1999 SEP 07 CC PACKETI,_ AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council andioi items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for continents is five (5) minutes per person Bela e s pectAmg to the Can Council please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization i ou iepiesent ifdesued Please respect the tone limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least sta days proi to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be pemutted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in lem li In compha nce enh the Aminta Its erih Disabilines Act, if,ou need special assistance to participate m this meeting, please contact City Clerk 607•2208 Not GcaIton Oft hour, pi mt t o t he mcenng edl tot ahie the Cnv to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1999 - 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councilmember John Gaines ROLL CALL PUBLIC CONIMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals ,vho have t eceived vatue ofS50 a more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of anoiher and employees speaAnng on behalf of then empioyer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Faahu e to do so %hall be a nusdeniemior and punishable bi, a fine of $250 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et seg ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and/or confemng with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows 001 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a)) 1. Chaney v. City of EI Segundo, LASC Case No. BC 207453 - -, 2 Stier v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC 034617 3. El Segundo v Stardust, LASC Case No. YC 031364 4. David Venegas, et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al., LASC Case No. BC 207136 5 Greffon v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC 035155 6 Hill v. El Segundo, USDC Case No. CV 98 -1463 7 People v Michael Langley, Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission No. 98 -229 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(b) -1- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(c) -2- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — One (1) matter — Public employee discipline (procedural matter) CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957.6) — — Conference with City Manavei re_arding negotiations for Executive and Mid- Management Confidential Employees CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) — None. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS — Interviexv candidates for one position on the Planning Commission and two positions on the Senior Citizens Housmv Comoration Board Recommendation — Interview and announce appointments. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE D9 — O TIME NAME � 0oU799�p i�l� � LSC O.t+ - w 4� EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The Citv Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Heating item on the Agenda dunng the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of videotapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need specia l assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Cary Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4126 Next Ordinance # 1314 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION — Pastor Dennis Estill, El Segundo Foursquare Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilmember John Gaines PRESENTATIONS (a) Proclamation presented to Archie Archambault of Archie's Barber Shop proclaiming "Archie's Day in El Segundo" to commemorate his retirement after 43 years of doing business in the community (b) Commendation to the Police Officers Association and Main Street America for a successful Car Show held on Saturday, August 14, 1999 (c) Presentation of Presidential Environmental Youth Awards to Carlie Day, Katie Gibson, Gabby Monies, Megan Mozena, Ryan Mozena, Stephanie Osorio, and Angelica Roque, Tree Musketeers' Youth Management Team. 003 ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of$50 or more to communicate to the Cay Council on behalf ofanather, and employees spealang on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves poor to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punuhable by a fine of$250 Request by the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce for City support and assistance for the 1999 Richmond Street Festival, scheduled from 10 a m to 5 p m. Saturda} . October 16, Recommendation — Approve Request A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title onl" Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS — Presentation by Harry Reeves, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee of the Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan Public Hearing to discuss FY 1999100 Preliminary Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan. Recommendation - (1) Conduct Public Hearing; (2) Close or Continue Public Hearing to September 21, 1999 ; and (3) Schedule budget adoption for the September 21, 1999 meeting. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — None D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 4 Announcement of Appointments to Planning Commission and Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business Warrant Numbers 2504810- 2505048 in total amount of $462,858 74, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $216,704 71 Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and wire transfers from 08/11/99 to 08/25199. Cnv Council meeting minutes of August 17, 25, and 26, 1999 Recommendation - Approval. ring 7. Adoption of Ordinance amending the Zoning Code revising the regulations for automobile service uses in proximity to residentially zoned property in the Small Business (SB) and Medium Manufacturing (MM) Zones in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area; and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Environmental Assessment EA-483 and Zone Text amendment ZTA 99 -2. Applicant. City of El Sep-undo Recommendation — (1) Second reading of Ordinance by title only; and, (2) By motion, Adopt Ordinance Adoption of Ordinance No 1311, repealing the El Segundo Municipal Code, Chapter 16 38 entitled "Residential Property Reports " Applicant City of El Segundo Recommendation — (1) Second Reading of Ordinance by title only; and (2) By motion, Adopt Ordinance Adoption of Ordinance amending the General Plan and Zoning Code allowing Hotels and Motels in the Corporate Office Land Use Designation and Corporate Office (CO) Zone with a Conditional Use permit for property located east of Sepulveda Boulevard; and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -488, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -3, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99-4. Applicant City of El Segundo Recommendation — (1) Second Reading of Ordinance by title only; and (2) By motion, Adopt Ordinance 10 Request for City Council approval to accept a Bureau of Justice Assistance Local Enforcement Block Grant requesting $18,139 in grant funding with a $2,015 cash match from Asset Forfeiture funds Recommendation — Approve request 11 Award of contract for trenchless rehabilitation of sewer mains to Insituform Technology, Inc — Proiect No PW 99-4 (contract amount= $33,956 50) Recommendation — (1) Award contract to Insituform Technology, Inc., in the amount of 533,956.50; (2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard public works construction agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney. 12 Consideration of a proposal to add a third bathroom facility to Fire Station 2 Cost Not to exceed $25,000 Recommendation — Authorize staff to remodel portions of Fire Station 2 in order to provide a third bathroom facility. 005 13. Approval to enter into a Standard Agreement issued by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services for the assessment and prevention of hazardous materials incidents potentially related to Year 2000 (Y2K) electronic problems. Fiscal Impact approximately $14,000 income Recommendation — Authorize the Mayor to sign Standard Agreement issued by the State of California. 14 Replacement of Cushman (Auto/Machinery) with a new Cushman On -Road Haulster Liquid Cooled Engine Model /Order no 898465 Recommendation — Approve the Specifications and authorize the Purchasing Agent to obtain pricing, issue purchase order for construction and delivery of specified Cushman vehicle and to sell old unit at auction. 15 Water billing Contract Outsourcing Recommendation — approval to enter into contract discussions with Cal Water pursuant to their unsolicited proposal. 16 New Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine (Type 41 — On -Sale Beer & Wine Eating Place) at a proposed restaurant. Taiko, to be located at 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 190 (ABC 994) Applicant. Art Rodriguez (Agent for Taiko Foods. Inc.). Proverty Owner Continental Development Corporation Recommendation — Determine that the City does not protest the issuance of the new ABC license for the sale of beer and wine at the New Taiko Restaurant. 17 A resolution of the City Council supporting the Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA -21 Grant) funding application for the project to Landscape Sepulveda Boulevard (State Highway Route 1) between Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway (total project cost $766.000 00) Recommendation — Adopt resolution and authorize staff to submit the TEA 21 grant application. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS — 18 Establtshmg the bond requirements for Public Officials and Other Public Emnlovees Recommendation — Approve Resolution fixing the amounts of the official bonds of the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, the Director of Finance, the City Manager and the Public Employee Blanket Bond. G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE 006 I REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS T Councilmember McDowell - NONE Councilmember Gaines — 19 Resolutions urging the Califorma Legislature to amend the State's electric deregulation law. Chanter 854 of 1996, Sections 366 (a) and (b) Recommendation — Read by title only - (1) Community Choice Resolution joining Member Cities of the Southern California cities Joint Powers Consortium, California, to designate El Segundo itself as the automatic aggregator of electricity on behalf of its residents and businesses; (2) Californians for Community Choice Resolution joining Statewide Coalition for Community Aggregation of Electricity. Councilmember Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - NONE Mayor Gordon — NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received ialue of S50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another and emplovees speaking on behalf of their employer musi so identiih themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by o fine ofS250 MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec 54960, et §M ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel); and/or confemng with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5 00 p m , September 7, 1999 under "Closed Session" (if needed) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE 09— 01 — 99 TIME dp `NAME 090799a-e 007 August 30, 1999 The Honorable Ma%or Mike Gordon Members of City Council 350 Main Street El Segundo. CA 90245 Re 1999 Richmond Street Festival Dear Mayor Gordon The El Segundo Chamber of Commerce respectfully requests the support of the Cm Council for the 1999 Richmond Street Festival scheduled from 10 00 am to i 00 pm on Saturda} October 16 The Festival w ill take place in the 100 and 200 blocks of Richmond Street and on Franklin bete een Main and Concord We would also like to request the use of Grand Avenue from the alleys to the east and west of the Grand/Rrchmond intersection All businesses and residences in the affected area w ill be notified to minimize their inconvenience FeSinal co- chairs Lth Craig and Marsha Hansen and the Richmond Street Festival committee members are planning an event that will feature arts and crafts booths. food booths. game booths. and rides and attractions We plan to feature many community groups as entertainment on the main stage. as well as add a "battle of the bands" for middle school and high school bands The rides area will be enhanceri — b} extending into Grand Avenue — to include a selection of rides and attractions to appeal to a wider age group of children The Festival should be a great fundraising event. and we look to the Cm and its Council for support in making it a success The Chamber requests the followmg CitN assistance I Street closure to traffic between 6 30 am and 7 30 pm 2 No Parking' signage posted 3 Posting of appropriate notification signage in advance 4 10 to 12 tables (rectangular and/or round), 100 to 120 chairs The Chamber tames comprehensive liability insurance and all exhibitors at the Festival sign hold - harmless agreements We are very excited about continuing this 23 -year community tradition which showcases historic Richmond Street and look forward to working together to produce a very successful 1999 Festival Sincerely Kathrvn Lourtie Executive Director A 9024� . 's'. __� • rtix 1 SahirJa-y. October 16 10:00am - 5:00pm On Richmond Street between Grand & El Segundo Bl,d Arts & Crafts. Rides & Attractions. Entertainment. Music, Games. Food Boots & More! SPO \SORED BY Btriefactor. Che, ron - \orthrop Grumman Allied Sional Jim do Jacks Auto Bod) - Herald Puhlicahon, Dail% Breeze - Robert F penned) %ledical Center Patron, Hacienda Hotel - Torrance tlemonal Medical Center Friends First Coastal Bank rl (I (, City of El Segundo INTER - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE August 30, 1999 To: Mary Strenn, City Manager From: Tim Gnmmond, Chief of Police -'' Subject: 1999 Richmond Street Fair On Saturday, October 16, 1999, the annual Richmond Street Fair is scheduled to take place from 1000 to 1700 hours This event will be held in the 100 and 200 blocks of Richmond Street and on Franklin Street between Main Street and Concord Street The Chamber of Commerce is requesting the streets be closed to traffic between 0630 and 1830 hours EVENT MANPOWER Police Street Department TGlsn 4 Attachment (0930 — 1730 Hours) R S.V P's $25000 1; j B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS — 2 Oral Presentation by Harry Reeves, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee of the Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan ell 2 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: September 7,1999 JADING: SDecial Order of Business Public Hearing to discuss FY 1999 -2000 Preliminary Budget and Frye -Year Capital Improvement Plan. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Conduct Public Hearing, 2) Close or Continue the Public Hearing to September 21, 1999; and 3) Schedule budget for adoption at the September 21, 1999 meeting INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The Preliminary FY 1999 -2000 Preliminary Operating and Five -Year Capital Improvement Budget were distributed to Council on August 13, 1999 A budget workshop was held on August 25, 1999 DISCUSSION: ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: Discussion to Adopt FY 1999 -2000 Preliminary Operating and Five -Year Capital Improvement Budget Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: Date: ORIGINATED: Date: Bret Plumlee, Director of Finance REVEIWED BY: Date: EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: COM VMT- EES, COMMISSIONS & BOARDS AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Appointments made by the City Council to the Planning Commission and Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Announce appointments and respective term of office Committee/Commission & Board # of Openings Appointee(s) Term Exorre (s) Planning Commission 1 6/30/03 Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 2 6/30/03 6/30/03 BRIEF SUMMARY: Candidates to the above GCBs will be Interviewed Tuesday, September 7, 1999 from 6pm — 7pm ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: NIA ORIGINATED: y Date: September 1, 1999 a Abreu Mason, Council Assistant REVIEWED BY: Date: September 1, 1999 X147oa An AccbAfarms Aeppotnc agtl w a 0 ' O W 0: V N W IW- O O W f O N N W K f W z a _ u fz J w W O Q D U < O= O O O O O O d N N N U U U O U U U N FW- O O D W > > > Z n O N T gLL » Z> p 4 p N OI O N N O< f7 V1 O r N N O r w Q pO m17O10 mN O m N m m N O u y= m p m w O Z m m m m i w » E pp��3 m a m � v N m C p w Z Z u O Z6 N r O m V C 8 0 m < ~ 2 2 Z OZ Z Z O O 69-P o Rp m, ^ LL w z wood Y .2 Q U Q Q g LL m F H U �j U J J F O v m V mT ymj C ✓� Jm¢O t-�m1 �iw]Z($] CON.N Z j LL 1=l. p Z C 1' U y 2, O mA m M W a O �www m a tl m w m mL x bus° k� 4 �7y JwD w? 2O�N m -m 5 m n P C ccc3333 aS�~ Q rS W W {�l�I w w O N LL Y gY p' gWg y Wy y 0 m N m r U 6 C F m m m O am 0 U L L) N m 0 0 a O y m °a � � o a d z � $ B' c.€ m C ma \ zEm a O E a y Q r ti ry ILLN u n u O L m' 0gC E = m =\ a v O t$ O u LL W 3 N U - � Q LL Q m 2 0 O CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 08/11/1999 THROUGH 08/25/1999 Date Payee Amount Description 8111/99 Health Comp 1,493.96 Weekly eligible claims 8106 8116199 Wells Fargo 25,000 00 Workers Comp 8/17/99 Health Comp 72641 Weekly eligible claims 8/13 8/19/99 Federal Reserve Bank 25000 Emp Bonds PR4 8/23/99 IRS 158,615.32 Federal Taxes PR4 8/25/99 Employment Development 30,619.02 State Taxes PR4 216,704.71 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 09/07/99 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by Deputy Treasurer—),11 F• �f ,J Date Finance Director _ / /jtQ —/Y% P^E/ g/2—` �5 S Date 0 City Manager Date 216,704.71 Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurers Office of the City of El Segundo n15 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 17,1999 - 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 5 02 P M PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Jacobs ROLL CALL Mavor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Wernick - Present arrived at 5 10 P M Council Member Games - Present arrived at 5 05 P M Council Member McDowell - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 oi more to communicate to the Cm Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalfof their emplover must so idennfi themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable bi a fine of $250 CLOSED SESSION. The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code 54950, et sec ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney an potential andior existing litigation and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code 54956 9(a)) 1 Chaney v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No BC 207453 2 Stier v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 034617 3 El Segundo v Stardust, LASC Case No YC 031364 4 David Venegas, et al v County of Los Angeles, et al , LASC Case No BC 207136 5 Greffon v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 035155 6 Hill v El Segundo, USDC Case No CV 98 -1463 7 People v Michael Langley, Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission No 98 229 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code 54956 9(b) -1- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this tune), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code54956 9(c) -2- matters CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR -(Gov't Code 54957 6) Conference with City Manager regarding negotiations for Executive and Mid- Management Confidential Employees REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 6 55 P M Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk 01C 6 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 17,1999 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 7.00 P.M. INVOCATION - Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Jacobs PRESENTATIONS - (A) Council Member McDowell presented to Elyse Rothstein, Chamber of Commerce President, a Proclamation declaring the month of August, 1999 as California Grown Certified Farmers' Market Month in El Segundo, and encouraged our citizens to celebrate and become more aware of the values and bounty of California Certified Farmers' Markets (B) Mayor ProTem Jacobs presented to Lilly Craig of Chevron, a Commendation in honor of all participants who will volunteer their time to spruce up the El Segundo Middle School, and to Chevron for hosting the 8� Annual School Pride Day in El Segundo (C) Council Member Wemick presented to Mattel's Marketing Department a Proclamation declaring Celebrate the Century Day in El Segundo on August 24, 1999, In honor of the unveiling of the Barbie Doll Commemorative Stamp (D) Council Member Gaines presented the Proclamations declaring the week of August 15 -21, 1999 as Little League 9 -10 Year Old All Star Baseball Week in El Segundo, extending the Council's expression of community pride in the accomplishments of the Little League All Stars Baseball Team, and giving special thanks for the fine publicity the Team has brought to our community. ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon Mayor ProTem Jacobs Council Member Wemick Council Member Gaines Council Member McDowell - Present - Present - Present - Present - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the Cin Council on behalf of another, and emplovees speaking on behalfof their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the Cup Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of 5250 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17, 1999 PAGE NO I 01-1 Loretta Frye, resident, spoke regarding the Car Show, City Management, and thanked Mr Bernard for a Job well done. She also spoke regarding the Planning Commission meeting regarding Fed Ex Walter Baynes, 333 Hillcrest Street, spoke regarding the Car Show, and the independent vendors allowed at the show He also spoke regarding a Motorcycle Cruise that is currently held in Inglewood and felt that maybe El Segundo could fill the void when that one is discontinued He also commented on the Freight Forwarding Initiative Martin Moylm, Kilroy representative, spoke in favor of prohibiting freight forwarding in the MU North Zone Eric Hanson, representing Legacy Partners, requested Council to direct staff to initiate a zone text amendment to allow parking facilities (as a primary use) with a conditional use permit in the Corporate Office zone Alan Rothenburg, 708 W Acacia, spoke regarding the resurfacing of Impenal Hwy at the Corner of Main and the poor Job that was done Liz Gamboltz, resident, spoke regarding management vacancies, the Car Show, and the Freight Forwarding Initiative Willard Krick, resident, spoke regarding the Smoky Hollow Ordinance He stated that ESRA Board of Directors recommended allowing car service anywhere in Smoky Hollow that was not located next to residential buildings Secondly, he spoke about the Initiative regarding Freight Forwarding and that he felt this zone was originally designated for the MU North Zone Frank Wong, resident, requested information regarding legal fees associated with the City's fight against LAX expansion He also requested documentation regarding the cities that Council has visited on behalf of our fight against the LAX expansion Commented on the letter written by Liz Garnholtz in the paper Peggy Tyrrell, resident, spoke regarding the Car Show, and the plaza redesign Tom Mulligan, resident, requests that Item 8 be removed from the Consent Agenda and held for separate discussion He commented on the change in the zoning Ordinance, allowing auto repair next to residents Julie Potter, resident, spoke regarding the traffic increase on the 105 Freeway She also spoke against freight forwarding in the MU North Zone John Tunno, El Segundo property owner, spoke regarding Auto Repair in Smoky Hollow, and a possible conflict of interest issues regarding voting on this item Submitted a petition and questions regarding Auto Repair in Smoky Hollow MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17, 1999 PAGE NO 2 n 1 r Jane Turino, El Segundo property owner, spoke regarding Auto Repair in the Smoky Hollow area. Geri Voegli, resident, spoke regarding the increased traffic on Manposa Avenue Mayor Gordon stated that Fed Ex has withdrawn their appeal to the Planning Commission decision Council suggested Legacy to take the Issue of initiating a zone text amendment on their own to allow parking facilities (as a primary use) with a conditional use permit in the Corporate Office zone The application would go to the Planning Commission for investigating and further study, then back to the City Council PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all Ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to read all Ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANAIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Consideration of Ordinance, repealing the El Segundo Municipal Code, Chapter 16 38 entitled "Residential Property Reports " Applicant City of El Segundo Mayor Gordon stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on the consideration of an Ordinance, repealing the El Segundo Municipal Code, Chapter 16 38 entitled "Residential Property Reports " Applicant City of El Segundo The Clerk stated that proper notice was done in a timely mariner and no written communications have been received MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to close the public hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 City Attorney Mark Hensley read the following ORDINANCE NO. 1311 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA REPEALING CHAPTER 16.38 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY REPORT" Council Member Wemtck introduced the Ordinance MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL _ AUGUST 17, 1999 PAGE NO 3 019 2 Proposed Amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Code to allow Hotels and Motels in the Corporate Office Land Use Designation and Corporate Office (CO) Zone with a Conditional Use permit for property located east of Sepulveda Boulevard, and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -488, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -3, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -4 Applicant City of El Segundo Mayor Gordon stated that this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on proposed Amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Code to allow Hotels and Motels in the Corporate Office Land Use Designation and Corporate Office (CO) Zone with a Conditional Use permit for property located east of Sepulveda Boulevard, and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -488, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -3, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -4 Applicant City of El Segundo City Clerk stated that proper notice was done in a timely manner and no written communications had been received Mr Nakamore, Del Aire resident, requested that the Council consider the recommendations of the Planning Commission MOVED by Council Member Wemick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to close the public hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 City Attorney Mark Hensley read the following ORDINANCE NO. 1312 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -488, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GPA 99 -3, AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT ZTA 994, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO GENERAL PLAN AND THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE. BY AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 20 (THE ZONING CODE.) PETITIONED BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Mayor ProTem Jacobs introduced the Ordinance C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Certification of the sufficiency of the signatures on Walter Baynes III's initiative petition which seeks to amend the City's Municipal Code to prohibit freight forwarding and similar uses in the Mixed -Use North Zone ( "Initiative ") Council Member Wemick not participating on this issue due to a possible conflict of Interest MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17, 1999 PAGE NO 4 ��0 MOVED by Mayor Gordon, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines to introduce the Ordinance, unamended, and not cause an election to be held to decide this issue Council scheduled August 26, 1999 at 6.00 P.M. for a second reading. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PROTEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES AND MCDOWELL; NOES: NONE; NOT PARTICIPATING: COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICR. 41011 City Attorney, Mark Hensley read the following ORDINANCE NO. 1313 AN ORDINANCE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT FREIGHT FORWARDING USES IN THE CITYS MIXED USE NORTH ZONE. RECESS: 9:07 P.M. RECONVENE: 9: 20 P.M. ALL MEMBERS PRESENT D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - Status Report on Downtown Events Council received and filed the report E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business Warrant Numbers 2504497- 2504809 in total amount of $708,831.22, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $998,537.36 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK Adopt Ordinance No 1309 Amending the General Plan Land Use Element and Zoning Code to change the Land Use Designation and Zoning of a 3.93 gross acre parcel located at 401 Aviation Boulevard from Parking (P) to 124^ Street Specific Plan, and, to certify a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -472, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -1, Zone (Map) Change ZC 99 -1 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -1 (124m Street Specific Plan) Applicant Bruce Kaufman, Extra Space Storage of Studio City, LLC PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST I7, 1999 PAGE NO 5 0 21 Approved the specifications and authorize stafftosequest bid proposals for construction and delivery of a 1980 Pirsch fire pumper with a new 1750 G.P.M tilt -cab, top -mount pumper. Award bid to the lowest qualified and responsible vendor Fiscal impact: $330,000. Approved selling the old unit by sealed bid. 10 Approved a monthly revocable lease Agreement No 2718 between the City of El Segundo and California Storage Masters to lease a portion of City property at 630 South Douglas Street (monthly revenue of $4,200 00) 11 Awarded Contract No 2719 to B R Day Construction, Inc for the 1998 -99 replacement of water mains - Project No. PW 98 -10 (contract amount 5322,704 00) 12 Acceptance of the replacement of existing underground storage tanks and installation of a fuel management system for the City Maintenance Facility at 150 Illinois Street - Project No PW 98 -1 (final contract amount $331,042 02) li Approved Professional Services Agreement No 2717 with Lance, Sol], and Lunghard to provide financial audit services. 14 Accepted proposed class specifications and adopted Resolution No 3125 establishing salary ranges for two new positions in the Planning & Building Safety Department Building Safety Manager and Planning Manager MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to approve consent agenda items numbers 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 6. Council meeting minutes of August 2 and August 3, 1999 Council Member Wernick abstained from voting MOVED by Mayor ProTem Jacob, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve the Council meeting minutes of August 2, and August 3, 1999 MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PROTEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES AND MCDOWELL; NOES: NONE; ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK. 4/0/1 Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No 1308 amending the Zoning Code to revise the regulations for automobile service uses in proximity to residentially zoned property in the Small Business (SB) and Medium Manufacturing (MM) Zones in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area, and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17, 1949 PAGE NO 6 rl Act (CEQA). Environmental Assessment EA-483 and Zone Text amendment ZTA 99 -2. Applicant- City of El Segundo. Council consensus to amend the Ordinance to state auto repair business not allowed within 300 feet of any residential zone, and make auto repair as permitted use in the Small Business and Medium Manufacturing zones ORDINANCE NO. 1308 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA483 AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT ZYA 99 -2, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 20 (THE ZONEING CODE.) PETITIONED BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. Council Member Gaines introduced the Ordinance as amended and scheduled a second reading for the September 7, 1999 meeting F. NEW BUSINESS - 15 Presentation of FY 1999 -2000 Preliminary Operating Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Project Plan Budget Workshops PM Public Hearing Continued Hearing and Adoption Council received and filed G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - August 25, 1999 5 30 P M to 9 30 August 26, 1999 6 00 P M to 6 30 P.M (if needed) September 7, 1999 7 00 P M September 21, 1999 7.00 P.M Announced the resignation of Planning and Building Safety Director, Bret Bernard She also announced the appointment of Jim Hansen as interim Director of Planning and Building Safety H. REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17 1999 PAGE NO 7 n ? ., Council Member McDowell - FAA meeting this Friday 8.00 a m. at the Federal Building in Lawndale Council Member Gaines - Reported on the Southern California Joint Powers Authority request for the city to endorse a Resolution asking for a change in the law allowing cities to buy for themselves Requested that the City Attorney provide an analysts, and staff provide a report for the next meeting Gave Computer Technology sub - committee report Reported on Douglas Street gap closure Presented Los Angeles Airport advisory committee report and update on Board of Airport meeting Council Member Wernick - Spoke about her convalesces and what she had been doing Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs - Spoke regarding a Joint working group to discuss issues of transportation, noise, etc in the vicinity of the Airport She stated she is chairing a group call LAX ground access Reported that a Guyamas delegation will be visiting again this Thursday Mayor Gordon - Spoke regarding the campaign against the LAX expansion He further stated that the Air Transport Association (ATA), has taken a stance opposing our position on early turns. Reported on LAX alternative plan to build the airport on an increment basis, and stated we will also oppose this plan Spoke regarding landscaping Grand Ave between Highland and Loma Vista The Department of Water and power (LA) has agreed with our plan and we will proceed PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the Cav Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their emplover, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the 613 Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 Loretta Frye, resident, spoke regarding the Auto Repair in the Smoky Hollow area Commented on the Car Show Stated she felt it should not be held on Saturday as businesses suffered She also opposed outside vendors Spoke on the Richmond Street School sign John Tunno, property owner, requested clanfication on the no auto service within 300 feet of a residence and permitted outside the 300 foot area MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17, 1999 PAGE NO 8 M i Peggy Tyrrell, resident, spoke regarding the resignation of Mr. Berard Manlyn Green, 230 Arena, stated she never received notice of the proposed changes in her zone Sandra Mason, resident, spoke regarding the Car Show, and effects on the local businesses Tom Mulligan, resident, congratulated the Council on their concerns with safety of the LAX expansion He hopes that the Council shows the same concern with Smoky Hollow auto services Liz Gamholz, resident, spoke regarding Smoky Hollow auto services, and parking problems Spoke regarding the Aviation and Safety Noise Abatement Committee and early turns Frank W ong, resident, asked if Car Show and Farmers Market had insurance Also spoke regarding the auto repair services in the Smoky Hollow area Requested tapes of the meetings Council Members attend in support of opposing LAX MEMORIALS - Mel Compton CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 11 00 P M to August 26, 1999 at 6 00 P M Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17, 1999 PAGE NO 9 r 2 5 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25,1999,5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 5:30 P.M PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor ProTem Jacobs ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mavor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Wemick - Present - arrived at 5.25 p m Council Member Gaines - Present Council Member McDowell - Present arrived at 7 20 p m A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Workshop Discussion of FY 1999/2000 Preliminary Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan Man, Strenn, City Manager, announced the appointment of Debra Brighton as the new Director of Library Services Mary Strenn, City Manager, gave a brief introduction Bret Plumlee, Director of Finance, summarized the Revenue, Expenditure, and Capital Improvement Projects Summary overviews Elected Officials - Bret Plumlee City Council City Clerk City Treasurer Administrative Support Services - Bret Plumlee City Manager City Attorney Human Resources Finance Internal Service[Nondepartmental - Bret Plumlee MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 25, 1999 PAGE NO 1 n2E Development Services Economic Development - Jim Hanson Planning & Building Safety - Bret Bernard Public Works - Capt Ron Green, Interim Director Recreational/Cultural Recreation and Parks - Judy Andoe, Interim Director MOVED by Mayor Gordon, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines to approve the recommendations of the Golf Course sub - committee's policy decision to transfer an amount equal to the net income generated for the fiscal year rather that the $250,000 that has been normally transferred MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0. COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL ABSENT. Council also directed Staff increase the Manager's salary, $18,000, to reflect 100% of his time spent at the Golf Course Library - Debra Brighton Public Safety Police - Chief Tim Gnmmond Council Member McDowell arrived at 7 20 p m Council Member Wemick left the dias at 7.25 p.m Fire - Chief Craig Pedego MOVED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve of the policy decision, designating General Fund balance of $263,000 received from the sale of City-owned property, FY 98 -99, and $588,000 developer contribution from the Morgan Stanley project, FY 99 -00, to the Fire Station 42 project MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS GORDON, JACOBS GAINES AND MCDOWELL. NONES: NONE. ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK Council Member Wemick returned to the dias 7 40 p in PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to Citv Business Only - 5 minute limit) - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 7 55 p in Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 25. 1999 PAGE NO 2 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 26,1999, 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 6 00 P.M PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Council Member Kelly McDowell ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon Mayor ProTem Jacobs Council Member Wernick Council Member Gaines Council Member McDowell Present Present Absent - Excused Present Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of S50 or more to communicate to the Cm Council opt behalf of another and emploi ees speaking on behalf of then emplover must so ideputfi themselves prior to addressing the Cup Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable bi a fine of 5150 A. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Second reading and adoption of an Initiative Ordinance, amending the El Segundo Municipal Code to prohibit freight forwarding uses in the City's Mixed Use North Zone City Attorney Mark Hensley read the following ORDINANCE NO. 1313 AN ORDINANCE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT FREIGHT FORWARDING USES IN THE CITY'S MIXED USE NORTH ZONE. MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to adopt Ordinance No 1313, amending the El Segundo Municipal Code to prohibit Freight Forwarding in the City's Mixed Use North Zone MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PROTEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES AND MCDOWELL. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK . 41011. MINUTES OF THE AJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1999 PAGE NO 1 G2b B. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS - _ Request from Mattel Inc. to hang a temporary banner (40'x 40'- 1,600 square feet total) to unveil the new Barbie Doll postage stamp. The sign, which exceeds the specifications of the City's Sign Code, would be located on the north side of their building at 333 Continental Boulevard, and would be in place for three weeks, until September 20, 1999 (Sign Plan 99- 17) Applicant Mattel Inc MOVED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve the request from Mattel Inc to hang a temporary banner until September 20, 1999 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0/1 COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK ABSENT. Continuation, if needed, of Workshop discussion of FY 1999/2000 Preliminary Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Liz Garnholz, resident, congratulated Council on the passage of the Ordinance banning freight forwarding in the MU - North zone .ADJOURNMENT at 6 12 P M to September 7, 1999, at 5 00 P M Cmdy Mortesen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE AJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1999 PAGE NO 2 n ?.g EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: 07 September 1999 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Adoption of Ordinance amending the Zoning Code revising the regulations for automobile service uses in proximity to residentially zoned property in the Small Business (SB) and Medium Manufacturing (MM) Zones in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area, and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Environmental Assessment EA -483 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99-2 Applicant City of El Segundo RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Second Reading of Ordinance by title only, and, 2) By motion, Adopt Ordinance INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND On 15 June 1999, the City Council held a public hearing on the above referenced item to review modifications to the Zoning Code related to automobile service uses in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area The consensus of the Council was to introduce an Ordinance that required automobile service uses in the SB and MM Zones to be a minimum of 500 feet of property zoned Single - Family Residential (R -1) property only Automobile services uses would be a permitted use under all other circumstances in the SB and MM Zones Therefore, at that time, the City Council Introduced an Ordinance to amend various sections of the City's Zoning Code and adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts consistent with the consensus of the Council After adoption of the Ordinance by Council on 06 Jul 1999, it was discovered that an incorrect Ordinance was posted by the City That incorrect Ordinance reflected the Planning Commission's recommendation and not the consensus of the Council Government Code Section 36933 requires posting of the Ordinance within 15 days of its adoption The City Attorney opined that failure to adhere to this requirement rendered the Ordinance void Given the 15 day time period has passed, the Council needed to re -adopt the Ordinance so that the correct Ordinance could be posted within the 15 day period On 17 August 1999 the revised Ordinance, which accurately reflected the consensus of the Council to allow automobile service uses greater than 500 feet from R -1 Zoned property, was presented for a second reading and adoption However, the consensus of the Council at that meeting was to modify the proposed Ordinance that was originally introduced to allow automobile service uses in the SB and MM Zone as long as a minimum distance of 300 feet is maintained from any residentially zoned property -- not just R -1 zoned property New automobile service uses less than 300 feet from any residentially zoned property would be prohibited in the SB and MM Zones The newly revised Ordinance which reflects the direction of the Council is presented for second reading and adoption If adopted without change, the provisions will become effective in thirty days time (07 October 1999) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS A Revised City Council Ordinance No 1308 FISCAL IMPACT. None ORIG ATED BY Date K, /%-- Lda-_O w-.. Br t B ernard, AICP, Director of Planning and Budding Safety RC WFr1 ` >/, /Pj EA-483 ais second 2nd reading doc8/31/99 12 14 PM C,30 7 ORDINANCE NO. 1308 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCH. OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA483 AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT ZTA 99 -2, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 20 (THE ZONING CODE). PETITIONED BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo Adopted a General Plan for the years 1992 -2010, WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo Certified an Environmental Impact Report as a complete and adequate document in accordance with the authority and cntena contained in the California Environmental Quality Act and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and Adopted a Statement of Overriding Consideration, WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to law, Adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the Amendments to Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map, finding that there were no environmental impacts associated with the amendments that were not analyzed in the Master Environmental Impact Report Certified by the City Council for the General Plan on December 1, 1992, WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to law, Adopt Ordinance No 1212 adopting a new Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map; WHEREAS, on May 27, 1999, the Planning Commission did conduct, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on revisions to the Zoning Code, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, and the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2446 recommending approval of the proposed amendments, WHEREAS, on June 15, July 6, and August 17, 1999, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings and review on revisions to the Zoning Code, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against EA-483 and ZTA 99 -2, the revisions to the Zoning Code, and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established The purpose of the revisions to the Zoning Code are to refine and make appropriate adjustments to the development standards and other zoning requirements in order to address concerns raised by the community about the future development of the City in furtherance of the general welfare of the City State law requires that Zoning be made consistent with the General Plan NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that after consideration of the above facts and study of proposed Environmental Assessment EA-483 and ZTA 99 -2 the City Council finds as follows ORDINANCE NO 1308 APPROVING EA -483, ZTA 99.2 8125199 3 10 p m PAGE NO 1 C� 31 GENERAL PLAN The proposed Zoning Code Amendments are consistent with the 1992 General Plan, as amended. ZONING CODE The proposed Zoning Code Amendments are consistent with the existing Zoning Code ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS The Draft Initial Study was made available for public review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law The Initial Study concluded that the proposed project will not have a significant, adverse effect on the environment, and a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built - out urban environment, and, That the City Council directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and De Mimmis finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the City shall transmit $25 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination. As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT the City Council approves EA-483 and ZTA 99 -2, and adopts changes to the El Segundo Municipal Code as follows SECTION 1. Section 20 42 020 E of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows E Automobile service uses, if a 300 -foot minimum distance from any residentially zoned property is provided This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard, SECTION 2. Section 20 42 030 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows 20 42 030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT A The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, dnve -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes-, B The off -site sale of alcohol at permitted retail accessory establishments, and, C Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Budding Safety, as provided ORDINANCE NO 1308 APPROVING EA -483, ZTA 99.2 8/25/99 3 10 p m PAGE NO 2 03e- SECTION 3. Section 20.43.020 E. of Chapter 20.42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows E Automobile service uses, if a 300 foot minimum distance from any residentialy zoned property is provided This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; SECTION 4. Section 20 43 030 of Chapter 20 42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is Amended to read as follows 20 43 030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT A The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes, B The off -site sale of alcohol at permitted retail establishments, and, C Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth (30) day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance, shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City, shall make a note of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted, and, shall within 15 days after the passage or adoption thereof cause the same to be published or posted in accordance with the law ORDINANCE NO 1308 APPROVING EA -483, ZTA 99 -2 8025/99 3 30 p m PAGE NO 3 033 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of September 1999. Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1308 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of August 1999, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of September 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D Hensley, City Attorney p:\zoning\ea483\ea483 ord- revised.doc ORDINANCE NO 1308 APPROVING EA -483, ZTA 99 -2 8/15/99 3 10 p m PAGE NO 4 C34 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 07 September 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Adoption of Ordinance No 1311, repeating the EI Segundo Municipal Code, Chapter 16.38, entitled "Residential Property Reports" Applicant City of El Segundo RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Second Reading of Ordinance No 1311 (by title only), and, 2) By Motion, Adopt Ordinance INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND On April 13, 1970, the El Segundo City Council adopted Ordinance No 738 which added Chapter 16 38 to the El Segundo Municipal Code This Chapter authorizes the City to issue Residential Property Reports to purchasers of Residential Property within the City This Chapter has been amended three times since its original adoption, most recently in 1975 (Ordinance No 888) On August 17, 1999 the City Council opened the Public Hearing, discussed the proposed Ordinance, closed the Public Hearing, conducted the first reading and scheduled the second reading and Adoption for tonight ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS A Ordinance No 1311 FISCAL IMPACT Minimal August 1999 i Bret B Bernard, Alcp, Director of Planning and Building Safety Mark n Hanclay City Attornmi REVIEWED BY Date- August 1999 c P /Planning /Bldg /Prop -Rep28 /30/99 10 17 AM 035 8 ORDINANCE NO. 1311 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA REPEALING CHAPTER 16.38 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY REPORT" WHEREAS, on April 13, 1970, the E( Segundo City Council enacted Ordinance No 738, which added Chapter 16 38 to the El Segundo Municipal Code relating to Residential Property Reports, and on November 18, 1975 the City Council enacted Ordinance No 888, amending Chapter 16 38 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that Chapter 16 38 should be repealed and that Residential Property Reports should no longer be issued, WHEREAS, on August 17, 1999, the City Council held a public hearing on the repeal of Chapter 16 38 of the Code and determined that repeal of Chapter 16 38 will serve the public health, safety, and welfare NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. Section 1 Chapter 16 38 of the El Segundo Municipal Code entitled "Residential Property Report" and enacted by Ordinance No 738 is hereby repealed in its entirety Section 2 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of the Ordinance pursuant to law PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of September, 1999. Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No 1311 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 17t° day of August 1999, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of September 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROV ED AS TO FORM ` Mark D Hensley, City Attomet ORDINANCE NO 1311 REPEALING ESMC 16 36 PAGE NO 1 036 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: 07 September 1999 kGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Adoption of Ordinance amending the General Plan and Zoning Code allowing Hotels and Motels in the General Plan Corporate Office Land Use Designation and Corporate Office (CO) Zone with a Condibonal Use Permit for property located east of Sepulveda and west of Aviation Boulevards, and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -488, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -3, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99-4 Applicant City of El Segundo RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1) Second Reading of Ordinance, by title only, and, 2) By motion, Adopt Ordinance INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND. On 17 August 1999, the City Council held a public hearing on the above referenced item to review modifications to the General Plan and Zoning Code to allow Hotels and Motels in the Corporate Office Land Use Designation and Zone with a Conditional Use Permit for properties east of Sepulveda and west of Aviation Boulevards At that time, the City Council Introduced the Ordinance to amend various sections of the City's General Plan and Zoning Code and adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts The attached Ordinance is presented for a Second Reading and Adoption If adopted without change, the provisions will become effective in thirty days time ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1 City Council Ordinance No 1312 FISCAL IMPACT None ORIGINATED BY Date 31 August 1999 Br6t B ernard, AicP, Director of Planning and Building Safety REVIEWED BY• TAKEN \ \CITYHALL0EPT\Planning & Budding Safety\Z0NING\Ea488 \EA-488 ais 2nd reading doc 8/31/9903, /1 y Manager TAKEN \ \CITYHALL0EPT\Planning & Budding Safety\Z0NING\Ea488 \EA-488 ais 2nd reading doc 8/31/9903, /1 ORDINANCE NO. 1312 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -488, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GPA 99 -3, AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT ZTA 99.4, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO GENERAL PLAN AND THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 20 (THE ZONING CODE). PETITIONED BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo Adopted a General Plan for the years 1992 -2010, WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo Certified an Environmental Impact Report as a complete and adequate document in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and Adopted a Statement of Overriding Consideration, WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to law, Adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the Amendments to Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map, finding that there were no environmental impacts associated with the amendments that were not analyzed in the Master Environmental Impact Report Certified by the City Council for the General Plan on December 1, 1992, WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to law, Adopt Ordinance No 1212 adopting a new Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map, WHEREAS, on August 12, 1999, the Planning Commission did conduct, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on revisions to the General Plan and Zoning Code, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, and the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2453 recommending approval of the proposed amendments; WHEREAS, on August 17, 1999, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing and review on revisions to the General Plan and Zoning Code, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against EA -488, GPA 99 -3, and ZTA 99-4, the revisions to the General Plan and Zoning Code, WHEREAS, General Plan Amendment 99 -3 is the third amendment to the General Plan processed and proposed in 1999; and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established I The purpose of the revisions to the General Plan and Zoning Code are to refine and make appropriate adjustments to the development standards and other zoning requirements in order to address concerns ORDINANCE NO 1312 APPROVING EA -488, GPA 99 -3, ZTA 99.4 8125199 1 50 pm PAGE NO 1 31 i raised by the community about the future development of the City in furtherance of the general welfare of the City. 2 State law requires that Zoning be made consistent with the General Plan NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that after consideration of the above facts and study of proposed Environmental Assessment EA488, GPA 99 -3, and ZTA 99 -3 the City Council finds as follows GENERAL PLAN The proposed General Plan and Zoning Code Amendments are consistent with the 1992 General Plan, as amended ZONING CODE The proposed General Plan and Zoning Code Amendments are consistent with the existing Zoning Code ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS The Draft Initial Study was made available for public review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law The Initial Study concluded that the proposed project will not have a significant, adverse effect on the environment, and a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built -out urban environment, and, That the City Council directs the Director of Planning and Budding Safety to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and De Mmimis finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the City shall ttansnut $25 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT the City Council approves EA488, GPA 99 -3, and ZTA 99-4, and adopts changes to the El Segundo General Plan and Municipal Code as follows SECTION 1. Section 20 34 040 of Chapter 20.34, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows 20.34 040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit ORDINANCE NO 1312 APPROVING EA -488, GPA 99 -3, ZTA 99.4 8125/99 150 pm PAGE NO 2 03" A. Dnve -tint restaurants, except properties located west of Sepulveda Boulevard where drive -thin restaurants are prohibited; B Freight forwarding; C Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of Section 20.12 160, D Hotels and motels, except properties located west of Sepulveda and east of Aviation Boulevards where hotels and motels are prohibited, E On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars; F Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants and drive -thru restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant or dnve -thin restaurant, but not exceeding 200 square feet of floor area, G Service stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard, H Video arcades with four or more video or arcade machines, and. I Other smular uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations SECTION 2. Section 20 34.050 of Chapter 20.34, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows 20,34050 PROHIBITED USES. A Dnve -thm restaurants located west of Sepulveda Boulevard, and, B Hotels and motels located west of Sepulveda and east of Aviation Boulevards SECTION 3. The proposed Land Use Designation for Corporate Office is hereby amended to reflect the addition of hotels and motels as uses allowed with a discretionary application east of Sepulveda Boulevard The corresponding changes to the Land Use Designation as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, are also hereby approved SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth (30) day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance, shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City, shall make a note of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted, and shall within 15 days after the passage or adoption thereof cause the same to be published or posted in accordance with the law ORDINANCE NO 1312 APPROVING EA -488, GPA 99 -3, ZTA 99.4 8/25/99 150 pm PAGE NO 3 040 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of September 1999. Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No 1312 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of August 1999, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7s' day of September 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D Hensley, City Attorney EA488 ordinance revised 8 -16-99 doc ORDINANCE NO 1312 APPROVING EA -488, GPA 99 -3, ZTA 99.4 &/25/99 150 pin PAGE NO 4 n4i City Council Ordinance No. 1312 LAND USE DESIGNATIONS Corporate Office Perrmts a mixture of office and food - serving uses in single -tenant or multi -tenant buildings with limited retail uses permitted in the lobby area Research and developmeni uses are permitted east of Sepulveda Boulevard Hotels and motels are perrnitted east of Sepulveda and west of Aviation Boulevards with a discretionary application The maximum allowed floor area ratio (FAR) is 0 8 General Plan • Land Use Element Page 3 -7 EA488 ordinance revised 8 -16 -99 doc ORDINANCE NO 1312 APPROVING EA -488, GPA 99 -3, ETA 99-4 8/25/99 150 pm PAGE NO 5 n4^ EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT _ AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request for approval to accept a Bureau of Justice Assistance Local Law Enforcement Block Grant requesting $18,139 in grant funding with a $2,015 cash match from Asset Forfeiture funds Approve request INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND- On August 16, 1999, the Police Department received an application outlining eligibility and program requirements for obtaining grant funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance The grant application has been submitted as the deadline was September 2, 1999 The Police Department is requesting to continue with the grant application process to the U S Bureau of Justice Assistance to receive $18,139 for the acquisition of communications equipment for the new public safety dispatch center The grant funding program requires a match of $2,015 to be made by the City This can be made with Asset Forfeiture funds from the Professional and Technical Services account In addition to the match, a public hearing identified as an agenda item and held during a regularly scheduled city council meeting, is required Also, an advisory board consisting of representatives from units of local government (e g , law enforcement, court system, public school system, etc ) will be established and convene once to review the grant application and to offer non - binding recommendations DISCUSSION: The communications equipment allowable under the grant will improve and expand the departments ability to dispatch police and fire services to the community in a more effective and efficient manner ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Memo to City Manager Mary Strenn from Police Chief Tim Gnmmond FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: X Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $ 2.015.00 Project/Account Budget: _$ ProlectJAccount Balance: Date: Account Number: 109 -400- 3105 -6214 Project Phase: Appropriation Required -Yes X No ORIGINATED- Date- PD —I -1 of 2, 8/25/99 2:00 pm 043 10 'Y alelse INTER- DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE August 26,1999 To: Mary Strenn, City Manager From: Tim Grimmond, Chief of Pol 46 Subject: Request to submit application for Grant funding with matching funds requirement On August 16,1999, the Police Department received an application outlining eligibility and program requirements for obtaining grant funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The grant application has been submitted as the deadline was September 2, 1999. The Police Department is requesting to continue with the grant application process to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance to receive $18,139 for the acquisition of communications equipment for the new public safety dispatch center. The grant funding program requires a match of $2,015 to be made by the City. This can be made with Asset Forfeiture funds from the Professional and Technical Services account. The maximum amount of funding available through the BJA Block Grant program, and the $2,015 match, will be sufficient to purchase the communications equipment allowable under the grant. 1 recommend that we seek approval from the City Council, apply for the BJA Grant and propose to use Asset Forfeiture funds to fulfill the match requirement. TJG:mr PD -I -2 of 2, 8/25/99 2:00 pm r' 4 1 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA REM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Award of contract for trenchless rehabilitation of sewer mains to Insituform Technology, Inc — Project No PW 99-4 (contract amount = $33,956 50) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Award contract to Insituform Technology, Inc , in the amount of $33,956 50 2 Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard public works construction agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The City Council on July 20, 1999, adopted plans and specifications for the trenchless rehabilitation of a sewer main in an easement (within private property) west of Cedar Street, between Imperial Avenue and Walnut Avenue, and a sewer main in Franklin Avenue Staff had recommended installation of a lining material inside the sewer main without excavation rather than repairing the main by the more conventional method of accessing the main by excavating within private properties and public streets DISCUSSION- On August 17, 1999, the City Clerk received and opened the following bids Insituform Technology, Inc $33,95630 Sancon Engineering, Inc $41,02400 U -Liner West $56,63500 Cooke Pipeline Rehabilitation, Inc $74,95000 Engineer's Estimate $70,00000 Currently there are several acceptable methods of rehabilitating sewer mains without excavating the street Competition among bidders who specialize in one particular method has resulted in receiving bids lower than the Engineer's estimate Insituform Technology, Inc , has completed other sewer lining projects for the City to the satisfaction of City staff Staff recommends award of contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Insituform Technology, Inc, in the amount of $33,956 50 The total estimated cost of the project, including staff inspection costs and construction contingencies, is $41,500 00 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS, Location map FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget. Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested• Profect/Account Budget: ProtectlAccount Balance- Account Number- Project Phase* Appropriation Required- Yes $41,50000 $120,00000 $105,00000 Date, July 8. 1999 301 -400 - 8204 -8317 Award of contract - -- -__. -_ ._ - n 11 a A 7 Aw- ET ,t !1 n n a z YLLN No m O � s!g � D • i� I o w � 2 m 'L Opt SO A = v 1— O \ 53 9 WAIT COT SS'NMry t— cn m ar+` vucsY— m ;: m '\ MIL N T T y MILLCREST ST I[ r ^ P I uff i : 'D L[fl a > O LOY1 VAST. IT WMITw6 ST B E ® ❑ ❑��� A. C NCO D ST B BB D ) r + �` G6 6 coxcoxD si 8 ®BB OVVIM IM1 66 ^ +� NMYOMD IL YAM ST r S'+ W N p ^ STANDARD ST ��B PPP R L _ N O T n W INf MA IT L ZO � 1y11 fM[LDOM IT SL..CYE Rp IIF p [LNM ST ® O iC SIERRA SS ®® CA CT w Is �� CAPT. D N LOYITI ST z PLC U1xn RD _ALOV W. �I1 m * YIRTLAND $T CJ r goo N LAUREL AV4�I C[MT[N IT PACIFIC pE �' " NEVADA ST O w = C ' "M ' L YA[LF 1VL �I a CALIFORNIA ST > JI � �C+1461 -fIOR^ () PALY WE S C1L1[O IT -. NOIMSETTIA; KANSAS S1 < FINE WE J Y [1NC WL vIfMIMSTOM ST IT- EL. WE _ ILLINOIS T O.A WE ro ' u T33 RIBW IxouxA sr y SEPULVEDA m TSE SAW ' wt Y • O IF IN v m r W c O SL MIGRTS [ELM fL ' w S � AALLIED • a z I D NOOSES WAY n UP n WAY •I MVATE) ' II III IN D PARK WM S. ST rte_ 11 MAIN w- I a n m IPOyp ST METRO i GREEN LINE W CONIINENTAI '+ f W 2 WY IMIV1 DUL[) RO 0 \ ,mil W y ® D a` $ O RFOOx001VE j D r Z D 9 � t O • �( 9 OR CII µMN �_ W V "SWEET N y Wunpx I1I ^I1I NT s r'I I1ET1II N dd C) V I I C'♦ _ m �J �1111� 1 1�1 11 1 I ILVD B6 • IS's : a - i - G r ` AVE G G F ma B 6 6 6 6 G �. m r A +T. r O z SAN DIfOO i LI cEfyL� OLYD T N i pM 0 s' CITY OF HAWTHORNE ART LOS ANGELES COUNTY` OT SIR w , w fl4 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration of a proposal to add a third bathroom facility to Fire Station 2. Cost. Not to exceed $25,000. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Authorize staff to remodel portions of Fire Station 2 in order to provide a third bathroom facility. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Fire Station 2 was originally constructed in 1958 The construction of a new fire station has been indefinitely postponed Remodeling of Fire Station 2 is therefore necessary to provide a third bathroom facility DISCUSSION: Issues exist which have caused us to examine a remodeling proposal They are 1 The indefinite postponement of the Fire Station 2 Project 2 The addition of a female firefighter to our ranks 3 The necessity of a facility which is able to house members of both sexes ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. None FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $25.000 Project/Account Budget: Prolect/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes X No ORIGINATED Date. John W GilbM, Acting Fire Chief REVIEWED BY: Date: TAKEN: ., 12 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Approval to enter into a Standard Agreement issued by the Govemor's Office of Emergency Services for the assessment and prevention of hazardous materials incidents potentially related to Year 2000 (Y2K) electronic problems Fiscal Impact approximately $14,000 income RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign Standard Agreement issued by the State of California INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The Governor's Office of Emergency Services has received authorization to release several million dollars of grant funding to local governments to assess and prevent hazardous materials incidents related to potential Y2K malfunctions at refineries and industrial facilities that use dangerous chemicals The State has authorized the City of El Segundo approximately $14,000 to conduct facility assessments and planning related to Y2K problems that might exist The grant is intended to identify potential hazards, survey what Y2K activities are necessary, and to educate the affected businesses on what can be done to prepare for potential problems DISCUSSION: The attached Standard Agreement was prepared by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services specifically for the City of El Segundo to implement Y2K assessments and planning efforts for hazardous materials The Governor has mandated that all communities prepare for hazardous materials related to Y2K and is developing a State assessment team to respond to communities that fail to address potential hazardous materials incidents due to Y2K There are no requirements for the City to match any funding and authorizes the use of overtime to accomplish the designated tasks Because time is critical in the preparation of assessment and planning of these activities, the State is requesting that the majority of work be accomplished by October 15, 1999 This program provides assistance to local businesses that may be affected by Y2K problems by identifying the potential hazards and assisting the business in correcting or planning for related hazards The grant will also allow the City to prepare for hazardous materials incidents that may be generated by electronic malfunctions or lack of emergency resources ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Standard Agreement 2 Copy of Governor's Authorization FISCAL IMPACT (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested. Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date- Account Number: Project Phase: Date: Craig S Pedego, Fire Chief REVIEWED BY- Date: ACTION TAKEN: r4F 13 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD AGREEMENT --- APPPRROOVEEDDBYTHE GENERAL STD 31REV SFII iT11MIBEi N 6040 -9 I TAVAY0E!®I51µ6MInA ERpglfllGTRk1MUMBER- THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 2nd day of August , 1999, In the State of California, by and between State of California, through its duly elected or appointed, qualified and acting Chief Of Administration GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES , hereafter called the State. and CONTRACTORS NAME El Segundo Fire Department , hereafter called the Contractor W ITNESSETH That the Contractor for and to consideration of the covenants, conditions, agreements, and stipulations of the State hereinafter expressed does hereby agree to fumish to the State services and materials as follows (Set forth service to be rendered by Contractor, amount to be paid Contractor time for performance or completion, and attach plans and specifications, tf any) Whereas the Govemor's Office of Emergency Services (hereinafter "State ") and El Seggndo Fire Department. (hereinafter "Contractor ") believe it is necessary to immediately assess the Y2K readiness of hazardous materials facilities and handlers to protect the public health and safety from the potential of Y2K related accidental hazardous material releases, and to carry out the intent of Executive Order D -3 -99, State and Contractor hereby agree as follows TERM The term Of this agreement shall be from August 2. 1999 through March 31, 2000 II COSTS The total cost of this agreement shall not exceed $14,524. III ATTACHEMNTS The attachments listed below are hereby incorporated into and made part of this Agreement. Attachment A Scope of Work Attachment B Costs Attachment C Invoice Detail Attachment D Bi- Weekly Activity Form Attachment E General Terms and Conditions CONTINUED ON 17 SHEETS EACH BEARING NAME OF CONTRACTOR AND CONTRACT NUMBER The provisions on the reverse side hereof constitute a part of this agreement IN W ITHNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been executed by the parties hereto, upon the date first above written STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR AGENCY N T (//aher OrmH mr ratl.&Z mN whether o eapwarmpR ,Zp or GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES El Segundo Fire Department BY (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE) BY (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON SIGNING PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON SIGNING Rich Fisher TITLE ADDR Chief, Administration Branch 314 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 PROGRAMICATEGORY(CODE AND TITLE) FUND TITLE Department Of General Servkes MOUNT ADOCU EMCUMBEREDBYTHIS 99- Clearing Account General Use Only $14524.00 (OPTIONAL USE) PRIOR AMOUNT ENCUMBERED FOR THUS CONTP CT pCA 32001 Index 5410 $000 ITEM CHAPTER STATUTE FISCAL YEAR TOTA DATE L AMOUNT ENCUMBERED TO 0690. 001 -001 50 99 99/2000 $14524.00 OBJECT OF EXPENDITURE (CODE AND TITLE) 384 - Administrative Ih"Oy cemy upon my Own MnOna/IUgwW" ffua budget,,, futMS as avers" for T 9 A NO OR NO I" IWOd and Purpose Of the "O fmr aaNda m SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING OFFICER (DATE CONTRACTOR J STATE AGENCY _) DEPT OF GEN SER El CONTROII ER ..J _ r 4 J DES STD 2 (7197) STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD AGREEMENT Std 2 (5 -91) (Reverse) Contract No 6040 -9 El Segundo Fire Dept. Page 2 (is) ntractor agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the State, its officers, a and employees and all claims and losses accruing or restdtin t all contractors, subcontractors, laborers and person, firm or corporation furnishing or supplying work services, ma s in connection with the performance of this contra om any and all clautis and oss or resulting to any person, orporation who may be injured or damaged by the Contran�aor r� rmance of this contract The Contractor, and the agents and employees of the Contractor, in the performance of the agreement, shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers or employees or agents of the State of Cahfomra The State may terminate this agreement and be reheved of the payment of any consideration to Contractor should Contractor fail to perform the covenants herein contained at the time and in the manner herein provided In the event of such termination, the State may proceed with the work in any manner deemed proper by the State The cost to the State shall be deducted from any sum due the Contractor under this agreement, and the balance, if any, shall be paid the Contractor upon demand 4 Without the written consent of the State, this agreement is not assignable by Contractor either in whole or in part S Time is of the essence in this agreement. 6 No alteration or variation of the terms of this contract shall be valid unless made in witting and signed by the parties hereto, and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein, shall be binding on any of the parties hereto 7 The consideration to be paid Contractor, as provided herem, shall be in compensation for all of Contractor's expenses incurred in the performance hereof, including travel and per diem, unless otherwise expressly so provided 1 The State and Contractor agree to mutually indemnify, defend and save harmless each other, and their respective officers, agents and employees from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any and all contractors, subcontractors, matenalmen, laborers and any other person, firm or corporation furnishing or supplying work services, materials or supplies in connection with the performance of this contract, and from any and all daubs and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm or corporation who may be injured or damaged by the Contractor in the performance of this contract 050 Contract No 6040 -9 El Segundo Fire Dept Page 3 STD. 2 (coot.) IV A DEFIMTIONS. For purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply unless otherwise required by the context- I. "Designated facility or handler ", means a facility or handler that falls within any of the following programs or regulatory categories a) Toxic Release Inventory (M, b) Air Sources - Toxic Hot Spots, c) Large Hazardous Waste Generators, d) Hazardous Waste Facilities; e) Site Mitigation Facilities; f) Pesticide Manufacturers; g) Chemical Manufacturers; h) Surface Water Dischargers, i) CaIARP, j) Pipelines, It.) Radioactive Substances, 1) Medical Waste; M.) Infectious Disease Handlers; n.) Hazardous Matenals /Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS); and o) Subject to State concurrence, such other hazardous materials or substance facilities and/or handlers identified by the Certified Unified Program Agency (Contractor) as posing a potential threat to the health and safety of Californians or the environment due to the potential for an Y2K related accidental release 2 " Cntena" means the criteria developed by the State to pnontize the potential for a Y2K related accidental hazardous material release at or by a designated facility or handler and /or additional cntena developed by the Contractor subject to approval by the State "Assessment" means a field or other review, as appropriate, to detemime the Y2K readiness of a designated facility or handler utilizing the assessment tool developed by the State and/or modifications developed by the Contractor subject to approval by the State 4. "Y2K" means the year 2000. "5? Contract No 6040.9 El Segundo Fire Dept. Page 4 ATTACHMENT A. SCOPE OF WORK A Contractor shall cooperate in assisting and advising the State on the development, refinement and utilization of criteria to prioritize the potential for a Y2K related accidental hazardous material release at or by a designated facility or handler within its jurisdiction. B Contractor shall cooperate in assisting and advising the State on the development, refinement and utilization of an assessment tool to determine the readiness of designated facilities and handlers for Y2K. C If Contractor has previously conducted a triage and/or assessment to determine the Y2K readiness of hazardous material facilities and handlers within its jurisdiction, Contractor shall prepare and submit to State a report of its activities to prevent Y2K related accidental releases of hazardous materials within its jurisdiction The report shall be subject to State's approval, in the following format, and contain all necessary and appropriate information to fully inform State of Contractor's relevant activities and the Y2K readiness of hazardous material facilities and handlers within its geographical areas of responsibility a) Cover Page b) Table of Contents c Project Overview d.) Triage Criteria Applied e ) Triage Results f ) Assessment Criteria Applied g ) Assessment Results h.) Follow Up Activity 1) Follow Up Activity Results j) Conclusion k.) Appendix A — Data Summary If Contractor has not completed or commenced the activities required to prepare any section of the report, Contractor shall so indicate in the appropriate section, and provide such information as may be available including, but not limited to, if and when such information is likely to be available or why such section is not applicable The report shall be submitted to State no later than October 15. 