D083GLTAso . CLTA s[eedard Coverage Polley Form CoDyrif6[ 1949 Fee $ 22.50 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF LOS ANGELES Title Insurance and Trust Company, a corporation, of Los Angeles, California, herein called the Com- pany, for a valuable consideration paid for this policy of title insurance, the number, date, and amount of which are shown in Schedule A, does hereby insure the parties named as Insured in Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the stipulations of this policy, against Ioss or damage not exceeding the amount stated in Schedule A which the insured shall sustain by reason of: 1. Title to the land described in Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise P,ty than as herein stated; or 2. Unmarketability, at the date hereof, of the title to said land of any vestee named herein, unless such unmarketability exists because of defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters shown or referred to in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title, existing at the date hereof, not shown or referred to in Schedule B; or 4. Any defect in the execution of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Schedule B securing an indebtedness, the owner of which is insured by this policy, but only insofar as such defect affects the lien or charge of such mortgage or deed of trust upon said land; or 5. Priority, at the date hereof, over any such mortgage or deed of trust, of any lien or encumbrance upon said land, except as shown in Schedule B, such mortgage or deed of trust being shown in the order of its priority in Part Two of Schedule B; all subject, however, to Schedules A and B and the Stipulations herein, all of which schedules and stipulations are hereby made a part of this policy. In Witness Whereof, Title Insurance and Trust Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY PR�NT Attest SECRETARY 1. K.S. sk 1012A 1 -50 M SCHEDULE A Amount$ 1,000.00 Date June 16, 1950 at 7 a.m. INSURED CITY OF EL SEGUNDO.. a municipal corporation. 1. The title to said land is, at the date hereof, vested in: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation. Policy No. 3102837 2. Description of land in the county of Los Angeles, state of California, title to which is insured by this policy: Lot 10, Block 67, Sheet No. 7 of E1 Segundo, in the city of El Segundo, as per map recorded in book 22 pages 54 and 55 of Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county. EXCEPT therefrom all oil, gas, petroleum, or other hydro- carbon and kindred substances deposited in, lying under, or flowing through said land (other than water) and all minerals therein or thereon, but without any right of surface entry or of surface use of said land to explore for, capture or recover the same, as reserved by Sofia Sklavunu, also known as Sophia Sklavounou, in deed re- corded June 12, 1950 in book 33361 page 192, Official Records. t' w 1012B I -SO SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss by reason of the matters shown or referred to in this Schedule except to the extent that the owner of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Part Two is expressly insured in Paragraphs numbered 4 and 5 on Page 1 of this policy. PART ONE: This part of Schedule B refers to matters which, if any such exist, may affect the title to said land, but which are not shown in this policy: 1. Easements, liens or encumbrances not shown by either (a) those public records in the county in which said land or any part thereof is situated which impart constructive notice of matters relating to such land, or (b) those public records in the county or city in which said land or any part thereof is situated which disclose existing tax or assessment liens on such land. 2. Rights or claims of persons in possession of said land which are not shown by those public records in the county in which said land or any part tbereof is situated which impart constructive notice of matters relating to such land. 3. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by those public records in the county in which said land or any part thereof is situated which impart constructive notice of matters relating to such land, but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land, or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof, or by a correct survey. 4. Mining claims, reservations in patents, water rights, claims or title to water. 5. Any laws, governmental acts or regulations, including but not limited to zoning ordinances, restricting, regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land or any improvement thereon, or any zoning ordinances prohibiting a reduction in the dimensions or area, or separation in ownership, of any lot or parcel of land; or the effect of any violation of any such restrictions, regulations or prohibitions. PART Two: This part of Schedule B shows liens, encumbrances, defects and other matters affecting the title to said land or to which said title is subject: 1. General and special county year 1950 -1951, a lien not yet 2. General and special county ear 1949-1950 (Code Area 2680 21.03, plus penalties of $2.2 and city taxes for the fiscal payable. and city taxes for the fiscal W� Parcel No. 381- 29 -33) total 3. 3. A sale to the state of California for county and city taxes for the fiscal year 1937 -1938, assessment 599333 -A and subsequent delinquencies. Amount to redeem prior to June 30, 1950, $71.09. 4. Covenants, conditions and restrictions contained in deeds from Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank, recorded prior to February 159 1950 in book 170 page 242 of Official Records, which conditions provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat nor render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. ]@BC.L.0 i. SCOPE OP 1 1 p" L TM1fa COVEkAOE O N �' w(ll PoliaY doea net ingots •gain." and the a °t I fidble ..Pon.. erramg nn- of f °t loge a Ca claim" auto any oL rh 1 damage a nay x Sawryd. T Cnfnph e fallowing, rsaf<d p ao a Y fo d m].avcaa, or other matt ra) d<feo10. Ulna rawve or "Panda eD11tA °ate and a fn 0yak fe gated am ° peeuniar t d all.)] r encumbren r lose iv tds inamrJ. era ro6(cA reeuft In an b ruble by ails l...led i "p4nY, w'hicd ea i°" fneureda litlgeeiaa carried aubxnuent lI- ar other mWa,, ore (be defect., lieaa, word y L Company an b " aaq lit(g.,;OO may be with Ibe wrid in Iit(getion emrbi� Ibe C°rapier encvmb the date bar ared Or o¢ °knowled a eAaif of carried tea au d on