1995 AUG 07 CC PACKETTO THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: August 7, 1995 AGENDA HEADING: COMMITTEES Agenda Description: Interview applicants for the vacant positions on the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Recommended Council Action: Interview, deliberate and appoint candidate(s) Brief Summary: The applications of all candidates are attached for Council's consideration and possible appointment Deadline for filing applications was 5 00 pm, August 1, 1995 SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS Ell Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Peter Freeman 322 -5154 7 00 - Incumbent Annette M Latshaw 322 -7221 615 -1096 715 Keith Alan Covington 414 -8401 ( *) Gerry Preciado 322 -7308 ( *) Steven Jonn Edlefsen 322 -6271 ( *) Daniel James Gaffey 414 -0811 ( *) ( *) Applicants expressed a desire to serve on this or other CCBs when intennewed by Council on July 6, 1995 Originator: Julia O Abreu, Legal / Counal Assistant Date 08101/95 Jim Morrison, City Manager Date 08/01/95 003 JOAN \CCB\FORMMNTERW\G 595 AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items The Public can participate in the discussion of any item listed on the Agenda. To facilitate your presentation, please place a check mark ✓ beside each item you would like to address on the Agenda provided by the City Clerk, preferably PRIOR to the start of the meeting Any other item not listed on the Agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may be directly addressed during Public Communications Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and give Your name and address and the organization you represent, ifdesired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2.00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting In compliance with mencam with s i es it you need special assistance to paticipate in Us meeting, please contact ty efk, 607 -2208. Notification 48 hours poor to the meeting will enahle the Oty to make reasonable anangements to emore accessidlity to tus meeting. Monday, August 7, 1995 - 7:00 P.M NO I a CIZ17 N 11 DI .I PUBLIC COMiV1MCATIONS - (Related to Cily Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Interview applicants for the vacant positions on the F1 Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Bomb Feconunendation- Interview, deliberate and appoint s . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) POSTED: DATE TIME NAME 002 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LISTING OF COMMISSIONS, CONIlVIITIEES, AND BOARDS (CCBs) CAP1TAi ARWV MENT PROGRAM ADVISORY CUM41TIEE, (Four Year Tenn) 1. Richard S Fearn, Chairman - TERM. 12/01/91 - 11/30/96 2 Robert Yeagley, Vice-Chair (ww 5/17/93 to wrnpi to om teen)- TERM. 12/01/91 - 11/30/95 3. A.J Paz (m+Vd 9122193 to new 4-yex tenn) - TERM- 12/01/93 - 11/30/97 4. Harry A. Reeves (cWd 9122193 to complete open te>m) TERM- 12/01/91 - 11/30/95 5. Eugene J. Gillmgham rid 9122193 to ompLt open term) - TERM: 12/01/91 - 11/30/94 Council Delegate: Councilman Michael D. Robbins Council Alternate: Councilman Richard J. Switz EL SEMW CO MMU ITY CABLE ADVISORY CMA TIEE: (Fouv Year Tenns) (Entue mw �ttee Wnited 11/14/94 - staggered terms) 1 David W Reeves - TERM EXPIRES- 10/31/98 2 Patricia Ann Hart - TERM EXPIRES- 10/31/96 3 Jeanne M. Yeagley - TERM EXPIRES. 10/31/97 4 Marc F Rener - TERM EXPIRES 10/31/97 5 Jennifer L Lefere - TERM EXPIRES 10/31/95 Council Delegate: Mayor Carl Jacobson Council Alternate: Mayor Pro Tern Liam Weston ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL (No Tern► Expiration Date) 1. Karen Ackland, Chairman - Commercial Brokers Representative 2 David J Gaulton, Vice -Chair - Commercial Property Owners Representative 3 Sandy Jacobs - Chamber of Commerce Representative 4 VACANT - Residents Representative 5 Willard Krick - Residents Representative 6 Richard C. Lundquist - Commercial Brokers Representative 7 Brian Polkinghome - Commercial Brokers Representative 8 Robert Slusser - Large Business Representative 9 Richard Wiley - Small Business Representative Ex- Officio: Mayor Carl Jacobson Ex- Officio: Mayor Pro Tern Liam Weston Ex- Officio: James W. Morrison INVESTMENT ADVISORY COM MEE: (Four Year Tema) 1 Kirk Jon Walske (2nd 3 -n ten„) - TERM. 6/30/95 - 6/30/99 2. Kelly McDowell - TERM- 9/01/93 - 8/30/97 3 City Treasurer Susan Schofield - TERM: While in Office 4 Finance Director Steve Klotzsche - TERM: While in Office IJBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES: (Three Terris) 1. William McCoy, President 2 Ray Miller, V.P. (apptd to 2nd tern, 7/94) 3 Sandy Jacobs 4. Terry Cerrito 5 Walter W Lee Tenns) Sue Carter (apptd to 2nd term 7/95) Year Tem►s) (Members Serve Maximum Two Rev August 1, 1995 -1- - TERM- - TERM- - TERM- - TERM. - TERM 7/01/91 - 6/30/95 7/01/94 - 6/30/97 7/01/93 - 6/30/96 7/01/93 - 6/30/96 7/01/91 - 6/30/95 TERM: 7/01/95 - 6/30/97 JOAN \CCB \CCB -LIST 895 00.4 City of El sagmdo I Appliafim to CCEls PART II Please furnish brief, written responses to the Questions below using additional sheets if necessary 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What Is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which qualify you as a candidate? Please see attached sheet. 