1995 JAN 30 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda To facilitate your presentation, please place a check mark ✓ beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting. Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give. Your name and address and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the nine limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2.00 p in. the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Jack Hilton, 322 -3769. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 30, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilwoman Fnedkin ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Interview applicants for the vacant positions on the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee and the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Recommendation - 1) Interview and appoint one candidate to the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee; and 2) Interview and appoint two candidates to the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE TIME NAME TO THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 30, 1995 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: COMMITTEES ------------------------------------------------------------------- Agenda Description: Interview applicants for the vacant positions on the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee, and the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Council Action: (1) Interview and appoint one candidate to the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee; and (2) Interview and appoint two candidates to the E1 Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board. Brief Summary: The positions for these two Committees were duly advertised on both E1 Segundo Cable T.V. and in the E1 Segundo Herald. The applications of all candidates are attached for Council's consideration and possible appointment. SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee Richard E Patterson 322 -3999 7 00 pm Arthur R LaValle 322 -0441 7 15 pm Eugene J Gillingham 640 -8757 7 30 pm Joseph G Vittori 322 -3491 8 45 pm 15 min break El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Jack Trystman 322 -8950 8 00 pm Robert H McCall 640 -3382 8 15 pm Kathy Winette Urban 640 -1428 8 30 pm Joseph G Vittori 322 -3491 8 45 pm ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Attached Supporting Documents And Who Prepared Them: Applications ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiscal Impact: N/A originator: 1a O. Abreeu, Council Assistant W. Morrison, City Manager Taken: .ion N CCe iM,,. Jw Date: 01/23/95 Date: 01/1-3/95 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MEMORANDUM DATE: December 2, 1994 TO: Cindy Mortcscn, City Clerk FROM Julia O Abreu, Legal /Coun it ststant SUBJECT: Vacancies on CIPAC Dick Patterson asked that he be considered for this committee He recently applied for the position on the Planning Commission Please tale his previously filed application form and include it with the applications for the opening on the CIPAC At your convenience, I would like to have a copy of same Coals cc James W Morrison, City Manager Y 2 T APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees, BCarcSz (Fvu) (Middle! (Lief) Address Telephone as Residence �� \Z �t.L 11.1Q�5 C��1CT Ras 22 2 _ -35�� Bus 3Cc4- 2 ?` c---0Z- Name and !address of Efnpb r Present Coeupasen C' !� 1 c -r w L$CZ.J it you ore a ltaaware of EI $aqunse, how maf y roan An you anseney w he" you aver Nan a Coy of El Segundo Commomwooricamriwee or Sward mem rWae No ti Yes nama ow Comm aaonCommmes'Scard Please naoaw ow CsmrwN$YCwrdnraroMaYao + rd(a) you seam w serve on by atwtlorp tiw apomomw Na(ea) • CapfaH MpwemeM heararh CamnMS n Maim Abatement CordrNYS • CWMNM y Cable AdvbM COMW M Pbw&q ConrnoSlon • [enterer Do"bPnwrd Cap"N" SuimnmWaa (various) m Raawaam a Pardo Convywu m • ww" hent Advlsery cWw bS O SWAN Mowing amid • Larary aserd al TnrsM$ a WA of NOW Cammatse • MSeap~ Cooperagn Larary SyMema Advtmry board G Ohr rare Carr • .ar. Weap...r be w w eeeaee If a� taerr�reaw+r. err. Corrwha*t SSnlse Usairlaroa Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATEIDEGNEE �7u+�r1 V l C`— -1 !