1995 JUNE 06 CC PACKET-3EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:June 6,1995 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING:Consent Calendar Annanf rinno4Qn bnm P S2agnnrin Tannic Rlnh AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request to accept donation of $1,694 from the El Segundo Tennis Club designated for the resurfacing of Tennis Court #t4 at Recreation Park Accept donation BRIF11- SUMMARY: The El Segundo Tennis Club donates annually to the Recreation and Parks Department toward the refurbishment, upgrading and maintenance of the Tennis court areas and /or equipment Donations are given in appreciation of the positive, long standing relationship between the Department and the Tennis Club The Club is co- sponsored by the department and maintains regular court reservations at the Park for it's members Donations reflect their appreciation The Recreation and Parks Commission accepted this donation at their May 17 meeting none FISCAL IMPACT: Yes (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requestedmone Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: 108 -300 -0000 -3893 APPROVED BY* Jim Fauk, ion and Parks Director Morrison, City 3e 101415- i EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 6,1995 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request Council approval to provide training for one Guaymas police officer and one Guaymas firefighter for a period of approximately three weeks RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve participation with the El Segundo Sister City Association in providing public safety training to one Guaymas police officer and one firefighter, from approximately July 10th to July 30th, 1995. BRIEF SUMMARY Forthe past several years, the Police and Fire Departments have hosted one Guaymas police officer and one firefighter for training purposes for several weeks, prior to the annual official visit of Sister City members. In an effort to continue what has become a very popular and successful program, it is recommended that these two members be trained in El Segundo by our respective safety services This program fosters better relationships between the cities and greatly benefits the trainees and their departments by teaching them the latest in law enforcement and fire service techniques As in the past, this program exposes both individuals to some of the most advanced training currently being applied in the safety services By providing this training we will be assisting the people of Guaymas with these new procedures as well as broadening the perspective and understanding of our own personnel. It is anticipated that their stay in the City of El Segundo will be scheduled for approximately July 10 through July 30, 1995. Housing will be arranged for both within the Fire Department The Police and Fire Associations and the Sister City Association have graciously offered to pay a portion of their expenses, such as air fare and sustenance expenses. Incidentals and uniforms will be provided, as required, from existing Police and Fire Training budgets. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: 0 Project/Account Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required -Yes_ No X nolr_IAI ArCn. 209 Tb-m-1 � t EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: June 6,1995 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Proposed contract renewal with the Los Angeles Southern California Humane Society to provide animal control and shelter service for the City of El Segundo at a cost of $42,692 per year for two years. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve contract. BRIEF SUMMARY: Fees for services provided by the Southern California Humane Society have been modified from year to year by written amendments to a contract last formalized in 1983. This year, the Humane Society has submitted a formal contract proposed to coverthe two -year period of July 1, 1995 to June 30,1997. This contract calls for a monthly service fee of $3,500 (Three thousand five hundred dollars). Total annual cost would be $42,000, billed quarterly. In addition, the cost of printing and purchasing license tags will be billed to the City at actual cost, estimated at approximately $692. This amount has been requested in the 1995196 operating budget. This contract reflects an increase of $6,100 per year. The agency maintains an animal shelter facility at 12910 Yukon Avenue, Hawthorne. The proposed scope of services provided will remain the same and include enforcement of all City ordinance and laws of the State of California within City limits relative to the keeping, harboring and disposition of animals, 24 -hour telephone service, response for injured or dead animal pickup, animal impoundments, and investigation of animal cruelty complaints. The contract has been reviewed by the City Attorney who has recommended approval as to form. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Proposed agreement between the City of El Segundo and the Southern California Humane Society. Copy of Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the City as an additional insured and as certificate holder. FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget:_ Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: $42.692 Project/Account Budget- Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number: 001 -400- 3101 -6271 Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes— No_ ^01�11.1 AVOM. 210 CONTRACT Z3 94 CITY OF EL' SEGUNDO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HUMANE SOCIETY TO PROVIDE ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO JULY I, 1995 -JUNE 30, 1997 This agreement is entered into on this I st day of July, 1995 by and between the City of El Segundo, a Municipal Corporation, whose address is 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the Southern California Humane Society a Corporation whose address is 5026 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90016, heremaltei reterred to as the Agency This contract supersedes, replaces, and revokes any and all prior contracts between the Agency and the City Additionally, this contract contains the entire understanding between the parties Any modifications to this documentation must be in writing and executed by both parties RECITALS A, The City requires animal control services due to the number of animals present within the City B The Agency is possessed of the skills requisite and necessary to furnish animal control services for the City and the City desires to contract with the Agency to provide the same NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the performance by the parties of the stipulations herein contained, the parties agree as follows 1. Service. A The agency agrees to serve as the Director of Animal Control for the City in accordance with applicable ordinances of the City and laws of the State of California The Agency agrees to furnish an animal shelter to be located at 12910 Yukon Avenue in the City of Hawthorne, California, and to maintain the said animal shelter throughout the term of this agreement B The Agency shall enforce all City ordinances and laws of the State of California within the City limits relative to the keeping, harboring and disposition of animals These duties shall include The investigation of animal cruelty complaints brought to the Agency's attention by City personnel b Pickup and impounding of animals at any time upon the requests of authorized representatives of the City C Maintenance of prompt pickup service for injured animals and reasonable pickup service of not more than twenty-four (24) hours for dead animals 211 -PT) a -z CONTRACT, 2-3 94 Issuance of license tags and license receipts The agency shall provide to the City on a mon[t.hlyOF EI $EGUNDQ basis a report of the number of such license issued, including identification numbers and fees collected The agency shall advise the City Manager on a monthly basis of all dog license fees collected In addition the agency shall keep such books and records in such a form and manner as may be required by generally accepted accounting practices, and such books and records shall be opened to audit and examination by the City or its authorized representatives e Perform such duties relative to the control, regulation and protection of animals within the City as directed from time to time by the City manager or his authorized representatives f Maintain a telephone number which will be answered twenty -four (24) Hours a day, seven days a week g Maintain a record of all field services and furnish the City manager upon request with a written record of service The information, along with a report on the operation of the Agency, shall be furnished to the City Manger upon request h The Agency shall cooperate with the City Manager in public relation and communication efforts within the City i Field Service shall be available on a twenty -four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week basis Night calls, between 5 PM and 7 30 AM shall be of an emergency nature only 2. Compensation. The cost of providing animal control services outlined in this contract is Thirty Five Hundred ($3500) dollars for each month of service up to forty (40) hours of monthly service, beginning with July I, 1995 Hours incurred in the City of excess of 40 hours shall be billed at $70 per hour In addition the cost of printing and purchasing License Tags will be billed to the City at the actual cost incurred by the Agency 3. Collection of Fees. The Agency will bill on a quarterly basis for the cost of providing animal control service The license moneys that are collected by the agency will be retained by the Agency 100% and be used to offset the cost of providing animal control services which are outlined above The bill will be calculated as follows $10 500 will be billed quarterly with any license moneys collected to date subtracted from the bill 4. Term. This agreement will commence on July I, 1995 and terminate June 30, 1997, unless sooner terminated as provided for thereafter, and may be extended or amended by mutual written consent of the parties herein 5. Indemnification. The agency agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its Council members, its officers and employees, from and against all claims and demands whatsoever arising out of or connected with this Agreement 6. Insurance. During the term of this Agreement the Agency shall maintain policies of general liability, automobile and worker's compensation insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) each insuring the Agency against liability arising out of or connected with the Agency's performance of this Agreement Such policy shall name the City, its officers and employees as additionally insured and shall provide that it shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days written notice to the City and be in form approved by the City Attorney 7. Compliance with Laws. The Agency agrees to abide by all local and state laws governing its operations 212 Pa -IL -3 CONTRACT) 23 94 8. Independent Contractor. The Agency is and shall at all times remain as to the City CITY OF Fl 3F61M, wholly independent contractor Neither the City nor any of its officers employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of the Agency or any of the Agency s officers employees or agents, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement The Agency shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City No employee benefits shall be available to Agency in connection with the performance of this agreement Except as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Agency for performing services hereunder for City City shall not be liable for compensation of or indemnification to Agency for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder 9 Termination. This agreement may be terminated at any time by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice 10. Entire Agreement. The text herein shall constitute the entire Agreement between the parties IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written City of El Segundo By Mayor Attest By Deputy City Clerk Southern California uma S'C ciety By /t C Madeline Bemstem, xecutive Director ttes B Jul n Rooke, CFO � � n '► 1 ACORD.e CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE D0ATE 2/14/95Y) PRODUCER THIS CER_TIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION I 'ABI SPECIAL RISK ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE j AMERICAN BUSINESS INSURANCE BROKERS HOLDE LOS ANGELES, INC '--- 15760 VENTURA BLVD , SUITE 1400 ENCINO, CA 91436 -3007 COMPANY (818) 377 -38 00 A )INSURED -- _ COMPANY LOS ANGELES SOCIETY FOR THE B PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS AND THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HUMANE SOCIETY 5026 JEFFERSON BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES CA 90016 __ COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE__ 'GREAT AMERICAN NORTHBROOK PROPERTY & CASUALTY INS CO COMPANY C CALIFORNIA COMPENSATION COMPANY D COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE OR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS I EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS I_ _ CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTA DATE (MM /DD/YY) DATE IMWDO/YY) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 1,0001000_ X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS_C_OMP /OP AGO S 1,000,000_ A CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR PAC 21623670 02/10/95 02/10/96 PERSONAL &ACV INJURY $ 1,000,000 X OWNERS& CONTRACTORS PROT EACH OCCURRENCE_ f 1,000,000 EMPLOYERS LIABILITY FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $ 50_,00_0_ C THE PROPRIETOR INCL W 949110989 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 5 000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 1,000,000 OFFICERS ARE EXCL COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT f 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO _ _ B X ALL OWNED AUTOS CA 0669210 02/10/95 02/10/96 BODILY INJURY X SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X NON OWNED AUTOS (Per accpaenC $ - - — ' -- - _ - - -- PROPERTY DAMAGE S GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT S ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY EACH ACCIDENT $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCUR -PENCE _ __ $__ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE _ _ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND X WC STATU 0TH TORY LIMIT$_ EMPLOYERS LIABILITY __Ep_ EL EACHACCIDENT _ $ 1,000,000 C THE PROPRIETOR INCL W 949110989 09/30/94 09/30/95 E_LDISEASE_POLOYLIMIT S 1,000,000 PARTNERS /EXECUTIVE - 1,000,000 OFFICERS ARE EXCL EL DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE 4 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS ALL CALIFORNIA OPERATIONS OF THE NAMED INSURED ADDITIONAL INSURED CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES 30 DAYS NOTICE VIA CERTIFIED MAIL CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION '10 DAYS FOR NONPAYMENT OF PREMIUM SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED B��[[EFFvOvRRE THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL EIOISEI(M� AYMAIL ATTN CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 30' 350 MAIN STREET DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 _ox"X24*xx6NXx4xA RXXxxxXdfL%(rXYGI )uikllcXNNdfd( x AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 7RICAN W6 NE66JNSURANCE M0KM6 LGS AN0E1E6 INC / / �� JAMES A FELCH ACORD 25 -S (1/95) -L\+. l,C•IL �w AACORD CORPORATION 1988 214 EL SEGUNDO CITY FOUNCIL \ MEETING DATE: June 6, 1995 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT ` I AGENDA HEADING: New Business -City Manager AGENDA 15ESCRIPMW J Donation by Northrop Grumman Corporation of $100 to the City of El Segundo honoring the volunteer efforts of A J Paz in the community Council to determine how the City should use the donation and acknowledge the contribution Northrop Grumman Corporation each year donates money to various agencies or organizations in recognition and support of employees who perform volunteer work in the community This year as they did last year, Northrop Grumman Corporation donated $100 to the City of El Segundo in honor of the work done by A J Paz Last year, Mr Paz asked that children's books be purchased by the Library This year, Mr Paz has instructed that the donation be put to good use with no restriction on how it should be allocated Photocopy of check from Northrop Grumman for $100 and enclosed note from A J Paz FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Capital Improv. Budget: Amount Requested: ProjecNAccount Budget: Project/Account Balance: Date: Account Number. Project Phase: James City Manager - Yes No 215 THE BACK OF THIS CHECK CONTAINS A NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION FACSIMILE WATERMARK • CAN BE SEEN AT AN ANGLE CHASE MANHATTAN BANKF N.A. r r Century PaM East SYRACUSE. NEW YORK 213 os nqe es, ornia DATE CHECK NO. NET AMOUNT i PAY 04/25/95 00066722 * * * * ** *100.00 VOID AFTER SIX MONTHS ONE HUNDRED AND 00 /100 DOLLARS TO THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ORDER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE AS TANT TREASURER IV 350 MAIN STREET NVMROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 11.06672211' 1:0213093791: 601m,r2@@13L0L21r % , , , / 216 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 6/6/95 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: City Manager - New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: A Resolution of the City Council fixing water rates and approving the increase of the amount of Adjusted Gross Income for eligibility for Water Lifeline Rates. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Discussion. 2. Read by title only. 3. Adopt Resolution. BRIEF SUMMARY: On 6/21/94, the City Council approved a Reclaimed and Potable Water Rate Study which established a financial strategy for the City's Water Enterprise. The study recommended a water structure for FY 1994 -95 and a process for evaluation of future year adjustments. Based on 4/30/95 financial information, Staff is projecting the available fund reserve at the end of the fiscal year to be $2,034,451 (see attached spread sheet). This is slightly less than the $2,217,417 indicated in the approved study. The decrease is due primarily because of decreased water sales and the completion of previously approved capital projects. The original water rate study assumed future cost of water increases to be 10% for FY 95 -96 and 6% per year thereafter. This last year the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) implemented a new Integrated Resources Planning Program. The program is designed to make water rates more predictable. The way they accomplished this was by removing from the cost of water some of the more volatile charges such as capital costs and collecting the necessary funds through additional charges. The result of the new structure is as follows: continued on next page.... ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Sources and Application of Funds - Water Enterprise. 2. Resolution. FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Project /Account Budget: Project /Account Balance: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: _Capital Improvement Budget: Yes _ No - 1 of 3 - Date: ite: J�/-t o/1 Date: PW- CON.436 217 BRIEF SUMMARY: (continued) Non - Interuptable Water Charge ($ per acre -foot) Readiness to Serve Charge ($ per acre -foot) West Basin Surcharge ($ per acre -foot) MWD/West Basin Meter Charge (fixed cost per month) Total Cost to El Segundo ($ per acre foot) % Increase 1994195 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998199 1999/00 (eslsting) (adopted) (projected) (projected) (projected) (projected) 414 426 446 463 476 488 51 22 W 434 40 49 67 79 97 35 35 35 40 45 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 501 530 565 595 625 15.4% 58% 66% 53% 5.0% The new program includes a substantial new demand charge for agencies increasing water purchases from MWD. However, with the conversion of significant amounts of potable to reclaimed water, it is anticipated that the new demand charge will not apply in our area. As can be seen in the above table, the Water Enterprise will be experiencing a higher than anticipated cost increase in 1995/96, but thereafter the increases are similar to what was expected. In addition, also included in the new rate structure is the elimination of the MWD parcel charge which is collected on property tax bills. The result is a savings to E1 Segundo homeowners of $15 per year, which is equal to a decrease of approximately 6% of a typical residential monthly water bill. In order to achieve an adequate fund reserve, the water rate study forecasted rate adjustments of: • a ten percent increase effective July 1, 1995 • a ten percent increase effective July 1, 1996 • a eight percent increase effective July 1, 1997 and a a eight percent increase effective July 1, 1998 Due to a shift from potable to reclaimed water by several of our largest water users, reductions in water capital improvements, and reduced staffing, Staff feels we can absorb next year's large increase without deviating from the plan proposed by the study. A survey of the surrounding communities indicates that even after the proposed 10% water rate increase, E1 Segundo still provides water to its customers at the lowest cost in the area. — 2 of 3 — 218 BRIEF SUMMARY: (continued) • Average residential customer assumed to include 3/4" meter and consumption of 15 ccf per month. As stated earlier, the new MWD -West Basin rate structure eliminates the annual $15 per lot residential lot charge. Combining the proposed 10% water rate increase with the $1.25 per month savings for the discontinued lot charge, the net change to the typical residential water customer is an increase of 2.5 %. Also included in the proposed water rate resolution, is an adjustment to the income limits for Water Lifeline Rates. Staff compared the existing limits to the federally approved Very Low Income limits for Los Angeles County and found our limits substantially below the County limits. We are proposing to raise the City's limits to equal the limits for the County. The existing and proposed income limits are as follows: Maximum Adjusted Gross Annual Income for Lifeline Eligibility Total Bill ea. add. Monthly to Average 2 Persons 3 Persons Residential Residential Utility /Community Commodity Meter Customer " $21,500 Rate per ccf Charge City of Inglewood 221 743 4058 S C Water Company/Hawthorne 1303 970 2925 City of Los Angeles 1774 -0- 2661 City of Manhattan Beach 1 129 891 2133 City of Hawthorne 1.21 550 1891 City of El Segundo (proposed) 11356 132 1835 City of El Segundo (existing) 10324 120 1669 • Average residential customer assumed to include 3/4" meter and consumption of 15 ccf per month. As stated earlier, the new MWD -West Basin rate structure eliminates the annual $15 per lot residential lot charge. Combining the proposed 10% water rate increase with the $1.25 per month savings for the discontinued lot charge, the net change to the typical residential water customer is an increase of 2.5 %. Also included in the proposed water rate resolution, is an adjustment to the income limits for Water Lifeline Rates. Staff compared the existing limits to the federally approved Very Low Income limits for Los Angeles County and found our limits substantially below the County limits. We are proposing to raise the City's limits to equal the limits for the County. The existing and proposed income limits are as follows: Maximum Adjusted Gross Annual Income for Lifeline Eligibility Staff recommends the City Council adopt the resolution. - 3 of 3 - PW -CON 436 (5/25/95) 219 ea. add. Household Size 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons person Adj. Gross Inc. $15,300 $15,300 $17,900 $21,500 add (existing) $3,600 Adj. Gross Inc. $17,950 $20,500 $23,100 $25,650 add (proposed) $2,050 Staff recommends the City Council adopt the resolution. - 3 of 3 - PW -CON 436 (5/25/95) 219 'O N t0 E N U cc U N N d N 3 N E c0 U d w .. O 0 In a c E LL N � N U L O LO z 220 F- 025 O25� o Mo nv S a U po la r v 8 r N N 8^ ono � m v N r N ao U W D: p� O O O O N (6 0 � aR LL a r 8 N m a m � N 8 f7 N � �p _ r l7 N W w Q! O al O N N O LL S 8 8 Np aR p a U U V N h o O o M ap tD vn Ka) O 01 O N N Z M 0 LL O �p 85� 85� 8y� 85� p N O N O O O N V Q 88 Q O O O pp�� N N O p S Q H Z U n P4 r V 8 (7T N ('� U N N U O !") 8 m 10 �7 O fD " cv U r CN (e O U fp O W cr 000 0 O Q1 O tV lV F- Q O LL U CL i. (O O N O 0 0 O L O O OqD_ f� a W� m a F- U N N -T N e O fh � U M Z Q W al O U O N cV N W O LL Od ppp 88 88 88 88 QQ�� S W O N O O O� OOD_ al 8 8 8 O O V p O p O N m 5 R 8 1- 8 2 � g �� o LL E o o ai o Cf cli N U Lll W � y F z a w W 5 co a U V) U U w z m z °z nXX'0zaLL U w a ui cn w U w a wF-=i mo O w Q y O j D V) w Z aD LL U) O U m P w Z 0 W Z W Z m N g U nw. w Z D LL 7 O p Z z a> z z F- U z o z m O g W LJ z a a w w¢ z z U u, O O LL U a Z O O W D_ z U D w LL Q Z w z Q Oz V LL w_> g U 0 U a g W v z p w it m 0 a U ? z> w U H ¢ w z O w w w w W w w O O << m F w a Z i- p a a0 W I-- W O _U Q w F- W J K U 0 w Q U. F- O U? g w U al Q Z W Q 4 O 0= cn ° a d a o a Q Z a Z d' i 'O N t0 E N U cc U N N d N 3 N E c0 U d w .. O 0 In a c E LL N � N U L O LO z 220 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING AND ESTABLISHING RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN SAID CITY AND INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME FOR ELIGIBIUTY FOR WATER LIFELINE RATES AND RESCINDING RESOLUTIONS NO. 3876 AND 3828 AND ALL OTHER RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, Chapter 14 04 of the "El Segundo Municipal Code" fixes, adopts, and establishes the rules and regulations for the service of water from the waterworks system of the City, and WHEREAS, Section 14 04 060 of said Chapter 14.04 of the "El Segundo Municipal Code" authorizes the rates and charges for water service to be fixed and established by resolution, and WHEREAS, on 6/21/94 Resolution No. 3876 was adopted which increased water rates for the City Water Enterprise Fund, and on 8/19/93 Resolution 3828 was adopted, which increased the amount of adiusted gross income for eligibility of disabled and low income persons for reduced water lifeline rates WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo is desirous of complying with both the letter and the intent of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and placing the City Water Utility System on a business basis, thereby preventing the City general taxpayer from having to subsidize said System without receiving equal benefit therefrom, and WHEREAS, the City Council also is desirous of assuring the long term financial and physical viability of the said City Water Utility System and, further, of assuring the egwtability of rates as between vanous categories of users connected to and using water from said City Water Utility System, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF WATER RATE SCHEDULES. A. Basic monthly readiness - to-serve charge: Monthly Readiness- Meter Size to -Serve Chame 5/8" x 3/4" meter $ 1.32 3/4" meter . . . . . . . . . .... . $ 1.32 1" meter........ . . . ........... $ 10.56 1 -1/2" meter. ..... ... . . ........... $ 14.52 2" meter ...... . . ................ $ 18.48 3" meter ..... $ 31 68 4" meter . ...... ............ $ 48.84 6" meter . . . .... . . . . . .... $ 93.72 8" meter. $132.00 10" meter .. $21120 12" meter... $30360 16" meter . ...... $528.00 20" meter.. ...... $81840 Additional charges for water consumed per month are: For first 2,000 cubic feet or 56 cubic meters of water used. $1 1356 per 100 cubic feet or $0 4010 per cubic meter For next 3,000 cubic feet or 85 cubic meters of water used. $1.2493 per 100 cubic feet or $0.4412 per cubic meter For next 5,000 cubic feet or 142 cubic meters of water used $1 3118 per 100 cubic feet or $0 4632 per cubic meter 221 1 For monthly consumption over 10,000 cubic feet or 283 cubic meters $1.3745 per 100 feet or $0.4852 per cubic meter For reclaimed water. The rate charged by West Basin Municipal Water District, plus $0 3056 per 100 cubic feet or $0 1079 per cubic meter. B. Basic bi- monthly readiness -to -serve charge. BI-Monthly Readiness- Meter Size to -Serve Charge 5/8" x 3/4" meter . 3/4" meter ............. ...... ... 1" meter.... ........ . 1 -1/2" meter ..... ....... ... .. . . 2" meter . . .. ... . ...... . 3" meter 4" meter . . . . . . . . ..... . 6" meter ......... ....... . 8" meter . .. ... ..... . 10" meter .................... . . 12" meter . . ................. .. . 16" meter . .. ................ 20" meter. .. ....... Additional charges for water consumed per two month period are For first 4,000 cubic feet or 112 cubic meters water used $1 1356 per 100 cubic feet or $0 4010 per cubic meter. For next 6,000 cubic feet or 170 cubic meters of water used- $1.2493 per 100 cubic feet or $0 4412 per cubic meter. For next 10,000 cubic feet or 284 cubic meters of water used $13118 per 100 cubic feet or $0 4632 per cubic meter. $ 2.64 $ 264 $ 21.12 $ 29.04 $ 3696 $ 6336 $ 97.68 $ 187 44 $ 264.00 $ 422 40 $ 607.20 $105600 $1636.80 For monthly consumption over 20,000 cubic feet or 566 cubic meters: $13745 per 100 feet or $0 4852 per cubic meter. For reclaimed water The rate charged by West Basin Municipal Water District, plus $0.3056 per 100 cubic feet or $0 1079 per cubic meters. Where two or more meters are installed in a battery or manifold the service connection size shall be used for computing the readiness -to -serve charge and the consumption charges shall be based on the combined total consumption indicated by all the readings of all meters in the battery or manifold. SECTION 2 WATER LIFELINE SERVICE. A. Water Lifeline Rate. Where the customer has properly qualified for lifeline rates pursuant to Section 2 -B of this Resolution, the bi- monthly readiness -to -serve charge shall be Meter Size 5/8" x 3/4" meter 3/4" meter... . . . . . 