WHEREAS, an application was initiated by the City Council of the City of El
Segundo to prepare an amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan; and
WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Cal. Public Resources Code Section
21000 et sea. The Initial Study demonstrated that the project would not cause any
significant environmental impacts. Accordingly, a Mitigated Negative Declaration
(MND) was prepared and circulated for public review and continent between April 21
and May 11, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed the project
and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California
Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo
Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act
(Resolution 3805); and,
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Mitigated Declaration on August 1,
2000; and,
WHEREAS, there have been no changes in the area that would change the
conclusion of the determination of no significant impacts; and,
WHEREAS, the Mitigated Negative Declaration analyzed the impacts of housing
in the Downtown Specific Plan area; and,
WHEREAS, on April 12, 2001 the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to
law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chambers of the City
Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and
manner prescribed by law; and adopted Resolution No. 1319 recommending approval of
Amendment 1 of the Downtown Specific Plan No. 01 -03 and General Plan Amendment
No. 01 -1; and,
WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled meeting of the City Council of the City of El
Segundo on May 1, 2001, a duly advertised public hearing was held on this matter in the
Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street; and,
WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against
the findings of DTSP Amendment 1 No. 01 -03 and GP Amendment No. 01 -1; and,
WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established:
The Downtown Specific Plan area is located in the northwest quadrant of the
City of El Segundo. The General Plan land use designation and zoning for the
site is Downtown Commercial and Public Facilities.
2. Surrounding land uses in the area are generally residential in nature; one to
three stories in height. The surrounding area and project area is a fully
developed urban environment.
3. The El Segundo High School campus, the Library and Library Park are
located north of the Specific Plan area on Main Street. To the east and west of
the 500 block of Main Street (on Richmond and Standards Streets) is a Two -
Family Residential (R -2) Zone, developed mainly with duplexes and two -
family dwellings.
4. To the west of the balance of the Specific Plan boundary (on Richmond and
Concord Streets) is mainly Multi - Family Residential (R -3) zoning, which is
developed with small (3 -12 unit) apartment and condominium complexes.
Further beyond the R -2 and R -3 Zones, (on Concord and Virginia Streets) is
Single- Family (R -1) Residential zoning and development.
5. To the west of the Specific Plan area there are also a few parcels zoned
Downtown Commercial (C -RS), and Neighborhood Commercial (C -2) on
Grand Avenue, and Parking (P) c-i El Segundo Boulevard. The development
on these sites is also consistent with the zoning, and includes one to two story,
low- density (0.5 to 1.0 floor area ratio) commercial construction, and a
surface parking lot.
6. To the east of the 400 block of Main Street is a Two - Family Residential (R -2)
Zone on Standard Street, again developed consistent with the zoning
7. To the east of the 300 block of Main Street is largely Multi- Family
Residential (R -3), developed similarly to the areas to the west of the Specific
Plan boundary. Additionally, there are a few parcels zoned and developed as
Parking (P), on Standard Street, and Downtown Commercial (C -RS), on
Grand Avenue, similar to the west of the Plan area.
8. To the east side of the 200 block of Main Street, on Standard Street, is an area
that is also zoned and developed as Downtown Commercial (C -RS), again
with similar commercial uses and densities.
9. To the east of the 100 block of Main Street, on Standard Street, is a small
industrial zone within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area with a zoning
designation of Small Business (SB). The land uses in this area (light
industrial, warehousing etc.) are consistent with the zoning. South of El
Segundo Boulevard is the Chevron Refinery, which is zoned Heavy Industrial
(M -2), consistent with the land use.
10. The majority of the 100 block of the east side of Richmond Street is a surface
parking lot for the Chevron Refinery immediately to the south. Smaller
Chevron parking lots also occupy the west side of Richmond and the 100
block of Main Street. There are four small City owned surface parking lots
with a total of approximately 115 parking spaces, which are open and free to
the public, within and immediately adjacent to the Plan area.
11. Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping
purposes or which have adapted to urban environments. There is no known
rare or endangered animal species associated with the project site, or project
1. That the City of El Segundo has prepared an Initial Study and, an
accompanying Mitigated Negative Declaration which was made available to
all local and affected agencies and for public review and comment in the time
and manner prescribed by law. The Initial Study concluded that the proposed
project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and a
Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared
pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City
Council adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration on August 1, 2000.
2. That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project
will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the
habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in -fill
development in a built -out urban a ^vironment.
That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan goals, policies,
programs, and objectives:
The General Plan Land Use designation for the site and zoning is Downtown
Specific Plan .(DSP).
2. The proposed amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan would allow
tenant/business owner housing above the first floor in the Downtown Specific
Plan area. The addition of tenant/business owner housing as a permitted use in
the Plan area would be an insignificant increase in density.
3. The goals, policies, programs,. and objectives which apply to the proposed
project are contained within the Housing Element including, H 4, H 4 -1, and
H 4 -1.1. The Specific Plan is consistent with the Housing Element in that
residential uses will be permitted, and increased densities will be allowed,
providing the opportunity for a diversity of housing types, prices and tenure.
WHEREAS, the permitted residential use shall promote residential use in the
downtown area without increasing traffic trips to the extent that such would be increased
by restricted residential use; and
WHEREAS, the restricted residential use shall act to provide additional security
with respect to the business and residential uses in the downtown area.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council adopts
Amendment No. 01 -03 to the Downtown Specific Plan and General Plan No. 01 -1 as
SECTION 1. The Downtown Specific Plan is hereby amended to reflect the
addition of tenant/business owner residential uses. The corresponding changes to the
Downtown Specific Plan as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference, are also hereby approved.
SECTION 2. The 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends Buildout
(Exhibit LU -3) of the Land Use Element is hereby amended to reflect the reflect the
addition of residential uses in the Downtown Specific Plan. The corresponding changes
to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference, are also hereby approved.
SECTION 3. The Land Use designations ( "Commercial Designations"
subsection) of the Land Use Element is hereby amended to reflect the addition of
tenant/business owner residential uses in the Downtown Specific Plan. The
corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto
and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved.
SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the
thirtieth day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof.
SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this
ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original Ordinances of said
City; shall make a note of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting .
at which the same is passed and adopted; and, shall within 15 days after the passage or
adoption thereof cause the same to be published or posted in accordance with the law.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of May , 2001.
i ordon, Mayor
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 1336 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting
held on the 1st day of May , 2001, and was duly passed and adopted by
said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk,
all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of May , 2001,
and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council Members Wernick, McDowell and Gaines
NOES: None
Cindy esen M C— (� iCl�erk
Mark ensley, City AttornWy
District — 300 -400 Blocks Main Street
A. Main Street ( )
1. Purpose -
This district is the "core" of the Downtown. The area is intended to be resident serving,
providing a pedestrian - oriented and pedestrian- friendly environment. Standards for the
district are intended to maintain, enhance, and protect this character. Retail and service
uses should serve the residents, local employees, and visitors to the City. A mixed -use
environment is encouraged. Non - pedestrian oriented uses are limited to areas above
and behind the street level, and off of alleys, with the exception that offices are allowed
on the street - front.
2. Permitted Uses-
a. First floor street -front level, with a minimum building depth of 25 feet:
i) Retail sales and services
ii) Restaurants
iii) Recreational uses
iv) Governmental offices
v) Banks, not to exceed 500 square feet
vi) General offices
vii) Medical - dental offices
viii) Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the El Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit
ix) Other similar pedestrian oriented retail - service uses and offices approved by the
Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, as provided by
Section V„ Administration
b. Above and behind street -front level, and adjacent to alleys:
1) All uses listed above in a.
ii) Clubs and halls
iii) Schools
vi) Theaters
v) Banks
vi) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
c. Above street -front level:
i) All uses listed above in a. and b.
ii) Business tenant/owner- occupied residential units
iii) Other.similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses-
a.' Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
b. Outdoor storage, subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Code
City of El Segundo 28 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
c. Indoor entertainment, dancing, and amplified sound, subject to conformance with
Chapter 5.36, Entertainment Regulations and Chapter 9.06, Noise and Vibration
Regulations, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Other similar accessory uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V. Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit - (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code)
a. On -site sale and consumption of alcohoi at restaurants
b. Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
c. Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject to
design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor Dining Areas, of
the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Video arcades with three or fewer machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
5. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit - (Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal
a. Bars
b. Outdoor entertainment and dancing
C. Outdoor amplified sound, which exceeds more than four single events in one
calendar year
d. Video arcades with four or more machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which are not Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Uses Subject to
an Administrative Use Permit or Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit are
prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
d. Tattoo parlors
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
i) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Permitted, Accessory, Administrative, and Conditional Uses,
and Outdoor Recreational uses.
ii) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
v) All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
City of El Segundo 29
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
b. Lot Area:
A minimum of 3,500 square feet is required for new lots.
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street must be a minimum of 25 feet in height, and may
not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height,. as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade directly below. This height
shall be measured at the front and streetside property lines. Structures shall not
exceed 45 feet, or three stories, in height as measured from the peak or the highest
point of the roof vertically to the existing grade directly below.
i) Upsloping lots For lots that slope up from the street, the 45 -foot height limit shall
be measured vertically from the existing grade at` the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
ii) Downsloping lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
d. Setbacks:
i) Front'and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and streetside property lines on the street level, except pedestrian - oriented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may placed between
the building and the street, subject to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building, except for handicapped parking, subject to
design review.
li) Side and Rear - Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
A minimum of 25 feet is required for new lots.
f. Building Area- (Density):
The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage
of the property, or a Floor Area Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
i) Commercial. — The total net floor area of all buildings, excluding residential floor
area shall not exceed the total net square footacie of the property, or a Floor
Area Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
ill RPSidpnfinl - ThA mnyiml lm rP_Cirlpnfini rlcancity C.haII nr%f cw-nim i nnc AA11MIUMel I t^;+
g. Walls and 'Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
h. Access:
Safe and convenient pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks, or modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi- building
i. Landscaping:
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section Vill, Design Standards, must be met.
City of El Segundo 30 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
CITY COUNCIL ?ffily�,NkE NO. 1336
j. Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
k. Signs:
All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
8. Non-conformities-
a. All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses, of the El
Segundo Municipal Code, except Sections 20.70.060 B. and C. shall apply.
b. A non - conforming use in a conforming or non - conforming building may only be
replaced with a conforming use, except a non - conforming commercial use may be
replaced with a similar or less intense non - conforming use only if the building, or the
portion of the building occupied by the non- conforming use, has not been vacant or
closed for business for more than six months.
9. Strategic Sites -
a. Pursell Building (Northwest comer of Main Street and Grand Avenue):
b. The northeast comer of Main Street and Holly Avenue, north to the City parking lot:
New target destination uses, such as a market, restaurant or similar use, may be
provided with financial incentives, as provided in Section IX G, Development
Incentives, for both Strategic Sites.
B. Main Street Transitional District - (100 -200 & 500 Blocks Main Street)
1. Purpose -
This district serves as a transition and "gateway" to the Downtown Core, the Main Street
District. This district is Intended to link the retail Downtown Core with the Library, Park,
High School and residential areas to the north, and the Chevron Refinery to the south,
With common streetscape materials. Standards for this district allow for flexibility and a
mixture of commercial uses serving the residents, local employees and visitors to the
2. Permitted Uses-
a. First floor street -front level, above and behind street front level and adjacent to
i) Retail sales and services
ii) Restaurants
iii) Recreational uses
iv) Governmental offices
v) General offices
vi) Medical - dental offices
vii) Clubs and halls
viii) Schools
ix) Theaters
x). Banks
xi) Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the El Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit.
City of El Segundo
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
xii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
b. Above street -front level:
i) All uses listed above in a.
