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AGENDA ff EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda. To facilitate your presentation, please place a check mark ✓ beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting. Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give: Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2:00 p.m. the prior Tuesday). The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, December 16, 1997 - 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilman Mike Gordon ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total.) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et sue.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a)) - 1. Hargreaves v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC 030268, USDC Case No. CV 97- 7979DT 2. City of Los Angeles v. County Sanitation Districts, LASC Case No. BC 034185 3. In the Matter of the Application of City of Los Angeles, OAH No. L- 9604014 4. Frances Tubal v. City of El Segundo, WCAB No. (unassigned) 5. Solis v. City of El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC 029626 12- 16- 97.5pm CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(b): -0- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time); Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(c): -7- matters. DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957). None. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957.6) - General Employees, Police Officers Association and Firefighters Association (Human Resources/Risk Management Director, Negotiator). CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956.8) - None. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals Who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE a I o 1 7 TIME / / :S� NAME , p 003 2 12- 16- 97.5pm AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda. To facilitate your presentation, please place a check mark ✓ beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting. Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give: Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2:00 p.m. the prior Tuesday). The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16,1997 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Rev. Alexei Smith, Saint Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Wernick PRESENTATIONS ROLL CALL Next Resolution # 4049 Next Ordinance # 1283 Commendation recognizing Colleen Ramsay on her valuable contributions to the City and the community and for her selection as the El Segundo Police Department's RSVP of the Year. 0 001 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Onl- y - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. Request by Pacific Sands HOA that their condominiums located at 770 West Imperial Avenue be the first to receive residential sound insulation to the extent of any remaining public funds and be placed first on the list for future phases of the RSI Program. Recommendation - Discussion and possible action. 2. Request by El Segundo Little League Board of Directors for City support of the Annual Little League Parade to be held on Saturday, February 21 1998 at 10.00 a.m. (Fiscal Impact: $350). Recommendation - Discussion and possible action. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Continued public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -401 and Precise Plan Amendment P.P. 96 -1 (Fourth Amendment to P.P. 12 -72) for 2041 Rosecrans Avenue and 831, 870 & 871 South Nash Street, related to the theaters and adjacent retail /office building. The request is to allow the following: 1) Amendment of the Precise Plan land uses to conform with the current code for the underlying zone: the "Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone;" 2) Amendment of the Precise Plan development standards to conform with the current code for the underlying zone: the "Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone;" and, 3) Amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. These three requests were continued from the September 16, 1997 City Council meeting at the request of the applicant and staff. Applicant: Continental Development Corporation, Mr. Jg= Saunders. Recommendation - 1) Open continued public hearing; 2) Council discussion; and 3) Continue public hearing at applicant's request until January 20, 1998; or, 4) Other possible action. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE. 0 005 D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - 1. El Segundo Senior Housing` Board's 1998 Budget Proposal for Park Vista. Recommendation - The Senior Housing Board approved Community Housing Management's 1998 Budget proposal and is recommending its approval to City Council. 2. Community Housing Management Services (CHMS) Park Vista Management Operating Agreement Extension Recommendation - 1) Approve and execute proposed additional addendum to the Management Operating Agreement through June 30,1998. 2) Approve extending CHMS' contract to manage Park Vista through June 1998 under proposed 1998 budget. 3) Direct Senior Housing Board and staff accordingly. 3. Report by Aviation Safety & Noise Abatement Committee on (1) a recent FAA change and how it affects early turns and (2) LAX Noise Variance Recommendation - Discussion and possible action. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. Warrant Numbers 243558- 243850 on Demand Register Summary Number 12 in total amount of $814,455.87. and Wire Transfers in the amount of $169,335.11. Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers from 11/25/97 to 12/09/97. 2. Award of contract for the trenchless rehabilitation of a 12" sewer main in easement west of Main Street between Oak Avenue and Maple Avenue (contract amount = $44,850.00). Recommendation - 1) Award contract to Insituform Southwest, Inc., in the amount of $44,850.00. 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard Public Works Construction Agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney. 3. Adopt plans and specifications for construction of a roller hockey rink in Recreation Park (estimated cost $83.000-00). - Recommendation - 1) Adopt master plan for the roller hockey rink. 2) Authorize staff to advertise Phase 1 of the plan for receipt of construction bids. 0 006 4. One year lease agreement between the City of El Segundo and Eaton Corporation to lease a portion of City property at 630 South Douglas Street Annual revenue of $15 108.00_. Recommendation - Approve the lease agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City. 5. Award bid for Truck Mounted Articulating Overcenter Aerial Device (bucket truck) to low bidder Altec Industries Inc in the amount of $102.816.93. Recommendation - Authorize staff to issue a purchase order in the amount of $102,816.93 to Altec Industries, Inc. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - Target IndusLry List Modifications. Recommendation - Approve modifications recommended by the Economic Development Advisory Council. 2. Review of 1998 Business Recruitment Creative Units. Recommendation - Approve business recruitment creative units proposed by Team One Advertising. G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE J. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilman Gordon - NONE Councilman Weston - NONE Councilwoman Friedkin - NONE Mayor Pro Tem Wernick - NONE Mayor Jacobs - Request for variances from the Municipal Code. Recommendation - Approve request by Mr. S. Claus for a waiver of the permits required for doing business within the City of El Segundo as follows: 1) Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and waiver of regulations in ESMC Section 20.74.040; 2) The use of air rights and waiver of the Santa Monica Radial 160 R procedure (FAA should be contacted); 3) Waiving of the ordinance on Animal Regulations (ESMC 8.02.010); 4) Waiving the Trespass Ordinance (ESMC 9.28.010) including 8.04.110 dealing with trespassing animals; 5) Granting a free business license for a non - profit organization (ESMC 5.04.050); 6) Waiving the Pooper - Scooper regulations (ESMC 9.04.040); 7) Waiving of the Noise Ordinance to permit the sound of bells (ESC 9.06.0110); and 8) Waiver of ESMC 16.04.060 (Driveway Permits Required) and 10.28.110 (Parking on Grades). PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to Cif Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec. 54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5:00 p.m., December 16, 1997 under "Closed Session" (if needed). REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: lolqj _ TIME: // ' �? S� • �n . NAME: 12- 16 -97.ag 0 008 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTER - DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE December 3, 1997 TO Jim Morrison City Manager FROM Bellur Devara City Engineer SUBJECT Potential Conflict of Interest Items - City Council Meeting of December 16, 1997 Is the project within 300 feet of a business or property owned by a City Council member? BKD:dr NAMEMOSZONFLICT.016 0 0 0 q Mayor Council Council Council Agenda Item Mayor Pro Tem Member Member Member Sandra Nancy Jane Mike Liam Jacobs Wemick Friedkin Gordon Weston Award of contract trenchless rehabilitation of a 12" No No No No No sewer main in the easement west of Main Street, between Oak and Maple Avenues. BKD:dr NAMEMOSZONFLICT.016 0 0 0 q 0 ommenbatl UP of et *egunbo Carif ornia WHEREAS, Colleen Ramsey has been selected by the City of El Segundo as the recipient of the El Segundo Police Department's Volunteer of the Year award in recognition of more than 265 valuable volunteer hours she has given to the El Segundo Police Department; and WHEREAS, the goal of the El Segundo Police Department "Retired Senior Volunteer Program" is to supplement and assist both the Field Operations and the Administrative Services Bureau in their efforts to better serve the citizens of the City of El Segundo. RSVP members are the "eyes and the ears' of the Police Department as well as representatives of the City and the Department, the volunteers maintain an image at all times that parallels the professionalism of the El Segundo Police Department; and WHEREAS, Colleen Ramsey has been a member of the El Segundo Police Department's RSVP program since 1993. Not only does she work her required four hours a week, but is always a willing volunteer to contribute added hours for events such as our Hometown and Richmond Street Fairs, extra patrol during the Christmas holidays, traffic control, high school basketball games, fingerprinting and assisting at other functions. Colleen offers her time to assist the Crime Prevention and Analysis Unit by helping to prepare a monthly crime report which is distributed to the El Segundo business community. She also assists in gathering south bay statistics for a yearly crime analysis report. Colleen also makes time to assist the Chief's secretary in her many tasks; and WHEREAS, Colleen Ramsey has supported and given a tremendous amount of her time and efforts to the El Segundo Police Department, and continues to make invaluable contributions to the RSVP program and to the community with enthusiasm and support. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby commend Colleen Ramsey on her valuable contributions, and congratulates Colleen as the El Segundo Police Department's RSVP of the Year. `i 010 / / /a�or�ro ✓sin / /anc� W¢rni l ounciGuOman �ans .jrieirt /7 A n alit Barbara Truckenbrod, President Pacific Sands HOA 770 W. Imperial Ave. #24 El Segundo, CA 90245 November 25, 1997 El Segundo City Council 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 Gentlemen and Ladies: I am writing to you regarding a situation which requires your urgent attention. I am the President of the Pacific Sands Home Owner's Association, an association of the owners of condomium units located at 770 W Imperial Ave. As you know, our property is severly and adversly affected by the noise generated by the Los Angeles International Airport. Indeed, the southern runways of LAX terminate virtually adjacent to our homes. Our homes are constantly subject to deafening noise from jet takeoffs and early turnouts. The City has recognized this situation in its Incompatible Land Use Plan, which locates our homes within the >72dBA noise contour, the noisiest portion of our city. Yet, as described below, we have been excluded from the City's efforts to protect its citizens from adverse airport noise conditions. The City has expended great effort to attempt to protect its citizens from the health and enviromental impacts caused by LAX. These efforts included the adoption by the City of the Imcompatible Land Use Plan and the obtaining by the City of grants from the Federal Aviation Administration ( "FAA ") and settlement proceeds from the Los Angeles Department of Airports ( "DOA"). While we recognize and applaud the City's efforts in this regard, we have been unfairly excluded from the City's residential sound insulation program (the "RSI Program "). The City applied for FAA grants to fund the RSI Program without identifying the source for those costs (20% in total) which the federal government requires must be funded from funds other than the FAA grant monies. Initially, the DOA was identified as a potential source of the 20% funds. However, when the DOA reinstated its policy of requiring fund recipients to grant avigation easements (i.e. requiring the City and its residents to waive any right to complain of future noise or other jet problems), the City refused to do so. The DOA monies thus became the center of a dispute between the City and the DOA. 0 ; 1 1 FA Shortly thereafter, the FAA indicated that the City must commence spending its allocated grant monies before any further grants would be considered by the FAA. Faced with that circumstance, the City altered the RSI program, which formed the basis for the FAA grant, so that homeowners would be required to fund 20% of RSI costs in order to participate. Throughout this process, the Pacific Sands Home Owners Association was actively involved in monitoring and participating in the City's efforts to obtain the FAA grants and DOA funds. Unfortunately, however, the members of our Association are generally financially unable to fund the 20% of RSI costs required to participate in the RSI program. We were thus effectively precluded from participating in the RSI Program. After all this had occured, and long after the deadline for applying for part- icipation in the City's current phase of the RSI Program had passed, the City settled its dispute with the DOA, resulting in payment fo more than $1,000,000. to the City, which the City elected to use to reimburse the persons who had committed to pay the 20% of RSI Program costs. This effectively excluded the citizens living in our condominiums from participating in any of the public monies obtained for residential sound insulation even though no citizen is now required to fund the costs of that program. This is a strickingly unfair result. The sum of these circumstances has resulted in the City altering the basis of its RSI Program in a manner which varies greatly from the grant applications submitted to the FAA. Instead of insulating the most adversely affected homes first (as was stated in the grant applications), the City has caused the RSI Program to concentrate the expenditure of public funds on those persons most able to afford the costs of sound insulation. We urge the City to consider how to rectify this most inequitable situation. At a minimum, we would request the opportunity to discuss our perceptions with you and would ask that our homes be the first to receive residential sound insulation to the extent of any remaining public funds. Further, we believe it only fair that we, as the most impacted of all the City's residents, be placed first on the list for future phases of the RSI Program. 0 012 CI Please inform us of any scheduled hearing regarding this matter. When we last contacted you, you were kind enough to place this matter on the Council's Agenda but since no one contacted us to let us know you had done so, no one attended the hearing. We would very much appreciate discussing this matter with you and would respectfully request that the City advise us if this matter is placed on the Council's agenda. You may notify us by either mailing a notice to the above address or faxing me at (310) 552 -2622. Thank you for all considerations in this matter. Sincerely, Barbara Truckenbrod, President Pacific Sands HOA cc: Bari J Cooper, Law Offices of Ervin, Cohen & Jessup LLP 0 013 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTER - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE Date: December 4, 1997 To: City Councilmembers Info: City Manager Via: Director of Planning and Building Safety From: Airport Projects Administrator Attachments: 1) President Truckenbrod's letter to Council of 25 November 1997 2) Chronology of RSI Actions Related to the Pacific Sands Homeowner's Association 3) Page 6 of the initial list of Phase 5 participants of January 1996 Subject: Response to the President of Pacific Sands Homeowner's Association Ms. Barbara Truckenbrod, President of Pacific Sands Homeowner's Association (PSHA) submitted a letter to the El Segundo City Council dated 25 November 1997. In my responses to Ms. Truckenbrod's statements in Attachment (1), I refer Council to Attachments (2) and (3). President Truckenbrod: "...we have been excluded from the City's efforts to protect its citizens from adverse airport noise conditions." "...we have been unfairly excluded from the City's residential sound insulation program...." "Further, we believe it only fair that we, as the most impacted of all the City's residents, be placed first on the list for future phases of the RSI Program." Response: The City has never excluded any members of the PSHA from participating in the City's Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSI). (Please refer to the attached Chronology.) In accordance with Council's policy of most -to -least impacted, the residents of 770 W. Imperial Avenue have been, and will continue to be, treated as priority candidates for the program since 770 W. Imperial Avenue is the most heavily noise impacted residential structure in El Segundo. With each new grant the City receives from the FAA, a mass mailing soliciting program volunteers.is made to all impacted residents. Following Council's guidance the most impacted of those who respond will be the first to be included in the program. President Truckenbrod: States that when the City altered the RSI program, providing 80% funding through FAA grants for sound insulation and requiring the remaining 20% to be paid by the participant, the City altered the basis for the FAA grant. pacund.mem r, Response: That is correct. City Council approved the 80/20, participant contribution program on 15 August 1995. The City informed the FAA of the change in the program on 28 August 1995. The change was approved' It is worthy of note that the FAA's guidance for the Part 150 program, the source of 80% of RSI funds, does not concern itself with the source of the 20% match, except for prohibiting the 20% funding from coming directly from another Federal source. President Truckenbrod: States that since the members of the PSHA are generally unable to afford their 20% share for program participation they are effectively precluded from participating in the RSI Program even though the program is now free. Response: Like many Federal programs, the RSI Program is not free to the participant. The program calls for a 20% matching payment. Across the Nation there is a wide variety of sources for the 20% match, including the noise producing airports, District, City, County, and State agencies, individual program participants, and various combinations of these sources. In El Segundo, on a case by case basis, the program may become free for some or all participants in a given phase. This is what occured with Phase 5 through the Council's distribution of a windfall out -of -court settlement. The Council has been diligent in finding ways to minimize the fiscal impact of participating in this program. For example, the Council has ensured that elderly and incapacitated residents in the noise impact area will be able to participate in the program at no cost through the Community Development Block Grant RSI program. The Council continues to examine methods for reducing the fiscal impact on participating homeowners. Because of the City Council's efforts in this regard, no one has had to pay to participate in the program to date. President Truckenbrod: Requests to discuss program perceptions with Council and requests that residents of 770 W Imperial Avenue be the first to receive residential sound insulation to the extent of any remaining public funds. Response: Program volunteers from 770 W. Imperial Avenue are, and will remain, the first residents considered for participation in each phase until such time as all units at that address are insulated. 0 015 pmand mem CHRONOLOGY OF RS1 ACTIONS RELATED TO THE PACIFIC SANDS HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (12/97) The following chronology may be useful in determining the "exclusion" of PSHA members. July 1995 City of El Segundo is unofficially notified that the City of Los Angeles will, once again, demand easements T exchange for RSI treatment. 15 Aug 1995 City Council approves program to make 80% funding for RSI available. 18 Aug 1995 Mass Mailing to all noise impacted residents announcing new 80/20 RSI program 24 Aug 1995 Town Meeting informing public of change in RSI program requiring homeowners to pay 20% of RSI cost and soliciting RSI volunteers 25 Aug 1995 o'M§Kll iit` #s 27 and "'33),'!'a "ter"PSHA President, provides letter signing 'p %�,exyone'tn; %PSHA fora <RSI Piogram. 25 Aug 1995�,MT1icola Herring (Unit 964), then PSHA President, signs up for program 26 Aug 1995tither, #57, signs up 28 Aug 1995 City informs FAA of change in program parameters wherein the FAA's 80% grant may be matched with 20% from sources other than LAX . 21 Nov 1995 Los Angeles Board Of Airport Commissioners pass Resolution 19357 requiring easements in exchange for matching funds from LAX. 01 Dec 1995 Ken%)✓ee #)32a signs :up 23 Jan 1996 T}gmas Hunter; #34"signs.up 31 Jan 1996 Initial volunteer list created. See Attachment (3), which shows the PSHA members who were initial participants of Phase S. 03 Apr 1996 City provides an update in the progress of the City's RSI program and reminds FAA of the change in program parameters wherein the FAA's 80% grant may be matched with 20% from sources other than LAX . 19 Apr 1996 Pen y,.Ross, #�2 "Signs up 01 Dec. 1996 Close -out of volunteer recruitment program pending receipt of initial payments for participation. 29 Jan 1997 Stanley ;Bock,; > #83, ",;signs up 31 Jan 1997 Deadline for making initial payments for Phase 5 program participation. Of approximately 110 volunteers, only 61 (the owners of 71 parcels) have made all required payments. Only Dr. Luther has met all participation requirements. 18 Feb 1997 City Council specifies disbursement of LAX out -of -court settlement funds to the current (61) program participants. 12 Mar 1997 Barbara Truckenbrod, 924, signs up 08 Apr 1997 Dougless Nardelli, 963, signs up Apr -May 1997 City receives a number of letters from members of PSHA alleging that the Council "...failed to give this matter proper consideration and failed to act consistently with the council's prior resolutions regarding this issue." The letters further request City Council to re -open Phase 5 to include those residents of 770 W. Imperial Ave. who did not participate in the initial stages of Phase 5. At the request of the PSHA, an opportunity to address the City Council was agendized for the Council's regularly scheduled meeting of 15 April 1997. No one from PSHA appeared at the meeting to speak. 