1995 SEP 11 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda Items. The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda. To facilitate your presentation, please place a check mark ✓ beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting. Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2.00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting In cornphance with the Amencans with Disabilities AM, if you reed special resistance m participate in this meeting, please contact the 6ty Clerk 607 -2208 Notification 48 hours pnor to the meeting will enable the 6ty to make reasonable amuVinents to ensure accessibility to this meeting • \1\ "x'1'7` DID 1 51 � A \' �I � I I I I: N-, Monday, September 11, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. C0/\ /I 0I[6: MN I:l e : PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to QU Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Interview applicants for the two vacant positions on the El Segundo library Board of Tmstees PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per peuson, 30 minute limit total) POSTED- DATE q — G -qs- TIME o2 :/5-p. in. NAME Doa n \cobs \forms \09 -11 -95 agd Name /"C' "L -/� /fn, atc APPLICATION to Commissions/Committees/Boards tL 1 S (Fkat) (Maddle) (Last) Address. Telephone alts Residence S-// E i�l^an o/ — f/ S�zr�ah aln CA ?ebe -Res: 0/0) Bus: s A M E Name and Address of Employer Sz / <BFST /es / Con t,- / a// �QOgaA44 C�1 FC30Ys` Present Occupatl D rf on / e S / Cc� o / QpQ rct If you arc a Resdent of EI Segundo, how many yeam /O- Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo CommWbtxrrCommittee of Boatd members Yes_ No X If Yes, name the Commleabn/Commrttee/Board• — Term Please indicate the Comm1ttee (s)lComm6sion(s) /Bosrd(s) you dWrc t serve on by checking the appropn ow box(es) O Captal Improvement Program Committee O Noise Ahaomtent Committee O Community Cable Advisory Committee O Planning Ceeamisslon O Ecwwmsc Development C®mitteaSubcommmen (vario w) O R« non & Parks Commission 0 Investment Advisory Commune D Senior Houssmg Board /7 LAMP Board of Trustees O Wall of Honor Committee O MetropoBtan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O Others NOTE CesAmn d Yvs: aten,ar.uw be �.d lot rbe. of Jse CmwbbaJCmanr9o�i Coumunity, Service Experience: 0110-AN17ATION Prom (date) To (daa) oft-ICES HELD arts C U 6 S 9 7 a s ,S° C rz 7�n r . 5 e eft �/ D %7 re s-A cha.�pman of em it Cony ¢ Educadnm SCHOOL MA,)OA GRADUATION DATE/DEGREE fl,iF s. Addlekmal Pertinent Couno or TrsbilaSt /04 f 7/ C i/o ax { M " le � ova t i k'p E/ S �• t ,Ybx So� � , n r e a/ 61 714 E// C.f�,n //1 e 1C Carr n e /' ,c or lnteresu: s Tar E5. } all o/ PC e T/' le /Assn. Please reverse form and complete PART 11 G O .H aJ -I N O U U 0 Cd V O D d Y .-1 ni d x rd Of u G v a x a+ ro v x APPLICATION to CommiosiongCommitteeWBoards Name Martha Lee Shrrmnr,d (First) (Middle) (Last) Address Residence 731 Indiana Ct., 81, E1 Segundo, CA 90245 raw Bus 213/413 -1130 Mailing same Fax 213/413 -1114 Name and Address of Employer Mental Health Association in Los Angeles County 1336 Wilshire Blvd., Second Flr., Los Angeles, CA 90017 Present Occupation Community REl at ions/ Educatitou area Resident of El Segundo, how many years 4 (Title: Assistant to the President for Community Relations) Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner ommdtee or Board memberWes_ No X If Yes, name the Commission /CommMee /Board _ Term Please indicate the CommMee (s) /Commissbn(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es) • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee D Nome Abatement Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee 0 Planning Commission • Economic Development Advisory Councd O Recreation b Parks Commktskat • Irweshnent Advisory Committee O Senor CAaen Housing Corporation Board XK Library Board of Trustees O Wall of Honor Committee V Metiopoitan CooperatNis Library Systems Advisory Board O Other NOiE Conned of �NNee rommenn m�C M hpd 6y memWrs d IAese Cm.rxa,wrWCOmmxeea�eo,M, Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Media Image Coalition 1991 UCLA - Extension p Mental Illness Awareness (oal 1989 1992 Calif, Coalition for /95 present Mental Health* Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE(DEGREE Culver - Stockton COIlegey College Canton MO Enalish UCLA - Extension p Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Psychology of Music, Art World of the REnaiananre - 17CTA Rxtanejnyy Other Pertinent Skllb, Experience or Interests Microsoft Word for Windows; copmtunity education, public speaking hi<r,— nthropolo€ Pbas a reoeree form and complete PART II C 3o r shard ''U 3rrr—Er3 (ere) Aid 85tE0 56/O E /90 VTTT —ETV £TE City of Bt Be{mdo AppUcotimto CCBs PARr11 Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below usap additional sheets if necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? As a reader. writer, researcher and life -long learner. I know the value of a good library to all residents and its part of the educational system, both formal and informal. 