T0581 Aln �` x L� -ss- -than l_ � .. 4 \FORM 400 -A 2.41 SM f' R. �' ^ $100.00 Corporation Quitclaim Deeb ----------------------------------------- TROEEL?M_ C ORP' }------ -- - -- ------ ------ -- ---- --- -- --- - - -- -------------------- a corporation organized under the laws of the State of..... Cal ... Ca 1 i forni_ a with its principal place of business at ----- e a Ch- y__Cl -1 f OT'n.8__. in consideration of --- r- r..F�lY.fl...flXld..I10 1Q.Q. --rrr' ---------- ..- -------- --------------------- ....... DOLLARS, to it in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Remise, Release and Quitclaim to. ------------- _ - ----------- ----------------- ITY--- OF_EL-- -5EC.uNDQ, - -- -a --- munic.i pal --- c. or p. ora. tinn , ----------------------------- the real property in the ------ 0- t- y ---- 4� '-- KI- -.Se.j�':�lT7.C�- o- -._... County of_.---.- L- 05--- Anga.le.a--- ------ ------- - - - - -- State of California, described as: Lot 9 in Block 22 of El Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 16 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Lot 9 Block 22 sold to Construction Finance Corp on 3 -23 -53 See Agreement 0794 In Witntoo Nbereof, said Corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by its ------------------------------------------------ President and ------- ..... .......--------------- . ---------- Secretary thereunto duly authorized, this ........ 10'G11 -,__ay of ..............._, f-'-..... ..._..- ...................... -, 19....6 - -.. ROVED AS TO FORM SW CITY TTOR EY4 9 b 0 6 d z o q z � o A O � F a z 8 z�� W � a r z a r V o F v�N tlu Tz Cv a W z e 9 z c 2 a e �c as F 0562 191 evil saal<dx0 uoTssTmmo0 nPI ... ........ ....ayuiS pus Rlunoo p;as zo; pus u; oggnd SlsTOi3 lass lacayp Pua puay Sw g$2Uj1 jH lames gill polnoaxa uopaxodioo vans ivy am of panpalMoujou pus 'pawau maiayy uoppiodmo aql ;o llagaq uo yuawnllsuc mill N gill palnoaxa oy A suosiad gill aq oil am oil umou3l pus 'luawnJIGUT uigy?en aql paynaaxa yugl uoiluiodioa aqy `uo T'l- SZO.d.xo,5 ... 'a --- ,.• }Ib �---P - 3`r0?��7,��---ffg --- ----;o SisyazaaS.- .--- ---------- -- - - -- -------- ay oq of am of uMou� .-_.._... .-- ------------IIO'}uaOt[y - - -'d- u.a- [ ®A .. ............ .. --pug °yua Tsai ay a oil am oil uMou3i P P. d -- ...... - ..... 9 9 ........ ..........408'10 qQI .... $ --' a ........ .---pasaadda Allauosiad 'Aiuno:) piss io; pus uT oggnd (iayoN a ' ---------------------------------------- pvaIIr?T-SS6pIItt--- yqr ------------------------- ------------------------- --- 'aw a.Tojaq -9 -6I ----------------------------------------- sTnr-. ------------------------ 10 Sap --------------------- tttbt ----------- sigl uo ss j.-- .•---- ------- --ssTe -gu`soZ - -3o d;nno3) aiu�o ;tlyy� Io alBl(f QS -73 1• FOAM �No Affix I. R. S. s ---- LOSS -. than $1m0.00 (QUittlaim( ;Deeh in consiOetation of s-_-20.x00--__, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CHARLES F. GODDARD, also known as C. F. Goddard, and ANNE S. GODDARD, do ------ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation,, the real property in the --------- City --- o _E1__kSe u dQ-------- ---------- - ------ County of ------- Loa --- ngslss__, State of California, described as: Lots 4 and 5 in Block 10 of El Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18 PaEe 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, I Dated this- - ----- - -- --- -day of ----------------------------- 19_46 ----------------------------------------.