D0941012 6.53 California Land Title Arroclotion standard Covaroga polity Form Copyright 1950 A r4a, vH Fee $ POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF LOS ANGELES Title Insurance and Trust Company, a corporation, of Los Angeles, California, herein called the Com- pany, for a valuable consideration paid for this policy of title insurance, the number, date, and amount of which are shown in Schedule A, does hereby insure the parties named as Insured in Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the stipulations of this policy, against loss or damage not exceeding the amount stated in Schedule A which the insured shall sustain by reason of: 1. Title to the land described in Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as herein stated; or -M 1 2. Unmarketability, at the date hereof, of the title to said land of any vestee named J herein, unless such unmarketability exists because of defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters shown or referred to in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title, existing at the date hereof, not shown or referred to in Schedule B; or 4. Any defect in the execution of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Schedule B securing an indebtedness, the owner of which is insured by this policy, but only insofar as such defect affects the lien or charge of such mortgage or deed of trust upon said land; or 5. Priority, at the date hereof, over any such mortgage or deed of trust, of any lien or encumbrance upon said land, except as shown in Schedule B, such mortgage or deed of trust being shown in the order of its priority in Part Two of Schedule B; all subject, however, to Schedules A and B and the Stipulations herein, all of which schedules and stipulations are hereby made a part of this policy. In Witness Whereof, Title Insurance and Trust Company has caused its corporate name and seal to.be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. TITLE INSURANCE �AND�r- TRUSTeCOOMPANY by /0 7 44/,4 . a,94 . PRESIDENT Attest Attest SECRETARY 1012A 8 -5J California land Title Avoclatian Standard Coverage Policy Form Copyright 1950 4 Amount $1,200.00 am SCHEDULE A Date February 28, 1955 at 8 a.m INSURED CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a Municipal Corporation. 1. The title to said land is, at the date hereof, vested in: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a Municipal Corporation. Policy No. 4248007 2. Description of land in the county of Los Angeles, state of California, title to which is insured by this policy: Lot 36 in block 61 of E1 Segundo, Sheet 3, in the city of E1 Segundo, county of Los Angeles, state of California, as per map recorded in book 20 pages 22 and 23 of Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county. -FIN `6 101Ya 9 -55 Callforsto Land Title An.d.flon stpodgrd Covarp6e Pali, Form Copyright 1950 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss by reason of the matters shown or referred to in this Schedule except to the extent that the owner of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Part Two is expressly insured in paragraphs numbered 4 and 5 on page 1 of this policy. PART ONE: This part of Schedule B refers to matters which, if any such exist, may affect the title to said land, but which are not shown in this policy: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown w existing liens by the records of any taxing agency or by the public records; and easements, liens or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 2. Rights or claims of persons in possession of said land which are not shown by the public records. 3. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land, or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof, or by a correct survey. 4. Mining claims, reservations in patents, water rights, claims or title to water. 5. Any laws, governmental acts or regulations, including but not limited to zoning ordinances, restricting, regulating or prohibiting the occupany, use or enjoyment of the land or any improvement thereon, or any zoning ordinances prohibiting a reduction in the dimensions or area, or separation in ownership, of any lot or parcel of land; or the effect of any violation of any such restrictions, regulations or prohibitions. PART Two: This part of Schedule B shows liens, encumbrances, defects and other matters affecting the title to said land or to which said title is subject: NONE, Pry :-t%\ Id 1012.0 8 Land Title A,mria &^ndard Covergee Pa 1 copyright 1930 t"Y R.r,a n S7'IPU[ATIONS h SCOPE OF COYFRAGE Thfa poUcy dose not i wife not be Ilebk fo nears Vnfwq r Ica. r damage ad he Company cared nr exp nrhinE out recoverable 6Ye the ibY Ik` CgmPa." which el+:m°' eneambnne,,the fo4vwin erased by or °^ be 8: fa) defer'., by the C aid °mpa no Pecan' or ocher lion. ,-. w eke vY mrb <narmhraw +Y lon to ebe marten which result ' ge^ iq 1A `hD a9 i. I( afy the Prime nmied °Iherwi`e. The ):abU't tt, ° 'neared: (b) dafecls, '° knowleJso, and doe- of ...E'ph mesa aabaequeat t° ` °pher matters ertned o Tram, edge nr notice m <r to consnam {ve b. d, The I =Y ahaU a °f the insured and acme he "'id rise dne hate(; r ocea"ing rb:<b m'y be Im knowl- reorder to Pay, t e CIaE a seed, mG i cats which the omen naa, ° (c) del b. rbe public r ord., Puled b the liehaity a ay. and in na Y wider t the Inanrtd +other ma"ere created or .0 Cre�ene, ec +..wed need Na a dole"., elaiminH such Iwo o by 1 NOTICE costa. All paYme lime, clalma, +dame e; 1055. LIMIi4T/ amount of the inumnee pr 'hit Pat, poh'erea ezkti encambrhn'a -, o e oe (d) olior a c ua in.0 If et the date of ,bin + o'hee matters A a%remeat a wr(O ON of AGE /ON O1 damepe to as ni ° %nto, ud Pe elafma8 auch !w Policy and kgaa t it to clef H of any 1 rcdueq fired ow ear d b total .d said rodwe the Pacn, o Ica due of ,, cY or et she d dam either a' Na be '11 m y h ILbiEr far rbkh the inured rain.!. Ne liebilft in debt ° Doli V<, .halt a Ca pnq damage t that net acquired an date "'Ji ina Nv after mi.bed m the Com ..do, owner o1 u1d la Hales. "+tare or ism+ wed euah % Paltry dome .uFb ,letter, ,t fnsnred b claim. d Pant wifid. ' Yq ^dad 6' an in r of the Co `°° •hall No lose or snug. shall halt d101 da for indorsement of .uch wfNom D'dPay+ment m'>ybe matte Lien, claim, y Nis po4ar, eetim .r Preeord d. .hall bare bet- dimlie'd ncumbraaes o ocher Ina ae 'r'8 for be r e ban fawmained. Palmeri'. It this Policy wr'heg Prior m she fmumu to the Co 1 againq u 'he dua of 1hf. pole °/ this polio mDany in be C M FA Be shall h the ineurcd with Pao. hnt< I^atit fall Ven rich% ° ' . o Y °1 aPPesred d after +date% °the Public record., An '%wed 6 -II the wvditlow imp o any such boated ahm11 be of ebe Company agelne, Y +wNva Y 1h4 polio oeedd Rf Ia%ieed ANN ace by Lau a nde Rh OR <gn-Il a named vmath. Y' nor ualeu m rbe in Y o+alble a aGa eared o ro pa corps "inn who commence d 'veer of in Ilcy Wr�l h In my tree%. eerittn htats —PI b affirm flood of trust