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GAT t' pA x � r �Q AGEND] EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time hunts Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are subnittted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Amencaus with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,1999 - 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Jacobs ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalfoftheir employer, must so identify themselves prior to addiessmg the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS — Appointment of City Attorney Mark Hensley as labor negotiator regarding City Manager Recommendation — Approve appointment. 'A A V 1 1 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et seg ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) 1 Chaney v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No BC 207453 2 Stier v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 034617 3 El Segundo v Stardust, LASC Case No YC 031364 4 David Venegas, et al v County of Los Angeles, et al , LASC Case No BC 207136 5 Greffon v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 035155 6 Hill v El Segundo, USDC Case No CV 98 -1463 7 People v Michael Langley, Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission No 98 -229 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(b)� -I- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §549569(c) -2- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) —None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957 6) — — Conference with City Attorney regarding contract negotiations for City Manager CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) — None REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS — Interview candidates for LAX Master Plan Advisory Board, Library Board of Trustees and Investment Advisory Committee Recommendation — Interview and announce appointments. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE S 9 TIME NAMES -rn 0921995p P2 A 1 ,► EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4129 Next Ordinance # 1313 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION — Pastor Randy Williams, Pacific Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Jacobs PRESENTATIONS — (a) Certificate of Appreciation presented to M Stacy Palmer for her contribution to the community as a member of the Planning Commission from July 6, 1995 to June 30, 1999 (b) Certificate of Appreciation presented to Steven J Edlefsen for his contribution to the community as a member of the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board from August 7, 1995 to June 30, 1999 _ *O 03 (c) Certificate of Appreciation presented to Charles Lours Pulci for his contribution to the community as a member of the El Segundo Library Board of Trustees from July 10, 1996 to June 30, 1999 ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) individuals who have teceived value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf ofanother, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 (a) Request by Derek and Annette Greeff, for City Council action on proposed encroachment of Public Works Space in front of their residence to be at 528 Standard Street Recommendation — Uphold denial by Public Works Department (memo attached to request). A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Continued Public Hearing on FY 1999 -2000 Operating Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan and Adoption of Resolutions approving Appropriations Limit, Preliminary Budget as amended, and Capital Improvement Plan as amended Recommendation — a) To open the continued Public Hearing to receive public input on the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets and then close the hearing. b) To review the attached schedules detailing the proposed changes to date to the FY 1999 -2000 Operating Budget and the Five -Year Capital Improvement Budget. C) To adopt the Resolution approving and adopting the FY 1999 -2000 Operating Budget and the Five -Year Capital Improvement Budget. d) To adopt the Resolution approving and adopting the Appropriations Limit for FY 1999 -2000, as presented. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — 2 Proposal for the City of El Segundo to award the contract for completion of the construction of the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project Recommendation — Discuss and award contract to complete the construction to the Hazama Corporation. I,0 04 D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Announcement of appointments to LAX Master Plan Advisory Board, Library Board of Trustees and Investment Advisory Committee E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business, 4 Warrant Numbers 2505049- 2505335 in total amount of $832,914 43, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $1,144,034 69 Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers from 08/25/99 to 09/10/99. City Council meeting minutes of September 7 and 9, 1999 Recommendation - Approval. Extension of term of City /School District Library Systems Affiliation Agreement for the period October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000 (Fiscal Impact 10/99 -9/00 = $190,950) Recommendation — Approve Seventh Amendment to Library Systems Affiliation Agreement, dated September 21, 1999, which extends the term of the Agreement from October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000 and includes funding for the addition of the Richmond Street School Library as approved in FY 1998 -99 budget. Funding Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District for the period October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000 (Fiscal Impact $250,000) Recommendation — Approve the Funding Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California providing for salary and benefit changes to Chapter IA2 (Management - Confidential Series) of the El Segundo Administrative Code (Fiscal Impact $40,900 — FY 1998/1999 & $207,000 — FY 1999/2000) Recommendation — Adopt Resolution. Amendment to Employment Agreement between the City of El Segundo, California and Mary Strenn (Contract No 2630) Recommendation — Adopt Amendment (A) and authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City. E 0 r5 10 Adoption of Ordinance amending the Zoning Code revrsmg the regulations for automobile service uses in proximity to residentially zoned property in the Small Business (SB) and Medium Manufacturing (MM) Zones in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area, and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -483 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -2 Applicant City of El Segundo Recommendation — (1) Second reading of Ordinance by title only; and, (2) By motion, Adopt Ordinance 11 Award of contract for the rehabilitation of Douglas Street from El Segundo Boulevard to Alaska Avenue (contract amount = $245,488 24) Recommendation — 1) Allocate $15,000.00 from unallocated gas tax revenues. 2) Authorize staff to retain Hayer Consultants to provide project inspection services at $40lhour for a not to exceed amount of $6,500.00. 3) Award contract to the low bidder, All American Asphalt, in the amount of $245,488.24. 4) Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard Public Works Construction Agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney. 12 Acceptance of the 1998 -99 slurry seal application at various locations Project No, PW 99 -2 (final contract amount $101,812 28) Recommendation — 1) Accept the work as complete. 2) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office. 13 Renewal of Library's Annual Periodical Subscription List with EBSCO Subscription Services for the period January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2000 Fiscal Impact $12,571 69 (Appropriated under Library Account- 6104 -5501 in FY 1998/99 Budget), Recommendation — Approve the Library's Annual Renewal of Periodicals with EBSCO's Subscription Services for the term January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2000. 14. Recommendation for replacement of chairs in Council chambers dais area, the Council office and the City Hall West Conference Room (Fiscal Impact $12,700) Recommendation — 1) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to purchase the chairs as outlined in this report. 2) Dispose of chairs deemed unsafe and send the remainder to auction at a later date. West Conference Room chairs (originally purchased with asset forfeiture funds) will be handled as specified above, however any monies received in the sale of these chairs would then be returned to the asset forfeiture fund. 15 Examination plans for the Personnel Merit System job classifications of Planning Manager, Building Safety Manager, Planning Technician, Water Maintenance Worker IIII and Wastewater Maintenance Worker I /II Recommendation — Approve the examination plans. i 0 .. C6 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS - G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember McDowell - NONE Councilmember Gaines - NONE Councilmember Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - NONE Mayor Gordon —NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of 850 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalfofanother, and employees speaking on behalfof their euiployer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec 54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5 00 p m„ September 21, 1999 under "Closed Session" (if needed) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE TIME : SAS m . NAME 092199ag �, v ' 07 x EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCB, AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETINR'i t1ATM Sopleadw Continued Public Heating on FY 1999.2000 Operating Budget and Five Year Caplet kniWWAMent and Adoption of Resolutions approving Appropriations Limit, Preliminary Budget as amended, and Capital Improvement Plan as amended. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: a) To open the continued Public Hearing to receive "fic input on the Opstaing and Capital Improvement Budgets and than close the hearing. b) To review the attached schedules detalling the proposed changes to data to the FY 1999-20t1Ef Operating Budget and the Five -Year Capital improvement Sielget. C) To adopt the Resolution approving aril adopting the FY 1999.2000 Opateting Budget and the five, year Capital Improvement Budget d) To adopt the Resolution approving and adopting the Appropriations Unfit for FY 1999 -2000, as presented INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On August 25, 1999 the City Council conducted a Budget Workshop to review the FY 1999.2000 Operating and Five -Year Capital Improvement Budget. At its meeting on September 7, 1999, the City Council conducted a Public Hearing on the FY 1999-200o Operating Budget and the Fhre.Year Cap9at Improvement Project Budget. The City Council also reviewed a presentation of the FY 1999 4 Five Year Capital Improvement Protect made by the chair of the Capital knprovement Program Advisory Committee ( CIPAC) Based on the workshop, the CIPAC presentation and the Public Heararg Cky Council directed staff to make revisions to the FY 1999 -2000 Preliminary Operating and Five -Year Capital, Improvement Budget These revisions are attached to this report and have been included in the budget to be adopted, DISCUSSION: (Continued on next page) _ a e aa: •,: n e , - .e.c (Discussion continued) T Attached are proposed Resolutions related to the adoption of the Operating and Capital hnproiroment Project Budget and the Appropriations Limit for FY 1999 -2000, for consideration and further mcftication by Council, if needed. :. .. - - - y -n Included in the FY 1999 -2000 General Fund Capital improvement Budget Is $1,500,000 in capital projects recommended by the Capital Improvement Project Advisory Committee; $663,500 In projects carved forward from FY 1998 -99, and $400,000 in City Council and staff recommended projects. The protects that were approved in FY 1998.99 and are rebudgeted in FY 1999.20W include $224,700 Refurbishment of a Pump Station; $150,000 for a Storm Drain West of Patin► Avenue; $195,000 in Civic Center Plaza Improvements, and $93,800 for a Storm Drain Mariposa to Main St. New Capital Improvement Protects recommended by City Council and staff at the Strategic Planning Session include $200,000 for Washington Park Extension, an additional $100,000 for construction of Downtown Improvements, $40,000 in Landscape Design on Sepulveda from Imperial to Rosecrans, and $60,000 for City Welcome Monuments. An additional project, which has been added as a result of the City Council Strategy Development Session, is $20,000 for a Community Facilities Inventory This is included in the operational budget. Personnel It should be noted that due to the change of the fiscal year to September 30, 1999, there is a fiscal impact due to personnel increases that impact fifteen months A portion of salary increases ($40,900) for the Management compensation retroactive to July 3, 1999 will be charged to the 3-month July through September 1999 period of fiscal year 1998 -99 and $207,000 will be charged to FY 1999 -2000. These changes will be adopted with the salary resolution Additionally, fuming test been sirt-asider in the FY 1999 -2000 Operating Budget for anticipated salary increases resulting from the classification am compensation study for the General and Professlonal/SuperAsory groups and antidgetW-AUXAsses to, the Police and Fire groups for the period of July through September, 2000. The 3-year Momorarowass of Understanding for the Police and Fire groups expire on June $0. -- Pe - reclasses, resulting in no new full -time positions, have been 1noorpcnebilt 1I#0 the ' _ - m - • • - � L. 4 =ii:e- = ill' 1b Lll ll� � •. '1 "� -. 1•is r3 e C,. Tho a CITY OF EL SEGIMO BUD1GIO REVOONVs FISCAL YEAR 19M O SET Preliminary Estimated Revenues ADJUSTMENTS. Inter -Fund Transfers Eliminate Inter -Fund Transfer from the General Fund to Associated Recreation for the Farmers Market Costs will be matched from a Farmers Market Vendor Fee Internal Service / Non - Department Equipment Replacement Increase Revenues to Match Equipment Replacement Charge to the various Departments General Liability Decrease Revenue to Match Charges to various Funds 4108 (3,800) 3412 24.656 3411 (24x000) (21"0" Public Safety _ -6*- ire Include Federal Emergency Management Grant 3990 11 GAW Recreation & Cultural Recreation & Parks -Associated Riureattian y - myormstamo swiGET REY NO"s FtSCALY" t1"**ftptET Preliminary Budget Approorfathms ADJUSTMENTS: loterfuitd Transfers General fund Eliminate Interfund Transfer to the Associated Recreation ftm the General Fund For the Fainters Market cost appropnanons are matched by fees collected from vendors (See Budgeted Revenues Revisions) Total Appropriation Adjustment for Interfund Transfers Administrative Service unman Resources (General Fund) Add back professional & Technical Services that were inadvertently reduced Total Appropriation Adjustment for Administrative Services FISCAL YEAR 1494.@0 SET Ateonnt Itnr (Ewe) 4108 (23.800) 2301.8214 7.5W Internal Service 1 Nom - Department Equipment Replacement (Internal Service) To Correctly budget Computer Hardware 10 be replaced 601 8j08 TOW Appropriation Adj nanifartateraid$sake1 6�arlmtixt Public Safety Fire - Asmijawraujlm (2J,800) 7,400 Traffic Safety Dec.Utility Charges to properly reflect savings allocation from Siemens Contract Wastewater Inc Utility Charges to Properly reflect savings allocation Irma S rep t Contract Storm Drains Inc Utility Charges to properly reflect savings allocation from Siemens Coitrect Equipment Maintener ee Dec Utility Charges to properly reflect savings allocation from Siemens Contract Water Inc Utility Charges to properly reflect savings allocation from Siemens Contract Total Appropriation Adjustment Public Works Recreational & Cultural Recreation & Parks - Administration Increase capital outlay - I workstation computer for new Director Recreational & Parks - Parks operation Dec Utility Charges to properly reflect savings allocation €rom Siemens Contract Recreation &Parks - Aquatics - _- Dec Utility Charges to properly reflect savings allocation from Siemens Contract Recreation & Parks - GOVCaarse Dec Utility Charges to properly reflectsavingsofJfmankin ftoR [one aR C: Recreation & Parka . G" t e Increase Saktries ki 1+G1iC Adminrstratioa ki cpver � - ° � - - o €Pull tione Chi Manama Recreation & Parfsa - i7ka a mr FM AL YEAR 199%00IgVDGET - >IDae) i9�aact 42056102 (4.1201 fib- 1�4d1F ` QW -6t92 _ "D 4801 -6102 (380) 7102,6102 111.720 at1.67o 2.500 5102b102 (1{19711) - -- RESOLUTION NO. _� — - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY QF Ti* pie 1L CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AM►A MM4 TM M4MT AND FIVE -YEAR CAPITAL 9APR0VMWVR0=MfM FWAL YEAR 1999100. WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Finanos Director of the C ty of FJ Segundo, Caldbmia, have heretofore presented to the City Council of said Ctty a proposed Budget for the above fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Capital trnprovernent Program Advisory Cominit#a i o , . si�bniitter!_ to the City Council a FY 1OM2004 preliminary Capital irnprovemerit Vim; and WHEREAS, the City Council did solicit public Input before City Council on Tuesday, September 7, 1999, and Tuesday, September 21, 199@ in the City Halt Council -Chamt embers, a# which time said proposed Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Program and matters pertaining thereto were heard and considered; and WHEREAS, the CftY Council considered Year Capital Improvement Program as So submitted and au evidence adduced atsaid public discussion with reference thereto, and has now made all changes and amendments thereto which said City Council up to this time desires to snake therein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EiL 11 _ I >Ot CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The original of said Improvement Program of the City of EI % which is now before to Counoff, be PiM Segundo, California, and open to tic ip SE-0110N Preliminary * i ikr andei and Fhre -Yr ft, .m;--�t .� - m- SECTION 7, The City Clerk shall certify to the passim and �tofthis-�ittt%n: Shall enter the same in the book of "inel +�na of y the passage and adoption thereof in the records of me - Minute City, in the Minutes of the meeting at which the same is an what of said ATTEST PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of September 1999 Mike Gordon, Mayor City of El Segundo, Cantotraa STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I. Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segtintio, California, d0 whole number of members of the City C of sod C Rmhat" No. ;` W -- "' by the mot ttf ,east# Cdr. --��; _�. . *0011 _ M.! limit for FY 1999Pr M 4 c4lewagby adjus* tip= mpmpdaoowlhwto-fy-tggst".-by in either the increase in *Mil,%�-Assossed Vakafift OUCgliforfilapita Income,, and changes in population, and WHEREAS, the appropriations limit for FY 1999/00 has been calculated kv the Finance Department, and WHEREAS, the City Of El SeStindo has 4 in determining the appropriations liWt for FY - OMPW with all the provisim of Article XM, 19"/00' NOW, THEREFORE, TM CITV COUNCIL OF TIM CITY WEL SEGUNW, CALIFORNIA. DOES IJEREBV RESOLVE AS po"OW'S. SECTION I. The approprizom jimit for the City of'Ej Se be $43,121,224 v=d & fbt-FYi99"w*w shall;,;, tit 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED Okllafty OfSgXwbec 1999. Mitre Gordon„ Mayo, City of El Segundo, California ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do herd certify Thai the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, ttt the €orego,ing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved And $igW by the Mayor of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, ail ata "r - "` ` of said Council held on the 21" day of September 1994, and the sane was so vote la and adopted by the following AYES NOES w CMOFIILSRWA `y'{ ("Mme - t �Ia •/ � J -Lac Increase Options (1) CaWorrxa Per Capka income or (2) Increases m Non r $dantial OSSOSSW Valuation dLw to new constn Crty Option; (1) Caltfornja_Per,Capft Income 16,44@2pw. 2 �VS 238 or 1,146 (A) 4 =63 or F I 104 (B) (A) x (B) = 1_p8k24 GANN APPROPRUTIOlM8 UpT WORKSt Ma- WMESTEARMNU FY 18!lM 1116"Ift - WINN) A Proceeds of Taxes (excluding interest) $27,7 #5.000 B Minus Exclusions 0 C Net invested Tax Proceeds (A -B) 527.745.00a D Total Revenues (excluding interest & transfers) $43.389,947 E Tax Proceeds as a % of Revenue (C/D) 0.839728704 F Interest Earnings (Budgeted) - General Fund 52:v�ltll W W G a) Amount of lnterailit Earned City of a $espuAdo y SuPPOIt for Wbftb at i Tax Proceeds Tax Proceeds Less - Interest Revenue General Fund Prop A Fund { - Prop C Fund = Total Tax Proceeds (Excluding Interest) -- $27.746 e OW Total Revenues Less - Interest Revenue Less - Interfund Transfers General Fund ARA Fund C D4 G Fund RS � Sound InsWation Ferns! Irlt'r _ � Fptx! SS #.iT5d.S71 aim CITY oR 8L osom 0 RENIM 8UMMARY 13two v"R t!l409 ,n- 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3201 3202 3203 3204 3206 3212 3213 3214 3215 3210 OTHER TAXES SALES & USE TAX FRANCHISE TAX TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY REAL PROPERTY TRANS SALES TAX - PUBUC SAFETY GAS UTILTY' TAX WATER UTILITY TAX TELEPHONE UTILITY TAX COQV0kAT9D#LIE HEV Em mm m tmLli"{tk( $7,182,450 $7,182,450 1,885,500 1,885, o 2,358,350 2;358:380 100,000 1 't8.850 1,21s,cm 183,75a CURRENT YEAR SECURED $3,445,700 $3,445.700 CURRENT YEAR UNSECURED 217,300 217,300 PRIOR YEAR SECURED 25,000 25.000 PRIOR YEAR UNSECURED 20,800 20,800 PENALTIES & INTEREST 36,400 36,400 HOX REIMBURSEMENT 97,300 97,300 SUPPLEMENTAL ROLL 0 0 OTHER TAXES SALES & USE TAX FRANCHISE TAX TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY REAL PROPERTY TRANS SALES TAX - PUBUC SAFETY GAS UTILTY' TAX WATER UTILITY TAX TELEPHONE UTILITY TAX COQV0kAT9D#LIE HEV Em mm m tmLli"{tk( $7,182,450 $7,182,450 1,885,500 1,885, o 2,358,350 2;358:380 100,000 1 't8.850 1,21s,cm 183,75a 3404 BUR DING PERMIT'S 3405 PLUMBING PERMTS QttI.000 " 560,©00 3406 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 34XQ 3i�6{t 34ma 3407 STREET PERMITS 3414 BLDG, PERMIT SMI FEE #1 � � 3419 OVERLC oZ#A SC. ST. PERMITS 3424 BLDG. PERMIT SMI FEE #1 18,000 18,000 12,000 12.000 3501 CITY CODE FINES 3502 LIBRARY FINES $3 ODO Mom 3503 PARKING FINES 35,000 35,1 0 3504 PARKING FINES SURCHARGE 205.700 205,7M 3505 HANDICAP PARKING 2404 2,002 3506 TOWING SERVICE FINES 3,659 3:559 3512 VEND A CARD 9,789 91789 1.DQ0 1,000 y ;y Ab NNE =0=Z" —"-� 3601 3602 ST INT „REST ST EN1 S $1.489,375 $810,525 PROPERTY RENTALS ZMA w- 3611 HYDRO ELECTRIC SALES $0`M 8tK»0G,1 0 -0 ' _ �•- '�+����1( � _ ~��'�R��v:l! STS - w �R- -���' r ���r. • �•� 381�9 /OTHER SERVICES Q 31811(.1 COUR r comet PROOR M 3822 UNE)ERC,ROUND TANKS 3824 HAZARDOUS WASTE 3825 DISCLOSURE 3826 RISK Wj"gEMENT pq0GRAM 3827 INDUSTRIAL WASTE 3828 STORMWATER 3829 UNIFORM FIRE CODE H• 3831 REC. & PARK ACTIVITIES 3841 SPECIAL FIRE SERVICES 3842 HAZ MAT INSPECTION 3843 PARAMEDIC TRANSPORT 3844 FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION 3846 HAZ MAT RESPONSE 3847 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 3848 ANNUAL FIRE INSPECTION 3849 FIRE PREVENTION OVERTIME 3850 CPR CLASS FEES 3861 WASTEWATER USER FEES 3862 WASTEWATER CONNECTION FEES 3864 INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT 3865 ANNUAL QUALITY SURCHARGE 3867 ANNUAL INDUSTRIAL WASTE / LA 3870 FIRE DEPT - INDUSTRIAL, WASTE �-. f( f ' Allow Ai t 1 I, . aa, 20,000 a 0v i:i-i a ai at.t 43,M 4{ ti ° 70-M i i6i :i eii a via ei! iiv iii ill air iie 2,000 !Ii i i z000 0..i i $60,000 800 ,000 ts,000- eai e iii 10 ,00. i v o iMr i 20.00 ! v:v a i a,a e ' 3 9116 TRAtM9M4t$l 9203 TRANSFEFt4XW SEFpAM OW TRAMSFER4jWCot#W 2M a 9703 TRANSFjR.E)o3%?4DAj" TRUST 00 - T c 3601 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS ON ROPSTMENTS 3712 STATE GAS TAXt2107 3713 STATE GAS TAX-1107.5 3714 STATE GAS TAX.2106 3716 STATE GAX TAX-210$ "I .e aaf 3801 INTEREST ON °fg 3717 FORFEITURE DW FED. 3716 FORFEITURE DOJ STATE 3719 FORFEITURE #MSC, 3720 US TREAS. FORFEITURE 3722 STATE & LOCAL FORF 3723 15% STATE & LOCAL 3901 SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY 3903 REFUNDS sum" 3743 SENIOR CITIZEN HOME CARE 3747 JUVENILE DIVERSION 3748 MINOR HOME REPAIR 3999 CONTINGENCY 3778 DELIVERED MEALS 3779 C D.S G, GENERAL ADMIN 3787 C D.B.G DONATION - MOW 3790 RESID SOUND INSULATION 9001 TRANSFER - GENERAL FUND sum" 0 49,443 44,403 41074 4.074 40,7P 4011% 5,620 459.5 87&7 $ 07 - 1• 1,8Qi{ 0 m 4 44,675 44,67$ $5,620 55,620 51616 5.616 42,141 42,141 0 0 5,620 5,820 11,2345 11.238 9.000 9.000 42,34(5 44,675 44,67$ + iYPERION Mf lGATIQAf =F.#JM- 3728 HYPERION MITIGATION $145.00 5145.= YPERI�IIMITtGiATtt3a, .a:�,�<:- � :;� 7DA ARTICLE 3 3725 TDA ARTICLE 3 $6,476 56.478 TDA ARTICLE Z TOTAL 8D, � 30,473 MTA GRANT 3979 MTA GRANT REVENUE MTA GRANT TOTAL, • lvD '- . l .O.i 5 FUND 3601 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 3207 C O P S FUNDING $2.800.000 52.800,000 $4.500 4,500 37.375 37;375 30M INTEREST ONMdVESTMBYfS WAN 3755 FAA 150 GRANT =#070 ? 3808 PLAN CHECK FEES 1.000 t0 9001 TRANSFER - GENERAL FUND 0 0 + iYPERION Mf lGATIQAf =F.#JM- 3728 HYPERION MITIGATION $145.00 5145.= YPERI�IIMITtGiATtt3a, .a:�,�<:- � :;� 7DA ARTICLE 3 3725 TDA ARTICLE 3 $6,476 56.478 TDA ARTICLE Z TOTAL 8D, � 30,473 MTA GRANT 3979 MTA GRANT REVENUE MTA GRANT TOTAL, • lvD '- . l .O.i 5 FUND 3601 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 3207 C O P S FUNDING $2.800.000 52.800,000 $4.500 4,500 37.375 37;375 Wi*j 114 6 IIIIIPJ:U�ln�jm f eilwi�7 ----------- lme, 3911 C e 6fiti s To—aym- HEWS= 3913 RECOVERY OF CLAIMS $1,000 moo 0 1, CHARGES To V#K TS, DEP 3913 RECOVERY OF CLAIMS $950,000 $950,00v 0 0 - -- - - -- - -- ACCOUNT DETAIL PROPERTI TAXES 1101 Current Year Secured 3102 Current Yearunsecured 3103 Prior t ear Secured 3104 Prior It ear Unsecured 33105 Penalties d interest 3106 HOX Reimbursement TOTAL PROPERTt TAXES OTHER TAXES 3201 Sales $ Use Tax 320.' Franchise Tax 3203 Transient Occupanc% Tax 3204 Real Propem Transfer Tax 3206 L ubn L sers Tax 3212 Gas Utilm Tax 3213 Rater Unitn Tax 3214 Telephone Utittn Tax 5 Cogeneraied Electric - Chevron 16 Electric Utdtn Tax TOTAL OTHER TAXES BUSINESS LICENSE FEES 3,301 Commercial Indusuial 3302 CAmractors 3301 Vgbiel. LUZ *111 i ACTUAL I SEMGZ'P 2441.013 24.828 33+H1 .04p 205.000 s 44 (79.004 20$.000 0 24-920 24,E x 47,143 7.540 21,930 MOW (1.000) 23 65.796 42.500 34.230 33300 Etl 15.304- 2ti$t 84 477 S&M 97,300 #- 3k 4114 3 063.101 I c7 iu r .. 0 ' tea 5,937.595 1.757.072 2.099.374 133,681 17.813 443.437 212.753 423.488 773.031 6.215.200 1.683.900 2,244,000 102.000 19.000 1.440.000 230.000 485.000 $46.000 7230„000 1.88$.3#10 2097300 93,00 23.'700 1215.300 183.7$0 448,600 1.130.000 1 000 X040 L304 3.W IS$ 1,150.000 1.100 134 I` i.�1r5417 7 3'.113 100;0 t8�9F� '.. 3.: l w � r -• 3502 Library Fees&Fime 3303 Parking Fines 3504 Sur- Charge Parking Fines 3505 Handicap Parting Fines 3506 Tow ina Service Charges 3512 Librarn bend -A -Card TOTAL FINES & FORFEITURES INTEREST & RENTALS 3601 Interest on Investments 3602 Property Rentals 3611 Hydro Electric Sales TOTAL INTEREST & RENTALS INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3701 Motor Vehicle lit Licu 3703 State Grants 3705 Reimbursement LA County TRAP 10 Richmond Field Lighting TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 33,667 1%,477 _ 3T @ 202.700 3,C OW 20; t1w ; 133 1.850 "100 LOOD 400- $.430 2354 ?,400 1.000 1.90 LOW 2.001 10.591 91500 10.750 3.000 1000 3.650 9.780 0 269. 27.000 1 650 7 0 7,000 Loot' , 0 6.00 67. O6 _ 3.bu 2.362633 90283 2.200.o0o 60.000 2.300,00 33D 000 330.000 L340 f14]0 5,948 0 60,400 15.000 I3.o00 bti00fi 1458 4 ME 0 6 692.942 615,(W low 731.650 17LOW 17UO 702150 23.50& 3.00 0 0 0 low b 160 l ZOt1 0 Km 6.* h 1� 1 'n L rr k a �3!•_ rte ACCOtWjDrr j, 3844 Fire Permit Inspection 3946 Hazardous Materials Rasportse 3847 Fire Protect Equipment Test 3848 Annual Fire inspection 3849 Fire Prevention Overtime 3850 CPR Class Fee 3857 Fire W itness 3861 W asteW ater Ljser Fces 3862 W asteW ater Connection Fees 3864 Industrial Waste Permit 3865 Annual Qualm Surcharge 3867 Annual Industrial Waste / LA Co 3870 Fire Depanment Industrial Waste 3886 Contract Aquatics 3887 Children s Contract Cultural 3889 Children's Miscellaneous 3896 Trips i Excursions 3841 Special Fire Services 2 Hazarous Materials Inspection ' Environmental Safen ktindergrourrulT tics 3823 Eni,iroamcmai Safety \Etrvnorutun"l Safety Sur 3824 Einironmeatal safer \Hazw4oy w*. 3825 6nitronmentai Safey Xtutiaesure, 3826 Environmental Sates tR. enf p 3827 frA9rormutnual ; _- 3828 AcrUAL 28.773 231 504 3,428 9S3 3.225 ISO 792751- 13,648 2.936 0 16.746 0 4203) (30) 0 0 426 7.213 0 fl 0 15AW 2.000 2.000 3.000 1.000 6.000 0 800.000 15,000 5.000 200.000 7.000 10.000 0 Soo 0 IS,000 0 40.001) sn.i I.QRp 800 0 0 0 2.000 a 889.951 10.700 5.100 178.000 24,810 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,00 7.000 0 0 1.000 loo 1.200 a 190.0®0 5.000 1.300 0 I.800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,18jO 0 1.(1191 too 1,200 0 190.000 5,000 0 1.800 0 t I.O00 LWO Oat} 2.000 000.000 1$.00() "LOW 175.300 20.000 10.000 u a 0 0 ACCOURTMrAn, TRANSFERS IN 9104 Transfer In Traffic Safer 9106 Transfer In Gas Tax 9116 Transfer !n Home Sound Insulation 9203 Transfer In - Libran Cop 9301 Transfer In - Capital Improvements 9703 Transfer In - Expendable Trust Fund 9501 Transfer in - Gotf Course 9999 Re%enue Clearing Account TOTAL TRANSFERS rN TOTAL REVENUES GENERAL FUNp TRAFFIC SAFETY FINFS d FORFEITURES Vehicle Code Fines NTEREST,@ RENTALS 3601 Interest on lnve$unence TOTAL. TRAFFIC 5AFETY Y�ttr�lY!ll1lt 76.590 140.000 114.01)(1 144000 114.000 19,125 MOOD 164.099 0 140.000 35.000 35,006 1440110 0 678,943 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.000 100.000 100 000 0 0 0 0 190:009 290.000 0 0 0 250.000 250.000 250.000 0 0 60000 0 0 0 50 20 wqx 0 0 n 41572 76.500 161.,60{1 P 9fi _ �_ � - ate._^.. ^.niw�.�.41'^� -I�r� � � •.�� f' i t 4- 3881 Misc A R A 1 July 4th 3882 Adult Contract Cultural 3883 Adult Contract Josh 3884 Adult Contract Sports 3885 Adult Sports 3886 Contract Aquatics 3887 Children's Contract Cultural 3888 Children's Contract Spare 3889 Children's Miscellaneous 3890 Cable T X 3891 Frolic Fair 3892 Misc Club Activities 3893 Tennis Program 3894 Sr Outreach Program 3895 Teen Center 38% Trips, Excursions 3897 Garden Program 98 Masters Swim Program 99 l outh-Sttim Program TOTAL RECREATION FEES TOTAL ASSOCIATED RECREATION ASSET FORMI }RE 11.220 12.000 12.M 2200 23Q0 13190 13.000 13.300 30- t2OQ0 9.261 9,500 19.