1998 APR 21 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon prupoiiy and listed agenda items. The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda. To facilitate your presentation, please place a check mark ✓ beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting. Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give: Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting na the Written Request Tuesday). the City request must City include Manager's of Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by p• prior general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meet P g. p g lease contact City Clerk, 607 -2208. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to artici ate in this accessibility , p Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 21,1998 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4056 Next Ordinance # 1287 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Dr. Harvey R. Kemp, United Methodist Church of El Segundo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Wernick PRESENTATIONS- Proclamation declaring Saturday, April 25, 1998 as "Super CPR Saturday" in the City of El Segundo and encouraging all residents to attend the Earthquake Preparedness Fair and CPR Training from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at El Segundo High School. 2. Proclamation declaring April 25, 19981asa d Arbor for trees, and honoring the young people of boDDl encouraging all citizens to recycle, p t our community for the important role they play in preserving Plant Earth. 0 0 ;? ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only- - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title onl . Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - 1. Cit Council meetin minutes of A ril 7 1998. Recommendation - Approval. 2. A Resolution reciting the fact of the General Municipal Election held on April 14, 1998, decla in the results. Recommendation - 1) Read by title only. 2) Adopt Resolution. 3) Presentation of Certificates of Election. 4) Swearing in of new Councilmembers. 5) Election of Mayor. 6) Election of Mayor Pro Tem. 7) Comments RECESS - Reception for outgoing and incoming Councilmembers ROLL CALL B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Proposed (Third Quarter) amendments (unfinished items) to the General Plan and Zoning Code: 1) Signs; and 6) Amplified Sound Permits; and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with CEQA. Environmental Assessment EA -419A, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 97 -3A, third quarter amendments. Applicant: City of El Se undo. Recommendation - 1) Open Continued Public Hearing; 2) Continue public hearing until June 16,1998; and /or 3) Other possible action /direction. P0,,,, I 2. Environmental Assessment 430 (Ee . Address � Development Agreement 98-1 (DA 98-1) for the Grand Avenue Corporate Center. Address: D151 555 North Nash Stree8. Applicant: Ms.r the Grand Avenue Corporate Center. Vicker II LLC (Mr. Grey Galusha for Moreau Stanley Real Estate Fund Inc.) Recommendation - 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Continue Public Hearing to May 5,1998. 3. Public Hearing to amend the City of El Segundo's 1997 -1998 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; consistent with County Community Development Commission (CDC) review, and modifying the Housing and Community Development Plan (HCDP). A total of $5,000 in previous program year's unspent CDBG funds is proposed to be added to Project D96660 -97, Juvenile Diversion, in order to maintain the existing level of services thmueh June 30 1998 Proposed new budget for Juvenile Diversion- $16 000. Recommendation - 1) Open public hearing; 2) Discussion; 3) Approve an increase in the budget for the CDBG Project, Juvenile Diversion (D96660 -97), from the original amount as stated in the Housing and Community Development Plan (HCDP) of $5,000 to $16,000 using previously unspent CDBG funds; and, nning and Building Safety to execute an amendment 4) Authorize the Director of Pla with the Community Development Commission (CDC) and the subrecipient (South Bay Youth Project /City of Redondo Beach), authorizing the increase of said project budget. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - Representation on Golf Course Subcommittee and on governing board of Independent Cities Risk Management Authority IC WA Recommendation - Discussion and appointment of representative(s). E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. Warrant Numbers 246430 - 246787 on Demand Register Summary Number 21 in total amount of $1.023,926.01, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $885 181.40. Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers from 04/01/98 to 04/14/98. 0 On05 2. Recommendation for the purchase and replacement of three vehicles to be funded by asset forfeiture and equipment replacement funds in an amount not to exceed $64.950.00. Recommendation - Authorize staff to purchase three vehicles as outlined in the staff report. 3. Designate three City staff positions to serve as the City's "Authorized Agents" for all state and federal disaster assistance applications. Recommendation - Approve "Designation of Applicant's Agent Resolution" form. 4. Resolution fixing the employer's contribution under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act at 100% for the agreed upon health insurance for retired employees of the El Segundo Firefighter's Association and their eligible dependents, to the maximum dollar amount being equal to the contribution made for current employees with coverage which is the same as that of the retiree, effective July 1, 1998. Fiscal impact: $43,725 average cost per ear. Recommendation - Adopt the required Resolution. 5. Award of contract for the Roller Hockey Rink in Recreation Park (contract amount = 54 999.00 . Recommendation - der, Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts Inc., in the 1) Award contract to the low bid amount of $54,999.00. 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard public works construction agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney. 6. Request to replace two (2) monitor /defibrillators. Fiscal impact: $22,000 from Equipment Re lacement Fund. Recommendation - Approve sole source bid for scheduled replacement of two (2) Physio- Control Lifepak 12's. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - Set Bud et Hearings and Wo rkshol2s and announce dates. Recommendation - 1) Review recommended dates; 2) Discuss alternatives; 3) Set budget workshops; and 4) Direct staff to advertise the budget calendar to promote public comment. 2. Schedule closed session meetin to discuss pending litigation. Recommendation - Schedule date, place and time for meeting. 4 r G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE I_ NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE J. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilwoman Jacobs - NONE Councilwoman Wernick - 1 Re on anu possible action. Recommendation - Discussion and 2. Direct staff to review routes for heavy truck load users, future planning, and recovery of costs for infrastructure. possible action. Recommendation - Discussion and p Councilman Gordon - NONE Councilman Gaines - NONE Councilman McDowell - NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have P City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. he c ncncil on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, received value of $50 or more to communicate to t must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable fer law, City's Real Property (Government Code Sec. 54960, et eq.) Act The City for the of confern g 5 ator• and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or ); and/or conferring errring with he City's Labor discussing Negotiator; , matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personne Negotiators; as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION BC 0341 g ode §54956.9(a)) - 1, City of Los Angeles v. County Sanitation Districts, LASC Case 2. In the Matter of the Application of City of Los Angeles, OAH No. L- 9604014 3. Hill v. City of El Segundo, do, LASC Case No. BC 985210 4, Hughes v. City of El Segundo, 5ATED(LI -I- potential cases (no further public NCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION ter CONFERS -.:.3--- mat Significant exposure to litigation pursuant ot of litigation 't Cd pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(c). statement is required at this time), USSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) - None. DISC None. WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code § 54957.6 ) - CONFERENCE 54956.8) -None. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code § REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: TIME: NAME: 04- 21 -9g.ag 6 r_0r'1S roclanYation (Citp of (ft %egwibo Catif ornia six million Americans have cardiovascular disease and over one million p hale WIIE-'REAS, Over ty die from the disease annually, and each year three hundred thousand cardiovascular emergencies; and Ninet -five percent of Americans who suffer cardiovascular emergencies r calls when ore V�IILRLAS, y reaching an emergeucyo O °asser-6y tca immediately start CPR; and family member, friend p WHEREAS, The El Segundo Fire Department and the American Red Cross ave historica illy provided exemplary emergency medical care and training, an continue with Super CPR Saturday; and WII - I'. REAS, The City of El Segundo is located near numerous faults which have the potential for producing devastating seismic activity that could cause extensive loss of life an property. This loss of life and properly can be greatly reduced appropriate earthquake quake damaging preparedness measures are taken before, during, and after a g g quake; and WHEREAS, Information about how residents may prepare for a significant earthquake held other disaster will be provided at the Earthquake Preparedness in conjunction with Super CPR Saturday on April 25, 1998• NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of El Segundo proclaims Saturday, April 25, hereby support the efforts of the El Segundo Fire 1998 as SUPER CPR SATURDAY and does y su communi CPR training and earthquake Department, American Red Cross and Chevron with h' Department, ment education at Super CPR Saturday and Earthquake Preparedness Fair at the El Segundo preparedness high School. 00009 U e ./�w,/zG l�/iei'2LG� �ar�iLCC�irta/��aiL�a�te �r�eai�r.�t Jov ��a �eirL p ���k WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS rocLamatiun �Cttp of (et J§egunbo cattf ornia Arbor Day was founded by J. Sterling Morton and first celebrated in the United States in 1872 as a special day for the planting of trees; and d Arbor Day has been observed in California since 1911 to enhance appreciation of the State's natural wonders, and the First Annual Community Arbor knowledge Day Celebration was celebrated in El Segundo in 1988; and a time to recognize the value of our community's trees that rol on, helplcons conserve this is prevent noise, absorb smells, produce life sustaining oxygen, p ener and water, increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business gY areas, and beautify our community; and El Segundo youth launched the One In A Million national campaign WHEREAS, trees planted by to empower one million youth to dedicate one million service hours to planting one million trees by year 2000; and WHEREAS, Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 to draw attention to the eno rronm {natal perils facing earth and our responsibility in creating environmental n p NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of El Segundo hereby proclaims April 25, 1998 as ARBOR DAY and EARTH DAY in El Segundo, and g themselves to hometown environmental encoura es all citizens to rededicate quality by recycling, planting and caring for trees, and honoring the young people of our community for the important role they play in preserving Planet Earth. ppni 0 ✓�v ��a mein /�wnc� 711Mrza44 �au✓�ca�uso�r�a2�a�erieciz �aur2cc�irLan Fain 7 e.1,(On �aurtca�ina2 ✓ ✓�as�an MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, April 7, 1998 - 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jacobs at 5:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilman Mike Gordon ROLL CALL Mayor Jacobs Mayor ProTem Wernick Councilman Gordon Councilman Weston Councilwoman Friedkin - Present - Present - Present - Present - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total.) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $25o. NONE CLOSED SESSION: The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation; and /or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel); and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a)) - City of Los Angeles v. County Sanitation Districts, LASC Case No. BC 034185 In the Matter of the Application of City of Los Angeles, OAH No. L- 9604014 Hill v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC 030986 Hughes v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. BC 185210 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(b): -2- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time); Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(c): -3- matters. DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) - None. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957.6) - None. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956.8) - None. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT at 6.55 P.M. Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk 04- 07- 98.5pm 1 Q 0'' i j 001112 04- 07- 98.5pm MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4053 Next Ordinance # 1287 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jacobs at 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION - Rev. G. Kevin Taylor, Saint Michael's Episcopal Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilman Mike Gordon PRESENTATIONS - 1. Proclamation declaring April 19 -25, 1998 as National Library Week in the City of El Segundo and encourage all children and adults to visit their library and thank a librarian for making this unique and wonderful institution possible. Barbara Pearson, Director of Library Services, received the Proclamation from Councilman Weston. ROLL CALL Mayor Jacobs - Present Mayor ProTem Wernick - Present Councilman Gordon. - Present Councilman Weston - Present Councilwoman Friedkin - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on beha f of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. Four (4) individuals addressed Council 1. Liz Garnholts, ESAN &SC; spoke regarding early turns and the reporting of complaints., and suggesting attendance at the Planning COmmission meting for the Morgan - Stanley hearing. 2. Lacy Cook, requested for El Segundo Cub Scout Pack 968C City support and the closure of Grand Avenue from Arena to Eucalyptus on July 11, 1998 for the annual Cub Adventure Soapbox Derby Race from Noon to 5:00 p.m. (Fiscal Impact: $406.00). MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wemick SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to approve the request by El Segundo Cub Scout Pack 968C for City Support and the closure of Grand Avenue from Arena to Eucalyptus on July 11, 1998 for the annual Cub Adventure Soapbox Derby Race from noon to 5:00 P.M.. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 1 0091 3 3. Tom Cover, El Segundo Plating; spoke regarding EPA and stated that business who had previously been in business before the formation of the EPA were suppose to be grandfathered, and receive no further costs. City Manager, Jim Morrison responded, Mr. Cover had not followed the reporting procedures to the County or paid the required fees. EPA mandates that the City publish a list of business's that out of compliance. The cost to the City to publish this is more than Mr. Cover's fees. Councilman Weston stated that failure to file the paperwork makes a business or a City out of compliance. He further stated that he was not sure what Mr. Cover was requesting. Mr. Cover stated that the Fire Department inspects his business for a fee of $412.00, he further stated that for small businesses the fee should be adjusted. He also stated the Federal Government said that if no changes were made to the process of the business, no fees would be charged. 4. Terry Cerretto, spoke to the request of the Wall of Honor, subcommittee of the Recreation and Parks Department to add the names of employees who have lost their lives in the service of the City, he requested Council to take action on this item because he could not remain at the meeting.. ITEM TAKEN OUT OF ORDER FROM LATER ON THE AGENDA 2. Wall of Honor Committee of the Recreation and Parks Commission recommendation for Council approval of dedication ceremonies to be held on Tuesday, May 5, 1998 at 4:00 p.m. to recognize those City employees who have given their lives in the line of duty. Council consensus to approve of the recommendation of the Wall of Honor Committee of the Recreation and Parks Commission to recognize those City Employees who have given their lives in the line of duty, and to schedule Tuesday, May 5, 1998 at 4:00 P.M. for the dedication ceremonies to be held. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS 1. Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin SECONDED by Councilman Gordon to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 City Attorney Mark Hensley announced the settlement agreement Siadek v City of El Segundo YC 025264. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - 1. A Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of El Segundo to adopt Resolutions that provide schedules of fees for hazardous waste inspections and review of Risk Management Plans (RMP), as approved in Ordinance 1280, an Ordinance of the City of El Segundo amending Title 2, Chapter 6.21 of the El Segundo Municipal Code relating to the establishment of a Chemical Accidental Release Prevention Program. Fiscal Impact: an estimated $40,000 in cost recovery. 2 0001'' Mayor Jacobs stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of El Segundo to review a proposed schedule of fees for hazardous waste inspections and review of Risk Management Plans (RMP), as approved in Ordinance 1280, an Ordinance of the City of El Segundo amending Title 2, Chapter 6.21 of the El Segundo Municipal Code relating to the establishment of a Chemical Accidental Release Prevention Program. Fiscal Impact: an estimated $40,000 in cost recovery. She asked if proper notice was done and if any written communications had been receive. Clerk Mortesen stated that proper notice was done in a timely manner and no written communications had been received by the Clerk's Department. One individual addressed Council. Mr. Covers comments were added to the Public Hearing. Mr. Morrison stated that bringing the process into the City will be to Mr. Covers advantage and the City will be able to work with small businesses. He further stated that the proposed fees are a guideline provided by the County and if the City finds that it is either more or less expensive to conduct the inspection, staff will return to Council and adjust the fees. Mr. Morrison stated this will be agendized in 6 months, and again in one year for Council and Staff to review the actual costs. Council consensus to close the public hearing. City Attorney Mark Hensley read the following: RESOLUTION NO. 4053 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF FEES TO RECOVER THE COSTS TO IMPLEMENT A CHEMICAL ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION PROGRAM.. MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin SECONDED by Councilman Gordon to adopt Resolution No. 4053, adopting a schedule of fees to recover the costs to implement a chemical accidental release prevention program.MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 City Attorney Mark Hensley read the following: RESOLUTION NO. 4.54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF FEES TO RECOVER THE COSTS OF SERVICES OF IMPLEMENTING AND PROCESSING HAZARDOUS WASTE APPLICATIONS AND PERMITS. MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin SECONDED by Councilman Weston to adopt Resolution No. 4054, adopting a schedule of fees to recover the costs of services of implementing and processing hazardous waste applications and permits. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 3 001,)J ,:� 2. Public Hearing on Environmental Assessment 438 (EA -438) and Precise Plan (98 -1) [First Amendment to Precise Plan 74 -05 (PP 74 -05)] to allow the reconstruction of the former Security Pacific Bank Building for a child care facility and temporary classrooms use (for 6 months) at 2270 East El Segundo Boulevard. Applicant: Ms. Laura Peterson - Bright Horizons. Property Owner: Kilroy Realty, L.P. Mayor Jacobs stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a Public Hearing on Environmental Assessment 438 (EA -438) and Precise Plan (98 -1) [First Amendment to Precise Plan 74 -05 (PP 74 -05)] to allow the reconstruction of the former Security Pacific Bank Building for a child care facility and temporary classrooms use (for 6 months) at 2270 East El Segundo Boulevard. Applicant: Ms. Laura Peterson - Bright Horizons. Property Owner: Kilroy Realty, L.P. She asked if proper notice was done and if any written communications had been received. Clerk Mortesen, stated that proper notice was done in a timely manner by the Planning & Building Safety Department and one written communications, which has been copied to Council, has been received. Director of Planning & Building Safety, Bret Bernard gave a brief staff report. No individuals addressed Council Council consensus to close the public hearing. City Attorney Mark Hensley read the following; RESOLUTION NO. 4055 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING PRECISE PLAN 98 -1 (PP- 98 -1), THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 74 -05, AND CERTIFYING AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA -438 TO ALLOW THE RETROFIT OF THE FORMER SECURITY PACIFIC BANK BUILDING FOR USE AS A CHILD CARE FACILITY. ADDITIONALLY, THE REQUEST INCLUDES APPROVAL TO OPERATE TEMPORARY CLASSROOMS ON THE SITE TO ACCOMMODATE 25 TO 40 CHILDREN. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wernick SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to adopt Resolution No. 4055 approving Precise Plan 98 -1 (PP 98 -1) the first amendment to Precise Plan 74 -05, and certifying an Environmental Assessment EA -438 to allow the retrofit of the former Security Pacific Bank Building for use as a child care facility. Additionally, the request includes approval to operate temporary classrooms on the site to accommodate 25 to 40 children. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - 1. Proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to re- designate a portion of the property at 1215 -1227 East Mariposa Avenue from Single - Family Residential (R -1) to 4 oonis Two - Family Residential (R -2); and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with CEQA. Environmental Assessment EA -435, General Plan Amendment GPA 98 -1 and Zone Change ZC 98 -1. Applicant: Andrew Wallet. Council received the letter of withdrawal of applications from the applicant, Council took no action, they received and filed the letter. D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - 1. Oral Report by Kelly McDowell, on behalf of the Investment Advisory Committee, of the status of the Committee's activities and annual adoption of the City's Investment Policy. Kelly McDowell, member of the Investment Advisory Committee reported on the status of the Committee's activities. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wermck SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to adopt the Investment Policy proposed by the Investment Advisory Committee. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 2. Wall of Honor Committee of the Recreation and Parks Commission recommendation for Council approval of dedication ceremonies to be held on Tuesday, May 5, 1998 at 4:00 p.m. to recognize those City employees who have given their lives in the line of duty. ITEM TAKEN OUT OF ORDER EARLIER IN THE MEETING. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrant Numbers 246133 - 246429 on Demand Register Summary Number 20 in total amount of $600,671.94, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $192,097.69. 2. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN WESTON. 3. Quarterly Reviews by Thomas, Bigbie & Smith of the City's investment policies and transactions for the quarters ending September 30, 1997 and December 31, 1997. 4. Request for the City Council to reject all bids for the purchase of a sixty -five foot telesquirt. 5. Leased Water Rights - Bid No. 98 -02.1n light of the fact that no bids were received, authorize the Director of Public Works to negotiate with any interested parties regarding lease of adjudicated water rights. 6. Acceptance of the construction of a storm drain system in Sierra Street, Maple Avenue and Lomita Street, Project No. PW 94 -4 (final contract amount = $246,280.00). �1 0017 7. Agreement No. 2593, between the City of El Segundo and Continental Development Corporation (CDC) for maintenance of the crosswalk signal and indemnification for the valet drop -off island in Nash Street, north of Rosecrans Avenue. (No fiscal impact). 8. Authorize a payment of $54,382.00 to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works for the City- County Arena Drain Project. 9. Adoption of specifications for replacement of existing underground storage tanks and installation of a fuel management system for the City Maintenance Facility at 150 Illinois Street. 10. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY MAYOR PROTEM WERNICK. 11. Approve Change Order No. 1 to Insituorm Southwest, Inc., in the amount of $30,368.75 for the repair of an existing 12" sanitary sewer main in an easement west of Main Street between Oak Avenue and Maple Avenue. MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin SECONDED by Councilman Gordon to approve Consent Agenda numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 2. Council meeting minutes of March 17, 1998. MOVED by Councilman Weston SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to approve the minutes of March 17, 1998 with changes. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 10. Award of Contract No. 2594 for Plunge Pool Deck Surfacing, Project No. PW 97 -23 Contract No. 2594. to Sunset Floors, Inc. (contract amount = $21,785.00). MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin SECONDED by Councilman Gordon to approve Contract No. With Sunset Floors, Inc. In the amount of $21,785.00 for plunge pool deck surfacing, Project No. PW 97 -23. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - 1. Authorize payment in the amount of $10,295 to Astrum Energy Services, LLC for the tasks it has undertaken pursuant to the contract and close the contract. MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin SECONDED by Councilman Gordon to authorize payment in the amount of $10,295 to Astrum Energy Services, LLC. and to close Contract No. 2532. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Don Reagan, Astrum Energy Service, spoke regarding the study and their desire to continue when a plan is formulated. 6 00r) G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE J. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilman Gordon - NONE - Councilman Weston - 1. Presentation by North American Power regarding deregulation of electricity. Reginald Henry, North American Power, discussed deregulation of electricity. He further explained the possible cost savings that could be realized on City owned meters. Joe stated that they charge 1% of the purchase. Councilwoman Friedkin - Spoke regarding the meetings she has attended and reported on the proposed amendments of the SLAG, Aviation sub - committee (RTP) transportation issues. Southern California task force, FAA public meeting on Airport Noise April 28, 1998 at the El Segundo High School. Request Council to support Harvey Holden, Airport Projects, attending meetings. Mayor Pro Tern Wernick - Spoke on the 310 area code conversion, the South Bay Cog has petition on behalf of the 310 change. Transportation and Planning meeting, and the need to build infrastructure of the streets. Agendize for the May 5, 1998 meeting the use of heavy load users and our streets. Mayor Jacobs - Mayors Good Friday Breakfast at the Hacienda Hotel, 7:30 A.M. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. No individuals addressed Council. MEMORIALS Paul A. Green CLOSED SESSION NONE ADJOURNMENT at 9:-30 P.M. 7 00019 EL SEGUNDO'CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Special Order of Business: AGENDA DESCRIPTION: A Resolution reciting the fact of the General Municipal Election held on April 14. 1998, declaring the results. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Read by Title only 2) Adopt Resolution 3) Presentation of Certificates of Election 4) Swearing in of new Councilmembers 5) Election of Mayor 6) Election of Mayor ProTem 7) Comments INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The regularly scheduled Municipal Election for Council held on April 14. 1998. The City Council needs to declare and determine that (2) Councilmembers were elected. DISCUSSION: ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Resolution, City Clerk's Office (Final Resolution to be provided Tuesday April 21, 1998) FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project /Account Budget: Project /Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required -Yes No ORIGINATED:,, Date: April 16, 1996 Cindy Jamey W. Morrison, City Manager ACTION TAKEN: mi's 0 01� �21 11) RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 14, 1998, DECLARING THE RESULT AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW. WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election was held and conducted in the City of El Segundo, California, on Tuesday, April 14, 1998, as required by law; and WHEREAS, notice of the election was given in time, form and manner as provided by law; that voting precincts were properly established, that election officers were appointed and that in all respects the election was held and conducted and the votes were cast, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Election Code of the State of California for the holding of elections in general law cities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 4047 adopted November 4, 1997, the City Clerk canvassed the returns of the election and has certified the results to this City Council, the results are received, attached and made a part hereof "Exhibit A." NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the whole number of ballots cast in the precincts except absent voter ballots and provisional ballots was That the number of absent voter ballots cast in the City was , the whole number of provisional ballots cast in the City was , making a total of ballots cast in the City. SECTION 2. That the names of persons voted for at the election for Members of the City Council are as follows: CITY COUNCIL Kelly Mc Dowell John Gaines Jane Waag Friedkin SECTION 3. That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the City to each of the persons above named for the respective offices for which the persons were candidates are as listed in Exhibit "A" attached. and SECTION 4. That the City Council does declare and determine that: were elected as Members of the City Council full term of fours years; co "1n 1 SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall enter on the records of the City Council of the City, a statement of the result of the election, showing: (1) the whole number of ballots cast in the City; (2) The names of the persons voted for; (3) The number of votes given at each precinct to each person; (4) The total number of votes given to each person. SECTION 6. That the City Clerk shall immediately make and deliver to each of the persons so elected a Certificate of Election signed by the City Clerk and authenticated; that the City Clerk shall also administer to each person elected the Oath of Office prescribed in the Constitution of the State of California and shall have them subscribe to it and file it in the office of the City Clerk. Each and all of the persons so elected shall then be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. SECTION 7, That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 21st day OF April, 1998 Sandra Jacobs, Mayor City of El Segundo, California ATTESTED: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) APROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Proposed (Third quarter) amendments (unfinished items) to the General Plan and Zoning Code: 1) Signs; and 6) Amplified Sound Permits; and, a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts in accordance with CEQA. Environmental Assessment EA -419A, and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 97 -3A, third quarter Amendments. Applicant: City of El Segundo. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Open Continued Public Hearing; 2) Continue public hearing until June 16, 1998; and /or 3) Other possible action /direction. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On November 18, December 2, January 3, 6, 20, February 3, 17, and March 3, and 17, 1998, the City Council held a continued public hearing on the above referenced project. On March 3, 1998, the City Council introduced Ordinance No. 1286 to amend the following sections of the City's General Plan, Zoning Code, and Local Coastal Program: 1) Mini - Variances, 2 -1) Detached Accessory Buildings and 2 -II) Accessory Buildings, 3) Residential Wall Heights, 4) School Parking, 5) Coastal Development Permits, and 6) TDB's - Transfer of Development Rights. (Ordinance No. 1286 was adopted by the Council at the March 17, 1998 meeting). At its March 3, 1998 meeting, the Council directed staff to continue the discussions on Signs and Amplified Sound Permits. The City Attorney requested that the Council hold their discussion and decisions on abandoned signs so that he would have time to review two issues with staff. These issues have, as yet, not been resolved. The Sign Code cannot be adopted without provisions for abandoned signs, as State law requires an inventory and abatement of illegal and abandoned signs within a certain time frame after the adoption of new sign provisions. Staff requests that the discussion be continued for further review by staff and the City Attorney. Additionally, Council requested that Planning staff work with the business community and residents impacted by the Amplified Sound Permit regulations and develop consensus on a proposal to revise the regulations. Staff and the Council envisioned possibly a tiered process with time and decibel limits, with flexibility to exceed the standards a certain limited number of times per year. On March 20, 1998, staff met with the operators of several downtown restaurants and one local resident to discussed the proposed revisions to the Amplified Sound Permit regulations and to receive input on the amplified sound /entertainment needs of the businesses. Staff requested that the businesses try to develop an "average" operational plan of amplified entertainment needs of the restaurants which could become the basis for a baseline number of amplified sound permits that might per permitted. Staff is requesting that the Council continue the discussion of Amplified Sound Permits until June 16, 1998 in order to give staff, the business community, and residents additional time to meet and reach a consensus on revisions to the Amplified Sound Permit regulations. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ORIGINATED: Bret B. Bernard, AI REVIEWE 13Y: A ACTION TAKEN: l� Planning and Buildi Date: 10 April 19vb Date: zy , l G p:\zoning\ea419a\ea419a.ais n0e,," -2 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL w. •rr -■ L+TATCRACMT A�.7G17YM 1 1 a.m v � r. MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business - Public Hearing AGENDA DESCRIPTION: _ Environmental sAssessment 1555 North Nash)Streett Agreement ker II1,L LC (Mr. Greg Avenue Corporate Stanley Center. Address. 1 Real Estate Fund, Inc.) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Open Public Hearing; and, 2) Continue Public Hearing to May 5, 1998. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The proposed project is the construction of a mixed -use development, the Grand Avenue Corporate Center, on approximately 23 acres of vacant land on the west side of Nash Street, between Mariposa Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard. The project includes 5 project areas, ranging in size from approximately 3 to 6.6 acres, with two conceptual (alternative) development plans, Plan A and Plan B. Plan A includes approximately 1.15 million square feet of office, research and development, and hotel (200 room) uses, with ancillary restaurant, retail, service, and other uses. Plan B includes approximately 732,892 square feet of office, research and development, day care, and hotel (1 -150 room and 1 -200 room) uses, plus a sports training and recreational facility, all with ancillary uses similar to Plan A. Proposed development ranges from 1 to 6 stories in height with F.A.R.'s from approximately 0.42:1 to 1.48:1. The site is designated in the City's General Plan and zoned as Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N). The following applications are proposed. Environ 1 w��e�cmant ago (EA 430 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQAI - A Mitigated 1) Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts is proposed for this project pursuant to the requirements of CEQA. The public review and comment period for the Environmental Document extends from March 3, 1998 to April 1, 1998, and the agency review period ends on April 3, 1998. 2) Development Agreement 98 -1 (DA 98 -11 - An 8 -year agreement to allow flexibility in the Zoning Code development standards, such as allowing the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.), landscaping, setbacks, etc. standards to be exceeded on individual parcels, although it is anticipated that cumulatively the entire project will meet the Zoning requirements. The Development Agreement, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis for the Development Agreement require review and recommendation of the Planning Commission and final action by the City Council. It is presently anticipated that the City Council will also take final action on the Final Vesting Map No. 52427 at its first meeting in May. DISCUSSION: See attached page. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: N/A Capital Improv. Budget: N/A Amount Requested: N/A None. Project/Account Budget: N/A - Project/Account Balance: N/A Date: N/A Account Number: N/A Project Phase: N/A Appropriation Re uired -Yes No ORIGINATED: Date: 13 April 1998 Bret B. Bar ard, icP, D ector of Planning and Building Safety Date: REVIE E BY: Jam . ornson City Manager ACT N TAKEN: lion DISCUSSION: for The Public Hearing for this item was r noticed on A ril 9n 1998. The Planning Comm ss on has nott yet t ken finalaaction Commission would take action on the p ) P on their recommendation, which is now anticipated on April 23, 1998. Therefore, Council is not yet able to act on the request, and staff recommends a continuance. 