1999 JAN 05 CC PACKET� 4
COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items
The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda To facilitate your presentation, please place a check
mark beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the
meeting Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed
during Public Communications
Before speaking to the Cory Council, please come to the podium and give Your name and address and the organization you
represent, if desired Please respect the time limits
Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's
Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief
general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes may be permitted during
meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes
in length
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, it you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208
Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting
Inasmuch as there are no agenda items for the January 5, 1999 adjourned
regular meeting at 5:00 p.m., that meeting is cancelled. The regular meeting
will commence at 7 :00 p.m.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 5,1999 - 7:00 P.M.
Next Resolution # 4105
Next Ordinance # 1291
INVOCATION — Rev Alexei Smith, Saint Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councilmember Kelly McDowell
(a) Presentations to recipients of the "1998 Lighting Up the Community" awards
As 1
(b) Commendation to DIRECTV for their donation and support of the Community Alliance to
Support and Empower (C A S E )
(c) Commendation to Rotarians Joe Harding, Elyse Rothstein, and Julie Stolnack for their recent
participation in the Polio Corrective Surgery Program in India, a most significant
humanitarian contribution to the world community
(d) Commendations to winners of the Seventh Annual Space Walk Essay Contest
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and
employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a
misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250
(a) Request by the El Segundo Police Officers Association and Main Street Productions for City
support, waiver of fees and approval to close the 100 to 600 blocks of Main Street from
8 30 a in to 8 00 p in on Saturday, August 14, 1999 for the Main Street America car show
Recommendation — Discussion and possible action.
Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only
Recommendation - Approval.
Continued Public Hearing to pre- Approve eight (8) public facility sites which could
accommodate Mayor and/or Minor Wireless Communication Facilities (WCF)
Environmental Assessment (EA -403A, Address Various (see Table 1 to Staff Report),
Applicant City of El Segundo, Property Owners City of El Segundo, El Segundo Unified
School District, West Basin Municipal Water District and Los Angeles County Fiscal
Impact Potential Revenue Source for City_
Recommendation —
1) Re -Open Continued Public Hearing;
2) Continue Discussion;
3) Adopt City Council Resolution No. approving eight (8) public facility sites
for WCF and adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration; and /or,
4) Other possible action /direction.
�� 2
Continued Public Hearing on a proposed Development Agreement Amendment to increase the
permitted size of the proposed L A Kmgs /Lakers Sports Training and Recreation Facility
previously approved for Project Area 4 of the Grand Avenue Corporate Center Project The
Amendment would increase the size of the proposed facility by 15,000 square feet from
120,000 square feet to 135,000 square feet (Environmental Assessment EA -467 and
Development Agreement 98 -2) Address 555 North Nash Street Applicant L A Ice Venture
Company. L (Ted Fikre)
Recommendation —
1) Hold Continued Public Hearing;
2) Discussion;
3) First Reading of Ordinance (by title only);
4) Schedule second reading and adoption for January 19, 1998; and/or,
5) Other possible action /direction.
Proposed amendments to the Zoning Code for residential side yard setbacks for attached garages
on 25 -foot wide lots in the Single - Family Residential (R -1) Zone, and, a Negative Declaration of
Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Environmental Assessment EA -465 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 98 -7 Applicant City of
Recommendation —
1) Open Public Hearing;
2) Discussion;
3) First reading of Ordinance (by title only);
4) Schedule second reading and adoption for January 19, 1999; and /or
5) Other possible action /direction.
4 Public Hearing on a request to amend the General Plan and Zoning Map to change the Land Use
designation from Downtown Commercial to Multi - Family Residential, and change the Zoning
from Downtown Commercial (CRS) to Multi- Family Residential (R -3), for five (5) 25' parcels
that total 17,500 square feet (125' x 140'), for the fixture construction of condominiums
Location 360 Richmond Street Applicant James R Obradovich, 233 Main Street, El Segundo,
California. Property Owner. Della Kenny.
Recommendation —
1) Hold Public Hearing;
2) Discussion;
3) Uphold Recommendation of the Planning Commission;
4) First reading of Ordinance (by title only);
5) Schedule Second reading and adoption of Ordinance for January 19,1998; and/or,
6) Other possible action /direction.
Public Hearing on the proposed projects and budget for allocation of the 1999 -2000 Commumty
Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds 1999 -2000 Proposed Total CDBG Budget $142,230
(Proposed Community Development Commission CDBG Allocation - $100,859, Proposed
General Fund monies - $41,371)
Recommendation —
1) Hold public hearing;
2) Discussion
3) Consider proposed projects and budget, and direct Staff accordingly;
4) Authorize the Director of Planning and Building Safety to execute agreements with
the Community Development Commission; and,
5) Authorize the Director of Planning and Building Safety to execute agreements in
excess of $10,000 with all sub - recipients receiving CDBG funds.
6 Implementation of the Downtown Task Force recommendations (Fiscal impact $145,000)
Recommendation — Consider modified Action Plan, implementation costs and direct
staff accordingly.
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for
discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business
7 Warrant Numbers 2254042- 2254341 in total amount of $1,056,736 80, Warrant Numbers
2254342- 2254556 in total amount of $689,216 38, and Wire Transfers in the amount of
$1,222,654 11
Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or
agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers from
12/09/98 to 12/24/98.
City Council meeting minutes of December 15, 1998
Recommendation - Approval.
9, Application to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Call
for Projects for funding the Douglas Street Gap Closure/Railroad Grade Separation Project
(total estimated nroiect cost = $10 5 million)
Recommendation — Authorize staff to submit the application through the Southbay
Council of Governments (COG).
10 Agreement between Wadell Engineering Corporation ( "WEC' ), the City of El Segundo,
Culver City, and the City of Santa Monica for an air traffic growth study to be performed by
Recommendation - Authorize execution of Agreement between WEC, City of El
Segundo, Culver City and the City of Santa Monica, subject to approval as to form by
the City Attorney.
11 Granting of an Easement Deed to the State of California for the Sepulveda Boulevard
Widening Project
Recommendation — Approve Easement Deed and authorize the mayor to sign the Deed
on behalf of the City.
12 City - Caltrans State -Local Transportation Partnership Program (SLTPP) Master Agreement
and Program Supplement No 001 (one -time revenue of $41,417 00)
Recommendation —
1) Approve Master Agreement No. SLTPP 07 -5235 and Program Supplement No.
2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Master Agreement and Program supplement
No. 001 on behalf of the City.
13 Acceptance of the improvements to the City Parking Lot at the southwest comer of Main
Street and Manoosa Avenue Protect No PW 97 -25 (final contract amount = $57,853 21)
Recommendation —
1) Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $946.85.
2) Accept the work as complete.
3) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the
County Recorder's Office.
14 Acceptance of the sidewalks north of Douglas Street Metro Green Line Station — Project
Number PW 95 -12 (final contract amount = $227,898 00)
Recommendation —
1) Accept the work as complete.
2) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the
County Recorder's Office.
15 Request for the City Council to approve the lowest responsible bids for exercise equipment as
authorized in the Police Department gymnasium remodel project and equipment replacement
Recommendation —
1) Accept bid and approve the expenditure of $20,091.36 for cardiovascular training
2) Accept bid and approve the expenditure of $32,778.36 for weight training
3) Reject all other bids.
16 Cal -Card Purchasing Program
Recommendation — Discuss Cal -Card Purchasing Program and provide direction to
staff to implement program.
Councilmember McDowell - NONE
Councilmember Gaines - NONE
Councilmember Wernick - NONE
- Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - NONE
Mayor Gordon — NONE
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have
received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer,
must so identify themselvesprior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250
The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, Including the Brown Act
(Government Code Sec 54960, et sec) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property
Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing
matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor
Negotiators, as follows
Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5 00 p in, January 5, 1999 under "Closed
Session" (if needed)
DATE 7 9 g TIME 9' 3�g NAME,cc
<, 2,` 425
jWain Street America
El Segundo's Premier Car Shoir Event
lugust 21, 1998
De,u \la }or Cioldorl and NIenlbers of City Council
Bill Sinko and Pete Zalabak of Main Stieet Ameuca Productions, representing the El Segundo Police Officer
1�sociation, seek eour peimr�,ston to organize and produce the Main Street America cat show event foi 1999
We tequest peimission to use the 100 to 600 blocks of Main Stieet fiom 12 00 noon to 6 00 PM on August 1-kh
The El Segundo Police Officers Association will be one the organizations we will [arse funds for through these
eN ents We will hat e the assistance of ESPOA volunteeis dutrng the events to assist to crowd control Othei
chautable causes will be picked at a later date
We ask that Council allow its to close the 100 to 600 blocks of Main Street ftom 8 30 AM to 8 00 PM on the
above date foi set up and pioduction of the event These closures would include all intersecting streets in these
blocks listed above back to the nearest alley ways We iequest the Council to permit us to close the street as
listed above to normal ttaffic via City of El Segundo supplied signs, bauicades, and cones We ask foi Council
to wat� e any costs to the city foi this show event
We will purchase a seveial million dollar liability insurance plan for the event and a copy of the policy will be
piovided to the City Attorney ESPOA volunteers and out staff will set up and remove all bauicades and cones
foi the event We will clean any trash remains left behind after the event All outhouse facilities will be pro -
Nided by out organization
ESPOA N olunteeis and our staff will make all necessaiy notifications to the Police Depattment, Fite
Depaitment, M T A , Stieet Depattment, neighboring residents and area businesses Traffic control plans foi
each event will be provided to the Police Tiaffic division foi appioval prioi to this event
We request the Council's support and permission to implement this cat show event which will be beneficial to
the El Segundo Community
1 hank you,
Bill Sinko
Police Officei City of El Segundo
Pete Zalabak
Main Street Arneuca Motor Sports
City of El Segundo
Inter - Departmental Correspondence
December 29, 1998
To: J O Wayt, Acting Chief of Police
From: Mitch Tavera, Lieutenant
Subject: Main Street Cruise Park and Show
The El Segundo Police Officer's Association is planning the annual Main Street
Car Cruise to be held on August 14, 1999, from 0800 to 2000 hours The car
show will highlight classic and pre -1975 cars and trucks. The event will be held
in the 100 through 600 blocks of Main Street, which will be barricaded and
manned by volunteer staff Emergency vehicle access would not be impacted as
the # one traffic lanes of both north and south bound Main Street will be kept
Traffic control plans meet with approval of the Traffic Division Prior to the
event, members of the above agencies shall meet with the Traffic Division
Commander to insure that all is in order and proper notifications have been
EVENT MANPOWER (0800-2000 Hours)
Police Volunteer Staff
Street Department. $100.00 per event
MT /sn
AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Special Orders of Business — Public Hearing
Continued public hearing to pre- approve eight (8) public facility sites which could accommodate Major and /or
Minor Wireless Communication Facilities Environmental Assessment EA -403A, Address Various (see Table
1 below), Applicant City of El Segundo, Property Owners City of El Segundo, El Segundo Unified School,
District, West Basin Municipal Water District and Los Angeles County Fiscal Impact Potential Revenue
Source for City.
1 Re -Open Continued Public Hearing,
2 Continue Discussion,
3 Adopt City Council Resolution No , approving eight (8) public facility sites for WCF and adopting
a Mitigated Negative Declaration, and /or,
4 Other possible action /direction
On 01 December 1998, the City Council opened the public hearing to consider EA -403A, the proposed pre -
approval of eight (8) public facility sites which could accommodate Major and /or Minor Wireless
Communication Facilities (WCF) as defined in the Municipal Code At the meeting, the Council indicated that
it does not feel that it is appropriate or equitable for the City of El Segundo to bear the burden of providing
wireless service to LAX and that it wants to only do its "fair share" of complying with the Federal
Telecommunications Act The Council further indicated that it does not want to allow wireless vendors to use
all eight sites at once, but rather, it would prefer to rank the sites in order of priority, with the sites having the
least impact to the community ranked first (and utilized first) and the sites with the potential to have the most
impact to the community ranked last (and utilized last) The Council then directed Staff to prepare a
preliminary ranking of the sites which it would review and consider at tonight's meeting Generally, the sites
ranked highest are east of Sepulveda Boulevard, the easiest to disguise, the furthest from the residential
community, and will have the least amount of visual impact Table 1 below lists the eight (8) proposed sites
and Table 2 shows Staff's (preliminary) ranking of the eight (8) sites
1 Draft City Council Resolution No
2 City Council Agenda Report for 01 December 1998
(Check one) Operating Budget: ✓ Capital Improv Budget
Amount Requested. None
Project/Account Budget N/A
Project/Account Balance N/A Date*
Account Number:
Project Phase. N/A
Appropriation Required -Yes_ No V
December 1998
Bret B Bernard, A16P, 4Directgf of Planning and Building Safety
Mary Strenn. City ana Zz /
The location, property owner, type(s) of allowable wireless facility and proposed maximum height, are listed
in Table 1 (below), for each of the eight (8) public facility sites proposed for pre - approval
Table 1
Property Owner
Type(s) of
Maximum Height of
West Basin Water Reclamation Plant (1935
Could accommodate all four types of facilities,
Hughes Way)
three existing facilities within 300 feet, would not
City Water Tower (400 Lomita
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
St )
City Maintenance Yard (150 Illinois St)
Would not impact residential views, surrounded
water tower
Communication Tower at Fire
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed height of
City Water Tower (400 Lomita St)
Station #1, future 911
providing cellular coverage, the visual impact of
Communication Facility at
a wireless facility would be minimal compared to
Police Station (348 Main St )
the already existing visual impact of the Water
Campanile at El Segundo High
El Segundo Unified
wall- mounted
Shall not exceed top of bell
Light standards at Richmond Field — middle
School (640 Main St )
School District
City Maintenance Yard (150
City of El Segundo
roof - mounted,
48 feet
Illinois St)
utility- mounted,
wall- mounted
Light standards at Richmond
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of light
Field — middle school (615
(light poles only), El
Richmond St)
Segundo Unified
School District (land)
Fire Station #2 (2161 E El
City of El Segundo
roof - mounted,
175 feet
Segundo Blvd)
utility- mounted,
wall- mounted
West Basin Water Reclamation
West Basin Municipal
ground- mounted,
142 feet
Plant (1935 Hughes Way)
Water District
utility- mounted,
roof - mounted,
wall- mounted
LA County Flood Pump Station
Los Angeles County
roof - mounted,
34 feet
(223 Center St)
wall- mounted,
utility- mounted
Source City of El Segundo
The ranking below attempts to reflect the concerns raised by Council at its December 1st meeting The rank,
site, location and reason for ranking, by Staff, of the eight (8) proposed sites are listed in Table 2
Table 2
Reason for ranking
West Basin Water Reclamation Plant (1935
Could accommodate all four types of facilities,
Hughes Way)
three existing facilities within 300 feet, would not
impact residential views
Fire Station #2 (2161 E El Segundo Blvd)
Would not impact residential views
City Maintenance Yard (150 Illinois St)
Would not impact residential views, surrounded
by industrial and commercial uses
City Water Tower (400 Lomita St)
Height and location of facility is optimum for
providing cellular coverage, the visual impact of
a wireless facility would be minimal compared to
the already existing visual impact of the Water
Tower, surrounded by residential uses
Light standards at Richmond Field — middle
Would be mounted to an existing utility which is
school (615 Richmond St )
already part of the visual landscape
LA County Flood Pump Station (223 Center
St )
Minimal residential impact
Communication Tower at Fire Station #1,
Existing communication tower already exists,
future 911 Communication Facility at Police
however, adding a facility may cause it to look
Station (348 Main St )
worse, adjacent to residential uses
Campanile at El Segundo High School (640
Surrounded by residential uses, Council
Main St)
expressed concerns with architectural
Source City of El Segundo
Although the eight (8) sites are ranked accordingly, legal opinion dictates that a wireless facility vendor should
be allowed to utilize another pre- approved site if the vendor can prove (to the City's satisfaction) that it is
technically necessary The Zoning Code currently has provisions which require vendors to explain why a
particular site is chosen and to provide technical documentation to support the request
It is worth noting that Chapter 20 62 of the City's Zoning Code currently allows wireless facilities on private
property, with appropriate City approvals In other words, a wireless facility could be located in the City even
though it is not located on one of the eight (8) proposed sites As a matter of fact, there are twelve (12)
existing wireless facilities largely on private property in the City Additionally, Section 20 62 140 of the Zoning
Code commits (and requires) the City to "pre- approve;' by Resolution, a list of public facility sites which could
accommodate Major wireless facilities The proposed project is Staff's attempt to implement this Code
A draft Initial Study was prepared by Staff for the project which identified potential adverse environmental
impacts relating to land use and planning, geologic problems, water, transportation /circulation, noise and
aesthetics No significant adverse environmental impacts were identified which could not be mitigated to an
insignificant level, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts is proposed
On 12 November 1998, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2431, recommending approval of
Environmental Assessment EA -403A to the City Council and making the finding that all of the potential
environmental impacts created by the project can be adequately mitigated to an insignificant level by the
proposed conditions /mitigation measures in the draft Initial Study
P \projects \400 - 425 \ea- 403a\ais -2
WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo Is requesting "pre - approval' for eight (8) public facility sites
which can accommodate Major and /or Minor wireless communication facilities located at 400 Lomita
Street (Site A), 348 Main Street (Site B), 640 Main Street (Site C), 150 Illinois Street (Site D), 615
Richmond Street (Site E), 2161 East El Segundo Boulevard (Site F), 1935 Hughes Way (Site G) and 223
Center Street (Site H), in the Public Facility (P -F) Zone (except for Site F, which is located in the Urban
Mixed Use - North (MU -N) Zone), and
WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (No EA- 403A), including an Initial Study and
Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the proposed protect, has been prepared
and circulated to all Interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies for review and comment in the
time and manner prescribed by law, and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council have reviewed the application and
supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the
California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution 3805), and
WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled and public noticed meetings of the Planning Commission of
the City of El Segundo on October 22, 1998 and November 12, 1998, duly advertised public hearings
were held on this matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and
WHEREAS, on November 12, 1998, the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo adopted
Resolution No 2431, recommending approval of Environmental Assessment EA -403A to the City Council
to "pre- approve" eight (8) public facility sites which can accommodate wireless communication facilities,
WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled and public noticed meetings of the City Council of the City of
El Segundo on December 1, 1998 and January 15, 1999, duly advertised public hearings were held on
this matter In the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and
WHEREAS, at said public hearings, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or
against the findings of Environmental Assessment No EA -403A, and
WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established
Section 20 62 140 of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) commits the City to "pre- approve"
a list of public facility sites which can accommodate Major Wireless Communication Facilities
(WCF) with approval of a Wireless Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) This protect Is to
comply with that requirement
.I 1 ry
2 The proposed project Is to "pre- approve" eight (8) public facility sites which can accommodate
Major and /or Minor WCF The location, property owner, type of allowable facility and allowable
maximum height of each facility are listed in Table 1 below
Table 1
Property Owner
Type(s) of Allowable
Allowable Maximum
City Water tower (400 Lomita Street)
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
water tower
Communication Tower at Fire Station
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed height
#1, future 911 Communication Facility
of utility
at Police Station (348 Main Street)
Campanile at El Segundo High School
El Segundo Unified
wall - mounted
Shall not exceed top of
(640 Main Street)
School District
bell tower
City Maintenance Yard (150 Illinois
City of El Segundo
roof- mounted, utility-
48 feet
mounted, wall- mounted
Light standards at Richmond Field -
City of Et Segundo (light
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
middle school (615 Richmond Street)
poles only), El Segundo
light standards
Unified School District
Fire Station #2 (2161 E El Segundo
City of El Segundo
roof- mounted, utility-
175 feet
Blvd )
mounted, wall- mounted
West Basin Water Reclamation Plant
West Basin Municipal
ground - mounted, utility-
142 feet
(1935 Hughes Way)
Water District
mounted, roof - mounted,
wall- mounted
LA County Flood Pump Station (223
Los Angeles County
roof- mounted, wall-
34 feet
Center Street)
mounted, utility-
Source City of El Segundo
A Major facility Is defined as a wireless communication facility that Is either ground- mounted (such
as monopole) or roof - mounted (I e , situated on the roof of a budding) but which exceeds the
height of the Zone In which It Is located In A Minor facility Is defined as a wireless communication
facility which Is wall- mounted (I e , attached to a building's facade), utility- mounted (I e , attached
to an existing utility, such as a light pole) or roof - mounted (but which does not exceed the height
of the Zone In which It Is located In)
4 A Major or Minor wireless communication facility proposed on a "pre- approved" site requires
approval of a WCFP, which Is an administrative action, not a discretionary action
5 Sites A -E and Sites G - H are located In the Public Facilities (PF) Zone and have a General Plan
land use designation of Public Facilities Site F Is located In the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N)
Zone and has a General Plan land use designation of Urban Mixed -Use North
6 The Pre - Approved Site List can be amended from time to time, by Resolution, as permitted by
Section 20 62 140 (A)(1) of the ESMC
Comments about the protect were received from the Public Works Department, two (2) property
owners and the West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD). If applicable, the comments
were included as conditions of approval In this Resolution
The eight (8) proposed Pre - Approved Sites are available for lease if the property owner(s) deem
The proposed protect Is subject to the CEQA In accordance with State guidelines and local
requirements, an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and circulated
for interdepartmental review, and was available for public review and comment No significant
adverse Impacts were Identified which could not be mitigated to an Insignificant level with
conditions, Including Impacts to land use and planning, geologic problems, water,
transportation /circulation, noise and aesthetics
10 At the meeting of November 12, 1998, the Planning Commission considered staff's proposal to
allow an additional 15 feet of vertical height on Sites B and H, if it was technically necessary
However, the Commission determined that If necessary, any requests to exceed the maximum
height on Sites B or H be presented to the Commission at a later date as a separate application
for review and consideration instead Likewise, any requests to exceed the allowable maximum
height on any of the other pre- approved sites shall be presented to the Planning Commission for
review and approval /denial
11 At the December 1, 1998 meeting of the City Council, the Council directed Staff to rank the eight
(8) sites according to Its potential Impact to the community, with the sites having the least impact
to the community ranked first and the sites with the potential of having the greatest Impact to the
community ranked last Staff's preliminary ranking Is as follows 1) G, 2) F, 3) D, 4) A, 5) E, 6)
H, 7) B and 8) C
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts and study of
proposed Environmental Assessment No EA -403A, the City Council finds as follows
The Initial Study was made available to all local and affected agencies and for public review and
comment in the time and manner prescribed by law The Initial Study concluded that the
proposed protect will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and a Mitigated
Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be prepared pursuant to the CEQA, and,
That when considering the whole record, there Is no evidence that the protect will have the
potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends,
because the project is In a built -out urban environment; and,
That the City Council authorizes and directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file
with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and De Minimus finding pursuant
to California Assembly Bill (AB) No 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten
(10) days after receiving City Council approval, the City of Segundo shall file the required
certificate with the County of Los Angeles, along with the required Notice of Determination
As approved for In AB No 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no
vesting shall occur until this condition Is met and the required notices and fees are filed with
the County
The General Plan land use designation for Sites A -E and Sites G -H is Public Facilities and Urban
Mixed -Use North for Site F The General Plan goals, objectives and policies which relate to this
project are from the Land Use, Economic Development, Open Space and Recreation, and
Conservation Elements With regards to the Land Use Element, the following policies support
this project Policy LU1 -5 6, which requires that all development proposals comply with the City's
Zoning Ordinance and the CEQA, Policy LU1 -5 8, which supports the use of innovative land
development and design techniques, and, Policy LU7 -2 5, which encourages the design of public
facilities and utilities to be compatible with surrounding uses With regards to the Economic
Development Element, the following goals, objectives and policies apply Goals ED1 and ED2,
Objectives ED1 -1, ED1 -2 and ED2 -1, Policies ED1-1 1, ED1 -2 1, ED1 -2 2, ED1 -2 3 and ED2 -1 3,
which support the creation and maintenance of a diverse and strong economic base which
benefits the City, its residents as well as its business community With regards to the Open
Space and Recreation Element, the following policies apply Policy OS1 -1 9, which supports
alternative funding mechanisms for recreational facility maintenance, and Policy OS1 -5 3, which
supports the continued protection of the El Segundo Blue Butterfly Lastly, the following goals
and policies of the Conservation Element apply Goal CN -5 and Policies CN5 -1 and CN5 -2, which
supports the protection of the urban landscape such that negative aesthetic impacts are
minimized and that the character of existing neighborhoods and civic landscapes are maintained
2 That Section 20 62 140 of the ESMC requires the City to "pre- approve," by Resolution, a list of
public facility sites which can accommodate Major wireless facilities, and which would require only
administrative review and approval of a WCFP, rather than discretionary review and approval
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves Environmental
Assessment No EA -403A, the pre - approval of eight (8) public facility sites for Wireless Communication
Facilities and a Mitigated Negative Declaration, subject to the following conditions
1 Prior to Issuance of building permits, the applicant shall receive administrative approval of a
Wireless Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) from the Director of Planning and Building Safety
for any wireless facility proposed on Sites A -H
2 Prior to Issuance of building permits, the applicant shall sign a lease agreement with the property
owner and provide a copy of the signed lease agreement to the Director of Planning and Safety
If the wireless facility is to be located on City -owned property, the lease agreement shall contain
provisions which refer to the cost for leasing the Pre - Approved Site, an understanding by the
applicant that the applicant Is responsible for paying the City Attorney's costs for preparing the
lease agreement documents, access to the Site (including emergency access),
relocation /restoration provisions, and other provisions as deemed appropriate by the City Attorney
Access to Sites A (City Water Tower) and D (City Maintenance Yard) Is limited to 7 00 AM - 3 00
PM on weekdays There will be no regular access during weekends and City holidays
Emergency access will be subject to reimbursement for costs Incurred by the City
4 All leases of public property for Pre - Approved Sites A -H are non - exclusive The lessee (operator
of the wireless facility) shall make the supporting structure of the facility available to any other
applicant wishing to collocate to the extent It Is technically feasible
5 Prior to Issuance of budding permits for a wireless facility located on City -owned property, the
applicant shall provide liability insurance to the satisfaction of the City Attorney
6 Prior to issuance of budding permits, the applicant shall submit plans which show compliance with
the following design requirements
A) The maximum height of any wireless communication facility to be located on Pre -
Approved Sites A -H shall not exceed the maximum height allowed, as shown in Table 1,
Page 2, of this Resolution
B) A wall- mounted wireless communication facility shall be comprised of non - reflective
material(s) and painted or camouflaged to blend with surrounding materials and colors
Any and all screening used In connection with a wall- mounted facility shall be compatible
with the architecture, color, texture and materials of the building or other structure to
which It is mounted
C) A utility- mounted facility shall not protrude or extend horizontally more than 24 Inches from
the existing utility pole or structure, and, It shall be painted to match the color of the
existing utility structure in which it would be located on
D) A roof - mounted facility that extends above the existing parapet of the building on which
It Is mounted shall be screened by a material and In a manner that is compatible with the
existing design and architecture of the building The screen shall also be painted to
match the color of the building Furthermore, any guy wires, supporting structures and
accessory equipment shall be located and designed so as to minimize the visual Impact
as viewed from surrounding properties and public rights -of -way
E) A ground- mounted facility shall be located In close proximity to existing above - ground
utilities, such as electrical tower or utility poles (not scheduled for removal or
undergrounding in the next twenty -four months), light poles, trees of comparable height,
water tanks and other areas where the facility will not detract from the image or
appearance of the City Furthermore, It shall not be located In any required setback,
required parking area, vehicle maneuvering area, vehicle /pedestrian circulation area or
area of landscaping such that it interferes with, or In any way Impairs the utility or Intended
function of such area And, the facility shall be screened from access by the general
public with a fence or a type of design approved by the Director of Planning and Building
Safety and the property owner It shall also be covered with a clear anti - graffiti material
of a type approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety The City may grant
a waiver of this requirement if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City
that there Is adequate security around the facility to prevent graffiti
Prior to Issuance of budding permits for Site G [West Basin Municipal Water District ( WBMWD)],
the applicant shall provide the Director of Planning and Building Safety with written authorization
from WBMWD (property owner) that It has approved the building plans for the proposed wireless
facility The applicant shall contact Paul Schoenberger, Chief of Engineering and Operations, for
the WBMWD at 17140 South Avalon Boulevard, Suite 210, Carson, CA 90746 -1218, (310) 660-
6218, or another representative as authorized by WBMWD
8 Prior to the Issuance of a permit, the applicant shall submit to the Departments of Planning and
Building Safety and Public Works a complete Construction Plan for review and approval, The
Plan shall Include, but not be limited to construction hours, construction trader locations,
construction and staging areas, construction crew parking, parking /access plan (Including truck
haul routes), construction methods and schedules The plan shall limit construction hours to 7 00
a m to 6 00 p m Monday through Saturday, and prohibit construction an Sundays and Holidays
During construction, trash shall be removed from the Protect Site on a dally basis At the end of
each construction day, all open trenches shall be completely closed or covered, or secured In
accordance with Cal OSHA standards All gates and access points to the construction area must
be locked and /or fully secured at the end of construction each day The applicant shall provide
a twenty -four (24) hour, every day contact person /liaison to receive and respond to complaints
during construction
9 During all phases of construction, the applicant shall comply with the City's Storm Water and
Urban Run -Off Pollution Prevention Control Ordinance (No 1235)
10 During all phases of construction the applicant shall comply with Chapter 9 06, Noise and
Vibration Regulations of the ESMC
11 The applicant shall Indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, Its elected and
appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions,
causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval
of Environmental Assessment EA -403A
12 To assist the Director of Planning and Budding Safety, the City Council has Indicated the following
preferential order for pre- approved sites 1) G, 2) F, 3) D, 4) A, 5) E, 6) H, 7) B and 8) C The
sites which may be considered to have the least Impacts to the community are ranked first and
the sites with the potential of having the greatest Impact to the community are ranked last
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that according to the El Segundo Municipal Code, the decision
of the City Council as set forth in this Resolution shall become final and effective ten (10) calendar
days after the date of the City Council action, unless an appeal In writing is filed with the City Council
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5" day of January, 1999
Mike Gordon, Mayor
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole
number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No
was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to
by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 5`h day of January, 1999, and the
same was so passed and adopted by the following vote
Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk
Mark Hensley, City Attorney
P \protects \400 - 425 \ea -403A \ccres -2
AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING- Special Orders of Business — Public Hearing
Public Hearing to pre- approve eight (8) public facility sites which could accommodate Ma /or and /or Minor
Wireless Communication Facilities (WCF) Environmental Assessment EA -403A, Address Various (see Table
1 below), Applicant City of El Segundo, Property Owners City of El Segundo, El Segundo Unified School,
District, West Basin Municipal Water District and Los Angeles County Fiscal Impact: Potential Revenue
Source for City.