02 Sept 1997 City Council approves Plans and Specifications and authorizes solicitation of bids. 08 Sept 1997 City submits Plans and Specifications for Phase 5 to the FAA 16 Sept 1997 The FAA approves the Phase 5 Plan and Documents 06 Oct 1997 Ray Chakmajiari;- #91",:signs�up 04 Nov 1997 City Council awards contracts for Phase 5 RSI work. Attachment (2) pataand.mem Homes for RSI Measurement January 1996 Page 6 C: \partints.lst Attachment (3) 21 Jan 96 0 0 1 i 1st Stand - Sh•eet Owner Address Phone dB Rea Phase B Rmks West Imperial Avenue 770 W. Imperial Ave.(100 Units) President of Homeowners Association: Adrienne Collis Unit 27 640 -7201 75 8/25 Item Unit 9 Occupant Phone 51. 27 Adrienne Same 640 -7201 75 8/25 Collis 52. 33 Adrienne Same 640 -7201 75 8/25 Collis 52a -5 34 Thomas & Same 322 -2722 75 1/23 Sheryl Hunter 53. 54 Dr. & Mrs 649 W. Maple Ave 390 -9018 75 8/25 Luther El Segundo, Ca 90245 54. 64 Nicola Same 322 -2924 75 8/25 Herring 55a -6. 82 Ken Lee Same 322 -9550 75 12/01 C: \partints.lst Attachment (3) 21 Jan 96 0 0 1 i RECEDED G 0 5 199f CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Dear Counsel Members: Please let this correspondence serve as a formal request by the E1 Segundo Little League Board of Directors to enlist the Cities assistance with our organization's opening day parade and related activities. As you may know, your co- sponsorship of this annual event is crucial to its continued success, and for this reason the members of the board, its coaches, team mothers and players would like to thank the counsel in advance for your consideration in this matter. Z3 WN191 J. Dokakis r 0 018 PARADE: February 21, 199$ ROUT: Recreation Park parking lot to Grand Ave, Main Street, Pine Ave, to Pine Field (Recreation Park) TIME: 10 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. c1 01 9 Dear Counsel Members: Please let this correspondence serve as a formal request by the El Segundo Little League Board of Directors to enlist the Cities assistance with our organization's opening day parade and related activities. As you may know, your co- sponsorship of this annual event is crucial to its continued success, and for this reason the members of the board, its coaches, team mothers and players would like to thank the counsel in advance for your consideration in this matter. J . Do�tkakis hA er 0 n'0 A PARADE: February 21, 1994>8 ROUT: Recreation Park parking lot to Grand Ave, Main Street, Pine Ave, to Pine Field (Recreation Park) TIME: 10 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. 0 021 City of El Segundo Inter - Departmental Correspondence December 8, 1997 To: James W. Morrison, City Manager From: Tim Grimmond, Chief of Pol' Subject: Little league Parade - February 21, 1998 To support this event, the police department will require the service of two motor officers and one cadet. Compensation will be at overtime for the motor officers and straight time for the cadet. EVENT MANPOWER POLICE: PLANNING: STREET DEPARTMENT: (2.0 HOUR SHIFT) Two motor officers One cadet Traffic Sergeant Division Support $174.24 $ 29.61 $ 37.59 $ 17.80 45.00 Total $304.24 It should be noted that there are not exceptional costs for the street department related to this event. Sign posting and delivery of the lane delineators will take place during the work week, The cost of this service is estimated at $45.00 The Little League will distribute and collect the delineators the day of the event under police department supervision. TG:AG /sn Attachment 0 0"2 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Order of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Continued public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -401 and Precise Plan Amendment P.P. 96 -1 (Fourth Amendment to P.P. 12 -72) for 2041 Rosecrans Avenue and 831, 870, and 871 South Nash Street, related to the theaters and adjacent retail/office building. The request is to allow the following: 1) Amendment of the Precise Plan land uses to conform with the current code for the underlying zone: the "Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone;" 2) Amendment of the Precise Plan development standards to conform with the current code for the underlying zone: the "Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone;" and, 3) Amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. These three requests were continued from the September 16, 1997 City Council meeting at the request of the applicant and staff. Applicant: Continental Development Corporation, Mr. Jerry Saunders. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Open Continued public hearing; 2) Council discussion; and, 3) Continue public hearing at applicant's request until January 20, 1998; or, 4) Other possible action. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On September 16, 1997, the City Council reviewed and approved (Resolution No. 4034) the applicant's request for the following amendments to Precise Plan 12 -72 (as previously amended by PP 94 -1), for the Pacific Theatre project: 1) an amendment to Condition No. 15 of City Council Resolution No. 3917 related to the parking structure stairway at 870 South Nash Street; 2) an amendment to Condition No. 14 of City Council Resolution No. 3917 related to the parking structure stairway directional signage at 870 South Nash Street; 3) revisions to the approved Traff ic Circulation Plan; and, 4) the approval of a Precise Plan Amendment to allow outdoor dining that exceeds 200 square feet for P.F. Chang's China Bistro and other (possible) future restaurants. On September 15, 1997, the Planning Division received a request from the applicant for a continuance of the three remaining items, as listed in the above Agenda Description, until the October 21, 1997 City Council meeting. On that occasion, the applicant requested a further continuance for the Public Hearing on these three items, until the December 16, 1997 regular meeting, in order to provide sufficient time for the applicant to prepare and staff to review the three (3) remaining items of the application. Presently, more time is still needed for the applicant and staff to prepare the staff reports, a further continuance -- until January 20, 1998 is requested. The Planning Commission also continued its discussion of these items, at the request of the applicant, from October 9 and (then) December 11, 1997, to January 8, 1998. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Letter from applicant requesting continuance FISCAL IMPACT: None. ORIGINATED: Date: 05 December 1997 1 Bret B. Bernard, AIC , IDZir c tor of annin and Buildin Safety REVIEWED BY: Date: I2 /gyp /IP,? 1 0 023 EA401/PP96 -1 City Council Staff Report December 16,1997 DISCUSSION: The Planning Division has received the above - referenced application which is a request of Continental Development Corporation to reaffirm the findings of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Environmental Assessment -350 (EA -350) and to adopt amendments to Precise Plan 12 -72 (PP 12 -72) and Precise Plan 94 -1 (PP 94 -1); as approved by City Council Resolution No. 3917. The PP 96 -1 amendment is the fourth amendment to the original Precise Plan (PP 12 -72). On September 16, 1997, the City Council approved Items 1, 2, 3, and 4; and, continued Items No. 5, 6, and 7 for approximately 30 days. The continuation of this last three (3) items was to allow the Planning Commission time to complete deliberations on all other requested components, and to provide the Applicant and City staff additional time to analyze and consider the continued items. As previously mentioned, on October 9, 1997, the Planning Commission continued discussion of Items No. 5, 6, and 7 until its meeting of December 11, 1997, and then to January 8, 1998. COMPLETEDAPPROVED AMENDMENT ITEMS: 1, On amendment to Condition No 15 of City Council Resolution No 3917 related to the parking structure stairway at 870 South Nash Street, Condition No. 15 requires the stairs at the northwest corner of the parking structure to extend from the "ground level" to the "first above -grade level ", of the parking structure, rather than from the "ground level" to the "basement level" of the parking structure, as currently constructed. The applicant requested a determination that the stairway as constructed, be deemed in "substantial compliance" with Condition No. 15 of Resolution 3917. 2. An amendment to Condition No 14 of Cif/ Council Resolution No 3917 related to the parking structure stairway directional signage at 870 South Nash Street Condition No. 14 requires the provision of signage in accordance with Condition 15 of City Council Resolution No. 3917. The applicant requested approval of revisions to the signage and other directional provisions added to the interior of the 870 South Nash Street parking structure to accommodate the revisions in Item No. 1 above. 3. Revisions i s to the approved Traffic Circulation Plan as shown on the Supplemental Traffic and Parking �, Impact Study. The changes include: a. The closing of the existing Common Area Plaza (Plaza) 34 foot wide driveway between the theater and the retail /office building (Condition 11 -K of Resolution No. 3917) off of South Nash Street to vehicular traffic; b. Converting the easterly two - thirds of the Plaza to pedestrian activity only; c. Converting the westerly third of the Plaza to valet drop- off /pick -up area; d. Elimination of the need to restrict eastbound traffic, from the closed driveway to a right -turn only movement at Nash Street during peak hours (Condition No. 11 -L of Resolution No. 3917); e. Providing a new sidewalk and curbside theater drop - off /pick -up zone on the west side of Nash Street; f. The re- stripping of South Nash Street to add a drop -off lane and maintain two driving lanes on the west side of Nash Street; and g. The relocation of eight (8) handicapped parking spaces from the Plaza area to the 871 South Nash Street parking structure. 4. The approval of a Precise Plan Amendment to allow outdoor dining that exceeds 200 square feet for the P F Chang's China Bistro and other future restaurants. The applicant plans to establish a new quality restaurant "blending culinary creations from the major regions of China with American hospitality to create a unique dining experience." The new restaurant will include an outdoor dining area of 1,200 square feet; a 5,400 square foot indoor seating area (including bar area); and kitchen and "back -of- the - house" space of 1,800 square feet. If P. F. Chang's China Bistro does not utilize all of the 1,200 square feet of outdoor dining area then other future restaurants may utilize the area. •► 11111W14 i 5. Amendment of the Precise Plan land uses to conform with the current code for the underlying zone'. the "Urban Mixed Use South (MU -5S) Zone," The applicant requests to amend the Precise Plan to allow all the land uses in the Precise Plan that are presently allowed in the MU -S Zone. This includes: a. Permitted Uses; b. Permitted Accessory Uses; c. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit; d. Uses Subject to a 2 0 024 EA401/PP96 -1 City Council Staff Report December 16,1997 DISCUSSION: Conditional Use Permit; and e. Adult Business Permits. Additionally, the applicant is requesting that uses in the Plaza and Entry Court, including outdoor dining, retail sales, and other ancillary uses which are supportive of the site's primary retail uses, are included as permitted uses. 6. AmenA11ent of the Precise Plan development standards to conform with the current code for the underlying zone• the "Urban Mixed- Use South (MU -S) Zone," The applicant requests to amend the Precise Plan to incorporate the development standards of the MU -S Zone into the Precise Plan, except as may have been previously established and constructed under the Precise Plan. 7. Amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan by the Director of Planning and Building Safety The applicant requests that the City establish a procedure to provide for minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan, subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. The procedure would allow flexibility for the applicant to meet market changes without the necessity of a full Precise Plan amendment. They have indicated a desire to provide for minor modifications to enhance the development without creating adverse impacts for surrounding developments. p:\projects\ea40l\ea4Ol-4.ais 0 025 Ci) CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 4, 1997 HAND DELIVERED Ms. Laurie Jester Senior Planner City of E1 Segundo 350 Main Street E1 Segundo, CA 90245 RE: Project EA- 401 /PP 96 -1, Application for Fourth Amendment to Precise Plan 12 -72, 2041 Rosecrans Ave., 831 -871 S. Nash Street. Dear Ms Jester: In connection with the captioned project, the Planning Commission and City Council granted a countinuance of items 5, 6, and 7 to the Planning Commission meeting of December 11, 1997 and City Council meeting of December 16, 1997. Now, the Applicant and City Staff both agree that additional time will be needed to complete the analysis and work up for the presentation to the Commission and City Council. Therefore, an additional countinuance is requested to the Planning Commission meeting of January 8, 1998 and the City Council meeting of January 20, 1998. We appreciate your consideration of this request. Sirnperely, A O Saunders President - Planning Q,)(WP51 \JAS \js1527 Copies to: Leonard Blakesley R D Richard Lundquist l5 R DES ' 41997 J PLANNING DMSIOM 2041 ROSECRANS AVENUE, P.O. BOX 916, EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245 -0916 (213) 772 -0203 • (310) 640 -1520 • FAX: (310) 414 -9279 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT DATE: DECEMBER 16, 1997 Boards and Commissions AGENDA HEADING: El Segundo Senior Housing Board's 1998 Budget Proposal for Park Vista AGENDA DESCRIPTION: The Senior Housing Board approved Community Housing Managements' 1998 Budget proposal and is recommending it's approval to City Council. RECOMMENDED CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Approval BRIEF SUMMARY: The El Segundo Senior Housing Board has recommended Council's approval of Community Housing Managements 1998 budget proposal for the Park Vista Senior Housing facility. The Senior Housing Board diligently reviewed the proposal, appointed a sub - committee for more extensive review, requested a few alterations to CHMA in order to meet their approval. At a Special Senior Housing Board Meeting, CHMA presented their revised budget proposal. The Senior Housing Board approved their proposal unanimously. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENT: The 1998 Park Vista Budget Proposal FISCAL IMPACT: YES NO Amount Requested: Account Balance: Account Number Date: FY97/98 Budget Appropriation Required: Yes No ORIGINATED: Date: November 12, 1997 Peter Freeman, President Senior Housing Board ✓ ACTION TAKEN: !1 0 ? 7 BUDGET WORKSHEET FOR PARK VISTA r.nnuncun AivVrteT_ C1vF.RATING BUDGET FOR 1998 FISCAL YEAR October 29, 1997 .,vFiscal Year: Jan-Dec, 1998 Number of tints: 97 Project Nu her, 10 Acct. 1996 Audited 1997 1997 1998 % Change Budget Line item: No. (1 Results $) Budget Pro'ected $ Budget $ 1997 -98 Potential Gross Income 5100 1120 424,974 428,328 428,328 428,328 (3 0.00% A arttnents Gara c and Parkin S acts 5170 15,790 17,460 17,460 17.460 0.00% Potential Gross Income -100% Occu ancv 440,764 445,788 445,788 441,788 0,00% Vacancies 5200 5220 (130 ) (47 (130) 176.60% A arttnents 1 Gara c and Parking Spaces 5270 873 1,282 (873) - 31.90% Toted Vacancies - 1.003 1,329 1,003 - 24.53% Net Potential income 440,764 444,785 444,459 444,785 0.07% Financial Revenue 5400 Interest Income- Pro'cct Operauons 5410 - - - Interest from htvesttnents- Resenv for Re lacetn 5440 1 15.806 13.806 17,179 23,809 38.59% Total Financial Revenue 15,806 13,806 17,179 23,809 38.59% Other Revenue 59 Laundry and Vcndin 591(1 5.788 5,184 5,780 5,780 0.00 " /0 NSF and Late Charge 5920 Damages and Cleaning Fees 5930 Forfeited Tenant Security Deposits 5940 Other Revenue s eci 5990 5,788 5,780 5,780 0.00% Total Other Revenue .184 iffective Gross Income a 462,358 463,775 467,418 474.374 1.49% administrative Expenses 62001 6300 Advertising 6210 120 1,037 1,200 15.72% Other Renting Expense 6250 117 - 44 - Office Salaries 6310 12.406 12,740 12,944 011icc Supplies 63I l 3,7311 2,731 2,170 2,350 8.29% Management Fee 6320 24,000 26.400 26,400 148,273 461.64% Manager or Superintendent Salaries 6330 20.461 20.484 20,784 ?) Manager or Su erintcndent Rent -free Unit 6331 Legal Expenses Project 6340 - Auditing Expenses (Project) 6350 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% Bookkoe in Fccs/Accounting Services 6351 Telephone aid Answering Services 6360 1.880 1.632 1,900 2.400 26.32% Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses (detail) 6390 4,304 3,025 2,760 2,800 1.45% Total Administrative Expenses b 69.018 69,012 70,039 159,023 127.05% i itilitics 6400 Cable TV 83.626 6420 14.608 14.750 1.5,077 15.048 -0.19% Electricity 6450 12,453 13.013 13,000 14,400 10.77% Watcr & Scwcr 6451 8.887 10,005 10,000 10.200 2.00% Gas 6452 5.757 5,739 5,993 6.000 0.12% Total Utility Expense 27.097 c 41.705 1 43.507 44,070 45.648 3.59% pub -total Expenses tarn- forward to a e 2 b +c 110.723 112.519 114,109 204,671 79.36% l Totals of Income &, Fxpense categories equal audited results. Some line items estimated as they are not broKen out to aumr. Cost ofManagefs Unit dcxluctW frcmiApartment Income. page 10prkvstlbudgetslBoard98j.x1s 1 (1 n HUDGET WORKSHEET FOR PARK VISTA PROPOSED ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1998 FISCAL YEAR October 29,1997 riscai rear: dan -ucv, 17-70 Budget Line Item: Sub -total Ex cnscs carried forward from a c I Acct. No. (1 b +c 1996 Audited ) Results S 110.723 1997 Budget 112,519 1997 Projected S 114,109 1998 Budget S) 204.671 % Change 1997 -98 79.36% Operating, & Maintenance Expenses 6500 Janitor and Cleaning Pa -roll Janitor and Cleaning Supplies Maintenuice Contract Extcmiinatin Pa roll/Contract 6510 6515 6517 6519 12,417 2,022 1.166 12,480 1,332 2,575 600 11,662 1,325 200 522 1,332 3 275 600 0.53% 1537.5% 14.94 " /° Garbage and Trash Removal 6525 - Security Pa }TWLContract Grounds PawToll Grotuids Supplies 653() 6535 6536 3,500 668 3,600 300 100 4,500 100 - 300 200.00% Repairs Payroll Rc airs Material Repairs Contract Elevator Maintenance Contract Hcalin Coolin Rc airs & Maintenance 6540 6541 6542 6545 6546 16,721 2,648 3.707 6.353 495 17,160 2,497 3.120 5,319 250 17,321 3,650 3,320 5,299 1,103 2,572 3,120 3.564 1 ;158 - 29.54% -6.02% - 32.74% 5.00 " /0 Decorating PayrolKontract Decorating Su lies Fire Protection Ex cnscs 401 6560 6561 6589 1.267 375 1,117 3,990 300 2,280 4,200 217 2,156 3,990 100 2,230 - 5.00 ° /" - 53.92% 3.43% Miscellaneous Operating & Maintenance Ex en Total Operating and Maintenance Expenses 6590 d 3,590 56,046 400 56,203 2,053 57,728 22,241 - 61.47% wires and Insurance 6700 Real Estate Taxes 6710 - - Payroll Taxes (FICA ) 6711 6,386 8.939 7,546 Miscellaneous Taxes, Licenses and Permits 6719 20 - 100 Pro pert), and Liability Insurance Hazard 6720 22,899 33,169 32,695 - Fidelity Bond hisurance 6721 116 123 123 W'orker's Compensation 6722 3,142 3,183 2,419 Health Tusurancc & Other Em to cc Benefits 6723 6,055 8,243 6,284 Other Insttrance (speck D &O 6729 1.304 1.071 1,050 Total Taxes and insurance c 39,922 54,728 50,217 - Total Operating Expenses b +c +d +c f 206,691 223,450 222,054 2269912 2.19% NET OPERATING INCOME a -f g 255,667 240,325 245,364 247,462 0.85% Y inancial Expenses 68W Interest on Mort a c Payable 6820 178,668 103,541 178,668 178.668 0.00% Interest on Notes Payable (Long Term 6830 Principal Pa)mients Required Total Financial Expenses h 178,668 75,127 178.668 178,668 178,668 0.00% ;Planned Rc laccmcnt Rcscrvc S cndin 4 8,000 28,933 $26,156 140.186 384.52% : %oard Contingency k 25,000 27 z50 30.000 9.69% utal Cost of Operating f +h +j +k m 393,359 456,051 454,228 575,766 26.76% Total Income or Revenue a 462,358 463,775 467,418 474,374 1.49% xcess (Deficiency) Income Over Expenses a -m 68,999 7,724 13,190 (101,392) - 868.7% ) Includes mortgage principal ? 1998 projectirnt based on replacement items specified in 1996 Barrcra Reserve Study at costs estimated by nuwagcmcut (Sec Supplements) 0 0,29 I0prkvstlbudgetslBoard98j.x1s page 2 PROPOSED ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1998 FISCAL YEAR Aeet Na WCOME 1998 Budget 5120 Apartments. Based on continuation of 1997 rents as approved by Board and City Council as follows: S/Mo Monthly Total 32 ea. LS l Bdr Apartments 440 14,080 25 a. Mod I Bdr Apartments 380 9,500 6 a. Han&cap Aparttaeau 380 2,280 11 a. Efficiency Apartments 298 9.8;4 96 (Does not include Mges Unit) 35694 X 12 428,328 S42U28 Las: Vacancy Loss due to 12 Unit Turnovers at 5 days lossht mover 10 tnrrnovers 1 dayshura S13 /day. 130 (5130) 0.03% vacancy 428,198 5170 Garage and Padebig Spaces. Based on the following rent schedule for 1997 as approved by Board and City Council. 5440 Interest Income from Investments, Replacements Reserves. Based on 9/30197 balances: 5MIk 9/97 Bel. S/Mo S/fype 38 ca. inside spaces 27.50 1,045 5 es. outside covered spaces 22.50 113 17 a. outside spaoa 17.50 298 60 Wells Fargo 1455 3.70% S70,328 $2,602 x 12 Cmxt Wstr Bk S72,618 4.25% 17,460 517,460 Less 5% vacancy factor' Co-tnvest w/ City 873 (SM) current) 6 vacantspaoes- 7% 16,587 5440 Interest Income from Investments, Replacements Reserves. Based on 9/30197 balances: 5MIk 9/97 Bel. Interest 1297 1"8 Coast Fd Bk 565,060 4.01% $65,712 $2,635 BofA 580,652 4.65% 581,590 $3,794 Wells Fargo 569,683 3.70% S70,328 $2,602 523JW Cmxt Wstr Bk S72,618 4.25% S73,390 $3,119 Co-tnvest w/ City S201,665 5.70% 5204,539 $11,659 523,809 5910 Laundry Revenue. Based on estimated income for 1997 MM Total Inveme: 5474.374 Acct Na EXPENSE 6210 Advertising For contract bidders or other notices not rent up: 1998 Bud*et 51.200 6311 Office Supplies. Equals amount budgeted for 1997 including: General Office Supplies. $600 Copier Paper & Supplies @ S 125 hno S1,500 Copier Service & Repairs 5250 52,350 S2.M 6320 Management Fee. Includes payroll, all insurance, etc. 5148.273 6331 Manager's Rent -free Unit. (Not included in Acct No. 5129, Apartment Income above and not deducted as an expense.) SO 6340 Legal Expenses. (Paid by City. Not included in this budget) SO 6350 Auditing Expenses. Equals cost of 19% Audit paid for in 1997. 52.000 10pfkvM%bud9etsSoard98i.)ds page 3 C X13 0 EXPLANATION OF INCOME AND EXPENSE 52.400 Aect. No. 663600 Telephone. Based on the following estimated costs- 5200 S1,900 Office telephone @ S60 hno. 5720 52JW Fax/elevator lime @ S35 hero. 5420 Other elevator/fire line @ S35 hno. 5420 Entry, Mu= tine @ S35 hno. S420 Fire alum line @ S35 hmo. , 5420 52,400 6390 Miscellaneous Administr'ativd Expense: Based on following estimated ecru: 4001 Updating h icroRcat Program .0002 Computer Repaus 41003 Recording Secretary Fee @ S 150 hero .0004 Stipend to Resident A=vitres @ S50 /mo 6420 Cable TV. Based on current contract fee of 51.254 hmo. 0% inflation intsease 6450 Electricity. Based on estimated coat of S1,200 hto. October 29, 1997 1998 Budtet 6.451 Water & Sewer. Based on estimated cost for 1997 of $10,000 Pius 2% increase as per Water Dept. 6452 Gas. Based on estimated actual cost for 1997 of 55,993 plus 0' /e rounded to 6453 Sewer. (Included in water bill). 