00025 2 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Order of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Public Hearing to amend the City of El Segundo's 1997 -1998 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; consistent with County Community Development Commission (CDC) review, and modifying the Housing and Community Development Plan (HCDP). A total of $5,000 in previous program year's unspent CDBG funds is proposed to be added to Project D96660 -97, Juvenile Diversion, in order to maintain the existing level of services through June 30, 1998. Proposed new budget for Juvenile Diversion: $16,000. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Open public hearing; 2) Discussion; 3) Approve an increase in the budget for the CDBG Project, Juvenile Diversion (D96660 -97), from the original amount as stated in the Housing and Community Development Plan (HCDP) of $5,000 to $16,000 using previously unspent CDBG funds; and 4) Authorize the Director of Planning and Building Safety to execute an amendment with the Community Development Commission (CDC) and the subrecipient (South Bay Youth Project/City of Redondo Beach), authorizing the increase of said project budget. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The City of El Segundo, utilizing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, provides a juvenile diversion program which offers "at- risk" youth therapeutic counseling services. This program, now in its fifth year of operation, provides approximately twenty to thirty youth more than 400 counseling service hours annually. DISCUSSION: Prior to the City receiving a public service waiver from the CDC for the 1997 -1998 Program Year, the CDC reported to HUD in its Housing and Community Development Plan (HCDP) that the original budget for Juvenile Diversion (D96660 -97) was $5,000. Once the waiver was granted, the CDC authorized contract documents between the City and the CDC to reflect the post- waiver amount of $11,000, without formally correcting the federal HCDP. Thus, since the City now wishes to increase the Juvenile Diversion Project budget, a formal public hearing must be held to document the substantial increase in the project budget from the originally reported amount of $5,000 to the new, requested amount of $16,000. The Juvenile Diversion Project has operated since July 1, 1997, with a total budget of $11,000. Due to an unexpected increase in the number of El Segundo youth requiring juvenile diversion counseling services, a budget shortfall has resulted. As of February 28, 1998, a total of $10,840 has been expended for services provided since July 1, 1997. A balance of only $160 remains. Thus, in order to continue the Juvenile Diversion Project through the remainder of the current program year (June 30, 1998), it is necessary to increase the existing project budget by $5,000. Previously unspent CDBG funds will be used to amend the project budget. No general funds will be required. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1) Public Hearing Notice FISCAL IMPACT: CDBG funds only. (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: No General Funds Amount Requested: $5,000 required. Project/Account Budget: $11,000 Project/Account Balance: $160 Date: 2/28/98 Account Number: 111 -400- 2747 -6214 Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes No ✓ ORIGINATED: Date: 31 March 1998 Bret B. rnard, A CP, D' e*Plann1ing and Building Safety REVIE Y: Date: 4 -4 -� Man N TAKEN: 1 p: \cdbg \juv- div.ais n -- -W-11 6- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. NOTICE TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES. DATE: Tuesday, April 21, 1998 TIME: 7:00 PM PLACE: City Council Chambers 350 Main Street El Segundo, California NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of El Segundo will hold a public hearing at the time and place indicated above on the following: 1. An Amendment to the 1997 -1998 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Project D96660 -97, Juvenile Diversion ern, The City Council of the City of El Segundo will hold a public hearing to receive citizen input on an amendment to the current 1997 -1998 Community Development Block Grant Program, specifically Project D96660 -97, Juvenile Diversion_ The amendment will increase the budget for Project D96660- 97, Juvenile Diversion, from the original amount, as stated in the Housing and Community Development Plan, of $5,000 to a new amount of $16,000. The increase in the funding level is necessary to accommodate an increase in the demand for juvenile diversion services. Brit ernafd AICP Dire tlilding of Pla ning and B afety City of El Segundo Posting Date: March 20, 1998 n Signature - Al I a A M Time. m p: \cdbg \notices \juv- div.nph 0011`?7 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Committees, Boards & Commissions AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Representation on Golf Course Subcommittee and on governing board of Independent Cities Risk Management Authority ( ICRMA). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Discussion and appointment of representative(s). INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: It has been the custom for Council to make appointments to internal and external committees, commissions and boards, Council subcommittees, regional agencies and other organizations at the Council's first meeting in May. However, it is necessary to make appointments to the Golf Course Subcommittee and the ICRMA as soon as possible, since both have meetings scheduled prior to the first meeting in May. The Golf Course Subcommittee will be addressing the 1998 -99 budget for the operators. ICRMA has a luncheon meeting in Redondo Beach on April 22, 1998 and a meeting/training session scheduled for its elected representatives April 23 -25, 1998 in Cathedral City. It is important for the City to be represented at those meetings. Attached is a form of resolution for appointment of a representative to the ICRMA. Council has the option to appoint a primary member (an elected official), an alternate member (who may be a staff person) and/or a substitute alternate (who may be a staff person). At its May 15, 1996 meeting, City Council determined to only appoint a primary member and an alternate member. The alternate member appointed was Eunice Kramer, Finance Director, who currently serves on ICRMA's Finance Committee. DISCUSSION: ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Form Resolution for ICRMA appointment FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No TED: TAKEN: staffrp.fm Date: April 15, 1998 00028 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TO APPOINT SPECIFIC REPRESENTATIVES TO THE INDEPENDENT CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, the City of EL SEGUNDO is a member of the Independent Cities Risk Management Authority; and WHEREAS, the Amendment to Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for Insurance and Risk Management Purposes dated July 9, 1997, and the Risk Management Committee By -Laws require that an elected official be appointed by resolution to the Governing Board of the Authority, and an alternate be appointed by resolution to act in the primary member's absence and a substitute alternate be appointed by resolution to act in the primary and alternate members' absence; and NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: Section 1. That the City of El Segundo appoints The Honorable to serve on the Governing Board of the Independent Cities Risk Management Authority. Section 2. That the City of El Segundo appoints Eunice Kramer to serve on the Governing Board of the Independent Cities Risk Management Authority in the absence of the primary member noted in Section I above. Section 3. That the individuals previously designated by this Council as the City's representative and alternate to the ICRMA Governing Board, are hereby confirmed and designated as the City's delegate to the ICRMA Governing Board for all purposes of representing the City's interests and exercising the authority of the City with respect to the Coverage and the program and voting on behalf of the City on all matters delegated to the Governing Board and signing such amendments as are contemplated to be approved by the Governing Board under the Liability Risk Coverage Agreement and the Trust Agreement, and such individuals shall keep this Council informed of such matters on a timely basis. Section 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. ATTEST: City Clerk ri0;� ^� I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 21 st day of Aril, 1997 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk sAicrmares.wpd 2 Council Members: Council Members: Council Members: oon.�r -a oa o� o r m � w N Q� LL I J J O W 0. CL 0 W ¢ 0 2 D LL Z V' J W < 0 H 0 J r w r W z o< cr Y OE u N s n > cx E Cc �W o d V LL � w I OC W u Z O z ¢ Z d s ¢ Z Y L 2 W LL S C ,1 :;,NTED N U.S � r A ;41 R I it I : I R R A � i1 R 7 R I R A R W 9 I S I I i R I I B r E 1 12 r R S: e 8 a e B e$ E 2 :. k C S { I 7 � I I it I I v1 M a0 N O N � o 04' N N � O pp .� 6M pp�p7 „i AAyypW RG77 N N I l N OED pro W f^jm 0 o 0-0 .- Q ♦0, frymN R1 1 NMWN�C1Lflo� tl1�Eh��o Ov oM FNOIMF O OD OdM V!J maiv oul F 0 00% a 11cu m -- t7��00 'O O, CO NF F � Cu o a FM YI0r : MFEjwcu {NIA N N M u 0 MME+ F N WWWWWW N N N I o u o t r C ++ 10 C r C V O > L C u +� « .+ .. \ L a w 7 s • � yam, r S* • N M r 7 Oy y1 � A U• � N ] r A« L z w a N C 6 r O c �+ •� O � O LL � w Y� h C • M \ .A. f- � •-• •• o L A Y ■• A■ o A C ul ++ A G • �+ • P > •.+ • w = I LL • > r • M Y 'yIF ul A r V c H W W O > A 7 •• Z L C N C •• M 1.: p V -A A 1 ++ I 7 A M M O 3 c L « rl w 2 IwW I 6 c.+ „ a= u -. c 0: < > 2 M G O a Y M V • -. « .. C a u +t .. - r i « Z D O O U 7 Y u �« • L M O C Y w o L z I I .~i CL.1 L • V ZOLL7 F= «Zi L 7 O A u A L> •• 7 O M7r -�"O"Z .. W> » +� O 7- • A « •+« • M C O �+ ❑NLL<M►-O V Z O Z V K Z W LLU. 13 c C 7 r w F+� L L L -� �. • +� r •• •> U A V 2 3n I-Q9 Ww2jJ <- - -W ¢L OCt <N FI- • ■ u M • A • d L • • LL Ix Er O EY O < 1- W Zf LL Z Er 01 i0 G Y 3 c 3. M • M t1O6. t�I NE! -0 O j,,.W < >LL Er Er • O Y ■ t O L • M.+ c • ❑< ••z ••►- pErZr- zLL 1-f- o �- L u n> c n ] c 2 1- W< m + LL - W �+ L •+ C U L C • W O • i O A • O LL N LL CI lz -j0L Z 1-Lt/f JN Z •+ �+ 0: O > V W W J J • r O O • P a • G > L a• D tl K U U M C < 1+ 0• • 7 2 W ••� 1- O H I m m r w • • M L O O + • G • v A U •+ M • r •+ J0w 4 <L4OO =J►1OO (0 CI« U O C « r Q s � M .. I UI < u J Z �••� ❑ 0 2 2 A r A r L C \ r +1 a ! A r• L M • L •.� r r L y Or W C� �wl- 1- aC fA F- W mY C u +t • Y U W Y« >r C-+ W 2 <0000xIL WLL WW W�•+�^IWLL U1LLUHJ <Er WW LLLL O A U C! C C C A c Y A c WI-yy NZ%01• Nd «O — XX L • Y T Y •• L O V ■ C r• • UNS6LL Eq2= <u W 30 J3 W W C ] U L PA P C Pi « CL w N r n L • r o Y 7 *,.-*a v r W A q r U W -� r •^+ « C L cn o c - ,Doc, N v OFmwz0;pq NM NM F- W L L 7 O.Y L CL ] ■ ! Q 0000.- .----- 40000aQoo 0 c Z ;0 O w P ■ P •• > ■ C.� O >• C f- F < at Z • O L C A O L i• L A A Q< C « EC u] O LL u O • L M a = C 1 Q (A 3 M .r q �• ( J n n M U II Q LL > O w Ca O yI Z ` < W K IL II w u L ❑ L I I V w O LL O u LL' O > LL < m n 1 ' O 1� CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 04/01/98 THROUGH 04/14/98 Date Payee Amount Description 4/3/98 IRS 136,834.70 Federal Payroll Taxes P/R # 20 4/3/98 Emp, Dev. Dept. 25,581.92 State Payroll Taxes P/R #20 4/8/98 Federal Reserve 200.00 Employee bond purchase P/R # 20 4/8/98 Healthcomp 6,649.98 Weekly eligible claims 4/7/98 4/10/98 W.B.M.W.D. 695,914.80 Water purchase - February 98 4/10/98 Wells Fargo 20,000.00 To fund Workers Comp Account 885,181.40 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 04/21/98 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by : City Treasurer . ,A,V� Finance Direct City Man r _ U 885,181.40 Date - �//VZ 28, Date �Z/V-z _ Date q-1 Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Recommendation for the purchase and replacement of three vehicles to be funded by asset forfeiture and eauioment replacement funds in an amount not to exceed $64,950.00. COUNCIL Authorize staff to purchase three vehicles as outlined in this CTION AND BACKGROUND: The Police Department currently maintains several unmarked vehicles for use by various officers in "undercover" operations. The majority of these units are similar in body style and color making it difficult to conduct effective surveillance. Three vehicles in the fleet have been identified as exceeding their effectiveness. Unit 4301, a 1981 Ford van, was purchased during the 80/81 fiscal year. This vehicle is heavily rusted and in a general state of disrepair. Unit 4395, a 1991 Buick Regal, has in excess of 70,000 miles and is beginning to show wear not suitable to surveillance type driving and activities. Unit 4396, a 1992 Pontiac Grand Prix, has in excess of 96,500 miles and its maintenance costs exceed the normal range. Jack Hilton of the Equipment Maintenance Division has examined the three vehicles. He has recommended that Unit 4301 be replaced due to its heavily decayed state. Further, he has recommended that Unit 4396 be retired from the fleet due to its high mileage and current maintenance record. Mr. Hilton is of the opinion that Unit 4395 could be retained and used by police personnel under less demanding conditions. It is recommended that City Council authorize staff to purchase three replacement vehicles and maintain Unit 4395 in the police department fleet to be used as an administrative vehicle. (Continued) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Price