1995 JUL 06 CC PACKETTO THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: July 6, 1995 AGENDA HEADING: COMMITTEES Agenda Description Interview applicants for the vacant positions on the Economic Development Committee; Planning Commission; Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board; Recreation & Parks Commission; and the Investment Advisory Committee. Recominended Council Action: (1) Interview, deliberate and appoint candidates to the various committeestoommissions/boards. Brief Summary: The applications of all candidates are attached for Council's consideration and possible appointment. SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS Econornic Development Comriltlee Steven Jonn Edlefsen 322 -6271 6:30 Daniel James Gaffey 414 -0811 6:45 Antonio Juan Mendez 640 -0497 7:00 *Richard Evan Patterson 3642250 7:15 *Gerry Predado 322 -7308 7:30 Planning Comission Michael Carl Rotolo 322 -5045 7:45 Nancy L. Cobb 322 -5662 8 :00 Constanza Pallini 322 -8235 8:15 M. Stacey Palmer 640 -9516 8:30 Incumbent Connie Mukai Saldin 322 -2296 8:45 Gerry Preciado 322 -7308 Richard Evan Patterson 364 -2250 k II sue Carter 1 64&8923 19:00 Incumbent II Recreation & Parts Comr fission Gerry Preciado 322 -7308 9:15 Margie Randall 322 -4711 9:05 Incumbent Invest rrent Advisory Canyrdlee Keith Alan Covington 414 -8401 9:15 Krk Jon Walske 475-4740 9:30 Incumbent ( *) Applied for more than one CCB. Interviewed under grouping for Economic Development Committee. ,.x al APPLICATION to Commissions/Committees/Boards 5e sa Name Steven Jonn Edlefsen (First) (Middle) (Last) Address Residence 714 California St. Telephone #s Res: (310) 322-6271 Bus: (310) 814 -2776 Mailing 714 California St. Fax: (310) 814 -3199 Name and Address of Employer: TRW, 1 Space Park, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Present Occupation Electrical EngineeL If you are a resident of El Segundo, how many years: 12 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member? Yes ® No ❑ If Yes, name the Commission /Committee/Board: General Plan Advisory Committee Term: 1991 Please indicate the Committee (s)/Conmtission(syBoard(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es) ❑ Capital Improvement Program Committee ❑ Noise Abatement Conunittee ❑ Community Cable Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Conunission ® Economic Development Committee /Subcommittees (various) ❑ Recreation & Parks Cotnmission ❑ Investment Advisory Cotmnittee ❑ Senior Housing Board ❑ Library Board of Trustees ❑ Wall of Honor Committee ❑ Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board ❑ Other: NOTE: Conflict of interest statements must be filed by members of those Committees/Commissions/Bomds. Conmtudty Service Exnerience: ORGANIZATION From date To dale 1 OFFICES HELD EI Segundo Residents Association 1986 Present President, Board Member Community Economic Cowtcil 1993 Present Education SCHOOL MAJOR i GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE University of Illinois, Urbana Com uter Engineering 19798.5. Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: Various workshops and training at TRW including effective interviewing, TQM, project management et al Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Please reverse fort attd complete PART II Name Daniel (First) Rein IVED ;.. f; ,, 4 1J:'5, MAYOR'S OFFICE Umy•.�� APPLICATION to Commissiona/CommitteeWBoards James Gaffey (Middle) (Last) Address: Telephone #s Residence 501 Center Street, #14 Res: 310-414-0811 Bus: Name and Address of EmDlover: THE WALL STREET JOURNAL 6500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1400, Los Angeles, CA 90048 Present Occupation AdvertisingA. E.E. If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: 4 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member7Yes No X If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Term, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es) O Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o Noise Abatement Committee O El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee O Planning Commission 11 Economic Development Advisory Council O Recreation & Parks Commission 0 Investment Advisory Committee o Senior Citizen Housing Corporation tporetion Board O Library Board of Trustees O Wall of Honor Committee Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O Other. NOTE: Conlllat of interest Yatemenb must be filed by members of these Commissiom/Comm sae Bo rds. Service Experience: ORGANIZATION I From (date) I To Education: OFFICES HELD SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE LM8 En Bus 1981-1 8 BA Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Phase reverse form and complete PART II RECEIVER, 1,1 "T ` 91995 Uieve y C/ C� MAYOR' al OFFI IP+n APPLICATION to Commissions/CommitteeF/Boards Name _ Antnnio .T(raan) Mpndp7Y (First) (Middle) (Last) Address: Residence 408 Standard Street Tele{T8ej 0 -0497 Bus: (310)640 -0497 Mailing P.O. Box 2756 Fax: (370)640 -0497 Name and Address of Employer: Mendez R &D Associates ( Sole Proprietor) 408 Standard Street Present Occupation Ent rep ren tr / Conizu 1 ta nif you area Resident of El Segundo, how many years:_ Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membeRYes_ NOIL- If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Term* Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). o Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o Noise Abatement Committee O El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee D Planning Commission Xf Economic Development Advisory Council O Recreation & Parks Commission O Investment Advisory Committee o Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board O Library Board of Trustees 0 Wall of Honor Committee a Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O Other. NOTE. Confliq of interest statements must be filed by members of these Coh,nb ionNCommltkesfnoards Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Institute of Electriral 1989 1991 LA Chantiar Chair and Electronic Engine s 1991 1993 to Monica Bay Sect' Chair Education: Committee Chair SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE University of Southern Califor is Physics 1968 Ph.D. Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: Vmer Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Peease reverse ft and complete PART II a}]1 Name RICHARD (First) / APPLICATION to CommiBBions/CommitteeE Boards EVAN (Middle) PATTERSON (Last) Address: Telephone #s Residence 612 ILLINOIS CT. Res: (310) 364 -2260 Bus: (310) 3223999 Mailing P.O. BOX 88279, LOS ANGELES, CA 900094279 Fax: (3101322 -1460 Name and Address of Employer: PATTERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 88279, LOS ANGELES, CA 90009 -8279 Present Occupation EXEC. VICE PRESIDENT If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: 14 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member?Yes No X If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Term* Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). O Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee O Noise Abatement Committee O El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee D Planning Commission 9C Economic Development Advisory Council 0 Recreation & Parks Commission Investment Advisory Committee Library Board of Trustees Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 0 Wall of Honor Committee NOTE. Conflid of intemk etetements must be filed by members d these Commiws onstCommiftee,v Oards. Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD FIRE DEPT. MASTER PLAN 7/1/82 6/30/93 CHAIRMAN 7/81 - MBA Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE PACIFIC WESTERN UNIV. ENGINEERING 4/80 - B.S.M.E. SAVE AS ABOVE ECONOMICS 7/81 - MBA Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: A MINIMUM OF 80 C.E.U. -S + IN COMPANY COURSES & TRAINING Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: SEE ATTACHED CREDENTIAL & BACKGROUND SHEETS Please reverse [Qm and complete PART II .......1995 CREDENTIALS RICHARD E. PATTERSON five Executive Vice President management responsibilities and quaffcations Responsible for the construction project management and cost control elements for all company projects, including contract and subcontract negotiations, material purchase contracts, CAD, computer system operations and supervision of all field personnel. Responsible for all technical aspects of the Company's site planning, evaluation of facilities, company relocations, environmental remediation projects, design of office buildings, parking structures, manufacturing plants, and projects on the analysis of design, schedules and cost. Responsible for assistance to legal professionals. Includes document analysis, site evaluations, claim and lien reviews, preparation of litigation support materials and expert testimony. Responsible for multi -use site & subdivision planning and evaluations, architectural, mechanical, and stmctural system selections, earthquake studies, building evaluations, analysis and evaluation procedures and seismic designs, and retrofit strengthening Responsible for lecturing, management & staff training and writing and producing text documentation, and computer generated presentation materials. professional experience California Institute of Technology; 1956 - 1960 Lockheed Aircraft Company; 1961 - 1964 Boeing, Vertol Division; 1965 - 1968 Collage' International, Inc.; 1969 - 1973 Wilshire Center Development; 1974 - 1976 Hughes Aircraft Company; 1976 - 1993 Patterson & Associates, Inc.; 1992 - Present Pacific Western University Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Master of Business Administration in Economics registration None at this time professional afiiliavons and actirives Baltic- American Chamber of Commerce Chairman, El Segundo Fire/Life Safety Master Plan Committee Consulting Engineers of Southern California Lecturer, Management Associations, Corporations and Universities Designer, Gupta Foundation, Karnal, India Business Information Services for Newly Independent States .......1995 A QUICK LOOK AT RICHARD E. PATTERSON business, chic., persona/, /e/sure badfrground act/hities Have headed many multi - million dollar projects during my career. NONE COMPLETED LATE! NONE OVER BUDGET! This attests that I have compiled a balanced formula for mixing people, engineering, manufacturing, construction, financial and contractual criteria into RESULTS....... As a manager, have successfully directed many diverse Teams of unique and talented individuals. Several teams had more than 200 members ....... For more than 5 years, represented Hughes Aircraft Company, Radar Systems Group at the El Segundo City Counsel & Planning Commission meetings....... Have previously undertaken, and my wife Victoria and I, are willing and very able to handle the community and company social responsibilities of any new position....... Conducted, and strong advocate, of "TEAMING" and "MENTORING" group efforts....... Resided and worked in 14 different states of the U.S.A.. Learned many unique ways to complete similar tasks and functions....... At heart, I'm an Engineer but I have an MBA in Economics and know what that means and how to use it wisely and effectively....... As a El Segundo, California resident, presided over the City's "Fire / Life Safety Master Plan Committee, as their Chairman. This task represented one year of effort ....... 22 years of strong association with the development, implementation and use of computer operating systems. Literate in MAC, PC, CAD & several main frame hardware systems....... During my career, received several "Superior" team and individual awards. Have had documented cost savings of more than $40,000,000.00....... Have a diverse background of employment fields. ie., Farming, Helicopter Pilot & Flight Operations, Missile Propulsion, Educational Planning, Systems Engineering, Aerospace Electronics, Real Estate Development, all phases of Construction Project Management and Consulting to Legal Professionals....... Worked for 10 weeks as a volunteer for the "84 Olympic Committee" during the Los Angeles 1984 Summer Olympic Games....... As one of the United States Government's "Ballistic Systems Division" original civilian team members, co- authored Federal Specifications on "PERT", "PERT COST" and "CPM........ Sponsored, Coached or Managed several "Little League ", AYSO" and "Pop Warner' teams....... 1 play and enjoy racquetball, tennis, team handball and golf. I'm killer at racquetball and So- so at golf. Tennis and team handball are somewhere in between. Traveling is just the best and I do love a good cup of espresso....... Name orlt =11k* 40 APPLICATION to Commissionq/Committeeq/Boards Pre Gad o (First) i (Middle) (Last) `' Telephone #s RwgirlenceSi Z Lo(hq X11Sta St 6-1 .SQ4 r_CA 90285 Res0o) 5zz- bus: Mailing (`S q'W Fax: Name and Address of Present Occupation If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: I V MOSS Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member7Yes_ No V If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board; Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee 0 • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee O S111(sL ( ( Lea Lt7 S cvl J C 3 Economic Development Advisory Council O o Investment Advisory Committee ° a Library Board of Trustees Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board NOTE. Conosa of interest statements must m filetl by members d Mesa Commimon9 mmideezraoerds. !`nmmnnihr Snvi�n Fvnnrinnro' Noise Abatement Committee Planning Commission Recreation & Parks Commission Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Wall of Honor Committee ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD S },S 0 cc, CrjVf-ancjcv) S111(sL ( ( Lea Lt7 S cvl J C 3 �QSeAt se�2rc. (z QJS�i Fducatinn' SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE (ACL I" S ci, 3 - .9 AC LeT Sc4wo i Q 144 — 3t Dr Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: )LLL&,�eG S� Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Msae reaerae ft and ooroplete PART II I 9'` )a,/- 1. My commitment to community involvement and community service coupled with my strong communication skills and educational training, would reinforce the strengths and enhance the quality of the existing Economic Development Advisory Council (EDAC). 