2 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying tog To see that the diverse interests of the library patrons are met,to increase patronage and the use of the library as a center for related activities. To develop fundraising plans to cover hudaetarry ahortf tta and /or aervice enhancements. 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? Conduct periodic surveys of patrons` opinions, needs; review circulation. Coordinate with local schools. Develop potential funding raising projects (including public relations) to raise funds and interest new patrons. 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? No 5 Other comments As a life -long library patron -- both personally and as a communications specialist -- I would bring a level of expertise that I think benefit the continuing growth of the El Segundo Library and increase its value to the town. 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other then family members) Ann Stone, Mental Health Assoc., 1336 Wilshire, Blvd., LA 213/413 -1130 Name Address Phone 310/550 -1000 Zara Buggs Taylor, Writers Guild,8955 Beverly Blvd., W. Hollywood 90048 Name Address Phone Hazel Seamon, 390 Hargrave St., Inglewood, CA 90302 Name Address 310/673 -8821 Phone 7 Do you plan to attend the Council intervl w? (ro be set after deadline) Yes_ No r %, Signature � .� .1 4 tl � Gr L %Lf t- Date — 3o r o6eg v PITT -6rP (err) Kir esteo 56/06/90 PUT —£17 £SZ I ) � LtRK 1,111"vo, (,A, iF I / APPLICATION to Commissionsy/CommitteesBoards Name Thomas G. Coonan (First) (Middle) (Last) Address E1 Segundo El S 22- Name and Address of Employer retired from Chevron Refinery, March 199 employed as a Chemical Engineer Present Occupation retired If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years37 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membei?Yes_ No X it Yes, name the CommtssionlCommittee /Board Term Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es) • Capdal Improvement Program Advisory Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee • Economic Development Advisory Council • Investment Advisory Committee Library Board of Trustees Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board 0 Nome Abatement Committee D Planning Commission O Recreation & Parks Commission O Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board O Wail of Honor Committee O Other NOTE Conaior of interest satements must be fde by members of Mesa Commissions/CommideesrBoords Communitv Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD S American Little League 1969 1975 President ES Babe R th Board 1976 1978 Vice-President Boy Scout Troop 773 Cm y 1981 1986 Awards Chairman Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE Univ. of Notre Dame Chemical Eng neer BS ChE 1956 Kr rhF. 1!357 Additional Pertinent Courses or Training UCLA Process Computer Training Chevron Credit Union Board Of Directors - 25 yrs Other Pertinent Skills Experence or Interests US Army Chemical Corps - retired Captain Sa Coast Air Quality Management DistrictEnvironmental Professional Please rereree firm and complete PART n 1. Reasons for Appointment: I am a strong believer that reading can open up the world to an individual, particularly to a young person. The Library has always been used by our family and has provided considerable information and enjoyment to all of us. To show my appreciation for this and help other families enjoy this facility, I wish to be considered for this Board. I have been an active member of a number of committees and boards, both at my place of employment and in El Segundo, and feel I could be an effective member of the Library Board of Trustees. 2. Objectives of the Board: A number of specific objectives and goals of the Library Board of Trustees were stated in the Notice of Vacancy. I would imagine that an overriding objective would be to assist the Library Director in providing the optimum library service to the people of El Segundo. 