=1�1� Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATEIDEGNEE �7u+�r1 V l rr Add$wMt Pw$rNrd Course$ of Tfamq Skda Experience or nwreaw Pl eat M"M form erd conpwte r .. -Vtzx P1esM timim,n omf rrMr ion", m WW Q'S"Mme 000w .WG soGOGryI W 1 Ma"wry 2- t Why do you think you should be appointed? at is there speaAcally in your background, training education and interests Much qualify you as a candidate? - ���� — � sQ•- -49D'i,�s 2 What do you see as the obdectives and goals of the CommutswondComnrttewSoard you are applying to? Cam' 3 / Mow would you help achieve the objectives and goads? 4" CED at�M- a-4 c ss mm*� 4. Do you have any feeervatiorw about the S. Affm oonv wnfe: S. Pfeen p tride 4a ttanw, addresses. and toWphone numbos o( Ow" pereaal references (other Om b * nantbem): Ji M.e. 7 Do you plan Add e Add� C d s 3 ANAr interview? (To be set after deadfne) on Q� s( Ar Yee No_ RICHARD E PATTERSON P O Box 4512 Redondo Beach CA 90278 (310) 364 -2250 A Construction Project Management Executive with 24 years of experience in handling large high dollar and technically complex construction projects who meets budgets and schedules has produced savings of $28 3 million on his last 6 projects, and believes Teaming is a powerful and requisite tool for success MANAGEMENT CAPABILITIES • 75 projects, costing $830 mil lion, afl finished within budget, proving my management methodology • 8 5 million sq ft of new construction, tenant improvement, and remodeling projects completed on -time • Development of manufacturing, laboratories, offices, commercial, hospital /clinics, residential missile sites • Specialist in projects with high visibility, tight budgets, compressed schedules, and operational constraints PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1992 to Patterson 3 Associates, Inc. El Segundo, California d Henderson, Nevada Present Executive Vice President • Adviser, planner, designer, engineer, negotiator, manager, accountant, and problem solver to clients • Use of CAD, networking and teie /data communication operating systems to enhance project results • Qualified as an Expert Witness for court testimony on wide variety of construction matters • Lecturer on Project Management for Universities, Corporations and Management clients 1976 to Hughes Aircraft Company El Segundo, California 1994 Senior Construction Project Manager d Head, Factory Modernization • Managed with unique, flexible, deceptively simple methods of Teaming 6 Watching-the-Money • Project Management and Overhead casts ran, 50% and 35% respectively, below standards • Managed Project Teams with up to 220 diverse, uniquely qualified and talented individuals • On last project with 253 companies and 3,160 employees on -site expending 594,400 manhours, MW a safety record 5 8 times better than industry standard expectations • Consistently had ZERO liens and claims • Eliminated tors, streamlined contract structures, negotiated performance responsibilities and enforced strict cost controls. 1973 to Willshire Center Development Company Los Angeles, California 1976 General Manager, High Rise Operations • Improved company profits by 4% the first year, 9% the second year and 15% the third year. EDUCATION M B A, Economics, 1981 B S , Mechanical Engineering, 19W Extensive Follow -up CEU's PERSONALLY CREATED THE FOLLOWING • Contract-Tier-Structuring ( T-CRUNCH TM ) philosophy - Methodology for reducing tiers of contractors which improves project control while reducing mark -up's - Applied to 4 projects valued at $136 million, T- CRUNCH produced savings of $10 6 million • Near -Temr -Look- Ahead - Scheduling ( NTLAS TM ) technique - Early derdiflcation of when a task can be started, addresses all task attributes; eliminates float time - Implemented on 6 projects, NTLAS shaved -off 72 schedule days and 7.9% ($17 7 million) of costs • Project - Field- Teaming ( PFT TM ) concept - Secured participant equality by prompt, upfront and open interaction between all Team members - Attained Team buy-on to well-defined accountabilities and goals that ensured •omi' results Richard E. Pattersows `EXPERIENCE" IN CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 4612, Redondo Beach CA 90278 Phone 3101410 - 4000 e:t 1311 Fax 3101410-6250 - Voice Mail Pager 3101364-2260 new construction, tenant improvement if remodeling projects' PROJECT NAME ' LEVELS_ _ _ TYPES OF USE EST. SOXTJ EST. S (til)•' new High Rise construction projects ( 7 + levels ) 2 Atlas .Sites, 3 States