for rbe the mneq' °1 ocher matters ¢ (`) de(tte cursing Lnowlcdg<, anU doea In fbie Palo .Ph rnaured. The °1h<rr"iae. TDa lfa tboriaetian of the C by t6° i°°urad maOletl 11 a lien edge a not refs ➢b n n aeraa detec-a !Tara °jmina auc6 load rea-de Or "If <red b r natfee which s °p ° 9 by reaenv ed In etive Lnn cfaima sncumbra or of may be fmDared .sure g at the Bat. n or (d) • "Y Dublin record, °o the iveured 1 of ebeyfn Aal/ in as ea a y of the Comwnpaay. Aut not auretl end x azceed, in all Y varier this insure J.. In a1 Ibia Pnl(nyaa, or other maths to o/ k "ucd 1 and Laowv y +6e '' NOTICE OF thin pal {cY nr sae or da !OS$. LIMITATION °m ire an make, ahl," et the A ahtemaat in ATION O as estate or �nthe del° each insured aim" "I,. g OI .nY to coaba�A vnleea ¢( ft ' P AC7fON 'm oust of 4� earned the en mean uafa lercgf insured b in,urany P e he Co as kaa Pay, it I, as a mPa uY (° obligated r'life of tbia D IIeY end lot.] matter ahep L feet' lien, siaim, encumbreY fbie Polley, -h b° Company i as nr fa elpirrmd r a0C bas afeerl auahf loeirbeU to be can It d omega for add .h Prior to fhe iasvaran¢acloaed to vice Or other P ands eA rMuve�ta °tE an insured owner -o a dP°Ymem of fora the e v r !ilia pvltny the iodated nwnertant. the 7iabi1flYfo! deandaen shall n➢ wirhi mavdeU date h °s—.1 'hall ve beano size➢ doge dB DY ea °( taid l. gd, N ba C°mpany to e rre nmpanr in No action w Proceeding cafe of rdis °f t is Policy v loan o ha rod ro i Po2icY na Those i °PPearcd r damage axergined. for Endo Yfaaurad aritdou conatrucrfve a pert One public .cords a8+imr .hall D> rftbe recorcrY of reamwt of ancD C orrice, A °f 6c11 Or B w6ioh the ( the C 'natirm Pay e p Y ny aPenY until agar ful Or mainYeto, S, meat Y Dlmolioa rev of, •eaivet °name, rrI.,. or d<(enaee mDo ibet veined M elf t heron. a Taint, 1 in red of iaeured by this D< eandRime °amPliance A MANNER O become any Perron O °I° °It be e4..U, twelve m Doli °Y, no ia°POaed On Y P PAYMENT an inaureJ a° +Parerion omba after s nnleae eommenca the !'°80 under this DP t to t Dr LOSS TO 1 asmel7 ieaur¢d. a who .ball written aloe teceipl by lba d within feared owner Of Ind b ahs11 D reuvdar ¢ oeoeuar _ °meat C INSURED of a D4jP d (ntla la n e Payable, lberel I., in 5 R OFFENSE Of AC710N5, uc 0. C� 1MS TO PAY, SETTLE, OR any of auc6 than ane'b Darmenl if en b ovaaDrdrhn arse of hrfa'e+iem Ara, to OR CLAIMS NOTICE OF ACTIONS TD O O S Th TO RE GIVEN ACT/ a Cn E mpanY reg+rvs° she ° all ompen➢ a it BY THE INSURED camp¢nmiae for. o R M I aPe6f llsbi I... nh +eery ma ➢11 bC made :ateNye in more ° PaYebl aPP0." and o their to bli a °vn cage claim i in he namoo gerioI c eimtog of °hail defend the Ineaad n °&,roil i n to pay. ealUa nr arcninemptaen ° ch fahmedLa as and if may +gainer the "oav:edo o ° any time, and egaioat <r to P.7 Ihia, the inay +etl. any °wear of ledeb dapPam,glf (DseteblY ae their des era Snjunmfona int r' de(ensea real ar proseedives toll emonm Payment m tent r PoIt" to lull ea(d Stposed eat +alaing order., v of ebI, ' land i °gei"ak a fora d,,s r COela whfw - Policy, loges °f Perment of a et °4e in rod eaa an b(oq owner of wD ob eetiafamioa of any Indebe nr <ale ad he C with a r a De O. any f el Bon i - Po. °`I ^sae, 'he � d¢iq rermi °ate all ( aoblige[cd 4eCro, at tO P e h r ee eu a °J If aeAa!