6515 Janitorial Supplies. Uniform Rental @ S61 /mo. 5732 Supplies @ LQ hno. S600 5111 51,332 6517 Contract Maintenance. The following services by outside vendors as follows: Carpet & furniture cleaaurg all common areas $1,000 Cleaning apartment units on ttaaover 9 units @ • S75 5675 Stem Cleaning trash chutes 2x/yew @ 5350 5700 Window Washing. tipper floors, exterior S900 1 timdyr 53.275 6519 Extermimatu* Contract. Based on curtsmt contract cost of $50 hmo. for treatment of common arcs plus 6 units per month. 6525 Garbage and Trash R noval. City. No charge, 6530 Security Payroll/Contract. This is not a budgeted service at the property. 6536 Grounds Supplies. Includes fertiltzes, insecticides dt replacement plants @ S25 hno. 6541 Repairs Material. Equals 1997 budget I OprkaftudgetsZoard98i rds S2,497 plus 3% $10.200 51.332 53.275 $600 SO SO 5300 5272 - - page 4 52.400 5200 5200 S1,900 5600 52,800 52JW S15,048 S 14x400 6.451 Water & Sewer. Based on estimated cost for 1997 of $10,000 Pius 2% increase as per Water Dept. 6452 Gas. Based on estimated actual cost for 1997 of 55,993 plus 0' /e rounded to 6453 Sewer. (Included in water bill). 6515 Janitorial Supplies. Uniform Rental @ S61 /mo. 5732 Supplies @ LQ hno. S600 5111 51,332 6517 Contract Maintenance. The following services by outside vendors as follows: Carpet & furniture cleaaurg all common areas $1,000 Cleaning apartment units on ttaaover 9 units @ • S75 5675 Stem Cleaning trash chutes 2x/yew @ 5350 5700 Window Washing. tipper floors, exterior S900 1 timdyr 53.275 6519 Extermimatu* Contract. Based on curtsmt contract cost of $50 hmo. for treatment of common arcs plus 6 units per month. 6525 Garbage and Trash R noval. City. No charge, 6530 Security Payroll/Contract. This is not a budgeted service at the property. 6536 Grounds Supplies. Includes fertiltzes, insecticides dt replacement plants @ S25 hno. 6541 Repairs Material. Equals 1997 budget I OprkaftudgetsZoard98i rds S2,497 plus 3% $10.200 51.332 53.275 $600 SO SO 5300 5272 - - page 4 EXPLANATION OF INCOME AND EXPENSE ESTIMATES Acct. o. ESE 6502 Repairs Contract. Based on the following projected work: done by outside contractors: Solar Heating Maintenance 5200 Emergency Call System 5200 Entry System Maintenance S200 Parking Lot 8t Garage Gates 5420 Plumbing @ S 100 /mo. S1,200 Loch Repair @ S50 /mo. 5600 Boiler Maim & Repair 5300 53.120 6505 Elevator Maintenance Contract. Based on current contract price of 5297 /mo for 12 months plus 6546 Hating & Cooling Repairs. Based on 1997 cost, S1,103 plus 6560 Decorating Contract. Based on painting interiors of 9 units on turnover and 10 occupied units @ 5210 /unit. 6561 Decorating supplies. Estimate for touch -up paint, rollers & brushes, etc. 6580 Fin Protection Expense. Monitoring fin alarm system @ S 150 /quarter 5600 Sprinkler Inspections @ S270 /quarter 51,080 Fire Alarm System inspections (a? 2 umes/year 5400 including smoke detectors Recharging Fire Extinguishers (a) I tinwAvar S150 $2,230 6590 Miscellaneous Operating and Maintenance Expense. Steam Cleaning Trash Chutes 6710 Real Estate Taxes: (None. City property) Sul 6719 Miscellaneous Taxes, etc. Estimated cost of business license, permits, etc S 100 to 1997 6820 Interest on Mortgage Psysble — per Amortization Schedule Mortpp Principal Payments required per Amomution Schedule. I0prkvstlbudget Soard98Uds October 29, 1997 I998 Budret 53.120 S3.S64 5% S1.158 53,990 5100 $2.230 SO SO 5103,41 575.127 page 5 0 032 Acct. No. 'LAeL[NJL 5 IV98 budeet Replacements: Reserve Study completed m 1996 b era y Barr & Co. projects the Garbage disposals followmg to 1998 as indicated. Costs per Costs per Barren (S) hta"Se ent (S)(S) of dents '97 items Paint interior stairwells 7,716 1,950 Restnpe parking lot 776 630 Recatpet interior stairwells (to date, not warn, cleaned) 16,519 6,199 Replace haaishings/furwture (completed) 1,532 1,000 • Replace patio fumiture (cleaned only) 1.553 ISO Refurbish apartment interiors. 10 19.004 •• 5 84,200 28,933 -98 items Re- waterproof dock/balcony surboes 14,312 14,312 Correct 5th Floor Decking; slope and height 50,000 Paint exterior with acrylic paint 50,000 Sand blast &rust resistant paint solar panel supports 3,000 Replaoe/upgrade Office Equipment 3,610 1,500 Replace vinyl flooring in shop & truh moms 2,370 2,370 Replace mailboxes 4,156 0 Reftabish apartment interiors ffLLO in 1997 19.004 •• TOTALS 80,552 '•• 140,186 5140.186 • Replace cushions only (10 (a S50 each) plus dry cleaning covers and furniture. •• Based on the following replacements: Number Reolacement Item g4�i1CC� Ref igerstors 5 Dishwashers 6 Garbage disposals 10 Bathroom Lavatories 6 Kitchen Faucets 12 Bathroom Faucets 12 Toilet Bowls 3 Toilet Tanks 3 Bathroom Heaters 5 Burners for Range. Large 12 Burners for Range. Small 12 Verucal Binds 10 Carpets 5 Kitchen Floor Covcnng 10 Bathroom Floor Covering 10 gales Tax TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Estimated Estimated Cost/ltem Total Cost S 460 S 2,300 264 1,584 40 400 22 132 39 468 25 300 45 135 40 120 40 200 56 672 52 624 68 680 620 3,100 380 3.800 300 3,000 17,515 8.5% 1,489 S19,004 •'• Source: Page A -7 from Barren Reserves Study under 1998 column. Board Contingency I 0prkvvAbudge1s%Board98i.3ls Ter! E :peaaea: S57� Tel leoaase: 547074 Excess (Defnaianay): 101 Comparison to Summery. (101,392) page 6 0 033 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16,1997 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Boards, Committees and Commissions AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Community Housing Management Services (CHMS) Park Vista Management Operating Agreement Extension. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve and execute proposed additional addendum to the Management Operating Agreement through June 30, 1998. Approve extending CHMS' contract to manage Park Vista through June 1998 under proposed 1998 budget. Direct Senior Housing Board and staff accordingly. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: At the request of City Council and the Senior Housing Board, CHMS agrees to extend management services at Park Vista for six months beginning January 1, 1998. DISCUSSION: At the request of City Council and the Senior Housing Board, CHMS agrees to extend management services at Park Vista for six months beginning January 1,1998. City Council decided to appoint a joint sub - committee of both City council and Senior Housing Board members to review the proposals and the recommendation. The sub- committee concluded the RFP needed to be revised and re- issued. Therefore, requiring the need to extend the management contract with the current company, Community Housing Management Services. The sub - committee's recommendation was brought before the City Council on December 3, 1997 and City Council concurred with the sub - committee' recommendations. CHMS is now providing services on a one year extension of the original contract granted in 1994. This request is for an additional six month extension to the original extension. CHMS agreed to provide management services for an additional six months, providing City Council approves their budget proposal for 1998. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. CHMS proposed budget for 1998. 2. The second addendum to the Management Operating Agreement. 3. The first addendum to the Management Operating Agreement 4. Operating Agreement. 5. Request for Proposal FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes_ No ORIGI 7 Date: December 9, 1997 Jim a hector R BY: Date: ,,/ 4 a orrison, City Ma ager ACTION TAKEN: AIS971216.shb 12- 9- 9711:15am 0 034 BUDGET WORKSHEET FOR PARK VISTA PROPOSED ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1998 FISCAL YEAR October 29, 1997 D., * XT f-6 1 n - Fiscal Year: Jan -Dec, 1998 Number of L nits: y i 1997 r 1997 l ... ........ 1998 . %Change Acct. 1996 Audited No. 1 Results $ Bud ct Projected $ Bud ct $ 1997 -98 Bud ct Line Item: Potential Gross Income 51U(i Poten l 5120 424,974 428,328 428,328 428,328 (3 U,UU% A artinents Gara c and Parkin S aces 5170 15,7911 17,460 17,460 17,460 0.00 " /0 0.00% Potential Gross Income -100% Occu ancv 4411,764 445,788 445,788 445,788 sacancies 5200 5220 (13(1 (47 (130) 176.60% A artinents 527() 87; 1,282 (873 - 31.90 " /0 Gars c and Parkin S arcs - 1,003 1 329 1,003 - 24.53% Total Vacancies 440,764 444,785 444,459 444,785 (1.07 " /0 Net Potential Income Financial Revenue 5400 Interest income- Pro'ccl Operations ! Interest front Investments- Reserve for Re lacetn 5410 5440 15.806 - 13.806 17,179 23.809 38.59% Total Financial Revenue 15,906 13,806 17,179 23,809 39.59% Other Revenue 5900 Laundry and Voiding 59111 5 789 5;1 R4 5,780 5,790 0.00 " /0 NSF and Late Charge 5920 Dania es and Cleaning Fees 5930 r Forrcited Tcnanl Sccurily Dcriosits 5940 Other Revenue s eci 5990 5,789 .184 5,780 5.790 0.00"/0 Total Other Revenue a 462,359 463,775 467,419 474,374 1.49% Effective Gross Income ulministrativc Expenses 6200/ 6300 120 - 1,037 1,200 15.72'% Adycrlisin 6210 44 - Other Renting Expense 6250 117 Office Salaries 6310 12,406 12,740 12,944 Of lice Supplies 6311 3,730 2,731 2,170 2,350 8,29% Mana entent Fee 6320 24,000 26,400 26,400 148.273 461.64% Manager or Superintendent Salaries 6330 20,461 20,484 20,784 j2) Manager or Su crinlcndent Rcm -free Unit 6331 Legal Expenses (Project) Auditing Expenses (Project) 6340 6350 2,000 .2,000 2,000 - 2,0110 0.00% Bookkec in fccs/Accounting Services 6351 6360 1,880 1,632 1,900 27400 26.32% Telephone and Answering Services 6390 4,304 3,025 2,760 2,800 1.45% Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses (do -A) b 69,018 69,012 70,039 159,023 127.05% Total Administl �►tive Ex senses l�i11111CS 6400 Cable TV 83.626 6420 14,608 14,750 15,077 15,048 - 0.19 ° /" Electrici 6450 12,453 13,013 13,1100 14,400 10.77% ~ Water & Scwcr 6451 8.887 10,005 10,000 10,200 2.00% Gas 6452 5,757 5,739 5,993 6,000 0.12% Total Utilit Expense 27.097 c 41.705 43.507 44,070 45,648 3.59% Sub -total Expenses tarn, fonvard to paLe 2 b +c 110.723 112,519 114 109 204,671 79.36% Totals of Income & F.xpense categories equal audited results. Some line items estimated as they are not broken out in audit. 2) Cost of Manager's Unit dWuctal lnmi Apartment Income. 10prkvstlbudgetslBoard98j.x1s page 1 0 035 BtiDGET WORKSHEET FOR PARK VISTA PROPOSED ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1998 FISCAL YEAR October 29,1997 Fiscal Year: Jan -uec I7YO Acct. 1996 Audited 1997 1997 1998 % Change Budget Line Item• No. (1 ) Results S Bhd et Pro'ected S Budget $) 1997 -98 ISub -101.81 Ea cnscs carried ronvard from pagc I b +c 110,723 112,519 114,109 204.671 79.36% j Operating & Maintenance Expenses 6300 Janitor and Cleaning Pa -roll 6510 12,417 11,662 1,325 1,332 0.53% Janitor and Cleaning Su lies 6515 6517 2,022 N2,5 200 3 275 1537,5% Maintenwice Contract Exicrntinatin Payroll/Contract 6519 1,166 522 600 14.94 " /0 GarbB a turd Trash Removal 6525 - i Securi - Pa To1L�Contract 6530 1()0 Grounds Payroll 6535 3,500 3,600 4,500 Grotuids Supplies 6536 668 300 100 300 200.00% Repairs Pa Toll 6540 16,721 17,160 17,321 Re airs Material 6541 2 64R 2,497 31650 2,572 - 29.54% r Repairs Contract 6542 3.707 3.120 3,320 31120 - 6.02% Elevator Maintenance Contmct 6545 6,353 5,319 5,299 3,564 -32.74% Hcating/Cooling Repairs & Maintenance 6546 495 250 1,103 1,158 5.00% Decorating Payroll!Contmct 6560 1,267 3,990 4,200 3,990 - 5.00% Decorating Supplies 6561 375 300 217 100 - 53.92% Fire Protection Expcnscs 401 6589 1, l 17 2,280 2,156 2,230 3.43% Miscellaneous Operating & Maintenance Ex etc 6590 3.590 400 2,053 Total Operating and Maintenance Expenses d 56,046 56;203 57,728 22,241 - 61.4T% 1txes and Insurance 6700111 1 Real Estate Taxes 6710 1 - Payroll Taxes "FICA 6711 6,386 8.939 7,546 Miscellaneous Taxes Licenses and Permits 6719 20 - . 100 - Pro crl� and Liability lnsurancc (Hazard) 6,720 22,899 33,69 32,695 - Fidelity Boad hisurance 6721 116 123 123 W'orker's Compensation 6722 3,142 3.183 2,419 1lcalth Insurance & Other Employee 13=1111s 6723 6.055 9;243 6,284 Other Instumice s eci - D &O 6729 1.304 1.071 1,050 _ Total Taxes and Insurance I c 39,922 54,728 50,217 - Total Operating Expenses b +c +d +c r 206,691 223,450 222,054 226,912 2.19% - NET OPERATING INCOME a -l' g 255,667 240,325 245,364 247,462 0.85"/° I Financial Expenses 6800 lnterest on Mort a c Payable 6820 179;668 103,541 179,668 178.668 0.00% Interest on Notes Payable (Long Term 6830 Principal Payments Required 75,127 0.00% Total Financial Expense% h 178.668 178.668 178,668 178.668 ?lanncd Rc laccmcnl Rcscrvc S cndin 4 8,000 29,933 $26,156 140.186 384.52% Board Contin envy k 25,000 27,350 30,000 9.69% Total Cost of Operating f +h±i +k m 393,359 4.56,051 454,228 571,766 26.76% Total Income or Revenue a 462,358 463,77.5 467,418 474,:374 1.49% Excess (Deticiency) Income Over Expenses a -m 68,999 7,724 13,1911 (101,392) - 868.7% 3) Includes mortgage principal I 1 1908 projection based on replacement items specified in 1996 Barrcra Rcscrve Study at costs estimated by rawlagcmcnt (Sec Supplements) r r J.) 10prkvstlbudgetslBoard98j.xls page 2 PROPOSED ANNULL OPE"" 17trG BIIDC,E t k'OR girl 1 It"CAL y :.wk INCOME 1998 Bud>tet AM!L N.>h Based on continuation of 1997 rents as approved by Board and 5120 Apartments. City Council as follows: S/Mo Monthly Total 32 ea. Lg 1 Bdr Apartments 440 14,080 25 a. Mod 1 Bdr Apartments 380 9,500 6 a. handicap Apar=cnu 380 2,280 11 a. Efficiency Apartments 298 _9_ 8;4 96 (Does not include Mgt's Unit) 35694 X 12 428,328 S429in Less: Vac =q Loss due to 12 Unit Turnovers atSldays losshurnbver 10 turnovers /day. 130 (S130) 0.03% vacancy 428,198 5170 Garage and Patidng Spaces. Based on the following rent schedule for 1997 as approved by Board and City Council. S/Mo SrI'ype 38 a. inside "an 27.50 1,045 5 a. outside covered Spada 22.50 113 17 a. outside Spam 17.50 _ 2" X60 1455 X 12 17 -,460 S17AO Las 5% vacancy factor' 873 (W3) currtna 6 vacant spaces- 7% 16,597 5440 Interest Income from Investments. Replacements ResmTS. Based on 9130/97 balances: 5WJ 9/97 jpteres l 12/97 I"s Coast Fd Bk $65.060 4.01% 565,712 $2,635 BofA SR0.652 4,65% 581,590 $3,794 Wells Fargo S69.683 3.706/6 570.328 $2,602 X309 Great Wstr Bk 572.618 4.25% 573,390 $3,119 Co-urvest w/ City 5201.665 5.70% 5204,539 $11,659 523,809 5910 Laundry Revenue. Based on estimated income for 1997 LIM Total Imeme: 54744 Aect, No. FXPFNS " Advertising For contract bidders or other nouces not tent up: 1998 Budget 51.200 6210 6311 Office Supplies. Equals amount budgeted for 1997 including: General Office Supplies. $600 Copier Paper & Supplies @ 5125 hno S1,500 Copier Service & Repairs 5250 52,350 S2.M 6320 Management Fee. Includes payroll, all insumnec, etc. 5148.273 6331 Manager's Rent-free Unit. (Not included in Acct No. 5129, Apartment Income above and not deducted as an expense.) SO 6340 Legal Expenses. (Paid by City. Not included in this budget) SO 6350 Auditing Expenses. Equals cost of 19% Audit paid for in 1997. 52.000 t OprkvatlbudpeblBoard98i.�ds page 3 OF INCOME AND EXPEEXPENSE ESTIMATES Janitorial Supplies. October 29. 1997 EXPLANATION Uniform Rental @ S61 lino. 5732 19" Budret Aect, No. 6&W Telephone. Based on the followmg esumsted costs" Sill S office telephone @ $60 /mo. $720 Fart/elevator I= @ S35 /mo. S420 Cleaning apartment units on tuaaovcr Other elentor/fin line @ S35 hno. $420 9 units @ • S75 5675 Entry system line @ S35 hno. 5420 Fin alarm line @ S35 hero. , S420 52.400 1eJyr 53.275 S3,275 $2,400 Enetminatiag Contract. Based on current contract cost of Administrative : Based on following estimated oosu: S50 /mo. for treatment of common areas plus 6 units per month. 6390 Miscellaneous Garbage and Trash Removal. City. No charge. 5200 -0001 Updating "=Rmt Prasnun SO S200 -0002 Ccasspu� Reps= Fee @ S 150 hno S 00 -0003 Reoordmg Sm"AlY Stipend w Resident Activities @ SSO hero Repairs Material. Equals 1997 budget 52.497 plus 3% S600 S 52,800 .0004 52.800 6420 Cable N. Bandon current contract fee of 51.254 Imo. Me inflation itusum $15.048 6460 Electricity. Based on estimated cost of 51,200 hro. SUr400 6451 Water dt Sewer. Based on estimated coat for 1997 of 510.000 plus 2% tncrvase as per Water Dept. 510.200 6452 • Gas. Based on estimated actual cost for 1997 of 55.993 plus Oy9 rounded to 561000 6453 Sewer. (Included in water bill). 6515 Janitorial Supplies. Uniform Rental @ S61 lino. 5732 Supplies @ IN hno• S600 S1,332 Sill S 6517 Contract Maintenance. The following services by outside vendors as follows Carpet dt furniture cleaning all common arcs S1.000 Cleaning apartment units on tuaaovcr 9 units @ • S75 5675 Stem Clearing trash chutes 2x/year @ S350 5700 Window Washing. upper floors, extmor S900 1eJyr 53.275 S3,275 6519 Enetminatiag Contract. Based on current contract cost of S50 /mo. for treatment of common areas plus 6 units per month. $600 6525 Garbage and Trash Removal. City. No charge. SO 6530 Security Payroll/Contract. This is not a budgeted semoe at the property. SO 6536 Grounds Supplies. Includes fertiltur, msecticides dt replacement plants @ S25 /no- 5300 GUI Repairs Material. Equals 1997 budget 52.497 plus 3% S2.S72 I0pdrjd budget B%Board98i.rde - - Pally 4 �} rig EXPLANATION OF INCOME AND EXPENSE ESTIMATES October 29.1997 AeL,g i�i�eL� a 998 t 6542 Repairs Contract. Based on the following projected wort: done by outside contractors: Solar Heating Maintenance 5200 Emcqua y Cau System 5200 . Entry System Maintenance 5200 parking Lot A Garage Gates $420 plumbing @ S 100 Imo. S 1.200 Lode Repair @ S50 Imo. $600 Boiler Maint. & Repair 5300 S3 l20 5�•120 6545 Elevator Maintenance Contract. Based on current contract price of 5297 hno for 12 mootbs plus 6546 Heating & Cooling Repairs. Based on 1997 cost, 51,103 plus 5% 51.158 6560 Deoasting Contract. Based on painting interiors of 9 units on turnover and 10 occupied units L, 5210 /unit. 53.990 6561 Decorating supplies. Estimate for touch -up paint, rollers & br shei, etc. 5100 6580 Fire Protection Expense. Morutoriug fire alarm system @ S 150 /quarter $600 Sprinklerinspecuons @ 5270 /quarter $1,080 Fire Alarm System taspections (a) 2 urneslyear 5400 mncludtag smoke detectors Reeharprig Fire Extinguishers (a) 1 time/year S150 52.230 $2.230 6590 Miscellaneous Operating and Maintenance Expense. Steam Cleaning Trash Chutes so 6710 Real Estate Taxes: (None. City property) Sul 6719 Miscellaneous Taxes, etc. Estimated cost of business license, permits, etc "• S0 $100 to 1997 6820 Interest on Mortgage Psyable—per Amortintioo Schedule S103,41 Mortgage Principal Payments required per Amortization Schedule. 575.127 10prkvtttlbudget %Board9&i.r0a page 5 �• . J feted m Y 1996 by Barren & C o pro, ecu the Replaoe"amtV Reserve Sn3dy comp followutg feplacemrnu to 1998 as indicated. Sa�1 S� Costs per ManaQernrnt (S) 197 items Paint interior stairwells 7,716 776 1.950 , 630 Restrrpe 1arkm8 lot interior stairwells (to datt, not warn, cleaned) 16.5]9 6,199 Recarpet Replace ftrnishiags/fttratttue (completed) 1,532 1,000 Replace patio furniture (cleaned only) 1,553 150 •• Refurbish apartment interiors 56.104 12.004 28,933 468 84.200 12 v8 its Re'"' ca proofdekiacony �a� 14,312 14,312 Correct 5th Floor Decking; slope and height 45 so,000 Paint exterior with acrylic paint 3 50.000 3,000 Sand blast & rust resistant paint solar panel supports Bathroom Haters 5 ReplaoeJupgrade Office Equipment 3,610 2,370 1,500 2,370 Replace vinyl flooring is shop & trash rooms 56 0 Replace mailboxes 4,156 56.104 in 1997 1.2M Refurbish apartment interiors TOTALS 80,552 ••' 140,186 5140.186 • Replace cushions only (10 (a) S50 each) plus'dry cleaning covers and furniturc. '• Based on the following replacements: Number Estimated Estimated Replacement 1tcm B Cost/item Total Cost Wigerators 5 S 460 S 2,300 Dishwashers 6 264 1,584 Garbage disposals 10 40 400 Bathroom Lavatories 6 22 132 Kitchen Faucets, 12 39 468 Bathroom Faucets 12 25 300 Toilet Bowls 3 45 135 Toilet Tanks 3 40 120 Bathroom Haters 5 40 200 Burners for Range. Large 12 56 672 Burners for Range. Small 12 52 624 Verucal Hlunds 10 68 680 Carpets 5 620 3,100 Kitchen Floor Covering 10 380 3,800 Bathroom Floor Covenng 10 300 3.000 17,515 Sales Tax 8.5% 1.489 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST S19,004 ••' Source: Page A -7 from Barren Reserves Study under 1998 column. Board Confingency =fly Teter! E=paeaea: S577S 7" Tel Loaaoc: 5474474 Excess (Defsaietscy): 101 Compsrison to 8trttmtery: (101,!2) DMIarenoe: 50 paw 6 1 pprkvstlbudp ft%Board98Ws a Q4d SECOND ADDENDUM TO MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT The El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporations (hereinafter "Park Vista ") and Community Housing Management Services (hereinafter "CHMS ", collectively the Parties ") hereby amend the Management agreement entered into by the parties on January 1, 1998 (the "Agreement ") as follows: Section 1.3 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: 1.3 TERM. This Agreement shall expire on June 30, 1998, subject to the provisions set forth in Section 19.1 Section 19 `Termination' infra.' All other terms and conditions of the Agreement and any written addenda and/or amendments thereto shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS COMMUNITY HOUSING MANAGEMENT HOUSING CORPORATIONS a.k.a. SERVICES PARK VISTA By: Peter Freeman, President Date: Bv: George A. Mercer, Exec. Director Date: 0 041 ADDENDUM TO MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT The El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation (hereinafter "Park Vista ") and Housing Management Associates (hereinafter " TRvW', collectively the "Par- ties") hereby amend the Management Agreement entered into by the Parties on February 1, 1997 (the "Agreement ") as follows: Section 1.3 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: 1.3 TERM. This Agreement shall expire on December 31. 1997, subject to the provisions set forth in Section 19 'Termination' infra.' Section 19.1 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: "19.1 This Agreement shall be terminable by either Party for any reason upon 30 days written notice." Section 19.2 of the Agreement is deleted. Section 13.2, "INSURANCE,' is amended to read as provided in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement and any written addenda and/or amendments thereto shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING CORPORATION a.k.a. PARK VISTA By: Peter Freeman, President Date-.— /7Z27 HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES By: George A. rcer, Exec. Director Date: 21/ --- 2.9 7 EXHIBIT "A" Page I _. .1966.6.._ III. OPERATING AGREEMENT 17 CONTRACT. 24 B7 - CITY OF r SEGUNDO This Operating Agreement ( "Agreement ") is entered into as of November 5, 1996, by and between the City of El Segundo ( "City ") and the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation ( "Corporation "). This agreement is made with reference to the following facts and objectives: A. The City is the owner of certain real property located at 615 East Holly Avenue, in the City of El Segundo. The City has constructed on said real property a senior citizen housing facility, commonly known as the Park Vista ("Facility") for the purpose of providing safe, clean and economical housing for senior citizens. B. The City desires to have the Corporation operate and manage the Facility for the City. C. The City and the Corporation have entered into this Agreement for the purpose of setting forth the terms and conditions under which the Corporation shall operate and manage the Facility for the City. 1. 