1 Hold Public Hearing,
2 Discussion,
3 Adopt City Council Resolution No _, approving eight (8) public facility sites for WCF and adopting
a Mitigated Negative Declaration, and /or,
4 Other possible action /direction
On November 12, 1998, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2431, recommending approval of
Environmental Assessment EA -403A to the City Council and making the finding that all of the potential
environmental impacts created by the project can be adequately mitigated to an insignificant level by the
proposed conditions /mitigation measures
1 Draft Cdy Council Resolution No _
2 Planning Commission Staff Report and Resolution No 2431 for November 12, 1998 meeting
(Check one) Operating Budget, Capital Improv. Budget:
Amount Requested None
Project/Account Budget N/A
Project/Account Balance N/A Date
Account Number
Project Phase N/A
Appropriation Required - Yes_ No y/_
ORIGINATED Date. 23 Nov 1998
Bret B Bernard, aiCa, Director of Planning and Building Safety
Ma ry Senn y Manager
63 19 3
Section 20 62.140 of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) commits the City to "pre - approve," by
Resolution, a list of public facility sites which could accommodate Major WCF with approval of an
administrative Wireless Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) The project request is to pre- approve the
first eight (8) public facilities which could accommodate Major and /or Minor WCF Please refer to Table 1
below for exact locations
The location, property owner, type(s) of allowable wireless facility and proposed maximum height, are listed
in Table 1 (below), for each of the eight (8) public facility sites proposed for pre- approval.
Table 1
Property Owner
Type(s) of
Maximum Height of
City Water Tower (400 Lomita
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
St )
water tower
Communication Tower at Fire
City of El Segundo
uhlity- mounted
Shalt not exceed height of
Station #1, future 911
Communication Facility at
Police Station (348 Main St )
Campanile at El Segundo High
El Segundo Unified
wall- mounted
Shall not exceed top of bell
School (640 Main St )
School District
City Maintenance Yard (150
City of EI Segundo
roof- mounted,
48 feet
Illinois St )
utility- mounted,
wall- mounted
light standards at Richmond
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of light
Field - middle school (615
('fight poles only), El
Richmond St)
Segundo Unified
School District (land)
Fire Station 92 (2161 E El
City of El Segundo
roof- mounted,
175 feet
Segundo Blvd )
utility- mounted,
wall- mounted
West Basin Water Reclamation
West Basin Municipal
ground- mounted,
142 feet
Plant (1935 Hugnes Way)
Water District
utility- mounted,
roof - mounted,
wall- mounted
LA County Flood Pump Station
Los Angeles County
roof - mounted,
34 feet
(223 Center St)
wall- mounted,
utility- mounted
Sc.,rce Cay,oi ti Segunoo
A draft Initial Study was prepared by staff for the project which identified potential adverse environmental
mpacts relating to land use and planning, geologic problems, water, transportation /circulation, noise and
aesthetics No significant adverse environmental impacts were identified which could not be mitigated to an
insignificant level, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts is proposed
P \pr0jects\400 -425 \ea403a\ais
5L+ 20
WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo is requesting "pre - approval" for eight (8) public facility sites
which can accommodate Major and /or Minor wireless communication facilities located at 400 Lomita
Street (Site A), 348 Main Street (Site B), 640 Main Street (Site C), 150 Illinois Street (Site D), 615
Richmond Street (Site E), 2161 E El Segundo Blvd (Site F), 1935 Hughes Way (Site G) and 223 Center
Street (Site H), In the Public Facility (P -F) Zone (except for Site F, which is located in the Urban Mixed
Use - North (MU -N) Zone), and
WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (No EA- 403A), including an Initial Study and
Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the proposed project, has been prepared
and circulated to all interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies for review and comment in the
time and manner prescribed by law, and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council have reviewed the application and
supposing evidence with the authority and criteria contained In the California Environmental Quality Act
CEOAI State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the
California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution 3805), and
WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled and public noticed meetings of the Planning Commission of
the Cit, of El Segundo on October 22, 1998 and November 12, 1998, duly advertised public hearings
ere ie _ on this matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and
HEREAS on November 12, 1998 the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo adopted
Resc'luiion No 2431 recommending approval of Environmental Assessment EA -403A to the City Council
i ,-prove eight (8) public facility sites which can accommodate wireless communication facilities,
V HEREAS at the duly scheduled and public noticed meeting of the City Council of the City of
E Se_.un,;o on December 1, 1998, a duly advertised public hearing was held on this matter In the Council
,_,.namrjer of the City Hall, 350 Main Street and
WHEREAS at said public hearings opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or
the f tidings of Environmental Assessment No EA -403A, and,
4."HEREAS at said hearings the following facts were established
Section 20 62 140 of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) commits the City to "pre- approve"
a list of public facility sites which can accommodate Major Wireless Communication Facilities
(VVCF) with approval of a Wireless Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) This project is to
comply with that requirement
`� S
2. The proposed project is to "pre- approve" eight (8) public facility sites which can accommodate
Major and /or Minor WCF The location, property owner, type of allowable facility and allowable
maximum height of each facility are listed in Table 1 below.
Table 1
Property Owner
Type(s) of Allowable
Allowable Maximum
City Water lower (400 Lomita Street)
City of El Segundo
ubbty- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
water tower
Communication Tower at Fire Staton
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed height
#1 future 911 Communication Facility
of utility
at Police Station (348 Main Street)
Campanile at El Segundo High School
El Segundo Unified
wall- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
(640 Main Street)
School District
bell tower
City Maintenance Yard (150 Illinois
City of El Segundo
roof- mounted utility-
48 feet
mounted wall - mounted
light standards at Richmond Field -
City of Ef Segundo (light
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
middle school (615 Richmond Street)
poles only), El Segundo
light standards
Unified School District
Fire Station #2 (2151 E El Segundo
City of El Segundo
roof-mounted, utility-
175 feel
Blvd I
mounted, wall- mounted
West Basin Water Reclamation Plant
West Basin Municipal
ground- mounted utility-
142 feel
(1935 Hugnes Way)
Water District
mounted, roof - mounted,
wall- mounted
Lr- Count, Rood Pump Station (223
Los Angeles County
roof - mounted, wall -
34 feel
Center Street)
mounted, utdity-
_ - E,Sey�ntlo
A t tajor facility Is defined as a wireless communication facility that Is either ground- mounted (such
as monopole) or root - mounted (t e , situated on the roof of a building) but which exceeds the
nelcni of the Zone in which It Is located In A Minor facility Is defined as a wireless communication
facility which Is wall- mounted (I e , attached to a building's facade), utility- mounted (I e , attached
to an existing utility such as a light pole) or roof - mounted (but which does not exceed the height
of the Zone In which It Is located In)
A Major or Minor wireless communication facility proposed on a "pre- approved" site requires
approval of a WCFP, which Is an administrative action, not a discretionary action
Saes A -E and Sites G - H are located In the Public Facilities (PF) Zone and have a General Plan
?and use designation of Public Facilities Site F is located in the Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N)
Zone and has a General Plan land use designation of Urban Mixed -Use North
The Pre - Approved Site List can be amended from time to time, by Resolution, as permitted by
Section 20 62 140 (A)(1) of the ESMC
7 Comments about the project were received from the Public Works Department, two (2) property
owners and the West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD) If applicable, the comments
were included as conditions of approval in this Resolution
8 The eight (8) proposed Pre - Approved Sites are available for lease If the property owner(s) deem
9 The proposed project is subject to the CEQA In accordance with State guidelines and local
requirements, an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and circulated
for Interdepartmental review, and was available for public review and comment No significant
adverse Impacts were Identified which could not be mitigated to an Insignificant level with
conditions, including Impacts to land use and planning, geologic problems, water,
transportation /circulation, noise and aesthetics
10 At the meeting of November 12, 1998, the Planning Commission considered staff's proposal to
allow an additional 15 feet of vertical height on Sites B and H, If it was technically necessary
However, the Commission determined that if necessary, any requests to exceed the maximum
height on Sites B or H be presented to the Commission at a later date as a separate application
for review and consideration Instead Likewise, any requests to exceed the allowable maximum
height on any of the other pre - approved sites shall be presented to the Planning Commission for
review and approval /denial
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts and study of
proposed Environmental Assessment No EA -403A, the City Council finds as follows
i The Initial Study was made available to all local and affected agencies and for public review and
comment in the time and manner prescribed by law The Initial Study concluded that the
proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and a Mitigated
Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be prepared pursuant to the CEQA, and,
That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project will have the
potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends,
because the project Is In a built -out urban environment, and,
That the City Council authorizes and directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file
with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and De Mlnimus finding pursuant
to California Assembly Bill (AB) No 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10)
Cays after receiving City Council approval, the City of Segundo shall file the required certificate
with the County of Los Angeles along with the required Notice of Determination As approved
for in AB No 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur
until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County
23 57
The General Plan land use designation for Sites A -E and Sites G -H Is Public Facilities and Urban
Mixed -Use North for Site F The General Plan goals, objectives and policies which relate to this
project are from the Land Use, Economic Development, Open Space and Recreation, and
Conservation Elements With regards to the Land Use Element, the following policies support
this project Policy LU1 -5.6, which requires that all development proposals comply with the City's
Zoning Ordinance and the CEQA, Policy LU1 -5 8, which supports the use of innovative land
development and design techniques, and, Policy LU7 -2 5, which encourages the design of public
facilities and utilities to be compatible with surrounding uses With regards to the Economic
Development Element, the following goals, objectives and policies apply Goals ED1 and ED2,
Objectives ED1 -1, ED1 -2 and ED2 -1, Policies ED1 -1 1, ED1 -2 1, ED1 -2 2, ED1 -2 3 and ED2 -1 3,
which support the creation and maintenance of a diverse and strong economic base which
benefits the City, its residents as well as its business community With regards to the Open
Space and Recreation Element, the following policies apply Policy OS1 -1 9, which supports
alternative funding mechanisms for recreational facility maintenance, and Policy OS1 -5 3, which
supports the continued protection of the El Segundo Blue Butterfly Lastly, the following goals
and policies of the Conservation Element apply Goal CN -5 and Policies CN5 -1 and CN5 -2, which
supports the protection of the urban landscape such that negative aesthetic impacts are
minimized and that the character of existing neighborhoods and civic landscapes are maintained
That Section 20 62 140 of the ESMC requires the City to "pre- approve," by Resolution, a list of
public facility sites which can accommodate Major wireless facilities, and which would require only
administrative review and approval of a WCFP, rather than discretionary review and approval
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves Environmental
Assessment No EA -403A, the pre - approval of eight (8) public facility sites for Wireless Communication
Facilities and a Mitigated Negative Declaration, subject to the following conditions
Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall receive administrative approval of a
Wireless Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) from the Director of Planning and Building Safety
for any wireless facility proposed on Sites A -H
Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall sign a lease agreement with the property
owner and provide a copy of the signed lease agreement to the Director of Planning and Safety
If the wireless facility is to be located on City -owned property, the lease agreement shall contain
provisions which refer to the cost for leasing the Pre- Approved Site, an understanding by the
applicant that the applicant Is responsible for paying the City Attorney's costs for preparing the
lease agreement documents access to the Site (including emergency access),
relocation, restoration provisions, and other provisions as deemed appropriate by the City Attorney
Accbss to Sites A (City Water Tower) and D (City Maintenance Yard) is limited to 7 00 AM - 3 00
Ph1 on weekdays, There will be no regular access during weekends and City holidays
Emergency access will be subject to reimbursement for costs incurred by the City
All leases of public property for Pre - Approved Sites A -H are non - exclusive The lessee (operator
of the wireless facility) shall make the supporting structure of the facility available to any other
applicant wishing to collocate to the extent it is technically feasible
Prior to issuance of budding permits for a wireless facility located on City -owned property, the
applicant shall provide liability insurance to the satisfaction of the City Attorney
2 4 Sg
6 Prior to Issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit plans which show compliance with
the following design requirements
A) The maximum height of any wireless communication facility to be located on Pre -
Approved Sites A -H shall not exceed the maximum height allowed, as shown in Table 1,
Page 2, of this Resolution
B) A wall- mounted wireless communication facility shall be comprised of non - reflective
matenal(s) and painted or camouflaged to blend with surrounding materials and colors
Any and all screening used in connection with a wall- mounted facility shall be compatible
with the architecture, color, texture and materials of the building or other structure to
which it is mounted
C) A ut(l(ty- mounted facility shall not protrude or extend horizontally more than 24 inches from
the existing utility pole or structure, and, It shall be painted to match the color of the
existing utility structure In which It would be located on
D) A roof - mounted facility that extends above the existing parapet of the building on which
it Is mounted shall be screened by a material and in a manner that Is compatible with the
existing design and architecture of the budding The screen shall also be painted to
match the color of the building Furthermore, any guy wires, supporting structures and
accessory equipment shall be located and designed so as to minimize the visual impact
as viewed from surrounding properties and public rights -of -way
E) A ground- mounted facility shall be located In close proximity to existing above - ground
utilities, such as electrical tower or utility poles (not scheduled for removal or
undergrounding In the next twenty -four months), light poles, trees of comparable height,
water tanks and other areas where the facility will not detract from the Image or
appearance of the City Furthermore, It shall not be located in any required setback,
required parking area, vehicle maneuvering area, vehicle /pedestrian circulation area or
area of landscaping such that it interferes with, or in any way impairs the utility or intended
function of such area And, the facility shall be screened from access by the general
public with a fence or a type of design approved by the Director of Planning and Building
Safety and the property owner It shall also be covered with a clear anti - graffiti material
of a type approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety The City may grant
a waiver of this requirement if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City
that there is adequate security around the facility to prevent graffiti
Prior to issuance of building permits for Site G [West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD)],
the aupl cant shall provide the Director of Planning and Building Safety with written authorization
from WBMWD (property owner) that it has approved the building plans for the proposed wireless
facility The applicant shall contact Paul Schoenberger, Chief of Engineering and Operations, for
the WBMWD at 17140 South Avalon Boulevard, Suite 210, Carson, CA 90746 -1218, (310) 660 -
621IQ or another representative as authorized by WBMWD
2119 S �I
8 Prior to the Issuance of a permit, the applicant shall submit to the Departments of Planning and
Building Safety and Public Works a complete Construction Plan for review and approval The
Plan shall include, but not be limited to construction hours, construction trader locations,
construction and staging areas, construction crew parking, parking /access plan (including truck
haul routes), construction methods and schedules The plan shall limit construction hours to 7 00
a m to 6 00 p m Monday through Saturday, and prohibit construction an Sundays and Holidays
During construction, trash shall be removed from the Project Site on a daily basis At the end
of each construction day, all open trenches shall be completely closed or covered, or secured In
accordance with Cal OSHA standards All gates and access points to the construction area must
be locked and /or fully secured at the end of construction each day The applicant shall provide
a twenty -four (24) hour, every day contact person /liaison to receive and respond to complaints
during construction
During all phases of construction the applicant shall comply with the City's Storm Water and
Urban Run -Off Pollution Prevention Control Ordinance (No 1235)
10 During all phases of construction the applicant shall comply with Chapter 9 06, Noise and
Vibration Regulations of the ESMC
11 The applicant shall Indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and
appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions,
causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval
of Environmental Assessment EA -403A
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that according to the El Segundo Municipal Code, the decision
of the City Council as set forth in this Resolution shall become final and effective ten (10) calendar
days alter the date of the City Council action, unless an appeal In writing is filed with the City Council
2G �,�,
Mike Gordon, Mayor
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole
number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No
was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor,
and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day
of , 1998, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote
Cir, Llortesen City Clerk
Mark D Hensley, City Attorney
P \projects1400- 4251ea- 403A\ccres
' C7
MEETING DATE: November 12, 1998
TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
FROM: Bret B Bernard, AICP, Director of Planning and Building Safety'b
THROUGH: Laurie B Jester, Senior Planner IS
PLANNER: Hannah L. Brondial Bowen, AICP, Contract Project Planner TT''
SUBJECT* Environmental Assessment EA -403A
Pre - Approved Sites for Major Wireless Facilities
Address: Various (see Table 1 below)
Applicant: City of El Segundo
Property Owners: City of El Segundo, El Segundo Unified School
District, West Basin Municipal Water District and
Los Angeles County
20 62 140 of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) commits the City to "pre- approve,"
aesciution a list of public facility sites which could accommodate Major Wireless
Co- _,nication Facilities (WCF) with approval of an administrative Wireless Communication
s,-,,• n :;CFA) The project request is to pre- approve the first eight (8) public facilities
below for exact locations) which could accommodate Major and/or Minor
F=_ _— ' NOATION
r_cn-nmends that the P;ann,ng Commission Adopt Resolution No. 2431, thereby
==^val of Environmental Assessment EA -403A to the City Council and making
a o' ine potent,ai envronmental impacts created by the project can be
e:: o an msignihcar ie:el ov the proposed conditions /mitigation measures
= sac c•o eci is to pre- aporove ine C tv s initial eight (8) public facility sites which can
�.,•eless facilities Altnougn Section 20 62 140 of the ESMC is specifically
r, al o.. ng Major WCF on pubic facilities staff is including Minor facilities with this
_ s n-e inese types of wireless facilities would also be permitted on the proposed public
sres Tnus Major or Minor wireless facilities proposed on ore - approved sites would be
e..ec tnroueh the WCFP process which is an administrative action (i.e., approval is by
C e e` Planning and Budding Safety) rather than a discretionary action (i e., approval is by
'om-n ss on or City Council) since ine allowable type of wireless facility on the pre -
acc'c sc s,te would have been previously analyzed for its impacts The types of allowable
,ess facilities on each of the eian• (8) proposed sites have been analyzed for their
Pa_'e 1 of l l
n 1 A
environmental Impacts and the findings are presented In the draft initial Study for the project.
Mitigaldon measures have been incorporated as conditions of approval in Draft Resolution No.
To review, there are four types of wireless facilities - wall- mounted, utility- mounted, roof - mounted
or ground- mounted - which can be further classified as a Major or Minor facility. By definttion, a
Minor facility is a wireless communication facility which is wall- mounted (attached to a building's
facade), utility- mounted (attached to an existing utility, such as a light pole) or roof - mounted
(situated on the roof of a building), however, a Minor roof- mounted facility may not exceed the
height of the zone in which it is located in. Conversely, a Major Wireless Communication Facility
is either a ground- mounted facility (such as a monopole) or a roof - mounted facility which
exceeds the normally permitted height of the zone in which it is located in.
The location, property owner, type(s) of allowable wireless facility and proposed maximum
height, are listed in Table 1 (below), for each of the eight (8) public facility sites proposed for pre -
Table 1
Property Owner
Type(s) of
Maximum Height of
City water Tower (400
City of El Segundo
ublity- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
LDm112 S' S
water tower
Communication Tower at
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed height of
Fire Staucn ;;1, future 911
utility, if technically
Cc -nmun cation Facility at
feasible If not technically
col ce Sialion (348 Main
feasible, an additional 15
feet of vertical height shall
be allowed.
a, Ei Segundo
El Segundo Unified
wall- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
-- S:-Doi 15 =0 Main St 1
School District
bell tower
V _ Yara (150
City of Ei Segunao
roof - mounted,
48 feet
utility- mounted,
wall- mounted
-__ cs a• 9,cnmond
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
::C e SCncol (515
(light poles only). El
light standards.
Seounco Unified
School District
=2 (2161 E EI
Ca, c' E' Se; „neo
roof - mounted,
175 feet
uuhty- mounted,
wall- mounted
West Bann
142 feet
-__ amai on °lani (1935
Municipal Water
mounted, utility-
- .-2= t':ay)
mounted, roof -
mounted, wall -
_A County Flood Pump
Los Angeles County
roof- mounted,
34 feet, it technically
S,al, dn (223 Center St)
wall- mounted,
feasible If not technically
utility- mounted
feasible, an additional 15
feet (vertical) shall be
� _ __ :-n. c e se,_nao
Page 2 of 11 (� 13
In order to determine which sites would be selected for pre - approval, staff met with
representatives from Pacific Bell Mobile Services (PBMS) and Nextel in January of 1998, to
discuss potential (future) locations in the City where they may want to install wireless facilities.
In addition, staff contacted LA Cellular, Air Touch, and Cox Communications for similar inquiries.