_ ii) Business tenant/owner- occupied residential units
iii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses -
a. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
b. Outdoor storage, subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Code
c. Indoor entertainment, dancing and amplified sound, subject to conformance with
Chapter 5.36, Entertainment Regulations, and Chapter 9.06 Noise and Vibration
Regulations of the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Other similar accessory uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V. Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit - (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code)
a. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants
b. Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
c. Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject to
design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor Dining Areas, of
the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Video arcades with three or fewer machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
5. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit- (Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal
a. Bars
b. Outdoor entertainment and dancing
c. Outdoor amplified sound, which exceeds more than four single events in one
calendar year
d. Video arcades with four of more machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which are not Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Uses Subject to
an Administrative Use Permit or Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit are
prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
7. Site Development Standards-
a. General Provisions:
City of El Segundo 32 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
CITY COUNCIL ?ffilg�NA CE NO. 1336
i) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Permitted, Accessory, Administrative and Conditional Uses,
and Outdoor Recreational uses
il) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
v) All provisions of Section Vlll, Design Standards must be met.
b. Lot Area:
A minimum of 3,500 square feet is required for new lots.
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street may not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. This height shall be measured at the front and streetside
property lines. Structures shall not exceed 45 feet, or three stories, in height as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below.
i) Upsloping lots - For lots that slope up from the street, the 45 -foot height limit shall
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
ii) Downsloping lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
d. Setbacks:
i) Front and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and streetside property lines on the street level, except pedestrian- oriented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may be placed between
the building and the street, subject to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building, except for handicapped parking subject to
design review.
ii) Side and Rear - Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
A minimum of 25 feet is required for new lots.
f. Building Area - (Density):
The total net floor area of all buildings, shall not exceed the total net square footage
of the property, or a Floor Area Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
i) Commercial: The total net floor area of all buildings, excluding residential floor
area, shall not exceed the total nR_t square footage of the property, or a Floor
Area Ratio. FAR, of 1.0:1.
ii) Residential: The maximum residential density shall not exceed one dwelling
unit per 3,500 square foot lot. If the lot is less than 3.500 square feet, one unit is
City of El Segundo 33 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
kE NO, 1336
g. Walls and Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
h. Access:
Safe and convenient pedestrian aca -as shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks, or modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi - building
i. Landscaping:
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section VIII, Design Standards, must be met.
j. Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
k. Signs:
All provisions of Section Vill, Design Standards must be met.
8. Non-conformities-
All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code, shall apply.
9. Strategic Sites -
a. Strip Mall (Southwest comer of Main Street and Grand Avenue) -
New target destination uses provided through adaptive re -use of the existing
development, such as a market, restaurant or similar use, may be provided with
financial incentives, as provided in Section IX G, Development Incentives, subject to
design review.
C. Richmond Street District - (100 -200 Blocks Richmond Street)
1. Purpose -
This district is the historic original Downtown. The area is intended to be resident
serving, providing a pedestrian- oriented environment, while allowing for flexibility and a
mixture of commercial and residential uses. Standards for the district are intended to
maintain, enhance, and preserve the historical "Old Town" character of the area, and
Historic Design Standards are also established to ensure this goal. Standards for this
district also encourage and support filming and related uses, as well as uses which
serve the residents, local employees, and visitors to the City, including antiques, arts
and crafts, design and similar uses.
2. Permitted Uses -
a. First floor street -front level, above and behind street front level and adjacent to
i) Retail sales and services
ii) Restaurants
iii) Recreational uses
iv)_Governmental offices
City of El Segundo 34
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
General offices
dental offices
Clubs and halls
vili) Schools
Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the El Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit.
xii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
b. Above street -front level:
i) All uses listed above in a.
i) Business tenant/owner- occupied residential units
ii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development services, as provided by Section V., Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses -
a. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
b. Outdoor storage, subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Code
c. Indoor entertainment, dancing and amplified sound, subject to conformance with
Chapter 5.36, Entertainment Regulations, and Chapter 9.06, Noise and Vibration
Regulations of the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Other similar accessory uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit - (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code)
a. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants
b. Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
c. Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject to
design review and conformance with "action 20.12.190, Outdoor Dining Areas, of
the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Video arcades with three or fewer machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
5. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit - (Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal
a. Bars
b. Outdoor entertainment and dancing
c. Outdoor amplified sound which exceeds more than four single events in one
calendar year.
d. Video arcades with four or more machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration.
City of El Segundo 35
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
6, Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which are not Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Uses Subject to
an Administrative Use Permit or Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit are
prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
i) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed. building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Permitted, Accessory, Administrative and Conditional Uses,
and Outdoor Recreational uses.
if) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM),.of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
v) All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
b. Lot Area:
A minimum of 3,500 square feet is required for new lots.
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street may not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. This height shall be measured at the front and streetside
property lines. Structures shall not exceed 45 feet, or three stories, in height as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below.
i) Upslopina lots - For lots that slope up from the street, the 45 -foot height limit shall
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
if) Downsloging lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
d. Setbacks:
i) Front and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and streetside property lines on the street level, except pedestrian- oriented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may be placed between
the building and the street, subjE,t to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building, except for handicapped parking subject to
design review.
if) Side and Rear - Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
City of El Segundo 36 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
CITY COUNCIL, ?ffilN�N4 E NO.' 1336_
A minimum of 25 feet is required for new lots
f. Building Area (Density):
The total net floor area of all buildings, excluding residential floor area, shall not
exceed the total net square footage of the property, or a Floor Area Ratio, FAR, of
1.0:1, except as provided in Section 9, Strategic Sites.
i) Commercial The total net floor area of ail buildings excluding residential floor
area shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property, or a Floor
Area Ratio. FAR, of 1.0:1.
ii) Residential The maximum residential density shall not exceed one dwelling unit
per 3,500 square foot lot If the lot is less than 3.500 square feet, one unit is
Walls and Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El. Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
Safe and convenient pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks, or modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi - building
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section VIII, Design Standards, must be met.
Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
8. Non- conformities-
All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses of the El
Segundo Municipal Code, except Sections 20.70.060 B. and C. shall apply.
A non - conforming use in a conforming or non - conforming building may only be
replaced with a conforming use, except a non - conforming commercial use may be
replaced with a similar or less intense non - conforming use only if the building or
portion of the building occupied by the non - conforming use, has not been vacant or
closed for business for more than six months.
9. Strategic Sites -
a. Anthony's Music Store (Northwest comer of Richmond Street and Franklin Avenue)
b. The City parking lot (Northeast corner of Richmond Street and Franklin Avenue)-
New target uses, such as antiques, bookstores, arts and crafts, a market, or similar
uses at the street level, and professional offices or design uses behind or above
street level, may be provided with fina,,icial incentives, as provided in Section IX G,
Development Incentives. Additionally, the City parking lot site may be developed
with a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.5:1.
10. Historic Preservation -
All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must'be met.
D. North Richmond Street District — (300 Block west side Richmond Street)
City of El Segundo 37 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
1. Purpose -
This district is an eclectic mixed -use environment of commercial and residential uses.
The area is intended to be resident serving, providing a pedestrian - oriented
environment, while allowing for flexibility and a mixture of commercial uses, while
excluding new residential uses. Standards for this district encourage antiques,, arts and
crafts, and mixed -use, serving the residents, local employees, and visitors to the City.
2. Permitted Uses -
a. First floor street -front level, above and behind street front level, and adjacent to
L Retail sales and services
ii.. Restaurants
iii. Recreational uses
iv. Governmental offices
v. General offices
vi. Medical - dental offices
vii. Clubs and halls
vili. Schools
ix. Theaters
x. Banks
xi.- Bed and Breakfast hotels
Al. Artists and design studios
xiii. Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the El Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit
xiv. Other similar uses, approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
b. Above street -front level:
i) All uses listed above in a.
ii) Business tenant/owner- occupied residential units
iii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community. Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses-
a. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
b. Outdoor storage, subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Code
c. Indoor entertainment, dancing and amplified sound, subject to conformance with
Chapter 5.36, Entertainment Regulations, and Chapter 9.06, Noise and Vibration
Regulations of the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Other similar accessory uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit - (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code)
City of E1 Segundo 38 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
a. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants
b. Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
c. Outdoor uses including dining, gatoaring areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject to
design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor Dining Areas, of
the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Video arcades with three or fewer machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
5. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit - (Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo, Municipal
a. Bars
b. Outdoor entertainment and dancing
c. Outdoor amplified sound which exceeds more than four single events in one
calendar year.
d. Video arcades with four of more machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which are not Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Uses Subject to
an Administrative Use Permit or Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit are prohibited.
Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
i) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Accessory and Administrative Uses,
ii) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
v) All provisions of Section Vlll, Design Standards must be met.
b. Lot Area:
A minimum of 3,500 square feet is required for new lots.
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street may not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. This height shall be measured at the front and streetside
property lines. Structures shall not exceed 45 feet, or three stories, in height as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below.
i) Upslopina lots - For lots that slope up from the street, the 45 -foot height limit shall
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
City of El Segundo 39
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
ii) Down sloping lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
d. Setbacks:
i) Front and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and streetside .property lines on the street level, except pedestrian- oriented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may be placed between
the building and the street, subject to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building, except for handicapped parking subject to
design review.
ii) Side and Rear - Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
A minimum of 25 feet is required for new lots.
f. Building Area - (Density):
The total net floor area of all buildings, shall not exceed the total net square footage
of the property, or a Floor Area Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
i) Commercial: The total net floor area of all buildings, excluding residential floor
area shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property, or a Floor
Area Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
ii) Residential: The maximum residential density shall not exceed one dwelling
unit per 3.500 square foot lot. If the lot is less than 3,500 square feet, one unit is
g. Walls and Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
h. Access:
Safe and convenient pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks, and modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi - building
i. Landscaping:
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section VIII, Design Standards, must be met.
j. Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
k. Signs:
All provisions of Section Vlll, Design Standards must be met.
8. Non - conformities -
a. All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses of the El
Segundo Municipal Code, except Sections 20.70.060 B. and C. shall apply.
b. A non - conforming use in a conforming or non - conforming building may only be
replaced with a conforming use, except a non - conforming commercial use may be
replaced with a similar or less intense non - conforming use only if the building, or
City of El Segundo 40
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
kE NO. 1336
portion of the building occupied by the non - conforming use, has not been vacant or
closed for business for more than six months.
E. Grand Avenue District- (300 Block east side Richmond Street - former
Ralph's market and adjacent lots)
1. Purpose -
This district is a key block linking the Main Street District, the Downtown core, with the
historic Richmond Street District. This area is intended to be created as a village
atmosphere, being resident serving, providing a pedestrian- oriented and pedestrian-
friendly environment, preferably in a mixed -use development. Standards for the district
are intended to maintain, enhance, and protect this character. Design review is required
to ensure consistency with the goals of the district. Retail and service uses should serve
the residents, local employees, and visitors to the City. Non - pedestrian oriented uses
are limited to areas above and behind the street level, and off of the alley, with the
exception that offices are allowed on the street - front.
