1998 NOV 03 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda Items The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda To facilitate your presentation, please place a 4 check mark beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council maybe directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and gave - Your name and address and the organization you represent, if 'desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 - 5:00 P.M. NOTE: It is the intent of the Council to adjourn the 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. meetings to Wednesday, November 4, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., respectively, due to lack of a quorum on Tuesday, November 3, 1998. 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilmember Kelly McDowell ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only- 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalfoftheir employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do vo shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et sec ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attomey on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows 1 • Del CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) In the Matter of the Application of City of Los Angeles, OAH No L- 9604014 Hill v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 030986 Fenw>ck v Civil Service Commission and City of El Segundo, 2 Civil B 121282 and Los Angeles No BSO44667 El Segundo v Kilroy, LASC Case No YC 031166 Solis v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 029626 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(b) -0- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(c) -2- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957 6) — None CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) — None REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS - Interview candidates for Economic Development Advisory Committee Recommendation - Interview and announce appointments. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE 1 " 8 TIME NAME 1103985p 002 6�-T Y �A i rk L M� o sEGUe�4 AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda Items The Public can participate in the discussion of any Item listed on the Agenda To facilitate your presentation, please place a � check mark beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place Items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Managers Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 — 7:00 P.M. NOTE: It is the intent of the Council to adjourn the 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. meetings to Wednesday, November 4, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., respectively, due to lack of a quorum on Tuesday, November 3, 1998. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Next Resolution #4095 Next Ordinance #1290 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councllmember Kelly McDowell 00,3 PRESENTATIONS (a) Commendation to Carol Wingate for her contribution to the crusade against breast cancer and the Council's wish for a speedy recovery to Kathleen Schweiger and continued health to Carol's mother and all women who have battled the fight against breast cancer and won (b) Proclamation encouraging the citizens of El Segundo to observe VETERANS' DAY on November 11, 1998 in honor of the valor, dignity and courage of our men and women in uniform (c) Proclamation declaring the period from November 16 through December 18, 1998 as the "SPARK OF LOVE CAMPAIGN" and encouraging all citizens to support the program by contributing toys and food to the El Segundo Fire Department for later distribution to children and families in El Segundo and other South Bay cities (d) Commendation to the El Segundo Pop Warner Cheerleaders for their third place win in the Pee Wee Division of the Pacific Coast Competition held on October 25, 1998 and Council's best wishes for them at the West Coast Regional competition to be held on November 29, 1998 in San Diego ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor andpunishable by a fine of $250 A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS — Continued public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -401B and Precise Plan 96 -1B (Sixth Amendment to PP 12 -72) Address 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, and 831 and 871 South Nash Street (Beach Cities Plaza) Applicant Continental Development Corporation (Mr Jerry Saunders) Recommendation - 1) Re -open Continued Public Hearing; 2) Discussion; 3) Reading of Resolution by title only; and, 4) By motion, Adopt Resolution approving items 5 -7 of the subject project; and /or, 5) Other possible action /direction. 004 2 Continued public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -456 and Precise Plan 98 -2 (First Amendment to PP 1 -81) Address 2101 -2141 Rosecrans Avenue (The Plaza at Continental Park) Agphcant Continental Development Comoration (Mr Jerry Saunders) Recommendation - 1) Re -open Continued Public Hearing; 2) Reading of Resolution by title only; and, 3) By motion, Adopt Resolution approving items 5 -7 of the subject project; and /or 4) Other possible action /direction. Continued public hearing on proposed (Third quarter) amendments (unfinished items) to the General Plan and Zoning Code 1) Signs; and, 6) Amplified Sound Permits, and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -419A, General Plan Amendment 97 -3A, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 97 -3A, Third Quarter Amendments Applicant City of El Segundo Recommendation — 1) Hold Continued Public Hearing; 2) Discussion; 3) First reading of Ordinance by title only; 4) Schedule Second reading of Ordinance on November 17,1998; and /or 5) Other possible action /direction. 4 Public Hearing on a proposed Specific Plan ( "Aviation Specific Plan") and amendments to the General Plan, Zoning Code and Zoning Map to change the existing Land Use Designation and Zoning from Open Space (O -S) to Aviation Specific Plan (ASP) for a 5 4 acre narrow condor of land oriented in a generally northwest to southeast diagonal between Aviation Boulevard and Douglas Street to be used for a public self - storage facility (Environmental Assessment EA -427, General Plan Amendment 97 -4, Zone Change 97 -33, and Zone Text Amendment 98 -6 ) Address 700 South Douglas Street Applicant Everest Storage Recommendation — 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Continue Public Hearing at applicant's request until December 1, 1998; and /or, 3) Other possible action /direction. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE An Ordinance adopting specified changes to the County Health Code (previously approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors) as it applies to food inspections and Recommendation - 1) Discussion (as desired); and 3) Second Reading and adoption of the Ordinance. ous D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Appointment made by the City Council to the Economic Development Advisory Council (Small Business Representative) Recommendation — Announce appointment and respective term of office to the Economic Development Advisory Council (Small Business Representative). E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business Warrant Numbers 2252881- 2253191 on Demand Register Summary Number 07 in total amount of $747,262 79, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $182,913 58 Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers from 10/12/98 to 10/23/98. City Council meeting minutes of October 15 and October 20, 1998 Recommendation - Approval. Agreement with " Caltrans" for the maintenance of Sepulveda Boulevard, between El Segundo Boulevard and Imperial Highway, by the City of El Segundo Recommendation — Authorize Mayor to sign Maintenance Agreement with Caltrans. 10 Annual Resolutions fixing the employer's contribution under the Pubic Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act Fiscal Impact Approximate maximum increase of $48,588 for Fiscal Year 1998/99 Recommendation — Adopt the required Resolutions. 11 Amendment No 2 to the Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans and the Cities of El Segundo and Manhattan Beach for the Sepulveda Boulevard Widening Project Recommendation — Approve Amendment No. 2 and authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City. 12 City of El Segundo Energy Services Performance Contracting Program contract, notification of change of ownership (no fiscal impact) Recommendation — 1) Receive and file. 2) Authorize staff to prepare a contract with the new owners, Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. 13 Council Policy regarding the playing of VCR tapes during Council /Planning Commission/Recreation and Parks Commission meetings provided by the public Recommendation — Adopt Policy. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA !/il F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember McDowell - NONE Councilmember Gaines — NONE Councilmember Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - NONE Mayor Gordon - NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employet, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec 54960, et §Leq ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5 00 p in, November 3, 1998 under "Closed Session" (if needed) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE Fl TIME �n NAME 110398ag LI e AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda Items The Public can participate in the discussion of any Item listed on the Agenda To facilitate your presentation, please place a � check mark beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council maybe directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give - Your name and address and the organization you represent, if 'desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Cleric, 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1998 - 5:00 P.M. NOTE: It is the intent of the Council to adjourn the 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. meetings to Wednesday, November 4, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., respectively, due to lack of a quorum on Tuesday, November 3, 1998. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilmember Kelly McDowell ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et sec ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows M CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) In the Matter of the Application of City of Los Angeles, OAH No L- 9604014 Hill v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 030986 Fenwick v Civil Service Commission and City of El Segundo, 2 Civil B121282 and Los Angeles No BSO44667 El Segundo v Kilroy, LASC Case No YC 031166 Solis v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 029626 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(b) -0- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(c) -2- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) —None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957 6) — None CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) —None REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS - Interview candidates for Economic Development Advisory Committee Recommendation - Interview and announce appointments. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE 1610qA8 TIME g, po a .i„ . NAME '22) , 4g!5� 1104985p MM AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda To facilitate your presentation, please place a 4 check mark beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council maybe directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1998 — 7:00 P.M. NOTE: It is the intent of the Council to adjourn the 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. meetings to Wednesday, November 4, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., respectively, due to lack of a quorum on Tuesday, November 3, 1998. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Next Resolution #4095 Next Ordinance #1290 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councilmember Kelly McDowell 010 PRESENTATIONS (a) Commendation to Carol Wingate for her contribution to the crusade against breast cancer and the Council's wish for a speedy recovery to Kathleen Schweiger and continued health to Carol's mother and all women who have battled the fight against breast cancer and won (b) Proclamation encouraging the citizens of El Segundo to observe VETERANS' DAY on November 11, 1998 in honor of the valor, dignity and courage of our men and women in uniform (c) Proclamation declaring the period from November 16 through December 18, 1998 as the "SPARK OF LOVE CAMPAIGN" and encouraging all citizens to support the program by contributing toys and food to the El Segundo Fire Department for later distribution to children and families in El Segundo and other South Bay cities (d) Commendation to the El Segundo Pop Warner Cheerleaders for their third place win in the Pee Wee Division of the Pacific Coast Competition held on October 25, 1998 and Council's best wishes for them at the West Coast Regional competition to be held on November 29, 1998 in San Diego ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behaljoftheir employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS — Continued public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -401B and Precise Plan 96 -1B (Sixth Amendment to PP 12 -72) Address 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, and 831 and 871 South Nash Street (Beach Cities Plaza) Applicant Continental Development Corporation (Mr Jerry Saunders) Recommendation - 1) Re -open Continued Public Hearing; 2) Discussion; 3) Reading of Resolution by title only; and, 4) By motion, Adopt Resolution approving items 5 -7 of the subject project; and /or, 5) Other possible action /direction. 2 �11 Continued public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -456 and Precise Plan 98 -2 (First Amendment to PP 1 -81) Address 2101 -2141 Rosecrans Avenue (The Plaza at Continental Park) Applicant Continental Development Comoration (Mr Jerry Saunders) Recommendation - 1) Re -open Continued Public Hearing; 2) Reading of Resolution by title only; and, 3) By motion, Adopt Resolution approving items 5 -7 of the subject project; and /or 4) Other possible action /direction. Continued public hearing on proposed (Third quarter) amendments (unfinished items) to the General Plan and Zoning Code 1) Signs; and, 6) Amplified Sound Permits; and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Assessment EA -419A, General Plan Amendment 97 -3A, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 97 -3A, Third Quarter Amendments Applicant City of El Segundo Recommendation — 1) Hold Continued Public Hearing; 2) Discussion; 3) First reading of Ordinance by title only; 4) Schedule Second reading of Ordinance on November 17,1998; and /or 5) Other possible action /direction. 4 Public Hearing on a proposed Specific Plan ( "Aviation Specific Plan ") and amendments to the General Plan, Zoning Code and Zoning Map to change the existing Land Use Designation and Zoning from Open Space (O -S) to Aviation Specific Plan (ASP) for a 5 4 acre narrow corridor of land oriented in a generally northwest to southeast diagonal between Aviation Boulevard and Douglas Street to be used for a public self - storage facility (Environmental Assessment EA -427, General Plan Amendment 97 -4, Zone Change 97 -33, and Zone Text Amendment 98 -6 ) Address 700 South Douglas Street Applicant Everest Storage Recommendation — 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Continue Public Hearing at applicant's request until December 1, 1998; and /or, 3) Other possible action /direction. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE An Ordinance adopting specified changes to the County Health Code (previously approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors) as it applies to food inspections and Recommendation - 1) Discussion (as desired); and 3) Second Reading and adoption of the Ordinance. 012 D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Appointment made by the City Council to the Economic Development Advisory Council (Small Business Representative) Recommendation — Announce appointment and respective term of office to the Economic Development Advisory Council (Small Business Representative). E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business 7 Warrant Numbers 2252881- 2253191 on Demand Register Summary Number 07 in total amount of $747,262 79, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $182,913,58 Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers from 10/12/98 to 10/23/98. City Council meeting minutes of October 15 and October 20, 1998 Recommendation - Approval. Agreement with "Caltrans" for the maintenance of Sepulveda Boulevard, between El Segundo Boulevard and Imperial Highway, by the City of El Segundo Recommendation — Authorize Mayor to sign Maintenance Agreement with Caltrans. 10 Annual Resolutions fixing the employer's contribution under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act Fiscal Impact Approximate maximum increase of $48,588 for Fiscal Year 1998/99 Recommendation — Adopt the required Resolutions. 11 Amendment No 2 to the Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans and the Cities of El Segundo and Manhattan Beach for the Sepulveda Boulevard Widening Protect Recommendation — Approve Amendment No. 2 and authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City. 12 City of El Segundo Energy Services Performance Contracting Program contract, notification of change of ownership (no fiscal impact) Recommendation — 1) Receive and file. 2) Authorize staff to prepare a contract with the new owners, Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. 13 Council Policy regarding the playing of VCR tapes during Council /Planning Commission/Recreation and Parks Commission meetings provided by the Dublic Recommendation — Adopt Policy. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 0`x 013 F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE L NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE J NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember McDowell - NONE Councilmember Gaines — NONE Councilmember Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - NONE Mayor Gordon - NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec 54960, et sec ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5 00 p in, November 3, 1998 under "Closed Session" (if needed) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE Z 0 TIME R od a m - NAMEt -- , xti � i 110498ag 014 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGEN MEETING DATE: 3 November 1998 Orders of Business - Public Heannq Continued public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -401 B and Precise Plan 96 -1 B (Sixth Amendment to PP 12 -72). Address. 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, and 831 and 871 South Nash Street (Beach Cities Plaza) Applicant Continental Development Corporation (Mr Jerry Saunders). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Re -open Continued Public Hearing, 2) Discussion, 3) Reading of Resolution by title only, and, 4) By motion, Adopt Resolution approving Items 5 -7 of the subject project; and /or, 5) Other possible action /direction INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The application requests approval of the three (3) following separate items 1 Amendment of the land uses of PP 12 -72 to include the land uses allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone), 2. Amendment of the development standards of PP 12 -72 to include the development standards in the Underlying Zone that are not specifically modified by PP 12 -72, as amended, and, 3 Amendment of the PP 12 -72 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Budding Safety of minor modifications to PP 12 -72, as amended The applicant is also requesting a determination that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts) and the City Council Resolution No 3917 If so determined, no additional environmental analysis is required DISCUSSION: On October 20, 1998 (continued from October 6, 1998) the City Council held a Continued Public Hearing on the above referenced Amendments The City Council hearings were Continued, at the applicants request, until the Planning Commission completed its review of the project On October 22, 1998, the Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing, reviewed the facts and findings related to Environmental Assessment EA- 401B and Precise Plan Amendment 96 -1B , and adopted Resolution No 2425 Resolution No. 2425 recommends that the City Council Approve EA -401 B and Items 5, 6, and 7 of PP 96 -1 B A more complete project description, analysis, and background information, is included in the accompanying Planning Commission Staff Report and its attachments, which were previously distributed to the City Council on October 16, 1998, and, are again included as an attachment to this Report ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: (adopted) Planning Commission Resolution No 2425 (Draft) Planning Commission Minutes, October 22, 1998 (to be distributed separately) Planning Commission Staff Report and Attachments, October 22, 1998 /Draftl Cdv Council Resolution No None a/Z.7/9d' P \projects\400-425\ea-401 \ea401 b -3 als 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2425 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT — 401B (EA -401B) REAFFIRMING THE FINDINGS OF THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT -350 (EA -350) AND ADOPTING THE SIXTH AMENDMENT (PP 96 -111) TO PRECISE PLAN 12 -72 (PP 12 -72), AT 2041 ROSECRANS, AND 831 AND 871 SOUTH NASH STREET. PETITIONED BY CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. WHEREAS, an application has been received from Continental Development Corporation (Applicant), requesting said approval; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requests approval of an amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72 as amended (PP 12 -72) to provide for the following: A Amendment of the land uses of PP 12 -72 to include the land uses allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone), B Amendment of the development standards of PP 12 -72 to include the development standards in the Underlying Zone that are not specifically modified by PP 12 -72, as amended; C Amendment of the PP 12 -72 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 12 -72, as amended, and, WHEREAS, the Applicant and the City desire guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 12 -72 as amended, and, WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA- 401B), including a further analysis of the findings of the Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for the EA -350, has been available for review and consideration by all interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies in the time and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No 3805), and, WHEREAS, on September 24, 1998, October 8, 1998, and October 22, 1998, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on such matter 016 in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearings were given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment EA -401B and PP 96 -1B, and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established 1. The project site is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (I- 405)]. 2 The project area is approximately 6 035 acres (262,900 square feet). 3 The project is generally bounded on the north by heavy industrial land uses, on the south by Rosecrans Avenue, on the east by Nash Street and on the west by heavy industrial land uses Local jurisdictions bordering or near the site include the City of Manhattan Beach located immediately south of Rosecrans Avenue and the City of Hawthorne locate to the east of Aviation Boulevard 4 The site is in the western portion of Continental Park. Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses 5 The site is currently developed with a mixture of commercial, office, restaurant, movie theater, and parking structure uses. 6. The topography of the site is level and soils conditions are suitable for the existing development 7 Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or which have adapted to urban environments There is no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project site, or project locale 8 The site and immediate project locale, contains no known significant cultural, historical, or scenic aspects 9 The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized Land uses consist of medium scale office, commercial, theater, restaurant, and retail uses The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Center and a five -story office building housing a credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue Beyond the credit union building is the Marriott Hotel with golf and tennis facilities To the southwest of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center 10 There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Marriott Hotel golf course. 017 K It. The project site is only visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south and from South Nash Street on the east. 12. The existing building, uses and development standards were approved in 1972 under a Precise Plan (PP 12 -72) as amended This project is the sixth amendment to the original Precise Plan 13. A Precise Plan is a term for a development application that is no longer used in the City for new projects A Precise Plan would now be called a Specific Plan A Precise Plan amends the zoning map by establishing permitted uses and development standards that apply only to the area covered by the plan. No variances are required for Precise Plans, the approval of a Precise Plan establishes the land uses and required development standards for a project 14 The following environmental facts are established A PP 96 -1B is within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (PP 94 -1), which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects, B PP 96 -1B has no significant environmental impact, and, C PP 96 -1B requires no further environmental analysis 15. The City's General Plan designates the project site for Mixed -Use development The project site is located in the Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone The project conforms with the land uses and development standards of the General Plan and Zoning Code 16 PP 96 -1B does not change the previously approved Site Plan, (Development Plan) 17 PP 96 -1B supplements the existing land uses under PP 12 -72 by adding the land uses provided in the then Underlying Zone. 18. PP 96 -1B, amends the development standards of PP 12 -72 to include the development standards in the Underlying Zone that are not specifically modified by PP 12 -72, as amended 19. The Applicant and the City have determined that there is a need to establish various guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 12 -72 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts, the testimony presented at the public hearings, and study of proposed Environmental Assessment 401B (EA -401B) on PP 96 -1B, the Planning Commission makes the following findings and recommends the City Council reaffirm the findings of Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts of proposed Environmental Assessment 350 (EA -350); and adopt IM 3 required findings related to the PP 96 -111 and adopt the following findings with respect to consistency of PP 96 -1B with the City of El Segundo's General Plan ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 1 The Initial Study performed by the City, based upon the "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" filed 9/17/97 concluded that the subject amendments will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (PP 94 -1), which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) No significant environmental related changes have been made to the Development Plan or Development Standards No further environmental analysis is required, and, 2 That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the proposed modifications to the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built - out urban environment, and, 3 That the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council authorize and direct the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with any appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimum finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days of the approval of the reaffirmation of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25.00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County. PRECISE PLAN 1 That the proposed project is in accord with the purposes of the zone in which the site is located The proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone which allows a broad mix of uses 2 Precise Plan 12 -72, and the previous amendments, established the design of the existing facilities and the placement of essential related facilities such as parking, traffic circulation, and loading Studies prepared by the Applicant and reviewed by the City indicate that no significant increase in environmental effects will occur from the proposed amendment 3 The amendments are consistent with the purposes of a Precise Plan which, like a Specific Plan or a Planned Residential Development, provide the flexibility to allow for deviation from specific site development standards to achieve the overall design for the site 019 4 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY 1. That the proposed amendment is consistent with the following General Plan goals, policies, and objectives• A The General Plan Land Use Designation for the site, as well as the zoning, is Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) In accordance with the General Plan, the Urban Mixed -Use South designation allows a mixture of uses including office, hotels and retail. Light industrial uses are allowed with discretionary approval B The Urban Mixed -Use South designation is designed to allow for a flexibility of uses near the three proposed and one future Green Line transit stations The MU -S designation allows an FAR of 13, the maximum density allowed in the area, since traffic and air quality impacts associated with higher densities can be more easily mitigated with mixed uses in close proximity to mass transit Findings must be made that the project is in conformance with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan in order to approve the project Interpretation of conformity with the applicable provisions of the General Plan is a policy decision that is at the discretion of the Planning Commission and the City Council C. The proposed project is in conformance with many General Plan goals, policies and objectives related to Economic Development, Land Use, Circulation and Air Quality The following Economic Development objectives and policies apply, ED 1 -1 1, ED 1-12, ED 1 -2, ED 1 -2 1, ED 1 -2 2, and ED 1 -2 3, which relate to prioritizing economic development, diversification of an economic base, expanding the retail and commercial base, targeting industries that balance economic development and quality of life goals, and balancing development with resource and infrastructure capacity D. Many Land Use goals, policies and objectives apply including, LU 4, LU 4 -1.1, LU 4-14, LU 4 -3 1, LU 4 -3 6, LU 4 -4, LU 4 -4 3, LU 4 -4 6, LU 4 -4 7, LU 4 5, LU 7 -1.2 and LU 7 -2 3 These issues relate to providing a stable tax base, providing landscaping, encouraging ground floor retail use in a mixed -use environment, providing synergistic relationships with mixed uses and ensuring a mix of uses in the Urban Mixed -Use area, encouraging alternative transportation modes, providing good accessibility to transportation routes, and requiring adequate public facilities and underground utilities E. Circulation Element policies and objectives also apply to the proposal including, C 1 -1 13, C 1 -2 1, C 1 -3 2, C 2 -1.6, C 2 -3 3, C 3 -1, C 3 -1 1, C 3-12, C 3-15, C 3- 1.7, and C 4-12 These policies identify the need for full examination of project traffic impacts and complete mitigation, a hierarchy and street classification system correlated to capacity and function, incorporation of off - street loading facilities, facilities designed for easy pedestrian access, pedestrian linkage to the Green Line, evaluation of circulation system impacts, full mitigation of all 020 5 project- related circulation impacts, integration of transportation with land uses and surrounding environments, requiring developers to pay for mitigation measures, adequate pedestrian and bicycle access and evaluation of project impacts on CMP routes F The proposed project is located on a secondary arterial street (Nash Street) which is already substandard in lane configuration compared to the standards established in the General Plan (2 through lanes in each direction with a stripped median instead of three lanes in each direction with a raised median) The proposed project will not impact the existing situation G The final policies and objectives which apply to the proposed project are contained within the Air Quality Element including; AQ 7 -1 1 and AQ 12-12, which relate to requiring conformance with the SCAQMD PM10 standards and encouraging energy conservation features in new building design NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of PP 96 -113, as follows 1 Amendment of the land uses of PP 12 -72 to include the land uses allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone), 2 Amendment of the development standards of PP 12 -72 to include the development standards in the Underlying Zone that are not specifically modified by PP 12 -72, as amended, 3. Amendment of the PP 12 -72 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 12 -72, as amended, and, 4. Amendment of PP 12 -72 to provide for approval of Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards, (dated October 5, 1998 and attached hereto as Exhibit A) as guidelines to aid in the administration of the PP 12 -72 as amended NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Environmental Assessment EA -401B (EA- 40113) reaffirming the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Environmental Assessment - 350 (EA -350), approval of PP 96 -113, and approval of Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards, (dated October 5, 1998 and attached hereto as Exhibit A) as guidelines to aid in the administration of the PP 12 -72 as amended, subject to the following conditions- 1 The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval of Environmental Assessment EA -401B and PP 96 -1B 021 11 2 In the event any inconsistencies, discrepancies, conflicts or ambiguities arise between Precise Plan 12 -72 as amended and "Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards ", (attached as Exhibit A), Precise Plan 12 -72 as amended shall govern BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that according to the El Segundo Municipal Code, a copy of this Resolution shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application and to any other person requesting a copy of same. The decision of the Planning Commission as set forth in this Resolution shall become final and effective ten (10) calendar days after the date of the Planning Commission action, unless an appeal in writing is filed with the City Council PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of October 1998. Bret ly Beyhard A )CP, Director of Plann g and Building Safety, and, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, California VOTES Crowley, (Chair)- Aye Wycoff (Vice - Chair)- Aye Boulgandes - Aye Kretzmer - Aye Palmer - Aye 022 Brian Crowl y, Chairman of the Planning Commissi of the City of El Segundo, California P \projects \401- 425 \ea401\ea401b res CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTER - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE Meeting Date. Thursday, October 22, 1998 TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission 3 FROM: Bret B Bernard, Alcp, Director of Planning and Building Safety THROUGH: Laurie B. Jester, Senior Planner vl k STAFF � J PLANNER: Fred Talanco, Contract Planner EoF- Paul Garry, Assistant Planner 71VLLI SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment EA -401B and Precise Plan 96 -1B (Sixth Amendment to PP 12 -72) Address 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, and 831 and 871 South Nash Street (Beach Cities Plaza) Applicant: Continental Development Corporation (Mr. Jerry Saunders) REQUEST This application was continued from the October 8, 1998 meeting, at the request of the applicant, as their legal staff had not yet completed their review of the project information The Planning Division has received the above referenced application which is a request of the Continental Development Corporation to reaffirm the findings of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for Environmental Assessment EA -350 and to adopt an amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72; as approved with City Council Resolution No 3917. The PP 96 -1 B amendment is the sixth amendment to the original Precise Plan (PP 12 -72). The application originally requested the approval of seven (7) separate items. Based on the needs of the applicants and through extensive discussions with staff this has been expanded to ten (10) items. On September 16, 1997, the City Council approved Item No.s 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Resolution No 4034). On June 2, 1998, the City Council approved Item Nos 8, 9, and 10 (Resolution No. 4064). The Planning Commission had previously continued Item No s 5, 6, and 7 several times to allow City staff and the applicant additional time to consider the following continued items. The applicant is also requesting a determination that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts) and City Council Resolution No 3917 If so determined, no additional environmental analysis is required Pursuant to City practice, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council on the project, and the City Council will take final action on the applications 023 Proposed Amendments The application requests approval of the three (3) following separate items 5 Amendment of the Precise Plan land uses to conform to the current Zoning Code for the underlying zone; the "Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone" 6. Amendment of the Precise Plan to clarify that any (then current) codified development standards for the underlying Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone that are not specifically modified by the Precise Plan will be incorporated by reference and may be applied to improvements (uses and development standards) covered by the Precise Plan. 7. Amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Budding Safety of minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission review the facts and required findings related to the proposed project and take the following actions 1. Reaffirm, through EA-401B, the findings of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Environmental Assessment -350 (EA -350), 2. Recommend adoption of amendments to PP 12 -72, as originally approved by City Council Resolution No. 2432, and, 3. Approve draft Resolution No. 2425 recommending approval of the project to the City Council (To be distributed separately) The following is a brief description of the ten (10) separate items that the applicant is requesting approval for: Previously Approved (City Council No Resolution 4034, September 16, 1997) 1 An amendment to Condition No. 15 of City Council Resolution No 3917 related to the parking structure stairway at 870 South Nash Street. 2. An amendment to Condition No. 14 of City Council Resolution No 3917 related to the parking structure stairway directional signage at 870 South Nash Street 3 Revisions to the approved Traffic Circulation Plan, as shown on the Supplemental Traffic and Parking Impact Study. 4 The approval of a Precise Plan Amendment to allow outdoor dining that exceeds 200 square feet for the P. F Chang's China Bistro and other future restaurants 024 2 Previously Approved (City Council No Resolution 4064, June 2, 1998) 8 Amendment of the Precise Plan Circulation Plan to relocate the proposed passenger drop -off area from along the west side of Nash Street to an area on the ground floor of the parking structure at 871 South Nash Street adjacent to the Pacific Theatres, or to another location within the project site. 9. Amendment of the Precise Plan (Condition No 28 of City Council Resolution No 3917) to permit the applicant to limit hours of parking in the 871 South Nash Street parking structure and surface parking lot adjacent to the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue office /retail building Condition No. 28 currently requires that all parking be available to all Theater patrons at all time of the day and night. 10. Amendment of the Precise Plan to applicant to install permanent tables, chairs, signs, and other amenities in the plaza area between the Pacific Theatre building at 831 South Nash Street and the office building at 2041 Rosecrans Avenue SITE DESCRIPTION The project site is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (1 -405)] The project area is approximately 6.03 acres (262,737 square feet) The project is generally bounded on the north by heavy industrial land uses, on the south by Rosecrans Avenue, on the east by Nash Street and on the west by heavy industrial land uses Local jurisdictions bordering or near the site include the city of Manhattan Beach located immediately south of Rosecrans Avenue and the City of Hawthorne located to the east of Aviation Boulevard. The site is in the western portion of Continental Park. Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses The site is currently developed with a mixture of commercial, office, restaurant, movie theater, and parking structure uses. The topography of the site is level and soils conditions are suitable for the existing development. Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or which have adapted to urban environments There is no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project site. The site contains no known significant cultural, historical, or particularly scenic aspects. SURROUNDING AREA The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized. Land uses consist of medium scale office, commercial, theater, restaurant, and retail uses The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Center and a five -story office building housing a credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue Beyond the Hughes Credit Union building is the Radisson Hotel with golf and tennis facilities. To the southwest of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center. To the north of the site across the Santa Fe railroad right- of-way is undeveloped industrial land. To the west are heavy industrial uses (Air Products and Allied Signal). To the east across Nash Street are office and restaurant uses 1> % 025 Surrounding land uses are as described in Table A TABLE A SURROUNDING LAND USES Source City of EI Segundo There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity. The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Radisson Hotel golf course. The project site is only visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south and from South Nash Street on the east. There is no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project locale. Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or those that have adapted to urban environments. The immediate Project vicinity contains no known cultural, historic or scenic resources Precise Plan The existing building, uses and development standards were approved under a Precise Plan (PP 12 -72) in 1972 A Precise Plan is a term for a development application that is no longer used in the City for new projects. A Precise Plan would now be call a Specific Plan A Precise Plan amends the Zoning Map by establishing permitted uses and development standards that apply only to the area covered by the plan. No Variances are required for Precise Plans; the approval establishes the required development standards for a project The adoption of a Precise Plan is a legislative act by the City Council, based upon recommendations by the Planning Commission. There are no specific findings that must be adopted for an amendment of a Precise Plan. The City must, in approving a Precise Plan or Precise Plan amendment, make findings related to the following three (3) areas. The California Environmental Quality Act, The consistency of the action with the City's General Plan, and, oz Land Use Zone North: Vacant Land Heavy Industrial (M -2) South: Office /Retail Planned Development (PD) (City of Manhattan Beach) East: Office /Parking Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) West: Industrial Heavy Industrial (M -2) Source City of EI Segundo There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity. The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Radisson Hotel golf course. The project site is only visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south and from South Nash Street on the east. There is no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project locale. Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or those that have adapted to urban environments. The immediate Project vicinity contains no known cultural, historic or scenic resources Precise Plan The existing building, uses and development standards were approved under a Precise Plan (PP 12 -72) in 1972 A Precise Plan is a term for a development application that is no longer used in the City for new projects. A Precise Plan would now be call a Specific Plan A Precise Plan amends the Zoning Map by establishing permitted uses and development standards that apply only to the area covered by the plan. No Variances are required for Precise Plans; the approval establishes the required development standards for a project The adoption of a Precise Plan is a legislative act by the City Council, based upon recommendations by the Planning Commission. There are no specific findings that must be adopted for an amendment of a Precise Plan. The City must, in approving a Precise Plan or Precise Plan amendment, make findings related to the following three (3) areas. The California Environmental Quality Act, The consistency of the action with the City's General Plan, and, oz 3. A finding that the action is necessary to carry out the general purpose of the Zoning Code. Previous Precise Plan Aoorovals Precise Plan 12 -72 The Precise Plan was originally adopted on April 5, 1972 (Precise Plan 12 -72) Precise Plan 12 -72 approved "office, service -type facilities, and related parking" The location of the 871 South Nash Street parking structure on the western property line without any setback is one (1) example of a development standard that was established through adoption of Precise Plan 12- 72. Precise Plan 73 -3 (1st Amendment) The Precise Plan was amended on May 29, 1973 ( Precise Plan 73 -3) The amendment increased the floor area and altered the design of the parking facilities. Precise Plan 74 -10 (2nd Amendment) The Precise Plan was amended on January 7, 1974 The 1974 amendment (Precise Plan 74- 10) eliminated the requirement for a deceleration lane on Rosecrans Avenue The action accommodated a drive -thru teller for a bank in the 2041 East Rosecrans Avenue building Precise Plan 94 -1 (3rd Amendment) The Precise Plan was amended on May 2, 1995 The 1994 amendment (Precise Plan 94 -1) allowed theaters as a permitted use, conversion of an office budding to retailloffice, and provided for joint use parking at 870 South Nash Street. Additionally, the Precise Plan was amended to allow the construction of a theater building within the street side yard setback normally required for the Urban Mixed -Use Zone (MU)[the MU Zone in this area is now the Urban Mixed -Use South Zone (MU -S)] Precise Plan 96 -1 (4th Amendment) The Precise Plan was amended on September 16, 1997 The 1997 amendment (Precise Plan 96 -1) related to the parking structure stairway at 870 South Nash Street, the parking structure stairway directional signage at 870 South Nash Street, revisions to the approved Traffic Circulation Plan, and an approval to allow outdoor dining that exceeds 200 square feet for the P. F Chang's China Bistro and other future restaurants. Precise Plan 96 -1A (Fifth Amendment) The Precise Plan was amended on June 2, 1998 This amendment related to the relocation of the passenger drop -off area for the movie theaters, management of parking in the parking structure and surface parking lots on the property, and permitting the installation of amenities in the plaza area between the theater budding and the retail, office restaurant budding at 2041 Rosecrans Avenue 027 5 URBAN MIXED -USE SOUTH ZONE [MU-S The applicable Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone standards related to the site have been incorporated into the Precise Plan Development standards (attached). CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT The applicant is requesting a determination that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (PP 94 -1), which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects The Development Plan and Standards reflect existing on -site conditions and are a collection of the existing adopted Precise Plan Standards and current Zoning Code Development Standards for the site. No significant environmental related changes have been made to the Development Plan or Development Standards. Therefore, staff recommends that no further environmental analysis is required The project applications and plans were not circulated to all inter- departmental because the proposed amendments do not include any physical modifications to the property which would impact the area of jurisdiction of other City departments STAFF ANALYSIS Overall comments related to the request are presented below* The application has been prepared in accordance with CEQA, the state CEQA Guidelines, and local CEQA Guidelines. It is the opinion of City staff that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (PP 94 -1), which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects 2. The Application reauest is consistent with the City's General Plan. and. The City's General Plan designates the project site for Mixed -Use development The project site is zoned in the Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone The project reflects and is consistent with the designation and the development standards 3. The Applicant reauest will not interfere with the City's ability to carry out the oeneral purpose of the Zomna Code. Amendment Item No.5 Item No. 5 is an amendment of the Precise Plan land uses to conform with the current Zoning Code for the underlying zone; the "Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone" The applicant has requested this amendment to clarify that all of the uses permitted in the current MU -S Zone would be permitted on the project site Precise Plan 12 -172 as amended, specifically limits the permitted uses of the property to commercial uses, retail and office uses in the 2041 Rosecrans 141 028 6 Avenue budding and a theater use on the theater parcel (see attached letter, dated April 17, 1998 for additional information). Under the current approval, uses not consistent with the above descriptions, even if they are currently permitted in the MU -S Zone would not be permitted in the Precise Plan area. Approval of this proposed amendment would broaden the Precise Plan to include all current permitted use and conditionally permitted uses in the MU -S Zone This will afford the applicants additional flexibility in attracting potential tenants to the project by offering them all the uses that are allowed elsewhere in the same zone. Amendment Item No. 6 Item No. 6 is an amendment of the Precise Plan development standards to conform to the current Zoning Code for the underlying zone, the "Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone ". Precise Plan 12 -72, as amended, includes a current site plan which reflects the location of all buildings on the property. Through the Precise Plan process, a reduction in setbacks along the Nash Street property line and between the theater building and 2041 Rosecrans building was approved. However, the Precise Plan does not provide sufficient flexibility to enable future revisions to the plans to be made without requiring amendments to the Precise Plan which would have to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. By stipulating that the underlying development standard of the MU -S Zone apply to the protect, except as already modified by the adopted plan, the applicant will be able to better plan future modifications to the protect if they become necessary No changes to the protect are currently being contemplated Amendment Item No. 7 Item No 7 is an amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan The purpose of this proposed amendment is to provide an administrative review procedure for the City to review minor changes to the protect, which do not significantly affect the overall use or development of the protect. Minor modification would include such things as revisions to signage and landscaping plans, the number of benches and tables in the plaza area, and reviewing revised parking management plans. The Director of Planning would determine if a modification was significant enough to warrant Planning Commission and/or City Council review, which could be processed similar to Zoning Code Administrative Determinations (i e , "receive and file" to the Planning Commission, appealable to the City Council ) Conclusion Staff recommends that the Precise Plan and Development Standards for Continental Development Corporation's Beach Cities Plaza Protect (attached) be adopted to clarify previous actions and facilitate administration The attached Precise Plan, which you will find has been formatted to mirror the organization of the Zoning Code, establishes the uses and development standards, which will be used for future administration of the protect The applicant's legal staff has not completed their review of the Resolution, due to unforeseen events As such, minor "wordsmithing" and consistency changes, which will not impact the intent of the documents are expected. kip 629 7 EXHIBITS A. Draft Resolution No. 2425 (To be distributed separately) B. Precise Plan and Development Standards for Continental Development Corporation's Beach Cities Plaza Project C. PP 12 -72 Letter from City, dated April 17, 1998 D Applications Prepared by: L L— o�— Fred Talanco, Contract Planner Paul Garry, Assistant Planner Reviewed by: B. Jester, Planner Reviewed and approved as to form. Chris Cheleden, Assistant City Attorney Approved by. Bret and Building Safety 030 1.1 P \pro1ectsk401- 425 \ea401 \ea401b sr iV PRECISE PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND STANDARDS [PRECISE PLAN 96 -1 B (PP 96-1B) AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT-401B (EA-401B)] CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION'S BEACH CITIES PLAZA EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 350 MAIN STREET EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245 PREPARED BY VISTA 1278 GLENNEYRE STREET, SUITE 110 LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92561 OCTOBER 5, 1998 150 031 TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 INTRODUCTION . ................ ... ... 1 -1 Background 1 -1 Project Location and Setting 1 -1 2 0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2 -1 Introduction ... . .. ............................... ... 2 -1 Development Plan . ................. 2 -1 3.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ....... ... .. 3 -1 Introduction . . 3 -1 Development Standards 3 -1 Landscaping .3 -2 Off - Street Parking and Loading Spaces.. .. .... .. ..... 3 -2 Signs 3 -2 4 0 ADMINISTRATION 4 -1 Introduction .......... 4 -1 Precise Plan Administration ....... 4 -1 California Environmental Quality Act Compliance .4-2 APPENDICES A — Resolution No 2432, Precise Plan 12 -72 — Original City Council Approval B — Resolution No 749, Precise Plan 12 -72 — Original Planning Commission Recommendation C — Resolution No, 2483, Precise Plan 3 -73 — City Council Approval 1" Amendment D — Resolution No 773, Precise Plan 3 -73 — Planning Commission Recommendation 1" Amendment E — Resolution No 2601, Precise Plan 74 -10 — City Council Approval 2 "d Amendment F. — Resolution No 832, Precise Plan 74 -10 — Planning Commission Recommendation 2 "d Amendment G. — Resolution No 3917, Precise Plan 94 -1 — City Council Approval 3`d Amendment H — Resolution No 4034, Precise Plan 96 -1 — City Council Approval 4`h Amendment I — Resolution No 4064, Precise Plan 96-IA— City Council Approval 51h Amendment A: 032 11 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Regional Location 1 -2 Exhibit 2 Local Vicinity 1 -3 Exhibit 3 Beach Cities Plaza - Development Plan .... . 2 -3 Exhibit 4 Beach Cities Plaza - Elevation 2 -4 Exhibit 5 Beach Cities Plaza - Circulation Plan ... 2 -5 F)33 111 TABLES Table A Key Contact Persons . Table B List of Property Owners Table C Objectives Table D Project Statistics Table E Off -Street Parking ................. ............................... .... Table F California Environmental Quality Act Compliance 034 iv 1 -4 1 -5 1 -6 2 -6 2 -7 4 -2 1.0 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards 96 -1B (PP 96 -113) are intended to provide for a more efficient use of land and a better community environment by utilizing more imaginative and innovative planning concepts than are possible under conventional zoning The precise plan was established to provide specific land uses, and density and intensity limitations on this property. The precise plan takes advantage of the conventional zoning in the establishment of development standards that are based on the City of El Segundo Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) District PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING Beach Cities Plaza is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (I- 405)]. Beach Cities Plaza is approximately 6 03 acres (262,900 square feet) The regional location of Beach Cities Plaza is provided on Exhibit 1, and Exhibit 2 provides a local vicinity map. Beach Cities Plaza is a portion of Continental Park Continental Park is bounded by Rosecrans Avenue on the south, Nash Street on the east, an industrial facility (Air Products) on the west, and railroad tracks on the north. Local jurisdictions bordering or near the precise plan include the City of Manhattan Beach located immediately south of Rosecrans Avenue and the City of Hawthorne located to the east of Aviation Boulevard The precise plan is in the southwestern portion of Continental Park Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses Beach Cities Plaza has been historically used for general commercial uses since 1972 The City's General Plan designates the site for mixed use (Urban Mixed Use - South) development Continental Plaza is located within a highly urbanized environment The topography of the site is fairly level and contains no unique geologic features Landscaping is limited to the areas adjacent to South Nash Street on the east, the rear yard setback on the north, and along Rosecrans Avenue to the south 4 035 1 -1 REGIONAL LOCATION BEACH CITIES PLAZA CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO "'36 VISTA NO SCALE EXHMIT I E,♦ o Simi ' ,, alle Y . r• •aacokn. �. .S mend Chatsworth Miss H 11is ♦ UNna� Ache • Sepu1 f td • Mn tlu. Panorama C ° Vail', Vardup C�` 1� Can"a Park • e Reseda an ' o g Bu�aril Thousand Oaks rum _= woodl::d HJljs al "a a ,., Sherman Da lo I e r via UnWersa� W�Ryi N Correll opang a �kc -, 1, -Hall �u ^\ ` 'r , PaoBlc P Umdes ♦ .� R,� ��`R • i - ,�5 nte IS v ieW W all Manna Dal Rey ° untltglomPar - ♦�:' '' • -, , ". VWhMtNr l ` ? ♦ :. le F ° ahY , Playa Del Rey U Banta Fe n Project Site o� .�,.�..� El Seqund • X L•Mh a •Wllkwr roo 905 �,z CM n ♦t {�n� Marina ton Beach •6a ene • aa, ?F� tg�. • N P t - Hemasa Bewh 91 :k.._ P�;� ''�" -':`• er400d Red 4 slo C� ` T • . H _ Go Palos Verdes Estates - 710 # Hill a° ^ n to Rolling Hills Ste DWI n ` eii!@ a'G V@ Rollln HI -L-On aC . Rancho Palos Verde gbh ♦g n 8e.1 Midway C Ida Sunset Basch ouMalo V i Huntkgton pF'Ury Ch Q7 ?e! O 1995 DeLonn. REGIONAL LOCATION BEACH CITIES PLAZA CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO "'36 VISTA NO SCALE EXHMIT I h Yf �n E E 1a� [�.�..,,.� NMI, h Yf 1.0 INTRODUCTION TABLE A KEY CONTACT PERSONS The Lead Agency Contact: Mr. Bret B. Bernard, AICP Director of Planning and Building Safety Planning and Building Safety Department City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Phone (310) 322 -4670, ext 211 Facsimile (310) 322 -4167 Project Sponsor: Mr. Jerry Saunders Vice President - Planning Continental Development Corporation 2041 Rosecrans Avenue El Segundo, California 90245 Phone (310) 640 -1520 Facsimile (213) 414 -9279 Consultant: Mr. Fred Talarico Principal Planner Source VISTA VISTA 1278 Glenneyre Street, Suite 110 Laguna Beach, California 92651 Phone (949) 494 -6562 Facsimile (949) 494 -3150 1 -4 038 Source VISTA TABLE B PROPERTY OWNER Continental Development Corporation 2041 Rosecrans Avenue El Segundo, California 90245 039 1.5 1.0 INTRODUCTION Objectives 1.0 INTRODUCTION TABLE C OBJECTIVES To clarify permitted land uses in the Beach Cities Plaza Development Plan area Clarification and predictability of development standards that were not modified by the Precise Plan Establishment of procedures that will allow future development under the Precise Plan to be competitive, in terms of cost and timing, with similar development elsewhere in the MU -S Zone Source Continental Development Corporation 040 1 -6 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION The Beach Cities Plaza Development Plan provides for the development of approximately 6 03 acres The Development Plan is provided as Exhibit 3, Elevations as Exhibit 4, and the Circulation Plan as Exhibit 5, and as detailed in the full scale drawings on file in the Planning Division DEVELOPMENT PLAN Permitted Uses Permitted Uses in the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 020 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Additionally, the following uses are permitted subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety: 1 Incidental uses such as permanent tables, chairs, signs, outdoor retail operations, push carts, kiosks, and other similar outdoor amenities, provided each use is located in the area designated for incidental uses on the Development Plan (Exhibit 3) 2 Additional uses such as outdoor dining in accordance with Resolution 4034 Permitted Accessory Uses Permitted Accessory Uses in the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 025 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Uses Subiect to an Administrative Use Permit Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit in the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 030 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Uses Subiect to a Conditional Use Permit Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit in the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code 041 21 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Adult Business Permits Adult Business Permits in the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 045 and Chapter 20 80 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Prohibited Uses The Prohibited Uses in the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 050 of the El Segundo Municipal Code jq 4 2 2 -2 IA Hill .1 1 !m,!i jq f1� I q • kl �I I, ` I - _- kl • o � ; i Ej =1 0� N ; • •li ° I - -- ■ ■ I �1 F . k _ - 1lr 043 6 U � W � F g O a o ado W �1 VAp O�QO E-- U w � z w o A" ! ) } } \ ( \ > / / � � � � ) � t _ § � \ � \ ® � N 2 � j / c / \/ _ o ¥ \� z0 \ \ . U . ? ) \ AI 0 } < G! \ k& j � )| }� -i , �_ ) •. k\ I �i § ;I \ - n 4 \ � k � \ |� |� 044 ! ) } } \ ( \ > / / � � � � ) � t _ § � \ � \ ® � N 2 � j / c / \/ _ o ¥ U - I r II ! I t m ma LLJJ n a n o E T 1� ' P stI t n I �i i i i .00 0 W N 'I ({ 1111I111n L a i z F m x X W w H U xQo w d � V/ F, FBI ~ O U �� 045 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN TABLE D PROJECT STATISTICS TOTAL PROJECT SITE SIZE 6 03 ACRES (262,900 SQUARE FEET) STRUCTURE AT 65,000 SQUARE FEET 831 SOUTH NASH STREET (THEATER) STRUCTURE AT 83,000 SQUARE FEET 2041 ROSECRANS AVENUE Source Continental Development Corporation and City of El Segundo (Exhibit 3) A-*, 046 2.6 TABLE E 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN OFF- STREET PARKING SUMMARY v x��PA9 iP eedp W e'pXeByd� r Dpp e s �sA PXeAeAAdeaPae A°eJdysdBeHedeXd xvap f r iA ev ° ° d° d° d d 1 d d +xd dd d d e d f xJede6 I x erive dxddeXda di ° J xv se OX a i dXAB wA d e P 9ndA�r 9 Yey9 Lb �d �69�der ADfieA XadD edd dNd P�vvi adededddd�dea� dPxd ede r a. dr E 9QA e �a�el, e 1''(( la y f( e 8� t a r et�e °[� ` r"yrvdd �dA ae�I'ij xr' e de�E/� 'Ve 13 q �e�9 AeAd�BSAWAAxex d °A9q'FAA� �D��Br �X� IE Aa jd� adD'ddedAl Tlde P e [ a D[ [ e r e d x„e `q'ry� mP iRa rktle e�I d6° ,,W enDFkW r �daS2rWr° e a eA9fl VF d x d dJ r Alti YAAleei HA e d �l� e eAd dX"e e °P a . ° ° d3 ^t ddA 4rddP Xd�qgqAed '6 d d iN e; P X 'j °B�B3^ dAd de�yld�.I. Apy AdA� fY AP1y i. J r Aj 9V 898 T F iX ° x d0yy 1,50,u h° iAdyPie rtPI d d3� 2r".{+W ( 8� ot� I d a dx xN eP d xedie ex� A1 �x�q 6�J{{ p�AIC �g ;dey' C � P �@ ` e ee p Aryryi 1N^ �{dtl 04th M1 �� / � � � i Ax dix'd d X8P ia IsAide � 6ia°id A6d dd d � X�y � eV Y YW .dx le ` 1i P Ba n 0tTW X iedi 8 q,, NQ''B'd i d °n° ^ 'Ae�d £gpType AXw Ap�, e y; ��de egj"eee ee4! Hdea l�' � eSve�eAo pgeBdA PAtP2AA 1�1�4ApdB°d�AIB e°d d @jiv AAA ° °'1 }} Id1X'° Adele ^ 0 %d °I °d° BXd °A e e d�°a�d M ° X { d^ IAA e8m6 n,I YY 9 ° d d 1 l� °d dA qd add° °xddAd a� l� x r AAd AiAA �Xr CA tip�dAAd A'�AdAXgXg; ddaAd�AAAeAAA �AQQ gJd AedddaA e d xA dA�° dAAAaAA�n °A�A�A,AAdAee °eAAAAAAg °g dH1l y i'VVd "$A�� "��A�pa A ,AAAiAeXlll;�aw'1Aed °.AA;:A „,eA dd i J';d.d rAe d dj Aa 9�Aa§rydSp�BJ�AAye e d Xi 5BW8 ddD E R� 'J e P efdx�ee dAddeh a gde ddXe E a p AeB yd e a Ci�l .yXa [3 °�q e°, a a y g Le X' {eea � e d e eee 8a w ee ° X x d v[ i dap;dS�aoa eJ AA,3 e d ne ed a a x A d�L6 4�@�ega ° 9Afi0.µd A A °m e 1 W it S°e Fe ,^Akh�VpsAk Xa X�� 6A A8 d 9Ae ,Aa 8Q d Ae d°d8,, e A de veve;1 3 W 33 8 M° a6V gge v v a e e e° A e �i te d (e e e kXX�A eIUAq er � YA ¢ A a �Ad ^�e9de d ,dd e d ? x �9�0x1 i i a dy d; IA , s � �A . �x n a r d Surface 177 47 0 224 Parking 0 348 844 1,192 Structure Total 177 395 844 1,416 Parking Spaces Source Continental Development Corporation (Exhibit 3) z -7 r 3.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ILY Y 31ZIIIL�[�7�1 The Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan Development Standards apply to all uses in the Precise Plan Except as noted below, all uses within the Precise Plan shall comply with the Site Development Standards in Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, or the current comparable Zoning Code section 1. 1VYDo1 1Dl• /DIQU guy IDAYILIW1110DIR a IMM- 1114-1IL111 A. General Provisions All uses shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code B. Lot Area The minimum lot area shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. C. Height Buildings and structures shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code D. Setbacks All setbacks shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, except as modified by the Development Plan (Exhibit 3) E. Lot Frontage Each lot in the Precise Plan shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code F. Building Area The total floor area shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code j "8 3 -1 3.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS G. Walls/Fences All walls and fences shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code H. Access All access shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code LANDSCAPING - 20.38.070 All landscaping shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 070 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, except as modified by the Development Plan (Exhibit 3) [0 W 11.y1111 DI 01 II71%IIIN re11�I a 071111►`[MI WTI All off - street parking and loading spaces shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 080 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Additionally, the following provisions shall apply: 1 Valet parking for any use shall be permitted and encouraged SIGNS - 20.38.090 All signs shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38.090 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, except as shown in the approved Master Sign Plan ME 3 -2 4.0 ADMINISTRATION INTRODUCTION The Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan shall be administrated in accordance with the City Municipal Code except as noted herein PRECISE PLAN ADMINISTRATION Administrative Determinations Administrative Determinations shall comply with Section 20 72 020 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. A. Land Use Determinations The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant administrative determinations related to uses in accordance with Section 20 72 020 of the El Segundo Municipal Code B. Development Standards Determinations The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant administrative determinations related to development standards, provided any admmistrahve relief shall not exceed 10% of any development standard. Administrative Use Permit Filine and Review Process Administrative Use Permit Filing and Review Process shall comply with Section 20 72 040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Decision Decision shall comply with Section 20.72 040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Findines for Approval Findings for Approval shall comply with Section 20 72 045 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Expeditious Review Process Expeditious Review Process shall comply with Section 20 72 050 of the El Segundo Municipal Code 050 4 -1 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Plannin¢ Commission Review Planning Commission Review shall comply with Section 20 72 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Appeals Appeals shall comply with Section 20 72 070 of the El Segundo Municipal Code CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT COMPLIANCE The Precise Plan (as previously amended) was approved in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines (Guidelines), and City policies adopted to implement the CEQA and the Guidelines CEQA clearance has been granted by the City as follows TABLE F CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT COMPLIANCE ed "vN "Y6yBN 4 "tl" PgN N " "Aq "IPA db ab "" a "Pebe "payBp A6P R AA9" � "�h HWP ^.1W,�NY PPA X " w xM1"" 6 9d 9 Y J6 N pd° 9 r p� [yp X9 Y A 6$ X 6aP�e "Xe§9X d XeX 6 @tl BB d da'.WM'M191 Ada" B j d�P v NS d f y B � °d^y¢�$� add�� elPp� P ANeOpp CAaBA ^d¢5 X SA 99 SB �$SSe ��tl X @ APB j f J q d 4 A aW q aP d By k"dP "A R a S N5 P 6 �� "6 X�X A P " '4x a'IJ'j peQ"�+'+i B 4��aAB J� Pi P P ^PedB61'N��A r P PsNanN "�,�I,�r�����eliPr� ��a��N,Ba���n °sPPP�, NP }ba! le I d I i,, id„ Amtl. xdr a ° "�i�ximcr�ri°P���oa�va�lw�, yB a�a "� "RNEe�I {JIPP "A leeAd JNI! Iv (y °I�eaA6ae�xex "" ^d "red �AAit "xA `ii "6 Cv EAI(�AZ "v "d +SeV r ead� ^dbe�iA Yx" den Agee yAp 9PAy5y0 ""B"9ea"sPdweX,+v4W A9N 5 i�b X g pd vAAA "vii °d N 9 �j 9 B P 9�8 "A "� 9eP° �A e a xl baBgJ^lypPTde ei� eB6["e BeN� Xa`,?6 qa "�B BeB�e dAA ggeeede "6 "e�e�RdAmeP %P�P!PHJ p'.,ry�P ^� fierAi'.PVlvy a!�y ^M�Y e "� IYAi B r Y^ I IP r B PWp d WP(Af6i?^°4Y9 8 @J y�G� T MM PBp ° Wise^ a 'T.• ^' �@ evad�ee�aay'pgp�p ep^jyH d P gq$6�p�6yAyyqq^P e °9�BP epx�m °JpPPPt"i¢" 6tllo9 8bpT �"e �Ps Sal et vase ^�diSePT a d e dery e t ^r erX"ppa A "�� p ° "N "vPi 9peIN�Qi6yA �fiy ii °rygPWHpP°re3Pr "P X e r "a ANnta ^Vti 'NJ66�tl "a6Paa�4XX� yy "XWp "a'ieix8epe xie "6 °N;d �ap n "e "a°e dNA� P°6pe "6adae "q v " P° v ave iA d Retail /Office /Restaurant and 80,000 square feet other land uses permitted in net floor area the MU -S Zone. Theater 18- screens (3,550 seats) Source City of El Segundo The CEQA clearance indicated above is not reflective of the maximum square feet permitted by the Precise Plan, which is 341,770 square feet (262,900 square feet of lot area times 13 FAR = 341,770 square feet) Additional CEQA clearance may be granted in one (1) of the following two (2) methods 1 Exceed Clearance: Approval of an amendment to this Precise Plan in accordance with CEQA and City requirements to exceed the thresholds indicated in Table F 4 -2 "' 051 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2. Within Clearance: Approval of an administrative finding by the Director of Planning and Building Safety in accordance with Section 4 0 of this Precise Plan. The Director of Planning and Building Safety must find that the proposed use and density /intensity does not exceed the CEQA clearance established in Table F 052 4 -3 K RESOLUTION NO. 2432 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS SPECIFIC (PRECISE) PLAN NO. 12. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Title 20 (The Comprehen- sive Zoning Ordinance) of the "El Segundo Municipal Code" and the laws of the State of California applicable to such matters, Continental Develop- ment Corporation has filed its petition for the adoption of Specific (Precise) Plan No. 12; and WHEREAS, said Plan is for property located in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of Roscrans Avenue (100 feet wide), said line also being the southerly line of Section 18, Township 3 South, Range 14 West, SBB & M, and the center line of Nash Street (80 feet wide); thence North 890 57' 34" West a distance of 338. 00 feet; thence North 0° 02' 26" East a distance of 50 feet to a point in the northerly line of Rosecrans Ave- nue, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 89° 57' 34" East a distance of 268.00 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave Northwest, having a cen- tral angle of 900 and a radius of 30.00 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a distance of 47. 12 feet to a point of tangency with a line parallel to and 40.00 feet westerly of the said center line of Nash Street; thence North 0° 02' 26" East along the westerly line of Nash Street a distance of 614.07 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave westerly having a central angle of 100 13' 42" and a radius of 2, 122. 09 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a dis- tance of 378.83 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's right -of -way; thence South 436 25' 18" West along said southwesterly line a distance of 384. 77 feet to a point; thence South 00 02' 26" West a distance of 741.24 feet to the true point of beginning; and WHEREAS, said Plan was submitted to the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, and after a hearing duly and regularly held, was approved and recommended for adoption by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo has duly and regularly held a public hearing on said Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo has now acquired ,jurisdiction to adopt this resolution; 053 and improved according to the requirements of the City Engineer in substantially the location and dimension shown on the plan dated March 22, 1972 and filed with the City Clerk on March 27, 1972; (8) That construction shall commence within one year from March 27, 1972, and that this Specific (Precise) Plan shall become null and -2- ' ° (154 a h, irt� NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA. DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, That said Specific (Precise) Plan No. 12 herein - above referred to as approved by the Planning Commission of the City of a El Seguhdo in its Resolution No. 749, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted upon the following conditions: (1) That the driveway north of Building No. 5 be relocated to align with the right -of -way of Park Place; (2) That the loading spaces located at the rear of Buildings Nos. 4 and 5 shall be relocated so as not to interfere with internal vehicu- lar circulation; (3) That two loading spaces shall be provided for Building No. 3; (4) That, if, at a later date, it is determined by the City that a traffic hazard exists as a result of the location of the driveways on Rosecrans Avenue or Nash Street, the applicant, at its expense, shall correct such problem to the satisfaction of the City; (5) That this Specific (Precise) Plan does not show the interior design of the parking garages, therefore, approval of said Plan shall be sub- ject to the developer providing a minimum of 653 off - street parking spaces. If the use of any building is changed to a use requiring more off - street park- ing spaces, such additional required spaces shall be provided; (6) That specific trash and rubbish storage areas for each build- ing shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Director of Public Works; (7) That a deceleration lane on Rosecrans Avenue be dedicated and improved according to the requirements of the City Engineer in substantially the location and dimension shown on the plan dated March 22, 1972 and filed with the City Clerk on March 27, 1972; (8) That construction shall commence within one year from March 27, 1972, and that this Specific (Precise) Plan shall become null and -2- ' ° (154 a "m 3` 61 19 -- void if construction has not commenced within said time. SECTION 2. That the applicant is informed that the City Council does not, by this action, intend to impair its authority to modify the traffic and circulation restrictions in the neighborhood of applicant's property if the need arises to make such modification. ' SECTION 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to endorse the said Plans as hereby approved and adopted by the City Council. Said Plans are on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection and by this reference incorporated in this resolution and made a part hereof. adoption. SECTION 4. That this resolution shall become effective upon SECTION 5. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolu- tions of said City, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED A ATTEST: Jane D. Hough i y er (SEAL) By: ` ecc eputy 055 -3- I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) 1, JANE D. HOUGH, , City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No. 2432 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 27th day of March 197 2 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Balmer, McGill, Morgan, Nagel and Mayor Stephens; NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT- Councilmen None WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 5th day of April 1972 (SEAL) 05 6 .Oity Clerk of a City oi zT begundo California RESOLUTION N0. 749 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST FOR A SPECIFIC (PRECISE) PLAN, WITH CONDITIONS, FROM CONTINENTAL DEVELOP- - MENT CORPORATION TO CONSTRUCT THREE COMMERCIAL ' BUILDINGS TO BE USED FOR OFFICES, RESTAURANT, • SAVINGS AND LOAN, AND RELATED PARKING FACILITIES ` ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF NASH STREET AND ROSECRANS AVENUE. WHEREAS, an application was received on January 7, 1972, from Continental Development Corporation, 4519 Admiralty Way, Suite 201, Marina del Rey, for a specific (precise) plan to construct three commercial buildings to be used for offices, service -type facilities, and related parking facilities, on property generally located at the northwest corner of Nash Street and Rosecrans Avenue, more particularly described as follows: and Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of Rosecrans Avenue (100 feet wide), said line also being the southerly line of Section 18, Township 3 South, Range 14 West, SBB & M, and the centerline of Nash Street (80 feet wide), thence north 890 57' 34" west a distance of 338.00 feet, thence north 00 02' 26" east a distance of 50 feet to a point in the northerly line of Rosecrans Avenue, said point being the true point of beginning; thence south 89 57' 34" east a distance of 268.00 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave northwest, having a central angle of 900 and a radius of 30.00 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a distance of 47.12 feet to a point of tangency with a line parallel to and 40.00 feet westerly of the said centerline of Nash Street, thence north 00 02' 26" east along the westerly line of Nash Street a distance of 614.07 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave westerly having a central angle of 100 13' 42" and a radius of 2,122.09 feet, thence along an arc of said curve a distance of 378.83 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway right -of -way, thence south 430 25' 18" west along said southwesterly line a distance of 384.77 feet to a point, thence south 00 02' 26" west a distance of 741.24 feet to the true point of beginning; 057 �4 940 Rll WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, in the City of El Segundo on January 26, 1972; and WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence both for and against the proposed request; and WHEREAS, Gordon T. Stephens and George Phillips spoke, and no other persons offered to speak; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that as a result of said hearing, the following facts were established: 1. The subject site constains some 6.1 acres or 262,240 square feet of area and is zoned M -2, Heavy Manufacturing. 2. The property to the east across Nash Street is zoned M -2 and is vacant except for a small bank building and related parking facilities. 3. Property to the west across the railroad tracks is zoned M -2 and developed for heavy industrial purposes. 4. Property to the north is developed with light industrial buildings which are presently being used for offices. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as a result of said hearing, the Commission finds as follows: 1. Section 20.50.020 PURPOSE OF PRECISE PLAN, of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code" reads as follows: "Wherein the zoning map establishes only zone boundaries and the text of the title establishes the permitted use of land in the various zones and the conditions applica- ble to the use, a precise plan, as the term is employed in this chapter, has a two fold (sic) purpose: "(1) To apply the provisions and requirements of the title in precise detail by means of a map, including possible streets, alleys and other public dedications, the establishment of vh1ch would be accomplished in the manner otherwise provided by law; the design and place- ment of essential related facilities such as off - street parking, loading and .nloading areas, points of ingress and egress, particularly related to bordering traffic flow; placement and arrangement of buildings; and other subjects not included in this title but which are f, 58 xo *A ig ry 941 R11 essential to public safety and general welfare, such as controlling the pattern and flow of traffic and such other related details as represent modern specialized land development and use. "(2) Similar plans for the consolidated use of subdivided property, the dimensions, shape and size of which do not individually lend themselves advantageously to any form of modern land utilization. "The precise plans shall be adopted in the manner prescribed for amending the zoning map, and the precise plans, when so adopted, shall constitute an amendment of the zoning map as to zone classification, where involved, and the details of the precise plan shall supersede and shall take the place of the requirements and conditions upon the use of land as established by this title, insofar as the property contained in the precise plan is concerned. "A precise plan, when adopted as herein provided, shall be considered as being a precise plan within the full meaning of the state Conservation and Planning Act and, because the adoption of the precise plan accomplishes both the amendment of the zoning map and the establish- ment of detailed subjects other than zoning matters, separate but concurrent proceedings shall be employed. The resulting precise plan shall be separately recorded both as a component of the comprehensive master plan and ab an amendment to this title." 