1.1 In accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the City hereby engages the Corporation for the purpose of managing and operating Park Vista (Facility). The relationship of the Corporation to the City in the performance of this Agreement shall be that of an independent contractor, and this Agreement shall not be deemed or construed as creating an employment relationship. By entering into this Agreement, the City does not delegate to the Corporation any of the governmental powers, duties and responsibilities vested by law in the City. The City, through its City Council, shall at all times have ultimate control and authority over the Facility, and the Corporation shall perform the duties and functions described in this Agreement to be performed by it in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2.1 The Corporation shall employ reasonable efforts in performing the duties and functions described in this Agreement to be performed by it and shall devote such time to the performance thereof as shall be necessary to perform the same in a careful, competent, diligent and professional manner. 2.2 To ensure the Corporation is able to provide such efforts, the City Council shall actively advertise and assist in the filling of any vacancies on the Corporation's Board of :14 SEC E.1_ W n 041 Directors. 3.1 The Corporation shall prepare and maintain a plan for the operation of the Facility. The Plan of Operation shall address such matters as shall be necessary and appropriate to the efficient and effective management and operation of the Facility and shall include the following: 3.1.1 Establish and maintain eligibility standards to be utilized in selecting Residents of the Facility, and recommended procedures for securing and selecting Residents, including methods of advertising, application procedures and application forms. 3.1.2 Establish and maintain rental contracts to be utilized in renting units at the Facility, including the duration of such contracts, and rules and regulations governing the use of units and common areas within and appurtenant to the Facility. 3.1.3 Establish and maintain the rental rates to be charged for the use of units in the Facility. 3.1.4 Establish and maintain methods and standards for the general maintenance and upkeep of the Facility. 3.1.5 Establish and maintain insurance coverages and carriers respecting the Facility. 3.1.6 Establish and maintain the ongoing management of the Facility through the retention of a professional real estate management firm, Site Manager or other appropriate means. 3.1.7 Establish an annual budget with respect to the operation of the Facility setting forth major operating objectives, anticipated revenues, expenses, cash flow, reserves and capital expenditures, as well as such other items of income and expense as are necessary and appropriate for the efficient and effective management and operation of the Facility. 3.2 The Corporation shall consult with the City as necessary and shall keep the City informed as to the Corporation's Plan of Operation and any amendments or revisions thereto. The Plan of Operation shall be revised, as necessary and submitted on an annual calendar basis to best fit in with the operating history and budgets for the Facility. F :146CC6.12 19 4.1 The Corporation agrees to use its best efforts to maintain the tenancy of the Facility, and to promote the renting of available units in the Facility to Residents in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth in the Plan of Operation. All renting shall be accomplished by rental contracts in form and substance approved by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. 4.2 The Corporation shall maintain businesslike relations with Residents who place service requests and shall provide for the disposition of Resident grievances in an efficient and professional manner. However, the Corporation shall keep the City Manager informed concerning problems of a serious nature, including the steps being taken or proposed to be taken in resolving the same. 5.1 The Corporation shall provide for, through its professional property management agent, for the hiring, supervision and discharging of employees, contractors and other persons necessary to properly maintain and operate the Facility, including building supervisors, janitors, grounds keepers and Site Managers, 5.2 The Corporation shall cause the Facility, including the parking lot, to be maintained in good order and condition and according to standards consistent with the Plan of Operation, including interior and exterior cleaning, painting, decorating, plumbing, heating and ventilation systems, elevators, carpentry and such other normal maintenance and repair work as may be necessary. 5.2.1 In fulfillment of its duties under this Section, the Corporation shall purchase, or oversee the purchase of, such supplies, equipment and services as are necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Facility and the parking lot within the approved budget; provided, however, that no disbursement not approved by the City Council of the City in the Plan of Operation for this purpose shall be made in excess of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) unless specifically authorized by the City Council of the City, except that emergency repairs, involving potential or actual danger to life or property, or immediately necessary for the preservation and safety of the Facility or the parking lot or of its Residents, or required to avoid the suspension of any necessary service to the Facility or parking lot, may be made by the Corporation irrespective of the foregoing cost limitation. Notwithstanding this authority as to emergency repairs, it is understood and agreed that the Corporation will, if at all possible, confer with the City regarding every such expenditure before proceeding. 5.2.2 The use of the Parking Lot shall be restricted to Residents and on -duty staff of the Facility. The City reserves the right to modify this policy in the future subject to the limitation that Residents and on -duty staff of the Facility shall have priority for use of the Parking Lot. ;.P_? ':146606.12 20 r •. j n 1. '1 5.2.3 The Corporation agrees to maintain, at City expense, the surface area of the Parking Lot in safe condition. This maintenance includes required periodic repair, resurfacing and /or re- striping of the Parking Lot as specified by the City. 5.2.4 The Corporation shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the electronic gate to the Parking Lot and the fencing surrounding the Parking Lot. 5.2.5 The Corporation shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the lighting structures located in the Parking Lot area. 5.2.6 The Corporation shall provide outdoor custodial services and trash removal for the Parking Lot area to insure that the Parking Lot remains in safe and sanitary condition. 5.2.7 The Corporation shall post signs to indicate parking restrictions in the Parking Lot area as necessary. 5.3 The Corporation shall oversee, and shall cause to be furnished to the Facility at competitive rates, all services and utilities necessary for the efficient operation and maintenance of the Facility, including water, electricity, gas, fuel, telephone, cable television service, vermin extermination, rubbish hauling and window cleaning. 5.4 The Corporation shall manage and operate the Facility in accordance with all applicable statues, ordinances, laws, rules, regulations and orders (collective "laws ") of all governmental or regulatory bodies having jurisdiction respecting the use and operation of the Facility. The Corporation shall promptly advise the City of all action necessary to be taken to comply with any such laws affecting the Facility. The City Attorney's Office shall annually assist the Corporation with a review of the status of such compliance. 5.5 The Corporation shall cause to be placed and kept in force all forms of insurance provided for in the Plan of Operations provided, that the obtaining of such insurance and any changes or modifications thereto, shall be subject to the prior approval of the City Council of the City. The Corporation and the City, and their representative officials, directors, officers, agents and employees, shall be named as co- insured in all policies related to public liability insurance. 5.5.1 The Corporation shall promptly investigate and make a full written report to the City Manager as to all accidents or claims for damage relating to the ownership, operation or maintenance of the Facility, including any damage or destruction to the Facility and the estimated cost of repair, and shall cooperate and make any and all reports required by any insurance company in connection therewith. 5.6 The Corporation shall be responsible for and shall provide workers' Compensation Insurance and such other employment benefits as may be required by law for its L7-Y2!148606.12 21 1q X47 employees. 6.1 The Corporation shall be responsible for and shall use its best efforts to collect all rents and revenues from the Facility. The Corporation shall keep the City Treasurer fully advised concerning the collection of such rents and revenues and any difficulties which the Corporation experiences in connection therewith. 6.2 The Corporation shall establish and maintain, in a bank whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a trust account for the deposit of the monies collected from the Facility. The Corporation shall have the authority to draw on this account, subject to the limitations of this Agreement, for any payments which the Corporation must make to discharge any liabilities or obligations incurred pursuant to this Agreement; provided, that any drawing on the account in an amount in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) shall require the signature of the City Treasurer. 6.2.1 The Corporation, its employees and all persons who handle or are responsible for the handling of the monies of the Facility shall be bonded by a fidelity bond acceptable to the City, indemnifying the City as obligee against loss, theft, embezzlement or other fraudulent acts on the part of the Corporation, its employees and all such persons. 6.3 The Corporation shall cause to be disbursed punctually the regularly recurring operating expenses of the Facility as authorized by, and subject to the limitations of, this Agreement, including, without limitation, expenditures necessary for the maintenance and repair of the Facility and expenditures necessary to maintain insurance coverages as provided in Section 5.5 and Section 6.2.1 of this Agreement. 6.4 The Corporation shall maintain and oversee a system of controls designed to ensure the authenticity of bills paid and the fairness of the price charged. The Corporation shall promptly investigate and advise the City Treasurer concerning any improprieties in connection with such matters. PrIT-MMURT • • ,,• 7.1 The Corporation agrees to keep or cause to be kept, accurate, complete and separate records in accordance with accepted accounting standards and procedures, showing income and expenditures in connection with the operation of the Facility, to the end that any accounts payable, other obligations, cash, accounts receivable and other assets pertaining thereto can be identified and the amount determined at all times. The City shall have the right at all reasonable times, through its representatives, to inspect any record of the Corporation which in its opinion may verify the financial or monthly reports, including, but not limited to, all checks, bills, vouchers, statements, cash receipts, correspondence and all other records in connection with the management of the Facility. The City shall have the further right at all reasonable LA2:2:148606.12 22 times to audit, or to cause an audit to be made of, all account books and records connected with the management and operation of the Facility. 7.2 On or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month, the Corporation shall submit to the City a statement showing in detail all receipts and disbursements for the previous month, itemizing all delinquent accounts and vacant space. Not later than ninety (90) days following the close of each fiscal year of the City, the Corporation shall submit to the City an annual statement summarizing receipts and disbursements for the then current calendar year and a projected budget for the ensuing calendar year. 8.1 The Corporation shall submit to the City, through its City Council its annual report in November of each year. The report will detail: (1) any proposed revisions in the operating agreement between the Board and the City. (2) any revisions in the Plan of Operations for Park Vista. (3) the annual operating budget for the ensuing year, and (4) the summary report of tenancy and building maintenance. Upon approval of the Corporations' Annual Report and proposed revisions to the operating agreement and /or Plan of Operation by the City Council of the City, then such revised Operating Agreement and Plan of Operation shall be in effect for the ensuing calendar year. 8.2 Notwithstanding, the provisions of Section 8. 1, the Corporation from time to time may submit to the City proposed revisions to the operating agreement and /or the Plan of Operation. Upon approval of such revisions by the City Council of the City, such revisions shall become effective and incorporated in the Agreement or Plan. 8.3 During the period following presentation of a revised Operating Agreement and /or Plan of Operation, and prior to approval of same by the City Council of the City, the Corporation shall continue to operate the Facility under the provisions of the previous agreements approved for the prior year. _.'_49606..= 23 n n49 • rO •� 9.1 The City shall protect, indemnify and hold the Corporation, its directors, officers, agents and employees harmless from and against any and all liability and expense of any kind, arising from the management and operation of the Facility and from injuries or damages to persons or property in connection with the operation of the Facility, except to the extent that such liability and expense arises from (a) the actions of the Corporation, its directors, officers, agents and employees outside the scope of its authority under this Agreement, or (b) the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Corporation, its directors, officers, agents and employees in connection with the management or operation of the Facility, in which case the Corporation shall protect, indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against all liability and expense of any kind arising therefrom. Any such indemnity by either party to this Agreement shall be secondary to any applicable insurance coverage or other indemnity afforded either party, whether acquired directly by either party from an insurer or from other agreements entered into by either party. 10.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either the City or the Corporation at any time upon the giving of at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of termination. No termination of this Agreement shall relieve either party of any liability arising prior to such termination. MMININEW . R711 • •, 11.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements between the parties. This Agreement cannot be changed or modified except by an instrument in writing executed by both of the parties hereto. 11.2 This Agreement may not be assigned by the Corporation and any attempted assignment shall be of no force or effect. 11.3 The headings contained herein are for convenience of reference only, are not intended to define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any provision of this Agreement, and shall not be referred to in construing or interpreting the provisions of this Agreement. 11.4 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. 11.5 All notices, statements and reports which either party desires or is required to give to the other under this Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be delivered by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or shall be delivered by personal delivery, addressed as follows: '_.A`:2:148606.12 24 If to City: City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Attention: City Manager If to Corporation: El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation c/o Joslyn Center 339 Sheldon Street El Segundo, California 90245 Attention: President Notices shall be deemed effectively communicated as of the date of receipt. Either party may change its address for purposes of notices under this Agreement by means of written notice given in accordance with the provisions of this Section. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. ATTEST A. CITY OF YL, SEG WI-1 Ma EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING CORPORATION (seal) B r Y President BY Secret y LAX::148606. z 25 n X51 13.2 INSURANCE (a) HMA, as Managing Agent of PV, shall maintai will maintain on behalf of PV and at the expense of PV, the following insurance policies: 1. Fire with extended coverage with coverage on buildings in an amount not less than $4,859,500 and coverage on contents of not less than $24,100 with a deductible amount not to exceed $1,000. 2. Earthquake coverage in an amount not less than $4,859,500 with a deductible amount of not more than ten percent (10 %) of the total coverage. 3. General Liability coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 single limit and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. 4. Umbrella Liability coverage in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 single limit and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. 5. Directors & Officers Liability (Professional Liability) in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 aggregate inclusive of defense expenses. (b) In addition to the above coverages, HMA shall maintain at its own expense the following insurance coverages: 1. Fidelity bond covering all employees of HMA who handle funds, including all such employees assigned to Park Vista, 2. General Liability coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 single limit and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. 3. Workers Compensation coverage covering Bodily Injury in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for each accident and $1,000,000 for each employee covering all employees assigned to PV. 4. Employers Automobile Non Ownership Liability coverage in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 covering all employees assigned to PV who use their personal automobiles for PV business. The insured parties in connection with all of the above policies shall include the following: The City of El Segundo, its employees, agents, officers, council persons, appointed and elected officials as well as The El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation, its Board, its employees, agents, officers, directors, and appointed officials. 0 052 Exhibit "A" page 2 (d) All of the above policies shall be kept in force during the term of this Management Agreement and shall contain a cancellation clause reading in substance as follows: "It is agreed that this policy shall not be canceled nor the amounts of coverage provided herein reduced until thirty (30) days after the PV Board of Directors shall have received written notice as to such cancellation or reduction ". In the event that HMA is advised by one or more of the insurers that it will no longer provide such coverages, HMA shall immediately advise the President of the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation that it can no longer provide such coverages and request instructions from the Board as to what action to take with regard to replacement of such coverages. (e) All of the above policies must be written by an insurance company licensed to do business in California with a "Best's Rating" of not less than A XIII. (f) Two (2) copies of all of the policies set forth above shall be sent to the President of the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Board, c/o The City of El Segundo, 350 Main St., El Segundo, CA 90245. (S) HMA will maintain with the City certifica es of insurance evidencing_ �rrent coverage for (`nnPral Liability cover , ers Comsaton coverage. ' Automobile Non Ownership Liability coveragtand "ma. s Fidelity Bond naming additional_ insured as nPr item 4 Q above. 0 015 3 EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING CORPORATION, AKA "PARK VISTA" REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES OF PARK VISTA SENIOR HOUSING FACILITY RP -1 -97 Mandatory Pre - Proposal Conference 3:00 p.m., October 1, 1997 Park Vista Senior Housing Facility 615 E. Holly E1 Segundo, Ca. 90245 LAXI824I2.1A (717/M Proposal Deadline 3:00 p.m., October 24, 1997 El Segundo Senior Housing Corporation City Hall 350 Main Street E1 Segundo, California 90245 A. . C 1 ,1 EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING CORPORATION, AKA "PARK VISTA" REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES OF PARK VISTA SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING FACILITY la v l M The El Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corporation, aka "Park Vista ", seeks proposals to manage the Park Vista senior citizen housing facility ( "Facility ") for a three (3) year period. The successful Proposer would provide management services for the Facility. The Successful Proposer would operate and maintain the Facility as provided for in the Management Agreement including, but not limited to the following: (1) the renting of units within the Facility (2) the collection of rents and other receipts, (3) the maintenance, landscaping, inspection and upkeep of the Facility and parking lot, (4) properly insuring the Facility, and (5) the enforcement of rental agreements and the El Segundo Housing Corporation Board Handbook of Rules and Regulations. Further information regarding management services for the Facility, and further information about this RFP are provided in the following sections and in the Draft Management Agreement and the Senior Housing Handbook, which, by this reference,ki incorporated into and made a part of this RFP. go The Corporation invites proposals for the management of the Facility without regard to the prospective Proposers' places of business or prior service areas in an effort to attract proposals from the widest possible range of qualified Proposers. The Corporation seeks Proposers to propose specific management practices which will ensure a high quality, cost - effective, safe, and livable Facility which serves both the residents of the Facility, the Corporation and the City of El Segundo at large. One (1) mandatory Pre - Proposal Conference will be held, at which time the Proposers will have the opportunity to inspect the facility. The Corporation reserves the right to hold additional mandatory conferences, as it deems necessary. The Recreation Superintendent, Judy Andoe, will be the point of contact for all Proposers at the address provided. The proposals called for in this RFP will be considered to be public information and will be available for public inspection, once the deadline for submission of the proposals has passed. Recommendations for modifications to the RFP or the Draft Agreements which will result in efficiency and economy are welcome, but should be specific and should propose substitute language when modifications are suggested. All recommendations shall be submitted in writing. wa92412. a (717ro) 2 r r- H. GENERAL INFORMATION A. The Corporation The Corporation is a non - profit, public benefit corporation located within the City of El Segundo and the County of Los Angeles, California. B. Facility Description The El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Project was developed and is wholly owned by the City of El Segundo. It is operated by the Corporation and its Board of Directors. The El Segundo Senior Housing Project "Park Vista," is located at 615 East Holly Avenue. There are 96 units available, divided among efficiency apartments of 414 square feet; small one bedroom apartments of 520 square feet; and large one bedroom