quote sheet for sample vehicle prepared by Investigative Division. FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: X Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $64,950.00 Project/Account Budget: $46,000 Equipment Renl cmnt/$21 0690 Accat Fnrf Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: 601 -400- 3101 -8105 and 109 -400- 3105 -8105 Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No X ORIGINATED: Date: oo ,.?' nd, Chief of BY Morrison, City Ma N TAKEN: Date: (Continued) Staff recommends the purchase of a sports utility type vehicle, a van, and a full size sedan. These types of vehicles will more easily blend in when personnel are conducting surveillance activities. It is further recommended that staff be authorized to purchase these vehicles from a rental car agency. Jack Hilton has been consulted and is supportive of such a purchase. Benefits to purchasing a used vehicle with low mileage are: • Price is lower than that of a new vehicle • Vehicles carry full manufacturer's warranty with a complete maintenance history provided • Vehicles will not accumulate significant mileage annually • Vehicles will still have monetary value at the end of 3 -5 years when due for replacement Any vehicle authorized as outlined above would be fully inspected and have their service records reviewed by the Equipment Maintenance Division prior to final purchase. It is recommended that City Council authorize staff to purchase a sports utility type vehicle, a van, and a full size sedan from a rental car resales dealership thereby necessitating the suspension of the normal bid process for this purchase. Total purchase price of three vehicles not to exceed $64,950. $21,650 to be funded through asset forfeiture fund, and the remaining $43,300 to be funded through the equipment replacement fund. By authorizing this purchase a significant savings will be realized and vehicles compatible with current requirements will be purchased in a timely fashion. 0003 ' H a A F, o0 o� 00 c� 00 C. N W O O O A w U °o o ON, o O N N N [� d9 6A 69 O � tn tn b9 69 b9 W U O N M a W It �o 00 M v1 O O� 0� 601) 641� W W W p0 W C%3 U W U b 0 � W GQ a�i ai a�'i z a cd o C's M 'm V o td r 4 ai o N 4r � 44 r V ai v� A y a�i V u CWT 3 0q W3 4) H a m 00005 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Designate three city staff positions to serve as the City's "Authorized Agents" for all state and federal disaster assistance applications. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve "Designation of Applicant's Agent Resolution" form. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The State Office of Emergency Services has requested all cities in the state of California to designate three Authorized Agents by title only. Individuals who hold these positions are authorized to sign any documents that are required when requesting federal and state assistance for disaster response and mitigation activities. In the past, cities were required to adopt an Applicant Agent Resolution for each disaster. If the attached Resolution is approved, we will only have to submit the names of those who currently hold the designated positions for all future disaster assistance applications. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Designation of Applicant Agent Resolution. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ORIGINATED: Date: April 21, 1998 Susan Duenas, Disaster Preparedness Coordi t John Gilbert, Acting Fire Chief REVIEWED BY: Date: James W. Morrison, City Manage ACTION TAKEN: 0 0n�F State of California P.A. No. OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council OF THE City of E1 Segundo (Governing Body) (Name of Applicant) THAT City Manager OR (Title of Authorized Agent) Finance Director OR (Title of Authorized Agent) Fire Chief (Title of Authorized Agent) is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of El Segundo , a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, this application and to file it in the Office of Emergency Services for the purpose of obtaining certain federal financial assistance under P.L. 93 -288 as amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, and /or state financial assistance undo/ the Natural Disaster Assistance Act. THAT the City of El Segundo , a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, hereby authorizes its agent(s) to provide to the State Office of Emergency Services for all matters pertaining to such state disaster assistance the assurances and agreements required. Passed and approved this 21st day of April , 1998 (Name and Title) (Name and Title) (Name and Title) CERTIFICATION duly appointed and of (Name) (Title) do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and approved by the of the on the (Governing body) (Name of Applicant) day of , 19 Date: (Official Position) (Signature) DES Form 130 (10/97) DAD Forth 0 0IJ7 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Resolution fixing the employer's contribution under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act at 100% for the agreed upon health insurance for retired employees of the El Segundo Firefighter's Association and their eligible dependents, to the maximum dollar amount being equal to the contribution made for current employees with coverage which is the same as that of the retiree, effective July 1, 1998. Fiscal Impact: $43,725 average cost per year. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Adopt the required Resolution. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Board of Administration requires the City to file annual Resolutions reflecting any changes in the City's contribution for employees and annuitants under the Public Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act. DISCUSSION: The PERS Board requires that a separate Resolution be adopted for each specified employee unit or group of employees. Under the Act, the premiums for the various health plans will normally be adjusted effective January 1 st of each year; changes in the City contribution, if applicable, are also normally effective January 1st. The current dollar amount maximum City contribution for retired members of the Firefighter's Association is $132.67 /month. The Current Memorandum of Understanding contract provisions with our Firefighter's Association, and approved by Council on July 1, 1997, provides that the City will pay 100% for the agreed upon health insurance for retired employees of the El Segundo Firefighter's Association and their eligible dependents, to the maximum dollar amount being equal to the contribution made for current employees with coverage which is the same as that of the retiree, effective July 1, 1998. The current dollar amount for active members of the El Segundo Firefighter's Association is $406.00 /month. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Resolution FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No X ORIGINATED: Date: April 8, 1998 Bob Hyland, Director of Human Res ces /Risk Managei !] T agenda.277 Date: 00038 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING THE EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT FOR RETIREES OF THE EL SEGUNDO FIREFIGHTER'S ASSOCIATION AND THEIR ELIGIBLE DEPENDENTS WHEREAS, Government Code Section 22825.6 provides that a local agency contracting under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act shall fix the amount of the employer's contribution at an amount not less than the amount required under Section 22825 of the Act, and WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo, hereinafter referred to as a Public Agency is a local agency contracting under the Act for participation by members of the City's Firefighters' Association: NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the employer's contribution for each retiree and their eligible dependents shall be the amount necessary to pay the full cost of his /her enrollment, including the enrollment of his /her family members in a health benefits plan, to the maximum dollar amount being equal to the contribution made for current employees with coverage which is the same as that of the retiree, effective July 1, 1998. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21 st day of April, 1998. ATTEST: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney res- med$drt Sandra Jacobs, Mayor of the City of El Segundo 00039 lle-,g 7 �- 0 0� EL SEGUNDO FIREFIGHTER MEDICAL NAME ASSOCIATION MONTHLY PREMIUM 398 MONTHLY MAXIMUM 256 256 398 314 338 272 348 239 182 398 398 182 157 242 169 348 91 132 256 126.35/14.6_ .65 CITY PAID 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 136.50 DIFF 119.50 119.5- 0 261.50 177.50 2.01.50 135.50 _211.50 1. 02.50 45.50 261.50 261.50 45.50 20.501 105.50 32.501 211.50 0.00 0.00 119.50 201.50 6/12/97 RSR RETIREE 1 AILES BENTON DORSEY 256 256 512 314 338 272 348 239 182 489 512 182 157 2 3 4 DYPWICK INGRAM JOHNSON LAKE McELIUM NEWMAN 5 6 7 8 9 10 O'BRIEN SANT 11 12 SCHMIDT 13 SEMNACHER 14 SEWARD 242 15 SHAW 169 16 SPRATLEN 348 91 17 STUTHARD 18 WATKINS 132 19 WILBANKS 20 WOODCOCK ` __256 338 _ 338 2,6341 31,608 00040 FFARMED.XLS Page 1 FFA (2) Z_/z,7 ��� -� o n v C m m O m m v < m Z NO D Z in n o in O N N l S O O p a W W i N a N 0 N m O O O V N W 0 W N A p� to W J A N 0 0 8 J N W W (O N m lD A ?1 Or O N ZS 8 p o S Ot Omt N N A{�� t0 N a of O N g S S 10 W N O O OI a O N O N $ 0 8 N J W _ W 0 N p� V ID V a A J N W 0 0 $ P m W 0o N L" W (J 1p CD a tp N N AA O co S W w W t0 W N pW� Oo N U1 O o4 8 IWJ 10 N _ S S S Ql 01 N t� W 0 ra N O O S W f0 1J0 1� N m W _ N boo NN O S V1 Of N 8 8 S W W N N N tD 1p O N N S S 8 D G1 ac 0 O D cn ;1 -4 in A tmJ 0 A W N J NNl _ m fJ NNO t0 A w t3 N a,8& 0 �ae a g W lD i � 24 V 2e be de A N O N m� J a PQ O 2e a ae g ae W m N W O N W 2e W ae 2Oe ae m rl J V m DQ N 8 0 O V aR ;a Imo 2e O 2e 2E 2Q En N tb Engm N 24 IWO de 24 de c" 888 W N ag m aR zt A � J 2e v aR 22 2Q D O n NN � 8 v O 2e 81 D4 d' 2Q NW tD A Oo N W N in A in m in m 3 in V X r O in in O n Q cn W4 s N W p v n pm N d` O 2 T m C 0 (P m D z T O A m v v < Mom m vN N r m , m to z p O a a' b 2 z m -I no in A w t3 N a,8& 0 �ae a g W lD i � 24 V 2e be de A N O N m� J a PQ O 2e a ae g ae W m N W O N W 2e W ae 2Oe ae m rl J V m DQ N 8 0 O V aR ;a Imo 2e O 2e 2E 2Q En N tb Engm N 24 IWO de 24 de c" 888 W N ag m aR zt A � J 2e v aR 22 2Q D O n NN � 8 v O 2e 81 D4 d' 2Q NW tD A Oo N W N in A in m in m 3 in V X r O in in O n Q cn W4 s N W W Ol W a pm N d` O 2 2e 2e 2e b n 0 N vN N N W m O a a' b 2 29 d� w a,8& 0 �ae a g W lD i � 24 V 2e be de A N O N m� J a PQ O 2e a ae g ae W m N W O N W 2e W ae 2Oe ae m rl J V m DQ N 8 0 O V aR ;a Imo 2e O 2e 2E 2Q En N tb Engm N 24 IWO de 24 de c" 888 W N ag m aR zt A � J 2e v aR 22 2Q D O n NN � 8 v O 2e 81 D4 d' 2Q NW tD A Oo N W N in A in m in m 3 in V X r O in in O n Q cn W4 s zt A � J 2e v aR 22 2Q D O n NN � 8 v O 2e 81 D4 d' 2Q NW tD A Oo N W N in A in m in m 3 in V X r O in in O n Q cn W4 s EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Award of contract for the Roller Hockey Rink in Recreation Park (contract amount = $54,999.00). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Award contract to the low bidder, Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts Inc., in the amount of $54,999.00. 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard public works construction agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On March 3,1998, the City Council rejected all bids received on February 17, 1998 and authorized staff to re- bid the project. DISCUSSION: On April 7, 1998, the City Clerk received and opened the following bids: Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts $54,999.00 Century Paving $83,600.00 Hondo Company $102,800.00 Engineer's Estimate $83,000.00 Malibu Pacific has recently completed several projects at Recreation Park and staff is satisfied with their workmanship and responsiveness. Malibu Pacific has also constructed roller hockey rinks for other agencies similar to the one proposed for Recreation Park. Staff recommends award of contract to Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts in the amount of $54,999.00. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: ►G.' Yes $54.999.00 $75.000.00 $67.500.00 Date: 4/7/98 301 -400- 8202 -8388 Award of construction contract No 00042 NACOUNCIUPW-APR21.01 (Monday 4/13/98 2:00 pm ) EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AUMNUA Ur -bUKIF I IUN: Request to replace two (2) monitor /defibrillators. Fiscal impact: $22,000 from Equipment Replacement Fund RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve sole source bid for scheduled replacement of two (2) Physio - Control Lifepak 12's INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The Fire Department Emergency Medical Division /Paramedics request permission to replace two (2) vital pieces of Advanced Life Support equipment, the monitor - defibrillators used by the Paramedics for emergency cardiac care. The current equipment does not provide patient care consistent with the new Standing field Protocols which require paramedics to function more independently without establishing base hospital contact. DISCUSSION: The monitor - defibrillators' replacement was scheduled in anticipation of the implementation of Standing Field Protocols. The rationale for purchasing the two (2) units allows both Rescue Ambulance Units to function with the same equipment and meet current Standing Field Protocols. Both of the existing monitor - defibrillators are currently scheduled for replacement in this Fiscal Year. The Paramedics are familiar with the Lifepak units and have been using Lifepak units since the Lifepak 5 series (1992). Lifepak units are a recognized Los Angeles County standard. Additionally, the Lifepak 12 comes with non- invasive pacing; 12 lead ECG /EKG analysis capabilities; a built -in pulse oximeter (SPO2) for monitoring a patients oxygen intake; and a large well lighted screen for improved monitoring of cardiac rhythms in the field. There is one other monitor - defibrillator unit manufactured by ZOLL Medical Corporation. While this unit is a capable monitor - defibrillator, it does not have comparable capabilities of the Physio - Control Lifepak 12. It is for this reason that the Fire Department recommends foregoing the bid process and purchasing two (2) Physic - Control Lifepak 12 units. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Physio - Control Quote FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: X Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $22.000 Project/Account Budget: $21.173 Project/Account Balance: $21.173 Date: 4/3/98 Account Number: 601 - 400 - 3203 -8104 Project Phase: Appropriation Re uired - Yes_ No X ORI INATE Date: Joh W Gilbert, Actin Fire Chief RE BY: Date: ��Ws . Morrison, City Manaqer ACTION TAKEN: 00041 r February 20, 1998 John Bibee Paramedic Coordinator El Segundo Fire Department 314 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 -0000 Dear John: Thank you for your interest in PHYSIO— CONTROL products. I have enclosed literature and information on our Battery Support System 2 and LIFEPAK 12 defib /monitor products for your evaluation. PHYSIO— CONTROL has long been the leading manufacturer of portable monitor /recorder /defibrillator packages, having many years of proven performance and expertise in this field. Our equipment is preferred by a majority of hospitals and cardiac —equipped ambulance services due to its reliability, ruggedness, and simplicity of operation. Warranty information, terms, and conditions are stated on the back of the quotation. Only factory — trained professionals work on your equipment. We offer a 24 —hour, 7—day a week response to service calls. If necessary, loaners are provided for the life of your equipment, at no charge. As your requirements arise, I welcome the opportunity to visit with you to further discuss your needs. In the meantime, if you have any questions or if I can be of service in any manner, please do not hesitate to call me at 800 - 442 -1142 x2204. Sincerely, Nj<-o �1 to Mike Varosky Account Consultant PHYSIO — CONTROL CORPORATION II& Enclosures(s) Quotation #: CLB5283068 -A To: John Bibee Page #: 1 Paramedic Coordinator Quote Date: 2/20/98 El Segundo Fire Department 314 Main Street Sales Representative: Mike Varosky El Segundo, CA 90245 -0000 800- 442 -1142 x2204 PHONE: 301 - 607 -2285 FOB • Redmond, WA Shipping: 60 -90 Terms: Net 30 Days This quote is firm until: 4/21/98 Part # Description X Unit Price Total 1. LP12 LIFEPAK 12 defib /monitor 2 $7,995.00 $15,990.00 Includes manual and automatic external defibrillation, 3 lead ECG cable, QUIK- COMBOTM therapy cable, 50mm printer, 2 sets QUIK -COMBO electrodes, 3 pack ECG electrodes, 3 rolls 50mm paper, operating instructions (Batteries and case not included). 1 year warranty on parts and labor. 2. Pacing Option for the LIFEPAK 12 2 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 3. Sp02 Option for the LIFEPAK 12 (requires 2 $1,250.00 $2,500.00 pacing installed) Includes 4 ft. cable and sensor sample pack. 4. 3009375 FASTPAK 2 battery with fuel gauge 8 $135.00 $1,080.00 Rechargeable nickel- cadmium 5. BSS2 Battery Support System 2 2 $1,650.00 $3,300.00 Includes power cord and operating instructions (Batteries not included) 6. 3011086 -00 Basic carrying case 2 $99.00 $198.00 For the LIFEPAK 12. Includes shoulder strap and right pouch. 7. 3011087 -00 Back Pouch -Small 2 $29.00 $58.00 Continued next page... CLB Quotation #: CLB5283068 -A To: John Bibee Page #: 2 Paramedic Coordinator Quote Date: 2/20/98 El Segundo Fire Department Sales Representative: Mike Varosky 314 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 -0000 800 -442 -1142 x2204 PHONE: 301 - 607 -2285 FOB • Redmond, WA Shipping: 60 -90 Terms: Net 30 Days This quote is firm until: 4/21/98 Unit Part # Description PAy price Total 2 - $1,250.00 - $2,500.00 2 - $500.00 - $1,000.00 $22,626.00 2 $250.00 $500.00 2 $460.00 $920.00 $3,500.00 ca�14 � CLB Continued... 8. Trade -in value for LIFEPAK 10 defib /mon/pace 9. Trade -in value for battery support system TOTAL THIS QUOTE Optional products: 10. 3009086 -03 Adult Finger Sensor- DS100A 1 sensor can be purchased with each LIFEPAK 12 unit with Sp02 11. 3006228 Standard Hard Paddles 1 pair, for use with the LIFEPAK 12 defibrillator /monitor Discounts: Discount 2 - $1,250.00 - $2,500.00 2 - $500.00 - $1,000.00 $22,626.00 2 $250.00 $500.00 2 $460.00 $920.00 $3,500.00 ca�14 � CLB EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: City Manager AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Set Budget Hearings and Workshops and announce dates. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Review recommended dates; 2) Discuss alternatives; 3) Set budget workshops, and 4) Direct staff to advertise the budget calendar to promote public comment. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On February 17, 1998, Council directed staff to proceed with the proposed budget calendar as presented, and to develop a 15 month preliminary budget and other necessary actions to change the fiscal year end from June 30, 1999 to September 30, 1999. At that time no specific dates were established for budget workshops since the availability of Council members would be uncertain until the April election. DISCUSSION: Staff has proceeded accordingly and now recommends the following calendar of events for May -June. We have endeavored to consider other critical public hearings that may extend the regularly scheduled meetings, the Memorial Day holiday, the time limits needed to insure accuracy in our comprehensive document detail, and the importance of proceeding in May and June to secure public comment and proceed with adoption before the beginning of the fiscal year. Proposed Action City Manager's Preliminary Budget Presentation and Overview; Finance Director's Presentation of Long Range Forecast & Revenue Assumptions. Budget Document Available to Public; Budget Highlights Presentation. Budget Workshops (Presentations by Department Heads on Proposed Expenditures). Public Hearing on Budget Adoption. Continued Public Hearing and Adoption of Budget. Recommended Dates May 5 (Tuesday, regular Council Meeting) May 19 (Tuesday, regular Council Meeting) (A) May 27, 28 (Wed. & Thur.) (B) May 30 (Saturday) (C) June 1, 2 (Monday & Tuesday, Tuesday being a regular Council Meeting) June 2 (Tuesday, regular Council Meeting) June 16 (Tuesday, regular Council Meeting) Alternatives A, B, and C for workshops each would provide the Council a sufficient opportunity to review the detailed expenditure document prior to the budget workshops while still assuring that the presentations will be completed prior to the June 2 Public Hearing. Should the Council choose option C (June 1, 2), it might be appropriate to reschedule the Public Hearing to June 9 or an alternate date (June 3 -11), so that input can be finalized for adoption June 16th. (DISCUSSION CONTINUED) Staff recommends that the Council 1) Review recommended dates; 2) Discuss alternatives A, B, C, or other dates; 3) Set budget workshops, and 4) Direct staff to advertise the budget calendar to promote public comment. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: None ORIG NATED: Date: Eunice Kramer, Finance Di ctor BY: Date: . Morrison, City AC ION TAKEN: 0 0011P w ;• d��e ;s :N3)IVI N0113V �a9t,ut,y� 110 `uost.0 sa 8661 `91 I?Jdd :04a(3 :a31 JI O ON —saA - peilnbeb uol;eladoiddd :aseLld ;aafoad :aegwnN ;un000b :a ;ea :eouelel3 ;unoaod /Ioafoad :;a6png ;un000d/;oa(oad :pa;senbaa ;unowV : ;a6pn8 •no.idual le ;ldea : ;e6pn8 6ul;eaad0 (euo 3loaya) UOVdWl 1`daSl:l :S1N3WflOOa JNIIHOddns a3HaVllV :NOISSfIaSla :aNnomE ovs aNV N0uona0211N1 •2ui;aaui .io3 auxi; put, aaeld `a;t,p alnpailaS :N0110`d 11aNf100 a3aN3WW033M •uoi ;t,0i;il gutpuad ssnasip o; But;aauz uotssas pasola alnpailaS :N0Ildlll3S3a VaN3E)V -Ia5t,uVW fI!D :JNIa`d3H baN3Jd 1N3W31`d1S W31I vaN3!DV 8661 `IZ I?jdV :31va JNI133W 11ONf100 Ain OaNnE)3S 13 o Seqwnl Inter - Departmental Correspondence TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council THROUGH: James W. Morrison, City Manager 3 FROM: Bret B. Bernard, AICP, Director of Planning and Building Safety DATE: 30 March 1998 SUBJECT: Report and Recommendation for Zoning (Code) Text Review Process on an Annual Basis [New Business and Reports - Mayor Pro -Tem Wernick] At the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of 18 February 1998, Mayor Pro -Tem Nancy Wernick asked for "consideration for Zoning (Code) text review once a year rather than quarterly, similar to the (City's) CIP program and (the) budget." The Council directed Staff to subsequently discuss the topic with the Mayor Pro -Tem, who would then readdress the topic at a later City Council meeting. In speaking with the Mayor Pro -Tem, staff was asked for several pieces of information. These items included: the City Council Staff Reports which pertained to the (then) proposed Quarterly Zoning Code Amendment Program; the 'excerpt' Minutes from those Council meetings; and, a tally, by "sector", of how the various Amendments had been proposed. The first two sets of items are attached, and the tally follows below. As requested, the summary below indicates how many of the General Plan (GPA), Zoning Code text (ZTA) and map (ZMA) Amendments were proposed by each "sector" (Council, staff, etcetera): Amendment Proposals GPAs ZTAs ZMAs Total (s) City Council 6 18 2 26 Planning Commission 1 2 0 3 Planning staff 3 21 1 25 City Attorney 1 5 0 6 _ Other 1 1 0 2 IJ Total(s) 12 47 3 62 GPA, ZTA, ZMA Memo. Date: 30 March 1998 page #2 Each of these proposals were subsequently reviewed, if only preliminarily, by the City Council prior to their 'formal' initiation and then first review by the Planning Commission. As the Council is aware, only it can initiate consideration of a General Plan or Zoning Code (text or map) Amendment. Attachments: City Council Staff Reports — 05 November and 17 December 1997. City Council (excerpt) Minutes — 05 November and 17 December 1997. xc: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Tom Altmayer, Assistant City Attorney Laurie B. Jester, Senior Planner PAMEMOSIBBUTA- ANN.MEM /bbb 51 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT DA M.. ING DATE: 05 November 1996 AGENDA HEADING: New Business - City Manager Consideration of a Quarterly Zoning Code Amendment Program; and, Review of Initiated and Proposed General Plan and Zoning Code Modifications. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Review and discuss the proposed Quarterly Zoning Amendment Program; and, provide direction to Staff regarding the order of review for the previously initiated or proposed General Plan, Zoning Code text and Map amendments. BRIEF SUMMARY: Quarterly Zoning Code Amendment Program During its recent review of a number of initiated text changes to the City's Zoning (Municipal) Code, the City Council requested an update regarding the status of a number of other Zoning Code text and Map Amendments, and General Plan modifications which had either been formally initiated' or 'proposed" for consideration. ['initiated' being those modifications which had been formally considered by the Council, and a majority of whom deemed it appropriate to proceed with the amendment process.; and, 'Proposed' being those amendments suggested by some party (a City Council member, the Planning Commission, Staff, et cetera) but which had not yet been fully considered and received consensus from the City Council to forward to the Planning Commission for formal processing — these appear in bold on the attached list.] In gathering together the suggested modifications into a comprehensive list, it became apparent that — even if the City Council deemed each of the proposals appropriate for consideration by the Planning Commission — they all could not be processed all at one time given their number and complexity. In addition, as the Council knows, given the number of amendments processed over the course of the last several years, it has become increasingly difficult to keep track of which modifications were still under consideration, which had been passed but were not yet in effect, or which had become law. Given these factors, Staff proposes that the City Council may wish to consider an avenue for consolidating and perhaps better processing the City's Zoning Code amendments. (Continued on the second page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: List of Future GPAs, ZTAs, and ZMCs, 24 October 1996 (ed.). FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Unknown Amount Requested: S 0.00 Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes _ No X TED: Bret r nd Date: 28 October 1996 Date: /0'0 1 *'0i 5� city Council Report — Zoning Code Amendments, ... ste• 17 ecemb r 1996 BRIEF SUMMARY (continued): are delineated rt changes bold he ZTAs, and Z W t m uld be The City processed. need to review and determnewhi if not all of the propose As the aforementioned 'List' indicates, Staff has preliminarily organized the proposed inflated and proposed Amendments n suggested a responsible agencies. Council dire o�h regard o the appropriate *prioritization", q artterfor, the initiated General Plan and Zoning City Code Amendments. After receiving these City's General Plana d Zoning lCode; and hopefully. present the packet fgrecommended Quarter Amendments changes to these documents to the Planning Commission in January. Staff will also provide regular 'updates' to the City Council on the status of the inflated Amendments and the Quarterly Program itself. p :%AGENDAS%ZC.GUART.CC2 /bbb page 2 ()005 � LIST OF FUTURE GPA'S, ZTA'S, AND ZMC'S (Edition: 24 October 1996) The following is a cumulative list of topics for future General Plan Amendments, Zoning Code Text Amendments and Zoning Map Changes, either "initiated" or "proposed" the requestee appears in ( ): 1. General Plan Amendments 1 st Quarter 1. Establish provisions for Transfer of Development Rights (Hughes Electronics). 