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1999 MAR 16 CC PACKET - 2
M EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 16, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request for proposals from qualified consultants to evaluate Sanitary Sewer Pump Station No 13 and to prepare contract plans and specifications for rehabilitating the pump station RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Authorize staff to solicit proposals for qualified consultants INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The fiscal year 1997 -98 Capital Improvement Program Includes $290,000 00 for the refurbishment of Sewer Pump Station No 13 located below street level at the northeast corner of Grand Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard The pump station was built in 1972 and subsequently rehabilitated in 1981 and serves an approximately 80 acre area east of Sepulveda Boulevard, north of El Segundo Boulevard DISCUSSION: Subsequentto further investigation of the pump station, it was discovered that the pump station had several maintenance and operational deficiencies that require a re- evaluation of the current system to address these deficiencies that will result in a more efficient and functional pump station Some of these deficiencies are as follows ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Draft Request for Proposals FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required; (Discussion continues on the next page.......) Zr i�r it $290,00000 Date: 301-400-8205-8360 Proposals Reauest for No 3/8/o Page 1 of 2 120 N \COUNCIL\PW -MAR16 02 .(Monday 3/8/99 1 00 PM) 10 DISCUSSION: (continued) 1 The current system to bypass the pump station during power /equipment failure utilizes an access structure at the Grand Avenue /Sepulveda Boulevard intersection requiring partial closure of the heavily traveled intersection until the pump station is made operable 2 The natural gas engines that provide standby power are located inside the enclosed pump station structure Due to moisture accumulation and condensation the gas engines pose a constant maintenance burden and are not dependable to work during emergencies If it is determined that an emergency generator may be needed on top of the existing pump station roof, an evaluation and re -design of the roof structure may be required to support the generator 3 During shutdowns, the wet well gets filled rapidly and sewage in the past has overflown /leaked into the dry well 4 The existing pumpinglelectncal /standby gas engine equipment is old and spare parts for repair are no longer readily available The evaluation and development of contract plans and specifications are beyond the capabilities of City staff and staff is requesting City Council approval to solicit proposals from qualified professional engineering consultants to provide these services 121 Page 2 of 2 N \COUNCUPW -MAR16 02 (Monday 318/99 9 00 PM) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION NO. 13 DATE TO SUBJECT . Request for Proposals - Sanitary Sewer Pump Station No 13 Northeast comer of Grand Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard Dear The City of El Segundo 1s requesting proposals from consultant's for professional engineering services for the rehabilitation of the Sanitary Sewer Pump Station No 13 For assisting the consultant's interested in submitting a proposal, a pre - proposal meeting has been scheduled at the lob site at 9:30 A.M. on Monday, April 12, 1999 This meeting will be the only opportunity to tour the existing Sewer Pump Facility and to ask City Staff questions regarding the project Individual appointments cannot be made for this purpose Consultants not attending the pre - proposal meeting may not be further considered in the selection process There is no street parking in the immediate vicinity of the pump station, however there is a pay parking lot at the northeast corner of the Grand Avenue /Sepulveda intersection abutting the pump station N \RFP'S\PUMPSTA 13 (2125/99) 1 122 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION NO. 13 The scope of the required services generally includes the following (a) Preliminary Evaluate the current design and operational features Conceptual of the pump station as it relates to present and future Design Phase needs of the Public Works Department and prepare a report outlining recommendations and alternate proposals to meet these needs with cost estimate comparisons (b) Design Phase After City approval of the Scope of Work, preparation of contract construction plans, specifications, and construction cost estimate, including coordination with utility agencies, structural design and other associated design services The design phase will be considered complete after plan check approval by the City Department of Planning and Building Safety N RFP'MPUMPSTA 13 (2/25/99) Upon City's approval of the plans, prepare and submit one (1) set of original plans, specifications and detailed cost estimates that relates to the approved schematic All plans shall be submitted in a 24" x 36" format on mylar using a standard City title block Technical specifications shall be submitted in Word Perfect 6 0 format on diskette and a hard copy and shall only consist of technical sections The City will provide typical boiler plate specifications If the final Scope of Work includes analysis/ modifications of the existing pump station structure, a separate cost for these design services should be included in the proposal 123 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION NO. 13 (c) Bid Phase Engineering services during the bid phase, including being available to answer questions from prospective bidders, prepare addendums to the advertised plans and specifications, review of bids received and make recommendation for contract award (d) Construction Engineering services during construction, including Phase review and recommendations regarding Contractor's request for information, contractor's shop drawings, submittals, progress payment invoices, change orders and recommendation for final acceptance of the work Daily inspection services, contract administration, special inspection and testing services, etc, are not to be included (e) Meetings For the purpose of the proposal, include adequate number of meetings with City Staff, utility agencies, and project Contractor needed to complete the project Brief Description of the Project: (a) Existing Conditions The City's Sanitary Sewer Pump Station No 13 is located below street level at the northeast comer of the intersection of Grand Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard (State Highway Route 1) The pump station was originally constructed in 1972 and rehabilitated in 1981 The pump station structure is a reinforced concrete cylindrical structure twenty - two (22) feet in diameter and thirty -six (36) feet in height It consists of two (2) pumps 1150 gpm capacity each located in a dry well Standby power is provided by two (2) natural gas powered engines Sewage bypass (for maintenance purposes) is accomplished through an access structure in the median area of N \RFP'S\PUMPSTA 13 (2/25199) 124 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION NO. 13 Grand Avenue on the east side of the Sepulveda Boulevard intersection The pump station currently serves a tributary area of approximately eighty (80) acres east of Sepulveda Boulevard and north of El Segundo Boulevard (b) Existing Problems: • The existing equipment is old, undependable and spare parts are hard to find for repair and maintenance • The current bypass system utilizes an access structure in the middle of Grand Avenue and requires partial closure /traffic control at the very heavily used Sepulveda Boulevard intersection • The standby gas engines are located inside the enclosed pump station structure. Due to moisture accumulation and condensation, the gas engines pose a constant maintenance burden and are not dependable to work during emergencies • Any proposed equipment installation above the pump station's roof need to be designed with aesthetic considerations since the Grand Avenue/ Sepulveda Boulevard intersection has a high visibility • During shutdowns, the wet well gets filled and sewage has overflown/ leaked into the dry well N \RFP'S\PUMPSTA 13 (?/25/99) 4 125 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION NO. 13 The proposals, at a minimum, should include the following information Consultant's understanding of the project and a description of how the consultant will approach the protect 2. Consultant's qualifications and prior recent experience as the prime consultant of record completing a current project of a similar nature and scope with names and current telephone numbers of references that can be contacted Consultant must be properly licensed in the State of California to perform this type of work 3. Consultant's project team, including name of project manager, and sub - consultants to be retained by the consultant 4. Scope of Services to be provided with a breakdown of different tasks 5. Consultant's estimated fee for the project (including costs of sub - consultants) with breakdown of hours and costs for each of the phases The fee shall be based on consultant's employee rate schedule with a not to exceed amount including the costs for meeting attendance, mileage, and reproduction costs Please submit employee rate schedule with the proposal Consultant's fee will not be used as the sole basis for the selection, however will be a factor for consideration to select between consultant's of equal qualifications 6. Proposed time schedule to provide the consultant services starting from the date of receipt of a Notice to Proceed from the City 7. A statement that consultant is agreeable to execute the enclosed City - Consultant agreement, to provide proof of insurance as noted in the agreement and to obtain and maintain a City Business License for the duration of the consultant's services N \RFP'SiPUMPSTA 13 (2/25/99) 1 ?f REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION NO. 13 Selection Process: All received proposals will be reviewed by City Staff The top rated consultant's may be requested to come to an interview with City Staff which will make the final selection for recommendation to the City Council An original and two (2) copies of your proposal (facsimile proposals will not be accepted) should be submitted by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, April 30, 1999 to the attention of Ms. Maryam Jonas Civil Engineering Associate Public Works Department City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Telephone 310 - 322 -4670, extension 389 Sincerely, Bellur K Devaraj City Engineer BKD dr Enclosure dcc Maryam Jonas, Civil Engineering Associate N \RFP'S\PUMPSTA 13 (225/99) 6 1 ^7 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 16, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Examination Plan for the Personnel Merit System job classification of Information Systems Manager RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Examination Plan INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Chapter 2 28 080 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, entitled "Administration and Personnel ", provides that the Personnel Officer shall review and recommend to the City Manager, who in turn shall recommend to the City Council, an appropriate examination plan and weights for each portion of the examination for Personnel Merit System fob classifications DISCUSSION: - REFER TO ATTACHMENT - ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes— No_ ORIGINATED: Date: March 1, 1999 ACTION agenda 309 1121�y 128 11 The Human Resources Department has Initiated the recruitment, testing and selection process for the lob classification of Information Systems Manager and has posted the notice of the examination in accordance with the City's Municipal Code and the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations it is recommended that the City Council approve the examination plan that contains the following examination techniques and weights for each portion of the examination Information Systems Manager (Open- Competitive) Structured External Background & Technical Oral Board Weighted 100% • Mandatory Supplemental Questionnaire with submission of application (qualified assessment) • Mandatory Resume submission with employment application (qualified assessment) 129 f,/ - coo", EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIIL MEETING DATE: 3/16/99 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: NEW BUSINESS AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Final Draft Technology Master Plan RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: • Review Technology Master Plan presentation • Adopt Technology Master Plan INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Approwmately two years ago, the City Council realized there was a need to create a Technology Master Plan (Plan) to be in a position to serve the needs of the citizens, business community, and others interested in the community efficiently and effectively Since the use of technology is a critical element in being able to provide this service, the City Council's strategy is to endeavor to use it appropriately wherever and whenever it is the most cost effective means to provide convenient, timely, and accurate information and service The Plan evolved based on feedback from the City Council, City Manager, all city departments, and the residential and business community DISCUSSION: (continued on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: • Summary Memorandum of Technology Plan Overview • Final Draft Technology Master Plan • Technology Procurement and Use Policies FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: Bret Plumlee, Director of Finance Date: 130 12 DISCUSSION: Over the past two years, the Information Services function has been handled by a combination of m- house personnel and contractors and has served the City very well As a result, the City of El Segundo is now in a strong position to move forward with a plan that will ensure the City will continue to maximize its technological efficiency and provide excellent service to the residential and business community. Approximately five months ago, the City hired a consultant to create a Technology Master Plan The Plan has gone through many revisions and is now in final draft form The Plan is organized into seven sections that are summanzed in memorandum form attached to this report For at least the current and next fiscal years, the City will create an information Services Division (ISD) under the Finance Department which will provide support for all technology platforms throughout the City according to priorities, policies, and procedures established by an Executive Technology Review Committee and the City Manager As part of this support, ISD will assist in the analysis and selection of appropriate technology for all departments. The City is currently recruiting for an Information Services Manager (IS Manager) who will be implementing all aspects of the Plan. All future technological purchases will be filtered through the IS Manager, and depending on the level of purchase, the IS Manager may forward requests on to the City Manager and then on to the Executive Technology Review Committee (ETRC) In some cases where there is cross- departmental impact of a protect, a Task Force will be formed to assist with the analysis of the project There are three levels of technological purchases established in the Plan, which correspond to the City's purchasing ordinance. Level 1 purchases are those where the total costs are under $7,500, which are already in the approved budget The IS Manager will compare vendors, do a cost- benefit analysis, determine future cost and support required, and then approve the purchase Level 2 purchases are between $7,500 and $10,000 and not included in the budget and must go through the IS Manager for the same analysis and then onto the City Manager for approval Level 3 purchases are over $10,000 and must go through the IS Manager and City Manager before being forwarded to an ETRC for approval This level of purchase also requires the additional steps required by the City's Municipal Code Ultimate approval by City Council is required by any unbudgeted requests The ETRC will be made up of department directors, and the committee will have to forth a consensus on the approval and prioritization of the technological request In addition to the process for approving technological requests, the City will forth a Technology Advisory Group (TAG) made up of departmental application support personnel Each department will assign a technology support liaison that will meet periodically with the IS Manager to discuss current or future technology projects This committee will focus on operational Issues and meet monthly Public Safety and Offsite Departments The Plan addresses all technology requests and needs in all City departments Some departments such as Police and Fire have such demanding technology support needs that there will always be a need for full -time technology support staff that will work with the IS Manager and other IS staff The Police Department already has such a position budgeted All technological purchases in the City will go through the process as outlined in the Plan. Some significant Level 3 technological purchases in the Police Department have already been approved by the City Council over the past year, and these will be forwarded to the ETRC for its review and approval upon approval of the Plan Additionally, the Library has some significant needs that will require ISD support 13 i City of 8 Segundo Finance Department memorandum Date: 319199 To: Mary Strenn, City Manager Subject: Technology Plan Overview From: Bret Plumlee, Finance Director The attached Technology Master Plan for the City of El Segundo is a work in progress and will never be a completely finished document Nonetheless, this Final Draft version represents a reasonably complete representation of the City's current technology framework and philosophy Following last week's presentation to the Council Technology subcommittee, it is now ready for review by the City Council I think it would be instructive to outline the format and content in succinct, summary fashion Section 1— Strategic Direction This section describes the strategic in tent of the Plan and outhnes specific goals and objectives for the next two years Briefly, the goals can be summarized as follows • The nature of the citizens and businesses in the City dictates its need to have highly visible, effective, and current technology resources deployed in appropriate areas of the City, • The City must have a good Internet presence; • For at least the current and next fiscal years, City will create an Information Services division (ISD) under the Finance Department which will- a) support all technology platforms (networks, databases, servers, and desktop computers) throughout the City according to priorities, policies and procedures established by an Executive Technology Review Committee and the City Manager, and, b) help with the arralysis and selection of appropriate technology for all departments • All new technology- related purchases will be evaluated and coordinated through ISD and approved by the City Manager and/or the Executive Technology Review Committee (if scope warrants), • Technology purchases will consider gll related costs and compare alternative solutions before selecting the most appropriate one; • Approval for all non - funded, unbudgeted projects will still require Council approval, • Departmental computer systems will be integrated and coordinated with citywide protocols and platforms by ISD Section 2 — Application Areas Each department will establish its own philosophy and strategy for the deployment and use of technology, within the parameters of technological standards established by the ETRC ISD will support the platform and network infrastructure and, in some