2000 MAR 08 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) imumes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 2000 - 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Counctlmember John Gaines ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalfof another, and employees speaking on behalfof their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS — Appoint Richard W Kopenhefer, Esq as negotiator for the City Employees' Association, Supervisory & Professional Employees' Association, El Segundo Firefighters' Association, and El Segundo Police Officers' Association, and Mary Strenn, City Manager, as negotiator for all unrepresented employees Recommendation — Appoint negotiators. 1I l CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et seg ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) 1 City of El Segundo v Bd of Airport Commissioners, et at , LASC Case No BC 220609 1 Roscitto v. El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 034524 3 Ralston v El Segundo, LASC Case No YC036223 4 Stier v El Segundo, LASC Case No YC034617 5 Hill v El Segundo, USDC No CV 98- 1463- LGB(SHX) 6 Fnzelle v El Segundo, WCAB No MON0248404 7 Hadcock v El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC034979 8 Williams v Evanski, et at, LAMC Case No 99CO2571 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(b) -I- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time); Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(c) 72- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) —None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957.6) — Discussions with Richard W Kopenhefer, Esq as negotiator for the City Employees' Association, Supervisory & Professional Employees' Association, El Segundo Firefighters' Association, and El Segundo Police Officers' Association, and Mary Strenn, City Manager, as negotiator for all unrepresented employees. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) —None REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE of oo TIME o7 .L' NAM 0308005p � i L ct� f AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607- 2208 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 2000 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4153 Next Ordinance #1317 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION — Bishop Lloyd Carlson, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councilmember John Gaines IT 111 (a) Presentation to City Council of Mattel police cars — Officer John Sellens representing El Segundo Police Department (b) Commendation to the El Segundo High School U S. Academic Decathlon (USAD) team and Coaches for their spirit of dedication and enthusiasm in accepting the USAD challenge, and for the outstanding efforts that resulted in a successful season. (c) Commendation to the El Segundo/Hawthorne Chapter of the American Diabetes Association on the presentation of AMERICAN DIABETES ALERT, and other events and educational programs that help to fulfill the American Diabetes Association's mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes (d) Commendation to Karen Ackland for her invaluable contribution to the economic well- being of our Community as a Member of the El Segundo Economic Development Advisory Council ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of$50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalfofanother, and employees speaking on behadjof their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only, Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS -NONE C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Proposal by Robert Bem, William Frost & Associates (RBF) to provide engineering and project management services for a Groundwater Development Program at a not -to- exceed fee of $426,900 funded from the Water Fund Recommendation — Approve proposed Scope of Work and authorize Mayor to execute agreement for professional services contract following approval by City Attorney as to form and content. D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - NONE E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business, Warrant Numbers 2508354- 2508715 on Register No 10 in total amount of $842,733 93, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $1,246,106 05 Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and wire transfers from 02105/00 to 02/25/00. n04 City Council meeting minutes of February 15, 2000 Recommendation - Approval. 4 Establishment of a professional service contract with Robert Bem, William Frost & Associates (RBF) to prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for a proposed mixed -use and multimedia project on the 46 -acre former Rockwell International property bounded by Manposa Avenue, Nash Street, Atwood Way, and Douglas Street The amount to be paid to the Consultant under this agreement is $60,30000 The full amount of the contract will be paid by the applicant of the protect Recommendation — Approve a professional services contract with RBF to prepare Mitiaged Negative Declaration. Authorize staff to accept a $1,000 donation from Chevron for the Sixth Annual Super CPR Saturday and Earthquake Preparedness Fair, and deposit the check into the Fire Department's CPR Revenue Account (001- 300 - 0000 -3850) No fiscal impact Recommendation — Accept $1,000 donation. Resolution to release Office of Criminal Justice Planning/Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) funds of $10,151 to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Recommendation — Adopt resolution. Destruction of identified records in accordance with the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California. The City Attorney has approved the plan of records destruction Recommendation — Approve Resolution authorizing the destruction of specific records. Award Janitorial Services contract for both the Library and Recreation & Parks Department facilities to Coastal Cleaning Fiscal Impact Library- $21,550, Recreation & Parks - $43,950. Total. $65,500. Recommendation — 1) Disqualify El Segundo Janitorial Services' RFP for being non - responsive. 2) Award Janitorial Services Contract to Coastal Cleaning. Authorize staff to execute a one -year period with an option for three additional one -year extensions for a maximum total contract length of four years for both the Library and Recreation & Parks Department facilities. 9 Second Amendment to existing Contract #2640 extending the professional services contract with Cassidy & Associates for a period of seven (7) months at a cost of $15,000 per month from FY 1999 -2000 budget account 001- 400 - 2901 -6407 Recommendation — Approve extension and authorize Mayor to execute amendment following review by City Attorney as to form and content. x(15 10 Award of contract to landscape architect Lawrence R Moss & Associates for the design of streetscapmg and landscaping for Sepulveda Boulevard from Rosecrans Avenue to Imperial Highway — Protect No. PW 00 -4 (contract amount = $36,000 00) Recommendation — 1) Award the contract to Lawrence R. Moss & Associates in the amount of $36,000, 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard professional service agreement on behalf of the City. 11 Adopt plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Pump Station No 13 Project No PW 00 -1 (estimated cost = $345,000 00) Recommendation — Adopt plans and specifications and authorize staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids. 12. Adoption of plans and specifications for the replacement of volleyball courts and paddle tennis court surfaces — Protect No PW 00 -5 (estimated cost = $40,000 00). Recommendation — Adopt plans and specifications and authorize staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids. 13 Recommendation to purchase two Police motorcycles at a cost of $17,220 in funds approved and available in the Equipment Replacement Fund Recommendation — Authorize staff to replace two Police Department motorcycles and sent to auction the older units. 14 Approval of Examination Plan for the Personnel Merit System lob classification of Battalion Chief. Recommendation — Approve the Examination Plan for the position of Battalion Chief. 15 A resolution of the City Council authorizing the submittal of an application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for grants authorized under the California Integrated Waste Management Act for a period of three years (No net fiscal impact 1 Recommendation — Adopt Resolution. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 16 Request to approve a new downtown event entitled The El Segundo Food and Music Festival scheduled on June 10, 2000. The one day event will require the allocation of $10,000 from the downtown marketing materials account ($6,000 for Main Street America's management fee and $4,000 to provide the necessary security, traffic control, restroom facilities and marketing materials) Recommendation — 1) Discussion; 2) Approve the request; and /or 3) Other possible action /direction. r11 G G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember McDowell - NONE Councilmember Gaines - NONE Councilmember Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - NONE Mayor Gordon — NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identzifv themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code See 54960, et M ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or confemng with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows- Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5.00 p.m, March 8, 2000 under "Closed Session" (if needed) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE 31b r o o TIME 1-2 LAYSL- NAME"�Y1a ,,4L - 03090038 tt07 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 8, 2000 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Proposal by Robert Bem, William Frost & Associates (RBF) to provide engineering and project management services for a Groundwater Development Program at a not- to-exceed fee of $426,900 funded from the Water Fund RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve proposed Scope of Work and authorize Mayor to execute agreement for professional services contract following approval by City Attorney as to form and content. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: In recent years the Cdy has researched options to increase the reliability of the City's water supply and decrease dependence on the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) for water supply needs Supplementing MWD water will protect the City in the event of interruption of delivery due to a large seismic event or a curtailment of MWD supplies during drought conditions Historic water rate increases and future rate protections also influenced the City's decision to investigate developing a local water supply DISCUSSION The firm of Robert Bean, William Frost & Associates (RBF) has provided professional consultant services to the City for this project since its inception RBF has delivered concept briefings, done extensive site testing, production analysis and water quality testing with results compiled in an extensive Preliminary Design Study The status of this project was discussed at the June 1, 1999 Council meeting and, as a result of that meeting, Council voted to pursue development of a Cdy groundwater supply Council authorized staff to negotiate a contract with RBF for engineering and project management services During that process, staff retained an outside consultant to conduct an independent review of the Preliminary Design Study The review supported the findings of the Study and recommended options to be considered as the protect progresses. On February 15, 2000, RBF submitted a proposal outlining their intended scope of work In the proposal, RBF will act as an extension to City Staff while providing protect management services by advancing the project from pre- design through construction (Discussion continues on Page 2) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: RBF Proposal for Program Management Services Professional Services Agreement FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $451.900 ProjectfAccount Budget:_ $600.000 Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: 501 -400- 7103 -8208 Project Phase: Appropriation Required -Yes_, No___ nnnIP I Page 2 Discussion (Continued) Typical tasks to be performed during the Pre - Design Phase will include managing overall project development, MTBE evaluation, financial procurement, water rights acquisition, discharge permitting, information services, and design consultant selection RBF will continue their efforts during the Design Phase, assist in handling the Local Resources Program (LRP) Application Phase ( MIND subsidy grant), and will follow the project through the Bid Phase, Construction Phase and final inspection RBF will bill the City on a time and materials basis monthly The Scope of Work and Fee assumes that the project will include concurrent construction of the wells and treatment plant during the estimated one year penod, for a total not -to- exceed fee of $426,900 Should the City decide not to proceed or not to construct certain phases of the project, a revised proposal will be provided In addition, RBF will bill the City for direct costs of reprographics and blueprints which are estimated at $25,000 This amount is separate from the fee proposed and is included in the total amount requested Early estimates have projected costs for this Groundwater Development Project to be approximately $ 6.7 million Previous Council action elected funding via the issuing of water bonds. Through that process, much of these up -front costs are recoverable through the financing of the bonds n j FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8'" day of March, 2000, between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates (RBF) hereinafter referred to as "Consultant ". In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows. 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Consultant agrees to perform the services set forth in Exhibit "A" "SCOPE OF SERVICES" and made a part hereof. Consultant represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience and facilities to properly perform said services in a thorough, competent and professional manner and shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law, including, but not limited to, a valid Ell Segundo Business License. Consultants shall begin its services under this Agreement on , 2000. Consultant shall complete each of the services set forth in Exhibit A to the City's satisfaction. If the City is not satisfied with any such services, the Consultant shall work on such matter until the City approves of the service. Further, Consultant shall complete the services set forth in Exhibit A strictly according to the schedule provided therein. 2. STATUS OF CONSULTANT. Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of as otmcers, employees or agents shall have ° control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner -1- officers, employees or agents of the City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner Consultant shall not disseminate any information or reports gathered or created pursuant to this Agreement without the prior written approval of City except information or reports required by government agencies to enable Consultant to perform its duties under this Agreement. 3 CONSULTANTS KNOWLEDGE OF APPLICABLE LAWS. Consultant shall keep itself informed of applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations which may affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its services pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall observe and comply with all such laws and regulations affecting its employees City and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity as a result of any failure of Consultant to comply with this section. 4 PERSONNEL. Consultant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain the stability and continuity of Consultant's staff assigned to perform the services hereunder and shall obtain the approval of the City Manager of all proposed staff members performing services under this Agreement prior to any such performance. 5 COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Compensation to the Consultant shall be as set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto and made a part hereof. Payments shall be made within thirty (30) days after receipt of each invoice as to all non - disputed fees. If the City disputes any of consultant's fees it shall give written notice to Consultant in 30 days of receipt of a invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. 6 ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF CONSULTANT. Consultant shall not be compensated for any services rendered in- c6nnection with its perf&,-nance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein or listed in Exhibit "A ", unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Consultant shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the -2- ^t' manner as agreed to by City Manager and Consultant at the time City's written authorization is given to Consultant for the performance of said services 7. ASSIGNMENT. All services required hereunder shall be performed by Consultant, its employees or personnel under direct contract with Consultant Consultant shall not assign to any subcontractor the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without the prior written consent of City Manager 8. FACILITIES AND RECORDS. City agrees to provide: suitably equipped and furnished office space, public counter, telephone, and use of copying equipment and necessary office supplies for Consultant's on -site staff, if any. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts therefrom as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. 9. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be terminated with or without cause by either party upon 30 o6ys- written notice. In the event of such termination, Consultant shall be compensated for non - disputed fees under the terms of this Agreement up to the date of termination. -3- �1^ 10 COOPERATION BY CITY All public information, data, reports, records, and maps as are existing and available to City as public records, and which are necessary for carrying out the work as outlined in the Scope of Services, shall be fumished to Consultant in every reasonable way to facilitate, without undue delay, the work to be performed under this Agreement. 11. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Upon satisfactory completion of, or in the event of termination, suspension or abandonment of, this Agreement, all original maps, models, designs, drawings, photographs, studies, surveys, reports, data, notes, computer files, files and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall, become the sole property of City. With respect to computer files, Consultant shall make available to the City, upon reasonable wntten request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transfemng and printing computer files. (a) All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's pnor written authorization excepting that information which is a public record and subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code § 6250, et sea. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary- provided Consultant givas City notice of such court order or subpoena. If Consultant or any of its officers, employees, consultants or subcontractors does -4- IJ voluntarily provide information in violation of this Agreement, City has the right to reim- bursement and indemnity from Consultant for any damages caused by Consultant's conduct, including the City's attorney's fees. Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant and /or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. (b) Consultant covenants that neither they nor any officer or principal of their firm has any interest in, or shall they acquire any interest, directly or indirectly which will conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of their services hereunder. Consultant further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having such interest shall be employed by them as an officer, employee, agent, or subcontractor without the express written consent of the City Manager. 13 DEFAULT. In the event that Consultant is in default of any provision of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Consultant. 14 INDEMNIFICATION. (a) CONSULTANT REPRESENTS IT IS SKILLED IN THE PROFESSIONAL -5- '14 CALLING NECESSARY TO PERFORM THE SERVICES AND DUTIES AGREED TO HEREUNDER BY CONSULTANT, AND CITY RELIES UPON THE SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE OF CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT SHALL PERFORM SUCH SERVICES AND DUTIES CONSISTENT WITH THE STANDARDS GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS BEING EMPLOYED BY PROFESSIONALS PERFORMING SIMILAR SERVICE IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. (b) CONSULTANT IS AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AND SHALL HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO BIND CITY NOR TO CREATE OR INCUR ANY OBLIGATION ON BEHALF OF OR LIABILITY AGAINST CITY, WHETHER BY CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE, UNLESS SUCH AUTHORITY IS EXPRESSLY CONFERRED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR IS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY CONFERRED IN WRITING BY CITY. CITY, ITS ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS (INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY, "INDEMNITEES ") SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO CONSULTANT OR TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR, AND CONSULTANT SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, PROTECT AND HOLD HARMLESS THE INDEMNITEES FROM AND AGAINST, ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES, CLAIMS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, PROCEEDINGS, SUITS, DAMAGES, JUDGMENTS, LIENS, LEVIES, COSTS AND EXPENSES OF WHATEVER NATURE, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS (COLLECTIVELY "CLAIMS "), WHICH THE INDEMNITEES MAY SUFFER OR INCUR OR TO WHICH THE INDEMNITEES MAY BECOME SUBJECT BY REASON OF OR ARISING OUT OF ANY INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON(S), DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, LOSS OF USE OF PROPERTY, ECONOMIC LOSS OR OTHERWISE OCCURRING AS A RESULT OF OR ALLEGEDLY CAUSED BY THE PERFORMANCE OR FAILURE TO PERFORM BY CONSULTANT OF CONSULTANT'S SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR THE NEGLk.-N'i OR WILLFUL ACTS C* ;N OMISSIONS OF CONSULTANT, ITS AGENTS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR EMPLOYEES, IN PERFORMING ANY OF THE SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. 1 15 IF ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING IS BROUGHT AGAINST THE INDEMNITEES BY REASON OF ANY OF THE MATTERS AGAINST WHICH CONSULTANT HAS AGREED TO INDEMNIFY THE INDEMNITEES AS ABOVE PROVIDED, CONSULTANT, UPON NOTICE FROM THE CITY, SHALL DEFEND THE INDEMNITEES AT CONSULTANT'S EXPENSE BY COUNSEL ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY. THE INDEMNITEES NEED NOT HAVE FIRST PAID ANY OF THE MATTERS AS TO WHICH THE INDEMNITEES ARE ENTITLED TO INDEMNITY IN ORDER TO BE SO INDEMNIFIED. THE INSURANCE REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED BY CONSULTANT UNDER PARAGRAPH 15 SHALL ENSURE CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS PARAGRAPH 14(B), BUT THE LIMITS OF SUCH INSURANCE SHALL NOT LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF CONSULTANT HEREUNDER. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH 14(B) SHALL SURVIVE THE EXPIRATION OR EARLIER TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. THE CONSULTANT'S INDEMNIFICATION DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS OCCURRING AS A RESULT OF THE CITY'S NEGLIGENT OR WILLFUL ACTS OR OMISSIONS. CONSULTANT HAS READ THIS SECTION 141N ITS ENTIRETY AND KNOWLINGLY AND WILLINGLY ACCEPTS THE OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. 15 INSURANCE. A. Insurance Requirements. Consultant shall provide and maintain insurance acceptable to the City Attorney in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement, against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance ;oi the work hereunder by :;onsultant, its agents, representatives or employees Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII. Consultant shall provide the following scope and limits of insurance: -7- '16 broad as (1) Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as (a) Insurance Services Office form Commercial General Liability coverage (Occurrence Form CG 0001). (b) Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1187) covering Automobile Liability, including code 1 "any auto" and endorsement CA 0025, or equivalent forms subject to the written approval of the City. (c) Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the Labor Code of State of California and Employers Liability insurance and covering all persons providing services on behalf of the Consultant and all risks to such persons under this Agreement. (Not needed if Self - employed with no employees.) (d) Errors and omissions liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. (2) Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain limits of insurance no less than: (a) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the activities related to this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (b) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. lA -1i (c) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident (d) Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence. B Other Provisions. Insurance policies required by this Agreement shall contain the following provisions: (1) All Policies. Each insurance policy required by this paragraph 15 shall be endorsed and state the coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by the insurer or either party to this Agreement, reduced in coverage or in limits except after 30 days' prior written notice by Certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. (2) General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages. (a) City, its officers, officials, and employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities Consultant performs, products and completed operations of Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by Consultant, or automobiles owned, leased or hired or borrowed by Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City, its officers, officials, or employees. (b) Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect to City, its officers, L:>:ciats, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self insurance maintained by City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall apply in excess of, and not contribute with, Consultant's insurance. Io n18 (c) Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability (d) Any failure to comply with the reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers (3) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Coverage Unless the City Manager otherwise agrees in writing, the insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against City, its officers, officials, employees and agents for losses arising from work performed by Consultant for City. C. Other Reguirements. Consultant agrees to deposit with City, at or before the effective date of this contract, certificates of insurance necessary to satisfy City that the insurance provisions of this contract have been complied with. The City Attorney may require that Consultant furnish City with copies of original endorsements effecting coverage required by this Section. The certificates and endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. City reserves the right to inspect complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. (1) Consultant shall furnish certificates and endorsements from each subcontractor identical to those Consultant provides. (2) Any deductibles or self - insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. At the option of the City, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self- insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant's,, all-procure a bond guaran:aaing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, defense expenses and claims. (3) The procuring of such required policy or policies of insurance -io- �ta shall not be construed to limit Consultants liability hereunder nor to fulfill the indemnification provisions and requirements of this Agreement. 16 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is the complete, final, entire and exclusive expression of the Agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations by any party which are not embodied herein and that no other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding 17. GOVERNING LAW The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. 18. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBSTITUTION. City has an interest in the qualifications of and capability of the persons and entities who will fulfill the duties and obligations imposed upon Consultant by this Agreement. In recognition of that interest, neither any complete nor partial assignment of this Agreement may be made by Consultant nor changed, substituted for, deleted, or added to without the prior written consent of City. Any attempted assignment or substitution shall be ineffective, null, and void, and constitute a material breach of this Agreement entitling City to any and all remedies at law or in equity, including summary termination of this Agreement. 19. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. The terms of this Agreement can only be modified in writing approved by the G.; Council and the Consuita.m. The parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and any attempted waiver shall be void. -11- (,1J� 20 AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he /shetthey has/have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of his /her/their corporation and warrants and represents that he /she/they has /have the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 21. NOTICES. Notices shall be given pursuant to this Agreement by personal service on the party to be notified, or by written notice upon such parry deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Service addressed as follows. "• City Clerk's Department City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Telephone (310) 322 -4670, extension 230 Facsimile (310) 3224167 Consultant. Attention: Robert Bein William Frost and Associates 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 -2069 The notices shall be deemed to have been given as of the date of personal service, or three (3) days after the date of deposit of the same in the custody of the United -12- 1121 States Postal Service 20. SEVERABILITY. The invalidity in whole or in part of any provision of this Agreement shall not void or affect the validity of the other provisions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. ROBERT BEING, WILLIAM FROST AND ASSOCIATES Title CITY OF EL SEGUNDO M Title ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cindy Mortesen ark ensley City Clerk City Attorney -13- �,�2 l ROBERT BEIN, WILLIAM FROST & .ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS PLANNERS 8 SURVEYORS February 15, 2000 Ms. Mary Strenn City Manager CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 RECE[YEDW 10- 100352.001 FEB 17 2000 pusuc WORKS ENGINEERING Subject: Revised Proposal for Program Management Services Groundwater Development Program Dear Ms Strenn: Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates (RBF) is pleased to provide this revised Proposal outlining engineering services we would provide to the City of El Segundo for the proposed Groundwater Development Program. RBF recently completed a Preliminary Design Study for the City of El Segundo, which investigated the technical and economic feasibility of the City developing a local water supply. By creating a local drinking water source, the City would reduce its dependence on MWD supplies, reduce impacts of long -term price increases of imported water, and increase the reliability of the City's water system. The study included an analysis of groundwater quality, well siting, treatment process alternatives, and preliminary cost estimates. Subsequent to completing the study, RBF performed an additional economic analysis that provided detailed preliminary cost estimates for a number of project alternatives in order to define the optimum project alternative. The City retained an outside consultant for independent review of the Study, and based upon his critique of the project, the City has decided to proceed to the project design phase. The City has requested that RBF provide Program Management Services to serve as an extension of City Staff for the design and construction phases of the project The Scope of Work for Program Management Services includes all professional services we believe are necessary to assist the City in successfully advancing the project through financing, design and -r mss_ !! :lion. The Scope of Wo= =_ also includes reimbursement for work performed since the completion of the initial contract, as well as work required to revise the Study to reflect the proposed project as it now stands. Our Scope of Work for Program Management Services is based upon ourknowledge of the project from our past work with the Preliminary Design Study, as well as the information provided at meetings held on July 21, 1999, August 5,1999. September 13, 1999, and January 21, 2000 and telephone conversations with you and Ron Green Professional Service Since 1944 -"35 A -TON PARKWAY IRVINE CA 92618 -2069 • PO BOX $7057 IRVINE CA 92619.7057 • 949 472 3505 • FAX 949 472 8373 OFFICES LOCATED THROUGHOUT CAUFORNIA ARIZONA AND NEVADA . WEB SITE w iV con X23 We have estimated the professional fee to perform these tasks as a not -to- exceed fee of $426,900, shown in the attached fee table Please note that the Scope of Work and Fee assumes that the project will include concurrent construction of the wells and treatment plant Should the City propose not to construct the treatment plant or to construct the wells and treatment plant under separate contracts, a revised proposal will be provided at the request of the City The tasks included in items 1 through 22 relate to pre - design activities, while tasks 23 through 35 represent design, bidding, and construction activities. RBF proposes to provide complete project management and full -time inspection services during construction of the project. Our budget estimate is based upon a 1 -year construction period Also included as an attachment to this Scope of Work is a revised schedule showing the nine frame anticipated for completion of each identified task. Note that a revised construction cost esumate is currently being finahzed and will be forwarded to you at the end of the week. We propose to bill the City on a=e and materials basis monthly We will also bill the City for direct costs of reprographics and blueprints which we have estimated at $25,000. Payment is expected within thirty (30) days of your receipt of the Invoice, as the past contracts with the City have been We also propose to use the same RBF Project Team members for this Contract that worked on the Preliminary Design Study for project continuity These core team members are Mike Rudinica, Principal, Cindy Miller, Project Manager; and Mary Hambel, Project Engineer. We also propose to add a Construction Manager to the Project Team as the project approaches the bidding and construction phases. If you have any questions after your review of the Scope of Work and Fee Schedule, please do not hesitate to call me at (949) 855 -3621 Sincerely,! Michael P. Rudntica Executive Vice President H \GRP13 \pdata\ 10100352 \Cormpondence \proposal letter rev wpd enclosures :1`jy CITYOFEL SEGUNDO GROUNDWATER DEVELOPMENTPROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM MA NA GEMENTSER VICES PRE - DESIGN PHASE PROJECTDEVELOPMENT TASK l: LETTER REPORT.- SUPPLEMENTARY COST ANALYSIS (Completed) At this tune, RBF is requesting compensation for engineering services performed outside of RBF's Scope of Work At the request of the City, RBF performed and submitted on February 19,1999 a detailed cost analysis of alternative project components in order for the City to determine under what conditions the project would be economically feasible in the absence of subsidy funding At the request of the City, RBF also made a presentation to the City Council in April, 1999 to present the updated project concept and supplementary cost analysis This work was not included under the original scope of work for the Prelunmary Design Study, nor under Addendum No. 1, dated November 24, 1998. At the request of the City, RBF has now included costs for these services in the Program Management Budget hemm TASK 1: MEETINGS: COMPLETTONOFPRELIMINARYDEUGN CONTRACT TOPRESENT (Completed) RBF attended three meetings between the completion of the ongmal Prelmmary Design Contract and the present, on July 21, 1999, August 5, 1999, and September 13, 1999 TASK 3. LETTER REPORT.• PROJECT UPDATE Prepare letter report to update Preliminary Design Study to reflect recent changes in project description by the City in response to the Supplementary Cost Analysis, comments by Desi Alvarez, and other factors MTBE EVALUATION TASK 4: DATA GATHERING AND BASEMAPPREPARATION Obtain background information on MTBE found in ground water in the area and identify potential source areas. Obtain recent ground water elevations and production in the vicinity of the two new welisnes. Construct a basemap showing locations of MTBE detection, and potential source areas. Also construct recent ground water elevations showing the direction and rate of ground water movement. TASK 5• MODELING Construct "Capture Zones" around the two new we _ es a..3 evaluate the potential for zantaminatmon from the MTBE sources. This will be done using PPA's Wellhead Protection Area Model "WHPA" TASK 6: MTBE ASSESSMENT AND LETTER REPORT Summarize findings of MTBE investigation in a letter to the City, including evaluation of potential for MTBE contamination at the two proposed wellsnes, design requirements for wellhead protection, and associated costs City of El Segundo Groundwater Development Program Scope of Work - Program Management Services Page 2 of S FINANCL4L PROCUREMENT TASK 7: PREPARE PROJECT SUMMARY FOR PROSPECTIVE FINANCIAL CONSULTANT AND BOND COUNCIL prepare summary of key project parameters, including complete cost estimate, for use in selection of financial consultant and bond council. TASK 8 SOLICIT PROPOSALS Prepare letter soliciting proposals from financial consultants and bond councils TASK 9: INTERVIEW AND SELECT FINANCIAL CONSULTANT Attend interviews, along with City staff, with prospective financial consultants Make recommendations to Cny staff for selection of financial consultant TASK 10: INTERVIEW AND SELECT BOND COUNCIL Attend interviews, along with City staff, with prospective bond councils. Make recommendations to City staff for selection of bond councils. TASK H: ASSIST IN PREPARING FINANCIAL P4 CZ4GE FOR BONDS Assumes two (2) meetings and reviews of financial packages prepared by financial consultant and bond council TASK 12: COORDINATION WITH FINANCfAL AND BOND CONSULTANTS Coordinate with financial and bond consultants to provide information where required and review proposed financial packages TASK 13: PROJECT MEETINGS WI'TII CITYSTAFF Assumes two (2) meetings WATER RIGHTSACQUISITION TASK 14. MEN77FYPROSPEC77M WATER RIGHTSSALES F -- _ Review groundwater extraction dais and water tights allocations in the underlying aquifer basin to identify prospective sources of water tights for purchase TASK 15: NEGOTIATE WITH PROSPECTIVESELLER AND ADVISE CITY Negotiate with prospective seller to obtain water rights at optimal price and advise City 026 Ciry of Et Segundo Groundwater Development Program Scope of Work - Program Management Services Page 3 of 5 TASK 16: FINALIZE AGREEMENT WITH CITY ATTORNEY Assist City Attamey in preparation of agreement to purchase water rights BRINE DISCHARGEPERMI7TING WITH RWQCB TASK 17: MEET WITH RWQCB TO PRESENT RESULTS OF PILOT STUDY Meetwith the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to introduce the project and present the results of the pilot study Determine regulations and concerns of the RWQCB regarding the proposed discharge to Dominguez Channel TASK 18: PREPARE APPLICATION PACKAGE Prepare NPDES permit application. Includes comparison of brute water quality data from the pilot study with examig water quality data in Dominguez Channel Identify any potenual parameters which may result in degradation of water quality in Dominguez Channel below standards set by the Basin Plan and assess potential treatment/facilities modifications required to elmtmate water quality impacts Complete required federal and state NPDES application forms and report of waste discharge TASK 19: COORDINATE WITH RWQCB FOR APPLICATIONAPPROVAL Respond to RWQCB requests for more information in report of waste discharge Submit completed report of waste discharge to obtain approvals. INFORMATIONSERVICES 7ASK20: MEETINGS AND PRESENTATIONS RBF will be available to City Staff to make presentations, and answer questions from the City Council and the public, as duetted by the City PROPOSAL FOR DESIGN CONSULTANT TASK 21: PREPARE RFP DOCUMENT Prepare Request for Proposal for prospective design consultants with the assistance of City staff. TASK 22: REVIEW PROPOSALS, COORDINATE 4i ;H"CITY,AND MAKE RECOMMENDA TIONS Review proposals submatedbyprospettive design consultants. Make recommendations forselectionofdestgn consultant based upon both long term and short terns costs and operational requirements. Irl 2 7 Ciry of El Segundo Groundwater Development Program Scope of Work - Program Management Services Page 4 of DESIGN PHASE TASK 23: COORDINATE WITH DESIGN CONSULTANT AND REl?EW SUBMITTALS RBF will coordnate with the design consuitamthroughout the design phase to ensure compliance with project objectives Assumes five (5) meetings RBF will parocipate in review of design submittals to the Ctq, assuming submittals at 10%, 50 %, 75 %, 90 0/c, and 100% design LAP APPLICATION PHASE TASK 24: PREPARE LAP APPLICATION Assist the City in coordinating with Metropolitan Water Distrtct (MWD), as well as West Basin Municipal Water District (WBM WD) to obtain subsidy for the project from the Local Resources Program M WD has extended its schedule for submission of proposal for its LRP It is anticipated that MWD will request proposals for participation some trine m the year 2001. RBF will prepare and submit the application to MWD A budget for two (2) meetings with MWD and/or WBMWD have been included BID PHASE TASK 25: PRE -BID RBF will provide professional services during the bid and award of the project, including • Distribute plans and specifications to prospective bidders • Schedule and conduct a Pre Bid meeting • Identify long lead time «ems • Monitor addendas, as required • Conduct bid opening TASK 26: QUESTIONS AND ADDENDA COORDINATION RBF will monitor addendas, as required and coordinate with design engmeer to address all questions from prospective bidders TASK 27: BID ANALYSIS RBF will collect and analyze bids and make recommendations to the City for Contractor selection. CONSTRUCT /DNPHASE TASK 28: PRE-CONSTRUCTIONSERYICES RBF will perform ptewnsnuaton services, including attendance at field visit, project kick -off meeting with City and utility companies, kick -off meeting with Contractor, construction schedule review, pre construction meeting, and public information meeting TASK 29: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT /CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Cary of El Segundo Groundwater Development Program Scope of Work - Program Management Services Page 5 of Perform construction management and contract administranon services, including coordination with the Contractor throughout the construction period, processing progress reports, and responding to BFI's, change orders, and claims TASK 30: FULL -TIME INSPECTION Provide full -time inspection throughout the duration of construction TASK 31: SHOP DRAWING REVIEW WITHDESIGN CONSULTANT Assist design consultant in the review of shop drawings submitted by the Contractor TASK 31: ENGINEERING SUPPORT/ FIELD VISITS Periodic site visits will be made dunng construction of the project at key construction intervals Provide engineering support and consultation during construction for clarification of design related issues. TASK33: QUALITYASSURANCE/ CONSTRUCTIONMANAGEMENTCOORDINATIONIDOCUMEVT CONTROL Provide quality assurance services throughout the construction phase, including coordination of construction management services provided by the Contractor and document control. TASK 34: START -UP RBF will attend plant start -up and provide engineering support as required. TASK 35: PROJECT CLOSEOUT Final documentation and review of record drawings prepared by design consultant. 029 } \� i | ! $ ■ @SG ` t as � � � ) . ! | % } I ` _ a � | # ) / ! � ■ ƒ } . # � ! \ 7 At ; a . !& `■ ■ #��� � ƒ�� I | ! $ ■ @SG ` t as � � � ) | % ! ` } | # � ! ■ # � At ; a . | ! $ ■ @SG Z � i r S Y S � M H C o a q p °w w 6 � Y w E � W N Al 0 of lol o O o I Q mC R O v � � O b r y e � � W c w s r S g ry S s s N i a« q g Q M 4 q M N M 0 0 e o e a o o e o 0 N VI $ r e i O O 3 °« 0 0 0 tl � O N O 0 XC yy yVu C S u E 4 8 < gt O cN x � N p g € C p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 N M N p N O O O F C v N s 4 f O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 p N O O O F K f C p � Y 9 r Y tS ■[' II S $ Srw $4E u5 Y e s 4 U w?X frig s v It N W 6 N N Ip1 N w1 n A A S w S e Y r Y V p h � O M S e 'o S VC � tl: Q1 C f 1 i ii 1 I H11' { i 1 11 RI {{ { { {) {� { { { {j {rY {1 { {r {r {r { {a)!