2. Permitted Uses -
a. First floor street -front level and adjacent to pedestrian access ways, including
internal access ways, with a minimum building depth of 25 feet:
i) Retail sales and services
ii) Restaurants
ill) Recreational uses
iv) Governmental offices
v) Banks, not to exceed 500 square feet
vi) General offices
vii) Medical - dental offices
viii) Bed and breakfast hotel
ix) Outdoor uses including dining, g4thering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review, and conformance with Section 20:12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the El Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit
x) Other similar pedestrian oriented retail - service uses and offices, approved by the
Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, as provided by
Section V., Administration
b. Above and behind street -front level, and adjacent to alleys:
i) All uses listed above In a.
ii) Clubs and halls
ill) Schools and daycare
iv) Theaters
vi) Banks
vii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
C-. Above street -front level:
1) All uses listed above in a.
ii) . Business tenant/owner- occupied residential units
ill) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V. Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses-
City of El Segundo 41
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
a. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
b. Outdoor storage, subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Code
c. Indoor entertainment, dancing and amplified sound, subject to conformance with
Chapter 5.36, Entertainment Regulations, and Chapter 9.06, Noise and Vibration
Regulations, of the El Segundo Municipal Coded. Other similar accessory uses
approved by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, as
provided by Section V., Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit- (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal. Code)
a. On -site said and consumption of alcohol at restaurants
b. Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
c. Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject to
design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor Dining Areas, of
the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Video arcades with three or fewer machines
e. Other similar uses approved . by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit - (Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal
a. Bars
b. Outdoor entertainment and dancing
c. Outdoor amplified sound, which exceeds more
calendar year.
d Video arcades with four or more machines
than four single events in one
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which are not Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Uses Subject to
an Administrative Use Permit or Uses Subject to . a Conditional Use Permit are
prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
i) All new development shall be subject to design. review to ensure consistencies
with the Specific Plan, as detailed in Section VIII, Design Standards
ii) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Permitted, Accessory, Administrative and Conditional uses,
and Outdoor recreational uses.
ill) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
City of El Segundo 42 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
v) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
b. Lot Area:
Existing lots under common ownership should be developed under a common
cohesive plan, as one parcel, not as each original 25 -foot wide lot
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street may not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically :to the existing
grade directly below. This height shall be measured at the front and streetside
property lines. Structures shall not exceed 45 feet, or three stories, in height as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. A variety of building heights must be provided throughout the
i) Upsioping lots - For lots that slope up from the street,.the 45 -foot height limit shall
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
ii) Downsloping lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
iii) Vertical towers or appendages - These structures, if located near the comer of
Grand Avenue and the alley and the northwest side of the property abutting
Richmond Street, may be 45 feet, or two floors, in height as measured from the
peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade directly below.
d. Setbacks:
i) Front and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and streetside property lines on the street level, except pedestrian - orlented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may be placed between
the building and the street, subject to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building.
ii) Side and Rear - Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
Existing lots under common ownership should be developed under a common
cohesive plan, as one parcel, not as each original 25 -foot wide lot
f. Building Area - (Density):
i) Commercial -The total net floor area of all buildings, excluding residential floor
area, shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property or a Floor Area
Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
ii} Residential: The maximum residential density shall not exceed one dwelling
unit per 3,500 square foot lot. If the lot is less than 3,500 square feet one unit is
g. Walls and Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
h. Access:
City of El Segundo 43
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
Safe and convenient pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks or modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi- building
projects. Uses adjacent to pedestrian access ways, both internal and external, shall
be pedestrian oriented and have direct access to those access ways.
I. Landscaping:
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section VIII, Design Standards, must be meta
j. Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
k. Signs:
All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
8. Non-conformities-
a. All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses of the El
Segundo Municipal Code, except Sections 20.70.080 B. and C. shall apply..
b. A non - conforming use in a conforming or non - conforming building may only be
replaced with a conforming use, except a non - conforming commercial use may be
replaced with a similar or less Intense non - conforming use only if the building, or
portion of the building occupied by the non - conforming use, has not been vacant or
closed for business for more than twelve months.
9. Strategic Site -
a. Entire District:
New target uses, such as a market, retail, hi -tech retail, daytime entertainment and
recreation, child care as a component in a mixed -use project, restaurant, small (75
rooms maximum) bed and breakfast i,utel or similar uses, preferably in a mixed -use
environment, may provided with financial incentives, as provided in Section IX G,
Development Incentives.
F. Definitions
The following are definitions of uses that are included in the Specific Plan. For definitions not
included within this section, refer to Chapter 20.08, Definitions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code. Artist and Design Studios
"Artist and design studios" means an establishment that provides work
and retail sales and display space for artists, artisans, craftspersons, and
20.08.158 Bank
"Bank" means an establishment that provides financial services to
individuals, firms and other entities. The term includes savings and loan
institutions, loan and lending institutions, credit unions and other uses
providing similar financial services.
20.08.159 Bar
"Bar° means an establishment primarily for the on -site sales and
consumption of alcoholic beverages, generally without or with limited food
service, as defined and licensed by the State of California, Department of
City of El Segundo
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
Alcohol Beverage Control. Bars include cocktail lounges, nightclubs,
taverns, pubs, saloons, and similar uses, but exclude restaurants.
20.08.166 Bed and Breakfast Hotel
"Bed and Breakfast Hotel" means an establishment containing 75 or
fewer guestrooms, intended or designed to be used for sleeping purposes
by guests, and provides breakfast to guests. The use may also contain
ancillary services such as meeting rooms, personal services, and food
preparation and dispensing. Guest stays shall be limited to 30
consecutive days. One dwelling unit for the use of the proprietor shall be
20.08.245 Coffee cart
"Coffee cart" means a sma,ii self - contained outdoor structure for the retail
sale of coffee, other beverages, snacks, and similar products. A seating
or dining area may also be provided as an accessory use.
20.08.422 Flower stand
"Flower stand" means a small self- contained outdoor structure for the
retail sale of flowers and related products.
20.08.516 Live /work
"Live /work" means a development with ioint residential (live) and
commercial (work) space within a common area. Persons living in the
20.08.614.08 Newsstand
"Newsstand" means a small self - contained outdoor structure for the retail
sales of newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and similar products.
20.08.616 Offices, Governmental
"Offices, governmental" means an establishment.maintained and used as
a place of business by persons employed by the government including
City, County, State, Federal and similar governmental businesses, whose
business activity consists primarily of providing services to people.
20.08.688 Retail sales and service
"Retail sales and service" means an establishment that provides retail
sales, rental, services processing, and repair of new merchandise,
primarily intended for consumer or household use. Services provided
Include those of a personal convenience nature, and the cleaning, repair
or sales of related products.
City of El Segundo
Downtown Specific Plan
Recreational use
"Recreational use" means an establishment providing participant or
spectator recreation, amusement, exercise, or entertainment services.
Tattoo parlor
:1 te
Adopted: August 1, 2000
"Tattoo parlor" means an establishment where the act or process of
indelibly marking or coloring the skin of any person by the insertion of
pigment under or in the skin or by the production of scars is conducted.
City of El Segundo 46 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
1. Purpose -
The purpose of this section is to provide for adequate parking standards, to assure that
parking spaces shall be suitably maintained and available for the use of the occupants of
the site and to mitigate potential associated on- street parking and traffic circulation
problems throughout the Downtown and surrounding areas.
2. General Provisions -
a. No use or building shall be established, erected, enlarged or expanded unless
parking facilities are provided and maintained as required by this Section.
b. Parking facilities should be designed so that a car within a facility will not have to
enter a street to move from one location to any other location within the same facility.
c. Bumpers or tire stops a minimum 6 inches in height shall be provided in all parking
areas abutting a building, structure, sidewalk, planting area, street or alley.
d. All tandem parking spaces, where allowed, shall be clearly outlined on the surface of
the parking facility.
e. Parking facilities in all Districts shall be designed in such a manner that any vehicle
on the property will be able to maneuver as necessary so that it may exit from the
property traveling in a forward direction. However, cars may exit onto an alley
traveling in a reverse direction.
f. Where the application of the following cumulative parking schedules results in a
fractional space of .5 or greater, the number of required parking spaces shall be
rounded up to the next whole number.
g. No vehicular use area, except driveway access to a property, for any residential use
shall be located, in whole or in part, in any required front yard or front two- thirds of
any required side yard.
h. No person, company or organization shall fail to maintain the facilities required to be
provided by this Section, or by any applicable provision of prior laws, variance, use
permit, or precise plan heretofore or hereafter granted by the Planning Commission
or City Council. No required parking shall be utilized in any manner so as to make it
unavailable for the occupants, their clients or visitors of a building or use during the
hours such building or use is normally occupied. This meaning shall not be
construed to prohibit security devices.
I. All permanent on -site parking, loading, or other vehicular use area shall be paved
with approved concrete or asphalted concrete. On -site parking areas to be used for
no longer than one year shall be surfaced and maintained with an Impervious
material acceptable to the Director of Community, Economic and Development
Services so as to eliminate dust and mud. All on -site parking areas shall be graded
and drained to dispose of all surface water in accordance with the Uniform Building
j. Any lights provided to illuminate any parking area shall be arranged so as to direct
the light away from any residential dwelling unit.
3. Parking Spaces Required -
The number of parking spaces required f >:,i the establishment of a building or use shall
be provided and thereafter maintained at the following ratios; provided, however, that for
any building or use enlarged or increased in capacity, additional parking facilities shall
be required only for such enlargement or increase. Additional parking facilities need not
City of El Segundo
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
be provided for enlargements or additions to existing residential units. Unless stated
otherwise, parking shall be based on net floor area defined in Section 20.08.420 of the
El Segundo Municipal Code.
a. Residential Uses:
i) Dwelling units /Live /work — No additional parking required. People who occupy
the residential units will be the ones working in the commercial units, therefore,
additional parking spaces would not be needed.
ab. Nonresidential Uses:
i) Bed and Breakfast Hotels - 1 space for each of the first 100 rooms; 3/4 space for
each of the next 100 rooms; and %2 space for each room above 200 rooms.
ii) Retail offices commercial, video arcade and food -to -go uses - 1 space for each
300 sq. ft. for the first 25,000 sq. ft.; 1 space for each 350 sq. ft. for the second
25,000 sq. ft.; 1 space for each 400 sq. ft. for the area in excess of 50,000 sq. ft.
No parking is required for outdoor retail uses including gathering areas (such as
outdoor party areas), newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200
square feet in area.
iii) Restaurants:- 1 space for each 75 sq. ft. of dining area, including outdoor dining
areas exceeding 200 sq. ft. in area. 1 space for each 250 square feet of non -
dining areas. No parking is required for restaurants less than 500 sq. ft. which do
not provide sit -down eating accommodations, or for outdoor uses including dining
and gathering areas, up to 200 sq. ft. In area.
iv) Bars -1 space for each 75 sq. ft., including outdoor areas exceeding 200 sq. ft. in
v) Medical /Dental offices and clinics -1 space for each 200 sq. ft.
Vi) Wareheyses and St@Fa4e US%` ,
vii) Schools - Daycare pre - school, elementary, middle school and junior high -1
space for each classroom, plus 1 space for each employee.
viii) Schools - High school - 7 spaces per classroom plus auditorium or stadium
parking requirements.
ix) Schools - Adult college, business and trade schools -1 space for every 50 sq. ft.
of gross floor area or 1 space for every 3 fixed seats — whichever is greater.
x) Places of Public Assembly (Including but not limited to, theaters, auditoriums,
banquet facilities, meeting rooms, clubs, lodges and mortuaries) - With fixed
seats -1 space for every 5 seats.* Without fixed seats -1 space for every 50 sq. ft.
of floor area used for assembly purposes.
* Based upon the Uniform Building Code, areas having fixed benches or pews shall
have 1 seat for each 18 inches of length. Dining areas shall have 1 seat for each 24
inches of booth length, or major portion thereof.
b. Compact Parking:
Compact parking shall not be allowed, except parking spaces provided in excess of
the required number may be compact size.
c. Parking Reductions:
The Director of Community, Economic and Development Services may modify the
required number of parking spaces or approve joint use or off -site parking, for fewer
than 10 spaces, based on the submittal of a parking demand study. Reductions of
City of El Segundo 48 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
10 or more spaces require approval of the Planning Commission. Additionally, for
any use for which the number of parking spaces is not listed, the Director of
Community, Economic and Development Services or Planning Commission shall
specify the required number of spaces based on a parking demand study. A parking
demand study shall include, but not be limited to, information specifying the number
of employees, customers, visitors, clients, residents and owner- occupancy of
residence and business (for existing legal non - conforming residential uses), shifts,
deliveries, parking spaces, or other criteria established by the Director of Community,
Economic and Development Services. The study may also include the use of valet
or attendant parking.