2. The proposed commercial buildings will have no detri- mental effects on the abutting properties or uses if developed in accordance with the conditions as set forth herein. AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that in view of the above facts and findings, and pursuant to Section 20.50.020 of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code," the Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of the request for a specific (precise) plan from Continental Development corporation, 4519 Admiralty Way, Suite 201, Marina ael Rey, to construct three commercial buildings to be used for offices, service -type facilities, and related park- ing facilities, on property generally located at the northwest corner of Nash Street and Rosecrans Avenue, subject to the follow- ing conditions: 1. That the driveway north of Building No. 5 be relocated to align with the right -of -way of Park Place. 059 942 Rll 2. The loading spaces located at the rear of Building Nos. 4 and 5 shall be relocated so as not to interfere with internal vehicular circulation. 3. Two loading spaces shall be provided for Building No. 3. 4. If, at a later date, it is determined by the City that a traffic hazard exists as a result of the location of the driveways on Rosecrans Avenue or Nash Street, the applicant, at its expense, shall correct such problem to the satisfaction of the City. S. The plans submitted to this Commission do not show the interiot design of the parking garages. Therefore, the approval of the development should be subject to the developer providing a minimum of 653 off - street parking spaces. If the use of a building is changed to a use requiring more off - street parking spaces, such additional required spaces shall be provided. 6. Specific trash and rubbish storage areas for each build- ing shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Director of Public Works. 7. In accordance with Section 20.96.020 EXPIRATION., of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code," the applicant has one year from the date of approval of the specific (precise) plan application by the City Council in which to exercise the application. If not exercised within that time, the specific (precise) plan becomes null and void. AND FURTHER RESOLVED, according to the "El Segundo Municipal Code," within ten days following the adoption of this resolution, the secretary of the Planning Commission shall mail a copy of this resolution to the applicant at the address shown on the application and to any other person requesting a copy of same. FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council for its action as prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED Philip A. Hu y, Acting In air- man of the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California Reffli this 26th day of January, 1972. Ernest B. Reid Director of Planning City of E1 Segundo California s µ 4S STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF IJOS ANGELES) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, ERNEST B. REID, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, do hereby certify that the fore- going is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California, and that said resolution which was approved at the Planning Commission meeting of January 26, 1972, and was so passed by the following vote: AYES: Chairman Huey, Commissioners Charland, Wiegers and Woodward NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this26th day of January, 1972. tI,lt,i� l ,h' cc"�Ck Ernest B. Reid, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California 061 RESOLUTION NO. 2483 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIFIC (PRECISE) PLAN NO. 12. WHEREAS, on March 27, 1972, the City Council of the City of El Segundo adopted Resolution No. 2432, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS SPECIFIC (PRECISE) PLAN NO. 12. ", and by said Resolution, adopted Specific (Precise) Plan No. 12; and WHEREAS, on March 2, 1973, an application was made by Continental Development Corporation to amend said Plan; and WHEREAS, said Plan is for the property described as: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of Rosecrans Avenue (100 feet wide), said line also being the southerly line of Section 18, Township 3 South, Range 14 West, SBB & M, and the center line of Nash Street (80 feet wide); thence North 89° 57' 34" West a distance of 338.00 feet; thence North 0° 02' 26" East a distance of 50 feet to a point in the northerly line of Rosecrans Ave- nue, said point being the true point of beginning, thence South 890 57' 34" East a distance of 268.00 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave Northwest, having a cen- tral angle of 90° and a radius of 30. 00 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a distance of 47.12 feet to a point of tangency with a line parallel to and 40. 00 feet westerly of the said center line of Nash Street; thence North 00 02' 26" East along the westerly line of Nash Street a distance of 614. 07 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave westerly having a central angle of 10° 13' 42" and a radius of 2, 122. 09 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a dis- tance of 378. 83 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's right -of -way; thence South 43° 25' 18" West along said southwesterly line a distance of 384.77 feet to a point; thence South 0° 02' 26" West a distance of 741.24 feet to the true point of beginning, and said amendment to the Plan was submitted to the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, and after hearing duly and regularly held, was approved and recommended for adoption by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo has duly and regularly held a public hearing on said amendment to said Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo has acquired jurisdiction to adopt this resolution; �-w 062 M 114,41.1 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That said Amendment to Specific (Precise) Plan No. 12 hereinabove referred to as approved by the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo in its Resolution No. 773, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted upon the following conditions: 1. That a toll gate or any other such device shall not be placed at or near the vehicular entrances tp Building No. 4 in any way that could restrict the free passage of vehicles through to the rear of the first floor of the structure. The location of any toll gate shall be approved by the Director of Building Safety. 2. That Building No. 4 shall be provided with two loading spaces or one loading space with a mmimum of 800 square feet, and be so located , so as not to interfere with internal vehicular circulation, such location shall be approved by the Director of Building Safety. 3. That the loading spaces shall be indicated on the floor plan for level one, prior to issuance of the permit. 4. That the development be required to provide a minimum of 723 off - street parking spaces and that if the use of any building is changed to a use requiring more off - street parking spaces, such additional required spaces shall be provided. 5. Trash and rubbish storage areas for Building No. 4 shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Director of Public Works. 6. The applicant shall, in accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2472, pay all costs incurred by the City for the preparation of the NEGA- TIVE DECLARATION on this project. SECTION 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to endorse the Amendment to said Plan as hereby approved and adopted by the City Council. Said Plan is on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspec- tion and by this reference incorporated in this resolution and made a part hereof. tion. SECTION 3. That this resolution shall become effective upon adop- 063 -2- y^,Y. IJ io It 4R SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City, and shall make a minute of the passage and adop- tion thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 29th day of May , 1973. ATTEST: /Z'i y Clerk (SEAL) 064 f ie & a A...A.,_ mayor of e city of egun o, MUTZrnia. -3- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) SS 1, JANE D. HOUGH, , City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the 'whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No. 2488 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 29th day of May 197 3 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen McGill Morgan Nagel and Mayor Balmer _ NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT- Councilmen None NOT VOTING: Councilman Stephens. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 30th day of May , 197-i (SEAL) 065 Ay ,t, lX ✓ er c o a y �un o California RESOLUTION NO. 773 0 998 R12 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN NO. 12 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF NASH STREET AND ROSECRANS AVENUE WITHIN SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, on March 27, 1972 adopted Resolution No. 2432 approving with certain conditions Precise Plan No. 12 for Continental bevelopment Corporation; and WHEREAS, an application has been received by the Planning Depart- ment from Continental Development Corporation to amend Precise Plan No. 12 by changing the design of parking facilities and office spaces of said Plan; and WHEREAS, the property involved in the above application is located at the Northwest corner of Nash Street and Rosecrans Avenue, commonly known as 871 Nash Street, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of Rosecrans Avenue (100 feet wide), said line also being the southerly line of Section 18, Township 3 South, Range 14 West, SEE & M, and the centerline of Nash Street (80 feet wide), thence north 890 57' 34" West a distance of 338.00 feet, thence north 00 02' 26" East a distance of 50 feet to a point in the northerly line of Rosecrans Avenue, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 89 57' 34" East a distance of 268.00 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave Northwest, having a central angle of 900 and a radius of 30.00 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a distance of 47.12 feet to a point of tangency with a line parallel to and 40.00 feet Westerly of the said centerline of Nash Street, thence North 00 02' 26" East along the Westerly line of Nash Street, a distance of 614.07 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave Westerly having a central angle of 100 13' 42" and a radius of 2,122.09 feet, thence along an arc of said curve a distance of 378.83 feet to a point in the Southwesterly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway right -of -way, thence South 430 25' 18" RM `r 1 i 0 999 R12 West along said Southwesterly line a distance of 384.77 feet to a point, thence South Oo 02' 26" West a distance of 741.24 feet to the true point of beginning. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, as a result of the above application did, pursuant to law, hold an advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on April 12, 1973 and continued said hearing to April 26, 1973; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on April 26, 1973, hold a public hearing on said matter and an opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against the proposed amendment to Precise Plan No. 12; and WHEREAS, as a result of said hearing, the following facts were established: and 1. Increase in leasable area (approximately 32,500 square feet. 2. Ability to more adequately separate the parking from office areas. 3. A better separation of the vehicular noises from the leasable area; WHEREAS, in view of the above facts, the Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. The changes are not of substantial redesigning. 2. That it permitted a more efficient usage of the building for the project. 3. The parking facilities still meet the code re- quirements for the proposed uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning commission recommends to the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, the adoption of the proposed amendment to Precise Plan No. 12 for Continental Development Corporation to change the design of the parking facilities and office spaces of said Plan for t*e property hereinabove described, with the following conditions: "' 067 1000 R12 1. That a toll gate or any other such device shall not be placed at or near the vehicular entrances to Building No. 4 in any way that could restrict the free passage of vehicles through that structure. 2. That Building No. 4 shall be provided with two loading spaces or one space with a minimum of 800 square feet, and be so located so as not to interfere with internal vehicular circulation. 3. That the loading space shall be indicated on thq floor plan for level one, prior to issuance of the permit. 4. That the development be required to provide a minimum of 723 off - street parking spaces and that if the use of any building is changed to a use requiring more off- street parking spaces, such additional required spaces shall be provided. 5. Trash and rubbish storage areas for Building No. 4 shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Director of Public Works. 6. The applicant shall, in accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2472, pay all costs incurred by the City for the preparation of the NEGATIVE DECLARATION on this project. FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council for its action as prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 26th day of April, 1973. i i Peter D. Charland, Chairman of ,ne Planning Co=ission of the C,tl of E'. Segundo, California M OF Edward R. Loverde, Director of Planning of the City of E1 Segundo, California ' ( RESOLUTION NO. 2601 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIFIC (PRECISE) PLAN NO. 12 AS AMENDED BY PRECISE PLAN NO. 3 -73. (CONTINENTAL DE- VELOPMENT CORPORATION) WHEREAS, on March 27, 1972, the City Council of the City of El Segundo adopted Resolution No. 2432, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS SPECIFIC (PRECISE) PLAN NO. 12. ", and, by said resolution, adopted Specific (Precise) Plan No. 12; and WHEREAS, on May 29, 1973, the City Council of the City of El Segundo adopted Resolution No. 2483, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIFIC (PRECISE) PLAN NO. 12. ", and, by said Resolution, adopted an Amendment to Specific (Precise) Plan No. 12; and WHEREAS, at the request of the applicant and upon the written recommendation of the Director of Planning the Planning Commission con- sidered an amendment to Continental Development Corporation's Specific (Precise) Plan No. 12, as amended, and set such amendment for public hear- ing and after a hearing duly and regularly held approved and recommended for adoption by the City Council an amendment to Specific (Precise) Plan No. 12, as amended; and WHEREAS, said Plan is for property described as: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of Rosecrans Avenue (100 feet wide), said line also being the southerly line of Sec- tion 18, Township 3 South, Range 14 West, SBB & M, and the center line of Nash Street (80 feet wide); thence North 89° 57' 34" West, a distance of 338.00 feet; thence North 00 02' 26" East a distance of 50 feet to a point in the northerly line of Rosecrans Avenue, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 890 57' 34" East a distance of 268. 00 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave Northwest, having a central angle of 900 and a radius of 30. 00 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a distance of 47.12 feet to a point of tangency with a line parallel to and 40. 00 feet westerly of the said center Line of Nash Street; thence North 0° 02' 26" East along the west- erly line of Nash Street a distance of 614.07 feet to a point of tangency 069 C with a curve concave westerly having a central angle of 10. 13' 42" and a radius of 2, 122.09 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a dis- tance of 378.83 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's right -of -way; thence South 430 25' 18" West along said southwesterly line a distance of 384.77 feet to a point; thence South 0° 02' 26" West a distance of 741.24 feet to the true point of beginning; and . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo has duly and regularly held a public hearing on said amendment to said Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo has acquired jurisdiction to adopt this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETER- MINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Specific (Precise) Plan No. 12, as amended by Precise Plan No. 3 -73, is hereby amended in the following particulars: 1. The plans shall be modified to show that the driveway configura- tion will provide positive one -way travel. 2. A standard "Stop" sign and "Exit Only" sign shall be installed at locations to be approved by the Director of Public Works; 3. A sidewalk shall be installed along Rosecrans Avenue between Nash Street and the westerly property line subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. 4. The curb cut on Rosecrans Avenue shall not be used for ingress of vehicles without the review and approval of the Planning Commission and the City Council. SECTION 2. The foregoing modifications will result in a reduction of seventeen parking spaces which reduction is hereby approved because the pro- ject will still provide thirty -one parking spaces in excess of that set forth in Reso- lution No. 2483. SECTION 3. Upon recommendation of the Planning Commission the City Engineer and the City Attorney be and they hereby are instructed to initiate proceedings to vacate that portion of Rosecrans Avenue previously dedi- cated to the City for street purposes. 070 -2- _1 SECTION 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to endorse the Amendment to said Plan as hereby approved and adopted by the City Council. Said Plan is on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection and by this reference incorporated in this resolution and made a art herdof. SECTION 5. This resolution shall become effective upon adoption. ( SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adop- tion of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City. and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of January , 1975. ATTEST: ity er (SEAL) o z61� 'Mayor of e city of RE beguncto, ahforma. ( A* 071 3 1167 R13 RESOLUTION NO. 832 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN NO. 12 AS AMENDED BY PRE- CISE PLAN N0. 3 -73 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY (2041 EAST ROSECRANS AVENUE) WHEREAS, an application was made by Continental Development Corporation to amend Precise Plan No. 12 as amended by Precise Plan No. 3 -73, by eliminating the deceleration lane as set forth in Condition No. 7 of City Council's Resolution No. 2432 and revising the parking configuration on both the north and west sides of the structure located at 2041 East Rosecrans Avenue, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of Rosecrans Avenue (100 feet wide), said line also being the southerly line of Section 18, Township 3 South, Range 14 West, SBB & M, and the centerline of Nash Street (UO feet wide); thence north 890 57' 34" west, a distance of 338.00 feet; thence north 00 02' 26' east a distance of 50 feet to a point in the northerly line of Rosecrans Avenue, said point being the true point of beginning; thence south 890 57' 34" east a distance of 268.00 feet to a point of tangency with a curse concave nortbwest, having a central angle of 900 and a radius of 30.00 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a distance of 47.12 feet to a point of tangency with a line parallel to and 40.00 feet westerly of the said centerline of Nash Street; thence north 00 02' 26" cast along the westerly line of Nash Street a distance of 614.07 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave westerly h :aviny a central angle of 100 13' 42" and a radius of 2,122.09 feet; thence along an arc of said curve a distance of 378.83 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railwav right -of -way; thence south 430 25' 18" west along said southwesterly lire a distance of 384.77 feet to a point; thence south 00 02' 26" west a distance of 741.24 feet to the true point of beginning; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissicn did, pursuant to law, hold a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, in the City of E1 Segundo, on December 12, 1974; and WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against the proposed amend- ment; WHEREAS, at said hearing, the following facts were established- 1. The southwest satelite portion of Building No. 3 is being leased by the Bank of America. 2. The plan for the improvements for the Bank include a drive- through teller lane on the west side of the building. :* 072 ,* ",yf \` 1168 R13 3. This design permits only exiting of vehicles at the Rosecrans Avenue curb cut. 4. The deceleration lane was required when previous plans permitted both ingress and egress off Rosecrans Avenue. 5. The revision of the parking configuration on the north and the west sides of the facility will facilitate an orderly flow of traffic into the two bank depositories. 6. The modification of parking will result in an overall reduction of seventeen parking spaces, however, the project will still be providing thirty -one parking spaces in excess of that set forth in Resolution No. 2483. WHEREAS, after considering the above facts and study of the proposed amendment, the Planning Commission finds: 1. The need for the deceleration lane will be eliminated. , 2. Ample parking will be provided. 3. These modifications will be beneficial to the development and the general area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council, the adoption of the amendment to Precise Plan No. 12 as amended by Precise Plan No. 3 -73, submitted by Continental Development Corporation, with the following conditions: 1. Driveway configuration shall be modified to provide positive one -way travel as shown on the plan. Construction shall be similar to street intersection design including curbs rather than standard driveway apron. 2. Developer shall install standard "stop" sign and "exit only" sign at locations to be approved by the Director of Public works. 3. Developer shall install sidewalk along Rose - crans Avenue between Nash Street and westerly property line to be approved by the Director of Public Works. 4. The subject curb cut on Rosecrans Avenue cannot be used for the ingressing of vehicles without the review and approval of the Planning Commission and City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Planning Com- mission recommends to the City Council that that portion of Rosecrans Avenue previously dedicated to the City for the purpose of a decel- eration lane, be vacated. FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council for its action as prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 12th day of December, 1974. aw 073 oy Carr, Jr., 'i 7e q air ^an o _ova rd R. Lo erc e, Secretary" o: the Planni -a Commission of the tne = '_a--ing Co--rission of ire City of E1 Secundo, Califor -ia _. o` _ Se__n_o, -,,i_or z STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, EDWARD R. LOVERDE, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, do hereby certify that the fore- going is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California, and that said resolution which was approved at the Planning Commission meeting of December 12, 1974 was so passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Christensen, Young and Vice Chairman Carr NOES: Commissioner McLees ABSENT: Chairman Charland ABSTAIN: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hav hereunto set my al]d this of w6Ntif/C��/I \' Edward R. Loverde, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California 074 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OFTHEC FIYCOUNCILOFTHECrFYOPELSEGUNDO` CALIFORNIA, CERTIIYATGAMIGA7IDNEGA7IVEDEC7ARA 'IIONOF ENVIRONM WAL IMPACTS FOR FNVIRONM1IdI'AL ASSESSMENT EA- 3S0 AND ADOPTION OF A MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO PRECtSE PLAN 12-72, TO ALLOW A 3,SS0 SEAT MOVIE THEATER, CONVERSION OF AN OFFICE BUHDING TO RETAIWOFFICF, AND JOINTUSE PARKING AT2041 E ROSECRANS AVENUE AND 831, 870 8: 871 S. NASH STREET. PETITIONED BY CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, WHEREAS, an application has been received from Continental Development Corporation. requesting approval of an Environmental Assessment and an Amendment to a Precise Plan to allow the development of a 18 screen, 3,550 seat movie theater complex and the conversion of an office building to retail/office use on 6.03 acres located at 2041 E Rosecrans and 831, 870 & 871 S. Nash Street in the Urban Mixed -Use (MU) Zone; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (FA -350), Including a Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the proposed use, hasbeen prepared and circulated to all interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies for review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained In the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Fl Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No. 3805}, and WTERFFAS, a Traffic Impact Study was conducted to evaluate all transportation. circulation, and parking impacts associated with the project and submitted with the application; and WH[RFAS, an Air Quality Assessment was conducted to estimate the air pollution emissions which will be generated by the project to evaluate any potential air quality impacts associated with the construction and operation of the facility and submitted with the application; and WHEREAS, a Fiscal Impact Analysis to evaluate the project costs versus project revenues and the project's impact on City services was conducted and submitted by the applicant; and WHEREAS, an Asbestos Report was submitted which examined potential asbestos impacts in the 831 S. Nash Street building which will be demolished; and WHEREAS, on April 6, 1995, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter In the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment FA-350 and Amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72; and WHEREAS, on May 2, 15)95 the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, duly- advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and WIIERFAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against Environmental Assessment EA -350 and Amendment to Predse Plan 12.72; and WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established: 1. The applicant is proposing to construct a new 65,000 square foot movie theater with 18 screens and 3,550 seats on a lot which currently has a 72,500 square foot office building at 871 S. Nash Street. A 340 space parking structure on this lot shall remain. 075 2. The three -story 2041 E Rosecrans Avenue office building containing approximately 83,000 square feet of office space will be renovated and converted into a 80.000 net square toot retail and office building. Approximately 29,000 square feet on the ground floor is designated as retail and 51,000 square feet on the second and third floor will be retail and/or office. An exterior surface parking lot adjacent to the building will be retained. The proposed theaters and retail/office building are located on a 3.S acre lot. 3. The 831 S. Nash Street property Is located on 2.7 acres which includes a 7,401 square foot access easement for the adjacent theater parcel. The site is improved with a vacant two - story office building containing approximately IOS,000 square feet with two levels of parking above. The building 1s proposed to be demolished and a new 190 space surface parking lot will be built in its place. 4. The two parcels of land will be reconfigured through a Lot Line Adjustmen4 which will also eliminate the access easement between the 831 & Nash Street and 871 Nash S. Street buildings. The resulting FAR for the proposed project on the new lot is 0.56. S. The nine -level parking structure containing approximately 1,688 parking spaces, located at 870 S. Nash Street, will be connected to the plaza area between the retail/office and theater buildings by an approximately 25 foot wide crosswalk with a pedestrian activated signal across Nash Street at a position north of the northern most exit driveway of the parking structure at 870 S. Nash Street and the driveway immediately north of the parking structure. This parking structure serves an office building during the day and will provide joint parking for the theater and retail/office during evening, weekend, and holiday hours. 6. The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized. Land uses are comprised of medium -scale (e.g. three to seven -story) office, commercial and industrial uses. A flve -story office building, nine4evel parking structure and a three -story office building are located within Continental Park immediately to the east of the site along Nash Street. An industrial air processing plant, Air Products Inc„ Is located to the west of the site. immediately to the north is an Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad right -of -way with tracks leading to the Chevron Oil Refinery about 1/3 of a mile to the west. Beyond the railroad tracks Is vacant land zoned for heavy industrial purposes. The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Complex and a five -story office building housing a credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue. Beyond the credit union building is the Radisson Hotel with golf and tennis facilities. To the south -west of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center. Within Manhattan Village Is a 6 screen Mann Theaters with 1200 seats. There are no residential uses located in the Immediate project vicinity. The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Radisson Hotel golf course. Topographically, the project vicinity Is generally level to rolling terrain and is currently developed except for north of the property. Landscaping within the project locale Is associated with the developed commercial and office properties. 7. The existing buildings, uses and development standards were approved under a Precise Plan (PP -12) in 1972. The precise plan was amended twice to account for changing uses of the property. Precise Plan 73 -3 Increased floor area and altered the design of the parking facilities. A required deceleration lane on Rosecrans Avenue was eliminated as part of Precise Plan 74 -10 to accommodate a new drive -thru teller for a now vacated bank in the 2041 E Rosecrans Avenue building. Approval of a Precise Plan requires findings that the Precise Plan is consistent with the General Plan. 8. The proposed project is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In accordance with State guidelines and local requirements, a Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and circulated for interdepartmental and affected agency review. No significant adverse impacts were Identified which could not be mitigated to an insignificant level, including impacts to traffic/circulation. risk of upset, air quality and public services. 9. The Fiscal impact Analysis, utilizing the City's Fiscal Impact Model, indicates that the project will generate a fiscal surplus for the City of between $636,300 to S 1,067,200 during its first five years of operation depending on the mix of office and retail in the 2041 E Rosecrans Avenue building, after consideration of City service costs. n76 NOW, THEI ffORF. THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: AFTER CONSIDERING THE ABOVE FACTS, TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THE HEARING, AND STUDY OF PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA- 350 AND AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 12 -72, THE CITY COUNCIL MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT AND AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 12 -72: The City Council hereby makes the following fludings related to the environmental effects: 1. The Draft Initial Study was made available to all local and affected agencies and for public review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law. The Initial Study concluded that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, the adoption of mitigation measures would reduce these effects and impacts to a less than significant level. The potentially significant effects identified in the hdtial Study were Increased demand for public services, vehicular /pedestrian conflicts on Nash Street, a reduced Level of Service (LOS) at the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue and Aviation Boulevard, increased parking demand, exposure to asbestos during the demolition of the 831 S. Nash Street building, potential discovery of previously unknown cutlural resources, and construction related fugitive dust emissions. The Impacts on public services were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth In Conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 of Section 3 of this Resolution. The Impacts on vehicular /pedestrian conflicts were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth in Conditions 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 of Section 3 of this Resolution. The impacts on the Level of Service at the intersection of Rosetrans Avenue and Aviation Boulevard were reduced to a level of insignificance by a prior land dedication by the applicant which will enable the intersection to be widened and the Level of Service improved. Therefore, no further mitigation measures for this effect are required. The impacts of parking demand were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth in Conditions S and 28 of Section 3 of this Resolution. The potential impacts from exposure to asbestos during demolition were reduced to a level of insignificance by mitigation measures act forth to Condition 25 of Section 3 of this Resolution. The Impacts of the potential discovery of previously unknown cutlural resources were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth in Condition 26 of Section 3 of this Resolution. The effect of construction related fugitive dust emissions were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth in Condition 30 of Section 3 of this Resolution. The Initial Study recommended that a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental impact be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQAk and 2. That when considering the whole record, there Is no evidence that the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built -out urban environment; and 3. That the City Council thereby authorizes and directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de mwmus finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations. Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of S2S.00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination. As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur unto this condition is met and the required notice$ and fees are filed with the County. The City Council hereby finds that the proposed project and Amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72 are consistent with the General Plan based on the following: 077 AIML sw 1. That the proposed project Is In accord with the purposes of the zone In which the site Is located. The proposed project Is consistent with the Intent of the Urban Mixed Use M Zone which allows a broad mix of retal, office, theaters and other commercial uses which serve a broad cross- section of the City and surrounding area. The proposed project includes retail, offices, and theaters, which are allowed by right in the MU Zone. 2. That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan Economic Development objectives and policies: ED 1 -1.1, ED 1 -12, ED 1.2, ED 1 -2.1, ED 1 -2.2, and ED 1 -2.3, which relate to prioritizing economic development, diversification of an economic base, expanding the retail and commercial base, targeting industries that balance economic development and quality of life goals, and balancing development with resource and infrastructure capacity. 3. That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan land Use Goals, Policies and Objectives. LU I -S.S, LU 4, LU 4 -1.1, LU 4.1.2, LU 4-1.4, LU 4.3.1, LU 4 -3.6, LU 4-4, LU 4.4.3, LU 4-4.6, LU 44.7, LU 4.5, LU 7 -1.2 and LU 7 -23. These issues relate to beautifying the City entrances, providing a stable tax base, providing landscaping, insuring seismic safety, encouraging ground floor retail use in a mixed -use environment. providing synergistic relationships with mixed uses and ensuring a mix of uses In the Urban Mixed - Use area, encouraging alternative transportation modes, providing good accessibility to transportation routes, and requiring adequate public facilities and underground utilities. 4. The proposed use Is consistent with the following General Plan Goals, Policies and Objectives related to circulation C 1 -1.13, C 1 -1.17, C 1 -2.1, C 13.2, C 2 -1.6, C 2 -2.2, C 2- 3.3, C 2 -5.1. C 3 -1, C 3 -1.1, C 3 -1.2, C 3 -1.5, C 3.1.7, and C 4 -12. These policies identify the need for full examination of project traffic impacts and complete mitigation, signal synchronization, a hierarchy and street classification system correlated to capacity and function, incorporation of off - street loading facilities, facilities designed for easy pedestrian access, bicycle facilities, pedestrian linkage to the Green Line, Implementation of TDM standards, evaluation of circulation system impacts, full mitigation of all project- related circulation impacts, integration of transportation with land uses and surrounding environments, requiring developers to pay for mitigation measures, adequate pedestrian and bicycle access, and evaluation of project Impacts on CPO routes. S. The proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan Goals, Policies and Objectives related to air quality. AQ 7 -1.1, AQ 10.13, and AQ 12 -1.2, which relate to requiring conformance with the SCAQMD PM10 standards, improved traffic flow through signal synchronization, and encouraging energy conservation features In the design of new projects. SECTION 2: THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY APPROVES AND ADOPTS THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS TO PRECISE PLAN 12 -72 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN SECTION 3 OF THIS RESOLUTION. 1. Theaters are a permitted use under Precise Plan 12 -72 2. The development standards for Precise Plan 12.72 are those set forth In the plans for the proposed project, dated March 30, 1995, Including any revisions to said plans pursuant to Condition 1 of Section 3 of this Resolution. In particular, the minimum setback for the theater building on Nash Street is 15 -17 feet and the design of the existing facilities and the placement of essential facilities such as parking, traffic circulation and loading are as set forth in said plans and pursuant to Condition 11 of Section 3 of this Resolution. 3. The required parking for the Precise Plan includes the joint use of the parking structure located at 870 S. Nash Street as set forth In Condition S of Section 3 of this Resolution. SECTION 3: THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY APPROVES ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA -350, AND ADOPTS AND CERTIFIES A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall develop plans which indicate that the project is in substantial conformance with plans approved and on file with the Department of Planning and Building Safety. Any subsequent modification to the project 1 as approved shall be referred to the Director of Planning and Building Safety for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification. 2. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time library services mitigation fee of $0.03 per gross square foot of building floor area for each building. 3. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Fire Services Mitigation Fee of $0.14 per gross square foot of building floor area for each building. 4. Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Police Services Mitigation Fee of $0.11 per gross square foot of building floor area for each building. S. The applicant shall submit to the Department of Planning and Building Safety a Covenant and Agreement for the Maintenance and location of Off -Site Parking which states how 1,414 parking spaces are required and that 844 spaces in the 870 S. Nash Street parking structure will be located off -site. The Covenant shall also stipulate that the Joint use parking in 870 S. Nash Street shall be available to the theaters and retail/office building at 2041 E Rosecrans only on weekends, evenings, and holidays. The Covenant and Agreement for the Maintenance and Location of Off -Site Parking shall be worded prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 6. The Applicant shall submit a Lot Line Adjustment to the Department of Planning and Building Safety to reconfigure the two lots on the west side of Nash Street. The Lot Line Adjustment must be recorded prior to approval of the building plans for the theater building. 7. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit a Security Plan, including a complete exterior lighting plan, to the Police Department for review and approval The plan shall be in substantial conformance with the Security Plan agreed to by the Police Department and the applicant as detailed in a letter dated April S, 1995. The security measures shall be installed prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or implemented prior to operation, as appropriate. 8. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit a Fire/Life Safety Plan to the Fire Inspection Division of the Department of Planning and Building Safety which Includes, but Is not limited to the following: A. Fire lane access; B. A fire control room on the grade level with access from the street or fire lane; C. A Fire/Life safety system with emergency power, D. A voice activation system; and E A five year state certification for the fire sprinkler system. All Fire/Life Safety Plan requirements must be Installed and operational prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 9. A Landscaping and Irrigation Plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the Director of Planning and Building Safety and Director of Recreation and Parks prior to approval of the building plans. AB landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent automatic watering or irrigation system and shall be permanently maintained in a neat and clean manner. The applicant, if feasible, shall incorporate provisions for the use of reclaimed water in the Landscaping and Irrigation Plan. The Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety and Director of Recreation and Parks and installed per the approved plans by the applicant prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. '79 ]0. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit a Master Sign Plan to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area and the aesthetic objectives of the General Plan, as well as to ensure that signs do not impede traffic or pedestrian safety. The Master Sign Plan shall include off -site directional signs for the purpose of directing traffic to the 870 S. Nash Street parking structure via Apollo Street and the parking lot at the north end of the project site via Nash Street and Park Place. The Master Sign Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety and all signs shall be installed per the approved plan prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 11. The applicant shall submit a Circulation Plan, prior to approval of the building plans, to be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works and the City of Manhattan Beach where required. which contains, but is not limited to, the following provisions and is in substantial compliance with the Traffic Circulation Plan, dated April 18, 1995, on file in the Planning Division A. The applicant shall widen the north side of Rosecrans Avenue, west of Nash Street to provide dual left -turn lanes on eastbound Rosecrans Avenue; B. The existing right -turn only exit driveway on the west side of 2041 E Rosecrans Avenue building shall be converted to two -way operation; C. Westbound Rosecrans Avenue shall be widened In front of the 2041 E Rosecrans Avenue building to provide a separate right -turn lane to the driveway west of the 2041 E Rosecrans Avenue building; D. A 'shadowed' left -turn lane on eastbound Rosecrans Avenue shall be provided to access the converted two -way driveway west of 2041 E Rosecrans Avenue; E Westbound Rosecrans Avenue east of Nash Street shall be widened to provide a separate right -turn lane to Nash Street; F. The east side of Nash Street just north of the Intersection of Rosecrans Avenue shall be widened to accommodate traffic from the dual left -turn lanes on Rosecrans Avenue; G. Any future valet parking drop-off lane on the east side of Nash Street adjacent to 2101 Rosecrans Avenue shall be separated from north bound traffic by a five foot wide Island. The valet drop -off zone shall be configured so that the face of the curb for the new island angles back toward the face of the curb at the southern end of Nash Street at the Intersection. A different pavement treatment than used on Nash Street shall be used for the valet drop-off zone to differentiate the two traffic areas. A continuous sidewalk on the east side of the valet zone shall be provided. if any part of the valet drop -off Island is located in the public right -of -way, the applicant shall enter. into an agreement with the City to bear all liabilities (told the City harmless) resulting from the operation of the valet drop-off zone; H. Provide an approximately 2S foot wide pedestrian crosswalk on Nash Street located between the northern most exit driveway of the parking structure at 870 S. Nash Street and the driveway immediately north of the parking structure. Install a pedestrian activated traffic signal at the new Nash Street crosswalk with interconnection to the existing traffic signal at Rosecrans Avenue and Nash Street. The two signals shall be synchronized so as to clear northbound traffic through the portion of Nash Street south of the proposed crosswalk. The applicant shall fund the maintenance of the signal and shall enter into an agreement with the City for this purpose. j. The existing circular planter Island at the Nash Street and Park Place intersection shall be removed and the Intersection reconfigured to provide access to the new proposed driveway at the north end of Nash Street and to provide a smooth stop controlled transition between Nash Street and Park Place. R The driveway between the theater and the retail/office building shall be no less than 34 feet In width. lil L The driveway between the 2041 Rosecrans budding and proposed theaters shall be designated for eastbound traffic as right turn only at Nash Street during peak hours, as determined by the City. All required Circulation Plan elements shall be Installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 12. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the City of Manhattan Beach for the construction of the traffic improvements located within the City of Manhattan Beach. All roadway improvements in the City of Manhattan Beach shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 13. The applicant will be required to prepare and submit a formal status report to the Chy's Traffic Committee which details all operational characteristics of the project and surrounding Continental Park development, related to traffic generation, distribution, and circulation, which impacts the project. A status report shall be submitted by the applicant 6 months and 1 year after opening the theaters. The traffic and pedestrian levels and their impacts on the operation of the City streets may be reviewed by the City on a continuing basis after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the movie theaters. �[ 14. Signs and other directional provisions will be added to the interior of the 870 S. Nash r` Street parking structure by the applicant to direct pedestrians to the pedestrian crosswalk located outside the northwest comer of the puking structure. A plan for the signs and other directional provisions shall be submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Budding Safety prior to installation 15. Stairs, and other access as required by law, shall be provided by the applicant, at the northwest comer of the parking structure to facilitate pedestrian access from the parking structure to the pedestrian crosswalk between the ground level and the first above -grade level. A plan for the stairs and other access required by law shall be submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Budding Safety prior to installation. The required provisions shall be installed per the approved plans prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 16. The applicant shall pay the City Attorney's costs for preparing or reviewing any bond agreements or other such agreements between the applicant and the City required for the construction, maintenance, and operation, of the crosswalk, the pedestrian activated signal or other traffic and pedestrian improvements and oft -site parking and valet drop-off agreement. 17. During construction, the entire project site shall be enclosed by a six -foot high chain link fence. Gates for site fencing shall not open over sidewalk/public right -of -way. A fencing plan shall be submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Budding safety prior to budding plan approval and installation of the fencing. 18. All work within the City public right -of -way shad be In accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo Standard Specifications. No work shall be performed in the public right -of -way without first obtaining a Public Works permit. 19. Prior to approval of the budding plans, plans shall indicate that all existing and proposed utilities shall be placed underground to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The applicant shall assume the costs for the relocation of all utilities, including but not limited to, light poles, electrical vaults, and fire hydrants which are affected by the proposed project. 20. Encroachment permits must be obtained from the Engineering Division Public Works Department for demolition haul -off. Permit must be obtained at the same time the permit for demolition is issued. An encroachment permit for grading Is also required when import or export of dirt exceeds fifty (50) cubic yards. Demolition and grading may be listed on one encroachment permit. 0 81 21. Prior to approval of the building plans, plans shall show the location of all proposed trash enclosures to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. Plans shall also Indicate that the trash area will Incorporate adequate space for the collection of recyclable materials. 22. If new sewer laterals are required and constructed In the public right-of-way they shall be a minimum of six (6) inches inside diameter. Material shall be'vltreous clay pipe. Each lateral shall have a six (6) inch clean-out brought to grade at the property line and securely capped. A B9 size box shall be placed around the C.O. for protection. The box shall have a cover emblazoned with the word 'sewer'. If in a traffic area, cover shall be traffic approved. All planned sewer connections shall be checked for elevation prior to starting construction. Existing sewer lsterals shall be plugged at the sewer mainline and capped at the property line. Existing six (6) inch wyes may be reused if approved by the Director of Public Works. 23. No material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way except by permit issued by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. If material storage is allowed In the public right -of -way it shall be confined to parkway areas and stmt parking areas, as long as safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular passage Is maintained at all times. Storage beyond these areas in the public right-of-way requires prior approval of the Public Works Department and shall be limited to a maximum period of 24 hours. 24. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, new curbs, sidewalk, driveway approaches, wheelchair ramps and A.C. pavement, including alleys, shall be constructed/reconstructed as required by the Director of Public Works. Existing driveways and other concrete work not to be incorporated into the construction shall be removed and replaced with standard curb and sidewalk. 25. Demolition of drywall containing Asbestos Containing Construction Material (ACCT) or Asbestos Containing Building Material (ICBM) In the 831 S. Nash Stmt building or the other structures being demolished shall be performed under asbestos dust control measures (i.e. misting the air with amended water, utilizing negative air machines, respiratory and clothing protection, and showers) in accordance with applicable South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) rules. The applicant shall provide the Department of Planning and Building Safety copies of any permits required by SCAQMD prior to commencement of demolition or grading. 26. Should any previously un- recorded archeological or cultural resources be encountered during construction of the project, all work will be stopped and the Department of Planning and Building Safety will be notified immediately. At the owners expense a qualified archeologist will be consulted to determine the potential significance of the find, and his findings shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Building Safety prior to the commencement of work. 27. The proposed movie theaters shall have a maximum of 3,550 seats. 28. The puking structures and surface parking lots on the west side of Nash Stmt shall remain open and available to all theater patrons as well as the retall/office customers and employees at all times of the day and night. 29. The applicant shall submit the appropriate documentation to show conformance with or exemption from the state Water Quality Control Board's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for construction related stormwater runoff to the Director of Public Works prior to the approval of the building plans. 30. During construction dust control measures shall be required in accordance with the City's Dust Control Ordinance. Grading will be discontinued during first -stage smog alerts and suspended during periods of high wind (i.e. over IS miles per bour). All hauling trucks shall have loads covered or wetted and loaded below the sideboards to minimize dust. et 0 £s2 SECTION 4 The City Clerk shall cerWy to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall entered the same in the book of original resolutions of said city; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof In the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting which the same Is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND AI)OFM this _ZvA- day of _AIM 199S. 1 Am;�S�Owa-Y;0—r of the City of El Segundo, California ATIESIElk y Morty perk (SEAL) j. Leland C. Dolley, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM HE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SS t, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City Is five; that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO. 3917 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor or said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, ad at a regrdar mee" of the said Council held on the 2nd day of May 1995, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Weston, Councilman Switz, Councilman Robbins, and Councilwoman Friedkin. NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTENTION: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 4th day of May, 1995. 1:' A Z - /-�11?,� WV CINDY R ESEN City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) 4 RESOLUTION NO. 4034 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT- 401(EA401) REAFFIRMING THE FINDINGS OF THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT -350 (EA -350) AND ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN 96- 1 (PP 96 -1) AS THE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 12 -72 (PP 12 -72� TO ALLOW MODIFICATIONS TO THE PARKING STRUCTURE STAIRWAY AND DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE, TRAFFIC CIRCULATION PLAN REVISIONS AND OUTDOOR DINING AT 2041 ROSECRANS AND 831, 870, AND 871 SOUTH NASH STREET. PETITIONED BY CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. WHEREAS, an application has been received from Continental Development Corporation, requesting approval of an amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72, as subsequently modified, to allow modifications to the parking structure stairway and directional signage, traffic circulation plan revisions, outdoor dining for a restaurant, and other amendments as stated in the application; and, WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA -401), including further analysis of the findings of the Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for the EA -350, has been prepared and circulated to all interested parties, City Staff, and affected public agencies for review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No. 3805); and, WHEREAS, a Traffic Impact Study was conducted to evaluate all transportation, circulation, and parking impacts associated with the project and submitted with the application by Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc and reviewed for the City by Hartzog & Crabill, Inc.; and, WHEREAS, an Air Quality Assessment was conducted by Planning Consultants Research to evaluate the air pollution impacts associated with the construction and operation of the facility and submitted with the application and reviewed by the City Staff; and, WHEREAS, a Fiscal Impact Analysis was prepared by Planning Consultants Research to evaluate any potential changes in the project costs versus project revenues and the project's impact on City services and submitted with the application and reviewed by City Staff, and, WHEREAS, on September 11, 1997, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2400, recommending approval of the Precise Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment; and, U WHEREAS, on September 16,1997, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment EA401 and Precise Plan 96 -1; and, WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established: 1. The Applicant requests approval of Items 1, 2, 3, and 4, as detailed in the September 11, 1997 Staff Report. 2. The Applicant has requested a continuance of Items No. 5, 6, and 7, as detailed in the September 9, 1997 Staff Report, for approximately 30 days. 3 The Applicant has requested continuation of the three (3) items to allow the Planning Commission and City Council time to complete deliberations on all other requested components and to provide the Applicant and City Stab additional time to consider the continued items. 4 Condition No. 15 of City Council Resolution No. 3917 for PP 94 -1 requires the stairs at the northwest comer of the parking structure at 870 South Nash Street to extend from the 'ground level' to the 'first above -grade level', of the parking structure, rather than from the 'ground level' to the 'basement level' of the parking structure, as currently constructed. 5. The applicant has requested a determination that the stairway as constructed, be deemed in 'substantial compliance' with Condition No. 15 of City Council Resolution No. 3917. 6. Condition No 14 of City Council Resolution No. 3917 requires the provision of signage in accordance with Condition 15 of City Council Resolution No. 3917. The applicant is requesting approval of revisions to the signage and other directional provisions added to the interior of the 870 South Nash Street parking structure to accommodate the revisions in Item No. 4 above. The circulation changes include revisions to the approved Traffic Circulation Plan, as shown on the Supplemental Traffic and Parking Impact Study as follows: a. The closing of the existing Common Area Plaza (Plaza) 34 foot wide driveway between the theater and the retail /office building (Condition 11 -k of Resolution No. 3917) off of South Nash Street to vehicular traffic; b Converting the easterly two- thirds of the Plaza to pedestrian activity only, C. Converting the westerly third of the plaza to valet drop -off /pick -up area; d Elimination of the need to restrict eastbound traffic, from the closed driveway to a right - turn only movement at South Nash Street during peak hours (Condition No. 11 -L of Resolution No. 3917); 1.. Providing a new sidewalk and curbside theater drop-off/pick-up zone on the west side of South Nash Street, The re-stripping of South Nash Street to add a drop -off lane and maintain two driving lanes on the east side of South Nash Street; and g The relocation of eight (8) handicapped parking spaces from the Plaza area to the 871 South Nash Street Parking structure. 9. The applicant plans to establish a new quality restaurant 'blending culinary creations from the major regions of China with American hospitality to create a unique dining experience," 10 The new restaurant will include an outdoor dining area of 1,200 square feet; a 5,400 square foot indoor seating area (including bar area); and kitchen and 'back -of -the- house' space of 1,800 square feet. 11 If P F. Chang's China Bistro does not utilize all of the 1,200 square feet of outdoor dining area then other future restaurant(s) may utilize the area. 12 The applicant requested that the following Items be continued for 30 days. Amendment of the Precise Plan land uses to conform with the current code for the underlying zone. the 'Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone.' The applicant requested to amend the Precise Plan to allow all the land uses in the Precise Plan that are presently allowed in the MU -S Zone This includes: a. Permitted Uses; b. Permitted Accessory Uses, c. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit; d. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit; and e. Adult Business Permits. Additionally, the applicant requested that uses in the Plaza and Entry Court, including outdoor dining, retail sales, and other ancillary uses which are supportive of the site's primary retail uses, are included as permitted uses. Amendment of the Precise Plan development standards to conform with the current code for the underlying zone: the 'Urban Mixed- Use South (MU -S) Zone.' The applicant requested to amend the Precise Plan to incorporate the development standards of the MU- S Zone into the Precise Plan, except as may have been previously established and constructed under the Precise Plan. C. Amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for minor modifications to the repuirements of the Precise Plan by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. The applicant requested that the City establish a procedure to provide for minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan, subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety The procedure would allow flexibility for the applicant to meet market changes without the necessity of a full Precise Plan amendment. They have indicated a desire to provide for minor modifications to enhance the development without creating adverse impacts for surrounding developments. 13 The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized 14 The project site is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate405 (1405)]. The project area is 1: approximately 6.03 acres (262,737 square feet). The project is bounded by Rosecrans Avenue on the south, Nash Street on the cast, an industrial facility (Air Products) on the west, and railroad tracks on the north. Local jurisdictions bordering or near the site include the City of Manhattan Beach located immediately south of Rosecrans Avenue and the City of Hawthorne locate to the east of Aviation Boulevard. 15. The site is in the southwestern portion of Continental Park, which is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses 16. The project site is currently developed and has been historically used for commercial uses since 1972 The City's General Plan designates the site for mixed use development. The project is located within a highly urbanized environment. The topography of the site is quite level and contains no unique geologic features. Landscaping is limited to the areas adjacent to South Nash Street on the east, the rear yard setback on the north, and along Rosecrans Avenue to the south. 17 The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized. Land uses are comprised of office, commercial, restaurant, theater, research and development, and other similar uses. The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Center and a five -story office budding housing a credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue. Beyond the credit union building is the Radisson Hotel with golf and tennis facilities. To the southwest of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center. 18. There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity. The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Radisson Hotel golf course. The project site is only visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south and from South Nash Street on the east Topographically, the project vicinity is generally level to rolling terrain and is currently developed except for north of the property. 19. The existing buildings, uses and development standards were approved under a Precise Plan (PP- 12) in 1972. The Precise Plan was previously amended by PP 73 -3, PP 74 -10, and PP 94 -1. 20 The proposed project is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In accordance with State guidelines and local requirements, a Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for EA -350 was prepared and circulated for interdepartmental and affected agency review No significant adverse impacts were identified which could not be mitigated to an insignificant level, including impacts to traffic/circulation, risk of upset, air quality and public services The applicant is requesting a determination that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects). 21 The applicant submit three (3) studies and an environmental questionnaire related to the environmental effects of the proposed project. The three studies evaluated fiscal, traffic and air quality effects of the proposed project related to the previous approvals. City Staff and consultants have reviewed the studies and found them to be prepared in accordance with CEQA and City Standards. The studies provide the necessary facts for required CEQA findings 22 The Fiscal Impact Analysis indicates the proposed project will generate a fiscal surplus for the City, after consideration of City service costs 1:: SECTION 1. AFTER CONSIDERING THE ABOVE FACTS, THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING, AND STUDY OF PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA401 AND PRECISE PLAN 96 -1 (PP 96 -1), THE CITY COUNCIL MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT AND REAFFIRMS THE FINDINGS OF THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 350 (EA- 350) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Initial Study concluded that the previous project (EA -350) will not have a significant, adverse effect on the environment, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the subject project is within the environmental thresholds established and approved through EA -350; and, That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the proposed modifications to the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built -out urban environment, and, That the City Council authorizes and directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with any appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimus finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations. Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25.00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination. As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County. PRECISE PLAN 1. That the proposed location of the project is in accord with the purposes of the zone in which the site is located The proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone which allows a broad mix of uses. Precise Plan 12 -72, which established the design of the existing facilities and the placement of essential related facilities such as parking, traffic circulation, and loading, is significantly altered by the proposed amendment. However, studies prepared by the applicant and review by the City indicate that no significant increase in environmental effects will occur. The amendments are consistent with the purposes of a Precise Plan which, like a Specific Plan or a Planned Residential Development, provides the flexibility to allow for deviation from specific site development standards to achieve the overall design for the site. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan. The General Plan Land Use Designation for the site, as well as the zoning, is Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) In accordance with the General Plan, "The Urban Mixed -Use 1 +" South designation allows a mixture of uses including office, hotels and retail. Light industnal uses are allowed with discretionary approval. The Urban Mixed -Use South designation is designed to allow for a flexibility of uses new the two existing Green Line transit stations. The MU -S designation allows an FAR of 1.3, the maximum density allowed in the area, since traffic and air quality impacts associated with higher densities can be more easily mitigated with mixed uses in close proximity to mass transit. C. The proposed project is in conformance with many General Plan goals, policies and objectives related to Economic Development, Land Use, Circulation and Air Quality. The following Economic Development objectives and policies apply; ED 1 -1.1, ED 1 -1.2, ED 1 -2, ED 1 -2.1, ED 1 -2.2, and ED 1 -2.3, which relate to prioritizing economic development, diversification of an economic base, expanding the retail and commercial base, targeting industries that balance economic development and quality of life goals, and balancing development with resource and infrastructure capacity. Many Land Use goals, policies and objectives apply, which the project is in conformance with, including; LU 4, LU 4 -1.1, LU 4 -1.4, LU 4 -3.1, LU 4 -3.6, LU 4-4, LU 443, LU 4 -4.6, LU 4-4 7, LU 4.5, LU 7 -1.2 and LU 7 -2.3. These issues relate to providing a stable tax base, providing landscaping, encouraging ground floor retail use in a mixed -use environment, providing synergistic relationships with mixed uses and ensuring a mix of uses in the Urban Mixed -Use area, encouraging alternative transportation modes, providing good accessibility to transportation routes, and requiring adequate public facilities and underground utilities e. Circulation Element policies and objectives also apply, which the project is in conformance with, to the proposal including; C 1 -1.13, C 1 -2.1, C 1 -3.2, C 2-16, C 2 -3.3, C 3 -1, C 3 -1.1, C 3-12, C 3 -1.5, C 3 -1.7, and C 4 -1.2. These policies identify the need for full examination of project traffic impacts and complete mitigation, a hierarchy and street classification system correlated to capacity and function, incorporation of off - street loading facilities, facilities designed for easy pedestrian access, pedestrian linkage to the Green Line, evaluation of circulation system impacts, full mitigation of all project - related circulation impacts, integration of transportation with land uses and surrounding environments, requiring developers to pay for mitigation measures, adequate pedestrian and bicycle access and evaluation of project impacts on CMP routes. The proposed project is located on a secondary arterial street (Nash Street) which is already substandard in lane configuration compared to the standards established in the General Plan (2 through lanes in each direction with a striped median instead of three lanes in each direction with a raised median). Although the proposed revised circulation plan would eliminate the stripped median on Nash Street to accommodate pedestrian drop -off areas for the theaters, the Planning Commission finds that the revised circulation plan would be consistent with the General Plan- Master Plan of Streets because the revisions will improve pedestrian safety at the existing pedestrian activated signalized crosswalk by providing a larger queuing area on the west side of the crosswalk. The project will also improve circulation in the area through the elimination of the 34 foot wide driveway between the theater and the retail /office building. Additionally, the proposed circulation modifications would not preclude the possible future extension of 090 Nash St, as identified in the Master Plan of Streets, as there is no change in the actual right -of -way width. The final policies and objectives which apply to the proposed project, which the project is in conformance with, are contained within the Air Quality Element including; AQ 7- 1.l and AQ 12 -1.2, which relate to requiring conformance with the SCAQMD PM10 standards and encouraging energy conservation features in new building design SECTION 2. THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY APPROVES ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA- 401 (EA 401) REAFFIRMING THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 350 (EA- 350) AND ADOPTS ITEMS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 OF PRECISE PLAN 96 -1 (PP 96 -1), AND THE CONTINUATION OF ITEMS 5, 6, AND 7 AS DESCRIBED BELOW: 1. An amendment to Condition No. 15 of City Council Resolution No. 3917 related to the parking structure stairway at 870 South Nash Street. An amendment to Condition No 14 of City Council Resolution No. 3917 related to the parking structure stairway directional signage at 870 South Nash Street. Revisions to the approved Traffic Circulation Plan, as shown on the Supplemental Traffic and Parking Impact Study. The approval of a Precise Plan Amendment to allow outdoor dining that exceeds 200 square feet for the P F. Chang's China Bistro and other future restaurants. Items 5, 6, and 7 continued for 30 days. Amendment of the Precise Plan land uses to conform with the current code for the underlying zone, the 'Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone.' Amendment of the Precise Plan development standards to conform with the current code for the underlying zone, the 'Urban Mixed- Use South (MU -S) Zone.' Amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. SECTION 3. THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY APPROVES ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA- 401 AND ADOPTS AND CERTIFIES A PRECISE PLAN AMENDMENT 96 -1 AS AN AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 12 -72, PP 73 -3, AND PP 94 -1 STATED AS ITEMS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 AND THE CONTINUATION OF ITEMS 5, 6, AND 7 AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall develop plans which indicate that the project is in substantial conformance with plans approved and on file with the Department of Planning and Building Safety with the exception of layout of the interior of the restaurant. Any subsequent modification to the project as approved shall be referred to the Director of Planning and Building Safety for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification r% -- - -- - -- -- -- Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety that all fees for the development permitted by Environmental Assessment EA -350 and Precise Plan 94 -1 have been paid. Additionally, the applicant shall pay all fees indicated below as may be required by the City. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Library services mitigation fee of $0.03 per square foot of building floor area for the outdoor dining area b. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Fire Services mitigation fee of $0.14 per square foot of building floor area for the outdoor dining area. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Police Services mitigation fee of SO.I1 per square foot of building floor area for the outdoor dining area. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Traffic Impact mitigation fee pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 3969, to the Department of Public Works, for the outdoor dining area. The applicant shall submit to the Department of Planning and Building Safety any amendments to the Covenant and Agreement for the Maintenance and Location of Off -Site Parking or demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety that an amendment is not required Any amendment to the Covenant and Agreement for the Maintenance and Location of Off -Site Parking shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit an amendment to the Security Plan, including a complete exterior lighting plan, to the Police Department for review and approval The security measures shall be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or implemented prior to operation, as appropriate. 5. Prior to approval of the restaurant building plans, the applicant shall submit an amendment to their approved Fire/Life Safety Plan to the Fire Department for review and approval. All Fire/Life Safety Plan requirements must be installed and operational prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 6. An amendment to the Landscaping and Irrigation Plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the Directors of Planning and Building Safety and Recreation and Parks and Police Chief prior to approval of the Circulation Plan All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent automatic watering or irrigation system and shall be permanently maintained in a neat and clean manner The applicant, if feasible, shall incorporate provisions for the use of reclaimed water in the Landscaping and Irrigation Plan The Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Directors of Planning and Building Safety and Recreation and Parks and the Police Chief and installed per the approved plans by the applicant prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit any amendments necessary to the Master Sign Plan to ensure clear and convenient directional signage, compatibility with the surrounding areas, and the aesthetic objectives of the General Plan, as well as to ensure that the signs enhance and do not impede traffic or pedestrian safety The amendment shall also 091 address signage to reduce pedestrian 'jaywalking' on South Nash Street. The amendment to the Master Sign Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Directors of Planning and Building Safety and Public Works and the Police Chief and all signs shall be installed per the approved plan prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 8. The applicant shall submit a final Circulation Plan, to be reviewed and approved by the Directors of Public Works and Planning and Building Safety and the Police Chief for all circulation and parking related improvements, which contains, but is not limited to the following provisions: a The closing of the existing Common Area Plaza (Plaza) 34 foot wide driveway between the theater and the retail/office building (Condition 11 -k of Resolution No. 3917) off of South Nash Street to vehicular traffic; b Converting the easterly two- thirds of the Plaza to pedestrian activity only; c Converting the westerly third of the plaza to valet drop- ofi/pick -up area, d Elimination of the need to restrict eastbound traffic, from the closed driveway to a right - turn only movement at South Nash Street during peak hours (Condition No 11 -L of Resolution No. 3917); C. Providing a new sidewalk and curbside theater drop- ofr/pick -up zone on the west side of South Nash Street; f The re- striping of South Nash Street to add a drop -off lane and maintain two driving lanes on the east side of South Nash Street; and g The relocation of eight (8) handicapped parking spaces from the Plaza area to the 871 South Nash Street Parking structure. All required Circulation Plan elements shall be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 9 All work within the City public right -of -way shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo Standard Specifications No work shall be performed in the public right -of -way without first obtaining a Public Works permit. 10 Encroachment permits must be obtained from the Engineering Division Public Works Department for demolition haul -off. Permit must be obtained at the same time the permit for demolition is issued An encroachment permit for grading is also required when import or export of dirt exceeds fifty (50) cubic yards Demolition and grading may be listed on one encroachment permit. ll. No material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way except by permit issued by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. If material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way it shall be confined to parkway areas and street parking areas, as long as safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular passage is maintained at all times. Storage beyond these areas in the public right -of -way requires prior approval of the Public Works Department and shall be limited to a maximum period of 24 hours 093 12. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, new curbs, sidewalk, driveway approaches, wheelchair ramps and A C. pavement, including alleys, shall be constructed/reconstructed as required by the Director of Public Works. Existing driveways and other concrete work not to be incorporated into the construction shall be removed and replaced with standard curb and sidewalk. 13 During construction dust control measures shall be required in accordance with the City's Dust Control Ordinance. Grading will be discontinued during first -stage smog alerts and suspended during periods of high wind (i e. over 15 miles per hour). All hauling trucks shall have loads covered or wetted and loaded below the sideboards to minimize dust 14. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy the Applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City in a manner approved by the City Attorney and Director of Planning and Building Safety to assure implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Study Review prepared by Hartzog & Crabill, Inc., dated August 27, 1997. 15 A circulation and traffic review will be required a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of twelve (12) months after the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the outdoor restaurant use. The definition of a "review" involves the preparation of a study for the actual project operations, identical to that performed for the development of the site. The findings shall be submitted to the Departments of Planning and Building Safety, Public Works, Police and Fire for review and approval. If necessary, the operations may be modified to maintain clear circulation and access at all times or other mitigation that the City deems appropriate will be required. 16 The applicant shall pay the City's Traffic Consultant cost for the preparation, review or analysis of materials for Items 14 and 15 above 17 During construction, the entire project site shall be enclosed by a six -foot high chain link fence. Gates for site fencing shall be located at driveways and shall not open over sidewalk /public right - of -way A fencing plan shall be submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety prior to installation. is Prior to approval of the building plans, plans shall indicate that all existing and proposed utilities shall be placed underground to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The applicant shall assume the costs for the relocation of all utilities, including but not limited to, light poles, electrical vaults, and fire hydrants which are affected by the proposed project. 19 If new sewer laterals are required and constructed in the public right -of -way they shall be a minimum of six (6) inches inside diameter. Material shall be "vitreous clay pipe ". Each lateral shall have a six (6) inch clean -out brought to grade at the property line and securely capped. A B9 size box shall be placed around the C.O for protection. The box shall have a cover emblazoned with the word "sewer ". If in a traffic area, cover shall be traffic approved. All planned sewer connections shall be checked for elevation prior to starting construction. Existing sewer laterals shall be plugged at the sewer mainline and capped at the property line Existing six (6) inch wyes may be reused if approved by the Director of Public Works 20 The applicant shall develop the property pursuant to applicable provisions of the City's Water Conservation Ordinance 21 The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, 094 10 causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval of Environmental Assessment EA401 and Precise Plan Amendment 96 -1. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records if the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of meeting which the same is passed and adopted. ATTEST PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of September, 1997. 1 / Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) 1`7-2d6 APPROVED A O FORM: J � 1 Mark D cnslcy, City Attorney 11 Sandra Jacobs, Mayor of the City of Ell Segundo, California p:\projecls \ea401\ea401 -cc res RESOLUTION NO. 4064 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 401A (EA401A) REAFFIRMING THE FINDINGS OF THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT -350 (EA -350) AND ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN 96- 1A (PP 96-1A) AS THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 12 -72 (PP 12 -72), TO ALLOW MODIFICATIONS TO THE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION PLAN FOR PASSENGER DROP -OFF, PARKING MANAGEMENT, AND PERMITTING OUTDOOR AMENITIES IN THE PLAZA AREA AT 2041 ROSECRANS AND 831, 870, AND 871 SOUTH NASH STREET. PETITIONED BY CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. WHEREAS, an application has been received from Continental Development Corporation, requesting approval of an amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72, as subsequently modified, to allow modifications to the traffic circulation plan for passenger drop -off, managing parking in the 871 South Nash street parking structure and surface parking lots, and permitting various outdoor amenities in the plaza area, and, WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA -401 A), including further analysis of the findings of the Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for the EA -350, has been prepared and circulated to all interested parties, City Staff, and affected public agencies for review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and cntena contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No 3805); and, WHEREAS, a Supplemental Traffic and Parking Study was conducted to evaluate all transportation, circulation, and parking impacts associated with the project and submitted with the application by Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc and reviewed for the City by Hartzog & Crabill, Inc.; and, WHEREAS, on May 28, 1998, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2418, recommending approval of the Precise Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment, and, WHEREAS, on September 16, 1997, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment EA -401A and Precise Plan Amendment 96 -IA, and, WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established 1 The applicant requests approval of Items 8, 9, and 10 of the original application (EA401, PP 96-1), 1'. 2 Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the original application (EA -401, PP 96-1) were approved by the City Council on September 16, 1997. 3 Items No 5, 6, and 7 of the original application (EA401, PP 96-1) have been postponed to provide the applicant and City staff additional time to review the items 4 Condition No 8 of City Council Resolution No. 4034 for PP 96 -1 requires the re- stnpping of South Nash Street to add a drop -off lane and maintain two driving lanes on the east side of South Nash Street The applicant has requested modification of this condition to relocate the passenger drop -off area inside the parking structure at 871 South Nash Street 5 Condition No 28 of City Council Resolution No 3917 for PP 94 -1 requires that all parking on the subject property be available to all theater patrons at all times of the day and night The applicant is requesting a modification of this Condition to manage the parking in the 871 South Nash Street parking structure and surface parking lots in order to reserve parking for office tenants, restaurant and retail patrons for the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue building, in addition to valet parking for the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue building and theaters Precise Plan 12 -72, as modified, does not list accessory outdoor uses such as outdoor retail to the plaza area between the Pacific Theatre building at 831 South Nash Street building and the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue building as permitted uses The applicant requests permission to provide a limited number of permanent tables, chairs, retail uses and other amenities in the plaza area of the project to complement the retail and entertainment uses The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized. The project site is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate405 (I -405)] The project area is approximately 6.03 acres (262,737 square feet) The project is bounded by Rosecrans Avenue on the south, Nash Street on the east, an industrial facility (Air Products) on the west, and railroad tracks on the north Local jurisdictions bordering or near the site include the City of Manhattan Beach located immediately south of Rosecrans Avenue and the City of Hawthorne located to the east of Aviation Boulevard The site is in the southwestern portion of Continental Park, which is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses 10 The project site is currently developed and has been historically used for commercial uses since 1972 The City's General Plan designates the site for mixed use development The project is located within a highly urbanized environment The topography of the site is quite level and contains no unique geologic features. Landscaping is limited to the areas adjacent to South Nash Street on the east, the rear yard setback on the north, and along Rosecrans Avenue to the south 1 I Land uses are comprised of office, commercial, restaurant, theater, research and development, and other similar uses The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Center and a five -story office building housing a credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue. Beyond the credit union building is the Radisson Hotel with golf and tennis facilities To the southwest of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center 14 097 12 There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Radisson Hotel golf course. The project site is only visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south and from South Nash Street on the east Topographically, the project vicinity is generally level to rolling terrain and is currently developed except for north of the property 13 The existing buildings, uses and development standards were approved under a Precise Plan (PP -12) in 1972 The Precise Plan was previously amended by PP 73 -3, PP 74 -10, PP 94 -1, and PP 96 -1 14 The proposed project is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) In accordance with State guidelines and local requirements, a Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for EA -350 was prepared and circulated for interdepartmental and affected agency review No significant adverse impacts were identified which could not be mitigated to an insignificant level, including impacts to trafficJclrculation, risk of upset, air quality and public services The applicant is requesting a determination that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects). 15 The applicant submit two (2) traffic letter reports related to the environmental effects of the proposed project (EA -041) The reports evaluated traffic and parking effects of the proposed project related to the previous approvals The studies provide the necessary facts for required CEQA findings SECTION 1. AFTER CONSIDERING THE ABOVE FACTS, THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING, AND STUDY OF PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA401A AND PRECISE PLAN AMENDMENT 964A, THE CITY COUNCIL MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT AND REAFFIRMS THE FINDINGS OF THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 350 (EA -350): The Initial Study concluded that the previous project will not have a significant, adverse effect on the environment, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the proposed modifications to the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built -out urban environment, and, That the Planning Commission thereby recommends that the City Council authorize and direct the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with any appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimis finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County i': 3 a.� PRECISE PLAN .r That the proposed location of the project is m accord with the purposes of the zone in which the site is located. The proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone which allows a broad mix of uses. 2 Precise Plan 12 -72, which established the design of the existing facilities and the placement of essential related facilities such as parking, traffic circulation, and loading, is significantly altered by the proposed amendment However, studies prepared by the applicant and reviewed by the City indicate that no significant increase in environmental effects will occur. The amendments are consistent with the purposes of a Precise Plan which, like a Specific Plan or a Planned Residential Development, provides the flexibility to allow for deviation from specific site development standards to achieve the overall design for the site GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan goals, objectives, and policies The General Plan Land Use Designation for the site, as well as the zonmg, is Urban Mixed - Use South (MU -S) In accordance with the General Plan, "The Urban Mixed -Use South designation allows a mixture of uses including office, hotels and retail Light mdustnal uses are allowed with discretionary approval. The Urban Mixed -Use South designation is designed to allow for a flexibility of uses near the three proposed and one future Green Line transit stations. The MU -S designation allows an FAR of 1.3, the maximum density allowed in the area, since traffic and air quality impacts associated with higher densities can be more easily mitigated with mixed uses in close proximity to mass transit Findings must be made that the project is in conformance with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan in order to approve the project Interpretation of conformity with the applicable provisions of the General Plan is a policy decision that is at the discretion of the Planning Commission and the City Council. The proposed project is in conformance with many General Plan goals, policies and objectives related to Economic Development, Land Use, Circulation and Air Quality The following Economic Development objectives and policies apply, ED 1 -1.1, ED 1 -1 2, ED 1 -2, ED 1 -2.1, ED 1 -2.2, and ED 1 -2 3, which relate to pnontizmg economic development, diversification of an economic base, expanding the retail and commercial base, targeting industnes that balance economic development and quality of life goals, and balancing development with resource and infrastructure capacity d Many Land Use goals, policies and objectives apply including, LU 4, LU 4-1 1, LU 4-14, LU 4-3 1, LU 4 -3 6, LU 44, LU 4-4 3, LU 44 6, LU 44 7, LU 4 5, LU 7.12 and LU 7 -2.3 These issues relate to providing a stable tax base, providing landscaping, encouraging ground floor retail use in a mixed -use environment, providing synergistic relationships with mixed uses and ensunng a mix of uses in the Urban Mixed -Use area, encouraging alternative transportation modes, providing good accessibility to transportation routes, and requiring adequate public facilities and underground utilities C. 99 4 tell Circulation Element policies and objectives also apply to the proposal including, C 1 -1.13, C 1 -2.1, C 1 -3.2, C 2 -1.6, C 2 -3 3, C 3 -1, C 3 -1.1, C 3 -1.2, C 3-15, C 3 -1.7, and C 4-12 These policies identify the need for full examination of project traffic impacts and complete mitigation, a hierarchy and street classification system correlated to capacity and function, incorporation of off -street loading facilities, facilities designed for easy pedestrian access, pedestrian linkage to the Green Line, evaluation of circulation system impacts, full mitigation of all project- related circulation impacts, integration of transportation with land uses and surrounding environments, requiring developers to pay for mitigation measures, adequate pedestrian and bicycle access and evaluation of project impacts on CMP routes The final policies and objectives which apply to the proposed project are contained within the Air Quality Element including, AQ 7 -1.1 and AQ 12-12, which relate to requtnng conformance with the SCAQMD PM 10 standards and encouraging energy conservation features in new building design SECTION 2. THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY APPROVES ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA- 401A (EA 401A) REAFFIRMING THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 350 (EA- 350) AND ADOPTS ITEMS 8, 9, AND 10 OF PRECISE PLAN AMENDMENT 96 -IA, AS DESCRIBED BELOW Amendment (Item No 8) to the Precise Plan Circulation Plan (Condition No 8 of City Council Resolution No 4034) to relocate the proposed passenger drop -off area from along the west side of Nash Street to an area on the ground floor of the parking structure at 871 South Nash Street, or to another location within the project site, to be proposed by the applicant, with the approval of City staff Amendment (Item No 9) to the Precise Plan (Condition No. 28 of City Council Resolution No 3917) to permit the applicant to manage the parking in the 871 South Nash Street parking structure and surface parking lots adjacent to the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue office /retail building in order to reserve parking for office tenants, restaurant and retail patrons for the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue building, in addition to valet parking for the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue building and theaters Amendment (Item No 10) to the Precise Plan to install a limited number of permanent tables, chairs, signs, and other amenities in the plaza area between the Pacific Theatre building at 831 South Nash Street and the office building at 2041 Rosecrans Avenue and entry court within the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue building Retail sales and other ancillary uses which are supportive of the sites primary retail, office, and entertainment uses are added to the precise plan as permitted uses in the plaza and entry court areas SECTION 3. THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY APPROVES ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA- 401A AND ADOPTS AND CERTIFIES PRECISE PLAN AMENDMENT 96-1A AS AN AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 12 -72, PP 73 -3, PP 94-1, AND PP 96 -1 STATED AS ITEMS 8, 9, AND 10, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 0�,t ,100 5 All required Circulation Plan elements, including, but not limited to, providing a passenger drop -off area on the ground floor of the 871 South Nash Street parking structure, shall be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for P.F Chang's China Bistro restaurant. The passenger drop -off area shall be deemed approved unless disapproved by the City by written notice to the applicant within 30 days from the date the City receives written notice from the applicant that the passenger drop -off area has been installed. In the event that the City disapproves the proposed location or operational aspects of the passenger drop -off area, said area shall be relocated, or operations modified, and installed in a location proposed by the applicant and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, Director of Public Works, and Police and Fire Chiefs The applicant may make minor permanent changes to the approved location of the passenger drop - off area and/or minor permanent adjustments to the operation of the passenger drop -off area, subject to the approval of the Directors of Planning and Building Safety and Public Works, and Police and Fire Chiefs The 871 South Nash Street parking structure and the surface parking lot adjacent to 2041 Rosecrans Avenue shall be operated and managed by the property owner in a manner as to facilitate the approved Circulation Plan, as amended This may include, but not be limited to, designating parking spaces for specific tenants in the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue building with time restrictions deemed appropriate by the property owner, valet parking, employee parking for the theaters, and prohibiting self parking for theater patrons The applicant shall consult with the Director of Planning and Building Safety on proposed parking modifications to determine if the changes would significantly impact overall traffic and on -site circulation. The City reserves the authority to periodically review on -site traffic and circulation and to require the applicant to modify any proposed parking modifications which result in a material and adverse impact to the said property or which compromise the overall traffic and on -site circulation for the project. The applicant shall submit parking counts for the theater surface parking lot in conjunction with the circulation and traffic review required by Condition No. 15 of City Council Resolution No 4034 for EA -401, PP 96 -1 If the parking review indicates that theater parking demand during weekdays before 6 00 p in exceeds the available parking in the surface parking lot on the north and west side of the theater building, the applicant shall be required to provide additional self parking for theater patrons This may be achieved by increasing the size of the theater's surface parking lot, by permitting self parking in the 871 South Nash Street parking structure or the 870 South Nash Street parking structure, or by other methods subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety Completion of this condition, in conjunction with Condition No 15 of City Council Resolution No 4034, shall satisfy the one (1) year status report requirement of Condition No. 13 of City Council Resolution No. 3917 for EA -350, PP 94 -1 The applicant may install permanent tables, chairs, benches, signs, outdoor retail operations, and other amenities in the plaza area between the Pacific Theatre building at 831 South Nash Street and the office building at 2041 Rosecrans Avenue and within the entry court of the 2041 Rosecrans Avenue building. These amenities are subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety, and Police and Fire Chiefs prior to installation These amenities may not interfere with the intent or requirements of the previously recorded "No- build" Declaration of Easement, as amended, for fire protection and emergency access No additional outdoor dining areas for restaurants beyond the 1200 square feet approved as part of PP 96 -1 are approved as part of this amendment. 40 �- 1.01 0 Prior to approval of any building or other plans required to implement Amendment Item No.s 8, 9, and 10, the applicant shall develop plans which indicate that the project is in substantial conformance with plans approved and on file with the Department of Planning and Building Safety, including, but not limited, to the circulation plans, signage plans, and the plaza improvement plans Any subsequent modification to the approved plans for Amendment Item No s 8, 9, and 10 shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety and Fire Chief 7 All work within the City public nght -of -way shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo Standard Specifications No work shall be performed in the public right -of -way without first obtaining a Public Works permit 8 The applicant shall pay the City's Traffic Consultant cost for the preparation, review, or analysis of materials for Condition No. 3 above. 9 The applicant shall comply with all conditions of Precise Plan Amendment 96 -1 contained in City Council Resolution No 4034, which are not modified by this Resolution 10 The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval of Environmental Assessment EA-401A and Precise Plan Amendment 96 -1A PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 1998. L Mi a dordon, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California ATTEST (Sndy Mort eip, City Clerk EAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D Hensley, City Attorney p \projects\401- 425 \ea401 \ea401ac2 res AI. j D;� 7 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ] COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ] SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ] I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO. 4064 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 2n° day of June, 1998, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote* AYES Mayor Gordon, Mayor Pro -Tem Jacobs, Councilmembers McDowell, Gaines, Wemick NOES- None ABSENT- None ABSTENTION' None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 5'" day of June, 1998. Mohe City Clerk, Oity of EIS u do, California '(SEAL) 1113 11 17, 1998 WI To '0 / / / i Japes W ° " " "" W Momson Mr. Jerry Saunders James `"y .n.g Continental Development Corporation Elected Officials 2041 East Rosecrans Avenue '"Mayer °'' Mayo El Segundo, California 90245 Raney 1, The original Precise Plan for the development (Precise Plan 12 -72) Pno Mayor y" Pro tam approved, on March 27, 1972, the construction of three buildings on Jane Fnedr/n Councilwoman SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment EA-401 and Precise Plan 96 -1 `'sin Address: 831 -871 South Nash Street & 2041 Rosecrans .Acd and Building #5 was at 831 South Nash Street. City Council MmAaNGOrdon Con n Avenue eal f a Gndy , reference Planning Commission Resolution No. 749. Resolution No. Gorr city ry cl 749 states that the application requested approval of 'three Susan Cooper Dear Mr. Saunders: Cfry )insurer related parking facilities. The Resolution further makes a finding that Japes W ° " " "" W Momson Pursuant to your request on April 8, 1998, for the City to provide clarification James `"y .n.g of the uses currently allowed by the existing Precise Plan for the above Hensley Marc G R Cay A"omay referenced property, the Planning Division has prepared the following DeparlmeMDnecWrs comments. James Hansen, Economm Development Eunm.Krame" 1, The original Precise Plan for the development (Precise Plan 12 -72) FMence Jacob Nelson approved, on March 27, 1972, the construction of three buildings on Fue RobM Hyland the subject property. Building #3 of the development is located at Human Resources 9arbsm Pearson 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Building #4 was at 871 South Nash Street L,brary DW8 Bernard, and Building #5 was at 831 South Nash Street. City Council Plannrgnand gSa /ery iim Gnmmond Resolution No. 2432, which approved the project, incorporates by Polru Pee' Eduard Schrooe, reference Planning Commission Resolution No. 749. Resolution No. Public Worts James Faur 749 states that the application requested approval of 'three Reem,mon 6 Parrs commercial buildings to be used for office, service -type facilities, and related parking facilities. The Resolution further makes a finding that the Precise Plan "shall constitute an amendment to the zoning map as to classification, where involved, and the details of the Precise Plan shall supersede and shall take the place of the requirements and conditions upon the use of the land as established" by the Zoning Code. It is clear from Resolution No. 2432, and the purpose of a Precise (a.k.a., Specific) Plan as stated in the Zoning Code, that the specific uses and development standards contained in the Precise Plan were intended to replace the permitted uses and development standards established in the underlying Heavy Industrial (M -2) zoning for the property. The adopted plans for Precise Plan 12 -72 established the uses of Building #3 as follows: 1) Restaurant - 8,600 square feet; 2) Planning and Budding Safety Department 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 -0959 IN Phone (310) 322 -4670 FAX (310) 322 -4167 f I Bank - 5,200 square feet, 3) Commercial - 26,250 square feet; and, 4) Office - 30,000 square feet. 2. Precise Plan 12 -72 was amended by Precise Plan 3 -73 on May 23, 1973, in order to redesign Building # 4 of the original development (formerly 831 South Nash Street). The Staff Report states that Buildings #3 and #5 were not being altered by the proposed amendment. However, the plans approved for PP 3 -73 appear to indicate the uses in Building #3 were either calculated differently or altered subsequent to the approval of PP 12 -72. The uses were listed on the plans by leasable area as follows: 1) Restaurant - 8,355 square feet; 2) Commercial - 19,067 square feet; and, 3) Office - 53,807 square feet. 3. on December 12, 1974, the City Council approved a second amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72. The purpose of this amendment (Precise Plan 74 -10) was to facilitate improvements for the Bank of America located in Building #3 which included the addition of a drive - through teller lane on the west side of the building. A revised breakdown of leasable use areas accompanying the project file indicates the following approved uses for Building #3: 1) Bank - 12,212 square feet; 2) Commercial - 15,210 square feet; and, 3) Office - 53,807 square feet. 4. A fourth amendment (Precise Plan 94-1) to Precise Plan 12 -72 was approved by the City Council on May 2, 1995. Section 2 of City Council Resolution No. 3917 for Precise Plan 94 -1 adopted amendments to the original Precise Plan to allow theaters as a permitted use. The theater use replaced Buildings #4 and #5 of Precise Plan 12 -72. Fact # 2 of Resolution No. 3917 also states with respect to Building #3 that "approximately 29,000 square feet on the ground floor is designated as retail and 51,000 square feet on the second and third floor will be retail and/or office." 5. Precise Plan 96 -1, the fifth amendment to the original Precise Plan, was adopted by the City on September 16, 1997 (City Council Resolution No. 4034). This amendment, among other things, approved 1200 square feet of outdoor restaurant use for Building #3. The City determined at the time of review of this amendment that a restaurant use was already a permitted use, by virtue of its inclusion in the original Precise Plan. The size of the proposed P.F. Chang's China Bistro was also consistent with the restaurant area designated on the ground floor in the original Precise Plan. Therefore an amendment was not required to permit the interior restaurant use in Building #3, just the exterior dining area. 6. Based on the plans and descriptions detailed in the original Precise Plan and four subsequent amendments, the City has determined that Building #3 is approved for commercial uses (including restaurants and banks), retail, and office. More particularly, the first floor is approved for retail and commercial uses -- of which a maximum of 8,600 square foot may be restaurant uses and 12,212 square feet may be banking uses. The second floor is approved for commercial uses, retail, and 2 105 office. The third floor is approved for retail and office. A maximum of 1,200 square feet of outdoor dining area is also a permitted use for Building #3. Uses which do not fall within these categories are not permitted in Building # 3, even if such uses are permitted in the current underlying Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone. This is due to the special function of a Precise Plan, which as stated above, amended the zoning map and development standards, to account only for the particular uses and structures on the property. It should be noted that the approved office uses for Buildings #4 and #5 were abandoned by the demolition of those buildings and the construction of the Pacific Theatre building. Therefore, a theater is the only permitted use on the parcel on which the theater is located. If you have any questions or need any clarification on any of these items, please call me or Laurie B. Jester, Senior Planner at (310) 322 -4670, Extension No.s 211 and 212, respectively, at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, 4 - l � �49' 0 - BretA. grnardj AICP Director of Planning and Building Safety xc: James W. Morrison, City Manager Laurie B. Jester, Senior Planner Paul Garry, Assistant Planner Mark Hensley, City Attorney Tom Altmayer, Assistant City Attorney Fred Talarico, Contract Planner Richard Lundquist, Continental Development Corporation Len Blakesley, Continental Development Corporation Bob Tamofsky, Continental Development Corporation Alex Rose, Continental Development Corporation PP 12 -72 File PP 3 -73 File PP 74 -10 File EA -350, PP 94 -1 File EA -401, PP 96-1 File 3 106 p \projects\401- 4251ea401 use CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RICHARD C LUNDQUIST PRESIDENT April 17, 1998 Mr. Bret B. Bernard, Director of Planning 350 Main Street AICP, and Building Safety E1 Segundo, CA 90245 -0916 APR !9� PL�lv� RE: Fourth Amendment Precise Plan 12 -72 - permitted Land uses Project No. EA- 401JPP96 -1 2041 Rosecrans Ave, 831 -871 So. Nash Street Dear Mr. Bernard: In connection with the captioned matter, at the April 8, 1998 meeting you requested that we put in writing the land uses that we wanted included in the pending Fourth Amendment to Precise Plan 12- 72. The intent of this letter is to comply with your request and to supplement (add to) our previously submitted application as amended August 27, 1998. From the outset it has been our position that, in terms of land use, the subject property has always been entitled to all of the land uses permitted in the underlying zone, which, currently is the Urban Mixed -use South (MU -S) zone. Recently your department has taken the position that, unless a given land use category was listed in the Precise Plan, there was no entitlement to that land use. Even under your department's limited land use interpretation, it is our position that the subject property is entitled to most of the land uses permitted as a right of the zone including but not limited to: offices of all types and related service - facilities, retail, restaurants, theaters, and scientific research laboratories. In previously submitted applications for amendment or modification of Precise Plan 12 -72, it was not our intent to limit or relinquish, nor did we understand that we were limiting or relinquishing, any of the previously approved land -uses. Our intent and understanding always has been to add to the already permitted land use mix by said amendments. 107 C: \W0RD \JAS \j51554 2041 ROSECRANS AVENUE, PO BOX 916, EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245 -0916 (213) 772 -0203 • (310) 640 -1520 • FAX (310) 414 -9279 CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Mr. Bret B. Bernard April 17, 1998 Page 2 In any event, it is our desire that all of the land uses shown in Urban Mixed -use South (MU -S) zone including all Permitted Uses, (Sec. 20.38.020), Permitted Accessory Uses (Section 20.38.025), Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit (Sec. 20.38.030), and Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit (20.38.040), be included in the Fourth Amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72. We do understand that, any use or mixture of uses, which have not already been environmentally cleared for Precise Plan 12 -72 in accordance with CEQA, will have to be appropriately cleared. We hope this will help clarify our position. However, if you have any questions please contact Mr. Jerry Saunders or the undersigned. Sincerely, w `/ Richard C. Lundquist Copies to: Paul Garry Laurie B. Jester James W. Morrison Fred Talarico Leonard E. Blakesley, Jr. Jerry A. Saunders 1: C \W0RD \JAS \js1554 A. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY INITIAL STUDY APPLICANT QUESTIONNAIRE 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310)322 -4670 FAX (310) 322 -4167 GENERAL INFORMATION Continental Development Corporation, I Name, address and phone number of current property owner 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, E1 Segundo, CA, 310 - 640 -1520 (Note. Property Owner's signature is required on Page 4.) 2 Address of project 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, 831 -71 Nash Street Assessor's Block and Lot No 3 Name, address, and telephone number of applicant, including name of person to be contacted concerning this project (if different from Property Owner) Same as above -- Jerry Saunders (Note: Applicant's signature is required on Page 4 ) 4 List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required by city, regional, state, and federal agencies Administrative Use Permit -- for on -site sale and consumption of alochol 5 Existing zoning district Urban Mixed -Use (MU) 6 Proposed use of site (project for which this form is filed) Project EA401 /PP96 -1 Fourth Amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72 B PROJECT DESCRIPTION Use additional sheets as necessary 1 Site size 6.03 acres 2 Total square footage of building(s) or structures) 148,000 sq, f t . (GFA ) 3 Number of floors of construction None 4 Amount of on -site parking provided See previously approved Proj. 95 -3, Resolution #3917 5 Proposed scheduling Not applicable 6 Associated projects and relationship to larger projector series of projects Components of this project were previously assessed and a mitigated negative approved Resolution #3917 7 If residential, include the number of units, schedule of unit sizes, range of sale price or rents, and type of household size expected n / a 8 If commercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of budding area, and nature of loading facilities provided Community oriented commercial -- no new loading facilities required Project No. EA 413) 1 PIP 49-) 1 AI. 109 C. G 9 If industrial nd:catetype, es ::m_ted employment per >hm =nil nature of loading facilities N/A 10 It institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy, nature of loading facilities provided and community benefit to be derived from the project N/A 11 If the project requires a variance, conditional use permit or rezoning application, state this and indicate clearly why the application is iegwred A Conditional Use Permit is required for 1.200 sq.ft. of outdoor dining. Also, an Administrative Use Permit is required for the onsite sale and consumption of alcohol. Describe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, sod stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical, or scenic aspects Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures Attach photographs of the site Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted See pages 17 & 18, Figures 3 thru 13, in Draft Initial Study Revised 1/20/95 (DIS) 2 Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural, historical, or scenic aspects Indicate the type of land use (residential, commercial, etc ), intensity of land use (one - family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc ), and scale of development (height, frontage, setback, rear yard, etc ) Attach photographs of the vicinity Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. Pages 18, 23 and Figures 3 thru 13 in Draft Initial Study Revised 1/20/95 (DIS) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Brief explanations of all answers are required on attached sheets, or refer to previous responses to Items #18 and 19 1 / YES MAYBE NO 1 EARTH Will the proposal result in a. Unstable earth conditions or to changes to geological substructyres? _ _ , b Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovenng of the sold _ _ X c Change to topography or ground surface relief features? _ _ X d The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geological or physical features _ X e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the the site'? _ _ X 110 1/ Responses given in Sections "C" (Environmental Setting), and Section "D" (Environmental Impacts), are based on: (1) previous environmental assessment document titled Draft Initial Study Revised 1/20/95; (2) environmental findings and approval of MItigated Negative Declaration in Resolution No. 3917; (3) Linscott, Law & Greenspan's Supplemental Traffic and Parking Study Continental Park Retail /Theater Project, dated August 15, 1997; and (4) Planning Consultants Research's letter headed AIR OU_ALITY AND FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS REVISIONS FOR 2 YES MAYBE NO f changes in depos�uu, o,.,rosion of beach = a,ios, or cnanges in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lakes _ _ X g Exposure of people or property to geological hazards such as earth- quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure or similar hazards _ _ X (See CIS and Planning Consultants Research's 2 AIR Will the proposal result in letter of 8/26/97) a Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? _ _ X b The creation of objectionable odors? _ _ X c Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally _ _ X 3 WATER. Will the proposal result in a Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X b Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoffs _ _ X c Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters'? _ _ X d Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? _ _ X e Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? _ _ X f Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? _ _ X g Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? _ _ X h Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? _ _ X i. Exposure of people or property to water - related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves9 _ _ X 4 PLANT LIFE Will the proposal result in a Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants? _ _ X b Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? _ _ X c Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? _ _ X d Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? _ _ X 5 ANIMAL LIFE Will the proposal result in a Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms, insects or microfauna)? _ _ X 3 YES MAYBE NO b Reduction of toe r•_, .bers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? c Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? _ d Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 6 NOISE Will the proposal result in a Increases in existing noise levels? _ b Exposure of people to severe noise levels? _ 7 LIGHT AND GLARE Will the proposal produce new light or glare? 8 LAND USE Will the proposal a Result in the substantial alteration of the present or planned use of the project area, or any land outside the project area? b Require a variance, conditional use or rezoning ?/ X _ c Conflict with the General Plan? _ d Serve to encourage development of presently underdeveloped areas or intensify development of already developed areas? _ 2/ Conditional Use Permit for outdoor dining 9 NATURAL RESOURCES Will the proposal result in a Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? b Substantial depletion of any non - renewable natural resource? 10 RISK OF UPSET. Will the proposal involve a A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? _ 11 POPULATION Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population of an area? 12 HOUSING Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? 13 TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Will the proposal result in./ a Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c Substantial impact upon existing transportation? d Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? 112 e Alterations to waterbourne, rail or air traffic? 3/ See Linscott Law & Greenspan letter of 8/15/97. 4 X X X X X X X X X _X X X X N X X X X X X YES MAYBE NO Inc aas5 ,n traffic hazards to ^tofu, venues, oicyc6ts or _ pedestrians? _ _ X 14 PUBLIC SERVICES Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a 4/ need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas a Fire protections _ _ „' X b Police protection? _ _ X c Schools? _ _ X d Parks or other recreational facilities? _ _ X e Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? _ _ X f Other governmental services' _ _ X 4/ See Planning Consultants Research letter of 8/26/97. 15 RECREATION Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? _ _ X 16 UTILITIES Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or sub- stantial alterations to the following utilities a Power or natural gasp _ _ X b Communications systems _ _ X c Watery _ _ X d Sewer or septic tanks? _ _ X e Storm water drainages _ _ X I Solid waste and disposals _ _ X 17 ENERG Y Will the proposal result in a Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy _ _ X b Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy _ _ X 18 HUMAN HEALTH Will the proposal result in. a Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? _ _ X b Exposure of people to potential health hazards'? _ _ X 19 AESTHETICS/SHADOWS Will the proposal result in a The obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? _ _ X b The creation of substantial shadows on the site or adjacent properties? _ _ X 20 CULTURAL RESOURCES a Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a significant prehistoric or historic archeological sites 113 5 YES MAYBE NO • Wul t'.