D1001012 6.50 California Lend Title Astoclotion Standard Coverage Policy Form Copyright 1950 Fee $ ,. POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF LOS ANGELES Title Insurance and Trust Company, a corporation, of Los Angeles, California, herein called the Com- pany, for a valuable consideration paid for this policy of title insurance, the number, date, and amount of which are shown in Schedule A, does hereby Insure the parties named as Insured in Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the stipulations of this policy, against loss or damage not exceeding the amount stated in Schedule A which the insured shall sustain by reason of: 1. Title to the land described in Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as herein stated; or P`p 2. Unmarketability, at the date hereof, of the title to said land of any vestee named herein, unless such unmarketability exists because of defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters shown or referred to in Schedule B; or p d 3. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title, existing at the date hereof, not shown or referred to in Schedule B; or 4. Any defect in the execution of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Schedule B securing an indebtedness, the owner of which is insured by this policy, but only insofar as such defect affects the lien or charge of such mortgage or deed of trust upon said land; or 5. Priority, at the date hereof, over any such mortgage or deed of trust, of any lien or encumbrance upon said land, except as shown in Schedule B, such mortgage or deed of trust being shown in the order of its priority in Part Two of Schedule B; all subject, however, to Schedules A and B and the Stipulations herein, all of which schedules and stipulations are hereby made a part of this policy. In Witness Whereof, Title Insurance and Trust Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. TITLE INSU,R..,A))NCE AND TRUST COMPANY by Attest d� AC0 PRESIDENT 1012A 8.50 Califernla Land rifle kr.odatlon Standard Coverage Policy form Co9Yrloht 1950 SCHEDULE A Amount $44,000.00 Date April 22, 1955, at 8 a.m INSURED CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation. 1. The title to said land is, at the date hereof, vested in: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation. Policy No. 4289819 0 2. Description of land in the county of Los Angeles, state of California, title to which is insured by this policy: Lots 1 through 26 inclusive in block 62 of E1 Segundo Tract in the city of El Segundo, county of Los Angeles, state of California, as per map recorded in book 20, pages 22 and 23 of Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county. Lots 44, 45, 48, 49, 50 and 51 and 52 in block 62 of El Segundo Tract, in the city of El Segundo, county of Los Angeles, state of California, as per map recorded in book 22 pages 54 and 55 of Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county. No 10118 8.53 California Land Title Association Standard Coverose Poll,, Form Copyright 1950 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss by reason of the matters shown or referred to in this Schedule except to the extent that the owner of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Part Two is expressly insured in paragraphs numbered 4 and 5 on page 1 of this policy. PART ONE: This part of Schedule B refers to matters which, if any such exist, may affect the title to said land, but which are not shown in this policy: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing agency or by the public records; and easements, liens or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 2 Rights or claims of persons in possession of said land which are not shown by the public records. I Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land, or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof, or by a correct survey. & Mining claims, reservations in patents, water rights, claims or title to water. 