1997 JAN 22 CC PACKET - JOINTA G E N D A EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL PARK VISTA - 615 Holly Street ..e..ro;., etot„tnry Pxcentions. can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda. To facilitate your presentation, please place a check tart of mark,( be each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the s the meeting. Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give: Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 :00 p.m. the prior Tuesday). The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. Mn comp ce with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, Please contact CtY Clerk, 607-2208. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JOINTLY WITH THE EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING CORPORATION EL SEGUNDO SENIOR HOUSING BOARD AT ITS REGULAR MEETING LOCATION - Park Vista - 615 Holly Street DAT,= AND TIME - January 22, 1997 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total.) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf' of their employer, must co identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Discussion with Senior Housing Board: 1. Adding the Park Vista building to City building insurance coverage or alternatives such as using the same carrier; 2. Co- Investment of monies with City investments; 3. Clarification of the repayment agreements. 4. Other items of concern related to City /Corporation agreements. Staff to report findings and suggestions on Items 1 and 2 and basis for Item 3. Recommendation: Discussion and Possible Action. ADJOURNMENT OF CITY COUNCIL B. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 1996. Recommendation: Approval C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of Financial Statements for November and December, 1996. Recommendation: Approval 2. Financial Status Update - Information Recommendation: Receive and File 3. HMA Management Agreement Addendum. Recommendation: Approve and execute the proposed addendum to the management agreement. 4. Request to add procedures for parking in garage to Board Handbook. Recommendation: Confirmation of proposed procedures for parking in garage and Issuance of card keys. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NONE E. NEW BUSINESS - PARK VISTA MANAGEMENT NONE F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY STAFF NONE G. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - BOARD MEMBERS 1. Dollie Thomas - Report on evaluation feedback. Recommendation: Discussion and possible action. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Park Vista Business Only -5 Minute Limit) ADJOURNMENT POSTED POSTED POSTED c1 2 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING CORPORATION EL SEGUNDO SENIOR HOUSING BOARD MEETING JOINTLY WITH THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AT ITS ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING PARK VISTA 615 E. HOLLY STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 22, 1997 - 7:00 P.M. NOTICE: The III Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation El Segundo Senior Housing Board can only take action upon Agenda Items that have been properly posted. The Pubilo can participate In the discussion of any hem of special Order or New SunMtess on the Agenda. Any other hem of interest to the Public that Is within the Jurisdiction of the El Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corporation III Segundo 'Senior Housing Board can M directly addressed WOREE Vam 0 To THE SCARD, PLEASE CIVIL youa HAMI ana ADDRESS IOR OROANU[ATION YOU REPREMTb. PLaAa RIePaOT THE THRII WHUTI That LNAT. Members of the Public may Place Items on the Agenda by submitting a written Requests to the President, El Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Board, City of El Segundo, $60 Main Street at Mast nine days prior the Board Meeting. The request must Include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Park Vista Business Only - 5 Minute limit) A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1, Discussion with Senior Housing Board: 1. Adding the Park Vista building to City building insurance coverage or alternatives such as using the same carrier; 2. Co- Investment of monies with City investments; 3. Clarification of the repayment agreements. 4. Other items of concern related to City /Corporation agreements. Staff to resort findings and suggestions on Items 1 and 2 and basis for Item 3. Recommendation: Discussion and Possible Action. ADJOURNMENT OF CITY COUNCIL B. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 1996. Recommendation: Approval C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of Financial Statements for November and December, 1996. Recommendation: Approval 2, Financial Status Update - Information Recommendation: Receive and File 3. HMA Management Agreement Addendum. Recommendation: Approve and execute the proposed addendum to the management agreement 4. Request to add procedures for parking in garage to Board Handbook. Recommiendation: Confirmation of proposed procedures for parking in garage and issuance of card keys. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NONE E. NEW BUSINESS - PARK VISTA MANAGEMENT NONE F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY STAFF G. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - BOARD MEMBERS 1. Dollie Thomas - Report on evaluation feedback. Recommendation: Discussion and possible action. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Park V' Business Only -5 Minute Limit) ADJOURNMENT POSTED: Ile./ m POSTED: �/ ° / ✓�/J/%% _ POSTED? dId i1 dr�irr� y� INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TO: Jim Morrison, City Manager FROM: Eunice Kramer, Director of Finance�K/ SUBJECT: Request by Park Vista to Coordinate Insurance Coverage with City Policies DATE: January 14, 1997 CC: Tim Fauk, Director of Recreation and Parks t/ Donna Kreter, Assistant Finance Director This is to advise you concerning the status of the Park Vista Senior Housing Board request to add the building to the City Building Insurance Coverage. The City's policy for property insurance expires on May 15, 1997, and the insurance carrier has requested an update on our property listings, including any requested additions. We have requested a quotation for coverage with the addition of the Park Vista Building, and when the insurance broker solicits quotations, we will be advised. The city's policy has a $10,000 deductible and no earthquake insurance. The broker has been unsuccessful in obtaining affordable earthquake insurance quotations in the past, but will continue to solicit such coverage. We are also soliciting a separate quotation under the Independent Cities Risk Management Association's pooled property insurance coverage. A limited earthquake coverage pool is available through this program, and we will compare the cost of the ICRMA coverage with the renewal or new policy recommended by our current broker in late April. As soon as staff has sufficient information on the city's insurance costs and coverage alternatives, we will also advise the Senior Housing Board via Jim Fauk. City of El Segundo Interdepartmental Memorandum January 14, 1997 To: Judy Andoe, Recreation Superintendent From: Susan Chun Schofield, City Treasurer Re: Senior Housing Board Meeting, January 22, 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- In response to your memo of December 30, 1996, please allow me to offer the following. According to staff in the State Treasurer's office, the assets of the Sr. Housing Board and its corporation, having been deemed to be the City's, cannot be invested under a separate account in the State -run investment pool known as the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). What we can offer to the Sr. Housing Board is the option of pooling a portion of its reserve funds with the City's idle funds, potentially improving the earning potential of those funds. The mechanics of establishing an additional fund, assigning fund and account numbers, tracking the balances, and reporting current balances and interest earned would be determined by the Finance Department. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter further, please call me. cc: Eunice Kramer, Finance Director City of El Segundo Inter - Departmental Correspondence January 14, 1997 To: James Morrison, City Manager Via: Eunice Kramer, Director of Finance From: Donna Kreter, Assistant Finance Director Yom_ Subject: Repayment of Loans Between the City and the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Introduction and Background In May of 1986, the City and the Corporation entered into an agreement setting forth the conditions under which the Corporation would operate the housing project. Prior to that date, the City had loaned the Corporation $1,780,000 from the General Emergency Contingency Reserve Fund for the acquisition of land and funding of construction for the senior housing complex. This loan accrues interest at eight percent (8 %) and is to be paid off over twenty (20) years. For discussion purposes we will refer to this as the "first loan". The voters of El Segundo also approved an additional loan of $2,345,538 plus accrued interest of $882,544 out of the Voter's Trust Account. For discussion purposes we will refer to this as the "second loan". There currently is no Council approved repayment schedule for this second loan, the repayment agreement merely states that, " The parties agree to meet at the call of the Mayor to work out a timely manner the terms and conditions of such payment." The repayment agreement also states that payments on the second loan shall begin when the first loan is entirely paid off, but no later than June 5, 2007. The first loan is not scheduled to be paid off until May 5, 2008. Therefore there will be twelve (12) months when the two loans will overlap, and the Corporation will incur double debt service payments. Discussion The following scenarios are options for repayment of the second loan to the City of El Segundo: Scenario A: The Corporation makes monthly payments on the first loan of $14,889.00. If we were to assume the same monthly payment amount for the second loan, it would take just slightly over eighteen years to repay the total loan. Keep in mind that there will be twelve months where the Corporation will be making two $14,889.00 payments. This will deplete their reserves by $178,668. At June 30, 1996, the Corporation has a working capital of approximately $369,000. This is sufficient to cover the twelve month of double payments, provided that all future budgets remains balanced, and no more than $190,000of additional improvements or deferred maintenance is funded from this accumulated working capital. Scenario B: Since the second loan has incorporated into it accrued interest only through July 30, 1987, and stipulates that payments shall not be subject to additional periodic interest, the City may wish to develop a more accelerated payment schedule. The second loan is essentially interest free for 38 years. As a point of reference, the portion of forfeited interest from 1987 to the beginning of the payments in 2007, calculated assuming 4.5% interest, is $2,110,984. If the City increased the payments in Scenario A by 10 %, the second loan would be paid off in 16.5 years. The monthly payment on the second loan would be $16,378. During the twelve month overlap this would deplete the working capital by $196,536, and would allow for additional improvements or deferred revenue of slightly more than $172,000. The balanced budget would need to be maintained through either efficiencies or increased revenues. Increasing the payments in Scenario A by 15% would pay the second loan off in approximately 15.75 years, and deplete the working capital by $205,000 during the twelve month overlap of the two loans. Attachment: Repayment Agreement CONTRACT. 