D121A't^� s SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK a Segundo — BRANCH LIFORNIA— QZ.r;-: F DATE March 3. 1971 ESCROW No. 35-5648-w City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Gentlemen: In accordance with our previous letter we enclose the following: Title Insurance and Trust Company policy number 0822780. Again we express our appreciation for the opportunity to serve you, and we shall welcome other oppor- tunities, whether for escrow service, or any of our many banking services which are always at your disposal. Yours very truly, SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK Received the enclosures: By Z. Violet Valenzuela, Escro;Ylcf -icer Date IF A COPY of this letter is enclosed, please receipt for the enclosures on the copy and return it to us. 5395 ESC 2584 2.69° 50 IOY Letter Transmitting Additional Documents TO "" FC—DP 17.68) Celifornie Lend Title Association Standard Coverage Policy Form Copyright 1963 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY Title Insurance and Trust Company Title Insurance and Trust Company, a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration paid for this policy, the number, the effective date, and amount of which are shown in Schedule A, hereby insures the parties named as Insured in Schedule A, the heirs, devisees, personal representatives of such Insured, or if a corporation, its successors by dissolution, merger or consolidation, against loss or damage not exceeding the amount stated in Schedule A, together with costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay as provided in the Conditions and Stipulations hereof, which the Insured shall sustain by reason of: 1. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title to the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule C, existing at the dace hereof, not shown or referred to in Schedule B or excluded from coverage in Schedule B or in the Conditions and Stipulations; or 2. Unmarketability of such title; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any mortgage shown in Schedule B securing an indebtedness, the owner of which is named as an Insured in Schedule A, but only insofar as such defect affects the lien or charge of said mortgage upon the estate or interest referred to in this policy; or 4. Priority over said mortgage, at the date hereof, of any lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to in Schedule B, or excluded from coverage in the Conditions and Stipulations, said mortgage being shown in Schedule B in the order of its priority; all subject, however; to the provisions of Schedules A, B and C and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereto annexed. In WiMesF Whereof, Title Insurance and Trust Company has caused its corporate ttp:xiC and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date Shownp Schedule A. Title Insurance and Trust Company by PRESIDENT Attest GLssl ;6- /!� 0.— — �/ /V / SECRETARY 3 �!x (k ALTA LOAN POLICY - 1970 OR CLTA STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1963 SCHEDULE A PREMIUM $112.60 AMOUNT $209420.00 EFFECTIVE DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 1971 AT 8:00 A.M. POLICY NUMBER : 0822780 INSURED CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST COVERED BY THIS POLICY AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE C COVERED BY THIS POLICY IS A FEE. SCHEDULE B (� THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF 'I THE FOLLOWING: PART ONE ALL MATTERS SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPHS NUMBERED I TO 5 INCLUSIVE ON THE INSIDE COVER SHEET OF THIS POLICY UNDER THE HEADING SCHEDULE B PART ONE. PART TWO 1. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS IN THE DEED EXECUTED BY : STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA RECORDED : DECEMBER 20, 1960 IN BOOK D -1069 PAGE 898, OFFICIAL RECORDS 0822780 PAGE 1 -A, ALTA LOAN POLICY - 1970 OR CLTA STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1963 RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION OR NATIONAL ORIGIN ARE DELETED. 2. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS IN THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS EXECUTED BY : UTAH CONSTRUCTION S MINING CO., A CORPORATION RECORDED : SEPTEMBER 6, 1961 IN BOOK M -845 PAGE 6789 OFFICIAL RECORDS WHICH PROVIDE THAT A VIOLATION THEREOF SHALL NOT DEFEAT OR RENDER INVALID THE LIEN OF ANY MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST MADE IN GOOD FAITH AND FOR VALUE. SAID COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE THERETO.IN A DEED EXECUTED BY : UTAH CONSTRUCTION E MINING CO., A DELAWARE CORPORATION RECORDED : JANUARY 49 1968 IN BOOK D -3875 PAGE 9239 OFFICIAL RECORDS RESTRICTIONS, IF ANYI BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION OR NATIONAL ORIGIN ARE DELETED. 