T053FORM .00 Less than $100.00 Affix I. R. S. $. -- ---- ----- -- -- - --- -- rm In Conoioecation of $____6.O0__ __- '5.00 — receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, FANNIE L. MITCHELL do__e shereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to ------------------------ _ ------------------------------ ---------- CITY OF EL SEGUTD 0, a municipal corporation, ,0...... -,j the real property in the ----- Gi- tag --- Of --Fl --- agLg 7 nd_o------- ----------- - -- --- ---County ofl,Dz --- Ang'al aS---- - - - -, State of California, described as: Lot 13 in Block 5 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Dated this------ 1$th---- - - -___ -day of-- --- -------------------- January 19_46. A ROVED AS TO FORM $PEC L CI ATi9Ptt L Y z z V r N o O Y C Yy A ®®IW 1� ' O .p O Y W Z g Z"a O a z N z w F __________� as dlanop pier ao; poa a. o.1 tinoN ____________ ------------- — ----- -- _ _______ . Vas lentgo put pueq Sw 003Ui }m •awes aq3 pamim --------------- Bus --- - --aegi pa8palmou3l3e put zuawnzzsw SuroSazoj aql of pagmsgns------ -s f- -----' ----aweu asogm -------- uosiad aq3 aq o3 aw of umou3l -------------------------------------- ------ -------- --------- --------------- B--------------------- o tiz ------------ pazeadde 611euoszad '.$uno0 ples zo; put ul 3llgnd AMOK a - -- geu°t T - - - ---- ---------------- 'aw azojaq '------61 '- --- - - - - -- i dsanuar ------ --- ------------ - - - - ;o dep - - --- �1�Z ------- - -srga u0 saTaOUV so 'I `0JUIOjJ1g-3 jo 3383fh a O - , O Z Q Ff 7 < "F A U z — S, z N z w F __________� as dlanop pier ao; poa a. o.1 tinoN ____________ ------------- — ----- -- _ _______ . Vas lentgo put pueq Sw 003Ui }m •awes aq3 pamim --------------- Bus --- - --aegi pa8palmou3l3e put zuawnzzsw SuroSazoj aql of pagmsgns------ -s f- -----' ----aweu asogm -------- uosiad aq3 aq o3 aw of umou3l -------------------------------------- ------ -------- --------- --------------- B--------------------- o tiz ------------ pazeadde 611euoszad '.$uno0 ples zo; put ul 3llgnd AMOK a - -- geu°t T - - - ---- ---------------- 'aw azojaq '------61 '- --- - - - - -- i dsanuar ------ --- ------------ - - - - ;o dep - - --- �1�Z ------- - -srga u0 saTaOUV so 'I `0JUIOjJ1g-3 jo 3383fh .osr,.v , Affix I. R. S.- $ .... less than X100.00 (Quitclaim Oteb In C0n#iVCC4d0t? of $ ---- - _-10.00 -- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MAURICE E. ELDRIDGE, MAURICE E. ELDRIDGE, GRACE BANKS ELDRIDGE, do_____ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim as trustee, and individually, and wife of Maurice E. Eldridge CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, the real property in the _ -_ -_ City --- of'--E 1-_ SaFumdo.- - --------------------------- County of_Los _A? ,e Ze s State of California, described as: West 20 feet of the North 300 feet of Lot 3 in Block 93t--'of El Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 20 Page 22 of LIaps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; South 25,,f-eet of West 20 feet of Lot 3 in Block 93 of El Sel;undo, as per map recorded in Book 20 Page 22 of 1siaps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Dated this -- i�^ ------- •--------- day WROUEO AS TO FORM a $Pke -e1Tr A OBk Sold to Reuben Joseph Slater et ux 7 -I8 -51 West 20' of North 300' of Lot 3 in block 93 South 25' of West 20' of Lot 3 in Block 93 T 53 < t z C T � z O C Z U O w J F 6 0 F V Y F V j d F6 �0 Y '�L• ' Lai C n h C a n V o N< G z z z e b < w z r z < c W < P Ei N a] C 6 f w �tt� d � I �2QQ� ° z I F I � � •amg pat AmaoD pin ao; pot m 3ggnd Sjno --- ------------------ ----------- -- - -- -- ---------- �i'' – -leas iencgo pue puec{ itu 0$3UjI} *awes aq3 paimaxa ------------ d 9U pa8paimompe pue ivawni3suc SuioBajo; aqi o3 pagtnsgns ameu asogm-------- uosiad aqi aq of am of umou3l - - a pgsp� � e� ens rSYSPIK ----------------- BbtsriB" s - '- - - - -- - -3T n7g -f paaeadde AllEuosiad 'diuno� � pu ri IPZ-- 9 pies jo; put ui oggnd AmoH e ' ----- ---- ------ --- ----- --- - -- ---- – - ---- --- ------- ----- - -- - -- -- ------- - - - --- peu8tsispun euq 'aw aio;aq ' –9� 6 i ' -- — -- –� � – jo -�-- - - -- c------ - -s!qi uo f ----- --- -.,��yf" to d3uno-3 l `13}uao)IlIJID 3o malo GIZELLA M. ALLEN ASSOCIATE COUNSEL Mrs. Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk, E1 Segundo, California. Dear Mrs. Elsey:- LAW OFFICES JOHN F. BENDER 1=7 FINANCIAL CENTER BCILDINS 704 SOUTH SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES 14, CALIF. VANDIKE 14[1' 1 July 30, 1951 IN REPLY, REFER TO FILE NO, Re: W 20ft of N 300ft of Lot 3, Block 93; S 25ft of W 20ft of Lot 3, Block 93; E1 Segundo - -Sold to Reuben Joseph Slater. et ux. Enclosed please find Resolution 1165 of the City of El Segundo, accepting the cash bid of Reuben Joseph Slater and wife, in the sum of $150.00 for the above described parcels of property. You may use this communication as the customary breakdown in respect to the sale, when the full amount of the purchase price has been paid. Also, I enclose herein quitclaim deed to be executed by the Mayor, conveying the said property to the purchasers, when the full purchase price has been paid. Our records show the following fees in respect to the property, all costs having been previously billedt Attorney's Fees due, 20% of gross sales price - -- $30.00 From the moneys received from the sale of said property, the enclosed statement for attorney's fees should be paid; and the balance of the money should remain in the general fund on account of moneys expended by the City for the rehabilitation of said property. /as Encls. CC, Clyde Woodworth, Atty. YAr s very truly, (//JOHN F. BENDER, Special City Attom ey, City of E1 Segundo. t IN REPLY, REFER TO FILE NO, Re: W 20ft of N 300ft of Lot 3, Block 93; S 25ft of W 20ft of Lot 3, Block 93; E1 Segundo - -Sold to Reuben Joseph Slater. et ux. Enclosed please find Resolution 1165 of the City of El Segundo, accepting the cash bid of Reuben Joseph Slater and wife, in the sum of $150.00 for the above described parcels of property. You may use this communication as the customary breakdown in respect to the sale, when the full amount of the purchase price has been paid. Also, I enclose herein quitclaim deed to be executed by the Mayor, conveying the said property to the purchasers, when the full purchase price has been paid. Our records show the following fees in respect to the property, all costs having been previously billedt Attorney's Fees due, 20% of gross sales price - -- $30.00 From the moneys received from the sale of said property, the enclosed statement for attorney's fees should be paid; and the balance of the money should remain in the general fund on account of moneys expended by the City for the rehabilitation of said property. /as Encls. CC, Clyde Woodworth, Atty. YAr s very truly, (//JOHN F. BENDER, Special City Attom ey, City of E1 Segundo. Ar�,C: - city of =346gando for the tAm of $150.00 cash, be and the same is hereby oftsptod. Ttsi.�e 'That tho said acceptance* of said bid and the sale herein spade by virtue of this toos'ptanee thereof ara so accepted And mad* su'b eat to the term and aoaaditiomm,of said *Notice N*. Seven of Intention to .Sell City of gl Segundo Real Property and Inviting bids or Offers Tberafar.a Parths That the Xoyar of tbs City of gl Segundo is hereby Authorised *ad instructed, to execute, in the neap of said City and on ite bmbalf, a quiteltim dead of said real property to said purohaseore, and the City Clark is bsreby authorized and instructed to attest the assm and affix the corporate seal of said City thereto* and to deliver said dead to said purchasers, pif That the bid of said purohasers hereinabove referred too, be Visited a fife in the office of the City Clerk of said City$ and the said bid and said "Totice Xo. Seven of Intention to Sell City' of B1. Se o' ` Ovaed Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers Thsraforos# are .hereby referred to and by this reference expresslq incorporated; herein and made a part hereof. 