-p-------------------------------------- AS TO 0R1W -. -A AAM IQ F_ J f.aa a:R� � U Z'd L � O {� a I �Z 6 m V N F •alas pat drvuoZ) pin noj put m ei 'IR od AimoH ------ ----- - - - - --- - -- j1jdV saaidxo uoissiwwo ILI _ -leas lentgo put pueq Sur 003u;lm -awes aq3 pa3n3m --------- -- - ZBu ----- - -3eg3 pa8palmou3pe put 3uamn33aut SmoBnoj aq3 o3 pagtrmgns---- -- -----BSg --saureu asogm --- -s -uosrad aq3 aq o3 acu o3 umou3l ------------------------ ------------------------ - — ----------------------------- ---- rpzepi�� S euuy puz -- - -- r p z e ppo : 3 • � -s e TWE: - o s Z e -- rpa eP po `J ' 3 s et i e Ll " Paxeadde Slleuosrad 'S3uno:) Ptes 3o; put ut atlgnd Grt30N t --------- ----- - -- - -- @-P --- e - - — - 'atu aro;aq 9 � 61 --- - - - --- -- ---- --- -- ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - -Jo yep -- - —P S - -stg3 uo z = F R 1 C T 7 C n O 7. z b0 W v f`a-i z cl „ b C z AAM IQ F_ J f.aa a:R� � U Z'd L � O {� a I �Z 6 m V N F •alas pat drvuoZ) pin noj put m ei 'IR od AimoH ------ ----- - - - - --- - -- j1jdV saaidxo uoissiwwo ILI _ -leas lentgo put pueq Sur 003u;lm -awes aq3 pa3n3m --------- -- - ZBu ----- - -3eg3 pa8palmou3pe put 3uamn33aut SmoBnoj aq3 o3 pagtrmgns---- -- -----BSg --saureu asogm --- -s -uosrad aq3 aq o3 acu o3 umou3l ------------------------ ------------------------ - — ----------------------------- ---- rpzepi�� S euuy puz -- - -- r p z e ppo : 3 • � -s e TWE: - o s Z e -- rpa eP po `J ' 3 s et i e Ll " Paxeadde Slleuosrad 'S3uno:) Ptes 3o; put ut atlgnd Grt30N t --------- ----- - -- - -- @-P --- e - - — - 'atu aro;aq 9 � 61 --- - - - --- -- ---- --- -- ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - -Jo yep -- - —P S - -stg3 uo ,QS -74•. L FORM Ilan Affix I. R. S. $ ---- sg -. than $100.00 Qauittlaim oeeb in Conoioecation of $'_-20.00 - -_ -, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CHARLES F. GODDARD and ANNE S. GODDARD do ------ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation., the real property in the ----- C1tZL_ 9f' --- 1-- �Q_ g_ uTdO ------------------------------- County of-_Los --- Anpe- lle- S______, State of California, described as: Lots 17 and 18 in Black 13 of El Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Dated this - day of-- -- 19_46_. --------- — ---- - ----- - --- - - --------------------------------------------------- SECIA PL ITY' 01 MEY A ®®d lei V r LJ H O� d �VN Z �' a C" °a V z m •3217S put d3unoD p!es sof put ur crlgnd SjgoN _______________ __________________________ __ __________ —___ {JQ S�J;CiX� L'C;SSiWLRO �' .leas jepigo pue pueq Am #031iIM •ames aq3 palmaxa-- ----- -- - - -' fie q - 1eg3 pa8paiemompr pue 3uamni3sm Suio8a3o; aq3 o3 paginsgns --------- e B- - -- - -- - s-ameu asogm---- g--uosiad aq3 aq o1 am of umoux ------------ ----------- - - ---- - - -- — -- anadde d euosiad ',(iuno - -- ----- ---- -- ------ ------- ---- -- - - -- - p,zeppo� •S euuy pue p.zeppo� 3 seZseup II pies Joj put ut »jgnd S3e30N e 'am a3ojaq '5V---6l Tsagpun euq —;o Lep--- -------- pfT --- - -sigi uo S m v3 I I �i.'+mrz 7 1 .Z. r � A ®®d lei V r LJ H O� d �VN Z �' a C" °a V z m •3217S put d3unoD p!es sof put ur crlgnd SjgoN _______________ __________________________ __ __________ —___ {JQ S�J;CiX� L'C;SSiWLRO �' .leas jepigo pue pueq Am #031iIM •ames aq3 palmaxa-- ----- -- - - -' fie q - 1eg3 pa8paiemompr pue 3uamni3sm Suio8a3o; aq3 o3 paginsgns --------- e B- - -- - -- - s-ameu asogm---- g--uosiad aq3 aq o1 am of umoux ------------ ----------- - - ---- - - -- — -- anadde d euosiad ',(iuno - -- ----- ---- -- ------ ------- ---- -- - - -- - p,zeppo� •S euuy pue p.zeppo� 3 seZseup II pies Joj put ut »jgnd S3e30N e 'am a3ojaq '5V---6l Tsagpun euq —;o Lep--- -------- pfT --- - -sigi uo QS -83 ,. FORM +ba Affix 1. R. S. $ .... Le_ss_than $100.00 Quittlaim imeeb in Conolveration of $- --3Q- .- 00 - --- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MABEL C. DAVIS doES_ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim CITY OF EL SEGUhDO, a municipal corporation, the real property in the --------- City_._ of__ E1_Segundo-------------------------- County of__ -------- State of California, described as: Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 8, El Segundo Tract, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Dated this-- -- - - -97 - - - - -- - day of - - -- = ---- --- --- 19__46_. %,_ /._ ,o A OVED AS 70 F M SPECIAL ITY A eeMEY E z e q LPOJI F_ .