Recreation & Parks Operation ManualEL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT Rec rcat i on Division MANUAL AFRI L 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OPERATING POLICY ............ ............................... 1 RECREATION POLICY ...... ............................... 1 COMMUNITY RECREATION USE .............................. 2 SCHOOL USE ............. ............................... 3 CIVIC AND SERVICE USE .. ............................... 3 PRIVATE USE ............ ............................... 3 WHO MAY USE FACILITIES . ............................... 7 PROCEDURE FOR RESERVING PARK FACILITIES ............... 8 PROCEDURE FOR INDUSTRIES RESERVATIONS ................. 9 DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION ....... .............................10 RESPONSIBILITY OF DIRECTOR ............................10 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT .............................10 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT ..... .............................11 RECREATION SUPERVISORS ... .............................11 CLERICAL STAFF ........... .............................12 PART -TIME EMPLOYEES ...... .............................12 ORGANIZATION CHART ....... .............................13 PERSONNEL INFORMATION ......... .............................14 EMPLOYEE TRAINING ........ .............................14 WORKING HOURS ............ .............................14 SUBSTITUTES .............. .............................14 GENERAL INFORMATION ...... .............................15 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF RECREATION LEADERS ...................18 FOURTEEN POINTS .......... .............................18 -i- TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DISCIPLINE.................... .............................20 PROCEDURE FOR SUSPENSIONS .............................20 LIABILITY..................... .............................21 TO PROTECT YOURSELF ...... .............................21 FIRST AID ..................... .............................22 PROCEDURE................ .............................22 RESCUE UNIT .............. .............................22 DOG BITES ................ .............................22 ACCIDENT REPORT .......... .............................23 SAMPLE - ACCIDENT REPORT . .............................24 INCIDENT REPORT .......... .............................25 REPORT ON HOURS WORKED ........ .............................26 DEADLINE ................. .............................26 OPERATING PROCEDURE - CHECKOUT BUILDING ....................27 DRESS.................... .............................27 OPENING PROCEDURE ........ .............................27 DURING OPERATING PERIOD .. .............................27 CLOSING PROCEDURE ........ .............................28 GENERAL INFORMATION - RECREATION PARK .................28 PARK ROVERS .............. .............................30 OPERATING PROCEDURE - CLUBHOUSE BUILDING ...................32 DRESS.................... .............................32 OPENING PROCEDURE ........ .............................32 DURING HOURS OF OPERATION .............................33 CLOSING PROCEDURE ........ .............................39 SPECIALISTS.............. .............................40 - 1i - TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OPERATING PROCEDURE - JOSLYN CENTER ........................ 41 DRESS.................... .............................41 OPENING PROCEDURE ........ .............................41 DURING HOURS OF OPERATION .............................41 CLOSING PROCEDURE ........ .............................43 OPERATING PROCEDURE - POOLS ... .............................44 PLUNGE ................... .............................44 OPENING PROCEDURE ........ .............................44 CLOSING PROCEDURE ........ .............................44 OPERATING PROCEDURE - OUTDOOR POOLS ........................46 GENERAL INFORMATION - OUTDOOR POOLS ...................46 OPENING PROCEDURE ........ .............................46 CLOSING PROCEDURE ........ .............................46 OPERATING PROCEDURE - TEEN CENTER ..........................48 DRESS.................... .............................48 OPENING PROCEDURE ........ .............................48 DURING HOURS OF OPERATION .............................49 CLOSING PROCEDURE ........ .............................51 OPERATING PROCEDURE - SCHOOL PLAYGROUNDS ................... 52 DRESS.................... .............................52 OPENING PROCEDURE ........ .............................52 DURING THE DAY ........... .............................52 CLOSING PROCEDURE ........ .............................53 GENERAL INFORMATION - PLAYGROUNDS .....................53 - ill - TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OPERATING PROCEDURE - HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM ................55 DRESS.................... .............................55 OPENING PROCEDURE ........ .............................55 CLOSING PROCEDURE ........ .............................55 GENERAL INFORMATION - GYMNASIUM .......................55 WHAT IS RECREATION? ........... .............................56 PUBLIC RELATIONS .............. .............................57 PUBLIC RELATIONS AND STAFF RESPONSIBILITY .............57 FACTORS INFLUENCING "GOOD" PUBLIC RELATIONS ........... 