cases, database administration, but the departments will be responsible for system administration and support of the application software used by the department Tins decentralized approach, while more difficult to manage, gives departments control over the deployment of technology that meets their critical objectives and still provide for a supportable, integrated computing environment 132 MSMEM -Twh Plan Summary dw Brat Plumb" 3/9/99 City of El Segundo Memo: Databases Plan 2 Strenn The "software engine(s)" (e g Oracle, Informix, etc ) that manage the City's informational databases are critical to the success of any computer system ISD will provide database administration for selected database engines defined as the standard for the City If departmental applications use other database engines, they will also provide the database administration either with in-house staff or outsourcing services and will integrate these databases with the City's standard databases where appropriate Currently, the City's standard database platform is Informix using Crystal Reports as an ad hoc/query tool Section 4 — Organizational Support The City presently has only one position (Computer Systems Network Specialist) assigned to technology support and that position is shared with departmental application support duties for the Police Department Presently, Dave Gray who occupies that position, is interim acting IS Manager for the City. The Plan outlines the creation of three to four positions/functions for ISD including IS Manager and Network Technician which are both budgeted, as well as Network Administrator and Administrative Support which are not currently budgeted, but may be added in the future Some of the duties of these positions may be fulfilled by reassignment of existing personnel and/or outsourcing. Part of the role of the IS Manager is to determine the best combination of staff, technology tools, and outsourcing to accomplish the goals and objectives expeditiously and cost effectively The current position of Computer Systems Network Specialist becomes Technology Services Manager, which manages all Public Safety technology functions in concert with ISD Of particular note is in the area of "Voice Systems " Currently, all of the City's telephone services are managed and supported out of the Police Department However, technology is moving rapidly toward the integration of voice and data so that not only are the same wires used, PBX's are becoming part of the "server farm" of file, database, and application servers Wtule the arena of wireless communications technology may remain primarily a PD- related function, all of the other telephone services will logically migrate under ISD The Plan also calls for the creation of office space for ISD, including an equipment assembly /repair staging area and training classroom, all of which would require additional budget appropriation In addition, ISD will provide Help Desk services to channel problem reports to the appropriate resource and keep track of hardware inventory, software licenses, appropriate use of the network resources (e g Internet and email), and backup all systems on a regular basis With only partial clerical assistance from the Finance Department, this service will be ]united and highly dependent on the use of email, voicemail, and the McAfee Enterprise software (once installed and implemented) ISD will provide baseline technology training for all new employees and ensure that additional tramnig is part of every system procurement Funding will have the biggest impact on departments Each PC workstation in use will be assessed a pro -rata share of the support overhead costs including network connectivity (security, backup, etc ), desktop licenses and upgrades (Windows, Office, Outlook), and depreciation and maintenance Capital Improvement Projects will require more that just money to be implemented The impact on existing City resources (people, computers, networks) will affect the approval and priority for any new projects Section 5 — Technology Acquisition The process of introducing new technology in any department of the City will include a thorough technical and functional analysis In order to avoid just buying technology for technology's sake or undue influence from high pressure marketing, ISD will assist each department in analyzing all of the costs of the technology (including on -going costs) and finding alternative solutions to MSMEM -Twh Plan Sumumry doe ant PIUMIN 133 3/9/99 City of El Segundo Memo* 3 Mary Strenn Plan Summary compare In brief, new technology procurement will be based on defined functional specifications, compatible with existing City technologies, supportable over the long term, and considered in the face of several alternative solutions Also, project analysis will identify all costs related to the acquisition (just as other Fixed Assets are priced for depreciation and replacement purposes) so that breaking up a project onto separate Purchase Orders will not be a way to circumvent City competitive procurement policies Requests will be divided into three levels depending on the scope and complexity of the request Level 1 requests are those that fit within the departmental discretionary budget and which conform to City standards Such requests will be processed routinely without excessive delay Major new systems with significant resource and/or interface and integration implications will be considered Level 2 or 3 depending on the scope of the project and the impact on other City resources These requests require a more rigorous analytical process before they can be approved and pnorruzed into the mix of active projects The following diagram demonstrates the proposed Technology Request/Proposal process >vwevilaa Solutions mat Functional Training/ Advim r Maintenance Projects Tad Re,aaR Lewd, , .'llpg Development Prapard i Projects Tech Task city Modikaauo Farce rerdl Manager Project Prepera{ Acquisition Teehnice APM TDVd �� Advisor Teehase IJst is M-49- Section 6 — Technology Decision Making There will be a representative Executive Technology Review Conumnee (ETRC) which will meet at least quarterly to review major technology requests, make adjustment to the Approved/Obsolete Technology list (the de facto City technology standards), make recommendations to the City Manager, and make changes to the Master Plan itself It is the role of the IS Manager to act as a non -voting chair to the ETRC, bring recommendations to the group for discussion, and assist departments in presenting their cases for Technology Requests In addition, there will be a Technology Advisory Group (TAG) made up of all of the designated department technology haisons/ocordmators that will meet monthly to review operational issues Not only will this help to legitimize and focus the departmental technologists on the technology- related aspects of their jobs, but it will provide a forimn to keep the IS Manager informed of changes to application software, problems with performance of the network, and other operational issues that might be overlooked without a regular meeting forum MSMEM - Tech Plan Summary dw Bret Plumbs 13y R E City of El Segundo Mary Strenn Memo Technology Plan Summary Section 7 – Policies and Procedures A major part of ISD's responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of the various computer systems in use throughout the City This means setting up login ID's and passwords, group membership for controlled access to appropriate system areas It also means regular backups, disaster drills, and enforcement of acceptable use policies for all systems A companion document to the Technology Master Plan is the Administrative Regulations Technology Procurement and Use Policies document. This describes the specific forms, procedures, and policies in force Attached to this memo are the following support documems- • Admmrstrative Regulations – This is a procedure manual for carrying out the strategic objectives established in the Technology Master Plan It is currently a work in progress, but there is sufficient content to know what the final product will look like Included as Appendixes in this document are the following • Technology Request Form –Tins is the initial form filled out by the department (with ISD assistance if necessary) establishing an analysis project • Technology Project Cost Evaluation Form —This is a form used by ISD to gather all relevant cost information on each alternative solutions analyzed for the Technology Request • Approved/Obsolete Technology List – This is the list of software and equipment considered the City's standards for technology and what will be phased out An example of a Level 1 project might be the acgmsmon of a simple special purpose calculation program to project population growth given certain demographic factors Such a program might be available from another public agency or commercial vendor As long as it could rim on a PC with Windows 95 and did not require information from any other databases, and the cost was under $7500 but within the department's discretionary budget, the IS Manager would simply review all of the cost and technical elements of the request and pass the project through to Purchasing A Level 2 project might be the result of an external mandate that requires a department to be able to notify a group of residents and/or businesses in a specific geographical area for specific projects or activities (e g Prop 218 "benefit zones ") A proposed solution for tins problem would be a resident address database system whose cost, with training, hardware, and software comes to about $8500 The City Manager could approve the project, providing that the cost could be covered out of transfers from other contingency accounts, if s/he felt the need was justified Typically, a Level 3 project would precede a Capital Improvement Project request as part of the regular budget process The research and analysis by ISD would gather all of the cost and resource implications of the project and the ETRC would prioritize it in the mix of other projects either already approved or underway If Council approves the budget, the project becomes scheduled among other major projects If it is rejected, it is removed from the list The adoption of this plan will result in several major changes and continued improvement in technology service levels- 1 Additional staffing (IS Manager and Network Specialist are already included in the budget) and a new division under Finance -- Information Services Division (ISD), 2 Ensure that the City will continue to maximize its technological efficiency and provide excellent service to the residential and business community 3 All technology procurements coordinated through ISD and approved/rejected by the City Manager, 4 On -going staff development costs for technology training which will increase the technological proficiency of all city departments, MSMEM -Teeh PMn Summery ••e ant Plum" 135 3/5/99 5 City of El Segundo Mary Strenn Memo- Technology Plan Summary 5 Additional space and resource requirements for ISD activities may be needed in the future 6 Assurance that both money and resource implications are factored into new technology acquisitions 7 The role of ISD is to support the infrastructure and coordinate the databases and communications between applications and departments The departments will allocate some hours of existing staff to support the applications, not IS This philosophical (or "culture") change will perhaps be the most difficult aspect of the Plan 8 Serve the needs of the community by providing convenient, timely, and accurate information services The entire Plan as submitted was developed around the goals and objectives established in Section 1 Modification of any of the other sections of the Plan may require adjusting or re- stating one or more of the goals in Section 1 so that they reflect realistic strategies for the City within the constraints of hmrted resources MSMEM -Twh PUn Summery dw 13C� City of El Segundo, California TECHNOLOGYAND INFORMATION SYSTEMS MASTER PLAN 1998 -2000 FINAL DRAFT Kerry Consulting Group 915 W Foothill Blvd — C395 Claremont, CA 91711 909 - 621 -6469 FAX 909 - 621 -7768 1 37 138 CITYOFELSEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 1998 -2000 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 1 Table of Contents 1.0 STRATEGIC DIRECTION .......................... ............................... 7 1.1 Mission Statement ........................................ ............................... 7 1.2 Strategic Goals ............................................. ............................... 7 1.2.1 Goal: Citizens and businesses in El Segundo will have ready access to appropriate public City information ... ..............................7 1.2.2 Goal 2: Communication and feedback between departments and among staff will be timely and accurate. 7 1.2.3 Goal 3: Data will be collected and entered only once into informational databases ........................................ ..............................8 1.2.4 Goal 4: Staff will be efficient and effective in the use of all City- supplied technology systems ............................... ..............................8 1.2.5 Goal 5: The acquisition of new technologies will be coordinated at both the department and Organization -wide (City-wide) levels. 9 1.2.6 Goal 6: The City of El Segundo will be a leader in the use of proven technologies for city operations ............. ..............................9 1.2.7 Goal 7. All technologies deployed and used by the City will be safe, secure, and reliable ....................................... ..............................9 2.0 AREAS OFAPPLICATION ....................... .............................11 2.1 City -Kride ..................................................... ............................... 11 2.1.1 Central Network Services [O] 11 2.1.1 Office Automation [O] ........................................... .............................12 2.1.3 Internet [O] .............................................................. .............................13 2.2 ADMINISTRATION ................ ............................... 23 CITY CLERK ....................... .......................•....... TECHNOLOGY MASTER PLAN © 1997 Kerry Consulting Group Preliminary Draft 5 0 .......... 14 .......... 14 Used with permission 1 3G CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1998 -2000 2.4 CITY TREASURER ...................................... ............................... 14 25 PLANNING /BUILDING & SAFETY ............. ............................... 15 26 FINANCE ........................................................ .............................15 2.6.1 Accounting ............................................................. .............................15 2.6.2 Payroll ..................................................................... .............................17 2.7 HUMAN RESOURCES ................................ ............................... 18 2.8 PUBLIC WORKS ......................................... ............................... 19 29 RECREATION & PARKS ............................ ............................... 19 210 POLICE .......................................................... .............................20 2.11 FIRE .......................................... ............................... Z12 LIBRARY ............................. ............................... ........ 21 ........ 21 2.13 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................... ............................... 21 3.0 INFORMATIONAL DATABASES ........... ............................... 23 3.1 GEOBASE (Study FY991 ............................ ............................... 23 3.2 FINANCIAL RECORDS Informix/ Eden ...... ............................... 23 3.3 PERSONNEL RECORDS Informix/ Eden ... ............................... 23 3.4 PHYSICAL ASSETS Informix/ Eden ........... ............................... 23 3.5 TAXPAYER(CITIZEN INFORMATION [Future]Error! Bookmark not defined, 4.0 ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT .............. ............................... 25 4.1 STAFFING ...................................................... .............................25 Final Draft 4.1.1 Information Services Management ..................... .............................25 4.1.2 Administrative Support ......................................... .............................25 Master Plan - Final Draft z-( o CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998 -2000 TABLE OFCONTENTS PAGE 3 4.1.3 Software Development and Maintenance ........... .............................25 4.1.4 Applications Support ............................................ .............................25 4.1.5 Data Base Administration ..................................... .............................26 4.1.6 Network Support .................................................... .............................26 4.1.7 Voice Systems ....................................................... .............................26 4.1.8 Help Desk ................................................................ .............................26 4.1.9 Webmaster .............................................................. .............................26 4.1.10 Organization Chart ................................................ .............................26 4.2 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT .................. ............................... 27 4.21 Cabling Category 5 CoppedMu/timode fi ber .... .............................27 4.22 Communications Ethernet- TCPAP ...................... .............................28 4.23 Central Systems SCO UNIX or NT Server .......... .............................28 4.2.4 Desktop Workstations Dell Pentium IYWIndows 95 .......................28 4.25 Office Space ........................................................... .............................28 4.26 Training Room ........................................................ .............................29 4.3 FUNDING ..................................................... ............................... 29 4.4 TRAINING .................................................... ............................... 29 4.5 APPLICATION SUPPORT .......................... ............................... 29 5.0 TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITI ON ................. .............................31 5.1 TECHNICAL REVIEW ................................. ............................... 31 5.1.1 Level 1 Technology Request ................................ .............................31 5.1.2 Level 2 Technology Request ................................ .............................32 TECHNOLOGY MASTER PLAN ® 1997 Kerry Consulting Croup Used with pertmssion 141 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1998 -2000 5.1.3 Level 3 Technology Request ................................ .............................32 5.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA ............................ ............................... 32 6.0 TECHNOLOGY DECISION MAKING ..... ............................... 34 6.1 COMMITTEES ................................................ .............................34 6.1 EXECUTIVE TECHNOLOGY REVIEW COMMITTEE .......................34 6.2 Task Forces ............................................................ .............................35 6.2 CITY TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS ........... ............................... 36 6.2.1 APPROVED TECHNOLOGY LIST ........................ .............................36 6.4.2 OBSOLETE TECHNOLOGY LIST 36 6.3 TECHNOLOGY PROPOSALS ...................... .............................36 6.3.1 PROPOSAL FORMAT ............................................ .............................36 6.3.2 REVIEW PROCESS ................................................ .............................37 6.4 TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS ....................... ............................... 