1937 - CIn' nr <! SEGIINDO REPAYMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 5th day of January, 1988 by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter "CITY ") and the EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING CORPORATION, a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation (hereinafter "CORPORATION "). WITNESSETH: A. City is the owner of real property located at 615 East Holly Avenue in the City of E1 Segundo, California, which property is developed as a 97 -unit senior and handicapped housing project (the "Project "); and B. City and Corporation have entered into an Operating Agreement dated May 6, 1986 (the "Operating Agreement ") setting forth terms and conditions under which Corporation will operate the housing project; and C. City has loaned to the project for purposes of acquiring land and funding construction the sum of $1,780,000 from the General Emergency Contingency Reserve Fund; and D. In addition to the $1,780,000 loan, voters of the City on November 8, 1983 approved Ordinance No. 1056 authorizing expenditure of $2,345,538, plus interest accrued thereon, from the Voters' Trust Account for the Senior Housing Project; and E. The parties desire to memorialize their understanding concerning the obligation of the Project to replenish the City's funds from the Project's revenues and that the satisfaction of that obligation be established by contemporaneous records; and F. Corporation acknowledges the obligation of the Project revenues to replenish the City's funds as above set forth; and G. Corporation agrees that during the term of the Operating Agreement to make the payments hereinafter set forth. CONTRACT, 1937 ci l . -1 SFG11ND0 NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises, City and Corporation agree that the funds advanced for construction of the Senior Housing Project shall be repaid under the following terms and conditions: 1. Repayment of $1,780,000 Loan. Corporation agrees to repay the loan sum of $1,780,000 from the General Emergency Contingency Reserve Fund from revenues of the Project over a period of twenty (20) years at the rate of eight percent (8%) ` interest per annum from April 5, 1988. Payments shall be made in equal monthly installments of $14,889.00 or more and shall be due on the fifth day of each month beginning May 5, 1988. Advance payments of principal may be made without penalty. Each payment shall first be credited to accrued interest and the balance shall be applied to principal. The entire balance of principal and accrued interest, if any, shall be due on May 5, 2008. 2. Late Payment. If Corporation fails to perform any of the payment provisions of this agreement, City may give Corporation ten (10) days written notice to cure the failure to perform. In the event Corporation does not cure said failure within said ten (10) days, Corporation shall be in default of its obligation under this agreement. In the event of default, the City Council, after a noticed hearing, may declare this agreement, as well as the May 6, 1986 Operating Agreement, null and void and thereafter assume operation of the Project, or enter into a contract or contracts with third parties to operate the Project. 3. In addition to repaying the foregoing advance, Corporation agrees to pay to the City for deposit in the General Fund or such other fund as the City may determine a sum equal to the $2,345,538 expended from the Voters' Trust Account for construction of the Project together with interest accrued through July 30, 1987 in the amount of $882,544. Such payment shall not be subject to additional periodic interest payments. Repayment shall begin when all principal and interest payments on the $1,780,000 loan from the General Emergency Contingency 2 1937 - CIT" n - $r IMOO Reserve Fund have been made, but not later than June 5, 2007. The parties agree to meet at the call of the Mayor of the City to work out in a timely manner the terms and conditions of such payment. 4. Payments Made To. All payments due hereunder shall be made to the City Treasurer, City of E1 Segundo, 350 Main Street, E1 Segundo, California 90245, and shall be credited to the City General Fund. 5. Notices. All notices, reports, and statements which either party desires or is required to give to the other under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or shall be delivered by personal delivery, addressed as shown below. Notices shall be deemed effectively communicated as of the date of the receipt. Either party may change its address for purposes of notices under this Agreement by means of written notice given in accordance with the provisions of this section. As to City: City of E1 Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Attention: City Manager As to Corporation: E1 Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation 350 Main Street E1 Segundo, California 90245 Attention: Chairman 6. Governing Law. Validity of this Agreement and any of its terms and conditions shall be interpreted and construed pursuant to the laws of the State of California. 7. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect. 3 CONTRACT, 1937 - cil. SFG'INDO IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO By ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING- O PORA ON By resident ATTEST: Secret dry APPROVED AS TO FORM: By City Attorrxhy 4 EL SEGUNDO SENIOR HOUSING BOARD AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT FOR BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 22, 1997 AGENDA HEADING: DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR RESERVES. AGENDA DESCRIPTION: DESIGNATE A SPECIFIC AMOUNT OF FUND BALANCE WHICH NEEDS TO BE MAINTAINED IN THE PARK VISTA RESERVE ACCOUNT. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: DESIGNATE APPROPRIATE FUND BALANCE. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION BRIEF SUMMARY: IT IS REQUESTED BY THE SENIOR HOUSING BOARD THAT THE CITY COUNCIL REVIEW THE CURRENT BALANCE IN THE PARK VISTA RESERVE ACCOUNT AND DESIGNATE A FUND BALANCE WHICH NEEDS TO BE SUSTAINED. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: YES NO X Amount Requested: Account Balance: Date: FY96/97 Budget Account Number 1302 Appropriation Required: Yes No ORIGINATED: Date: JANUARY 22, 1997 Peter Freeman Chairman of Senior Housing Board ACTION TAKEN: EL SEGUNDO SENIOR HOUSING BOARD AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT FOR BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 22, 1997 AGENDA HEADING: BUDGET DETAIL REQUIRED AGENDA DESCRIPTION: REQUEST FOR SPECIFIC BUDGET DETAIL OR BUDGET FORMAT BE DESIGNED. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: DESIGN APPROPRIATE FORMAT. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION BRIEF SUMMARY: IT IS REQUESTED BY THE SENIOR HOUSING BOARD THAT A PREFERRED BUDGET FORMAT BE DEVELOPED WHICH IS ACCEPTABLE TO CITY COUNCIL FOR UTILIZATION BY THE SENIOR HOUSING MANAGEMENT COMPANY. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: NONE FISCAL IMPACT: YES NO X Amount Requested: Account Balance: Date: FY96197 Budget Account Number 1302 Appropriation Required: Yes No ORIGINATED: Date: JANUARY 22, 1997 Peter Freeman Chairman of Senior Housing Board ACTION TAKEN: EL SEGUNDO SENIOR HOUSING BOARD DRAFT MINUTES NOVEMBER 20, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m., Pete Freeman, president, presiding. ROLL CALL: Directors Present: Louise McCann, Keith Covington, Edna Freeman, Pete Freeman, Steve Edlefsen (arr. 7:27 p.m.) Dollie Thomas. Absent: Annette Latshaw Others Present: Al Mosk, General Manager, HMA Mrs. Dannemiller, Manager, Park Vista Judy Andoe, Recreation & Parks Dept. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS: None MINUTES: Minutes of October 23, 1996 reviewed for approval. Keith referred to Page 4, fourth paragraph from bottom of page, referring to moving of bank account. Suggested moving funds from Wells Fargo Bank rather than Western Federal. Same page, paragraph following Keith's motion - last sentence should read; "Keith Covington asked for confirmation from City Treasurer regarding FDIC insurance on deposits over $100,000.00. MOTION that minutes be accepted as corrected made by Dollie Thomas. Seconded by Louise McCann and carried. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF NOVEMBER 23, 1996. Al reviewed report for clarification of some items. $3,160.00 over budget. Year- to -uate, over budget $15,318.00. Changes in manner of reporting some items explained, some of which were responsible for over budget figure. TIME DEPOSITS: Keith has contacted Wells Fargo regarding means of obtaining more interest on accounts. He also indicated that balance sheet does not show the amounts owing on two mortgages of Park Vista and amount of money in account for Security Deposits made by tenants not shown. Edna questioned Miscellaneous Assets on balance sheet in the amount of $400.00. Al explained this could have been caused by several things and that he would look into it and report back to board. Keith suggested contacting accountant, Neal Love to determine what this figure represents. RESERVE STUDY: Revisions have been made. Errors in Barrera Study have been brought to their attention. They indicated that any changes should have been brought to them within 30 (thirty) days of presentation of Study, otherwise, there is a $300.00 fee. Barrera stated, however, that since there was some misunderstanding in that regard, they would reduce the fee to $200.00. Types of changes discussed. Barerra had requested several items be clarified. Al will contact them in this regard. BUDGET: Al reported that copy of proposed budget, bound in book Form, was presented to City Council by Pete Freeman and Keith Covington on November 19th. Council requested more time to review same before approving. Meeting to be held on December 11th with Pete, Keith, Mayor Jacobs and Council Woman, Jane Friedkin in attendance for discussion. Budget should be approved at December 17th Council meeting. Judy stated that board may wish to be placed on City Council agenda regarding their budget concerns. 