Hughes R -1 22 136 Missile Launch Sites 14 1 Offices & Laboratories 360,000 576,000 580.0 $63,4 Hughes R -1 13 Parking, Mfg., Labs, Offices 1,100,0001 $26.3 1200 Main St. 12 Bank, Rest & Comm Office 860,000 $31.3 Hughes R -9 t0 Parking, Labs, Commercial 630,000 0 L4279 3rd & Wilshire 7 1 Bank & Offices 155,000 $10.9 3,681,000 $230.7 Apartment Complex, new construction High Rise sub - total: new Mid Rise construction projects ( 3 to 7 levels ) Woodrise, Encino 2 6 16 Physicians, Labs, Pha>: 1 Bank, Rest & Comm Office 0 Palacio del Sol 6 54,000 Condominiums 0 OSTF -1 and 2 Central Plant Operations 5 Residential 1 Missile Launch Test Sites 0 L4279 Hughes ED.S,G. 189,000 4 i Mfg., Offices & Labs 0 Apartment Complex, Hughes R23 3 S buildings, 310 rental units 0 new construction Mid Rise sub - total: 2,285,000 new Low Rlse construction projects ( O to 3 levels ) Medical Clinic 2 $86.0 16 Physicians, Labs, Pha>: 62,000 Hughes R23B 2 Waste Treatment System 54,000 Hughes R20 2 Central Plant Operations 22,000 Residential 1 70 Single Family Homes 189,000 Hospital i Full Service, 160 beds 171,000 Hughes R23 1 Manufacturing & Offices 122,000 new construction Low Rise sub - total: 620,000 tenant Im Promment 6 remodeling canstruL projects $86.0 Hughes R -2, 10th 13 T L,Computer Space & Labs 92,400 1200 Main & W 6th 12 TL, Bank, Offices, Rest 787,000 Hughes R-9, 10th 11 Radar Test Labs & Offices 73,900 Woodrise & 3rd 7 TL, Bank, Offices, Rest 161,000 Hughes R415 3 Manufacturing & Labs 698,200 Hughes, Various 2 T-1., Office, Labs, Mfg. 551,500 Hughes R-15 1 2 IManufacturing 155 000 T.I. & remodeling construction sub - total: 2,519,000 Grand Totals 1 9,1059000 fhe square toot and dollar V9111es shown represent MY portion of the noted projects •• I was the "Final Approval Signature" authonn On Missile Sites- 1 was just the "Final Signature" authont% for the Company $10.4 $11.6 $86.0 $1 %.4 $312.2 I $9.6 $8.5 $14.5 $6.7 $28.8 $9.7 $77.8 $4.8 $25.8 $7.4 $9.0 $63.4 $246.0 517.3 $373.7 SMA NZ v'' ......1994 PRESENTATION OF INFORMATION About R/CHND L PATTERSON A "Quick LOW at his business, cik 4 perswa/ and leisure aches 1) Have been the team leader on many multi - million dollar projects. Have compiled an outstanding record by having a balanced formula for mixing people into RESULTS. Have documented cost savings of S30 million...... 2) Represented Hughes Aircraft Company at the El Segundo City Council & Planning Commission meetings for 3 years --.. 3) Have a 22 year association with the development, implementation and use of computer operating systems. Literate in MAC, PC's and Mainframes..._ 4) Conducted training for, and I am a very strong advocate of, "TEAMING" and "MENTORING" group efforts -_. 5) As a member of the U.S. Government's "Ballistic System Division" tam, co- authored Federal Specifications on "PERT ", "PERT COST' and "CPM ".—. 6) Have successfully directed many diverse Teams of unique and talented , individuals ....... 7) Received several "Superior" team sad individual awards....... 8) Presided over the City's "Fire / Life Safety Master Plan Committee, as their Chairman. This task represented a one year commitment.- - 9) Worked as a volunteer for the Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Summer Games....... 10) Sponsored, Coached or Managed several "Little Lease ", AYSO" and "Pop Warner" tea= L—. 11) My wife Victoria and 1, are wMing and very able to handle the eoomunity and company social responsibilities of any am position....... 12) Worked is 14 of our United Sates. Learned many unique ways to complete similar tuft sad functions.._. 13) rm as Rogiaar at heart but also have an MBA in Economics. I know how to use this combmatisa wisely and very effectively._ - 14) My background has been diverse. It includes farming, he8eopters, missiles, aircraft, education, systems engineering, aerespace, electronics and construction....... 