4. Mixed Occupancies -
In the case of mixed uses in a building or on a site, the total requirements for parking
facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed. Parking
facilities for one use may be considered as providing required parking facilities for
another use, if approved through a parking demand study,. a joint -use agreement or
another mechanism approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services or the Planning Commission.
5. Parking Area Development Standards -
a. Stall sizes:
Standard stalls shall be 8.5 feet wide by 18 feet deep; Dead -end parking stall or
adjacent to an obstruction shall be 10 feet wide by 18 feet deep; compact parking
spaces, only allowed for parking in excess of the Code requirements, shall be 8.5
feet wide by 15 feet deep.
b. Aisle widths:
Aisle width for angled parking spaces shall not be less than the following:
Angles of Parking Aisle Width Clear
Parallel to 30 degrees 12 feet
45 degrees 15 feet
60 degrees 18 feet
90 degrees 25 feet
*Measured perpendicular to aisle
Parking Stall Depth*
16 feet
19 feet
20 feet
18 feet
c. Tandem Parking:
A maximum of 30% of the total required parking for commercial uses may be
tandem. Greater than 30% tandem spaces may be allowed with approval of a
parking demand study. Parking spaces provided in excess of the required number
may be tandem.
d. Parking of Licensed Recreational Vehicles and Habitable Vehicles:
i) Parking of any mobile home, camper, house trailer or other habitable vehicle
outside of an authorized mobile home park or licensed recreational vehicle
parking facility is prohibited except that such vehicles may be parked on any
public property or right of way subject to any applicable parking restrictions,
including Section 9.40.010 of the El Segundo Municipal Code.
ii) A habitable vehicle parked on private property may be occupied. for residential
purposes for no longer than 72 hours (outside of an authorized mobile home
park) within any 30 -day period. No habitable vehicle may be occupied for
commercial purposes except as provided by Section 16.01.140 of the El
City of El Segundo 4.9
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
Segundo Municipal Code.
e. Entrances and Exits:
The location and design of all driveway entrances and exits shall be subject to the
approval of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services.
Access must be from the alley or side street, except for access to handicapped
parking stalls if approved through the design review process. Curb cut and driveway
widths must be a minimum of 10 feet and a maximum of 30 feet in width.
f. Handicapped. Parking:
Handicapped parking shall be provided in accordance with Part 2 of Title 24 of the
California Administrative Code.
6. Loading Standards -
The following loading. spaces, with the dimensions as listed, are required based on the
net square footage of the building or use.
Building - Square Feet
Number of Loading Spaces
15,001- 30,000
Each additional 100,000 s . ft. or fraction thereof
Building — Square Feet
Number of Loading Spaces
15,001- 75,000
Each additional 100,000 s . ft. or fraction thereof
Vertical Clearance
7. Plan Preparation and Permit Approval -
A proposed parking plan shall be submitted to the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services at the time of the application for the_ building permit for the
building for which the parking is required, or at the time any required Planning
application Is submitted. The plans shall clearly indicate the proposed development,
including location, size, shape, design, curb cuts, lighting, landscaping, and parking
spaces in full compliance with code requirements. No building permit shall be issued
until the applicant has presented satisfactory evidence to the Director of Community.,
Economic and Development Services that parking facilities required by this Section will
be provided and maintained.
City of El Segundo 50
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
8. Joint Use and off -Site Parking Facilities -
Parking spaces may be joint use or located off -site on a different lot or lots, subject to
approval of a parking demand study and a parking agreement. The Director of
Community, Economic and Development Services may approve a parking demand study
for joint use and off -site parking for fewer than 10 spaces. The Planning Commission
shall review any joint -use and off -site par I:ing for 10 or more spaces. The agreement
shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder, prior to the issuance of a Building
Permit. The agreement may include conditions as the Director of Community, Economic
and Development Services or the Planning Commission deems appropriate.
9. Sites with Transportation Systems Management (TSM) and Transportation Demand
Management (TDM) Plans -
The number of required parking spaces may be further modified subject to approval of a
Transportation Systems Management or Transportation Demand Management Plan,
pursuant to the procedures and requirements of Chapters 20.55 and 20.56 of the El
Segundo Municipal Code.
10. Existing Buildings with Permitted Uses -
Existing uses in an existing building may change to any other use enumerated in the
PERMITTED USES section of the applicable Specific Plan 'District without providing
additional on -site parking spaces, provided that all existing on -site parking spaces
provided in connection with the building or structure shall be continued and available for
use with the subject building.
11. Failure to Maintain Required Parking -
In the event parking facilities required to be provided under this Section, or required
pursuant to any application approved in accordance with this Section, are not
maintained, the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services may
revoke and cancel the certificate of occupancy issued for such structure. Prior to such
revocation, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing in accordance with the
public hearing procedures provided in Chapter 20.90, Procedures for Hearings, Notices
and Fees, of the El Segundo Municipal Code. However, if it appears that failure to
maintain such required parking was reasonably beyond the control of the person
required to maintain the same, the certificate of occupancy shall not be revoked until the
owner has had at least 90 days to reestablish the minimum required parking. In the
event the certificate of occupancy is revoked, the premises covered thereby shall not be
occupied or used for any purpose until a new certificate of occupancy has been issued.
City of El Segundo 51 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
1992 General Plan
Summary of Existing Trends Buildout Illilli
Existing construction and recently constructed, renovated commercial centers and jegai nonronIorrnu iy lCalut$11 nl
at densities that are currently higher than allowed by the land use designations in this plan will not realistically
be converted to mixed commerclaVresidential uses and these buildings are expected to remain for the life of the Plan.
- The heavy industrial shown on this plan includes the Chevron Refinery, Southern California Edison Generation Station, Air
Products and Allied Chemical facilities. These facilities have processing equipment and tanks rather than buildings and are
expected to remain for the life of the Plan. Therefore, no estimated building square footage Is shown.
Source: City of Ell Segundo Planning Department and The Lightfoot Planning Group
Amendments: Ord. 1209, GPA 93-1, 1112193; Ord. 1244, GPA 95-1, 216195; Ord. 1272, GPA 97 -1, 6117/97, Ord. 1279, GPA 97-2,10/7197,
Ord.1309, GPA 99-1, 8/17/99, Ord. 1314, GPA 97-3,12f7/9g, Ord. 1319, GPA 99 -2, 8/1/00, Ord.,_ GAP 01 -1, 5115101
1992 General Plan exhibit
Summary of Existing Trends Buildout „ Lu -3
Land Use Cate o> Y
Dwelling Units
square Footage
Single- Family Residential
Two- Family Residential
Planned Residential
Multi - Family Residential
Neighborhood Commercial
85 *
Downtown Commercial
18 *
General Commercial
- --
Corporate Office
- --
Smoky Hollow
Urban Mixed -Use North
- --
Urban Mixed -Use South
124th Street Specific Plan
Aviation Specific Plan
Downtown Specific Plan
276 *
- --
Light Industrial
- --
Heavy Industrial
- --
- -- **
Public Facilities
Federal Government
Open Space
78. -'
Street & Railroad R.O.W..
- --
7 7,894
Population Projection
Existing construction and recently constructed, renovated commercial centers and jegai nonronIorrnu iy lCalut$11 nl
at densities that are currently higher than allowed by the land use designations in this plan will not realistically
be converted to mixed commerclaVresidential uses and these buildings are expected to remain for the life of the Plan.
- The heavy industrial shown on this plan includes the Chevron Refinery, Southern California Edison Generation Station, Air
Products and Allied Chemical facilities. These facilities have processing equipment and tanks rather than buildings and are
expected to remain for the life of the Plan. Therefore, no estimated building square footage Is shown.
Source: City of Ell Segundo Planning Department and The Lightfoot Planning Group
Amendments: Ord. 1209, GPA 93-1, 1112193; Ord. 1244, GPA 95-1, 216195; Ord. 1272, GPA 97 -1, 6117/97, Ord. 1279, GPA 97-2,10/7197,
Ord.1309, GPA 99-1, 8/17/99, Ord. 1314, GPA 97-3,12f7/9g, Ord. 1319, GPA 99 -2, 8/1/00, Ord.,_ GAP 01 -1, 5115101
1992 General Plan exhibit
Summary of Existing Trends Buildout „ Lu -3
3. Land Use dement
shall be permitted if approved with a discretionary application. The
maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is limited to 1.3. (Ord... 1272, GPA 97-
1, 6/17/97).
Urban Mixed -Use South
permits a mixture of office, research and development, retail, and hotel
uses. Light industrial uses conducted within a fully enclosed building
and adult - oriented businesses shall be permitted if approved with a
discretionary application. The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is
limited to 1.3. (Ord. 1272, GPA 97 -1, 6/17/97)
Permits areas for parking automobiles, motorcycles, and bicycles in
surface or structured parking. Specific properties have been designated
as parking to insure that adequate long -term parking space will be
124th Street Specific Plan
permits warehousing and mini - storage uses (with an appurtenant
custodial convenience unit). Also permits a Water Facility. The
maximum FAR is 0.47:1 (with the Water Facility) and 0.54:1 (without
the Water Facility). (Ord. 1309, GPA 99 -1, 8/17/99)
Aviation Specific Plan
Permits warehouse "mini- storage" and storage uses with limited
ancillary and support uses. The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is
limited to 0.22. (Ord. 1314, GPA 97- 4,12/7/99)
Downtown Specific Plan
Permits community serving retail and service uses, ad offices, atd
business tenant/o er- oecunied residential uses in a pedestrian - oriented
environment. Also includes the Civic Center. (Ord. 1319, GPA 99 -2,
Industrial Designations Light Industrial
Permits light manufacturing, warehousing, research and development,
and office. Light manufacturing is defined as the assembly, packaging,
fabrication, and processing of materials into finished products, rather
than the conversion or extraction of raw materials. The light industrial
activity shall be conducted primarily within structures; outside storage
areas and assembly activity should be limited. The maximum floor area
ratio (FAR) allowed is 0.6. Other compatible uses and additional FAR
may be permitted for individual projects by the approval of a Specific
3 -8
MEETING DATE: May 15, 2001
Adoption of Ordinance r residential un its hon the second floor cof buildings (Specific
Plan Amendment No. 01 -3 and General Plan No. 01 -1).
1) Second reading and Adoption of Ordinance by title only; or,
2) Other possible action /direction.
On May 1, 2001, the City Council held a public hearing on the above referenced
item. After reviewing the Planning Commission's recommendation to permit
residential dwelling units in the Downtown Specific Plan with no restrictions, the
City Council voted to introduce an ordinance, based on its original direction to
staff, to allow the development of dwelling units on the second floor of
businesses for tenants /business owners of the first floor businesses.
The attached Ordinance is presented for a Second Reading and Adoption. If
adopted without change, the provisions will become effective in thirty days time.