3. How to Achieve These Objectives: These objectives can be achieved by providing advice to the Director in areas that are appropriate and by responding to specific questions or proposals of the Director. As a citizen in the community, a Board member also can act as a representative of the Library and can receive and respond to public comments concerning this facility. city of El sesui Applicatim to CCBe PARTII Please furnish brief, written responses to the Questions below using additional sheets if necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? (see. aL-tackeo1) 2 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? Cs22 GxbtG6\'000 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? CSM 0L U Qkdned� 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? C Ste. 5 Other comments CSee G�t�Gc� eel) 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) t'tNle/KJ/IrL wt�cif r�ao rlflUrCrI14A1 I-,) C. c., iy. �sto/ 2VU—GLJ I Name Address g0d(p to Phone SLWQA(\ 1SMatl�st, *(OR t= lsaaar�fo�o)3ZZ -535 n Name Address q0L ' Phone Iza Sat I( (zo � 1 515- Lowmi�z. E � Segct'oCt0 (3t(J)32Z- 55--IT Name Address q 4. — Phone 7 Do you plan t juncll interview? (To be set after deadline) Yes �NO_ Signature 7 Date 4 ` Z7 - Q S 1 PP,Pa on ev L Because education and learning are the number one priority in our home, and because the El Segundo library plays a big role in providing quality learning opportunities in town, I would very much like to help in preserving the fine quality of the library by volunteering on the El Segundo Public Library Board of Trustees (ESPLBT) I am very familiar with the library environment as I am currently pursuing a JurisDoctor from UCLA School of Law, and frequently find myself in the library studying. My wife, who holds a Masters Degree in Communicative Disorders, comments positively on the quality of the children's book collection and is also strongly committed to helping preserve the fine quality of the Library 2 I believe the primary goals and objectives of the ESPLBT is to not only carry out its assigned duties of administration, but also to foster greater community involvement in the library. This would ensure that residents would become aware of, and take pride in the fine public library that we have. 3. I do not operate by the "law of least effort" to get the job done. I believe that the greatest contribution that any volunteer makes is "time, talents, and energy " The research skills I have developed over the years, my commitment to putting in the time necessary (as opposed to the minimum required time) to get the job done, and my general willingness to serve, will enable me to be a great asset for accomplishing the required duties. 4. I have no reservations about the ESPLBT at this time. 5. Other Comments. My wife has worked as Speech and Language Pathologist in El Segundo for the past three years, and we moved our family here about ten months ago We have two daughters, the eldest of which is in kindergarten. We were drawn to El Segundo from West Los Angeles because of the very livable environment and excellent schools. My willingness to volunteer for this board position is based upon a fundamental understanding of the necessity for community involvement, and a desire to preserve the fine quality of El Segundo living. GERARDO (GERRY ) PREC =ADO 312 Loma Vista, El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 322 -7308 EDUCATION University of California at Los Angeles, School of Law Juns Doctor - 1996 Moot Court Honors Program; Moot Court Honors Board Member; University Fellowship Award, Pacific Basin Law Journal, Staff Member. University of Houston Law Center (Summer Program 1994) Mexican Legal Studies Program - Mexico City University of California at Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts - Political Science 1993 RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE Office of the United States Trade Representative, Los Angeles, CA Intern. Assisted the U.S Delegation during the Quad Ministerial meetings held to establish preliminary GATT implementation procedures. Attended by the U.S , Japan, Canada, and the European Union Law Offices of Johnson & Poulson, Westwood, CA Office Clerk. Updated law library materials, helped prepare and file court documents. R.S. Hughes Co., Inc. (3M Distributor), Sunnyvale, CA. Salesman. Negotiated with buyers, serviced existing accounts, provided technical support for customers. SPECIALIZED TRAINING Received extensive training from both Mexican and U.S legal scholars regarding the Mexican legal system and negotiating foreign investment into Mexico in compliance with the NAFTA, the GATT, and Mexico's foreign investment laws. QUALIFICATIONS and INTERESTS Possess excellent communication and organizational skills Languages: Fluent in Spanish. Proficient on WordPerfect, and trained on LEXIS and WESTLAW research networks Interests include my family, politics and sports. Avid basketball and softball player VOLUNTEER WORK Adult leader with the Boy Scouts of America; American Red Cross Volunteer; Missionary to the Navajo, Hopi, Apache and Zuni Nations (4/85 - 4/87); Volunteer on several political campaigns; Various church leadership positions RECEIVED LiAI - 519S5 Name Antnnin .l �nan) MpnAp� (First) (Middle) (Last) Address 408 Standard Street Reselr3r8j 640 -0497 Bus f310)640-0497 Name and Address of