140TION by Keith Covington that Financial Statements be accepted. Seconded by Steve Edlefsen and carried. VACANCIES - None WAITING LIST - Edna Freeman PERSONNEL - Routine AMENDMENT TO MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT: Article 13.2 regarding insurance. Al stated he had received information from the insurer and said article will be revised. He suggested that a new Management Agreement be drawn up changing reporting date from February 1st to January 1st. It was determined that the date had previously been changed to January 1st. - 2 - EVALUATION FORM: Council has requested board to come up with an evaluation form. Judy presented a sample form which she had compiled. Discussion. It was brought out that residents, for the most part, seem to be satisfied with Park Vista facility and Mrs. Dannemiller. Pete stated he would like to have some in -put from the Jet Setters. Dollie felt questions as presented on proposed form would be adequate. Pete and Dollie are frequently at Park Vista so residents know them. It was suggested that City Council members go to Park Vista to see for themselves how things are going and to make them- selves known to the residents. Discussion regarding complaints and how they are often presented to City Council directly rather than going through the board. Council should be made to understand that such items should be presented to the board for review and action. Board members felt evaluation form presented by Judy would suffice. Keith suggested placing lines on form for signature and phone number in case resident wished to sign the form. Discussion regarding getting residents to fill out evaluation form and approach board members with complaints. Further discussion. Judy suggested sending out holiday note to residents regarding whom to contact if they had any suggestions or complaints. Al - re item ##2 regarding management company. Suggested change in wording. Also, people not reporting items that they felt needed correcting was brought up. Pete reviewed some items that had come up during annual inspection, con- ducted by himself and Mrs. Dannemiller. These inspections have been conducted on an annual basis for the past six years. Al also had some remarks regarding placing signatures on evaluation forms. Steve clarified some items on the form. It was suggested that item ##5 have the following wording added; "Maintenance concerns" to question regarding response time. MOTION by Keith Covington that form be accepted for use with alterations as recommended, which include adding of lines for signature and phone number and additional wording to item ##5 as set out above. Seconded by Dollie Thomas and carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: CONTROL JOINTS: To eliminate cracks on exterior of building. Job has been Put out for bids. Seven or eight people were contacted who 3 - had shown an interest in bidding. Four of these contractors met with Pete, Al, Mark Osborne and Judy on November 6th. It was explained to them what was required under City Building Code. Sealed bids to be presented by November 15th. Only two bids were turned in by deadline date. Bids were opened by Pete in presence of Al, Judy and Mark Osborne on November 16h at 10:21 a.m. Keith suggested obtaining more information before re- bidding job and determining what is causing discrepancy in bids received. Union or non -union bids? Discussion. Al made the suggestion that break -down of bids be included. Judy suggested getting bids from people who were present at bid meeting. Estimates should include break -down of costs. Discussion. Bids presented are usually good for 30 (thirty) days. Al to request additional information from two con- tractors who submitted bids. Further discussion. Al to submit information to Steve to review with Jim Watson. Al asked if he was authorized to discuss other bids with bidders and it was decided this information should not be shared. It was decided to wait until more bids are received in addition to more complete information as discussed above. MOTION by Keith Covington that break -down of costs be provided without revealing what had been bid by any other contractor and what had been included in bids. Information to be relayed to Steve Edlefsen for discussion with contractor, Jim Watson. Seconded by Dollie Thomas and carried. Steve is to provide a memo to Al regarding Watson's recommendations. Board to decide what they wish to do and present their findings to the City Council. Al had further comments regarding installation of "scuppers" on balconies. MOTION Keith Covington previously made, amended by him to include "addition of scuppers ". Seconded by Dollie Thomas and carried. Steve had a question regarding "screed" installation. Al to check with bidders regarding installing scuppers at same time control joints are put in place. These problems were caused by faulty construction when building erected. EARTHQUAKE INSURANCE: Keith reported that the City does not carry this insurance on their buildings, however, he felt that, since this was an occupied building with living quarters, there should be earthquake insurance unless the City wishes to underwrite FEMA loan balances in case of a disaster. Discussion. Judy suggested this be included in insurance discussion with City regarding including Park Vista under City insurance - 4 - coverage. MOTION by Keith Covington that earthquake insurance coverage be kept until advised by City to do otherwise. Seconded by Dollie Thomas and carried. HANDBOOK: After a two year investigation by City, Judy stated Handbook copies would be forthcoming as soon as completed. ANNOUNCEMENTS: PARK VISTA MANAGEMENT - At suggestion of Al Mosk, Mrs. Dannemiller was excused at this point. Al indicated he had an item to discuss but it was determined that, since this was a personnel matter, it should be discussed in closed session. Pete suggested a special meet- ing be held for this purpose after Thanksgiving and also pointed out that the Attorney must be present at any closed session. Discussion. December 11th set as meeting date for this action, 7:00 p.m. at Joslyn Center. Judy to advise Derek Straatsma regarding this meeting. CITY STAFF — None SENIOR HOUSING BOARD - Pete reported he had presented up- dated manua o i y I Council meeting on November 5th. Judy Andoe and Derek Straatsma were also present at this meeting. Council approved manual with following amendments to be included: 1. Resident questionnaire on Management Company and Board performance and suggestions handled by board once annually. 2. Posting of Resident Waiting List in two public places indicating first twenty names on list. 3. Reduce present board spending limit from $5,000.00 to $2,000.00. Discussion. Waiting list to be posted on -site at Park Vista and at Joslyn Center. Question as to whether posting at Park Vista would cause any problems. List is to be up -dated when changes occur. Al suggested all names on waiting list be posted rather than just the first twenty as the Council had requested. Al stated it would be easy to up -date the list since it was kept up -to -date on the computer. Edna had some pertinent remarks to make in this regard. Question regarding two people who had applied for residency who may not be acceptable due to their incomes. Discussion. MOTION by Edna Freeman that list be posted in two places, - 5 - namely, Park Vista and Joslyn Center. Seconded by Dollie Thomas and carried. Question as to how list could be protected, encased in plastic or under glass? It was determined that, for the time being, list will be placed in plastic cover for posting and that list should be posted by January 1st. Pete reported that Unit Inspection would be completed soon. Underwriter to come and look at building for evaluation. Suggestion box has been installed. Dollie Thomas volunteered to be the person who would collect the suggest- ions periodically and present them to the board. She will have the only key to the box. ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting date, December 25th, Christmas Day. It was indicated there would not be a quorum present on that date, therefore a new meeting date was set for January 22nd. MOTION to adjourn meeting to January 22, 1997 made by Dollie Thomas. Seconded by Keith Covington and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m. ---------------------------------- Dollie Thomas, secretary ' - 6 - 01/15/1597 14:33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 03 EL SEGU"O SE OR HOUSING BOARD AGENDA ITEM STATE ENT FROM HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, MANAGING AGENT FOR BOARD MEETING OF January 22___- ., 19 97 AGENDA -HEADI G: p ENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF FpR APPROVAL BY BOARD Same as above. RECOMMENDE15 BOARD ACTION: Review and approval of attached financial statements. Summary of Operating Results Actual Net' Operating as per Budget Comparison Report: Income $ 5,297 Budgeted *t Operating Income 5,279 Results foir the Month 18 An analysis of Budget Comparison Report will be included as part of our Management Report which will be submitted to Board Members before the Board Meeting.: The Balance Sheet and Record of Project Bank Accounts should be self explanatory. ATTACHED SUPPORTING!DOCUMENTS: Identified above . : FISCAL IMPACT: Ye- s o or in ormation only) (Check one) Operating Budges,,__ Replacement Budget Capital Improv. Budget_ Amount Requested:_ Opelrating Budget Line Item: Tot�l Budgeted YTD: _ Totol Spent YTD: Am unt Remaining in Budget YTD: vR�ta�tvN�ty: Alan (;. Mosk t Date* / a Housing e As oc�a es, Managing ent 01/15/1997 14 :33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES DATE: Janus ry 15,1997 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: AL C. MOSK, PROPERTY SUPERVISOR SUBJECT: PARI VISTA: MANAGEMENT RF.PCIRT F TuF I PAGE 04 A. FIN CIAL 09ERATIONS: Enclosed herewith for your reference and file arc copies of the Budget Compatisbu Report, Balance sheet, and Record of Project Bank Accounts for the month of December,'1996. A summary of the operating results as per these statements is as follows! i 1. a. (1) (2) (3) $ 5.297 sm (4) Results for the 4outh: Total Revenue for the month was over budget mainly because of recognizing Interest Income on the Reserve Accounts. Under Administrative Expenses Miscellaneous AdraWstrative Expenses were over budget because of a $400 payment to Mr. Osborn, the architect,' for his services in connection with the bidding on the exterior repairs. Utilities Expenses were over budget mainly because of the Water bill. Under Operating & Maintenance Expenses Elevator Maintenance was over budget because of special repair work including overtime at a cost of $262, payment of the annual state inspection fees of $220 plus the regular monthly maintenance service charge of $440. Taxes & Insurance was over budget because of the increaie in the Property & liability Insurance premium during the year. Expenses in all other categories were in line with or under budget. b. Year -tong; (1) (2) (3) $ 73,115 01/15/1997 14:33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 05 (4) Comments., Thi represents the final unaudited Budget Comparison Report for 1996. Total Revenue was over budget mainly because of Interest Income from the Reserve Accounts over budget. Administra6e Expenses were well over budget because all payroll costs including Workers Compensation and Health Insurance which were included in the Management Fee under the old budget. So the Year -to -Date amounts for Management Fee were well over budget and the various payroll accoutits, payroll taxes, Workers Compensation, and Health Insurance will be under budget for the jI car. All other expense categories were in line with or under budget for the period. 