2 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission /Committee /Board you are applying to? I would think the board should define, review, and examine the policies of the management company, as well as "grade" the company's conduct 5 performance. Board members should be inspecting financial reports & records and overseeing the welfare & concerns of tenants. 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals'> In order to achieve any goals, one must first define and then time- limit the goal. Once the appropriate research and "feedback" have been completed; diplomacy, tenacity, and persistence will assure that the oal will be reached. Do you have any reservations about the Commission /Committee /Board? 5 Other comments A recent experience of polling my neighborhood concerning a safety issue has reminded me of the importance of being a good listener. Too few of us listen properly. I hope I will be seriously considered for this post. 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) Ms. Nancy Cobb President, E.S.Chamber Commerce 322 - 9630 Name Address Phone Dr. Harvey Kemp Pastor United Methodist Church 322 - 0051 Name Address Phone Mr. Jack Neil Former Member E.S. Planning Commission 322 - 2062 Name Address Phone 7 Do you plan to attend the Council Interview? (To be set after deadline) Yes X No_ Signature / � _ /af �,� 1 l� // % f, �l,i � Date ti f C �� A � 3 1009 ., —1 loa ppno on a 4d CITY GLEKK EL SEGUNDO, CALIF R5 JUN 27 AM ff- 53 As a nine year resident homeowner with both children and a Senior Citizen Parent here as well, I have a sincere desire to serve and help improve El Segundo. Through eighteen years of sales and public relations experience, I have fine -tuned my skills in such areas such as goal- setting, motivating, time - management, interpersonal communications, crisis management, and persuasive sales skills. I feel that these abilities can be put to use in any arena. A positive person with a high energy level, I have adequate time to devote to this endeavor My career has trained me to work as a team player, and listen well. I have supervisory experience, and have been told that 1 motivate others in a positive manner. 010 -V Y Dot, .* � SEGU�O cut J11001011411116 IAW W IM.leq 61ryarPb lim 6re6wnno666� =1111 ^� .Moss M - ► ad�rr06 s0.eaaI -W aylhere. 6ppook" 011ome Jee.e W aMOMoi� cgarw06.. tr0ndc oafs aYAW-■r D"W"" M=10M. se«. axeaw f6.�ee .liar Aleb01 a. wm.rro�•�a Nram111110 eee 1106M ftom ea.�aseMm.c ware I J1111101k; ANA w0r.e. awas July 20, 1995 Mr. Keith Alan Covington 764 Bungalow El Segundo, California 90245 Dear Mr. Covington: Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the El Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board. This letter is to advise you that your application previously filed with the City for the Investment Advisory Committee will be considered along with other candidates for the El Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board. Recruitment for this Board has been continued until 5:00 pm, August 1, 1995. Interviews for the Board will be held on Monday, August 7, 1995, at 7:00 pm It will not be necessary for you to be interviewed for the position on the Board since you were recently interviewed for the Investment Advisory Committee. Enclosed is the Notice of Vacancies which xw3Lwill give you some additional information with regard to this Board. Sincerely, is O. Abreu, u� Legal Assistant CJjoa copy: Honorable Mayor and City Council James W. Morrison, City Manager 350 Main $L@et, 9 $egwrd0, Calffamia 90245-0989 Phone (310) 607 -2200 FAX (310) 322-7137 011 APPLICATION to CommiseionwCommitteeR/BBdrda Name � r KEITH ALAN COVINGTON (Rmt) (Middle) (Last) Address* 764 Bungalow Drive. E1 Segundo. CA 764 Bungalow Drive. E1 Bus: M Name and Address of Employer. Miller /Davis Co., 2121 Avenue of the Stars. Suite 2950, Los Angeles, CA 90067 Real Estate Finance/ Present OecuPatbn Asset Management If