Xerox Lease AgreementLEASE AGREEMENT Full Legal Now Customer Name (BBB) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DBA/Name Overflow W.L.A. MUNCIPALITIES Street Address 350 MAIN ST City, State EL SEGUNDO, CA Zip Code 90245 -3895 Tax 00 Software Title ' ' License Fee sal Renewal Fee h cm 13 F' Customer Name (Install) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DBA/Name Overflow (ifreq'd) Installed at Street Address 350 MAIN ST Fkw/RoomMouting ❑ June -July City, Stain EL SEGUNDO, CA Zip Code 90245 -3895 County Installed In Los Angeles CmdocoaRoweadhulsliDift 03/1?J2009 Lease Pavment Information 3657 • i XEROX. Cheek all that apply ❑ ArsocJCoop. Name: ®Negotiated Contract #071396905 DSA Contract M - ❑vahre Added Services: ❑ Attached Customer P.O. ft: Supplies: Lease: ® State or Local Government Customer Ent Rate: % Total Lot le: $ n of Prior Xerox Agreeaneat Agreement covering Xerox Equipment Serial# (or 95(l): is hereby ❑ modified ❑replaced Effective Dale: Comments: Lean Information Lease Term : 60montha ®Supplies included in BaaWrint Charges ❑ ReBn. of Prior Agenrt.:❑ Xerox (95/): ❑ 3rd Party Eq. And Reim: S lot Rate: % Total lot Payable: $ 299.80 : MINIMUM LEASE PAYMENT (excl. of aWlic. Price Information Meier Periodic MinA of Prints (based an Mater 1 Print Charges) 5000 (based on Meter 1 Print Charges) Min, Law Payment Frea. (Pry'+ roar —WdWW) ❑ Monthly ❑Quarterly ❑ Semi -Amuai ❑Annual ❑ other Min. Lease Payment Mode ❑Advance ❑ Amara (based on Motor I Print Charger) ❑ Purchased Supplies ❑ Cash ❑ Fin'd ❑ Application sortware Reorder M MON SOME Software Title ' ' License Fee sal Renewal Fee h cm 13 F' uu� ❑ Extended Service Homes: ❑ June only ❑ July o* Description, / $ 0 Mo. ❑ August only ®Attached Addenda: 51860- 1(1):52168 ❑ June -July r MIN MOOMMIME ELM—MEMO Total Price = Torsi Initial License Fees = 299.80 : MINIMUM LEASE PAYMENT (excl. of aWlic. Price Information Meier Periodic MinA of Prints (based an Mater 1 Print Charges) 5000 (based on Meter 1 Print Charges) Min, Law Payment Frea. (Pry'+ roar —WdWW) ❑ Monthly ❑Quarterly ❑ Semi -Amuai ❑Annual ❑ other Min. Lease Payment Mode ❑Advance ❑ Amara (based on Motor I Print Charger) ❑ Purchased Supplies ❑ Cash ❑ Fin'd ❑ Application sortware Reorder M (check I as required) Software Title ' ' License Fee sal Renewal Fee h cm 13 F' Momha afiaaed ❑ Extended Service Homes: ❑ June only ❑ July o* Description, / $ 0 Mo. ❑ August only ®Attached Addenda: 51860- 1(1):52168 ❑ June -July r ❑ July - August Total Price = Torsi Initial License Fees = ❑ Trade -In Allowance Total Allowance Applied to: + ❑Trade-in Equip. Balance: I❑Price of Replcmnt Equip.: Agreement Presented By: Xerox Name: Peter W h terim Phone:(310)546 -2904 FOR lWTHORIZL-D IIQ IN I I-RiNAL L SL ONLY: Accepted: Xerox Corhuratinn By lSignunu'e of . {urlrori�ed S'i�ner! Till' Date: W'orlshect: ED 1435 Uuit: 1 3 222007 12:44:07 W W W.XCTOX.COIri t Xerox F 3 r% tj C1 0"I I1Vk ❑ K -16 Billing Additional O tions check all that apply) Suspension u Run Leigh Plan Wised Prim Plan (check I as required) ❑ Per-Foot Pricing Momha afiaaed ❑ Extended Service Homes: ❑ June only ❑ July o* Description, / $ 0 Mo. ❑ August only ®Attached Addenda: 51860- 1(1):52168 ❑ June -July ❑ other Addends: ❑ July - August ('►-_!STOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE TERMS OF THIS Ar,RFF. NF.NT (CONSISTING OF R PACES INCLUDING THIS FACE PAGE) Auth_ Signer Name: Jeff Stewart f'le sse ni Name of Authorized Signer) Signature: Date: Aueh. Signer'fide.: E -Mail: ❑ ,rax F?xernht (' V2007 CITY ATM E1hone:(310)524 -2300 asfia FPRM: Page I ofs LEASE AGREEMENT (ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS) Full Lagal Name U Cash U Fin'd U Application Software Customer Name (BSIb) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DBA/Name Overflow W.L.A. MUNCIPALITIES Date of Customer Sigodure on Attached Agreement Customer Name (Install) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DBA/Name Overflow (if req'd) Installed at Street Address 350 MAIN ST Floor/Room%xsfmg City, State EL SEGUNDO, CA zip Code 90245 -3895 County Installed In Ins Angeles ClrpomxRegWcdhftVDW 03/22/2007 Lease Pavrnent Infnrmatinn 3 65 7J t z .XEROX Check all that apply ❑ Attached Customer P.O. #s: Supplies: _ Lem: ® State or Local Government Customer Int Rate: % Total Int. Payable: $ U It"I ement/Modifiation of Prior Xerox Agreement Agreement covering Xerox Equipment Serial# (or 951): is hereby ❑ modified ❑ nvisood Effective Date: Comments: Lase Information Lessen Term: 60 months ®Supplies inchrded in Base/Print Charges ❑ Rem. of Prior Agrmt :❑ Xerox (gs#)L ❑ 3rd Party Eq. Ant Ref n: S Int Rate: % Total Int Payable: $ $ : MINIMUM LEASE PAYMENT (excl. Price Information IN] Min. Lease Payment Frea. (vm+odir. oxdvft �mdwdaw) ❑ Monthly ❑Qwrterly ❑ Semi -Annual ❑Annual ❑ Omer Min. Lease Payment Mode ❑Advance ❑ Arrears rww 0 - MWO. euawu�. Periodic Base Charge Periodic Base Charge Is rime - e - s rime - o Periodic Min.# of Prints Periodic Min.# of Prints (based on Meier 1 Print Charges) (based on Meter I Print Charges) (based on Meter 1 Print Charges) U Purchased supplies U Cash U Fin'd U Application Software Reorder # Qty Description Software Title hit-W License Fee Renewal Fee ❑ Casb ❑ F- Support uu u■u Total Allowance Applied to: Total Allowance uu oW Price = Total Initial License Fns �u $ : MINIMUM LEASE PAYMENT (excl. Price Information IN] Min. Lease Payment Frea. (vm+odir. oxdvft �mdwdaw) ❑ Monthly ❑Qwrterly ❑ Semi -Annual ❑Annual ❑ Omer Min. Lease Payment Mode ❑Advance ❑ Arrears rww 0 - MWO. euawu�. Periodic Base Charge Periodic Base Charge Is rime - e - s rime - o Periodic Min.# of Prints Periodic Min.# of Prints (based on Meier 1 Print Charges) (based on Meter I Print Charges) (based on Meter 1 Print Charges) U Purchased supplies U Cash U Fin'd U Application Software Reorder # Qty Description Software Title hit-W License Fee Renewal Fee ❑ Casb ❑ F- Support Total Allowance Applied to: Total Allowance oW Price = Total Initial License Fns ❑ Trade -In Allowance Manuflrcdua Modell Final Serial # principal Pa #: Albwaoce Total Allowance Applied to: Total Allowance ❑Trade -in Equip. BaWlce: 113price of Repbsont Equip.: FOR AUTHORIZED IiQ IN I ERNAL USE ONL)': Worksheet: Unit: www.xer0x.00M ❑ K -16 Billing Suspension (check 1 as required) Montle affected ❑ June only ❑ July only ❑ August only ❑ Jane -July ❑ July - August Additional Options (check all th�ata ❑ Rum Length Plan J Fixed Price Plan ❑ Per -Foot Pricing ❑ Extended Service Hours: E3 Attached Addenda: , S Xerox Form# 51860 - 1(052005) 3228007 Page 2 of 8 : The following terms apply to all lease transactions 1. PRODUCTS. The term "Produce" shall refer collectively to all equipment (the "Equipment"), "wine, and supplies ordered under this Agreement You represent that the Products are being ordered for your own business use (rather than resale) and that they will not be used for personal, household or family purposes. 2. NON - CANCELABLE LEASE. THIS AGREEMENT IS A LEASE AND IT CANNOT BE CANCELED OR TERMINATED EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, AND YOUR OBLIGATION TO MAKE ALL PAYMENTS DUE OR TO BECOME DUE SHALL BE ABSOLUTE AND UNCONDITIONAL AND SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY DELAY, REDUCTION, SET-OFF, DEFENSE, COUNTERCLAIM OR RECOUPMENT FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, IRRESPECTIVE OF XEROX'S PERFORMANCE OF ITS OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER. ANY CLAIM AGAINST XEROX MAY BE ASSERTED SOLELY AGAINST XEROX IN A SEPARATE ACTION. 