2. Ralance Sheet: V�e had a balance of only $847 in the Operating Account at the end of 1996 which is not a sufficiint balance. Therefore, we request the transfer of $10,000 from the Reserve Account to the Operating Account to provide a reasonable balance to commence operations for 1997. Otherwise, the' Balance Sheet should be self explanatory. 3. Record of Projeci Bank ArcouIIts: Other than the low balance in the Operating Account as described above, this should be self explanatory. 4. Reque ted RevigiLs to Reserve Study: The Board will recall that we contacted Barrcra & Co. with regard to sonne corrections, clarifications and other revisions to the Reserve Study done by them this year. They responded that they would make these revisions but since it was after the grace period provided in the contract with them, they would charge and additional $300 to make these changes. This was not acceptable to the Board and we were requested to discuss this with Mr. F. Shawn BkTera, the head of the company. We discussed this with Mr. Sanders of Barr= and were advised that Mr. Barrera wanted to discuss the matter directly with a member of the Board. We re&rred him to Mr. Covington. We are waiting for instructions form the Board on what action to take at this point, B. OCCUUNCY: I. Yagangiss: None, as of the date of this report. 11L 2. �jpq�gies: 1 one as of the date of this report. 3. Status f W : The Waiting List is administered by Mrs. Freeman. C. PERSONNEL: �outinc. D. PROPOSED AD12ENDUM TO MANAGIRMENT AGREEMENT: A draft of the revision to Article 13.2 of the current Management Agreement which deals with insurance requirements has beein submitted to the attorney, Mr. Straatsma. We are waiting for the response to this proposed revision to this Article. We believe that this is the last part of the proposed Addendum to the Management Agreement that still needs to be resolved. E. INSTALLATION OF C014TROL JOIXTS ON FX31RIOR WALLS; We are waiting for instructions from Ithe Board on how to proceed with regard to this matter. We recommend 2 01/15/1997 14:33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 06 that we be authorized to advertise the job again to obtain new bids using essentially the same requests for proposals. However, we would add a standard format for submitting bids so that the components of all bids can be compared We would ask the two bidders to rebid using the standard format. We also would plan to advertise in the Los Angeles Times and the Daily Breeze as well as the t1 Segundo Herald to increase the probability of obtaining at least 3 bids. We are prepared to pi+oceed with this immediately upon approval of the Board. We would hope to obtain good prices because this is usually the slowest time for contractors. F. : We were advised by our Property, Liability lazed Earthquake insuror, State ,Farm Insurance Co., that they will not be able to conduct the inspection of the property by their underwriter and "provide a risk evaluation that we requested for the present because of their tremendous work load in connection with the flooding in the state. Also, we have not yet received an answer back from the City with regard to participating in their insurance program. G. HJEQ TEST FOH CLARIFICATION OF P O ..n TRFS FOR ISS11IN = CARD KEYS TQ GARAGE: A problem has arisen regarding the procedures for issuing card keys for the garage. It is the unddrstanding of management that the following procedures are to be followed with regard to parking in the garage: 1. Each resident (fanhily) is authorized to park only one (1) car in the garage subject to the availability of spaces; JJi 2. That each family is to be issued only one (1) key card for access to the garage. 3. That when a resid�nt authorized to park in the garage is unable to utilize their parking space in the garage temporarily because of illness or some other cause, that the resident must advise management. Management will then offer the space to the resident at the top of the Waiting List and allow that resident to use the space temporarily until the original resident is able to resume using the space. We plan to put this ratter on the agenda for the Board Meeting scheduled for January 22, 1997 and obtain a decision form the Board at that time on these issues. ! :" "awl DI 11711011#14 A:7.Vli t ►. 1. Mg;nten2nee & Re+ia: Routine. 1 2. Secuft,: A tres iasser entered the garage and broke into Mrs. Dannemiller's car and another resident's car. In investigating the matter it was determined that the entry key held by the rubbish disposal firm, Waste Management, had been either lost or stolen and that key Was used to enter the garage. This key also would have provided access to the building entrances but not any of the apartment uni�s. It appears that the building was not entered. However, the security of the project was severely compromised by this action. It required us to have all locks to the garage and the building rek�yed and new entrance keys had to be made for all residents and staff personnel. This rek ying was done so that the entry key for the garage will no longer provide 01/15/1997 14:33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 07 access to the building The total cost for the keying work and the damages to vehicles and stolen items came to $1,948; However, Waste Management assumed responsibility and reimbursed Park Vista for the fO amount. This concludes all matters of general interest to the owners as of the date of this report. End cc: J. Andoe, A. Dannemiller 4 01/15/1997 14.33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 08 I PAM VISTA APARTURSTS wulq�t.Ca�parison fcap0rt 17 94089940 EalSng Deeea�bez 31,1!!6 ' Prepared by Rousing I[anafasent Associates I .CCOVFV NO. mcmarnow cuylt=T wms cu%*Wrr &WORT C9719. VARX"= rm 7riv waottsT r= VARIANCs RXV91 R ACCOVaTa KENT 3twum w- Oltoss POT" ;120 -0000 Rent In000e $ 35,694 $ 35,271 $ 423 $ 424.174 S 123,150 $ 1,726 1199 -0000 TOTAL PWT Rzv -020118 POT. 6 35,604 $ 35,271 8 033 4 420,970 S 413,250 $ 1,726 S350 -0000 TOTA2, MM Ro1rA4 $ 35.894 $ 35,271 5 433 $ 470.970 11 433,2S0 $ 1,734 PTR)1NC3;AL RRV90= 5440 -0009 Total Rearv.AsO Interest =.tee 775 1,017 u,6oc 9,3fs 6,511 5699 -0000 TOmL rw=m RXV*wzs -------------- ,c•• $ 775 $ 1,913 $ 15,•6c $ 9.39s $ 9,548 171a 0TN•R RRVIM= 5910 -0000 Laupdry moor 433 433 0 5,66S 5.104 SOi 5912 -0000 Parking 11360 1,471 (33) 13,790 17,040 (1,256) 5920 -0000 Ray a yste CSargee 0 0 0 i6 0 10 5930 -0000 naaage a cleaning v «e 0 0 0 as a es 5995 -0000 TOTAL OTEM RRVRMVi 6 1,000 $ 1.853 6 03) $ 11,570 $ 22,233 $ (6S4) 5999 -0000 TOTAL RsVwm $ 60.103 6 37,099 $ 2.203 $ 662,356 $ 454,777 4 7,581 ........ e..... r .......... ... ........... .er ...eer...... 0. ..........rare ..a." ......... rROJRCT =FWSI ACCOUNT$ unaudited -cash waste ( mawz) AMIF10TRATm f> PngRi 6209 -0000 Food seraioe 0 0 0 14 0 (14) 6210 -0000 Advercisipg 0 0 0 120 0 (130) 6250 -0000 Otber Ranting Mapan6e 0 0 • 117 90 (27) 6310 -0000 Ottloe galaxies 11260 1,006 (354) 8,036 12.067 4,031 6311 -0000 099100 supplies 154 220 74 1.S92 2,731 1,139 6320 -0000 Nanageemeat gee 2,000 2,000 0 49.520 24,000 (25,530) 6330 -0000 Site alaaagere salary 2,267 1,707 (530) 14.379 20,4.4 41305 6350 -0000 Audit Marano. 0 12s 125 2,000 1,500 1300) 6360 -0000 T.1.rbome 319 112 (97) 1,767 3,665 a98 6565 -0000 Cable 'IV 1,117 1,297 00 16.606 Is,544 9S6 6390 -0099 Other 651 336 (395) 6,435 4,366 (2.169) 639S -0000 TOTAL AD6EMATRATIVw So $ I - 7,050 6 6,949 $ (900) $ 90,456 $ 03,367 1 (15,131) V7'2LI7Iww XXPw)6aw 6650 -0000 i10etrteity 1,1.3 1,245 67 12,453 14,9.2 21529 6451 -0000 plater 11339 761 (560) 0.687 9,134 247 unaudited -cash waste ( mawz) 01/15/1997 14:33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 09 Mom PARR V%STA A "Tumm Rudget Compari.ea Report 12 Mentb■ wading DYeemkor 31,1996 proparod ky gouging manavafeat Aa■e0latas .CCOV" PD. 095CRUT209 CORRw6Mr MOlri'B CCRRwNT DMONT CWR. VARX"Cw YTD rm ODDawT YTD VARIARCI ;452 -0000 and ; 577 $ 476 s (51) 6 5,757 ; 5,717 $ 441) 1490 -0000 TOTAL VTXLITIws uPw)689 i 3,038 E 21406 6 (S52) 77,097 $ 29,833 ; 1,736 Orw1kATIR9/)N►SR4WAW2 RXF i510 -0000 Janitorial payroll 1.003 11018 (65) 8.173 13,210 4,087 6515 -0000 Janitorial supanaes 159 96 (13) 2.072 X.032 typo) 5519 -0000 Eiterasaatihp Cootwast 46 50 4 1,166 600 1566) 6$20 -0000 lottoroinating supplies 0 9 0 S 0 (5) 6535 -0000 61ot(a48 Payroll 300 300 0 2,400 3,600 11300 6936 -0000 Oroun4a pupplies 0 24 24 660 207 (304) 6640 -0900 Repairs payroll 1.545 3.401 (144) 11.535 161906 $1274 6541 -0000 Repairs Material 163 206 46 2,562 3,419 (65) 6542 -0000 Repairs contract $99 863 164 3.53# 10,358 $1911 6$45 -0000 wlarator Maint. /Coatrast 912 430 (471) 4,353 6.160 (1.193) 6560 -0000 Daooratihp Contract 0 113 113 2.527 1,350 (1.177) 6561 -0000 Decorating supplies a 0 0 375 0 (375) 6989 -0000 rir■ protection 9*p• 0 90 70 3.365 1,060 (2.195) 6590 -0000 hire. Na1at. /Oporat>tag (120) 303 423 162 3,633 3,451 6599 -0000 TOTAL QYIR /YAIRT RA?w /iw 6 4,796 = 4,986 = 90 9 44,723 : $9.313 6 13.091 I TATws a IW#VPARCw 6711 -0000 payroll Tasos 471 470 (9) 41362 51637 1,275 6719 -0000 Yisc. Taxes, Lic. i Pero, 0 0 0 20 0 (20) 6720 -0000 Prop. /Liakility law. 2,690 1,913 (777) 27.199 22.057 (4,242) 6721 -0000 Pidelity Rond Isouraooe 0 0 0 116 0 (116) 6722 -0000 gerkera Cowsaastioa $is 262 (256) 7.353 3,142 969 6723 -0000 wealth Ins /lbr. venYlitr 617 659 42 4,864 7,908 3,044 6717 -0000 D a v Llakility Inc 0 105 106 1,304 1.267 (37) 6790 -6000 TOTAT. TxUS a XNSVRARCS i 4,304 ; 3,410 6 (894) = 40.218 i 401911 6 693 rYRAmxAL z"msws 6815 -O000 Debt ser•ioe 14.999 14,989 0 176,664 179.668 0 6415 -0000 79M rIRARCIAL KUWASIW = 14,099 S 14,509 ; 9 ; 178,668 6 179,666 t 0 6877 -0000 TOTAL ovZ&ATTSO WWZWPTA 34,605 77.620 (21261) 300.193 31113*2 11199 6990 -0000 WaT OPwaATS =CoR;R /(W2i1 5 5.297 i 5,271 9 16 8 33,165 s 63,395 9 7.700 ae�YYeeeesr„aa aeiaeYY�eaee.lY aeaeeYeaaaa... Ye.eee........ a. ..... YYYA ee.Yl. a.... 6760 -0000 RirL%C1bmw i%iwimnmtl 199 0 (199) 111747 0 (11.747) OhSaudited -Caab Doak (vUWZP) 01!15/1997 14:33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 10 ,ARK vISTA AVARTUMS 5�dg.t casparla— R6eort 13 yaptha Ead1u4 naeawbloz 71,1996 proparad by x0u.in9 l "' "mat A„oeiat50 ym ommaT rm VARTAME OE8CRI811� QA Cltgn jjoVW CQRRM RUMW CVRR- VARIAges 7� S 379 + 61,418 5 63,355 6 (1.967 'Coven lro• ,09! ! 