15) 1 play and enjoy racquetball, tennis, team handball and gair. rm a kier at ;. racquetball and so-so at golf. Tennis and team handball are somewhere m �'1C� between. Traveling is just the best and I do love a good cap of espresso»..» Name JAtd - 5 PH APPLICATION to CommissionwrommitteeWBoards ✓.v //P (First) (Middle) (Last) Address Telephone #s Residence -`/3 Res 3 ZZ Bus Mailing Some Fax Name and Address of Employer /J4 �i4 Present Occupation '��VP47XLO rr4 If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years 23 Iz Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner/Committee or Board member7Yes_ No ✓ If Yes, name the Commission /Commmee /Board Term Please Indicate the Commmee (s) /Commission(&) /Board(s) you desire to some on by checking the appropriate boxes) Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o Noise Abatement Committee a El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee O Planning Commission Economic Development Advisory Council • investment Advisory Committee • Library Board of Trustees O Recreation & Parks Commission 0 Senor Caixen Housing Corporation Board 0 Wag of Honor Commmee 0 Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board NOTE Conewt M iMSrsY 0ivraMa muq M fibtl Dy rMmfNrf ar e1eN OpnmrwalCommtlN ✓Boartic Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE (250DH 9.5 Z-/ Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests eSC /~ Please reserve firm and otl lolete city of &t Bersdo Apptuatkn to CCBs PART II Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets if necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appolnted'7 What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which quality you as a candidate'? ��Y7y /s�vC' F�s.�=�.t'-�cE ci/ XFrcX ��fQ [c �Yf ��.Orra��JdCJ�yPT -,i i r � 2 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission /Commtttee /Board you are applying to? 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? / // //7 i9xb' "slle4aZ /X'SD ,—e- 110,2 z;i 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? !rte' 5 Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) CSTU 4� ' A�c21Jr !lIIew 333 �27L Name Address Phone PQf 1210 %D IG �Zl -23 -3 7L59' Name Address Phone S %Zc~ J l" n ;.f„ ��/Dry fl-_ .3Z L 63 7v Name 7 Do you plan to attend Signature�'«< Address Phone Council Interview? (7o be set after deadline) Yes P�No_ Arthur R La Valle 434 Kansas Street El Segundo, Ca 90245 (310) 322 -0441 2 January 95 City Clerk 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Sir/Madam I am responding to your advertisement to fill a position on the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Board I possess over 9 years success in the management of a facilities constructior. department including budgets and the hands -on coordination of construction projects in a hi -tech environment under critical scheduling requirements, The highlights below and the enclosed resume present an overview of my work experience • Management and budgeting experience in the construction of clean rooms, high purity water systems, test labs, classrooms, loading docks, chemical storage facilities, offices, full floor tenant improvements, manufacturing rearrangements, energy conservation retrofits and major equipment replacement for a large corporation at a multi -site campus • Regularly participated in project planning meetings with architects, engineers and end users to determine actual customer requirements, method of implementation, scheduling and project budgets Inform occupants, users, customers of scheduled outages and/or disruptions. Make accommodations as required • Review and track projects for compliance to specifications, quality and financial plans Conduct "Post Mortem" analysis of projects including customer /user surveys to determine how we could improve • Solid mechanical/electrical background with extensive experience in refrigeration/ air conditioning • A BS in Business Admimstratron, adept with personal computers, work stations and software such as Excel, Lotus 123, D -Base, and MS Word I look forward to discussing in person, how my skills and experience would be beneficial to El Segundo's capital improvement project requirements Sincerely, Art La Valle ARTHUR R. LaVALLE 434 Kansas Street El Segundo, California 90245 (310) 322 -0441 SUMMARY Extensively experienced Construction Sevices Manager with more than ten years success in the management of facilities with a Fortune 500 company Strengths include team budding, budgeting/cost control, planning, innovation and quality improvements with emphasis on customer satisfaction Process analysis oriented, trainer, participative manager PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE XEROX CORPORATION, El Segundo, California 1986-1994 Manager, Construction Services - Real