- p cposal result in adve —.,a pnysicai or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure or object? _ _ X • Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? _ _ X d Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? _ _ X OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT I, (We) am (are) the OWNER(S) of the property involved In this application, I (we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application, and the information on all docu is and all plans is true an_4Ael fift to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief CO T NENTAL DE LOP CORPORATION , Vice President Date I hereby authorized to act for me in all matters relevant to this application I rstand that this person will be the primary contact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondence. Owner's Signature Is APPLICANT A I, (We) am (are) the APPLICANT (S) of the property Involved In this application, I (we) have familiarized myself (ou s) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application, and the matron on all documents and all plans is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief Applicant's Signature FOR PLANNING DIVISION USE ONLY 13 Copies of Plans Fee /Deposit Received $ 300' Notification Map Date Filed 9 ' t-� , 19� 3 sets of Property Owner Labels Received By 2 sets of Envelopes with Postage _ Required Supplemental Info Sheets 114 0 Date YES MAYBE NO 1. rtANC�Ty^wFINDINGS OF Si�`;:�iLpnCc. a Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self - sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major penods of California history or prehistory? b Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long -term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time, while long -term impacts will endure well into the future) c Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the envi- ronment is significant) d Does the project have environmental effects which will cause sub- stantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? 2 DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (See attached sheets for narrative description of Environmental Impacts - Initial Study) 3. On the basis of this Initial Study of Environmental Impact, staff recommends the following That the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION should be prepared That although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because mitigation measures, as described in the attached Initial.Study, have been added to the project and, therefore, a NEGATIVE DECLARATION should be prepared That the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT should be required That the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment and a FOCUSED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, addressing the items and concerns indicated in the attached Initial Study, should be required Signature Date For Director of Planning and Budding Safety City of El Segundo 7 115 Rewsed06197 ' jntlst -3 qst RESOLUTION NO. _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT — 401B (EA -401B) REAFFIRMING THE FINDINGS OF THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT -350 (EA -350) AND ADOPTING THE SIXTH AMENDMENT (PP 96 -1B) TO PRECISE PLAN 12 -72 (PP 12 -72), AT 2041 ROSECRANS, AND 831 AND 871 SOUTH NASH STREET. PETITIONED BY CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. WHEREAS, an application has been received from Continental Development Corporation (Applicant), requesting said approval, and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requests approval of an amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72 as amended (PP 12 -72) to provide for the following A Amendment of the land uses of PP 12 -72 to include the land uses allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone), B Amendment of the development standards of PP 12 -72 to include the development standards in the Underlying Zone that are not specifically modified by PP 12 -72, as amended, C Amendment of the PP 12 -72 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 12 -72, as amended, and, WHEREAS, the Applicant and the City desire guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 12 -72 as amended, and, WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA- 401B), including a further analysis of the findings of the Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for the EA -350, has been available for review and consideration by all interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies in the time and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No 3805), and, WHEREAS, on September 24, October 8, and 22, 1998, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearings were given in the time, form 116 1 RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS 2041 ROSECRANS 871 S. NASH STREET 401B and manner prescribed by law, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2425, recommending approval of the Precise Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment, and, WHEREAS, on October 6, 20, and November 3, 1998, 1998, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearings were given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment EA -401B and PP 96 -1B, and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established 1 The project site is located within the southeast portion of the City of E1 Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (I -405)] 2 The project area is approximately 6 035 acres (262,900 square feet) 3 The project is generally bounded on the north by heavy industrial land uses, on the south by Rosecrans Avenue, on the east by Nash Street and on the west by heavy industrial land uses Local jurisdictions bordering or near the site include the City of Manhattan Beach located immediately south of Rosecrans Avenue and the City of Hawthorne locate to the east of Aviation Boulevard 4 The site is in the western portion of Continental Park Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses 5 The site is currently developed with a mixture of commercial, office, restaurant, movie theater, and parking structure uses 6 The topography of the site is level and soils conditions are suitable for the existing development 7 Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or which have adapted to urban environments There is no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project site, or project locale 8 The site and immediate project locale, contains no known significant cultural, historical, or scenic aspects 9 The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized Land uses consist of medium scale office, commercial, theater, restaurant, and retail uses The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Center and a five -story office building housing a credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue Beyond the credit union building is the Marriott Hotel 117 E RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS 2041 ROSECRANS 871 S. NASH STREET 401B with golf and tennis facilities To the southwest of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center 10 There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Marriott Hotel golf course 11 The project site is only visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south and from South Nash Street on the east 12 The existing building, uses and development standards were approved in 1972 under a Precise Plan (PP 12 -72) as amended This project is the sixth amendment to the original Precise Plan 13 A Precise Plan is a term for a development application that is no longer used in the City for new projects A Precise Plan would now be called a Specific Plan A Precise Plan amends the zoning map by establishing permitted uses and development standards that apply only to the area covered by the plan No variances are required for Precise Plans, the approval of a Precise Plan establishes the land uses and required development standards for a project 14 The following environmental facts are established A PP 96 -1B is within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (PP 94 -1), which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects, B PP 96 -1B has no significant environmental impact, and, C PP 96 -1B requires no further environmental analysis 15 The City's General Plan designates the project site for Mixed -Use development The project site is located in the Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone The project conforms with the land uses and development standards of the General Plan and Zoning Code 16 PP 96 -1B does not change the previously approved Site Plan, (Development Plan) 17 PP 96 -1B supplements the existing land uses under PP 12 -72 by adding the land uses provided in the then Underlying Zone 18 PP 96 -113, amends the development standards of PP 12 -72 to include the development standards in the Underlying Zone that are not specifically modified by PP 12 -72, as amended 19 The Applicant and the City have determined that there is a need to establish various guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 12 -72. el 118 3 RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS 2041 ROSECRANS 871 S. NASH STREET 401B NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts, the testimony presented at the public hearings, and study of proposed Environmental Assessment 401B (EA -401B) on PP 96 -113, the City Council makes the following findings and reaffirms the findings of Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts of proposed Environmental Assessment 350 (EA -350), and adopts required findings related to the PP 96 -IB and adopt the following findings with respect to consistency of PP 96 -1B with the City of El Segundo's General Plan ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 1 The Initial Study performed by the City, based upon the "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" filed 9/17/97 concluded that the subject amendments will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of EA -350 (PP 94 -1), which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) No significant environmental related changes have been made to the Development Plan or Development Standards No further environmental analysis is required, and, 2 That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the proposed modifications to the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the protect is in a built - out urban environment, and, 3 That the City Council authorizes and directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with any appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimum finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days of the approval of the reaffirmation of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County PRECISE PLAN That the proposed project is in accord with the purposes of the zone in which the site is located The proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone which allows a broad mix of uses 2 Precise Plan 12 -72, and the previous amendments, established the design of the existing facilities and the placement of essential related facilities such as parking, traffic circulation, and loading Studies prepared by the Applicant and reviewed by the City RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS 401B .o 119 2041 ROSECRANS 871 S. NASH STREET 4 indicate that no significant increase in environmental effects will occur from the proposed amendment 3 The amendments are consistent with the purposes of a Precise Plan which, like a Specific Plan or a Planned Residential Development, provide the flexibility to allow for deviation from specific site development standards to achieve the overall design for the site GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY That the proposed amendment is consistent with the following General Plan goals, policies, and objectives A The General Plan Land Use Designation for the site, as well as the zoning, is Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) In accordance with the General Plan, the Urban Mixed -Use South designation allows a mixture of uses including office, hotels and retail Light industrial uses are allowed with discretionary approval B The Urban Mixed -Use South designation is designed to allow for a flexibility of uses near the three proposed and one future Green Line transit stations. The MU -S designation allows an FAR of 13, the maximum density allowed in the area, since traffic and air quality impacts associated with higher densities can be more easily mitigated with mixed uses in close proximity to mass transit Findings must be made that the project is in conformance with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan in order to approve the project Interpretation of conformity with the applicable provisions of the General Plan is a policy decision that is at the discretion of the Planning Commission and the City Council C The proposed project is in conformance with many General Plan goals, policies and objectives related to Economic Development, Land Use, Circulation and Air Quality The following Economic Development objectives and policies apply, ED 1 -1 1, ED 1 -1 2, ED 1 -2, ED 1 -2 1, ED 1 -2 2, and ED 1 -2 3, which relate to prioritizing economic development, diversification of an economic base, expanding the retail and commercial base, targeting industries that balance economic development and quality of life goals, and balancing development with resource and infrastructure capacity D Many Land Use goals, policies and objectives apply including, LU 4, LU 4 -1.1, LU 4-14, LU 4 -3 1, LU 4 -3 6, LU 4 -4, LU 4 -4.3, LU 4 -4 6, LU 4 -4 7, LU 4 5, LU 7 -1 2 and LU 7 -2 3 These issues relate to providing a stable tax base, providing landscaping, encouraging ground floor retail use in a mixed -use environment, providing synergistic relationships with mixed uses and ensuring a mix of uses in the Urban Mixed -Use area, encouraging alternative transportation modes, providing good accessibility to transportation routes, and requiring adequate public facilities and underground utilities k 124 5 RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS 2041 ROSECRANS 871 S. NASH STREET 401B E Circulation Element policies and objectives also apply to the proposal including, C 1 -1 13, C 1 -2 1, C 1 -3 2, C 2-16, C 2 -3 3, C 3 -1, C 3 -1 1, C 3-12, C 3 -1 5, C 3- 1 7, and C 4-12 These policies identify the need for full examination of project traffic impacts and complete mitigation, a hierarchy and street classification system correlated to capacity and function, incorporation of off - street loading facilities, facilities designed for easy pedestrian access, pedestrian linkage to the Green Line, evaluation of circulation system impacts, full mitigation of all project- related circulation impacts, integration of transportation with land uses and surrounding environments, requiring developers to pay for mitigation measures, adequate pedestrian and bicycle access and evaluation of protect impacts on CMP routes F The proposed project is located on a secondary arterial street (Nash Street) which is already substandard in lane configuration compared to the standards established in the General Plan (2 through lanes in each direction with a stripped median instead of three lanes in each direction with a raised median) The proposed project will not impact the existing situation G The final policies and objectives which apply to the proposed project are contained within the Air Quality Element including, AQ 7 -1 1 and AQ 12 -1 2, which relate to requiring conformance with the SCAQMD PMio standards and encouraging energy conservation features in new building design NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council approves PP 96 -1B, as follows Amendment of the land uses of PP 12 -72 to include the land uses allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone), 2 Amendment of the development standards of PP 12 -72 to include the development standards in the Underlying Zone that are not specifically modified by PP 12 -72, as amended, 3 Amendment of the PP 12 -72 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 12 -72, as amended, and, 4 Amendment of PP 12 -72 to provide for approval of Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards, (dated October 5, 1998 and attached hereto as Exhibit A) as guidelines to aid in the administration of the PP 12 -72 as amended NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council approves Environmental Assessment EA -401B (EA- 401B) reaffirming the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Environmental Assessment - 350 (EA -350), approval of PP 96 -1B, and approval of Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards, (dated October 5, 1998 and attached hereto as Exhibit A) as guidelines to aid in the administration of the PP 12 -72 as amended, subject to the following conditions 121 RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS 401B 2041 ROSECRANS 8-�l S. NASH STREET I The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval of Environmental Assessment EA -401B and PP 96 -1B 2 In the event any inconsistencies, discrepancies, conflicts or ambiguities anse between Precise Plan 12 -72 as amended and "Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards ", (attached as Exhibit A), Precise Plan 12 -72 as amended shall govern PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 1998 Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 1998, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk 122 F.110 • �I %?l�yT.�IC�II�7:7�1 Mark D Hensley, City'Attorney 7 P \projects \401 - 425 \ea401 \ea40tbcc res RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS 2041 ROSECRANS 871 S. NASH STREET 401B EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 3 November 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business - Public Hearing AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Continued public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -456 and Precise Plan 98 -2 (First Amendment to PP 1 -81) Address* 2101 - 2141 Rosecrans Avenue (The Plaza at Continental Park) Applicant Continental Development Corporation (Mr Jerry Saunders) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Re -open Continued Public Hearing, Reading of Resolution by title only, and, By motion, Adopt Resolution approving Items 5 -7 of the subject project, and /or, INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The application requests approval of the four (4) following separate items 1 Amendment of the approved site plan to reflect previously approved as -built conditions on the site (e g , Wolfgang Puck Restaurant outdoor dining, McCormick & Schmick's Restaurant outdoor dining area, and valet drop -off area on Nash Street ) 2 Amendment of PP 1 -81 to permit a canopy encroachment into the side yard setback for McCormick and Schmick's Restaurant parking canopy on Nash Street 3 Amendment of the development standards of PP 1 -81 to include the development standards allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone) that are not specifically modified by PP 1 -81, as amended, and, 4 Amendment of PP 1 -81 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 1 -81, as amended The applicant is also requesting a determination that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of Precise Plan 1 -81 (which was approved with a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts) and City Council Resolution No 3062 If so determined, no additional environmental analysis is required DISCUSSION: On October 20, 1998 (continued from October 6, 1998) the City Council held a Continued Public Hearing on the above referenced Amendments The City Council hearings were Continued, at the applicants request, until the Planning Commission completed its review of the project On October 22, 1998, the Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing, reviewed the facts and findings related to Environmental Assessment EA- 456 and Precise Plan Amendment 98-2, and adopted Resolution No 2426 recommending that the City Council Approve EA -456 and PP 98 -2 A more complete project description, analysis, and background information, is included in the accompanying Planning Commission Staff Report and its attachments, which were previously distributed to the City Council on October 16, 1998, and, are again included as an attachment to this Report ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: (adopted) Planning Commission Resolution No 2426. (Draft) Planning Commission Minutes, October 22, 1998 (to be distributed separately) Planning Commission Staff Report and Attachments, October 22, 1998 (Draft) City Council Resolution No FISCAL IMPACT: Mary Strr>nn r.it� z 3 /b /'%//O ACTION TAKEN: P \projects \451- 475 \ea - 456 \ea456 -2 ais 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2426 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 456 (EA -456) AND ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 (PP98 -2) AS FIRST AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 1 -81 (PPI -81), AT 2101- 2141 ROSECRANS AVENUE. PETITIONED BY CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. WHEREAS, an application has been received from Continental Development Corporation, (Applicant) requesting said approval, and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requests approval of an amendment to Precise Plan 1 -81 (PP 1 -81) to provide for the following: A Amendment of the approved site plan to reflect previously approved as -built conditions on the site (e.g., Wolfgang Puck Restaurant outdoor dining, McCormick & Schnck's Restaurant outdoor dining area, and valet drop -off area on Nash Street.) B Amendment of PP 1 -81 to permit a canopy encroachment into the side yard setback for McCormick and Schmuck's Restaurant parking canopy on Nash Street C Amendment of the development standards of PP 1 -81 to include the development standards allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone) that are not specifically modified by PP 1 -81, as amended, and, D Amendment of PP 1 -81 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 1 -81, as amended WHEREAS, the Applicant and the City desire guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 1 -81 as amended, and, WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA -456), including a further analysis of the findings of the Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Precise Plan 1 -81 (PPl -81) has been available for review and consideration by all interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies in the time and manner prescribed by law; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No 3805), and, 224 Page 1 WHEREAS, on September 24, 1998, October 8, 1998 and October 22, 1998, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearings were given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment EA -456 and PP 98 -2, and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established 1 The project site is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (I -405)] 2. The project area is approximately 6 33 acres (275,735 square feet) 3. The project is generally bounded on the north by a community driveway that serves Continental Park office buildings, 830 Nash Street, and 841 Apollo Street, on the south by Rosecrans Avenue, on the east by Apollo Street, and on the west by Nash Street 4 The site is in the western portion of Continental Park Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses 5. The site is currently developed with a mixture of commercial, office, restaurant, and parking structure uses 6 The topography of the site is level and soils conditions are suitable for the existing development 7 Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or which have adapted to urban environments There is no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project site, or project locale 8 The site and immediate project locale, contains no known significant cultural, historical, or scenic aspects 9. The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized Land uses consist of medium scale office, commercial, theater, restaurant, and retail uses The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Center and a five -story office building housing a credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue Beyond the credit union building is the Marriott Hotel with golf and tennis facilities To the southwest of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center 125 Page 2 10 There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Marriott Hotel golf course 11. The project site is only visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south, from South Nash Street on the west, and Apollo Street on the east 12 The existing building, uses and development standards were approved under a Precise Plan 1 -81 (PP 1 -81) in 1981 This project is the first amendment to the original Precise Plan 13. A Precise Plan is a term for a development application that is no longer used in the City for new projects A Precise Plan would now be call a Specific Plan A Precise Plan amends the zoning map by establishing permitted uses and development standards that apply only to the area covered by the plan No variances are required for Precise Plans, the approval of a Precise Plan establishes the land uses and required development standards for a project. 14 PP 1 -81 approved the construction of a six -story building (approximately 460,000 square feet) and a nine -level parking structure on April 21, 1981 City Council Resolution No 3062 for the project did not specifically state the type of uses which would be permitted uses or those types of uses not permitted in the building as part of PP 1 -81 Therefore, at the time of approval, permitted uses were governed by the Underlying Commercial- Manufacturing (C -M) Zone Current permitted uses are governed by the current Underlying Zone, Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone, subject to the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and approval and building permits Permitted uses in the future will be governed by any future Underlying Zone for the property, subject to the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and approval and building permits 15 The City's General Plan designates the project site for Mixed -Use development The project site is zoned in the Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone. The project conforms with the land uses and development standards of the General Plan and Zoning Code. 16 The Applicant and the City have determined that there is a need to establish various guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 1 -81 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts, the testimony presented at the public hearings, and study of proposed Environmental Assessment 456 (EA -456) on PP 98 -2 the Planning Commission makes the following findings and recommends the City Council affirm the findings of a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts of proposed Environmental Assessment 456 and adopt PP 98 -2 126 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 1. The Initial Study performed by the City, based upon the "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" filed 8/20/98 concluded that the subject amendments will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and is within the scope of the development linuts established by the approval of PP 1 -81, which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) No significant environmental related changes have been made to the Development Plan or Development Standards No further environmental analysis is required, and, 2. That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the proposed modifications to the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built - out urban environment, and, 3 That the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council authorize and direct the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with any appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimum finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County PRECISE PLAN 1 That the proposed project is in accord with the purposes of the zone in which the site is located The proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Urban Mixed -Use South (M -U) Zone which allows a broad mix of uses 2 Precise Plan 1 -81, established the design of the existing facilities and the placement of essential related facilities such as parking, traffic circulation, and loading Studies prepared by the applicant and review by the City indicate that no significant increase in environmental effects will occur. 3 The amendments are consistent with the purposes of a Precise Plan which, like a Specific Plan or a Planned Residential Development, provides the flexibility to allow for deviation from specific site development standards to achieve the overall design for the site 4 Land uses permitted by the current Underlying Zone, MU -S Zone, and any uses in any future Underlying Zone are permitted in PP 1 -81, subject to the appropriate CEQA review and approval and building permits 127 Page 4 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY 1 That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan goals, policies, and objectives A The General Plan Land Use Designation for the site, as well as the zoning, is Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S). In accordance with the General Plan, The Urban Mixed -Use South designation allows a mixture of uses including office, hotels and retail Light industrial uses are allowed with discretionary approval. B. The Urban Mixed -Use South designation is designed to allow for a flexibility of uses near the three proposed and one future Green Line transit stations The MU -S designation allows an FAR of 1 3, the maximum density allowed in the area, since traffic and air quality impacts associated with higher densities can be more easily mitigated with mixed uses in close proximity to mass transit Findings must be made that the project is in conformance with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan in order to approve the project Interpretation of conformity with the applicable provisions of the General Plan is a policy decision that is at the discretion of the Planning Commission and the City Council C. The proposed project is in conformance with many General Plan goals, policies and objectives related to Economic Development, Land Use, Circulation and Air Quality The following Economic Development objectives and policies apply; ED 1 -1 1, ED 1-12, ED 1 -2, ED 1 -2 1, ED 1 -2 2, and ED 1 -2 3, which relate to prioritizing economic development, diversification of an economic base, expanding the retail and commercial base, targeting industries that balance economic development and quality of life goals, and balancing development with resource and infrastructure capacity D. Many Land Use goals, policies and objectives apply including, LU 4, LU 4 -1 1, LU 4-14, LU 4 -3 1, LU 4 -3 6, LU 4 -4, LU 4 -4 3, LU 4 -4 6, LU 4 -4 7, LU 4 5, LU 7 -1.2 and LU 7 -2 3 These issues relate to providing a stable tax base, providing landscaping, encouraging ground floor retail use in a mixed -use environment, providing synergistic relationships with mixed uses and ensuring a mix of uses in the Urban Mixed -Use area, encouraging alternative transportation modes, providing good accessibility to transportation routes, and requiring adequate public facilities and underground utilities E. Circulation Element policies and objectives also apply to the proposal including, C 1 -1 13, C 1 -2 1, C 1 -3 2, C 2 -1.6, C 2 -3 3, C 3 -1, C 3 -1 1, C 3-12, C 3-15, C 3 -- 1 7, and C 4-12. These policies identify the need for full examination of project traffic impacts and complete mitigation, a hierarchy and street classification system correlated to capacity and function, incorporation of off - street loading facilities, facilities designed for easy pedestrian access, pedestrian linkage to the Green Line, evaluation of circulation system impacts, full mitigation of all project - related circulation impacts, integration of transportation with land uses and 128 Page 5 surrounding environments, requiring developers to pay for mitigation measures, adequate pedestrian and bicycle access and evaluation of project impacts on CMP routes. F The proposed project is located on a secondary arterial street (Nash Street) which is already substandard in lane configuration compared to the standards established in the General Plan (2 through lanes in each direction with a stripped median instead of three lanes in each direction with a raised median) The proposed project will not impact the existing situation G The final policies and objectives which apply to the proposed project are contained within the Air Quality Element including, AQ 7 -1 1 and AQ 12-12, which relate to requiring conformance with the SCAQMD PMIo standards and encouraging energy conservation features in new building design NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hereby recommends to the city Council approval of PP 98 -2, as follows 1. Amendment of the approved site plan to reflect previously approved as -built conditions on the site (e g , Wolfgang Puck Restaurant outdoor dining, McCormick & Schmick's Restaurant outdoor dining area, and valet drop -off area on Nash Street ) 2 Amendment of PP 1 -81 to permit a canopy encroachment into the side yard setback for McCormick and Schmuck's Restaurant parking canopy on Nash Street 3. Amendment of the development standards of PP 1 -81 to include the development standards allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone) that are not specifically modified by PP 1 -81, as amended; and, 4 Amendment of PP 1 -81 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 1 -81, as amended NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Environmental Assessment EA -456 (EA- 456) reaffirming the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Precise Plan 1 -81, approval of Amendment PP 98 -2 and approval of the Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards (dated October 5, 1998 and attached hereto as Exhibit A) as guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 1 -81 as amended, subject to the following conditions- 1 The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge 129 Page 6 or attack the validity of the City's approval of Environmental Assessment EA -456 and Amendment PP 98 -2 1 In the event any inconsistencies, discrepancies, conflicts or ambiguities arise between Precise Plan 1 -81 as amended and "The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards ", (attached as Exhibit A), Precise Plan I- 81 as amended shall govern BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that according to the El Segundo Municipal Code, a copy of this Resolution shall be mailed to the Applicant at the address shown on the application and to any other person requesting a copy of same The decision of the Planning Commission as set forth in this Resolution shall become final and effective ten (10) calendar days after the date of the Planning Commission action, unless an appeal in writing is filed with the City Council A §ED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of October 1998. Bret BJBerAard ICP, Brian Crowley, Chairma Director of Planning and Building of the Planning Comnns on Safety; and, Secretary of the Planning of the City of El Segundo, Commission of the City California of El Segundo, California VOTES Crowley, (Chair) - Aye Wycoff (Vice - Chair) - Aye Boulgarides - Aye Kretzmer - Aye Palmer — Aye 130 Page 7 P \projects \451- 475 \ea456 res CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTER - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE Meeting Date. Thursday, October 22, 1998 TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission 3 FROM: Bret B. Bernard, AICP, Director of Planning and Building Safetyb THROUGH: Laurie B Jester, Senior Planner STAFF PLANNER: Fred Talarico, Contract Planne F° Paul Garry, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment EA -456 an Address. 2101 -2141 Rosecrans Avenue (The Plaza at Continental Park) Applicant: Continental Development Corporation (Mr Jerry Saunders) REQUEST This application was continued from the October 8, 1998 meeting, at the request of the applicant, as their legal staff had not yet completed their review of the project information. The Planning Division has received the above referenced application, which is a request of the Continental Development Corporation to adopt four amendments to Precise Plan 1 -81; as approved with City Council Resolution No 3062 The PP 98 -2 amendment is the first amendment to the original Precise Plan (PP 1 -81) The applicant is also requesting a determination that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of Precise Plan 1 -81 (which was approved with a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts) and City Council Resolution No. 3062 If so determined, no additional environmental analysis is required. Pursuant to City practice, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council on the protect, and the City Council will take final action on the applications. Proposed Amendments The application requests approval of the four (4) following separate items, 1 Amend the approved site plan to reflect previously approved "as -built" condition on the site (i.e., Wolfgang Puck Cafe outdoor dining, McCormick & Schmick's Restaurant outdoor dining area, valet drop -off area on Apollo Street, and valet drop -off area on Nash Street and other minor landscape and walkway changes) 131 2. Amend the Precise Plan to permit an encroachment into the side yard setback for McCormick and Schmick's Restaurant for a valet drop -off canopy on Nash Street. 3. Amendment of the Precise Plan to clarify that any (then current) codified development standards for the underlying Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone that are not specifically modified by the Precise Plan will be incorporated by reference and may be applied to improvements (uses and development standards) covered by the Precise Plan. 4. Amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Budding Safety for minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission review the facts and required findings related to the proposed project and take the following actions. Reaffirm, through EA -456, the findings of the Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Precise Plan 1 -81; 2 Recommend adoption amendments to PP 1 -81; as originally approved by City Council Resolution No 3917; and, 3. Approve draft Resolution No. 2426 recommending approval of the protect to the City Council (To be distributed separately) SITE DESCRIPTION The protect site is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (1- 405)]. The protect area is approximately 6 31 acres (275,735 square feet). The protect is generally bounded on the north by a community driveway that serves Continental Park office buildings 830 Nash Street and 841 Apollo, on the south by Rosecrans Avenue, on the east by Apollo Street and on the west by Nash Street Local jurisdictions bordering or near the site include the City of Manhattan Beach located immediately south of Rosecrans Avenue and the City of Hawthorne located to the east of Aviation Boulevard. The site is in the western portion of Continental Park Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses The site is currently developed with a mixed -use, commercial, office budding with adjacent parking structure (The Plaza at Continental Park). The Plaza presently contains two restaurants* The Wolfgang Puck Cafe and McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant McCormick & Schmick's opened for business at The Plaza in late January 1998. The topography of the site is level and soils conditions are suitable for the existing development. Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or which have adapted to urban environments There are no known rare or 132 endangered animal species associated with the Project site The site contains no known significant cultural, historical, or particularly scenic aspects SURROUNDING AREA The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized. Land uses consist of medium scale office, commercial, theater, restaurant, and retail uses. The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Center and a five -story office budding housing a credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue. Beyond the Hughes' Credit Union building is the Radisson Hotel with golf and tennis facilities. To the southwest of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center. To the north of the project are office and research and development facilities, to the east is a restaurant and office buildings. To the west across Nash Street is the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan project consisting of a 16 screen movie theater and mixed use, office, retail, and restaurant building Surrounding land uses are as described in Table A. TABLE A SURROUNDING LAND USES Source City of El Segundo There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Radisson Hotel golf course. The project site is visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south, Apollo Street on the east, and from South Nash Street on the west. There are no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project locale. Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or those that have adapted to urban environments The Immediate Project vicinity contains no known cultural, historic, or scenic resources Surrounding land uses are as described in Table A 133 3 Land Use Zone North: Office, R & D Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) South: Office /Retail Planned Development (PD) (City of Manhattan Beach) East: Office, Restaurant, Parking Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) West: Mixed -Use (commercial, Precise Plan restaurant, movie theater, office and parking structure) Source City of El Segundo There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Radisson Hotel golf course. The project site is visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south, Apollo Street on the east, and from South Nash Street on the west. There are no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project locale. Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or those that have adapted to urban environments The Immediate Project vicinity contains no known cultural, historic, or scenic resources Surrounding land uses are as described in Table A 133 3 CODE CONSIDERATIONS Precise Plan The existing building, uses and development standards were approved under a Precise Plan (PP -1 -81) in 1981. A Precise Plan is a term for a development application that is no longer used in the City for new projects A Precise Plan would now be call a Specific Plan. A Precise Plan amends the Zoning Map by establishing permitted uses and development standards that apply only to the area covered by the plan. No Variances are required for Precise Plans; the approval establishes the required development standards for a project. The adoption of a Precise Plan is a legislative act by the City Council, based upon recommendations by the Planning Commission. There are no specific findings that must be adopted for an amendment of a Precise Plan The City must, in approving a Precise Plan or Precise Plan amendment, make findings related to the following three (3) areas- The California Environmental Quality Act; 2. The consistency of the action with the City's General Plan, and, A finding that the action is necessary to carry out the general purpose of the Zoning Code. URBAN MIXED -USE SOUTH ZONE (MU -S The applicable Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone standards related to the site have been incorporated into the Precise Plan Development standards (attached) CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT The applicant is requesting a determination that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of PP 1 -81, which was approved with a Negative Declaration related to environmental effects The Development Plan and Standards reflect existing on -site conditions and are a collection of the existing adopted Precise Plan and current Zoning Code Development Standards for the site. No significant environmental related changes have been made to the Development Plan or Development Standards. Therefore, no further environmental analysis should be required The project applications and plans were not circulated to all inter- departmental because the proposed amendments do not include any physical modifications to the property which would impact the area of jurisdiction of other City departments. STAFF ANALYSIS Overall comments related to the request are presented below 134 4 1 The application has been oreoared in accordance with CEQA, the state CEQA Guidelines, and local CEQA Guidelines: It is the opinion of City staff that the requested actions of the City are within the scope of the development limits approved with the Negative Declaration related to environmental effects. 2. The Application request is consistent with the City's General Plan, and. The City's General Plan designates the project site for Mixed -Use development The project site is zoned in the Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone. The protect reflects and is consistent with the designation and the development standards. 3. The Applicant request will not interfere with the City's ability to carry out the aeneral purposes of the Zonina Code City staff has worked with the applicant to reflect existing adopted plans and standards in the Precise Plan and Development Standards for "The Plaza at Continental Park Plaza protect " The Development Plan and Standards are a collection of the existing adopted Precise Plan and Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone Development Standards for the site. No changes have been made to the Development Standards No significant changes have been represented on the Development Plan. There is no request for an amendment to allow all the uses permitted in the underlying MU -S Zone with this application, unlike the Beach Cities Plaza Precise Plan (EA-401B, PP 96-1B) across Nash Street, because the City determined that all the uses in the MU -S Zone already are permitted through PP 1 -81 (see attached letter, dated July 15, 1998) Precise Plan 1 -81 did not specifically state the types of uses that were permitted Therefore, the City determined that all uses permitted by the underlying Commercial- Manufacturing (C -M) Zone at the time of approval and the uses permitted by the current MU -S Zone are permitted in the Precise Plan. Amendment Item No.1 Item No 1 is an amendment to the approved site plan to reflect previously approved as -built condition on the site (i.e., Wolfgang Puck Cafe outdoor dining, McCormick & Schmick's Restaurant outdoor dining area, valet drop -off area on Apollo Street, and valet drop -off area on Nash Street and other minor landscape and walkway changes ) Since the protect was originally approved, staff have approved a series of modifications to the building and site to accommodate new tenants in the building Approval of this amendment will bring the approved site plan up to date to reflect the current physical layout of improvements on the property The revised site plan will be used as the basis to evaluate any future proposed modifications to the building Amendment Item No.2 Item No. 2 is an amendment to the Precise Plan to permit an encroachment into the side yard setback for McCormick and Schmick's Restaurant for a valet drop -off canopy on Nash Street. The Precise Plan provides for a side yard setback on the west side of the building of 30 84 feet In order to provide a covered waiting area for patrons of McCormick & Schmick's at their valet parking drop -off area, the applicant is requesting a modification to the Precise Plan which would allow a canopy to encroach approximately 19 feet into the required side yard setback The City 135 5 Manager and City Attorney administratively approved the construction of the canopy pending approval of this amendment. If this amendment is not approved the canopy would have to be removed. Amendment Item No.3 Item No. 3 is an amendment of the Precise Plan to clarify that any codified development standards for the underlying Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone that are not specifically modified by the Precise Plan will be incorporated by reference and may be applied to improvements (uses and development standards) covered by the Precise Plan The existing Precise Plan does not provide sufficient flexibility to enable future revisions to the plans to be made without requiring amendments to the Precise Plan, which would have to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council By stipulating that the underlying development standard of the MU -S Zone apply to the project, except as already modified by the adopted plan (i.e., the canopy), the applicant will be able to better plan future modifications to the project if they become necessary. No changes to the project are currently being contemplated. Amendment Item No.4 Item No 4 is an amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety for minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan The purpose of this proposed amendment is to provide an administrative review procedure for the City to review minor changes to the project, which do not significantly affect the overall use or development of the project Minor modifications would include such things as revisions to signage and landscaping plans, and the use of the common open space areas The Director of Planning would determine if a modification was significant enough to warrant Planning Commission and/or City Council review, which could be processed similar to Zoning Code Administrative Determinations (i.e., "receive and file" to the Planning Commission, appealable to the City Council). Conclusion Staff recommends that the Precise Plan and Development Standards for Continental Development Corporation's Plaza Project (attached) be adopted to clarify previous actions and facilitate administration. The attached Precise Plan, which you will find has been formatted to mirror the organization of the Zoning Code, establishes the uses and development standards, which will be used for future administration of the project. The applicant's legal staff has still not completed their review of the Resolution, due to unforeseen events. As such, minor "wordsmithmg" and consistency changes, which will not impact the intent of the document is expected EXHIBITS A Draft Resolution No 2426 (To be distributed separately) B. Precise Plan and Development Standards for The Plaza at Continental Park Plaza Project C PP 1 -81 Letter from City, dated July 15, 1998 D Applications 136 6 Prepared by: L Fred Talanco Contract Planner A. Paul Garry Assistant Planner Reviewed by L AL:�; Laurie B. Jest , Senior Planner Reviewed and Approved as to Form: Chris Cheleden, Assistant City Attorney Approved by 77 I Bret B na AICP Direc r f r , Planning and Building Safety P \projects \451 - 475 \ea456 \ea456 sr 137 DRAFT PRECISE PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND STANDARDS [PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 (PP 98 -2) AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT -456 (EA -456)] CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION' S THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 350 MAIN STREET EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245 PREPARED BY VISTA 1278 GLENNEYRE STREET, SUITE 110 LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92561 OCTOBER 5, 1998 138 TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 INTRODUCTION Background ........ Project Location and Setting 2 0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN ....... Introduction .............. Development Plan ..... 3 0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Introduction . ............. Site Development Standards Landscaping Off - Street Parking and Loading Spaces. Signs 4 0 ADMINISTRATION APPENDICES ... 1 -1 . ..... .. 1 -1 .. .. 1 -1 2 -1 2 -1 ...2-1 3 -1 Introduction .......... ........... .. Precise Plan Administration California Environmental Quality Act Compliance 3 -1 3 -1 3 -2 3 -2 3 -2 4 -1 4 -1 4 -1 4 -2 A - Resolution No. 3062 Precise Plan 1 -81 — Original City Council Approval B. - Resolution No 1067 Precise Plan 1 -81 — Original Planning Commission Recommendation 139 11 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Regional Location .......... . Exhibit 2 Local Vicinity Exhibit 3 The Plaza at Continental Park - Development Plan Exhibit 4 The Plaza at Continental Park - Elevation 140 111 1 -2 1 -3 2 -3 2 -4 TABLES Table A Key Contact Persons 14 Table B last of Property Owners ... .. ... 1 -5 Table C Objectives ..... 1 -6 Table D Project Statistics ...... 2 -5 Table E Off - Street Parking .......... .. .... . .......... 2 -6 Table F California Environmental Quality Act Compliance .4-2 141 IV 1.0 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards 98 -2 (PP 98- 2) are intended to provide for a more efficient use of land and a better community environment by utilizing more imaginative and innovative planning concepts than are possible under conventional zoning The precise plan was established to provide specific land uses, and density and intensity limitations on this property The precise plan takes advantage of the conventional zoning in the establishment of development standards that are based on the City of El Segundo Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) District PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING The Plaza at Continental Park is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (I -405)] Plaza at Continental Park is approximately 6 33 acres (275,826 square feet) The regional location of The Plaza at Continental Park is provided on Exhibit 1, and Exhibit 2 provides a local vicinity map The Plaza at Continental Park is a portion of Continental Park Continental Park is bounded by Rosecrans Avenue on the south, Apollo Street on the east, Nash Street on the west, and office buildings on the north Local jurisdictions bordering or near the precise plan include the City of Manhattan Beach located immediately south of Rosecrans Avenue and the City of Hawthorne located to the east of Aviation Boulevard The precise plan is in the southwestern portion of Continental Park Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses The Plaza at Continental Park has been historically used for general commercial uses since 1981 The City's General Plan designates the site for mixed use (Urban Mixed Use - South) development Continental Plaza is located within a highly urbanized environment The topography of the site is fairly level and contains no unique geologic features Landscaping is limited to the areas adjacent to Apollo Street on the east, South Nash Street on the west, and along Rosecrans Avenue to the south 142 1 -1 SOURCE DELORNE. vl REGIONAL LOCATION �a THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK " °�"'E CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EXHIBIT 1 143 oparma West H 400 verly Hills' areas geles � ° '27 0 Iry'rartau Pacific Palisades 710 10 ntaTAonica 70 u�IVer City 170 afL, be GMs , eoe cam o e 1I" Me _ . Huntington Park Marina Del-Rey Bell o ktronee Inglewood Cudahy o 42 42 Playa Del Rey Sou 4 ?11 1 tax Lennox L oad 105 El Sag u Project Site o" Willow Brook 710 ° 110 405 oCompton wndale *Gard PanmouM Manhattan Beach 97 H arRlOaa B6a0a 11 Redondo ch 405 Torrance, Doman uez ' e lfiEOn ' Carson o N g U n village t0 Pak. Vard `Estates Signal Hill ° ComMe ° 710 Rolling Hills Es Gies villminngg Loi%g_Bea 7 *Rolling Hills Rancho Paton Verdas 47 San ro 10 1995 DeLormc SOURCE DELORNE. vl REGIONAL LOCATION �a THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK " °�"'E CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EXHIBIT 1 143 LOCAL VICINITY VISTA -r- THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK NOSCALE CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EXHIBIT 2 144 Ei -'- �?. . n w .v �� • � >f>jf �Fif � IN a :��i•i 77���i�n sown �. wa it LOCAL VICINITY VISTA -r- THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK NOSCALE CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EXHIBIT 2 144 The Lead Agency Contact: 1.0 INTRODUCTION TABLE A KEY CONTACT PERSONS Mr. Bret B. Bernard, AICP Director of Planning and Building Safety Planning and Building Safety Department City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Phone (310) 322 -4670, ext 211 Facsimile (310) 322 -4167 Project Sponsor: Mr. Jerry Saunders Vice President - Planning Continental Development Corporation 2041 Rosecrans Avenue El Segundo, California 90245 Phone (310) 640 -1520 Facsimile (213) 414 -9279 Consultant: Mr. Fred Talarico Principal Planner VISTA 1278 Glenneyre Street, Suite 110 Laguna Beach, California 92651 Phone (949) 494 -6562 Facsimile (949) 494 -3150 Source VISTA 145 t -4 Source VISTA TABLE B PROPERTY OWNER Continental Development Corporation 2041 Rosecrans Avenue El Segundo, California 90245 146 1 -5 1.0 INTRODUCTION Objectives 1.0 INTRODUCTION TABLE C OBJECTIVES To clarify permitted land uses in The Plaza at Continental Park Development Plan area. Clarification and predictability of development standards that were not modified by the Precise Plan Establishment of procedures that will allow future development under the Precise Plan to be competitive, in terms of cost and timing, with similar development elsewhere in the MU -S Zone Source Continental Development Corporation 147 t -6 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION The Plaza at Continental Park Development Plan provides for the development of approximately 6 33 acres. The Development Plan is provided as Exhibit 3, Elevations as Exhibit 4, and the Circulation Plan as Exhibit 5 And as detailed in the full scale drawings on file in the Planning Division DEVELOPMENT PLAN Permitted Uses Permitted Uses in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 020 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Additionally, the following uses are permitted subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety 1 Incidental uses such as permanent tables, chairs, signs, outdoor retail operations, push carts, kiosks, and other similar outdoor amenities, provided each use is located in the area designated for incidental uses on the Development Plan (Exhibit 3) 2 Additional uses such as outdoor dining in accordance with Section 20 12 190 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Permitted Accessory Uses Permitted Accessory Uses in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 025 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Uses Subiect to an Administrative Use Permit Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 030 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20 38 040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code 2 -1 M 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Adult Business Permits Adult Business Permits in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone Section 20 38 045 and Chapter 20 80 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Prohibited Uses The Prohibited Uses in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone Section 20 38 050 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. 2 -2 149 ION 111 150 z 0 0 Q U � H � z M x w u o x Z � z F � w z a� aEWo U�w ONQ� U W pa. w A" "bo a _ i' iJ 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN TABLE D PROJECT STATISTICS TOTAL PROJECT 6.33 ACRES SITE SIZE (275,826 SQUARE FEET) Source Continental Development Corporation and City of El Segundo 152 2 -5 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN TABLE E OFF - STREET PARKING SUMMARY Arbgp d xdwi qC db + x g N @gA � e " d b°dAI°XI�6i A B AKp999ewr ''x tl� � "'�PSQAAXi"ppNtl e X A MxP b I Y xbA ddx eb i Aaa` A A�d dd� N Qa�I i Ase grR°k A se� AA P�i�pidy�H de eeQ � N eQ p6P Px r x Pb ° i A dPo 6d w 'e d i e aex Pdq AYpe$ f i! d A 1i xB id e e° ! vreI 1 � x0 eae �i b°r � � devEX N p �eb4,� aPi �9 d , � tltl P 6LF IJeeNr Kd dA �� d 6rr e Aee e J w ' Je� r b Nm� ibb A td t � kie bAP eJ X I� A ° A �eI ° � .e°v� r°b sd B�0 eP•e fpp4 tW bd°e��A 9T9x4?N Ed e° i4I Pt x e� d �°�" y � y d��sdi%°�36 �° R' � q�9Wm b� l°eP� XApN' 'bA F °0 j 9b �i xb° g �� e e° e An bx7 eOAJdt4 °°y �°4 v [dP 4NP ,' j P" %AA iVA 'ad 'YPep eE d B_ e a d 9yyd °il WPA3Ae �I �gr eAe °e°lp,P,ypbi(�QpvA e � e ee a°e1 ' `m a ab�eenS 0 Surface Parking Structure 1,690 Total Parking Spaces 1,60 Source Continental Development Corporation 153 2 -6 3.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS a INTRODUCTION The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Standards apply to all uses in the Precise Plan Except as noted below, all uses within the Precise Plan shall comply with the Site Development Standards in Section 20.38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, or the current comparable Zoning Code section SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - 20.38.060 A. General Provisions All uses shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code B. Lot Area The minimum lot area shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code C. Height Buildings and structures shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code D. Setbacks All setbacks shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, except as modified by the Development Plan (Exhibit 3) E. Lot Frontage Each lot in the Precise Plan shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code F. Building Area The total floor area shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code 3 -1 154 3.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS G. Walls/Fences All walls and fences shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. H. Access All access shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code LANDSCAPING - 20.38.070 All landscaping shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 070 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, except as modified by the Development Plan (Exhibit 3) OFF - STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES - 20.38.080 All off - street parking and loading spaces shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 080 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Additionally, the following provisions shall apply 1. Valet parking for any use shall be permitted and encouraged SIGNS - 20.38.090 All signs shall comply with the provisions of Section 20 38 090 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, except as shown in the approved Master Sign Plan 3 -2 4.0 ADMINISTRATION INTRODUCTION The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan shall be administrated in accordance with the City Municipal Code except as noted herein PRECISE PLAN ADMINISTRATION Administrative Determinations Administrative Determinations shall comply with Section 20 72 020 of the El Segundo Municipal Code A. Land Use Determinations The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant administrative determinations related to uses in accordance with Section 20 72 020 of the El Segundo Municipal Code B. Development Standards Determinations The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant administrative determinations related to development standards, provided any administrative relief shall not exceed 10% of any development standard Administrative Use Permit Filing and Review Process Administrative Use Permit Filing and Review Process shall comply with Section 20 72.040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Decision Decision shall comply with Section 20 72 040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Findings for Approval Findings for Approval shall comply with Section 20 72 045 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Expeditious Review Process Expeditious Review Process shall comply with Section 20 72 050 of the El Segundo Municipal Code 156 4 -1 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Plannine Commission Review Planning Commission Review shall comply with Section 20 72 060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Appeals Appeals shall comply with Section 20 72 070 of the El Segundo Municipal Code CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT COMPLIANCE The Precise Plan was approved in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines (Guidelines), and City policies adopted to implement the CEQA and the Guidelines CEQA clearance has been granted by the City as follows TABLE F CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT COMPLIANCE NAWr 4d dAd q�dSeAt aAad dxWA e A W eJi71 1 t e ��IxaeeN A W d �d i PW r d d v d W�B W E t t A �ti� J P SdS WAJ A AdP P P L d N t� J t It or rd� BF�1?q�AJ R¢ A pNpaha�d iaR�ayy¢�A�ap(x eval✓ t J i b d'' '°69vN ��xlry'S d " "P as a�d'P �'fvpdjfv"eq�p (I' t 1 �d dwaPxat�.a,x�dA�xwxdxp�aAx ,4,� 9� J( ¢,d, i 1 3`biAn CYS 6Ax �'A �4'aP Y) IV' LJ tl0?Ox dY , Y9tlpp� pgp$egtyadS °I A�6$Aa �,A�t�fppepdpe8JdJ8PA Wnaw �' °� P�f WA xe ��iie eYJ 1 A�I�deR xdsedJxJ�a Ae ve�e[�e9AtlY�h �I a6�d t�dleBele I 'R'i���e�'�le at'WAdad °Adexx °9ped �IA� °ei +uAJ{ a�x� CCPoJd 1x °e.ABIdNx.x ypyj�(� a�A 1j I�.jy��11y1. {pfjyPyfly6 X i xd°�P�L /y��6ry� x e x xa tiAr ed T L`A� f �bIf�dE W 8r , I°a�WW3r 1`i AdN er aeAe �I 1'�N �"a x A e dptl5 �� i J d M qr °9 S dxe�w lWI9 x�dfx�� g'�a t Sp A xA We ma'! t Y N6 n;e dY ax�(e i A x6 AB�xp We dJ$�"' xargxfAA d1� eId6' d X�aAL*9 @A';x8a�8; A° led BN� ,l€ rey"axa p2e� x4s xx°W ei S �a=$ a 1 1i Wx dl A xi x�'QMMg,F x e�xaie� Ae.xd ^ dY , g a d r e r�xa�ix� e °V /4�h C +p" J�My2J�JA � W v " p e d A 'Mf P A �. yj# x °px xa9x � ir 3 ni$4E xa �AiAJ+d � a��in Si&e¢d a+K'yA �xiNW eR � a ;dA'axp x' a e P jep�a � � xW C Y Wp � gg �� aexxxAl"eWx �A a Ar d� pa g a?� ri t F � d a rA e �r � x �Ad o Ae 2 ' "81 ® v A , A s a � 2118 h �We �' �`v r a° a TA gdd ,• ,ITl�jI, . W a a d x t eB W m� i„*d " r p rd ex n xt�P3 d f A arct r E nth(° a �°h".J Retail /Office /Restaurant and 460,600 square feet other land uses permitted In net floor area the MU -S Zone. Source City of El Segundo and Continental Development Corporation The CEQA clearance indicated above is not reflective of the maximum square feet permitted by the Precise Plan, which is 358,573.8 square feet (275,826 square feet of lot area times 13 FAR = 358,573.8 square feet) Additional CEQA clearance may be granted in one (1) of the following two (2) methods Exceed Clearance: Approval in accordance with CEQA and City requirements to exceed the thresholds indicated in Table F 2 Within Clearance: Approval of an administrative finding by the Director of Planning and Building Safety in accordance with Section 4 0 of this Precise Plan The Director of Planning and Building Safety must find that the proposed use and density /intensity does not exceed the CEQA clearance established in Table F 157 42 RLSOLU'I'IO;" NO. 7061 Ol' ME CI "Y COUNCIL OF i,K: CI'P' OP cT, `: C.Ui:DU, CAT,IFOR „IA, ADOP'PTNG WITH C- P4VAIN CONOITTONS PRECISE PLAN NO. 1 -21 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED M'JRTH OF ROSRCP.ANS A ", -NUE 9,E ",gFUN NASH A�'D APOLLO STRES'I'S aI"'HIP :'AID CITY ;ju ^rr•AS, un_'er the provisions of Title 20 (The Comp, e- hersive ,cuing Ordinance) of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code" an: the 1r,.s of t,-.e State of California aoolicable to nuch matters, Continental Develoo-rert Corporation has filed its petition for the adoption of Precise Plan No. 1 -81; and ,HE?EAS, said Plan is for property located in the City of 1.1 se'o ^do, Countv of Les Angeles, State of Califorrrla, more partic -ilzrlI nesc•iae? _s follows: Parcel _r the Citv of E1 Segundo, County of Los State of California, as shown on Psrcc' -- --D No. 12659, filed in Book 124, -age �- ?arcel Maps, in the office of ;he Co,--,7 Recorder of said County; and �gnyiq aa_t' Plan was submitted to the Planning Com mission tn^ E1 Sequndo, and after a ouolic ,v,acing Puly and requi -arl. =id, wns approved and recommenden for adoption ti- the City Council; ann [WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo has duly ane regularly held a public hearing on said Plan; an,! WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of E1 Sequndo has now acquired jurisdiction to adopt this resolution; NO!':, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIrORVI -1, DOZ3 RP.SOLTIE, DECLAP.D, DETCR%!INE AND ORDER AS FOr T,O'r'S E.rC,,•In• ' ^hat Bair: Fiec -ise Plen No. l -E1 n-rcinabove re,cr,r. to aPDIO�e: uy the Planninq Commission of the Cily of T'1 S,.nundo in its Resolution No. 1067 be, and the same is, 158 hcicbv auproved ani adopte] upon the followinq conditions: 9 159 (1 ) Developer shall provide a surely bond in the amounL of $25,000 to insure: (a) The construction of wheelchair ramps at the northeast corner of Posecrans Avenue and Nash Street and at the northwest corner of Rosecrans Avenue and Apollo Street, (b) The removal of all existing driveway aprons that will not be utilized and the replacement with full height curb and gutter. (2) All on -site utilities shall be placed underground; 13) Developer shall provide specific building control station equipment and life safety systems as d- lineated in the Fire Marshal's letter to the Associate Planner dated April 21, 1981, f,l) D- veloper shall provide a 24 -hour security system for the otfice building which security system shall have been approved by the Police Chief. Developer shall provide appropriate security -- ran_ements for the parking structures during the c=:mary hours of operation which security -� =m snall have been approved by the Police (5) _ -e_zoer shall enter into an agreement with the C.--- _areeing to contribute up to one -half of - -_s_ of the Lraffic signal system at the _.-e== action of Rosecrans Avenue and Apollo Street __. _o exceed $35,000 if it is determined t, t -e -Director of Public Works, one year following _ _ __-._ng of the parking structure, that the . _jme�of traffic requires the installation of ::z-ff:c signal system. Developer shall deposit a = =sh deposit or surety bond in the amount of ;35,000 to guarantee performance of the contract, L6) Th1S Precise Plan 1 -81 shall be constructed in suhstantial comma like with preliminary plans er, itled, 'continental Park /Phase IV /building l ?'El Segundo ", dated February 12, 1981, on file in the Planning Department. (7) That construction mus a commenced within one year from April 21, 1981, however, the City Council may extend such time to commence the pro3ect. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to ondorse said Plan as hereby approved and adopted by the City Co,incil. Said Plan is on file in the office of the City .1( -O-, open Lo public inspection, and is by this reference incorporated herein and male a part hereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage -2- H and ac option of lh ±, resolution; shall enter the .ame in the boo, of or;gir�,l resolutions of said city; and shall make a minuLe of the p r„ age• and adoption Lhereof in the records of the proceedings or the City Council or said city, in the minutes of the - meeting at waicn the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this _ 21st _ day of April I 1981. ATPi.s r 11,6' � �.LCe City Cle_, (SDAL) I60 t4avor of the City of L•'1 Segundo, California RESOLUTION NO. 1067 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING FOR ADOPTION PRECISE PLAN 1 -81 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF ROSECRANS AVENUE BETWEEN NASH AND APOLLO STREETS. WHEREAS, an application was received from Continental Development Corpo- ration, 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, E1 Segundo, California 90245, for a precise plan, known as Precise Plan 1 -81, to construct Continental Park, Phase IV, a six -story office building and a nine -level parking structure,on property generally located north of Rosecrans Avenue, between Nash and Apollo Streets, in the City of E1 Segundo, more particularly described as follows: Parcel 4, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as shown on Parcel Map No. 12659 filed in Book 124, Page 52 of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, pursuant to law, hold a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, in the City of E1 Segundo on March 26, 1981; and WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against the proposed Precise Plan; and WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established: (1) The subject site is zoned C -M which has a 45 -foot height limit. (2) Surrounding properties are zoned C -M and developed with office buildings, a bank, and a restaurant. (3) Continental Park has expanded through the issuance of precise plans for each phase of its development. WHEREAS, as a result of said hearing, the Commission finds as follows: (1) The design of the proposed project will be compatible with the surrounding development. (2) Preliminary plans show 460,000 square feet of office space and approximately 40% open space. (3) Although the height limit for the property will be exceeded by the precise plan, the building will have less floor area, more parking, and more open space than would be developed in conformance with the C -M zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council, the adoption of Precise Plan 1 -81 to construct Continental Park, Phase IV, a six -story office building and a nine -story parking structure, on property generally located north of Rosecrans Avenue, between Nash and Apollo Streets with the following conditions: 161 (1) A surety bond in the amount of $25,000 shall be required for the following work: (a) Construction of a wheelchair ramp at the northeast corner of Rosecrans and Nash and at the northwest corner of Rose - crans and Apollo. (b) Removal of all existing driveway aprons not to be re -used and replacement with full height curb and gutter. (2) All utilities shall be placed underground. (3) Specific building control station equipment and life safety systems shall be provided, as delineated in the Fire Department memo to the Planning Department, dated February 23, 1981. (4) The office building shall be provided with a 24 -hour security system; the parking structures shall have security during primary hours of operation. (5) A surety bond in the amount of $35,000 shall be required as a guarantee that the developer shall pay one -half the cost of ins- tallation of a traffic signal system for the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue and Apollo Street if, one year following the opening of the parking structure, it is determined to be necessary by the Director of Public Works. (6) Precise Plan 1 -81 shall be constructed in substantial com- pliance with preliminary plans titled "Continental Park /Phase IV /Building 12 /E1 Segundo ", dated February 12, 1981, on file in the Planning Department. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council for its information as prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 26th day of March, 1981. i- Loya hr nsen, Chairman of the Plan ng Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California 162 Wendy L.- COsin, Secretary of the— Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California GAT Y O� It � SEGU#4 July 15, 1998 Elected offina1s Mr. Jerry Saunders Mike Gordon, May or Continental Development Corporation Sandra JaOro Mayor Pro Tenn 2041 East Rosecrans Avenue " ° "�Wc,m: ber El Segundo, California 90245 John G Games Councr/mambar Kelly ell Cwounc,lnalmember SUBJECT: Precise Plan 1 -81 DI "dyty erit City cierk G Address: 2101 -2141 Rosecrans Avenue Susan Cooper, City Treasurer Dear Mr. Saunders: Appanletl Officals James W Morrison City Marx D Hensley,r As a follow -up to the discussions that took place between Mark Hensley, City City At1OTQy Attorney, and Len Blakesley, Counsel for Continental Development Departnent Directors Corporation, City staff have made the following determination regarding the J...$ Economec permitted uses of the Plaza building at 2101 -2141 Rosecrans Avenue. Development Eunice Kramer, Financa John Gilbert Acting Fire The original Precise Plan for the development (Precise Plan 1 -81) approved Robert Hy /and Hunter, Rea the construction of a six-story building (approximately 460,000 square uare feet °urose Barbara Pe arson and a nine -level parking structure on April 21, 1981. City Council Resolution library BretB No. 3062 for the project did not specifically state the type of uses which Planning P /annmB B Building Safety Tim Gnnimond would be permitted uses or those types of uses not permitted in the building police Pobce EtluaP 5c rs as part of Precise Plan 1 -81. Therefore, uses permitted by the underlying W am es Fauk, Commercial- Manufacturing (C -M) Zone at the time of approval, and Recreation 8 Parks subsequently the uses permitted by the current Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone are permitted in the Precise Plan, subject to the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and approval and building permits. It should also be noted that the Precise Plan approvals for the retailltheater project at 2041 Rosecrans and 831 -871 South Nash Street (PP 12 -72, as amended by Precise Plan 94 -1, and 96 -1), are much more specific in the uses which were stated as being permitted by the precise plan. Thus, while Precise Plan 1 -81, provides for the flexibility of uses permitted by the underlying zoning, Precise Plan 12 -72, as amended, does not currently allow this same flexibility of uses permitted by the underlying zoning The analysis of the permitted uses in our letter to you for PP 96 -1, dated April 17, 1998 (attached), is unaffected by the revised analysis of Precise Plan 1 -81. Planning and Building Safety Department 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 -0989 163 Phone (310) 322 -4670 FAX (310) 322 -4167 If you have any questions or need any clarification on any of these items, please call me or Laurie B. Jester, Senior Planner at (310) 322 -4670, Extension No.s 211 and 212, respectively, at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Bret B Be and ICP Director of Planning and Building Safety Enclosure: EA -401, PP 96 -1 Letter, dated April 17, 1998 xc: Tim Grimmond, Interim City Manager Laurie B. Jester, Senior Planner Paul Garry, Assistant Planner Mark Hensley, City Attorney Chris Cheleden, Assistant City Attorney Fred Talanco, Contract Planner Richard Lundquist, Continental Development Corporation Len Blakesley, Continental Development Corporation PP 1 -81 File PP 96 -1 File PA 164 p 1projects\pp1- 81 -2.use Ci ,q t o/ CSC Secvundo DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 322 -4670 FAX (310) 322 -4167 APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO A PRECISE PLAN PROJECT No. E 4S*4 if 9 r -°1 Date: The Applicant: Continental Development Corporation, 2041 Rosecrans Ave., E1 Segundo, CA 310 - 640 -1520 Name Address Phone (Check One) Owner X Lessee Agent Property Owner: Same as above Name Property Situated at: General Location: Address PI Parcel 4 of Parcel No. 126 (2101, 2121 and 2141 Rosecrans 124, Page 52 (Exact legal description. Provide attachment if necessary) Rosecrans Avenue between Address and Street, Avenue Existing Zoning: Mixed Use South (MU -S) Nash and Apollo Streets Street, Avenue Request Under the provisions of Title 20, Section 20.86 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, application for consideration of an amendment to a Precise Plan for the above described property. 1 Describe in detail the entire proposed project (type of construction and materials to be used), uses involved (e g bank, general office, industrial, restaurant, etc.) including buildings and other equipment necessary to the project. See Attachment "A ", Item 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 1 165 2 Describe the existing development on the site. Include the square footages, height, number of stories, and uses of each budding on the site. See Attachment "A ", Item 2, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3 Explain in detail why this particular site is especially suited for the proposed development. See Attachment "A ", Item 3, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 4 Describe how the proposed project will compare /contrast to the development on adjacent properties and the immediate area and will not have detrimental effects on adjacent properties or neighborhood How will potential impacts be mitigated? See Attachment "A ", Item 4, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 5 Describe the technological processes and equipment employed on -site and their compatibility with existing and potential land uses within the general area. See Attachment "A ", Item 5, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2 166 OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT I(We) Continental Development Corporation the undersigned, depose and say that (I am/We are) the OWNER(S) of the property involved in this application and that I(we) have familiarized myself(ourseIves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all documents and plans attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief 19378, Jerry A. Saunders, Vice President - Planning 19 Signature Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize t to act for me in all matters relevant to this application I understand that this person will be the exclusive contact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondence Owner's Signature AGENT AFFIDAVIT I,(We) the undersigned, depose and say that (I am/We are) the AGENT(S) of the property involved in this application and that I(we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all documents and plans, attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief 19_ Signature Date Signature Date 167 19_ ATTACHMENT "A" TO APPLICATION FOR FIRST AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN (PP 1 -81) PROJECT NO. EA -418 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP 97 -3 REVISED AUGUST 19, 1998 1. DESCRIBE IN DETAIL THE ENTIRE PROPOSED PROJECT (TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION, MATERIALS TO BE USED), USES INVOLVED (E.G., BANK, GENERAL OFFICE, INDUSTRIAL, RESTAURANT, ETC.) INCLUDING BUILDINGS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO THE PROJECT. On April 21, 1981 the City Council, by Resolution No 3062, adopted Precise Plan No 1 -81 for the subject property located north of Rosecrans Avenue between Nash and Apollo Streets (2101, 2121 and 2141 Rosecrans Avenue) On July 10, 1997, the Planning Commission approved Resolution No 2395, approving Environmental Assessment EA -418 and Conditional Use Permit 97 -3 to allow the construction of an outdoor dining area for a new McCormick & Schmick's Restaurant at 2101 Rosecrans Avenue. Planning Commission Resolution No 2395 indicates that the property owner committed to filing a Precise Plan Amendment to update the original approved site plan. The purpose of the subject Application for First Amendment to Precise Plan 1 -81 (Amendment) is to 1 Modify and update the original approved site plan, dated 4/21/81, to reflect the previously approved as -built conditions on the site (i a Wolfgang Puck's outdoor dining and valet drop off, and McCormick & Schmick's outdoor dining area and the valet drop -off on Nash Street) — Updated Site Plan Component. 2 Amend the Precise Plan to permit a canopy encroachment into the side yard open area for McCormick & Schmick's parking canopy - the Canopy Encroachment Component. Update the Precise Plan to clarify that any codified development standards for the underlying Mixed Use -South zone that are not specifically modified by the Precise Plan, as amended, will be incorporated by reference and may be applied to improvements covered by this Precise Plan — the Development Standards Component. 