shore ?eh,etln' P LOSS 70 1 < Payable, fi ulsucaeaenr 'bell bee aamL r 'he Comp m Srhdni secured 6 m o! evah namd iy rca ineurcd bereusder vvY °( such tberei..boNe. Y mo r H, is nPee or L OFTION EO PAY, tau ° °`. Payment if sash owve'hip rdti of Prioriq I. DEFENSE OF ACTIONS GIVEN NOTICE ACTION Tb<CLA1 AaaY r SETTLE, OR COByRONI:E 6a> <U b` Peynbk robe o+ber�fmur atherwlte their LAIMS TO Cf OF Com 6Y S `'OmP'mise for, or idn[be a-ee oo to i .11 COr°Pmr ie ire own foe+ a INSpRlO chfm fasa+ed asamr i Pa ° Y• am+ , a If,* e' hail t. Ne iw^re g r °Wpa e aiwt 8 r1Og =au.if., M tictead rbe :asumd v1 tO y tb' d• a the ieeum seta ma a S the anY time, and pa aavrcd, nervosa oe proeeedap tall amount of Pay..., nr modar Policy fn fdi a afuemiaw Laee or defrn.e., r'rteini -9 order ebia palic aarmea W rb t inde6mancPDpuraj d, cud my lam i( more than n ah rpo.ed ana nh L memhar 1° ably a their rnptc,fve aternt , ly a ebeLr rn are °au rn� . .fit land +saint a !Drool a, or ` tab the C a °bevnL yob +etl a eni.factlou a..1. o sale shall terminate °mPaay h obligated wlh,all ran" of rift, h of ` of aeerued °➢Dear. TEWS tin. Le faand iwured b °pr ivdehfedana, the under, m.d.din ell I. bfgty of the Compu , O 0 > rhi. b`e`ll° <r m pay, OfRINIi /ON Dunne s ter uPmaga:nseep• ILeaolicY, bi c.igi tBeAaeaeft e° say IhiprimiP<sdfng and 4 care Y wiN (e) fail °H front then we 4 del !aeured eeeu mo un k� raw, of /ne reeV +rice to bgsl tlet< AolicY, a°d may buquant corm named as armed the die +bra Palmy m perstom r 6erome k o r• I° ^^iaati°a i° ohs OGATION nee to say ape any such 6tiptfon 7, ERR 'tLe aaurcd ^a Scbed.1. and "'Wia[ione littered in .hall NE each r •uch named mm� to V+ed, or in 'hell ON ►AYMfM succ,.or mad ia.urcd t Policy; ibJ afar,, '°> 3u wed q( eau kaowled SNEIF. 'reared m oaemb V°Nv++ttb or C1.3. rhi =b Ivtfhe6 ° edvene to N. title am of title of �dera, ai the COmprnY a6 Schedulab H, any mo"g.P or ld,d any 1°d<bt<dsey) Company .ball aaaa lose or d e ensued or eathletl no a the Pettey, . w may be ameg¢ for whieL e olfe>. ft b uvb Insured liablhe Ne ietwd II rig riaho aline 1. to t m wriHap, 11 .hall -.fif a by rfrma of thi. rgaldbb 're .uob Y ebe Company tkeren( beenort r in ru ° bad neg>Htl t d d°m•a be ."W" hq the owne,oh. a� any 2) ydry b .eu a I� 1 y q Company a Jen.r ^ dayro aD =b ina% e y antis Peet to `mach e m any p hew -hio M1 Pan N ""41, by d d 'a Soho abt ep who not 6e to iuued. !f the tai this e1 I lableda Y lawful m 'dale A a any epebT itiptiora as >if before be aD ➢%Hate day °f the in Payment the PPayment d. . q a o I. belfry sat a8eocy s nr any Dart thereof in sathtgrtign pf old .1 any ire , + d eh rfehte, Pa^> ah- los- umeere ) toy ties, ncumbn ttr notf4 the nIi no[, sauriH Ube sabre an a Company at in is whkh id C°' and ram.Jiea 1 Sued a °'ace Iffy aonafr"g E yerameaml °f any su¢h io a Debar matter Y defecq !n sit a D`Ymrnt bean ro ° Nr PeoDOrtarO °n(eeim, ufd +cad teas+ or Euarmtee iaaid land ender keowled °dverpeehim mrso", Vaasa, her raw she tba amomt of ° (4) ^ ebmd °oo Ee of eucb which 'MIl or be trmaterrsd, to iasvrcd .bail ba or dame`s msured. in coma to Ne C cater, qr cause m say p,eoai ° or an Part rteg or guar m iyprebevded, torpor, to L Ne sad remedies, eed ahNl mWny scab righp, r -rnredt in ufd and ae aq .tins it -ad i°eutateand Company as in III etl rrbie lot. be w uch inured lhblli ma .