�i ZM U V] Z a o F a H ° A a z I"T '®P'ldag sajidx3 umassowwoO A W •aIag pee AMOD p!u aoA pug m aggnd AMON -leas leuigo pue pueq Slu 003u;jm •aides aq1 palmaxa --------- Dq -g --- ---------- 1eg1 pagpalmomhe pue luauinllsm 8uio8asoj 3q1 o1 p3clpsgns---------g—F --- ---- ----auleu asogm -------- uosiad aq1 aq o1 aui o1 umoual sFneQ- Z BgeS1------- paleadde Slleuosaad •S1uno:) ples lob pue uc aclgng AMON a — -- ---------- - - ------ — ---------------- — ------- — �1 aul aiojaq ­—T: 61 — — —.. —;o slgl uo 6 < Z Z Y O t Z b � 2 o w 8 cl 3 z a< ° ~o o = moo; F o Z 44 C •n LPOJI F_ .�i ZM U V] Z a o F a H ° A a z I"T '®P'ldag sajidx3 umassowwoO A W •aIag pee AMOD p!u aoA pug m aggnd AMON -leas leuigo pue pueq Slu 003u;jm •aides aq1 palmaxa --------- Dq -g --- ---------- 1eg1 pagpalmomhe pue luauinllsm 8uio8asoj 3q1 o1 p3clpsgns---------g—F --- ---- ----auleu asogm -------- uosiad aq1 aq o1 aui o1 umoual sFneQ- Z BgeS1------- paleadde Slleuosaad •S1uno:) ples lob pue uc aclgng AMON a — -- ---------- - - ------ — ---------------- — ------- — �1 aul aiojaq ­—T: 61 — — —.. —;o slgl uo QS -6b FORY,eO Affix I. R. S. $Less than $100.00 Quitclaim Dab In Con0 DerOd011 of S l0, QQ -_ -_ -, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, LAURA BELDEN, formerly LAURA KREUTZKAMP, who acquired title as Laura Kreutzkamp, doe s- hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to --------------- _-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF' EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, the real property in the ---- City -of El Segundo----------------------------------------- County of_Los Angeles __ State of California, described as: Lot 3 in Block 4 of E1 Segundo, as permap recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of blaps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. 1 t Dated this --------- � _,.,d--- - -- -day of --- - -- OVERA4TTOWN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- SECUL " " " - " "' "` „ ........ ... . a a W U J= p r m o f U< ' � 1 H •� V � m � VO', ; � F cw Z� 'aC Cr N I I I I i U d _ O I i I N� w � z z •..r i i I W i� p � ` w nom �w 9M •yj •eo[ p elono:) Pin so; pug m o!ggnd Amo ____ _________________ _ __ _ -jr-as jup!go pue pueq Aw $$3n31M •a3ues aq3 pa3n:)axa-- - -- -- Bus------- --- - -3eg3 pa8pajmoux-jr pue 3umn33su[ HuloHa3oj aq3 o3 paqu3sgns --------- t -- - - -- -- -au3eu asogm -------- uosiad aq1 aq o3 au: o3 umoux ------------- ------ --- ---+ — -- r — a3eadde euosiad IA3uno Ltute�z�Yi e.x� 83�te� fiT s srz�so,� u epZ eQ -L-sn e7 - -P II z) pies jo; pue m acignd AMON e '-------------- p-��SYSSelruri eii� ------------------------------------ ---------- au3 aiojzg ' i6I ' - — -- - -- ------------------------------------ -3o dep — — — - -s -q3 u0 � - �o �3uno� too { — `vlu2o)jlv3 jo 3383% QS -60 1. FOAM A89 AHivT R s c tons than kinn_nn Quitclaim ;Deeb In Conoineration of s__-- 10.00 — receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ELIZABETH ANNIE Mc CRAY d(9 A-- hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, the real property in the ---------- City --- of- 1__Segundo__ _-------------------- - County of ------ I os An ales State of California, described as: Lot 20 in Block 10 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Dated this-- -----v-- -- - --- ------ -day of ------------ --------- ---- - - - - -- 19 -46;. OVEDAS TO F ---------------- ----------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ SPECIAL CITY A CHNEY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A d r J F a �Z Q 8W h O Z" a �Z 6 V F •07979 pot dlunaD plet joj put ur $lgng AmoN ---- -- -- ��- -T- --------------- - -- -- ------- - - - Z •Teas leuigo Put pueq Su: 002141M auies aq7 pain:)axa--- - - - - -- -Bus -- -aegl pa8paimou )j3e put juamnilsuc 8uio8aio; aqa of paqu:)sgns ----- ET --------- ---- -- -auieu asogm -------- uosiad aqi aq o3 au: of uenoux ---------------------------------------- ---- --------- ------- - Z� madde 6 euosiad Ajuno r8 z J� ejuuy u eq�zt - P II J pies ao; put ui arlgnd AMON e Spurt- --9 ------------------------------------ - - - - -- taut a1ojaq 9f -61 ---- - --- — -- -- X jiI - ----- ----------------- - - - -Jo Sep---- ----------- u -b — y uo so --- —_-------------- sbZ��rx;�- -sad - -�� d�UUd� `g�uzo��ig� to ago ;� z o G 1!