1999 JUL 20 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the lurtsdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, ifdesued Please iespect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours to for to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1999 - 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councilmember Nancy Wernick ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behafof another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 SPECIAL MATTER — Appointment of City Manager, Mary Strenn, as negotiator for the Executive and Mid - Management /Confidential Emplovees Recommendation — Appoint City Manager, Mary Strenn, as negotiator for the Executive and Mid- Management/Confidential Employees. (,t 1 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) 1 Chaney v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No BC 207453 2 Stier v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 034617 3 El Segundo v Stardust, LASC Case No YC 031364 4 David Venegas, et al v County of Los Angeles, et al , LASC Case No BC 207136 5 Greffon v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 035155 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et sew) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) Chaney v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No BC 207453 Stier v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 034617 El Segundo v Stardust, LASC Case No YC 031364 David Venegas, et al v County of Los Angeles, et al , LASC Case No BC 207136 Greffon v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 035155 Ross v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 034997 Hill v El Segundo, USDC Case No CV 98 -1463 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(b). -1- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(c) -4- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — One (1) matter - Public employee discipline (procedural matter) CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957 6) — Conference with City Manager regarding negotiations for Executive and Mid- Management Confidential Employees CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) — Discussion with real property negotiator, City Manager Mary Strenn, about potential water well property. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE TIME dp, NAME 0720995p 002 AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief genial description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be pemutted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, it you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 20,1999 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4122 Next Ordinance # 1309 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councilmember Nancy Wermck PRESENTATIONS (a) Commendations to Tobin Johnson, Janee Elkins, Paul Elkins, Alyssa Johnson, and Katy Elkins for their skillful and quick response to danger and knowledge of life saving action (b) Commendation to Shannon Murphy and Tiffany Maisonet, recipients of the REACT Second Year Scholarship 003 ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalfofanother, and employees speaking on behalfoftheir employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Continued Public Hearing on proposed Amendments to the General Plan Land Use Element and Zoning Code to change the Land Use Designation and Zoning of a 3 93 gross acre parcel located at 401 Aviation Boulevard from Parking (P) to 124 " Street Specific Plan, and, to certify a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -472, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -1, Zone (Map) Change ZC 99 -1 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -1 (124' Street Specific Plan) Applicant Bruce Kaufrnan, Extra Space Storage of Studio City, LLC Recommendation — 1) Hold Continued Public Hearing; 2) Discussion; 3) First reading of Ordinance (by title only); 4) Schedule second reading and adoption for August 3, 1999; and/or, 5) Other possible direction. 2 Public Hearing and a Resolution of the City of El Segundo, California finding the City to be in conformance with the annual Congestion Management Program (CMP) and adopting the annual CMP Local Implementation Report, in accordance with California Government Code Section 65089 Recommendation — 1) Hold Public Hearing. 2) Read Resolution by title only. 3) Adopt Resolution. 004 Public Hearing to consider adoption of Ordinance No _, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA GRANTING SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE, MAINTAIN, REPLACE, REPAIR, REMOVE AND /OR ABANDON PIPELINES WITHIN CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS Recommendation — 1) Open Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 2) Discussion. 3) Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. _ 4) Schedule Adoption of Ordinance No. _ for August 3, 1999. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — 4 Request to increase the Professional/Technical Specialist (adopted) City Budget Account No 3301 -6214 by an additional $106,800, increase Employee Overtime (adopted) City Budget Account No 3301 -4103 by an additional $4,000 appropriation, plus $94,500 in (current) Recommendation — 1) Approve the additional account fund appropriation and suggested account transfers; and /or, 2) Other possible direction. D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS — Status of recruitment for the various Committees, Commissions and Boards ( "CCBs ") and request to set interviews of applicants to the Library Board of Trustees and the Planning Recommendation — Extend term of Incumbents and set date for Interviews of applicants to the Library Board of Trustees and the Planning Commission, at 6:00 p.m., August 3, 1999. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business 6 Warrant Numbers 2503935- 2504193 in total amount of $815,982 44, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $1,011,782 03 Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and wire transfers from 07/01/99 to 07/12/99. City Council meeting minutes of July 6, 1999. Recommendation - Approval. 005 The annual destruction of identified records in accordance with the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California The City Attorney has consented to the plan for records destruction Recommendation — Approve Resolution authorizing the destruction of certain records. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California authorizing the redesignation of the South Bay Service Delivery Area (SDA) as the new Local Workforce Investment Area and initiating the establishment of a Local Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Fiscal Impact None Recommendation — Adopt Resolution. 10 Proposed revisions of the class specification for the job classification of Multi -Media Recommendation — Approve the class specification. 11 Award contract to Pavement Coatings Company for the fiscal year 1998 -99 Slurry Seal — Prolect No PW 99 -2 (contract amount $96,499 49) Recommendation — 1) Appropriate $18,200.00 from unallocated Gas Tax Funds. 2) Award contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Pavement Coatings Company, in the amount of $96,499.49. 3) Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard Public Works contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney. 12 Adoption of plans and specifications for trenchless rehabilitation of sewer mains at various locations - estimated cost = $105,000 00 (protect no PW 99 -4) Recommendation — 1) Adopt plans and specifications. 2) Authorize staff to advertise project for receipt of construction bids. 13 Award of contract for the replacement of the Civic Center Emergency Generator — Project No PW 99 -3 (contract amount $139,138 00) Recommendation — 1) Authorize an appropriation of $170,000.00 from Equipment Replacement Reserves. 2) Award contract to Perez Electric Inc. 14 Proposal for the City of El Segundo to award the contract for the construction of the El Segundo Public Safetv Communications Center Droiect Recommendation — 1) Release Mills Construction from the bid as requested due to a clerical mistake. 2) Award contract to the lowest responsible bidder. (Staff report with recommendation will be forthcoming). CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS — 006 15 Presentation of FY 1999 -2000 revenue forecast and assumptions Recommendation — 1) Discussion. 2) Receive and file report. G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER — None H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember McDowell - NONE Councilmember Gaines - NONE Councilmember Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs - NONE Mayor Gordon — NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of$250 MEMORIALS — Hazel Yates, Community Leader CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec 54960, et sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5 00 p in , July 20, 1999 under "Closed Session" (if needed) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE / 9 9 TIME Q;0- NAME ?n - 072099ag 007 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTER - DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE July 9, 1999 TO Mary Strenn City Manager FROM Bellur Devaral City Engineer i SUBJECT Potential Conflict of Interest Items - City Council Meeting of July 20,1999 Is the protect within 300 feet of a business or property owned by a City Council member? 444{ 11 44% ttt4%% ltt4 % % %!4M % %{t4Y4 { %444k{14444t { }% %%!1444 %I {N % %f! BKD dr cc Ron Green, Interim Director of Public Works N \MEMOS \CONFLICT J20 008 Mayor Mayor Council Council Council Agenda Item Mike Pro Tem Member Member Member Gordon Sandra Nancy John Kelly Jacobs Wernick Gaines McDowell Adoption of plans and specifications for the Trenchless No Yes No No No Rehabilitation of Sewer Mains at Various Locations - Proiect No PW 99-4 Award of contract for the 1998 -99 Slurry Seal Project - No No No Yes Yes Project No PW 99 -2 Note, This is part of a City -wide program, and accordingly, the City Attorney has determined that no conflict of interest exists Award of contract for the Civic Center Emergency No No No No No Generator - Project No PW 99 -3 444{ 11 44% ttt4%% ltt4 % % %!4M % %{t4Y4 { %444k{14444t { }% %%!1444 %I {N % %f! BKD dr cc Ron Green, Interim Director of Public Works N \MEMOS \CONFLICT J20 008 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 20 July 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING- Special Orders of Business - Public Hearing AGENDA DESCRIPTION Continued Public Hearing on proposed Amendments to the General Plan Land Use Element and Zoning Code to change the Land Use Designation and Zoning of a 3 93 gross acre parcel located at 401 Aviation Boulevard from Parking (P) to 124" Street Specific Plan, and, to certify a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -472, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -1, Zone (Map) Change ZC 99 -1 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99-1 (124'" Street Specific Plan) Applicant Bruce Kaufman, Extra Space Storage of Studio City, LLC RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION* 1) Hold Continued Public Hearing, 2) Discussion, 3) First reading of Ordinance (by title only), 4) Schedule second reading and Adoption for 03 August 1999, and/or, 5) Other possibleldirection INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND. The applicant requests approval of a General Plan Amendment, Zone (Map) Change, and Zone Text Amendment to establish a Specific Plan area within a 3 93 gross acre parcel located near the northwest corner of Aviation Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard The request is to change the General Plan Land Use designation and Zoning of the parcel from Parking to the 124" Street Specific Plan The primary objective of the 124" Street Specific Plan is to establish a mini- storage facility with an appurtenant caretaker's convenience unit, along with the option to develop and operate a City water well and water treatment building, within a portion of the property (Discussion on Page 2) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Draft City Council Ordinance No _ FISCAL IMPACT Positive net Fiscal Impact of approximately $1,500 00 per annum after the first year of occupancy of the mini- storage facility EA -472, GPA 99 -1, ZC 99 -1 and ZTA 99 -1 Page 2 City Council Staff Report 20 July 1999 DISCUSSION This item was presented to the Planning Commission on 24 June 1999 At the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted (3 -1) to Recommend Denial of the proposed 124"' Street Specific Plan and directed Staff to prepare a Resolution On 28 June 1999, the Planning Commission held an adjourned meeting and, voting 3 -2, Adopted Resolution No 2440 thereby recommending that the City Council Deny EA -472, GPA 99 -1, ZC 99 -1, and ZTA 99 -1 The project was brought before the City Council at a noticed public hearing on 6 July 1999 At the meeting, the Council recommended approval of the project (5 -0), and directed Staff to prepare an Ordinance approving the project. The applicant agreed to sell the land needed for the Water Facility to the City for $100,000 and the City Attorney was directed to draft a condition in the Specific Plan Ordinance to that effect. In addition, the Council expressed its concern regarding the use of the words "residential" or "caretaker's unit" in the Specific Plan and directed Staff to change the wording to "custodial convenience unit" when referring to the ancillary residential unit for the storage facility. The attached (draft) Ordinance incorporates these changes as directed by the City Council Additionally, the City Attorney recommends that a legal description be prepared, a preliminary sods investigation be conducted, and title insurance be obtained for the Water Facility site Staff is investigating the cost of these items. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts is required to evaluate the potential impacts which may be caused by the proposed regulations The draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts was prepared, as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and City Council Resolution No 3805, and, was available for the 20 day public and agency review period from June 3 — June 23, 1999, with comments received from the following City Departments Police, Public Works, Fire and City Attorneys office Comments were also received from the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County p \projects \ea472\ ais -5a 010 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA -472, FOR THE CERTIFICATION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS, AND APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 99 -1, ZONE CHANGE 99 -1, AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 99- 1 FOR THE 124th STREET SPECIFIC PLAN AT 401 AVIATION BOULEVARD. PETITIONED BY: BRUCE KAUFMAN, EXTRA SPACE STORAGE OF STUDIO CITY, LLC. WHEREAS, applications have been received from Bruce Kaufman of Extra Space Storage of Studio City, LLC, requesting said approvals, WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA -472), Including a Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the proposed use, has been prepared and circulated to all Interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies for review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines, and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No 3605), WHEREAS, on April 8, 1999, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter In the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, WHEREAS, on June 24, 1999, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, WHEREAS, on June 28, 1999, the Planning Commission Adopted Resolution No, 2440, recommending to the City Council Denial of the proposed project, WHEREAS, on July 6, 1999, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment EA -472, GPA 99 -1, ZC 99 -1, and ZTA 99 -1, and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established 1 The project site Is a 3 93 gross acre (3 62 net acres) narrow, rectangular- shaped parcel located approximately 100 feet west from the northwest corner of Aviation Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard, immediately west of the BNSF & ATSF railroad tracks, between El Segundo Boulevard and 124th Street (Grand Avenue extension) ORDINANCE NO EA-472 PAGE NO 1 Oil The request is to establish a Specific Plan area on the project site such that the Land Use designation and Zoning of the site would be changed from Parking to 124th Street Specific Plan (124th Street SP) in the General Plan and Zoning Code The project site is paved, devoid of vegetation and contains no structures except for three shuttle shelters which were used in conjunction with the prior use of the site The (not current) previous use of the site was for a parking lot, for non - required overflow parking for Northrop Grumman employees The topography of the project site is relatively flat and there are no known notable geologic features, rare or endangered animal species, or significant cultural or historical features on the site and in the Immediate locale 6 Nearby land uses include the U S Air Force Base in the Public Facility (PF) Zone to the immediate west and southeast (across Aviation and El Segundo Boulevards); a parking lot to the immediate north zoned Parking (P), the Northrop Grumman aerospace facility located further north and northwest in the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone, and, the Aerospace Corporation facility to the south (across El Segundo Boulevard) in the Light Industrial (M -1) Zone The Lockheed Martin offices and the Entenmann's /Orowheat bakery outlet exist to the east (across Aviation Boulevard) in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone and residential uses exist further northeast, outside the City limits, in Los Angeles County 7 Primary (permitted) uses in the Specific Plan area would Include warehousing and storage Ancillary uses would Include a custodial convenience unit, and the potential option to develop and operate a City Water Facility (Water Well and Water Treatment Budding) 8 The maximum building area allowed within the Specific Plan area would be 73,500 square feet with the Water Facility or 84,530 square feet without the Water Facility 9 The revised Traffic Report prepared for the project estimates that the proposed uses would generate a total of 169 trips per day Approximately 10 trips are projected for the morning peak hour and approximately 23 trips for the evening peak hour The Report concludes that the projected trip generation would be nominal and would not result in significant Increases to vehicle trips along adjacent roadways 10 The Parking Demand Study prepared for the project (dated March 2, 1999) concluded that 13 parking spaces would be sufficient to meet the on -site peak parking demand, however, the City's Consulting Traffic Engineer recommended that 22 spaces would be more appropriate Twenty-four (24) parking spaces plus one (1) loading space are proposed for the Specific Plan area, however, two (2) additional spaces would be provided for the exclusive use of the City if the Water Facility is developed 11 The Fiscal Impact Analysis prepared by the City concluded that development of the Specific Plan area into a mini- storage facility would have a positive net fiscal Impact to the City In the first year, (albeit a small amount), due to the one -time Impact fees, which would decrease substantially in following years ORDINANCE NO EA -072 PAGE NO 2 W 12 The City, acting as the lead agency, has determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts is the appropriate environmental review for this project Potentially significant impacts were identified with regards to Water and Utilities and Services Systems, however, mitigation measures are proposed which would reduce the potential impacts to a less than significant level 13 The Water Facility will have to undergo the standard CEQA review if the project is initiated by the City, since the construction, development and operation of the Water Facility was not addressed in the study 14 The Police Department commented that mini- storage facilities are popular targets for burglaries Due to the site's unusual location next to a large berm /railroad track, visibility by Police and passersby would be limited so the Police Department made several recommendations which would help to minimize this problem Moreover, if the site is developed with a water facility, the Police Department Indicated that perimeter fencing would be important for the security of the storage facility 15 At the Planning Commission Public Hearings on June 24 and 28, 1999, the Planning Commission reviewed and discussed the proposed project and determined the following A The project site is a "gateway" to the City, and the proposed project Is not consistent with Its vision for a "gateway' use, Including Land Use Objective LU 1 -5 of the General Plan, B The proposed project is a land use decision that will have long term future implications which are Inconsistent with future vision as expressed in the General Plan, C The project site is adjacent to Aviation Boulevard which is a major thoroughfare with a large volume of traffic, D The proposed project has limited net fiscal benefit to the City, E The Police Chief identified that mini- storage uses are targets for crime, which the Commission believes could impact Police services, F The City already has several large mini- storage projects and an additional project is not essential to serve the community, G The proposed project is not the best use for the site from a land use perspective, for the following, Including but not limited to, reason, in that the use is not a mixed -use as contemplated by the General Plan, including Objective LU 4-4, and, H It is anticipated that this site and surrounding sites will transition to other uses in the future, and this project may be Inconsistent with and potentially hinder that transition NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that after considering the above facts, the testimony presented at the public hearings, and study of proposed Environmental Assessment EA -472, GPA 99 -1, ZC 99 -1, and ZTA 99 -1, the City Council makes the following findings and Approves the Certification of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for ORDINANCE NO EA472 PAGE NO 3 013 Environmental Assessment EA -472 and Adopts the 124th Street Specific Plan (GPA 99 -1, ZC 99 -1, and ZTA 99 -1) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Draft Initial Study was made available to all local and affected agencies and for public review and comment In the time and manner prescribed by law The Draft Initial Study concluded that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), That when considering the whole record, there Is no evidence that the proposed modifications to the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built - out urban environment, and, 3 That the City Council authorizes and directs the Director of Planning and Budding Safety to file with any appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimus finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan goals, policies, and objectives A The proposed General Plan Land Use Designation and Zoning for the site is 124th Street Specific Plan (124th Street SP) The proposed 124th Street Specific Plan designation Is compatible with the surrounding Public Facility, Light Industrial, Urban Mixed -Use North, and Corporate Office land use designations The proposed 124th Street Specific Plan designation is designed to allow a maximum floor area (FAR) ratio of 0 47 1 (with Water Facility) or 0 54 1 (without Water Facility) While this would permit a greater amount of development than the existing Parking land use designation, the total build out of the plan area would be approximately 73,500 square feet (with water facility) or 84,530 square feet (without water facility) which is an insignificant increase in square footage compared to the anticipated total buildout of approximately 56,000,000 square feet (Citywide) envisioned in the 1992 General Plan C The proposed project is In conformance with many General Plan goals, policies and objectives Economic Development Goals ED1 and ED2, and Policy ED1 -1 2, support this project since they refer to the Importance of having a diverse economy within the City, and, Land Use Element Policies LU4 -3 6, LU 4-4 5, and LU 5 -2 1 support the project since they emphasize the importance of landscaping in new office, mixed -use and industrial developments, and, they address the Issue of ORDINANCE NO EA -072 PAGE NO 4 014 transportation management for mixed -use developments in the northeast quadrant of the City NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Council hereby approves Environmental Assessment EA -472 , GPA 99 -1, ZC 99 -1, and ZTA 99 -1, and, adopts changes to the El Segundo Municipal Code as follows SECTION 1. Section 20 16 020 of Chapter 20 16, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows 20 16 20 SPECIFIC PLAN ZONES In order to classify, regulate, restrict and segregate the uses of lands and buildings, to regulate and restrict the height and bulk of buildings, to regulate the area of yards and other open spaces about buildings and to regulate the density of population, the City has adopted the following specific plan areas which function as the Zoning Code for specific areas Smoky Hollow Specific Plan There are four (4) classes of use zones intended to be used within the boundaries of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan These zones include GAC - Grand Avenue Commercial Zone MDR - Medium Density Residential Zone SB - Small Business Zone MM - Medium Manufacturing Zone 2 124th Street Specific Plan There is one (1) use zone intended to be used within the boundaries of the 124th Street Specific Plan This zone is 124th Street SP - 124th Street Specific Plan Zone The foregoing Zones are separate Zones and shall not be deemed to be more restrictive or less restrictive than any other Zone, but shall be limited to the uses permitted in the specified Zone SECTION 2 The 124th Street Specific Plan is hereby adopted as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference SECTION 3. The Land Use Designations ( "Commercial Designations" subsection) and the Proposed Land Use Plan ( "Northeast Quadrant' subsection) sections of the Land Use Element are hereby amended to reflect the change at 401 Aviation Boulevard from Parking to 124th Street Specific Plan The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element asset forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved SECTION 4. The 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends Buildout (Exhibit LU- 3) of the Land Use Element is hereby amended to reflect the change at 401 Aviation Boulevard from Parking to 124th Street Specific Plan The corresponding changes to the Land Use ORDINANCE NO _ EA-472 PAGE NO 5 015 Element as set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto and Incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved SECTION 5. The General Plan Land Use Map is hereby changed to reflect the change at 401 Aviation Boulevard from Parking to 124th Street Specific Plan The corresponding changes to the Land Use Map as set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and Incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved SECTION 6. The current Zoning Map is hereby amended to reflect a change at 401 Aviation Boulevard from Parking (P) to 124th Street Specific Plan (124th Street SP) The corresponding changes to the Zoning Map as set forth In Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Council hereby approves Environmental Assessment EA-472, GPA 99 -1, ZC 99 -1, and ZTA 99 -1, subject to the following conditions Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall develop plans which Indicate that the proposed mini- storage facility is In substantial conformance with the 124th Street Specific Plan development standards, as well as the plans approved and on file with the Department of Planning and Building Safety Any subsequent modification to the project (I e, amount of landscaping to be provided, building and landscaped setbacks, maximum building area, parking, etc ) as approved shall be referred to the Director of Planning and Budding Safety for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification 2 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the mini- storage facility, the applicant shall pay a one -time Library Services Mitigation Fee of $0 03 per gross square foot of building and storage unit floor area 3 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the mini- storage facility, the applicant shall pay a one -time Fire Services Mitigation Fee of $0 14 per gross square foot of building and storage unit floor area. 4 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the mini- storage facility, the applicant shall pay a one -time Police Services Mitigation Fee of $0 11 per gross square foot of budding and storage unit floor area 5 Prior to approval of the budding plans, the applicant shall submit an exterior lighting plan and photometric study for the review and approval of the Director of Planning and Budding Safety and the Police Chief Lighting shall be installed per the approved plans prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 6 Prior to approval of the budding plans for the mini - strorage facility, the applicant shall submit Sign Plans for review and approval to the Directors of Planning and Budding Safety and Public Works for a "Welcome to the City of El Segundo" monument sign in the median along El Segundo Boulevard, just west of Isis Avenue Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the mini- storage facility, the applicant shall construct per the approved Plans, the monument sign The applicant must maintain the sign in good condition at all times ORDINANCE NO EA-472 PAGE NO 6 0 1(1 for the mini-storage facility, the applicant uiOf Traffic Mitigation Fee as determined by the Public Works Director 7 Pnor to issuance re a Certificate of Occupancy rant deed to the property' shall pay the required arking easement over the property I cant/owner shall convey fee simple absolute title by 9 g The aPP and an ingress and egress and P within 120 days or prior to the issuance aPplica Building ner described on Exhibit to the City and the City shall Pay urchase such described on Exhibit , In the event the City decides not to pursuant to the Permit for the project, whichn a estscuin first, the property P $100,000 for such property shall be entitled to develop property et Specific Plane applicant purpose of a roadway then 124 Street Sp table to the City provide documentation acceptable granted to g The applicant shall make an Irrevocz�bl�toffer p dedicate land f has already for the ht to use the land for roadway ht4 -way necessary for th Attorney {or Grand Avenue, unless the app the G+ty Attorney that the irrevocable rig roved by the City The City Engineer shall determine the amount °for the minrstorage facility all be reviewed Irrevocable offer to ss d,cate The ante of aO Certificate of occupancy n and approved the access and recorded p re anng or reviewing the ac as applicant shall pay the City Attorney's costs for p P or an such easements or agreements 10 The app easement, irrevocable offer to dedicate easements, required applicant shall submit Security Plans for review 11 Prior to approval of the building plans, the app police Department, dated March easures june 114, approval of the Chief of eolice which demonstrate conformance with the elements and pP Trios from the Division The secu tY operation, outlined i the me occupancy or implemented prior to op 199g, which are on file in the Planning poor to issuance of a Certificate of Plan to appropriate applicant sha11 submit a FirelLrfe Safety royal of the building plans, the Plan requirements must be 12 Prior to app royal All Fire /Life Safety the Fire Chief for review and any required easements or documents recorded, P installed and operational, issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the applicant to the Director of Landscaping and Irrigation Plan shall be submitted by ed areas shall f f provided 13 A La Safety, Director of Recrea'ansa Landscaped Police Ch+ef provided id Parl�s, Planning and Budding roval of the g or irrigation system and shall be permanently and approval prior to app if feasible, shall incorporate permanent automatic watering The applicant, with a P neat and clean manner in and irrigation Plan, and the maintained in a eciflc Plan The Landscaping the applicant pri or to the issuance with the requirements of the Sp provisions for the use of reclaimed water in the Lands per the approved plans by Phan shall show consistency and Irrigation shall be installed p n Plan to of a Certificate of Occupancy the applicant shall submit a sign 14 Prior to the issuance with a the s Certificate s gns do not impede traffic or pedestrian safety• and ensure compatibility with the surrounding area and the aesthetic objectives of the General royal of the Director ooveld Plan Prior and Specific Plan, as well as to r the app The Sign Plan shall be su Chief andeall signs shall be installed pe Budding Safety occupancy to issuance of a Certificate of ORDINANCE NO e- -7Z PAGE NO 7 15 During construction, the entire project site shall be enclosed by a six -foot high chain link fence Gates for site fencing shall not open over sidewalk/public right -of -way A fencing plan shall be submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety prior to Installation 16 All work within the City public right -of -way shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo Standard Specifications No work shall be performed in the public right -of -way without first obtaining a Public Works permit 17 Prior to approval of the building plans, plans shall Indicate that all proposed utilities shall be placed underground to the satisfaction of the City Engineer The applicant shall assume the costs for the relocation of all utilities, including but not limited to, light poles, electrical vaults, and fire hydrants which are affected by the proposed project 18 Encroachment permits must be obtained from the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department for demolition haul -off Permits must be obtained at the same time the permit for demolition is issued An encroachment permit for grading is also required when import or export of dirt exceeds fifty (50) cubic yards Demolition and grading may be listed on one encroachment permit 19 Prior to approval of the budding plans, plans shall show the location and design of all proposed trash enclosures to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety and the Police Chief Plans shall also indicate that the trash area will incorporate adequate space for the collection of recyclable materials The enclosure shall be installed per the approved plans prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 20 If new sewer laterals are required and constructed in the public right -of -way they shall be a minimum of six (6) inches inside diameter Material shall be "vitreous clay pipe" Each lateral shall have a six (6) inch clean -out brought to grade at the property line and securely capped A B9 size box shall be placed around the C O for protection The box shall have a cover emblazoned with the word "sewer'. If in a traffic area, cover shall be traffic approved All planned sewer connections shall be checked for elevation prior to starting construction Existing sewer laterals shall be plugged at the sewer mainline and capped at the property line Existing six (6) inch wyes may be reused if approved by the Director of Public Works 21 Prior to the approval of the building plans, the applicant shall obtain a Trunk Sewer Connection Permit (or any other permits as required) from the County Sanitation District of Los Angeles County and submit a copy to the Department of Public Works The improvements shall be installed per the approved plans prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 22 No material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way except by permit issued by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department If material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way it shall be confined to parkway areas and street parking areas, as long as safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular passage Is maintained at all times Storage beyond these areas in the public right -of -way requires prior approval of the Public Works Department and shall be limited to a maximum period of 24 hours 23 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, new curbs, sidewalk, driveway approaches, wheelchair ramps and A C pavement, shall be constructed /reconstructed as required by the ORDINANCE NO EA-472 PAGENO 8 40 Off` Director of Public Works Existing driveways and other concrete work not to be incorporated into the construction shall be removed and replaced with standard curb and sidewalk, if applicable 24 Should any previously unrecorded archeological or cultural resources be encountered during construction of the protect, all work will be stopped and the Department of Planning and Building Safety will be notified immediately At the owner's expense a qualified archeologist will be consulted to determine the potential significance of the find, and his findings shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Building Safety prior to the commencement of work 25 During construction dust control measures shall be required in accordance with the City's Dust Control Ordinance Grading will be discontinued dunng first -stage smog alerts and suspended during periods of high wind (i a over 15 miles per hour) All hauling trucks shall have loads covered or wetted and loaded below the sideboards to minimize dust 26 The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, Its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval of Environmental Assessment EA -472, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -1, Zone Change ZC 99 -1, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -1 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth (30) day from and after the final passage and adoption thereof The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance, shall cause the same to be entered In the book of original ordinances of said City, shall make a note of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted, and shall within 15 days after the passage or adoption thereof cause the same to be published or posted in accordance with the law ORDINANCE NO EA-472 PAGE NO 9 ,4t n1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of August 1999. Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 20'" day of July 1999, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of August 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote, AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D Hensley, City Attorney ORDINANCE NO EAA72 PAGE NO 10 020 124" 5T, �f ,PACIFIC PAN PREPARED FOR CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 350 MAIN STREET EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245 (310) 322 -4670 BY X. PSOMAS 11444 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 750 West Los Angeles, CA 90064 (310) 954 -3700 APPLICANT EXTRA SPACE STORAGE OF STUDIO CITY, L.L.C. 13920 Otsego Street Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 (818) 759 -9526 A Originally Submitted January 25, 1999 Revised and Resubrrutted4,, March 2, 1999 May 21 1994 July 9,1999 021 124`h STREET SPECIFIC PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 022 Page I. Introduction 1 -4 A Overview of the City 1 B The Specific Plan Area 1 -2 C Impact of the Aerospace Downsizing 2 -3 D Relationship to the General Plan 3 -4 It. Overview of the Specific Plan Area 5 -7 A Existing Land Uses (Distribution and Location) 5 B Existing Public Transit 6 C Existing Utilities and Infrastructure 6 -7 1 Water Service 2 Fire Protection 3. Sewer Service 4 Gas /Electric /Telephone Service 5 Solid Waste Disposal III. Policies Standards and Guidelines 8 -11 A Economic Development 8 -9 B Land Use 9 -10 C Circulation 10 D Aesthetic 10 E Landscaping 10 F Public Safety 11 G Signage 11 IV. Development Standards 12 -14 1 General Provisions 2 Uses 3 Lot Area 4 Height 5 Setbacks 6 Lot Frontage 7 Building Area 8 Walls and Fences 9 Access 10. Hours of Operation 11 Parking and Loading 12. Landscaping 13 Signs 14 Lighting 022 EXHIBITS Exhibit 10 Parcel Map - Parcel B /Specific Plan Area Exhibit 2 0 Regional Location /Land Use Map Exhibit 3 0 -3 3 Development Plans Revised 07/09/99 023 124th STREET SPECIFIC PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW OF THE CITY The 124" Street Specific Plan area is located in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California El Segundo is located approximately 18 miles from downtown Los Angeles and is considered to be part of the Airport /South Bay subregion of the Los Angeles area (see Exhibit 1) The City of El Segundo is 5 46 square miles (3,494 4 acres) and is surrounded by the Los Angeles International Airport to the north, the City of Manhattan Beach on the south, the City of Hawthorne on the east, and the Pacific Ocean on the west Based on the 1990 census, the City of El Segundo has a residential population of 15,223' The City also has a dominantly large employment population of approximately 80,000' which creates a unique environment for El Segundo Overall, El Segundo has a strong residential base with a majority being single- family residences and a large portion living in multi- family units Cities bordering El Segundo such as Manhattan Beach and Hawthorne are predominately residential neighborhoods with some commercial businesses along Aviation Boulevard The City of El Segundo is located along a major transportation corridor that can be accessed from the 405 San Diego Freeway, the 105 Century Freeway which serves as a direct connection to downtown Los Angeles, and the Green Line Light Rail System The Downtown area of the City is near residential areas and is a strong focal point because of the presence of the Civic Center The area consists of older industrial buildings as well as the "Smoky Hollow" industrial area A large portion of the City south of El Segundo Boulevard and west of Sepulveda Boulevard is occupied by the Chevron Refinery, which occupies about one third of the City There is a large single - family residential area in the northwest portion of the City and a significant amount of multi- family units located throughout Commercial uses are scattered throughout the City while growth encourages office, research, and mixed type uses The 124`" Street Specific Plan area lies within the eastern portion of the city, which is surrounded by a combination of industrial, office, and commercial uses This area contains the "super block" development, which is a mixture of office, research and development uses, including the Los Angeles Air Force Base' THE SPECIFIC PLAN AREA The 124' Street Specific Plan area is located along the eastern border of the city, west of Aviation Boulevard, between El Segundo Boulevard and 124" Street, adjacent to the railroad tracks (see Exhibit 10 and Figures 1 and 2 below) The area is a rectangular strip consisting of 3 93 gross acres of land located just west of the Los Angeles Air Force Base and south /southeast 'City of El Segundo General Plan, 1992 (p 1 -5) 2 ibid City of El Segundo General Plan, 1992 (p 3 -2) Revised 07/09/99 40 024 of the Northrop Grumman aerospace facility The Specific Plan area consists of one parcel of land that is relatively flat and was previously used as non - required overflow parking for Northrop Grumman employees The 124" Street Specific Plan area was created in response to the City's growing need for economic diversity in order to attract new business without adversely impacting the success of current local revenue generators Figure 1 View of site, currently a vacant parking lot IMPACT OF THE AEROSPACE DOWNSIZING Figure 2 Southerly view of area The impact of the downsizing of the U.S. military on El Segundo has been uncertain over the years In the early 1990s, California's defense employment was reduced by 130,000, which represented a direct loss of more than $5 billion in annual wages and indirect economic losses estimated at $4 billion or more to the state In the City of El Segundo, defense firms occupied 112 million square feet of space in 1992 and in 1994, only 10 1 million GM Hughes along with TRW Inc, have also made cutbacks within previous years In 1993, Rockwell demolished 1 million square feet of industrial space in El Segundo in order to relocate its workforce to its corporate headquarters in Seal Beach Northrop Grumman plans to remain in El Segundo until the year 2000 to complete the next generation of the F /A -18 Fighter Program, but its future in El Segundo remains uncertain' Commercial property markets are slowly beginning to recover in El Segundo, and the City has had to find alternative uses for certain spaces under such economic circumstances Redevelopment and adaptive reuse strategies are being implemented to promote the efficient use of such spaces The 124" Street Specific Plan area illustrates an area that shares common characteristics of vacant industrial spaces The property was previously used as surplus non - required parking for Northrop Grumman employees that became available in May of 1998 The area is currently a vacant parking lot, which does not provide the surrounding community with any redeeming aesthetic qualities Despite the current condition of the area, the site has the potential to attract new types of uses that could be more beneficial to the City and its residents Kenneth Leventhal & Company, 1994 (p 4) ' Kenneth Leventahal & Company, 1994 (p 13) Revised 7/9/99 025 The Specific Plan area was established in response to the growing need for econormc diversification and to offer the City an alternative response for dealing with the losses in the defense industry The Specific Plan area is a positive alternative approach that illustrates the City's willingness to welcome new business ventures into El Segundo RELATIONSHIP TO THE GENERAL PLAN The 124" Street Specific Plan is meant to serve as both a regulatory and implementation document to further the goals and visions of the El Segundo General Plan Under the California Government Code Section 65450, a Specific Plan may be prepared for the systematic implementation of the General Plan for all or part of the areas covered by the General Plan The City of El Segundo's General Plan was adopted in December 1992, which included several goals and objectives In the General Plan, one of the goals is to create in El Segundo a strong, healthy economic community in which all diverse stakeholders may benefit This goal is to be met by building support from businesses and local residents to mutually agree on the benefits derived from the maintenance and expansion of the City's economic base In relation to the General Plan, the 124" Street Specific Plan has been prepared in the same manner, which aims to implement necessary and desirable goals that will mutually benefit both residents and the City The 124" Street Specific Plan seeks to diversify the economic base of the City without compromising the strength of existing local economies in the area. Proposed land uses within the 124'" Street Specific Plan will seek to balance economic development and offer residents alternative services In coinciding with these goals and objectives, the 124" Street Specific Plan looks to the General Plan as the fundamental guiding policy for the development of its own vision and goals The following are the goals and vision of the 124" Street Specific Plan 1. Enhance the Economic Climate Through Diversity and Adaptive Reuse Objective 1, To allow for a strong and healthy economic community by accommodating the possibility of a diverse mix of uses from which all stakeholders may benefit Objective 2 To allow for the adaptive reuse of targeted spaces that could potentially benefit the City without adversely affecting local viable industries. Objective 3 Support current services available within the City for its residents and various businesses 2. Promote Compatible and Healthy Land Uses Objective 1 Retain current uses and attract viable and safe uses that do not infringe upon the economic viability of the Downtown area Objective 2 Ensure the protection of the public health and safety by attracting uses that will not negatively impact the City Revised 779!99 026 3. Promote a Safe, Convenient, and Cost - Effective Circulation System that Serves the Present and Future Circulation Needs of the Specific Plan Area and the City. Objective 1 Support current City services available to the Specific Plan area, the City's residents and its businesses Objective 2 Ensure that private development associated with the area makes a conscious effort to mitigate against traffic impacts on the community Objective 3, Support City circulation policies which intends to further implement the goals and objectives under the Circulation Element of the General Plan 4. Accentuate the Overall Positive Image of the City Objective 1 Provide convenient services to the residents and City without negatively impacting the current surrounding community Objective 2 Facilitate the changing image of the City by providing alternative uses that complement the current existing economic base Objective 3 Incorporate into the Specific Plan Area, well designed landscaping, lighting, and signage elements that recognizes physical surroundings and takes them into consideration Revised 7/9/99 027 II. OVERVIEW OF SPECIFIC PLAN AREA A. Existing Land Uses (Distribution and Location) The 124'" Street Specific Plan area is north of El Segundo Boulevard, west of Aviation Boulevard and south of 124" Street This 3 93 gross acre site is currently a vacant parking lot The Specific Plan area is located south /southeast of the Northrop Grumman facility which is located in the Public Facilities (P -F) zone North of the Specific Plan area is the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) zone and east of Aviation Boulevard is a Corporate Office (CO) zone (see Exhibit 2 0) Railroad tracks are on the eastern border of the Specific Plan Area which parallels Aviation Boulevard Directly adlacent to the site behind the railroad tracks east of the area are office buildings, as well as an Oroweat and Entemann's Outlet Bakery (see Figure 3 and 4 below), Figure 3 Easterly view from property, the Oroweat and Entemann's Outlets Figure 4 Located near the east property line are the Railroad tracks Directly south of the Specific Plan Area is a Light Industrial (M -1) zone where the Aerospace Corporation currently resides, and located to the west is the Los Angeles Air Force Base There are some single -family residential neighborhoods located lust east of the Specific Plan area across the intersection of 124" Street and Aviation Boulevard (see Figure 5 below) and are within the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County Figure 5 East view from site across the 124"/Aviation Blvd intersection are residential neighborhoods Revised 7/9199 028 B. Existing Public Transit Current public transit service to the Specific Plan area is provided by fixed bus routes operated by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), a Dial - a -Ride service by the City of El Segundo, and the Municipal Area Express (MAX Transit Service) which is funded cooperatively by eight cities and Los Angeles County Fixed MTA bus routes servicing the Specific Plan area include route 124 along El Segundo Boulevard and route 627 along Aviation Boulevard Routes 2 and 3 are MAX transit routes operated by the Torrance Transit System on behalf of the multi- agency consortium and can be accessed along East Grand and Sepulveda Boulevard' Route T8 is a Torrance Transit line that provides access to Hawthorne Boulevard and the Los Angeles Airport and can be accessed off of Douglas Street The MTA Green Line rail system provides access at various eastern points of the City including Marine Avenue /Redondo Beach Boulevard, Douglas Street /Rosecrans Avenue, and Aviation Boulevard /I -105 Freeway' C. Existing Utilities and Infrastructure The Specific Plan area will be served through a combination of utility services provided by the City of El Segundo and other governmental agencies 1. Water Service Water utility service will be provided by Southern California Water Company to the Specific Plan Area A 10 -inch water line exists 30 -feet east of the centerlme on Aviation Boulevard 2. Fire Protection Fire response service will be provided to the Specific Plan Area from Fire Station 2 which is located at 2161 E El Segundo Boulevard Potential life and fire hazards along with protected occupancy loads are expected to be extremely low for the area An on -site fire hydrant will be provided within the Specific Plan area 3. Sewer Service Sewer service will be provided to the site through connection through Los Angeles County Sanitation District Five Currently there are two 18° sewer lines located off of Aviation Boulevard and one on the west side of El Segundo Boulevard to Imperial Highway 4 Gas /Electric/Telephone Utilities There is a 30" gas main located off of Aviation Boulevard along with telephone and electric lines, which upon application and payment of applicable fees and charges will be available to provide adequate service to the protect area 5. Solid Waste Disposal Commercial uses within the Specific Plan area will be required to contract with a private waste disposal company. 