3. LEASE COMMENCEMENT, PAYMENT, TAXES & CREDIT HISTORY. A. The lease terns for this Agreement shall commence upon installation of the Equipment; provided, however, for customer- instaWble Equipment, the lease term for this Agreement shall commence upon delivery of the Equipment B. Invoices we payable upon receipt and you agree to pay Xerox each Minimum Lase Payment, all Print Charges and all other sums due as follows: (i) if the invoice displays a due date, payment is due and must be received by Xerox on or before said due date, or (ht) if the invoice does not display a dam date, payment is due and must be received by Xerox no later than thirty (30) days after the invoice date. Restrictive covenants on instruments or documents submitted for or with payments you send to Xerox will not reduce your obligations. C. You shall be responsible for any and all applicable Taxes, which will be included in Xerox% invoice unless you provide proof of your tax exempt status. " Taxes" shall mean say tax, assessment or charge imposed or collected by any governmeahl entity or any politial subdivision thereof, however designated or levied, imposed on this Agreement or the amounts payable to Xerox by you for die billing of Products, Print Charges, services and maintenance of any kind; Taxes mchude, but are not limited o, sales and use, rental, excise, gross receipts and occupational or privilege taxes, phis any interest and/or penalty thereon, but excluding any personal property taxer and taxes on Xerox's net income. If a taxing authority determines that Xerox did not collect all applicable Taxes, you shall remain liable to Xerox for such additional Taxes. D. You, to the extent required by applicable law, authorize Xerox (or its agent) to obtain credit reports, make such other credit inquiries as Xerox may deem necessary at any time, famish payment history information to credit reporting agencies, and release to prospective assignee of this Agreement or any rights hereunder credit - related information Xerox has about you and this Agreement 4. BASIC SERVICES. As a mmdatory part of a lease, Xerox (or a designated dervioer) will provide the following Basic Services under this Agreement (unless you are acquiring Equipment for which Xerox does not offer Basic Services; such Equipment to be designated as "No Svc."): A. REPAIRS & PARTS. Xerox will make repairs and adjustments necessary to keep Equipment in good working order (including such repairs or adjustments required during initial installation). Parts required for repair may be new, reprocessed, or recovered. B. HOURS & EXCLUSIONS. Unless otherwise stated, Basic Services will be Provided during Xerox% standard working lours (excluding Xerox- recognized holidays) in areas within the United States, its territories, and possessions open for repair service for the Equipment at issue. You agree to give Xerox reasonable access to the Equipment. Basic Services shall cover repairs and Adjustments required am a rash of narmal wear and tear or defects in materials or workmanship (and shall exclude repairs or adjustments Xerox determines to relate to or be affected by the use of options, accessories, or other connected products not serviced by Xerox, as well as any non -Xerox alterations, relocation, service, supplies, or consumables). You agree to use Equipment in accordance with, and o perform all operator maintenance procedures for Equipment as set forth in, the applicable manuals provided by Xerox. C. INSTALLATION SITE & METER READINGS. The Equipment installation site must conform to Xerox's published requirements throughout the tam of this Agreement If applicable, you agree to provide meter readings in the manner prescribed by Xerox. If yet do not provide Xerox with meter readings as required, Xerox may estimate diem and WI you accordingly. D. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT. if Xerox is unable to maintain the Equipment a described above, Xerox will, as your exclusive remedy for Xerox's faihre to provide Basic Services, replace the Equipment with an identical product a, at Xerox% option, another product of equal or greater capabilities. If a replacement pmduct is proceed pursuant to this Section, there will not be an Xerox FormtY 51$601dte (05/2005) 3657 -0 a • additional charge for the replacement product and, except as set forth in the section of this Agreement titled - MAINTENANCE COMPONENT PRICE INCREASES-, there will not be an additional charge for Basic Services during the thenciurent term during which Basic Samoa ate being provided. E. CARTRIDGE PRODUCTS. If Xerox is providing Bathe Services for Equipment utilizing cartridges designated by Xerox as cusbmer replaceable units, including copy/priat cartridges and xerographic modules or fuser modules ("Cartridges"), you agree In use only unmodified Cartridges purchased directly from Xerox or its authorized resellan in the United States and the failure to use such Cartridges shall void any warranty applicable to such Equipment F. PCIWORKSTATION REQUIREMENTS. In order o receive Basic Services and/or Soflwarc Support for Equipment requiring connection to a PC or workstation, you must utilize a PC or workstation that either (1) has been provided by Xerox or (2) meta Xerox% published specifications. 0. DELIVERY AND REMOVAL. Xerox will be responsible for all standard delivery and removal charges. You will be responsible for any non - standard delivery or. val charges incurred. 5. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER & WAIVERS. XEROX DISCLAIMS, AND YOU WAIVE, THE DdPU[ED WARRANTIES OF NON - INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The parties intend this Agreement to be a "finance lease" under Article 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code. Except to the extent expressly provided, herein and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you waive all rights and reroedies conferred upon a lessee by amid Article. 6. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNITY. Xerox, at its expense, will defend you from, and pay any settlement agreed to by Xerox or any Seal judgment for, any claim that a Xerox -based Product inflinges a third parry's U.S. intellectual property righ% provided you promptly notify Xerox of the alleged infringement and permit Xerox to direct the defense. Xerox is not responsible for any non -Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless it preapproves diem in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may modify or subetidrte an equivalent Xerox-bwnd Product, rafted the price paid fbr the Xerox -brand Product (lees the reasonable rental value for die period it was available to you). or obtain any necessary licenses. Xerox is not liable for any infrngement-re4ted liabilities ontoi& the scope of this Section including, but not limited o, infringement based upon a Xerox-brand Product being modified to your specifications or being used or sold with products not provided by Xerox. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABQdTY. Xerox shall not be liable to you for any direct damages in excess of $10,000 or the amounts paid hereunder, whichever is BMW, and neither patty sball be liable to the other for any spacial, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of or reading to dais Agreement, whether the claim alleges tortious conduct (including negligence) or any other I* theory . The above -stated limitation of liability shall not be applicable to any specific indemnification obligations set forth in this Agreement. Aey-aedt7R yen -Gum r}ih 8. ASSIGNMENT. A. If you with to assign any rights or obligations under this Agreement, you shall provide a written notice to Xerox of such request for mot, with said notice including the name of the proposed assignee. Your request to assign this Agreement will be granted by Xerox i8 (1) you are not in defmlt under this Agreement or any other agreement with Xerox; (2) doe propoded assignee agree to the section of this Agreement titled "LEASE COMMENCEMENT, PAYMENT, TAXES & CREDIT HISTORY" as applicable o it, dir the purposes of the Proposed assignment; (3) the proposed assignee msab Xerox's then current credit criteria for similar transactions as determined by Xerox in is sole discradon• and, (4) you and die proposed assignee execute a writing. in a form acceptable to Xerox, confirming said assignment Assignment by you requites the written consent of Xerox and may not be accomplished by operation of law. B. Xerox way asaigm this Agreement, in whole or in part, to a parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Xerox, or to a person or entity for the purposes of socu itizmg a pool of asses or as part of a third party financial transaction without prior notice to you; provided, however, any proposed asaignment to a person or entity not identified previously, in this sentence shall require your prior written consent in the event of an assignment permitted by die preceding sentence. Xerox, without notice to you, may release information it has about you related to this Agreement. Each successive anignee of Xerox dhall have all of the rights but none of the obligations of Xerox hereunder. You shall continue to look to Xerox for performance of Xerox's obligations, including the provision of Basic Services, and you hereby waive and release any essigtias of Xerox from any such claim relating to or arising from the performance of Xerox's obligations hereunder . You shall not now my defense, counterclaim or scoff dial you may have or chum against Xerox against 3/22/2007 Page 3 of 8 any assignees of Xerox. In the event of an assignment by Xerox, you shall remit payments due in aeeadanee with remittance instructions of the assignee. 9. MINIMUM LEASE PAYMENTS. Each Minimum Lease Payment (which may be billed on more than one invoice) includes a Periodic Base Charge, and may include a Periodic Minimum Number of Prints. The Minimum Lease Payments, along with any additional Print Charges for prints made in excess of the Minimum Number of Prints, cover you cost hr the use of the Equipment and its maintenance (provided as Basic Services). 10. MAINTENANCE COMPONENT PRICE INCREASES. Xerox may annually increase that amount of the Mini— Lease Payment and Print Charges you are charged for maintenance of the Equipment (the "Maintenance Component"), each such use not to exceed 10% (For state and local government customers, this adjustment shall take place at the commencement of each of you annual contract cycles.) 11. TITLE, RISK & RELOCATION. Title to the Equipment shall remain with Xerox until you exercise you option to purchase it Until you exercise your option to purchase the Equipment, you agree that (a) it shall remain personal property; (b) you will not attach any of it as a fixture to any real estate; (c) you will not pledge, sub -buss or pot with possession of it or file or permit to be filed any lien against it; and, (d) you will not make any permanent alterations to it The risk of loss due to your fink or negligence, as well as then, fire or disappearance, shall pass to you upon shipment from a Xerox controlled facility. The risk of loss due to all other causes shall remain with Xerox unless and until you exercise you option to purchase the Equipment Until title passes to yon, all Equipment relocations must be arranged (or approved in advance) by Xerox and shall be at you expense. While Equipment is being relocated, you am responsible for all payments required to Xerox under thia Agreement Equipment cannot be relocated outside of the United States, its territories or possessim s until you have exercised the Purchase Option indicated in this Agreement If you acquire title to the Equipment, you must comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the export of any commodity, technology and/or software. All p aiWa aterials repriced, including a part of an upgrade, will become Xerox's property. 12. DEFAULT & REMEDIES; LATE CHARGES & COLLECTION COSTS. A. For any payment not received by Xerox within ten (10) days of the due dale as set forth herein, Xerox may charge, and you agree to pay, a late charge equal to the higher of five percent (5 %) of the amount due or S25 (not to exceed the maximum amount permitted by law) as reasonable collection coats. B. You will be in default under this Agreement if (1) Xerox does not receive any payment within fifteen (15) days after the date it is due or (2) if you breach any other obligation hereunder . If you defsuh, Xerox, in addition to its other remedies (including the cessation of Basic Services), may require immediate payment, as liquidated damages for loss of bargain and not sea a penalty, of (a) all amounts then due, plus interest on all amounts due from the due date until paid at the use of one and one -half percent (1.5 %) per month (not to exceed the maximum amamt permitted by law); (b) the remaining Minimum Lease Payments in the Agrament's term lea any untamed finance, maintenance, and supply charges (a mllected on the lessor's books and records); and (d) all applicable Taxes. You also shall either (1) make the Equipment available for removal by Xerox when requested to do so by Xerox and, at the time of removal, the Equipment shall be in die same condition a when delivered (reasonable wear and tear excepted), together with any related software, or (2) purchase the Equipment "AS IS, WHERE IS" and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AS TO CONDITION OR VALUE by paying Xerox the Purchase Option and all applicable Taxes. Xerox's decision to waive or forgive a particular default shall not prevent Xerox from dechting any other default. In addition, if you defiult under this Agreement, you agree to lay all of the costs Xerox incurs to enforce its rights against you, including reasonable attorneys' fen and actual coats. 13. CARTRIDGES. Cartridges packed with Equipment and replacement Cartridges may be new, remanufactuued or mproesssed. Remanufacmred and reprocessed Ca<tridges mod Xerox's new Cartridge performance standards and contain new and/or reprocessed components. To enhance print quality, the Cartridge(a) for many models of Equipment have been designed to cane finetioniog at a predetermined point In addition, many Equipment models are designed to function only with Cartridges that are newly manufactured original Xerox Cartridges or with Cartridges intended for use in the U.S. Equipment oon6grmatiam that permits use of non -newly manufactured original Xerox Csrkidgm may be available from Xerox at an additional charge. Cartridges sold as Environmental Partnership ("EP') Cartridges remain the property of Xerox. You agree that you shad return all EP Casfridges and may return other Cartridges to Xerox, at Xemx's expense when using Xerox - supplied shipping labela, for remanufactuimg once such Cartridge oease functioning. Xerox Form# 51860t&c (052005) 3!22/200 6 5 7-6 T.11 14. EQUIPMENT STATUS. Unless you we acquiring Previously Installed Equipment, Equipment will be either (a) "Newly Manufactured", which may contain some recycled components that are reconditioned; (b) "Factory Produced New Model", which is manufactured and newly serialized at a Xerox factory, adds functions and features to a product previously disassembled to a Xerox predetermined standard, and oontsins both new cwmponeutr and recycled components that are reconditioned; or, (c) "Remanufactured ", which has been factory produced following disassembly to a Xerox predetermined standard and contains both new components and recycled components that an reconditioned. 