and 17) would only contain surface parking lots, another three parcels (No 21, 23, and 26) would contain only common open space areas, and three parcels (No 10, 11, and 12) represent the location of the proposed fire station site and five acre recreational site Each parcel will have a covenant recorded stating the maximum FAR permitted on the parcel However, the Specific Plan would prohibit the overall FAR to exceed 0.99 1 D The property is designated by the City of El Segundo General Plan Land Use Element as Urban Mixed -Use North, and, Zoned Urban Mixed Use -North (MU -N) The property also is within the Multimedia Overlay (MMO) Zone E The proposed project site, formerly occupied by Rockwell International, is located in the City of El Segundo at the southwestern edge of the Los Angeles coastal basin, approximately 0 5 miles south of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) The proposed project site is situated slightly more than one -mile inland (east) from the Pacific Ocean The City of Los Angeles' territorial boundary is a few blocks to the north of the proposed project site The proposed project site is bounded by Douglas Street on the east, Nash Street on the west, Manposa Avenue on the south, and Atwood Way on the north Additionally, the elevated Metro Green Line runs along the north of the properly, turning south across the northwest portion of the property, and continues south along the west side of Nash Street adjacent to the project site. F Rockwell International used the property from 1953 to 1990 to manufacture metals and composite aircraft parts During that time, numerous buildings and underground storage tanks were located on the site The proposed project site has remained as level, unimproved land since 1992 when Rockwell International demolished their facilities on the site G Several dozen underground storage tanks (UST's) and /or pits were used by Rockwell in the operation of the plant. Rockwell began removing the UST's and closing pits in the late 1980s under the supervision of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) In the early 1990s, a site wide investigation was conducted to determine if the past use of the property had impacted the project site Remedial activities at this time consisted of excavating contaminated sod, as required by the LACDPW. Groundwater and sod contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and petroleum hydrocarbons were discovered in 1994 at the southwest comer of the project site Although much of the impacted sod was excavated from the project site, VOC contaminated sod and groundwater were permitted to be left in place by the appropriate State agencies A subsequent risk assessment based upon conservative residential exposure scenarios determined that the contamination left in place did not present a significant threat to human health or the environment The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (L.ARWQCB), California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) and the LACDPW have all been involved with remedial activities at the project site These agencies have determined that the site is safe to use for any type of development, which would include recreational facilities. None of the agencies has requirements for further investigation at this time Based on this information, no further 3 455 action or investigation is required at this time opnceming the historical use of the project site and there is no evidence to indicate that use of any portion of the property would expose anyone to contaminated sod Thus, the park can be safely located on any portion of the project site, including the southeast or southwest corner H The proposed project would be built in ten phases over seven years with construction expected to begin in 2002 and completed in 2009 The particular budding to be built in each phase would depend on market conditions at the time Each phase is currently expected to begin 18 months apart A proposed phasing plan is included in the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Page II -11) The specific plan would allow a maximum of 80 percent of the floor area (1,740,000 gross square feet) to be developed with office uses The remaining 20 percent (435,000 gross square feet) would be required to be non - office uses permitted in the Specific Plan, such as commercial, retail, and light industrial uses A minimum of 20 percent of each phase that is developed will be required to be non - office to ensure the balance between office and non -office is maintained as development progresses Section 6 2 of the Development Agreement provides a deferral of the first 50,000 square feet of non - office floor area in consideration for the dedication of the one - acre fire stations site An additional 150,000 square foot deferral of non - office uses in consideration for the sale of the park site has also been negotiated between the City and the applicant to be applied to any phase of development at the applicant's discretion As a result, up to 1,000,000 square feet of office floor area could be constructed before the requirement that non - office floor area be constructed if the applicant chooses the full amount of deferral at the beginning of the project K The Corporate Campus Specific Plan is consistent with the Multimedia Overlay (MMO) zone The entertainment related uses permitted in the MMO Zone are incorporated into the Specific Plan as permitted uses Additionally, the Specific Plan is limited to a maximum of 2,175,000 square feet of total development in the Specific Plan area regardless of the type of use The proposed project would also include the construction of private internal roadways to facilitate vehicle and pedestrian movements within and through the property. As depicted on the proposed site plan in the Specific Plan, a portion of this internal road system would link to the 1 -105 Freeway on -ramp at Atwood Way, another segment would serve as an extension of Maple Avenue, and a portion would intersect with Duley Road on the Manposa Avenue side of the project site As private roads, the applicant would be required to provide all maintenance on the roads No parking would be permitted along the internal private roadways M To partially offset the potential power needs of the proposed project, an on -site power generation facility may be included in the project if this component were included, it would occupy a portion of one of the parking structures Such a power plant would be an approximately 15- megawatt, gas turbine based, combined -cycle cogeneration facility, which would supply power to all of the budding in the project N If a large telecommunications /web hosting facility is included in the project under the permitted mix of uses, an on -site electrical substation may be required due to the unusually high electricity demands of such uses. 4 5n O The proposed subdivision, which is based on the conceptual site plan, includes 26 separate parcels of land range from 0.52 to 5 83 acres Minimum parcel sizes in the Specific Plan are consistent with the MU -N Zone. All the proposed parcels would comply with the 10,000 square foot lot area minimum. Each parcel would provide access to either one of the perimeter street public nghts -of -way or one of the proposed private internal roadways The Specific Plan would not require all parcels to abut public streets, as is the case in the MU -N Zone All of the internal private roadways will be required to be maintained for public access through the recording of covenants or easements P The Maple Avenue extension ( "A" Street on the Vesting Tentative Tract Map) and connector road to 1 -105 on ramp at Atwood Way ( "B" Street on the Vesting Tentative Tract Map) would be designed to meet full public roadway widths defined in the Circulation Element of the General Plan By constructing these roadways to meet full public roadway standards, the Development Agreement would allow the applicant to be eligible to offset a portion of the cost of constructing these roadways and other off -site mitigation measures against the traffic mitigation fees that would be paid for the project, since these two roadways would improve traffic circulation for the area, in addition to serving the project. The remaining internal private roads would be slightly narrower than public roadway widths and are intended as typical collector roadway that would not tend to serve through traffic As private roads, the applicant will be required to provide all maintenance on the roads The applicant will be required to record public access easements on all the internal private roadways to insure access is provided to all parcels No parking would be permitted along