�I YO F O m 3 J£ s r E ° m - a O r E < 9 N F = rm A d r J F a �Z Q 8W h O Z" a �Z 6 V F •07979 pot dlunaD plet joj put ur $lgng AmoN ---- -- -- ��- -T- --------------- - -- -- ------- - - - Z •Teas leuigo Put pueq Su: 002141M auies aq7 pain:)axa--- - - - - -- -Bus -- -aegl pa8paimou )j3e put juamnilsuc 8uio8aio; aqa of paqu:)sgns ----- ET --------- ---- -- -auieu asogm -------- uosiad aqi aq o3 au: of uenoux ---------------------------------------- ---- --------- ------- - Z� madde 6 euosiad Ajuno r8 z J� ejuuy u eq�zt - P II J pies ao; put ui arlgnd AMON e Spurt- --9 ------------------------------------ - - - - -- taut a1ojaq 9f -61 ---- - --- — -- -- X jiI - ----- ----------------- - - - -Jo Sep---- ----------- u -b — y uo so --- —_-------------- sbZ��rx;�- -sad - -�� d�UUd� `g�uzo��ig� to ago ;� kyo - i t ,FORM A -A 2.41 DM Affix I. R. S. $ ------ L9.S,9 ... than $100.00 Corporation Quitclaim wleeb under the laws of the State of- - - - - -- C81 1f_ Ox! i. ll a ...... .... ........ .... ............... with its principal placeof business at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ............... I in consideration of ------- --- TE. X.— ANI...NQ/10 .n7n'- ------------------ --- ----------- ------- --------------- --- ---DOLLARS, to it in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Remise, Release and Quitclaim to------------------ ----------------- ...... ... ..- --C.LTX_.OF.. ... c. or gn r- a- ti-on ., ........... .----------------- whose permanent address is- - - - -- .... -- -............. the real property in the ------ ity of El State of California, described as: Los Ange le s of-- ---------- °........-'--- '--......... Lot 7 in Block 16 of E1 Segundo Tract, as per map recorded in Book 16 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. T Sold to Detroit Products 58 Resolution No. 1001 Contract No. 650 (See Document A/29) nII j dissolved 3n Witnegg Wbereaf, sait/Corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by its--------------- ----------------------- -- - - - - -- --President and ---------------------------------------------- Secretary thereunto duly authorized, this ... ----------------------- -- ........... .--- day of ------------------------- .--------------------- ------ 19.46- ---- -- "AMOVED As r OPCCUL cm AriGP.P V` 5 z P z o a z o c Z G s z L a e„ A � W F Q •alelg pup AwnoD P1ps:o; pup ul. ayqud AMOK leas juiaglo pup puuq dw 0%3Uj)ER •awes ay palen�aa 1{n 1�{p }Qa ons leyl am of pa2palmou3jop pup 'paweu mai uopeiodioa 111 jo jlegaq uo luawnxlsui ulyl{'r+ �y} 3�cYa37Ca Gym suos.iad ay aq of am of umou�l pup °luaw�Ailgt$f;P11 / /polnoaaa ipyl uoileiodaoa 91 .... ------------------ .----------------- -------------------------------------------------- .-------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------- e-1110seT .' -- ..... i Y- n. n .s .. -..... Rx "QtiG Yzo �i', _ s ....... o„tinj ; . -j - jo iplalaas -------------------------------- ayl aq o1 am of umoul °----------------- -------------------' °--"-- - --f, --s --1-------. - - - -- --Pup `l uapi saJd ---------------------------------- ayl aq of am of umoul ."..°'.------------------------- -------- ----------- ------------ - - ----- ------------- aapaddp .f euosiad `.( Lue ,v y •l/ • d P ll lunoD pies ioj pup ut aggnd buiou e ----------------------------- -- -------------------...---.....