15. LEASE OPTIONS. The following options are available for Equipment subject to this Agreement A. PURCHASE OPTION. If not in default, you may purchase the Equipment, "AS IS, WHERE -IS" and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AS TO CONDITION OR VALUE: (i) at the cad of the lease tam for the Purchase Option indicated on the face of this Agreement (Le. either a set dollar amount or the Fair Market Vabre of the Equipment at the lease term's conclusion rFMV" )), phis all applicable Taxes, or (ii) any time during the lease term by paying: (1) all amounts then due; (2) the remaining Minimum Lease Payments in the Agreement's term less any unearned fnaace, maintenance, and supply charges (as reflected on the k.asor't boob and records); (3) a reasonable disengagement fee calculated by Xerox that aril not exceed fifteen percent (15 %) of the amount in (2) above (said amount is available from Xerox upon request); (4) the applicable Purchase Option; and (S) all applicable Taxes. B. RENEWAL. Unless either party provides notice at least thirty (30) days before the end of the lease term of its intention not to renew this Agreement, it will be renewed automatically on a mouth -to -month basis at the same price, berme and conditions and billing frequency as the original Agreement During this renewal period, either party may terminate this Agreement upon at IoM thirty (30) days notice. C. LEASE TERMINATION. Upon termination pursuant to B. above, and if you have not purchased the Equipment, you shall make the Equipment available for removal by Xerox when requested to do so by Xerox and, at the time of removal, the Equipment shall be in the same condition as when delivered (reasonable wear and tear excepted), together with any related software. 16. PROTECTION OF XEROX'S RIGHTS. You hereby authorize Xerox or its agents to file, by any permissible means+ financing statements necessary to protect Xerox's rights as the Equipment Lessor. Xerox, on you behalf and at your expense, may take any action required to be taken by you under this Agreement that YOU fail to Wee. 17. REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES & COVENANTS. Each party represents that, a of the date of this Agreement, it has the lawful power and authority to enter into this Agreement, the individuals signing this Agreement we duly authorized to do so on its behalf and, by entering this Agreement, it will not violate any law or other agreement to which it is a pally. You an not aware of anything that will have a material negative effect on you ability to satisfy you payment obligations under this Agreement and all financial infomation you have provided, or will provide, to Xerox is true and accurate and provides a good representation of your financial condition. Each party agrees that it will promptly notify the other party in writing of a change in ownership, if it relocates its principal place of business or changes the name of its business. pg. NOTICES. Notices must be in writing and will be deemed given five (5) days after mailing, or two (2) days after sending by nationally recognized overnight courier, to the other party's business address, or to such other address designated by either party to the other by written notice given puraam to this sentence. The term "business address" shall moan, for you, the "Bill to" address listed on the first page of this Agreement and, for Xerox, our inquiry address set f & on the most resat invoice to year. 19. FORCE MAJEURE. Xerox shall Dot be liable to you during any period in which its performanoe is delayed or prevented, in whole or in part, by a circumstance beyond its reasonable control, which circumstances include, but am not limited to, the following: ahst-eMud (e�>< flood, euthquahe, wind); fire; war, act of a public enemy or terrorist; act of sabotage; strike or other labor dispute; riot; misadventure of the sea; inability to seise materials and / or traction; a, a restriction imposed by legislation, an order or a rule or regulation of a governmental entity . If such a circumstance occurs. Xerox shag undertake reasonable action to notify you of the am. 20. MISCELLANEOUS. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement as to its subject matter, supersedes all prior and eomemporameous oral and wr*m agreements, and shall be construed under the laws of the State of #4v*.Ysv6 (without regard to con8ictof -law principles). You agree to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state emu erlrin any action to enforce this Agreement, the parties agree to their right to a jury trial. If a 7 ,COS AuGEt E S Page 4 of X,01-44J&ELFS ceuw'yIt C4UFOXWw q corn finds any term of this Agreement to be unenforceable, the remaining terms of this Agreement shall remain in affect Both parties may retain a reproduction (e.g., electronic image, photocopy, facsimile) of this Agreement which shall be admissible in my action to enforce it, but only the Agreement held by Xerox shall be considered as original. Xerox may accept this Agreement either by its authorized signature or by commencing performance (e•g•, Equipment delivery, initiating Basic Services, etc.). All changes to this Agreement must be made in a writing signed by both parties; accordingly, any terms on your ordering documents shall be of no force or effect The following four sentences control over every other part of this Agreement and over all other documents now or later pertaining to this Agreement We both intend to comply with applicable laws. In no event will Xerox charge or collect any amounts in excess of those allowed by applicable law. Any part of this Agreement that would, but for this Section, be read under any circumstances to allow for a charge higher than that allowed under any applicable legal limit, is limited and modified by this Section to limit the amounts chargeable under this Agreement to the maximum amount allowed under the legal limit. If, in any circumstances, my amount in excess of that allowed by law is charged or received, any such charge will be deemed limited by the amount legally allowed and any amount received by Xerox in excess of that legally allowed will be applied by us to the payment of amounts legally owed under this Agreement, or refunded to YOU- SOFTWARE TERMS: The following additional terms apply only to transactions oovox ing Application Software and/or Xerox -brand Equipment: 21. SOFTWARE LICENSE. The fbllowing terms apply to copyrighted software and the accompanying documentation, including, but not limited to, operating system software, provided