57 COOPERATION WITH GROUPS .. .............................58 - iv - Adopted: Recreation & Parks Commission Meeting on May 18, 1983 Effective, June 1, 1983 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF POLICY WHEREAS, the E1 Segundo Recreation and Parks Commission has reviewed and updated the Recreation and Parks Policy as directed by the City Council: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Recreation and Parks Commission, of the City of E1 Segundo, does recommend to the City Council the adoption of the following policy: THAT the Department of Recreation and Parks, of the City of E1 Segundo, is charged with the obligation to provide wholesome recreational opportunities for the citizens of E1 Segundo; and THAT recreational opportunities must be provided so as to accommodate a variety of interests, ages, and abilities; and THAT no inequality or discrimination can exist with regards to race, age, religion, sex, economic status, or place of residence within the City of E1 Segundo; and THAT residents of the City of E1 Segundo receive first priority of use for Recreation and Parks facilities and programs; and - 1 - THAT recreation has long been accepted as a proper service of government. As such, it is paid for by the community as a whole and distributed as needed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, for purposes of clarification, the following explanation of policy be included: While prime consideration must be given to the activity program sponsored by the Department, the Department shall encourage, assist, supplement, and coordinate programs and activities of groups, organizations, and associations whose aims and objectives are the same as those of Recreation and Community Services. COMMUNITY RECREATION USE 1. "Sponsored Programs" are those activities which are directly sponsored by the Department and over which the Department retains total initiative and responsibility. 2. "Co- Sponsored Programs" are those programs recreational in nature, in which responsibilities are shared by the Recreation and Parks Department and with the organizations for which certain services, facilities, and equipment are requested, and in which the members or participants have no direct or exterior means of finance. 3. "Parallel Programs" are carried on by those groups or organizations whose aims and objectives are in line with Department purposes, aims, objectives, and philosophy, and who have a direct or exterior means of finance, and who request certain services, facilities, and equipment, and who retain total initiative and responsibility for their program. - 2 - F SCHOOL USE "School- Sponsored Activities" are those programs and activities for which the school district or its officials retain total initiative and responsibility, and for which certain services, facilities, and equipment are requested from the Department. This use will be given first priority after Department- sponsored and recreational use by the community. CIVIC AND SERVICE USE "Civic Programs" are those activities offered by certain service clubs and civic organizations and groups for which certain services, facilities, and equipment are requested from the Department, and in which the specific clubs or organizations retain total initiative and responsibility. PRIVATE USE "Private Use Programs" are those activities in which certain services, facilities, and equipment are requested by one or more private individuals and /or companies, for their own private use, and in which total initiative and responsibility for the activity is borne by the user. Private use includes: 1. Private meetings not open to the public. 2. Private parties. 3. Political campaign meetings. 4. Commercial and industrial meetings. The Recreation and Parks Department shall manage and control the use of the facilities in accordance with the policies and objectives stated herein. - 3 - Activities having no immediate relation to the general aims and objectives of the recreation program shall be given low- priority use of the recreation facilities. ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT The E1 Segundo Recreation and Parks Commission has established that it is the responsibility of the Recreation and Parks Department to conduct certain activities, programs, and special events where a fee is charged. The Recreation and Parks Commission further establishes the Associated Recreation Activities Account for the Recreation and Parks Department that will enable the Department to collect and disburse these funds. The Recreation and Parks Department is responsible for the accounting of this fund and will provide bi- monthly financial reports to the Recreation and Parks Commission and organizations participating in various activities and programs. CHARGES AND FEES The Recreation and Parks Department shall manage and control the use of the facilities in accordance with the policies and objectives stated herein. Activities having no immediate relation to the general purpose of the recreation program should be given low priority for the use of the recreation facilities. When use is granted, such use should have low priority, be charged a fee comparable to commercial rates, have temporary use only, and not compete with or detract from the recreation program. - 4 - Recreation events which are for public recreation use, open to all, and without payment of an admission fee, and so sponsored, organized, and conducted as to be consistent with the aims of the Department, should be allowed use of the facilities without charge. Events and activities which justify a fee being charged against the sponsoring organizations are as follows: 1. If the events are for public recreation but an admission is charged by the guest organizations, 2. If events are closed in the sense that the general public is not invited whether or not a general admission is charged, 3. If an additional expense is involved, 4. All private use. Regulations setting fees and charges should be determined subject to this policy rather than by ordinance. Fees collected shall be credited to the account of the Recreation and Parks Department. The contract granting use of facilities shall prescribe the procedures to govern operations as well as charges. Certain sponsored programs justify a charge being made to the participating individuals and are to be administered based upon the following guidelines: Participants receiving special services which are not available to the general public because of the cost involved should be expected to pay the cost of such special services. This should not be confused with the general policy which holds that recreation facilities are set up by the public for public use and should generally be free to the public without charge. - 5 - 1. Where expendable materials are used which are purchased by the Department for the use of the participants in the program. 