38 6.4.1 TYPES OF PROJECTS .......................................... .............................38 7.0 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ............... .............................43 Final Draft 7.1 Appropriate Use Pol icies ........................... ............................... 43 7.1.1 Electronic Mail ........................................................ .............................43 7.1.2 Software piracy /Personal software or hardware ............................43 7.1.3 Passwords .............................................................. .............................43 7.1.4 Access to remote resources (e.g. Internet) ........ .............................43 7.2 Security and Controlled Access ............... ............................... 44 7.2.1 Passwords and Login IDs ..................................... .............................44 7.2.2 Sensitive and Confidential Information .............. .............................44 Tech Master Plan - Final Draft lL/a CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998 -2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 5 7.2.3 Passwords .............................................................. .............................44 7.3 Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery ................ 45 7.3.1 System Backup ...................................................... .............................45 7.3.2 Physical Security ................................................... .............................45 7.3.3 Hot site .................................................................... .............................46 7.3.4 Year 2000 Readiness ............................................. .............................46 TECHNOLOGY MASTER PLAN ® 1997 Kerry Consulting Group Used with percussion I H3 JL)y CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 1998 -2000 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 1.0 STRATEGIC DIRECTION The City of El Segundo is committed to serving the needs of the citizens, business community, and others Interested In the community efficiently and effectively The use of technology Is a critical element In being able to provide this service, so the City will endeavor to use It appropriately wherever and whenever It Is the most cost effective means to provide convenient, timely, and accurate Information and service The use of technology will be designed to Improve the productivity of staff and provide the most efficient means to communicate with every citizen and business in the community It will also be designed to enhance clear communication among the various departments and services of the City so citizens and businesses can easily report problems or concerns and be confident appropriate action will be taken Finally, as a tool to manage Information, technology will be used to enhance accountability and confidence In the reports presented to City Council, various Commissions, and the public 1.1 Mission Statement It is the mission of the City of El Segundo to deploy technology in order to provide fast, convenient, comprehensive, and accurate Information to people who live, work, visit, or have Interests In the community The City will make every effort to use the most appropriate and proven technologies In every area ' Our example for the effective use of technology shall be a model for the operation of city services among our South Bay neighbors well Into the new mlllenium 1.2 Strategic Goals The following list of goals represents the specific targets for the City technology embodied by this Plan Within each Goal Is a set of one or more Objectives, with fiscal year targets, that represent the City's action plan to achieve Its strategic goals 1.2.1 Goal: Citizens and businesses in El Segundo will have ready access to appropriate public City information. Objective 1 -1 The City will provide a web site on which departments can post information for the public. Objective 1 -2 City staff who come in contact with the public will have ready access to all electronic informational databases appropriate to serve the customers. 1.2.2 Goal 2: Communication and feedback between departments and among staff will be timely and accurate. Objective 2 -1: Networked desktop workstations will be provided for all applicable iob functions. Objective 2 -2: Electronic mail will be deployed at all facilities and offices with workstations. Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft l f-f 5 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 8 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 1998 -2000 Objective 2 -3: Telephone systems will provide integrated voicemail and electronic mail where appropriate. Final Draft 1.2.3 Goal 3: Data will be collected and entered only once into informational databases. Objective 3 -1: The City will develop a database strategy to integrate information from all computer applications in use in all departments. Objective 3 -2: New applications will include interfaces to existing databases where appropriate to minimize redundancy of information entry. 1.2.4 Goal 4: Staff will be efficient and effective in the use of all City- supplied technology systems. Objective 4 -1: Training will be a key component in the acquisition of all new technologies. Objective 4 -2: On -going support will be budgeted for every new computer system acquired by the City. issues to appropriate resources. Objective 4 -4: The City will provide appropriate technical sport resources, either internally or externally, to support all Orgainzation -wide applications. Objective 4 -5: The City will provide for in- service technology training for all employees required to use computer systems and other technologies as part of their job functions. Objective 4 -6: The City will maintain an appropriate and safe work environment for the use of computers and other technology systems in the City. Tech Master Plan - Final Draft ( -1 f, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 199 8-2000 STRATEGIC DIRECTION PAGE 9 1.2.5 Goal 5: The acquisition of new technologies will be coordinated at both the department and Organization -wide (City-wide) levels. Objective 5 -1 The City iS Department will assist in the analysis of all proposed new systems to ensure appropriate connectivity, compatibility and support. Objective 5 -2 The City will develop a process to assist the analysis and prioritization of new computer system proposals. 1.2.6 Goal 6: The City of El Segundo will be a leader in the use of proven technologies for city operations. Objective 6 -1: The City will periodically review technologies used by neighboring cities and technologies used nationwide to keep current with the best proven products and customer services available. 1.2.7 Goal 7: All technologies deployed and used by the City will be safe, secure, and reliable. Objective 7 -1: The City will evaluate and remediate all technology- related systems to ensure year 2000 compliance. Objective 7 -2: All systems will be secured by protected password access. Objective 7 -3: All appropriate systems will be prepared for disaster recovery and other reasonably foreseeable emergencies, including off -site storage of backup media and alternative computer processing sites. Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft 14 —( I q 20 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 1998 -2000 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 11 2.0 AREAS OFAPPLICATION The City will provide Its administrators and support staff technology tools to assist the gathering, storage, maintenance, and reporting of information to comply with Federal, State, and local reporting requirements, as well as perform specific job functions as efficiently as possible Those applications designated as Organizationaalde [01 applications will be funded and supported as part of the City's General Fund Information Services budget Those designated as Departmental [D] applications will be funded and supported by Individual departments All applications, Organizational or Departmental, will conform to City standards of connectivity, compatibility, and support Support for Departmental applications by Information Services will be funded by chargeback to the Department budgets The products/vendors displayed In the right margin opposite the named application represents the current standard for the that application If an application Is not currently deployed, It may be currently under study for justification/acquisition or simply designated as a strategic future consideration not yet justified because of resource or technological constraints The Technology Acquisition Process discussed In Section 5 will be applied to both Implementing new systems as well as replacing existing systems that become obsolete or problematic 2.1 City -Wide Not every employee of the City requires access to the systems and Informational databases used by the City However, for those who do, certain standards will apply and the City will provide the necessary training and support to keep all employees affected efficient and productive In their use of City computer systems 2.1.1 Central Network Services [O] the City's central networks will provide shared file and printing services and the communications "highway' to transport Information electronically throughout the City A NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEM [NT Server v4 0 /Microsoft] This Is the common network environment connecting all of the workstations, printers, and other network devices This manages the workstation addressing protocols, remote communications to and from the network to external networks and workstations, and user access pnvlleges to files and devices throughout the organization B ELECTRONIC MESSAGING [Exchange Server v5 5 /Microsoft The ability to electronically send simple messages as well as entire documents to coworkers In the City is Important to reduction of telephone traffic (which limits the public's access to City staff) and paper Is a critical element of the City's MASTER PLAN The City will provide electronic mail services to all appropriate City staff as part of its Organization -wide technology environment Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft (` I CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 12 APPLICATION AREAS 1998 -2000 C SOFTWARE LICENSE MANAGEMENT [MacAfee Enterpnse/Network Associates] Final Draft It Is the City's policy to prevent any software piracy or Illegal or Illegitimate use of software on any City-owned computer system To this end, It Is the role of the City's IS Manager to manage, monitor, and control the Installation and use of all software on all computers— servers and workstations alike D HELP DESK [MacAfee Enterpnse /Network Associates] Any users experiencing difficulty on any City-owned equipment will have a help desk telephone number to call and report the problem ISD will log the call and route it to the appropriate support group — intemal or external —and ensure that It is resolved or escalated as expeditiously as possible E CONFIGURATION /HARDWARE INVENTORY CONTROL [MacAfee Enterprise/Network Associates] Computers are part of the Fixed Assets Inventory of the City However, their complexity makes them a special case, much as vehicles and other complex equipment As such, supplemental Information is needed to record senal numbers, warranties, etc In order to effectively manage and maintain them ISD will maintain all of the necessary records for all computer equipment to facilitate their expeditious repair and to support the software (and licenses) Installed on them 2.1.1 Office Automation [O] The workstation "desktop" environment will be maintained as uniformly as possible to facilitate support and fob skill transferability when staff moves to different assignments throughout the City A SCHEDULING /CALENDAR MANAGEMENT [Outlook 98 /Microsoft] Personal business schedules, appointments, and 10 to do" lists are managed electronically and can be collaborated with other staff on the network B PERSONAL DATABASE [Access/Microsoft] Data extracted from the "official" City database systems for Interim or offline use may be put Into ancillary databases and merged with Independent data for departmental or job function use C GRAPHICS /DESKTOP PUBLISHING [Publisher 98 /Microsoft] Provides for the intermingling of text and graphics In a formatted document Used for the production of newsletter, flyers, etc Master Plan - Final Draft 15b CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998-2000 APPLIcAnoNAREAs PAGE 13 D ELECTRONIC MAIL [Outlook 98 /Microsoft] Electronic mall shall be used whenever possible In lieu of phone slips, Interoffice memo, or other paper -based notes Both Organization -wide and Departmental systems should use the email engine to move transactions within the City whenever possible E PRESENTATION GRAPHICS [PowerPoint 97 /Microsoft] Any presentations made to the City Council or the public shall use PowerPoint and the City- approved design templates and logos G USER -LEVEL QUERY /REPORT WRITER [Crystal Reports v6 0 /Seagate] Allows for simple and complex user quenes against any and al system databases to produce Interactive displays or hard copy reports Catalogs command files and displays them in menu form for future use H ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEETS [EXCEL 97/Microsoft] Electronic spreadsheets are provided as a calculation tool Some applications may provide extraction capabilities and data can be exported to EXCEL formation as required Data extracted to EXCEL files is not part of the City's official Organization- wide database warehouse I WORD PROCESSING [WORD 97 /Microsoft] All official City correspondence will conform to City templates and formats and will be produced with a common word processing system 2.1.3 Internet [O] The World Wide Web is an important resource for staff and citizens alike The City will maintain an Internet presence and provide the necessary and appropriate access for Its employees Appropriate use policies will be reviewed at new employee orientation and each year as part of regular employee in- service training A WEB SITE MANAGEMENT [Front Page 98 /Microsoft] The City will provide a main web page and map along with standards for departmental web pages that appear as sub -pages under the City's main page Each department's web page(s) will be considered Departmental applications but will fall under the umbrella of the City's main page B INTERNET E -MAIL [Outlook 98 /Microsoft] Local electronic mail will be merged with Internet email so that each position requinng any form of email communications shall have a single, unique email address assigned to the person assigned that position by the IS Manager Such use shall be restricted to City business only C INTERNET ACCESS [Netscape 4 O/Netscape or Internet Explorer 4 1 /Microsoft] Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft is1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PAGE 14 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY Each department shall determine the number of positions required to have access to the Internet and make appropriate arrangements with the IS Manager for the gateway address assignment and navigational tools necessary The IS Manager shall manage and monitor such usage and produce periodic reports as to connect time, sites visited, etc 2.2 ADMINISTRATION Communication with the public, the council, and staff within the various City departments is essential to the mission of the City Administration department To that end, technology Krill be used to facilitate communication internally and externally and provide a tool for tracking and follow -up for requests, complaints, promises, or other commitments made by City staff A SERVICE REQUEST /COMPLAINT TRACKING [O] [Future] Allows for the logging of citizen or business complaints at any point in the City (Police, Public Works, City Hall, etc) and the routing of the complaint to the appropriate service agency Tracks the status of the complaint until its resolution and provides statistics for executive review B PROJECT MANAGEMENTITASK TRACKING [Future] Provides for the assignment of tasks and /or projects to staff and monitoring and feedback of progress, status, resources consumption, costs and other relevant statistics through completion 2.3 CITY CLERK The role of technology in the City Clerk's department is to give fast, accurate service to the general public, the City Council, and City staff Staffs vision is to enable electronic access of the City's legislative history, including minutes, resolutions, ordinances, contracts, and deeds, to Interested parties A DOCUMENT IMAGING [D] [Study FY991 Optically scans pictures and documents and stores them into a computer file or database for editing, manipulation, or retrieval B DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT [D] [Study FY00] Provides for the integration of all city documents into an electronic database for indexing and easy retrieval Integrates electronic documents with Imaged documents and provides for efficient indexing and archiving 2.4 CITY TREASURER The management of the City's cash and investments requires accuracy, security, and accountability The department of the City Treasurer will use technology combined with appropriate manual procedures to assist in the recording of all cash transactions, transmission of funds to and from various banks and other financial institutions, and as a tool to find the best investment options for City funds Both physical and logical security measures will be taken to ensure that transactions are auditable, and secure and that alternate procedures are available if the technology is unavailable or fails Final Draft Tech Master Plan - S2 CrY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 199 8-2000 APPLIcATioNAREAs PAGE 15 A CASH FLOW AND INVESTMENT [D] [Portfolio Mgmt Software/Slmpro] Provides the capability to track all cash deposits to maximize return on Investment and still meet periodic cash requirements (e g payroll) as needed B BOND MANAGEMENT Orders and tracks employee bonds [Payroll Services Bond Ordering System/Federal Govt] 2.5 PLANNING /BUILDING & SAFETY The Planning/Building & Safety Department Is committed to meet the needs of our community by maintaining accurate records and providing efficient service through the use of emerging technologies A GEOBASE [D] (Study FY99] Data base system that links tabular data from other subsystems such as Utility Billing, etc to a geographical location Uses street addresses, parcel Id's and /or geographical coordinates to link them together GEOBASE MAPPING [D] [ArcVlew /ESRI] Graphical representation of the GEOBASE and the various layers which link the other tabular data (Customers, Fixed Assests, Permits, Business Licenses etc ) to it C PERMIT TRACKING [D] [Study FY99] Provides for the application, review, and tracking of vanous building and use permits within the City Interfaces with Cash Receipts and Finance systems and allows for appropriate code enforcement and /or Interfaces with related systems and databases 2.6 FINANCE The Finance department will deploy technology in all appropriate areas to facilitate the management of financial information and reporting systems for the City As an internal service department it will provide the tools and services to other City departments and to the employees to ensure timely and accurate information and processing of financial transactions in an auddable, expeditious, and secure manner 12.6.1 Accounting A ACCOUNTS PAYABLE [D] [Inforum/Eden] This system generates checks (expenditures) from POs (encumbrances) and/or vendor invoices and maintains vendor historical payment and purchase information It should interface directly with the G/L and PO /Requisition subsystems B BUDGET MANAGEMENT [D] [Inforum/Eden] Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft I 5 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 16 APPLICATION AREAS 1998 -2000 Provided for the monitoring at the