1" meter ... ............................... BI- Monthly Readiness- to -Serve Charge $ 1.32 $ 132 $10.56 In addition, there is a water consumption charge of $0.5678 per 100 cubic feet or $0.2005 per cubic meter for all water consumed up to 1,000 cubic feet or 28 cubic meters. For water consumed in excess of 1,000 cubic feet or 28 cubic meters bi- monthly, additional charges will be made in accordance with Section 1 -B of this Resolution. B. Water Lifeline Rate - Application The water lifeline rate shall be made available to any resident, upon application for such discount, who meets the following requirements (1) Applicant must be a resident and user of the water service at the address specified on the application and service must be in the name of the applicant, k�' 222 F (2) Applicant must be a) permanently disabled, or b) applicant and all members of the household in which applicant resides must have had, for the prior calendar year, a 'combined adjusted gross income" (as that term is used under the California personal income tax law), which shall not exceed the amounts set in the following table- Maximum Adjusted Gross Annual Income for lifeline Eligibility A person shall be deemed permanently disabled if the person receives permanent disability insurance from the U.S Social Security Administration, holds a valid certificate from the Department of Motor Vehicles indicating a handicap, or furnishes a statement signed by a licensed physician attesting to the permanent disability, (3) The water meter must be for residential use and shall be limited to one inch or smaller size, (4) Applications for lifeline rates shall be renewed on an annual basis Renewal applications shall be accepted by the Director of Finance from April 1 through April 30 of each year SECTION 3. MONTHLY FIRE SERVICE CHARGE. Fire service connections shall be billed the following 2" meter $ 18.95 3" ea. add Household Size 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons person 6" meter.... $ 56.85 8" add Adt Gross Inc $17,950 $20,500 $23,100 $25,650 $2,050 A person shall be deemed permanently disabled if the person receives permanent disability insurance from the U.S Social Security Administration, holds a valid certificate from the Department of Motor Vehicles indicating a handicap, or furnishes a statement signed by a licensed physician attesting to the permanent disability, (3) The water meter must be for residential use and shall be limited to one inch or smaller size, (4) Applications for lifeline rates shall be renewed on an annual basis Renewal applications shall be accepted by the Director of Finance from April 1 through April 30 of each year SECTION 3. MONTHLY FIRE SERVICE CHARGE. Fire service connections shall be billed the following 2" meter $ 18.95 3" meter. .... $ 2842 4" meter.. . . . $ 37.91 6" meter.... $ 56.85 8" meter. ...... $ 7580 10" meter .. .... $ 9475 SECTION 4. CONSTRUCTION WATER RATES. Construction water rates shall be as follows A. Water used on construction jobs shall be metered and the cost shall be one and one - half times that set forth under the general rates cost, B. Upon application for service a charge of sixty -four dollars ($64 00) shall be made for the initial meter installation and an additional charge of thirty -two dollars ($32 00) shall be made for each meter relocation, C. A returnable deposit of three hundred forty five dollars ($345.00) for each meter must be made upon application for service, which deposit shall secure the payment to the City of any damage suffered and of charges for water served and which has not otherwise been paid SECTIONS. UNMETERED WATER RATES. For water use through an unmetered City fire hydrant, a charge shall be made to cover the cost of the water used and other related expenses of the City Water System The charge shall be sixty -four dollars ($64.00) for turning the hydrant on and off and for the first ten minutes of flow. An additional charge of $2 41 shall be made for each minute after the initial ten minutes Any use of water from a fire hydrant other than by the City shall be subject to the foregoing charge SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall become effective July 1, 1995, provided however, that the initial rate schedule set out in Section 1 hereof shall apply to all water bills issued on or after July 1, 1995 for consumption penods beginning on July 1, 1995 or later 223 SECTION 7. REPEALER. All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, including Resolutions No. 3876 and 3828, in conflict in whole or in part herewith are hereby repealed SECTION 8. CERTIFICATION. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of June , 1995. ATTESTED: Cindy Mortesen City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ( C- /C 1-bland Dolley City Attorney 4 Carl Jacobson, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California 224 PWASO 438 (SQ5W) EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 6, 1995 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: City Clerk, New Business Resolution establishing a policy regarding the retention of audiotaped records of City Council Meetings Discussion Read by title only Adopt resolution Per Council's direction at the May 16, 1995 meeting, a Resolution has been prepared, ready for adoption by the Council, setting policy for the retention of audio tapes 1 Resolution establishing policy regarding audiotapes 2 Resolution 3707 establishing policy regarding videotapes Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Date: James W Morrison, City Manager ACTION TAKEN: 2 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING A POLICY REGARDING RETENTION OF AUDIOTAPED RECORDS OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS. WHEREAS, the City Council meetings for the City of El Segundo are presently being audiotaped on a regular basis, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to adopt a policy which permits the retention of audiotaped records of City Council meetings and insures that these audio tapes are available to the public THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following policy regarding audiotaped records of City Council meetings is hereby adopted A Permanently recorded meetings All regularly scheduled meetings 2 Any meetings designated for permanent recording by the City Council B Storage 1 Official copy is to be stored in perpetuity in a secured safe approved by the City Clerk C Copies Copies may be purchased from the City Clerk's Office at an amount that does not exceed the direct costs of duplication SECTION II That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City, and shall make a minute of passage and adoption thereof then the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 6TH DAY OF JUNE , 1995 ATTESTED: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: eland C Dolley, City Attorney Carl Jacobson, Mayor City of El Segundo, California `. 226 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING A POLICY REGARDING RETENTION OF VIDEOTAPED RECORDS OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WHEREAS, the City Council meetings for the City of E1 Segundo presently being videotaped on a regular basis; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to adopt a policy which permits the retention of videotaped records of City Council meetings and insures that these video tapes are available to the public. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following policy regarding videotaped records of City Council meetings is hereby adopted: A. Permanently recorded meetings: 1. All regularly scheduled meetings. 2. Any meetings designated for permanent recording by the City Council. B. Recordings: 1. Two video tapes shall be produced; one for public viewing and one for non - viewing (official copy). C. Storage: 1. Official copy to be stored in perpetuity in a secured safe approved by the City Clerk. 2. Public viewing copy to be stored at Library for a maximum of five (5) years. D. Video Viewing: 1. Video tapes may be viewed at Library or checked out from the Library as normal reference material. E. Copies: 1. Copies may be purchased for $15.00 per tape from the Community Cable Television office. SECTION II. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof then the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6 th d y of August , 1991. YOR T CITY CLERK I. 227 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 6, 1995 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: City Clerk, New Business Resolutions calling for, requesting consolidation, and adopting regulations for Candidates' Statements for a Municipal Election, November 7, 1995 1 New Resolution calling and giving notice of the holding of a General Municipal Election. 2 New Resolution requesting consolidation with the County of Los Angeles for a Municipal Election, November 7, 1995. 3 New Resolution adopting regulations for Candidates' Statements Discussion Read resolutions by title only. Adopt resolutions The Municipal Election for Councdmembers, City Treasurer, and City Clerk is to be hell November 7, 1995. To proceed with the reulations set forth by the Government Code, these resolutions should be adopted before the opening of nominations beginning July 3, 1995 and ending August 11, 1995 (extended date August 16, 1995) Resolution calling the election Resolution requesting consolidation. Resolution adopting regulations for candidate statements FISCAL IMPACT: (Check one) Operating Budget: X Capital Improv. Budget Amount Requested: $32.370 Project/Account Budget: $32.370 Project/Account Balance: $32.370 Date: Account Number. 1302 Project Phase: Appropriation Required - Yes No X ice.. e� w iu ..:.. . Q4X urs..,ge. ACTION TAKEN: 228 Elect -2 SR RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1995, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES. WHEREAS, under the provision of the laws relating to general law cities in the State of California a General Municipal Election shall be held on November 7, 1995, for the election of Municipal Officers. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That pursuant to the requirements of the laws of California relating to General Law Cities, there is called and ordered to be held in the City of El Segundo, California, on Tuesday November 7, 1995, a General Municipal Election for the purpose of electing three Members of the City Council, City Clerk, and City Treasurer, for the full term of four years, SECTION 2. That the ballots to be used at the election shall be in form and content as required by law SECTION 3. That the City Clerk is authorized, instructed and directed to procure and furnish any and all official ballots, notices, printed matter and all supplies, equipment and paraphernalia that may be necessary in order to properly and lawfully conduct the election SECTION 4. That the polls for the election shall be open at seven o'clock A M of the day of the election and shall remain open continuously from that time until eight o'clock P M of the same day when the polls shall be closed, except as provided in Section 14301 of the Elections Code of the State of California SECTION 5. That in all particulars not recited in this resolution, the election shall be held and conducted as provided by law for holding municipal elections. SECTION 6. That notice of the time and place of holding the election is given and the City Clerk is authorized, instructed and directed to give further or additional notice of the election, in time, and manner as required by law SECTION 7. That the City Clerk shall certify to passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original Resolutions PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 1995. Carl Jacobson, Mayor ATTEST: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: C.L( C1 Attorney 229 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO CONSOLIDATE THE REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITH THE SCHOOL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE DATE PURSUANT TO SECTION 23302 OF THE ELECTION CODE. WHEREAS, it is desirable that the Municipal Election be consolidated with the School election to be held on the same date and that within the city the precincts, polling place and election officers of the two election be the same, and that the County Election Department of the County of Los Angeles, canvass the returns of the Municipal Election and that the election be held in all respects as if there were only one election; NOW, THEREFOR, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That pursuant to the requirements of Section 23302 of the Election Code, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angles is hereby requested to consent and agree to the consolidation of the Regular Municipal Election with the School election for the purpose of the election of members of the City Council, and /or Clerk and Treasurer. SECTION 2. That the County election department is authorized to canvass the returns of the Special Municipal Election. The election shall be held in all respects as if there were only one election, and only one form of ballot shall be used. SECTION 3. The Board of Supervisors is requested to issue instruction to the County election department to take any and all steps necessary for the holding of the consolidated election. SECTION 4. That the City of E1 Segundo recognizes that additional costs will be incurred by the County by reason of this consolidation and agrees to reimburse the County for any costs. SECTION S. That the City is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Board of Supervisors and the County election department of the County of Los Angeles. SECTION 6. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original Resolutions. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ON THIS , 1995. Carl Jacobson, Mayor ATTEST: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) DAY OF AP 70VED AS TO FORM �E: �� 230 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR THE ELECTIVE OFFICE PERTAINING TO CANDIDATES STATEMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1995. WHEREAS, Section 10012 of the Elections Code of the State of California provides that the governing body of any local agency adopt regulations pertaining to material prepared by any candidate for a municipal election, including costs of the candidates statement NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. That pursuant to Section 10012 of the Elections Code of the State of California, each candidate of elective office to be voted for at an Election to be held in the City of El Segundo, on November 7, 1995 may prepare a candidate's statement on an appropriate form provided by the City Clerk The statement may include the name, age, occupation of the candidate and a brief description of no more than 200 words of the candidate's education and qualifications expressed by the candidate himself or herself The statement shall not include party affiliation of the candidate, nor membership or activity in partisan political organizations The statement shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk at the time the candidate's nomination papers are filed The statement may be withdrawn, but not changed, during the period for filing nomination papers and until 5 00 P M of the next working day after the close of the nomination period SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall have translated and printed in the voters pamphlet only the candidates statements of those candidates who request translation and printing. SECTION 3. No Candidate will be permitted to include additional materials in the sample ballot package SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall estimate the total cost of printing, handling, translating and mailing the candidates statements filed pursuant to the Elections Code, and require each candidate filing a statement to pay in advance his or her pro rata share as a condition of having his or her statement included in the voters pamphlet The City Clerk shall bill each candidate for any cost in excess of the deposit or shall refund within 30 days of the election any unused portion of the deposit SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall provide each candidate or the candidates' representative a copy of this Resolution at the time the nomination petitions are issued SECTION 6. That all previous resolutions establishing Council Policy on payment of candidates' statements are repealed SECTION 7. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS DAY OF 1995. Carl Jacobson, Mayor ATTEST: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cl Attorney 231 May 23, 1995 TO Mayor and City Council FROM Councilwoman Jane Friedkm SUBJECT Agenda item for June 6, 1995 Agenda ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ agenda There are two items I would like to have placed on the June 6, 1995 1 Request to have presentation and discussion at future Council meeting regarding City preparedness for emergencies and need for public involvement and participation in emergency responses Recommendation - Direct Staff to schedule presentation. 2 Discussion regarding approved street tree list and policy regarding planting /replacement of street trees Recommendation - Discussion, direction to Staff and possible action. 232 May 26, 1995 Mr James Morrison, City Manager 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr, UGn;lsea, Jim Here are my agenda items for the 6 -6-95 7:00 PM open session of the El Segundo City Council: (1) REDUCTION IN BUSINESS LICENSE FEE LATE PENALTIES. (1) Discussion and possible action relating to reducing the business license fee late penalties from the present twenty percent per month penalty specified in E S.M.C. &D4.220. (2) SAVE MONEY BY HIRING AN IN -HOUSE CITY ATTORNEY OR PUTTING CITY ATTORNEY CONTRACT UP FOR COMPETITION FOR FIRST TIME IN MORE THAN TEN YEARS. (1) Councilman Robbins to give an oral report, (2) Discussion and possible action relating to the cost savings of hiring an in -house City Attorney or putting the City Attorney contract up for competition for the first time in more than ten years (a) Hire an in -house City Attorney to handle routine legal business, contract out specialized legal services to the best law firm at the best price, and audit legal bills, or (b) Put the legal services contract up for competition. Michael D. Robbins, Councilman City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 322 -4314, (310) 607 -2200 Councilman Robbins' WWS agenda Items Page 1 of 1 May 26, 19115 233 EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE Page 5 -10 Title 5 - BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND LICENSING mentioned at a fixed place shall keep the license conspicuously posted and exhibited in the place of business while the same is in force. Every person having the license and not having a fixed place of business shall carry or transport the license with him at all times while conducting the business. (Ord. 776). 5.04.190 RENEWAL. Every person having a license issued under the provisions of this title shall exhibit the same to the director of finance or his authorized deputy when applying for a renewal thereof, and whenever requested to do so by any police officer of the city or by any inspector or officer thereof authorized to issue or inspect licenses to collect license fees. (Ord. 776). 5.04.200 VEHICLE TAGS. In all instances in which a license is required under the provisions of this title and a vehicle is used in conducting the business, the licensee shall request and the director of finance shall furnish the licensee with a suitable license tag or plate therefor, which tag or plate shall be permanently displayed in a seven -inch square in the lower corner of the windshield farthest removed from the driver. The sum of fifty cents for the tag or plate shall be paid by the licensee. (Ord. 1054). 5.04.210 REVOCATION. All licenses issued under this title are granted and accepted by all parties receiving licenses with the express understanding that the city council may revoke the same at any time if satisfied that any of the conditions of the license or terms of this title have been violated, that the license was obtained by fraudulent representation or that the holder of the license is an unfit person to be trusted with the privileges granted by the license; provided, however, that no license shall be revoked without first giving the holder an opportunity to appear before the city council in his own behalf. On the revocation of the license no part of the money in the hands of the city shall be returned but the license fee shall be forfeited to the city. When the license of any person is revoked for any cause no new or other license shall be granted to the same person within six months from the date of the revocation. (Ord. 776). 5.04.220 PENALTIES AND INTEREST. A license for a business from other than a fixed place of business within the City is due and payable upon the first day of business activity, and delinquent thereafter. (June, 1994) 234 EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE Page 5 -11 Title 5 - BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND LICENSING A license for a new business with a fixed place of business within the City is due and payable upon the first day of business activity, and delinquent five (5) days thereafter. A license for a business previously licensed, or doing business in the City during the prior tax year from a fixed place of business, is due and payable the first day of January, and delinquent the first day of February. (a) Interest. Any person who fails to pay any tax required to be paid by this title shall pay interest at the rate of one percent (1 %) per month, or fraction thereof, on the amounts of the tax, exclusive of penalties, from the date on which the tax first became delinquent until paid. Interest shall run during any period of time for which an extension of time has been granted by the City for payment of the tax. Interest required by any of the provisions of this title shall not be subject to waiver or compromise except as the City Council may direct. Said interest shall not be compounded, but shall be on principle only. (b) Penalties. All taxes imposed by this title shall be subject to the following penalties. (1) Delinquency. Any person who fails to pay any tax, or any fraction thereof required to be paid by this title within the time required, shall pay a penalty of twenty percent (20 %) per month of the amount of the unpaid tax. Such penalty shall not exceed 100% of the tax for any calendar year for each year that the tax is unpaid. This penalty shall accrue on the first day of each calendar month for which the tax remains unpaid. (2) Fraud. If the City official administering the tax, after notice to taxpayer and hearing determines that the nonpayment of any tax due under this chapter is due to fraud, a penalty of ninety percent (90 %) of the amount of the unpaid tax shall be added thereto, in addition to any other penalties set forth in this section. Where, after notice and hearing to the taxpayer, the City determines that a corporate director, officer, or shareholder is responsible for the fraud resulting in the nonpayment of the tax of a corporation, the City may designate the tax, interest, and penalties unpaid, including the penalty provided for in this subsection due to said fraud as a personal debt of said director, officer, or shareholder. (3) Merger of Interest and Penalties. Such interest as is accrued, and every penalty imposed under the provisions (June, 1994) 235 EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE Page 5 -12 Title 5 - BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND LICENSING of this section, shall become a part of the tax required to be paid under this title. (4) Penalties on Principle. All penalties imposed hereunder shall be calculated on principle only, and shall not be compounded. (Ord. 1168). 5.04.222 CREDIT FOR PENALTIES PAID. A credit against the Business License Tax for past penalties paid shall be granted beginning with the tax due in January, 1992, to be calculated and administered as follows: (a) For The Tax Due January 1, 1992 Any taxpayer who has been assessed and has, by September 10, 1991, paid a penalty for the tax year 1989 and/or 1990 and/or 1991, shall receive a credit in a sum equal to fifty percent (50 %) of the penalty paid, to be applied against the Business License Tax due in January 1, 1992 and years thereafter. Said credit shall only be effective if the entire tax (less the credit) is paid before February 1, 1992. As provided for in (c) below the credit granted hereunder may be carried over from year to year until exhausted. (b) For Subsequent Tax Years Any taxpayer who has been assessed a penalty and paid that penalty by September 30 in the year prior to the January 1 a tax is due, may claim a credit against that tax in the amount of 50% of said penalty paid if the tax (less the credit) is paid before February 1 of the year in which the tax is due. (c) For All Tax Years City Staff shall calculate the credit granted hereunder, and reflect the amount of said credit upon tax statements mailed to taxpayers. No tax, to which the credit granted hereunder is applied, shall be reduced by said credit to less than 50% of the amount due before application of the credit, in any tax year. However, where the amount of the credit exceeds 50% of the tax due in any given year, the unused balance of the credit may be carried over to future tax years and applied to the tax then due so long as the full amount of the tax (less the credit) is paid by February 1st of the year in which the tax is due. (Ord. 1187). (June, 1994) 236 EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE Page 5 -13 Title 5 - BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND LICENSING 5.04.230 FEE TO BE DEBT TO CITY. The amount of any license fee imposed by this title shall be deemed a debt to the city, and any person commencing or conducting any business without having a license under this title so to do shall be liable to an action by the city in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of the license fee imposed by this title on the business. (Ord. 776). 5.04.240 COMPLAINTS AGAINST VIOLATORS. It is the duty of the chief of police to cause a complaint to be made against all persons violating any of the provisions of this title, and as soon as he has knowledge of the same, to deliver to the director of finance the names of all persons not paying a license whom he believes should be charged with the payment of a license fee. (Ord. 776). 5.04.250 FAILURE TO PAY FEE. The conviction and punishment of any person for commencing or conducting any business without a license as required by the provisions of this title, or without a special permit from the city council when required, shall not excuse or exempt the person from the payment of any license fee due or unpaid under this title at the time of the conviction, and nothing contained in this title shall prevent a criminal prosecution for any violation of any of the provisions of this title. (Ord. 776). 5.04.255 SMALL INCOME BUSINESSES. Upon the filing of an application for a small income business license and an affidavit stating, among other things, that the volume of contemplated business would be so small that the regular business license fee therefor would impose a hardship of unfair proportions; and upon the city council's finding and determining that the representations are true and correct, the city council may order the issuance of a small income business license which shall be for the current fiscal year, and shall be issued upon payment of a twelve dollar license fee. (Ord. 1054). 