0822780 PAGE 2 3Ad ALTA LOAN POLICY - 1970 OR CLTA STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1963 SCHEDULE C THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF LOT 9, OF TRACT NO. 26556, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, IN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 675, PAGES 93 E 94 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 9 DISTANT THEREON NORTH 00 030 52° EAST 37.88 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE ALONG THE SAID EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 9, NORTH 00 03' 52n EAST, 322.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 30.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 890 592 17" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 47.12 FEET TO THE END THEREOF; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, NORTH 890 551 25" WEST, 18.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP WITH A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 30.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID LAST MENTIONED CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89° 592 17 °, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 47.12 FEET TO THE END THEREOF; THENCE TANGENT SOUTH 00 031 52° WEST, 122.00 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A REVERSE CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 100 179 08 °1 AND A RADIUS OF 560.02 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID REVERSE CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 100.53 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG SAID REVERSE CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 100.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID TRACT BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE SURFACE AND THAT PORTION OF THE SUBSURFACE WHICH LIES ABOVE A PLANE 450 FEET BELOW THE MEAN LOW WATER LEVEL OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN "AS SAID MEAN LOW WATER LEVEL IS ESTABLISHED BY U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY BENCH MARKS ALONG THE SHORELINE °. 0822780 PAGE 3 0b ALTA LOAN POLICY.- 1970 OR CLTA STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1963, EXCEPTING ALL OIL, GAS* ASPHALTUM, AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS AND OTHER MINERALS* WHETHER SIMILAR TO THOSE HEREIN SPECIFIED OR NOT* WITHIN OR THAT MAY BE PRODUCED FROM SAID LAND; PROVIDED HOWEVER* THAT THE SURFACE OF SAID LAND SHALL NEVER BE USED FOR THE EXPLORATION* DEVELOPMENT* EXTRACTION* REMOVAL OR STORAGE OF SAID OIL* GAS* ASPHALTUM* AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS AND OTHER MINERALS* AND FURTHER PROVIDED THAT NO INSTALLATION CONSTRUCTED THEREON SHALL BE DISTURBED IN ANY MANNER IN EXTRACTING SAID RESERVED MINERALS* AS RESERVED IN THE DEED FROM STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIAr RECORDED DECEMBER 201 1960 AS INSTRUMENT NO. NO. 1622* IN BOOK -D -1069 PAGE 8981 OFFICIAL RECORDS. 0822780 PAGE 4 Y1d CLTA 107.8 (4- 10 -69) (6 -69) ALTA OR STANDARD COVERAGE INDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO POLICY NO. 822780 ISSUED BY Title Insurance and Trust Company The following exclusion from coverage under this policy is added to Paragraph 3 of the Conditions and Stipulations: "Consumer credit protection, truth in lending or similar law." The total liability of the Company under said policy and any indorsements therein shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the face amount of said policy and costs which the Company is obligated under the conditions and stipulations thereof to pay. This indorsement is made a part of said policy and is subject to the schedules, conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof. Y RT z Z Title Insurance and Trust Company SECRETARY TO 236 VC TO 232 C into PORTION OF LOT 9 IN TRACT NO. 26556 .may TIThis is not a survey of the land but is compiled for information by the Title Insurance and Trust Company from data shown by the official records. ,\4d CON the Co OITIONS AND ST1Ptlt of such Pany in regard }o the ATIONS (Conti helsdice uherclainm of drshallde In aenorneVe'' s°chy indebted se'ds"d, the sComPan�o offers Reverse Side o{ Policy Face) be notify how Porch Cat any shall any Insur case xaid ss s the the Of such preludicend t to onlyl to less the Sam, ebo�hts Candathe rmo ter rd assign me'( Provisions °o the o Paid shall be dcefied b of at its own cost Y shall have the extent T Purchase Price. 