1997 MAY 06 CC PACKET - 3CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTER - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: April 22, 1997 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council THROUGH: Bret B. Bernard, AICP, Director of Planning and Building Safety FROM: Laurie B. Jester, Senior Planner SUBJECT: First Quarter General Plan Amendmen GPA 97 -1, Zone Text Amendment ZTA 97 -1, and Zone Change ZC 97 -1 - Planning Commission Resolution Attached for your early review is Planning Commission Resolution No. 2390 which recommends to the City Council approval for the First Quarter General Plan Amendments, Zone Text Amendments, and Zone Changes that the Council initiated in December 1996. This Resolution will be redistributed with the Staff report, which will be forwarded to you in the City Council Agenda packet and will include the background for each Amendment, the various options which the Planning Commission reviewed, proposed redline strikeout Zone and General Plan Text, and the Planning Commission's recommendations. If you have any questions, please call me at 322 -4670, extension 212. cc: Jim Morrison, City Manager Mark Hensley, City Attorney Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk zoning \ea -40ftc -memo. res RESOLUTION NO. 2390 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA405, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GPA 97 -1, ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT ZTA 97 -1 AND ZONE CHANGE 97 -1 AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO GENERAL PLAN, THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 19 AND TITLE 20 (SUBDIVISIONS AND ZONING CODE), AND THE ZONING MAP. PETITIONED BY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO (CITYWIDE AMENDMENTS) AND HUGHES ELECTRONICS (TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS). WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo adopted a General Plan for the years 1992 -2010; and, WHEREAS, on December 1, 1992, the City of El Segundo certified an Environmental Impact Report as a complete and adequate document in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and adopted a Statement of Overriding Consideration; and, WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993, the City Council did, pursuant to law, adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the amendments to Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map, finding that there were no environmental impacts associated with the amendments that were not analyzed in the Master Environmental Impact Report certified by the City Council for the General Plan on December 1, 1992; and, WHEREAS, on November 16, 1993 the City Council did, pursuant to law, adopt Ordinance No. 1212 adopting a new Title 19 (Subdivisions) and Title 20 (The Zoning Code) and a new Zoning Map; and, WHEREAS, on February 16, 1996, Hughes Electronics submitted a General Plan Amendment application requesting approval of provisions for Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's); and WHEREAS, on February 22 and 29 and March 7 and 14, 1996, the Planning Commission did hold two public workshops and two public hearings, respectively, duly advertised pursuant to law, on the proposed General Plan Amendments to allow provisions for TDR's, and notice of the hearings was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 1996, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2378 recommending approval of amendments to the General Plan to allow the Transfer of Development Rights (EA -377, GPA 96 -1), but no Zoning Text Amendment was adopted to implement the TDR's; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 18, 19, 21, and 22 and April 2, 1996, the City Council did conduct, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on the proposed General Plan Amendments and Zone Text Amendments related to the TDR's; and, WHEREAS, on March 22, 1996, the City Council did not adopt the General Plan Amendment, as recommended by the Planning Commission to allow provisions for TDR's, and directed Staff and the Planning Commission to further study the TDR provisions in both the General Plan and Zoning Code; and, WHEREAS, on November 5, 1996, the City Council considered and initiated a Quarterly Zoning Code (text and map) Amendment program similar to the Quarterly General Plan Amendment program already in place; and, WHEREAS, on December 17, 1996, the City Council approved a list of proposed future General Plan Amendments, Zone Text Amendments and Zone Changes and directed Staff and the Planning Commission to initiate processing the proposed amendments; and, WHEREAS, the City may amend all or part of an adopted General Plan to promote the public interest up to four times during any calendar year pursuant to Government Code Section 65358; and, WHEREAS, General Plan Amendment GPA 97 -1 is the first amendment processed and proposed for 1997; and, WHEREAS, on January 23, February 13 and 27, and March 6 and 27, 1997, the Planning Commission did conduct, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on revisions to the General Plan, Zoning Code and Zoning Map, and notice was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against EA -405, GPA 97 -1, ZTA 97 -1 and ZC 97 -1, the revisions to the General Plan, the Zoning Code and the Zoning Map; and, WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established: 1. The purpose of the revisions to the General Plan, Zoning Code and Zoning Map is to refine and make appropriate adjustments to the development standards and other zoning and General Plan requirements in order to address concerns raised by the community about the future development of the City, and to process an application submitted to the City by Hughes Electronics to allow the Transfer of Development Rights. 2. The proposed addition of provisions to allow TDR's could facilitate the orderly development of business within the City without increasing the total building area approved through the General Plan. State law requires that zoning be made consistent with the General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after consideration of the above facts and study of proposed Environmental Assessment EA -405, GPA 97 -1, ZTA 97 -1 and ZC 97 -1 the Planning Commission finds as follows: The proposed General Plan, Zoning Code and Zoning Map Amendments are consistent with the 1992 General Plan. 2. The Transfer of Development Rights will not allow any additional development of building area beyond that analyzed and certified through the 1992 General Plan. The General Plan Amendments under GPA 97 -1 are in the public interest. The proposed General Plan, Zoning Code and Zoning Map Amendments are consistent with the existing Zoning Code. Based on the direction and recommendations on the General Plan Amendments, Zone Text Amendments and Zone Changes from the Planning Commission, the City will proceed with the required environmental review process for the proposed amendments, as required by CEQA and City Council Resolution No. 3805, at the City Council level. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission hereby recommends approval of EA -405, GPA 97 -1, ZTA 97 -1 and ZC 97 -1, and that the City Council adopt changes to the El Segundo Municipal Code as follows: SECTION 1. Section 19.04.150 of Chapter 19.04, Title 19, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 19.04.150 EXPIRATION OF TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL. A. Expiration: The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map or tentative parcel map shall expire 24 months from the date the map was approved or conditionally approved. B. Extension: The person filing the tentative map may request an extension of an approved tentative map by filing a written application with the Director of Planning and Building Safety, prior to the date of expiration. The application shall state the reasons for requesting the extension. Said extension request shall be approved or denied by the Planning Commission. C. Time Limit on Extensions: Each extension of tentative map approval or conditional approval shall be allowed for a period not to exceed one year from the original anniversary approval date. The total time extensions shall not exceed five years. The ultimate length of the extension shall be consistent with the Subdivision Map Act. D. Effect of Map Modification on Extension: Modifications of a tentative map after approval or conditional approval shall not extend the time limits imposed by this section, unless an extension is specifically granted. SECTION 2. Section 20.08.145 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code, the definition of Video /Arcade Establishments, is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 3. Section 20.08.148 shall be added to Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: 20.08.148 ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE FEATURES. "Architectural landscape features" means small landscape structures, such as fountains, arbors, trellises, pergolas, colonnades, statuary, and other similar features; as well as works of art which also do not contain floor area; or a roof or side walls consisting of greater than 20% component solid portions. These features shall not be considered Structures, as defined in Section 20.08.855, for setback purposes. SECTION 4. Section 20.08.185 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.08.185 BUILDING HEIGHT. "Building height " or "Structure height' is the vertical distance measured from all points of the highest point of a flat roof, the deck line of a mansard roof or to the average height between the plate and the ridge of gable, pitched, or hip roofs to grade directly below. The ridge of a gable, pitched, or hipped roof may extend a maximum of ten feet above the maximum height limit permitted in the Zone in which the building is located. Highest Point of Coping 6. Flat Roof Average of Highest Gable Pitched or Hipped Roof Deokline to Mansard Roof SECTION 5. Section 20.08.435 of Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.08.435 GRADE, PRE- EXISTING GRADE, AND FINISHED GRADE. "Grade" means the elevation of the surface of the ground of a premises, pre- existing or finished, whichever is lower in elevation. "Pre- existing grade" is the ground elevation of a premises which existed prior to the original construction of the building or structure. Reference to grade on adjacent properties may be utilized to assist in establishing pre - existing grade when the presence of said grade is not readily apparent on the subject premises. "Finished grade" is the elevation that will exist when all cut, fill or improvements associated with a construction project, including but not limited to, pathways, pavements, hardscape or landscaping, are complete. SECTION 6. Section 20.08.914 shall be added to Chapter 20.08, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: 20.08.914 VIDEO ARCADE. "Video arcade" means an establishment having coin - operated or slug operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled still or motion picture machines, projectors, or other image producing devices that show images to one or more persons per machine at any one time. 3 SECTION 7. Section 20.12.070 of Chapter 20.12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.12.070 OPEN SPACE AREAS AND ENCROACHMENTS. A poste cochere (open carport) may be placed over a driveway in the front twenty feet of one side yard setback, outside of the front yard setback, or attached to the front twenty feet of one dwelling unit closest to the front lot line, provided the structure is not more than one story in height, is unenclosed on three sides, and is entirely open except for the necessary supporting columns and architectural features. A. Every required yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground up, except the following intrusions may project 2 feet into required yards, provided the required yard shall not be reduced to less than 3 feet in width: Cornices, belt courses, sills, eaves or similar architectural features. Eaves may project 6 inches into any nonconforming side yard which is 3 feet in width; 2. Fireplace structures not wider than 8 feet measured in the general direction of the wall of which it is a part, but may not encroach into an interior side yard setback; 3. Uncovered porches and platforms which do not extend above the floor level of the first floor; 4. Planting boxes or masonry planters not exceeding 42 inches in height; 5. Guard railing for safety protection around ramps; 6. Mechanical equipment, such as pool heaters, water heaters, and air conditioners not wider than 8 feet measured in the general direction of the wall of which it is a part, and adequately soundproofed, but not encroaching into the front yard setback; 7. Bay windows, only on the first floor, not wider than 8 feet measured in the general direction of the wall of which it is a part; and, Greenhouse windows. B. In nonresidential zones, architectural landscape features, as defined in Section 20.08.148, may encroach into setbacks subject to the requirements of Section 20.12.170 B.3. SECTION 8. Section 20.12.170 B.3. of Chapter 20.12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Property Perimeter All required setback areas shall be fully landscaped including permanent irrigation systems. The landscaping shall incorporate the theme utilized for the public rights -of- way and one shade tree shall be provided for every 25 feet of street frontage. The following encroachments are permitted into the landscaped setback areas: a. Parking may encroach into the landscaped setback up to a maximum of 50% of the required setback area provided a minimum landscaped setback of 5 feet is maintained. b. Architectural landscape features, as defined in Section 20.08.148, may encroach into the landscaped setback area up to a maximum of 80% of the required setback area provided a minimum landscaped setback of 5 feet is maintained. The features may cover a maximum of 25% of the total' area of the setback, and be a maximum of 20 feet in height. Encroachments which exceed any of these standards, or which contain an open roof covering or side walls with greater than 20% component solid portions, requires the approval of an Adjustment, as provided in Section 20.78, Adjustments. A combination of soft and hard landscape materials may be installed, provided the use of such materials will form a cohesive, attractive and functional design. Such design is to be integrated with and, if appropriate, physically connected to that provided for the Building and VUA areas. 4 SECTION 9. Section 20.12.180 shall be added to Chapter 20.12, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: 20.12.180 VIDEO ARCADES A. When reviewing an application for an Administrative Use Permit for a video arcade, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed establishment using the following performance criteria: 1. Distance from existing residential uses; 2. The amount of existing or proposed off- street parking facilities, and its distance from the proposed use; 3. The provision of a sufficient number of bicycle racks; 4 Location of and distance to churches, schools, hospitals, public playgrounds and bars; 5 The combination of uses proposed; 6 Noise, odor, dust and/or vibration that may be generated by the proposed use; 7. The ability for the operator to prevent problems related to potential noise, litter, loitering, crowd control, security, and parking; 8. Use by persons under the age of 18 shall be in conformance with City curfew regulations (Chapter 9.08, Curfew); 9. Hours of operation; 10. Precautions taken by the owner or operator of the proposed establishment to assure the compatibility of the use with surrounding uses; 11. The number of similar establishments or uses within close proximity to the proposed establishment; 12. Will the establishment contribute to a concentration of similar outlets in the area; 13. That no proprietor, owner, or manager may permit the video games to be located closer than twelve inches from any wall assembly separating the arcade from any adjacent building or portion of a building; and, -. 14. Where games are located along one side of an aisle, the aisle width shall be a minimum of sixty-six inches and the aisle shall be unobstructed at all times. When games are located on both sides of an aisle, the aisle width shall not be less than ninety inches in width and shall be unobstructed. B. When reviewing a Conditional Use Permit for a video arcade, in addition to the performance criteria for an Administrative Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed establishments using the following performance criteria: 1. The provisions for adult supervision. No proprietor, owner or manager may permit any video game to be played unless there is at least one adult (over eighteen years of age) attendant or supervisor overseeing the use of the video games; 2. Bicycle racks shall be provided within twenty -five feet of any video arcade and must provide a total of at least two bicycle stalls for every four games located within the arcade. Bicycle racks shall not be located in any required landscaped areas, entrances, exits, walkways to buildings, driveways, within any legally required parking space, public way, or in such a fashion as to obstruct any entrance or exit to any premises; 3. An adequate lighting plan must be submitted to and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety and Police Chief, and each proprietor, owner, or manager shall maintain the lighting in conformity with the approved plan; 4. A Security Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Police Chief, 5. The number of games proposed; 5 6. The establishment must provide adequate lavatory facilities accessible to customers, employees, and business invitees; 7. The relationship of the proposed business - generated traffic volume and the size of streets serving the area; Impact of the proposed use to the City's infrastructure and/or services; At least one public telephone shall be provided at each arcade; and 10. Proximity to adult related retail sales (i.e., video/magazines). A physical separation or minimum distance must be maintained. SECTION 10. Section 20.16.010 of Chapter 20.16, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.16.010 DESIGNATION OF ZONE NAMES. In order to classify, regulate, restrict and segregate the uses of lands and buildings, to regulate and restrict the height and bulk of buildings, to regulate the area of yards and other open spaces about buildings, and to regulate the density of population, the classes of use zones are by this title established, to be known as follows: R -1 - Single - Family Residential Zone. R -2 - Two - Family Residential Zone. R -3 - Multi- Family Residential Zone. MDR - Medium Density Residential Zone. P - Automobile Parking Zone. C -RS - Downtown Commercial Zone. C-2 - Neighborhood Commercial Zone. C -3 - General Commercial Zone. GAC - Grand Avenue Commercial Zone. CO - Corporate Office Zone. MU -N - Urban Mixed -Use North Zone. MU -S - Urban Mixed -Use South Zone. M -1 - Light Industrial Zone. M-2 - Heavy Industrial Zone. SB - Small Business Zone. MM - Medium Manufacturing Zone. O-S_ Open Space Zone. P-F - Public Facilities Zone. PRD - Planned Residential Development Zone. SECTION 11. Section 20.31.030 of Chapter 20.3 1, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.31.030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. A. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes; B. The off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments; C. Video arcades with three or fewer video or arcade machines; and, D. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 12. Section 20.31.040 of Chapter 20.31, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.31.040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit: A. Churches, church schools and religious facilities; B. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars; D C. Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants and drive -thru restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant or drive -thru restaurant, but not exceeding 200 square feet of floor area; D. Service Stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; E. Video arcades with four or more video or arcade machines; and, F. Other similar uses as approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 13. Section 20.31.050 shall be added to Chapter 20.3 1, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: 20.31.050 PROHIBITED USES. A. Drive -thru restaurants located west of Sepulveda Boulevard. SECTION 14. Section 20.32.030 of Chapter 20.32, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.32.030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. A. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes; B. The off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments; C. Videos arcades with three or fewer video or arcade machines; and, D. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 15. Section 20.32.040 of Chapter 20.32, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.32.040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit. A. Bed and breakfast inns; B. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars; C. Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants and drive -thru restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant or drive -thru restaurant, but not exceeding 200 square feet of floor area; D. Service Stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; E. Videos arcades with four or more video or arcade machines; and, F. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 16. Section 20.32.050 shall be added to Chapter 20.32, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: 20.32.050 PROHIBITED USES. A. Drive -thru restaurants located west of Sepulveda Boulevard. 7 SECTION 17. Section 20.33.030 of Chapter 20.33, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.33.030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. A. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes; B. The off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments; C. Video arcades with three or fewer video or arcade machines; and, D. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 18. Section 20.33.040 of Chapter 20.33, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.33.040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use prmit, as provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit. A. Drive -thru restaurants, except properties located west of Sepulveda Boulevard where drive - thru restaurants are prohibited; B. Freight forwarding; C. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of Section 20.12.160; D. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars; E. Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants and drive -thru restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant or drive -thru restaurant, but not exceeding 200 square feet of floor area; F. Service Stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; G. Video arcades with four or more video or arcade machines; and, H. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 19. Section 20.33.050 shall be added to Chapter 20.33, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: 20.33.050 PROHIBITED USES. A. Drive -thru restaurants located west of Sepulveda Boulevard. SECTION 20. Section 20.33.060 C. of Chapter 20.33, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: C. Height 1 • East of Sepulveda Boulevard: 2• West of Sepulveda Boulevard: E 150 feet maximum. No building or structure shall exceed 45 feet. If the subject property abuts residentially zoned property, no building or structure shall exceed 40 feet. C A tj � C m En ra ) ir g� West of Sepulveda Boulevard East of Sepulveda Boulevard SECTION 21. Section 20.33.060 F. of Chapter 20.33, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property multiplied by 1.0 or an FAR 1:1. Additional FAR may be granted for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. = 10,000 sf F.A.R. = 1.0 Bldg. Area - 10,000 sf SECTION 22. Section 20.34.030 of Chapter 20.34, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.34.030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. A. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes; B. The off -site sale of alcohol at limited support service retail establishments as an accessory use; C. Video arcades with three or fewer video or arcade machines; and, D Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 23. Section 20.34.040 of Chapter 20.34, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.34.040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit: A. Drive -thru restaurants; B. Freight forwarding; C. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of Section 20.12.160; D. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars; �7 E. Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants and drive -thru restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant or drive -thru restaurant, but not exceeding 200 square feet of floor area; F. Service Stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; G. Video arcades with four or more video or arcade machines; and, H. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 24. Section 20.34.060 C. of Chapter 20.34, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: C. Height 1. East of Sepulveda 150 feet maximum between Sepulveda Boulevard Boulevard: and Continental Boulevard/ Lairport Street and east of Aviation Boulevard. 175 feet maximum between Continental Boulevard/Lairport Street and Nash Street. 2. West of Sepulveda No building or structure shall exceed 45 feet, if the Boulevard: subject property abuts residentially zoned property, no building or structure shall exceed 40 feet. Co -Q=N �a O West of Sepulveda Boulevard East of Sepulveda Boulevard SECTION 25. Section 20.34.060 F. of Chapter 20.34, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property multiplied by 0.8 or an FAR 0.8:1. Additional FAR may be granted for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. C 0 zon#, a' � i = 10,000 sf * r F.A.R. = 0.8 g Bldg. Area = 8,000 sf 100 SECTION 26. Section 20.36.010 of Chapter 20.36, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.36.010 PURPOSE. The purpose of this Zone is to provide consistency with and implement policies related to those locations which are designated Urban Mixed -Use North on the General Plan Land Use Map and in the General Plan text. The Urban Mixed -Use North (MU -N) Zone is established to provide area(s) where a mixture of compatible commercial, offices, research and development, retail and hotel uses can locate and develop in a mutually beneficial manner. It is the intent of the MU -N Zone to have several types of uses 10 occupy a single building, or if a project includes multiple buildings, then each building should contain a different type of use. It is anticipated, although not required, that each type of use will be from two or more of the following categories: Retail, service, hotel, office, research and development, theaters or recreational facilities. It is further intended to ensure that adequate open space and development regulations will create a favorable environment for abutting uses as well as ensuring the compatibility and harmonious existence of development within MU -N zoned property. Businesses located within this Zone are encouraged to provide street level uses which allow for, and facilitate, pedestrian activity for area workers and visitors. SECTION 27. Section 20.36.020 of Chapter 20.36, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.36.020 PERMITTED USES. The following uses are permitted in the MU -N Zone: A. Business service establishments such as electronic computer facilities and addressing services; B. General offices of commercial, financial or industrial establishments; C. Engineering, industrial design, consultation and other offices; D. Financial institutions; E. Hotels and motels; F. Medical - dental offices or facilities; G. Motion picture /television production facilities (excluding outdoor facilities); H. Restaurants, coffee shops and cafes; Retail (excluding off -site alcohol sales) and wholesale sales and service; J. Scientific research and experimental development laboratories; K. Theaters; L. Trade union halls, clubs, including service clubs, veterans' organizations, lodges and similar nonprofit organizations; and, M. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 28. Section 20.36.030 of Chapter 20.40, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.36.030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. A. Light industrial uses; B. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes; C. The off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments; D. Video arcades with three or fewer video or arcade machines; and, , , E. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety' , as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. 11 SECTION 29. Section 20.36.040 of Chapter 20.36, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.36.040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit: A. Catering services and flight kitchens; B. Drive -thru restaurants; C. Freight forwarding; D. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of Section 20.12.160; E. Hospitals; F. Motion picture /television production facilities (outdoor facilities only); G. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars; H. Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants and drive -thru restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant or drive -thru restaurant, but not exceeding 200 square feet of floor area; 1. Parking facilities, including park and ride lots; J. Recreational facilities (public and commercial); K. Service Stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; 1- Video arcades with four or more video or arcade machines; and, M. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determination. SECTION 30. Section 20.36.045 of Chapter 20.36, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code, entitled Adult Business Permit, is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 31. Section 20.36.060 of Chapter 20.36, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.36.060 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. All uses within the MU -N Zone shall comply with the Development Standards contained in this Section. A. General Provisions 1. All uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building except: a. Electrical distribution stations; b. Outdoor restaurants and cafes incidental to the permitted use; C. Recreational facilities customarily conducted in the open; and, d• Special uses, to the degree the Conditional Use Permit granting such special uses expressly permits operation in other than a fully enclosed building. 2. Prior to approval of any development project, all criteria of the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and trip reduction criteria as provided for in Chapter 20.55, Transportation Systems Management, shall be met. 3. Other provisions as required in Chapter 20.12, General Provisions. B • Lot Area A minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet. 12 Street C. Height 1. North of El Boulevard: Segundo 175 feet maximum west of Nash Street. 200 feet maximum between Nash Street and Douglas Street. 150 feet maximum east of Douglas Street. 2. South of El Segundo 200 feet maximum. Boulevard: D. Setbacks 1 • Front vim: 30 feet minimum. Off - street parking may encroach upon the setback area, but may not diminish the required amount of landscaping. 2. Side yard: 25 feet minimum, unless one of the following conditions exist: a. If the side yard adjoins a dedicated street, a minimum of 30 feet shall be provided; and, b. If the side yard abuts property with a different classification, the side yard setback shall be the average of the two side yard setbacks, but not less than 10 feet. 3. Rear vim: 5 feet minimum, unless the rear yard adjoins an alley, dedicated street, or public right -of -way, or if the primary access is through the rear yard. In these cases, a minimum of 30 feet shall be provided. - - Alley + — in � F. 25' M U Zone l 10,000 s.f. 1 Min. I I 1 � 1 27.5'1 1 I I ! M U Zone I M n. 30' I 30' i m Front 100' - - Min. Frontage E. Lot Frontage Each lot in the MU -N Zone shall have a minimum frontage on a street of 100 feet. F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property multiplied by 1.3 or an FAR 13:1. Additional FAR may be granted for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. 