• {• {tI{ { {aal h �a a a • •t _ s n�� � . • {,• t' {ra a {aaaa.ie•aaai.alalaaalitia n �aaaaaa as as la as as alas a vta P' r32 x LL uZ � �F O r U� U� 3 r Q O R a n a LL W O n� r °a %�n8gm dim r'pa $d n m •fV , • m -iill, IV6nm d•°v��n n mvmru �i �i� mm N W O LL ¢ U m ;> Z p p LL 1� �ej Qom` JLL 4q m W a a W ~ i y a Q V~ Q O 0 mQ W s iy c o U•M$�p LL W N �Q Ugg��FS���SHW��¢�l�i0 F w K 3 s 8 E s C s Fr 4 W J owls U� O� a NU W J V W 7 O % Y u W_ U Q Z P PN LA 2 V tt t LL U A E c E S S$ a S �U S C B tt LL s S n a "g i F HI s O u L ° 2 4 m S S O will 033 2 O O u 2 4 m S S O 033 2 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 2/5/2000 THROUGH 2/2512000 Date Payee Amount Description 217100 IRS 156,868 30 Federal Taxes PR16 2f7 /00 Wells Fargo 60,000 00 Workers Comp 2/9/00 Employment Development 29,601 19 State Taxes PR16 2110100 Federal Reserve Bank 200,00 Employee Bonds PR16 2/10/00 Health Comp 2,075.15 Weekly eligible claims 2104 2110/00 West Basin 811,534 88 H2O pmt 2/14/00 Federal Reserve Bank 25000 Employee Bonds PR17 2117100 Health Comp 4,22420 Weekly eligible claims 2111 2122/00 IRS 150,915 84 Federal Taxes PR17 2/23/00 Employment Development 28,702 49 State Taxes PR17 2125100 Federal Reserve Bank 20000 Employee Bonds PR18 2/25/00 Health Comp 1,53400 Weekly eligible claims 2/18 1,246,106 05 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 3107/00 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: 1,246,106.05 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by Deputy Treasurer ^ I r� �aC a by Date Finance Director City Manager Y_ ,� 2 etord Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo r 3 4 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2000 - 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 5.00 P.M PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Jacobs ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon Mayor ProTem Jacobs Council Member Wernick Council Member Gaines Council Member McDowell Present - Arrived at 5:05 p.m - Present - Present - Present - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of 850 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees spealang on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of 8150 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to appltcable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et s92.) for the purposes of confemng with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a)) 1. City of El Segundo v. Bd. of Airport Commissioners, et al., LASC Case No. BC 220609 2 Roscitto v. El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC 034524 3 Ralston v El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC036223 4 Stier v. El Segundo, LASC Case No YC034617 5 Hill v El Segundo, USDC No. CV 98- 1463- LGB(SHX) 6 Fnzelle v. El Segundo, WCAB No MON0248404 7 Hadcock v. El Segundo, LASC Case No YC034979 8 Williams v. Evanski, et al., LAMC Case No. 99CO2571 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(b). -I- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time); Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(c): -2- matters. DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957.6) — None CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956.8) — None. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT at 6:55 P.M Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk % i J 73 5 r,1) __ • I_ REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2000 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 7,00 P M INVOCATION - Rev G Kevin Taylor of St Michael's Episcopal Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilmember Nancy Wermck PRESENTATIONS (a) Council Member John Gaines presented a Proclamation to Kevin Savage, El Segundo Little League and Kelly Hathdale, El Segundo Girls Softball, declaring Saturday, March 4, 2000 as Little League and Softball Day in El Segundo ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs Present Council Member Games Present Council Member McDowell Present Council Member Wernick PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalfofanother. an employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 Dorothy Kent, resident, spoke regarding airport issues. Bob Bramhall, resident and member of the El Segundo Garden Club, spoke in opposition of the skateboard park at Recreation Park. He also stated that he would be filing a petition in opposition with the City Clerk Dorothy Closar, resident of Park Vista, spoke regarding the existing roller hockey rink and in opposition to the skateboard park Cynthia Montyo, resident, spoke regarding request by El Segundo Little League and El Segundo Girls Softball for City support, waiver of fees and approval for its Opening Day Parade to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 4, 2000. Sandra Mason, resident, spoke regarding signal on Sepulveda Boulevard and flooding during the recent rain Pauline Cromne, resident, spoke in opposition to the skateboard park. Ted Dickton, resident, spoke regarding sound insulation MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 15, 2000 PAGE NO 1 i; 3 6 (b) Request by El Segundo Little League and El Segundo Girls Softball for City support, waiver of fees and approval for its Opening Day Parade to be held at 10:00 a.m on Saturday, March 4, 2000. MOVED by Council Member Wermck, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to waive all fees and approve the Opening Day joint parade for Little League and Softball on March 4, 2000 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOVED by Council Member Wemick, SECONDED by Council Member Games to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Public Hearing on an extension of Interim Zoning Ordinance No 1297, which was adopted on March 16, 1999, as an extension of Interim Zoning Ordinance No. 1296, in accordance with Government Code Section 65858, pertaining to uses permitted in the Downtown Commercial Zone (CR -S) Mayor Gordon stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on an extension of Interim Zoning Ordinance No. 1297, which was adopted on March 16, 1999, as an extension of Interim Zoning Ordinance No 1296, in accordance with Government Code Section 65858, pertaining to uses permitted in the Downtown Commercial Zone (CR -S). He asked if proper notice had been done and if any written communication had been received. Clerk Mortesen stated that no written communications were received by the Clerk's office. NOTE THAT AN URGENCY ORDINANCE NEEDS 4 /5"' APPROVAL. Mayor ProTem Jacobs not participating on this item due to a possible conflict of interest. Jim Hanson, Director of Community and Economic Development Services, gave a brief report. Bill Cngger, Chairman, Downtown El Segundo Committee, spoke regarding the proposed Ordinance Council consensus to close the public hearing Council discussion followed. MOVED by Council Member Wernick to adopt the Ordinance extending Ordinance No 1297 for a period of one year in accordance with Government Code Section 65858, a prohibition on certain development in the Downtown Specific Plan Area of the Downtown Commercial (CR -S). MOTION DIED DUE TO LACK OF SECOND. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 15, 2000 PAGE NO 2 MOVED by Mayor Gordon, SECONDED by Council Member Games to adopt the Ordinance extending Ordinance No 1297 for a period of one year in accordance with Government Code Section 65858, a prohibition on certain development in the Downtown Specific Plan Area of the Downtown Commercial (CR -S) with the amendment to exclude the West side of the 300 Block of Richmond Street North of Grand Avenue. MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES MAYOR GORDON, COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES, COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL; NOES: COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK; NOT PARTICIPATING: MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS. 3/111 MOVED by Council Member Werruck, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines to adopt the Ordinance, as presented, extending Ordinance No 1297 for a period of one year in accordance with Government Code Section 65858, a prohibition on certain development in the Downtown Specific Plan Area of the Downtown Commercial (CR -S). MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK, COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES, COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL, NOES: MAYOR GORDON; NOT PARTICIPATING: MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS. 3!111 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Implementation of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program on March 7, 2000. Fiscal Impact. None. Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Dave Bums presented report. Consensus of council to receive and file report. D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - NONE Development of a Sepulveda Boulevard banner program. Mayor Gordon presented report MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Wemick to reallocate $60,000 budgeted in the adopted Capital Improvement Project to install "welcome" monument for the Sepulveda Blvd. to a project that staff will develop to install banners on Sepulveda Blvd. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 4 Openings on Committees, Commissions and Boards. Consensus of Council to open the recruitment process for the vacated positions. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 15, 2000 PAGE NO 3 r.3., Warrant Numbers 2508036- 2508353 on Register No 9 in total amount of $951,60134, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $236,639 54. Approved Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release Ratify Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements, emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and wire transfers from 01/22/00 to 02/04100 City Council meeting minutes of January 26, 2000 and February 1, 2000 Recommendation for FY 1999 -2000 vehicle and equipment purchases at a cost of $668,300 in funds approved and available from the Equipment Replacement Account. Authorized Staff throughout this fiscal year to bid and award contract to the lowest responsible bidder, purchase designated equipment, and dispose at auction all identified surplus vehicles and equipment. MOVED by Council Member Wemick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve consent agenda item numbers 5, 6 and 7. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5 /0. F. NEW BUSINESS — 8 New Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for alcohol sales of beer and wine for on -site consumption (Type 41 -On -Sale Beer and Wine — Restaurant) at a proposed restaurant, The Dugout, formerly the "Keg" bar at 123 Main Street (ABC 00 -01, A -511, & AUP 00 -01) Applicant. Anthony and Louis Sanchez — The Dugout. Mayor ProTem Jacobs not participating due to a possible conflict of interest. MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Werruck that the City does not protest the issuance of the new ABC license for the sale of beer and wine at the new Dugout Restaurant MOTION PASSED BY FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL, AND WERNICK. NOT. PARTICIPATING: MAYOR PROTEM JACOBS. 4 /0 /1 G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER— Reported on frlmmg activity and allowable hours for filming east of Sepulveda. Council directed staff to included language of operation in the Rl, R2 and R3 zones. H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member McDowell — reported on Airport Advisory Committee Meeting and avigation easements granted to LAX MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 15.2000 PAGE NO 4r -�g Council Member Gaines - reported on the LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee meeting Council Member Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs — 9. Update on AQMD Proposed Rule 1190 — Clean On -Road Vehicles for Government and Airport Operations. Mayor Gordon — 10. Sponsorship of legislation seeking an income -tax rebate for homeowners affected by airport noise and authorization to retain a lobbyist to assist the City in gaining legislative approval of the bill. Mr Ron Stone, Arter and Hadden, responded to Council questions MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines to approve the concept of an airport noise relief bill and retain the firm of Arter & Hadden as lobbyist to serve as the City's advocate in Sacramento MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 Mayor Gordon reported on Food and Music Festival June 10, 2000 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals, Who have received value of S50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behatrof another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor andpunuhable by a fine ofS250 MEMORIALS - Adjournment in memory of Retired Fire Captain Dale Newman. CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec 54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5:00 p.m., February 15, 2000 under "Closed Session" (if needed). REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SE,1�11I0N (if required) ADJOURNMENT at 8:50 P.M. to March 8, 2000 at 5:00 P.M Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 15, 2000 PAGE NO 5 04( EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 8, 2000 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING* Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Establishment of a professional service contract with Robert Beth, William Frost & Associates (RBF) to prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for a proposed mixed -use and multimedia project on the 46- acre former Rockwell International property bounded by Manposa Avenue, Nash Street, Atwood Way, and Douglas Street The amount to be paid to the Consultant under this agreement is $60,300 00 The full amount of the contract will be paid by the applicant of the project RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve a professional services contract with RBF to prepare Mitigated Negative Declaration INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On July 15, 1999, the Planning Commission denied a Conditional Use Permit application for a freight forwarding project on the 46 -acre former Rockwell International property Since then the current property owner, FedEx, has been negotiating with potential buyers for the sale of the property A purchaser and developer has now come forward to propose the construction of the El Segundo Media Center, a mixed-use/media center project, which would be built on the entire property The project would consist of multimedia production facilities (similar to Raleigh Studios in Manhattan Beach) as well as general commercial activities consistent with the permitted uses in the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone The applicant is requesting an expedited review process and has agreed to fund the cost of the City hiring an outside consultant to prepare the required environmental review for the project DISCUSSION: Staff recommends the retention of RBF based upon their knowledge of the subject property and their proven ability to complete such projects in timely manner The project schedule is dependent upon the applicant submitting the needed material to both RBF and the City in accordance with an aggressive schedule Staff also recommends that the applicant be required to submit the full amount of the contract at the beginning of the project The funds would be placed in a trust deposit account, which would be used to pay RBF as their invoices are submitted ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1) Draft Contract with RBF in the amount of $60,300 00 2) RBF proposal and work effortibudget FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget _ Capital improv Budget _ Amount Requested Project Account Budget .30000 Project/Account Balance Account Number 703 -200- 0000 -2621 Project Phase N/A Hansen, Director of Community, Economic and Development Services _�4p /tea P iPiannmg & Building SafetyWROJECTSWO- 525WEDIA CENTER CONTRACTAIS DOC A; 4 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8' day of March, 2000, between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Robert Bem, William Frost and Associates (RBF) hereinafter referred to as "Consultant ". In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Consultant agrees to perform the services set forth in Exhibit "A" "SCOPE OF SERVICES" and made a part hereof. Consultant represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience and facilities to properly perform said services in a thorough, competent and professional manner and shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law, including, but not limited to, a valid El Segundo Business License. Consultants shall begin its services under this Agreement on March 9, 2000. Consultant shall complete each of the services set forth in Exhibit A to the City's satisfaction. If the City is not satisfied with any such services, the Consultant shall work on such matter until the City approves of the service Further, Consultant shall complete the services set forth in Exhibit A strictly according to the schedule provided therein. 2 STATUS OF CONSULTANT. Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any Of azz grocers, employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner -1- officers, employees or agents of the City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. Consultant shall not disseminate any information or reports gathered or created pursuant to this Agreement without the prior written approval of City except information or reports required by government agencies to enable Consultant to perform its duties under this Agreement. 3 CONSULTANTS KNOWLEDGE OF APPLICABLE LAWS. Consultant shall keep itself informed of applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations which may affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its services pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall observe and comply with all such laws and regulations affecting its employees City and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity as a result of any failure of Consultant to comply with this section. 4 PERSONNEL. Consultant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain the stability and continuity of Consultant's staff assigned to perform the services hereunder and shall obtain the approval of the City Manager of all proposed staff members performing services under this Agreement prior to any such performance. 5. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. Compensation to the Consultant shall be as set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto and made a part hereof. Payments shall be made within thirty (30) days after receipt of each invoice as to all non - disputed fees. if the City disputes any of consultant's fees it shall give written notice to Consultant in 30 days of receipt of a invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. 6. ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF CONSULTANT. Consultant shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its perforrmance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein or listed in Exhibit "A ", unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Consultant shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the -2- manner as agreed to by City Manager and Consultant at the time City's written authorization is given to Consultant for the performance of said services. 7 ASSIGNMENT. All services required hereunder shall be performed by Consultant, its employees or personnel under direct contract with Consultant Consultant shall not assign to any subcontractor the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without the prior written consent of City Manager. 8 FACILITIES AND RECORDS. City agrees to provide- suitably equipped and furnished office space, public counter, telephone, and use of copying equipment and necessary office supplies for Consultant's on -site staff, if any. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts therefrom as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. 9. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be terminated with or without cause by either party upon 30 notice. In the-avent of such termination, Consultant shall be compensated for non - disputed fees under the terms of this Agreement up to the date of termination. -3- 0 A � 10 COOPERATION BY CITY. All public information, data, reports, records, and maps as are existing and available to City as public records, and which are necessary for carrying out the work as outlined in the Scope of Services, shall be fumished to Consultant in every reasonable way to facilitate, without undue delay, the work to be performed under this Agreement. 11. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Upon satisfactory completion of, or in the event of termination, suspension or abandonment of, this Agreement, all original maps, models, designs, drawings, photographs, studies, surveys, reports, data, notes, computer files, files and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall, become the sole property of City With respect to computer files, Consultant shall make available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. 12. RELEASE OF INFORMATION /CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (a) All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's prior written authorization excepting that information which is a public record and subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code § 6250, et sea. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntal;- provided Consultant give City notice of such court order or subpoena. If Consultant or any of its officers, employees, consultants or subcontractors does -4- �r J voluntarily provide information in violation of this Agreement, City has the right to reim- bursement and indemnity from Consultant for any damages caused by Consultant's conduct, including the City's attorney's fees. Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant and /or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. (b) Consultant covenants that neither they nor any officer or principal of their firm has any interest in, or shall they acquire any interest, directly or indirectly which will conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of their services hereunder. Consultant further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having such interest shall be employed by them as an officer, employee, agent, or subcontractor without the express written consent of the City Manager. 13. DEFAULT. In the event that Consultant is in default of any provision of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Consultant. 14. INDEMNIFICATION. (a) CONSULTANT REPRESENTS IT IS SKILLED IN THE PROFESSIONAL -5- 114 CALLING NECESSARY TO PERFORM THE SERVICES AND DUTIES AGREED TO HEREUNDER BY CONSULTANT, AND CITY RELIES UPON THE SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE OF CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT SHALL PERFORM SUCH SERVICES AND DUTIES CONSISTENT WITH THE STANDARDS GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS BEING EMPLOYED BY PROFESSIONALS PERFORMING SIMILAR SERVICE IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. (b) CONSULTANT IS AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AND SHALL HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO BIND CITY NOR TO CREATE OR INCUR ANY OBLIGATION ON BEHALF OF OR LIABILITY AGAINST CITY, WHETHER BY CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE, UNLESS SUCH AUTHORITY IS EXPRESSLY CONFERRED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR IS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY CONFERRED IN WRITING BY CITY. CITY, ITS ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS (INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY, "INDEMNITEES ") SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO CONSULTANT OR TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR, AND CONSULTANT SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, PROTECT AND HOLD HARMLESS THE INDEMNITEES FROM AND AGAINST, ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES, CLAIMS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, PROCEEDINGS, SUITS, DAMAGES, JUDGMENTS, LIENS, LEVIES, COSTS AND EXPENSES OF WHATEVER NATURE, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS (COLLECTIVELY "CLAIMS "), WHICH THE INDEMNITEES MAY SUFFER OR INCUR OR TO WHICH THE INDEMNITEES MAY BECOME SUBJECT BY REASON OF OR ARISING OUT OF ANY INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON(S), DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, LOSS OF USE OF PROPERTY, ECONOMIC LOSS OR OTHERWISE OCCURRING AS A RESULT OF OR ALLEGEDLY CAUSED BY THE PERFORMANCE OR FAILURE TO PERFORM BY CONSULTANT OF CONSULTANT'S SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR THE NEGLIc: =N i OR WILLFUL ACTS ' OMISSIONS OF CONSULTANT, ITS AGENTS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR EMPLOYEES, IN PERFORMING ANY OF THE SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. 4 '7 IF ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING IS BROUGHT AGAINST THE BY REASON OF ANY OF THE MATTERS AGAINST WHICH CONSULTANT HAS AGREED TO INDEMNIFY THE INDEMNITEES AS ABOVE PROVIDED, CONSULTANT, UPON NOTICE FROM THE CITY, SHALL DEFEND THE INDEMNITEES AT CONSULTANT'S EXPENSE BY COUNSEL ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY. THE INDEMNITEES NEED NOT HAVE FIRST PAID ANY OF THE MATTERS AS TO WHICH THE INDEMNITEES ARE ENTITLED TO INDEMNITY IN ORDER TO BE SO INDEMNIFIED. THE INSURANCE REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED BY CONSULTANT UNDER PARAGRAPH 15 SHALL ENSURE CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS PARAGRAPH 14(B), BUT THE LIMITS OF SUCH INSURANCE SHALL NOT LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF CONSULTANT HEREUNDER. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH 14(B) SHALL SURVIVE THE EXPIRATION OR EARLIER TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. THE CONSULTANT'S INDEMNIFICATION DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS OCCURRING AS A RESULT OF THE CITY'S NEGLIGENT OR WILLFUL ACTS OR OMISSIONS. CONSULTANT HAS READ THIS SECTION 14 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND KNOWLINGLY AND WILLINGLY ACCEPTS THE OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. 15 INSURANCE. A. Insurance Requirements. Consultant shall provide and maintain insurance acceptable to the City Attorney in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement, against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance'::' the work hereunder by- ::onsultant, its agents, representatives or employees. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII. Consultant shall provide the following scope and limits of insurance: NZ n4- broad as, (1) Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as (a) Insurance Services Office form Commercial General Liability coverage (Occurrence Form CG 0001) (b) Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/87) covering Automobile Liability, including code 1 "any auto" and endorsement CA 0025, or equivalent forms subject to the written approval of the City. (c) Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the Labor Code of State of California and Employer's Liability insurance and covering all persons providing services on behalf of the Consultant and all risks to such persons under this Agreement. (Not needed if Self- employed with no employees.) (d) Errors and omissions liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. (2) Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain limits of insurance no less than: (a) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the activities related to this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. F -- (b) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. IM `'49 (c) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' Compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident occurrence. (d) Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 per B. Other Provisions Insurance policies required by this Agreement shall contain the following provisions. (1) All Policies. Each insurance policy required by this paragraph 15 shall be endorsed and state the coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by the insurer or either party to this Agreement, reduced in coverage or in limits except after 30 days' pnor written notice by Certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. (2) General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages. (a) City, its officers, officials, and employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as respects: liability ansing out of activities Consultant performs, products and completed operations of Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by Consultant, or automobiles owned, leased or hired or borrowed by Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City, its officers, officials, or employees. (b) Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect to City, its officers, 'c:::ciais, employees and vc;Unteers. Any insurance or self insurance maintained by City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall apply in excess of, and not contribute with, Consultant's insurance. am 5 ell (c) Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurers liability (d) Any failure to comply with the reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers (3) Workers' Compensation and Emplover's Liability Coverage Unless the City Manager otherwise agrees in writing, the insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against City, its officers, officials, employees and agents for losses arising from work performed by Consultant for City C. Other Reawrements. Consultant agrees to deposit with City, at or before the effective date of this contract, certificates of insurance necessary to satisfy City that the insurance provisions of this contract have been complied with. The City Attorney may require that Consultant furnish City with copies of original endorsements effecting coverage required by this Section. The certificates and endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. City reserves the right to inspect complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. (1) Consultant shall furnish certificates and endorsements from each subcontractor identical to those Consultant provides. (2) Any deductibles or self- insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. At the option of the City, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self - insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant _:ran procure a bond guarsom3eing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, defense expenses and claims. (3) The procuring of such required policy or policies of insurance -10- 115 shall not be construed to limit Consultant's liability hereunder nor to fulfill the indemnification provisions and requirements of this Agreement 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is the complete, final, entire and exclusive expression of the Agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations by any party which are not embodied herein and that no other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding. 17. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. 18. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBSTITUTION. City has an interest in the qualifications of and capability of the persons and entities who will fulfill the duties and obligations imposed upon Consultant by this Agreement. In recognition of that interest, neither any complete nor partial assignment of this Agreement may be made by Consultant nor changed, substituted for, deleted, or added to without the prior written consent of City Any attempted assignment or substitution shall be ineffective, null, and void, and constitute a material breach of this Agreement entitling City to any and all remedies at law or in equity, including summary termination of this Agreement. 19. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. The terms of this Agreement can only be modified in writing approved by the Ch-y- Gbuncii and the Consultant. The parties -� agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and any attempted waiver shall be void. -11- 15ti 20 AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he /she/they has /have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of his /herttheir corporation and warrants and represents that he /she/they has/have the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 21. NOTICES. Notices shall be given pursuant to this Agreement by personal service on the party to be notified, or by written notice upon such party deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Service addressed as follows: Citv- City Clerk's Department City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Telephone (310) 322 -4670, extension 230 Facsimile (310) 322 -4167 Consultant. Attention: Kevin Thomas Robert Bein William Frost and Associates 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 -2069 The notices shall be deemed to have been given as of the date of personal service, or three (3) days after the date of deposit of the same in the custody of the United -12- States Postal Service 20 SEVERABILITY. The invalidity in whole or in part of any provision of this Agreement shall not void or affect the validity of the other provisions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. ROBERT BEING, WILLIAM FROST AND ASSOCIATES L-5 Title CITY OF EL SEGUNDO M Title ATTEST- Cindy Mortesen City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: F Aark D.q1ensley City Attorney -13- Mr lames Hansen MIBIT A Proposal for E! Segundo Media Center IS /MND February 16, 2000 Paige 1 of 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS /MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Through the preparation of an Initial Study, RBF will evaluate the environmental concerns and Identify necessary measures to mitigate Impacts of the project. RBF will utilize the Client's standard CEQA forms, making any legislative updates, as necessary under CEQA. This scope of work has been completed for a Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS /MND), assuming that all impacts of the proposed project can be mitigated to less than significant levels. Should the Client determine that Impacts cannot all be mitigated and would require preparation of an EIR, a separate scope of work and budget can be prepared for alternative environmental documentation. TASK 1.0: INITIAL STUDY /ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM /DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Task 1.1: Initial Study The Initial Study will contain a description of the project, alternatives, the project location, and a description of the environmental setting of the proposed Project site. The main body of the document will consist of a Client - approved environmental checklist and an accompanying environmental analysis including detailed explanations of all answers to the checklist questions. The potential environmental impact areas to be examined include air quality, noise, land use, drainage, transportation /circulation, public services, aesthetics, geology and soils, and hazardous materials. RBF will utilize existing information and on -site reconnaissance reviews to assess Project impacts on the environment. The Initial Study will focus on construction - related impacts (including demolition, dust, noise and access/detour issues), circulation and access, air and noise impacts associated with facility operation, and hazardous materials issues. Other than the technical studies listed in Task 2 below, RBF assumes all other data is either provided by the applicant or the City, or is readily available through existing reference sources. Preparation of the checklist will include Early Consultation, pursuant to CEQA, with responsible agencies and interested parties. RBF will conduct early consultation with potentially affected agencies, Including local cities, County of Los Angeles, Caitrans, Regional Water Quality Control Board, South Coast Air Quality Management District, SLAG, Fire Department, and L.A. County Department of Health Services (also see Task 5.0 for public scoping meeting and public hearings). RBF Environmental Services staff will review design plans and engineering studies at appropriate p',.-its, iii the process, and will incorporate key findings of the engineering studies into the : ,itial Study. The Project will be analyzed for potential to create significant environmental impacts in the areas specified on the approved environmental checklist. The Initial Study will also include mandatory findings of significance regarding impacts upon, long -term versus short-term goals, cumulative impacts, and direct and indirect impacts upon human beings. 1155 )N 10100707 Mr fames Hansen EXHIBIT A Proposal for El Segundo Media Center IS /MND February 16, 2000 Page 2of6 Task 1.2: Technical Studies RBF will prepare the environmental analysis based primarily upon the existing technical studies, design plans and other relevant documentation available, based on data provided by the City and/or applicant. A quantitative noise and air quality assessment will be prepared as part of the checklist responses. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment will be provided by the applicant and attachment to the Initial Study. A. Noise OF will evaluate potential noise impacts of the proposed Project, focusing on short- term construction noise, long -term changes in noise levels in the project area due to traffic changes along area roadways and changes in ambient noise levels associated with increased human activity. This section will specifically address impacts associated with the project's stationary noise sources and mobile sources as they relate to proposed on -site land uses and existing off -site sensitive receptors. The analysts will address existing conditions, existing plus Project, and cumulative conditions including the Project. Distance to 65 CNEL (Community Noise Equivalent Level) will be projected, based on traffic figures obtained from the traffic study, vehicle mix assumptions provided by the City traffic engineer and the FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (RD -77 -108), which is the widely accepted method of evaluating roadway noise impacts. Project noise impacts will be assessed based on total increases in the ambient noise level and potential exceedances of City standards. RBF will provide tables to identify potential Project noise impacts, and identify mitigation measures necessary to achieve the City of El Segundo noise standards. A final Acoustic Study and design -level mitigation plan could be provided under a separate scope of work. B. Air Quality The proposed Project is located under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District ( SCAQMD) in the South Coast Air Basin. The existing conditions portion of this Section will provide a discussion on the current status of the California Clean Air Act, the SCAQMD's Final Air Quality Management Plan and the SCAQMD's Final CEQA Air Quality Handbook. Ex;,_ag pollutant data will be o:,rained from the -~ nearest SCAQMD monitoring station. This data will be summarized in a table clearly indicating days exceeding State and Federal Standards for monitored pollutants. The various types of pollutants monitored at the station will also be described and sensitive receptors in the vicinity of the project site will be identified. RBF will discuss potential Project impacts upon climate and air quality, addressing temporary construction emissions and long -term emissions from project operations associated with daily vehicle travel and energy consumption. If warranted, a carbon monoxide hot -spot analysis will be conducted at up to four locations for existing `5r, IN 70100707 Mr James Hansen EXHIBIT A Proposal for El Segundo Media Center IS /MND February 16, 2000 Page 3 of 6 conditions and future conditions with and without the project Short-term air quality impacts will be discussed focusing on dust generation, construction vehicle emissions, and possible odors (including those associated the proposed multi media studio). If sufficient construction details are available from the City, RBF will estimate tons per day of generated and daily construction vehicle emissions. Emission factors will be based on the SCAQMD CEQA Handbook Appendix 9. Project total emissions will be compared to the total South Coast Air Basin emissions. This discussion will also address stationary source emissions of proposed retail, office, hotel, and media center uses (qualitatively). In addition, Project consistency with the SCAQMD Final Air Quality Management Plan will be evaluated based upon the City of El Segundo General Plan and Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) growth forecasts. The analysis will be based on the project buildout year in addition to cumulative conditions. Based on conversations with SCAQMD staff, the IS /MND need not include a project- specific "trip offset/credit" plan for mobile emissions (this scope excludes such an approach), and it is considered a reasonable approach to compare the project's emissions to the projected emissions as allocated within the AQMP. C. Traffic RBF will provide a Traffic Impact Study for the project (see attached detailed scope of work). The study will include information on local and regional access, traffic volumes, capacities and deficiencies forarea roadways. This study will also address construction - related issues such as traffic control and potential light rail impacts. The analysis will address the relationship of the project to the City's Transportation Demand Management Ordinance. D. Fiscal Impact Report RBF will provide a Fiscal Impact Report for the project, using the City's fiscal impact model. This task will include a brief letter report summarizing the results of the model, and assumes that model input factors are provided by the City and/or applicant. TASK 2.0: DRAFT INITIAL STUDY /MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION The City of El Segundo, acting as the Lead Agc.:cy; will utilize the Initial -Study to make a -- determination as to the anticipated environmental impacts of the Project. Following this determination, any potentially significant environmental impacts identified, specific mitigation measures will be designed to reduce all anticipated impacts to less than significant levels. RBF will prepare, distribute and coordinate the Mitigated Negative Declaration submittal for public review, including assisting City staff in developing a distribution list, preparation and distribution of the Notice of Availability (NOA), document distribution to local and state agencies, and filing the NOA with the County Clerk (publishing a notice in a local adjudicated newspaper and a radius mailing, if desired, can be provided under a separate scope of work). 