1998 MAY 30 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda. To facilitate your presentation, please place a check mark ✓ beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting. Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give: Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2:00 p.m. the prior Tuesday). The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REVISED ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SATURDAY, MAY 30,1998 - 9:00 A.M. Next Resolution # 4064 Next Ordinance # 1288 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilmember John Gaines ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - 1. Workshop Discussion of FY 98/99 Preliminary Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan. Recommendation - Discussion, direction to staff and possible action. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) ADJOURNMENT to 5:00 P.M., JUNE 2,1998 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. POSTED: DATE: ; TIME: // -kO A m NAME: 05- 30 -98.ag 2 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FISCAL YEAR 1998/99 BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING MAY 30, 1998 - 9:00 A.M. Time 9:00 -9:10 Call to Order, Pledge and Public Comments 9:10 -9:20 City Manager Introduction 9:20 -9:30 Finance Director Overview and Revenue Forecast 9:30 City Council 9:35 City Treasurer 9:40 City Clerk 9:45 City Manager 9:50 Economic Development 10:00 City Attorney 10:05 Human Resources 10:10 Finance 10:15 Nondepartment 10:20 Police (& Asset Forfeiture) 10:35 Fire 10:50 Recreation & Parks (+ Assoc. Rec. Activities & Props. A /C) 11:05 BREAK to observe Fire Relay at Civic Center Station #1 11:30 Library (+ Library Grant Funds) 11:40 Planning & Bldg. Safety (CDBG, Hyperion Mitigation & Res. Sound) 11:55 Public Works (Water and Facilities Maintenance) 12:10 Golf Course 12:25 Council discussion and possible direction to staff 12:55 Public Comment 1:00 Adjourn to June 2, 1998 to continue discussion of FY 98/99 Budget and Capital Plan POLICE FY1998/99 BUDGET OVERVIEW STAFFING: 69 Sworn (3 approved over -hires included)/ Current Staffing = 65 + 4 Vacant 39 Civilian (25 Authorized + 18 F/T Communications Center Employees *) 108 F/T (Includes:14 Dispatchers, 3 Dispatch Supervisor + 1 Admin.Analyst II) 5 FTE (9 PIT = 4 Cadets, 2 Cross. Guards, I Rangemaster + 2 Dispatchers *) 112.5 TOTAL AUTHORIZED COMPLIMENT * Dispatch Personnel ® 3 months only /Administrative Analyst II @ fuU fiscal year 1998/99 SUMMARY: GENERAL, FUND AIF TOTALS Salaries & Benefits: 8,135,022 367,110 8,502,132 Supplies & Services 1,397,453 175,622 1,573,075 Capital Outlays 0 203,994 203.994 TOTALS 9,532,475 746,726 10,279,201 OVERALL COMPARISON: (4.8% Increase / +$467,056) ----------------------------------------------------------------- PRIOR YEAR COMPARISONS GENERAL T FUND PRIOR YEAR COMPARISON FY97/98 FY98/99 Salaries & Benefits ( 4.3 %Increase1 +$336,400) 7,798,622 8,135,022 Reasoning for Change $211,416 (2.7% Increase) / Communications Center Staffing $124,984 (1.6% Increase) / ESPOA negotiated M.O.U. raises Supplies & Services (10.6 %Inereasel +$134,087) 1,263,366 1,397,453 Reasoning for Chang $132,235 (10.46% Increase) / 3107 Communications Center Capital Outlays ---0 0 TOTAL ( 5.2% Overall Increase/ +$470,487) 9,061,988 9,532,475 ASSET FOR EITURE (AIE) PRIOR YEAR COMPARISON: Salaries & Benefits (3.6 %Increase/ +$12,780) 354,330 367,110 Reasoning for Change: M.O.U. Increases for ESPOA Supplies & Services ( 7.1% Increase/ +$11,668) 163,954 175,622 Reasoningfor Change: $10,000 for R.O.A.D. Capital Outlays (12.0% Decrease/ - $27,879) 231.873 203,994 TOTAL (0.5% Overall Decrease/ - $3,431) 750.157 746 72 OVER sT L COMPARISON: (4.8% Increase / +$467,056) 9,812,145 10,279,201 GENERAL FUND INCREASES (OUTLINE) Salaries & Benefits / $336,400 Increase (4.3%) Supplies & Services / $134,087 Increase 00.6 %) • $132,235 00.46% Increase) / 3107 Communications Center (projected start-up costs) • $1,852 (0.14% Increase) / 3101 Administration Section (reductions not listed below) • 5204 Ergonomic chairs for records sections ($5,180) • 5206 Departmental computers - service & repairs ($1,575) • 5211 Crime