V016n enoic56344PAsE 5 RESOLUTION MQ —1-7711 A RESOLUTION CF THE CITY 0OUKIL OF 700 CITY 5��1. �ff' %eta S!gaC©�.3p�� 0 , CALIFCa "�IAv ORDERING �� a� THE VA- CATION ATaION fSUBJGJ�EC O Hb�-e� Ge�a:�axFWVAT1!':. 1 ev.$y0 EXCZP— T . N �b < T ;?� � CERTAIN !':�i.:�1�iv ."a`.,;�.�3 t���i§ .'.�e..sa,%ae'�. ` 00 WK! ova' za CERTAIN PORTION OF COAST, BOULEVARD WITHIN SAID CITYO AS CONTEMPLATED BY a SOLD IOM OF IPTZNTX0M NO. 1763 OP SAID OTTY COUNCIL. The city Council of thm City o? El Qc,nndn, Callf"Mian pursuant to the prow aions of the QtrOe t V=tiOn Act € f 1941", being Fart 3 of Diviaion 9 of the Streets and H .h.g h€u7aYs VAC4 0 Of the State of California, donz horeby resolva, declare, find, de- wermine and 0,19V 25 011003, SECTION 1� 301 City 0anna"10 Lfter public hezring duly as l y : o b ce thy? carozin Boulevard wishAr ..4... {, 01ty dowarkbon An .., aQ No. 1763 az said ownwil, "Icy'an on the 250, and dynavaines 00M i_, .....rte. KGE oat ✓ OZ X14 .i`a.l.uh3rrj. 19 579 f'J :S Ei t_v���*3d.n :8 aT����� yt yonow 9v'A'.' s'�t :s,,._ ;,. UC. �.a,w ,3_.',sA' p'6F5ra, Ti`3Ei5m^.:O & 39 TZsly" °. as lhe% tK public §000 and rnenrun- etsen re- quire, and Q is hareby crsavod, subjeo tc the rosorwtion and exeOption r_..<ad right ti:._`f way a aii's 0 r z forts, vh.;:f +:z} follow- ing ] :. s�:ka,`.j':3.pYit:.. d�a ..a« the ,f$a ✓':� Northerly ,re'u'�dA"�. :E..:'a /.cY :' fi�. Parcel 2 as per 6 °afaRamenH> '�. i.� ^", s .ePmd i Book al ,3 cli P896 J34 e `. Of. cial Rsco d t ".;w 4 c &F��'•,i:'� s 3.� ac,� Go i or wa '' aaa8',¢a"'a= North 20 30, 20, meet 461Q2 0.^:I ;1oxv or i.e.€s to a point; t,5d,"..3sre {.2...cag 2 curve to Qs ZgNt. tangent to the A..v..°ar named a °.y.cn - .'rlLh a 5 a 5�<< 6nl6 rF""a' , for a are e ex.i.E'a....ra nan of � 196.50 50 a a a a point, than w; Mo3'0th 23" 151 10 U..,& 100 i"w a us :' point in t:L"a' East- Orly line of `'w aL'_ Coact es u_ ;. n r. Oct 1irG„ 2 d ;3-?me-2 v recorded in Sock 6388, ? a 49 of Beads is said Los aF4X'age (; m .a o t_a "[:yS FJ., ..5:3, !' .. a? . y t.1 _ ^'nuw ;tf.uts t3r<',r along the t•`.+a Starl Que e,J:C .;:".s d .,.,,,...a '1' Goaot Sc .a,.'a:rd to the point of beginning,, =66344FAGE 6 be, and the same is,, hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned for public street purposes, all. as contemplated by Revolution of In- tention No. 1763 of the City Council of, the City of E1 Segundo, California, adopned can the 25th day of Novraaebero 1957 =. Beginning at the most northerly corner of Parcel 2 as per easement described in Book 433910 Paige 354 on Of- fieial Records of Los €angeales Coaantyo California; thence Worth 250 30® 10" Ast 157.00 fret more or leans to the trace point of beginning thence North 250 31T 1:3w West 5.00 .feet to a Pointp thence North 640 29a 50T East 5.97 feet to a point in the existing easterly ling of Coast Boulevard aye sat Forth in document reacdri3d in Boom 63880 Page 49 of Deed, thence South 23" 157 Am East 5,00 feet along said easterly lines of Coast Mule- vard to a Pol=3 thence South 640 29a Aw West 5.77 feet to the :rue Point of beginning$ reserving unto than City the right at any Hoc or from time to timea to conatrnet v w intaino operates, replace, roc:cave and r0 aw Qatch basin, appurtenances and appurtenant structures in, aaPont over and across any Paart, or portion thereof proposed to be vacated hereby. SECTION Q That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of t'r'ail resolution; shall canter tho oamo In the book of original resolutions cat said City; ahtall make a minute Of the PraSsaagge and adoption therBof in the re:coa;dv nand y?roca;:edings - 2 - r 6=56344ma 7 of the City Council of said City In the m nt tes of th o meeting at which the same is paosef and adopted; and shall cause a certified copy thereofv attested by the City Clerk under the seas of said City, to be recorded In tho office of the County Recorder of the County of Loa Age: ser State of California, Passed, ayprovadv and adopted this 213rd day of December, OEM �e n�vh R. li of alai California ATTEST Eunia® U. Creation ity e aC (SEAL) ii 3TA'11—,t OF 0X_,JPO' bit. L_f_..v COLMY 017" LOS ANGELE�r`5 's C, CITY OF Z7 SEGUNDO. 7 s EUNE qWAS_QN C S1 0 '6_1�1 Q".,' of ED. So.-undo, Cal-ifor-A-la,, do 1­ioroby fc;�,,(3going is P, full, tru.c and covzrect copy o.? a .­auolution ado�-ptlo-l' bhe fttv Counril of said City c,. L, a rogolar msotll_ng, of safld 'Cody held on the CL day of _2egemke;, l95_7_,, and that, as of this date, said resolution as not been ropoaled or _L-, ,,,;.rpy amoridlcd. IN WITNESS TMAEMBOF9 I h,ove herounto se't hal-ld and fixed -he official seal of the City of El Seg-,um do, CaliZorl'Li&� 'his jLth day of December 2,S�5z_. segtv. call forn-l'a, 2655 00CUMM no. MCORDE AT 556EF51 JAW,' 2 1958 1". CO 18 PA&r 2 P M. BOOK56344vAGE 5 OFFICIAL RECORDS RAY E. LEE, RECORDER tas ANGELES COUNTY, CALIF. -47/8.