157 JN 10100707 Mr James Hansen Proposal for El Segundo Media Center IS /MND February 16, 2000 Page 4 of 6 Responding to City comments, developing notices/lists and publication /distribution of the Draft IS /MND are limited to a total of 80 hours for this task. TASK 3.0: FINAL INITIAL STUDY /MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION RBF will prepare responses to public comments following completion of the public review period for use by the Client (it is assumed that the IS /MND will not require revision or recirculation). RBF will assists in the preparation and filing of the Notice of Determination at the desecration of the City. This task is limited to a total of 40 hours. If substantial public comments are received and/or public comments warrant additional technical studies or research, this will be provided under a separate scope and fee. TASK 4.0: MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program will be defined through working with the Client to identify appropriate monitoring steps/procedures in order to provide a basis for monitoring such measures during and upon Project implementation. The Checklist indicates the mitigation measure number as outlined in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, a list of Mitigation Measures/Conditions of Approval (in chronological order under the appropriate topic), the Monitoring Milestone (at what phase monitoring will be performed for the measure), Responsible Party (the agency /department responsible for verifying implementation of the measure), Method of Verification (documentation, field checks, etc.), and a Verification section for the initials of the verifying individual, date of verification, and pertinent remarks. TASK 5.0: MEETINGS RBF will attend meetings on a time and materials basis. This scope of work has assumed one kick -off meeting, five additional staff meetings and up to three public meetings. RBF will be available to make presentations as requested by City staff. If desired by City staff, RBF could assist in arranging and presenting the project at a public scoping meeting, including development of informational handouts. This task has an initial budget based on a total meeting attendance of 50 hours for Kevin Thomas, and 16 hours for Bob Matson (traffic). c, e IN 10100707 Mr James Hansen Mall " Proposal for El Segundo Media Center IS /MND February 16, 2000 Page 6 of 6 SCHEDULE Early critical milestones are noted below in bold This schedule is highly aggressive, and assumes that all required data is provided by the applicant and other parties outside the control of RBF (including-the traffic counts), and assumes that City staff can complete their reviews in the indicated time frame. Authorization to Proceed March 8, 2000 Traffic Counts Authorized by City /Applicant February 14, 2000 Receipt of Firm Project Description and Site Plan February 18, 2000 Traffic Counts Completed February 24, 2000 Preparation of Screencheck Initial Study February 14 to March 10, 2000 City Review of Screencheck Initial Study March 13 - 17, 2000 Revisions to Initial Study March 20 - 22, 2000 CIry Final Review /Approval for Release March 23, 2000 IS /MND Publication/Distribution March 24, 2000 Public Review Period March 27 - April 17, 2000 Planning Commission (during public review period) April 13, 2000 City Council Public Hearing #1 April 18, 2000 City Council Public Hearing #2 May 2, 2000 JN 10100707 Mr James Hansen �I73IT B Proposal for El Segundo Media Center 15 /MND February 16, 2000 Paee 5 of 6 COST PROPOSAL 1.0 - Screencheck IS /MND 1.1 Initial Study $ 10,000 1.2 Technical Studies A. Noise $ 4,000 B. Air Quality $ 3,500 C. Traffic (includes direct cost for 18 counts) $ 17,050 D. Fiscal Impact Report $3,000 $ 27,550 2.0 - Draft IS /MND $ 5,000 3.0 - Final IS/MN[) $ 4,000 4.0 - Mitigation Monitoring Program $ 1,500 5.0 - Meetings $ 8,250 Reimbursable Budget Estimate (invoiced at direct cost) 4,000* TOTAL COST: S 60.300 ** * Budget estimate only, to be invoiced on a time and materials basis. RBF will not invoice beyond this budget amount without prior written authorization from City staff. The reimbursables budget estimate is based on 10 copies of the screencheck initial study, 5 copies of the "check copy" Draft Initial Study, up to 50 copies of the Draft Initial Study /Negative Declaration, and 10 copies of the Final Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The budget also reflects anticipated higher usage of courier /ovemight services due to the schedule. RBF will invoice the City for all reimbursable expenses and reproductions at direct cost, including document copies. ** The proposed budget reflects the highly accelerated schedule, and includes an approximate 10% increase to account,,,; tlic anticipated addition.-: staff overtime necessary to meet the applicant's desired schedule. Should the City or applicant desire a more typical schedule, the proposed fee can be reduced accordingly. n6n IN 10100707 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 7, 2000 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Authorize staff to accept a $1,000 donation from Chevron for the Sixth Annual Super CPR Saturday and Earthquake Preparedness Fair, and deposit the check into the Fire Department's CPR Revenue Account (001- 300- 0000 -3850) No Fiscal Impact RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Accept $1,000 donation INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Chevron Products Company has generously donated $1,000 for the City of El Segundo's Sixth Annual Super CPR Saturday and Earthquake Preparedness Fair that will be held on Saturday, April 1, 2000, at El Segundo High School DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the donation be placed in the Fire Department's CPR Revenue Account to cover expenses for items such as CPR certification cards, test forms, registration post cards, postage, miscellaneous supplies, face shields, lungs, alcohol wipes, publicity, etc for the Sixth Annual Super CPR Saturday and Earthquake Preparedness Fair ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Copy of $1,000 check and Letter from Chevron 2 Thank You Letter to Chevron for Donation FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Super CPR Saturdav/Earthauake Preparedness ProjeWAccount Balance: Date: Account Number: 001.300- 0000.3850 (CPR Revenue Account) Project Phase: Date: C,�i 5 r ' ANgtl February 10, 2000 Mr Mickey Rinder Soper CPR Saturday Coordinator City of El Segundo 314 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr Rinder Chevron Chevron Chevron Products Company El Segundo Refinery 324 W El Segundo Bouleva,d El Segundo, CA 90245 13101615 -5000 On behalf of Chevron Products Company, I am pleased to enclose a charitable contribution in the amount of $1,000.00 for El Segundo's Sixth Super CPR Saturday and Earthquake Preparedness Fair, In order for Chevron to comply with the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993, we ask that you acknowledge the attached charitable contribution within 15 days of receipt, by completing and returning the attached form, The address is noted on the lower right hand side of the form We at Chevron hope our support will help to ensure your continued success Sincerely R K (Rod) Spackman Manager, Government and Public Affairs RKS /ejh Enclosures (2) L K (Lily) Craig, Public Affairs Representative f,6') L QO Chevron Chevron Products ComPBny A Drvmslon of Chevron U S A Inc P 0 Box 9034 Concord CA 94524 PAY TO f — ^ER OF CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 314 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 NORWEST BANK MONTANA NA BILLINGS MONTANA 11'002194734411• 1:09 2905 2781: 49900099i71r CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT D..TE a2�?A2Ioi000 Y 23-327 _--No- 0021947344-_ - 929 02/09/2000 smss ss NOT VALID AFTER 1 YEAR AUTWRIZE SIGNATURE h� 40041 Oi/CPIRIOM IYND SOURCE AYOYMT kma6 lru 4m atev rom 4 r Salmi yCPR oo i- 300 =--;�Sso 61 000, a - TOTAL -f• CLERK Al - R iN buz VALIDATION. 1IE` el del Mayor f SEGVt� Elected Officials Mrte canton, Mayor Sandra Jacobs, Mayo, Pro Tam Nancy Wammk, Co.CNAlembr John D Gaines, CWncH Mamber Kally MCDO"11, CWncHNOMbsr Ondy Mortesan, chy cNdt Wglian, Bue, Oty Trwaurer Appointed Officials Man Sbann, City Manager Mark D Hensley, CHyAdo,n.y Department Director J.R stvan t, Assistant Cdy Manager James Hansen, Community, Economic 6 DavmoPmant S..*" Brat Riumihe, Finanee Director Craig Pod.go, Fin Chief Debra Brighton, Ubny Tommy Gnmmond P.ik:e Chkal Ron Green, Interim Pubik work. Greg Johnson ReC/estMn a arts www elsegundo org March 7, 2000 Mr Rod K. Spackman, Manager Government and Public Affairs Chevron Products Company El Segundo Refinery 324 W El Segundo Boulevard El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr Spackman Thank you for your charitable donation of $1,000 to the City of El Segundo. As specified by you, the donation will go toward expenses incurred for the City's Sixth Annual Super CPR Saturday and Earthquake Preparedness Fair Thank you for your continued generosity and support of the City of El Segundo Sincerely, Mike Gordon Mayor 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 -0989 Phone (310) 607 -2200 FAX (310) 322 -7137 letter pg n6it EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE March 8, 2000 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Resolution to release Office of Criminal Justice Planning /Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) funds of $10,151 to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Adopt resolution INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Last year the City of El Segundo released their portion of the Juvenile Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office This year the City of El Segundo is scheduled to receive $10,151 in grant funding and it is our desire to again support this regional effort to assist juvenile offenders DISCUSSION- The police agencies in the incorporated cities of Inglewood, Gardena, Torrance, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and Hawthorne have again agreed to pool our individual funds and take a regional approach to )uvende enforcement and prosecution The program will be enhanced this year by combining two programs, from the Inglewood District Attorney's Office and the other from Torrance District Attorney's Office into one regional South Bay program The District Attorney's Office again will be coordinating our efforts The program will be refined to more closely meet the needs of the South Bay The Juvenile Offender Intervention Network (JOIN) will implement a community based diversion program for first time youthful offenders The Juvenile accountability block grant programs administered by the D.A's office have proven successful in not only the South Bay but in Los Angeles County as a whole ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Draft Letter of intent , Mia Baker, Special Assistant District Attorney Resolution Staff Report to Chief Gnmmond from Acting Captain Krumbach FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $ 0 Project/Account Budget: $ Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required • Yes_ No X Date• REVIEWED BY - n.f.. — City of & CSeyccndo Inter - Departmental Correspondence February 15, 2000 To: Tun Gnmmond, Chief of Police From: Walt Krumbach, Acting Captain Subject: Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant BACKGROUND Last year the City of El Segundo released their portion of the Juvenile Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office to help fund the Community Law Enforcement and Recovery program (CLEAR). This year the City of El Segundo is scheduled to receive $10,151 in grant funding. The program has since been renamed and is now known as the Heightened Enforcement and Targeting (HEAT) program. Although the name was changed the program intent remains the same, vertical prosecution of gang related crime that occurs within the Inglewood Juvenile Judicial District The police agencies in the incorporated cities of Inglewood, Gardena, Torrance, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and Hawthome have again agreed to pool our individual funds and take a regional approach to juvenile enforcement and prosecution. The program will be enhanced this year by combining the two HEAT programs, from the Inglewood District Attorney's Office and from the Torrance District Attorney's Office The District Attorney's Office once again will be coordinating our efforts The program will be refined to more closely meet the needs of the South Bay. The Juvenile Offender Intervention Network (JOIN will implement a community based diversion program for first time youthful offenders. JOIN holds the youth of our communities accountable for their actions while avoiding the costs and time delays inherent in most court proceedings The Juvenile accountability block grant programs administered by the DA's office have proven successful in not only the South Bay but in Los Angeles County has a whole. Since September of 1999, when the HEAT program first went on -line, the deputy DA in Inglewood has successfully prosecuted 19 felony cases While these were not directly related to El Segundo, we do benefit from these convictions by participating in a combined effort to address criminal activity proactively before it affects the residents of El Segundo. It is my recommendation that we continue to participate in the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office JOIN program. Reducing Juvenile cnme by sharing our resources in a regional approach would be far more effective than the efforts we, as individual agencies, could realize separately. fi('tJ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DECLINING TO DIRECTLY ACCEPT JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo declines to directly accept funds made available through the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) Program administered by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning (hereafter referred to as OCJP) NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, that the City of El Segundo waives its right to its entire direct subgrant award and authorizes the funds to be expended by the County of Los Angeles for the mutual benefit of both the City of El Segundo and the County of Los Angeles IT IS AGREED that any liability ansuig out of the performance of this Grant Award Agreement, including civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient and the authorizing agency. The State of California and OCJP disclaim responsibility for any such liability BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant funds received hereunder shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled by this body. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF MARCH, 2000 ATTESTED- Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM- ark D HqM107,ty Attorney Mike Gordon, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California RESOLUTION NO DECLINING JAIBG PROGRAM FUNDS PAGE NO i 6 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five, that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO. was duly passed an adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 8th day of March, 2000, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTENTION NOT PARTICIPATING. WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 8th day of March, 2000 Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk City of El Segundo, California, (seal) RESOLUTION NO DECLINING ]AIBG PROGRAM FUNDS PACE NO 2 f�81 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE- March 8, 2000 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Destruction of identified records in accordance with the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California The City Attorney has approved the plan of records destruction Approve Resolution authorizing the destruction of specific records The identified records have been reviewed and it has been determined that they are of no further use to the City Document Disintegration Company will shred the records and provide a certificate of destruction The City receives recycling credit for the shredded material Resolution with attachments FISCAL IMP CT. Approximately $2,700 UO Account Number. 001 -400 -2504 -8103 dt z, -��f4r RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS WHEREAS, there is presented to the City Council for approval and forwarding to the City Council. the attached correspondence, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the records herein referred to are of no further value to the City of El Segundo, and that they occupy badly needed storage space, and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has, in accordance with the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California, consented to the destruction of said records and documents NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION I The City Clerk is hereby authorized and granted authority to dispose of the records identified in Exhibit "A ", and shall cause these records to be destroyed in a lawful manner SECTION 2 Upon destruction of the foregoing records, the City Clerk shall make a certificate of complete destruction of said records and file the original of the same in the Office of the City Clerk and file a copy of said certificate together with a certified copy of this resolution in the City Clerk's Department SECTION 3 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said city, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 8th day of March, 2000 Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS C 1`Y OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 8th day of March 2000, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following roll call vote kY /�9 NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM f ark D H ttorne i�7L (1) (2) (3) PAYROLL TIME SHEETS -1985 PAYROLL TIME SHEETS -1986 PAYROLL TIME SHEETS ENGINEERING IAN- DEC -1987 PAYROLL TIME SHEETS JAN -JUN 1988 GARAGE, SANITATION, STREET AND WATER VACATION 1983 / SICK LEAVE REPORTS OVERTIME WATER AND SANITATION 1980 -1981 OVERTIME PUBLIC WORKS 1982 AND 1984 OVERTIME REPORTS 1985 -89 JONI LANDRY RESIGNED TONY HEBERT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ACTION TODD COYLAR EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MICHAEL DUETTE FRANK ANDERSON PERSONNEL STREET 8129/80 PERSONNEL SANITATION ROBERT KURT BEYNON 2/11/80 PERSONNEL ROBERT BOTTERI REHIRE 3/25/89 RICHARD BUCKLIN SANITATION DMSION MICHAEL DELABIO - GARAGE DALE HOLLINGSWORTH 9/27/85 EDMUND GAZZANIGA 10/28/85 DEIN CINNAMON - UNCLASSIFIED P/T OFFICE AIDE 9/85 DONALD JONES- 5/26/81 MICHAEL LUSTER - STREET DMSION RICHARD MARCH 4/16/79- PERSONNEL WATER KIP SCHMIDT WILLIAM VAUSE OSHA CONSTRUCTION SAFTEY & HEALTH REGULATION OSHA REPORT ACCIDENT AT GARAGE DENNIS ORLANSKI GRIFFENHAGEN- KROEGER REPORT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CLASS SPECIFICATION 77 -84 CHRONOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE 1983 -JACK ALLEN 3/1/80 1979 -83 10/8/80 1011 - 12/31183 FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT GRIEVANCE HEARING HEALTH AND FITNESS PROGRAM HOLIDAYS IMMIGRATION FORMS (1 -9) EMPLOYMENT ELEGIBILTY VERIFICATION 1992 INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT CHARGE INSURANCE WORKERS COMP. OFFICE OF BENEFIT AND ENFORCEMENT AUDITS INSURANCE STATE DISABILITY UNEMPLOYMENT SERVICE FEES COLLISTER AND C } O APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION i Attomey Date 0 7 1 (4) (5) (6) (7) WORKERS COMP SCRMA WORKERS COMP CORRESPONDENCE WORKERS COMP REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ]TPA SOUTH BAY SERVICE DELIVERY AREA JURY DUTY LAYOFF PROCEDURES LONGEVITY MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENT MEDICAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM MEETING AND TRAVEL POLICY MENTOR PROGRAM RESIDENTAL REQUIREMENTS SHIFT DIFFERENTAL PAY SOCIAL SECURITY (FICA) GENERAL INFO ACCELERATED SALARY STEP ADVANCEMENT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 1991 -93 87 -89 ANNUAL BANQUET 1986 -89 ANNUAL REPORTS WORKERS COMP INDUSTRIAL INJURIES /ILLNESSES OSHA CALIFORNIA LEAGUE OF CITY EMPLOYEE ASSOC VS SERVICE EMPL INTERNATIONAL UNION(CLOCEA) COMPARABLE WEALTH COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL BOARD CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE DISCIPLINARY ACTION EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PROGRAM -FIRE ESPD VS CITY OF FRESNO, ET AL EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SURVEY AND PROPOSAL EMPLOYMENT BENEFIT MATRIX EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION COMPLAINTS PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION MONTHLY REPORTS UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF S CAL (OPR PRD INC 5/21/84) NOTIFICATIONIIN V OICE SERVICE REQUEST IC TIERRA ENGR STORM DRAIN (OAK, PENN,WALNUT PROJECTS I -C #74 -20) NEVADA, PINE RETENTION BASIN STORM DRAIN PUMP PLANT #1 PALM &VIRGINIA 1956 (ABANDONED 1962) STORM DRAIN PLANT #2 FRANKLIN, ARENA SUMP- MCCARTHY CONSTRUCTED WITH PRIOR AASEMENT DISTRICT E /S /O AVIATION 750 S/O EL SEGUNDO EASEMENT OAK, PENN STORM DRAIN PROJECT 917 MCCARTHY SOIL COMPACTMENT TEST IN F ` -SFN fPNT APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION /Z-F--97 Date 4/92 -12/93 82 -88 1985 -88 1980 -88 1977 19Rn (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) BUILDING PERMIT SPECIALIZE 8195 CLERK TYPIST MI .85 P/ T FIREFIGHTER TRAINEE 8/85 MINUTES SECRETARY POLICE SERVICE OFFICER 8/85 8/85 TRAFFIC SEMINAR SAC CAL ST UNTU 1972 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 1980 INSTITUTE OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERS 1972 STATE OF CA OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY 1968 (BUS AND TRANSP AGENCY) TRAFFIC CONTROL STUDIES 1969 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SHARED WITH MB STOP SIGNS EL SEGUNDO METROPOLITAN TRANSP ENGINEERING BOARD 1971 ORDINANCE - NEWSPAPER PERSONNEL SAFTEY COMMTTEE PERSONNEL - ROBERT WAYNE DAVENPORT PERSONNEL GARAGE - JESSE CARRAVELLO LA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION STUDY EQUIPMENT REQUEST FOR ALL PUBLIC WORKS DEPT MISC 1970 -74 STREET SWEEPERS PRIOR TO 1975 EQUIPMENT - TRACTORS- CRANES- BACKHOES WEED ABATEMENT AND LOT CLEANING WATER TREATMENT PLANT 1938 FURNISH AND INSTALL FENCING AT WATER TREATMENT PLANT PURCHASE/DEMOLTTION SURPLUS BUILDING WATER DEPT NEW OFFICE & SHOP BUILDING OSBORNE LAB TEST RESULTS DAILY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION REPORTS WATER DEPT GENERAL CORRESPONDNCE ELECTRIC TELEMETERING SYSTEM WATER WELL #13 1970 ENGINEERING & HYDRAULIC STUDY 3 WATER WELLS ACCIDENT PROCEDURE PACKET RFP CDS MEETINGS (NOTES) LEGAL MEETINGS ACCIDENTS ANNUAL REPORTS ACCIDENTS (CAUSATIVE FACTOR) ANNUAL REPORTS CITY SAFETY PROGAM BUDGET SAFETY PROGRAM 3. APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION- Date � � J (13) (14) CORRESPONDENCE SAFETY PROGRAM BUILDING DEPT, CITY MANAGER, FIRE DEPT LIBRARY,POLICE DEPT, RECREATION/PARKS, WATER & SANITATION CITATION CITY VIOLATORS DANIEL FREEMAN HOSPITAL HEART & HEALTH DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS INJURY LOGS EMPLOYEE SAFETY GUIDES EMPLOYEE SAFETY PROGRAM EMPLOYEE SAFETY RECORDS EMPLOYER REPORTS FACTS FOR INJURED WORKERS INJURY REPORTS 1973 -76 LOST HOURS WORKERS COMP 1974 -82 CLAIMANT CONTACT INJURY LOGS 1980 -88 SAFETY INSPECTIONS MICROWAVE OVENS SAFETY INSPECTION 1961 -84 INSURANCE WORKERS COMP - CHART / HISTORY LEAVE LIABILTY REPORT SL,VAC,COMP,FWADM,IOD,EXEC LEGISLATION WORKERS COMP ASEMBLY BILLS GENERAL LOSS CONTROL TRAINING /INSPECTIONS REPORT CA SURENCE LOSS PREVENTION PRGRAM GENERAL INFO - STUCTURE LOST HOURS COMP (IOD) 1951 -87 MONITOR CLAIMS WORKERS = ADMINISTRATION WORKERS= COMP HARRY T JOHNSON FIRE FILE DAVID MAHONEY FIRE ROBERT ROBY CHESTER A. RUNYAN - POLICE JAMES SHAW MICHAEL UPEEGUI GEORGE VALENZUELA POLICE RAY WEINBERG EMPLOYEE CLAIM FORMS COMPLETED (SR ONLY 1990 -91) APWA AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS - AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CIVIL ENGINEERS ASSESMENT PROCEDURAL INFO METRO TRANS ENINEERING BOARD PROJECTS UNDERCONSTRUCTION MONTHLY REPORTS INSURANCE SERVICE OFFICE OF CA SURVEY RE. FIRE INSURANCE INSURANCE - ROYAL GLOBE (CARRIER OF CITIES LIABILITY) GENERAL MATTERS INSURANCE REPORT SUMMARY OF FACILITY„ CITY & COUNTY ENGINEERS ASSN APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION iLe/L .. • �..../`� / /ice Ci ttome 9/16180 2120179 7/6/82 & 3/17/83 5/28/85 1987 Dace 1978 -79 1970 1977 -81 1981 5/80 1967 (" / •, LEGISLATION AFFECTING PUBLIC WORKS OLYMPIC GAMES 1984 HUGHES RADAR SYSTEMS GROUP DATA PROCESSING STUDY 1983 REFUNDS STREET PERMIT DEPOSITS/ SEWER PERMIT DEPOSITS 1976 -77 (15) LACFCD AGREEMENT LA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRIC 1970 STORM DRAINS PRELIMINARY & GENERAL MATTERS 1969 REQ FOR PROPOSAL 78 -2 STORM DRAINS LATERAL 2 -BB 2 -BC UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PROECT #1 GRAND & EUCALYPTUS EASTERLY TO FUNDS LMT 1971 UNDRGROUND UTILITIES ADVISORY COMMITEE MINUTES 1971 SCEC STREET LIGHTS MATTERS SCGC MISC CORR SCEC ELECTRICAL ENERGY (ROLLING BLACK OUTS) SCSC BROCHURES (16) POLICE REPORTS 1984 TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 1983 ACCIDENT REPORTS 1977 -81 PUBLIC PARKING LOTS MAIN MARIPOSA DAMAGE BY DUMP TRUCK 1962 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT STUDY ACCIDENT CITY STREET ROLLER 5/10/76 TRAFFIC COMMITEE CROSSWALKS TRAFFIC GENERAL (PEDESTRIAN SAFETY) AIR PRODUCT CO TRAFFIC PROBLEMS ROSECRANS i SEPULVEDA TRAFFIC & ENGINEERING SURVEY 1179 (17) UNITED AIRLINES TRAFFIC PROBLEMS TRAFFIC PROBLEMS AIR FORCE STATION 1976 ELECTRIC SIGNALS SCIENTIFIC DATA SYSTEMS (18) REFUSE COLLECTION SPECIFICATION & CONTRACT 10/16/72 REFUSE COLLECTION SPRING CLEAN 1970 COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE RUBBISH REFUSE COLLECTION FEES 1971 CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT 1977 -79 ENGNR MISC CORRESPONDENCE 1977 PERSONNEL SAFETY COMMITTEE AND PROGRAM 1975 SALARY RESOLUTION #2693 1976 -77 SALARY SURVEY & CLASSIFICATION STUDY GRIFFENHAGEN KROEGER 1971 SALARY RESOLUTION #2792 8/13/77 LA COUNTY RAILROAD GENERAL INFO _ 196t REQUEST FOR EASEMENT FOR STORM DRAIN 3/77 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION eeY Date 175 EDA PWEA 1976 1970 STORM DRAIN BOND ISSUE TECHNICAL COMMITEE MATTERS COST EFFECTIVENESS STUDY STORM DRAINS (19) REINFORCED CONCRETE WALL CENTER & PINE COAST BLVD VACATION & RELOCATION 1953 -55 DOUGLAS ST STAKING & INSPECTION 1968 (20) JOHN H ALLEN GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1/1- 3/31/85 CHRONOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE JACK ALLEN 4/85 -6/86 (21) RECONSTRUTION CURBS & SIDEWALKS 1961 SEALING GILSONITE SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM 1960 -75 RESURFACING PROGRAM 1958 -59 RESURFACING CONTRACT STREET MAINTENANCE PROJECT 1960 -70 PAVEMENT ANALYSIS 1972 VISTA DEL MAR BICYCLE PATH 1971 HEATER REMIX & OVERLAY 1971 SPECIFICATION (SPECIAL PROVISION #490713 1949 ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION PLAN 58 -25 1958 -59 ALLEY ABANDONED 6/67 EL SEGUNDO BLVD ASPHALT CONCRETE CAP EL SEGUNDO BLVD RESURFACING PROGRAM VERNON PAVING CO (22) RECREATION CENTER PUMPING STATION CLAIMS AGAINST COUDRAY COMPLETED BY MATT J ZAICH CO 1963 -65 IMPERIAL & CENTER STORM DRAINS JAMES S WHITE CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS ESTIMATES 1963 STORM DRAIN PRESSURELINE 60 -15 (23) CHRONOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE 7/1/83- 9/30/84 (24) CHRONL CORKS 1/87 -12187 OVERLOAD POLICE ESCORT STATEMENT MEMOS & PERMIT 1984 POLICE ESCORT STATEMENT 1988 (25) TRAFFIC SIGNALS MAINTENANCE CO 1977 TRAFFIC SIGNALS BROCHURES ADVERTISMENT CIVIL DEFENSE - MONTHLY REPORT OF UTILITIES CORDINATOR 1975 BOARD EXCAVATION PERMITS - OBSOLETE SOUTHERN CA. EDISON INVOICES FOR STREET LIGHTING 1971 -80 OVERTIME - WATER & SANITATION DIVISION. 1976 OVERLOAD PERMITS _ 1/76 -1/80 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION A. i �r //--F-4S City Date rl 7 6 LA CITY 7/86 -12/87 LAX HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION 1968 LA DEPT OF WATER & POWER GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1966 LA COUNTY OF AIR POLLUTION LA COUNTY BOARD COMMISSION 1957 -58 COUNTY ENGINEER - EARTHQUAKE TASK FORCE (WATER UTILITIES 1976) 1955 LA COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT & GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE LA COUNTY ROAD DEPT TRAFFIC ACCIDENT STUDIES 1973 SAFETY STANDARDS - UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 4/64 LA COUNTY ASSN PLAN OFFICIAL TRANSPORTATION COMMTTEE 1974 METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING BOARD 1974 -76 MTEB 1968 CALTRANS (ACTION PLAN) 1968 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 1977 MICROFILMING OF RECORDS 1962 NORTHROP CORP 1967 ORDINANCE EVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS ORDINANCE BINGO, NOISE, COMMUNITY, TV ANTENNA, DOG NUISANCE, DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS, WATER DEPT. STATES PERMIT FOR PIPELINE WORK ON SEPULVEDA (27) OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE 7/86 -12/87 (28) TRAFFIC CA HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM 1969 STATE OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY COST REPORT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING REPORT OF D JACKSON 1957 -58 TRAFFIC COUNT MAIN ST 1955 TRAFFIC COUNT GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE ACCIDENT SURVEY 1977 ROSECRANS & HIGHLAND TO AVIATION TRAFFIC COMMITTEE SPEED SURVEY 1973 TRAFFIC SURVEY REPORT 4/64 TRAFFIC COUNTS ALPHABETICALLY BY STREETS (29) LOMITA ST BOOSTER STATION RELOCATION OF TRANSFORMER 1968 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM 27' TRANSMISSION MAIN (MB) 1968 IMPROVEMENT 1948 BOND 1949-1952 27' TRANSMISSION LINE - CONNECT TO W BASIN FEEDER REPORTS COUNCIL WATER DEPT. STATES PERMIT FOR PIPELINE WORK ON SEPULVEDA 1948 BOND ISSUE (30) HYPERION TREATMENT PLANT 1978 RECLAIM WATER STOP SIGNS FLOOD DAMAGE 145 ARENA 1955-1959 GODNA VS. EL SEGUNDO (ALLEGED FALL 600 " K.FQ ANKLIN 4/F177 PERSONNEL - INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS MATTERS ALL PUBLIC APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION CKFAIlMney Date WORKS DIVISION 1976 PERSONNEL CA OSHA MATTERS 1974 OSHA REPORTS 1977 -78 STORM DRAINS MB DRAIN 1961 LACFCD PROJECT #12 LACFCD DOMINGUEZ CHANNEL 1949 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY RELIEF STORM DRAIN STORM DRAIN PROJECT #431 (31) PERSONNEL GARAGE DIVISION, JOSEPH LINKET, TIM RANDALL, DAN NEWMAN, DAVID WILDER, DON COGAN, RUBEN VENGAS SANITATION DMSION WILL WEEKS, NORM HENDERSON, RUFUS MCCLANAHAN WATER DMSION CLIFF SMITH, HEMBRY OWEN , CLIFF WALKER, RAY WARREN STREET DMSION RAY KIRKLAND ENGINEERING DIVISION, RANDY LINQUEST, CHARLES WAITS OVERLOAD PERMIT BOND- BECHTEL CORP, CA SAND CO, B &L TRUCK & TRANSFER CO, BIGGIE DRAYAGE CO., B &Y HOUSE MOVERS, CAPITAL BUILDING SALES, J A CLARK DRAYING CO., CONTRACTORS TRANSPORTAION CO, DEARBORN MACHINERY MOVERS, G A R CRANE SERVICES, GRFFITH TRANSP CO PARKS & RECS MATTERS 1961 -74 SALARY RESOLUTION- 2397 1971 -72 ACCIDENT REPORTS 1968 -70 EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (32) (33) (34) STATE GAS TAX FUNDS STATE GAS TAX FUNDS STUDY 1964, GENERAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS - AVIATION BLVD FIRE STATION #2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL 1957 -58 MAIN ST& MAPLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION MAIN HOLLY MAIN GRAND TRAFFIC SIGNALS ON IMPERIAL HIGHWAY NORTH AMERICAN HUGHES AIRCRAFT MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS TRAFFIC SIGNALS DOUGLAS ST MODIFICATION GRAND & LOMITA GRAND & KANSAS AEROSPACE CORP FIRE & SMOKE DETECTORS -CITY HALL & LIBRARY 1969 AIR CONDITIONING CITY HALL & REC CLUBHOUSE 1969 COMMUNICATION STUDY 1970 SPACE NEEDS REQUHiMENTS STUDY BY CITY PLANNING STAFF 1971 LIBRARY REMODELING OF LOWER FLOOR 1974 DEMOLITION 2 BLDGS & PAVEMENTS APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION �ey Date ,7s FACILITY ANALYSIS & SPACE REQUIREMENTS STUDY FIRE STATION #2 BLOCK WALL (35) CURRENT CORRESPONDENCE CHANNELIZATION OF SEPULVEDA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION SEPULVEDA WIDENING SEPULVEDA FINAL DECREE OF CONDEMNATION 11/15/76 SEPULVEDA BLVD LIGHTING & LANDSCAPE SHELDON, EUCALYPTUS & PINE STREET IMPROVEMENTS INSECT 7 RESURFACING OF VIRGINIA WALNUT AVE IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION OF CUL DE SAC WEST END OF PINE CURBS & SIDEWALKS TO BE COMPLETED UNDER 1911 ACT (36) ELEVATED WATER TANK RUST PROOFING RESERVOIR HOLLY & NEVADA 175 MG RESERVOIR FUMIGATION STANDARD OIL CO INCREASED STORAGE ROOFING 175 MILLION GALLON WATER RESERVOIR (37) (38) (39) SEALING & FUMIGATION WATER DEPT PREPARATION 6-MG RESERVOIR PROPOSED 6 -MG RESERVOIR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SCHOOL CROSSING EL SEGUNDO BLVD & DOUGLAS MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT IMPERIAL & DOUGLAS TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM STANDARD OIL CO TRAFFIC SIGNALS DETECTORS LOOPS OVERLOAD PERMITS STREET TREE (PLANTING IN BUSINESS DIST ) SEWER IN CEDAR ST IMPERIAL HIGHWAY SEWER SEWER ON PINE HOLLY SEWER ROSECRANS AVE SEWER CENTER SEWER SEWERLINE EL SEGUNDO BLVD SEWER ON GRAND LINNING OF PIPE (2900) CENTER ST SEWER PRESSURE MAIN 12" SEWER MAIN MAPLE 8" MAIN & ALLEY GRADE CHANGES APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION �'✓` -. /7..- -�- Aim omey iL —f- d" Date 1973 1968 1964 1970 1957 1965 1/86 -12(88 (40) (41) (42) REPLACEMENT OF PUMPS & MOTORS SEWAGE PUMP BIDS PUMP HOUSE AT PUMPING STATION #1 ACACIA PARKETTE WALL SEWER PROJECT #72 -10 #2 PLANT (FRANKLIN ST) WATER CONSERVATION LEAGUE OF CA CITIES POTENTIAL HAZARD REPORT LACFCD PLAN CHECK CHARGES SOUTHERN CA WATER CO AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION MONTHLY REPORTS WATER DEPT SERVICE REQUEST WATER DEPT RUSTPROOFING INC CERTIFIED PAYROLL REPORTS STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD WATERMASTER - GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE WATER QUALITY - PROPOSED COASTAL PLAN LA REGIONAL WATER CONTROLLED BD WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS CA STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION - GROUND WATER REPLENISHMENT PROGRAM WEST BASIN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST MONTHLY INVOICES SUMPFILL PALM STATE DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES MAIN / WALNUT RETENTION BASIN CENTER / PINE BASIN FILL 100 HP ELECTRIC MOTORS WATER MASTER SERVICE SALE OF CENTER & MAPLE SUMP AIR PRODUCTS &CHEMICAL LANDSCAPING & IRRIGATION AIR RESOURCES BOARD AEROSPACE CORP AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSN BID OPENING PROCEDURES BUDGET BUGET MATTERS BUDGET 10 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMPLAINTS GENERAL AMERICAN MOTORS LEASE AGREEMENT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SISTER CITY PROGRAM CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ANNUAL POLICE REPOR —S _ CITY & COUNTY ENGINEERS ASSN 10 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION 40g�� /t —V--Fr City9patmey Date 1977 1978 -81 1979 1969 1978 -79 1978 -82 1977 1979 1978 1978 1978 1977 1969 1978 -79 75 -77 1968 -78 1976 1971 ligr (43) (44) (45) (46) CITY COUNCIL DESTRUCTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS CIVIL DEFENSE GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE STORM 1/10178 DECLARED DISASTER ESUSD ESUSD TENNIS COURTS RECONSTUCTION FUEL & GASOLINE CONSERVATION PROGRAMS CITY HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO INSURANCE- EL SEGUNDO - LIABILITY DULEY ROAD (STANDARD OIL EASEMENT) - ELSEGUNDO BLVD IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ELSEGUNDO BLVD PHASE LIQUID PROPANE GAS GARAGE - INVITATION TO BID - VEHICLES WATER WELL # 13 EQUIPING - LIEN NOTICE WEST COAST BASIN BARRIER PROPOSED WATER TREATMENT PLANT WEST BASIN BARRIER PROJECT COMPLAINTS - SANITATION DIVISION SANITATION DMSION MONTHLY REPORTS MONTHLY REPORT SANIT & STORM DRAIN REPAIRS TO COLLAPSED STACK WASTEWATER DISCHARGE MATTERS MOSQUITO CONTROL SURVEY SERVICE CHARGES MADE BY CITIES PORTABLE & PRE -TAB TOILET FACILITIES SEWAGE FLOW METERS HYPERION AGREEMENT RENAGOTIATION SEWERS - POLICY RE PAYMENT & SERVICE SEWERPLANT SANITATION DEPOSITING OF OIL APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE INDUSTRIAL WASTE HYPERION SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT SEWAGE ANALYSIS REPORT ON SEWAGE FACILITIES STUDY SAND HELL TRUNK SEWER MISC REPORTS MONTHLY SEWER REPORTS LA HYPERION OUTFALL SEWER REPORTS MONTHLY SEWER REPORTS M1SC CORRESPONDENCE # 8 SEWER PLANT DISCHARGE LINE SEWER CONNECTION FIRE STATION #2 11 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION �Z. Ci taey Date 1969 1970 1973 1977 1958 1977 1963 1976 1977 ln8 1972 1968 1966 1971 1%8 1973 1976 1977 1971 1962 1961 1175 -12176 1977 1n0 -12n4 -8i SEWER PLANT #13 MOD REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (47) PLANNING COMMISION 1974 CIRCULATION & TRANSPORTATION GENERAL PLAN NOISE ELEMENTS PLANNING COMMISSION MIN GENERAL PLAN SAFETY ELEMENT 1975 AMENDMENT 3 -80 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1969, 75, 82 (48) REQUEST FOR TEMP CLOSING OF STREET CHANGES TO STREET SIGNS ETC REQUEST TO CLOSE STREET STREET DEPT EXCAVATION & WORK PURCHASE OF CITY LIMIT SIGNS MONTHLY REPORT STREET DMSION 1982/83 & SERVICE REQUEST COMPLAINTS STREET DMSION ADULT CROSSING GUARD POLICY & CRITERIA LIABILITY EXPOSURE DANGER NOTIFICATION CORRECTED PROBLEMS STREET DEPT CORRESPONDENCE (49) (50) (51) (52) PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO APPLICATION FOR PERMITS S CA EDISON CO COPIES OF CASHIERS CHECKS FUTURE OVERLOADS ACCOUNTS CHECKS INFO ON CASH REFUNDS $ 1,000 00 CASH BONDS OVER LOAD ACCOUNT BALANCES OLD OVERLOAD PERMIT AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL ATCHISON, TOPEKA &SANTA FE RR BUDGET BUILDING DEPT CORRESPONDENCE BICYCLE PATHS SINTER B CITY HWY STUDY COMMITTEE COUNTY OF LA SURFING REEFS AT EL SEGUNDO WATER FACILITIES UP GRADING WATER WELL CA & PALM WELL #5 WELL #13 ABANDONMENT WATER RECYCLING FACILITY PROPOSED CLOSING WALNUT ROSECRANS AVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKINGS 12 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City ey /Z—Pry Date 1981 1968 -72 1975 1974 -77 1979 1978 1982 1981 78 &79 1976 -77 1980 1977 1969 -78 1960 -75 1968 -73 1985 1988 1984 -85 1983 1983 -86 1972 1977 1967 1978 1976 1977 ��2 (53) (54) (56) STOP SIGN REQUEST AT WHITING 1977 HIGHLAND AVE IMPERIAL AVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL NASH & EL SEGUNDO SO BAY REGIONAL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KAPNER REPORTS SCAG 1979 SOUTHWEST PUBLIC LABOR RELATION COUNCIL 1977 -79 WATER DEPT 1975 -79 WEST BASIN WATER DISTRCT 1980 YOUTH ACTIVITIES LEAGUE OF CA CITIES CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING UNIT MATERIALS FOR A GENERAL CONTRACTOR POLICE & CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECT CORRESPONDENCE MISC CORRES E L BALMER, R NAGEL GRANT FOR PORTABLE DIGITAL PRELIMINARY DATA NEW POLICE BLDG REMODEL CIVIC CENTER POLICE DEPT ACCESS TRANCIEVER 6 3 MIL GAL RESERVOIR EDA P W.E A 1976 WATER METER TEST 617 ILLINOIS CT 1977 MIRA COTE CO ORDER TO COMPLY SEPULVEDA WATER RECLAMATION PLANT 1977 FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION 1977 COUNTY GAS TAX PROJECT PRIORTIZATION & MBO PROPOSED CORP YARD PERS CLASS ACTION SUIT PEP APPLICATION & RATING SHEETS SECT 9 PEP MONTHLY REPORTS LOCAL GOVT RADIO SYS (57) PERSONNEL - STREET DIVISION REYNALDO ALVERAZ CHARLES CHAMBERS DAVID SHANKS VIRGIL KNIGHT GARAGE B DIRK BARROW WATER B LLOYD VICKERY BUDGET MATTERS 1973 -75 ACCIDENT REPORTS 1973 -74 OVERLOAD PERMIT 75 ' 13 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION CR77MMey Date OVERLOAD PERMIT BOND VIDO ARTUKOVICH & SON MISC CORRSP 1958 & PRIOR PURCHASE ORDERS SANITATION DEPT 1967 WATER DMSION PURCHASE CIDERS 1974 (54) FREEWAYS (405) 1961 QUARTERLY MEETINGS FREEWAY ROUTES 1971 FREEWAY MISC (59) TRAFFIC SIGNALS #73 -11 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION DMSION OF HHTWAY SEPULVADA TRAFFIC SIGNALS JOSLYN CENTER (60) DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROADMENT PERMIT - SEPULVEDA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ANNUAL REPORTS BILLING SUMMARIES DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 1977 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING BOARD DEPT OF TRANS 1978 -87 (61) LIBRARY HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM WARE HOUSE ADDITION & MODIFICATION OF VEHICLE STORAGE FIRE STATION #1 REPLACEMENT FAULTY PIPING CITY HALL & POLICE STATION PAYMENT & CHANGES ORDERS DRILL TOWER - FIRE STATION #2 FIRE STATION #2 1957 -58 PUBLIC LIBRARY ENLARGEMENT DON R HILL CO 1963 WB 48 -5 TRANSMISSION MAIN WELL #2 LOMITA & GRAND WELL #1 & 3 LOMITA & HOLLY WELL #6 (63) BEACHES BICYCLE PATHS SAFETY ETC CABLE TV STATION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO VS GROUP W MAYOR SIADEK CITY COUNCIL CORSP (64) POLICE APPLICATION FOR REGIONAL PUBLIC ° " FFTV COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 1973 POLICE COMMUNICATION 10- CITY 14 APPROVED FOR �, . A.�- /l /2- f-V r Ci o ey Date Y POLICE COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT POLICE SOUTH BAY PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT (65) REFUSE COLLECTION COMPLAINTS & INJURIES RUBBISH COLLECTION PERSONNEL - GENERAL MATTERS REFUSE COLLECTION STREET DEPT COMPLAINTS (66) STANDARD OIL CO GENERAL MATTERS DRILLING MATTERS OIL SPRAY DAMAGE REFINERY OIL SPILL CONTINGENCY PLAN PETROLEUM PIPELIN FRANCHISE INFO RICHFIELD OIL CO BURNOEL PETROLEUM CO GETTY OIL CO MOBILE OIL CO PAULEY PETROLEUM CO OCCIDENTAL PETRLEUM CO COOPER & BRAIN INC (67) (68) IW.,I (70) ENERGY CONSERVATION LEAGUE OF CA CITIES CORRSP SCAG PARKS DEPT PROCLAMATION PROPOSITION A LA COUNTY DIVISION TRANSP COMMITTEE COMPLETED OPERATING ACCOUNTS CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ENGINEERING PURCHASE ORDERS PENDING TRAFFIC -SPEED LIMIT MATTERS TRAFFIC GENERAL TRAFFIC LIGHTING COMPLAINTS TRAFFIC COMMITTEE TRAFFIC SIGNALS INSTALATION REPORTS AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER CIVIC CENTER CIVIC CENTER IRRIGATION SYSTEM CIVIC CENTER ADDITION & REMODLE SUB CONTRACTOR LIST 15 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION a-f F" Date 1974 1967 1967 1963 1963 5/73 6/79 1985 -86 1985 1985-86 1984 1981 -84 1986 -88 1977 r, is 5 (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) APPROVE AIR BALANCE REPORTS CIVIC CENTER PROJECT CIVIC CENTER & NEW POLICE BLDG NASH ST ALIGNMENT ELSEGUNDO BLVD MEDIAN LANDSCAPE SERVICE CONNECTION WASHINGTON STTREETPARKETTE EL SEGUNDO BLVD WIDINING CONFLICT OF INTEREST FIRE PREVENTION MANAGEMENT STUDY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS CEQA TRAFFIC SIGNALS - #3 PLANT STANDARD & ELSEGUNDO #4 KANSAS &HOLLY #5 CENTER & OAK #6 PALM & WASHINGTON #8 CENTER & FRANKLIN MODIFICATION TO SANITATION PUMPING PLANT SANITARY BOOSTER PUMP STATION FIRE DEPT PARAMEDIC PROGRAM HESSEL PROPERTY GARRAGE COMPLAINTS CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT CITY COUNCIL CORRSP 1980 JACK SIADEK LA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROLLBOARD ACCIDENT REPORT BUGET PRELIMANARY MATTERS HOUSEMOVING PERMITTS OVERLOAD PERMITS SPECIFICATION GENERAL & POLICY EMERGENCY PURCHASE REFUSE COLLECTION COMPLAINTS =E REPORTS MISC 1970 COUNTY FLOOD CONTROLL BOARD DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS & SECT 2156 REPORTS SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE PROJECT CONTROL REPORTS STATE GAS TAX 2107.5 ROSECRANS STORM DRAIN TUNNEL SYSTEM 16 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION /2 -7 -77 Date 1988 1980 1988 1985 1971 -72 1971-73 1970 1968 1970 1964 1968 9/60 -12/76 ";xG FREEWAY GENERAL INFO (76) PERSONEL - ALLEN HAFARZZO, DON GLASER BRADY HORTON, FRANK KIRADA, CHARLES STARBUCK CARL BROWN, WASCO ZEANCHOCK, PAUL GRIMES, JAMES THOMAS, JAY HAMPTON OVERLOAD PERMITS 10/69 -6!72 ST DEPT. PURCHASE ORDERS & COMPLAINTS (77) CROSS CONNECTION SO CA SERVICES WATER DEPT TRANSITS & ESUSD ETC SALT WATER CONVERSION FIRE PROTECTION & HYDRANT TEST FIRE UNDER WRITERS BOARD METROPOLITAN WATER DIST FEATHER RIVER PROJECT 1969 PAC SOUTHWEST INTERAGENCY COMMITEE STATE DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DOMESTIC WATER PERMITS LA REGIONAL WATER CONTROL BOARD (78) ELSEGUNDO CITY STREETS (79) CURBS & SIDEWALKS PROGRAM 1964 -65 CURB & SIDEWALKS CONTRACTS #4 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT #1,2,3 (80) EL SEGUNDO STREETS (81) CHECK STUBS 9 -12/73 (82) CHECK STUBS 7 -9177 (83) CHECK STUBS 1 -3/77 (84) CHECK STUBS 7 -9/7g (85) CHECK STUBS 8 -11 /74 (86) CHECK STUBS 1-4/73 (87) COUNCIL POLICY 8/71 PLANNING COMMISIONS LOT SPLITS LEAGUE OF CA CITIES 1962 -68 17 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION /r--V-77 City A e Date -o4 ; iE (91) (92) (93) (94) HOUSE MOVING PERMITS COMPLAINTS WATER DEPT OVERTIME WATER DEPT WEST BASIN PRODUTION REPORTS WEST BASIN MISC CORRSP REPORTS STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD PERSONNEL UNPRODUCTIVE DAYS REPORT HOUSE MOVING PERMITS ST DMSION PRCHASE ORDERS GARAGE DMSION PURCHASE ORDERS WATER DIVISION PURCHASE ORDERS CROSS CNECTION INSPECTION & REPORT SO CA EDISON CO SEPULVEDA BLVD SEPULVEDA PROPERTIES SHELL OIL CO SOUTH BAY PARKWAY S CA HUMANE SOCIETY RABIES CLINIC SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD CO LA REGIONAL FORUM ON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT MASSAGE PARLOR ORDINANCE MINIBUS MISC CORRSP GORDON STEPHANS, MAYOR MOTOR CYCLES, RESTRICTIVE ORDINANCE NATIONAL SUBURBAN LEAGUE MUNICPLE & SUPERIOR COURTS NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITEE OIL FRANCHISE PACIFIC ELECTRIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITEE PLANNING DEPT GENERAL PLANNING ZONE CHANGES 6 3 MILLION GALLON WATER RESERVOIR WATER STORAGE FACILITY HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO, FIRE DEPT SO BAY LIBRARY MISC CORRSP CITY MANAGER MCDONALD DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT NEWS RACKS NEWS PAPER & PUBLICITY RELEASE 18 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Ci ome�— Date 1962 -63 1961 -68 61 -68 1950 -68 1960 -68 1969 -71 1971 1969 -72 1971 1965 -69 1966 -75 1971 -72 ;;t�F (95) OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CO PARKING PLANNING & LAND USE HOUSING PLANNING DEPT MISC ANNUAL BANQUET 1984 -85 FINANCE DEPT 1982 PUBLIC WORKS SANITATION INFO ONLY TO COUNCIL CITY MANAGER 1981 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT GUIDELINES & REPORTS FIRE DEPT GENERAL CORRSP 1984 (96) PUBLIC WORKS STREET SWEEPING PURCHASE ORDERS CTY MGR 1976 -79 RL KAUTS SUMMARY REPORTS RAY WILSON CO REGIONAL COMMUNICATION OPERATION REPORT COMPLAINTS RECREATION EXPANSION RETIREMENT (97) (98) POLICE DEPT POLICE DEPT GENERAL CORRSP POLICE GRANT APPLICATION PROMOTIONAL EXPENSE PUBLIC WORKS DEPT PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC CONTROL RETIREMENT FUND ROSECRANS AVE IMPROVEMENT REC PARK EXPANSION MODIFICATION TO SNACK BAR (99) SOUTHERN CA EDISON CO S CA GAS CO CROSSWALK LIGHTING PACIFIC TELEPHONE CO GAS ENGINES ORDINANCE ZONING (100) STANDARD OIL CO SOVEREIGN OIL CORP UNION OIL CORP SUNSHINE OIL CO OIL LINE INVENTORY 19 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION. /L -9-95 Date 1974 1975 -77 1970 -73 1973 1954 -62 f � (j WILSHIRE OIL CO LAX LA COUNTY ROAD DEPT BRIDGE INSPECTION CA AIR RESOURCE BOARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CA POLLUTION CONTROL ST OF CA RESOURCE AGENCY ST MINING & GEOLOGY BOARD GAS TAX APPOINTMENT (101) WEST COAST FEEDER PHASE H (102) ASSESMENT DIST WEST OAK AVE (103) PHOTOGRAPHS ST DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT DISCHARGE OF LIQUID WASTE INTO PUBLIC STREETS UNAUTHORIZED WORK IN PUBLIC ST DMSION BLOCK PARTY OVERLOAD PERMIT BOND WEED ABATEMENT & LOT CLEANING (104) OVERPASS PLANNING COMMISION PLANNING DEPT POLICE TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT POLICE PISTOL RANGE POLICE COMMUNICATION SURVEY POLICE P O.S.T POLICE JUVENILES POLICE DEPT (105) TRAFFIC COMMITEE PARKING STREETS (106) LACFCD BOND ISSUE LACFCD PROJECT 3402 & 3401 (107) HELISTOPS INSURENCE STATE COMPENSATION INSURENCE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO IMPROVEMENTS TO BASEBALL DIAMOND MISC CORRSP FLOYD CARR JR. MAYOR LA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LIBRARY J & J SALVAGE CO _ RICHARD JENSON VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MAC DALGLEISH 20 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Date 1969 1968 1972 -73 �G LA COUNTY CONTRACT SERVICE LA COUNTY SANITATION (108) WATER CITY OF LA WATER QUALITY CONTROL CHURCHIES, CHARITIES, SERVICE CLUBS FIER DEPT PURCHASING POLICE DEPT PURCHASING RECREATION & PARKS PURCHASING WORD PROCESSING (109) PROMOTIONAL FIRE DEPT PORT POLICE OFFICER POLICE PROMOTIONAL SERGENT & LIEUTENENT POLICE ENTRANCE FIRE PROMOTIONAL BATTALION CHIEF, CAPTAIN P O R T WRITTEN ORAL RESULTS (110) ROSECRANS WATER & SEWER LINE SOFT WATER LINE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT WATER & SEWER PIPELINE WATER VALVES BONDS (111) CETA ALL TITLES ETC (112) ENCROACHMENT PERMIT MARIPOSA VILLAGE SHOPING CENTER TRAFFIC CONTROL EXPERIMENT ASL TRAFFIC STUDY TSM REPORT STIENY & CO RFP TO DEVELOP COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC MISC FREEWAY DMSION OF HIGHWAY (113) MODIFICATION OF REC CLUB HOUSE LIGHTING HARDBALL FIELD WHITING TINY TOT PARK SWIMMING POOL HILTOP SHOWER ROOM REC CENTER RETAINING WALL HILTOP (114) SEWER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN 21 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION T Date :1.1, a w �- Clqaorfty T Date :1.1, a ALLIED CHEMICALCORP EMERGENCY REPAIRS SEWER PROJECTS SAND HILL SEWER TRUNKLINE SPECIFICATION SEWER METERING #2 SEWER PLANT MODIFICATION (115) INENTORY OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEAGUE OF CA. CITIES LEUZINGER HOUSE LA COUNTY HEALTH TEMP EMERGENCY AID LA REGIONAL CRIMMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING BOARD SURVEY ON LIABILITY INSURENCE PARK KANSAS & HOLLY (116) RECREATION CENTER SNACK BAR LIBRARY PARK AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FENCING WASHINGTON PARK BICENTENIAL BANDSTAND REC PARK EXPANSION CLARKE CONTRACTING CORP IMPERIAL STRIP SPRINKLER SYSTEM (117) POLICE DEPT GENERAL CORRSP RAPID TRANSIT DIST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLATION ANNUAL BANQUET (118) WATER DEPT NEW CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION PRIMARY DISTRIBUTION MAINS IMPERIAL & HILLCREST WATERLINE INSTALATION OF WATER MAINS REPORT ON CITY WATER SYSTEMS STUDY BY ALDERMAN & SWIFT WATER STUDY ROSECRANS WATER & SEWER LINE (119) MAIN POWER ACT CETAI CETA MONTHLY REPORT CETA TITLE GRANT APPLICATION CETA VI SCHOOL DISTRICT (120) PLANNING DEPT. MISC REPORTS & GENERAL CORSP PLANNING ZONE CHANGES POLICE DEPT GENERAL CORSP 22 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION /Z-"4r Date 1976 1986 1986 1982 1955 1975-79 1984 c, POLICE DATA PROCESSING 1984 POLICE DEPT PLANNING & RESEARCH PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC CONTROL (121) SANITATION PLANT #12 RELOCATION SEWER LINE WEST PALM AVE SEWER PRESSURE LINE BREAK MATT ZAICH KANSAS & HOLLY RELIEF (122) UNCLASSIFIED USE PERMIT VARIANCES PLANNING COMMISION SUBDMSION ZONE CHANGES 1974 -77 (123) AMERICAN SOCIETY PUBLIC ADMIN AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL BUDGET 1978 -80 BUILDING DEPT SWIMMING POOLS CHEVRON LAND DEVEOLPMENT CONDOMINIUMS FEDERAL AID TO SUBURBAN SYSTEM FEDERAL COMMUNICATION (124) CALIFORNIA & ELM BIDS ON SALE CHARTER CITY INFO CHEVRON U S A 1977 -80 APPRAISAL CITY BUILDING & PROPERTY CITY COUNCIL MISC CORSP AEROSPACE CORP AUTOMOBILE COST ANALYSIS CITY ATTORNEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS & MINUTES CITY MANAGER DOUGLAS GRADE CROSSING 1978 FREEWAY 105 1980 -81 ELECTIONS EMERGENCY PREPARNESS COMM (125) PARKS & RECS MATTER 1975 PUBLICITY PUBLIC WORKS MATTER PHOTOGRAPHS PUBLICATION 23 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Attu eY Date ; Q'" ENGINEERING PURCHASE ORDERS 1974 -78 RADIO LOG 1970 RADIO INFO SOUTH BAY COUNCILMEN ASSN STATE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 1974 NORTH AMERICAN ROCKWELL (126) JOSLYN CENTER REC CENTER CONTRACT 1 -3 MUNICIPLE WADING POOL WEST ACAIA CONCESSION BLDG RECYARK REC CENTER VENTILATION CENTER OF CLUB HOUSE REC CENTER ROOF FOR HANDBALL (127) CITY CLERK 1956 CIVIL DEFENSE 1974 -77 EQUITABLE SAVING & LOAN ASSN EXPERIMENTAL SPECIALTIES ELSEGUNDO BLVD IMPROVEMENTS (128) TRACT MAP PLANNING COMMISION MINUTES POLICE SO BAY REGIONAL BURGLARY TEAM POLICE DEPT GEN CORSP POPULATION & CENSUS DATA PROCLAMATION PUBLIC WORKS WALNUT ST RECREATION EXPANSION PLANS FOR SNACK BAR RED CROSS 1975 -79 SABATASSO DEVEOPMENT SOUTH BAY CITIES ASSN SOUTH BAY COUNTY FORMATION COMM (129) IMPERIAL & CENTER STORM DRAIN LACFCD PERMIT 80689 -A PROJECT # 78 -1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DESIGN STORM DRAIN LAT LACFCD MISC TRANSFER DRAIN TELEMETERING SYSTEM SOUTHWEST SREVICE SHOP DRAWING (130) WATER DEPT 1969 RAIN GEAR LIFE McECTENCY STUDY 1978 REPAIR 16 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE _ 1976 WATER DIVISION 1976 24 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City omey Date nq ANTI -TRUST REPORT ANNUAL WATER DEPT WATER CONSERVATION & WATER PRODUCTIONS APPROVED BLACK FLOW PREVENTION DEVICES DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES WATER METER INSTALATION CHARGES WATER DMSION MONTHLY REPORT WATER METERING SERVICE CONNECTIONS ETC (131) SECTION 2156 STUDY DMSION OF HIGHWAYS DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT WATER DIVISION COMPLAINT & MONTHLY REPORT (132) BAD CHECKS CHRISTOPHER E BARRETT TRUST FUND BOND FORECLOSER BURGLARY SOUTH BAY CIGERETTES TAX COLLECTION BUSINESS LICENCES OVER PAYMENT CIVIC CENTER IMP COLLATERAL BOFA CONFERENCE FORMS CURB & SIDEWALKS DIAL -A -RIDE DOG LICENCES DEMOLITION FUNDS DULEY ROAD IMPROVEMENT EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT EMERGENCY OPERATING CENTER (133) AMERICAN STATE BANK AMERICAN DIVISIONERSIFIED BANK OF NEW PORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK SURPLUS METAL BLDG CENTURY BANK BRENTWOOD SQUARE HAMILTON SAVING BANK BUTERFIELD CENTRAL BANK CHARTER PACIFICBANK COMMON WEALTH BANK TIME DEPOSITS CORPERATE NATIONALBANK EL DORADO BANK APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION /. 