W016CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE; CITY CF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AT THE REGULAR MEETING H LD June 22, 1949. RESOLVED, that that certain Grant Deed, dated the 1st day of June, 1949, executed by L. J. Gerpheide and Mary Bryant Gerpheide, husband and wife; Gwyn S. Redwine and Marion Redwine, husband and wife, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a Municipal Corporation of Los Angeles County, State of California, the real property situated in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as follows: Lot 13 in Block 67 of E1 Segunde as per map recorded in Book 22, Page 54 of Maps in the office of the Recorder of said County. for public purposes, be and the same is hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City of El Segundo; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause said instrument to be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF FL SEGUNDO ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing, consisting of one page,is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of said City at, it�s,xegular meeting held on the 22d day of June, 1949. lAk �dZTNESS Tn'HEREGF, I have hereunto set Illy hand and affixed the, Pi'icial fjeal of said City this 23d day of June, 1949. i " - • . ao,.305 .z FmE236 Grant Deed - _ L. J. GERPIiEIDE anal. MARY - BRYAN. T_. GERPHEIDE.,__. husba?} d.-. aA. d.. lYS. 1a -T ... ..........- ---- --- --- ---.. GWYN S. REMIND ................... antIARION_REU` "lI..... . husband-.. el?. d_? P.f o_ ----------------------- ---------- ....---- -- --- .............. In consideration of ------------------------ -- ----------- _--- T.EN_AND PTQIl AOth& ................... ....... -. ---------------------------------- Dollars to ..... them in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do -------- .------- _........._._._......hereby GRANT to.CITY OF EL SEGUNDOA_- Mmicipal_ Corporation - -of -- Los.. Ange le- g--- Cot�ikt........... State of California ..... - -- . ............ .. ................... - ..........------- - --- -- ----- ------- ------ --------- -- -- --------- -------------- -- - - - -- ............. all that real property situated in the..... city oF, El _Segundo----- -------- ---- - - - - -- County of.LQs --- AAgd.1es -------------- . State of California, described as follows: WITNESS-- - - - -'Y Lot 13 in Block 67 of E1 Segundo as per map recorded in Book 22, Page 54 of Naps in the office of the Recorder of said County. z O E-4 A, PC qu 11 a w1=9 .. P. . . . 'u. . .... . .......... puu watunjisut 2wo2wol aq4 of p@q!josqne ------- ppe ioj puv ut at1qndUmoN I------- ------------ - ----- ......... CGi atu ojojaq ------------------ ;;� -------- ---------------- ... jo 'EVI ropmoaH 4m 3 'S 3`-N!,'1 4 $ sjuaojjjgC)'sp'uV so-1 p AiunoCb SGUOD d IVIDIddo Nil r 5C839W 71902'1001f1 -v1 Rey 0610 ?;T inr, VQ"' ISAZI11 'R 30NnflSNW1111-1 ON IN3M1QCQ ..ms 'U. A ... of PM r-j P., m Ilq.a .. ............. ..... Quas) . . ....... .. .......... .... .......... ..... ... •[gag TUMB0,46 pppS 71— SSH Nil I�1A - 'awes jqi pain;AP -41 A , - , .- - 39ql Pa2porAoulou puu 7u4mnligur ury'!"i .3q a( paq�'aasgns --- W - a amuu asoqm S uosaadatp Pq o ...... ..... 10-3TN'plaw pueqsn-q gaRIMCISH morm pa's --- anmcrm -S x7m) palvaddn fq[Vu0slad 'ajvjS pup AjunoD plus jo, pug u! orlqnd AjujoK v pauo!siapun aqj law alo,4q 6�6.i iV�t—iiilfiS U0 do AINI)OD VINUodi'M do HMS oc): C LN KN z z 0 lap e. Ey 0 0 U so-I jo lvjno,.> 4 PC v SGUCO']d -IVUxtldO NI, PC : qCa39V-J r. Pa 0! 0 to 01 cs 0: t4l ta Z 4D� --------- 'WI 05 ,.Ing P.- pvvoa Pm ..I I M .... ----------- ........................... ......... •ivas linaglo Pug puuq Sur ss •Q[xxvs ay painoaxa -------- J.Iqf ---------- 1"Ril Pa [men Ps I - pun watunjisui 2uto2ajoj aill ol paq!jasqns ------- ------------ K-Qulvu asoqm --- it ... uoslad ay aq of a ai -------- ------ ......... . ... ...... - - -.. ..... ... . ........... pojvaddu Alluumad lf4unoD - ----- --------- - - ----- -- ---- pigs jol pun ui atlqnd AivioN I ------------------------- ------------- -------- .. .... ... ... ...... I ------- --C� ^D 7� ------------------ aux ojojaq •-4 ..y-61 1- --------------- •0 Lvp -- ---------------------------- -- --- -- TP no .4517 --------------- ----------- jRAluno:) V14awfifffla do UVIS 1,V &Z 9 /Vt H 9 61 A4