6 MTA Westside Area Sector Maps, 1998 and City of El Segundo General Plan 1992 7 ibid s City of El Segundo, Public Works Department Revised 7/9/99 029 6. Storm Drain Currently there is an underground storm drain located off of 124'", including storm drains off of Aviation and El Segundo Boulevards Revised 7/9/99 030 II. POLICIES, STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES The 124" Street Specific Plan is based upon a ten -year outlook for development and growth, and all zoning policies of the plan shall be implemented under the guidance of the stated goals and objectives The Specific Plan area was developed to serve the City of El Segundo to provide new development that offers support services for existing and future businesses, including local residents The Specific Plan supports the development of alternative uses that promote a healthy mix of uses to diversify the rrucro- economy of El Segundo Such uses that are encouraged in the Specific Plan area are adaptive reuses in targeted areas, including alternative uses such as general storage, warehousing and nuru- storage that help to increase the efficient use of underutilized spaces The Specific Plan area will be developed to consist of primarily general storage and mu i- storage uses In conjunction with the development of storage facilities, the 124" Street Specific Plan would also allow the City to develop a portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility In the event the City does not undertake the above - mentioned development, that portion of the property would then be developed by the current property owner(s) with an additional storage building (See Development Standards Section) The Specific Plan enables new development in an area that is currently underutilized. New development can potentially benefit the area with quality uses that provide an attractive, clean, and safe use for the community Where the 124'" Street Specific Plan does not specify standards or requirements, the Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zomng Code development standards shall apply A. Economic Development In September of 1993, the Economic Development Strategic Plan was prepared for the City of El Segundo in response to growing economic concerns caused by the dramatic defense cutbacks within the City and across the nation The need for the strategy was developed to address the decline in the City's business activities and, correspondingly, a decline in the City's tax base' According to a study by Municipal Resource Consultants, in 1990, 68% of the general fund revenues were paid by businesses and almost 50% of the general fund revenues were contributed by the aerospace/ defense industries10 In 1990, almost 20% of general fund revenues were paid by a single business and almost 40% were paid by ten businesses, all of which are "at- risk" today" This illustrates the highly concentrated revenue base of the City during those times Those trends still impact the City's economy today which have driven the need for new strategies that will offer a more diverse crux of tenants for El Segundo Therefore, the economic development program was created and the following are a list of the objectives of the program ♦ To diversify the economy against cycles and seasonality, ♦ To provide jobs for residents and markets for local businesses, 9 Economic Development Strategic Plan, City of El Segundo, Chabm Concepts, Inc & Economic Strategies Group September 1993 io ibid i' ibid Revised 719199 031 ♦ To enhance the City's tax and revenue base, ♦ To create a higher quality of life, ♦ To support community development objectives, ♦ To be an avenue for developing City -wide leadership, ♦ To implement public /private leadership, ♦ To monitor the local economy by providing early warning about shocks and opportunities, and ♦ To pro - actively direct the City's economic future In corresponding with the objectives of the Economic Development Strategic Plan, the 124" Street Specific Plan seeks to expand the City's economic base by providing alternative development within an underutilized area The development proposed in the 124' Street Specific Plan aims to provide an effective level of service to the community in order to maintain the quality of life of its residents It is evident that the City must undertake intervention methods before revenue losses force cutbacks in residential and business services, which would detrimentally affect the City's competitiveness Thus, the Specific Plan area and any development within its boundaries will seek to complement the objectives set forth in the Economic Development Strategic Plan Furthermore, the Specific Plan will not impede or infringe upon the economic success associated with the "Downtown" environment. B. Land Use The development within the 124" Street Specific Plan shall be compatible with surrounding and adjacent uses in order to further the goals and policies established in the City's General Plan The current zone of the Specific Plan area is zoned as Parking (P) under the General Plan designation and is being used as non - required overflow parking for Northrop Grumman employees The 124" Street Specific Plan area shall be rezoned from the current Parking (P) zone to the 124'" Street Specific Plan (124" Street SP) zone and shall encourage primarily the development of warehouse and storage uses, including the option for the City to develop a portion of the property as a water pumping and treatment facility The change in zone is based on the following findings 1 The area is currently underutilized, as it is a vacant parking lot, which is no longer used as overflow parking for Northrop Grumman employees A new use on the site will provide the City with a more efficient use of the site, higher property tax revenue and increase land value 2 The aesthetic appearance of the area will have a positive impact on its surrounding uses with the new development. The under utilized parking lot creates a feeling of void and empty space within the area The newly proposed development will foster desirable urban design elements and enhance the overall image of the area 3 Adjacent uses are compatible with newly proposed development associated with the 124" Street Specific Plan since surrounding uses are light manufacturing, public facilities, and Revised 7/9/99 032 commercial offices Residents to the east of the project area off of Aviation Boulevard are also located more than 150 feet from the Plan area and are further shielded by the natuural slopes adjacent to the railroad tracks which screens the majority of the proposed development from properties east of Aviation Boulevard A re- designation or a re -zone of the area will not negatively impact the view, recreation, or the quality of life associated with the community or residents within a one -mile radius of the site C Circulation The 1249' Street Specific Plan area is located at the northwest corner of El Segundo and Aviation Boulevard south of 124" Street Street Aviation and El Segundo Boulevards are both major arterials that experience heavy congestion during weekday peak periods and at critical tunes of the day operate beyond capacity at this intersection Impacts associated with the development of the Specific Plan area shall be minimal Furthermore, the Aviation /El Segundo Boulevard intersection will not be significantly impacted, only with nominal impacts during both the AM and PM peak hours All development within the Specific Plan area shall abide by the following policies 1 Ingress and egress to the Specific Plan area shall be taken off of 124" Street 2 Emergency vehicles only will be allowed access from El Segundo Boulevard 3 The traffic generated by development within the Specific Plan area shall not generate more than 184 trips per day 4 Circulation of the Specific Plan area shall not interfere with the ingress and egress of the Northrop Grumman facility 5 All parking required by new development shall be provided within the Specific Plan area, and no on- street or off - premise parking will be allowed D. Aesthetic The design and development of the Specific Plan area will increase the aesthetic image of the area and its surrounding properties Development is conducive to the lot because it is currently undenitilized and furthermore, will not be intrusive to the area The design of all buildings will pay particular attention to the appropriate treatment of facades and any new development within the plan area will also incorporate consistent designs and use quality materials throughout the prermses (refer to Exhibits). If the City decides to develop the water pumping and treatment facility, the facade appearance, use of colors and materials will remain consistent with the design of other buildings in the plan area Overall, the development and design of the Specific Plan area awns to blend within its surroundings and make a positive contribution to the commumity Revised 7/9/99 10 Is io 0 3, E. Landscaping Landscaping will be adequately provided within the Specific Plan area to maintain a pleasing atmosphere for visitors and surrounding residents There will be adequate and contemporary landscaping which will minimize impacts and enhance view sheds from adjacent properties Landscaping will be provided between buildings, along the property lines, and within parking areas in order to enhance the overall design of the site and increase the image of the area. Landscaping will be provided along the frontage of the Specific Plan area along El Segundo Boulevard to create a buffer and a more appealing view for the public F Public Safety Development within the 124'" Street Specific Plan shall ensure that the activity proposed and the use of the property will not endanger the public's general welfare, health and /or safety Any activity or development within the plan area shall not create or pose any public nuisance to the City or its surrounding community The following policies shall be followed to ensure public safety 1. Lighting shall be adequate and shielded to minimize off -site illumination and shall conform with the Development Standards set forth in this Plan (refer to Section IV Development Standards) 2 Site design, building configurations, and operational procedures shall comply with City police safety policies to ensure public safety on site and its adjacent uses 3 Development shall consider alternative or appropriate designs that will mitigate and minimize the negative impacts associated with views, noise, odor, light, and glare 4 Security fencing shall be provided along the perimeter of the Specific Plan area to ensure public safety G. Signage Signage within the Specific Plan area shall encourage the effective use of signs as a means of identification in order to maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment and the City's ability to attract sources of economic development and growth; improve pedestrian and traffic safety; minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby public and private property, and enable the fair and consistent enforcement of sign restrictions set forth under the Development Standards within this plan (refer to Section IV) The development standards established within the 124'" Street Specific Plan shall further specify and conform with the policies and guidelines set forth in Section 20 60 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Revised 719199 11 034 IV. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The 124" Street Specific Plan Development Standards shall apply to all uses within the Specific Plan area In the event that the Specific Plan document does not address specific standards for new development, the new development shall comply with development standards set forth in the Urban Mixed -Use North Zone (MU -N) of Section 20 36 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code The Specific Plan area will be developed to consist of primarily general storage and mim- storage uses In conjunction with the development of storage facilities, the 124'" Street Specific Plan would also allow the City to develop a portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility In the event the City does not undertake the above - mentioned development, that portion of the property would then be developed by the current property owner(s) with an additional storage building The following development standards shall apply to the 124" Street Specific Plan area 1. General Provisions All uses shall be subject to an administrative site plan review to ensure design compatibility 2. Uses a All uses within the Specific Plan Area shall be limited to storage and a custodial convenience la rut, except for the City's option to develop a water plumping and treatment facility on a designated portion of the site (refer to Site Plan Exhibit) b The proposed development will consist of approximately 83,000 gross square feet of development, which includes, 73,530 gross square feet of self- storage facilities and approximately 9,500 square feet for the City's development of a water pumping and treatment facility c In the event the City does not choose to develop that designated portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility, an additional one -story self- storage building consisting of 11,000 square feet will be contracted as a second phase of the project 3. Lot Area a The minimum lot area includes the entire Specific Plan area (3.93 gross acres) b No subdivision of land is permitted in the Plan area, except as may be required for the City's water ptunpmg and treatment facility 4 Height a There will be a total of seven one -story storage biuldings within the Specific Plan area All one -story self- storage buildings within the Specific Plan area shall not exceed 13 feet in height b In the event the City does not choose to develop that designated portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility, an additional one -story self- storage building will be developed and shall not exceed 13 feet in height c There will be one, two -story, self- storage bwldmg within the Specific Plan area, and it shall not exceed 25 feet in height d. The water treatment biuldmg and the cylindrical storage tank shall not exceed 25 feet in height (see Site Plan Exhibit) Revised 719199 12 Pik 039 5. Setbacks (See Landscaping Section below) a Front yard shall have a variable setback from 30 -35 feet (along El Segundo Boulevard) b Side yard shall have varying setbacks along the westerly property line from 10 -28 5 feet (refer to Site Plan Exhibit) c Side yard shall have varying setbacks from 5 - 33 5 feet along the easterly property line (refer to Site Plan Exhibit) d Rear yard shall have a 35 -foot setback from the southern line of the access easement (refer to Site Plan Exhibit) 6. Lot Frontage a Frontage on El Segundo Boulevard shall be as depicted on the Site Plan Exhibit, Building Area a Total net floor area in the 124'" Street Specific Plan shall not exceed a Floor /Area Ratio of 47.10 for the self- storage facilities b 1n the event the City does not choose to develop that designated portion of the site as a water pumping and treatment facility, total net floor area shall not exceed a Floor /Area Ratio of 54 10 8 Walls & Fences a Six -foot high metal security fencing shall be provided along the east, south and west property lines b Any other wall, fence or hedge to be constructed within the Specific Plan area shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety 9. Access a Public access to the Specific Plan area shall be provided from 124" Street only Public access off of Aviation Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard is prohibited b Emergency exit access only shall be provided off of El Segundo Boulevard c Six -foot high traffic controlled gates shall be constructed at the entrance /exit along El Segundo Boulevard (for emergency access) and at the 124`" /Aviation Boulevard entrance/ exit (public entrance) d Minimum 20 -25 -foot wide drive aisles shall be provided within the Specific Plan Area to allow for adequate access and circulation (refer to Site Plan Exhibit) 10. Hours of Operation The operation hours shall be limited from 7 00 AM to 7 00 PM daily Revised 7/9!99 13 036 11 Parking a A total of 24 parking spaces shall be provided for the storage uses within the Specific Plan Area, which includes one disabled "van" stall, 3 standard stalls, and 20 parallel stalls Two additional stalls will be provided in the event the water pumping and treatment facility is constructed b One additional space for loading purposes shall also be provided and shall be 12 feet wide and 30 feet long with a vertical clearance of 16 feet c The maximum number of vehicles on -site during peak demands shall not exceed 13 cars d Parking shall be provided within the Specific Plan area and no on- street or off - premise parking will be allowed 12. Landscaping a A minimum of 12% landscaping of the total net area of site shall be provided at all times within the Specific Plan area (18,900 square feet), b A 30 -35 foot minimum landscaped parkway shall be provided along the frontage of the lot along El Segundo Boulevard to act as a buffer from the public right -of -way and to reduce the visual impact of development on the site c. The side yard setbacks along the easterly property line shall be landscaped with approved plants as depicted on the Site Plan Exhibit d The side yard setback along the westerly property line (starting at variable setback of 10- feet) shall be landscaped e Additional landscaping shall be provided between parking spaces along the westerly property line f The 35 -foot minimum rear yard setback (which begins at the southern line of the access easement) shall have a 20 -foot minimum landscaped buffer with trees and other approved plants g Planting areas will be provided between buildings located on -site as specified on Exhibits 13. Signs Sign Area and Height a Monument signs shall be allowed in the Specific Plan area Monument signs shall not exceed 300 square feet in size and no more than one double -sided ground monument sign shall be permitted on each street b One wall sign shall be permitted on the two -story building located internal to the site c Design, Constrution and Maintenance d All signs shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with Section 20 60 040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code e Signs in the Specific Plan area shall be consistent in color scheme, lettering or graphic style, location, lighting, materials and sign dimension as indicated in the Sign Plan below Directional Signs f An "Emergency Exit Only" sign shall be located along the frontage of El Segundo Boulevard as well as a public access sign that directs patrons to the 124" Street entrance Revised 7/9/99 14 037 Sinn Plan g A Sign Plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Building Safety and be in conformance with the standards described in Section 20 60 060 General Pernut Procedures of the El Segundo Municipal Code h Unless otherwise stated, all signs within the Specific Plan area shall conform with the standards, procedures, exemptions and other requirements as set forth in Chapter 20.60 Signs of the El Segundo Municipal Code, 14. Lighting a Lighting shall be adequate throughout the Specific Plan area and shielded to minimize off -site illumination b A minimum amount of illumination provided shall be 1 -foot candle for parking areas c Lighting fixtures shall be mounted on all buildings with down - facing lens to minimize off -site illumination d On -wall fixtures shall be mounted no higher than 15 feet on single story buildings Revised 7!9199 15 t�38 i }I F Z_ � S 5 ax t _ i I 5x fil}i:j: l ,! - °� -I �i t 1 s3a ie I I Z I Y I - I I I I i I I p +k-YTL?�ee3:dA,�ea I p ,I lil I Z I Ilil I al I � Iii I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 5 8 e O v G OD d W w O w A I „AAA P. Ia e+ fl39 I I I A C C C > �n > O p O n E 0 E N t \ N H 2 a 0 O Z E A EL SEGUNDO SELF STORAGE H T N T n IA `s L — N EM �S z Z E I DON WILKINS ARCHITECT 6 ASSOCIATES ACCMfff Wl 01" RANNM OIII 4XId142 SSIAI Mcw. CG17 N10NWAY NAM G0104N.A 10211 r40 EXHIBIT 3 3 II V G I y A I E n Q T F P Itib p fs3�t[1� ti d a =i n a s s y � Q n y S P I( P�2: iii'. �la ^ n 3 e 0 I I I P ° I O I i - > I 4 I I I � I I I = - m I I a 0 n n T n 0 s a z toil �� s It 1Fj�f > S Y n41 aryl EL St(1 w 0 SELF STORAGE DON WILKINS ARCHITECT 6 ASSOCIATES W { ~a ..kMSClns Os nA. 11.1sss_va EXIMIT 7.2 a 22241 FACtJC COST xmxa.T 4.ueu c.urmxu .nfa• E P Itib p fs3�t[1� agi. I I I P ° I O I i - > I 4 I I I � I I I = - m I I a 0 n n T n 0 s a z toil �� s It 1Fj�f > S Y n41 aryl EL St(1 w 0 SELF STORAGE DON WILKINS ARCHITECT 6 ASSOCIATES W { ~a ..kMSClns Os nA. 11.1sss_va EXIMIT 7.2 a 22241 FACtJC COST xmxa.T 4.ueu c.urmxu .nfa• E to F i r • • - . �Y Z ^ I i Eye i+ aY! d All > Pit ;6 4 3 pd t E SS3 7 z Y r r o t r r 1 a E d � N = EL SEGUrUO SELF STpE E E Far= O V e 1 c PC= o IMMN zE. 1c y Y 1:... Y a 3 ..I T z rA 10 rL SE ruw 0o 1 u`LEV A(j DON WILKINS ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES i n ' n n � O ° O O> R' i F Fq I.� Y ! !� F i r • • - . �Y Z ^ I i Eye i+ aY! d All > Pit ;6 4 3 pd t E SS3 7 z Y r r o t r r 1 a E d � N = EL SEGUrUO SELF STpE E E Far= O V e 1 c PC= o IMMN zE. 1c y Y 1:... Y a 3 ..I T z rA 10 rL SE ruw 0o 1 u`LEV A(j DON WILKINS ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES a .g g i t 5 E iai 6'i'a 3 1 Ea aaa i is!' {E ;fill �$ i!!S'g!lOo ig� ail ll Ia at g !' q 8ij as aj gaaa; f ii a!• ii °g a�ig i i as 111 g g s sta4;11! ili9?i4 ii�lgi ,ggl�(�E gags ��� 0 i m Il i 0 z a °i I• a las gi �g 61 S4 Es ��'lt'i r SSSSS `I i S g IMI 33 �g la E 4 41 g EiE �I )l i ;l J ;�N EL SEGON00 SELF STORAGE DON WIL %INS ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES al EXHIBIT 3.0 ..cwwwu bare eanwwwe awuu -uax Ilia W.. ucnm .' I.. wr rAU+e uwovwn +oars r 4 3 s F iai 6'i'a 3 1 Ea aaa i is!' {E ;fill �$ i!!S'g!lOo ig� ail ll Ia at g !' q 8ij as aj gaaa; f ii a!• ii °g a�ig i i as 111 g g s sta4;11! ili9?i4 ii�lgi ,ggl�(�E gags ��� 0 i m Il i 0 z a °i I• a las gi �g 61 S4 Es ��'lt'i r SSSSS `I i S g IMI 33 �g la E 4 41 g EiE �I )l i ;l J ;�N EL SEGON00 SELF STORAGE DON WIL %INS ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES al EXHIBIT 3.0 ..cwwwu bare eanwwwe awuu -uax Ilia W.. ucnm .' I.. wr rAU+e uwovwn +oars r 4 3 n Cn K � N O n ? � C! ro�uo c a 0 8 g 8 e O o e 60 �d co M F+. Q s O i m C7 N o rwi O z 0• O 0 z p o O C ' N r D I v i J 122nd W 123rd 147 ►W,-A, 0 W ♦101.1 D SEGUNDO r ;;a o -fl U1 To D ^N Z^ ) VJ rn rn 0, rn rn (1) < N 0 0 D D 138th ST v� D m S n { ST ST BLVD !1 AA m rn m 3 m m � n 0 0 'L a 41 z p o O C ' N r D I v i J 122nd W 123rd 147 ►W,-A, 0 W ♦101.1 D SEGUNDO r ;;a o -fl U1 To D ^N Z^ ) VJ rn rn 0, rn rn (1) < N 0 0 D D 138th ST v� D m S n { ST ST BLVD !1 AA 3 Land Use Element 124th Street Specific Plan Permits warehousing and mini- storage uses (with an appurtenant custodial convenience unit) Also permits a Water Facility The maximum FAR is 0 47 1 (with the Water Facility) and 0.54 1 (withou the Water Facility) (Ord _, GPA 99 -1, 8/3/99) Industrial Designation Light Industrial Permits light manufacturing, warehousing, research and development and office Light manufacturing is defined as the assembly, packaging fabrication, and processing of materials into finished products, rather than the conversion or extraction of raw materials The light mdustna activity shall be conducted primarily within structures, outside storag areas and assembly activity should be limited The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) allowed is 0 6 Other compatible uses and additiona FAR may be permitted for individual projects by the approval of a Specific Plan with supplemental environmental analysis Alternative methods of calculating FAR may be permitted, subject to the provision in the Zoning Code (Ord 1249, GPA 96 -1, 4/2/96) Heavy Industrial Permits heavy manufacturing uses such as construction yards, factories generating stations, extraction of raw materials, and refining All use must conform to the policies of the Hazardous Materials Element Th maximum allowed floor area ratio (FAR) is 0 6 Institutiona Public Facilities Designation Permits publicly owned facilities such as schools, maintenance yards utilities, the Civic Center, and the Library Federal Government Permits a U S Government facility that is consistent with sur- roundm uses Open Spac Open Space Designation Permits passive or active use of areas preserved as useable or visual open space both publicly- and privately -owned These areas include the El Segundo Blue Butterfly preserve, utility easements, and the existing flood control sumps Parks Permits passive or active use of areas developed as parks, for community and recreational uses Designated park areas are publicly owned Proposed Land Use Plan 045 T H E C I T Y OF EL S E G U N D O • G E N E R A L P L A N 3 -8 3 Land Use Element the market forces described in the Economic Development Element (Ord 1272, GPA 97 -1, 6117197) General Commercial uses are proposed along Sepulveda Boulevard and along El Segundo Boulevard, east of Aviation Boulevard This designation allows retail and hotel uses The site along El Segundo Boulevard, east of Aviation Boulevard (3 8 ac), as well as the site at the northeast corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Mariposa Avenue (3 2 ac) are already in commercial use The site on the southeast corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Mariposa Avenue (7.1 ac) is currently vacant, except for an existing bank building The site at the southeast comer of Sepulveda Boulevard and Imperial Avenue (7 3 ac) is currently used for office, but the land use designation of General Commercial would allow recycling of the site to a commercial use The area bounded by Nash Street, Maple Avenue, Lairport Street, and Imperial Avenue is designated as light industrial, which is consistent with the uses currently operating in that area, primarily the Hughes facility (50 4 ac) The area bounded generally by Aviation Boulevard, El Segundo Boulevard, and Douglas Street is currently a U.S Government Air Force Base (48 5 ac), which is expected to remain for the life of the Plan The Federal Government designation placed on this area will allow the types of uses that are existing The narrow parcel near the northwest intersection of El Segundo Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard (3 93 ac.), between El Segundo Boulevard and 124 " Street, is a Specific Plan area ( "124' Street Specific Plan") which encourages primarily warehousing and storage uses, however, a City Water Facility may also be developed on the site (Ord _, GPA 99 -1, 813199) Southeast Quadrant The majority of the southeast quadrant is designated light industrial (365 9 ac) This category allows for a mixture of light industrial and office uses, similar to what is now existing in some of the business parks between Douglas Street and Aviation Boulevard The southern portion of the quadrant, along Rosecrans Avenue west of Aviation Boulevard, is designated as Urban Mixed -Use South, allowing a mixture of office, hotel, and retail uses This area totals 70.6 acres The northeast corner of Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard (84 8 ac), currently occupied by Air Products and Allied Chemical, are designated for heavy industrial There is a small commercial piece (0 9 ac) along Sepulveda Boulevard, just south of T H E C I T Y OF EL S E G U N D O • G E N E R A L P L A N 3 -II m City Council Ordinance No. 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends Buildout Land Use Category Acres Dwelling Units Square Footage Single- Farmly Residential 3572 2,858 - -- Two- Family Residential 574 934 - -- Planned Residential 5.7 65 - -- Multi- Family Residential 1197 3,389 - -- Neighborhood Commercial 7 1 85 1 100,000 Downtown Commercial 308 91 1 1,237,000 General Cormercial 443 - -- 1,930,000 Corporate Office 2112 - -- 12,351,000 Smoky Hollow 941 268 2,019,454 Urban Mixed -Use North 2790 - -- 15,799,212 Urban Mixed -Use South 706 - -- 3,997,936 124th Street Specific Plan 39 1 73,530 Parking 119 - -- - -- Light Industrial 356 1 - -- 18,529,000 Heavy Industrial 1,0868 - -- - - -2 Public Facilities 917 - -- - -- Federal Government 90.6 - -- - -- Open Space 837 - -- - -- Parks 500 - -- - -- Street & Railroad R.O.W 4426 ITotals 3,494.4 7,691 56,0371132 Population Projection 17,269 1 Existing construction such as the market, and recently constructed, renovated commercial centers and legal nonfonforming residential uses at densities that are currently higher than allowed by the land use designations in this plan will not realistically be converted to mixed commercial /residential uses and these buildings are expected to remain for the life of the Plan 2 The heavy industrial shown on this plan includes the Chevron Refinery, Southern California Edison Generation Station, Air Products and Allied Chemical facilibes These facilities have processing equipment and tanks rather than buildings and are expected to remain for the life of the Plan Therefore, no estimated building square footage is shown Source City of El Segundo Plamnng Department and The Lightfoot Planning Group Amendments Orel 1209, GPA 93 -1, 11/2193, Ord 1244, GPA 95.1, 2/6196; Ord 1272, GPA 97 -1, 6117197 Ord 1279, GPA 97 -2, 10!7/97, Ord 1293, GPA 98-2,1/19/99, Ord _ GPA 99.1, 8/3199 I CITY OF EL SEGUNDO * GENERAL PLAN I 1992 General Plan exhibit Summary of Existing Trends Buildout Lu -3 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT D General Plan Land Use Map 120 TH ST, 124 TH ST. 11W ER CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT E Zoning Map lq ,1= EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION* Public Hearing and a Resolution of the City of El Segundo, California, finding the City to be in conformance with the annual Congestion Management Program (CMP) and adopting the annual CMP Local Implementation Report, in accordance with California Government Code Section 65089 RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. Hold Public Hearing Read Resolution by title only Adopt Resolution INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The Congestion Management Program (CMP) became effective with voter approval of Proposition 111 in June 1990 In accordance with State law, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has adopted the CMP for Los Angeles County Cities within the County are required to comply with the adopted CMP The CMP requires that by September 1, 1999, local agencies submit a self - certification Resolution pursuant to holding a noticed public hearing as required by State law DISCUSSION: See next page.. . ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. Resolution for adoption 1999 Local Implementation Report FISCAL IMPACT: NOT APPLICABLE Operating Budget. Capital Improvement Budget. Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget- Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required- Date: 050 Pagel of 2 N 1COUNCILUUL20 -01 (Tuesday 7/13/99 1 00 P M) n DISCUSSION: The self - certification Resolution consists of the following 1 A finding that the City is in conformance with the CMP 2 Certification that the City will continue to implement the Transportation Demand Management Ordinance (City Zoning Code, Chapter 20 55) 3 Certification that the City will continue to implement a Land Use Analysis Program (City Council Resolution No 3805) 4 1998 Local Implementation Report which includes (a) Carry over credit from 1997 Local Implementation Report 8,228 (b) Total debits accrued as a net result of building and demolition permits issued between 6/1/98 and 5/31/99 = (- 2,407) (c) Credits for qualifying transportation strategies implemented by the City between 6/1/98 and 5/31/99 = 1,731 Total Positive Credit Balance as of May 31, 1999 = 7,552 Staff from the Departments of Public Works and Planning and Building Safety have worked together to develop the Local Implementation Report The CMP requires that local agencies demonstrate a positive balance of CMP credits to demonstrate that they have implemented transportation improvements to mitigate traffic impacts due to growth A negative balance would indicate that the local agency has failed to offset development traffic impacts by transportation improvement strategies MTA is required to report this non - conformance with the CMP requirement to the State Controller who is then required to withhold that City's State Gasoline Tax allocations until that particular City complies with the CMP As indicated above, as of May 31, 1999, the City has a net positive credit balance in the City's favor and is therefore in conformance with the MTA's CMP requirements After conclusion of the Public Hearing and discussion, Staff recommends City Council adoption of the Resolution Page 2 of 2 N \C0UNCIL \JUL20 -01 (Tuesday 7/13/99 1 00 P M ) RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THE CITY TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) AND ADOPTING THE CMP LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65089. WHEREAS, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority ( "MTA "), acting as the Congestion Management Agency for Los Angeles County, adopted the 1997 Congestion Management program in November 1997, and WHEREAS, the adopted CMP requires that MTA annually determine that the County and Cities within the County are conforming to all CMP requirements, and WHEREAS, the adopted CMP requires submittal to the MTA of the CMP Local Implementation Report by September 1 of each year, and WHEREAS, the City Council held a noticed public hearing on July 20, 1999 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS- SECTION 1. That the City has taken all of the following actions, and that the City is in conformance with all applicable requirements of the 1997 CMP By June 15, of odd - numbered years, the City will conduct annual traffic counts and calculated levels of service for selected arterial intersections, consistent with the requirements identified in the CMP Highway and Roadway System Chapter The City has locally adopted and continues to implement a transportation demand management ordinance, consistent with the minimum requirements identified in the CMP Transportation Demand Management Chapter The City has locally adopted and continues to implement a land use analysis program, consistent with the minimum requirements identified in the CMP Land Use Analysis Program Chapter The City has adopted a Local Implementation Report, attached hereto and made a part hereof, consistent with the requirements identified in the CMP. This report balances traffic congestion impacts due to growth within the City with transportation improvements, and demonstrates that the City is meeting its responsibilities under the County -wide Deficiency Plan RESOLUTION NO CONFORMANCE WITH CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PAGE NO 1 v0 05 f SECTION 2. CERTIFICATION The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City, shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted, and shall forward a copy of this Resolution to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July, 1999. Mike Gordon, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th day of July, 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen City Clerk APPRqyED AS TO FORM Mark D Hensley City Attorney Y Attachment Local Implementation Report RESOLUTION NO CONFORMANCE WITH CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PAGE NO 2 "52 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Date Prepared 06- Jul -99 1999 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1,1998 - MAY 31,1999 Contact Paul Garry Phone Number (310) 322 -4670 CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY ... DEFICIENCY PLAN STATUS SUMMARY 1. Total Current Congestion Mitigation Goal [from Section 1) (2,407) Exempted Dwelling Units 0 Exempted Non - residential sq it (in 1,000s) 0 2. Transportation Improvements Credit Claims [from Section II] 1,731 Land Use Strategy Claims 4 Capital Improvement Claims 4 Transit Claims 0 TDM Claims 4 Total Strategies Claimed 12 Subtotal Current Credit (Goal) 676 3 Carryover Credit from Last Year's (1998) Local Implementation Report 8,228 Net Deficiency Plan Credit Balance: 7,552 r53 LIR_1998 -1999 XLS Section I, Page 1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Date Prepared. 06- Jul -99 1998 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1,1997 -MAY 31,1998 SECTION I - NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT •A DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category Dwelling Units Debit Debits Value /DU Single Family Residential 15.00 x 680 — 102 Multi-Family Residential 3.00 x 476 — 14 Group Quarters 0.00 x 1.98 — 0 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category 1000 Gross Square Feet Debit Debits ValueM000SF Commercial less than 300,000 sq it 4.33 x 2223 — 96 Commercial 300,000 s .ft or more 0.00 x 17.80 — 0 Freestanding Eating & Drinking 0.00 x 6699 — 0 NON - RETAIL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category 1000 Gross Square Feet Debit Debits Value11000SF Lodging 0.00 x 7 21 — 0 Industrial 1.28 x 6.08 — 8 Office less than 50,000 s .ft 0.00 x 1616 — 0 Office 50,000 - 299,999 s .ft 156.68 x 1050 — 1,645 Office 300,000 sq It or more o.001 x 7.35 — 0 Medical 0.00 x 1690 — 0 Government 0.00 x 2095 — 0 Institutional /Educational 0.00 x 768 — 0 University 0.00 x 166 — 0 OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Description Attach additional sheets if necessary) Daily Trips 0 Debit Debits Value /rri Recreational Facile 135,000 s f 2,150.00 x 0 71 — 1,527 ENTER IF APPLICABLE 0.00 x 071 — 0 Subtotal New Develo ment Active — 3,392 Adjustments (Optional) - Complete Part 2 0 — 985 Total Current Congestion Mitigation Goal (Points)12,ao7) 054 LIR -1998 -1999 XLS Section I, Page 2 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Date Prepared. 06- Jul -99 1999 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1,1998 -MAY 31,1999 SECTION I - NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT (Continued) Enter Information where it sa s "Enter." If not agplicable, enter "0" so it will total. PART 2: NEW DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS IMPORTANT- Adjustments may be claimed only for 1) development permits that were both Issued and revoked, expired or withdrawn during the reporting period, and 2 demolition of any structure within the reporting eriod RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Category Dwelling Units Adjustment Subtotal Value/DU Single Family Residential 11.00 x 6.80 - 75 Multi-Family Residential 4.00 x 476 - 19 Group Quarters 0.00 x 198 - 0 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Category 1000 Gross Square Feet Adjustment Subtotal Value/1000SF Commercial less than 300,000 sq ft 1.91 x 2223 - 42 Commercial 300,000 s .ft or more 0.00 x 1780 = 0 Freestanding Eating & nnkinq 0.00 x 6699 - 0 NON - RETAIL DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Category 1000 Gross Square Feet Adjustment Subtotal Value/1000SF Lodginq 0.00 x 721 - 0 Industrial 139.61 x 608 - 849 Office less than 50,000 sq ft 0.00 x 1616 - 0 Office 50,000 - 299,999 s .ft 0.00 x 1050 - 0 Office 300,000 sq ft. or more 0.00 x 7.35 - 0 Medical 0.00 x 1690 - 0 Government 0.00 x 20.95 - 0 Institutional/Educational 0.00 x 7.68 - 0 University 1 0.001 x 166 - 0 OTHER DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Description Attach additional sheets if necessary) Daily Trips 0 Adjustment Subtotal 1 Value/rn None 0.001 x 071 0 None 0.001 x 071 - 0 Total Mitigation Goal Adjustments (Points) 985 055 LIR_1998 -1999 XLS Section I, Page 3 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Date Prepared 06- Jul -99 1998 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1,1997 - MAY 31,1998 SECTION I - NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT (Continued) (NOT INCLUDED IN NEW Low/Very Low Income Housing High Density Residential near Rail Stations Mixed Use Developments near Rail Stations Development Agreements entered into Prior to July 10, 1989 Reconstruction of Buildings damaged in April 1992 Civil Unrest Reconstruction of Buildings damaged in Jan 1994 Earthquake Total Dwelling Units teal so It (in 1,000s) C� Dwelling Units �l Dwelling Units Gross Square Feet 01 Dwelling ling Umts Gross Square Feet Dwelling 0 Dwelling Units Gross Square Feet Dwelling 0 Dwelling Umts 0 1000 Gross Square Feet 01 Dwelling Units Exempted Development Definitions: 1 Lowery Low Income Housing: as defined by the California Department of Housing and Community Development as follows. Low - Income* equal to or less than 80% of the County median income, with adjustments for family size Very Low- Income, equal to or less than 50% of the County median income, with adjustments for family ; 2 High Density Residential Near Rail Stations development located within 1/4 mile of a fixed rail passenger station and that is equal to or greater than 120 percent of the maximum residential density allowed under the local general plan and zoning ordinance A project providing a minimum of 75 dwelling units per acre is automatically considered high density 3 Mixed Uses Near Rail Stations mixed use development located within 1/4 mile of a fixed rail passenger station, if more than half of the land area, or floor area, of the mixed use development is used for high density residential housing. 