the internal private roadways Q Parking is proposed to be provided primarily within five on -site parking structures varying from seven to nine levels in height. As indicated on the site plan, each structure would be sized to provide the required parking for the buildings assigned to each structure A total of 7,453 parking spaces are proposed in the five parking structures. Additionally, 272 surface parking spaces would be provided throughout the site, primarily adjacent to the commercial and restaurant portions of the project Based upon the parking requirements contained in the Zoning Code, a total of 6,332 parking spaces would be required A surplus of 1,353 parking spaces is proposed R The proposed Development Agreement establishes the permitted uses for the proposed project and minimum and maximum floor areas for certain types of uses as well The proposed Development Agreement sets a nine -year duration of the Agreement, which is generally consistent with the proposed phasing plan for the project The developer would also be entitled to a five -year extension S The Development Agreement provides for the dedication of approximately one acre of the property to the City for the construction of a planned fire station to replace existing Fire Station No 2 An exact location for the proposed fire station parcel has not yet been identified The site is currently depicted on Parcel No. 11 on the southeast comer of the project at the intersection of Douglas Street and Manposa Avenue Fire Station No 2, currently at the comer of Nash Street and El Segundo Boulevard would be relocated to this new location The Development Agreement would allow the applicant to forego payment of the standard $0 14 per square foot fire service mitigation fee in consideration for the dedication of one acre of land, valued at approximately $1,880,000. The fee would have been approximately $304,500. 457 T The protect also includes the City purchase of approximately five acres of the property (Parcels 10, 11, 12, and 13) in the southeast comer for use as a public recreational facility Alternatively, five acres in the southwest comer may be pyrchased for park land instead The land would be used for such things as soccer and softball fields. The actual design of the recreational facilities and the amenities to be provided would be determined by the Parks and Recreation Commission at a later date Through the Development Agreement, a cost of $1,000,000 per acre has been agreed upon for purchase of the parkland This equals $22 95 per square foot The City had an independent appraisal performed, which estimated the fair market value of the land to be $1,880,000 per acre or $37 50 per square foot U The proposed Development Agreement would require the applicant to provide the required parking for the parkland within adjacent parking structures on the protect site on a shared -use basis By agreeing to this requirement, the City will save the cost of constructing parking spaces on the park site, saving approximately $7,000- 12,000 per parking space, excluding land costs, and enabling the full five acres to be devoted to recreational uses V The Draft EIR analyzed a larger protect than the reduced protect currently being proposed by the applicant The Draft EIR examined the environmental impacts of a protect with a maximum permitted FAR of 1 15 1 The reduced project is 15 percent smaller than the protect discussed in the Draft EIR The mix of office commercial, R & D, light industrial, restaurants that are proposed in the reduced project is consistent with the mix of uses studied in the Draft EIR The Draft EIR studied the impact of a protect with 2,000,000 gross square foot of office (approximately 80 percent) and 550,000 gross square feet of non - office uses The environmental impacts for the proposed reduced project are within the scope of the protect studied in the Draft EIR W Based on public comments in response to the Notice of Preparation and a review of environmental issues by staff, the Draft EIR analyzed the following environmental impact areas traffic, air quality, noise, geology and sods, cultural resources, hydrology and water quality, aesthetics, land use, pollution /housing /employment, hazardous materials, public services, and utilities The Draft EIR concluded that all potentially significant impacts identified in the Draft EIR, with the exception of traffic and air quality impacts, are at a less than significant level due to the application of relevant City policies and regulations and the imposition of protect specific mitigation measures X Traffic impacts related to the originally proposed protect at the intersections of Rosecrans Avenue /Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue /Aviation Boulevard were found to be significant and unavoidable due to the infeasibility of mitigation measures to improve the intersections because of the inability to acquire right -of -way due to existing improvements for the required improvements The Final EIR will include an analysis of the need for all the identified mitigation measures for the reduced project Y The Draft EIR concluded that emissions from mobile sources associated with the originally proposed project would exceed the South Coast Air Quality Management's (SCAQMD) significance thresholds for criteria pollutants Reactive Organic Compounds (ROC) and Nitrous Oxides (NO.) at partial buddout in 2005. At full buldout of the project in the year 2010, Carbon Monoxide (CO) would also exceed SCAQMD thresholds Because the degree of "excess" emissions substantially exceed the strict SCAQMD limits, the Draft EIR concluded that there was little potential for any mitigation measures 4 5n to reduce the projects mobile emissions As a result, the project's impacts will remain significant and unavoidable. Z The Draft EIR concluded that the ongmally proposed project would exceed the state eight -hour microscale CO "hot spot" exposure limits of 20 parts per million (ppm) at four intersections due to the project traffic volumes Additionally, the cumulative effects of the approved project identified in the Draft EIR, in combination with the proposed project would be cumulatively significant for both the State one -hour and eight -hour CO "hot spot" standards The Cumulative one -hour impacts would affect three intersections in the P M peak hour only and the cumulative eight -hour impacts would affect four intersections Therefore, there are significant individual and cumulative impacts for CO microscale "hot spots" However, the Draft EIR was not able to identify any feasible mitigation measures available that would reduce the project related eight -hour significant impact or the cumulative impacts As a result, these impacts would remain significant and unavoidable While the reduced project would lower these impacts, the impacts are expected to remain unavoidable and significant with the reduced project AA Traffic noise impacts at a number of intersections in the project area would exceed the established three - decibel increase threshold (page IV D -12 of Draft EIR) Traffic noise is directly related to traffic volume The traffic noise levels from the project alone do not create a project specific noise impact However, when combined with the traffic noise levels associated with other known projects, the traffic noise level would exceed the established threshold Therefore, the project would contribute to an unavoidable cumulative impact The reduction in the size of the proposed project could reduce the number of impacted intersections, due to the reduction of trips associated with the reduced project size New traffic noise analysis is being conducted and will be included in the Final EIR BB Based on the disparity between projected job growth and housing construction, the Draft EIR concluded that the proposed projects incremental contribution to growth and housing demand would be cumulatively considerable, resulting in a significant cumulative impact There are no feasible mitigation measures available to reduce the cumulative regional impact CC The Draft EIR concluded that the project would contribute to a significant cumulative impact on solid waste disposal capacity caused by regional growth There are no feasible mitigation measures available to reduce the cumulative regional impact DD Because it is impossible to assess the direct project air quality impact on a regional scale, and because the impact is microscopically small for secondary pollutants, the SCAQMD has developed surrogate significance thresholds that are based upon the amount of emissions generated by an individual project These emission levels (lbslday, etc ) are meant as an indicator that there are