1999, unless otherwise approved by State's Contract Manager D Contractor shall, to the extent it has not already done so Perform a triage to prioritize the potential for a Y2K related accidental hazardous material release at or by a designated facility or handler within its jurisdiction by reviewing the triaged list provided by State and modifying it, as appropriate, 052 Contract No 6040.9 El Segundo Fire Dept. Page 5 pursuant to the criteria as defined in IV.A.2 of the agreement, and such additional information as may be available to Contractor, subject to approval by State. 2. Perform an assessment, pursuant to the assessment as defined in IV.A3 of the agreement, of designated facilities and handlers identified during the tnage process and such other facilities and handlers as the Contractor determines may pose a potential risk of Y2K related accidental hazardous material release Take such action as may be appropriate and legally available, after approval by State, to eliminate the risk and prevent an accidental hazardous material release by facilities and handlers not identified during the assessment as being Y2K ready Such action may include, but is not limited to, working with/assisting facilities and handlers to ensure that they become Y2K ready on a timely basis and have a valid contingency plan in place As a last resort, or if circumstances otherwise dictate, for those businesses that cannot be determined to be Y2K ready, refuse to take necessary accident prevention steps or will not allow government personnel to ascertain their Y2K readiness, such action may include the application of existing statutory and regulatory authority to modify a facility's or handler's operations and /or cause it to cease operations 4 Attend and/or assist in the development of regional training and informational meetings regarding the sublecc of this agreement Submit data and reports to the State on a biweekly basis, or for such other periods as the Contractor and State may agree upon, and a final report regarding the status and results of its efforts under this agreement. The data shall be reported using Attachment D and reports shall be in such format as the Contractor and State shall mutually agree upon. If Contractor is a Participating Agency (PA) under the unified program administered by the California Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to SB 1082, Contractor shall timely provide a copy of each such report to its Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) E. Contractor may assist other jurisdictions in performing the activities described in D , above, if the provision of such assistance is approved by both the jurisdiction to be assisted and State. 053 Contract No. 6040.9 El Segundo Fire Dept Page 6 ATTACEDdENT B: COSTS A State shall reimburse Contractor as follows for activities identified in Attachment A, Paragraph C.: The equivalent of the actual Personal Services and other Direct Expenses incurred by Contractor in perfomrurg the tnage and assessments that form the basis of the report identified in Attachment A, Paragraph C B State shall reimburse Contractor as follows for activities identified in Attachment A, Paragraphs D. and E Actual Personal Services costs incurred by Contractor in performing the identified activities, and Direct Expenses incurred by Contractor in performing the identified activities including, but not limited to, printing and postage C Notvnthstandaig any other provision of this agreement, the following shall not be eligible for reimbursement unless approved in writing by State's Contract Manager prior to the cost being incurred. Travel and per diem, except for such meetings as may be required by State pursuant to Attachment A, Paragraph D 4, and Equipment. D Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, the total cost of this agreement shall not exceed Contractor's actual reasonable costs for covered activities or $14.52 4, whichever is less X54 A 1 w O n m A z m 3 e d C A d S m c c 0 m A N A A y m t n a m n � z e 3 3 R m � v O R 1 A 0 a i M A 3 M ll O FPM �y V m a H r N N Y N O r� V/ IN b O rr-Wr l A m n o 00 � � m � A a ° z m O < A 9 O I V 5 o � r � O n n d � N "1 _e o m ° A O C m m . A 3 y m_ (A d P A OP O ^ u m m P A 3 P e N d P A a n s n a m n � z e 3 3 R m � v O R 1 A 0 a i M A 3 M ll O FPM �y V m a H r N N Y N O r� V/ IN b O rr-Wr l A m n o 00 � � m � A a ° z m O < A 9 O I V 5 0 e m Z e 3 A T m a n 0 _ m n .Z m 3 A O A CL A m c N_ m n S m e G m O 0 F r OOs0 m n � 2 m e 3 3 !: o- 1 o 0 A 0 a ao R A � s •C o � d a " N � a t�17 O txx�s C a o � � ~3 r5 r, n n o w a w °z ^n o m A Imccelecceccleccl OOs0 m n � 2 m e 3 3 !: o- 1 o 0 A 0 a ao R A � s •C o � d a " N � a t�17 O txx�s C a o � � ~3 r5 r, n n o w a w °z ^n o m A a o^ 0 a w w N A 0 n 1 w n A y 5 w a c m w w n O H a a 0 m k4 N 1 F 0. A O O f w n i T C7 n S A r+ d QQ A N a n r I..l H a z d r -J O r r 0 C b r a O m cn N a N a 0 r a a y a r b 0 r y m � o w ?. c m 6 .n. O z 'z1 � � D a n a 0 X57 _ oQ a c 3 m = o CL R CO. :47 14 a a � a =_ O C N O 'C rt n � R C cr C =° d .- =° N ZL w N .•. S 6 R .O "'� ID rS N 3 y O S R p 0 N C n _ _ S ;E d� 0 Er 0 N f9 0 7C N p S o, m e c i n n w d m^ ° = ° .°w d c d w a° F A d w N y T S m s .mob_ no as °_ m rn n o o. °n .o FF T a ac c y o E a n A, e £ ° n c — C I A S A 7 d b L1 QO A Vf C z m n O c m O z � o ° � o o^ �o r5o J i A S 3 1� V A M1.1 'S k O H a z A 7 A A m_ ti o ao � c y °z TO m W O A o 9 ^ C -59 �o =o a n C � d N O N y 7 w c N O 'C Q ? n O b 7 ^ m y i A S 3 1� V A M1.1 'S k O H a z A 7 A A m_ ti o ao � c y °z TO m W O A o 9 ^ C -59 Contract No 6040 -9 El Segundo Fire Dept Page 12 ATTACHMENT E: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. GENERAL CLAUSES 1 STATE CONTRACT MANAGER State's Contract Manager for this agreement is Steven DeMello or his designee, Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Planning and Technological Assistance Branch, Y2K Hazardous Materials Project, P O Box 419047, Rancho Cordova, Cahforma 95741 -9047, (916) 464 -3720 2 CONTRACTOR CONTRACT MANAGER Contractor's Contract Manager for tins agreement is Steve Tsumura. (310) 607.2242 3 CHANGE IN CONTRACT MANAGER Either parry may change its Contract Manager by providing written notice to the other. Changes in Contractor's Contract Manager are subject to approval by State 4 PROPERTY All equipment, materials, supplies, hardware and other items purchased with funds under this agreement that remain at the termination of the agreement shall be returned to and remain the property of the State 5 PAYMENT AND INVOICIN G Payments for invoices shall be made not more than monthly in arrears Contractor shall submit invoices, Attachment C, in triplicate in arrears, each of which shall contain the above noted Contract Number and be subject to State approval. Invoices and supporting documentation shall be mailed to- Cindy Nolan Y2K Hazardous Materials Project Governor's Office of Emergency Services P.O. Box 419047 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741 -1677 MEETINGS: Contractor's Contract Manager or other duly authorized designee shall attend such State sponsored meetings as the State determines may be reasonably necessary for the proper implementation of this Agreement. TRAVEL: Reimbursement for travel and per diem shall not exceed currently approved rates for State employees. DISPUTES: State's Contract Manager shall have initial jttnsdiction over each controversy ansing under or in connection with the interpretation, performance, or payment under this agreement. The Contractor will diligently pursue with the State's Contract Manager mutually agreeable settlement of any such controversy. In the event a dispute cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the State's Contract Manager shall promptly issue a written decision in the mater which shall be mailed or otherwise furnished to the Contractor n6p Contract No. 6040 -9 El Segundo Fire Dept Page 13 and which shall inform the Contractor of its right to appeal the decision provided herein. Contractor shall have fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of the decision to submit a written protest of the decision to the Director, Office of Emergency Services. The decision of State's Contract Manager shall be final and conclusive unless it is appealed by Contractor within the specified period Pending final decision of any dispute hereunder, Contractor shall proceed with the performance of this agreement, unless otherwise directed by State REDUCTION OF FUNDS: If the Contractor does not complete the activities described in Attachment A, Item D 1, and 2 by October 15, 1999, or the activities described in Attachment A, Item D 3 by December 1, 1999, State may, in its discretion, after consultation with Contractor, immediately reduce the maximum funds available under this agreement as described in Attachment B, Paragraph D, to the amount actually expended by Contractor prior to such action and reallocate the unexpended remaining funds 10 APPROVAL Thus Agreement is of no force or effect until signed by both parties and approved by the Department of General Services, if required Contractor may not commence performance until such approval has been obtained 11 AMENDMENT No amendment or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties and approved as required. No oral understanding or Agreement not incorporated in the Agreement is binding on any of the parties 12 ASSIGNMENT This Agreement is not assignable by the Contractor, either in whole or in part, without the consent of the State in the form of a formal written amendment. 13 AUDIT Contractor agrees that the awarding department, the Department of General Services, the Bureau of State Audits, or their designated representative shall have the right to review and to copy any records and supporting documentation pertaining to the performance of this Agreement Contractor agrees to maintain such records for possible audit for a minimum of three (3) years after final payment, unless a longer period of records retenuon is stipulated. Contractor agrees to allow the auditor(s) access to such records during normal business hours and to allow interviews of any employees who might reasonably have information related to such records Further, Contractor agrees to include a similar right of the State to audit records and interview staff in any subcontract related to performance of this Agreement (GC 8546 7, PCC 10115 et seq , CCR Tttle 2, Section 1896) 14 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Contractor, and the agents and employees of Contractor, in the performance of this Agreement, shall act m an independent capacity and not as officers or employees or agents of the State 15 RECYCLING CERTIFICATION: The Contractor shall certify in writing under penalty of perjury, the minimum, if not exact, percentage of recycled content, both post consumer waste and secondary waste as defined in the Public Contract Code, Sections 12161 and 12200, in materials, goods, or supplies offered or products used in the performance of this ,061 Contract No 6040 -9 El Segundo Fire Dept Page 14 Agreement, regardless of whether the product meets the required recycled product percentage as defined in the Public Contract Code, Sections 12161 and 12200. Contractor may certify that the product contains zero recycled content WM 10233, 10308.5, 10354) 16 NON- DISCRD41NATION CLAUSE. During the performance of this Agreement, Contractor and its subcontractors shall not unlawfully drscrunmate, harass, or allow harassment against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, race, color, ancestry, rehgious creed, national origin, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental disability, medical condition (cancer), age (over 40), mantal status, and denial of family care leave Contractor and subcontractors shall insure that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and applicants for employment are free from such discrinunation and harassment Contractor and subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code Section 12990 (a -f) et seq) and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 7285 et seq) The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission implementing Government Code Secton 12990 (a- f), set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations, are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full Contractor and its subcontractors shall give written notice of their obligations under this clause to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or other Agreement Contractor shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all subcontracts to perform work under the Agreement. B. CERTIFICATION CLAUSES STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE. Contractor has, unless exempted, complied with the nondiscrmu ation program requirements. (GC 12990 (a -f) and CCR, Title 2, Section 8103) (Not applicable to public entities.) DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REOUIREMENTS• Contractor will comply with the requirements of the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1990 and will provide a drug -free workplace by taking the following actions: a Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is prolubited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations b Establish a Drug -Free Awareness Program to inform employees about 1) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; 2) the person's or organizations pohcy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; 3) any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs, and, 4) penalties that may be unposed upon employees for drug abuse violations X6 2 Contract No 6040 -9 El Segundo Fire Dept Page 15 C. Provide that every employee who worsts on the proposed Agreement will. 1) receive a copy of the company's drug -free policy statement; and, 2) agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition of employment on the Agreement Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under the Agreement or termination of the Agreement or both and Contractor may be ineligible for award of any future State agreements if the department determines that any of the following has occurred. (1) the Contractor has made false certification, or violated the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above (GC 8350 et seq ) Contractor certifies that no more than one (1) final unappealable finding of contempt of court by a Federal court has been issued against Contractor within the immediately preceding two -year period because of Contractors failure to comply with an order of a Federal court which orders Contractor to comply with an order of the National Labor Relations Board. (PCC 10296) (Not applicable to public entities.) CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Contractor needs to be aware of the following provisions regarding current or former state employees If Contractor has any questions on the status of any person rendering services or involved with the Agreement, the awarding agency must be contacted immediately for clanficauon. a Current State Employees (PCC 10410) 1) No officer or employee shall engage in any employment, activity or enterprise from which the officer or employee receives compensation or has a financial interest and which is sponsored or funded by any state agency, unless the employment, activity or enterprise is required as a condition of regular state employment 2) No officer or employee shall contract on his or her own behalf as an independent contractor with any state agency to provide goods or services b Former State Employees (PCC 10411) 1) For the two -year penod from the date he or she left state employment, no former state officer or employee may enter into a contract in which he or she engaged in any of the negotiations, transactions, plannmig, arrangements or any part of the dectsron- making process relevant to the contract while employed in any capacity by any state agency. 2) For the twelve -month period from the date he or she left state employment, no former state officer or employee may enter into a contract with any state agency if he or she was employed by that state agency in a policy- making position in the same general subject area as the proposed contract within the 12 -month period prior to his or her leaving state service c If Contractor violates any provisions of above paragraphs, such action by Contractor shall render this Agreement void. M 10420) 063 Contract No 6040 -9 El Segundo Fire Dept Page 16 d. Members of boards and commissions are exempt from this section if they do not receive payment other than payment of each meeting of the board or commission, payment for preparatory time and payment for per diem. (PCC 10430 (e)) 5 LABOR CODE /WORKERS' COMPENSATION• Contractor needs to be aware of the provisions winch require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self - insurance in accordance with the provisions, and Contractor affums to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Agreement (Labor Code Section 3700) 6 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Contractor assures the State that it complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, winch prolubits discrimination on the basis of disability, as well as all applicable regulations and guidelines issued pursuant to the ADA (42 U S C 12101 et seq ) 7 CONTRACTOR NAME CHANGE. An amendment is required to change the Contractor's name as listed on this Agreement Upon receipt of legal documentation of the name change the State will process the amendment payment of invoices presented with a new name cannot be paid prior to approval of said amendment. 8 CORPORATE OUALMCATIONS TO DO BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA a When agreements are to be performed in the state by corporations, the contracting agencies will be verifymg that the Contractor is currently qualified to do business in California in order to ensure that all obligations due to the state are fulfilled b "Doing business" is defined in RBffC Section 23101 as actively engaging in any transaction for the purpose of financial or pecuniary gam or profit. Although there are some statutory exceptions to taxation, rarely will a corporate contractor performing within the state not be subject to the franchise tax c. Both domestic and foreign corporations (those incorporated outside of California) mutt be in good standing in order to be qualified to do business in California. Agencies will determine whether a corporation is in good standing by calling the Office of the Secretary of State. RESOLUTION• A county, city, district, or other local public body must provide the State with a copy of a resolution, order, motion, or ordinance of the local governing body which by law has authority to enter into an agreement, authonzmg execution of the agreement 10 AIR OR WATER POLLUTION VIOLATION• Under the State laws, the Contractor shall not be: (1) in violation of any order or resolution not subject to review promulgated by the State Air Resources Board or an air pollution control district, (2) subject to cease and desist order not subject to review issued pursuant to Section 13301 of the Water Code for violation of waste discharge requirements or discharge prohibitions; or (3) finally determined to be in violation of provisions of federal law relating to air or water pollution f) 9 1 Contract No 6040 -9 El Segundo Fire Dept Page 17 11 VENDOR DATA RECORD FORM STD. 204. This form must be completed by all contractors that are not another state agency or other government entay. 12 TIMELINESS: Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 13 COMPENSATION- The consideration to be pad Contractor, as provided herein, shall be in compensation for all of Contractors expenses incurred in the performance hereof, including travel, per diem, and taxes, unless otherwise expressly so provided 14 GOVERNING LAW This contract is governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California 15 ANTITRUST CLAIMS. a The Government Code Chapter on Antitrust claims contains the following definitions 1) "Public purchase" means a purchase by means of competitive bids of goods, services, or materials by the State or any of its political subdivisions or public agencies on whose behalf the Attorney General may bring an action pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 16750 of the Business and Professions Code 2) "Public purchasing body" means the State or the subdivision or agency making a public purchase. Government Code Section 4550 b In subrinttmg a bid to a public purchasing body, the bidder offers and agrees that if the bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S C. Sec 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), ansing from purchases of goods, materials, or services by the bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to the bidder Government Code Section 4552 If an awarding body or public purchasing body receives, either through judgment or settlement, a monetary recovery for a cause of action assigned under this chapter, the assignor shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for actual legal costs incurred and may, upon demand, recover from the public body any portion of the recovery, including treble damages, attributable to overcharges that were paid by the assignor but were not paid by the public body as part of the bid price, less the expenses incurred in obtaining that portion of the recovery Government Code Section 4553. ��t Contract No 6040 -9 El Segundo Fire Dept Page 18 d. Upon demand m writing by the assignor, the assignee shall, within one year from such demand, reassign the cause of action assigned under this part if the assignor has been or may have been injured by the violation of law for which the cause of action arose and (a) the assignee has not been injured thereby, or (b) the assignee declines to file a court action for the cause of action. See Government Code Section 4554 16 YEAR 2000 LANGUAGE- "The Contractor warrants and represents that the goods or services sold, leased, or licensed to the State of California, its agencies, or its political subdivisions, pursuant to this contract are "Year 2000 compliant " For purposes of this contract, a good or services is Year 2000 compliant if it will continue to fully function before, at, and after the Year 2000 without interruption and, if applicable, with full ability to accurately and unambiguously process, display, compare, calculate, manipulate, and otherwise utilize date information Tlus warranty and representation supersedes all warranty disclaimers and hnutauons and all limitations on liability provided by or through the Contractor " 17 CHILD SUPPORT COMPLIANCE ACT "For any contract in excess of $100,000, the Contractor acknowledges in accordance with, that a The Contractor recognizes the importance of child and family support obligations and shall fully comply with all applicable state and federal laws relating to child and family support enforcement, including, but not limited to, disclosure of information and compliance with earnings assignment orders, as provided in Chapter 8 (commencing with section 5200) of Part 5 of Division 9 of the Family Code; and The Contractor, to the best of its knowledge is fully complying with the earnings assignment orders of all employees and is providing the names of all new employees to the New Hire Registry maintained by the California Employment Development Department." 18 UNENFORCEABLE PROVISION In the event that any provision of this Agreement is unenforceable or held to be unenforceable, then the parties agree that all other provisions of this Agreement have force and effect and shall not be effected thereby 066 EXECUTIVE ORDER D -3 -9a by the Govemor of the State of California WHEREAS, the State of CBlifbn'tla utilizes numerous information technology systems to provide for the health, welfare and public safety of all Californians, and WHEREAS, the year 2000 problem, whereby computers are unable to reeognize dates beyond 1999, has the potential to significantly disrupt information technology systems and automated devices throughout the world, and WHEREAS, the ability of Callfomta government to deliver vital services and protection to the public is greatly compromised unless the State addresses on a timely basis Yoar 2000 impacts on U mission- critical automated systems; and WHEREAS, this Administration believes it has the responsibility, duty and means to coordinate and develop a comprehensive solution to the State's Year 2000 problem, and ® WHEREAS, this Administration understands that the Year 2000 issue must be ® addressed thoroughly and effectively, encompassing, at a minimum, economic, environmental and public safety impacts and do so in a manner that maintains public ® confidence, and WHEREAS, this Administration has undertaken a comprehensive reevaluatior ® o` the status of state government's Year 2000 efforts and, in tum, simultaneously plans to deploy the organization and resources necessary to complete the State s ® Year 2000 preparedness, and ® WHEREAS, the enormity and cemplex:ty of detectirg Cxing, testing and implementing Year 2000 solutions in light cf an inflexible deadline makes time of the essence ® NOW, THEREFORE, I, GRAY DAVIS Governor of the State of California, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the State of ® California, do hereby issue this order to become effective immediately ® t Year 2000 solutions shall be the State's top technology priority, each agency shall ® defer commenerng any new non -Year 2000 computer p•o;ec ::rat is not required by law, and this deferral applies to any protect previously approved with a condition that ® project commencement could not occur until Year 2CC0 compliance was obtained, and P. 6 ® EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT STATE OF'CALIFORNIA ® �1 .y EXECUTIVE ORDER D -3 -9a by the Govemor of the State of California WHEREAS, the State of CBlifbn'tla utilizes numerous information technology systems to provide for the health, welfare and public safety of all Californians, and WHEREAS, the year 2000 problem, whereby computers are unable to reeognize dates beyond 1999, has the potential to significantly disrupt information technology systems and automated devices throughout the world, and WHEREAS, the ability of Callfomta government to deliver vital services and protection to the public is greatly compromised unless the State addresses on a timely basis Yoar 2000 impacts on U mission- critical automated systems; and WHEREAS, this Administration believes it has the responsibility, duty and means to coordinate and develop a comprehensive solution to the State's Year 2000 problem, and ® WHEREAS, this Administration understands that the Year 2000 issue must be ® addressed thoroughly and effectively, encompassing, at a minimum, economic, environmental and public safety impacts and do so in a manner that maintains public ® confidence, and WHEREAS, this Administration has undertaken a comprehensive reevaluatior ® o` the status of state government's Year 2000 efforts and, in tum, simultaneously plans to deploy the organization and resources necessary to complete the State s ® Year 2000 preparedness, and ® WHEREAS, the enormity and cemplex:ty of detectirg Cxing, testing and implementing Year 2000 solutions in light cf an inflexible deadline makes time of the essence ® NOW, THEREFORE, I, GRAY DAVIS Governor of the State of California, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the State of ® California, do hereby issue this order to become effective immediately ® t Year 2000 solutions shall be the State's top technology priority, each agency shall ® defer commenerng any new non -Year 2000 computer p•o;ec ::rat is not required by law, and this deferral applies to any protect previously approved with a condition that ® project commencement could not occur until Year 2CC0 compliance was obtained, and P. 6 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: FISCAL IMPACT $15,500 Replacement of Cushman (Auto /Machinery) with a new Cushman On -Road Haulster Liquid Cooled Engine modeVorder no 698465 RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Specifications and authorize the Purchasing Agent to obtain pricing, issue purchase order for construction and delivery of specified Cushman vehicle and to sell old unit at auction INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Cushman (unit 6428) was purchased for $9,215 and put into service for Parks Operation in fiscal year 1988/89 The Cushman has been performing service for ten years and due to numerous repairs and scarcity of replacement parts, its useful life has been exhausted The Cushman is now due for replacement, and will be sold when replaced This new Cushman, with a factory installed hydraulics package for refuse hopper, includes 6 5 1 hypoid differential and 2 0 cu yd Refuse Hopper assembly modification /order no 783, modified rear end to allow for a street legal application (25 mph max) and Crating for freight and delivery DISCUSSION: The anticipated replacement cost for the new Cushman and modifications will be approximately $15,500 Accumulated funds for the replacement have been previously authorized and adopted in the 1998/99 budget under the equipment replacement schedule ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget x Capital Improvement Budget*_ Amount Requested $15.500 ProtecUAccount Budget $15.500 Project/Account Balance $15.500 Account Number 601 -400-5102 -8105 Project Phase. Appropriation Required: YES NO x 990907 Cushman c" 14 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7,1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Water Billing Contract Outsourcing RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Enter into contract discussions with California Water Service Company (Cal Water) INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The current Water Billing system is running on the City's HP 3000 minicomputer and is supported by Progressive Solutions, Inc (PSI) The system is not Year 2000 compliant and must be replaced Several options were considered Eden Systems The developer of the new Finance system installed at the City originally proposed their own Utility Billing system for approximately $40,000 However, it was one of the modules (like Business Licenses) that has not yet been converted from their old legacy "Command Series" modules and they have even recommended going to a third party solution D R Frey This is a PC based Utility Billing system that is part of a comprehensive municipal financial system The total (initial) cost of the system would also be around $40,000, however, after much research and technical review, they determined that without their own Cash Receipts system to accompany the UB module, it would not be practical to use In order to put in their Cash Receipts system, they would have to develop an interface for out Eden Financial system, and they decided that it would not be a practical solution (Continued on next page ) DISCUSSION: (See next page ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: 40,000 to be reserved at 9130199. Thereafter, ongoing annual costs of approximately $40,000 to be offset by the elimination of one full -time position. Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: $40,000 Date: 301 - 400 - 8201 -8399 Bret Plumlee, Director of Finance REVEIWED BY: Date: 065 15 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: PSI Progressive Solutions, Ina Is developing a PC -based replacement for their legacy Utility Billing system, however, it is still in the design phase and the City would be at least a Beta If not Alpha test for the product City of Inglewood The City of Inglewood has a very robust Information Systems department and currently provides computer services pike Paddng Citations) to other cities While they were willing to explore extending their Utility Billing system to the City, they had never done it before and did not even have pricing to propose With a huge IBM mainframe system, there appeared to be many technical and logistical obstacles to overcome that would not be possible with El Segundo's limited staff. S Cal Gas We requested a proposal from the local Gas company, but their minimum number of accounts is 5,000 and the City has only 4,500 They also prefer to provide full service, which includes meter reading and customer service, both of which were intending to remain in -house Cal Water Cal Water is a company that provides water services to several districts and cities throughout the State of California They submitted an unsolicited proposal to provide water billing services and allow the City to do customer service and meter reading for around $40,000 per year DISCUSSION: Running any water billing system in -house will require both operational and technical support of up to 1 5 full -time equivalent positions Much of this support is currently provided as part of the on -site support contracted with PSI which will be eliminated after this fiscal year In order to continue providing such a system in- house, additional staff would need to be added and an additional burden will be placed on Information System Division resources With the Cal Water proposal, all of the pnntrng, mailing, and even handling of most of the payments will be handled outside the City One vacant full -time positron will be eliminated, while the meter reading and customer service will continue with existing staff. There are some technical issues of connecting to the Cal Water system so that the Water and Finance Departments can review customer bills and payments and meter readings can be uploaded. A meeting has been scheduled with Cal Water to discuss these issues if the City Council approves going forward 070 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 07 September 1999 AGENDA DESCRIPTION: New Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine (Type 41 — On -Sale Beer & Wine Eating Place) at a proposed restaurant, Taiko, to be located at 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 190 (ABC 99-4). Applicant: Art Rodriguez (Agent for Taiko Foods, Inc.); Property Owner. Continental Development Corporation ECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Determine that the City does not protest the issuance of the new ABC license for the sale of beer and wine at the new Taiko Restaurant INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: At its 4 April 1995 meeting, the City Council directed Staff to bring all future ABC license to them for review The ABC regulations (Sections 23958 4, 23987, 24013, 24200, and 25612 5) of the Business and Professions Code require a 30- day review and comment period, after notification of the local Police and Planning Departments for review purposes for alcohol sales at restaurants Restaurants are specifically excluded from the ABC regulations which require the City to make findings of public convenience or necessity in areas of "undue concentration " For your information the proposed restaurant would be located in Reporting District (RD) No. 319, which does have an "undue concentration" of licenses and crime (145% above average of all RD's). Any protests regarding the issuance of a restaurant license must be filed with the ABC during the 30 -day time frame, or a 20 -day extension may be requested The City has not received formal notice of the ABC license application from the ABC, however an Administrative Use Permit Application for the alcohol sales was received and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety On 09 September 1999, the Planning Commission is scheduled to Receive and File the AUP approval The Police Department and Department of Planning and Building Safety have no concerns with issuance of the ABC alcohol license ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1) Administrative Use Permit Approval Letter, dated 19 August 1999 2) City of El Segundo ABC Licenses Counted Towards "Undue Concentration" Calculations — prepared 25 August 1999 by Planning Division 3) 1998 ABC Crime and Arrest Statistics by Reporting District (RD) and RD Map — prepared by Police Records Division 4) Assembly Bill No 2897 — Business and Professions Code Section 23958.4 5) Assembly Bill No 2742 — Business and Professions Code Sections 23987, 24013, 24200, and 25612.5 FISCAL IMPACT: None. ORIGINATED Date: 26 August 1999 Bret B Bernard, AICP, Director of Planning and Budding Safety nond. Chief of ACTION Date: 9/17 ea490 ais doc 071 16 G1T Y O� t SEG13 19 August 1999 Planning and Budding Safety Department 077.1 7 35D Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 -0989 Phone (390) 322 -4670 FAX (3101 322 -4187 Mr Art Rodriguez Art Rodriguez and Associates 709E Colorado Blvd #210 Elected OtFcia is Pasadena, CA 91101 Mike Gordon, Mayor Sandra Jacobs RE Environmental Assessment EA -490 and Administrative Use Permit 99 -4 Mayor Pro Tem erek, Nancy Wrn c+ On -Sale Beer and Wine at new Restaurant CounMmember John Gaines Address: 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 190 c0immimember Kelly McDowell, C tincrimembe, Cindy Molsen, Dear Mr Rodriguez City Clark William Sue, City Treasurer I am pleased to inform you that, in accordance with Chapter 20 72 of the City of El Segundo Zoning Code, the Planning Division has reviewed your application for the above - referenced Appointed Officials project and the Director of Planning and Building Safety has APPROVED your Mary Strenn City Manager Administrative Use Permit The following are the findings and facts in support of each Mark Hensley Cay Ahmney finding for this decision Department Directors FINDINGS AND FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDINGS: James Hansen, Economic 0e .I.Pmem 3ret Plum/ee Environmental Assessment EA-490 Finance ;rang Pedego, Fire )on Lewis Finding 1 Int Asst City Manager )ebra Brighton tret8cBemalydary • The proposed project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Piannmg & Budding Safety im Grrmmond Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1, as the operation of existing on Green, private structure involving negligible or no expansion of use Actng Pubho Works myAndoe Acting Recreatmn a Parks Facts in Support of Finding 1 1 The applicant proposes to provide on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine in a new restaurant, Taiko The proposed restaurant will include indoor and outdoor dining 2 The approximately 2,360 square foot restaurant is located in an existing retailloffice building, zoned Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) The restaurant will occupy space that has been unoccupied since building renovations were commenced in 1996 Planning and Budding Safety Department 077.1 7 35D Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 -0989 Phone (390) 322 -4670 FAX (3101 322 -4187 Administrative Use Permit 99.4 Findine 1 • There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located Facts in Support of Finding 1 1 The applicant proposes to provide on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine in a new restaurant, Taiko The approximately 2,360 square foot restaurant is located in an existing Mixed -Use building, and provides seating for approximately 59 people 2 The restaurant will have a State of California Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) license for on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine 3 The intended hours of alcohol sale are expected to be during all hours the restaurant is open The restaurant is planning on opening at 12 p.m , seven (7) days a week The closing time for the establishment is expected to be 10 00 p m., seven (7) days a week 4 The restaurant location is in the existing retail/office building, which is part of the Beach Cities Plaza retail and entertainment center, with adjacent on -site surface and structure parking 5 The General Plan land use designation for the site is Urban Mixed -Use South. 