department level of budgets in all funds Permits budget inquiries and ad hoc reports to ensure that budget for individuals accounts are notexceeded C BUDGET PREPARATION [D] [Inforum/Eden] This is a series of programs designed to extract a working budget from the current COA (with factor adjustment by selected accounts) to build department worksheets for interactive budget manipulation Supports multiple versions and interface to next and current G/L operational files D BUSINESS LICENSE [D] [Planned FY991 The Business License subsystem maintains information on ownership, location, business characteristics, fees, etc for all business entities in the City It should link to the Geobase and Mapping subsystems defined in the DESIRED section E FIXED ASSETS [D] [Study FY99] This series of programs tracks all physical assets, original purchase price, deprecation schedules, etc as well as location and movement throughout City facilities F GENERAL LEDGER [D] [Inforum/Eden] These are the controlling programs for all accounting subsystems such as A/P, A/R, Payroll, etc Supports multiple funds and produces Trial Balances and consolidated fund reports G PURCHASE ORDER [D] [Inforum/Eden] Electronically encumbers funds against appropriated budget and monitors against delivery, receipt, and payment to vendors Interfaces to A/P subsystem H REQUISITION CONTROL [D] [Inforum/Eden] Requisitions (from various Departments) pre - encumber and POs (from Purchasing) encumber funds that will later be expended by A/P once the goods and invoices are received Both are created on -line to the vendor files and G/L Account balances to be displayed as entered so there is no overexpanding I PROJECT COST ACCOUNTING [D] [Inforum/Eden] Provides the ability to track costs for specific projects across funds and across multiple fiscal years Shows sources and uses of funds J VENDOR/PRODUCT TRACKING [D] [Inforum/Eden] Keeps track of products and vendors from whom historical purchases have been made Maintain price history from each vendor /product and produces bid /quotation for us on demand K UTILITY BILLING [D] Final [UB/PSI] Tech Master Plan - Final Draft 151-1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 199 8-2000 APPLICATIONAREAS PAGE 17 Utility Billing for water, trash, sewer, recycling, and any other provided public utilities L CASH RECEIPTS [D] [Quadrant, InforumlQuadrant, Eden] This subsystem manages all of the Incoming revenues Including direct deposits, cash over the counter, and A/R receipts Interfaces directly with other subsystems G/L, Building Permits, Library fines, etc M SALES TAX TRACKING [Outsourced/MRC] Validates sales tax payments reported to the State against Business License amounts to ensure accurate Business License fees N PROPERTY TAX MONITORING [Outsourced /HdL] Validates ownership of businesses within city limits to be sure appropriate business license and sales tax reporting is correct 2.6.2 Payroll These applications are a specialized aspect of the City's financial management systems relating to production employee paychecks and all associated accounting and reporting A EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION [D] [Inforum /Eden] Allows for the collection and maintenance of all necessary demographic and position assignment Information for the processing of Payroll checks and reports Interfaces to the Personnel System B FRINGE BENEFITS ACCOUNTING [D] [Inforum/Eden] Tracks the costs associated with all of the fringe benefits and retirement programs offered by the college It Includes Interface and output to various external agencies such as STRS, PERS and Social Security C PAYROLL PROCESSING [D] [lnforumlEden] Provides for the processing of employee paychecks and all associated reports Handles distribution of fringe benefits and tax deposits Interfaces to Financial system and other Payroll and Personnel subsystems D SALARY PROJECTION [D] [Inforum/Eden] Simulates the budget Impact of changes to the various salary and benefit tables Used as both and budgeting and negotiation tool Interfaces directly with the Personnel System E EMPLOYEE TIME ACCOUNTING [D] [Future] Data collection mechanism used to Input the hours worked by employees for payroll processing Interfaces from the Employee Demographics and Absence and Leave subsystems Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft 155 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 18 APPL ICATION AREAS 1998 -2000 2.7 HUMAN RESOURCES Final Draft The role of technology In the Human Resources department Is to facilitate the management of Information on current, past, and future (prospective) employees It must ensure the protection of confidentiality and provide reliable, accurate, timely, and secure access to appropriate HR staff It must also assist with communications to external agencies as well as Internal staff and departments A ABSENCE AND LEAVE [D] [Inforum/Eden] The Absence and Leave Subsystem provides for recording, maintaining, tracking, and reporting absence and leave time accrued and used by employees B APPLICANT TRACKING [D] [QuattroPro /In- house] Maintains a database of applicant demographics, skills Inventory, test scores, etc in accordance with Federal and State statutes C EMPLOYEE MASTER FILE [D] [Inforum/Eden] Maintains a secured database of employee Information with controlled access to appropriate fields and functions relating to their employment at the City D POSITION CONTROL [D] [Inforum/Eden] This Is a series of programs which allows the user to look at the Employee Master File from an Organization Chart perspective or at individual employees and their assignments to multiple job categories within the organization E PAYROLL INTERFACE [D] [Inforum/Eden] The automatic or semi- automatic process of updating the appropriate Payroll Information when relevant Personnel data changes occur Includes interfaces to internal or external Payroll Processing subsystem F MANUAL WRITER [D] [ManageRlght/CA CofC] Tools to assist in the preparation of policy, employee, and other type of manuals and technical description documents G LAW INDEX [D] [TwoTrees/LCF] A CD -based database of legal statutes with search tools H SKILLS ASSESSMENT [D] [Assessments /RD Craig] [Assessment Testing/CCPS] Testing Instruments to assess the skill level of applicants and employees Tech Master Plan - Final Draft 1 s(0 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 199&2000 2.8 PUBLIC WORKS APaucanoNAREAs MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 19 The Public Works Department will actively participate in Innovative projects and programs to develop and maintain a communication and technology network which ensures El Segundo residents high quality municipal services and facilities Technology will be used where it can appropriately • Provide service and information to the community more efficiently and in a most timely manner, • Monitor annual maintenance programs for City facilities used by the community, • Provide for the timely update of information managed by the Department A FUEL MANAGEMENT [D] [Gasboy /Gasboy] Records fuel usage by vehicle and tracks mileage statistics Usually uses an automatic input device as fuel is pumped B VEHICLE MAINTENANCE [D] [Faster /CCG Systems] Provides for the scheduling and tracking of maintenance and repair costs associated with all vehicles owned and /or operated by the city C WORK ORDERS [D] [Archibus/Wise Engineenng] Tracks work order information including labor and material costs Interfaces to Payroll, HR, and Purchasing systems D OPERATIONS MONITORING [D] [SCADA] Monitors flow and activity at lift stations, pumping plants, reservoirs, etc 2.9 RECREATION & PARKS Since service to the citizens/residents of El Segundo is the primary mission of the Recreation & Parks Department, technology will be used to facilitate the communications with City residents and among the Recreation & Parks staff in all its facilities It will also be used as a tool to manage the money paid in fees and all finances of the department to ensure that both fee and tax income is used efficiently and effectively Technology will also be used to validate that pnority of services go to residents of the City and to keep track of the interests and concerns of the citizens A EVENT REGISTRATION [Future] Records and monitors citizen registration at City recreational programs and events and tracks fees, costs and other information related to the efficient and cost- effective operation of such events B GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT [Outsourced] Tracks revenues and expenses related to the operation of the City-owned golf course Tech Master Plan - Final Draft 15 °1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 20 APPLICATION AREAS 1998 -2000 2.10 POLICE Technology shall be deployed In the City's Police Department as a tool to protect citizens and police officers, communicate both within and outside the Department, and to provide timely, accurate, and accessible records consistent with State and Federal records and reporting requirements A RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [OutsourcedAN Covina PD] Tracks all incidents, citations, and other officer - involved events and maintains a database for reports and followup B CRIMINAL HISTORY REPORTING [CHRS/LA County] Tracks incidents, modus operandus, victims, perpetrators, and other information used by investigators and detectives in crime analysis C COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH (Shared with Fire) [Outsourced] Coordinates the location of a reported incident and the closest available officer(s) for rapid deployment of field resources from a central point D E911 (Shared with Fire) [Planned FY99] Integrates Computer Aided Dispatch with the telephone system a nd RMS so that 911 calls can go directly to dispatching and create an incident for the RMS system E MOBILE DATA COMPUTERS [Planned FY99] A communications system that allows field units to communicate directly with CAD and RMS systems as well as DMV records and other external Police systems F TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [rMS] Keeps track of officer training requirements and records G FINGERPRINT SCANNING SYSTEM [Live Scan] Scans fingerprint information and searches local, state and federal databases for a match H VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEM [Vehicle Tracking System/ISR] Tracks the location of police vehicles in real -time to integrate with CAD and RMS systems I CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION [Dole Barcode] Maintains a database of crime scene information for crime analysis and court and prosecution reporting G EXTERNAL CRIME DATABASES [CJIS] [GREAT] Provides access to external county and state databases of criminal information for tracking wants and warrants, gang activity, drug trafficking and other Illegal activities Final Draft Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Asa CRY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998-2000 APPLIcAnoNAREAS PAGE 21 2.11 FIRE The Fire Department shall use technology as a tool to assist in meeting the needs of the community in the most efficient and effective way possible A, HAZMAT [Fire Trek] Records and tracks the location of all hazardous materials registered throughout the City RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [Fire Trek] Records and tracks all fires and related incidents for reporting and followup C COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH (Shared with PD) [Outsourced] Coordinates the location of a reported incident and the closest available officer(s) for rapid deployment of field resources from a central point D E911 (Shared with PD) [Planned FY99] Integrates Computer Aided Dispatch with the telephone system a nd RMS so that 911 calls can go directly to dispatching and create an incident for the RMS system 2.12 LIBRARY The Library provides the El Segundo community access to its vast collections of books, periodicals, newspapers, videos, books-on-tape, map archives, and other available resources through an Online Public Access Catalog system Other technologies for providing library users with information include dedicated CD ROM and public Internet workstations Adults and children will have access to computer labs for educational programs, word processing, and to meet other personal computing needs The library staff will have desktop workstations for 1) Efficient access to the library collections for public assistance, 2) The purchasing, cataloging, and processing of materials, 3) Assisting library patrons in the circulation of library Items, 4) Word processing and other library related tasks that can be performed more effectively on a computer workstation, 5) Using the Internet as a resource tool for work related activities, and 6) communicating via email with other City employees and other associates for City business purposes Because of recent legislation which will interconnect virtually every public library in the State, the Library has developed a comprehensive technology plan of their own in concert with this Plan which is incorporated herein by reference as Appendix A 2.13 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The mission of the Economic Development Department is to create, maintain, and implement a business climate that fosters a strong economic community, as well as business retention and attraction, and through the use of appropriate technology, provide an effective level of communication to all elements of the community Tech Master Plan - Final Draft 159 160 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 1998 -2000 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 23 3.0 INFORMATIONAL DATABASES The City shall Implement new applications using databases that are relational, open- system design, ODBC compliant and which can be Web - enabled for (secured) access via a standard Web browser on a local City Intranet Portions of data appropriate for public access will be available on the City's external Web page Each department will be responsible for the content of web pages and databases associated with their departments, but will be centrally coordinated by the IS Manager 3.1 GEOBASE [Study FY99] 3.2 FINANCIAL RECORDS Informix/Eden 3.3 PERSONNEL RECORDS Informix/Eden 3.4 PHYSICAL ASSETS Informix/Eden Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft /br 1G-7, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 1998 -2000 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 25 4.0 ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT The City should provide administrators and support staff the tools, facilities, and training necessary to effectively use the City's technology resources 4.1 STAFFING The City will staff an Information Systems division (ISD) under the Finance Director to provide the technical resources and support necessary to operate all of the above mentioned Application Systems relating to the City's information resources Although line -level reporting is to the Finance Department, ISD will be a service function responsive to all departmental needs based on City-wide priorities as established by the City Manager and the Executive Technology Review Committee In addition, ISD will be responsible for the training and effective use of all City technology computer hardware, software, and peripherals Each of the following job functions may not necessarily represent a full -time position or even an in- house function ISD will, however, ensure that all of the following functional needs are appropriately met within the available City resources and that allocation of the limited technology resources is appropriate to City goals and objectives and the priorities set by the City Manager 4.1.1 Information Services Management Establishes and enforces departmental policies and procedures Provides input and feedback on City policies affecting or affected by technology systems Manages the division's budget and provides relevant budgetary Information for all technology planning, acquisition, and support Participates as a non - voting chair on standing and ad hoc committees charged with developing technology policies and strategies and making large -scale Organization -wide project decisions Maintains the department as a support and customer service oriented entity and regularly monitors departmental effectiveness and user satisfaction 4.1.2 Administrative Support Provides clerical, administrative, and minor technical support for the department Tracks and maintains contracts with external service and equipment vendors, provides for interdepartmental communications for technology Issues, and logs and follows up on all problem reports and /or help desk issues 4.1.3 Software Development and Maintenance Provides maintenance programming support for City- developed Organization -wide applications and special project programming as directed by the department manager By design, the City will only use applications that are developed and supported externally except for programming that can be done using generic ad hoc report writers, spreadsheets, or other 4GL tools available as part of City -wide desktop applications (e g Microsoft Access, EXCEL, Crystal Reports, etc) 4.1.4 Applications Support Provides technical support for application Integration, policies and procedures that facilitate the best and most appropriate use of the application software deployed throughout the City Each Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft 163 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 26 ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT 1998 -2000 Department shall have a coordinator or liaison to Interact with ISO technical resources and the vendor /provider of the applications or services to combine the best features of process and technology 4.1.5 Data Base Administration Maintains the security and Integrity of all Organization -wide databases and provides training and support for ad hoc queries and reports as well as Interfaces and data Integration among various department applications and databases 4.1.6 Network Support Responsible for the continuing operation of the City's central networks and all workstations, printers, and devices connected to them Acts as liaison between user and external support services for both hardware and software Is responsible for following upon all outstanding Help Desk work orders to ensure their timely resolution City will maintain one network technician for every 100 (or fraction thereof) networked workstations Because of the heavy deployment of technology in Public Safety (Police and Fire), there will be at least one full -time technician dedicated to networks and communications for Police and Fire This position will report to the Administrative Captain, but be technically accountable to the Network Administrator in ISD 4.1.7 Voice Systems This position Is responsible for all of the telephone company telephone lines, both voice and data as well as the Internal switches, PBXs, keysystems, Intercom, paging, cellular phones, and /or desktop Instruments This function Is responsible for moves, adds, and changes, and any configuration of Centrex or City-owned switching equipment 4.1.8 Help Desk Primary first contact for telephone calls into the department Assists whenever possible to resolve problems or directs call to appropriate staff Logs all calls and follows up to ensure timely resolution Also maintains departmental files, mall distribution, and general record keeping 4.1.9 Webmaster Responsible for format, security, and integrity of both Intranet and Internet City web pages 4.1.10 Organization Chart Final Draft The organizational relationships of the various technology functions in the City and the "dotted line" associations across departments is exemplified below Tech Master Plan - Final Draft 1 (� 1-1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998 -2000 ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT PAGE 27 The above diagram displays some of the major technology user departments in the City as of this