D0921012 6.53
California Land Tins Assotiufion
Standard COVlrag. Foliq Farm
Copyright 1950
'I't -
Fee $ V
Title Insurance and Trust Company, a corporation, of Los Angeles, California, herein called the Com-
pany, for a valuable consideration paid for this policy of title insurance, the number, date, and amount
of which are shown in Schedule A, does hereby insure the parties named as Insured in Schedule A,
together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the
stipulations of this policy, against loss or damage not exceeding the amount stated in Schedule A which
the insured shall sustain by reason of:
1. Title to the land described in Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise
than as herein stated; or
2. Unmarketability, at the date hereof, of the title to said land of any vestee named
herein, unless such unmarketahility exists because of defects, liens, encumbrances, y
Or other matters shown or referred to in Schedule B; or
3. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title, existing at the date hereof, not
shown or referred to in Schedule B; or
4. Any defect in the execution of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Schedule B
securing an indebtedness, the owner of which is insured by this policy, but only
insofar as such defect affects the lien or charge of such mortgage or deed of trust
upon said land; or
5. Priority, at the date hereof, over any such mortgage or deed of trust, of any lien or
encumbrance upon said land, except as shown in Schedule B, such mortgage or deed
of trust being shown in the order of its priority in Part Two of Schedule B;
all subject, however. to Schedules A and B and the Stipulations herein, all of which
schedules and stipulations are hereby made a part of this policy.
In Witness Whereof, Tide Insurance and Trust Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be
hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A.
by CW. SU✓ _
�.fittest 4
1012A 2.51
CLTA Standard Coverage Policy
Amount 81, 500.00 Date August 18, 1953, at 8 a.m.
CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation.
1. The title to said land is, at the date hereof, vested in:
CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation.
Policy No. 3905907
2. Description of land in the county of Los Angeles, state of California, title to which is insured
by this policy:
Lot 4 in block 65 of E1 Segundo, in the city of E1 Segundo,
as per map recorded in book 22 pages 54 and 55 of Maps, in
the office of the county recorder of said county.
s� fl
1Q178 4.51
CLTA Standard Coverage Policy
This policy does not insure against loss by reason of the matters shown or referred to in this Schedule except
to the extent that the owner of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Part Two is expressly insured in
paragraphs numbered 4 and 5 on page 1 of this policy.
PART ONE: This part of Schedule B refers to matters which, if any such exist, may affect the title to said
land, but which are not shown in this policy:
1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liana by the records of any taxing agency or by the public
records; and easements, liens or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records.
2. Rights or claims of persons in possession of said land which are not shown by the public records.
3. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by
an inspection of said land, or by making inquiry of persona in possession thereof, or by a correct survey.
4. Mining claims, reservations in patents, water rights, claims or title to water.
5. Any laws, governmental acts or regulations, including but not limited to zoning ordinances, restricting, regulating
or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land or any improvement thereon, or any zoning ordinances
prohibiting a reduction in the dimensions or area, or separation in ownership, of any lot or parcel of land; or the
effect of any violation of any such restrictions, regulations or prohibitions.
PART Two: This part of Schedule B shows liana, encumbrances, defects and other matters affecting the title to
said land or to which said title is subject:
1. General and special county and city taxes for the fiscal
year 1953 - 1954, a lien not yet payable.
2. Rights of way for pipe lines, sewers, pole lines, conduits
and incidental purposes, in streets, avenues and alleys, as
reserved in the dedication of the same, by Los Angeles Trust
& Savings Bank.