project- related regional impacts even if the health impact cannot be quantified in terms of actual air quality The SCAQMD thresholds are regional standards which are intended to address regional air quality issues and to help achieve compliance with State and Federal air quality plan They are not intended to measure local health impacts on a project scale As such, the project's exceedances of these thresholds does not mean that the project will create or contribute to unsafe health levels of air pollutants in the City 419'1 EE Northrop Grumman 2588 �rPOration (NGC) is subject to P notification requrements related to the Project site are within areas subject to NG repesm °n 65 and A 2588 "cancer risk fr use of toxic oherni ssembly he was based °m toxic air C notCabon The contour cl ShPortions of the on a conservative health r7s map- Published b Own on the NGC facility rn 1991, health nsk ass Y the SCAQMD for the NGC breathing them This health risk assessment peak e Year lifetime woaxrmum concentration of peak emissions 24 missions from i.000,000 The. uld have an Of concluded that a re cancer risk from to air risk b hours per day Ca 70 shows the peak emissions re y a maximum of 61 chances a 70 the far side receptor at a I polluhon map - en file in the Planning chances m a the ° (eastern) of the NGC fatality q talon some distance fr utside contour of the ma om the 9 Divisien increased conse p area, wherepo�on of the Protect site a Project site on NGC health rvative Cancer risk would be, due to the dispersion cated along 1,000,000 risk assessment showed an inc ease most, of emissions, the the SCAOMD, the local a 10 in 1'000.000 Because the Implement risk eduction Cancer risk of at the peak receptor measures gent implementing AS 2588 more than 25 in outside contour we a lso 6i in one mafhennte 7 uures reduced the rncreaSedfed NGC to Proposing this amount f pro Pertionately reduced n 1'000,000. The he cancer risk the qg 2588 of atel As a result, alth risks at the cntena assumnotification requirements today as a new f if the NGC facto assumed a 24 -hour a day, t all. The SCgcility, it would not be s Were use of the park site, and the y seven da QMD's health risk subject to would be limited to exPasure to the a week exposure for 7p assessment users would be e a few hours per week already reduced level of ►VaC,C a aximum employees, who are pros Present to significantly a m much levels shorter time s missions, over limited e Y lower l pan. Thus, park NGC facility sure would general) 9 normal work hours emissions than tY, that Is, party use y nOt occur dunng the nearer the source Further Therefore, any increased cancer age Occur Primarily during k emission rther, this the NGC facility would be 9 9 Th park site from ex Period from ndse Park site would ne li ible. on the 9 evenings and w office be less than for a health nsk Posure to emrssrons from workers would take into ce tenants be ass °crated with emissions 40 hours aCCOUnt Cause an assessment of hole using the week, their risk factors week Since to fact that workers alth risks to risk assess would People would be at the are exposed assessment and less than even be less than Inds park for o tO toxic assessment crated in the my a few hours a SECTION 3 of based on office existing NGC health environmental f Environmental Assessment T worker ex 9s he Planning osure 9 Commission makes A The Draft EIR was the following Environmental Impact completed in Compliance with CEQA, Guidelines requirements of CEQA. A Notice ( was circulated for public review from a f Preparation for this § 15090 An Comment period for the Draft Paration of the Draft Project pursuant to 2001 A Notice of Co EIR extend 11, 2001 to June 7 , EiR w the 2001 Completion Mended from September 2001 The Public and was riled with the Ptemtter 24 2001 to review and State Cleanngh ' 20 November 8, Ouse B The Final EIR will be on September 24, information Presented to the Ci accordance contained in the Final EIR ty Council , Final EIR With CEQA to before a which will review and R will be Prepared, § 1509p Pursuanrt o Cior den in consider drstnbuted, and y 9 the project in presented for CI tY CEQA Regulations, the City Council approval. R 461) C In accordance with § 15091 of the CEQA Guidelines, the record on which the Planning Commission's findings are based is located at the Department of Planning and Building Safety, City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, Ell Segundo, California 90245 The custodian of records is the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services D Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15090, the Final EIR will reflect the City's independent judgment and analysis The Planning Commission has independently reviewed and analyzed the Draft EIR prepared for the Project This Draft EIR is an accurate and complete statement of the potential environmental impacts of the project The Draft EIR reflects the independent judgment of the City The Final EIR will be prepared under the direction of the City of El Segundo Department of Community, Economic and Development Services and will reflect the independent judgment and analysis of the environmental impacts and comments received on the Draft EIR Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15091, any changes or alterations required for the project, or incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect will be identified in the Final EIR The reduction of the project from 2 55 million gross square feet to 2.00 million gross square feet will lessen potential impacts of the proposed project Any potential changes or alterations that may be made to the proposed mitigation measures will be addressed and analyzed in the Final EIR F The Draft EIR analyzed a larger project than the reduced project currently being proposed by the applicant The Draft EIR examined the environmental impacts of a project with a maximum permitted FAR of 1 15:1 The reduced project is 15 percent smaller than the project discussed in the Draft EIR The mix of office commercial, R & D, light industrial, and restaurants that are proposed in the reduced project is consistent with the mix of uses studied in the Draft EIR The Draft EIR studied the impact of a project with 2,000,000 gross square foot of office (approximately 80 percent) and 550,000 gross square feet of non - office uses The environmental impacts for the proposed reduced project are within the scope of the project studied in the Draft EIR. The discussion below is based on the larger project. A more detailed analysis of the net change in impacts for the reduced project (i a traffic, air quality) will be discussed in the Final EIR G The inability to acquire right -of -way due to existing improvements to implement mitigation measures B -9 and B -10 (intersections of Sepulveda Boulevard / Rosecrans Avenue and Rosecrans Avenue /Aviation Boulevard, respectively) make these mitigation measures infeasible All project alternatives, with the exception of Alternative E (Park Alternative) in the Draft EIR, are infeasible because they do not meet the project objectives identified in the Draft EIR and the Corporate Campus Specific Plan (§ 15091) H The Draft EIR was made available for public review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by CEQA The Draft EIR concluded that with mitigation the proposed project would not have a significant, adverse effect on the environment, with the exception of unavoidable traffic and air quality impacts I There is no evidence that the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built -out urban environment 461 J Because of the facts identified in this Resolution, the Draft EIR showed that a Statement of Overriding Considerations would be required in order for the project to be approved K The Draft EIR generally identifies, for each potentially significant impact of the project, one or more corresponding mitigation measures to reduce such impact to a level of insignificance, with the exception of traffic and air quality impacts The Planning Commission finds that many of the mitigation measures described in the Draft EIR may lessen or avoid impacts in impact categories other than the category(ies) for which they are specifically proposed In light of the above, the Planning Commission finds that each potentially significant impact identified by the Draft EIR is mitigated by its corresponding mitigation measures to the extent set forth in the Draft EIR ( "specific mitigation ") and by other, non - corresponding, mitigation measures adopted by the Planning Commission that were already incorporated into the protect ( "general mitigation ") These findings will be applicable wherever supported by the