FY 2000 -2001 Preliminary Operating Budget
Policy issues
At the Strategic Planning Session held July 24, 2000, City Council
directed staff to use up to $2.5 million from the FY 1999 -2000 General
Fund surplus in the following manner:
• Designate an additional $789,000 toward LAX Master Plan Intervention
• Designate an additional $1,015,000 toward the Downtown Specific Plan
improvements including $250,000 toward Civic Plaza improvements
• Designate an additional $250,000 for Fire Station # 2 This will bring the total
funding to dust over $1 6 million by the end of FY 2000 -2001
• Transfer up to an additional $500,000 to the Infrastructure Replacement
2. FY 2000 -2001 new projects added
• Allocate $300,000 for Architectural Design of Community Center
• Allocate $267,000 for public works projects placed below the line by CIPAC
This consists of $47,000 for Reconstruction of City Hall parking lots, $45,000
Replacement of Sump Pump at Storm Water Station # 17, and $175,000
Replacement of Sewer Mains
3. New program and personnel changes
Included in the budget and the City Council supplemental packet are
personnel changes (1 new full -time position, 1 9 additional FTE) and new
program requests totaling $521,750, and a proposed 10% increase in City
Attorney fees