4 Development Agreements: protects that entered into a development agreement (as specified under Section 65864 of the California Government Code) with a local jurisdiction prior to July 10, 1989 5 Reconstruction or replacement of any residential or non - residential structure which is damaged or destroyed, to the extent of not less than 50% of its reasonable value, by fire, flood, earthquake or other similar calamity 6 Any project of a federal, state or county agency that is exempt from local jurisdiction zoning regulations and where the local jurisdiction is precluded from exercising any approval/disapproval authority These locally precluded protects do not have to be reported in the LIR. c� J LIR_1998 -1999 XLS Section I, Page 4 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Date Prepared 06- Jul -99 1999 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1,1998 - MAY 31,1999 SECTION II.a - LAND USE CREDIT CLAIMS Total Land Use Pro'ects: 4 Total Land Use Credits (Points): 1,153 3 Child care facilities integrated with development S.Scope 6.Unhs 4 Bright Horizons Facility for Hughes Electrorncs 6 1,000 1 1 2 143 0 7. Address: 2270 East El Segundo Boulevard 8. Center: 9. Boundaries: 10. Mixed Use: 11. Site Area: 0 Square Feet 112. Net Site Acres: 000 ACRES 13. Res. Dens.: 0 DUs/Acre 114. Non -Res Density (FAR): #DIV 101 FAR 15, Other Info: EA -439, PP 98 -1 16 12000 17 720 18 1999 19 Unknown 20 100% 21 1 3 22 .0 23 100% 24 720 3 Transit friendly parking design, Retail 5.Scope 6.Units 4 Kings/Lakers Training and Recreational facility 135 1,000 1 1 2 1512 7. Address: 555 North Nash Street 8. Center. 9. Boundaries: 10. Mixed Use: 11. Site Area: Square Feet 12. Net Site Acres: 000 ACRES 13. Res. Dens.: 0 DUs/Acre 114. Non -Res Density (FAR): #DIV /01 FAR 15. Other Info: Facility includes food establishments, proshop, arcade, 2 ice rinks and roller hockey rink 16 36 0 17 18 19 486 1999 Unknown 20 100% 21 22 1 0 23 20% 24 97 th 0. va-AW, A a \ 1 2 1 151 3 3 Transit friendly parking design, Non - retail S.Scope 246 6.Unhs 1,000 4 Continental Grand Plaza 11 Office Building 7. Address: 400 Continental Boulevard 8. Center: 9. Boundaries: 10. Mixed Use* 11. Site Area: 193,406 Square Feet .Net She Acres: 444 ACRES 13. Res. Dens.: 0 DUs/Acre 114. Non -Res Density (FAR). 13 FAR 15. Other Info: EA -268, 114 mile from green line station. 16 160 17 394 18 1999 19 $16,000 20 100% 21 3 22 158 23 100% 24 236 x'57 LIR_1998 -1999 XLS Section 11 a, Page 1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Hate Prepared 1999 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1,1998 - MAY 31,1999 SECTION 1I.a - LAND USE CREDIT CLAIMS o6- Jul -99 Total Land Use Projects: 4 Total Land Use Credits (Points): 11,153 1 2 3 Transit friendly parting design, Non -retail 1 151 3 4 Grand Avenue Corporate Center- Infonet building S.Scope 156 S.Unhs 1,000 7. Address: 2160 East Grand Avenue S. Center: 9. Boundaries: 10. Mixed Use: 11. Site Area: Square Feet 112. Net Site Acres: 000 ACRES 13. Res. Dens.: 0 DUs/Acre 114. Non -Res Density (FAR): #DIV /01 FAR 15. Other Info, EA -430, adjacent to Mariposa/Nash Greenline Station 16 160 17 250 18 19 1999 Unknown 20 21 100% 1 22 0 23 40% 24 100 - •rab' "8. {� �.<, � .. w:� cF' <:n > <o "32'�ad.':o. � :�c..uxf��. ^qe�;c> .,�,;. `„ a.,,y. ,v ;s >.._uoa`o-c»�:,,a;%i.oe'�"J ',,x;'3� � "0 05P LIR_1998 -1999 XLS Section 11 a, Page 2 7 Str Name Sepulveda Boulevard 8 From/To 9 Intersection Mariposa Avenue 10 Map Page 732 11 Participants Cattrans and City of El Segundo 12 MTA Funding 0% 13 Your share of local funding 14. Portion of Protect within your jurisdiction 100% t00% 15 Other Info Mitigation for Grand Avenue Corporate Center 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 57500 575 1996 Unknown 100% 1 0 20% 115 `• �` n { '� . r�ao e.t.a ' 0 y,. M �tI�M"��' $p?,q'b v3 `x"fx�, cf�,? 'Et M..,,. i, a.. .,'). ^.� LIR_1998 -1999 XLS Section II b, Page 1 059 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Date Prepared o6- Jul -99 1998 CMP Local Implementation Report SECTION lix: Credit, `Claims for Multi -Modal Transportation Centers - No. 223 b, N s °K,+ -7 o1 km ° Ns,%s V M 1 223.0 Multi -modal transportation center 1 1 00 MMTC Project Name: Douglas Street Metro Rail Greenlme Station Transit Component Value- Current Avg Daily Boardmgs Prior Year Avg Daily Boardmgs Net Increase in Boardmgs Net Credit Value of Transit Component: Bus Service Type Rail Service Type Total Express Local Shuttle Urban Commuter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Park &Ride Component Value: Total vehicular parking spaces reserved for commuting Total lockable bike storage spaces reserved for commuting Spaces provided to meet rail station or major bus center (non -MMTC) requirements Spaces which already received CMP Deficiency Plan credit Net Park and Ride Spaces Available for credit Net Credit Value of MMTC Park and Ride Component: Imi Spaces Value 0 6 0 0 6 58 Headway Factor: " Enter the peak hour headways, in minutes, of the two most frequent transit lines at the MMTC If any of the headway values exceed 30 minutes, the location does not qualify for credit m„ Pk Hr Hdwa #1 (minutes): 7 1 7 Pk Hr Hdwa #2 (minutes) 12 1 12 MMTC Headway Rating: 12 MMTC Headway Factor: 1 Prior Credit for Rail Station/Transit Center: 55 Maximum Credit Value of MMTC 58 Str. Name: Douglas Street Cross Street: Park Place Transit Information: Bus/Rail Line # Operator: Avg. Daily Boardin s Line No 1 Greenline MTA Line No 2 628 MTA 7 Other Line Amenities: lighting, covered waiting area, transit info, pedestrian and bic cle facilities, ADA facilities and access Participants: MTA, City of El Segundo Map Page: 732 K, A 58 1 1,994 1 $50,000 1 1% 1 3 1 55 1 100% 1 (54) n/a LIR 1998 -1999 XLS 060 Section 11 c, Page 1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Date Prepared 06- Jul -99 1998 CMP Local Implementation Report SECTION ll.c: Credit Claims for Multi -Modal Transportation Centers - No- 223 w e^K�N�t�•m`E'w" to".t�n7;�?,3N,"Oec.»b`xzamxs t�L;S �"';awi>3'a o,8°e�,o-'aY%St*5>b >.. A. `a°>r f. ' ec vrf Ha , 'e.��s�>,:x t 1 223.0 Multi -modal transportation center I 1 00 MMTC Project Name: El Segundo / Nash Metro Rail Greenline Station Transit Component Value: ,.. ,1 " 1 ^ �, Current Avg Daily Boardings Prior Year Avg Daily Boardings Net Increase in Boardings Net Credit Value of Transit Component: Bus Service Type Express Local Shuttle Rail Service Type Total Urban Commuter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Park &Ride Component Value: Total vehicular parking spaces reserved for commuting Total lockable bike storage spaces reserved for commuting Spaces provided to meet rail station or major bus center (non -MMTC) requirements Spaces which already received CMP Deficiency Plan credit Net Park and Ride Spaces Available for credit Net Credit Value of MMTC Park and Ride Component: Spaces Value o 6 o 0 6 5a Headway f=actor: Enter the peak hour headways, to minutes, of the two most frequent transit lines at the MMTC If any of the headway values exceed 30 minutes, the location does not qualify for credit ' a `» ti> tx;:w>yy.ar?1,.,;7:... i. ,tF.f'.... �. ,'s. Pk Hr Hdwa #1 (minutes): fylj "' 7 7 Pk Hr Hdwa / #2 minutes 15 15 MMTC Headway Rating: 15 MMTC Headway Factor: 1 Prior Credit for Rail Station/Transit Center: 0 Maximum Credit Value of MMTC 58 Str. Name: El Segundo Boulevard Cross Street: Nash Street Transit Information: Bus/Rail Line # Operator: Avg. all Boardings Line No 1 Greenline MTA Line No 2 627 MTA Other Line Amenities: lighting, covered wading area, off - street bus loading, transit info, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, ADA facilities and access participants- MTA, City of El Segundo Map Page: 732 n/a 581 1,994 1 $50,000 1 1% 1 3 1 55 1 100% 1 (54) LIR 1998 -1999 XLS 061 Section 11 c, Page 2 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Date Prepared o6- Jul -99 1999 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1,1998 - MAY 31,1999 SECTION II.e - TDM CREDIT CLAIMS Total TDM Projects: 14 Total TDMCredit (Points): 348 oa 1 321.0 CMP TDM Ordinance 1 297 2911000 9Sf I Non - Residential building permits issued, as reported in Section I No other descn tlon/entnes required for this strategy This is already done for you 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 030 89 n/a 1 We 100% 3 n/a 1 100% 89 Offaw K 0. 1 315.0 Informal Carpool & Vanpool Program 6 50 1100 em I 15% Trip Reduction not part of Rule 2202 for new Infonet Office budding (EA -430) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28.00 182 1,999 n/a 100% 1 We 40% 73 ¢. M 1 2 3 Informal Carpool & Vanpool Program 5. Scope: 6. Units: 1 315 4 Dev Agr. For office bldg (ord 1172) 400 Continental BI 10 100 empl. Enter zero (0) if question does nest apply. 7. Total employees in program: 1,000 S. Total employers: I? 9. Operator of Transit Service: 0 10. Percent of Total Fare Subsidized: 0 11. Net Gain avg monthly participants: 0 12. Facility /Center Address: 400 Continental Blvd 13. Daily Parking Rate: 0 14. Fee Increase: 0 16. Other Into: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28.00 272 1999 n/a 100% 2 108 8 100% 163 062 LIR_1998 -1999 XLS Section 11 e, Page 1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Date Prepared. o6- Jul -99 1999 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1,1998 -MAY 31,1999 SECTION ILe - TDM CREDIT CLAIMS Total TDM Projects: 14 Z l T?MCredit (Points): 348 •r pz� :� WaWMA . `fie ��,g eYne t,• • t•..�, ,•w, .t. 1 1 2 3 Preferential Parking for Rideshare Vehicles 5. Scope: 6. Units: 1 325 4 Dev Agr For office bldg. (ord 1172) 400 Continental BI 1 10 100 empl Enter zero ( 0 ) it question does not apply: 7 Total employees in program: 1,000 S. Total employers: 9. Operator of Transit Service: 0 10. Percent of Total Fare Subsidized: 0 11. Net Gain avg monthly participants: o 12. Facility /Center Address: 400 Continental Blvd 13. Daily Parking Rate- 0 14. Fee Increase. 0 15. Other Into- 16 3 90 1 17 38 18 1999 19 rJa 20 100% 21 2 22 15 2 23 100% 24 23 063 LIR_1998 -1999 XLS Section It e, Page 2 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Order of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION Public Hearing to consider adoption of Ordinance No _, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA GRANTING SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE, MAINTAIN, REPLACE, REPAIR, REMOVE AND /OR ABANDON PIPELINES WITHIN CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. I Open Public Hearing for Ordinance No 2 Discussion Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No _ Schedule Adoption of Ordinance No _ for August 3, 1999. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Currently, Southern California Edison Company ( "SCE ") maintains a comprehensive oil pipeline system throughout the greater South Bay and Southern California area, including the City of El Segundo Generally, the regulation of SCE and its pipeline system is regulated by the State of California through the Public Utilities Commission ( "PUC ") Changes in the electric utility system have not affected the status of the Edison Pipeline system It remains regulated by the PUC as apart of the electric utility operations The use of the pipeline to carry petroleum products for other purposes was authorized by the PUC in October, 1994 Therefore, El Segundo is largely pre - empted from regulating SCE's pipeline system However, because pipelines at times are located within local public rights of way or on public property, state law does authorize cities such as El Segundo to enter into pipeline franchise agreements through the enactment of Ordinances to govern the pipelines' use of public property This state law sets forth numerous required terms for pipeline franchise agreements, including a limitation on how franchise fees to be paid to the local agency, such as El Segundo, must be calculated on next Ordinance No _ Ordinance No 666 Ordinance No 967 FISCAL IMPACT- Revenue to the City of approximately $5,000 annually, subject to adjustment for inflation Date: D ITensley, City Attorney's ` July 14, 1999 mb \n \castaffrp . in ns4 3 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: (continued from previous page) Pursuant to the above authority, the City of El Segundo City Council has previously granted two oil pipeline franchises to SCE, via ordinance No 666, adopted June 26, 1967, and Ordinance No 967, adopted January 16, 1979 These Ordinances had twenty-five year initial terms. Thus, Ordinance No 666 expired in June, 1992 and Ordinance No 967 expires in January, 2004 An application for renewal of Ordinance No 666, was submitted in January, 1992 Copies of these prior Ordinances have been included with this agenda report for your reference As indicated, Ordinance No 666 relates to an existing pipeline located as follows• crossing Vista Del Mar Boulevard at a location adjacent to SCE's El Segundo Steam Plant property, crossing Rosecrans Avenue at the intersection of Rosecrans and Elm Avenue Ordinance No 967's pipeline is located as follows Rosecrans Avenue west of Bell Avenue, then easterly in Rosecrans Avenue to a point near the centerline of Elm Avenue, thence southerly to the northerly boundary line of the City of Manhattan Beach SCE has provided a color map indicating the locations of the relevant pipeline As indicated above, SCE's Franchise Fee payments to the City are governed by state law Historical Franchise Fee payments to the City are as follows Franchise 1993 1994 Ord No 666 $3200 3269 Ord No 967 $443410 449857 1995 1996 1997 31 81 2983 32.27 4580.95 472063 472063 As indicated above, in 1997, pursuant to Ordinance No 666, SCE paid the City a franchise fee of $32 27, which is based on 2% of SCE's gross revenues attributable to the Pipeline. In 1997, pursuant to Ordinance No 967, SCE paid the City a franchise fee of $4,720 63, which is based upon an original fee of $2,500 adjusted annually for inflation pursuant to increases in the Producer Price Index Thus, for 1997, actual fees paid were $4,720 63 DISCUSSION SCE has requested that the City consolidate the two existing franchise Ordinances Nos 967 and 666 into one Ordinance for ease of administration and to consolidate fee payments to the City City staff, including the City Attorney's office, has been working with SCE for the past several months on a draft franchise Ordinance SCE has agreed to pay the City $5,000 to reimburse the City for its costs in processing the franchise application Attached for your review is Ordinance No , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA GRANTING SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE, MAINTAIN, REPLACE, REPAIR, REMOVE AND /OR ABANDON PIPELINES WITHIN CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS n65 The basic provisions of the franchise are • Authorization to construct, lay, operate, test, maintain, use, renew, repair, replace, change size, and remove or abandon in place a system of pipelines for the purpose of conveying oil products, water, waste water, and other substances • Term of the franchise is twenty -five (25) years • Franchise payments at the highest authorized rate under state law • Provide for reports and testing as needed The estimated 1998 payment under the proposed Ordinance is $5,150 93, subject to annual adjustment On June 15, 1999, the City Council passed Resolution No , setting the public hearing for the consideration of the granting of this franchise Staff recommends that the City Council conduct the public hearing, introduce the Ordinance, and schedule the Ordinance for second reading and adoption at the August 3, 1999 City Council meeting (16F; ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA GRANTING TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE, MAINTAIN, REPLACE, REPAIR, REMOVE AND /OR ABANDON PIPELINES WITHIN CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS WHEREAS, on the 27`h day of January, 1992, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, ( "SCE ") , a corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, filed with the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, an application in writing for a franchise to use and to construct, lay, operate, test, maintain, use, renew, repair, replace, move, change the size and number of, remove or abandon in place a system of pipelines and appurtenances, for the purpose of conducting, transporting, conveying and carrying gas, oil, petroleum products, water, waste water, and other petroleum based substances on, along, in, under and across public streets, ways, alleys, and places within the City of El Segundo ( "City ") , and requested the City Council to advertise the fact of the application; and, WHEREAS, the City of E1 Segundo had previously granted two oil pipeline franchises to SCE, Ordinance Nos 666 (expired 7/26/92 with annual renewals) and 967 (expires 2/15/2004) ; and the City Council desires to combine the two franchises into one franchise for ease of administration and to consolidate franchise fee payments for the existing pipeline system; and, WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 4119, adopted on the 15th day of June, 1999, declared its intention to grant said pipeline franchise to Southern California Edison Company, and did set July 20, 1999 as the date of the pubic hearing thereon; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did, by aforesaid resolution, authorize and direct the City Clerk to publish a notice of intent to grant a franchise that state all the facts and matters in connection with the granting of the Franchise and is entitled: NOTICE OF INTENT TO GRANT A PIPELINE FRANCHISE TO LAY, OPERATE, TEST, MAINTAIN, USE, RENEW, REPAIR, REPLACE, MOVE, CHANGE SIZE AND NUMBER OF, AND REMOVE OR ABANDON IN PLACE A SYSTEM OF PIPELINES AND APPURTENANCES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING, TRANSPORTING, CONVEYING, AND CARRYING GAS, OIL, PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, WATER, ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO I n 6 7 WASTE WATER, AND PETROLEUM BASED PRODUCTS, ON, ALONG, UNDER AND ACROSS PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS, AND PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO; and, WHEREAS, the City Clerk did publish said notice as directed by the City Council before any further action an said Franchise was taken by the City Council and affidavit of publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk; and, WHEREAS, on the 20th day of July, 1999, a public hearing was held and it was determined by the City Council to grant said pipeline Franchise to Southern California Edison Company; and WHEREAS, Southern California Edison Company will deposit with the City Treasurer the sum of $5,000 to cover the costs incurred in connection with the granting of said Franchise; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 NATURE OF FRANCHISE City hereby grants a non - exclusive Franchise ( "this Franchise ") to Grantee for a twenty -five (25) year term from the effective date to construct, install, operate, test, maintain, use, renew, repair, replace, move, change the size and number of, and remove or abandon in place a system of pipelines and appurtenances, for the purpose of transporting gas, oil, petroleum products, water, waste water, and other petroleum based substances, on, along, in, under, and across public streets, ways, alleys, and places (collectively the "streets "), within the City of E1 Segundo (Exhibit "A"). This Franchise shall automatically renew for two successive ten year terms upon the expiration of the initial twenty five year term unless either party shall notify the other in writing of its intention not to renew the Franchise for the next successive term, at least one hundred and eighty calendar days before the expiration of the then current term, but no sooner than one year before the expiration date. This Franchise is hereby granted to Grantee and its lawful successors and assigns subject to the terms hereof. SECTION 2. COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCES, RULES, AND LAWS. The Grantee shall construct, install, and maintain all pipes, ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 2 �p0 conduits, poles, wires, and appurtenances in accordance and in conformity with all the ordinances and rules adopted by the legislative body of the municipality in the exercise of its police powers and not in conflict with the paramount authority of the State, and, as to state highways, subject to the laws relating to the location and maintenance of such facilities therein SECTION 3 APPURTENANCES. Grantee shall have the right, to construct and maintain such traps, manholes, conduits, valves, appliances, attachments and appurtenances as may be necessary or convenient for proper maintenance and operation of the pipelines Appurtenances shall be kept flush with the surface of the Streets and located so not to interfere with the use of the Streets. Grantee shall have the right to make all necessary excavations in the Streets for construction and repair of the pipelines and appurtenances Grantee shall obtain all necessary and applicable permits from the City to complete such work. SECTION 4 LOCATION OF THE FACILITIES. So far as is practicable, the Facilities shall be located along the edge or shoulder of the Streets or in parking areas adjacent thereto so as to not unreasonably disturb the flow of traffic, and where possible shall be laid in the unpaved portions of the Streets, if any. SECTION 5 CONSTRUCTION OF THE FACILITIES. A. Terms of Construction The Facilities shall be installed, maintained and inspected by Grantee in a satisfactory, safe, and workmanlike manner, of good material, and in conformity with any applicable ordinances, rules or regulations now or hereafter adopted or prescribed by the City, state or federal authorities. The Facilities shall conform to applicable standards for pipelines imposed by the California State Fire Marshal and any other applicable regulatory authority, including but not limited to those standards under the California Pipeline Safety Act of 1981 (Government Code 951010 et seq ). B Restoration of the Streets The work of laying, constructing, maintaining, operating, renewing, repairing, excavating, restoring, changing ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 3 �6� and moving any segments of the Facilities, and all other work in exercise of the rights under this Franchise, shall be conducted with the least practicable hindrance or interference to use of the Streets by the public or City, and Grantee shall provide all necessary warning, safety and traffic control devices as are or may be required by applicable City, county, state or federal regulations All excavations shall be back filled and adequately compacted. The surface of the streets shall be placed in as good and serviceable condition as existed before commencement of the work If Grantee fails to restore the excavation as required, City or its agents may, at the City's sole discretion, restore the excavation site to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Engineer Within forty -five (45) days after receipt of the City's itemized bill Grantee shall pay to City, on demand, the reasonable cost of all repairs to public property made necessary by any of the operations of the Grantee under the Franchise SECTION 6. DOCUMENTS TO BE FURNISHED. A. Maps Within ninety (90) days following the execution of this Agreement, Grantee shall file with City a map or maps, in such form as may be required by the City Engineer, showing accurately the locations and sizes of all of the Facilities currently in place, and shall, upon installation of any additional facilities or upon removal, change or abandonment of all or any portion thereof, file with City a revised map or maps showing the locations and sizes of all such additional and /or abandoned facilities as of that date B Documents To and From Government Agencies Upon request by City, Grantee shall, at Grantee's sole expense, provide to City any report, document, or writing (including, but not limited to, report of incidents, inspections, safety, reports, and permit applications or documents) to or from any government agency concerning the facilities as necessary. SECTION 7. COMPENSATION TO THE CITY. A Annual Franchise Fee As consideration for the granting of this Franchise, Grantee shall pay an annual Franchise Fee to City The Franchise Fee shall be paid annually to City in lawful money of the United ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 4 ''7n States by April 15 of each calendar year. Any neglect, omission or refusal of Grantee to pay the Franchise shall constitute grounds for declaration of a forfeiture of this Franchise and all rights hereunder. Acceptance by City of any payment of the Franchise Fee shall not be construed as a release, waiver, acquiescence or accord and satisfaction of any claim City may have for further or additional sums payable under this Franchise or for the performance of any other obligation hereunder. The Grantee shall, during the life of this franchise, pay to the City, in lawful money of the United States and in the manner provided by law, an annual franchise fee in an amount determined in accordance with Section 6231 5 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California. Pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 6231.5 (c), the 1989 Base Rate franchise fee is $4,13073 The amount of each franchise fee payment shall be determined each calendar year as follows (1) The amount of the payment shall be adjusted at the time payment is due by multiplying the 1989 Base Rate by the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers for the Los Angeles - Anaheim- Riverside Area as published by the United States Department of Labor, Office of Information, for the month of September immediately preceding the month in which payment is due and payable, and dividing by the Consumer Price Index for June 30, 1989, which is declared to be 100 0. Under no circumstances shall the multiplying factor be less than one. (2) If the United States Department of Labor, Office of Information, discontinues preparation or publication of the aforesaid Consumer Price Index for such Area, and if no translation table prepared by the Department of Labor is available so as to make those statistics which are then available applicable to the Index for June 30, 1989, City shall prescribe a rate of payment which shall, in its judgment, vary from the rates specified in this Section in approximate proportion as commodity consumer prices then current vary from consumer prices current in December, 1988 On this point, the City's reasonable determination shall be final and conclusive. (3) If said Office of Information shall revise said Index, the parties hereto shall accept the method of revision or conversion recommended by said Office ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 5 X71 B Administrative Fee for Processing this Franchise In consideration for the granting of this Franchise, and to reimburse City for its administrative expenses in preparing, advertising and approving the documents for this Franchise, Grantee shall pay City Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date of this Franchise. SECTION 8 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS A Spill Prevention and Response Planning 1. At all times during the life of the Franchise and to the extent required by law, as the law relates to the Facilities, Grantee shall maintain: a. An oil spill prevention and response plan consistent with and conforming to California Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response Regulations (OSPR) of Title 14, Division 1, Subdivision 4, Chapter 2, Subchapter 3, § §815 -817 of the California Code; b A Business Plan pursuant to Chapter 6 95 of the California Health and Safety Code; c A Chemical Inventory pursuant to Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code; and d. Pipeline maps and diagrams, and a contingency plan for pipeline emergencies pursuant to California Government Code §51075. 2. Grantee shall also comply with any requirements for similar plans lawfully imposed by any federal, state or local authority during the term of this Franchise and shall pay all applicable fees for review of such plans 3. Upon request, Grantee shall meet with the City Fire Chief or Fire Chief's designee as requested to discuss and review the above described plans and response plans for pipeline emergencies. All emergency response work performed by Grantee shall be performed in accordance with the applicable plans and in cooperation with the City Fire Department. ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 6 0172 B Operational Requirements a Grantee shall cause the Facilities to be secure against unauthorized entry and tampering b. Grantee will maintain and submit to the City a California State Fire Marshal approved contingency plan for pipeline emergencies as required by California Government Code, Chapter 5 5 (The Elder California Pipeline Safety Act of 1991. SECTION 9 OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR To the extent required by law, Grantee shall operate, maintain and repair the Facilities in accordance with the California Pipeline Safety Act (Government Code §§51010- 51019) , U S Department of Transportation Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Regulations (49 C.F.R Part 195) and any and all other applicable federal and state rules. Grantee shall immediately make all repairs to the Streets and City property made necessary by any of the operations of Grantee, upon obtaining all necessary City permits SECTION 10. REARRANGEMENT OF FACILITIES. A Expense of Grantee 1. If any portions) of the Facilities shall, endanger the public in the use of the Streets or interfere with or obstruct the use of any street by the public or for public purpose, City shall have the right to require Grantee to move, alter or relocate such portion(s) to avoid such danger, interference or obstruction, in conformity with written notice from the City Engineer, at Grantee's sole expense. In such an event, City agrees to provide Grantee with a reasonable alternative location to relocate such portion(s) of the Facilities so as to provide an unbroken connection between the relocated portions and the portions that remain in place. 2. Whenever, during the term of this Franchise, the City, including any water, electric, gas or other utility system hereafter owned or operated by City, any community facilities or assessment district, or any other agency established by City in its ministerial capacity, shall change the grade, width, alignment or location of any street, way, alley or place, or improve any said street in any manner, including but not limited ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 7 W to the laying of any city sewer, storm drain, conduits, gas, water or other pipes, pedestrian tunnels, subway, viaduct or other work of City (the right to do all of which is specifically reserved to City without any admission on its part that it would not otherwise have such rights), Grantee shall, at its own cost and expense, do any and all things to effect such change in position or location of any portion(s) of the Facilities in conformity with the written approval of the City Engineer, including but not limited to removal or relocation of any portion(s) of the Facilities, if and when deemed necessary by the reasonable determination of the City Engineer. B Expense of Others 1 City shall also have the right to require Grantee to rearrange any part of the Facilities for the accommodation of any private person, firm or corporation. When such rearrangement is done for the accommodation of any private person, firm or corporation, the cost of such rearrangement shall be borne by the accommodated party. Such accommodated party, in advance of such rearrangement, shall deposit with Grantee cash in an amount, as in the reasonable discretion of Grantee, necessary to pay all the costs of such rearrangement. 2. The rearrangement referred to in subsection 1 of subparagraph B of this Section shall be accomplished in conformity with the written notice of the City Engineer and plans approved by the City Engineer. C. Rearrangement of Other Facilities. Nothing contained in this Franchise shall be construed to require City to move, alter or relocate any of its facilities upon any of the Streets, at its own expense, for the convenience, accommodation or necessity of any other public entity, person, firm or corporation now or hereafter owning a public utility system of any type or nature, or to move, alter or relocate any part of its system upon any of the Streets for the convenience, accommodation or necessity of Grantee D Notice Grantee shall be given not less than one hundred eighty (180) days written notice of any rearrangement of any portion(s) of the Facilities which Grantee is required to make under this Section Such notice shall furnish final, approved plans detailing the necessity for the rearrangement of such portion(s) of the Facilities, specify in reasonable detail the work to be done by Grantee, and shall specify the time that ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 8 074 such work is to be accomplished. In the event that City shall change the provisions of any such notice given to Grantee, Grantee shall be given an additional, reasonable period of time to accomplish such work. SECTION 11 REMOVAL OR ABANDONMENT OF FACILITIES. At the time of non - renewal, revocation or termination of this Franchise or the permanent discontinuance of use of the Facilities or any portion thereof, Grantee shall, sixty (60) days thereafter, make a written application to the City Engineer to either- (1) abandon all, or a portion, of the Facilities in place, or (2) remove all, or a portion of the Facilities. Such application shall include a closure plan, which shall demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Engineer and City's Fire Chief that any regulated materials which have been stored or transported in the Facilities or such portions(s) thereof have been or will be transported, disposed of or reused in a manner consistent with public health and safety, and shall describe the portion(s) of the Facilities desired to be abandoned by reference to the map or maps required by Section 6, hereof and shall also describe with reasonable accuracy the relative physical condition of such portion(s) of the Facilities Thereupon, the City Engineer and the Fire Chief reasonably shall determine whether any proposed abandonment or removal may be effected without detriment to the public interest or under what conditions such proposed abandonment or removal may be safely effected and shall notify Grantee, according to such requirements as shall be specified in the City Engineer's and the Fire Chief's order to either: 1. Remove all or a portion of the Facilities, or 2. Abandon in place all or a portion of the Facilities, subject to reasonable conditions imposed by the City Engineer, and Fire Chief to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to protect City against future liability. If any portion(s) of the Facilities to be abandoned in place subject to the prescribed conditions are not abandoned in accordance with all such conditions, the City Engineer may make additional appropriate orders, including, as the City Engineer deems desirable, an order that Grantee shall remove all such portion(s) of the Facilities in accordance with applicable requirements. If any portion(s) or all of the Facilities are abandoned, all right, title and interest in those abandoned shall ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 9 60' C -; remain with Grantee, and City shall not acquire any possessory, equitable or other interest therein. SECTION 12. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Liability Insurance. The Grantee shall, provide proof of a Commercial General Liability Insurance, including pollution liability insurance, and excess automobile liability insurance, including all coverage's, with no special limitations affecting City The limit for all coverage's under this policy shall be not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence It is agreed that the Grantee is allowed to lawfully self insure automobile liability. City, its employees, officials and agents, shall be named as additional insureds by endorsement to the policy Grantee shall also provide proof of Worker's Compensation Insurance with statutory limits and Employer's Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $5,000,000 Grantee is allowed to lawfully self insure Workers' Compensation. Grantee shall provide proof of any self insurance SECTION 13. INDEMNIFICATION BY GRANTEE. Grantee shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its officials, employees, agents and officers from and against any and all liability claims, demands, losses, costs, fines, penalties, expenses, causes of action, or damages (collectively referred to as "damages ") for damages proximately resulting from Grantee's exercise of this Franchise or any operations of the Facilities; and be liable to the City for all damages proximately resulting from the failure of said Grantee well and faithfully to observe and perform each and every provision of this Franchise and each and every provision of Division 3, Chapter 2 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California. Additionally, except to the extent agreed to or caused by acts or omissions of City, its elective and appointive boards, officials, officers, employees, volunteers, assigns, successors, and agents, Grantee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its elective and appointive boards, officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, assigns and any successor or successors to City's interest from and against all claims, demands, losses, defense costs, reasonable attorney fees, fines, penalties, expenses, causes of action and judgments at law or in equity, damages, losses or liability of any kind or nature, including but not limited to personal injury or death or property damage, and ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 10 076 other expenses, and the cost of any required or necessary repair, cleanup or detoxification, or the preparation and implementation of any response, remedial, removal, closure or other required plans (regardless of whether undertaken due to government action) arising out of or attributable to the presence, use, generation, storage, transportation, release, or disposal of Hazardous Material arising out of Grantee's exercise of this Franchise or the operation of the Facilities, regardless of whether any act or omission is authorized, allowed or prohibited by this Franchise As used in this Section, Hazardous Material means any substance, product, waste or other material of any nature whatsoever which is or becomes listed, regulated or addressed pursuant to: (1) the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S C. §9601, et seq. (CERCLA); the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U S.C. §1801, et seq.; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.0 §6901, et seq , the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.0 §2601, et seq , the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251, et seq ; the California Hazardous Waste Control Act, Health and Safety Code §25100, et seq , the California Hazardous Substance Account Act, Health and Safety Code §25330, et seq.; the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, Health and Safety Code §25249.5, et seq., California Health and Safety Code §25280, et seq. (Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances), the California Hazardous Waste Management Act, Health and Safety Code 525170.1, et seq ; California Health and Safety Code §25501, et seq. (Hazardous Materials Response Plans and Inventory), or the Porter - Cologne Water Quality Control Act, Water Code §13000, et seq , all as amended; or (2) any other federal, state or local law regulating, relating to, or imposing liability or standards of conduct concerning any hazardous, toxic or dangerous waste, substance or materials, as now is, or at any time hereafter may be, in effect; or (3) any rule or regulation adopted or promulgated under or pursuant to any of said laws. SECTION 14. TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT. The Grantee shall file with the legislative body of the municipality within thirty (30) days after any sale, transfer, assignment, or lease of the Franchise or any part thereof, or any of the rights or privileges granted thereby, written evidence of the transaction certified to by the Grantee or its duly authorized officers. If any transfer, assignment, lease, or sale of the Franchise is to a person or entity that is a non public utility pipeline, then City approval is required, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If the City approves that ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 31 0,77 sale, transfer, assignment, or lease of this Franchise, then the City may change the annual Franchise payment to an amount otherwise authorized by applicable state law. Upon approval, the new Grantee shall pay to the City a sum of money sufficient to reimburse it for all expenses incurred by it in connection with the approval of the sale, transfer, assignment, or lease of this Franchise; said payment to be made within thirty (30) days after the City shall have furnished said Grantee with a written statement of such expenses SECTION 15 WAIVER OF BREACH No waiver of the breach of any of the covenants, agreements, restrictions or conditions of this Franchise by City shall be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or other covenants, agreements, restrictions or conditions of this Franchise. No delay or omission of City in exercising any right, power or remedy herein provided in the event of default shall be construed as a waiver thereof, or acquiescence therein, nor shall the acceptance of any payments made in a manner or at a time other than is herein provided be construed as a waiver of or variation in any of the terms of this Franchise. SECTION 16 VIOLATION OF FRANCHISE, COMPLIANCE, FORFEITURE A. Violation of Franchise; Demand for compliance; Forfeiture. If the Grantee fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with any of the provisions or conditions prescribed in PUC Section 6291, and does not within ten (10) days after written demand for compliance, or after such beginning does not prosecute the work with due diligence to completion, the City, by its legislative body, may declare the franchise forfeited. SECTION 17. SCOPE OF RESERVATION. Nothing herein contained shall ever be construed so as to exempt Grantee from compliance with all applicable ordinances of City now in effect or which may be hereafter in effect which are not .inconsistent with the terms of this Franchise. The enumeration herein of specific rights reserved shall not be construed as exclusive, or as limiting the general reservation herein made or as limiting such rights as City may have or hereafter have in law. ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 12 n7P SECTION 18 NOTICE Any notice required to be given under the terms of this Franchise, the manner of service of which is not specifically provided for, may be served personally, sent by an overnight delivery service, or by depositing same with First Class postage prepaid in the United States Mail addressed as follows: To City. To Grantee. Director of Public SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY Works Attention: Director City of El Segundo Legislative and Local Governmental Affairs 350 Main Street 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue, Room 312 El Segundo, CA 94250 Rosemead, CA 91770 SECTION 19 SUCCESSORS. The terms of this Franchise shall inure to the benefit of and shall bind, as the case may be, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. SECTION 20. INTERPRETATION. This Franchise is granted upon each and every condition herein contained, and shall be strictly construed against the parties. This Franchise shall be interpreted and construed according to the laws of the State of California SECTION 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Franchise contains the entire understanding between City and Grantee. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations or representations not expressly set forth herein are of no force or effect. Subsequent modifications to this Franchise shall be effective only if in writing and signed by all parties. If any term, condition or covenant of this Franchise is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Franchise shall be valid and binding. SECTION 22. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FRANCHISE. This Franchise shall not be in effect unless and until the ordinance of the City Council granting this Franchise is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Franchise to be executed by their authorized representatives as of the Effective Date hereof. ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 13 079 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 1999. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY ( "City ") ( "Grantee ") by MIKE GORDON, MAYOR ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) by Name/Title I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of July 1999, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of August 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Dark D Hensley, City Attorney Ll- ORDINANCE NO SCE PIPELINE FRANCHISE PAGE NO 14 080 EXHIBIT "A" PIPELINE ROUTE General Descnption Commencing in Rosecrans Avenue at a point 909 57 feet west of the centerline of Ball Avenue, thence easterly in Rosecrans Avenue to a point near the centerline of Elm Avenue, thence southerly to the northerly boundary of the City of Manhattan Beach 1: ti ORDINANCE NO. 666 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING TO SOUTHERN CALI- FORNIA EDISON COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY -FIVE (25) YEARS, TO CONSTRUCT, LAY, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, USE, RENEW, RE- PAIR, REPLACE, AND REMOVE OR ABANDON IN PLACE A PIPELINE AND APPURTENANCES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING, TRANS- PORTING, CONVEYING AND CARRYING OIL, ONLY, IN AND UNDER CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS AND PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALI- FORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That a franchise be, and the same is hereby granted to Southern California Edison Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty -five (25) years from the effective date of this ordinance granting said franchise, to construct, lay, operate, main- tain, use, renew, repair, replace, and remove or abandon in place a pipeline, together with such valves, fittings, manholes, vaults, pumps and other appliances, appurtenances, attachments or equipment as the Grantee, its successors and assigns, may deem necessary or convenient for the purpose of conducting, transporting, conveying, and carrying oil, only, in and under certain public streets, ways, alleys and places within the City of El Segundo, State of Califorma,as follows: Crossing Vista Del Mar Boulevard at a location adjacent to Southern California Edison Com- pany's El Segundo Steam Plant property, crossing Rosecrans Avenue at the intersection of said Avenue and Elm Avenue. SECTION 2. The word "Grantee" wherever used herein shall mean and include Grantee and its successors and assigns. SECTION 3. The pipeline for conducting, transporting, con- veying and carrying oil, to be constructed and operated under this fran- chise shall be built and constructed in a good and workmanlike manner and of good material, and such pipeline laid, located or maintained under G 8 2 A 2'14 said franchise shall be so placed as not to interfere with the use of said public streets, ways, alleys and places by the traveling public or for pub- lic purposes, and in laying said pipeline the Grantee of said franchise shall make and backfill all excavations in such manner and way as to leave the surface of the public street, way, alley or place in as good condition as it was prior to said excavation, and that the Director of Public Works shall make the sole determination as to whether or not the street, alley, or place has been replaced in the same fashion as it was before such exca- vation, as well as to conform to the statutes of the State of California, and such instructions and directions as the City Council may, by ordi- nance or resolution, require, provided that said instructions and direc- tions of the said City Council are not in conflict with any paramount autho- rity of the State of California. The work to erect or lay said pipeline shall be commenced in good faith within not more than four months from the grant- ing of this franchse and if not so commenced the franclse shall be declared forfeited. SECTION 4. Any damage done directly or indirectly to any pub- lic improvement by Grantee, in exercising directly or indirectly any right, power or privilege under this franchise, or in performing any duty under or pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be promptly repaired by said Grantee at its sole cost and expense. SECTION 5. The Grantee shall, during the life of this franchise, pay to the City of El Segundo, in lawful money of the United States, and in the manner provided by law, two percent (2 0/6) of the gross annual receipts of the Grantee arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise within the City of El Segundo. This franchise is not a renewal of a right already in existence and therefore no percentage shall be paid for the first five (5) years succeeding the date of this franchise, but thereafter such percentage shall be paid annually. In the event that such payment is not made, the City Council of the City of El Segundo may declare said franchise forfeited. The Grantee of this franchise, not later than three (3) months after the expiration of the calendar year after the first five (5) years suc- -2- 083 -42') ; ceeduig the effective date of this ordinance granting said franchise, and within three (3) months after the expiration of each and every calendar year thereafter, shall file with the City Clerk of the City of El Segundo a duly verified statement showing in detail the total gross receipts of said Grantee daring the preceding calendar year or such fractional calen- dar year arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise within said City of El Segundo, and within fifteen (15) days after the tune for filing the aforesaid statement, the Grantee shall pay to the City Treas- urer of the City of El Segundo in lawful money of the United States, the aforesaid two percent (2 %) of its gross receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise during said preceding calendar year, or such fractional calendar year. Any neglect, omission or refusal of said Grantee to file said verified statement, or to pay said percentage, at the time or in the manner herembefore provided, shall be grounds for the declaration of a forfeiture of this franchise and of all rights of the Grantee hereunder, SECTION 6. The said Grantee shall not sell, transfer or assign this franchise, or any of the rights or privileges granted hereby, except upon the approval of the City Council first had and obtained, and thereafter subject to a duly executed instrument in writing, filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of El Segundo; and provided, further, that nothing in this franchise contained shall be construed to grant to said Grantee, any right to sell, transfer or assign this franchise, or any of the rights or privileges hereby granted, except in the manner aforesaid; Grantee shall not grant, assign or otherwise permit the use of said pipeline for any other purpose or purposes than to furnish oil to Granteets electric genera - tung stations for the purpose of supplying oil to operate electric generators. SECTION 7. Any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions of this franchise may work a forfeiture hereof, and the said City, by its City Council, may thereupon declare this franchise forfeited, and may exclude said Grantee from further use of the public streets, ways, alleys and places of said City under this franchise; and said Grantee shall thereupon surrender all rights in and to the same, and this franchise shall be deemed -3- WO .. ? Ij{ and shall remain null, void and of no effect. SECTION B. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. SECTION 9. The Grantee shall remove or relocate without expense to the City of El Segundo any facilities installed, used, and main- tained under the franchise if and when, in the opinion of the City Council of said City, it is necessary by reason of any lawful change of grade, align- ment, or width of any public street, way, alley, or place, including the construction of any subway or viaduct, and for any other paramount public purpose as may be determined by the City of El Segundo. SECTION 10. Whenever any portion of the territory covered by this franchise shall be annexed to, or otherwise become a part of any other municipal corporation, or of the County of Los Angeles, or of any other county, the rights reserved under this franchise to the City of El Segundo, or any officer thereof, shall inure to the benefit of such mum - cipal corporation or county, and its appropriate officers. SECTION 11. The provisions of this franchise and all rights, obligations and duties hereunder shall inure to and be binding upon the Grantee, its successors and assigns. SECTION 12. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance, shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said city, shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same as passed and adopted; and shall within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be published once in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published and circulated within scud City of El Segundo, and which is designated for that purpose. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 26th day of June, 1967. ATTEST. aA- yoj of me City at M gnn��o, orma. Pro Tempore City Clerk (SEAL) -4- X85 4?`1, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I,. T 4%ppL1C2.U..C.Cfa50A............ City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Califomia, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five, that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. ...666_ „_ is a full, true and correct original of Ordinance No... 666 „of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING TO SOUTHERN CALI- FORNIA EDISON COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY-FIVE(25) YEARS, TO CONSTRUCT, LAY, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, USE, RENEW, RE- PAIR, REPLACE, AND REMOVE OR ABANDON IN PLACE A PIPELINE AND APPURTENANCES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING, TRANS- PORTING, CONVEYING AND CARRYING OIL, ONLY, IN AND UNDER CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, �AYS. 4,D PLACES WITHIN THE Q TY which was du y paEssLe an a p the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the .... Mll..doy of.... r>.VRC........ , 19.67... , and that the some was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen.. Car.. Eredex ".AacMaaey..arAMayar.PSo..... ..Tamance VW1..... I .............................. NOES: Council men. .. blene :............. ............................... ABSENT: J dAy= mir. GaL ................. ............................... 1 do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance No..0fiR... was duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City in the EI Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within the said City and that the some was so pub- lished therein on the following date, to wit: ...0s-.— 3,../.1.41 ................... l�,�,,.fyf.��iR.rc•cRba .�•..�.cz��. City Clerk of the City of Ell Segundo, California. (SEAL) By.......... ......................... Deputy n8F ORDINANCE NO. 967 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALI- FORNIA, GRANTING TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE OF THE RIGHT FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY -FIVE YEARS FROM THE GRANTING THEREOF TO LAY, CONSTRUCT, INSTALL, OPERATE, MAIN- TAIN, RENEW, REPLACE, REPAIR, REMOVE AND /OR ABANDON IN PLACE, ONE SIXTEEN (16) INCH PIPE- LINE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF OIL, WATER AND /OR STEAM, WITHIN CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS IN SAID CITY. WHEREAS, on the 5th day of December , 19 78 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, a corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, filed with the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, an application in writing for a franchise to lay, construct, install, operate, maintain, renew, replace, repair, remove and /or abandon in place, one sixteen (16) inch pipeline for the transportation of oil, water, and /or steam, and requested the City Council to adver- tise the fact of the application; and WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 2882 adopted on the 5th day of December, 19 78, declared its inten- tion to grant said pipeline franchise to Southern California Edison Company, and did set January 2 1979 as the date of the public hearing thereon; and WHEREAS, the City Council did, by the aforesaid resolu- tion, authorize and direct the City Clerk to publish a notice of intent to grant a franchise entitled: "NOTICE OF INTENT TO GRANT A FRANCHISE TO LAY, CONSTRUCT, INSTALL, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, RENEW, REPLACE, REPAIR, REMOVE AND /OR ABAN- DON IN PLACE, ONE SIXTEEN (16) INCH PIPELINE FOR THE TRANSPORTAION OF OIL, WATER, AND /OR STEAM. "; stating all the facts and matters in connection with the granting of the franchise; and 087 WHEREAS, the City Clerk dial publish said notice as directed by the City Council before any further action on saic franchise was taken by the City Council and an affidavit of publi- cation is on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of January 1 19 -,q , said hearing was held and it was determined by the City Council to grant said pipeline franchise to Southern California Edison Company; and WHEREAS, Southern California Edison Company has deposited with the City Treasurer the sums of $1,500.00 and $500.00 to cover costs incurred in connection with the granting of said franchise; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to Southern California Edison Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, a franchise to lay, construct, and fora period of twenty -five (25) years, and as hereinafter provided, to install, operate, maintain, renew, replace, repair, remove and /or abandon in place, one sixteen (16) inch pipeline for the transportation of oil, water and /or steam, together with all manholes, valves, ser- vice connections and appurtenances necessary and convenient to properly maintain and operate said pipelines, including facilities necessary for cathodic protection of pipelines, in, under, along and across those certain portions of public streets, highways, alleys and other public ways of the City of E1 Segundo hereinafter described on the attached Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. That Southern California Edison Company, its successors and assigns, is hereby granted said franchise upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter contained, and said grantee of said franchise shall file written acceptance of said terms and conditions with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days - 2 - "0 1 after the adoption of this ordinance. Said terms and condition are as follows: That the term of said franchise shall be for a period of twenty -five (25) years from and after the date of granting such franchise. That franchise is granted and shall be held and enjoyed only upon the terms and conditions herein contained, and that the grantee must, within thirty (30) days after the granting of this franchise, file with the clerk of the City Council a written accep- tance of the terms and conditions herein expressed. The word "grantee” whenever used herein shall be held to include the grantee or grantees, its successors and assigns. That the grantee shall have the right to construct and maintain such traps, manholes, valves, appliances and attachments as may be necessary or convenient to properly maintain and operate the pipelines under said franchise, including all facilities neces- sary to provide cathodic protection for the pipelines, and sail traps, manholes, appliances, and attachments, shall at all times be kept flush with the surface of the street and so located as to conform to any order of the City Council in regard thereto, and not to interfere with the use of the street for travel. The grantee shall have the right, subject to such regulations as are now, or may hereafter be, in force, to make all necessary excavations in said street for the construction and repair of said pipelines, traps, manholes, appliances, and attachments. All pipes, pipelines, traps, manholes, attachments, and appliances constructed or maintained under the provisions of said franchise shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with, and in conformity with, all the ordinances, rules, and regulations now or hereafter adopted or prescribed by the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California; provided, however, that all pipes and pipelines laid under said - 3 - „1 n89 franchise shall be of first class material, shall conform to appli- cable standards set forth in the American National Standard Code for Pressure Piping, ANSI 831.4 -1974, or its latest revision, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer; and, pro- vided further, no pipelines lard hereunder shall exceed sixteen (16) inches in internal diameter. All excavations for laying, moving or repairing, said pipelines and appurtenances hereunder shall be done in such manner as not to interfere with the free use of the streets by the public, except such temporary interference as may be reasonably necessary or incident to the proper excavation of said work. That all excava- tion shall be made and refilled in strict compliance with the ordi- nances, resolutions and orders of the City of E1 Segundo, that may be in force at the time of the performance of such work. That the grantee of said franchise shall make such deposits of money with the City Treasurer or such other officer of the said City as may be designated by such ordinances, resolutions, orders or otherwise by law, and as may be from time to time required from persons making excavations in the streets of said City, for the purpose of insur- ing the restoration of all streets to a good and perfect condition along such excavations. That the work of laying down and constructing any pipe- lines hereunder shall be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, and subject to his inspection and shall be equipped with gate valves and other protective devices as may be required from time to time. That as soon as the laying or repairing of any pipes or appliances is completed, all portions of the streets which have been excavated or otherwise injured thereby shall be placed in as good condition as the same were before the laying of such pipes, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. That any damage or injury - 4 - 090 suffered by any person or property by reason of any negligence or the part of grantee, its agents, servants and employees, or which results from any excavation being improperly guarded during such work shall be borne by the grantee of said franchise, and grantee shall indemnify and save the City, its officers, servants, agents and employees, harmless therefrom. That the City of E1 Segundo reserves the right to change the grade of any highway over that portion of the City of E1 Segundo over which said franchise is granted, or to locate or relocate municipal water pipes, sewer lines or other municipal subsurface installations, and that grantee shall, within thirty (30) days after demand by City, start to change the location of all pipes, conduits, traps, manholes, appliances and attachments laid, con- structed or erected hereunder, so as to conform to such change of grade, or such location or relocation of subsurface installations, and proceed diligently to complete such relocation, all at the grantee's own expense, and in case the grantee shall fail to comply with the instructions given therefor, the City of E1 Segundo may cause the work required to be done and shall keep an itemized account of the cost thereof, which the said grantee by the accep- tance of said franchise shall agree to pay immediately upon its being presented to said grantee. That if any street or portion thereof along, across, or under which any pipelines or appurtenances installed or maintained hereunder, shall be damaged by reason of any leak or leaks, or by reason of any other cause arising from the operation or extension of such pipelines under such street or portion thereof, then gran- tee shall at its own cost and expense immediately repair any and all such damage and restore said street or portion thereof to as good condition as before such leak or cause of damage occurred, such work to be done under the direction of the City Engineer, and to his satisfaction. - 5 - 091 • ••JH kR6 The grantee of this franchise shall have the right during the period for which this franchise is granted to transport oil, water, and /or steam through said pipelines. The provisions of said franchise and all rights, obliga- tions and duties thereunder shall inure to and be binding upon the grantee, its successors and assigns. That said grantee shall, during the life of said fran- chise, pay to the City of E1 Segundo, in lawful money of the United States, an annual franchise fee in an amount of $2,500.00, said amount has been agreed upon by the applicant and the City in accor- dance with Section 6231 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California; provided, however, that the amount of each annual pay- ment shall be revised at the time of payment in accordance with the following formula: a) The "Producer Price Index (Finished Goods) ", prepared by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, for the calendar year 1978 shall be taken as the base upon which the above franchise fee is computed. b) If the said index for the last calendar month ending more than ninety (90) days prior to the date upon which payment to the City shall be due, shall stand at other than said average 1978 rate, then the rate of payment to the City shall vary from said hereinabove rates in direct proportion as said index has increased or decreased from the 1978 average. C) If said Bureau shall revise the said index, the parties hereto shall accept the method of revision or conversion recommended by the said Bureau. d) If said Bureau shall discontinue the preparation of Producer Price Index (Finished Goods) using prices prevailing in the year 1967 as a base of 100, and if no transposition table pre- pared by said Bureau is available which is applicable to said year of 1967, then the amount of each annual payment shall be at the - 6 - . , r , amount last computed by the above formula. Such franchise shall be forfeited upon any failure, refusal or neglect of said grantee to make any such pavments. Said annual payment so long as required by law shall be accompanied by a statement, verified by the oath of a duly authorized representative of the grantee showing (so long as required by Section 6299 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California) the gross receipts of the grantee for the preceding calendar year arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise. Upon any neglect, failure, or refusal, by said grantee to file said verified statement, when required, or to pay the percent- age of the gross annual receipts, or to pay the said franchise fee herein set forth the City Council may declare said franchise for- feited, and may exclude the grantee from any further use of the public highways, streets or alleys, included in said franchise; and said grantee shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same, and this franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null, void, and of no effect; provided, however, the neglect failure, or refusal of the grantee to file a verified statement of the percentage of gross annual receipts shall not effect a forfei- ture of this franchise if the City Council determines that such condition may be waived and Section 6300 of the Public Utilites Code of the State of California is amended to permit the omission of such report. The grantee shall not sell, transfer or assign this fran- chise or the rights or privileges granted thereby without the con- sent of the City Council, nor shall the franchise or the rights or privileges be sold, transferred or assigned, except by a duly exe- cuted instrument in writing filed in the office of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, and nothing in the franchise contained shall be construed to grant to said grantee any right to sell, transfer or assign the franchise or any of the rights or privileges - 7 - 093 granted except in the manner aforesaid. The grantee shall be privileged to open the street for line testing, without penalty, on two days each year. The grantee shall be permitted to open the street to repair its lines, provided he first obtains a permit from the City Engineer, pays the customary charges, and sets forth an agreed upon reasonable number of days within which said work is to be com- pleted. In the event said work is not completed within the agreed upon number of days, the grantee shall pay Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per day as liquidated damages for each day that the street is open beyond the period of time expressed in the permit. The grantee shall, by acceptance of this franchise, agree to remove any pipelines installed hereunder within ninety (90) days after the surrender or termination of this franchise unless permis- sion to abandon said pipelines in place is granted by the City Engineer and, in the event that such permission is granted by the City Engineer, the grantee shall, by the acceptance of this fran- chise, agree to comply with any terms or conditions imposed by the City Engineer upon such abandonment in place. The grantee of said franchise shall, within five (5) days after the granting of said franchise, file with the City Clerk of said City of E1 Segundo, a bond running to the said city of El Segundo, and at all times thereafter maintain in full force and effect, an acceptable corporate surety bond, in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) , effective for the entire term of the franchise, and conditioned that in the event the grantee shall fail to comply with any one or more of the provisions of the franchise, then there shall be recoverable jointly and severally from the principal and surety of such bond, any damages suffered by the City as a result thereof, including the full amount of any compensation, indemnification, or cost of removal or abandonment of property, up to the full amount of the bond; said condition to be a continuing 8 - n 9 4 . 1v obligation for the duration of the franchise and thereafter unti the grantee has liquidated all of its obligations with the City that may have arisen from the acceptance of this franchise by tie grantee or from its exercise of any privilege herein granted. Neither the provisions of this paragraph, any bond accepted by the City pursuant thereto, nor any damages recovered by the City there- under, shall be construed to excuse faithful performance by the grantee or to limit the liablity of the grantee under the franchise or for damages, either to the full amount of the bond or otherwise. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the date of the final passage and adoption thereof. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said city; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within said City of El Segundo and which is hereby designated for that purpose. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 16th day of January 1979. ATTEST: i City Clerk ( SEAL) L. '41 -i,7 a.� _ Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo, California - 9 - 095 EXHIBIT "A" PIPELINE ROUTE Commencing in Rosecrans Avenue at a point 809.57+ feet west of the centerline of Bell Avenue; thence easterly in Rosecrans Avenue to a point near the centerline of Elm Avenue; thence southerly to the northerly boundary line of the City of Manhattan Beach. - 10 - 0 9F :..:, . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) 1 VALERIE A BURROWES, , City Clerk of the City of £1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Counci. of the said City is five, that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No 967 , is a full, true and correct original of Ordinance No 967 of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING TO SOUTHERN CALI- FORNIA EDISON COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE OF THE RIGHT FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY -FIVE YEARS FROM THE GRANTING THEREOF TO LAY, CONSTRUCT, INSTALL, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, RENEW, REPLACE REPAIR, REMOVE AND /OR ABANDON IN PLACE, ONE SIXTEEN (16) INCH PIPELINE FOR THE TRANS- PORTATION OF OIL, WATER AND /OR STEAM, WITHIN CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS IN SAID CITY which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the . 46th day of January 19 79 1 , and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES Councilmen Benson, Nagel,, N/an Vranken and_Mayor, Balmer ... . NOES Councilmen None ABSENT Councilman Bue I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance No. . 967... was duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within said City and that the same was so published therein on the following date, to wit ...... ... . . (SEAL) City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California By.... .... ... ....... . .. ...... Deputy 097 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 20 July 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request to increase the Professional/Technical Specialist (adopted) City Budget Account No. 3301 -6214 by an additional $106,800, increase Employee Overtime (adopted) City Budget Account No 3301 -4103 by an additional $4,000 appropriation, plus $94,500 in (current) budget transfers RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Approve the additional account fund appropriation and suggested account transfers, and/or, 2) Other possible direction. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: As the need arises, complex, high rise, special plan, expedited, or overflow review projects are "outsourced' to the City's professional support staff for specialized and/or expedited plan check services The City's Prof essionallrechmcal Specialist (High Rise) account No 3301 -6214 was first established in fiscal year 1988/89 to pay for this service it has also proven useful and necessary since the elimination of the second Plans Examiner position in July 1995, Funds for this service, as well as all plan review fees, are generated through the collection of plan check fees as established by El Segundo Resolution No 3617, adopted by the City Council on 20 December 1989 This money is deposited into General Fund account No 3808 (Plan Check Fees) Our outside plan review support is utilized only on an 'as- needed basis ' Upon completion of the plan review process, we receive a statement for their services, and payment is made asset forth in the City Council approved contract The contract service provider is then paid from the funds that were previously collected from the applicant at the time of plan check submittal DISCUSSION: In the adopted budget for (current) Fiscal Year 1998/99, $143,500 was approved for line item 3301 -6214 ($133,500 was 'reserved' for outside plan review services and $10,000 was allocated for microfilming services). As indicated at the 04 May 1999 City Council meeting, due to an under estimation of our Building Division's plan check activity, ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Provided upon request FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Opi Amount Reques Project/Account Project/Account Account Numbe Project Phase: Appropriation Ri (continued on next page) Capital Improv. Budget:_ Date: 12 July 1999 ORIGINATED: Date: 12 July 1999 Bret B. BernalrAICP, director Plammna and ACTION T 1 ? /lfs Building Division "ProlessioneUrechnical" Support City Council Staff Report - page # 2- Date: 20 July 1999 DISCUSSION: ( continued) together with a significant (recent) late billing for plan check activity that occurred in the last fiscal year, these funds have now been completely depleted At the May 4u' Council meeting and subsequently, Staff was asked to further research the situation to conclusively determine if this action was consistent with past practice; provide recommendations for decreasing " outsourced" plan check reviews (and expenditures) through the end of the current fiscal year, modify the practice for future budgets, and, return, as necessary, with an amended appropriation request Staff has verified that the current undertaking is consistent with previous mid -year budget adjustments at least as distant as the 1995/96 fiscal year. Working together with the Finance Director and City Manager, we have also insured that the proposed Building Division budget for the next (1999/2000) fiscal year more accurately reflects anticipated year- long expenditures Over the course of the last several months, Building Division personnel have also developed a number of modified procedures to lessen the current budget appropriation request. A number of these modifications have already been implemented, some of which will likely remain in effect following the end of the current budget year Unfortunately, due to a number of unanticipated and continued absences, most significantly to the Division's Plans Examiner (Engineer), the anticipated savings cannot be fully realized As a result, some (existing) internal budget transfers and a supplemental Budding Safety plan check account appropriation will both be necessary. The identified areas where supplemental funding will be required, through the end of September 1999, are. • Current plan check billings from MRH (this year's service provider) for work completed (over and above the originally budgeted expense amount) $ 47,500 • (1996/99) plan check billing from The Compliance Group (last year's service provider) $ 54,675 • Building Division Staff 'overtime' (for plan checking and related activities) $ 4,000 • Supplemental "outsourced" plan check assistance (including, temporary Plans Examiner /Engineer through mid- September) $135,000 $241,175 (Total) Existing (1998/99) Budgeted— Budding Division funds which can be employed to lessen the impact of the supplemental appropriation include- 'Permit Tracking' software purchase $ 60,000 • 'Salary savings' through September 1999 (for unfilled Building Inspector II position) $ 34,500 • Three month Building Division "Professional/Technical" account 'extension' (already budgeted, to provide for the extended, fifteen month budget) 35,875 $130,375 Total A supplemental appropriation is, therefore, necessary The requisite budget adjustment to the Building Division "Professional/rechnical" account is* $110,800. This additional request of $110,800 will cover the cost of our consultant plan review services through the remainder of the entire fifteen month, current fiscal year (30 September 1999). As Staff positions are not filled, and /or duties are modified or reassigned to other Divisions/Departments, it has become quite difficult to maintain the same level of plan review service that our clients have come to expect over the past few years. The assistance of the " outsourced" plan checking support has made a significant contribution to the Department in maintaining the consistent quality service that our clients have come to expect and rely upon in El Segundo The additional requested funds would insure that our plan review process will continue in a timely and effective fashion. P:Wlanning & Building Satety111gendas\1999%3301 -6214 Staff ReportRevlsed /rd & bbb (WORD] 2 �9� TO THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 20,1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: COMMITTEES Agenda Description: Status of recruitment for the various Committees /Comrmssions/Boards ( "CCBs ") and request to set Interviews of applicants to the Library Board of Trustees and the Planning Commission Recommended Council Action: Extend term of Incumbents and set date for Interviews of applicants to the Library Board of Trustees and the Planning Commission, at 6.00 pm, August 3, 1999 Brief Summary: Following is the status of the on -going recruitment for CCBs Commatees/CommissionsBoards Library Board of Trustees Planning Commission # ojAnplicant - Opening _Eypiration of Term 3 applicants - 2 positions 4 applicants - 1 position Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 3 applicants - 2 positions Investment Advisory Committee- 1 applicant - 1 position Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee 2 applicants - 2 positions LAX Master Plan Commission S applicants - 7 positions Attached Supporting Documents And Who Prepared Them: None Fiscal Impact: NIA Term expired 6/30/99 Term expired 6/30/99 Term expired- 6/30/99 Term expires- 8/30/99 Term expires 11/30/99 CCB to be formed Originator: Date July 9, 1999 ulia Abreu Mason, Council Assistant Reviewed by: Date July 9, 1999 Action Taken: '.a \wp \n \tt6 \forms \incecvas sec I 1 1 5 � � a M j| \E �\ /\ { )� ■j .§§�la;!l- •5 : : : : :a:iii; ) o H.ZO- lroz\,§\22k \22§)j2 �| ;qq]zc442 {\2;§l;�e \ \C \\\ /\z zoo 22 ) §) \k� \ } \0 , w77(7 7 M;n - Xcdoo!� § $§7;2! / /0 \ z : m § m fol ( |n !) j� � 0 _ { . 0 R \ 22 , M q# } |/ f \ \/\ k -S zz \ �|®; (\ , ( \( _ ff �+ ) \ \� } m ■j .§§�la;!l- •5 : : : : :a:iii; ) o H.ZO- lroz\,§\22k \22§)j2 �| ;qq]zc442 {\2;§l;�e \ \C \\\ /\z zoo 22 ) §) \k� \ } \0 , w77(7 7 M;n - Xcdoo!� § $§7;2! / /0 \ z : m § m fol ( |n !) j� � CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 07/0111999 THROUGH 07/12/1999 Date 7/1/99 7/2/99 7/2/99 7/2/99 7/6/99 7/8/99 7/12/99 7/12/99 7/14/99 Payee Amount Health Comp Federal Reserve Bank of KC IRS Employment Development Wells Fargo Health Comp West Basin Municipal IRS Employment Development DATE OF RATIFICATION. 07/20/99 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by Description 1,161 30 Weekly eligible claims 6/25 25000 Employee Savings Bond 8829 Federal Taxes PR26 Additional 273 State Taxes PR26 Additional 30,000 00 Workers Comp 2,25400 Weekly eligible claims 7/02 780,162 80 H2O payment 166,519 19 Federal Taxes PR1 31,343 72 State Taxes PR1 1,011,782 03 Deputy Treasurer (,c i, -)/,�L /111 i Date Finance Director Date City Manager Date 1,011,782.03 Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of Ell Segundo !0�Z- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, July 6, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Gordon at 7 00 P M INVOCATION - Rev Bonnie Wulff, Living the Inner Light Foundation PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Jacobs PRESENTATIONS (a) Council Member Kelly McDowell presented commendation to Mayor's Good Friday Breakfast Founder and former Mayor of the City of El Segundo, Floyd Carr, in recognition of his contributions to the community Mr Carr presented proceeds from this year's Mayor's Good Friday Breakfast to the Centmela Valley YMCA and Neil Wallace, El Segundo Teen Center Council Member Wermck presented commendation to the Teen Center "REACT" Team ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - Present Council Member Wemick - Present Council Member Gaines - Present Council Member McDowell - Present NOTE AGENDA ITEM B I - SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - TAKEN OUT OF ORDER B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Discussion with United States Congressman Steve Kuykendall about issues and concerns of the County and the City of El Segundo Council Member Gaines presented Congressman Kuykendall with the Key to the City PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 Peggy Tyrell, resident, spoke regarding the use of consultants MINUTESOFTHE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JULY 6, 1999 PAGE NO 1 7 103 Dorothy Kent, resident, commented on the 4' of July fireworks display, Civic Center Plaza redesign and use of consultants Diane Gould, 727 W, Pine, spoke on the Plaza redesign Liz Garnholz, resident, spoke regarding the water well proiect and the recent Council trip to Sacramento Also spoke regarding public hearings on Trees and Plaza redesign Mark Renar, resident, commended the Street Maintenance Department Also spoke on the Plaza redesign, Fedex and LAX expansion Frank Wong, resident, spoke regarding LAX expansion and the Plaza redesign Mayor Gordon introduced Mr Mike Wyant Noted that Mr Wyam was instrumental in finding an appropriate buyer for the Virginia/Manposa market property The new "Town Market" owners plan to open in early August 1999 A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member Wernick to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510. Note that Council Member Gaines left the meeting at 7 30 p m 2 Public Hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -472, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -1, Zone (Map) Change ZC 99 -1 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -1 (1241h Specific Plan) Address 401 Aviation Boulevard Applicant Bruce Kaufman, Extra Space Storage of Studio City, LLC Mayor Gordon stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a Public Hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -472, General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -1, Zone (Map) Change ZC 99 -1 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 99 -1 (124i6 Specific Plan) Address 401 Aviation Boulevard. Applicant - Bruce Kaufman, Extra Space Storage of Studio City, LLC Proper notice of the Hearing was given in a timely manner by the Planning and Building Safety Department No written communications had been received by the City Clerk's Office regarding this Public Hearing. Bret Bernard, Director of Planning and Building Safety, gave a brief report. Mark Hensley, City Attorney, noted a tentative agreement on the water well site MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL O JULY 6, 1999 PAGE NO 2 Joel Miller, representing applicant Bruce Kaufman, gave a brief presentation No further public input was received Bret Bernard, Director of Planning and Building Safety, responded to Council questions MOVED by Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to direct staff to prepare an Ordinance, to include security conditions, $100,000 purchase price for water well property, and wording for "custodial convenience unit" applicable to the Specific Plan only, for introduction and first reading at continued Public Hearing on July 20, 1999 MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK, COUNCIL MEMBER MC DOWELL; NOES: NONE; ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES. 4/0/1. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND Report of the City /School Sub - Committee on agreement for assistance Mary Strenn, City Manager, gave a brief report MOVED by Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member Wemick to direct staff to conceptually look at providing assistance with water, field maintenance and library staffing, to search for more dollar- for - dollar assistance, and to bring item back to Council for discussion and action during the budget process MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK, COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL; NOES: NONE; ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES. 4/0/1. Selection of an architectural team to design the Plaza improvements Jim Hansen, Director of Economic Development, gave a brief report MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Wemick, to select team of Spitz/Denton and direct staff to negotiate a design contract, to include extensive pubic involvement, and return to Council with recommendations during budget process MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL, COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK; NOES: NONE; ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES; ABSTAIN: MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS. 4/0/1/1. E. CONSENT AGENDA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL 105 JULY 6, 1999 PAGE NO 3 All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an Item Is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business Warrant Numbers 2503425- 2503652 in total amount of $882,673 76, Warrant Numbers 2503653- 2503934 in total amount of $651,542 60, Wire Transfers in the amount of $995,342 43, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $974,391 81 City Council meeting minutes of June 15, 1999 Proposal to proceed with the Public Safety Communications Center project by selecting a Resident /Continuous Inspector and Materials Testing service and entering into contract with Hayer Consultants Incorporated for inspection and test- ing services based on the hourly rates of $34 00 and $38 00 respectively The amount " not to exceed" will be based on a detailed contractor schedule and will be funded from Asset Forfeiture Award the lease of 453 acre -feet of adjudicated groundwater rights to the Dominguez Water Company with a fiscal impact of $22,650 of revenue to the Water Fund Adopt plans and specifications for the 1998 -99 replacement of water lines B project no PW 98 -10 (estimated cost = $335,000 00) 10 Request by Gold Graphics for installation of 1999 Acura Tennis Classic (to be held in Manhattan Beach) banners on median light poles in Sepulveda Boulevard between Imperial Highway and El Segundo Boulevard, and in Rosecrans Avenue between Sepulveda Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard, during the period of July 19, 1999 through August 19, 1999 11 PULLED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK 12 Return of $7,500 in grant monies to the California Library Services Board (CLSB) The grant was to be utilized for the purchase of Z39 50 software for the Library's INNOPAC automation system to allow our Library to participate in a "Linked System" Pilot Project to view other library catalogs within the Metropolitan Cooperative Library System (MCLS) MCLS has recently imposed additional software and hardware requirements besides the Z39.50 software to participate in the "Linked" project The grant money must be returned since it cannot be used effectively without the other technology (Fiscal Impact $7,500) 13 Request to continue the agreement for professional services with Evelyn A Riley, M.Ed., R.N., M I C N., a Quality Improvement/Assurance Emergency Medical Services Educator, for two years Fiscal Impact Not to exceed $15,000 annually r'^ MINUTES OF THE ! V REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JULY 6, 1999 PAGE NO 4 14 Professional Services Agreement with Public Sector B Personnel Consultants to conduct a Classification and Compensation Study of positions and classifications represented by the Supervisory and Professional Employees Association and the City Employees Association 15 Examination plans for the Personnel Merit System Job classifications of Network Technician, Library Assistant and Water /Wastewater Operations Technician 16 Proposed revisions to the class specification for the Job classification of Fire Inspector VII MOVED by Council Member McDoewll, SECONDED by Council Member Wemick to approve consent agenda items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK, COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL; NOES: NONE; ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES. 41011. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 11 ORDINANCE NO 1308 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT No EA -483 AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT ZTA 99 -2, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 20 (THE ZONING CODE) PETITIONED BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell, to adopt Ordinance No 1308. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL; NOES: COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK; ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES. 4/1/1. F NEW BUSINESS - 17 A Resolution of the City Council to accept grant funding in the amount of S 100,000 from the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) of the State of California for enforcement and education programs. Tim Gnmmond, Chief of Police, gave a brief report MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL 07 JULY 6, 1999 PAGE NO 5 MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to adopt Resolution No 4121, accepting grant funding in the amount of $100,000 from the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) of the State of California for enforcement and education programs MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK, COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL; NOES: NONE; ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES. 41011. 