2. The primary goals and objectives of EDAC I believe include: * advising the City Council on the most effective means of attracting and retaining business in El Segundo, in order to maintain a strong revenue base in support of the existing services and opportunities the City provides; * understanding the City's Economic Development Program and ensuring that it is current enough to meet the changing needs of the City and its residents; * collecting and disseminating information with regard to current trends and developments in the way municipalities are succeeding at business attraction and retention. 3. I do not operate by the "law of least effort" to get the job done. I believe that the greatest contribution that any volunteer makes is "time, talents, and energy." The research skills I have developed over the years, my commitment to putting in the time necessary (as opposed to the minimum required time) to get the job done, and my general willingness to serve, will enable me to be a great asset for accomplishing the required duties. 4. I have no reservations about EDAC at this time. 5. Other Comments: My wife has worked as Speech and Language Pathologist in El Segundo for the past three years, and we moved our family here about ten months ago. We have two daughters, the eldest of which is in kindergarten. We were drawn to El Segundo from West Los Angeles because of the very livable environment and excellent schools. My willingness to volunteer for this board position is based upon a fundamental understanding of the necessity for community involvement, and a desire to preserve the fine quality of El Segundo living. GE1Z2 RD0 (GERRY) PREC =ADO 312 Loma Vista, El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 322 -7308 EDUCATION University of California at Los Angeles, School of Law Juris Doctor - 1996 Moot Court Honors Program; Moot Court Honors Board Member; University Fellowship Award; Pacific Basin Law Journal, Staff Member. University of Houston Law Center (Summer Program 1994) Mexican Legal Studies Program - Mexico City University of California at Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts - Political Science 1993 RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE Office of the United States Trade Representative, Los Angeles, CA. Intern. Assisted the U.S. Delegation during the Quad Ministerial meetings held to establish preliminary GATT implementation procedures. Attended by the U.S., Japan, Canada, and the European Union. Law Offices of Johnson & Poulson, Westwood, CA. Office Clerk. Updated law library materials, helped prepare and file court documents. R.S. Hughes Co., Inc. (3M Distributor), Sunnyvale, CA. Salesman. Negotiated with buyers, serviced existing accounts, provided technical support for customers. SPECIALIZED TRAINING Received extensive training from both Mexican and legal system and negotiating foreign investment int o the GATT, and Mexico's foreign investment laws. QUALIFICATIONS and INTERESTS U.S. legal scholars regarding the Mexican Mexico in compliance with the NAFTA, Possess excellent communication and organizational skills. Languages: Fluent in Spanish. Proficient on WordPerfect, and trained on LEXIS and WESTLAW research networks. Interests include my family, politics and sports. Avid basketball and softball player. VOLUNTEER WORK Adult leader with the Boy Scouts of America; American Red Cross Volunteer; Missionary to the Navajo, Hopi, Apache and Zuni Nations (4/85 - 4/87); Volunteer on several political campaigns; Various church leadership positions. CT! MANAGER'S GF'i'ICE APPLICATION to Commissions/Committees/Boards Name /107-oc0 (First) (Middle) (Last) Address: Telephone #s Residence 5-3 2 4 C. 41'1rt -NJ7- 4[/f Res:3� -3oY J' Bus: 71 y - e2,6i -7oFo Mailing S,,jA44C Fax: 71y- .7-61-204j� Name and Address of Employer: 4�aC- -rIOA 1 >9Y/ )I`:--)%Cf/ .A!/E. Std �F� C'4, 4 -7/51 p fzyPresent Occupation /'�O,TEG'r/ttRA,(/(tl+'i�12 If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many yearo: i%!' Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membef7Yes_ No—Lz If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). O Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee 0 Noise Abatement Committee D El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee X Planning Commission Economic Development Advisory Council 0 Recreation & Parks Commission Investment Advisory Committee O Senior Citizen Housing Corporation BOiml Library Board of Trustees 0 Wall of Honor Committee Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O Other. NOTE: Conflia of Interest emtements must be #ilea by members of Me Co smone ommittees Boards. Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE G S? E G/{ !9 1101-lc4 Corc,F c /93'/ / A.q, Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: S /TC C04'4rdr /n/ C- C&,eEGf Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Please rewarse form and complete PART II L ROOMED- 0 1Q: MAXOR'S W- • �, C// CD f yeffff� APPLICATION to Commission$/CommitteeE Boards Name GXI'LlG 407-0LC (First) (Middle) (Last) Name and Address of Employer '�KX �_Gi✓S %2ye %i t7 t/ /79Y/ FTC qc.t<. rrt� /,✓E� cam. 9�� /Y Present Occupationl" //�� /°�O,reCr T4 ho If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: N� 45 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member?Yes_ No If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). O Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee Economic Development Advisory Council Investment Advisory Committee 0 Library Board of Trustees �o Noise Abatement Committee /q Planning Commission 0 Recreation & Parks Commission o Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board O Wall of Honor Committee Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O Other. NOTE'. Conflid d iMemm sfatemenfs must be fiia by members d these Commi ws/Cor n fte s BO rds. Service ORGANIZATION I From (date) I To (date) I OFFICES HELD Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE Gqe- S7 rE "Alts lS6oc co.csi /9 Y .S. T4 ho /9 � 4. i Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: 1FXArX,'CA:: /N G/ /-?W � Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Mase reaerae form and oomplete • c/ 1995 APRI28 APPLICATION to Commissions/Committee Boards Name Constanza Pallini (First) (Middle) (Last) Address: .nia Street El Segundo, CA same as above Bus: 0 Name and Address of Employer: City of El Segundo, E. S. Public Library 111 W. Mariposa Avenue E1 Segundo, CA 90245 Present OccupationTjhraT -pr Cl ark (part— .imp) If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membeRYes_ Nom_ If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Term: Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). 0 Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ Noise Abatement Committee C El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee jt Planning Commission O Economic Development Advisory Council o Recreation & Parks Commission O Investment Advisory Committee a Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board O Library Board of Trustees o Wall of Honor Committee ❑ Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board 0 Other. NOTE. Convict of interest statements must W fled by members of these CommimonsrCommsftms Boards. Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Southb&v Surfrider Foundat on 1/94 Present Beach Clean-up Coordina 6Z26 (expected) Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE E1 Sezundo High School 6191 Universitjy of California, Los ALgelex h 6Z26 (expected) Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: Environmental Studies or Courses in Urban Geography, Cultural Geog., Metropolitan L.A., Geographic Information Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Systems, Environmental Impact,Assessment Think about Graduate School in Urban Planning Graduate School in Urban Planning Please re�ersa Rrm and complete PART II APPLICATION Address: May 11, 1995 - 5:55 pm CITY CLERK if EL SFGUND . CAI-IF Bus: - Mailing Fax: Name and Address of Present Occupation If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: 21 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member7Yes V000f No_ It Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board:�/1QW CA M#4=&L jq Term NOV 97 --Ir Please indicate the Commit tee(s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). 0 Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o Noise Abatement Committee 0 El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee fFF*�Planning Commission O Economic Development Advisory Council O Recreation 8 Parks Commission O Investment Advisory Committee O Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board U Library Board of Trustees o Wall of Honor Committee 0 Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board 0 NOTE. Confiid d intema q temen% must be fibd by members of Mesa Comnisebns/Cammiee slit rde Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD �u LrMIL" rw aA/ °&P / /O Sl1I�Ar N tta ar Toke 0 j vrsl, N -S$N SNNAlY it/Jr►� T GAPTA3T1. 7PJ►!N STA�13 Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE ry &4C - PH yjyu ,i3s — /9s 0 D(. e%.TOA 7-PD AX# $ L Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: V Other Pertinent Skills, Experience X ruaPureA- l ii o 66rtd j&.4F�. 0V"W c, Please resena An and mmpk" PART II i6" 4k M ^31C &'..f Stacey Palmer, 808 Maryland Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245 [310 -640 -9516] To: City of El Segundo oc: From: M. Stacey Palmer Date: 05/11/95 12:51:22 PM Subject: Planning Commission Application - Part If Supplementary Information 1. 1 have lived and worked in El Segundo for more than 20 years. I have background in business, Real Estate, Computer Science, and Engineering that have been and will be most helpful as associated with planning commission concerns. I have served as a Planning Commissioner since November of 1994. Other related experience includes: Real Estate Sales, Public Accounting, Engineering Work, Community Service (including Church Work). 2. Make appropriate recommendations to the city council referent to the city's general plan. Those recommendations need to be commensurate with the needs of this community. Those needs include establishing and,or maintaining a safe healthy environment for both residents and business. Attention to requirements related to a safe and orderly environment for our communities business and residential citizens would be a priority consideration. 3. 1 would develop and facilitate planning commission interaction to draw on the talents, education, and background of the individual members and promote dialog as appropriate with the city council. 4. No - I think the city council is working together in a productive manner for the good of the city, and I respect the various members of this council. I would expect to get along well with fellow planning commission members. At this point I do not have conflicting educational nor work requirements. [I am in a transitional work, training mode subsequent to "early retirement" from Hughes AirCraft] 5. 1 respect and support this community, the city council. and the need to be accountable. 6. Bill, Carol Watkins Betty Puff David, Julius Wilson 327 East Oak Street 322 -2863 815 Maryland Street 640 -9891 418 W. Pine Ave. 32211155 Im ,,C, 05/11/95 01:21:41 PM page 1 CITY CLERK CL SEGUNDO, C:Al.lr May 11, 1995, 12:29 p.m. if APPLICATION to Commissions/CommitteegBoards Name ��tt t,U11t1rQ Ir�.rlQ.t (First) (Middle) (Last) Address: Telephone #s Residence % 3 /111 IA `)�VY¢� Res: /.101 �?Zi Bus: Mailing� Fax: Name and Address of Employer: l bN r 10VA-f U 11 )4 kr &,,ci ybwor- �n 111 l t, � E P - ck t I ALT—U- CA C1 L) o 17- Present Occupation 0� If .I (lsr /J 1 d[[L/ If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: n.l Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board member7Yes_ No—�K— If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Term: Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). O Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee 13 Noise Abatement Committee C El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee )A Planning Commission 0 Economic Development Advisory Council 0 Recreation & Parks Commission o Investment Advisory Committee o Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board O Library Board of Trustees O Wall of Honor Committee ❑ Metropolitan cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board ° Other. NOTE'. Conflict of interest p temenfs must be filed by members of these CommissionvCommifteev Boards. Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Education: Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: wmfl Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Gt%" .— a vt ( &12 i Aec- and complete PART II SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE t fRIQ � �! .S VY/9 -r I r e SCI: ?IfGL. Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: wmfl Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Gt%" .— a vt ( &12 i Aec- and complete PART II Name (First) / ! /.•. �11111'0 All APPLICATION to Commissions,/Committees/Boards I?rec;ado (Middle) (Last) Address: r 1 rt SQ-V`ndo Telephone #s Residence �J 12 L o YY\ G. V 1 s f-CL S I, . CA 90245 Rest'31 �) 3 2Z -7308 Bus: Mailing C SQYY1e) Fax: Name and Address of Employer: Present Occupation If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: I O moo , Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membeRYes_ No If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Term: Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). O Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o Noise Abatement Committee a El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee V Planning Commission o Economic Development Advisory Council n Recreation & Parks Commission 0 Investment Advisory Committee o Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 0 Library Board of Trustees 0 Wall of Honor Committee o Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board 0 Other. NOTE. Conflict of Interest s ternenh muA be file,J by members of these CommiwonerCommlttee5 Boalds. Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION F om (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD 60 SCOLxts ok AMC /Q93 C L, A %6^oo I o-P L as fj IgV. Ad4A1 L,oS Chure /983 Present S ra er hi USrti ans. Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE U��f9 Po/i.Sci, /Q93 C L, A %6^oo I o-P L as fj L AVJ / 9 9 /o Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: see o.ttk Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Pleaee reaerse ft and complete PART 11 1. My long - standing commitment to community involvement and community service coupled with my strong communication skills and educational training, make me an asset as a voluntary member of the Planning Commission. Understanding the intricate balance that must be struck between satisfying the reasonable expectations of residential property owners with the needs of business owners and civic organizations, is essential to any potential member of the Planning Commission. My fundamental training in the area of property law has helped me to develop that understanding. 2. What I see as the key objectives and goals of the Planning Commission is to help maintain the integrity of the City of El Segundo by: * having a complete understanding of the City's General Plan coupled with the vision and courage to evaluate and reevaluate mechanisms chosen to facilitate that plan, until the most effective means of carrying out that plan can be discovered; * objectively considering the request of all parties who come before the commission; * having a strong understanding of community sentiment with regard to proposed changes in the City's zoning ordinances; * carefully considering any decisions which would require zoning changes (especially profound changes that may adversely affect the very "livable" environment that El Segundo currently provides). 3. I would help achieve these goals by putting in the time necessary to collect, digest, and disseminate the information needed to make informed and educated decisions. Time and commitment is the greatest resource that any volunteer can contribute to a position. 4. I have no reservations about the Planning Commission. 5. Other Comments: My wife has worked as Speech and Language Pathologist in El Segundo for the past three years, and we moved our family here about ten months ago. We have two daughters, the eldest of which is in kindergarten. We were drawn to El Segundo from West Los Angeles because of the very livable environment and excellent schools. My willingness to volunteer for this board position is based upon a fundamental understanding of the necessity for community involvement, and a desire to preserve the fine quality of El Segundo living. GERARDO (GERRY) PREC =ADO 312 Loma Vista, El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 322 -7308 EDUCATION University of California at Los Angeles, School of Law Juris Doctor - 1996 Moot Court Honors Program; Moot Court Honors Board Member; University Fellowship Award; Pacific Basin Law Journal, Staff Member. University of Houston Law Center (Summer Program 1994) Mexican Legal Studies Program - Mexico City University of California at Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts - Political Science 1993 RELATED WORK Office of the United States Trade Representative, Los Angeles, CA. Intern. Assisted the U.S. Delegation during the Quad Ministerial meetings held to establish preliminary GATT implementation procedures. Attended by the U.S., Japan, Canada, and the European Union. Law Offices of Johnson & Poulson, Westwood, CA. Office Clerk. Updated law library materials, helped prepare and file court documents. R.S. Hughes Co., Inc. (3M Distributor), Sunnyvale, CA. Salesman. Negotiated with buyers, serviced existing accounts, provided technical support for customers. SPECIALIZED TRAINING Received extensive training from both Mexican and U.S. legal scholars regarding the Mexican legal system and negotiating foreign investment into Mexico in compliance with the NAFTA, the GATT, and Mexico's foreign investment laws. QUALIFICATIONS and INTERESTS Possess excellent communication and organizational skills. Languages: Fluent in Spanish. Proficient on WordPerfect, and trained on LEXIS and WESTLAW research networks. Interests include my family, politics and sports. Avid basketball and softball player. VOLUNTEER WORK Adult leader with the Boy Scouts of America; American Red Cross Volunteer; Missionary to the Navajo, Hopi, Apache and Zuni Nations (4/85 - 4/87); Volunteer on several political campaigns; Various church leadership positions. Name RICHARD (First) Address: =44 APPLICATION to Commissions/CommitteeWBoards EVAN PATTERSON (Middle) (Last) Telephone #s Name and Address of Employer: PATTERSON 8: ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 88279, LOS ANGELES, CA 90009 -8279 Present Occupation EXEC. VICE PRESIDENT If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: 14 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membel?Yes No X If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Term: Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). 0 Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee 0 Noise Abatement Committee D El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee R Planning Commission D Economic Development Advisory Council D Recreation & Parks Commission 0 Investment Advisory Committee 0 Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board O Library Board of Trustees O Wall of Honor Committee 0 Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board 0 Other. NOTE'. Conflict of Interest statements must be filed by members of these Ciom it onVCommltleeerBoalds. Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD FIRE DEPT. MASTER PLAN 7/1/82 6/30193 CHAIRMAN 7/81 - MBA Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE PACIFIC WESTERN UNIV. ENGINEERING 4/80 - B.S.M.E. SAVE AS ABOVE ECONOMICS 7/81 - MBA Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: A MINIMUM OF 80 C.E.U: S + IN COMPANY COURSES & TRAINING Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: SEE ATTACHED CREDENTIAL 8: BACKGROUND SHEETS Please reierae tQm and complete PART If .......1995 CREDFAWWS RICHARD E. PATTERSON title Executive Vice President management respwabilities and qualifications Responsible for the construction project management and cost control elements for all company projects, including contract and sub - contract negotiations, material purchase contracts, CAD, computer system operations and supervision of all field personnel. Responsible for all technical aspects of the Company's site planning, evaluation of facilities, company relocations, environmental remediation projects, design of office buildings, parking structures, manufacturing plants, and projects on the analysis of design, schedules and cost. Responsible for assistance to legal professionals. Includes document analysis, site evaluations, claim and lien reviews, preparation of litigation support materials and expert testimony. Responsible for multi-use site & subdivision planning and evaluations, architectural, mechanical, and structural system selections, earthquake studies, building evaluations, analysis and evaluation procedures and seismic designs, and retrofit