1998 NOV 04 CC PACKET - 5:00 PMCITY COUNCIL PACKET NOVEMBER 4, 1998 - 5:00 P.M. Interviews of Candidates for Economic Development Advisory Council Distribution Mayor Mike Gordon Mayor Pro Tern Sandra Jacobs Councilmember Nancy Wemick Councilmember John G. Gaines Councilmember Kelly McDowell City Clerk Cindy Mortesen Mary Strenn, City Manager Mark Hensley, City Attorney Jim Hansen, Director of Economic Development Julia Abreu Mason, Council Assistant Marlene Baker, Executive Assistant Public Copy jam n \ccb \fo=s\agdcover n98 TO THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 4, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: COMMITTEES Agenda Description: Interviews of Candidates to the Economic Development Advisory Council Recommended Council Action: Interview candidates and announce appointment of the Small Business Representative to the Economic Development Advisory Council Brief Summary: Commissions. Committees & Boards Number of Vacancies & Number of Candidates Economic Development Advisory Council 1 vacancy' - 2 Candidates SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS Small Business Representative ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Candidate Applying to (CCB) Telephone Time Gerry Chong Economic Development Advisory Council 647 -7990 6 20p Mike Vivant Economic Development Advisory Council 640 -9575 6 35 Attached Supporting Documents And Who Prepared Them: Applications of Candidates Originator: Julia Abreu Mason, Council Liaison Date November 3, 1998 anager 3ca n \ccb \In[e—s n98 Date November Gt- Y O� * t �� s, SEGV$ APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards Name H W Gerald (Fli st) (Middle) Address Rpevipnep 232 W. Oak Avenue, E1 undo Chong (Last) Telephone #s 310) 647 -7990 9 Mailing Fax(310) 322 -0081 e-mail Name and Address of Employer The Chong Company, 411 Main Street, E1 Segundo, CA 90245 Present Occupation Beal Estate Developer If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years 31 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member> Yes_ No —,y If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Term Please indicate the Commdtee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es), by order of your preference it e , 1, 2, 3, etc) • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commission • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee ❑ Recreation 8 Parks Commission X Economic Development Council ❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board • Investment Advisory Committee ❑ Other • Library Board of Trustees ❑` Aviation Safety 8 Noise Abatement Committee NOTE ('t Th" a not a City formed CommAtea AppLralions are forwarded dvectly to the a rmates areal Interviews of applicants ere concluded by the committe- Commumtv Service Exiaenence ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD DESI, Vitalization 1997 Present Chairman MBA Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE U. Of Pacific Econ BA Cornell University Finance MBA Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertment Skitts, Experience or Interests reii.rse form and Complete PART 11 avi -uz WON) 09 55 COUNCIL TEL 310 322 '13" P 001 Gt'v Y O� C SEGUt�O Name' / / Address Residence / Madurn 7 � C APPLICATION to Commissions/Committees/Boards /W/,- 11'r, i I tiC"w if F (',,, /nr Nam$ and Address of Employer A i ,I 7 _ Present Occupation A ?�- je &',e h s `�t 1%u area Resident of EI Segumo, now many yeah, Are you presently or have you ever been a City of EEII' Segundo CommissionenComm ttee or board membaR Yes ✓ No_ If Yes, name the Commission/CommNtasSoard r �u s� �;r ✓ f�-+.�,,� 'l ip fficm Tarm. 3 �?, L ; , -1/1 j/ / ¢S S e _i ,;-7e J' n$ >ig you sese to serve prokranee It a 1 2, 3, Biel your ❑ Capital Improvemsrit Program Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commisslon ❑ El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee ❑ Recreation A Parka Commission r Economic Development Council ❑ Senior C1e2en Housing Corporation Board • Invaetment Advisory Committee Cl Other • Llbrary Board of Trustees ❑' Aviation Safely A Norse Abasement Commitrss NOTE ('I mrc.6 nelpCrr rWm00 rinInNIN appWlvn am 1prawryO Waaly �e ln.commnue arN interviews of app��renY as etlnWtletl Ey uw commrivu Comm.nd. Stim" FwrMlNnfL ORGANIZATION From dale To dots OFFICES HELD A --hc, r 1,r >xra -- r 1•!9 p L�•.77t C�,rr. Ger CO {NN Cl �xnr LS 7 Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATEIDEGRCH < *' >z l ,�•� ,.ter 1 � J.,S,I>f55 / %�lC — /27�;fi Additional Penment Courses Or Training t Other Pertinent Skills Esaorience interests Plewr rrvenr form and ,, malrte PART 11 City of El Segundo Application to CCBs PART 11 Please furnish bnef, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, it necessary Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? I have three areas of qualifications: First, I have been a resident and home owner in E1 Segundo since 1967. Second, as a small business owner, I have my office on Main Street and strongly interested in the Vitalization of Downtown. Third, as a real estate developer, I am involved in three projects in E1 Segundo. 2 What do you see as the objectives /goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? E1 Segundo has developed an enviable roster of corporate citizens who bring revenue and suppi-irt. to the r.ity. . Tt 1-s nritiral that the needs of both large and small businesses be recognized, and blended with the needg and deglres of the rpsiripnrpc El How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? By representing the needs and desires of the small businesses in the east side of Sepulveda Boulevard. No. Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? Other comments Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Mr. Bill Mason, Chamber of Commerce (310) 322 -1220 Name Address Phone Mr. Bill Crigger, New Group,1924 Maple Name Address Mr. Jerry Saunders 2041 Rosecrans Name Address (310) 322 -7988 (310)640 -1520 Phone Signature Date 1' CCB boaApphcali nRev 528/97 NOV -02' 98NON1 09 55 COUNCIL TEL 310 322 "13" P 002 City all El Segundo Appheseue In CL1113 PART it Please furnish brief written responses to the questions below using additional sheets. If necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed) What is there spectfically In your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? / /Val /%4 �il„ K7lii9 �1g9 -c o� E +-�'4� : v-,- -W , 2 What do you see as the obte bves/goals of the Commission/Committee/Board you are applying to? G ✓!v R T-;= v t: LG-tI ,�/`e�a.��'Lc1 -cc� �y,t,�syrr t�/lso✓J. GL7GCs�w+r��! �vJ�� '��2�e- '*�'�." 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? r X411 7` 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? /! - 5 Other comments (� - 11;j'!c i —ICS �� M`"L /� %'Z "✓N2_ L� ✓ "i� �Lr 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and tele hone 0i than family members) ��� Nampa Ad / S of three personal references (other �(172 Phone / Z- �+��� rnone i / p Signature Y�wL c �ZLLC � ..� Date CCe iewbei�io nw 6/389'!