$00 2.300 Z 12' 10263 8.000 . 18700 5 500 -$o 1-9,w 9 012 8.200 $,000 2 500 55.900 20.000 68 563 51.300 51.000 12.200 ?JOO 9 tw 58 771 48.000 50,000 14.250 12200 �. $6.01)(1 20,436 25.000 25.000 5 000 13.500 131.w SS.tIO(i 0 34 035 30,000 30.000 10,000 30.000 2.000 2.000 500 250 10,000 ,r$o SOW 3.303 4,000 2000 0 6QV 4,590 4.600 4,800 I.S00 0 1.100 4.60 5.380 5.000 5 000 3.800 # 1,680 2,100 1'� 350 350 5,000 5 &( 3.982 5.600 1.500 1,900 1,700 11.$16 11.000 1.00 11.1100 3.450` 354 4 5 1 65 200 75 100 i0r1 t$4* 1. %9 2000 2-000 66D ?00 2.528 2.700 1 2.000 �r i3 14 A IN j COMMUNITS DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT INTEREST 8 RENTALS 3601 Interest on Investments INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3743 Senior Citizen In- Home -Care 3747 Ju%emit Dncrsum 3748 Minor Home Repair 3778 Delivered Meals 3779 General Administration 3780 Senior Elderh Counseling 3781 Senior Citizen Nutrition 3787 Donation for Meals 3790 Resident Sound Insulation Income - ,'99 General Administration TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL OTHER REVENUE 3999 Contingent% 3734 Program Income TOTAL OTHER REYRNUE TRANSFERSIN 9001 Tninsftm In Gawof Pili TOTAL _.°..'. ___ _'� fir°•• `� _ 546 0 0 0 q t. 298 7.000 7.0041 1,790 1,750 7.440 2.260 2260 369 9.6iY 9.213 42,000 42, 600 10500 345 5.6 #6 16.046 7."0 7,370 1,375 500 42;141 10343 11.1711 11.Y70 2.79,. 1,g" S. 9.198 p 2.792 11d3R 7.800 q 0 0 ° 0 0 14.211 9000 q 900 2.230 q o 3,%f0 78.814 40.170 19,204 2,23p '9.00@ _ 24 768 q 0 19.204 41W Mz r 0 - m == r »_ lie I W01 INTEREST & RENTALS 3601 Interest on Investments INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3 15' Bus Pass Sale Proceeds 3153 Recreation Field Trips 3754 Proposition "C" Sales Tax TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL TOTAL PROPOSITION "C" AIR POLCTION REDUCTION INTEREST 8 RENTALS 3601 Interest on Investments V ;GO'* ERNMENTAL REVENUE a8 LA Co SCAQMD, Rideshare TOTAL AIR POLUTION REDV+ i'IpM 19,309 20,000 20,006 7.000 7 dD1t 3456 0 2323 0 g 90 0 0 0 0 17.891 in as 151,079 r ISt.UW . 16,700 0 4C700 5.000 54 35 35 t0 10 30 17,532 17.114 KIM g 0 17o110p HOME _ -_ INI;FJA1 ;`— " _> a orf STATSmzmr(wtmm1f&lftjmvpMw INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: 3728 HYperton Mutgation 3729 H. perion Landscaping TOTAL 14YPERION MITIGATION TDA ARTICLE 3 - SB 821 BIKEWA} INTEREST & RENTALS 360) Interest on Investments INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3'25 TDA Article 3 - SB 821 TDA ARTICLE 3 iGRART OTHER REVENUE 3979 NITA Grant Revenue TOTAL MTA GRANT C.O,P4, 144.060 140.040 146,04 0 0 MS 040 (71.000) 0 0 0 0 0 X105 0 0 0 0 0 6.580 6.478 110.630 6.$00 6,300 6.478 6.885 6,A72 _— 0 _ 0301P 71 r orituncum, - STA?EMEN! Or a 7= QZP0MAL1M ACCOUNT DETAIL LIBRAR\' EXPANSION COP TRANSFERS IN 9001 Transfers In General Fund INTEREST & RENTALS 3601 Interest on Investments 3603 Interest income. COP TOTAL INTEREST & RENTALS OTHER REVENUE 3941 Principal Senior Housing TOTAL LIBRARI EXPANSION CAPITAL I NIPRO V EM£NT T- eFERS IN 9001 Transfers In General Fund 9401 Transfer in. Emergency Reserve CAPITA. IMPROVEMENTS 837 (Itagc Plan tiiugpgmy g) _ 10TAI. CA 'AF, . ACTUAL KMCA -T I EM ACTUAL r Fyll'"SJl9 E7 . ACILAL PROPOSED FY 1947M . F1'1948l1444 Fk' Fk`i498f44 710.341 0 0 0 0 p 75 001 p 2.370 0 11.3 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 78.867 0 0 0 0 0 1.100.200 2,735.000 0 n Z.43Z 550 *0w e - I c�t�roFsE. - STAMUNTOFESTMAIM F FWALMRI"W F ACCOUNT DETAIL OTHER REVENUE 3901 Sales of Surplus Property 3912 Replacement Charge to other Dept OTHER REVENUE TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT LIABILITY INSURANCE OTHER REVENUE 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 3911 Charges to Other Departments 3913 Recoven of Claims Paid TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL LIABILITY INSURANCE nm•" y • e 0 51000 5.000 050 1.250 5.000 1,017.915 1.013.204 1.013.204 293.301 253.301 9n -4i# 1,61M t -53T,53I 2 1 971JU0 1!017§15 1,0I . 04 1 1 04 254.3 25 ; 1 97$40(` 5.349 0 0 0 0 0 755.142 900.000 900.000 225.000 225.000 1.000.00O 00.000 0 QI1.000 O 0.490 r2s.bw .-5 0 I.O ou0 • 1 ''iTl #`! °i ` "''I i i °t 778 9 - ON ezr�ra�u, . i SfATE114WOFyF r 1 :AL Y .I"M WATER UTILITY INTEREST A RENTALS 3601 Interest on Investments CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3851 Water Sales 3853 Meter Installation 3856 Reclaimed Water Sales 3859 Miscellaneous Revenue CHARGES FOR SERVICES TRANSFERS IN 9001 Transfers In General Fund TOTAL WATER UTILITY t COURSE 111.431 100 606 0 25.000 5.666 8.061.204 9.00O.O0p 9.200XD0 2.420.000 2 420.000 2.400 7.000 1400 p 8.900,00o 1.254.108 1.450.000 0 385.000 0 2.000 I.450.00 385.000 1 450.000 9.317w . _. to. 52.t)N0 0 14.006 16.000 4.000 4 000 i6.01ttt TOTAL INTEREST dtRENTALS 3603 interest Income - COP 2766it CHARGES FOR SERVICES = 3832 Food - aBeRevemtes 183, Leued Hftr & wine, - 0•w0F `A 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue TRANSFERSIN 9001 Transfers In General Fund TOTAL EXPENDABLE TRUST OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3703Librarn -PLF State Grants 3703 Libran - CLSA State Grants 3703 Police Training STC State Grants TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL TOTAL OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL REVENUES 1.048 0 0 0 4, 0 ?9,588 0 0 0.637 0 ° ° I kt 9.467 9 402 29.040 4.335 1.400 4450 0 0 !0.000 4-315 0 3.923 �,...� '1'^W- 0 O - - -` ItEsouuTIONNCL. RESOLUTION OF .I' CIW !•' !I (0�7= My •' EL SEGUNDO, CAMM" GIVING TIME DOMCM CIE FINANCE LRUTED AM TINIPORARY :,i.' • EXPEND FINDS OF TIM CITY MMG AnottioN cw THE FY 1"WW ANNUAL OPERATING BLlDcVT THE CITY COUNCIL OF i MV Of EL SEGUNDO, CAUMOAMA, DOES RESOLVE HEREBY i • SECTION 1. The Director of Finance is hereby authorized - c the CRv for the purpose of paying ongoing City expenses ustd a Budget is a "" ' Cowl or October 31, 1999, whichever occurs first SECTION 2. The level of such expenditures and authZadon �d to the FY7998/99 level of appropriations previously approved by the City Ct UMU, and those items which Council has subsequently authorized by separate Council action. SECTION 3 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of than Resolubon; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make a Minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of a* proceedmgl of the City Council of said City, in the Minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21H day of September, 1999 ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOSS ANGELES CITY OF EL SEGVNDO ) Mike Gordon, Mayor �_ -_ ��;€ �� = � ='��� =fir: EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1tg Proposal for the City of EI Segundo to award the contract for complatotl of the owabuctlen of the EI Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTI . 1 Discuss and award contract to complete the construtdiori to the Hazarm Corporation, INTRODUCTION AND SACK On July 20, 1999 the City Council awarded, the DDritrad for the construction of the Communicationa, Canter to LA Contractors On September 7, 1999, Counccil terminated the contrect with LACbribVildrs and directed Staff to soliclk proposals from the list of bidders for the completion of the project, DISCUSSION. On September 10, 1999, Staff received proposals from four (4) construction companies that had previously bid on the project COMPANY BASE BID ADDCD ALTER AA -PlIn. I=& Sgt Q! T Ally Construction $1,498,702 $89,129 $1,5$7,$31 Hazama $1,5119,511 $94,48$ $1,803,997 Edwin G. Bowen $1,664,555 $53,769 $1,718,824 Great West Contractors $1,631,186 $87,395 $1,718,561 Staff has completed the evaluation process for the aforementioned proposes and reoorriirnemis the Hazama Corporation This recommendation is due to their qualifications and sucoese{tit oompieEion of similar projects such as the Azusa Police facility -*VL - -ffwwM-, OMCO (7141437-9 22 Fax COMMUMCATIONS CEMER AOOMN MY of V Segundo , 0 • ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC. 3190 C -1 Airport Loop Drive 06910 Me", CA 92826 Office (714) 437 -9322 Fax (714) 437 4611 September 10, 1999 Sargeant Brian Evanski, Project Director El Segundo Police Department 348 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 -3885 Re: El Segundo Communications Center Dear Sargeant Evanski Thank you for the opportunity to submit the attached Proposal for construction of the Communications Center at the City of El Segundo. We enjoyed meeting with you at the,jobsite and incorporate the details of our discussion into the attached PropmL CSargeant Brian Evanski, Project Director El Segundo Police Department September 10, 1999 Page Two In addition, our administrative support team includes an office manager who is a certified paralegal with post - graduate training in financial/business management and has nearly 20 years experience in the legal and administrative aspects of contract management Enclosed for your reference are copiesof the pe sortal routneg 4four t Manager, Superintendent and Office Manager, We are hopeful for your tavarattTe oonsidrtion of out Proposal, and Mij available taanswer any questions you may have regarding the at la- tttrt' nt'$, " tocontaot rite over n U • 1235 Harper Ave., Suite 29 (32jb85 West Hollywood, CA 90046 Objective: To continue my career as Project Manager or Project Engineer in the field of construction Education: Major. BacbMorofScience.Civit finghteiiisoisg (skiwaminso mmor. MechanJeW Eag x # baud Envirorrpient+ _ E1T Lic. XEAtt$$,s$ 1997 Bfaster of fCusm0$s Ad+r kh&ati n CJ$ Computer Exp. Windows 95, Microsoft Word, Excel, Word Perlin, AutoCAU, Pltatoshop, Power Point, Primavera, various estimating programs, Quattro Pro and various main frame applications Experience: 2/99 to present 7/92-2/99 Ally Construction, Inc. 3190 C -1 Airport Loop Drive, Costs Mesa, CA 92626 Position: Project Manager Duties' Project management, scheduling and estimating for work- varying from 5100,000 to $2,000,000 in size. Ptolem lineludg pWip works fot s+e_1Mwi dtshicts, counties and cities, anti private Works in elcai, - _ $MC Construction Company, Inc. 3303 harbor Blvd., Suite ES Costa Meat, CA POU'Naan: Project Alamo Tim King 31061 Via Sonora San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 R.P. Richards, Inc. Ct tuzwor, Pi'aoeatswarvis r & Quality C`1 - t ! 1996 to 1997 San __ _ - T-cratAnal A.UY & C . Evelyn Solarczyk RESVM Professional Experience: Ally Construdln, [»a Ofie manow, 190 to present Owtter and suhe tractors taet ednunistration, bonding and insurance management, bidpackages, lien administration, famcial management, docwmnt maintenance, payroll administration, human resources management, corporate opemtions, facilities management and legal risk management COMMUNICATIONS CENT94 A City of EI Segundo • ae In accordance with the City of El $egwWos Requeet, fot proponalL - « hereby Proposes to iumish all materials, equoniant toof$, motor above stated protect as set forth in the Purrs and Nos t (dated June 4, t999) end 2- (datu&hfte 14, 1999), to perform all work in the manner and time presolfbed there 'na 3Yi -. 0 • NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC declares that the only persons or parties interested in this Proposal as principals are those named herein, that no officer, agent, or employee of the City of El Segundo is personally interested, dvectly or indirectly, in this Proposal, that this Proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm or corporation making a bid for the same work and that this Proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud PROPOSAL SCHEDULE BASE BID: $1,498,702.00 One - Million -Fou r-H u ndred- Ninety- Eight - Thousand- Seven- Hundred -Two and 00/100 Dollars Additive Alternate No 1 ADD* $3,890.00 Central Vacuum Cleaning System Three- Thousand- Eight- Hundred - Ninety and 001100 Dollars Additive Alternate No 2 ADD: Powered L1 t and Tilt Blinds Additive Alternate No 3 ADD - Driveway Gates and Controls Additive Alternate No 4 ADD• o Vinyl Coated Fabric Wall Coverings $24,987.00 Twenty- Four - Thousand - Nine- Hundred- Eighty -Seven and 00 /100 Dollars $39,612.00 Thirty- Nine- ThousandSix- Hundred- Twelve and OO/100 Dollar $6,200.00 Six- Thousand - Two - Hundred and "noo Dollars Additive Altemate No 6 AbD- M700.00 Sound Control Fabric v IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC. _ the names, titles, hands and seals W all named prMc als this 10 # pf Aber, + ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC, Y • COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ADDITION City of El Segundo PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The attached preliminary Construction Schedule is provided to demonstrate proposed construction methods to ensure completion of the project with 210 consecutive calendar days The attached Construction Schedule excludes any unforeseen conditions which ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC may discover upon startup ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC proposes immediate, expeditious mobilization with work to commence on Monday, September 13, 1999 We are confident of our ability to complete this project in a timely manner, recently having completed a public school modernization project of similar size within only 8 weeks (Peter Burnett Elementary School, Wisebum School District) During the course of this particular protect, the scope of work grew over 40 %, but ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC still finished the entire work on time ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC will provide an updated, detail Construction Schedule upon award of the contract Submittals We understand various submittals have been provided to the City of El Segundo, some of which to review all submittals and discuss with the City and the Architect the strategie are approved ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC respectfully requests a reasonable 1, me allowance •submittals current and to the approval stage s for bringing all Given the complexity of the protect, we propose to first review submittals for concrete mix design, masonry, brick samples, grout mix design and structural steel, followed by electrical, pkjmtxng and all other trades m - � -- f-'-----`'`-^--.--.-..- r\ ---^-~-~-'^--^-- --� '- �,'� _ ----- 7 it m - � -- f-'-----`'`-^--.--.-..- r\ ---^-~-~-'^--^-- --� '- �,'� ---------------------------------------'�141`----------`------,' --- --- ---- -- ------ - ----------- -�-� ------� � ---� � * -- -- ------------------------___� ________ ---------------- m � � _ -- - - --------' - -1�f1--� --�- - - - - - - - - ------' ^ v « � m� . - - - '- { �11 • COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ADDITION City of El Segundo CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE DECLARATION (Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15) ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC Contractor's License Number 749729 Class No. B & C -10 2 ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC acknowledges that Section 7028 15(e) of the Business and Professions Code provides as follows "A licensed contractor shall not submit a bid to a public agency unless his or her contractor's license number appears clearly on the bid, the license expiration date is stated, and the bid contains a statement that representations herein are made under penalty of perjury Any bid not containing this information, or a bid containing information which is subsequently proven false, shall be considered non - responsive and shall be rejected by the public agency The undersigned declares, under penalty of perjury , that the representations made by the undersigned in this Proposal are true and correct • Executed on September 100, 1999 at Costa Mesa, California i .. ..:. t.: i.. �. n LJ ALL- PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of ,,,� I SS. On 9/10/99 (DATE) before me, Evelyn K. Solarcayk, Notary Public personally appeared Joseph A e; chant NOTARY) SIGNERIS) " personally known to me - OR- EVELYN K SOLARCZYK NComm. t 1216660 '^ � NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA N Orenpe County My Comm E:poee Apnl 22,5007' ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personM whose nameoh is/¢fV'subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /AMWt executed the same in his/UHMW authorized capacity/ VO,, and that by hislg4tjaWl signature(Ej on the instrument the person($), or the entity upon behalf of which the Person(b) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal ❑ PARTNtiR(if) r Q Arr0ANEV (N FAQ_ s �I tRtiS fE1Sh ev ,% ° " - m s r��e " G_ i.. ^ � . .« _. r... s...0.a_ CER't'i CAC* Pursuer# to -et n 14610 the LSbOrC 7tYe, ALLY + ' 19 77 Proposal, shag sign the following certifiica -imiltllog its "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the tabar Cade Which � � employer to be insured against Inability for Workers' Compensation or to undertake s*instrrrtnce accordance with the provisions of that code, and i "comply with such Qns before commencing the Performance of the work of this contract.. ALLY mm � L COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ADDITION City of El Segundo DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one -half of one percent of the bid and to procure materials and equipment from suppliers and vendors as follows Please refer to Exhibit A, Incorporated herein by reference "gggg i =_. AN EX"UNTA To DESIGNATION Communications Center Addition CRY Of El Segundo r�7 2318W twft4w Redondo Beach, CA 90278 (310)371-2833 1125 So Las 8risas pface Pfscentfa, CA 92870-66" (310) 993-9488 32300 Crooked Arrow "Dr Wildomar, CA 92595 1631 Market #B, Corona, CA gino (909)371-0333 A • Zaun Glass Co, Inc 1218 West Magnolia, Burbank, CA 91506 (818)848 -5612 3930 East Mvaloma, #A, Anaheim, CA 92806 (714)630 -5552 323 So Sierra Way, San Bernardino, CA 92408 (909)884 -6276 405281 Signed Contract 15216 Burbank Blvd. #102 Van Nuys, CA 91411 (818) 779 -0202 732430 Alynnco 2021 "N" E Gladstone, Glendora, CA 91740 (909)599 -8705 2478 E Fender, Suite E Fullerton, CA 92631 (714) 870 -8952 648232 • Pacific Building Specialties 1001 W 17'" St, #D, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 rZeen 45 -9045 5 Fire Protection Silver Cloud, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 98 -0933 1 lumbing &Pip n Co Perkins, Whither , CA 90606 2 and Accessories 1^ I r Cast Products Installation, Inc Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete P O Box 87 Gardena, CA 90247 (310)532 -5335 713457 Continental Tile & Marble Co Tile 1855 Lake Place, Ontario, CA 91761 (909)947 -1211 000394 Apex Plastering Metal Framing, Bullet Resistant Panels, Metal 4526 No Rowland, El Monte, CA 91731 Support Systems, Moisture Retarder, Cement (626)448 -0080 Plaster 231963 M H Powell & Cc , Inc Projection Screens 2313 Yates Ave, Commerce, CA 90040 (323)887-0037 Sheward & Sons & Sons Powered Lift Blinds 222 21" Street Newport beach, CA 92663 (949)673 -0760 528591 6% 0 BONDS COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ADDITION City of Ell Segundo BONDS & INSURANCE ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC will provide all required 100% bonds in accordance with the Specifications ( dated May 1999) INSURANCE ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC will maintain throughout the duration of this project, Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage for all of its employees employed at the site of improvement ALLY CONSTRUCTION, INC will maintain all required insurance coverage in accordance with the Specifications (dated May 1999) The City of El Segundo shall be named as additional insured thereon, as required For your review, attached is a representative copy of the Builder's Risk Insurance policy form proposed as an Optional Added Value Credit in the Proposal • 70 .. io-uvruElyy- Imlrau�anra -vi 0183314 ORIGINAL COPY GREAT AMERICAN INSUaANCt COMPANIES lubuaiuus at A~,..n F.nanelsl Corporation it 880 WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI OHIO 48207 _ CM 78 41 fEd 04 92) BUILDERS RISK PLUS COVERAGE FORM Various provisions of this policy restrict coverage. Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights. duties, and what is or is not covered Throughout this policy the words "you" and "your" refer to the Named Insured shown in the Declarations The words "we," "us" and "our" refer to the company providing this Insurance Other words and phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning Refer to SECTION F - DEFINITIONS A. COVERAGE e, contractor's equipment, aircraft, motor vehicles. watercraft, machinery, tools We will pay for direct "loss" to Covered or similar property which will not be- Property from any of the Covered Causes of come a permanent part of the struc- Loss ture(s) at the jobsite described in the Declarations; 1, Covered Property as used in this Cov- erage Form. means a. your property and property for which you are legally responsible consisting r of building materials and supplies, equipment, machinery and fixtures, b. fences, foundations, excavations un- derground pipes, drains, paving. pilings at any construction jobsits covered by this Coverage Form; which is, or is intended to become a per- manent part of the structure(s) at the lob - slte(s) described in the Declarations 2 Property Not Covered Covered Property does not Include a water, land, (Including land on which the property is located). grading or fill, b, contraband or property in the course of illegal transportation or trade, f. bridges, tunnels, piers, wharves and dams whether or not in the course of construction, reconstruction, renova- tion or repair, S. buildings or structures that exist prior to any alteration, addition, improve- ment. renovation or repair 3. Covered Causes of Loss Covered Causes of Loss means risks of direct physical "loss" to Covered Property except those causes of "loss" listed in the Exclusions. 4. Coverage Extensions a. Debris Removal We will pay your actual and necessary expense to remove debris of Covered Property caused by or resulting from a Covered Cause of Loss c, trees, shrubs, lawns, growing crops, The most we will pay for "loss" under this Coverage Extension is 25% of the d accounts, bills, currency, deeds, evi- sum of the amount we pay for direct dances of debt, money, notes or se- physical "loss" to Covered Property r curities, plus the applicable deductible amount f BUILDERS RISK PLUS (Reg US Par Off CM 7e 41 (Ed 04192) XS (Page 1 of 61 71 0183314 (2) the and of the policy period 11) War, including undeclared or civil war, The most we will pay under this Cov- erage Extension is $5,000 for the sum (2) warlike action by a military force, of all such expenses for each separate including action in hindering or policy period up to 12 months defending against an actual or ex- pected attack, by any govern - The limit of Pollutant Clean Up and Re- ment, sovereign or authority using move] is separate from the Limits of military personnel or other Insurance stated elsewhere in the poly agents, or cy (3) insurrection, rebellion, revolution, c. Statement of Loss Expense usurped power or action taken by governmental authority in hinder - We will pay up to $1,000 for your ing or defending against any of actual cost of preparing a statement these of loss or any other exhibits required in connection with any claim under this d Earth Movement Coverage Form (1) Any earth movement (other than B. EXCLUSIONS "sinkhole collapse "I such as earth- quake, landslide, mine subsidence 1. We will not pay for a "loss" caused di- or earth sinking, rising, shifting. rattly or indirectly by any of the Fallow- expanding, contracting or any • ing Such "loss' is excluded regardless of other earth movement But if loss BUILDERS RISK PLUS (Reg US Pat Off) CM 78 41 (Ed 041921 X$ (Page 2 of 61 72 If the sum of debris removal expense, any other cause or event that contributes deductible amount and our payment concurrently or in any sequence to the for direct "loss" exceeds the splice- "loss.' ble Limit of Insurance, we will pay up to $100,000 additional for debris re- a Governmental Action moval expense Seizure or destruction of property by This Coverage Extension doesn't apply order of governmental authority. to the cost to But we will pay for acts of destruction (1) extract "pollutants" from land or ordered by governmental authority and water. or taken at the time of a fire to prevent its spread if the fire would be covered (2) remove, restore or replace pol- under this Coverage Form luted land or water b. Nuclear Hazard b Pollutant Clean Up and Removal (1) Any weapon employing atomic We will pay your necessary expense fission or fusion; or to extract "pollutants" from land or water at a lobsite if the release, dig- (2) nuclear reaction or radiation, or charge or dispersal of the "pollutants' radioactive contamination from results from a Covered Cause of Loss any other cause But we will pay to Covered Property that occurs dur- for direct `loss" caused by re- ing the policy period Your expenses sulting fire if the fire would be will be paid only if they are reported covered under this Coverage to us within 180 days of the earlier of Form (1) the date of the "loss ", or c. War and Military Action (2) the and of the policy period 11) War, including undeclared or civil war, The most we will pay under this Cov- erage Extension is $5,000 for the sum (2) warlike action by a military force, of all such expenses for each separate including action in hindering or policy period up to 12 months defending against an actual or ex- pected attack, by any govern - The limit of Pollutant Clean Up and Re- ment, sovereign or authority using move] is separate from the Limits of military personnel or other Insurance stated elsewhere in the poly agents, or cy (3) insurrection, rebellion, revolution, c. Statement of Loss Expense usurped power or action taken by governmental authority in hinder - We will pay up to $1,000 for your ing or defending against any of actual cost of preparing a statement these of loss or any other exhibits required in connection with any claim under this d Earth Movement Coverage Form (1) Any earth movement (other than B. EXCLUSIONS "sinkhole collapse "I such as earth- quake, landslide, mine subsidence 1. We will not pay for a "loss" caused di- or earth sinking, rising, shifting. rattly or indirectly by any of the Fallow- expanding, contracting or any • ing Such "loss' is excluded regardless of other earth movement But if loss BUILDERS RISK PLUS (Reg US Pat Off) CM 78 41 (Ed 041921 X$ (Page 2 of 61 72 L 113 u4 1014 /y}1`iMYtlU14tl/t "U1 0183314 UMIUINAL LUY7 (5) water damage as a result of freezing unless; 10 you have shut off the water supply and drained the plumbing systems. or (it) made a reasonable effort to maintain heat in an enclosed budding But if "loss' by fire, explosion, theft or sprinkler leakage results, we will pay for that resulting 'loss" f. Building Ordinance The enforcement of any ordinance or Yaw (1) regulating the construction, use or repair of any property; or (2) requiring the tearing down of any property, including the cost of removing its debris. 2. We will not pay for a "loss" caused by or resulting from any of the following• a Delay, loss of use, loss of market or any other consequential loss. b. Dishonest acts by. (1) you, your partners, officers or trustees, employees or your or their authorized representatives, (2) anyone also with an Interest in the property, or their employees or authorized representatives; (3) anyone else (other than a carrier for hire) to whom you entrust the property This exclusion applies whether or not such persons are acting alone or in collusion with other persons, or such acts occur during the hours of em- ployment (b) basements, whether paved or not; or c Rain, sleet snow, hail, ice or dust to property in the open. This exclusion (c) doors, windows or other does not apply to. property in the PON openings custody of a carrier for hire, nor BUILDERS RISK PLUS (Reg US Pat Oft) CM 78 41 (Ed 041921 XS (Pacle 3 of 61 or damage by fire, theft or ex- plosion results, we will pay for that resulting "loss' (21 Volcanic eruption, explosion or effusion out If "loss" by fire or volcanic action results, we will pay for that resulting "loss" Volcanic action means direct "loss" resulting from the eruption Of a volcano when the "loss" is caused by- (a) airborne volcanic blast or airborne shock waves, N ash, dust or particulate mat- ter, or (c) lava flow All volcanic eruptions that occur within any 168 hour period will constitute a single occurrence Volcanic action does not Include the cost to remove ash, dust or particulate matter that does not cause direct physical 'loss" to the described property e, Water (1) flood. surface water, waves, tides, tidal waves, overflow of any body of water, or their spray, all whether driven by wind or not (2) mudslide or mudflow. (3) water that backs up from a sewer or drain. or (4) water under the ground surface pressing on, or flowing or seep- trig through (a) foundations. wells, floors or paved surfaCSS, UMIUINAL LUY7 (5) water damage as a result of freezing unless; 10 you have shut off the water supply and drained the plumbing systems. or (it) made a reasonable effort to maintain heat in an enclosed budding But if "loss' by fire, explosion, theft or sprinkler leakage results, we will pay for that resulting 'loss" f. Building Ordinance The enforcement of any ordinance or Yaw (1) regulating the construction, use or repair of any property; or (2) requiring the tearing down of any property, including the cost of removing its debris. 