72EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 15, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Reports AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Los Angeles Air Force Base Modernization Project RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION, INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND. DISCUSSION: The Los Angeles Au Force Base is considering a conceptual plan to modernize their current facilities At this time, preliminary thought is being given to removing all structures in Area A, the southeast comer of El Segundo Boulevard and Aviation, and rebuilding the facility in Area B, the northwest corner of the intersection Area A would be converted to private development and the revenues generated would be used to offset construction costs of the new facilities ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS, FISCAL IMPACT. Operating Budget. Capital Improvement Budget, Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget Project/Account Balance Account Number, Project Phase: Appropriation Required: N/A Date, ORIGINATED- Date- June 7, 1999 John Gaines 'n� 15