1. Ordinance No. 1336
Amount Requested:
Account Number:
Project Phase:
Appropriation required:
Ja es . Hansen, Director of Community, Economic and Development Services
Mary Stren , ity Manager
PAPlanning & Building Safety\ PROJECTS\ DOWNTOWN \DTSPAmendmentl.als.2.doc
t 023
WHEREAS, an application was initiated by the City Council of the City of El
Segundo to prepare an amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan; and
WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Cal Public Resources Code Section
21000 et seq. The Initial Study demonstrated that the project would not cause any
significant environmental impacts. Accordingly, a Mitigated Negative Declaration
(MND) was prepared and circulated for public review and comment between April 21
and May 11, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed the project
and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California
Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo
Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act
(Resolution 3805); and,
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Mitigated Declaration on August 1,
2000; and,
WHEREAS, there have been no changes in the area that would change the
conclusion of the determination of no significant impacts; and,
WHEREAS, the Mitigated Negative Declaration analyzed the impacts of housing
in the Downtown Specific Plan area; and,
WHEREAS, on April 12, 2001 the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to
law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chambers of the City
Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and
manner prescribed by law; and adopted Resolution No. 1319 recommending approval of
Amendment 1 of the Downtown Specific Pl ?p. No. 01 -03 and General Plan Amendment
No. 01 -1; and,
WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled meeting of the City Council of the City of El
Segundo on May 1, 2001, a duly advertised public hearing was held on this matter in the
Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street; and,
WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against
the findings of DTSP Amendment 1 No. 01 -03 and GP Amendment No. 01 -1; and,
WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established:
1. The Downtown Specific Plan area is located in the northwest quadrant of the
City of El Segundo. The General Plan land use designation and zoning for the
site is Downtown Commercial and Public Facilities.
2. Surrounding land uses in the area are generally residential in nature; one to
three stories in height. The surrounding area and project area is a fully
developed urban environment.
3. The El Segundo High School campus, the Library and Library Park are
located north of the Specific Plan area on Main Street. To the east and west of
the 500 block of Main Street (on Richmond and Standards Streets) is a Two -
Family Residential (R -2) Zone, developed mainly with duplexes and two -
family dwellings.
4. To the west of the balance of the Specific Plan boundary (on Richmond and
Concord Streets) is mainly Multi- Family Residential (R -3) zoning, which is
developed with small (3-12 unit) apartment and condominium complexes.
Further beyond the R -2 and R -3 Zones, (on Concord and Virginia Streets) is
Single- Family (R -1) Residential zoning and development.
5. To the west of the Specific Plan area there are also a few parcels zoned
Downtown Commercial (C -RS), and Neighborhood Commercial (C -2) on
Grand Avenue, and Parking (P) on El Segundo Boulevard. The development
on these sites is also consistent w,Ah the zoning, and includes one to two story,
low - density (0.5 to 1.0 floor area ratio) commercial construction, and a
surface parking lot.
6. To the east of the 400 block of Main Street is a Two - Family Residential (R -2)
Zone on Standard Street, again developed consistent with the zoning
7. To the east of the 300 block of Main Street is largely Multi- Family
Residential (R -3), developed similarly to the areas to the west of the Specific
Plan boundary. Additionally, there are a few parcels zoned and developed as
Parking (P), on Standard Street, and Downtown Commercial (C -RS), on
Grand Avenue, similar to the west of the Plan area.
8. To the east side of the 200 block of Main Street, on Standard Street, is an area
that is also zoned and developed as Downtown Commercial (C -RS), again
with similar commercial uses and densities.
9. To the east of the 100 block of Main Street, on Standard Street, is a small
industrial zone within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area with a zoning
designation of Small Business (SB). The land uses in this area (light
industrial, warehousing etc.) are consistent with the zoning. South of El
Segundo Boulevard is the Chevron Refinery, which is zoned Heavy Industrial
(M -2), consistent with the land use.
10. The majority of the 100 block of the east side of Richmond Street is a surface
parking lot for the Chevron Refinery immediately to the south. Smaller
Chevron parking lots also occupy the west side of Richmond and the 100
block of Main Street. There are four small City owned surface parking lots
with a total of approximately 115 parking spaces, which are open and free to
the public, within and immediately adjacent to the Plan area.
11. Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping
purposes or which have adapted to urban environments. There is no known
rare or endangered animal species associated with the project site, or project
1. That the City of El Segundo has prepared an Initial Study and, an
accompanying Mitigated Negative Declaration which was made available to
all local and affected agencies and for public review and comment in the time
and manner prescribed by law. The Initial Study concluded that the proposed
project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and a
Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared
pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City
Council adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration on August 1, 2000.
2. That when considering the whole, record, there is no evidence that the project
will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the
habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in -fill
development in a built -out urban environment.
That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan goals, policies,
programs, and objectives:
1. The General Plan Land Use designation for the:site and zoning is Downtown
Specific Plan (DSP).
2. The proposed amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan would allow
tenant/business owner housing above the first floor in the Downtown Specific
Plan area. The addition of tenantibusiness owner housing as a permitted use in
the Plan area would be an insignificant increase in density.
3. The goals, policies, programs, and objectives which apply to the proposed
project are contained within the Housing Element including, H 4, H 4 -1, and
H 4 -1.1. The Specific Plan is consistent with the Housing Element in that
residential uses will be permitted, and increased densities will be allowed,
providing the opportunity for a diversity of housing types, prices and tenure.
WHEREAS, the permitted residential use shall promote residential use in the
downtown area without increasing traffic trips to the extent that such would be increased
by restricted residential use; and
WHEREAS, the restricted residential use shall act to provide additional security
with respect to the business and residential uses in the downtown area.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council adopts
Amendment No. 01 -03 to the Downtown Specific Plan and General Plan No. 01 -1 as
SECTION 1. The Downtown Specific Plan is hereby amended to reflect the
addition of tenant/business owner residential uses. The corresponding changes to the
Downtown Specific Plan as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference, are also hereby approved.
SECTION 2. The 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends Buildout
(Exhibit LU -3) of the Land Use Element is hereby amended to reflect the reflect the
addition of residential uses in the Downtown Specific Plan. The corresponding changes
to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference, are also hereby approved.
SECTION 3. The Land Use designations ( "Commercial Designations"
subsection) of the Land Use Element is 71ereby amended to reflect the addition of
tenant/business owner residential uses in the Downtown Specific Plan. The
corresponding changes to the Land Use Element as set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto
and incorporated herein by this reference, are also hereby approved.
SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the
thirtieth day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof.
PAGE NO.4 027
SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this
ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said
City; shall make a note of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting
at which the same is passed and adopted; and, shall within 15 days after the passage or
adoption thereof cause the same to be published or posted in accordance with the law.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2001.
Mike Gordon, Mayor
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing
Ordinance No. was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting
held on the day of ' 2001, and was duly passed and adopted by
said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk,
all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2001,
and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote:
Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk
Mark . ensley, City AttomWy
PAGE NO. 5 8
A. Main Street District -- (300 -400 Blocks Main Street
1. Purpose -
This district is the "core" of the Downtown. The area is intended to be resident serving,
providing a pedestrian - oriented and pedestrian - friendly environment. Standards for the
district are intended to maintain, enhance, and protect this character. Retail and service
uses should serve the residents, local employees, and visitors to the City. A mixed -use
environment iS encouraged. Non - pedestrian oriented uses are limited to areas above
and behind the street level, and off of alleys, with the exception that offices are allowed
on the street - front.
2. Permitted Uses-
a. First floor street -front level, with a minimum building depth of 25 feet:
i) Retail sales and services
ii) Restaurants
iii) Recreational uses
iv) Governmental offices
V) Banks, not to exceed 500 square feet
vi) General offices
vii) Medical - dental offices
viii)Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the El Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit
ix) Other similar pedestrian oriented retail - service uses and offices approved by the
Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, as provided by
Section V., Administration
b. Above and behind street -front level, and adjacent to alleys:
i) All uses listed above in a.
ii) Clubs and halls
iii) Schools
vi) Theaters
v) Banks
vi) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
c. Above street -front level:
i) All uses listed above in a. and b.
ii) Business ten anVowner-occupied residential units
iii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services as provided by Section V., Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses-
a.' Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
b. Outdoor storage, subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Code
City of El Segundo 28
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
c. indoor entertainment, dancing, and amplified sound, subject to conformance with
Chapter 5.36, Entertainment Regulations and Chapter 9.06, Noise and Vibration
Regulations, of the El Segundo Municipal Code '
d. Other similar accessory uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V. Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit - (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code)
a. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants
b. Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
c. Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject to
design review and conformance witl- Section 20.12.190, Outdoor Dining Areas, of
the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Video arcades with three or fewer machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
5. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit - (Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal
a. Bars
b. Outdoor entertainment and dancing
c. Outdoor amplified sound, which exceeds more than four single events in one
calendar year
d. Video arcades with four or more machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which are not Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Uses Subject to
an Administrative Use Permit or Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit are
prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
d. Tattoo parlors
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
i) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Permitted, Accessory, Administrative, and Conditional Uses,
and Outdoor Recreational uses.
il) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
v) All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
City of EI Segundo 29 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan 0,30
b. Lot Area:
A minimum of 3,500 square feet is required for new lots.
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street must be a minimum of 25 feet in height, and may
not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade directly below. This height
shall be measured at the front and streetside property lines. Structures shall not
exceed 45 feet, or three stories, in height as measured from the peak or the highest
point of the roof vertically to the existing grade directly below.
i) U slo inq lots - For lots that slope up from the street, the 45 -foot height limit shall
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
ii) Downs loping lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the. existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
d. Setbacks:
1) Front and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and streetside property lines o, i the street level, except pedestrian - oriented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may be placed between
the building and the street, subject to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building, except for handicapped parking, subject to
design review.
ii) Side and Rear Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
A minimum of 25 feet is required for new lots.
f. Building Area - (Density):
The total net floor area of all buildings shall not exceed the total net square footage
of the property, or a Floor Area Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
i) Commercial The total net floor area of all buildings excluding residential floor
area shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property, or a Floor
Area Ratio FAR, of 1.0:1.
ii) Residential The maximum residential density shall not exceed one dwelling unit
per 3 500 s uare foot lot. If the lot is less than 3,500 s uare feet one unit is
g. Walls and Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
h. Access:
Safe and convenient pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks, or modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi - building
1. Landscaping:
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section VIII, Design Standards, must be met.
City of El Segundo 30
Downtown Speck Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
j. Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
k. Signs:
All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
8. Non- conformities-
a. All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses, of the El
Segundo Municipal Code, except Sections 20.70.080 B. and C. shall apply.
b. A non - conforming use in a conforming or non - conforming building may only be
replaced with a conforming use, except a non - conforming commercial use may be
replaced with a similar or less intense non - conforming use only if the building, or the
portion of the building occupied by the non - conforming use, has not been vacant or
closed for business for more than six months.
9. Strategic Sites -
a. Pursell Building (Northwest corner of Main Street and Grand Avenue):
b. The northeast comer of Main Street and Holly Avenue, north to the City parking lot:
New target destination uses, such as a market, restaurant or similar use, may be
provided with financial incentives, as provided in Section iX G, Development
Incentives, for both Strategic Sites.
B. Main Street Transitional District -(100-200 & 500 Blocks Main Street)
1. Purpose-
This district serves as a transition and "gateway" to the Downtown Care, the Main Street
District. This district is intended to link the retail Downtown Core with the Library, Park,
High School and residential areas to the north, and the Chevron Refinery to the south,
with common streetscape materials. Standards for this district allow for flexibility and a
mixture of commercial uses serving the residents, local employees and visitors to the
2. Permitted Uses -
a. First floor street -front level, above and behind street front level and adjacent to
i) Retail sales and services
ii) Restaurants
iii) Recreational uses
iv) Governmental offices
v) General offices
vi) Medical - dental offices
vii) Clubs and halls
viii) Schools
ix) Theaters
x). Banks
xi) Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the Ei .Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit.
City of El Segundo 31 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
xii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
b- street -front level:
it All uses listed above in a.
ii Business tenant /owner -occu pied residential units
iii Other similar uses a roved b the Director of Communit Economic and
Develo ment Services as provided_ b Section V. Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses -
a. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
b. Outdoor storage, subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Code
c. Indoor entertainment, dancing and amplified sound, subject to conformance with
Chapter 5.36, Entertainment Regula- -ions, and Chapter 9.06 Noise and Vibration
Regulations of the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Other similar accessory uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V. Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit- (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code)
a. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants
b. Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
c. Outdoor uses Including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject to
design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor Dining Areas, of
the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Video arcades with three or fewer machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
5. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit- (Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal
a. Bars
b. Outdoor entertainment and dancing
c. Outdoor amplified sound, which exceeds more than four single events in one
calendar year
d. Video arcades with four of more machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which are not Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Uses Subject to
an Administrative Use Permit or Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit are
prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
City of El Segundo
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
i) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Permitted, Accessory, Administrative and Conditional Uses,
and Outdoor Recreational uses
apter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
All provisions of Ch
(TDM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
v) All provisions of Section Vlll, Design Standards must be met.
b. Lot Area:
A minimum of 3,500 square feet is required for new lots.