2. We will not pay for a "loss" caused by or resulting from any of the following• a Delay, loss of use, loss of market or any other consequential loss. b. Dishonest acts by. (1) you, your partners, officers or trustees, employees or your or their authorized representatives, (2) anyone also with an Interest in the property, or their employees or authorized representatives; (3) anyone else (other than a carrier for hire) to whom you entrust the property This exclusion applies whether or not such persons are acting alone or in collusion with other persons, or such acts occur during the hours of em- ployment (b) basements, whether paved or not; or c Rain, sleet snow, hail, ice or dust to property in the open. This exclusion (c) doors, windows or other does not apply to. property in the PON openings custody of a carrier for hire, nor BUILDERS RISK PLUS (Reg US Pat Oft) CM 78 41 (Ed 041921 XS (Pacle 3 of 61 0183314 • 'loss" due to collapse of a structure caused by weight of rain, sleet, snow, had, ice or dust d. Unexplained loss, mysterious disap- pearances or shortage disclosed upon taking inventory This exclusion does not apply to a carrier for hire or a public warehouseman 3 We will not pay for a "loss" caused by or resulting from any of the following But if "loss" by a Covered Cause of Loss results, we will pay for that resulting "loss" a. Collapse or weather conditions But this exclusion only applies if weather conditions or collapse contribute in any way with a cause or event ex- cluded in paragraph 1 above to pro- duce the "loss" b. Acts or decision, including the failure to act or decide, of any person, group, organization or governmental body c Faulty, inadequate or defective. • (1) planning, zoning, development, surveying, siting. t2) design, specifications, workman- ship, repair, construction, renova- tion, remodeling, gradmg. com- paction, (3) materials used in repair, con- struction, renovation or remodel- ing, or (4) maintenance d. Gradual deterioration, hidden or latent defects, any quality in the property that causes it to damage or destroy itself, wear and tear, depreciation. corrosion, rust, mold rot, dampness or dryness. cold or heat insects, ro- dents, birds or other animals. a. Artificially generated electric current that creates a short circuit or other electric disturbance within electricical devices, appliances or wires But we will pay for direct "loss" caused by resulting fire if the fire would be cov- ered under this Coverage Form b Mechanical breakdown of machinery including rupture or bursting caused by centrifugal force But if as a result of la) or (b) above there is "loss" to other Covered Property by a Covered Cause of Loss, we will pay for that resulting "loss" 5. We will not pay for a. Penalties for noncompletion or non- compliance vnth contract conditions b. Any "loss" covered under any guar- antee, warranty or other expressed or Implied obllgaiton of any contractor, manufacturer or supplier. This exclu- sion applies whether or not such con- tractor, manufacturer or supplier is a Named Insured C. LIMITS OF INSURANCE The most we will pay for "loss" due to Cov- ered Causes of Loss is the applicable Limit of Insurance shown in the Declarations D. DEDUCTIBLE We will pay the amount of the adjusted "loss" in excess of the Deductible amount shown in the Declarations, up to the applicable Limit of Insurance E. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS The following conditions apply in addition to the Commercial Inland Marine Conditions and Common Policy Conditions 1 Coinsurance e Settling. cracking, shrinking, bulging or expansion of the earth, foundations, Covered Property,(except property at footings or structures temporary storage locations or in transit), must be insured for its total "completed 4 We will not pay for "loss" caused by or value" at the time of loss or you will incur • resulting front a penalty BUILDERS RISK PLUS (Reg US Pat Off) CM 7E 41 (Ed 04/92) XS (Page 4 of 61 74 � ia- ugrutiae•iatrautgar[ -ui �niu-ivwL Gvrr 0163314 !^ The penalty is that we will pay only the (1) Any architect engineer, or other proportion of any "loss" that the applicable party or entity responsible for Limit of Insurance shown in the Declara- any design, specifications, or tions bears to the total "completed value" plans for the fabrication. erection of Covered Property or completion of the property in- sured with respect to any loss or 2. Valuation damage that may be caused by. General Condition E Valuation in the Corn- (i) fault defect error or omis- mercial Inland Marine Conditions is re- sion in such design. speci- placed by the following, fications, or plans, a Building or Structure 00 performance of, or failure to perform, supervisory or We will adjust a "loss" to buildings or management functions relat- structures on the basis of replacement ed to the construction pro - cost, at the time of loss, including the )ecusl contractor's reasonable overhead and (2) Any contractor, manufacturer or profit supplier of Covered Property that b. Other Covered Property has agreed to make good any loss or damage under a guarantee or W e will adjust "loss" to: warranty 11) owned property at the actual cash If any act or agreement of yours im- value, including labor and delivery pairs our right to recover for "loss" as charges, described above, we will not cover the "loss" (2) property of others at the cost to b. Nor, will we cover any "loss" which repair or replace but not more than the amount for which you you settle w compromise without our are legally liable written consent Property will be valued as of the time the 4. Cancellation "toss" occurs The following is added to Common Poli- cy Conditions, paragraph 5: If the first pay ix Named Insured cancels this policy, we will retain at least the Minimum Promium 11) the amount necessary to repair the amount shown in the Declarations Covered Property: or b. Where Coverage Applies W the amount necessary to replace the Covered Property with materials of Coverage applies while Covered Property the same kind or quality, or is (3) the applicable Limit of Insurance, a at the construction )obsite premises described on the Declarations, or whichever is less b. in transit by truck or railroad, 3. Duty to Preserve Rights of Recovery within the united States texctuding transit a. Before a "loss" you may waive your to and from Alaska, to and from Hawaii). rights of recovery against any individ- the District of Columbia, or Canada to the ual, corporation or other entity except premises described on the Declarations Oft BUILDERS RISK PLUS 1Reg US Pat Off) CM 78 41 (Ed 04/921 XS (Pane 5 of 6) ~5 0 0183314 6 When Coverage Begins and Ends We cover from the time the Covered Property is at your risk starting on or after the date this policy begins This coverage will and on each structure when any of the following occurs a. the purchaser accepts It, b your interest in the Covered Property ceases, or you abandon the construc- tion, c. 90 days after the structure is 'sub- stantially completed" (if no work on the structure has taken place during that period), d. when a structure is occupied or put to its Intended use, without our written consent, a. any other Insurance covers the prop- erty as a completed budding or struc- ture, f, this Coverage Form is cancelled, or g. the and Of the policy period F. DEFINITIONS "Completed Value" means the total value of all Covered Property (including buildings, fences, foundations, underground pipes. drains, paving and pilings that are a permanent part of the covered jobl when the job will have been finished at the end of the con- struction period The 'Completed Value" in- cludes labor, cost of materials and the con- - tractors reasonable overhead and profit - Completed Value' does not include 1. the cost of land, nor 2, the cost of developing land to make it suitable for building leg., clearing, filling, grading). "Loss" means accidental loss or damage "Pollutant" means any solid. liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant. Including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste Waste includes materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed "Sinkhole Collapse" means the sudden sink- ing or collapse of the land Into underground empty spacels) created by action of water on limestone or similar rock formations It does not include' a the value of land, b. the cost of filling sinkhole; c. indirect or consequential loss, the loss of use arising from sinkhole collapse, d. sinking of the land into man-made struc- tures "Substantially Completed" means construc- tion project structurels) is usable for its in- tended purposes BUILDERS RISK PLUS IReg U.S Pat Off) CM 76 41 (Ed 041921 XS (Pace 6 of 6) 7 f �.. �•t�vL�oe•ImraueMa��-ul 0183314 �L OnEAT AMERICAN Wigan Fjft COMA, Y 880 WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO 16303 BUSINESSPRO GENERAL ENDORSEMENT LIGHTING & FENCING WARRANTY AUENTS COPY CM 88 02 (Ed. 11 86) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THIS POLICY PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY THIS ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES COVERAGE PROVIDED UNDER YOUR BUILDERS RISK PLUS COVERAGE FORM IT IS A CONDITION OF THIS POLICY THAT YOU WILL CAUSE TO BE ERECTED AND MAINTAINED 1 FLOOD LIGHTING, WHICH ILLUMINATE, 2, "FENCING" WITH A LOCKED GATE, WHICH SURROUNDS ALL BUILDING MATERIALS, SUPPLIES AND STRUCTURES COVERED BY THIS POLICY THE PERIOD DURING WHICH THIS CONDITION APPLIES, COMMENCES WITH THE DELIVERY OF ANY BUILDING MATERIALS TO THE COVERED JOB SITE AND CONTINUES UNTIL SUCH SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS ARE LOCKED IN A FULLY ENCLOSED, SECURE STRUCTURE ^F YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH THESE CONDITIONS, AND, A "LOSS" OCCURS UE TO FIRE. VANDALISM OR THEFT (REGARDLESS OF ANY OTHER CAUSE OR EVENT THAT CONTRIBUTES TO THE LOSS), WE WILL NOT PAY YOUR LOSS DEFINITION "FENCING" MEANS A BARRIER SUITABLE TO DETER PEOPLE FROM ENTERING THE JOB -SITE DURING NON - WORKING HOURS IE,G , AN8' CHAIN LINK FENCE TOPPED WITH BARBED WIRE.) ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS REMAIN THE SAME BUSINESSPRO (Reg U S. Pat. Off ) CM 88 02 IEC 11185) PRO (Pace 1 of 1 77 Ma ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION HAZAMA CORPORATION 1 HQZQm(I NJAI\ OFFICE S a September 10, 1999 HCL #99097 Sgt Brian Evanski El Segundo Police Department 348 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Re: COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Subject Bid reconfirmation Dear Sgt Evanski On behalf of Hazama Corporation, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be reconsidered as the General Contractor for the above referenced project. It is unfortunate that you had to experience one of the biggest problems of public works bidding — awarding to the lowest bidder regardless of quality or ability I realize that we were not the lowest bidder before and I do not know if we will be this time even though we have made every effort to submit our best price However, I believe that in addition to a competitive number, Hazama Corporation would bring benefits to your project that none of our competitors can in order to accomplish a successful completion: • 110 years of experience as a General Contractor with over $5 billion in total annual revenues of which approximately $120 million is in North America • Recent completion of a very similar project as the General Contractor — the expansion and alteration of the Azusa Police Department which also contained a technically complex communications area • Established successful working relationships with members of your project team from other similar projects — both WMM Associates and The Warner Group In addition to the above, we have taken the initiative to investigate the current status of the structural steel submittal and we believe that our subcontractor can use the approved shop drawings that you already have with some minor modifications due to the site conditions Therefore, we can commit to your 210 day schedule and are prepared to mobilize on site immediately upon notification to proceed if we are selected Our revised base price is One Million Five Hundred Nine Thousand Five Hundred Eleven and 00 /100 dollars ($1,509,511) and is submitted with anew bid bond as evidence of our commitment to your project This includes a credit for the work already performed at the site and assumes that the City will msure that none of the pending issues (ie litigation, stop notices, etc ) regarding the previous Contractor will unpact us as the new Contractor if we are awarded the project The addition for all previously listed alternates is Ninety Four Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Six and 00/100 dollars ($94,486) Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information We look forward to the possibility of working with you on your very Important and excitmg project Very truly yours, HAZAMA CORPORATION _y George O Smith, III Vice President 104 5 Wets Redondo Beach Boule,ard Swle 211 Gardena Calnorma 90247 -4180 • Tel 13101 352 3070 Fax 13101 152 3077 COW4UNICATIONS CENTER ADDITION City of El Segundo PROPOSAL GUARANTEE ..„ BID BOND • FOR THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ADDITION IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO • • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that, Hazama Corporation as BIDDER, and National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa._ , as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of El Segundo, in the penal sum of Ten Percent of Bid DOLLARS ($10% of Bid ) , which is ten (lot) percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to the City of El Segundo for the above stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to the City of E1 Segundo for the above stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of the City of El Segundo. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals this 9th day of September , 19 99 . BIDDER* Hazama CorporationL___, SURETY* National Unioq F "re In urance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. By: ' �v _ Mechelle Iarkin,Attorney -in -Fact Subscribed and sworn to this day of 19_ NOTARY PUBLIC see attached * Provide BIDDER /SURETY name, address and telephone number and the name, title, address and telephone number for authorized representative. Hazama Corporation 1045 E. Redondo Beach Blvd Suite 400 Gardena CA 90247 (310) 353 -3070 National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. 777 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles CA 90017 (213) 689 -3500 Marsh USA Risk 5 Insurance Services 4695 MacArthur Court, 11700 Newport Beach CA 92660 (949) 399 -5800 Irene Lau, Vice President I -C -6 i CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Oransle On UP - 9 'W9 before me, Kathy R Mair, Notary Public DATE NAME, TRLE OF O"r" - EG -JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC personally appeared Mechelle Larkin NVAMF.R OF BNGNERtsI , ® personally know to me - OR - ❑ proved to me on the basic of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe /they executed the same in his/her /their ACM�,,,"""r',,, " 0 134M authorized capaclty(ies), and that by his /her /their ►iakry a —ewmft _ signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the 1%mca"Me"UMWILUM entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, exe- cuted the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal 6 E OF NOTARY ------- --- ---------- - --- -- OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons retying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this forth. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE(S) ❑ PARTNER(S) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL, ® ATTORNEY -IN -FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSONM OR ENMYBES) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE RI hnerican Rome assurance Company PO \1 ER OF \TTORNLN National union Fire insurance Compmn of Pittsburgh, Pa. I'nnupel Bold DMIC I i s AA .,tcl Snvet Aew N 011, A 1 101 'S •NON% ALL 11EN BN THESE PRESCNIS That American Home Assurance Companv, a New Norl, corporation, and National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa e Pcnnsyhania corporati on. does each hcteb) appoint —Irene Lau, Kathy R. Mair, Mechelle Larkin: of Nev port Beach, California— its true and law fill Attomey(s) -m -Fact, with full authonty to execute on its behalf bonds, undertakings, recognizances and other contracts o` mo.mmty and wrongs obligatory in the nature thereof issued to the course of its business and to bind the respectrn e company thereby IN WITNESS N\ HEREOF, American Home Assurance Companv and National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa ha\e each executed these presents this 16th day of September 199S La\\rence N' Carlstrom, Senior %,ice President ° National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA Vice President, American Home Assurance Companv STATE OF NL1\ N ORK ) COUN'TN OF NENN' 1 ORK )ss On this 10th da\ of September, 1995 before me came the above named officer of American Home Assurance Company and National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa, to me personalh known to be the mdnidual and officer described herein, �rid acknowledged that he executed the foreeomc instrument and fxed the seals of said corporations thereto bx authority of his Office IOSEPH 6 NOZZOLIO Notary Public state , Jew York No pt N04652754 Ouallhed m Wastcheste County jarm EAP,w a,r 314 °., i 411 2z4K�_ E\cerpts of R\samtiom adopted bt the Boards of Directors of American Home Assurance Company and National Union Fire Insurance Compam of Plusbuch Pa on 41n IS 197r, RESOL\ ED that the Chaimlan of the BoarJ the President or am x, ice President be and hereby is authorized to appoint Attome\s -m -Fact to rePresu„ and c, mr and on behalf of the Compam to execute bonds undertakings reeogmzances and other contracts of Indemnity ; nd wnnngs obli_^aton nl the n uu'e P s :0f anti to all ich thereto the corporate seal of [lie Compam in the transaction of its surem business RrSOLA FD that the sl natures and attestation, of such o(icers and tl„ seal of the Comoam ma\ be affixed to anx such Potter of Attorne\ or to am cr, I,catc reutin, ih,reto ht facsimile and am such Potter Of Attorllt,\ or certificate bears, - such facsmule signatures or facsimile seal shall be tand and Mill rig upon the Compam nnen so affixed nuh respect to am bond undertaking recognizance or other contract of uldemnttx or wnun� obligator, m the nature ihcrtol RfS01 -A CD III It an\ such Auornc� -m -Fact delnenng a steretanal certification that the foregoing resolutions still be in ef(w mat insert m SL'CII t,luoCanon the dal, ih,.r\01 said dat: to h, not later than the date of dcht,r, thereof b\ such Attonle\ -in -fact " I DI ih, 'I xl l n,f tintr tin of Aniencan Honte ASSnranet Compam aiiJ of National Union Fite Insurance Compam of Putsbuish Pa do hereh, cz,W, d _I m- In __om_ t „ \rpi, or Resolutions adopu,.l b\ lha Bo irds of Dllletors of hese eurpontions and the Pott\t_ of Atiorm\ issued purstiam IbLrtu ar: nl _ mJ coir,tr lu,I Ih a hoth tha Rcs011ilrOrb and 111 Poa_r, of Auomct yr, in full fore, and Il \\ Il 111 Sti \\ III ItI t)1 I r it- h\reunio of ill hand and affi\.,1 tit, fat Glnllll $cal Of Bath corporation all, da It SEP —9 199.9 f, L rya t. /�Flv IlMh'bl luxl, Sectary a2 CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT On) � / o /99 9 before me, ,p,* Az a ,l & al c CVO r-d 9c y Date Name aq�ft d officer is 9 -Jana Dora Notary PuChC) personally appeared TO 5 IV / a-/ k o Name(s) of Slgrl eersonally known to me - OR - ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) Is /are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same In his/her/their authorized capaclty(les), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the Instrument the person(s), PATRICIAG aOLLMAN or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, 1 Commaslon a 1158127 executed the Instrument Notary Public - California I M Angeles County - WITNESS my hand and official seal V My Comm 6¢xres Oct31, 21X)1 - S1gr1a1wa d Noary Pudic OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document 5 Description of Attached Document J Tale or Type of Document I Document Date Signer(s) Other Than Named Above - Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) P6 Signer's Name C n Ej Individual Corporate Officer Title(s) Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General Attorney -in -Fact Trustee Guardian or Conservator C Other Signer Is Representing RIGHT THUMBPRINT,i OF SIGNER Signer's Name ❑ El Number of Pages Individual Corporate Officer Title(s) Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General Attomey -in -Fact Trustee Guardian or Conservator Other Signer Is Representing RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER ® 1995 National Notary Attimanon • 8236 Pammet Ave PO eov 7189 • Canoga Park CA 91309 7184 Prod No 5907 Reorder Call Toll-Fries 1- 80p876b827 ,Q 7 11 0 2 V E N 2 R �r v o W h� O 2 V E N 2 R �r MASA OWAKI Summary of Experience _ Present Title: Construction Project Manager Years in Construction: 9 Years in Architectural: 7 Positions Held: Architectural Project Manager (Pre - construction), Designer Education 1. Professional Degree of Design and Architecture Kansas State University -1983 2. Bachelor of Art and Design Coffeyville C.J. College, Kansas — 1978 3. Major in Architecture Miyakonojo Technical High School (Japan) —1976 Representative Projects: Police Facility 1 Expansion 1 story, 28,000 SF, structural steel, $4.1 million Industrial 2 Manufacturing Expansion • Story, 12,000 SF, Steel Frame, $2M 3 Manufacturing Expansion 1 Story, 4,500 SF, Type V, $75M Golf Course 4. Golfcourse Clubhouse 2 Story, $8M Residential 5. Low Income Housing Units • 3 Story, 1 subterranean level, 79 Units, 38,000 SF, Type V, $7M 6. Apartment Seismic Retrofit and Repair • 3 Story, 19 buildings, 510 Units, Type V, $9.6M Preconstruction (Design) 7. Manufacturing /Office Building e 2 Story, 20,000 SF , Type III & V R5 8_ Manufacturing/Tenant Improvement • 1 story, 10,000 SF, Type V • 9. Office/Tenant improvement 8,000 SF New Offices in Hi -Rise Building 1,000 SF to 8,000 SF Tenant Improvements (8) 10. Restaurants • 1,500 SF to 5,000 SF Restaurants (11) 11 Residential 1 1,000 SF Additions to 4,000 SF Custom Homes (12) 0 L 9 f J Present Title Years in Construction: Positions Held. Education Representative Projects: Police Facility GARY R. RAGER Summary of Experience Project Superintendent 22 Project Superintendent, Concrete Superintendent, Carpenter, Foreman Associate of Arts in Business Cerritos College —1974 1 Expansion — • 1 story, 28,000 SF, Structural steel, $4.1M Medical /Research 2. Medical Center — • 4 story, 80,000 SF, structural steel and concrete, $4.81VI 3 Medical Clinic — • 3 story over subterranean, 120,000 SF, structural steel and concrete tilt. up, $4M 4. Research and Development • (4 buildings) 12,000 SF— 30,000 SF, 1& 2 story, Concrete tilt -up, $4M 5. Research and Development (4 buildings) —25,000— 150,000 SF concrete tilt -up, $4M 6. Research Center • (4 buildings) — 30,000-45,000 SF, concrete tiR -up, $3.5M Office 7. Office -- 3 story, 30,000 SF, Structural steel, $2.5M 8. Office — • 2 story, 20,000 SF, structural steel, $1.5M 87 Gary Rager Continued Tenant Improvement s, 9 Tenant Improvement — • 20,000 SF, $850K 10 Tenant Improvement — • 10,000 SF, $600K 11. Tenant Improvement — • 950 SF, $450K 12. Tenant Improvement— Numerous miscellaneous projects Retail 13. Retail — • 98,000 SF, concrete tilt -up, $2 5M 14. Retail — 79,500 SF CMU & wood frame, $22M 15 Retail — • (2 buildings) — 104,500 SF and 13,650 SF on 26 acre site, CMU and wood frame, $5.7M 16. Retail- • • 126,700 SF, CMU and wood frame, $2M 17. Retail — • 35,000 SF, wood frame, $1.5M Industrial 18. Warehouse & Office — • 2 story, 30,000 SF on 7 acre site, concrete tilt -up & wood frame, $1 5M 19. Manufacturing Facility — • 346,000 SF on 20+ acre site, concrete tilt -up & structural steel, $8.5M 20. Warehouse and Office • (26 buildings) — Industrial Park, 5,000 — 7,000 SF each, 1 & 2 story, concrete tiR -up & wood frame, $3M 21. Warehouse and Office — • 20,000 SF, concrete tilt -up, $1.2M 22. Warehouse and Office -- • 28,000 SF, concrete tilt -up, $1.8M 23. Warehouse and Office - • 40,000 SF, concrete tilt -up, $2M 24. Warehouse and Office — • 120 buildings, including parking, 6,000 — 8,000 SF each, concrete tiff -up, $7.5M RP Gary Rager Continued 25. Warehouse and Office (99 buildings) Industrial Center, 5,000 — 7,000 SF each, concrete tilt -up, $5.5M 26. Business Parks (5 buildings), 1 and 2 story, 30,000 — 40,000 SF, concrete tilt -up on 12 acre site, $4.5M 27. Business Park • (5 buildmgs0, 28,000 — 172,000 SF on 20+ acre site, $7M Residential 28. Apartments — 3 story over 1 subterranean, 79 units, 115,000 SF, wood frame, $2M 29. Condominiums- * 3 story over 1 subterranean, 2 units, 10,000 SF wood frame, $2M 30. Single Family House — 2 story, wood frame, $150K Miscellaneous 31. Parking Structure — • 2 levels, 100 cars, CMU and pre -cast concrete, $650K 32 Clubhouse — J 2 story over 1 subterranean, 65,000 SF CMU, concrete precast and wood frame, $2.6M ., BASE PROPOSAL EDWIN G. BOWEN Company, Inc. Project Estimate for El Segundo Communications Center (Add) File Name comcen0l As 'Issued Date 6/21/99 SYSTEM SUMMARY Gross Building Areas I at floor level 5,232 sf 2nd floor level 5,200 sf Total Construction Bid w/ Bond & Insurance 51,664,555 ACTUAL BID $1,664,555 Notes: Alter ates r ins th to original bid). Submitted by: Edwin G. Bowen c 9 1 10,432 sf Sitework 5,055 sf TOTAL Cost/sj Subcontractor DIVISION 2 Sitework & Demolition $55,818 1104 $0 2 AC Paving & Markings $14,000 134 $0 2 Landscape & Imgation $1,000 010 3 Building Concrete $216,476 2075 $0 4 Masonry $95,840 919 Tolbert 5 Structural Steel & Misc Steel 5152,000 1457 $0 5 Metal Decking $55,000 527 $0 6 Rough Carpentry $6,138 059 $0 6 Architectural Casework $21,870 2 10 $0 7 Waterproofing $4,273 000 $0 7 Insulation $3,500 034 SO 7 Roofing $50,000 479 SO 7 FLaslung, Sheet Metal $12,465 1 19 $0 8 Doors, Frames & Fmsh Hardware $34,650 3 32 $0 8 Glass & Glazing $120,000 1150 $0 9 Lath & Plaster, Metal Studs & drywall $87,355 837 $0 9 Tilework $12,475 120 SO 9 Acoustic Ceding $17,740 170 $0 9 Carpet, Vinyl Flooring & Base $12,156 1 17 9 Painting & Wall Covering $19,160 184 $0 10 Misc Specialties $6,250 060 $0 10 Signage $4,500 043 $0 11 Equipment $8,500 091 $0 15 Fire Protection System $15,648 150 $0 15 Plumbing $36,000 345 15 HVAC $62,000 594 SO 16 Electrical $306,000 2933 $0 16 MEP Site Work $5,000 048 $0 Total Bare Cost 51,435,813 13764 General Conditions $108,000 Overhead & Fee $84,910 Total Construction Bid $1,628,723 Payment & Performance Bond 12% $19,544.68 Insurance 100% $16,287.23 Total Construction Bid w/ Bond & Insurance 51,664,555 ACTUAL BID $1,664,555 Notes: Alter ates r ins th to original bid). Submitted by: Edwin G. Bowen c 9 1 C a7 EDWIN G. BOWEN Company, Inc. Proles Estimate for, El Segundo Communications Center (Add) • File Name comcen As 'Issued Date 6/21/99 ALTERNATE BIDS Additive Alternate No I Central Vacuum cleaning systeem 8,00000 SUB -TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 1 8,00000 Supervision 8% - Mark -up 6% - Insurance 1% - Bond 120% - TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 1 8,000.00 Additive Alternate No. 2 Powered lift and tilt blinds 11,000 00 SUB -TOTAL ALTERNATE NO.2 11,000 00 Supervision 8% - • Mark -up Insurance 6% 1% - Bond 120% - TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 2 11,000.00 Additive Alternate No. 3 Driveway gates & controls 4,50000 SUB -TOTAL ALTERNATE NO.3 20,000 00 Supervision 8% - Mark-up 6% - Insurance 1% - Bond 120% - TOTAL ALTERNATE NO.3 20,000.00 Additive Alternate No. 4 Vinyl coated fabric wall covering 1,50000 SUB -TOTAL ALTERNATE NO.4 1,500.00 Supervision 8% 12000 Mark -up 6% 90.00 • Insurance 1% 1500 Bond 1.20% 1800 TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 4 1,743.00 a7 u Additive Alternate No. 5 Sound Control fabric SUB -TOTAL ALTERNATE NO.5 Supervision Mark -up Insurance Bond TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 5 Additive Alternate No 6 Glass Blocks in ALutmnum grid SUB -TOTAL ALTERNATE NO.6 Supervision Mark -up Insurance Bond TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 6 Additive Alternate No. 7 Remove & replace floor the to the existing lobby 125 SUB -TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 7 Supervision Mark -up Insurance Bond TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 7 Additive Alternate No. 8 Repaint existing entrance doors & frames SUB -TOTAL ALTERNATE NO.8 Supervision Mark -up Insurance Bond TOTAL ALTERNATE NO.8 8% 6% 1% 120% 8% 6% 1% 120% 8% 6% 1% 120% 8% 6% 1% 120% 2,500.00 2,50000 200.00 150.00 2500 3000 2,905.00 1,40000 1,40000 11200 8400 1400 1680 1,626.80 5,61000 70000 6,31000 50480 378.60 63.10 7572 7,332.22 1,000.00 1,00000 8000 6000 1000 12.00 1,162.00 t3 7 o'. FILE No. 228 09/13 '99 0824 ID:GREAT WEST500 7770978 PAGE 1 Great West Contractors Inc. FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: September 13, 1999 TO: Anun Evanski, Sergeant FAX �#: 3 COMPANY: EI Sepundu Police De t FROM: Richard Wolfinger RE: Cny of El Segundo Comm Ctr Addition AX #: 7 We have transmitted 2 age (s) including this cover sheet; Commend• This quote is bused on plans and apeci !ktions as originally bid on June 22, 1999. The Project will be completed in 210 calundar days. A resume will be made available upon request for the project superintendent. Thank y!ju for allowing Great West Contractors, Inc, to bid this Ftoject for you. — If you did not receive all pages, please notify this office immediately at 714.777.0977. QS FILE No. 228 09/13 '99 0825 ID :GREAT WES75M 7770978 PAGE 2 0 City of El Segundo Communication Center Addition To: Honorable Mayor and the City council of the City of El Segundo, herein called the 'Owner. Pursuant to and in compliance with your Notice Inviting Bids and other documents relating thereto, the undersigned bidder, having femilienzed himself with the tames of the contract, the local conditions affecting the performance of the contract and the cost of the work at the place where the work is to be done, hereby proposes and agrees and agrees to perform within the time stipulated, the contract, Including all of its component parts, and everything required to be performed, including its acceptance by the City, and to provide and furnish any and all of the labor, materials, tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transpora lion services necessary to perform the contract and complete in a workmanlike manner all of the work required to in connecion with the construction of the City of El Segundo Communications Center Addition and in strict conformance with the drawings and other contract documents on file at Business Office of sold Clty for the amounts set forth heroin. 2 ADDENDA The undersigned has throughly examined any and all Addenda (if any) issued during the bid period and Is throughly familiar with all contents thereof and acknowledges receipt of the following addenda (Bidder to list all Addenda) • ADDENDUM NO. f *Toted Date Received: 6/4/99 ADDENDUM NO.2 Noted Date Received: 6/16199 3. BASE BIO TOTAL CASH PURCHASE PRICE IN wOROS One milliop Six H ndred Thirty One ThminandOne_Hiindyed Pighrg Ci:_ —DOU (1 1,631,1136.00 i GREAT WEST jCWRACT ,TNC. 4. ALTERNATE BIDS Richard r_ W..1 f-1n. vi Central vacuum cleaning system ddditiveAltemate No. 2 Apo f 24,970 Powered 11 ft and tilt blinds Gates No controls M 5,965 Additive Alternate No. 5 ADD S 2.890 Sound Control Fabric • Additive Alternate Na. 6 ADD S 3,160 Glass Bloch M aluminum grid 4,344 -- Remove and replace Floor The in the Existing Lobby M Additive Alternate No. a ADD 1 1,498 Repaint existing Erim ce Doors and Fnsmes Q r ,nw 3. Announcement of appointments to LAX Master Plan Advisory Board, Library Board of Trustees and Investment Advisory Committee. 