5. Any laws, governmental acts or regulations, including but not limited to zoning ordinances, restricting, regulating or prohibiting the occupany, use or enjoyment of the land or any improvement thereon, or any zoning ordinances prohibiting a reduction in the dimensions or area, or separation in ownership, of any lot or parcel of land; or the effect of any violation of any such restrictions, regulations or prohibitions. PART Two: This part of Schedule B shows liens, encumbrances, defects and other matters affecting the title to said land or to which said title is subject: 1. General and special county and city taxes for the fiscal year 1955 -1956, a lien not yet payable. 2. A right effecting lots 3, lots 44, 45, 48 through 51 for lines, conduits and incidental and alleys, as reserved by the map of E1 Segundo, recorded in Maps, by the Los Angeles Trust 4, 15 through 26 inclusive and pipe lines, pole lines, power o ' purposes in streets, avenues dedication of the same on the book 20 pages 22 and 23 of & Savings Bank, a corporation. 3. Rights of way effecting lots 3, 4, 15, through 26 inclusive and lots 44, 45, 48 through 51 for pipe lines, sewers, pole lines, power lines, conduits and incidental purposes in streets avenues and alleys, as reserved in the dedication by Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank on the map of El Segundo, recorded in book 22 pages 54 and 55 of Maps. 4. Covenants, conditions and restrictions effecting lots 3, 4, 15 through 26 inclusive and lots 44, 45, 48 through 51 contained in deeds from Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank, or its successors, affecting lot 16, recorded prior to February 15, 1950 in book 6373 page 168, of Deeds. 5. Covenants, conditions and restrictions effecting lots 1 and 2 from Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank, recorded in book 6292 page 156 of Deeds, prior to February 15, 1950. 10}1 -C 9.53 SCet nllf"Ad'A Land Title Areacl.tion Copyri Yri. b CoYa ro9s g h t 1950 Policy Form I' SCOPE OF COVERAGE This policy does net insure agai will nst, end the Company not be liable for leas or damage cleared by ° arising out of any of the following: (a) ddecta, fiener ele,me, encumbrances, or ether manure which r atilt fn An Peeuoiary lox to the insured; (b) defec[s� lima, cnmbr..., or other mane. erected o � ivg eubssque°t to the date hereof; (c) d-femecc liens, mumhuncer, or other matters awed or suAered 6y the insured claiming eurh lox or damage; or (d) Jefems, liens, cl-ims, eneumbrhvcce a Daher an ez,ating -1 the data of this P , s icy and known in matmatter. tehe insured cl aiming such Toes or damage, either .t be date of Ibis policy or et the date such in tired W- ent acquired en estate or interest insured by this policy, omen Inch defect, lien, claim, encumbrawe or other matter shall h..e bee. disclosed to the Company other in writing ➢ri°r to the issuance of 111. policy or appeared At the date of this policy on the Public records. Any rigb's or defenses of the Company against It named insured abe)) be egnaliy availkble ago., any person or "Pomtio° who shell become an insured hereunder As successor of each named insured. E. DEFENSE OF ACTIONS. NOTICE OF ACTIONS OR CLAIMS TO EE GIVEN EY THE INSURED The Company at "' owe cost .half defend the insured iA all litiption ....ilums of actions of pr °c <adi.ee against the {unwed, or date..., resn.iv, i»junctions ng order, o I against A foe.elo.am w .ale of xld lead In satisfaction of my Indebtedness, the A owver which I. inured by this Policy, which lai,. tin° f- founded ups A dcfet, lien, eneumbnce. o other metre: insured -Pines by t rehis policy, and may pursue such bngatim to final do,ermi--tlon in the court .1 lees resort. 1. c any each ,Hamlet Ahall bemm< know° to any insured, or I. neat a ge .half come 'o any insured of knowl d interior which is a°Y Neim of title or adverse m the title as Insured o which might c se )Des or dureg< foe which the Company .half •or may be I,eble by virtue of this Policy, such Insured shall notify the Company thereof m writing. If such notice .hell not be g,veu m the Company at least two days before the in any each eppeence day Iitigatioq or nit each insured shell not, in writing. promptly notify the Company of any defer', Ill., encumbrance. or °the' --,'It insured against, o At Any such adverse claim which shall come 1. the knowledge is ouch insured, in respect to which Ines r damage is apprehended, then all liability of the C.-v.