scene & evidence equipment ($1,146) • 6203 Xerox leases & related charges / funds transferred from 6204 ($3,770) • 6208 Membership increases + So. Bay Training Committee Films Fees ($553) • 6213 All approved departmental requests/cancellations returned yearly ($3,285) • 6214 Parking ticket collection fee / CollecTech increases ($800) • 6215 New cell locks for City Jail ($4,532) • 6223 Computer software training / Non -sworn personnel ($3,050) • 6252 RCC Assessment / ESPD share of increase ($5,018) • 6254 Telephone usage, Livescan charges & PCS billing ($10,019) • 6278 Data links for West Covina P.D. ($1,835) • 6288 Frangible Training Cartridges for S.W.A.T. ($2,000) 40 �_ - I c - City of El Segundo -- 1988 -1999 Proposed Operating Budget Expenditure Summary Pct Total L Expenditures 0.3 0.3 ++ 0.4 ++ 0.6 0.8 + 1.0 0.8 ++ 3.5 ++ 5.3 -- 19.0 + 14.4 5.7 ++ 3.0 3.0 3.1 61.1 0.0 0.5 + 1.5 ++ 0.3 ++ 0.5 ++ 0.1 -- 0.0 2.4 ++ 0.2 - 0.2 0.0 -- 0.5 ++ 21.0 6.4 ++ 1.9 ++ 1.8 1.8 - 0.0 -- 38.9 100.0 Actual Revised Projected YE =FY98/99 Dollar Percent 3 Moo Ending FY96/87 FY87 /98 FY97/98 Change Ch ange 9/3oJ99 / Special Fund City Council City Treasurer City Clerk City Manager Economic Development City Attorney Human Resources Finance Non - Department Police Fire Recreation and Parks Library Planning and Bldg Safety Public Works $113,072 $155,999 $156,949 $161,306 4,357 2.8 $40,328 120,258 134,156 132,776 146,712 13,936 10.5 36,881 124,208 173,817 128,666 183,091 54,425 42.3 46,267 275,843 282,014 279,984 283,579 3,595 1.3 71,991 354,698 377,543 373,713 398,873 25,160 6.7 100,276 477,774 491,650 491,200 491,850 650 0.1 122,963 381,111 391,882 378,115 417,165 39,050 10.3 102,488 975,799 1,251,055 1,143,470 1,762,941 619,471 54.2 432,197 1,761,320 2,719,113 3,133,692 2,639,887 (493,805) (15.8) 649,618 8,306,750 9,061,988 9,058,967 9,532,475 473,508 5.2 2,710,518 6,309,070 6,904,404 6,991,235 7,217,586 226,351 3.2 1,931,549 2,407,279 2,603,924 2,598,360 2,871,522 273,162 10.5 805,093 1,270,056 1,412,837 1,418,707 1,487,651 68,944 4.9 437,497 1,394,369 1,558,810 1,527,645 1,510,606 (17,039) (1.1) 376,573 4,307,046 4,418,095 4,435,167 1,576,386 (2,858,781) (64.5) 1,136,353 28,578,653 31,937,287 32,248,646 30,681,630 (1,567,016) (4.8) 9,000,592 Operating Depts. Subtotals 482 224,509 560,129 95,321 152,340 91,648 5,791 240,422 139,396 100,320 175,684 98,471 10,724,361 2,683,681 751,659 1,598,088 1,385,757 1 5,776 19,033,835 600 230,370 750,157 118,500 159,306 101,867 15,000 1,856,385 108,206 97,078 173,156 182,000 10,496,234 2,915,128 565,519 897,550 765,921 1 20,012 19,452,989 600 215,378 477,840 118,500 159,535 100,691 14,477 683,385 117,778 97,078 1,304,710 183,696 10,495,024 2,708,446 564,519 878,550 1,022,632 20,012 19,162,851 600 233,885 746,726 155,484 235,464 42,418 15,000 1,188,513 110,389 98,538 0 239,250 10,520,881 3,201,666 952,950 903,550 880,988 7,000 19,533,302 0 18,507 268,886 36,984 75,929 (58,273) 523 505,128 (7,389) 1,460 (1,304,710) 55,554 25,857 493,220 388,431 25,000 (141,644) (13,012) 370,451 0.0 8.6 56.3 31.2 47.6 (57.9) 3.6 73.9 (6.3) 1.5 (100.0) 30.2 0.2 18.2 68.8 2.8 (13.9) (65.0)1 1.9 0 87,308 143,062 38,871 61,585 10,706 3,750 164,656 27,612 78,057 0 50,000 2,784,456 781,160 328,240 475,250 222,077 0 5,256,790 Gas Tax Fund Assoc. Rec. Activities Fund Asset Forfeiture Fund CDBG Fund Prop A Fund Prop C Fund Air Pollution Reduction Fund Res. Sound Insulation Fund Hyperion Mitigation Fund Assess. District 73 Fund Library COP Fund Facilities Maint. Fund Waterworks Fund Golf Course Fund Equip. Replacement Fund Liability Insurance Fund Wkrs. Compensation Fund Outside Services Trust Fund Special Funds Subtotals Totals $47 612 488 $51 390 276 $51 41 1 497 $50 214 932 ($1 196,565) (2.3) $14,257,382 " +" = over 5% increase; " + +" = over 10% increase = over 5% decrease; " - -" = over 10% decrease (Dollar and percent changes are proposed figures vs. projected year -end figures.) Courtesy of Councilmember Kelly McDowell 30- May -98 O .Z� . C5 . '0 to 0, 00 2 'CL.� 0 cl Z E, ca Clq ca got log =O cs C2 J!j Pb cc V 'd dwilo as cd a0 Q alcoa 14 2 46 8 Lq ­4 to 4) HIM 46 0. 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