3 >z � o p p a b N a W W W O U V U � W D > > > Z IN Q LL N Y W 1y�0n� 4 U °nxEF FU C m W p i e a Cc 5 S LL 5 OW ii w bsO m° $n p dd u LL = a c C mR w SSZ O O Z p �Q O Fj Y n = S w o� QgQj U<6g W m 1#-Hw mZQ UZQ O] 7 '0 ° m w U W Z p w W W ([ LL OO p x6 LL W p W Tg~ , LL 0 y L q O q C J V ^J O LL �r - 2� J � U LL J W11 ;1 m L ^J m Q� r C S N LL Q H p W F F SZ I W j> Z b W j p W > p 3113 jy� V S LL p Q Y �( �jF q JJ p W z W o O m i j C Np Cm % W 1W- ,5y(�, 1y/W� �1 K6K W pyW6 <` U' Iyy/N F~aQU�UI�U�L 3 K�yZj ~ '� n C ONQ6� 1y of (ULL �(U] eS�]i 1'O c .c, R L m S c �m ; Ec o� 9 m m ry v b F m w ry n n - n n E g` w S 5 gg S p pW m N� 0 ^ Z N pp O c y m �@ U a U p N 5 K Q\ R p O F Z 'r ¢ W K " U w Q 0 u `p O R Q U _ LL U K 99 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 08/25/1999 THROUGH 09/10/1999 Date 8/25/99 9/1/99 9/7/99 9/7/99 9/9/99 9/7/99 9/9/99 9/10/99 Payee Amount Health Comp US Bank Trust N A Federal Reserve Bank Health Comp Health Comp IRS Employment Development West Basin DATE OF RATIFICATION: 09/21/99 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by Description 3,51285 Weekly eligible claims 8120 77,437 50 District 73 Payment 25000 Emp Bonds PR5 99051 Weekly eligible claims 8/27 1,641 69 Weekly eligible claims 9103 153,787 79 Federal Taxes PR5 29,642 75 State Taxes PR5 876,771 60 H2O Payment 1,144,034 69 Deputy Treasurer 9 9 Date PJ Finance Director %(/3119 j Date City Manager , 9� r— Date 1,144,034.69 Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo 100 1101111 afzrel a ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1999 - 5:00 P.M CALL TO ORDER Mayor Gordon at 5 00 P M PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilmember John Gaines ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Wemick - Present Council Member Gaines - Present arrived at 5.07 P M. Council Member McDowell - Present City Attorney, Mark Hensley, requested the Council to add to the agenda an item that arose after the posting of the agenda, regarding Government Code 54956 9 (b) and (c), discussion on Contract compliance of LA Contractors, who are providing construction services in connection with the communications center MOVED by Council Member Wemick SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to add this item to the agenda MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PROTEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS WERNICK AND MCDOWELL. NOES: NONE. ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES. 4/0/1 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a f ne of $250 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et M.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a)) I Chaney v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No BC 207453 2 Stier v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 034617 3 El Segundo v Stardust, LASC Case No YC 031364 4 David Venegas, et at v County of Los Angeles, et at, LASC Case No BC 207136 5 Greffon v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 035155 6 Hill v El Segundo, USDC Case No. CV 98 -1463 7 People v Michael Langley, Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission No 98 -229 ioi 5 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(b)-._-_I_ potential cases (no further public statement is required at this tune); Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code§54956.9(c)• -2- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) - One (1) matter - Public employee discipline (procedural matter) CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957 6) - - Conference with City Manager regarding negotiations for Executive and Mid- Management Confidential Employees WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) - None REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION NONE Council moved into open session at 6 00 P M SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS - Interview candidates for one position on the Planning Commission and two positions on the Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board Council consensus to appoint to a full four year term on the Planning Commission Philip Mahler to expire June 30, 2003, and Peter Freeman and Sandy Gutt, each to a full four year terms on the Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board to expire June 30, 2003 ADJOURNMENT at 6.55 P M Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk 0907995p 102 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1999 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION - Clerk Mortesen PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Council Member John Gaines Recesss due to sound problems - 7 05 P M Reconvene 7 15 P M Meeting is not taped due to sound difficulties PRESENTATIONS (a) Council Member McDowell presented the proclamation to Archie Archambault of Archie's Barber Shop proclaiming "Archie's Day in El Segundo" to commemorate his retirement after 43 years of doing business in the community (b) Council Member Wernick presented the Commendation to the Police Officers Association and Main Street America for a successful Car Show held on Saturday, August 14, 1999 (c) Mayor Gordon presented the Presentations, on behalf of the President, Presidential Environmental Youth Awards, to Carhe Day, Katie Gibson, Gabby Montes, Megan Mozena, Ryan Mozena, Stephanie Osono, and Angelica Roque, Tree Musketeers' Youth Management Team ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Wemick - Present Council Member Gaines - Present Council Member McDowell - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their emplover, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a f ne of 5250 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE NO 103 On behalf of the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce, Director Kathryn Lourtie requested City support and assistance for the 1999 Richmond Street Festival, scheduled from 10 a m. to 5 p.m , Saturday, October 16, 1999 John Tounno, El Segundo property owner, requested that item seven on the consent agenda be pulled for further discussion He further commented on the adoption of the proposed Ordinance regarding re- zoning in the Smoky Hollow district Nancy Petit, resident, spoke regarding animal control She stated that the animal control service is not being provided Paul Hawk, resident, spoke on the lack of animal control and poor service provided Cheryl Frick, resident, spoke on the lack of services provided by the County animal control Jan Sands, resident, spoke regarding the lack of services provided by the County animal control Kathleen Landis, resident, spoke regarding a satellite "No Kill" shelter Don Landis, resident, spoke regarding the poor services received from animal control Karen Prohl, Business Owner and resident, spoke against the proposed Smoky Hollow Zone amendments Jane Tounno, property owner, spoke against the proposed Smoky Hollow Zone amendments Tom Mulligan, resident, spoke against the proposed Smoky Hollow Zone amendments Requested Council defer action on this until a study of Smoky Hollow can be done Mary Randall, resident, spoke against the proposed Smoky Hollow Zone amendments John Stabile, resident, spoke against the proposed Smoky Hollow Zone amendments Brian Crowley, resident, spoke against the proposed Smoky Hollow Zone amendments. Kathe Stabile, resident, spoke against the proposed Smoky Hollow Zone amendments. Jerry Hams, resident, spoke against the proposed Smoky Hollow Zone amendments Leon Ardme, Real Estate Broker, spoke about the decline of property values in the vicinity of auto repair facilities MINUTES OF THE 9 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE NO 1 ri 4 MOVED by Council Member Wennck, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve of the request by the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce for City support and assistance for the 1999 Richmond Street Festival, scheduled from 10 am. to 5 p.m., Saturday, October 16, 1999. Chamber of Commerce to provide safe and recently inspected ndes MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Mayor ProTem Jacobs to lobby at the South Bay Council of Governments (COG) to form a Joint Powers Authority to establish our own ammal control in the South Bay with other neighboring cities A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOVED by Council Member Wemick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Council moved Consent agenda item number 7, forward for discussion Adoption of Ordinance No 1308 amending the Zoning Code revising the regulations for automobile service uses in proximity to residentially zoned property in the Small Business (SB) and Medium Manufacturing (MM) Zones in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area, and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -483 and Zone Text amendment ZTA 99 -2. Applicant City of El Segundo Action later in the meeting B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Presentation by Harry Reeves, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee, of the Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan Mr Reeves, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Program Committee, gave a brief presentation on the Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan Council Received and Filed Public Hearing to discuss FY 1999/00 Preliminary Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIIL SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE NO 105 Mayor Gordon stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing to discuss the FY 1999 /2000 Preliminary Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Plan He asked if proper notice had been done and if any Written Communications had been received. Clerk Mortesen stated that noticing had been done in a timely manner and no written communication had been received regarding tlus item. Liz Garnholtz, resident, spoke regarding the budget She requested clarification on the Plaza improvements, Joint use agreement with the school district, and the farmers market Dorothy Kent, resident, requested clanfication and a break down of expenses for the farmers market, Joint use agreement, and downtown revitalization MOVED by Council Member Wermck, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to close tonight's portion of the public hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Weinick to continue the public hearing to September 21, 1999 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 Consent agenda item number 7 Adoption of Ordinance No 1308 amending the Zoning Code revising the regulations for automobile service uses in proximity to residentially zoned property in the Small Business (SB) and Medium Manufacturing (MM) Zones in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area; and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -483 and Zone Text amendment ZTA 99 -2 Applicant City of El Segundo City Attorney, Mark Hensley announced changes to Ordinance No 1308, adding the requirement of a CUP Mayor ProTem Jacobs introduced the Ordinance No 1308, with the additional requirement of a CUP MOVED by Council Member Wemick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to schedule a second reading at the regular City Council Meeting on September 21, 1999. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE MINUTES OF THE 4 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE NO 10 C, D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Announcement of Appointments to Planning Commission and Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board Mayor Gordon announced the appointments of Philip Mahler to a full four -year term on the Planning Commission to expire June 30, 2003, and Peter Freeman and Sandy Gutt each to a full four -year terms on the Semor Citizens Housing Corporation Board to expire June 30, 2003 E. CONSENT AGENDA All Items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business Warrant Numbers 2504810- 2505048 in total amount of $462,858 74, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $216,704 71 City Council meeting minutes of August 17, 25, and 26, 1999 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL AND ADDRESSED EARLIER IN THE MEETING Adoption of Ordinance No 1311, repealing the El Segundo Municipal Code, Chapter 16 38 entitled "Residential Property Reports" Applicant. City of El Segundo Adoption of Ordinance No 1312 amending the General Plan and Zoning Code allowing Hotels and Motels in the Corporate Office Land Use Designation and Corporate Office (CO) Zone with a Conditional Use permit for property located east of Sepulveda Boulevard, and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -488, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -3, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -4 Applicant City of El Segundo 10 Request for City Council approval to accept a Bureau of Justice Assistance Local Enforcement Block Grant requesting $18,139 in grant funding with a $2,015 cash match from Asset Forfeiture funds 11 Award of Contract No. 2723 to Insituform Technology, Inc in the amount of $33,956 50, for trenchless rehabilitation of sewer mains to Insituform Technology, Inc - Project No PW 99 -4 12 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK 13 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK MINUTESOFTHE q REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE NO 107 14. Approved specifications and authorize the purchase, of a Cushman (Auto/Machmery) with a new Cushman On -Road Haulster Liquid Cooled Engine Model/Order No. 898465. Authorize selling the old unit at auction. 15 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES 16 Council determined that the City does not protest the issuance of a New Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine (Type 41 - On -Sale Beer & Wine Eating Place) at a proposed restaurant, Taiko, to be located at 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 190 (ABC 99 -4) Applicant Art Rodriguez (Agent for Taiko Foods, Inc ), Property Owner Continental Development Corporation 17 Approved Resolution No 4126 of the City Council supporting the Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA -21 Grant) funding application for the project to Landscape Sepulveda Boulevard (State Highway Route 1) between Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway (total project cost $766,000 00) MOVED by Council Member Wermick, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to approve consent agenda items 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, and 17 MOTION PASSED BY UNANAIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA Consideration of a proposal to add a third bathroom facility to Fire Station 2 Cost Not to exceed $25,000. MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to add a third bathroom facility to Fire Station 2 Cosh Not to exceed $25,000. MOTION PASSED BY UNANAIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 13 Approval to enter into Agreement No.2722, issued by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, for the assessment and prevention of hazardous materials incidents potentially related to Year 2000 (Y2K) electronic problems Fiscal Impact approximately $14,000 income MOVED by Council Member Wermck, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to enter into Agreement No.2722, issued by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services for the assessment and prevention of hazardous materials incidents potentially related to Year 2000 (Y2K) electronic problems Fiscal Impact approximately $14,000 income MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 15 Approved entering into contract discussions with Cal Water to provide Water billing services for the City, and approve Contract No 2724 after approval by the City Attorney MINUTESOFTHE 6 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE NO .. 10 8 MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve of entering into contract discussions with Cal Water to provide Water billing services for the City, and approve Contract No. 2724 after approval by the City Attorney. MOTION PASSEL BY UNANAIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 F. NEW BUSINESS - 18 Establishing the bond requirements for Public Officials and Other Public Employees MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve Resolution No 4127, fixing the amounts of the official bonds of the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, the Director of Finance, the City Manager and the Public Employee Blanket Bond MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - Apologized to Council for the problems with the Chamber this evening H. REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY - Mark Hensley, City Attorney, requested that Council take action on an item that arose after the posting of the agenda. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to take action on an item that arose after the posting of the agenda regarding the Contract with LA Contractors for construction of the Public Safety Communications Center MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0. Staff is recommending that LA Contractors be terminated as the contractor, and have staff pursue awarding the contract to another contractor MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to terminate LA Contractors with respect to Contract No.2712 and authorize staff to begin negotiations with another contractor for the construction of the Public Safety Communications Center MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member McDowell - NONE MINUTES OF THE 7 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 7, 1499 PAGE NO Irn Councilmember Gaines - 19 Resolutions urging the California Legislature to amend the State's electric 1 deregulation law, Chapter 854 of 1996, Sections 366 (a) and (b). k i MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to adopt Resolutions Nos 4128 and 4129, Joining member cities of the Southern California Cities Joint Powers Consortium, California, to designate El Segundo itself as the automatic aggregator of electricity on behalf of its residents and businesses and Californians for Community Choice, a Statewide Coalition for Community Aggregation of Electricity MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 Councilmember Wernick - Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs - Mayor Gordon - ,PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of anothei, and employees speaking on beha f of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 Peggy Tyrell, resident, spoke regarding the City Hall Plaza renovations, and stated the public does not want a new plaza Liz Gamholtz, resident, spoke regarding airport issues MEMORIALS - Karl Johnson, Leadworker for the City of El Segundo, and Marcie Lynn Place, Sister -in -law of Mayor Gordon CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 10 30 P M to September 9, 1999 at 6 00 P M Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE R REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE NO 110 MINIMS OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1999 - 6:00 P.M. 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Mike Gordon CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Brian Crowley PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Commissioner Mahlar ROLL CALL Council Mayor Gordon Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present arrived at 6 10 P M Council Member Wemick - Present Council Member Gaines - Present Council Member McDowell - Present ROLL CALL Planning Commission Commissioner Crowley - Present Commissioner Wycoff - Absent Commissioner Kretzmer - Present Commissioner Boulgandes - Present Commissioner Mahlar - Present A. CITY COUNCIL /PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP 1 Environmental Assessment EA -451 and General Plan Amendment 98 -03 (Housing Element Update) Review of the Screencheck Draft Housing Element Goals, Policies and Objectives Address- Citywide Applicant- City of El Segundo Consultants from Cotton Beland, Karen Warner and Debbie Lawrence gave a brief report Council deferred the project to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendations Council to provide input to the City Managers office for staff to investigate various programs 2 Environmental Assessment EA -454 and General Plan Amendment 98 -04 (Circulation Element Update) Review of the Draft Circulation Element Update Technical Report, Recommendations, Goals, Policies and Objectives Address Citywide Applicant. City of El Segundo ltl Gary Hamrick, Meyer, Mohaddes, Associates, Inc. gave a brief report. Council directed Staff to re -tool the report with the residential sector given more consideration, and recommended the deletion of Mariposa, Grand, and Hughes extentions through to Aviation from the Circulation Element, and investigate the possibility of a connection developed at some other point or other alternatives Eliminate the Nash Extension Also directed staff to reverse the one -way couplet Commissioner Kreztmer recommended coordination with the Downtown Task Force for incorporation with the Downtown Specific Plan, and traffic circulation element PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees spealang on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the Cuy Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 Jerry Saunders, Continental Development, spoke regarding the ITS system and when Rosecrans will be included He further agreed with Council on the one -way couplet Council Member Gaines stated that Rosecrans is included in the master plan for the ITS system MOVED by Council Member McDowell SECONDED by Council Member Gaines to adjourn the meeting at 8 35 P M to September 21, 1999 at 5 00 P M MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Planning Commission Recess 8:35 P.M. Reconvene 8:50 P.M. Commissioner Wycoff Absent All other Commissioners present (REGULAR COMMISSION BUSINESS) B. Consent Calendar All items are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a request for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) should be considered individually under the next heading of business. August 26, 1999 Minutes MOVED by Commissioner Kretzmer SECONDED by Commissioner Crowley to approve the August 26, 1999 minutes with corrections MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE AYES: 2 I!? COMMISSIONERS CROWLEY, KRETZMER AND BOULGARIDES. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONER WYCOFF. ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONER MAHLER. 3/0/1/1 C. Call Items From Consent Calendar -NONE D. Public Communications (for items not on this Agenda, and for which this body is responsible) - NONE E. Written Communications (other than what is included in Agenda packets) NONE F Public Hearings - Continued Business None. G. Public Hearings - New Business 4. Environmental Assessment EA -490 and Administrative Use Permit 99 -4 On -Sale Beer and Wine at new restaurant ( Taiko) Address 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 190 Applicant Mr, Art Rodriguez (Agent for Taiko restaurant) Property Owner Continental Development Corporation Chairman Crowley stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on an On -Sale Beer and Wine at new restaurant ( Taiko) Address 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 190 Applicant Mr Art Rodriguez (Agent for Taiko restaurant) Property Owner: Continental Development Corporation He asked if proper notice had been done and if any written communications had been received Senior Planner Jester stated that proper notice had been done and no written communications had been received Notice of approval of an Administrative Use Permit Transmittal of August 19, 1999, Letter of Determination from the Director of Planning and Building Safety approving Administrative Use Permit No 99 -4 permitting the on -site sale of beer and wine at a new restaurant MOVED by Commissioner Boulgandes SECONDED by Commissioner Kretzmer to receive and filed the item MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 COMMISSIONER WYCOFF ABSENT. H. Report From Planning and Building Safety Director Jim Hanson, Interim Director of Planning & Building Safety stated he looks forward to working with the Planning Commission in the coming months Future Planning Commission Meetings' Tentative Schedule I September 23, 1999 (Regular Meeting) 1 Everest Storage (EA427) PG 2 Housing Element Workshop October 14. 1999 (Regular Meeting) Everest Storage (EA -427 & EA -420) Housing Element Workshop December 9, 1999 (Regular Meeting) I Circulation Element (EA -454) EU, PG 2 Require surveys for new walls and buildings (AD 99 -xx) LS January 13, 2000 (Regular Meeting) MMOD Smoky Hollow (EA -486) PG, FT I. Planning Commissioners Comments Commissioner Boulgandes welcomed new Commissioner Mahler, requested a newspaper article on the Arcadia garage development Commissioner Kretzmer Welcomed Commissioner Mahler and interim Director, Jim Hanson He further stated he welcomed input on the General Plan. Chairman Crowley Welcomed everyone, and stated General Plan issues are important Commissioner Mahler stated it is a pleasure to be here PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 MOVED by Commissioner Boulgandes SECONDED by Commissioner Kretzmer to adjourn the meeting at 9.00 P.M., MOTION PASSED BY UANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 410 Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk n 114 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Extension of term of City /School District Library Systems Affiliation Agreement for the period October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000. (Fiscal Impact 10/99- 912000 = $190,9501 RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve Seventh Amendment to Library Systems Affiliation Agreement, dated September 21, 1999, which extends the term of the Agreement from October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000, and includes the funding for the addition of the Richmond Street School Library as approved in the FY 1998/99 budget INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND On December 3, 1991, the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District entered into a Library Systems Affiliation Agreement which placed the School District's three school libraries as branch sites under the administration of the El Segundo Public Library for a three -year term (Attachment A) On January 18, 1994, the City Council approved an Addendum to the Agreement which set forth a Definition Table of responsibilities for the City and the School District with respect to specific personnel and program services included in the document as it was originally drawn up (Attachment B) The City Council has approved extensions of the Agreement on an annual basis since that time through Amendments (Attachments C -G). At their June 2, 1998 meeting, the City Council requested staff to prepare a Sixth Amendment to the Library Systems Affiliation Agreement and, at the following June 16, 1998 meeting, approved an increase in level of service to the School Library program This agreement provided for the addition of a fourth School Library site subject to the same Terms and Conditions of the Agreement, and provided for the extension of the term of the Agreement for the period July 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999 (Attachment G) The proposed Seventh Amendment to the Agreement would extend the term for the period October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000 (Attachment H) DISCUSSION Under the current terms and conditions of the Library System Affiliation, the City is responsible for: Centralized ordering, cataloging, and processing of School Library collection materials; coordinating material purchases with staff and teachers, providing library staff at each facility for the circulation of materials and information access; maintaining and upgrading the INNOPAC Automation System; and, the provision of all expendable supplies (i e operating supplies) The School District is responsible for retaining the position of District /High School Librarian and providing furniture, fixtures, equipment, and maintaining computer systems other than the Main Library's Innopac System In June 1999, the District relocated the Middle School Library and spent approximately $67,000 in moving materials from Richmond St to the new site, installing new shelving, carpeting, furniture, cabinets, a circulation counter, and new computers The City provided $8,000 for new Innopac equipment and cabling the library The Richmond St Elementary School is currently under remodeling for a mid -year 2000 opening, including a fully modernized Library facility While the proposed FY 1999/2000 Budget for the new Richmond St Elementary School Library includes $4,000 towards basic Reference encyclopedias sets, the Friends of the El Segundo Public Library and PTA have raised over $60,000 in a "Bucks for Books" campaign for a core collection of fiction, non - fiction, periodicals, and instructional videos for the new facility. Besides the core collection, another one -time cost is the installation of the Innopac System for $13,900 which was approved in the 1998/99 Budget This allows for automated circulation and material access, plus shared borrowing of materials between the Main Library and other three School Library branches Ongoing costs for maintaining the Richmond St Elementary Library as proposed in the 1999/2000 Budget are Personnel ($39,000), Operating ($1,000), Cataloging ($1,000), Materials ($4,000) Total Richmond St Elementary. $45,000. (Continued on next page) 115 6 The total projected cost of $190,950 for renewing the Affiliation agreement includes: 1) $ 34,000 2- part-time Library Assistant catalogers 2) $122,400 9- part-time Library Clerks at four library sites 3) $ 16,000 $4,000 each site for books and other materials 4) $ 10,000 Online cataloging costs 5) $ 6,000 Cataloging and processing supplies 6) $ 1,000 Office Supplies 7) $ 1,550 Maintenance costs of the INNOPAC system Staff is recommending approval of the Seventh Amendment to the Library Systems Affiliation Agreement. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A Library Systems Affiliation Agreement, dated December 3, 1991 B Library Systems Affiliation Agreement Addendum, dated January 18, 1994 C Second Amendment to the Library Systems Affiliation Agreement, dated November 21, 1994 D Third Amendment to the Library Systems Affiliation Agreement, dated November 21, 1995 E Fourth Amendment to the Library Systems Affiliation Agreement, dated November 19, 1996 F Fifth Amendment to the Library Systems Affiliation Agreement, dated June 6, 1997 G Sixth Amendment to the Library Systems Affiliation Agreement, dated June 19, 1998 H Seventh Amendment to the Library Systems Affiliation Agreement, dated August 17, 1999. FISCAL IMPACT (Check onel Operating Budget. $190.950 Capital Improv. Budget. Amount Requested: Project /Account Budget. Project /Account Balance: Date- Account Number: Project Phase. Appropriation Required - Yes X No ORIGINATED. Date: September 10, 1999 Debra Brighton, Interim Library Director REVIEWED BY: Date: y/ M y n, rt % / y anager i AGAFORM 115 8 4 FIZ ATTACffi M A LIBRARY SYSTEM AFFILIATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 3rd day of DECEMBER , 1991 by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT." RECITALS WHEREAS, City views the three existing School Libraries operated by District as an important supplement to the City's our library system, and WHEREAS, Citv has considerable experience anc resources regarding operation of a library syster, and W'r.ERE:S, City and District are eesirous of e ^terirg into a mutually beneficial agreement wheremy the respective librar} facilities of City and District would be affiliated 1,Ot,, = :_°BEFORE, IF- PA27;ES EER -TO ACRE- AS FO11onS, 1. Fd^_ _sir alive Fu ^ct is ^s C,t} sha'_1 nr3vlae the `_olio, ing aa- inistrative services to District's librar} s_ster a Ad- irister and cocrci ^ate nazeria'_s r rc'iases for school libraries uti'_iz_ ^g sc^ocl District fun_irg available; Pre.iae ce-^ ra'_izec craer_rg, cataicgino a-e precessi-r of eo_lsct.,n rater_a_s, C Provide licrar� staff to rest the needs of tie librar rogra- at ea¢n Sc�ccl site as ceterr, ined b} City in cons :!ta_tion Itn School District, c Sppervisio scneduli ^g, hirirg an= evaluation of all C -Z% Licrary e-plevees assicnee to District libraries, inclusive of establisr ing libraries policies, prccemures a ^c hogs cf cperatior e Provision of all expe ^dable /cons.: -.e bie supplies relating to library services 2, D15t71ct's Authority Despite the affiliation effected by this Agreene ^.t, City anc District acknowleage that City shall De responsitle for the hay to aav supervision of library programs. District shall be responsicle for all capital i- provements and non - consumable operational naterials in place as of the effective sate of this Agreemert ] Jo1rt Pccess to Collections City and District, on an as av=ilaele basis, shall each have access to the collection of the other for the benef_t of their respective library users S Tern This Agreement shall become effective upon the date of its full execution and shall continue thereafter for a period of three f3� veers Upon the e>piration of said term, District and City may, b} rutual agreement, extend this Agreement for a like tern 5. Ternination Either party hereto may terminate this Agreement by providing the other party with siyty (60) days advance written notice 1. ATTACHMENT A- 6. incennizicatlon. District snaii assume the defense of and idemnify and save harmless the City, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees, from all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly, arising from the performance of the City, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees, as set forth in this Library Systen Affiliation Agreement, regardless of responsibility for negligence. City shall assane the defense of and inderrify and save harmless the District, its elective and appoi-21�e boards, officers, age ^u and employees, from all clai ^s, loss, danaee, in3ury and liability of every kind, nature arc cescrzoticn, directly or indirectly, arising fro^ the perfermance of the District, its elective and appointive boards, officers, daerts arc employees, as set forth in this Licrary Syste- Affiliati.o- Pgreenert, regardless of respors_czlzty fcr negligence I[: FITNESS ;,rZREOF, the parties hereto have caused th.s Agreement to be executed my their properly a..t':orizec officers or t5e day and Year first anove ..-itte- =T- C_E7,J 7-?PROVED AS TO FOR." / / { '- C --y Attorney, TY E_ 5- -abNDO L % :F:FD SCHOOL DISTRICT Ell SLper?ntendent 2 It•� W"' !* if JaAVaty 19, 1994 Section. 1: Qdminlstration functions a) 'Administer and coordinate materials purchases- sh-11 maan public 11brarywtLff will coordinate with sdlool &zinc petsoanel regarding -ch—I Mstdm ptuchase order %Lumb= andcchool dtctrlct fund accounts 4nm which orders will be placed. b) 'Provide centrall2ed ordering. cataloging, and processing of collections materials' shall mean Centralized ordering' -1101 mean the public library staff will order all libraries' materials for each school site - 'Centralized cataloging' -ball mean that bibliographic information for each school libraries' material received (from orders) will be entered into the public library Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) database to obtain proper classification. and standardized subject catalogtng, which results In a ui a�h+•+e- readable record which is automatically downloaded Into the Joint Public/School Libraries' Automated Circulation and Online Public Access Catalog System Centralised processlag' shall mean %bat public library staff will stamp, label and booloacket all school libraries' materials and pack them for distribution to the app: opriate site C) 'Provide library staff to meet the needs of the library program at each school site as determined by the City- in cansilatlon with the school district. ' shall mean .1 parrte (no benefits) Library Clerk and 1 part -time (no benefits) Library Fage hired and assigned to each school site -The School District retains the funded position of High School Librarian for the High School LSbr a-^y -The Public Library Principal Librarian will oversee and coordinate pros.am needs, evalua:lon, ia:plementation and review with each school site Principal d) Trs pa-ay, aph is self - explanatory e) '?soy ionofallezpendable/ cons=ablesuppli srelatingtollbra -yse- vice'shallmeaa,speCM-%llc - 'Operating supplies' including barcodes, labels, poster board, tape, glue, pamphlet cases, mag M ^e li : de:s, date due slips, label locks, overdue notices, reserve slips, scratch paper, bulletin board display materials, printer cart-ridges, and any other supplies iiecesszu y to materials processing Lad 1pa.nte —,ce Sec•ion 2 District's Au•bortt,z D15t:ict shall be responsible for all capital improvements and non - consumable operational materials' shall mean - 'Capital improvements' include remodeling of facilities, capital equipment such as typewrlters, fling cabinets, computers, microfiche reader/printers, bookstacks - 'Non- constim -ble operational materials' includes furniture and flatterer ATTESTED, i Cindy Mortensen, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM Leland Dolley, City- A'ttarney -) 'CITY' % CITY OF EL SEGUNDO r BY Carl 'Jacobson, Mayor 'DISTRICT EL SEGUNDOO VNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 'Wilbam N Mamhm� Superintendent � O r� ATTACHMENT C SECOND AMENDMENT to LIBRARY SYSTEM AFFIUATION AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT CAmendment 1 to the Lrbrdry System ARlis on A9'ccntctn oareo December 3. 1991, (hereinafter "Agreement") is entered into by and between the City of El Segundo, (hereinafter "City') and El Segundo Unified School District, (hereinafter 'District") on this 15th day of November ,1994 RECITALS WHEREAS, on December 3, 1991 City and Disinct entered into an Agreement which expires December 3, 1994, (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibv A) and, WHEREAS, on January 18, 1994 the City and Distnct entered into an Addendum to said Agreement, which set forth a Definition Table, and WHEREAS, the City and District mutually desire to extend the term of said Agreement for a period of three years NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HER=_—, O AGREE AS FOLLOWS 1 The lens of the Acreement between the City and Distnct is herebv extended f -on DecernDer 3 1994 to December 2, 1995 2 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not inconsistent win the leans of this Amendment shall remain to full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused tors Amendment to Agreement to be executed by then property authorized officers 'CITY' CITY OF EL SEGUNDO By Caf1 Jacobson, Mayor Dated ATTESTED Cindy Monesen, City Clerk (SEAL) 'DISTRICT' EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 11 1'2 BV1- William Manahan, Superintendent Dated �� '" APPROVED AS TO FORM � Letand C Dolley City Attorney 10. 4•, U--PJ. Fly rXT 119 ATTACMEf1T D THIRD AMENDMENT UBRARY SYSTEM AFRUATION AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT (Amendment') to the Library System Affiliation Agreement dated December 3, 1991, (hereinafter 'Agreement") is entered into by and between the City of Et Segundo, (hereinafter "City") and El Segundo Unified School District, (hereirafter "District") on this 21st day of _November, 1995 RECITALS WHEREAS, on December 3, 1991 City and District entered into an Agreement which expires December 3, 1994, (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A), and, WHEREAS, on January 18, 1994 the City and Distract entered into an Addendum to said Agreement which set forth a Definition Table, and WHEREAS the City and District entered into a Second Amendment dated November 21 1394 to extend the term of said Agreement for the penod December 3 1994 to December 2 1995 and W-tEREAS the City and D stnct mutually desire to extend the tens of said Agreement for a penod of one year NOV: THEREFORE THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLO'AS 1 The term of the Agreement between the City and District his nerecy extended from Deceroer 3 1995 to Decemoer 2, 1996 2 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not inconsistent with the terms of In s .,men=ent shall remain in full force and effect IN WTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to Agreement to be exe_uled by their properly authonzed officers "CITY" / CITY OF EL SEGUNDO By Can Jacobson, Mayor Dated dove -De - 1005 � 7 AT - =ST El, % Gndy, Morse _n C1 Clerk (SEAL) 'DISToIrr EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Wdltam MtKirhian, Superintendent Dated APPROVED AS TO FOR�M--- /- c.�.,�' / City Attorney Amend 316 - do "d s2132e S FOURTH AMENDMENT ATL E \\ to LIBRARY SYSTEM AFFMIATION AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT ( "Amendment') to the Library System Affiliation Agreement dated December 3, 1991, (Hereinafter "Agreement ") is entered into by and between the City of El Segundo, (hereinafter "City ") and El Segundo Unified School District, (hereinafter "District ") on this 191h day of November 1996. RECITALS: W'B=AS, on December 3, 1991 City and District entered into an Agreement which expired December 3, 1994, (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A); and, said agreement, which set forth a Definition Table; and WHEREAS, on January 18, 1994 the City and District entered into an Addendum to said Agreement, which set forth a Definition Table; and W EREAS, the Cit} and District entered into a Second Amendment dated November 21, 1994 to extend the terms of said Agreement for the period December 3, 1994 to December 2, 1995; and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Third Amendment dated November 21, 1995 to extend said Agreement for the period December 3, 1995 to December 2, 1996; and WHEREAS, the City and District mutually desire to extend the term of said Agreement for a period of seven months. NOW, TEI.MEFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. The term of the Agreement between the City and District is hereby extended from December 3, 1996 to June 30, 1997. 121 A6 - ATT. E !. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not inconsistent with the terms of this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect.. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to Agreement to be executed by their property authorized officers. "CITY" CITY OFEL SEGUNDO " Sandra Jacobs, iaror Dated:,�«� r , ATTESTED: %r `. CLndj Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) "DISTRICT" EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT William Manahan, Superintendent Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 'Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney 122 ec7u.rvmlre ,.�.. arrr !►�SL�'� 122 ATTACHMENT F F= AMENDMENT to LIBRARY SYSTEM AFFUTATION AGREFbi MNT THIS A v=1N EiVT ( "Amendment ") to the Library System Affiliation Agreement dated December 3, 1991, (Hereinafter "Agreement ") is entered into by and between the City of El Segundo, (hereinafter "City ") and El Segundo Unified School District, {hereinafter "District ") on this 3rd day of June 1997. RECITALS: WHEREAS, on December 3, 1991 City and District entered into an Agreement which expu -ed December 3, 1994, (a copy, of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A); and, said ag�reement, which set forth a Definition Table; and iiEFREAS, on Januan 18, 1991 the City and District entered into an Addendum to said Agr e- zment, which set forth a Defuiition Table; and li f=AS, the City and District entered into a Second Amendment dated November 21, 19941 to extend the terms of said Agreement for the period December 3, 1991 to December 2, 199-5; and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Third Amendment dated November 21, 1995 to extend said Ap eement for the period December 3, 1995 to December 2, 1996; au d NVE=EAS, the City and District entered into a Fourth Amendment dated November 19, 1996 to extend said Agreement for the period December 3, 1996 to June 30, 1997; WEIT -REAS, the City and District mutually desire to extend the term of said Agreement for a period of one year. �- 2 2 1 ?3 U ATTACHL4M F 1 . t NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIE'S HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The term of the Agreement between the City and District is hereby extended from July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998. 2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not inconsistent with the terms of this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. P NiTI-N`ESS Ii -B=OF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to Agreement to be executed by their property authorized officers. "CITY" CITY OF YL SEGLN-DO BY: Sandra Jac s, Nor Dated: ATTESTED:.- Cmd) Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL.) "DISTRICT" EL SEGUNDO UN U= SCHOOL DISTRICT William Manahan, Superintendent Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 7�� �o/ Mark D. Hensley, C' y Attorney 124 f ATTACHMENT G SIXTH AMENDMENT to LIBRARY SYSTEM AFFILIATION AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT ( "Amendment") to the Library System Affiliation Agreement dated December 3, 1991, (Hereinafter "Agreement') is entered into by and between the City of El Segundo, (hereinafter "City") and El Segundo Unified School District, (hereinafter "District ") on this 19th day of June 1998. RECITALS. WHEREAS, on December 3, 1991 City and District entered into an Agreement which expired December 3, 1994, (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A); and, said agreement, which set forth a Definition Table; and WHEREAS, on January 18, 1994 the City and District entered into an Addendum to said Agreement, which set forth a Definition Table; and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Second Amendment dated November 21, 1994 to extend the terms of said Agreement for the period December 3, 1994 to December 2, `1995; and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Third Amendment dated November 21, 1995 to extend said Agreement for the period December 3, 1995 to December 2,1996; and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Fourth Amendment dated November 19, 1996 to extend said Agreement for the period December 3, 1996 to June 30, 1997; WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Fifth Amendment dated June 3, 1997 to extend said Agreement for the period July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998; WHEREAS, the City and District mutually desire to amend the Agreement to include the addition of a new elementary school library, making a total of four School District libraries administered by the City Public Library as school library branch sites; 125 ATTACZ>KKNT G WHEREAS, the City and District mutually desire to extend the tern of said Agreement, as amended to include a fourth School District Library, for a period of 15 months. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Agreement is amended to include a fourth School District Library under the current terms and conditions of the Agreement. 2. The term of the Agreement between the City and District is hereby extended from July 1, 1998 to September 30, 1999. 3. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not inconsistent with the terms of this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to Agreement to be executed by their property authorized officers. ,.CITY.. CITY OF EL SEG O By; 1 it,,, Michael dordon, Mayor Dated: 7-7— 9 ,Y ATTESTED: / GTr of �vr Cindy Mo ' ser., City Clerk (SEAL) "DISTRICT" EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT By: IM t6 dtiamSWa kins, Superintendent Dated. _ [� 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D Hensley, City Attorney SCHAMEND9M A1999 426 SEVENTH AMENDMENT to LIBRARY SYSTEM AFFILIATION AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT ( "Amendment") to the Library System Affiliation Agreement dated August 17, 1999 (hereinafter "Agreement ") is entered into by and between the City of El Segundo, (hereinafter "City ") and El Segundo Unified School District, (hereinafter "District ") on this day of 1999 RECITALS WHEREAS, on December 3, 1991 City and District entered into an Agreement which expired December 3, 1994, (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A), and, WHEREAS, on January 18, 1994 the City and District entered into an Addendum to said Agreement, which set forth a Definition Table, and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Second Amendment dated November 21, 1994 to extend the terms of said Agreement for the period December 3, 1994 to December 2, 1995, and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Third Amendment dated November 21, 1995 to extend the terms of said Agreement for the period December 3, 1995 to December 2, 1996, and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Fourth Amendment dated November 19, 1995 to extend the terms of said Agreement for the period December 3, 1996 to June 30, 1997, and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Fifth Amendment dated June 3, 1997 to extend the terms of said Agreement for the period July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998, and WHEREAS, the City and District entered into a Sixth Amendment dated June 19, 1998 to extend the terms of said Agreement for the period July 1, 1998 to September 30, 1999, and Cmin o No 2132(. PA4 No 1 127 WHEREAS, the City and District mutually desire to extend the term of said Agreement for a penod of twelve months NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1 The term of the Agreement between the City and Distnct is hereby extended from October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000 2 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not inconsistent with the terms of this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to Agreement to be executed by their properly authorized officers "CITY, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO a Mike Gordon, Mayor Dated ATTESTED Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk 'DISTRICT' EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT By Dr Witham Watkins, Superintendent Dated APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D Hensley, City Attorney Con"a no 21326 1 Patin No 2 j 2 P EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 9/21199 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: CONSENT CALENDAR AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Funding Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District for the period October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000 (Fiscal Impact $250,000) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Funding Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: In FY 1998 -99, the El Segundo Unified School District requested that the City provide funding to help offset some of their operational costs for the 1999 -2000 school year The City formed a subcommdee to work with the School District, and the recommendations of the subcommittee are included in the attached agreement DISCUSSION: The agreement attached addresses the request by the El Segundo Unified School District to provide $250,000 in operational funding for their FY 1999 -2000 The District shall use the funds for providing the following services during the FY 1999 -2000 school year psychologists for the students of the District, a District Librarian, and maintenance of facilities which serve the needs of the students of the Distrct ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Funding Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District FISCAL IMPACT: $250,000 included in the FY 1999 -2000 Operating Budget Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: ProjectlAccount Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required. ORIGINATED: Date: Bret Plumlee, Director of Finance REVEIWED BY: Date: 129 FUNDING AGREEMENT This Funding Agreement ( "Agreement'l is made this 21st day of September 1999, between the City of El Segundo ( "City") and the El Segundo Unified School District ( "District ") RECITALS WHEREAS the City is desirous of providing funds to District for purposes of funding in part District psychologists and the District Librarian as well as maintenance of District facilities, WHEREAS such services benefit the youth of El Segundo by providing such youth with vital services that will lessen the need for City services such as police and park and recreation services and will result in better educated youth in the City, WHEREAS the City believes that the District's educational services play a critical role in providing the City with future citizens that will dedicate their time and knowledge to the community and thereby increase the quality of life to the City of El Segundo, NOW THEREFORE, the City and District do hereby agree, covenant and warrant as follows Section 1 Funding of District Services The City shall on or before October 1, 1999 pay the District $250,000 The District shall use such funds for providing the following services during the 1999/2000 school year psychologists for the students of the District, a District Librarian, and maintenance of facilities which serve the needs of the students of the District Section 2 Entire Agreement This Agreement represents the entire understanding of the City and the District with respect to the subject matter hereof and all prior written and oral agreements regarding the subject matter hereof are superceded by this Agreement. 130 Section 3. Modifications This Agreement can only be modified in a writing approved by the City Council and the District Board. This Agreement is hereby approved as of the date first written above DISTRICT President, Distnct Board ATTEST CITY Mayor Mike Gordon Board Secretary Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Approved as to Form Board Counsel Mark D Hensley, City Attorney !f 9 131 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: September 21,1999 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California providing for salary and benefit changes to Chapter 1A2(Management- Confidential Series) of the El Segundo Administrative Code Fiscal Impact- $40,900 - FY 1998/1999 & $207,000 - FY 1999/2000 RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Adopt Resolution INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND. Executive Management and Mid- Management/Confidenbai job classifications are reviewed periodically by the City Council for possible salary and /or benefit adjustments The last salary adjustments received by this group of employees ranged from 2% to 6 %, effective July 4, 1998 DISCUSSION Adoption of the attached Resolution providing for changes to Chapter 1A2 (Management - Confidential Series) of the El Segundo Administrative Code would result in the following 1) Salary range adjustment of 5 8% for Police Chief, Police Captain and Police Lieutenant, effective July 3, 1999 2) Salary range adjustment of 4% for the remainder of the City's Executive Management, Mid- Management and Confidential lob classifications, effective July 3, 1999 3) City payment of the employee's 7% (miscellaneous member) or 9% (safety member) Public Employee's Retirement System (PERS) contribution on the $600 per month flexible pay benefit, effective October 8, 1999 4) Establishment of the "Exceptional Leave Program ", providing the City Manager discretion to award up to 4 days per calendar year in recognition for extraordinary service of members of the Executive Management and Mid- Management/Confidential group, especially where sizable amounts of time are expended outside of normal business hours and beyond the normal requirements of the job Awarded days maybe used for time off or if unused cashed in at the end of the calendar year 5) Effective July 2, 2000, compensation for Executive Management, Mid- Management and Confidential classifications will be determined by a Classification and Compensation Study conducted by a recognized third party consultant Any adjustment will include a minimum of 2% for all salary ranges in this group ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Resolution FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: X Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested, $40.900 - FY 1998 -1999 & $207.000 - FY 199912000 Project/Account Budget. Various Project/Account Balance- Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No_ ORIGINATED. Date: n Lewis, Interim Assistant City Manager q_ z REVIEWED BYE Date: ^ MA , City M aan ger �! /J` 13 Z }{ ACTIO AKEN age a 324 vv fI,G• RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR SALARY AND BENEFIT CHANGES TO CHAPTER 1A2 (MANAGEMENT - CONFIDENTIAL SERIES) OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE WHEREAS, Executive Management and Mid- Management/Confidential level positions are reviewed from time to time by the City Council for possible adjustments to salaries and/or benefits. NOV, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California as follows Section 1 Sections IA2 000 and IA2 010 of the El Segundo Administrative Code, entitled "Schedule of Classes b} Series" and "Basic Salary Schedule" respectively, shall be modified to reflect, effective July 3. 1999, salary range adjustments as follows Salary range adjustment of 5 8% for Police Chief, Police Captain and Police Lieutenant Salary range adjustment of 4% for the remainder of the City's Executive Management, Mid - Management and Confidential job classifications Section 2. Section IA2 125, entitled "Payment of Employee Contribution to PERS on Flexible Pay Benefit ", shall be added to the El Seeundo Administrative Code as follows The City will pay the employees' 7% (miscellaneous member) or 9% (safety member) Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) contribution on the $600 per month flexible pay benefi effective October 8, 1999 Section 3 Section 1 A2 101, entitled "Exceptional Leave Program", shall he added to the El Segundo Administrative Code as follows The "Exceptional Leave Program" provides the City Manager discretion to award up to 4 days per calendar year in recognition for extraordinary service of members of the Executive Management, Mid- Management and Confidential group, especially where sizable amounts of time are expended outside of normal business hours and beyond the normal requirements of the job, Awarded days may be used for time off or if unused may be cashed in at the end of the calendar year Section 4 Sections IA2 000 and IA2 010 of the El Segundo Administrative Code, entitled Schedule of Classes by Series and "Basic Salary Schedule" respectively, shall be modified to reflect, effective July 2, 2000, salary range adjustments as follows Effective July 2, 2000, Executive Management, Mid - Management and Confidential classifications will have a Classification and Compensation Study completed by a recognized third party consultant Compensation adjustments will include a minimum of 2% for all salary ranges in this group 1;? Resolution No salary Mgt September 13, 1999 2 30 PM Page No 1 Section S. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make a mmula of ft passage and adoption tireteof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of September 1999 Mike Gordon, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, Califomta ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) 1 umd} Mortesen. City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed b} the Mayor of said City and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 2l st day of September, 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following roll call vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindti Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM / Mark Hensley, `�- City Attorney 734 Resolution No salary Mgt Sepi; ember 13, 1999 2 30 PM Page No 2 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: September 21,1999 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Amendment to Employment Agreement between the City of El Segundo, California and Mary Strenn (Contract No 2630) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION, Adopt Amendment (A) and authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City DISCUSSION: Discussion occurred with the City Attorney in closed session amending section 4, paragraph 4 1 of the City Manager's Employment Agreement ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Proposed amendment to Contract 2630, section 4, paragraph 4 1 of the City Manager's Employment Agreement FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No ORIGINATED: Date: John Luebberke for Mark Hensley, City Attorney REVIEWED Date: ACTION TAKEN: 9 AMENDMENT to " EMPLOYMENT AGREEMNT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA And MARY STRENN This amendment (hereinafter, "Amendment ") to the Employment Agreement dated September 15, 1998 ( "Agreement "), between the City of El Segundo, California (hereinafter, "City ") and Mary Strenn (hereinafter, "Employee "), is entered into this _ day of September, 1999 by and between City and Employee WITNESSETH WHERAS, Section 4 1 of the Agreement provides for periodic evaluation of the Employee's performance, and WHEREAS, the City has evaluated the Employee's performance, and NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree to amend the Agreement as follows 41 EMPLOYEE'S annual base salary shall be S which shall be paid in equal bi- weekly payments City shall also pay employee a monthly car allowance of $500 00 The City Council shall evaluate EMPLOYEE'S performance annually followmo the effective date of the Agreement and determine in its sole discretion whether to increase EMPLOYEE'S compensation Any increase in such compensation must be in writing and signed by the parties IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY OF ELSEGUNDO has caused this Amendment to be signed and executed on its behalf by its Mayor and duly attested to by its City Clerk, on the day and year first above written CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EMPLOYEE By Attest City Clerk Approved as to form City Attorney Mary Strenn I I f; EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1999 Adoption of Ordinance amending the Zoning Code revising the regulations for automobile service uses in proximity to residentially zoned property in the Small Business (SB) and Medium Manufacturing (MM) Zones in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area; and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -483 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -2. Applicant City of El Segundo RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Second Reading of Ordinance by title only; and, 2) By motion, Adopt Ordinance INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On June 15, 1999, the City Council held a public hearing on the above referenced item to review modifications to the Zoning Code related to automobile service uses in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area The determination of the Council was to introduce an Ordinance that required automobile service uses in the SB and MM Zones to be a minimum of 500 feet of property zoned Single - Family Residential (R -1) property only Automobile services uses would be a permitted use under all other circumstances in the SS and MM Zones Therefore, at that time, the City Council Introduced an Ordinance to amend various sections of the City's Zoning Code and adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts consistent with the action of the Council After adoption of the Ordinance by Council on July 6, 1999, it was discovered that an incorrect Ordinance was posted by the City That incorrect Ordinance reflected the Planning Commission's recommendation and not the consensus of the Council Government Code Section 36933 requires posting of the Ordinance within 15 days of its adoption The City Attorney opined that failure to adhere to this requirement rendered the Ordinance void Given the 15 day time period has passed, the Council needed to re -adopt the Ordinance so that the correct Ordinance could be posted within the 15 day period On August 17, 1999 the revised Ordinance, which accurately reflected the determination of the Council to allow automobile service uses greater than 500 feet from R -1 Zoned property, was presented for a second reading and adoption However, the direction of the Council at that meeting was to modify the proposed Ordinance that was originally introduced to allow automobile service uses in the SB and MM Zone as long as a minimum distance of 300 feet is maintained from any residentially zoned property -- not lust R -1 zoned property New automobile service uses less than 300 feet from any residentially zoned property would be prohibited in the SB and MM Zones On September 7, 1999, the City Council reconsidered the draft Ordinance which was introduced on August 17, 1999, and the consensus of the Council was to further revise the requirements for automobile service uses in the SB and MM Zone Automobile uses within 300 feet of residentially zoned property would be prohibited Automobile services uses located a minimum distance of 300 feet from any residentially zoned property would require a Conditional Use Permit The previous draft Ordinance would have allowed automobile uses as a permitted use if the use was a minimum distance of 300 feet from any residentially zoned property The newly revised Ordinance which reflects the direction of the Council is presented for second reading and adoption If adopted without change, the provisions will become effective in thirty days time (October 21,1999) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A Revised City Council Ordinance No 1308 FISCAL IMPACT None ORIGINATED BY Date September 13, 1999 ,�` /Lc^jt+tiw r of Plannina and TAKEN Date: 9/„ ff EA -483 ais third 2nd reading doc 9/9/99 8 20 AM 117 10 ORDINANCE NO. 1308 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA483 AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT ZTA 99-2, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 20 (THE ZONING CODE). PETITIONED BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo Adopted a General Plan for the years 1992 -2010. WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo Certified an Environmental Impact Report as a complete and adequate document in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Em ironmental Quality Act and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and Adopted a Statement of Overriding Consideration, WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to law, Adopt a Negative Declaration of Ern ironmental Impacts for the Amendments to Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a neNN Zoning Map, finding that there were no environmental impacts associated with the amendments that were not analyzed in the Master Environmental Impact Report Certified by the City Council for the General Plan on December 1, 1992 WHEREAS on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to lav, Adopt Ordinance No 1212 adopting a neu Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map, WHEREAS. on May 27, 1999, the Planning Commission did conduct, pursuant to law, duly advertised public heannes on revisions to the Zoning Code. and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by lau, and the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2446 recommending approval of the proposed amendments. WHEREAS, on June 15, July 6, August 17, and September 7, 1999, the City Council did hold, pursuant to la« duly advertised public hearings and review on revisions to the Zoning Code, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against E4,-483 and ZTA 99 -2, the revisions to the Zoning Code, and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established The purpose of the revisions to the Zoning Code are to refine and make appropriate adjustments to the development standards and other zoning requirements in order to address concerns raised by the community about the future development of the City in furtherance of the general welfare of the City, State la A requires that Zoning be made consistent with the General Plan 'SOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that after consideration of the above facts and study of proposed Environmental Assessment EA -483 and ZTA 99 -2 the City Council finds as follows GENERAL PLAN ORDINANCE NO 1308 APPROVING EA -483, ZTA 99 -2 9/9/99 8 00 a m PAGE NO I F -7 Q The proposed Zoning Code Amendments are consistent with the 1992 General Plan, as amended. ZONING CODE The proposed Zoning Code Amendments are consistent with the existing Zoning Code. ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS The Draft Initial Study was made available for public review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by iaw The Initial Study concluded that the proposed project will not have a significant, adverse effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA), That when considering the whole record. there is no evidence that the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends because the project is in a built -out urban environment, and, That the City Council directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and De Mmmus finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the Cm shall transmit S25 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County NONN, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT the City Council approves EA-483 and ZTA 99 -2, and adopts changes to the El Segundo Municipal Code as follows SECTION 1. Section 20 42 020 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows 20 42 020 PERMITTED USES The following uses are permitted in the SB Zone A Manufacturing, B Light industrial uses. C General offices, up to 15,000 square feet per site, involved in industrial related activities such as engineering, industrial design and consulting, except in conjunction with a permitted manufacturing, light industrial or warehousing use, whereby the size may be greater, D Warehousing and distribution, E Restaurants, coffee shops, and cafes without drive -thru facilities; Public facilities and utilities, ORDINANCE NO 1308 APPROVING EA -483, ZTA 99 -2 919(99 8 00 a in PAGE NO 2 13 ° a G. General offices in conjunction with any other permitted use as long as the office use does not occupy in excess of 40% of the total building square footage; H. Research and development, and, I Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations SECTION 2. Section 20 42 030 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20 of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows 20 42 030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT A The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes, B The off -site sale of alcohol at permitted retail accessory establishments, and, C Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations SECTION 3. Section 20 42 040 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows 20 42 040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by Chapter 20 74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit A Automobile service uses, if a 300 foot minimum distance from any residentially zoned property is provided This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard, B Freight forwarding, C Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants and dnve -thru restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant or drive-thru restaurant, but not exceeding 200 square feet of floor area, D Automobile Service uses, if a 300 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard, and, E Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations SECTION 4. Section 20 42 050 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows ORDINANCE NO 130E APPROVING EA -483, 2TA 99 -2 919199 8 00 am PAGE NO 3 140 20A2.050 PROiiIBITED USES. A Automobile dismantling businesses are prohibited in the SB Zone B Automobile service uses located within 300 feet of any residentially zoned property Thus distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard. and, C Dnve -thru restaurants located west of Sepulveda Boulevard SECTION 5. Section 20 43.020 of Chapter 20 43, Title 20. of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows 2043 020 PERMITTED USES The following uses are permitted in the MM Zone A Manufacturing, B Light Industrial, C General Offices, up to 15,000 square feet per site, involved in industrial related activities such as engineering, industrial design and consultation, except in conjunction with a permitted manufacturing, light industrial, warehousing, distribution, light assembly, processing or mixed -use, in which the size may be greater, D Warehousing and distribution, E Restaurants, coffee shops and cafes without dnve -thru facilities, F Public facilities, public utilities, G General offices In conjunction with any other permitted use as long as the office does not occupy in excess of 60% of the total building square footage, H Light assembly and processing, Parking structures and parking lots. J Retail sales for wholesale outlets, R Mixed -use projects including commercial, office and light industrial uses where the light industrial uses make up at least 50% of the total project's square footage, L Research and development, and, M Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations ORDINANCE NO 1308 APPROVING EA -483, ZTA 99 -2 9/9/99 8 00 a m PAGE NO 4 4 141 SECTION 6. Section 20.43,030 of Chapter 20A3, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows: 20-43,030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. A. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes, B The off -site sale of alcohol at permitted retail establishments: and C Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided b} Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations SECTION 7. Section 20 43 040 of Chapter 20 43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows 20 43 040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The following uses shall be allowed sub)ect to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by Chapter 20 74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit A Automobile service uses, if a 300 foot minimum distance from any residentially zoned property is provided This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard. B Freight forwarding, C Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants and dnve -thru restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant or drive -thru restaurant, but not exceeding 200 square feet of floor area, D Automobile Service uses, if a 300 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard, and, D Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20 72, Administrative Determinations SECTION 8. Section 20 43 050 of Chapter 20 43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows 20 43 050 PROHIBITED USES A Automobile dismantling businesses are prohibited in the MM Zone B Automobile service uses located within 300 feet of any residentially zoned property This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard, and, C Drive -thru restaurants located west of Sepulveda Boulevard ORDINANCE NO 1308 APPROVING EA -483, ZTA 99 -2 9/9/99 8 00 a in PAGE NO 5 142 SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth (30) day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof. SECTION 10. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City; shall make a note of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted, and, shall within 15 days after the passage or adoption thereof cause the same to be published or posted in accordance with the law PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of September 1999. Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I Cindy Monesen City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five that the foregoing Ordinance No 1308 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 7th day of September 1999, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of September 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ASSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Monesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D Hensley, City Attorney p.\zomng \ea483 \ea483 ord- revised doc ORDINANCE NO 1308 APPROVING EA -483, ZTA 99 -2 9/9199 8.00 am PAGE NO 6 a I'VA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Award of contract for the rehabilitation of Douglas Street from El Segundo Boulevard to Alaska Avenue (contract amount = $245,488 24) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1 Allocate $15,000 00 from unallocated gas tax revenues 2 Authorize staff to retain Hayer Consultants to provide project Inspection services at $40 /hour for a not to exceed amount of $6,500 00 3 Award contract to the low bidder, All American Asphalt, in the amount of $245,488 24 4 Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard Public Works Construction Agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The City Council on August 3, 1999, adopted plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of Douglas Street from El Segundo Boulevard to Alaska Avenue The proposed work Includes removing the existing deteriorated asphalt pavement, and repaving the street DISCUSSION. On September 7, 1999, the City Clerk received and opened the following bids (Discussion continues on the next page........) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. Location map FISCAL IMPACT, Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget. Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: ProjectlAccount Balance- Account Number. Project Phase: Appropnation Required: $265,00000 $250,00000 $250,00000 Date: 106.119 -400- 8203 -8310 Award of contract $15.000 00 from unallocated gas tax revenues Page 1 of 2 14, N COUNCIUSEPT21 02 DOC (Monday 9/13(99) 11 Discussion: (continued) 1 All American Asphalt $245,48824 2 Sully - Miller Contracting Company $257,48660 3 Silvia Construction $269,51592 4 Sequel Contractors, Inc $272,641 12 5 Excel Paving Company $294,841 10 Staff has received favorable responses from the low bidder's references on recently completed street rehabilitation projects Staff recommends award of contract to the low bidder, All American Asphalt, in the amount of $245,48824 The project involves construction activities with heavy equipment on a busy street with lane closures, traffic control and access issues with local businesses Staff is requesting approval to retain Hayer Consultants to provide continuous inspection services during construction to assist staff Hayer has satisfactorily provided such inspection services on recent public works street improvement projects The total estimated cost of the project, including inspection services and contingencies, is $265,000 00 Staff is recommending an allocation of $15,000 00 from unallocated gas tax revenues to implement this project Page 2 of 2 (N,ICOUNCILISEPT21 02 (Monday 9/13/99) 1 4 A n an,e m V 4 1~ } IAMMOO S313SNY S01 AM3 3NY0141M /N d0 A113 1j 3 Y O ,6 1 = m ? only 00310 NY$ 2 bay�0 I31.GIx _ V AVM SAM. u � Y, � y JI O Y J ' F •I w +1 n .1 w 5 'NL nyl ��' I ' s .� n an,e V 4 1~ } J a 3 Y O ,6 1 = m ? 2 y _ W I31.GIx I• ¢ AVM SAM. u � z Q W J N IS 151]5 O ' F •I L n .1 W J f\I V 2 4 13 N O J •C N C i It Ild1SI N " of c`t1 Nlj 3X11 403 N.M E`ES _ PHO m is .x.10xt n 15 flOxllll 15 NO10xIxsYM 15 sv..1x 15 g.ValliH 15 N003Y0 IL Va.M3N 15 y31M3i YO M01YON0f j 15 CN.1AY.. :.11 1S .11.01 �/¢+ 15 ..Y]IS .L y 15 NM3I 15 M0013MS ry� is .Navy IJ m P 15 auva:115 ly x11. 15 OMO.N31M is 0.03x03 15 1M10WA 1S ONW.. 15 Y131A IN., 15 133.3111. z a V 1 W V LL o Q a MYI Sfl Mfltl Sfl g� i -- NUU11A. m ` AIM YNd = S.N U W m I Y a H Q 103A1043S < ]M v10 C3" .13 G 3A. IYl, C3" 111. ". y I�Y .LL13YMI0. F I�i^Al x1.. V u 1�]AI VY0.1 N 94 A2"013011 Evu 393X113 A W — � N N y1 N 'N N Q Q Z w 0 LL � J W a d t,„ `r O r r T z W LL 145 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21,1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Acceptance of the 1998 -99 slurry seal application at various locations Project No PW 99 -2 (final contract amount $101,812.28 RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION- 1 Accept the work as complete 2 Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion In the County Recorder's Office INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The City Council on July 20, 1999, awarded a contract for $96,499 49 to Pavement Coatings Company for the 1998 -99 slurry seal project The work included application of an asphalt slurry seal coating on various streets within the southeast quadrant of the City's residential area, Hughes Way, and Continental Park as part of an annual maintenance effort to extend the useful life of the street pavement DISCUSSION The work has now been satisfactorily completed The original contract amount was $96,499 49 The final contract amount, based on actual measured quantities, is $101,812 28 There are sufficient funds budgeted in the project to cover the final contract amount and no additional appropriation is required Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the work ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPACT- Operating Budget- Capital Improvement Budget. Amount Requested* Project/Account Budget. Pro)ect/Account Balance. Account Number: Project Phase* Appropriation Required: Date- 106-400-8203-8357 Accept the work as complete N COUNCIUSEPT2102 DOC (Monday 9113199) 4F 12 Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street EI Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name 1998 -99 Slurry Seal Project Project No PW 99 -2 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 at seq that 1 The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described 2 The full name of the owner is City of EI Segundo 3 The full address of the owner is City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4 The nature of the interest of the owner is Public street right -of -way 5 A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on August 30, 1999 The work done was Slurry seal of streets 6 On September 21, 1999, the City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder 7 The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was Pavement Coatings Company 8 The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows 9 The street address of said property is Not applicable (various streets) Dated Bellur K Devaraj City Engineer VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say I am the City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion, (have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof, the same is true of my own knowledge I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct Executed on 1999 at EI Segundo, California Bellur K Devaraj City Engineer N SPECS PRJ1PW99- 21NOTICE2 COM (9/9/99) 147 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Renewal of Library's Annual Periodical Subscription List with EBSCO Subscription Services for the Period p January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2000. Fiscal Impact: $12,571.69. (Appropriated under Library Account: 6104 -5501 in FY 1998/99 Budget). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Library's Annual Renewal of Periodicals with EBSCO's Subscription Services for the term January 1, 2000- December 31, 2000 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: For over 15 years, the Library has used EBSCO's Subscription Services as a vendor to supply over 90% of the Library's popular magazine and business journal collections for Adults and Young People This collection comprises over 300 titles that are used for informational resources, student reports, and browsing in the Library The majority of them can be checked out for a regular two -week period EBSCO Subscription Services is a standard Public Library broker for filling large quantities of popular periodicals on an annual basis, and is one of the few that can supply all the titles the Library requires to meet our informational needs EBSCO has had an excellent track record in delivering the periodicals in a timely manner without a disruption of monthly issues to our patrons DISCUSSION In previous years, the cost of renewing the Library's periodicals through EBSCO Subscription Services has been under the $10,000 limit of requiring the City Council to approve products and services for City Departments' budgeted items Even without adding any new magazine titles this year, the cost of periodicals has still risen to $ 12,571 69 which is over the maximum limit without Council approval Staff is recommending approval of renewing the EBSCO Subscription Services Purchase Requisition for $12,571 69 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1) City of El Segundo Purchase Requisition to EBSCO Subscription Services in the amount of $12,571 69 2) EBSCO Subscription Services Annual Renewal List and Invoice FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget- X Capital Improv. Budget- Amount Requested. $12.571 69 Project /Account Budget- Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number-_ _001- 400.6104 -5501 Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes No x ORIGINATED Date. September 10, 1999 AGAFORM 14g 13 iom- ALL CENTRAL STORES ORDERS TO BE PICKED UP M PRINT MWF-L 1 *UfL* ` Requisitiah Na-4--t' _ `_` 'ASE REG?UISITION =_ ' 8._21628 - - �- rCITYs_OF °EL�EGUNDO - - CHECK ONE ONLY SIP Tai -o= YOf Box 929UI* s - lfls'6tigees� "K9�' R g.,.;: er'_` .,•- »ate. .- .��c �'S•. ^/ v. _-� - r. -K �"- � k +'Q„+rfYa- : -,.a° .re'4"- �'ti... .•.r<- -ax• ^- cs�J."R,'- t>'r�''iae�d-"F .�e'.i+ r_,'i. PURCHASE PRINT CENTRALSTORE ❑ ❑ DELIVERY DATE REQUIRED w.PRONISEO _- - VENDOR CODE NOS• CONTACT `- +'� •`i; DATE �:r .% •,"; �?. TERN3�-.+^a- ^°`- ..�''� -s d2�.7T€14LO�TCF� EL SEGUI:DO PDBLIC LIBRARY 111 W. Mariposa Ave., El Segundo, CA 90245 -2299 FO.B.POINr- ELSEGUNDO QUANTITY DESCRIPTION _ .: �. ja _ -. i ,. _ _ QUOTE - ' , PRICE UNIT- AMOUNT Custoner Account No. LA -S- 21455 -00 -- 1. For: Purchase of periodicals as listed on copy _ of attcched Annual Renewal List for 99/2000n. - :9 pages included -- Invoice ?EP 0351 10,557.30 Less duplicare billing for one "riddle School _ab not to be i- nciuded v;_th order -page 30 - cost + pu5. increase (16.25 Estimated publisher price increases 1,065. -- 2. For: Purchase of one (1) each vagazine Article Summaries - Cd -roe - Quarterly - 1 year - 1995-2000 „ 799.00 pove-} R.icrard: Please include copy of the twe /invoices w th the check when issued and mail to EBSCO. We w4 rt to get all of the savings we can. Original ix voice w for actual charges will follow in Sept. 9 Sales Tax 65.91 SOUNT NO 001-400-6104-5.5UI We have used this format for many years to obtain any savings we can TOTAL -_- ;14571.6'. -^ ir., a V V V I C mutivEO FNOM if you want a list of the Annual Renewal List for 99/2000kY, I will run off a copy for you Attached are cover invoices only as received from vendor. Erika M. Condon Pub. Svcs M r - QUESTED BY APPROVED BY GNATURE DATE DEPT HEAD Acting Library Director DATE 07 -30 -99 :TIMATED TOTAL COST BUDGET}EyD ExPENSE/ FUNDS AND BUDGET ACCOUNT VERIFIED YI.YES Fa shown ❑ NO FINANCE DATE 14P nFDCOTR ICAIT ___/_ MIYIVVMV 11C1VCVV/iL L10 P O BOX 92901 LOS ANGELES. CA 90009 EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC LIBRARY ERICA CONDON III W MARIPOSA AVE EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 -2201 { {1 {11 {Tune {1 {1 {n {1 {1{ 111 {1 {n {1 { { {Inln{ {111{ {It'll 11{ {1{ June 1, 1999 DAVID S. KERIN VICE PRESIDENT, GENERAL MANA FO)322-2558 800) 683 -2 AX (310) ACCOUNT NO LA- 21455-00 Enclosed is :ne annual rene\tal list for }our subscriptions through EBSCO Note cages are panted front and back Please chec�, the foilOwIDg information on }our Ienewal I's-, and make CO.TeCtions eirevll} on the 1st \\mere applicable •Bill-Lo address •Qucr :,t} .Send -to address •Deoartmental!Fund coees ADDING TITLES Attacr a list of titles \ou rush to add to cour rereeal list anc inc,cate the followmv 1) Nett or Renewal 2) Desired Start Date 3) Q antic) DELETING TITLES. D.a\s a line through the titie(s) }ou do not wisn to rare\\ ONLINE JOLRN LLS Cl Option 1 - I leant access to all offers or free on.ine iour ials Onion 2 — I do no: tt 2':: access to a'.1 Offe-5 or f .-ee Onl.r e o,_,rn21s Option 3 — Contact me On all of iers of free 071ine JOLrnals access i 0- On' 0-,S 1 2:'-- _ p::a52 LpOaie Contact Teiev:+one Ema.l -�.cd-ess _.— - _ -- _ !I? a dress -- qc[ - r - -c„ 2,S _ ' . -IgLZ aLe-e„ io- _ coTp_ 01 1 -.r-e `.L- v Ik ;,_ , req..l-, 1 _ __� ^1: t �C.. �. 0 n.dt 1" } :- S.JUIu C. -, 1:- - _ _.;TI '. _.- Lo .0- CL�IMS FOrA4 d all clans under separate coler to %our customer settice re,--escr,:a '.,te Please do not co"_71_T C -c'e c a,r s D, t%7'1'12 On The Tene`aal list PURCHASE ORDER: Man, organizations require a purchase order (PO) c- lotchcr Please check one of 1, e f0110tt ^g Tne PO is attached The PO number is (da' _ No PO is required X The PO \till follo\t on , . , 999 PRICES The pr,ces shoe, on this list are current, but are sub_ect to change b} the publisher A 9 to 11 oe;cent allowance for pr'Ce I'CTeases is suggested for budgeting Du-poses IWO)CE This is not an inNolce A de`mitne in \oice Y,ill be sent to %ou when }our o *der is processed or Da_; Ari ar.a'g2mcnG are reouired contact Our AcCo' - -nls Recenable Department P- %YNIE \T: Please c:neck one of the follo\airg _Prenayment has been made p��9 _Pa'mer.r is e,closed Rene\ral list to follolt on (rate) _Payment will be made ��tXn14IX3 lX� DEADLI \E ''lost pablrshers require 60 to 90 days to process orders Please retul*i your renewal to EPSCO no later tnan September 1, 1999to ensure continuous subscription services SIGNATURE REQUIRED: To authorize renewal of your subscription, please check one of the choices below, rgi }our name, print the other information, and return this form with a copy of your renewal list. _ Reaew AS Is (vto changes) g Renew with the changes indicated on my list. See Authorized Signature_ !✓ ;f/ ���L accompanying letter for adjustment. Print Name Frika M r,,, 3;.. Tit1eRP'. Dt mc_.Mg2Phone ( -iIo)4 9_ 1.191 Fax(310)648-7650 Date 05 -11 -1999 CONTACT YOUR RENEWAL COORDINATOR AT 1 800 683 -2726 FOR ASSISTANCE. IT STEPHEV5 PRESIDENT B'PM1NG8AM ALABAMA 35201 -1943 [3051 9916600 IIIlllllllll {81{III{IIIfI111111N1f {II . 0 0 s t A- 1501 J EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC LIBRARY ERICA CONDON 111 W MARIPOSA EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 WHEN MAKING REMITTANCE, AND WHEN INQUIRING ABOUT THIS INVOICE. PLEASE REFER TI YOUR PURCHASE ORDER NO - CGOUKT NQ ----1 55-00 106 . — IP_F NUMBER QTY NAME OF PUBLICATION I + +[u I ' i I I II I I I SUBSCRIPTION RENEWALS AT ICI ESTIMATED PUBLISHER PIf I '`11�f,1c�czL,�e 1a i�.le I I � I II �Cc� unpu0 an too but, p.y incur . 1% yin, char,. Much c u at lea role of 1% per 30 day& thereafter until Paid In,, ,m , ,n full anT1n> t,nwrt. a submitted to you by EBSCD in rta capacity You .otcu ESSCO ,u. . owm.n• t all pubinM a DATE RP CODE w.ORE NO PAGE NO I / 1999 EP 0351 1 RRENT RITES E INCREASES AMOUNT DUE ,�'£r f�6, ,� 77 CAN BE SENT TO SOUTHTRUST BANK BIRMINGHAM A] TRlRO INVOICE '� °� PLEASE ALLOW DOMESTIC • PUBLISHERS SO TO 00 DAYS FROM DATE OF INVOICE TO P.O. BOX 92901 FAX (310)322 -2558 , 1 -800- 683- 2726GNSERYrcE LOS ANGELES CA 90009 -29D1 (310)322 -5000 sUSSCRIBER BILL TO SEND MAGAZINES TO CODE IS EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC LIBRARY ERICA CONDON 111 W MARIPOSA EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 WHEN MAKING REMITTANCE, AND WHEN INQUIRING ABOUT THIS INVOICE. PLEASE REFER TI YOUR PURCHASE ORDER NO - CGOUKT NQ ----1 55-00 106 . — IP_F NUMBER QTY NAME OF PUBLICATION I + +[u I ' i I I II I I I SUBSCRIPTION RENEWALS AT ICI ESTIMATED PUBLISHER PIf I '`11�f,1c�czL,�e 1a i�.le I I � I II �Cc� unpu0 an too but, p.y incur . 