1 1 = 10,000 sf F.A.R. = 1.3 Bldg. Area = 13,000 sf dl 100' 13 G. Walls /Fences Fences in the MU -N Zone shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions. A minimum 6 -foot high masonry wall shall be provided along property lines for those yards abutting residential or industrial zones. H. Access All development projects shall provide adequate access and facilities for various modes of transit, as required by the City's Transportation Demand Management program, Chapter 20.55. In addition, all development projects shall provide pedestrian access between buildings and transit facilities located on -site and/or off -site, if within adjoining public rights - of -way. If the building is part of a multi - building development project, then pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings. SECTION 32. Section 20.36.080 of Chapter 20.36, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.36.080 OFF - STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES. Off -street parking and loading spaces in the MU -N Zone shall be provided as required by Chapter 20.54, Off - Street Parking and Loading Spaces. SECTION 33. Section 20.36.090 of Chapter 20.36, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.36.090 SIGNS. Signs in the MU -N zone shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 20.60, Signs. SECTION 34. Chapter 20.38 shall be added to Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows: Chapter 20.38 URBAN MIXED -USE SOUTH (MU -S) ZONE Sections: 20.38.010 PURPOSE. 20.38.020 PERMITTED USES. 20.38.025 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES. 20.38.030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. 20.38.040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. 20.38.045 ADULT BUSINESS PERMITS. 20.38.050 PROHIBITED USES. 20.38.060 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 20.38.070 LANDSCAPING. 20.38.080 OFF - STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES. 20.38.090 SIGNS. 20.38.010 PURPOSE. The purpose of this Zone is to provide consistency with and implement policies related to those locations which are designated Urban Mixed -Use South on the General Plan Land Use Map and in the General Plan text. The Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone is established to provide area(s) where a mixture of compatible commercial, offices, research and development, retail and hotel uses can locate and develop in a mutually beneficial manner. It is the intent of the MU -S Zone to have several types of uses occupy a single building, or if a project includes multiple buildings, then each building should contain a different type of use. It is anticipated, although not required, that each type of use will be from two or more of the following categories: Retail, service, hotel, office, research and development, theaters or recreational facilities. It is further intended to ensure that adequate open space and ,development regulations will create a favorable environment for abutting uses as well as ensuring the compatibility and harmonious existence of development within MU -S zoned property. Businesses located within this Zone are encouraged to provide street level uses which allow for, and facilitate, pedestrian activity for area workers and visitors. 20.38.020 PERMITTED USES. The following uses are permitted in the MU -S Zone: 14 A. Business service establishments such as electronic computer facilities and addressing services; B. General offices of commercial, financial or industrial establishments; C. Engineering, industrial design, consultation and other offices; D. Financial institutions; E. Hotels and motels; F. Medical - dental offices or facilities; G. Massage establishments, as defined in Section 20.08.590, that meet the requirements of Chapter 5.40, Massage Parlors, in addition to all other requirements imposed by law; H. Motion picture /television production facilities (excluding outdoor facilities); I. Restaurants, coffee shops and cafes; J. Retail (excluding off -site alcohol sales) and wholesale sales and service; K. Scientific research and experimental development laboratories; L. Theaters; M. Trade union halls, clubs, including service clubs, veterans' organizations, lodges and similar nonprofit organizations; and, N. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. 20.38.025 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES. A. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use; B. Drive -thru or walk -up services, including financial operations, but excluding drive -thru restaurants; C. Employee recreational facilities and play area; D. Parking structures and surface parking lots; E. Open storage of commodities sold or utilized on the premises; and, F. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. 20.38.030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. A. Light industrial uses; B. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes; C. The off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments; D. Video arcades with three or fewer video or arcade machines; and, E. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. 20.38.040 USES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by Chapter 20.74, Variance and Conditional Use Permit: A. Catering services and flight kitchens; 15 B. Drive -thru restaurants; C. Freight forwarding; D. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of Section 20.12.160; E. Hospitals; F. Motion picture /television production facilities (outdoor facilities only); G. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars; H. Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants and drive -thru restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant or drive -thru restaurant, but not exceeding 200 square feet of floor area; I. Parking facilities, including park and ride lots; Recreational facilities (public and commercial); K. Service stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; L. Video arcades with four or more video or arcade machines; and, M. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. 20.38.045 ADULT BUSINESS PERMITS Adult- oriented businesses shall be allowed subject to obtaining an Adult Business Permit, as provided by Chapter 20.80, Adult Use Zoning Regulations. 20.38.050 PROHIBITED USES. A. All uses that are involved with the transfer and storage of waste material; and, B. Residential uses. 20.38.060 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. All uses within the MU -S Zone shall comply with the Development Standards contained in this Section. A. General Provisions 1. All uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building except: a. Electrical distribution stations; b. Outdoor restaurants and cafes incidental to the permitted use; C. Recreational facilities customarily conducted in the open; and, d. Special uses, to the degree the Conditional Use Permit granting such special uses expressly permits operation in other than a fully enclosed building. 2. Prior to approval of any development project, all criteria of the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and trip reduction criteria as provided for in Chapter 20.55, Transportation Systems Management, shall be met. 3. Other provisions as required in Chapter 20.12, General Provisions. B • Lot Area A minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet. C. Height Buildings and structures shall not exceed a height of 175 feet. 16 Street Setbacks iq n 1. Front Yard: 30 feet minimum. Off -street parking may encroach upon the setback area, but may not diminish the required amount of landscaping. 2. Side yard: 25 feet minimum, unless one of the following conditions exist: a. If the side yard adjoins a dedicated street, a minimum of 30 feet shall be provided; and, b. If the side yard abuts property with a different classification, the side yard setback shall be the average of the two side yard setbacks, but not less than 10 feet. 3. Rear yard: 5 feet minimum, unless the rear yard adjoins an alley, dedicated street, or public right -of -way, or if the primary access is through the rear yard. In these cases, a minimum of 30 feet shall be provided. F. ,n S } 25' M U Zone 10,000 s.f. Min. i 27.5'1 25' 30' if f�7 Front 100' Min. Frontage E. Lot Frontage Alley 1 171 0 M U Zone I i 30' _d Each lot in the MU -S Zone shall have a minimum frontage on a street of 100 feet. F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property, multiplied by 1.3, or an FAR of 1.3:1. Additional FAR may be granted for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. = 10,000 sf F.A.R. - 1.3 Bldg. Area - 13,000 sf G. Walls /Fences Fences in the MU -S Zone shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions. A minimum 6 -foot high masonry wall shall be provided along property lines for those yards abutting residential or industrial zones. H. Access All development projects shall provide adequate access and facilities for various modes of transit, as required by the City's Transportation Demand Management program, Chapter 20.55. In addition, all development projects shall provide pedestrian access between buildings and transit facilities located on -site and/or off -site, if within adjoining public rights- 17 of -way. If the building is part of a multi - building development project, then pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings. 20.38.070 LANDSCAPING. Landscaping shall be provided as required by Section 20.12.170, Landscaping. 20.38.080 OFF - STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES. Off - street parking and loading spaces in the MU -S Zone shall be provided as required by Chapter 20.54, Off - Street Parking and Loading Spaces. 20.38.090 SIGNS. Signs in the MU -S Zone shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 20.60, Signs. SECTION 35. Section 20.40.040 F. of Chapter 20.40, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Service stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is Provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; and, SECTION 36. Section 20.40.060 C. of Chapter 20.40, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: C. Height 1 • North of El Boulevard: 2. South of El Boulevard: Segundo 175 feet maximum. Segundo 200 feet maximum west of Douglas Street. 150 feet maximum east of Douglas Street. SECTION 37. Section 20.40.060 F. of Chapter 20.40, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is a read as follows: mended F. Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings, as defined in Chapter 20.08, on any parcel or lot shall not exceed the total square footage of the parcel or lot area multiplied by 0.6, thereby giving a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.6:1. However, additional FAR may be granted by the City upon the preparation and approval of a specific plan, consistent with Section 65450 et.al of the California Government Code, or, for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with the approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) plan. The total net floor area of high and medium bay labs may be multiplied by a factor of 0.5 to determine the allowed net floor area, if an agreement is recorded which ensures that the use and the number of employees is consistent with the definition in 20.08.467. �.. = 10,000 sf gF.A.R. = 0.6 y Bldg. Area = 6,000 sf 100' 18 SECTION 38. Section 20.41.040 F. of Chapter 20.41, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: F. Service stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; and, SECTION 39. Section 20.42.010 of Chapter 20.42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.42.010 PURPOSE. The purpose of this Zone is to perpetuate the existence of the small business and incubator industrial user in the Smoky Hollow area. As such, this Zone is to be utilized only within the boundaries of Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. It is recognized that the areas that provide small businesses a place to establish and prosper are becoming more and more scarce and at the same time becoming increasingly desirable. This unique environment is felt to be an appropriate location for light industrial activities, research, and technological processes, restaurants, cafeterias and related industrial offices. It is also the purpose of this zone to allow maximum site development flexibility in return for well- conceived and efficient site planning and landscaping to complement the good development which presently exists in the area. SECTION 40. Section 20.42.020 E. of Chapter 20.42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: E. Automobile service uses with up to four service bays, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard. Projects proposing a greater number of bays shall be required to obtain an Administrative Use Permit; SECTION 41. Section 20.42.030 of Chapter 20.42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.42.030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. A. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes; B. The off -site sale of alcohol at permitted retail accessory establishments; C. Automobile service uses with more than four (4) service bays, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; and D. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 42. Section 20.42.040 D. of Chapter 20.42, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: D. Service stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; and, SECTION 43. Section 20.43.020 E. of Chapter 20.43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: E. Automobile service uses with up to four service bays, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard. Projects proposing a greater number of bays shall be required to obtain an Administrative Use Permit; 19 SECTION 44. Section 20.43.030 of Chapter 20.43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.43.030 USES SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT. A. The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive -thru restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes; B. The off -site sale of alcohol at permitted retail establishments; C. Automobile service uses with more than four (4) service bays, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; and D. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. SECTION 45. Section 20.43.040 D. of Chapter 20.43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: D. Service stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; and, SECTION 46. Section 20.43.060 C. of Chapter 20.43, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: C. Height No building or structure within the MM Zone shall exceed a height of 35 feet. However, that building providing enclosed or rooftop parking or utilizing a parapet wall on top of the eave of the top floor in order to hide rooftop equipment shall not exceed 40 feet. Buildings incorporating certain elements as outlined in the lot consolidation provisions (Section 20.46.030.F.) may, with the concurrence of the Planning Commission, exceed the stated height limit by up to 15 feet. This provision may also be applied to special accessory structures ancillary to the basic use at the Planning Commission's option. ... ............................... 71,110L Cm SECTION 47. Section 20.44.040 C. of Chapter 20.44, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: C. Service stations, if a 500 foot minimum distance from any residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard; and, SECTION 48. Section 20.54.030 B. of Chapter 20.54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: B. Nonresidential Uses NONRESIDENTIAL USES NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED (1) Hospitals: 11/2 spaces for each bed. (2) Hotels: 1 space for each of the first 100 rooms; '/, space for each of the next 100 rooms; and 1/z space for each room — above 200 rooms. 20 21 (3) Motels, auto courts, bed and I space for each sleeping unit. breakfast inns, motor lodges, and tourist courts: (4) Seniors' communities, rest 1 space for each 2 beds. homes, convalescent homes: (5) Offices, commercial, video 1 space for each 300 sq. ft. for the first 25,000 sq. ft. arcades, and food -to -go uses: 1 space for each 350 sq. ft. for the second 25,000 sq. ft. I space for each 400 sq. ft. for the area in excess of 50,000 sq. ft. (6) Restaurants, drive -thru 1 space for each 75 sq. ft., including outdoor dining restaurants, bars and cocktail areas if outdoor dining area exceeds 200 sq. ft. or 20% lounges: of indoor dining area, whichever is less. No parking is required for restaurants under 500 sq. ft. which do not provide sit -down eating accommodations. (7) Manufacturing, research and 1 space for each 500 sq. ft. for the first 50,000 sq. ft. development (includes office 1 space for each 1,000 sq. ft. for the area in excess of with on -site testing facilities): 50,000 sq. ft. (8) Medical/Dental offices and 1 space for each 200 sq. ft. clinics: (9) Warehouses and storage 1 space for each 1,000 sq. ft. for the first 20,000 sq. ft. buildings: 1 space for each 2,000 sq. ft. for the second 20,000 sq. ft. 1 space for each 4,000 sq. ft. for the area in excess of 40,000 sq. ft. (10) Automobile repair garages, 2 spaces for each service stall plus 2 spaces for office. body shops, and service stations: (11) Schools, private (a) Pre - school, elementary through junior high level: 1 space for each 1 classroom, plus 1 space for each employee and faculty member. (b) High school level: 1 space for each 3 students, plus 1 space for each employee and faculty member. (c) Adult level, college, 1 space for each 5 students, plus 1 space for each business and trade: employee and faculty member. (l 2) Places of public assembly including, but not limited to, theaters, auditoriums, banquet facilities, meeting rooms, clubs, lodges and mortuaries: (a) With fixed seats 1 space for every 3 seats.* (b) Without fixed seats 1 space for every 30 sq. ft. of floor area used for assembly purposes. (13) Churches: 1 space for every 4 seats.* * Based upon the Uniform Building Code, areas having fixed benches or pews shall have 1 seat for each 18 inches of length. Dining areas shall have 1 seat for each 24 inches of booth length, or major portion thereof. Compact parking shall be allowed for office and industrial uses to a maximum of twenty (20 %) percent of required parking spaces. Parking spaces in provided excess of the required number may be compact size. Compact parking shall not be allowed for retail uses. 21 The Planning Commission may modify the required number of parking spaces based on the submittal of a Parking Demand Study. Additionally, for any use for which the number of parking spaces is not listed, the Director of Planning and Building Safety or Planning Commission shall specify the required number of spaces based on a Parking Demand Study. SECTION 49. Section 20.54.050 B. of Chapter 20.54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: B. Tandem Parking Parking stalls in a tandem configuration are prohibited in all zones, except as follows: ALLOWABLE TANDEM ZONE PARKING PROVISIONS PERCENTAGES All residential zones Restricted to 2 vehicles in tandem, in a N/A designated parking space for use by occupants in the same dwelling unit SB, MM, and Grand Avenue Tandem parking up to 4 cars deep shall N/A Commercial be allowed with a travel lane on both ends. The following uses are allowed to have a certain percentage of tandem parking spaces: General Retail 30 Manufacturing 85 Offices 85 Research and Development (includes 85 office with on -site testing facilities) Restaurants 10 Warehousing 85 C -RS, C -2, C -3, MU -N, Tandem parking shall be allowed for 20 MU -S, M -1 & M -2 office and manufacturing, except for structures under 15,000 sq.ft., in which case said use shall obtain a C.U.P. SECTION 50. Section 20.54.060 of Chapter 20.54, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.54.060 LOADING AREA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Every building hereafter established, erected, enlarged or expanded for commercial, manufacturing or institutional purposes in the Commercial or Manufacturing Zones listed below shall be provided with loading space as follows. However, for any building or use enlarged or increased in capacity, additional loading spaces shall be required only for such enlargement or increase. All required loading spaces shall be in addition to the required on -site parking spaces set forth in Section 20.54.030 and shall be developed and maintained in accordance with Section 20.54.020. Loading spaces may be provided either completely or partially within a building when such building is designated to include adequate ingress and egress to the loading spaces. Loading Space Sizes Space Width �De2th Vertica l Clearance 13 feet 50 feet 16 feet 22 Required loading spaces for hotel or institutional uses shall be provided as set forth in the following schedule: Loading spaces within the boundaries of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan should be located on the side or in the rear of buildings whenever possible. If located in the front yard, the loading platform shall be set back from the front property line a minimum of 30 feet. Commercial or Manufacturing zoned lots or parcels that are less than 6,000 square feet in area shall provide an on -site loading space area that is not less than 12 feet wide and is comprised of an area equal to not less than 8% of the lot or parcel area and in no case shall such loading area be less than 360 square feet. follows: SECTION 51. Chapter 20.64 shall be added to Title 20 of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as CHAPTER 20.64 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Sections: NUMBER OF LOADING SPACES REQUIRED PURPOSE AND SCOPE. 20.64.020 DEFINITIONS. LOADING PROHIBITIONS. 