6 The zoning for the site is Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) The proposed use requires an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) in accordance with Section 20 38 030 B. of the El Segundo Municipal Code 7 The surrounding land uses are Commercial, with another restaurant, retail, movie theaters, and office within the same center Also in the immediate area is industrial development to the west of the Beach Cities Plaza. These uses are compatible with the purpose and intent of the proposed use 8 On 09 September 1999, the El Segundo Planning Commission is scheduled to Receive and File the Adriunistrauve Use Permit request (We will subsequently inform you of its decision ) Finding 2 • The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the Zone in which the site is located Facts in Support of Finding 2 1 The General Plan land use designation for the site is Urban Mixed -Use South 2 The zoning for the site is Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) The proposed use (on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine) requires an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) in accordance with Section No 20.38 030 B of the El Segundo Municipal Code Restaurants are a permitted use in the zone in accordance with Section 20 38 020 (D) of the Zoning Code and the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan (EA -401B and PP 96 -1B) 073 2 The purpose of the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU-S) Zone is "to provide a mixture of compatible commercial offices, research and development, retail and hotel uses can locate and develop in a mutually beneficial manner." (Section 20.38.010) The proposed use is consistent with this purpose. The surrounding land uses are Commercial, with another restaurant, retail, movie theaters, and office within the same center Also in the immediate area is industrial development to the west of the Beach Cities Plaza These uses are compatible with the purpose and intent of the proposed use Finding 3 • The proposed location and use and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity Facts in Support of Finding 3 The restaurant location is in an existing mixed -use commercial budding with adjacent surface and structure parking areas The restaurant is located in commercial spaces not previously occupied 2 The surrounding land uses are Commercial, with another restaurant, retail, movie theaters and office within the same center Also in the immediate area is industrial development to the west of the Beach Cities Plaza These uses are compatible with the purpose and intent of the proposed use Finding 4 • Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic, and hazards have been recognized and compensated for Facts in Support of Finding 4 The restaurant will have an ABC license for on -site sale and consumption of liquor The intended hours of alcohol sale are expected to be during all hours the restaurant is open The restaurant is planning on opening at 12 p in , seven (7) days a week The closing time for the establishment is expected to be 10 00 p in , seven (7) days a week The surrounding land uses are Commercial, with another restaurant, retail, movie theaters and office within the same center Also in the immediate area is an industrial land to the west of the Beach Cores Plaza These uses are compatible with the purpose and intent of the proposed use Finding 5 The State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control has issued or will issue a license to sell alcohol to the applicant n 7 4 Facts in Support of Finding 5 The City Council will be scheduled to review the request for the ABC license on 07 September 1999, and determine whether or not they protest the issuance of the license (We will also subsequently inform you of its determination ) DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY ACTION Based on these findings and facts in support of these findings, the Director of Planning and Building Safety APPROVES the proposed project, subject to the following condition The construction of an outdoor dining area for the proposed restaurant greater than 387 square feet (based on an indoor dining area of 755 square feet) requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit or an amendment to the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan PLANNING COMMISSION Please be advised that this does not conclude the review process. As explained previously, this detemunation will be transmitted to the Planning Cotmission for its 09 September 1999 meeting with the recommendation that the Planning Commission Receive and File the determination of the Director of Planning and Building Safety An appeal of this decision by the Director of Planning and Building Safety may be filed with the Planning Division prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which this decision is to be received and filed If an appeal is filed, the item will be scheduled for a (future) public hearing (as required by the Municipal Code) Additionally, the City Council will review the request to sell alcohol at its meeting on 07 September 1999, in order to determine if it will protest the sale of beer and wine for on -site consumption Should you have any questions, please contact Paul Garry, Assistant Planner, myself, or any other Planning Division staff member, at (310) 322 -4670, extension nos 399, 211, or 382, respectively Sincerely, Bret B Ber ard, AI P, Director Dep ment of Planning and Building Safety xc Laurie B. Jester, Senior Planner Nonko Fukada, Taiko Foods, Inc Leonard Blakesley Jr, Continental Development Corporation P \Planning & Building Safety\PROJEC rS \476- 499\Ea- 490\EA490 aup approval letter doc n75 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Types of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Licenses Counted Toward "Undue Concentration" Calculations I. ON -SALE — ON -SITE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL ONLY License Number Type of Licenses Type 41 19' On -Sale Beer and Wine Eating Place - Restaurant Operation. Minors Permitted. Type 42 3 On -Sale Beer and Wine Public Premises - Food not required Minors Not Permitted. Type 47 14 On -Sale General Bona Fide Eating Place - Restaurant operation Beer, Wine and Distilled Spirits. Minors Permitted Type 48 1 On -Sale General Public Premises - Cocktail Lounge Minors Not Permitted Type 51 1 Club - Veterans or Other. Type 57 1 Club - Entertainment Allowed Type 70 1 General Restrictive - Hotel TOTAL 40 II. OFF -SALE — OFF -SITE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL ONLY License Number Type of Licenses Type 20 7 Off -Sale Beer and Wine Type 21 7 Off -Sale General - Beer, Wine and Distilled Spirits TOTAL 14 '[Includes new Type 41 license for Taiko Restaurant at 2041 Rosecrans Avenue P Tlammng & Budding Safety \PROJECTSW76- 499\Ea- 490\ea490 ABC -CALX doc Update 6/25/99 076 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO City's ABC Licenses Counted Toward "Undue Concentration" Calculations (Using 1990 Census Data) Census Tract 6200 6201 East of Sheldon West of Sheldon - North of El Segundo Population 6799 8426 On -Sale 1971 1.1053 County Average 7 Licenses 8 Licenses On -Sale 1.378 1421 El Segundo Ratio 20 Licenses " 20 Licenses - "undue concentration" "undue concentration" Off -Sale 1.1133 1:1204 County Average 6 Licenses 7 Licenses Off -Sale 1.850 11685 El Segundo Ratio 8 Licenses 6 Licenses - no 'undue concentration" "undue concentration" "[Includes proposed Type 41 license for Taiko Restaurant at 2041 Rosecrans Avenue] P \Planning & Building Safety \PROJECTSW76.499\Ea- 490\ea490 ABC -CALX doc Update 8/25199 07, ABC CRIME AND ARREST STATISTICS BY REPORTING DISTRICTS (RD) 1998 RD PART I CRIMES ARRESTS TOTALS PERCENT+/ - 304 02 05 07 -73 305 10 08 18 -31 306 08 02 10 -62 307 00 03 03 -88 308 40 20 60 131 309 11 02 13 -50 310 10 01 11 -58 311 18 02 20 -23 312 04 00 04 -85 313 09 09 18 -31 314 61 10 71 173 315 08 07 15 -42 316 14 02 16 -38 317 14 17 31 19 318 27 17 44 69 319 52 12 64 146 320 09 07 16 -38 321 07 00 07 -73 322 08 01 09 -65 323 07 01 08 -69 324 00 12 12 -54 TOTALS 885 487 1372 Number of Report Districts = 52 Overage # of Part I Crimes per Reporting District = 17 Overage # of Arrests per Reporting District = 9 average # of Crimes and Arrests per Reporting District = 26 0719 —_1 � ��' wzf �rMs' '^ ��, 44rr � ` �' 4 � �'+." n #Ta i� Io -� ��,� r �ai 7 } � r�S �' F �' ,� W i - �' y, ,' £— hapJ/ www.loodmcagov/pubP93-94/bLll.„ 2851- 2900fab 2897_bat 940920 chaptea BILL NUMBER- AB 2897 CHAPTERED 09/20/94 BILL TEXT CHAPTER 630 FILED WITH SECRETARY OF STATE SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 APPROVED BY GOVERNOR SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PASSED THE ASSEMBLY AUGUST 18, 1994 PASSED THE SENATE AUGUST 12, 1994 AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 9, 1994 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 26, 1994 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 4, 1994 INTRODUCED BY Assembly Members Caldera, Andal, Bronshvag, Ducheny, Katz, and Terry Friedman (Coauthor Senator Watson) FEBRUARY 17, 1994 An act to amend Section 23958 of, and to add Section 23958.4 to, the Business and Professions Code, relating to alcoholic beverages LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 2897, Caldera. Alcoholic beverages- retail licenses. undue concentration Existing law provides that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control may deny an application for a license if the issuance would, among other things, result in or add to an undue concentration of licenses, and the applicant fails to show that public convenience or necessity would be served by the issuance Existing regulatory law defines "undue concentration" with regard to applications for on -sale and off -sale retail licenses. This bill would instead require the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to deny an application if issuance would tend to create a law enforcement problem, or would result in or add to an undue concentration of licenses The bill would change the definition of undue concentration, and would provide that, notwithstanding the requirement that the department deny an application that would result in or add to an undue concentration of licenses, a license may be issued with respect to a nonretail license, a retail on -sale bona fide eating place license, a retail license issued for a hotel, motel, or other lodging establishment, as defined, a retail license issued in con3unctxon with a beer manufacturer's license, or a winegrower' s license, if the applicant shows that public convenience or necessity would be served by the issuance, and with respect to any other license, if the local governing body of the area in which the applicant premises are located determines that public convenience or necessity would be served by the issuance THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS. SECTION 1 Section 23958 of the Business and Professions Code is amended to read: 23958. Upon receipt of an application for a license or for a transfer of a license and the applicable fee, the department shall make a thorough investigation to determine whether the applicant and the premises for which a license is applied 1)80 7 Rn4 /no 4 In one bupJ/ www .teginfo.¢%Bm/puh(93- 94thM... = 1- 2900/ab_2897_bifl_940920_chaptm qualify for a license and whether the provisions of thy,¢ division have been complied with, and shall investigate all matters connected therewith which may affect the public welfare and morals. The department shall deny an application for a license or for a transfer of a license if either the applicant or the premises for which a license is applied do not qualify for a license under this division. The department further shall deny an application for a license if issuance of that license would tend to create a law enforcement problem, or if issuance would result in or add to an undue concentration of licenses, except as provided in Section 23958 4 SEC 2 Section 23958 4 is added to the Business and Professions Code, to read: 23958.4. (a) For purposes of Section 23958, "undue co ce�ion" means the applicant premises for anginal or premises -to- premises transfer of any retail license are located I an area where any of the following conditions exist. (1) The applicant premises are located in a crime reporting in that has a L QgLQI t reater number of reported crimes, as defined in subdivision c , Mn a average number of reported crimes as determined from all crime reporting districts within the jurisdiction of the local law enforcement agency. (2) As to on -sale retail license applications, the ratio of on -sale reta 1 licenses to o ulatlon in the census tract or census ivision in w ich the app icant premises are located exceeds the ratio of on -sale retail licenses to population in the county in which the applicant premises are located. (3) As to off -sale retail license applications, the ratio of off -sale retail licenses to o ulation in the census tract or census division in w is a app scan premises are located exceeds the ratio of off -sale retail licenses to opulation in L the count in w is t e applicant premises are ocate Notwithstanding Section 23958, the department may issue a license as follows (1) With respect to a nonretail license, a retail on -sale bona fide eating place license, a retail license issued for a hotel, motel, or other lodging establishment, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 25503 16, a retail license issued in conjunction with a beer manufacturer's license, or a winegrower' s license, if the applicant shows that public convenience or necessity would be served by the issuance. (2) With respect to any other license, if the local governing body of the area in which the applicant premises are located determines that public convenience or necessity would be served by the issuance (c) For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply (1) "Reporting districts" means geographical areas within the boundaries of a single governmental entity (city or the unincorporated area of a county), that are identified by the local law enforcement agency in the compilation and maintenance of statistical information on reported crimes and arrests. (2) "Reported crimes" means the most recent yearly compilation by the local law enforcement agency of reported offenses of criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny theft, and motor vehicle theft, combined with all arrests for other crimes, both felonies and misdemeanors, except traffic citations (3) "Population within the census tract or census division" means the population as determined by the most recent United States decennial or special census. The population determination shall not operate to prevent an applicant from establishing that an increase of resident population has 081 of 3 8/25/99 5 10 PM httWAv ww. legmfo. m Vv/Pob/93-94/ba1..-2851- 290Nab- 2897- M7L940920_chapmro occurred within the census tract or census division. (4) *Population in the county" shall be determined by the annual population estimate for California counties published by the Population Research Unit of the Department of Finance. (5) "Retail licenses" shall include the following: (A) Off -sale retail licenses: Type 20 (off -sale beer and wine) and Type 21 (off -sale general). (B) On -sale retail licenses: All retail on -sale licenses, except Type 43 (on -sale beer and wine for train), Type 44 (on -sale beer and wine for fishing party boat), Type 45 (on -sale beer and wine for boat), Type 46 (on -sale beer and wine for airplane), Type 53 (on -sale general for train and sleeping car), Type 54 (on -sale general for boat) , Type 55 (on -sale general for airplane), Type 56 (on -sale general for vessels of more than 1,000 tons burden), and Type 62 (on -sale general bona fide public eating place intermittent dockside license for vessels of more than 15,000 tons displacement) (6) A "premises to premises transfer" refers to each license being separate and distinct and transferable upon approval of the department. (d) For purposes of this section, the number of retail licenses in the county shall be determined by the most recent yearly retail license count published by the department in its Procedure Manual. (e) The enactment of this section shall not affect any existing rights of any holder of a retail license issued prior to April 29, 1992, whose premises were destroyed or rendered unusable as a result of the civil disturbances occurring in Los Angeles from April 29 to May 2, 1992, to reopen and operate those licensed premises (f) This section shall not apply where the premises have been licensed and operated with the same type license within 90 days of the application rpm 3 8125/99 5 10 PM hdrrJAv wJegi diLmgm/pub1 94foi8__T)Ot- 2750/ 2742_biU 940920_daptae BILL NUMBER: AB 2742 cHAPTERED 09/20194 BILL TEXT CHAPTER 629 FILED WITH SECRETARY OF STATE SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 APPROVED BY GOVERNOR SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PASSED THE ASSEMBLY AUGUST 22, 1994 PASSED THE SENATE AUGUST 19, 1994 AMENDED IN SENATE AUGUST 8, 1994 AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 22, 1994 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MAY 19, 1994 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 11, 1994 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MARCH 24, 1994 INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Lee (Coauthors* Senators Dills, Hughes, and Torres) FEBRUARY 9, 1994 An act to amend Sections 23987, 24013, and 24200 of, and to add Section 25612 5 to, the Business and Professions Code, relating to alcoholic beverages LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 2742, Lee. Alcoholic beverages. Existing law requires the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to notify the appropriate sheriff, chief of police, district attorney, and legislative body of an application for the issuance or transfer of a liquor license, an prohibits t Department of Alconolrc beverage control trom issuing or transferring a license until at least 30 days after these notices are provided. This bill would require the Department of Alcoholic Be Control to also notify the city or county planning agency license or license transfer app=ILaC1cn— ana —woula allow any local law enforcement agency that is so notified to reauut an extension of the 30 -day waiting period for a period not to exceed additional 20 aays. xisting law provides tha protests against the issuance of a liquor license may be filed with the— epI-5 art o A cohTc Beverage Control, as specified. Existing law permits the department to reject protests it determines to be false, vexatious, or without reasonable or probable cause, and permits a protestant whose protest has been rejected to file an accusation with the department, as specified. This bill would require the Department o Alcoh c Beverage Co"" if, after investigation, it reco;97d -s that a icense e issued notwithstanding a protest by a public agency, a public official, or the governing body of a city or county, to notify the a Pn , official, or governing body in in Of its eterm1;ation and the reasons therefor, in conjunction with the notice%iearing provided to the protestant, as specified. Existing law establishes various matters, including a licensee's failure to take reasonable steps to correct a nuisance on the licensed premises or other immediate areas within a reasonable time after receipt of a notice pursuant to a specified statute, as grounds for the suspension or revocation of a liquor license. This bill would, as provided, establish a licensee's failure, within a reasonable time after specified notice, to take reasonable steps to correct objectionable conditions that occur ng3 of 6 8/25/99 5 12 PM httpJ/www.leOnfocLgov/p W3- 94b0(._- 2'701- r7saab 274z nRL9409z0 -chapwa during business hours on any public sidewalk abutting a_licensed premises, as an additional ground for revocation or suspension of a liquor license, except with respect to certain specified licenses. Existing law establishes certain regulatory requirements with respect to alcoholic beverages, and provides that the violation of any of those requirements shall be punished as a misdemeanor, unless otherwise provided. This bill would establish certain general operating standards that are applicable, as provided, to the licensed premises of certain retailers of alcoholic beverages, the violation of which would be punishable as a misdemeanor. By creating a new crime, this bill would establish a state - mandated local program. The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 Section 23987 of the Business and Professions Code is amended to read: 23987 Upon the receipt by the department of an original application or any icense or an apphc�i on order of any 1� icense, written notice thereof, consisting of a copy of the application, shall immediately be mailed by the department to the sheriff, chief o po ice, is ri t attorney of the locality in which the premises are situated, to the city or county planning director, whoever has 3urisdiction, gird of supervisors or- e county in which the premises are situated, if in unincorporated territory, and to the city council or other governing body of the city in which the premises are situated, if within an incorporated area. N icense shall be issued or transferred by the department I at least days alter the mailing by the department of the notices require by this section. The department a extend_ the 30 -day oer_l specified in the preceding sentence orb a pezi�cT not to exceed an additional 20 days, upon the written request ot any ISM Taw en orcemen a'g%ncy that states proper grounds for extension Proper grounds for extension are limited to the requesting agency or official being in the process of preparing either a protest or proposed conditions with respect to the issuance or transfer of a license. SEC. 2 Section 24013 of the Business and Professions Code is amended to read - 24013 (a) Protests may be filed-at any office of the department at any time wit in days from the first date of posting the notice of intentions tengage in the sale of alcoholic beverages at the premises, or within 30 days of the mailing of the notification pursuant to Section 23985.5, whichever is later (b) The de artment may reject protests, except grotests made by a pub lc agency or pu is o ricia or protests e y e govern y o a city or county, flit _determines the protests are false, vexatious, or wit ouT� t reasona Is or probable cause at any time before hearing thereon, notwithstanding Section 24016 or 24300. If, after investigation, the department recommends that a licen i a sued notwithstanding a protest by a pubiic agency, a public o icial, or the governing body of a city or county, th ertment shall notify the agency, official, or governing body in writing o its determina ion and 084 825/99 5 11 PM bap -Jtwww.l rnf LMSM/p�dl... 7,7012750hb -742 b0] 9409M- c6pcem I the reasons therefor, in conjunction with the notice of hearing provided to the protestant pursuant to Section 11509 of—the Government Code. If the department rejects a protest as provided in this section ana issues license a protestant whose protest has been rejected may, within 10 2MJ a ter e issuance of the license, file an accusa ion wit the department alleging the grounds of protes as a cause for revocation of the license and the department shall hold a hearing as provided in Chapter 5 (commencing o art 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting or restricting any right which the individual making the protest might have to a judicial proceeding. SEC. 3 Section 24200 of the Business and Professions Code is amended to read- 24200. The following are the grounds that constitute a basis for the suspension or revocation of licenses: (a) When the continuance of a license would be contrary to public welfare or morals However, proceedings under this subdivision are not a limitation upon the department's authority to proceed under Section 22 of Article XX of the California Constitution (b) Except as limited by Chapter 11 (commencing with Section 24850) and Chapter 12 (commencing with section 25000), the violation or the causing or the permitting of a violation by a licensee of this division, any rules of the board adopted pursuant to Part 14 (commencing with Section 32001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, or any rules of the department adopted pursuant to the provisions of this division, or any other penal provisions of law of this state prohibiting or regulating the sale, exposing for sale, use, possession, giving away, adulteration, dilution, misbranding, or mislabeling of alcoholic beverages or intoxicating liquors. (c) The misrepresentation of a material fact by an applicant in obtaining a license (d) The plea, verdict, or judgment of guilty, or the plea of nolo contendere to any public offense involving moral turpitude or under any federal law prohibiting or regulating the sale, exposing for sale, use, possession, or giving away of alcoholic beverages or intoxicating liquors or prohibiting the refilling or reuse of distilled spirits containers charged against the licensee (e) Failure to take reasonable steps to correct objectionable conditions on the licensed premises, including the immediately adjacent area that is owned, leased, or rented by the licensee, that constitute a nuisance within a reasonable time after receipt of notice to make those corrections from a district attorney, city attorney, county counsel, or the department, under Section 373a of the Penal Code For the purpose of this subdivision only, "property or premises" as used in Section 373a of the Penal Code .includes the area immediately adjacent to the licensed premises that is owned, leased, or rented by the licensee (f) Failure to take reasonable steps to correct objectionable conditions that occur during business hours on any public sidewalk abutting a licensed premises and constitute a nuisance, within a reasonable time after receipt of notice to correct those conditions from the department This subdivision shall apply to a licensee only upon written notice to the licensee from the department The department shall issue this written notice upon its own determination, or upon a request from the local law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the premises are located, that is supported by substantial evidence that persistent objectionable conditions are occurring on the public sidewalk abutting the licensed premises. For purposes of this n8r of 6 8/25/99 5 12 PM hap• 1 /www.legiafacsgav/pubt93- 90RL..- 2701- 27SWab -2742 biU_940M_chaptem subdivision: (1) "Any public sidewalk abutting a licensed premises' means the publicly owned, pedestrian- traveled way, not more than 20 feet from the premises, that is located between a licensed premises, including any immediately adjacent area that is owned, leased, or rented by the licensee, and a public street. (2) "Objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance" means disturbance of the peace, public drunkenness, drinking in public, harassment of passersby, gambling, prostitution, loitering, public urination, lewd conduct, drug trafficking, or excessive loud noise (3) "Reasonable steps" means all of the following- (A) Calling the local law enforcement agency. Timely calls to the local law enforcerent agency that are placed by the licensee, or his or her agents or employees, shall not be construed by the department as evidence of objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance (B) Requesting those persons engaging in activities causing objectionable conditions to cease those activities, unless the licensee, or his or her agents or employees, feel that their personal safety would be threatened in making that request. (C) Making good faith efforts to remove items that facilitate loitering, such as furniture, except those structures approved or permitted by the local jurisdiction. The licensee shall not be liable for the removal of those items that facilitate loitering (4) When determining what constitutes "reasonable steps," the department shall consider site configuration constraints related to the unique circumstances of the nature of the business (g) Subdivision (f) shall not apply to a bona fide public eating place, as defined in Section 23038, that is so operated by a retail on -sale licensee, a hotel, motel, or similar lodging establishment, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 25503 16, a wine growers license; a licensed beer manufacturer, as defined in Section 23357; those same or contiguous premises for which a retail licensee concurrently holds an off -sale retail beer and wine license and a beer manufacturer's license; or those same or contiguous premises at which an on -sale licensee who is licensed as a bona fide public eating place as defined in Section 23038, a hotel, motel, or similar lodging establishment as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 25503.16, a licensed beer manufacturer, as defined in Section 23357, or a wine growers license, sells off -sale beer and wine under the licensees's on -sale license SEC. 4 Section 25612 5 is added to the Business and Professions Code, to read: 25612 5 (a) This section shall apply to licensees other than a retail on -sale licensee who is licensed and operates as a bona fide public eating place, as defined in Section 23038, or as a hotel, motel, or similar lodging establishment, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 25503.16, a wine growers license; a licensed beer manufacturer, as defined in Section 23357; a retail licensee who concurrently holds an off -sale retail beer and wine license and a beer manufacturer's license for those same or contiguous premises; and a retail on -sale licensee who is licensed and operates as a bona fide public eating place, as defined in Section 23038, or as a hotel, motel, or similar lodging establishment, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 25503.16, a licensed beer manufacturer, as defined in section 23357, or a wine growers license, who sells off -sale beer and wine under the on -sale license on those same or contiguous premises. (b) The Legisiature finds and declares that it is in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to adopt t1 e 6 8/25/99 5 12 PM httpJlwww.Wnfoctgov /puW3.941bdl. _2701 - 27501 2742_biU- 940M_chaptae operating standards as set forth in this section for specified retail premises licensed by the department. The standards set forth in this section are state standards that do not preclude the adoption and implementation of more stringent local regulations that are otherwise authorized by law. (c) Other than as provided in subdivision (a), each retail licensee shall comply with all of the following: (1) A prominent, permanent sign or signs stating "NO LOITERING IS ALLOWED ON OR IN FRONT OF THESE PREMISES" shall be posted in a place that is clearly visible to patrons of the licensee The size, format, form, placement, and languages of the sign or signs shall be determined by the department. This paragraph shall apply to a licensee only upon written notice to the licensee from the department The department shall issue this written notice only upon a request, from the local law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the premises are located, that is supported by substantial evidence that there is loitering adjacent to the premises. (2) A prominent, permanent sign or signs stating "NO OPEN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTAINERS ARE ALLOWED ON THESE PREMISES" shall be posted in a place that is clearly visible to patrons of the licensee The size, format, form, placement, and languages of the sign or signs shall be determined by the department This paragraph shall apply to a licensee only upon written notice to the licensee from the department. The department shall issue this written notice only upon a request, from the local law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the premises are located, that is supported by substantial evidence that there is drinking in public adjacent to the premises. (3) No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on the premises of an off -sale retail establishment, and no alcoholic beverages shall be consumed outside the edifice of an on -sale retail establishment. (4) The exterior of the premises, including adjacent public sidewalks and all parking lots under the control of the licensee, shall be illuminated during all hours of darkness during which the premises are open for business in a manner so that persons standing in those areas at night are identifiable by law enforcement personnel. However, the required illumination shall be placed so as to minimize interference with the quiet enjoyment of nearby residents of their property. (5) Litter shall be removed daily from the premises, including adjacent public sidewalks and all parking lots under the control of the licensee These areas shall be swept or cleaned, either mechanically or manually, on a weekly basis to control debris (6) Graffiti shall be removed from the premises and all parking lots under the control of the licensee within 120 hours of application (7) No more than 33 percent of the square footage of the windows and clear doors of an off -sale premises shall bear advertising or signs of any sort, and all advertising and signage shall be placed and maintained in a manner that ensures that law enforcement personnel have a clear and unobstructed view of the interior of the premises, including the area in which the cash registers are maintained, from the exterior public sidewalk or entrance to the premises However, this latter requirement shall not apply to premises where there are no windows, or where existing windows are located at a height that precludes a view of the interior of the premises to a person standing outside the premises (8) Upon request of the local law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the licensed premises are located or at the discretion of the department, each public telephone located on off -sale premises (or located in an adjacent area under the rrg7 )f6 8125/99 5 12 PM bttpJhrww.le&fo cLpv /wW3- 94/biID.. -2 701- 2750/ab_2742_bi1- 940920_chW= control of the off -sale licensee) shall be equipped with devices or mechanisms that prevent persons from calling into that public telephone. (9) A copy of the applicable operating standards shall be available during normal business hours for viewing by the general public. SEC. S. No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIIIS of the California Constitution because the only costs which may be incurred by a local agency or school district will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or infraction, changes the definition of a crime or .infraction, changes the penalty for a crime or infraction, or eliminates a crime or infraction. Notwithstanding Section 17580 of the Government Code, unless otherwise specified in this act, the provisions of this act shall become operative on the same date that the act takes effect pursuant to the California Constitution. ' • . 6 8125199 5 12 PM EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda A resolution of the City Council supporting the Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA -21 Grant) funding application for the project to Landscape Sepulveda Boulevard (State Highway Route 1) between Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway (total project cost $766,000 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION• Adopt resolution and authorize staff to submit the TEA 21 grant application INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND- The TEA program is a federal grant program administered by Caltrans Over the next six (6) years it is anticipated that Caltrans will receive a total of $40 million (statewide) for implementing environmental enhancement projects for State Highways DISCUSSION Sepulveda Boulevard between Imperial Highway and Rosecrans Is a State Highway (Route 1) Currently, there is median landscaping between Imperial Highway and El Segundo Boulevard, which is in need of refurbishment including a new irrigation system Sepulveda Boulevard between El Segundo Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue is currently being widened by Caltrans The widening project includes construction of raised median islands but does not include landscaping of these islands Caltrans, by policy, expects local agencies to construct and maintain landscaping of State Highways if the City desires to have the landscaping Landscaping of transportation corridors such as the Sepulveda Boulevard corridor is an activity that is eligible for funding under the TEA guidelines Staff has prepared the enclosed application for submittal to Caltrans through Assemblyman George Nakano's Office, which has requested area Cities for TEA protect proposals The total project cost Is estimated to be $766,000 00 The TEA grant requires a local agency match of 115% or $88,000 00 from non - federal funds sources The grant application Is for a grant funding of $678,000 00 If this request is approved, potential fund sources for the City's matching contribution are General Funds, Gas Tax Funds and local return Proposition "C" revenues ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS, Resolution TEA 21 Funding Application FISCAL IMPACT Potential Grant Revenue = $678,000 00 Matching City Fund Commitment = $88,000 00 Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget, Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget• ProjectlAccount Balance- Account Number: Project Phase, Appropriation Required. Date: No Date. " R `l N COUNCIUSEPT07 03 DOC (8/30/99 3 00 PM) 17 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES PROGRAM (TEA -21) FOR THE LANDSCAPING OF SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD (STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 1) BETWEEN ROSECRANS AVENUE AND IMPERIAL HIGHWAY WHEREAS, Sepulveda Boulevard within El Segundo City limits 1s a State Highway Route 1, and WHEREAS, Sepulveda Boulevard currently does not have median landscaping between Rosecrans Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard, and WHEREAS, Sepulveda Boulevard currently has median landscaping between El Segundo Boulevard and Imperial Highway and this landscaping is in need of refurbishment, and WHEREAS, Caltrans administers the Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA - 21) funding program, and WHEREAS, The Sepulveda Boulevard median landscaping is eligible for TEA -21 funding under the eligibility guidelines established for the TEA -21 program NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Approves the filing of an application for the Transportation Enhancement Activities program SECTION 2. Authorizes an amount not to exceed $88,000 00 in non - Federal matching funds for this project SECTION 3. Certifies that the City of El Segundo will make adequate provisions for operation and maintenance of the project SECTION 4. Appoints Mr Ron Green, Interim Director of Public Works, or Mr Bellur Devaraf, City Engineer, agents of the City of El Segundo to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents, including but not limited to application, agreements, amendments, payment requests and so on, which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project RESOLUTION NO APPROVING THE APPLICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES PROGRAM (TEA -21) PAGE NO 1 09/01/99 8 36 AM ^9f? SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7'h day of September, 1999 ATTEST: Cindy Mortesen City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D Hensley City Attorney Mike Gordon, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California RESOLUTION NO APPROVING THE APPLICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES PROGRAM (TEA -21) PAGE NO 2 09/01/99 8 36 AM nqI Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA) Application Form PART ONE: GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION X Project is located entirely within the RTPA RTPA/ County Proposal is statewide or multi- regional In scope Legislative District Number PROJECT TITLE Landscaping of Sepulveda Boulevard (State Highway Route 1) Administrator /person with day -to -day responsibility for implementing project ;Name -,ee ago=g aacress g=one tax) Mr. Bellur DevaraD City Engineer 350 Main Street E1 Segundo, CA 90245 310- 322 -4670, x -231 (TEL) 310 - 322 -4167 (FAX) NON - FEDERAL TEA MATCH 5 88,000 TOTAL TEA PROJECT COST $ 766,000 ® TEA is a stand-alone project Q TEA Is part of a larger project Total Project Cost 5 (Round dollars to nearest thousana Person who can answer questions about this HARTNER(5) (Name, tine, agency. address, phone, tax) application (Name, title, phone, fax) Mr. Bellur Devara3 City Engineer 310- 322 -4670, x -231 (TEL) 310 - 322 -4167 (FAX) PROJECT SCOPE OF PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES Describe the project s location, limits of work, size etc (Not the justification or benefits) Install landscaping and irrigation system in Sepulveda Boulevard median islands between Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway. PROPOSED SCHEDULE Q arter and Year Start Environmental Studies N A Draft Environmental Document N/A Final Environmental Document N/A Begin Design Engineering lst J 2000 Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimates complete 2nd / 2000 Stan Right of Way Acquisition N/A Right of Way Certification N/A Ready to Advertise 4th / 2000 Award Construction 1st / 2001 Project Completion (open for use) 3rd j 2001 WHICH CATEGORY OR CATEGORIES ENCOMPASS THE TEA? (May be more than one ) List approximate amount of federal TEA funds to be spent In each of the TEA categories 1 Pedestrian or bike facilities 2 Acquisition of sites 6, Historic transportation rehabilitation 7 Rails to trolls 5 3 Historic highway programs $ 8 Outdoor advertising removal S 766,000 4 Landscapingiscenic beautification $ 9 Arehaeologyplanning /research S 5 Historic preservation $ 10. Runoff water pollution control Aavit es outside the categories List approximate amount of federal TEA funds to be spent In activities outside the ten catogorles (must be necessary and ine dental to the portion inside the categories) S Describe n9� Firm RTFA Bea Page 1 PART TWO: FUNDING Prepared by Mr. Bellur Devaraj Ag City of El Segundo Phone 310 -322 -4670 City Engineer FAX 310 - 322 -4167 PROJECT UUMPUNkNI UUbIb PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PHASE; Construction Documents $ 55,000 Environmental Documents $ TOTAL PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING $ 55,000 RIGHT OF WAY PHASE (ACQUISITION) I;rnmary • Capital $ • Support costs $ TOTAL RIGHT OF WAY $ -0- CONSTRUCTION PHASE. 