1% yin, char,. Much c u at lea role of 1% per 30 day& thereafter until Paid In,, ,m , ,n full anT1n> t,nwrt. a submitted to you by EBSCD in rta capacity You .otcu ESSCO ,u. . owm.n• t all pubinM a DATE RP CODE w.ORE NO PAGE NO I / 1999 EP 0351 1 RRENT RITES E INCREASES AMOUNT DUE ,�'£r f�6, ,� 77 CAN BE SENT TO SOUTHTRUST BANK BIRMINGHAM A] TRlRO EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL I MEETING DATE: 9/21188 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Recommendation for replacement of chairs in Council chambers data area, the Council office and the City Hall West Conference Room. (Fiscal Impact $12,700) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1 Authorize the Purchasing Agent to purchase the chairs as outlined in this report. 2 Dispose of chairs deemed unsafe and send the remainder to auction at a later date West conference room chairs (originally purchased with asset forfeiture funds) will be handled as specified above, however any monies received in the sale of these chairs would then be returned to the asset forfeiture fund INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Due to their age and condition, the existing chairs in Council chambers, the Council office, and the West Conference Room should be replaced Safety and visibility are factors to consider in the selection of this furniture due to the high volume of meeting activity in these rooms Some of the chairs being replaced do not meet O S H A safety requirements having only a four caster base O S H.A requires all chairs with rolling bases to have a five - caster base DISCUSSION: In Council chambers dais five chairs would be replaced with Model 9078, $645 each (with enclosed under arms) and four chairs Model 9077, $596 each (with open space under arms) for the two tables located below the dais Seven chairs need to be purchased for the Council office meeting area Six chairs around the conference table would be Model 3245 including arms, and the other chair would be a Model 9077 A total of 16 chairs would be required forthe City Hall West Conference Room Ten chairs for around the conference table would be Model 3245 including anus ($352 each), and the other six would be Model 8420 side chairs ($136 each), for a total of $4,336 These chairs have a Blue Ribbon lifetime warranty and Soto fabnc ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required- $12.700 001- 400 - 2901 -5201 YES Date: ORIGINATED: � Date : Date: CY 7 r °�' 14 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Examination plans for the Personnel Merit System fob classifications of Planning Manager, Building Safety Manager, Planning Technician, Water Maintenance Worker 1 /11 and Wastewater Maintenance Worker 1 /II RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Examination Plans INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Chapter 2 28 080 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, entitled "Administration and Personnel', provides that the Personnel Officer shall review and recommend to the City Manager, who in turn shall recommend to the City Council, an appropriate examination plan and weights for each portion of the examination for Personnel Merit System lob classifications DISCUSSION- -REFER TO ATTACHMENT- ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FISCAL IMPACT (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget_ Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase• Appropriation Required - Yes_ No_ ORIGINATED Date September 13, 1999 Interim Assistant agenda 325 y�y 1537 15 The Human Resources Department has initiated the recruitment, testing and selection process for the job classifications of Planning Manager, Building Safety Manager, Water Maintenance Worker 1 /11 and Wastewater Maintenance Worker IAI and has posted the notices of the examinations in accordance with the City's Municipal Code and the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations It is recommended that the City Council approve the examination plans that contain the following examination techniques and weights for each portion of the examinations Plannino Manager (Open - Competitive) Career Preparation Interview & Structured Technical Interview Budding Safety Manager (Open - Competitive) Career Preparation Interview & Structured Technical Interview Planning Technician (Open- Competitive) Career Preparation Interview & Structured Technical Interview Wastewater Maintenance Worker 1 111 (Closed - Promotional) Career Preparation interview Water Maintenance Worker 1 /II (Closed - Promotional) Career Preparation Interview Weighted 100% Weighted 100% Weighted 100% Weighted 100% Weighted 100% 154 CITY COUNCIL PACKET SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 - 6:00 P.M. Interviews of Candidates Investment Advisory Committee Library Board of Trustees LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee Distribution: Mayor Mike Gordon Mayor Pro Tern Sandra Jacobs Councilmember Nancy Wemick Councilmember John G. Gaines Councilmember Kelly McDowell City Clerk Cindy Mortesen City Treasurer Bill Bue Mary Strenn, City Manager Mark Hensley, City Attorney Debra Brighton, Library Director Julia Abreu Mason, Council Assistant Marlene Baker, Executive Assistant Public Copy Jain w n \ccb \fmmMagdcovtt 999 TO THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21,1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: COMMITTEES Agenda Description: Interviews of Candidates to the Investment Advisory Committee, Library Board of Trustees, and LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee Recommended Council Action: Interview candidates and announce appointment. Brief Summary: Commissions. Committees & Boards Investment Advisory Committee Library Board of Trustees, LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee Number of Vacancies & Number of Candidates 1 vacancy - 1 Candidate SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS 2 vacancies - 3 Candidates 7 vacancies - 7 Candidates Candidate Applying to (CCBs) Telephone Time *Kirk Jon Walske Investment Advisory Committee 454 -4740 6.00 p Don Carter Library Board of Trustees 640 -8923 Jane Conley Library Board of Trustees 322 -4201 *Nick Gerenday Library Board of Trustees and LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee 322 -2540 Mike Wyant LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee 640 -9575 Charles DeDeurwaerder LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee 640 -0891 *Dawn Wendt LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee 380 -9422 *Cheryl Frick LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee ( *) Previously Interviewed 9/7/99: Nick Gerenday; Dawn Wendt; Jeffrey Messinger; Karen Mane Hopkins Attached Supporting Documents And Who Prepared Them: Applications of Candidates Originator: Julia Abreu Mason, Council Assistant Date. September 17, 1999 Date: September 17, 1999 Joe n \CGb \1999 \Intery s Sept 21 99 Or sFG13 ssv APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Name (First) 1\• (Middle)^ I�(Last) Address I t I t . n Telephone #s F 1r� -�1 04b Mailing Fax !� ^ e-mail Name and Address of Employer L7 �`� G� H-{Lie. -ItCA -_,,qlp SO. &r-,q-'b Ave, [ Ct kooir t L0�' -)I e t e> cv; 90-221 Present Oroupaton -ZWre n'1N '% If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El SegundAAo��Commissioner /Committee or Board merl Yes -X%- No_ If Yes, name the CommissionlCommRtee /Board jy Term �t NJ Please indicate the Committee (syCommission(syBoard(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [i e , 1, 2, 3, etc] • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commission • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee ❑ Recreation & Parks Commission • Economic Development Council ❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Investment Advisory Committee ❑ Other ❑ Library Board of Trustees ❑' Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee NOTE (') This is not a City famed eommmee Applications are lon arded dnecty to tM committee end Interviews of awhi:ants are conducted by the cummdleP Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE SCWIV6'5 " or Se. CAGr-ar'N,1 ?sLt NS r 1 Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests Plepi,e rescrse form and tumptete PART II 30 Gtr Y 0t6' / c+� ow C SEGv #4 APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Name Donald M. Carter (First) tMiddle) (Last) Address 832 Bungalow Dr.f El Se undo oe�,aen..o 4 4 r CA Telephone #s 1- 310 - 640 -8923 Bus e-mail Name and Address of Employer N/A (Retired from Chevron Products Ch F1 Segundo CA ) Present O. cupat.on Retired If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years 71 years Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member) Yes? No_ If Yes name the Commission /Committee/Board Library Bd. Of Trustees Term 1996_1999 Please indicate the Commmee(s)tCommtssion(s)Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropnate box(es), by order of your preference [i e 1 2, 3, etc] • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee • Economic Development Council • investment Advisory Committee • Planning Commission • Recreation & Parks Commission • Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board ❑ Other ® Library Board of Trustees ❑• Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Commil NOTE (') Tit s a na a Cdy famed epmmeae /�pplxairons era Ionvarda0 dxaay ro aN cnnmgN arh Imrrvews W applxJrxs ne axM�aed ey MM canmalP= Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD RSVP 7/96 Present N/A Friends of ESPL 1989 Present Member Lib Bd. of Trustees 1996 Present Member /Sect. /V.P. Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE Loyola Univ. indergraduate N/A E1 Camino Psychology N/A Additional Pertinent Courses or Training 22 years as Maintenance Supervisor at Chevron RpfTnp y Other Pertment Skills, Experience or Interests Remodeled home doing all required work. Plep,e referee form and t omplete PARI 11 6//6/59 ->16- IT Y O� NI 11 0 A it a Fit t'. O sEGvet J. APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Name (Last) Address Bus Malitng 5,0- A-',L-7 Fax e-mail Name and Address of Employer `_i�2 Present #S rol If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years_ � Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner/Committse or Board member's Yes* No_ f If Yes name the Commission /Committeelsoard y �'�' ( b /i) d Term _1_1r Please indicate the Commi tee(spCommisslon(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [i e 1 2, 3, etc) • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee • Economic Development Council • Investment Advisory Committee • Planning Commission • Recreation & Parks Commission • Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board • Other Library Board of Trustees ❑• Aviation Safety& Noise Abatement Committee NOTE (') Th s is wi a city isen, d m .awe Applcaimns are ro'wartleU drecny w the cr�mNaa end inbrMws d appeCaNe are css slWed by me uslnn te= Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD =( N o ACC Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE/DEGREE Additional Pertinent Courses or Training or 111we reserse form ana i j to 5 f fop GoT Y 0 `S, # Name Address APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards D Res( '4/0)32.2- Bus SAr1E e-mail Name and Address of Employer OAK I Present Occupation RMP SSAgJa1gA1! If you are a Resident of El Segundo how many years L a Are you presently or have you ever been a City of E1 Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member, Yes -- .No_ mmi If Yes, name the Coss ton7Comml@ee18oard5�A) /oR C-/r! SF-AIS CO nt1 / r us r6e Term ' I 6101da Please Indicate the Committee (spCommission(syBoard(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference (( e , 1, 2, 3, etc] To (date) OFFICES HELD ELKS I SS 9gs ❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee AF_SaEA)T Planning Commission ® El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee Recreation & Parks Commission ❑ Economic Development Council Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board ❑ Investment Advisory Committee ® Other LAIC AiMroRY COMH /SSIe� Library Board of Trustees O" Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee NOTE (') This is not a city /armed =ehmeee Apphcatens am forwarded deeetly to Me cnmmdtee eM Interviews of apphcents are wnducied by the cemmille= Cnmmumty, Service Fxnenence, ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD ELKS I SS 9gs o0 -C AF_SaEA)T TROSfEC Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATEIDEGREE q (LtAApV(j RAW ARTS Additional Pertinent Courses or Training so Other 0 u4I vows or Interests CLA (j) Plesi reserse form and tumplete PAR1 II dl. I rh,, 0 d: iutll` GAT Y 0,t, !'S14GOXQ TEL 310 322 '13' P 004 APPLICATION to Commissions/Committees/Boards Name H. Michael Wyant jFnI) iMboM) ILast) Address Telephones Residence 1440 E. Palm, ET Segundo. Q0245 Res 31O- 6nR -st4nn Bus 3tn-6 r,p-o1; 2c Marling 506 1/2 Main Street, E1 Segundo Fax 310 -640 -9088 e-nad NatneandAddreuofFmployW WYANT AND ASSOCIATES 506 1/2 Main Street, E1 Segundo, CA 90245 vresem Occupseon Property Mgr . , Broker rf you sra a Reardsm of EI Segundo now many years_ t A Ant you prosently or haW you Wen been b City of £1 SagW WC Con m*%% lUtlCommRlde or Board tnertlbe17 Yes_ No x If Yea name IM Commna+eruCemnin e9eard Term Pleew Moser the Comnartesls arersasronls)9oardfs) you dnire to serve on by dueaxig ilia appropnate bodes), by order e) your preferanee U e t 2, 3, are} ❑ Capt41 tinprovemarR Progni n Advisory Cortutrldee ❑ Planning CoratMpon • El Segundo Cornnu" ewe Advismy Corrinift" ❑ Rseresdon a Pelts Ceremlaarnn • Economre Oawlopment Courted ❑ Senior Cldsen Housing Corporation Board ❑ Investment Advisory Committee it othor L A X Expansion ❑ Utwary Beard of Trustees ❑• AVWW SaNq a tow Alaebnwr COmnsdee •Ott t9 ia,,.r�s rCq em�N rsowrnr eermesn, an taaegre/rerWrwernn+rwa weY.lYr rl rypsmsrn avwaW yxr rervnnr Comm+nev Service emsrWri. ORGAWAT)ON Prom la) To (dab) OFFICES NELO ES Cham��r Of rnmmpr-e 81 R5 re, n a ES Chamber of Commer a 95 99 Mural Committee Ad"Wat Parhnem Coun ea or Training Journalism, Public Relations, Speech Othar PWWWI Unit.£aoornn M biurssls -- Economic Advisory Council for State of California, Appointed by Lt. Gov. ff i at leR Tact F for Los Angeles Appointed by Mayor Bradley rrolrttI of r WestAir (San Franca .sow'6'�"S'�"°eY'�2"!°h'!}t)tdi rector, com`m• �iiS'fi- Director of 3 Chambers of Commerce, President of one Institute of R.E. Mgt (L.A.)President, Director, 1993 Mgr. of the Year 45 vears experience in volunteer work rclvlc, political, religious groups) JL\ -11 991FR1) 15 42 MIN TEL 310 577 'Iii- P 005 City o(EI Segundo Applrnnna Is CCai PART II Please h,mrsh brrc1, written responses to the aueednne bebw ualny addnknal &"sets, H necessary Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there spectftcally In your background training, education and Interests which quality you as a candtdatel Personal committment to city of E1 Segundo. Over 30 years experience in working with governmental agencies, speaking be ore government bodies and working out solutions with governmental representatives. Worked within the airlines industry as a director of an airlines. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the CommisswnlCommiUes /Board you are applying to? The oh,o t,vo is to thouroughly review and analyze all information for the LAX expansion, then assist in preparing a point by point position for rho r,tg of Rt ';P,eundo, Look at both pros and cons and seek out and determine acceptable areas of mitigation or tradeoffs which �,,.a -- •- f_,��- r, t.r rf_F1_Speund o. and it4 resldents. both residential and commercial. 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? Use my background in extensive analysis and problem solving for companies and real estate projects, crisis management, corporate ana public relations to sort out the critical areas and develop alternative solutions. Do you have any reservations about the Commtsston /CommItee /Board? Other comments I am committed to helping preserve the quality of life style in E1 Segundo My 40 plus years of business management -for small com an s and large plus the s it s obtained from my MBA degree should be of value to the city. For over 30 years, I represented the developer's o�qltln,, with an ern.men_Lal Rio dies. I believe that experience can be utilized on the city's behalf. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members), Rite Mason. 19707 Redbean Avenue, Torrance CA 90503. 310 -542 -9172 Name Address Phone Nancy Cobb E1 Segundo 310 - 322 -5662 Name Aodresa Phone Dick Crowley, President, Westcoast Savings, 3020 Old Ranch Parkway, Name Address Phone Suite 170, Seal Bgac CA 90740 -2751 562 -795 -5995 Date Signature /r " July 20, 1999 9 CtepeMaplmenM 6dwer l 4- Gtr Y 0 t SZ G13# APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Name Address RcTtRt;,D LatTN %JF-w Uhq Name and Address of Employer MR(r "a S'L'ATE 1 (fir- REtyRVAEM-C FM# CfRS:KYuSNU LMSVLTLRG es U.C. 1RVtn1Tt Aim CAL iLast) Bus #S + e-mail 11100* 9a S g3r4" AC WIDOW + E"Re"'wPV t e. Present O- cupaton REnRCD ;)aR If You are a Resident of El Segundo how many years Are you presently or have you ever been a City of Et Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member) Yes V", No_ If Yes, name the Commission /COmmdtee /Board AYtt 614 SOIPQY"( Mawr Tenn 1498 + c �2q�.P�p,ta A.T*tcsotrs ConMwar£E t986 +r81 Please indicate the Commatee (sYCommmsion(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [i e , 1, 2, 3, etc] ❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commission • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee ❑ Recreation & Parks Commission • Economic Development Council ❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board • Investment Advisory Committee �, M/ Other LAX A&st'ER%kytt ADY swy Cilwkii SI01� • Library Board of Trustees p,. td Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement CommRtee 'Acr - 'Cc GoNTW Vw NOTE (')Theo not a Cdy ImmeC mmmeaa /�Qplydidlrls dw lowerWO Ovaetly to iNa en'nmdiN antl MNirviews of applKJMr aro raMUCte. ny ifd! eanmdir^ Communnv Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Pt.AK►tttdG 0e00uSStot1 SV t94 t96-1 SaCReTARY owlKMAti C u ail C uss C4 SCice C O S) ig71 t9ii 19 I S 9i9 SsCRBTPRY C41A1R+�A►3 QOARD ML:MIML S CFRt�FHSSt AL G-16 setau„vo ii<TislOt Nlj&S244.. 14) a6 • — PRltcgWwr SO. V%RWC%M%- IrMAUR 11tRP Education CV Ault'¢ 61F C43M-N'ff%W to / 4T --- TRGri1tNT t_'kX..MwPAAstswt r_nrs/s. w; .=0Z 11UMIVMSM of MASSAckWSitts -%tMA w•v`•`� ; NW6�3 $5. L1, of MASS. GitADVA� Sca�cet c v� ti>rrctaiei radii r6'i /M.L.A. Additional Pertinent Courses or Training P0=ftCAt- (Yisp, W tORK W EDUC,111i UVRVA. 19 b8 CoMVjMdW G VD. C- ,oVRStIES Z 9tiD% ,A &AkVLjc&A ;LAHgLAi� p�LoGU►TLGJ a.ap ArASRt SAQ V406" CF L-VADVJM WA Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests Rt]a.RD p/R,EttC�s ARSAC. , iAUGFIr CAt11Rs%% ti-0 stR /EtS 4RtEYARATtOrS Pte VC-MIPAV 194t -.1994 TAV tat r a-wtt c%mi rYCA(_ SCV9t &S (omw- LEV6L� go-vvf. + PL&MIa W!e COMLQLTJV+iT rederse tsR,TV S 20-VIRS AqP Syym 3999 ix City of El Segundo - Application to Serve on LAX Master Plan Advisory Commission Part //. 1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? I've already demonstrated my dedication to resolution of the issues likely to come before the Commission. In 4/97, (ESRA Director of Airport Studies) I drafted /edited proposals for Council consideration for the initial Council position and Resolution #4008 (and prepared a support- document "White Paper on Airport Issues"). At that time, I prepared a graphic (600 - scale) "Alternative Plan for LAX - Expansion" illustrating that any and all justifiable- growth could be accommodated centrally on LAX property with virtually no negative impacts on surrounding communities. (Rerouting and extension of Greenlme was a key element of that Plan, which has since been adopted into the LAX plans under consideration.) (I brought previous professional experience in airport planning [SeaTac, Olympia, WA and Corvallis, OR] into the process.) After inputting to the EIR /EIS Scopmg (7197), 1 summarized (and categorized) for distribution (729) issues raised in dozens of letters responding to the Scopmg -call. Since then, (as a Board - member of ARSAC, Airport - Studies Director for ESRA, and Committee- member for the CofC Airport Committee) I've established an airport- related document - collection and maintained a (9- volumes) scrapbook of clippings pertaining to airport issues. (The collections now fill two 6- shelf bookcases.) I participated actively in the (L.A City) process of shaping a new Noise Element in City Plan (and worked with Councilperson Galanter's office on related projects), helped focus (El Segundo and other communities) on LAX - issues through at least a dozen presentations (some televised), and attended scores of meetings dealing with LAX - expansion peripherals (ARSAC, ESRA, LAXEN, AOMD, CA Coastal Commission, LAXAAC, LA -City Council, LAWA BOAC, SBCCOG, SCAG, Sierra Club, Ballona Wetlands Trust, CBE, SCCED, California High -Speed Rail Authority, Santa Monica Airport Commission, at al). My background (as a LandscapeArchitect /RegionaIPlanner) includes experience in airport design and considerable design /construction work in large -scale project development. My offices (GWSM, Inc; B &T; D -F & Associates, and DeDeurwaerder Associates) have been responsible for site planning and development for housing sites suited to accommodate some 75,000 residents. 1 was (Chief, Recreational Planning, US Corps of Engineers) responsible for the recreational developments of the 3500 -acre Sepulveda Basin in the San Fernando Valley ('54 -59). 1 served as a representative at 4 U.N. International Conferences (Environment '72, Habitat '76, Hillside City Development '89, and Global Climate Change '91). 2. What do you see as the objectives /goa ls of the Commission you are app lying for? I see the role of the Commission as assisting the City Council in developing useful strategies to deal with the containment of LAX and with mitigation of any related negative impacts on the City of El Segundo. I see it as strictly advisory (but as such, part of the full process of strategy - planning necessarily including participation in heretofore closed sessions with the other Council advisors -- namely staff and consultants). I anticipate that the Commission shall jointly review (by sectioning AIPv Sym 1999 13 responsibilities) the full documents of the EIR /EIS Drafts forthcoming from LAWA and the FAA, and respond /analyze with a -local focus on potential Impacts affecting us directly Finally, I would expect the Comml.slon to be creative In determining mitigation- measures not Included In LAWA /FAA proposals and researching the potential effectiveness of such suggested mitigations. The Commission should serve as no less than another layer of checks against the possible deterioration of El Segundo's quality of life. 3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? I would apply my background to the Draft - Review Process, summarize, and offer suggestions, analyses, and conclusions for review and consideration by the Council. With other members of the Commission, I would endeavor to develop a clear response from the joint findings of the group and present clear guidance directions. When the time was right, I would join In the campaign to Inform and educate the public (both local and regional) about the wisdom (or lack thereof) of plans on the table. 4. Do you have any reservations about the Commission? Public comment has alluded to the potentials for the Commission to serve merely as a goat for shortcomings In the Council response to community wishes. I would hope that the Commission would not be muzzled In Identifying Its consensus - conclusions In front of members of that potentially - critical public. Further, If a difference of opinions should surface within the Commission, 1 hope that such difference could be resolved Internally but not exclusively without seeking public Input. 5. Other comments: The Commission should feel free to offer (directly to the Council) an ongoing critique of the apparent strategy employed by the Council In its current efforts. It Is also possible that the Commission could serve as a publicly- accessible advisory group that could field some of the smoldering grumbles that come of secret strategies. JUN -18' 991FRH 1609 Name Address ADM f N 0 Name and Address of Employer 7EL•310 322 7151 P 002 6 :Aj) ~ s�� Pn APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards WPM( (Middle) ILast) tA� � V� Re 1110 1 3 2-7, Telephone 3)- Bus ax rbD �D o - 7 e-mail VA t . 114% N /.,r n 4' A n ;A, dUA U+-1 of SCdI,t p IU)frl Present OccwpatAn a IUA& 61 ,1_?I41 b1 I! you area Reau!!nt of El Segundo, how many yoars—q— Are you presently or have you ever bean a city of Rr Segundo CommissionerrCommlttee or Bard member? Yes, Ntt>-<— If Yes, name the Commlaaion/COmmHMOBoerd Term Please Indicate, the Commdlee sy ommifsldn(fyrBoardls) you desire to save en by checking oppropf ate pos(es), by order of your preference it o. 1, 2, S, etc] ❑ Capita( improvement Program Adv)aory Committee ❑ El Segundo Community cable Advisory Cammtttae 1 seonomie Davalepmsrd Cpftnoll M Investment Advisory Committee ❑ Library Board of Trustees !° Planning Commission • Reer"I on S Parks Commlaalon • senior Citizen Housing Corporatlep 6pard � Othen !z&r , la�l -fir �flin �6Mh1l5Sloyt O• AVlsdon Sshly • Nab■ AbatamsntCanmlttm NOM 1'I Then u roe a 001 f yd GAMMON MPtlenmr see WmWald MrAMPt le M C ,%MA And 1,0 w or 1ppAMOS w eantllalee sr tln IR WA10a Community Serv= Evaenenaa. ORGANIZATION From (date To (datel OFFICES HELD 6S E�XJI r0Lji kCz,;iUr'\ y- l ^eLACin "Iff3A 130 1 U- V41A 1XA -- 1< < \ r Lt vDirt ke!3 kr '4tr 'Qrv- re e_ -J- l� It rr 1'yzccot�cto t�c_.(� t:�,ht�.r* -bor Fdrrrorrnn t,- zi . oc" 0 SCHOOL MAJOR GRA13UATION DAMDEGRCE -- Adddionat Pertmeett Courses or Tramatg Other Pen,nent Skills, Eaparlanea or Inlarae s Plcnw ratrrse rerM tied complete PAR 111 JlP -18' 99(FRl) 10.09 ANIN TEL 310 322 7137 F (04 Coq of bt Segundo Appl" ton In CCaa PART II Alaase iurmsh dnet, wnuen responses to the questions ealow us nq adddlcnal sheets, If necessary 11 Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as .a candidate? 2, a, t do you see as the of the How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? 4 I Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? 5 Other comments, you are applying to? s. Please provide the names, addresses, end telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members). Signature &IgN"" tot L Date UJ I ✓pJ�� CCa1 nAplµwon Ner b�nnr I APPLICATION to Comm issions /Committees(Boards Name Cheryl Ann Frick (First) (Middle) (Last) Address Telephone #s Residence 170 W. Imperial Ave. #44 Res 310 -640 -7636 Bus 213- 312 -6105 Madinn 770 W. Imperial Ave. #44 Fax 213- 612 -4n6t e-mail chew frick@mckinsev.com Name and Address of Employer McKinsey & Co. 400 South Hope St. Los Angeles, CA 90071_ Present Occupat.on Accounting Manager If you area Resident of El Segundo, how many years 11 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committce or Board member? Yes_ No X If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Term Please Indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [I e , 1, 2, 3, etc) To (date) OFFICES HELD • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commission • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee ❑ Recreation & Parks Commission • Economic Development Council ❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board • Investment Advisory Committee N Other LAX Master Flan • Library Board of Trustees ❑• Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee NOTE (') This is not a City formed committee ApblicatmnS are forwarded Directly to the enmmdtee end Wen ews of appicarts are conEucted by the canmtlte• Communav Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD LA Society for the Prevention of CrueltV to Ar,Lmals Volunteer BA/ 1999 1995 Present Education SCHOOL MAJOR I GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE Toledo Unive sity Acco nt>n B A Pepperdme University BA/ 1999 Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests Please reverse form and City of El Segundo Application to CCBs PART it Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets of necessary Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which quality you as a candidate? What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Signature q X`C�A�J4—"X- Date a'xc L? 1 /9% CCe IQAAP h Wn Rev SQBM7 I Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? My MBA experience along with my work experience has allowed me to develop the skills necessary to research, understand and present issues pertinent to a concerned audience. I have also lived at 770 W. Imperial Ave. for 5 years now and am aware of both the increase in air traffic along with the increase in "near misses' that seem to be occurring at a higher frequency 2 What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission you are applying to? The objectives of this committee are to assist council in their efforts to oppose the growth of LAX and as an alternative to local expansion, promote regional airport growth instead. Regional airport growth in other communities will allow for greater economic expansion of those areas and in return, allow the communities surrounding LAX to remain safe from potential disasters /increased noise pollution that could result from increased traffic. 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? By keeping myself apprised /educated through relevant readings associated with the expansion of LAX, I feel I will be able to assist the Council with their task of educating the public on why this expansion is unwarranted considering that there are better alternatives. Constituents can only support Council when they are informed on a timely basis as to potential problems as well as possible solutions to this issue. 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission? My main concern is that the time requirements will not interfere with my current employment and that most business will be conducted in the evening hours. 5 Other comments 6. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Gabbie Chen 110 Indian Rd. Piedmont, CA 94610 415 -954 -5132 Janet Sand 770 W. Imperial Ave. #64 El Segundo 310 - 322 -2463 Jeanne Watnick 909 Bnarwood Ln. Glendale, CA 91206 818 - 550 -7577 (P fh Name 6'// 919W v v� APPLICATION to Commission$/CommitteegBoM�ds m EY�T,�bER (First) (Middle) (Last) s Address Telephone #s Residence 82--P�. ?C -tj" s7rQUET Res 31to - 322. 