1999 OCT 19 CC PACKETCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a)) 1. Chaney v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. BC 207453 2. Stier v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC 034617 3. El Segundo v. Stardust, LASC Case No. YC 031364 4. David Venegas, et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al., LASC Case No. BC 207136 5. Hill v. El Segundo, USDC Case No. CV 98 -1463 6. In re Michael Langley, Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission No. 98 -229, CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(b): -1- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time); Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(c): -2- matters. DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957.6) — None. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956.8) — None. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE /n u "' y TIME 1019995p n r -0 Y 6 {,q S�G�$ A 1 A EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting. Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Managers Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2:00 p.m. the prior Tuesday). The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19,1999 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4113 Next Ordinance # 1314 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION — Pastor Dennis Estill, El Segundo Foursquare Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councilmember John Gaines PRESENTATIONS — (a) Proclamation in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, inviting the community to participate in the Walk Around the World Day in El Segundo on October 31, 1999 sponsored by the World Walk Foundation for Breast Cancer. (b) Proclamation observing October 22, 23 and 24, 1999 as the Annual St. Anthony's Oktoberfest and Carnival Days in El Segundo. P 0 3 (c) Proclamation observing the week commencing with the third Sunday in October as "El Segundo Character Counts! Week" in perpetuity and encouraging the community to embrace the Six Pillars of Character. (d) Proclamation declaring October 23 -31, 1999 as Red Ribbon Week in El Segundo, encouraging all citizens to participate in drug - awareness activities, and renewing their commitment to a healthier community. (e) Proclamation declaring October 23, 1999 as The BEST Day in October in El Segundo and inviting citizens to Beautify El Segundo Together by raking up ice plants, weeds and trash on West Grand Avenue from Vista del Mar to Loma Vista from 9:00 a.m. to noon in preparation for a large tree planting and beautification project. (f) Proclamation observing Sunday, October 31, 1999 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. as Halloween Frolic and encouraging the community to attend the festivities at El Segundo Recreation Park. ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf oftheir employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. (a) Request for closure of Main Street between Grand Avenue and Oak Street between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. (with "no parking" posted from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) on Friday, October 22, 1999 for the El Segundo High School Homecoming Parade and request for City permission for street closure on Richmond Street between Mariposa and Palm Avenues during the same time period for a High School Football Boosters Block Party. Recommendation — Approval. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Open Public hearing on California State AB 3229 and adopt resolution accepting $36,972.95 from a block law enforcement grant and authorizing its recommended use. Recommendation — 1) Open Public Hearing. 2) Discussion. 3) Adopt Resolution. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS of?4 D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Report of Guaymas -El Segundo Sister City Association Recommendation — Discussion and possible action. 3. Status report of Schools subcommittee. Recommendation — Discussion and possible action. 4. The El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee submits the report of finding from the community cable phone survey completed in May 1999. As an adjunct to the cable report, the committee submits its recommendations for enhancing viewership of community cable Channel 22 based on the survey findings Recommendation — 1) Receive and file report on survey results. 2) Review committee's recommendations for increasing viewership of El Segundo Community Cable. 3) Direct staff to develop a cost analysis for committee's recommendations. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 5. Warrant Numbers 2505771- 2506031 in total amount of $595,079.17 and Wire Transfers in the amount of $1,019,253.36. Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Registers and authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers from 09/25/99 to 10/08/99. 6. City Council meeting minutes of October 5 1999 Recommendation - Approval. Proposal to produce monthly live interview program featuring City Council members Recommendation — Approve proposal. Approve the bingo license application for St. Michael's Episcopal Church, a non - profit organization located at 361 Richmond Street. The proposed date for conducting a bingo game will be on October 23 1999. Recommendation — Approval of application. 9. Amendment No. 1 to the City — C. J. Construction, Inc., annual sidewalk/curb replacement contract no. 2638 providing a one (1) year extension Recommendation — 1) Approve Amendment No. 1 and authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City. 2) Authorize an allocation of $50,000.00 from unallocated Gas Tax funds for sidewalk repair work. 005 10. Request for City Council to approve the payment of a "Finder Fee" to Advanced Information Management Company to enable the City of El Segundo to hire their employee, Sabrina Harris in the capacity of Senior Library Assistant. Fiscal Impact: $3,406.26. Recommendation — Approve request for payment of $3,406.26 to Advanced Information Management Company as fee for hiring of their contract employee, Sabrina Harris, for the Library in the position of Senior Library Assistant. 11. Request for City Council approval to initiate a Request for Proposal process (RFP) to select a third -party administrator for the City's self - insured Worker's Compensation Program. Recommendation — Approve the initiation of the Request for Proposal process. 12. Proposed revisions to the class specification for the job classification of Deputy City Treasurer and a resolution establishing a new salary range. Fiscal Impact: Funding for the new salary range is contained in the 1999 -2000 Fiscal Year Operating Budget. Recommendation — 1) Approve the Class Specification. 2) Adopt resolution establishing a new salary range for Deputy City Treasurer. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS - NONE G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE L REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember McDowell - NONE Councilmember Gaines - NONE Councilmember Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs - NONE Mayor Gordon — NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalfofanother, and employees speaking on beha[h of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. MEMORIALS 006 CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec. 54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5:00 p.m., October 19, 1999 under "Closed Session" (if needed). REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: / pl / � y y TIME:; m . NAME` 101999ag 007 Public Communications: (a) Request for closure of Main Street between Grand Avenue and Oak Street between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. (with "no parking" posted from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) on Friday, October 22, 1999 for the El Segundo High School Homecoming Parade and request for City permission for street closure on Richmond Street between Mariposa and Palm Avenues during the same time period for a High School Football Boosters Block Party. Recommendation — Approval. el 0 8 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Location Date IC) ^17. -135 , tc Sf6uNA0 Requested By T,m NhRa7se= Address FL $fbi„O Reason for Closing JS A treat oa oko- Time 5:30 PVA To 7,mP— 'cM St/ivc lephone No. 310'31�- Penal and Municipal Codes governing conduct at this type of activity: Penal Code Section 647 (f) - Intoxication on a public street. sidewalk or in public Penal Code Section 415 - Disturbing the peace Municipal Code Sections: 12.12.080 - Parkway Rule 6, Inuring Treea 12.12.090 - Parkway Rule 7. Inuring Vegetation 12.12.100 - Parkway Rule 8, Rubbish Deposit 9.06.010 - Sound Amplifying Equipment - Operation 9.06.170 - Sound Amplifying Equipment - Permit Required 13.04.040 - Parkway Rule 3, Consumption or Possession of Intoxicating Liquor I certify that I have read and understood the above laws and ordinances and will comply with them. Also, I underst d my responsibility and will leave the public prop r a ■nd in an orderly manner. Applicant's Signature Date l:^ ^ Applicant must circulate a letter advising all plans for temporarily closing public street to every resident on the block: resident must sign indicating that he has received notice of temporary street closing (The back of this application may be used for this purpose). ( ) Signatures of all residents obtained indicating that notice has been received. Amplifying Equipment ( )yes (.Y) no - Permit No. Comments �^ Approved Not Approved &- L Building apartment POLICE DEPT. Barricades required W/lyes ( )no - flashers required (.,Wee ( )no Permit required ( )yea ( )no Type permit required �pproved Not Approved Pollee Department Comments Approved Not Approved PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Street Division will deliver barricades (date) and pick up barricades (date). Applicant will be responsible for placing, removing and safekeeping of barricades. Comments Approved Not Approved n 0 9 Location Data �G I EL ge&P. 00 FooTOALL CITY OF EL SECUNDO Time 4:00 r" -To T.�? Requested By _R(5rsl-e -yut LrRAOM EtRCY)Telephone No. 3to -3X-A -6345 Address 10 1,,; yA,4PlS- EL e.�y� d e Real on for Closing Street Penal and Municipal Codes governing conduct at this type of activity Penal Code Section 647 (f) - Intoxication on a public street, sidewalk or is public Penal Code Section 415 - Disturbing the peace Municipal Code Sections: 12.12.080 12.12.090 12.12.100 9. 06.01 0 9.06.170 13-04.040 Parkway Rule 6, Inuring Trees Parkway Rule 79 Inuring Vegetation Parkway Rule 8, Rubbish Deposit Sound Amplifying Equipment - Operation Sound Amplifying Equipment - Permit Required Parkway Rule 3, Consumption or Possession of Intoxicating Liquor I certify that I have read and understood the above less and ordinances and will comply with them. Also, I understand my responsibility and will leave the public pro rty lean and in an orderly manner. Applicant's Signature Date y Applicant must circulate a letter advising all plane for temporarily closing public street to every resident on the block; resident suet sign indicating that he has received notice of temporary street closing (The back of this application may be used for this purpose). ( ) Signatures of all residents obtained indicating that notice bas been received. P1q So nA Amplifying Equipment ( )yes 00s0 - Permit 9o. Comments _:?�_ Approved Not Approved Barricades required )ne - Flashers required (des ( )no Permit required ( )yes ( )no Type permit required proved Not Approved 'P1"Y I'o li a• •parhenL Coe■ is Approved Not Approved PUB C W AKS T. k Street Division will deliver barricades pick up barricades (date) and responsible toe lacin (date). APP meant will be P g. removing and safekeeping of barricades. Comments --`ipproved Not Approved pt. 010 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 19, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Order of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Open Public Hearing on California State AB 3229 and adopt resolution accepting $36,972.95 from a block law enforcement grant and authorizing its recommended use. 1. Open Public Hearing. 2. Discussion. 3. Adont Resolution. The California Assembly passed legislation that provides block grant funds to the cities and counties of California for law enforcement purposes. All funds received under the grant must be used to supplement law enforcement activities. The funds cannot be used to supplant such activities. Based on the projected grant the City will receive $36,972.95. Several items were submitted for expenditure purposes, see attached staff report for a list. The California legislation requires that a public hearing be held to consider the expenditure of the grant funds and for the opportunity of public input. It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the expenditure of the grant funds. DISCUSSION: ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Staff Report by W. G. Krumbach Resolution FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $36.972.95 Pro)ect/Account Budget: Pro)ect/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: 702300 -8135 -3207 PD -1 -I - 09/29/99 4:50 PM nl .1 &* f & eS'epw1dw Inter - Departmental Correspondence September 20, 1999 To: Tim Grimmond, Chief of Police From: Walt Krumbach, Acting Captain OL Subject: Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution for Block Grant Funds ROUCTie""I During the 1996 California legislative session the state government adopted legislation to provide a block grant for law enforcement purposes, known as the Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS). The process adopted by the legislation requires a public hearing to consider the expenditure of funds and to ensure the opportunity for public input. These funds are part of the $3 billion collected from property taxes in California. El Segundo will receive $36,972.95 this year. All funds received under this block grant must be utilized to supplement local law enforcement activities and cannot be used to supplant existing funding. However, AB3229 does not mandate the money be spent and allows agencies to accumulate the funds year to year. Our fund currently has a balance of approximately $120,000. In consideration for the use of these grant funds the following are submitted as possible uses: • Continue the accrual of these funds, using them in the construction of the Public Safety Communications Center. • Additional funding of the overtime budget for a special problems - orientated task force. Approval of the recommended expenditures will enhance the ability of front line El Segundo police officers in the delivery of our services to the community. In order to comply with the provisions of Government Code Section 30061, et al, a Notice of Public Hearing will be placed in the September 300, and October 7`h and 10, 1999 editions of the El Segundo Herald. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council hold a public hearing relating to the proposed expenditures provided for in the state grant and adopt a resolution authorizing these items and any other uses they might select. Attachments '112 OF tAS µCf�m It County of Los Angeles CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 713 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 •' GLimit 1 (213) 974 -1101 DAVID E. JANSSEN Chief Administrative Officer Tim Grimmond Police Chief City of El Segundo 348 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Dear Chief Grimmond: September 14, 1999 CHIEF OF POLICE SEP 20 1999 I EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPT. Board of Supervisors GLORIA MOLINA First District 'NNE BRATHWAITE BURKE Second District ZEV YAROSLAVSKY Third District DON KNABE Fourth District MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH Fifth District ANNUAL REVIEW, EXPENDITURE OF SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FUNDS ALLOCATED BY AB 3229 (BRULTE) OF 1996 FOR PURPOSES OF THE CITIZENS OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS) PROGRAM The Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) program, established by AB 3229 (Brulte) of 1996, requires each participating County's Supplemental Law Enforcement Oversite Committee ( SLEOC) to annually review expenditures of Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Funds ( SLESF) to determine whether recipient entities have expended SLESF monies in compliance with the program. The Los Angeles County SLEOC membership is made up of the Sheriff, the District Attorney, the Los Angeles County Chief Administrative Officer, Santa Clarita City Manager George Caravalho, and San Fernando City Police Chief Dominick Rivetti. For the SLEOC annual compliance review of SLESF expenditures for fiscal year 1998 -99, please submit the following documents to Scott Orr at 500 West Temple Street, Room 750, Los Angeles, California 90012, by September 30, 1999: A Certified Expenditure Report for 1998 -99 (Attachment 1) — A copy of the City Council or Board Action appropriating SLESF funds for 1998 -99 A copy of the Supplemental Law Enforcement Standardized Form for fiscal year 1998 -99 (Attachment II) A copy of the approved funding request from the Police Chief or the Chief Administrator of the law enforcement agency providing police services for 1998 -99 If you have questions, or require additional information, please contact Scott Orr of my staff at (213) 974 -0841. Sincerely, DAVI JANSS� E Chief A ministrative Officer DEJ:LMJ SO:vyg Attachments 013 Slesf.99 Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund Certified Expenditure Report Certification Period: July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999 Recipient Agency: 1998 -99 SLESF Allocation Amount Certification Statement: ATTACHMENTI CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 36,972.95 I hereby certify that this agency has created a Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund ( SLESF). All Supplemental Law Enforcement Services funds allocated to this agency have been retained in the SLESF pending expenditure, and have not been intermingled with other agency funds. Pending expenditure, these funds have only been invested in safe and conservative investments. Monthly SLESF investment and allocation reports have been submitted to the governing body and the chief law enforcement official of this agency. On or before September 1, 1999, an annual SLESF consolidated allocation report was submitted to the governing body and the chief law enforcement official of this agency. All SLESF monies expended by this agency have been expended in accordance with State law, have been used to supplement existing services, and have not been used to supplant any existing funding for law enforcement services provided by this entity. The annual SLESF consolidated allocation report, the governing body action appropriating SLESF monies, the approved written request for funds, and the closing budget report are submitted in support of this certification. Signature of Recipient Agency Official: Title: Date: slesf.att ����. . "A Chief of Police 014 ATTACHMENT II Supplemental Law Enforcement Standardized Forms Los Angeles Oversight Committee Summary County For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,1999 Categories City Name CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Beginning Fund Balance REVENUE State Funding Interest Revenue Other Revenue Total Revenue EXPENDITURE Salaries and Benefits Services and Supplies Equipment Administrative Overhead Total Expenditure Excess(deficiency) of Revenues over(under) Expenditures Ending Fund Balance STATISTICAL DATA Positions Sworn Officers Correctional Officers Prosecuters Investigators Support Staff Total Positions $ 80,600 See 36.990 7,055 44,045 44 045 124,645 01, RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CITIZENS OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS) PROGRAM. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 3229 (AB 3229) (Brulte) was chaptered into law on July 10, 1996 for the purpose of local law enforcement supplemental funding; and WHEREAS, AB 3229 provides $100,000,000 statewide for the Citizens for Public Safety (COPS) Program; and WHEREAS, the County of Los Angeles has established a Supplemental Law Enforcement Service Fund (SLESF) in accordance with Section 30061 of the Government Code to receive AB 3229 funds which have been allocated for use in Los Angeles County; and WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo participates in the COPS Program and receives its share of any funds available for the purpose of ensuring public safety; and WHEREAS, the City has established its own Supplemental Law Enforcement Service Fund (SLESF) in accordance with Section 30061 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing to consider funding requests from the Chief of Police and shall determine each submitted request as required by AB 3229. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of El Segundo directs that it shall maintain its own Supplemental Law Enforcement Service Fund (SLESF) as required by AB 3229 and State law pursuant to Government Code Sections 30061 and 30063. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of El Segundo hereby requests that the City's share of the funding be allocated to SLESF for purposes of front -line law enforcement. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of the City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of proceedings of the City Council of the City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. RESOLUTION No. IMPLEMENTING COPS PROGRAM 09/21/994:42 PM PAGE NO. 1 016 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 19th day of October, 1999. Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1 I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19'" day of October, 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk rk D. Hefisley, City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. IMPLEMENTING COPS PROGRAM 09/21/994:42 PM PAGE NO. 2 017 Report of Guaymas -El Segundo Sister City Association. Recommendation — Discussion and possible action. r��� 3. Status report of Schools Subcommittee. Recommendation — Discussion and possible action. Inasmuch as the Subcommittee is meeting after the posting of the agenda, a separate report will not be furnished in the Agenda packet but will be furnished at the Council meeting. 3' EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 19, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Commissions, Committees and Boards AGENDA DESCRIPTION: The El Segundo Community Cable Committee submits the report of findings from the community cable phone survey completed in May 1999. As an adjunct to the cable report, the committee submits its recommendations for enhancing viewership of community cable Channel 22 based on the survey findings. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Receive and file report on survey results. Review committee's recommendations for increasing viewership of El Segundo Community Cable. Direct staff to develop a cost analysis for committee's Findings from El Segundo Community Cable Telephone Survey. DISCUSSION: The El Segundo City Council approved the Community Cable Advisory Committee's recommendation to conduct a community cable telephone survey for the purpose of learning the viewing habits of El Segundo residents and determining the effectiveness of community cable in attracting viewers. The committee intended that the survey results would be used as a basis for future programming decisions. The phone survey was completed in May 1999. The Community Cable Advisory Committee developed recommendations for increasing viewership based on the phone survey results. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1999 Community Cable Survey Report and Recommendations for Promoting Viewership Survey Results and Summary List of programs produced by El Segundo Community Cable during FY 1998 -99. Proposed El Segundo Community Cable Fall Programming Schedule. FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number. Project Phase: 11, 1 Pat Hart, Chairman J-A*-*Y fiIA" Nancy Pfeifer, Chairman Pro Teni Community Cable Committee 991019.ESCC 02". 4 W J .7 W U C7 _z V a W� �N W � ^, p .r. Up �m F Z � C Y G U 0 a z U V W v' E W D W y< i G 9 C m E A u 0. u O s z� i5 At 1 —ULEiw 0 m C � O o _ o v� c E a rE o� u N t Q E v g Lm u F N V1 Cy 9 Y C C!c u C 6 C a C O M U 7 !� C A d'N >> S°+ o C/1 O G Uv= m 0 � to Um�m y" rnm L`o�w rr ao �Eif iilS wi a C E E 0 E u 4 :p C h Lo Y 'N E = c 0 $° y m m c E \ = C• Y F N c 3 n E C tV O T N c m 0 0 ° o U �.W e E v o'm `= y 'D •N m '00 Z O � � C m U" E E E- r e°o Z` m e u = E O o v O c E Y °02 02 o m 0.0 Y o rnq u rn� e y E ;°. Em o v• gYO m N C u L 3 E i, o`•, E c `o m [i72 tui g. o Sc VUf� W h Lil -1 U0 ��oq%,E E .2 N 0 e� u t O •q G C H ri Q 'O 0 lid O 12 E m E Av+ Ep E r+ E e a�i G a 8 8 8 y _ 'c_ E � •� aZ n Ta � E t 8 c o e e 3 E c MO A E m n �o A N .L..r C u n21 i5 At 1 —ULEiw 0 m C � O o _ o v� c E a rE o� u N t Q E v g Lm u u � m O L T y Cy 9 Y C C!c u C 6 C a C O M U 7 !� C A d'N >> S°+ o O u "� O G Uv= O Y Y 13 U E Um�m y" rnm L`o�w rr ao �Eif iilS wi U C E E 0 E u 4 :p C h Lo Y 'N E = c 0 $° y m m c E \ = C• Y F N c 3 n E C tV O c m 0 0 ° o U �.W e E v o'm `= � e C 00 O o 'u c��c o ■ V o O O o v O C Y O Y g C .9 a y >> W. fA ba ti.q E c `0 v• gYO m N C u L 3 E i, o`•, E c `o m g. o Sc VUf� W h Lil -1 U0 ��oq%,E E .2 N 0 e� u t O •q G C H ri Q 'O 0 O Ep E r+ E e a�i G a 8 8 8 y x a a Y Y 7 C op 8 c o e e 3 E c MO pa M C pop� OM p Q �"�ODU �O l� l� OC ferry O OO T .fir .tea C n21 ESCC PROGRAMS PRODUCED DURING FY 1998 -99 City Council Meetings School Board Meetings Planning Commission Meetings Sports Games El Segundo Magazine Sports Talk El Segundo Business Matters Couch Potatoes Storytime Concerts in the Park Children's Dramas ESUSD on the Air St. Anthony's Graduation Middle School Graduation Arena HS Graduation ESHS Graduation Dare Graduation Easter Egg Hunt Mayor's Prayer Breakfast Hometown Fair Fourth of July Halloween Frolic Tree Lighting Ceremony Holiday Parade Farmers Market Grand Opening Hockey Rink Grand Opening George Brett Day Dedication Car Shows Richmond Street Festival Every 15 Minutes Founders Day Tea Sidewalk Repair Video Littleton Presentation Cinco De Mayo Spring Sing Summer Reading Program Fire Safety Day Imperial School Open House Teen Center Programs Video Teen Center Concert Baby Sitting Safety Presentation 30 28 26 25 9 19 7 12 3 10 8 20 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n)2 Y2K Preparedness Presentation ESHS Theater Benefit I Center Street School Music Program' 1 ESUSD Choral Concerts 2 ESUSD Band Concerts l Seniors Hotline on the Air 2 Leadership El Segundo Presentation q Coro Study Presentation 1 Parent Camp Presentations 3 TOTAL PROGRAMS PRODUCED - 253 () EL SEGUNDO COMMUNITY CABLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1999 CABLE SURVEY REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROMOTING VIEWERSHIP 024 August 1999 n ?5 1999 CABLE SURVEY REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROMOTING VIEWERSHIP INTRODUCTION In May 1999, Epic MRA, a professional survey company based in Michigan, performed a survey of 300 cable subscribers living in El Segundo. The purpose of the survey was to gather information from which to gauge the depth and breadth of viewership of El Segundo Community Cable including programming on Channel 22 and Bulletin Board notices on Channels 22 and 57. The survey was designed to answer four critical questions: I. Who is watching El Segundo Community Cable? 2. Which ESCC programs are viewed? 3. When do viewers watch El Segundo Community Cable? 4. What programs do viewers want to see on El Segundo Community Cable? Modeled after questions asked in the 1993 cable survey, the survey questions were modified to capture viewer demographics, viewing frequency, and included an evaluation of production quality of specific cable programs. The survey questions retained the 1993 survey's questions regarding programs currently viewed and those that are desired by ESCC viewers. The 1999 cable survey was designed to yield statistically accurate information: 1. on which to base future programming, decisions 2. to establish a baseline for comparison of trends as new surveys are undertaken. The El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee has examined the recently completed survey. Following is a report of the highlights of the survey findings, and recommendations for promoting viewership of El Segundo Community Cable programs. MEASURING SUCCESS The 1999 survey shows that ESCC management and staff have the skills, talent and desire to provide quality programs of interest to the community. The efforts of staff have been rewarded with a strong core audience that expresses satisfaction with the end product. SUBSTANTIAL MARKET SHARE X26 The 1999 cable survey revealed that ESCC has made remarkable penetration into the community with 84% of all cable subscribers in El Segundo tuning in to ESCC at least sometimes. Though this number seems strong, a closer look reveals that only 33% of El Segundo residents can be counted as regular viewers of ESCC. A CROSS - SECTION OF VIEWERS Demographic information collected in the survey process indicates that El Segundo Community Cable reaches a broad cross - section of El Segundo residents, including adult men and women of various ages, incomes, education and length of time in El Segundo. GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY PROGRAMS POPULAR As with the 1993 able survey, City Council meetings rate among the most viewed programs on ESCC with 74% of respondents tuning in at least few times and 28% counted as regular viewers. Likewise, community programming including the community events, sporting events, and public concerts enjoy strong viewership. HIGH RATINGS FOR NEW BULLETIN BOARDS Most able viewers give high ratings to the new Bulletin Boards airing on Channels 22 and 57. 68% of survey respondents rate the quality and content of bulletin board notices as excellent or pretty good. ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT While El Segundo Community Cable is effective in providing programming of interest to a substantial portion of the community, clearly more work needs to be done to increase the rate of regular viewership in El Segundo. Though overall viewership is strong at 84 %, hidden in that number is a large portion of the community who do not watch on a regular basis. Respondents' inability to identify what time they watch ESCC, and their inability to identify best and worst production values are indications that viewers are not watching often enough to form such opinions. TWO CHALLENGES ESCC is faced with the challenge of increasing viewership among two separate constituencies: • Our first challenge. is to engage the 20% of respondents who indicated that they watch ESCC a few times a month. • Our greatest challenge lies in attracting the 47% of viewers who seldom or never watch ESCC. PROMOTING VIEWERSHIP Ei Segundo Community Cable is a government and education channel per the franchise agreement with Time Warner Communications. ESCC is a community access station by order of the El Segundo City Council. r27 As a government, education and community access station, ESCC endeavors to provide El Segundo residents with 1) pertinent information regarding the function of city government, its programs and policies; 2) programs of educational value; and 3) offer residents and community organizations an opportunity to produce and participate in programming that is of interest to the community. ESCC contributes to building of community by providing knowledge and insight into the people, places, and issues that shape the community. The purpose of promoting viewership in El Segundo, is to strengthen the ties that unify the community. The key to increasing viewership of Channels 22 and 57 is in creating and publicizing programs of interest to El Segundo residents. Following are recommendations developed by the El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee for attracting increased viewership while retaining existing viewership. These recommendations were developed by studying the techniques used by network and cable station owners to capture maximum market share. MAXIMIZE NIGHTTIME PROGRAMMING LINEUP STANDARDIZED I.iNEtJP FOA Eer`Fr DAY OF 1rRr V=rrr - Network and cable nation owners establish a lineup of programs for each day of the week in order to attract regular viewers for their programs and ensure that viewers know when and where a given program will air. For instance, NBC airs the program Friends on Thursday nights at 8 P.M. with little or no variation. Viewers who want to watch Friends know to set aside, or set their VCRs, for the day and time established for that program. ESCC should establish similar program lineups for each day of the week so viewers interested in a particular program not only know when the program will air but also can plan to be in front of the television at the appropriate time. City Coundl meetings enjoy strong viewership and likely benefit from the regularity of airing dates and times. Establishing regular programming schedules could also boost viewership of existing programming that may appear 'sluggish' according to the survey. E! Segundo Magazine, Business Matters and Sports Talk El Segundo are high quality productions that offer great insight into the people and places that make El Segundo unique but produced lackluster results in the cable survey. ESCC staff has recognized the need for a standardized lineup and recently unveiled a new lineup plan. TARE ADVANTAGE OF'PRtr„se ° V<ECVU.t urns - Network and cable station owners use prime time viewing hours to showcase programs of interest to their viewers. They do so not only to retain viewers but to attract new viewers to their station. Though El Segundo residents by and large cannot pinpoint exactly when they watch ESCC, a majority cited 7 - 8 p.m. as their prime viewing hours. This one-hour timeframe represents the hour most likely to attract existing and new viewers It has the advantage of occurring before popular network and able shows begin and represents our best opportunity to attract viewers before they've committed to other shows. DEVELOP EFFECTIVE MEANS OF RELAYING PROGRAM SCHEDULE A critical element to attracting viewership is developing an effective means of informing the public of the programming schedule. 028 Since expanding the Bulletin Board to Channel 57, FSCC has lost the most reliable means of relaying the programming schedule to El Segundo residents. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that the programming schedule is often not published in the local newspaper. As of this date, the programming schedule has not appeared in the local paper for the last five weeks. One or more of the following are recommended in order to ensure El Segundo residents have easy and convenient access to programming schedules • Reduce bulletin Board notices on Channel 57 in order to increase program schedule airing. These notices are less date /time sensitive than those on Channel ". • Our greatest challenge lies in attracting the 47% of viewers who seldom or never watch ESCC. BALANCING GOVERNMENT, EDUCATION, COMMUNITY The survey indicates that El Segundo residents are pleased with the level of government programming and coverage of community events appearing on Channel 22. However, the survey reveals that El Segundo residents have a desire to see more educational Programming. programming and greater variety in community ESCC muse offer a balanced portfolio of gove offers variety in order to maintain rnment, education and community programming that existing viewers and increase viewership NEW PROGRAMMING Perhaps the single most effective means of promoting grater viewership of El Segundo Cable is to develop programming our viewers have told us they want co sea ng to the survey, the Accordidi Community Programs our viewers are most interested in seeing developed for airing on Channel are: local news a documentaries • biographies • history programs • educational programs The El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee recommends that ESCC make plans to develop some or all of the above programs as soon as possible. Earlier this year, the ESCC staff took advantage of an opportunity to provide this type of preferred Programming. Staff has been working with the Friends of the Library Historical Committee to develop a series of historical programs ro be aired on Channel 22. CURRENT PROGRAMMING Though viewers indicate a relatively high level of satisfaction with current programs, current programming can enhance viewership. fine tuning nag REDUCE REPEAT PROGRAMMING - ESCC does not produce programming sufficient to cover available programming hours with first -run programming. An analysis of programming schedules for the month of March shows that some pro grams are shown reputedly. In Match, the same segment of El Segundo Magazine was reputed 15 times; Business Matters, 13 times; and Sports Talk El Segundo 11 times. Though there is some benefit to repeating programs to ensure the community has the opportunity to view them, the unfortunate truth is that for anyone who has already seen a given program, we offer up to 15 opportunities for our viewers to tune in elsewhere. Summer Programmi - During the summer, there is a great reduction in the number of sporting events in El Segundo and programming hours normally slotted for sports must be filled with other programming. This is, in part, the reason for high repeat rates in the summer. ESCC must anticipate the drop in sports activity and plan to fill those hours with 'replacement programming., In this instance, ESCC can utilize its library of programs to produce, say "The Best of EI do of Business Matters." Though still offering eat Sin Magazine" or `The Best S reP Programs, this format would ensure that the same program is not shown 15 times is the same month. Program that the survey indicates attract few, if any, viewers is further opportunity to osettmarket share to other cable and network stations. ESCC must evaluate poor performers and eliminate programs with no hope of resuscitation. Story Time and religious programs are the poorest performing programs on ESCC. These should be eliminated and replaced with programs the community would most like to see, i.e., news, documentaries, etc. PROGRAM PROMOTION Commercial network and cable stations to attract viewers. use aggressive on-aeen and off- screen promotion techniques ON- SCREEN P OMOTION _This type of promotion is used b in programming throughout the day. ESCC could benefit from using similar Prog promo ion spots Particularly leading in and out of our most often watched shows. On screen promotion must not only highlight a given program, it must include portions that inform potential viewers of the content of the nest show to be aired. For instance, ESCC would not only air a spot highlighting El Segundo Magazine, it would be sure to tell the viewer what segments will be included in the upcoming program. This increases viewer awareness of the variety of segmcats included in this program and information contained in a particular segment may attract viewers who would not ordinarily tune in. Promote - - -`� - Wye commemial stations have access to a plethora of print media to P Programs, ESCC has fewer opportunities. However, press releases highlighting upcoming Programs should be developed regularly for submission to the local newspaper. In addition, ESCC could take advantage of the City's monthly newsletter to promote upcoming shows. 7 r3n PRODUCTION Commercial network and cable stations utilize program 'seasons' and production schedules to maximize program development. Programs to be aired in the fall are developed during the summer and are packaged and rally for the aew season complete with on -scorn promos. The summer months in El Segundo represent a prime opportunity to develop new programming. Sporting events are greatly reduced during the summer, laving production staff and crew time to identify new programs, do pre - production planning, initiate production and develop on- and off - screen promos. CONCLUSION The El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee is pleased to report the great success of our hometown station. We are extremely grateful to Jim Fault, Judy Andoe, Jeff Trujillo, the cable staff and volunteers for their skill, dedication, and commitment to quality which is what makes El Segundo Community Cable a success. It is our hope that the recommendations contained herein will be developed into a plan of action by cable staff in order to better serve the community. r,31 g m : Q gQ ° f m m T Q JQ m n Z S gre$ it m N Yy -101 n r� 99 Y 6 �i o it n y Ci � go IITTII _���o c m �p5 X11 ZZ � 0 m � N ���D�DS JCTyO � n 3 m m n o p�p f~P m 79 °�' 3 $ a N C m fJ N R O N N {J c C CC V y O O 0 0 >o a A A 0O N mz KO 610 X32 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 09/25/1999 THROUGH 10/08/1999 Date 9/28/99 9/29/99 10/1/99 10/4/99 10/6/99 10/6/99 10/8/99 Payee Amount Description Federal Reserve Bank Kansas Health Comp Federal Reserve Bank Kansas IRS Employment Development Health Comp Union Bank DATE OF RATIFICATION: 10/19/99 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: 250.00 Emp Bonds PR6 137.07 Weekly eligible claims 9/24 350.00 Emp Bonds PR7 138,423.40 Federal Taxes PR7 25,808.84 State Taxes PR7 1,383.65 Weekly eligible claims 10/01 852,900.40 West Basin H2O Payment 1,0 1,019,253.36 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Deputy Treasurer �'Y� . V. IV, to /l� �9q Date Finance Directory City Manager Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurers Office of the City of El Segundo. P 3 3 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1999 - 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor ProTem Jacobs at 5:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Council Member Nancy Wemick ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present arrived at 5:05 P.M. Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Wernick - Present Council Member Gaines - Present Council Member McDowell - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (_Related to City Business Only_- 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalfof another, and employees speaking on behalfof their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of$150. CLOSED SESSION: The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et sue.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a)) I . Chaney v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. BC 207453 2. Stier v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC 034617 3. El Segundo v. Stardust, LASC Case No. YC 031364 4. David Venegas, et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al., LASC Case No. BC 207136 5. Hill v. El Segundo, USDC Case No. CV 98 -1463 6. In re Michael Langley, Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission No. 98 -229. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(b): -2- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time); Initiation of litigation pursuant—to Gov't Code §54956.9(c): -2- matters. DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) – None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957.6) – None. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITYFCOUNCIL OCTOBER 5, 1999 PAGE NO. 1 C ^34 V REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION - NONE SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS — 1. Interview candidates for LAX Master Plan Advisory Commission. Interviews postponed due to lack of candidates. ADJOURNMENT at 6:55 P.M. Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDOICITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 5, 1999 PAGE NO.2 r: 3 5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1999 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 7:00 P.M INVOCATION - Elder Linda Barentine, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Council Member Nancy Wernick PRESENTATIONS (A) Council Member McDowell presented a Proclamation to Elyse Rothstein, Chamber of Commerce President, declaring the observance of the 23- ANNUAL RICHMOND STREET FESTIVAL from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, October 16, 1999 and encouraging the community to join in the celebration. (B) Council Member Wernick presented Commendations to Joseph Czaski of Northrop - Grumman, Integrated Systems and Eric Lewis and Dean Richardson of Aerostructures, Western Division; to Dean Richardson and Eric Lewis of Raytheon Systems Company, Sensors & Electronic Systems; and Ron Green, Interim Director of Public Works for the City of EI Segundo, for their dedicated attention to implementing programs in waste reduction and in recognition of their receipt of Waste Reduction Awards Program certificates from the State of California. (C) Mayor ProTem Jacobs presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Charles O'Heam for his contribution to the community as a member of the Planning Commission from September 13, 1997 to August 4, 1998, to Charles Louis Pulci for his contribution to the community as a member of the EI Segundo Library Board of Trustees from July 10, 1996 to June 30, 1999, and to Tim Norland for his contribution to the community as a member of the EI Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board from June 16, 1998 to October 5, 1999. Mayor Gordon announced a Certificate of Appreciation is being presented to Steven Edlefsen for his contribution to the community as a member of the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board from August 7, 1995 to June 30, 1999. (D) Council Member Gaines presented a Proclamation to Fire Chief Craig Pedego, declaring the week of October 3-9,1999 as FIRE PREVENTION WEEK, observing Sunday, October 10, 1999 as FIRE SAFETY DAY IN EL SEGUNDO, and inviting the community to participate in Fire Safety Day festivities at Recreation Park from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 10, 1999. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 5, 1999 PAGE NO. I ^36 (E) Mayor Gordon presented a Proclamation to Bill Mason, representing the Board of the South Bay, encouraging participation in the American Heart Association's South Bay Heart Walk 5K, starting at 8:30 a.m., at Torrance Memorial Family Medical Center in Manhattan Beach on October 16, 1999. City Manager Mary Strenn introduced the new Recreation and Parks Director, Greg Johnson. ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Wemick - Present Council Member Gaines - Present Council Member McDowell - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value ofS50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of S250. (1) Presentation by Mel Zeldin, Assistant Deputy Executive Officer of Applied Science and Technology Advancement at the South Coast Air Quality Management District, on the status of LAX Ambient Air Monitoring Efforts. Council consensus to receive and file report. (2) Request by Sabrina Huertas, President of World Walk Foundation for Breast Cancer, an El Segundo -based non -profit organization, for City Council to wave fees, and for support and assistance in a 4 Mile Walk- A -Thon through El Segundo on October 31, 1999. MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member Wernick to approve the request of World Walk Foundation for Breast Cancer, an El Segundo -based non - profit organization, for a waiver of fees, and for support and assistance in a 4 Mile Walk- A -Thon through El Segundo on October 31, 1999. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 (3) Request by Gina Hoffman, Chairperson of St. Anthony Catholic Church annual carnival to be held October 22 -24, 1999 on parish grounds, for waiver of carnival permit fee and electrical permit charges, and for community support of the event. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 5, 1999 PAGE NO.2 ^37 MOVED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines to approve the request by Gina Hoffman, Chairperson of St. Anthony Catholic Church annual carnival to be held October 22 -24, 1999 on parish grounds, for waiver of carnival permit fee and electrical permit charges, and for community support of the event. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Liz Gamholz, resident, spoke regarding the transfer of the funds from the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee to the LAX Master Plan Committee. Steve Storm, Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee member, spoke regarding the transfer of funds and the operation of the camera monitoring LAX. Jane Friedkin, resident, spoke regarding the Gordon Report, the ASNAC funding, Council decorum, and Council policy. Olivia Foster, resident and owner of Old Town Patio, spoke regarding the complaint of the band playing each Saturday between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. during the summer hours. Stated she has a permit, and is constantly being harassed by neighbors and police. Melford Traber, resident, spoke regarding the Old Town Patio, and supported the owner. James Monday, resident, spoke regarding the Old Town Patio, and supported the owner. Peggy Tyrrell, resident, spoke regarding comments made at the last meeting, and the ASNAC. John Jones, resident, spoke regarding United Airlines expansion of cargo operations and ASNAC, and the opposition of the LAX expansion. Requested updates on what City Officials are doing about the expansion. Loretta Frye, resident, spoke regarding LAX and ASNAC. Jim Donaldson, West Los Angeles resident, spoke in favor of funding the ASNAC. Chuck Dearderwader, ESRA, spoke regarding the funding for the ASNAC, and the Airport Projects Administrator position. Martin Ruben, West Los Angeles resident, spoke in favor of funding the ASNAC. Mayor Gordon spoke regarding the following: • Old Town Patio band noise complaint - requested all parties work with the City Manager to resolve problem. • United Airlines Cargo Expansion - Los Angeles City Council will be deciding whether or not to approve the project and Council is waiting for that decision before taking a position. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 5, 1999 PAGE NO.3 1138 • ASNAC - was not disbanded and Council is continuing to fund Cameral surveillance of the Airport. ASNAC is an independent Committee, not governed by the Council or controlled by the City. ASNAC is welcome to continue to conduct meeting and use City facilities. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - NONE C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - 1. Announcement of the appointments to LAX Master Plan Advisory Commission have been delayed so additional applications can be submitted. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 2. Warrant Numbers 2505336 - 2505647 in total amount of $968,978.46, Warrant Numbers 2505648 - 2505770 in total amount of $308,321.36, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $241,203.74. 3. City Council meeting minutes of September 21, 1999. 4. Request for approval to purchase electronic sound amplification components for City Council Chambers at a cost of $8,405.00 to be funded from FY 98 -99 Government Buildings account #001 - 400 - 2601 -8104. 5. Change Order No. 1 to Insituform Technology, Inc., Contract No., for the trenchless rehabilitation of a 12" sewer main west of Main Street between Walnut and Maple Avenues. Incentive funding agreement, Contract No., between the City of El Segundo and the County of Los Angeles for a County grant of $5,000.00 for pavement testing of Douglas Street between El Segundo Boulevard and Alaska Avenue. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 5, 1999 PAGE NO.4 n39 Amendment to existing Contract #2640 extending the professional services contract with Cassidy & Associates for a period of four (4) months at a cost of $15,000 per month from FY 1999 -2000 Budget (No. 001 -400- 2901- 6407). 8. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve Consent Agenda items numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA Approval of three separate amendments to existing Professional Services Agreements between the City of El Segundo and: Hannah Brondial -Bowen Associates, Contract No. 2666, Amendment No. 2, (not to exceed $17,200); Willdan Associates, Contract No. 2669, Amendment No. 2, (not to exceed $22,100); and, Tina Gall Associates, Contract No. 2523, Amendment No. 3, (not to exceed $5,800); to continue contract planning support services to the Planning Division of the Planning and Building Safety Department, through the current 1999 -2000 Fiscal Year. MOVED by Council Member Wen-ick, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to approve three separate amendments to existing Professional Services Agreements between the City of El Segundo and: Hannah Brondial -Bowen Associates, Contract No. 2666, Amendment No. 2, (not to exceed $17,200); Willdan Associates, Contract No. 2669, Amendment No. 2, (not to exceed $22,100); and, Tina Gall Associates, Contract No. 2523, Amendment No. 3, (not to exceed $5,800); to continue contract planning support services to the Planning Division of the Planning and Building Safety Department, through the current 1999 -2000 Fiscal Year. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 F. NEW BUSINESS - NONE G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member McDowell - NONE Council Member Gaines - NONE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 5, 1999 PAGE NO. 5 040 Council Member Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - Distributed the South Bay Cities Council of Governments newsletter. Stated that a baseball team from Guymas will be here October 15 through 18. Noted that housing is needed for the boys. Mayor Gordon - Announced the ribbon cutting and opening of the Town Market on the comer of Virginia and Mariposa this Friday afternoon. Testified at the State hearing on long term impacts of airport expansion.. Reported on the Torrance Council, and stated that we are inching closer to getting them to pass a Resolution supporting our position on the LAX expansion. He also talked about the beautification of Grand Ave. He requested to agendize a report of the Education sub - committee regarding a joint program after school at the Middle School. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identtfy themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of$150. Peggy Tyrrell, resident, asked about the comment regarding ESRA membership, and who will operate the cameras for monitoring the planes. Julie Poter, resident, spoke regarding the safety of the airport. Dorothy Kent, resident, spoke regarding the Smoky Hollow auto repair facilities. Loretta Frye, resident, spoke regarding ASNAC and the noise complaints about the bands at the Old Town Patio. Julie Poter, resident, stated when she called to complain about airport noise she received an uncaring response. MEMORIALS - Isabella Camera Perine CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 9:10 P.M. to October 19, 1999, 5:00 P.M. Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 5,1999 PAGE NO. 6 n4I EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 19, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Proposal to produce monthly live interview program featuring City Council members. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve proposal INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: As part of the 1998/99 City Council approved funds for additional cable programming, a Live City Council Interview show has been proposed. With Council's approval, the program will be produced monthly and will be a half- hour in length, featuring one council member per episode. Council members will appear on a predetermined rotation. Council members will be pre - interviewed to determine subject matters on which they prefer to discuss. The program will be shot in studio using a one- on-one live interview style. DISCUSSION. The public will have the ability to "call -in" during the council show to pose their questions live, should the designated council member so desire. (Although calls can be screened, what is actually said during air time can not be delayed or °bleeped'ouq. Staff recommends the time slot of 7:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month for the Council show to air live. Replays will air periodically throughout the remainder of each month. Shows would not be produced during the two months prior to a city election date. The shows content would address city issues, but could not address political positions such as endorsement of candidates for public office. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: ProjectlAccount Balance: Account Number. Project Phase: Appropriation Required: 991019.escc a show 7 042 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: October 19, 1999 AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Approve the bingo license application for St. Michael's Episcopal Church, a non -profit organization located at 361 Richmond Street. The proposed date for conducting a bingo game will be on October 23, 1999. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Recommend that Council approve this application INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: St. Michael's Episcopal Church is applying for a Bingo License for a fundraiser to be held at 361 Richmond Street on October 23, 1999 from 6 p.m. to -10 p.m. DISCUSSION: ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Bingo license application, 1999 religious exemption notice, and certificate of liability insurance. FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: ProjectfAccount Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: Date: vacs: 4t, .. A,- Bret Plumlee, Director of Finance REVEMED BY:. Date: IN• /n 4-] BINGO LICENSE APPLICATION Date: B-Z9 A9 ?lame of .Address: Slat W�c�brn,,.A 5. MI5, ,1 Tel. No. 31U'322 Z589 ! Property: /pwnad Leased ? Length of Time in City.-S-0-yr. Mos. :lccupancy capacity of room where bingo games are conducted: Purpose: Charitable Organization Z Religious Institution _ Scientific _ Test for Public Safety _ Literary /Educational Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Other: Proposed days of week and hours of day for conducting of bingo games: -.Q Ck'ol- 91449 4 -10 _ nf_T�a .Attached, hereto, is a true and correct copy of: _Certificate of Determination of Exemption under Sections 23701a, 23701b, 23701d, 2370le, 23701f, 23701g, 23701(1) of the Revenue 6 Taxation Code. Letter of good standing from the Exemption Division of the Franchise Tax Board, Sacramento, California. I the certify, under penalty of perjury, that the above organization is exempted from Taxation Code fand eab contribution oort gift tto whichewould2be0adcharitablevcontri -d lution, under Section 170(.)(2) of the Internal Code of 1954, is eligible to under the Section 326.5 ofetheiPanelaCoode. the City of "El Segundo Lnplicant also agrees that the licaosa to Cond::et hi.- n.rae. mny M �y the Chief of Police upon violation of any provision f Section 32.6.5 of the Penal Code or Chapter 5.46 of the El Segundo Municipal Coode. Signature: T Pr Iding Officer (Prins Mameu.. +/��R� Cam. Celj �N -["ql qLoQ 3ignaturay'-i77-� _ (Print Rama) AAMN3/� IYOR/G`/ Trustee 'number of Exits: FOR OFFICL4L USE ONLY Type of Sasting: C.� V room Size: i00 XG0 Room Location: 36/ ,c /ne.vb S'r ��A Date Date City Manager Sent Returned pproved Remarks City Attorney :police Dept. *4PPrOVad "ire Dept. /' Cldg. a Safety 'la nning Dept. /0/ ��A T COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES a KENNETH P. KAHN ASSESSOR a 500 W. TEMPLE STREET a LOS ANGELES. CA 40012 -2770 a (213) 974,3481 hf�:/ /rrrw.aa/a.a.ur/ - V.- -* 1999 RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION CHANGE IN ELIGIBILITY OR TERMINATION NOTICE (Section 257. 