Estate Division Provided management of a facility construction department. Planned and coordinated, in a team environment, the re- arrangement of offices, manufacturing and laboratories Developed and implemented procedures and work standards for construction project managers • Personally managed a mayor asbestos removal and tenant improvement program, including ADA and budding services upgrades for two occupied facilities encompassing 215,000 square feet of hi- rise office space and 330,000 square feet of office/lab space. • Directed closure of several surplus properties, negotiated with building owners resulting in cost avoidance of more than $250,000 • Proposed and participated in a cost mitigation team to reduce the unnecessary use of services, which resulted in first year cost savings of $150,000 • Appointed to a production feasibility team to introduce new products onto existing assembly lines, providing ideas that resulted in savings over $100,000 • Reduced administrative time in bid cycle for processing project purchase requisitions by increasing approval authority of project managers, reducing costs • Automated departments reporting functions by installing a network, selecting software and providing training for all project managers • Contributed articles for division quarterly neµslener to update customers with timely information and progress on facility projects Manager, Plant Maintenance Operations 1972-1986 Maintained over 2 million square feet of offices, labs, clean rooms and production facilities Planned equipment replacement, created capital budgeting, prepared specifications, conducted fob walks, made cost/pnce analyses, and provided source selection for contracted activities ARTHUR R. LaVALLE Cost consciously administered open order contracts for supplies and services, which encompassed over 100 annual agreements and $2,500,000 Established and supervised a plant and equipment preventive maintenance program, which resulted in a decrease in equipment failures • Participated in the development and installation of a thermal energy storage system, predicted to save $8.000,000 over the equipment life cycle COMPUTER PROFICIENCY Hardware IBM Compatible Personal Computers, Xerox 6085, Sun Work Station, Novell Network, Ethernet Systems Software MS Project, Excel, Lotus 1 -2 -3, Word, WordPerfect, DBase, Global View, Windows, EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Business Admrmstration Cal State Dominguez Hills, Carson, California Associate -in -Arcs, Real Estate El Camino College, Torrance, California CONTINUING EDUCATION Electronic Circuits Au Conditioning High Purity Water Technology Managing in Xerox Mining Group Gold Management Theory Financial Management Quality Improvement Preferred Supplier Manager as a Facilitator Benchmarking Partnering Earthquake Disaster Training Heavy Rescue Training Empowerment Workshop Measures of Quality / / / Nam e � ur •T J ��cr 6114-C /.,Z/ (First) (Middle) (Last) Address , A� "" Telephone �s Residence `/ La E /y v i Res Tel J o- ir- !r0 - �'7S 7 Bus _ Mailing Fax Namel and Address of Employer katz PUQ f,ryre„ 71., ti .�J J G r 4r U�/ — H.5�,.7.yvt.✓� � ETC Present Occupation If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years _6 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner /Committee or Board memberWesj<._ No If Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board z Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(syBoard(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es) From (date) Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o Noise Abalsment Committee O El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee o Planning Commission o Economic Development Advisory Council 13 Recreation & Parks Commission o Investment Advisory Committee o Senor Citizen Housing Corporation Board o Library Board of Trustees o Wag of Honor Committee o Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board Other NOTE Cone,G W muree mdmrn a muY w fibd DY rumba. d d,w cam...w�rcomn.a «mewb: Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATEIDEGREE Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or rests Phase reverse Marna and mmplste PART II City of BI 6epndo Appbeaticu to CCBs PART II Please furnish brief written responses to the questions below using additional sheets if necessary I Why do you think you should be appointed) What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which quality you as a candidate) Le3- -,G &0 /h' /1F5�f17tvy. What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? 