'it of Way Construction contract items $ 612, 500 S Contingencies 15% $ 91,500 Construction engineering $ 7,000 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 711,000 �e next sheet for detail $ ,5H FLOW UHAHI Fiscal Year aes Fiscal Year A 1998199 a 1999/00 I;rnmary Federal fir ng S $ 55,000 'it of Way 5 S $ istruction $ S of Way TOTAL S $ 55,000 Fiscal Year 2000101 S S 711,000 c 711,000 Fiscal Year 2001/02 Beyond 2001102 S S :AL FUNDING SHARE DETAIL aes A + a = C D' Federal Match TEA Cost Total Cost - tinary Eng 5 -0- $ 55,000 S 55,000 $ of Way $ -0- S -0- S —0— $ trucuon S678,000 S 33,000 $711,000 $ aL S 678,000 $ 88,000 $766,000 $ i column 'D only when TEA is oart of larcer orciect, not a stand -alone oroiect iCE(S) OF MATCH Preliminary out, No acronyms) Engineering General Funds, Gas Tax Funds, Local Proposition "C" Right of Way N/A re Construction General Funds, Gas Tax Funds, Local Proposition "C" iCE Who will maintain'7 City of E1 Segundo > the source of maintenance funds? General Funds 093 limn Forn RTP< Page 2 Se 1998 PART TWO: FUNDING (CONTINUED) ITEM ESTIMATE - CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ITEMS Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Shrubs 5 Gal 1,500 $ 2000 Irrigation Shrubs 1 Gal 2,500 $ 1000 $25,000.00 Mulch 1 Control Valves Each 12 $ 300.00 $ 3,600.00 2 Emitters Each 5,000 $ 1000 $ 50,000 00 3 Lateral Lines LF 16,000 $ 4.00 $ 64,000.00 4 Main Lines LF 3,500 $ 7.00 $ 24,500.00 5 Quick Couplers Each 15 $ 70000 $ 10,500 00 6 Gate Valve Each 5 $ 10000 $ 500.00 7 Back Flow Preventors Each 15 $ 2,00000 $ 30,000 00 8 Controller box Each 2 $ 10,000 00 $ 10,000 00 9 Install Casing and LS 1 $189,000.00 $189,00000 Jacking between all Medians 10 Stamp Concrete SF 15,000 $ 650 $ 97,500 00 Planting Trees 15 Gal 50 $ 10000 $ 5,000.00 Shrubs 5 Gal 1,500 $ 2000 $30,000.00 Shrubs 1 Gal 2,500 $ 1000 $25,000.00 Mulch Cuyd 800 $ 50.00 $40,000.00 Construction Traffic Control LS 1 $25,000.00 $25,00000 90 Days Maintenance LS 1 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 15% Contingencies $ 91,500 00 Construction Inspection $ 7,00000 nQ 1 Total $711,00000 N 1PROJECTS\TEA -APPL DOC i�231�1 PAGE 3 This page must be signed for the project to be considered for funding. Commitment/Pnor Commitment Has the project Administering Agency certified that It is willing and able to maintain and operate the project? ® Yes ❑ No Please describe the best evidence of the certification available, If none Is available, when can one be provided? Project Administering Agency possesses legal authority to nominate transportation enhancement activity antl to finance, acquire, and construct the proposed project, and by formal action (e g , a resolution) the Administering Agency's governing body authorizes the nomination of the transportation enhancement activity, including all understanding and assurances contained ;herein, and allthonzes the person identified as the official representative of the Administering Agency to act In connection with the romlaation and to provide such additional information as may be required Project Administering Agency will maintain and operate the property acquired, developed, rehabilitated, or restored for the life of the resultant facility(es) or activity With the approval of the California Department of Transportation, the Administering Agency or its successors In interest In the property may transfer the responsibility to maintain and operate the property Project Administering Agency will give the California Department of Transportation's representative access to and the right to examine all records books, papers, or documents related to the transportation enhancement activity Project Administering Agency will cause work on the project to be commenced within a reasonable time after receipt of notification from the State that funds have been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and that the project will be carnea to completion with reasonable diligence ,oject Administering Agency will comply where applicable with provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the +allonal Environmental Policy Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Secretary of the Intenor's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation, and any other federal, state, and /or local laws, rules and /or regulations I certify that the information contained in this transportation enhancement activity application, Including required attachments, is accurate and that I have read and understand the Important information and agree to the assurances on this form, Signed Date (TEA Administering Agency Representative as shown in Resolution) Printed (Name and Title) Mr. Hellur DevaraD , City Engineer Administering Agency City of E1 Segundo 1) 4 F 01Fo11 RTP� Paged r 198E BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman, WILLIAM L. SANER Chet'ron U S.4 Inc Vice- ChalhMm THOMAS P. NEWMAN Computer Sciences Corporation RICHARD C LUNDQUIST Conlunanlai Developmeni Corporation DONALD M, O'NEAL llughee Space R Communications Company WILLIAM V WENGER Ailroy Rcahy TODD GERSTENSERGER korthror Grumman Corporation DARRYLF JOHNSON Raythcon Systems Corporation CHIP SCHOLZ Southern California Edison CHRISTY GRONSETH 7RM'lnc kaHit SEGUNDO E,,�� M l���rrk `O66Ypp{{E°R S August 31, 1999 Ms Mary Strenn, City Manager City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Ms Strenn 8433 Holy Cross Place Los Angeles, CA 90045 -2834 TEL (310) 417 -8880 FAX: (310) 417.6670 E -mail: Esempassoc®aol.com The El Segundo Employers Association (ESEA) wishes to express its strong support for the City's application of a Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA) grant to install landscaping on Sepulveda Blvd (State Route 1) between Imperial Highway and Rosecrans Ave. Sepulveda Blvd is one of the most heavily traveled arterials in the South Bay with an average daily traffic volume of 60,000 vehicles per day It is a critical north -south link providing access to our employment sites, Los Angeles International Airport and recreational opportunities in the South Bay Major employers that are directly served by Sepulveda Blvd include Raytheon Systems Corporation, Hughes Space & Communications Company, Chevron, USA, Allied - Signal Chemicals, and Mattel Corporation ESEA, whose members employ over 60,000 people in the El Segundo JESSE MATHUS area and more than 250,000 in the State of California, has long been a A erns Corporation supporter of the widening and intersection improvements to Sepulveda Blvd which are currently under construction The proposed TEA project will complete the lob by enhancing the aesthetics of this regionally significant transportation corridor. Please let me know what ESEA can do to support this important initiative 1✓xecutive uirector X96 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGE DA DESCRIPTION: Establishing the bond requirements for Public Officials and Other Public Employees RE OMMENUED COUNCIL ACTION' Approve Resolution fixing the amounts of the official bonds of the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, the Director of Finance, the City Manager and the Public Employee Blanket Bond Pursuant the requirements of Sections 36518, 37209 and 36519 of the Government Code of the State of California and City Ordinance Nos 702, 724, and 486, the City Attorney is recommending that the City Council fix the amounts of the official bonds as follows City Clerk, $25,000, City Treasurer, $250,000, Director of Finance, $100,000, City Manager, $100,000, Public Employee Blanket Bond, $25,000 ICRMA was contacted regarding the typical penal sums for official bonds for public officials and other public employees and their recommendations are reflected in the dollar amounts being requested above The only recommended change by ICRMA from existing bond amounts is the increase of the City Manager bond from $30,000 to $100,000 Resolution fixing penal sums Resolution 3253 Present fiscal impact is $310 due to the proposed increase in the City Manager bond amount A reduction in bond cost is anticipated for next year per quotes provided by a competing company Account Number- 2101 6211 Date. _ Gndy Morteseri—,'fity -Oldrk EWIED BY: 15a Fe. Mary Strenn, City Manager ACTIDNT 097 19 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FUZING THE AMOUNTS OF THE OFFICIAL BONDS OF THE CITY CLERK, THE CITY TREASURER, THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE, THE CITY MANAGER AND THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BLANKET BOND OF SAID CITY; AND RECINDING RESOLUTION 3253. WHEREAS, the City Attorney, as contemplated under the provisions of Section 36518, Section 37209 and Section 36519 of the Government Code of the State of California, has recommended to this Council that the official bonds of the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, the Director of Finance, the City Manager and the Public Employee Blanket Bond, iespectively, of said City, shall be in the respective penal sums as hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. As established by City Ordinance No 702 and pursuant to the requirements of Section 36518 of the Government Code of the State of California, the City Clerk and the City Treasurer shall respectively, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, each execute a bond in accordance with the requirements of the provisions of the Government Code and the laws of the State of California applying or relating to bonds of public officers SECTION 2. As established by City Ordinance No 724 and pursuant to the requirements of Section 37209 of the Government Code of the State of California, the Director of Finance, before entering upon the duties of the office, shall execute a bond in accordance with the requirements of the provisions of the Government Code and the laws of the State of California applying or relating to bonds of public officers SECTION 3. As established by City Ordinance No 486 and pursuant to the requirements of and Section 36519 of the Government Code of the State of California, the City Manager of the City of El Segundo, California, before entering upon the duties of the office, shall execute a bond in accordance with the requirements of the provisions of the Government Code and the laws of the State of California applying or relating to bonds of public officers SECTION 4. That pursuant to the requirements of Section 36519 of the Government Code of the State of California, the City of El Segundo shall execute a Public Employees Blanket Bond in accordance with the requirements of the provisions of the Government Code and the laws of the State of California applying or relating to bonds of other officers and employees SECTION S. The penal sum of such respective bonds shall be and the same are hereby respectively fixed by said Council as follows (1) The official bond of the City Clerk shall be in the penal sum or amount of $25,000 (2) The official bond of the City Treasurer shall be in the penal sum or amount of $250,000 (3) The official bond of the Director of Finance shall be in the penal sum or amount of $100,000 (4) The official bond of the City Manager shall be m the penal sum or amount of $100,000 (5) The official bond of the Public Employee Blanket Bond shall be in the penal sum or amount of $25,000 SECTION 6. That each of the above - mentioned bonds shall be joint and several in form and shall be signed by the respective principals and by the corporate surety, which said surety must be authorized as provided by law to transact a general surety business in the State of California, and each of said bonds must be conditioned as provided by law RESOLUTION NO FIXING AMOUNTS OF OFFICIAL BONDS PAGE NO 1 098 SECTION 7. That as provided by law, the bonds of the City Treasurer, the Director of Finance, the City Manager and the Public Employee Blanket Bond shall be filed with the City Clerk and the bond of the City Clerk shall be filed with the City Treasurer of said City SECTION 8. Resolution No 3253 is hereby rescinded SECTION 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said city, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, to the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7" day of September, 1999. Mike Gordon, Mayor I:l[1*Y111 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7' day of September, 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM- Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney RESOLUTION NO FIXING AMOUNTS OF OFFICIAL BONDS PAGE NO 2 099 RESOLUTION NO. 3253 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING THE AMOUNTS OF THE OFFICIAL BONDS OF THE CITY CLERK, THE CITY TREASURER, AND THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE OF SAID CITY; AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2272. WHEREAS, the City Attorney, as contemplated under the provisions of Section 36518 and Section 37209 of the Government Code of the State of California, has recommended to this Council that the official bonds of the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, and the Director of Finance, respectively, of said City, shall be in the respective penal sums as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That pursuant to the requirements of Section 36518 and Section 37209 of the Government Code of the State of California, the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, and the Director of Finance of the City of E1 Segundo, California, shall respectively, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, each execute a bond in accordance with the requirements of the pro- visions of the Government Code and the laws of the State of California applying or relating to bonds of public officers. The penal sum of such respective bonds shall be and the same are hereby respectively fixed by said Council as follows; (1) The official bond of the City Clerk shall be in the penal sum or amount of $25,000.00. (2) The official bond of the City Treasurer shall be in the penal sum or amount of $250,000.00. (3) The official bond of the Director of Finance shall be in the penal sum or amount of $100,000.00. SECTION 2. That each of the above - mentioned bonds shall be joint and several in form and shall be signed by the J 0 100 1 L.1 IN Z? f / respective principals and by the corporate surety, which said surety must be authorized as provided by law to transact a general surety business in the State of California, and each of said bonds must be conditioned as provided by law. Each of the said bonds shall be subject to the approval of the City Council as to sufficiency of the surety and as to provisions, and by the City Attorney of said City as to form. SECTION 3. That as provided by law, the bonds of the City Treasurer and the Director of Finance shall be filed with the City Clerk and the bond of the City Clerk shall be filed with the City Treasurer of said City. SECTION 4, Resolution No. 2272 1s hereby rescinded. SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the pro- ceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the ' meeting at which the same is passed and adopted, PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20th day of March , 1984. ///Z or -of the City of E Segun o, California ATTTEESSTT:� (/ � Lf - /•��GG�M�TtJS.aJ City Clerk (SEAL) -2- 101 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA HEADING: Reports City Council Members - John Gaines Resolution urging the California Legislature to amend the States electric deregulation law, Chapter 854 of 1996, Sections 366 (a) and (b) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Read by title only — Community Choice Resolution joining Member Cities of the Southern California Cities Joint Powers Consortium, California, to designate El Segundo itself as the automatic aggregator of electricity on behalf of its residents and businesses and Californians for Community Choice Resolution joining Statewide Coalition for Community Aggregation of Electricity INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND* The State's electric deregulation law, Chapter 854 of 1996, came into effect on January 1, 1998 Electricity choice has not followed the deregulation of the state's electric industry, with less than one (1) percent of California residents and businesses participating in, or benefiting as consumers from the deregulated electricity marketplace, more than a year after deregulation officially went Into effect At the August 17th, 1999 Council Meeting, Council Member Gaines submitted to the Council for its review and consideration a resolution, prepared by the Southern California Cities Joint Powers Consortium, which recommends that the California Legislature amend a law that makes cities "default aggregators" for electricity service It was requested that staff review the resolution and report back to the Council DISCUSSION Deregulation gives every electricity customer the opportunity to purchase electricity on a competitive basis rather than through the previous monopoly system Under the monopoly system a customer had no choice but to purchase electricity from the provider responsible for the geographic territory in which the customer was located In the case of El Segundo, Southern California Edison (SCE) is the sole provider of electricity (Discussion continues on the next page......) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Community Choice Resolution Californians for Community Choice Resolution FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ORIGINATED. Date: Page , 1 9 N COUNCIL \SEPT07 XX (8135199 4 00 PM) DISCUSSION: (continued) Under deregulation a City has the opportunity to become a purchaser of electricity for purposes of using for its own use or for selling it to others This has commonly been referred to as the right to act as an "aggregator " While the City can establish itself as an aggregator, SCE continues to be the "default provider " Unless a customer chooses a provider other than SCE, SCE will continue to be the provider Currently less than one (1) percent of the California residents and businesses are utilizing a provider other than their default provider The City of El Segundo is requesting the California Legislature to amend the State's electric deregulation law, Chapter 854 of 1996, Sections 366 (a) and (b), as well as any other applicable sections, and authorize El Segundo and any other California Municipal Corporation, upon a majority vote of Its governing body or registered voters, to designate Itself as the automatic community aggregator of electricity on behalf of its residents and businesses The residents and businesses shall be automatically included in the jurisdiction's aggregated electricity buyer's group, unless exercising a choice for the existing electrical corporation or another provider Currently, the City is not acting as an aggregator The amendment requested would not make a City a default aggregator unless the City has taken action to designate itself as an aggregator Accordingly, should the Legislature adopt the requested amendment the City could, but would not be required to, take further action to become an aggregator Prior to making such a commitment staff would recommend that a study be performed to determine desirability of the City acting as an aggregator Page 2 N %COUNCIUSEPT07 XX (8131199 4 00 PM) 103 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLTUION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, JOINING " CALFFRONIA CITIES FOR A COMMUNITY CHOICE," A COALITION WHOSE PUROSE IF TO AMEND THE STATE'S ELECTRIC DEREGULATION LAW, CHAPTER 854 OF 1996, SECTIONS 366 (A) AND (B) TO AUTHORIZE EL SEGUNDO AND ANY OTHER CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION,UPON A MAJORITY VOTE OF ITS GOVERNING BODY OR REGISTERED VOTERS, TO DESIGNATE ITSELF AS THE SUOMATIC AGGREGATOR OF ELECTRICITY ON BEHALF OF ITS RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES, SUCH THAT RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES SHALL BE AUOMATICALLY INCLUDED IN THE JURIDICTIONS' COMMUNITY AGGGREGATED ELECTRICITY BUYER'S GROUP, UNLESS EXERCISING A CHOICE FOR THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CORPORATION OR ANOTHER PROVIDER WHEREAS, The state's electric deregulation law, Chapter 854 of 1996, came into effect on January 1, 1998, and WHEREAS, Electricity choice has not followed the deregulation of the state's electric Industry, with less that one (1) percent of California residents and businesses participating in or benefiting as consumers from the deregulated electricity marketplace more that a year after deregulation officially went into effect, and WHEREAS, Residents and the vast majority of businesses in the City of El Segundo will not enjoy a meaningful choice of electricity service unless that are organized in aggregate to pool their electricity demand as a large volume, buyer, and WHEREAS, The citizens of the City of El Segundo may be best be able to influence the price, terms and conditions of electricity sold within its boundaries of the City of El Segundo is able to play a role as a aggregator of electric consumers within itjurisdiction, and WHEREAS, Section 366 (b) of Chapter 854 of 1996 deregulating California's electricity industry prohibits any local government, even upon a majority vote of its citizens, City Council, or Board of Supervisors, from automatically aggregating residents and businesses who do not select an alternative power supplier to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and WHEREAS, The City of El Segundo has a direct interest in the proliferation of energy efficiency and renewable energy technology within its communities for purpose of job creation and environmental protection, and WHEREAS, as an aggregated purchaser of electricity and marketplace participant, the City of El Segundo could award points or condition it contracts for electricity with requirements for renewable energy, conservation, anti- discrumnation, local and first- source hiring to move residents from welfare to work, and WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Ohio have recently passed legislation for effective local government aggregation of electricity consumers, while ensuring that any customer who wishes to select his or her own electric supplier be allowed to opt -out of the community aggregation program, a process know as "Community Choice" NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of El Segundo hereby joins "California Cities for Community Choice ", a statewide coalition whose purpose is to secure the amendment of the State's electric deregulation law, Chapter 854 of 1996, Sections 366 (a) and (b), as well as any other applicable sections, to authorize El Segundo and any other California Municipal Corporation, upon a majority vote of its governing body or registered voter, to designate itself as the automatic community aggregator of electricity on behalf of its residents and business, such that residents and businesses shall be RESOUTION NO DEREGULATION OF ELECTRICITY B PAGE NO 1 August 31, 1999 4 25 PM 104 automatically included in the jurisdiction's aggregated electricity buyers' group, unless exercising a chose for the existing electrical corporation or another provider. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7`h of September, 1999 Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1 I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7h day of September, 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark Hensley, City Attorney RESOUTION NO DEREGULATION OF ELECTRICITY B PAGE NO 2 August 31, 1999 4 25 PM 105 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, URGING THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE TO AMEND THE STATE'S ELECTRIC DEREGULATION LAW, CHAPTER 851 OF 1996, SECTIONS 355(A) AND (B) TO AUTHROIZE EL SEGUNDO AND ANY OTHER CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, UPON A MAJORITY VOTE OF ITS GOVERNING BODY OR REGISTERED VOTERS, TO DESIGNATE ITSELF AS THE AUTOMATIC AGGREGATOR OF ELECTRICITY OF BEHALF OF ITS RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES, SUCH THAT RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES SHALL BE AUTOMATICALLY INCLUDED IN THE JURISDICTIONS COMMUNITY AGGREGATED ELECTRICITY BUYERS' GROUP, UNLESS EXERCISING A CHOICE FOR THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CORPORATION OR ANOTHER PROVIDER WHEREAS, The state's electric deregulation law, Chapter 854 of 1996, came into effect on January 1, 1998, and WHEREAS, Electricity choice has not followed the deregulation of the state's electric industry, with less that one (1) percent of California residents and businesses participating in or benefiting as consumers from the deregulated electricity marketplace more that a year after deregulation officially went into effect, and WHEREAS, Residents and the vast majority of businesses in the City of El Segundo will not enjoy a meaningful choice of electricity service unless that are organized in aggregate to pool their electricity demand as a large volume, buyer, and WHEREAS, The citizens of the City of El Segundo may be best be able to influence the price, terms and conditions of electricity sold within its boundaries of the City of El Segundo is able to play a role as a aggregator of electric consumers within it jurisdiction, and WHEREAS, Section 366 (b) of Chapter 854 of 1996 deregulating California's electricity industry prohibits any local government, even upon a majority vote of its citizens, City Council, or Board of Supervisors, from automatically aggregating residents and businesses who do not select an alternative power supplier to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and WHEREAS, The City of El Segundo has a direct interest in the proliferation of energy efficiency and renewable energy technology within its communities for purpose of job creation and environmental protection, and WHEREAS, as an aggregated purchaser of electricity and marketplace participant, the City of El Segundo could award points or condition it contracts for electricity with requirements for renewable energy, conservation, anti- discrimmation, local and first- source hiring to move residents from welfare to work, and WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Ohio have recently passed legislation for effective local government aggregation of electricity consumers, while ensuring that any customer who wishes to select his or her own electric supplier be allowed to opt -out of the community aggregation program, a process know as "Community Choice" NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of El Segundo requests the California Legislature to amend the State's electric deregulation law, Chapter 854 of 1996, Sections 366 (a) and (b), as well as any other applicable sections, to authorize El Segundo and any other California Municipal Corporation, upon a majority vote of its governing body or registered voter, to designate itself as the automatic comniumty aggregator of electricity on behalf of its residents and business, such that residents and businesses shall be automatically included in the jurisdiction's aggregated electricity buyers' group, unless exercising a choice for the existing electrical corporation or another provider RESOLUTION NO DEREGULATION OF ELECTRICITY A PAGE NO I August 31, 1999 4 24 PM PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 76 of September, 1999. Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) 1, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7" day of September, 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark Hensley, City Attorney RESOLUTION NO DEREGULATION OF ELECTRICITY A PAGE NO 2 August 31, 1999 4 24 PM 107 Package Contents 1) Agenda Item/Staff Report to award contract 2) Notice of contract award 3) Letter to LA Contractors /SAFECO Insurance 4) Attachments /Correspondences related to #3 a) FAX — Resumes for Project Manager and Superintendent b) FAX — Request for telephone number with answer machine c) LETTER — Request for Superintendent of Record to be at job site 5) Documents provided by LA Contractors at September 3, 1999 meeting a) Daily log b) Resume — Fawzi Habeeb c) Requests for Information and various correspondences 6) Letter to Mary Strenn from LA Contractors' attorney i 0 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent • AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Proposal for the City of El Segundo to award the contract for the construction of the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project (Contract amount = $1,506,000) n C^^R RA=KinCn i+ l MINI Ac71n41 1 Release Mills Construction from the bid as requested due to their clerical mistake 2 Award contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, LA Contractors Corporation, in the amount of $1,506,000 00 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On February 16, 1999 the City Council adopted plans and specifications for the construction of the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project and authorized staff to advertise for receipt of construction bids DISCUSSION: On June 22, 1999, the City Clerk received and opened the following bids COMPANY BASE BID Mills Construction $1,000,487 LA Contractors $1,471,000 Ally Construction $1,488,668 Hazama $1,569,774 Edwin G Bowen $1,675,000 Baltimore Construction $1,700,000 BEGL Construction $1,547,000 Stenco Construction $1,668,000 Great West Contractors $2,087,659 ADDED ALTERNATIVES $115,065 $35,000 $83,799 $94,486 $53,768 $68,000 $223,500 $127,530 $92,300 TOTAL BID AMOUNT $1,115,552 (Request to Withdraw Bid) $1,506,000 $1,572,467 $1,664,260 $1,728,768 $1,768,000 $1,770,500 $1,795,530 $2,179,959 Based on a comprehensive review of the proposals submitted, Staff recommends award of this contract to the lowest • responsible and responsive bidder, LA Contractors, In the amount of $1,506,000 On May 5, 1998, the City Council approved the preliminary construction budget of $1,040,000 The City Clerks Office received 9 bids on .lime 22 1999, all of which were above the original nrel mmary hi duet Ag addd,nnal 4767 20 ,n __ requested Of that amount, $466,000 would be applied to the LA Contractors bid price and $301,200 would be earmarked for a 20% contingency /change orders A number of Issues resulted In the increased bid 1 Additional Improvements were included In the architectural drawings 2 Soil compaction was required In the existing parking lot to sustain a second story structure 3 The building trades are In a robust economy ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Staff Report from Chief Tim Grimmond to City Manager, Mary Strenn (Check one) Operating Amount Requested: Tc ProjecUAccount Budget: _$ Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: 301 - 400 - 8207 -8378 & 109 - 400-3105 -8378 Mary Strenn, City Manager ACTION TAKEN: • 0 To: From: Subject: PROPOSAL: City of El Segundo Inter - Departmental Correspondence Mary Strenn, City Manager Tim Grimmond, Chief of Police Award of Communications Center Construction Contract July 16, 1999 It is proposed that the City of El Segundo award the contract for the construction of the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, LA Contractors Corporation, in the amount of $1,506,000 to be funded from the approved construction budget of $1,040,000 and an additional $724,000 from the asset forfeiture account BACKGROUND: On February 16, 1999, the City Council adopted the plans and specifications for the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project and authorized Staff to advertise for construction bids On June 22, 1999, the City Clerk's office received and opened the following bids: COMPANY BASE BID ADDED ALTERNATIVES TOTAL BID AMOUNT Mills Construction 1,000,487 115,0 5 eques to it draw i LA Contractors $1,471,000 $35,000 $1,506,000 Ally Construction $1,488,668 $83,799 $1,572,467 Hazama $1,569,774 $94,486 $1,664,260 Edwin G Bowen $1,675,000 $53,768 $1,728,768 Baltimore Construction $1,700,000 $68,000 $1,768,000 BEGL Construction $1,547,000 $223,500 $1,770,500 Stenco Construction $1,668,000 $127,530 $1,795,530 Great West Contractors $2,087,659 $92,300 $2,179,959 Beginning with the lowest apparent bid, Staff reviewed each proposal for responsiveness and qualifications and the following information was determined • Mills Construction submitted a letter for release from the bid due to a clerical mistake, on their part, made on the base bid proposal amount (Refer attached letter from Mills Construction dated June 23, 1999) Due to this request for release, further evaluation of their proposal was terminated and it is recommended that Mills be released from their bid pursuant to section 5103 of the Public Contract Code E • LA Contractors submitted a base bid of $1,471,000, and an added alternatives bid of • $35,000, for a total bid quote of $1,506,000 On June 25, 1999, the City received a formal protest against LA Contractors from the Hazama Corporation identifying several issues of non - responsiveness within the LA Contractors bid documents including • Failure to properly complete page I -C-4 by not identifying state contractor license number • Identified improper expiration date for state contractor license on page I -C -7 • Failure to list all necessary subcontractors as required on page I -B -6, and failure to include license numbers for listed subcontractors On July 1, 1999, the City received a formal protest against LA Contractors from Mr Jim Roletti, Director of Field Operations, Carpenters /Contractors Cooperation Committee Inc. (CCCCI) Mr Roietti included with his protest written documentation identifying the several "non- responsive" issues relating to LA Contractors bid. Also included was a profile for LA Contractors identifying prior projects performed with substandard results • LA Contractors faded to provide information identifying "all current and prior DBA's, alias, and /or fictional business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal " LA Contractors (License #593229) has same principal personnel as Chartered Construction Corporation (License #328047) The personnel listed for both general construction • companies include Adel Luca Boctor and Lofti Lotfallah nn several prs�ects I A Contractors makes claim that they are a recently established General Contractor whose owner has been the principal of Chartered Construction Corporation for the 20 years. The Charter Oak Unified School District deemed LA Contractors non - responsive for failing to complete the bid package accordingly LA Contractors faded to list all prior projects, including the Hollywood Bowl and Inglewood Unified School District projects. • Hollywood Bowl Project - Chartered Construction was provided a written notification of termination for the "convenience of the County" clause following repeated delays and not meeting the contract schedule • Inglewood Unified School District - Chartered Construction's contract for the Inglewood Unified School District Protect was terminated by a vote of the Board of Education because the Project was constructed at variance with the approved plans and specifications Chartered was given the opportunity to complete the work to satisfaction but refused • Cielo Vista Elementary School Project (Palm Springs Unified School District) — Chartered Construction received a 10 day notice advising Termination of the project if 5 issues were • not satisfactorily performed and /or corrected, 1 Failure to properly man the fob to maintain schedule 2 Failure to comply with requirement to clean -up the site despite several requests ultimately causing debris which ruined the new carpets • 3 Delayed schedule by fading to complete submission of shop drawings 4 Delayed project by fading to provide adequate manpower for fire alarm and communication system 5 Delayed project through failure to provide adequate work force for electrical subcontractor • Chartered Construction, and their subcontractors including Jim Issacs Plumbing (the subcontractor listed for the El Segundo Project), has been sanctioned by the Labor Commissioner, State of California, for failure to pay prevailing wages on multiple occasions On July 6, 1999, Randall J Pitre ( Pitre & Teumsse LLP), attorney for LA Contractors responded to the bid protest filed by the Hazama Corporation (See attached letter dated July 6, 1999) Due to the protests submitted a hearing was held on July 15, 1999, to clarify the issues identified and determine if LA Contractors is a qualified bidder for the Communications Center project Representatives from La Contractors both responded in writing to the issues (Refer letter dated July 13, 1999, to Ms Strenn, City Manager), and attended the hearing Mr Ed Boctor and Mr Moshir Kellada responded to direct questions regarding their bid, and the concerns raised, in an adequate and convincing manner Upon completion of the hearing, Fire • Chief, Craig Pedego, acting as the hearing officer, deemed LA Contractors as responsive and responsible to the bid City Attorney Mark Hensley concurred that all issues raised respecting the bid documents during the protests were of minor variance and therefore recommends that they be waived For these purposes, it is recommended that the City Council award this contract to LA Contractors Corporation RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City release Mills Construction from the bid and accept the bid from LA Contractors Corporation as the lowest responsible bid and award the contract to LA Contractors Corporation in the amount of $1,506,000.00. 0 JUN- 2.- -99 03:3e PM MILLS mills construction co. 12501 chandler blvd, #101 no. hollywood, calif. 91607 telephone no.: (818)505 -6555 fax no.: (818)505 -9390 June 23, 1999 City of El Segundo 348 Main St. El Segundo, Calif., 90245 Ann' Cathy Domann Deputy City Clerk 5059390 r v, Re. Withdrawal of Bid City of El Segundo Communications Center Addition Bid Date- June 22, 1999 rL•ar M% rlr,rnann We are hereby requesting release front our bid on the above project because of a mistake on the bid • form, page I -C -3. In the Base Bid portion of the document one written word was mistakenly left out in completing rchase t'nce in Words" portion. The written portion reads "One million four hundred and eighty seven dot ars zero sett n four hundred and eighty seven,jyg115B{ltl dollars, uro cents. The individual venting the amount forgot to wnte e word ihaYS9ns3 after the seven ,substantially changing the bid amount. The amount in figures was written f +rsi, then the word portion written thereafter. This is simply a mistake. In addition, the individual completing this portion is fluent in En lish but English is not her native language. With the mistake of not putting In the word �" behind seven, our bid reads $1,000,487.00, substantially different and much lower than the written amount, in figures,of $1,487,000.00 as shown on the document. This 486.513.00 difference is a mistake, was not intended and was made in filling out the document, This mistake was not made due to an error in Judgment, or to carelessness in inspecting the site or in reading the plans and specifications. it is very evident a mistake has occurred Again we. sire hereby requesting release from our bid. Ve truly yours, Robert J. Mills 0 �I til CUAJIKLLII -1 10 00 �_L�ono COH7MRC'S 1c) CORPORATION FAX Transmittal L A. Contractors Corp.. Fax #• (818) - 763 -5I32 DOCUMENT SENT TO MARY S'1'Ht NN RECIPIENTS FAX # 310- 322 -7137 DOCUMENT SENT FROM CD BOCTOR LIC 593229 TEL 310 -607 -2226 DATE SENT, 07/13/1999 PAGES INCL rIIIS ONE. 7 REGARDING Uj LFG[1NDO PUBI.TC SAFETY COMMUNICATTON CENTER- RESPONSIBILITY HEARING. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DEAR MS. STRENN, • ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND OUR RESPONSE TO ISSUES RAISED IN CONNECTION WITH RESPONSIBILITY HEARING SCHEDULED FOR 7/15/x999 AT 10:00. WU ARE -SENDING TIIE RESPONSE BY FAX A LITTLE AHEAD OP' TTMF FOR YOUR REVIEW. WE THOUGIT THR'1' GIVING YOU AN ADVANCED COPY MIGHT REDUCF, THL HEARING 'TIME. TF YOU LET US KNOW HOW MANY WILL BE PRESENT AT T112 HEARING, WE WILL HAVE AS MAN` COPIES PREPARED FOR DISTRIBUTION. THANK YOU'FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. IF YOU HAVE ANY PNBLF/YbS 1 hTll Tli* TRANSMISSION PLEASE CALL. Construction 1 OB50 Riverside Onve, Suite 101 -- -K w. It n od. CA 91602 818 -763 -6072 Development 18181 7S3 -6072 FAX (19181753-5132 4k- LA. C�OK7RQCCTOR9 CORPORATION iuh l:i, 1999 City of El Segundo 350 Main Street Ll Segundo, CA 90245 Attention MN StrelIn, City Mdiidgci IC 593229 1 ills to address, item by item, the concerns raised in your letter ol'July 9, 1999 The lint 2 items are ,.sues raised by the city while the 3rd consists u) a protest filed by Carpenters / Contractors Corporation Committee (C/CCC) against awarding the Communication Center Contract to 1, A Contractors tI. Additive alternate 2 and 3 are substantiully lower than that of other bidderb While 1 am not prtvv with the other bidders prices for those 2 items, it appears from your letter that they have been We would like to point out that the bid price may not necessarily be the swine as the estimated value for those items, but iather it is the price the biddei is willing to aczept in exchange for the performance of those items, and this is taken in the context of 1.5 million dollar project Separately Offered, I „A. Contractors wuuld not be interested in bidding this work at all. We will be glad to perform additive alternate 2 and 3 for the price quoted on our hid proposal for 96,000 and $10,000 respectively if you wish to have this added to our scope oJ' work. We also would be happy to share with you what goes min the bidding exercise and the considcrationb which affected the hid price of the items 2a Change order at the Sun .lose Creek water lab added up to a 4% increase to the contract price Change orders are initiated by the owner. Change orders are not disputed claims, the contractor ha, against the owner, but rather orders to the contractor to effect change to the contract documents which would result to increase or decredsc in the contidet price whichever may be the case It appears from your letter that changcb ordered by the owner of Sim Jose creek water quality lab are tieing held against J, A Cunliactors which is being required now to provide an explanation CJ Construction A naFn Riverside Drive, Suite 101 Development (81 el 763 -6072 FAX (818) 763-5132 4 0n i nLre&,e in the lab renovation is wnsidered modest for that type of project and a substantial part i)f fire Increased cost "une .ibout because the owner decided to c banpe the Spec i lied 1`001 to a ne,+ mere expensive type and also because the owner purchased 2 additional chemical fume hoods with all their appurtenance Credit , hould be given to the owner and the architect loi providing a complete and ucc.urate set of contract docuinents that resulted only in 4% Increase in the e.ontrat,t price 2b. HVAC contractor, Sonox Energy neither our superintendent nor our project manager have ieL0IIeUtlon of any unusual problems with Sonox We have also searched the project records for any correspondence between 1. A Contractor and LA County SamLatiun (Ole owner) which could retlect on the matter in quesliuti and did not find any We recall however the Sonox did go after the completion of the project to Install a valve which was on huckurder We have written to Mr Fspmuca to elaborate on his statement to Mr Fvanski and give sonic specifics We huve attached herewith a copy of our letter to him. (TAB 1) Sonox Energy Engineering is an independent contractor and if its responsibility comes into question it should be given an opportunity to respond Their address is 804 North La Brea Ave, Inglewood, CA 90302 0 contact Solomon Nwankwo 11 appears that LAC again being held accountab a fur in epee ent su con r o - — documents The issue of responsibility is somewhat subjective and contractors can be judged differently by different analysts Ilowever from our experience Sonox Energy are responsible, experienced contractor and will be able to prove that, if given the opportunity 3. C /CCC has provided to the city of El Segundo what it termed as a profile of L.A. Contractors. We in turn would like to provide a profile for C /CCC that will assist in putting the allegations they made against LAC in peispectivc. Wlule nominally a separate corporation, C /CCC is known as an arm of the construction union with one of its purposes being to harms and intimidate non union contractors They target contractots and there instigate, encourage and initiate questionable and dubious claims against them. C/CCC is aware of all the claims filed against Chartered with the public agencies, the Department of Labor Standards Enforcement, the Division of Apprenticeship and OSHA, simply because they are either the complainant or the instigator The package of complauits submitted to you by C /CCC in this i nsLi nce ranges between lies and half truth C /CC'C is aware of thu disposition in all cases, nowhere however in the complaint will you • find anything on the disposition of those claims, with apparent malice they conveniently omit that 2 part Invariably all complaints end up in the disrmssal pile 11) T,AC answered the qucstionnairc completely and truthfully The shareholders of LAC do not have DBAs, aliases. 01 fit ltous odmes L A Contractors and Chartered Consttuc.tion are 2 difteient legal entities with different ownership Mr Lotfi Lotfallah is the President of L A Contractors and shareholder in Chartered Construction Adcl Doctor is the Piesident of Chartered Construction and is not a shareholder in i A. Contractors We have not attempted to conceal any of the above mtormdtion, we Just responded to what was asked We would like to add that Chartered has been to business since 1976 and has constructed nearly 100 public works project wid d smaller nwnbcr of private, commercial projects It's record is impressive and IS not to he concealed b- Charter Oaks Unified School District_ T., A. Contractors submitted its first bid as a General Contractor to C'hurter Oaks in July of 1996 It As part of their qualification policy, Charter Uaks iequired ilia, L A CONTRACTORS list all projects for the previous two years Under its name, L A Contractors did not have a track record in 1996 Mr Lotfallah, the president and owner of L.A. CONTRACTORS, submitted idre�ung t#at b A C (�N- 11iA�TORS h•is nn tr��k record of ifs own however a9 a principal of Chartered Construction for a long lime, he personally has managed over 25 prgjccts and included some of those projects in the letter for reference The original qualification letter mailed to Charter Oaks District was port of the Charter Oaks Pile that has long been dixarded However a standard letter which Mr. Lotfallnh sribmits to all agencies requesting qualification information is included here for review (1•A13 2) Chartered Construction Corporation or L. A. Contractors Corp. did not at any time submit false information or omitted information in nrder to cunceal a situation that required disclosure, in order to acquire a contract. C/CCC; submitted to Chartei Oaks a package ol'complaints similar to the puekage at hand with the City of El Segundo today. Unlike the City of El Segundo, Charter Oaks instead of investigating and ascertdirung die validity of the allegations provided by C/CC'C, it elected to disqudlil'y L A. CONTRACTORS and awarded • the contract to the higher bidder We believe that Cluirter Oaks' action and the content of its letter 3 11 s some -what unnted by dishonest`' and lacl.s umsiderauon for the Charter Oaks School District uiterests Had thc} given us the oppoitumty we would have clarified the isNlln n] wncem and the outcome would have undoubtfully been different c Hollywood Bowl Renovation Phaqe 1 Chartered Construction entered into u contract with the Los Angeles County public works for the ienovation of the Hollywood Bowl for $6,490,000.00 The contract duration was 6 monthq due to expire June 1, 1995. In excesq of 1 5 million in chdrrge orders were approved, exceeding 20 %, of the original contract Over $500,000.00 nt change orders were denied Over 250 requests for rnformaunn were required Over 220 change order documents were processed These figures reflect the gross inadequacy of the plans and specifications The County dented all requests for time extension, beyond May 30, 1995, for completion of the Bowl work itself Hence Chartered was caught in the vice of exceggive change orders and directives for extra work, and an inflexible completion schedule The resulting problems are the subject of from Chartered, which are in its files _ Chartered'b Work allowed the Bowl to open on schedule, for the Sumpter 1995 schedule Not one day'b performance was lost. No one disputed this fact, nor that Chartered made it happen The Los Angeles County +ugpended the work under Ute contract for its convemeniw in mid June and ordered it to resume in October Beginning October, the County issued 32 change orders for almost $200,000.00. The extra work was performed on a 1 & M basis and the enntrdcl time extended to May 30, 1996. The relative magnitude of the change orders and the County's refusal to compensate Chartered for ae.celeration and impact, affected the progress of the work The County decided to exercise its option to terminate the unfinished part of the project for its convenience I he parties failed to core to an agreed termination settlement, Chartered then filed u law suit in order to collect amounts owed on the original contract and other disputed claims The amounts withheld by the County and the costs expended on extra work which the County refuses to uimpcnsate Chartered for, affected the abilities of Chartered to continue as a public work contractor. Chartered completed all projects in progress in 1996 and stopped bidding any public workb projects. 4 _.�L_\ lit �. ..� \�: 11 \1111✓. � ll u,/ 1V V� L'J.. VLF Illll . d I u el ,Ood unified School District The District icccived $25,000,0nn Oil from the State of Cal form to modernize its schools The District competitively bid and approximately ten General Contrac,turs were awarded contracts to modemtze twelve separate scliuols Iodate, the Dibmct has brought suitor initiated action against all of the general contractors for their purported lailure to timely and full) perlonn their contracts It also brought suit against the Architects and the Construction Managers This action centers around the modemntion at Inglewood High School Chartered Construction was the low bidder and acted as the general contractor for the Project During the course of vanuus projects, the Dib riot authorized millions of dollars in extra work and had no way to pay for it When the District renlved it had run out of money, it formed a Cost Cont,iniment Committee to devise claims of liquidated damages and claims of incomplete work to force the contractors to walkaway from tic nioney that was owed to them Tanie% Oberhofer wub hired as an expert to prepare the lists of incomplete work for each school However, for the most part, the lists generated on every lob were wrong, and the school fired Mr. Oberhofer See the attached Notice of De- Designation of Expert Witness James A, Obcrhofer TMerc was absolutely no merit to the allegations against Cluirtered and in October of 1998 the School agreed to pay Chartered 5370,500 00 in settlement of the claim brought by Chartered. n i Cnrtnv% Unified School District Chartered received the rcfeienced letter dated 08/10/1995 purporting tltc termination of the contract, via courier at 05:30 PM the same day The letter had no precursor what so -ever. It carne as a wurplete surprise since the project delivery was scheduled within the following 30 day% 1 immediately scheduled a meeting with Mr McEwan, the assistant superintendent for business who directed the attorney to write the letter and met with him and the district project manager Mr Bill Schniit, who had Just arrived tram a week's vacation. Mr Schmit was Lust as surprised as we were at Chartered, since the action was taken without his knowledge or his input After a two hour meeting with both of them and the Architect Mr. McEwan backed off, Chartered completed and delivered the project as follows, Building H. J and K August 25, 1995 Building B August 30, 1995 Building A September 5, 1995 Portable September 8, 1995 Building C September 15, 1995 The project was completed on schedule, no liquidated damages assessed. 5 �Yc encourage the city to contact Mi Bill Schmii the Distract Project Manager who is also an 4rchitect to inquire ahuui this most hizarre nic,ideni His Telephone " is (760)416 -6111 Additional llLSE-LaSiW a) 1,111 violations for failure to pay prevailing wage was a complaint filed by the Center for Contract Compliance, a cousin of Carpenters /ContM AOrS 1 hese claims were made on behalf of u laborer on the Irving Junioi High School project, for non payment of pievailing wages during a 1 year period 1'he complaint alleges that the difference between what the labor was paid end what he should have been paid in 1990 was $77,060.00 Together with the penalty the assessment came up tc a little over S 105,000.00 A ridiculous and unsubstantiated claim To avoid the cost and time to fight the claim, Chartered settled with the Di_SE for $5,000.00 it was much less than the nuisance rdised by the claim b) DLSE claims on 1 chachapi High School for the 'I chachapi School District, Cielo Vista Elementary School for the Palm Spring School District and a couple of other claims filed by the Center of Contract Compliance (a predecessor to C /CCC) around the same time were found to be false and were dismissed (1'AB 4) C) Jim Isaac Plumbing is a union contractor and has provided an explanation for this prevailing Iim Isaacs in an independent contractor and if the issue of responsibility ewnes into question, he should be given an opportunity to respond. His address is 3011 East Craig Dr Orange CA, 92669 contact Jim Isaacs We appreciate the (opportunity 1» rcwpond to the allegations raised against L. A. Contractors, documents in support of our response will be presented at the hearing Very truly yours L. A. Contractors Corp. ' 1^.d Roctor, V President 6 P IT TEUNISSE Attorneys At Law Randall J Pttre Dues Lmc 909 394 7786 Email r pine @pine -mi mssc ccm LLP Via Fax to 310- 648 -8648 Prior to Mining July 6, 1999 El Segundo Police Department 348 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 -3885 Attn: Brian Evanski it Project Director RE: Conumm ations Response to Bid Protest Dear Mr. Evanski: Los Angeles Office 921 W Cienega Avenue, P O Box 186 San Dimas, CA 91773 -0186 Office 909 599 8181 Fax 909 599 0394 sacramenm Office 725 Main Street, Smte 216 Woodland, CA 95695 -3402 Office 530 662 3237 Fax 530 662 3293 REPLY TO Los Angeles Office Pm representing L.A. Contractors Corporation ("L.A. Contractors "), the apparent low responsive bidder on the above referenced project, and Pm writing in response to your June 29, 1999 letter to my client regarding concerns evidently raised by another bidder on this project. While my chent's bid may have been less than perfect, I respectfully disagree with any suggestion that the bid of L.A. Contractors is in any sense "non- responsive." With regard to the objections raised to my chent's bid as set forth in the enclosure sent with your letter, please bear in mind that public entities have the authority to disregard mmor variances in bid responses if the variances cannot have affected the amount of the bid or given a bidder an advantage or benefit not allowed other bidders. (Konica Business Machines v. Regents of the University of Califmyzsa (1988) 206 Ca1.App.3d 449.) In my opinion, the objections raised are insubstantial and should not be considered grounds for declaring my chent's bid non - responsive. The basis for my opinion is as follows: 1. Bidder's Information - Evidently objection has been raised because L.A. Contractors did not specify its license number on the `Bidder's Information" sheet of the bid documents, though it did specify the requisite class of license and the dates through which its license has been valid. Since L.A. Contractors is duly licensed by the Contractor's State License Board as license number 593229, and since this license number appears on the Contractor's License Declaration executed by L.A. Contractors and included as part of the bid package it submitted, this certainly would seem to be a minor variance of the type El Segundo Police Department July 6, 1999 Page 2 that did not affect the amount of its bid or otherwise afford an advantage or benefit to L.A. Contractors. Indeed, this seems a classic example of a "minor variance" that should be disregarded. 2 Contractor's License Declaration - The same can be said with regard to the objection raised concerning the Contractor's License Declaration portion of the bid subrruttal. Here, L.A. Contractors erred in that it inadvertently specified the expiration date of its license as May 31, 1999, when in fact it is currently set to expire on May 31, 2000. Plainly this is a clerical error (as reflected by the enclosed print out from the web site for the Contractor's State License Board regarding license number 593229) and, once again, the type of variance that the El Segundo Police Department can, and should, disregard Indeed, when the `Bidder's Information" sheet is read in conjunction with the Contractor's License Declaration, all required information concerning the license of L.A. Contractor's is set forth as part of its bid. 3. Designation of Contractors - Here, two objections are rased: That the bid of L.A Contractor's fails to list contractors for certain trades and that for two of the subcontractors listed, L.A. Contractors did not provide the license number, though it did provide the other requisite information. In response to the first point raised on the issue of esignation o subcontractors, the objecting party has incorrectly assumed that L.A. Contractors (or any other bidder for that matter) must specify a subcontractor for any given portion of the work. This is not true. Under Public Contract Code § 4106, failure to specify a subcontractor for any given portion of work (or, specifying more than one contractor for any given portion of work) simply means the prune contractor (in this case, L.A. Contractors) "... shall perform the portion himself or herself." Concerning the failure to list the license numbers of two of the listed subcontractors, the undersigned respectfully submits this is again an issue of minor variance that the El Segundo Police Department can, and should, disregard. As indicated on the enclosed print outs from the web site for the Contractors State License Board, the subcontractors in question (Enrique A. Cruz Masonry, Inc. listed as "Cruz Masonry" and Three Bros. Carpets listed as (Three Bros. ") are in fact licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Furthermore, even if they were not duly licensed, where listed subcontractors are not properly identified in the list of subcontractors, the appropriate remedy would seem to be to require the prime contractor to do the work usmg its own forces rather than to declare the bid "nonresponsive." With respect to the issue of what is and is not a responsive bid, I submit to you the P EUMSSE 112 • El Segundo Police Department July 6, 1999 Page 3 objecting party is wrongfully equating "responsiveness" with "perfection." Where, as here, the objections all are to matters of httle or no significance that, as a matter of fact, do not affect the amount of the bid in any respect and provide no benefit or advantage to L.A. Contractors Corporation as the successful bidder, any attempt to characterize the bid of L.A Contractors Corporation as "nonresponsive" on these grounds is simply an attempt to exalt form over substance. Indeed, I submit that if we were to subject the other bids to the same level of scrutiny, they will all fall short of perfection in the same immaterial respects as have been identified herem. Finally, your letter of June 29, 1999 requests L.A. Contractors "... prove that your company and all your fisted subcontractors are in possession of current and proper contractor licenses " I respectfully submit that proof that all listed subcontractors are duly licensed cannot be a measure of a whether or not a bid is responsive. Indeed, it is not mentioned as a criteria to which El Segundo Police Department will look in its own initial assessment of whether or not the bids are responsive. If it is determined that a subcontractor properly fisted by L.A. Contractors is not duly licensed, I submit the appropriate remedy would be substitution of another subcontractor in accordance with the provisions of the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act, Pubhc Contract Code § 4100 et seq. For these reasons I respectfully request the El Segundo Pohce Departmen the objections that have been raised to the bid of L.A. Contractors Corporation. Sincerely, andall J. Pitre for PITRE & TEUNISSE LLP RJP /abet cc: E. Boctor, L.A. Contractors Corporation P TFUNISSE LZP License Detail `J f FA Contractor License # 593229 Page 1 of 1 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD DISCLAIMER The license status information shown below represents information taken from the CSLB licensing data base at the time of your inquiry It will not reflect pending updates which are being reviewed for subsequent data base updating The available information may not reflect any civil or criminal judgments or actions that have not been reported to the CSLB if there are disclosable complaints (legal actions) on the contractor's license, that information will be provided If you intend to pursue any kind of legal action, insure you get a "Verified Certificate" which is a certified license history covering a specific time period prior to taking any action Extract Date- July 06, 1999 * * * BUSINESS INFORMATION L A CONTRACTORS CORPORATION 10850 RIVERSIDE DR SUITE 101 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91602 Entity Corporation Issue Date- 05/08/1990 Expire Date. 05/31/2000 * * * LICENSE STATUS * * * This license is current and active ** B GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR * ** * * * CONTRACTOR BONDING INFORMATION * * * This license has bond number 53009888 in the amount of $7,500 with the bonding company WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Effective Date: 01/01/1996 * * * WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATION * * * This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number: 046- 0005491 Effective Date- 07/18/1996 Expire Date- 01/01/2000 Personnel List License Number Request Contractor Name Request Personnel Name Request T%XAT 7/r', /00 Lfcense Detail W "=- Contractor License # 411339 Page 1 of 1 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD DISCLAIMER The license status information shown below represents information taken from the CSLB licensing data base at the time of your inquiry It will not reflect pending updates which are being reviewed for subsequent data base updating The available information may not reflect any civil or criminal judgments or actions that have not been reported to the CSLB If there are disclosable complaints (legal actions) on the contractors license, that information will be provided If you intend to pursue any kind of legal action, insure you get a'Verdied Certificate" which is a cenified license history covering a specific time period prior to taking any action Extract Date July 06, 1999 * * * BUSINESS INFORMATION THREE BROTHERS CARPETS 14835 VAN NESS AVE GARDENA, CA 90249 Entity Sole Ownership Issue Date: 09/08/1981 Reissue Date 06/11/1997 Expire Date 06/30/2001 * * * LICENSE STATUS * * * This license is current and active * * * CLASSIFICATIONS B GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR C15 FLOORING AND FLOOR COVERING * * * CONTRACTOR BONDING INFORMATION * * * This license has bond number 637257 in the amount of $7,500 with the bonding company SURETY COMPANY OF THE PACIFIC. Effective Date: 03/14/1997 * * * WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATION * * * This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number- 1500561 Effective Date: 04/22/1998 Expire Date: 04/01/2000 Personnel List License Number Request Contractor Name Request Personnel Name Request 13 T :T..,, —/rc IT ;roncv+nPtail DML ?LicNum= ++41133 7/6/99 License Detail Contractor License # 694979 Page 1 of 1 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE UVENSE BOARD DISCLAIMER The license status information shown below represents information taken from the CSLB licensing data base at the time of your inquiry It will not reflect pending updates which are being reviewed for subsequent data base updating The available information may not reflect any civil or criminal judgments or actions that have not been reported to the CSLB If there are disclosable complaints (legal actions) on the contractors license, that information will be provided If you Intend to pursue any kind of legal action, Insure you get a "Verified Cenificate" which is a certified license history covering a specific time period prior to taking any action Extract Date July 06, 1999 * * * BUSINESS INFORMATION * * * ENRIQUE A CRUZ MASONRY INC 15733 COBALT STREET SYLMAR, CA 91342 Entity: Corporation Issue Date 08/23/1994 Expire Date- 08/31/2000 * * * LICENSE STATUS itThis license is current and active. * * * CLASSIFICATIONS C29 MASONRY C -8 CONCRETE * * * CONTRACTOR BONDING INFORMATION * * * This license has bond number 61827 in the amount of $7,500 with the bonding company AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Effective Date: 07/11/1998 * * * WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATION This license has workers compensation insurance with the CALIFORNIA COMPENSATION INSURANCE COMPANY Policy Number: G991151852 Effective Date: 01/01/1999 Expire Date 01/01/2000 Personnel List License Number Request Contractor Name Request Personnel Name Request n __tt -- 11 1 ;Throw /rcZT R +Tlnnlr/T irPnge+l7Ptail DNIL 7/6/99 • July 21, 1999 Ed Boctor Vice President L A Contractors Corporation 10850 Riverside Drive, Suite 101 North Hollywood, CA 91602 Subject Specifications No PW 99 -1 Dear Mr Boctor _) / P / Public Works Department Ron Green, Interim Director The City Council at its 7/20/99 meeting awarded the subject protect contract to your company Enclosed for your signature is an original and a duplicate original of the contract agreement Please return both the signed contract documents within ten (10) days from the receipt of this letter with originals of the following executed documents Faithful Performance and Material and Labor Bonds (Article VII of the contract) 2 Workers Compensation and Insurance Documentation for your company and your sub - contractors (Article VIII of the contract) Particular attention is hereby directed to the minimum dollar amounts, additional insured requirement and the minimum thirty (30) days Cancellation Notice by certified or registered mail Enclosed for use by your insurance company as an attachment to the insurance certificate, is an endorsement form which has incorporated City requirements. Please note that the City will not execute the contract agreement until all bond and insurance documentation is submitted as required If you need additional information please call me on 310- 322 -4670, extension 231 Very truly , Bel City Engineer BKD dr Enclosures cc• N \LETTERS \BOCTOR DOC 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 • TEL 310 322 4670 FAX 310.322 4167 N Gl� Y 0 O f SEG13 Elected Officials Mike Gordon, Mayor Sandra Jacobs, Mayor Pro Tem Nancy War,kk, CWneil Msnber John G Wino, council Member Kelly MODOwdI, Council Member Cindy Monom, Clfy Clan William Bus, City Treasurer Appointed Officials: Mary Sbon, City Manager Mart D Hensley, city ADomsy Department Directors' Don Lewis, Interim Assbbnf Chy Manager Jame /amen, Economic DsyelOPmaK inarar Planning/Bulldag Safety Bret Pamae, Fmnee Director Cralg Pedalo, Fire Chief Dabs Brighton, Library Timothy Gdmmond, Polks Chief Ron Green, IMaim Public Works Judy Andoe, Inarim Reereaflon 6 Parka www elsegundo org September 1, 1999 Mr. Lotfi Lotfallah, President Mr Adel Boctor, Vice President LA Contractors Corporation 10850 Riverside Drive, Suite 101 North Hollywood, CA 91602 Ms. Rachelle Rheault, Surety Representative SAFECO Insurance Company of America 4 Hutton Centre, Suite 250-B Santa Ana, CA 92707 Re: El Segundo Communications Center Addition Dear Mr. Lotfallah, Mr. Boctor and Ms. Rheault: This letter is written to you pursuant to Section 6 -4 of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction [ "GREEN BOOK "] which is incorporated by reference in the contract documents. A copy of section 6-4 is attached for your reference. LA Contractors has failed to comply with the contract documents in that LA Contractors has failed to timely deliver material and equipment, failed to commence work within the time specified, failed to maintain the proper rate of delivery of material, failed to execute the work in the manner and at such locations as specified, has failed to maintain a work program which will ensure the City's interest, and LA Contractors is not carrying out the intent of the Contract for several reasons including, but not limited to, the following- Section 01040 Page 2 - "1.4 Staff Name Submutah - Within 15 days of Notice to Proceed, submit a list of the Contractor's pnnc"l staff assignments, including the Superintendent and other personnel m attendance at the site, identify indivuivals, their duties and the responsibilities. Lut their addresses and telephone numbers. LA Contractors identified Mr. Ed Boctor as the "Project Manager" and Mr. Moshir Kellada as the "Superintendent" for the Project. Notification for these positions was provided both verbally on July 15, 1999 during LA Contractors 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 -0989 Phone (310) 322 -4670 FAX (310) 322 -7137 qualification hearing, and in writing via fax transmittal dated July 27, 1999. Included with the fax were Mr. Boctor and Mr. Kellada's resumes To date, Mr. Kellada has not been at the lob site Mr Fawzy Habeeb has represented himself as the Superintendent Mr Habeeb is clearly not qualified to serve as Superintendent based upon the work performance to date. • Page II -B-6 — "7 - -5 Permits — Prior to the start of any work, the Contractor shall take out the applicable City permits and make arrangements for the City inspections. The City will issue city permits at no charge to the Contractor. ?Tie Contractor and all subcontractors shall at their cost each obtain a City Business License, and shall be licensed in accordance with the State Business and Professions Code.. " Subcontractors (E H Excavation, Issacs Plumbing, CGS Services, and RS Engineering) for LA Contractors have failed to obtain a City Business License prior to performing work. This is a violation of the Contract, general specifications and the City Municipal Code. On August 31, 1999, D &D Equipment Rental was performing functions with a backhoe without a Business License and City Staff responded with a "Work Stop" notice. ■ Page II -A -2 — Emergency Information — "The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the Contractor and subcontractors, or their representatives, shall be filed with the City Engineer and the City Police Department Prior To Performing Work." Neither the City Engineer nor the Police Department has received adequate emergency information for this construction project. The telephone number provided by LA Contractors (818.763.6072) is answered only during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., weekdays. There is no answering device for after hour calls. On August 21", the Contractor provided a cellular telephone number (818.419.9174) for 24 -hour service and emergency contact. Attempts to contact LA Contractors representatives using this emergency number have resulted with the voice message, "out of service." • Page II-B-4 — Utilities — 5 -1 Location — "The location and existence of any underground utility or substructure was obtained form a search of available records. No guarantee is made or implied that the information is complete or accurate. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility alone to determine the exact location of the underground utilities or substructures or every nature and to protect them from damage. The Contractor shall excavate and expose all high risk underground facilaies prior to actually advancing the main protect work to that area. " On August 23, 1999, LA Contractors damaged main electrical power conduits for the City Hall building causing the main breaker to trip for the Police and Fire facilities. The Police and Fire buildings received emergency generator power, however the City Hall generator conduit was also damaged, resulting in zero electric power for the entire City Hall facility. Consequently, City Hall work production was stopped for the duration of the day. On August 31, 1999, LA Contractors damaged the sewer line from the Police Department Jail resulting in the immediate removal of prisoners and closure of the jail until the line was repaired. ■ Page II -B-9 — 7 -10.5 Protection of the Public — "it is the part of the service required of the Contractor to make whatever provisions are necessary to protect the public... " Demolition of light standard subsequently broke the electrical loop that fed the adjacent parking resulting in zero parking lights throughout the adjacent north lot. Additionally, this light standard was removed without addressing electrical connections and bare wires that were consequently left electrically charged and exposed to the public for several days Demolition started on August 18, 1999 with the removal of asphalt from the site No provisions were made to secure the lot until gates arrived on August 26,1999. The Police Department had to provide padlocks to secure the gates. • Section 02070 Page 2 - 3.1 Selective Demolition - Perform selective demolition work in a systematic u manner.. Per the drawings and specifications, the light standard was to be returned to owner. During demolition it was dropped and destroyed. • Section 010500 Page 1- 2.2 Field Offices and Sheds - ° . The Contractor shall provide one of fie for the City (including the City Inspector) for the entire period of construction or until City directs its removal... On August 27, 1999, the trailer was delivered. The trailer does not meet the specifications outlined • Page II -B-2 - 2 -9 Construction Surveying - °... Private Engineers - The Contractor shall be responsible for employing a licensed surveyor licensed in the State of California, at the Contractors cost, for setting line and grades necessary to do the work under the Contract... On August 23, 1999, RS Engineering responded to perform survey for the Project. It is apparent that the layout of the new building by the surveyors is incorrect as the south wall indication point has been placed approximately 3' into the center of the existing sally -port. It is unknown whether RS Engineering is properly licensed. Therefore, demand is hereby made upon LA Contractors and its Surety, SAFECO Insurance Company of America, for satisfactory compliance with the Contract including, but not limited to, taking the following actions: 1 Mr. Kellada, or his acceptable replacement, must be present on the job site on September 8, 1999, and remain for the duration of the Project in the capacity of Superintendent. If a replacement is named, submit a resume for the new Superintendent to the Project Director by 8:00 a m. September 7, 1999 This letter shall serve as a formal notification to LA Contractors that Mr. Fawzy Habeeb is Not an acceptable Superintendent to the City. 2. Obtain City Business Licenses for all subcontractors identified in your subcontract list submitted in your bid proposal prior to September 13, 1999. 3. On or before September 7, 1999, provide the Engineer and Project Director with an emergency telephone contact number, and a back -up emergency number, that will be answered 24 hours /day, 7 days /week. 4. Per written direction from WMM Associates, excavate site as identified on the field authorization dated August 27, 1999. Expose all conduits throughout the site from beginning to end points within the site as identified in the specifications for architectural inspection. Immediately begin repairing the damaged electrical lines and conduits. Provide a schedule by September 8, 1999, that outlines the measures to be taken to complete the repair process and place the City Hall facility back on permanent electrical power. Permanent power to City Hall must be completed prior to September 17, 1999. 5. In direct relation with the demolition of the light standard and disregard for the safety of the public, provide the City a document outlining the measures that will be taken in the future to ensure that the unsafe procedures will not be repeated 6 Provide the City a quote of a fair market value for the damaged light standard and advise how the City will receive compensation for the damaged property. 7. Replace existing trailer for City Inspector with one that meets the specifications outlined in your Contract by September 10, 1999. 8. Perform a new survey for the future building to ensure proper layout. Submit documentation to the Project Director ensuring that the survey company is in possession of proper licenses. If LA Contractors or its Surety does not proceed in the manner described above with five (5) days of this letter or, after starting to comply, fails to continue, then the City will exclude the contractor from the premises and take possession of all material and equipment, and complete the work by City forces, by letting the unfinished work to another Contractor, or by a combination of such methods as expressly authorized by Section 6-4 of the Green Book. The cost of completing the work shall be charged against the contractor and its surety and may be deducted from any money due or becoming due from the City. If the sums under Contract are insufficient for completion, then the contractor or surety shall be required to pay to the City within five (5) days after the completion all costs in excess of the Contract price. We have scheduled a mandatory meeting for September 3, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. in the West Conference Room of City Hall to address these issues. You should arrange for the appropriate representatives of LA Contractors to attend this meeting with full authority to represent the company. Attending the meeting on behalf of the City will be Mary Strenn (City Manager), Mark Hensley (City Attorney), Tim Grimmond (Chief of Police), Brian Evanski (Project Director), Richard Brinson (Project Inspector), and Frank Mendoza (Project Architect). Please call me at 310/607 -2231 prior to 1:00 p.m. on September 2, 1999 to confirm. Your written response to this notice should be addressed to the undersigned. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact my office Si cerely, Bellur Devaral City Engineer cc. Mary Strenn, City Manager Mark Hensley, City Attorney Tim Grimmond, Chief of Police Brian Evanski, Project Director Richard Brinson, Project Inspector Frank Mendoza, WMM Associates SENT BY CONSTRLCTION oiU OZZ r10r'a ii q 4� LA. CON7 0761 0 LIC 593229 • CORPORATION FAX Transmittal DOCUMENT SENT TO. Brian Ivanski RECIPIENTS FAX # 310- 322 -7137 DOCUMENT SENT FROM- Ed Boctor DATE SENT' J1q 27, 1999 REGARDING Communication Ccnter TEL PAGES TNC'L. THTS ONE 4 SPEci,&L INSTRUCTIONS Enclosed please tind resumes for Adel Boctor/I'roject Manager, and for Mosh►r Kellada /Superintendent. 0 Faxed Only. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS W11H THIS TRANSMISSION PLEASE CALL (u; (818)763 -6072 0 Construction Pevelopmont 10850 Riverside Drive, Suite 101 (916) 763 -6072 North Hollywood, CA 91602 FAX (8183 763-519P SENT BY CONSTRUCTION 1 7 -27 -99 , 15 38 , • 0 W-MMO-141 Personal Age 58, married, 2 children Education Aeronautical Engmeering, Business Administration Experieneo: 10 years in the military, Career Airforce Officer 4 years in the field of accounting and finance. 