2. Where special instruction is provided for a limited group in an activity too specialized for the Department to provide as part of its general program. 3. Programs and activities which are similar to those carried on frequently by private enterprise, but which the Department is carrying on because of public demand. In these activities, it is equitable to private industry that the Department charge an amount comparable to commercial rates. SUBJECT: WHO MAY USE EL SEGUNDO COMMUNITY CENTER FACILITIES (AN INTERPRETATION OF POLICY) 1. The only priority of use is to El Segundo residents. 2. E1 Segundo taxpaying industries are considered as residents and may be served on the same basis. 3. Employees of local industries, who are not residents of E1 Segundo, have no priority of use, except while participating in direct company- sponsored activities. 4. Residents may invite their friends to loin them in use of facilities. 5. Under certain circumstances, use of facilities may be extended to other than residents, when such arrangement enhances use by residents and/or does not limit the use or enjoyment of the facility by residents. 6. Resident membership in special clubs or organizations must be at least 50 percent in order to qualify for use of facilities. Only residents may be elected as officers in clubs sponsored by the Recreation and Parks Department. - 7 - PROCEDURE FOR RESERVING PARK FACILITIES Since it has been determined, as a matter of policy, that reservation of park facilities is limited to residents of El Segundo and taxpaying industries of E1 Segundo, the Recreation and Parks Department has established certain procedures to insure that the policy is adhered to. Before any of the aforementioned may make reservations, the following procedure must be followed: Residents Reservations: Before reservations are made for any residents, they must acquire a numbered photograph identification card from the Recreation and Parks Department. Cards are issued to any resident upon request when proof of residence is provided. Adults (18 years and over) must prove residency in one of the following ways. 1. Valid driver's license with E1 Segundo address. 2. Two recent utility bills with their name and E1 Segundo address. 3. Proof of voter registration in E1 Segundo. 4. Property tax bill with their name and E1 Segundo address. The cost for the card is $2.00 for adults and free for children, teenagers (under 18), and senior citizens (over 50 years old). There 1s a $2.00 replacement charge for everyone. The cards must be renewed in January of each year. Residents may make reservations for facilities in person or by telephone, but confirmation of the reservation will be made only when the identification card is shown when picking np_ the- reservation slip. El Segundo industries Reservation: _____Request for use of facilities by El Segundo industries must be submitted in writing or on a Recreation and Parks Department "Facility Request Form." All requests must be accompanied by a letter, on company letterhead, and signed by the company administrator, authorizing the request on behalf of the industry. At no time will more than 50 percent of any facilities be reserved for industrial use. Industries that use park facilities on a regular basis for company- sponsored activities must resubmit their request each-month. Facilities for industrial use will be handled on a first -come, first - served basis, and based on availability of facilities. E DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION As can be seen on the organization chart, the Department has two main divisions, Recreation and Parks. The DIRECTOR OF RECREATION AND PARKS has responsibilities in both divisions. He is responsible for a master program of Recreation and Parks, plans for existing and future facilities, makes surveys of available resources and services, develops adequate coverage according to need, prepares and justifies annual budget, administers expenditures as well as collection of fees and charges, interviews and recommends for appointment all full - time personnel, makes regular evaluations of full -time personnel, oversees community cable television and youth counseling service, advises the Recreation and Parks Commission on formulation of policy, and makes reports directly to the City Manager. The RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT is responsible to the Director for the operation of the Recreation Division. The Superintendent directs the efforts of the Recreation Supervisors in conducting the special phases of the Recreation program. These include: Aquatics, Children's Activities and Cultural Arts, Senior Citizens, Sports, Teen programs, Dial -A -Ride, and Beach Shuttle. The Superintendent also supervises some special programs not covered by the Recreation Supervisors. The Superintendent enlists the support of the public in maintaining recreational interest and special public relations work for the recreation program. In addition, this position - 10 - is responsible for training recreation personnel, keeping records, making reports as required, and making recommendations to the Director on matters of general policy regarding the recreation program. The PARKS SUPERINTENDENT is responsible for supervision of park maintenance work; lays out and gives general work assignments to park personnel relating to the planning, cultivation, and care of lawns, flowers, shrubs, park trees, street trees, and the construction and maintenance of parks, parkways, and other park facilities; inspects work in process, and on completion supervises the installation and operation of sprinkling systems; requisitions materials under established procedures; directs and instructs park personnel in tree trimming and pruning and in operation and care of tools and equipment; keeps records and makes reports as required. Leadmen (foremen) work directly under the Park Superintendent, with personnel engaged in specific tasks. The RECREATION SUPERVISORS are each responsible for one or more special phases of the Recreation program, such as sports, playgrounds, social - cultural activities, aquatics, teen programs, special interest groups, girls' and women's