1. Revenue and Taxation Code) Dear Claimant: Your organization was allowed the Religious Exemption for 1998 on all or a portion of its property. The Religious Exemption is available only to property which is owned by a church and used exclusively for religious worship (church) or religious worship including a school Property used for school purposes only, where there are no church services, does not quality for the Religious Exemption, but may quality for the Welfare Exemption. Leased real or personal property is not eligible for the Religious Exemption unless the owner of the leased property is also a religious organization and conducts religious worship activities (church services and/or school purposes) on the property, in which case both the owner and the operator must file for the Religious Exemption, Under one -time filing, the Religious Exemption will remain in effect until the property is sold or all or a part of the property is used for activities that are outside the scope of the Religious Exemption. If, as of January 1, 1999, you still own the property and the activities conducted on the property have not changed since January 1, 1998, answer the question on the card 'yes" and sign and return the card to the Assessor. The Assessor will continue the exemption. The failure to return the card may result in an onsite inspection to verify that the property is being used for exempt activities. If, as of January 1, 1999, you no longer owned the property or activities other than religious worship or religious worship including a school were taking place on-the property, answer the question on the card ono' and sign and return the card tc the Assessor by June 30, 1999, so that the exemption can be modified or terminated. The failure to so notify the Assessor when property is no longer eligible for the exemption will result in an escape assessment plus interest and may result in a penalty of up to'$250. The following activites are outside the scope of the Religious Exemption (those activities which are within the scope of either the Church Exemption or the Welfare Exemption are indicated in parentheses): a. No activity (no exemption) b. Parsonage, living quarters (welfare) c. Thrift store (welfare) d. Bingo (welfare) e. Other (non - church or non - school) religious or charitable activities of another organization on your church-owned property (welfare: both the owner and the operator must file) f. Property owned by a non - church entity but leased to and used exclusively by a church for religious services (church) If you wish to claim either the Church Exemption or the Welfare Exemption, contact the Assessor immediately: the deadline for timely filing for the Church Exemption or Welfare Exemption is February 15. Section 270, Revenue and Taxation Code, provides for late filing of the Church and Welfare Exemptions. CUT ALONG THIS LINE AND RETURN LOWER PORTION TO THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE 1999 RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION CHANGE IN ELIGIBILITY OR TERMINATION NOTICE (Section 257. 1, Rtvanua and Taxation Code] Failure to return this card does not ofoelf constitute a tteiver of exemption as called for by the California Constitution, but prey result in wade inspection to verify axsimptachvity. NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS RECTOR WARDEN AND VESTRYMEN OF ST MICHAE=RCHANGEL PARISH 361 RICHMOND ST EL SEGUNDO CA 90245--- JC12 %i `?45 ASSESSOR'S IDENTIFICATION NUMBER MAPBOOK PAGE PARCEL 4136 017 046 LOCATION OF PROPERTY (a Wei am maane addrwa) 361 RICHMOND ST EL SEGUNDO CA 39A9 90245 —oeoe To all persons who have received a Religious Exemption for the 1998 -99 fiscal year. QUESTION: Will the property to which the exemption applies in the 1988 -99 fiscal year continue to be used exdusively for religious purposes in the 1999 -2000 fiscd yea? 0 Yes p No Sigrlat z i9-yy Time Te10phc ne No.L-*o ) t, v . asR9 rOM : The Church ins. Co. PHONE NO. : 1 515 255 5 1i09 J;t. 0? 1999 02: 14ZM P2 r ACCRD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE "71 i0 /0./.9 THIS clIMPIMUE IS ISSUED AS AMA 1 IC ! T2$ C;JUEC.i INSURANCE C0:4PANY ONLY AND CONFISM NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERITFICA HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND 4 a 445 PTFPH .;VE *TUz f ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELI NZ:N YORK, NY I?016 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE 361 RICHMOND STREET I EL SEGONDO, C;� 90,145 i MAY PERTAIN. --HE INSURANCE AFFORDED POLICIES AGGREGATE LMDS SHOWN MAY 13 SUBJECT MALL THE TERMS. :3 ' MM TYPE OF INBURANCE POLICY NUMBER LIMRS R°L1°°LI''' ' PAaaG%IRIiENf 11, 000, 000 I cOMMFTCJPLOANERAL LIABILITY cuSCMA= d OCCUR Ai PIN 06 2 0003269 104/01/99 04/01/00 PHIE DAAUOl4MYT1MnM) 1650,000 IM ®ProaIN TNIfHI) it12, 500 1P&t80NFLAMSVfANRY '31,000,000 a44NiwT.AGGRCDATS le OENi AGGREGATE lW17APPUE5 PER: 1 PcuI LOC ' _ IPROOIA:TS•GOMP/OPAOOL 51,000,000 �AUTOMdLLL ANY ALRD �i ALLO AUTOS SOAWUUWAUTOS i OOMSMl9SNOLELWR IS as 5510541 SN, L"m 3 NIRSDAUTOS Nd! 4WNE: AUTOS 0001LY /UTAIT IPF,aNydT51 s 1 'ry I I 4PerFT:adr +w�a I S tl IGARaGel.1ASIUTY ANY AUTO i t I AULOONLY•CAACCIDM 1 $ I OT ERTHAtl SA ACC i f AVIOONLY. AOO 3 -� t. PJICMSLasury OCCV! 1 CWMS YApi I LA wocr IROBICE . L AOOPYOAS 3 jdI DEDU :TFI.E s I RSTFNTION s i 3 TMDRIO U100194INSAMON AVID MIPIAYR4 LIASLITT LL.GCX ACCIDENT i S I Fl MWASE- SA EMPLOY80 S E4 MS' -POUCYLNff' 13 II I I "5 DISITF OPERATIDl6M1DI:I ,LESIERG mw ALL OPE_:ATION3 OF THE NAMED INSURED. 7 SHOULD ANY OF T I ASOW PSKAWID PdSf3 IM WICfY.SD SEFOIR TNG SIOIMT CITY OF EL SEGDNDO DwTe TNf160F� 7Nf IffITW usIm3A RYi OA1fAVDS YO IIAM30 DAYS NRI7TSM 350 MAIN STREET NW" TO THE OSR/NDAT[ HOLDER HAAW TOflIi LEFT. SLIT FALUMM CO SO STW EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 I11P 'O.M Ho ofNf "N M LIANS."T M ANY MIND UPON INS fISIPISR OR "awe O W, 0 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 19, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Amendment No. 1 to the City — C.J. Construction, Inc., annual sidewalk/curb replacement contract no. 2638 providing a one (1) year extension. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Approve Amendment No. 1 and authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City. 2. Authorize an allocation of $50,000.00 from unallocated Gas Tax funds for sidewalk repair work. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On October 6, 1998 the City Council awarded an annual contract to C.J. Construction, Inc., for repair of sidewalk, curb and other minor improvements. The purpose of this contract was to establish unit bid prices by which damaged sidewalks and curbs can be repaired expeditiously on an as needed basis. The contract permitted staff to issue purchase orders to the contractor approximately once every two (2) months to repair speck sidewalk locations and to prevent accumulating a heavy backlog of locations where work was needed. DISCUSSION: The current annual contract, which expired on October 12, 1999, provides for one (1) year extension upon mutual agreement between the City and the contractor. C.J. Construction, Inc., has performed satisfactorily during the current contract. Approximately 400 sidewalk/curb locations have been repaired by means of utilizing the current contract. C.J. Construction, Inc., has agreed to provide the sidewalk repair service for one (1) additional year with unit prices increased by three (3) percent to allow for inflationary changes. Staff is of the opinion that lower unit prices may not be received if the project is re -bid and requests City Council approval to extend the current contract by one (1) year. If the extension is approved, this contract will terminate on October 12, 2000. Based on prior experience, staff recommends a budget of $50,000.00 to perform the sidewalk repair work. These funds were inadvertently not included in the adopted Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 budget. Staff is requesting City Council allocation of this amount from unallocated Gas Tax funds to establish a budget for the sidewalk repair work. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Proposed Amendment No. 1. 2. City — C.J. Construction, Inc., Contract No. 2638. FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number. Project Phase: Appropriation Required: Date: Yes - $50.000.00 from Gas Tax revenues N:COUNCILIOCT19.001 (10/12/8 fQ:00 A.M.) 7A T AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT NO. 2638 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE IN FIGURES 1. Remove and replace 4" thick P.C.C. sidewalk $ 3.30 / SF 2• Remove and replace 6" high P.C.C. curb $ 16.48 / LF 3. Remove and replace 6" high P.C.C. curb and $ 22.15 / LF 12" or 18" gutter 4• Remove existing improvements and install $808.55 / EA handicapped access ramps 5. Remove and replace 6" thick P.C.C. driveway $ 3.71 / SF 6• Install 12" root barriers $ 9.79 / LF 7• Install 24" root barriers $ 10.82 / LF 8. Remove and replace brickwork $ 7.50 / SF (minimum 10 SF location) EKH "A" N:\PROJECTSWO2638.AMD (IW7=) l Amendment No.1 to Public Works Contract No 2638 between the City of El Segundo (CITY) and C.J. Construction Inc (CONTRACTOR) 1. The Contract is hereby extended to October 12, 2000. 2. The Unit Bid Prices, as shown on Exhibit "A ", will be in effect for the extended contract. 3. All other provisions of the original contract shall remain in effect. CITY. CONTRACTOR: City of El Segundo a Municipal Corporation By: By: Mike Gordon, Mayor Approved as to Form: By: 'W Me D. Hensley City Attorney Attest: By: Cindy Mortesen City Clerk Print/Type Name: John Sarno Title: President Contractor's License No.: 720989 City of El Segundo Business License No.: 15186 Federal Tax Identification No.: 95-4576126 C49 DUP1-eoI7L=, ORIGINAL CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 12th day of October, 1998 by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "CITY," and CJ Construction, Inc. hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR" CITY, by its Notice Inviting Bids, duly advertised for written bids to be submitted on or before for the following: ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR P.C.C. CURB, CURB AND GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND OTHER MINOR IMPROVEMENTS hereinafter called "PROJECT." opened. At said time, in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, said bids were duly At its regular meeting held on October 6, 1998 the City Council duly accepted the bid of CONTRACTOR for said PROJECT as being the lowest responsible bid received and directed that a written contract be entered into with CONTRACTOR NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, said parties do hereby agree as follows: The Contract Documents for the PROJECT shall consist of the Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Specifications, Standard Specifications, Special Provisions, Plans, CONTRACTOR'S Proposal, and all referenced specifications, details, standard drawings, and appendices, together with this Contract and all required bonds, insurance certificates, permits, notices and affidavits, and also including any and all addenda or supplemental agreements clarifying, amending, or extending the work contemplated as may be required to insure its completion in an acceptable manner. All of the rights and obligations of CITY and CONTRACTOR are fully set forth and described in the Contract Documents. All of the above- mentioned documents are intended to complement the other documents so that any work called for in one, and not mentioned in the others, or vice versa, is to be executed the same as if mentioned in all of said documents. The documents comprising the complete contract are hereinafter referred a a r as the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof as though they were fully set forth herein. For and in consideration of the payments and agreements to be made and performed by CITY, CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to furnish all materials and perform all work required for the PROJECT and to fulfill all other obligations as set forth in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. I-D-1 NASPECS.PRJIPw9".jD7 (10/12=1 2638 r5 U r CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to receive and accept the amounts set forth in its Proposal, a copy of which is enclosed herewith, marked Exhibit "A' and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein, as fup compensation for furnishing all materials, performing all work, and fulMing all obligations hereunder. Said compensation shall cover all expenses, losses, damages, and consequences arising out of the nature of the work during its progress or prior to its acceptance including those for well and faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof in the manner and time specified in the CONTRACr.DOCUMENTS, and also including those arising from actions of the elements, unforeseen difficulties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of the work, suspension or discontinuance of the work, and all other unknowns or risks of any description connected with the work. ARTICLE IV CITY hereby promises and agrees to employ, and does hereby employ, CONTRACTOR to provide the materials, do the work, and fulfill the obligations according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the said amounts set forth in ARTICLE III hereof, and hereby agrees to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions set forth in the CONTRACT DOCUMENT& In addition, CONTRACTOR hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USCA 1101, = 02.), as amended; and, in connection therewith, shall not employ unauthorized aliens as defined therein. . Should CONTRACTOR so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by this contract, and should the Federal Government impose sanctions against the CITY for such use of unauthorized aliens, CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to, and shall, reimburse CITY for the cost of all such sanctions imposed, together with airy and all coats, inducting attorney's fees, incurred by the CM in connection therewith. 2638. _ '-i 1-62 MMOM) I -D-2 ''Si Contract time shall commence on the date specified in the Notice to Proceed to be issued to said CONTRACTOR by the Department of Public Works of CITY and shall be valid upto one (1) year subsequent to this date. This contract can be extended for one (1) additional year upon mutual agreement between the CITY and the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall assume the defense of and indemnify and save harmless the CITY, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees, from any liability for damage or claims for damage for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONTRACTOR'S or any of subcontractor's operations under this CONTRACT, whether such operations be by CONTRACTOR or subcontractor, or subcontractor's, or by any one or more persons directly or indirectly employed by, or action as agent for, CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor or subcontractors. CONTRACTOR agrees to, and shall, defend CITY and its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees from any suits or actions at law or in equity for damages caused, or alleged to have been caused, by reason of any of the aforesaid operations; provided (a) That CITY does not, and shall not, waive any rights against CONTRACTOR which it may have by reason of the aforesaid hold harmless agreement because of the acceptance by CITY, or the deposit with CITY by CONTRACTOR, of any of the insurance policies hereinafter described in this Agreement. (b) That the aforesaid hold harmless agreement by CONTRACTOR• shall apply to all damages and claims for damages or every kind suffered, or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of any of the aforesaid operations of CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor, regardless of whether or not such insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages. CONTRACTOR before commencing said PROJECT, shall furnish and file with CITY a bond, or bonds, in a form satisfactory to the CITY, in the sum of one hundred percent (100 %) of the contract price thereof conditioned upon the faithful performance of this contract and upon the payment of all labor and materials furnished in connection with this contract. NASPECS.PRJIPwW3.ID3 ( &13/98) I-D-3 2638. , X52 CONTRACTOR shall not commence work under this contract until CONTRACTOR shall have obtained all insurance required by the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and such insurance shall have been approved by CITY as to form, amount and carrier, nor shall CONTRACTOR allow any subcontractor to commence work on any subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor shall have been so obtained and approved by the City. CONTRACTOR shall take out and maintain, during the life of this contract, Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of CONTRACT'OR'S employees employed at the site of improvement; an if any work is sublet, CONTRACTOR shall require the subcontr actor similar ly to provide Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees, unless such employees es .are covered by the protection afforded by CONTRACTOR. If any class of employees engaged work under this contract at the site of the PROJECT is not protected under any Workers' Compensation law, CONTRACTOR shall provide and shall cause each subcontractor to provide adequate insurance for the protection of employees not otherwise protected. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify CITY for any damage resulting to it from failure of either CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor to take out or maintain such insurance. Evidence of the satisfaction of this requirement shall be submitted to and approved by the City. (b) CONTRACTOR shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such comprehensive general liability, products/completed operations liability and contractual general liability insurance as shall protect CITY, its elmective and aa automobile boards, officers, agents and employees, CONTRACTOR, and Png work covered by this contract, from claims for damage for personal *injury, k subcontractor Performing work claims for property damage which may arise from CONTRACTOR'S death, as well ra from any operations under this contract, whether such operations be subcontractor's subcontractor, or by anyone directly ONTRACTOR or by any subcontractor, and the amounts of such or shall be� neither CONTRACTOR or any (1) ftblic LJabillty lasurunce in an amount of not less than ONE MILIdON DOLLARS ($1,000,000); (2) products/Comulet� x v ' ' M n in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000); 2 C 3 g - I -D4 �5J (3) (4) C0morehh"9H Automob r 4hltlty I n.e. a in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS (S1,0009000); and, Contmctuai General Liablllty Insurance is an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000). A combined single limit policy with aggregate limits in an amount of not less than TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,o0o,000) shall be considered equivalent to the said required minimum limits set forth hereinabove. (c) PROOF OF INSC�eN('F, The CITY shall be named as "additional insured' on all policies required hereunder, and CONTRACTOR shall furnish CITY, concurrently with the execution hereof, with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance required, and adequate legal assurance that each carrier will give CITY at least thirty (30) days' prior notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of this contract, by certified or registered mail. (d) NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK The CITY will not issue any notice authorizing CONTRACTOR to commence work under his contract until CONTRACTOR has provided to the CITY the proof of insurance as required by subparagraph (c) of this article. The parties agree that it would be unpractical and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages to the CITY in the event the PROJECT is not commenced and/or completed on or before the dates specified for commencement and completion of the PROJECT in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The parties have considered the facts of a breach of this contract and have agreed that the liquidated damages sum hereinafter set forth is reasonable as liquidated damages in the event of a breach, and that said sum shall be presumed to be the amount of the damages sustained by the CITY in the event of such a breach. T1te parties therefore agree that in the event such work is not begun and/or completed and accepted by the titres so specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, the sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) shall be presumed to be the amount of damages suffered by the CITY for each day's delay in the starting and/or completion and acceptance of said PROJECT after the dates specified in the CONTRACT the start and /or completion thereof and CONTRACTOR h DOCUMENTS for HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) as liquidated damages ex to pay said stn starting TWO and/or completion and acceptance of said PROJECT beyond for each day ed delay in the starting DOCUMENTS. Any and all such liquidated d eyond the dates specified in the CONTRACT the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, ,19911 Edition. so m accordance with 1 -0-5xrr rvfn" I -D-S 2638.. . 0 54 This contract shall not be assignable, either in whole or in part, by the CONTRACTOR without first obtaining the written consent of the CITY thereto. The provisions of this Agreement are cumulative and in addition to and not in limitation of any rights or remedies available to CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed on the date first above written by their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf. CITY: City of El Segundo a Municipal Corporation By: 1� Mike Gordon, Mayor Approved as to Form By: ! , Mark D. Hensley, City A y Attest: BY: atd Zpf Cindy Mort n, City Clerk 1- D -6.MST (&4zme) Contractor's License No.: City of El Segundo Business License No.: 2638...'I Federal Tax Identification No.: am r- 55 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 19, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request for City Council to approve the payment of a "Finder Fee" to Advanced Information Management Company to enable the City of El Segundo to hire their employee, Sabrina Harris, in the capacity of Senior Library Assistant. Fiscal Impact: $3406.26 RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve request for payment of $3406.26 to Advanced Information Management Company as fee for hiring of their contract employee, Sabrina Harris, for the Library in the position of Senior Library Assistant. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The City has initiated two recruitment efforts to fill the permanent position of Senior Library Assistant. The current recruitment effort resulted in Sabrina Harris, finishing #1 on the certified eligibility list for the position. She has served in the position as a temporary agency employee from Advanced Information Management Company, a temporary staffing agency. DISCUSSION: The temporary staffing agency Advanced Information Management Company has a clause covering the hiring of their employees while in temporary assignments. If the City wishes to hire one of their staff, the contract provides a clause to pay 11% as a "Finder Fee" to the company. Such hiring fees are fairly common in contracts for temporary personnel agencies. The City has the benefit of reviewing the employee's performance over a period of time prior to actually hiring the individual. The employee in question went through the normal City recruitment process and was certified to an appropriate employment list consistent with the standard recruitment procedures of the City of Ell Segundo. The department feels this applicant is highly qualified, has evaluated her performance and feels this is a good selection for the department and the City. Although the eligibility list for this position contains three candidates, the department feels after their interviews with all candidates that Ms. Harris' is the only candidate on the list whose experience and qualifications are the correct fit for the department. This placement will negate the requirement to again conduct an additional recruitment for the position. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Facsimile Cover Sheet from Advanced Information Management Company, outling necessary fee. FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: N/A Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No_ % 10 Sep -20 -99 03 :34P pFj ADVANCED INFORMATION MANAGEMENT �� E CE IV ED 900 WBshve Blvd. Suite 1424 Los Angeles, CA. 90017 Website: http:11 w .aimusa.com OCT O C ,999 ^n^ E -Mail: aimso.eimusa@juno.com V YU4AN RESOURLtb U, PAR,"", Facsimile Cover Sheet Fax: 310- 648 -7560 From: Eileen Martner Company: Advanced Information Management Phone: 213 - 489 -9800 Fax: 213 - 489 -9802 Date: Pages including this cover page: September 20, 1999 i Comments: Sabrina Harris Temp -Perm Placement Dear Erika, P -01 Per our phone conversation earlier this afternoon, I am confirming that we are willing to split the difference with you and accept 11% of the annual rate for Sabrina to go from temporary to permanent. Please let me know what you would like to do. Sincerely, Eileen Martner('� 304 ebb Account Representative I polo = $ '3,40b,02& %7� - THIS COMMUNICATION IS CONFIDENTLAL, LEGALLY PRIVILEGED AND INTENDED ONLY FOR THE ADDRESSEE. ANY DISCLOSURE, DISTRIBUTION OR DUPLICATION OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU RECEIVE THIS, COMNICINIC.ATION IN ERROR OR IF ALL PAGES ARE NOT RECEIVED OR IF ANY ARE: NOT LEGIBLE, PLEASE. CALL 213-489 98114,. P S 7 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: October 19, 1999 AGENDA HEADING- t nnconf c�ie Request for City Council approval to initiate a Request for Proposal process (RFP) to select a third -party administrator for the City's self - insured Workers Compensation Program. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the initiation of the Request for Proposal process. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The Worker's Compensation Fund is an internal service fund used to account for revenues and expenditures associated with the City's Worker's Compensation Program. The City self insures the first $300,000 of worker's compensation coverage, purchases excess insurance to cover expenses above that amount and currently utilizes the firm of Southern California Risk Management Associates (SCRMA) to serve as the third -party administrator for our worker's compensation claims. Internal staff support and coordination for the Worker's Compensation Program is provided by the Human Resources Department,with 10% of the salariesforthe AssistantCity Manager, SeniorHuman Resources Analyst and Human Resources Secretary, and 50% of the salary for the Office Specialist If being reimbursed to the General Fund. As of September 30, 1999, there were 116 open worker's compensation claims in five different categories. Concentra Medical Group handles the treatment of work - related injuries or illnesses for the City's full -time and part-time employees and various volunteers. Litigated claims are handled by staff from the City Attorney's office with coordination and support provided by the third -party administrator and Human Resources Department staff. SCRMA has served as the City's third -party administrator since 1988 and its' current contract is through December 31, 1999. DISCUSSION: City Council approval of staff request to initiate the RFP process is required so that a recognized third -party administrator can be selected for the City's self - insured worker's compensation program. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Request for Proposal document. FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget:(_ Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: N/A Project/Account Budget. N/A Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Dater_ Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No•X DRIGINATED: Date: October 12, 1999 leff ewart, Assistant City Manager ZE E_ .. _. a9enda.329 11 October 1999 Isipawslar ..• REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS THIRD -PARTY ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE CITY'S SELF - INSURED WORKERS COMPENSATION PROGRAM The City of El Segundo requests proposals from qualified third -party administrators for the City's self- insured Workers' Compensation Program Claims Administration Process. Inquiries and proposals should be directed to: City of El Segundo Human Resources Department Jeffrey Stewart, Assistant City Manager 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Fry� • • •�- u • to • 11 �•- ►. ur. id The City of El Segundo's fiscal year 1999 -2000 Operating Budget reflects approximately 300 full -time employees and 50 full -time equivalent part -time employees. In addition to Police and Fire Departments staffed by 125 sworn personnel, El Segundo is a full service city with employees in Public Works, (including Government Buildings, Equipment Maintenance, Engineering, Streets, Water and Wastewater), Planning and Building Safety, Recreation and Parks, Library, Finance, Economic Development, Human Resources, City Treasurer, City Clerk and City Manager Departments. The City has four Employee Associations including the Police Officers Association, Firefighters Association, Supervisory and Professional Employees Association and the City Employees Association. Mid- Management/Confidential and Executive Management employees are not represented. City volunteers are also covered for purposes of Workers Compensation. The City's current third -party administrator is Southern California Risk Management Associates (SCRMA). 059 As of September 30, 1999, the City's Monthly Experience Report reflected the following distribution of open claims: Open Medical Only - 15 Open Indemnity - 46 Open Litigated - 20 Open Future Medical - 32 Open Companion File - 2 Open Cost containment - 1 Unassigned Claims - 0 Total - 116 Section II of the Public Self - Insurer's Annual Report (Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1999) detailing consolidated liabilities is Attachment i of this Request for Proposal. Of primary importance to the City of El Segundo is a quality benefits delivery program that will control and direct workers' compensation claims, to ensure consistently good employee relations; reductions in litigation; containment of claim costs; and control of allocated expenses. Our goal is directed toward the highest professional level of responsive claims handling; in an effort to maintain control, this would include regular on -going communication with injured workers from the inception to disposition of the claim. Assignment to outside providers, including medical exams, investigators, vocational rehabilitation services, and defense counsel are to be controlled by the claims staff with approval from the City to assure delivery of a quality, regulations oriented product by individuals knowledgeable of claims administration. Litigated claims will be closely coordinated with the City with emphasis on communicating with applicant's and defense attorneys to resolve issues and avoid unnecessary appearances. Staff in the Human Resources Department (Assistant City Manager, Senior Human Resources Analyst, and Human Resources Secretary) and Finance Department (Assistant Finance Director) will be available to assist the administrator in coordinating City benefits and in contacting personnel within the City. It is assumed that the Administrator's technical claims staff assigned to this account will attend local and state -wide workers' compensation industry meetings and courses, in order to stay abreast with procedural changes in handling claims, applying changes in case law to active files, and delivering a state -of- the -art service. ;••. Written proposals are being requested from any firm capable of performing all services required. Proposals should outline all services the Administrator will provide to the City. All pro posals should include a response to the hmstionn ^Ire enclosed (Attachments2). Additional supporting may accompany the response. materials r6p Fee quotations shall include proposals for three, four and five year contracts. Fee quotations on a time and material basis will not be consideredl The City will require the following general services from the selected Administrator: Preparation of the Public Entities Self- Insurer's Annual Report as required by the Department of Industrial Relations, Self- Insurance Plans; to be submitted to the City no later than 30 days prior to the due date. 2. Forms: All printed workers' compensation forms which the City may require, printed checks for checking account, and stamped window envelopes for mailing of all workers' compensation checks and correspondence. 