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street may not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. This height shall be measured at the front and streetside
property lines. Structures h peakor the highest point ofethe or
roof ertically to height as
measured from peak
grade directly below.
i) U s� loping lots - For lots that slope up from the street, the 45 -foot height limit shall
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
ii) DOWnsloping lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
d. Setbacks:
i) Front and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and streetside property lines on the street level, except pedestrian - oriented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may be placed between
the building and the street, subject to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building, except for handicapped parking subject to
design review.
ii) Side and Rear - Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
A minimum of 25 feet is required for new lots.
f. Building Area - (Density):
The total net floor area of all buildings, shall not exceed the total net square footage
of the property, or a Floor Area Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
i) Commercial:. The total net floor area of all buildings excluding residential floor
area shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property or a Floor
Area Ratio. FAR, of 1.0:1.
ii) Residential: The maximum residential density shall not exceed one dwelling
unit per 3,500 square foot lot If the lot is less than 3,500 square feet, one unit is
City of El Segundo 33 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
g. Walls and Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipai
Code must be met.
h. Access:
Safe and convenient pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks, or modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi- building
i. Landscaping:
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section VIII, Design Standards, must be met.
j. Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
k. Signs:
All provisions of Section Vill, Design Standards must be met.
8. Non-conformities-
All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses, of the El Segundo
Municipal Code, shall apply.
9. Strategic Sites -
a. Strip Mall (Southwest corner of Main Street and Grand Avenue) -
New target destination uses provided through adaptive re -use of the existing
development, such as a market, restaurant or similar use, may be provided with
financial incentives, as provided in Section IX G, Development Incentives, subject to
design review.
C. Richmond Street District - (100 -200 Blocks Richmond Street)
1. Purpose -
This district is the historic original Downtown. The area is intended to be resident
serving, providing a pedestrian - oriented environment, while allowing for flexibility and a
mixture of commercial and residential uses. Standards for the district are intended to
maintain, enhance, and preserve the historical "Old Town" character of the area, and
Historic Design Standards are also established to ensure this goal. Standards for this
district also encourage and support filming and 'related uses, as well as uses which
serve the residents, local employees, and visitors to the City, including antiques, arts
and crafts, design and similar uses.
2. Permitted Uses -
a. First floor street -front level, above and behind street front level and adjacent to
i) Retail sales and services
ii) Restaurants
iii) Recreational uses
iv)_Governmental offices
City of El Segundo 34 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
CITY COUNCIL ?ffilg�N CE NO. 1336
1 A
v) General offices
vi)_Medical- dental offices
vii) Clubs and halls
viii) Schools
ix) Theaters
x). Banks
xi) Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the El Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit.
xii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
b. Above street -front level:
i) All uses listed above in a.
1) Business tenanVowner- occupied residential units
H) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
_ Development services,-as- provided by Section V., Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses -
al to a permitted use
a. Any use customarily incident
b. Outdoor storage, subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Code
c. Indoor entertainment, dancing and amplified sound, subject to conformance with
Chapter 5.36, Entertainment Regulations, and Chapter 9.06, Noise and Vibration
Regulations of the El Segundo Municipal Code Economic and
d. Other similar accessory uses approved by the Director of Community,
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit - (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code)
a. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants
b. Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
c. Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject to
design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor Dining Areas, of
the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Video arcades with three or fewer machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
5. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit - (Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal
a. Bars
b. Outdoor entertainment and dancing
c. Outdoor amplified sound which exceeds more than four single events in one
calendar year:
d. Video arcades with four or more machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration.
City of El Segundo 35 Adopted: August 1, 2000 ;
Downtown Specific Plan 036
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which are not Permitted Uses Uses,
Subjectt to ac Condit on IS Use Permit care
an Administrative Use Permit o
prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
1) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Permitted, Accessory, Administrative and Conditional Uses,
and Outdoor Recreational uses.
ii) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM),.of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
v) All provisions of Section Vlll, Design Standards must be met.
b. Lot Area:
A minimum of 3,500 square feet is required for new lots.
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street may not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. This height shall be measured at the front and streetside
property lines htreupeaksor the highest point5of the or
oof vertically to in
the ex sting
measured from p
grade directly below. the 45 -foot height limit shall
i) Jpslo Ding lots - For lots that slope up from the street,
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
ii) Downslopin9 lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
d. Setbacks:
i) Front and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and streetside property lines on the street level, except pedestrian- oriented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may be placed between
the building and the street, subject to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building, except for handicapped parking subject to
design review.
ii) Side and Rear - Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
City of El Segundo 36 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
A minimum of 25 feet is required for new lots
f. Building Area (Density):
The total net floor area of all buildings, excluding residential floor area, shall not
exceed the total net square footage of the property, or a Floor Area Ratio, FAR, of
1.0:1, except as provided in Section 9, Strategic Sites.
i Commercial. —.The total net floor area of all buildings... exclu Jing residential floor
area shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property, or a Floor
Area Ratio FAR. of 1.0:1.
ii) Residential The maximum residential density shall not exceed one dwelling unit
per 3 500 square foot lot If the lot is less than 3.500 square feet, one unit is
Walls and Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
Safe and convenient pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks, or modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi - building
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section Vill, Design Standards, must be met.
Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
8. Non-conformities-
a. All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses of the El
Segundo Municipal Code, except Sections 20.70.060 B. and C. shall apply.
A non - conforming use in a conforming or non - conforming building may only be
replaced with a conforming use, except a non- conforming commercial use may be
replaced with a similar or less intense non - conforming use only if the building or
portion of the building occupied by the non - conforming use, has not been vacant or
closed for business for more than six months.
9. Strategic Sites -
a. Anthony's Music Store (Northwest comer of Richmond Street and Franklin Avenue)
b. The City parking lot (Northeast corner of Richmond Street and Franklin Avenue) -
New target uses, such as antiques, bookstores, arts and crafts, a market, or similar
uses at the street level, and professional offices or design uses behind or above
street level, may be provided with financial incentives, as provided in Section IX G,
Development Incentives. Additionally,. the City parking lot site may be developed
with a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.5:1.
10. Historic Preservation-
All provisions of Section Vill, Design Standards must be met.
D. North Richmond Street District — (300 Block west side Richmond Street)
City of El Segundo 37 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan 038
1. Purpose -
This district is an eclectic to mixed-use
sidentoserving,f providing ,aaa pedestrian
environment, The area is intended
environment, while allowing for flexibility and a mixture of commercial uses, while
excluding new residential uses. Standards for this district encourage antiques, arts and
crafts, and mixed -use, serving the residents, local employees, and visitors to the City.
2. Permitted Uses-
a. First floor street -front level, above and behind street front level, and adjacent to
1. Retail sales and services
ii.. Restaurants
iii. Recreational uses
iv. Governmental offices
v. General offices
vi. Medical- dental offices
vii. Clubs and halls
viii. Schools
ix. Theaters
x. Banks
xi.- Bed and Breakfast hotels
xii. Artists and design studios
xiii. Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the El Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit
xiv. Other similar uses, approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
b. Above street -front level:
i) All uses listed above in a.
ii) Business. tenant /owner -occu ied residential units
iii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services as provided by Section V„ Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses -
a. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
b. Outdoor storage; subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Code
c. Indoor entertainment, dancing and amplified sound, subject to conformance with
Chapter 6.36, Entertainment Regulations, and Chapter 9.06, Noise and Vibration
Regulations of the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Other similar accessory uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit - (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code)
- City of El Segundo 38 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Flan 039
CITY COUNCIL gplypkE NO. 1336
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which ePe not Permitted mitt or Uses Subject Permitted
o a Ionditional use Permit Jarre prohibited.
an Administrative Use
Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
i) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Accessory and Administrative Uses,
ii) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the ,El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
v) All provisions of Section Vlll, Design Standards must be met.
b. Lot Area:
A minimum of 3,500 square feet is required for new lots.
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street may not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. This height shall be measured at the front and streetside
property lines. Structures shall not exceed 45 feet, or three stories, In height as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below.
i) Upslopinq lots - For lots that slope up from the street, the 45 -foot height limit shall
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
City of El Segundo 39 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan 040
On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants
Off -site sale of alcohol at retail estaatherinentareas (such as outdoor party areas),
including dining, g g to
,,,• c.
Outdoor uses
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject
Outdoor Dining Areas, of
design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190,
the El Segundo Municipal Code
Video arcades with three or fewer machines
approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Other similar uses
Development Services, as provided L y Section V., Administration
20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal
5. Uses
Subject to a Conditional Use Permit - (Chapter
Outdoor entertainment and dancing
sound which exceeds more than four single events in one
Outdoor amplified
calendar year.
Video arcades with four of more machines
Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which ePe not Permitted mitt or Uses Subject Permitted
o a Ionditional use Permit Jarre prohibited.
an Administrative Use
Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
i) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Accessory and Administrative Uses,
ii) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the ,El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
v) All provisions of Section Vlll, Design Standards must be met.
b. Lot Area:
A minimum of 3,500 square feet is required for new lots.
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street may not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. This height shall be measured at the front and streetside
property lines. Structures shall not exceed 45 feet, or three stories, In height as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below.
i) Upslopinq lots - For lots that slope up from the street, the 45 -foot height limit shall
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
City of El Segundo 39 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan 040
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
ii) Down:lg2 nc lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
d. Setbacks:
i) Front and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and streetside property lines on the street level, except pedestrian - oriented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may be placed between
the building and the street, subject to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building, except for handicapped parking subject to
design review.
ii) Side and Rear - Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
A minimum of 25 feet is required for new lots.
f. Building Area - (Density):
The total net floor area of all buildings, shall not exceed the total net square footage
of the property, or a Floor Area Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
1 Commercial: The total net floor area of all buildings excluding residential floor
area shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property, or a Floor
Area Ratio FAR, of 1.0:1.
ii Residential: The maximum residential density shall not exceed one _ dwelling
unit i,er 3,500 square foot lot if the lot is less than 3,500 square feet, one unit is
g. Walls and Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
h. Access:
Safe and convenient pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks, and modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi - building
i. Landscaping:
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section Vill, Design Standards, must be met.
j. Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
k. Signs:
All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
S. Non - conformities -
a. All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses of the El
Segundo Municipal Code, except Sections 20.70.060 B. and C. shall apply.
b. A non - conforming use in a conforming or non - conforming building may only be
replaced with a conforming use, except a non - conforming commercial use may be
replaced with a similar or less intense non - conforming use only if the building, or
City of El Segundo 40
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
portion of the building occupied by the non- conforming use, has not boGn vacant or
closed for business for more than six months.
E. Grand Avenue District- (300 Block east side Richmond Street - former
Ralph's market and adjacent lots)
1. Purpose -
This district is a key block linking the Main Street District, the Downtown core, with the
historic Richmond Street District. This area is intended to be created as a village
atmosphere, being resident serving, providing a pedestrian- oriented and pedestrian -
friendly environment, preferably in a mixed -use development. Standards for the district
are intended to maintain, enhance, and protect this character. Design review is required
to ensure consistency with the goals of the district. Retail and service uses should serve
the residents, local employees, and visitors to the City. Non - pedestrian oriented uses
are limited to areas above and behind the street level, and off of the alley, with the
exception that offices are allowed on the street -front.