( ebe for a Permit Ne t70$paa.",IIrI n orb /mfr or del' °+ .ball e¢ut Levin V of ebe rah' ue6 ° d iv avy engpetfoe a �1gwdelida4ov >of ap eo the dipolwtoa, m a aimed 411.1. " an a all f terminate; provided eucb k..pl... a rn raP ° 1ieh4, mnrifiu, w 1 t t.a 1 +Pouro orgtq or edtn the aim > the Com bowel., thot or romedi,, 1 m ^ Sehedale uJ deaeribed epeei @c� d ieaurcdl ehOl el M u PnnY .hail in ao ra d' OPTION A and {°) be iotuall ° r iwutetl u ON i0 PAY > nl Dry, OE SAte 51 OWN.[ <pe,a'a, <awutum i�l`OPro ev %afsaed .1a 2. rue' mr any acWml have Ne rV6I to The °I+ilver.¢The ComY Tba ComEINJBS @ OMF OWNFR IN. of Seh . bony ad err :errY: {d) wb'bb "date re Company ba- the OF SECURITY dig" dale A (ualee. t Ptetb<d Ln tb e 1° Ira opiaae, rowtdap or do any -,he, do Plaecute I°°a i. Nair!" under rat °ad'Ptiw, iv and one meaning); {< ba context sleaely s Srof euablhL ebe title 9 6e - rotate q awth, °( .. this pglioy b <ap my uch eo q ) 'xap 1Wuirn a fit r d iadeb,dnep atra"d . wured. In 1 any i.aured tai'bie m +reef, to no regvirn the m`sau where ,hie po or °hA m Pr Day auch Ae mate a n °eed Dane m rhi<u<daaad q"a eaPmt unry itY ud din fat p. a ore" m.a,,y E e dad levies c ° piny to Y Permits n +'. 1 trmi., and r indebted nem anion or Pueetdfag, Ne pf-o fit' oe de(ea S t °eefber u uid nor me tbeno t[ of the Ithe I is rderEKardsra A °mea'Nm m weed the writieg the ivaared shall a d say -bit e" wi,b all cabs IP'e< m des .( R recor t we D tic °P<h+ +9: q +i@h, to an .cure to ft iq Pa.Y ahallherrn°der m eq.m m6 N d r yeU@d Pr 1 + Pueeedie8. and Prosecute or delta nom h s f) I. up, Ppeel n"foq 1 at .a. P °arm -1. hlc a C 'he aCpmy ' r <4'ieg 'o ufd r4adn tom +ucrtve amka of masse d .nth -hall r the nee Pn +P, <aqh °Ptioa,aNe .amt fhNer)I adPfe[mheie b orlg ¢ ap�ga end tpn.ftr sad in iuurcd I0. far n.<ver rega,ted 6 y V a, deed root tO he pan WR177 N IN ur +hall auiat Ne 1 ,he camp u h s`o,, , avd oft a °d +ba .... do 9. ufd CN,{NOE ► OORSEMENE Droeeedieg, a C "mP' °> a as P ° °Y rise Itabilit. under N' sash year. e`e'ha"' OlICY WORLD deac<, aBecti.8 rottl Y auch aatioq 1e Pafiey m s terminate 'Vo p O obc witaasn, anent, all roe umr:° >. PAY nab 4w' ma nu v. or d •E. [o anecutin it dini- IC OF LOS d tithed vied .xeep'abr "In" cbla Polio eae be ailed Prceee i 8 or N7 veb eate.f eed . S IYIOORSEM S ANO t• domed dn:rable 6y he Cn auch SNT OF PAYMF 7i O rzp¢w <aPepj shall uimbu The Ce n y, P LITt� 7108( o tv<amd. Th ++e the iaewedP to and by h. rill ON POLICY N ,o aqd be < Compan •funs, b ry..11 addition fo any tom -eau >• a Y 'he . COmPm food h u,i[1ed >.hell 6e aey > rhi. Paltry. a See fir ob m a Preetdmq gay ce or ae nod Y N Aunt et Secre%r Proel of fm a!I cone eed .1tona p l�amd w'vrcd sad a Vltefp.. Pn by Ne red 'Pa. be n. All nNOT(CES, WNERk siNE he'rn%n. anthoriuti `d v aY for the « rcqutetd r uni n. of ebe by N aeured et+hmut In rrilm ° be Hfvon 'he cambia Compapy, but sot WL YN I' be add raped t° it at the fq ti-bod the C... o✓fite febieh lamed f!L\,A- rAr- I L-- L I. I l I i L PINE- S. 89 .5.9'e. AVE. 60 N l 140 N 2 N 3 /40 60 4 140 t2 26 N 36140 N So ;,n / 140 N Zo 50 ? 35 2 25 34 3 24 33 4 y = 23 -4 30 7 -7 zo 2.9 qj .9 2.9 en W&.. 19 kk (It 14 27 Z, 10 '41 27 20N ]z = -4 • Z5 13 z / 13 14 2 0 Zq = /3 23 �kl 15 15 = 22 /5 16 21 16 Z/ 16 /7 18 / rviz 00 N 19--140 ti /7 N 140 ZO 140 140 901-4Y AVE, 'N 7 14-0 7R �izw 23 20 ol $o so 91 20 /.g BOLL y AVE. /y. 7 q JN 1 /8 /7 16 N 1-4 /Z 140 UQ Rof 13 60 140 a Abe GRAND AVL- ---I F— EL SEGUNDO BLOCKS 41, 60 TO 62 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND BUT IS COMPILED FOR INFORMATION ONLY FROM DATA SHOWN BY OFFICIAL RECORDS.