18 Request for the City Council to consider initiating an Amendment to the El Segundo General Plan and Zoning Code to add Hotels and Motels as conditionally permitted uses in the Corporate Office Land Use Designation and Corporate Office (CO) Zone with a possible limitation to conditionally permit them east of Sepulveda Boulevard Applicant City of El Segundo Bret Bernard, Director of Planning and Building Safety. gave a brief report MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to initiate an Amendment to the El Segundo General Plan and Zoning Code to add Hotels and Motels as conditionally permitted uses in the Corporate Office Land Use Designation and Corporate Office (CO) Zone with a limitation to conditionally permit them east of Sepulveda Boulevard MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK, COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL; NOES: NONE; ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES. 4!011. G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY Mark Hensley, City Attorney, stated that due to an error in the date on the posted 5 00 p in Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda, no Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting was held tonight The next Adjourned Regular Meeting of the El Segundo City Council to be held Tuesday, July 20, 1999 — 5 00 p m I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs Commented on the success of the first Farmer's Market and the 4" of July fireworks MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL 10 JULY 6, 1999 PAGE NO 6 Council Member Wernick Noted that the City's 4' of July celebration was a great success Reported on the California Public Utilities Commission news release on the overlay system Noted that staff was in the process of preparing a Project Status List and a City Consultant List Inquired as to the status of the staff report on the Building Division Plan Checking expenditures Council Member McDowell Reported on the recent ICRMA Conference and the Independent Cities Conference in San Diego Mayor Gordon Reported on the LAX expansion Requested community to contact Torrance City Council, urging them to pass a Resolution in protest of the proposed LAX expansion Congratulated staff on July 4" community events PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identi . themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 Liz Gamholz, resident, requested Sacramento trip records for Council, and Water Well expenditure records Also spoke regarding procedure for submitting written testimony at public meetings Sandra Mason, resident, spoke on the Plaza redesign, the 4' of July fireworks and El Segundo High School Band donations Frank Wong, resident, spoke regarding the Plaza redesign, Joint Use Agreements and LAX expansion Peggy Tyrell, resident, spoke regarding consultants and consultant fees Council Member Gaines returned to meeting at 9 40 p in MEMORIALS - Carl Henderson CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 9 52 p m to July 20, 1999, at 5 00 p in Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk MINUTES OF THE n , REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JULY 6, 1999 PAGE NO 7 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Consent Annual destruction of identified records in accordance with the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California The City Attorney has consented to the plan for records destruction RECOMMENDED COUNCIENCTION: Approve Resolution authorizing the destruction of certain records INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND' Each year various Departments need to transition older documents to storage or destruction and make space for the new year's records By reviewing the older records, and inventorying the current ones, we are able to use the available storage space more efficiently To accomplish this goal, older records, which are no longer needed, should be destroyed annually ATTACHE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Resolution with attachments FISCAL IMPACT. to be determined Account Number. 001 -400- 1301 -5204 110 RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS WHEREAS there is presented to the City Council for approval and forwarding to the City Council the attached correspondence and WHEREAS, the City Council fords that the records herein referred to are of no further value to the Cin of El Segundo and that they occupy badly needed storage space and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has, in accordance with the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California, consented to the destruction of said records and documents NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1 The City Clerk is hereby authonzed and granted authority to dispose of the records identified in Exhibit' A' , and shall cause these records to be destroyed in a lawful manner SECTION 2 Upon destruction of the foregoing records, the City Clerk shall make a certificate of complete destruction of said records and file the ongmal of the same in the Office of the City Clerk and file a copy of said certificate together with a certified copy of this resolution in the City Clerk's Department SECTION 3 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall enter the same in the book of ongmal resolutions of said city, and shall make a mmute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20' day of July, 1999 Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) 1, Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20'" day of July, 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following roll call vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cathy Domann Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM -Mark D- Hensley, City Attorey DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX Claims Against the City Claim No Settled /Derued 84 -30 R D Quaresma, 610 Sierra Street D- 5/21/85 84 -31 Marjorie F Leedy, 602 Sierra D- 5/7/85 84 -32 Stapleton SWC 77370 Last Corresp 4 /16/85 84 -34 Pacific Bell - SWC78660 Last Corresp 11/14/84 84 -36 United Airlines - Summons SWC78667 D- 11/6/84 84 -37 Mary Grana /Gregory French - 0529317 Last Corresp 1/18/85 84 -38 Shirley Cook - SWC 79761 Last Corresp 12/5/86 84 -44 Isbel Luna - SWC 79909 Last Corresp 8/20/85 84 -47 Luis Casanova/ Alfredo Barahona - SWC 78957 Last Corresp 7/2/85 84 -51 Mark Garden, 2045 S Palmgrove, LA D- 3/20/85 84 -52 Barbara Stouffer LASC C495535 Last Corresp 1/23/85 85 -1 Charles Barley, 351 Whiting D 3/20/85 85 -2 Carmella M. Ventura, 6252 W. 77w Street, LA 90045 Late / Denied 2/19/85 85 -3 Torni Yahiku18321 Mansel Avenue D- 5/7/85 85-4 Mark Winstead, 2013 Lohengrm, LA 90047 D- 5/7/85 85 -5 David O'Leary, 970 Meadow Crest, Newbury Park Last Corresp 4/16/85 85 -6 John B Petralia, 3242 Cabana Street Last Corresp 3/29/85 85 -7 John Lee, Denise /Tisa Boston Last Corresp 4/3/85 85 -8 Mark/ Ronald Dessy, Manhattan Beach Last Corresp 8/8/85 85 -9 Rebar Engineering Last Corresp 4/23/85 85 -10 Mike Upegui, 651 West Walnut Avenue D- 8/18/85 85 -11 Elmer /Jackie Lowell, 505 E Palm Last Corresp 6/17/85 85 -12 Carla Mueters /Chad Barley, 360 Whuting Last Corresp, 3/15/86 85 -13 Michael Orejel,c /o Barnett, 11923 Eucalyptus, Haw Last Corresp, 11/17/86 85 -14 William Hart, 1020 Manhattan Bch Blvd D- 12/3/85 85 -15 Mona Turner, 1443 W. 81 -,, LA, SWC84023 Last Corresp 6/11/86 85 -16 Janese Diehl, 646 Lomita Last Corresp 9/9/85 85 -18 Paccar,lnc D- 12/3/85 85 -19 Devon Dye, 1214 E Sycamore D- 1/21/86 85 -21 Imelda Hagger, c/o Gillen, 337 Washington, Ste 2 Last Corresp 3/11/86 85 -20 Joseph Levine, 17817 Magnolia, Encino Last Corresp 2/26/86 85 -24 Thos Underhill, 1554 10th, Manhattan Beach - SWC082540 Last Corresp 5/2/86 85 -25 Eileen O'Brien, 1554 Tenth, Manhattan Beach Last Corresp 5/2/86 85 -26 Diane M. Goodman, 13050 Doty Ave, Apt. 25 Last Corresp 10/ 22/ 86 85 -27 John Traub, 12524 Culver Blvd Apt 10 D- 2/4/86 EXHIBIT "A" APPROVED FO D .ST UCTION RESOLUTION NO �IqK D. bENtUvY, CITY �( EY 11? I13 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 1 cont 85 -28 Enterprise Rent a Car Last Corresp 2/5/86 85 -29 Clayton J Blank, 201 E El Segundo Blvd Last Corresp 3/17/86 Claim Debora E Gerny, 123 E. Oak, #108 D- 2/4/86 Claim Allen G Cragg,1236 E Pine D-7/17/84 Claim Albert /Jean Munson, ACSC Last Corresp 4/5/85 Summons John Shelton, C -2 Property Owner Last Corresp 1/15/85 Summons Donna L McGovern - SWC 76463 Last Corresp 5/28/85 Summons Michele Moughahan, 420 Maryland - C499657 Last Corresp 12/ 6/85 Summons Albert G Munson - C034252 Last Corresp 6/24/85 Summons Jim Niehoff - SWC 75029 Last Corresp 5/7/64 Summons Laurel McGee - SWC 75341 Last Corresp 5/2/85 Summons Barbara Stouffer - C495535 Last Corresp 2/8/85 Summons Maureen Anne Sie - SWC 65590 Last Corresp 7/5/85 Summons Mario Rodriguez - C 421586 Last Corresp 10/ 13/83 Summons Crocker National Bank - C548538 Last Corresp 5/24/85 Summons Crocker National Bank - LASC C497477 Last Corresp 4/24/84 Summons Hartford Acident Donna L McGovern- SWC 76518 Last Corresp 7/12/85 86 -1 Larry Callahan /Hot Air Designs, 141 Arena St Last Corresp 1/14/86 86 -2 Chi Fu Huang, 1803 W 253, Lomita Last Corresp 2/14/86 86 -4 Dierk Hagemann, 631 Paseo De La Playa, RB Last Corresp 2/28/86 86 -5 Cohch & Sons, c/o 3711 Long Beach Blvd, Suite 815 Last Corresp 2/26/86 86 -6 Arthur D Gearhart, 716 Indiana Court, #34 D5/6/86 86 -8 McKinley Dalgleish, 624 Sierra Street Last Corresp 3/10/86 86 -9 Ronald Funan, Anthony's Rest 143 Main Street Last Corresp 5/30/86 86 -10 Mark Marion, 921 McCarthy Court Last Corresp 3/26/86 86 -11 Gary D Testa, 832 32nd St Manhattan Beach Last Corresp 4/10/86 86 -12 Kilroy Airport Imperial, Mota, Hacienda Hotel, B of A Last Corresp 4/9/86 86 -13 Harbor Insurance Last Corresp 4/14/86 86 -14 Michael F Caulfield, 638 W Mariposa Last Corresp 4/25/86 86 -15 B of A, PO Box 20160, Long Beach Last Corresp 4/29/86 86 -17 Alice Swenson, 700 E Holly, #4 (see 86 -26) Last Corresp 5/5/86 86 -18 Robert J McCarthy, 622 HillcrestStreet D7/3/86 86 -20 Del Arno Dodge/ Andrew Lamp D 7/3/86 86 -21 Kenneth Adam, 333 Richmond Street Last Corresp 5/22/86 86 -22 Armor Moving, 3672 Watseka Avenue, Mike Snell Last Corresp 6/10/86 86 -23 Jim Hilderbrandt, 626 Holly, #4 Last Corresp 6/24/86 86 -24 Fred S. James/ Republic Airlines Last Corresp 6/27/86 86 -25 Leslie Vaughn, 113 S Irena, #B, RB - SWC 87296 Last Corresp 10/6/86 86 -26 Alice Swenson, 700 E Holly, #4 (See 86 -17) Last Corresp 7/10/86 EXHIBIT "A" APPROVED FOR DESTR,f CTION RESOLUTION NO ; M�iRK 6 H S A N Y I13 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 Planning Commission Appeals ZC -86 -1 Alan West /FA Rossi, 411/406 -412 W Grand Last Corresp 11/6/86 V -86-4 M/M Oscar Robinson, 315 W Acacia Last Corresp 8/22/86 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPROVED FOR DES]rrRU N �� MARK D HLNSLE f, CITY ATTQIRNEY 0 114 BOX 1 cont 86 -27 James E McGoldrick, 640 California Street Last Corresp 8/1/86 86 -28 Raymond J Ash, 1057 N Geraghty Ave, LA D 9/16/86 86 -30 Brian T Tyba,1340 PVDW, Last Corresp 8/11/86 86 -31 Nick Romaruello, 734 Jacon Way, Pacific Palisades Last Corresp 8/15/86 86 -32 Space Screw Inc ,106 Standard Last Corresp 8/20/86 86 -33 Argentra H Cotton,19711 S Alondra Last Corresp 8/28/86 86 -34 Chi Fu Huang, 1803 W 253, Lomita Last Corresp 8/29/86 86 -36 John W Pruett, 6 Coach Road, RPV Last Corresp 9/29/86 86 -37 Mercury Casualty, PO Box 9044, Van Nuys Last Corresp 10/31/86 86 -38 Philip E Rittenhouse, 1519 E Manposa Last Corresp 10/14/86 86 -39 Pacific Bell, Los Angeles Last Corresp 10/14/86 86 -40 Ronnin M Peirce, 3300 Palm, Manhattan Beach Last Corresp 10/21/86 86 -42 Group W Cable, New York Last Corresp 11/6/86 86 -45 Henry W Wesolowski, 23211 Dons Way Last Corresp 12/9/86 86-46 Hometels Construct, Last Corresp 9/7/86 86 -47 James Jordan, c/o USAA Insur , 855 Hilcrest Last Corresp 12/22/86 86 -49 David Long, 20th Century Insurance Last Corresp 1/6/87 Summons AT &SFRailway -855589 Last Corresp 4/29/86 Summons Chas M Bailey - SWO80781 Last Corresp 5/16/86 Summons Kip Schmidt - SWC 69115 Last Corresp 6/5/86 Summons Century SW Cable - 86 -5029 Last Corresp 11/5/86 Summons CSC - SWC 85355 Last Corresp 7/25/86 Summons Crocker National Bank - 0610824 Last Corresp 8/5/86 Summons McKinley Dalgleish - SWC 82225 Last Corresp 12/13/85 Summons James Johnson - SWC 82881 Last Corresp 1/22/86 Summons Ellen B Renfold, 770 W Imperial, #53 - CV 861118 Last Corresp 3/4/86 Summons Southern Pacific Transportation - 282 416 Last Corresp 5/2/86 Summons Steve/ Antoinette Stacy - C044232 Last Corresp 7/14/86 Summons Albert J Wedemeyer - C044368 Last Corresp 8/7/86 Planning Commission Appeals ZC -86 -1 Alan West /FA Rossi, 411/406 -412 W Grand Last Corresp 11/6/86 V -86-4 M/M Oscar Robinson, 315 W Acacia Last Corresp 8/22/86 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPROVED FOR DES]rrRU N �� MARK D HLNSLE f, CITY ATTQIRNEY 0 114 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY -1984 General Jeffrey P Abate, 3595 Santa Fe, #48, Long Beach D- 3/20/84 Arthur Aharonian D- 2/7/84 Kent A Andersen, 921 -D South Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach Last Corresp 6/1/83 Argonaut Insurance/ Rhodes, Melea Last Corresp 7/10/84 Armor Roofing, 1211 W 3,d St, Santa Ana D-2/13/84 Kathleen M Benz, 18720 Selbar Ave, Torrance D- 3/20/84 Mark Boershig D- 11/1/83 Madge Booker, 129 W Oak D- 11/6/84 David Asman, 508 W Imperial, #7 Last Corresp 9/12/83 Bill Bue, 748 Center Street Last Corresp 4/27/83 Johnney B Burdett D- 3/20/84 Alfonso Cabrera, 624 Sheldon Street D- 9/6/83 Bobby R & Betty Carr - C457762 Last Corresp 12/2/83 Michael D Chotenovsky, 218 Virginia Street D- 2/7/84 Luke G Conley, 910 Florin Road, #104, Sacramento Last Corresp 7/26/84 Luke G Conley, 3811 Florin Road, Suite 4, Sacramento D- 9/6/83 Diane K conti,17223 Palisades Circle, Pacific Palisades Last Corresp 4/5/83 City of Los Angeles - Claim for Equitable Indemnification Last Corresp 12/2/83 Crocker National Bank - Refund of Taxes - C456427 Last Corresp 6/15/83 Timothy Draper, 110 W Louise St, Long Beach Last Corresp 3/21/84 Robert A Dunaetz,1431 2M St, Manhattan Beach D- 7/3/84 Mary K Even, 166606 Delia Ave, Torrance Last Corresp 10/7 /83 Dennis C Feeny, c/ o Harold Sullivan, Inglewood City Hall D -11/1 /83 Evalyn Garrick, 4056 Inglewood, #5, LA - SWC 65780 Last Corresp 8/5/83 Barbara Goldstein, 17031 Escalon Drive, Encino, 91436 D- 2/7/84 Eugene Gorman, 6042 Lorelei Ave, Lakewood, 90712 D- 3/20/84 Michelle /Terry Greenwood, 856 Cypress,HB, 90254- SWC67335 Last Corresp, 3/29/83 Hawthorne Community Hospital, 11711 Grevillea, Hawthorne Last Corresp, 6/29/83 Bill Hoffineister, 4017 -1/2 Independence, South Gate, 90280 D- 3/20/84 Robert /Gerda Hensger, 605 Washington Last Corresp 6/23/83 Owen Hill, 917 McCarthy Court Last Corresp 12/9/83 Hilda /George Holt, 332 Maryland Street D- 2/21/84 Alfonso Jaurequi Last Corresp 10/7/83 Linda Jackins, 559 E Hazel Street, #2, Inglewood D- 11/1/83 Jay Yunsook Ko, 3544 Jasmme, #7, LA -SWC 70020 Last Corresp 12/20/83 Ronald Jordan, 118 W Buckthorne, #5, Inglewood D- 3/20/84 EXHIBIT "A" APPROVEPTOR DESTRU 16N:' RESOLUTION NO /�LIP G Cif MARK D. HENSL`EY, CITY ATTt RNEY L 115 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 2 cont. Last Corresp John /Pamela Linder, 744 Center Last Corresp 3/18/83 George Mack, 432 Richmond, Apt B Last Corresp 3/12/84 Midland Insurance D- 2/21/84 Antonia Moreno, 1109 E Walnut D- 9/20/83 Joseph Nazaerwashi, 21400 Apricot Lane, Lake Elsinore D- 3/20/84 Billy O'Neil, 4550 Montair, #19, Long Beach, 90808 D- 3/20/84 Wm Oswald, 313 351h St, San Pedro, 90731 D- 3/20/84 Tomnue Pelliccmo, 629 W Walnut Last Corresp 6/21/83 James Pinter, 13515 Doty, #52, Hawthorne 90250 D- 3/20/84 Ulysess Richardson, 330 35th Ct , San Pedro, 90731 D- 3/20/84 Connie H Rugh,1200 E Maple Last Corresp 10/18/83 Wm H Sargent, 1031 Boundary, Manhattan Bch D- 9/20/83 George R Siegel, Cast No 429285 Last Corresp 8/30/83 Barbara Slater, 646 W Imperial, Apt 22 D- 2/21/84 Mark Smith, 7353 Hazeltine, Van Nuys, 91405 D -3/20 /84 So Pacific Transportation Co D- 9/6/83 Frank /Christel Stimpson, 902A Juanita, Redondo Beach Last Corresp 6/20/84 Elma Olson Stone, 427 W Palm Last Corresp 9/12/83 Karyn /Michael Tablada, 650 W Mariposa D- 9/20/83 Virgil Terry,c /o Carroll,Faile & Hahn - C415419 Last Corresp 12/20/83 Dana Thomas, 827 W 98th, LA D- 3/20/84 JJ Tomich, 6617 Via Siena, RPV D- 9/20/83 Eugene Trainer, 615 W Holly Last Corresp 11/18/83 Darulo Vupch, 200 N Douglas Last Corresp 12/5/83 Wayne W Wilson, 707 Center Last Corresp 12/27/83 Claims Against the City - 1950's Don Lawrence, 1414 E Sycamore Last Corresp 6/26/59 Carl Peterson, 6106 W Century, LA Last Corresp 5/2/59 JJ Morgan Last Corresp3 /4/59 Mrs. Earl Libecap,114 E Maple Last Corresp 3/19/59 True R Slocum, Franklin Last Corresp 3/4/59 Jo Anne Pointe - Ingle C2307 Last Corresp 12/23/58 BJ Estrem,1727 W 1st, San Pedro Last Corresp 11/13/58 Roy Lunder, 2340 Story, La Habra Last Corresp 10 /15 /58 Edwina F Jennings, 8335 Trask, Playa Del Rey Last Corresp 8/1/58 Clara /Helen Brown, Last Corresp 6/27/58 HC Smith Construction Last Corresp 12/5/58 Albert Caligal /Modesto Tactagan, Last Corresp 3/ 24/58 Wilhe Roth Last Corresp 3/18/58 i EXHIBIT "A" APPROVED FORPIR IO / RESOLUTION NO r MARK D MNtLEI, CITY A RNEY L 11 6 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 Rosalie Hobbs, 1526 E Elm Joseph Granon /Edward Tsuruta - 669929 J Elmer, 8100 Croydon, LA Cleatus W Baldwin Alvma G Weber, 126 W Walnut WA Robinson, 540 -542 Standard Richard Cascto, 731 Center Dale Hoppenrath,1510 E Elm Harold R Campbell, 325 Penn John D Hall, 430 Standard Cinda Sue Conroy, 619 E Grand Du -Rite Cleaners, 347 Richmond Karen Harrison, 444 Imperial Leonard C Lightner Maude J Simpson Virginia Steward Ronald Pnpher, 614 Eucalyptus Hazel Johnston, 1466 -19th, Manhattan Beach Lora Dunn, 2315 John, Manhattan Beach RE Schumscher, Ted Marks, 1660 E Walnut Otis Smith, 203 E Sycamore George J Davis, 845 9th, Manhattan Beach 4/12/94 Election Rosters Applications to View Voter Registration Info EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO BOX 2 cont Last Corresp 5/5/58 Last Corresp 4/15/57 Last Corresp 1/31/57 Last Corresp 9/19/56 Last Corresp 7/14/56 Last Corresp 4/12/56 Last Corresp 4/26/56 Last Corresp 4/3/56 Last Corresp 9/14/55 Last Corresp 7/1/55 Last Corresp 9/6/55 Last Corresp 8/ 31/ 55 Last Corresp 6/17/557 Last Corresp 1/ 21/55 Last Corresp 2/9/54 Last Corresp 7/ 26/ 55? Last Corresp 7/ 31/53 Last Corresp 3/27/51 Last Corresp 3/25/53 Last Corresp 1/15/53 Last Corresp 3/5/51 Last Corresp 5/14/43 Last Corresp 8/26/53 • After 4/12 /99 • After 4/12/99 APPROVE13 FOR DESTRUCTION MARK D.�A-NtE m7bkNEY L 6 117 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX Claims Against the City - 1940's Katherine Thornton, 654 Grove, San Francisco - 451216 Dismissed 8/30/40 Lorenzo D Whiting - Foreclosure Lot 17, Block 89 - 451220 Dismissed 7/23/40 Charles E Kenney - 541221 Dismissed 10/25/40 Amy Booth, 5020 Inadale, LA - Foreclosure, Lot 19, Block 28 - 451222 Dismissed 2/16/43 James T Clifford - 451224 - Foreclosure Dismissed 10/24/41 James M Parsons - 451227 - Lots 15 & 16 - Foreclosure Dismissed 7/18/40 Eva M Rersmg - 451232 Dismissed 3/18/41 Sena A Seaver - 451236 Dismissed 1/6/43 J Byron Severance - 451242 Disirirssed 12/19/40 Walter A Maxwell - 451245 Dismissed 6/29/42 John Rammez - 451246 George W Weddell - 451247 Dismissed 11/8/40 Wm H Bowman - 451257 Dismissed 7/30/42 Dismissed 5/31/40 Ta /Sophia Hazelton - 451262 Dismissed 7/17/40 Eva M Rersmg - 451266 Wm C Hooper - 451271 Dismissed 3/18/41 Thurza Johnson - 451277 Dismissed 9/26/40 Wm H Leister - 451278 Dismissed 6/20/40 Homer Ford - 451281 Dismissed 7/5/40 Louis J Gerpheide - 451283 Dismissed 10/30/42 John Gorrs - 451284 Dismissed 8/26/40 Roy Hanna - 451285 Dismissed 1/20/41 Marie Carr - 451293 Dismissed 7/21/43 Mabelle A Heinzman - 451294 Dismissed 6/8/40 Harold D Dale - 451227 Dismissed 2/3/43 Mary Dare - 451299 Dismissed 11/4/42 David B Crossman - 451301 Dismissed 12/18/42 Frances Fenton - 451311 Dismissed 2/18/42 Cary E Fagge - 451313 Dismissed 10/30/42 Roy C Edwards - 451314 Dismissed 10/30/42 Cecil R Eden - 451315 Dismissed 2/18/42 Mabel W Ecclestone - 451316 Dismissed 6/10/40 Samuel P Neely - 451320 Dismissed 12/19/40 Ida M Monanty - 451324 Dismissed 12/9/42 Ida Patterson - 451180 Dismissed 2/19/41 Morris Levy - 451197 Dismissed 5/15/40 Lewis E Westover - 451201 Dismissed 7/40 Dismissed 12/9/42 EXHIBIT "A' APPROVED FOR ST CTION RESOLUTION NO MA�K ip. HEN Y, CITY ORNEY 7 I ] Ft DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 Frank E Rose - 451203 Hattie C Rubel - 451204 Samuel B Patterson - 451206 Otis C Olds - 451207 Eugene C Hunter - 451188 Wells F McClary - 451190 Anna B Markloff - 451191 Frank Newman - 451192 Lilly R Stevens - 451194 John Rhodes/ Wallace Wemott - 451196 William Hutton - 451187 ES Land & Improvement Co - 451143 McCray Estate Co - 451149 McCray Estate Co - 451150 Charles S Whitehead - 451163 Jeannette E Fickeissen - 451174 Wmifred Rosenberg - 451183 EL Hall - 451186 Wm H McDermott - 451330 Wm E Morgan - 451333 Geo McBurney - 451335 Wells F McClary - 451396 Anna B Markloff - 451397 John Gons - 451400 E L Hall - 451401 Harold D Dale - 461411 Mabel W Ecclestone - 451412 Jeannette E Fickeissen - 451416 Charles E Kenney - 451419 J Byron Severance - 451420 Charles E Kenney - 451428 ES Construction Co - 451430 Sena A Seaver - 451455 Charles E Kenney - 451438 Mary Dare - 451440 Josephine D Thompson - 451444 Charles E Kenney - 451445 Lilly R Stevens - 451446 Frank Newman - 451445 Wm H Leister - 451449 Thurza Johnson - 451451 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO BOX 3 cont. Dismissed 9/22/41 Disirussed 4/13/43 Dismissed 8/5/40 Disrrussed 8/30/40 Dismissed 11/9/42 Dismissed 8/30 /40 Dismissed 10/2/40 Dismissed 6/6/40 Dismissed 8/1/40 Dismissed 9/26/40 Dismissed 10/ 16/ 42 Dismissed 12/9/42 Disnussed 10/27/42 Dismissed 10/27/42 Dismissed 6/10/40 Dismissed 5/19/41 Dismissed 8/5/40 Dismissed 2/18/42 Dismissed 9/26/40 Dismissed 1/6/43 Dismissed 7/17/407 Dismissed 7/9/40 Dismissed 10/2/40 Dismissed 1/ 20/41 Dismissed 2/18/42 Dismissed 11/4/42 Dismissed 12/19/40 Dismissed 5/19/41 Dismissed 10/25/40 Dismissed 12/19/40 Dismissed 10/25/40 Dismissed 8/22/40 Dismissed 1/6/43 Dismissed 10/ 25/40 Dismissed 12/18/42 Dismissed 10/27/42 Dismissed 10/25/40 Dismissed 8/1/40 Disrrussed 6/6/40 Dismissed 7/5/40 Dismissed 6/20/40 APPROVJ~ dCT�N• / yl �, MAI�K 13: HENSUY, CITY A'p ORNEY 119 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 1985 - FPPC FORMS Name Position Destrov After Charles K Armstrong Member of City Council 12/31/89 Charles K Armstrong Member of City Council 12/31/89 Jack E Siadek Member of City Council 12/31/89 Keith H Schuldt Member of City Council 12/31/89 Keith H Schuldt Member of City Council 12/31/89 William D Bue Member of City Council 12/31/89 Carl W Jacobson Member of City Council 12/31/89 Carl W Jacobson Member of City Council 12/31/89 Marvin R Johnson Member of City Council 12/31/89 Le Synadinos Member of City Council 12/31/89 John T Van Hook Planning Commissioner 12/31/89 Herbert P Walsleben Planning Commissioner 12/31/89 Herbert P Walsleben Planning Commissioner 12/31/89 Arch L Young Planning Commissioner 12/31/89 Thomas A Brady Planning Comrrussioner 12/31/89 Scot D Dannen Planning Commissioner 12/31/89 John F Schott Planning Commissioner 12/31/89 Marsha Stewart Planning Commissioner 12/31/89 Kathleen Mulligan Planning Comirussioner 12/31/89 Albert S Pitzer Planning Commissioner 12/31/89 Arthur E Jones City Manager 12/31/89 Charles K Armstrong San District Director 12/31/89 Kevin B Northcraft Assist City Manager 12/31/92 Kevin B Northcraft Assist City Manager 12/31/92 Kevin B Northcraft Assist City Manager 12/31/92 Fred M Weiner Assist City Manager 12/31/92 Mac Dalgleish Dir Building & Safety 12/31/92 McKinley Dalgleish Dix Building & Safety 12/31/92 Wesley T Jof Hous /Environ Inspector 12/31/92 Victor Peterson Housing Inspector 12/31/92 Lisa Mohdor Assistant Planner 12/31/92 Lynn Harris Planning Director 12/31/92 Victor Peterson Building Inspector 12/31/92 Sandra Massa -Lavrtt Assoc Planner 12/31/92 Sandra Massa -Lavrtt Assoc Planner 12/31/92 EXHIBIT "A" APPR�D FO D11ESTR CTION RESOLUTION NO / / f�L� ]�AR D FiENSLEY, CITY Aff6kNEY 9 120 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 4 cont. Merry] Edelstein Assistant Planner 12/31/92 Merrvl Edelstein Assistant Planner 12/31/92 Nicholas Romaniello Director of Planning 12/31/92 Nicholas Romaniello Director of Planning 12/31/92 L1oydCharles Peerboom Construction Inspector 12/31/92 Michael Blackstock Building Inspector 12/31/92 Jose R Sanchez Director of Finance 12/31 /92 Thomas K H Chan Plan Check Engineer 12/31/92 Robert G Whiteford Sr Building Inspector 12/31/92 Timothy J Gnmmond Police Captain 12/31/92 Ronald L Hart City Clerk 12/31/92 Donald Holqum Water /Sarutation Superintendent 12/31/92 Herman Morgan Construction Inspector 12/31/92 Robert W Marsh Battalion Chief 12/31/92 John W Hilton Equip Mamt Superintendent 12/31/92 John J Lynd Park Mamt Superintendent 12/31/92 Robert E Wynn Recreation Superintendent 12/31/92 Arthur V Fish Fire Protection Inspector 12/31/92 Arthur V Fish Fire Protection Inspector 12/31 /92 Wm M Martin Street Mamt Superintendent 12/31/92 Gary A Chandler Battalion Chief 12/31/92 Robert W Gambrel Purchas /License Supervisor 12/31/92 Thos G Rea Electrical Inspector 12/31/92 Raymond W Lewis Police Captain 12/31/92 Laurence H Sheldon Fire Chief 12/31/92 Louise Eckersley City Treasurer 12/31/92 William G Woodcock Bat Chief 12/31 /92 Charles E. Wesley Public Works Inspector 12/31/92 Leland C Dolley City Attorney 12/31/92 William Glickman Dir Public Works 12/31/92 Barbara L Kirby Library Director 12/31/92 John H Allen Assist City Engineer 12/31/92 J Clark Devilblrss Chief of Police 12/31/92 Jack Ruis Director Rec & Parks 12/31/92 James E Pitney Battalion Chief 12/31/92 Lamar Calloway Hous & Environ Inspector 12/31/92 Filers List 1995 - Central Files EXHIBIT "A" APPROVED FOR A � ES CTIO RESOLUTION NO �^✓ MARk D FtNSLEY, CITY YTbRNEY L 10. 121 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 4 cont. FPPC FORMS 1989/90 Name Position Destroy After Carl S Evans Revenue Inspector 12/31/97 HyrumB Fedje Planning Director 12/31/97 1990/91 Kendra Morries Planning Director 12/31/98 Naima Greffon Assist Planner 12/31/98 Sara V Rostamian Assoc Planner 12/31/98 Francis J McPherson Code Enforce Officer 12/31/98 Francis J McPherson Code Enforce Officer 12/31/98 Paul Garry Assist Planner 12/31/98 Laurie Jester Sr Planner 12/31/98 Rollie Wright Rec /Parks Director 12/31/98 James Fauk Recreation Superintendent 12/31/98 Richard Williams Parks Superintendent 12/31/98 John J Trujillo Comm Cable Supervisor 12/31/98 Lora E Freeman Deputy City Clerk 12/31/98 Ronald L Hart City Clerk 12/31/98 Colleen F Mulvany Deputy City Treasurer 12/31/98 Ron Darville Sr. Plans Examiner 12/31/98 Patrick D Miner Building Inspector 12/31/98 Thomas G Rea 12/31/98 Thomas G Rea 12/31/98 Jamie Taylor Construction Inspector 12/31/98 Loran Hammond Sr Building Inspector 12/31/98 David Skilhcom Construction Inspector 12/31/98 Lydia A Johnson Construction Inspector 12/31/98 Don Bott Human Resources Director 12/31/98 David W Sloan Fire Chief 12/31/98 Donald L Johnson Sr. Fire Protect. Analyst 12/31/98 John W Gilbert Battalion Chief 12/31/98 Steve H Tsumura Environ Safety Coordinator 12/31/98 EXHIBIT "A" APPROVED FOR,DESTRO&ION RESOLUTION NO MARK D H SLEY, CITY A'I ORNEY 11 122 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 4 cont. Carl M Nessel Fire Battalion Chief 12/31/98 Eric R Moore Fire Battalion Chief 12/31/98 Joan M Garcia Financial Svcs Manager 12/31/98 Gwendolyn WM Eng Purchasing Agent 12/31/98 Steve Jones Accountant 12/31/98 Eunice Kramer Financial Svcs Mgr 12/31/98 Steven G Klotzsche Director of Finance 12/31/98 Carl Evans Revenue Inspector 12/31/98 Barbara Pearson Library Director 12/31/98 Karen A Stone Librarian 12/31/98 Kimberly Jaime Rec /Park Commissioner 12/31/98 Richard A Croxall Rec /Park Commissioner 12/31/98 1991/92 Brian S Crowley Planning Commissioner 12/31/96 Richard J Switz Sanitation Director 12/31/96 Brian S Crowley Planning Commissioner 12/31 /96 Hyrum B Fedge Planning Director 12/31/98 Campbell H Greenup Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Nicky Wislocky Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Nicky Wislocky Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Eric W Johnson Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Eric W Johnson Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Willard E W Krick Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Willard E W Krick Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Steven J Edlefsen Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31 /98 Steven J Edlefsen Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 William N Manahan Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Elizabeth Kennedy Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Elizabeth Kennedy Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 George O Wiley Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 George O Wiley Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Scott D Dannen Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Scott D Dannen Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 John F Schott Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31 /98 John F Schott Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Nancy M Wernick Gen Plan Comiruttee Member 12/31/98 Nancy M Werruck Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 Mark C Butler Gen Plan Committee Member 12/31/98 EXHIBIT "A" APP9&ED FOKD19ST�ION! RESOLUTION NO v / 7MA K D HUNS EY, CITY AP, 6RNEY 12 123 Mark C Butler Johnnie B Wise Johnnie B Wise Kendra Morries 1992 -93 Richard J Switz Brian S Crowley James D Morrison Jane W Fnedkm Susan Schofield Gordon Leon Claims Against the City 1980 Claim No DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 4 cont. Gen Plan Comnruttee Member Gen Plan Committee Member Gen Plan Committee Member MAX Director Planning Commissioner City Manager Council Member City Treasurer Planning Commissioner 80 -6 Paula Motz, 732 W Acacia 80 -13 (Chat) Chattie Coffey, 1568 E Palm Avenue 80 -19 Dominic F Birgen, 10249 5th Ave, Inglewood 80 -24 Marieum Tuck, 802 Maryland 80 -26 Aregahagn W Selassie, 440 S. Wilton Place #7, LA Wynogene McNulty, 527 Concord Street Flynn Realty Pacific Telephone E Smith/ RS Sabosky Republic Indemnity Co Mildred Wade, 338 E Beach, Inglewood Deborah J Wood J Vaughan Stembridge Magness v State - SWC 29744 Betty Ann Taylor Oil Chemical & Atomic Workers International Union Elizabeth Alarcon & Lance Lee Stephen G Clayton, 3687 E Dehhah, Simi Valley Continental Air Lines - C309765 Rafael Key Mary /Sean McNeil, 206 W Sycamore EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO 12/31/98 12/31/98 12/31/98 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/31/97 Settled /Demed Last Corresp 7/11/80 D-4 /1 /80 Last Corresp 6/ 20/80 D- 9/10/80 Last Corresp 9/22/80 D- 1/18/80 D- 6/20/80 D- 3/3/80 Last Corresp 3/12/80 Last Corresp 10/26 /79 Last Corresp 12/5/79 Last Corresp 11 /18 /80 S- 9/2/80 Last Corresp 4/17/78 Last Corresp 9/16/82 Last Corresp 6/20/80 Last Corresp 12/18/79 Last Corresp 4/17/80 Last Corresp 1/31/80 Last Corresp 10/21/81 S- 4/18/83 I APPRTED FORYB§TR O�N7 i �U 'V O Z- MAFA(D 1iANSLEY, CITY ATTORNEY 13 124 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 4 cont. Daniel J Murray Last Corresp 1/20/81 Ednev Pernu Last Corresp 12/23/81 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPRD Fp/ S , CTIO / L° ;,l �i r ](4AI& D HtNSLEY, CITY ORNEY 14. 125 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 5 Weed Abatement Hearing - August 20, 1985 Appeal of Planning Commission Decision - CUP 85 -2 - S/ 20/85 - Joe Q Babb, 101 S Sepulveda (2 files) Appeal of Planning Commission Decision - Unclassified Use Permit No 84 -2 /EA -046 - proposed Helistop - Crocker National Bank - 10/15/85 (3 files) Appeal of Planning Commission Decision - Rev Ed Erderly - 7/11/85 Boards & Commissions - General File - 1985 Boards & Commissions - Planning Commission -1985 Boards & Coninussions - Rec & Parks - 1985 Boards & Commissions - Environmental Quality Board - 1985 Public Hearing Budgets - 86 - July 16, 1985 Budget Session - June 20, 1985 Building Department - General - 1985 Public Utilities Commission - 1985 City Attorney Correspondence - 1985 City Council Correspondence - General -1985 Affidavits of Posting - Notices -1985 Consent & Waiver Notices - 1985 Staff Meetings -1985 City Manager Correspondence -1985 City Treasurer - General -1985 Claims - General -1985 Alcoholic Beverage Control Board - 1986/87 City Attorney - General -1987 City Clerk - General -1986 (2 files) Affidavits of Posting -1986 City Council - Consent & Waiver Notices -1986 City Council - General - 1986 City Manager - General -1986 City Treasurer - General -1986 Claims - General - 1986 Committees - General -1986 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO i APPROVCED FORD ' R � ION r % �4AIkK D H SLEY, CITY ATrRNEY 15 126 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX Central Files - 1985 Conmuttees - General Employment - General Finance Department - General Fire Department - General Freeways & Highways - General Library - General County of Los Angeles - General County of Los Angeles - Assessor, Auditor, Controller County of Los Angeles - Registrar of Voters County of Los Angeles - Recorder League of California Cities Personnel Matters - General Directives Planning Department - General Southwest Area Planning Personnel Matters - Personnel Orders Public Works - General Purchasing - General Sewers /Storms /Drams - General US Government - General Utilities - General Zoning - General Public Hearings 2/19/85 Penn/ Holly Street Senior Citizens Housing 2/19/85 CDBG Proposals 5/21/85 Traffic Management Study 6/12/85 Smokey Hollow 6/25/85 Adequacy of Group W Cable 7/2/85 Negative Declaration of EA -042 9/9 -23/85 Senior Citizen Protect Bids PW -84 -6 5/14/85 Water System Improvements PW -84 -17 9/10/85 Hydroelectric Power Facility EXHIBIT "A" APPROVED FOTE USES , CTION- RESOLUTION NO MARK D614ENSLEY, CITYAIORNEY 16 127 PW -85 -1 3/5/85 PW -85 -3 6/4/85 PW -85 -10 10/22/85 Central Files -1994 City Treasurer - General DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 6 cont. Slurry Seal Commuruty Rec Center - Concrete Retaining Wall Fire Station 1 County Assessors- Assessed Valuations 7/94 County Sanitation Correspondence Fire Department - General City Clerk - General Affidavits of Posting -1994 Correspondence to City Council City of Los Angeles Correspondence Finance - Copy Purchase Orders EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPR FOR 5TR ON f le ' �—: MA D AitN§LE Y, CIT-Y-A7f6VNf Y 17 128 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX DISMISSED 451323 Action against Sidney R Martin, improvements 2 -2553 451325 Acton against Fred C Longe, improvements 3 -349 451326 Action against Wm E Krutz, Improvements 2 -25 -53 451329 Acton against Amanda Larson, improvements 10 -7-47 451334 Action against Fannie L Mitchell, improvements 6 -15 -50 451139 Action against El Segundo Construction Co , improvements 10 -2346 451151 Action against El Segundo Construction Co, improvements 9 -6-49 451406 Action against Catherine L Paine, improvements 10 -23 -50 451431 Acton against Thomas J Anderson, improvements 451140 Achon against McCray Estate Co, improvements 451141 Acton against Capital Bond/ Investment Co, S Beck, improvements 451166 Action against Noah C Barnard, improvements 1 -17-44 451239 Acton against Rov C Shultz, improvements 451256 Acton against Guy Barnes, improvements 9 -6-44 451288 Acton against Norma Hamil, improvements 9 -30-47 451296 Acton against Fred W Dobe, improvements 5 -1-46 451307 Acton against Theodosia B Conner, improvements 11 -2-44 451407 Acton against Guy Barnes, improvement 9 -6-44 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPR©VF;D FORD ON / s -7 LMA D EY, CITY A ORNEY I3 129 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX CONTRACT COMPLETED/ EXPIRED 1959 Downtown El Segundo Inc (DESI) - hiring of project manager 8 -5 -88 1957 Roy Allen Slurry Seal Inc - apply slurry seal at various locations PW 88 -2 7 -15-88 1956 Shawnan Corp - AC overlay on various streets PW 88-3 8 -10-88 1955 Damon Construction - replacement of curb and sidewalk at various loc PW 87-4 8 -24-88 1954 Aki- Tam Landscape Co - install irrigation system PW 87 -7 12 -24-88 1951 Capital Advocates (Legislative Advocacy Services no- and -low property tax cities) 9 -30 -88 1950 Kenneth J Emanuel & Associates (Legislative Advocacy) 12 -31 -88 1948 California Street Maintenance, Inc Street/ Alley Sweeping PW 88 -1 4 -13 -91 1945 David M Griffith and Associates, Ltd - consultant re User Fees 9 -15 -88 1939 Brownmg -Ferns Ind BFI Resident Garbage Collection 1 -31 -93 1936 Vodhanel (Consultant/ System Support Agreement) 12 -1 -88 1934 Self - Insurers Service, Inc (SIS) Provides Claim Service 10 -31 -88 1931 City of Manhattan Beach (Traffic Engineer) 11 -30 -88 1929 County of Los Angeles (Countywide Warrant System (ESPD) 7 -20 -87 1928 Texaco Refusing & Mktg Purchase Water Right License Agmt West Coast Basin 7 -1 -88 1927 County of Los Angeles (Subdivision Map Act) 6 -30 -88 1925 LA County/ City of Torrance (Regional Cal -ID Sys) 6 -15 -92 1924 Security Pacific National Bank (Sewer Flushing Vehicle) 4 -21 -92 1922 Paul Gardner Corp (Traffic Signals @ Grand & Nash PW86 -9) 10 -19 -87 1919 Jim & Jack's, Inc (Police Tow /Storage Service) 9 -1 -89 1915 Department of the Air Force Bus Shelters 3 -12 -92 1912 State Department of Transportation Utihty Agreement 4- 17 -87PW 1910 Daniel Freeman Hospital Inc Home Delivered Meals 5 -11-88 1907 Sully- Miller overlay on Rosecrans, Douglas, Maple, Kansas, Pine & Standard 6 -7 -87 1904 Jardine Claims Management Inc - Liability Claims Program 10 -31 -87 1903 Trust Svcs of America/ Olga Escobar Lease fire fac 1843 S/W Standard/ Grand 9 -30-87 1902 Institute for Aerobic Research leadership training course (ESPD) 3 -26-87 1900 AKA -TANI Landscape PW 86-8 Contmental /Grand to 745 ft N /Grand 11 -1 -86 1898 Shell Oil Co - Water Rights Lease & License 6 -30-87 1896 Excel Paving Resurface Teen Center Basketball Court PW 86-5 7 -30 -86 1895 E S Police Officers' Association - MOU 6 -30-88 1892 Adlerhorst Kennels/ David Reaver Police K -9 purchase 12 -16-85 6 -11 -90 1891 Mestre Greve Associates - Update Noise Element 12 -31 -86 1889 Pavement Coatings Co - Slurry Seal 6 -30-86 1887 Young, John L Consultant Fire Station 1 Remodel 4 -30-87 1886 Boyd's Construction Co - Remodel Fire Station #1 PW 84 -15 4 -15-87 1885 Advanco Constructors Inc Hydroelectric Power Facility WB -28 3 -1 -86 EXHIBIT "A" APPRO #D FCSIf�/f RESOLUTION NO CITY A 19 13 c DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 8 cont. 1885A Advanco Constructors Inc Closeout Agreement WB -28 1883 The Planning Center - Consultant Services re Sleepy Hollow 1882 Gosh Construction Corp -Storm Drain /Street Improvements 85 -7 1881 Daruel Freeman Hospital Inc - Home Delivered Meals Program 1879 JWM Engineer Sewer Improvements Assessment District 73 1878 LAX Business Center Sewer Assessment District #73 1875 Charles Walton Associates AIA, Inc Remodel Public Library 1874 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co - Auditors 1872 G &E Grandway - Subdivision /Easement /Declaration Restrictions ME /22 1871 Young, John Consultant (Sr Citizen Housing) 1863 Hickman Mechanical Inc - Repair check valve str dr Plant #17 1862 Claims Administration Systems of Ca - Worker Compensation Ins Claim 1861 Bulldog Signal Alarm - Install /Maint 1860 Atlantic Richfield Co Water Right License/ Agreement /Lease EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPROViD FOR DR 20. 2 -2 -89 3 -30 -86 9 -18 -86 5 -11 -87 6 -30 -86 3 -4 -91 2 -18 -90 10 -31 -86 12 -31 -87 1 -31 -87 12 -17 -85 6 -30 -87 12 -31 -87 6 -30 -86 t� --hfL,-- , CITY A 131 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX CONTRACTS COMPLETED/EXPIRED 1855 El Segundo Firefighters Association Local 911- MOU 6 -30-87 1854 Contreras, David A Redondo Towing & Vehicle Storage (Police) 8 -31 -87 1853 Sherrill, Christine M Sr Citizen Home Delivered Meals 10 -18-85 1845 Britton Construction Co Construct concrete block retaining wall 8 -18 -85 1844 Los Angeles County - general services personnel, prosecution 6 -30 -90 1843 Trust Services of America Inc /Olga Escobar Cty Lease Fire Dept 8 -2 -85 1838 Anthony & Langford Architects - Architect Svc Fire Station 2 8 -2 -85 1837 Anthony & Langford Architects - Architect Svc Fire Station 1 8 -2 -85 1834 Pavement Coatings Co - Slurry Seal - 85 -1 4 -26 -85 1833 Infocomp for development/ computer software 3 -19 -90 1828 Arkenberg & Ball, Larry Underwood, Kirk Franz Re Tile Roof 2 -18 -84 1827 Arkenber & Ball, Larry Underwood, Richard Fenrul Re Tile Roof 1 -18 -85 1826 City of Inglewood - Home delivered meals program 6 -30 -85 1825 City of Redondo Beach - JTPA 12 -3 -85 1823 NEFF - Construct concrete block wall/water facility 84 -13 1 -5 -85 1822 Blair Paving - Heater -Remix overlay on certain streets 84-7 1 -6-85 1821 Stemy - Modification to traffic signals 84-12 3 -6 -85 1820 El Segundo Employers Association - Traffic Control Program 10 -31 -85 1819 Liebert, Cassidy & Frierson 10 -31 -85 1817 Ametek lvhcroelectrorucs Lease of 605 S Douglas Replaces 1601 8 -31 -80 1816 Westinghouse Electric Furnish equip for hydroelectric WB-28 83 -3 6-7 -88 1815 CIA Engineer Resident Insption Svcs Tract 15115 12 -31 -84 1814 Honeywell Inc Heating & Cooling Equip Maintenance 6 -28 -85 1813 Southern California RTD -BEEP Funding Program 6 -30-85 1810 Sully - Miller- Remove / Replace of curb & sidewalk 848 10 -7-84 1808 California League of City Employees Association Inc - MOU 6 -30 -86 1806 Cleveland Wrecking - Demo Bldg/ Remove Pavement 8410 9 -14 -84 1805 Consolidated Controls - Lease portion of Lot 22 (2320 Alaska Ave) 5 -31-89 1804 E S Police Officers Association - MOU 6 -30 -86 1803 Joe Kay Design/ Construction Upgrade restroom handicap 84 -11 3 -13 -85 1802 David Richards Electric - Park Security Lighting 849 9 -21 -84 1801 State Personnel Board - Examining Services 8 -31 -87 1799 George Villegas - Traffic Engineering Services 6 -30 -85 1792 Slurry Mix Co Inc - Slurry of streets - 844 6 -29 -84 1791 Mobil Oil Corp - Water Extraction (Replaced Contract 1753) 6 -30-85 1788 Osborne Geotech Explore /Test Analysis of Data /Soil Reports 6 -30-84 1786 SCAG 5 -31-85 EXHIBIT "A" APPRO I7 FOI .D&S'1'RU&16N RESOLUTION NO MARKb HENSLEY, CITY ATTORNtV v 21 132 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 9 cont. 1785 Anthony & Langford- Remodel/ expansion of Fire Stn 1 7 -16 -84 1784 Oiucnac Custom - 84 -2 - Wheelchair ramps /curbs /sidewalks 7 -16 -84 1782 Mario J Falva - Mecharucal & Plumbing Plan Checking 6 -30 -84 1780 County of Los Angeles - Traffic signals at Rosecrans/ Aviation 6 -21 -84 1779 Debra F Bauder - Permit Control Clerk Building Safety Dept 6 -30 -84 1778 Joanne Lombardo - Planning Services 2 -12 -86 1776 Wyle Labs - Real property 1 -31 -92 1773 Rob Bem, Wm Frost & Assoc (RBF) - formation of assess district 3 -1 -84 1771 Alcorn Fence 83 -2 replace /reconstruct chain link fence - Rec Park 3 -2 -84 1765 T A Rivard Inc - Sliphne 18' steel pressure line on Holly 1 -31 -84 1764 Sully - Miller - Widening of El Segundo Blvd 9 -28 -84 1763 Jones Construct; repair of O B Hill Residence Re. Claim 11 -31 -83 1762 Liebert, Cassidy & Frierson - emplover- employee relations 10 -31 -85 1760 El Segundo Employers Assoc - Traffic Control Officers on ES Blvd 10 -31 -84 1759 P Patrick Mann (AICP) - Aircraft Noise Consulting Service 9 -2 -84 1758 Cynthia Grace - Consultant Planning Department 2 -29-84 1757 McCalla Bros - Partial sealing of Water Well #13 Protect 82 -18A 11 -9-83 1753 Mobil Oil Lease /License /Assign Water Rights Replaced by 1791) 6 -30 -84 1751 MK - Replace floodlight fixtures Rec Park Spec PW 83-1 6 -28-83 1749 Wainer - City's Data/ Word Process Req Info Syst Master Plan 9 -1 -83 1748 Sully -Miller - Heater Remix & Overlay on various streets 82 -14 7 -7 -83 1746 Pavement Coatings Co - Slurry Seal various streets PW 82 -22 6 -13-83 1745 Flow -Lme Servs - Clean sewer force mains var locations 82 -21 5 -17 -83 1744 J & R Construction - Repair various sewer Imes PW 82 -26 6 -14-83 1742 Armor Roofmg Corp - Re -roof Saari Swun Stadium, Rec Clubhouse, Joslyn Center 1742A Amendment Armor Roofing Corp - Complete -10 -20-83 - 82 -20 10 -20-83 1739 Willdan Associates - Eng Svcs Storm Pump Plants 15 and 19 10 -15 -83 1738 Raphael J Albert - Electric Plan Checker 7 -17-83 1735 Rustproofmg Inc - Paint elevated water tank PW 82 -8A 1 -31-64 1732 Au -Ex Air Conditioning - Replace Hot Water Boiler at Library PW 82 -16 1 -14-83 1731 Joann Lombardo - Planning Consulting Services 9 -5-83 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPROVE FOROt5iR N M6RK D HE SLEY, CITY ATP 1( _ EY 22 133 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 10 CONTRACTS COMPLETED/EXPIRED 1729 Robert Bem, Frost & Associates (RBF) Engineer for sewer master plan 2 -16 -83 1727 Economics Research Associates - Economic Base Analysis 3 -11 -83 1722 George Villegas - Traffic Engineering Services 11 -1 -83 1721 P Patrick Mann, AICP - Consulting Services - ANCLUC (Noise) 10 -1 -83 1719 Suzanne Smith - Planning Consultant Services 10 -21 -82 1717 Liebert, Cassidy & Frierson - Negotiate Atty employee relations 10 -1 -83 1716 J W Eisenhut - Planning Consultant Services 7 -24 -83 1715 Chamber of Commerce Promotional Services 1982 -83 6 -30 -83 1710 Los Angeles County - Examination of Tract Map 42085 6 -30 -87 1707 Honeywell Inc - Heathing /cooling equipment maintenance PW 81 -12 6-1 -85 1706 Robert Escudero Inc, Slurry seal various streets PW 82 -6 1 -31 -83 1705 Sully -Miller Contracting Co - Construct, Holly Ave between Washing & Illinois 7 -12 -82 1704 City of Torrance - Paramedic Field Internship Program 4 -27 -83 1703 Excel Paving Co - Construction of pavement at Fire Station 2. 6 -18 -83 1702 Aris Engineering - Modify West Basin Feeder Service PW 81 -7 6-4 -82 1696 NFL Constructions - replacement of filtration system Urho Saari Swim Stadium 8 -10 -82 1694 G R Frost Inc 10" water line Indiana & Holly 11 -26-82 1693 ARIS Engineering - modify sanitation pump plant 4 Spec 81 -4 10 -15 -82 1691 Jerol Corp - irrigation /landscaping Washington Place Spec 81 -9 7 -12 -82 1687 Psomas - Engineering services to widen ES Blvd east of Aviation BI 6 -17 -82 1686 Roddmg- Cleaning Machines Inc - Shp -hnmg 15" sanhill trunk sewer Spec 81 -10. 3 -29 -82 1685 McAlpine Construction Inc - City Maintenance Yard 150 Illinois Ct - Spec 81 -8 6 -24-83 1678 P Patrick Mann (AICP) consulting services (Noise (ANCLUC) 9 -15-82 1677 R & L Sewers Inc -12" water line Douglas St btw Imp & Mariposa PW 81 -6 6 -22 -82 1676 Excel Paving - Construction of pavement at fire stn 2 3 -11 -82 1675 ASL Consulting Engineers - traffic & circulation study 3 phases 7 -1 -82 1672 Liebert, Cassidy & Frierson - negotiation atty /employee relations 10 -1 -82 1667 Chamber of Commerce - promotional services 1981 -82 7 -1 -82 1666 Sully -Miller Contracting Co - Heater Reimx Overlay Main & Grand PW 81 -3 9 -24-81 1665 Roy Allan Slurry Seal Inc - slurry seal PW 81 -2 7 -20 -81 1664 SIRA Engineering Construction Co - Modify sewer pump plant 6 PW 80 -15 12 -21 -81 1663 ABBL Builders dba - pamt /carpet /tile interior library PW 80 -18. 