., S T I P U L A T I() N S ability of the LOmD.nY under this
501 R -C 6 -50 term o[bdxiw. Tfie iii Lh the edbli Ipd
n Policy +° tees exceed, in . sw
CLTA Standard Coverage the LOTPauY• which teal be PoltcY shall in
ht 1950 r exycacted by lift alas c. in n case -hail anch t.I.
g "`d o[ the inured end rats which the G.mD.nY " °
L.PYrIg carted a the toured in any end wfd
cecovernble by n behalf of the te.nred actual Fereundcr to P +,brvam.unt of this
Of COVERAGE b the C.mpny ° angeaPF mean 1'ubilitY nsceed afialltersedacI t�
1 SCOT not insure Kain end the: d bT °r w Y " knowledge • in this P e menu under thin policy s art °
W, and not rely to aonsvuetbe named rnm +. All P 9 canto, and P Y
This PnillY doe damage cr. knuwledBe, and alas. a imputed t° the t amount of the inemnnre PrOweer of indebtsdne+a nhdl
delecn, lieu edge o nonce whicF may t' to en m.ured ° of ibe Campsol to
will not be liable- theeya or are la> er damage the li.11
which `sash in to that eaIn.. meat can, be
aria inH out of enY steer mawo deiwl., have, by +her Public records. p(TION reduce, r of said lend. No P °Y g n Policy
cW c, In, umbreacn, °f SnuIll. (b) .r' inumd owns a wi roducor th
y lose to she cc nn8 ITPTION tiF the ffiout 9
no P°°unier oiler maven mensal m ° liens, llCf OF LOSS. UM dad by enY It
delecn, 3. NO awn, wbic6 dc.mndonemem o4
enmrmhrancw, the dam hereoL (°) Feted by wrtd.g °t ° "Y 1pe1 vv acts` this 9°licY for U D
euDee4vent to A "atement in to liable u NS
other matters neate nags or (d) i » calmed the Company witht. dab d °Y° E. MANNER Of PAYMENT OF LOSS TO 1
c.cumhI. let, eimor 01eh lee+ or
other mn[tem nrniebed to the ComPanY v ..cmtd.ed. a a •
the ins brkncn. ° shell be ( such shall D Pay ...rl[°s n Ily cream after Sol lan or demaee .hall here bee of any
delecn, lien, claims, eticY end known 10 ihs let ibe recovery undernGh .1
flea D[ damage, either et Na action or proceeding +w itvted r m.inuined L.ao dehmdmae awured b} crib
exiedng at the date o{ Im+ ° ° enured ov' ry ante Priority
dnimin6 aurh mb i^ .red dnim lea demaee shalt be
until aReI toll eomyl'uaee by
a ll at the date e a s °` the dead of nun rFO and
ihH plicy' I the GompmY
,date of this D.licY °' r i.tere.I roenred DY other agdna with all the cewdition- fmP °sad °w Inch teer<iv
hewn a isms
aired "' malt o cumbrance or the ia.urcd u.lew commenced I 9-yearn W1
e u n nose
A ..eh on tv
n 1 be con'. n sly Y
ant ac4 claim. en 'n nor ° I •n o may appesr, a¢d there�tde ntY
stem, lien. to the ComPa^ red bs 1 Y the GomP °t - inmreste u wort
anises •m6 d r been diedo,I apPonred mu :hi +atteYrrceeiPt by nnY loan hall able Io the other mlyan
metre` shall hav ant of ihia PoiicY °r a. Any twelve menthe lose shall be psi
oral nbtama°t, than one, Iben . uch insured rat
writing prior to the °elms °^ tDe P°blie tee wdttu COAU`lOMISE a h < be n
theahr run
o -un El tea
ibis 9 aeainI, s named OR iniereat. nag s99rer' ft t ar .ell benpaY
aI the date of ei the CampwY soon TO PpY, SETSLE, rive inn
--hw or ddeneee railahle es• + °aI enY D g pPf10N owner al ind.bwd it e e may PP r'
any loss
sad ff arm a ih a ate
toe h
s red shall be equally ° insured hereunder CLpIM3 or s
who .ball become s. wale• the ily an ' active i.rcrnM
coton a Company reeerven the uPtfwn w Psy, ratably w their iwp
°r COrpOr veh named i¢eurcd• Th of the aaaun 1 1a t
ae euccaeear vi s mice for. ov in Ifie norm in fell ai
'ou"e i or w Pay this Paltry , d the
AC710NS Instead spins q, DEFINITION OF TERMS
NOTICE Oi el.+m meat or tender of Pgmen
ACTIONS, with dl accusal rotten when end in ihia P°1tcY
FENsE OF RY THE INSURED any time, ud PeY together teal c °Wantipb)
2' DE TO EE GIVEN o[ Ihu Poltcin blipead bwcuader re P'T, Tbs t,ourc d