Out of the five (5) wireless vendors contacted, only two (2) vendors indicated where they could
foresee future locations. PBMS requested that the northwest comer of Main Street and Imperial
Avenue be included as a pre- approved site; and, Nextel identified three areas in the City:
downtown/Main Street, near LAX and the northeast corner of the City, near the 105 and 405
freeways. Since that meeting, Nextel has located one (1) wireless facility near downtown/Main
Street and one (1) facility near LAX Based on the information that Nextel and PBMS provided
to staff, it is apparent that sites close to LAX were highly desirable, since LAX does not currently
allow commercial wireless vendors on its property, thereby, forcing the wireless vendors to look
at adjacent/nearby cities to locate their facilities to serve LAX. However, staff did not include the
northwest corner of Main Street and Imperial Avenue as a proposed pre - approved site (as
requested by PBMS) since deed restrictions may limit land uses on the property [see "Additional
Information" section (below) for further discussion]
Furthermore, as required by Section 20 62 140 of the ESMC, each site shall include a
description of permissible development and design characteristics, including maximum height
reowrements As shown in Table 1 above the various types of wireless facilities which would be
permuted on each site is included, along with the proposed maximum height. In brief, the type of
w -e,ess fac ht� proposed largely dictates the permissible development and design
c- ,a,aotenstics as allowed by Chapter 20 62 of the ESMC. For example, a roof - mounted facility
is rac. red to be screened from view and the screen shall be painted to match the color of the
o_.c,ng and, a wall- mounted facility is required to be painted to match the color of the building,
E c Tnese and other requirements contained in Chapter 20.62 of the ESMC have been
_ cc,atee as conditions of approval in Draft Resolution No 2431.
tc ne maximum height requirements Section 20.62 140 of the ESMC allows for
= _ e ,= ;ni requirements cf the zones in which the Sites are located in (in this case,
- _ c =a: . es anc Urban Mixed -Use North Zones) and allows the City to determine the
-- ne : - a iowed on each site Table 1 above lists the maximum height allowed for each
s:,-,= cases indicates trial aye wireless facility shall not exceed the height of the
:e�hn early teas oie II it is not technically feasible, staff proposes that an
e= c• yen cal height snoulp be allowed to ensure that the site is marketable. For
- a -o - ins allowable maximum height was determined by taking the average
_ e = a zcnes adiacer: t::^= subject site However, for Site H, staff is proposing
.e• ct vertical r snculd be permitted if it is technically necessary For
c = ne aliov ac,e "nd,xi ^,„m he ont is the height of the structure or utility,
c• c = ° sfaf', is oroocs trig' an acci:ional 15 feet of vertical height should be
s e -- .,Ca;ry necessar, Tnese requirements have been incorporated as conditions
___ c.e n -a. Resolution No 2431
s the 1C_ 4 feet high Water Tower located at 400 Lomita Street at the City's Water
S,;- ouno rig uses include residential to the north, south, east and west, as well as a small
the south a church and day care center to the west, and St Anthony's Church and
to the scumwest (across Grand Avenue)
is the existing Communication Tower at Fire Station #1 and the future 911
- n cauor Facility at the Police Station at 348 Main Street, which is at the Civic Center.
Pace 3 of I I b 4 n 1 5
The existing tower is located at the rear of the Fire Station building and is adjacent to the Police
Station. The tower currently holds the City's emergency response and communication systems.
The future 911 Communication Facility has not yet been constructed but it is planned to be
added to the Police Station. The surrounding area is predominantly retail- commercial, with high -
density residential located to the east on Standard Avenue and some single - family residential to
the northeast, beyond Holly Avenue and Standard Street.
Site C is the campanile (bell tower) at El Segundo High School located at 640 Main Street.
Surrounding uses to the north, south and west are predominantly residential, with a Public
Library and park to the west (across Main Street) and more residential to the northwest and
Site D is the City's Maintenance Yard located at 150 Illinois Street. Surrounding uses include
offices to the south and Chevron Park further south (across El Segundo Boulevard), a nursery to
the northeast, offices further east (across Sepulveda Boulevard), and industrial uses to the west
Site E are the five (5) light standards located on Richmond Field at the El Segundo Middle
School at 615 Richmond Street Each of the five (5) light standards are approximately 65 feet
hich The surrounding area to the north west and south is predominantly residential, with a
public pool, library and park to the immediate east,
Site F is Fire Station #2 located at 2161 East El Segundo Boulevard. Surrounding uses include
lien; industrial /research and development facilities to the south (Raytheon), vacant land
=roved wan mixed uses (hotel, recreational facility, corporate offices, etc.) to the north and
v,es- (Grang Avenue Corporate Center), and office and light industrial uses to the east. The
C e a-ed Metre Rail Green Line station is located southeast and east of the site (across El
Se;.. -_- Boulevard and adjacent to Nash Street)
G is the vies, Basin Municipal Water District Reclamation Plant located at 1935 Hughes
-ne s o ^o,ng uses include a golf course and driving range to the north, a nursery to
ed _ ees' uncerneath th<_ Southern California Edison power lines and light
esea c- a-o cevelopment uses tRaytheon) further east, a self- storage facility and
Express) to t'-E south and southeast, and the Chevron oil refinery to
._ ,az-_-SS Secu veca Boule�aro)
L.= es County Fiooc F;,r c Station located at 223 Center Street. Surrounding
res __^ a' to the norm (across Grand Avenue) and west, a park (Wyle Park) to the
s—a __, z uses to the sour an-" east
a_ ac, n- as t a_:: zant as %.ell as the lead agency, has determined that
Deciarat on is the ac_cariate environmental review in accordance with the
s =-•-e ^,tal Quality Act ,cr ,nis portion of the project
v.as prepared b, s 3 the project which identified potential adverse
„en;a Impacs relal;ng to tar use and planning, geologic problems, water,
=cc,,at on circulation noise and aesineiics The draft Initial Study is attached to this Report
f. _ sig- ofican; aoverse environmental impacts were identified which could not be mitigated to an
; -s z- _-an, lee and a Mitigated Nega: ve Declaration of Environmental Impacts is proposed
e �,-ar Inria St_c v.as circulated for inter- oez�armental review and comments, as required by
Council Reso;u:,on No 3805 and Slate CEQA guidelines All City Departments have
= red w.,th staff s recommendation to approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration of
^menial i•- -oat's All of the measures, as detailed in the draft Initial Study, have
3l P.we 4 of 1 I IOC
been incorporated as conditions of approval in draft Resolution No. 2431.
The following paragraphs summarize the Land Use and Planning, Geologic Problems, Water,
Transportation /Circulation, Noise, and Aesthetics sections of the draft Initial Study:
Table 2 below lists the General Plan Land Use designations and Zoning for each of the eight (S)
sites. Although the General Plan Land Use Element does not specifically mention wireless
facilities as permitted structures, the facilities themselves are considered "accessory structures"
to structures allowed within each designation Moreover, Chapter 20.62 (Wireless
Communication Facilities) of the ESMC, requires the City to pre - approve a list of sites on either
public or private property which would allow Major, as well as Minor facilities, with approval of an
administrative WCFP as opposed to a discretionary permit (i.e., Conditional Use Permit). If a
wireless facility is proposed on a Pre- Approved Site, the facility will have to comply with all the
requirements of Chapter 20 62 of the ESMC Compliance with all the requirements of Chapter
20 02 will reduce any potential conflicts with the General Plan and Zoning to below a level of
S E Location
General Plan Desionation
Zoning Desionation
- ware Towe, 1400 Lomita Sr I
Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
= Comrnunicauon Tower at Fire
Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
Station =1 future 911
Communication Facility at
Police Station (346 Main St 1
- CE =an ie a, _! Segundo
Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
ti,oh School (540 Main St 1
- C • "a•^ "50 Illinois St, I
Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
cans a, Ricnmonc
Pucnc Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
School (615
- - c
21c1 _
__^ Mixed Use-North
Urban Mixed Use -North
••es E_s - b=ate- Plant (1935
I Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
_cb Pu•- 2
=-oi c - acdities
Public Facilities (P -F)
�% reless facdii ea c- or000sed Pre - Approved Sites A through H will not
a ciner policies or envronmental plans therefore, no impact is anticipated
e= r c=e cement of wireless facun es cn Sites A through H will not be incompatible with
s c _S_s since the facimies a•e considered accessory structures to existing (and
eci .a ses and which wouic oe eermtted with approval of a WCFP. Compliance with
s General Plan, ESMC, specilcally Chapter 20 62 and the CEQA will ensure that the
es Gc eni,al incompatibility will- existing land uses are reduced to below a level of
Pace 5 of 1 I &,(0 016
As shown on Exhibit PS -1 in the Safety Element of the City's General Plan, three (3)
active /potentially active faults (Newport- Inglewood Fault, Palos Verdes Fault and Malibu -Santa
Monica Fault) are located near the City therefore, future wireless facilities could be exposed to
seismic risks just as other developments of comparable size in the vicinity might be, should an
earthquake occur along these faults Fault rupture or seismic ground shaking could occur,
nonetheless, the effects are mitigated because the wireless facilities to be constructed will
comply with the latest Uniform Building Code (UBC) requirements for seismic safety.
Compliance with the UBC will reduce the impacts of fault rupture or ground shaking on the future
wireless facilities to below a level of significance
Two (2) areas of the City have a high potential for liquefaction during an earthquake- the
extreme western portion of the City parallel to the coastline along Vista del Mar and, the
northeast portion of the City from Aviation Boulevard, northwest to Imperial Highway, just west of
Sepulveda Boulevard Since none of the proposed Pre - Approved Sites are located within these
two (2) areas no impacts are antcipatec shin no mitigation is required
A:=-3 ng to the Safety Element of the Cit% s General Plan, the southwestern portion of the City
aior_ me coast (and adjacent portions o' :, e City of Los Angeles to the north) are identified as
p= a-, ai seiche and tsunami hazarc areas, however, since none of the proposed sites are
z =a a= in these areas, no impacts cue to these natural hazards are anticipated. Site E, which is
J = to the e=ast of the City of Los Angeles Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant, and about
a east f zr, the coast is the closes* Site to these hazard areas. However, it is above the
-: naza•c a-ea therefore, no imca= s are anticipated No mitigation is required.
Site G is oe�e,cped with a ground- mounted facility, minimal grading
e ::- rep io construct the faoht, nowever, significant changes in the topography of the
<_ = nas peen previously gracEc and is relatively flat) will not occur, although some
z s e s=, r-av occur dunnc cc„< ruction However, soil erosion will be controlled with
7 s Storm 6Wate- a-= _roan Run -off Pollution Prevention Control Ordinance
_ _= : an this C•z -.arze � ,d, reduce the impacts of soil erosion from project
a _eve' c• s ;- Zarce Sites A -F and Site H are not proposed to
acdities tnEreIC'E no son impacts due to grading, excavation or fill will
S a, a.e pee- orevously developed with structures and /or
s ca' '=a lures exist on any of the sites, therefore,
a-e anticipated As stated above, none of the
_�s t -a ne - - c= _ ,a !o- seismic around failure and liquefaction,
of is -= -_ __ is remote and no impact is anticipated
=ca ez : eas cz,ner of the City (south of Imperial Highway
=_,, evarc east V ties _ ze ano north of El Segundo Boulevard) have been
expansive sods is=: _ =3 -,. f.+cntezuma Clay Adobe), however, only Site F
- - s a'ea anc the types c` i,. 'e ess •3C,kiies proposed for Site F (wall -, roof- or utility-
- _ _z tap =s vdi have no impa= c , e soil of the site Therefore, no impacts due to
so s are ahnc paced on am, ci 'tee proposed Sites None of the Sites are located on
" lE s' =pes of nillsides therefore the cotential for landslides or mudflows is non - existent
gat ,sr is reeuired
Sue G is e =cec vnth a ground- mounted facility, minimal grading
'c c3nstruc• tn_e nov,eve' it will not significantly impact absorption
33 Pj,-,e 6 of I I (c�-7
rates, drainage patterns or the rate and amount of surface runoff of the site since compliance
with standard City conditions regulating grading and drainage will reduce the potential impact to
below a level of significance Development of wireless facilities on Pre - Approved Sites A, B, C.
D, E, F and H will have no impact on absorption rates, drainage patterns or surface runoff since
these facilities would either be utility- mounted, wall- mounted or roof- mounted and no grading
would be required
If proposed Pre - Approved Site G is developed with a ground- mounted facility, minimal grading
would be required to construct the facility, however, runoff from the site would be controlled by
compliance with the City's Storm Water and Urban Run -off Pollution Prevention Control
ordinance (No 1235) such that there will be no soil discharged from the site into surface waters
and such that no changes in the amount of surface water could occur. Development of wireless
facilities on Pre - Approved Sites A - F and H will not result in discharge into surface waters or
ctianges in the amount of surface waters since no grading is required to install utility- mounted,
wan- mounted or root- mounted facilities
Pre - Approved Sites A through H are publicly and privately owned and access to each site will be
cerermined by the terms of the lease agreement that each vendor enters with either the City or
t'e c- vate property owner The Public Works Department has indicated that access to Site A
(C i V.'ater Tower) and Site D (City Maintenance Yard) will be limited to 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
c ;lie weed and that no access will be available on weekends and City holidays; and, that
access will be subject to reimoursement for costs incurred by the City. Agreement to
-a _- -s cf : -e leases regulating access for Sites A and D, as well as for the other Pre-
ec 5 es , , :; reduce the potent al for inadequate emergency access or access to nearby
= a le'. el of significance Furthermore, since the wireless facilities proposed on Pre-
= e= S :es ,n -c,:gn H would be unmanned, they would not generate a need for additional
-_ anc no impacts to on -site or off -site parking will occur.
- iess facilities en Sites A through H will generate short-term construction
sa -:;..a er these iacd i es tAiu oe constructed or operated in accordance with
a voration Reo,iiauons of the El Segundo Municipal Code, which will
-ca Z: to oelow. a eve, of significance
Saes -, o, -- w Ii net impact a scenic vista or scenic highway
in= Ciry or El Segundo The development of wireless
-_- e Si :es A rrc__ - i, not create light or glare since the facilities would
e anc � oulo be requueo iz; ce painned to match the color of the buildings, walls or
_- „ne. �.oufd be aGacneo ,o
-e = less facilities on p-ep =sec Pre - Aporoved Sites A through F and Site H will
_ = a ca- ,cns:-abie negative aestneuc affect since the types of facilities proposed (i e.,
a ocf- mounted) will be paintec to match the existing color of the budding (d it is a
__ ec a enna) will be screened r--m view, and the screen shall be painted to match the
_ = ci _ ti' its a roof -mcu -• tac lity) or will be attached to an existing utility and
^ e ess ia= sham be pained to mach the color of that utility Compliance with Chapter
cf the ES:.!' wnicn regwates the oesign requirements and guidelines for wireless
.s � ; rec -ca the potential aesmctc impacts of these facilities to below a level of
34 Pa•� 7 of I I �& 017
if Site G is developed with a ground- mounted facility, the facility will have a less than significant
impact on aesthetics for several reasons the Site contains several tali structures which would
serve to mask the visual impact of the facility; there are three (3) existing ground- mounted
facilities located near the facility which are part of the existing visual urban landscape; and, the
Site is located in an industrial area where no residential views would be impacted. Nonetheless,
if Site G is developed with a roof - mounted facility: the facility will be required to be screened from
view and the screen painted to match the color of the existing building or structure; if it is
developed with a wall- mounted facility the facility will be required to be painted to match the
color of the existing budding wall(s), if it is developed with a utility- mounted facility, the facility will
be required to be painted to match the color of the existing utility structure(s); and, if it is
developed with a ground- mounted facility the facility will be painted to match nearby existing tall
structures Compliance with Chapter 20 62 of the ESMC, which regulates wireless facilities, will
reduce the potential negative aesthetic impact of these wireless facilities on proposed Pre -
Aporoved Sites A through H to below a level of significance,
wP it regards to the visual impact of the VVCF as a result of the height of the facilities, Sites A, B,
C and E will not permit WCF to extend beyond the height of the structure or utility, except for Site
E v nlch would allow an additional 15 feet (vertical) if it is technically necessary. Moreover, the
rr Y mum height of Saes D. F, G and H nave been determined by taking the average maximum
ra ;- of the aolacent zones, however Site H would be allowed an additional 15 feet (vertical) if
e.�n.cau necessary Compliance with these requirements will reduce the potential
:e aestnei _ Irnzact of these wireless facilities on proposed Pre - Approved Sites A through
_ za ov, a ie,a cf s,onificance
- - e _ a °,an opals objectives and policies which relate to this project are from the Land
Se.a :anent Open Space arid Recreation, and Conservation Elements. With
'ise Elemem :-e 'o'- o:arno Dohcles support this project: Policy LU1 -5 6,
c_ elopment p cr_sa s comoly with the City's Zoning Ordinance and the
S which s uoccr:s in=_ use of Innovative land development and design
c. LU7 -2 5 v n cn encourages the design of public facilities and utilities to
s_• 3jnoine uses t'. ; , reaaros to the Economic Development Element, the
an_- po cgs _coly Goals ED1 and ED2, Objectives ED1 -1, ED1 -2
t E -t _ ' ED' -_^ 2 ED1 -2 3 and ED2 -1 3, which support the
e = ce c` a cn e z -o s'rcnc economic base which benefits the City, its
cc -, lY,t^ reeardS to the Open Space and Recreation
a = _ col•cies aoc. =o c CSI-19 which supports alternative funding
_ e:• 3oonal fau,it, r- ince and Policy OS1 -5 3, which supports the
_ _ = Ine El Serjur 5u.+er'I, Lastly, the following goals and policies of
apply Gc_ arc Policies CN5.1 and CNS -2, which supports the
- Z -_ _-ca^ landscape su negative aesthetic impacts are minimized and that
_ => -s^ neighoortioc -s -, a: •c lanoscaoes are maintained Conformance with
is a policy Issue Z Is eetermined at the discretion of the Planning
: -1e City Council it the ceus -on Is appealed The Municipal Code incorporates
ere a vn,ch will help to mitioaie anv potential General Plan conflicts.
g a :,a Study and draft P• approved Sites Map were circulated to all City
_ me s Div si--r5 for their reviet <'Ild comments All of the Departments/Divisions
_ -" -- - s•a" _ ;rafi initial S' -cs and the following Departments /Divisions had no
35 Rl_eSof II 69
comments on the project: Economic Development, Building Safety, Finance, Parks and
Recreation, Library, City Manager, Fire and Police.
The Public Works Department made the following comments regarding Sites A (City water
tower) and D (City maintenance facility)
1 Applicant agrees to pay a fee (to be negotiated) for leasing these two (2) City properties
and for the City Attorney's costs for preparing the lease agreement documents.
2 Access to the sites shall be limited to 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM on weekdays. There will be no
regular access during weekends and City holidays. Emergency access will be subject to
reimbursement for costs incurred by the City
3 The applicant shall submit drawings etc , for approval by the Public Works Department.
a Agreement shall not limit the City from entering into agreements with other vendors with
similar requests
5 The Public Works Department will have the right to require the applicant to remove the
Wireless Facilities and to restore the site to its original condition after giving ninety (90)
cays notice
E Liability insurance shall be provided to the City Attorney's satisfaction
ese comments from the Public Works Department have been incorporated as conditions of
in c•aft Resolution No 2431 however, staff believes that these six (6) comments
s- = be aopiie-. to all the City -owned properties (Sites A, B, D, E, and F), not just to Sites A
access tc S ies B, E and F wiil be determined at the time of negotiating the lease
=c. c, ^e s responded to tree Public Hearing notice for the proposed project The
_ =_e ,,. r Dora Polk of 115 West Palm Avenue, expressed concern about the
- = e aestnetic impact a �:ireiess facility would have on the overall appearance of
- _ ,c: as .ell as the impact it would have on the reception of her television and radio,
_zi_ cu o nave on the operation of her computer
?. ] Y�)iK final with reca•cis to aesthetics the type of wireless facility which would
__ _ _ _- •fie H,ah School s n sr i_ camcaniie would be a wall- mounted facility, and this
as ,.e^ little visual imra_ escecialty it it is painted to match the color of the wall
Z_ it is attache:. Tna facility will have to comply with this and other
an-_ ouioelines -:,tneO in Chaoter 2062 of the ESMC, which help to
_ = a )egalive des ^e. _ • cacis the wireless facility might have Furthermore,
s oo , that prior to receiving final City approval, the wireless facility vendor must
ago• =�a from the proper, rn re, the El Segundo Unified School District. Staff
e= i s c _-i„ tnat it is the City s ano the School District's desire to maintain the architectural
-e H g^ School and that aes,nel cs is of utmost importance With regards to the
__ • ^e 'ac cou'o have on her te,e• ision radio or computer, staff indicated to Ms. Polk that
e ess facilities operate under FCC- ass,onea treauencies which are not anticipated to affect
se types of cevices Furthermore vdC= are regulated by the FCC, not by the City (per the
_e a Te ecommun cations Act cf 132: • anc must somehow be provided for in accordance
s = eoera, manoate
c•ccer,y ov:ner John To:.nnc of 7 Malaga PL W, Manhattan Beach, owns property
P.ii_,c 9 of 11 % 0
near the High School. Like Ms. Polk, Mr. Tourino also wanted to know whether the wireless
facility would impact the reception of his television set. Again, staff informed Mr. Tourino that the
wireless facility would be operating under an FCC - assigned frequency which is not anticipated to
affect radio or TV transmissions and that WCF are regulated by the FCC, not by the City.
A comment was received from the West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD) who is the
property owner of proposed Pre - Approved Site G (West Basin Water Reclamation Plant). Its
comment is that it would like the opportunity to provide specific input as to the location of the
wireless facility prior to installation of the facility and that the location of the facility should be
arranged with its Chief of Engineering and Operations. Staff informed the WBMWD that its
comment will be incorporated as a condition of approval in draft Resolution No. 2431
Staff received a request from Pacific Bell Mobile Services (PBMS) to include the northwest
corner of Main Street and Imperial Avenue (which is part of the landscaped median which
secarates Imoer al Highway from Imoerial Avenue) on the proposed Pre - Approved Sites list.
Loon further research of the proposed site, staff and the City Attorney's office, discovered that
the suoiect site contains deed restrictions which limits the use of the landscape median to open
space Moreover, the deed states that if the landscaped median is used for commercial
p- •coses the land will revert back to the City of Los Angeles (who deeded it to the City of El
Segundo for use as open space) PBMS claims that this restriction should not apply to their
r ccsa'
since tne;, would be focatino the wireless facility on a jointly- owned, City of Los Angeles
of 1^!3 e• and Power (DWP) ano Southern California Edison (SCE) utility pole, which
I-- rin an ex stint easement grantee to DWP and SCE PBMS claims that because they
-- e fro- SCE and DWP to use the pole they do not need City approval to use it as a
v e ass facility Hovrever, it is staff s position that since PBMS is proposing to locate a wireless
- r a u ;'r, Cole within the boundaries of El Segundo, it becomes subject to the
e-',,s ano reg� aeons of Chapter 20 62 (Wireless Communication facilities) of the
A**Drneys oflce - still researching the matter and will advise staff
ess it is imcc ^ar-; to coint out that the Pre - Approved Sites list can be
as parmmeo ov Section 2062 140 (A)(1) of the SSMC. However, it
- e P'a-n nc Ccnm ss on cannot act on PBMS' request to include the
since s to % as not included in the Public Hearing notice, nor
or, Vie c=z,:% oecause of the previously mentioned (unresolved)
_Z Cry A•tor_ s c Ce makes the determination that the landscaped
a _-= -c> Hanvav can oe ^c' c =_d as a Pre- Approved Site, it can certainly be
__csecuen; Pian i -• _-_r -n -ssicn meeting
- hesc,:a':n No 2431
a secs•;;, -ental Comments (P.o ,c Works Division)
_cosec zIre- Approved Sites lilac
'_e',ar from E Segundo Unified Scnooi District
Le;ter trcr- Los Angeles Count- r-,iclic WorKs
_.. C,•% Lease Agreement
_a I _e as County Lease Agreement Ibiank)
C- '- ^ -ent Ie•te• from West Basin %lunicipai Water District - dated 10/13/98
{'l- If) of 11 -]/
Prepared by:
Hannah L. Brondtal Bowen, AICP
Contract Project Planner
Reviewed by
L L -
Laurie B Jester
Senior Planne*
E-- E Bernard AiC?
C- ,ec,cr of planvf no and Budding Safetv
z- secretary of the Pionning Commission
-e v o` EI Sezunco, California
p \pro)ects\ea403 \ea4O3a.sr1
38 P.i_c 11 or 11 '
WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo is requesting "pre - approval" for eight (8) public facility sites which
can accommodate Major and /or Minor wireless communication facilities located at, 400 Lomita Street
(Site A), 348 Main Street (Site B), 640 Main Street (Site C), 150 Illinois Street (Site D), 615 Richmond
Street (Site E), 2161 E El Segundo Blvd (Site F), 1935 Hughes Way (Site G) and 223 Center Street
(Site H), in the Public Facility (P -F) Zone (except for Site F, which is located in the Urban Mixed Use -
North (MU -N) Zone), and,
WHEREAS an Environmental Assessment (No EA- 403A), including an Initial Study and Mitigated
Necauve Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the proposed project, has been prepared and
c a ec to all interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies for review and comment in the
T_ a-c manne, prescribed by law, and,
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the
_ a -,c criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA
c-a ,-es anc the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California
a a Quality Act (Resolution 3805), and,
HEaEAS e •-a c l; s= neduled and public noticed meetings of the Planning Commission of the City
Cc:coer 22 1998 and November 12, 1998, duly advertised public hearings were
- = a
a' ,n the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street; and,
vas given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of
— =- a ;,ssessmenl No EA -403A and
^ESE S E sa c neanncs the following facts were established
20 c? 140 of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) commits the City to "pre-
_- = e a s, of public facility saes which can accommodate Major Wireless Communication
es '•'•C F) with aporoval of a Wireless Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) This
e2' is :J comply with that requirement
-_ _cosec project is to "pre- approve' eight (8) public facility sites which can accommodate
a o• anc,or Minor WCF The location, properly owner, type of allowable facility and allowable
—ax -num height of each facility are listed in Table 1 belox
-7A 0 2OG
Table 1
Site Location
Property Owner
Type(s) of Allowable
Allowable Maximum
A City Water tower (400 Lomita Street)
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
water tower
I nicatign Tower at Fire Station
City of El Segundo
Shall not exceed height
e t Communication Facility
of utility, d technically
Station (348 Main Street)
feasible It not
technically feasible, an
additional 15 teat o1
vertical height shall be
le at EI Segundo High School
EI Seguntlo Unified
wail- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
n Street)
School District
bell tower
ICity Maintenance Yard (150 Illinois
City of El Segundo
roof- mounted, utility-
48 feet
mounted wall-mounted
E i,gnt stanaaras at Richmond Field -
City of El Segundo (light
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
middle scnool (615 Richmond Street)
poles only), El Segundo
light standards
Unified School District
- ° e S a, L'1 u2 (716 i E E. Segundo
City of El Segundo
roof- mounted, utility-
175 feet
_ c i
mounted wall- mounted
C i tVesl Basin wafer Reuamalion Plant
West Basin Municipal
ground- mounted. utility-
142 feet
i 575 r,.gnes wayi
water DistnuN
mounted, root- mounted,
wall- mounted
- - _z__ - °1c Pumc siaaon (223
Los Angeles County
roof - mounted, wall-
34 feet, if technically
mounted, utility- mounted
feasible If not
technically feasible, an
additional 15 feet
(vertical) shall be
= -'acil is oehned as a wireless communication facility that Is either ground- mounted
a= z - :�ooie) or roof- mounted (I a situated on the roof of a building) but which exceeds
e zt the Zone In which it Is located In A Minor facility is defined as a wireless
c -, facmty which is wall- mounted (I a attached to a building's facade), utility-
- E I e atlacned to an existing utility, such as a light pole) or roof - mounted (but which
_ _ _ _ -- a zc= the height of the Zone in which it is located in)
t.1 ,or wireless communication facility proposed on a "pre- approved" site requires
_.a c' a VJCFP, which Is an administrative action, not a discretionary action.