1151) jxG+01R i S � 0. ■w...owwww.. 07'0 -0000 ADJ. N5T OTERA w .............■ ..•......W.... ....•••w ►. 0,..0...0.... ...0 w....... ... ------- ------ ppaudlt*d -CaSR 5a51a (*VV*2T) 01/15/1997 14:_33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT pARR VISTA APARTMENTS Balance S heet 112 months Ending December 31,1996 ASSETS CrRRENT ASSETS 847 Cash in Bank -1st Coastal 500 Petty Cash - - -- ----- - - - - -- TOTAL CURREIJT ASSETS REPAID EXPENSES Prepd Prop. a Liab. Ihs :ESERVE ACCOUNTS Rpi.Resry Acct -Coast red Rel.Reary Acct -BofA Rp1.Resry Acc -wv M/M Rpl.Resry Acct_(;Vm M/W TOTAL RESERVE ACCOUNTS FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS 4,000 108,790 78,051 177,817 94'759 -- • - - - - -- 1,347 459,423 PAGE 11 - - - - - - $ 464,770 ............ .... 01/15/1997 14:33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 12 PARx VISTA APARTKENTS Balance Sheet i2 Months Ending December 31,1996 LIABILITY ACCOUNTS IIRRENT LIABILITIES $ 1,885 ACCOUntS Payable De oaita 30,088 Tenant Security p - --- ----- - - - - -- TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES SONG TERM LIABILITIES ---------- - - - - -- 31,973 - -- - - -- - -- $ TOTAL LIABILITIES EQIIITY ACCOUNTS 252,256 TOTAL RESERVES WITAL 62,284 Current Net InCOme 118,258 Retained Earnings ------- - - - --- - ^- S 180,541 TOTAL CAPITAL ------------ TOTAL RESERVES S CAPITAL I TOTAL LIAB.RSRVS.CAP�TAL 31,973 432,797 $ -------- 464,770 01/15/1997 14:33 213 - 765 -9623 Of C11 N O K7 0) CD O O CD C9 COO Off C" r' 4 M M CO 1Q Of CO y y M M 4 N N "- w N O Darn O ��OOf� M- H W y 401, CL W O CO O to N cD 1!7 O Of rn r. ti Go ul U 0 N N 0 0 0 0 0 d d 0) U7 0 O N <D M Of CD O1 O C0 7 Vq N O z c 40 40 M N C4 Q t d y M + v a o� �i z oO`C�d efi N M "d' rn U V a n+ w awl o < 0 acaa�ao� z 04 U �a3 L33 vii oo oo� J V z �0 U o owa , a $ w L) as w K z z`zzx HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 13 0) CD P_��otD r COO Off C" HH� hrtlld 0 h y 4 N N "- w N O Darn O ��OOf� M- H W y 401, CL W O CO O to N cD 1!7 O Of rn r. ti Go ul U 0 N N 0 0 0 0 0 d d 0) U7 0 O N <D M Of CD O1 O C0 7 Vq N O z c 40 40 M N C4 Q t d y M + v a o� �i z oO`C�d efi N M "d' rn U V a n+ w awl o < 0 acaa�ao� z 04 U �a3 L33 vii oo oo� J V z �0 U o owa , a $ w L) as w K z z`zzx HOUSING MANAGEMENT PAGE 13 To: Judy Andoe From: Joseph M. Montes 1 -14 -97 2:2Bpm p. 2 of 3 1 EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING BOARD AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT FROM BURKE, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN, GENERAL COUNSEL, FOR BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 22, 1997 AGENDA HEADING: HMA Management Agreement Addendum AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and Adoption of an addendum to the HMA Management Agreement, continuing the term of the Agreement for an additional six months, subject to a thirty day written notice of termination clause. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: That the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board approve and execute the proposed Addendum to the Management Agreement, attached hereto. BRIEF SUMMARY: The El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Board entered into a contract on February 1, 1994 with Housing Management Associates to provide management services for the Park Vista Apartments. By its terms, that Agreement expires on January 31, 1997. The attached Addendum to Management Agreement continues the existing Management Agreement for an additional six months, through July 31, 1997. The Addendum modifies the termination provisions of the Management Agreement to permit termination by either party upon thirty days written notice. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Proposed Addendum to Management Agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: Yes. Will preserve the status quo. Operating Budget. Line Item: ORIGINATED: LAX2:172631.1 To: Judy Andoe from: Joseph M. Montes 1 -14 -97 2:28pm p. 3 of 3 ADDENDUM TO MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT The El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation (hereinafter "Park Vista ") and Housing Management Associates (hereinafter "HMA ", collectively the "Parties ") hereby amend the Management Agreement entered into by the Parties on February 1, 1994 (the "Agreement ") as follows: Section 1.3 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: "1.3 TERM. This Agreement shall expire on July 31, 1997, subject to the provisions set forth in Section 19 `Termination' infra." Section 19.1 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: "19.1 This Agreement shall be terminable by either Party for any reason upon 30 days written notice." Section 19.2 of the Agreement is deleted. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement and any written addenda and /or amendments thereto shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATES HOUSING CORPORATION aka PARK VISTA RV +Peter Freeman, President Date: LAX2:172631.1 HOUSING MANAGEMENT By: Alan C. Mosk, General Mgr. Date: 16 .C. -, ---A ADDENDUM TO MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT Section 15. 1, FEE FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES, in that certain MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT dated February 1, 1994, by and between EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING CORPORATION aka PARK VISTA, and HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES is hereby amended to read as follows: "For its proper performance of all of the services as set forth herein during the calendar year 1995, HMA shall be paid a Tee of $8,380.00 per month ($100,560.00 for the entire year of 1995). The monthly fee shall be renegotiated between the parties each year hereafter of the remaining term of this Agreement." All other terms and conditions of this Management Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force. EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES HOUSINORPORATION aka PARK VISTA i By: arold Verch, President Date: a – /0 - ?-S— By: Alan C. Mosk, General Mgr. Date: MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement, effective the ist day of February, 1994, is made by and between the E1 Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Development Corp., aka "Park Vista" (hereinafter referred to as "PV") and Housing Management Associates (hereinafter referred to as "HMA" ) . Section 1 APPOINTMENT 1.1 ACCEPTANCE PV hereby contracts with HMA, an independent contractor, to lease and manage the property described in paragraph 1.2 hereof upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. -HMA accepts the appointment and agrees to furnish the services of its organization for the leasing, management, repair, maintenance and landscaping of the Premises. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES The property to be managed by HMA under this Agreement (the "Premises ") is known as Park Vista located at 615 E. Holly Ave., E1 Segundo, CA 90245, consisting of the land, buildings and other improvements described as an elderly housing project for independent living in the State of California. 1.3 TERM The term of this Agreement shall be for an initial period of three years (the "initial term ") from the 1st day of February 1994, to and including the 31st day of January 1997, subject to the provisions set forth in Section 19 "Termination" infra. 1.4 MANAGEMENT OFFICE PV shall provide adequate space on the Premises for a management office. PV shall pay all expenses related to maintaining, but not staffing, such office; including, but not limited to; furnishings, equipment, postage and office supplies, electricity, utilities and telephone for business usage only. 1.5 APARTMENT FOR ON -SITE STAFF PV shall provide a suitable apartment on the Premises for the use of an on -site manager, rent -free, except that such resident staff shall pay for their heat, utilities and telephone in the same manner as other tenants. The on -site manager's specific apartment shall be PV's choice. 1 1.6 ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT This agreement may not be assigned or transferred to any other party by HMA without first receiving the express written approval of PV. Section 2 BANK ACCOUNTS The operating account established under this Agreement shall be with E1 Segundo First National Bank and shall at all times be in the name of, and owned by, Park Vista, but under MA's control. HMA's designees shall be the only parties authorized to draw upon such account . owever ,_ HMA! s - laon#llY management fee and all other checks in amounts in excess of $11999.99 shall be counters_igned_by —_ . No amounts in tierPV .President_ and. or Chief F'nanciaj.,�_�..cers any accounts established under this Agreement shall, in any event, be commingled with any other funds of HMA or it other clients. 2.1 OPERATING (AND /OR) RESERVE ACCOUNT(S) HMA shall take over the previously established operating account(s) known as the Park Vista Operating Account(s) , at the El Segundo First National Bank to be used for the deposit of receipts collected as described herein which deposits are insured by the federal government. Any other depository which may be used in the future shall be selected by the PV. HMA shall not be held liable in the event of the bankruptcy or failure of any institution selected by PV. Funds in the Operating (and /or) Reserve Account(s) remain the property of PV subject to disbursement of operating expenses by HMA as described in this Agreement. HMA shall remit to PV, or directly deposit to a Reserve Account established by PV, the monthly Reserve amount from the rental receipts. 2.1.1 INITIAL DEPOSIT AND CONTINGENCY RESERVE Immediately upon commencement of this Agreement, HMA shall be substituted for Corporate Property Management Inc., ( "CPMI" the outgoing management company) on the Operating Account at ESFNB. HMA may conduct its own audit of the Operating Account. A contingency reserve account is maintained by PV, the funds therein to be used by the officers and /or directors of PV for the management and benefit of the Premises. 