°, as m each fn tired having each knowledge shall ceae s.tl te'miwte; provided, however, then failure to an ..,fly the Company in prep a Pre -dice the claim of any Muted unless the Company shall be actual) prejudiced by ouch failure. The Core Pa°y shell heve the right A iv- '-lute The Co e any ecsion or pmceedivg or do any otberdaet which, in its opinion, may be necexa, or desirable to I...re . the 11 - or any h eared lira or charge, as ,°sure.. In ell c..s wberc this policy permita As action,« the Company In pr..rcute or defend any ammo or sigheding, Me fn .I'd shell e o it ie wiling the right to a .cure ' or proc.edm 'O pa^amita or defend such ectiae g, svd ql appeals m perm th,min, and it i' In -re, a' ire option, the name .1 the Insured for Pu'p--e. Whenever requested etch 6 Insured sb-11 assist the CorAP... in he Comp. -Y the r proc.cdin , m any ...h action deuce, obtaining wl sine, °enlemm'I secoc,vg A4. each Action Ar proceeding, to aucb talent iAl oat defending ..Aver x I. deemed desirable b svd in an the Comp --y shell y the Campmy and expense an incurred. The �om the f... red for say I. and be .milled Patty .hell be eubropted In All costs and attomeYS fees iA STIPULATIONS correct or expended by the Company. which may be recoverable by the insured in AA Iitig hick carried nn by be Company on behalf of the insured. The word "knowledge" 'n this paragraph meow actual k°°wlevl8e. and doe.'m' refer to con- trocti.e knowl . edge or notice which may be imputed m the insured by the public records, S. NOTICE OF LOSS. LIMITATION OF ACTION A statement in writing of any Ines or damage for which it ie claimed the Company is liable °.der this policy -hell be I"A" -Abed m the Company wf[61n slay days After mush Ins- or damage shell heve been xerrtained. we action or proceeding for the recovery of any each r damage shall be iwtimeed aga or aintaf.ed ins' ilia Company until mafter All plianc e by the insured whb All the come candiefon• imposed on the mauled by this policy, nor unlex commenced within twelve mou'h- after receipt by the Company W WAUAA statesman. such 4. OPTION TO PAY, SETTLE, OR COMPROMISE CLAIMS The Company reserves the option to Par. Battle, o compromise for, m in the acme oC the mauled, any claim instinct Against or m Pay this policy in full at tins » lull '---A' payment or tender of payment .f the of ebb policy, mgether with all accrued costs which the Company Is obligated berevader to pay, 'bell terminal' .11 liability of the Company her.. under, I- an n The named terse when need in this i all .. ... in of the Compev9 with (•) "named Policy stem; [reps¢' to any buganon pending and sub•. named as insured an Schedu eeA ate evd eoryomio.e tb..L 9oe.' rose of this "the instead": .uch --.Ad insured together with (1)) meh euec "'I in ownership of any indebted vw secured �¢b by monpge or deed of trwt show° fv the owner of which named herein indebted... I. As an Insured, (I) say such Dam-, or successor in witurabi, of any such indebted who acquires the )evd desalted in Schedule A Ai any Part thereof, by lawful mean s fe eati.fac[toe'o( said indebted°.. or my pert thereof, 3 agency or has 'I Ac u O Anl PY°rvmmtal an eaves antra.. o ti i'fng said land under avteria r Ps"Artee insuring or g Aid Indebtedness or any part thereof, end (4) any person or ca'Pontion de'ivleg av tate oe es interest in said land • an hei dfsee of 4 named eoneotids'io.y r on as r or w the dixalutin,, mega.. or ""Ad ": 'he limit described corporate armed 'mold; (s) fa Schedule A aad em'ibed specifically or by mfermce by few Proremenx -'hoed thereto which eowtiWte re<1 property: (d) "date "; the Asset day, boor and minute specified in the firer live of Sched.le A (mf ... the context clatly different meaNng) I (e) --t Pegtltre. e end each s " "I ": 'he St.,. in which said land Y- city or some and county' rib and diattict levies is.. A D snot u situated rh., r us" "At m real Property: "public records': throe public ( ) the recording I 'm art a record. which, under ' D oanmctive Amite of mat- ters relating in said land. otherwise. The lishiluY of the Policy Company under thin shalt in r�o ceae tarred, in all, the actual IA.. of the innred and cost. which the Company to obligated hereunder to pay, and in n car' shell such total liability catered the amount of th a poli and said costs. All paymenta cy under this policy -hall reduce be amount o1 the meurance pro tanto, and payment of has or damage to -v insured owner of mdebmdmu .hail twins., 'o that saint, the liability of the Company to the insured owner of said lend. No payment may be for miletl at any insured without producing this policy for indoreemsat :,-led payment. I . MANNER OF PAYMENT OF LOSS TO INSURED Lon under this policy shell be payable, Ent. 