with or within the Xerox -brand Equipment acquired heseonder ("Base Software") as well as software specifically act out as "Application Software" on the face of this Agreement This license does not apply to any Diagnostic Software or to any software / documentation accompanied by a clickwmp or sbrkkwmp license agreement or otherwise made subject to a separate license sgreement. A. Xerox grants you a am-exclusive, non- transferable license to use the Base Software within the United Sates. its territories, and possessions (the "United Sates ") only on or with the Equipment with which (or within which) it was delivered. For Application Software, Xerox grants you a non-exclusive, non- transfmable House to use this software within the United Sates an any single unit of equipment for a long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any Annual Renewal Fees). You have no other rights to the Base or Application Software and, in particular, may not: (1) distribute, copy, modify, create derivatives of, deoompile, or reverse engineer this software; (2) activate any software delivered with or within the Equipment in an inactivated state; or, (3) allow others to engage in same. Title to the Base and Application Software and all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in it shall at all times reside solely with Xerox and/or is licensors (who shall be considered third -party beneficiaries of this Agneemenfa software and limitation of liability provisions). Base and Application Software may eonak, or be modified to contain, compor code capable of automatically disabling proper operation or 6mctionarg of the Equipment Such disabling code may be activated if: (a) Xerox is denied reasonable access to the Base or Application Software to periodically reset such code; (b) you are notified of a default under any term of this Agreement; or, (c) your breeze is terminated or expires. B. Xerox may terminate your license for any Base Software (1) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your Sort Issue no longer uses or possesses it, or (2) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. C. if you transfer possession of the Equipment after you obtain title to it, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Base Software within the United Sates on or with a. subject to Xerox's then- applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the tranufer is not in violation of Xerox's rights. D. Xerox warrants that the Base and Application Software will perform in material conformity with its user documentation for a ninety (90) day period fiom the data it u delivered a, for software installed by Xerox, the date of software icsallatim. Neither Xerox nor its licensors warrant that the Base or Application Software will be five from arson or that is operation will be uninterrupted. 22. SOFTWARE SUPPORT. During the period that Xerox (or a designated savker) provides Bait Services for the Equipment but in no event longer than five (S) years after Xerox stops aldng orders floor customers for thew acquisition of the object model of Equipment, Xerox (or a designated servicer) will also provide software rapport for the Base Software under the following terms. For Application Software licensed pncaant to this Agreement, Xerox will provide software support wider the fallowing arms provided you are current in the payment of all Initial License and Annual Renewal Fees (or, for programs not requiring Annual Renewal Fees, the payment of the Initial License Fee and the annual "Support Only" Fees). 3657 a e A A. Xerox will assure that Base and Application Software performs in material conformity with its user documentation and will maintain a toll-free hodine during standard business hours to answer related questions. B. Xerox may make available new releases of the Base or Application Software that primarily incorporate coding am fixes and ate designated as "Maintenance Releases ". Maintenance Relases are provided at no charge and must be implemented within six (6) months after being made available to you. Each new Maintenance Release shall be considered Base or Application Software governed by trees Software Terms. New releases of the Base or Application Software that are not Mainimance Releases, if any, may be subject to additional House fees at Xerox's then -cur at pricing and shall be considered Base or Application Software governed by these Software Tams (runless otherwise noted). Xerox will not be in breach of its software support obligations hereunder i1 in order to implement, in whole or in pact, a new release of Base or Application Software provided or made available to you by Xerox, you n out procure, at your expense, additional hardware andlor software from Xerox or any other entity. You agree to return or destroy all prior micases. C. Xerox will use reasonable efforts, either directly and/or with its vendors, to resolve coding errors or provide worbaromds or patches, Provided You report problems as specified by Xerox. D. Xerox shall not be obligated (1) to support any Rase or Application Software that is two or ma a releases older than Xerox's most current release or (2) to remedy coding errors if you have modified the Base or Application Software. E. For Application Software . Xerox may annually increase the Annual Renewal and Support -Only Fees, each such imreise not to exceed 10%. (For state and local. government customers, this adjustment shall Wee place at the commencement of each of your annual contract cycles.) 23. DIAGNOSTIC SOFT WARE. Software used to maintain the Egxxipnsent and/or diagnose its failures or substandard performance (collectively "Diagnostic Software") is embedded in, resides on, or may be loaded onto tine Equipment The Diagnostic Software and method of entry or moos to it constitute valuable trade secrets of Xerox. Title to the Diagnostic Software shall at all lima remain solely with Xerox and/or Xerox's licensors. You agree that (a) your acquisition of the Equipment does not grant you a license or right to use the Diagnostic Software in any manner, and (b) that unless separately licensed by Xerox to do so. you will not use, reproduce, distribute, or disclose the Diagnostic Software for any 1 (or allow third parties to do so). You agree at all times (including subsequent to the expiration of this Agreement) to allow Xerox to access, monitor, sad otherwise aloe sleeps to preven t umadhorized use or reproduction of the Diagnostic Software. GONFA MENT CUSTOMER TERMS: The following additional tarns apply only to lesse transactions with sate and local government customers: 24. REPRESENTATIONS & WARRANTIES, FUNDING, TAX TREATMENT & PAYMENT. v e 4 to 1 rc e.,,s 4t'+ J A. REPRESENTATIONS & WARRANT<fiS. Y by represent and warrant, as of the date of this Agreement, that: (1) you ate constituted in which you arc located and are 6&oraed to enter into, and carry out, your obligations under this Agreement and any other documents required to be delivered in connection with the Agreement (collectively, the "Documents "); (2) the Documents have been duly mthorized, executed and delivered by you in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, ordinances and regulations (including, but not limited to, all applicable laws governing open mwtingi6 1ublic bidduig and appropriations required in connexion with this Agreement and the acquisition of the Equipment) and are valid, legal, binding