2.2 SECURITY DEPOSIT ACCOUNT HMA shall, if required by law, maintain a separate interest bearing account for tenant security deposits and advance rentals. Such account shall be maintained in accordance with applicable state or federal laws, if any. HMA shall obtain all existing security deposits from CPMI. 2.3 FIDELITY BOND HMA shall cause all personnel who handle or are responsible for the safekeeping of any monies of PV to be insured by a fidelity bond in the amount of $100,000.00 with a company to be selected by HMA. Such bond shall be secured at HMA's expense and 2 PV and its Board of Directors, shall be named as an additional insured thereon. Section 3 COLLECTION OF RENTS AND OTHER RECEIPTS 3.1 HMA's COLLECTION AND BANKING AUTHORITY HMA shall collect and receipt for all rents, charges and other amounts receivable on PV account in connection with the management and operation of the Premises. Such receipts (except tenants' security deposits and advance rentals, which shall be handled as specified.in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 hereof; and special charges, which shall be handled as specified in paragraph 3.2 hereof) shall be deposited in the Operating (and /or) Reserve Account(s) maintained for the benefit of the Premises. 3.2 SPECIAL CHARGES_ If permitted by applicable law, HMA may collect from tenants any or all of the following: an administrative charge for late payment of rent, a charge for returned or non - negotiable checks, credit reports, physicians and medical reports and all other expenses associated with people desiring to qualify to live on the Premises. 3.3 SECURITY DEPOSITS HMA shall collect, deposit, and disburse tenants' security deposits in accordance with the terms of each tenant's lease. HMA shall pay tenants interest upon such security deposits only if required by law to do so. HMA shall comply with all applicable state or local laws concerning the responsibility for security deposits and interest, if any. Section 4 DISBURSEMENTS FROM OPERATING ACCOUNTS 4.1 OPERATING EXPENSES Subject to the terms set forth in Section 2 and other related matters set forth or referred to herein, HMA is hereby authorized to pay the daily costs of operating the Premises. 4.2 NET PROCEEDS To the extent that funds are reasonably available., HMA shall transmit the cash balance of the Operating Account to PV to be deposited in the Cash Contingency Reserve Account. Such periodic cash balances shall be remitted to the President and /or Chief Financial Officer at their then current addresses. Section 5 HMA NOT REQUIRED TO ADVANCE FUNDS In the event that the balance in the Operating Account(s) is at any time insufficient to pay disbursements due and payable under paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 above, PV shall, immediately upon notice, 3 remit to HMA, sufficient funds to cover the deficiency with an additional $5,000.00 for contingent operating expenses. In no event shall HMA be required to use its own funds to pay such disbursements nor shall HMA be required to advance any monies to the PV Security Deposit or the Operating Account(s). Section 6 FINANCIAL AND OTHER REPORTS 6.1 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT By the 15th day of each month, or 3 days prior to the monthly board meeting, whichever is the later, HMA shall furnish the members of the PVBD with a monthly financial statement of delinquent accounts, cash receipts and disbursements from the operation of the Premises during the previous month. In addition, HMA shall, on a mutually acceptable schedule, prepare and submit to PV such other reports as may be required by PV. 6.2 PV'S RIGHT TO AUDIT PV shall have the right to conduct periodic audits of all applicable accounts managed by HMA. The cost of such audit(s) shall be paid by PV. 6.3 ANNUAL BUDGET The Annual Operating Budget for PV will be prepared by HMA with the PV Chief Financial Officer to be submitted to the PV Board of Directors prior to October 15, of each year for approval. PV will promptly inform HMA of any changes in the draft Budget proposal. HMA shall keep PV informed of any real or anticipated deviations from the receipts or disbursements as set forth in the previous years approved budget. 6.4 PREPARATION COSTS The preparation cost of all reports, bookkeeping, clerical and other management overhead, including but not limited to, costs of office supplies (excluding on -site office supplies) equipment, data processing services, postage (excluding postage for checks to creditors), transportation for managerial personnel and telephone services, shall be paid by HMA from its management fees and shall not be a Park Vista expense. Section 7 ADVERTISING With PV's prior approval, HMA may be authorized to advertise the Premises or portions thereof for rent, using periodicals, signs, plans, brochures, or displays, or such other means as HMA may deem proper and advisable, provided such advertising and such signs comply with applicable laws. The cost of such advertising shall be paid out of PV's Operating Account. All advertising shall clearly state that HMA is the manager and not the Owner of the Premises. Newspaper ads shall not share space with other properties managed by HMA. H Section 8 LEASING AND RENTING 8.1 HMA'S AUTHORITY TO LEASE PREMISES HMA shall use all reasonable efforts to keep the Premises rented by procuring tenants for the Premises according to the rules and regulations established by PV. HMA is otherwise authorized to prepare and execute all leases on behalf of PV, including all renewals and extensions of leases (and expansions of space in the Premises, if applicable) and to cancel and modify existing leases. For this purpose only, HMA may execute all leases as agent for PV. The form of the lease shall be agreed upon by PV and HMA. 8.2 NO OTHER RENTAL AGENT During the term of this Agreement, PV shall not authorize any other person, firm or corporation to negotiate or act as leasing agent with respect to the letting of the Premises. 8.3 ENFORCEMENT OF LEASES HMA is authorized to institute, in PV's name, all legal actions or proceedings for the enforcement of any lease term, for the collection of rent or other income from the Premises, or for the evicting or dispossessing of tenants or other persons from the Premises. HMA is authorized to sign and serve such notices as HMA deems necessary• for lease enforcement, including the collection of rent or other income. HMA is authorized, with PV's prior approval, to settle, compromise, and release such legal actions or suits and to reinstate tenancies. Any monies for such settlements paid out by HMA shall not exceed $1,000.00 without prior approval by PV. Attorneys' fees, filing fees, court costs, and other necessary expenses incurred in connection with such actions and not recovered from tenants shall be paid out of the Operating and /or Reserve Account(s). HMA may, subject to PVBD approval, select the attorney of its choice to handle such litigation. Section 9 EMPLOYEES 9.1 HMA'S AUTHORITY TO HIRE HMA shall hire, supervise, discharge, and pay all servants, employees, contractors, or other personnel from its management fee, to perform the normal day to. day management, maintenance, landscaping and operation of the Premises. 9.2 HMA TO PAY ALL EMPLOYEE EXPENSES All wages and fringe benefits payable to such servants, employees, contractors and /or other personnel hired per paragraph 9.1 above, and all local, state, and federal taxes and assessments (including but not limited to Social Security taxes, unemployment insurance, withholding and workers' compensation insurance) incident to the employment of such personnel, shall be paid by HMA out of its management fee. 5 9.3 HMA's AUTHORITY TO FILE RETURNS. HMA shall do and perform all acts required of an employer with respect to the Premises and shall execute and file all W -2, 1099, employee quarterly, all tax and other returns required under applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, and /or ordinances governing employment, in addition to all other statements and reports pertaining to labor employed in connection with the Premises and according to any similar federal or state law now or hereafter in force. In connection with such filings, PV shall upon request, promptly execute and deliver to HMA all necessary powers of attorney, notices of appointment, and the like. HMA shall be responsible for all amounts required to be paid under the foregoing laws and HMA shall pay the same from the management fees that it receives under the terms of this Agreement. 9.4 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE HMA shall, at HMA's expense, shall maintain workers' compensation insurance covering all such liability of the employer under established workers' compensation laws. 9.5 HOLD HARMLESS, LABOR LAWS HMA shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable state and federal labor laws. HMA shall indemnify, defend, and save PV and its Board of Directors harmless from all claims, investigations, and suits, from HMA's actions or failures to act, with respect to any alleged or actual violation of state or federal labor laws. HMA's obligation with respect to such violation(s) shall include payment of all settlements, judgements, damages, liquidated damages, penalties, forfeitures, back pay awards, court costs, litigation expenses, and attorneys' fees. 9.6 ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND /OR GRATUITIES No employee of HMA shall accept any gratuity or compensation directly from any resident of Park Vista for any services rendered. Nor shall any employee of HMA accept any gratuities or gifts from any resident of Park Vista, except birthday or holiday gifts not exceeding a value of $10. Section 10 MAINTENANCE, LANDSCAPING, INSPECTIONS & REPORTS 10.1 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS HMA shall cause PV to be maintained and repaired in accordance with local codes and in a condition that is at all times acceptable to PV, including, but not limited to; cleaning, painting, decorating, plumbing, carpentry, grounds care and such other matters as from time to time may be required. HMA shall use its employed maintenance personnel to perform all janitorial tasks and make all reasonably necessary repairs and replacements for the proper, efficient operation of, and to otherwise preserve, the Premises in its present condition. Subject to the prior approval 21 of PV, HMA shall make all alterations necessary to comply with lease and insurance requirements, statutory and governmental regulations. HMA shall furnish experts, at PV's request and expense, to conduct periodic examinations, provide written reports and recommendations to insure PV's satisfactory compliance with those requirements set forth above. 10.2 ON -SITE MAINTENANCE SPECIFICS Special attention shall be given to preventive maintenance, and to the greatest extent feasible, the services of HMA maintenance personnel shall be used to perform maintenance, repairs, landscaping, inspections and reports. Subject to PV's prior approval, HMA shall contract with qualified independent contractors for the maintenance and repair of equipment, systems and the like which are beyond the capability of HMA's maintenance employees. HMA will systematically and promptly investigate all service requests from tenants, take such action thereon as may be justifies and keep records and report same at the monthly PV Board of Directors meeting. Emergency requests shall be received and serviced on a 24 hour basis. Complaints of a serious nature will be reported to the PV board of Directors after investigation. 