------------------ - ---------------- eu� `ow aaojaq --------------- 61 `--- ...._------------------ °- ------ -------- - °------ jo .fep---- ----------- --- `LIB -6 'si41 u0 seTo:.; -s-- S ;o djuno� p9 `e�uzo3!1By1 30 3iBjS� QS -,84 Less than $100 Affix I. R. S. $. - - -- --- -- -- -- Quitclaim Oeeb t� in Consibetation of $-- 10.00 -- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ELIZABETH ANNIE Mc CRAY doe __S__ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim CITY OF FL SEGUND 0, a municipal corporation., the real property in the ---------- City__Of- _E1- _Se_gund0 __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _______County of ---- - - Angeles State of California, described as: Lot 4, Except the North 25 feet thereof, in Block 49 of El Segundo Tract, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 145 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Dated this ------- V- tl- ------------------- day of --- -- ------ -- --- ---- --- - -. 1946 - AS 0 z o O V O W o a r m o f U t i Gl Y N zd •p Od W z z a a y s r a �W i O f ti V y y T s C N p 6 V 2 .�. �„ O •o a` N e `a m I 2i W • ON w i i Vi U z p a - -27239 put d7naoZ) p[u ao; put ui zilgng AmoH - -sue -Ya -v teas jenTgo pue pueq Stu ooaunjm •atues aq3 painaaxa --------- B�s -- -- ------- aeg1 p38paImouTae pue 3uatuni3sui Suiogajoj aqi o3 paginsgns ---- § - ----- ------ ----ameu asogm -------- uosiad aqa aq oa atu oa umoux ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- ----------------------------- -- -- --------------- pairaddr Slleuoaiad 'S3unoD — — — dea[)oT 9Tuuy T g9ge2TTR ptes sot pue ui aijgnd AMON e — - - -- — --- ----------------- - ----- -- ------- -- -- - - -- peu�'Fssepun eu� -- 'atu asojaq ' -9�6t •- -- - - -- ---- ----- -eunr----------- ---- -- - -- -Jo Sep -- qgL -- -- -------- - -sTg2 uo --------- --- ;3ajatta -wo -- - - - - ;o 4unn •�s ', FOAM .Op q,5 -59 a, Atnx 1. K. J. (Quittlaim 3eeh in QConoWetation of receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, FRED W. DOBE and NARY DOBE, do______ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, the real property in the ----------- City --- of_E1__Segund0 ------------- _________County of_Los__Angeles State of California, described as: Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 41 of E1 Segundo Tract, as per map recorded in Book 20 Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Dated this__-z__J__.___�______..___day of AEC 1AL AS TO S CITY AT ' s 0 ¢ o a rz c ao o ¢ w a z z q 4 ti p O r� � 5° j U . 0 ' � hUz 0 •alpg p¢e dl¢¢o� P!es ao; p¢c ¢! a!!gna dlpo yeas Ientgo pue pueq Atu 0$3U110 1 -awn aqi paiwaxa --------- rain ---- - -teg3 pa8paimompr pue 3umni3sui SuioBazoj aq3 o3 pagtnsgns -------- ig g acueu asogm --- s --- uoslad aql aq of aux o7 umou3l -------------------- – -------------- – -- ---- ------ ------- - - -- anadde 6 eumad Ajuno -- -- -- -BgoQ-- s�� -- pus- - -e4oQ M PBS3 I pteszoj pus ui acignd AMOK a •- --- -- -- ----- ------------ - - - --- — – -- --------------------------------------------- atu alo�aq 61 — — - - -r l – – ;o dep - - j ------- - -sig3 uo --- ------ - - -a�� —�0 dlilp07D ,o 3;B4% gs -fig I FORM :yo Affix I. R. S. $ - --- e_s_sthan $100.00 QauitcYiru Weep 3n Consibetation of $_ --- 10.00 - -- , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CHARLES E. ACKERSON and FLORENCE J. ACKERSON do ------ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, the real property in the------------------------------------------- --- --- ----------- --- ---- - - - --- County State of California, described as: Lot 17, Block 9, E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Dated this ------- 12 ------------------- day A d d y i.� F o, l 0 om U w F a fono3'n{� sandx uo?mwwoD nom+ _________aJ � drl� ryitt xo,{ �as n� iggnd d�ryoH V — Ins Iec:)go put pueq AEU SoaullM atues aq3 pa3naaxa-- ------ toTTT ----------- 3tg3 paSpalemou>he pue 3uautnx3sul Suio8axoj aq3 o3 paginsgns- -- BBB s atueu asogm------suos3ad aq3 aq o3 aui o3 uemou3l -------------------------------- ---- ---- --- --- ------ -- - -- --- - uo s.S B 0 B ou 9S o — ----------------- ---- -� ----- ----- ---- ---- --- - -- axea a euos3a I.