strengthening Responsible for lecturing, management & staff training and writing and producing text documentation, and computer generated presentation materials. professional experience California Institute of Technology; 1956 - 1960 Lockheed Aircraft Company; 1961 - 1964 Boeing, Vertol Division; 1965 - 1968 Collage International, Inc.; 1%9 - 1973 Wilshire Center Development; 1974 - 1976 Hughes Aircraft Company; 1976 - 1993 Patterson & Associates, Inc.; 1992 - Present eda"dow Pacific Western University Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Master of Business Administration in Economics IVishw9off None at this time professional awliadaffs and activities Baltic- American Chamber of Commerce Chairman, El Segundo Fire/Life Safety Master Plan Committee Consulting Engineers of Southern California Lecturer, Management Associations, Corporations and Universities Designer, Gupta Foundation, Karnal, India Business Information Services for Newly Independent States .......1995 A QUICK LOOK AT RICHARD E. PATTERSON business, civic, personal, leisure background acOwties Have headed many mufti- million dollar projects during my career. NONE COMPLETED LATEI NONE OVER BUDGETI This attests that I have compiled a balanced formula for mixing people, engineering, manufacturing, construction, financial and contractual criteria into RESULTS....... As a manager, have successfully directed many diverse Teams of unique and talented individuals. Several teams had more than 200 members ....... For more than 5 years, represented Hughes Aircraft Company, Radar Systems Group at the El Segundo City Counsel & Planning Commission meetings....... Have previously undertaken, and my wife Victoria and I, are willing and very able to handle the community and company social responsibilities of any new position....... Conducted, and strong advocate, of "TEAMING" and "MENTORING" group efforts....... Resided and worked in 14 different states of the U.S.A.. Learned many unique ways to complete similar tasks and functions....... At heart, I'm an Engineer but I have an MBA in Economics and know what that means and how to use it wisely and effectively....... As a El Segundo, California resident, presided over the City's "Fire J Life Safety Master Plan Committee, as their Chairman. This task represented one year of effort ....... 22 years of strong association with the development, implementation and use of computer operating systems. Literate in MAC, PC, CAD & several main frame hardware systems....... During my career, received several "Superior" team and individual awards. Have had documented cost savings of more than $40,000,000.00....... Have a diverse background of employment fields. ie., Fanning, Helicopter Pilot & Flight Operations, Missile Propulsion, Educational Planning, Systems Engineering, Aerospace Electronics, Real Estate Development, all phases of Construction Project Management and Consulting to Legal Professionals....... Worked for 10 weeks as a volunteer for the "84 Olympic Committee" during the Los Angeles 1984 Summer Olympic Games....... As one of the United States Government's "Ballistic Systems Division" original civilian team members, co- authored Federal Specifications on "PERT", "PERT COST" and "CPM........ Sponsored, Coached or Managed several "Little League ", AYSO" and "Pop Wamer" teams....... play and enjoy racquetball, tennis, team handball and golf. I'm killer at racquetball and so- so at golf. Tennis and team handball are somewhere in between. Traveling is just the best and 1 do love a good cup of espresso....... �,0 c1l 4!V 1995 MAR Xelt 3 Name Sue (Susanne) Carter • • •uu •t 1 :•. a (First) (Middle) (Lest) Address: Telephone #s Residence 832 Bungalow Dr. , El Segundo, CA 90245 Res: (310)640-8923 Mailing ame Bus P7��7k � Fax: Name and Address of Empbver: Retired Present Occupation Homemaker /volunteer If you am a Resident of FJ Segundo, how many years: 4 7 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of FJ Segundo Commission n)Commhrce or Board member? Yes X No If Yes, name the COmmwton/Committee/Boerd: Met. Coon- Lihrary SvstPm Term: _2 yr. Citizens Advisory Committee for Recycling - Served 2 years Pease indicate the Committee (s) /Commwion(s)/Board(s) you desire to serve on by checlth.g the appropriate box(es). O Capital Improvement Program Committee O Noise Abatement Committee • Community Cable Advisory Commits O Planning Commission • &esuomic Development CemmitteoSubcommittees (various) O Recreation & Parks Commission O Investment Advisory Committee O Senior Housing Bored O Library Barad of Trustees 0 Wall of Honor Cemmittee XK Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board 0 Others NOTE Coahc. of w.am.nrse.r .w M BLd a s.. ... d rW CerrvbaaCaaaberxerL Cammumity Service Experience; ORGANIZATION Prom (dome) To (dam) OFFICES HELD Am. Red Cross 1967 1972 Bloodmobile Captain Las Angelitas del Pueblo 1892 1988 Docent /Instructor Friends of E. S. Pub. Li 1990 Present President Educations SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATF/DEGREE EElCamjino Comm.Colle e Am. Studies 1983 Ass Ar nguez Hills Am. /Chinese 1985 BA Additional Perthsent Courses or Trsinhq; Post - graduate Study in Wuhan University in Wuhan, China - Summer, 1985 Present: Contemporary Lit. Study - UCLA /Adult Education Other Pertinent Skills. Experience or Interests: Have held leadership positions in Girl Scouts, Woman's Club, PTA Please reverse form and onaplete PART 11 Name i (First) Address: i i APPLICATION to Commissions`/CommitteeWBoards — I�r2GGt� (Middle) (Last) Bus: Mailing Cem nM�. i Fax: Name and Address of ne #s (3-327— Present Occupation If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years :Lo — os, Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membel?Yes No If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). O Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o Noise Abatement Committee O El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee 0 Planning Commission C Economic Development Advisory Council Recreation & Parks Commission n Investment Advisory Committee 0 Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Library Board of Trustees O Wall of Honor Committee ❑ Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O Other. NOTE'. Conflict of intere5 statemenh must be filed by members of thew CommiwionNCommithwe bdards. Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD ll� Lines. o� rand since t lore L S Ghur 1 3 fc e -At - sk 's itf avy Education: ` SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE GL al;. sci. / QQ 3 — d.y4. Gc.q Sckuz6! Lau1 i-aci 1996 — T. b, Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: C se,e. a t�6a Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: T 7edS- Pleaee reaeree form and complete PART II 1. My commitment to community involvement and community service coupled with my strong communication skills and educational training, enables me to make strong contributions to the Recreation & Parks Commission (RPC). 