5.04.260 ENFORCEMENT. All police officers of the city and all other authorized persons shall have and exercise their power to enter, free of charge, any place of business for which a license is required and provided, and to demand the exhibition of the license for the current term from any person engaged or employed in the transaction of the business, and the person then and there shall exhibit the license. (Ord. 382). (June, 1994) 237 (2) SAVE MONEY BY HIRING AN IN -HOUSE CITY ATTORNEY OR PUTTING CITY ATTORNEY CONTRACT UP FOR COMPETITION FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MORE THAN TEN YEARS. (1) Councilman Robbins to give an oral report, (2) Discussion and possible action relating to the cost savings of hiring an in -house City Attorney or putting the City Attorney contract up for competition for the first time in more than ten years (a) Hire an in -house City Attorney to handle routine legal business, contract out specialized legal services to the best law firm at the best price, and audit legal bills, or (b) Put the legal services contract up for competition At the May 16, 1995 City Council meeting, I issued the following report which shows that the City Council may save more than a quarter million dollars in public funds each year ( > $20,000 per month ) by canceling the existing legal services contract and either (1) Hire an in -house City Attorney to handle routine legal business, contract out specialized legal services to the best law firm at the best price, and audit the legal bills, or (2) Put the legal services contract up for competition by issuing a Request for Proposal The report information was all public record, and was the proper subject of a public "open session" City Council meeting However, no action was taken on this item even though every City Council meeting that passes without action on this matter may be costing El Segundo tax payers more than $10,000 in excess City Attorney costs These excess expenditures do not benefit a single resident or business in El Segundo The high cost of the City's legal services was even recognized as an important issue in campaigns for the last two City elections (April 1992 and April 1994) The City of El Segundo spends a substantial amount of public funds on legal services At present, most of the legal services are provided under contract with the law firm of Burke, Williams, & Sorensen (hereinafter referred to as "BW &S ") This contract has not been put out for competition in at least ten years, although the City has spent approximately $900,000 to $1 5 million annually in recent years for legal services It is now a buyer's market for lawyers and legal services, and the City may save many hundreds of thousands of dollars in public funds every year by taking a serious look at alternative methods of providing legal services, including an appointed in -house City Attorney or sending out a Request For Proposal soliciting competitive proposals Most of the costs of an in -house City Attorney, including office space and equipment, a law library, and a paralegal are already provided in City Hall as part of the City budget The only additional costs would be to provide an attorney (salary, benefits, memberships, travel, and continuing education), some additions to the existing law library, and access to an on -line computer research service, totaling about $175,000 annually In addition to saving money, an in -house City Attorney would provide a higher level of service by working in City Hall five days per week rather than the present one day per week under the contract with BW &S The Cities of Bell and Baldwin Park have each realized significant legal cost savings, of about fifty percent (50 %), after putting their legal services contract up for competition These two cities formerly contracted with BW &S as El Segundo does currently In the case of the City of Bell, the BW &S proposal was significantly more competitive than their then existing legal services contract with the City of Bell, but the BW &S proposal was still Councilman Robbins' 6/6195 agenda items Page 1 of 2 ��/ e " May 30, 1995 238 not among the three most competitive proposals City of Bell officials are satisfied with the results of their new contract law firm and are confident that they made the correct decision The City of Manhattan Beach, at Its May 16, 1995 public open - session City Council meeting, discussed changing to an in -house City Attorney or putting their existing legal services contract with BW &S up for competition This agenda item was continued to the June 6, 1995 open - session City Council Meeting as agenda item #20 (under Community Affairs) BW &S has offered Manhattan Beach significant cost reductions which are still above the market level cost For example, in a letter dated December 15, 1993, BW &S offered Manhattan Beach a reduction in City Prosecutor Services from $150 per hour to $110 per hour, a 27 percent reduction However, a Manhattan Beach study showed that the Cities of Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach obtained this same type of legal service for a market rate of only $75 per hour, which is half the original BW &S rate In a letter dated May 11, 1995, BW &S offered Manhattan Beach an additional rate reduction for this service from the reduced rate of $110 per hour to an even lower $95 per hour, a 14 percent reduction, for a total reduction of 37 percent, but the new BW &S rate was still 28 percent above the market rate In the May 15, 1995 letter, BW &S also offered Manhattan Beach a rate reduction from $145 per hour to $120 per hour for City Attorney office hours at City Hall, a reduction of 17 percent An audit of BW &S bills for legal services covering a 14 -month period was completed on March 10, 1995, it showed that BW &S billed the City of El Segundo approximately $145,839 in unsubstantiated charges and non- billable services Such an audit can detect bills that are not consistent with the actual work product, but cannot detect excessive bills due to unnecessary work that was actually performed, legal mistakes, or the practice of "cross - selling" whereby work that can be performed by a generalist is assigned to a more expensive specialist (or a generalist who is represented to the client as an experienced specialist and billed at a higher hourly rate) Although it may be tempting to demand a refund for some or all of the questionable billings, it is unlikely that such a refund would be forthcoming, and the cost of further delay in canceling the existing legal services contract may waste more than $20,000 per month for many more months The attached documentation was provided with my May 16, 1995 City Council report, and is provided here for your reference Attached are photocopies of the relevant pages of the May 16, 1995 Manhattan Beach City Council Meeting Agenda, the two above referenced letters, a report from a Manhattan Beach study on the costs and benefits of having an in -house City Attorney, and a letter from the Rancho Mirage City Attorney stating that a city should hire in -house counsel if it is spending more than about $300,000 to $350,000, or $400,000 maximum Also attached is a sample Request For Proposal for legal services that was used by the City of Bell with successful results This Council report is respectfully submitted May 30, 1995, by Councilman Michael D Robbins, for consideration at the June 6, 1995 City Council meeting Michael D. Robbins, Councilman City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310)322-4314,(310)607 -2200 Councilman Robbins' 616195 agenda items Page 2 of 2 May 30, 1996 239 (6) STATUS OF CITY ATTORNEY BILL AUDIT, PROSPECTS FOR REDUCTIONS IN PAST BILLINGS AND IN THE CITY ATTORNEY BUDGET FOR FY'95/96 CITY BUDGET, AND ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF PROVIDING CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES. RECOMMFNDATION Discussion and possible action relating to the City Attorney alternative methods of providing City Attorney services incudinaudit, y of the follow�g and budget, and (1) Hire an in -house City Attorney to handle routine legal business, contract Out specialized legal services to the best law firm at the best price, and audit legal bills, (2) Put the legal services contract up for competition, (3) Continue contracting legal services from Burke, Williams, &Sorenson at reduced cost, if possible The City of El Segundo spends a substantial amount of public funds on legal services At present, most of the legal services are provided under contract with the law firm of Burke Williams, & Sorenson (hereinafter referenced as "BWS "), This contract has not been put out for competition in at least ten years, although the City has spent approximately $900,000 to $1 5 million annually in recent years for legal services It is now a buyers market for lawyers and legal services, and the City may save many hundreds of thousands of dollars in public funds every year by taking a serious look at alternative methods of Providing legal services, including an a In -house City Attorney or sending out a Request For Proposal soliciting competitive 9 9 appointed The Cities of Bell and Baldwin Park have each realized significant le a' cst savings olf about fi (50 %), after putting their legal services contract UP for competition• These two cities formerly contracted with ent Burke, Williams, & Sorenson as EI Segundo does currently In the case of the City of Bell, the BWS proposal was significantly more competitive than their existing legal services contract with the City of Bell, but the BWS proposal was still not among the three most competitive proposals City of Bell Officia new contract law firm and are confident that they made the correct ct is are satisfied with the results of their The City of Manhattan Beach, at its May 16, 1995 city council meeting, is considering changing to an in- house City Attorney or Putting their existing legal services contract with Burke, Williams, & Sorenson up for competition BWS has offered Manhattan Beach significant cost reductions which are still above the market level cost For example, in a letter dated December 15, 1993, BWS offered Manhattan Beach a reduction in City Prosecutor Services from $150 per hour to $110 per hour, a 27 percent reduction However, a Manhattan Beach study showed that the Cities of Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach obtained this same type of service for a market rate of only $75 per hour, which Is half the original BWS rate In a letter dated May 11, 1995, BWS offered Manhattan Beach an additional rate reduction for this service from the reduced rate of $110 lower $95 per hour, a 14 Percent reduction, for a total reduction of 37 Per hour to an even the Percent above the market rate In the May 15, 1995 letter, BWS also Offered nManhattan Beach a rate was still 28 from $145 per hour to $120 per hour for City Attorney office hours at City reduction Attached are photocopies of the relevant pages of the May ty Hall, a reduction of 17 Percent Agenda, the two above referenced letters, a report from y 16' 1995 Manhattan Beach City Council Meeting P om a Manhattan Beach study on the costs and benefits of having an in -house City Attorney, and a letter from the Rancho Mirage City Attorney staling that a city should hire in -house counsel if JIM spending more than about $300,000 to $350,000, or $400,000 maximum Also attached 1 a sample Request For Proposal for legal services that was 5 used by the City of Bell with successful results This updated staff report Is respectfully submitted May 16, 1995, by Councilman Michael D Robbins Councilman Robinns' 511SMS agenda staff report Page 1 of 1 � • 4� ��i� x'�2' Mry 10, 1995 240 S -/d -qs 95/0516.18 Aq 3'qh M e e f i'h9 J�age-17, CA /¢9 eh d g Presentation from Leadership Manhattan Beach of the Leadership Project for 1995. ACCEPT PRESENTATION 95/0516.19 Presentation of Legal Services Study. C DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION 95/0502.25 -20 Continued Fiscal Year 1995 -96, 1996 -97 Budget Discussions. ACCEPT PRESENTATION AND PUBLIC INPUT The audience may comment on any of the Scheduled items. Please move to the lower seats immediately behind the podium f you wish to address the Council. The Mayor, with the consent of the Council, may, if deemed necessary, impose time limits for public comment. The matters removed from the Consent Calendar will be considered individually at this time. 77se audience may comment on any matter that was pulled from the Consent Calendar. N. • - 0 • 1: ►1 i_ZM -5- 241 Mayor and Members City of Manhattan December 15, 1993 Page 13 of the City Council Beach BW &S recommends that the City Council consider an alternative to the employment of a full -time staff city attorney. The alternative recommended would result in continued receipt by the City of quality city attorney services consistent with the City's needs, at what will be demonstrated to be at a reasonable cost. It is recommended that the City Council employ Timothy B. McOsker and the firm of Burke, Williams & Sorensen as City Attorney for a trial period of six months, with adjustments in rates for City Prosecutor service and implementation of cost reduction programs for the City. If the City Council's expectations relative to cost - effectiveness of City Attorney service are not realized at the end of the six month period, then the City could revisit and implement the major policy shift to full -time staff city attorney services. Specifically, it is proposed that the prosecution service provided by Burke, Williams & Sorensen be at a reduced rate, from $150 per hour to $110 per hour, a 274 reduction. The employment of our firm as City Prosecutor was pursued on an interim basis only at the outset and should be at this time reduced in cost to the City if alternative prosecution services are not considered feasible. As part of the continued representation by Burke, Williams & Sorensen, our firm would offer to provide to the City a seminar to explore litigation avoidance techniques and many legal service cost reduction programs. This seminar is in the planning stage currently and is anticipated to be provided to all of our city clients at no cost to the clients. The subjects which will be covered and recommended at the cost - effectiveness seminar include the following: 1. establishing controlled access to the City Attorney -- funneling all requests for City Attorney service either through the City Manager or through department heads. 2. Establishing separate accounts by City departments to enhance accountability LAX mwI 242 LAX rnaI Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Manhattan Beach December 15, 1993 Page 14 and responsibility of each department for City Attorney services. 3. Send documents to the City Attorney prior to meetings. This will provide for more efficient and effective meetings and will reduce legal service time. 4. Increase staff familiarity with facts by requiring preparation of a written memorandum prior to City Attorney consultation. Often, facts come much more clearly into focus when a staff member reduces them to writing. 5. Schedule office hour appointments. 6. Use of City internal resources, such as knowledgeable staff members for routine matters (City Clerk; Assistant City Clerk; Community Development staff). 7. Provide for direct accessing of the specific attorney at BW &S assigned to a project. S. Encourage Staff and Counsel to communicate goals to the City Attorney and establish, what does the City really want to accomplish. 9. Keep City Attorney informed by copies of correspondence and documents, by follow -up calls, and by advice when to stop work. 10. Establish realistic deadlines. 11. Provide timely responses to City Attorney inquiries. 12. Early involvement of City Attorney to avoid a time crunch. 13. Pass through fees to developers and others when possible. 243 t Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Manhattan Beach December 15, 1993 Page 15 14. Set user fees to cover legal costs as well as others. 15. Utilize facsimile transmissions only when necessary. 16. Make copies at City Hall (less expensive than BW &S). 17. Use interoffice computer capabilities between City Hall and BW &S's office. 18. City Attorney to advise City Staff when we consider assignment of a matter to a specialist. 