$uno x tl r i3 pug uos,zexoy g sei�zau�' P II :) pces xoj pue uI aclgnd Sxe3oN e ,-------- -------- ------- ----- - - -- -- — - ------ ----- --- -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- 13nt axo ;aq -- -- ---- - -- - -- ------------------------------- - - - - ;o 4unoD loo `RIU1011193 Io 31810 r I s a 0 0.rd C r: 2 IO YO ' •� a r� 5 y �g v ^< a E ° z z a N y y 2 V a y o Ei A d d y i.� F o, l 0 om U w F a fono3'n{� sandx uo?mwwoD nom+ _________aJ � drl� ryitt xo,{ �as n� iggnd d�ryoH V — Ins Iec:)go put pueq AEU SoaullM atues aq3 pa3naaxa-- ------ toTTT ----------- 3tg3 paSpalemou>he pue 3uautnx3sul Suio8axoj aq3 o3 paginsgns- -- BBB s atueu asogm------suos3ad aq3 aq o3 aui o3 uemou3l -------------------------------- ---- ---- --- --- ------ -- - -- --- - uo s.S B 0 B ou 9S o — ----------------- ---- -� ----- ----- ---- ---- --- - -- axea a euos3a I.$uno x tl r i3 pug uos,zexoy g sei�zau�' P II :) pces xoj pue uI aclgnd Sxe3oN e ,-------- -------- ------- ----- - - -- -- — - ------ ----- --- -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- 13nt axo ;aq -- -- ---- - -- - -- ------------------------------- - - - - ;o 4unoD loo `RIU1011193 Io 31810 w. F. It was then moved by C- ilrncilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Thompson that the following resolution be adopteds m and and RESOLVED, that that certain Corporation Quitclaim Deed dated the 10th day of July, 1946, executed by Kern Petrolem Corporation, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in the City of 51 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described ass Lot 9 in Block 23 of El Segundo, as per sip recorded in Book 18, page 69 of Mapa in the office of the County Recorder of said County Quitclaim Deed dated July 3, 1946, executed by Charles F. Goddard, also known as C. F. Goddard, and Anna S. Goddard, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described ass Lots 4 and 5 in Block 10 of Ei Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Mapad, in the office of the County Recorder of said County ?uitclaim Deed dated July 3, 1946, executed by Charles F. Goddard and Anna S. Goddard, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo,(a municipal corporation, the real properly in the City of E1 Segundo,). County of Los Angeles, State of California, described ass Lots 17 and 18 in Block 13 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said Countyo Quitclaim Deed dated June 27, 1946, executed by Mabel C. Davis, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a municipal Corporation, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described ass Lots 39 4 and % Block 8, E1 Segundo Tract, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. nnn�.�»q,i.r+ m ity of Belden, conveying to the Ce corporation, the real property in the City of El SeFnmdog County of Los Angeles, State of California, described ass Lot 3 in Block 4 of F.C. Segpindo, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. and Quitclaim Deed dated May 89 1946, executed by Elizabeth Annie M®Cray,-conveNing to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in the City-of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described ass Lot 20 in Block 10 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County ♦ and C ^- rzretion 'quitclaim Deed, executed May 9, 1946 by El Segundo Construction Company, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporationg the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Loa Angeles, State of California, described ass notV Lot 7 in Block 16 of Ei Segundo Tract, as per Map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Mapes in the office of the County Recorder of sAid County Quitclaim Deed dated June 4, 1946, executed by Elizabeth Annie McCray, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described ass Lot 49 Except the North 25 feet thereof, in Block 49 of E1 Segundo Tract, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 145 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, and Quitclaim Deed dated May 14, 1946, executed by Frets W. Dobe