activities, senior citizen programs, and Recreation Center activities. The supervisors assist in the screening and selection of recreation leaders; secure and prepare facilities for activities, plan events and programs; prepare publicity; train and supervise staff; maintain necessary records; work with community organizations to obtain their interest in - 11 - community recreation; recommend equipment purchases; investigate special recreation programs and make recommendations for action. CLERICAL PERSONNEL assist the Director in the proper function of office procedures; i.e, bookkeeping, taking minutes for Commission, correspondence, recordkeeping, copy work, and other related duties. PART -TIME RECREATION LEADERS and SPECIALISTS work directly with program and supervision of facilities, under the direction of Recreation Supervisors. - 12 - z O H N W H 0 U xx� a Q z 4 z 0 H E W U U W a. �\ U) a a x H W U] U C7 z z U w Q z N Q tr U— 4-) H— ,4 H > >I U H E H H v v Q z Kc z O F. 0 a E v w x H Q G ro rl U .i U U a E co 11 A O 0 U U ai m 4J a fi U a U1 11 C a 4J w u m a a Q H z W Q z w H z H r4 W a 5 U) m �a a u z 0 H H I A n 1 1 3 3 a a 0 O Si li NU U .i ro>a > tr tr si c 4-) a ,4 04 > > a0 0 ma a o N N H si >- i1 N U aw �4 U) )m m P4 a r k 41 O O N -H N i +1 •.1 N H N ro >+1 ro>a au� "q a) N� .i 4-) U 04 Q) a m H Q) a U2i Ul 4 a 14 i-J O O N a N +1 •.1 N H N ro >+1 ro>a a }4 N -.i a N� .i 4-) oaw (aim S-1 Q) 9 En cn a N O O a N N N m •� a 4.1 Hro r-I N N� .i 4-) 0 v a 0 o N S-1 Q) 11 •ri S-I RC .-i N ° 0 ri -.i a v04aaimi a� a0mQ as a U C. ro � H 9 � ro PQ a U a ro L'. a 41 ro m a U m a a ,4 C O •.I G' omen wxz O O .-i N •'I N m .i 4.1 •.i N r-I N m >11 "J N•O m ami S-1 Q) 1-4 � 0 0(D a aa) m %E n ma a U C. ro � H 9 � ro PQ a U a ro L'. a 41 ro m a U m a a ,4 C O •.I G' omen wxz N O O N O +1 -.I N U +1 41 .I .i U m m >11 "J N•O Siam afro0 � a N H 0 4 a U C. ro � H 9 � ro PQ a U a ro L'. a 41 ro m a U m a a ,4 C O •.I G' omen wxz PERSONNEL INFORMATION The Department is trying to provide, for the citizens of E1 Segundo, a recreation program under the leadership of capable recreation personnel. You were selected as a recreation staff member after an evaluation of your education, experience, and abilities. It is our belief that you will provide leadership of the highest quality. That is why we selected you to work on the important job of providing the children, youth, and adults of this community with wholesome leisure time experiences. EMPLOYEE TRAINING Periodic staff meetings and inservice training sessions are held throughout the year for recreation personnel. These meetings provide an opportunity for staff to acquire new skills, gather necessary information, and exchange ideas. Recreation staff may also discuss any ideas or suggestions he or she may have, on any phase of the job, with a Supervisor at any time. Leaders are required to attend staff meetings and inservice training sessions unless excused. WORKING HOURS The hours staff members are assigned to work will be determined by a Recreation Supervisor. Leaders and other personnel are expected to be on their area as assigned. If you cannot work at your scheduled time because of illness, it is your responsibility to notify your Supervisor as soon as possible. If you need to take a day off for business or - 14 - personal reasons, you are to notify your Supervisor one week prior to that date. All substitutes will be assigned by your Supervisor. GENERAL INFORMATION Report Forms: Accident, attendance, time sheets, and other written material submitted to your Supervisor, are to be concise, neatly written, and on time (see following section on reports). Smoking: Staff is not permitted to smoke while working with the public. Telephone Calls: Department telephones are to be used only for official business. Staff is not to receive personal calls except in emergencies. Keys: It is your responsibility to keep possession of keys checked out to your for use on the lob. Never give your keys to any but authorized personnel. Staff members are not to be in any facility except as scheduled. Transporting Participants: Employees are not permitted to transport participants at any time unless City -owned vehicles are used. A team or group going from one area to another, may walk with a Leader, or transportation may be arranged with parents. The employee may never carry participants in his or her own vehicle. This also applies to taking children in your automobile after your area is closed. Participants should never be allowed to "sit" in your car while you are on duty. - 15 - Facility: The recreation facility for which you are responsible costs the taxpayer a great deal of money. The land, landscaping, equipment, lights, and buildings are yours to use and protect. It is your responsibility to keep your area neat and free of hazards. Rooms are to be straightened, windows closed, and all outside doors locked before you leave for the day. Participants should be discouraged from misusing the facility and equipment. Equipment which is broken or damaged is to be taken out of use, and a note placed on the Supervisor's desk. Restrooms are to be checked regularly and picked up and /or cleaned as needed. Bare Feet: Participants should be encouraged to wear shoes or sandals at park and school playgrounds. Tennis or basketball shoes are recommended for active games. Animals: Dogs in the park must be kept on a leash no longer than six feet. Dogs should never be permitted at school playgrounds or in the Clubhouse building. Other animals, brought by children, should be taken home as quickly as possible so as not to endanger the animal or the children playing at the facility. Bicycles, Skateboards, and Scooters: The riding of bicycles, skateboards, or scooters in the park or school playgrounds is prohibited. Bicycles, carts, and scooters must be parked in designated areas. Motor - Driven Model Airplanes and Cars: Possible hazards to other participants require that these objects not be allowed at park and school playground areas. - 16 - Tackle Football: This type of football is not to be played at park or school playgrounds. Leaders should not permit touch or flag football games to get out of