'nAany upo RP, securing hall no aDPl This paragia this policy 'Phr its Pan Yment indeb Y to n I Ph ICY. act Y action nr pro institute and the rig('r PAYMENT OF LOS �n redness secure a nsured numbered 8 which rn its ceedin9 o do Prosecute tbf(a) The liabilit S Pan title ' Scher? I' $ cu not... d bu a mo 8adgne °f an 10 case estate or �f u rear establhsehlieq b l n ofs the ahO neys'l T Sanf the nsurhJ xreed,yinne -r 9 f said indebtsedn sor int esrnin saris a9 fusses gage asr Infer or or rake an and °f the obligated which and costs SUeRO ° Part thereof. Cona liableis P PIC Pw'hethertw1 un under the re ter" to (bated heC der t °bpay_ Party may be �S hTTLEMENTtON UPgN PAYMENT OR Topiary To )The thlsCederhab htYeor waiv hall 'of Inrov sherebr Ratio°ste mp sea red agaihlset �bY thisa Pali yn rogation halfhy s com Peh Y afl /trhave settled n Carried Upon 0 Pobcy e an or Provide acres the Come his policy on of hc8 eron acs 411 cost, aompa Yd for the all al>';g &s SUIT a rd ro the ad I s�mda andun or Is all or pr9c'eedinfor the defen�eny t° Prosee written authors atioY the Instylred "es in would have had d Yemedies whrrbc entitled fft in Felipe agains aPnPealsnthe re �tt�nr septa ft IProvid It to Fc (CO Pany61 ftundera hg seat, a,,, nth hve�he lIssed rif such thelapay dohisrPolrry or PurposetWheneverorre�gqhe lnsureudg�, as is Such def r8dd °tl "ezdudedgor en mbranicef n'entdbears theoproportion udhth Bh°m Des and Pen Yeaeo "lured shal(Uested by the CD nrasonaIll omen °r encumbr "tern removes loss should result arr'ounr nfh'rb said Pa - aIl enable give after ante within sured, from ,aid procee aid in the Co (z) for recta thin such an Y the I eviden ding, , e. ring any such action a, wi(soutured linbrxtlin lum"ily suchrn °fife requited to °tnl nrn Shall not ridrthf tile inf in- Ting oredefend' n8 wnssle1 or securi. or written B any dai by Insur Pal' Only �n event. shall policy as add oue Companyhshalle °r ProseuuF un arlerabltetvent net tote the C•pmpan't teed the a�most hr +'eund"rparr if any Insses fei Insure Proceed- en is r y Unt, which S. NOTICE any expense so intoned, the this polic Ce not ex cpre4a defecI. lie, or right °F sub n of the yfm Tilt to thealCom. ez, In ACTION OF LOSS O determinanonubntil th're as yexflailefinal quesld IT rhnBiltio, -be Insntenr o� er Para raddition to the 4 LIMITATION OF diction sustainIngas`nChrr f competent .ur against any Pan y C, or Y 'hosutr nsff All B aPh 4(b) a notes re u. (d elects" 1 is- Person a an to red pt) All yments n' order to Perfect s °r Prnpe d remedies the Cm or damage forewent iry writs under fees and YmCa s made Under this polic , and shall pet uch right � necessary in Shall hxe been Bete ch gloss C da an�ePTY for lendorseI itof tfPodund Ing tFripay ore IMF f de Ifrd the Insu dins the '8h, orrem dlese. star", n shall nt l mine . e 1 u eri Qf "Fe prof f brsa"I sd stroy d eat unless subshis pnlicY.r such 6nsa mo,rgagrF he in. Ins, or Policy U to theyy Bur ton of or u cove no r nyetyushall ave beendfur after �sOdrh Pany. turn P ovtde 0 the satisfact destruct I In i +nn win, shall m d£f or guaran!(�istnclfliabili may Felt, se ue be IT under th Pm at is of sa clean unth'ny Even shall be rhenws ht pa eau eeHe isdan �fla u Wner of ga Polly aEs nut the estPante Payment info ,n ort release Ad IS pOlicy timeur CO mencearhirr�yt aaf lass' years after ext tanto hat su to such 1 0 ins", redUCe1ePro, ofdp trric Of does met in result Pro the or to tem Pod. Failure run cl IT before such an damage, ent h 1 e afford the in sured of aw8a`tion mains enan, lbbeha on. 8$ehep Ymeemd essnsKLSrrddbY such amouo� 1 n��tCy ENTIREI CONTRACT mnirgage.lOSs d• OPTION TO P4 On or this policy a In saved raf s,,i,factio full by by any Person °rr. that the Insurer actions or ri MISE CL is Y• SETTLE pE shall retina mortgage , redase by the )nr status sr the Company have °� ma'f action Mat The Com COMPR0. to the all liability 6 this policy b of the IienP °Y arisin Y bring page r settle any comp hav e ° secured nyusuc °w'ner ythe ne Campan inyt this polity el °f the mnR cwt of the against of the Insured rOmise fo tfP. t° vided in pars h rnortg $e• rxr'ndebtedntss theerest insured hereP' tide of he estate red IT Policy o r to Pay the full Uaim ingufhe fl (e) When �iabi /it hereof. aAt as Pro. NPrpvoyons of this policy, be based an Policy b ' in case loss . 11 amount of red r xed in accord Y has bee can Provision or Condition of to rp �theyt sa d ny6 ge CO the ndden� d hKr's ab ltA tfh nfthiRY daysa a$e sha11 ba AY. Secret the p Toyed or n dentnhaa8 eeezc�Pt b�i writing Pots Inns road' Chas has" o hav is A, After. ar rest Vice signed r e Payment indebtedness; the option AMITY Hq validatin officer "Slant Secf resident, the it" w'bl Which all COSDrrnattoOf th.Sear yaym together amount she Co s N�UMn ILA Ita that the I AINO LICE$ Lice ERE SENT SE company. or other WH NT any n,rrrce of claim In Chi the ted�Y of "the. Shladulerg hgshownn andiryP <P eery aof drj.beat �nir std hhe �ourp Y'shallequred Y he ell liab under ga has been to the Comr des $et,d°orie Y t theInsured owhgnrehera lSt Ing Sir,,, so Home Officghg3 d n�; given in ro whir ad er or THE 54, Californi o in Schedole i rest A Is THE EN7tAE PREMIUM SPECIFIED IN. SCHEDULE and CHARGE TITLE EXAMINATION AND FOR LNSUAANCE.