agreements, enforceable in accordance with their Gams and the persou(s) signing the Documents have the authority to do so, are acting with the fill authorization of your governing body and hold the offices indicated below their signatures, each of which are genuine; (3) the Equipment is essential to the immediate performance of a governmental or proprietary function by you within the scope of your authority and shall be used during the lease tam only by you and only to perform such llmction; end, (4) Your obligations to remit paYmmta under this Agreement constitute a current expense and not a debt under applicable sate law and no provision of this Agreement constitutes a pledge of your tax or general revenues and any provision that is so construed by a court of eompacat jurisdiction is void from the inception of this Agreement B. FUNDING. You represent and warrant that all payments due ad to become due during your current final year are within the fiecal budget of such year and are included within an unrestricted and xnmncxumberW appropriation currently available for the leaselpunchm of the Equipment, and that it is your want to use the Equipment for fix entire lease term and to make all payments required under this Agreement In the event that (1) through no action initiated by you your legislative body does not appropriate finds for the continuation of this Aground far my fiscal year after the first fiscal year and has no fhada to do so firm other sources, and (2) you have rands a reasonable but xmsmeeafiul ~ to find a creditworthy Xerox Form# 51860t&c (05/2003) 3/22/2009 Page 5 Of 9 aaaignee able to Xerox in its sole discretion within your general orgmintion who can continue this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated. To effect this termination, you shill. thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which your legislative body does not appropriate hinds for such upcoming fiscal year, send Xerox written notice stating that your legislative body failed to appropriate finds and that you have made the required effort to find an assignee. Your notice must be accompanied by payment of all sums then owed through the current year to Xerox under this Agreement and must certify that the canceled Equipment is not being replmod by equipment performing similar functions during the ensuing fiscal year In addition, you agree at your expense to return the Equipment in good condition to a location designated by Xerox and that, when returned, the Equipment will be flee of an lien; and encumbrances. You will then be released f%n your obligations to maim any fhrther payments to Xerox beyond those due for the emrent foal year (with Xerox retaining all sines paid to dais). C. TAX TREATMENT. This Agreement has been accepted on the basis of your representation that Xerox may claim any interest paid by you as exempt from *deal income tax under Section 103(c) of the Code. You agree to comply with the information reporting requirements of Section 149(e) of the Code. Such compliance 11121111 inclde, but net be limited to, the execution of 8038-0 or 8038-GC Information Rehm. You hereby appoint Xerox as your agent to maintain, and Xerox agrees to maintain, or cause to be mdotithi4 a complete and accurate record of all ssrignments of this Agreement in form sufiiciesit to comply with the book entry requirements of Section 149(x) of the Code and the regulations presai 'bed thereunder from time to time. Should Xerox lose the benefit of this exemption as a result of your flril re to comply with or be covered by Section 103(c) or its regulations, then, subject to the availability of finds and upon demand by Xerox, you shall pay Xerox an amount equal to its loss in this regard At the time of execution of this Agreement, you shall provide Xerox with a properly prepared and exeaied copy of US Treasury Form 8038 or 8038-0C. D. PAYMENT. Your payment is due within thirty (30) days of our invoice date. ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following additional *cello apply only to the extent that you have agreed to one or mom of the options described below: 25. CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES INCLUDED IN BASE/PRINT CHARGES. If din option has been selected, Xerox (or a designated se vioer) will provide you with black toner (excluding highlight color toner), black developer, copy Cartridges, and, if applicable, truer ("Cons®able Supplies") throughout the term of this Agreement. For full-color Equipment, Consumable Supplies shall also include, as applicable, color toner and developer. You agree that the Consumable Supplies are Xerox's property until used by you. that you will use them only with the Equipment, that you will return all Cartridges to Xerox for remanufichuring once they have been run to their cone- fraction point (at Xerox's expense when using Xerox - supplied shipping labels), and that at the and of the mein of this Agreement either (a) you will return any unused Consumable Supplies to Xerox (at Xerox's expense when using Xerox-supplied shipping labels)or (b) destroy them in a intoner permitted by applicable law. Should your use of Consumable Supplies exceed Xerox's published yields for time item by mote than IM you agree tut Xerox shall have the right to charge you for any such excess usage. When requested by Xerox, you agree to provide memr teadinga and inventory of Consumable Supplies in your possession. 26. REPLACEMENT / MODIFICATION OF PRIOR XEROX AGREEMENT. If dais option has been selected, this Agreement will replaoe or modify a prior agreement between you and Xerox covering the specified equipment If it a a replacement agreement, the prior agreement shall be nun and void. If his a modification, tha prior agreement shall remain is efileet except that any tenors presented in this modification agreement that conflict with, or are additive to, any of the terns in the prior agreement shall tale preoodenox over the terms in the prior ageement far the balance of the Agreemeut In addition, modiftadons requiring a ramoetintion of your payments may include a one -time administrative/pmcxsamg charge that will appear on your fast bill under this revised arrangement 27. XEROX AS FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARY. If this option has been selected, you are leasing specifically identified products tut were selected by you and that are not sold by Xerox in the normal course of its business. If you have signed a purrbau contract for such products. by signing this Agreement you assign your rights but none of your obligations under such purchase contract to Xerox. With regard to these products, you agree that Xerox is leasing them to you "AS IS, WHERE IS" and that XEROX HAS NOT MADE, AND YOU HEREBY WAIVE, ANY EXPRESS' OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION. (a) ANY 1MPuED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRMOEMENT, and (b) ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY REGARDING THE PRODUCTS' SUITABILITY, DESIGN, CONDITION, DURABILITY, OPERATION, QUALITY OF MATERIALS OR WORKMANSHIP, OR COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS OR APPLICABLE LAW. Xerox assign to yew, to the exte I assignable, any warranty rights it has to time products (which rights shall revert to Xerox if you breach this Agreement). You agree (1) that time products are not covered by Xerox's obligation to provide Basic Services; (2) to maintain a service agreement for these products with a service provider acceptable to Xerox throughout this Agreement's term; (3) to pay all personal property taxes related to time products: and (4) to assign, to Xerox any rights you have to these products until We passes from Xerox to you ( which, subject to any software licenses surrounding the acquisition of these products, shall occur when you obtain title to all Xerox -brand Equipment covered by this Agreement). 