11 -20-81 1660 B -1 Enterprise Corp wheelchair ramp various locations Spec 80 -8 6 -22 -81 1658 Paul Williams & Co Inc - Replacement Floor Tiles at Clubhouse 5-4 -81 EXHIBIT "A" APPR9�ED FOR*STRUC ON RESOLUTION NO 7 L MARk D H SLEY, CITY ATT RNEY 23 13r DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 11 CONTRACTS COMPLETED/EXPIRED 1647 Master Bilt Chain Link Fence Co Inc - baseball backstop at Rec Park Spec 80 -10 1 -22 -81 1646 Levin Construction - Elevator Tower & Equip Shed, Joslyn Center 11 -13 -81 1643 J &R Landscaping - Irrigation Sys Holly /Kansas Parkette 1 -22 -81 1642 JER Construction / Gen Engr - 12" water line/ Douglas Street - 80 -6 12 -1 -80 1640 City of LA - LAX Noise Control & Land Use Compatibility Study 9 -16 -82 1639 El Segundo Chamber of Commerce - promotional services 1980 -81 7 -1 -81 1637 Sully -Miller Contracting Heater remix Vista del Mar Grand PW 80 -2 8 -25 -80 1634 Mobil Oil Corp - water rights lease for water year 1980 -81 6 -30 -82 1631 Alcorn Fence Co - Guard rails on Vista del Mar Spec 80-4 7 -17 -80 1630 Ruiz Engineering - reconstruction of Center Street Spec 80 -1 9 -24-80 1629 ASL Consulting Engineers - inspection of EDSG Hughes Project 12 -31 -80 1628 LA County - General Services - Replaces 1310 6 -30 -85 1626 El Segundo Unified School District - use of Uhro Saari Swim Stadium 6 -3 -90 1612 Pascal & Ludwig Engineers Inc - modify sewage pump station 13 Spec 77 -8 3 -31 -81 1610 Gaudenti & Sons Landscaping Corp - irrigation Sepulveda median strip 5 -23-80 1604 State of California - Dept of Hwy Patrol (AVA) Program 6 -30 -80 1603 U S Government (Office of Revenue Sharing) - Statement of Assurances Period 11 9 -30-80 1602 El Segundo Chamber of Commerce - promotional services 1979 -80 6 -30 -80 1601 Ametek Lease of Lot 22 Tract 26557 (Utah)/ parking lot (See #1817) 8 -31-84 1600 Hacienda Hotel (Del Rey Capital Corp) occupation of rooms prior to pro) compl 5 -30-83 1600AHacienda Hotel /Del Rey Capital Corp 5 -30 -83 1600BHacienda Hotel/ Del Rey Capital Corp 5 -30 -83 1600CHacienda Hotel/ Del Rey Capital Corp 5 -30 -83 1600DHacienda Hotel/ Del Rey Capital Corp 5 -30-83 1596 Larry's 24 -Hr Towing - 2 year contract 7 -3 -81 1595 Lewis, W.J Corp Project 78 -1A Laterals 2E & 2EB Grand Ave 2 -28-80 1594 Ray Wilson Co et al. - settlement of law suits civic center 9 -26 -79 1593 Sepulveda Properties 11 -15 -79 1592 Signal Maintenance - various traffic signals - 5 years 6-5 -84 1590 Pavement Coatings - Slurry Seal - various streets 7 -21-80 1589 John McKee - Evaluation Planning & Research Unit 6 -30 -83 1588 Universal Real Properties Inc - Grand Ave storm dram 78 -1A 8 -27 -80 1584 Xerox Computer Services - general services accounting 6 -30 -80 1582 Barrett, Wm P dba Harvest Moon Landscaping Irrigation on El Segundo Blvd 3 -2 -79 1581 Gerald R Willits - civic center irrigation system 3 -11 -79 1541 American Pacific Concrete Pipe Inc (AMPAC) Storm Drains Lateral I -C 1 -13 -78 EXHIBIT "A" APPRO�f D F/O",- TTRRUCTION / RESOLUTION NO 1 ARK D HENSLEY, CITY PMRNEY 24 C 135 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 11 Cont. 1535 Chamber of Commerce 1517 Atlantic Richfield Co Water Right License & Agreement 1516 U S Preparedness Agency Loan of Government Property 1515 Secured Storage - Heart of Cahforma Corp Tahoe 1514 General Revenue Sharing 1513 C -02 Fire Equip SBRPCA RCC 1512 Allied Sprinkler Co Inc Civic Center Irrigation System 1511 R L Kautz & co Adm of self insured insurance program 1510 76-3 Construct Gravity sewer lute ES Blvd 1507 ITT - Instal Civic Center Telecommun 76-2 1505 Chamber of Commerce 1504 Motorola -76-1- Electronic /Communications /Police /Fire 1503 GE- 76- 1- Electronic/ Communications /Police /Fire 1502 Tele- Com- 76- 1- Electroruc / Communications/ Police/ Fire 1501 Fidelity - 76 -1 - Electronic /Communications - Pohce /Fire EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPRO D FOI�AF�ZU ON i �VIARK D ENSLEY, CITY ATT 25. 6 -30 -78 9 -30 -77 9 -20 -81 2 -15-87 9 -30 -77 2 -8 -77 4 -12 -77 10 -31 -86 2 -22 -77 10 -25 -78 9 -16 -77 10 -25 -78 8 -29 -78 8 -2 -78 8 -8 -78 13 ri DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 12 CONTRACTS COMPLETED/EXPIRED 1500 Corn Sales/ Reno -76 -1- Electroruc /Commumcahons / Police/ Fire 7 -28 -76 1498 State Highway Patrol - Motorcycle Training 10 -30 -76 1496 Mobile Oil - Lease of Water Rights 10 -1 -76 1494 State Highway - Abandoned Vehicle 6 -30 -77 1494A State Highway Patrol - Abandoned Vehicles 6 -30 -77 1492 Chamber OF Commerce 6 -30 -77 1491 75 -6 Construct Imperial Strip Sprinkler sys - Imperial 10 -19 -76 1490 76-1 - Construct gutter / storm dram - e/ s Aviation 8 -2 -76 1487 ES School District- Rec Swim Program - Richmond Street School 6 -30 -77 1486 Richard J McAndrews - RCC SBRPCA 4 -7 -77 1478 Patterson & Post - Legal Services - RCC, SBRPCA 11 -30-76 1477 Ray Wilson - ES Civic Center Add/ Remodel 11 -18 -78 1475 75-4 sewer Pressure Line - Center Street - Jade Construction 4 -12 -76 1473 State - RCC, SBRPCA 11 -30 -76 1471 Multi-City Agreement- SB Burglary Team 6 -12 -78 1467 Wilson, Ray Co Civic Center Improvements Contractor 2 -28 -77 1465 Aerospace Corp Phase III of (RCC) (SBRPCA) 12 -31 -76 1463 Allred Sprinkler Co Inc Washington Parkette 4 -30 -75 1462 Install Gravity Sewer Line - Standard from Grand to Franklin 5 -27 -76 1460 Motorola P -DAT (RCC)(SBRPCA) 2 -29 -76 1460A Motorola P -DAT (RCC)(SBRPCA) 9 -7 -76 1460E Motorola P -DAT (RCC)(SBRPCA) 10 -8 -87 1459 Larry's 24 Hr Towing Service - Exp 10.1 -77- replaced by 1542 10 -1 -77 1458 -C Southern Cahforma Edison Park License 9 -30 -86 1457 Chamber of Commerce - Christmas Decorations 9 -16 -76 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO i APPROVED FOR DESTRUCT40N MAR D HENSLEY, CITY ATT NEY 26 137 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 12 cont'd CONTRACTS COMPLETED/EXPIRED 1401 Magnasync Moviola Corporation 9 -28 -74 1399 Envicom Corp 1 -30 -75 1398 Newman & Sons - Improve Duley and Grand 9 -20 -74 1397 Motorola, Inc RCC SBRPCA 9 -28 -74 1396 Traffic Signal Mamt Co - Replaced by 1592 6 -3 -79 1395 Paul Gardner 73 -11 - Modif /Install traffic signal improve various locations 10 -28 -74 1394 Inglewood - Aircraft Monitoring 4 -2 -75 1393 Instrumentation & Mechanical 73 -15, Modif San Pump Plant No 8 - Center 3 -28 -74 1392 State Highway Patrol - Abandoned Vehicle Abatement 6 -30 -74 1391 Lease - Chevron 11 -01 -78 1390 Aerospace Corp Consult for RCC SBRPCA 7 -31 -74 1386 Century Landscape - Median on ES Blvd 4 -3 -74 1385 James M Montgomery - Water Well No 13 - Engineering Svcs 4 -15 -74 1384 Lampman - Traffic Engineer- Main, Grand, Aviation 1 -07 -74 1382 Anderson Brothers Application of Slurry Seal (Spec 73 -6) 10 -12 -73 1378 Lampman & Assoc 6 -30 -74 1377 Chamber of Commerce 6 -30 -74 1375 Lampman & Assoc - Improvement of Duley Road (Assess No 72) 9 -17 -73 1374 R F Dickson Co - Street Sweeping 6 -30 -76 1371 Flex Paving & Engineering - Slurry Seal - Spec 73 -2 6 -20 -73 1370 Standard Oil - Gasoline 6 -30-74 1369 General Research Corp RCC SBRPCA 9 -28 -73 1367 Owen Menard & Associates - Urban Planning 12 -30-73 1366 Aerospace Corp Eval of Commun. Sys Study RCC SBRPCA 10 -31 -73 1365 Alderman, Swift & Lewis Analysis Water System 7 -21 -73 1364 Sua Inc - Facilities Analysis /Space Require Study 5 -12 -73 1363 BFI - Garbage Collection/ Disposal 1 -31 -78 1361 Earl J McKinney, Water Pipelines 4 -13 -73 1360 De Leon Const- Sanitary Sewer Pipelines/ Remodel Sandhill trunk manhole 3 -10 -73 1358 State Personnel Board - Cost Service Contract 9 -1 -72 1349 Theta Cable Television Communications Site (Water Tank) 2-4 -91 1321 ES School District Terminates 12 -16 -90 - public recreation programs and activities 12 -16-90 1310 LA County - General Services 7 -1 -80 1294 City of Inglewood 7 -8 -80 1210 Vido Artukovich & Son - Settlement Agreement 7 -1 -66 1194 Angeles Girl Scout Council 6 -28 -67 1043 ES Unified School Dist. Develop /mamt as street facilities 11 -26-58 EXHIBIT "A" APPROYEI r OR UC 4ON RESOLUTION NO L2%C�J MAIK1 H SLEY, CITY jjfORNEY ` 27 138 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 13 CONTRACTS COMPLETED/EXPIRED 1456 CDS of California Adm Worker Compensation Ins 7 -1 -80 1454 State Personnel Board - Cost Service Contract 8 -31 -78 1451 Rogers & Associates - P -Dat (RCC)(SBRPCA) 12 -13 -75 1450 State Highway Patrol - Replaced by #1494 6 -30 -76 1449 Chamber of Commerce 6 -30 -76 1448 Powell, Morgridge, Richards & Coghlan, Inc Architect (RCC)(SBRPCA) 9 -30 -75 1447 City of Inglewood JPA - Library Services 7 -1 -78 1446 City of Inglewood - reduce auto thefts /mcrease vehicle recovery 6 -30 -76 1445 El Segundo School District - Operating Urho Saari Swim Stadium 6 -30 -76 1444 State (RCC)(SBRPCC) - Consultant P -DAT 2 -29 -76 1443A LA County - Social Services for Elderly 10 -31 -76 1443 LA County - Social Services for Elderly 11 -1 -75 1442 Frank D Sabatasso, Agreement for Subdivision Improvements 5 -6 -76 1440 Flex Paving - Slurry Seal - various locations 6 -27 -75 1439 ABC Lawn Sprinkler (Geo Prange) Library Park Sprinklers 7 -8 -75 1438 ACE Moving & Wrecking Co Demolition Escobar Buildings (35 days) 6 -27 -75 1437 Stephens & Trevathan (M -68 - deed to property) 2 -28 -76 1435 Improvement of Illinois between Grand & Holly 6 -4 -75 1433 Automation Association Inc Telemetry System Spec 73 -9 9 -3 -75 1431 Southern Cahforrua Humane Society 3 -31 -76 1430 TRW, Inc 630 Douglas St for parking 12 -15 -89 1429 Martin & Flandrick, Inc - Prep Legal dots (RCC) (SBRPCA) 9 -30 -75 1427 Alterations to Public Library - Willard -Brent Co 4 -21 -75 1426 Mobil Oil Corp - Lease of Water Rights 9 -30 -75 1424 Office of Criminal Justice Planning State of Ca. (RCC)(SBRPCA) 9 -30 -75 1422 State Highway - Abandoned Vehicle Program 6 -30 -75 1421 Urban Futures, Inc 7 -3 -75 1420 Cancelled 1419 Layne Bros Curbs /Sidewalks Contract No 4 at various locations 12 -6 -74 1418 LA County - South Bay transportation Study 12 -31 -75 1418A LA County - South Bay Transportation Study for Phase I & II 8 -2 -76 1417 Varner, Marion J & Assoc. architect for civic center improvements 5 -21 -76 1414 Aerospace Corp & Amend South Bay Comm Project Consult Phase II 11 -7 -75 1413 System Development Corp (SDC)(SBRPCA)(RCC) 10 -21 -75 1411 Alderman, Swift & Lewis Telemetermg System 1 -17 -75 1410 Sully Miller - Portion of Nash between Grand & Mariposa 10 -28 -74 EXHIBIT "A" APPROVED FOR DE&TFtJC`7O' N RESOLUTION NO WARWD H SLEY, CITY AtTO I� 28 139 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 13 cont. 1408 El Segundo Babe Ruth League, Inc 5 -5 -76 1407 City of Manhattan Beach - Traffic Signal Construct / Mamten 6 -30 -75 1406Colorado Serrunary - Design Study for Urban Telcom Experiments (RCC)(SBRPCC) 1 -31 -75 1405 Mobil Oil Corporation 9 -30 -74 1403 Chamber of Commerce 6 -30 -75 1402 Pico County Water District- Lease and Transfer of Water Rights 10 -1 -74 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPROVT;FOR CT MA 'D E LE , cm ATTO Y 29. 140 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 14 HEARINGS 11/23/70 Proposed vacation Free Right Turn - Sepulveda /El Segundo Boulevard 7/12/71 Uniform Plumbing Code -1970 Edition 7/12/71 Uniform Mechanical Code -1970 Edition 7/12/71 Uniform Building Code -1970 Edition 7/12/71 Weed Abatement Reso 2393 - 411 Sierra Street 8/23/71 Weed Abatement Reso 2402 - Lots 370/371, Block 123, M3946PG973, North 40', Lot 11, Tract 1685 -2, M3945PG973 9/12/71 Change of Zones along Sepulveda Boulevard to C -3 8/23/71 Pernutted uses in M -2 Zone 8/23/71 Weed Abatement Reso 2400 Vacant Lot S 769 Main Street, Lot 3, Tract 10076, 838 Main Street, 844 Main Street, 319 Richmond Street, 100 block Illinois Street, 510 Hillcrest Street, 517 Mariposa Avenue, Lot South of 1208 -1212 E Maple, Lot West of 426 E Maple, Rear of, or, west of, 315 -333 Indiana Street 12/13/71 Abatement of Building at 445 -1/2 Eucalyptus Drive 2/28/72 Weed Abatement Reso 2420 512 Virginia Street, 856 Virginia Street 2/28/72 Procedures for Zoning Matters 3/27/72 Precise Plan - Rayor's Inc Apartment Building 4/10/72 Underground Utility District (Grand Avenue between Eucalyptus and Lomita) 5/22/72 Amendments to Title 5 (Business License) and Title 20 (Zoning) re Home Occupations 1/10/72 Off Street Parking and Loading Spaces 12/11/72 Interim Open Space Plan (Reso 2465) 12/11/72 Environmental Impact Reports 8/28/72 Water Rate Changes 7/26/72 Nation Wide Cablevision Franchise for Community Antenna Television System 10/24/72 Sec 20 of MC - Animal Regulations 10/24/72 Variance - 601 California Street, Raymond L Isitt 11/13/72 Sec 20, MC - Mobile Home Park Standards - Ord 797 7/24/72 Ordinance 790 - Animals 7/10/72 Weed Abatement Lot 9, Block 11, Tract 1685, 512 W Imperial Avenue, Lots 1 -5, Block 43, ES Sheet #3, Map Book #20, Pages 22,23 5/14/73 Weed Abatement, Reso 2477 205 Virguua Street 4/9/73 Side Yard Exception (Morrison) 724 Penn Street (Reso 753) 3/12/73 Side Yard Exception (Michael Tell) 618 Oak 3/12/73 Zone Change re Playhouses (PC Reso 766) 1/3/73 Interim Zoning Ordinance prohibiting construction in certain areas Ordinance Nos 793, 800,810,820 2/12/73 Zone Changes 900 Block Cedar & Pepper Streets EXHIBIT "A" APPROVEgFOR UCT RESOLUTION NO MA D H LEY, CITY ATEWN67 L'30 141 7/12/73 7/12/73 7/17/73 8/7/73 9/18/73 11/7/73 12/14/73 12/4/73 12/4/73 12/4/73 2/12/73 EXHIBIT "A" DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 BOX 14 Cont. Permissible Lot Coverage - Amend Title 20 - PC Reso 776 Off - Street Parking Spaces - PC Reso 777 Weed Abatement Reso 2487 615 W Pine Avenue Weed Abatement Reso 2491 Vacant lot north of 131 Standard, vacant lot north of 350 Richmond, 319 Richmond Weed Abatement Reso 2499 Vacant lot east of 411 E Grand Weed Abatement Reso 2506 319 W Acacia Public Facilities Zone Ordinance No 829 Planned Residential Development Zone & Procedures Ordinance No 830 Open Space Element of General Plan Open Space Zone Demolition of building 928 Eucalyptus Drive RESOLUTION NO APPROVED R DE f CTI MAR HENSLEY, CITY ATTO EY L- 31 142 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 15 HEARINGS 1/15/74 Virginia Street Parking - one side only Reso 2520 2/19/74 Zone Change to O -S Boy Scount Building & So Pac RR 2/19/74 Zone Change to O -S Recreation Park 4/16/74 Kilroy Industries Hehstop atop building UUI -74 5/7/74 Zone Change R -3 to OS Washington Parkette 5/7/74 Zone Change R -1 to OS Dept Water & Power Right of Way 3/7/74 UU2 -74 Hehstop Rockwell International Corp 6/3/74 Weed Abatement Reso 2540 535 Loma Vista, Vacant Lot north of 350 Richmond Street, 759 Main Street, 733 Eucalyptus Drive, Vacant Lot east of 411 E Grand, 319 W Acacia, 618 W Palm, 928 Eucalyptus 6/11/74 FY1974 -75 Budget 12/3/74 Amendment to Title 20 Re M -1 Zone 8/5/75 Seismic Safety Element of General Plan 8/5/75 Conservation Element of General Plan 8/5/75 Public Safety Element of General Plan 9/16/75 Uniform Housing Code 1973 Edition 9/16/75 Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 1973 Edition 9/16/75 Uniform Building Code & Building Standards -1973 Edition 10/7/75 Circulation & Transportation Element 10/7/75 Scenic Highway Element of General Plan 11/12/75 Uniform Plumbing Code 1973 Edition 8/10 /75 Weed Abatement Reso 2642 Vacant Lot between 808 & 816 Penn Street 9/2/75 Weed Abatement Reso 2646 Vacant Lot 1140 E Grand Avenue 10/7/75 Weed Abatement Reso 2653 602 Sierra Street, 305, 333, 339 Indiana Street 10/28/75 Housing Element of General Plan 10/7/75 Zone Change 3-75, 301 W El Segundo Boulevard Standard Oil Co 11/18/75 Uniform Mechanical Code 1973 Edition 11/18/75 National Electrical Code 1975 Edition 12/2/75 Vacation of Washington Street 12/2/75 Zone Change 5 -75, R -3 to PF Hilltop Park 12/2/75 Zone Change 4-75, P to R -3, 231 Maryland Street 12/2/75 Zone Change 6-75, M -1 to PF, SW corner Grand & Center 12/2/75 Zone Change 7 -75, P to R -3, SE Corner Maryland & Grand 12/2/75 Zone Change 8 -75, M -1 to P, N. Franklin between Maryland & Center EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPROVE4D FOR'} U ION MMRK D HE EY, CITY ATTORNEY 32. 143 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 16 1934/45 Street Lights Southern California Edison 1935/36 State Compensation Insurance Fund Claims 1936 /37 State Highways Public Works - Street Maintenance 1935/36 Standard Oil - Service Station Licenses 1935/36 Southern California Gas Co Excavation Reports 1935/36 Library Building - Grant Application 1930 /36 Annual Library Reports 1933/36 Metropolitan Water District Reports 1927/36 Security Co El Segundo Waterworks Bonds 1934 /36 County of Los Angeles -1911 Assessed Valuation 1934/36 County of Los Angeles - County Flood Control District 1934/36 County of LoS Angeles Auditor's Report of Tax Collections 1937/38 Southern California Edison - Light Maintenance 1937/38 Southern Calif orma Gas Co -Street Maintenance 1937/38 Southern California Telephone Company - Excavation Permits 1937/38 Southern Califorma Gas Co Franchise matters 1937/38 Southern California Edison - Lighting Matters 1934/35 Southren Cahfornia Edison Co - Refund Data 1937/38 Southwest District Highways Assn Membership 1937/38 State Compensation Insurance Fund 1937/38 Los Angeles County Division of Highways - Maintenance 1937/38 State Controller 1937/38 State Franchise Tax Commissioner 1937/38 Works Progress Administration Certificates 1937/38 Texas Co, Petroleum construction of oil well derrick, #6 well Annual License Fee 1937/38 Republic Petroleum Co Annual License Fee 1937/38 Union Oil Co Annual License Fee, Well #1 1937/38 Wilshire Oil Co Well #2 1937/38 Richfield Oil Corp Oil Well Maintenance 1937/38 County of Los Angeles Auditor's Report of Tax Collections 1937/38 Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles County 1937/38 City Council - Statement of Lee R Sinclair, 133 Virginia Street 1937/38 City Attorney - Correspondence EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO APPROVED F R DESi1F�J ION MASK D J I IT1' AT FORNEY 33 ME 1937/38 1937/38 1937/38 1937/38 1937/38 1937/38 1937/38 1937/38 1937/38 4 -20 -38 1937/38 1937/38 1937/38 5 -25 -38 EXHIBIT "A" DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 17 City Engineer Allied Petroleum Corp Apex Petroleum Corp El Segundo Oil Co Otuo Oil Co Standard Oil Co Various Permit Requests (i e fireworks, oil wells, etc ) Correspondence A -B Bids for Fencing - Water Department Property - Tract 10058 Water Well No Bids for Water Well No. 4 Bids on Chlorinator Equipment High School Trustees City of Los Angeles Correspondence Water Treatment Plant Bids (2 Files) RESOLUTION NO APPROVEIS FOR /' IO i� i- /A ; /MARJg D HENSLEY, CITY ,ATbRNEY 34. 145 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 18 BID NO. DATE SUBJECT PW89 -7 1 -15 -91 Pumping Plant PW90 -2 7 -30 -90 Westnet Expansion PW90 -2A 9 -11 -90 Westnet Expansion PW90 -5 2 -19 -91 Closed Circuit TV Inspection of Sewer Lines 1990/91 PW90 -6 2 -5 -91 Emergency Vehicle 9101 2 -21 -91 Custodial Maintenance 9102 3 -13-91 Household Hazardous Waste Disposal 9103 3 -21 -91 West Basin Water Pumping Rights 9104 3 -28 -91 Tash Pump 9105 4 -11 -91 Mini Van 9106 4 -17 -91 Library Shelving 9107 5 -21 -91 Miru Van 9109 5 -24 -91 Library Interiors 9110 6 -6-91 Landscape Maintenance/ Tree Trimming 9111 6 -6 -91 Water Pumping Rights 9113 7 -25 -91 Dump City Debris - Local Station 9113A 8 -8 -91 Dump City Debris at Local Trans Station 9113B 8 -21 -91 Dump City Debris at Local Trans Station - Cancelled 9114 7 -25 -91 700 Tons Asphalt Paving Matenal -No Bids 9114A 8-8 -91 Asphalt Paving Material/ Tacking Oil 9115 8 -13 -91 Supply of Motor Fuels 9117 10 -24-91 Uniforms 9119 11 -26-91 Library Security System 9120 12 -6 -91 Equipment & Tent Rental 9121 12 -3 -91 Library Wall covering 9122 12 -16-91 Library Window covering 9124 12 -13 -91 Woodworking - Library PW91 -1 4 -23 -91 Slurry Seal PW91 -02 4 -26 -91 Street Sweeping PW91 -4 3 -26 -91 Renovation Urho Saari PW91 -5 5 -14 -91 Replacement of Sidewalk PW91 -7 12 -10-91 Irrigation System PW91 -8 8 -6-91 Jail Booking Area EXHIBIT "A" APPRQVED fOR D CTI RESOLUTION NO M1�RK D EN I i i ATT NEY 35 146 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 19 721FPPC FY1993/94 Copies Jane Friedkin (+ 730 ICRMA) Carl Jacobson Richard J Switz (+ 730 San Dist 5, MAX) Alan West Gordon Leon Susan Schofield Colleen Frances Mulvaney Leland C Dolley BID NO. Johnnie B Wise, Jr (+ 730 ICRMA) Elizabeth J Kennedy Michael D Robbins Raymond E Davis III Brian Scott Crowley James D Morrison Liam Brandon Weston 91 -23 1 -23 -92 Two triple comb Pumpers w/ top mount operator's panel 91 -25 2 -5 -92 Household hazardous waste disposal specifications EXHIBIT "A" APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTIO RESOLUTION NO MARK D RNEY /, 3E '47 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 1976 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO HENSLEY, CITY A 37 148 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BOX 20 DATE SUBIECT 1985 -1987 Misc Correspondence - Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors 1980 -1988 Misc Correspondence - Los Angeles county Road Department 1987 -1988 Misc Correspondence - Capital Advocates, Inc 1985 -1987 Misc Correspondence - City Management Association 1986 -1988 Misc Correspondence - Los Angeles County Transportation Comm 1949 -1950 Misc Correspondence - El Segundo Water Department 1948 -1951 Misc Bid Information - Water Works 1969 Working File/ Draft Correspondence Amend Title 19 ESMC 1966 -1974 Pacific Electric Rwy Line Abandonment Correspondence Only 1985 Chevron Hydrocarbon Investigation Dec 20,1950 Hearing Variance to Perrmt Drilling of Oil Well - Pauley 1976 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO HENSLEY, CITY A 37 148 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 LIBRARY FILES FOR DESTRUCTION Library Fine Transmittal Forms Library Request for Reimbursement of Expenses Library Copy Machine Receipts Library Lost Book (partial paid) Receipts Library Lost Book (paid) Receipts Library Cash Register Tapes Library Invoices Library Purchase Orders Library Postage Receipts EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO 7/95- 6/30/96 7/95- 6/30/96 7/95- 6/30/96 7/95- 6/30/96 7/95- 6/30/96 1/96 -12/96 1/96 -12/96 1/96-12/96 1/96 -12/96 kO D FORD T CFION l, �i� MA D IdENSLEY, CITY A ORNEY M 149 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 FINANCE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR DESTRUCTION Accounts Payable FY 1993 -1994 Bank Reconciliation's FY 1992 -1993 Deposits, Receipts FY 1993 -1994 Accounts Receivable FY 1993 -1994 Checks FY 1992 -1993 Warrant Register FY 1993 -1994 Payroll Adjustments FY 1993 -1994 Employee Time Sheets FY 1991 -1992 Bids, RFQ's, RFP's FY 1993 -1994 Requisitions/ Purchase Orders FY 1993 -1994 EXHIBIT "A" APPWj ] FOR DE U TI RESOLUTION NO R HE -LEY, CITY ATT RNEY 39. 150 DOCUMENTS FOR DESTRUCTION -1999 PLANNING & BUILDING SAFETY FILES FOR DESTRUCTION BOX Building Permits (permanent records on microfiche) Finaled 1990 -1991 BOX Inspector's Daily Route Sheets 1993 -1994 BOX Copies - Building Permits 1991 BOX Building Permits (permanent records on rmcrofiche) Frnaled 1990 -1991 BOX Plan Check Log Sheets 1973 -1987 BOX Property Reports and Canceled Permits 1980 -1987 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO , CITY ATTORNEY 40. 151 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING, Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, authorizing the redesignation of the South Bay Service Delivery Area (SDA) as the new Local Workforce Investment Area and initiating the establishment of a Local Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Fiscal impact None RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Adopt Resolution INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On August 7, 1998, President Clinton signed the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), comprehensive reform legislation that supersedes the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and amends the Wagner - Peyser Act The WIA requires the establishment of Local Workforce Investment Boards The Department of Labor believes that changing from existing JTPA boards and councils to Local Workforce Investment Boards is essential to the reforms of WIA The Department encourages the creation of new, fully functional boards as early as possible The WIA provides an option to use an existing entity to carry out the functions of the local boards Section 660 330 describes the requirements relating to the appointment of such an alternative entity The alternative entity must meet each of the four criteria set forth in WIA Sections 117(1), including the requirements that the alternative entity must have been established by December 13, 1997 By resolution authorization, the City of Inglewood will request that the Governor designate the South Bay Service Delivery Area as the Local Workforce Investment Area and certify the current PIC as the Workforce Investment Board (WIB) DISCUSSION: - See attachment - ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Resolution FISCAL IMPACT NIA (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv Amount Requested, Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date*_ Account Number, Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No_ Budget: ORIGINATED , Date. June 24, 1999 agenda 319 Date, 7, 151"A (� flf' - X19 -o0l ATTACHMENT DISCUSSION It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the South Bay Private Industry Council (SBPIC) to act as the Local Workforce Investment Board and authorize the certification of the current Private Industry Council (PIC) Board as the Workforce Investment Board (WIB) The Job Training Partnership (JTPA) that was enacted by the United States Congress in 1982 created an employment and training system to replace the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) On July 12, 1983, the cities of El Segundo, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, Lawndale, Manhattan Beach, and Redondo Beach entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement that, in part, created the South Bay Service Delivery Area (SBSDA) to be coincident with the boundaries of the cities designated above to administer and deliver services to act as, and be responsible for, the general administration and supervision of all funds received under the JTPA by all the participating cities and to receive an administrative fee for such services Since 1983, SBPIC has successfully carried out the mandates of JTPA on behalf of the participating cities in the South Bay Nancy Savage, Administrative Specialist (Community and Personnel Services) at Northrup Grumman, is El Segundo's current private sector representative on the SBPIC 15^ J 11,E - 9 r �, - 000 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SOUTH BAY PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL TO ACT AS THE LOCAL WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD WHEREAS, the cities of El Segundo, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, Lawndale, Manhattan Beach, and Redondo Beach, (hereinafter "Participating Cities ") have entered Into that certain Joint Powers Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement') dated July 2, 1983, as amended from time to time, and WHEREAS, said Agreement, in part, created the South Bay Private Industry Council (hereinafter "PIC ") In order to accomplish the mandates and goals of the federal Job Training Partnership Act (hereinafter "JTPA "), and WHEREAS, the City of Inglewood was authorized to act as, and be responsible for, the general administration and supervision of all funds received under the JTPA by all the Participating Cities and to receive an administrative fee for such services, and WHEREAS, the United States Congress has created the Workforce Investment Act (hereinafter "WIA ") to replace the JTPA, NOW, THEREFORE, be It resolved, by the City Council of the City of El Segundo as follows The City of El Segundo hereby affirms that the Agreement forming the PIC shall remain in effect under the WIA The PIC is authorized to act, pursuant to WIA § 117(1), as the Local Workforce Investment Board The City of Inglewood Is authorized to continue to act as the Chief Elected Official for the South Bay Service Delivery Area (the "Local Area ") As authorized by Section 4 of the Agreement, the membership of the PIC shall consist of representatives of categories as set forth in the WIA The City of Inglewood is authorized to request that the Governor designate the South Bay Service Delivery Area as the Local Workforce Investment Area and the City is further authorized to submit all documents necessary for him to do so. The City of Inglewood is authorized to apply to the Governor for certification as the Local Workforce Investment Board and the City is authorized to submit all documents necessary for him to do so RESOLUTION NO WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD PAGE NO I 154 r-rk 3 63 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2011 day of July, 1999 Mike Gordon, Mayor of the City of El Segundo ATTEST. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20'" day of July, 1999, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS , City RESOLUTION NO WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD PAGE NO 2 155 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE' July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Proposed revisions of the class specification for the lob classification of Multi -Media Specialist RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION, Approve the class specification INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND. The Human Resources Department initiated the recruitment, testing and selection process necessary to fill the Recreation and Parks Department position of Multi -Media Specialist on June 11, 1999 The current vacancy is the result of the recent resignation of the position's incumbent subsequent to his decision to relocate to another area of the United States To date, despite extensive recruitment and advertising efforts, candidate response has been limited DISCUSSION. Recreation and Parks Department management staff have reviewed the class specification's "Qualifications Guidelines" section and determined that a largergroup of qualified candidateswould likely be recruited by revising the position's required education and experience, as depicted on the attached class specification The proposed revisions reflect an increased emphasis on prior experience in the video field and a decreased emphasis on actual possession of a Bachelor's Degree The currently required "Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities" have not been modified Representatives of the City Employees' Association have reviewed the class specification ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Class Specification in add - delete format FISCAL IMPACT (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv Budget Amount Requested. Project/Account Budget- NIA Project/Account Balance Date: Account Number: Protect Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No_ 'IJ /6 '56 10 �//,z - 3aa -�i Date Adopted 9/15/98 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MULTI -MEDIA SPECIALIST DEFINITION Under general supervision, designs video computer graphics, animated logos and titles Incorporated in electronic community bulletin boards and a variety of television productions, performs related duties as required CLASS CHARACTERISTICS This is a single position class in the Recreation and Parks Department Community Cable Division It is a non - supervisory position and receives dally supervisory direction from the Community Cable Production Supervisor EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Duties may Include, but are not limited to, the following 1 Designs, updates and maintains graphics for the computerized electronic community bulletin board 2 Develop, write and produce all messages incorporating digital photographs, video clips, logos, voice-overs, music and text submitted from city staff and the general public 3 Gather and maintain library of digital images from around the commun ity to be Incorporated in bulletin board and production graphics 4 Utilize a variety of computer formats, including PC, MAC and Amiga, for the creation of production graphics 5 Attends all meetings of the City Council and creates attractive "Lower Third" graphics consisting of City Council Agenda items to be broadcast live during Council and special community meetings 6 Provide technical and creative direction and guidance to Community Cable Production staff in the design of a variety of graphics to be used In on -going weekly and monthly community programs 7 Provide staff assistance In a variety of computer - related projects, Including providing graphics for departmental brochures and flyers on an as- needed basis UALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Education and /or Experience Any combination of education and experience that has provided the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for satisfactoryjob performance Example combinations include prior exprience in the video field, Example eamb met one melude a Bachelor of Arts Degree In Computer Graphic Design, Communication, Art or related field, with an emphasis in video graphic design or animation, Is highly desirable Knoweedoe, Skills and Abilities Working knowledge of PC, Macintosh and Amiga computers, knowledge of, or the ability to learn, Windows 95, Adobe PhotoShop, Illustrator, Lightwave and other related computer graphics software programs The ability to work quickly and independently under limited supervision, ability to meet established deadlines, ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing, ability to work evenings, weekends and holidays and a flexible work schedule as needed, ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships in the performance of duties ,Special Requirements Possession of or ability to obtain a Class C California Driver's License and a satisfactory driving record , H mediaspc fly- 3aa -00 a- EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION* Award contract to Pavement Coatings Company for the fiscal year 1998 -99 5,urry Seal — Project No PW 99 -2 (contract amount $96,499 49) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1 Appropriate $18,200 00 from unallocated Gas Tax Funds 2 Award contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Pavement Coatings Company, in the amount of $96,49949 3 Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard Public Works contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND* On June 1, 1999, the City Council adopted plans and specifications for the 1998 -99 Slurry Seal Project and authorized staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids The project is an annual preventative street maintenance effort intended to extend the life of the pavement by the application of a thin asphalt coating on City streets DISCUSSION On July 6, 1999, the City Clerk received and opened the following bids (Discussion continues on the next page...) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Map of area to be slurry sealed FISCAL IMPACT. Operating Budget* Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested. Project/Account Budget. Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase. Appropriation Required. No $110,00000 $178,00000 $ 91.800 00 Date 106 - 400 - 8203 -8357 Award of contract Yes — $18.200 00 Gas Tax Funds Page 1 of 2 a 11 N COUNCIL \JUL20 -02 DOC (Monday 7112/99 10 00 A M ) DISCUSSION (continued) Pavement Coatings Company $ 96,499 49 California Pavement Maintenance Company $111,73898 Roy Allan Slurry Seal $118,20820 Doug Martin Contractors $133,25930 Valley Slurry Seal Company $154,791 00 Engineer's Estimate $ 90,000 00 The low bidder has performed satisfactorily on previous slurry seal protects in the City Staff recommends award of contract to the low bidder, Pavement Coatings Company, in the amount of $96,499 49 The low bid was higher than anticipated due to considerable portions of work being scheduled for weekends in the Smoky Hollow area, Continental Park and the addition of the City Maintenance Facility parking lot, in the current year's slurry seal program Additionally, Continental Development Corporation has requested slurry sealing of Nash Street between Rosecrans Avenue and Park Place in this year's program This work is estimated to cost an additional $4,000 00 based on low bid unit prices Staff has inspected Nash Street and recommends adding this street to the scope of the current contract The total cost of the protect, including staff inspection costs and contingencies, is estimated to be $110,000 00 Currently there is a balance of $91,800 00 in this annual program Staff is requesting an appropriation of $18,200 00 from unallocated Gas Tax Funds to complete this protect Page 2 of 2 N \COUNCILUUL20 -02 DOC (Monday 7112/99 10 00 AM ) 159 N W I s3139Nv s s0'i W IllknoD s • Z O O lI < J JI Q 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ' 'T11 9 •iJ a a IMLJLJL 011fAAM ¢ AS 2 N O J a N ; W W N t 1J N •C Tfi �i VW N I^ W Boll 41a 1••. E`F,5 _ 'NG ONLON Fq as, J. L 7 re 301tlOM1MI'X d0 Ali] 00310 NYS 9 9 m FMN1ASS1 I lS .N1wwl -1. MSIN SS1 A !L SIOYIIT 2 as NoawNn. , A 1S .IIIYOIII.i AT ."Jam, u ".n)% is Y31N22 110 •w1.M0. � i li OY.IN.II Q S Nx101 n u .wus Q 8y is YM is Y0013M6 Z u IL.x A. .IL. 2 t O1 a C P I 2 .Oliln.Ji a 7 In. A f10 •. 1111 M )n. 111111.. 11, . wl.. . lid." . S l3Yn.l Y 13...01] 3x1.1,, ^L � N It 0.10.11{ N JS .I.. is owowxvY � ��y o9w � CY`o °�• o 3B 16 0.01.0 1{ ........ 1 MIO YI 3 1, SAW.: is u{l...ol O n 15 ls]Yilll. \ CD w y11 \ r LL n � J i 1 ui a a Q U. a a W v Y Fr- _ CL A A 2 N O J a N ; W W N t 1J N •C Tfi �i VW N I^ W Boll 41a 1••. E`F,5 _ 'NG ONLON Fq as, J. L 7 re 301tlOM1MI'X d0 Ali] 00310 NYS 9 9 m FMN1ASS1 I lS .N1wwl -1. MSIN SS1 A !L SIOYIIT 2 as NoawNn. , A 1S .IIIYOIII.i AT ."Jam, u ".n)% is Y31N22 110 •w1.M0. � i li OY.IN.II Q S Nx101 n u .wus Q 8y is YM is Y0013M6 Z u IL.x A. .IL. 2 t O1 a C P I 2 .Oliln.Ji a 7 In. A f10 •. 1111 M )n. 111111.. 11, . wl.. . lid." . S l3Yn.l Y 13...01] 3x1.1,, ^L � N It 0.10.11{ N JS .I.. is owowxvY � ��y o9w � CY`o °�• o 3B 16 0.01.0 1{ ........ 1 MIO YI 3 1, SAW.: is u{l...ol O n 15 ls]Yilll. \ CD w y11 \ r LL n � J i 1 ui a a Q U. a a W v Y Fr- _ CL A A 2 IL.x A. .IL. 2 t O1 a C P I 2 .Oliln.Ji a 7 In. A f10 •. 1111 M )n. 111111.. 11, . wl.. . lid." . S l3Yn.l Y 13...01] 3x1.1,, ^L � N It 0.10.11{ N JS .I.. is owowxvY � ��y o9w � CY`o °�• o 3B 16 0.01.0 1{ ........ 1 MIO YI 3 1, SAW.: is u{l...ol O n 15 ls]Yilll. \ CD w y11 \ r LL n � J i 1 ui a a Q U. a a W v Y Fr- _ CL A A 2 A A 2 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING PATE: July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION Adoption of plans and specifications for trenchless rehabilitation of sewer mains at various locations — estimated cost = $105,000 00 (project no PW 99 -4) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Adopt plans and specifications 2 Authorize staff to advertise project for receipt of construction bids INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND, The adopted fiscal year 1998 -99 Capital Improvement Program Includes a project to rehabilitate the City's sanitary sewer mains The nature and location of existing deficiencies are established by means of closed circuit television inspection and review of the videotapes by Public Works staff Pursuant to this review, staff is recommending rehabilitation of sewer mains west of Cedar Street and in Franklin Avenue DISCUSSION' There is an existing 705 linear feet of 8" diameter sewer main west of Cedar Street, between Imperial Avenue and Walnut Avenue This sewer main is within an existing 15' wide easement over private properties Also, there is a 257 linear feet of 10" sewer main in Franklin Avenue, between Eucalyptus Drive and Arena Street ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. Location map FISCAL IMPACT. Operating Budget, Capital Improvement Budget Amount Requested. Project/Account Budget, Project/Account Balance. Account Number: Project Phase* Appropriation Required (Discussion continues on the next page... . ) $105.000.00 $120,00000 $105,00000 Date- 7/8/99 301- 400 - 8204 -8317 Adoption of plans and specifications QVIGIWATED: Date, Page 1 of 2 N COUNCILWUL20 -03 DOC (Monday 7/12/99 10 00 AM) 12 161 DISCUSSION: (continued) Staff is recommending a trechless rehabilitation method which Involves Installation of a lining Inside the existing sewer main All work to Install the lining material will be done from the public street right -of -way With this method there is no need to excavate within private property close to existing residential buildings or in the industrial areas The total estimated cost of the project, including staff costs for design, Inspection and construction contingencies, is $105,000 00 162 Page 2 of 2 N COUNCILWUL20 -03 DOC (Monday 7/12/99 10 00 AM) W LL W O � y j f a V y O J A1Nnoo S3l3ONv SOl AlAd 3NNONIMYN d0 A11O OA13 93.,. 