you area Resident of El Segundo, how many yearr 3-1/2 Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commlesloner/Commmn or Board memba9Yes_ Nc x If Yes, name the Commissbn/CommMtes/BoaM Term. Pleaee Indicate the CommMee(s)/Commasbn(syBoard(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es) • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee O Note Abatement Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee O planning Commission • Economic Devsbpmsnt Advisory Council n Recreation S Parts Commission K Investment Advleory Commid" c Senior Citben Housing Corporation Board n Library Board of Trustees o Wag of Honor Committee n Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems Advsory Board o Other NOTE CAW" of e, %aWnerb e.et W SW b, W ON at dwis � Community Service Experience ORGANIZATION From (date) To (date) OFFICES HELD Business School 87 6/89 Participant for Charity Education SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATEIDEGREE Stanford Graduate School of Businese Business M.B.A. 6/89 Claremont McKenna Colle a Economics B.A. 6/85 Additional pertinent Courses or Training See Attached Sheets Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Imarosts Pore rererae Boca sod ampreb PASTU 10 CIA Fa city Begun& AppUcKdao to CCas PARTII Please fu h brlet, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets If necessary 1 Wh o you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically In your background, training, educa'on and interests which quality you as a candidate? 2 What do you see as a objectives and goals of the Commission/Committee/Board you are applying to? 3 How would you help achieve the obf s and goals? 4 Do you have any reservations about the 5 Other comments 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three persona eferences (other than family members) Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone 7 Do you plan to attend the Council interview? (To be set after deadline) Yes` No_ Signature Date. 013 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Application to Commissions /Committees /Boards PART I Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: Accounting and Finance courses were a major component of M.B.A. degree. Investment Banking Training Program completed (emphasis on all major financial products). Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Work experience has been finance oriented in investment banking and as a principal's representative for a multi- hundred - million -dollar real estate portfolio. Responsible for investing up to $12 million in dollar denominated investments on a daily basis in an off -shore bank account, working directly with the capital market's desk of a major U. S. bank. Responsible for choosing the most favorable debt rate, calculating and initiating interest payments for approximately $400 million of debt, and understanding the economic trends which determine interest rates. - I have created, approved and supervised the implementation of budgets for numerous assets. PART Il 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? As an El Segundo resident and property owner, I would like to take a more active role in community affairs. In addition to the experience and expertise listed, I enjoy finance and am cognizant of the vernacular institutions and brokers use as well as the right questions to ask when comparing financial instruments. 2. What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission/Committee /Board you are applying to? In addition to the duties and responsibilities listed on the Notice of Vacancy, (1) educate the citizens so that the Orange County debacle can't happen in El Segundo and (2) ensure that the institutions/brokers El Segundo uses for its investments and financial 8t. 014 O transactions treat the City fairly when charging fees and providing advice. 3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? As a former investment banker and present consumer of services from banks and brokers, I have the experience and expertise to know- (a) what issues are important to an investor, (b) what (sometimes difficult or uncomfortable) questions to ask regardmg risk and return of investment products and (c) understand the fees and commissions paid to brokers. 4. Do you have any reservations about the Commission/Committee /Board? None at this time 5. Other Comments: It would be helpful to meet or contact the current Investment Advisory Committee members as part of this selection process. 