2. Permitted Uses -
a. First floor street -front level and adjacent to pedestrian access ways, including
internal access ways, with a minimum building depth of 25 feet:
i) Retail sales and services
ii) Restaurants
iii) Recreational uses
iv) Governmental offices
v) Banks, not to exceed 500 square feet
Vi) General offices
vii) Medical- dental offices
viii) Bed and breakfast hotel
ix) Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200 square feet in area,
subject to design review, and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor
Dining Areas, of the El Segundo Municipal Code; greater than 200 square feet,
also subject to an Administrative Use Permit
x) Other similar pedestrian oriented retail- service uses and offices, approved by the
Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, as provided by
Section V., Administration
b. Above and behind street -front level, and adjacent to alleys:
i) All uses listed above in a.
ii) Clubs and halls
iii) Schools and daycare
iv) Theaters
vi) Banks
vii) Other, similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
c—. Above street -front level:
i) All uses listed above In a.
ii) Business tenant/owner - occupied residential units
iii) Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
3. Permitted Accessory Uses-
City of El Segundo 41
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
a. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
b, Outdoor storage, subject to conformance with Section 20.12.080, Screening, of the
El Segundo Municipal Cod
c. Indoor entertainment, dancing and amplified sound, subject tof rman a with
Chapter 5.36, Entertainment Regulations, and Chapter 9.06, Noise
Regulations, of the Segundo
Community, Economic Other Development Services, sas
approved by the
provided by Section V., Administration
4. Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit- (Chapter 20.72 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code)
a. On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants
b. Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
c. Outdoor uses including dining, gathering areas (such as outdoor party areas),
newsstands, coffee cars and flower stands, over 200 square feet in area, subject to
design review and conformance with Section 20.12.190, Outdoor Dining Areas, of
the El Segundo Municipal Code
d. Video arcades with three or fewer machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
5. Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit - (Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal
a. Bars
b. Outdoor entertainment and dancing
c. Outdoor amplified sound, which exceeds more than four single , events in one
calendar year.
d. Video arcades with four or more machines
e. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community Economic and
Development Services, as provided by Section V., Administration
6. Prohibited Uses -
All other uses which are not Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Uses Subject to
an Administrative Use Permit or Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit are
prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
a. Drive -thru restaurants
b. Churches
c. Service stations
7. Site Development Standards -
a. General Provisions:
i) All new development shall be subject to design review to ensure consistencies
with the Specific Plan, as detailed in Section Vill, Design Standards
ii) All uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building, except the outdoor
uses detailed under Permitted, Accessory, Administrative and Conditional uses,
and Outdoor recreational uses.
iii) All provisions of Chapter 20.55, Developer Transportation Demand Management
(TDM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
iv) All provisions of Chapter 20.56, Employer /Occupant Transportation Systems
Management (TSM), of the El Segundo Municipal Code must be met.
City of El Segundo 42 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
V) All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
b. Lot Area:
Existing lots under common ownership should be developed under a comma
cohesive plan, as one parcel, not as each original 25 -foot wide lot
c. Height:
New structures abutting a street may not exceed 30 feet and two stories in height, as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. This height shall be measured at the front and streetside
property lines. Structures shall not exceed 45 feet, or three stories, in height as
measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing
grade directly below. A variety of building heights must be provided throughout the
i) j oping lots - For lots that slope up from the street, the 45 -foot height limit shat
be measured vertically from the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines to the peak or the highest point of the structure. Additionally, the
structure may not exceed 30 feet in height as measured from the peak or the
highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade at the front and streetside
property lines.
ii) Downs lo in lots - For lots that slope down from the street, the 45 -foot height
limit shall be measured from the peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to
the existing grade directly below. Additionally, the structure may not exceed 30
feet in height as measured from th9 peak or the highest point of the roof vertically
to the existing grade at the front and streetside property lines.
iii) Vertical towers or appendages - These structures, if located near the corner of
Grand Avenue and the alley and the northwest side of the property abutting
Richmond Street, may be 45 feet, or two floors, in height as measured from the
peak or the highest point of the roof vertically to the existing grade directly below.
d. Setbacks:
i) Front and Streetside - There shall be no setback between a building and the front
and :streetside property lines on the street level, except pedestrian- oriented
plazas or architectural features, up to 10 feet in depth, may be placed between
the building and the street, subject to design review. Parking is not allowed
between the street and the building.
ii) Side and Rear - Zero setback allowed
e. Lot Width:
Existing lots under common ownership should be developed under a common
cohesive plan, as one parcel, not as each original 25 -foot wide lot
f. Building Area - (Density):
i) Commercial The total net floor area of ail buildings excluding residential floor
area shall not exceed the total net square footage of the property or a Floor Area
Ratio, FAR, of 1.0:1.
ii) Residential The maximum residential density shall not exceed one dwelling
unit per 3 500 square foot lot If the lot is less than 3 500 square feet, one unit is
g. Walls and Fences:
All provisions of Chapter 20.12, General Provisions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code must be met.
h. Access:
City of El Segundo 43
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
Safe and, convenient pedestrian access shall be provided between buildings and
sidewalks or modes of transportation, and between buildings for multi - building
projects. Uses adjacent to pedestrian access ways, both internal and external, shall
be pedestrian oriented and have direct access to those access ways.
All provisions of Section 20.12.170, Landscaping, of the El Segundo Municipal Code
and Section VIII, Design Standards, must be met.
j. Parking and Loading:
All provisions of Section VII, Parking must be met.
k. Signs:
All provisions of Section VIII, Design Standards must be met.
8. Non- conformities-
a. All provisions of Chapter 20.70, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses of the El
Segundo Municipal Code, except Sections 20.70.060 B. and C. shall apply.
b. A non - conforming use in a conforming or non - conforming building may only be
replaced with a conforming use, except a non- conforming commercial use may be
replaced with a similar or less Intense non - conforming use only if the building, or
portion of the building occupied by the non - conforming use, has not been vacant or
closed for business for more than twelve months.
9. Strategic Site -
a. Entire District:
New target uses, such as a market, retail, hi -tech retail, daytime entertainment and
recreation, child care as a component in a mixed -use project, restaurant, small (75
rooms maximum) bed and breakfast hotel or similar uses, preferably in a mixed -use
environment, may be provided with financial incentives, as provided in Section IX G,
Development Incentives.
F. Definitions
The following are definitions of uses that are included in the Specific Plan. For definitions not
included within this section, refer to Chapter 20.08, Definitions, of the El Segundo Municipal
Code. Artist and Design Studios
"Artist and design studios" means an establishment that provides work
and retail sales and display space for artists, artisans, craftspersons, and
20.08.158 Bank
"Bank" means an establishment that provides financial services to
individuals, firms and other entities. The term includes savings and loan
Institutions, loan and lending institutions, credit unions and other uses
providing similar financial services.
20.08.159 Bar
"Bar" means an establishment primarily for the on -site sales and
consumption of alcoholic beverages, generally without or with limited food
service, as defined and licensed by the State of California, Department of
City of El Segundo
Downtown Specific Plan
44 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Alcohol Beverage n� tl lounges, ghtciubs,
taverns, pubs, sa aonsand similar uses but excludees urants
20.08.166 Bed and Breakfast Hotel
"Bed and Breakfast Hotel' means an establishment containing 75 or
fewer guestrooms, intended or designed to be used for sleeping purposes
by guests, and provides breakfast to guests. The use may also contain
ancillary services such as meeting rooms, personal services, and food
preparation and dispensing. Guest stays shall be limited to 30
consecutive days. One dwelling unit for the use of the proprietor shall be
20.08.245 Coffee cart
Coffee cart means a small self- contained outdoor structure for the retail
sale of coffee, other beverages, snacks, and similar products. A seating
or dining area may also be provided as an accessory use.
20.08.422 Flower stand
"Flower stand" means a small self - contained outdoor structure for the
retail sale of flowers and related products.
20.08. 516 Livetwork
'Live /work" means a development with joint residential (live) and
commercial (work) space within a common area. Persons living_ m the
residential area are also proprietors of the commercial area, i.e. a
resident artist and studio /aallerv.
20.08.614.08 Newsstand
"Newsstand" means a small self- contained outdoor structure for the retail
sales of newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and similar products.
20.08.616 Offices, Governmental
"Offices, governmental" means an establishment maintained and used as
a place of business by persons employed by the government including
City, County, State, Federal and similar govemmental businesses, whose
business activity consists primarily of providing services to people.
20.08.688 Retail sales and service
"Retail sales and service" means an establishment that provides retail
sales, rental, services processing, and repair of new merchandise,
primarily intended for . consumer or household use. Services provided
include those of a personal convenience nature, and the cleaning, repair
or sales of related products.
Recreational use
Recreational use " means an establishment providing participant or
spectator recreation, amusement, exercise, or entertainment services.
Tattoo parlor
City of El Segundo 45
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
"Tattoo parlor" means an establishment where the act or process of
indelibly marking or coloring the skin of any person by the insertion of
pigment under or in the skin or by the production of scars is conducted.
City of El Segundo 46
Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted: August 1, 2000
1. Purpose -
The purpose of this section is to provide for adequate parking standards, to assure that
parking spaces shall be suitably maintained and available for the use of the occupants of
the site and to mitigate hpotential associated on-street
and surrounding areasarking and traffic circulation
problems throughout the
2. General Provisions -
a. No use or building shall be established, erected, enlarged or expanded unless
parking facilities are provided and maintained as required by this Section.
b. Parking facilities should be designed so that a car within a facility will not have to
enter a street to move from one location to any other location within the same facility.
c. Bumpers or tire stops a minimum 6 inches in height shall be provided in all parking
areas abutting a building, structure, si:3walk, planting area, street or alley.
d. All tandem parking spaces, where allowed, shall be clearly outlined on the surface of
the parking facility.
e. Parking facilities in all Districts shall be designed in such a manner that any vehicle
on the property will be able to maneuver as necessary so that it may exit from the
property traveling in a forward direction. However, cars may exit onto an alley
traveling in a reverse direction.
f. Where the application of the following cumulative parking schedules results in a
fractional space of .5 or greater, the number of required parking spaces shall be
rounded up to the next whole number.
g. No vehicular use area, except driveway access to a property, for any residential use
r shall be located, in whole or in part, in any required front yard or front two- thirds of
any required side yard.
h. No person, company or organization shall fail to maintain the facilities required to be
provided by this Section, or by any applicable provision of prior laws, variance, use
permit, or precise plan heretofore or hereafter granted by the Planning Commission
or City Council. No required parking shall be utilized in any manner so as to make it
unavailable for the occupants, their clients or visitors of a building or use during the
hours such building or use is normally occupied. This meaning shall not be
construed to prohibit security devices.
L All permanent on -site parking, loading, or other vehicular use area shalt be paved
with approved concrete or asphalted concrete. On -site parking areas to be used for
no longer than one year shall be r,.irfaced and maintained with an impervious
material acceptable to the Director of Community, Economic and Development
Services so as to eliminate dust and mud. All on -site parking areas shall be graded
and drained to dispose of all surface water in accordance with the Uniform Building
j. Any lights provided to illuminate any parking area shall be arranged so as to direct
the light away from any residential dwelling unit.
3. Parking Spaces Required -
The number of parking spaces required for the establishment of a building or use shall
be provided and thereafter maintained at the following ratios; provided, however, that for
any building or use enlarged or increased in capacity, additional parking facilities shall
be required only for such enlargement or increase. Additional parking facilities need not
City of El Segundo 47 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan 048
be provided for en{argemen'ts or additions oe floor area defined residential Sect'ron 20 081420 of the
otherwise, parking shall be based
El Segundo Municipal Code.
a. Residential Uses:
ik b No nolnrk l occum
{ Dwellin units /Livewo in-the commercial units therefore
the residential un s`e oesworki
additional arkin s aces would not be needed.
ab. Nonresidential Uses:
i) Bed and Breakfast Hotels - 1 space for each of the first 100 rooms; 3/, space for
each of the next 100 rooms; and '/2 space for each room above 200 rooms.