00310 Ny6 U a a W F Y r IS y SCUM, 3AVOON003W •YN Mnd 2 V Q W 0) 2 r F ¢ 2 } YOl MOd 3S � =3M SIC =3nY 913 LL O =3M 3X11 =3M 1nNil. y 9M 111133N.Od F _3AN NIV, V =3M 31d1N c 3M "'Old "M l3YOYl A3NYOOl3 3MONYl3 Nl cn 2 LL EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION Award of contract for the replacement of the Civic Center Emergency Generator - Project No PW 99 -3 (contract amount $139,138 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. Authorize an appropriation of $170,000 00 from Equipment Replacement Reserves Award contract to Perez Electric Inc INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The Civic Center, consisting of City Hall and the Police Department Facility, is currently served by one (1) 175 kilowatt emergency generator in the Police Facility basement Fire Station No 1 is served by one (1) 30 kilowatt emergency generator located between the Police Facility and Fire Station No 1 These generators provide back -up electrical power to selected circuits in the Civic Center and are not capable of providing the back -up needed for the proposed Public Safety Communications Center DISCUSSION The architect for the proposed Public Safety Communications Center, WMM Associates, has determined that a new emergency generator will be needed to provide back -up power to the Communications Center Installation of a new 400 kilowatt generator to replace the existing 175 kilowatt and 30 kilowatt generators would serve the new Communications Center and provide back -up power for the entire Civic Center, including City Hall, Police Facility and Fire Station No 1, as opposed to the few selective circuits currently being served The new generator will be located above ground between the Police Facility and Fire Station No 1 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget Capital Improvement Budget. Amount Requested Project/Account Budget Project/Account Balance. Account Number: Project Phase Appropriation Required: (Discussion continues on the next page... .) $170,00000 601 - 400 - 0000 -8104 Award of contract Yes Date Date, Ib4 13Page 1 of 2 N COUNCILWUL20 -04 DOC (Wednesday 7/14199 1000AM) DISCUSSION (continued) In order to expedite Installation of the new 400 kilowatt generator prior to December 1, 1999, staff solicited proposals from qualified vendors to design and build and emergency power system for the Civic Center The following bids were received and opened by the City Clerk on July 6, 1999 Perez Electric Inc $139,13800 Power Systems Associates $170,06075 M B Herzog Electric Inc $180,00000 The architect, W MM Associates, has reviewed the above proposals and recommends award of the contract to Perez Electric Inc In the amount of $139,138 00 The existing 175 Kilowatt generator In the Police Facility has a roof vent pipe that has asbestos lining material The removal of this pipe and patching the roof are not included In the scope of the proposed emergency generator contract The cost of this work is estimated to be $8,000 00, which needs to be included in the project budget Including asbestos abatement, inspection costs and 15% contingencies, the total project cost is estimated to be $170,000 00 This cost is currently not budgeted and staff is requesting City Council appropriation from the Equipment Replacement Reserves to implement this project This generator will be added to the Equipment Replacement Fund list with an expected life span of twenty (20) years in order to provide for future replacement funding Page 2 of 2 N COUNCILlJUL20 -04 DOC (Wednesday 7114/99 10 00 AM) 165 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Proposal for the City of El Segundo to award the contract for the construction of the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1 Release Mills Construction from the bid as requested by bidder due to their clerical mistake 2 Award contract to the lowest responsible bidder (Staff report with recommendation will be forthcoming) INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND. On February 16, 1999 the City Council adopted plans and specifications for the construction of the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project and authorized staff to advertise for receipt of construction bids DISCUSSION: On June 22, 1999, the City Clerk received and opened the following bids COMPANY BASE BID Mills Construction $1,000,487 LA Contractors $1,471,000 Ally Construction $1,488,668 Hazama $1,569,774 Edwin G Bowen $1,675,000 Baltimore Construction $1,700,000 BEGL Construction $1,547,000 Stenco Construction $1,668,000 Great West Contractors $2,087,659 ADDED ALTERNATIVES $115,065 $35,000 $83,799 $94,486 $53,768 $68,000 $223,500 $127,530 $92,300 TOTAL BID AMOUNT $1,115,552 (Request to Withdraw Bid) $1,506,000 $1,572,467 $1,664,260 $1,728,768 $1,768,000 $1,770,500 $1,795,530 $2,179,959 Staff is completing the evaluation process of the apparent lowest bidder A hearing is scheduled for LA Contractors and Ally Construction on July 15, 1999, to determine their qualifications and responsiveness to the bid Upon completion of these hearings and full evaluation of the construction companies, a recommendation will be forwarded in a staff report for award of contract On May 5, 1998, the City Council approved the preliminary construction budget of $1,040,000 The City Clerks Office received 9 bids on June 22, 1999, all of which were above the original preliminary budget Additional funds are requested for the final construction budget of the Communications Center from asset forfeiture A number of issues resulted in the increased bid 1 Additional improvements were included in the architectural drawings 2 Soil compaction was required in the existing parking lot to sustain the second story structure 3 The building trades are in a robust economy ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS - 1 Letter from Mills Construction requesting withdrawal from the bid Amount Requested: To be funded from approved preliminary construction budget of $1.040.000 and additional necessary asset forfeiture funds Pro /ectlAccount Budget: $ Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: 109 -400- 3105 -8378 & 301 - 400 - 3105 -8378 Project Phase: 16r, 14 J JUN -2? -99 03:30 PM MILLS mills construction co. 12501 chandler blvd, #101 no. hollywood, call?. 91607 telephone no.: (818)505 -6555 fax no.: (818)505 -9390 June 23, 1999 City of El Segundo 348 Main St El Segundo, Calif., 90245 Ann Cathy Domann Deputy City Clerk Re Withdrawal of Bid City of El Segundo Communications Center Addition Bid Date June 22, 1999 lienr M%, Domann 5059390 P.01 We are hereby requesting release from our bid on the above project because of a mistake on the bid form, page I -C -3. • In the Base Bid portion of the document one written word was mistakenly left out in completing the 'Total Cash Purchase Price in Words" portion. The written portion reads "One million four hundred and eighty seven dollars zero cents ". This should have read One million four hundred and eighty seven thaucand dollars, zero cents. The individual writing the amount forgot to write the word thousand after the seven , substantially changing the bid amount. The amount in figures was written first, then the word portion written thereafter. This is simply a mistake In addition, the individual completing this portion is fluent in English but English is not her native language. With the mistake of not putting in the word ' join, lad' behind seven, our bid reads rid much lower than the written amount, in figures,of $1,487,00000 as shown on the document. This CA ence intended and was made in filling out the document, This mistake was not made due to an error in Judgment, or to carelessness in inspecting the site or in reading the plans and specifications. It is very evident a mistake has occurred Again we. are hereby reriuecting release from our bid. Ve truly yours, Robert J. Mills 167 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: 7/20/99 AGENDA HEADING: NEW BUSINESS AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Presentation of FY 1999 -2000 revenue forecast and assumptions RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Discussion ➢ Receive and file report INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The purpose of this report is to review the FY 1999 -2000 revenue forecast and assumptions DISCUSSION: (continued on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: • Statement of Estimated Revenues All Funds FY 1999 -2000 • 3 -Year Revised Fiscal impact analysis of the Morgan Stanley project • Memorandum on Plan Check revenue assumptions FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Appropriation Required: �/ LZo Bret Plumlee, Director of Finance 74`f/,jS 16 8 15 DISCUSSION: OBJECTIVE The focus of this report is to review FY 1999 -2000 revenue forecasts and assumptions in each major category of revenue All compansons made are between the FY 1999 -2000 budget and the FY 1998 -99 estimated actual REVENUES Total FY 1999 -2000 General Fund Revenues are budgeted to come in $967,650 higher than FY 1998 -99 estimated actual The following is an analysis of General Fund revenues by ten major categories Property Taxes Total FY 1999-2000 property taxes are budgeted to come in $189,200 higher than FY 1998 -99 estimated actual Included in this category of revenues are all secured and unsecured property taxes, penalties and interest, and homeowner's exemptions. Since the City of El Segundo does not levy a tax, it is limited to receive approximately 64% of the 1% Los Angeles County share of property taxes Changes in property taxes received are impacted by changes in the annual assessed valuation, new building activity, and property improvements on commercial and residential property The main factor attributing to the anticipated increase is an assumed 4% growth in assessed valuation, which is the projected increase over the same penod for the entire Los Angeles County Also, an attributing factor to the increase and included in the revenue assumptions is $53,700 from the Morgan Stanley project A copy of a revised three -year analysis of all estimated revenues for this project is attached to this revised report Another factor still to be determined is the impact on current year secured property taxes from the sale of a power plant that was made in 1998 Staff is working with the Los Angeles County Assessor and Auditor Controller's office to determine the impact on this revenue source Additional information should be available in mid- August Other Taxes ncludes Sales Tax, Franchise Tax, Utility User's Tax, Real Prooertv Transfer Tax and Transient Occupancy Taxl The total category FY 1999 -2000 is budgeted to come in $606,500 higher than FY 1998 -99 estimated actual mainly attributable to increases in Sales Tax and Transient Occupancy Tax Sales Taxes FY 1999-2000 Sales Taxes are budgeted to come in $347,500 higher than FY 1998.99 estimated actual. This assumes a 3.0% growth on all non - business to business sales tax, which represents an increase of $97,500, and an additional $250,000 attributable to the elimination of an aerospace refund in January 2000 On September 2, 1993, the State Board of Equalization provided an estimate of potential sales and use tax refunds due to aerospace federal contractors who had previously paid taxes to the State of California or to their vendors, on overhead materials that were allocated to government contracts. The amount of refund liabilities allocated to the City of El Segundo was $1,837,158 The City has been paying the refund over a period of five years and has been carrying a liability in the General Long Tenn Debt Account Group The estimated outstanding liability that will be remaining September 30, 1999 is approximately $150,000 Since the City has been paying approximately $400,000 per year, this represents a net increase in sales tax of 169 $250,000 in FY 1999 -2000 Franchise Taxe Included in this category are revenues received per franchise agreements with Chevron Oil, Cal Water, Southem Califomia Edison, Southern California Gas, Time Wamer, and Shell Oil The City has franchise agreements with each of these companies to receive an agreed upon percentage based on gross revenues generated in the City The forecast assumes no growth in gross revenues for FY 1999.2000. Transient Occuoancv Taxes FY 1999 -2000 Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) are budgeted to come in $261,050 higher than FY 1998- 99 estimated actual. One factor aftnbuhng to the increase includes the assumption of one new Hilton Hotel on the site of the Morgan Stanley project anticipated to open 4/1/2000 Assumptions used to calculate the new revenue from this hotel include 150 rooms, 80% occupancy, and an average room rate of $95 dollars The total revenue estimate in the first year is $179,800 One additional hotel is due to open, however, it is not anticipated to open until FY 2000 -2001 and is not included in the FY 1999 -2000 revenue forecast An additional factor adding to the TOT is the elimination of a credit to a hotel March 31, 2000 This will result in an additional $13,500 per month for six months or $81,250 and has also been included in the forecast Utility User's Taxes Included in this category are taxes received from gas, water, telephone, cogenerated electncdy, and electnc utility taxes Since this source of revenue is based on a percentage received on gross revenues, and since there is no anticipated increase, total revenues are estimated to remain flat Business License Fees This total category FY 1999 -2000 is budgeted to come in $185,000 higher than FY 1998 -99 estimated actual. As discussed at the mid -year review, factors which have contnbuted to the decline over the past two fiscal years include the payment of $175,000 per an agreement with one of the major business license taxpayers, the elimination of the indexing of business licenses based on the Consumer Pace Index, and the 50% sales tax rebate reduced from the business license base fee. Factors attnbuting to the estimated increase in FY 1999 -2000 include an assumption of an additional $60,000 to reflect additional revenues that will be received as a result of the business license audits, an anticipated increase of $125,000 in penalties due to the expiration of the amnesty penod September 30, 1999, an additional $150,000 from Candle Corporation, which will be open for the entire calendar year 2000, and an additional $50,000 from the Morgan Stanley protect It is anticipated that $200,000 of these increases will be offset by the 50% sales tax rebate on the calendar year 2000 business license fees Other License and Permits This category includes animal licenses and all building permits FY 1999 -2000 is budgeted to come in $89,050 less than FY 1998 -99 estimated actual Building pernits assumptions are based on an average of actual revenue received the past five fiscal years A copy of the analysis is included with this report 170 Interest and Rentals Included in this category is interest on investments, which is forecast to remain flat The average interest rate and cash balances are expected to remain fairly stable in FY 1999 -2000 It should be noted that the Hyperion settlement with the City of Los Angeles was paid in FY 1998 -99 Intergovernmental Revenues Total FY 1999 -2000 is budgeted to come in $79,400 higher than FY 1998 -99 estimated actual, primarily attributable to an increase in Motor Vehicle in Lieu fees The forecast for this revenue source is provided by the State of California's Controller's Office Charges for Services Major sources of revenue in this category include plan check fees, wastewater user fees, paramedic transport fees, and various environmental safety fees Total FY 1999 -2000 is budgeted to come in $65,550 lower than FY 1998 -99 estimated actual Plan check fees are estimated to decrease $78,200 based on an eigtd-year historical analysis of this account and based on now anticipated new activity A copy of the analysis is included with this report Paramedic Transportation fees are anticipated to increase $80,000 attributable to a full year of increased fees that went into effect January 1999. Other Revenue Total FY 1999 -2000 is budgeted to come in $318,750 higher than FY 1998 -99 estimated actual mainly attributable to one -time developer contributions from the Morgan Stanley prgect of $588,000 This is offset by the decrease in sale of surplus property The City received $233,000 in FY 1998 -99 and nothing is anticipated in FY 1999 -2000 Also, note that Miscellaneous Revenue consists of $50,000 based on past history, $37,000 based on State funding, $7,750 in ERAF reimbursement, and $5,400 in reimbursement of past booking fees Special Revenue Funds Gas Tax Fund Total FY 1999-2000 Gas Tax revenues are budgeted to come in $44,050 less than FY 1998 -99 estimated actual Revenue estimates are provided by the State of California Controller's Office Asset Forfeiture Fund Total FY 1999 -2000 Asset Forfeiture revenues are budgeted to come in $241,050 less than FY 1998-99 estimated actual This revenue source is very difficult to anticipate and must be budgeted based on what is actually received It may periodically differ significantly from budget and require budget adjustments on birth the revenue and expenditure side. Also, it uses are very restricted. Internal Service Funds The Equipment Replacement, General Liability, and Worker's Compensation Insurance funds estimated revenues have a direct relationship to the expenses for the fiscal year These Internal Service Funds generate revenue through a direct charge back to the General Fund and other funds that will completely offset the estimated expenditures for the fiscal year The increase or decrease in estimated revenues will 171 MORGAN STANLEY FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS REVISED FY 1999 -2000 THROUGH FY 2001 -2002 REVENUE FY 1999 -2000 FY 2000 -2001 FY 2001 -2002 TOT HILTON Al 179,800 359,600 368,950 TOT NEW HOTEL A2 249,700 341,550 PROP TAX B 53,700 73,000 74,500 SALES TAX C 16,000 16,450 ONE -TIME FEES D 107,000 TRAF MTGN FEES E FRANCHISE FEES F 27,600 39,600 49,900 BUS LICENSE G 50,000 137,000 193,600 DEVELPOR CONT H 588,000 A1= TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY FEES FY 1999 -2000 ASSUMES 162 ROOMS @80% OCCUPANCY X $95 AVG ROOM RATE X 8% TOT RATE OPENING 4/1/2000 FY 2000 -2001 162 ROOMS @80% X $95 X 8% X 365 DAYS FY 2001 -2002 162 ROOMS @80% X $95 X 8% X 365 DAYS ADJ 2 6% CPI A2 = TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAXES ON NEW HOTEL OPEN 1/1/2001 FY 2000 -2001 150 ROOMS @80% X $95 X 8% X 365 DAYS X 75% OF YEAR FY 2001 - 2002150 ROOMS @80% X $95 X 8% X 365 DAYS X 100% OF YR ALSO INCLUDES 2 6% CPI 8 = PROP TAX 113,598,000 ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUE X 063% 9 MONTHS IN FY 1999 -2000 2% INCRESE AV EACH YEAR C = SALES TAX PER FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS ASSUMES 15,100 FIRST YEAR, 1 5% INCREASE EACH YEAR BASED ON MORGAN STANLYE FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS ASSUMES $200 PER SQ FT SALES 8000 SQ FT RETAIL OPENS 10/1199 CPI APRIL 1999 TO APRIL 1998 IS 3% UCLA FORECAST IS 2 3% IN 1998, 1999, AND 2000 2 6% IN 2001 D = ONE -TIME FEES FIRE 54,000 POLICE 45,000 LIBRARY 8,000 E = TRAFFIC MITIGATION FEES NOTE ANTICIPATED OFFSET OF REVENUES OF $450,000 FOR OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS AT GRAND /SEPULVEDA AND MARIPOSA/SEPULVEDA F = FRANCHISE FEES BASED ON FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS G = BUSINESS LICENSE FEES SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED H = DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION PER DEVELOPMENT AGMT 172 City 01 (,—C secyundo INTER - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: Bret Plumlee, Director of Finance 3 THROUGH: Bret B Bernard, AICP, Director of Planning & Building Safety FROM: Ron Darville, Senior Plans Examiner O7'z, DATE: 21 June 1999 SUBJECT: 3301 -3808 — Plan Check Fees— FY1999/2000 Revenues Fiscal Year 1998/1999 The Building Safety Division has taken in $598,548 in Plan Check Fees for the first three quarters of Fiscal Year 1998/1999 In order to estimate the anticipated funds through 30 June 1999, this figure was projected, at the same rate, to the end of the fiscal year This results in an anticipated revenue of approximately $800,000 for the entire 1998/1999 fiscal year Fiscal Year 199912000 Fees collected from our plan check activities have generally increased over the past number of years As the chart below indicates, last fiscal year was the highest revenue year for account 3301 -3808, generating $940,386 for the City As our budget was being prepared last year, we anticipated that this growth would continue In support of this belief, a 5% increase in our projected plan check revenues was added to our estimates for Fiscal Year 1998/1999 (over and above the previous year) This upward growth trend did, however, not continue as anticipated. The 9 -month actual figures for Fiscal Year 1998/1999 indicate that a total of $598,548 was received, somewhat below the anticipated amount that should have been received at this time Therefore, revenues for Fiscal Year 1999/2000 are now not expected to increase over the next year, and in fact, are now estimated to be the same as this year's estimate ($800,000) This is based on the following assumptions • No new major protects are known for Fiscal Year 1999/2000, • The only known current major project anticipated to carry over (revenues included) to Fiscal Year 1999/2000 is the Raytheon tenant improvements, • No increase or decrease in permit activity is anticipated for the residential community; and, No increase or decrease in permit activity is anticipated for tenant improvements from our commercial /Industrial community (This takes into account such projects as the Spectrum Club expansion, and renovations to the 888 Sepulveda [hotel) building) Plan Check (3301 -3808) Revenues by Fiscal Year: 1990/1991 $486,843 173 Memo to Bret Plumlee 21 June 1999 Page 2 1991/1992 1992/1993 1993/1994 1994/1995 1995/1996 1996/1997 1997/1998 $471,901 $508,422 $737,469 $806,155 $560,754 $799,287 $940,386 Conclusion As a result, we are projecting, conservatively, $800,000 in plan check fees (revenues) for FY 1999/2000 174 City o f of se�unclo INTER - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: Bret Plumlee, Director of Finance THROUGH: Bret B Bernard, AICP, Director of Planning & Budding Safety FROM -R6n Darvdle, Senior Plans Examiner DATE: 14 July 1999 SUBJECT: 3301 -3404 — Permit Fees- FY1999/2000 Revenues Fiscal Year 1999/2000 Fees collected from our permit activities have fluctuated over the past 5 years As the chart on the next page indicates, revenues (Budding Permits) went from a low of $447,133 in Fiscal Year 1995/1996, to a high of $640,476 in Fiscal Year 1997/1998 In preparing the fiscal year 1998 -99 budget, we anticipated that this growth would continue. In support of this belief, a 5% increase in our Budding Permit revenue was added to our estimated revenue budget (over and above the previous year) This upward growth trend did, however, not continue as anticipated The 12 -month actual figures for Fiscal Year 1998/1999 indicate that a total of $621,000 was received, somewhat below the budget amount that should have been received through the fourth quarter Accordingly, revenues for Fiscal Year 1999/2000 are now not expected to increase over the next year, and in fact, are now estimated to be $550,000 This estimate is based on an average of revenue received over the last five years We also considered the following assumptions, which in our opinion, do not merit any increase or decrease in the estimate The only new (known) major projects for Fiscal Year 1999/2000. Mar Ventures; and, Northrop Tenant Improvements. The only known current mayor project anticipated to carry over (revenues included) to Fiscal Year 1999/2000 is the Raytheon tenant improvements; No increase or decrease in permit activity is anticipated for the residential community, and, No increase or decrease in permit activity is anticipated for tenant improvements from our commercial /industrial community (This takes into account such protects as the Spectrum Club expansion, and renovations to the 888 Sepulveda [hotel] budding) 175 Memo to Bret Plumlee 14 June 1999 Page 2 Permit (3301 -3404) Revenues by Fiscal Year: 1993/1994 $514,092 1994/1995 $618,662 1995/1996 $447,133 1996/1997 $547,196 1997/1998 $640,476 Conclusion As a result, we are projecting, conservatively, $550,000 in permit fees (revenues) for FY 1999/2000 176 CITI OF EL SEGUNDO STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES ALL FUNDS FISCAL 1 EAR 1999 -2000 12 NIONTH 12 MONTH 3 MONTH 3 MONTH ACCOUNT DETAIL ACTUAL I BUDGET I EST ACTUAL I BUDGET I EST ACTUAL PROPOSED PROPERTY TAXES 3101 Current Year Secured 2 841 013 3,340 000 3,340,000 5735, 57 355 3 527 100 3102 Current Year Unsecured 24 828 205 000 205 000 24 920 24 920 213 200 3103 Prior Year Secured 44 (79 000) 0 (8 000) (8 000) 25 000 3104 Pnor Year Unsecured 47143 7500 21950 (1000) (1000) 20800 3105 Penalties & Interest 65 796 42 500 34 250 35 300 35 300 36 40C 3106 HOX Reimbursement 84477 56000 97300 0 0 65000 TOTAL PROPERTY TAXES 3 063 301 3 572 000 3 698 500 108 +75 108 575 3 887 700 OTHER TAXES 3201 Sales & Use Tat, 5,937 595 6215,200 6,936,000 1 150 000 1 150 000 7 283 500 3202 Franchise Tax 1,757,072 1,683,900 1885500 50000 50000 1885500 3203 Transient Occupancy Tax 2 099 374 2244,000 2 097 300 400 000 400 000 2 358 350 3204 Real Propetry Transfer Tax 133,681 102000 93,050 1500 1500 100000 3206 Utility Users Tax 17 813 19 000 18850 3 500 3 500 18 850 3212 Gas Utility Tax 443,437 1 440,000 1 292 300 188 600 188 600 1 292 100 3213 Water Utility Tax 212 753 230 000 183 750 53 500 53 500 183 750 3214 Telephone Unhty Tax 423 488 485,000 448 600 104 500 104 500 448 600 3215 Cogenerated Electric - Chevron 773,031 846 000 632 900 208 800 208 800 623 900 3216 Electric Utility Tax 1694312 1 700000 1 616 200 555 000 555 000 1 616 200 TOTAL OTHER TAXES 13,482 567 14 965 100 15 204 450 2 715 400 2,715 400 15 810 950 BUSINESS LICENSE FEES 3301 Commercial Industrial 8911971 9200,000 8,313950 100000 100000 8,373950 3302 Contractors 153 487 200,000 150 000 12 000 12 000 150 000 3303 Vehicles 30143 30000 30000 Soo 500 30000 3304 Contracted Employees 137 962 142 000 130 600 250 250 1 3305 Other Buuness License Fee 96 006 102 000 94 900 750 750 3306 Business License Penalty Charge 344,483 364,700 150,000 50 000 50 000 275 000 3307 Busrneu Ltcettses Fuming Fees 19,622 25,000 12 500 2 500 2 500 12 500 TOTAL BUSINESS LICENSE FEES 9693,672 10,063,700 8881,950 166000 166,000 9066950 OTHER LICENSE & PERMIT 3401 Animal Licenses 6 0 0 0 0 0 3402 Bicycle Licenses 76 100 100 0 0 100 3404 Building Permits 640477 686250 621.000 150,000 150000 550000 3405 Plumbing Penmts 31479 37,000 50.250 9,000 9,000 34000 3406 Electrical Permits 73,830 91 150 74 350 20,000 20,000 60,000 3407 Street Pamtts 18,940 21 000 26,800 2 500 2 500 25,000 3414 Building Permits SMI Fee #1 (7) 100 100 0 0 700 3419 Overload / Miss Street Permits 18 225 18,000 16,250 4 500 4 500 18 000 3424 Building Permits SMI Fee #2 3 789 7 400 0 200 200 12,000 TOTAL OTHER LICENSE & PERMIT 786 808 861,000 788,850 186 200 186.200 699 80D FINES & FORFEITURES 3501 City Code Fines 23 441 36 000 44,450 4 000 4 000 36,000 3502 Library Fees &Fines 33,667 36000 34000 7700 7,700 35,000 3503 Parking Fines 196 477 202 700 207 450 44 000 44,000 205 700 3504 Sur -Charge Parking Fines 155 1950 950 1 000 1,000 2,004 3505 Handicap Parking Fines 5,430 2350 7 400 1 000 1,000 3,659 3506 Towing Serxnce Charges 10,591 9,500 10,750 3 000 3.000 9,789 3512 Library Vend -A -Card 0 27000 650 7000 7000 1000 TOTAL FINES & FORFEITURES 269,761 315,400 305,650 67,700 67,700 293 152 INTEREST & RENTALS 3601 Interest on Investments 2 362 633 2 200 000 2,300 000 330 000 330 000 2,300 000 3602 Property Rentals 90 283 60,000 60 000 15 000 15.000 60,000 3611 Hydro Elecmc Sales 5 948 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTEREST & RENTALS 2458964 2.260 000 2 360 000 345 000 345 000 2 360 000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3701 Motor Vehtcle N Lwu 692,742 615,000 690,750 178,000 178,000 76 Page 1 0179 7114199 17; CITN OF EL SEGUNDO STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES ALL FUNDS FISCAL 1 EAR 1999 -2000 ACCOUNT DETAIL 3703 State Grants 3705 Rmmburaemem LA Cwnty TRAP 3710 Richmond Field Lighting TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3801 Zoning & Planning Fees 3803 Special Police Services 3804 Public Works Services 3805 Field Inspection Lights 3808 PlanauickFees 3809 Plan Retention Fees 3810 Budding Inspection Fees 3811 Environmental Assessment 3812 Sale Records & Reports 3813 Energy Plan Check Fees 3814 Signal Maintenance - Hughes 3815 Planning Service fees 3817 Electrical Product Evaluation 3818 Planning Consulting Fee 3819 Other Servmes 3822 Underground Tanks 3823 Environmental Safery Surcharge 3824 Hazardous Waste 3826 Risk Management Program 3829 Uniform Fire Code 3831 Parks & Recreation Activities 3841 Special Fire Services 3842 Haurous Materials Inspection 3843 Paramedic Transport 3844 Fire Permit Inspection 3846 Hazardous Materials Response 3847 Fire Protect Equipment Test 3848 Annual Fire Inspection 3849 Fire Preven110n Ovesnme 3850 CPR Class Fee 3857 Fire Witness 3861 Waste Water User Fees 3862 WasteWmer Connection Fees 3864 Industrial Waste Permit 3865 Annual Quality Surcharge 3867 Annual Industrial Waste / LA Co 3870 Fire Department Industrial Waste 3886 Contract Aquatics 3887 Children s Contract Cultural 3889 Children s Miscellaneous 3896 Trips / Excursions 3203 3841 Special Fire Services 3203 3842 Hararous Materials Inspection 3205 3822 Environmental Safety \ Underground Tanks 3205 3823 Environmental Safety \ Environmental Safety Surcharge 3205 3824 Environmental Safety I Hazardous Waste 3205 3825 Environmental Safety \ Disclosure 3205 3826 Environmental Safety \ Risk Management Program 3203 3827 Environmental Safety I Industrial 3205 3828 Environmental Safety \ Storm Water 370, 3829 Environmental Safety I Uniform Fire Code TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES OTHER REVENUE 3901 Sales of Surplus Propem 3903 Refunds ACTUAL ACTUAL F\ 9 7198 I FY1998199 I FIT1 98/199 I FN 99 &9 I EST F% 1 98199 L I F1 PROPOSED 4 994 5 000 8 450 0 0 ? 000 23 508 0 73 050 0 0 84 500 6 160 6200 6 500 0 0 6200 717403 626200 778750 178000 178000 858150 43 284 28 000 41 600 7 000 7 000 50 000 70 424 75 900 89 200 16 800 16 800 79,00 537 118 175,000 154 150 85 000 83 000 17? 000 0 0 475 0 0 0 840,3W, - I.630;500 '� k 6700., ' 29k 280,000, 800,000 18 873 19,600 21 350 4 300 4 300 19000 1 500 1600 860 0 0 1200 0 0 300 0 0 0 11 514 8 500 8,750 3200 3200 8 500 125 209 171,450 183 350 56 000 56 000 165 000 0 0 SO 0 0 0 58 072 61 250 59 300 0 0 60 500 0 0 1 100 0 0 0 3 000 3 600 31600 0 0 3 000 458 200 350 0 0 200 6,723 0 1,500 0 0 9000 3 009 0 0 0 0 0 34 217 0 0 0 0 0 16500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 000 0 0 0 41 086 35,000 46 550 7,500 7 500 43 000 58 0 IS 0 0 0 69,363 100,000 100,000 0 0 70000 41 016 353,000 99200 88,250 88 250 160 000 28 773 15 000 1 000 7 000 7 000 1 000 231 2,000 500 0 0 1,000 504 2000 0 0 0 1,000 3 428 3 000 2,000 1,000 1 000 2,000 9S3 1000 0 100 100 0 3225 6000 3,000 1,200 1,200 2000 150 0 0 0 0 0 792,752 800,000 814 000 190 000 190,000 800 000 13 648 15,000 10 700 5 000 5 000 15 000 2 936 5,000 6 000 1 500 1 SOD 10 000 0 200,000 178 000 0 0 175 300 16 746 7 000 24 850 1 800 1 800 20 000 0 10 000 0 0 0 10 000 (203) 0 0 0 0 (30) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 426 500 500 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 7 213 15,000 17,650 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 000 44 350 0 0 40,000 0 60,000 70000 0 0 60000 0 30 000 15 800 0 0 25 000 0 20 000 0 0 0 20 000 0 5 000 5,000 0 0 2000 614 15 000 23 800 0 0 15,000 2893175 3315,100 2922050 755650 755650 2856400 3 619 4 000 300 000 0 0 0 529 1000 300 200 200 1000 Page 2 of 9 l 7 78 4/99 CITI OF EL SEGUNDO STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REI, ENUES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1999.2000 3904 SB -90 Reimbursement 3905 Administrative Charges 3906 Property Damage Reimbursement 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 3916 75th Jubilee Sale Books 3917 Gn Clerk / Election Revenue 3918 Holly VLY Park Mount Grant 3919 Police Evidence Uncollected Funds 3941 Principal Senior Housing 3943 Interest Park Vista 3916 75th Jubilee Sale Books 3982 Fire Donations 3972 Developers Contributions TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TRANSFERSIN 0000 12 NIONTH 12 MONTH 3 MONTH 3 MONTH 9116 Transfer In Home Sound Insulation ACCOUNT DETAIL ACTUAL I BUDGET EST ACTUAL I BUDGET I EST ACTUAL I PROPOSED 9501 Transfer In - Golf Coam F1 1997198 FIN 1"8199 FY 1998/1999 F1 1998 -99 FN 1998N9 Fl 1999/2000 3904 SB -90 Reimbursement 3905 Administrative Charges 3906 Property Damage Reimbursement 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 3916 75th Jubilee Sale Books 3917 Gn Clerk / Election Revenue 3918 Holly VLY Park Mount Grant 3919 Police Evidence Uncollected Funds 3941 Principal Senior Housing 3943 Interest Park Vista 3916 75th Jubilee Sale Books 3982 Fire Donations 3972 Developers Contributions TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TRANSFERSIN 0000 9104 Transfer In Traffic Safety 0000 9106 Transfer N Gas Tax 0000 9116 Transfer In Home Sound Insulation 0000 9203 Transfer In - Library COP 0000 9301 Transfer In- Capital Improvements 0000 9703 Transfer In - Expendable Trust Fund 0000 9501 Transfer In - Golf Coam 0000 9999 Revenue Clearing Accomt 600 TOTAL TRANSFERS IN TOTAL REVENUES GENERAL FUND TRAFFIC SAFETY - FUND 104 FINES & FORFEITURES 0000 3511 Vehicle Code Fines INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on Investments TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY STATE GAS TAX FUND - FUND 106 INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on Investments INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0000 3712 State Gas Tax - 2107 0000 3713 State Gas Tax - 2107 5 0000 3714 State Gas To -2106 0000 3716 State Gas Tax .2105 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE TOTAL STATE GAS TAX ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES - FUND 108 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0000 9001 Tianslim In Crtnaal Fund 39 435 70 000 39 600 15 000 15 000 40 000 565 433 576 750 576 750 144 000 144 000 606 300 0 600 600 0 0 600 19 738 200 000 100 000 0 0 100 150 0 0 160 0 0 100 (745) 0 0 0 0 0 277D 2770 0 0 0 0 134 396 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 150 78 150 19 200 19 200 78 150 0 94 050 94,050 23 500 23 500 940,0 0 0 0 0 0 400 78 200 400 0 0 200 200 0 0 588000 765253 1027520 1190210 201900 201900 1 S0995 76 500 114 000 114 000 19 125 19 125 150 000 140 000 140 000 140 000 35,000 35 000 140 000 164 089 0 0 0 0 0 0 678 843 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 100 000 0 0 0 0 180,000 180 000 0 0 0 250,000 250000 250000 0 0 250000 0 0 0 0 0 0 730589 1462843 784,000 54125 54125 540000 34,871 392 38 468 863 36 914 410 4 778 550 4778530 37 8 92.572 76,500 160000 19000 19000 723 0 723 0 0 105 000 3 000 93 296 76 500 160 723 19 000 19 000 108 000 34,486 24 225 30 000 10,620 10 620 15 000 131,420 132 000 132 040 36,600 36,600 120,000 4 000 4,000 4 000 0 0 4 000 65130 63000 65,520 16500 16,500 60,000 97,019 99 500 101,490 25 200 25 200 90,000 297 589 298,500 303 050 78 300 78,300 274,000 332 075 322 725 333 050 $8920 88 920 289 000 RECREATION FEES 0000 3881 Misc A RA /July 4th 11220 12,000 12025 2300 Page 3 of 9 0 23 800 2,300 12..d 1 7 n 7/14/99 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES ALL FL %DS FISCAL N EAR 19994000 ACCOUNT DETAIL 0000 3882 Adult Concoct Cultural 0000 3883 Adult Contract Joslyn 0000 3884 Adult Contract Sports 0000 3885 Adult Spans 0000 3886 Contract Aquatics 0000 3887 Children s Contract CulNal 0000 3989 Children s Contract Sports 0000 3889 Children s Miscellaneous 0000 3890 Cable TV 0000 3891 Frolic Fan 0000 3892 Mrsc Club Acmmoes 0000 3893 Tennis Program 0000 3994 Sr Outreach Rogram 0000 3895 Teen Center 0000 3896 Trips; Excursions 0000 3897 Garden Program 0000 3898 Masers Swim Program 0000 3899 Youth Swim Program TOTAL RECREATOON FEES TOTAL ASSOCIATED RECREATION ASSOC ASSET FORFEITURE •FUND 109 INTEREST & RENTALS 0 3601 Interest on Investments IN.£RGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0000 3705 Reimbursement LA County TRAP 0000 3717 Forfeiture DO] Federal 0000 3718 Forfnmre DOJ State 0000 3719 Forfeiture Miscellaneous 0000 3720 US Treasurer Forfntum 0000 3722 State & Local Fotfntua 0000 3723 15 % State &Local TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE OTHER REVENUE 0000 3901 Sales of Surplus Property 3105 3903 Refunds TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL ASSET FORFEITURE FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - FUND 111 INTEREST & RENTALS ACTUAL 997 8 I Ft 998199 I EST F1 I9 ACTUAL I BUDGET 1998- 9 I EST FI 1998/99 ACTUAL I F\ PROPOSED 13190 13 000 l3 MO 3 000 3 000 13 000 9 261 9,500 19 800 2 300 2 300 19 800 10,263 8 000 18 700 5 500 7 500 20 000 9 012 8200 8 000 2 500 2 500 9 000 68 563 51 300 51 000 l2 200 12 200 56 000 58 771 48 000 50 000 14 250 14 250 55 000 20 436 25 000 25 000 13 500 13 500 30 000 34 035 30,000 30 000 10 000 10000 30 000 20M 2,000 500 250 250 600 3 303 4 000 2 000 0 0 4 000 4S90 46M 4 600 1 i00 1 500 4 600 5,380 5 000 5 000 3 800 3 800 > 000 1690 2100 1700 350 350 1700 3 982 5 600 5 500 1 300 1 500 4 500 11516 11,000 It 100 3450 3450 t5000 65 200 75 100 100 200 1969 20M 2000 600 600 2000 2 528 2 700 2 6DO 300 300 2 000 271764 244 200 263 100 77 400 77 400 284 400 211 764 244 200 263 100 77 400 77 400 308 200 109 556 50 000 50 000 12 500 12500 60 000 71,976 0 0 0 0 0 443 33 886 47 850 8 470 8 470 49 443 0 4 487 4 925 1 000 1 000 4 074 43,924 53,155 15 750 13 250 13 250 40 764 278 ,328 325,940 732 300 81 485 81 485 459,965 5900 6,902 6900 1100 1,700 6,787 1,041 1 491 2025 350 350 1,804 401.612 425 861 809 750 106,255 106 255 562,837 0 0 2 118 0 0 0 0 21000 2000 500 500 O 0 2,000 4 118 500 5DO 0 511 168 477 861 863 868 119 255 119 255 622,837 0000 3601 Interest on Investments 546 0 0 0 0 0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0000 3743 Scmm Cruxes, In- Home -Care 298 7 000 7 006 1 750 1 750 5 620 0000 3747 Juvenile Diverston 7,440 2.260 2 260 565 565 $ 616 0000 3748 Minor Hone Repair 9,213 42 000 42 000 10 500 10 5DO 42 141 0000 3778 Dehvercd Meals 10046 7500 7,500 1875 1875 3,620 0000 3779 General Admmistmion 10 143 11 170 11 170 2 792 2 792 11,238 0000 3780 Senior Elderly Counseling 5 198 0 0 0 0 0 0000 3781 Senior Cnizen Nutrition 7 800 0 97% 0 0 0 MOO 3787 Donatmn for Meals 14 211 9000 9 000 2 250 2 250 9000 3790 Resident Sound Insulation Income 3%0 76 814 31 400 19,204 19 204 42,140 4 3799 General Administration 24 768 0 0 Page 4 of 9 /ry5p, ACCOUNT DETAIL TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE OTHER REVENUE 0000 3999 Connngene5 2748 3734 Progrun Income TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TRANSFERSIN 0000 9001 Transfers In General Fwd TOTAL COMM DEVEL BLOCK GRANT PROP "A "TRANSPORTATION - FUND 112 INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on Investments INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0000 3751 Proposition "A' Sales Tax 0000 3752 Bus Pus Sale Proceeds 0000 3753 RecmOon Fletd Tnps TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE TOTAL PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION PROP "C "TRANSPORTATION - FUND 114 INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on inveswents INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0000 3752 Bus Pass Sale Proceeds 0000 3753 Recreation Field Trips 0000 3754 Propos0ion "C" Sales Tic TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE TOTAL PROP "C "TRANSPORTATION AIR POLUTION REDUCTION -FUND 115 INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on lnvestlnents INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0000 3708 LAC* SCAQMD / Rsdes ow TOTAL AIR POLUTION REDUCTION HOME SOUND INSULATION -FUND 116 INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on lnveswents INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE OD00 3755 FAA 150 Grant PLAN CHECK FEES 0000 3808 Plan Check Fees CIT\ OF EL SEGUNDO STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES ALL FUNDS FISCAL VEAR 1999 -2000 ACTUAL BUDGET F_, 997/98, F11998/99 I EFV 199 1999 I F\ BUDGET 98 -99 y E F1 1998X9 L I F1 109909201X1 93077 155744 119130 38936 38936 1213" 0 30 500 0 0 0 0 7 348 0 0 0 0 0 34 750 34 750 9 935 9 935 44 644 100 971 220 994 153 880 48 871 411871 166 014 25 626 18,000 18000 6 700 6 700 22 000 178 310 181 173 181,225 73 600 73.600 180 000 0 2 5D0 2,5D0 600 600 2 500 0 650 650 0 0 650 178,310 184,323 184,375 74 200 74,200 183 150 203 936 202 323 202375 80 900 80 900 205 150 19 309 20 000 20,000 7,000 7 000 5 000 2 956 0 2,325 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 147,891 151079 151080 46700 46700 150000 150937 151079 153,405 46,700 46700 150000 170 246 171 079 173,405 53 700 53 700 155 000 54 35 35 10 10 30 17,532 17116 16,100 0 0 17,000 0 0 1200 0 0 r ,.00 17 585 17 151 16,135 10 10 17 030 19 074 0 10,000 0 0 11,000 188421 1000000 1832,000 0 0 300000 0 0 1200 0 0 r ,.00 Page 5 of 9 181 7/14/99 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES ALL FUNDS FISCAL 1 EAR 1999 -2000 12 IYIONTII I 12 NIONTH 3 MONTH 3 MONTH ACCOUNT DETAIL ACTUAL BUDGET EST ACTUAL BUDGET EST ACTUAL PROPOSED FY 1997/98 1 FVI998/99 Fl 1998/1999 Fl 1998"9 Fl 1998/99 1 F\ 1999/2000 OTHER REVENUE INTEREST & RENTALS PROPERTY TAXES 0000 3601 Interest on Investments 0000 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 50 000 1 000 0 0 0 0 TRANSFERSIN TDA ARTICLE 3 -SB 821 BIKEW 6885 6478 10650 6500 6500 6478 INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on lnvestments 0000 9001 Transfers In General Fund 51 271 31 700 31 700 7 925 7 925 0 TOTAL HOME SOUND INSULATION 308 765 1 032 700 1 874 900 7 925 7 923 312 000 HI PERION MITIGATION -FUND 117 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0000 3728 Hypenon Mitigation 144060 140000 146654 0 0 143000 0000 3729 Hypenon Landscaping (70000) 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL HYPERION MITIGATION 74060 140000 146654 0 0 145000 TDA ARTICLE 3 -SB 821 BIKEWAY -FUND 118 INTEREST & RENTALS PROPERTY TAXES 0000 3601 Interest on Investments 3D5 D 0 0 0 0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0000 3109 Tar Assessment dismct 103,270 98000 0000 3725 TDA Admle 3 - SB 821 6 580 6 478 10 650 6 500 6 500 6 478 TDA ARTICLE 3 -SB 821 BIKEW 6885 6478 10650 6500 6500 6478 MTA GRANT - FUND 119 OTHER REVENUE 0000 3979 MTA Greet Revenue 3,935 589 160,000 973 450 0 0 TOTAL MTA GRANT 3 935 589 160,000 973 450 0 0 0 COPS - FUNDl20 PROPERTY TAXES OTHER TAXES 0000 3109 Tar Assessment dismct 103,270 98000 0000 3207 C O P S Funding 37 375 37 375 37 375 37,375 37 375 37 375 INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on lnvestments 16 114 9 000 9 000 2 250 0000 3601 Interest on lnvcstmen6 4 469 2,000 3,500 800 800 4,500 TOTAL C O P S 41 844 39 375 40 875 38 175 38 175 41 875 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 073 - FUND 202 PROPERTY TAXES 0000 3109 Tar Assessment dismct 103,270 98000 104000 0 0 101500 TOTAL INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on lnvestments 16 114 9 000 9 000 2 250 2 250 9 000 TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 073 119385 107000 113000 2250 2250 110500 iRl EXPANSION COP - FUND 203 Page 6 of 9 ' 4 9 7114199 CITY OF £L SEGUNDO STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REV ENUES ALL FUNDS FISCAL Y EAR 1999 -2000 TRANSFERS IN 111,431 12 MONTH 12 MONTH 3 MONTH 3 MONTH 0000 9001 Transfers in General Fund ACCOUNT DETAIL ACTUAL I BUDGET EST ACTUAL BUDGET EST ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 0 0 0 FY 1997x98 1 FY1998/99 FY 1998/1999 Fl 1998 -99 FY 1998x99 F% 1999/20011 TRANSFERS IN 111,431 100 000 0 TRANSFERSIN 25 000 0000 9001 Transfers in General Fund 710 341 0 0 0 0 0 INTEREST & RENTALS 0 0 0 0 0 2 899 450 9000,000 1 100 200 0000 3601 Intereston Investments 75 001 0 0 0 0 0 DODO 3603 Interest income -COP 2 370 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTEREST & RENTALS 77 372 0 0 0 0 0 OTHERREVENUE 0000 3941 Principal Semm Housing 78 867 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL LIBRARY EXPANSION 866 580 0 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - FUND 301 111,431 100 000 0 TRANSFERSIN 25 000 50,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES OOOO 9001 Transfers In General Food 1,100200 2755,000 2,016 600 0 0 571 600 0000 9401 Transfer In - Emergency Reserve 0 0 0 0 0 2 899 450 9000,000 1 100 200 2 755 000 2 016 600 0 0 3 471 050 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 8201 8571 Heritage Plan Museum (Matching) 0 50 000 0 0 0 0 TOTALCAPITALIMPROVEMENT 1100200 2805000 2016600 0 0 3471050 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT -302 TRANSFERSIN 0000 9001 Transfers In General Fund 500 000 500 000 500,000 125,000 125,000 500,000 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT 500000 500000 500000 125000 125000 500000 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE -FUND 405 TRANSFERSIN 0000 9001 Transfers N General Fund 138 720 170,000 170,000 50 000 50,000 200 000 TOTAL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 138720 170000 170000 50000 50,000 200000 WATER UTILITY - FUND 501 INTEREST & RENTALS 0000 3601 Interest on Investments 111,431 100 000 0 25 000 25 000 50,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0000 3851 Water Sales 8061204 9000,000 9,200000 2,420000 2420,000 8,800,000 DOOO 3853 Meter Installation 2,40D 7 000 1 400 0 0 2000 0000 3856 Reclaimed Water Sales 1,254108 1,450000 1450000 385000 385,000 1,450,000 DODO 3859 Miscellaneous Revenue CHARGES FOR SERVICES 9 ,317713 10457000 10651,400 2805,OD0 2.805,000 10,252,000 TRANSFERSIN WOO 9001 Transfers N General Fund 0 16 000 16 000 4 000 4WD 16,000 TOTAL WATER UTILITY 9429,144 10 573 000 10 667,400 2 834 000 2 834 000 10 318 ODO GOLF COURSE - FUND 503 Page 7 of9 ^ 7/14/99 ACCOUNT DETAIL TOTAL INTEREST& RENTALS 0000 3603 Imeresl Income -COP CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0000 3832 Food & Beverage Revenues 0000 3833 Leascd Beer& Wme 0000 3834 Golf Course Pro Shop Revenues 0000 3835 Gol(Ccurse Revenues 0000 3836 Dnving Range Revenues 0000 3838 Golf Lessons 33000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES OTHER REVENUE 0000 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue TOTALGOLFCOURSE PARK VISTA SENIOR HOUSING - FUND 504 0000 3601 interest on Investments TOTAL PARK VISTA SENIOR HOUSING F- TAPMENT REPLACEMENT - FUND 601 ER REVENUE WOO 3901 Sales of Surplus Property 0000 3912 Replacement Charge to other Dept OTHERREVENUE TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT LIABILITY INSURANCE -FUND 602 OTHER REVENUE 0000 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 0000 3911 Charges to Other Deparnrtents WOO 3913 Recovery of Cimms Pard TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL LIABILIT\ INSURANCE WORKERS COMENSATION RESERVE - FUND 603 OTHER REVENUE 3911 Charges to Other Departments 3913 Recovery ofCimms Paid TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TRANSFERSIN 0000 9001 Transfers In General Fund TOTAL WORKERS COMPENSATION -LOPER FEES - EXPENDABLE TRUST - FUND 702 G..rER REVENUE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES ALL FINDS FISCAL \ EAR 1999 -2000 ACTUAL F\ 997/981 FY1998/99 I EST F1 19980999 F1 1998 -99 I EST F3 1998199E I F\ 1O9991200C 27 660 25 200 25 200 6 300 6 300 23 200 245 180 275 000 228 000 77 000 77 000 341 600 29 678 33000 32 000 9 280 9 280 28 WO 817 620 495 300 497 000 128 400 128 400 518 000 634 864 735 700 620 000 214 975 214 975 680 200 793 339 1 059 300 990 000 286 760 286,760 1 016 000 0 508 224 382 ODO 149 242 149 242 459 100 2,520 681 3 106 524 2 749 O00 865 657 865 657 2 943 nO0 10 441 0 150000 150000 0 2558 -781 3 137 724 2 774 200 1 021 957 1 021 957 2 968 700 0 0 12 560 0 0 0 0 S,O00 5000 1,250 1250 5000 1017913 1,013 204 1 013 204 253 301 253 301 973 400 1,018 204 1,018 204 254 551 254 551 979 400 1 017 915 1 018 204 1 018 204 254 551 254 551 978 400 5 348 0 0 0 0 0 755 142 900,000 900 000 225 000 225 000 924 000 150,000 D WOOD 0 910,490 900 000 990,000 225 000 225 000 924 000 910 490 900 000 990 000 225,000 225 000 924 000 774,258 950,000 950 000 237 500 237 500 950,000 19,808 0 4 000 0 0 0 794,067 950,000 954,000 237 500 237 500 950 DDO 1 100 000 0 0 0 0 0 1994067 950 000 954 DDO 237 500 237 500 950 000 Page 6 of 9 t D JT 1114/99 CIT1 OF EL SEGUNDO STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES ALL FUNDS FISCAL N EAR 1999 -2000 12 MONTH 12 MONTH 3 MONTH 3 MONTH l ACCOUNT DETAIL ACTUAL BUDGET EST ACTUAL BUDGET I EST ACTUAL PROPOSED F\ 1997/98 FVI998/99 F% 1998/1999 I F) 199 &99 F\ 1998/99 n 1999/2000 8107 3972 Library Se,,ce Developers Conmbunons 8122 3972 Fire Safety ImPmV Developers Conmbunons 8132 3972 Police Safety bnprov Developers Conmbunons 8141 3972 Traffic improv Developers Coninbutlons 8203 8391 Sweets Highway Impsov Douglas Street Extemm 0 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL DEVELOPER FEES - EXPENDABLE EXPENDABLE TRUST OTHER -FUND 703 OTHER REVENUE 0000 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue TRANSFERSIN 0000 9001 Transfers N General Fund TOTAL EXPENDABLE TRUST OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST -FUND 708 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 8103 3703 Library -PLF State Grants 8104 3703 Library -CLSA State Cants 8133 3703 Pole Ttammg STC State Cants TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE TOTAL OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL REVENUES 5 266 0 8 058 0 0 1,1000 24 573 0 37 604 0 0 64 100 19 308 0 29,546 0 0 50 200 0 0 7,337 0 0 850000 0 0 73 308 0 0 0 49 146 0 155 853 0 0 977 300 49 146 0 155 853 0 0 977 300 1,048 29 588 0 0 0 0 0 30637 0 0 0 0 0 9 467 9 402 29 040 0 0 10 000 4 335 1 400 4 450 0 0 '3 4325 3670 4610 0 0 18,127 14,472 38,100 0 0 1. _3 18127 14472 38,100 0 0 19023 59 572 768 61 749,649 61 537 392 10 069 464 10 069 464 61 675 614 Elm Page 9 of 9 7114199 L HOT AGENDA ITEM TO: DISTRIBUTION FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RE: Agenda Item 15 - Presentation of FY 1999- 2000 revenue forecast and assumptions Page 171A was inadvertently left out of original distribution. fluctuate each fiscal year with the estimated expenses FY 1999.2000 budgeted revenues have not changed significantly from FY 1998 -99 estimated actual Trust and Agency Funds Special Deposits FY 1999-2000 revenues are budgeted to come in $820,000 higher than FY 1998-99 estimated actual in the anticipation of traffic, library, fire, and police one -time fees from the Morgan Stanley protect BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS Included below is a list of FY 1999 -2000 budget assumptions • Protected growth in most revenues and expenditures over the next 2 years are based on the UCLA Forecast of Consumer Price Index (CPI), (3 0% in 1999 -2000, in 1999 -2000) • Property Taxes are assumed to increase 4 %, which is the estimated increase in assessed valuation for the entire Los Angeles County • Additional information on the sale of a power plant in 1998, which will impact FY 1999 -2000 and future revenues will be available in mid- August • Transient Occupancy growth assumptions for one new hotel include a $95 average room rate, 80% occupancy level, and 150 new rooms • Assumes a net increase of 800 jobs attributable to the opening of Candle Corporation • Gross revenues are assumed to remain flat for calculating both franchise and utility user's taxes • No new major development protects are included in the FY 1999 -2000 budget • No change in historical permit activity is anticipated for the residential or commercialtindustrial properties • The Water Fund currently assumes no water rate increase, but it is anticipated that future increases in the rates the City pays to the Metropolitan Water District will necessitate increases in the fall of next year CONCLUSION FY 1999 -2000 revenue forecasts and assumptions used are subject to change from the time of this report to the time of the budget adoption in September 1999 Staff will continually revise and update the forecast until the adoption of the budget At this time, it is recommended that City Council receives and files this report and provides any additional direction 17 /A AGENDA ITEM TO: DISTRIBUTION FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE The attached staff report is in reference to Consent Agenda Item 14 - Award of contract for construction of the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center. k EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Proposal for the City of El Segundo to award the contract for the construction of the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project (Contract amount = $1,506,000) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1 Release Mills Construction from the bid as requested due to their clerical mistake 2 Award contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, LA Contractors Corporation, in the amount of $1,506,000 00 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On February 