Ol CLAIMS Wanted full nmoum )
the ins oat. erbteh the Come ° ^Y h ° of the Camp°rl here (a 'named
st its own coat shall defend'tooeedi¢p ell li-bilitY nah named n Inured i
bed �
The ComPatrY o4 .aliens o t shell
-I ° 1 Ifors °[ [he LompnnY co-u ..,he i.ened": such o P
edutnaureaf tog +ally
ne order ° under, including ell b ip and sub- equane etebi9
with Il)
o atI WiEnti CO or deters a, teevainiai r wh el litisatiaa De.divg anch newel -or r^ dud of Ina eD
udaew ty
haws is
the insured, a
year lorcdnute o reayeci w enY any ranrtea8• or
i. cbtednue, the s,bear bYIt the owns d which
iviu.ctivn. imerpcar o{ no thereof, ebedvle d, 12) avT
indeb[e new or
aid lead in -diduc,I Ihie P.%ItY, which °ides' Ol SETTLE• 5 bard- an an +name
ucb sweet
red by brace, or TION UPON PAYMENT named of nnY sucb indebtedpen who
owner of whicb is tmc. d.f.cl, I!.., atom S. SURRODA n awhl
Sion !a founded °v°° .net by d''m PnhcT. and tr+T FIENT claim under
u."re I...ra K•' in the shell base -euled a w9vilenr the lea
rte` ° °her j."ov toe Bval determination .hall yhe^eaer the ComPanY n °brof -tea to and he Part tfine°E a + 0e
d dewrib.d +
hY {-wlul teems lases
such lids such Ihigada° b shall be wbic6 or say Peri tberc °4,i
inctiav o
p.nae lei r ort. to c any arcs knowledge under this P-Iiq, and It indebted.ea° req°+ In, 1.
eon" .f 1 red, r .Il riebv, weurittw• enau or h tumenW'V beauties t or soar
et. an tarn o it tide or entitled to bed a, any p Keocy a*
became kvowo .neored of an claim of red or ..W have but thin Tow trot 'nurse ctn@aci or guar`°[ artcan't. , m
one is mY a ea the +noted Yeh claim, en + r nY P
shell c adverse w the tide m '° ibe enY in npd m - over the loon
anteeiv8 .std iadebtednne o +
d.mase for wbic6 paop doe. aot v.nb," is
imerwi xbicb h (<) any on or wrPontion der Wingc
P wu
t c...a . 1f the P t r°m'e P`m Word an nn heir or devise of • ^arced
im• °r rune of W. bun µareal -hall be
which nigh may be °tale° yernel et the insured, the Come^ Y ea in the Pr°Ponion imereac is said 4
e by megd. °
GomPP°Y shalt o the Come° °Y teal rembe raid loo. 'a-" of ,at dicoace, ..redf are
policy+ a nmicen shall .ucb dtht +. .ec.rit, b inured mi b9 Cp1Qente named i 1. uch tar+ °red not be 6fven to the meat bean to the armum °f cause w • o ferene
or Wrests day which old P°Y hall ..arc`s ..Und ida0'a of ft. 0" ar bT re
I. .tiara It ° two dayfl before the app in insured eha ucb vigfiu, ereuritie -, d mPe <
n lea" treated shall vat, In eiihea wen[ the m enY ^ ^land°; the la°d o tents elfisea tker the
LOm9aa} r it uch vi enY ddacq t. the C° 9 be me 1n Sohed.l t d
to .vP each Litigation.. be ve.derred, sad -hall permit the Comp °Y raP•itY' ed a fl* hlive
nmifY the comp ' °Y a Ketn.t, o and remedies by law co.evmm real P
cad +ire• Prom PdY r tnnwdioo or lidgui^° hear, ..a minute ePec3F clearly require, a
.,be, matter inners come to the the of the inured to any medb. sad day+ law the .° °sea ;the Scale
lien, retumbrance. p1 deim whicb shall volviK sucb rI&,. wcuritin. or re of A (UP „u . .,call
of any +ucb adverw which boa to Sabedule
snob inured, it *eu• °1 tO of the WNFR Oi IN- digemnt m salve) t (•)and
aoua" chy and 111111-I
k ... .age art 'be' all liability 10 PAY INSURED O and ucb county, ek9
in .ypeebended. n h knowledge 6. ORION EECOMA OWNER Of SECURITY art tha, nitrated that
r damage neored baring ec told land ar eons 9 real wayntY,
a to how vet. that DEETEDNE3f AND to cane wq in which w
each i ided, or
LompenY • .° uxw a- .eaam.vi f ma
.belt cease and h eat,: 9r° °shell in no Pan but the right oil" bytan �osured owner Jeri records' n vac . a aou
<Done Public tamale whicb• ° v`
unlew the ComPanY The ComPa °Y 1 c9 Y of °public
imprt t.