10.3 APPROVAL FOR EXCEPTIONAL MAINTENANCE EXPENSE The expense to be incurred for any one item of maintenance, alteration, refurbishing, or repair shall not exceed the sum of $300.00, unless such expense is first specifically authorized by PV, or is incurred under such circumstances as HMA shall reasonably deem to be an emergency. HMA is authorized to negotiate contracts for nonrecurring items of expense, not to exceed $300.00. HMA shall solicit written cost estimates (bids) from at least three contractors or suppliers for any work item, maintenance, repair or appliance which can reasonably be expected to cost $301.00 or more, regardless of rebates, and submitted to PV for prior approval. All employees, contractors or other personnel that perform work or services at Park Vista shall be deemed to be the employees of HMA, except those independent contractors whose contracts are first approved by PV Board of Directors. In an emergency where repairs are immediately necessary for the preservation and safety of the Premises, or to avoid danger to life or property, or to comply with federal, state, or local law, such emergency repairs may be made by HMA at PV's expense without prior approval. 10.4 LANDSCAPING As part of it's maintenance responsibilities, HMA shall perform all landscaping about the Premises, including but not limited to; mowing of grass, watering, sprinkler system repair, fertilization of lawn and foliage. PV shall pay for tree and plant pruning, removal and replacement. 7 Section 11 RELATIONSHIP OF HMA TO PV The relationship of the parties pursuant to this Agreement shall be that of Principal and Independent Contractor, except that as to those authorized actions taken by HMA on behalf of Park Vista pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, HMA shall be acting as Agent for PV. Nothing in this Agreement shall be otherwise construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, or any other relationship between the parties to this Agreement. HMA shall bear the responsibility, loss. and damage arising out of or connected with the hiring and /or supervision of its employees and operation of the Premises. The employees and contractors of HMA during the period of this Agreement are not and shall not be considered to be the direct employee of Park Vista or PVBD. Neither party shall have the power to bind or obligate the other, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, except that both parties are authorized to act with such additional authority and power as may be necessary to carry out the spirit and intent of this Agreement. Section 12 SAVE HARMLESS HMA shall indemnify, defend, and hold Park Vista and its Board of Directors harmless, from all loss, damage, cost, expense (including attorneys' fees), liability, and claims for personal injury or property damage incurred or occurring in, on, or about the Premises that may have been caused by the negligence of HMA, its employees, contractors, agents, representatives, administrators and assigns. Section 13 LIABILITY INSURANCE 13.1 PARK VISTA LIABILITY INSURANCE PV shall obtain and keep in force and effect, adequate insurance against physical damage (e.g., fire with extended coverage endorsement, boiler and machinery, etc.) and against liability for loss, damage, or injury to property or persons which might arise out of the occupancy, management, operation, or maintenance of the Premises. The amounts and types of insurance shall be acceptable to both parties and any deductible required under such insurance policies shall be at PV's expense. HMA shall be covered as an additional insured on all liability insurance maintained with respect to the Premises. Liability insurance shall be adequate to protect the interests of both PV and HMA. PV agrees to furnish HMA with two (2) copies of insurance endorsements, certificates or duplicate copies of such policies evidencing such coverage within 60 days of the effective date of this Agreement. Said policies shall provide that notice of default or cancellation shall be sent to both parties and shall require a minimum of 30 days' written notice before any cancellation of /or changes to said policies. 8 13.2 HMA LIABILITY INSURANCE HMA shall file with PV two (2) copies of insurance endorsements, certificates or duplicate copies of such policies for approval by the PV Board of Directors, which verify HMA's comprehensive general operating liability and automobile liability insurance coverage (including owned, hired and nonowner vehicles) which shall cover, including, but not limited to; those claims: arising from premises, operations, products 'liability, contractual liability (including this contract), broad form property damage, acts of independent contractors and personal injury in at least an amount equal to $1,000,000.00 combined single limits and which meets the following requirements: (a) A "no deductible" clause as pertains to Park Vista and PV Board of Directors which shall be named as additional insureds. (b) Provides coverage for "all operations of the insureds conducted on Park Vista's property" and contains a description of the work performed by the insured. (This requires policy or policies covering premises occupied, products sold, amusement liability, or automobiles used.) (c) All signatures must be handwritten in ink on the policy, certificate or endorsement. Rubber stamp signatures are not acceptable. (d) PV and the Board of Directors shall be named as additional insureds with respect to all actions of HMA under this Agreement. (e) Said policy shall contain a cancellation clause reading in substance as follows: "It is agreed that this policy shall not be canceled nor the amounts of coverage provided herein reduced until thirty (30) days after the PV Board of Directors shall have received written notice as to such cancellation or reduction, as evidenced by return receipt of registered mail." (f) No policy shall be acceptable unless first approved by the PV Board of Directors and must be written by at least a "Best Rated A XIII insurance company. (g) Insurance coverage must be in effect and approved by representatives of the PV within 30 days of the commencement of the term of this Agreement. (h) The right to subrogation against the PV shall be specifically teed under the property insurance policy. (i) All policies, certificates and endorsements shall be sent in duplicate to the President of the Board, Mr. Darold Verch, 1210 East Mariposa Ave., E1 Segundo, CA 90245. 9 Section 14 HMA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ACTS OF PV HMA assumes no liability, whatsoever for any acts or omissions of PV, Park Vista Board of Directors, any previous owners of the Premises or any previous management or other agent of either. HMA assumes no liability for any failure of or default by any tenant in the payment of any rent or other charges due PV or for the performance of any obligations owed by any tenant to PV pursuant to any lease or otherwise. Nor does HMA assume any liability for any violations of environmental or other regulations which occurred prior to HMA's entering into-this agreement. Any such regulatory violations or hazards discovered by HMA shall be brought to the attention of PV in writing, and PV shall promptly cure them. Section 15 HMA'S COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES As compensation 'for the services provided by HMA under this Agreement (and exclusive of reimbursement of expenses to which HMA may be entitled hereunder), Park Vista shall pay HMA as follows: 15.1 FEE FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES For its proper performance of all the services as set forth herein, HMA shall be paid the fee of $ 8,000.00 per month ($96,000 annually) , the monthly fee to renegotiated between the parties each year thereafter during the term of this Agreement. 15.2 FOR APARTMENT LEASING None. Included in 15.1. Section 16 REPRESENTATIONS PV represents and warrants: That PV has full power and authority to enter this Agreement; that there are no written or oral agreements affecting the Premises other than tenant leases, copies of which have been furnished to HMA; that there are no recorded easements, restrictions, reservations, or rights of way which adversely affect the use of the Premises for the purposes intended under this Agreement; that to the best of PV's knowledge, the property is zoned for the intended use; that all leasing and other permits for the operation of the Premises have been secured and are current; that the building and its construction and operation do not violate any applicable statutes, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, or the like (including, but not limited to, those pertaining to hazardous or toxic substances) ; that the building does not contain any asbestos, urea, formaldehyde, radon, or other toxic or hazardous substance; and that no unsafe condition exists. Notwithstanding the forgoing, in entering into this contract, PV has materially relied upon the representations, inducements and promises set forth in the "PARK VISTA, EL SEGUNDO, CA: PROPOSAL FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES" and the enclosures thereto submitted by Mr. Alan C. Mosk, Certified Property Manager for out Housing Management Associates and his oral representations at meetings with PV Board members. Section 17 STRUCTURAL CHANGES PV expressly withholds from HMA any power or authority to make any structural changes in any building, or to make any other major alterations or additions in or to any such building or to any equipment in any such building, or to incur any expense chargeable to Park Vista other than expenses related to exercising the express powers vested in HMA through this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the PV Board of Directors. However, such emergency repairs as may be required because of danger to life or property, or which are immediately necessary for the preservation and safety of the Premises or the safety of the tenants and occupants thereof, or required to avoid the suspension of any necessary service to the Premises, or to comply with any applicable federal, state, or lodal laws, regulations, or ordinances, shall be authorized pursuant to the appropriate paragraphs of this Agreement, and HMA shall notify PV accordingly. Section 18 BUILDING COMPLIANCE Subject to those requirements set forth herein, HMA assumes no liability, and is given no responsibility for compliance of the Premises, or any equipment therein, with the requirements of any building code, statute, ordinance, law, or regulation of any