writing Although the IS function is contained within Finance, its priorities and direction are established by policy and the ETRC (described later in Sections 5 and 6) All of the shaded objects represent technology - related functions The bracketed objects ({ )) are those currenfly outsourced and all of the "Appl Support' functions are partial assignments of existing job functions Within Public Safety (Police and Fire), the Application Support functions report to the Technology Services Manager The dotted -line relationships indicate coordination of technology functions by and through the IS Division who will assess and manage their performance on technology- related tasks Technologists assigned to other departments will be managed in all other job performance areas by the appropriate departmental management 4.2 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT The City will provide the necessary facilities and equipment to support all of the Organization -wide applications and departmental applications (as funded by individual departments) in the following areas 4.2.1 Cabling Category 5 CopperlMultimode fiber All job stations requiring access to computer systems, informational databases, or any Organization -wide applications shall be connected via the highest bandwidth, most cost effective means available to centrally managed wiring closets located on each floor in each building Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft 165 city Manager Finance Police Fire Director Chief Chief Dept 1 Keads Admin Ad In ;*re_cTV.n Ca t. Ca t. - Y Su ,tletwOxkll -- - ------ ------- ---` .,S w �►rimin. J -Waltl I. Sri" o ldactec J w " X The above diagram displays some of the major technology user departments in the City as of this writing Although the IS function is contained within Finance, its priorities and direction are established by policy and the ETRC (described later in Sections 5 and 6) All of the shaded objects represent technology - related functions The bracketed objects ({ )) are those currenfly outsourced and all of the "Appl Support' functions are partial assignments of existing job functions Within Public Safety (Police and Fire), the Application Support functions report to the Technology Services Manager The dotted -line relationships indicate coordination of technology functions by and through the IS Division who will assess and manage their performance on technology- related tasks Technologists assigned to other departments will be managed in all other job performance areas by the appropriate departmental management 4.2 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT The City will provide the necessary facilities and equipment to support all of the Organization -wide applications and departmental applications (as funded by individual departments) in the following areas 4.2.1 Cabling Category 5 CopperlMultimode fiber All job stations requiring access to computer systems, informational databases, or any Organization -wide applications shall be connected via the highest bandwidth, most cost effective means available to centrally managed wiring closets located on each floor in each building Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft 165 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 28 ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT 1998 -2000 4.2.2 Communications Ethernet- TCPIIP All facilities within the City shall be connected and networked using the most cost effective means available and have redundant backup circuits designed into the configuration Protocols appropriate to the application requirements for all Organization -wide and departmental applications 4.2.3 Central Systems SCO UNIX or NT Server The City shall support the necessary network backbone with all of the necessary servers to support the following functions A ORGANIZATION -WIDE APPLICATION SERVERS All Organization -wide applications will reside on central servers located in and managed by the IS Manager Excess capacity can be used to support Departmental applications when appropriate for pro rata costs B DATABASE SERVERS Organization -wide applications requinng separate database servers will be located In and managed by the IS Manager which shall provide the necessary DataBase Administration (DBA) resources as may be required C FILE SERVERS [Compaq Dual Pentium Rackmount Servers] All network shared file and print services will be managed centrally by the IS Division D COMMUNICATIONS SERVERS [Max4000 /Ascend] All communications into and out of the Organization -wide networks shall be managed centrally by the IS Manager which shall provide the necessary security and access controls to ensure the integrity of all City databases and systems This includes Internet firewalls and proxy servers 4.2.4 Desktop Workstations Dell Pentium II/Windows 95 Desktop standards will be approved by the ETRC (see section 6) and all department computer workstations will conform to this standard It is the City's policy to use brand name computers (i a Gartner Group Tier 1 manufacturers only) and purchase 3 year on -site warranties with Office 97 pre - installed The specific configuration parameters and vendor preferences will be established in the Approved Technology List described in the next section 4.2.5 Office Space Final Draft The City will provide ISD adequate office space for both in -house staff and outsource service suppliers to perform their job functions effectively There will be storage and staging areas for receipt of equipment and analysis of problem equipment with adequate lighting, power, and security for efficient operation Tech Master Plan - Final Draft l (0b CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 199 8-2000 ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT PAGE 29 4.2.6 Traininq Room The City will provide a permanent computer training area to enable training on all computer system technologies deployed throughout the City This will include a computer lab with appropriately configured workstations for formal classroom training and display equipment such as video, large screen monitors, and screens A library of training videos and CBT (Computer Based Training) and viewing equipment will be available for use and /or checkout 4.3 FUNDING As a strategic resource, all Organization -wide applications will be supported as part of the City's general support services budget The overhead costs for supporting the network infrastructure will be computed by factoring in the training, maintenance and software license costs for network equipment, servers, and desktop computers with a labor formula of 1 FTE network technician for each 150 active network nodes or portion thereof and 1 FTE manager Clerical and administrative assistance will be provided from the general Finance department pool As part of the annual budgeting process, departments will be assessed on an annual basis based on the pro-rata costs for the number of active network ports used by the department Incremental costs for application file servers or other additional support costs will be applied as necessary Capital Improvement Project requests for technology - related project will go through the ISD evaluation process described in subsequent sections Irrespective of monetary considerations for any technology project, impact on existing IS resources will be a consideration in approving and prioritizing projects for implementation 4.4 TRAINING Training for use of all Organization -wide computer applications will be provided as part of regular staff development and not less than four hours per year per application (i a ma /or system) New hires will be trained as part of employee orientation or required to demonstrate the requisite skills as a condition of employment Funding for training will come from a staff development budget under the Human Resources department Al new technology projects will include adequate training funds, both for initial installation as well as on -going support 4.5 APPLICATION SUPPORT All Organizabon -wide applications will receive first her support from ISD which shall act as liaison between users and any external vendor - contracted support resources Departmental applications shall appoint a departmental technology or system coordinator who shall provide first tier support for application issues and coordinate software updates, patches, and other technical issues with ISD and act as liaison between departmental users and the application vendor /provider Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft I (,-I Mb CITYOFELSEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 1998 -2000 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 31 5.0 TECHNOLOGYACQU/SITION There will always be more needs than technology resources available to serve those needs Each request for additional or enhanced technology resources must be put In perspective to the vast array of needs throughout the City This means each Technology Proposal for new or enhanced technology applications should be subject to technical analysis, identification of viable alternatives, and priontization in the face of other requests 5.1 TECHNICAL REVIEW A credible technology expert should review each Proposal by to ensure its technical and functional viability The claims of the marketing and sales people for the new technology products are often more promise than reality A technical review and write up In layman's terminology will help those who must make priority decisions understand the practical and realistic Implications of the proposed new system(s) The approach for a technical review will answer the following questions with assistance from the IS Manager ➢ What Is the problem that will be solved —what Is the expected outcome and benefit? ➢ What precipitated the need or caused the problem? ➢ What happens If we do nothing? ➢ What, if any, solutions have already been considered and/or ruled out? ➢ What are at least two alternative solutions to the problem/need? ➢ What other systems, databases, and /or departments might be Impacted? How? Any request that Involves Installing software on a City-owned computer, connection to any network device, or that uses Information contained In the databases Identified In Section 3 must go through a Technical Review process The process will be divided Into three levels of analysis based on the scope of the protect and the impact it may have on other City technologies ISD will determine into which level a request will fall and assist developing the request into a Proposal upon which action can be taken Records will be kept on all requests to document relevant research and, at a minimum, answers to the above questions 5.1.1 Level 1 Technology Request Requests for computer systems, software, or peripherals that are In the Approved Technology List and which are funded from departmental budget, unfunded under $7500 within the department's discretionary budget or approved Capital Improvement Program funds require only a review from the IS Manager and a completed New Technology Request form Tech Master Plan - Final J6q CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PAGE 32 DECISION MAKING 5.1.2 Level 2 Technology Request MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998 -200 Level 2 requests for computer systems, hardware, software, or peripherals meet the following criteria ➢ Item(s) appear on the Obsolete Technology List, or, ➢ Initial cost Is less than $10,000 and/or annual costs are less than $2000, or, ➢ No new appropriations are required, or, ➢ Requires additional ISD resources Approval may be granted jointly by City Manager, IS Manager and Department head with ETRC notification after- the -fact 5.1.3 Level 3 Technology Request In addition to meeting one or more Level 2 criteria, Level 3 requests for computer systems, hardware, software, or peripherals meet at least one of the following criteria ➢ Analysis indicates Impact on more than one Department or existing system(s), or, ➢ Requires additional appropnaton, or, ➢ Initial cost is more than $10,000 and/or annual costs exceed $2000 5.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA These criteria should be designed to develop a balanced application of City technology resources throughout all of departments in the City according to Individual needs and overall benefit Following are some examples of criteria that could be used A COST JUSTIFICATION (Cost savings or revenue generation) Final Draft Each new protect must be evaluated In the context of one or more alternatives to ensure that the most appropriate and cost- effective solution Is chosen All relevant costs must be considered Including the "opportunity' costs associated with adding additional workload on other departments (e g ISD) Cost review will Include the following • Initial purchase • Ongoing maintenance/repair /support (external and Intemal) • Initial training of staff include procedural Integration or redesign • On -going training for new employees • Data loading/conversion from existing data sources Tech Master Plan - Final Draft 1-70 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998-2000 ACQUISITION PROCESS PAGE 33 • Integration/interface with existing systems • Obsolescence/replacement cost after the useful life of the system Benefits must be measured In reasonably tangible form Time savings resulting from Increased productivity must be measured in either reduced salary expenses or job reassignment in other needy areas Expense reduction should be a primary focus B CITIZEN /COMMUNITY BENEFIT Benefit to the community Is represented by high visibility to citizens and reduction of paperwork, visits to City departments, faster response, etc Direct benefit is that which they can directly experience Indirect benefits are less visible in the form of improved efficiency, reduction of problems/errors, etc C COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER CITY TECHNOLOGIES The proposed technology should be compatible with existing technologies and/or consistent with the Technology Master Plan D STAFF BENEFIT Benefit to staff is measured by both the degree to which affected staff may benefit in the form of improved productivity or reduced error rates and the number of staff affected E PUBLIC (COUNCIL) EXPECTATION Expectations are usually reflected by what other cities and organizations are doing with respect to technology or the public's willingness to sacrifice other services to receive the benefits of the proposed system(s) F EXTERNAL (STATE/FEDERAL) MANDATE Often external agencies encourage or require automated or electronic interfaces that require a technological solution in order to comply H PROVEN TECHNOLOGY The City does not have the resources, in most cases, to experiment with new technologies, even if it is'Yree" I RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Tech Master Plan - Even If a project can be paid for entirely by the department, If it requires resources (computer or human) from the City, it may impact other operations or departments Draft 1 -1 1, CITY OF EL SEG UNDO, CALIFORNIA 1998 -2000 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 34 6.0 TECHNOLOGY DECISION MAKING All City Investments in computer and related technologies should be analyzed for technical Integrity and equitably distributed to areas of need Annual allocations to each department should be based on availability of funds and urgency of need The acquisition process should be structured to facilitate the consideration of new applications of technology In appropriate areas, but evaluated against established standards and criteria so that it can be effectively Implemented and supported over the long term 6.1 COMMITTEES The role of committees in the decision - making process is to ensure the equitable distribution of technology resources across all City departments The meeting schedules are determined by the committee themselves, but shall be at least quarterly 6.1.1 EXECUTIVE TECHNOLOGY REVIEW COMMITTEE (ETRC) For high level technology policies and annual distribution of technology resources City-wide, there will be a representative standing committee referred to as the Executive Technology Review Committee (ETRC) that performs the following functions at least once each year ➢ Reviews the Technology Master Plan to see if it is still relevant to current technical, fiscal, and political realities ➢ Reviews Level 3 Technology Proposals for purchase of computer hardwarelsoftware systems, ➢ Reviews the Evaluation Criteria for Technology Projects ➢ Reviews the Approved /Obsolete Technology Lists • Recommends the level of allocation of technology resources throughout the City for departmental applications through budget and organizational (staffing) policies • Reviews problems and complaints and periodically conducts a City-wide Satisfaction /Needs Assessment survey Committee membership shall include all department heads or their designees, the City Manager, and the IS Manager as a non - voting chair Other meetings of the ETRC (at least quarterly) will consider protect pnontvztion, creation of Task Force committees, or other policy and procedure issues that the IS Manager may require The ISD will be responsible to take minutes and distribute them to Committee members after each regular meeting The ETRC will take recommendations to the City Manager /City Council based on the evaluative process outlined herein It is the Council's prerogative to override an ETRC project denial and provide funding for a specific Technology Request, but It is the ETRC's role to establish the prioritization of the projects for ISD Tech Master Plan - Final Draft 1-D. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1 99&2000 DECISION MAKING PAGE 35 16.1.2 Task Forces Whenever technology projects or issues involve multiple departments, the IS Manager may create an ad hoc Task Force to assist in the gathering of collective inforation about the needs In all affected departments Again, the IS Manager is the non - voting chair and facilitator of the committee and will work with departmental representatives (appointed by the department heads at the IS Manager's request) to thoroughly define the collective needs for the project at hand. Current Task Forces are Intemet Task Force This group is charged with the responsibility to help with the design of the City's departmental web pages, determine what information will be made available, and how it will be maintained GIS Task Force This group is charged to define the requirements of a geographic information system database to which vanous Informational elements from other City databases are linked Imaoina Task Force This group is charged with determining document management standards and when, where, and how documents are stored electronically and accessed both Intemally and by the public 6.1.3 Technology Advisory Group (TAG) The primary role of ISD is to provide and support the Infrastructure on which all of the various departmental applications operate This also Includes the integration of systems and databases where necessary and making sure that the integrity of all city data in the Informational databases is maintained Each department must have a designated Technology Liaison or Coordinator who is responsible for the application software used by the department and who Is the primary interface between the vendor /manufacturer of the software and the City A special committee of departmental liaisons will meet with the IS Manager each month to review operational issues such as system performance, security, upcoming changes in applications announced by the software providers, and other issues affecting the computing environment anywhere in the City This committee will be call the Technology Advisory Group (TAG) and shall be chaired by the IS Manager Monthly meeting attendance is mandatory from each department and each participant is responsible for reporting back to the department the outcome of each meeting tech Master Plan - Final Draft doc Final Draft 1 -13 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 36 DECISION MAKING 199 8-2000 6.2 CITY TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS The City will establish standards for technology that can be supported by It which will be employed by staff throughout all sites and departments These standards are set by the ETRC, and assume Institutional support and training and tacit approval for acquisition There are cases In which adherence to standards may not yield the best solution In these Isolated cases, a non - standard solution may be approved through the normal Technology Proposal process and either authorized or denied by the City Manager However, Individuals may opt not to follow supported standards after recommendation by the advisors and ETRC These Individuals are, therefore, responsible for their non - standard choices The vehicle for establishing these standards shall be the following lists, revised and published each year by the ETRC as part of Its annual planning agenda 6.2.1 APPROVED TECHNOLOGY LIST This Is a list of computers, peripherals, other devices and wiring schemes for which the City has contracts and Internal resources for maintenance and repair and which are compatible with the established computing environments at the sites and departments Any staff or department purchase request for any device on this list will be subject to a Technical Review (to ensure appropriateness for Its Intended use and Inclusion of full cost for wiring, maintenance, training, etc), but will not require prior Committee approval at any level 6.4.2 OBSOLETE TECHNOLOGY LIST This list Is developed In order to phase out products determined to be Inappropriate for continued use However, as long as the products, devices, or wiring schemes continue to provide productive use, the Institution will continue to support them New acquisitions of products, devices, or wiring schemes on this list will require a Technical Review and prior Committee approval (I a, they must be clearly demonstrated that a special need exists) 6.3 TECHNOLOGY PROPOSALS The City has established a process whereby technology needs can be addressed on an on -going basis at any level of the organization It is not possible for any one person or department to keep pace with changing technologies that may affect any or all areas of city operations Therefore, the City must have a straightforward procedure to allow suggestions or Technology Requests' to be appropriately reviewed and become'Technology Proposals' to be either approved or denied based on its alignment with City goals 6.3.1 PROPOSAL FORMAT I The primary element of any technology proposal must be the expected functional outcome of the protect It should take the form of a list of features and functions against which the delivered products and services can be measured and should be the basis for acceptance and payment This list of features and functions should be the specifications for the procurement or development process and Included In purchase orders, Requests for Proposal/Bids/Quotes, or other documents presented to prospective vendors or suppliers Following the functional requirements of the protect, a comprehensive and competitive analysis of various alternative solutions should Include a quantitative analysis of the following ➢ Degree of compliance with the technical specifications, Final Draft Tech Master Plan - Final Draft 1 -7 't CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 199 8-2000 DECISION MAk1NG PAGE 37 ➢ Initial cost of products and services, ➢ All costs for preparation, configuration, setup, pre - Installation planning, etc , ➢ Costs for technical and end -user training, both Initially and on- going, ➢ Costs for data conversion and Interfaces and /or Integration with existing databases, ➢ Warranty terms and provisions, as well as costs for on -going maintenance and support Before any purchase Is made, the City must be assured of the competence and reliability of the vendor or service provider For all major technology purchases, the suppliers must meet the following qualifications ➢ It must be a financially stable business with a consistent record of profitability, ➢ The products/services must be strategic and a major part of their business plan, ➢ Support resources must be readily available, ➢ There must be credible references that can attest to their ability to deliver the proposed products/services to the City 6.3.2 REVIEW PROCESS The diagram below shows the process for the three levels of Technology Proposals (as determined by ISD analysis) Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft 1 -75 Solutions Requesting Dept Functional Training/ Advisor Maintenance Projects Tech Request Level Development Proposal Projects Tech Task City Modification Force Leve /2 Manager Projects Proposal Purchasing Acquisition Technical Approved Advisor Projects Advisor Leven Technology Proposal List purchasing is Dept Manger Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft 1 -75 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PAGE 38 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY MAKING 1998 -2000 A Level 1 Proposal can be processed through normal City purchasing procedures If ISD resources are required for Implementation or support, delivery and Implementation must be coordinated and approved by the IS Manager A Level 2 Proposal may be approved by the City Manager and the ETRC will be advised at its next regularly scheduled meeting A Level 3 Proposal requires ETRC review and recommendation before City Manager approval and priontization Conversion of a Technology Request Into a Technology Proposal and assignment of Level 1, 2 or 3 will be done by the IS Manager according to the criteria outlined in Section 51 TECHNICAL REVIEW 6.4 TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS The implications of approval for each Technology Proposal are cumulative In addition, residual problems and changes with existing operational technology applications require City and /or departmental resources Monitoring the resource commitments of ISD staff and equipment and communicating the implications of changes is the responsibility of the IS Manager The ultimate decision as to how to re- pnontize protects based on changing circumstances (new Technology Proposals, unforeseen problems, external mandates, etc) rests with the City Manager However, the IS Manager, in concert with the requesting department, must present the protect resource requirements for all existing and new Technology Protects to the ETRC in a concise and digestible form so that everyone understands the implications of the decisions they must make The ETRC will apply the criteria to the Proposal to rank it in the context of other outstanding Technology Proposals 6.4.1 TYPES OF PROJECTS A TRAINING/MAINTENANCE PROJECTS With appropnate analysis, many of the Proposals can be addressed by better use of existing technology rather than buying new technologies There Is a wealth of technology resources throughout the City, which, through re- training or maintenance, can solve many of the problems that will arise in the future Part of the Technical Review process (which is a Protect In itself for ISD staff) Is to try to find solutions within existing technology resources B MODIFICATION PROJECTS Sometimes, particularly with computer software, it is possible to modify existing applications to solve changing needs rather than bring In totally new or replacement technologies Such Maintenance Protects are often deceptively complex and require more time and effort than might be expected from non - technicians Sometimes, fixing one part breaks something else and explodes the scope of the Protect beyond original estimates When this occurs, the CIO must advise the DTAC and let them re -asses priorities Each Modification Protect should go through the following steps and resource and time estimates given for the tasks necessary within each ■ DESIGN The technical specifications for the protect should be carefully defined so that the software technicians know exactly what the outcome should look like Final Draft Tech Master Plan - Final Draft I -1� CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 199 8-2000 DECISION MAKING PAGE 39 ■ REVIEW The person or department requesting the modification should review and sign off the DESIGN document • CODING The actual program modifications are usually only a small part of the process • TESTING Someone other than the software technician(s) doing the coding should be asked to test and approve the modifications against the DESIGN document • DOCUMENTATION The final Systems Documentation (technical) and User Documentation (procedural) and Operational Documentation should be completed before any attempt to Implement the change Is made • TRAINING This step Involves teaching people who will be using the system all of the procedural and operational aspects of the modifications • IMPLEMENTATION This step Involves data conversion (if necessary) and Integration of the new system Into the procedural routine of Its users C ACQUISITION PROJECTS In cases where neither A or B above applies, it may be necessary to buy the technology from extemal sources While this sounds simple, it Involves a carefully defined process of technical specification, analysis and evaluation of altemative products (usually through a competitive bidding process), and negotiation of contracts and final configuration Once the purchase is made, there is significant coordination of training, delivery, site preparation and other activities which elongates the duration of the Project to several months, even on small procurements The ngor of the definition of the functional requirements should be no less for Acquisition Projects than for Development(Modification Projects It is crucial that dear and precise functional objectives and expectations be made dear to vendors so that there is a way to assess the effectiveness of the product once it is delivered but before it is paid for At a minimum, the following steps are required • SPECIFICATIONS These should be carefully and specifically documented in functional (not technical) terms so that vendors are clear as to the intended use of the system • SOLICITATION Whether it Is a formal competitive bid (410,000), an informal bid ( <$10,000), or a request for quotes ( <$7,500), involvement of as many different vendors and products as possible, not just one specific product, Is encouraged The "sole source" concept is usually not applicable in today's technology environments ■ EVALUATION Be sure to Involve the potential users In the evaluation, check references thoroughly, and objectively evaluate the proposals against the functional specifications defined In the first step above Tech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft 1 -1-1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PAGE 40 Final Draft MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY MAKING 1998 -2000 ■ NEGOTIATE AND AWARD The contract, license, or agreement Is a significant part of the process and should not be signed without careful scrutiny ■ INSTALUTEST Define a specific Acceptance plan so that the system is tested against the specifications before it Is accepted Data conversion should be done as part of this test, since this Is often a problem with new systems ■ TRAIN Train the users and make whatever changes to procedures and documentation necessary to integrate the system into the regular routine ■ IMPLEMENT This should put the new system into operation D DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Although it is expressly defined as the least desirable technique, there are circumstances when it will be necessary to develop the technology (usually writing software) in -house In these situations, the Protect must Involve design, documentation, testing, training, and Implementation and requires significant technical resources and time It Is the responsibility of the IS Manager to ensure that all phases of the Protect are satisfactorily completed and that the ETRC is apprised of the progress of the Protect Each Development Protect should go through the following steps and resource and time estimates given for the tasks necessary within each ■ DESIGN The technical specifications for the protect should be carefully defined so that the software technicians know exactly what the outcome should look like ■ REVIEW The person or department requesting the modification should review and sign off the DESIGN document ■ CODING The actual programs are usually only a small part of the process ■ TESTING Someone other than the software technician(s) doing the coding should be asked to test and approve the new system against the DESIGN document ■ DOCUMENTATION The final Systems Documentation (technical) and User Documentation (procedural) and Operational Documentation should be completed before any attempt to Implement the system is made ■ TRAINING This step involves teaching people who will be using the system all of the procedural and operational aspects of the new system Tech Master Plan - Final Draft 1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998-2000 DECISION MAIONG PAGE 41 Tech Master Plan - Final Draft ■ IMPLEMENTATION This step Involves data conversion (If necessary) and Integration of the new system Into the procedural routine of its users Final Draft t�1 �o CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 1998 -2000 MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 43 7.0 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES With the sizeable Investment In technology, there must be policies and procedures that will ensure Its appropriate use, prevent unauthorized access or abuse, and provide for the safety and security of the Information maintained In corporate databases To this end, the ETRC shall be responsible for the periodic review of technology related policies published in Its Administrative Regulations 7.1 Appropriate Use Policies Employees granted access to equipment and software owned and /or licensed by the City will be instructed regarding these provisions upon initial hiring and then reviewed at least annually through corporate in -service training dedicated to both departmental and Organization -wide technology systems Once so instructed, failure to abide by these policies and procedures will result in disciplinary action 7.1.1 Electronic Mail Electronic mail is an essential tool for communication both within and without the City All appropriate staff positions will be given email accounts for communicating City business intemally and over the Internet The computer hardware and software tools will be managed and supported by ISD and standardized throughout the City All messages, documents, and other information transmitted through the City's email system are the property of the City and subject to review by appropriate authorities Messages designated as confidential between City employees shall remain confidential and secure unless required to be reviewed by legal order or the City Manager Electronic mall may also be used as a messaging service to transmit certain transactions for various application systems To this end, the acquisition of systems requiring such messaging services must be compatible with the City's email system 7.1.2 Software piracy /Personal software or hardware All software Installed on any City computer must be registered through the IS Manager which shall maintain a log of all such Installations and validate appropriate licensing CD's and Instruction manuals as well as registration certificates may be kept by the department except for software designated as Organization -wide ISD will, from time to time, audit Installed software throughout the City and Department heads are responsible to ensure that illegal copies of software are not proliferated in their departments 7.1.3 Passwords Each employee must use their own personal logon ID and password when using any City network workstation Passwords must not be shared, and if workstations are shared, one user must logout before another user can begin using the computer Although passwords are created and maintained by each user, the IS Manager will retain administrative rights to every computer workstation and network device 7.1.4 Access to remote resources (e.g. Internet) Department heads shall designate which specific positions require email accounts and access to external networks such as the Internet ISD will provide appropriate permissions to specific network accounts as directed by the Department heads and document all such requests and rech Master Plan - Final Draft Final Draft 1,81 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PAGE 44 POLICIES AND MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998 -2000 changes Each department will appoint a webmaster to edit and maintain the content of the department web page(s) and who will coordinate both design and content Issues with the IS webmaster 7.2 Security and Controlled Access Each Individual is responsible to ensure that Information contained In the City corporate databases Is protected against unauthorized access, yet available to appropriate use and review 7.2.1 Passwords and Login IN The City's Personnel Action form will include an area to designate If a new (or re- positioned) employee should have a network logon ID, Internet Access, email account, and to which groups he/she will belong The network account groups will be defined as follows ➢ City -wide [CITY] ➢ Departments [ADMIN, ECON DEV, CITY CLERK, HR, PUBLIC WORKS, PLANNING, BLDG & SAFETY, TREASURER, FINANCE, ATTORNEY, POLICE, FIRE, LIBRARY, REC /PARKS] ➢ Permanent full -time & part-time employees [FULL -TIME, PART -TIME] ➢ Temporary & part-time employees [TEMP EMPL] ➢ Sub - department groups ➢ Bargaining unit groups ➢ Department Heads [DEPT HEADS] ➢ City Council [COUNCIL] ➢ Commissions [PLANNING, ? ?] 