°stints to e° 6O'ilY 'h` Com u¢d claimed under this P °1 mon8a8e art dead ilea recording law°•
.dice the deim of enY ape a.ch failure. The Corr- lowµ assured by of the to -aid land.
dlced by a¢d prneeute of In indehrndnne nand the indebudnew Ian mis<tv6
.hallba actually Flat im[itvn to yq such in aid tw"8'Be °r deed of 0
the right Io a'be, am whicb, lush REQUIRED i
pant .hall have or do any r d< -labia w mo"BKOr or ""Into nude` wbicI, the GomPanY la INDORSEMENT
motto. ev ".e.rdirs together with eIt coats Co.- 10. WRITTEN
any nnY be tcIcwa,y eher¢e+ A. trash i whicb u.a the GE POLICY
is its .....no. meured lie. ° or ay..er of, and -uch muted OMAN Policy ..n b< waived
ntabli fi the tide. or any ' {icYr Po o t led 4ereuomar �epou raid ceaditia¢ of thin to
"mite b t8s .hall bet j o. or
e where flyµ P° adnad .coy P. at w. and traesler to;hdeb edry" No Promd writing t.dorsed h Vic or -'
tared. Iv all teas to proaevehall or shall a w.tp 1. the . e tedwess then' nr changed <wepi by the Preeid<¢I, a Vice Preei•
w9 °ime the Cotepa °Y allure to ii +o tree1 end ell d bl the
tenured curb action m.nBK¢ oe deed art -hall termi.aw deal. bersc dpe um ecro Y t
the Secretary, 5 to °
alien or yracwdine• 0e a.a such yaYme
ht t° no P *p1GCUm or com a nit it by liability od' Policy t° such iory *ed. dear,
oriiiru the right la tbmein, and per this y
ding, seal all appee TION. ComproY
or pmts° two the name at the in +.red ne such Gabil3tY ° " COSTS Of P LILY
to uw, at in ea nted by the ComPanY the Of 1035 AND POLICY TICES. WHERE SEN7
purPne. Whenever nqu MEN7 OP PAYMENT ON 11. "O VICES boa b.
shall .nd.t the ComPanY b any
aecu roaring •`"' T, PAYMENT imnad ad w be sa no to e e
Drente eSetGve Intricate.. iv addict.. to any Ivan All voticn'cant` re9virtd to be Sumo 4k ins
the Lam'
ar dekndoes m col will Pq+ P a u the a- W year, m writia6 the. w h nod
or ",ter -diae, it in6 The Co Pa tic all cocoa ho ow P°° to hart the °
obuinin6 wftneaw.. P {Orecb <nent and is uch t by ibis po Y• the LomplaT lac tb< peel ale.,, be addrew<a
dent dine. to Kdm n[ion carried °n by the ...areal
.uch action or 9roeee ibe CtmPenY, end cured t- lit§ flea PelieT•
I. deemed dninbte DY area for any anal tw lhtpiton carried °° by but not
manner sr rdmb °arc the ... -teal inuwd, Icon of don C.-P-7.
the any shall hall be -uDros with tbs xrittev aniboiw
d. The any s n Sun . m'
capers so ratans Il ooate end nun y
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