governmental body or of any public authority or official thereof having jurisdiction thereof, except to notify PV promptly or to forward to PV promptly any complaints, warnings, notices, or summonses received by HMA relating to such matters. PV represents that to the best of its knowledge the Premises and all such equipment comply with all such requirements. Section 19 TERMINATION 19.1 TERMINATION BY EITHER PARTY This Agreement may be terminated by PV; with or without cause, upon 60 days written notice to HMA. This Agreement shall also terminate, unless renewed by mutual consent of the parties hereto, at the end of the initial three (3) year Agreement term. 19.2 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement shall terminate and all obligations of the parties hereunder shall cease (except as to those liabilities and /or obligations which have accrued or arisen prior to such termination according to the terms of this Agreement, upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) BREACH OF AGREEMENT - Thirty (30) days after the receipt of notice by either party to the other specifying in detail a 11 material breach of this Agreement, if such breach has not been cured within said thirty (30) day period; or if such breach is of a nature that it cannot be cured within said thirty (30) day period but can be cured within a reasonable time thereafter, if efforts to cure such breach have not commenced and /or such efforts are not proceeding and being continued diligently both during and after such thirty (30) day period prior to the breach being cured.. HOWEVER, the breach of any obligation of either party hereunder to pay any monies to the other party under the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to be curable within thirty (30) days. (b) FAILURE TO ACT, ETC. - In the event any insurance required of PV or HMA is not maintained or it is alleged or charged that the Premises, or any portion thereof, or any act or failure to act by PV or HMA, with respect to the Premises, fails to comply with any law or regulation, or any order or ruling of any public authority, and that the action or position of either party hereto or their representatives, with respect thereto, may result in damage or liability to either party, or disciplinary proceeding with respect to HMA's license. Such termination shall not release the indemnities of the parties to one another as set forth herein. (c) EXCESSIVE DAMAGE - Upon the destruction of, substantial damage to, or loss of the Premises by force majeure, eminent domain or such other cause, in any case making it impossible or impracticable to continue operation of the Premises. (d) INADEQUATE INSURANCE - If HMA or PV deems that the liability insurance obtained by the other as required by the terms hereof, is not reasonably satisfactory to protect its interest under this Agreement. If PV and /or HMA cannot agree as to adequate insurance, either party shall have the right to cancel this Agreement upon the service of 60 day written notice to the other. 19.3 PV RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENTS Upon termination of or withdrawal from this Agreement, PV shall assume the obligations and responsibilities of any contract or the payment of any outstanding bill properly undertaken by HMA under this Agreement for and on behalf Park Vista. HMA shall deliver to PV, within ten (10) days after the termination of this Agreement: all monies due Park Vista in addition to tenant security deposits being held by HMA with respect to the Premises; a final accounting reflecting the balance of income and expenses with respect to the Premises as of the date of termination; all records, contracts, leases, receipts for deposits, and other papers and /or documents which pertain to the Premises. Section 20 INDEMNIFICATION suRVIVEs TERMINATION All representations and wdrranties of the parties contained herein shall survive the termination of the Agreement. All 12 provisions of the Agreement that require the parties to insure, indemnify or hold harmless one another shall survive any termination; and if HMA, PV or PV Board of Directors becomes involved in any proceeding or litigation by reason of the matters contained in this Agreement, such provisions shall apply as if this Agreement were still in effect. Section 21 READINGS AND ATTACHMENTS All headings and subheadings employed within this Agreement and in the accompanying List of Provisions are inserted only for convenience and ease of reference and are not to be considered in the construction or interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. However, PVBD's request for proposal is incorporated herein by this reference except as to those matters that have been altered or specifically deleted by the terms of this Agreement. Section 22 FORCE MAJ IRE Any delays in the performance of any obligation of either of the parties hereto under the terms of this Agreement shall be excused to the extent that such delays are caused by wars, national emergencies, natural disasters, strikes, utility failures, governmental regulations, riots, adverse weather, and other similar causes not within the control of Agent, and any time periods required for performance shall be extended accordingly. Section 23 COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including any specified attachments and the PARK VISTA, EL SEGUNDO, CA: PROPOSAL FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES referred to above shall constitute the entire agreement between PV and HMA with respect to the management and operation of the Premises and supersedes and replaces any and all previous management agreements entered into the parties relating to the Premises covered by this Agreement. No change to this Agreement shall be valid unless made by supplemental written agreement executed and approved by PV and HMA in writing. Each party to this Agreement hereby acknowledges and agrees that the other party has made no warranties, representations, covenants, or agreements, express or implied, to such party, other than those expressly set forth herein, and that each party, in entering into and executing the Agreement, has relied upon no warranties, representations, covenants, or agreements, express or implied, to such party, other than those expressly set forth herein. Section 24 RIGHTS CUMULATIVE; NO WAIVER No right or remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to either of the parties to this Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy, and each and every right and remedy shall be 13 cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given under this Agreement or now or hereafter legally existing upon the occurrence of an event of default under this Agreement. The failure of either party to this Agreement to insist at any time upon the strict observance or performance of any of the provisions of the Agreement, or to exercise any right or remedy as provided in this Agreement, shall not impair any such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such right or remedy with respect to subsequent defaults, Every right and remedy given by this Agreement to the parties to it may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by those parties. Section 25 APPLICABLE LAW AND PARTIAL INVALIDITY The execution, interpretation, and performance of this Agreement shall in all respects be controlled and governed by the laws of the State of California. If any part of this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, then the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect exclusive of such unenforceable provision. Section 26 NOTICES Any notices, demands, consents, and reports necessary or provided for under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be addressed as follows, or at such other address as PVBD and HMA individually may hereafter specify in writing: Housing Management Associates 20675 S. Western Ave., #206 Torrance, CA 90501 -1809 Park Vista Board of Directors c/o Darold Verch 1210 E. Mariposa Ave. E1 Segundo, CA 90245 Such Notice or other communication may be mailed by United States registered or certified -mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and may be deposited in a U.S. Post Office or a depository for the receipt of mail regularly maintained by the Post Office. Such notices, demands consents and reports may also be delivered by hand or by any other accepted method or means permitted by law. For purposes of the Agreement, notices shall. be deemed to have been "given" or "delivered' upon personal delivery thereof or three business days after having been deposited in the U.S. mails as provided herein. 14 Section 27 AGREEMENT BINDING UPON SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective personal representatives, heirs, administrators, executors, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their respective signatures this 1st day of February, 1994. EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING CORPORATION aka PARR VISTA By: Wrold Verch, President HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES By: Alan C. Mosk, General Manager 15 01/15/1997 14:33 213 - 765 -9623 HOUSING EL SEGUNDO NIOR HOUSING BOARD AGENDA ITEM S4ATEMENT FROM HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, MANAGING AGENT FOR BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 22,1997 AGENDA HEADING: ;I REQUEST TO ADD PROCEDURES FOR PARKING IN GARAGE TO BOARD HANDBOOK AGENDA DESCI Same as above. RECOMMENDED BO ACTION: parking e and issuance of card keys. Confirtnation of pro sed procedures for arkin in garage BRIEF SUMMARY: Handbook: I{ 1. That each resident (family) be Authorized to park only one (1) car in the garage subject to the availability of spaces. 2. That each family be i�sued only one (1) card key for access to the garage. 3. That when a resident authorized to park in the garage is unable to utilize their parking space in the garage temporarily because of illness or some other cause, that the resident must give the space back to management until the resident is again able to utilize the space. Management will offer the space to the resident at the top of the Waiting List and allow that resident to use the space temporarily until the original resident is able to resume using the space. if the original resident is unable to resume using the space after six (6) months, that that resident must relinquish the use of the !pace and the other resident will be given the use of the space on a regular basis. recommends the following procedures be confirmed in writing in the Board ATTACHED SUPPOR�'ING DOCUMENTS: Board Handbook (not attached) FISCAL IMPACT: Y ORIGI 49n C. Mos0 ACTION TAKEN: No X k one) operating Budget ,tin& Budget Line Item: uit Requested: Budgeted YTA: Spent YTD: mt Remaining in Budget Replacement Budget Capital Improv. Budget: Date: January 15, Ivy Supervisor, [lousing Management Associates, Managing Agent