25 Date I 1977 1977 1977 1976 1976 1970 -78 4, v EMPIRE S & L ENCINO S & L EQUETIC SAVINGS BANK EUREKA FEDERAL FARMERS SAVING FIRST SECURITY FLAGSHIP GLENDALEFEDERAL GOLDEN PACIFIC BANK SANWA GREAT AMERICAN FIRST SAVING HACIENDA HOTEL HERITAGE BANK HIGHLAND FEDERAL HOMEBANK MALIBU S &L INVESTMENT MERIT S & L MANILA BANK (134) PROCEDURE BANK RECOLATION MT WHITNEY S & L OMNI BANK SAN CLEMENTE PROGRESIVE SANTA PAULA SANTA BARBARA S & L SANTA PAULA SECURITY PACIFIC SENOIR CITIZEN HOUSEING BOARD REPORT SOUTHWEST BANK CONTACT & CD STANDARD PACIFIC SAVINGS SUNRISE BANK UNION FEDERAL SUNWEST BANK WELLS FARGO WESTLAND BANK WESTPORTS SAVING WESTWOOD (135) BAD CHECKS AMERICAN MONEY MRKT. CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION FUND BALENCE REPORT HIGHWAY USER TAX INTER OFFICE MEMOS 26 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION C Date 1987 7/88 -6/89 (, F IMPERIAL BANK LA COUNTY POOLED INVESTMENT LIBRARY MARITIME BANK PAYROLL NOTES & RECIETS (136) COUNTY OF LA PARKING FINES RIDESHARE STATE OF CA AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY US DEPT OF COMMERCE TOPOGRAPHY UNITED FUND CRUSADE US GOVT US FEDERAL FUNDS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS (138) ALDERMAN & SWIFT PROPOSED MASTER STORM DRAIN LACFCD STORM DRAIN BOND ISSUE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO (139) OVERLOAD PERMIT BOND ETC (140) POOLED COLLATERAL STATEMENT WORKERS COMP TRUST FUND COMPLAINT FORMS MEDICAL INSURENCE EMPLOYEE SENOIR CITIZEN HOUSING BOARD REPORT TAX COLLECTION TRANSFER TAX WORKERS COMP TRUST FUND TRANSIENT OCCUPENCY TAX 7/88 -6/89 LIABILITY INSURBNCE ACCOUNT VOIDS, WARRANTS (141) INVESTMENT MATURED GRANTS THOMAS MARMARO MOSAIC TITLE PROPERTY RECIETS REPORTS RECIETS SPECIAL (142) 27 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City ey Date TIM 1974 1965 1982 -83 1982 -83 1982 -83 1974 -79 -4 BOND # 1- 150&301-390 (143) STREETS OF EL SEGUNDO IMPROVEMENTS (144) BOND #74 -300 (145) BOND #2 -200 (146) TIME DEPOSITS - BANKS TIME SHEETS 1978 -79 TRUST ACCOUNT 1978 -79 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT 1978 -79 WARRENT CANCELATION WATER SAVING DEVICES WEED ABATEMENT 1971 -79 TRAVEL & MEETING REPORTS TREASURE ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT WORKERS COMP RESERVE ACCOUNT & TRUST ACCOUNT (147) SENOIR CITIZEN HOUSING BOARD REPORT 7/90 -6191 AUDITORS FILE CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION EL SEGUNDO POLICE FORFIETURE ACCOUNT POLICE WESTNET TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TELEPHONE UTILITY TAX GNMA POOL (148) EMPLOYMENT TERMINATION EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS ENVIROMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS ESCOBAR PROPERTY PURCHASE FRANCHISE TAXES FUND BALENCE REPORT GRANTS PARKS & SENOIR CITIZENS PUBLIC WORKS GRANTS SO BAY (149) BONDS (150) BONDS (151) CANCELLED CHECKS 1 -3/90 (152) CANCELLED CHECKS _ 1 -3/89 (153) - 28 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City Adrmmr- Date CANCELLED CHECKS (154) CANCELLED CHECKS (155) CANCELLED CHECKS (156) CANCELLED CHECKS (157) CANCELLED CHECKS (158) CANCELLED CHECKS (159) ALLEYS BONDS BUNGALOW & HOLLY ST IMP CALIFORNIA IMPROVEMENT CENTER PINE & OREGON CONCORDE ASSESMENT CYPRESS IMP ELM BOND &IMPROVEMENT FRANKLIN HILCREST ILLINOIS NEVADA W IMPERIAL INDIANA IMPROVEMENT (160) LEASING OF WATER RIGHTS 1976 -77 WATER RATE INCREASED 1973 -77 LACFCD 1977 PLANNING CALENDER STORM DRAIN DEFIENCY LACFCD 1976 PURCHASE ORDERS -STORM DRAIN FARR CO MADSON CO FLOOD DAMAGE CLAIMS JAMES DOUGLAS CLAIMS GARRETSON ENT (161) APPROPRIATION/REVENUE STATEMENT 1964 BUDGET 1965 - 68 BUDGET 1960 -61 BUDGET EQUIPMENT COST BUDGET WORK SHEETS BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PROPOSED 10 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC WORKS CALIFORNIA BUY AMERICA ACT 1962 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 50TH ANIVERSERY 29 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION , Date 7 -9/89 4 -6/88 10 -12/88 10 -12/89 I -3/88 7 -9/88 ; CIVIL DEFENSE 1950 (162) COMPLAINTS STREET DEPT 1962 -64 MONTHLY REPORT STREET DEPT JOINT POWER AGREEMENT JOINT USE OF MUNICIPLE EQUIPMENT 1962 STREET DEPT ACCIDENT REPORTS 1963 -69 PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING 1968 -73 AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT PURCHASING 1967 -72 RADIO EQUIPMENT PROCLAMATION GASOLINE CONTRACTS WATER DEPT PURCHASING RECREATION & PARKS PURCHASING (163) LA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD 1973 -75 TREATMENT CHLORINATION CARBON FILTER FLOURATION CORSP SOFTENING & PURIFICATION WEST BASIN PRODUCTION REPORT 1969 -75 CA WATER SERVICE VS CITY OF COMPTON WEST BASIN ENGINEERING ADVISORY WEST BASIN MONITERING WATER RECLAMATION MATTERS CENTRAL & WEST BASIN WATER REPLENTISHMENT MINUTES WEST BASIN RICHFIELD OIL CORP LEASE OF WATER RIGHTS MOBILE OIL 1974 (164) BATALLION CHIEF EXAMINATION PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION POLICE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION POLICE PROMOTIONAL POLICE CHIEF POLICE RECRUTING (165) DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PUBLIC WORKS DEPT PROJECT CONTROL REPORT 1968 PERSONNEL ORDERS APPRAISAL OF LAND AUDIT REPORTS (166) LACFCD PROJECT STORM DRAIN BOND ISSUE (167) 30 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION /L-r 7T Date *n _i ASSESMENT DIST DULEY RD (168) TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTINCE CO ACCIDENT REPORT 1976 OVERLOAD PERMIT BONDS MISC CORSP EQUIPMENT RUBBISH COLLECTION COMPLAINTS 1978 -80 (169) ORDINANCE WATER UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES, WATER CONSERVATION, SUBDMSION MAP ACT PUBLIC UTILITIES (170) KANSAS & FRANKLIN MAPLE & CENTER PENN & OAK RECONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREETS SYCAMORE SHELDON & WALNUT (171) US GOVT WEST BASIN TRAFFIC OPTICOM 1967 STREET DMSION GARRAGE DMSION PURCHASE ORDERS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SALARY RESOLUTION PERSONNEL ORDERS PERSONNEL MISC PERSONNEL SUGGESTIONS AWARDS 1969 COMPLAINTS 1969 -76 (172) FEDERAL HIGHWAY FEDERAL FUNDS AVAILIBLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPEMENT ADMINISTRATION (PWEA) FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 1974 -77 (173) CLAIMS- EDWARD MOWAD, KRAVGNA, JOE RODGERSON, HOWARD WRIGHT, CA MFG FLOOD DAMAGE VALVE CLOSING PROCEDURE RAIN FALL REPORTS & CLIMATETOLEGY COUNTY & SANITATION DIST (174) EL SEGUNDO BLVD PROJ 68 -5 31 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Date STAINLESS l � 1 GRAND AVE (175) INFO ONLY TO COUNCIL INTER GOVERNMENTAL PERSONNEL ACT INSURANCE MEDICAL BLUE CROSS OF CA INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION INVESTIGATION JR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (176) WARRANTS 312 517 7 - 511 017 7 (177) WARRANTS 3/10/78 - 5/25/78 (178) WARRANTS 7/79 (179) WARRANTS 5/10/77- 6/29/77 (180) CHECK STUBS 1 0/7 6 -1 217 6 (181) CHECK STUBS 7/78 -10/78 (182) BUILDING SAFETY PAPERS (183) WARRANTS 5/25/78- 7/7/78 (184) LA COUNTY DEPT COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT PLANNING - CIRRCULATION & SCENIC HIGHWAY PARKING 1981 -83 SOUTH BAY REGIONAL COMMUNICATION AUTHORITY LA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JARVIS IV LEGISLATION LA COUNTY OF TRANSPORTATION (185) CHECK STUBS 7175 -9/75 (186) CHECK STUBS 1/74 -3/74 (187) CHECKSTUBS (188) LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL STREET LIGHTING PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1981 -87 (189) PUBLIC WORKS PIPELINE FRANCHISE 32 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Cz =;25;� CityZkfforney Date 1 � 4 RAPID TRANSIT DIST RECREATION DEPT GENERAL CORSP RECYCLING PROGRAMS ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL RUBBISH COLLECTION & DISPOSAL URHO SAARI SWIM POOL STADIUM RECYCLING PROGRAMS ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL RUBBISH COLLECTION & DISPOSAL URHO SAARI SWIM POOL STADIUM SPCA TAXESSALES SO CA EDISON CO (190) CHECKS STUBS 3179 -6/79 (191) CHECK STUBS 5/71 -8/81 (192) ASSESS DIST CYPRESS ST CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS & STREETS KANSAS LOMA VISTA OAK OREGON WALNUT MOST EASTERLY JUNCTION STORM DRAIN SYSTEM SEWER ASSESSMENT DIST HOLLY AVE PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PRELIMENARY DRAWING & ESTIMATES FOR STORAGE SHED PROPOSED CORP YARD ILLINOIS STORM DRAIN OAK TRUNK SEWER EXTENSION PROPOSED NEW CITY WAREHOUSE RECREATION CENTER (193) HOLLY SEWER EAST MAPLE ASSESMENT DIST PINE WILLIAM MACKENZIE BROWN TEMPORARY STORM DRAIN BEAUTIFICATION MATTERS SOUTH BAY PARK WAY 33 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION clry ey Date z ,: AVIATION BLVD PROPOSED LIGHTING OF SEPULVEDA WATERLINE EL SEGUNDO BLVD POLICE DEPT RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION DOWNTOWN PARKING DIST CHRISTMAS DECORATION TEMPORY DETOUR ROSECRANS HOUSE MOVING PERMITS MASTER PLAN UNDERGROUND UTILLITIES DIST CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS STREET DESIGN TRAFFIC SIGNS STREET DEPT EQUIPMENT (194) ASSESSMENT DIST IRENE CT (195) WARRANTS 9/79 (196 WARRANTS3 -5/67 (197) DAILY CASH REPORTS 1978 -81 (198) WATER CASH STUBS 7 -8/79 (199) PETTY CASH 1978 (200) PETTY CASH 1/86 -1/87 (201) CHRON CORSP 1 -12/82 (202) CHECK STUBS 9/69 -12/69 (203) CHECK STUBS 12174 -3/75 (204) COMPLETED OR INACTIVE ACACIA ALLEYS BUNGALOW CYPRESS DOUGLASS ST.NAVY DEPT EUCALYPTUS 34 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION (- - -Z..._- 4X City A rney iz -T-,Fy Date FRANKLIN GRAND HILCREST ILLINOIS INDIANA (205) GRADE SEPERATION DOUGLASSST SP X -ING SIGNALIZATION (206) AGREEMENT SOTHERN CA. EDISON CO FEDERAL GRANTS FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PERMITS INTER -CITY TRANSPORTATION COMM 1970 -73 PHOTOGRAPHS MONTHLY SEWER REPORTS (207) GRAND AVE ILLINOIS ST IMPERIAL STRIP IMPROVEMENT IMPERIAL HIGHWAY LOMA VISTA RECONSTRUCTION OF MAIN ST MAIN & IMPERIAL MARIPOSA (208) CHECK STUBS 1/79 -3/79 (209) CHECK STUBS 5/72 -8/72 (210) ASSESMENT DIST STREETS OF EL SEGUNDO (211) ASSESSMENT DIST STREETS OF EL SEGUNDO (212) WATER RATE STUDY 1957 WEST BASIN DATA PROCESSING MATTERS 1970 CITY COUNCIL CORSP WATER QUALITY MINUTES WEST BASIN OVERLOAD PERMIT BONDS ENGINEERING PURCHASE ORDERS REFUSE COLLECTION CONTRACTS E (213) 35 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION ae-ol- 7y City Date t r, r HIGHWAY SAFETY PROJECT STATE OFFICE TRAFFIC SAFETY FEDERAL AID URBAN SYSTEM (214) ASESSMENT DIST STREETS OF EL SEGUNDO (215) CHECK STUBS 4/80 -6/80 (216) MISC CORSP 1967 -68 METRO TRANSP ENGR BOARD 1962 -66 PLANNING COMMISION MINUTES 1966 PURCHASE ORDERS REFUSE COLLECTION (217) NASH STREET NEVADA, PINE & OREGON PINE AVE ROSECRANS GAS TAX PROJECT # 85 SEPULVEDA BLVD (218) CHECK STUBS 1/66 -6/66 (219) 100 VIGINIA, 200 E WALNUT (220) ESUSD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 1981 PROPOSITION A COMMITTEE INDEPENDENT CITIES OF LA LEAGUE OF CA CITIES LEGISLATION S BAY REGIONAL COMMUNICATION AUTHORITY 1983 DISABILITY RETIREMENT DETERMINATION FOR SAFETY ORGANIZATION CHARTS PRICE INDEXES CONSUMER (221) PURCHASE ORDERS J JOHNSON HOEY & JOHNSON CONSULT ENGINEERING MORRISON R SCHRULLER PLAN CHECKING SEQUENCE UBC ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS 215 E PALM LA DEPT, OF WATER & POWER INTEROGATORIES MORAORIUM 537 W MARIPOSA LITIGATION BARTON BRANDS 36 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION ae � IZ -OA-97 clly&mler Date s �' L PRESS RELEASE LITIGATION 800 PENN ST KENNEDY ANNEX EVENTS COMPLAINTS NOISE NOT AIRPORT ARTHUR E JONES STATUS REPORT ANIMAL RODENTS HEALTH HAZARD STANDARD STRUCTURES ORDER & FALL OUT STATE OF CA ENERGY COMMISSION STATE OF CA OFFICE OF PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CA DEPT OF HOUSING & COMMUNITYVDEVELOPENIENT DEPT OF REHABILITATION CA STATE FIRE MARSHAL HEALTH & WELFARE OSHA CA COASTAL COMMISSION ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ASSEMBLY BILL RECREATION & PARKS LIGHTING REC PARK SECOND STORY SNACK BAR COAST ELEVATOR CO LIBRARY LIGHTING ELEVATOR TOWER & EQUIPTMENT SHED JOSYLN CENTER LIBRARY SECURITY HEATING & VENT SYSTEM BANDSTAND LIBRARY PARK VARIANCES PRECISE PLAN SIERRA PINE TOWNHOMES CONDOS (222) AUDITORS FILE ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMENT BAIL FUND BANK OF AMERICA BOND & INTEREST BINGO LICENCES CA ENERGY COMMISSION BURGLARY IMPACT GRANT EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS CHECKS FORGED CIGERETTE TAX COLLECTION CENSUS REPORT COMMUNICATION/ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT CONTRACT PAYMENT COURT APPEARENCES EXPENSIVE CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT 37 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Ct ttomey Date CONFERENCE TRAVEL FORMS COURT COLLECTIONS CURBS & SIDEWALKS DECEASED EMPLOYEES DOG LICENSES ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS EMPLOYEE ATTACHMENT OF WAGES EMPLOYEE TERMINATION 1980 -81 ENGINEERING SERVICES /PARCEL MAPS EXPLOSIVE APPLICATION FIRE DEPT DONATION FIRE PERMIT APPLICATION FRANCHISE TAXES FUND BALANCE REPORT ICT Ry I x:11 I/ 1m R i Z a T: M 11 6] J GRANT RECIEVABLE INTEREST EARNED REPORTS INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION MESSAGE PERMITS LIBRARY TRANSMITTAL MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIO & ELECTRONIC MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE PARKING CITATION PAYROLL NOTICE & RECIEPTS PAYROLL TRUST ACCOUNTS PERSONNEL ORDERS POLICE REPORTS 1981 -82 P O S T TRAINING FUND POLICE TANSMITTAL PUBLICATION GRATIS RABIES CLINIC 1982 RECREATION REMITTANCE REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS FOR PLANS & SPECIFICATION RECIETS SPECIAL 1981 REVENUE SHARING ACCOUNT SALES TAX COLLECTION STREET ASSESMENT TRANSIENT OCUPANCY TAX TOWING SERVICE TRAVEL REQUEST FORMS WARRANT CANCELLATION UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE VENDING MACHINE ACCOUNT WEED ABATEMENT 1980 -81 WITHOLDING TAX SALE OF ZONING MAPS & ORDINACE 38 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION R / Date (223) JOB JACKETS (224) METROPOLITAN WATER DIST FIRE HYDRANT INVOICES FEATHER RIVER PROJECT FIRE PROTECTION WATER MASTER GENERAL CORSP COMPLAINTS SANITATION DEPT MONTHLY REPORTS SANITATION & STORM DRAIN TRAFFIC COMMITEE GARBAGE PURCHASE ORDERS WEEKLY STREET REPORTS OVERTIME STREET DMSION (225) NASH STREET IMPROVEMENT RAILROAD BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION PLANNING ECONOMIC BASE STUDY FIRE DEPT GENERAL CORSP 1980 VAN GAS HYPERION TREATMENT PLANT INSURENCE REHMILITATION HUNGER PROJECT 10 LAX COMMUNITY LAND USE (226) STORM DRAIN PRESSURE LINE PUMP STATION & PRESSURE LINE STORM WATER & SEWER CONSTRUCTION EAST IMPERIALSTORM DRAIN SUNNY MILLER CO (227) STREET DMSION PURCHASE ORDERS GARRAGE DIVISION PURCHASE ORDERS PLANNING COMMISSION PERSONNEL WATER DMSION SO CA EDISON CO (228) GARRAGE DIVISION PURCHASE ORDERS WATER DMSION PURCHASE ORDERS OVERLOAD PERMIT EQUIPMENT MONTHLY REPORTS FROM REFUSE COLLECTION PRELIMINARY BUDGET MATTERS 1970 -71 MONTHLY REPORT ST. DMSION MONTHLY REPORT SANITARY & STORM DRAY,' (229) 39 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Date r) 9 401, CiWlnWmey Date r) 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1982 PERSONNEL ORDER 1981 PERSONNEL ORDER 1978 TRAFFIC SIGNALS RUBBISH COMPLAINTS 1981 -82 CA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 1981 CHONOLOGICAL CORSP 1/80 -12/81 (230) CITY MANAGER OFFICE RETIRED 5/3/84 (231) JOB JACKETS 1416 E MAPLE -600 MARIPOSA (232) 2101E ROSECRANS - 999W SEPULVEDA (233) PAY ROLLS RECREATION 1/67 -7/67 FIRE 5/66 -9/67 LIBRARY 5/66 -9/67 (234) BUILDING DEPT CORSP PERSONNEL FILES NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST SALARY RESOLUTION PROJECTS S BAY RIDIN STABLES RELOCATION BUILDING DEPT CORSP VACATION & SICK LEAVE PRINT OUTS 1977 MISC PERSONNEL INFO PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION PLAN CHECK ASSESMENT CA STATE PERSONNEL BOARD SALARY SURVEY 1966 SALARY RESOLUTION 1961 -71 EVALYNNE BLACK DAVE BREITSOIZ BACK UP PLAN WILLIAM CALDWELL CINDY CUMMINGS CARLOSV DIAZ HERBERT DODENHOFF RUBEN HALL ALCIDE MELENSON JOSEPH RAMOS SHARON SMOTONY WILLIAM UNDERWOOD NANCY YOUNGERMAN (CETA) a- _ MARK ASHLEY (CETA) 40 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION v City — /L -7 -F7 Date i DEBORAH LANHAM (CETA) JULIA NORCROSS (CETA) ERIC MELLEN (CETA) 401 SHELDON 301 MARYLAND 405 E GRAND TEEN CENTER BUILDING & SAFETY 1972 -74 BUILDING DEPT NEWS LETTER MICRO FILMED MONTHLY NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST 1970 PERMIT FEES PROPOSED CITY ATTORNEY 1972 CITY CLERK FINANCE FIRE DEPT PUBLIC WORKS RECREATION/PARKS TREASURY DEPT PUBLIC RELATIONS MATERIALS GOVT BUILDING FURNITURE INFO EIR CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORP EIR STANDARD OIL CO ELSEGUNDO REPORTS FIRE ZONES HEARINGS FACTORY BUILT HOUSING EXCAVATION ORDINANCE FLAMABLE LIQUID STORAGE GASCO FUEL CELL BUSINESS CONDITIONS CAL TRANS FREEWAY CONSERVATION NOISE (235) JOB JACKETS 324 W EL SEGUNDO - 1101 E GRAND (236) NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE & MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION MISC NAC INFO 1983 NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE INTER DEPT CORSP MINUTES & AGENDAS planning INACTIVE PERMITS 2/3/82 SOLID WASTE TRANFERSTATION KEN RUBY BUILDING PERMITS DOUBLE FEES (STARTING,` 'Okv WITHOUT PERMITS EXPLOSIVE PERMITS 41 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Date I I i PERMITS REFUND OF FEES 1982 PURCHASE ORDERS HUGHES EDSG RCI MICROFILMED (237) 1982 CALBO ANNUAL BUSINESS MTG NOISE ABATEMENT COMPLAINT (AIR CRAFT NOISE PUBLIC AFFAIRS REPORT TAX MATTERS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TRAFFIC CO ORDINANCE COMMITTEE WORD PRCESSING EQUIPMENT WAIVER REQUEST DENIED INFO TRAILER TEMPORARY OFFICES TEMPORARY TRAILER PERMITS FARR CO HUGHES TOOL CO TEMPORARY OFFICE BUILDING POLICE DEPT REQUEST FOR TEMP TRAILER RESIDENTIAL REPORTS MISC TEMP TRAILERS REMOVED STANDARD OIL TEMP MONTHLY REPORTS BUILDING & SAFETY 1974 -82 RELOCATION VANDRIE 122 E MAPLE MAUGRAUDY 300 W SYCAMORE MARY SHEETS 753 HILCREST RELOCATION RELOCATION 515 CA GORDEN STEPHENS RELOCATION 1471 E PALM RELOCATE 511 STANDARD PROPOSED PLAN RETENTION AMENDMENT CALBO 18T" ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETINGS SAN DIEGO HILTON CALIFONIA BUILDING OFFICIALS CABO COUNCIL OF AMERICAN BLDG ICBO BLDG STANDARDS NEWS LETTER 1979 -82 ICBO ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BANQUET ICBO UNIFORM PLUMMING CODES DEVELOPMENT COMMITEE ICBO GENERAL INFO ICBO MINUTES (238) JOB JACKETS 501 MARIPOSA -525 NEVADA (239) RECIETS 7/71 -6/74 (240) AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT ACCIDENT REPORTS 1975 -77 AUDITS COTTON & FRANCISCO _.. BEACHES 1973 -76 42 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION i 2 41 it-4^FT Date � � n � L BUDGET 1977 -78 BUILDING DEPT RESIDENTIAL RECORDS BUILDING DEPT GENERAL CORSP CHEVERON USA 1974 -76 CIVIL DEFENSE 1978 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT GUIDELINES & REPORTS ELECTIONS 3/74 ESCOBAR PROPERTY MAIN & GRAND FIREMANS ASSN VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLITICAL ACTIVITY 1974 -77 LA REGIONAL FORM ON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT NEWSLETTERS POLICE DEPT GENERAL CORSP P E R T STEERING COMMITTEE INTER GOVT PERSSONNEL ACT PRCLAMATION 1976 -77 PORT CORSP & MINUTES RECREATION PART TIME SAFETY COMMITTEE OSHA S CA EDISON CO 1975 -77 SCAG 1977 78 S CA GAS CO 1967 -77 REC PARK SENOIR CITIZEN REFFERAL SERVICE SOUTHWEST REGIONAL TRAINING 1976 -77 (241) INSURANCE SELF INSURED WORKMEN INSURANCE STATE COMPENSATION SUGGESTION & AWARDS PROGRAMS 1967 -73 SUMP & PARKETTS TAX CIGARETTES TAXES HOTEL ROOM TAX DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX TAXI CABS (YELLOW CAB ONLY) 1969 -73 TAXICAB PERMITS 1970 -73 TOPICS S BAY SIGNAL SYSTEM TRAILER MOBILE HOMES TRAFFIC CONTROLL 1970 -71 TREASURES OFFICE 1956 -73 UNDERGROUNDING OF UTTILITIES 1968 -72 UTAH DEVELOPMENT CO UTTILITIES USER TAX WATER RATES WATER QUALITY STANDARDS 1959 -72 WATER CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1968 -72 WATER LA DEPT WATER & POWER 1955 -72 NICKEY WISELOCKY WATER METROPOLITAN WATER DIST (242) 43 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City orne /?+ %P- TT Date J 1 J LIABILITY CLAIMS, WORKERS COMP, TRUST ACCOUNT (243) JOB ADDRESS 14071 AVIATION - 136 CENTER (244) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL ATCHSON TOPEKA & SANTA FE BUDGET 1981 -82 BUILDING DEPT. GENERAL CORSP 1981 -82 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1980 -82 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES KENT ANDERSON VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIABILITY BARBRA L BRADLEY HOMER & HAZEL BUCK ALFONSO CABRERA VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DAVID DUNBABIN JOHNFAVORS LINDA FERRARO JULIENNE ELSTER KITTY GRILLIS TINA FISHER DOROTHY GILMAN GOLDEN STATE TRANSIENT VS EL SEGUNDO JUDY LEWIS MARIA PEREZ (CHRIS BARRET) MARIA RIVIERA JAMES SMITH DON WEBER J J TOMICH VS EL SEGUNDO POLICE DAILY 1 -6/83 S CA ASSN GOVT S BAY REGIONAL COMMUNICATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1981 (245) WARRANTS 1/16/67- 3/10/67 (246) WARRANTS 3/231794/25/79 (247) MISC CORP & CIVIC CENTER REMODEL CONSTRUCTION (248) JOB JACKETS 115 HOLLY - E IMPERIAL (249) MISC CONTENTS BUILDING & SAFETY (250) CITY MANAGER RETIRED 8/87 (251) TRESURE PETTY CASH REPORTS 1/73 -12!74 & 1/77 -6/79 ` 44 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City ttomey /2-9'9 T Date y (252) WARRANTS 9125176 - 11/30/76 (253) CHECK STUBS 1170 -4170 (254) CHECK STUBS 5/73 -8/73 (255) CHECK STUBS 5/70 -8170 (256) CHECK STUBS 4175 -6175 (257) CHECK STUBS 9l71 -12/71 (258) CHECK STUBS 9/72 -12/72 (259) CHECK STUBS 10/75 -12175 (260) CHECK STUBS 4/77 -6/77 (261) CHECK STUBS 4174 -7/74 (262) CHECK STUBS 10177 -12177 (263) CHECK STUBS 10/78 -12/78 (264) CHECK STUBS 1/80 -3/80 (265) CHECK STUBS 10/79 -12/79 (266) CHECK STUBS 9/70 -12/70 (267) CHECK STUBS 1171-4171 (268) CHECK STUBS 5/69 -8/69 269) CHECK STUBS 7/76 -9/76 (270) WARRANTS 7 /1 017 7- 911 0/7 7 (271) WARRANTS 1 1179 -1 /8 0 (272) CHECK STUBS 4178 -6/78 (273) WARRANTS 4125179- 6129179 (274) EXPENSE CHECKS 7118/77- 6129179 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City orno I, 45 �2.7-IFr Date 1 r 1 v (275) PAC BELL VS COLICH ETAL (276) AE -AL AM -AZ BA -AL INACTIVE (277) BUISNESS LICENSE INACTIVE (278) BUISNESS LICENSE INACTIVE (279) TREASURE OFFICE 1988 RECREATION DEPT GENERAL CORSP ESUSD1985 PUBLIC WORKS CORSP SENOB2 HOUSING CORP 1987 (280) COUNTY OF LA PROPERTY TAX INVESTMENTS REPOS MATURED 1 -6/85 (281) 9 -89 PLANNING DMSION (282) PLANNING COMMISSION 1/88 -10/89 (283) INACTIVE FILES BUISNESS LICENSE W -2 UP TO 1988 (284) EXEMPT LICENSES INACTIVE A -Z (285) EASEMENT LACFCD EASEMENT STREETS OF EL SEGUNDO (286) BUISNESS LICENSE INACTIVE FILES T -V (287) BUILDING SAFETY PLAN CHECK CONNECTION (288) 1 -3/84 CHECK STUBS (289) 10 -12/84 CHECK STUBS (290) 7 -9/84 CHECK STUBS (291) 4 -6/84 CHECK STUBS (292) P E R S 1977 -79 46 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City AndYmey Date 1!I) PAYROL1977 SAFETY COMMITTEE PERSONNEL ORDERS VACATION ACCRUAL DEFERED COMPENSATION XEROX COMPUTER SEVICE 1980 -81 PUBLIC WORKS 1979 -80 RUBBISH COLLECTION 1975 -76 BFI REFUSE DISPOSAL CONTRACT POLICE DET.1979 -80 S CA EDISON FOLDER NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION 1979 -80 SMALL CLAIMS REPORT REVENUE SOURCES 1976 CETA VI REPORTS REVENUE SOURCES 1976 CIGARETTE TAX 197681 COURT FINES GASOLINE TAX MOTOR VEHICLE INLEU TAXES AUCTION BUSINESS LICENSE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SEWER ORD& FEES CHART OF ACCOUNTS INSURANCE LIABILLTTY R.L KAUTS 1977 INSURANCE EMPLOYEE LIFE ACCIDENT FOLDER AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT REVENUE SHARING WATER DEPT ITT COMMUNICATION DICTATION SYSTEM COMMUNICATION MISC. PROPOSAL & STUDIES TELEPHONE OTHER XEROX COMPUTER SERVICE 197679 COMPUTER SERVICE NETWORK (293) ACCIDENT DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT CITY HALL REMODELING CIVIC CENTER CONSTRUCTION LANDSCAPING CIVIC CENTER EIR REPORTS CIVIC CENTER DEDICATION FEDERAL AID TO URBAN SYSTEM F, FIREMANS APPRENTICE PROGRAM 47 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION 4�. =../ - City tney iL- i-J17 Date 1 ! FIREMANS ASSOCIATION VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FREEWAY I -105 HANDBILLS IMPERIAL STRIP IMPROVEMENT INSURANCE CLAIMS INSURANCE LIABILITY INSURANCE WORKERS COMP LEAGUE OF CA CITIES CORSP LEAGUE OF CA.CITIES CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT LEAGUE OF CA CITIES LEGISLATIVE FILE LAX LITIGATION VARIANCE (294) INSURANCE WORKERS COMP TRUST FUND INSURANCE COUNCIL OF SELF INSURED PUBLIC AGENCIES 1977 REVENUE SHARING 1977 -78 STREET REPORT STATE CONTROLLER STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE 1950 -51 HAND HELD RADAR UNITS 1977 -78 CA SELF INSURED ASSN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RETIREMENT CONTRACT SUMMARIES COMPARISON SMALL CLAIMS PENDING COUNTY OF LA (ROAD DEPT) COUNCIL MINUTES BUILDING DEPT 1977 -78 CONTROLLRS REPORT CITY TREASURE INSURANCE HEALTH CA DENTAL SEVICE (295) SEPULVADA PROPERTIES S BAY REGIONAL COMMUNICATION S BAY REGIONAL POLICE & PUBLIC COMMUNICATION SPCA TAX RATES ASSESSED VALUATION #1 VEHICLE SUMMARY REPORTS WATER CONSERVATION WEED ABATEMENT (296) PLANING COMMISSION MEETINGS 2/11182 2/25/82 3/25/82 4/8/82 4/22/82 5/13/82 5/27/82 6/10/82 6/24/82 7/8/82 7/22/82 8/12/82 8/26/82 9123182 10/14/82 11/10/82 11/29/82 1219/82 12(23182 1/13/83 1127/83 2110/83 2124183 3110183 3124/83 4/14/83 5/12/83 5/26/83 6/9/83 6/23/83 7/14/83 7/28/83 8/11/83 8/25/83 9/8/83 9/22/83 10/13/83 10/27/83 1218/83 1/12/84 1/26/84 2/9/84 2/23/84 3/8/84 3122/84 4/12/84" ?6 /Ra S /10/84 5124/84 6114184 6/28/R4 7/12/84 7/26184 819184 9113/84 10/25/84 1118/84 11/24/84 12/13184 48 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Cit5PKttomey Date 1 t �, (297) CHECK STUBS & BB STATEMENT 1974 - 83 (298) PLANNING COMMISION STUDY SESSION MINUTES 1983 EQB MINUTES PLANNING DEPT 1983 EXPIRED CERTIFICATES OF INS EXPIRED WORKMENS COMP PAULINE KUHN AGREEMENT SPEC INSPECTOR SERVICE CONTRACT EMMIT KING BUILDING INSPECTOR CONTRACT J LYLE BRICKLEY AGGREEMENT AGGREEMENT SPECIAL INSPECTION SERVICE CONTRACT — JIM WEEKS CONSULTANT BUILDING INSPECTOR RESUME LOYD G ANDERSON ERIC LUNDMOORE DEPUTY INSPECTOR HOUSHANG ABBASSI EUNICE CHING FRINK 2182 BUILDING INSPECTOR SID SIMON 2/8/82 LAMAR CALLAWAY 12/15/80 MARIO J FALA 1/29/79 TINA MOORE JAY BROWN 10/20/81 JAMES BOTTIERI EDWARD COREY 9/8/80 GUILLERMO R GONZALES l0 /1179 PERSONNEL STREETS GERALD ALAN DEMUTH 83 -84 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GOVT BULDG GOVT BLDG BUDGET 81 -82 BUDGET MISC (299) PERMIT JACKETS (300) 119 WALNUT - 760 YUCCA (301) ASSESSED VALUATION CONTROLLERS REPORT 1968 -71 LA COUNTY TAXES 1968 -71 GAS TAX REPORT 1964- 71 STATE RETIERMENT INFO 1964 -71 GRANT MATERIAL PEP PROGRAM SENOIR CITIZEN INFO REFFERAL P -DAT PROJECT S BAY COMMUNICATION PROJECT (302) BUILDING DEPT. PAST YEARS BUDGET (303) AUDITORS FILE APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION 49 Date I f 1_ ct y 49 Date I f 1_ BAD CHECKS FILE SAVINGS BOND CETA REPORTS CETA FUNDS FUND BALANCE REPORT MISC DIRECTION PARKNG CITATION PERSONNEL ORDERS PETTY CASH POLICE INVESTIGATION SICK LEAVEIVACATION BALANCE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TREASURES ACOUNTABILITY (304) RECREATION PART TIME PERSONNEL RETIRED EMPLOYEES LIFE INSURENCE SALARYSCHEDULE SICK LEAVE REPORT 1967 -73 (305) DA &DL INACTIVE E INACTIVE FINACTIVE (306) MASTER FILE YETP FILE J CARSON EMPLOYEE TIME REPORT PATTY SMITH RUBY WALTERS ROBERT BOTTTERI JULIA CARAVELO MICHELE FUENTEZ JEFFERY LEIGN ALDAPATEL BRIDGET DOYLE RICK CARTER R BELLO ROBERT SALDANADO LUCYLOZANO KEN CUMMINGS BRIAN JAMES TOM DAVIS KARYLE MILLER SHAWN ROHON LYDIA TORRES HELEN SLABE 50 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION c CC7diamey Date L CINDY MASTERS RAY CASTRO JAMES HUGHES RICHARD LONG HORATIO LOZANO NORMA BOLIVAR MANUEL MEDINA EDMUND ZULUA (307) LIBRARY ASSISTENT ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN (308) PAC BEL VS COLICH INSURENCE CLAIMS (309) FIRE PLAN CHECKER PLANNING ASSISTANT SECRETERIAL STENOGRAPHER ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER CUSTODIAN POLICE OFFICER LIBRARY CLERK (310) CITY COUNCIL ALICE PETERSON CO JEFFERY ABATE VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO KIM SHOCKLEY VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO KENETH ROBERTSON MALEA RHODES VS. EL SEGUNDO VIRGIL TERRY CATHERINE HARLEY GRACE BARBER MAURICE LINDSAY AILEEN C MATCHETT JAY & HENSGER KO VS EL SEGUNDO KARYN & MICHAEL TABLADA VS EL SEGUNDO FRANK STIMPSON VS, EL SEGUNDO SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION CO VS EL SEGUNDO WILLIAM H SARGENT VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY HILL VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INSURENCE CLAIMS LIABILITY CLOSED JOGATHONS PLANNING HOUSE ELEMENT HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITEE (311) FIRE SERVICE TRANING OFFICER DEPUTY CITY TREASURER 51 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION We / Z -y -q7p Data 9 1 ACCOUNTING MANAGER (312) 1982 -83 FISCAL REPORT CETA IN SCHOOL PAYROLL REPORT EL SEGUNDO STREET DIRECTORY EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORM FISCAL FORMS COMMUNICATION (313) PROP A 1987 -88 BUDGET INDEPENDENT CITIES 1986 (314) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GENERAL PLANS (315) PLANNING COMMISSION (316) ELEVATOR REC PARK REFURBISH BATTING CAGES RACQUET BALL COURT STRET DEDICATION 1957 STREET DEED REQUEST FOR VACATION OF ALLEY VACATION OF ALLEYS & STREETS (317) VARIENCES MOD TO RES ADJUSTMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF ELEVATOR (318) CHRON FILES CITY COUNCIL MEETING (319) 1990 -91 HEATER REMD{ SOLID WASTE CONTROL FOR PUBLIC BUILDING & STREET CANS SIDEWALK AT VARIOS LOCATION POLICE DEPT JAIL CELL CONSTRUCTION OF "24 STORM DRAIN WASHINGTON STREET FROM OAK TO MAPLE FURNISHING AND APPLICATION OF SLURRY SEAL AT VARIOS LOCATION REMODLE RECORD ROOM BREA OF POLICE FACILITY INCLUDING DEMOLITION DEMOLITION OF 175 MG RESERVOIR ROOF 300 OVERLAY /SEALING/PATCHING RECONSTRUCTION OF STREETS FINAL ACCOUNTING AVIATION BIVD VACATION OF ALLEY & STREET 600 HOLLY _. VACATION OF PINE 52 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION e�•- -4G� i2 -9�9 9 City to Date 1 �- 500 BLK E WALNUT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AVIATION BLVD SIDEWALK STREET IMPROVEMENT (320) REPAIR OF SEWER LINES 1991 -92 SANDY PRINGLE & ASSOCIATES 1992 -93 CDBG PROJECTS STRUCTUAL REHIBILTTATION EMERGENCY GENERATOR FILE REPLACEMENT OF SEWER LINES CITY ATTORNEY BASEMENT OFFICE DEMOLITION OF PORTIONS OF FORMER WATER RESERVOIR AMERICAN WITH DISABILITY ACT WATER SEALING OF CITY POLICE FACILITY & MAINTENANCE FACILITY (321) PW ENGR HYDRO - ELECTRIC FACILITY (322) EXTENSION OF HIGHWAYS FINISHING INSTALATION 10" SEPULVEDA SLURRY SEAL OF VARIOUS STREETS MONITER OF FLOW IN CITY SEWERLINES LINKING OF SEWER LINES AT EL SEGUNDO HIGH JAIL BOOKING MODIFICATION REPLACEMENT INSTALLATION OF WATER LINES STREET SWEEPING SPECS HEATER REMIX SIGNAL PREEMPTION DEVICES REPAIR OF SEWER LINES 1990 -91 OPTICOM PROJECT 1989 -90 MODIFICATION TO SANITATION INSTALLATION OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION SYSTEM CLOSED CIRCUIT TV STREET REPAIRS 1991 LINKING OF SEWER LINES AT EL SEGUNDO HIGH SCHOOL (323) OLD CODE BOOKS QUARTERLY REPORTS (324) SALARY RESOLUTION MOBILE HOME PARKS GENERAL CORSP (325) ASSESED VALUATION CONTROLER REPORT LA COUNTY TAXES GAS TAX REPORT STATE RETIREMENT INFO GRANT MATERIAL PEP PROGRAM 53 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION /2 -9-rr Date J 7 J SR CITIZEN INFO REFERAL P -DAT PROJECT SO BAY COMMUNICATION PROJECT (326) 137 STANDARD -439 VALLEY (327) JOB JACKETS 114 ACACIA - 629 ARENA (328) FIRE INSPECTION PROTECTOR LIBRARY (329) WASHINGTON ST SURVEYS GRADE CROSSING N WELL # 9 -12 REDEVELOPEMENT OF FRESH WATER WELLS PUC CASE #9095 -9257 GRADE CROSSING PRIORITY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSECRANS (330) PETTY CASH REIMBURSMENT REQUEST 6191 -6192 (331) PETTY CASH REQUIREMENTS (332) PETTY CASH REIMBURSMENT 9/90 -3/91 (333) CITY TREASURER ALPHA FILES R -T (334) PW ENGG HYDRO - ELECTRIC (335) PW ENGG SD PUMP STA 18 PUMP INFO (336) PW ENGG HYDRO - ELECTRIC (337) PW ENGG 1993 CHRON FILES (338) PUBLIC WORKS SPECIFICATION AGREEMENT BOYLE ENGINEERING ADVANCO CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC WORKS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL LAWSUIT ADVANCO CONSTRUCTORS VS ES (339) STREET IMPROVEMENT FOR 1440 E IMPERIAL U.S & CA VS MONTROSE CHEMICAL CO HOMETEL CARE IN EMBASSY SUITES 54 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Ci Attomey Date f � . �T LITIGATION FILE SANCON ENGINEERING INC VS JWM ENGINEERING INC US ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY VS CITY OF LA JACK W & AVA H MORGAN VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TONY CRAIG PHILLIPS VS WILLIAM M GLIICKMAN ACCIDENT ON JOB GAUDENTI R BRUNO BONNIE LENNING VS EL SEGUNDO GAUDENTI & SONS LANDSCAPING STATE CONTROLLER WORKSHEETS FOR APPLICATION FOR BAIL OUT FUNDS GILMAN VS EL SEGUNDO FLOOD DAMAGE CLAIM RELIABLE TOOL (340) MONTROSE CHEMICAL CONFIDENTIAL WINTHORP VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FISHER FERRARO VS EL SEGUNDO BUNBABIN VS EL SEGUNDO ELSTER VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WOOD VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ACCIDENT HELEN CESSNA BETTY JANE TAYLOR VS EL SEGUNDO SO CA EDISON DAMAGE JOSEPH ANDRECHT VS EL SEGUNDO HERBERT SETTLER CLAIM LINDA JACKENS CLAIM STORM DAMAGE MISCHELE MOUGHALION PACIFIC BELL CLAIM JAMES NIEHOFF LAUREL MCGEE VS EL SEGUNDO ISABEL LUNA JOHN PETRALIA DAVID OLEARY BARBRA STOUFER (341) CHECK STUBS 1/80 -3/80 (342) CHECK STUBS 7/80 -9/80 (343) JOB JACKETS 2060 E (344) IMPERIAL - 760 LAIRPORT 123 E OAK - 124 PENN (345) 125 PENN -2014 E ROSECRANS (346) r JOB JACKETS 143 LOMA VISTA - 929 LOMITA 55 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Date J (347) 1021 E EL SEGUNDO - 324 W EL SEGUNDO (348) LACTC AVIATION BLVD INTER AGENCY COMMITTEE LACTC 'SMART " STREETS SMART CORIDOR STATE WIDE STUDY COUNTY WIDE I LA TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LACTC BI- MONTHLY COMBINED ROAD PLAN REPORT FROM CAL -TRANS LACTC MISC INFO COMBINED ROAD PLAN FAU LAPSING FUND ENVIRONMENTAL SCAM 9/90 (349) CITY MANAGER STAFF MEETING 1991 -92 INVOICES PAYMENTS LEGAL CORSP SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT WASHINGTON PARK CONSTITUTION PARK HEATER REMD{ & AC OVERLAY CURBS & GUTTER FOR WASHINGTON & CALIFORNIA ST (350) TERMINATED EMPLOYEES 0, 1 . n ARTHUR WATERS JACK WATERS - STREET CHARLES WATKINS - FIRE ERIC WATKINS EUGENE WATTS JOHN WAYT CHARELS WESLEY TIM WEFEL PETE WHALON - RECREATION & PARKS RICHARD WILBANKS JAMES WHATLEY EDWARD WICK SHIRLEY WIDEN GREGORY WILLIAMS CLIFFORD WILSON WILLIAM WOODCOCK PETER ZALABACK JUANITA ZARILLIA WASCO ZEANCHOCK (351) INACTIVE BUSINESS LICENSE R -S UP TO 1988 (352) VIP FISCAL WORKSHEETS 2D FISCAL WORKSHEETS 56 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION (21z 1. iZ- 9— d?7 City Date � t� ADMINISTRATION FISCAL 1980 -81 CETA BACKGROUND REPORTS (353) COMPLAINTS PROPERTY RELATED RENT INSREASED CATV ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY MANAGER - ARTHUR E JONES 1986 TOP MANAGEMENT MEETINGS MINUTES COMPLAINTS MISC (354) WARRANTS 10/77 -1/78 MICROFILM (355) JOB JACKETS 933 -LOMITA - 1415 MAPLE (356) 101 S SEPULVEDA - 135 STANDARD (357) FIRE DEPT (358) FIRE DEPT (359) FIRE DEPT (360) FIRE DEPT TRAINING RECORDS TRAINING RECORDS LOG BOOKS 1/57 -12/88 (361) FIRE DEPT LOG BOOKS & FIRE PREVENTION DISPATCH LOGS (362) AAA SEARCH AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DIST ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL 1974 -76 ASSESMENT DISTRIC AUCTION SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY BICYCLE TRAIL PLAYA DEL REY REDONDO 1965 -74 BUDGET 1973 -74 BUDGET 1974 -76 BUILDING DEPT 1973 -74 BUSINESS LICENSE 1973 -74 CITY MANAGER ORDINANCE & AMENDMENTS 1955 -74 (363) STREET DEFICIENCY STATE GAS TAX FUNDS SCHEDULE OF GAS TAX EXPENDITURES 1970 CLASSIFICATION & NEEDS STUDY (364) STANDARD OIL CO 1957 -64 PLANNING COMMUNITY ` 57. APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City A3Urftey , 21 S Date POLICE DAILY LOG POLICE DEPT GENERAL CORSP MEMORIUM (365) CHECK STUBS 4/76 -6/76 (366) RAPID TRANSIT DIST RECREATION DEPT GENERAL 1974 -76 RECREATION & PARKS COMMISION 1957 -75 REVENUE SHARING FEDERAL RUBBISH DISPOSAL 1970.75 ESUSD 1973 -75 (367) CHECK STUBS 1/78 -3/78 (368) BYRNECE LYNAM PIERRE CONNOLY CHARLES LEWIS MELVYN GREEN JAMES BIRD BARTON MEEKER TOM SHIMIZU LYNN SPERRY BETTY TIDWELL ED VOSTRY BRUCEBARCUS WILLIAM WEEKS PERSONNEL COMPLAINTS FINANCE DEPT FIRE ZONE HILLTOP TRAILER PARK GRAND TRAILER PARK PLUMMING CODES ELECTRIC CODES ROSECRANS NOISE ABATEMENT USA.P SUPRESSOR EQUIPMENT INFO TANSPORTATION NOISE LA CITY NOISE INFO 928 EUCALYPTUS MINUTES 1969 -72 MODEL NOISE ORDINANCE NOISE CONSULTANT AIRPORT CITIES ACTION COMMITTEE AIRCRAFT & AIRPORT NOISE INFO FILE 58 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City A ey /2 -f-Y7 Date _b 2201 E ROSECRANS HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO SAN SEBASTIAN DEV CO DOUGLASS AIRCRAFT ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE STANDARD OIL ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PERMITS REVISION STANDARD OIL CO AEROSPACE CORP BUILDING REPORTS 1960 -72 CORSP 1970 MISC CORSP.1960 -68 (369) 1980 -81 CORSP BUILDING DEPT (370) I -105 CENTURY FREEWAY LIBRARY LAX HAZARD WASTE DISP LACD PERSONNEL SR CITIZEN HOUSING PLANNING DEPT POLICE DEPT CORSP (371) CITY ATTORNEY BILLS 1987 -88 INSURANCE LIABILITY EXCESS COVERAGE & MISC CORSP HYPERION WEEKLY STATUS REPORTS HACIENDA HOTEL FIRE DEPT. 1988 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (372) FIRE DEPT LOG BOOKS 10/65 -8/92 (373) FIRE DEPT LOG BOOKS 1959 -12/92 (374) FIRE DEPT LOG BOOKS BIC 5/58 -3/96 12/88 -9/84 (375) FIRE DEPT LOG BOOKS ENG 1/61 - 6/92 (376) JUDY ANDOE LEFT ANKLE SPRAIN 7/26/90 RICHARD AFANDOR SAW DUST IN LEFT EYE 1/8/91 VERNE ANTONIS BACK SPRAIN 2/6/97 t CRYSTAL ARNAY HEMATOMA TO FORE HEAD - 4/2/90 ` 59. APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION (.� /^ /fr- 12-4'77 dr-� City Anom*9" Date +7G ANTHONY AFFINITTO NECK MUSCLE POSSIBLE VERTABRAE INJ 9/92 REPORTED '93 MIKE ARMCHAMBAULT LEFT FOOT PAIN 10/23/90 MIKE ARCHABAULT RING FINGER LEFT HAND LACERATION 8/15/92 AUNDREA AZEVEDO PSYCOLOGY PROBLEMS 3114/92 BRUCE BARCUS PAIN TO R SIDE OF GROIN AREA 8/28/92 JOHN BIBEE BRUISED LEFT RIBCAGE 3/30/92 JAMES BURDICK CHEST PAIN & HIGH BLOOD PRESURE 2/7193 JAMES BURDICK LEFT KNEE MENISCUS TEAR 10/17/90 JIM BURDICK EXPOSURE TO PATIENT WITH TUBURCULOSIS 6/16/92 JAMES BURDICK STAIN TO LOWER BACK 4/25/92 JAMES BURDICK NECK & BACK PAIN 11/22/91 TIM BRENNER SWC 69052 TERENCE BRIGGS SPRAIN TO LEFT SMALL FINGER 9125192 LARRY BRUMELY DIFICULTY BREATHING CHILLS 2/27/92 JOESPH CAREVELLO LACERATION TO RIGHT FORE ARM 5/16192 CHARLES CARSON RIGHT ANKLE SPRAIN 4/14/92 CHARLES CARSON EXPOSURE TO TOXIC GASSES EYES SKIN & RESPIRATORY TRACT IMPARED CHARLES CARSON TONGUE LACERATION 10/19/91 GARY CHANDLER LOWER BACK PAIN 8/26/92 MIKE CHIDESTER STAIN TO LOWER BACK 11/30/92 MIKE CHIDESTER NECK & BACK STRAIN5 /14/92 BONNIE CLARK FOREIGN OBJECT RIGHT EYE 10/1/92 BONNIE CLARK NECK & BACK MUSCLE TENSION 9/3/87 BONNIE CLARK LEFT SHOULDER VEIN COLLAPSE 2125192 ALLYSON COLEMAN STRESS / STRAIN 10/5/90 DAVID COOPER BACK STRAIN / FACE CONTUSION 5/22/90 THOMAS CURTIS RESTRAINED LEFT KNEE 8/9/88 BEVERLY DE VALLERA RIGHT KNEE INJURY 10/17/91 SCOTT DOUKAKIS RIGHT FOOT SPRAIN 6/8/90 KURK DYPWICK SR 8/10/86 MARK EARLY STRAIN RIGHT KNEE 6/7/92 MARK EARLY PULLED RIGHT ABBDOMEN 12/8/92 MARK EARLY STRAIN BACK & HIP 717191 CARL EVANS INFLAMATION TO PELVIS AREAL 1/13/91 MARK FREEMAN NECK & BACK PAIN 12/11/91 WILLIAM FLEMING BOTH HEALS HEAL SPUR 12/17/91 WILLIAM FLEMING SYMPTON HEART DISEASE 4/3/91 ROBIN FORD RIGHT ANKLE TWISTED 6/16/92 REX FOWLER CUT TO LEFT KNEE 5/28/92 REX FOWLER HEAT RASH ON BACK 5/17/92 JOHN GILBERT BRONCHIAL PNEUMONIA AFFECTING LUNGS 9/14/92 BOOBY GREEN LEFT SHOLDER 216/91 REBECCA GREER RIGHT THUMB STRAIN 5/16/92 MARJORY JACOBS RINGING IN RIGHT EAR 12/24/92 DAVE JOHNSON POLICE STEVE JONES NECKISHOULDERMUSCLE SPASM 1/24/91 Mf APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Ci eY Date 1 THOMAS KENNEDY RIGHT ANKLE SPRAIN 7/5/90 GARY KRAMMER NASAL CONGESTION 9/23/91 GARY KRAMMER DIZZINES 6/4/90 GUNNAR LAET KNEE CONTUSION LEFT 4/5/89 ROGER LAKE ABNORMAL EKG 12/4/87 PHIL LAMBETH EXPOSURE TO TUBERCULOSIS 6116192 GEORGE LEWIS EXPOSURE TO TOXIC GAS BURNING FACE THROAT SKIN FATIGUE 4/25/92 RAYMOND LEWIS ANIEXIETY HEARING LOSS BACK INTERNAL HEADACHES 1/72 -3/88 ANDY MACHADO RIGHT FOREHEAD HIT WITH GOLF CLUBS 7/17192 STERLING MAGAN RIGHT FOREARM LACERATION 7/17/92 TWISTED ANKLE 6/6/90 RACHEL MCCASKEY INHALATION CHEMICLES 9/24/90 JANIS KID MITSUDA ANKLE SPRAIN 12/7/90 CARL NESSEL TWISTED OF LEFT KNEE ROBERT FLICKINGER PINCHED NERVE LOWER BACK 5124/90 ROBERT GUNNUE 3/18/81 DEAN HOWARD RIGHT SHOULDER & NECK SPRAIN 11/29/89 RICHARD LEIGH 7/23/84 (377) STEWART PERKINS RIGHT KNEE SPRAIN 1/9/89 NORMA WALKER HEAD CHEST INTERNAL PHYCHE 1983 -88 JAMES OBRIEN LEFT FOOT PAIN 11/20/91 NECK STRAIN 2/21/89 DOG BITES BOTH HANDS 4/30/90 JAMES PARTLOW LOWER BACK STRAIN 1/2190 NEAL PAYNE CUT SMASHED RIGGT HAND 5/15/90 BILL RAPOZA STRAINED RIGHT SHOULDER 8/6/90 GARY PRESTON ENTIRE BODY POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO MITES 6/12/92 OSHAN RUIZ CUT RIGHT FINGER 11/12/91 BROKEN JAW 6/26/90 PATRICIA RUIZ SPRAIN LEFT WRIST 11/21189 RICHARD SALMEN LACERATION TO RIGHT WRIST PAIN IN RIBS LEG 6/15/90 LOWER BACK STRAINED 6124/92 JOHN SELLERS LOWER BACK 5123/90 PATRICIA SLOAT BACK STRAIN 4/22/88 CALVIN SMITH SKIN RASH POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO SCABIES (IMPETIGO RIGHT SHOULDER MINOR TENDON DAMAGE 7/26/90 KEVIN SMITH EXPOSURE TO PATIENT WITH TUBERCULOSIS 6/16/92 ROBERT SOLAM STRESS ROBERT SONEK LEFT LOWER BICEP PAIN TENDERNESS RIGHT KNEE SPRAIN NECK STRAIN 1/1790 SAMUEL TARANGO LOWER BACK STRAIN BRUISED RIGHT ELBOW STIFFNESS 1/4/91 EXPOSURE TO TUBERCULOSIS 6/16/92 MITCHEL TEVERA LOWER BACK STRAIN 11/14/90 DOMINIC TRUJILLO SMASHED LEFT THUMB 1/11/90 FOREIGN OBJECT TO RIGHT THIGH 12/10/90 BEE STINGS ARM FACE & NECK JAMES TULLETTE EXPOSURE TO TUBERCULOSIS ROBERT TURNBULL DOG BITE TO LEFT LEG SHARP PAIN IN LOWER BACK 2/17/92 ANDREW USMANI PAIN LEFT WRIST ELBOW 5!'2/90. _ YVONNE VANOUSHESSDEN SEVERE BRUISE TO LEFT CALF LEFT SPRAIN THUMB 7/24/92 e-a APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION /2- 1-77, Ci omey Date CONTUSION RANKLE CERVICLE STRAINRICHARD WARD RIGHT SHOULDER STRAIN 1131/92 GREGORY WILLIAMS FOREIGN OBJECT LODGED IN EYE 6 /22 /90/ROBERT WYLE CUT RIGHT ARM SPRAIN LEFT THUMD 9/20/91 LEFT ANKLE TWISTED 5/9/92 PHILLIP BENTON CASE #ES780117 101178 ROBERT BOAZ POLICE MAURICE COLYAR BACK & RIGHT KNEE SPRAIN 4123187 ORVILLE T COOKE RICHARD DORSEY 1968 -87 GREGORY FERRIER STRESS 9/10/87 NEWLAND HINGLEY (378) CLOT WORTHY INJURY LOG 1989 -90 SUPERVISOR REPORT 1990 -92 INCIDENT REPORT 1990 -93 EMPLOYEE CLAIM FORMS COMPLETED 1993 FRANK MONTECALVO CUMMALAITVE STRESS 1/19/89 RICHARD AFANDOR STAIN TO LEFT RIB CAGE 10/8/91 MIKE ARCHAM 3AULT LEFT SHOULDER SPRAIN 6/5/91 MERLE BARNES LEFT ANKLE SPAIN 1123/92 CHARLES BELL SCRATCHED R FOREARM 7/11/91 CATHERINE BRUMBELOW CUT ON FACE NECK PAIN 1/6192 CHARLES CARSON CERVICAL STRAIN 8/8/91 GARY CHANDLER LOWER BACK STRAIN 2/24/91 JAMES CHRISTLCUT CHIN 7/10/91 KIM CARTER LEFT KNEE SPRAIN 2121/92 PATICIA CLAGG RIGHT INDEX FINGER CUT 2/18192 NANCY CURIA CUT RIGHT HAND 7/30/91 DANIEL DYE FRACTURE LEFT THUMB 7/25/91 RAYMOND ELLIOT DIESEL FUEL SPLASHED INTO EYES FACE 12/28/91 ALFREDO ESPINOZA CHEMICLH SPLASHED INTO LEFT EYE 9/26191 CARL EVANS LUMBAR SPRAIN BACK MUSCLES 1 /21 /91/ HYROM FEDJE BACK STRAIN 2/8/90 RICHARD FENDWICK RIGHT SPRAINED ANKLE 6/22/91 LORA FREEMAN CUT TO LEFT HAND PALM 311/91 MARK FREEMAN DISLOCATED RIGHT ELBOW 7118/91 THOMAS GARVIN PAIN IN RIGHT KNEE 5/23191 MARK HARRISON PINCHED NERVE LOWER BACK JERALD HILL BLOOD SPRAY INTO EYES 12110 91 JERALD HILL LEFT ANKLE SPRAIN 7/11191 LARRY JAMES HERNIA 12119/90 DONALD JOHNSON 1/23/90 R SHOULDER SPRAIN THOMAS KENNEDY BACK SPRAIN / BURSITIS 3/5/91 CARA LANDRETH EPILEPTIC SIEZURES 118191 MIKE LANGLEY PTERYGIRUM RIGHT EYE 8/13/$' TAMARA LOFTIN STAPLED LEFT THUMB 7181921 " �f? APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION llrPl cl omey Data z� G MARK LEES SMOKE INHALATION 2/9/91 GEORGE LEWIS LOWER BACK STRAIN 5/13/91 TIM MARKLE RIGHT HAND CAT BITE 11/30/90 GARY OCHWAT RIGHT BUTTOCKS PULLED 6/11/91 ROBERT OVERPECK BACK STRAIN 11/30/90 JOHN PETRELIA STOMACH PAIN 10/7/91 JOHN POWELL SPRAINED RIGHT KNEE 10/14/91 WILLIAM RAPOZA LOWER BACK STRAIN 9/11/91 CAREY ROWAN CUT RIGHT MIDDLE FINGER 7/29/91 FERN RUIZ LEFT HAND JAMED FINGERS 2120191 PA77CIA RUIZ LOWER BACK STRAIN 2/12192 STAN SHAFFER LEFT ANKLE SPRAIN 5/29/91 LINDA ROBINSON HEAD INJURY HEAD TEETH BACK WILLIAM SINKO LOWER BACK SHARP PAIN 10/13/91 WILLIAM SINKO UPPER BACK PAIN 9/8/91 ROBERT SONEK VOMIT EXPELLED BY PATIENT INTO RIGHT EYE 12/25/91 SAMUEL TARANGO HYPER EXTENSION LEFT SHOULDER 5130 91 PHILIP STOLNACK PAIN RIGHT ANKLE & KNEE 517191 MITCHEL TEVERA RIGHT LACERATION 12/5190 ALAN TITLE PIERCE RIGHT INDEX FINGER 1213/91 ROBERT TURNBULL RIGHT NOSTRIL CUT & LACERATION 11/27 91 ANDREW USMANI RIGHT ANKLE PAIN 3/19/92 RICHARD WILLIAMS BACK PAIN 7111191 DAMIAN VOS CUT IN HESD LEFT SIDE NEAR EYE 1125/91 JOE WILLIAMS BACK STRAIN 1/27191 JAMES O'BRIEN INHALATION OF MERCAPSAN 3119190 RICHARD SALMEN INHALED TOXIC FUMES 1/25/90 ROGER STEPHENSON HUMAN BITE LEFT LEG ABOVE KNEE 2122/90 DOMINIC TRUJILLO DIRT IN RIGHT EYE 2/15/90 DOMINIC TRUJILLO FRACTURE LEFT INDEX FINGER 3/22/90 SAMUEL TARANGO PUNCTURE WOUND RIGHT INDEX FINGER 3/24/90 CHRISTOPHER THOMAS LOWER BACK SPRAIN 1117/90 JOHN HISAMOTA TWISTED LEFT KNEE 4/2/90 DAVID JOHNSON STRESS & STRAIN 1986 -87 DAVID SPENCER RIGHT HAND JAMMED 6/25/90 VERONICA DIAZ CULIK INHALATION UNK CHEM 9/29/90 ART WATERS LATERAL EPICON DYLITIS 5110/89 DENNIS KORACH DIRT OR DUST IN LEFT EYE 1/9190 WAYNE TROUT LEFT KNEE STRAIN 1110190 KARL JOHNSON DOG BITE 10/4/89 BONNIE CLARKE POSSIBLE AIDS INFECTION PRICKED WITH NEEDLE 1987 PETER CAHIL CUT LOWER LEFT THIGH 813/90 DANIEL DYE ELEVATED HEART RATE PROPANE 12118/89 CARL EVANS LEFT KNEE 6/16186 MICHAEL HERRERA BACK PAIN TINGLING NL["BNFSS RIGHT LEG 6/24/89 CARL SEIFERT FIRE 63 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION l/ City otney Date i ERIC MOORE PALIPATION CARDIAC ARYTHMIAS 10/9189 (379) INTERCOAST LIFE & MED STATEMENTS PAYROLL INFO 1963 -68 (380) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO VS MANHATTAN BEACH 7175 LEO J RODE VS EL SEGUNDO DANIEL SEWARD VS EL SEGUNDO10/75 XEROX CORP VS COUNTY OF LA 1973 GERHART VANDRIE VS EL SEGUNDO 8173 WILLIAM COULTER VS EL SEGUNDO 6172 RICHARD J JENSON VS ELSEGUNDO 1973 EL SEGUNDO VS CORONA 9173 ANTITINST ACTION AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF SUPPORT MANHATTAN BEACH BAGLEY VS MB STATE OF CA VS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GREAT LAKES PROPERTIES INC VS EL SEGUNDO RICHARD SHALLA VS EL SEGUNDO DETROIT PRODUCTS CO 3/71 AMICUS CURIAE 1971 THROWING OF NEWS PAPPER ANTI TRUST STATE OF CA VS CHAS PFIFER STATE OF CA VS AMERICAN STANDARD CO CITY OF EL SEGUNDO VS MARY JANE 11/71 ANEXATION UNINHABITED 1919 STANDARD OIL CO OF AMERICA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO MAINTAIN WHARF AND SUCTION PIER EL SEGUNDO ANNEXATION UNINHABITED TERRITORY 1924 BUILDING CODE UNIFORM 1930 SPECIAL MUNICIPLE ELECTION 1943 EL SEGUNDO VS VERA WESTOVER 4163 SEWER BOND TRANSCRIPT 1925 EL SEGUNDO MANHATTAN BEACH & HERMOSA VS LA PEOPLE OF EL SEGUNDO & MANHATTAN BEACH VS LA EL SEGUNDO CA WATER SERVICE CO (381) WARRANTS MICROFILM 1178 -3/78 (382) WATER TURN ONS & SHUT OFF 1971 -78 (383) TREASURES OFFICE WORKERS COMP. REV SHARE TIME DEPOSITS REPOS 1979 -84 (384) TREASURES OFFICE DISBURSEMENT 7/69- 6/73., - 1/76- 6178 64 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION /2. f 9T �clv7ftmmy Date J � 4 (385) BUILDING &SAFETY PAPERS (386) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TIME CARDS ETC MISC (387) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO BUDGET BOOKS (388) ENGNR BOOKS (389) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MISC BOOKS (390) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MISC BOOKS (391) TREASURES REGISTER DISBURSEMENT (392) FLOOD CONTROL PLANS (393) EL SEGUNDO MISC FILES (394) WATER BASIN & ANNUAL BUDGET (395) 1978 TRAFFIC RECORDS (396) EL SEGUNDO MISC (397) WARRANTS MICROFILMED 9/78 -11/78 (398) EL SEGUNDO BLVD TRAFFIC SIGNAL ROSECRANS SOUTH BAY CORRIDOR STUDY STEERING COMMITEE SEPULVEDA BLVD NASH ST CONTRACT (399) EL SEGUNDO MISC REPORTS (400) REC PARK CHECK OUT ADDN ORDINANCE #801 APPLICATION RESIDENCE RECORDS TESTING LAB PLAN CHECK LOG UNCLASSIFIED USE PERMIT STANDARD OIL CO MISC INFO SUBDIVISION SOIL INFO 65 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION Az IF I' Date 1 � EL SEGUNDO SISTER CITY ASSN 1975 ORDINANCE LOT SPILLS AMENDMENTS TO CODE, NOISE TRAFFIC STUDY OF TRAILER PARKS 149 SHELDON ST HELMUT ERHARD BIENFIED PRESELY VS. ADAMS APPEALS BOARD EMANUEL JENSEN COMPLAINT STANDARD OIL CO STANDARD PLAN APPROVAL TRAINING GUIDE NOISE ORDINANCE VALUATION FEES UNIFORM CODE INFO ORDINANCES (401) C.E SMITH & RS SABOSKY WEED ABATEMENT (402) PW ENGG HYDRO ELECTRIC (403) TRANSPORTATION SHEL OIL PIPELNE GRANER & GRANER OIL PRODUCERS STANDARD OIL CO OIL WELLS #12 HAYEE LEWIS PETROLEUM CORP PAULEY PETROLEUM OIL WELLS COOPER & BRAIN INC PAULEY VARIANCES HEARING DEC 201950 STANDARD GAS CO (404) CABLE TV 1979 -80 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PLANNING DEPT 1981 -82 POLICE DAILY LOG 1981 -82 PUBLIC WORKS SEWER PURCHASE ORDERS INTL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSN INDEPENDENT CITIES OF LA INTER CITY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE KIWANIS CLUB LEAGUE OF CA CITIES PUBLIC TECHNOLOGY INCORPERATED LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES LA COUNTY SANITATION DIST, #5 66 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION i/ Clty i y ` /t- p' -9T Date STATE DEPT LABOR STATISTICS UNITED WAY WESTERN GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH ASSN REGIONAL COMMUNICATION OPERATION REPORTS COMPLAINTS 1980 (405) BUDGET 1978 -81 PRIOR YEARS APPROPRIATION STMTS BUDGET MATTERS AUTOMOBILE ORD PROGRAM PERFORMANCE BUDGETING PRINTING REQUEST CIVIC CENTER PURCHASE ORDERS PURCHASING INFO TRAVEL REQUEST (406) INOPERABLE VEHICLE ORD INFO PLAN CHECK LOG 1968 -72 PENDING PERMIT FILE PERSONNEL NEEDS PERMIT REFUNDS NAC CORSP 1984 LA BASIN CHAPTER ICBO INSTALATIONN BANQUET NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE 1982 -83 GRATTITUDE RETREAT LEONARDS DEPT STORE UNDERWOOD CONSTRUCTION RESCULUTION # 2052 EQB MINUTES `83 1983 CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL CORSP MISC 1983 TOP MANAGEMENT MEETINGS CA BUILDING OFFICIALS (407) PW ENGG CIP PROJECT (408) FIRE DEPT LOG BOOKS 1/48 -10/65 (409) CANCELLED CHECKS 4/89 -6/89 (410) STORM WATER PUMPING BOOKS (411) COMPUTER SCIENCE CORP VS COLICH & SONS PAC BELL VS COLLICH (412) e TERMINATED CITY EMPLOYEES 67 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City Date i 4 r PETE MACIP DOUGLASS MCINTYRE LAURA MIDDLETON BJ MOULTA SHARON MURPHY MATT NEALY DOUGLASS OLAFSEN ROBERT OLMSTED PATTY OLIVARRES CINDY OLSEN JUAN OROZCO DELANIE PENIATA TERRY PETERS TERRY PORTIER JACQUELINE SCHAUAR MICHAEL RIGINS ERIKA SCHUPPE LORISCHUPPE HELEN SLAKE ANTHONY SMITH MARSHAL SNIDER RENEE MAE TASH BRYAN SPERRY TERESA SWARTWOOD JAMESTOTARO JACQUELINE THOMPSON ALBERT VEGA LAURA VEGA DON WATKINS TRACEY WHITEHORSE MATT VINSON T W WILSON JUANA MARIE VAN DENDURG (413) FINANCE MISC (414) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL STORM DRAIN LATERALS RFQ SANITATION DMSION SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT (415) FUND DISTRIBUTION (416) BUILDING DEPT PERMITS 1976 (417) WATER STUBS 1970 68 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION ` �G/L �. /1✓�--- -�/.;Z /G -997 City Atto Date WARRANTS 12/31/73- 3129/74 (418) CHECK STUBS 1/72 -4n2 (419) CHECK STUBS 1/76 -3/76 (420) CHECK STUBS 1/81 -3/81 (421) WARRANTS 9/25/78- 11/24/78 MICROFII.MED (422) WARRANTS 12/8/78- 2/9/79 MICROFILMED (423) WARRANTS 1/25/77- 3/22177 MICROFILMED (424) STUBS 7/80 -9/80 (425) STUBS (426) WARRANTS & STUBS (427) WARRANTS & STUBS (428) JOB JACKETS 1111 E GRAND - 955 HILCREST (429) WARRANTS 1/80 -3/80 (430) WARRANTS 11/30/76 - 1/25/77 (431) WARRANTS (432) FIRE RESCUE UNIT VEHICLE BID ANALYSIS PRINTING 1974 BUS LICENSE METER BOXES WATER DEPT SUPLIES 1972 STEEL FOREIGN PIPE 1972 OIL & LUBERCANTS SOD CUTTERS 2- POLICE MOTORCYCLES WINDOW CLEANING AGREEMENT TIRE CHANGER PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES YARD LIGHTS & RELATED EQUIPMENT 69 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION City omey ' it —r-9r Date f { 7 3 -PHASE TRANSFORMER PORTABLE BUILDING RADAR UNIT PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT WATER FITTINGS HAND TOOLS PAINTING LIGHTPOLES STREET NAME SIGNS PORTABLE POLICE BUILDING FLAIL MOWER 150 GAL POWER SPRAY RIG FIRE & DOMESTIC SERVICE JACOBSON SOD MASTER DIAL -A -RIDE AUDITORS FILE ST OF CA STATE EMPLOYEES ASSESSED VALUATION AUCTIONS AWARD COMMITEE ANUAL AUDIT REPORTS BUDGET ORDINANCE BUILDING DEPT BUSINESS LICENSE CENSUS REPORT CASH BALANCE & PROJECTIVE CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER CITY TRESURER CONTROLLERS REPORT COUNCIL MINUTES COURT FINES COUNTY OF LA ROAD DEPT CIVIL DEFENSE EMPLOYEES ATTENDANCE REPORT EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION MASTER INSURANCE CLAIM FILE INSURANCE CORSP LIBRARY MUNICIPAL OFFICER ASSOCIATION INFO PARKS & RECS PUBLIC WORKS PERS SAFETY COMMITTE PLANNING DEPT STREET REPORT TAX RATE RESOLUTION 70 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION ��. � � City orney �2-f -9s Date t q() TAXES GASOLINE TAXES CIGARETTES TAX SALE TAX TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX PROPERTY LA COUNTY TAXES MOTOR VEHICLE TOPIC REVENUE WANT/WARRANTS SERVICE SAMPLE WATER BILLS XEROX COMPUTER SERVICE (433) CITY HALL & POLICE STATION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS CITY HALL BLDG RICHMOND & FRANKLIN CIVIC CENTER DEDICATION CIVIC CENTER LANDSCAPEING CITY HALL REMODLING 1969 FIRE DEPT DRILL TOWER CONSTRUCTION FIRE STATION E OF SEPULVEDA INVENTORY FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT LIBRARY FURNITURE BIDS LIBRARY EXPANSION PUBLIC ADDRES SYSTEM CITY HALL 1969 FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT RECREATION CENTER RECREATION CENTER CONSTRUCTION & LAND ACQUISITION BUILDING MAINTENANCE WATER DEPT NEW FACILITY BUILDING POLICE FACILITY STUDY 71. APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION C ey Date ` 4" 1 y ACTION TAKEN: DISCUSSION: El Segundo Janitorial RFP provided all supplies as requested in the RFP, however they should be disqualified from the proposal because they were non - responsive with their Financial Statement, staffing levels, total hours per site per day, what class of workers would be provided, and gave insufficient information on the vendor questionnaire. Coastal Cleaning is the lowest responsive proposal for the Library The Recreation & Parks Director met with Coastal Cleaning and discussed the owner's comments regarding "over stated Monthly Service level requirements" at the Recreation & Parks Department locations. Coastal submitted a revised Monthly Service schedule with pricing with which the Recreation & Parks Department is in agreement and would likes to their professional rernmmona�..,.,.- - -J -- - EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 8, 2000 Award Janitorial Services contract for both the Library and Recreation & Parks Department facilities to Coastal Cleaning. Fiscal Impact: Library $21,550 Recreation & Parks $43,950 TOTAL: $65,500 COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Disqualify El Segundo Janitorial Services' RFP for being non - responsive 2) Award Janitorial Services Contract to Coastal Cleaning. Authorize staff to execute a one -year period with an option for three additional one -year extensions for a maximum total contract length of four years for both the Library and Recreation & Parks Department facilities. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Request for proposals were sent out to ten perspective vendors. Seven vendors attended the Library and Recreation & Park facilities walk - through. The facilities include: The Library, Gordon Clubhouse, Joslyn Center, Teen Center, Checkout Bldg., Senior Outreach Office, Recreation Park Restrooms & Showers, and Acacia & Hilltop Park Restrooms. Four proposals were received and opened by the City Clerk. Only two of the four vendors included the price of all supplies as requested in the RFP. The result of the one responsive proposal received with supplies is as follows: (Per Year) Library Parks Coastal Cleaning $21,550 $43,950 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Staff report of Information Details from J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent. FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: X Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $65.500 Project/Account Budget: Library- 522.0001 Parks - 544.000 Project/Account Balance: $66.000 Date: 2125/00 Account Number: Library: 6101 -6214: Parks: 400.5102: 400 -5201: 400 - 5203: 400 -5204: 400 -5205: 400 -5206 Project Phase: Aooroval of innitorial service Appropriation Required - Yes_ NO X ORIGINATED: Date: 2128100 Debra Brighton, Library DirectorP1c(A�511hu�7M= Greg Johnson, Recreation & Parks BY: 9 /-'° _c� 8 ATTACHMENT sccu� of Segundit Date: February 10, 2000 To: Debra Brighton, Library Director Greg Johnson, Recreation 8 Parks Director From- J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Subject: Request for Proposal for Janitorial Services — Staff Report Information Details 1. Request for Proposals were sent out to ten prospective vendors 2. Seven vendors showed up at the mandatory Pre -bid ConferenceNValk- Through. 3 Four proposals were received and opened by the City Clerk. a. Four of these vendors included pricing without suoolies. b. Only two of the four vendors included vdcina with supplies. 4. The City has decided to obtain these professional services with supplies included. The term `supplies' means the vendor will purchase all supplies taking this out of the responsibility of the City, and the City will periodically meet with the vendor regarding service and level of supplies. Therefore, we are only looking at the two proposals received from El Segundo Janitorial and Coastal Cleaning. 5. The lowest responsive proposal (with or without supplies for the Library) Is Coastal Cleaning within 19998000 budget dollars. 6. Coastal Cleaning is a City of El Segundo business with its headquarters and warehouse facility located within the City limits. 7. It would be in the City's best Interest to contract with one vendor for these professional services 8 Contract Time: The contract shall be for a one -year period with an option for three additional one -year terms, for a maximum total contract length of four years, effective upon receipt of a signed purchase order from the City each fiscal year. The City upon thirty- (30) days' written notice may cancel the contract (as called out In the RFP). Request authorization to handle contract extensions yourselves. 9. Disqualification of El Segundo Janitorial Proposal Non - Responsive on the following areas: a. Section 1.3 Financial Statement - Not Included. b. Section 20.0 No mention of staffing levels for each site, total hours per day and plan of what cless(s) of workers to be provided, in order to evaluate proposed monthly costs against, as requested In the RFP. c. Section 22.0 Vendor Questionnaire — insufficient information t <-:.eived. 10. Proposal recommendation from Coastal Cleaning regarding section 9.2 a.b.c. under Monthly Service concerns at Recreation 3 Parks department locations. 11. Contract history and excellent service record with Coastal Cleaning at the Library in the past 12 In the RFP the City reserves the right to add or delete buildings/facilities at any bme during the his of the contract or resulting extensions. c Bret Plumlee, Finance Director aid fa Janilo" Services - Staff Report Infomx+llon THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8th day of March, 2000, between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Coastal Cleaning, hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR ". In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows. 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the services set forth in Exhibit "A" "REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. PA2000 -01" and Exhibit "B" "RECOMMENDATIONS BY CONTRACTOR" both of which are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof. CONTRACTOR represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience and facilities to properly perform said services, provide all materials and equipment in a thorough, competent and professional manner and shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law, including but not limited to, a valid El Segundo Business License. CONTRACTOR shall begin its services under this Agreement on April 1, 2000. CONTRACTOR shall complete each of the services required by the agreement to the City's satisfaction If the City is not satisfied with any such services, the CONTRACTOR shall work on such matter until the City approves of the service. Further, CONTRACTOR shall complete the services, provide all materials acid- equipment set forth in exhibit A strictly according to the schedule provided therein. RFP for Janitorial Services for Library Rec 8 Parks (Service Agreement) -1- yAJ 2. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly Independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of CONTRACTOR shall at all times be under CONTRACTOR's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of Its officers, employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of CONTRACTOR or any of CONTRACTORSs officers, employees or agents, except as set forth In this Agreement and Request For Proposal. CONTRACTOR shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are In any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. CONTRACTOR shall not Incur or have the power to Incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. CONTRACTOR shall not disseminate any information or reports gathered or created pursuant to this Agreement without the prior written approval of City except information or reports required by government agencies to enable CONTRACTOR to perform its duties under this Agreement. 3. CONTRACTOR'S KNOWLEDGE OF APPLICABLE LAWS. CONTRACTOR shall keep itself informed of applicable local, state and federal taws and regulations which may affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its services pursuant to this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall observe and comply with all such laws and regulations affecting its employees. City and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity as a result of any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with this section. RFP for Janibnal Services for Ubrary Rec $ Parka (Semce Agreement) -2- 1 IE 4. PERSONNEL. CONTRACTOR shall make every reasonable effort to maintain the stability and continuity of CONTRACTOR's staff assigned to perform the services hereunder and shall obtain the approval of the Library Director and /or Recreation and Parks Director of all proposed staff members performing services under this Agreement prior to any such performance. 5. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. Payments shall be made approximately thirty (30) days after receipt of each invoice as to all non - disputed fees If the City disputes any of CONTRACTOR's fees it shall give written notice to CONTRACTOR in 30 days of receipt of a invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. 6. ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein or listed in Exhibit "A ", unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City. CONTRACTOR shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to the City and CONTRACTOR at the time City's written authorization is given to CONTRACTOR for the performance of said services. p -n RFP for Jemtonal Ser ims for LWrary Rae & Parks (SOMM Agreement) -3- 4 i 7. ASSIGNMENT. All services required hereunder shall be performed by CONTRACTOR, its employees or personnel under direct contract with CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR shall not assign to any subcontractor the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without the prior written consent of Library Director and/or Recreation and Parks Director. 8. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be terminated with or without cause by either party upon 30 days written notice. In the event of such termination, CONTRACTOR shall be compensated for non - disputed fees under the terms of this Agreement up to the date of termination. 9. DEFAULT. In the event that CONTRACTOR is in default of any provision of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating CONTRACTOR for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the CONTRACTOR. 10. INDEMNIFICATION. (A) CONTRACTOR REPRESENTS IT IS SKILLED IN THE PROFESSIONAL CALLING NECESSARY TO PERFORM THE SERVICES AND DUTIES AGREED TO HEREUNDER BY CONTRACTOR, AND CITY RELIES UPON THE SKILLS AND KNOWLEVvE OF CONTRACTOR. - "LONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM SUCH SERVICES AND DUTIES CONSISTENT WITH THE STANDARDS GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS BEING EMPLOYED BY RFP for Janitorial Services for Library Rec 8 Parks (Somme Agftw~t) -4- 1 I iS PROFESSIONALS PERFORMING SIMILAR SERVICE IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. (B) CONTRACTOR IS AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AND SHALL HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO BIND CITY NOR TO CREATE OR INCUR ANY OBLIGATION ON BEHALF OF OR LIABILITY AGAINST CITY, WHETHER BY CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE, UNLESS SUCH AUTHORITY IS EXPRESSLY CONFERRED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR IS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY CONFERRED IN WRITING BY CITY CITY, ITS ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS (INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY, "INDEMNITEES ") SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO CONTRACTOR OR TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR, AND CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, PROTECT AND HOLD HARMLESS THE INDEMNITEES FROM AND AGAINST, ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES, CLAIMS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, PROCEEDINGS, SUITS, DAMAGES, JUDGMENTS, LIENS, LEVIES, COSTS AND EXPENSES OF WHATEVER NATURE, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS (COLLECTIVELY "CLAIMS "), WHICH THE INDEMNITEES MAY SUFFER OR INCUR OR TO WHICH THE INDEMNITEES MAY BECOME SUBJECT BY REASON OF OR ARISING OUT OF ANY INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON(S), DAMAGE TO Pm011itIRTY, LOSS OF USE i:i_ PROPERTY, ECONOMIC LOSS OR OTHERWISE OCCURRING AS A RESULT OF OR ALLEGEDLY CAUSED BY THE PERFORMANCE OR FAILURE TO PERFORM BY RFP for Jansonal Services for Library Rec & Parks (Service Agreement) -5- ;�c CONTRACTOR OF CONTRACTOR'S SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR THE NEGLIGENT OR WILLFUL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF CONTRACTOR, ITS AGENTS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR EMPLOYEES, IN PERFORMING ANY OF THE SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. IF ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING IS BROUGHT AGAINST THE INDEMNITEES BY REASON OF ANY OF THE MATTERS AGAINST WHICH CONTRACTOR HAS AGREED TO INDEMNIFY THE INDEMNITEES AS ABOVE PROVIDED, CONTRACTOR, UPON NOTICE FROM THE CITY, SHALL DEFEND THE INDEMNITEES AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE BY COUNSEL ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY THE INDEMNITEES NEED NOT HAVE FIRST PAID ANY OF THE MATTERS AS TO WHICH THE INDEMNITEES ARE ENTITLED TO INDEMNITY IN ORDER TO BE SO INDEMNIFIED. THE INSURANCE REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED BY CONTRACTOR UNDER PARAGRAPH 11 SHALL ENSURE CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS PARAGRAPH 10(B), BUT THE LIMITS OF SUCH INSURANCE SHALL NOT LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF CONTRACTOR HEREUNDER. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH 10(B) SHALL SURVIVE THE EXPIRATION OR EARLIER TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. THE CONTRACTOR'S INDEMNIFICATION DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS OCCURRING AS A RESULT OF THE CITY'S NEGLIGENT OR WILLFUL ACTS OR OMISSIONS CONTRACTOR HAS READ THIS SECTION 10 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND KNOWINGLY AND WILLING ACCEPTS THE OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. 11. INSURANCE. A. Insurance Requirements. CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain insurance acceptable to the City Attorney in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement, against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by CONTRACTOR, its agents, representatives or employees. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII CONTRACTOR shall provide the following scope and limits of insurance. (1) Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: (a) Insurance Services Office form Commercial General Liability coverage (Occurrence Form CG 0001). (b) Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/87) covering Automobile Liability, including code 1 "any auto" and endorsement CA 0025, or equivalent forms subject to the written approval of the City. (c) Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the Labor Code of-State of California and Employers Liability insurance and covering all persons providing services on RFP for Jan tonal somm for Ubrary Rec 8 Parka (Sainte Agreement) _7_ 5; behalf of the CONTRACTOR and all risks to such persons under this Agreement (Not needed if Self- employed with no employees and CONTRACTOR signs statement to this effect.) (2) Minimum Limits of Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain limits of insurance no less than- (a) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily Injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate Ilmt shall apply separately to the activities related to this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (b) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (c) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' Compensation as required by the Labor Code of the r State of California and Employers Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. RFP for Jandonal Semmes for IJbrary Rec 6 Parks (Serum Agreement) -B- r , B Other Provisions. Insurance policies required by this Agreement shall contain the following provisions (1) All Policies. Each insurance policy required by this paragraph 11 shall be endorsed and state the coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by the insurer or either party to this Agreement, reduced in coverage or in limits except after 30 days' prior written notice by Certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. (2) General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages. (a) City, its officers, officials, and employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as respects- liability ansing out of activities CONTRACTOR performs, products and completed operations of CONTRACTOR; premises owned, occupied or used by CONTRACTOR, or automobiles owned, leased or hired or borrowed by CONTRACTOR The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City, its officers, officials, or employees. (b) CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect to City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self insurance maintained by City, its officers, ^fficiais, employees or volunteers shall apply in excess of, and not contribute with, CONTRACTOR's RFP for Janitorial Semeas for Ubrary Rec & Parka (Semce Agreement) -9- • V Insurance (c) CONTRACTOR's Insurance shall apply separately to each Insured against whom claim Is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the Insurer's liability. (d) Any failure to comply with the reporting or other provisions of the policies Including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (3) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Coverage. Unless the City Manager otherwise agrees In writing, the Insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against City, its officers, officials, employees and agents for losses arising from work performed by CONTRACTOR for City. C. Other Requirements. CONTRACTOR agrees to deposit with City, at or before the effective date of this contract, certificates of insurance necessary to satisfy City that the insurance provisions of this contract have been complied with. CONTRACTOR shall furnish City with copies of original endorsements effecting coverage required by this F Section. The certificates and endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. City RFP for Janitorial Semoss for Library Rec 6 Parks (Samoa Agreement) -10- reserves the right to inspect complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time (1) Any deductibles or self - Insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. At the option of the City, either the Insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self - Insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, or the CONTRACTOR shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, defense expenses and claims. (2) The procuring of such required policy or policies of Insurance shall not be construed to limit CONTRACTOR's liability hereunder nor to fulfill the indemnification provisions and requirements of this Agreement. 12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is the complete, final, entire and exclusive expression of the Agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations by any party which are not embodied herein and that no other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding. RFP for Janhonal Ser races for Library Rec & Parks (Service Agreement) -11- 5 13. GOVERNING LAW. The City and CONTRACTOR understand and agree that the laws of the State of Califomia shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. 14. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBSTITUTION. City has an interest in the qualifications of and capability of the persons and entities who will fulfill the duties and obligations imposed upon CONTRACTOR by this Agreement. In recognition of that interest, neither any complete nor partial assignment of this Agreement may be made by CONTRACTOR nor changed, substituted for, deleted, or added to without the prior written consent of City Any attempted assignment or substitution shall be ineffective, null, and void, and constitute a material breach of this Agreement entitling City to any and all remedies at law or in equity, including summary termination of this Agreement. 15. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. The terms of this Agreement can only be modified in writing approved by the City Council and the CONTRACTOR. The parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and any attempted waiver shall be void. RFP for Janitorial SerAoas for Library Rec 8 Parka (SeMCe Agreement) -12- 5' 16. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE. The person or persons executing this agreement on behalf of CONTRACTOR warrants and represents that he /she /they has /have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of his /her /their corporation and warrants and represents that he /she /they has /have the authority to bind CONTRACTOR to the performance of its obligations hereunder 17. NOTICES. Notices shall be given pursuant to this Agreement by personal service on the party to be notified, or by written notice upon such party deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Service addressed as follows: Citv• Attention: Ms. Cindy Mortesen City Clerk City Clerk's Department City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 -3813 Telephone: (310) 607 -2208 Facsimile- (310) 322 -7137 Contractor. Attention. Alex Abad Coastal Cleaning 337 Kansas Street, Suite G El Segundo, CA 90245 -4436 Telephone: (310) 322 -6669 Facsimile: (310) 322 -0064 The notices shall be deemed to have been y:ven as of the date of peroonal service, or three (3) days after the date of deposit of the same in the custody of the United States Postal Service. RFP for Janis" Services for Library Rec 6 Parks (Service Agreement) -13- 1 5 ;' 18. SEVERABILITY. The Invalidity in whole or in part of any provision of this agreement shall not void or affect the validity of the other provisions of this Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO By Title: Mike Gordon. Mayor ATTEST Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk RFP for Janitonal Serwoes for Library Roe 8 Parks (Serme Agreament) -14- con By Title APP ,00YED AS TO FORM: t rk D. H ey, ity Attomay 2 � r EXHIBIT A - Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax 6031843-1915 RFP Data RFP Number: # PA2000 -01 Commodity Title: Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library Issue Date December 21, 1999 Day 1 Date, Tuesday, January 25, 2000 Time: 11:00 A.M. Location. City Clerk's Office 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Directions: Park on the north side of City Hall on Holly Street. Enter City Hall through the double glass doors. Proceed down the hall to Room 5, the first office on the right -hand side. 1.0 General Specifications 2.0 Area Assignments 3.0 Change Orders 4.0 Change in minimum number of weekly routine hours 5.0 Contract Administrators 60 Locations & Times — Recreation & Parks Department 7.0 Daily Services — Recreation & Parks Department 8.0 Weekly Services 9.0 Monthly Services 10.0 Quarterly Services 110 Biannual Services 12.0 Other Services 13.0 Daily Services — Library Department 14.0 Weekly Services 15.0 Monthly Services 16.0 Quarterly Services 17.0 Biannual Services 18.0 Annual Services 19.0 Other Services 20.0 RFP Proposal Sheet 21.0 Bidder Requirements On -Site Services (Non - Technology Related) 22.0 Vendor questionnaire The Office of the City Clerk must receive sealed written Responses no later than the date, time and location indicated above for the Bid Opening. Submittal of Response by fax is not acceptable. Note: This RFP does not constitute an order for the goods or services specked. _'59 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 310/322 -4670 — Fax 6031843 -1915 Notice is hereby given that sealed Proposals will be received in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 350 Main St, El Segundo, California, 90245 until 11 :00 a.m. Tuesday, January 25, 2000. All bids will be opened at that time. All bids must be sealed and clearly marked "Janitorial Services, RFP # PA- 2000 -01." A mandatory Pre -bid Conference/Walk- Through will be held where each bidder will have the opportunity to resolve questions regarding the specifications. The Pre -bid Conference/Walk- through will be held at 9.00 a.m , January 6, 2000 at the Joslyn Center, 339 Sheldon Street, El Segundo. All buildings included in this bid will be inspected. Please allow a minimum of four (4) hours for this Conference/Walk-Through. All items are to be in accordance with the attached specifications. Instructions to Bidders Definitions - The following meanings are attached to the following defined words when used in these specifications and the contact: The word "City" means the City of El Segundo, California. The word "Bidder" "Vendor," or "Contractor" means the person, firm, or corporation submitting a bid on these specifications or any part thereof. Filing Date All bids must be received at or before the time indicated above. Copies of all forms, specifications, and exhibits are available in the Business Services Division of the City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245, (310) 322 -4670, ext. 701. Reservations: The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids received, to take all bids under advisement for up to 90 days after opening, to waive any informality in any bid, and to be the sole judges of the relative merits of the material mentioned in the respective bids received. The council also reserves the right to reject any item(s), award more than one contract for each of the items, and reject bids that are not accompanied by the requested information. Bidders are hereby notified that the successful bidder must be properly licensed to do business in the City of El Segundo before commencing the work under the contract awarded hereunder, if required by the contract. Bid Form. The proposal must be: 1) made on the forms provided, 2) submitted in quadruple sets, clearly marked "RFP for Janitorial Services," showing the RFP number and addressed to the City Clerk, City of El Segundn, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California, 90245. No telephone bids will be accepted. If an individual makes the bid, said bid must be signed by that individual, with the full name and address provided. If bid is made by a partnership, said bid must be signed by a partner, with the full name and address of each partner provided. If bid is made by a corporation, said bid must be signed by the proper officer in the corporate name with the corporate seal attached to each signature. ;�J Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax 603/843 -1915 All blank spaces in the Proposal must be properly completed. Proposal shall be in ink or typewritten The phraseology of the bid must not be altered in any way. Unless otherwise stated, bids will be received on one or more, or all items. Bidders are invited to be present at the time the bids are opened. Bidders must specifically quote on UNITS as shown on the proposal sheet. In the case of error in extension of prices, the unit price will govern. Proposals are subject to acceptance by the City for a period of three months, unless a different period is prescribed in the Proposal by the bidder. Contract The Bidder to whom the award is made will be required to enter into a written contract with the City. The contract may be in the form of a purchase order. A copy of the Invitation to Bid, the vendor Proposal, and the contract specifications will be attached to, and form part of the contract All materials, supplies, equipment, and services supplied by the vendor shall conform to the applicable requirements of State and Federal laws governing labor and wages, as well as conforming to the specifications herein. In case of default by the vendor, the City reserves the right to procure the articles from other sources and to hold the vendor responsible for any excess costs incurred by the City. Before commencing work, the Bidder to whom the contract is awarded is required to be licensed to do business in the City of El Segundo. Payments: Payments on the contract will be made approximately 30 days from the completion ano acceptance of the service, unless alternate terms are proposed and accepted by the City. The City may consider prompt payment discounts when calculating the lowest bid if the end result benefits the City. Taxes- The City of El Segundo is exempt from paying Federal excise taxes. These taxes are not to be included. Errors/ Omissions: The vendor shall not be allowed to take advantage of any errors and/or omissions in these specifications or in the vendor's specifications submitted with the Proposal. Full instructions will be given if such errors /omissions are discovered and vendor agrees to abide by said instructions. Force Majeure: The vendor will be excused from the performance of the contract, in whole or in part, only by reason of the following causes- a. When such performance is prevented by operation of law. b. When such performance is prevented by an irresistible superhuman cause. r; Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax 603/843-1915 c When such performance is prevented by an act of the public enemies of the United States of America, or the State of California, or by strike, mob violence, fire, delay in transportation beyond the control of the vendor, or unavoidable casualty d. When such performance is prevented by the inability of the vendor to secure necessary matenals, supplies, or equipment by reason of. Appropriation of use thereof by the Federal Govemment, or 2 Regulations imposed by the Federal Govemment. No other Force Ma)eure causes or conditions may be inserted in this bid, and any changes in the conditions stated herein will cause the bid to be rejected. Default a. If the vendor fails in any manner to fully perform and cant' out each and all of the terms, covenants, and conditions of the award, then the vendor is in default of the contract. The vendor shall be noted in writing of the default status, and will be given a time frame in which to comply. If the vendor fails to comply within said time frame, the City, at its option, may terminate or cancel the contract, and, at the expense of the contractor, complete the contract with an alternate contractor. b. Such termination shall not affect or terminate any of the rights of the City against the vendor, which may thereafter accrue because of such default. The foregoing provision shall be in addition to all other rights and remedies available to the City under law. c The waiver of a breach of any term, covenant, or condition hereof shall not operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other tern, covenant, or condition hereof. References- Please provide at least three or more references, including contact name and phone number, that you have current contracts with, preferably firms in the South Bay area. Bidders' List- Failure to submit a bid, including a "No Bid" response, may cause the Bidder's name to be removed from the City's Bidcelas s' List. J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent i. Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 310/322 -4670 — Fax 603/643 -1915 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL 1.1 Statement of Work The contractor shall provide a work force of company bonded skilled custodians, materials, tools, equipment, and transportation to perform Ianitonal seances at public buildings under the jurisdiction of the City of El Segundo's Recreation & Parks and Library Departments The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying all supplies and equipment, which are required in connection with the services to be performed under contract. All materials are subject to the approval of the City's Recreation & Parks Director and the Library Director 1.2 Contract Time The contract shall be for a one -year period with an option for three one -year additional terms, for a maximum total contract length of four years, effective upon receipt of a signed purchase order from the City each fiscal year. The City upon thirty- (30) days' written notice may cancel the contract. The contractor may cancel the contract with the City upon ninety- (90) days' written notice. 1.3 Financial Statement The bidder shall provide a balance sheet for the last operating year, plus additional information updating this statement. 14 Additions /Deletions The City reserves the right to add or delete buildingstfacilities at any time during the life of the contract or resulting extensions, with ten (10) days' written notice to the contractor. Additions shall be added at the contract rate per square foot for comparable facilities under contract. If there are no comparable facilities, the price shall be negotiated by the City with the contractor If the request for additional work begins during a billing cycle, the payment shall be prorated for the month in which work commenced. 1 5 Hourly Rate /Certified Payroll The bid document must reflect all charges for labor, materials, tools, and transportation and must include overhead and profit. A breakdown of hourly rates per custodian(s) or supervisor(s) is not required. 1.6 Progress Payments a. The contractor will be paid only for each square foot of area maintained as verified by the City. J Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone. 310/322 -4670 — Fax. 6031843 -1915 b. The contractor is required to perform the daily /nightly, weekly, or monthly maintenance operations specified in the contract document. Failure on the part of the contractor to perform any such maintenance operations will result in the progress payment deductions equivalent to the product resulting from the multiplication of the units (or subunits) square footage times the costisquare foot quoted by the contractor times the number of working nights of failed performance. c The City's contract administrators will notify the contractor's crew supervisor of failure to perform any required operation This notification will be in writing and will indicate the operation not performed, along with the location, time, dates, unit, subunit, square footage, and amount to be deducted from the upcoming progress payment. d. All progress payments will be for work performed as adjusted to reflect deductions for failure to perform as specified 1.7 Custodians - Rejection /Replacement The City reserves the right to reject any custodian or supervisor of the contractor's work force. It shall be the contractoris responsibility to replace such rejected workers in a manner that will not affect the execution of the contract responsibilities as specified in the contract document. 18 Work Force/Schedule /Shift/Manpower a The work force shall consist of company bonded skilled custodians and include any subcontractors. The contractor's crew(s) shall be under the supervision of a contractor - designated Custodial Leadworker. The designated Lead worker shall have the ability to communicate with City staff in English. In the event of the absence of the regular Leadworker, it will be the responsibility of the contractor to designate an acting Leadworker to oversee the crew while performing the maintenance operations specified by the contract. The contractor must notify the City of any such designation before the beginning of any shit by contacting the City's contract administrators at (310) 322 -4670 (to be determined). b. The City reserves the right to change the work hours and shift schedule. The contractor shall be noted at least one (1) full week prior to such changes. c. The City will not recognize any holidays as paid holidays for the contractor employees. d. Identification of Vehicles All vehicles and equipment utilized in connection with the contract shall visibly marked with company identification. '�,ti Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 310/322-4670— Fax 603!643 -1915 e All employees must beat least eighteen (18) years of age and thoroughly trained and qualified in the work assigned to them. All employees must be able to follow directions. Employees must also be physically capable of the duties assigned to them, including lifting /moving heavy items, climbing ladders, etc. f. Contractor shall provide uniforms to the employees who are assigned to do the work on the contract, so that the contractor's employees may be easily identified. Uniforms shall bear the employees' name and the company's name and /or logo and shall present a professional appearance g Contractor(s) may not allow on City premises any person who is not an employee or principal with the company, and currently on duty All paperwork, documents, magnetic media, and any other media at City offices are considered to be confidential and privileged. Contractor's employees are not authorized to read or make use of any paperwork on or in any desks or offices. 1.9 Custodial Program - Level of Service a. The City shall regulate precisely the service level desired. b The City shall have absolute control over custodial program direction and execution. C The contractor shall provide all cleaning equipment, supplies, and transportation to and from the public buildings under contract. 1.10 Labor Strike a. The contractor shall be responsible for its own labor relations with any trade or union representative among its employees and shall negotiate and be responsible for adjusting all of the disputes between itself and its employees or any union representing such employees. Whenever the contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the services, the contractor shall immediately give written notice thereof to the City. b. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to provide continuous maintenance services, without interruption, to all buildings and facilities specked herein. In the event of a labor strike, the contractor shall provide other means, at contractor's cost, to provide continuous and comparable service. Failure to do so will cause the City to take whatever action is necessary to provides the service, with any cost above and beyond the contractor normal rates (which will be deducted from the contractor's progress payment) to the City being bome by the contractor. 7 1 �` J Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone. 3101322 -4670 — Fax 603/843 -1915 1.11 Subcontractor /Assignment of Contract The contractor shall not subcontract any portion of this contract or any additions made to the contract without first receiving approval from the City. All persons engaged in custodial maintenance work shall be considered employees of the contractor, with the supervisor being directly responsible for their work. The contract may not be assigned to another owner or entity without City approval. 1.12 Duties and Responsibilities a The City's Recreation & Parks Director and the Library Director or their designated representative(s) will act as the contract administrator and will manage, coordinate, and administer the contract, and verify completion of all maintenance operations specified in the contract document. He /She will also provide written notice of failure to perform the contract and indicate the amount to be deducted from the forthcoming progress payment b. The contractor's Leadworker /supervisor is responsible for the execution of the maintenance operations specified herein He /She represents the contractor and is responsible for the supervision of the contractors employees while they are performing the )anitonal service. 1 13 Quality of Work All work shall be performed in accordance with the best maintenance, safety practices and standards of cleanliness. The City shall inspect the work performed by the contractor and approve or reject the work and materials used. Failure on the part of the contractor to correct poor workmanship or substandard performance will result in the initiation of a written notice of failure to perform and /or cancellation of contract 1 14 Scope It is the intent of the following scope of work to provide all maintenance services, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment and transportation necessary to clean all portions of the facilities specked in the contract. It is understood and agreed that only the highest possible industry standards of cleanliness will be accepted and shall be consistently maintained. The areas to be maintained include all offices, general work areas, kitchen areas, activity rooms, meeting rooms, halls, hallway storage areas, locker rooms, hardwood floors, custodial closets, restrwms, and shower rooms 1.15 Delivery of Supplies The contractor shall schedule its own supply deliveries and the supply deliveries of its vendors during times that cause minimum disruption and inconvenience to the City's operations. The contract administrator shall have the unilateral right to define certain times during each 24 -hour period when deliveries will be prohibited. Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax 603/843-1915 1 16 Disclosure of Information a. The contractor agrees that it will not during or after the term of this contract disclose any proprietary information or confidential business information of the City, including but not limited to its costs, charges, operating procedures, or methods of doing business to any person, firm, corporation, association, or other entity or to the general public for any reason or purpose whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the City. Such confidential or proprietary information received by the contractor shall be used by it exclusively in connection with the performance of the services. b. The contractor shall not issue or release for publication any articles, advertising or publicity matters relating to the services performed by the contractor hereunder or mentioning or implying the name of the City or its respective personnel, without the prior written consent of the City. 1 17 Energy Conservation /Recycled Goods Usage The contractor shall comply with all energy conservation and recycling practices of the City. 1 18 Employee Food Service The contractor shall not be allowed to bring on to the City's property any food or beverage catering trucks, vending machines, or other serving facilities without prior written authorization from the contract administrator. 1.19 Key Control a. The contractor shall adequately secure the keys, other entry devices, and codes provided by the City. The contractor shall maintain a record of the key numbers issued to its employees. b. The contractor shall not duplicate and shall not allow such items to be duplicated or removed from the site of the services. c. The contractor shall immediately report any such item, which becomes lost, missing, broken, or stolen to the contract administrator. Should the contractor lose or have stolen any keys issued to the contractor by the City, the cost of changing locks, keys, or other devices will be deducted from the contractor's invoice to the City for work performed under this contract. r - d. The contractor shall physically present all keys and other entry devices for verification upon request of the contract administrators. 17 1 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phnno 't1nr:17��R7n _ F7Y' iSnAlRdZ_9415 1.20 Needed Repairs The contractor shall promptly notify the cot representative, in a written format acceptabl repairs and/or damage to fixtures, buildings performance of the services. Any item of a c verbally reported immediately upon discovery, end of the work shift 2. AREA ASSIGNMENTS itract administrator, or his /her designated a to the contract administrator, of needed and appurtenances observed during the ntical, priority, or emergency nature will be with written notification to follow prior to the 21 The contractor shall assign to each location the employees necessary to complete all services detailed in sections 7 through 11 for Recreation & Parks and sections 12 through 18 for Library of these specifications 2.2 Each employee shall be in their assigned area or station, properly equipped, uniformed and ready to begin work at the beginning of the work shift and will remain in their work area during the entire work shift except for the break penods described below. 2.3 All employees of the contractor performing the services shall be paid by the contractor and take, for each four hours worked, a break period of fifteen (15) minutes from the time of discontinuing performance of the services until the time of resuming performance of the services. Such break times will take place at times scheduled by the contractor and approved by the contract administrator. CHANGE ORDERS 3.1 The City may, on occasion, without invalidating the contract, modify the contract by adding, deleting or changing areas to the contract; by adding, deleting or changing usage or space; by adding, deleting or changing routine services; by deleting or changing specifications. All such changes shall be ordered by means of a written change order. The City and the contractor shall agree upon any changes in the compensation to the contractor resulting from such change orders. 4 CHANGE IN MINIMUM NUMBER OF WEEKLY ROUTINE SERVICE HOURS 4.1 The contract administrator shall have the right to increase or decrease the required minimum number of weekly routine service hours by providing written notification to the contractor 4.2 No change shall be made in fixed charges for overhead due to any increase or decrease in the minimum number of weekly hours required for routine services. io w _ u Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax- 6031843 -1915 5. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATORS 51 The City shall designate the Recreation & Parks Director and the Library Director or their designated representative(s) as contract administrators who shall act on behalf of the City with respect to all aspects of this contract. 5.2 The administration of this contract is vested wholly in the contract administrators The contract administrators shall have complete authority to require the contractor to comply with all provisions of this contract. The contractor shall strictly and promptly follow the instructions of the contract administrators in every case. The contract administrator's decision upon all questions, claims, and disputes will be final and conclusive upon the parties of the contract The contract administrator shall exercise any discretionary authority in a reasonable manner. 5.3 The contractor shall provide the contract administrator free and easy access to inspect and measure the manner and progress of the services at all times and to inspect the types and quantities of tools, equipment, chemicals, supplies and all other materials used in the performance of the services. It is agreed that such inspection and measurement is not for the purpose of controlling or directing the services or employees of the contractor, but to assure that all services meet the requirements of the contract. 54 The contract administrator shall decide any and all questions which may arise as to conformance of and acceptability of tools, equipment, chemicals, supplies, and all other materials and methods and procedures used in the performance of the services with regard to the requirements included herein. The contract administrators shall decide all questions, which may anse as to the interpretation of the contract documents relative to the services and the fulfillment of the contract on the part of the contractor. 5.5 The contract administrators will determine the amount and quality of the several kinds of services performed and material fumished which are to be paid for under this contract. 5.6 The contract administrators shall have the authority to require the contractor to make temporary changes in the assignment of routine services, tasks and task frequencies if such changes do not affect the unit prices. Such temporary changes shall not affect the amount of payment to the contractor. 11 X69 Business Services Division/Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Age Phnna Ain /A99 -AA7n _ Far rinA/Rdt -1011 6. LOCATIONS & TIMES RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT Gordon Clubhouse, 300 East Pine Avenue Monday through Friday after 10:00 p.m. Joslyn Center, 339 Sheldon Street Monday through Sunday after 10:00 p.m. Teen Center, 405 East Grand Avenue Closed Sundays Monday through Saturday after 10:00 p.m. Checkout Building Offices, 401 Sheldon Street Monday through Sunday prior to 8:00 a.m. Senior Outreach Office, Recreation Park Monday through Friday prior to 8.00 a.m. 5 days per week 7 days per week 6 days per week 7 days per week 5 days per week All restrooms in Recreation Park - Monday through Sunday prior to 8:00 a.m. Locations Checkout Building (4) 7 days per week Bobby Sox Snack Bar (2) 7 days per week Stevenson Field Snack Bar (2) 7 days per week George Brett Field Snack Bar (2) 7 days per week TOTAL PARK RESTROOMS 10 All restrooms at outdoor pools` - Monday through Sunday prior to 11:00 a.m. Locations Hilltop Park Pool, Grand Ave. & Maryland 7 days per week Acacia Park Pool, 600 block Acacia Ave. 7 days per week "Summer months only = 11 weeks 1 week in June 4 weeks in July 5 weeks in August 1 week in September 12 -00 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax 6031643 -1915 DAILY SERVICE 71 General Cleaning a. Dust, clean, and polish desks Including accessones. b Empty wastebaskets and replace plastic liners. c. Clean counters and dust chairs d Dust windowsills, low ledges, baseboards, venetian blinds, counters, office equipment, furniture, and book stacks. e Vacuum all carpeted areas f. Spot clean carpets as needed g Sweep all tiled floors h. Dust mop, using chemically treated unit, all floor and stairway surfaces 1. Scrape gum or other debns from all floor and stairway surfaces i Spot mop spills from all floor and stairway surfaces. k. Clean and sanitize drinking fountains. L Clean and remove building graffiti. m. Clean all mirrors. 7.2 Elevator a Turn ON elevator. b. Wet mop and sanitize floor. c Clean elevator walls and control panel. d. Sweep and vacuum tracks. 7.3 Restrooms and Showers a. Clean restroom sinks fixtures and chrome fittings b Clean and refill all restroom dispensers. c. Spot wash restroom walls and dispensers. d. Sweep, wet mop, scrub, and sanitize floors. e. Sanitize toilets, toilet seats, and urinals. f. Empty and clean waste containers and replace plastic liners. g. Dust and sweep showers h. Clean and remove graffiti. I. Clean all mirrors. j. Empty sanitary napkin containers and replace liners as needed. k. Place deodorizers in urinals. —° I Keep unnals descaled. ` m. Sweep entryway to all outside restrooms. 13 ;7� Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 310/3224670 — Fax 603/843 -1915 8 WEEKLY SERVICES 8.1 General Cleaning a. Damp mop all floor and stairway surfaces. b Machine scrub black marks from all asphalt file floors as needed c Spot clean doors and walls. d. Clean all porcelain surfaces in restrooms, showers, and locker rooms. 9 MONTHLY SERVICES All monthly work to be done during the week that includes the 1" business day of the month and shall be ready for inspection on Monday of the following week. 91 General Cleaning a Complete "high" dusting to include pictures, frames, sills, doorjambs, ceding vents and grilles, fixtures and diffusing lenses, spotlights, baseboards, shades and drapes, blinds, clean walls, beams, and any areas not included in nightly cleaning. b Vacuum all chairs. Clean sod spots from chairs. c. Clean all kitchen appliances (inside and out). 9.2 Floors a. Asphalt floors to be thoroughly machine scrubbed, waxed and /or buffed using a U/L approved non -slip floor finish approved by the City's contract administrators. b. Shampoo all carpeted areas. c. Machine scrub tile floors in restrooms, showers, and locker rooms. 10. QUARTERLY SERVICES All quarterly work shall be done during the first two weeks of the quarter (January, April, July, and October) and shall be ready for inspection on the third week. 10.1 Windows a. Clean the exterior and interior of all glass surfaces on windows, doors, and glass walls. 11. BI- YEARLY SERVICES 11.1 General a. The contractor is required to provide manpower for a scheduled thorough cleaning of ceiling light fixtures, wall light fixtures, walls, pictures, blackboard, coves, ledges, beams, doors and doorways, windows and window frames, blinds, office furniture, upholstered furniture, moldings and flooring (carpet, tile, hardwood, linoleum or concrete). See Parks & Recreation administration for speck dates. 14 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone, 310/322 -4670 — Fax. 603/843 -1915 12. OTHER 1 Crew and foreman to check all work done and to make notes of problems shall use a Daily Log. Log is to be kept at the Administrative Secretary's desk 2 Once a week, between 10:00 a.m and 3:00 p.m., contractor supervisor is to thoroughly check all Recreation & Parks locations and turn in a signed /approved Quality Control Check Sheet for each location with findings. At this time concerns and reviews can be discussed with the Recreation & Parks Director or his /her designee. 15 ` 7 -A Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitonal Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax: 6031843 -1915 EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC LIBRARY 13. DAILY SERVICES 13 1 Common Areas a Nightly Service (six nights per week) 1 Vacuum carpeted areas 2 Remove spots on carpets as needed 1 Dust and spot clean all painted doors for finger marks and smears 4. Spot clean wall mirrors and windows in common areas 5 Empty trash cans and replace liners 6 Empty and clean ash ums located in common areas 7. Remove gum and debris from all floors and carpet 8 Clean and dust all picture frames (systematically) 9 Clean company logos and signs throughout the building 10 Sweep and hose off with water the exterior walkways in front of the building 11 Clean and dust all window ledges 12. Clean elevator doors, panels, door rails and floor 13 Sweep all stairs and keep clean of debris 14 Check underneath cushions for debris — clean as needed 15 Clean and sanitize drinking fountains 16. Polish all brass surfaces with approved cleaner (Brasso or Brite Boy) — both staircases have brass rails 17. Dust and polish Young People's Library area with non -toxic cleaners (soapy water on Plexiglas on Living Coral Reef) to ensure safety of fish and longevity of Plexiglas 18. Clean and remove building graffiti 13.2 Main Front Lobbv a. Nightly Service (six nights per week) 1 Clean Circulation counter 2 Remove fingerprints from desk 3. Clean and sanitize telephone switchboard area 4. Sweep and mop tile floors 5. Clean front door glass, inside and outside 6 Clean displays and cabinets 7 Vacuum lobby carpeting 8. Empty exterior ash urns/replace sand as needed 16 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 310/322 -4670 — Fax 6031843 -1915 13.3 Restroom a Nightly Seance (six nights per week) 1. Empty waste containers, replace plastic liners 2 Restock all bathrooms 3. Thoroughly clean entire bathroom 4. Sanitize and clean inside /outside toilet bowls, clean under and behind bowls 5. Clean and sanitize urinals 6. Chrome and bright works shall be polished at all times 7. Use approved germicidal solution on floors 8. Spray odor control 9 Clean and remove graffiti 10. Clean mirrors 11 Remove hard water and soap scale from faucets 12 Mop floor with germicidal solution 13. Clean file walls around bathroom area 14. Sweep entryway to all outside restrooms 134 Offices a Nightly Service (six nights per week) 1 Thoroughly dust, clean and polish desks to include accessories (systematically) 2. Dust and vacuum conference room 3. Place chairs back in neat order in conference room 4 Empty trash cans and replace liners 5 Dust all flat surfaces 6. Clean counters and dust chairs 7. Wipe down baseboard 8 Clean telephone receivers 9 Dust the top of cubicle offices 10. Spot clean carpet as necessary 11. Dust all picture frames and moldings 12. Dust all computer monitors and keyboards Note: In order for the cleaners to thoroughly dust and polish desks, we ask that the tops of the desks be Geared as possible in order not to cause any disruption to the individual workload. We will gladly take special requests and follow specific instructions for any particular desk area. — = Any questionable items such as: books, boxes with broken equipment, tapes, boxes with old files, etc. that are left by the trash receptacle as trash will not be emptied unless marked "trash." 17 75 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000-01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax 603/843 -1915 13.5 Lunchroom Area a Nightly Service (six nights per week) 1 Clean all tables and chairs 2 Clean coffee machine 3 Clean counters 4 Clean and mop floor 5. Clean microwave inside and out 6 Clean out refrigerator (Fridays) 14 WEEKLY SERVICES 1. Machine scrub black marks from all file floors as needed 15 MONTHLY SERVICES All monthly work to be done during the week that includes the 151 business day of the month and shall be ready for inspection on Monday of the following week 1 Systematically clean and dust mini- blinds 2. Clean and dust all return vents 3 Perform high dusting 4. Vacuum upholstered furniture — vacuum underneath cushions 5 Clean soil spots from chairs 6. Clean, high -speed buff and wash restroom tile floors 7. Systematically clean bookshelves 8 Clean inside of all windows 9 Carpet cleaning (as needed) — machine scrub, shampoo and extraction 10 Pressure wash front entrance stairs, sidewalk and entryway. 16 QUARTERLY SERVICES All quarterly work shall be done during the first two weeks of the quarter (January, April, July, and October) and shall be ready for inspection on the third week. 1 Clean exterior and interior of all glass surfaces on windows, doors and glass walls 2 Strip and wax (three coats) kitchen floors f 17. BIANNUAL SERVICES 1 The contractor is required to provide manpower for a scheduled thorough cleaning of ceiling light fixtures, wall light fixtures, walls, pictures, blackboard, coves, ledges, beams, doors and doorways, windows and window frames, blinds, office furniture, upholstered furniture, moldings and floorings (carpets, tile, hardwood, linoleum or concrete) iif 1 7 r, Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation 8, Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone, 31013224670 — Fax- 603/843 -1915 18. ANNUAL SERVICES 1 Clean upholstery of all chairs 19. OTHER 1 Crew and foreman to check all work done and to make notes of problems shall use a Daily Log. Log is to be kept at the Administrative Secretary's desk 2. Once a week, between 10:00 a.m, and 3:00 p.m., contractor supervisor is to thoroughly check Library and turn in a signed /approved Quality Control Check Sheet to the Library with findings. At this time concerns and reviews can be discussed with the Library Director and her /his designee. 19 i 'r , Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone. 3101322 -4670 — Fax: 603/843 -1915 200 RFP PROPOSAL SHEET I, the undersigned, have read and understand the attached specifications for Janitorial Services Further, I attended the Pre -bid Conference and Site Inspection, as required by the specification. If awarded the contract, I agree to perform the work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bid Bid Amounts: For janitorial services, by location, as outlined in the specifications- Recreation and Parks: a. Gordon Clubhouse $ /month$ /so. ft $ /Annual b. Joslyn Center $ /month$ /sa. ft $ /Annual c Teen Center $ /month$ /sa. ft $ /Annual d Checkout Bldg. $ /month$ /sa. ft $ /Annual e. Sr Outreach Office $ /month$ /sa ft $ /Annual f. All restrooms & showers, Rec Park $ /month$ /so. ft $ /Annual g. Acacia & Hilltop Park restrooms $ /month$ /so. ft $ /Annual Recreation and Parks Combined Total: $ /month$ /SQ. ft $ /Annual Library $ /month$ /SQ. ft $ /Annual Combined Totals for - Recreation & Parks and Library- $ /month$ /SQ. ft $ /Annual In order to fully evaluate service levels for each location against pricing quoted above, please provide in writing staffing levels for each site and total hours per day that you plan to provide each class of worker, i.e., custodian and leadworker /supervisor. 20 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax: 6031843 -1915 21.0 BIDDER REQUIREMENTS ON -SITE SERVICES (NON- TECHNOLOGY RELATED) Mechanics of the Bid Procedure . Agreement to these items shall not, by itself, constitute an agreement between parties. These items are intended to provide guidance to prospective bidders and will be binding upon the bidder should the bid be accepted and an agreement executed between parties Hold Harmless and Indemnification. The successful bidder shall agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City (including Its officers and employees) forHrom any and all claims or actions of any kind presented against the City arising out of the vendor's (including vendor's employees, representatives, products and subcontractors) performance under this agreement, excepting only such claims or actions which may arise out of sole negligence of the City Performance Bond: The successful contractor will be required to furnish a performance bond equal to 1W16 of the amount bid for the first year to guarantee the contractor's faithful performance on the contract Said bond shall be at the contractor's expense, and shall be furnished to the City Clark within fourteen (14) days after notification of award. Fidelity Bond, Contractor shall, at Its own expense, be bonded against theft. Such (fidelity) bond shall be not less than $10,000 per occurrence and shall be provided within fourteen (14) days after notification of award to the City Clerk. Insurance Provisions: 1 Comprehensive General Liability including coverage for premises, products and completed operations, independent contractors, personal injury and contractual obligations with combined single limits of coverage of at least 1 0): 00.000 per occurrence. 2 Auto Liability, including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles with at least $1.000.000 per occurrence. 3 Workers' Compensation Insurance: as required by State Statutes. 4 . 5 "The City of El Segundo" to be named as an Additional Insured on the above- captioned insurance coverage's as respects the Citys Interests under this agreement This is to be complied with by presenting appropriate Insurance certlficate(s) (at no cost to the City) to the City Clerk's Office and copied via fax to the Purchasing Agent prior to award of contract and commencement of work under this contract; and by presenting to the City an endorsement to the policy, signed by an officer of the insurance company within 15 days of this agraemeM. 6 Ail policies of insurance shall provide for a minimum of thirty- (30) days' written notice of any change or cancellation of the policy. 7. "Should any of ft above- descrtbad policies be canceled before the expiration dates thereof, the Issuing company will mail a 30 days' written notice to the City of El Segundo as additional certificate holder." 6 Insurance policies to be in a form and written through companies acceptable to the City, and shall Include those endorsements which are necessary to extend coverage which is appropriate to the nature of this agreement. Business License. The successful bidder and any subcontractor(s) shall agree to have a current City of El Segundo license on file at City Hall or purchase said license (at no c-: to . ;.a City). aPPreP11111114• PLEASE NOTE, ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION LISTED ABOVE MUST BE OBTAINED AND ON FILE, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CITY PURCHASE ORDER BEING SENT TO YOU (VIA FAX OR HARD COPY) BY THE PURCHASING AGENT, THUS AUTHORIZING COMMENCEMENT OF WORK FOR THE CITY. 21 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000.01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 3101322 -4670 — Fax 603/843-1915 Bid submitted by (complete all blanks l. Company Name: By (Print name & title): Company Street Address: Signature: City, State, Zip: Date: Phone: FAX: Email: Web site: Terms: days, net _,days Delivery: days ARO City Terms 1 The City of El Segundo reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept separate hems in bid unless this right is conditioned by the bidder. 2. In case of default, the City of El Segundo may procure its materials /services from other sources and shall hold the original bidder or contractor liable for resulting Increased costs. 3. Samples, if requested, must be furnished at the bidder's expense and, If not destroyed in testing or retained as a standard, will be returned at bidder's cost N requested. 4. Quote on each hem separately. Ali or none bids may not be acceptable. 5. During the performance of this contract and purchase order, the vendor /contractor and each subcontractor warrants that it will provide equal employment opportunities, and that the vendodcontractor and each subcontractor will take af6rrnative action to ensure that its employment practices, persons employed and employees are treated equally and without regard to, or because of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, physical handicap, or medical condition. This provision applies to work or services performed or materials manufactured or assembled in the United States. 6. The vendor /contractor warrants that it possesses legally adequate Workers' Compensation Insurance. Soecial Note: Any deviation(s) to the requirements "lied out above will need the approval of the Finance Director or his designee You can reach the Purchasing Agent with questions Q (310) 322.4670 Err. 716, e-mail: rhouste"seoumto.orc or Fax 603 -643 -1915. The City of EI Segundo (City Hall) is located at 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245. 22 10' (1 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 310/322 -4670 — Fax. 603/843 -1915 Firm name must appear here -+ 22.0 VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE In submitting a proposal, each bidder shall also provide the following information. (Use additional sheets, if necessary.) Brochures and advertisements will not be accepted as a direct response to the questionnaire. A qualifying proposal must address all items. Incomplete proposals will be rejected Organization: Describe your firm's qualifications to provide the service specked in this RFP Be sure to include: founding date (month and year) and brief history of firm; facility /office location, currant number of employees (full -time and part- time); special equipment acquired for the work; firm's vision and mission statements, and key services offered References: List three or more clients for whom you have been providing janitorial services. List references that are current and similar in size and scope of work. For each of these references, include organization name, address, and the name and telephone number of the contact person. Quality Control Proamm: Describe your firm's established "proactive" Quality Control program that you will be providing to the City, to ensure a high level of performance is maintained on a consistent basis. Include any examples of forms currently being utilized and there particular functionstuses. Contract administrator. Indicate the name, title, tHephnne number, and years_ rf experience of the _ individual who will be administering the contract. if awarded to your firm. Emewencv information: List names and telephone number s of persons that the City may need to contact in case of an emergency after hours, on weekends or holidays. 23 q 1 Business Services Division /Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone 31013224670 — Fax 6031843-1915 Firm name must appear here —� VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE (Continued) Subcontracting: Is your firm planning to subcontract portions of the work? Yes _ No _ If yes, indicate the name of the subcontractor(s) and the portion of the work that will be subcontracted in each case Employees: How many employees do you plan to hire or retain to provide the services specified in this RFP? Are they going to be permanent full-time or part-time employees? How long must a part-time employee work in your firm to become a permanent full -time employee? What percentage of your staff is currently employed full -time on a permanent basis? Employee benefits: What kind of employee benefits does your firm have to offer to employees? Are your part-time employees going to be paid on an hourly basis plus benefits? Employment practices: Include with your submittal a summary of your firm's employment policies and procedures, as well as any equal employment opportunity and affirmative action polices. In addition, include a summary of your firth's training and injuryrliness prevention programs. Affiliations and accreditations: What are some of your firm's professional affiliations and accreditations? 24 Business Services Division/Purchasing CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department Janitorial Services for Recreation & Parks and Library, RFP No. # PA2000 -01 J Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Finn name must appear here -* Phone 3101322 -4670 — VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE (Continued) Business License: Include with your submittal a copy of your firm's current business license. (Be sure to include a copy of same for any subcontractor listed above.) Certificate of insurance: The Contractor must have insurance meeting the minimum insurance requirements set forth herein (see Bidder Requirements On -Site Services) Include a copy of your firm's insurance certificate or a letter from surety stating that your firm is insurable for the limits required if awarded the contract. A certificate of insurance must be fumished to the City within fourteen (14) days after notification of award Performance Bond: The successful contractor will be required to furnish a performance bond equal to 100% of the amount bid for the first year. Include a copy of bond endorsement effecting such coverage from another account or provide a letter from surety stating that your firm is bondable for the limit required if awarded the contract. Said bond must be furnished to the City Purchasing Agent within fourteen (14) days after notification of award. Fidelity Bond: The Contractor must be bonded against theft of personal property. Include a copy of bond endorsement effecting such overage from another account or provide a letter from surety stating that your firm is bondable for the limit required ($10,000 per occurrence) if awarded the contract Said bond must be furnished to the City Purchasing Agent within fourteen (14) days after notification of award. Criminal Background Check: The Contractor selected will be required to provide the name, date of birth, and Social Security number of all personnel who will be assigned to do the work, for the purpose of obtaining a criminal background check from the City of El Segundo Police Department. This information must be fumished within twenty-four (24) hours, and shall apply to any new personnel due to employee turnover. Clarification, Exception or Deviation: Each bidder may clarify or describe any exception or deviation from the requirements as set forth herein. Each clarification, exception or deviation must be dearly identified and submitted with your Proposal response. If there is no clarification, exception or deviation indicated, it will be considered that nrne exists. 25 J -- -�.., ❑0.00 January 31, 2000 310- 322 -3693 Greg Johnson Parks & Recreation Director City of El Segundo Dear Greg, RECREATION 8 PARKS CIIASAL PAGE 02 First of ail, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be able to present me recommendations to the city of El Segundo regarding the Janitorial Proposal I believe that it is in the best interest of the city to consider these recommendation that 1 am presenting I believe they make cost effective sense as well as practical sense with out comprising the much needed quality improvements fbr the services rendered You will notice a significant cost reduction in the areas where floor and carpet work is to be performed monthly. As I have already mentioned in my proposal, the request from the city to have AU of the carpeted areas shampoo and ALLof the tile floors buff & wax and ALL of the restrooms and showers machine scrubbed every month is a bit absorbent and not necessary Having said that, there is the need to seriously improve upon the present condition of all the floors and carpet areas within the different buildings, and to accomplish that task one must take a more sensible approach. For example. carpeted arcs that would not require Monthly cleaning are Joslyn Center ( pool table area, front and roar lounge/meeting areas ), Checkout Bldg. ( three office areas ), Sr Outreach ( carpet area), Clubhouse ( downstairs area carpet ). Tile floors in Commercial Kitchen areas, Gordon club house arts and craft eras tile floors, etc Regarding the restrooms, if property cleaned and maintained regularly, scrubbing of the tile floors may need to be done every 4 to 6 months In respect to the Daily Janitorial Service I could not in good conscience reduce the monthly cost because that would have a direct affect on the amount of time that is spent at every location A close study of the hours allocated for every building provided in my proposal, will show that the labor is adequate and conservative. If I may ay so, quality cleaning requires common sense and a great deal of physical labor. And unless you've had the experience to picked up all the trash bags, pushed the vacuums, dust the dust by hand, pushed the floor machine, hand mop all the floors, sanitize all the toilets, and gets down and dirty snd cleans up the edges and corners with a rag and a brush one cannot appreciate the time it talais to'do a quality job PAGE 03 -- - - - -- ,,spa Here are my recommendations and coat comparisons. kit Gordon Club Hone Monthly 1587.50 992.50 Annual 19,030.00 11,910.00 Cost aavinp: 7,140 Joslyn Center Monthly 172740 1006.20 Annual 20726.00 12,074.00 Coat savings: 8,652 Teen Center Mouthly 970.30 592.30 Annual 119643.60 7,107.60 Coat savings: 4,536 Checkout Bldg. Monthly 334 240 Annual 49008 2,880 Cost savinp: •1,128 Sr. Outreach Moutbly 101 75 Annually 19212 900 Coat mvinp: 312 All Restrooms Monthly 1590.70 0755.35 Annual 19,088,40 9,064.20 Cost savings: 10,024.20 CombinfA,&ntinai Savinp: S 31,792.20 " Note: " monthly cost as recommended is calm Wed by performing the cleaning in correlation with the activity schedule fbr the park. Ia. July thru January the reatrooms will be cleaning on Friday3 and Mondays and periodically oheokad in betwom February thru June the restrooms will be cleaning 7 day& per week, 4 r, _ v EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 8, 2000 AGENDA REM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Second amendment to existing Contract #2640 extending the professional services contract with Cassidy & Associates for a period of seven (7} months at a cost of $15,000 per month from FY 1999 -2000 budget account 001- 400- 2901 -6407 RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. Approve extension and authorize Mayor to execute amendment following review by City Attorney as to form and content INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Since November, 1998 the Washington, D C firm of Cassidy & Associates has contracted with this City to provide an on -going government relations program by establishing and maintaining a presence among key decision makers in the United States Senate and House of Representatives Their efforts have been, and will continue to be, geared toward obtaining Federal funding assistance for the Douglas Street Gap Closure and Railroad Grade Separation Project DISCUSSION: To date, Cassidy & Associates has provided effective lobbying services in their effort to obtain supplemental federal funding for the Douglas Street Project In recent months their strategies have resulted in the City being awarded a grant of $250,000 from the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development through its Economic Development Initiative Program This funding benchmarks the Project and, with continued efforts, makes the potential for future funding more credible Beyond a grant of $9.2 million from the Metropolitan Transit Authority, there remains an estimated unfunded amount of approximately $4 7 million It is toward this effort that Cassidy & Associates will focus their energies during the remaining months of this Congressional session Their current contract will expire on March 4, 2000 This request is for an extension of seven months through October 4, 2000, after which date the funding intentions of this Congress will likely be known ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Copy of existing Professional Services Contract #2640 Proposed Amendment to Contract 02640 FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: X Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $105.000 Project/Account Budget: $105.000 Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: 001 - 400 - 29014407 (Traffic Mitigation Funds) Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes X No_ k 9 AMENDMENT "B" TO CONTRACT NO. 2640 CASSIDY & ASSOCIATES THIS AMENDMENT to the AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (Contract No 2640) is made this 8th day of March, 2000, between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ( "CITY") and CASSIDY AND ASSOCIATES ( "CONSULTANT") and WHEREAS the CITY on November 5, 1998 entered into a Professional Services Agreement with Cassidy and Associates to perform services as set forth in Exhibit "A ", Scope of Services of said Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, the CITY and CONSULTANT do hereby agree to amend the AGREEMENT as follows: The term of the AGREEMENT is hereby extended for seven months to October 4, 2000 2. The CITY agrees to compensate CONSULTANT for services at a fee structure of $15,000 per month, not to exceed $105,000. With the exception of the above stated amendments, the AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect and be unaffected by this AMENDMENT "B ". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Instrument has been duly executed as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST- Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APP RPVED AS TO FORM: ark D. H ey, ity Attomey CONSULTANT By. Cassidy & Associates ;�7 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE* March 8, 2000 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Award of contract to landscape architect Lawrence R Moss & Associates for the design of streetscaping and landscaping for Sepulveda Boulevard from Rosecrans Avenue to Imperial Highway — Project No PW 00-4 (contract amount = $36,000 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Award the contract to Lawrence R Moss & Associates in the amount of $36,000 00 Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard professional service agreement on behalf of the City INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The adopted fiscal year 1999 -2000 Capital Improvement Program includes $40,000 00 for the design of streetscaping and landscaping of Sepulveda Boulevard between Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway On December 7, 1999, the City Council approved a Request for Proposal (RFP) and authorized staff to solicit proposals from qualified architects DISCUSSION: On January 14, 2000, the City received three (3) proposals in response to the City's RFP P & D Consultants $31,43000 Lawrence R Moss & Associates $36,000.00 Segura/Deutsehman Associates $62,94000 The staff of Public Works and Recreation and Parks Departments reviewed the proposals, made reference checks and recommends Lawrence R Moss & Associates for the design of streetscaping and landscaping of Sepulveda Boulevard. Lawrence R Moss & Associates has extensive experience in design of similar streetscaping and landscaping projects and has provided architectural services for the recently completed landscaping projects in Recreation Park. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Agreement for professional services FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget, Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: T Yes $36.000.00 $40,00000 536.000 00• Date: 2/9/00 301400 -82n1 -8470 Award of contract .�: .: — .n .0 - U Date: 3� •. - — . — — - -- N COUNCILVAAR08-01 (Thursday 2124/00 9 00 A M ) t 4 8 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8'" day of March, 2000, between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and the LAWRENCE R. MOSS & ASSOCIATES, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant" In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: I SCOPE OF SERVICES Consultant agrees to perform the services set forth in Exhibit A "SCOPE OF SERVICES" and made a part hereof. Consultant represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience and facilities to properly perform said services in a thorough, competent and professional manner and shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law. Consultants shall begin its services under this Agreement on March 13, 2000. Consultant shall complete each of the services set forth in Exhibit A to the City's satisfaction. If the City is not satisfied with any such services, the Consultant shall work on such matter until the City approves of the service Further, Consultant shall complete the services set forth in Exhibit A strictly according to the schedule provided therein 2 STATUS OF CONSULTANT. Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive N AGREEMNTMOSS AGR (217100) -1- 18 -a direction and control Neither City nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultants officers, employees or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner Consultant shall not disseminate any information or reports gathered or created pursuant to this Agreement without the prior written approval of City except information or reports required by government agencies to enable Consultant to perform its duties under this Agreement. 3. CONSULTANTS KNOWLEDGE OF APPLICABLE LAWS. Consultant shall keep itself informed of applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations which may affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its services pursuant to this Agreement Consultant shall observe and comply with all such laws and regulations affecting its employees. City and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity as a result of any failure of Consultant to comply with this section. 4, PERSONNEL. Consultant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain the stability and continuity of Consultants staff assigned to perform the services hereunder and shall obtain the approval of the City Manager of all proposed staff members performing services under this Agreement prior to any such performance. N VWGREEMNnMOSSAGR (7!7/00) -2- 190 5. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Compensation to the Consultant shall be as set forth in Exhibits B and C hereto and made a part hereof. Payments shall be made within thirty (30) days after receipt of each invoice as to all non - disputed fees If the City disputes any of consultant's fees it shall give written notice to Consultant in 30 days of receipt of a invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. 6 ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF CONSULTANT Consultant shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein or listed in Attachment A, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Consultant shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Consultant at the time City's written authorization is given to Consultant for the performance of said services. 7 ASSIGNMENT. All services required hereunder shall be performed by Consultant, its employees or personnel under direct contract with Consultant. Consultant shall not assign to any subcontractor the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without the prior written consent of City Manager. 8. FACILITIES AND RECORDS. Ct/ agrees to provide: suitably equipped and furnished office space, public counter, telephone, and use of copying equipment and necessary office supplies for Consultants on -site staff, If any. NMGREEMNTMOSS AGR (217100) -3- IGi Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts therefrom as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. 9. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be terminated with or without cause by either party upon 30 days written notice. In the event of such termination, Consultant shall be compensated for non - disputed fees under the terms of this Agreement up to the date of termination. 10. COOPERATION BY CITY. All public information, data, reports, records, and maps as are existing and available to City as public records, and which are necessary for carrying out the work as outlined in the Scope of Services, shall be furnished to Consultant in every reasonable way to facilitate, without undue delay, the work to be performed under N WGREEMNTNOSSAGR (7J7/00) -4- Q t_ this Agreement. 11. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Upon satisfactory completion of, or in the event of termination, suspension or abandonment of, this Agreement, all original maps, models, designs, drawings, photographs, studies, surveys, reports, data, notes, computer files, files and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall, become the sole property of City. With respect to computer files, Consultant shall make available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. 12 RELEASE OF INFORMATION /CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. (a) All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's prior written authorization excepting that information which is a public record and subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code § 6250, et sea. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. N WGREEMNrMOSSAGR (217100) -5- i . 3 If Consultant or any of its officers, employees, consultants or subcontractors does voluntarily provide information in violation of this Agreement, City has the right to reim- bursement and indemnity from Consultant for any damages caused by Consultants conduct, including the City's attorney's fees. Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant and /or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. (b) Consultant covenants that neither they nor any officer or principal of their fine have any interest in, or shall they acquire any interest, directly or indirectly which will 11 __ conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of their services hereunder. Consultant further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having such interest shall be employed by them as an officer, employee, agent, or subcontractor N WGREEMNr1MOSS AGR (2!7/00) -6- 44 without the express written consent of the City Manager. 13 DEFAULT. in the event that Consultant is in default of any provision of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Consultant. 14 INDEMNIFICATION. (a) Consultant represents it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the services and duties agreed to hereunder by Consultant, and City relies upon the skills and knowledge of Consultant. Consultant shall perform such services and duties consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals performing similar service in the State of California. (b) Consultant is an independent contractor and shall have no authority to bind City nor to create or incur any obligation on behalf of or liability against City, whether by contract or otherwise, unless such authority is expressly conferred under this agreement or is otherwise expressly conferred in writing by City. City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, employees and volunteers (individually and collectively, "Indemnitees ") shall have no liability to Consultant or to any other person for, and Consultant shall indemnify, defend, protect and hold harmless the Indemnitees from and against, any and all liabilities, claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings, suits, damages, judgments, liens, levies, costs and expenses of whatever nature, including N %GREEMNrMOSSAGR (2/7/00) -7- _195 reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements (collectively "Claims "), which the Indemntees may suffer or incur or to which the Indemntees may become subject by reason of or ansing out of any injury to or death of any person(s), damage to property, loss of use of property, economic loss or otherwise occurring as a result of or allegedly caused by the performance or failure to perform by Consultant of Consultant's services under this agreement or the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Consultant, its agents, officers, directors or employees, in performing any of the services under this agreement If any action or proceeding is brought against the Indemmtees by reason of any of the matters against which Consultant has agreed to indemnify the Indemntees as above provided, Consultant, upon notice from the CITY, shall defend the Indemntees at Consultant's expense by counsel acceptable to the City. The Indemndees need not have first paid any of the matters as to which the Indemntees are entitled to indemnity in order to be so indemnified. The insurance required to be maintained by Consultant under paragraph 15 shall ensure Consultant's obligations under this paragraph 14(b), but the limits of such insurance shall not limit the liability of Consultant hereunder. The provisions of this paragraph 14(b) shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this agreement. The Consultant's indemnification does not extend to Claims occurring as a result of the City's negligent or willful acts or omissions. 15. INSURANCE. A. Insurance Reauirements. Consultant shall provide and maintain N VWGREEMNTMOSSAGR (Z7=) -8- insurance acceptable to the City Attorney in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement, against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may anse from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Consultant, its agents, representatives or employees Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than ANIL Consultant shall provide the following scope and limits of insurance: broad as. (1) Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as (a) Insurance Services Office form Commercial General Liability coverage (Occurrence Form CG 0001) (b) Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/87) covering Automobile Liability, including code 1 "any auto" and endorsement CA 0025, or equivalent forms subject to the written approval of the City. (c) Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the Labor Code of State of California and Employer's Liability insurance and covering all persons providing services on behalf of the Consultant and all risks to such persons under this Agreement. (d) Errors and omissions liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. N IAGREEMNT ROSS AGR (217100) -9- :y (2) Minimum Limits of Insurance Consultant shall maintain limits of insurance no less than- (a) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the activities related to this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (b) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (c) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' Compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. (d) Errors and Omissions Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence. B Other Provisions. Insurance policies required by this Agreement shall contain the following provisions: (1) All Policies. Each insurance policy required by this paragraph N WGREEMNnMOSSAGR (2/7100) -10- `4� 15 shall be endorsed and state the coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by the insurer or either party to this Agreement, reduced in coverage or in limits except after 30 days' prior written notice by Certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City (2) General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages (a) City, its officers, officials, and employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as respects: liability ansing out of activities Consultant performs, products and completed operations of Consultant, premises owned, occupied or used by Consultant, or automobiles owned, leased or hired or borrowed by Consultant The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City, its officers, officials, or employees. (b) Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect to City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, Any insurance or self - insurance maintained by City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall apply in excess of, and not contribute with, Consultant's insurance. (c) Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurers liability. _ (d) Any failure to comply with the reporting or other N 1AGREEMNTMOSSAGR (2/7/00) -11- 4 c, provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers (3) Workers' Compensation and Emolover's Liability Coverage. Unless the City Manager otherwise agrees in writing, the insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against City, its officers, officials, employees and agents for losses arising from work performed by Consultant for City. C. Other Requirements. Consultant agrees to deposit with City, at or before the effective date of this contract, certificates of insurance necessary to satisfy City that the insurance provisions of this contract have been complied with. The City Attorney may require that Consultant furnish City with copies of original endorsements effecting coverage required by this Section. The certificates and endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. City reserves the right to inspect complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. (1) Consultant shall furnish certificates and endorsements from each subcontractor identical to those Consultant provides. (2) Any deductibles or self - insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. At the option of the City, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self- insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment N 1AGREEMNTMOSS AGR (2/7/00) -12- L L,' !1 of losses and related investigations, claim administration, defense expenses and claims (3) The procuring of such required policy or policies of insurance shall not be construed to limit Consultant's liability hereunder nor to fulfill the indemnification provisions and requirements of this Agreement. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is the complete, final, entire and exclusive expression of the Agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations by any party which are not embodied herein and that no other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding 17. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govem the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the Los Angeles County Superior Court 18. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBSTITUTION. City has an interest in the qualifications of and capability of the persons and entities who will fulfill the duties and obligations imposed upon Consultant by this Agreement. In recognition of that interest, neither any complete nor partial assignment of this Agreement may be made by Consultant N 1AGREEMNTMOSSAGR (2171W) -13- 7 ti nor changed, substituted for, deleted, or added to without the prior written consent of City Any attempted assignment or substitution shall be ineffective, null, and void, and constitute a material breach of this Agreement entitling City to any and all remedies at law or in equity, including summary termination of this Agreement. 19. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. The terms of this Agreement can only be modified in writing approved by the City Council and the Consultant. The parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and any attempted waiver shall be void 20. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he/she/they has/have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of his/her/their corporation and warrants and represents that he/she/they has/have the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 21. NOTICES. Notices shall be given pursuant to this Agreement by personal service on the party to be notified, or by written notice upon such party deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Service addressed as follows: CKV• a Attention: Ms. Cindy Wrtesen City Clerk City Clerk's Department City of El Segundo 350 Main Street N WGREEMNTWOSSAGR (27100) -14- i L El Segundo, California 90245 Telephone: 310 - 322 -4870, extension 208 Facsimile, 310- 322 -7137 Consultant. Attention: Mr. Lawrence R. Moss Lawrence R. Moss 8 Associates 3458 Ocean View Boulevard Glendale, CA 91208 Telephone. 818- 298 -5200 Facsimile- 818- 298 -6574 The notices shall be deemed to have been given as of the date of personal service, or three (3) days after the date of deposit of the same in the custody of the United States Postal Service. 20. SEVERABILITY The invalidity in whole or in part of any provision of this Agreement shall not void or affect the validity of the other provisions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Title- Mike Gordon. Mayor ATTEST: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk N %AGREEMNTMOSSAGR 0/71001 CONSULTANT -15- APP VED AS TO FORM: ark D. Ht ey, ity Aft6mey EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Based on the Request for Proposal, "Design of Sepulveda Boulevard Streetscaping and Landscaping," issued by the City of El Segundo on December 15, 1999, Lawrence R. Moss & Associates proposes to perform the,following services: I. Project Orientation and Startup Phase A. Establish communication with key City of El Segundo staff and review, clarify and define project schedule, proposed budgets and project elements B. Obtain available documentation and project information from City staff and Caltrans. C. Site analysis and evaluation D Prepare base sheets for project II. Preliminary Design Phase A. Prepare prelimmary conceptual design and cost estimates for review and approval by the Ctty. B. Coordinate with West Basin Municipal Water District to establish locations of reclaimed water service connection pornt(s). C Make revisions to prelimmary conceptual design as necessary. M. Design Development Phase A. Prepare final designs for City review and approval. B. Make final revisions based on City input C. Submit final design to Caltrans for plan check D. Make necessary revisions/corrections based on Calmins review N. Construction Documents Phase A. Prepare, based on approved preliminary plan, final working drawings, specifications and details required to meet City and Caltrans ordinances and standards. B. Obtain encroachment permrts form Caltim as required. C. Prepare revised construction cost estimates and review with City staff. D. Make final revisions/corrections based on City review. V. Bidding Assistance Phase A. Upon tempt of City and Caltrans approval of plans, prepare bid package for soliciting bids from licensed contractors. B. Assist City in reviewing bids and make recommendations for awarding contract. C. Provide telephone and entail support to City and prospective contractors during bidding penod VI. Construction Support Phase r- I " A. Provide telephone and email suppon to City and contractor during construction period B. Review contractor submitted shop drawings and change order requests. C At completion of construction, conduct final walk - through with contractor to establish punch list of corrective work to comply with the project plans and specifications. Ciry ofV eswido smm o � EXHIBIT "B" �r�o PROJECT FEES & LRMFEE SCHEDULE TOTAL FEE Lawrence R Moss & Associates will perform the services specified in the Scope of Services (Section 4.0) of this proposal for a total fee not too exceed .............................. ............................... S36,000.00 FEES PER PROJECT PHASE I. Project Orientation and Startup ............................................... ............................... $ 1,900.00 IIPreliminary Design ................................................................. ............................... $ 7,600.00 III Design Development ............................................................. ............................... $ 11.000.00 N Construction Documents ....................................................... ............................... $ 12,500.00 V. Bidding Assistance ................................................................. ............................... $ 1,500.00 VI. Construction Support .............................................................. ............................... $ 1,500.00 TT EE ......................................................................... ............................... $ 36,000.00 LRM HOURLY FEE SCHEDULE Lawrence R. Moss and Associates, Inc. Landscape Archuecrure • principal • Senior Associates • Associates • Draftsman • Clerical $110.00 per hour $100.00 per hour 585.00 per hour 565.00 per hour 545.00 per hour C*10 0 IID/fCf Kl K LIt EXHIBIT "C" J m gc t m 0 a` m a a ° � gM = C E U a s Oil e e e e e EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION MEETING DATE: March 8, 2000 AGENDA HEADING, Consent Agenda Adopt plans and specificabons for the rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Pump Station No 13 Project No PW 00 -1 (estimated cost = $345,000 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Adopt plans and specifications and authorize staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The fiscal year 1999 -2000 Capital Improvement Program includes a budget of $289,700 00 for the refurbishment of Sewer Pump Station No 13 located below street level at the northeast comer of Grand Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard On June 1, 1999, the City Council awarded a contract to AKM Consulting Engineers for professional engineering services for preparation of contract plans and specifications DISCUSSION: (Discussion begins on the next page..........) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. Location map FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: ProjectlAccount Budget: ProjectlAccount Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required. No Yes $289,70000 $231.72600 Date: February 16, 200 301 - 400 -8205 -8360 Adootlon of plans and specifications Not at this time Page 1 of 2 N COUNCILIMAR08-02 (Thursday 2124/00 1 DO P M) "; 0 11 DISCUSSION: Pump Station No 13 serves the area bounded by Sepulveda Boulevard, Manposa Avenue, Continental Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard Sewage from this general area is pumped to the County Sanitation District system east of Sepulveda Boulevard The pump station was built in 1972 and refurbished in 1981 One of the two (2) standby gas engines is currently non - operational and the other components of the pump station are due for replacement at this time The gas engines are twenty -eight (28) years old and replacement parts are not available The one (1) operating engine has frequent maintenance problems due to moisture condensation inside the pump station structure where the engines are located After considerable discussion and study, staff is proposing replacing the two (2) standby gas engines with an exterior diesel generator to achieve long term reliability and to reduce the Cdy's maintenance burden The consultant's total estimated cost of the project, Including costs for project management and construction contingencies, is $345,000 00 At the time the Capital Improvement Program budget was developed, staff had requested $225,000 00 for this purpose without the benefit of an engineered design Pursuant to completion of this design, the consultant has estimated the cost to be $345,000 00, which is more than the currently budgeted funds. Staff believes that competitive bidding will bring the project lower than the consultant's estimate At this time, staff is recommending advertising the project for receipt of construction bids in order to finalize project costs After bid opening, staff will report the bid results to the City Council with recommendations for contract award and for any needed appropriations from savings resulting from other completed Capital Improvement Projects The scope of the proposed refurbishment includes sealing of the wet well, installation of a standby exterior electrical generator to replace the existing old standby gas engines, replacement of all pumps and electrical controls, and other miscellaneous improvements Page 2 of 2 N \ COUNCIL- MAR08-02 (Thursday 2/24/00 100 P M ) .� 1 m J IA1N11O0 S313SNY SO'?? Aq, 3NU0N1MVN !0 AIIJ pn)a 05310 NVp $ 9 9 9 9 9 0 '�'t1'4 I,,II II11 NM O .m. L� YwayM .Nee 112 a. Q w r1 S YxYOM - Y' O f r r� J 9MOOMOOIY Q H � G � OY 13100 LUga Z w i ` `' N111 M33Y0 l OY13N � Y ufWn 6 � arr 0n/ _ IN s.x � a IaaaWl lr 0 TL4 AVM aD W 01510 Oirm Z y U 1Y Aal S_1 ___ DAta ]s \� o • w m a 2 .OaMpq[ 4 La �U N aw6 .N.Ww IMSIY Sal n ION, V" Clift lift w 1L LIOMI,II M all O YM 21a, li MOUNIMt.M j� 9x[ 10x1.0 t 1= NY.41asM01 F tl if .wY0111.1 ]M wA1 O is MOWAAM e° �M ]l /.w IS "00300 ClM polar, Q n �M 13Yn.t w tL.rJ11 III rl ®�—,I LO wOl..Nnp � s_ is if pN .YY)w Q no B ®� aY aiMY11p1! r LLL JJJ LLLJJJ is ILw01 � w I 1a Y" }��:j ® It NM31 MY )NON "l. O �� IB J ��._Jl " N001)Ni �1 . T-ArQ U Nu p is "w)Y" u s — — ry • — f p Oa A is OY.ON.li N "m 0 U �U� ❑BBBB It .NMM]w EE3E3E3 E3 as wmx0a y9 � � B� is "wIBW3 i UUUL�J ❑�B' �' of .NI1MM 11 sYll a[ .a[w .110, O o ❑" TM' Z c i . a a • r� w l of asa0allm � �fO i I \ Za 1 Y wa��• _. _ W at Y31AA�J �� I M r 1A LL N PN6 W A O Of $E d r O a 1, v Y kiki o 4 Ci 2 1- L M w i 0 W LL EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. March 8, 2000 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION* Adoption of plans and specifications for the replacement of volleyball courts and paddle tennis court surfaces — Project No PW 00 -5 (estimated cost = $40,000 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Adopt plans and specifications and authorize staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The adopted FY 1999 -2000 Capital Improvement Program Includes $40,000 00 for a project to replace the volleyball court surfaces in Recreation Park The playing surface of the above game courts has several large cracks that pose a trip hazard and adversely effect the playabllity of the courts The Recreation and Parks Department has in the past performed repair work and feels that the courts have now reached a condition that replacement is warranted DISCUSSION: Staff has prepared plans and specifications for replacing the existing two (2) volleyball and one (1) paddle tennis asphalt courts with cement courts The proposed work Includes removal of the existing courts, Installing new court surfaces and poles for mounting play nets During the design of the volleyball court replacement project, the Recreation and Parks Department requested that the adjacent paddle tennis court surface also be replaced This additional work is now included in the volleyball court replacement project. Staff is of the opinion that this additional work can be accomplished within budgeted funds If favorable bids are received and recommends that the project be advertised for receipt of construction bids After bid opening, staff will report the bid results to the City Council with a recommendation for contract award If the bids are higher than anticipated (due to the addition of the paddle tennis court), the Recreation and Parks Department has recommended that $25,000.00, budgeted for the replacement of heaters in the City Plunge, be utilized for the project These heaters have been replaced in conjunction with the City's energy management program If this course of action is necessary, staff will request City Council approval at the time of contract award ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Vicinity map FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number- Project Phase: Appropriation Required- yes $40,00000 $40,00000 $40.000.00 Date: 2/24/00 301. 400 - 8202 -8464 Adootion of plans and specifications 9�FUG%ATED: Date: Mapage of Publli; .:F .. :.. ACTM*TAKEN: 12 WCOUNCIUMAR08-03 (Thursday 2/24100 3 00 P M) 1 ` A I 2 ���4 g f • t IAlNOO] [7umv [0i /wl 7NYOHIMV14 i0 A41O ;; aa »a Wafts �as • a • • S Og1O t y'S � N tf 0.0 a y D wsl w li 11 V ° Y,ls Y.LL,N, r ° 110000 �1 a i - ® 9Mmsssis c i a � aaWel � � i ! f1Yi nro oYlsl e Ma seN w + 3 a W J; 1elMrw yA AtM ° OW s 1111" Z ` ES lY?r F n yys • ' r a ws,n,n ®a ON u •f•wW noMY wpY f[A w all all 7A ifY OL a[1M01sW1 41y 7M LAY"A is ssss.s .mu.°a r 10 .s•laari U w ; M 11101 iLW1 V L ss "MR 9111 i1MON ° U Y11ff0 w aansar \ g• � j W W i Oa.lYW1 1s d lL1Wg11 ° Z �� 30 s tL11s1 1 °e w is 3 as 3mvis i aau � u aesirs �' 1 �t was" m N Y. O — y M d"GOVAG ~' Al �j U MIN 32 alm"Now •�. r i • e �� � u awewa 00-0 .• , �� is NWew is saaWa 0. i0 RAW W101 • r Z Y I ��� Y lflalTll \ '1\A W U) AS* aft S% O J n o Gf d Q LL O _ I a u Y1 r LL ~ o u V Of CL A I 2 ���4 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: March 8, 2000 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Recommendation to purchase two Police motorcycles at a cost of $17,220 in funds approved and available in the Equipment Replacement Fund RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Authorize staff to replace two Police Department motorcycles and send to auction the older units INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The Equipment Maintenance Division and Police Department have determined that these two units require replacement Although currently in a five-year rotation, full staffing has increased the use and demand on these units to a level now requiring a three year rotation DISCUSSION: It has been determined that the useful and safe life of Police traffic patrol motorcycles is 40,000 miles Unit 4026 currently has 38,905 miles on it while unit number 4029 (currently being used as the reserve unit) has 36,184 miles The ongmal reserve unit, number 4025, has 42,500 miles on it and this unit was recently redlined as unserviceable Asa result, the Department is short one motorcycle unit and two of the remaining fleet are nearing the maximum useful and safe mileage To date, the accumulated funds for each unit are $6,300 The cost of each new unit rs $8,510 plus $100 for the transfer of radio equipment The difference of the two purchases is $4,620, which will be taken from the Police Department's accumulated Equipment Replacement monies for the remaining three motorcycles With the concurrence of the Finance Department, the equipment replacement fund will be adjusted to raise the annual equipment replacement charges for all the motorcycles to convert to a three -year rotation for future replacement schedules Once these units are replaced, one of the two will replace the redlined backup unit 4025 The two replaced motorcycle units will then go to auction. All monies received from the auction will be returned to account 001- 300 -0000 -3901 of the general fund ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Replacement justification memorandums from Police Department and General Services Division FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested ProjecUAccount Budget ProjectfAccount Balance: Account Number. Project Phase: Appropriation Required: $17.220 $31,500 S14280 Date: March 7. 2000 601 - 400 -31 ?1 -8105 9PIGI"TED: Date: ZR = E)PIF-RoBY: Date: �. I J City of El Segundo Inter - Departmental Correspondence 01/25/00 To: Roger Groman From: Sergeant Al Graham Subject: Replacement of Police Motorcycle, shop unit 94025 Background The Police Department has maintained and operated a motorcycle squad for many years. The traffic division has had as many as seven officers riding motorcycles at one time. This number fluctuates based on need and manpower concerns. This fleet is maintained by the Torrance City Maintenance Facility and has been for many years due to them having a dedicated full time motorcycle mechanic Problem In order to streamline personnel downtime, our city has kept a functioning motorcycle at the Torrance facility. This allows officers to leave their motorcycle at the Torrance yard for maintenance and/or repairs They then ride the spare motorcycle until the one they left for service has been repaired or serviced. This eliminates the need for someone to drop them off and pick them off, putting two people out of service rather than one. Traditionally the best of the motorcycles being replaced is kept at Torrance as a spare. Unit 4025 was purchased in the 88/89 budget. After many years of service it has been used as a spare for the past 3 years. The Torrance city mechanic has determined that unit 4025 is in need of major repairs and has been deemed unsafe to ride For officer safety concerns, this motorcycle was taken out of service once it was considered unsafe to ride. Solution Currently we have 5 motorcycles in fleet service. Four officers ride on a daily basis and one is assigned to the Traffic Sergeant. Since unit 4025 was determined to be unsafe I have placed the Sergeant's motorcycle at Torrance to allow my four officers to stay on the road servicing our community To facilitate bringing the Traffic Division back into full service I am requesting that the city replace unit 4025 immediately This new motomvcle will be put in service and the motorcycle in worst condition with the highest mileage will become the spare. City o /elser" INTER- DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE Date: February 28, 2000 To: Ron Green, Interim Director of Public Works From: Roger E. Groman, General Services Manager Subject: Motorcycle Replacement Justification We have reviewed the Police Department letter of justification regarding the replacement of Unit 4025, a 1988/89 motorcycle. This unit has been inspected and the history reviewed, and we concur that this unit is unsafe and ready for replacement. Based on the heavier demand on all of the motorcycles in the last few years, along with the high risk and safety factors, we are recommending that these units be replaced within three years instead of the previous five year schedule. Steve Jones and I met to discuss this issue and have come up with a way to remedy this problem. We will raise the annual amortization amounts so that we can replace these units in three years. To allow for the replacement of these two motorcycles this fiscal year, funds will be taken from the accounts of each of the City's current motorcycles. Then we will wait until October 1, 2000 to purchase another motorcycle from the next fiscal year's budget. The last two units will not be replaced until October 1, 2001. This will allow time to build up funds in the equipment replacement accounts. By doing this we will accomplish another goal, which is to rotate half of the motorcycles one year and the rest the following year. This will maintain a better balance and safer squad. Mntic100Wrnr stW otomyde of do n a � i 8EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REM STATEMENT MEETING DATE:March 8, 2000 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar Approval of Examination Plan for the Personnel Merit System fob classification of Battalion Chief RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Examination Plan for the position of Battalion Chief INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Chapter 2 28 080 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, entitled "Administration and Personnel", provides that the Personnel Officer shall review and recommend to the City Manager, who in turn shall recommend to the City Council, an appropriate examination plan and weights for each portion of the examination for Personnel Merit System fob classifications DISCUSSION: - REFER TO ATTACHMENT - ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Projec (Account Budget: ProjectlAccount Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No_ ORIGINATED: Date: February 25, 2000 agenda 341 �I; 14 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 8, 2000 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: A resolution of the City Council authorizing the submittal of an application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for grants authonzed under the California Integrated Waste Management Act for a period of three years (No net fiscal impact) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Adopt Resolution INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The City Council adopted Resolution No 3907 at rts February 2, 1995 meeting authonzmg the submittal of an application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for the Third Cycle Used Oil Recycling Block Grant The Board approved the application on June 30, 1995 The City Council also adopted Resolution 3951 at its November 21, 1995 meeting authonzmg the submittal of grant applications to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for grants for the period of five years commencing with the effective date of the Resolution The goal of this program is to decrease the amount of illegally dumped used oil by providing education, outreach, and a convenient center to accept the oil at no charge DISCUSSION: On January 26, 2000, the California Integrated Waste Management Board made available applications for a Sixth Cycle used Oil Recycling Block Grant (2000 -2003) This grant will be used to continue programs initiated in the Third through Fifth Cycles of the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant approved by Council on February 2, 1995, and November21, 1995 The Sixth Cycle Used Oil Recycling Block Grant funds will be used to purchase educational material and to reimburse the City for employee time used in monitoring the Certified Used Oil Recycling Center, and performing outreach and educational functions to promote the recycling of used oil The program will be 100% funded by the Block Grant and no funding is required by the Cdy The accompanying resolution authorizing the submittal of the grant designates the City Manager as the City's authorized contact person (Attachment A) The attached Resolution has been reviewed by the City Attorney and approved as to form ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A Resolution for Sixth Cycle Used OA Recycling Block Grant B 2000/2003 Used Oil Recycling Block Grant Application FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: ProjectlAccount Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: = , 800 Q AD 1131--- . -. �.r , ; ACTION TAKEN: - - - - -- - N/A No . Date: _'2G RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATIONS TO THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR GRANTS AUTHORIZED UNDER THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS. WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act that provides funds to cities and counties for establishing and maintaining local used oil collection programs that encourage recycling or appropriate disposal of used oil, and WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management Board has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program within the state, setting up necessary procedures governing application by cities and counties under the program, and WHEREAS, the applicant will enter into an agreement with the State of California for implementation of a used oil collection program, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of El Segundo 1 Authorizes the submittal of grant applications to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for all available grants under the California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act and all available HHW grants under the California Integrated Waste Management Act for the period of three years, commencing June 30, 2000. 2 The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the City of El Segundo all necessary applications, contracts, payment requests, agreements and amendments hereto for the purpose of securing grant funds and to implement and carry out the purposes specified in the grant application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said city, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2000. Mike Gordon, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California ATTESTED: Cindy Mortesen City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM Ref-ff —1972r.""