20.64.040 BUILDING FLOOR AREA SPACES IREOUIRED WAITING SPACES ONE RE UIRED MM • 0 - 10,000 s q. ft. Zero rSB 0 10,000 - 25,000 sq. ft. One CO, • 0 - 999 sq ft Zero N, • 1,000 - 25,000 sq. ft. One , M -2 C -3, CO, • 25,001 - 100,000 sq. ft. Two MU -N, • 100,001 - 250,000 sq. ft. Three MU -S, • is Each additional 100,000 M -1, M -2, sq. ft. or fraction thereof One SB, MM Over 1,000,000 sq. ft. One for every five loading spaces. Each space 13'Wx50'L x 16'H. Required loading spaces for hotel or institutional uses shall be provided as set forth in the following schedule: Loading spaces within the boundaries of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan should be located on the side or in the rear of buildings whenever possible. If located in the front yard, the loading platform shall be set back from the front property line a minimum of 30 feet. Commercial or Manufacturing zoned lots or parcels that are less than 6,000 square feet in area shall provide an on -site loading space area that is not less than 12 feet wide and is comprised of an area equal to not less than 8% of the lot or parcel area and in no case shall such loading area be less than 360 square feet. follows: SECTION 51. Chapter 20.64 shall be added to Title 20 of the El Segundo Municipal Code to read as CHAPTER 20.64 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Sections: 20.64.010 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. 20.64.020 DEFINITIONS. 20.64.030 PROHIBITIONS. 20.64.040 APPROVAL OF TRANSFERS - PROCEDURE. 23 20.64.010 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. It is the purpose of this Chapter to facilitate orderly business development and provide for the public benefit without increasing the total NFA permitted under the General Plan. The goal of Transfer of Development Rights is to reduce the impacts of potential increased development on properties west of Sepulveda Boulevard and allow new development east of Sepulveda Boulevard, while minimizing traffic impacts and maximizing the public benefit. This Chapter provides for the transfer of a minimum of 25,000 square feet of Net Floor Area (NFA) between properties under common ownership. Transfers may only occur from properties west of Sepulveda Boulevard, located in the C -3 and C -O Zones, to properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard and located in the C -3, CO, MU -N, and M -1 Zones. 20.64.020 DEFINITIONS. The following terms, whenever used in this Chapter, shall apply only to the Transfer of Development Rights procedures as provided for in this Chapter: A. "Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's)" means allowing a property to increase its building square footage above that permitted by the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) standards by purchasing allowed building square footage from another site. B. "Transfer" means the transfer of the unused allowable NFA of a parcel from a Donor Site(s) to a Receiving Site(s), which is approved in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. C. "Transfer Plan" means a plan that identifies and describes the Donor Site(s), Receiving Site(s), amount of the NFA to be transferred, the proposed uses of the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s), the public benefit of the transfer, and the proposed conditions of approval. D. "Donor Site(s)" means a parcel located west of Sepulveda Boulevard and located within the C -3 or CO Zone from which NFA is being transferred pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. E. "Receiving Site(s)" means a parcel located east of the easterly right -of -way line of Sepulveda Boulevard, which does not abut or take access from Sepulveda Boulevard, and located within the C -3, CO, MU -N, or M -1 Zone that receives NFA from a Donor Site(s) pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. F. "Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ)" means a specific area in the City of El Segundo which has been identified for traffic study and mitigation purposes. 20.64.030 PROHIBITIONS. A. Notwithstanding any provision of this Chapter to the contrary, no building permit shall be issued for any project that is inconsistent with the zoning restrictions on the lot, except for FAR restrictions. B. Notwithstanding any provision of this Chapter to the contrary, only properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard, which do not abut or take access from Sepulveda Boulevard, can qualify as Receiving Site(s). 20.64.040 APPROVAL OF TRANSFERS - PROCEDURE. A. Application. Any person(s) who owns both the Donor Site(s) and the Receiving Site(s) may apply for a Transfer of NFA by submitting a written application for a Transfer to the City Planning and Building Safety Department that identifies the Donor Site(s), Receiving Site(s), the amount of NFA proposed to be transferred, and the proposed uses'of the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s). B. Review by Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall approve, conditionally approve or deny a Transfer Plan. The Planning Commission shall use the following criteria in making its determination: 1 • That the Transfer Plan is in accord with the objectives of this title and the purposes of the zone in which the sites are located; and, 24 2. That the proposed Transfer Plan will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and, 3. That the proposed Transfer Plan complies with each of the applicable provisions of this chapter; and, 4. That the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s) are located within the same Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) as identified in Exhibit A; and, 5. That the total square footage of the Transfer may not exceed 10% of the total buildout square footage for each zone, as specified in the General Plan Summary of Buildout (Exhibit LU -3); and, 6. That the proposed Transfer Plan recognizes and compensates for potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed Transfer, such as aesthetics, noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic and hazards; and, 7. That the proposed Transfer PIan provides a public benefit such as improved traffic circulation, open space, recreation facilities, landscaping, pedestrian access, or other improvements which benefit the public; and, 8. That the proposed Transfer Plan is consistent with the General Plan. C. Notice and Hearing. Upon filing of an application for a Transfer Plan by a property owner. or an applicant with the consent of the owner(s), the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall give public notice, as provided in Chapter 20.90, Procedures for Hearings, Notice and Fees, of the intention to consider at a public hearing the granting of a Transfer Plan. The notice shall be provided for the areas surrounding both the donor and receiving sites. D. Appeal to City Council. The applicant or any person affected by the Planning Commission's decision respecting a Transfer Plan can appeal the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council pursuant to Chapter 20.82, Appeal or Review. E. Final Approval. A Transfer Plan approved by Planning Commission and/or City Council shall become final upon the completion of all applicable conditions of approval and the following: Recorded Covenant. A Covenant in a form approved by the City Attorney shall be recorded against the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s) setting forth the details of the Transfer Plan and any conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commission and/or the City Council. The Covenant shall be executed by all parties that have a legal or equitable interest in the Donor Site(s) or the Receiving Site(s). The Covenant shall reflect that from the date of recording of the Covenant that the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s) shall thereafter in perpetuity be burdened by the Covenant and the FAR for the Donor Site(s) and Receiving Site(s) will be set in the Covenant pursuant to the FAR allowed at the time of approval of the Transfer Plan. The Director of Planning and Building Safety may approve the removal of the Covenant from the properties if the Transfer has not been utilized by the Receiving Site(s) and the legal and equitable owners of the property execute a request for removal in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Any modification to an approved Transfer Plan must be submitted to the City for review utilizing the procedures set forth in this Chapter for approval of a Transfer Plan. Recording, modifying or removing a Covenant shall require a title insurance policy as set forth below. Title Insurance. Prior to recording, modifying or removing a Covenant pursuant to Section 20.64.040 E.1., the applicant shall secure a title insurance policy benefiting the City in an amount equal to the value of the NFA being transferred. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with procuring title insurance, including without limitation the cost of appraising the value of the NFA proposed to be transferred. 25 CHAPTER 20.64.040 HOT TO BOALE TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Traffic Analysis Zones FEXHIBrr SECTION 52. Section 20.72.045 of Chapter 20.72, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.72.045 FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL OF ALCOHOL SALES. A. Before an Administrative Use Permit may be granted, it shall be found that: 1 • There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located; 2. The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the site is located; 3. The proposed location and use and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and, 4. Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic and hazards have been recognized and compensated for. B. In addition to the four findings above, before an alcohol- related Administrative Use Permit may be granted, it shall also be found that: 1 • The State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control has issued or will issue a license to sell alcohol to the applicant. C. In addition to the four findings detailed in Section A. above, before an Administrative Use Permit for a video arcade may be granted, the Performance Criteria in Section 20.12.180 A. must be evaluated. SECTION 53. Section 20.74.060 of Chapter 20.74, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.74.060 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS. A. Before a Conditional Use Permit may be granted, it shall be found: 1 • That the proposed location of the conditional use is in accord with the objectives of this title and the purposes of the zone in which the site is located; 2. That the proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and, 3. That the proposed conditional use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this chapter. 26 B. Before a Conditional Use Permit may be granted for the sale of alcohol, it shall be found that: 1. The State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control has issued or will issue a license to sell alcohol to the applicant; 2. There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located; The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the site is located; 4. The proposed location and use and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and, 5. Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic and hazards have been recognized and compensated for. C. In addition to the four findings detailed in Section A. above, before a Conditional Use Permit for a video arcade may be granted, the Performance Criteria in Section 20.12.180 B. must be evaluated. SECTION 54. Section 20.78.010 of Chapter 20.78, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.78.010 GRANTING. Whenever a strict interpretation of the provisions of this Title or its application to any specific case or situation pertaining to height or location of a wall, hedge, or fence would result in the unreasonable deprivation of the use or enjoyment of property, an adjustment may be granted in respect to height or location of a wall, fence, or hedge, subject to the following restriction and in the manner hereafter provided. No adjustment shall be made to permit a wall, hedge, or fence to exceed 8 feet in height. An adjustment may also be granted for architectural landscape features which exceeds the standards set forth in Section 20.12.170; and, in the manner hereafter provided. SECTION 55. Section 20.82.015 of Chapter 20.82, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.82.015 APPEAL OF DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND BUILDING DECISION Any individual may appeal a decision or determination of the Director of Planning and Building Safety to the Planning Commission. The appeal shall be made within 10 calendar days after the date of the Planning and Building Safety Director's decision by filing a letter of appeal, with the required appeal fee, with the Secretary of the Planning Commission. In the event that the tenth day falls on a holiday or weekend, the appeal letter may be filed on the next business day. Any appeal of an Administrative Use Permit must be received, with the required appeal fee, prior to the decision being received and filed by the Planning Commission. All appeals shall state specifically wherein it is claimed there was an error or abuse of discretion by the decision maker or where a decision is not supported by the evidence in the record. Following the receipt of an appeal, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall transmit to the Planning Commission the letter of appeal, the application and all other papers constituting the record upon which the action of the Director of Planning and Building Safety was taken. The Planning Commission shall hold at least one public hearing, in the manner prescribed in Chapter 20.90, on the decision of the Director of Planning and Building Safety, which has been appealed. The hearing shall be held within 40 calendar days of the appeal request. The project applicant shall provide the list of property owners, radius map and any additional information required for the public hearing to the Department of Planning and Building Safety. The Planning Commission may affirm, reverse, or modify a decision of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. The decision of the Planning Commission is appealable to the City Council, pursuant to Section 20.82.020. 27 SECTION 56. Section 20.82.020 of Chapter 20.82, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.82.020 APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION. Any individual may appeal a decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council. The appeal shall be made within 10 calendar days after the date of the Planning Commission decision by filing a letter of appeal, with the required appeal fee, with the City Clerk. In the event that the tenth day falls on a holiday or weekend, the appeal letter may be filed on the next business day. The appeal shall state specifically wherein it is claimed there was an error or abuse of discretion by the body making the decision or where a decision is not 'supported by the evidence in the record. Following the receipt of an appeal, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall transmit to the City Council the letter of appeal, the application, and all other papers constituting the record upon which the action of the Planning Commission was taken. SECTION 57. Section 20.86.020 of Chapter 20.86, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.86.020 INITIATION. Amendments of this title may be initiated: A. Upon the verified application of one or more owners of property which is proposed to be changed or reclassified; and, B. Upon the adoption of a motion by the City Council requesting the Planning Commission to process in the manner prescribed by law: Any change in zone boundaries; 2. Any change to a precise plan; or, 3. Any amendment of the Zoning Code text. SECTION 58. Section 20.86.040 of Chapter 20.86, Title 20, of the El Segundo Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20.86.040 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING PROCEDURE. Upon filing of a verified application or upon the adoption of a motion by the City Council, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing as provided in Chapter 20.90. The Planning Commission shall announce its findings by formal resolution not more than 40 calendar days following the hearing, and the resolution shall recite, among other things, the facts and reasons which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, make the approval or denial of the application necessary to carry out the general purpose of this title, and shall recommend the adoption of the Amendment or modification to the precise plan by the City Council or deny the application. SECTION 59. Land Use Element Policy LU 1 -5.9 is hereby added to address the potential impacts of drive -thru restaurants. The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element, as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. SECTION 60. The Land Use designations of the Land Use Element are hereby changed to allow the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) to be exceeded for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard with a Transfer of Development Right's (TDR) Plan. The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. . , SECTION 61. Land Use Element Policy LU 5-4.1 is hereby added to address permitting the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's). The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. SECTION 62. The General Plan Land Use Map is hereby changed to reflect the New MU -N and MU -S designations and the actual boundaries of the City's Municipal Golf Course and the West Basin Municipal Water District Water Reclamation Facility. The corresponding changes to the Land Use Map as set forth in Exhibit D, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. 28 SECTION 63. The Land Use designations (Commercial designations) and the proposed Land Use Plan (northeast quadrant) of the Land Use Element are hereby amended to split the Urban Mixed Use Land Use designation into Urban Mixed -Use North and Urban Mixed -Use South. The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. SECTION 64. The Land Use 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends Buildout (Exhibit LU -3) of the Land Use Element is hereby amended to split the Urban Mixed -Use Land Use designation into Urban Mixed - Use North and Urban Mixed -Use South and reflect changes to the boundaries of the City's Municipal Golf Course and the West Basin Municipal Water District Water Reclamation Facility. The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit F, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. SECTION 65. The current Zoning Map is hereby amended to reflect the new Urban Mixed -Use North and Urban Mixed -Use South Zones and the actual boundaries of the City's Municipal Golf Course and the West Basin Municipal Water District Water Reclamation Facility. The corresponding changes to the Zoning Map as set forth in Exhibit G, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. SECTION 66. The Summary of Existing Conditions Report, and the Summary of Existing Uses (Exhibit LU -1) of the Land Use Element and the Summary of Existing Conditions, Public Open Space and Recreational Facilities (Exhibit OS -1), the public facilities, the service standards, and Policy OS 1 -1.10 of the Open Space Element are hereby amended to reflect the actual boundaries of the City's Municipal Golf Course and the West Basin Municipal Water District Water Reclamation Facility. The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit H, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. SECTION 67. The proposed Land Use Plan (southeast quadrant) is hereby amended to split the Urban Mixed -Use Land Use designation into Urban Mixed -Use North and Urban Mixed -Use South and reflect changes to the boundaries of the City's Municipal Golf Course and the West Basin Municipal Water District Water Reclamation Facility. The corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit I, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved. SECTION 68. Planning Commission Chairman Robert Yeagley did abstain from and did not participate in the deliberations and decision on the following portions of the General Plan and Zone Text Amendments: 1. Section 20.33.060 - C -3 Zone (TDR's) 2. Section 20.34.060 - C -O Zone (TDR's) 3. Section 20.36.060 - MU -N Zone (TDR's) 4. Section 20.38.060 - MU -S Zone (TDR's) 5. Section 20.40.060 - M -1 Zone (TDR's) 6. Chapter 20.64 - Transfer of Development Rights 6. General Plan Land Use Designations, Page 3 -5 (TDR's) 7. General Plan Land Use Element Policy LU 5 -4.1, Page 3 -27 (TDR's) SECTION 69. Planning Commission Chairman Robert Yeagley and Planning Commission Vice - Chairman Brian Crowley did abstain from and did not participate in the deliberations and decision on the following portions of the General Plan and Zone Text Amendments: 1. Section 20.16.010 - MU -N and MU -S Zone 2. Section 20.36.010 - MU -N Zone 3. Section 20.36.020 - MU -N Zone 4. Section 20.36.045 - MU -N Zone 5. Section 20.36.060 - MU -N Zone 6. Section 20.36.080 - MU -N Zone 7. Section 20.36.090 - MU -N Zone 8. Section 20.38 - MU -S Zone 9• Section 20.54.050 B - Parking - MU -N Zone 10. Section 20.54.060 - Parking MU -N Zone 11. General Plan Land Use designations, Page 3 -7 (MU -N) 12. General Plan Land Use designations, Page 3 -8 (MU -S) 13. General Plan Land Use Element, Pages 3 -10 and 3 -11 (MU -N and MU -S) 14. General Plan Land Use Element, Page 3 -15, Exhibit LU -3 (MU -N and MU -S) 15. General Plan Land Use Map, Page 3 -17, Exhibit LU-4 (MU -N and MU -S) 16. Zoning Map (MU -N and MU -S) 29 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this IM day of March, 1997, Bret FY BepKard, 4P, Director o Planni g and Building Safety and Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, California YQTES- Yeagley - Aye Crowley - Aye Boulgarides - Aye Palmer - Aye Wycoff - Aye 30 Yeagley, va -Ulu - 7wuuug-1 -o tmisslon of the City of El Segundo' California p: \zoning \ea405 \ea405. res Planning Commission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT A Policy LU1 -5.9 Develop standards to address the potential impacts of drive -thru restaurants on residential uses. General Plan Land Use Element Page 3 -21 zoning\ea- 405\exhibits \golf- c\exh -a.pc Page 1 of 1 Planning Commission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT B LAND USE DESIGNATIONS Following is a discussion of each type of land use designation found in the City. Each contains a short description and an indication of