7.2.2 Sensitive and Confidential Information The network file system Is set up to allow for personal network directories, called 'Home' directories on which all working documents for employees should be stored Local 'C' drives should not be used for any permanent storage, as only the network drives are backed up to tape There are department directories which are restricted to access by members of the department groups only There is a Protects directory which accommodates protect directories with specific access granted to Individuals participating In the project activities Finally, there Is the Share directory for Interim storage for files to be shared among any and all departments in the City 7.2.3 Passwords For every server, router, or Intelligent network device for which there is a password for administrative access, a sealed envelope will be retained each by Human Resources and the Final Draft Tech Master Plan - Final Draft � Asa CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 199 8-2000 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PAGE 45 IS Manager containing a list of each device, Its location, and Its password(s) In the event tht Is an emergency that requires opening one of the envelopes, as soon as possible thereafter, the IS Manager will reassign passwords on all devices whose passwords were exposed and create a new list to be sealed in envelopes 7.3 Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery It is never possible to predict the time or the nature of disasters or catastrophes that may disrupt the normal operation of the City and corrupt or destroy critical computer systems and the information contained within them It is the responsibility of the Technology Services Department to plan for and test disaster recovery measures that will protect such information from destruction and provide for the timely recovery of critical system into temporary or permanent operational status 7.3.1 System Backup ISD will be responsible for regular backups of all files stored on central file servers, application servers, and database servers Incremental backups of all changes files will be done dally, a full data backup will be done weekly, and a full system backup done once each month saving all registry and configuration Information for a full system restore if needed The media will be rotated on a four to five week cycle so that restoration can be made from the last monthly backup Backed up media will be stored off -site after each weekly and monthly backup ISD will test random selected file restoration at least monthly as part of the full system backup process Files stored on local workstations will not be backed up by ISD and will be the responsibility of the users assigned to the workstations to either move critical files to a file server directory or make other arrangements for backup Departmental servers not part of the City's central server farm are the responsibility of the department to provide backup Departmental backups must follow the same sequence and strategy as the central server backups 7.3.2 Physical Security Al computer and network equipment in use in the City will be secured from damage of loss due to earthquake, fire, power failure, water, and theft or vandalism Earthquake Security All central servers and network equipment will be mounted in racks and/or frames secured to the floor and a supporting wall Remote network equipment will be mounted in secured racks or bolted to the floor or supporting wall Desktop workstations will be placed on appropriate desk areas away from the edges of the desk area Tower units will be placed on the floor adjacent to the desk, resting against one side of the desk Printers and other peripheral equipment must also be placed securely on desk areas or on stands designed to support such equipment When possible, it should be placed near a supporting wall Fire Security Tech Master Plan - Final The main computer room(s) in all buildings where central servers and equipment are operating will be equipped with appropriate fire alarms and halogen fire extinguishing equipment which can be either manually or automatically deployed Final Draft 1063 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY PAGE 46 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1998 -2000 Water Security All central servers and equipment shall be placed in rooms above the basement level and with ceiling and roof protection designed to divert water that may Intrude as a result of rain, floods, and /or leaks in the roof or plumbing in and around the computer room(s) Power protection Al central servers and equipment will be place on unlnterruptible power sources sufficient to continue operation for up to 15 minutes in the event of a power loss or failure Where possible, a sustained power loss of over 5 minutes will Initiate an orderly shutdown of the equipment in order to prevent data loss or corruption Intrusion alarm All central computer rooms will be secured with alarmed entry Passcodes for entry will be managed and maintained by the IS Manager in the same manner are passwords for servers and network equipment 7.3.3 Hot site Arrangements shall be made with another City or business In the area to use as a hot site in the event that a disaster destroys any of the City's critical computer systems The site must have compatible hardware and software and provisions must be made to use the system for critical operations until the City's computing environment is restored and arrangements for emergency access provided contractually either through reciprocation or for a fee There must be an annual exercise to test the transfer of operations to ensure that it works and to document the process for both the City and the hot site In some cases, there maybe different hot sites for different systems Departments are responsible for arranging hot sites for departmental servers and applications 7.3.4 Year 2000 Readiness The advent of the year 2000 brings the possibility of problems with many hardware and software systems A list of potential problems areas include ➢ Computer file /application /database servers ➢ Desktop computers ➢ Laptop computers ➢ Network equipment — hubs, routers, switches ➢ FAX machines ➢ PBX and telephone keysystems ➢ Copier equipment ➢ Computer software of any type Final Draft Tech Master Plan - Final Draft J %L4 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY 1998 -2000 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PAGE 47 ➢ Meters ➢ Thermostats The City will appoint a Task Force to research the potential problem areas and determine the scope of the potential problem The focus of the Y2K Task Force shall be to Tech Master Plan - Final Draft ➢ Inventory all of the Items In each of the above categories ➢ Get a written statement of Y2K compliance from the manufacturer ➢ Where possible, test the unit for transition to and operation In the year 2000 ➢ Develop a contingency plan for operation for all units that cannot be tested or for which the manufacturer cannot validate Y2K compliance ➢ Identify all of the units that must be replaced before December 1999 Final Draft $5 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Administrative Regulations t ci;-6 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Technology Procurement and Use Policies KERRY CONSULTING GROUP ® Keay Consulting Group Claremont, CA 91711 L�-7 Table of Contents TECHNOLOGY AT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO................ ..............................1 PURPOSE 1 Technology Acquisition 1 Training . 3 Executive Technology Review Committee 3 Policies and Procedures 3 TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITION .......... 4 Approved Technology List 4 Obsolete Technology List 4 Technology Request 5 TRAINING ............... .............................12 New Employees 12 In- service Training 12 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ..... ... 13 Network Accounts 13 Email 14 Informational Databases 14 Personal Hardware/Software 15 External Networks and Databases 15 Internal Network Navigation/Browsing 15 Disclaimers 16 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ....... 17 System Backup 17 Hot -site Exchange 17 Disaster Drills 17 1S'75- Technology at City of El Segundo The use of technology in the form of haniam, software, and speaahZed procedures is solely for the impmuement of the eciency and level of service provided to our a #7,enc ethnology as used in the context is defined as any automated or semi- mated device and /or process involved in the day - to-day operational tasks that may be performed by employees of the City. As more of these functions are unproved, enhanced, and even replaced by technology, and with the interconnectivtty of these devices within the City and with the global enterprise, it is imperative that use of this technology be properly managed to optutuze its effectiveness and to eliminate abuse. Technology, as defined herein, includes telephones, copiers, desktop computers, networked computers and servers, printers, laptop /palmtop portable computers, and any related devices. Such equipment and systems are part of the tools associated with various positions and lob functions within the City and not assigned to or owned by individuals. It is the purpose of this manual to define the roles and responsibilities with respect to technology and to establish policies and procedures regarding their use. This manual shall define such procedures in each of the following areas: Technology AequlsMon The purchase of any computer hardware, software, or peripherals product and /or services related to them shall be subject to the availability of budgeted funds, the analysis and review of the IS Manager, and the approval of the City Manager. The process defined herein establishes the framework for al] technology - related procurements in any City department. 1 S 1 TECHNOLOGY AT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Training Training in the use of any and all technology tools shall be the joint responsibility of each department and the Human Resources department Description of the skills required will be part of each position's job description and testing and /or training part of each employee's new hire orientation procedure. Periodic in- service training will be conducted by Information Services for City -wade applications such as email and word process and by each department for departmental applications to ensure that employee skills with respect to the installed technology systems are up to date. Executive Technology Review Commktee The City will sustain an on -going committee with representation from each department which shall be charged with the responsibility to develop recommendations for technology- related policies and procedures, priorities for submitted Technology Requests/Proposals (Level 3), and approval of the Approved and Obsolete Technology Iasts. The IS Manager shall be the non - voting chair of the ETRC and setup and coordinate all meetings. Policies and Procedures Appropriate use policies and operational policies shall be established and City Council adopted and published as part of the City's Administrative Regulations. The ETRC will penodncally review these policies and procedures and make recommendations for change as needed. s No Technology Acquisition The purpose of policies relating to the acquisition of computer hardware, software and related products and services is to ensure that each component is compatible with existing hardware and systems throughout the City so that they can be connected, if necessary, to networks and other devices, and that the resources (people, facilities, money) to support the network are available throughout its expected usefiil life. To this end, the City will identify appropriate products, either by brand name and model or by sufficient technical specifications that meet this criteria or are being phased out of operation due to obsolescence. Approved Technology List The IS Manager shall manage and maintain an Approved Hardware List that will be made available in both hard copy and electronic form on a shared network file directory and /or Intranet web site. The list will include all necessary component specifications, suggested manufacturer(s), sources for purchase and prices From time to tune, items may be added to the list or modified at the discretion of the IS Manager who will subnut the changes to the ETRC at the next meeting. Obsolete Technology List When a product is placed on the Obsolete Technology last, it may remain in service and use until it must be replaced because of functional need or the elimination of maintenance and support from the manufacturer or other supplier. If a department feels they must purchase an item on this hst, they must submit a detailed justification for review and approval by the IS Manager, the ETRC, and the City Manager. Appendix A contains the Approved and Obsolete Technology Lists for the City of El Segundo. 4 iql Technology Request Whether replacing or upgrading existing equipment and /or software or acquiring a new system, all requests for technology must be initiated with a Technology Request Form below. Appendix B contains the M -size form. of the non - action: considered: Fs3: by Submilting InIonnationz Requestor completes the date of the subnnttal and the person and department submitting it. s 19 a- Reaelving Information: When IS receives the request, it is logged and given a project title and the gray areas filled out ProblorwRequoirb The submitter must explain the underlying problem creating the need for the request This will become the functional outcome against which any technology procurement or project is measured. Cause of the problemlroquest: This should describe the precipitating event that caused the need for the request This could be something as simple as the "equipment broke down and cannot be repaired" to a change in Federal or State laws that necessitate a new process or function in the City. Consequences of non - action: To help establish the urgency of the request, the subirutter should explain what will happen if nothing is done in response to the request Solutions considered: In many cases, the submitting department may be aware of specific products or solutions that may be a potential solution to the problem(s) described. This would then become the starting point for an analysis of alternative solutions. Available Budget: All requests must have an identified source of funding for the project, approved by the Department head and venfied by the Finance Department If the request is part of a Capital Project request for the annual Budget process, an estimate should be given for what the Department can afford. The budget information should also identify the source for on -going support and /or maintenance costs associated with the project. Cost Summary. With the information provided on the Technology Request Form, the IS Manager will begin an analysis of alternative solutions to the problem(s) described. This will likely involve meetings with the requestor and research on various products and services that might be appropriate. The details of the cost analysis shall involve the following form, called the Technology Project Cost Evaluation Form (Microsoft EXCEL) consisting of two parts: 1) Cost Evaluation and 2) Feature /Function Checklist A sample of this form is included in Appendix C. For each project there will be at least two different solution options that should be investigated and priced. If the five year total cost of a system solution is over $10,000, three solution alternatives must be considered. A Cost Evaluation Form should be completed for each option. The Cost Evaluation matrix identifies the following information in each of four areas, as applicable Application (i.e. software); Hardware; System Software and Utilities (e.g. Operating System, Database manager, etc); and Consulting support (i.e labor related costs) — Iq3 MANUFACTURER Identify the maker or originator of the product or service quoted MODEL /VERSION Identify the particular model or version for which costs are quoted DESCRIPTION Describe the function of the proposed product or service in layman's tens SOURCE /SUPPLIER Identify the source of the quote and potential supplier of the product or service INITIAL PRODUCT COST Indicate the product cost, license fee, or other "up front" or initial costs associated with the product or service CONFIGURATION /SETUP Identify the person-days and costs (including travel expenses, if applicable) associated with configunng, installing, and /or setting up the component described TRAINING Specify the number of days and costs (including travel expenses) for training City staff to use the product 1sT YEAR MAINTENANCE/ SUPPORT Indicate the cost of maintenance/support for the first year of operation /ownership This will likely be less than a typical annual cost if there is a warranty period for the product or service All products must include at least one year of on -site maintenance /support after initial installation /implementation ANNUAL MAINTENANCE /SUPPORT After all warranties have expired, what are the on -going costs associated with this product or service However, before all of the above information can be meaningful, there should be a set of specifications— features and functions which the product must be able to perform In order to affect an appropriate solution for the problem described. For the purpose, the Feature /Function Worksheet will be used. For each of the four product groups identified above, the following information should be provided by the requesting department j g I MODULE /COMPONENT Which specific area of the product does the feature apply to? FEATURE NUMBER This is lust a unique identifier for the described feature FEATURE DESCRIPTION Describe in functional outcome terms the capability required VALUE RATING The requestor should indicate how import the feature is to him/her A rating of 5 would indicate that it is mandatory Ratings of 4,3,2,1 would be successively less important CATALOG REFERENCE In some cases, there are specific examples of the outcome required for a particular product Sample outputs, reports, etc should be organized into a spectfications catalog which can later be used to measure performance during acceptance testing of the products VENDOR COMPLIANCE This is a subjective assessment of the vendor's ability to deliver the feature or function A code of 3 would indicate fiill compliance A 2 indicates the vendor will have to modify the product to meet the requiremeirt A 1 indicates that there is a workaround to accomplish the desired outcome A 0 indicates that the product will not perform the feature PROJECT COST If the vendor must modify the product to meet the requirement (a Compliance Code of 2), this is where the estimated cost for such modification would be placed. SCORE The vendor's score is computed by multiplying the Value Rating tunes the Compliance Code Adding up these scores gives a somewhat objective value to the degree of compliance with the specifications in the Feature/Function Checklist Using a five year extrapolated cost and a compliance score from the Feature /Function Checklist, a Price -per -Point can be calculated to see which option represents the best solution for the problem(s) presented Depending on the scope of the solutions, the IS Manager can then categorize the request into a Level 1, 2, or 3 proposal. s 195 E0 EVALUATION f3d"000 Lovell Proposal If the requested products(soluhons are contained within the Approved Technology List and the department has available budget for both initial and on -going costs, the request can be submitted directly to Purchasing to follow the City- standard procurement guidelines. Level 2 Proposal If the proposed product solution is not on the Approved Technology List and the amount is less than $10,000 initially and the annual cost is less than $2,000, or it is on the Obsolete Technology List, or it negatively impacts IS resources, or there are no budgeted funds, the IS Manager, Department head, and City Manages can jointly approve the project and submit it to Purchasing for normal procurement procedures. The ETRC will be notified at its next regularly scheduled meeting by the IS Manager. Level S Proposal If one or more of the Level 2 cntena are met and the cost exceeds $10,000 (and /or $2000 per year) or it has potential impact on one or more other departments, the proposal must be presented to the ETRC for review and recommendation at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The IS Manager will assist the requesting department in presenting the request in a clear and succinct, non - technical manner. The City Manager will consider the ETRC's recommendations and appropriately prioritize the request among other scheduled technology projects. s IQ -a ) 9Z 11 195� Training 1g Now Employs" If the job description for a new employee includes the use of specific computer applications, the Human Resources department will include an assessment of the applacanes skills prior to offering the position. If remednation or training is necessary, it shall be budgeted and scheduled as part of the employee orientation process using either in -house or external training resources as appropriate in -emWe Training For City vide desktop and shared applications, ISD will recommend periodic in- service training and review to keep all staff current on upgrades, patches, or newly implemented features of these applications. These training/review workshops shall be scheduled and budgeted through Human Resources as part of a regular staff development program. For departmental applications, it shall be the responsibility of each department to determine the need for refresher training and make necessary budgetary and scheduling arrangements 1! ! 