28. FINANCED SOFTWARE TOTAL. If this option has been 11ekei4 the initial license fell for any Application Software set forth in this Agreement shall be paid for through your Minimum Lease Payments. If you breach this license or any of your obligations regarding the Equipment, the full amount of the initial license fees shall be immediately due and payable. 29. FINANCED SUPPLIES TOTAL. If this option has been selected, die cost of any supplies you have purchased render this Agreement aha11 be paid for through your Minimum Lease Payments. If you breach any of your obligations regarding the Equipment, the fun amount of the supply costs shall become immediately due and payable. 30. REFINANCE OF PRIOR AGREEMENT. If this option has been selected, the balance of your prior indicated agreement with Xerox or a third party shall be paid for through your Minimum Lease Payments. If your prior agreement is with a third party, you hereby acknowledge that you have the right to termiude the agreement and agree to provide a statement from the third -party identiPMg the equipment at issue and the amount to be paid off (as well as a statement from you identifying the payee and mailing address for your payoff check). If your prior agreement was with Xeru x. the use of this refinance option shall render yon prior agreensent null and void. If you breach this Agreement, the fill amount of your prior agreement balance shall be immediately due and payable. 31. ADJUSTMENT PERIOD. If this option has been selected, your Minimum Lee Payment and/or Print Charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the information contained in the Adjustment Period portion of this Agreement; as a result, your initial payment(s) d ia11 be different from three payable during the balance ofthis Agreement. 32. K -16 BILLING SUSPENSION. If this option has been seected, the Maintenance Component of your Minimum Lease Payment and Print Charges will be suspended each year during the months indicated. During these months, you agree that you will not use the Equipment and that Xerox shall not be responsible for providing Basic Services on it. If Xerox provides Basle Services during the K- 16 Billing Suspension period, you will be billed at Xerox's then-curreat Time and Materials ("T&M") rates for such Bak Services. 33. TRADE -IN EQUIPN[ENT. If this option has been selected, you are providing equipment to Xerox as part of this Agreement ("Trade -In Equipment') and the following shall apply: A. TITLE TRANSFER. You warrant that you have the right to hander title to the Trade -In Equipment and that it has been installed and performing its intended function. Tick and risk of loss to the Trade -In Equipment shall pass to Xerox when Xerox removes it from your premises. B. CONDITION. You warrant that the Trade -In Equipment is in good working order, has not been modified fiom its original configuration (other than by Xerox), and has a UL label attached. You agree to maintain the Trade -in Equipment at its present site and in substantially its Present condition until removed by Xerox. C. ACCRUED CHARGES. You agree to pay all accrued charges far the Trade -In Equipment (up to and including payment of the Final Principal Payment Number) and to pay an maiamnaice, administrative, supply and tinance charges for this equipment through the date title passes to Xerox. 34. RUN LENGTH PLAN. If this option has been selected, the first ten prints of each original (per run) are recorded and billed on both rottener with all subsequent prints recorded and billed on Meter A only 3S. FIXED PRICE PLAN. K this option has been selected, Xerox will forego its right to increase the Maimmnance Component throughout the mod term of this AgmemenL 36. PER -FOOT PRICING. If this option has boon selected, all Print Charges will be billed on a per -foot basis, with each linear or ages foot, as applicable, equal to one print. 37. EXTENDED SERVICE HOURS. If this option has been selected, Xerox will provide Busk Services during the hours indicated, with the first number establishing the mmuber of eight -hor dub covered and the second eahblwhing the days of the week (e g., 2 x 6 would Provide service four 8:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M., Monday through Satmdsy). The cost of this enhanced service coverage will be Xerox Form# 51860tdtc (05/2005) 3/22/2007 Page 6 of 8 billed separately and, as such, is not included in your Minimum Lease Payment or Print Charges. 39. ATTACKED ADDENDA. If this option has been selected, you acimowledge that one or mote specified addenda (as indicated) have been provided m you. These addends, which provide additional terms relevant to the transactions covered hereunder, are hereby fully integrated into this Agreement 39. NEGOTIATED CONTRACT. If this option has been selected, the Products identified in this AAgmement are subject solely to the terms contained in (a) either (I) the identified Negotiated Contract for a lease transaction or (2) if there are no such scans in the Negotiated Connect, the terms set forth in this Agreement, and, if applicable and notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in the Negotiated Contract, (b) the "Additional Terms" portion of this Agreement for the selected option or options to the extent the subject matter of any such selected option is not addressed in the Negotiated Contact 40. DsA CONTRACT NUMBER. If a DSA Contract Number has been inserted, the Equipment and/or software identified in this Agreement are associated with the Services being provided under the referenced Document Services Agreement ("DSA "), but such Equipment and/or software am subject solely to the terms contained in this Agreement For customer support tools to manage your account online, visit your Account Management link ® www.xerox.com 365 70 TY harmless from and against any claim, action, mages, casts (including, without limitation, attorneys is), injuries, or liability, arising from XEROX's rforrnence of this Agreement or XEROX's negligence willful acts. Should CITY be named in any suit, or ouid any claim be brought against it by suit or terwise, XEROX must defend CITY and Indemnify TY for any judgment rendered against it or any sums Id out in settlement or otherwise. The obligations set th above do not apply to claims arising from CITY's gligence or willful ads. For purposes of this section ITY" includes CITY's officers, officials, employees, ents, and representatives. it is expressly understood d agreed that the foregoing provisions will survive urination of this Agreement. Xerox Form# 51660t&c (05/2005) 3 /22 /2007 Page 7 of 8 AGREEMENT ADDENDUM COMPETITIVE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 3 6 • • a XEROX, THIS ADDENDUM ( "Addendum') amends the provisions of the agreement ( the "Agreement') existing between Customer and Xerox. 