3. A monthly summary of the workers' compensation checking account, listing all checks, vouchers, voided checks, in numerical sequence; stating date issued, claim number, claimant name, payee, amount, type of benefit paid, and benefit period. 4. Computer Loss Runs: Two copies of a monthly computer- produced claims report and management summary will be required by the Human Resources Department no later than the 10th of the following month with a suggested format as follows: A management summary (loss analysis) of all pending claims; report of all claims by fiscal year; current month new claims, closed claims; all claims by date of injury by fiscal year all claims by payment type; all active claims, alpha order; all claims with payment in current month with payment detail in alpha order, all litigated claims referenced by defense fine. Formats other than described above will be considered in negotiation of the contract. 5. If necessary, notification to all employees and providers of services of the change in workers' compensation claims administrator by the City. This notification shall include a statement indicating that all outstanding billings on any City claim should be submitted to the new administrator for processing. The providers of services shall also be furnished with file folder labels imprinted with the new Administrator's name and address for use in the reporting and billing information. MMMIMMQUEEMERM. All insurance policies used to satisfy these requirements shall be issued by insurers authorized to do business in the State of California. Insurers shall have a current A.M. Best's rating of not less than A -:VII unless otherwise approved by the City. The procuring of required policies of insurance shall not be construed to limit Administrator's liability hereunder nor to fulfill the indemnification provisions and requirements of this Agreement. There shall be no recourse against the City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. The City shall notify Administrator in writing of changes in the insurance requirements. If Administrator does not deposit copies of acceptable insurance policies with the City incorporating such changes within sixty (60) days of receipt of such notice, Administrator shall be deemed in default hereunder. P61 I/A'-- 00 � Any deductibles or self- insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. Any deductible exceeding an amount acceptable to the City shall be subject to the following changes; either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self - insured retentions with respect to the City and its officials, employees and agents (with additional premium, if any to be paid by Administrator); or Administrator shall provide satisfactory financial guarantee for payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. Administrator shall furnish the city with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of any policy of insurance required by this section, Administrator shall deliver to City a binder or certificate of insurance with respect to each renewal policy, bearing a notation evidencing payment of the premium therefore, or accompanied by other proof of payment satisfactory to City. -vim The City, at their option, shall have the right to have a claims audit performed on a random selection of files once yearly. The audit will be generally directed to the following areas: Compliance with contractual and fiduciary obligations; 2. Compliance with the City's performance standards; 3. Application of all current W.C.A.B. rules and regulations and case law; Accuracy of computer loss runs and records. A quarterly meeting shall be held between the administrator and Human Resources Department Staff. This review will be primarily directed to the evaluation of open indemnity claims including litigated cases. The purpose of the review shall be to outline losses and identify problems, examine reserves, identify current trends, discuss changes in the Labor Code, apply new case law to existing claims, discuss the need for improving or altering claims management, and to make recommendations for improvement in communication between the claims administrator and the City. PE SIG MEE MO: The Administrator shall meet with City staff periodically (at least 4 times) per year to: A) Assist the City in developing and modifying internal procedures B) Provide orientation and training to City personnel involved in the administration of the Program. C) Discuss general trends in the Workers Compensation Program. `'62 4 /7� a9 e5re-- ADVISORY SERVICES• The Administrator shall provide written bulletins to inform the City of the adoption, amendment or repeal of all statutes, rules and regulations which directly affect the Program. REQUIRED FORMS: The Administratorshall administerthe Program in full compliance with all laws, rules and regulations governing Worker's Compensation and self- insurance. COMPLIANCE WITH r eW: The Administrator shall provide the City with all forms required by the State in connection with the Program. CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION: The Administrator shall have the authority and responsibility to provide claims administration services which include: A) Entering claim information on a log and establishing a claim file upon receipt of an injury report. B) Setting and updating reserves. C) Coordinating the investigation of claims. D) Determining compensability. E) Preparing and issuing benefit notices and pamphlets. F) Arranging for medical treatment from specialists, as necessary. G) Initiating and maintaining contact with employees or their attorneys. H) Monitoring disability status by reviewing medical reports and calling doctors for updates. I) Auditing and paying medical bills. J) Paying mileage reimbursement to employees. K) Paying temporary disability compensation when appropriate to do so or advising the City of the need to adjust payroll records when salary continuation is applicable. L) Arranging medical examinations in conformance with State law to determine whether an employee's medical condition is permanent and stationary and what, if any, permanent disability exists. M) Paying permanent disability compensation in accordance with the law. N) Arranging representation for the City, whenever the need arises, with attorneys selected by the City. O) Monitoring attorneys and assisting them in preparing cases. P) Auditing and paying legal expenses. Q) Arranging for vocational rehabilitation services when appropriate. ^63 R) Monitoring vocational rehabilitation consultants and assisting them as necessary. S) Auditing and paying vocational rehabilitation expenses. T) Attending all hearings that are required by law. U) Preparing and issuing vocational rehabilitation notices. V) Preparing and issuing permanent disability compensation notices. W) Pursuing subrogation when there is a viable third party. X) Timely notifying the City's excess insurers of all claims which exceed or may exceed the City's self - insurance retention (currently $300,000), maintaining liaison between the City and its excess insurer on matters affecting the handling of such claims and arranging for reimbursement to the City of losses in excess of its self - insurance retention. Y) Obtaining settlement authority and negotiating settlement on appropriate claims. Z) Closing claim files when appropriate to do so. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYER: The City Shall: A) Submit all reports of work injury to the Administrator within one day of the City's knowledge of the injury. B) Respond to the Administrator's requests for information and authority within five days of such requests. C) Provide information that is accurate and is in a form specified by the Administrator. D) Grant settlement authority to the Administrator in advance of vocational rehabilitation and legal hearings or be available by phone or in person during those hearings. CHECKING ACCOUNT: The City and Administrator agree that: A) The City shall establish a checking account from which all Workers' Compensation benefits and expenses are to be paid. B) The Administrator shall prepare checks and issue those checks directly to payees without delay. C) The Administrator shall sign checks with a facsimile check signing machine. D) The Administrator shall secure both checks and check signer in a locked room accessible to a limited number of personnel. E) The City shall maintain an adequate balance in the checking account to meet all Workers' Compensation obligations without delay. F) The administrator shall order the checks. ^64 G) The checking account may be used to pay civil penalties imposed on the City in which case the Administrator shall reimburse the City within fifteen days for any amount of the penalty which the Administrator caused. REGULATORY REPORTING: The Administrator shall prepare all reports required by State regulatory agencies in connection with the Program, including the Self- Insurer's Annual Report required by the Department of Self- Insurance Plans. RECORDS: The Administrator shall establish and maintain claim files, claim logs, transaction documents and all other records associated with the Program. These records shall be the property of the City and shall be available, on five (5) days notice, for review or for transfer to another custodian. Unless this Agreement is canceled, closed files shall be stored by the Administrator for five (5) years and shall thereafter become the responsibility of the City. Upon cancellation of this Agreement, the City shall be responsible for maintaining and storing all records. The Administrator shall not dispose of or destroy these records without the prior, written authorization of the City. CONSIDERATIONS The City shall pay the Administrator quarterly for services rendered under this Agreement. ALLOCATED EXPENSES, The City shall pay for check printing, field investigation, defense attorneys, legal costs, remote photocopy, engineering experts, accident reconstruction experts, process service, messenger service, court reports, vocational rehabilitation consultants, structured settlement consultants, translators and related items. PENALTIES: The Administrator shall be responsible for paying penalties unless the penalty results from the City's failure to: A. Provide an Employee Claim Form to an injured employee within 24 hours of knowledge of the injury. B. Date stamp the returned Employee Claim Form C. Provide an Employers First Report of Work Injury to the Administrator within five days from the date of knowledge of any injury. D. Provide a wage statement within ten days from the date of knowledge of an injury where the employee is entitled to less than the maximum temporary disability rate. E. Provide information requested by the Administrator within a timely manner. F. Provide accurate information to the Administrator. G. The Administrator shall also be responsible for appealing penalties due to the City's failure to comply to the above guidelines. INDEMNIFICATION: The Administrator shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City from all claims, legal actions, losses, expenses, injuries or damages arising out of the Administrator's actual or alleged negligence or intentional wrongdoing incident to the performance of this Agreement, except when such claims, legal actions, losses, expenses, injuries or damages are due to the sole negligence of the City, its officers, agents or employees. ^65 � -��, INSURANCE: The Administrator shall: A. Maintain in force at all times General Commercial and Auto Liability as well as Errors and Omissions Insurance in the amount of One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars per occurrence, combined single limit. B. Maintain in force at all times a Fidelity Bond in the amount of One Million ($1,000,000). C. Maintain in force at all times Workers' Compensation Insurance for employees of the Administrator, as required by law. TERMS OF THE CONT oCT: The term of the contract shall be established in agreement with the claims administrator to the satisfaction of both the City and the administrator. The contract shall be subject to a 60-day cancellation notice as set forth in the formal agreement. A starting date will be established at the time the administrator is selected. The City is seeking or000sals for threw four and five year contracts. A copy of the City's "Agreement for Professional Services" is Attachment #3. SELECTION PRO The most qualified respondents will be interviewed by a selection committee. It may be necessary to request a more detailed written proposal from those finalists. It is anticipated that selection committee interviews will be conducted the week of November 29 1999, It is anticipated that the City Council will award the contract at its' meeting of December 1 1 EVALUATION: Proposals will be evaluated utilizing the criteria listed below: la. Qualifications, background and prior experience of the firm. 113. Qualifications of the firm's "key" claims administration personnel. 2. Organization and location of the firm. 3. Understanding of the work to be performed. 4. Cost of services to be provided. The City of El Segundo reserves the right to reject any and all proposals should it be deemed in its' best interest to do so. The City of EI Segundo reserves the right to modify the scope of services based upon negotiation with the firm the City determines to be most qualified. The contract with the Consultant shall be a fixed contract which includes all costs, expenses and compensation for services to be provided. The Consultant will be required to submit invoices on a quarterly basis. me LOA All proposals, whether accepted or rejected, shall become the property of the City. The cost of preparation of proposals shall be borne by the proposer. The City reserves the right to waive minor irregularities to the proposal with the successful firm. The City reserves the right to award a contract to the fine that presents the proposal which, in the sole judgment of the City, best accomplishes the desired results. False, incomplete, or unresponsive statements in the proposal may be deemed sufficient cause for rejection. The City shall be the sole judge in making such judgement. h:%chron99Qrd-pry.rfpXpmp -M.gN ^67 NOTE: Claims Administrator Complete this page jorg�f reports except item B Page '- Employrr(em/Wager, which is completed by Fiscal Yes Ending June 30, 1999 Selj-Insured employer. AITACBMLNT #1 II. CONSOLIDATED I.IA 3tLITIES CertScate Number ®_ 7 1 6 0- 1 7 - 01772T-91 Nance of Master Certificate Holder. City of Fd Segundo Type of Reporr ® Original Report (Due October I each year) A. CASES I .Cue open as e(6/Ja99 rePnrMd lfq m FYI99.A] 2. Open & C1.. 