control. Climbing: Climbing is not permitted on tables, benches, fences, trees, or buildings. Playground apparatus, especially designed, is to be used for this purpose. Objects landing on • roof are to be retrieved by a Leader or Custodian, never by • participant. Table Games: Participants should never be permitted to sit or stand on table games, or otherwise abuse them. Horseshoe Courts: When participants are playing horseshoes, care must be taken to keep other people away from the playing area. Elementary age children are to play with rubber horseshoes only. Baseball: Playing of baseball or hardball is prohibited at school playgrounds and Parkettes, and is limited to the baseball diamonds in Recreation Park. Organized teams are permitted to practice on school playgrounds on a scheduled basis, as approved by this Department, in cooperation with the Youth Sports Council. Softball Bats: Handles of bats are to be kept taped. Broken or cracked bats must be taken out of play and returned to the Supervisor for disposal. Bats are never to be thrown by participants, and swinging the bat is to be done in approved areas only. - 17 - THE RESPONSIBILITY OF A RECREATION LEADER Leadership is the key to successful recreation programs, whether they are conducted at a park, playground, or other facility. Intelligent leadership fosters the ideals of fair play and citizenship. In order to operate a recreation facility and its program in a manner which will provide the desired results, recreation leaders should seek to: 1. Understand the needs and interests of the community and plan activities with these needs and interests in mind. 2. Teach new and old games, organize clubs and promote handcraft, dramatics, nature study, and other activities, in addition to the usual physical activities. 3. Help children and youth to develop a respect for public and private property. 4. Make the recreation facility a safe place by enforcing safety rules. 5. Encourage participation by the greatest number by providing activities of interest to persons of all ages. 6. Advertise program through a bulletin board and other mediums, so that the community will know what is taking place. 7. Give first aid when needed. 8. Keep the area clean and free of all hazards. 9. Stop undesirable activities such as gambling, profane language, vandalism, rowdyism, and willful destruction. 10. Encourage good personal habits by setting a good example. Leaders should be neat and clean in dress and appearance. 11. Have sufficient knowledge to answer questions about the City, Department, and its program. If you do not have the information an individual needs, refer him to your Supervisor. 12. Be courteous to the public. we are here to serve. 13. Evaluate program and make suggestions for its improvement. 14. Speak in a well - modulated voice; try not to shout at participants. - 19 - LIABILITY Generally, a Leader or employee is liable only if negligence can be proven. To-protect yourself: 1._ Post a sign if an area scheduled to be opened is not opened, giving the reason, and when it will reopen. 2._ Clear school playgrounds before leaving the area. If the gates are not to be locked, make sure everybody is off the playground. Be sure to notify patrons that you are leaving park or playground areas which are to remain unlocked. It is best to start bringing in equipment fifteen minutes before closing any area. If you are going to turn off lights, please be sure to announce this fact to those playing on court or -field areas. 3. In cases of hazardous conditions, such as faulty playground equipment, the Leaders should be sure it is secured in such a way that it cannot be used. Report defective equipment on an area to your Supervisor. If construction is taking place, keep children and adults away from the site. c.,7__44 Never transport participants, children or adults, in your automobile. Participants should never be allowed to sit in your automobile while you are on duty. 5. The Leader should never touch a participant in anger or affection. This does not mean that the leader is to be unfriendly or afraid of participants. Rather, it means that the Leader should be aware of his or her actions at all times. - 21 - FIRST AID GENERAL DIRECTIONS Most accidents are minor, and the first aid needed is obvious to a trained person, such as cleaning a small cut or abrasion. In case of serious injury, the following sequence of action is usually applicable: Call "911" for Fire Department Paramedics. GIVE URGENTLY NECESSARY FIRST AID if needed until Paramedics arrive. 1. Get person off their feet; have them lie down. 2. Stop severe bleeding. 3. Check airway, breathing, and pulse. 4. Perform CPR if necessary. NOTE: Keep victim quiet, down, and cover with warm clothing. DO NOT MOVE HIM. KEEP CROWD BACK. 1. Call emergency number, "911" Fire Department Paramedics, in case of all serious injury. 2. Call parents of children in any serious case. 3. Call Department in serious cases, immediately after above. 4. Complete Accident Report for each accident as required, and return it to the office the same day. DOG BITES Dogs in the Park must be kept on a leash no longer than six feet. - 22 - EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT EXAMPLE 401 Sheldon Street 322 -3842 ACCIDENT REPORT NAME OF INJURED PERSON Peter Smith AGE SEX:(M) (F) ADDRESS 401 Sheldon Street, E1 Segundo TELEPHONE 322 -3842 DATE OF ACCIDENT 5 -11 -87 TIME 10:00 a.m. PART OF BODY INJURED right cheek STATE EXACT NATURE OF INJURY cut on right cheek WHAT WAS DONE WITH INJURED PERSON AND BY WHOSE ORDERS? cold compresses and bandaid applied REMARKS BY INJURED PERSON "My brother hit me with his elbow when I was playing basketball." WAS PARENT NOTIFIED? X WAS RESCUE UNIT CALLED? ADDRESS 401 Sheldon St. TELEPHONE 322 -3842 DID A RECREATION EMPLOYEE WITNESS ACCIDENT? no IF NOT, WHERE WERE EMPLOYEES WHEN ACCIDENT OCCURRED? Checkout building WITNESS: NAME John Smith NAME Mrs. Jane Jones ADDRESS 401 Sheldon Street, E.S. ADDRESS 601 Center Street, E.S. TELEPHONE 322 -3842 ADULT CHILD X TELEPHONE None ADULT XCHILD AREA: RECREATION PARK CLUBHOUSE JOSLYN CENTER TEEN CENTER PLUNGE_ GYMNASIUM SCHOOL PLAYGROUND: MIDDLE SCHOOL ; CENTER OUTDOOR POOLS: ACACIA HILLTOP FIELD TRIP IF SO, WHERE: FORWARD IMMEDIATELY TO: Recreation and Parks Office 401 Sheldon Street El Segundo, Ca. 90245 - 24 - LEADER ON DUTY RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT EXAMPLE CHECKOUT BUILDING OPERATING PROCEDURES DRESS: Since this position entails constant meeting of the public, dress should be casual but very presentable. A staff shirt, packet, or I.D. badge must be worn while working the Checkout building. OPENING PROCEDURE: 1. Unlock cupboards, camera box, and Checkout window. 