and Mary Dobe, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a mania cipal Corporation, the real property in the City of El Segundo, Counlsy of Los Angeles, State of California, described Ass Lt Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 41 of E1 Segundo Tract as per map recorded in Book 20 Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Quitelaim Deed dated M.ay 13, 1946, executed by Charles E. Ackerson and Florence J, Kcke "Ison, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a muriir nary corpora i.on, the mai pr(n-ierty in the City. of Ml Segrar,+,.e County of Los Angeles, Strt€ of California, described ass Lot 17, Block 9, F1 Sega,Aa, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. be and the same are hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City of El Segundo; and BE IT FURTHER RFSOLPED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause said instruments to be filed for record as one document in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayess Councilmen Baker, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby Noses Councilmen None Absents Councilman Peterson A• STATE OF CALIFORNIA CCUWY OF LOS ANGELES ; SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing consisting of two pages is a full, true and correct copy of a certain resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo at a regular meeting of said body held on the 31st day of July, 1946. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the official Beal of the City of E1 Segundo this 7th day of August, 1946. .. rs Eby .,f zoo Angeles is 4k . e Department of Charities REL:E. '.SE OF MORTGAGE (as to herein described property) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That the County of Los AnLrflo �., State of California) Mortgagee, for valuable consideration, does hereby certify and declare that the-following described real property, situated in the County of Los Angeles , State of California., is hereby released from the lien of that certain mortgage bearing date the 14th day of July , 19389 executed by Charles E. Ackerson also known as Charlie E. Ackerson and Florence J• Ackerson also known as Florence Jane Ackerson, husband and wife, joint tenants,. Mortgagors, to the County of Los Angeles, Mortgagee, and recorded on the 15th day of September 19 38, in Bo.,Y 16080 Page 52 1 Official Records of Los Angeles County: Lot 17, Block. 9, E1 Segundo, Book 18, page 69 of Maps, in the County of Los Angeles as shown on map recorded in the office of the Recorder of This release shall not affect said mortgage or the lien thereof as to any property other than that hereir, described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said County has, by order of its Board of Supervisors) caused these presents to b ecuted i its name by the Chairman of said Board, attested by thplAlerk the and the seal `�f said Board to be affixed hereto this �� day of 194 ATTEST- J. F. MORONEY, ex- officio Cle: Supervisors of Angele ,, SL,,-to By County Clerk and ^k of the Board of the County of Los ci California Deputy STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELS B yn n Chairman, Board of Su,:ery sors County of Los Angeles County of Los Ades, ) ss On this ��� day of e 110, before me) J. F. MORONEY, County C1.2r.. of the C mty of Los Angeles, State of Cplif- ornia, and ex- officio Clerk of he Supel?'io -�Rurt in and ;,or ,said County and St te, personally appeared �� ("-. / JLd known to me to be the Chairman of the Board of 'upe- rvibors of the County that executed the within instrument and the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the County therein named and acknowledged to me that said County executed the,same. IN WITITESS ' +HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day'and year in this certificate first above written. J . F . YORONEY , officio Clerk and y Clerk and ex- e : aid Superior of California in of Los Angeles i;% 754 5C Rev. 9/43 By_ Depu