_ •ES ; and Sites G - H are located in the Public Facilities (PF) Zone and have a General
P an land use designation of Public Facilities Site F Is located In the Urban Mixed -Use North
r. N) Zone and has a General Plan land use designation of Urban Mixed -Use North.
�aCihc Bell Mobile Services (PBMS) requested that the northwest corner of Main Street and
lmoenai Avenue be Included as a Pre - Approved Site, however, due to unresolved land use
res'r,Chons it was not Included on the list
Reso 2431
The Pre - Approved Site List can be amended from time to time, by Resolution, as permitted by
Section 20.62 140 (A)(1) of the ESMC
8. Comments about the project were received from the Public Works Department, two (2)
property owners and the West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD). If applicable, the
comments were included as conditions of approval in this Resolution.
g The eight (8) proposed Pre - Approved Sites are available for lease if the property owner(s)
deem appropriate.
10 The proposed protect is subject to the CECIA. In accordance with State guidelines and local
requirements, an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and circulated
for interdepartmental review, and was available for public review and comment. No significant
adverse impacts were identified which could not be mitigated to an insignificant level with
conditions, including impacts to land use and planning, geologic problems, water,
transportation /circulation, noise and aesthetics.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts and study of proposed
Env,ronmental Assessment No EA -403A, the Planning Commission finds as follows•
Tne Initial Study was made available to all local and affected agencies and for public review
and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law. The Initial Study concluded that the
g,.cosed protect will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and a Mitigated
Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be prepared pursuant to the CEOA; and,
s :.ne- considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the protect will have the
ar; al ror an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife
_arenas oecause the protect is in a built -out urban environment, and,
-e o a--ung Commission hereby recommends that the City Council authorize the Director
arc Budding Safety to file with the appropnate agencies a Certificate of Fee
_re—ci o^ anc De Minimus finding pursuant to California Assembly Bill (AS) No 3158 and the
_a z-n a Ccoe of Regulations Within ten (10) days after receiving City Council approval, the
c Zazunoc snail file the required certificate with the County of Los Angeles, along with the
e_ _c N:;,.ce ct Determination As approved for in AS No 3158, the statutory requirements
E vo,a no; be met and no vest nci snail occur until this condition is met and the required
r _es ano tees are filed with the County
- Ge^e,ai Plan land use designation for Sites A -E and Sites G -H is Public Facilities and
Ucan Mixed -Use North for Site F The General Plan goals, objectives and policies which
re are to this protect are from the Land Use, Economic Development, Open Space and
Recreation and Conservation Elements With regards to the Land Use Element, the following
cone es support this project Policy LU1 -5 6, which requires that all development proposals
comoiy with the City's Zoning Ordinance and the CEOA, Policy LU1 -5.8, which supports the
use of innovative land development and design techniques, and, Policy LU7 -2.5, which
encourages the design of public facilities and utilities to be compatible with surrounding uses
Reso 2431
With regards to the Economic Development Element, the following goals, objectives and
policies apply Goals ED1 and ED2, Objectives ED1 -1, ED1 -2 and ED2 -1, Policies ED1 -1.1,
ED1 -2.1, ED1 -2.2, ED1 -2.3 and ED2 -1.3, which support the creation and maintenance of a
diverse and strong economic base which benefits the City, its residents as well as its business
community. With regards to the Open Space and Recreation Element, the following policies
apply: Policy OS1 -1.9, which supports alternative funding mechanisms for recreational facility
maintenance, and Policy OS1 -5.3, which supports the continued protection of the El Segundo
Blue Butterfly Lastly, the following goals and policies of the Conservation Element apply Goal
CN -5 and Policies CN5 -1 and CN5 -2, which supports the protection of the urban landscape
such that negative aesthetic impacts are minimized and that the character of existing
neighborhoods and civic landscapes are maintained.
2 That Section 20 62 140 of the ESMC requires the City to "pre- approve," by Resolution, a list of
public facility sites which can accommodate Major wireless facilities, and which would require
only administrative review and approval of a WCFP, rather than discretionary review and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hereby recommends approval
o• .nvironmental Assessment No. EA -403A to the City Council, subject to the following conditions,
z:ncr to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall receive administrative approval of a
v1 reiess Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) from the Director of Planning and Budding
Sa ery for any wireless facility proposed on Sites A -H.
�^c, to issuance of budding permits, the applicant shall sign a lease agreement with the
z;rocerty owner and provide a copy of the signed lease agreement to the Director of Planning
-= Sa e•. If the wireless facility is to be located on City -owned property, the lease agreement
c-ov:sions which refer to the cost for leasing the Pre - Approved Site, an
_e s a cin_ ov the applicant that the applicant is responsible for paying the City Attorney's
__= s c-ecanna the lease agreement documents, access to the Site (including emergency
_e_s cca omrestoration provisions, and other provisions as deemed appropriate by the
-__ess ;c S ies A (City Water Tower) and D (City Maintenance Yard) is limited to 7 00 AM -
_ -,
c 7 v.eei,cays There will be no regular access during weekends and City holidays
e _e c. access will be subject to reimbursement for costs incurred by the City
erooerry for Pre - Approved Sites A -H are non - exclusive The lessee
: -.e wireless facility) sr a]! make the supporting structure of the facility available to
= e, aC ++cant wishing to collocate to the extent it is technically feasible
ss jarce of building permits for a wireless facility located on City -owned property, the
ca-tt snau provide liability insurance to the satisfaction of the City Attorney
c- to issuance of budding permits, the applicant shall submit plans which show compliance
v:r,n the following design requirements
Al The maximum height of any wireless communication facility to be located on Pre -
Aparoved Sites A -H shall not exceed the maximum height allowed, as shown in Table 1,
Paae 2, of this Resolution
Reso 2431
42 .��
B) A wall- mounted wireless communication facility shall be comprised of non - reflective
material(s) and painted or camouflaged to blend with surrounding materials and colors.
Any and all screening used in connection with a wall- mounted facility shall be
compatible with the architecture, color, texture and materials of the building or other
structure to which it is mounted.
C) A utility- mounted facility shall not protrude or extend horizontally more than 24 inches
from the existing utility pole or structure; and, it shall be painted to match the color of the
existing utility structure in which it would be located on.
D) A roof - mounted facility that extends above the existing parapet of the building on which
it is mounted shall be screened by a material and in a manner that is compatible with the
existing design and architecture of the building. The screen shall also be painted to
match the color of the budding Furthermore, any guy wires, supporting structures and
accessory equipment shall be located and designed so as to minimize the visual impact
as viewed from surrounding properties and public rights -of -way
A ground- mounted facility shall be located in close proximity to existing above - ground
utilities, such as electrical tower or utility poles (not scheduled for removal or
undergrounding in the next twenty -four months), light poles, trees of comparable height,
water tanks and other areas where the facility will not detract from the image or
appearance of the City Furthermore, it shall not be located in any required setback,
reouired parking area, vehicle maneuvering area, vehicle /pedestrian circulation area or
area of landscaping such that it interferes with, or in any way impairs the utility or
intended function of such area And, the facility shall be screened from access by the
general public with a fence or a type of design approved by the Director of Planning and
6uildirtc Safety and the property owner It shall also be covered with a clear anti - graffiti
(-z e, -=! of a type approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety The City
r-a, gran; a waiver of this requirement if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction
the City that there is adequate security around the facility to prevent graffiti
building permits for Site G [West Basin Municipal Water District
;n=_ aoDl cant shall provide the Director of Planning and Building Safety with written
t-om WBMWD (property owner) that it has approved the building plans for the
----- e ess raclity The applicant snail contact Paul Schoenberger, Chief of Engineering
= ce a :ns for the WBMWD at 17140 South Avalon Boulevard, Suite 210, Carson, CA
1310) 050 -6216, or another representative as authorized by WBMWD
_ •ne issuance of a permit the apolicant shall submit to the Departments of Planning and
Safety and Public Works a complete Construction Plan for review and approval The
= a irclude but not be limited to construction hours, construction trader locations,
_ = c: on and staging areas, construction crew parking, parkinglaccess plan (including truck
esl construction methods and schedules The plan shall limit construction hours to
a m to 6 00 p m Monday through Saturoay, and prohibit construction an Sundays and
- '�7ays During construction, trash shall be removed from the Project Site on a daily basis. At
— en. of each construction day, all open trenches shall be completely closed or covered, or
sec:.reD in accordance with Cal OSHA standards All gates and access points to the
cc ^srruct,on area must be locked and/or fully secured at the end of construction each day. The
acDl ;cant snail provide a twenty-four (24) hour, every day contact person /liaison to receive and
rescond to complaints during construction
Reso 2431
n 43 U,
9 During all phases of construction, the applicant shall comply with the City's Storm Water and l
Urban Run -Off Pollution Prevention Control Ordinance (No. 1235).
10 During all phases of construction the applicant shall comply with Chapter 9.06, Noise and
Vibration Regulations of the ESMC
11 The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and
appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions,
causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's
approval of Environmental Assessment EA -403A
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that according to the El Segundo Municipal Code, a copy of this
Resolution shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application and to any other
person requesting a copy of same The decision of the Planning Commission as set forth in this
Resolution snail become final and effective ten (10) calendar days after the date of the Planning
Commission action, unless an appeal in writing is filed with the City Council.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of November, 1998.
B-e ° Be' -aro AiCP Director
_ _ -- c =_nc Buuoine Safety, and
e _ c' the °lanning Commission
'zecunoo California
_� can4e5
4 `t'
Brian Crowley, Chairman
of the Planning Commission
of the City of El Segundo,
P \protects \400- 425 \ea- 403A \peres res
Peso 2431
September 23, 1998
Prepared by
45 Page 1 of 13
The proposed project is to comply with Section 20.62.140 of the El Segundo Municipal Code
(ESMC) which requires the City to pre- approve, by Resolution, a list of sites that would allow
major wireless communication facilities (WCF) with approval of an administrative permit, rather
than a discretionary permit. By definition, a major WCF is either a ground- mounted facility (such
as a monopole) or a roof - mounted facility that exceeds the height of the zone in which it is
located in, and which normally requires discretionary review (i e., Conditional Use Permit) and
approval by the Planning Commission A pre- approved site, on the other hand, would allow
major WCF, however, only administrative review and approval of a Wireless Communication
Facility Permit (WCFP) would be required. Each "pre- approved" site will have permissible
development and design characteristics and be non - exclusive, such that it is available to more
than one vendor Eight sites are proposed for pre - approval and Table 1 below lists the location,
property owner and types of facilities proposed for each site. For simplicity's sake, the types of
allowable facilities listed in Table 1 also includes minor facilities (i.e., utility- mounted, wall -
mounted and roof - mounted wireless facilities which do not exceed the height of the zone they
are located in) since these types of facilities are also permissible on the proposed sites with
acmnistrative review and approval of a WCFP
Table 1
Site Location
Property Owner
Types of Allowable Facilities
- v.ater tower (400 Lomita
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
= communicaton tower at
City of El Segunoo
utility- mounted
Station 1-1, future
_z ^,m,unicaUOn
a' Poi ce Station
at nign scnoo)
CI Segunoo Unified
wall- mounted
S, 1
I School District
• antenance yard
City of EI Segundo
roof- mounted, utility- mounted,
SJ II .nos St 1
wall- mounted
s oa as at
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
- cro Feld -
(hunt poles only), El
Secu ^co Unified
Sc�,c, Disvict (land)
S,at,on g2 (2161 E
Gov o' Ei Segundo
roof- mounted, utility- mounted,
S Seaunao Blvd l
wall- mounted
_ :.est Basin Water
Wes; Basin Municipal
ground- mounted, utility -
'ec'amation Plant
Water District
mounted, roof- mounted, wall -
?35 Huones Way)
- County flood pump
Los Angeles County
roof- mounted, wall - mounted,
s at on (223 Center St )
utilit - mounted
Page 2 of 13
Site A is the 104' -4" foot high water tower located at 400 Lomita Street at the City's Water Plant.
Surrounding uses include residential to the north, south, east and west, as well as a small park
to the south, a church and day care center to the west, and St. Anthony's Church and School to
the southwest (across Grand Avenue).
Site B is the existing communication tower at Fire Station #1 and the future 911 communication
facility at the Police Station at 348 Main Street, which is at the Civic Center. The existing tower
is located at the rear of the fire station building and is adjacent to the police station. The tower
currently holds the City's emergency response and communication systems. The future 911
communication facility has not yet been constructed but it is planned to be added to the Police
Station The surrounding area is predominantly retail - commercial, with high - density residential
located to the east on Standard Avenue and some single - family residential to the northeast,
beyond Holly Street and Standard Avenue.
Site C is the bell tower at El Segundo High School located at 640 Main Street. Surrounding
uses to the north, south and west are predominantly residential, with a public library and park to
the west (across Main Street) and more residential to the northwest and southwest.
S'e C is the City s Maintenance Yard located at 150 Illinois Street. Surrounding uses include
c` ces to the south and Chevron Park further south (across Ell Segundo Boulevard), a nursery
c e nonheast, offices further east (across Sepulveda Boulevard), and industrial uses to the
S _ = a e me 5 light standards located on Richmond Field at the El Segundo Middle School at
Stree' Each of the 5 light standards are approximately 65 feet high. The
a•ea to the north, west and south is predominantly residential, with a public pool,
e a _ oark tc the immediate east
_ = e Station -2 located at 2161 East El Segundo Boulevard Surrounding uses include
-__s,,-,al research and development facilities to the south (Raytheon), vacant land
m,xe" uses (hotel, recreational facility, corporate offices, etc.) to the north and
a Avenue Corporate Center), and office and light industrial uses to the east The
f.1=_ Rail Green Line station is located southeast and east of the site (across El
_ __J e.a•c and Nash Street)
Basrn Municipal Water District Reclamation Plant located at 1935 Hughes
--e surrounding uses include a golf course and driving range to the north, a nursery to
eo.ate east underneath the Southern California Edison power lines and light
_s a, research and development uses (Raytheon) further east, a self- storage facility and
_ .aroers (Federal Express) to the south and southeast, and the Chevron oil refinery to
. _s• tacross Sepulveda Boulevard)
e u is the Los Angeles County Flood Pump Station located at 223 Center Street
__ _.;^,o,ng uses include residential to the north (across Grand Avenue) and west, a park (Wy)e
;_ the west and, small industrial uses to the south and east.
Page 3 of 13
47 Q24
Appendix I, the Environmental Checklist Form contained in the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) guidelines, has been reproduced under the provisions of the CEQA and is attached
to this Initial Study. The purpose of the form is to identify and evaluate potential adverse
environmental impacts of the project. The checklist consists of background information, a
checklist of environmental impacts, and a determination by the lead agency of the project's
potential impacts on the environment and the type of the CEQA document that will be prepared
A discussion of the items checked on the form is located in Section 4.0, Environmental
Analysis, below
Table 2 below lists the General Plan Land Use designations and Zoning for each of the eight
Saes Although the General Plan Land Use Element does not specifically mention wireless
facilities as permitted structures, the facilities themselves are considered "accessory structures"
to structures allowed within each designation. Moreover, Chapter 20.62 (Wireless
,ZcT-riun.cahon Facilities) of the ESMC, requires that the City pre- approve a list of sties on
e -e, pjtc1 c o- private property which would allow major, as well as minor facilities, with
ccc o a of an administrative Wireless Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) as opposed to a
c sc•e -ionary permit (i e , Conditional Use Permit). It a wireless facility is proposed on a Pre -
aco•cved Ste, the facility will have to comply with all the requirements of Chapter 20.62 of the
Comoliance with all the requirements of Chapter 20.62 will reduce any potential
s ...th the General Plan and Zoning to below a level of significance.
5 Location i General Plan Designation
Zoning Designation
- - e• ;o:.er 1400 Lomita St) I Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
un canon tower at Fire
Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
Sia•,cn -1 future 911
cc -7r7 un, cation facility at
Station (348 Main St 1
at nigh scnool i Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
St I
a,o (ISO luinois St 1 Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
r„ stancares at Richmone
Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
= e - Middle School (615
R c ^mond St 1
= Fire Station #2 (2161 E El
Urban Mixed Use -North
Urban Mixed Use -
Seounoo Blvd )
= odes; Basin Water Plant
Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
1935 Hughes Way)
- LA County flood pump I
Puolic Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
station (223 Center St )
Page 4 of 13
The General Plan goals, objective and policies which relate to this project are from the Land
Use, Economic Development, Open Space and Recreation, and Conservation Elements. With
regards to the Land Use Element, the following policies support this project: Policy LU1 -5.6,
which requires that all development proposals comply with the Citys Zoning Ordinance and the
CEOA; Policy LU1 -5.8, which supports the use of innovative land development and design
techniques; and, Policy LU7 -2.5, which encourages the design of public facilities and utilities to
be compatible with surrounding uses. With regards to the Economic Development Element, the
following goals, objectives and policies apply Goals ED1 and ED2, Objectives ED1 -1, ED1 -2
and ED2 -1, Policies ED1 -1.1, ED1 -21, ED1 -2.2, ED1 -2.3 and Ed2 -1.3, which support the
creation and maintenance of a diverse and strong economic base which benefits the City, its
residents as well as its business community With regards to the Open Space and Recreation
Element, the following policies apply Policy OS1 -1 9, which supports alternative funding
mechanisms for recreational facility maintenance; and Policy OS1 -5.3, which supports the
continued protection of the El Segundo Blue Butterfly. Lastly, the following goals and policies of
the Conservation Element apply: Goal CN -5 and Policies CN5 -1 and CN5 -2, which supports the
protection of the urban landscape such that negative aesthetic impacts are minimized and that
the cnaracter of existing neighborhoods and civic landscapes are maintained. Conformance with
me General Plan is a policy issue which is determined at the discretion of the Planning
Comm)ssion or the City Council if the aecision is appealed. The Zoning and Municipal Codes
,-:: r:)crate many requirements which will help to mitigate any potential General Plan conflicts.
' -e ceve�coment of wireless facilities on proposed Pre - Approved Sites A through H will not
Bath any other policies or environmental plans, therefore, no impact is anticipated.
e, development of wireless facilities on Sites A through H will not be incompatible with
uses since the facilities are considered accessory structures, which would be
approval of a WCFP Compliance with the City's General Plan, ESMC,
_ Cnaoier 20 62 and the CEOA will ensure that the facilities' potential incompatibility
.arc uses are reduced to oeiow a level of significance
o` w.,reless facilities on proposed Pre - Approved Sites A through H will not affect
rescu-ces since the Saes are located in urban areas developed with existing
anc wnicn co not support agricultural uses In addition, development of wireless
s Saes A through H will not disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an
ccrrmu^rty since the facilities would be located on existing structures or sites which
= ev cusw developed with structures, buildings or facilities No impacts are
_= e a ^p no mitigation is required
_ _:sec protect is to pre- approve Saes A through H to allow the future development of
- c major and minor, wireless communication facilities Since the facilities would be
a--ec the oeveiopment and operation of the facilities would not result in an increase of the
o- sucn that regional or local population protections would be exceeded; it would not
-__e s csiantial growth, nor would it create a demand for additional housing. Furthermore,
s -:e no nousing units exist on proposed Pre - Approved Sites A through H, the proposal would
-- = sn,ace existing housing, especially atfordabie housing No mitigation is required
Page 5 of 13
49 �1�
As shown on Exhibit PS -1 in the Safety Element of the City's General Plan, three
active /potentially active faults (Newport- Inglewood Fault, Palos Verdes Fault and Malibu -Santa
Monica Fault) are located near the City, therefore, future wireless facilities would be exposed to
seismic risks just as other developments of comparable size in the vicinity would be, should an
earthquake occur along these faults Fault rupture or seismic ground shaking could occur,
nonetheless, the effects are mitigated because the wireless facilities to be constructed will
comply with the latest Uniform Building Code (UBC) requirements for seismic safety.
Compliance with the UBC will reduce the impacts of fault rupture or ground shaking on the
future wireless facilities to below a level of significance.
Two areas of the City have a high potential for liquefaction during an earthquake: the extreme
western portion of the City parallel to the coastline along Vista del Mar and, the northeast
portion of the City from Aviation Boulevard, northwest to Imperial Highway, just west of
Sepulveda Boulevard Since none of the proposed Pre - Approved Sites are located within these
n:o areas, no impacts are anticipated and no mitigation is required.
Accaraina to the Safety Element of the City's General Plan, the southwestern portion of the City
:= the coast (and adjacent portions of the City of Los Angeles to the north) are identified as
se _ ^e and tsunami hazard areas, however, since none of the proposed sites are located in
-e_e areas no impacts due to these natural hazards are anticipated. Site E, which is located
•7e eas: of the City of Los Angeles Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant and about 3/4 mile
eas• l,cm the coast is the closest Site to these hazard areas. However, it is above the potential
-- � z a,ea therefore, no impacts are anticipated No mitigation is required.
= =__e rre- ocoroved Site G is developed with a ground- mounted facility, minimal grading
_ e e__ construct the facility, however, significant changes in the topography of the
-as been previously graded and is relatively flat) will not occur, although some
s e so may occur during construction However, sod erosion will be controlled with
___ __ _ = t -e City s Storm Water and Urban Run -off Pollution Prevention Control Ordinance
_.c C -c. anc=_ w to this Ordinance will reduce the impacts of sod erosion from project
es ;o ceiow a level of significance Sites A -F and Site H are not proposed to
^canted facilities, therefore, no sod impacts due to grading, excavation or fill will
Pre- Approved Saes have oeen previously developed with structures and /or
unique oeolz, c o pnys cat features exist on any of the sites, therefore,
_ cue geologic or physical features are anticipated As stated above, none of
_ s a e ocateo in areas that have the potential for seismic ground failure and liquefaction,
e _,e tre oossibility of land subsidence is remote and no impact is anticipated
some areas located at the norineast corner of the City (south of Imperial Highway
Av,at on Boulevard, east of Nash and north of El Segundo Boulevard) have been
e lea as having expansive sods (specd cally Montezuma Clay Adobe), however, only Site F
s v_, n trrs area and the types of wireless facilities proposed for Site F (wall -, roof- or utdity-
-•ec tacd(ttes) will have no impact on the soil of the site Therefore, no impacts due to
__�-s ve sods will occur on any of the proposed Sites None of the Sites are located on or
ea r lis oes therefore, the potential for landslides or mudflows is non - existent. No mitigation
Page 6 of 13
50 S
If proposed Pre - Approved Site G is developed with a ground- mounted facility, minimal grading
would be required to construct the facility, however, it will not significantly impact absorption
rates, drainage patterns or the rate and amount of surface runoff of the site since compliance
with standard City conditions regulating grading and drainage will reduce the potential impact to
below a level of significance. Development of wireless facilities on Pre - Approved Sites A, B, C,
D, E, F and H will have no impact on absorption rates, drainage patterns or surface runoff since
these facilities would either be utility- mounted, wall- mounted or roof- mounted and no grading
would be required
According to Exhibit PS -2 contained in the Safety Element of the City's General Plan, El
Segundo is not at risk from flooding during a 100 -year storm since there are no dams or
waterways located near the City Localized flooding during periods of heavy rainfall may occur
but this would be due to the inadequacy of storm drains, therefore, the risk of flooding or other
v,ater related hazards on any of the Sites is considered remote and no impacts are anticipated.
I1 proposed Pre - Approved Site G is developed with a ground- mounted facility, minimal grading
v,ould be requ.red to construct the facility, however, runoff from the site would be controlled by
roi,ance w to the City's Storm Water and Urban Run -off Pollution Prevention Control
C-c, -ance (No 1235) such that there will be no soil discharged from the site into surface waters
s-z:h that no changes in the amount of surface water could occur. Development of wireless
a_ • es on Pre - Approved Sites A - F and H will not result in discharge into surface waters or
c -_ -^ °s iq the amount of surface waters since no grading is required to install utility- mounted,
„_rated or roof- mounted facilities.
c• Saes A through H will not cause changes in water currents or the course or
_ v,a•e• movements since none of the Sites are located on a water body. Site E is
e cc•ox�aiely 3/4 of a mile from the Pacific Ocean, however, due to the nature of
es as communication systems, no impacts to water currents or the course or
_ movements is anticipated No mitigation is required
, C &:es A through F and Site H will no: affect the quantity or quality of ground
s -_e :-e :goes of wireless facilities proposed on these sties will not involve any type of
_, suc as grading or excavation Although Site G could accommodate a ground-
- .-rae no that wouid be required to construct the facility would be so minimal
c7 impact ground water quality or quantity or any other impacts to groundwaters
a- ,:,apatPd and no mmoauon is required
- - -e co -)st,uction phase of Sites A through H, a less than significant amount of criteria
s and or odor may be dispersed into the air This might be due to the delivery of
materials, travel by construction workers, and /or application of architectural
-_s other budding materials, such as paint or other weather - proofing chemicals.