- �1, - 1 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO was duly passed an adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 8th day of March, 2000, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTENTION NOT PARTICIPATING WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 8th day of March, 2000 Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk City of El Segundo, California, (seal) 7� a California Integrated Waste Management Board Dan Eaton, Chairman 8800 Cal Center Dave � Sacramento California 95826 � (9l6) 255 -2200 www.ciwmb.ca gov Gray Davis Winston H Hickox Governor Secretaryjor - - ---- Environmental Protection v To: Interested Parties From: Used Oil Recycling Program California Integrated Waste Management Board Date: January 26, 2000 Subject: Used Oil Recycling Block Grant — Sixth Cycle Application Deadline — April 6, 2000 Enclosed you will find the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant — Sixth Cycle Application and Instructions. Additional application forms are available at the California Integrated Waste Management Board's website t\ItN t\ Cit+ /mb ca.aov /usedoil /arants/block. If you are a Used Oil Recycling Block Grant — Fifth Cycle recipient, you must complete the enclosed application and required documentation in order to continue to receive funding. Please remember that unspent Used Oil Recycling Block Grant — Fifth Cycle funds will be rolled over and expended during the Sixth Cycle. The deadline for filing is Thursday, April 6, 2000. If you have any questions, please call your current Grant Manager or Sally French at (916) 255 -2344. California Environmental Protection Agency Printed on Recycled Paper STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY RECYCLE USED OIL USED OIL RECYCLING BLOCK GRANT SIXTH CYCLE 2000/2003 Application and Instructions California Integrated Waste Management Board Used Oil Grant Program 8800 Cal Center Drive, MS-4 Sacramento, CA 95826 (916) 256 -2891 www.ciwmb.ca.gov USED OIL RECYCLING BLOCK GRANT 2000/2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS GRANT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST 2 USED OIL RECYCLING BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM INFORMATION ................ ............................... 3 APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY ... . ............................ ............................... 3 REGIONAL PROGRAMS ..... ....... ............................... ...... ............ .... 3 MINIMUM GRANT AWARD . ...... ...... .. ............................... ......... ... 4 THREE -YEAR CYCLE ..... ..... .... .. ............ ............................... 4 USED OIL FILTERS ............. ... ............. ............................... .. .. 5 PAYMENTS.......... ... .... . ......... ..... ............................... .. ... 5 SPENDING PROJECTION FORM ................. ............................... .. ...... 5 APPLICATION....................................................................................................... ............................... 6 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................ ..............I................ 8 SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATION ............................................................................. .............................10 Attachment A - SAMPLE RESOLUTION - SINGLE GRANT OR REGIONAL PROGRAMS . ..................... 11 Attachment B - SAMPLE RESOLUTION - MULTI- YEAR/MULTI -GRANT ................. .............. .... .12 Attachment C - SAMPLE AUTHORIZATION LETTER ...... ............................... .............. .. .... 13 Attachment D - SPENDING PROJECTION FORM ............................... ............................... ..... ... 14 Attachment E - SAMPLE SPENDING PROJECTION FORM ................ ............................... ............15 AttachmentF - MAXIMUM BLOCK GRANT AWARDS BY JURISDICTION ............ ............................... 16 1 1 ' J GRANT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST ❑ Application ❑ If applicable, List of Participants ❑ Resolution ❑ If applicable, Authorization Letter ❑ Spending Projection Form Application and all required documents must be postmarked by Thursday. April 6, 2000 or delivered by 4:00 p.m. on the above date to: California Integrated Waste Management Board Attn: Mercy Caputi, Grants Administration Unit 8800 Cal Center Drive, MS -14 Sacramento, CA 95826 Directions to the office can be obtained from the CIWMB webske. http://www.ciwmb.ca.goy/Boardinfo/Location/, or by calling (916) 255 -2891. d F USED OIL RECYCLING BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM INFORMATION Sixth Cycle 2000/2003 The California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act (Act) (Statutes of 1991, Chapter 817) mandates the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) to provide annual Block Grants to local governments for establishing local collection programs that encourage recycling of used oil Because Block Grants are not competitive, local govemments only need to submit a completed application and meet the program's eligibility requirements to receive a grant APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY Eligible applicants are limited to local governments, defined in Public Resources Code, Section 48617 as "any chartered or general law city, chartered or general law county, or any city and county " Any city or county, or any group of cities and/or counties (regional programs), may apply for a Block Grant. Only one application may be submitted for each local government. To receive a Block Grant, an applicant must demonstrate that they already meet the eligibility requirements, or will meet the requirements during the term of the Block Grant agreement The eligibility requirements for Block Grant funding are The applicant's local used oil collection program includes a public education element that informs the public of locally available used oil recycling opportunities, AND 2 The applicant's local used oil collection program meets either of the criteria below or a combination of the two so that all residents are served: ♦ Provides used oil curbside collection for all residents of the jurisdiction including muf - family residences, or ♦ Ensures that at least one certified used oil collection center is available for every 100,000 residents not served by curbside used oil collection. Applicants may apply for a grant as conditional and must demonstrate their proposed used oil collection program will allow them to achieve full eligibility by the end of the grant tens. Applicants must show adequate service (HHW facility or other collection opportunities) even if they do not have a certified center If a conditional applicant does not attain eligibility by the end of the grant term, the CIWMB may require the recipient to return part or all of the grant In addition, to be eligible applicants must submit a resolution to the CIWMB with their application by April 6, 2000 (see pages 8-9). REGIONAL PROGRAMS Cities or counties may submit a regional application with authorization from other cities and/or counties. A lead jurisdiction must be designated for regional programs to act on the behalf of all participating jurisdictions The CIWMB will direct all official correspondence and grant payments to the designated 3 P lead jurisdiction for the regional program Each jurisdiction may submit only one grant application Therefore, if a jurisdiction submits an application as part of a regional program they may not apply individually Jurisdictions participating in a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) may designate the JPA as their regional program grant applicant if the JPA agreement involves or includes solid and/or hazardous waste management Board staff will determine grant eligibility and awards for a regional program administered by a JPA based on the total population and territory of only the participating jurisdictions in the block grant program MINIMUM GRANT AWARD The minimum grant award will be $5,000 for eligible cities and $10,000 for eligible counties The awards for jurisdictions eligible for more than the minimum will continue to be calculated at approximately 32 cents per capita using Department of Finance population statistics (See Attachment F for the 200012003 maximum block grant amount.) THREE -YEAR CYCLE The term of the grant is June 30, 2000 to June 30, 2003. Jurisdictions that do not apply by April 6, 2000, will have an opportunity to apply for second and third year funding each spring. The table below describes the application periods for the Used Oil Recydrng Block Grant - Sixth Cycle (three -year cycle) in relation to the funds available Application Period Eligibility Funds Available 1 f7 100 — 4/6/00 ' Full three year grant tens FY 99/00 - May use funds for the 6/30/00 to 6/30103 current fiscal year and any additional funds remaining from the previous Fifth Cycle Used Oil Block Grant. FY 00/01 - May use funds rolled over from FY 99100 plus current fiscal year allocation. FY 01102 - May use funds rolled over from first two fiscal years plus current fiscal year allocations. 2/1/01 — 4/1/01 Second and third year grant FY 00/01 - May use funds for the tens current fiscal year. unused funds 6130/01 to 6130/03 _ will roll over to the third year. 2/1/02 — 4/1//02 Third year of the grant term FY 01/02 - Eligible for funds for the 6/30102 to 6/30/03 current fiscal year only. 4 USED OIL FILTERS This year $0.025 per capita has been added to the block grant awards to provide funds to establish collection opportunities and promote the recycling of used oil fitters Filter funds will be automatically added to grant awards. The additional grant amount jurisdictions will receive is listed in Attachment F These funds will allow grantees who have not already incorporated a fitter program into their used oil programs to do so for this cycle Grantees will be required to incorporate fitter recycling messages into existing used oil recycling outreach materials as well as report on the number of filters collected Filter funds do not need to be tracked separately from the Block grant funds. Fact sheets on oil filter recycling are available from the CIWMB Contact Carta Repuca at (918) 255 -2367 or creoucciCa?ciwmb.ca.aov for fact sheets and more information on oil filter recycling Specific details on this requirement will be included in the Procedures and Requirements that is part of the grant agreement. PAYMENTS The annual allocation will be in advance each fiscal year In order to receive the advance payment, Grantees must, 1) Return the Grant Agreement form with the signature of the authorized representative (as listed on the resolution) within 90 days of the date of the mailing of the agreement package by the CIWMB. 2) Return the Grant Payment Request Forth with the signature of the authorized representative (this forth will be completed by the CIWMB with the correct grant amount, and should be returned with the grant agreement form each year.) 3) Submit a Spending Project Forth for each fiscal year. This forth is due each spring for the followmgfiseal year. 4) Submit all required reports on time and follow the Procedures and Requirement and Terms and Conditions issued for the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant, Sixth Cycle. Failure to comply with any of the requirements listed above may result in a jurisdiction not receiving future funding under the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant. Any remaining funds unspent from the Fifth Cycle Used Oil Recycling Block Grant will roll over to the Sixth Cycle Used Oil Recycling Block Grant. SPENDING PROJECTION FORM The Spending Projection Form (Attachment D) must be submitted with the Grant Application form and cover the period June 30, 2000 to June 30, 2001. This form w to be used to plan the first year of your Sixth Cycle Used Oil Recycling Block Grant expenditures. Be sure to include the fitter funds in your plan Please remember that any remaining Fifth Cycle :yea Cil Block Grant funds wni roll over to your Sixth Cycle Used Oil Block Grant. However, your Socodina Proiection Forth must only include Sixth Cycle Used Oil Block Grant funds If the participating jurisdictions in your Fifth Cycle Used Oil Block Grant have not changed, you may use the same Spending Projection Form that you submitted with your February 15, 2000 Semi-Annual Report. The Spending Projection Forth can be found on page 14 of the application 5 1 J � ' T 2000/2003 USED OIL BLOCK GRANT R .� SIXTH CYCLE APPLICATION 1 all. Application Due Date: April 6, 2000 Instructions for completing this form can be found on pages 8 and 9 Applicant: If applicable, on a separate sheet of paper list the participating jurisdictions, a contact name, address, and contact's phone number and e-mail address. City of E1 Segundo Address: 350 Main Street El Se undo CALIFORNIA 90245 Street Zip Code Program Director. Roger E. Gromin General Services Manager Printed Name of Program Director 150 Illinois Street E1 Segundo Title CA 90245 Address (lf different than above) (310) 322 -3769 (310) City 414 -0911 state rgroman @elsegundo.org Zip Code _ F Number Fax E -mail Address Primary Contact — Printed Name of Primary Contact Title Address (d different than above) City State Zip Code Phone Number Fax Email Add=s Consultant: ('If applicable) Address: Phone: street Contact's Name: City state Email Address: Zip Code AssemblyDistriet(s): 53rd District r x_ Senate District(s): 28th District :Is& -copies of the application package con be found at the CIWMB's websae: www. awmb .ce.goviusedoll/gmnts/block/ 0 J Eligibility includes: a public education element, AND either 1) Provides used oil curbside collection for all residents of the city including mulb - family residences, or 2) Ensures that at least one certified used oil collection center is available for every 100,000 residents not served by curbside used oil collection To establish a baseline for your program, please provide us with the following data for all participating junsdictions. 1 Total number of certified used oil collection centers 1 2 Total number of non - certified used oil collection centers 1 3. How many of these are airport collection centers? ❑ Certified -0- ❑ Non - Certified -0- 4 How many of these are marina collection centers? ❑ Certified -0- ❑ Non - Certified -0- 5 Curbside used oil collection? ❑ Yes U No What % of your population? 6 Door -to- door used oil collechon? ❑ Yes ® No What % of your population? If claiming conditional eligibility please check Yes and explain the steps to be taken to obtain eligibility during the grant term Conditional Eligibility ❑ Yes it No Describe collection opportunities that are available within the area of jurisdiction that can provideservice until community collection centers are established. Certification: I declare, under penalty of perjury, that all information submitted to CMIMB's consideration for allocation of grant funds is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of person authorized by resolution Roger E. Groman, General Services Manager Print Name and Title of signalise authority Attachments: Approved Resolution andfor Authorization Lett Return form to, California Integrated Waste Management Board Attn: Mercy Caputi Grants Administration Unit 8600 Cal Center Drive, MS-14 Sacramento, CA 95826 7 Date ';i APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Listed below are instructions for completion of the 200012003 Used Oil Recycling Block Grant, Sixth Cycle application • APPLICANT Name of applying jurisdiction if a regional program, please list all of the participating jurisdictions, with the lead jurisdiction listed first On a separate sheet of paper list all participating agencies with their address, contact name, phone number, and e-mail address • PROGRAM DIRECTOR The Program Director is the person with management responsibility at the local level for the program. 'Title" means the official position in the local jurisdiction, e.g., Public Works Director, Solid Waste Management Director, Director of Environmental Heafth Services, etc. The Program Director must be a local government employee (except if the primary contact is an employee of a JPA involved in solid and /or hazardous waste management.) • PRIMARY CONTACT The Primary contact is the person responsible for carrying out the project goals and objectives This person will be the contact for all matters regarding the grant, Including but not limited to: agreement status, program implementation and semi - annual reports. All correspondence from the CIWMB will be directed to this individual. The Primary Contact must be a local government employee (except if the primary contact is an employee of a JPA involved in solid and/or hazardous waste management.) • CONSULTANT If applicable, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of the consultant who will be assisting with the used oil collection program. • ASSEMBLY / List the district numbers for all jurisdictions covered by this SENATE DISTRICTS application. • ELIGIBILITY This summary establishes the applicant's eligibility or conditional eligibility to receive the grant. Please complete per instructions on application form. • CERTIFICATION The signature must be that of the person authorized by resolution. • APPROVED Deadline for submittal of resolution to the CIWMB is April 6, 2000. RESOLUTION One of the following must be included: • A copy of the previously approved multiple year/grant resolution that covers fiscal years 2000 -2003; OR An approved resolution from the applicant's governing body authorizing submittal of an application for the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant identifying the title of the individual authorized to execute any agreements and/or contracts (See Attachment A), OR An approved resolution authorizing the submittal of grant applications to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for all available oil grants under the California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act, or oil grants and HHW grants under the California Integrated Waste Management Act, identifying the title of the individual authorized to execute any agreements, contracts, and requests for payment (See Attachment B) Note: Benefit of a multiple year /grant resolution is that it can be used for future applications such as Opportunity Grants, Household Hazardous Waste Grants, etc, OR Regional Programs • In addition to the resolution for the lead applicant as described on the (previous oaoe). applications for regional programs must also include ONE of the followfna • A resolution from each of the other participating jurisdictions authorizing the lead applicant to act on their behalf as both Applicant and Grant Administrator*, OR • A letter from the County Administrator /City Manager from each of the participating jurisdictions stating that the jurisdiction wants to participate in the regional program and authorizing the lead applicant to act on their behalf as both Applicant and Grant Administrator'; OR • A copy of a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) agreement and a letter from the County Administrator /City Manager from each of the participating jurisdictions authorizing the JPA to act on behalf of the jurisdictions as both Applicant and Grant Administrator*; OR • A copy of a Memorandum of Understanding specifically for this grant proposal from each jurisdiction authorizing the lead applicant to act on behalf of the jurisdiction both as Applicant and Grant Administrator*. • SPENDING In addition, applicants must submit a Spending Projection Form to PROJECTION FORM the CIWMB with their application (Attachment D). Grant Administrator is the entity that implements the grant program. �J SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATION Applicants must submit an original application and all required documents, postmarked or in person, to the CIWMB's principal place of business by 4:00 p.m.. Thursday. April 6. 2000. Applications postmarked or delivered in person after this date will be returned to the applicant and will not be considered for grant funding It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the application is postmarked or delivered in person to the CIWMB by the filing deadline. It is strongly suggested that your application be sent by registered mail. A letter of application acknowledgement will be sent by May 1, 2000 If you have not received an acknowledgement letter by May 1, 2000, please call Ruth Galvez at (916) 255 -4558. Please submit your application to: California Integrated Waste Management Board Grants Administration Unit Attn: Mercy Capub — MS -14 8800 Cal Center Drive Sacramento, CA 95826 Attachments A Sample Resolution — Single Grant or Regional Programs B Sample Resolution — Mufti- Year/Mufti -Grant C Authorization Letter Spending Protection Form Sample Spending Projection Form F Maximum Block Grant and Filter Awards List 10 Attachment A SAMPLE RESOLUTION (Sixth Cycle Used Oil Recycling Block Grant) WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act that provides funds to cities and counties for establishing and maintaining local used oil collection programs that encourage recycling or appropriate disposal of used oil; and WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management Board has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program within the state, setting up necessary procedures governing application by cities and counties under the program, and WHEREAS, the applicant will enter into an agreement with the State of Califomu?t for implementation of a used oil collection program, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the (Title of Governing Body) authorizes the submittal of an application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for a 2000/2003 Used Oil Recycling Block Grant The (Title of Official) or a designee, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the (Name of Junsdration) all necessary applications, contracts, payment requests, agreements and amendments hereto for the purposes of securing grant funds and to implement and carry out the purposes specified in the grant application The foregoing resolution was passed by the (Title of Govemma Body) this day of 19 Effective '19— ATTEST Signed Date The wordmg in this paragraph is appropriate for a jurisdiction applying individually. See below for alternative wordmg for regional program resolutions Lead Applicant for a Regional Program: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Crudemont Cdv Council authorizes the submittal of a regional application on behalf of Cibes of Petroviile, Oil Springs, and Crudemont to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for a 2000/2003 Used Oil Recycling Stock Grant The Public Works Dire r of the City of Crudemont, or a designee, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the above named cities all necessary applications, contracts, payment requests, agreements and amendments hereto for the purposes of securing grant funds and to implement and carry out the purposes specified in the grant application Regional Program Applicants: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Petroville authorizes the 9„ytr of Crude mont to submit to the California Integrated Waste Management Board a regional application for the 2000/2003 Used Oil Recycling Block Grant on its behalf. The City of Crudemont is hereby authorized and empowered to execute all necessary applications, contracts, payment requests, agreements and amendments hereto for the purposes of securing grant funds and to implement and carry out the purposes specified in the grant application 11 .4 v- Attachment B SAMPLE RESOLUTION (Used Oil Recycling Block Grant for Multiple Year, Multiple Grant Applications) WHEREAS, the people of the State of Califomia have enacted the California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act that provides funds to cities and counties for establishing and maintaining local used oil collection programs that encourage recycling or appropriate disposal of used oil, and WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management Board has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program within the state, setting up necessary procedures governing application by cities and counties under the program, and WHEREAS, the applicant will enter into an agreement with the State of Caldomia for implementation of a used oil collection program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the f itle of Govemmc Body) 1 Authorizes the submittal of grant applications to the Caldomia Integrated Waste Management Board for all available grants under the California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act and all available HHW grants under the Caldomia Integrated Waste Management Act for the period of 2 The (Title of Official) , or their designee, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in ie name of the (Name of Jurisdiction) all necessary applications, contracts, payment requests, agreements and amendments hereto for the purposes of securing grant funds and to implement and carry out the` purposes specified in the grant application The foregoing resolution was passed by the (Title of Govemina Body) this day of , 1g . Effective 19 ATTEST: Signed Date 12 IE (123) 457 -9854 (123) 457-3456 FAX March 1, 2000 Attachment C Sample Authorization Letter OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER 2000 NORTH OIL WELL ROAD, PETROVILLE, CALIFORNIA 12345 California Integrated Waste Management Board Grants Administration Unit 8800 Cal Center Drive, MS 14 Sacramento, CA 95826 Subject, Authorization Letter for Used Oil Recycling Block Grant — Sixth Cycle Dear Board Members: The City of Petroville authorizes the City of Crudemont to submit a regional application for the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant — Sixth Cycle on behalf of City of Petroville. The City of Crudemont is authorized and empowered to execute all necessary applications, contracts, payment requests, agreements and amendments hereto for the purposes of securing grant funds and to implement and carry out the purpose specified in the grant. Sincerely, Nancy Leadbottom City Manager 13 r Attachment D SPENDING PROJECTION FORM USED OIL RECYCLING BLOCK GRANT SIXTH CYCLE, YEAR ONE Identify the activities you plan on implementing with your Sixth Cycle Used Oil Block Grant funds Include estimated dollar amounts The grand total must match the amounts listed for your jurisdiction(s) listed in Attachment F Se sure to include the filter funds in your plan Permanent Collection Facility Subtotal $ ❑ Non - Certified Center $ ❑ Certified Centers$ ❑ HHW Permanent Facility $ ❑ Fitter Collection $ ❑ Hauling /Recycling $ ❑ Airport Project $ ❑ Small Quantity Generators $ ❑ Manna Project $ ❑ Agncultural Collection $ ❑ Other $ Temporary or Mobile Collection Subtotal $ ❑ Hauling / Recycing $ ❑ Curbside $ ❑ Door- to-door Collection $ ❑ Filter Collection $ ❑ Temporary Events $ ❑ Agricultural Collection$ ❑ Small Quantity Generator $ ❑ Other $ sidential Collection Subtotal $ L] Filter Collectbgn $ ❑ Other $ ❑ Hauling /Recycling $ Publicity and Education Subtotal $ ❑ Public Education $ ❑ video $ ❑ School Education $ ❑ Television $ ❑ Containers $ ❑ Newspaper $ ❑ Radio $ ❑ Direct Mail $ ❑ Special Events $ ❑ Utility insert $ ❑ Transit Ads $ ❑ Newsletter $ ❑ Brochure $ ❑ Other $ Load Checking Subtotal $ ❑ Load Checking $ F r] Other $ Personnel /Other Subtotal $ ❑ Personnel $ ❑ Other $ Gr- '-e's Name Authorized Signature Grand Total $ Date 14 's Attachment E SAMPLE Used Oil Recycling Block Grant SPENDING PROJECTION FORM Identify the activities you plan on implementing with your Sixth Cycle Used Oil Recycling Block Grant funds Include estimated dollar amounts The grand total must match the amounts listed for yourjunsdiction(s) listed in Attachment F Be sure to include the fitter funds in your plan Permanent Collection Facility Subtotal $ 7.400 ® Non- Certified Center $ 500 ® Certified Centers$ 5.000 ❑ HHW Permanent Facility $ ® Filter Collection $ 300 ® Hauling/Recycling $ 600 ❑ Airport Project $ ❑ Small Quantity Generators $ ❑ Manna Project $ ® Agricultural Collection $ 1.000 ❑ Other $ Temporary or Mobile Collection Subtotal $ 16.075 ❑ Hauling/Recycling $ ® Curbside $ 12.000 ❑ Door-to-door Collection $ ® Fitter Collection $ 75 ® Temporary Events $ 4.000 ❑ Agricultural Collection $ ❑ Small Quantity Generator $ ❑ Other $ Residential Collection Subtotal $ ❑ Filter Collection $ ❑ Other $ ❑ Hauling/Recycling $ Publicity and Education Subtotal $ 32.450 ❑ Public Education $ ❑ Video $ ❑ School Education $ ❑ Television $ ® Containers $ 10.000 ® Newspaper $ 3.000 ® Radio $ 51000 ® Direct Mail $ 600 ® Special Events $ 1.500 ❑ Utility Insert $ ❑ Transit Ads $ ❑ Newsletter $ ® Brochure $ 6.000 ® Other $ 6.350 Novo Theatre Advermement Load Checking Subtotal $ ❑ Load Checking $ ,J ` Other $ Personnel/Other Subtotal $ 45.300 ® Personnel $--A5.30-R- ❑ Other $ Grantee's Name _City of Crudemont Authorized Signature Ww"10 .2"f 15 Grand Total $ 101.225 Date: 331 -2000 Attachment F MAXIMUM BLOCK GRANT AWARDS BY JURISDICTION FOR YEARS 200012003 Population figures for counties are for the incorporated areas only. Compiled from 'Population Estimates for California Cities and Counties Report E -1, 1999' Department of Finance, Demographic Research Unit May 1999 This report is available tree by calling (915)322 ♦551 Jurisdiction Psed 0111_ Filter CALWATRIA 55,000 5300 DUARTE 57306 5566 CALWTOOA 55,000 9300 DUSUN $9258 5717 - CAMARILLO $19539 $1,537 OLNISMUiR $5000 $300 ADELANTO $5,000 5972 CAMPBELL 572,855 $995 EAST PALO ALTO $8242 sew AGOUM HILLS S7,OM 5547 5547 CANYON LAKE 35 o00 $300 EL WON $30,508 52,387 AGOURA 523,502 $1 $ CAPITCLA $5.000 5300 EL CENTRO $12.242 $940 ALAMEDA COUNTY $43 034 335 CARLSBAD 525,0:3 $1,940 EL CERRITO S7677 5595 ALBANY 45,726 $5.566 5443 S CARME48Y-TI E4IEA $5,000 SS00 EL DORADO COUNTY S38 228 S2962 ALBANY yp CARPNTERIA $5.000 5373 EL MONTE 538.260 $2985 ALPINE COUNTY $14000 8800 CARSON 529,646 52,297 EL PASO DE ROMES $7,258 5552 ALPINEC $5.000 $5.000 saw CATHEDRAL CITY $11 $55 5918 EL SEOUNDO SS 371 $416 AAIAOOR 5300 CERES $10,452 5810 EMERMLLE 55,000 5300 AMADOR COUNTY $70.000 SBDD CERRITOS $18549 51,437 ENCILBTAS 519465 S1510 AMERICAN 55000 s3DD CHICO 517452 51.352 ESCALON 55.000 3300 AMERICA $98872 57.657 CHIINO 1121,1$4 $1.642 ESCOTDDO $40.518 53740 ANDERSON $5.O02 $5,000 5900 CHWOHIUA 516.743 $1.452 ETw SSOOO 5900 ANGELS CAMP 5300 CHOLNCHILIA 55.000 5751 EUR M 118.952 11893 ANGELS 525,201 $ssoo $2330 CHULA VISTA 553.641 $4,172 EXETER 55.000 5300 APPLE VALLEY 577897 CITRUS HEIGHTS $28,465 SZ207 FAIRFAX $5.000 sm APPLEV $17.762 $1.330 CLAREMONT $11,420 5865 FAIRFELD s29.8D8 52.310 ARCADA 55.322 11412 CLAYTON 35.000 3300 FAMER6VBIE Its ODD 9300 ARROYO GRANDE 55,181 $412 CLEARUAIE S5A00 $300 FERIDAE 55.000 am ARROYO 55484 $425 CLOVERDALE 551000 $300 FaWORE $$,ODD 3330 ARVIN 55.000 $306 CLOVE 522,194 $1,720 FWA9 AUOM $5.000 5300 ARVIN ERO SCADN $8,270 $836 COACIELLA 57.161 SEES FOLSOM $15.585 31.205 A7' $6,000 5300 COALNGA So,= 5300 FONTANA sums $2.795 r R i $7.177 $7.1017 5558 COLFAX 95.000 $300 FWGPAGG 55,000 5300 .N A SSW COLAIA (5.000 531111 FORTJONES 85.000 3300 A, SS.000 - $300 COLTON 515.640 $1.106 FORTUNA SS.000 5300 AVALON $5.000 $310 COLIMA 35'000 $300 FOSTER CITY $0.903 11767 AVENA 9$5.000 $14,458 $5310 COLMBA COUNTY $10.000 BMD FOUNTAMVALLV $18.194 $1.410 FIELD BAKERSFELD $5,770 COLVALACE S5.00D 5431 FOVANt 35,000 5300 BALOW $24.874 $1,407 COMPTON 531,227 52,420 FREMONT $65.081 (5.090 BANNING 24181 11832 CONCORD �•� SZM2 FIEEID $154.008 510,385 BANNING 57135 s576 CONTRACOSTACO 557.326 $4.442 FREED COUNTY 557.777 $4.477 BARSTOtlT S5.o35 3500 CORCORAN $6.742 $522 FULLERTON (40.005 39,170 BELL 512.182 5942 $942 COMING 35.000 $200 ONLY 35.648 $430 BELL GARDENS GARDE 114,619 5 CORONA 537,840 52,932 GAROEROROVE 850.18$ $3.912 BELL $21.607 $1.Mp CORONADO 3926$ 5717 GARDENA 818,965 (1,470 BEUAONT 88,419 5852 CORTE MADERA $5.000 9300 GERDY SIZES? 8078 BELVEDERE $5.000 flop COSTA MESA 334.OM fZ640 r"�"US 804.281 54,Mo BELYED $6,260 8717 $717 COTATI WOOD 8300 GLE OM 517,162 51.330 BERKELEY $35.131 835.131 t COVINA SISAISS MASS GLEeLODLWM 514.000 $6W BEVERLY HILLS 11723 CRESCENT CITY 35000 9SOO GONZALES $5.0111) 83011 BIG BEAR LAKE 86.045 f311D CUDAW 3e.177 MSS ORNDTEMACE 35.000 5335 BIGB 35.001) 5300 CULVER CITY $13.625 111.066 DRAW VALLEY S"Do 5300 P BISHOP 35.000 3500 CUPERTINO 815,371 $1,191 aREEiIELD S5,p00 sm BLUE L $5,000 8300 "PARS 815.008 51212 ardom SS.m 1301) BLUE $6,700 8523 OALYCTTY 933.614 5206 GROVER BEACH $51000 5316 BLYTHE V 35,000 $311111 DANA PD9rr SIZO49 s9$2 GUADALUPE 35001) 5300 Sul DAMUStE c4 C7Z871 5497 Guam - `° SEND 8300 BRRAWLEY 51007,7942 DAVE Sts.085 511400 HALF MOON SAY 55.001) $300 BRENTWOOD 56.468 Sa01 DEL MAR ..-. $5.001) 9300 HANFORD 313.000 $1,007 BRISBANE $5.000 $300 MNOIRECOLwry f10.ow sego wMMSMIOAROENS SS ODD 9376 BUELLTON 35.000 s30o OEL R� OAKS 95,000 3300 HAWT DRNE (25.71/ $1,902 BUENA PARK EN3485 $24 465 87.697 DELAND 311.113 3001 HAYNIARD $41,196 83.192 BURBANK 92.632 DEBERTHOTSPRNW $5.000 $395 IEALGIMIRG 55.000 s300 BURAK 59.452 11732 OIAMOIID MR $14.807 $1457 IENLT $19710 111.527 BUTTINGAME COUNTY 832,969 32835 OHIO" SS.000 5305 HIMOULES 162% Sol CA LS %S $6,464 35112 DOM 35000 63" HERMOMMACH S62M 0005 CA, COUNTY $$5.384 $A8 VORRE 35•� S300 HESPERIA 524.433 $1952 CALEXICO 18,435 fast DOS PALO3 95.000 $300 HIDDEN HILLS 95.000 5300 CALIFORNIA CRY $43$ $5 sm OOYYNEY 932.614 SZ627 HDHIAdD 313.823 $1.071 CAUFORN 000 5300 16 _'4G 17 A t 1 55 DOD $300 MADERA COUNTY 521 001 51 627 PLTOS VERDES ESTATES 35 000 $36' HILLSBOROUGH $710 MALIBU 55000 5323 PARADISE $8468 $6 HOLLISTER 59161 $5 ODD $300 MAMMOTH LAKES 55000 5300 PARAMOUNT 518065 $14L HOLTVILLE SS,ODO 5300 MANHATTAN BEACH 511,403 $883 PARUER 55000 5300 HUGHSON HUMBOLDT COUNTY $21,840 57.692 MAMTECA $15,500 $1201 PASADENA $45970 $3562 $300 HUHTINGTON BEACH $63455 $4,917 MARICOPA 55000 5300 PATTERSON 55 000 510178 3788 HUNTINGTON PARK $20,291 11,572 MARIN COUNTY 522517 $1745 PERRIS 516678 $1292 HURON 55000 5300 MARINA $5,919 $458 PETALUMA PICO RIVERA 320614 51597 IMPERIAL $5,000 5300 MARIPOSA COUNTY $10000 saga 55 ODD $300 IMPERIAL BEACH 59,323 $722 MARTINEZ 571807 $915 PIEDMONT $465 IMPERIAL COUNTY 511,161 SEES MARYSVILLE $5.000 $303 PINOLE PISMO BEACH S8 DOD $5000 $300 INDIAN WELLS $5000 5300 MAYWOOD 59.710 3752 PITTSBURG 517,097 Si 325 INDIO $14,355 $1,112 MCFARLAND 55.000 $300 PLACENTA 115855 S7226 INDUSTRY 55000 5300 MENDOCINO COUNTY 579,420 57,505 PLACER COUNTY $30.550 $2367 INGLEWDOD S38744 $3.002 MENDOTA $5000 $300 PLACERVILLE 55000 5300 INTO COUNTY 370,000 0600 MENLO PARK 570.178 5788 PLEASANT MILL 510,613 $822 IONE $5000 $300 MERCED MERCED COUNTY 520,259 525.937 $1,570 $2.010 PLEASANTON 520743 51,607 IRVINE $46,067 $5,000 53.415 5300 MILL VALLEY $5000 5352 PLLMAS COUNTY S10000 5600 IRW AIDALE ISLETON 55.000 S3DO MIL BRAE 38. 9153 $540 PLYMOUTH S5000 $300 JACKSON 55.000 $300 MILPITAS $20743 $1,607 POINT ARENA $5000 5300 KERMAN $6,000 $300 MISSION VIEJO $31,066 $2,407 POMONA 546,006 $3635 KERN COUNTY $87.521 $6,782 MODESTO $59.551 $4,615 FORT HUENEME 57,290 3585 KING CITY $5600 5300 MODOC COUNTY $10,000 Sm PORTERVILL£ $11936 5625 KINGS COUNTY 511,742 $970 MONO COUNTY $10.000 sm PORTOLA $5.000 5300 KINGS"G, SS 000 $300 MONROVIA $13,081 $1,013 PORTOLA VALLEY 55000 5300 LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE 58,726 5521 MONTAGUE 55,000 5300 MARY 215813 $1,210 LA HABRA $16.001 $1,365 MONTCWR 59,855 $783 RANCHO CUCAMONGA 539292 $3045 u HABRA, HEKiHTS 25AW 5300 MONNE SERENO $5.000 sm RANCHO MIRAGE 55.000 5300 LA MESA 318,936 51,467 MONTEBELLO 520.743 51,607 RANCHO PLTOS VERGES $14,307 S7.1DB LA MIRADA $15742 51,720 MONTEREY $10,678 si27 RED BLUFF $5,000 2327 LA PALMA 55.290 $410 MONTEREY COUNTY 533.453 $2.592 REDDING $25.388 51.957 LA PUENTE $13,481 57,045 MONTEREYPARK 521,485 51.565 FELADS $21,531 51.672 LA OUWTA $7,016 $543 MOORPARK 56,51E 1740 REDONDO REACH $21,549 57,670 LA VERNE $10,9Ee 5850 MORAGA 55,403 2418 REDWOOD CITY $24,711 $1915 LAFAYETTE 57.823 $606 MORENO VALLEY 544,873 53.417 REEDIEY 38,829 $513 LAGUNA BEACH 58.048 sus MORGANNU 510,290 5797 RIALTO 378.EA8 $2.055 LAGUNA HILLS $9.019 Sm MORRO BAY 351000 sm RICHMOND $1o.2So 52.345 LAGUNA NIGUEL $19.097 31.400 MOUNT SIYIBTA $5000 $300 RDOEp1EST 3SAT1 5667 LAKE COUNTY $12516 $970 VAKWANVIEW $24.259 $t,so0 RIG CELL $5,000 $300 LAKE EEMORE 59.452 SM MUNUETA 513.404 $1,036 RIO VWA $5,000 $300 LAKE FOREST 319.102 314$5 NAPA S=540 $1,747 RIPON SEW 5700 LAKEPORT $5.006 5300 NAPACOIINTY 510.000 Val, RNERMW 35000 $751 LAKEwOOD 525,640 62,002 NATDNA.CTY $17,743 SIMS RAR'R&DE SV-037 55.357 LANCASTER $41, 970 $3.232 NEEDLES SS.000 3300 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 1125,297 $0.710 LARKSPUR 35. 000 $300 NEVADA CITY 55,000 5300 ROCKIN $70225 $792 LASSEN COUNTY $10.000 5600 NEVADA COUNTY $20.775 $1,610 ROHNIMPARK $12,020 51,001 LATHRCP 55.000 sm NEVMRK $13,791 $1,000 ROLLING MILLS 55,000 3700 LAWNDALE $9,871 sm NORMAN 55.000 3300 ROLLING ALL$ ESTATES 55.000 sm LEMON GROVE $8,200 $642 NEMPORT BEACH 523.672 $1,050 ROSEAffM $18,201 $1417 LEMOORE $5,903 5457 110RCA 36226 OUT ROSEVLLE 5X3.086 $1,790 LINCOLN 55.000 $300 NORYYALK 03=9 SZ597 ROSS 35.000 5300 39.905 LINDSAY 55.000 5300 KQVATO $15,464 51,193 SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO COUNTY $127.614 $702.302 315.677 LIVE OAK 56.000 $300 OAIDALE $5.000 1367 SALINAS $42,292 13.217 LIVERMORE $23,743 $1.640 OAKLAND $129,007 39.997 LIVINGSTON 55,000 5700 OCFA1SIDE 350 no $3,947 SAN AISELMO 55.000 $311 LODI $18,355 $1,422 OJAI $5,000 5700 SA SEWT0001»TY $10000 sm LOW LINDA $6952 5533 OMARD $47.067 53.647 SANBERNAAGINO $59.661 $4.625 LOMITA s6097 sale SANsERNAP0moco. i93,T4T 57265 LOMPOC $13,894 $1,061 ORANGE 341,183 $3.190 BAN BRUNO _ 113420 51,040 LONGSEACH $146105 $71,777 ORANGE COUNTY ORANGE COVE 000 `$s.000 35305 $300 amaff AVERnhH 833AD1 $2.557 LOOMIS $5.000 Sm ORINDA s5 507 3153 BAN CARLOS so-274 5718 Los ALAMTOS $S,000 f301 ORLANO SS,OOD 53001 SAN CLEMENTE S15880 57,231 LOS ALTOS $9, 194 $712 OR011B.LE 55,000 5316 EAN DIEGO $404.837 $31.357 LOS ALTOS HILLS $6,000 $300 OKNARD $51.057 13.957 SAN 0000 COUNTY $147,205 $11412 Los ANGELES 51,215,017 ,210011 $50,000 PACIFIC GROVE 25.629 sm SAN DMAS $11,020 3923 LOSANGELESCWHiV 325.425 PACIFICA $13129 $1,017 SAN FERNAIDO 57867 Sell LOS BANES BATOS 27187 f555 SAN FRANCISCO C"VICO 6255,015 SI9.762 P"DEBERT $11 710 $907 LOS GATE 59.768 f5b5 PALM SPRINGS S13.639 $1,072 SAN GABRIEL $13,753 $1,027 LOS 35000 6400 PALMDALE 336.744 53,002 GAN JACITO $6,145 5671 LOYALOD 522090 $Sm PALO ALTO $19,743 SIAM SAN JOAQUIN 35,050 $300 MADERA $11823 $915 17 A t 1 SAN JOAOUIN COUNTY S42034 53.257 THOUSAND OAKS 537.937 $2940 SAN JOSE 5293.275 $22727 71 LIRON 55.000 $300 'JUAN BAUTISTA S5000 5300 TORRANCE $47035 $3646 JAN CAPISTRANO $10355 $802 TRACY $16.226 $1257 _EANGRO $24324 51,885 TRINIDAD $5000 $300 SAN LUIS OBISPO 513 $23 $1071 TRINITY COUNTY 510.000 $800 SAN LUIS OBISPO CO $33 485 $2.595 TRUCKEE S5000 5311 SAN MARC05 $16,807 51.302 TULARE 513,339 51033 SAN MARINO 55.000 5347 TULARE COUNTY 546228 53.582 SAN MATEO $30,356 $7.352 TULELAKE 55,000 $300 SAN MATEO COUNTY $21259 51.847 TUOLUANE COUNTY 575,775 Sf.222 SAN PABLO $8,629 5888 TURLOCK . 316,742 51.297 SAN RAFAEL $17,549 $1,360 TUS IN 521,549 31 870 SAN RAMON $14420 31,117 TWENIYMM PALMS WOOD $375 SAND Cm $5.000 S3DD UKWI $S ODD $375 SANGER 56081 $471 UNION CITY $21098 $1635 SANTA ANA 3101.619 57875 UPLAND 321,904 SIA07 SANTA BARBARA $29.848 52397 VACAVLLLE S20640 52.236 SANTABARBARACO $55.581 $4,305 VALLJO $36.388 $2.920 SANTA CLARA 533131 $2,567 VENTURA COUNTY $29.005 $2.317 SANTA CLARA COUNTY $35421 52745 VERNON 55,000 $300 SANTA CLARITA $47,422 $3,675 VICTORVIU.E $20.259 $1570 SANTA CRUZ $17,968 57,392 VILLA PARK 55,000 $300 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY $44422 $3,442 VISALIA S30 562 52.370 SANTA FE SPRINGS 55,258 $407 VISTA 527.227 $2.110 SANTA MARIA $23,227 $1,800 INALMLTT 5101597 $521 SANTA MONICA $30,388 52.355 WAUAIT CHEEK 520.614 $1,597 SANTA PAULA 38742 3BTT VANSCO $6.564 5508 SANTA ROSA 5441744 $3,467 VMT£IKORD $5.000 $700 SANTEE $18,517 $1435 VATSONVILLE SIZO07 $037 SARATOGA $10.091 5781 1VEE0 $5.00 3300 SAUSALITO 55.000 5300 WEST COVINA $34.366 $2662 SCOTTS VALLEY 55000 $300 WESTHOU."MOD $12.436 5907 SEAL BEACH $8.774 SSW WEST$ACRAMEHTO $9823 $761 SEASIDE $9570 $760 11ESTLA E VLIAOE 15.000 5300 SEWTOPOL $5.000 3300 WESTMMBTER 5271803 52.155 SE $5,951 $481 WESTMORLAND $5.000 5300 SK $5,000 330D VOWATLAN D $5.000 5700 SHASTA COUNTY $22,162 $1,717 VABTTER 527.617 $2,132 SHASTA LAKE 6.016 5237 VWAM448 $5.000 $300 SIERRA COUNTY 510.000 5300 VLLJ'T$ $5.000 3700 SIERRA MADRE $5.000 93W WLLO NS $5.000 3300 SIGNAL HILL $5900 5700 YL►OSOR $6.81 $510 SWIVALLEY 335.131 52,722 WPTE118 55.000 5300 SISKTYOU COUNTY $10.000 5907 W00DLAKE MOOD 530D SOLANA BRACH $5.000 5757 WOODLAND $14,710, 51,140 SOLANO COUNTY $10.000 5900 V40ODSVE 35.000 5300 SOLEDAD $7.484 SSW YOU) COIBTY 510,000 5300 SOLVANG MOOD SSW YORBALJNIIA 319,936 57.545 SONOMA 35.000 $700 YOUNrVl" $5.000 5700 SONOMA COUNTY $49297 $3.820 YREKA 83.000 5700 SONORA 55.000 5700 VUBACM 311.507 $879 SOUTH EL V49M $7256 5662 YUBA COUNTY $14.936 $1.157 SOUTH GATE MAW $23B0 YUCAWA 512.873 5971 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE $7,419 5575 YUCCA VALLEY 86,113 $473 SOUTH PASADENA 59,308 5947 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO $19,618 $1.22 ST HELENA $5000 "GO AMISLAUS COUMY 374.007 32,707 ,TANTON $10,920 3446 ,TOCKTON 38.17 $0.022 .UISUN CITY $8,629 8488 .y UNNYVALE 342873 53.322 USAWLLE $5.500 3428 UTTER COUNTY 511,878 8905 UTTER CREEK 65.000 $300 , AFT 55900 $700 ENACHAPI 95,000 920 EHANIA S5000 9700 EHAI INTY $11,613 9900 WE, 515.759 $1.221 EMPLE CITY $11,081 $966 p 18 I � L 19 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: March 8, 2000 AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request to approve a new downtown event entitled the El Segundo Food and Music Festival scheduled on June 10, 2000 The one day event will require the allocation of $10,000 from the downtown marketing materials account ($6,000 for Main Street America's management fee and $4,000 to provide the necessary security, traffic control, restroom facilities and marketing materials) COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Discussion, 2) Approve the request, and /or 3) Other possible action /direction INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On February, 7, 2000, the Downtown Subcommittee of the City Council met with representatives of The Concept Factory (the City's downtown events coordinator), Main Street America, and staff to discuss a proposal to create a new downtown event The El Segundo Food and Musk Festival will be a one day event scheduled from 2 00 p m until 8 00 p in for June 10, 2000, which may attract between 5,000 and 8,000 people The event will be co- managed by The Concept Factory and Main Street America (MSA) In fact, MSA will actually be under contract to the Concept Factory In addition to an allocation of $10,000 from the City, sponsorships will besought by MSA from local businesses to offset the cost of the event The proposed event is part of an overall effort to revitalize downtown by creating new community activities (such as the Farmers' Market) DISCUSSION: The proposed event will be located on Main Street between Pine and Grand (see attached map) and feature food from 16 local area restaurants Each restaurant will pay a $75 00 booth space fee that will be donated to React Participants will be responsible for providing their individual booth set ups and may also be rented from Regal Rents, an Ell Segundo company Patrons will be charged a flat fee of $5 00 for each serving of food from the representative restaurant A wine and microbrew tasting area will be available at an additional cost for patrons In addition, the event will feature a grandstand for music and entertainment throughout the day There will also be a family entertainment area with an inflatable wall climber unit as well as other activities for children KRTH FM radio is scheduled to do on air promotions two weeks prior to the event, as well as a remote broadcast during a portion of the event ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Site map of proposed festival FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget:_ Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $10,000 ProjecUAccount Budget:— _ %1& saa Project/Account Balance: iIIa son Date: 2129roo Account Number: 2401.6214 Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No_X_ Recreation & Parks Departr „c ;t BY: Date: es Date: IY 16 PINE R I C H M O N D 400 Block Main Street America 1St Annual City of El Segundo Food ass Music Festival Saturday, June 10, 2000 HOLLY .......... — — — l2 -- - -- . -- --- BARRICADES _ BARRICADES Noodle House • Set Up Barricades at 13 la Ettl 12:00 PM as indicated 300 Block - 15 16 on the Map • Patrol Units will clear A lue Butterfly FamilS the sheet after L enaldi's Entenauunent Area barricades are up at L (eg, Inflatable 12.15 PM. E _ _ _ Wall Ciunber) Y - -_ __ - The Information - -' Booth will be at Holly &Main All Vendors will enter F.D. at Main & Pure. • All Entertainers will VIP Parltw¢ -- enter at Main & Grand LL GRAND BARRICADESAND — • Each Vendor Space DETOUR SIGNS Consists of a 10x20 Booth • Event Duration 2 OOPM to 8.00PM :_45 BARRICADES AND Canton Low DETOUR SIGNS Main St Cafe (1 0 Fantastic Cafe O O S A L M A I O O = A T A L N N i _ N OO L D A tt�a�v,0 W— E Y - `J Y UN." Scoops D Chef Hahn 1 S - 0 n Stuft : Hana Hani - Puna - La Paz HOLLY .......... — — — l2 -- - -- . -- --- BARRICADES _ BARRICADES Noodle House • Set Up Barricades at 13 la Ettl 12:00 PM as indicated 300 Block - 15 16 on the Map • Patrol Units will clear A lue Butterfly FamilS the sheet after L enaldi's Entenauunent Area barricades are up at L (eg, Inflatable 12.15 PM. E _ _ _ Wall Ciunber) Y - -_ __ - The Information - -' Booth will be at Holly &Main All Vendors will enter F.D. at Main & Pure. • All Entertainers will VIP Parltw¢ -- enter at Main & Grand LL GRAND BARRICADESAND — • Each Vendor Space DETOUR SIGNS Consists of a 10x20 Booth • Event Duration 2 OOPM to 8.00PM :_45