D005Check OFFICERS S DIRECTORS O.J.WHGG O HER, H_LPCA vA PAID IN CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS 'R. VICE -,A wA.GONER, VIC W. B. RLAN, — ScC PETPwv TRenSUREw - _ TA.ZOBER, � — ASSISTANT SECRETARY DANCAR B.E L, DANIOF ol.[xou[ DIRECTOR AN—T FRANK P DOHERTY DIRECTOR — W. JL DORAN DAECTOR — EN R — J. T. GOOIER DIE T— v ce cRE5i55cuxrtv TnusT¢R.,vx 50Mx _ I ry PHONE TRINITY 3221 No. 274175 626 SOUTH SPRING ST LOS AN GE LES, CAL. Guarantee Issued for the sole benefit and protection of City of El Segundo v j TURK EUGENE WERNIGN, REST SECRETARY LCOAL DEPARTMENT, THOS IN HART CACONSULYING COUNSEL STRUSTCO. URANCE CO. M 22 -54 -5 After an examination of the official records of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, except those hereinafter mentioned, and of the official records of the Federal Offices located at Los Angeles, in relation to the title of that certain tract of land hereinafter described, the QCafffernia gitre 3nourance QCompanp a corporation organized and existing under the lams of the Slate of California and having its office and place of business in the Cay of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of Califon la *erebp guarantee in a sum not to exceed Eight Hundred ($800.00 )-------------- ----- - -- - -- -Dollars that said title as it appears from said records is vested in C I T Y O F E L S E G U N D O a municipal corporation. F R E E OF I N C U M B R A N C E S Except 1st: Taxes of the fiscal year 1925 -26, a lien. 2nd :' Conditions and restrictions contained in the deed from Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank, a corporation, to William L. Scott, a single man, recorded in Book 5928, Page 332 of Official Records, to which deed and the record thereof reference is hereby made for particulars. l s -a 274175.2 D E S C R I P T I O N Lot Two (2) in Block Thirty -four (34) of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 7, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 22, Pages 54 and 55 of Maps, in the office of the Recorder of said County. This Guarantee does not include an examination of, or a report on: 1. Adverse or possessory claims or rights not shown by the official records hereinbefore mentioned; 2. Existing roads, matters relating to water rights, mining claims or district records; Municipal Records and Liens created by the Act of any City other than the City of Los Angeles; Exceptions and Rights reserved in United States or State Patents; Ownership of the surface or subterranean water of the Los Angeles River; S. Restriction Zones or Governmental matters relating to occupancy or use of said land or of any building thereon. Proceedings and assessments for municipal or district improvements in the City of Los Angeles, unless the amount of assessment therefor has become a lien of record in the manner provided by law. Proceedings and assessments by any City, other than the City of Los Angeles, for the improvement of, or sewers in, any street or public place, forming an exterior boundary of Los Angeles City; 4. The validity or legality of any tax sales, assessments, attachments, restrictions, leases, easements, declara- tions of homestead or money judgments if any are mentioned in this Guarantee. The liability of this Company shall be limited to the amount as hereinbefore set forth. Protection hereunder, as so limited, shall extend to each subsequent owner or pledgee of any indebtedness secured by mortgage or trust deed, if any is shown herein, as such interest may, appear. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the CALIFORNIA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed, by its duly authorized officers, this ... .. ... ...... ....... - .................. Tenth --- dal .... 01... .... 8 ...w ...... ARK.- ........... ....... CALIFORNIA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Countersigned: • Manager FORM SIB � resident -/ , Attest ....... ✓......_. .�....._... .../1....... Assistant Secretary F.90 K.M.&R. 322024 A /7ZDXa/f ,J�17oh' / ms �oa� in acv itcord�d iin �oo� z z po9ts s4 ass h/a�s sd 1'Al 'I I 0 a h'o/% 14' VI- h / RV / )t�� QI�4 1 I / }} I IH� � '�' �'�.1 - nn RDnnn Onnn An 0 nn V NT VMI N V ( T+ {I 1 aT � �: I - -.� n ♦eort fl� z N ��/ezl `1P �� �� n fl i a N � . u/ a,e 1 Ql� �llli,lgli �t I ul III 1 1 �II1�1ph h r� oW�J — I;� 44YII • i l� I � � I 'r yl� bl� f �� ter;, 1 lihplill tl �i �'Ifa 3 & � �4 II 1/Ifl pp . it rl j�li y �Ipp�I�I;lll��u"0'lll. ch p , II _ I 1 ��1 I tl 1yy� 'I -' II X ��I'��IEW"{�U V1 W IIIIII� IL � 1• r JI "III ��� �� y 1� II l II 4all�itl� sl �1 �� ill l I� �� �Cl�I�1�I illwy� ^I�k IIh� j:iu NI; • • vll�- i 1 AIM