apartments of 610 square feet; handic ' ed units of 537 square feet are also available; in addition, there is one, two bedroom manag s partment. Units are furnished with carpets, drapes, dishwashers, refrigerators and ranges. Each unit has an individual patio or balcony. The common outdoor areas are pleasantly landscaped. Features include elevators, laundry facility, meeting and recreation rooms. The maximum number of Residents in each one bedroom apartment is two and in each efficiency apartment is one. Rents are substantially lower than rents for comparable units in the area. Due to the limited number of units available the apartments are assigned as they become vacant. (Park Vista residents having first priority to relocate.) The data contained in this RFP is for general informational purposes only. Proposers should not rely on this information for developing proposals. Instead, prospective Proposers have the responsibility of ascertaining all facts upon which they rely in preparing and submitting their respective proposals. Further, the Corporation makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information in this RFP and disclaims any responsibility for any factual statements which may be incomplete or inaccurate. C. Corporation Goals and Objectives - Proposer Duties The Corporation's goal is to have the Facility managed by an operator which will ensure a high quality, cost - effective, safe, and livable Facility which serves both the residents-of the Facility, the Corporation and the City of El Segundo at large. In that capacity, the operator will be responsible for providing, among other things, the following services: • Management support and advice to the Corporation, except for legal advice which shall be provided by the City. Said support shall include, but not be limited to, preparation of agenda items, monthly submittal of financial and management reports, LAX182412.1A (7/7t9') 3 0 r56 attendance and participation in Board meeting of the Corporation and development of recommendations related to policies, procedures and the operation of Park Vista. • On -site management, 24 hours per day, seven days per week, in the form of one (1) 40 hour per week manager and two (2) alternating on -call individuals who will be on site when on duty. • Maintenance of a prospective tenants' waiting list on the basis of seniority. • Collection and maintenance of tenant rental agreements and operating records. • Maintenance of financial records acceptable to the auditors selected by the City Council to perform oversight of the activity. • Audits of financial records on an annual basis by a CPA, including the submittal of a management letter by the CPA directly to the Corporation. • Financial activities including the payment of all bills/invoices/payroll and the transmittal of designated funds to the City for investment purposes. • Collection of rents and maintenance of records relating to rental receipts, deposits, and related unit transactions. • Recommendations related to appropriate rents for the facility. • Enforcement of all rental agreements provisions. • Development of a budget which shall be submitted to the Corporation by November of each year. Said budget shall identify those services/activities that are to be accomplished by employees versus those that will be accomplished by contract. • Adherence to and enforcement of the management agreement. • Procurement of needed services, materials and bids consistent with the adopted budget. • Hiring, supervision and discharge of all employees. • Procurement of insurance as directed by the Board. • Enforcement of Corporation approved policies and procedures, • Recommendations to the Corporation on a course of action when tenants do not meet tenant agreements and implementation of the Corporation's course of action. LAM 62412.IA (7n/97) 4 !1 057 • Implementation of facility standard operating procedures. • An annual report summarizing the operational and financial activities of the facility in the previous budget year. • Recommendations related to the maintenance of the facility and its operations, including an annual five -year plan that projects issues and alternatives solutions for Corporation considerations. • Report of all accidents that occur or are reported to have occurred at the facility. • Operate cooperatively with the Corporation and the City of El Segundo. The Property Supervisor is to attend Senior Housing Board meetings, a minimum of 12 meetings annually. 111. RFP PROCESS A. Process Integrity Guidelines for Proposers Given the scope of this Request for Proposals (RFP) and the Corporation's desire to award contracts in a timely manner and free of contention, the Corporation has instituted Process Integrity Guidelines for Proposers, as set forth in this Section IV.A of this RFP. These Process Integrity Guidelines for Proposers govern interactions between Proposers and the Corporation's staff. • All contacts between the Proposer and the Corporation, except as to legal matters are to be through Judy Andoe, Recreation Superintendent, c/o City Hall, 350 Main St., El Segundo, California 90245, telecopier (310) 322 -7137. • Contact by counsel or on legal matters are to be submitted in writing to the Corporation at the same address as given for the Corporation and at Burke, Williams & Sorensen, c/o Mark Hensley, 611 West Sixth Street, 25th Floor, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia 90017, telecopier (213) 236 -2700. • All substantive questions (i.e., other than questions about time and place of conferences, interviews, etc.) shall be submitted in writing to Judy Andoe, Recreation Superintendent, at the provided address, or asked at the pre - proposal conference. Any evidence which indicates a Proposer has failed to comply with the Process Integrity Guidelines set forth in this Section IV.A of this RFP may result in that Proposer's disqualification. Any questions regarding the Process Integrity Guidelines shall be in writing and shall be transmitted by telecopier and mail to the Corporation and to attorney Mark Hensley at the address listed above. Any written communication from the Corporation to a prospective Proposer will be transmitted simultaneously to all Proposers along with answers to written questions submitted. (Prospective L=82412AA (Vnro7) Proposers must facilitate this process by providing their telecopier numbers to the Corporation). B. RFP Schedule The schedule for the RFP process is: Activity DAk • Mandatory Pre - Proposal Conference 3:00 p.m., Pacific Time October 1, 1997 • Final written questions due from Proposers October 8, 1997 • Corporation sends written responses to questions October 15, 1997 • Proposals Due -3:00 p.m., Pacific Time October 24, 1997 • Corporation conducts Proposer interviews November 5, 1997 • Agreement(s) to City Council for approval November 18, 1997 • Beginning of Management Services By Proposer January 1, 1998 NOTE: THIS ESTIMATED SCHEDULE IS PRELIMINARY AND THE CORPORATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE THE SCHEDULE, AT ITS DISCRETION. C. RFP Exceptions and Questions Failure to take exception to the RFP and the Draft Agreement and to propose recommendations for modifications to the RFP or the Draft Agreement or the municipal code shall be deemed approval and acceptance of these documents and shall be deemed a waiver of the right to object to the terms of these documents. Proposers' Questions must be submitted in writing in accordance with the Schedule above, or be asked at the Pre - Proposal Conference. The Corporation will not be responsible for or be bound by any oral instructions, statements, interpretations or oral explanations issued by the Corporation, any officers, agents or representatives. D. Pre - Proposal Conference LAX182412. in (717/97) 3i Attendance at the Pre - Proposal Conference is mandatory for All Proposers. Prospective Proposers whose designated representative(s) do not attend the Pre - Proposal Conference will not be allowed to continue in this RFP process. If a joint proposal is to be submitted, a representative from each firm with a substantial interest (representing more than thirty -three percent (33 %) of the total interest) must attend the Pre - Proposal Conference. E. Proposal Submittal This RFP calls for the submission of one proposal. Each original proposal and ten (10) copies should be firmly sealed in packaging that is clearly marked on the outside "EL SEGUNDO PARK VISTA MANAGEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)" and mailed or delivered to: El Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corporation City Clerk's office, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, Ca 90245 Telephone (310) 3224670 F. Proposal Evaluation Review of Proposals. The proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria, which are not listed in any order of precedence or importance: (The Park Vista facility is not a HUD Housing project.) a. Operation and maintenance of a quality housing facility. b. Providing of a safe and protected facility and environment for all residents, recognizing the age and abilities of its residents. Including, but not limited to facilitating the need for relocation in the event that the health, safety or security of the facility or its residents may be compromised. Operating cooperatively with building owner and-representatives. d. Operating cooperatively with the residents of the Facility, including response to resident inquiries, complaints, and concerns; i.e., following all policies and procedures. e. Experience with operation and maintenance of a senior housing facility or related facilities. Wn82412.1A ( nIn 7 n n�� •y Service Cost: Cost of managing the Facility. Organization: Organization and qualifications of the Proposer. This includes an explanation of how the management and operations structure are linked; how the company(ies) foster communication and response to resident and Corporation inquiries; and demonstration of corporate ethics. Procedural Compliance: Proposer's cormhance with RFP requirements. Financial Background: Proposer shall also provit' which the Proposer s,, Proposer. F' Risks: Demonstrated to t. the contract including but no. ,Itegy and capability of the Proposer. A Proposer's financial information oe clearly identified as such by the )f the Proposer to handle risk factors in • Compliance with ex. .ag laws and regulations relating to all facets of operating a residential or senior housing facility; • Protection and indemnification of the Corporation and the maintenance of proper insurance coverage both for the Facility and the Proposed operator and manager of the Facility. Financial Reporting: Demonstrated record and capability of consistent and accurate financial reporting. Based on the contents of the proposals, the interviews and any other information requested by the Corporation one or more Proposers may be selected for consideration at a Corporation Board of Directors meeting. The purpose of the Corporation's Board of Directors meeting will be to select the successful Proposer. Corporation Staff will present the proposals submitted by each of the selected Proposers. Prior to or at the Corporation Board of Directors meeting, Proposers will be allowed and encouraged to amend their proposals to make them more competitive. Upon closing of RFP process, the Corporation will determine whether, and if so to which Proposer, to award the Agreement. The Corporation reserves the right to continue the Corporation Board of Directors Meeting to a future date LA M412. LA (917/9'n 8 0 0 U I and time at any time during the consideration process. G. General Terms The cost of preparing and submitting a proposal is the sole responsibility of the Proposer and shall not be chargeable in any manner to the Corporation. Upon conclusion of the RFP process, agreements will be awarded and executed as described. The Corporation's rights include but are not limited to the following: a. Issuing addenda to the Request for Proposals, for any purpose including extending or otherwise revising the time for submittal and changing the requirements of the RFP, including the services sought; b. Withdrawing or modifying the Request for Proposals; Reissuing the RFP. d. Requesting clarification and/or additional information from any Proposer at any point in the procurement process; e. Executing an agreement or agreements with one or more Proposers, on the sole basis of the original proposal or any negotiated additions to proposal submissions; and f. Rejecting any or all proposals, waiving irregularities in any proposal or requirements of the RFP, accepting or rejecting all or any part of any proposal and waiving any re- quirements of the Request for Proposals, as may be deemed to be in the best interest of the Corporation. a. Corporation shall not be obligated to respond to any proposal submitted nor be bound in any manner by the submission of a proposal; b. Submission of a proposal to the Corporation obligates the Proposer to enter into an agreement with the Corporation as proposed; C. The Agreement shall not be binding or valid against the Corporation unless and until uM82412.1A pnro7) V] �,G2 it is executed in writing by the Corporation (after approval by the Corporation's Board of Directors) and the selected Proposer, and the Proposer's Cash bonds and insurance have been accepted by the Corporation. The submission of a proposal shall be deemed a representation and warranty by the Proposer that the Proposer has investigated all aspects of the RFP, that the Proposer is aware of the applicable facts pertaining to the RFP process, its procedures and requirements and that the Proposer has read and understands the RFP. No request for modification of the provisions of a proposal, or of the provisions of the Draft Agreement or this RFP shall be considered after its submission on the grounds that the Proposer was not fully informed as to any fact or condition. The Successful Proposer(s) will submit Cash and Performance Bonds as provided in the Agreements. IV. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL A. Proposal Preparation Proposals must include a cover letter signed by an officer or agent of the Proposer who is duly authorized to bind the Proposer, along with a copy of the corporate resolution or other document establishing that the person submitting the proposal is authorized to do so. The original plus ten (10) copies of the proposal must be submitted in a separate envelope marked "EL SEGUNDO PARK VISTA MANAGEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL, (RFP). B. Proposal Format The following proposal format must be used by the Proposer. Wasta(i. A(7nro1) Contents of the Proposals Transmittal/Cover Letter 1 Executive Summary 2 Description of Proposed Services 3 Project Organization and Qualifications of Proposer 10 n r r 7 U ,) 4 Risks and Contractual Obligations 5 Exceptions 6 Proposer's Financial Data 7 Representations and Certifications 8 Description of Proposed Contract Cost All pages of each proposal must be numbered consecutively through the document starting with the first page of the transmittal letter as page one. In this section, the Proposer should discuss briefly, or outline, the highlights of your proposal. 2. Description of Proposed Services In this section explain how you propose to provide management services for the Facility as contemplated in this RFP. This section should tell us about your company: describe the Proposer's expertise and experience. The following information should be included: a. Corporate/Agency Registry. Where is your firm incorporated? How long has your firm been providing service in California? If it has not provided service in California, state how it will become familiar with California requirements for managing a senior housing facility. Provide information on other states, if any, where you are incorporated, and what state and in what year your parent company was incorporated. Please provide a copy of the California Articles of Incorporation, if any. b. General description of the experience of the firm(s); C. Experience, including description of up to six (6) relevant projects, degree of involve- ment, names of clients and names and telephone numbers of client contact persons. d. Tell us about yourselves: Relevant service experience of key personnel who would provide services and a description of their backgrounds. Describe your proposed service plan for the project, including overall staffing, and percent commitment by program, of specific staffing (such as management, operations, mechanics and financial), including names of staff and titles, specify whether staff is new or existing. f. The Proposer must also include details of all pending litigation, including notices of vio- LA=2412AA nnn7) 11 lation, and pending criminal investigations against the Proposer or its parent or sister companies or joint venture company(ies) by any governmental entity against the Proposer or its parent for services relating to the operation or management of residential facilities or senior housing facilities, and all litigation against all governmental entities by the Proposer or its parent company or joint venture compa- ny(ies). g. Ability of Proposer to support Board in the development and implementation of policies and procedures for facilitating a transition to a unit inhabited by an aging population. The Corporation requires that certain risks and contractual obligations be addressed in the proposal. The Corporation views protection against related claims and litigation as a matter of great importance. Please describe your approaches to: • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding the operation of housing facilities; • Protection and indemnification of the Corporation and the maintenance of proper insurance coverage both for the Facility and the Proposed operator and manager of the Facility. The Proposer must: a. warrant that it has reviewed the requirements of the project as described in this RFP and the Draft Agreement and any addenda; and b. specify and discuss any terms of the RFP and Draft Agreement that the Proposer cannot or does.not propose to meet. a. If the entity which will sign the contract has been in existence for less than one (1) year, Proposer must provide sufficient financial data to substantiate to the Corporation's satisfaction the financial viability of the entity. Corporation makes no representation that it will be able to maintain the confidentiality of Proposers' financial information. A Proposer who submits financial information which it asks to have treated as confidential should submit a statement justifying its treatment as confidential and label it as a separate exhibit, clearly identified as confidential and cross - referenced in the proposal. LAXIV412AA (7 71M 12 MOORE • 1• M• 1 1• T I • • 1 Each Proposer must complete and sign ENhIIBIT 1, THE REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS FORM. The form must be signed by an officer or agent of the Proposer duly authorized to bind the Proposer and must be notarized. The Proposer must include a copy of the corporate resolution or other documentation showing that the person signing the Representations and Certifications is so authorized. ... .: . Based on the service description of the proposed services, provide a proposed fee for performing said services, including any proposed increases over the term of the Agreement. was:a►:. a (717/97) 13 n 0G i .:ii: r REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS FORM The "Representations and Certifications" consist of two parts. The first is a statement as follows: "I, rinsert name of Proposer's official executing Representation and Certificationl, represent and certify, on behalf of rinsert name of entity or entities submitting OuaUty Service pr ,posall that I am familiar with the information presented in the proposal, and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am authorized to execute this Representation and Certification. Signed The second part of the Representation and Certification is a copy of the corporate resolution or other document establishing that the person making the Representation and Certification was authorized to do so. LAMM12.0 (MfM 14 067 This Agreement, effective _, -1997, is made by and between the El Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Development Corp., aka "Park Vista" (hereinafter referred to as "Corporation ") and (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor "). Section 1 APPOINTMENT 1.1 ACCEPTANCE Corporation hereby contracts with Contractor, an independent contractor, to provide leasing services and manage the property described in paragraph 1.2 hereof upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. Contractor accepts the appointment and agrees to furnish the services of its organization for the leasing, management, repair, maintenance and landscaping of the Premises. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES The property to be managed by Contractor under this Agreement (the "Premises ") is known as Park Vista located at 615 E. Holly Ave., El Segundo, CA 90245, consisting of the land, buildings and other improvements described as an elderly housing project for independent living in the State of California. 1.3 TERM The term of this Agreement shall be for an initial period of three years (the "initial term ") from the _, 1997, to and including the 2000, subject to the provisions set forth in Section 19 "Termination" infra. 1.4 MANAGEMENT OFFICE Corporation shall provide an adequate furnished management office on the Premises. Corporation shall pay for postage and office supplies, utilities, and telephone necessary to carry out Corporation's obligations under this Agreement. 1.5 APARTMENT FOR ON -SITE STAFF Corporation shall provide a suitable apartment on the Premises for the use of an on -site manager, rent -free, except that such resident staff shall pay for their heat, utilities and telephone in the same manner as other tenants. The on -site manager's specific apartment shall be Corporation's choice. LAX2:182676.2 -I- n X68 1.6 ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT This agreement may not be assigned or transferred to any other party by Contractor without first receiving the express written approval of Corporation and the City Council of El Segundo. Section 2 BANK ACCOUNTS The operating account established under this Agreement shall be with El Segundo First National Bank and shall at all times be in the name of, and owned by, Park Vista, but under Contractor's control. Contractor's designees shall be the only parties authorized to draw upon such account. However, Contractor's monthly management fee and all other checks in amounts in excess of 51,999.99 shall be countersigned by the Corporation President and/or Chief Financial Officer. No amounts in any accounts established under this Agreement shall, in any event, be commingled with any other funds of Contractor or it other clients. 2.1 OPERATING (AND /OR) RESERVE ACCOUNT(S) Contractor shall take over the previously established operating account(s) known as the Park Vista Operating Account(s), at the El Segundo First National Bank to be used for the deposit of receipts collected as described herein which deposits are insured by the federal government. Any other depository which may be used in the future shall be selected by the Corporation. Contractor shall not be held liable in the event of the bankruptcy or failure of any institution selected by Corporation. Funds in the Operating (and/or) Reserve Account(s) remain the property of Corporation subject to disbursement of operating expenses by Contractor as described in this Agreement. Contractor shall remit to Corporation, or directly deposit to a Reserve Account established by Corporation, the monthly Reserve amount from the rental receipts. 