evidence in the record regardless of whether a specific finding of an instance of such general mitigation is made L These findings are based on the various mitigation measures to be required in the implementation of the protect as recommended by the Draft EIR or identified by the Draft EIR as already having been incorporated into the Protect Except as set forth in Section 3 G above, the Planning Commission hereby adopts and incorporates into the implementation of the protect those mitigation measures recommended in the Draft EIR The Planning Commission finds that all the mitigation measures now incorporated into the protect are desirable and feasible Certain mitigation measures, such as those involving traffic, air quality, sewer, reclaimed water, and storm water discharge, are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of other public agencies such as the California Department of Transportation ( "Caltrans ") and the Los Angeles County Sanitation District, and therefore will require additional approvals from those agencies M The Northrop Grumman Corporation ( "NGC ") submitted a letter to the City on November 15, 2001 identifying their possible future expansion plans, but stated that these expansion plans have not been "finalized" and the "precise nature and square footages of the new or renovated uses are still subject to change " The letter also stated that as part of these expansion plans "certain existing on -site activities (e.g , office space) may be replaced with manufacturing, fabrication, or light industrial uses " CEQA requires that an EIR consider whether a project's incremental effects are cumulatively considerable in light of the cumulative impacts generated by other reasonably foreseeable past, present and probable future projects Consistent with CEQA, it is the existing policy of the City to analyze only the actual physical change over existing conditions and to grant credits for the discontinuance of existing on -site uses for the purposes of traffic and other impact analyses Therefore, not only is the precise square footage and type of uses of NGC's future expansion plan unknown at this time, it is possible that any potential increase in traffic from these expansion plans could be offset by a corresponding discontinuance of current on -site activities As such, NGC's proposed expansion plans are not reasonably foreseeable for the purposes of determining whether the cumulative impacts of the Ell Segundo Corporate Campus Project are cumulatively considerable As stated by NGC, no application has been filed to date, much less at the time that the NOP was released for the proposed project 4F? 10 N The cumulative impact analysis contained in the Draft EIR represents a conservative "worst case" analysis in that it considers the potential cumulative impacts of a number of protects, which may be built at a lesser density, or not built at all For example, it is reasonably foreseeable that the size and scope of the LAX master plan will be reduced based on recent statements from the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles Furthermore, the traffic analysis in the Draft EIR assumed that none of the related protects would be required to implement any traffic mitigation measures It is reasonably foreseeable that such mitigation measures will be implemented, and have future traffic conditions that will be better than protected In addition, the traffic analysis in the Draft EIR factors in ambient traffic growth of one -half percent per year This growth factor was intended in part to cover possible future protects, such as NGC's possible expansion, which were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the Draft EIR was prepared O The Draft EIR analyzed the impacts of a protect containing a total of 2,550,000 gross square feet Since the completion of the Draft EIR, the applicant has reduced the size of the protect by 375,000 gross square feet to 2,175,000 gross square feet Although the reduction in protect size will result in a corresponding reduction in the number of a m , p m and daily vehicle trips generated by the proposed protect, all of the mitigation measures found feasible in the Draft EIR be implemented This will result in incremental increases in capacity at the study intersections which would be sufficient to accommodate the traffic generated by an expansion on NGC's property of approximately 375,000 square feet of new office uses as stated by the NGC Therefore, the conclusions of the Draft EIR would not change even if the possible expansion by NGC were to be taken into account P That the Planning Commission authorizes and directs the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and De Minimis finding in accordance with Pub Res Code §§ 21152, 21167(f), 14 CCR § 15094, and any other applicable law Within ten (10) days of the certification of the Final EIR, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination The statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County SECTION 4 General Plan The proposed protect conforms with the City's General Plan as follows A The General Plan contains a number of relevant Goals, Objectives, and Policies in the Economic Development Element The goal of Objective ED1 -1 is budding "support and cooperation among the City of El Segundo and its businesses and residential communities for the mutual benefits derived from the maintenance and expansion of El Segundo's economic base" The benefits of the development will be shared and supported by all constituencies in the City The proposed protect also provides benefits for the applicant with important benefits for the community as a whole. The development will provide significant fiscal benefit to the City A Fiscal Impact Analysis has been prepared for the project to estimate the fiscal benefits to the City B According to Policy ED1 -1.2, long -run efforts for economic development should focus on "diversification of El Segundo's economic base in order to meet quality of life goals " The protect will add to the diversification of the economic base in the City by providing for a 11 463 mix of permissible uses and requiring at least 20 percent of the uses be non -office The proposed telecommunications /web hosting use may serve as a catalyst for other internet related companies to choose El Segundo as a location for their business operations C Objective ED1 -2 also directs diversification of the economic base "on targeted industries that meet the City's criteria for job creation, growth potential, fiscal impact and fit with local resources " The City's Economic Development Advisory Council (EDAC) prepared a list of targeted industries, which was approved by the City Council These industries are eligible for certain financial incentives because they meet the criteria described in Objective ED1 -2 The research and development and telecommunications /web hosting uses would be on the list of targeted industries that the City is recruiting in order to meet its diversification efforts Therefore, the proposed project meets the diversification criteria established in the General Plan, by the EDAC, and the City Council D Due to the City's tax structure, a significant portion of the fiscal benefit derived from most proposed development would be attributed to the number of employees in a new development The reduced project is proposed to generate approximately 6,722 full time jobs in El Segundo if developed as proposed Therefore, the project meets the job creation Objective (ED1 -2) in the General Plan E Policies ED1 -21 and ED1 -2 2, both seek to promote land uses, which improve the City's retail and commercial tax base Since the stated purpose of the Corporate Campus Specific Plan Land Use Designation is to provide a mix of compatible commercial, offices, research and development, retail, and hotel uses, it is appropriate to examine the potential fiscal impacts of the proposed project and compare them with other potential uses of the property The Fiscal Impact Analysis shows that the fiscal benefits for the City are consistent with the estimates that were prepared for the Grand Avenue Corporate Center (GACC) F The applicant for the proposed project prepared a Fiscal Impact Analysis The Fiscal Impact Analysis for the proposed project concluded that the project could generate an annual marginal fiscal benefit (project versus existing conditions) of $1,389,100 The City has independently reviewed the assumptions used in the applicant's fiscal impact analysis and agrees that the assumptions are consistent with the assumptions used in the City's own fiscal model to determine the revenues and costs associated with the project G The proposed project meets the