19. Review with police and other law enforcement personnel enforcement of law avoiding prosecutions, issuance of warnings in lieu of citations, reclassification of low level violations to infractions to reduce court appearances and contests. Attached as Exhibit G to this letter is a copy of a draft letter under consideration for implementing cost - effective programs with city clients. SUMMARY Burke, Williams & Sorensen has served the City of Manhattan Beach with integrity and considerable success for over 25 years. It is time for a change but only of Burke, Williams & Sorensen personnel to serve the legal needs of the City. It is time for Tim Mcosker to take over as City Attorney, provide a new and vigorous representation, working closely with staff to reduce costs of the legal services. It can be done to the great advantage of the City retaining the good quality representation to which this fine City is entitled. ME Mayor and Members City of Manhattan December 15, 1993 Page 16 of the City Council Beach By the way, my replacement of the prior City Attorney in 1968 had nothing to do with costs as noted in the City Manager's report. The prior City Attorney of 12 years standing was functioning as a "sixth council member" and participating in policy decisions. objective legal advice was the goal of the City in retaining our firm and that is what the City received for over 25 years. Your courtesy and consideration are appreciated. CKN /sjw Attachments ux Tnw i 74CARL ' ely . N EWTON of BURKE, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN 245 r—Fr*-xFu- -T Honorable Mayor Lilligren and Members of the City Council City of Manhattan Beach May 11, 1995 Page 6 the City Manager's staff meetings. This is a procedure followed by a number of our cities and has proven successful for giving immediate legal advice on new matters that come up. In addition, we would be happy to consider adding additional 'office hours' time if the City Council or City Manager deems it necessary and cost effective. 2. The City's Risk Manager is now responsible for reviewing legal bills, including those of the contract City Attorney. He works with the City's claims adjusting company to monitor work by attorneys defending the City against personal injury lawsuits. He has experience in reviewing legal bills and for the past year has been resolving any questions with the City Attorney about matters raised by staff over City Attorney bills. We believe this system is working and there is no need for an in -house City Attorney to do this. The current City Attorney reviews the bills of other BWS attorneys and regularly makes adjustments and reductions before the bills are set to the City. We would be pleased to assist the Risk Manager in establishing additional guidelines for fee review of non -tort litigation and reviewing the bills of outside counsel. 3. Cily Prosecutor Services. As a competitive response to the Study, we propose a reduction in the hourly rate charged for these services by BWS. Our current rate is $110, whereas the Study indicated that the cities of Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach obtain such services for $75 per hour. We will reduce our rate to $95 per hour. Alternatively, the City may want to investigate the possibility of contracting with a different law firm for this work at the $75 rate as done by those two cities. And, if such a firm is hired, the City should evaluate that work after a period of time to determine if the City's needs are being met. 4. Reduction in Basic _City Ann= Rate. In order to provide for greater accessibility and recognizing the importance of the City's Attorney's contacts with staff, we propose office hours at City Hall be billed at $120 per hour instead of the current $145 per hour. This reduction is in further recognition of the fact that the City has increased the areas where it retains BWS to do specialty work, e.g., workers compensation and personnel matters. We appreciate the opportunity to be considered and compete for providing these additional legal services to the City. 246 Honorable Mayor Lilligren and Members of the City Council City of Manhattan Beach May 11, 1995 Page 7 Also, BWS will shortly be implementing some revised billing procedures that will reduce charges to the City. Technological innovations contribute towards enabling us to reduce cost recovery on certain charges. Also, we already are alert to ways of using BWS and City computer compatibility to reduce costs and expedite document transference via modem, instead of via the mail, messenger, or FAX. V. CONCLUSION We hope that the above information is helpful to you in evaluating whether to continue contracting for city attorney services or to go 'in- house'. We believe that the City would be best served by continuing to contract with BWS for this work. We have proposed the above changes which we feel further justify that conclusion. The attorneys at Burke, Williams & Sorensen value very much the privilege of serving the City of Manhattan Beach. We have developed a strong loyalty to the City. We very much hope that this relationship continues. If you have any questions or wish further information, we would be happy to respond. Enclosure 1-...2.12!!231 247 CITY OF MANHATTAN BEACH MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Geoff Dolan, City Manac DATE: May 16, 1995 SUBJECT: City Attorney Services Enclosed you will find an analysis and recommendation concerning how the City of Manhattan Beach should acquire future legal services This issue was established as a high priority at the Council Work Plan Meeting, and I understand was discussed last year but deferred in part, pending the hiring of a new City Manager I would like to recognize Howard Fishman who was largely responsible for collecting the information and writing the report Additionally, I want you to know the entire senor staff reviewed and contributed to this report, and without exception, the Department Heads concur with the recommendation My personal experience has been in organizations with in -house City Attorney services During my years as a City Manager, I have previously observed all of the advantages identified in the report and few of the disadvantages I am convinced hiring a full -time, in -house city attorney is in the best interest of the City of Manhattan Beach I know we have attached a great deal of information for your review, however, the first report is the most critical and it thoroughly explains the issues Other attachments are provided in the interest of "full disclosure," and were previously reviewed by the last City Council I wanted Councilmembers Jones and Cunningham to have copies Please feel free to call Howard or myself if you have questions, or would like additional information Thank you GD /ap Attachments 1CP195 RK CITY OF MANHATTAN BEACH MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Geoff Dolan, City Manager Howard Fishman, Risk Manager DATE: May 16, 1995 SUBJECT: City Attorney Study RECOMMENDATION That the City Council approve conceptually the hiring of a full time in -house City Attorney and direct the City Manager to develop appropriate enabling documents for the next City Council meeting. BUDGET EMUCATION For FY 1995 -96, the estimated cost to employ a full-time staff attorney and secretary is $265,000 whereas the contract City Attorney proposed a budget for $286,125. Due to a significant increase in legal fees from 1988 to 1994, former City Manager, Bill Smith, brought forth a recommendation to the City Council in May, 1993, to employ the firm of Ralph Andersen and Associates to provide a cost/benefit analysis of the City's legal services. The focus of this study was on the method of delivery of legal services, and the outcome of the study was to recommend methods to decrease legal services costs. The study concluded that a change from contract legal services provided by Burke, Williams & Sorensen (BWS) to an in -house staff attorney would save the City a significant amount of money, not only in direct costs, but also through proactive involvement in City programs and activities. Former City Manager Smith intended to return to Council recommending the hiring of an in -house attorney in a report dated 12/2/93. However, before Council considered that option, Burke, Williams & Sorensen submitted to the City Council a revised work plan and fee schedule. This new schedule was intended to give the City the same legal service while at the same time change the manner in which the legal services were used in order to be more tort effective to the City. These modifications included: - Resignation of Carl Newton, contract City Attorney for 26 years - Replacement with Tim McOsker, Mr. Newton's assistant in the contract - A reduced hourly rate from $150 to $145 - Reduction in the hourly rate of contract City Prosecutor from $145 to $110 - Submission of an annual budget reflecting total savings to the City 249 In January 1994, the City Council took action to retain the contract City Attorney on an interim basis pending further review. In September 1994, Tim McOsker resigned and was replaced with current Interim City Attorney Tom Wood. During this tithe, BWS has continued to provide the City with legal services pursuant w the revised work plan, and they submitted a budget of $305,400 for FY 1994 -95. On February 25, 1995, the City Council met with the new City Manager, Geoff Dolan, to formulate a strategic work plan for the City. One element of this work plan was to be an analysis of City legal services. This aspect of the work plan was discussed as a two -step process. The first step was an analysis and decision regarding the method of acquiring legal services. Specifically, should the City continue with a contract City Attorney or switch to an in -house legal advisor. Based upon the decision reached in step one, the second step is either initiating the process of employing an in- house legal advisor or maintaining a contract attorney by keeping BWS or soliciting bids for legal services from other law firms. Thus, this report will analyze this work plan item and will weigh pertinent factors to make a recommendation to continue contract legal services, hire in -house legal staff or recommend other alternatives. In preparing this study, written reports were reviewed from other comparable cities which use either contract or staff attorneys. In addition, interviews were conducted with contract and staff city attorneys. Analyses were made of material from the League of California Cities, the agenda item prepared by Bill Smith dated 12/2/93, the Ralph Andersen Legal Services Report dated 9/23/93, recent BWS invoices and legal services information provided by former Manhattan Beach contract City Attorney Carl Newton dated 12/15/93. The Bill Smith, Ralph Andersen and Carl Newton reports are attached for reference. In order to fully study this subject, the report will contain the following areas: 1. Profile of current legal services 2. Analysis of current contract city attorney services & expenses 3. Options for future legal services a. Hire in -house legal staff to handle the majority of all City legal requirements. b. Continue to use a contract city attorney and request proposals for legal services or continue to use the current legal firm. 4. Summary and recommendations 4■,i • =►- BFT7. u Since 1968, BWS has provided city anoray services for Manhattan Beach. BWS is a hill service legal firm with offices in California and Kansas specializing in municipal law. Carl Newton was the City Attorney from 1968 until he was replaced, for a brief period, by his assistant, Tam McOsker in 1994. Tom Wood was appointed by the City Council in an interim capacity on 10/18/94. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 5130 (see attachments) which outlines the appointment, duties and compensation of the Interim City Attorney and other BWS firm members. The duties of the City Attorney include attending Council meetings and other board and commission meetings upon request, providing legal advice and opinions, preparing resolutions and ordinances, reviewing legal contracts, agreements and documents, representing the City in civil litigation and administrati ve proceedings except tort and workers' compensation matters, and providing prosecution services. In addition to the above duties, the City Attorney also reviews all council agenda packets and responds to staff inquiries on matters pertaining to personnel, cable T.V., zoning codes, planning law, records retention and bankruptcy procedures. The proposed budget for FY 1995 -96 is $246,125 which excludes prosecution costs ($40,000). 2 250 Currently, the Interim City Attorney or his Deputy maintain office hours twice weekly (8 hours daily on Tuesday and Thursday), and one attorney attends all City Council meetings. The Attorney is also provided with part time clerical support, office space and a limited law library. During non -office hours, he is available by telephone. Prior to 1986, the City contracted with the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office for prosecution of Municipal Code violations. In 1986, the City contracted with an independent attorney, John Slawson, to provide these services. In 1989 Attorney Martin Mayer took over this role. Mr. Mayer's services were discontinued by the Council in early 1993 and replaced with BWS on an interim basis. The current prosecutor is Elizabeth Feffer. The Prosecutor oversees cases such as police misdemeanor citations, nuisance abatement, noise, zoning codes, animal regulations and collections. The Prosecutor does not maintain office haws at City Hall. She will appear, however, on an as needed basis for office conferences. The majority of time is spent once a week at the South Bay Municipal Court. BWS currently provides these services at an hourly rate of $110 and the proposed budget for FY 1995 -96 is $40,000. pnvmwnrullm The current resolution specifies an hourly City Attorney rate of $145. Other BWS specialists range in rates from $125 to $225 per hour. The City Attorney is required to submit an annual legal services budget allocated by City department. During FY 1993 -94, the City received 2,506 hours of service from BWS costing a total of $366,468. Specifically, the City Attorney and his Deputy accounted for 1,450 of those hours (an average of 28 hours per week) and the remaining 1,056 were assigned to firm specialists. e. Contracts With Other Law Firms Occasionally, the City will contract with a firm other than BWS for specialized assistance. Litigation involving former City Manager Thompson and the Farquhar matter are two such examples. Manhattan Beach is one of 30 cities which participate in a liability insurance pool called the Independent Cities Risk Management Authority (ICRMA). Colen & Lee provides the City claims adjusting services and woks with the Risk Manager in the attorney selection process. BWS handles a few of the tort cases as well as some cases involving land use and challenges to Council Resolutions and Ordinances. Most tort cases, however, are litigated by firms which specialize in trip and fall accidents, design immunity and police liability cases. These legal expenses are not included in the City Attorney's budget and are paid out of the City's Insurance Fund. 251 Despite certain improvements over the last year, there are still a number of concerns with the cost and accountability of contractual legal services provided. In 1993, the Ralph Andersen Report noted the following weaknesses in the existing contractual arrangement: - The City lacks a well defined, uniform policy on the use and management of legal services - Other than the Risk Manager who reviews City Attorney invoices, there is no one on staff that exercises control or management over the cost of contract attorney services - There is no accountability or control of legal services - Neither City records our the City Attorney invoices provide sufficient detail to adequately analyze and monitor usage - The Resolution Agreement with BWS is too broad in nature and does not specify performance standards or constraints In reviewing all the available material, a number of advantages to hiring in -house legal staff became apparent. An in -house City Attorney should provide the following: - Access and accountability - With a City Attorney located on the premises, City staff has greater access for advice and input on such items as contracts, agreements, litigation and Council and Commission matters. In addition, the Attorney is immediately accountable to the City Council and City Manager to clarify issues. - The gap between the projected costs of in -house ($265,1100) versus the contract attorney's budget ($286,125) for FY 1995 -96 is wide enough to show there could be a predictable cost savings (estimated $21,000). - Continuity of services and consistent organizational perspective - Key management team member whose fundamental interest is strictly the well-being of the City of Manhattan Beach - Quicker response to emergency situations which cannot be handled by telephone - Assistance in active and complex employee relation issues such as grievance handling, disciplinary actions and termination in order to avoid litigation - A close relationship with code enforcement staff as their activities increase and civil and criminal prosecutions demand greater legal work - "Preventive Law" which takes a PROACTIVE rather than a REACTIVE look at potential litigation - Watchdog for new legislation and case decisions which impact cities and meet the demands to draft resolutions ordinances and agreements - Aggressive litigation management guidelines when outside counsel is utilized (such as Thompson and Farquhar cases) to reduce legal expenses - More manageable cost containment, weighing the financial costs versus benefits to be gained as opposed to merely advising on the legal merits of a position - Additional attorney hours, all of which would be performed on site 252 The disadvantages of hiring an in -house attorney include: - Over involvement in administrati ve duties presently handled by other staff necessitating the hiring of outside counsel at a higher hourly rate to handle all or most litigation - Need to hire additional contract counsel to act in the absence of the City Attorney due to vacation, illness or training - Desire to expand legal staff to include addition of assistant and secretarial support resulting in increased costs - Difficulty in dealing with the City's political matrix, particularly when interacting with individual Council concerns - Use of "specialists" requires a continued reliance on outside counsel - Additional one time expense ($13,500) for purchase of furniture, computers, printers and telephones for in -house staff - Assumption of overhead costs which include memberships, training, expansion of law library and computer hardware and software with access to Wesdaw and Lexus - The size and complexity of Manhattan Beach may demand the services beyond those of a 40 hoes per week in -house City Attorney, who is a "generalist" Costs Both the former City Manager and the consultant from Ralph Andersen prepared estimated costs for employing one in -house staff attorney which did not include secretarial support. The breakdown is as follows: Smith's estimated costs Attorney ($100,000 plus benefits) $130,000 Supplementary costs (includes 70,000 $50,000 for outside counsel) Total $200,000 Andersen's estimated costs Attorney (salary and benefits) $125,000 Memberships 9,500 Training and Travel 7,900 Special Dept. Expenses 950 Professional Services 30.000 Total $173,350 Andersen's estimates were based on data from cities of simihir size to Manhattan Beach. 253 After further review and consultation with other in -house attorneys, it is felt that there is a need to include secretarial support. In addition, the outside legal costs need to be enhanced. Based on these factors, a revised estimate is presented: Attorney (salary plus benefits) $130,000 Outside contractual services 75,000 (includes Prosecutor) Supplementary costs (training, travel, Westlaw, etc.) 20,000 Legal Secretary (salary and benefits) 40.000 Total $265,000 The advantages of a contract City Attorney are as follows: - May be more cost effective for a small city that does not require sufficient prosecution, advisory and litigation services to warrant a full time in -house staff attorney - Hourly rates include overhead items such as clerical support, supplies, training, memberships, law library and mileage - The City has the opportunity for financial control since the attorney's time can be reduced due to reduction in contract work - A large law firm such as BWS has many specialists within their ranks, making the need for additional legal support accessible. - BWS has a 27 -year history with the City and has much knowledge of the City's activities - Rates may be negotiable, as exemplified by their recent adjustment of contractual rates - Law firms often provide free legal k irkshops at no cost - Outside counsel may be more object., a in providing legal advice as there is no political involvement - Limited involvement in administrative duties In addition to those concerns noted in the Ralph Andersen Legal Services Report, the disadvantages of utilizing a contract attorney includes: - Lack of accessibility and timely responses to staff - Detachment from the organization - Tendency to enhance billing without justification since performance and compensation incentives are tied to the profitability of the firm - Greater awareness and demand for legal support in today's litigious society indicate that part-time contractual services is no longer cost effective - Tendency to be REACTIVE rather than PROACTIVE - Overlooks controlling costs - Lack of search for the best possible attorney since they usually utilize their own firm attorneys - Tendency to over - utilize specialists, this results in an excessive proportion of City Hall office hours being dedicated to "intake and re- assignment" rather than advice, prevention and resolution. In 1993 -94, approximately $190,000 of the total annual billing of $366,468 was spent on specialists within BWS - Absence of litigation management guidelines for specialists can result in spiraling legal expenses (examples:Thompson - $725,000 & Farquhar - $1,837,000 thru 3/95) 6 254 M In the Ralph Andersen Legal Services Report, the consultant researched the historical costs of the service from FY 1988 -89 through ten months of FY 1992 -93. (See Exhibit 2b p. 10). During this time, contract costs have increased to the $320,000 range. Legal Services provided to the City by BWS in FY 1993 -94 was $366,468 which includes general and case specific work (FarquharrMompson) plus prosecution services. (See Exhibit A). This is a 10.5 % increase over the previous fiscal year (1992 -93) partially due to a full year of prosecution services versus only 4 months previously. Both the City Attorney and his deputy provided the City 1,450 hours of billable services in FY 1993 -94. For FY 199495, the City has expended $154,443 in legal costs to BWS for the first 6 months which projects to $308,886 over a 12 -month period. This is a 19% reduction over the prior fiscal year (1993 -94) due to BWS reducing their hourly rate from $150 to $145 for the City Attorney and $ 145 to $110 for the City Prosecutor plus staff reducing the number of items referred to the City Attorney for review. BWS has submitted their proposed budget for FY 1995 -96 at $286,125. • y • The research as presented supports a change in direction from contract City attorney to a full-time in- house City Attorney. Additional reasons supporting this change include: - The cost to fund the in -house program ($265,000) is $21,000 less than the contract attorney's budget ($286,125) for FY 1995 -96. - Cost savings will continue to grow since the staff attorney will aggressively implement litigation management guidelines with outside counsel. BWS acknowledges the need for litigation management, however, the effort directed toward this endeavor is billed at $145 per hour. It may be unrealistic to expect a contract attorney to identify and seek cost containment for excessive billings of it's own specialists on behalf of its client. It is likely the review will be billed to the City and the City may pay for the hours spent defending the appropriateness of the billing. A staff attorney will objectively hire part-time outside counsel at a reduced rate rather than employing firm members. For example, the Cities of Hermosa Beach and Malibu employ part-time prosecutors at an hourly rate of $75.00 whereas BWS charges an hourly rate of $110.00. - In FY 1993 -94, BWS billed the City for 498 hours of prosecution services. By multiplying the current BWS hourly prosecution rate of $110 by 498 hours, the annual cost is $54,780. However, by multiplying the current market rate of $75 by 498 hours, the annual cost is $37,350 or $17,430 JUL The cost savings recognized through lower hourly rates can be applied towards additional outside legal services. Moreover, these savings, over time, may result in the hiring of a second staff attorney who can perform the prosecution services as well as becoming an Assistant City Attorney. With an average full time employee working 2,080 hours a year, an Assistant Attorney can provide 498 hours of prosecution work (25% of a work year) as well as 1,582 haws of additional legal work (75% of a work year). In this manner, the City attorney can have a capable assistant providing more hours for less cost since the cost savings can apply as a subsidy against the assistant's animal salary. - A knowledgeable, well- informed and computer- litetsate staff attorney will be less dependent on outside counsel and take advantage of outside resources supplied by the League of California Cities and other city staff attorneys. This information network is free and reliable, N 255 - According to the League, 78% of California cities with populations between 25 ,000 - 50,000 have full -time city attorneys. - An in -house staff attorney will be accessible to staff and the City Council on a full -time basis and becomes a key member of the City's management team. - The attorney will have an increased ability to practice preventive law and proactively face issues which will reduce or eliminate potential litigation. - Issues will be tackled on a gmjy basis, without delays commonly associated with a contract attorney and is directly accountable to the City Council. - An in -house staff attorney would be a salaried position. Thus, the City could expect to enjoy a level of professional hours in excess of 40 hours per week, consistent with that of other members of the management team. However, excess hours from a contract attorney are billed at $145 per hour which is analogous to paying an executive overtime for hours in excess of 40 - As a full -time employee, the staff attorney will be a team player and feel an attachment to the orgatrvation which a contract allomey can never experience. - The Ralph Andersen Legal Services Report discovered serious deficiencies regarding the cost and accountability of legal services provided to the City and believes corrections can be made by hiring an in -house staff attorney. In closing, former City Manager Bill Smith stated the following in his Legal Services Study presented to City Council on 12/2/93: "While the firm of BWS in general, and Carl Newton in particular, have served this City exceptionally well for a quarter of a century, the City has changed greatly in that time and I believe we now need the attention of a full-time attorney." 1- Establish an in -house City Attorney program. (Recommended) 2- Maintain contract attorney arrangement but solicit bids for legal services or continue relationslup with BWS. 3- Provide other direction Council deems appropriate. GD/HF /mh Attachments 256 The below - referenced costs are actual expenditures paid by the City and verified by the Finance Department. These costs do ilk include tort liability expenditures. FY 1991 -92 $318,390 FY 1992 -93 $331,282 FY 1993 -94 $366,468 FY 199495 $308,886* (Projected over 12 months based on 6 -month actuals) FY 1995 -96 $286,125 (Budget prepared by B W & S) 9 257 CLG=r CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE March 16, 1993 Ms. JoAnne Speers General Counsel League of California Cities 1400 R Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear JoAnne: LE.a.7jn Liz `�J 1y&N2.XM riEiLi S S l Air �. � Iri'�Y.S Piieyu" With some interest, I noted at page 4, of the February 1993, CITY ATTORNEYS NEWSLETTER, an inquiry regarding "in- house" versus "contract" city attorneys and ideas on cutting costs for city attorney expenses. I have been employed in both positions and wish to informally address my observations on this issue. My current budget is $370,000, which includes $100,000 for "contract" work with outside counsel. This budget is "turn key" for an in -house city attorney, a legal assistant and a secretary. I mention this because, as a city grows and its legal expense starts to exceed the $300,000- $350,000 range, in my opinion, it is not good business to continue with a contract city attorney. I take this position for a couple of reasons. First, the focus of an in -house city attorney is very different from that of a contract city attorney. That is, the focus of an in -house city attorney is "prevention "; whereas, the focus of a contract city attorney is generally to put out fires that have already started. This- is one of the principal cost saving aspects of an in -house city attorney. The ability of staff to obtain immediate answers to their questions and to obtain direc- tion to avoid problems, is the principal advantage of having in -house counsel. Also, the contract city attorney, by the very nature of the detached office, is more detached from staff. When asked an opinion, the demands of his insurance carrier will generally require the opinion be in writing, generating a four -digit bill, 69425 HIGHWAY ill/ RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270.2898 /(Big) 324.4511 FAX(619)324-8830 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (619) 326.2266 258 - 1 Ms. Jo Anne Spears March 16, 1993 Page-2 even when he knows the answer and might be willing to simply state it. In contrast, an in -house counsel develops a rapport with the staff and city council as he becomes part of the •team When asked that same question, the in -house counsel does not have the insurance carrier looking over his shoulder. In my opinion, if a city is spending more than $400,000 in contract city attorney's fees, it should hire in -house counsel. I hope these thoughts are helpful. If there is some interest in more specific information, I would be happy to discuss this. Sincerely, 259 213 771 9473 05/15/95 14'00 $218 771 9475 CITY OF BELL REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL You are invited to submit a proposal to provide legal services to the City of Bell. This request for proposal includes background information, objective, a scope of work, general provisions regarding services, submission requirements, and selection criteria. The City of Bell is a general law City with a population of approximately 35,000. The City was incorporated in 1927, and is governed by a five - member City Council, elected at large, for four year terms. A number of appointed-member commissions advise the City Council in the development of City policy. Bell has its own Police Department and contracts with Los Angeles County for Fire and Library Services. The City desires to retain expert representation and consultation services from a qualified attorney /firm with expertise in municipal and redevelopment law. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: 1. Advise and provide legal assistance to the City Council, Redevelopment Agency, Surplus Property Authority, Public Finance Authority, Chief Adminis- trative Officer, City Commissions and other city staff when authorized by the Chief Administrative officer. 2. Attend all meetings of the City Council. The Council regularly meets the first and third Monday monthly. Attendance at Planning Commission meetings when necessary. 3. Review and approve notices pertaining to official City business as directed by the Chief Administrative Officer. 4. Prepare legal opinions, review resolutions and ordinances as directed by the City Council or Chief Administrative Officer. Prepare resolutions and Request for Proposal Legal Services Page 1 z oo2 260 213 771 9473 05/15/95 14 01 V213 771 9475 CITY OF BELL ordinances as directed by City Council or Chief Administrative Officer. 5. Keep City Council and staff apprised of court rulings and legislation affecting the legal interests of the City. 6. Provide other legal services as may be required, such as representation of the City of Bell in litigation, when directed by City Council or the Chief Administrative Officer. 7. The scope of work does not include: a) Criminal prosecution b) Municipal Court prosecution GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The City of Bell shall make available to the selected attorney /firm all pertinent City reports and documents that may be available and which are necessary for the provision of the services listed above. Access to appropriate City departments shall be provided as directed by the Chief Administrative Officer. 2. All documents prepared by the attorney /firm shall, upon current payment by the City to the attorney /firm, become the property of the City of Bell. 3. The successful attorney /firm must file with the City Clerk certificates of insurance prior to commencement of work, evidencing the following coverages: a. L bi inin Attorney /firm shall provide and mata i ility insurance which is satisfactory to the City of Bell and which shall protect the City of Bell, its officers, employees and agents from all claims for personal injury, including accidental deaths as well as claims for property damage, and evidence of such insurance shall be delivered to the City of Bell before the effective date of any agreement. b. Workers sat'o ran e: Attorney /firm shall pay for and maintain n full force and effect for the duration of any agreement, complete Workers Compensation Insurance. c. ProfoxaicnAZ Liability insurance: Attorney /firm shall provide coverage satisfactory to the City of Bell for any damages or losses suffered by the City as a result of any error or omission or Request for Proposal Legal Services Page 2 261 Zo(,3 213 771 5473 05/15/95 14.01 V219 771 9473 CITY OF BELL neglect by the attorney /firm which arises out of the professional services provided by the attorney /firm. Such coverage must be provided by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California. Certificates must name the City of Bell as an additional insured. Certificates shall provide that "Contractor's policy is primary over any insurance carried by the City of Bell" and that "the policy will not be canceled or materially ohanged without thirty (30) days prior notice in writing to the City of Bell." The successful Attorney /firm must agree, if awarded the contract as a result of ita roposal, to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Bell, its officers, a ents and employees from any and all claims and lasses occurring or resulting to persons engaged in the work contemplated by its proposal or to persons engaged in the work contemplated by its proposal or to persons who may be injured or damaged by the attorney /firm or its agents in the performance of the work. 4. The City of Bell may, at any time, terminate any contract awarded to selected attorney /firm pursuant to this request for proposal. Such termination may be made, in whole or in part, for the convenience of the City of Bell or for the default of the contractor by giving the contractor a written Notice of Termination referencing the provision. Termination shall be effective upon the contractor's receipt of such Notice of Termination unless such other date is specified in the Notice of Termination. Submission Reguirements The proposer shall submit seven (7) copies of their proposal to: Robert A. Rizzo Chief Executive officer City of Sell 6330 Pine Avenue Bell, CA 90201 All proposals shall be submitted no later than March 3, 1994 at S:00 P. M. The City of Bell will not be responsible for any errors or omission in the proposals or any delay in mail service. All proposals shall be firm offers subject to acceptance by the City of Bell and may not be withdrawn for a period Request for Proposal Legal Services Page 3 Z004 262 213 771 9473 05/15/95 14:02 12215 771 9479 CITY OF BELL of 90 calendar days following the last day to accept proposals. Proposals may not be amended. The proposal shall include, but not necessarily be limited toz 1. anver lMer /introduction: All proposals shall begin wit a one page cover letter and introduction that includes the name and address of the attorney /firm submitting the proposal and the name, address and telephone number of the person who will be authorized to represent the attorney /firm. The cover letter shall be signed by a company officer authorized to bind the company to all commitments made in the proposal. 2. �ro�gg c tioxl: Proposals shall be responsive to al t at is covered by this Request for Proposal, specifically including: a. A description of the qualifications of the attorney /firm, with emphasis on matters related to municipal law. b. A narrative which indicates the management structure of the attorney /firm, the tenure of management and ownership of the firm. c. The name and qualifications of the individual attorney who will be responsible for the contract with the City of Bell. In addition, please supply biographical profiles of all other attorneys who will be assigned to this contract, specifically highlighting the municipal law expertise of these individuals. d. A proposal containing a fee schedule for pro- viding legal services within the scope of work and beyond. (1) The making of appearances, including pleadings, petitions, oral presentations, answers, briefs or other appearances on behalf of the City, the City Council or any City officer, in all Courts of this State and before any governmental board or commission. (2) Reviewing, defending or assisting any insurer of the City of Sell or its agents or attorneys in respect to an law suit filed against the City of Bell or any officer or employee thereof, for money or damages. Request for Proposal Legal Services Page 4 z0(.5 263 213 771 9473 05/15/95 14 02 'x'213 771 9473 CITY OF BELL Z006 3.dona ,x}formation: Proposals shall include any a ditional information essential to proper evaluation of the proposal such as sample copies of Ordinances, Resolutions, staff reports, correspondence, memoranda and monthly billing invoices. If there is no additional data the proposer wishes to presents ts section will consist of the statement, 'There is .hi additional data we with to present." 4. References: Names of other cities, counties, other governmental agencies or other firms which are currently or have within the past five pears been provided services by the proposer and the name, title and telephone number of individual contact references. Selection Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated against, but not limited to, the following criteria: 1. Ability and capacity to provide legal services to meet the needs and considerations of the City of Bell with high quality performance. 2. Costs of services. 3. References and other evidence submitted supportive of good past experience in providing similar services. 4. Professional qualification of the attorneys assigned to perform the services. 5. The convenience of the City of Bell. Evaluation Criteria: The following evaluation criteria will be used to determine the awarding of the Request for Proposal. 1. Cost: Will include hourly wages of assigned attorney, staff utilized by attorney, all fees and miscellaneous charges that would be incurred in the process of representin the City of Bell as City Attorney. Fifty T50%) percent. 2. Technical Ability: Will include verification of past pperformance in representing government agencies or large corporations, including disposition of cases handled and overall results. Thirty (30%) percent. 3. Communication: A demonstrated ability and experience to interface with City Council, Chief Administrative Request for Proposal Legal Services Page 5 264 213 771 5473 05/15/95 14.03 0213 771 9475 CITY OF BELL Z 017 offioer, Staff, Police Department, various committees and a diverse community. Fifteen (15 %) percent. 4. Experience: The number of years in practice specifically related to representing government agencies or large corporations. Five (5 %) percent. An evaluation matrix will be used whereby each proposer will be rated on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being best), then the applicable percentage will be applied to the "raw" rating. The City of Bell reserves and holds at its discretion all of the rights and options of any potential or actual client for legal services, including the rights: 1. To reject any and /or all of the submittals. 2. To waive any of the provisions of this Request for Proposal. 3. To issue subsequent Requests for Proposals. 4. To elect to cancel the entire Request for Proposal. S. To waive technical errors in the responses to Request for Proposal. This request for Proposal does not commit the City of Bell to negotiate a contract, nor does it obligate the City to pay for any costs incurred in preparation and submission of responses in anticipation of a contract. References and qualification of top candidates, based upon proposal responses will be verified. The City will conduct personal interviews of the top candidates and make the final selection. If the candidate is a firm, the person within the firm who is proposed to be designated as City Attorney will be expected to be the key interviewee. All inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal and /or regarding the current legal services to the City of Bell should be directed tos Robert A. Rizzo Chief Administrative Officer City of Bell 6330 Pine Avenue Bell, CA 90201 (213) 568 -6211 Request for Proposal Legal Services Page 6 265 RESOLUTION NO. 3254 i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A CITY ATTORNEY, ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORNEY, AND FIXING THE COMPENSATION FOR LEGAL SERVICES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Leland C. Dolley is hereby appointed City Attorney of the City of E1 Segundo. SECTION 2. Peter M. Thorson is hereby appointed Associate City Attorney of the City of E1 Segundo. SECTION 3. The firm of Burke, Williams 6 Sorensen is hereby retained as special counsel for the City of E1 Segundo. SECTION 4. The compensation of the City Attorney, the Associate City Attorney and the special counsel is hereby fixed and established as follows: a. A monthly retainer of two thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($2,250.00) per month, which said monthly retainer shall cover attendance at two regular City Council meetings each month and attendance at the City Hall for a total of twenty -five (25) hours each month to perform legal services for the City. b. For any time devoted to performing required legal services to the City of E1 Segundo not embraced within the time covered above, the City Attorney, Associate City Attorney and special counsel shall be compensated at their usual and customary hourly rate upon submission by them of a statement for such services and approval of the same by the City Manager. C. No employee benefits shall be included in the compensation of the City Attorney, Associate City Attorney and special counsel. d. The City Attorney shall be entitled to attend conferences of the League of California Cities and California City Attorneys' Association, or other like associations as approved by the City Council. He shall be entitled to reim- bursement for registration, travel, meals and lodging expense as approved by the City Council in the annual budget. The time spent by the City Attorney traveling to or attending such meetings shall not be charged against the City in computing the hours spent each month in the performance of legal services. 1j 266 SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the I passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said city; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20th day of March , 1984. ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAT.) J 1 t i -2- ,r., 1 J STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) is Valerie A. Burroves , City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 3254 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 20th day of March , 19 84 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek Synadinos and Mayor Bue NOES: Council Member None ABSENT: Council Member None WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 10h_ day of March 19 84 Clerk of the-City o California It is proposed future council sessions be adjourned no later than 10:30 PK unless a motion is unanimously passed (5-0) to extend the time. In the event of adjournment before agenda completion, a special meeting would be scheduled to complete the work, or carry the unfinished business forward to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Td WdSb:L6 S66T VZ 'rleW BM6 OV9 0T£ : 'ON 9NDHd ZaIMS r 2J : WWA ?69