City Incorporation Papers_.. . A. _... .. .. ..II �•ttl., .. 4CCCIVE3 AT MAIN OFFICE _. ... _.. ...,.._ ... .... __.. .. ... DcL.V'-RY i'.O, - 437 -433 SOUTH SPRING ST. LOS ANGELES, CAL. 11� L.. k� . 3 t .. a i�- ra SUNSET MAIN 040 - :.EfiNOt:LS ;NOME 10x41 - �•__. «F`.T+_.._. __.... .____..�___ ; DESIGN PATENT Ra 4= 1 33S N Gjl 1237T:d 10 COLLECT 3 Ex SACRA 1,FI TO CAL JAN 22 1917 CL` (DE WOOD?VORTH LOSANGEIM CER'T'IFICATE INCORP0RkTION ELSEGM. 0 FILED JAN EI GHT + +,NTH ' FF,ANK C JORDON SECY OF STATE f� i 0 i.. _ _ ta....,�.,...,...._�. Adoa . oaax oa�� J � oaaX'f i w , i OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1917. The Board met pursuant to adjournment.- Present, Supervisors J. J. Hamilton, Chairman presiding, R. H. Norton, F. E. Woodley, R. F. McClellan and J. S. Dodge; and H. J. Lelande, Clerk, by A. 14. McPherron, Deputy Clerk. M.B.59, p. 265. IN RE INCORPORATION OF ) THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, ) Upon motion of Supervisor Dodge, AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS. ) .duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the following be and the same is hereby adopted: WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, held on the 11th day of September, 1916, a good and sufficient petition, in due form, signed by Alfred M. Smiley and more than fifty other qualified electors of the County of Los Angeles re- siding within the limits of the proposed oorporation, pra.ing for the incorporation of the townof E1 Segundo, in said County, as a city of the sixth class, said petition having attached thereto the affidavit of three qualified electors residing with- in the limits of the proposed corporation, was presented and read; and an affidavit having been filed herein showing that said peti- tion and a notice stating the time when said petition would be. presented to this Board had been duly published as provided by law; and 1oWREAS, Upon a hearing held on the 23rd day of October, 1916, said Board did duly establish and define the boundaries of said proposed corporation as follows, .to -wit: Beginning at the quarter section corner in the south- erly line of. Section 11, Township 3 South, Range 15 West, in Sausal Redondo Rancho,.as per map filed in Case No. 116299 Superior Court .of Los Angeles County, said quarter i.. I i I� i� :i 1'•d00 pi "ax I M s� section corner being also the southeasterly corner of that certain property conveyed to.the City of Los Angeles by deed recorded in Book 822; page 136 et seq., of Deeds, Re- cords of Los Angeles County; thence along the various courses of the easterly boundary of said property conveyed to the City of Los Angeles, N 00 02' 30" E, 1320.58 feet to a point; thence N 89' 55' 50" W, 658.88 feet to a point; thence N 0. 01' 20" E, 660.37 feet to a point; thence N 89° 571.1511 W, 659.09 feet to a point; thence N 00 00' 50" E, 660.45 feet to a point; thence N 89° 56' 50" W, 329.65 feet to a point; thence N 0100' 25" E, 1317.60 feet to a point; thence S 891 59' 50" W, 329.78 . feet to a point; thence N 00 02' 40" W, 1316.97 feet to a point; said last mentioned point being the northeasterl corner of said property conveyed to the City of Los Angele and being also in the northerly line of said Section 11, Township 3 South, Range 15 rest, distant thereon N 690 58' 00" E:; 659.81 feet from the northwest corner of said Sec- tion 11; thence easterly along section lines toTthe.weet- Orly line of the Inglewood and Redondo Road, said road be- ing located on the East side of Section 18, Township 3 South, Range 14 Nest;. thence southerly along the varions courses of the westerly line of said Inglewood and xedondo Road to the northerly boundary line of the City of Manhat- tan Beach, as incorporated December 2, 1912; thence west- erly along the northerly boundary line of the City of Man- hattan Beach to the southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Tract •dog t oaaa I . f I No. 1314, as shown on map recorded in Map Book 20, page'16i, Records of Los Angeles County; thence northerly along the westerly line of said Lot 3 to the southeast corner of Lot 2 of eaid Tract NO, 1314; thence weoterly along the southT Orly line of said Lot 