7?A S r- ';V0 /.'/S CIF 771z--- LL How would you help achieve the objectives and goals'> (' L c%t ,l{ en Tzeni- ,e /r16, . �oo�rxa9io Er'F;�T Do you have any reservations about the Commtsslon/Commrttee /Board? Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) . 6� f: r4m A >, "�' S,� Pmt} �3 ic� 533 - 53 7 y Name Address Phone - /y3L Name Address Phone p 11 1 ✓- J.0 c✓A1 r):J. iA T n i 4V i C [,CE (bpi-_ 3 /0[ (o -7/Vo Name Address hone 7 Do you plan to attend the Cqupcil Interview? (To be set after deadline) Yes No_ Signature 4 Date S 3� CALIFORNIA SENIOR LEGISLATURE California §vnior +fegislnture JAN I ► AN 10 S9 SENIOR ASSEMBLYMAN JACK M TRYSTMAN 1041 EAST ACACIA AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 (310)322.8950 / REPRESENTING OLDER CALIFORNLANS IN E L' N I O I E /'I v VS / N (,� LOS ANGELES COUNTY Name (First) / z - / ,0, Ar At APPLICATION to Commissionq/CommitteeEVBoards (Middle) (Last) Address Telephone #s Residence 0 �i �= Y3 C I l9 ri V Res Bus Mailing S n Nil 6- Fax Name and Address of Employer P ti I I R Fr D MWFORiti/0 sit, 0s5v -MBLI M✓3m Present Occupation If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner/Committee or Board membeRYes—Z— No_ If Yes, name the Commission/Committee/Board G, S \J o i S f— n 6 ✓47F wx I r (00Wfl611Term I 2v�E✓+fzS Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commission(s) /Board(s you dears to some on by checking the appropriate box(es) O Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o Noce Abatement Committee E3 El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee o Planning Commission 0 Economic Development Advisory Council o Recreation b Parks Commission • Investment Advisory Committee Senor Curren Housing Corporation Board • Library Board of Trustees Wag of Honor Committee o Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board O Other, NOTE Conflict of int rid taetam moa be hbd by n mwm of Mew Ccmm onOI[Or KM VBderds Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Nut( I Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE/DEGREE L) LnBrzLk Additional Pertinent Courses or Training NTfeouoiIbLwL'-14FgL;H.wj-'LI- j.;OCA,SIoN 1=uyoS -j"c- Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests ENrSI?- 4-E %l.s R-1 - S6A.) /0/Z Please reverse Corm Cky of Rif 86pnds AppLmUm, to CCBe PART II Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets it necessary Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate) 1v 6-MfFeor en•sry -;joe Li*4I5' L✓1TU12LS • 19ci-o/ZEnG Sf/vioff 6LFwrS G. STi4 17 AWk'N[ �ur�twr(Ii F t!"6L2 (O What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? S F A/ I byz- I i u u s r Ai � r j o r U t? 0 L I h/i Pe, r7 io} it- if g -Z C-6/1-a- r/ 6A) 1b 19 gQtsT, ME i. t?f -56Lyf PnoBLfik -rs aP r1�9 r, c f7irLtr_ How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? To ASSts T t°ri&aA4tTTiif - IiV tlfOSULv14b I SC)l5 --- SvuI.J,Ge2S 6JO,2 i t /u( - io /7 KS/ s T &eD. -Aga J7 i'r TI) Ile ifll,!rvt? ZdFtR f;ola( c /hl Se'II iC2K 14& SJAI%r Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? M (fit/ I�PbPD 1 f V212✓ (�f� C� is How / 6611- 4.9&%,r11;z✓ /o2 /. I P / l/ 1S � f'o" IV el ' .3 ovTU 00V - Other comments rnL,, ,coq S,F pt/ IPw- L$CISLIaTVn •I!/%C/Cti�ttaTv W o r- 1 d 1G(- P Tu it /_ s B-1- c, u D o— .a r er - Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) •q / o - 11-J -Q - / 9-eq Signal 9� rz Address Phone ozu� 79/ Name Address Phone .2/3 G &2 _,� a (o Do you plan to attend the Council interview? (To be set after deadline) Yes—I No, California §enior legislature JAN I AM II: 57 e SENIOR ASSEMBLYMAN JACK M TRYSTMAN 1041 EAST ACACIA AVENUE EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 (310)322.8950 LEGISLATURE REPRESENTING OLDER CALIFORNWJS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1 M . 