2. 1.1 INITIAL DEPOSIT AND CONTINGENCY RESERVE Immediately upon commencement of this Agreement, Contractor shall be substituted for the outgoing management company on the Operating Account at ESFNB. Contractor may conduct its own audit of the Operating Account. A contingency reserve account is maintained by Corporation, the funds therein to be used by -the officers and/or directors of Corporation for the management and benefit of the Premises. LAX2:182476.2 -2- 2.2 SECURITY DEPOSIT ACCOUNT Contractor shall, if required by law, maintain a separate interest bearing account for tenant security deposits and advance rentals. Such account shall be maintained in accordance with applicable state or federal laws, if any. Contractor shall obtain all existing security deposits from CPMI. 2.3 FIDELITY BOND Contractor shall cause all personnel who handle or are responsible for the safekeeping of any monies of Corporation to be insured by a fidelity bond in the amount of $100,000.00 with a company to be selected by Contractor. Such bond shall be secured at Contractor's expense. Such bond shall name Corporation, its Board of Directors, and the City of El Segundo as an additional insured thereon. Section 3 COLLECTION OF RENTS AND OTHER RECEIPTS 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S COLLECTION AND BANKING AUTHORITY Contractor shall collect and receipt for all rents, charges and other amounts receivable on Corporation account in connection with the management and operation of the Premises. Such receipts (except tenants' security deposits and advance rentals, which shall be handled as specified in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 hereof; and special charges, which shall be handled as specified in paragraph 3.2 hereof) shall be deposited in the Operating (and/or) Reserve Account(s) maintained for the benefit of the Premises. 3.2 SPECIAL CHARGES If permitted by applicable law, Contractor may collect from tenants any or all of the following: an administrative charge for late payment of rent, a charge for returned or non - negotiable checks, credit reports, physicians and medical reports and all other expenses associated with people desiring to qualify to live on the Premises. 3.3 SECURITY DEPOSITS Contractor shall collect, deposit, and disburse tenants' security deposits in accordance with the terms of each tenant's lease. Contractor shall pay tenants interest upon such security deposits only if required by law to do so. Contractor shall comply with all applicable state or local laws concerning the responsibility for security deposits and interest, if any. LAX2:182676.2 -3- Section 4 DISBURSEMENTS FROM OPERATING ACCOUNTS 4.1 OPERATING EXPENSES - Subject to the terms set forth in Section 2 and other related matters set forth or referred to herein, Contractor is hereby authorized to pay the daily costs of operating the Premises. 4.2 NET PROCEEDS To the extent that funds are reasonably available, Contractor shall transmit the cash balance of the operating Account to Corporation to be deposited in the Cash Contingency Reserve Account. Such periodic cash balances shall be remitted to the President and/or Chief Financial Officer at their then current addresses. Section 5 CONTRACTOR NOT REQUIRED TO ADVANCE FUNDS In the event that the balance in the Operating Account(s) is at any time insufficient to pay disbursements due and payable under paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 above, Corporation shall, immediately upon notice, remit to Contractor, sufficient funds to cover the deficiency with an additional $5,000.00 for contingent operating expenses. In no event shall Contractor be required to use its own funds to pay such disbursements nor shall Contractor be required to advance any monies to the Corporation Security Deposit or the Operating Account(s). Section 6 FINANCIAL AND OTHER REPORTS 6.1 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT By the 15th day of each month, or 3 days prior to the monthly board meeting, whichever is the later, Contractor shall furnish the members of the Corporation with a monthly financial statement of delinquent accounts, cash receipts and disbursements from the operation of the Premises during the previous month. In addition, Contractor shall, on a mutually acceptable schedule, prepare and submit to Corporation such other reports as may be required by Corporation. 6.2 CORPORATIONS RIGHT TO AUDIT Corporation shall have the right to conduct periodic audits of all applicable accounts managed by Contractor. The cost of such audit(s) shall be paid by Corporation. LAX2:182476.2 6.3 ANNUAL BUDGET The Annual Operating Budget for Corporation will be prepared by Contractor with the Corporation Chief Financial officer to be submitted to the Corporation Board of Directors prior to October 15, of each year for approval. Corporation will promptly inform Contractor of any changes in the draft Budget proposal. Contractor shall keep Corporation informed of any real or anticipated deviations from the receipts or disbursements as set forth in the previous years approved budget. 6.4 PREPARATION COSTS The preparation cost of all reports, bookkeeping, clerical and other management overhead, including but not limited to, costs of office supplies (excluding on -site office supplies) equipment, data processing services, postage (excluding postage for checks to creditors), transportation for managerial personnel and telephone services, shall be paid by Contractor from its management fees and shall not be a Corporation expense. Section 7 ADVERTISING With Corporation's prior approval, Contractor may be authorized to advertise the Premises or portions thereof for rent, using periodicals, signs, plans, brochures, or displays, or such other means as Contractor may deem proper and advisable, provided such advertising and such signs comply with applicable laws. The cost of such advertising shall be an expense borne by the Contractor. All advertising shall clearly state that Contractor is the manager and not the Owner of the Premises. Newspaper ads shall not share space with other properties managed by Contractor. Section 8 LEASING AND RENTING 8.1 CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORITY TO LEASE PREMISES Contractor shall use all reasonable efforts to keep the Premises rented by procuring tenants for the Premises according to the rules and regulations established by Corporation. Contractor is otherwise authorized to prepare and execute all leases on behalf of Corporation, including all renewals and extensions of leases (and expansions of space in the Premises, if applicable) and to cancel and modify existing leases. For this purpose only, Contractor may execute all leases as agent for Corporation. The form of the lease shall be agreed upon by Corporation and Contractor. LAX2:182476.2 511 0 0 7? 8.2 NO OTHER RENTAL AGENT During the term of this Agreement, Corporation shall not authorize any other person, firm or corporation to negotiate or act as leasing agent -with respect to the letting of the Premises. 8.3 ENFORCEMENT OF LEASES Contractor is authorized to institute, in Corporation's name, all legal actions or proceedings for the enforcement of any lease term, for the collection of rent or other income from the Premises, or for the evicting or dispossessing of tenants or other persons from the Premises. Contractor is authorized to sign and serve such notices as Contractor deems necessary for lease enforcement, including the collection of rent or other income. Contractor is authorized, with Corporation's prior approval, to settle, compromise, and release such legal actions or suits and to reinstate tenancies. Any monies for such settlements paid out by Contractor shall not exceed $1,000.00 without prior approval by Corporation. Attorneys' fees, filing fees, court costs, and other necessary expenses incurred in connection with such actions and not recovered from tenants shall be paid out of the Operating and/or Reserve Account(s). Contractor may, subject to Corporation approval, select the attorney of its choice to handle such litigation. Section 9 EMPLOYEES 9.1 CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORITY TO HIRE Contractor shall hire, supervise, discharge, and pay all servants, employees, contractors, or other personnel from its management fee, to perform the normal day to day management, maintenance, landscaping and operation of the Premises. The foregoing servants, employees, contractors, or other personnel will be the sole agents of Contractor and shall not be considered the agents of Corporation. 9.2 CONTRACTOR TO PAY ALL EMPLOYEE EXPENSES All wages and Tinge benefits payable to such servants, employees, contractors and/or other personnel hired per paragraph 9.1 above, and all local, state, and federal taxes and assessments (including but not limited to Social Security taxes, unemployment insurance, withholding and workers, compensation insurance) incident to the employment of such personnel, shall be paid by Contractor out of its management fee. I.AX2:182476.2 la 0 073 9.3 CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORITY TO FILE RETURNS Contractor shall do and perform all acts required of an employer with respect to the Premises and shall execute and file all W -2, 1099; employee quarterly, all tax and other returns required under applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, and/or ordinances governing employment, in addition to all other statements and reports pertaining to labor employed in connection with the Premises and according to any similar federal or state law now or hereafter in force. In connection with such filings, Corporation shall upon request, promptly execute and deliver to Contractor all necessary powers of attorney, notices of appointment, and the like. Contractor shall be responsible for all costs and amounts required to be paid under the foregoing laws. 9.4 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Contractor shall, at Contractor's expense, shall maintain workers' compensation insurance covering all such liability of the employer under established workers' compensation laws. 9.5 HOLD HARMLESS, LABOR LAWS Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable state and federal labor laws. Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and save Corporation and its Board of Directors harmless from all claims, investigations, and suits, from Contractor's actions or failures to act, with respect to any alleged or actual violation of state or federal labor laws. Contractor's obligation with respect to such violation(s) shall include payment of all settlements, judgements, damages, liquidated damages, penalties, forfeitures, back pay awards, court costs, litigation expenses, and attorneys' fees. 9.6 ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND /OR GRATUITIES No employee of Contractor shall accept any gratuity or compensation directly from any resident of Park Vista for any services rendered. Nor shall any employee of Contractor accept any gratuities or gifts from any resident of Park Vista, except birthday or holiday gifts not exceeding a value of $10. LAX2:182476.2 -/- 0 0 / Section 10 MAINTENANCE, LANDSCAPING, INSPECTIONS & REPORTS 10.1 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor shall cause Corporation to be maintained and repaired in accordance with local codes in a habitable and safe condition that is at all times acceptable to Corporation, including, but not limited to; cleaning, painting, decorating, plumbing, carpentry, grounds care and such other matters as from time to time may be required. Contractor shall use its employed maintenance personnel to perform all janitorial tasks and make all reasonably necessary repairs and replacements for the proper, efficient operation of, and to otherwise preserve, the Premises in its present condition. Subject to the prior approval of Corporation, Contractor shall make all alterations necessary to comply with lease and insurance requirements, statutory and governmental regulations. Contractor shall fiunish experts, at its own expense, to conduct periodic examinations, provide written reports and recommendations to insure Corporation's satisfactory compliance with those requirements set forth above. 10.2 ON -SITE MAINTENANCE SPECIFICS Special attention shall be given to preventive maintenance, and to the greatest extent feasible, the services of Contractor maintenance personnel shall be used to perform maintenance, repairs, landscaping, inspections and reports. Subject to Corporation's prior approval, Contractor shall contract with qualified independent contractors for the maintenance and repair of equipment, systems and the like which are beyond the capability of Contractor's maintenance employees. Contractor will systematically aid promptly investigate all service requests from tenants, take such action thereon as may be justifies and keep records and report same at the monthly Corporation Board of Directors meeting. Emergency requests shall be received and serviced on a 24 hour basis. Complaints of a serious nature will be reported to the Corporation board of Directors after investigation. LAX2:182476.2 C➢ 0 075 10.3 APPROVAL FOR EXCEPTIONAL MAINTENANCE EXPENSE The expense to be incurred for any one item of maintenance, alteration, refurbishing, or repair shall not exceed the sum of $300.00, unless such expense.is first specifically authorized by Corporation, or is incurred under such circumstances as Contractor shall reasonably deem to be an emergency. Contractor is authorized to negotiate contracts for nonrecurring items of expense, not to exceed $300.00. Contractor shall solicit written cost estimates bids) from at least three contractors or suppliers for any work item, maintenance, repair or appliance which can reasonably be expected to cost $301.00 or more, regardless of rebates, and submitted to Corporation for prior approval. All employees, contractors or other personnel that perform work or services at Park Vista shall be deemed to be the employees of Contractor, except those independent contractors whose contracts are first approved by Corporation Board of Directors. In an emergency where repairs are immediately necessary for the preservation and safety of the Premises, or to avoid danger to life or property, or to comply with federal, state, or local law, such emergency repairs may be made by Contractor at Corporation's expense without prior approval. 10.4 LANDSCAPING As part of it's maintenance responsibilities, Contractor shall perform all landscaping about the Premises, including but not limited to; mowing of grass, watering, sprinkler system repair, fertilization of lawn and foliage, tree and plant pruning, removal and replacement. Section 11 RELATIONSHIP OF CONTRACTOR TO CORPORATION The relationship of the parties pursuant to this Agreement shall be that of Principal and Independent Contractor, except that as to those authorized actions taken by Contractor on behalf of Park Vista pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Contractor shall be acting as Agent for Corporation. Nothing in this Agreement shall be otherwise construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, or any other relationship between the parties to this Agreement. Contractor shall bear the responsibility, loss and damage arising out of or connected with the hiring and/or supervision of its employees and operation of the Premises. The employees and contractors of Contractor during the period of this Agreement are not and shall not be considered to be the direct employee of Park Vista or Corporation. Neither party shall have the power to bind or obligate the other, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, except that both parties are authorized to act with such additional authority and power as may be necessary to carry out the spirit and intent of this Agreement. LAX2:182476.2 In 0 076 Section 12 SAVE HARMLESS Contractor represents it is skilled in the calling necessary to perform the services and duties agreed to hereunder by Contractor, and Corporation relies upon the skills and knowledge of Contractor. Contractor shall perform such services and duties consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals performing similar service in the State of California. Contractor is an independent contractor and shall have no authority to bind Corporation nor to create or incur any obligation on behalf of or liability against Corporation, whether by contract or otherwise, unless such authority is expressly conferred under this agreement or is otherwise expressly conferred in writing by Corporation. Corporation, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, employees and volunteers (individually and collectively, "Indemnitees ") shall have no liability to Contractor or to any other person for, and Contractor shall indemnify, defend, protect and hold harmless the Indemnitees from and against, any and all liabilities, claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings, suits, damages, judgments, liens, levies, costs and expenses of whatever nature, including reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements (collectively "Claims "), which the Indemnitees may suffer or incur or to which the Indemnitees may become subject by reason of or arising out of any injury to or death of any person(s), damage to property, loss of use of property, economic loss or otherwise occurring as a result of or allegedly caused by the performance or failure to perform by Contractor of Contractor's services under this agreement or the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Contractor, its agents, officers, directors or employees, in performing any of the services under this agreement. If any action or proceeding is brought against the Indemnitees by reason of any of the matters. against which Contractor has agreed to indemnify the Indemnitees as above provided, Contractor, upon notice from the Corporation, shall defend the Indemnitees at Contractor's expense by counsel acceptable to the Corporation. The Indemnitees need not have first paid any of the matters as to which the Indemnitees are entitled to indemnity in order to be so indemnified. The insurance required to be maintained by Contractor under paragraph 13 shall ensure Contractor's obligations under this paragraph, but the limits of such insurance shall not limit the liability of Contractor hereunder. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this agreement. The Contractor's indemnification does not extend to claims occurring as a result of the Corporation's active negligent or willful acts or omissions. LAX2:182476.2 -10- 0 077 Section 13 LIABILITY INSURANCE 13.1 PARK VISTA LIABILITY INSURANCE Corporation shall obtain and keep in force and effect, adequate insurance against physical damage (e.g., fire with extended coverage endorsement, boiler and machinery, etc.) and against liability for loss, damage, or injury to property or persons which might arise out of the occupancy, management, operation, or maintenance of the Premises. The amounts and types of insurance shall be acceptable to both parties and any deductible required under such insurance policies shall be at Corporation's expense. Contractor and the City of El Segundo shall be covered as an additional insured on all liability insurance maintained with respect to the Premises. Liability insurance shall be adequate to protect the interests of both Corporation and Contractor. Corporation agrees to furnish Contractor with two (2) copies of insurance endorsements, certificates or duplicate copies of such policies evidencing such coverage within 60 days of the effective date of this Agreement. Said policies shall provide that notice of default or cancellation shall be sent to both parties and shall require a minimum of 30 days' written notice before any cancellation of/or changes to said policies. 13.2 CONTRACTOR LIABILITY INSURANCE (a) Contractor will maintain on behalf of Corporation and at the expense of Contractor, the following insurance policies: 1. Fire coverage shall be for full replacement value of the facility. 2. Earthquake coverage shall be for the full replacement value of the facility. 3. General Liability coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. Coverage shall be at least as broad as ISO Commercial General Liability Coverage Form CG 0001. 4. Umbrella Liability coverage in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 single limit and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. 5. Directors & Officers Liability (Professional Liability) in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 aggregate inclusive of defense expenses. (b) In addition to the above coverage, Contractor shall maintain at its own expense the following insurance coverage: 1. Fidelity bond covering all employees of Contractor who handle funds, including all such employees assigned to Park Vista, LAX2:182476.2 -11- 2. General Liability coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. Coverage shall be at least as broad as ISO Commercial General Liability Coverage Form CG 0001. 3. Workers' Compensation coverage shall be required by the State of California covering Bodily Injury in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for each employee assigned under this Agreement. Employers' liability of $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury or disease. 4. Employers Automobile Non Ownership Liability coverage in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 covering all employees assigned to Corporation who use their personal automobiles for Corporation business. Coverage shall be at least as broad as ISO Business Auto Form CG 0009 Non -Owned Autos. (c) The following parties shall be added by endorsement as insured parties: The City of El Segundo, its employees, agents, officers, councilpersons, appointed and elected officials as well as The El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation, its Board, its employees, agents, officers, directors, and appointed officials. (d) All of the above policies must be written by an insurance company licensed to do business in California with a "Best Rating" of not less than A -XII. Section 14 CONTRACTOR'S COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES As compensation for the services provided by Contractor under this Agreement (and exclusive of reimbursement of expenses to which Contractor may be entitled hereunder), Park Vista stall pay Contractor as follows: 14.1 FEE FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES For its proper performance of all the services as set forth herein, Contractor shall be paid the fee of $ per month ($ this Agreement. 14.2 FOR APARTMENT LEASING None. Included in 15.1. LAX2:182476.2 annually), each year thereafter during the term of -12- 0 �ryn Section 15 REPRESENTATIONS Corporation represents and warrants: That Corporation has full power and authority to enter this Agreement; that there are no written or oral agreements affecting the Premises other than tenant leases, copies of which have been furnished to Contractor; that there are no recorded easements, restrictions, reservations, or rights of way which adversely affect the use of the Premises for the purposes intended under this Agreement; that to the best of Corporation's knowledge, the property is zoned for the intended use; that all leasing and other permits for the operation of the Premises have been secured and are current; that the building and its construction and operation do not violate any applicable statutes, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, or the like (including, but not limited to, those pertaining to hazardous or toxic substances); that the building does not contain any asbestos, urea, formaldehyde, radon, or other toxic or hazardous substance; and that no unsafe condition exists. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in entering into this contract, Corporation has materially relied upon the representations, inducements and promises set forth in the " PROPOSAL FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES" and the enclosures thereto submitted by Section 16 STRUCTURAL CHANGES Corporation expressly withholds from Contractor any power or authority to make any structural changes in any building, or to make any other major alterations or additions in or to and such building or to any equipment in any such building, or to incur any expense chargeable to Park Vista other than expenses related to exercising the express powers vested in Contractor through this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the Corporation Board of Directors. However, such emergency repairs as may be required because of danger to life or property, or which are immediately necessary for the preservation and safety of the Premises or the safety of the tenants and occupants thereof, or required to avoid the suspension of any necessary service to the Premises, or to comply with any applicable federal, state, or local laws, regulations, or ordinances, shall be authorized pursuant to the appropriate paragraphs of this Agreement, and Contractor shall notify Corporation accordingly. Section 17 BUILDING COMPLIANCE Subject to those requirements set forth herein, Contractor assumes no liability, and is given no responsibility for compliance of the Premises, or any equipment therein, with the requirements of any building code, statute, ordinance, law, or regulation of any governmental body or of any public authority or official thereof having jurisdiction thereof, except to notify Corporation promptly or to forward to Corporation promptly,. any complaints, warnings, notices, or summonses received by Contractor relating to such matters. Corporation represents that to the best of its knowledge the Premises and all such equipment comply with all such requirements. LAX2:182476.2 -13- 0 0��' Section 18 TERMINATION 18.1 TERMINATION BY EITHER PARTY This Agreement may be terminated-by Corporation, with or without cause, upon 60 days written notice to Contractor. This Agreement shall also terminate, unless renewed by mutual consent of the parties hereto, at the end of the initial three (3) year Agreement term. 18.2 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Agreement shall terminate and all obligations of the parties hereunder shall cease (except as to those liabilities and/or obligations which have accrued or arisen prior to such termination according to the terms of this Agreement, upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) BREACH OF AGREEMENT - Thirty (30) days after the receipt of notice by either party to the other specifying in detail a material breach of this Agreement, if such breach has not been cured within said thirty (30) day period; or if such breach is of a nature that it cannot be cured within said thirty (30) day period but can be cured within a reasonable time thereafter, if efforts to cure such breach have not commenced and/or such efforts are not proceeding and being continued diligently both during and after such thirty (30) day period prior to the breach being cured. HOWEVER, the breach of any obligation of either party hereunder to pay any monies to the other party under the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to be curable within thirty (30) days. (b) INADEQUATE INSURANCE - If Contractor or Corporation deems that the liability insurance obtained by the other as required by the terms hereof, is not reasonably satisfactory to protect its interest under this Agreement. If Corporation and/or Contractor cannot agree as to adequate insurance, either party shall have the right to cancel this Agreement upon the service of 60 day written notice to the other. (c) EXCESSIVE DAMAGE - Upon the destruction of, substantial damage to, or loss of the Premises by force majeure, eminent domain or such other cause, in any case making it impossible or impracticable to continue operation of the Premises. (d) FAILURE TO ACT, ETC. - In the event any insurance required of Corporation or Contractor is not maintained or it is alleged or charged that the Premises, or any portion thereof, or any act or failure to act by Corporation or Contractor, with respect to the Premises, fails to comply with any law or regulation, or any order or ruling of any public authority, and that the action or position of either party hereto or their representatives, with respect thereto, may result in damage or liability to either party, or disciplinary proceeding with respect to Contractor's LAX2:182476.2 -14- 0 08 license. Such termination shall not release the indemnities of the parties to one another as set forth herein. 18.3 CORPORATION RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENTS Upon termination of or withdrawal from this Agreement, Corporation shall assume the obligations and responsibilities of any contract or the payment of any outstanding bill properly undertaken by Contractor under this Agreement for and on behalf Park Vista. Contractor shall deliver to Corporation, within ten (10) days after the termination of this Agreement: all monies due Park Vista in addition to tenant security deposits being held by Contractor with respect to the Premises; a final accounting reflecting the balance of income and expenses with respect to the Premises as of the date of termination; all records, contracts, leases, receipts for deposits, and other papers and/or documents which pertain to the Premises. Section 19 INDEMNIFICATION SURVIVES TERMINATION All representations and warranties of the parties contained herein shall survive the termination of the Agreement. All provisions of the Agreement that require the parties to insure, indemnify or hold harmless one another shall survive any termination; and if Contractor, Corporation or Corporation Board of Directors becomes involved in any proceeding or litigation by reason of the matters contained in this Agreement, such provisions shall apply as if this Agreement were still in effect. Section 20 HEADINGS AND ATTACHMENTS All headings and subheadings employed within this Agreement and in the accompanying List of Provisions are inserted only for convenience and ease of reference and are not to be considered in the construction or interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. However, Corporation's request for proposal is incorporated herein by this reference except as to those matters that have been altered or specifically deleted by the terms of this Agreement. Section 21 FORCE MAJEURE Any delays in the performance of any obligation of either of the parties hereto under the terms of this Agreement shall be excused to the extent that such delays are caused by wars, national emergencies, natural disasters, strikes, utility failures, governmental regulations, riots, adverse weather, and other similar causes not within the control of Agent, and any time periods required for performance shall be extended accordingly. LAX2:182476.2 -15- Section 22 COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between Corporation and Contractor with respect to the management and, operation of the Premises and supersedes and replaces any and all previous management agreements entered into the parties relating to the Premises covered by this Agreement. No change to this Agreement shall be valid unless made by supplemental written agreement executed and approved by Corporation, the El Segundo City Council and Contractor in writing. Each party to this Agreement hereby acknowledges and agrees that the other party has made no warranties, representations, covenants, or agreements, express or implied, to such party, other than those expressly set forth herein, and that each party, in entering into and executing the Agreement, has relied upon no warranties, representations, covenants, or agreements, express or implied, to such party, other than those expressly set forth herein. Section 23 RIGHTS CUMULATIVE; NO WAIVER No right or remedy herein conferred on or reserved to either of the parties to this Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy, and each and every right and remedy shall be cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given under this Agreement or now or hereafter legally existing upon the occurrence of an event of default under this Agreement. The failure of either party to this Agreement to insist at any time upon the strict observance or performance of any of the provisions of the Agreement, or to exercise any right or remedy as provided in this Agreement, shall not impair any such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such right or remedy with respect to subsequent defaults. Every right and remedy given by this Agreement to the parties to it may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by those parties. Section 24 APPLICABLE LAW AND PARTIAL INVALIDITY The execution, interpretation, and performance of this Agreement shall in all respects be controlled and governed by the laws of the State of California. If any part of this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, then the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect exclusive of such unenforceable provision. Section 25 NOTICES Any notices, demands, consents, and reports necessary or provided for under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be addressed as follows, or at such other address as Corporation and Contractor individually may hereafter specify in writing: LAX2:182476.2 -16- 0 lu0 Park Vista Board of Directors C/o 1210 E. Mariposa Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245 - Such Notice or other communication may he mailed by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and may be deposited in a U.S. Post Office or a depository for the receipt of mail regularly maintained by the Post Office. Such notices, demands consents and reports may also be delivered by hand or by any other accepted method or means permitted by law. For purposes of the Agreement, notices shall be deemed to have been "given" or "delivered' upon personal delivery thereof or three business days after having been deposited in the U.S. mails as provided herein. Section 26 AGREEMENT BINDING UPON SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective personal representatives, heirs, administrators, executors, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their respective signatures this _ day of , 199_. EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING CORPORATION aka PARK VISTA LAX2:182476.2 -17- Il r A 4 F P Io N 0 N WW N H < i Q I q Im 7 IA w .J W ;< V1 ,F J 0 '1- W LL Iz O �< H 3 u� I N Ul In w P EO f r' • M r•• o 0O b OO �o P O � O 0 00 f O P O M P P O O tu Pr MW u1 OD MMvINA +MIMA hN for .-o F F CO r + OD O to + ED LA N NPi1 (III (U M M 1 I I I z Z I II LL y I W I WI H I u K F- I � o Z I < Z LL Z Z H ~ 2 iz iF \W Cl prLLU <F ,► OW = IWZWCLL 1-• C I < I'Y O 1p W W OC 4, w K!u O 601J 7 < W'Z LL Z 6 6: frIZ to u�oduflulu>IH U.'Lm J -a X W1-'J NIZZHO<YLL6. 10 O gLLJ�1-ICILL(1)J0 OILW I�NW O:.WF 2 HIWHKF- >- t)Wm J u< u w< U10 O J~ O O W �+ rnjC < < H ICI ■ N H< N U L H W Iw z w u F 6: 1-IJ w 6. W ►- O W IL 6. 00 W W H H W i H m Y H W C -C z<0w OOL6.CL FJIO<Cr6 U�- < c,u 6. 6.12 S UILL UIW J 3�6: W • j .- !.o CO m 1' N ♦ i.o r• IA •. 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OIC Y O.' 0 t Y N O.Iw ^+ L t OiLN LE I U O •'•a a•Aa L w Ni I 1 ' r w N < u a IC Cc 4C a L IN Y • _ \ M a v (11 iN V w T • d Ir •�. 1.0 � III a V W w cw _ •V f\v C M • L r •• d u I I c ., z wv a 3 A z 1 LL rJ N IL O F w H H < = Ct A n O n 00 • L N .D U O T c Pl 1�1 J J ` N N n 1 T • .r w J �4 aD Wa r .r1 a 00 n o 00 �w rt�M I i O N N N W C4 cy N N 6 c A rte: uo m LA Ln F F w N I ] 2 N N � . q q ✓i Io q .worm v1 r M t✓t++�1� 0 N 0 I > N N a L w • C w t Y v T4. u O a Y uL U N w V Y C -C Y N B T 0 w v a N L A O w 14 a I»� V V C I• r u :H O I� Iu L O 0 • L N Y IU • u L w 7 P • rc .w ° a I'O. • 0. < L O 0 LL v d L• 1 � c17 .•� N w� M L =+ w 0 '4 C ►• rte+ o al• V siv A u L •I■ • Q. UIOO • v N w M u •I• w C ! O Lia o •IT COL a 71C 7 O.' 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OIC Y O.' 0 t Y N O.Iw ^+ L t OiLN LE I U O •'•a a•Aa L w Ni I 1 ' r w N < u a IC Cc 4C a L IN Y • _ \ M a v (11 iN V w T • d Ir •�. 1.0 � III a V W w cw _ •V f\v C M • L r •• d u I I c ., z wv a 3 A z 1 LL rJ N IL O F w H H < = Ct A CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 11/25/97 THROUGH 12109197 Date Payee Amount Description 11/25/97 Healthcomp 1,860.00 Weekly eligible claims 11/26/97 Emp. Dev. Dept. 27184.31 State Payroll Taxes P/R # 11 11/26/97 IRS 139,370.80 Federal Payroll Taxes P/R # 11 12/3/97 Healthcomp 520.00 Weekly eligible claims 12/3/97 Federal Reserve 400.00 Employee Bonds P/R # 11 Total by Wire: 169,335.11 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 12/16197 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: 169,335.11 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by : a City Treasurer L-- Finance Director ,.° /mac -� Y.'• "c='� �►i�� r City Manager Date Date `� f Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 0 086 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Award of contract for the trenchless rehabilitation of a 12" sewer main in easement west of Main Street between Oak Avenue and Maple Avenue (contract amount = $44,850.00). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Award contract to Insituform Southwest, Inc., in the amount of $44,850.00. 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the standard Public Works Construction Agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The City Council on October 21, 1997, adopted plans and specifications for the trenchless rehabilitation of a 12" City sewer main in an easement within private properties. Staff had recommended installation of a lining material inside the sewer main without excavation rather than repairing the main by the more conventional method of accessing the main by excavating within private properties. DISCUSSION: On November 25, 1997, the City Clerk received and opened the following sole bid: Insituform Southwest Inc. $44,850.00 Engineer's Estimate $47,500.00 Only one (1) bid was received since installation of sewer lining material without excavation is very specialized and the number of contractors experienced in this method of sewer rehabilitation is limited. This contractor is experienced in trenchless sewer repair and has satisfactorily completed several similar sewer lining projects in the City. Staff recommends award of contract to Insituform Southwest, Inc., in the amount of $44,850.00. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Location map. FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project(Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number. Project Phase: Appropriation Required: No Yes $44,850.00 $175,000-00 $171,000.000 Date: 10/3/97 301 -400- 8204 -8317 Award of contract No r) Q PW- DEC16.02 (Monday 12/8/97 10:00 AM) 12" SEWS IL PRIVATE PROPERTY -1 I I SCALE: i- = 40' I I I 7 1 MAPLE AVENUE » 0 SEWER 12- SEWER TO BE REHABILITATED PRIVATE PROPERTY 1 15' SEWER EASEMENT PUMP PLANT N0. 12 6" SEWER 12" SEWER OAK AVENUE , -- i EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: December 16, 1997 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Adopt plans and specifications for construction of a roller hockey rink in Recreation Park (estimated cost $83,000.00). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Adopt master plan for the roller hockey rink. 2. Authorize staff to advertise Phase I of the plan for receipt of construction bids. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The adopted 1996 -97 Capital Improvement Program includes $75,000.00 for construction of a roller hockey rink in Recreation Park. On January 7, 1997, the City Council authorized staff to retain Purkiss -Rose Architects at a cost of 7,500.00 to develop a master plan for the hockey rink. Pursuant to discussions with the El Segundo In -Line Hockey Association and the City Recreation and Parks Department the architect has developed a master plan for the facility. The master plan has been reviewed and approved by the City Recreation and Parks Commission. DISCUSSION: For construction bidding purposes, the master plan has been divided into the following two (2) phases based on cost estimates provided by the architect. (continued on next page......) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Reduced master plan drawing. FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: No Capital Improvement Budget: Yes Amount Requested: $83,000-00 Project/Account Budget: $75,000.0 Project/Account Balance: $67,500.0 Date: 12 -1 -97 Account Number. 301 -400- 8202 -8388 Pict phase: Adoption of plans and specifications Appropriation Required: Not at this time Page 1 of 2 PW- DEC16.03 (Monday 12/8/97 10:00 AM) DISCUSSION: (continued) Phase I (to be included in the bid package) 70' - 8" x 170' - 8" concrete hockey rink: $83,000.00 (Scope of work includes demolition of existing two (2) volleyball courts, grading, relocation of existing landscaping and irrigation systems, concrete footing around rink perimeter, and does not include relocation of the existing baseball batting cages. It is our understanding that these cages will be relocated by the In -Line Hockey Association). Note: The funds remaining in the project budget are $67,500.00. It may be possible that Phase I can be constructed within this amount if favorable bids are received. Staff recommends advertising the project for Phase I and after bid opening, staff will report the bid results with a recommendation to the City Council for the scope of work to be awarded for construction. Phase II (for future implementation predicated upon availability of funds) 1. Concrete walk around rink with retaining wall at south embankment $27,500.00 2. 12' height and 42" height chainlink fence $15,000.00 3. 4- players benches $2,000.00 4. 2- bleachers (50 seats each) 6,000.00 5. Border patrol (dasher boards) $40,000.00 6. Rink surface coating $5,000.00 Both Phases I and II do not include installation of new lighting for the rink. The In -Line Hockey Association has indicated that the existing volleyball court lighting is adequate for night use of the rink. Any necessary adjustments to the existing lighting will be provided by the Recreation and Parks Department. Staff recommends City Council adoption of the master plan and authorization for staff to advertise the Phase I of the project for receipt of construction bids. 0 089 Page 2 of 2 PW- DEC16.03 (Wednesday 12/10/97 9:30 AM) m 9 - N ., c , .) (Li Iry Fal rl - ol I Im --fk I Gil 4E4 y pan J� 1� 7; 1� II W II 0�. II II II (Is m 9 - N ., c , .) (Li Iry Fal rl - ol I Im --fk I Gil 4E4 y pan J� 1� 7; 1� II W II 0�. II II II EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: One year lease agreement between the City of El Segundo and Eaton Corporation to lease a portion of City property at 630 South Douglas Street. (Annual revenue of $15,108.00). Ell: 1 COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the lease agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The City owns a 1.73 acre parcel of land located on the east side of Douglas Street, south of Alaska Avenue, which was acquired by the City for extending Douglas Street. Since 1994, approximately 13,360 square feet of this property has been leased to Eaton Corporation for parking, under an agreement which expires on December 31, 1997. Eaton Corporation has requested the City to grant a new one (1) year lease of the same property for the period January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998. DISCUSSION: The existing lease agreement provides for Eaton Corporation to pay the City an annual rent of $14,880.00. This rent was based on a 1994 appraisal by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works and annually adjusted in accordance with the change in the Consumer Price Index. Staff is recommending granting the lease requested by Eaton at a revised rent of $15,108.00 based on the 1.5% annual increase in the Consumer Price Index for the Los Angeles area. Eaton has agreed to the revised annual rent. The City Attorney has reviewed the attached lease agreement and has approved it as to form. The language in the proposed agreement is identical to the language in the current agreement with the exception of the lease period and the monthly rent. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Proposed City of El Segundo - Eaton Corporation lease agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: Annual revenue of $15,108.00 Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: ADDrocriation Required: Date: PW- DEC16.01 (Monday 12/8/97 10:00 AM) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EATON CORPORATION LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE, made this 16th day of December, 1997, by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "LESSOR "), and EATON CORPORATION (hereafter referred to as "LESSEE "): WITNESSETH: 1. LESSOR does hereby lease to LESSEE and LESSEE does hereby take from LESSOR certain premises located in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, consisting of approximately thirteen thousand three hundred and sixty (13,360) square feet being a portion of Lot 22, Tract No. 26557 as shown on map recorded in Book 675, Page 97, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as shown on attached Exhibit "A ". 2. The term of this Lease shall be for the period, commencing January 1, 1998, and ending December 31, 1998. At the expiration of the term, or upon any earlier termination of this Lease, LESSEE will quit surrender the premises herein leased, and the parties shall have no further rights or obligations as to each other with respect to said Lease. 3. For the period commencing January 1, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998, LESSEE shall pay as rent for said premises, the sum of Fifteen Thousand One Hundred and Eight Dollars ($15,108.00) in lawful money of the United States, payable at the rate of $1,259.00 monthly, payable in advance, on the first business day of each and WAGREMNTSTATON.98 (IMM7) 1 0 092 every month to LESSOR at 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245, unless otherwise directed in writing by LESSOR. 4. In the event of LESSEE holding over after the expiration of the term hereof, thereafter the tenancy shall be from month to month in the absence of a written agreement to the contrary. 5. LESSEE acknowledges that it has received a copy of the conditions enumerated in that certain deed dated January 11, 1968, by which LESSOR acquired title to the property that is the subject of this Lease, and LESSEE agrees to comply with each and every condition so imposed in said deed during its tenancy on the above - described property. 6. LESSEE agrees that access to the leased premises will be only from Douglas Street. LESSOR and LESSEE agree that the intended purpose of this Lease is to provide additional parking and to mitigate traffic congestion on Douglas Street and Alaska Avenue. LESSEE will be permitted to use existing driveways. No new curb cuts or ramps shall be installed by LESSEE. 7. LESSEE agrees to maintain the premises in a clean and sanitary condition. LESSEE shall not place or construct any buildings and /or structures on the premises. 