199495 Tglcuu r FY 1990.95 c..a h. FY MS.% Ta wn 1995% CyFY - ..r•Y199x97 T" cam FY 19%.97 Cm.. ewe d FY 1997.98 Taw cum r mm FY 199]41 C..., e. FY M... Incmr.d L ]., S hwv ay I sM.meal 1,610,7011 1,608, 268, 162, 148, ❑ Amended Report: From 4¢. Monty Day Year P.W b Dm � SMr4.J 1,241, SUBTOTAL 3. ESTIMATED FUTURE LIABILITY (Indemnity plus Medical) TOTAL 4. Total Benue paid during FY 1998 -99 (include all case expenditures) .......... S. Number of MEDICAL -ONLY cases reported in FY 1998 -99: 6. Number of INDEMNITY cam reported in FY 1998 -99; - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - . 7. TOTAL of 5 and 6 (also enter in 2c above): 8. TOTAL number of open indemnity cases (all years): 9. Number of Fatality can reported in FY 1998 -99; To Dal: M.ah Dry Y-. Fm L h, S iwex,ey S Medual 581,122 366,3 83,680 23,1 79,051 40,3 122,493 111,44 371,325 39,41 681,3 rd 375,9 21 28 49 94 0 10. (a) Number of FY 1998-99 claims for which the employer or administrator was notified of representation by an attorney or legal representative in FY 199 &99; J (b) Number of non -FY 199 8-99 claims for which the employer or administrator sraa notified of representation by an attorney or legal representatn c in FY 199 8-99: J B. TOTAL EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES PAID IN FISCAL YEAR 1999 -99 FOR THIS SELF INSURER: (a) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES. 175 (Number of individual employees on Form DE 6 for year ending June 30,19'l9) n (b) TOTAL WAGES AND SALARIES PAID* S 19.677, 429.97 'NOTE: Use total number of separate employees teponcd to Employment Develoomrnt Omnrlmrnt rrnn =i 2. 3. 4. A M R4 7 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - PROFESSIONAL SERVICE SELF - INSURED CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION BIDDER'S QUESTIONNAIRE NAME OF FIRM: CORPORATE ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: BRANCH OFFICES: DATE ESTABLISHED: Branch office address and phone which would provide service to the City: State the names of the principal owners, partners or officers: Furnish an organization chart indicating the position of the claims management unit. Please describe your staffing and caseloads for Workers' compensation Claims personnel. Name the individual(s) who would serve as the primary claims examiners) for the City of El Segundo. Identify the following: A) Outside service firms used for investigation, subrogation, sub -rosa, vocational rehabilitation, etc. Include a schedule of their respective fees. B) Law fines recommended on legal files, include their hourly rates. 069 /7^_ r 8. Furnish names, addresses, and phone numbers of all existing municipal and public sector clients in the State of California. 9. Provide a list of clients who have been lost within the last twelve months; include contact persons and phone numbers. 10. What percentage of your total clientele are public entities? 11. What percentage of your total clientele are cities? 12. Identify and describe in -house services that your firm is prepared to provide, i.e., retum -to- work programs, vocational rehabilitation, medical, or litigation management, other cost containment programs: 13. How are reserves established and monitored on claims? 14. How are allocated expenses (photography service, sub -rosa, defense legal service, etc.) monitored and adjusted? 15. Please supply a sample of your firm's computerized loss experience reports, management summaries, and any other detailed reports. Please describe your EDP capabilities in detail. 16. Describe how you propose to take over existing files: r70 17. Describe contractual options for the years following the culmination of the initial three -year contractual agreement: 18. Furnish a copy of your firm's most recent financial statement. 19. Describe run -off costs and procedures if your contract is terminated in the future: 20. Describe other services not previously mentioned in the RFP and /or questionnaire that your fine can provide: 21. Do you presently have the insurance coverages described as requirements in our proposal? Please provide a list of your coverages, carriers and /or limits: Workers' Compensation: Comprehensive General Liability: Automobile Liability: Errors and Omissions: List the name, address and phone number of the contact person who will be handling the proposal: hAchmn99t3,a.pMmaders.asc P71 Ile - -3c� e,_71�2 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 19. 1999 Proposed revisions to the class specification for the job classification of Deputy City Treasurer and a resolution establishing a new salary range. Fiscal Impact: Funding for the new salary range is contained in the 1999 -2000 Fiscal Year Operating Budget. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Approve the Class Specification. 2. Adopt resolution establishing a new salary range for Deputy City Treasurer. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The recently adopted 1999 -2000 Fiscal Year Operating Budget for the City of El Segundo reflects an increased salary range for the mid - management job classification of Deputy City Treasurer. The increased salary range was based both on an analysis of the positions' assigned duties and responsibilities in relation to professional and mid - management positions in the Finance Department and an evaluation of salary data for comparable positions in the local labor market. DISCUSSION: The proposed revisions to the Deputy City Treasurer class specification were identified by City Treasurer Bill Bue. The revised class specification is intended to more accurately reflect the actual duties and responsibilities assigned to the Position and mirrors much of the professional accounting duties performed by the related Finance Department job classification of Senior Accountant. The rangecurrren currently basic utilized for Senior Accountantt. Funding for the increased salary range is containedsin the same the 1999 -2000 Fiscal Year Operating Budget. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Class Specification in add - delete format. 2. Resolution establishing new salary range. FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget:_ Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget. Projecf/Aecount Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Nrn Appropriation Required - Yes Nom_ nen .327 12 oo/ r 7 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DEPUTY CITY TREASURER DEFINITION Date adopted: Under limited supervision, supervises and participates in activities pertaining to financial reporting, depositing of funds, account reconciliations, and auditing of financial records; assists the City Treasurer in managing the City's investments and cash flow; suoervisec Assinnnri as CLASS CHARACTERISTICS This single position class is assigned to the City Treasurers office. The incumbent reports directly to the City Treasurer and performs a variety of technical and accounting work involving the full range of activities of the City Treasurer's office. The incumbent must be able to work without direct supervision and is required to use considerable independent judgement and discretion to set work priorities, complete work assignments, and supervise the work of assigned staff. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 • Supervises and participates in reconciling accounts, depositing of funds, financial reporting, issuance of receipts, and collections activity for delinquent City accounts; responds to public inquiries and mediates problems in accordance with City policy; coordinates activities with other City department. 2. Invests idle funds, obtains quotes, initiates electronic funds transfers, records transactions and interest, and prepares monthly reports. 3. Receives and deposits all City revenues, audits and posts daily cash receipts to the general ledger, provides monthly written account of all receipts, disbursements, and fund balances; monitors daily cash flow. 4. Prepares petty cash reimbursements; dispenses payroll checks and makes remittances to Federal and State taxing agencies; receives and deposits bail money and prepares checks for the courts; prepares purchase forms for U.S. Saving Bonds and maintains related ledgers. 5. Records all daily cash transactions, records journal entries affecting cash balances, ; audits and payments. and orders stop 6. Prepares various reports, correspondence, and statements; assists with budget preparation and monitoring; assists in the development and maintenance of systems and procedures. 7• Assists in the selection of staff; develops and establishes work methods and standards; conducts staff training and development; reviews and evaluates employee performance; initiates D disciplinary action. 8. 9. Recon le on '. g hts n cal ageq s t n 10. ri a "' . bsi ¢recortis ; 'e oWr g� n9 rt ea ' chi c s` 9f.�,s e. 11. P73 / ✓� - tea; - ,pc� 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. DEPUTY CITY TREASURER Page 2 QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Education and /or Experience Any combination of education and /or experience that has provided the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for satisfactory job performance. Example combinations include graduation from high school, supplemented by courses in business, public or business administration, accounting or related field (a bachelor's degree is preferred), and five years of progressively responsible experience including municipal accounting and investing and some supervisory experience. Knowledge Skills and Abilities Considerable knowledge of the laws, regulations, systems, procedures, and forms associated with the collection and handling of payments; treasury management and investment programs available for municipal budgeting processes; City charges, and taxes; principles of supervision; publications and informational sources which deal with issues of importance to the functions supervised; methods utilized in the determination of costs; revenue sources, and related projections; general accounting principles and budget processes; electronic data processing as relevant to functions supervised• ., c w s!�pracxroes. Ability to analyze and prepare rep I effech�ely with the public, City invest funds determine flow requlons before groups: a6JIV:f irements; make orally and in Special Requirements Possession or ability to obtain a Class C California driver's license and a satisfactory driving record. citytras:dep-tres.wpd n7Q RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A SALARY RANGE FOR THE JOB CLASSIFICATION OF DEPUTY CITY TREASURER The City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby resolve, declare, determine and order as follows: Section 1. That the City Council approves the following basic monthly salary range for the job classification of Deputy City Treasurer: STEP A 4006.96 STEP B 4207.31 STEP C 4417.67 4638.55 STEP E 4870.48 Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of October 1999. ATTESTED: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: W Mark Hensley, City Attorney Mike Gordon, Mayor of the City of Ell Segundo, California ( IJ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Los Angeles, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above - entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the El Segundo Herald, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the date of 5/18, 1934, Case Number 372819; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: 9/30/99 10/7/99 All in the year 1999 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at El Segundo, California, this ....... I.yday of ....� .., 19. ................& . .......... Signature IMHerald Publications 312 E. Imperial Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 322 -1830 • Fax (310) 322 -2787 Code # H -12000 This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Proof of Publication of: EL SEGWW HERALD P.O. EOX 188 EL SftJNDO, CA 90245 October 18, 1999 City of El Segundo Mayor Gordon and City Councilmen Gaines, McDowell, Jacobs and Wemick Dear Councilmen: I wish to address the issue that was discussed at the last two council meetings. I want to urge you to reconsider your decision to pull funding from the Noise Abatement Committee and transfer it to the newly proposed LAX Master Plan Advisory Commission. I agreed with all of the knowledgeable speakers at the last meeting that these committees have two distinctly different jobs and goals. This city needs a permanent committee to address the noise problem we have and will always have from the airport. We will always have this problem. We will always need the camera. At the present flight levels, we have a noise problem. For this reason I believe we need to keep and support the Noise Abatement Committee and the camera on a permanent basis. One the other hand, the new Commission hopefully, from the title you are giving it, would be a temporary one. At some point, the residents and public expects this airport expansion issue to be resolved one way or another. The speakers stated it correctly that these committees have two distinctly different goals. Our town cannot afford to lose the Noise Abatement Committee. The funding they require is a very small amount that we can easily afford. If we can afford to beautify downtown El Segundo, I think we can afford to continue funding the Noise Abatement Committee. It's a bargain. You stated that you are not disbanding the Noise Abatement Committee, yet you are pulling their funding and their camera and stating they are really an independent group, similar to the Residents Association. This sends a strong message to LAX, Mayor Riordan and the L.A. City Council of nonsupport and disunity in our town. It seems to me this is a victory for their side. As a resident who is fed up with LAX's arrogance and building of umpteen cargo facilities right off of Imperial Highway, I'm not willing to give up anything we have. Emotions ran high at the last meeting but so also did the stating of facts. We hope you, as intelligent, experienced people in the business of getting along with other people, are able to set the emotions aside, step back and take another look at the issues. Anyway, we all know emotions naturally run high when important issues that effect people's lives are at stake. This Noise Abatement Committee has been in existence for a long time now and has made a tremendous contribution to El Segundo. We are now fortunate enough to have knowledgeable, informed, experienced volunteers and employees that we cannot afford to lose at this time. We are already long into this "battle" with LAX and there is no time to go back to square one and try to get new people "up to speed" on airport issues. Thank you for listening to me. I hope you will reconsider this issue. Wendy Jones 321 E. Sycamore Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245