2. Plug in camera. 3. Check equipment. 4. Put out table games. n TTDTMr nDPVAMTVr DRDTnn- 1. Check out equipment. 2. Take I.D. photographs as required. 3. File I.D. cards as they are made; do not let them build up. 4. Answer phone, "Good morning (afternoon, evening, E1 Segundo Recreation and Parks Department, may I help you ?" Give out general information and program information. 5. Take court and picnic reservations. Reservations are limited to RESIDENTS ONLY. NOTE: A person may make one court reservation at a time, no more than six days in advance. Each person must make his or her own reservations and they must use the reserved time themselves. Prior to using the reserved facility, each person must show you their I.D. card. - 27 - I 4. Children below the seventh grade may not use the shuffleboard court unless accompanied by an adult. 5. Adults (over 18) onlv may use the lawn bowling and horseshoe equipment. 6. Climbing trees and banks in the park is prohibited. 7. Fireworks, water balloons, cap pistols, water pistols, and model airplanes are not permitted in the park. 8. Tackle football is prohibited. 9. Dogs must be on a leash no longer than six feet. - 29 - PARK ROVERS pl.7*YM Since this position is one of high visibility, dress can be casual but very presentable. A staff shirt or packet are required in order to work. DUTIES FOR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION: 1. Come to the Checkout building five minutes early. 2. Check events scheduled for day /night, such as ball games, picnics, classes, etc. 3. Take down flags at dusk. 4. Turn on field lights if there is a game scheduled. 5. Rove around park, checking each area of park. 6. Report any problems or incidents to the Recreation Supervisor. WHILE ON DUTY, CHECK FOR: 1. Broken or damaged equipment. 2. Dogs off of leashes. 3. Children riding bicycles or skateboards, climbing trees or buildings. 4. Lights that are burned out. 5. Possible hazards or signs of vandalism. 6. Anyone misusing equipment. 7. Anyone breaking rules of park. 8. Problems at other buildings, such as the Clubhouse or Joslyn Center. 9. Unlocked door on closed buildings. - 30 - CLUBHOUSE BUILDING OPERATING PROCEDURE DRESS: Clothing can be of casual nature; however, shorts are not appropriate. Clothing should be clean and in good repair. Keep in mind you are working with the public and represent the City. While working, a Department I.D. badge should be worn. OPENING PROCEDURE: LIGHTS: 1. Make sure all of the appropriate lights are on, including the entrance and outside lights. The exit lights are to be on whenever anyone is in the building. SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES: 1. Check the desk calendar for special activities and the bulletin board schedule for ongoing activities. Specifics pertaining to special activities are listed in facility requests located in the permit book in the office bookcase. A copy is generally left at the front desk. 2. In the event a group shows up unexpectedly, check the Supervisor's desk calendar or the permit book. Call the Supervisor if there is a problem. ROOM SET -UPS: 1. Check all rooms to be sure they are ready for the activities scheduled. Make sure all the needed equipment is there. If anything is missing, arrange to have it provided. Cover tables with paper for classes or groups such as ceramics, science, crafts, and luncheons. - 32 - 2. Notify the Supervisor of other problems in maintenance or safety you are aware of so they can be taken care of. Notes for the night janitor can be left on the men's room door. ROSTERS AND ATTENDANCE SLIPS: 1. Please see that the instructor has the roster in order to take "roll." Use those numbers to fill in attendance slips. 2. Be sure to fill out attendance slips for all groups that use the building. These slips are typed in a monthly report and are useful in planning and scheduling future activities. RECEIPTS: 1. All class receipts are to be written using registration cards. 2. Make sure cards are filled out completely, including age of children and emergency telephone numbers. 3. Cards must be filled out for any class registration. 4. If a card is already on file, staple cards together and refile. 5. Keep "mini- session" registration cards separate from quarterly session cards. 6. The receipt book is used for building rentals, specific excursions, special children's one -day holiday workshops, and drama ticket sales. REGISTRATION AND ROSTERS: 1. Check the availability of space before you take registration if limits are in effect. 2. Remember to check for residency where residency is required, even after the initial day of registration. - 34 - 5. _AS soon as possible, write down the details and submit an Accident Report form. 6. Other emergencies or problems that may occur, but do not_.fai1_under the category of an accident, should be recorded on an incident Report form. 7. There is also useful and detailed information on handling a host of emergencies in the front part of the second drawer of the Supervisor's filing cabinet. 8. There are also telephone numbers of people to contact for handling building emergency repairs, etc., in the front part of the second drawer of the Supervisor's filing cabinet. SUSPICIOUS PERSONS: 1. Report any suspicious persons to the Supervisor immediately. 2._ After 6:00 p.m., Park Rovers can be contacted at the Checkout building. 