9 -f- Mr Robert H McCall 402 Standard Street El Segundo CA 90245 Dear Mr McCall CARL JACOBSON, Mr, LIAM WESTON, My., Pro -a. C�ouciGwe,nh¢ro MICHAEL D. ROBBINS RICHARD J. SWITZ JANE FRIEDKIN November 15, 1994 The City Council wishes to express appreciation to you for your interest in serving on the City's Planning Commission Eight highly qualified applicants applied for the position While you were not selected, we were pleased to hear of your interest to serve on the Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board The City Council anticipates meeting with the Board in the near future to review a number of items One of these will be the size of the Board Once that meeting is held, we will be ready to proceed with appointments as appropriate We will hold your application until that time We anticipate a second round of interviews and will look forward to talking with you soon Again, thank you for your support of our community The Mayor and City Council, Mayor Carl Jacobson JOA /s cc Members of the City Council James W Morrison, City Manager Jim Fauk, Director of Recreation and Parks 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 -0989 FAX (310) 3224137 Phone (310) 322-4670 Address i tt AZZ- OE C/" ye A uyl C NOV 14 PH 8 APPLICATION to Commissions /Committees /Boards c C14LL (uaq Name and Address of Emacar SC Cp" 7tA{ n1 yr, /}{� Fly ,` �lS.:2 r St- YxALVt7�1+ 3 L r L s c Crw�V Preen Occupation � 2N �" 7 M rau an a Raatlati of E19pwMO. law many years " Y An you pnaardb ar Iwve you aver been a Ciq or El Segundo CommlaabmriC*Own o or scam membar7yn_ No If Yea, name an Commmelor6CAwwWasellkard Tom Pleaw adlena dw Cwwd§ ayCemmralaNayeaald(a) you Man to verve on by olwekklg to apgaprrw MY(ae) • Capbal kfpeea em Pngram Cem afte 0 Maya Abarmane CammgYe • Co mmdle Cable Aduimy Cenanike r( Pbnnhg Collor shm • Eeallmllc om bpmmrd Cmmin)Subeomniam (various) 0 Reewedm a Pods Commba m • krvesallad AWbay CamIEM 0 Senor HaYaq Ilmod • Wary aoead of Tnowes D waged HarorcannMea • Mesa lain Caepa alNe Lbary Symons Advaim aoaad 0 OMr. WTIL rener�r.rra.r mraeer ar aeaeearar Cww�sa.Camrwaewr• ComnNy Swvwe Eapwonce ORGANIZATION 14mn (den) To (dale) OFPICES HELD oNC EduoNbn SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE/DEGREE LAt%J V, p(— JJaZ'�ld C Li x PC 4. • SCl�. /97-7/z A U1�rJ. OF SAv-1t)rcC -,r LA,� Y" iIgs 1.�. AddabaY ll Sam t Coulees or Traillay O&w P* 6wrd Ski. Espe l a klonsls I S. AJAV� .sLePPt (/ 6,6P-PS CeVZ- 15' /q8',;__ Made rm er loom mod a mglele FW S City or 0 Sgdddo Appimixod to CCHN PART o pMa" Annals War, wnaen mono to M awaaom babw uaaq addalOml shits A maaaary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which quality you as a candidate? S l r H—Yv� L.: C C L L ! ~ C'� -o �S S ,z s �Q At i C- P4pLJ C S& ;'C T rZ P H'S % S Y r 2 S. What do you see as the objectives and goals of the CommssloNCommttesBoard you are applying to? C S LL r 74r7 C C— 71da - i' L '`F Z C N Z Y� ��i� 51 tF%-�i(- t++'Z�' p I rr -J -r rf�tr C How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? CA vet r' C-= rz —,;1r� 3 y r r s �Z 1 N C— 71da T� 4� s r= (S PAZ '`F Z C N Z Y� ��i� /TYC r Oon1 S, D r \IS t r1 C-(--t> A-r)%, 4. Do you have any reservations about the CorrunimmonCorrinstlesiffloard? / ✓ — %� U-Yt" f�✓�'n r� y O 2 ,c•W 7 n l w,o} CcF l�+^S 3((lti S�t C Ct7S -L (- , N 6 &L 4,-) < z Ad (f 724r S. Other comments: lt�, r S C"S S Ncs &03 <N r -Jcr C Z-YC r'J S A�� 7747 -JG A- rJ t-w 4-)h s e e 7/ i p F Cj 6 e-n i a t�tpt /lr�Yze (7. r C4-Z-Sr tT C.z.J7z L Q "i r Zc� %� U-Yt" f�✓�'n r� y O 2 ,c•W 7 n l w,o} CcF l�+^S 3((lti S�t C Ct7S -L (- , N 6 &L 4,-) < z Ad (f 724r S. Other comments: lt�, r S C"S S Ncs &03 <N r -Jcr C Z-YC r'J S A�� 7747 -JG P430�� fir - m2 (7T p2evevus AtC_7?trj S _ Z (dx✓c L0 JC- 6t7T, /Z fvJ v C.z.J7z L Q "i r 6-� r-1-7 e-7A s. Pbw provide the rWrM. addresses, and telephone then famYy nwnbers): nl cJ�dT c T i ✓fir /�' � to N Ibex of three personal references (other T'Jy C-47z- 6/033 -f yoiy Name Ada.r phWo V4-V1J /J-d-o)(L (3 r o � 3 zLa - S'00 LC to Do you plan to a endtM Council interview? Crro be e Aw deadline) ya! No_ e /plW'Z �N • M rL'-o n r.. /A A] IN/ 9V' l.FS'iia (First) Address e �'G —5 PH 3 03 .. , ..: .Nat - _ :.: . ; (Middle) (Last) Name and Address of Employer 't>pXs�— e�ts �e Present Occupation If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commissioner/Committee or Board member?Yes_ No It Yes, name the Commission /Committee /Board Please indicate the Committee (s) /Commnssnon(s) /Board(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate n Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee o No" Abatement Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee C Ptannog Commission • Economic Development Advisory Council a Recreation 6 Parks Commission • Investment Advisory Committee x Senor Citaen Housing Corporation Board • Library Board of Trustees o Wag of Honor Committee • Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board o Other NOTE Coneux a into" ratsnenb mur W hN0 Dy nrmean d IMV Cam�wonaKommeeas�BovrEa Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD (JLJILIMCs CAI C �).U. D c a ct Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE /DEGREE C t_.A. k)LACII (JLJILIMCs %C, QrP, 5 C �).U. D F�.50 a ct U/V Additional Pertinent Coyrses or TraimnP' �11n,�5- ��"�"IG1'1 �, Ns5OlG� G +rlc� 1c5 Gt Ted Skills, Experience or Interests nsk'(yC*N— C.N Pty Gt tk t-4�- Pbase reseeee farm and complete PART 11 City of &1 liepado Appbusrm to CCBs PART II Please furnish bnef, wrMen responses to the questions below using additional sheets if necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which quality you as a candidate) to? k Tl rY-� ('1 ,r\-t(1` t t\ m 11 1 C Z'C'\ l,X--1 l (1'(�` -� CLA- rl)ac� \J L -5� . 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? O N'>' A -4-N%P Y-4D,:� t rlln (D ,L OAS NI i C-�-A 1 \ u 9 rr\r tat a i r 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? Cl K'rik 5 Other comments 3 �J 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) ( 3 to \ g--o -76u- C�r`53a- �- Name Address Phone r• \ t t J WVi Name Address Phone Sri= 1+4b * -)r)0 j- (.� Chi � 3 Name Address Phone 11 7 Do you la to attend the ci rite iew7 �� �� y p Co yr)o be set after deadline) Yes_ No 11� 1(AC�� Signature r' L[ �.' Date P^ a- Mr Joseph G Vitton 124 West Oak Ave El Segundo CA 90245 Dear Mr Vitton urwy 614!V&Y'renwe. CARL JACOBSON, 'ij%.yor LIAM WESTON, Mr, P. CJo1u�tiGnamher! MICHAEL D. ROBBINS RICHARD J SWITZ JANE FRIEDKIN November 15, 1994 The City Council wishes to express appreciation to you for your interest in serving on the City's Planning Commission Pursuant to your request, your application was transferred to the Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board The City Council anticipates meeting with the Board in the near future to review a number of items One of these will be the size of the Board Once that meeting is held, we will be ready to proceed with appointments as appropriate We will hold your application until that time We anticipate a second round of interviews and look forward to talking with you soon Again, thank you for your support of our community The Mayor and City Council, i r , -Mayor Carl Jacobson JOAls cc Members of the City Council James W Morrison, City Manager Jim Fauk, Director of Recreation and Parks 350 Mam Street El Segundo, Caldorna 90245.0989 FAX (310) 322.7137 Phone (310) 322.4670 Address. - yy r T Es Rwa� �Zy a -�/ mail rM_ Fan: Nam wW Address of a atmrwd of E( sw.WAG, now wwq yttn� An you pm w* ar hwr' you tvtr bwm t CAW of E) atrmat ComaimlonwitaftwOme or Dowd m w"W"_ NoL�— I ,/ N Tat, Nam ow Tww. Pkttt b"Ha t ow C tunwo (tyCo mrNon(tys"M(t) you N i to" m by arnaYbE M appowdtY bat(ot)L • Caparr broevwmr . pmwa m C., D Lobe AbtMmwd COMMON • Cmmu* Cabe AOvbay common J( ►bwrbp Cwmwbaba c Eawbw! Dbwbww"d Cw"Womma awmWttt(vmdaat) O Ilawbbaom a Pwb CantWbn n brrmMnnd Advkwy CwwnJim D smbr Nam" astM n Umq aawd of Tm sb" n VM Of a War Cammamo D 1, tba1 - CoaPtwan Lb" aytbam AdvbM ammml a Odrr marE GwrYrYwwt wrrw rrYw�AT+�+w•dar Cwwr..�7w.mwwarr• 9' �C A, -F�J, PM, � Adrwa) Pwawd Cwatm arTYbMYp• ONw Pwawd Oft EtPwMw or bdmnoh FAM laws bra tad aeeNda MQ E f2 / ava Adrwa) Pwawd Cwatm arTYbMYp• ONw Pwawd Oft EtPwMw or bdmnoh FAM laws bra tad aeeNda MQ E f2 ay of a sgww APPholro b ttb PART 0 p"" ii"A" wrr, moon n. par.. b nw gwelims wn. wYq "dWan.l Yimits d nfs.wq. 1. Why do you fink you should be appointed? What is then ep / NY In your �koround, training, �d and kWnsb which quality you as a candidaq? v // y7 C� ��t� eon 2. What do you see as the ob*&n and goals of do CConurssslonMommitt"Mosrd y are aping 3. ,f low would you help aeNeve the ob*ftss and goals? i 4. Do you have any reservations about the CorrvilvaloriMorwifteaftwO o S. Other cone ds: —%IiOV -2 a is I - I - the nerves, aftama. arid telsphom rsoftm of three personal nfsre w" (other 11101* mss): — r 7. Do Signsluire Aeaw r to aCend the Council kdanewt (ro be set SAW de"he) i�z yesNo_