D0841012.150 CLTA Standard Govaragc Policy Form Copyright 1949 Fee $ 27.50 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF LOS ANGELES Title Insurance and Trust Company, a corporation, of Los Angeles, California, herein called the Com- pany, for a valuable consideration paid for this policy of title insurance, the number, date, and amount of which are shown in Schedule A, does hereby insure the parties named as Insured in Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the stipulations of this policy, against loss or damage not exceeding the amount stated in Schedule A which the insured shall sustain by reason of. 'e} 1. Title to the land described in Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise Pao than as herein stated; or 2. Unmarketability, at the date hereof, of the title to said land of any vestee named herein, unless such unmarketability exists because of defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters shown or referred to in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title, existing at the date hereof, not shown or referred to in Schedule B; or 4. Any defect in the execution of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Schedule B securing an indebtedness, the owner of which is insured by this policy, but only insofar as such defect affects the lien or charge of such mortgage or deed of trust upon said land; or 5. Priority, at the date hereof, over any such mortgage or deed of trust, of any lien or encumbrance upon said land, except as shown in Schedule B, such mortgage or deed of trust being shown in the order of its priority in Part Two of Schedule B; all subject, however, to Schedules A and B and the Stipulations herein, all of which schedules and stipulations are hereby made a part of this policy. In Witness Whereof, Title Insurance and Trust Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY bi PRESIDENT Attest /�-••-R r_s��A i�iY�r �TJ/ti7/� SECRETARY recovering said reserved products from said land and from other properties; provided however, that the surface of said lands shall never be used for the exploration, develop- ment, extraction or removal of said reserved products, as reserved in the deed from Standard Oil Company of California, a corporation, recorded April 11, 1950. 1012a 1 -Sa SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss by reason of the matters shown or referred to in this Schedule except to the extent that the owner of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Part Two is expressly insured in Paragraphs numbered 4 and 5 on Page 1 of this policy. PART ONE: This part of Schedule B refers to matters which, if any such exist, may affect the title to said land, but which are not shown in this policy: 1. Easements, liens or encumbrances not shown by either (a) those public records in the county in which said land or any part thereof is situated which impart constructive notice of matters relating to such land, or (b) those public records in the comity or city in which said land or any part thereof is situated which disclose existing tax or assessment liens on such land. 2. Rights or claims of persons in possession of said land which are not shown by those public records in the county in which said land or any part thereof is situated which impart constructive notice of matters relating to such land. 3. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by those public records in the county in which said land or any part thereof is situated which impart constructive notice of matters relating to such land, but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land, or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof, or by a correct survey. 4. Mining claims, reservations in patents, water rights, claims or title to water. 5. Any laws, governmental acts or regulations, including but not limited to zoning ordinances, restricting, regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land or any improvement thereon, or any zoning ordinances prohibiting a reduction in the dimensions or area, or separation in ownership, of any lot or parcel of land; or the effect of any violation of any such restrictions, regulations or prohibitions. PART Two: This part of Schedule B shows liens, encumbrances, defects and other matters affecting the title to said land or to which said title is subject: 1. General and special county and city taxes for the fiscal year 1950 -1951, a lien not yet payable. Said taxes may include levies for E1 Segundo municipal improvement district No. 1 created for Arizona Drive. °O a 2. Second installment general and special county and city taxes on this and other property, for the fiscal year 1949 -1950, (Code Area 5124, Parcel No. 869 - 204 -4) amount $1869.58- 3. An easement over said land for pipe lines, pole lines and incidental purposes, together with the right of ingress and egress as reserved by Standard Oil Company of California, a corporation, in the deed recorded April 11, 1950- Said deed recites: Said lines shall be laid and /or erected upon two strips of land described as the northerly 10 feet of the southerly 55 feet and the easterly 7 feet of said property. 