_ _ -=_,mere, ,' Site G is developed with a ground- mounted facility, minimal grading may result
ve construction dust, however, due to the small scale of the project [the threshold of
_ e_-: a, s,gnficance for air quality (as determined by the SCAQMD) during construction begins
a c-2 033 square feet of gross floor area and a ground- mounted facility would have zero gross
Page 7 of 13
5i �S
floor area) only a less than significant amount of impact is anticipated, therefore, no mitigation is
During the operation of the unmanned wireless facilities, the bimonthly visits of maintenance
workers would result in negligible amounts of air pollutants associated with vehicle traffic,
however, no air quality standards would be exceeded as a result of the development of these
facilities. Furthermore, the development or operation of the wireless facilities on the eight Sites
will not alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause changes in climate since these
facilities are not known to cause or affect such changes. No impacts are anticipated and no
mitigation is required
Based on information obtained from previously approved wireless facilities (EA -429, EA -437
and EA -433) the operation of these facilities will not result in a significant increase of vehicle
trips or traffic congestion since these unmanned facilities routinely require between 1 -2
maintenance visits per month (per facility) Thus, due to the relatively small number of vehicle
trios that would result, a less than significant impact is anticipated and no mitigation is required.
Funnermore, the project is not anticipated to create a hazard for pedestrians or bicyclists, since
rres• of the facilities will be mounted to tall structures such as roofs, walls, utilities or possibly a
•- cncoole wnich will be too high to affect pedestrian or-bicycle access Moreover, the protect
v not conflict with policies supporting alternative transportation, nor would it have an impact on
-a v,ater or air traffic No mitigation is required.
:�e.e cc -ten• of wireless facilities on Pre - Approved Sites A through F and Site H will not create
tc saiety from design features since the facilities would be located on existing
s __ --es s_cn as utilities, walls or roof -tops, which will have no impact on on -site or off -site
Pre - approved Site G, if developed with a ground- mounted facility, would also have
_ cac e^ nazaros to safety since the facility will have to receive the appropriate WCFP, as
c ng permit, and will be reviewed for its compatibility with existing uses and
as ..e' as for its impact on -site circulation No mitigation is required.
Saes A through H are publicly and privately owned and access to each site will
-ec e,. the terms of the lease agreement that each vendor enters with either the City
o =env owner The Public Works Department has indicated that access to Site A
a e tc..e•i and Site D (City maintenance yard) will be limited to 7 :00 a.m - 3 00 p m
- - -e "_er, and that no access wiu be available on weekends and City holidays, and that
a-ess v:dl -e subject to re moursement for costs incurred by the City Agreement
the lease regulating access for Sites A and D, as well as for the other Pre-
-__ _.ec S tes will reduce the potential for inadequate emergency access or access to nearby
ce,cw a level of significance Furtnermore, since the wireless facilities proposed on Pre -
-_c ec Sees A through H would be unmanned, they would not generate a need for additional
_= ane no impacts to on -site or off -site parking will occur
c the Sites have previously been developed and are located in urbanized areas where no
_-c_n?erec, inreatened or rare plant, animal, insect, fish or bird species are known to exist.
e El Segundo Blue Butterfly habitat is located north of the City of Los Angeles Hyperion
Page 8 of 13
Wastewater Treatment Plant, north of Imperial Highway and outside of the City limits. The Draft
Recovery Plan for the El Segundo Blue Butterfly identifies two sand dunes within the City limits
which contain restorable habitats for the Blue Butterfly, however, "areas that have otherwise
been permanently altered by human actions" cannot be considered a restorable habitat.
Therefore, since all of the proposed Sites have previously been developed, they cannot be
considered a restorable habitat of the Blue Butterfly and no impact will occur to this endangered
species. In addition, the development of wireless facilities on any of the Sites will have no
impact on locally designated natural communities, wetland habitat or wildlife dispersal migration
corridors since none of these elements exist in the City. No mitigation is required.
Development and operation of the wireless facilities would result in the slight increase and
consumption of renewable and non - renewable natural resources in the form of building
materials A slight increase in consumption of electricity may occur during the operation of the
facilities, however, consumption is expected to be marginal and would be considered
insignificant relative to cumulative consumption volumes throughout the City of El Segundo and
the airport area as a whole The development and operation of the wireless facilities will not
confect with adopted energy conservation plans, use non - renewable resources in a wasteful or
r=-ft-vent manner, or result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource. No mitigation
is •ec_j red
^,;rng the construction of the wireless facilities, a less than significant amount of hazardous
,__s•ances may De dispersed into the air due to the application of architectural coatings, paint
_ ::eatne(- proofing chemicals However, due to the small scale of the construction of the
e es_ az l res no mitigation is required
or Pre- Approved Sites A through H will not interfere with the City's adopted
Cae-at,ons Plan (EOP) Although Sites A, B, D and F are located on City -owned
;-e ceveiooment or operation of these facilities will not affect emergency procedures
;aceit es would be mounted to existing utilities, walls or roof -tops. Furthermore, the
= e_= ;ac)ir es would coerate under a Federal Communication Commission (FCC) assigned
e _, _r1cv v,nicn is different from the radio frequencies used by fire, police or other safety-
__ aze ^_es therefore, operation of the facilities will have no impact on the City's
resconse or evacuation procedures
no Known nazardous substances on Saes A through H, therefore, the development of
e ess ;ac,et es on these Sites would not expose construction workers or maintenance workers
a^ existing sources of health hazards during construction and operation of proposed
e _Ss communication facilities No impacts are anticipated and no mitigation is required
_e e =ent of the wireless facilities on Saes A through H will not result in an increase of fire
since the potential for wildland fire hazards are low since the City is located in an
_,:ca--ized environment where hazards to fire safety stem largely from industrial facilities using
=• -e amounts of flammable or toxic materials, high -rise buildings, public gathering places, older
with substandard electrical and heating systems, and residential neighborhoods
e,soersed with untreated wood shingle roofs (Safety Element of the General Plan). As shown
Page 9 of 13
53 $ 1 027
on Exhibit HM -1 of the Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Element of the City's
General Plan, the highest degree of risk due to hazardous materials use is concentrated in the
Chevron Oil refinery area and Smoky Hollow. Although Sites D and H are located in Smoky
Hallow, the development of wireless facilities at these two Sites would have a less than
significant impact in terms of exposing people to existing sources of potential health hazards
since the facilities would be unmanned, except for the bi- monthly maintenance visits.
Development of the wireless facilities on Sites A through H will generate short-term construction
related noise, however, these facilities will be constructed or operated in accordance with
Chapter 9 06, Noise and Vibration Regulations, of the El Segundo Municipal Code, which will
reduce the potential impact to below a level of significance.
Furthermore, operation of a wireless facility has been known to generate the same level of noise
as a standard residential air conditioning unit, however, such noise levels are considered
negugible, therefore, no potential impact is anticipated from the operation of the facilities No
m joauon is required
D =_� e cc^nent of the proposed facilities on Sites B and F will have no impact upon or result in a
mee, c, new or altered fire protection services, even though these two sites are on Fire Station
e' arc' Fire Station °2, respectively The wireless facility on Site B would be utility- mounted to
a- existing communication tower and the facilities on Site F would either be utility -, wall- or roof-
_. Similany, development of utility- mounted wireless facilities on the future 911
on facility which would be located at the Police Station will have no impact on
_ _ _- _ ----- es o services Furthermore, wireless facilities do not operate under the same radio
- es as c•ne, salety- onented agencies, therefore, the emergency response system of
e =-c Po: ce Departments would not be affected Similarly, no impact to the High School
= _ - f•orn Ine development of a wireless facility on Site C since the facility would be
--- - _-- _c a -1c v ab- mounted facility to the bell tower In addition, no impact to the maintenance
__ _ ,ac s,i es is anticipated from the development of a wireless facility on Site D (the City
^. i since the facilities would be unmanned and roof -, wall- or utility- mounted
___• ,c aner governmental services are anticipated due to the development of wireless
S :e A through H No mitigation is required
c• natural gas, would be required to operate the wireless facilities on proposed Pre-
-_ _ ec Saes A through H Development of the facilities would not result in a need for new or
systems and no impacts are anticipated since all of the Sites are developed
- s •.,c;j•es whicn currently utilize electricity
__ --necnons to pnone lines will be required to develop these facilities, however, phone service
s _ -rently available on or near Sites A througn H Site E, which are the 5 light standards on
ion_- Field, will probably require a new phone line, however, phone lines are readily
,i a laoie from the nearby City pool
Page 10 of 13
Development of the wireless facilities on Sites A through H will not affect local or regional water
treatment or distribution facilities, or local or regional water supplies, since the operation of
these facilities will not utilize water. Furthermore, since the facilities are unmanned, no waste
water will be created, therefore, regional wastewater treatment plants will not be affected.
If proposed Pre- Approved Site G is developed with a ground - mounted facility, minimal grading
would be required to construct the facility which may result in soil erosion which could potentially
runoff into existing storm drains, however, compliance with the City0s Storm Water and Urban
Run -off Pollution Prevention Control Ordinance (No. 1235) would reduce the impact to storm
drains to below a level of significance No impacts to storm drains will occur due to the
development of Sites A through F and Site H, since no grading (resulting in soil erosion) will
An insignificant amount of solid waste would be generated by the construction of these facilities,
however, the waste would be disposed of properly by the construction contractor at an existing
solid waste disposal landfill. No mitigation is required.
ce_ve =_rnent of proposed Sites A through H will not impact a scenic vista or scenic highway
s -~ce -cne exist within the City of El Segundo The development of wireless facilities on Pre -
Ac_-rovea Saes A through H will not create light or glare since the facilities would be
d m Hated and would be required to be painted to match the color of the buildings, walls or
es in which they would be attached to
_e. �, -ament of wireless facilities on proposed Pre - Approved Sites A through F and Site H will
-_ e a cemonstrable negative aesthetic affect since the types of facilities proposed (i e.,
rco'- mounted) will be painted to match the existing color of the building (if it is a
a antenna), will be screened from view and painted to match the color of the
r _ s a roof- mounted facility), or will be attached to an existing utility and painted to
co,_-', of that utility Compliance with Chapter 20 52 of the ESMC, which regulates the
_ - e_.j rements and guidelines for wireless facilities, will reduce the potential aesthetic
= these facilities to below a level of significance
e s ceve, coed with a ground mounted facility, the facility will have a less than significant
aes•neres for several reasons th=_ Site contains several tall structures which would
- _ •-asp the visual impact of the fac City there are three existing ground- mounted facilities
-=_r the facility which are Aar, of the existing visual urban landscape; and, the Site is
an inoustrial area where no res oenual views would be impacted Nonetheless, if Site
_ e _oes with a roof - mounted facility the facility will be required to be screened from view
c sc,een painted to match the color of the existing building or structure; if it is developed
, a - mounted facility the facility will be required to be painted to match the color of the
_ cjne :ng wail(s), if it is developed with a utility- mounted facility. the facility will be
_ •ec to be painted to match the color of the existing utility structure(s); and, if it is developed
a around - mounted facility the facility will be painted to match nearby existing tall structures
_�-ro iiance with Chapter 20 62 of the ESMC which regulates wireless facilities, will reduce the
e it,al negative aesthetic impacts of these wireless facilities on proposed Pre - Approved Sites
;�rcuan H to below a level of significance
55 Page 11 of 13
110 028
The potential for significant impacts to historic or prehistoric sites, cultural, paleontological,
archeological, historical or religious structures, or objects is considered remote. Proposed Pre -
Approved Sites A through H are already developed with buildings and/or utilities or other
structures. Moreover, the surrounding areas are a fully urbanized and developed environment
and further archaeological studies are not necessary, nor are preservation efforts. The project
is not expected to produce significant impacts upon, or result in the alteration or destruction of,
any historic or prehistoric site, building, structure, or object, nor would they result in physical
changes which would affect ethnic cultural values or restrict existing religious or sacred uses
within the vicinity No mitigation is required
Demands on parks and recreational facilities are primarily generated by permanent residential
populations and the proposed protect is not expected to alter the existing residential population
since no residential development is proposed Development of wireless facilities on proposed
Pre- Aooroved Sites A through H will not generate a demand for additional neighborhood or
regional narks or other recreational facilities since the facilities would be unmanned No
=ors required
r=csed crciect does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment and
a�- eve short-term goals to the disadvantage of long -term environmental goals. There
c _ _ =_==able ne0at ve cumulative impacts or any impacts that will have an adverse affect
a S .,d,, Wl reless Communication Facilities), Environmental Assessment EA -403,
:_ = e 2: an Amendment GPA 97 -2 Zone Text Amendment ZTA 96 -3, May 1997
B,ue Butterfly Drati Recovery Plan
E Sec.,noo General Pian
Hills Coordinate-- Antenna Plan Initial Study for Cox Communications,
of E( Segundo staff reports EA -429 EA -433 and EA -437
_cs Angeles County Flood Control District Hydrology Manual
P \protects \400 - 425 \ea403A \is
Page 12 of 13
56 1T
1.a,c Land Use Planning
1 Comply with the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC), specifically Chapter 20 62,
and the City's General Plan and the California Environmental Quality Act.
3 a,b,f Geologic Problems
1 Obtain the requisite permits and approvals from the City of El Segundo Building
Safety Division and Public Works Department.
4 a c Water
Obtain the requisite permits and approvals from the City of El Segundo Building
Safety Division
Transportation /Circulation
Enter into a lease agreement with the property owner which contains provisions for
access and emergency access onto the site.
Zz ,o -v v.,th Chapter 9 06 Noise and Vibration Regulations, of the El Segundo
Mun cioai Coae
—z ", wi-) Chapter 20 62 Wireless Communication Facilities, of the El Segundo
t .., c z Coae
Page 13 of 13
57 91
r R
350 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322 -4670
FAX (310) 322.4167
Project M EA -403A
1. Project Title* Pre - Approved Location Map for Wireless Communication Facilities
2 Lead Agency Name and Address City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
3 Contact Person and Phone Number Hannah L. Brondial Bowen, Project Planner, (310) 322 -4670
ext 405
Project Locations
Site I Location
Property Owner
I 'tvm of Allowable Facilities
A I water cower ia00 Lomna Sl 1
Gtv of El Segundo
I utility- mounted
B communication tower at Fire Station e1
City of El Segundo
and future 911 communication taoliy at
I Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
Police Deoartrnem 1348 Main Street)
tie mwar at neon scnool f640 Ma1r S1
I Public Facilities
I C I bell tower at nwn school (140 Main St 1
of Seduntlo Unified School Drslnet
I wall- mounted
C City maintenance yard (150 Illinois SL)
Cry of EI Segundo
roof-mounted, utillly-mounted, wall.
Public Facilities
slandares at Ricnmond Field -
city of Et Segundo (light poles only);
ttbiity- mounted
m aaie s moor (61 S Richmond SL)
S Segundo Unified School District
Public Facilities (P -F
.A Counry rood oumo station 1223 Censer 51
Public Facilities P -F
Ric Stacon 82 (2161 E Fl Segundo
City of EI Segundo
mot - mounted, uuliy- mounted, wall -
6.v„ I
Wes. Basin Water Reclamation Plant
West Basin Municipal Water District
ground- mounted, utility- mounted, root-
mounted. wall- mounted
Lc„^-, rcoe pump ration (Z23 I
Los Angeles County
root - mounted, wall- mounted, utility-
Ce —e• S' )
Project Sponsor's Name and Address City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA
General Plan and Zoning Designations
I Genera( Plan Designation
zoninq Designation
1, a e• iower 1400 Lomna St I
I Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P .F)
Communication tower at Fire S(alion x 1 1346
Ma 511
I Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
tie mwar at neon scnool f640 Ma1r S1
I Public Facilities
Public Facilities 1P -F)
1 C1ry card (150 Illinois St I
Public Facilities
Public Facilities P -F
Irgnl stanoa'as at Richmond Field - Middle
School 1615 Richmond Sl )
Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F)
I cue Slanon e2 12151 E El Seounoo B1vo 1
Urban Mixed Use -Norm
Urban Mixed Use-North
. W es; Basin Water Plant (1935 hudnes W avi
I Public Facilities
Public Facilities (P -F
.A Counry rood oumo station 1223 Censer 51
1 Public Facile
Public Facilities P -F
1 94-
T. Deseriptional Project ( Osseabethewftoleacrionhwrvedixp+§ rgeurrat6nitedto�aterphasasdtltsprotiect
and arty secondary, support, or oA=sde features necessary for its imprememaiMim Attach adddranal sheets d necessary)
The proposed project is to comply with Section 20.62.140 of the Zoning Code which requires the
City to approve, by Resolution, a list of pre - selected sites which would allow major wireless
communication facilities (W CF), subject to approval of an administrative (rather than a discretionary)
permit The proposal is to pre - approve eight sites for lease which could accommodate major and/or
minor facilities. By definition, a major wireless communication facility is either a ground - mounted
facility (such as a monopole) or a roof - mounted facility that exceeds the height of the zone in which
it is located in. Minor facilities, on the other hand, can either be wall- mounted, utility - mounted or
roof - mounted, however, root - mounted minor facilities cannot exceed the height of the zone in which
they are located in Minor facilities require approval of an administrative permit. Details of the eight
sites such as location, property owner and types of allowable facilities (both major and minor
facilities), are listed in the table above, Project Locations.
The eight proposed Pre - Approved Sites A through H have been analyzed for their environmental
Impacts and a draft initial study has been prepared pursuant to Section 15063 of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) A Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts is
proposed for this project pursuant to Section 15070 of CEQA . .
Surrounding Land Uses and Setting ( Bneny describe the project vsurroundings)
[various Sites — see draft Initial Study for EA -403A, Section 2.0, for greater detail.) The City of El
Segundo is located in the Los Angeles urban area and is considered part of the Airport/South Bay
sucredion The City of El Segundo is situated between Los Angeles International Airport to the
norih, the City of Los Angeles Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant and Department of Water and
Power Scattergood Generating Station and the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Chevron oil refinery
and the City of Manhattan Beach to the south, and Del Aire (a Los Angeles County island) and the
City of Hawthorne to the east
Other Public Agencies Whose Approval is Required (e g., permits, financing approval, or
a;,eemeni) Building and Safety Division, Fire Department, Public Works Department,
cearon and Parks Department , El Segundo Unified School District, West Basin Municipal
D,s•ric', Los Angeles County Public Works Department (Real Estate Division)
. ^cnmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, Involving at least one
, —:3_ ;nat is a -Potentially Significant Impact' as indicated by the checklist on the following pages
- :;.e-n s
�-scc ^aaon,�Cvculauon
Biological resources
Energy and Minerai
Mandatory Findings of
Public Service
Utilities and Service
L Aesthetics
Cultural Resources
fOin the basis fo to of this Initial Study of Environmental Impact, the planning Commission of the City of El Segundo
That the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE
DECLARATION will be prepared.
>!L That although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant
effect in this case because mitigation measures, as described on an attached sheet, have been added to the project.
That the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
REPORT is required
That the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been
adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by
mitigation measures based on earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the Impact is `potentially significant
impact' or "potentially significant unless mnlgated . An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must
analvze only the effects that remain to be addressed
I find that although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant
ehecl in this case because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR
pi,suant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to an earlier EIR, including revisions
or mitigation ures that are imposed upon the proposed project.
/ -)L,
5re' a• AICP
D rec'o iC P;nmg a
Se_•e•a-. c e Plan
GN of El SeounOo
Sd Building Safety
ing Commission
ZS S�YTfi16FX 19 re
�� 031
IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanations of all answers are required on attached sheets).
Potentially Unless Less Than
SUES (and Supporting Information Significant Mitigation Significant No
Sources) impact Incorporated Impact Impact
1. Land Use Planning. Would the proposal:
a) Conflict with general plan designation or X
b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or X
policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction
over the projects
c) Be incompatible with existing land use to the X
d) Ahect agricultural resources or operations (e g X
impacts to sails or farmlands, or impacts from
incompatible land uses)
e) D'sru•pr or divide the physical arrangement of an X
estaol sned community (include a low- income or
r^ nor,:v community)9
Population and Housing Would the proposal,
tl Cu— ulahvely exceed official regional or local X
cc: 'aro projections?
s_cs•ant•al g•ovrth in an area either X
_ ec•ly (e g , through projects In an
e =
:::ez area or extension of major
ex sir; housing especially affordable X
, _ _ - _ Z Problems Would the proposal result in or
:e_ :e ': potential impacts involving
_•ound failure, including hquefaclion'�
•s_-am, o, volcanic hazard?
ces c• mudllows1
_•a,o^ changes in topography or unstable soil
—cn ons from excavation, grading, or fill?
__aoence o` the land?
s;�ans,ve Solis')
Un zie geologic or physical features?
sz j 9$ /
Less Than
ISSUES (and Supporting Information
4 Water. Would the proposal result in.
a) Changes to absorption rates, drainage patterns,
or the rate and amount of surface runoff?
b) Exposure of people or property to water related
hazards such as flooding?
c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration
of surface water quality (e.g., temperature,
dissolved oxygen or turbidity)'?
d) Changes In the amount of surface water In any
water body?
e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction
of water movements?
t) Change in the quality of ground waters, either
;hrouon direct additions or withdrawals, or
t^•a.,cn interception of an aquifer by cuts or
eXCa,.atlons or through substantial loss of
o;nowater recharge capacity?
g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater?
h, h,pac's to groundwater quality')
I' 5_-> .- a' red.:cuon in the amount of
e• c•ne� ise available for public water
Ine proposal
a - d_a1,ry standard or contribute to
• c•c,ectec air quality violation?
_e-s ,,�e receptors to pollutants?
= e e moisture or temperature
a-, --a---es in climate?
_= e: cradie odors'!
^a1,on,'Crrculation Would the proposal
___ec �emcle trips or traffic congestion?
a cs to safety from design features (e g ,
s-3—. cirves or dangerous intersections or
oie uses (e g , farm equipment)?
- aoecuate emergency access or access to
nea ,jy uses?
1- s�"icient parking capacity on -site or off•srtO
sz j 9$ /
63 99
Less Than
ISSUES (and Supporting Information
e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or
f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting
alternative transportation (e.g , bus turnouts,
bicycle racks)?
g) Rail, waterbome or air traffic impacts?
7. Biological Resources. Would the proposal result in
Impacts to
a) Endangered, threatened, or rare species or their
habitats iincluding, but not limited to, plants,
hsh, insects, animals, and birds)?
b) Locally designated species (e.g., hentage
cl Loca0v desienated natural communities (e g ,
caK forest, coastal haoitat, etc )?
C, V. elland habitat (e g , marsh, riparian and
vernal pool)?
' e) o le d,soersal or migration eomdors?
-erg} and Mineral Resources. Would the
a "- = v. -, ac--p eo energy conservation
ewe+ aC,e •escurces in a wasteful and
Ibss cf availabilrty, of a known
= es: ✓ce Ina, would be of future value to
-e z- c- ar•c the resicents of the State?
- = =z cs V. c c the o•cocsal involve
a-- i e^ at explosion or release of
s ^s,a ^ces (including, but not limed
_ ___ :::es cnem cats, or radiation)?
e ,^ e-e,ence with an emergency
e -__-se p-an or emergency evacuation plan?
--e CreahOn of any health hazard or potential
'ea Ir nazardl
xces, re of people to existing sources of
;C,ent,al neallh hazarps?
Ircreased fire hazard In areas with flammable
c sn, grass or trees?
63 99
64 1 Apo
Less Than
FSources) and Supporting Information
oise. Would the proposal result in:
a) Increases in existing noise levels?
b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels?
11 Public Services. Would the proposal have an
effect upon, or result to a need for new or
altered government services to any of the
following areas.
a) Fire protection?
b) Police protectlon7
c) Schools'?
d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads'2
el Other governmental services?
2 Utilities and Service Systems. Would the
proposal result in a need for new systems or
su0olies, or substantial alterations to the
following utilities
a) Power or natural gas?
canons systems
onal wale- treatment or distribution
_ 5= e c seadc ta�ks�
:_: _ .ec o-a: ware suopl es�
4 @s•h =tics P: cul� the proposal I i
z vista or scenic highway'?
a ce—cnsrrable negative aesthetic effect')
- ultural Resources Would the proposal
D svrn paleontological resourceso
s;,: archaeological resources
After: historical resources?
Have the potential to cause a physical change
v,rvch would affect unique ethnic cultural
64 1 Apo
ANALYSES Earlier analyses maybe used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEOA
=_e_= cne e• more ehects have been adequately analyzed in an earner EIR or negative declaration Section
In this case a discussion should identity the following on attached sheets:
Earlier analyses used, Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review
Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and
a:: ez .ately analyzed in an earner document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects
we,e addressed oy mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis
,.litigation measures For effects that are 'Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated,' describe the
65 )DI
Less Than
ISSUES (and Supporting Information
e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within
the potential impact area?