82R - Busm -548- 8 Mailing SAME AS A-6oas Fax Name and S Address of Employer k4ca" MAr&r --%E Ti�G /a /rib (�oB ZtLto ._7 ev2o, (fAL2For2NrR Present Occupation Cmr rCCsEA1C V'R4 ^- b.4E /r' 1 V fC. If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years z• Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membeRYes_ No le If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Term Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s)/Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es) • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Commklee o None Abatement Commktee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee o'�Plannng Commission • Economic Development Advisory Council 10'�Recmabon 8 Parks Commission Investment Advisory Committee 0 Senior Cd¢en Housing Corporation Board 0 Library Board of Trustees ° Wall of Honor Committee 0 Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board Other NOTE Conilip of iMTeal WfemlMS mull be filetl Gy msmMn M Nxs Cornrnst,romlCOmrr + aeaalBwrtls Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD LkSk Co ♦ 6} ARO 4Vt1AIE%L -MX'� CBS CSu - 1� ^r c uE Z 176L s l�.etsc Aa r CL,atze MS f�ic�d r, Education SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE /� � C H l�K .7rATE �oLiE -GCE CMAJOR �+v. .acsl=wc.F CBS CSu - 1� ^r c uE Z 176L s l�.etsc Aa r CL,atze MS f�ic�d r, Additional Pertinent Courses or Training CaL. zfo¢ i. py. �^ rvsrroNr'+ rc ^rn+�TfZCrECrS'o�tFr�cy- ��,.gcrr p�i•IV•fissE�Cia �fb�281 Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests +F- .=O-f£ L-=tH A-L, AQMD, EPA, NI:PA CE -9CLa. [202�o Laws Aoqu,:wo'TU Please reverse farm a d complete PART 11 CAy of El Searmdo Applirat� to CCBe PARTII Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets if necessary Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? y- 1EE A [r rW me—T t 2 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? r SEe AA- AcHML -Nr J+ 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? 1 � AtTAGN MEN I)-i 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? — NOAS 5 Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Corms + l A-DcLw+ N 1sncE �j'S9 wb2�o W'� Ldt"Sr L. Q 3/0 t 2 !'Name Address Phone rCTCJL+RD tom. Mct-i.a, Wt4.TCtleSre+c. CA. 31•a- Gt/1 -olaP7 Name Address Phone \ SAS J OCLA -tp CA. ^ Z;- SE&"'jt— QLZCZ Per. Name Address Phone 7 Do you plan to attend the ouncll Intervlewl (To be set after deadline) Yes, No` Slgna _ M7 �Upj0 GV Ica w Attachment I Currently I am a Registered Environmental Assessor through the California Environmental Protection Agency and have m -depth knowledge of many environmental topics which would be of concern to the city in their everyday operations My knowledge of these topics and my public service through past enlistment in the United States Coast Guard gives me the insight needed to provide the citizens of El Segundo with trustworthy top management skills and leadership capabilities Having spent my childhood in Iowa, I feel I have instilled in me, the concern for good, quality morals which arepssential in developing a community with "small town" ethics Attachment II 1) To provide the citizens with quality planning to assist them in keeping El Segundo a safe, entertaining and enjoyable community in which to reside 2) Provide the leadership and care needed to maintain the outstanding community qualities so as to pass them on to our youth in the community. Attachment III I would try and give 110 percent of my skills and efforts to my community so that it may benefit from my concern and thought of keeping El Segundo a safe place where people want to reside and raise a family without doubts of its future and well-being 823 Penn Street El Ssgundo,CA 60745 310,122.8246 Jeff Messinger Fax To: Ms Julia Aberu From: Jeff Messinger Fax: 310 -322 -7137 Pages: 1 PheM: Dew August 24, 1999 Re: References as requested CC: 0 Urgent x Poe Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle e Comments: Ms Aber Here are the references you requested If you require any further Information I will be happy to provide it Mr Shelley Butler 310 - 322 -8841 Mr Greg Purcell 310 -322 -8173 Sincerely, Jeff Messinger 1 /1 #'LCIL ZZC OTC 99NTM Oi6J .XVA ' WVOI 01' 66 -bZ -9 ' DNI 2N18VW NODN'V A9 10 (First) 7_7 7v.✓c'� 4—i'3c � / / / APPLICATION to Comm issions /CommitteesBoards (Last) Address Telephone #s Residence 443 Lom4 VISTA ST Res 3ro -3a3 - 8$s's Bus e-mail b�TyA �/`oL.coM Name and Address of Employer Fr1 r--ti f= o/gtg Cie I- WoP_rtic6 Fob 4(;/rrl GS /4,,e(2RAFT � MAC yc' T /%ESEFheu! 4 4nyAL /.Sy S Present Occupation If you are a Resident of Et Segundo, how many years Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member? Yes_ No!� If Yes, name the Commission/Committee /Board Term Please Indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s)Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [i e , 1, 2, 3, etc] To (date) OFFICES HELD ❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commission ❑ Et Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee ❑ Recreation 8 Parks Commission • Economic Development Council )k (3 1 Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board • Investment Advisory Committee ❑ Other • Library Board of Trustees ❑' Aviation Safety 8 Noise Abatement Committee NOTE I') This is not a City famed commmh Appliratrons are forwarded directly to the committee and Interviews of a i:,1"nts are conducted by the committee Community, Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Qty -Re OF' c_- 9 PG CS /;W7 Heat- AcAjulge hi NSA- / 9 Pro Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE/DEGREE A I✓ 0 4 Cr• �5 - 19Li1 PEPPc'P brut L Urh ✓ M84 NSA- / 9 Pro Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests EXCt LLCrJr Oe&,gtlr--e-A71orlAL -ie _ 1'lea.e rc%crse form and complete PAR 1 11 City or El Segundo Application to CCBs PART 11 Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary I Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? I have a strong desire to make the lives of Seniors as pleasant and comfortable as possible My involvement with the Outreach Office takes me to Park Vista once a week, where I try to spend a little time with the Seniors as I deliver their meals I feel that the combination of my Social Science and business training would be a real asset to the Board 2 What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? 70 EA1JU46 F /.VAA%014L Vi A'Bjf-i Ex op: &fk-, L113 —'A 4 'SEL- -PbI -r AkIQL /A/r5- /5 Li1CGL- MAiN7- AradF-t). 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? 5 Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Outreach Office (Sue, Meryl, Kathy) (310) 322 -9033 St Tnsh Iiimnger, 6748 W 87th St, Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 649 -3408 Sue DiJuho, 11260 Overland Ave, 23E, Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 838 -0776 Name Address Phone Signature A(,t-u,./ /d wr, Date 6/-?a 9 '�CCBh1.ftph.h.n Rev 5 8197 Abreu= Mason;Julia� �_ ` From: KD6TYA @aol com Sent Monday, August 23, 1999 3 40 PM To* jabreu @elsegundo org Subject: Sr Housing Board application August 23, 1999 Julia, To complete my application for the Senior Housing Board, you had asked me for some El Segundo references (in addition to Sue, Meryl & Kathy from the Outreach office) Here are two more Judy Neville 529 Loma Vista St (310) 322 -1050 - home (310) 831 -0611, x2471 - work Virginia Flathers 615 E Holly #220 (310) 322 -8052 I hope this helps I'll see you on September 7th at 6 40pm Regards, Karen Hopkins 120 Concord Street Apartment #205 El Segundo, CA 90245 September 18, 1999 Honorable Mike Gordon Mayor, City of El Segundo City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr Gordon, This is the second letter in regards to the below described situation in which I am requesting your attention and action The original letter describing my situation was forwarded to you on June 19, 1999 To date, no response was received from you or your office I have attached a copy of the June 19th letter for your information I am writing to you relative to circumstances in my neighborhood which have become unbearable I have been a resident of El Segundo for approximately six and one half years I moved to El Segundo because of its excellent reputation, small town atmosphere, and family oriented environment I am married with a thirteen month old daughter and we enjoy walks through our town knowing we are safe Like you, I am a public servant employed as a Senior Special Agent, U S Department of Treasury I have worked with many of the police officers here in El Segundo and found them to be of the most professional caliber Like many busy parents we treasure our weekends Unfortunately, the wonderful environment we enjoy is interrupted every Saturday from approximately 3 00 pm to 8 30 pm by rock bands playing ridiculously loud amplified live music I've discovered that the music is presented by a bar called "The Old Town Patio" located at 115 Richmond Avenue We live in the one hundred block of Concord Street in an apartment Like many young couples we are currently saving to buy our first home My wife and I, as well as many other tenants living in our building and adjacent buildings have called the police department on numerous occasions to request assistance in having the music lowered Each time, officers proceed to "The Old Town Patio" the music is lowered for a short period of time to comply with the officers' requests Subsequently, the noise grows greater until the original level is reached and sometimes surpassed My wife and I and other neighbors have been advised by the police department that the bar is receiving permits from the town to present the music and therefore the police have few options as to what can be done Neighbors have contacted the owner of the bar directly to discuss this matter in a civil manner However. the contacts have led to cursing, hanging -up, and other rude and obnoxious behavior by the owner for those who have attempted to talk sensibly, respectfully and neighborly with her The problem has become so burdensome that even with closing all of the windows in our apartment, which during the summertime with no air conditioning is awful, and our television on, the music is still unbearable We enjoy music and good times with friends as much as anyone else, but not at the expense of someone else Like any good father, if something bothers me that is one thing, but when the music is so loud it interferes with my daughter's ability to have restful naps and our general welfare is threatened, I have to act In addition, both my wife and I are studying for our bachelor's and master's degrees, respectively This educational endeavor is undertaken in the expectation of furthering our career paths As such, the interference from the bar is disrupting our personal and professional lives On today's date, I filed an incident report (ref# 99 -3008) with the El Segundo Police Department for disturbing the peace (Municipal Code Vtolation- "415 ") against "Old Town Patio" In the early evening, I contacted the police due to the noise disturbance The police arrived at my residence and determined that the music was unreasonably loud considering all the windows in my apartment were closed In an effort to accommodate the bar's needs and our own needs, we agreed upon a level of music with the police acting as arbitrators Later in the evening, the music returned to the same excessive volume I contacted the police and filed the aforementioned report because the owner of the "Old Town Patio" did not maintain the agreed upon level of music During the course of this situation and in writing this letter, I have had to sacrifice valuable time that I intended to use for my studies As you are our Mayor and highest ranking city representative, I am requesting that you look into this matter and address it I invite you to visit us during a Saturday aftemoon/early evening and witness first -hand this unacceptable situation I look forward to your written response in addressing this matter Sincerely, Stephen J Bogni 120 Concord Street Apartment #205 El Segundo, CA 90245 June 19, 1999 Honorable Mike Gordon Mayor, City of El Segundo City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr Gordon, I am writing to you relative to circumstances in my neighborhood which have become unbearable I have been a resident of El Segundo for approximately six and one half years I moved to El Segundo because of the excellent reputation, small town atmosphere, and family oriented environment I am married with a ten month old daughter and we enjoy walks through our town knowing we are safe Like you, I am a public servant employed as a Senior Special Agent, U S Department of Treasury I have worked with many of the police officers here in El Segundo and found them to be of the most professional caliber Like many busy parents we treasure our weekends Unfortunately, the wonderful environment we enjoy is interrupted every Saturday from approximately 3 00 pm to 8 30 pm by rock bands playing ridiculously loud I've discovered that the music is presented by a bar called "The Patio" in the one hundred block of Richmond Avenue We live in the one hundred block of Concord Street in an apartment Like many young couples we are currently saving to buy our first home My wife and I, as well as other tenants living in our building have called the police department on numerous occasions to request assistance in having the music lowered Each time, officers proceed to "The Patio" the music is lowered for a short period of time to comply with the officers' requests Subsequently, the noise grows greater until the original level is reached again My wife and I and other neighbors have been advised by the police department that the bar is receiving permits from the town to present the music and therefore the police have few options as to what can be done The problem has become so burdensome that even with closing all of the windows in our apartment, which during the summertime with no air conditioning is awful, and our television on, the music is still unbearable We enjoy music and enjoying good times with friends as much as anyone else, but not at the expense of someone else Like any good father, if something bothers me that is one thing, but when the music is so loud it interferes with my daughter's ability to have restful naps and our general welfare is threatened, I have to act As such, I am requesting that you look into this matter and rectify it I invite you to visit us during a Saturday aftemoon/early evening and witness first -hand what I have explained to you I look forward to your written response in addressing this matter Sincerely, Stephen J Bogm September 18, 1999 City Council Members, The following residents present this petition for relief from excessively loud amplifier enhanced live music played at the "OLD TOWN PATIO" located at 115 Richmond Street, El Segundo, CA The excessive noise has disrupted our ability to maintain any semblance of normality In some cases, both our personal and professional lives have been affected by this interference We understand that representatives of the "OLD TOWN PATIO" have obtained city issued permits for the performance of amplified live music However, the permit does not allow for unreasonable noise levels In addition, our lives should not be unduly affected each Saturday afternoon and evening through the issuance of such a permit Efforts to contact the owner of the "OLD TOWN PATIO" and discuss this matter in a civil manner by the signatories has been met with rude and obnoxious remarks and behavior Numerous contacts with the El Segundo Police Department have not yielded any satisfactory permanent solution to this problem As residents of El Segundo and as you are our elected officials, we call upon the city council to investigate and remedy this deplorable situation The aforementioned statement is provided on behalf of NAME ADDRESS 446r, /�a�l�,1el 4.2e:25 94 l20 Ccx---�C&YA S�2 tzoS EJ S- 6Tr�io � /za C114 �ZO 60KC0P-D X4 8n) 131 0 O 2 E C N d a� 0 0 Q Lq O N m cn N d d a w d a m O a N o L P w o° v c N N T c u LU �umia e SO hi IS ,�� .1101 ®© 11111111111.11111111 11111111111 � 1111 � ` 11111 1111 INI 11111 =1111111 h�\ =nllln 1INS .NN ��► \: illl� �'►'�� = 1ni111 Ii�i�1i X1111111 iii�l .p1�1�14 a1iE► INI{NII■NI IIIIHI \ n �� 11111111111111 ■111 7T7-T-T mm m September 21, 1999 El Segundo City Manager & City Council 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA. 90245 Re: Ordinance 1308 Automotive Uses in Smokey Hollow District El Segundo Resident Signatures in Su-port Dear City Manager & Council: Please accept these some 150 voices of El Segundo residents who understand the issue at hand and have signed the attached letter to show their support of business operating in the Smokey Hollow district in accordance with the proposed ordinance. Please have the City Clerk make this a part of the permanent record of tonight's Council meeting. S ely, K Sc field 323 Richmond Street El Segundo, CA (Hand - delivered) September 21, 1999 Mayor Mike Gordon, & City Council Members 350 Main Street E1 Segundo, CA 90245 Re: Ordinance 1308 Automotive Uses in the Smokey Hollow District Dear Mayor & Council: Recently the City Council acted on citizen concern regarding the adjacency of automotive type business in the Smokey Hollow area and a pending change in the City Code. The Council amended a previously proposed ordinance change into that pending approval at tonight's Second Hearing. The ordinance proposed allows for automotive uses that are no closer than 300 feet from any residential property, and that any such use must also have a conditional use permit as part of the approval process. Robert Chow, a local businessman, wishes to commence his new automotive business at 114 Sierra Street. He will be some 330 to 410 feet away from any residential use depending on how one measures the distance (see attached). He has been very patient through this process and wishes to get started. The original ordinance was for a 500 foot distance and no CUP. It was adopted only 2 years ago, and is not of long standing as some have suggested. It was originally done to insure that no uses would be adjacent to a local market, which was a concern at that time. The change as proposed for the 2nd hearing is beneficial for all concerned. Business can operate, and citizens have ample protection and a CUP process. Please, support the ordinance as proposed above. Sincerely, C fo�/ � _ —� (v3 C7 � WW�'(� ��✓✓ -1- a r, 0 a�- ,14AA7 W, 5yei9/vo ee_- E.S, 07 % Z-omq (/ s �A E, S. , / 4m .'A P,, 0-7 ((i w vvA I\Pc.� C'� � � r � D � e� ,� � � c.w � � f c-� �- � ✓cam �� , 12► l � I a,>�4 91 #K W vuw rn.r w,,.0 esXz:. C? j 5�3 W4 v Qw Ave ES ';k/ ez7 L�Oprc ✓c s f vV S ,-S63 1/1 /s (,O, # S 3zo C. f 1 ca r «• AVe Joy N C� i� 5zq l M 4" C1 (e /5- , yrpQ ) �* 1�-S qIJ M��k, F.5, NV W A- KI''?+L 7 vi A / I ,_ j3 2 (,),,4 t) I I1 A �'/ i� - rX - civE7 -G6- AOfi-V� iy- 4a E- �- S 'Z/ 5- cciN cajo 57 A'drp - e:!-: 4 j ao� a�� 1 GA- (OC)-2, ao� I-om �,�1 CGS 315 3vni t,,4 �b cJ D IZ- C L 5��. any r-AiJ�3 �ec-?,2/N S-F � s y� S,EZO-A s--,5 EL SSG. /dw. M- 151- S�c�6 9o�yS (6flg (Y3. Pa\ m N,3c F,.S. 9ID2,qs J35-dw lkav E.S., CA iu 2 s� SS, S 70 .J'T � S, of �- � G�.o ✓�c�rd �L Sc�utia� gb�4S� J`�ZU W. %ra (3� cc)klq =ovdl sf #/0 q 13 "x`19 q� 546o C 210 GOVtGoI¢ -K� X21 I� S'F� -�'l�0 � n24S_ chro SLR d��w I �- (\rzE t l F RE -ClOA 0 19A) P-ae� LL���e s Z- Z Z Silo N s 1- C.-.,I 025- /`/3/ .,O✓ EG /� (� Sja X3`7 ✓ r.1 s As Eiurupa c=t l�� Er��vsl'e ►wr��r ° C lam-: -� �1�s � 333 INN Sy9-Vv6�,- ls+-X�1 308 L-Ofm UST o i Slain akf A si I ?, `(Q 5e-12114 \l`' MOM F_ L- sCUVAIP �S F - S E T S- ,vC o 2� � � S`Elrutibo C7 6,D4S_ J�. :! , 6ar,40- S2 /W• McOe N1 ?. 1�. �i Io t�6ki nF &I �y 1 \fv-A-1 kill Y �I yyl S�(,QhA�Z �rC Sfi EQ 90zL-1 J� -,!� wzg- 7' ai 3 s ,��D� s; 2 S. do s �- �xih 11 •� 4 q'az�s r Ns iioc'Jttf i ;Z,3z jlACk Fe6hM,44U Lls� VL°�45(IUY�.- 'S�% t,UII(T /L(e ST £L St�ivttio4v P r Aclvn i���/J% 9�£i (� %�y //7/�t S� El �'r�v•.G %v o �Gl}jLb�L�.r 1%vl D�w�bl�� �L SiGud✓i0 lVa�� .ti4 w.o� CLSp���do J,.4m,, i3AA J7 A4 G7 ir2Sµa Gov k.y p� Es . 7 RL, N Moss z I z 7- 11 l �pq 96LVI Fite t (Pak cJVo L°�\' (OW dv- ?" Avre.S 097d-eloo/ All -�5v ,Pei✓ e eaIlec- �4 ✓��S'� -i E S 3 SAS Ca"n rrra -707 11 fv rrl r N rn c z is O co < 0 fi0 8 7 IR z 37 ° ,7 fro r #0 ' S5� SIERRA ST. 13 rn � i i y�y c �s r o M A ?° O ._ fv rrl r N rn c z is O co < 0 fi0 8 7 IR z 37 ° ,7 fro r #0 ' S5� SIERRA ST. 13 45 K A N �l 4 w s CIP 1p M N i i 'LOMITA sTg X F z <I F2oM VV cP CtlOw3 Loy ®lfl Is 33© -f-4o oY- 37e �. 3, au % 07hw cygoiv3- tai is 77k51 30 �e t 410 CMSZOIJ SSh"i q S � �S ACS /ono w,,a; e 370 45 K A N N w s CIP N f I f I I b •f IS 'LOMITA sTg X F z <I F2oM VV cP CtlOw3 Loy ®lfl Is 33© -f-4o oY- 37e �. 3, au % 07hw cygoiv3- tai is 77k51 30 �e t 410 CMSZOIJ SSh"i q S � �S ACS /ono w,,a; e 370 Eec�iL ...7 11ia1v: ,� bcn� �dr'mCJ A-A t,) r,) &iLNcrt( & I TWK 0�1 c 0& Q'Itu- Z�u� c�aZL c1� �YJ Vii» 31 1 c '- -Vir1S /< 7j 6wAw -�7�-6nCti✓✓ Y��q 0410 1 rg&,� Pj A-� 1!5;� i po -- vs- i017 if rv-- Stu �aZ -22d 3z �'6�� dz9 mA�� ,st, QQ'Ise C) QD �G �ivZ�a S Y6 w. P9l�V % d 2 vs Y��q 0410 1 rg&,� Pj A-� 1!5;� i po -- vs- i017 if rv-- Stu �aZ -22d 3z �'6�� dz9 mA�� ,st, QQ'Ise C) QD �G �ivZ�a Derek Greeff Annette Greeff 723 W. Palm Avenue El Segundo, CA 90245 -2067 September 9, 1999 City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 To Whom It May Concern. We request City Council action on our proposed encroachment of the Public Works Space in front of our residence to be at 528 Standard Street, El Segundo, CA. Enclosed is a description and map of our request. This was approved by City Planning, but unfortunately, Public Works has changed their opinion and declined our request. We feel their reasoning is unfair and not consistent with the character of the City of E1 Segundo. We look forward to the opportunity to present our case to the Council Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns at our home number (310) 726 -1100. Ff,erek Greeff r ^ t a I-- 12'' ---i 4 1 r C�er 40 Ce� F I -2- 11 -1 • UJa�.\ �� X21 � � � -`s�r� �r� curb • U.� a \� � be. a�o>1°�s�de, s�de� \1c� a— �-`� -�-�'� 52� S�ar�1aA-d S+ CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DEPT OF BUILDING & SAFETY JBADDRESS OWNER 6 -2(-=- - U B C ED c� z GROUP _ TYPE CONST _ PERAAA�N'EN\lT- _/ TEMPORARY :A i E _Q I °� PLAN CHECK NO ROUT INC. D TE 16N ARCH 1TECTURAL(ST ^'ACT +J OPAL !8. ENERGY STANDARD _ ELECTRICAL MECN &PLUMBING 'LANN{N; 1BLIC WORKS ",' +v r 11 G,- Icy 10 INTER - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE September 10, 1999 To Mary Strenn, City Manager} From Ron Green, Interim Director of Public Works Subject Denial of Encroachment Permit for Mr Derek Greeff, 528 Standard Street Reference the letter from Mr Greeff requesting City Council action on denial of his request for an encroachment permit, the following is a synopsis of the events to date Mr Greeff is in the process of constructing a new residence at 528 Standard Street He initially intended to build his house with a front driveway and garage to maximize the rear yard for his two small children The City, however, required him to situate his house toward the rear of his lot with entry off the alley The placement on the lot thereby changed the focus of his children's play yard from the rear to the front It is now Mr Greeff's desire to maximize the square footage area of his front yard The property line in the 500 block Standard is ten feet from the face of the curb Mr Greeff became aware of the easement requirement and requested an encroachment permit in order to place a permanent block wall fence at the sidewalk which is four feet from the face of the curb This prompted discussions between myself, Bellur Devara) and Building- Safety Inspector Linda Lidster who advised me of the on -going events For several reasons, the bottom line of these discussions leaned toward denying the encroachment permit and requiring Mr Greeff to construct the wall /fence on his property line ten feet behind the street curb face Mr Greeff subsequently had discussions with both Linda and Bellur Shortly thereafter, Bellur left for a two week vacation On about August 18, 1999 a completed encroachment permit, signed by then Director of Planning and Building Safety Bret Bernard, appeared on my desk with a blank line prepared for my signature and title I was under the impression that some agreement had been reached and, since Bret Bernard had signed off on it, it was now intended to be approved I signed the form and returned it to the desk of Linda Lidster Subsequent to Bellur's return from vacation, I inquired as to the reasons for reversal of our position to issue the encroachment permit During that conversation, a November 19, 1996 council agenda item was reviewed which presented a case for a specific encroachment permit and developed criteria for future applications The staff report presented nine points for consideration whenever such permits are requested The initial recommendation to not allow the requested encroachment was based on previous City Council action which indicated that two of the below listed policy criteria (Items number six and seven) were not satisfied by this request 1 The City may revoke any such agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice 2 The City retains the right to enter the encroachment area at any time 3 The agreement is not transferable to another party 4 The owner provides indemnification to the City from claims and provides a minimum $300,000 liability insurance policy naming the City as additionally insured a I! Encroachment Permit - Mr Derek Greeff September 10, 1999 Page 2 5 A minimum four (4) feet clear sidewalk area is to be maintained for public pedestrian area 6 The requested encroachment is for a fence or a structure that is easily removed such as a wood fence, chain link fence, wrought iron fence and one that does not pose a solid obstruction such as a masonry block walk Requests for a solid structure in the public right-of-way will be presented to the City Council for consideration 7 The requested encroachment is compatible with similar structures in the immediate neighborhood 8 The requested encroachment does not pose a potential safety hazard such as tripping, sight distance for traffic, etc 9 The proposed improvement is in compliance with all other building and zoning codes The staff report concluded that, in the future, similar requests will be administratively processed by Staff under the above stated criteria Staff recommended that encroachment requests that did not substantially meet this criteria be presented to the City Council for consideration In this particular instance, several houses in the adjacent vicinity have walls on their property lines ten feet behind the curb face with City parkway trees within this ten foot area After personally observing the subject property and surveying the 400 and 500 blocks of Standard Street, I concur with the opinion that approval of this request would not be in the best interests of the City and the surrounding properties Subsequently, I telephoned Mr Greeff and advised him of the circumstances of my error in signing and issuing this encroachment permit I explained my reasoning, advised him of the previous Council action establishing criteria for issuing permits and explained that his options would include an appeal to Council as was their policy established in November, 1996 At that time Mr Greeff requested a written revocation of the encroachment permit which was completed, faxed and mailed Attachments Letter of Revocation to Mr Greeff Letter of Request for Council Action by Mr Greeff cc Jim Hansen, Interim Director of Planning and Building Safety Linda Lidster, Building Inspector Bellur Devaraj, City Engineer i3 * -, 12 August 31, 1999 Derek Greeff 528 Standard Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr Greeff F I 12 %114 r r Public Works Department Ron Green, Interim Director Transmitted by FAX to: 310 - 281 -3822 As discussed with you today, please consider this letter as the City's formal notice to revoke the Revocable Special Permit Agreement dated August 18,1999, for construction of a fence within the public right -of -way abutting 528 Standard Street Sincerely,ri� �� Yt� 0 7 Ron Green 1 Interim Director of Public Works RG dr cc Jim Hansen, Interim Director of Planning and Safety N IETTERSIGREEFF LTR i 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 • TEL 310- 322 -4670 FAX 310 - 322 -4167 13 SCHOFIELD REALTY 310 322 1401 09/20 '99 15 41 NO 093 02/03 September 21, 1999 Mayor Mike Gordon, & City Council Members 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Re: Ordinance 1308 Automotive Uses in the Smokey Hollow District Dear Mayor & Counul- Recently the City Council acted on citizen concern regarding the adjacency of automotive type business in the Smokey Hollow area and a pending change in the City Code. The Council amended a previously proposed ordinance change into that pending approval at tonight's Second Heanng. The ordinance proposed allows for automotive uses that are no closer than 300 feet from any residential property, and that any such use must also have a conditional use permit as part of the approval process. Robert Chow, a local businessman, wishes to commence his new automotive business at 114 Sierra Street. He will be some 330 to 410 feet away from any residential use depending on how one measures the distance (see attached). He has been very patient through this process and wishes to get started The original ordinance was for a 500 foot distance and no CUP. It was adopted only 2 years ago, and is not of long standing as some have suggested. It was originally done to insure that no uses would be adjacent to a local market, which was a concern at that time, The change as proposed for the 2"' hearing is beneficial for all concerned. Business can operate, and citizens have ample protection and a CUP process. Please, support the ordinance as proposed above, Sin ely, K chofield Agent for Mr. Chow SCHOFIELD REALTY 310 322 1401 4 2 P A J to rn r N c z °a CD r 4 �q a; I 0 09/20 '99 15 42 N0.093 03103 rn m �� b L a = m r o c / � Q f o � � n z n )LA' S5u SIERRA ST g � NQ1iN n 40 .. .. 4 {Q w {O Ii I N y A �® ♦ O Q Q N W ki m M .�. M ® • l.�.l 16 If 10 1 �LOMITA STg {p "! m X r z <I f0 � No,Gr&- - �) Fum 1�ry oP CNow3 Lv , Lo r © /I A�L/, � 3) A" pvi Ct�d�v3 poi D fir'- rs rho &S,5 Aroo W 1 o -1 d e 37v f 10 M M Y I 4 I {Q IS }� N W ki 16 If 10 1 ♦ M K IS �LOMITA STg {p "! m X r z <I f0 � No,Gr&- - �) Fum 1�ry oP CNow3 Lv , Lo r © /I A�L/, � 3) A" pvi Ct�d�v3 poi D fir'- rs rho &S,5 Aroo W 1 o -1 d e 37v