Employer Mendez R &D Associates ( Sole Proprietor) 408 Standard Street Present Occupation Ent re,prenpur / Con s u It ant you area Resident of El Segundo, hour many yeah 6__ Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commssloner/Committes or Board membeRYes_ No]_ It Yes, name the CommlearonlCommi tee /Board Term. Please indicate the Committee (s)/Ciommission(s)/Bcard(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate a Capital Improvement Program Advisory Commitee e o El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee D Xo Economic Development Advisory Council 0 o Investment Advisory Committee o • Library Board of Trustees u • Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board o NOTE cwvl.x of i0t a ftbim M � a m.a by � of Community Service Experience Noise Abatement Commihoe Planning Commission Recreation 6 Parks Commission Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Wag of Honor Committee Other. ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Institute of-EI-ectr1ral 1989 1991 �A ChaRtpr Ch and Electronic Engine s 1991 1993 to Monica Bay Sect Chair Education Committee Chair SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE/DEGREE University of Southern California Physics 1968 Ph.D. Additional Payment Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests, Pore reverse form and demplabs PARrH in City Oran aesmdo Application b CCBa PARrIl Please furnish brief, written responses to the Questions below using additional sheets If necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission/Commdtee/Board you are applying to? How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? s- - -- - s -- _o= 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Name Address on P e Melih Sindel Pacific Palisades Name Address (213)293 -3001 Phone Dr_ Wm_ Ruf^_hman WeatcheiRter i,31,0)645-15SD9 Name Address Phone 7 Do you plea to attend the Council interview? (To be set after deadline), yes R No_ SI nature g l�yt -tom Date-May 10, 1995 Name Daniel seneIseD MAYOR'S OFFICE T .. . . r er ar - .r ..: • ar er :.. .: James (First) (Middle) (Last) Address Telephone #s Residence 501 Center Street, #14 Res. 310 -414 -0811 Bus: Mailing Fax- Name and Address of Employer TEE WALL STREET JOURNAL 6500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1400, Los Angeles. CA 90048 Present Occupation Advertising A.E. It you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years _4_ Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commn saner/Committee or Board memberlYes_ No X If yes, name the Commissan/Commttee /Board Term. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Please indicate the Committee (syCommission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate boxes) a C plisl Improvement Program Advisory Committee a El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee 11 Economic Development Advisory Council a Investment Advisory Commtuae a Library Board of Trustees a Nolo* Abalamant Commerce D Planning Commission a Recreation 6 Parks Commission a Senior Citisan Housing Corporation Boars! a Wall of Honor Committee a Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board a Other NOTE ow" ae ,K em~ft me to filed by maroon a views Cwwr"w%Cwftftft"Mowd& Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATEIDEGREE LMU En Bus --1281-19-85 Additional Pertinent Courses or Treming Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests Pore ee.aes ttrm mod oomplds PARTII 1 a city of BI agondo Applsvtien b CCas PART II Please furnish brief, written responses to the quesbons below using additional sheets If necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? I am confident that my advertising experience vith The hall Street Journal would be an asset to the council. My areas of expertise would include marketing, advertising and research. 2 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission/Committee/Board you are applying to? To develop a business attitude for the City of E1 Segundo that foctern cooperation and innovation in an effort to return the city to its former prominence as a technology center. 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? I think that it is tantamount to show potential new businesses how the City of E1 Segundo is a forward thinking and technologically advanced community. (establish a citywide server) 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Commiftee/Board? None. Other comments Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Mr. Christopher Moscicki - 1630 Highland, 818 - 956 -8320 Name Address Phone Mr. Jim Marak - 361 Main Street, E.S. 310 - 322 -1900 Name Address Phone Mr. Joe Sturman- 501 Center Street. E.S. 310 - 322 -6430 Name Address Phone o Signature to attend the 909ncil interview? (To be set after deadline) Yesg No f