Retail, offices commercial video arcade and food -to -ao uses -1 space for each
300 sq. ft. for the first 25,000 sq. ft.; 1 space for each 350 sq. ft. for the second
25,000 sq. ft.; 1 space for each 400 sq. ft. for the area in excess of 50,000 sq. ft.
No parking is required for outdoor retail uses including gathering areas (such as
outdoor party areas), newsstands, coffee carts and flower stands, up to 200
square feet in area.
iii) Restaurants - 1 space for each 75 sq. ft. of dining area, including outdoor dining
areas exceeding 200 sq. ft. in area. 1 space for each 250 square feet of non -
dining areas. No parking is required for restaurants less than 500 sq. ft. which do
not provide sit -down eating accommodations, or for outdoor uses including dining
and gathering areas, up to 200 sq. ft. in area.
iv) Bars - 1 space for each 75 sq. ft., including outdoor areas exceeding 200 sq. ft. in
v) Medical/Dental offices and clinics -1 space for each 200 sq. ft. )F the first
�y)— Warelae�es ,
vii) Schools - Daycare pre - school elementary, middle school and junior high -1
space for each classroom, plus 1 space for each employee.
viii) Schools - iiah school - 7 spaces per classroom plus auditorium or stadium
parking requirements.
ix) Schools Adult college business and trade schools -1 space for every 50 sq, ft.
of gross floor area or 1 space for every 3 fixed seats — whichever is greater.
x) Places of Public Assembly (including but not limited to theaters auditoriums
banquet facilities meeting rooms clubs lodges and mortuaries) - With fixed
seats -1 space for every 5 seats.* Without fixed seats -1 space for every 50 sq. ft.
of floor area used for assembly purposes.
* Based upon the Uniform Building Code, areas having fixed benches or pews shall
have f seat for each 18 inches of length. Dining areas shall have 9 seat for each 24
inches of booth length, or major portion thereof.
b. Compact Parking:
Compact parking shall not be allowed, except parking spaces provided in excess of
the required number may be compact size.
c. Parking Reductions:
The Director of Community, Economic and Development Services may modify the
required number of parking spaces or approve joint use or off -site parking, for fewer
than 10 spaces, based on the submittal of a parking demand study. Reductions of
City of El Segundo 48 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan .049
B T kE NO. 1336
10 or more spaces require approval of the Planning Commission. Additionally, for
any use for which the number of parking spaces is not listed, the Director of
Community, Economic and Development Services or Planning Commission shall
specify the required number of spaces based on a parking demand study. A parking
demand study shall include, but not be limited to, information specifying the number
of employees, customers, visitors, clients, residents and owner - occupancy of
residence and business (for existing legal non - conforming residential uses), shifts,
deliveries, parking or established Community,
Economic an d Development Services. The tdymay also include the use valet
or attendant parking.
4. Mixed Occupancies -
In the case of mixed uses in a building or on a site, the total requirements for parking
facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed. Parking
facilities for one use may be considered as providing required parking facilities for
another use, if approved through a parking demand study, a joint -use agreement or
another mechanism approved by the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services or the Planning Commission.
5. Parking Area Development Standards -
a. Stall sizes:
Standard stalls shall be 8.5 feet wide by 18 feet deep; Dead -end parking stall or
adjacent to an obstruction shall be 10 feet wide by 18 feet deep; compact parking
spaces, only allowed for parking in excess of the Code requirements, shall be 8.5
feet wide by 15 feet deep.
b. Aisle widths:
Aisle width for angled parking spaces shall not be less than the following:
Angles of Parking Aisle Width Clear
Parallel to 30 degrees 12 feet
45 degrees 15 feet
60 degrees 18 feet
90 degrees 25 feet
*Measured perpendicular to aisle
Parking Stall Depth*
16 feet
19 feet
20 feet
18 feet
c. Tandem Parking:
A maximum of 30% of the total required parking for commercial uses may be
tandem. Greater than 30% tandem spaces may be allowed with approval of a
parking demand study. Parking spaces provided in excess of the required number
may be tandem.
d. Parking of Licensed Recreational Vehicles and Habitable Vehicles:
i) Parking of any mobile home, camper, house trailer or other habitable vehicle
outside of an authorized mobile home park or licensed recreational vehicle
parking facility is prohibited except that such vehicles may be parked on any
public property or right of way subject to any applicable parking restrictions,
including Section 9.40.010 of the FI Segundo Municipal Code.
ii) A habitable vehicle parked on private property may be occupied for residential
purposes for no longer than 72 hours (outside of an authorized mobile home
park) within any 30 -day period. No habitable vehicle may be occupied for
commercial purposes except as provided by Section 16.01.140, of the El
City of El Segundo 49 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
D 1336 .
Segundo Municipal Code.
e. Entrances and Exits:
The location and design of all driveway entrances and exits shall be subject to the
approval of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services.
Access must be from the alley or side street, except for access to handicapped
parking stalls if approved through the design review process. Curb cut and driveway
widths must be a minimum of 10 feet and a maximum of 30 feet in width.
f. Handicapped Parking:
Handicapped parking shall be provided
California Administrative Code,
in accordance with Part 2 of Title 24 of the
6. Loading Standards -
The following loading spaces, with the dimensions as listed, are required based on the
net square footage of the building or use.
Buildin — Square Feet Number of Loading Spaces
15,001 -30 000 1
30 001 - 75,000 2
Each additional 100,000 s . ft. or fraction thereof 1
Ruildina — Sauare
15,001- 75,000
Each additional 100,00
_ 1
ft. or fraction thereof 1
umber of Loading Spaces
Vertical Clearance
7. Plan Preparation and Permit Approval -
A proposed parking plan shall be submitted to the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services at the time of the application for the building permit for the
building for which the parking is required, or at the time any required Planning
application is submitted. The plans shall clearly indicate the proposed development,
including location, size, shape, design, curb cuts, lighting, landscaping, and parking
spaces in full compliance with code requirements. No building permit shall be issued
until the applicant has presented satisfactory evidence to the Director of Community,
Economic and Development Services that parking facilities required by this Section will
be provided and maintained.
City of El Segundo 50 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan
g, Joint Use and Off -Site Parking Facilities -
Parking spaces may be joint use or located off -site on a different lot or lots, subject to
Director of
approval of a parking demand study and a parking agreement. ree a parking
Community, Economic and Development Services may app 9
for joint use and off -site parking for fewer than 10 spaces. The Planning Commission
shall review any joint -use and off -site parking for 10 or more spaces. The agreement
shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder, prior to the issuance of a Building
Permit. The agreement may Include conditions as the Director of Community, Economic
and Development Services or the Planning Commission deems appropriate.
9. Sites with Transportation Systems Management (TSM) and Transportation Demand
Management (TDM) Plans -
The number of required parking spaces may be further modified subject to approval of a
Transportation Systems Management or Transportation Demand Management Plan,
pursuant to the procedures and requirements of Chapters 20.55 and 20.56 of the El
Segundo Municipal Code.
10. Existing Buildings with Permitted Uses -
Existing uses in an existing building may change to any other use enumerated in the
PERMITTED USES section of the appitc;able Specific flan District without providing
additional on -site parking spaces, provided that all existing on -site parking spaces
provided in connection with the building or structure shall be continued and available for
use with the subject building.
11. Failure to Maintain Required Parking -
In the event parking facilities required to be provided under this Section, or required
pursuant to any application approved In acbordance with this Section, are not
maintained, the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services may
revoke and cancel the certificate of occupancy issued for such structure. Prior to such
revocation, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing in accordance with the
public hearing procedures provided in Chapter 20.90, Procedures for Hearings, Notices
and Fees, of the El Segundo Municipal Code. However, If it appears that failure to
maintain such required parking was reasonably beyond the control of the person
required to maintain the same, the certificate of occupancy shall not be revoked until the
owner has had at least 90 days to reestablish the minimum required parking. In the
event the certificate of occupancy is revoked, the premises covered thereby shall not be
occupied or used for any purpose until a new certificate of occupancy has been issued.
City of El Segundo 51 Adopted: August 1, 2000
Downtown Specific Plan 052
Land Use Cattgory
tingle- Family Residential
Iwo- Family Residential
'fanned Residential
Multi- Family Residential
Neighborhood Commercial
downtown Commercial
3eneral Commercial
Corporate Office
Smoky Hollow
Urban Mixed -Use North
Urban Mixed -Use South
124th Street Specific Plan
Aviation Specific Plan
Downtown Specific Plan
al Government
& Railroad R.O.W.
1992 General Plan
of Existing Trends Buildout
Dwelling Units
357.2 357.2
56,373,3 08
Population Projection 18,156
" Existing construction and recently constructed. renovated commercial centers and legal nonforttorming residential uses
at densities that are currently higher than allowed by the land use designations in this plan will not realistically
be converted to mixed commercial /residential uses and these buildings are expected to remain for the life of the Plan.
The heavy industrial shown on this plan includes the chevron Refinery, Southern Ceiffomia Edison Generation Station, Air
Products and Allied Chemical facilities. These facilities have processing equipment and tanks rather than buildings and are
expected to remain for the life of the Plan. Therefore, no estimated building square footage is shown.
Source: City of El Segundo Planning Department and The Lightfoot Planning Group
Amendments: Ord. , GPA
Ord. ? !,d f 279 GPA 97-2,10/7197.
d.1309GPA 99- 1,8/17199 Ord. 1314,GPA 7'3 1217/99,Ord 1319, GPA 99- 28ll/poOr GAP 01 -1, 5115101
1992 General Plan
Summary of Existing Trends Buildout
LU -3
3. Land Use Element
shall be permitted if approved with a discretionary application. The
maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is limited to 1.3. (Ord. 1272, GPA 97-
1, 6/17/97).
urban Mixed -Use South
Permits a mixture of office, research and development, retail, and hotel
uses. Light industrial uses conducted within a fully enclosed building
and adult- oriented businesses shall be permitted if approved with a
discretionary application. The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is
limited to 1.3. (Ord. 1272, GPA 97 -1, 6/17/97)
Permits areas for parking automobiles, motorcycles, and bicycles in
surface or structured parking. Specific properties have been designated
as parking to insure that adequate long -term parking space will be
124th Street SPeeftic Plan
permits warehous'rg and mini-storage uses (with an appurtenant
custodial convenience unit). Also permits a Water Facility. The
maximum FAR is 0.47:1 (with the Water Facility) and 0.54:1 (without
the Water Facility). (Ord. 1309, GPA 99 -1, 8/17/99)
Aviation specific Plan
permits warehouse "mini- storage" and storage uses with limited
ancillary and support uses. The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is
limited to 0.22. (Ord. 1314, GPA 97 -4, 12/7199)
Downtown Specific Plan
Permits community serving retail and service uses, aft4 offices, a i
bus' ess tenan downer- occupied residential uses in apedestrian- oriented
environment. Also includes the Civic Center. (Ord. 1319, GPA 99 -2,
Industrial Designations Light Industrial
Permits light manufacturing, warehousing, research and development,
and office. Light manufacturing is defined as the assembly, packaging,
fabrication, and processing of materials into finished products, rather
than the conversion or extraction of raw materials. The light industrial
activity shall be conducted primarily within structures; outside storage
areas and assembly activity should be limited. The maximum floor area
ratio (FAR) allowed is 0.6. Other compatible uses and additional FAR
may be permitted for individual projects by the approval of a .Specific
T H E C I T Y OF SL s E G U N D O 0 G E N E R A L P L A N
3-8 1054