2. Split the Mixed Use land use designation to Mixed Use -North and Mixed Use -South at El Segundo Blvd. (Council). 3. Study modifications of Palm Avenue in Circulation Element (Council). 4. Change land use designation for Edison R -O -W south of Holly/ Washington from Open Space to Smoky Hollow Mixed -Use (Council). 5. Update Open Space Element related to the golf course (Staff). 6. Encourage /Discourage drive - thru's in certain land use areas (Council). 2nd Quarter 1. Change land use designation for a portion of Thrifty property at Standard /Grand from Smoky Hollow Mixed -Use to Downtown Commercial (Staff). 2. Incorporate Public Works Water Conservation Plan (City Attorney, State Law). 3rd Quarter Revise non - conformity language in Land Use Element (Council). 4th Quarter 1. Use of current traffic counts instead of 1988 baseline traffic counts (Staff). 2. Provide goals for "granny" housing (P.C.). 3. Modification of other Sepulveda access streets (Circulation Element). ;10154 Il. Zone Text Amendments 1 st Quarter 1. Revise standards for video arcades for less than 8 machines (Council). 2. Create distance requirement for service stations from residential uses (Council). 3. Revise 10% parking reduction in Smoky Hollow (Council). 4. Revise height limits along Sepulveda Corridor and east of Sepulveda Blvd. (Council). 5. Create zoning standards for new MU north and south zones (Council). 6. Establish provisions for Transfer of Development Rights (Hughes Electronics). 7. Revise standards for residential wall heights to limit fill to less than 6 feet; and, investigate alternatives for measuring structure heights (reference natural, finished grades, etc. (Council, Staff). 8. Revise Subdivision Code (Title 19 of ESMC) to increase maximum approval period for tentative subdivision maps to 5 years (Staff). 9. Revise inconsistency in height limit bonus for lot consolidation between the MM Zone (10 feet) and SHSP (15 feet)(Staff). 10. Clarify only City Council, not the Planning Commission, can initiate ZTA/GPA (City Attorney). 11. Allow /prohibit drive- thru's in certain land use areas (Council). 12. Clarify language regarding appeals of Planning Commission items -- Code stipulates 10 days (Staff, City Attorney). 13. Require a Conditional Use Permit for cellular antennas west of Sepulveda Blvd. and limit to specified zones (Council, Staff). 2nd Quarter 1. Create standard for pedestrian access for outdoor dining in private walkways (Staff). 2. Revise the parking standards for high schools and adult schools (Council). 3. Revise requirements for Parking Demand Studies (Council). 4. Revise Sign requirements, including political signs (Chapter 20.60) (Staff, City Attorney). 5. Move Sound Transmission Control (Chapter 20.58) to Title 16 of the ESMC and revise standards (Staff). 6. Revise off -site parking covenant requirements (Section 20.54.080) to provide a time limit for the covenant (City Attorney). 7. Limit number of Amplified Sound Permits per address annually (Staff). K nP, n, 5 r 8. Revisions to provide a minimum street side setback of 20 feet for garages in R -1 and R -2 Zones (Council). 9. 20.20.025 - (R -1) - Prohibit toilets and potentially prohibit sinks in accessory buildings. No "R" occupancy (UBC) in accessory buildings (Staff). 3rd Quarter 1. Create mini - variance procedures (Staff). 2. Revise non - conforming uses (Chapter 20.70) (Council). 3. Mansionization/Livable Neighborhood revisions (ie. heights, setbacks, encroachments, porches, and wall modulation/encroachment lines) (Staff, P.C., Council). 4. Public Hearing Waiver for minor Coastal Development Permits (Staff). 5. Revise standards for residential curb cuts and driveways to decrease width (Council). 6. Revisions to provide a time limit to bring non - conforming uses Into conformance (Council). 7. 20.08.020 - "Accessory" Definition - Require accessory buildings to be "internally integrated and connected" with the main building to be considered part of the main building (Staff)., 4th Quarter 1. Reorganize General Provisions (Chapter 20.12) (Staff). 2. Revise R -2 Front/Rear Setbacks. (Council). k q ' yfi 3. Revise landscaping requirements for front and street side setbacks for residential property (Staff). E° 4. Revise Subdivision Code consistent with State Law five (5) year - approval (Staff).' 5. Develop standards for "granny" housing (P.C.). 6. Initiate merger of 25 foot wide lots or rezoning vacant parcels to Open Space (Council). 7. Revise standards for legal second units In the R -1 Zones consistent with State provisions (Council. City Attorney). 8. 20.20.020 K 1 and 2 - (R -1) - Requires Mobile and Manufactured homes be certified to 1974 Manufacturing Housing Codes and Title 25 California Health and Safety Code. Move to Chapter 16 for Building Safety to enforce (Staff). 9. 20.20.025 - (R -1) - Permitted Accessory Uses. Combine A and B which lists the types of permitted uses and their limitations (Staff). A 3 0059 71 X, 10. 20.08.340 - "Dwelling" Definition - Eliminate, covered by "Dwelling Unit" definition (Staff. 11. 20.20.040 - (R -1) - Move mobile home Title 25 California Health and ry Safety Code Conformance to Chapter 16 (Staff). 12, 20,12,040 - Fences, Walls, Hedges - Resolve conflicts between 6 foot fence allowed in rear of reverse comer lot, but only 42 inches in front of key lot (Staff. . 111. Zoning Mac Chanaes 1 st Quarter 1. Split the MU Zone at 91 Segundo Blvd. to MU -North and MU -South (Council). 2. Change Edison R -O -W at Holly/Washington from O -S Zone to MM Zone Council). 2nd Quarte r 1. Change Thrifty property at Standard/Grand from SM Zone to C -RS Zone (Staff. (Items in bold refer to suggested amendments that the City Council has not yet formally `mitiated ", that is, a majority vote directing Staff to proceed with the amendment process.) L.W�T� 4 00057 MOVED by Councilman Weston; SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to discontinue the program. Discussion called by Councilman Gordon who preferred to speak with staff before discontinuing; Mayor ProTem Wernick suggested they discuss this during the budget workshop. MOTION AND SECOND WITHDRAWN. Council consensus to continue consideration of this item until after the scheduled Council budgget workshop; set for further discussion December 3, 1996. 10. Third Amendment to Employment Agreement Between the City of El Segundo, California and James W. Morrison. Fiscal Impact: $3,308. Mayor ProTem Wernick suggested they do an annual review of the City Manager before approve amendments to his agreement. Discussion followed with Mayor Jacobs and Councilwoman Friedkin stating that all of the City Council should participate in that review process. Mayor ProTem Wernick stated there was a standard form used by the League of California Cities; Council concurred. Mr. Morrison suggested the review take place sometime in March or April; Council concurred. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wernick; SECONDED Councilwoman Friedkin to approve amendment to Contract Number 2233C, and authorized the Mayor to execute the amendment on behalf of the City. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510. F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - Consideration of a Quarterly Zoning Code Amendment Program; and Review of Initiated and Proposed General Plan and Zoning Code Modifications. Bret Bernard, Director of Planning and Building Safety presented a brief overview of the proposed program. Councilwoman Friedkin questioned if someone came in with an exceptional request betwenn the scheduled quarterly reviews whether they could be accommodated; Mr. Bernard stated they could if the Council so directs. Council consensus for staff to work with City Attorney and bring back a policy, including the ability to allow for emergency situations. Each Councilmember to provide input on priorities for the first quarterly review. 2. Retire Police Canine (K -9) ANDOR and allow his handler, Officer Andrew Usmani, to purchase him. Police Chief Grimmond presented a brief report. MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin; SECONDED by Councilman Gordon to Approve Hold 4armless Agreement Number 2481; execute the bill of sale and receive indemnification waiver relating to the purchase of ANDOR. G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE 6 City Council Minutes 11/5/96 - 7:00 p.m. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL M,cTING DATE: 17 December 1996 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING' New Business - City Manager AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Review of the Quarterly General Plan and Zoning Code Amendment Programs. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Review and discuss the Quarterly General Plan and Zoning Amendment Programs; and, provide direction to Staff regarding: 1) initiation of proposed General Plan and Zoning Code Amendments; and, 2) the order of review for the initiated General Plan, Zoning Code text and Map Amendments. BRIEF SUMMARY: Recently, at its 05 November 1996 regular meeting, the City Council considered and initiated a Quarterly Zoning Code (text and map) Amendment Program similar to one already in place for Amendments to the City's General Plan document and map: The Council generally agreed with Staff's recommendation that such a system may make the processing of ZTAs (Zoning Code Text Amendments) and ZMCs (Zoning Code Map changes) easier to manage and track. While the City Council determined that such a system should improve the processing of Zoning Code Amendments, it stressed that there may be some occassions that the "fast- tracking" of an Amendment may be fortuitous; and, so the Council 'reserved the opportunity' to initiate and process Amendments outside the "Quarterly Program" when it deemed it most apporpriate. Staff is ready to implement such a Program for the Zoning Code; and, hopes to begin the processing of a number of 'First Quarter' General Plan and Zoning Code Amendments before the Planning Commission next month — January 1997. However, before Staff can proceed with the Programs' implementation, several tasks remain. First, as noted in the November 5th Staff Report, there are a number of Amendments — both General Plan and Zoning Code — which have been proposed (by individual members of the City Council, Staff, or other sources) but which have not yet received consensual, that is majority, approval by the Council to initiate and begin their consideration and processing before the Planning Commission. These *proposed ", but not yet initiated, General Plan and Zoning Code (text) Amendments, and Zoning Code Map changes are included in the attached "List of Future GPAs, (Continued on the second page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: List of Future GPAs, ZTAs, and ZMCs, 24 October 1996 (ad.). FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget:— Capital Improv. Budget: Unknown Amount Requested: $ 0.00 Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number. Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes _ No X ORIGINATED BY: Date: 09 December 1996 i Bret B. Bernard, AICP, Direcf6r of Planning and Building Safety REVIEWED BY: Date: // eA James W. Morris ,City Manager (i ACTION TAKEN: City Council Memorandum — Zonin9 Code Amendments Date: 05 November 1996 13RIEF SUMMARY (continued): The Council may wish to implement a review process which mirrors that method dictated by State law for considering General Plan Amendments. That would be to limit initiation to only four opportunities per year for the initiation and processing of Zoning Code text and map changes. As with the General Plan, four times a year Staff would 'package' together proposed modifications to the Zoning Code and then forward these to the City Council for its review — determining whether or not each of the proposed Code amendments should be 'initiated' It is important to note that this would not limit the City Council's ability to consider emergency /urgency legislation. This method of processing proposed amendments has some link to past City practice. Apparently at some point in the past, it was the practice of this Department to provide the Council with a quarterly Report on the status of Zoning Code and General Plan amendments. Current Initiated/Promed General Plan and Zoning Amendments In light of the aforementioned Council direction, Staff has organized together the proposed initiated and proposed General Plan Amendments (GPAs), Zoning Code Text Amendments (ZTAs), and Zoning Code Map changes (ZMCs) into the accompanying list. 