6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members): Judith Weber Fry 1624 -19th Street Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Telephone: (310) 545 -2507 P. Kurt Preising 8416 Lookout Mountain Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90067 Telephone: (213) 227 -3518 William S. Smith 3791 Roberta Street Los Angeles, CA 90031 Telephone: (213) 227 -7807 7. Do you plan to attend the Council interview? (To be set after deadline) Yes Signature Date 015 Y O*1 t SEGV�4 Name (fist) Address, 3 l Z L Pe idanca r] z &rz am A r.fjl-. - - / / .. i • _ _ _ v Bus: Mailing (S G 4-4e,) Fax: Name and Address of Employer: fly Present Occupation If you are a Resident of El Segundo, how many years /01"os, An you presenty or have you ever been a City of El Segundo CommisslenedCommithe or Board membK7Yes_ Na —z If Yes, name the CommissbnlCommittee/Board Term. Please indicate the Commgbe(s)fCommkubn(syBoard(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(es) • Capkal Impnxvemerd Program Advisory Committee D Note Abatement Committee • El Segundo Community Cable Advisory CommWse O Planning Commission _ Economic Development Advisory Council O Recreation S Parka Commission n Inwsiment Advisory Committee ra Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board n Library Board of Trustees n Wait of Honor Committee MetropoBan Cooperative Library Systems Advisory Board G other. NWE C "b wwax er.rrr must W Ned W r w " xr ear Ceindxxbnrt.w�.�ierxerNa Scarce ORGANIZATION I From (date) I To (date) Education OFFICES HELD n SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE/DEGREE " 12 c� d►Q r4 -it b. Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Other Pertinent Skill, Experience or Irtiareala: Piro newsae garest and oxoplAe PARTII 016 City at Bt sot de Appliaarimss CCas PART Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets N necessary 1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background, training, education and interests which qualify you as a candidate? 2. What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission/Committee/Board you are applying to? Csee aLtaak ad) 3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?\\ CC ,f 0 Q H- {acbliw(') 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commission/Committee/Board? at, act I 5 Other comments: (see, 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members) 'Name r Address '/006 (o Phone S teuw t9dam S -4 r Main st, * cog &se .. vLOO Name Address O.. it" Phone 2Z — Name Address — Y02-4s- Phone 7 Do you plan t tte d-tp o cil interview? (To be set after deadline) YesO� No_ Signature Date: 4' Z7' 75 017 1. My commitment to community involvement and community service coupled with my strong communication skills and educational training, would reinforte the strengths and enhance the quality of the existing Economic Development Advisory Council (EDAC), 2. The primary goals and objectives of EDAC I believe include: * advising the City Council on the most effective means of attracting and retaining business in El Segundo, in order to maintain a strong revenue base in support of the existing services and opportunities the City provides; * understanding the City's Economic Development Program and ensuring that it is current enough to meet the changing needs of the City and its residents; * collecting and disseminating information with regard to current trends and developments in the way municipalities are succeeding at business attraction and retention. 3. I do not operate by the "law of least effort" to get the job done. I believe that the greatest contribution that any volunteer makes is "time, talents, and energy. " The research skills I have developed over the years, my commitment to putting in the time necessary (as opposed to the minimum required time) to get the job done, and my general willingness to serve, will enable me to be a great asset for accomplishing the required duties. 4. I have no reservations about EDAC at this time. 5. Other Comments: My wife has worked as Speech and Language Pathologist in El Segundo for the past three years, and we moved our family here about ten months ago. We have two daughters, the eldest of which is in kindergarten. We were drawn to El Segundo from West Los Angeles because of the very livable environment and excellent schools. My willingness to volunteer for this board position is based upon a fundamental understanding of the necessity for community involvement, and a desire to preserve the fine quality of El Segundo living. 