4 Amend the Precise Plan to permit minor modifications in the future by means of an administrative approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety — the Minor Modifications Component. Llawo A more detailed description of the project components is presented below 1.1 UPDATED SITE PLAN COMPONENT An updated site plan is needed to reflect the as -built conditions on the site and to reflect changes in the character of the site's open area. A portion of the site's open area has been reclassified from landscape planting open area to hardscape open area uses such as outdoor dining, valet drop-off areas and main entry walks This reclassification of a portion of the site's open area was a necessary and important element of the recent remodel and successful re- leasing of The Plaza The Plaza currently includes an attractive rmx of uses including offices, restaurants, and retail oriented establishments that are consistent with the intent of the Mixed -Use zone An updated site plan for the subject property labeled "Exhibit 1" is enclosed herewith and incorporated herein The updated site plan reflects the previously approved as -built conditions on the site, including • Wolfgang Puck Cafe's outdoor dining area • Wolfgang Puck Cafe's valet drop -off area on Apollo Street • McCormick & Schmick's valet drop -off area on Nash Street • McCormick & Schmick's outdoor dining area The updated site plan also reflects the location of the McCormick & Schmick's parking canopy at the restaurant's Nash Street entrance A Site Area Tabulation labeled "Exhibit 2" is also enclosed herewith and incorporated herein The Site Area Tabulation provides a comparison of conditions on the original site plan as approved by Precise Plan 1 -81 (ORIGINAL PLAN), the 1981 as -built conditions built in substantial compliance with Precise Plan 1 -81 (AS -BUILT PLAN) and the current conditions (CURRENT PLAN) as shown on the updated site plan The Site Area Tabulation compares figures for four major site elements• L Site Area IL Site Coverage HL Driveways & portion of drainage sump IV. Open Area Analysis of the Site Area Tabulation indicates there has been no significant reduction in open area Open area has decreased only 1% from 42% to 41% of the total site area This 1% reduction in open area is attributable to elimination of planting area to install a new driveway cut on Apollo Street to create a 169 2 second entry to the parking structure to provide adequate vehicular access to visitor and monthly parking areas. These changes have resulted in a reduction of planting area of approximately 5% 1.2 CANOPY ENCROACHMENT COMPONENT 1.3 The Applicant seeks approval for a parking canopy that extends approximately 19 feet from the building (at McCormick & Schmick's main entrance) to the curb face at the restaurant valet drop -off area on Nash Street The approximate dimensions of the canopy are Length 19' 0" Width 14' 6" Height 17' 0" The canopy extends approximately 19 feet into the 2101 Rosecrans Avenue building's side yard open area It is the City's current policy that Precise Plans should be all- inclusive in terms of identifying the various development standards that will apply to projects incorporated in the Plans. Since Precise Plans are effective for extended periods of time, the City and the Applicant seek to clarify that all development standards that are presently included in the Mixed -Use South zone shall be incorporated by reference in this Precise Plan Amendment The City and the property owner will thereby be able to apply established standards to new development concepts in the future without the necessity of applying for another amendment to the Precise Plan 1.4 MINOR MODIFICATIONS COMPONENT Under the City's Zoning Code the approval of a Precise Plan is the equivalent of an amendment to the Code itself The purpose of a Precise Plan is to guide the future development of a large site for an extended period of time Because the time frame for implementation of a Precise Plan is long term, the City and the Applicant desire that the City approve an administrative procedure which will permit the Applicant to submit minor modifications to the Director of Planning and Building Safety for approval Adoption of such a procedure would provide a limited level of flexibility without requiring the Applicant to submit a full Precise Plan amendment It is intended that the minor modifications would serve to enhance the development without creating adverse impacts for surrounding developments 170 2. DESCRIBE THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ON THE SITE. INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE AND USES OF EACH BUILDING ON THE SITE. Existing development on the site includes of one office/retail building and adjacent parking structure Building Address 2101, 2121 and 2141Rosecrans Avenue Gross Floor Area 460,600 sq ft Uses General office, service -type facilities including restaurants, financial institutions, medical office and related parking facilities in a 7 -level parking structure 3. EXPLAIN IN DETAIL WHY THIS PARTICULAR SITE IS ESPECIALLY SUITED FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. With the exception of the parking canopy, the proposed Precise Plan Amendment relates primarily to previously approved as -built conditions on the site Therefore, the Applicant did not deem detailed responses for the Updated Site Plan Component, Development Standards Component, and Minor Modifications Component necessary A detailed response for the Canopy Encroachment Component is presented below • CANOPY ENCROACHMENT COMPONENT The site is compatible with the parking canopy Restaurants are a permitted use in the MU -S zone, and the canopy is a reasonable request by the restaurant to provide for the comfort of patrons that utilize the restaurant's valet parking service 4. DESCRIBE HOW THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL COMPARE /CONTRAST TO THE DEVELOPMENT ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND THE IMMEDIATE AREA AND WILL NOT HAVE DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR NEIGHBORHOOD. HOW WILL POTENTIAL IMPACTS BE MITIGATED? The project is generally bounded on the north by a community driveway that serves Continental Park office buildings 830 Nash Street and 841 Apollo, on the south by Rosecrans Avenue, on the east by Apollo Street and on the west by Nash Street The surrounding uses include offices to the north, the Manhattan Marketplace retail complex to the south, offices to the east, and the Pacific Theatres Beach Cities Cinema to the west 171 El The site's previously approved as -built conditions, as reflected on the updated site plan and described in comment 1 1, are compatible with the surrounding uses and do not have a detrimental effect on adjacent properties The proposed project (Canopy Encroachment Component and Minor Modifications Component) is not anticipated to result in detrimental effects on adjacent properties or the neighborhood, and it is believed that the proposed project is within the limits of the established environmental clearances under the Precise Plan The Canopy Encroachment Component and Minor Modifications Component will be specifically addressed in the following paragraphs • CANOPY ENCROACHMENT COMPONENT The primary function of the parking canopy is to provide for the comfort of McCormick & Schmick's patrons The entry canopy is also an identifying element that is used nation -wide by McCormick & Schmick's The parking canopy is designed to be functional and attractive and compatible with the architectural features of the restaurant's entry and the building It is not anticipated that the minor encroachment of the canopy into the side yard open area of the site will have any detrimental effects on adjacent properties or the neighborhood • MINOR MODIFICATIONS COMPONENT Amendment of the Precise Plan to allow minor modifications to be managed administratively by the Director of Planning and Building Safety is not anticipated to result in detrimental effects on adjacent properties or the neighborhood The current interpretation within which properties under a Precise Plan must operate is more burdensome than if there was no Precise Plan and the property simply had the rights of the zone This seems counter - productive The Applicant simply seeks to create a mechanism for administrative approval of minor changes so that the project has the same development rights as properties that are not under a Precise Plan 5. DESCRIBE THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND EQUIPMENT EMPLOYED ON -SITE AND THEIR COMPATIBILITY WITH EXISTING AND POTENTIAL LAND USES WITHIN THE GENERAL AREA. The proposed project employs no technological processes or equipment that would be incompatible with existing and potential land uses within the general area The only new use is the parking canopy at McCormick & Schmick's Nash Street entrance 8/19/98 9 57 AM C %mydo mems\PP 1.81 Plea Amendmmt 172 I r a o a ° a J O M h �M.., Qf N Q W Oto CL = 0� mom 0�� ooO oo1O o vn W 7 Q m 1 0 Q < O 01 01 N S2 < �� a a 0 � La (� f/7 y N v r N M Of 6 c O LL co r 0OWQ� LL -M O N 0 a >. �ZJ 7 J N U N ¢ J e o m N e b M N FQ-NW 0� m W z 0n Lotttplplpl������0 O Im o00 0010 0 m h Q N 0 t i O Oi � O a iD W W A R Q1 r N M 00 O LO F O N 3 (A 0 y U W a c 4 Y Y w O LL t7 v L O y E OI Q Z y y y v y V U 07 oiS Y Y Y M X N aW w 3 B. 0):3 to y= � Q W ? O E. ca a-E cau a�Ec� c�R C=i QR m om� R. _• -u Q Ny T01� 3Q'' �. O)O v Ol0 Rl 3 d FF� >w ;AO >W �� a0000eVic9cn.°.mo 10 CL } CL aU3 j0 oU���3�= =3 5� m�0 m G G cn UrN Qe-N >rN V%y -1 (1) W J y LLI In en ~ C ¢ m O¢ m U G W a. > O U 173 SI _ -- YJ 7`' uj J o e e a o e o Z W n O f O N 090 O O 0 M n r n O N O pO O O O O p1 1L ) O N N O 00 Cl N00 0 0 1(1 0 W� LS N �O - M N n rf00r L U N ew- r I r a o a ° a J O M h �M.., Qf N Q W Oto CL = 0� mom 0�� ooO oo1O o vn W 7 Q m 1 0 Q < O 01 01 N S2 < �� a a 0 � La (� f/7 y N v r N M Of 6 c O LL co r 0OWQ� LL -M O N 0 a >. �ZJ 7 J N U N ¢ J e o m N e b M N FQ-NW 0� m W z 0n Lotttplplpl������0 O Im o00 0010 0 m h Q N 0 t i O Oi � O a iD W W A R Q1 r N M 00 O LO F O N 3 (A 0 y U W a c 4 Y Y w O LL t7 v L O y E OI Q Z y y y v y V U 07 oiS Y Y Y M X N aW w 3 B. 0):3 to y= � Q W ? O E. ca a-E cau a�Ec� c�R C=i QR m om� R. _• -u Q Ny T01� 3Q'' �. O)O v Ol0 Rl 3 d FF� >w ;AO >W �� a0000eVic9cn.°.mo 10 CL } CL aU3 j0 oU���3�= =3 5� m�0 m G G cn UrN Qe-N >rN V%y -1 (1) W J y LLI In en ~ C ¢ m O¢ m U G W a. > O U 173 SI _ -- YJ 7`' uj A. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY INITIAL STUDY APPLICANT QUESTIONNAIRE 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 322 -4670 FAX (310) 322 -4167 GENERAL INFORMATION Name, address and phone number of current property owner rontinprital Opvpinpmpnt . .. •r 2041 Rosecrans Ave.. El Spqtjndn, CA 9Q245 (31Q) 640-152Q (Note: Property Owner's signature is required on Page 4.) 2 Address of project 2101. 2121. 2141 Rosecrans Ave.. E1 Segundo, CA Assessor's Block and Lot No Parcel 4 of Parcel Mao No. 12659, Book 124, Page 52 3 Name, address, and telephone number of applicant, including name of person to be contacted concerning this project (if different from Property Owner) Jprry A- Saundarc, Virp Prpcirlant Continental Development Corporation (Note: Applicant's signature is required on Page 4.) 4 List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required by city, regional, state, and federal agencies- City of E1 Segundo Public Works and Building Departments 5 Existing zoning district Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) 6 Proposed project (project for which this form is filed) Appliratinn for an Amendment to Precise Plan 1 -81 (First Amendment) B PROJECT DESCRIPTION Use additional sheets as necessary See Attachment "A", Item B, attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2 Total sq�r a ootage of burldmg(s) or structure(s) 3 Number of floors o truchon 4 Amount of on -site parking 5 Proposed scheduling. 6 Associated projects and relationship to larger proj�e Csrseries of projects 7 If residential, include the number of units, schedule of unit sizes, range of•sa`pnce or rents, and type of household size expected. 8 If commercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of buifamq arrea, and nature of loading facilities provided Project No. Fes, LK b 174 C. 19 9 If indusitnal, indicate type, estimated employment per shift, and nature of loading facilities. 10. If institutional, militate major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy, nature of loading facilities provided and commum nefit to be derived from the project 11. If the project requires a variance, conditional use p t or rezoning application, state this and indicate clearly why the application is required ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING See Attachment "A ", Item C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 1 escnbe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, sod stability, plants and am and any cultural, historical, or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structu s. Attach photographs of the site. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted 2 Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plan d animals and any cultural, historical, or scenic aspects Indicate the type of land use (residential, commercial, etc. '- tensity of land use (one - family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc), and scale of development (he i frontage, setback, rear yard, etc ). Attach photographs of the vicinity Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Brief explanations of all answers are required on attached sheets, or refer to previous responses to Items #18 and 19. YES MAYBE NO 1 EARTH Will the proposal result in. a Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geological substructures') _ _ X b Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovenng of the sod? _ _ X c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? d The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geological or physical features? _ _ X e Any increase In wind or water erosion of sods, either on or off the the site? _ _ X 175 2 YES MAYBE NO f Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lakes g Exposure of people or property to geological hazards such as earth- quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure or stmdar hazards? 2 AM Will the proposal result in a Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality' _ _ X b The creation of objectionable odors? _ _ X c Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 3 WATER. Will the proposal result in a Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? b Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoffs c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters _ _ X d Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? _ _ X e Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? _ _ X f Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? g Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? _ _ X h Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies'? _ _ X i. Exposure of people or property to water - related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? _ _ X 4 PLANT LIFE Will the proposal result in: a Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (Including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants? _ _ X b Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? _ _ X c. Introducbon of new species of plants into an area, or in a bamer to the normal replenishment of existing species? _ _ X d Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? _ _ X 5. ANIMAL LIFE. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms, insects or microfauna)l _ _ X K. 176 3 YES MAYBE NO b Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? _ _ X c Introduction of new species of animals Into an area, or result in a bamer to the migration or movement of animals? _ _ X d Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? _ X 6 NOISE. Will the proposal result in a Increases in existing noise levels? _ _ X b Exposure of people to severe noise levels') _ _ X 7. LIGHT AND GLARE Will the proposal produce new light or glare? _ _ X 8. LAND USE. Will the proposal a Result in the substantial alteration of the present or planned use of the project area, or any land outside the project areas — X b Require a variance, conditional use or rezoning _ _ X c Conflict with the General Plan? d Serve to encourage development of presently underdeveloped areas or intensity development of already developed areas? g NATURAL RESOURCES Will the proposal result in, a Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? b Substantial depletion of any non-renewable natural resource? _ X 10 RISK OF UPSET, Will the proposal involve a A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? _ X b Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? _ _ X 11 POPULATION Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population of an area? _ _ X 12 HOUSING Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? _ _ X 13 TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Will the proposal result in a Generation of substantial additional vehicular movements _ _ X b Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? _ _ X c Substantial impact upon existing transportation? _ _ X d. Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? _ _ X e. Alterations to waterboume, rail or air traffic? 177 4 YES MAYBE NO f Increase in traffic hat —.ds to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? 14 PUBLIC SERVICES Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas a Fire protection? _ _ X b Police protection _ _ X c Schools? _ _ X d Parks or other recreational facilities? _ _ X e Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? _ _ X f Other govemmental services? _ _ X 15. RECREATION Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opponundies? 16 UTILITIES. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or sub- stantial alterations to the following uulthes: a. Power or natural gas? _ _ X b. Communications systems? _ _ X c. Water? d Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f Solid waste and disposal? _ _ X 17 ENERGY Will the proposal result in a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? _ _ X b Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? _ _ X 18 HUMAN HEALTH Will the proposal result in a. Creation of any health hazard or potenbal health hazard (excluding mental health)? _ _ X b Exposure of people to potential health hazards? _ _ X 19 AESTHETICS/SHADOWS Will the proposal result in: a The obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? _ _ X b The creation of substantial shadows on the site or adjacent properties? _ _ IL 20. CULTURAL RESOURCES a Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a significant prehrstonc or historic archeological site? 178- 5 YES MAYBE NO b Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure or object? _ _ X c Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values'? _ _ X d Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact areal _ _ X OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT (We) rnnt i nenta 1 Development Corporation ( are) the OWNER(S) of the property involved in this application, I (we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of th ity of Ell Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application, and the information on all documents and all plans is trueiqfcKorrect to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief ( � A. Saunders, Vice President Date OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION I here d _ to act for me in all matters relevant to this application I understand that this person will be magl�o�nttact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondence. Owner's Signature Date APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT I, ( am (are) the APPLICANT (S) of the property involved in this application famtlianzed myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to prepanng and filing this applica io , information on all documents and all plans is true and correct to the best of my (cur) knowledge and belief Applicant's Signature ate Applicant's Signature Date FOR PLANNING DIVISION USE ONLY 13 Copies of Plans Fee/Deposit Received $ 300' Notification Map Date Fled , 19_ 3 sets of Property Owner Labels Received By. 2 sets of Envelopes with Postage Required Supplemental Into Sheets 179 YES MAYBE NO 1. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SI_.dFICANCE. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self - sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major penods of California history or prehistory' _ b Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long -tens, environmental goals (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time, while long -tern impacts will endure well into the future) c Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable'? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively smail, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the envi- ronment is significant) _ d Does the project have environmental effects which will cause sub - stantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly'? 2. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (See attached sheets for narrative description of Environmental Impacts - Initial Study) 3. RECOMMENDATION On the basis of this Initial Study of Environmental Impact, staff recommends the following: That the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION should be prepared That although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because mitigation measures, as described in the attached Initial Study, have been added to the project and, therefore, a NEGATIVE DECLARATION should be prepared. That the proposed protect may have a significant effect on the environment and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT should be required That the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment and a FOCUSED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, addressing the items and concerns Indicated in the attached Initial Study, should be required Signature- Date For Director of Planning and Building Safety City of El Segundo ub IIR fl 7 Rewsed06/97 mtfst -3 qst ATTACHMENT "A" TO INITIAL STUDY APPLICANT QUETIONNAIRE ACCOMPANYING APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 1 -81 DATED AUGUST 19, 1998 B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located within the western portion of Continental Park The site is bounded by Rosecrans Avenue on the south, by an office building (830 Nash Street) on the north, by Apollo Street on the east and by Nash Street on the west The proposed project (Project) is the request to • Update the site plan for the project site to reflect the previously approved as -built conditions on the site; • Approve an encroachment into the side yard open area to permit construction of a parking canopy at the Nash Street entrance to McCormick & Schmick's restaurant Updated Site Plan: The updated site plan reflects the as -built conditions on the site (i a Wolfgang Puck's outdoor dining area and valet drop -off, the valet drop -off lane on Nash Street, and McCormick & Schmick's outdoor dining area) Updating the site plan to reflect previously approved changes has no significant environmental effect Further, it is the Applicant's position that updating the site plan is an activity that does not constitute a "Private Project" as defined in Section 15377 of the CEQA Guidelines and that a Negative Declaration is indicated and requested CEQA Guidelines (15006) indicate that public agencies should reduce delay and paperwork by "using a negative declaration when a project not otherwise exempt will not have a significant effect on the environment " Since the project activities herein described have no significant environmental effect, a Negative Declaration is indicated and requested Canopy Encroachment: The proposed parking canopy will improve the environment for patrons of the McCormick & Schmick's restaurant by providing shade from sun and shelter from rain The minor encroachment of the parking canopy (approximately 19 feet) into the side yard open area will have no significant effect on the environment as defined in Section 15002 (g) of the CEQA Guidelines It is the Applicant's position that the canopy encroachment qualifies as categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA under both Sections 15303 and 15311 of the CEQA Guidelines and that a Notice of Exemption is indicated and requested 181 For information purposes, outlined below is a description of the physical aspects of the project covered by Precise Plan 1 -81. 1 Site size 6 33 acres (275,826 square feet) 2 Total square footage of building(s) or structure(s) 460,600 (existing — approx ) 3 Number of floors of construction. 6 (existing) 4 Amount of on -site parking provided 1,690 spaces (existing— approx ) 5 Proposed scheduling construct canopy during 1998 6 Associated projects and relationship to larger project or series of projects Precise Plan 1 -81, update site plan, approval of canopy 7 If residential, include the number of units, schedule of unit sizes, range of sale price or rents and type of household size expected N/A 8 If commercial, indicate the type, whether, neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of building area, and nature of loading facilities provided Community- oriented commercial No new loading facilities required 9 If industrial, indicate type, estimated employment per shift, and nature of loading facilities N/A 10 If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy, nature of loading facilities provided and community benefit to be derived from the project N/A 11 If the project requires a variance, conditional use permit or rezoning application, state this and indicate clearly why the application is required N/A B. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING For information purposes only, the environmental setting of the "Project" covered by Precise Plan 1 -81 is briefly described below DESCRIBE THE PROJECT SITE AS IT EXISTS BEFORE THE PROJECT, INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, SOIL STABILITY, PLANTS AND ANIMALS, AND ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL, OR SCENIC ASPECTS. DESCRIBE ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES ON THE SITE, AND THE USE OF THE STRUCTURES. ATTACH PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SITE. SNAPSHOTS OR POLAROID PHOTOS WELL BE ACCEPTED. The following description of the Project site relates only to the request for approval of the parking canopy The site is currently developed with a mixed -use, commercial office building with adjacent parking structure (The Plaza at Continental Park) The Plaza contains two restaurants The Wolfgang Puck Caf6 and McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant McCormick & Schmick's opened for business at The Plaza in late January 1998 The open area adjacent to McCormick & Schmick's on the west side of the 2101 Rosecrans Avenue building (Project site) contains landscape and hardscape open area that is undistinguishable from the surrounding area within Continental 182 2 Park The topography of the site is level and soils conditions are suitable for the existing development Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or which have adapted to urban environments There are no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project site The site contains no known significant cultural, historical, or scenic aspects An Index Map locating photos of the project site and surrounding properties is attached as "Exhibit V Photos are attached and labeled "Exhibit 2 " 2. DESCRIBE THE SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, INCLUDING INFORMATION ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS AND ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL, OR SCENIC ASPECTS. INDICATE THE TYPE OF LAND USE (RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL, ETC.), INTENSITY OF LAND USE (ONE - FAMILY, APARTMENT HOUSES, SHOPS, DEPARTMENT STORES, ETC.), AND SCALE OF DEVELOPMENT (HEIGHT, FRONTAGE, SETBACK, REAR YARD, ETC.). ATTACH PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE VICINITY. SNAPSHOTS OR POLAROIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. The area surrounding the Project site is highly urbanized Land uses consist of medium scale office, commercial, theater, restaurant, and retail uses There are no residential uses located in the immediate Project vicinity There are no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project locale Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or those that have adapted to urban environments The immediate Project vicinity contains no known cultural, historic or scenic resources Seethe attached Index Map ("Exhibit 1 ") and photos of surrounding properties labeled "Exhibit 2 " 8/19/98 10 20 AM C \MY DOMIS ATTACH PP 1.81 .j RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 456 (EA -456) AND ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 (PP98 -2) AS FIRST AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 1 -81 (PPI -81), AT 2101- 2141 ROSECRANS AVENUE. PETITIONED BY CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. WHEREAS, an application has been received from Continental Development Corporation, (Applicant) requesting said approval, and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requests approval of an amendment to Precise Plan 1 -81 (PP 1 -81) to provide for the following A Amendment of the approved site plan to reflect previously approved as -built conditions on the site (e g , Wolfgang Puck Restaurant outdoor dining, McCormick & Schnuck's Restaurant outdoor dining area, and valet drop -off area on Nash Street ) B Amendment of PP 1 -81 to permit a canopy encroachment into the side yard setback for McCormick and Schmick's Restaurant parking canopy on Nash Street. C Amendment of the development standards of PP 1 -81 to include the development standards allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone) that are not specifically modified by PP 1 -81, as amended, and, D Amendment of PP 1 -81 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 1 -81, as amended WHEREAS, the Applicant and the City desire guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 1 -81 as amended, and, WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA -456), including a further analysis of the findings of the Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Precise Plan 1 -81 (PP1 -81) has been available for review and consideration by all interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies in the time and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No 3805), and, WHEREAS, on September 24, October 8, and 22, 1998, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on such matter in the Council Chamber of RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS 456 184 PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 Page 1 the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearings was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2426, recommending approval of the Precise Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment, and, WHEREAS, on October 6, 1998, October 20, and November 3, 1998, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearings was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment EA -456 and PP 98 -2, and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established 1 The project site is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (I -405)] 2 The project area is approximately 6 33 acres (275,735 square feet) 3 The project is generally bounded on the north by a community driveway that serves Continental Park office buildings, 830 Nash Street, and 841 Apollo Street, on the south by Rosecrans Avenue, on the east by Apollo Street, and on the west by Nash Street 4 The site is in the western portion of Continental Park Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses 5 The site is currently developed with a mixture of commercial, office, restaurant, and parking structure uses 6 The topography of the site is level and soils conditions are suitable for the existing development 7 Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or which have adapted to urban environments There is no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project site, or project locale 8 The site and immediate project locale, contains no known significant cultural, historical, or scenic aspects 9 The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized Land uses consist of medium scale office, commercial, theater, restaurant, and retail uses The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Center and a five -story office building housing a RESOLUTION NO. $5 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS 456 PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 Page 2 credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue Beyond the credit union building is the Marriott Hotel with golf and tennis facilities To the southwest of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center 10 There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Marriott Hotel golf course 11 The project site is only visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south, from South Nash Street on the west, and Apollo Street on the east 12 The existing building, uses and development standards were approved under a Precise Plan 1 -81 (PP 1 -81) in 1981 This project is the first amendment to the original Precise Plan 13 A Precise Plan is a term for a development application that is no longer used in the City for new projects A Precise Plan would now be call a Specific Plan A Precise Plan amends the zoning map by establishing permitted uses and development standards that apply only to the area covered by the plan No variances are required for Precise Plans, the approval of a Precise Plan establishes the land uses and required development standards for a project 14 PP 1 -81 approved the construction of a six -story building (approximately 460,000 square feet) and a nine -level parking structure on April 21, 1981 City Council Resolution No 3062 for the protect did not specifically state the type of uses which would be permitted uses or those types of uses not permitted in the building as part of PP 1 -81 Therefore, at the time of approval, permitted uses were governed by the Underlying Commercial-Manufacturing (C -M) Zone Current permitted uses are governed by the current Underlying Zone, Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone, subject to the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and approval and building permits Permitted uses in the future will be governed by any future Underlying Zone for the property, subject to the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and approval and building permits 15 The City's General Plan designates the project site for Mixed -Use development The project site is zoned in the Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone The project conforms with the land uses and development standards of the General Plan and Zoning Code 16 The Applicant and the City have determined that there is a need to establish various guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 1 -81 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts, the testimony presented at the public hearings, and study of proposed Environmental Assessment 1 g s Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS PRECISE PLAN 98-2 456 456 (EA -456) on PP 98 -2 the City Council makes the following findings and affirms the findings of a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts of proposed Environmental Assessment 456 and adopt PP 98 -2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Initial Study performed by the City, based upon the "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" filed 8/20/98 concluded that the subject amendments will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and is within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of PP 1 -81, which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) No significant environmental related changes have been made to the Development Plan or Development Standards No further environmental analysis is required, and, 2 That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the proposed modifications to the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built - out urban environment, and, 3 That the City Council authorizes and directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with any appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de mimmum finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25.00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County PRECISE PLAN That the proposed project is in accord with the purposes of the zone in which the site is located The proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Urban Mixed -Use South (M -U) Zone which allows a broad mix of uses 2 Precise Plan 1 -81, established the design of the existing facilities and the placement of essential related facilities such as parking, traffic circulation, and loading Studies prepared by the applicant and review by the City indicate that no significant increase in environmental effects will occur 3 The amendments are consistent with the purposes of a Precise Plan which, like a Specific Plan or a Planned Residential Development, provides the flexibility to allow for deviation from specific site development standards to achieve the overall design for the site RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 'g7 Page 4 456 4 Land uses permitted by the current Underlying Zone, MU -S Zone, and any uses in any future Underlying Zone are permitted in PP 1 -81, subject to the appropriate CEQA review and approval and building permits GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY I That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan goals, policies, and objectives A The General Plan Land Use Designation for the site, as well as the zoning, is Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) In accordance with the General Plan, The Urban Mixed -Use South designation allows a mixture of uses including office, hotels and retail Light industrial uses are allowed with discretionary approval B The Urban Mixed -Use South designation is designed to allow for a flexibility of uses near the three proposed and one future Green Line transit stations The MU -S designation allows an FAR of 13, the maximum density allowed in the area, since traffic and air quality impacts associated with higher densities can be more easily mitigated with mixed uses in close proximity to mass transit Findings must be made that the project is in conformance with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan in order to approve the project Interpretation of conformity with the applicable provisions of the General Plan is a policy decision that is at the discretion of the Planning Commission and the City Council C The proposed project is in conformance with many General Plan goals, policies and objectives related to Economic Development, Land Use, Circulation and Air Quality The following Economic Development objectives and policies apply, ED 1 -1 1, ED 1-12, ED 1 -2, ED 1 -2 1, ED 1 -2 2, and ED 1 -2 3, which relate to prioritizing economic development, diversification of an economic base, expanding the retail and commercial base, targeting industries that balance economic development and quality of life goals, and balancing development with resource and infrastructure capacity D Many Land Use goals, policies and objectives apply including, LU 4, LU 4 -1 1, LU 4-14, LU 4 -3 1, LU 4 -3 6, LU 4 -4, LU 4 -4 3, LU 4 -4 6, LU 4 -4 7, LU 4 5, LU 7-12 and LU 7 -2 3 These issues relate to providing a stable tax base, providing landscaping, encouraging ground floor retail use in a mixed -use environment, providing synergistic relationships with mixed uses and ensuring a mix of uses in the Urban Mixed -Use area, encouraging alternative transportation modes, providing good accessibility to transportation routes, and requiring adequate public facilities and underground utilities E Circulation Element policies and objectives also apply to the proposal including, C1- 113, C1- 21, C1- 32, C2- 16, C2- 33,C3- 1,C3- 11,C3- 12,C3- 15,C3 -- 1 7, and C 4-12 These policies identify the need for full examination of project traffic impacts and complete mitigation, a hierarchy and street classification 1 9t Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 456 system correlated to capacity and function, incorporation of off - street loading facilities, facilities designed for easy pedestrian access, pedestrian linkage to the Green Line, evaluation of circulation system impacts, full mitigation of all project - related circulation impacts, integration of transportation with land uses and surrounding environments, requiring developers to pay for mitigation measures, adequate pedestrian and bicycle access and evaluation of project impacts on CMP routes F The proposed project is located on a secondary arterial street (Nash Street) which is already substandard in lane configuration compared to the standards established in the General Plan (2 through lanes in each direction with a stripped median instead of three lanes in each direction with a raised median) The proposed project will not impact the existing situation G The final policies and objectives which apply to the proposed project are contained within the Air Quality Element including, AQ 7 -1 1 and AQ 12-12, which relate to requiring conformance with the SCAQMD PMio standards and encouraging energy conservation features in new building design NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council approves PP 98 -2, as follows Amendment of the approved site plan to reflect previously approved as -built conditions on the site (e g, Wolfgang Puck Restaurant outdoor dining, McCormick & Schmick's Restaurant outdoor dining area, and valet drop -off area on Nash Street ) 2 Amendment of PP 1 -81 to permit a canopy encroachment into the side yard setback for McCormick and Schmuck's Restaurant parking canopy on Nash Street 3 Amendment of the development standards of PP 1 -81 to include the development standards allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone) that are not specifically modified by PP 1 -81, as amended, and, 4 Amendment of PP 1 -81 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 1 -81, as amended NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council approves Environmental Assessment EA -456 (EA -456) reaffirming the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Precise Plan 1 -81, approval of Amendment PP 98 -2 and approval of the Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards (dated October 5, 1998 and attached hereto as Exhibit A) as guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 1 -81 as amended, subject to the following conditions 189 RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 Page 6 456 I The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval of Environmental Assessment EA -456 and Amendment PP 98 -2 2 In the event any inconsistencies, discrepancies, conflicts or ambiguities anse between Precise Plan 1 -81 as amended and "The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards ", (attached as Exhibit A), Precise Plan 1- 81 as amended shall govern PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 1998 Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 1998, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk 190 APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D Hensley, City Attorney P \projects \451- 475 \ea456 -cc res RESOLUTION NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 Page 7 456