15. Recreation. Would the proposal.
a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or
regional parks or other recreational facilities?
b) Affect existing recreational opponunities7
16 Mandatory Findings of Significance.
a) Does the project have the potential to degrade
the duality of the environment, substantially
reauce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species,
cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below
self - sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a
pant or animal community, reduce the number
rest,,-_' the range of a rare or endangered
o ail or animal or eliminate important examples
_ c' t-,=- ma;or periods of California history or
_- s'oryM
Cces :ne p•o;ect have the potential to achieve
.c re c.saovantage of long -term,
=-e -:a cca,s�
_ _ _ _ -_ c _ ct have impacts that are
cut cumulatively
'-e nc,emental effects of a project
s - __ -s ce•a , e when viewed in conjunction
- ' e e" ec s o' pas' projects, the effects of
_.,--e-' cro ec•s and the ehects of
o-o,ects )
nave environmental effects
case s„bs;antial adverse etle-cis on
—= ce -cs e,'ner directly or indirectly"
ANALYSES Earlier analyses maybe used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEOA
=_e_= cne e• more ehects have been adequately analyzed in an earner EIR or negative declaration Section
In this case a discussion should identity the following on attached sheets:
Earlier analyses used, Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review
Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and
a:: ez .ately analyzed in an earner document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects
we,e addressed oy mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis
,.litigation measures For effects that are 'Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated,' describe the
65 )DI
mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the exter *?Ri; tw,
address site - specific conditions for the project.
ss y /oa
projectslea- 403a1envchk
D] 1:1
DATE August 26, 1998
TO Hanna Bowen
Contract Planner
FROM Bellur Devaraj"' Q
4rEity Engineer
SUBJECT Wireless Facilities
in response to your recent request, the C,ty Water Facility at 400 Lomita Street and the
Maintenance Facility at 150 Illinois Street may be included as candidate sites for Wireless
=acd ues under the following conditions
Aocl cart agrees to pay a fee (to be negotiated) for leasing these two (2) City properties
and for the City Attorney costs for preparing the lease agreement documents.
: ccess to the sites shall be limited to 7 00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays There will be
,o regular access during weekends and City holidays Emergency access will be subject
= e mcursement for costs incurred by the City.
-,e a oncan: snail submit drawings, etc , for approval by the Public Works Department
- -- -cement s.nall not limit the City from entering into agreements with other vendors with
-- a• lec:ests
-u:)hc works Department will have the nght to require the applicant to remove the
_ ess =acd iies and to restore the site to its onginal condition after giving ninety (90)
ca.s c, ce
_ a., , •, su•a ^ce shall be provided to the City Attorney's satisfaction
........................... I ...... ..............
_ Ec Schroder Director of Public Works
Jack Hilton General Services Manager
5oboy Joe Green, Water Supervisor
67 JO*
0 35
El `sgundo Unified School . strict
(310) 615 -2650 • FAX(310)640.6272
5+ 9 �gg9
July 21, 1998 t
Nis Hannah L Brondtal Bowen
Contract Planner
C,n Of El CommLio
Plaruune and Building Safety Department
250 plain Street
El Segundo. CA 90245
P,= «ueiess Communication Facilities in the City of El Segundo
D��- %Is Brondtal Bowen
�— receipt of your letter dated July 10, 1998 El Segundo Unified School District is
-= to accommodate your request to include the high school bell tower location as a
s„t ror a �%ireless communication facility in the City of El Segundo. One
�2 . ou- letter IS that permission for any installation would be subject to review
a• o� ooth the School District and the City of El Segundo
_.....:r dour lener the scnool s appearance is very important to us as we
2-,s to the beauq of our City We appreciate that there will be design
_ • _ na, % sual impact is also of concern to your department
:o },eep us informed as to the status of this project
_ o o' Business Services
D• %l illtam J Watkins
led ca /.•(i /c /.,- r•r•.��� . /urn/ �rnrl /l ccn�nruai y
rrr/ /ale c�lv�wna %a�aiie� tnuticnnren / /�¢!/fx/eaivi ed�.e¢le�,!�reiivaliae.
September 3, 1998
Telephme (626)158 -5100
Ms Hannah L Brondial Bowen
Project Planner
City of El Segundo
Planning and Building Safety Department
X50 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245 -0989
Dear Ms Brondial Bowen
SEP 14 1998
P.O. BOX 1460
ALFiA111BRA. CALIFORNIA 91803.1460
MP -2
vde acoreciate the City including the El Segundo Pumping Plant on its map of potential
s •es ' wireless communication facilities The Flood Control District will require all
a_. .a- s t-- submit plans for approval, apply for a construction permit, and enter into a
Enclosed for your information are copies of our standard Rental
e. = a a oermit application Additional provisions maybe included in the Rental
e= .c accommodate concerns of our operating Divisions
aoclro�al information, please call me et (626) 458 -7072
__._Cv I••, STONE
_- Z c �-_Diiz 1Norkb
=, -YN: ROTHMAN, Senior Real Property Agent
�, salon & Revenue Properties Section
Property Management Division
= __•-3R32
t /L� 1
This LICENSE AGREEMENT (:'Agreement's is entered into between
, a company ( "Licensee "), and the City of El
Segundo, a municipal corporation ( "Licensor') this day of
a Licensor is the fee title owner of that certain real property located at
in the City of El Segundo, California, APN # , wluch
is acscnbed more particularly in Attachment A hereto, which description is fully incorporated
nerei- b} this reference ( "Real Property"),
b Licensee desires to license from Licensor, on a non - exclusive basis, the right to
use that certain portion of the Real Property, and those certain related easements through the Real
for physical access and utilities, as depicted ui Attachment B hereto which is fully
c s =d herein by this reference ( "Premises "),
c Licensee desires to use the Premises for the installation, maintenance and
o. Licensee's communications equipment, including antenna and appurtenant antenna
s _oco- stn:crurets), poles, dishes or masts, radio frequency transmitting and receiving
_ _ —_- o,7man, back -up and temporary power units, interconnection equipment, equipment
lines, conduits, pipes and accessories as more particularly desenbed
_ s Agreement (collectively, "Communication Equipment ") Licensee's initial plans
-, Ia %on of Communication Equipment and construction of related improvements
is aeoicted in Attachment C and fully incorporated herein by this reference. A
-- _- c i -e Co-nmunicanon Equipment, including the proposed frequencies and
c "e --eranon is provided in Attachment D and fully incorporated herein by this
L censor is u illing to mai.e the Premises available to Licensee, subject to the
cor,c::ions neretnafter set fors on a non - exclusive basis, in order to facilitate the
-cc-�% deployment of communications facilities in the City of El Segundo.
THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties as
reretn and for other valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is
_ ou iedged, the parties hereto agree as follows
I Grant During the term of this Agreement, subject to the terms, conditions and
_- c ;;s set forth herein, Licensor hereby grants to Licensee, on a nonexclusive basis, a license
D .a_ Inc Premises for the purposes permitted in Section 2
70 /O8 037,,
2 Use.
(a) Licensee shall have the right to use the Premises only for providing
communication services relating to the transmission and reception of radio communication
signals on the frequencies identified in Attachment D. Such use includes Licensee's right to
install, construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and secure Communication Equipment in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
(b) The precise location of the Communication Equipment, and any
construction or improvements of the Premises, shall be subject to Licensor's prior written
aooroval in accordance with Section 6 of this Agreement.
(c) Licensee shall at all times, at Licensee's sole cost and expense, install.,
one: ate maintain, repair, and remove the Communication Equipment in accordance with all
ao iicaole federal, state and local laws, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations (collectively,
s"), and shall obtain all necessary governmental licenses, permits and approvals
=r %e;}, "- kppro%al ") required to install, operate, maintain, repair, and remove the
C=_.---^ Caron ccuipment
(a) The initial term of the license granted hereunder ( "Term') shall commence
_ _merit Date and continue for a period of years thereafter. For
_-ee^ient, the "Commencement Date" shall be the first to occur of (i) the first
—c-:- edr:n2 A nich Licensor approves the Final Plans pursuant to Section 6(a) herein,
_ ^s are- the date of this Agreement as first set forth above Licensee shall give
-2 ce-so- upon commencement of installation or construction relating to the
This License snail not be revoked or terminated except as expressly
1 = Licensee shall hat e the option to extend the Tears, on the same terns and
ss icr, : in this Agreemen: for up to successive terms of years
Dro`• ided tnat Llceasee shall notify Licensor in writing of Licensee's
iris .Agreement at least 90 cays prior to expiration of the Term or the then-
= a Terri as the case mad oe \orA ithstanding the foregoing, Licensee shall not
to e \tend the Term hereof, and any notice by Licensee of its intention to extend
5"a!1 oe of no effect, at art% time %% her, Licensee is in default under this
10 9
4. Fees and Costs.
(a) On or before the Commencement Date, and on or before thirty (30) days
prior to each anniversary of the Commencement Date during the Term and each Renewal Term,
Licensee shall pay to Licensor an annual license fee in an amount of
dollars ($ .00), adjusted in accordance with paragraph (b) immediately below (the
annual license fee, as adjusted herein, is referred to as the "License Fee ")
(b) The License Fee shall automatically increase each and every year of this
Agreement, during the Term and during each Renewal Tetra, upon the anniversary of the
Commencement Date The amount of increase shall be % of the License Fee in effect
immediately preceding the increase.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in Section 9 below, the parties hereto agree
that the License Fee is fully earned on the date that it becomes due. Any refund or offset of any
poR,on of the License Fee shall occur only as required under Section 9 below.
Most- Favored Nation Clause Following the execution of this License
if Licensee enters into a License Agreement or similar lease agreement for the use of
-_,open} for antenna purposes with a similar municipality in the region which agreement
c_ -,c ns financial benefits for such mtuucipaliry that are substantially superior to those in this
agreement, the Licensor shall have the right to require that Licensee modify this License
<_--e ti— c:,L to incorporate the same or substantially similar superior benefits. For purposes of
similar municipality in the region includes any municipal governmental entity
o, e- a population of one hundred thousand (100,000) or fewer in the Counties
Oran ge, Riverside, or San Bernardino
- --o% ement Installation Early Access
a Final plans respecting installation of Communication Equipment and
aged oh�sical improvements to the Real Property ( "Final Plans ") shall be
s soie cost and expense and submitted to the Licensor for its written
installation or construction of Communication Equipment on the Real
- - -_ °:a ;s shall be in a form and oro%ide such content as may be reasonably required
Final Plans shall, at a minimum describe the specific location of all
o- Lquipment and construction of all related improvements, including any and all
sucn as an emergency or back -up batten', transportable generator power, communication
c se to connect the Communication Equipment and the minimum point of entry
o; otne- point of presence of the telephone service provider at the Real Property.
(b) Following execution of this Agreement and prior to the Commencement
_: "sor shall reasonably accommodate Licensee and its authorized agents with respect to
_ onto the Premises for the purpose of making inspections and engineering surveys and other
_ _ z, c analyses to determine the suitability of the Premises for Communication Equipment,
a -- to oe� elop Final Plans, provided, however, that Licensee shall comply with any and all of
,re notice requirements or other limitations regarding access set forth m Attachment E hereto and
a io, 2 -3-
tiL 77 110. ��38
fully incorporated herein, and that such access shall not interfere with any business or operation
at the Premises or the Real Property. Following the Commencement Date and throughout the
Term or Renewal Term of this Agreement, Licensor shall provide Licensee with access to the
Premises as stated in Section 7(h) below.
(c) Licensor shall not unreasonably withhold, delay or condition its approval
of Final Plans Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensor has absolute discretion with respect to
approval of (1) any proposed improvement or construction not described in Exhibits B or C at
the time this Agreement is executed by Licensor, and (2) the specific location of any
improvement or facility (subject only to technical feasibility).
(d) Licensee shall not commence any construction at the Premises or install
an% equipment or facilities until and unless approved in the Final Plans or subsequently
authorized in writing by the City Manager of the City of El Segundo or his or her authorized
designee In the event that Licensee desires to relocate the Commuication Equipment, or any
part thereof to a different place on the Premises, separate written approval from Licensor
resnezting such relocation shall be required Any such relocation shall beat Licensee's sole cost
,. e�nerse
(e) Licensee shall, at Licensee's sole cost and expense, perform all work
t o p repare, add, maintain and alter the Premises for Communication Equipment in
a..3- za_nce %� ith the Final Plans All construction and installation work shall be performed in a
Reoc z,e workmanlike manner by Incensed and bonded contractors, and in accordance with
.. - . -- _ ' av s 41l such contractors shall maintain insurance in such amounts, against such
_ - s__r ;o=s as Licensor shall reasonably require, including the addition of Licensor
_ _ —__ ec as set forth in Section 12 herein Licensee shall be required to separately
s,npro,,als respecting such work by the appropriate governmental entities
( i Licensee acknoA ledges that neither Licensor nor any agent of Licensor
re:)-eseniation or warranty with respect to the condition of the Premises or the Real
- I , ; esnec to the suitability of ether for the conduct of Licensee's operations The
=f- _ o: am consrmcuon or installation shall conclusively establish that the Premises
e acceptable to Licensee and are in a satisfactory condition
C)7e -anor Collocation Regulations
i a i Licensee shall comply with all Laws in designing, locating and operating
— _-,za;,on Equipment, including but not limited to Chapter 20.62, "Wireless
- _ z: -on Facilities," in the El Segundo Municipal Code, and those laws and regulations
_ zi e nog% or may hereafter be promulgated by the Federal Communications Cornrnission
::,--C7 i Licensee shall upon request at its sole cost and expense produce evidence of such
(b) In addition to any tests that may be required by the FCC, Licensee shall on
is oasis and at least ( )rime per year, perform reasonable tests at its sole cost
eLoense to eemonstrate that all applicable FCC regulations governing the emission of
73 II 1
electro- magnetic frequency radiation from the Communication Equipment are complied with.
Licensee shall upon reasonable request perform more frequent testing (or specific additional
testing if appropriate) at its sole cost and expense if there is evidence or reasonable concern
respecting compliance with such standards.
(c) Licensee shall comply with the "Technical Requirements for Third Party
Collocation" set forth in Attachment F hereto and fully incorporated herein ( "Collocation Rules ")
with respect to the itnual design, location and operation of the Communication Equipment
( "Initial Design ") at the Premises, and in relocating, maintaining, modifying, reconfiguring or
changing the frequency or operation of such equipment after it is initially installed
( "Reconfiguration ") If at anytime Licensor reasonably believes that Licensee is not in
compliance with any provision of the Collocation Rules, Licensee shall upon request produce to
Licensor the information that is reasonably requested in order to adequately verify Licensee's
(d) Licensee shall abide by the tune limits and other standards of approval for
eouesis by third party communication providers ( "Other Carriers ") to collocate on the Premises
c- Real Prooem, as set forth to the Collocation Rules, including but riot limited to, the following
Responding in writing to a proposed Other Camer's preliminary
plans and technical specifications within fifteen (15) business days,
with failure to so respond being deemed an approval of the plans
and specifications, as set forth in A.1. of the Collocation Rules;
Negotiating in good faith with a proposed Other Carver with
respect to any objection the Licensee may have regarding the
Other Camer's plans and specifications, as set forth in A 2 of the
Collocation Rules, and
Acting in good faith in conditioning any approvals of a proposed
Other Carver's plans and specifications
i e Tne Communication Equipmen: and Licensee's use thereof shall not
«iin (1) anv communication equipment, computer equipment or similar
c am i.ind and nature owned or operated by Licensor at the Real Property, or (2) any
c:..ion'equ,nmerit or use at the Real Property which is authorized by Licensor and
D".ec in accordance with the Collocation Rules by an Other Carver In the event that the
_ =z :roc Eeumment as installed and configured results in material interference with
SO, o- any Oiner Carver, then Licensee shall immediately terminate such interference
M Licensor shall, with respect to any license or other agreement entered into
_ e ^so- u ith an Other Carver after execution of this Agreement that authorizes the
z .ation of communication transmitting equipment on the Real Property, include aprovismon
i 1 ) prohibits such Other Carver from interfering with the communications operations of
Co `municanon Equipment as it is then configured, and (2) requires the Other Carver to comply
�\ it,, all the provisions set forth in the Collocation Rules in designing, locating and operating its
13 ic,1 74 -5-
110. 039
transmitting equipment, and in reconfiguring or changing the frequency or operation of such
(g) In the event that any Other Carrier fails to abide by any provision set forth
to the Collocation Rules, and if Licensee demonstrates that such failure results in material
interference with the operation of Communication Equipment, Licensor will endeavor to
promptly terminate such interference to the extent that Licensor has authority to do so Licensor
shall have the right, but not the obligation, to file a lawsuit on Licensee's behalf in order to
terminate such interference
(h) Following the Commencement Date and throughout the Term or
applicable Renewal Term of this Agreement, Licensor, shall provide access to Licensee,
Licensee's employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors to the Premises at all times,
n enr-�-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, subject to the provisions of this Section
Licensor hereby grants to Licensee such ri ghts of ingress and egress over Licensee's Real
Propem and other applicable easements held by Licensor for the purpose of access from the
tie est public nght -of -way to the Premises as maybe necessary and consistent with the use of
^e premises authonzed by this License Agreement and specifically delineated in the Final Plans
e-see stall oe accompanied by City personnel at all times upon the Premises as provided in
�, ccr er.t E hereto in accordance with the Licensoe's emergency procedures. Licensee shall
ine n_lit to install a lock box for keys or access cards on Licensor's Real Property as
o% Licensor Licensee shall pay for the cost of lock boxes and all additional keys and
cz- cs ana snail return all keys and cards to Licensor and remove all lock boxes upon expiration
_ -- -a::on of this License Agreement
(i) Subject to such reasonable rules that Licensor may in its discretion from
e es,ao;ut'- Licensor shall allow Licensee's employees, agents, contractors and
- hicles in the parkin_ spaces identified for such purpose in Attachment
=_ -_es s ^a i oe used only to the extent necessary for Licensee's authorized use of the
s o o i ec rt —uneer
a° occ :o- of Communication Eguioment
For purposes of this Agreement, "Public Project" shall mean any lawful
c _cog a gnrritnt, or width of any public street, way, alley, or place, including but not
_ e•corstruction of any subs%ay or % iaduct, that the City may initiate, either through
recv,eiopmeni agency, community facilities district, assessment district, area of
--:),- -se-nent agreement, or generalh aoplicable impact fee program.
(o) Licensee shall remove or relocate any Cominumcation Equipment
_ .ez used, or maintained under this License at Licensee's sole cost if and when such
= c- relocation is made necessary in the determination of the Licensor for any Public
�1111eZ or in accordance with any utility easement in existence prior to the Commencement Date.
(c) When such removal or relocation is required, Licensee shall begin
r,\ s cai field work on the removal or relocation within days after written notice from
= :�io, , 75 -6_
the City Manager or his/her designee. After such notice to remove or relocate, Licensee shall
have the option of terminating this Agreement pursuant to Section 10(c) or relocating the
Communication Equipment to a location determined by the City Manager. If the Public Project
or other work pursuant to a utility easement requires only temporary removal and replacement of
Communication Equipment in the same location, Licensee shall have the option of terminating
this Agreement or suspending the annual license fee. Such suspension of fee shall be effective
only for the period of time in which the Communication Equipment is inoperative as necessitated
by the work and shall serve as a prorated credit against the amount due for the following year.
Taxes, Utilities and Maintenance
(a) Licensee shall be solely liable for any and all taxes that result, directly or
inelrectl}, from the installation, maintenance or operation of the Commumcation Equipment
'notice is hereby given to Licensee pursuant to California Revenue and Taxation Code Section
IF 6 that use or occupancy of any public property pursuant to the authorization herein set forth
may create a possessory interest which may be subject to property taxes levied on such interest.
Licensee shall pay and discharge prior to delinquency any and all possessory interest taxes or
o, e- aN es levied against Licensee's right to possession, occupancy, or use of any public property
_ an- to an} n gnt of possession, occupancy, or use created by this Agreement. In the event
z am increase in Licensor's real property taxes results from Licensee's installation,
e -:ance or operation of Communication Equipment (including any improvements to the
P-e- ses authorized under this Agreement), then Licensee shall reimburse Licensor the full
of sucn increase within thirty (30) days followmg receipt of a written invoice of the
e Licensor shall provide reasonable evidence of any such tax increase upon request
(o) Licensee shall full} and promptly pay for all utilities furnished to the
me use, operation and maintenance of Commumcauon Equipment. Licensee shall
_ _es I - stall at Licensee's sole etipense a separate electric meter, and shall pay for its
-_ _c-s_mouor directly, if a separate meter is not available, Licensee shall pay the cost
-_ - is -casonaol% apportioned oy Licensor Licensee shall pay for telephone service
_ e1eonone uriliry To the e\tent that any utility is provided by Licensor, Licensee
_ se tcensor for the full amount of any and all related costs incurred by Licensor
_ -ectl� or indirectly, frorr the pro% ision of such utiltry Such payments shall be
anc in no event more inan tr,irt% (30) days after receipt of a written invoice of the
ec Ir no e� em shall Licensee s use of the Premises or Real Property interfere with
flex :hereon
(c) Licensee shall maintain the Premises throughout the Term and all Renewal
ooe condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Licensee shall not be required to
z- repairs to the Real Property, except as stated in Section 11 below and except for
= a_ e :o the Real Property caused by Licensee, its employees, agents, contractors,
__ actors, subtenants or invitees
Doc_ 1:10.2 76 -%- 0 "
1 14- ,
10. Default, Termination, Remedies.
(a) In the event of Licensee's breach of any monetary obligation required
herein, Licensor may demand in writing that the breach be clued within ten (10) days of the
receipt of notice by the Licensee. The failure to cure such a monetary breach within the stated
period shall constitute a material default of this Agreement, and Licensor may elect to terminate
this Agreement immediately by providing Licensee written notice of termination
(b) In the event of a breach of any material covenant or term hereof other than
a monetary obligation, the non - breaching parry may demand n writing that the breach be cured
within thirty (30) days of the receipt of notice by the breaching party The breaching party shall
cure the breach within said thirty (30) days unless the cure cannot be reasonably effected within
tna: period of time, in which case the breaching parry shall submit a written letter within said
inim% (30) days stating an intent to cure said breach. After receipt of said letter of intent by the
nor- oreachmg parry, the breaching party shall have such additional time as may be necessary to
ec a complete cure so long as the breacing parry commences the cure and diligently and
c,-in,--oust} thereafter pursues the cure to completion.
I c) This Agreement may be terminated by Licensee on 30 days prior written
L Licensor upon occurrence of anyone or more of the following events, in which case the
oo-:io-i of the .A.nnual License Fee shall be refunded in accordance with Section 10(g)
(t) prior to the Commencement Date, for any reason or for no reason
(ii) after the Cor-nencement Date, in the event that communication
-_ _c_ e ;t installed on the Rea' Property by any Other Carrier materially interferes
_ _ -acauons operations of the Commurucation Equipment, and Licensee is unable to
_. e-fe-ence through reasonably feasible means,
(iii) at any tirnie upon receipt of written notice that a governmental or
ucense, permit, conse-i, aopros al, easement or restriction waiver that is
--_ode Licensee to install -,-,a ooerate Communication Equipment cannot be
td within a required nine period through no fault of Licensee, or
(iv) the Premises o- the Real Property is damaged or destroyed so as, to
_ - , - -esonaole judgment, to matenal). )under Licensee's existing use of the Premises
(d) This Aereement may be terminated by Licensee on 30 days prior written
;censor, subject to the payment by Licensee of a termination fee in an amount equal to
percent (_ %) of the annual License Fee, upon occurrence of any one or
-_ o trig follow ing events, in which case said termination fee shall be deducted from any
_-sec oc ,riior. of the annual License Fee and the remainder of the License Fee shall be refunded
_ ce -see in accordance with Section 10(2) below
7 7 -8- l
I l
(i) a material change in circumstances that, for economic,
environmental or technological reasons, directly causes the Premises to no longer be appropriate
or suitable for Licensee's operations (including without limitation any ruling or directive of the
FCC or other governmental or regulatory agency), regardless of fault; or
(ii) a communications facility or other structm is erected or installed
in the immediate vicinity of the Real Property and materially interferes with communications
operations of Communication Equipment, and Licensee is unable to correct such interference
throueh reasonably feasible means.
(e) In addition to the express provisions of Section 10(a) above, a material
breach of this Agreement shall include, but not be limited to, the occurrence of any one or more
of the follow ing et, ents provided that the failure to Licensor to enforce any breach of this
42ree rent shall not constitute a waiver of its future right to enforce said breach:
(i) the failure by Licensee for any reason to obtain and maintain any
„_ressar government license, permit or approval, or failure to satisfy any condition of such
permit or appro%a],
(ii) the failure by Licensee for any reason to install, construct, operate
_ ) 'he Corirnurucation Equipment in accordance with applicable Laws;
(iii) the installation, removal or reconfiguration of any Communication
—_ - Licensee without Licensoe's poor wnnen approval;
(ix) any assignment or anempted assignment of Licensee's rights or
except as proviaed in Section 19 below.
the acauon or abandonment of the Comtnumcatton Equipment or
7 L,ce see (abandonment shall include without limitation the failure to maintain
Co- -munication Equipment for a period of ninety (90) days or longer); or
( it the making bx Licensee of any general assignment for the benefit
^e ti n; b% or against Licensee of petition to have Licensee adjudged bankrupt,
.3, reorganization or arrangement under any law relating to bankruptcy (unless, in
filed against Licensee the same is dismissed within thirty (30) days), or the
D: a trustee or receiver to ta&e possession of substantially all of Licensee's assets
e-ises or of Licensee's interest in this Agreement (where possession is not
r to rr} (30) days), or the aitacrunent, execution or otherludicial seizure of
al ;% all of Licensee's assets located at the Premises or of Licensee's interest in this
(«here such seizure is not discharged within thirty (30) days).
(f) Except as provided otherwise in this Agreement, in the event of a default
e o m he,eto, the non - defaulting parry shall have in addition to its right of termination,
r_ n' to an} otner remedies available at law or in equity.
1310, oo: = -9
(g) In the event that Licensee elects to terminate this Agreement pursuant to
Sections I O(b), I O(c) or I O(d), Licensee shall remove the Communication Equipment and restore
the Premises to its condition existing on the Commencement Date (ordinary wear and tear
excepted) within thirty (30) days of Licensoes receipt of the notice of termination. In said event,
Licensor shall return to Licensee any unused portion of the annual License Fee from the date of
effective termination or the date upon which the Premises are fully restored, whichever occurs
later, less any termination fee if applicable
(h) In the event that Licensor elects to terminate this Agreement pursuant to
Sections I O(a) or 10(b), Licensee shall forfeit any unused portion of the annual License Fee.