` be "TD iaevred Lt a t r morn t aP nn Payable y trued ten ecfiv ivfrroan m aoch iaauyd ° (vunded ➢this PaScy, whit fn¢ludeag mI °j go, of e Other mat-q fogy,, fart, lien 4 litf8a. respect tv o61(ge°iona he mPony E Ppaar. upon a de Par, 9 0 ,°rave a against D ¢neiii,, nn <. ar ° "Y Iftlgarin of the (, Dar<. P1N1 ucd Iitiga Hon to y chi. Palk tbereo(, a pending dud O°'Aany with TDa term DEFINITION OF TERMS come Evai determine become fkaoawa saute Iainyarsd, o ((omen O ¢ na may I. any any auc6 -be S. S shall ! @igerim ah.11 URROGATIO come to any ir,au:ed r tit! G MENT N UPON °e 4 n rvtereat wble6 to s°" Enowledg< PAYMENT r co ran ed to end indaady r he when p.¢d is T _ the as insured i Aeraona and Lra Policy which rn advene t of any claim DR EETi refer. 1'r, ro 'the iaaur da4e�O(e A of rhI- POji,y. na 3 mi a t W. °( ° en"" t m LF- and fueludea Den uaad is Y: evil + C eht sauce lone ° ha ei a..n or h ba C with le) ¢ auc6 rWs oily shell O 1 damage tar !cured or under 'hi POR O Peny ,6.11 bare dahtednsae n`4 auweaeor I named insured Policy policy, each insure maY be liable b whieb aria entitled to , 11 •hell D embed • cl ahowe i i wo, by o °w "<ybi together 1n wraivg. I( sue Dd °Dolt nvtiIY the C vireos of ill, the ingured awl rigbee, eet,.,i;ee,a'lbygated rO and be -0P9j 1B nam5cdadule O lobar mortgage or deeJ say gCompany at least Iwo °tic¢ shell "mPan9 here Property fn O1jid hale and net he given h toe 1<aPat Dad again n any aucIt ILigadon darn 4efm been !saved 1p aoch T °medi wrttiv a the a i'a.lanca de of the ' !f tb IaimA an nor a( w6i truer w6fch °t °uc°exor io ere. I. an ivmr ab Snd sd e. prom 1 if auc6 ins luau ° P °J rh r Per a nr °a9m`h, ,f, lend. tiehdPb �o as FDA ebt<daeee who lien Ptly avlifY the sled abet! not r aoch nil, the COln, vea net e.,,a -1 Y oar part °1`0[, LY (awful e6edula encumbre CamPavy of 7a ItghI , aecmities, pant shell of aaY eucD ace, o order matte: insured e Y deface, w6ieA enld adverver PeYmene end den b¢ °ubrogatedita Ln°wledge of a claim wbFrb P¢ct to Ha(ne-, nr fn either b°°1+ to fhe r in tb¢ rc� .ion nr d° °sD teamed, i ball come to the bo trenefeneeiar eh' 1 "'"red °mnunt ofP make is - pprehanded, a 1, 1° °hall erane(ar, o wt 1a o. edn¢gg O! a m<abd in aoe7neman mefvuman- PtluEty6'r al (o) aoYaBaveaeof CvmpaaY a I6- which loo and M1¢ C, ° _ +emtdle °mDeny "ucd arnY n win t, n b °deb ivwred ell IfabilI of the then 0. and r(ghla, a sad having mc4 Ln lore . tboina I'dlin anagir failure to as _ the Company °I. nee a t in nGl irno -ermines; owtedge vvl *halls td notify 'he CemPany -bell do v'ab such rig6q Y trenaacHOn .. r h ` id act or guaran. r foe acid lan ee iodeb4dn.y t d and ° °r °°rp°rativ dr aaY � art thereof a ua ea, g aann n( eh belt or doviaTe °aml< on into rs� e alai e11 i wevOr, that , aemrirlda o or btiga-ion °ion oflame.1pe a di8 °odluyao, m of h named Tax shell be aeruepm ne any ingured n he C CO a 6. ee. D•nY "hell bevy Pr°ledivad 1 OPTION ' da, by euchnleae the Company ON TO P emsdi The ter Late aem. sea 11 erger or coneap re any acdov a he right la fail Ore. The Cam. DEFTFDNESS D 4 INSURED OW eace dude theala rdw'hon seed herein abill Or PrOe"Ing n inggsl° end AND RECOM NER in S de,cribad a D° canetraed in ir. oDiaiov, amasser