1 GERA]f2D0 ( GERRY ) 3P3REC2AD0 312 Loma Vista, El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 322 -7308 EDUCATION University of California at Los Angeles, School of Law Juris Doctor - 1996 Moot Court Honors Program; Moot Court Honors Board Member; University Fellowship Award; Pacific Basin Law Journal, Staff Member. University of Houston Law Center (Summer Program 1994) Mexican Legal Studies Program - Mexico City University of California at Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts - Political Science 1993 RELATED WORK Office of the United States Trade Representative, Los Angeles, CA. Intern. Assisted the U.S. Delegation during the Quad Ministerial meetings held to establish preliminary GATT implementation procedures. Attended by the U.S., Japan, Canada, and the European Union. Law Offices of Johnson do Poulson, Westwood, CA. Office Clerk. Updated law library materials, helped prepare and file court documents. R.S. Hughes Co., Inc. (3M Distributor), Sunnyvale, CA. Salesman. Negotiated with buyers, serviced existing accounts, provided technical support for customers. SPECIALIZED TRAINING Received extensive training from both Mexican and U.S. legal scholars regarding the Mexican legal system and negotiating foreign investment into Mexico in compliance with the NAFTA, the GATT, and Mexico's foreign investment laws. QUALIFICATIONS and INTERESTS Possess excellent communication and organizational skills. Languages: Fluent in Spanish. Proficient on WordPerfect, and trained on LEXIS and WESTLAW research networks. Interests include my family, politics and sports. Avid basketball and softball player. ti v . I - Adult leader with the Boy Scouts of America; American Red Cross Volunteer; Missionary to the Navajo, Hopi, Apache and Zuni Nations (4/85 - 4/87); Volunteer on several political campaigns; Varian church leadership positions. UK Name H APPLICATION to Commissions/Committees/Boards Steven Jonn Edlefsen (First) (Middle) (Lest) Address Telephone #s Residence 714 California St Res: (310) 322.6271 Bus: (310) $14-2776 Mailing 714 California St Fax- (310) 814 -3199 Name and Address of Employer. TRW, 1 Space Park, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Pmad ociarp atim Electrical EneinCCr tryou are a rmdem of Et Segundo, how many yeses Are you presently w lave you ever been a City of EI Segundo Conmemawr/Commitlae or Hood member? Yes ® No ❑ If Yes, name the Commtsslon/CommittedBoard• General Plan Advisory Committee Term: 1991 please indicate the ConumltapyCornnum (syHoard(a) you down to am on by chedmtg the appropnate bogm) ❑ capital [mpvvanat Program Cunmm" ❑ Now Abatement Committee ❑ Cmm,mmty Cable Advisory Comntitta ❑ Planning Cmw iatm ® Eeonamc oevelopowd Cormmttea/Snboamninaa (vanota) ❑ Rwmd m & Parks Commission ❑ tnvmtment Advrary Commmea ❑ Sammie Hawing Hoard ❑ Lbrary lioad of Trustees ❑ Wad of Honer Commiem ❑ Metropoham Cooperative ILbrmy System- Advisory Board ❑ Other NOTE Conflict of interest eatements must be tiled by umnbm of those Conununity Service Famerlenee• ORGANIZATION I From dad To date OFFICES HELD El Segundo Randew Amociation 1 1986 1 Present I Pnindmid, Hard Member Conunmuty Economic Couoal 1 1993 1 Present Additional Pertinent Courses or Training Various workshops and training at TRW including effecuve interviewing, TQM, project management et al Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests- Pleme averse form and complate PART H 020 V t Qty orEl seeundo Application to CCBe PART II Piton atrwbh arbe4 written rnpm na to the quad as below may addaknd obeeb [rnanury. ' 1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in you background, training, education and interests which quality you as a candidate? Through my involvement as a community activist and member of various committees I understand the issues which affect El Segundo Through this involvement I have developed political and consensus building skills As a design engineer I deal with a wide range of technical and managerial problems My experience proves that I have a sincere interest in the success of this community. The El Segundo Economic Council continues to study the impacts of various different types of development This has given me valuable insights into our city's economic development. 