2. I believe the primary goals and objectives of the RPC would be to (1) ensure the continued safety and quality of the City's parks and recreation areas; (2) Keep abreast of the changing needs and concerns of the City's residents, so that the RPC can be more than an advisory body, and develop into an effective channel of communication to the City Council on matters pertaining to the RPC; (3) Responsibly assume the role of properly advising the City Council on acquisition and disposal of park property because of the potentially adverse effects on the rights and privileges of the City's residents, as well as the City's environment in general. 3. I do not operate by the "law of least effort" to get the job done. I believe that the greatest contribution that any volunteer makes is "time, talents, and energy." The research skills I have developed over the years, my commitment to putting in the time necessary (as opposed to the minimum required time) to get the job done, and my general willingness to serve, will enable me to be a great asset for accomplishing the required duties. 4. I have no reservations about the RPC at this time. 5. Other Comments: My wife has worked as Speech and Language Pathologist in El Segundo for the past three years, and we moved our family here about ten months ago. We have two daughters, the eldest of which is in kindergarten. We were drawn to El Segundo from West Los Angeles because of the very livable environment and excellent schools. My willingness to volunteer for this board position is based upon a fundamental understanding of the necessity for community involvement, and a desire to preserve the fine quality of El Segundo living. GERARnc) (GERRY) PREC =ADO 312 Loma Vista, El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 322 -7308 EDUCATION University of California at Los Angeles, School of Law Juris Doctor - 1996 Moot Court Honors Program; Moot Court Honors Board Member; University Fellowship Award; Pacific Basin Law Journal, Staff Member. University of Houston Law Center (Summer Program 1994) Mexican Legal Studies Program - Mexico City University of California at Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts - Political Science 1993 RELATED WORK Office of the United States Trade Representative, Los Angeles, CA. Intern. Assisted the U.S. Delegation during the Quad Ministerial meetings held to establish preliminary GATT implementation procedures. Attended by the U.S., Japan, Canada, and the European Union. Law Offices of Johnson & Poulson, Westwood, CA. Office Clerk. Updated law library materials, helped prepare and file court documents. R.S. Hughes Co., Inc. (3M Distributor), Sunnyvale, CA. Salesman. Negotiated with buyers, serviced existing accounts, provided technical support for customers. SPECIALIZED TRAINING Received extensive training from both Mexican and U.S. legal scholars regarding the Mexican legal system and negotiating foreign investment into Mexico in compliance with the NAFTA, the GATT, and Mexico's foreign investment laws. QUALIFICATIONS and INTERESTS Possess excellent communication and organizational skills. Languages: Fluent in Spanish. Proficient on WordPerfect, and trained on LEXIS and WESTLAW research networks. Interests include my family, politics and sports. Avid basketball and softball player. VOLUNTEER WORK Adult leader with the Boy Scouts of America; American Red Cross Volunteer; Missionary to the Navajo, Hopi, Apache and Zuni Nations (4/85 - 4/87); Volunteer on several political campaigns; Various church leadership positions. yr�An filln APPLICATION to Commissione`/CommitteeWBoards Name 1Y1RRGIE PrNNE RAtJDRts- (First) (Middle) (Last) Address: Telephone #s Bus: 3aD--A 114 XH3r Mailing %5ccme Fax: Name and Address of Employer: EL SE6UQT)0 -POUe-E -T)E- PARTMEt,) -r i3`fs A1A I f j ;MEET t EL� SEC of ND O 4 9(),ag S- Present Occupation CECRETAR�j If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years: -314RS. Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membertYes x No_ If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: TElIP- E4TIONJ 4 -PARKS Term' i Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). O Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee O El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee 0 Economic Development Advisory Council 0 Investment Advisory Committee o Library Board of Trustees 3 Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O Noise Abatement Committee O Planning Commission P[ Recreation & Parks Commission 0 Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board O Wall of Honor Committee 0 Other NOTE: Conflict of interest statement must be filed by members of these Commissions/Commdbee Boards. Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (dale) To (date) OFFICES HELD WALL of AW12- COtrNn/rrec 19gU 194'4 SEL'eeTA2 LrrrLC LEAEUE "mENs Wtwb Ig42- i994 M?ious MIDDY --irtioOL-'P1R 19g4 19g(o -But)&E-r 0 lij Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE EL GE&tfr�Del f -h(St-i (�- ErAr_ W7,:1- 60ttTh BAY A A5rr1t55 &Ut &C SWeTNftA /ter 7'S Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: IOVOtA MR�JrvtpurJT — C&MPUTe12- ReLArED Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: MV FfiMM AAS A stec & iNYt'Vesr 10 'THeRTM As LLICLL- AS SFbEls SD X AM ALSO Pbaea reverse [arm and complete PART 11 1W'WeSTED 1N 1!EEP /nib Tf4E "QIL 1jW 1DRANA P9669AM OFFEREa `i eCiO&R TIfF DErApTI-Wr' 1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? I really do not have any training or education in the recreation field but I truly care about my community and have always felt that it was important to be active in it. I think it's very important to know a lot about the people and the community to be a good commissioner. My involvement in many group activities throughout the schools, parks and community have enabled me to meet many people (adults and children). A few of these groups are: member of the Co -Op Nursery School, Cub Scout #773 Pack Leader, Little League Women's Board member, Middle School PTA, St. Anthony's Religious Education Program, Volunteer in every grade level at Center St. School, Driver for `Meals on Wheels', Member of Wall of Honor Committee. 2. What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission? To seek out what is beneficial and/or troublesome to the members of the community by being the "eyes and ears" of the residents. To review new ideas and concepts brought to the Commission's attention by fellow residents. To work closely with Recreation and Parks staff and Council when needed. 3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? I will help achieve the goals and objectives by making a commitment to the Council to attend meetings and be active in any subcommittees when needed. I will also commit to be the liaison between the people of this community and the City Council and/or city staff regarding recreation and parks matters. I will continue to take an active role in community and recreational events within our town. 4. Do you have any reservations about the Conunission? No. I know the Council has expressed some concern regarding city employees serving on commissions/committees. Although I was not a city employee when first appointed, I have never experienced any problems sitting on this Commission. I only consider my experiences as a resident in making all decisions as a Commissioner. I tried to consider not applying again and letting another concerned person take over, but I believed then and I still do now, that I am a good candidate to be appointed to the Commission. 