9 0r 'iJF f 17 / If b. J ( J 1 > q J i' FV� 4 ✓ ) i •' ! /i /il :J 1�1J •F I�1 "I // I J All employees, agents (mcludmg consultants, and other contract workers), and elected officals of City granted access to use any City technology systems are subject to the terms and conditions stated herein Such use shall be for the sole purpose of performing tasks and job functions in the normal conduct of City business. Personal use is specifically prohibited. All information entered and retrieved through the use of such systems are the property of the City and may be subject to inspection by authorized City officals. Personal use of any system includes, but is not limited to: operation of a business; conduct of union activities; illegal activities; commercial purposes; communication or correspondence with individuals or entities other than for City business. Disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal and /or financial remedy for damages, will be taken against any individual willfully violating these policies. Network Accounts Logon IDs and passwords for access to City networks shall be assigned to each employee, agent, or elected official as deemed appropriate by each department head by the Information Services. Such logon IDs and passwords will be removed immediately upon termination, resignation, or retirement of any person. Information Services will require changes in passwords from time to time as necessary to ensure appropriate security Each individual shall memorize and keep secure their own ID and password and shall not disclose it to anyone else. No individual may change their own password or password protect any system or document unless through Information Services procedures. Remote Access Selected individuals will be given remote access to the City's network via dal-in services Such access will be time sensitive for a limited duration and only with the approval of the City Manager With dial-in access, employees will have the same services as their regular account network account. 'The following form will be used to set up such remote accounts 1s Og06 City of E 1 Segundo INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION NETWORK ACCOUNT REQUEST Dab Repueb.d by Department Authorized (SIGN Authorization (printi. Employee Ham. Ospartmsnt Position Lotion to speobl Perm leslonf. Internet Aeeess Eball Other opplloaaone Comments ftemot. Aeeess? User vno be prompted for a password at the Ent boon This should be kept secure and shared "th noane Email The electronic mail system (email) used by the City is for the conduct of necessary business functions of the City and not for personal use As such the following shall apply: Inspection and Review Any and all email and /or attachments thereto shall be subject to periodic inspection by City management and may modify or delete inappropriate data Sexual, Racist, Ethnic, or Religlous Harressment No messages, attachments, graphics, or sounds shall contain any directly or indirectly derogatory statements or innuendo that could be construed as sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious harassment Department managers are responsible to communicate this policy to all employees and create an atmosphere or tolerance and cooperation among all workers Political Issue* No messages, attachments, graphics, or sounds shall contain statements which support or oppose any political issue or candidate at local, state, or federal levels This shall also include union issues Informational Databases Any information or data stored in City computer databases are the sole and exclusive property of the City and may not be sold or disseminated in any fashion except as prescribed by law Employees, agents, or elected officials shall not disclose such mformation either verbally, electronically, or in printed form to anyone or any entity outside the City except as pennitted by law and the procedures established by City policy. 14 a0► Personal HardwarolSoflwaro No personal hardware or software shall be introduced into any City environment except as coordinated by the Information Services. Any such personal hardware or software used for City business will be subject to the same policies and procedures as City -owned systems while installed and in use at the City. External Networks and Databases From time to time the City may require access to external networks (e.g. the Internet) or databases as part of the conduct of normal business. This connection opens up a significant vulnerability to intrusion into the City's networks from viruses, "spoofing," and other means. Therefore, such access shall be monitored and controlled by systems and procedures through the Information Services. Each time any individual connects to any external network, the following cautions shall be observed: • No data should be downloaded from any external source that is unknown or unidentified or is of questionable integrity • Executable software or shareware shall be subject to the same policies and procedures for software acquisition and must be approved through the Information Services before it can be downloaded. • No navigation into pornographic, religious, political, or other non - business sites or bulletin board systems (BBS) is permitted. In addition, no "internal' navigation or browsing of city information for unofficial purposes is allowed. • No charges of any kind will be accepted over any electronic network (including the Internet) by the City. • No City information (bank accounts, credit cards, passwords, or other access numbers) may be given out over the Internet or other electronic network. Internal Network NavigationBrowsing Although data contained on local workstations disks and shared network disks are considered City property, employees may only access systems and data for which they are specifically authorized Unauthorized browsing into file areas of other departments and employees is specifically prohibited except as may be necessary as part of a management audit or other penodic inspections. IN ANY EVENT, THE OWNER OF SAID DATA SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF SUCH REVIEW EITHER BEFORE OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE INVESTIGATION IS COMPLETED. 15 ri-Ua Disclaimers Notwithstanding the above, the City assumes no liability for employee use of City technology systems including but not limited to: • The content of messages or attachments of any email or file transfer over internal or external electronic networks; The position or opinions expressed by individual employees using technology systems and /or internal and external electronic networks. The unauthorized use of illegally obtained or duplicated software or data by an individual employee, agent•, or elected official in violation of these policies. Furthermore, confidential information that is protected by law will only be inspected or reviewed as authorized by the custodial department or agency. There should be no expectation of privacy for any information stored or transmitted over City networks and systems. Central Servers All file and application servers for local City Hall departments and organization -wide functions will be centrally located and operated in the City Hall computer room. 16 :;L c) 'iL lam• ��• 1L�.`� System Backup Hot-site Exchange Disaster Drills 17 a0LI aos Appendix B - Technology Request Fonn X06 Append"oc C - Technology Cost Evaluation Form I�qorl EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. March 16, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Reorganization of human resources function, amendment to class specification for Assistant City Manager and resolution for salary range RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION- 1 Approve reorganization 2 Approve amended class specification for Assistant City Manager and adopt new resolution for salary range INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND, A reorganization of the department head structure is proposed to better meet the needs of the organization Shifting of funds among positions are also proposed DISCUSSION Currently, the functions related to human resources and employee risk management are performed by a Director of Human Resources It is recommended that funding for the position be eliminated and that the functions, along with others, be performed by funding the Assistant City Manager position The Assistant City Manager is an existing classification but will need to be amended Although such positrons are typically described in generalist terms, the classification has been amended to contain more explicit reference to human resources functions It is an At -Will positron as stated in Municipal Code 2 28 030 Funding for the positron will come from the existing Human Resources Director positron Although the Assistant City Manager positron tops out at a higher level, the current Human Resources Director is at a higher salary at this time ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. 1 Class Specification 2 Salary Resolution FISCAL IMPACT See information above Operating Budget Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested. Project/Account Budget ProjectlAccount Balance Date: Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required ao<� 13 DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DEFINITION Under administrative direction of the City Manager, provides professional administrative assistance and manages and /or coordinates administrative activities for the City Manager, represents the City on sensitive community issues and serves as staff representative to committees, may act for the City Manager in his /her absence, performs related duties as required CLASS CHARACTERISTICS This is a single position class in which the incumbent acts as cGhief aAssistant to the City Manager This position is also responsible for the development and administration of assigned programs designed to address primary areas of City service The incumbent is expected to exercise independent judgment, wisdom, common sense, and initiative in establishing efficient and effective operations consistent with City Council policies and administrative guidelines established by the City Manager The incumbent must also function as a member of the City's management team and participate actively in addressing issues of concern to the City which at times may not have a direct impact on areas of specialization EXAMPLE OF DUTIES Duties may includes, but are not limited to, the following 1 Assists the City Manager in enforcing and administering the provisions, laws and ordinances governing the City, assists in the development and revision of goals and objectives for submission to the City Council 2 Prepares and submits to the City Manager various reports on the administrative activities of City operations 3 Provides professional administrative and analytical assistance to the City Manager regarding City- wide issues, programs, or operations 4 Prepares comprehensive reports, drafts, policies, operating procedures, administrative manuals, ordinances, and resolutions, recommends appropriate alternatives and courses of policy action, implements policies and procedures relating to the administrative activities of the City Manager's office 5 Assists the City Manager in preparing the budget by analyzing and researching various expenditure and revenue issues, and commenting on proposed departmental budgets, enhancement alternatives and makes recommendations 6 Performs analysis of legislation and advises the City Manager of City impact, coordinates lobbyist activities and represents the City on pending state and federal legislation 7 Conducts or directs, as assigned, project and program activities, manages projects of special concern to the City such as Hyperion, LAX, and other highly sensitive programs /projects as assigned by the City Manager, administers contracts as assigned ao9 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Page 2 Participates in the development of goals and objectives for the City Manager's office, manages office operations including the supervision of secretarial and clerical staff, plans, organizes and assigns work, develops and establishes work methods and standards, conducts staff training and development, reviews and evaluates employee performance As assigned, represents the City in relations with the community, advisory committees, authorities, other local, county, state, and federal agencies, other cities, and professional organizations, serves on committees as assigned and represents the City in discussions regarding municipal operations 10 Responds to inquiries and provides information regarding City operations, policies, and procedures, or refers to an appropriate authority 11 Supervises one or more departments and /or department heads. heads 12 May act for the City Manager in his /her absence 13. Performs duties of or functions of Director of Human Resources/Risk Management, QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Education and /or Experience Any combination of education and /or experience that has provided the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for satisfactory job performance Example combinations include a bachelor's degree in public or business administration Or a related field and five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in municipal administration, pre€emblq including some experience in a supervisory capacity A master's degree in either public or business administration is preferred and may be substituted for one year of the required experience Knowledae. Skills and Abilities Thorough knowledge of the theory, principles and practices of public administration and management, current federal, state and local legislation and regulations pertaining to municipal management, budgeting, financial management, personnel management and labor relations, municipal organization and programs, local government relationships and community relations, administrative research, analysis and statistics Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with the community, City Council, public officials and City staff, communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, interpret, apply and explain laws, ordinances, policies and procedures, analyze and respond to sensitive administrative and organizational problems, prepare and present complete well organized and local reports, stay abreast of changes and developments in the field of municipal government and public administration, plan, organize and supervise the work of assigned staff, may act for the City Manager in his /her absence Special Requirements Possession of or ability to obtain a Class C California Driver's License and a satisfactory driving record H \wpdocs \CLS- specs \city- mgr\asst -cty mgr !/ D V*161 1 11111`.L`Alp A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING SALARY RANGE FOR THE JOB CLASSIFICATION OF ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER The City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby resolve, declare, determine and order as follows Section 1 That the City Council approves the following basic monthly salary enge for the fob classification of Assistant City Manager STEP STEPB STEP C 703671 738855 775798 STEP D 814587 STEP E 855317 Section 2 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of March 1999 Mike Gordon, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California ATTESTED: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D Hensley, City Attorney RES -SLRV acm at( EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. March 16, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California Urging the Federal Aviation Administration to Discontinue the Routing of Aircraft Over the City of El Segundo and other South Bay Cities RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION, Adoption of Resolution INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND On June 23, 1998, Hermosa Beach adopted the same resolution asking the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to discontinue routing aircraft over the City of Hermosa Beach and other South Bay cities and urged other cities to do the same In particular, Hermosa Beach was protesting the FAA's change in takeoff flight paths wherein the aircraft would loop back eastbound over their city and other South Bay cities. Hermosa Beach has urged our City to loin them by adopting the same Resolution. DISCUSSION ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Resolution FISCAL IMPACT- N/A (Check one) Operating Budget. Capital Improv Budget- Amount Requested Project/Account Budget Project/Account Balance. Date. Account Number: Project Phase Appropriation Required - Yes_ No_ ORIGINATED „ Date. 31/ March 10,1999 mb \n \staffrp fm a1.2_ 14 RESOLUTION NO A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, URGING THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION TO DISCONTINUE THE ROUTING OF AIRCRAFT OVER THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND OTHER SOUTH BAY CITIES WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recently changed the flight paths taking off from LAX and then looping back eastbound, and WHEREAS, the loop flight path has become an Increased annoyance to El Segundo residents and residents of other south Bay cities as these planes are taveling much lower than prior to the implementation of this change, and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion of LAX will only add more flights using the loop flight pattern, adding to the frustration and decline in property values NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE SECTION 1 That the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) take steps to rescind the present loop flight path over El Segundo and other south Bay cities, and SECTION 2 That a copy of this resolution be sent to other South Bay cities urging similar action, if not already taken PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of March 1999 Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of March, 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM �_1 ; Mark D Hensley, City Attorney' RESOLUTION NO URGING FAA TO DISCONTINUE ROUTING OVER SO BAY CITIES PAGE NO 1 a13 ..,i cc /Uy n[v, lu DO Di_ 11a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 °6 to t1 12 t3 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 98 -5925 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HERMOSA BEACH, CALIFORNIA, URGING THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION TO DISCONTINUE THE ROUTING OF AIRCRAFT OVER THE CITY OF HERMOSA BEACH WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recently changed the flight paths taking off from LAX and then looping back eastbound, and WHEREAS, the loop flight path has become an increased annoyance to Hermosa Beach residents as these planes are traveling much lower than prior to the implementation of this change, land WHEREAS, the proposed expansion of LAX will only add more flights using the loop flight pattern, adding to the frustration and decline in property values NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HERMOSA BEACH DOES HEREBY RESOLVE: SECTION 1. That the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) take steps to rescind the present loop flight path over Hermosa Beach and other South Bay cities, and SECTION 2. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the cities of Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach urging them to take sirrular action ATTEST PASSED, APPRS}VED and ADOPTED this 23rd day of June, 1998 City / I X of the City of Hermosa Beach, California AS TO FORM CITY ATTORNEY 2lg STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF HERMOSA BEACH I, Elaine Doerflmg, City Clerk of the City of Hermosa Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No 98 -5925 was duly and regularly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Hermosa Beach at a Regular Meeting of said Council at the regular place thereof on June 23, 1998 The vote was as follows AYES Bowler, Oakes, Reviczky, Mayor Edgerton NOES None ABSTAIN Benz ABSENT None Dated June 24, 1998 Elame Doerflmg, City Jerk a(s EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Marchi6, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Update on the Citys preparedness for the year 2000 (Y2K) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Receive and file information INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project /Account Balance: Date: Account Number: o...ce..� otis.e• REVIEWED BY: Date: 5 ACTION alp 15