3. In some cases, the Police Department should be contacted at "911." EMERGENCY LIGHTS: _1. If the power goes out in the building, the emergency lights will automatically flip on. If the fuse to that plug is wI�ched -off or overloaded and flips off, the emergency light in that spot will turn on. SHIFT COVERAGE: 1. If, for some reason, you are unable to work a shift, please call one of the staff people listed on the bulletin board first. If you can't find one of these people to work for you, notify the Supervisor. - 37 - ALARM: 1. All outside doors, the door to the Costume Room, and the door between the hall and the Sun Room must be closed before turning on the alarm. 2. You have one minute to exit the building after setting the alarm before it is activated. (In the event it is on when you enter, you have 30 seconds to turn it off before it registers at the alarm company.) 3. If you have trouble setting the alarm and no other staff is successful in setting it, notify the Police so they are aware of the problem, and assure them that it will be taken care of on the following day. SPECIALISTS: 1. Specialists who are employed to conduct a specific program are expected to comply with the general leadership standards and procedures outlined in this manual. All Department policies apply to every program sponsored by the Department. 2. It is imperative that instructors arrive 15 minutes before each meeting of the class. Control of the group is the responsibility of the Specialist. 3. If additional or special meetings of the class are desired, approval must be obtained from the Supervisor prior to the announcements of such meeting. - 40 - 4. When collecting money for memberships, trips, etc., always issue a receipt. Make sure to enter the name of the person, the amount of money you receive, and the activity for which the money is being paid. When monies collected exceed $20.00, the receipts, currency, coin, and checks must be tallied and turned in to the Leader at the Checkout building before you go off duty. Remember to leave $10.00 in petty cash locked in the Joslyn cash drawer. 5. When you are on duty, sit at the desk in the lobby. Do not sit in the Department Secretary's office. Before leaving, clean the desk and leave it in the same order as you found it when you arrived. 6. Take attendance for all structured activities, as well as drop -in, during your shift. 7. Be sure an appropriate set -up sheet is left out for the following morning. CLOSING PROCEDURE: 1. Notify all participants ten minutes before closing time. 2. Shut and lock all windows in every room. 3. Check to make sure all the outside doors are closed and locked. 4. Shut the door to the T.V. Room and Multi- Purpose Room. 5. Make sure all participants have left the building. 6. Turn off the lights in every room (one light will remain on in the hallway even though the switch is off). 7. Make sure the radio is turned off. 8. Make sure the front door is locked. 9. Turn the alarm system on. - 43 - POOLS PLUNGE OPENING PROCEDURE: 1. Enter by using the entrance at the northwest corner of the building. a. Turn off the alarm, located on the door jamb. b. Unlock door and enter. C. Close and lock door after entering. 2. Turn on overhead pool /deck lights. a. Switches located inside the closet at the east side of front lobby. Depress upper button, east set of switches. 3. Turn on lobby lights and locker room lights. a. Use special key; switch panels are located on lobby and locker area walls. 4. Facility keys: a. An extra set of all interior building keys is inside the office in the top desk drawer. Return them to the desk drawer when finished. NOTE: Detailed information regarding turning on the pool boiler, filter, chemical systems, and other operational information is located in the Pool Employees' Manual. CLOSING PROCEDURE: 1. Check to ensure all patrons have vacated the building. 2. Turn off and close office: a. Lights b. Radio C. Heaters - 44 - OUTDOOR POOLS The City of E1 Segundo has two small outdoor pools in addition to the larger indoor facility. These two pools, Acacia and Hilltop Park Pools, are open only during the summer months. Opening these facilities is to be done as follows: I\TJFTTT AT (_ 9DlT(`FiITTT)F. 1. Employees are scheduled to arrive prior to the opening time to permit preparations to be done. 2. Check adjacent park areas for hazards and /or problems. 3. Unlock and check restrooms. 4. Inspect all the areas and report any problems to the Supervisor and /or the Recreation Department. 5. Unlock and check the pool areas. 6. Place depth dividing rope in the pool. 7. Hose down and clean the area of debris as needed. 8. Plug in telephone; check to make sure it is working. 9. Check first aid supplies. 10. Check supply of Accident Report forms. 11. Operate the facility according to procedures which are outlined under Operational Procedure section of the Pool Employees' Manual. CLOSING PROCEDURE: The outdoor pools are to be properly secured, equipment stored, and areas cleaned at the end of each day. Close the facility as follows: - 46 - 1. Employees are to remain on duty until the last patron has vacated the area. 2. Check the pool area and the park areas for any hazards and /or problems which need to be reported to the Supervisor and /or the Recreation Department. 3. Replenish the pool water supply. a. Water must be to a level which flows adequately into pool skimmer unit. 4. Check and add chlorine as needed. 5. Place all equipment NEATLY into the storage area. 6. Check all first aid supplies and report forms; request needed supplies from the Supervisor. 7. Hose down the deck area and clean the area of any debris. 8. Unplug the telephone and place it in the storage shed. 9. Check the bottom of the pool. 10. Close and lock the pool gate. 11. Check inside the restrooms, then lock the doors. 12. Make sure young patrons are not left alone at the facility. Wait with them for their parents or permit them to telephone their parents. - 47 - TEEN CENTER The Teen Center is open for use by all E1 Segundo residents between the ages of 13 and 19 years old. The facility is opened at 2:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and closes at 9:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 10:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights. Hours may vary slightly on holidays. OPERATING PROCEDURE DRESS: Typical dress should be casual active wear that is appropriate for involvement in recreation activities. Staff shirt or packet is required in order to work. Athletic shoes should be worn (no go- aheads). OPENING PROCEDURE: 1. Alarm must be turned off with the appropriate key. Building should be opened promptly at 2:30 p.m., no earlier or later. 