25 years in the field of construction From 1969 to 1973 worked for the following companies I J1U 122 /1J /,r< L/ 4 United California Bank Operations Crocker Bank Auditor Umted Foam Corporation Division controller and Assistant Corporate Controller Joined Chartered Construction Corporation in 1976 Hcld the positions of Estimator, superintendent and Project Manager is currently Vice president Licensed General Contractor Joined L.A Contractors in 1996 and currently hold position of Vice presidnet ,$ENT BY CONSTRUCTION 7 -27 -99 . 15 38 , JtU ozz 4iJ4,s ai v • Summary Personal: Moshir Kellada 5513 Fairgrange Drive Agoura Hills, California 91301 818991 -5785 Piolect Manager and superintendent with a 16 year experience in commercial and industrial work Completed several public school projects in vanous school districts Age 46, marred, 2 children F,ducation B S Military Sciences (1975) Military Academy 9 years in llle military, Career Army Officer Business Administration Diploma (1983) Van Nuys College of Business, California Experience • 1983 - Protect Manager and superintendent Present Conducted project manager and superintendent duties and completed the following projects East Los Angeles College/Removal of Access Barriers 1998 -99 Owner Los Angeles Community College District Architect 1 DM Architects Los Angeles City College /Disabled Accessabdity 1998 -99 Owner, Los Angeles Community College District Architect- Sally Swanson Associates San Jose Creek Water Quality Lab. Modification 1997-98 Owner L A County Smutntion District Architect L.A County Sanitation District Royal High School Stadium 1995-96 Owner Simi Valley Unified School District Architect, The Blurock Partnership • John Adams Middle School Reconstruction 1994 -95 SENT BY CONS PKUCI ION t -eti a oo Ulu .16 ' ""^ " • L] 0 Owner Santa Monica/Mahbu Unified School District Architect WolflYl,ang C'hn4tnpher Architects Whittier Union High School Modernization Owner, Whittier i Jmon High School District Architect: Pedersen, Beckhart, Wesley & Slice Architects Marshal Senior High School Owner Los Angeles Unified School District Architect Gilbert Ada Associates Architects Irving Junior High School Owner Los Angeles Unified School District Architect Seelye Stevenson Value & Knecht Ramona Elementary School Owner. Los Angeles Unified School District Architect Harold Williams & Associates W.W. Grainger Owner W W Grainger Architect Field- & Silverman Architects Simi Valley Medical Center Owner Sinn Valley Community Center Architect Neil Schribiter Architects Harbor Hills Housing Renovation Owner Housmg Authority of the County of L.A Architect John Breidenbach Aero Space Science Museum of L.A. Owner Office of the State ArcNi l Architect: Frank Gehry & Associates 1993 -94 1991 -92 1989 -90 1988 -89 1987 -88 1986 -87 1985 -86 1983 -84 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT D 348 Main Street • El Segundo, California 90245 -8648 Telephone (310) 322 -9114 FAX (310) 640 -8648 Tim Grimmond, Chief of Police FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: ED BOCTOR AGENCY LA CONTRACTORS FAX NO.: 818.763.5132 FROM. BRIAN EVANSKI TELEPHONE: 310.607.2267 EXT: • DESCRIPTIONIREFERENCEIDR NUMBER /MESSAGE: GOOD MORNING MR. BOCTOR, I RECEIVED YOUR TELEPHONE MESSAGE YESTERDAY REGARDING THE MAILING OF THE INSURANCE AND BOND INFORMATION, THANK YOU AND WE WILL LOOK FOR IT IN THE MAIL. I HAVE A FEW ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS /ISSUES FOR YOU. FIRST, IS THERE A TELEPHONE NUMBER AT YOUR SHOP WHERE I CAN LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE FOR YOU FOR SOME SIMPLE QUESTIONS? ALSO, WE NEED TO MAKE SURE YOU GET A BUSINESS LICENSE AND SUBMIT WORKERS COMP INFO WITH THE CITY. (CONTINUED) NUMBER OF PAGES (INCL. TRANS. SHEET) DATE SENT: TIME SENT- This information is intended solely for the use of the entity or individual named as the recipient hereof and may contain confidential/privileged information If you are NOT the intended party be aware that the disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited If you have not received • all of the indicated pages, please notify the sending party immediately at the number shown above 0 I ALSO HAVE SOME QUESTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE TIME SCHEDULE. ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATION BOOK, WE WILL MEET FOR A PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING PRIOR TO THE NOTICE TO PROCEED. IF I RECALL, YOU ADVISED THAT YOU ARE READY TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE MEETING AND THE NOTICE, I AM CURIOUS AS TO THE TIME YOU WILL NEED BETWEEN RECEIVING TH NOTICE AND ACTUALLY BEGIN CONSTRUCTION WORK. CAN YOU FURNISH ME WITH A PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE SO THAT I CAN BEGIN TO PREPARE THE DEPARTMENT STAFF AND PARKING LOT ARRANGEMENTS? I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS WILL BE A SIMPLE PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE AND A DETAILED SCHEDULE WILL BE FORTHCOMING, HOWEVER IF YOU CAN PROVIDE ME WITH A PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE THIS WEEK I CAN PREPARE THE LOT AREA FOR YOUR STAFF. PLEASE CALL ME AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. • • Segundo 46) Department 348 Main Street • El Segundo, California 90245 -3885 (310) 322 -9114 / (310) 607 -2266 • Fax: (310) 640 -8648 Tim Gnmmond, Chief of Police August 26, 1999 Ed Boctor L. A. Contractors Corporation 10850 Riverside Drive, Suite 101 North Hollywood, CA 91602 Dear Mr. Boctor. As per contract you identified Mr Moshir Kellada as the Superintendent of Record for the El Segundo Communications Center Project. Mr Kellada has yet to appear on -site for this project. To gain compliance with your contract, Mr. Kellada needs to be on -site effective Monday, August 30, 1999 and remain on -site at all times during construction for the duration of this project. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ' zrely Brian Evanski, Sergeant Project Director BDE:mr 0 "Working together to meet our community's needs" L.A. 00WHAMORS • CORPORATION • • El Segundo Police Department Communication Center Transcript of Superintendent Daily Log and Comments 08 -17 -1999 Tuesday C 593229 S� Moshir Kellada falls ill Checks at the doctor Ordered to rest for a week Complains from heart palpitation. 08 -18 -1999 Wednesday Introduced Fawzi Habeeb as replacement until Moshir returns Started work. Removed and Hauled away asphalt. Ordered Fence & gates, toilets, trailers and storage bin Delivery after grading (one week) Visitors. Brian - Architect 08 -19 -1999 Completed Asphalt removal, uncovered underground utilities, utilities interfere with new construction and foundation. Visitors Brian - Scheduled a meeting with the Architect for Monday 08 -23 -1999 afternoon to decide what need to be done with the underground Scheduled construction of temporary power pole installation for 08 -23 -1999 L. A. Contractors Scheduled for 08 -23 -1999 1- Backhoe to follow and expose utilities 2- Electrician to attend (stand by) 3- Plumber to attend (stand by) 4- Surveyor to set grades and lines 5- Soil Engineer 6- Call building & safety inspection for bottom of excavation. Ordered: Safety barricades, Cones, flagman vests, signs and hardhats Construction 10650 Riverside Drive, Suite 101 North Hollywood, CA 91602 Development (8181763-6072 FAX (818) 763 -5132 • 08 -20 -1999 Friday No work 08 -23 -1999 Monday Remove balance of asphalt Cut opening in brick wall for Brian 11 30 Equipment Operator was instructed by Brian to demolish and remove a concrete encasement over the objections of Fawzi The encasement contained 3 electrical and 5 communication conduits Fawzi called the office The office got hold of Greg (the Electrician) Greg showed up on site at 12 30 Ed arranged for Emergency generator to be hooked up to City Hall by 03 00 PM. Course of action after the Electrical conduits were damaged Option 1- Repair the damage and put back City Hall on line will require 7 days 1 -Day Remove the damaged section and pull the existing wire out. 1 -Day Prepare the new trench patch conduit, measure the wire length and order. 2 -Days: Deliver the wire • 2 -Days: Pull the new wire 1 -Day Contingency This repairwill be done only te be des"ed once more ',-iecAisti,igcuiiuuitNiiiturf�rcwidythe-- new building foundation. City Hall will revert back to temporary power whether it is a generator or overhead. Option 2- Continue the investigation, locate all other utilities and extent of their interference with the new foundation The Architect will then address the entire problem once instead of piece meal This approach will take 6 weeks and the following sequence must be maintained 1- Provide temporary power overhead to City Hall and remove the emergency generator. 2- Relocate or modify the existing Sewer and Water lines 3- Complete the earth work and the building pad 4- Trench, Sleeve and pour foundation 5- Trench and install all utilities including Electrical Brian solicited a price from Power Plus and we proceeded on that basis In any way the Architect must provide instruction in the form of drawings and specification to direct the contractor if any deviation from the original plans • 2 • 08 -24 -1999 Tuesday Moshir returned to work. Hands in his resignation Exposed all underground utilities 08 -25 -1999 Wednesday Reconnected the parking lot lights At 06:30 PM, Fawzi received a call from Rick the inspector instructing him to bring in ajackhammer in the morning, along with workmen to break and expose the conduits at the point of penetration through the North retaining wall. The Electric Engineer wishes to investigate the conduits to propose a fix 08 -26 -1999 Thursday Exposed all conduits at point of penetration for the Engineer's benefit Installed gates and fences. 08 -27 -1999 Friday Brian upset. Moshir has yet to show. He is informed of Moshir's situation I introduced him to Harry, the would be permanent replacement • Soil Engineer on site Architect inspected the exposed utilities. Requested that 1- We saw cut the concrete encasement at the existing police department entrance, and expose the rondults at this 10c2tion - 2- Remove the top of the dirt on the building site in order to further expose other utilities Comment: The Architect send a fax to that effect to the office at 05.15 PM. The instructions were not clear and carves the Heading Field Authorization and the box "Per Contract Document" checked 1- Excavate and remove the top. 1'0" did not make any sense and will not serve any purpose There is no place to store the dirt on site, therefore it must be trenched out and the operation will require special mobilization of Equipment and Trucks The building site has been investigated and all utilities exposed. We cannot allow the Architect to dictate the means and methods of construction, this is the sole responsibility of the contractor If the Architect wants to investigate further in detail for the purpose of design, that should be done by the Architect. 2- We did not understand what "expose" means, as it turned out the Architect meant to chop off the conduit entirely thru, to expose the ends A mistake which indicate lack of knowledge with the construction means and methods Cutting off the end will cut off the conductor flush with the end of the conduit and that will preclude pulling the conductor out of the conduit from the end that has been chopped off 0 3 • 08 -30 -1999 Monday Mobilized for next day 08 -31 -1999 Tuesday Backhoe to clean up and further investigation Compressor, Jackhammer and Saw to expose the conduits without losing the ends On site meeting Architect, Structural Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Brian, Fire Chief Result of meeting: Tentative decision to reconnect the Electric, using a different route away from column pads, the method proposed is impractical and possibly not feasible altogether 09 -01 -1999 Wednesday Rick informed Ed Boctor that the Electrical Engineer has after all decided on something different and he will provide new instructions. Comment: Meanwhile the Architect is engaged in a Cat and Mouse game with the Contractor 1- Refused to answer Request For Information No 8, a collection of 8 requests submitted • by the Steel Detailer for information needed, yet missing from the design drawings. 2- Evaded responding with specific instruction on RFI # 6 4- Did not respond to RFI # 9 5- Did not respond to submittals submitted. 08/12/1999 No # 1000 Construction Schedule 08/13/1999 No # 1001 Schedule of Values 6- Returned Submittal No # 14800 HVAC and Submittal No # 08710 Hardware for lack of a stamp. 7- Refuse to act on Contractors Payment Application # 1 • 4 • RESUME Fawzi Habeeb Graduate Civil Engineer Licensed General Contractor 1958 i Building Inspector, County of L. A. 27 Years. 0 5.b sAf EY.CQYS7RUCTION : 8-19-99 ; 16 :2E LA. CONTRACTORS CORPORATION RFI n B • L Proje•:t : El Segundo Communicadon Center LV- VU » 213 382 9247;# S/ 4 OFFICE OWNS I.O.R CONSULTANT. To. Wl ateoova" Prbeity: Ursem BF.M ENCY REGMrs: — Expedite DZT'AELS. Normal REMPLENC19 SPIMSt ATTN: icon Mama SECTION: PARAr ir-4 12 10 I� i ►I71 '1- 11[ I Z =77 i 1 PLr%A&E NCY : TL.s Is no[ a eatica m proceed whh my +vent lnvalva g a change 1e the aaapa of weal[ net as aamonxatlon to Ppttaem my work that involvm a ybm9c in the cOntrmr amma Proceed on the basis and In accordance with the conuam dam meeoc. r 08/19/99 17:33 TX /RX NO.4722 P.003 0 SENT SY:MSTRWHON . 8 -20 -99 9:19 : LA. CONTRACTORS CORPORATION RFI DWTML MON: 0 • No- 1 Q Date. Q - I!(. clef 0 0 LO 002 215 582 82474 1/ 2 OFFICE OWNER I.O.R. CONSULTANT Project : E1 Segundo Communication Center TO: %7" aeaaclaba Priority: Urgem REFERINCE glffzr S: �tjt W9 -�j>tz -32•t1 Figmalte MrAnA, Normal REFFAMCE SPECS: ATTN: Loa Map SECTION2 PARA: Submitted Cost impact r I Pas=h1v Tfma Impact ✓ pLF-ASH NOTE.'Ibls is not s vubm io proceed with any work invoivlcg a change in rbe coopp of work nor an wther➢atias to pwfivm any work rW invoivea a change m the contract samunr. Proceed on doe basis and in aacordsoac with ft canrpet dpcumeoit. 08/20/99 10:26 TX /RX NO.4429 P.001 0 Is FOUNDATION NOTES 1 TYPM MALE CpJRM, FGO1MO } I TYPMJL PERMOM C MN M�� 2S 1 CMU fDUfEt± _ DIM,D CNE° $ %% A 9DTDY FDDRNp EtEWTEfNZZ -2' -0' UNA S tYPICAL SUB ON °MDE DEt e A_Y V . 6 ALL MATDNRY MALLS ARE tY CRU 17 �I UNlESS ND,Ep p111EAW2iE S_ ti rAK - _. __._ t YE lYP V 1 �-1 -S II •�s: n.. -� -�L �. -U (A�I:tc,2 - f� I� J Ili - --- - - - - -- i °� Lrr cOPf'CIZ i If + n •n i t � 2 "6� ` if w l I - I I zi L r - — W w RAPED DW1 NC rAD �— -- 39 I I I 3.8 I ( � I GiybJ ouT eon'µ :•e• o °RGE RAY 4 IIt US i� i t i§ n r I I « I I 1 —•-- - -i I _ I I i t I L I - 1 I ky r _ _ — _ _ rT_— ___ L y 17 - b - I I K'' �w . r {•.u._ b. ;r. ,Ry ri ^'a ,w.: 'a%., . -, � V� . . . 74—A- - W X7g Lp�Y 4/ f �. ,M., M.4.. >✓i aba v �":u,N ,� Jaw... 'i, 71i ._ "� •t r_ }"'.: } ,� nC .aJY13'Si,��>'tx. r ve Ieli oc , w rl cla OOt 444, "Ma AJJUL1Aihb BE '!' BY :CANSMCf7ON s 8 -28 -88 : 13:01 L.A. C WFRA.CTOR3 CORPORATION RN DIMIM sUTIGIV Q Date.- o Q Project : EI Segundo Communication Center ig 001 213 382 3247:# 1a 2 OFFICE oVA41M LO.R. CONSUL ANT It 'a$L —:N >41 Expedite DETAItb: Notetttl] 3UMFXJ=C'w'E 3PEC8t Ina Malta SECTIONx PARA -_ • SubwiWed Sq- Possible Cost Impact Poes961e Time impaat '� ANIINVERED Dam rf 3/ -9q PLEASE NOTE This in net A notice to proceed with any wrack hevutrag A ehawn in the scope ofwork act as suthor3adon in patfotm nay stork that layolvet a change to the eatetmet amount. noceed an the hod+ and m accordance with the cameaet donna ft 08/28/99 14:38 TX /RX X0.4765 P.001 ■ A • I /407 -�rr14q cF � ISRAA::� a4.D(:;P c.044 P&D77aV4)6s 141 / %c 7,/ a IrC 5i E-Ab OF OW 7W�5- (PLAsJS ., 47- '¢ppko)O A 1, /z , fi / - -47- 410072- j nWT72�,c 7V- 4PAZC7-C,- /S 47 0 �Ir� 1 ■ -fir, r it .. Il -- 1I�' ❑ I i r �. %fill i L � `� MMtt yl 41'A A SEf I I I I I _i I I I i I li F i FOUNDOTON NOTES I TI•!A NIW01! !Rper! i e G - 1 TIP PUMMU 1 co romm • !ORmr S Tewm SM ON OWE W � wU3 ARE u'a! n CrAumm L.A. CONTRACTORS CORPORATION STATE LICENSE NO.593229 10850 Riverside Drive, Suite 101 North HolhNvood, California 91602 (818) 763 -6072 Fax (818) 763 -5132 SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL PROJECT El Segundo Communication Center 348 Main Street REF. El Segundo, California 90245 TO WMM Associates 3731 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 870 Los Angeles, California 90010 ATTN- Mr. Lanao Moga 3 AL x DESCRIPTION Finish Hardware Schedule Product data SUBMITTAL NO. 5 710 DATE Aug. 20,1999 REF PLANS REF. SPECS 8710 VIA: Mail X UPS Messenger Hand Carry SUBCONTRACTORISUPPLIER S & S Hardware General Contractor Certifies: We have reviewed the attached submittal verifying products, dimensions, adjacent work, and coordination of the information is in accordance «ith the requirements of the contract documents, and approve this submittal (reference Section 1300) BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR DATE Zo f� COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ADDITION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I. Preparation and processing of submittals shall be coordinated with Contracted Work operations which includes fabrication, purchasing and delivery of work items so as not to delay • Contracted work operations. 2. The Architect and City reserve the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until such other submittals are received by the Architect or City. 3. Schedule submittals a minimum of 21 calendar days prior to dates the reviewed submittals are needed. 4, submit 6 copies of all shop drawings, catalog data and manufacturers data unless otherwise indicated in the technical specifications. Include the specifications section number, paragraph and item numbers on the submittal and transmittal clearly indicating the portion of the specifications being addressed in the submittal. E. coordination and Submittals: 1. carefully review and coordinate all aspects of each item being submitted. 2. Verify that all such submittal items conform to the specification requirements noted in the Technical Specification sections. • C. Submittal Identification: Affix to each submittal, the Prime Contractors signature and stamp certifying that required coordination has been performed and include on an attached label for processing and recording action taken, noting the following: • 1. Name of the Project 2. Date of the submittal and date of contractors review 3. Name and address of Architect 4. Name and address of the Prime contractor 5. Name and address of the Subcontractor(s) 6. Name and address of the Supplier 7. Name and address of the Manufacturer 8. Reference to specification Section Number and Title 9. submittal Number. 10. Reference to Drawing Sheet Number and detail(s) SECTION 01340 PAGE 2 WMM ASSOCIATES TRANSMITTAL ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS LETTER • PROJECT: � e.vk5l Alckv 4; iY0,1 f4lll IIC.'47/OAI —`3 O (Name &Address) /q%�/� Ofd ! �' /C�n/ PROJECT NO. -/� I I 0 C� ATM ,i~`G G771/� WE TRANSIyW'- (✓j Herewith ( ) Under sgmmte cover vin ( ) In accordance with your Mnnar FOR YOUR: DATE: GIG. -3// 17% If enclosures are not as Toted. please inform us immediately. ( )/Approyd { ) Distriborion to parties ( ) Information (V) Review & comment ( ) Record (•) Correction wd mnaa ( ) Use ( ) THE FOLLOWING: ( ) Drawings ( )Shopdrawmg(s) ( )A*ks ( ) Letter ( ) Spe"ficadons ( ) Calculations ( product literature ( ) Report ( ) Change order ( ) Coaectiou(s) ( ) 71 COPMS TO: (with enraosum) I WMM BY: 3731 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD' SUrrE670' LOS ANGELES. CAl)FORNIA 9Wto'*M— (213) 382 -9936' FAX: (213) 382.3247 "AF i — — 71 COPMS TO: (with enraosum) I WMM BY: 3731 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD' SUrrE670' LOS ANGELES. CAl)FORNIA 9Wto'*M— (213) 382 -9936' FAX: (213) 382.3247 CL •���.i..lvL L 5 ° 5 DOC.# i GA035754 1 w SEN7 BY :CONSTRLCT(ON B -31-03 , 16:35 • 4 - LA, 00MYMC7GR8 LiC. 593229 G0RP0AAi70N FAX Transmittal LA Contractors Corp.. Fax #: (818) - 763.5132 DOCUMENT SENT TAD! RECIPIENTS FAX P. DOCUMENT SENT FROM: PACES (Inctud(%this onep 0 DATE SENT: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS' • .. r�� � I F IF YOV AVE ANY-PIipDLE143 PITH THIS TRANSMISSION PLEASE CALL: •cornwotlan 10850 Alven6de Drive, Suite 901 Namh HcAywoad, CA 91 W2 f1r:N i 818.763 -6072 (8 181 7834807E FAX (618) 783 -513E L ,�,�'_,.v�1.� r.�. 5.36 �J # 1040 57541 b�Nl tiY CUNSIKUCflQ1 8 -31 -99 , 16.37 c :# 4, 5 CONKUNICATIO14S CENTM ADDITION City of 81 Segundo fl • Who" access to driveway or street crossings need to be maintal4ed steel plating shall be used. All steel plating shall have temporary asphalt rnnrrete 1_12 minimum eloped ramps to aaeiat vahiclea to cross over the plates. Plates subject to vehicle high trafflu speeds shall be secured to pavement by studs or bolts. 7-10.3 Protection of the Public. Subseation 7 -10.5 to hereby added to section 7 of the Standard specifications as follows: It Is part of the service required of the C %'MCM to make whatever provisions are necessary to protect the public. The CONTRACTOR shall use foresight and shall cake such steps and precautions as his operations warrant to protect the public from danger, loss of life or loss of property, which would result from interruption or contamination of public water supply, interruption of other public service, or from the failure of partly completed work or partially removed facilities. unusual conditions may Arise on the Project which will require that immediate and unusual provisions be made to protect the public from danger or Was of life, or damage to life and property, due disEc*_ly or iiAirectly to prosecution of work under thin contract. whenever, in the opinion of the Ln9ineer, an emergency exists against which the CONTRACTOR has not taken sufficient precaution for the public safety, protection of utilities and protection of adjacent structures or property, which may be damaged by the COMTRACTOA -s operations and when, in the opinion of the E nginaer, immediate action shall be considered naeeasary in order to protect the public or property due to the CONTRACTOR'S operations under this contract, the Engineer will order the CONTRACTOR to provide a remedy for the unsafe condition It the CONrmatoft fails to act on the situation within a reasoonebie time period, the Engineer may provide suitable protection to said interests by causing such work to be done and material to be furnished as, in the opinion of the Engineer, may eoam reae0rsab1e and necessary. The cost and expense of said labor and material, together with the cost and expense of much repairs as are deemed necessary, shall be borne by the COICZACTOR. All expenses incurred by the CzTT for emergency repairs will be deducted frax the progress paymenta and the final payment due to the commCTOR. However, if the CITY does not take such remedial measures, the CONTRACTOR io not relieved of the full responsibility for public aaftty. No field offices for C= personnel shall be required, however, the Cirr persognel shall have the right to enter upon the project at all times and shall be admitted to the offices of the CONTRACTOR if so provided by the CIOAMACTDa for its own permonnel. 9 -3 9 -3.1 Paftial and Final Payment. The text of Subsection 9 -3.7 of the Standard Speciti otions in hereby deleted and replaced with the rollowiliy: II -2 -9 When work is complots, the LMWr"CSOR will detarmine the final quantities of the work performed and prepare the final progrsss payment, and oub"t it to the Engineer for approval. It will take a minimum of thirty -five 135) days From the date of receiving the CONTA3,CPOS'e invoice, to approve and make the paymant to the COMMACTOR. Hoeevar, payments vill be withhel3 pending receipt of any outstanding reports required by the contract documents. In addition, the fined progress payment will not be released until the ccwfthmjt returns the cvatrol set of DLANS AND $PIMICATIONS showing the as -built condition. The full tan percent (lot) retention will be deducted [ram all progress payments_ The CONTRACTOR shall make a payment request for the retained amount, for approval by the City, upon field acceptance of the work by the City angimer. The City Ragineer upon Lield acceptance and receipt of the final as -built plans and any other report++ or documents required to be provided by the CONTRAcrc* will process a recommendation to the city Council for acceptance of the work. Not lose than thirty -five (35) days from the City Council acceptance of the work. the cpNTRACToR'a final pay request will be issued provided Stop Payment Notices or other liens, notices, oa litigation have not been filed agalhet the coNTlt,Acroa and /or the City by material suppliers, sub- contrattore, or other governmental agencies. The CONTRACTOR, however, may receive interest on the retention for the leuyth of mn6truction, or receive the retention itself as long as the retention is substituted with escrow holder avrsty or equal value. At the requeaL and axpenae of the CONTRACTOR, surety equivalent to the retention may be deposited with the State Treasurer, or a state or 7ederally chartered hank, an the escrow ,.gent, who shall pay such surety to the CONTRACTOR upon satisfactory completion of the contract. surety eligible for investewnt shall include those listed in 3accion ICA30 of the State Government Code or bank or savings and loan certificates of deposit, Any escrow agreement entered into shall contain the following provisionat A. The amount of surety to be deposited; b. The termo and conditions Of conversion to cash in case of derault of tits CONTRAMR# end o. The termination of the escrow upon completion of the contract. 9-3.3 aelivered materials. Materials and equipment delivered or stored, but not incorporated into the work, shall not be approvwd for progress payments. • 11 -D 10 �oo .��•.�� 10A03�;oG] S&r By: mN5MUCTIOts 8 -31 -99 ; 16.'38 COMMUNICATIONS cmr=R ADDITION City of 81 Segundo • date for 1 The closure the purpose of making partial progress payments will be the last dry of each month. The CON CTOA shall prepare the apprott4nata measuresent of the work performed through the closure date and submit it to the cxTY for approval by the tantb day of the following month. When work is complots, the LMWr"CSOR will detarmine the final quantities of the work performed and prepare the final progrsss payment, and oub"t it to the Engineer for approval. It will take a minimum of thirty -five 135) days From the date of receiving the CONTA3,CPOS'e invoice, to approve and make the paymant to the COMMACTOR. Hoeevar, payments vill be withhel3 pending receipt of any outstanding reports required by the contract documents. In addition, the fined progress payment will not be released until the ccwfthmjt returns the cvatrol set of DLANS AND $PIMICATIONS showing the as -built condition. The full tan percent (lot) retention will be deducted [ram all progress payments_ The CONTRACTOR shall make a payment request for the retained amount, for approval by the City, upon field acceptance of the work by the City angimer. The City Ragineer upon Lield acceptance and receipt of the final as -built plans and any other report++ or documents required to be provided by the CONTRAcrc* will process a recommendation to the city Council for acceptance of the work. Not lose than thirty -five (35) days from the City Council acceptance of the work. the cpNTRACToR'a final pay request will be issued provided Stop Payment Notices or other liens, notices, oa litigation have not been filed agalhet the coNTlt,Acroa and /or the City by material suppliers, sub- contrattore, or other governmental agencies. The CONTRACTOR, however, may receive interest on the retention for the leuyth of mn6truction, or receive the retention itself as long as the retention is substituted with escrow holder avrsty or equal value. At the requeaL and axpenae of the CONTRACTOR, surety equivalent to the retention may be deposited with the State Treasurer, or a state or 7ederally chartered hank, an the escrow ,.gent, who shall pay such surety to the CONTRACTOR upon satisfactory completion of the contract. surety eligible for investewnt shall include those listed in 3accion ICA30 of the State Government Code or bank or savings and loan certificates of deposit, Any escrow agreement entered into shall contain the following provisionat A. The amount of surety to be deposited; b. The termo and conditions Of conversion to cash in case of derault of tits CONTRAMR# end o. The termination of the escrow upon completion of the contract. 9-3.3 aelivered materials. Materials and equipment delivered or stored, but not incorporated into the work, shall not be approvwd for progress payments. • 11 -D 10 n L _-, h r"7 V 4: "—, Y. L` . stab W:LUMIXLCIMN ; B -31-99 0 • _.:5 1636 , DC) G.# t04r-135 %541 COMKUNICATION CEMCU APDr lei CITY OF EL SEGUND6 ARTICLE 25. SHOP DRAVING.9 ;02/5 uf� contractor shall check and verify all field measurements and shall submit with such promptness as to not cause to delay in his own work or in that of any other COAtractOr six (6) copies checked and approved by him of all shop or setting drawings, schedules, and materials list required for the work of various trades. Architect shall review within fifteen (15) working day% such schedules and drawings only for enformance with design concept of project and compliance with informsLaca given in contract documents. contractor shall make any corrections required by Architect, file with hire six (6) corseted copies and furnish such other copies as may be needed for construction. Architects review of such drawings or schedules shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for deviation* from drawings or specifications unless he has in writing called Architeav a attention to such deviations at time of submission and secured his written approval nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors in shop drawings or schedules. ARTICLE 26. SAMPLES Contractor shall furnish for review, within thirty -five (35) days following award of contract, all samples as required in specifications together with catalogs and supporting data required by Architect: This proviwion shall not authorize any extension of time for performance of this contract. Arthittect will review such samples, within fifteen tls) working days from receipt of same, only for conformance with design and concept of work and for conpliarce with information given in contract documents, Work shall be in accordance with approved samples. Valens specified otherwise, sampling, preparation of samples and testa shall be in accordance with the latest standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials. Samples of materials and/or articles shall, upon demand, be submitted for testo or examinsticns and consideration before incorparation of some in work is started. Contractor whall be solely responsible fur delays due to samples not being submitted in time to allow for proper time Co mater tests. Accaptance or refection will ha enrassed in writing. Materials furnished must be egaal to evad samples in every respsot. Samples which are of value after twTng_w114 remain the property of the contrsctor. ARTICLE 27. JWST MAIDOwN AND 069I0DICAL ESTIMATHS shall furnish on forms approved by Owners a. witAili ten (lo) days of award of contract a detailed estimate giving corsplete breakdown of contract price; and b. A periodic italnized estimate of work done for purpose of making s�artist Payments t4oreon C. bin lea (10) days of racuest by owner, a schedule of estimated � ^%outhly'$3 wwKic shall be due him under the contract. A>xTrctx i, I • ral Provision$ Section 9. Before payment is made bas•eundez, a certificate im writing shall be obtained; from the Architect stating that the DOCUMENT 00900 PAGE 22 u 3. NL V V a VL�J SENT 6y :CONSTRUCTION 8 -31 -99 18 36 ; CQMMICATION CENTER ADDIT109 CITY OF SL aSOtMOO 10403575a I ;# 3/ 1 16 • work for which the payment is demanded has been performed is accordance with the terms of the contract and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the berms of the contract which certificate shall be attached to and made a part of the claim made and filed with the owner provided that if the Architect shall within three (3) days after written demand therefor, fail to deliver such certificate to the owner, the Contractor may file his claim with the owner without said certificate, but together with such claim shall be filed a statement that demand was cads for such certificate and that ease was refused. Thereupon, the Omar will either allow said claims presented or shall, by an Order entered on the minutes of said owner state the reasons for refusing to allow said claim. Ie is understood, moreover, that the certificate of the Architect shall not be conclusive upon the owner, but advisory merely, and that the payments heroin provided for shall only be made when in feet such work has been performed in accutdsnca with this contract. ARTICLE 29. SUaSTITM= SYCOAITY In accordance with Section 22900 of the Public Contract Code, the owner will permit the substitution of securities for any monies withheld by the twngr to ensure performance under the contract. At the request and expense of the Contractor, securities equivolent to the amount withheld shall be deposited with the owner, Or with d state or federally chartered bank an the sscrow agent, who shall than pay such monies to the Contractor, upon satisfactory completion of the contract, the securities shall be returned to the Contractor. securities eligible for investment under this section shall irtrlude those listed to goverMent Cede section 3.6430, bank or Savings and loan certificates of deposit, interest bearinq demand deposit accounts, standby letters or credit, or any other security mutually agreed to by the Contractor and the Owner. The Contractor 'shall be the beneficial owner of any securities substituted for monies Withheld and shall receive any interest thereon The escrow agreement used far the purposes of this section shall be substantially similar to the form net forth ill the a3blie Contract cede section 22300. ARTICt.S 30, ACCMANCS CP CORPLkT20e1 To establish Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall initiate a final walk- through with the Owner and Architect co establish a punch list of items to be completed by the Contractor without delay and within a reasonable period of time (Unless agreed to by the Owner in advance, ■a reasonable period of time■ shall he doomed to mean thirty (30) days or less.). The Architect shall prepare and disvzibute copies of the official punch list and prior to substantial completion status, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect for approval complete project record documents, operation and maintenance manuals, and all warranties and guaraatess. the Architect, upon receipt of these documents, shall issue a Certificate of substantial Completion for distribution to the Owner and the Contractor. Thu Contractor, upon raceipt of the certificate Of 8ubetaatial Completion, may submit the semi-final Certificate for Payment 1100% Completion, less retention). . To establish Donsficial OcoupanCy, the Owner shall notify Contractor in writing of its intended occupancy prior to Substantial Completion, and execute a Change Order reflecting said change in the Agreement between the owner and LOCUIQtTl' 00900 ME 13 c� vnu_tvu I- .u, x:35 DCC,# I0403575f.1 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT 348 Main Street • El Segundo, California 90245 -8648 Telephone (310) 322 -9114 FAX (310) 640 -8648 n • Tine Grimnmond, Chief of Police FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: -E-b AGENCY. l._,...t'J C_'7 O Z� FAX NO.. 77 / 2 6 3 !7 1 3 Z FROM: TELEPHONE. L V -1 Z 'L 6 -7 EXT DESCRIPTION/REFERF,NCE/DR NUMBER/MESSAGE: ouS:-v, -_ cnw, yytc It GiE Y% NUMBER OF PAGES (INCL. TRANS. SHEET) DATE SENT 1 • I . -I Ak a r E"5 01a-re6 Mdr1r� -U= IPA Yp E6 sIrcwmIz6b - EPrI1+i-rt Nf l.Nvm,(- bt+HC. TIME SENT: D c N O This information is intended solely for the use of the entity or individual named as the recipient hereof and may contain confidential /privileged information If you are NOT the intended party be aware that the disclosure, copying, distnbutmon or use of the oontents of this tasnsmmssion is strictly prohibited If you have not received all of the indicated pages, pkme notify the scndmng party immediately at the number shown above. n J /- 7�� \Y --COA PORATON T _ v Transmittal • L A Contm.lor. Corp Fnx #- (Big) -763 -5132 ItBCa PIEIJTS PAX M • Eat d:jin gb `, PAOGB 0.1w int th[e one) DATE 5IwmT 9PHGAL [NSTxcICTIONS iF YOiJ HAVE ANY PROBLHMS WITH THIS TIil1N5A1[9SION pLEA9E CALL '10900 w.wre.a. O.�v� 9u.se '10'I P'19f >03 -OO�a Nertn Nellyw�ned L..Y D1902 piVf IB19) 793 - x'13 -d TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT WAS CONFIRMED (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE - SEE DETAILS BELOW) ** COUNT ** TOTAL PAGES SCANNED 3 TOTAL PAGES CONFIRMED : 3 * ** SEND * ** No REMOTE STAI ION I START TIVIE I DLRATIO\ NPAGES MODE, I I RESULTS 1 9- 1 -99 13 53 1 18" 9/ 3 COMPLETED 9600 NOTE No OPERATION NUMBER PD POLLED BY REMOTE 0B SE\D TO MAILBOX TOfAL 0 01 19' 3 48 4800BPS SELECTED EC ERROR CORRECT G2 G2 COMMUNICATION SF STORE & FORWARD RI RELAY INITIATE RS RELAY STATION PG POLLING A REMOTE MP MLLTI- POLLING RM RECEIVE TO MEMORY ro ° 0 0 3 n r W O n o o £ ° o rt � � c b � � r r o n � I III „III h I Y N i; IY q 0 III Io , rt a S it �I z of�i ,I Dollars Y+ N W 07 Ql .0 N Q � Q O W p1 n W rG (P m O O O O O O O O O O 0 C) r, n tt �U su cn n in O w ct " O 1 O n a n e c o rt o a ti n a � m m h 6 O (] rt W N K 1 N .q N �n a Y h y rt S y rt Y Y � RI N ✓' C cu'ic�c ip F, m o io ro i ro ° 0 0 3 n r W O n o o £ ° o rt � � c b � � r r o n � I III „III h I Y N i; IY q 0 III Io , rt a S it �I z of�i ,I Dollars Y+ N W 07 Ql .0 N Q � Q O W p1 n W rG (P m O O O O O O O O O O 0 C) r, n tt �U su cn n in O w ct 'Sep -03 -99 04:b /P FINK is FLLUMHIN LL-F` Slvyao�t�c�� r.�c FINK & FELDMAN LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 520 S SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD SUITE 407 LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 90049 (310) 889 -9299 FACSIMILE (310) 889.9209 September 3, 1999 Mary Strenn City Manager City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, Ca 90245 Re: Contractor: LA Contractors Project: El Segundo Communications Center Addition Dear Ms Strenn. As indicated at today's meeting, the purpose of this letter is to address each of the items outlined in Mr Devarai's September 1, 1999, letter, in the order they appear beginning 1. As you are aware, Mr Kellada has resigned from LA Contractors Accordingly, it will not be possible for him to be present at the job site Therefore, in accordance with your request, LA Contractors will terminate the services of Fawzy Habeeb and find a replacement suitable to you. Enclosed is the resume of Shahriar "Harry" Harin, the replacement Supenntendent. Assuming that Mr Hariri is acceptable to you, he will start work as early as September 22, 1999, but no later than September 27, 1999. In the interim, Mr Boctor will act as the superintendent and will be present at the site on a daily basis 2. We will contact all of our subcontractors to make certain that every single one of them has a City Business License We will not allow any subcontractors on the project site unless they have a valid City Business License. 3. You may leave telephone messages 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 818 -763- 6072 During normal working hours all telephone calls, of any nature, should be directed to this telephone number If there is an emergency after normal working hours, you may contact Mr. Boctor at home at 818- 951 -4689. Please make sure that this number is only used for emergencies after normal working hours 4 LA Contractors will continue to expose all of the site utilities as required Sep -03 -99 04: b/P r trvic a. rtLUIIIHIN L�r I September 3, 1999 Mary Strenn Page No 2 With regard to the damaged electrical power lines, you are already aware that there is a dispute over whether or not LA Contractors was told to remove the conduit I would like to put this dispute aside for now and work on getting you permanent electrical power immediately. However, I cannot emphasize enough, that the reason for the delay in restoring permanent power to City Hall was that tfte parties could not agree on a permanent fix that would both restore power and resolve the problem with the architectural plans I believe that this inability to agree on a solution was demonstrated by the participants at today's meeting. Pursuant to the agreement reached at the end of the meeting today, Mr Boctor, Mr Lotfallah and myself proceeded to the project site and devised a way to connect a temporary power source to City Hall that would not interfere with the proposed building footing LA Contractor was ready to implement this remedy when we were approached by Brian Evanski and Richard Brinson and told that the City would provide the temporary power and that LA Contractors should only expose a clean piece of the conduit We were told that this directive would be put in writing and faxed to LA Contractors today.