City's policy of seeking balance between enhanced economic development and available resources and infrastructure capacity (Policies ED1 -2.3 and LU7 -1 2) As adequate resources are currently available within the City to serve the proposed project, as supported by the Draft EIR, a substantial new commitment of resources or infrastructure is not required The project also proposes several roadway improvements to ensure that the project would not overburden the existing roadway infrastructure A fire station site will be dedicated to the City to further improve public services Based on this, the proposed project is consistent with Policy ED1 -2 3 H Implementation of the proposed project will meet relevant goals and policies with regard to the City Land Use Element The project would have multiple tenants, retail uses, restaurants, and other uses which would "provide synergistic relationships which have the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impact, and encourage 12 464 pedestrian environments" as envisioned by General Plan Land Use Objective LU4-4 These characteristics contribute to the mixed -use nature for the project As conditioned, the proposed use on the 46 53 acre parcel is a mixed -use project as envisioned in the General Plan for the property as long as the non - office use has a approximately 435,000 square feet or a minimum of 20 percent of the square footage proposed The proposed project would provide "high quality retail facilities in proximity to major employment centers" (Objective LU4 -1) The project would "encourage retail uses, where appropriate, on the ground floor of Urban Mixed -Use and corporate offices " (Policy LU4 -3.1) and would be a "mixed -use developments within one - quarter mile of the Green Line Stations" encouraged by Policy LU4 -3 2 Objective LU44 contains a number of Policies, specifically, LU44 3, LU44 4, LU44 6, and LU4-4 8, which discuss the promotion of mixed -use projects in the Urban Mixed -Use Zone While the project would change the Urban Mixed -Use North Zone to the Corporate Campus Specific Plan, the mix of uses is consistent with the Mixed -Use North designation Therefore, the land use policies that apply to the Urban Mixed -Use designation would apply to the project as well K The proximity of the existing Norwalk-El Segundo MTA Green Line stations will encourage employee utilization of this transportation facility and will provide a viable alternative to commuting by automobile The applicant will also construct a Bike Station next to the Manposa -Nash Green Line Station (mitigation measure No B-4) to support alternative commuting (Policies LU4 -3 2, LU4 -3 4, LU4-4 7, and C3 -1.2, and Objective AQ3 -1) The project has been designed to provide the higher density buildings within a one - quarter mile radius of the Manposa -Nash Green Line Station to facilitate public transit use Commercial uses have also been concentrated along the west side of the project nearest the Green Line Station (LU4 -4 4 and LU4-4 6) The proposed project will be accessible by other public transit (i e , bus service, and the MTA Blue Line) and provide a shuttle van to the City for expanded public transit uses (mitigation measure No B -2) As provided in Condition of Approval No 6, the proposed project will include landscaping throughout all project areas that will meet coverage requirements of the City (Policy LU4 -1 1 and LU4 -3 6) The proposed project will be required to have strategic safety plans (MM L 1 -2) and a fire life safety plan (MM L.2 -2) in place, as well as a fire station site adjacent to the project (LU7 -1 1 and LU7 -1 2) All on -site utilities will be placed underground (LU7 -2 3) The potential cogeneration facility and electrical substation would be incorporated into the building architecture and screened to not detract from the appearance of the project (LU7 -2.5) The ESMC requires that all health and safety Code regulations, as well as all seismic safety, water, noise, and air standards be adhered to (LU4 -1.2 and LU4 -1 4) M The proposed project is consistent with the policies of the City's Circulation Element Consistent with mitigation measures B -1, B -2, B -3, and B-4, the proposed project provides pedestrian and bicycle access to the site and storage facilities and shower and clothes change facilities (Policies C2 -2 2 and C3 -1 7) The project will have sidewalks around the perimeter, walkways along all the internal roadways, and other internal pedestrian walkways with linkages to surrounding properties and public transit stops (C2 -1 3, C2 -1 6, and C2 -3 3) The proposed project will adhere to any applicable regulations regarding preferential parking areas or promotion of ride share (Policy C2- 5 1) The proposed project will provide sufficient on -site parking and loading (Policy C3- 13 465 2 1 and C1 -3.2) as required by the ESMC The internal roadways will be a minimum of 37 feet wide, which meets all applicable emergency vehicle access standards (C1 -1.8) Implementation of mitigation measures B -1, B -2, B -3, and B-4 will ensure that pedestrian and bicycle impacts, as well as parking related impacts, as they relate to the General Plan, will be mitigated to less than significant levels N Policies C3 -1 1 and C3 -1 5 of the General Plan require all protect- related transportation impacts to be mitigated by the developer, to the extent feasible. The traffic impact study identified a number of intersections in the City that would require mitigation and proposed mitigation measures to address the traffic impacts However, because several of the proposed mitigation measures are infeasible due to nght -of -way constraints, not all traffic impacts can be mitigated to an insignificant level In order for the City to approve the protect with significant impacts, the City Council must adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations, finding that there are positive aspects of the protect, that when taken as a whole, outweigh the unavoidable negative environmental impacts A Statement of Overriding Considerations would indicate that all feasible mitigation was incorporated into the protect As an alternative to a Statement of Overriding Considerations, the applicant would have to develop alternative feasible mitigation measures that could be incorporated into the protect as part of the Final Environmental Impact Report and reduce the identified impacts to a level of insignificance O Policy (C3 -1 1) requires "all new development to mitigate protect related impacts on the existing and future circulation .." and Policy 3 -1 5 requires "the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures" in conjunction with a proposed protect. The project would implement all feasible mitigation measures to mitigate the identified project related impacts Approval of a Statement of Overriding Consideration for the unavoidable significant traffic impacts, which are due to the infeasibility of the identified mitigation measures is compatible with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan Circulation Element to mitigate all impacts. The purpose of these policies was not to preclude the use of Statement's of Overriding Considerations as provided in CEQA or the approval of future developments Additionally, the General Plan provides for a 1 3 1 floor area ratio (FAR) and the proposed project would be developed at a 0.99 FAR Balancing the various provisions in the General Plan, the project meets the intent of these provisions P The project would comply with all Federal, State and regional regulations (Policy C4- 1 2) As part of the Traffic Impact Study in the Draft EIR, an analysis of the project's impacts on the regional Congestion Management Plan (CMP) routes was conducted The study determined that the project would not significantly impact any CMP routes, other than the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard /Rosecrans Avenue, which has been identified as an unavoidable significant impact The other unavoidably impact intersection, Rosecrans Avenue /Aviation Boulevard, is not on the CMP network The CMP does not contain minimum roadway service levels, which must be maintained by the City in order to remain in compliance By implementing all feasible mitigation measures, the proposed project would comply with all regulations Q Implementation of the proposed project will meet the policies of the City's Open Space and Recreation Element as it provides recreational facilities, including a health club and walking paths (Policies OS1 -2.3 and OS1 -2.5) Three parcels (No. 21, 23, and 26) would be devoted entirely to passive open space use with a water features The reduced project incorporates five acres in either