1713CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTER - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE oats March 4, 1982 To: Arthur E. Jones, City Manager From- Kevin B. Northcraft, Assistant to the City Manager Subject: Request for Council Action - Combined Video Studio for City and El Segundo Unified School District Background In May, 1979, the City began a community calendar of events on a new local government channel via the cable system. Technical assistance and equipment was supplied by Theta Cable. A procedural system was designed that called for the Chamber of Commerce to accept requests for message displays, and the City to approve the appropriateness and cause the message to be displayed. For the first year, only these rotating messages were displayed on the local government channel. In June, 1980, a meeting was held of representatives of the City Council and City staff, the Chamber of Commerce, the El Segundo Unified School District, and Theta Cable Company. At that meeting, it was the City's view that a combined City /School use of the local government channel and available video equipment would best serve the community. However, due to recent reductions in funding and workforce, the School District was not in a position to consider such a joint venture. However, in the Fall of 1980, interest was developed by the School Board, and the High School Principal attempted to work out details of such a joint venture. Staff attended a School Board meeting to discuss possible areas of joint cooperation, and representatives of the City and the School District toured the facilities at Beverly Hills High School to ascertain what types of facilities and programming might be possible. Meetings have continued since that time and have resulted in recent actions. Recent Activities Through these meetings, a plan slowly developed for a studio to be constructed in a large room at the High School Media Center. The studio would include a taping room, a control and editing room, and a separate storage room for equipment. Hughes Aircraft donated the design work for the remodeling, and Theta Cable, Northrop, and a local media services technician donated technical assistance and advice in developing the plans. With these plans, the School District was able to locate $7,000 in capital funds to remodel the section of the Media Center and are in the process of completing that construction. The new studio will have external access for City use in the evenin;s, and can also be used during the day by school students and teachers. The only contribution made by the City to date for the studio has been the purchase of the sound deadening and backdrop drapes at a cost of just under $1,500. Arthur E. Jones, City Manager March 4,1982 Page Two When completed, the video studio facility will be coordinated through Al Carson, the Auto Mechanic Teacher, who has been authorized to devote one -fifth of his time to videotaping. Mr. Carson is developing a reservation system for equipment so that both the School District and City will be able to utilize the studio and the equipment stored there. Proposed Plan Following the concept originally initiated in June of 1980, it is proposed that the City's video equipment be transferred to the school's new studio upon its completion. This will centralize the equipment of both jurisdictions in one area, where all equipment may be adequately stored. The equipment proposed to be transfered would be the City's two three- quarter inch video recorders, and the video camera. Also, the editing equipment being purchased would be housed in a permanent location in the new studio. With CouncIL approval, this transfer would be accomplished this Spring and Sum mer. It is also proposed that, with Theta Cable's help a "head -in" or output to the cable system would be installed at the school studio. This would allow display of messages during the school day by the School District over an educational. channel. The future plans are to complete purchases necessary for studio productions in the upcoming fiscal year (82 -83). In order for our knowledge to keep pace with the new equipment, in-service training of School and City personnel also is planned. The advantages of this continuing cooperative effort would include the following: 1) Education of our City's high school students in the operation of video equipment which surely will beco m e increasingly co m m on in our future, 2) the improved availability of an important instructional aid to teach students, 3) the availability of a significant instructional aid to train teachers and City employees, 4) increased local government channel progra m ming as a result of a) better utzZization by staff, b) greater nu m ber of trained employees, and c) better equipment and facilities, and 5) better information dissemination to the community of school programs and improved educational, informational, and entertainment programming. In addition, it is possible that this cooperative arrange m ent will result so m eday in an opportunity for citizens to be trained in the use of video equipment. Further, it is anticipated that, as more local governments get involved in the use of video, the sharing of inform ational tapes wilt result. The proposed studio will alto w us to develop our own programs for exchange with other jurisdictions. it is even possible that should the jurisdictsors desire, local public access to the cable system could be made ava4lahlP through the studio. • Arthur E. Jones, City Manager March 4, ]982 Page Three While it could be viewed that development of equipment and programming for the local government channel has been slow, staff is convinced that such measured progress has been the optimal path to follow. For one, something in the neighborhood of 80 percent of local government programming nationally has been a failure and has been curtailed or eliminated after a big buildup. Also, slow movement has ensured that wise purchases