'o any ,neared owner of indebtedness secured by mongage or deed of true' shown VA Schedule B, fn order of priority therein shown, and if such'owne.ahip verse in 'het Doe, payment •hat, be xtabIY sa 'lisle re.pertire {.,,rear. may appear �dmd thereafter, heir loos 'hall be payable 'o the other insured, end U more than one, then to such insured ntsbly As 'halt teepee. tine imemst. may Appear. If tberc fie m each ivaurcd owner of lndebred.ex, any iwe shell be payable to the insured, .e t orb if more than one, to eurh i ratably .' their punted respective interests may ayp --r. 9. DEFINITION OF TERMS S. UNOGATION AUNT UPON PAYMENT OE SETTLE. Whenever the Company shall be Antler e settled A claim der this policy, It she)) be sA...Pted 'a and be entitled 'o ell ryhta, xcuritin, -Ad mat.diee which the insured would he.. had against any person o property is ter h"', to tueh claim, bed this Policy not hem betted, If 'ha payment does Aw corer the iwe of the Insured, the Company ehAll be s.broPted m such right., sec°riti-e, -ad remedies fn the Proportion which -aid payment begA to the amount In either even the favored 'hell transfer, oreaid lose. be '.net ... J, en the Com ryh's s +'pain end r pant such e medin, And .half Permit the Compsnycm we 'be »ante of the in I. any Lnwctiou or IfHto . m—itivg such rfEhU, securftin, o: remedies. S. OPTION TO PAY INSURED OWNER OF IN- OEETEDNESS AND BECOME OWNER OF SECURITY The Company has the right svd option, iv cue say of is claimed under this policy by an fvsueed owver of As lad <bmdnne secured by is or deed of 'mat. to O I ,Asia insured the indebtedness of the mortggor le trus'oI under said monpge o true', together with -11 soots which the cum,,.., Cited obligated herein le+ to pay, m which saes the Co.. th Pact shall become e owner of, aAd each Insured -hall et once exip sAd transfer to the C '°at8 -ee °r deed of trust .vd the fadebtedwes 'hared by secured, evd each payment Ahall terminate .11 liability under this policy t. aucb insured, 1. PAYMENT OF LOSS AND COSTS OF LITIGATION, INDORSEMENT OF PAYMENT ON POLICY The Company will pay. in addition 'o A.y Ins Insured m apimt by rbir policy. all costs aposed tips. the fn. tired iv 11ii"fion carried on by the Company for the ...red. end in litigation wrfed oe by the with the written .uthorGagon .1' m Insured Company, but net 10. WRITTEN IN0011SEMENT REQUIRED To CNANGE POLICY .I pro 8eefoa orect ditim of this Policy em be waived changed e c f by writi mehad here'. ate indoroed harem oe at. dent, the Se u., by the P,aAdmt, • vice Presi. cretArY. or an Assistant Secretary of the Campmy, 11. NOTICES, WNERE SENT All outica required to be VIA. 'he Company and sAy st.""e"' in wri'mg required to be ftimished the Cam. Is Jell be addressed to f[ at the policy, off'" which issued tkL 8 y Q 0 h PINE 5.89 °59'E. AV E. � 1 N 1140 N 2 N 3 140 N 60 N ¢O N Zo H 36 /4a /- N N l /4o N 20 N 2 N 50 3 5 60 /TOLLY a R�` m GRAND AVE F- 2 Q Sa 174 h EL SEGUNDO BLOCKS 41, 60 70 62 i I'� V 50 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND BUT IS COMPILED FOR INFORMATION ONLY FROM DATA SHOWN BY OFFICIAL RECORDS. a�O 7 Z Y ZQ 30 AVE. ti ( /4o n cry i 2 Q 2 7 (k� 'V = n 26 Iz 2s 5 : 20 / 23 = 16 22 60 /TOLLY a R�` m GRAND AVE F- 2 Q Sa 174 h EL SEGUNDO BLOCKS 41, 60 70 62 i I'� V 50 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND BUT IS COMPILED FOR INFORMATION ONLY FROM DATA SHOWN BY OFFICIAL RECORDS. a�O N 16 O ry I% NOL L Z Y ZQ N /9 O ti N N = J AVE. ti ( /4o n "' 24140 H 2 23 3 2 tJ (� X _ 5 : 20 4 Qc = 6 = /9 _ 6 ,W _ /7 Q ST 9 y t, \V 60 /O /4� /3 60 /TOLLY a R�` m GRAND AVE F- 2 Q Sa 174 h EL SEGUNDO BLOCKS 41, 60 70 62 i I'� V 50 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND BUT IS COMPILED FOR INFORMATION ONLY FROM DATA SHOWN BY OFFICIAL RECORDS. a�O I 0 5 60 d locks $6, 39, and 62 EL 6 EG UNDO c600k 22 Pages 54 and 55 of Moos HOLLY F: h C Q 6o 011`df. AvE, h h W h So o G2AND Avc, THIS 15 NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND BUT IS COMPILED FOR INFORMATION ONLY FROM DATA SHOWN DY OFFICIAL RECORDS. IM