16, 1999 the City Council adopted plans and specifications for the construction of the Ell Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project and authorized staff to advertise for receipt of construction bids DISCUSSION: On June 22, 1999, the City Clerk received and opened the following bids COMPANY BASE BID Mills Construction $1,000,487 LA Contractors $1,471,000 Ally Construction $1,488,668 Hazama $1,569,774 Edwin G Bowen $1,675,000 Baltimore Construction $1,700,000 BEGL Construction $1,547,000 Stenco Construction $1,668,000 Great West Contractors $2,087,659 ADDED ALTERNATIVES $115,065 $35,000 $83,799 $94,486 $53,768 $68,000 $223,500 $127,530 $92,300 TOTAL BID AMOUNT $1,115,552 (Request to Withdraw Bid) $1,506,000 $1.572,467 $1,664,260 $1,728,768 $1,768,000 $1,770,500 $1,795,530 $2,179,959 Based on a comprehensive review of the proposals submitted, Staff recommends award of this contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, LA Contractors, in the amount of $1,506,000 On May 5, 1998, the City Council approved the preliminary construction budget of $1,040,000 The City Clerks Office received 9 bids on June 22, 1999, all of which were above the original preliminary budget An additional $767,200 is requested Of that amount, $466,000 would be applied to the LA Contractors bid price and $301,200 would be earmarked for a 20% contingency /change orders A number of issues resulted in the increased bid 1 Additional improvements were included in the architectural drawings 2 Soil compaction was required in the existing parking lot to sustain a second story structure 3 The building trades are in a robust economy ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Staff Report from Chief Tim Grimmond to City Manager, Mary Strenn FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: C4pital Improv. Budget: X Amount Requested. To be funded from approved preliminary construction budget of $1,083.200 and $724,000 from asset forfeiture for a total of $1,807,200 Project/Account Budget: $ Project/Account Balance- Date- Account Number: 301 - 400 - 8207 -8378 & 109 -400- 3105 -8378 14 To: From: Subject: PROPOSAL: City of El Segundo Inter - Departmental Correspondence Mary Strenn, City Manager Tim Grimmond, Chief of Police Award of Communications Center Construction Contract July 16, 1999 It is proposed that the City of El Segundo award the contract for the construction of the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, LA Contractors Corporation, in the amount of $1,506,000 to be funded from the approved construction budget of $1,040,000 and an additional $724,000 from the asset forfeiture account BACKGROUND: On February 16, 1999, the City Council adopted the plans and specifications for the El Segundo Public Safety Communications Center project and authorized Staff to advertise for construction bids On June 22, 1999, the City Clerk's office received and opened the following bids COMPANY BASE BID ADDED ALTERNATIVES TOTAL BID AMOUNT Mills Construction $1,000,487 $115,065 $1,115,552 (Request to Withdraw Bid) LA Contractors $1,471,000 $35,000 $1,506,000 Ally Construction $1,488,668 $83,799 $1,572,467 Hazama $1,569,774 $94,486 $1,664,260 Edwin G Bowen $1,675,000 $53,768 $1,728,768 Baltimore Construction $1,700,000 $68,000 $1,768,000 BEGL Construction $1,547,000 $223,500 $1,770,500 Stenco Construction $1,668,000 $127,530 $1,795,530 Great West Contractors $2,087,659 $92,300 $2,179,959 Beginning with the lowest apparent bid, Staff reviewed each proposal for responsiveness and qualifications and the following information was determined Mills Construction submitted a letter for release from the bid due to a clerical mistake, on their part, made on the base bid proposal amount (Refer attached letter from Mills Construction dated June 23, 1999) Due to this request for release, further evaluation of their proposal was terminated and it is recommended that Mills be released from their bid pursuant to section 5103 of the Public Contract Code • LA Contractors submitted a base bid of $1,471,000, and an added alternatives bid of $35,000, for a total bid quote of $1,506,000 On June 25, 1999, the City received a formal protest against LA Contractors from the Hazama Corporation identifying several issues of non - responsiveness within the LA Contractors bid documents including • Failure to properly complete page I -C -4 by not identifying state contractor license number • Identified improper expiration date for state contractor license on page I -C -7 • Failure to list all necessary subcontractors as required on page I -B -6, and failure to include license numbers for listed subcontractors On July 1, 1999, the City received a formal protest against LA Contractors from Mr Jim Roletti, Director of Field Operations, Carpenters /Contractors Cooperation Committee Inc (CCCCI) Mr Roletti included with his protest written documentation identifying the several "non- responsive" issues relating to LA Contractors bid Also included was a profile for LA Contractors identifying prior projects performed with substandard results • LA Contractors faded to provide information identifying "all current and prior DBA's, alias, and /or fictional business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal " LA Contractors (License #593229) has same principal personnel as Chartered Construction Corporation (License #328047) The personnel listed for both general construction companies include Adel Luca Boctor and Lofti Lotfallah • On several projects, LA Contractors makes claim that they are a recently established General Contractor whose owner has been the principal of Chartered Construction Corporation for the 20 years • The Charter Oak Unified School District deemed LA Contractors non - responsive for failing to complete the bid package accordingly LA Contractors faded to list all prior projects, including the Hollywood Bowl and Inglewood Unified School District projects • Hollywood Bowl Project - Chartered Construction was provided a written notification of termination for the "convenience of the County' clause following repeated delays and not meeting the contract schedule • Inglewood Unified School District - Chartered Construction's contract for the Inglewood Unified School District Project was terminated by a vote of the Board of Education because the Project was constructed at variance with the approved plans and specifications Chartered was given the opportunity to complete the work to satisfaction but refused • Cielo Vista Elementary School Project (Palm Springs Unified School District) — Chartered Construction received a 10 day notice advising Termination of the project if 5 issues were not satisfactorily performed and /or corrected 1 Failure to properly man the fob to maintain schedule 2 Failure to comply with requirement to clean -up the site despite several requests ultimately causing debris which ruined the new carpets 3 Delayed schedule by failing to complete submission of shop drawings 4 Delayed project by failing to provide adequate manpower for fire alarm and communication system 5 Delayed project through failure to provide adequate work force for electrical subcontractor • Chartered Construction, and their subcontractors including Jim Issacs Plumbing (the subcontractor listed for the El Segundo Project), has been sanctioned by the Labor Commissioner, State of California, for failure to pay prevailing wages on multiple occasions On July 6, 1999, Randall J Pitre (Pitre & Teunisse LLP), attorney for LA Contractors responded to the bid protest filed by the Hazama Corporation (See attached letter dated July 6, 1999) Due to the protests submitted a hearing was held on July 15, 1999, to clarify the issues identified and determine if LA Contractors is a qualified bidder for the Communications Center project Representatives from La Contractors both responded in writing to the issues (Refer letter dated July 13, 1999, to Ms Strenn, City Manager), and attended the hearing Mr Ed Boctor and Mr Moshir Kellada responded to direct questions regarding their bid, and the concerns raised, in an adequate and convincing manner Upon completion of the hearing, Fire Chief, Craig Pedego, acting as the hearing officer, deemed LA Contractors as responsive and responsible to the bid City Attorney Mark Hensley concurred that all issues raised respecting the bid documents during the protests were of minor variance and therefore recommends that they be waived For these purposes, it is recommended that the City Council award this contract to LA Contractors Corporation RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City release Mills Construction from the bid and accept the bid from LA Contractors Corporation as the lowest responsible bid and award the contract to LA Contractors Corporation in the amount of $1,506,000 00 JUN -22 -99 03:38 PM MILLS mills construction co. 12501 chandler blvd. #1101 no. hollywood, calif. 81607 telephone no.: (818)505 -6555 fax no.: (818)505 -9390 June 23, 1999 City of El Segundo 348 Main St El Segundo, Calif., 90245 Attn Cathy Domann Deputy City Clerk Re Withdrawal of Bid City of El Segundo Communications Center Addition Bid Date- June 22, 1999 I)rar M� T)nmann 5059390 r_ni We are hereby requesting release front our bid on the above project because of a mistake on the bid form, page 1 -C -3, In the Base Hid portion of the document one written word was mistakenly left out in completing the "Total Cash Purchase Price in Words" portion The written portion reads "One million four hundred and eighty seven dollars zero cents" This should have read One million four hundred and eighty sevens dollars, zero cents. The individual writing the amount forgot to write the word jh2USARd after the seven , substantially changing the bid amount. The amount in figures was written first, then the word portion written thereafter. This is simply a mistake In addition, the individual completing this portion is fluent in English but English is not her native language. With the mistake of not putting in the word ' bouj,ilad" behind seven, our bid reads $1,000,487.00, substantially different and much lower than the written amount, in figures,of $1,487,00000 as shown on the document. This 486.513.00 difference is a mistake, was not intended and was made in filling out the document, This mistake was not made due to an error in Judgment, or to carelessness in inspecting the site or in reading the plans and specifications. It is very evident a mistake has occurred Again we are hereby requesting release from our bid. Ve truly yours, Robert J, Mills -�t"vl f31 (,Q1�IKL'L1 IV\ f-1] -= 17 br JIL' :— (I?r (=F 7RzC7(DAS LIC 593229 . 4—CORPORATION FAX Transmittal L A. Contractors Corp.. Fax # (818) -763 -5132 DOCUMENT SENT TO MARY ST8ENN RECIPIENTS FAX 9 3 -0 -322 -7137 TEL 310 -607 -2226 DOCUMENT SENT FROM ED BOCTOR DATE SENT 07113/1 999 PAGES INCL FIIIS ONE. 7 _ REGARDING DL ;EGUNDO PUBLTC SAFETY COMMUNICATTON CENTL'R— RESPONSIBILITY HEARING. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DEAR MS. STRENN , _ hNCLOSED PLLASh FIND OUR RESPONSE '1'0 ISSUES RAISED IN CONNECTION WITH 0 RESPONSIBILITY HL;ARiNG SCHEDULED FOR 7/15/1999 AT 10:00, WE ARE SENDINC TILE RESPONSE BY FAX A LITTLE AHEAD OF 'TTMR FOR YOUR REVIEW. WE THOUGIT THAT GIVING YOU AN ADVANCED COPY MIGHT REDUCE THE HEARING 'DIME. TF YOU LET US KNOW HOW MANY WILL BE PRES2NT AT THE HEARING, WE WTLL HAVE AS MAN' COPIES PREPARED FOR DISTRIBUTION. �� THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLF,I�L.S 13AiTII T111k TRANSMISSION PLEASE CALL _6a 818- 763 -6072 E Construction Development 10850 Riverside Drive, Suite 101 (818) 763 -6072 North Hollywood. CA 91 6C2 FAX (8161 753.5132 JLNI t11 VJV�INLLI 1!" 1.J J'_ L.6%. QU) K 7RICMAR LIC 593229 . CORPORATION JUIN 13, 1999 City of El Segundo 350 Main Street L] Segundo, CA 90245 Attention Ms Strcnn, City M uidgcr 1 his to address, item by item, the concems raised in your letter of July 9, 1999 The first 2 items are issues raised by the city while the 3rd consists of a protest filed by Carpenters / Contractors Corporation Committee (C /CCC) against awarding the Communication Center contract to L A Contractors • 1. Additive alternate 2 and 3 are substantially lower than that of other bidders While I am not privy with the other bidders prices for those 2 items, it appears from your letter that they have been itemized on the bid documents of those bidders for $16,000 and $32,000 respectively We would like to point out that the bid price may not necessarily be the same as the estimated value for Hose items, but lather it is the price the bidder is willing to accept in exchange loot the peiiormance of those items, and this is taken in the context of 1 5 million dollar project Separately offered, I -A Contractors would not be interested in bidding this work at all We will be glad to perform additive alternate 2 and 3 for the price quoted on our hid proposal for $6,000 and $ 10,000 respectively if you wish to have this added to our scope of work We also would be happy to share with you what goes into file bidding exercise and the i onsidcrations which affected the hid price of the items 2a Change order at the San .lose Creek water lab added up to a 4% im re ise to the conuact price Change orders uie initiated by the owner Change orders are not disputed cltums the conuactor has against the owner, but rather orders to the contractor to effect cliange to the contract documents which would result in increase or decrease in the contidet price whuhcvcr may be the case It appears Irom youi letter that changes ordered by the owner of Sun Jose creek watei quality lab are being held against 1, A Contiactors which is being required now to provide an explanation • 1 Construction 1 0850 Riverside Drive, Suite 101 rn q1 802 Development (61B] 763 -6072 FAX (618; 763 -5132 • 40/� increase in the lab renovation is considered modest for that type of project and a substantial part of the increased cost came about because the owner decided to cbange the specilied rout to a nei+ moie expensive type and also because the owner purchased 2 additional chemical fume hoods with all their appurtenance Ciedit should be given to the owner and the architect for providing a complete and a"urate set of contract documents that resulted only in 41io increase in the contract price 2b. HVAC contractor, bonox Energy neither our superintendent nor our project manager have lecollecUon of any unusual problems with Sonox We have also searched the project records for any ecirrespondcnee between i, A Contractor and LA County Sanitation (the owner) which could reflect on the mattei m question and did not find any. We recall however the Sonox did go after the completion of the project to mstall a valve which was on buckoider We have wiitten to Mr Fspinuza to elaborate on his statement to Mr Fvanski and give sonic specifics We have attached herewith a copy of our letter to him (1 AB 1) Sonox Energy Engineering is an independent contractor and if its responsibility comes into question it should be given an opportunity to respond Their address is 804 North La Brea Ave. Inglewood, CA 90302 • contact Solomon Nwankwo it appears that LAC again being held accountable fur independent subcontractors it lists on its bid documents The issue of responsibility is somewhat subjective and contractors can be judged differently by different analysts Ilowever from our experience Sonox Energy are responsible, experienced contractor and will be able to prove that, il' given the opportunity 3. C /CCC has provided to the city of El Segundo what it termed as a profile of L A Contractors We in turn would like to piovide a profile for C /CCC that will assist in putting the tillegations they made against LAC in peispectrve While nominally a separate corporation, C /CCC is known as an arm of the construction union with one of its purposes being to harass and intimidate non union contractors They target contractors and then instigate, encourage and initiate giiestionable and dubious claims against them C /CCC is aware of all the claims filed against Chartered with the public tgenues, the Department of Labor Standards Enforcement, the Division of Apprenticeship and OSHA, simply because they are either the complainant or the instigator The pae.kage of compimnls subinitted to you by C /CCC in this nisLuicc ranges between lies and half u uth C /CCC is aware of the disposition in all cases, nowhere howevei in the complaint wil I ynu • find anything on the disposition of those claims, with apparent malice they conveniently omit that 2 • pert Invariably all complaints end up in the dismissal pile ii) 1,AC answered the questionnaire completely and truthfully The shareholders of LAC do not have DBAs. aliases, of fitatous name~ L A Contractors and Chartered Coustru0ion are 2 different legal entities with different ownership, Mr Lotfi Lotfallah is the President of L A Contractors and shareholder in Chartered Construction Adel Boctoi is the President of Chartered Construction and is not a shareholder in 1, A Contractors We have not attempted to conceal any of the above miormation, we Just responded to what was asked We would like to add that Chartered has been in business since 1976 and has constructed nearly 100 public works project and a smaller number of private, commercial projects It's lecard is impiessive and is not to be concealed b- Charter Oaks Unified School District 1„ A Contractors submitted its first bid as a General Contractor to Charter Oaks in July of 1996 As part of then qualification policy, Charier Oaks required that L A CONTRACTORS list all • projects for the previous two years Under its name, L A COntTdC10T-, did not have a track recoid in 1996 Mr Lotfallah, the president and owner of L A CONTRACTORS, submitted u letter indicaung that L A. CON 1 RACTORS has no track record of its own, however as a pi mcipal of Chartered Construction for a long time, he personally has managed over 25 projects and mcluded some of those projects in the letter for reference The original qualification letter mailed to Charter Oaks District was part of the Charter Oaks Pile that has long been discarded However a standard letter which Mr Lotfallah submits to all agencies requesting qualification information is included here for review (1 AB 2) Chartered Construction Corporation or L. A. Contractors Corp, did not at any time submit false information or omitted information in order to conceal a situation that required disclosure, in order to acquire a contract. C /CCC submitted to Charter Oaks a package of complaints similar to the package at hand with the City of El Segundo today Unlike the City of El Segundo, Charter Oaks instead of investigating and usfen linuig the validity of the allegations provided by C/CC'C, it elected to disqualify L A CONTRACTORS and awarded • the contract to the higher bidder We believe that Charter Oaks' action and the content of its letter 3 is some -what tainted by dishonest)' and lacks consideration for the Charter Oaks School 1)istr,Lt interests Had they given us the opportunity we would have clarified the issues of wncerm and the outcome would have undoubtfully been different C- Hollywood Bowl Renovation Phase I Chartered Constiuction entered into u umliact with the Los Angeles County public works foi the renovation of the Hollywood Bowl for $6,490,000.00 The contract duration was 6 months due to expire June 1, 1995 in excess of 1 5 million in e,ltdltge orders were approved, exceeding 201/,. of the original contract Ova $500,000.00 m change orders weic dcnicd Over 250 iequesls for information were required Over 220 change order documents were processed These figures reflect the gross inadequacy of the plans and specifications The County denied all requests foi time extension, beyond May 30, 1995, for completion of the • Bowl work itself Hence Chartered was caught in the vice of exLeS41VC change orders end directives for extra work, and an inflexible c,cnnpiction schedule The resulting problems are the subject of numerous letters from Chartered, which are in its files Chartered's Work allowed the Bowl to open on schedule, for the Summer 1995 schedule Not tine day's performance was lost No one disputed this fact, nor that Chartered made it happen The Los Angeles County suspended the work under the conti act for its convenience, in mid June and ordered it to resume in October Beginning October, the, County issued 32 change orders for almost $200,000.00 The extra work was performed on a 1 & M basis and the contract time extended to May 30, 1996 The relative magnitude of the change orders and the County's refusal to c,omperisatc Chartered for aee.eleration and impact, affected the progress of the work The County decided to exercise its option to terminate the unfinished part of the project for its convenience I he parties failed to come to an agreed termination settlement, Chartered then filed a law suit in order to collee.t amounts owed on the original contract and other disputed claims The amounts withheld by the County and the costs expended on extra work whu.h the County refuses to compensate Chartered for, affected the abilities of Chartered to continue as a public work contractor, Chartered completed all projects in progress in 1996 and stopped bidding any puhhc. works projects • 4 Jt11 tSl UJ' \JIKL'�I IVA r -irna io o. d- Inglewood Iinificd School District • Jl l' Jca i1Ji - The District icccived $25,000,000 Oil from the State of Cahkrmia to modernize its schools The District competitively bid and approximately ten General Contractors were awarded contracts to modemtre twelve separate schools to date, the Distncl has brought suitor initiated action against all of the general contractors for their purported failure to timely and tullN perlorm their contracts it also brought suit against the Architects and the Construction Managers This action centers around die modemiiation at Inglewood High School Chartered Construction was the low biddet and acted as the general contractor for the Project During the course of various projects, the District authon7ed millions of dollars in extra work and had no way to pay for it When the District realved it had run out of money, it formed a Cost Conitainment Committee to devise claims of liquidated damages and claims of incomplete work to force the contractor,, to walkaway from the money that was owed to them Tames Oberhofer was hired as an expert to prepare the lists of incomplete work for each school However, for the most part, the hats generated on every lob were wrong, and the school fired Mr Oberhofer See the attached Notice of De- Designation of Expert Witness James A, Oberhofer "[here was absolutely no merit to the allegations against Chartered and in October of 1998 the School agreed to pay Chartered $370,500 00 in settlement of the claim brought by Chartered o_ pnlm Springs ilnihed Schopl District Chartered received the refcienc ed letter dated 08/10/1995 purporting the termination of the contract, via courier at 05;30 PM the same day The letter had no precursor what so -ever it cainc as a wnrplete surprise since the project delivery was scheduled within the following 30 days i immediately scheduled a meeting with Mr McEwan, the assistant superintendent for business who directed the attorney to write the letter and met with him and the district project manager Mr Bill Schmit, who had just arrived trom a week's vacation Mr Schmit was lust as surprised as we were at Chartered, since the action was taken without his knowledge or his input After a two hour meeting with both of them and the Architect Mr, McEwan backed off, Chartered completed and delivered the project as follows, Building H, J and K August 25, 1995 Building B August 30, 1995 Building A September 5, 1995 Portable September 8, 1995 Building C Septctnber 15, 1995 • The project was completed on schedule, no liquidated damages assessed 5 JL�I L]I l.'J 1.]IIAI.II l..'. ll u� ♦.� v �'1_ _�.., I1J1 1 • We encomuage lie city to contact Mi Bill Schmit, the District Project Manager who is also an Architect to inquire about this most bizarre incident Hitt Telephone # is (760)416 -6111 f_ Additional DLSE Npliccs violations for failure to pay prevailing wage wac a complaint filed by the Center for Contract Compliance, a cousin o f Carpenters /ContraLIOTS I hese claims were made on behalf of u laborer on the Irving Jumot High School project, lot non payment of pievailing wages during a 1 year period the complaint alleges that the difference between what the labor was paid and what he should have been paid in 1990 was $77,060.00 ToeLther with the penalty the, assessment came up to a little over $105,000.00 A ridiculous and unsubstantiated claim 10 avoid the cost and time to fight the (.]aim, Chartered scaled with the DT-SE for $5,000.00 it wds much less than the nuisance raised by the claim b) DLSL claim. on Ichachapi High School for the 'I chachapi School District, Cielo Viata Elementary School for the Palm Spring School District and a couple of other claims filed by the Center of Contract Compliance (a predece,,sor to CK'CC) around the same time were found to be false and were dismissed (1'AB 4) • c) Jun Isaac Plumbing is a union contractor and has provided an explanation for this prevailing wage citation (TAB 5) lim Isaacs in in independent contractor and if the issue of responsibility conies into question, he should be given an opportunity to respond His address is 3011 East Craig Dr Orwige CA, 92669 contact Jim liaaca We appreciate the opportunity to respond to the allegations raised against L. A. Contractors, documents in support of our response will be presented at the hearing Very truly yours L. A. Contractors Corp. • Fd Boc.tor, V President 9 • IT TEUNISSE LLP Attorneys At Law Randall J Pare Duey Lute 909 394 7786 Email r pure @pnre- teumsse com Via Fax to 310 - 648 -8648 Prior to Mailing July 6, 1999 El Segundo Police Department 348 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 -3885 Arm Brian Evanski • Project Director RE: Communications Center Addition Response to Bid Protest Dear Mr. Evanskl: Los Angeles Office 921 W Cienega Avenue, P O Box 186 San Dims, CA 91773 -0186 Office 909 599 8181 Fax 909 599 0394 Sacramento Office 725 Maul Street, Suite 216 Woodland, CA 95695 -3402 Office 530 662 3237 Fax 530 662 3293 REPLY TO Los Angeles Office I'm representing L A. Contractors Corporation ( "L A. Contractors "), the apparent low responsive bidder on the above referenced project, and I m writing in response to your June 29, 1999 letter to my client regarding concerns evidently raised by another bidder on this project. While my chent's bid may have been less than perfect, I respectfully disagree with any suggestion that the bid of L.A. Contractors is in any sense "non - responsive " With regard to the objections raised to my chent's bid as set forth in the enclosure sent with your letter, please bear in mind that public entities have the authority to disregard minor variances in bid responses if the variances cannot have affected the amount of the bid or given a bidder an advantage or benefit not allowed other bidders. (Konica BustnescMachmes v Regents of the University of California (198 8) 206 Cal.App.3d 449.) In my opinion, the objections raised are insubstantial and should not be considered grounds for declaring my chent's bid non - responsive. The basis for my opinion is as follows. 1 Bidder's Information - Evidently objection has been raised because L.A. Contractors did not specify its license number on the `Bidder's Information" sheet of the • bid documents, though It did specify the regwsite class of license and the dates through which its license has been valid. Since L.A. Contractors is duly licensed by the Contractor's State License Board as license number 593229, and since this license number appears on the Contractor's License Declaration executed by L.A. Contractors and included as part of the bid package it subirutted, this certainly would seem to be a minor variance of the type El Segundo Police Department July 6, 1999 Page 2 that did not affect the amount of its bid or otherwise afford an advantage or benefit to L.A Contractors Indeed, this seems a classic example of a "minor variance" that should be disregarded. 2. Contractor's License Declaration - The same can be said with regard to the objection raised concerning the Contractor's License Declaration portion of the bid submittal. Here, L.A. Contractors erred in that it inadvertently specified the expiration date of its license as May 31, 1999, when in fact it is currently set to expire on May 31, 2000 Plainly this is a clerical error (as reflected by the enclosed print out from the web site for the Contractor's State License Board regarding license number 593229) and, once again, the type of variance that the El Segundo Police Department can, and should, disregard Indeed, when the `Bidder's Information" sheet is read in conjunction with the Contractor's License Declaration, all required information concerning the license of L.A. Contractor's is set forth as part of its bid 3 Designation of Contractors - Here, two objections are raised: That the bid of L A. Contractor's fails to list contractors for certain trades and that for two of the subcontractors listed, L.A Contractors did not provide the license number, though it did • provide the other requisite information. In response to the first point raised on the issue of designation of subcontractors, the objecting party has incorrectly assumed that L.A. Contractors (or any other bidder for that matter) must specify a subcontractor for any given portion of the work This is not true. Under Public Contract Code § 4106, failure to specify a subcontractor for any given portion of work (or, specifying more than one contractor for any given portion of work) simply means the prime contractor (in this case, L.A. Contractors) ".. shall perform the portion himself or herself." Concerning the failure to list the license numbers of two of the listed subcontractors, the undersigned respectfully submits this is again an issue of minor variance that the El Segundo Police Department can, and should, disregard. As indicated on the enclosed print outs from the web site for the Contractors State License Board, the subcontractors in question (Enrique A Cruz Masonry, Inc. listed as "Cruz Masonry" and Three Bros. Carpets listed as (Three Bros. ") are in fact licensed by the Contractors State License Board Furthermore) even if they were not duly licensed, where listed subcontractors are not properly identified in the list of subcontractors, the appropriate remedy would seem to be to require the prime contractor to do the work using its own forces rather than to declare the bid "nonresponsive." With respect to the issue of what is and is not a responsive bid, I submit to you the 1' 1 EUNISSE LLP . El Segundo Police Department July 6, 1999 Page 3 objecting party is wrongfully equating "responsiveness" with "perfection." Where, as here, the objections all are to matters of little or no significance that, as a matter of fact, do not affect the amount of the bid in any respect and provide no benefit or advantage to L A. Contractors Corporation as the successful bidder, any attempt to characterize the bid of L A Contractors Corporation as "nonresponsive" on these grounds is simply an attempt to exalt form over substance Indeed, I submit that if we were to subject the other bids to the same level of scrutiny, they will all fall short of perfection in the same immaterial respects as have been identified herem. Finally, your letter of June 29, 1999 requests L.A. Contractors "... prove that your company and all your listed subcontractors are in possession of current and proper contractor licenses." I respectfully subinit that proof that all listed subcontractors are duly licensed cannot be a measure of a whether or not a bid is responsive. Indeed, it is not mentioned as a criteria to which El Segundo Police Department will look in its own initial assessment of whether or not the bids are responsive. If it is determined that a subcontractor properly listed by L.A. Contractors is not duly hcensed, I submit the appropriate remedy would be substitution of another subcontractor in accordance with the • provisions of the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act, Public Contract Code 4100 et seq For these reasons I respectfully request the El Segundo Police Department disregard the objections that have been raised to the bid of L.A. Contractors Corporation Sincerely, andall J. Pitre for PITRE & TEUNISSE LLP RJP /abm cc E. Boctor, L A Contractors Corporation • PI1^��p(, lEUNISSE LLP License Detail 40 Contractor License # 593229 Page 1 of 1 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD DISCLAIMER The license status information shown below represents information taken from the CSLB licensing data base at the time of your inquiry It will not reflect pending updates which are being reviewed for subsequent data base updating The available information may not reflect any civil or criminal judgments or actions that have not been reported to the CSLB If there are disclosable complaints (legal actions) on the contractor's license, that information will be provided If you intend to pursue any kind of legal action, insure you get a "Verified Certificate" which is a certified license history covering a specific time period prior to taking any action Extract Date July 06, 1999 * BUSINESS INFORMATION * * * L A CONTRACTORS CORPORATION 10850 RIVERSIDE DR SUITE 101 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91602 Entity Corporation Issue Date 05/08/1990 Expire Date 05/31/2000 * * * LICENSE STATUS * * * This license is current and active, * * * CLASSIFICATIONS B GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR * * * CONTRACTOR BONDING INFORMATION * * * This license has bond number 53009888 in the amount of $7,500 with the bonding company WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Effective Date 01/01/1996 * * * WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATION * * * This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number 046- 0005491 Effective Date 07/18/1996 Expire Date 01/01/2000 Personnel List License Number Request Contractor Name Request Personnel Name Request U+ rr,, , ,,o .I'n ? rrnvhXnrPec /f CT R T ihrary /C'SI,R +Rook/License +Detail DML 716/99 License Detail 0 • Contractor License # 411339 Page 1 of 1 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD DISCLAIMER The license status information shown below represents information taken from the CSLB licensing data base at the time of your inquiry It will not reflect pending updates which are being reviewed for subsequent data base updating The available information may not reflect any civil or criminal judgments or actions that have not been reported to the CSLB If there are drsclosable complaints (legal actions) on the contractor's license, that information will be provided If you intend to pursue any kind of legal action, insure you get a "Verified Certificate" which is a certified license history covering a specific time period prior to taking any action Extract Date July 06, 1999 * * * BUSINESS INFORMATION THREE BROTHERS CARPETS 14835 VAN NESS AVE GARDENA, CA 90249 Entity Sole Ownership Issue Date 09/08/1981 Reissue Date: 06/11/1997 Expire Date 06/30/2001 * * * LICENSE STATUS * * * This license is current and active. * * * CLASSIFICATIONS B GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR C15 FLOORING AND FLOOR COVERING * * * CONTRACTOR BONDING INFORMATION * * * This license has bond number 637257 in the amount of $7,500 with the bonding company SURETY COMPANY OF THE PACIFIC. Effective Date- 03/14/1997 * * * WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATION * * * This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number 1500561 Effective Date 04/22/1998 Expire Date. 04/01/2000 Personnel List License Number Request Contractor Name Request Personnel Name Request hits //xxn"O rclh ra onv /iXnress /CSLB Library /CS ../License +Detail DML9LicNum= ++41133 7/6/99 Lrcensc Detail pa Contractor License # 694979 Page 1 of I CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE Uh ENSE BOARD LU)f DISCLAIMER The license status information shown below represents information taken from the CSLB licensing data base at the time of your inquiry It will not reflect pending updates which are being reviewed for subsequent data base updating The available information may not reflect any civil or criminal judgments or actions that have not been reported to the CSLB If there are disclosable complaints (legal actions) on the contractors license, that information will be provided If you intend to pursue any kind of legal action, insure you get a "Verified Certificate" which is a certified license history covering a specific time period prior to taking any action Extract Date July 06, 1999 * * * BUSINESS INFORMATION ENRIQUE A CRUZ MASONRY INC 15733 COBALT STREET SYLMAR, CA 91342 Entity Corporation Issue Date 08/23/1994 Expire Date 08/31/2000 * * * LICENSE STATUS This license is current and active • * * * CLASSIFICATIONS C29 MASONRY C -8 CONCRETE I * * * CONTRACTOR BONDING INFORMATION * * * This license has bond number 61827 in the amount of $7,500 with the bonding company AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Effective Date 07/11/1998 * * * WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATION This license has workers compensation insurance with the CALIFORNIA COMPENSATION INSURANCE COMPANY Policy Number G991151852 Effective Date 01/01/1999 Expire Date 01/01/2000 Personnel List License Number Request Contractor Name Request Personnel Name Request httn / /www2 cslb.ca gov /iXDress /CSLB Library /CSLB +Book /License +Detail DML 7/6/99 N 0 N V a c E LL LL o U R as d 3 _ C7 m 0 0 H c c C Cl 0 0 0 c ° c o ° o o ea 0 O C °° p C 0° Q o v i � o° o CD M !F 0 p cO9 N M M M 0 N � c 3 LL eo L d c d LM U) c O N cc Q E O U O O c d m O O O Cl O C Co O O O M O O O O O O tG M O O O O O O L M O O O p O p CD O O O Co O O N M CD cm O p O O O p M M 0 0 a o, a w a� on 0 1. a a� 00 a a R w d' b a� r.+ E W ■ o� ca 0 ., U c 7 LL d C d 'L' u 0 O p 0 O p O 0 C5 ai `c) o 0 0 C) LO r ^ C T `rd J� •�Y t� YO `Pd d �y G�7 J I1y d o1 d� r GJJ `ndd w d� GdJ T G� a JJ OG ?' o dm G �Yd O Y d Gf0 T G� a JJ OG ?' o dm G �Yd O Y CITY OF EL 5EGUNDO INTERDEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: 20 July 1999 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Mary Strenn, City Manager ( 3 THROUGH: Bret B Bernard, AICP, Director of Planning and Building Safety FROM: Hannah L Brondial Bowen, AICP, Contract Planner fWZ SUBJECT: Revisions to Draft Ordinance for EA -472 (124`h Street Specific Plan) The applicant has suggested the following changes to the Draft Ordinance for EA -472 (120, Street Specific Plan) which the City Attorney has reviewed and approved Refer to the attached redhnedfstnkeout pages (Master Number Pages 012 and 017) for details Encl Master Number Page 012 Master Number Page 017 Letter from Bruce Kaufman, dated July 20, 1999 P \P1anning \memos \hbb \ea -072 2 The request is to establish a Specific Plan area on the project site such that the Land Use designation and Zoning of the site would be changed from Parking to 124th Street Specific Plan (124th Street SP) in the General Plan and Zoning Code 3 The project site is paved, devoid of vegetation and contains no structures except for three shuttle shelters which were used in conjunction with the prior use of the site. 4 The (not current) previous use of the site was for a parking lot, for non - required overflow parking for Northrop Grumman employees 5 The topography of the project site is relatively flat and there are no known notable geologic features, rare or endangered animal species, or significant cultural or historical features on the site and in the immediate locale 6 Nearby land uses include the U S Air Force Base in the Public Facility (PF) Zone to the immediate west and southeast (across Aviation and El Segundo Boulevards); a parking lot to the immediate north zoned Parking (P), the Northrop Grumman aerospace facility located further north and northwest in the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone, and, the Aerospace Corporation facility to the south (across El Segundo Boulevard) in the Light Industrial (M -1) Zone. The Lockheed Martin offices and the Entenmann's /Orowheat bakery outlet exist to the east (across Aviation Boulevard) in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone and residential uses exist further northeast, outside the City limits, in Los Angeles County 7 Primary (permitted) uses in the Specific Plan area would include warehousing and storage Ancillary uses would include a custodial convenience unit, and the potential option to develop and operate a City Water Facility (Water Well and Water Treatment Building) 8 The maximum building area allowed within the Specific Plan area would be 73,500 square feet with the Water Facility or 84,530 square feet without the Water Facility 9 The revised Traffic Report prepared for the project estimates that the proposed uses would generate a total of 169 trips per day (with the Water Facility) or 184 trips per day (without the Water Facility). If the Water Facility is developed, Aapproximately 10 trips are projected for the morning peak hour and approximately 2-3 20 trips are projected for the evening peak hour If the Water Facility is not developed. approximately 11 trips are projected for the morning peak hour and approximately 21 trips are projected for the evening peak hour. The Report concludes that the projected trip generation would be nominal and would not result in significant increases to vehicle trips along adjacent roadways. 10 The Parking Demand Study prepared for the project (dated March 2, 1999) concluded that 13 parking spaces would be sufficient to meet the on -site peak parking demand, however, the City's Consulting Traffic Engineer recommended that 22 spaces would be more appropriate Twenty -four (24) parking spaces plus one (1) loading space are proposed for the Specific Plan area, however, two (2) additional spaces would be provided for the exclusive use of the City if the Water Facility is developed ORDINANCE NO EA -472 PAGE NO 2 Occupancy for the mini- storage facility, the applicant shall construct per the approved Plans, the monument sign The applicant must maintain the sign In good condition at all times 7 Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the mini- storage facility, the applicant shall pay the required Traffic Mitigation Fee as determined by the Public Works Director 8 The applicantlowner shall convey fee simple ab6elate title by grant deed to the property described on Exhibit _ and are a nonexclusive Ingress and egress and parking easement over the property described on Exhlblt _ to the City within 120 days or prior to the Issuance of the Building Permit for the protect, whichever occurs first, and the City shall pay the applicant/owner $100,000 for such property interests In the event the City decides not to purchase such property Interests then the applicant shall be entitled to develop the property pursuant to the 120' Street Specific Plan 9 The applicant shall make an Irrevocable Offer to dedicate land for the purpose of a roadway for Grand Avenue, unless the applicant can provide documentation acceptable to the City Attorney that the Irrevocable right to use the land for a roadway has already been granted to the City The City Engineer shall determine the amount of nght -of -way necessary for the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate The Offer shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and recorded prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the mini- storage facility 10 The applicant shall pay the City Attorney's costs for preparing or reviewing the access easement, Irrevocable offer to dedicate easements, or any such easements or agreements as required 11 Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit Security Plans for review and approval of the Chief of Police which demonstrate conformance with the elements outlined in the memos from the Police Department, dated March 18, 1999 and June 14, 1999, which are on file in the Planning Division The security measures shall be Installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or implemented prior to operation, as appropriate 12 Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit a Fire /Life Safety Plan to the Fire Chief for review and approval All Fire /Life Safety Plan requirements must be Installed and operational, and any required easements or documents recorded, prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 13 A Landscaping and Irrigation Plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the Director of Planning and Budding Safety, Director of Recreation and Parks, and Police Chief for review and approval prior to approval of the building plans Landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent automatic watering or Irrigation system and shall be permanently maintained in a neat and clean manner The applicant, if feasible, shall incorporate provisions for the use of reclaimed water In the Landscaping and Irrigation Plan, and the Plan shall show consistency with the requirements of the Specific Plan The Landscaping and Irrigation shall be Installed per the approved plans by the applicant prior to the Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 14 Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit a Sign Plan to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area and the aesthetic objectives of the General and Specific Plan, as well as to ensure that signs do not impede traffic or pedestrian safety The Sign Plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning and ORDINANCE NO EA -472 PAGE NO 7 07120/1999 14:59 818- 906 -8307 ESMI PAGE 02 ,lac 4 � Hw deserve ealie ea" SP&V July 20, 1999 City of El Segundo Planning and Building Safety Department Attention Ms Hannah L Brondial Bowen, AICP Via Facsimile No. (310) 322-4167 Dear Hannah Matm SPMO YwNopneln LLC 13920 M"20 strwt Shwr n OW. CA 91423 (818) 9958719 prgm (818) 906 -9307 Fox Thank you for providing us the opportunity to review and comment on the language of proposed Conditiion #e, The wording is acceptable, with the following amendment to the easement language I believe the easement should be described as a "non - exclusive easement for parking and ingress and agrees ' You will recall that the subject site has been historically receiving surface water from adjacent parcels to the west and northwest I have been informed that we will have to construct significant underground drainage improvements in order to continue to receive this runoff. Some of these improvements will likely run under the proposed easement It may be necessary to make repairs in years to come, in which case access will be necessary Furthermore, at least one Licensee has a fiber optic line running underground in the general vicinity, so the same comment applies The easement rights should however preclude any above round improvements, which would obstruct the City's rights Let us know what thoughts the City Attorney might have I hope this letter is satisfactory Regards, dry / Bruce Kaufman Extra Space of Studio City, LLC