2 and along the westerly prolongation j. I 44 L bg7X Oq3% Og3w r - 1 Otl'ia r 1 r 9 1 of the southerly line of said Lot 2 to the most westerly corner of Lot 22, Tract No. 2356, Sheet 2, as shown on map recorded in Uap Book 28, page 42, Records of said County; thence S 65°'19' 00" W, 2200 feet to a point; thence west- erly parallel with the northerly boundary line of the City of Manhattan Beach and its westerly prolongation to the weal erly boundary line of the County of Los Angeles; thence northerly along said westerly boundary line of the County of Los Angeles to the westerly prolongation of the oDutherl, line of said Section 11, Township 3 South, Range 15 West; thence S 890 58' 00 "E, along said last mentioned prolonga- tion and along the southerly line of said Section 11 to the place of beginning. And did ascertain and determine that the number of inhabi� tants residing withinsaid boundaries as established and defined was 1000; and WHEREAS, said Board of Supervisors did, on said 23rd day of October, 1916, order an election to be held within said proposed corporation on the 21st day of December, 1916, for the purpose of determining whether the same shall become incorporated, and did give due and legal notice ".,hereof in the manner and for the.lengt of time required by law; and WHEREAS, in pursuance of said order and said notice and said proceedings, an election was duly held within said boundaries on the 21st day of December, 1916, and the returns thereof duly made and forwarded to said Board of Supervisors, which said return and the votes cast at said election were, by said Board of Super - visors, on the Tuesday next succeeding said election, to wit: the 26th'day of Lecember, 1916 (being the first regular meeting of said Board after said election), duly canvassed; and WHEREAS, upon said canvass it appears that a majority of the votes cast at said election are for the incorporation of the ;City of BI Segundo; -3- .. i� oa�x li 1 I i 4 �I �I i r I NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS•ORDERED, and this Board by its said order does declare, that all that territory situated in the i County of Los Angeles, State of California, and embraced within the boundaries hereinbefore described in this order, is a duly incorporated Municipal Corporation of the Sixth Class, under the name and style of the "CI +Y OF EL SEGUNDO ". It also appearing upon said canvass of said votes that Carl Ernest Rueger, Sydney R. Martin, Lemuel A. Ward, Alfred M. Smiley ;! and John R. Coward received, severally, the highest number of votes cast for members of the Board of TtUBtees; that James E. ii Howell received the highest number of votes cast for Treasurer, jj and that Victor D. McCarthy received the highest number of votes cast for Clerk of said City of El Segundo; Now, this Board, by its order, does declare the aforesaid Carl Ernest Hueger, Sydney R. Martin, Lemuel A. Ward, Alfred M. Smiley and John R. Coward, duly elected to the office of the State of California, ss ;. County of Los Angeles. r. Is H. J. LELANDE, County Clerk, and ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of j said County, do hereby certify that the fore} oing is a full, true and correct copy of the I oris ina� Minutes of the Board of Supervisors, as appears in ......M i; autA ........ ............................... Bnok ✓ Yo..... ....9 ... : .................. Pao e ....... 26.5.................. In re ........ IN. CORP.ORLTI0N .... OF. ... THE .... CITY ......... ! qF... EI, ...SEG.t7I?DO.....ANU....�I�.Q. 1. 0, �[.... Qk'..... Qk'. k'. I. C. IJRS .................................................................... ..............................: i........................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... on fl.le in my office, and I have carefully eorni.pured the sanze with the original. In Witness Whereof, I have, hereunto set niy hand and affixed, the seal of the Boa7-d of Supervisors, this .... 9Q.th...... day of ............. JaAgary. ................................. 191. 7 . H, J, LEANDE, County Clerk and I :x•oAiclo Clerk of the Board of Supaviwn By.... ............ .... ,,...... ..............Deputy. Adoa w/ OMia _ I I i i i N