` Before I left, the concrete had been removed and the electrical and communications conduit was exposed. We were also told that the structural and electrical engineers would review and resolve the conflict between the existing conduit and the building footing. 5 To avoid conflicts in the future, no deviation will be made from the plans and specifications without written authonzation from the City. 6 LA Contractors can either provide you with a credit for the fair market value of the light fixture or provide you with a replacement light fixture, Please let me know which option you choose. 7 A new trailer in compliance with the contract documents will be ordered after the holiday weekend. 8 In response to your final question, Ray Scott, the surveyor, is a registered civil engineer, RCE No. 14356 LA Contractors will have the building surveyed again to insure that there are no errors i As of the time of faxing this letter, no written directive has been received by LA Contractors Sep -03 -99 04:58P FINK & FtLUMHN LLY 61Utt3LSyt7c U7 r.Uv September 3, 1999 Mary Strenn Page No 3 On a final note, I noticed several communications problems, at the meeting today, which need to be remedied One example would be your direction not once, but twice, to restore the power lines to their onginal condition and deal with the problem in the plans later Everyone was in agreement As we were nsing to leave, one of the architects requested that LA Contractors do something totally contrary to your directions Ultimately, LA Contractors was told to disregard your original directions. A second example occurred when the two architects were asked what it meant to expose the conduit. One said to expose the conduit and not disturb it. The other said to chop off the conduit I have already instructed my client to put all questions in writing and to obtain written responses so that there are no more conflicting directions Please request that the architect and project managers for the City do the same This will likely eliminate most if not all of the communication problems I trust that this letter addresses all of your questions and alleviates your concerns LA Contractors has all intentions of completing this project to, your satisfaction and on time Should you have any further questions or concerns, please call me immediately Very truly yours, Mark A. Feldman for FINK & FELDMAN, LLP CC. Nick Hyslop LA Contractors C U)OCSNARKU.A CON'ACCORSO,$E0UNDOUl ET[ERS\STRENN 001 JCP- J -�JV VY` JOr 1 11V1� O 1 GLL./1'I/YIV LLr' Harry S. Hanri 2764 Lakewood Place Westlake Village, California 91361 Tcl (818)379 -2527 Resume PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE J1Ut00�9t -JGU7 N_(U�J J1UT00JTJLUJ,F %! J July 1998 to Present: Project Superintendent/ L. A.Contractors Corp. Project Superintendent for Eucalyptus Elementary School for Nawthornc School District Plan and schedule work with subcontractors Initiate Requcst Foi Information Review Submittah prepare and update Construction Schedule. Attend weekly meetings with Architects, lmpcctor and Owner representative 1995 -Jan 1998: Project Superintendent U.P.E. / Pyke Construction, Signal Hill, Ca, Managing the sites at superintendent position, coordinate subcontractors on environmental /constriction related projects, such as U S T. (underground storage tank) removal/ installatimi, contaminated soil removal, monitoring well installation, ground water monitoring Comprehensive knowledge in lields of excavation, Compacting, Grading, Coni.rete work, Masonry work, Seismic retrofit, Addition work, Tenant improvements to both private and commercial properties Total quality management wntrol and constant field monitoring/inspection responsibility Literacted extensively with OSHPD slate, i ou ity, city, and other regulatory agencies Major Projects: • ToyIIRIIUs - 4800 Sq ft addition, and tenants improvement, City of Thousand Oaks • Long Aeac i Memorial Tlospital - installation of 20K U S T and Reel system • Manhattan Beach Medical Center - Tenants improvement • McNiff Petroleum - Removal of contaminated soil, installation of fuel system, tenant improvement. Parts USA, PepBoys - Tenant improvement, seismic retrofit, City or Van Nuys • South Coast Medical Center - Removal and installation of four U S. f'. contaminated soil removal, monitoring well installation and ground wat" monitoring Ncwport Landing - Removal and installation of three UST contaminated soil, and ground water removal. • HolhstcrandTencn - RemovalofoneUSTandinstallation ormomtonng wells l,ong Beach Certified Grocers of Southern California - Santa Fc Springs Dcput, removal of seven UST contaminated soil and installation of three UST and fuel system for trucks I Sep - 03-99, 04:59P FINK & FELDMAN LLY _.•.. � , J- J -JJ . 1J lU Harry S. Hariri 2764 Lakewood Place Westlake Village, California 91361 Tel (818)379 -2527 Jllltaa 7t7cv7 r �v 310t889t9202,9 3/ 3 1990- 1995: Project Superintendent, Access Environmental Services Santa Monies, Cu. Project management responsibilities on environmental- Telated construction projects, including tank removal, tank installations and contaminated soil removal. Coordinated protects, field auptrvisiun, u.hedulmg, quality Lontrol/inspection, contract negotiation, purchasing and project status report Managed soil testing and environmental Waste disposal activities Interacted extensively with State, County and City inspection personnel. Assured that all projects were completed within necessary deadlines Major Projects: * Mart,h Air Force Base - Installation of I0K gallon A ST. • USDA National Forestry Service - lnstallatton of A S T five locations. • San Louts Obispo County - Removal of three U S.T. installation of two SK A.S T and cite remedtation + Fire Station No 2 City Of Los Alamitos - Removal and installation of U.S T and fuel system • City Of Los Angeles - 1 aak removal at numerous sacs ($500,000 annually) Ventura County Fire Department - Installation of A S t at I? soea • Office of Sude Architects - Installation of five A S T at five locations • El Tort Marine Ruse - Installation of A S.T EDUCATION*. B.A. from London College of Applied Science in Building Construction. 1985 -1990: Site Manager/Superintendent, Groveside Homes, England. 1982 -198S• Trainee Site Manager, W C Petty Constnictinn T.nndon, l +.ngland 1980 -1982: Site Superintendent, Tilbury Construction London, England. 1978 -1980: Trainee Engineer, Tilbury Construction London, England September 3,1999 Dear Residents and Property Owners, The El Segundo City Council has it's se rid reading and final vote of Ordmanc�tfhisgo u ay, September 7th at City Hall The meeting begins at PM and you will have 5 minutes to speak If passJ4,olts a property owner, resident, or tenant will be adversely affected. All Smokey Hollow Zone Area property owners & owners within 300 feet of affected area received notification around May 5th of "possible changes" John attended the Planning Commission meeting where they recommended retaining the 500 foot protective buffer between Auto Repair Facilities (A RF) and residentially zoned property, known as "Option 2" Despite their recommendation the El Segundo City Council voted for zero foot protection for R2 & R3 residents Nancy Wermck was the only "N O" vote This would have allowed an unlimited number of various ARFs to conduct business on the south side of Franklin Street and the west side of Arena Street directly across from R2 & R3 apartment buildings Also both sides of the street in the 100 block of Penn, Sierra, Sheldon, Lomita, etc R1 homes adjoining Holly Avenue at Washington, Kansas, & California could soon have a car painting facility with unlimited # of bays 300 ft away from their front lawn A zone map that outlines this large area of El Segundo is available for viewing at the E S Planning Dept On August 17th the E S City Council created a compromise amended Ordinance 1308 which established a minimum 300 foot protective buffer from all residentially zoned property as a permitted use for Auto Repair Facility But, the number of bays remained unlimited and the CUP (conditional use permit) was excluded We need our Planning Dept to review the environmental impact before issuing a permit We believe the old ordinance was fair and protected all residents "Option 2" recommended by our planning commission is also acceptable Ordinance 1308 was arbitrarily written and passed The zone code changes are significant They negatively affect E S residents and their related property values Lenders (Hawthorne Savings) are Ilkley to refuse loans on residential property within 500 feet of an ARF based on a recently acquired check list. We were amazed to discover that nobody knew what was happening with this ordinance or what their long term effects would entail. Please voice your objections this Tuesday night at City Hall This ordinance has had minimal public exposure Anything can get passed when kept in a vacuum Your concern and show of support against this ordinance change prompted by special interests is needed to preserve the quality of life considerations of 3,000 or so affected residents This is our opportunity to show the city council that R2 /R3 residents (53 %of E S population) deserve to have their concerns addressed as constituents on a par with R1 residents Decisions made behind closed doors in an Ivory Tower that accom- modate special interests instead of a large group of R1, R2, R3 residents -- reveals a city council who are influenced by special interests at public expense Our city's forefathers and foremothers preserved for our generation this precious city Our children shouldn't have to play in and around Auto Repair Facilities The councils vision for the Smokey Hollow area should be modeled after an industrial park, where residential, small business, and light manufacturing can harmoniously operate and support each other in a park -like atmosphere to their mutual benefit It isn't too late, We have more Auto Service Facilities per capita west of Sepulveda than our neighboring city, Manhattan Beach The Smokey Hollow Area needs beautification not degradation Stand in the middle of the above mentioned streets near E S Blvd on a windless workday and your nose will tell you we are in trouble Our area of town needs public parking for the existing business and residential vehicles that are already in place Car Repair Facilities use street parking places which will only exasperate the present parking situation including the attendant air quality issues Ask yourself why a zone code change was so quickly enacted It was my understanding that our mayor wanted a comprehensive study of our Smokey Hollow area before proceeding with any changes This hasn't happened to date, The salient points against the passage of this compromise (300' min ) amended change to ordinance 1308 are 1 EFFECT Far reaching- Affecting far to many residents in contravention to their quality of life interests 2 HEALTH Undue risk of exposure to environmental hazards 3 FINANCIAL Is not compatable with the underwriting criteria of lenders who would prefer to make loans on residential property located at least 500' min from an ARF (see checklist enclosure) 4 PURPOSE Lacks a compelling reason for enactment, AND is i nsistant and contrary to the a vancement of the general welfare of the city Sincerely, ohn & Jane nno Tel 1- 310 - 545 -2845 $OW-1 rwacow-do shK ISSr LENDING OBSERVATION DUE DILIGENCE CHECKLIST pa9AtlaDpartraw0lapllaMOM L.aah Nina: Yr. BR Agssisa _ _ - T Dew UoeMe N0.• Datr •.i -:..� .wog -T PVi 1% 12 6as>iNltlon ❑ D ARM c"akrtunnuptdeawfadit a ❑ Dry ClOorAd hardwarWlpalyd store ❑ 0 Min as or spw rsAtoW track ❑ ❑ ipfa�eposa6atlekslrnpAandN1 D ❑ Oftsaweolpumpb* ❑ 0 CA mopery ❑ ❑ bOMM fadAy that slats. usee. ships. molaw, oohs Or des of tarot 9asntmes oftwAc at hazardous TtuW lankalhetht terminal ❑ 0 &1`MOIMIAMM M NQ Appmxkfuft dfttWM W industnal or commmW a 0 FW W ow atatiwvft cleanaWpaim store site 0 D .A~tidRmsb 0 D 55 apBn(Rumsnmwtownowbov loo fL 0 0 Dwl Movies on unpaved are. a ❑ FOwaddstmmsmorwata 0 0 EfiltesaedV"OW"Moodwallon ❑ ❑ PlAW mN'alla.'adds. pssddda:, etcL over and ObM ndnlel hWuhoW TJBWAW3 a s opla.1Mop.bdkommhm fnaavAhw#jwm aaeaaps - D ❑ 1-4111ft dtcbtcd vamfwmo%wan4r6011 0 ❑ Propbft With undoWurd or aboveground tanks 0 D *Aftmk dLgmo smaW an ab ❑ ❑ COW dMVBWM witkh coakl be evidence of a ibl ",wMMnMMW haze ❑ tor• Iwo vsopaaasw� YEfi t!4 > t#ptkryed�on aou�cd aAkrp dfmaped7 0 ❑ AC*Wa ft dad hwAalon damml w ❑ 0 C101141Resdanaped7 ❑ 0 lPw • tY'M "11aiS6gtq . ItlEMorpmrrtdadlaae7 ❑ ❑ 90KWpdntdamaas7 ❑ 0 ifYEB, chde aA tlret appir: fisup, poft ow ft wem, qad K "mvw 4 � Ueaa. V"ft scans. cMoce. Md-W 8WOft'fW erNlea and Motion of 9AMAGI'.D• maledab on room aide of forth. NaPSW mata ew baat uttha W"wrrs snmAmd"Vwabo a nsba ft SWr m aneoe and anrraeL This to hssad on 0e poenlr ft" Napeoroo of Me a ftdo «k aw suamaralha sm. to aw boat cow plape/ars ndal gwaydes, no nwlgid lath Mve bown surpesaae wnawlah4 Isassowee Apaowc . - JAWWApprala "Olt 1999 SEP -7 PM 12, t �'o.�fjvs�.Yy .• �ivs�c �i�fS� [,C�'C4 %.�i,�/G- �y� /ju..U,��rs> S� /GC .° fovu� �yoitoX,�,c� .G�ivr9G, d /1 /o�iT /a.✓ �X /.EcYEi� � / ' �.UuEfr /�i�rorl �,9.r�•z�s' cs�,�v� C3i.�� �,EOr.' � !/9,41 CITY COUNCIL PACKET SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 - 6:00 P.M. Interviews of Candidates for Planning Commission Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Distribution: Mayor Mike Gordon Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Jacobs Councilmember Nancy Wernick Councilmember John G Gaines Councilmember Kelly McDowell City Clerk Cindy Mortesen Mary Strenn, City Manager Mark Hensley, City Attorney Jim Hansen, Interim Director of Planning & Building Safety Judy Andoe, Interim Director of Recreation & Parks Julia Abreu Mason, Council Assistant Marlene Baker, Executive Assistant Public Copy Jam w n \ccb \foms\agdcover 999 TO THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: COMMITTEES Agenda Description: Interviews of Candidates to the Planning Commission and Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Recommended Council Action: Interview candidates and announce appointment Brief Summary: Commissions, Committees & Boards Number of Vacancies & Number of Candidates Planning Commission 1 vacancy - 4 Candidates Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 2 vacancies - 4 Candidates SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS Candidate Applying to (CCBs) ele hone Time *Cheryl Frick LAX Master Plan 640 -7636 6 00 Jeffrey S Messinger Planning Commission 322 -8246 Philip K Mahler Planning Commission 503 -0522 Dawn Wendl Planning Commission/LAX Master Plan 546 -2421 Nick Gerenday Plannin Commission/Sr Housing Bd/other 322 -2540 Sandy Gutt Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 322 -8252 Karen Marie Hopkins Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 322 -8855 7eter Freeman Senior Citi7e Housing Corooration Board 322-5254 Attached Supporting Documents And Who Prepared Them: Applications of Candidates Originator: Julia Abreu Mason, Council Assistant Date September 7, 1999 Reviewed b }: Mary Strenn, City Manager 10a n \ccb \1999 \Inte,s 999 Date September 7, 1999 / / Wea APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Name Cheryl Ann Frick (First) (Middle) (Last) Address 770 W. Imperial Ave. #44 310T640h7636s Residence Res Bus 213- 312 -6105 Malllna 770 W. Imperial Ave. #44 Fax 213 -612 -40r)l Name and Address of Employer McKinsey & Co. e-mail chery frick@mckmsev.com 400 South Hope St. Los Angeles, CA 90071 Present Occupation Accounting Manager If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years 11 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member' Yes_ No X If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Term Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [i e , t, 2, 3, etc] ❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commission ❑ El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee ❑ Recreation 8 Parks Commission ❑ Economic Development Council ❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board • Investment Advisory Committee N Other LAX Master Flan • Library Board of Trustees ❑• Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee NOTE t') Thee a not s Cty fpmatl commas Ap i,cm.,s are forwarded d"Otty to tha commtltee eM iMa . of ap kW. are mrd�ctad by the commiuce Communrtv Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (dale) OFFICES HELD LA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Arimals Volunteer BA/ 1999 1995 Present Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE Toledo University Accounting BBA 8 Pepperdine University BA/ 1999 Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests re,crse form and fnrnplete PAR] 11 City of El Segundo application to CCBs PART 11 Please furnish brief, wntten responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? 2 What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Commdtee /Board? 5 Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Signature C/ X' l Date 9—,W-)d '? /9� i CCB IoaWpphubon Rev 5/29/99 1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? My MBA experience along with my work experience has allowed me to develop the skills necessary to research, understand and present issues pertinent to a concerned audience. I have also lived at 770 W Imperial Ave for 5 years now and am aware of both the increase in air traffic along with the increase in "near misses" that seem to be occurring at a higher frequency. 2. What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission you are applying to? The objectives of this committee are to assist council in their efforts to oppose the growth of LAX and as an alternative to local expansion, promote regional airport growth instead Regional airport growth in other communities will allow for greater economic expansion of those areas and in return, allow the communities surrounding LAX to remain safe from potential disasters /increased noise pollution that could result from increased traffic 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? By keeping myself apprised /educated through relevant readings associated with the expansion of LAX, I feel I will be able to assist the Council with their task of educating the public on why this expansion is unwarranted considering that there are better alternatives. Constituents can only support Council when they are informed on a timely basis as to potential problems as well as possible solutions to this issue 4. Do you have any reservations about the Commission? My main concern is that the time requirements will not interfere with my current employment and that most business will be conducted in the evening hours. 5 Other comments 6 Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Gabbie Chen 110 Indian Rd. Piedmont, CA 94610 415 - 954 -5132 Janet Sand 770 W. Imperial Ave #64 El Segundo 310 - 322 -2463 Jeanne Watnick 909 Briarwood Ln Glendale, CA 91206 818 - 550 -7577 �p11% Name APPLICATION to CommissionWCommitteeQBo is TC-NEN (First) (Middle) (Last) Address Telephone #s Residence 823 �ENN ST4teT Res 31ro - 322- 92R Bus 310 -548- 8 Mailing SAME AS ASO%% Fax Name and Address Address of Employer AacaN MAfXn1E Tr•tc, /(D /O S. GA$iau.o CAu.F621+rA .A Present Occupation cmgarz EAx!% Rktpi "" �' l bR, If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years 2 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membeMes_ No 'X If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Term Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es) • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee • Economic Development Advisory Council • Investment Advisory Committee • Library Board of Trustees • Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board o Noise Abatement Committee a�-Planning Commission Recreation 8 Parks Commission 0 Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board o Wall of Honor Committee NOTE Conflict of interest statements must be hied by members of these CommisvonNCommittees/Boards Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD S CO T %xRO F A/R� ti1E(L�y/iS e BS CSCA - C)6 —MNC-LteZ t+6LL5 kRstsc Aat rN Mi G0I cATSnJ — io /9Q Education SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE C HP2lER �K 7CP'TE Cptiwras CMAJOR 51". £�L@ BS CSCA - C)6 —MNC-LteZ t+6LL5 kRstsc Aat rN C,22e -rr MS +P,r.n" Additional Pertinent Courses or Training L..AL2�o2�RA i VVST2atNMEN 'Mlt"iKC�'ER2'oa�CsE^yC�- 6r--x c, 5Nj Asseeo2 *a>*29l Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests �tiFEa rce 10114 A-L, AQAID, EPq N> PA CE2CLa (2cRA LA--,r. APfup -(,-TV rNa.e�rry Please r mrae Norm ma complete PART 11 city of BI Serado Applicatim to CCBa PARTU Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets if necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? �h fee AMAc6me --r I 2 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? r SE-e RAter rn P^�T 11- 3 CHoow would you help achieve the objectives and goals') i► C.1- ATrA r ej McNr 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? NOA6 5 Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) CAPS, ik? a,D P4 A&-,,cc -:�I51 "a,,. W"� Ldex- L,A 3fo- 2t5 -2ttZ �J Name rtA^ ! Address Phone mo t' aLeL. LJ,-,TC,&sre.r•, CA 3fm- GVl —CeP7 Name Address Phone J�i«r.M-<e CA 5-Ser� QLMCF Per. Name Address Phone Ix 7 Do you plan to attend the Founcil interview? (To be set after deadline) Yes No Signal �5�+^-- Date tl��Fyr% Ma PP io ro ev 823 Penn Street EI Sagundo,CA 80145 310.322.8246 Fax To: Ms Julia Aberu Jeff Messinger Fwmt Jeff Messinger Fax: 310,322 -7137 Pages: 1 p" A -: ostr. August 24, 1999 Rs: References as requested CC: ❑ Urgent x Pot Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Pi Reply ❑ Please Recycle a Comments: Ms Aberu Here are the references you requested If you require any further information I will be happy to provide it Mr Shelley Butler 310 - 322 -6841 Mr Greg Purcell 310 -322 -8173 Sincerely, Jeff Messinger i /I #`LOTL ZZE OlE 88ZiIZS(OiE) XVJ ' NVOT 01' 66 -6Z -8 ' JNI JNINVN NODNb A9 INJS Attachment I Currently I am a Registered Environmental Assessor through the California Environmental Protection Agency and have in -depth knowledge of many environmental topics winch would be of concern to the city in their everyday operations My knowledge of these topics and my public service through past enlistment in the United States Coast Guard gives me the insight needed to provide the citizens of El Segundo with trustworthy top management skills and leadership capabilities Having spent my childhood in Iowa, I feel I have instilled in me, the concern for good, quality morals which are essential in developing a community with "small town" ethics Attachment II 1) To provide the citizens with quality planning to assist them in keeping El Segundo a safe, entertaining and enjoyable community in winch to reside 2) Provide the leadership and care needed to maintain the outstanding community qualities so as to pass them on to our youth in the community Attachment III I would try and give 110 percent of my skills and efforts to my community so that it may benefit from my concern and thought of keeping El Segundo a safe place where people want to reside and raise a family without doubts of its future and well-being GtT Y 0 is- APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Name Philip K Mahl pr _ (First) (Middle) (Last) Address Telephone #s Same �31d1Su3 -cS Bus Mailing Fax e-mail Name and Address of Employer Easterday Janitorial Supply Company 17050 Margery Aypnup, arsonr Califnrnin Q07A6 Present Occupation Regional Manager If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years 1 _ 2 5 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member? Yes_ Nom If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Term Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [i e, 1, 2, 3, etcj ❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee • Economic Development Council • Investment Advisory Committee 1 X7 Planning Commission 2)0 Recreation & Parks Commission ❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board ❑ Other ❑ Library Board of Trustees ❑" Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee NOTE (*)This is not a City formed committee Applications are forwarded directly to the committee and Interviews of applicants are conducted by the committee Community Service Experience Education Foundation SCHOOL Additional Pertinent Courses or Training (See Attached Sheet for 6311". rperson Dale Cdnnaric ipaAorchip For Manaaplif t Training rnjlyd:2j Ti lrr g( Other Pertinent Skills, Expenence or Interests I'lea.e reverse form and t —e •.. Education Foundation SCHOOL Additional Pertinent Courses or Training (See Attached Sheet for 6311". rperson Dale Cdnnaric ipaAorchip For Manaaplif t Training rnjlyd:2j Ti lrr g( Other Pertinent Skills, Expenence or Interests I'lea.e reverse form and t City of El Segundo 4pphcation to CCBs PART II Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary Why do you think you should be appointeV What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candldate7 As a forward thinking. objective individual, my experience in business and management with a proven track record will qualify m'e11. My love of this town and a passion to continually improve it w What �o you see as sie o6ec lvesc/goafs oTf to Ebmmisslon /Committee /Board you are applying to? The Planning Commission advises the City Council on land use issues: hears and reviews all requests for variances, conditional or special use permits. The Planning Commission should make all { dWo�l�VIByotFR @p'�"$pv lev6;jt 6ivtpgdncf�6iRsrlal Plan, as well as share the vision of the Council obiective analysis, I will continually strive to work towards .a s$ared vision with tt�e N EeAupdo Sit Co ncil. o you have any reservations a out t e o mission/ om ittee /goard? None at Other comments I'm excited about future opportunities with the Planning Commission, and hope to get the privilege to interview for this very important position. 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Mike Gordon Name John Van Hook Name 737 California Address West Oak Address 322 -9891 322 -1595 Rev. Alexi Smith 538 Concord 322 -1892 Names Address Phone Date June 3rd, 1 999 ccB pa1AGFJm h.n Bey 512ais7 Community Service Experience (Continued) Organization From To Offices Held El Segundo Kiwanis 9/98 11/98 Golf Fundraiser Chairperson El Segundo Little League 1/99 6/99 Major Reds Team Manager JUN, -18' 99(FRi) 10 09 Name Address AWN TEL 310 322 %137 P 002 Name and Address of Employer Wiry �0� ih APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Weml #6 ,Z Bus e-mail aka VAU ne � .Cori Present Occupation a IUn ,r_141% per If ydu are a pesbant or EI Segundo, how many years Are you presently or bave you ever been a City of of Segundo Commissionartt+dmmttee or Board member? Yest_, rlcK- If Yes, nanx the CammisataNCommittealSaard Term Please hiclicale the Commfdae 6 ommiss on s /Soatd(a) you deans to some on by chadung the appropriate orn(es), by order of your preference [I a. t, 2, 5, ale) ❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee Economic pavolopment Cpunoh 4 Investment Advisory Committea ❑ Library Board of Trustees Planning Commission • Recreation S Parks Commleslon • Senior Citizen H� Dosing C, erpotitipp guard m 'pc— om•n Lhf N1 U ,ar 7V PG Yl C6 h1l S S f dV\ ❑• AYteftan SiheyiNatea AttrteglentCgnmlRw NOTE (•i TK. N ram a" famed owrlm pprw.. ea bNmrgM dray to am cnmm'U" e+d" -M of•pphwms ant eentlyelsoerem pamnAw Cemmunev Rervma Frearma�� ORGAN12A1`10N From (date) To (dote OFFICES HELD VaArhA 4X11 trT o �.rCy p,,�aA Ij (k 1 <CUOV�ctJ 1�,C h �,IrtC�n.,ba't- Eduaetion QM S ? y ♦ \ ` l �4'C , C iC. Q-\C SCHOOL MAJOR GRAD IATION oATEMEZ%RrE VaArhA J Additional Penlnent Courses or Training other Pan Merit SNIf1s, E rlenee at InleresIa Pleene reewnc ream Part rnmplete Pr1S'1 I1 dlb -18' 9gIFRI) 10 09 ANIS TEL 310 322 7137 P 004 City or F.15epwndo AppUratlen to CCe. PANT p Please furnish bnef, written responses to the quest one balow using additional sheets, if necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in yourbackground, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? 2_ K: do you see as the of the How would you help achieve the objectives and goats? 4. ®� Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /po +rd? A 5 other comments, you are apptying to? 6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other then family members). I,2P h TWA NS- Lbm,4,-, ES 3t� �4o -i4� Name Address Phone Signature �dwmj tlJ Date ^J�Q� q G1 CCe i 1k4PKM n Rn� 6 RM7 Y O� t sEG13# Name ICK (First) APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards (Middle) GE 1 E6A n Address *- Telephone #s Residence I3S Cc7� co fu S T-, Res (310 ) 322 -2Sy0 Bus Mailing Fax e-mail Name and Address of Employer UIJ 1 f6-D F} I RL-06S L-A X Present Occupation RRMP lCE MAA If you are a Resident of El Segundo how many Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member? Yes No_ If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Term Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference II e , 1, 2, 3, etc] 1( if Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee M !�r El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee ki Is Economic Development Council 5r 7 Investment Advisory Committee q 3 Library Board of Trustees IV Planning Commission N 2 Recreation & Parks Commission ja $ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board ❑ Other ❑' Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee NOTE (') This is not a City formed committee Applications are forwarded directly to the committee and interviews of applicants are conducted by the committee Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (dale) OFFICES HELD LC�q� 09 bi5R of P'i 6 — PRescar US F_E 19 8 Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE SILL A�VA LIBERAL AT-S — rawrOF/ cArffo L C ovS M16W 50I00L /il —C/ ivi"/ 19 8 Additional Pertinent Courses or Training S0 0T- HWOST -6R4 I-Au) ScHocL Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests PoStgL SaP�RVISoR 6Ra7'1RED PoSTAL em E 1'leq�e rerrrse form and complete PA III City of El Segundo Application to CCBs PART II Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary I Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? J 1414JC DEALT WIrN P&fLE A) RLL OF f1 y PCS1770A) -`S Lrff&-;5E MCLODF h/Y ?o,<TAC 8ACK6-RO0fJb AS A CLFKk w' IE77EAP C449/ERy - 50WJIScR 09r1b zlj� PRESF,v' CAWtn' A-s A ROMP SERJfcEIIIX Fok IYE 44A6�F5r A-S 91Run46r pwfir- wiV� V4A'cLs +-Bombay J06S ru 14Y LtFE-nm ) What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? o Be-�� Vf(E C(TY or F-L - SZFrPV11D n a. Ifs cf fi acrJS How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? 9Y DRAW1A152 MY MPEk/EA)Cd:-S LAd LIFE (( &CLrEJE /- 4K 9 CU(_LL^ Douro) /NDrJ1", 4-2 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? M Other comments I [ME To uyE TE F(RMLY BELIE0E tr WOJ/_n PE q S TALErt1Ts /MO rr Ar �SPFCMILV AS R PcOPLP' PER.s'od RYA,JDT- SJIARMC> My `(FE aVIRRi"CES ?o LDV Ara CE M i cFIosa MAkin1 C– /r A 99nEQ PACE F:C�R ALL -1-o LNE4- G-Rou) ! 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) T i ARK s YKz K W.13S 0 Sr N9POTHOX'10e 9'23 030Y Name Address Phone R(-/J QR-EK (3 816 6rQEV /LL6A gAW rNoRAF ? 73 G (Y3 PR. DOM N0J>Y x KED oaD v R37 q(( -.z- Signature / &4— Date 91-46 `99 CCBioaWppbwtion Rev 5128177 Gtr Y O� f lilt ill III, sECV�4 APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Address C VWW_AE Bus Mailing Fax e-mail Name and Address of Employer Present Occupation 4U'j.e.4'_ -- If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years 30 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membery Yes_ Nc�L If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Term Please Indicate the Committee (s) /Commisslon(syBoard(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [i e , 1, 2, 3, etc] • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee • Economic Development Council • Investment Advisory Committee Cl Library Board of Trustees ❑ Planning Commission ❑ Recreation & Parks Commission K Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board ❑ Other ❑' Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee NOTE (') Thw is not a City formed committee Apphcabons we forwarded directly to the rn nm,ttee and Interviews or applicants are conducted by the committer ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD MAJOR — n Wes ce c o 1,716 Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests Pieaie reverse form and ioniplr to PAR I II SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE Wes C�II z to—b3 Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests Pieaie reverse form and ioniplr to PAR I II Crry of EI Segundo Application to CCBS PART II Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? —9 /. a.", /.._e� /s L20 /e 9,9 ,,'..0 "Ao .1 a`-, IS �, ya- t 2 What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? po Q,a 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? U 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? 5 Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Name ' Address f Phone pill Name Address Phone Signature 7 3 -99 CCB IOaw Ic.Wn Rev 528/97 7 -7� -3c / APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Address Telephone #s Residence 443 Loam,; yIs7-A ST Res 3 /0 -3a5) - 33:5' Bus e-mail DroTyA ✓A7t C Or-1 Name and Address of Employer 19 ET/A, r- tr�, . Fo_ Raw c co ogkCD 111 Ii()GFiCS /4,0 ee RAFT 1, M/4e1'07' %'ESELheM 4 8/1191 1 SI S Present If you are a Resident of El Segundo how many years Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board members Yes_ No!� If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Term Please indicate the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [i e , 1, 2, 3, etc) • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commission • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee ❑ Recreation & Parks Commission • Economic Development Council ❑ 1 Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board ❑ Investment Advisory Committee ❑ Other ❑ Library Board of Trustees ❑' Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee NOTE (') Tfi•s s no\ a Ctly tametl eommtllee ApplrcNrons aro lorwartled tlrcecly \o \fia commalee antl tnterv�ews of ar�Phcaras are contlucfe0 by Ifie commNeo Community Sewce Exnenenee ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD -Re oFF -E 9 PG_ — Gr�tT NE L 1 M.SA - l9 iso Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE �' r✓ O L "CI ii ° /')(a$' PEPPe -p- b) rE uov MLR M.SA - l9 iso Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests —EX crrtt.cA r .>7c�_( S Please reN.rse form and wmplete PART 11 'R� City of El Segundo triplication to CCES PART 11 Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically in your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? I have a strong desire to make the lives of Seniors as pleasant and comfortable as possible My involvement with the Outreach Office takes me to Park Vista once a week, where I try to spend a little time with the Seniors as I deliver their meals I feel that the combination of my Social Science and business training would be a real asset to the Board 2 What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? -%d EA/Su&6 FA1AA1 0 /hL VI 6J( IZ:X OP 1/157"4 4 .SEE 7-A147' AJID031AI6- /S lt)06J - MAiA17WIA/E7J 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? 5 Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Outreach Office (Sue, Meryl, Kathy) (310) 322 -9033 S� �� Trish Hettinger, 6748 W 87th St, Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 649 -3408 Sue DlJulio, 11260 Overland Ave, 23E, Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 838 -0776 Name Address Phone Signature lklpk34r Date 6Lf 39 CCB IoaV pphcahon Rev 528/97 11i��sj'''''1 E, °y ''11 From: KD6TYA @aol corn Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 3 40 PM To: labreu @elsegundo org Subject: Sr Housing Board application August 23, 1999 Julia, To complete my application for the Senior Housing Board, you had asked me for some El Segundo references (in addition to Sue, Meryl & Kathy from the Outreach office) Here are two more Judy Neville 529 Loma Vista St (310) 322 -1050 - home (310) 831 -0611, x2471 -work Virginia Flathers 615 E Holly #220 (310) 322 -8052 I hope this helps I'll see you on September 7`" at 6 40pm Regards, Karen Hopkins GAT Y 0 ' tog rd ja C sEG13# Name L (First) [�.Rr APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards e) Address Telephone #s Residence l! lid 1.t5 el .9 V/ s TA J i Et sr- e ;wymn Res ito_ 32 ?- S "l5 "tom Bus e-mail Name and Address of Employer Present Occupat.on If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years--4 a Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member? Yes ✓ No_ If Yes, name the CommissionfCommitteelBoard 5.2iact"ef7" k Cg C.'A 4 Term _ Syr? S__ Please Indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference [i e , 1, 2, 3, etc) • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee • Economic Development Council • Investment Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commission ❑ Recreation & Parks Commission Ue Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board ❑ Other ❑ Library Board of Trustees ❑' Aviation Safety &Noise Abatement Committee NOTE APO alzns are forwarded mrecty to ltre cnmm,ttae and Intarvrews of applmants are wM led My the aommaleP Commumtv Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD �' 30 0 6 70 Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests Pleacc reverse form and complete PART 11 City of El Segundo Application to CCBs PART 11 Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically in your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? �o .� ,�^� �. ded �ri� �.Yt a J�� Pce ..,Q• -� �/ How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? Other comments r tD .Ze-, ..d 6*t_ O>ti eG/lvi z Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Signature Z•-+ti5s Phone Date CCB4oaW pl¢ation Rev 52 8197 l GII Y U� x r tiu E!► Air �sECV�4 IPF1MMM C APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards I1' n6AD Address Telephone #s Residence /3 �1, t 0RA ST,, Res (310) 322-2Sy0 Bus Mailing 13.5- C0 ni C0� J> ST, C Fax e-mail Name and Address of Employer OM f iED IIJ 1RUA6s LAx Present Occupation RRM P SERA 1C! I If you are a Resident of El Segundo how many Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member' Yes_ No_ If Yes, name the Term Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference It e , 1, 2, 3, etc] FQ if Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee (H br El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee IN 4, Economic Development Council V rJ Investment Advisory Committee $1 Planning Commission U 2 Recreation & Parks Commission P if Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board ❑ Other IW *3 Library Board of Trustees ❑' Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee NOTE I') This is not a City formed committee Appbwtmns are forwarded directly to the c rnmittea and interviews of applibants are conducted by the committee Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD 1-01191- oRba.R of 11CC46 69155C AT d5 F_E l9 B Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE/DEGREE 1ILL AI t46I5k09L II rri oc c ors S0400L a ni - cl --tvo l9 B Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Soori 1-4 U) ScHucL Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests L SdPCRV150R I'lea,e revrrse City of El Segundo Application to CCBs PART 11 Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? I FiAJG DeItLT u I1-N PFVft /A 41-C OF f1 Y PoS/77nA✓6 &rtf6s_ /AOCLODt, a) �oS;M- 8ACKGRoUr3D Al 5 A CL6RK� I-E77ae CAt;RiER� SofFkP 1So& RAb MY PRF'.SgAup +S'2AlbkY -jogs AN MY 4rc -OME) 2 What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? 'T 8crr� THE crTY of F—L - 5�r�'Wri o 4- 1 Y cr -'far n1s How would you help achieve the objectives and goals'? BY PROW /AG oA k1Y EAM(1EaCFS 14 L /FE t/ tge4(e E /- 4.,2 N wc-&- Root) Y. n Intyi DUBL2 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? IN Other comments I FIRMLY BELIEVE IT- ujOULD 01—` R SHAME To WfisSTE THE 7-Ri,EA7Ts / M ,f 6 5PFcQUy AS Qr78c0PGE PERSoiJ AkI A) OT S!/AR/A)5:� M� L-(FE JEWt RA)C£s ?o AD AAcr: MV C610SEA) CoM✓I ()A)( 7Y f MAk/aC— /rig 9F7T -.P PLACE FOR ALL a1= U5 -'rra Lr`rE-4- G-Roo l _ Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Jor_ MPW' Y�zs�W 13��s� N�?u�r�to�n� ?393ay Name Address Phone KoR(_rJ �:AprE(Z i381`6 GREV(LUFA lg9vJi110kli' '??36 1y3 Name Address Phone PR PM R0Dy ?zl 8 /,fiA K6DoaDa aE�rcff � Name Address Phone Signature / `I_ Date V -6"98 CCB jpaWpph=ion Rev 92857