the maximum land use density or intensity allowed. Land use density refers to the number of dwelling units per acre of land (du /ac). This distinction is generally used only for residential designations. Land use intensity refers to the quantity of building on a specific lot size. For example, a 3,000 square foot single - family home would be considered a more intense use than a 1,600 square foot home on the same size lot. An example of non- residential intensity would be a multi -story building, which is considered a more intense use than a single -story building on the same sized lot. For non- residential uses, intensity is expressed in terms of Floor Area Ratio (FAR) which describes the ratio of the lot size to the building size or as otherwise defined in the Zoning Code from time to time. For example, typically a lot with a land area Of 10,000 square feet and a FAR of 1.0, would allow a building area of 10,000 square feet. The allowed FAR may be exceeded for properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard only, with approval of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plan. General Plan • Land Use Element Page 3 -5 & 3 -6 P:\zoning \ea405 \exhibits \tdr's \exh -b &c. pc Page 1 of 1 Planning Commission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT C Policy 1-1.15 -4.1 Develop guidelines for permitting the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's) with clearly identified public benefit objectives. General Plan • Land Use Element Page 3 -27 P:\zoning \ea405 \exhibits \tdr's \exh.b &c. pc Page 1 of 1 n w rn _v U Q W CO W cr t 1� J 7� �►, J III li• - -- -; I = ■LI�lI�� �r� %-I Planning Co .fission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT D y t s •x :s co 3: is xa e _ i s: o rr� vJ w 0 4%Q S%S sU M""ft c E a O C 0 0 •a) C C E W O 0 W y E Z W c N c N E 0 EU E Um - (A 0 N O � J C Oi t jE _`L� O ` J o v `D m m v o ° � �i � c, a_c == U5 0 a � va W o� o c .: W 2 t y o c c c Q: > Y Z ffi c/) 0 � •� 3 co 3:2M c 8- cu o � t)L 0 �_ 0 UY c 0 3 Page 1of1 10001 00 11 ,11 ?o11 c0a0� 0. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT E Commmercial Designations Urban Mixed -Use North Permits a mixture of office, research and development, retail, and hotel uses. Light industrial uses conducted within a fully enclosed building shall be permitted if approved with a discretionary application. The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is limited to 1.3. Urban Mixed -Use South Permits a mixture of office, research and development, retail, and hotel uses. Light industrial uses conducted within a fully enclosed building and adult- oriented businesses shall be permitted if approved with a discretionary application. The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is limited to 1.3. General Plan • Land Use Element Pages 3 -7 Proposed Land Use Plan Northeast Quadrant On the 1992 Land Use Plan, the majority of the northeast quadrant is designated either Corporate Office (193.4 ac) or Urban Mixed -Use (279.0 ac). Corporate Office allows a mixture of office uses with retail in the lobby. This designation covers the "Superblock Area" and will allow uses similar to those currently in that area. The Urban Mixed -Use North and South designations allow a mixture of uses, including office, hotels, and retail and light industrial with discretionary approval. The Urban Mixed -Use North and South designations are designed to allow for a flexibility of uses near the three existing, and one future, Green Line transit stations. For the most part , the types of uses allowed are different from the light and heavy industrial uses currently in this area. These designations will accommodate a transition from these uses, which is being driven by the market forces described in the Economic Development Element. Southeast Quadrant The majority of the southeast quadrant is designated light industrial (365.9 ac). This category allows for a mixture of light industrial and office uses, similar to what is now existing in some of the business parks between Douglas Street and Aviation Boulevard. The southern portion of the quadrant, along Rosecrans Avenue west of Aviation Boulevard, is designated as Urban Mixed -Use South, allowing a mixture of office, hotel, and retail uses. This area totals 70.6 acres. The northeast comer of Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard (84.8 ac), currently occupied by Air Products and Allied Chemical, are designated for heavy industrial. There is a small commercial piece (0.9 ac) along Sepulveda Boulevard, just south of El Segundo Boulevard. General Plan • Land Use Element Pages 3 -10 & 3 -11 zoning\ea- 4051exhibits\golf- c\exh -e.pc Page 1 of 1 Planning Commission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT F Population Projection I 17,244 uare tioc 100,000 1,237,000 1,930,000 12,351,000 1,986,000 19,797,000 To be determined 18,529,000 55,930,000 Existing construction such as the market, and recently constructed, renovated commeraal centers and legal nonfonforming residential uses at densities that are currently higher than allowed by the land use designations in this plan will not realistically be converted to mixed commercial/residential uses and these buildings are expected to remain for the life of the Plan. The heavy industrial shown on this plan includes the Chevron Refinery, Southern California Edison Generation Station, Air Products and Allied Chemical facilities. These facilities have processing equipment and tanks rather than buildings and are expected to remain for the life of the Plan. Therefore, no estimated building square footage is shown. Source: City of El Segundo Planning Department and The Ughtfoot Planning Group General Plan Amendment (GPA 97 -1) C I T Y OF EL S E G U N D O • GENERAL N,­ i 1992 General Plan exhibit Summary of Existing Trends Buildout LU -3 3 -15 / Page 1 of 1 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends Buildout Land Use Cate o Acres nits Single - Family Residential 357,2 Two - Family Residential 57.4 13,379 Planned Residential 5.7 Multi- Family Residential 119.3 Neighborhood Commercial 7.1 85 Downtown Commercial 30.4 86 General Commercial 44.3 �- Corporate Office 211.2 ___ Smoky Hollow 93.6 257 Urban Mixed -Use North 279.0 ___ Urban Mixed -Use South 70.6 _ -_ Parking 15.8 ___ Light Industrial 356.1 Heavy Industrial 1,086.8 __- Public Facilities 91.7 __- Federal Government 90.6 ___ Open Space 85.0 ___ Parks 50.0 ___ Street & Railroad R.O.W. 442.6 __- Totals 3,494.4 7,664 Population Projection I 17,244 uare tioc 100,000 1,237,000 1,930,000 12,351,000 1,986,000 19,797,000 To be determined 18,529,000 55,930,000 Existing construction such as the market, and recently constructed, renovated commeraal centers and legal nonfonforming residential uses at densities that are currently higher than allowed by the land use designations in this plan will not realistically be converted to mixed commercial/residential uses and these buildings are expected to remain for the life of the Plan. The heavy industrial shown on this plan includes the Chevron Refinery, Southern California Edison Generation Station, Air Products and Allied Chemical facilities. These facilities have processing equipment and tanks rather than buildings and are expected to remain for the life of the Plan. Therefore, no estimated building square footage is shown. Source: City of El Segundo Planning Department and The Ughtfoot Planning Group General Plan Amendment (GPA 97 -1) C I T Y OF EL S E G U N D O • GENERAL N,­ i 1992 General Plan exhibit Summary of Existing Trends Buildout LU -3 3 -15 / Page 1 of 1 U Q W W x :11 Moll z� HIS_- — cc 0 0 0 N CL t0 a7 C •� 0 Q) :Q a) a7 O O a) C N N y O >, A >. N 'U '0 Q m ME 00 zaD�o�EE C �: > > Page 1 of 1 x 0 0 0111 Planning Co, ission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT G A _ U � h w nS y tq 7 .0 c0 cm E UL Cc O Q D. ?0,01 N C) N co Uj 0 U Ia� L d ^ U) a) h � c Z CD 6a O _ d U C C O J O d c W map a 2 a01 a m 0 _ AU Z A _ U U L L 2 Z E -0 O O E a`) E•�UZ cn E E U a) O y N U .JUoE 0 0 a) - N C O o m m Q 0ZC)UD D CD 0 U ission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT G A _ U � h w nS y tq 7 .0 c0 cm E UL Cc O Q D. ?0,01 N C) N co Uj 0 U Ia� L d ^ U) a) h � c Z CD 6a O _ d U C C O J O d c W map a 2 a01 a 91 W c v- TO V n a M rT o' m W T n N O 1 R� r s a 1 e Planning Commission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT H • M � M r p •• v 1 M� � r T Q C QQA �• A � R A R M = n r : it r x s • i Page 3 of 4 Planning Commission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT H Source: City of El Segundo Planning Department and The Lightfoot Planning Group General Plan Amendment (GPA 97 -1) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GENERAL PLAN "'- Summary of Existing Uses exhibit LU -I 3 -13 Page 4 of 4 Summary of Existing Uses Land Use Category Acres Dwelling Single - Family Residential 397.9 3,183 Two- Family Residential 45.7 810 r Multi- Family Residential 89.2 3,026 Neighborhood Commercial 41.9 85 , General Commercial 21.3 86 1,208,000 Corporate Office 235.2 - -- 10,573,000 Light Industrial 525.2 - -- 10,232,000 Heavy Industrial 1,265.6 - -- 4,511,000 Parking 6.5 - -- Public Facilities 77.8 -_- Federal Government 96.5 - -_ Open Space 165.1 - -_ Street & Railroad R.O.W. 442.6 - -_ Vacant 83.9 - -- Totals 3,494.4 7,190 27,424,000 1990 Population 15,223 Source: City of El Segundo Planning Department and The Lightfoot Planning Group General Plan Amendment (GPA 97 -1) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GENERAL PLAN "'- Summary of Existing Uses exhibit LU -I 3 -13 Page 4 of 4 Planning Commission Resolution No. 2390 EXHIBIT I Proposed Land Use Plan Southeast Quadrant The majority of the southeast quadrant is designated light industrial (365.9 ac). This category allows for a mixture of light industrial and office uses, similar to what is now existing in some of the business parks between Douglas Street and Aviation Boulevard. The southern portion of the quadrant, along Rosecrans Avenue west of Aviation Boulevard, is designated as Urban Mixed -Use South, allowing a mixture of office, hotel, and retail uses. This area totals 70.6 acres. The northeast comer of Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard (84.8 ac), currently occupied by Air Products and Allied Chemical, are designated for heavy industrial. There is a small commercial piece (0.9 ac) along Sepulveda Boulevard, just south of El Segundo Boulevard. The remaining land in the southeast quadrant is designated as public facilities for the Green Line station along El Segundo Boulevard and the proposed water reclamation facility north of Hughes Way, parks for the Golf Course and Driving Range along Sepulveda Boulevard, and open space along the Southern California Edison transmission line rights -of -way. The privately -owned park for Hughes employees is also designated as open space, to ensure it will continue to be used as a recreation facility. General Plan - Land Use Element Page 3 -11 Page 1 of 1 zoning\ ea- 405\exhibits \golf- c \exh -i.pc