Upon such termination, Licensee shall remove the Communication Equipment and restore the
Premises to its condition existing on the Commencement Date (ordinary wear and tear excepted)
itnin Hurry (30) days of Licensee's receipt of the notice of termination. If Licensee fails to
restore the Premises within said thirty (30) days, Licensor may recover from Licensee all costs
reasonable necessary to remove the Communication Equipment and restore the Premises in
czcoroance v ith Sections 13 and 17 below
W The provisions of this Agreement which by their sense and context are
_a 'o su -%the termination (including but not limited to the provisions of Sections 9, 10, 12,
I and 17) shall survive termination
Condemnation If the whole of the Premises (or any portion thereof which
-a s me oaiance of the Premises unsuitable for Licensee's normal operations) are taken by any
o _2s -ocbl,c authority by condemnation, or sold under threat or in lieu of any such
seoarareh or as part of the Real Property, this Agreement shall terminate as of
is aelivered to the condemning authority. Licensee shall have the tight to any
za,i , ces,griared as compensation for Licensee's interest under this Agreement, the
c' e 'Cep nunicanon Eouipment or any other amounts recoverable under
tie- ;o%ai of Cor=unicatior Equipment The Communication Equipment and
_c.: placed on the Premises b% Licensee at its sole expense shall be and
r soya vrooe^n of Licensee anc ma} be removed by Licensee at any time during
e-e a' Tenn, provided tha• Licensee is not in default hereunder, and, provided
_Icellsee snall repair any eamaet caused by such removal and shall restore the
-__ Rea! Propem to its condition existing upon the execution of this Agreement less
.� ea: --o tear prior to expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. If Licensee
—o% e a :! of its effects from the Premises upon termination of this Agreement for any
- . .: see-. e. Licensor may, at its option, immediately remove the same to any manner that
--o- - 5--all cnoose and discard, sell or store said effects without liability of any kind for loss
r. c repair and restore the Premises and Real Property Any Communication Equipment
_ ^emo%ed o� Licensor pursuant to this Section shall become the sole property of
_ __-s licensee agrees to pay Licensor upon demand any and all expenses incurred in
c..ior. mere%~ tth, including court costs, attorneys' fees, costs of removal, storage costs for
„ o: time they shall be in Licensor's possession, costs of repairing the Premises and Real
voe N aria costs of sale
-: : 310, -, 7 9 -10- 1 F7
13. Insurance. Without limiting Licensee's obligation or liability under Section 13,
during the Term and any Renewal Term, and thereafter until the removals required under Section
12 are complete, and prior to the Commencement Date if Licensee enters the Real Property under
Section 6(b), Licensee shall maintain, at its own expense, commercial general liability insurance
(including contractual liability), naming Licensor as an additional insured, providing coverage
Iimits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 annual aggregate, insuring
against any covered liability of Licensee and its employees and agents arising out of and in
connection with the installation, maintenance, operation and presence of the Communication
Equipment on the Premises. Commercial general liability shall be issued with companies having
an A M Best Company rating of AX or better, on forms, with deductible amounts, if any,
reasonably satisfactory to Licensor Licensee shall provide to Licensor proof of insurance prior
to the Commencement Date and at any time upon request
1 I Indemnifi cation.
(a) Licensee shall indemnify, defend, protect and hold harmless Licensor and
r_ o ic;als, agents and employees from and against any and all claim, cause of action, demand,
damage, Lability, loss, cost or expense, includmg but not limited to reasonable attorneys'
ee; ( collecti % el,,, "Claim ") that arises out of or is in any way related to Licensee's use or
.c pane} of ine Premises, including without limitation the installation, construction,
._..ce operation or removal of the Commurcation Equipment; provided, however, that
ineemniry shall not apply to the extent that any Claim solely results from the gross
e o: a illful misconduct of Licensor, its public officials, agents and/or employees
(b) Licensee shall, promptly upon request by Licensor, cause any mechamc's
—_ - -_ -cn s hers vied in connection with any work done on the Premises or the Real
- _ o- a• ; ^e request or direction of Licensee to be released by posting an appropriate
_ —;auon ofLiabilm
(31 Licensor shall no; be lame to Licensee, its affiliates, or any of its or their
;ce ; panners, shareholders agents, employees or contractors for damage to the
;or Eeuipment or any other, propeny belonging to Licensee from any cause, except
__ —age caused by the gross neRh2ence or willful misconduct of Licensor, its employees,
(o) Licensee waives all claims against Licensor and its employees for damage
or Communication Equipment or propem ans ;ng for any reason other than a claim
on the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Licensor or its agents or employees.
(c) Licensor, its officials, agents, and employees shall have no liability for any
e—Joaen of utility service, except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or willful
zoneuct of Licensor or its agents or employees
Doc_ —_- in i3 LOS 2
(d) Licensor shall not be responsible for any damages, losses, or liability of
any kind occurring by reason of anything done or permitted to be done by any third party,
including without limitation any and all damages, losses, or liability arising from (i) the issuance
or approval by the City of a permit to any thud party, or (ii) any interruption of services provided
by Licensee at the Premises due to any third party failure to abide by FCC regulations,
Collocation Rules, or any other applicable Laws or agreement with Licensor, or (iii) any action
taken by a third party in respect to the Collocation Rules.
(e) Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Other Carriers shall not be
deemed Licensor's agent or employee for any purpose.
16 Secuntv Deposit. Prior to the Commencement Date, Licensee shall deposit with
Licensor a cash payment in the amount of , or provide such other security
instrument as may, be approved by the City Manager in writing. This deposit or other security
s ^all be used to secure the faithful performance by Licensee of all of the work, construction,
installatior payments, removals, terms, covenants and conditions required by Licensee
ne,eunder within the time periods set forth herein Licensor may use, apply or retain any portion
c - aeDosit for the payment of any amount due Licensor or to compensate Licensor for any
c. __ e 1055 or expense it may suffer by reason thereof. The deposit shall be returned to
_ :-e -see w ithin thin (3 0) days after expiration or termination of this Agreement, less
aaaoonaie aeductions If any portion of the deposit is deducted dining the Term or any
Re- e ti a; Term Licensor shall provide prompt notice of the amount of and reason for the
and Licensee shall promptly deposit sufficient additional cash with Licensor to restore
__ ___ o Licensor shall not be required to keep the deposit separate from its general
_-Z ceoosu shall not be deemed to be held in trust by Licensor. The deposit shall
_ , From the date of execution of this Agreement throughout the Term and
icensee shall not use, store, manufacture or maintain on the Real Property
_. _- .._amour Substances exceot in such quantities and types found customary in
e- cecipmeni operations as is iaenufied on Attachment G hereto and fully
_ __ _ _ Licensee shall hanaie store and dispose of all Hazardous Substances it
- „ nea; Property or Premises in accordance with applicable Laws
(1b) For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Hazardous Substance" means (i)
= -c r p: oduc;, waste or other material of any nature whatsoever which is or becomes
_ __laced or addressed pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
--sanon and Liability Act, 42 U S C Section 9601 et seq ( "CERLCA) ", the Hazardous
z--,s I ransoortanon Act, 49 U S C Section 1801, et seq ; the Resource Conversation and
- _ _ - _ -, -�c. L S C Section 6901 et sea ( "RCRA "), the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15
_ = C Section 2601 et seq , the Clean Water Act, 33 U S C Section 1251 et seq.; the California
__-sous %k aste Control Act, Health and Safety Code Section 25100 et seq.; the California
-- :.-.:eus Substance Account Act, Health and Safety Code Sections 25330 et seq; the California
° Drn]%in_ Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, Health and Safety Code Sections 25249 5 et
Doc_,m^ = 1310, 2 81 -12_ 1 I n
se q., California Health and Safety Code Sections 25280 et se q. (Underground Storage of
Hazardous Substances), the California Hazardous Waste Management Act, Health and Safety
Code Sections 25170.1 et seq.; California Health and Safety Code Sections 25501 et seq.
(Hazardous Materials Response Plans and Inventory); or the Porter- Cologne Water Quality
Control Act, Water Code Sections 13000 et seq., all as amended, (the above -cited California
statutes are here collectively referred to as "the Hazardous Substances Laws ") or any other
federal, state or local statute, law, ordinance, resolution, code, rule, regulation, order or decree
regulating, relating to, or imposing liability or standards of conduct concerning, any hazardous,
toxic or dangerous waste, substance or material, as now or at any tune hereafter in effect; (it) any
substance, product, waste or other material of any name whatsoever which may give rise to
liability under any of the above statutes or under any statutory or common law theory, including
bu: not limited to negligence, trespass, intentional tort, nuisance, waste or strict liability or under
any reported decisions of a state or federal court, (iii) petroleum or crude oil other than petroleum
"i oetroleum products contained within regularly operated motor vehicles; and (iv) asbestos.
(c) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Agreement, Licensee
z•- -ees to tnaemnify, defend with counsel selected by the Licensor, protect, and hold harmless the
_ .e_sor its officials, officers, employees, agents, and assigns from and against any and all
sses _nes, penalties, claims, damages, judgments, or liabilities of any kind or nature which the
_e-so its officials, officers, employees, agents, or assigns may sustamor incur or which may
oe moosed upon them in connection with the use of the Real Property or the Premises provided
L �ae- tors = L*eement, directly or indirectly arising from or attributable to the storage or deposit
c sous Substances on the Real Property or the Prenuses. This Section is intended to
agreement pursuant to Section 107(e) of CERCLA, 42 USC Section 9607(e), and
_ e !tr. a , Safety Code Section 3S3o -t, ro insure, protect, hold harmless, and
- - _ :e-sor for any liabiliry pursuant to such sections
a ^se- of License
t ai All of the terms and provisions contained herein shall inure to the benefit
e D,ncing upon the panies hereto and tneir respective successors and assigns This
_ ,., nanis and obligations of Licensee hereunder shall not be assigned or
a sie ec, in whole or in pan, o� Licensee without the express written consent of the
,c- corsent mall not be un:easo,ao* v ithneld, delayed or conditioned. Any
css. .: —_•nen: or other transier in i ioiation of this Section 18 shall be void. The
- _- e otri - transfer of the nghts and obligations of Licensee to a parent, subsidiary or
a:e of Licensee, or to any successor in interest or entity acquiring fifty -one percent
me e of Licensee's stock or assets, shall be deemed an assignment requiring Licensoe's
e rereunaer Licensee shall provide Licensor at least thirty (30) days advanced wntten
_t o, an% proposed transfer.
(b) If Lessee desires at an� time to effect a transfer, it shall first deliver to
.r ( I) - %%ntten request for approval, (2) the name, address and most recent financial
s -ens of the proposed transferee and (3) the proposed instrument of assignment or sublease,
c- it the case of assignment shall include a wrtnen assumption by the assignee of all
c 1,icLa%ons of Lessee under the Lease ansrng from and after the effective date of assignment.
Doc umen= .3 JOY 2 82 -13- I�� h140
19. Title. Licensor warrants and represents to Licensee that (i) Licensor has full
authority to enter into this Agreement and to grant the licenses provided herein; (ii) Licensor has
fee title to the Real Property, subject to those matters affecting title shown in Exhibit A and, to
Licensoe's knowledge, there are no undisclosed liens, judgments or impeachments of title on the
Real Property that affect this Agreement
20 Licensor's Non - Interference. Licensor agrees that it will not, without Licensee's
prior written consent, cause or knowingly permit any interference with Licensee's use of the
Premises as authorized in Section 2 hereof, provided, however, that any collocation required by
Licensor or requested by an Other Carner in compliance with the Collocation Rules, the
pro%isions of this Agreement, and all Laws, and any legal and continuing use, operation or
business of the Premises or Real Property existing at the time of the date of this Agreement, shall
not be deemed a cause or knowing permission of interference by the Licensor under this Section
,G '\on ithstandmg anything in this Section 20, however, Licensoe's liability is limited asset
o-� :n Section 15 of this Agreement Moreover, nothing in this Agreement restricts, modifies,
c- affects to any way the Licensoe's nahts to enforce its Code, including its Wireless
C_ -. _. :ca:lons Facilities Ordinance, revoke or suspend anypermits or approvals given to the
-see or hola any hearings in connection therewith, and such enforcement shall not be
c__ ec an interference with Licensee's use of the Premises.
(al Ii any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent
_ also or unenforceaoie men the remainder of this Agreement shall not be
z--- s ~all continue to be %and and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by
Tre A aiver o% eitner parr of any breach or violation of any provision of
sca 90L be deemed a w ar.•er or continuing waiver by that party of any
-_- _ -22- - e- N iolanon of Inc saute or an\ other provision of this Agreement.
I 3r � notice or ct-7a. ^q required 'herein shall be given personally, by
_ ecs c_e oreoai? return rece o' requested, by confirmed fax, or by reliable
c_-e ,a the adaress of the respecti%e p. —ties set forth on the signarure page Any
^e-scnalh snail be deemeo deli% ered upon receipt, service by facsimile
- - _
o- s-a11 be deemed delivered on the date of receipt as shown on the received facsimile,
ce ccnii;ed mail or by rehaoic o ernient courier shall be deemed delivered on the
-- _ _ce pi as snows on the certification of receipt or on the date receipt is refused as shown
-::,o-es or manifest of the L' S Pos:a! Serti ice or such courier. Licensor or Licensee may
--:e to tir-e designate any other add ess for tnis purpose by written notice to the other parry
e forecotnd manner
1 d) In the event of am dispute or legal proceeding between the parties arising
c _ o c, e,auns to this Lease or its breach the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from
r.o- -oret ailing parry all fees, costs and expenses, including but not hiruted to attomeys' and
Doc urc1 -- I I0.2 -14-
expert witness fees, incurred in connection with such dispute or legal proceeding, any
counterclaims or cross - complaints, any action to confirm, correct or vacate an arbitration award,
any appeals and any proceeding to establish and recover such costs and expenses, in such amount
as the court or arbitrator determines reasonable. Without limiting the foregoing, any parry
entering a voluntary dismissal of any legal proceeding without the consent of the opposing party
in such proceeding shall be deemed the non - prevailing party.
(e) This Agreement shall be governed, construed and interpreted under the
laws of the State of California This Agreement shall be construed as a whole and in accordance
with its fair meaning This Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed against the parry
preparing it
(0 This Agreement including all attachments and riders constitutes the entire
ageen:ent and understanding between the parties, and supersedes all offers, negotiations and
e.ae =tcrnents, written or oral, concerning the subject matter contained herein There are no
rzc-esen•ations or understandings of any land not set forth herein. Any amendments to this
a wee -,cnt shall be effective only if in writing and executed by both parties
i g ) Licensee shall reimburse all costs of Licensor, including attomeys' fees
incurred in the preparation and review of this Agreement, Attachments thereto, and
r_ area aoproval or document necessary to the execution of this Agreement Such costs must
•o Licenso, onor to the Commencement Date and prior to approval of any Final Plans of
-�-n% notices u hich either pain may desire to give to the other party under
_= oe it witting and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery
eeln ery sen ice such as but not limited to, Federal Express, which
.�,n_ date and time of deli en, or (tit) marling in the United States Mail,
Z', --- --- _e p, epaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as
a any otner address as tnat parry may later designate by notice
bc:--c- -15- l a a
To Licensor: City of El Segundo
350 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
ATTN: City Clerk
To Licensee
Tel: (310) 322 -4670
Fax- (310) 322 -7137
(t) All statements provided in the Recital or Preamble to this Agreement are
incorporated as a material part of this Agreement.
01 Tae person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Licensee
ano represents that he/she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the
e-see and has the authority to bind Licensee to the performance of its obligations hereunder.
cO__ : 1310,: -16- � )3,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of
By- —
Name _
D_c�T`-i> 1310.: _17_
THE CITY OF El Segundo, a municipal
By _
City Clerk
:Sark D Hensley, City Attorney
me m
�o<_... <.. v 1310, '_ A -1 �.J ' � C
B-1 (O y
Do :� °n1 c 1310, ?
C -1
-_ _ .1 o. z D -1 I a� 0 v
1 Licensee shall provide Licensor reasonable, advanced notice of its intent to enter
the Premises, in the manner provided below
Notice of entry may be provided as follows
oral written
= e i- s•- uctions [incluee otner occupants/owners of the Real Property or
e -ses to be notified]
is restricted from oarkine its vehicles at the following places, times
_ x ^see shall in no event parr, in any space designated for parking by another
- :censor reserves the neht to reasonably change these restrictions or substitute
-e_s^-cbie parking accommodations in the immediate vtctruty of the Real Property
: �jlv' Z 91
E -1
These requirements pertain to initial installation of Communication Equipment on the
Premises ( "Initial Installation "), and at all times thereafter in the event that Licensee desires to
reconfigure or change the frequency or operation of the Communication Equipment
("Reconfiguration ").
A The butial Installation and any Reconfiguration must be approved by each of the
authorized third parties whose communication equipment is located on the Real Property
(,,Carriers") The Carvers inexistence on the date of execution of the License Agreement are
prON ided at the end of this Attachment Such requests and approvals shall be submitted and
considered according to the following procedures-
1 Licensee shall submit to the Carvers preltminary plans and technical
fcr the proposed facility or the Reconfiguration The Carriers shall have 15
_= ress days to respond to Licensee in writing with the Carvers' approval or disapproval of
:_ :ee s plans and specifications. Any disapproval shall be accompanied by a detailed
:-ion of the oasts for the disapproval Failure to respond in writing to the plans and
s °ez- ;. -, ,cations shall be deemed approval
If Licensee's plans and specifications are not approved by one or more
Licensee snall revise its plans and specifications to meet the objections thereto set
- - _ e -s �mnen disapproval No construction, installation, testing or operation of the
C_ o- Reconfiguration, as appropriate, shall be permitted unless and until each of
cps-, % e Licensee's plans and specifications If Licensee disputes the basis or
ocie:uon inert it shall resolve its dispute directly with the objecting Carver(s),
_ _„ ct-ns Licensor's conauct
1. Licensee's plans ana specifications are approved by the Carvers,
ejcn of the Came—s m «mine as to the scheduled date and time of
construction and tns,alla; ion of Licensee's transmimnglreeerving equipment,
Lion of the Reconfiguration as the case maybe, not less than five business
- -o to sucn gate
Licensee also snall noun each of the Carvers in writing five business days
o Licensee's pre - operation transmit test as to the date and tune such test will commence.
_ -e- operation transmit test shall be conducted jointly by Licensee and any Carrier who
_s ;o o arucioate, ano shall measure
(a) The signal transmit levels at the output after the final filter stage
_- _ :enstf's transmit line with all transminers keyed up at maximum power,
m: , 1310,:
92 Ll 4t�
F -1 I �, C
(b) Antenna isolation between the output of the final filter stage on
Licensee's transmit line and input line to the Carriers' first receive filter in the base station in the
Carvers' frequency band of operation,
(c) The combination of (i) worst case level measured out of
Licensee's transmit line added to (ii) worst case antenna isolation. Such value shall be no greater
than - 114dBm to Licensee's Federal Communications Commission receive and transmit bands of
operation If any Carver determines that it is expenencmg interference, that Carver shall notify
Licensee to immediately cease the pre - operation or pre - Reconfiguration transmit test and
Licensee shall immediately cease such test Thereafter, each Carrier shall each have two
business days to submit its written approval, disapproval or conditional approval of the Initial
Installation or Reconfiguration Failure to submit a disapproval or conditional approval within
m o (2) business days shall be deemed an approval
B It shall be Licensee's responsibility to ensure that proper filtering and isolation are
place for the pre - operation or pre - reconfiguration transmit test and operation of Licensee's
r, s� stem Any cnange to Licensee's approved antenna type and location and/or change in
eves and power output shall be required to follow each of the steps set forth in
A of tms Attachment F.
C One or more Carvers may condition their approval of Licensee's plans and
s,ec a -ons and or equipment installations on Licensee paying to such Carrier(s) an equitable
c_ss trs: such Carver incurs to design, permit, construct, install, maintain and
C: --o- Facilities For this purpose, "Common Facilities" means any equipment,
and improvements that such Carver installs at the Premises or the Real
_ -_ z ;tie collocating Licensee «ill use or benefit from, such as but not limited to
caoie, utilities and similar facilities
\o,� -s:anamg approval by the Carriers to accordance with Paragraph A, the
c- Reconfiguration must be suomitted to Licensor for its approval A copy of
s . rs and objections se, form in Paragraph A shall be provided by Licensee to
_ 2 _- ose at the same time it is recen ed or provided by Licensee Licensor shall
- ,.old condition or oela% its approval
_nsee shall at all times eunns the term of the License Agreement reasonably
- . r L,censo, and the Carvers in - Beards to addressing problems that may anse
_ -; or proposed collocates facilities at the Real Property
4n� notice, objection. submission or oche: communication to the Carvers shall be
_z ,:.re CiR at the address and in the manner provided for notices in Section 19(c) of the
_: -se =.; ee nea , and to each of the Carvers in the same manner at the address provided
o' Omer» ise in "sting by that Came: Licensor or the Carver may from time to time
it the foregoing manner, any other address for this purpose
G Licensee agrees that Licensor shall not be liable to Licensee for any approval,
,:,o, c
F_2 13
failure to approve or other response of a Carrier in regards to Licensee's request for Initial
installation or Reconfiguration, and that Licensor shall not be required to adjudicate any dispute
between Licensee and any Carrier.
H. Licensee understands that its violation of these rules, or its continuing interference
with the communications operations of one or more Camels may cause the affected parties
irreparable harm. Licensee agrees that the Camer(s) shall be entitled to file an action to enjoin
such interference or seek other appropriate remedies.
I Licensee shall provide notice to the Carriers identified below of its agreement to
these requirements
J Licensor agrees that, for the benefit of Licensee, it will impose the same technical
regwrements collocated Other Carriers authorized to use the Premises and that it will require the
sa,-ne coordination procedures of the Other Camels in any reconfiguration or change of
i-equenc} or operation tamed out by such Other Camels in the future.
Phone and Fax
94 F-3
I ?0
Subject to Licensee's obligations under Section 17 of the attached License Agreement,
Licensee shall be permitted to bring such quantities of the following common materials
customarily used in telecommunications operations onto the Premises, solely for the purpose of
operating and maintaining the Communication Equipment:
G -1
3 3
e applicant must show that the proposed work will not adversely affect the District's interests; le., (1) Hydraulic and Hydrology Design,
Structural integrity; (3) Maintenance standards; (4) District's property rights, etc. Applicant must complete the following portion of
DR __ SS
City Zip Code
Street City Zip Code
Street City Zip Code
that ine aooucant for this permit is familiar wrth the requirements of the County Lobbyist Ordinance
7- __e Chzcier 2 160) and that all persons acting on behalf of the applicant have complied with and will continue
_ c_gr_u' the application process
c: Owner /Agent
_ a -s w'; scucrural oe:ars ano rofres of the existing and proposed facilities
_-a ano or nyorauhc and nveroicg� calculations The plans and calculations must be stamped and signed
a e ^dinee, licensed to prac, -e in the State of California
-cc c -::o c.irrent ordinance estaoitshed by the Board of Supervisors
i' LDMA .
96 v50
(Revised June, 1997)
Rental Agreement No.
Right of Way Parcel(s) _
Right of Way Map No.
Assessor Parcel(s) No(s).
Thomas Page /Grid.
___ -_ _:_= COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, a body corporate and
--- i -_, nerainafter referred to as "DISTRICT ".
hereinafter referred to as
_:_ - -_C is owner of *_hat certain property generally
c�s_res to __- _a -- property for
- - -= t^ DISTR:__, f�_ and in consideration of the
-_- -__ s: the covenants anc agreements hereinafter agreed to
-_- formed by the TENANT, and upon the following terms
__ons, hereby rents to TENANT, and the TENANT hereby hires
and from the D= STR:CT tnat certain property in the
_ --- c_` County of Los Angeles, State of
as snow-n in Exnio, "A" attached hereto and made a part
------ :nere_na =ter referred to as PREMISES.
Rental Agreement No . _ -- 'r •'— —7
1. The rental of the PREMISES is on a month -to -month basis
commencing on _mmddyy = °- - -(mmdd..shall
hereinafter be referred to as Anniversary Date). TENANT
has prepaid rent for the first twelve -(12):months in the
amount of $ based on a rental rate of
$ per month.
Subsequent rent payments shall be prepaid monthly/
annually on or before the Anniversary Date and payable
as follow:
P O Box 7437
Alhambra, CA 91802 -7437
Tne rental rate s'.:a_1 be adjusted in accordance with
--ne al Provision K nereof
ca,.-^ents shay_ state the name of TENANT and Rental
;,c_eerrent Number
- _e__- c-,ency egi-al to ten percent (10.) of the
_e__. _ _.._ rent snarl be charged if full payment is not
=__ve= by _ -.e D= STR_CT within thirty (30) days
the da__ s -cn payment is due.
be used solely for the purpose of
and no other.
any improvement on the
Lnless T.:: =?._ Is _n compliance with General
=: _ _ =_cns ; an '" c - th= redlined portion of this
a -= - - =-7--n--ate v - -s-io^ of L and--M--1f--=
_ -. acrnowlecges t-a_ th_s Rental Agreement is not
- _eneral Provisions A tnrouah O are attached hereto and,
_.._s reference, mane a part hereof.
Ta=e - (E 9- Version)
Rental Agreement No.'
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said DISTRICT, a body corporate and
politic, as authorized by Resolution of its Board of Supervisors
dated September 17, 1991, and attested by the County Clerk, and the
TENANT have caused this instrument to be executed on the day,
month, and year first above written.
a body corporate and politic
Assistant Deputy Director
�re County of Los Angeles
S- ;nature Date
t5 +5' Vers_rl
99 I ��
Rental Agreement No.