the southeast or southwest comer of the property 14 4 Fh for public recreational facilities such as soccer and baseball fields, which would expand the recreational opportunities for residents and employees in the City (Goal OS1, Objective OS1 -1 1) In accordance with California Government Code § 65402, the location, purpose and extent of the acquisition of the five -acres of parkland is in conformance with the General Plan R The City's purchase of a five -acre portion of the project site for a public park conforms to Objective OS1 -1, which seeks to "acquire future public park and recreational facilities which are adequate for serving the existing and future resident population " There was clear testimony at the November 15, 2001, public hearing from Mr Tom Ashe, Commissioner of the AYSO soccer group that there is a need for additional facilities to serve the existing resident population The proposed park would serve that need Policy OS1 -12 " encourages a locational service standard of one - quarter mile for neighborhood parks and one -half mile for community parks " The currently proposed park site at the southeast corner of the project site would be approximately two - thirds of a mile from the nearest residents in El Segundo If the park site were relocated to the southwest comer, it would be approximately 0 56 miles from the nearest El Segundo residents It is important to note that this policy does not require a strict distance threshold, it merely encourages a locational service standard As a community park, it would also serve the employees within the area of the park, which would be consistent with the overriding goal (Goal OS1) in the General Plan to provide park needs for "existing and future residents and employees within the City of El Segundo " There are no other public parks in the northeast quadrant of the City As such, the employment community park needs in that portion of the City are currently underserved and would be improved by the development of a park site S The implementation of transportation demand management programs, as required by mitigation measures B -1, B -2, B -3, B-4, and B -5, and as required by Chapters 15 -16 and 15 -17 of the ESMC will demonstrate compliance with air quality objectives to encourage alternative commuting strategies (AQ1 -1), reduce vehicle trips (AQ3 -1 1, AQ3 -1 2), and promote non - motorized transportation (AQ4 -1 1) Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees and in lieu mitigation measures are required by City regulation to offset development impacts (AQ5 -1.2) The applicant, as required by mitigation measure B -2 (AQ9 -1.3), will provide a shuttle The proposed project is consistent with the City's policy requiring new developments to meet or exceed SCAQMD requirements for PM -10 emissions (Policy AQ10 -1 3) Mitigation measure M 5 -1 provides that the proposed project will incorporate energy conservation features (i e , motion - sensitive light activation switches, etc ) consistent with City Policy AQ12 -1 2 T The growth projected in the City's General Plan is consistent with the Regional Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) The AQMP is based on the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) regional growth projections SCAG's regional growth projections are based on the land use buldout projections of all the General Plans for cities in the South Coast Air Basin Therefore, because the City's General Plan bwldout has been included in SCAG's regional projections, the General Plan is consistent with the AQMP Additionally, provided development within the city is consistent with the General Plan, the project is consistent with the SCAG projections and the AQMP 15 4r, 7 U Air Quality Element Goals AQ14 and A015 generally state that the City will ensure that pollution sources comply with all federal, state, regional, and local regulations, and that the City reserves the right to be more strict with development protects that these regulations require. As described above, the proposed project is consistent with the AQMP and therefore is considered consistent with Air Quality Element Goals A014 and AQ15 (and related policies) The project's exceedance of SCAQMD's emissions -based thresholds does not constitute violation of such General Plan goals and policies V Implementation of the proposed project, subject to mitigation measures D -1, D -2, and D- 3, which address construction hours, equipment mufflers, and construction equipment staging, will be consistent with relevant policies of the City's Noise Element (Policies N1- 2 1 and N1 -3 1) W The proposed project is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Conservation Element Specifically, the construction of plumbing to accommodate the use of reclaimed water for irrigation systems, when available, and the application of the City's Water Conservation in Landscape regulations (Title 10- Chapter 2 of the El Segundo Municipal Code), as required by mitigation measure M.2 -1 and M.2 -2 and condition of approval No 8, 86, 87 and 88, would be consistent and further Policies CN2 -7, CN2 -12 Condition No 87 requires the use of low -flow water fixtures as required by Policy CN2 -5 The project would provide a comprehensive and coordinated design of the entire project site, including landscape amenities to substantially improve the aesthetic appearance of the site and the surrounding area as encouraged by Policy CN5 -6 X Public Safety Element Policy PS6 -1 2 to continue efforts to reduce fire hazards would be furthered by including a one -acre fire station site as part of the proposed project, thereby allowing the relocation of Fire Station No 2 to a new state -of- the -art facility within the project site. A new fire station located within the project site would also improve already outstanding emergency response times and strengthen the City's ability to respond to earthquake and other emergencies (Policy CN7 -1 4) Y As a re -use of a previously developed industrial site, that has been remediated to the satisfaction of the appropriate regulatory agencies and does not pose any health hazard to employees, patrons or visitors to the site, the project is consistent with Policy HM3 -1 1 requiring compliance with hazardous materials handling laws. Mitigation measure K -1 will ensure that all future uses of hazardous materials on the project site are handled in accordance with applicable safety regulations Z Since approving a Specific Plan is a legislative act, there are no required findings for a General Plan Amendment However, an amendment must be internally consistent with the rest of the General Plan The proposed General Plan Amendment is necessary to carry out the proposed project because the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan would change the land use designation from the property from Urban Mixed -Use North to Corporate Campus Specific Plan The permitted uses and allowed density in the new Corporate Campus Specific Plan land use designation are consistent with Urban Mixed - Use North land use designation The proposed land use designation is also consistent with all the bwldout assumptions in the General Plan Therefore, it would not conflict with any other elements of the General Plan AA A Development Agreement will be executed to ensure that the proposed project conforms with the General Plan requirements and to effectuate the City's findings, goals, 16 e16 8 and policies listed in this Resolution or otherwise established by local regulation and practice SECTION 5 Specific Plan Findings The Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan The proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan (CCSP) is consistent with the permitted uses and allowed density permitted elsewhere in the General Plan and is consistent with the Urban Mixed -Use North Zone that it is replacing The proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan addresses all the required infrastructure needed to service the plan area and all services are available to support the development SECTION 6 Zone Change Findings Based on the factual findings of this Resolution, the proposed Zone Change is necessary to carry out the proposed project because the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan would change the zoning classification on the property from MU -N to CCSP The proposed Zone Change is necessary to maintain consistency with the proposed General Plan land uses designation of Corporate Campus Specific Plan Without the Specific Plan, the project objective of allowing flexible parcel floor area ratios within the overall plan area of 0 99.1 would not be possible Flexible floor area ratios on individual parcels would