5. Other comments: Some recent accomplishments of the Recreation and Parks Department that I am proud to have been involved in as a Commissioner are: `The Lakes' planning and its first year of operation, the start-up of the new youth roller hockey league and the refurbishment and grand re- opening of the El Segundo Teen Center. The Commission is involved to a certain extent although the work and worry is done by the Recreation and Parks staff. Four years ago the residents of El Segundo were not sure there would even be a golf course built, which is what sparked my interest in the Commission then. Today, `The Lakes' is there for the enjoyment of all and I believe the city has a financial nest egg for many years to come. � • �� ( i%2y - / o APPLICATION to Commissions/Committees/B68rd_s Name —' KEITH ALAN COVINGTON (First) (Middle) (Last) Address: 764 Bungalow Drive. El Telephone #s Bus: (310) 551 -2238 Mailing 764 Bungalow Drive, E1 Segundo, CA 90245 Fax: (310) 203 -9612 Name and Address of Employer: Miller /Davis Co. , 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2950, Los Angeles, CA 90067 Real Estate Finance/ Present Occupation Asset Management If you area Resident of El Segundo, how many years: 3-1/2 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board membef7Yes_ No X If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board: Term: Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). ❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ❑ Noise Abatement Committee r. UX ❑ NOTE. El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee Economic Development Advisory Council Investment Advisory Committee n Planning Commission ❑ Recreation & Parks Commission n Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Library Board of Trustees ❑ Wall of Honor Committee Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board ❑ Other. iflict of interest sfatemenm must be filed by members of these Commuuuon�ommlfteeS Board& Community Service Experience: ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Business School Challeng 9/87 6/89 Participant for Charity Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE Stanford Graduate School of Business Business M.B.A. 6/89 Claremont McKenna College Economics B.A. 6/85 Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: .See Attached Sheets Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Please reverse form and complete CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Application to Commissions /Committees /Boards PART I Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: Accounting and Finance courses were a major component of M.B.A. degree. - Investment Banking Training Program completed (emphasis on all major financial products). Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Work experience has been finance oriented in investment banking and as a principal's representative for a multi - hundred- million - dollar real estate portfolio. Responsible for investing up to $12 million in dollar denominated investments on a daily basis in an off -shore bank account, working directly with the capital market's desk of a major U. S. bank. Responsible for choosing the most favorable debt rate, calculating and initiating interest payments for approximately $400 million of debt, and understanding the economic trends which determine interest rates. I have created, approved and supervised the implementation of budgets for numerous assets. PART II 1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? As an El Segundo resident and property owner, I would like to take a more active role in community affairs. In addition to the experience and expertise listed, I enjoy finance and am cognizant of the vernacular institutions and brokers use as well as the right questions to ask when comparing financial instruments. 2. What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission/Committee /Board you are applying to? In addition to the duties and responsibilities listed on the Notice of Vacancy, (1) educate the citizens so that the Orange County debacle can't happen in El Segundo and (2) ensure that the institutions /brokers El Segundo uses for its investments and financial transactions treat the City fairly when charging fees and providing advice. 3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? As a former investment banker and present consumer of services from banks and brokers, I have the experience and expertise to know: (a) what issues are important to an investor, (b) what (sometimes difficult or uncomfortable) questions to ask regarding risk and return of investment products and (c) understand the fees and commissions paid to brokers. 4. Do you have any reservations about the Commission/Committee /Board? None at this time 5. Other Comments: It would be helpful to meet or contact the current Investment Advisory Committee members as part of this selection process. 6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members): Judith Weber Fry 1624 -19th Street Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Telephone: (310) 545 -2507 P. Kurt Preising 8416 Lookout Mountain Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90067 Telephone: (213) 227 -3518 William S. Smith 3791 Roberta Street Los Angeles, CA 90031 Telephone: (213) 227 -7807 7. Do you plan to attend the Council interview? (To be set after deadline) Yes Signature Date -� P l 2 y d t.a.e�� �-- ..:� -� �` .S.S . / r� f-t Z APPLICATION to Commissioca/CommitteeWBoards Name (First) (Middle) (Last) Address: a phone #s Residence PODLLA iC7l Nm�� MVF—, Los /��C LeS es: kZ'A- 75- 4.740 Bus: (aI -S) - /0G6 Mailing t++C_ Fax: Name and Address of Employer�'t oi- Anm tcA be-vc, -tom AV; i iT~ fWoe— LX76 eC�5G Le, 5 t Der qOO % 1 Present Occupation�rWIWSrWW't �Ar414e — If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many�y/ears: Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner/ Committee or Board member7Yes X No_ If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Boartl _=N1��Tffe- l NDV,t„oN Nnm, Term: J n Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es). • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o Noise Abatement Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee D Planning Commission D Economic Development Advisory Council O Recreation 8 Parks Commission X Investment Advisory Committee O Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 0 Library Board of Trustees O Wall of Honor Committee 0 Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O NOTE: Conflict of intmest statements must be filed by members of Mess Co iwv VCommitt VBbards. Service Experience: ORGANIZATION I From (date) I To (date) I OFFICES HELD Education: SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE U`aC, u3L�c �M�a�: lam, Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Please reverse [arm and complete PARTII