2 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission/Committee/Board you are applying to? El Segundo has great potential if we are creative and use our resources wisely All too often, economic development takes place without the full consideration of all the variables, especially circulation and environment Companies who fail to realize that is in their best interest to follow the General Plan and city Municipal Code will not succeed in the long run I want business to succeed in the long run The community needs to emphasize this by establishing a clear set of guidelines and direction for economic development The committee must be in touch with the community at large to ensure that its findings are in harmony with the general welfare and the law 3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? Attracting businesses, especially point of sale business is very important Low density manufacturing businesses will tend to mmugate the severe traffic problems along Sepulveda We need to avoid office use at all costs and concentrate on retail and manufacturing Retail alone, however, cannot do it (look at Hawthorne and Cerritos) Freight forwarding companies are a mixed bag: perfect location vs too much truck traffic funneled into LAX Our location should be exploited but not to the extent of manning circulation Regional solutions are imperative especially for the city's main arteries A good mix of development, just like a good mix of investments and SLOW growth is the best answer. 4 Do you have any reservations about the Commssion/Committee/Board? None 5. Other Comments: 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of thin personal reference (other that family members): Willard Krick 1414 E Manposa Ave (310) 322 -5312 Name Address Phone Eric Johnson 1414 E Sycamore Ave (310) 322 -0242 Name Address Phone Helen Armstrong 5084 Tralee Circle (310) 322 -8785 Name Address Do you plan tq attend the Counci interview? (To be scheduled after filing deadline) Yes ® No ❑ J ,nature Date Q� - y 021 Name Daniel 8111341181101 R# d 1955 ri MAYOR'S OFFICE Olt &Yffne& .. • • . u .• n • • ; ..• a :.: James (First) (Middle) (Last) pp Address Te310 414 -0811 Residence 501 Center Street, #14 Res; Bus: Mailing Fax: Name and Address of Employer. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL 6500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1400, Los Angeles, CA 90048 Present Occupation Advertising A.E. if you an a Resident of El Segundo, how many year 4 _ Are you presently or have you ever been a City of El Segundo Commbsbner/CommkNe or Board mombor?Yes_ No g If Yes, name the Commissbn/Commrdee/Board Tom. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Phase Indicate the Commidea(syCommissbn(syBoard(s) you desire to serve on by checking the appropriate box(ea) • Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee 0 Note Abatement Committee • El Segundo Community Cobb Advisory Committee 0 Planning Commission 11 Economic Development Advisory Council 0 Recrestim & Pant Commission • Investment Advisory Committee 0 Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board • Lbrary Board of Trustees 0 Wall of Honor Committee 0 Metropolitan Cooperative Lbmry Systems Advisory Board 0 Other. NOTE C•ML3 or nw•e aLe•nrnb n be filed by rrwrb•r• M avn• 0w iW ,0Cw nft*•IBaNa Somme ORGANIZATION I From (date) I To Education OFFICES HELD SCHOOL MAJOR GRADUATION DATE/DEGREE LMU En Bua Additional Penloem Courses or Training Other Psrtmend Skills. Experience or itderste Plars sower hires d erasplate PARTII 022 1 CRY of gl s*smade AppliamUmto CCBs PASTII Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below us" additional sheets N necessary Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically In your background, training, education and Interests which quaW you as a candidate? I am confident that my advertising experience with The iiall Street Journal would be an asset to the council. Mr areas of expertise would include marketing. advertising and research. What do you see as the objectives and goals of the Commission/Committee/Board you are applying to? To develop a business attitude for the City of E1 Segundo thnt fasters cooperation and innovation in an effort to return the city to its former prominence as a technology center. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? I think that it is tantamount to show potential new businesses how the City of S1 Segundo is a forward thinking and technologically advanced community. (establish a citywide server) Do you have any reservations about the Commisslon/Committes/Board? None. 5 Other comments, 6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family members): Mr. Christopher Moscicki — 1630 Highland, 818 - 956 -8320 Nam* Address Phone Mr. Jim Marak - 361 Main Street, E.S. 310 - 322 -1900 Name Address Phone Mr. Joe Sturman— 501 Center Street, S.S. 310 - 322 -6430 Nam* Address Phone 7 Dc you an to attend thheeo ncil interview? (To be set after deadline) �/ Yesgc No Signature Q� 1 QyV _Date: L'I W /S /7 s- 023