allow density to be concentrated on certain parcels near the Manposa -Nash Metro Green Line Station to promote public transit use, while allowing less lot coverage and more open space on other parcels within the specific plan area SECTION 7 Zone Text Amendment Findings Based on the factual findings of this Resolution, the proposed Zone Text Amendment is necessary to carry out the proposed project because the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan would change the zoning classification from the property from MU -N to CCSP Without the Corporate Campus Specific Plan, the project objective of allowing flexible parcel floor area ratios within the overall plan area of 0 99.1 would not be possible An amendment to Section 15 -3 -2 of the ESMC to list the CCSP as a specific plan within the City is necessary for consistency with the General Plan SECTION 8 Development Agreement Findings Pursuant to City Council Resolution No 3268, adopted June 26, 1984, the Planning Commission finds that A The project is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs specified in the general plan and any applicable specific plan, because the Development Agreement would provide the following public benefits in exchange for valuable development rights (nine -year entitlement) 1 Development of a property that is currently vacant and unused. 2 Increasing and further stabilizing the City's tax base through development of new commercial businesses 3 Increasing City revenues through the generation of taxes that outweigh the City cost of services 4 Increase in employment opportunities for the City's citizenry 5 Development of a project that will increase the use of the MTA Green Line 6 Development of a project that is consistent with the elements of the General Plan 7 Dedication of a one -acre site for the relocation of Fire Station No 2 8 Contribution of one or more shuttle vans to the City for the expansion of City operated public transit routes 9 Construction of a Bike Station adjacent to the Nash-Mariposa Green Line Station 17 4 63 10 Acquisition of approximately five acres, of land for public recreational facilities at below market costs 11 Parking for the public park site would be provided by the applicant, thereby reducing the City's development costs for the construction of a park site 12 The protect would reduce the maximum permitted floor area ratio on the property from 1.3.1 to 0 99 1 B The protect is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the land use district in which the real property is located The proposed protect includes a specific plan, which establishes the permitted uses and development standards that would apply to the protect These uses and development standards are similar and compatible with the existing uses and standards permitted in the current MU -N zoning on the property C The protect is in conformity with the public convenience, general welfare and good land use practice, as described in Section 4 and 8 A of this Resolution The proposed reduced protect permits a lower floor area ratio than allowed under the existing MU -N zoning (0 99 vs 1 31) The protect would facilitate constructing a new fire station, through the dedication of land The protect would also be designed to support and encourage public transportation uses and contribute to the continued diversification of the northeast quadrant of the City by providing a broad range of commercial uses D The protect will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare. As established in the factual findings in this Resolution, the proposed protect will not create any negative environmental impacts, with the exception of traffic impacts at two already congested intersections and air quality impacts due to mobile sources The City Council is responsible for determining if there are overriding considerations, which outweigh the identified unavoidable environmental consequences of the protect E The protect will not adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values The proposed specific plan and development agreement will ensure that the protect will be developed in an orderly fashion All mitigation measures will be implemented at the time and place impacts occur. The Development Agreement is consistent with the purposes of the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan and the current MU -N Zone, and it is compatible with its surrounding developments The protect will promote public convenience, general welfare, and good land use practice, will not create any unmitigated environmental impacts which would be injurious to the health, safety and general welfare of the community, except for certain unavoidable traffic and air quality impacts, and would serve to improve property values in the area by providing a long -term master plan for the project site. SECTION 9 Subdivision Findings A The proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 53570 is consistent with applicable general and specific plans as specified in Government Code § 65451 Each proposed lot will be consistent with the minimum lot size and minimum street frontage requirements proposed in the Corporate Campus Specific Plan All parcels will have frontage on a public street or a private internal roadway 18 470 B The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable general and specific plans Each proposed lot would be consistent in size and lot frontage as other parcels in the surrounding area C The site is physically suitable for the type of development The vacant 46.53 -acre parcel of land is generally flat and has been graded following the demolition of the previous development on the site The proposed project is physically accessible by existing streets and the MTA Green Line D The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development While the floor area ratio of two of the proposed 26 parcels would have densities exceeding 3 0 1, due to the requirement that the overall FAR in the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan not exceed an overall FAR of 0.991, the density of individual parcels will not be detrimental to the overall protect or the surrounding area E The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat The proposed protect is located in a built out urban environment with no threatened fish or wildlife habitats located on the project site The proposed layout of the development does not contribute to the unavoidable significant traffic and air quality impacts identified in the Draft EIR With the implementation of the appropriate mitigation measures, the proposed subdivision will not cause any significant environmental impacts, with the exception of unavoidable traffic and air quality impacts Those mitigation measures identified in the Draft EIR have been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program F The design of the subdivision or type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems The size and shape of all lots will protect public health The proposed internal roadway to serve the subdivision will be designed to provide safe and efficient vehicle and pedestrian movements throughout the protect site. Subdivision improvements will be required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act G The design of the subdivision or type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision The protect applicant will relocate or build over the exiting sewer easement on the property The MTA aerial easement will not be disturbed by the design of the proposed protect The protect will also include a system of private internal roadways to provide public access to all the buildings throughout the subdivision SECTION 10 Administrative Use Permit Findings A There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular she in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located The on -site sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is consistent with restaurants and hotels facilities Most, if not all of the restaurants and hotels in the northeast quadrant of the City, permit the on -site sale and consumption of alcohol B The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the site is located. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol is compatible with restaurants and hotels, which are permitted uses in the proposed Corporate Campus Specific Plan 19 471 C The proposed location and use and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol would be permitted at indoor and outdoor dining establishments, subject to the approval of licenses to sell alcohol issued by the State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) D Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic and hazards have been recognized and compensated for There would be no adverse environmental impacts associated with the on -site sale and consumption of alcohol E The State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control will issue a license to sell alcohol to the applicant The City will require evidence that all establishments have alcohol licenses issued by ABC prior to commencement of on -site sale of alcohol SECTION 11 Recommendations The Planning Commission makes the following recommendations. A Subject to the conditions listed on the attached Exhibit "A," which are incorporated into this Resolution by reference, the City Council should approve Environmental Assessment No 548, Specific Plan No 01 -1, Development Agreement No 01 -1, General Plan Amendment No 01 -2, Zone Change No 01 -1, Zone Text Amendment No 01 -1, Administrative Use Permit No 01 -1, and Subdivision No 01 -5 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 53570) B The City Council should adopt the Corporate Campus Specific Plan as set forth in attached Exhibit "B," which is incorporated into this Resolution by reference C The City Council should amend the Land Use Designations ( "Commercial Designations" subsection) and the proposed Land Use Plan ( "Northeast Quadrant' subsection) of the Land Use Element of the General Plan to reflect the change of the area bounded by Atwood Way on the north, Douglas Street on the east, Manposa Avenue on the south, and Nash Street on the west from Urban Mixed -Use North to Corporate Campus Specific Plan The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in attached Exhibit "C," which is incorporated into this Resolution by reference D The City Council should amend the 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends Buildout (Exhibit LU -3) of the Land Use Element to reflect the change of the area bounded by Atwood Way on the north, Douglas Street on the east, Mariposa Avenue on the south, and Nash Street on the west from Urban Mixed -Use North to Corporate Campus Specific Plan The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in attached Exhibit "D," which is incorporated into this Resolution by reference E The City Council should amend the General Plan Land Use Map to reflect the change of the area bounded by Atwood Way on the north, Douglas Street on the east, Manposa Avenue on the south, and Nash Street on the west from Urban Mixed -Use North to Corporate Campus Specific Plan The corresponding changes to the Land Use Map as set forth in attached Exhibit "E," which is incorporated into this Resolution by reference 472 20 F The City Council should amend the current Zoning Map to reflect a change of the area bounded by Atwood Way on the north, Douglas Street on the east, Manposa Avenue on the south, and Nash Street on the west from Urban Mixed -Use North to Corporate Campus Specific Plan The corresponding changes to the Zoning Map as set forth in attached Exhibit "F," which is incorporated into this Resolution by reference G The City Council should adopt the Development Agreement by and between the City of El Segundo, TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, and Federal Express Corporation as set forth in attached Exhibit "G," which is incorporated into this Resolution by reference If TPG -EI Segundo, LLC does not purchase the property by January 1, 2006, all entitlements granted as part of the project approval would be null and void The entitlements would not transfer to the current property owner, Federal Express Corporation, or any other party, and, the zoning and General Plan designations for the property which existed prior to the adoption of the project approvals shall instead apply to the property H The City Council should adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program as set forth in attached Exhibit "H," which is incorporated into this Resolution by reference I The City Council should add Subsection 5 to Section 2A of Chapter 3, Title 15, of the ESMC to read as follows "5 Corporate Campus Specific Plan There is one use zone intended to be used within the boundaries of the Corporate Campus Specific Plan This zone is CCSP — Corporate Campus Specific Plan Zone" SECTION 12 Reliance on Record Each and all of the findings and determinations in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project The findings and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the Planning Commission in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole SECTION 13 Limdations The Planning Commission's analysis and evaluation of the project is based on the best information currently available It is inevitable that in evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not exist One of the major limitations on analysis of the project is the Planning Commission's lack of knowledge of future events In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate assumptions Somewhat related to this are the limitations on the City's ability to solve what are in effect regional, state, and national problems and issues The City must work within the political framework within which it exists and with the limitations inherent in that framework SECTION 14 Summaries of Information All summaries of information in the findings, which precede this section, are based on the substantial evidence in the record The absence of any particular fact from any such summary is not an indication that a particular finding is not based in part on that fact SECTION 15 The Planning Commission Secretary is directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to TPG -El Segundo Partners, LLC, and to any other person requesting a copy 21 473 SECTION 16, This Resolution is the Planning Commission's final decision and will become effective immediately upon adoption PASSED AND ADOPTED this On day of December, 2001 James M Hansen, Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, and, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, California APPROVED AS TO FORM. Mark D Hensley, City Attorney By Karl H Berger, Assistant City Attorney VOTES - M Kretzmer P Mahler C Frick G Rickard E Busch ---„� Mike Kreztmer, Chairman of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, California P \Planning & Budding Safety\PROJECTS \526550\Ea- 5481EA -548 resapc -cega ver 6 doc 22 474 501 California St El Segundo, CA 90245 -3213 December 7, 2001 Planing Commission City of El Segundo 350 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 ,I nd input to the Planning Commission Meeting for December 6, 2001 ref Letter to the El Segundo Planning Commission dated November 7, 2001 from Brian Crowley To the Honorable Chairman and members of the Planning Commission I write this letter to doocutmlie t for the C °minis t last id not allow me to state from the microphone at the beginning I had two points to make From the podium on October 25, 2001 and in my letter dated November 7, 2001, I stated that you should accept the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) as "ell- written complete, and accurate While this statement was true in regard o the original Thomas Project as proposed, it is no longer true because the Dd to Earls address aarrticular it is environmental impacts of the park that has been added to the project- Incomplete because It fails to quantify the traffic tmpacu caused by AYSO soccer practices and games during PM rush hour While the DEIR included adiscussion tthprk adding a park as an alternative, tt r►I Wooinilcdlt out t Iowan wanted retract my would be even worse than the project approval of the DEIR during Public Communications be with statement about recommending aPP prevented from doing so by your calculated before you made your decision, but was pr clearly change of the agenda, so I hereby sed now retract the seriously detrimental air qua' stated and stated that the project as propo traffic environmental impacts, it gave the commission sufficient basis to reject e Thomas Project as proposed but Insufficient basis to make a decision to proceed with the project since it was incomplete I stand by the other statements I said to the letters I sent you Since the public only became aware of the Proposition u issue ato reopen November 2001 Planning Commission meeting, I was going to request that y on the matter before u chose to lumte d to comments any input on this itemofrom the public, while accepting Unfortunately, Y further inputs from city-hired consultants 475 DEC I hope that the members of the Planning Commission monitor the progress of this matter as it moves through the following stages of the process Your decisions and statements will be an important factor in the discussions Sincerely yours, { �-- Brian Crowley