4. The condition that grantee shall not construct, or main- tain the whole or any part of any structure on said strips of land or in any manner impair or interfere with the present prospective exercise of any of the rights herein excepted or reserved, as contained in the above mentioned deed. ID11C.1.56 L SCOPE OF COVERAGE This policy doe. nor fns.re against, and the Co."" will nos be liable For arising our of mq a( the (ollo.vipamage created by or claims, encumbrance., o g' (a) debate, lien-, other marten which ..elf in no pecuniary Ieaa to the insured encumbrances, or other .atten. (b) dafeen, liens, subsequent to the data hereof. reared oe occurring moumbran'A , or other mares created AT Offered by the insured claiming Inch lose Or damage; or d defeet., Ilene, claims, eveumbnocea, or other me,ten .-Ali., IT the date of this policy and known in the insured claiming aucb lose or damage, either at the data of this policy or -t the date Inch i.eured claim. am eequfnd ser a -rata or interest i ... red by this policy, imles...ch defect, lien, claim, aneumbravee o, other mater 'bap have been disclosed to the Company i. -riling prior to the ;nuance of this policy Or appeared at the date of this policy .. tboae public r reletred to in Part On. Of Schedule R whiecord. ch record. nsructive antics. Any rights or defense- Of the Company again.. A named insured .hall be equally v- il.ble against any person or corporation who ,bell became an insetted hereunder as aucemon, of ..ch °+mad insured, 3, DEFENSE OF ACTIONS. NOTICE OF ACTIONS OR CLAIMS TO BE GIVEN BY THE INSURED The Company At ;.. own coat shell defend the in to all litigation eonais4ng of actions or proceedings agdoet the insured, or defenses, AA,,amr, orders, or owner o to against a foreclosure or ante o3 said land i .r.(ection of any irtd<btedveea, the r .f which is fneured by this policy, which ]it ;ga- tion is founded upon A defmq bar, eneambrencq o. o:bec matter insured against by this policy, and .ay Pame such litigation .o five, dmermim., Jo she ant of lest reset, (. ceee any such litigation shall become known a any insured, or to o on. knowledge shall come in any insured al Any claim O( rifle or interest rehicb I. adverse to Ole title As i ... rA' or which might c a se Ivan or damage for which the Company shall o may be liable by aims, Of this policy, each insured -hall notify be Cunneen, thereof in writing, If such nonce shall roe be give. to the Company a, leas two days before the Appmravice day in any such Ia,tim , or if each insured 'ball no writing, yromprl9 notify the Company t, in of Any del. 1. lie°, encumbrance, Or .,be. matter ;oaured agelvet, Or of any such adverse claim which shall c A A ' be kmwledga of such heaved, in respect in which lose r damage is Apprehended, then all liability of the Company as to each ;°.ured having such knowledge shall ce se sad term ;note; provided, however, chat the udlce future. he a d notify ,he Company shall in .o case prof. e ;m of shall any Insured unless the Company be +.sail, IT, any such failure. The Com- pany shall have the 'Igbt m institute end prwecnte any emion or proceeding or do any that act in it- op ;.ion, welch, may ba I... AdrY o+ , charge, to eau6lieh the fide, or any insured lien or charge, ee ;'ured, in all c . where this policy permit. ° require. the Company to prosecute or defend err action or proceeding, rho insured shall -enure to it fn writing the fight to . prosecute or defend such Ymion to 8s, at its o and all -PPeaL ,heel. end permit ft to use, et its option, rbe name of the insured (or such Purpose. Whenever requested by the Company the Insured shall e-sist the Company jn any each action oenpraceed ;erg, in sheeting nottlemem, .Arr,u, erI- obtaining ,nrTA.e., prvsecu5ug or defending T eueh 'coon Or proceeding, . such exAr, and in eueh manner as ia deemed testable by the Company, end ? the Company -ball reimburse the insured Ian say STIPULATIONS axpeare ae hom"d. The Company ,bell It eu6rogated to and be emitted to All caste and attorney'' face im curled or expended by the Company, which troy .. xs 'arable by the insured b any ILigetioa carried be one by the Concloay no behalf of the tv.ured. The Id knowledge, and does tnotthisE Paragraph me... actual relay to c .Aran". a kernel. edge or notice which mey be imputed To the farmed by reason of any Public record. 3. NOTICE OF LOSS. LIMITATION OF ACTION A arms.,.[ i. writing of any bee m damage for which it ie claimed the Company in liable under this policy -bell be futaLhed to the Company wi,hin afrty days After such loan or damage shall have been Ascertained. No -Orion or proceeding for the r ovary of e. such Ins- or damage -hall be vstlmte, mafineiaed - gainer the Compaay until after 1011 comppanee by the insured with All the mount- imposed on the i red by this policy, nor unless commenced within twelve momh- after recap. by the Company of aucb wring. ..... To AOr. d. OPTION TO PAY, SETTLE, OR COMPROMISE CLAIMS The Company r serve. the option to Pay, ells, or compromLe for, ear is the name of, the insured, enq 'Lim insured against or to Pay thin policy in fall AT any time, and payment or tender of P.yme., of the fait amount of ibis policy, Together with all acmued costa which the Company is obligated Dereuvder to pay, .bell terminal. ell liability Of the Company hero- under, including all obligations Of the Company with thereof. to any litigation pending and ..ban,,,,, coat. 5. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLE. MENT Whenever the Company shall bane sealed a slain, order this Policy, I, -hell be wbmgA.d to end b< the ins to ail rights, securities, And remedial which the insured would here shad Against any p¢reon o Property in respect to Inch claim, bad rbfa policy pat been peed. II the payment does not cover the bee of the insured, the Company -bell be "IrIagated to eueh rights, eec-'I Ins. and remn,ia.,v the proportion which said payment beer. to he °mount of said bee. he urber event the insured shall rans(aq a canoe so he transferred, to the Company Such rights, securities And remedies, end shall permII the Compevy to u the Tome of 'be insured in any ......ec ntay A A, involviAS such rights, eecuritiee, or Tremolos. B, OPTION TO PAY INSURED OWNER OF IN, DESTEDNESS AND BECOME OWNER OF SECURITY Tie Company be, the right end option, in rose is relobtd under ,h'I policy by An insured owner Any of t, I pay mar, .,.need 6 el rots lm pay each "'-'ad the inde6�dome of trust, most, t or or tmstor order said mcrtgege or dead he rang. ed her' with all cosh which the C...... is If obligated hereunder to Pay, Ia which case the ,ors. Party Ihon become the o of, end eueh i shalt at once ...is. and transfer . 'he insured ""Asia or deed of treat end a Company -arid by a...red, and a the r °debtednee. there. iAbilit such payment shall te+mfmte all Ability uvJee this policy to such insured. . PAYMENT OF LOSS AND COSTS OF LITIGATION INDORSEMENT OF PAYMENT ON POLICY he Company will pay, in mbb, m man n .o any love insured oat by this policy, ell coed imposed upan the foe cured in ],""fee carried era by the Compevy Eor the insured, ch, end to litidntb. carried on by the laeured web the written authoriemlon of the Compevy, but not otherwise, The liability of the Compaay under this policy shall to no ceee exceed, in all, the actual lace of the fneured and caste which the Company tx obligated hereunder In pay, end in a each fated 7iebjlIIY ezceAd the amount Of this 'baD costa, All payments under this Policy and said amount of the imue or Policy -bell reduce the or dean. pro tame, end Payment of be. ge b an insured owner Of ipdebtedmw ,bell reduce, to [bat extent, the liability of the C t the insured owner of said land ompaay o , No payment are he be demanded by any instated withom prod for Indenter., of each payment. ucing this policy B. MANNER OF PAYMENT OF LOSS TO INSURED Loan under this policy -hell be payable, firs[, to my deed of rust -hewn indebted vb5ebedule R, to are Am, Ole or thereto shown, priority Th.. one end i[ aucb uneenbip vast. Iv more Payment ,ball De made ratably An their respective faterest. may Appmq ad to -. .hell be payable to the ether ,seared, eteaf.e any than A. then to eueh iaaured °°d if more tiro interest. Ara ratably as their re -pea, ,weer of y appear, 1( there be ao such bsuted Ivdebtednese, say dos. shell be payable to the insured, and if same ova to each toenrod ratably ee ,bur rmpective i., zB may APPAIT. B. DEFINITION OF TERMS Th. rarer "named fneured" when need I. this poppy n +Toed ea ep -� rncludA' the Per- -. and on or.r.ae red ;a Schedule A of this the term ''the insured" whey Policy.- And refer To end include. such u°Od ra flue Policy with (A) each ..no. named insured mLw[her debtedams .cured by nor n ow.mald, of any io. Abowv (n Schedule B We mortgage or deed of .rust OITTIme nee- f- named bereft, An at, fneured, Of which Indebted. or Oorr....T in Owaerain (h) any such awn. acquires the lend described any such tndabt,daeae who Part th .... 1, b 1° Schedule A, or my ;ndeb.dne.s or say seful exam in .t(Ataetiaq of Wo agency or in-romemeiityb <reoE, (c) say eoymoree.l An insurance acquiring said land under cn6polm. instant, ipryring or gnmat,- teeing eefd ivdebtedvese w any Parr, theroof, and any per.. or corporation dada, (d) f said lend ae at, heir or der, m Were m, b,tore., pa b .n .e of a named bn need 9 tea of the dtsau0o., merger. or eoaeolida. t ;ov of a corPOTATO named insured. Th. term "land" to bclude the land ' a- m ed Sim -bell be eom,rued ncc ;a Schedule A And T- Pe - Ecally as by refer. which b reprormon.te a,A., 'J Y Lw ,:oven,.. x stela The term rldare" when need let.,. o e onteat ere -rid requlree A different spy (able. the SAY. hour end meavipe) the exact minute npecffied be rbe hat Uve of -,beams A. ID. WRITTEN INDORSEMENT REQUIRED TO CHANGE POLICY No print -ion or condition of this palicq can he wafted to red be, except by "I"Ter Indorsed hereon or AT. Cached harem signed by the preefdear, a vice- prexi. dent, the SecrA,T,Y, o r e A hn n ute Compan y, t Secretary of the 11. NOTICES, WHERE SENT All aotbea required to be statement ' efveo be. Company at,d spy m writing required to be furmebed the Core. 1113.1 +field be addreseM m it at the "'fire which Issued this policy, M . J,e Are. 3� L /0 Pine A A, 11 1. � 42 �a- 9L__ 429 `422 6roed Ave. ^/5 d16 4 /5 4/i dve, 4 ::1 b SOUTHWEST QUARTER SECT /ON 7 TOW/VSH /P 3 SOUTH—RANGE 14 WEST THIS IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND BUT IS COMPILED FOR INFORMATION ONLY FROM DATA SHOWN BY OFFICIAL RECORDS to 4k