'Assuming' that the City Council may at least entertain the proposed Quarterly Program for Zoning Code Amendments; and following the City Manager's subsequent suggestion, Staff has formulated the existing modification proposals on the attached Amendment list into four quarters. The offered listing is only a suggested order, and Staff seeks City Council direction with regard to the appropriate 'prioritization.* Even if it is the Council's determination not to proceed with the proposed Quarterly Zoning Code Amendment Program, it would still prove useful to Staff for the City Council to decide upon the appropriate order of processing the Zoning Code and General Plan amendments that have ben suggested. P:WGENDAS%ZC4UART.CCR Ibbb page 2 00160 LIST OF FUTURE GPA'Sj ZTA`S, AND ZMC'S (Edition: 24 October 1996) The following is a cumulative list of topics for future General Plan Amendments, Zoning Code Text Amendments and Zoning Map Changes, either "initiated' or "proposed' -- the requestee appears in ( ): General Plan Amendments 1 st Quart er 1. Establish provisions for Transfer of Development Rights (Hughes Electronics). 2. Split the Mixed Use land use designation to Mixed Use -North and Mixed Use -South at El Segundo Blvd. (Council). 3. Study modifications of Palm Avenue in Circulation Element (Council). 4. Change land use designation for Edison R -O -W south of Holly/ Washington from Open Space to Smoky Hollow Mixed -Use (Council). 5. Update Open Space Element related to the golf course (Staff). 6. Encourage /Discourage drive4hru's in certain land use areas (Council). 2nd Quarter 1. Change land use designation for a portion of Thrifty property at Standard /Grand from Smoky Hollow Mixed -Use to Downtown Commercial (Staff). 2. Incorporate Public Works Water Conservation Plan (City Attorney, State Law). '3rd Ouarter 1. Revise non - conformity language in Land Use Element (Council) 4th Ouarter 1. Use of current traffic counts instead of 1988 baseline traffic counts (Staff). 2. Provide goals for "granny" housing (P.C.). 3. Modification of other Sepulveda access streets (Circulation Element). 0006 II. Zone Text Amendments 1 st Quarte r 1. Revise standards for video arcades for less than 8 machines (Council). 2. Create distance requirement for service stations from residential uses (Council). 3. Revise 10% parking reduction in Smoky Hollow (Council). 4. Revise height limits along Sepulveda Corridor and east of Sepulveda Blvd. (Council). 5. Create zoning standards for new MU north and south zones (Council). 6. Establish provisions for Transfer of Development Rights (Hughes Electronics). 7. Revise standards for residential wall heights to limit fill to less than 6 feet; and, investigate alternatives for measuring structure heights (reference natural, finished grades, etc. (Council, Staff). 8. Revise Subdivision Code (Title 19 of ESMC) to increase maximum approval period for tentative subdivision maps to 5 years (Staff). 9. Revise inconsistency in height limit bonus for lot consolidation between the MM Zone (10 feet) and SHSP (15 feet)(Staff). 10. Clarify only City Council, not the Planning Commission, can initiate ZTA/GPA (City Attorney). 11. Allow /prohibit drive - thru's in certain land use areas (Council). 12. Clarify language regarding appeals of Planning Commission items -- Code stipulates 10 days (Staff, City Attorney). 13. Require a Conditional Use Permit for cellular antennas west of Sepulveda Blvd. and limit to specified zones (Council, Staff). 2nd Quarter 1. Create standard for pedestrian access for outdoor dining in private walkways (Staff). 2. Revise the parking standards for high schools and adult schools (Council). 3. Revise requirements for Parking Demand Studies (Council). 4. Revise Sign requirements, including political signs (Chapter 20.60) (Staff, City Attorney). 5. Move Sound Transmission Control (Chapter 20.58) to Title 16 of the ESMC and revise standards (Staff). 6. Revise off -site parking covenant requirements (Section 20.54.080) to provide a time limit for the covenant (City Attorney). 7. Limit number of Amplified Sound Permits per address annually (Staff). 00062 2 8. Revisions to provide a minimum street side setback of 20 feet for garages in R -1 and R -2 Zones (Council). 9. 20.20.025 - (R -1) - Prohibit toilets and potentially prohibit sinks in accessory buildings. No "R" occupancy (UBC) in accessory buildings (Staff). 3rd Quarter 1. Create mini - variance procedures (Staff). 2. Revise non - conforming uses (Chapter 20.70) (Council). 3. Mansionization /Livable Neighborhood revisions (ie. heights, setbacks, encroachments, porches, and wall modulation/encroachment lines) (Staff, P.C., Council). 4. Public Hearing Wal4er for minor Coastal Development Permits (Staff). 5. Revise standards for residential curb cuts and driveways to decrease width (Council). 6. Revisions to provide a time limit to bring non - conforming uses into conformance (Council). 7. 20.08.020 - "Accessory" Definition - Require accessory buildings to be "internally integrated and connected" with the main building to be considered part of the main building (Staff). 4th Quarter 1. Reorganize General Provisions (Chapter 20.12) (Staff). Z Revise R -2 Front/Rear Setbacks. (Council). 3. Revise landscaping requirements for front and street side setbacks for residential property (Staff). 4. Revise Subdivision Code consistent with State Law -- five (5) year approval (Staff). 5. Develop standards for "granny" housing (P.C.). 6. Initiate merger of 25 foot wide lots or rezoning vacant parcels to Open Space (Council). 7. Revise standards for legal second units in the R -1 Zones consistent with State provisions (Council, City Attorney). 8. 20.20.020 K 1 and 2 - (R -1) - Requires Mobile and Manufactured homes be certified to 1974 Manufacturing Housing Codes and Title 25 California Health and Safety Code. Move to Chapter 16 for Building Safety to enforce (Staff). 9. 20.20.025 - (R -1) - Permitted Accessory Uses. Combine A and B which lists the types of permitted uses and their limitations (Staff). 3 00063 10. 20.08.340 - "Dwelling" Definition - Eliminate, covered by "Dwelling Unit" definition (Staff). 11. 20.20.040 - (R -1) - Move mobile home Title 25 California Health and Safety Code Conformance to Chapter 16 (Staff). 12. 20.12.040 - Fences, Walls, Hedges - Resolve conflicts between 6 foot fence allowed in rear of reverse corner lot, but only 42 inches in front of key lot (Staff). III. Zoning Map Changes 1 st Quarte r 1. Split the MU Zone at El Segundo Blvd. to MU -North and MU -South (Council). 2. Change Edison R -0 -W at Holly/Washington from O -S Zone to MM Zone Council). 2nd Quarter 1. Change Thrifty property at Standard /Grand from SM Zone to CAS Zone (Staff). (Items in bold refer to suggested amendments that the City Council has not yet formally "initiated "; that is, a majority vote directing Staff to proceed with the amendment process.) El Pluture.lst -in Iy0 3. City Council meeting minutes of November 23 and December 3, 1996. Approved. 4. Request to increase the Professional/Technical Specialist (adopted) City Budget account no. 3301- 6214 by an additional $80,000; to total $150,000. Approved the additional account fund total of $80,000 to new total of $150,000 in account number 3301 -6214. 5. Acceptance of Modifications to Sanitation Pumping Plant No. 2, Project No. PW 95 -9 (final contract amount = $130,605.00). Accepted the work as complete, and authorized the City Clerk to file the City Engineers Notice of Completion In the County Recorder's office. 6. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILWOMAN FRIEDKIN. 7. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY MAYOR PRO TEM WERNICK. 8. Request for temporary 90 -day extension of existing Police Towing Contract and for approval to advertise for bids for a new contract. Approved Contract Number 2030B, and request to advertise for bids for new contract MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin; SECONDED by Councilman Gordon to approve of Consent Agenda Item Numbers 1 -5 and 8. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510. CALLED ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 6. Recommendation for FY 1996 -97 vehicle purchases. Councilwoman Friedkin stated she felt the Council needed to review and change their policy, and felt they needed to decrease unessential vehicles; Councilman Gordon concurred, and Councilman Weston suggested they form a sub - committee to look into vehicle replacement policy for the future. MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin; SECONDED by Councilman Gordon to approve the purchase of the vehicles outlined in the report, except for vehicle number 3312 which will be replaced with a comparable vehicle. Council to form a sub - committee to look into vehicle replacement policy for the future. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510. 7. Accept $5,000.00 donation, from Chevron Products Company. Mayor ProTem Wemick thanked and recognized Chevron for their donation towards the Fire Department's communications truck to be utilized by the Disaster Preparedness program. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wemick; SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to accept the donation. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510. F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - 1. Review of the Quarterly General Plan and Zoning Code Amendment Programs. City Manager Morrison presented a brief report. Mayor ProTem Wemick questioned whether they would be using current traffic counts study; Bret Bernard, Director of Planning and Building Safety responded they intended to use the most current available information. 4 City Council Minutes 12/17/96 - 7:00 p.m. 00064 Mayor Jacobs stated she understood it was Council's decision to remove granny flats from • the third quarter, Council concurred. Council consensus for staff to initiate proposed General Plan and Zoning Code text and Map Amendments In the priority order suggested, except that Council does not want to pursue granny flat provislons. G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - 1. Comprehensive evaluation of the City's investment portfolio and compliance with the City's investment policy by auditors Thomas, Bigbie & Smith. Susan Schofield, City Treasurer presented a report to the Council. Discussion followed. Mayor ProTem Wemick suggested that the Investment Advisory Committee report to Council once a year. Councilman Gordon stated he had met with the City Treasurer to discuss the audit report, and asked her to prepare a written response to the items listed in the report. City Treasurer Schofield informed Council that a revised Investment Policy would be ready for their review late January. Council consensus to receive and file. City Attorney, staff, auditor and Council to prepare revision to Investment policy to bring back for Council consideration on January 21, 1997. J. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilman Gordon thanked those individuals who helped clean up Imperial Median day; congratulated the Chamber of Commerce on the holiday festivities; stated he was looking forward to the LAX Master Plan and Expansion briefing, and wished the community, council and staff happy holiday's. Councilman Weston stated he received the LAX Master Plan information brochure and asked staff to mako it available to the public for review; asked to agendize discussion of Potlatch case and its implications to cities for January 7, 1997 meeting; asked for urgency item to be approved regarding Nash Car Club. MOVED by Councilman Weston; SECONDED by Councilman Gordon to discuss urgency item arising after the posting of the agenda. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510. Councilman Weston read a letter from Nash Car Club and asked Council for approve to send a letter to them asking them to change the location for its annual meet to El Segundo for the City's 80th Anniversary. Mayor ProTem Wemick suggested they also combine other technology to coincide with El Segundo's 80th Anniversary. 5 City Council Minutes 12/17/96 - 7:00 p.m. 00 -65 I City of El Segundo Inter - Departmental Correspondence April 14, 1998 To: City Council From: Nancy Wernick, Mayor Pro Tem Subject: Agenda Item for April 21, 1998 meeting AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Direct staff to review routes for heavy truck load users, future planning, and recovery of costs for infrastructure. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Discussion and possible action. 00066