2. Lights should be turned on from the breaker room, located 3ust outside the boys' restroom. 3. Check all interior doors to make sure they had been secured properly the night before. If any door was afar, or any other part of the building looks disturbed, call the alarm company to see if the alarm had been tripped. The alarm company telephone number (and other important numbers) is located in the black box on the Supervisor's desk. 4. Remove money box from cabinet in Supervisor's office, and place it in the snack bar cabinet. �� 5. Check entire facility to see if janitors had completed their assigned duties the previous night. 6. Make sure all equipment is accounted for (basketballs, pool balls, weights, etc.). LEADER'S RESPONSIBILITIES DURING OPEN HOURS: 1. Leaders should consider that an important part of their lob is to get involved with activities at the Center. By actively participating, you will become a motivator and initiator of activities. 2. Leaders should spend their time where the action is and not in the office. If activity is taking place outside, one leader should be outside observing that area. 3. Always have correct keys: a. Alarm key b. Front door C. Padlocks d. Supervisor's office e. Outside gate 0 4. Enforce all rules consistently (no smoking, abuse of equipment, skateboarding, alcoholic drinks, or drugs allowed). 5. Treat all participants respectfully. 6. Provide service at the snack bar, while keeping all supplies locked up. Always check off items sold on the inventory sheet. 7. Use professional and courteous telephone manners. Write all messages down, and leave them on Supervisor's desk. - 49 - SCHOOL PLAYGROUNDS OPERATING PROCEDURE DRESS: Typical daytime casual active wear that is appropriate for teaching and playing games with children. Staff shirt or jacket are required in order to work. Athletic shoes should be worn (no go- aheads or bare feet). OPENING PROCEDURE: 1. Be at your playground before the scheduled opening time. 2. Check area for possible hazards, broken equipment, or signs of vandalism. 3. Unlock room (during summer vacation) and /or cabinet and put out equipment and balls. 4. Get things ready for the day's program. DURING THE DAY: 1. Generally supervise the area. 2. Conduct scheduled activities. 3. Check out equipment. 4. Welcome newcomers, adults and children. 5. Complete attendance form. 6. Give first aid and complete Accident Report as required. 7. Prepare for next day's activity and plan for future activities. NOTE: Be respectful to school personnel at all times. - 52 - CLOSING PROCEDURE: 1. Bring all equipment in ten minutes before closing. Announce to those present that you will be closing in ten minutes. 2. Clean area as needed; sweep room. 3. Put all equipment neatly away. 4. Close and lock all windows and doors; double check. 5. Do not leave the area before scheduled closing time. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. No bicycle or skateboard riding on playgrounds. 2. Dogs are not permitted on playgrounds. 3. No baseball playing on area (Little League teams sometimes use facilities on a permit basis; keep other children away from that area). 4. Money collected for pay craft items is to be turned in to the Supervisor weekly. 5. The Leader in charge of field trips will be responsible for collecting money for trips on the Tuesday before that scheduled trip. You are responsible for collecting money and parent permission slips and keeping accurate records for the Leader. 6. Profane language is not to be tolerated. 7. No smoking by staff or participants. 8. Be aware of all adults and children coming on the area. Ask them if you can be of assistance; hand out printed program information. - 53 - HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM OPERATING PROCEDURE DRESS: Since the position is one of high visibility, dress can be casual; however, it is required that a staff shirt or jacket be worn in order to work. 1. Unlock doors and restrooms. 2. Set up equipment for activities: volleyball, basketball, and weight room. 3. Check I.D. card for appropriate activities: basketball. 4. Monitor sign -in sheets for basketball and volleyball. 5. Make sure proper shoes are worn at all times. 6. When closing, clean area of all debris. 7. Make sure restrooms are locked and no one is in the building. 8. Lock front doors. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITY: It is your responsibility to assure that the program is being run in an orderly as well as safe manner. You must stay on top of the sign -in sheets and monitor the use of the courts. - 55 - PUBLIC RELATIONS AND STAFF RESPONSIBILITY Public relations is good performance publicly appreciated because at is adequately communicated. This definition implies that unless the Recreation Department functions on a high order, it is futile to publicize its service. However, good performance alone is not sufficient; because public support requires that the public know about, and appreciate, its service. Public relations permeates the entire operation of a department and is a primary responsibility of all staff. As a City employee and specifically a Recreation Division staff member, it is our job to serve the public; for without the public and its support, we have no job. FACTORS INFLUENCING "GOOD" PUBLIC RELATIONS: 1. Each contact with an individual or group, by staff, presents an opportunity to develop a favorable attitude and confidence in the Department. 2. The courteous, efficient handling of inquiries or complaints, in person or over the telephone. 3. Neat appearance and orderly conduct on the part of all staff members. 4. Proper maintenance of properties. 5. Personal contacts with individuals and groups afford an opportunity to interpret the objectives and service of the Department, and thus influences public opinion and secures valuable information for the improvement of service by the Department. - 57 -