L"2011 ��iS:i ft �F� W d
A. TENANT shall arrange and bear the cost of any site
preparation, installation of utilities, treatment of surface,
enclosure of PREMISES, insurance premiums, utility bills, and
other costs of any nature whatsoever, which are necessary in
connection with or appurtenant to the operation and
maintenance of PREMISES as used by the TENANT. No credit will
re allowed by DISTRICT for the cost of any such expenditures,
worx performed, or ordered done by TENANT.
=_NANT may terminate this Rental Agreement at anytime by
c_%•_ng tae DISTRICT no less than thirty (30) days' written
..tt =ce of intention to terminate. However, the termination
..a_. .._t be effective unless TENANT has complied with all of
• 'vacated the PREMISES
e -o ,r=_d ail improvements TENANT has constructed or placed
the :REMISES, if aoolicable.
fence pack to its original location, if
= -__tie PRE' SES to as aooa a condition as existed on
e = °. 1 pessess_cn -If PREM -SES was taken by TENANT,
wear and tear associated with
usage ____ _ occupancy and to reimburse
__r a-,, ccne to the PREMISES.
Rental Agreement at anytime by
t FIUNT no _ess tnan thirty (30) days' written
= -_- ,.ntent on t.. tern. =nate Upon receipt of such
- - -_ _ s.:-l_ va __ :ne PREMISES as required herein
agrees that sro:._c it fail to vacate as herein
the DISTRICT c_ its authorized agents may enter upon
sa -- _ REMISES and re -ove TENANT's personal property
=- = -e' -- aac in this eve-:, TENANT waives any and all claims
ca -ages against t.n.e .:_STRICT, its officers, agents, or
ees Nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver of any
_..e DISTR__'= to demand and obtain possession of the
in accordant=_ with law in the event TENANT violates
any part of any of the terms or conditions herein.
100 ✓ 7j O�
D. It is understood and agreed to be part of the herein
consideration that DISTRICT may temporarily suspend or
terminate the Rental Agreement without notice to TENANT in
order to allow the performance by DISTRICT, its officers,
agents, and employees, of emergency work necessary to protect
life or PREMISES from impending flood damage. In the event
DISTRICT exercises such right, DISTRICT will credit TENANT's
account a prorated share of the prepaid rent based on the
time period DISTRICT has possession of the PREMISES.
TENANT shall keep PREMISES and any improvements it constructed
or placed on PREMISES in good working order and maintain such
=n a neat, clean, and crderly condition at all times during
-__,pancv and not permit graffiti, rubbish, tin cans, garnage,
etc , to accumulate, ncr to use or allow use of PREMISES for
any illegal or unautncr_ zed purposes, and to comply with all
-ate maws and local crc_:.ances concerning PREMISES and the
--- tnc_e.._
_nderstood and agreed that DISTRICT shall not be
_= s_-__s_ole for any damage to PREMISES or injuries to persons
n -= -a: arise from cr
be .incidental to the use and
=-t- nation of PREMISES, .,r
for damages to the property of
.._ for inyari es to the person of TENANT, TENANT, s
__-.ants, succes=s -ors,
subtenants, invitees, or others
_n _R=V. -Z=_ at
aryone`s invitation, arising from
_ _ice -ta= tc t_.e -se cf
- REM_SES by the TENANT or anyone
7E_QANT or _nt
DISTRICT, and /or its agents,
z: :7
assicns. TENANT agrees to
- -- ---- _et_ -._, a
::ne DISTRICT harmless from any and
d efense costs and legal fees.
_n =re _= aa%
_ _cr lease or rental agreement
and DISTRICT covering the
_s _- _-s_t::_ ai-c agreed that this Rental
a -- = erminate said prior lease or
a_re=_re;t as __ - -_ c - -nencem =_nt date of this Rental
-a. Agreement r-a% _reate a possessory interest upon
a zrcperty tax ma} me levied In such event, TENANT
s- = -- _a} eefore de__ncuerz% a_1 such taxes or assessments
Rental Agreement No. - -•=
I. Without limiting TENANT's indemnification of the DISTRICT,
TENANT shall at its own expense take out and maintain in
force, at all times during the term of this Rental Agreement,
a policy or policies of insurance covering PREMISES. As a
minimum, TENANT shall obtain written coverage for
comprehensive general liability which shall include a single
limit liability amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS
(5,,000,000) per occurrence and an automobile liability policy
which shall include a single limit liability amount not less
=hap :'HREE HUNDRED THOUSP_�SD DOLLARS ($300,000) per occurrence.
ocard, officers, and employees and the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES
na__ be named as additional insured on all policies of
_- aa__ =ty insurance
- -__ _= __c_es of insurance shall be with a company or companies
law to transact insurance business in the State
TENAN- stall furnish to DISTRICT a copy of the
..' insurance evidencing TENANT's insurance coverage
_r_-_ to tie commencement date of this Rental Agreement. Upon
-= a_ _' said policy of insurance, TENANT shall furnish to
7 cert_ficatc evidencing TENANT's continued insurance
_= oolicies and certificates shall refer to this
_ -_ - __e_ -a_.t No The DISTRICT shall be given
a_ :east tnirty (30) days in advance of
__ mod_f_cat_on of such policy.
e __ecsly at:-t�_ edges that TENANT is a post
a _ = -a:: ..__ ce entitled to any claim of
as such is defined in Section
__..e of the State of California
a_e -o ..s _neligib_lity for relocation
Government Code Sections 7260
Inc _s: as interoreted in California
- _-_== =at_✓e Code as _= e>::sts or as it may be amended
the Provis -,c: K version that does not apply)
.e- those years affected by the reappraisal as
oelow, every year that this Rental Agreement is ir.
- -- - =_ -e and effect, the rent for the current 12 -month
rrent Rent) snail ne adjusted based on changes in
_ -_ -= 7s_7er Price 1nde :: for All Urban Consumers (CPI -U) for
_ _ _os Fr.geles- Pr.a ^ezr. - vets de area as published by the
_ted States Department cf Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
= ndey ")
Pa:- - is a- Ve. -SIT -1 102
I L4, C)
Rental Agreement No. -- - - -
The New Rent shall be calculated by multiplying the then
Current Rent by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be
the Index for the month ending ninety (90) days prior to the
upcoming Anniversary Date (Current Index) and the denominator
shall be the Index for the month ending ninety (90) days prior
to the previous Anniversary Date (Anniversary Index). The
formula for calculation is shown below:
Current Rent x Current Index = New Rent
Anniversary Index
the described Index is no longer published, another index
Generally recognized as authoritative shall be substituted as
elec =ed by the Chief Officer of the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Cr _ =s s-ccesscrs. If no such government index or computation
-s cff =_red as a replacement, the DISTRICT and TENANT shall
select a percentage for calculating future annual
shall never be an amount less than the Current
e ____nnina of every sixth Anniversary Date, rent due
Acreement snail be based upon a reappraisal
Z= _ =-.__cted 011 =S R =CT at no cost to TENANT.
_ _.- _= a-.__-g the reappraisal, the New Rent shall never be
Char. tn.e _ __v:.ous year's rent.
-= tinned ccc' _car.cv of
the _'ntal
__ = to the
tie PREMISES on and after the
ad-iustment shall constitute
a possession subject to New
writing not less than thirty
ary Date of the amount of New
of rent is based upon the DISTRICT's current
_-_ -_- charge of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per month. The
hereby reserves the right to adjust the its minimum
as provided herein., acccrding to DISTRICT's requirements.
=r :e event DISTRICT's minimum rent requirement increases,
_ ' -S .1 shall nctify TENANT not less than thirty_ (30)
_a -s Prior to the increase If TENANT disagrees with the rent
=- Zl-stmentI TENANT shall have the option. to terminate 'the
_ree^ent as provided in General Provision B herein.
103 141
Rental Agreement No.
TENANT's continued occupancy of the PREMISES -on and•after.the
effective date of the rental adjustment' -shall constitute the
TENANT' s agreement to remain in .possession of "the = PREMISES
subject to the new rental rate specified in the notice.
(Strikeout the Provision L version that does not apply)
L. TENANT shall not commence nor permit any construction or the
placement of any improvements or other structures on or within
PREMISES without first submitting plans and specifications for
advance written approvals by the DISTRICT
=_ TENANT shall not construct or place any improvement on the
(Strikeout the Provision M version that does not apply)
acrees to keep and perform the provisions contained in
issued or -o be issued to TENANT by DISTRICT.
::c. ac =- _cable.
may, at its sole discretion, enter PREMISES to
_ =rc_c_ Environmental Site Assessments. Upon review of such
__S_RIC_ may, at its sole discretion, terminate
Agreement ccnsistent with either General
-Z-:7 _ Cr D as d=etermined ny DISTRICT
_ear any
a1er -a=5
S -se, st=
and al! responsibility, expense, and
zne eanup and treatment of any
ccrd_t_ n found on the PREMISES caused
raze, Cr treatment of any hazardous
-= =r= -SES
aS cef_n =_d in Los Angeles County Code
o_G, reta_ -ec c,, _ENANT, shall fully comply with
Lo--by_st Cr�_ra-ce, Los Angeles County Code
_Eo Failure c7 _ne part of any Lobbyist retained
-•_,- to fully comp:v w_tn the County Lobbyist ordinance,
s'a -= __nst_tute a mater_a= preach of this Rental Agreement
the DISTR ==_ may terminate or suspend this
\rent -ge: wpc
ve__>�, 104 ,-,4
_ f�;,,,_
f ot r vtIfr�'`� .
yp` 1
OCT 15 1998
West Basin Municipal Water District
17140 S. Avalon Blvd • Suicc 210 • Carson, CA 90746 -1299
Telephone 310. 217 -2411 • fax 310 -217 -2414
October 13, 1998
Mr Bret B Bernard, AICP, Director
City of El Segundo, City Planning Division
Department of Planning and Building Safety
350 Main Street
_! Segundo, California 90245
-tea- Mr Bernard
--e E_=_,n Municipal Water District (WBMWD) is a municipal water district
_ ,ces .riolesale potable water to various agencies and municipalities in the
_ Z_ a-aa c` Los Angeles County, excluding Torrance and the City of Los
`.'.ErvV.D is a member agency of the Metropolitan Water District of
_aj iornia (MWD) which supplies WBMWD with approximately 80% of its
_ c+• i ne remaining 20 0o oer+ved from local groundwater from the West
-- :: c_cv a•e• basin
e c r,s v,ate, sources, WBMWD has decided to capitalize on the potential use
ec � astewater as an alternative water supply to industrial and landscape
uses A major part of the West Basin Water Recycling Program is the
s largest reclaimed water facility, known as the West Basin Water Recycling
ii.:1BV%/RP1 WBWRP is located at 1935 Hughes Way in the City of El
WBWRP recycled water supply efforts resulted in the creation and
of the West Basin Water Recycling Program. WBMWD sells and delivers
cied water on a wholesale basis to public and private purveyors. The purveyors
-_- sell and deliver to the end users after the purveyors have processed the users
�a :ion inspected the point -of -use facility, and determined that the end users
I oe able to comply with all conditions of use and subject to approval by local
nealtn agency
Paul D Jones 11, Gmr almawjm
105 1�a4
Mr. Bret B. Bernard, AuP. Director
City of El Segundo
October 13, 1998
Page 2
The West Basin Water Recycling Program provides additional treatment to secondary -
treated wastewater from the City of Los Angeles Hyperion Wastewater Treatment
Plant (HTP) The secondary - treated wastewater is conveyed to the WBWRP via a
60 -inch force main. Current south bay recycled water sites include golf courses,
school landscape, oil refineries, greenbelts, West Coast Basin Barrier Project, parks
and street medians
EMV% /D has reviewed the Initial Study for the above mentioned project, and staff
s a a,e that V'8WRP is identified as a potential site, identified as location G,
could accommodate a major wireless communication facility. WBMWD is
_::-�e -nee the oroposed location G for wireless communication facilities could pose
mpaot on the operation of WBWRP facilities. WBMWD staff requests
-_ -e �:r,� of El Segundo or the owner of the wireless communication facilities
al o 'BMA %rD representatives the opportunity to provide specific input as to the
c- the facilities within WBWRP property boundaries prior to their
- — =iease contact Paul Shoenberger, WBMWD`s Chief of Engineering and
a,range the specific location of the proposed wireless
t,cr. `aciunes at location G Paul Shoenberger may be reached at the
a :=ess cr ov onone at (310) 660 -6218
acc-ec ates being recognized as a responsible agency under CEQA
.,•000sec project and will gladly answer any questions relating to
-s a-i, c.iesuons relaiine to CEQA or environmental permitting issues,
- _ a•_ LUCia M McGovern at (310) 660 -6245
e_' C Jane II, PE
_e e a M aoer
106 r�S
West Basin Municipal Water District
1 -140 S 4salon Bl,d • Suwzc 210 • Carson CA 90746 -1216
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Nd=acmm °3 o
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T y 3 m 7 w m m y Cl
<<RZ a=
a D
I L-�-u=
'1h I
WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo is requesting "pre- approval" for eight (8) public facility sites which can
accommodate Major and /or Minor wireless communication facilities located at: 400 Lomita Street (Site A),
348 Main Street (Site B), 640 Main Street (Site C), 150 Illinois Street (Site D), 615 Richmond Street (Site
E), 2161 E El Segundo Blvd (Site F), 1935 Hughes Way (Site G) and 223 Center Street (Site H), in the
Public Facility (P -F) Zone (except for Site F, which is located in the Urban Mixed Use - North (MU -N)
Zone), and,
WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (No EA- 403A), including an Initial Study and Mitigated
Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the proposed project, has been prepared and
circulated to all interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies for review and comment in the time
and manner prescribed by law, and,
WHEREAS the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the
authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA
Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental
Quality Act (Resolution 3805), and,
WHEREAS at the duly scheduled and public noticed meetings of the Planning Commission of the City
c' El Scgundo on October 22, 1998 and November 12, 1998, duly advertised public hearings were held
on this matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and,
`. %HEREAS opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of
En. rc ^mental Assessment No EA -403A, and,
HEREAS at said hearings the following facts were established
Section 20 62 140 of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) commits the City to "pre- approve"
a list of public facility sites which can accommodate Major Wireless Communication Facilities
(V CF) with approval of a Wireless Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) This project is to
comply with that requirement
The proposed project is to "pre- approve" eight (8) public facility sites which can accommodate
t.lajor and /or Minor WCF The location property owner, type of allowable facility and allowable
maximum height of each facility are listed in Table 1 below
Table 1
Property Owner
Type(s) of Allowable
Allowable Maximum
City Water tower (400 Lomita Street)
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
water tower
Communication Tower at Fire Station
City of El Segundo
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed height
Mt, future 911 Communication Facility
of utility
at Police Station (348 Main Street)
Campanile at El Segundo High School
El Segundo Unified
wall- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
(640 Main Street)
School District
bell tower
CF_ City Maintenance Yard (150 Illinois
City of El Segundo
roof - mounted, utility-
48 feet
mounted, wall - mounted
light standards at Richmond Field -
City of El Segundo (light
utility- mounted
Shall not exceed top of
m,00�e scnool (615 Richmond Street)
poles only), El Segundo
light standards
Unified School District
I =3 a ,on -2 ,2161 E El sec_undo
City of El Segundo
rocf- mounted ut -
175 feet
mounted wall-w:_- ed
Razlarra, on Plan,
Wes: Bas n Mun'cipal
grc,.nd-r .cunted _
142 fee:
(1935 Hugnes Way)
Water District
mounted, roof-mounted,
wall- mounted
LA County Flood Pump Station (223
Los Angeles County
roof - mounted, wall-
34 feet
Ceme, Street)
mounted, utility- mounted
source C ry cl El Segundo
A Major facility is defined as a wireless communication facility that is either ground- mounted
(such as monopole) or roof - mounted (I e., situated on the roof of a building) but which exceeds
the height of the Zone In which it Is located In A Minor facility is defined as a wireless
communication facility which Is wall- mounted (I e , attached to a building's facade), utility-
mounted (I e , attached to an existing utility, such as a light pole) or roof - mounted (but which
does not exceed the height of the Zone In which it is located In)
A Ma,cr or Minor wireless communication facility proposed on a "pre- approved" site requires
accrual of a WCFP which Is an administrative action, not a discretionary action.
Sites A -E and Sites G - H are located In the Public Facilities (PF) Zone and have a General
Plan land use designation of Public Facilities Site F is located in the Urban Mixed -Use North
(MU -N) Zone and has a General Plan land use designation of Urban Mixed -Use North
°ac,hc Bell Mobile Services (PBMS) requested that the northwest comer of Main Street and
Imperial Avenue be included as a Pre- Approved Site, however, due to unresolved land use
restrictions it was not included on the list
The Pre - Approved Site List can be amended from time to time, by Resolution, as permitted by
Section 20 62 140 (A)(1) of the ESMC
Peso 2431
8. Comments about the project were received from the Public Works Department, two (2)
property owners and the West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD). If applicable, the
comments were included as conditions of approval in this Resolution.
9. The eight (8) proposed Pre - Approved Sites are available for lease if the property owner(s)
deem appropriate
10. The proposed project is subject to the CEQA. In accordance with State guidelines and local
requirements, an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and circulated
for interdepartmental review, and was available for public review and comment. No significant
adverse impacts were identified which could not be mitigated to an insignificant level with
conditions, including impacts to land use and planning, geologic problems, water,
transportation /circulation, noise and aesthetics.
11 At the meeting of November 12, 1998, the Planning Commission considered staff's proposal to
allow an additional 15 feet of vertical height on Sites B and H, if it was technically necessary
However, the Commission determined that if necessary, any requests to exceed the maximum
height on Sites B or H be presented to the Commission at a later date as a separate
application for review and consideration instead Likewise, any requests to exceed the
allowable maximum height on any of the other pre- approved sites shall be presented to the
Planning Commission for review and approvaUdenial
NO:"! THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts and study of proposed
En ,iircnmental Assessment No EA -403A, the Planning Commission finds as follows
1 The Initial Study was made available to all local and affected agencies and for public review
and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law. The Initial Study concluded that the
proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and a Mitigated
e_:ative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be prepared pursuant to the CEQA, and,
--.at v.hen considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project will have the
poiential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife
�_pends because the project is in a built -out urban environment, and,
Tnat the Planning Commission hereby recommEnds that the City Council authorize the Director
c' Planning and Budding Safety to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee
Exemption and De Minimus finding pursuant to California Assembly Bill (AB) No 3158 and the
Cal,'crnia Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days after receiving City Council approval, the
G ^, of Segundo shall file the required certificate with the County of Los Angeles, along with the
reou ree Notice of Determination As approved for in AB No 3158, the statutory requirements
c' CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required
notices and fees are filed with the County
Reso 2431
lip ICU
The General Plan land use designation for Sites A -E and Sites G -H is Public Facilities and
Urban Mixed -Use North for Site F The General Plan goals, objectives and policies which
relate to this project are from the Land Use, Economic Development, Open Space and
Recreation, and Conservation Elements With regards to the Land Use Element, the following
policies support this project Policy LU1 -5 6, which requires that all development proposals
comply with the City's Zoning Ordinance and the CEOA; Policy LUi -5.8, which supports the
use of innovative land development and design techniques; and, Policy LU7 -2.5, which
encourages the design of public facilities and utilities to be compatible with surrounding uses
With regards to the Economic Development Element, the following goals, objectives and
policies apply Goals ED1 and ED2, Objectives ED1 -1, ED1 -2 and ED2 -1, Policies ED1 -1 1,
ED1 -2 1, ED1 -2 2, ED1 -2 3 and ED2 -1 3, which support the creation and maintenance of a
diverse and strong economic base which benefits the City, its residents as well as its business
community With regards to the Open Space and Recreation Element, the following policies
apply Policy OS1 -1 9, which supports alternative funding mechanisms for recreational facility
maintenance, and Policy OS1 -5 3, which supports the continued protection of the El Segundo
Blue Butterfly Lastly, the following goals and policies of the Conservation Element apply Goal
CN -5 and Policies CN5 -1 and CN5 -2 which supports the protection of the urban landscape
such that negative aesthetic impacts are minimized and that the character of existing
neighborhoods and civic landscapes are maintained
That Section 20 62 140 of the ESMC requires the City to "pre- approve," by Resolution, a list of
public facility sites which can accommodate Major wireless facilities, and which would require
only administrative review and approval of a WCFP, rather than discretionary review and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hereby recommends approval
of Envy- onmental Assessment No EA -403A, the pre - approval of eight (8) public facility sites for
V. ess Communication Facilities and a Mitigated Negative Declaration, to the City Council, subject
nc cond tions
a o- to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall receive administrative approval of a
'.v recess Communication Facility Permit (WCFP) from the Directorof Planning and Budding
re for any wireless facility proposed on Sites A -H
�•i�r to issuance of budding permits the applicant shall sign a lease agreement with the
c ocery ov.ner and provide a copy of the signed lease agreement to the Director of Planning
Safety If the wireless facility is to be located on City-owned property, the lease agreement
-,a contain provisions which refer to the cost for leasing the Pre - Approved Site, an
^oe -stand ng by the applicant that the applicant is responsible for paying the City Attorney's
c; sts for preparing the lease agreement documents, access to the Site (including emergency
access) relocation/restoration provisions and other provisions as deemed appropriate by the
-. Attorney
Access to Saes A (City Water Tower) and D (City Maintenance Yard) is limited to 7 00 AM -
3 00 PM on weekdays There will be no regular access during weekends and City holidays.
Emergency access will be subject to reimbursement for costs incurred by the City
Reso 2431
lli 151
4. All leases of public property for Pre - Approved Sites A -H are non - exclusive. The lessee
(operator of the wireless facility) shall make the supporting structure of the facility available to
any other applicant wishing to collocate to the extent it is technically feasible.
5. Prior to issuance of budding permits for a wireless facility located on City-owned property, the
applicant shall provide liability insurance to the satisfaction of the City Attorney.
6. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit plans which show compliance
with the following design requirements:
A) The maximum height of any wireless communication facility to be located on Pre -
Approved Sites A -H shall not exceed the maximum height allowed, as shown in Table 1,
Page 2, of this Resolution
B) A wall- mounted wireless communication facility shall be comprised of non - reflective
matenal(s) and painted or camouflaged to blend with surrounding materials and colors
Any and all screening used in connection with a wall- mounted facility shall be
compatible with the architecture, color, texture and materials of the building or other
structure to which It is mounted
C) A utility- mounted facility shall not protrude or extend horizontally more than 24 inches
from the existing utility pole or structure, and, it shall be painted to match the color of
the existing utility structure in which it would be located on
D) A roof - mounted facility that extends above the existing parapet of the building on which
it is mounted shall be screened by a material and in a manner that is compatible with
the existing design and architecture of the building. The screen shall also be painted
to match the color of the building Furthermore, any guy wires, supporting structures
and accessory equipment shall be located and designed so as to minimize the visual
impact as viewed from surrounding properties and public rights -of -way.
A ground- mounted facility shall be located in close proximity to existing above - ground
utii,tses such as electrical tower or utility poles (not scheduled for removal or
undergrounding in the next twenty-four months), light poles, trees of comparable height,
%,ater tanks and other areas where the facility will not detract from the image or
appearance of the City Furthermore, it shall not be located in any required setback,
regu red parking area, vehicle maneuvering area, vehicle /pedestrian circulation area or
area of landscaping such that it interferes with, or in any way impairs the utility or
intended function of such area And, the facility shall be screened from access by the
general public with a fence or a type of design approved by the Director of Planning and
Building Safety and the property owner It shall also be covered with a clear anti- graffitt
material of a type approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety The City
may grant a waiver of this requirement if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction
of the City that there is adequate security around the facility to prevent graffiti
p, o. to issuance of budding permits for Site G [West Basin Municipal Water District
the applicant shall provide the Director of Planning and Building Safety with
v.r nen authorization from WBMWD (property owner) that it has approved the building plans for
t,ne proposed wireless facility The applicant shall contact Paul Schoenberger, Chief of
Engineering and Operations, for the WBMWD at 17140 South Avalon Boulevard, Suite 210,
Carson CA 90746.1218, (310) 660 -6218, or another representative as authorized by
Reso 2431
112 Aso
Prior to the issuance of a permit, the applicant shall submit to the Departments of Planning and
Budding Safety and Public Works a complete Construction Plan for review and approval The
Plan shall include, but not be limited to construction hours, construction trailer locations,
construction and staging areas, construction crew parking, parking /access plan (including truck
haul routes), construction methods and schedules. The plan shall limit construction hours to
7.00 a m. to 6 00 p m Monday through Saturday, and prohibit construction an Sundays and
Holidays During construction, trash shall be removed from the Project Site on a daily basis.
At the end of each construction day, all open trenches shall be completely closed or covered,
or secured in accordance with Cal OSHA standards. All gates and access points to the
construction area must be locked and /or fully secured at the end of construction each day.
The applicant shall provide a twenty-four (24) hour, every day contact person/Itaison to receive
and respond to complaints during construction
9 During all phases of construction, the applicant shall comply with the City's Storm Water and
Urban Run -Off Pollution Prevention Control Ordinance (No 1235)
10 During all phases of construction the applicant shall comply with Chapter 9 06, Noise and
Vibration Regulations of the ESMC
11 The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and
appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims,
actions causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the
City approval of Environmental Assessment EA -403A
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that according to the El Segundo Municipal Code, a copy of this
Resolution shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application and to any other
person requesting a copy of same. The decision of the Planning Commission as set forth in this
Resolution shall become final and effective ten (10) calendar days after the date of the Planning
Commission action, unless an appeal in writing is filed with the City Council
p PPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of November, 1998
B•c' E Bernard A(CP, Director
c" Punning and tuilding Safety, and
Sec•etary of the Planning Commission
C' the Citv of El Segundo, California
T =� - Crowley - Aye
Wycoff - Aye
Palmer - Aye
Boulgandes — Absent
Kretzmer — Aye
Bnan Crowley, Chairman
of the Planning Commission
of the City of El Segundo,
P \projec1s \400 - 425 \ea- 403A\peres res
Reso 2431