1. Customer is acquiring Xerox Equipment hereunder which will be used to replace Customer's non -Xerox equipment (the "Competitive Equipment"). Customer agrms to return the unit(s) of leased Competitive Equipment listed below to Customer's lessor no later than sixty (60) days following the installation of the Xerox Equipment replacing said Competitive Equipment. Xerox may, following the return brief ne set fords herein, request documentation from Customer of such retum. 2. Except as specified in this Addendum, the Agreement shall remain as stated. In the event of a conflict between the terms and conditions of the Agreement and this Addendum, the Addendum will control. XEROX CORPORATION By Title Date: Competitive Eaainmeant Unit Information: Unit Number .1 Model: MINOLTA / EP 2010 CS /PRO CUSTOMER By 0 7U;a vo�� Title , Is k H4 41,EI- I Jlaorc.44 rul' 07 f ev f Date: 3 - o-7 Serial #: 31783155 Xemx Form # 52169 (05!2006) 3/=7 pop 9 of 8 36572, * *DOTTED AREAS ** ORDER AGREEMENT To be completed by the Sales CBR. INTERNAL DOCUMENT XEROX. All other areas to be completed by sales rep ustomer Number -95 Customer Number - - - -- Sale Range Worksheet/Unit Product ; -Order Number -------- - - - - -- 688549625 E01438 11 I WCP2128 WORKCENTRE PRO C2128 ........................................ .......... .............. . .... .. talomer Name Ordertaker Luc - Install Rep Loc .... ;Order Emp # in" Emp # Warr Mos - ;Equip BCD Maibt BCD CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 516H ;990544 990544 :2199229332 Sale Price List # Maim Price List # / Plan Description i ntd Price List # �i k. Mkt Guide ArdcWs) # m Unit 071396905 129332/ WE41 Cook Override..... - - -- .Override Data Unit ..Commission Waiver Code .. ...........Network ID ------------------------- - ............ .Pooling tD ------------ ----------- -------- --------- .Tooting ID/ Type ( not CPC related) --- ---- - --- ........... ...._.. - ..........._.. -- ........ ... - - -------- - - - -- - - `- - ._... - - - TuExempt .. .................Tax Coda -------------------------------------------- ----------:-TaxOverrides -- ° ° °- - ........ .... C -- .............. ❑: Tax Exempt State: 01 1 County : 01 1 City : ❑PT &D OP &A ❑Rent []Sale ❑Other State: 04 1 County: 037 1 City: 1090 MkL Segment Code Std Ind. Code (SIC) GOV Install Eatabiisbment # 077264679 Natare of Berea w. a .�. ove VZD99 METER READS (in place equipment) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES XBS Contract #: CUSTOMER INVOICING REQUIREMENTS ❑ rvR ❑ E-Mail ❑ WEB 1 at the Customer's Location 1. ❑ 1 -9 5. ©100-499 Slate and local �^ VQAOOOOOOX 13F. ❑ Met. Assistant 2. 2. ❑ 10 -19 6. ❑ 500 -999 Contract (check all that apply) Single invoicing ❑ a I 3' 3. ❑ 20 -49 7. ❑ 1000 -1499 Fed Gov't Contract # coonic voidng ❑ Summary Invoicing ❑ 131wounic F.&Tmrair 4' 4. 1150 -99 S. ❑ 1500 -2499 ❑ Government Firm Contract Option 13 Fin.. S..ary 5. 9. 112500+ ❑ Government Fiscal Year Option No Government Fiscal Year Begins: Code Data Mining 11 OLSP MRC: �-; Supplies Automatic Replenishment Print Volume Adj. Supplies Automatic Replenishment Ship -To Address Required for Supplia Included Machines . Required for Supplies Included Machines ❑ Estimated Print Volume (EMCV) ❑ Sbip -To Addmss Below [A Same as Install Address ©Monthly Print Volumes (fill in all months) Ann Name Rrctrard A n Hogate Contact Name Jan 5000 Feb Mar Apr Phone Special Delivery Instructions: May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Delivery / Installation Requirements Delivery Contact: Richard Hogate Phone: (310)524 -2339 Ext. Alternate Delivery: Phone: Ext. Survey Contact: Richard Hogate Phone: (310)524 -2339 Ext. Delivery Location/Dept: main Floor #: Room #: Flooring: ❑ Carpet ❑ Tile ❑ Marble ❑ Other Delivery Entrance: ❑ Front ❑ Back ❑ Side Delivery Hours 9:00 AM To 5:00 PM Doorway Width RIC /FAX #: ❑ Loading Dock ❑ Elevator: ❑ Passenger ❑ Freight ❑ Upend Required? ❑ Rails Needed? - NOTES - ❑ Staircrawler ❑ Tech. Rep ❑ Steps # Landings # ❑ Space Ready? ❑ Site Cleared? ❑ Supplies Ordered ❑ Stand / Table Required? ❑ In place equipment/ furniture needs to be moved prior to delivery? ❑ Telephone Line Ready? ❑ Electricity / Receptacle Ready Power Cord Type Volts Amps ❑ 20 Amp Receptacle To Customer Customer 20 Amp Receptacle installed? ❑ Yes ©No ❑ Customer acknowledges request to be billed for Xerox Service Installation charges on customer installable equipment? ❑ Software ❑ DTR Site Verification required? ❑ Obstruction / obstacles in the delivery path? If checked, explain in space to the right. ❑ Installation Preparation Document reviewed? ❑ Customer Satisfaction Checklist Completed? ❑ Pick up trade unit at time of delivery? Make: Model: Make: Model: Make: Model: Date: ❑ Repack Kit? Serial #: CERT #: Serial #: CERT #: Serial #: CERT #: ERC Code: ERC Code: ERC Code: * *EXCEPTION APPROVALS SHOULD BE OBTAINED BY SALES REP PRIOR TO SUBMITTING ORDER TO CBR* * Check all that apply: Signatures helow indicate annroval ft for the items checked on the le ❑ CTVCRP Trade -In Range Extension Promotion ❑ XTI / CTI / CRP Headquarters Exception Approval ❑ Waiver of Rental ETCs ©Other Below Pref. Floor ®Other Prices Flit Needed ❑ other Senior Level Sales anager Sales Authonzation Date Sales Operations Controller /NAAO Authonzation ate Populated From Pricing: 03/22/2007 Xerox Form# 51869H (02/2006) 3/22/2007 Internal Use Only 36576 Order Express Fax Cover Sheet XEROX,,. (Please complete one fax cover sheet per order package and fax in Fine Mode) DATE: Page 1 of including this coversheet. FROM: Sales Rep /Agent Name: Peter Interian Sales Rep /Agent Voice Mail # or Pager M (310)546 -2904 Pricing Contract Specialist Name (XBS Only): Phone M CBU Name: PSO WEGO District #/Team # Budget Center: 516H ORDER INFORMATION SUMMARY: ValueQuiX Worksheet #: E01438 Credit Authorization No: XNAC: VZD99 Customer Name: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Lender ID: Product/Market Code: WCP2128 WORKCENTRE PRO C2128 ❑ New Order Number of Units: ❑ Other: Specify: ®Revision or Update - Order number (required): UJYP61001 Order Number: ❑ XSIS Included XBS SPECIFIC INFORMATION: ❑ DPM Order (Special Events Short Term Rental) ❑ AMO ❑ Internal Use /DTC Order ❑ FGO ❑ Deal Review Approval Document for DSA Contract ❑ Pre- Staged Equipment REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: ❑ XBS Order Entry Document ❑ Buyout form and letter • Terms and Signature Page of XBS Contract/Amendment ❑ Cert Tag • Tax Exemption Form ❑ Meter Reads for conversion TO: CUSTOMER BUSINESS CENTER ❑ ST. PETE CBC ❑ CHICAGO CBC ❑ DALLAS CBC ®DALLAS CBC ❑ AUSTIN PUBLIC SECTOR NAMED/MAJOR GENERAL MARKETS SYSTEM PRODUCTS OMNIFAX ACCOUNTS /XBS (SPA) Xerox Capital Services, Xerox Capital Services, Xerox Capital Services, FAX# 1- 512 - 490 -6399 LLC LLC LLC Xerox Capital Services, Attn: Order Entry Dept. Attn: Order Entry Dept. Attn: Mail Stop: R382- LLC 800 Carillon Parkway 5500 Pearl Street LV440 Attn: Mail Stop: R382- St. Petersburg, FL 33716 Rosemont, IL 60018 1301 Ridgeview Drive LV440 PHONE# 1- 888 - 524 -5554 PHONE# 1- 888- 524 -5554 Lewisville, TX 75057 1301 Ridgeview Drive ❑ DRBO PHONE# 1 -888- 524 -5554 Lewisville, TX 75057 PUBLIC SECTOR NAMED/ MAJOR PHONE# 1- 888 - 524 -5554 FAX# 1- 800 - 591 -6191 ORDERS ACCOUNT ORDERS GENERAL MARKET FAX # 1 -888 -323 -6556 FAX# 1 -888- 708 -5225 ORDERS Eastern FAX # FAX# 1- 888 - 701 -4114 1- 800 -407 -8430 ❑ XBS ORDERS Western FAX # FAX# 1 -877- 856 -9261 1- 800 -407 -8430 CBR NAME COMMENTS: Xerox Form# 51992 (05/2006) 3/22/2007