Gmgecuh The (; m E OWNER F IN mhioh eetehlieh a'aY be do Bif other act which, to ° pa "Y has the OFSFC UNITY -ha ❑tlq u y n sa is claimed 1iBhv evil UR The xm ]adw n improhmc ingured, In r tlsatrebfe °f av and, ih' option, w ease any s°m¢xe are oe reed all o r any roamed ii<v or tv mdebtadano- a ored a)ICT by an sail sa YNosr b Time r ( ns a � Y cafe charge, na truaq to c raeured tlm'. bour<arlr rcqu'rea and Re ant anPam -cane (unleaaerhe re94iree rD< ComPBaY tae•° tdin a Palley Parmita at marfgagor o °Y each ivanred AY m action ar Proceed" Praeecafa o e bm-Tr the indoblea ar deed of ' ;v6edOl< A, nil ornate epecibed, meanin8) the east ri r.i the right to a, 'he imm�ed shall "eau °feed say -runt, rogar6 wffb ,, der laid abkdneae of t 7n the Ent line Or Proceed'" °" DrnaeeIn s to a °Aligated er ail coma i,dl 1, 8e ar d b< ° nE ro t 8. e. .p s or defand such action• Peny ehe',Dareunder to Pay, (dab ch rde Cam sail Pf 10. WRITTEN POLICY Par'O at ifs oP"on, fhe selel1, h n wbfnb Pany is Ok5 Whenever requested of the insure Permit it -,Or, -1 0 ¢cam° tD° owner el, aedeaw the C m, CHANGE O EMENT REQUIRED ...... -ball d.afat the by the d far aid, °1tFage p gn an .1 nleraading in C C or Jeed OF -,a.,I ne {e� tO -6 d eBectin Yin °mPanY -be by seemed. nil - a °mean ° COmPanya liab ➢L and ave-0 t "J <Lred � sa d Pape Sinn Or chap eace, i-A ortn8 wilntlaea, guy Bash amiov r under P °Yment Hess tiler Bed exeepr ab tfov of fbie Palic we 8 seulmol cecurin9 ev1- °Fie policy to adali termi <. dtenit, harem nene6 writing lndonetl sea 4 roaivod b ae[ioa or pro., ding. lO auc6 wing or Ifd 7, Y eve6 inemad" ante +71 C°°S ehe SmreylY. ab7 the P9 nt deran. m er" mdanee ea (. d« raLl a °ding PA ME ° pea °aidetft, a V. rh< Grgn ored drat eat", end in NI OF L Y. an Aa tt- Preei. peat -hall ° DY the °y4D INDORSE LOSS AND COSTS r ai to Seuemry of the IT- NOTICES , retmbmae the lmmedfn-y' m any + ke3nwoDYar6uiw�POFa,PAaMENvl -ON FOLIC vwON. Aeleme eanr°9m dE�)ie Ne Polio , info impoaed .Pda rbe fa, Pony "dell be citing re9vired t° 0 CO. Pa., and sin addre sad to 1- a be furnished the Corday Po(fc r -the office which leaved Blocks 67, 68, 63, 117, 1110, !20, c,� i� l EL SEGUNDO hook 22 Poges 54 ol-)d 55 of Mop,-- PINE AYE. N.B? °5i,4s "E ! dll 60 .)3 3 472.56 019 a �4 i9 K 17 h /17 io5.75 s6.7o16 ° 6 6' /7 9 RQ� LOT / h 16 h 0 /5 a 2i�3.ii /4 N 0 2 A Q 9 ° N, �° 3 40 aS6- `! 13 9 7 �h4 4 dlzl coo �O h Il✓e`� JO8 ^3 /2 6 ° 5 , PINE AYE. N.B? °5i,4s "E ! dll 60 .)3 3 472.56 019 a �4 i9 K 17 h /17 io5.75 s6.7o16 ° 6 6' /7 9 RQ� LOT / h 16 h 0 /5 ° 4 /4 N ° 14 /3 v e 40 aS6- `! 13 S 8 v coo �O h Il✓e`� JO8 ISO �.- �� g ° s 3/12a7 PINE AYE. �4 / :lOi2 /10,22 ! dll l�i9 /Z .)3 3 20 019 a �4 i9 K 17 h /8 io5.75 s6.7o16 ° 6 6' /7 9 7 ° 3 ° h 16 h 0 /5 ° 4 /4 5 h ° 14 /3 v e ° 6 12 `! 13 ah7 � h Il✓e`� JO8 so �4 / :lOi2 /10,22 0 2 ;07021 �° .)3 3 20 019 a �4 i9 K 5 /8 io5.75 s6.7o16 ° 6 6' /7 9 7 /6 ;06.13 a a 8 /5 ° i� /4 /0 1 /3 v h 0 lK J 4o L ! //o 1070622 0 2 ;07021 �° .)3 /06.9520 ° 4 019 a 5 ro6.es ;'6 e�18 6 69 17 a ° 7 io5.75 s6.7o16 ° °8 ra �15a 9 14 4 4. /0 ;06.13 a Z L ',poi THIS IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE [,AND UUT IS C ^FiPU EP 1OA 1' "FORMATION ONLY FROM DATA SHOV,'N EV CFFICI A RECORDS. �V- a I:*