1998 JAN 03 CC PACKETAGENDA JOINT EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING /BUS TOUR/WORKSHOP Saturday, January 3, 1997 - 9:00 a.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street Then, Mobile Workshop through E1 Segundo The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda. To facilitate your presentation, please place a check mark ✓ beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting. Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give: Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2:00 p.m. the prior Tuesday). The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. ADJOURNED MEETING AND JOINT BUS TOUR/WORKSHOP OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION SATURDAY, JANUARY 3,1998 - 9:00 A.M. 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California Then, Mobile Workshop through El Segundo CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Sandra Jacobs ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business On1X - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. 0 n01 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Joint City Council/Planning Commission public bus tour /workshop to view examples of the following proposed (Third Quarter) amendments to the General Plan, Zoning Code, and Local Coastal Program: 1) Mini - Variances, 2 -I) Detached Accessory Buildings and 2 -II) Accessory Buildings, 3) Residential Wall Heights, 4) Signs, 5) School Parking, 6) Coastal Development Permits, 7) TDR's - Transfer of Development Rights, and 8) Amplified Sound Permits; and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with CEQA. Environmental Assessment EA -419, General Plan Amendment GPA 97 -3 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 97 -3, Third Quarter Amendments. Applicant: City of El Segundo - (Citywide Amendments ) and Hughes Electronics (TDR's - Transfer of Development Rights). Recommendation - 1) Hold joint public bus tour /workshop; 2) Discussion; and, 3) Continue discussion to joint City Council/Planning Commission workshop /hearing on January 6,1998; and /or, 4) Other possible action /direction. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. ADJOURNMENT - It is anticipated that the meeting will be adjourned to Tuesday, January 6, 1998 at 5:45 p.m. POSTED: DATE: a 3-e 4 TIME: 0 rn NAME: " c: \01- 03 -98.ag 0 002 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 3, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Joint City Council /Planning Commission public bus tour /workshop to view examples of the following proposed (third quarter) amendments to the General Plan, Zoning Code, and Local Coastal Program: 1) Mini - Variances, 2 -1) Detached Accessory Buildings and 2 -11) Accessory Buildings, 3) Residential Wall Heights, 4) Signs, 5) School Parking, 6) Coastal Development Permits, 7) TDB's - Transfer of Development Rights, and 8) Amplified Sound Permits; and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with CEOA. Environmental Assessment EA -419, General Plan Amendment GPA 97 -3 and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 97 -3, Third Quarter Amendments. Applicant: City of El Segundo - (Citywide Amendments) and Hughes Electronics ( TDR's - Transfer of Development Rights). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Hold joint public bus tour /workshop; 2) Discussion; and, 3) Continue discussion to joint City Council /Planning Commission workshop /hearing on January 6, 1998; and /or, 4) Other possible action /direction. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On November 18, 1997, the City Council reviewed the proposed amendments to the General Plan, Zoning Code and Local Coastal Program. At that meeting, the Council directed staff to schedule a special joint Planning Commission /City Council public bus tour and workshop /hearing. The purpose of the bus tour, using the City's shuttle buses, is to view examples of the issues which have given rise to the proposed revisions to the Zoning Code. The bus tour /workshop is scheduled for today (January 3, 1998), and the workshop /hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, January 6, 1998. Staff has prepared a list of topics and locations of examples of each of the topics which will be visited on the bus tour. Due to the number of people on the tour and the capacities of the City's Shuttle buses, two buses will be required to accommodate all the participants in the workshop. In accordance with the advice of the City Attorney's office, in order to maintain conformance with the Brown Act, Staff will describe how each stop on the route illustrates the topic being considered in the General Plan Amendment and Zone Text Amendment. However, there will not be a quorum of either the Council or Commission on either bus so no deliberations may be conducted while on board the buses. Several stops along the route have been scheduled at which time all workshop participants will deboard the busses and meet for discussion of the sites just seen. At the conclusion of the bus tour, the Council and Commission will reconvene in the Council Chambers for additional discussion of the proposed amendments, if desired; and, adjournment of the bus tour /workshop to the joint public workshop /hearing on January 6, 1998. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Bus Tour Topic /Address list 2. Bus Tour Stop List 3. Bus Tour Route Map FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: None. Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: o riation Required - Yes No ORIGINATED: _ 7 _ Date: 22 December 1997 Bret B. 130rrArd,a, Dir ct f f Planning and Building Safety REVIEW : ,, /, I I Date: 7A _2 3 -T 7 ---- - - - - -- - -- AKEN: p:\zoning \ea419 \ea419 .ai 03 GPA/ZTA City Council/Planning Commission Staff Report January 3, 1998 DISCUSSION: Signs Since the previous Council hearing on December 2, 1997; and, subsequent to the Planning Commission's recommendation to limit the size of announcement signs to 100 square feet throughout the City, staff has received a request for an announcement sign larger than what the proposed Sign Code would allow. Pursuant to counsel from the City Attorney's office, this has led staff to recommend that City Council and Planning Commission review the proposed revisions to the Sign Code related to Announcement Signs to determine if the size of such signs should be treated the same on properties east and west of Sepulveda Boulevard. It may be appropriate to allow larger announcement signs east of Sepulveda Boulevard where new developments tend to be larger and roadways are wider than areas west of Sepulveda Boulevard. Thus, announcement signs east of Sepulveda Boulevard may need to be larger to be provide adequate visibility. It should be noted that announcement signs are intended as temporary signs to advertise a new business during the construction of the building or tenant improvements for the building in which the business will locate. The tour shall include opportunities to observe several announcement signs east of Sepulveda Boulevard. Parking Structures (Mini- Variance or Setback Modification) Staff would also like the Council and Commission to consider two different options for possibly permitting parking structures in the Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone to be located on a interior side property line or a rear property line, instead of maintaining a 25 foot and 5 foot setback, respectively, as currently required in the Zoning Code. The City has, in the past, through negotiated development agreements, permitted parking structures for Mattel Toys (333 Continental Boulevard), Continental Grand Plaza (300 -400 Continental Boulevard), and Continental Park Phase V (2361 -2381 Rosecrans Avenue) to construct parking structures without one or both required setbacks. The proposed developer (Morgan - Stanley) of the vacant land on the west side of Nash Street between El Segundo Boulevard and Mariposa Avenue may desire to construct parking structures on the west property line to facilitate the overall site development. One option staff would suggest be considered is including such a setback reduction as part of the proposed mini - variance procedure. Through a mini - variance, a developer could apply for a reduced setback specifically for a parking structure, without the burden of meeting all the findings required for a regular variance. Through this procedure, the City would retain the ability to insure the proposed setback would be compatible with surrounding development. The second option staff has developed would be to amend the setback requirements in the MU -N Zone to allow all parking structures to encroach into the setback. They could be treated similarly to how detached accessory structures are regulated in residential zones. In order to ensure compatibility with adjacent properties, staff would recommend that this method include a minimum distance between the proposed parking structure and buildings on abutting property, and that the required landscaping eliminated by the placement of the parking structure would have to be accommodated elsewhere on the property. pAzoning \ea419 \ea419 -3. ais 0 004 Bus Tour Topic/Address List (January 3. 1998) 1. 507 W. Walnut Ave. 2. 419 Whiting St. 3. 406 Virginia St. 4. 1400 E. Walnut Ave. 1. 514 Concord St. 2. 1304 E. Pine Ave. 3. 840 Loma Vista St. 4. 412 W. Walnut Ave. 5. 300 -400 Continental Blvd. (Continental Grand Plaza) 6. 333 Continental Blvd. (Mattel) 7. 2361 -2381 Rosecrans Ave. (Continental Dev.) Amplified Sound Permits 1. 143 Main St. (Anthony's Rest.) 2. 145 Richmond St. (Richmond Bar & Grill) 3. 115 Richmond St. (Old Town Patio) Description Attic windows visible Converted garage has been abated Converted workshop - windows and vents visible Multi -car garage and workshop Rebuilt porch to match existing front setback, but rear addition offset to meet 5' side setback instead of 4' Expand driveway from 32' to 37' for new garage Addition in front to match non - conforming 18' -6" setback Addition on east side to match non - conforming 4' -1" setback, instead of 4' -5" (10% of lot width) Parking structures on rear and interior side setback lines Parking structures on interior side setback lines Parking structures on rear and interior side setback Residential uses one and a half block to west Residential uses across alley to west Residential uses behind and across alley to west 1. 424 Virginia St. Fence on top of retaining wall 2. 328 Whiting St. Wall height between two homes 3. 1265 -1267 E. Maple Ave. Retaining wall and open work fence between homes 4. 1401 E. Palm Ave. Wall in street side yard setback School Parking 710 E. Grand Ave. &M St. Anthony's school parking 1. Sepulveda Blvd. Corridor Examples of rotating, animated, off -site, pole, and announcement signs 2. Rosecrans Ave. Corridor Off -site, pole, monument, and announcement signs 3. Main St. Corridor Roof and flashing signs Kr=i t= U I r • 1 Il 1. Edison Power Plant 2. Chevron Station 11�� I • • T O I • � ITUN111 1. 1700 E. Imperial Hwy. 2. 2020 -2060 E. Imperial Hwy Location of minor developments Location of minor developments Potential Donor Site Potential Receiving Site p: \zoning \ea419 \tour nn5 Address Bus Tour Stop List (January 3, 1998) 1. 143 Main St. (Anthony's Rest.) Description Amplified Sound Permits 2. 145 Richmond St. (Richmond Bar & Grill) Amplified Sound Permits 3. 115 Richmond St. (Old Town Patio) Amplified Sound Permits 4. 514 Concord St. Mini - variance 5. 424 Virginia St. Residential wall heights 6. 406 Virginia St. Detached accessory structure 7. 328 Whiting St. Residential wall heights 8. 419 Whiting St. Detached accessory structure 9. 412 W. Walnut Ave. Detached accessory structure 10. 507 W. Walnut Ave. Detached accessory structure 11. 840 Loma Vista St. Mini - variance 12. City parking lot @Main/Mariposa Stop for discussion 13. 710 E. Grand Ave. School parking 14. 1304 E. Pine Ave. Mini - Variance 15. 1401 E. Palm Ave. Residential wall heights 16. 1265 -1267 E. Maple Ave. Residential wall heights 17. 1400 E. Walnut Ave. Detached accessory structure 18. 1700 E. Imperial Hwy. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's) 19. 2020 -2060 E. Imperial Hwy. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's) 20. 2060 E. Imperial Hwy. parking lot Stop for discussion 21. Sepulveda Blvd. Corridor Signs 22. 333 Continental Blvd. (Mattel) Mini - variance 23. 300 -400 Continental Blvd. Mini - variance 24. 2361 -2381 Rosecrans Ave. (Continental Dev.) Mini - variance 25. Rosecrans Ave. Corridor Signs 26. 601 Vista Del Mar (Chevron) Coastal Permit Hearing Waiver 27. 301 Vista Del Mar (Edison) Coastal Permit Hearing Waiver 28. Main St. Corridor Signs 0 n1) 6 p:\zoning\ea4l9\tour.2 �c O M, I S o m 10 0 007