8. LESSEE understands that LESSOR has acquired this property primarily for the purpose of extending Douglas Street in the City of El Segundo to cross an existing railroad track, and LESSEE agrees that, in the event LESSOR should require the subject property for such relocation or for any other purpose solely under the NAGREMNTSTATON.98 (124 2 0 �% 0 LESSOR'S discretion, LESSEE does hereby consent to LESSOR canceling and terminating this Lease upon sixty (60) days written notice addressed to LESSEE. LESSEE agrees to vacate the said premises within the above sixty (60) day period and remove all LESSEE'S installations prior to the termination of the Lease. LESSEE may cancel and terminate lease upon sixty (60) days written notice to the LESSOR. 9. LESSEE shall procure and keep in effect during the term hereof a combined single limit policy of $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage liability. LESSEE may self- insure any or all of the above insurance requirement. LESSEE shall provide LESSOR with evidence of insurance or self- insurance as herein stipulated. Said insurance shall provide for LESSOR, its officers, agents; and employees to be additional insured but only in respect to the Leased Premises. LESSEE shall provide LESSOR with (30) days' notice of any material change or cancellation of said insurance coverage, by registered mail. 10. LESSEE shall not have the right to sublet or assign the whole or any part of said premises; provided, however, that LESSEE may do so with the written consent of LESSOR. Any such subletting or assignment shall not relieve LESSEE of any liability or obligation under this Lease. 11. Any notice from LESSOR to LESSEE shall be deemed duly served if mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to LESSEE at: Eaton Corporation Eaton Center Cleveland, OH 44114 -2584 Attention: Real Estate Department N:WGREMNTS\EATON.98 (9/25/97) 3 0 0 9 1 Any notice from LESSEE to LESSOR shall be deemed duly served if mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to LESSOR at the address set forth in Paragraph 3 hereof. In each case, the customary certified mail return receipt shall be conclusive evidence of such service. Either party may change its address to which a notice shall be sent by giving written notice of such change to the other party as provided herein. 12. LESSEE recognizes and understands that this Lease may create a possessory interest subject to property taxation and that the LESSEE may be subject to the payment of property taxes levied upon such interest. 13. The terms of this Lease shall be binding upon and for the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective successors, representatives and assigns. 14. This lease represents the final agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior written and oral agreements and understandings of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. N \AGREMNTS \EATON.98 (9/25/97) 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Instrument has been duly executed as of the day and year first above written. LESSOR: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA LESSEE: Eaton Corporation BY: Director - Real Estate Title AMA ATTEST: )4-t�Av. al�- Harold V. Abraham Group Controller Cindy Mortesen City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley City Attorney NAWGREMNMEATON.98 (9/25/97) 5 Sandra Jacobs, Mayor City of El Segundo _ a . f � .mv- 0 D_ - (JOG ,V�hll�• -- � N h N N r � A r� A i Nf � N A 9 *96L N Est �9S �ti•t�t Q •1S �r i I� I I I st Is I a .a. 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Mtf•tt••w.t.,.l •rIvlw�w•t• f • /r• ••�fte t..I4 ...s. to. 1 tw Af t..I t.� fL tAA► ...T1::.�. «... ... It-4.4 « • ••••t••b• Y $ «'� { a'•• • y ;d1 � f�•ww� •I••t•f �•t•gr�Mr ' This is to certify that the Wares% 4 t%e real ro property conrayad ty the ►rithia tae4 to the eity of tl tetumes a w"teltal eerporattea to 16rel1 accepted 1y order Of the City Ceanell ea 181t.ag It, - _ i� 1t and the yrestes coasects to recoriattes thereof %y its dvlr • aathOrtsad officer. . •: a �. Dated Janvvi 11, 1111 _ t Clerk'�rmrm._Or-' 11 a jur�Qet�a1 m ..I..IZ'T wI CITY Of P* SECI 1NOO CONTRACT, 2453 - riry nr rf Ur"Nnn EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Award bid for Truck Mounted Articulating Overcenter Aerial Device (bucket truck) to low bidder Altec Industries, Inc. in the amount of $102,816.93. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Authorize staff to issue a purchase order in the amount of $102,816.93 to Altec Industries, Inc. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The bucket truck is used by the Parks Division to trim trees, by the Street Division to hang banners, and by the Government Buildings Division to repair lights. At its July 16, 1996 meeting, the Council authorized staff to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for the purchase of a new bucket truck. DISCUSSION: The Equipment Maintenance Division and the Parks Division evaluated several types and sizes of bucket trucks. Upon completion of this evaluation, the Equipment Maintenance Division developed a specification, and bids were solicited. Three companies returned bids as follows: Altec Industries, Inc. $102,816.93 Truck Hydraulic Equipment Co., Inc. $110,271.03 Pacific Utility $116,013.69 Staff has reviewed all of the bids and recommends accepting the low bid from Altec Industries in the amount of $102,816.93. The funds necessary to pay for the recommended Bucket Truck are included in the adopted budget. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: ProjectlAccount Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: Equipment Replacement Fund $102,816.93 $102,828.00 Date: 601 - 400 - 5102 -8105 Mntfc1971admin- 97\cnc12- 16.agn r, Y 0 t� EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business, City Manager AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Target Industry List Modifications RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve modifications recommended by the Economic Development Advisory Council INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The current Target Industry list was developed as part of the Economic Development Strategic Plan approved by the City Council in 1993. The list along with the program goals and objectives provides the focus for the City's ongoing business retention and recruitment program. Following earlier review by the Economic Development Advisory Council (EDAC) on October 9, 1997, the City Council considered a revised Target Industry List on October 21, 1997. The City Council reviewed the recommended list, suggested several modifications, and instructed staff to schedule an additional EDAC meeting. Consequently, the EDAC met on November 12, 1997, reviewed the City Council minutes on the matter and revised their initial recommended Target Industry List (attached). DISCUSSION: Per City Council recommendation, the revised Target Industry List has been edited and prioritized. The new list includes four major categories in descending order of importance: High Tech /R & D and Light Manufacturing; Retail /Hospitality; Business, Professional and Creative Services; and Multimedia. Subheadings (such as Auto, Food, Hotel) are listed alphabetically. Businesses types with asterisks on the Target Industry List are to be the focus of the City's business recruitment ad campaign. For example, the copy in print ads for the Los Angeles Business Journal will specifically reference businesses types from this list. Direct mail (similar to the feature developed for the commercial /industrial real estate brokers this past year) will target these businesses as well. All other types of business (not included on the list) will be recruited through other efforts such as initial contact letters, brochures, site visits, trade shows, etc. The businesses on the Target Industry List share a number of attributes which make them attractive to recruit to El Segundo. First, several of the high tech businesses, such as communications /telecommunications, and multimedia /entertainment are key emerging industries in the South Bay. They have a natural linkage with similar businesses in neighboring cities and collectively have a tremendous amount of economic strength. Second, several target industries have the potential to generate significant amounts of revenue to the City including auto dealerships, general retail, restaurants, office equipment sales (computers, etc.). And thirdly, employment growth potential is particularly high for several business types including communications /telecommunications, multimedia, and corporate headquarters. 1r,— finnnr1 Parlp 7N ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Target Industry List recommended by the EDAC on October 9, 1997. Revised Target Industry List recommended by the EDAC on November 12, 1997. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE ORIGINATED: Jam Date: Y y 7 Director of Economic Development REVIEWED BY: Date: • A /w /0rs 101 Discussion (continued) Within the recommended Target Industry List, it is anticipated that a certain amount of discretion will be exercised by staff depending upon individual recruitment circumstances. For instance, while food and hotel businesses are included on the list because they are an important component in the local economic base, it is generally understood that it is unnecessary spend ad campaign resources toward this end. This is because these businesses generally follow a growing employment base such as El Segundo is presently experiencing (i.e., Wolfgang Pucks, Cozymels, McCormick & Schmicks). In addition, certain businesses types, such as the accounting firms, tend to follow a similar pattern because they provide administrative support to the growing corporate office base here. Again, while these firms are critical to our business community, they will not be aggressively recruited through the ad campaign because they will often relocate to El Segundo on their own in an effort to expand their client base. 0 102 RECOMMENDED TARGET INDUSTRY LIST October 9, 1997 I. Retail/Hospitality A. Auto B. Food C. Hotel D. General Retail II. Entertainment/Multimedia III. Business, Professional & Creative Services A. Advertising/Marketing B. Accounting C. Consulting D. Travel E. Health IV. High Tech/R & D and Light/Manufacturing A. Biotechnology B. Computer C. Semi - Conductor D. Aerospace E. Communications /Telecommunications REVISED TARGET INDUSTRY LIST November 12, 1997 I. High Tech/R & D and Light Manufacturing A. Aerospace B. Biotechnology C. Computer D. Communications /Telecommunications E. Semi - Conductor IL Retail/Hospitality A. Auto/Dealership* B. General Retail* C. Hotel D. Restaurant & Food Services III. Business, Professional & Creative Services A. Accounting B. Advertising/Marketing/Design Services C. Consulting D. Corporate Headquarters* E. Health Related Industries F. Travel Related Industries IV. Multimedia A. Entertainment Technical & Professional Support* B. Pre & Post Production *Under the 1997 -98 budget, these target industries will be the focus of the advertising campaign. All other categories will be recruited through direct mail, site visits, and the other methods according to specific needs and requirements of the company. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business, City Manager AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Review of 1998 Business Recruitment Creative Units RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve business recruitment creative units proposed by Team One Advertising INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: On December 3, 1997, the Economic Development Advisory Council reviewed print and outdoor creative units recently developed by Team One Advertising for the 1998 business recruitment ad campaign. The strategy, consistent with last year, will include print ads in the Los Angeles Business Journal and outdoor boards in locations that have previously generated a good response. In an effort to take advantage of the growing entertainment industry in the South Bay, print ads targeting these businesses have also been developed. DISCUSSION: The overall theme, "A Small Town For Big Business ", will once again emphasize both the business and small town amenities of El Segundo. Subject to City Council consensus regarding use of the creative units presented on December 16, 1997, Team One will launch three print and three outdoor ads beginning in February/March of 1998. The outdoor boards will run for approximately three months while the print ads will appear periodically throughout the year. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget X Capital Improv. Budget: _ Amount Requested: $0 Project Account Budget: $182,942 Project/Account Balance: $182,942 Account Number: 2401 -6201 Project Phase: N/A Appropriation Required - Yes No x ORIGINATED: Director of Economic Develo Date: I z I ql� ? RE41EMD BY: Date: Axl 0/97 '. Morrison TAKEN: 0 1 0P EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business- Mayor Jacobs AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request for variances from the Municipal Code. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve request by Mr. S. Claus for a waiver of the permits required for doing business within the City of El Segundo as follows: 1) Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and waiver of regulations in ESMC Section 20.74.040; 2) The use of air rights and waiver of the Santa Monica Radial 160 R procedure (FAA should be contacted); 3) Waiving of the ordinance on Animal Regulations (ESMC 8.02.010); 4) Waiving the Trespass Ordinance (ESMC 9.28.010) including 8.04. 110 dealing with trespassing animals; 5) Granting a free business license for a non - profit organization (ESMC 5.04.050); 6) Waiving the Pooper - Scooper regulations (ESMC 9.04.040); 7) Waiving of the Noise Ordinance to permit the sound of bells (ESC 9.06.0110); and 8) Waiver of ESMC 16.04.060 (Driveway Permits Required) and 10.28.110 (Parking on Grades). INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: Additionally, Mr. S. Claus has been directed to the Coastal Commission for clearance over the ocean, D.M.V. for a valid registration, Department of Health & Welfare to ensure his elves are receiving minimum wage, and the Air Quality Management District to ensure a safe and clear sleigh ride. Should Mr. Claus be required to obtain all of the necessary permits, he would not be able to start his business until June 8, 1998. Since Mr. Claus has shown good faith during previous business endeavors and his business would be welcomed by the Community as a whole, Council should waive the fees and permits required. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project /Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Required - Yes_ No_ ORI NATED: f Date: December 9, 1997 S dra Jacobs, MaV ACTION TA xmasstaf.rpt 0 1n6 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTERDEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: December 16, 1997 TO: City Staff and City Council FROM: Mayor Sandra Jacobs SUBJECT: Request for Variances from Municipal Code One of my constituents has requested my assistance in obtaining a waiver of several permits required for doing business in the City of El Segundo. I would like to ask staff and Council to make every effort to expedite the following: 1) Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and waiver of regulations in ESMC Section 20.74.040, 2) The use of air rights and waiver of the Santa Monica Radial 160 R Procedure (FAA should be contacted), 3) Waiving of the ordinance on Animal Regulations (ESMC 8.02.010), 4) Waiving the Trespass Ordinance (ESMC 9.28.010) including 8.04.110 dealing with trespassing animals, 5) Granting a free business license for a non -profit organization (ESMC 5.04.050), 6) Waiving the Pooper - Scooper regulation (ESMC 9.04.040), 7) Waiving of the Noise Ordinance to permit the sound of bells (ESMC 9.06.010), and 8) Waiver of ESMC 16.04.060 (Driveway Permits Required) and 10.28.110 Parking on Grades). Additionally, the applicant, one Mr. S. Claus, has been directed to the Coastal Commission for clearance over the ocean, D.M.V. for a valid registration, Department of Health & Welfare to ensure his elves are receiving minimum wage, and the Air Quality Management District to ensure a safe and clear sleigh ride. If Mr. Claus were required to obtain all of the necessary permits, he would not be able to start his business until June 8, 1998. Since Mr. Claus has shown good faith during previous business endeavors and his business would be welcomed by the Community as a whole, I am recommending that we waive the fees and permits required. Approved: Not Approved: 0 107 December 16, 1997 Please be advised, the attached agenda item is an update due to El Segundo Senior Housing Board's decision on Monday, December 15, 1997, at their Special Senior Housing Board meeting. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16,1997 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Boards, Committees and Commissions AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Community Housing Management Services (CHMS) Park Vista Management Operating Agreement Extension. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve and execute proposed additional addendum to the Management Operating Agreement through December 31, 1998. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: At a special Senior Housing Board meeting on December 15, 1997, the El Segundo Senior Housing Board reviewed the sub - committee's RFP recommendation plan. After lengthy discussion, the Board voted to request City Council's approval to extend CHMS' management contract at Park Vista for one year, beginning January 1, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998. CHMS also agreed to continue it's management services, as delivered this past year, under their proposed 1998 budget. DISCUSSION: City Council appointed a joint sub - committee of both City council and Senior Housing Board members to review the proposals and the Senior Housing Board's original recommendation. The sub - committee concluded the RFP needed to be revised and re- issued. Therefore, requiring the need to extend the management contract with the current company, Community Housing Management Services. On December 2, 1997, the sub - committee's recommendation was brought before the City Council. City Council concurred with the sub - committee's recommendations. On December 15, 1997, the sub - committee's recommendation was brought before the Senior-Housing Board. After considerable review of various options, the Senior Housing Board voted to submit to City Council CHMS' operating management agreement extension for one year along with CHMS' proposed 1998 budget. The decision to revise and re -issue the RFP for Park Vista will be revisited this coming year. CHMS is now providing services on a one year extension of the original contract granted in 1994. This request is for an additional years extension to the original extension. CHMS agreed to provide management services for 1998, providing City Council approves their budget proposal for 1998. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. CHMS proposed budget for 1998. 2. The second addendum to the Management Operating Agreement. 3. The first addendum to the Management Operating Agreement 4. Operating Agreement. 5. Request for Proposal FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget. Amount Requested: Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required -Yes No __ Date: December 16, 1997 Peter Freeman, President Senior Housing Board ACTION TAKEN: AIS971216.shb 12- 9- 9711:15am N SECOND ADDENDUM TO MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT The El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporations (hereinafter "Park Vista ") and Community Housing Management Services (hereinafter "CHMS ", collectively the Parties ") hereby amend the Management agreement entered into by the parties on January 1, 1998 (the "Agreement ") as follows: Section 1.3 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: 1.3 TERM. This Agreement shall expire on December 31, 1998, subject to the provisions set fort h in Section 19.1 Section 19 `Termination' infra.' All other terms and conditions of the Agreement and any written addenda and/or amendments thereto shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING CORPORATIONS a.k.a. PARK VISTA Peter Freeman, President Date: t g I Z6 / COMMUNITY HOUSING MANAGEMENT SERVICES By: George A. Mercer, Exec. Director Date: ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A MEETING ON DECEMBER 16, 1997 AT THE EL SEGUNDO CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 350 MAIN STREET EL SEGUNDO$ CALIFORNIA. PRESENT: MAYOR JACOBS, MAYOR PROTEM WERNICK, COUNCILMAN GORDON, COUNCILMAN WESTON, AND COUNCILWOMAN FRIEDKIN. ABSENT: MAYOR JACOBS DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO A MEETING ON JANUARY 3, 1998 AT 9 00 A.M., WITH THE INTENT OF ADJOURNING THE JANUARY 39 1998 MEETING TO JANUARY 691998 AT 5:45 P.M. THE ABOVE IS A TRUE AND CORRECT EXCERPT OF AN ACTION TAKEN AT THIS MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HELD ON DECEMBER 16, 1997 . POSTED BY: MARLENE BAKER EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER CINDY MORTESEN, CITY CLERK CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA POSTED TIME: POSTED DATE: NOTICE OF CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: Environmental Assessment EA-401 and Precise Plan Amendment P.P. 96 -1 (Fourth Amendment to P.P. 12 -72) for 2041 Rosecrans Avenue and 831, 870 & 871 South Nash Street, related to the theaters and adjacent retail /office building. The request is to allow the following: 1) Amendment of the Precise Plan land uses to conform with the current code for the underlying zone: the `Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone ;" 2) Amendment of the Precise Plan development standards to conform with the current code for the underlying zone: the `Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone;" and, 3) Amendment of the Precise Plan to provide for minor modifications to the requirements of the Precise Plan by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. These three requests were continued from the September 16, 1997 City Council meeting at the request of the applicant and staff. Applicant: Continental Development Corporation, Mr. Jerry Saunders. IS CONTINUED TO JANUARY 20, 1998 AT 7:00 P.M. Posted Date: Posted Time: Posted By: SOATIS 133.8 CALAPPCON / EN SUTE fACILIT`'ES 124.5 381.6 LOS ANGELES TOWER / \ N 133.9 239.3 \ S 120.95 379.1 fEEOER fACillT!✓ g GND CON \ N 121.65 327.0 10 NM \ S 121 327.0 DE / \ CINC DEL \ 121.4 327.0 / / n 863 ^1173 \ (IAF) / 8000 ARNES / GAATE INT FUEL 1NT 210• (7.8) ilAf) I -LAX 1 -LA 17. X 2 I -LAX b. POMONA 3 659^ UMMA OM /INT LOS ANGELES 375 f I•LAXq X94 113.6 LAX :.:'... 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I Turn NA �9zss f"t . ,' r A 102 � 660' TCH 55 LOC only �,r `..289 30 �+ -+ 0.7 .3 9,7 NM 2,6 �-4 NM E. z?= r CATEGORY A 6 C D 9v�+ X fop .. s•1LS 25l 301118 200 (too• °i1) ,�"'' © "0� .A �� TDZE S•LOC 25L 660/24 559 (600•'1/1) 660/50 660/60 299 101 559 600.1 554 600.1'/. SIDESTEP•• 660/50 558 (600.1) 660 -1 t/2 RWY 25R 558 600.1 %s LADLE DME MINIMA TDZ /CL Rwys 6R, 7L, 24R and 25L S•LOC 251$ 440124 339 (400•1h) 440/40 HiRLall Rwys 339 (400.4) FAF to MAP 5.4 NM [.m ative to a oes not app , to Cat A an 9. Knob 60 90 120 150 180 perative ALSF -2 increase'Cat D visibility to RVR 5000. aneous approaches authorised with Runways 24L /R. Q Min:Sec 5:24 3:36 2:42 2:1011 -AB 33.57'N -I 18'24'W LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA LS RWY 25L LOS ANGELES INTL (LAX) Arndt 7A 97310 145 SW-2,6 NOV 1997