are made and allowed the development of our own knowledge on the uses of video to be consistent with the equipment and facilities available. Finally, we have been able better to monitor audience reaction to our programming by moving at a measured pace. If Council continues to concur with the concept of a joint local government facility and operation to be shared by the School District and City along the lines noted above, it is necessary that an appropriate agreement be consummated between the City and School District to clarify ownership and liabilities. Reco m m endation It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign and the City Clerk to attest to the attached agreement est b ishing joint use of video equipment and facilities. evin B. Northcraft� ' Assistant to the City Manager Approved "Disapproved RBN: ms Attachment Arthur E. Jones, City AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR JOINT USE OF VIDEO STUDIO AND EQUIPMENT. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ 20th day of April , 1982, by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and the EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT ". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Education Code Section 10900 authorizes and empowers school districts and cities to organize, promote and conduct programs of community recreation; to establish systems of playground and recreation; and acquire, improve, maintain and operate centers within, or without the territorial limits of the City; and WHERAS, District owns, operates and maintains a Video Studio located at the the E1 Segundo High School facility, 640 Main Street, E1 Segundo; and WHEREAS, Section 6502 of the Government Code of the State of California, authorizes two or more public agencies if authorized by their legislative or other governing bodies to jointly exercise any power common to the contracting parties; and WHEREAS, the maintenance and operation of a Video Studio is a power common to City and District; and WHEREAS, City and District have found it will be to the public interest, economically and practicably to cooperate with each other in regard to the educational and recreational use of the aforementioned facility and therefore desire to enter into an agreement pursuant to the provisions of Education Code Section 10900; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual convenants and conditions contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. This Agreement shall be for the term of twenty years, commencing May 1 , 1982, and terminating twenty years thereafter. Either party hereto may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon the giving of ninety days' written notice of its desire to so terminate this Agreement. Upon the giving of said notice and the expiration of ninety days, this Agreement shall be of no further force or effect. SECTION 2. The term "public, education, and recreation programs and activities ", as used in this Agreement shall mean those programs of education and recreation under the direction and supervision of City and District. SECTION 3. The City and District agree to jointly utilize the Video Studio and equipment located at the aforementioned school site for public, education, and recreation programs and activities in accordance with a schedule acceptable to City and District. SECTION 4. City and District agree that each shall be responsible for the actions of its employees at the aforementioned facility and that each shall retain title to its equipment located at said site and provide maintenance and insurance therefor. SECTION 5. During the conduct of such programs and activities, District may formulate and enforce such rules and regulations as are acceptable to City, and are necessary to maintain -2- proper standards of conduct and safety at the aforementioned facility. SECTION 6. City shall repair, cause to be repaired, or reimburse District for the cost of repairing damage to the facility of the District during the period of use by City, except where such damage may be attributed to ordinary or reasonable use of such facility. District shall be responsible for normal operation, maintenance and repair of the facility. SECTION 7. City shall pay District on an "as billed" basis the reasonable cost to District for use of District employees and facilities. District shall pay City on an "as billed" basis the reasonable cost to City for use of City employees and facilities. SECTION 8. City hereby indemnifies and agrees to save and hold the District, its officials, employees and agents harmless from all claims or liability for personal injury, death or property damage arising out of or in connection with the City's operation of the Video Studio. District hereby indemnifies and agrees to save and hold the City, its officers, employees and agents harmless from all claims or liabilities for personal injury, death or property damages arising out of or in connection with the District's operation of the Vido Studio. SECTION 9. City and District shall not permit any person or organization to use any of the facilities, buildings or accessories thereto where such use is inconsistent with the provisions of Section 10900 through 10915 of the Education Code of the State of California. SECTION 10. The Superintendent of the District, and the City Manager of the City are hereby authorized and directed by the respective parties to develop necessary schedules and -3- by the respective parties to develop necessary schedules and details in connection with the operation of the facilities pursuant to this Agreement which shall be consistent with the above - stated purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF EL A193UNDO, a municipal corporatioi ATT By 4Vj44.,jke Mayor �iLG4,c.L �Tti22 -� E � SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF City Clerk LOS ANGELES COUNTY (SEAL) -4- By BOARD OF TRUSTEES By L It-a President Approved by the Board of Education April 27, 1982