04xtht That the Cif Cler1; sball Aw,t fy to the passage and adoption of this - rasoluti i. ahail "Ust1ho original of the same to be entered in the 'book of resolutions of said City °taf ffi. Ss a, 664 - a mina is of the passage and adoptiom thereof in the rsetords of the proceedings of the City Coumil of said Citys in the idnates of the msoting'at,wblah the same is passed and adapted. Passed.# approved and adopted this day of July: 1951- Mar Of Segundo ATTMt • FORM ,.00 Aix I R. S. $ - Le---s-s -- -t--ha- n $100.00 4audda im ;Deeh in Conoineration of $ "5.00_ - -___ , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, RUSSELL D. HARRISON and HAZEL HARRISON do ------ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to ------------------------ - ------------------------------ - ------------------------------- CITY OF EL SEGUNDOAy a municipal corporation, the real property in the ------ City _of El Segundo -- County of_Los Angeles State of California, described as: Lot 30 in Block 10 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18 Pate 69 of Maps, i,'I the office of the County Recorder of said County. Lot 30 Block 10 sold to Victor E. Mattson 4/16/52 per Reso. #1220 Dated this-- day ofiEy 19_46 - - - -- -- -- ---- - - -- - ------------------------ -- ----------------------------- ------------- ---- --- -- - - -- -- i C F v C d T 2 F U�= O I 1 O o w V cO`.' W u 4 _ cl y 3 y 4 O I I d i I z�M o CA In 0 1 �� .. i 1 i w 0 W F I 1 " •ams pot Amok ppn Jo3 pue ui 311gng AmoN ----------------------------------------- - - -- -- -- -------`----- -- ---- -- teas Ieuigo pue pueg Sui 003113]M •au:es aqa paln"xa --------- -- eu� ------- leg3 pa8patesou3pr pue juamn» sum SuioSaio; aqi w pagpxgns----- 8 -- --"------- -- auieu asogm----- ---uosjad aqa aq o3 aw oa umou)l ------------------ ` ------ — -------------- — --- — ------ — ` ------ -- - - - --- ----- -------- - - - - -- ---- ---- ------- -- -- -` anadde S euosiad 'S1uno UOST,TseH. Z9ZBT4 pue uoszaaeg Q ZT9esng p [I p>es jo; pue ui :)rignd SieaoH e '------ -------------------- P gu STS z arour a -------------------------- auc aiopq ' 9i� 61 — — - - -i%�i n2 —go Sep - -- -- �---- ---- --s-q3 u0 GIZELLA M. ALLEN 48ROCIATE COONBEL Mrs. Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk, City of El Segundo, California. Dear Mrs. Elsey:- LAW OFFICES JOHN F. BENDER 1207 FINANCIAL CENTER BUILDING 704 SOUTH SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES 14. CALIF. VANOIKE 1431 May 20, 1952 IN REPLY, REFER TO FILE NO. Re: Lot 30, Block 10, El Segundo.- -Sold to Victor E. Mattson, at ux. $700.00 Cash with Policy. The above described property was sold to the above named purchaser on a cash basis, the city to furnish policy of title insurance. You may use this communication as the customary breakdown in respect thereto. Our records show the following assessment, costs and attorney's fees in respect to the property: 1915 Act assessment No. 432, R.I. 118, Base amount .... vV X8-.20 Reserve for Title charges.. .. ..... .. 25.20 (Including policy, recording deed and Revenue Stamps; Attorneyls Fees due (20% of gross sales price, less cost of policy, policy 'being ";22.00) ............. 135.60 From the monies received from the sale of said property, the enclosed statement for attorney's fees should be paid; the amount of the 1915 Act assessment should be transferred to the City Treasurer for proper cancellation of said assessment; the amount reserved for title charges should remain in the general fund to be paid by the City directly to the title company when I mail to you that company's statement, and the balance of the money should remain in the general fund on account of monies expended by the City for the rehabilitation of said property. /as Encls. cc: Mr. Clyde l^Joodworth. urs very truly, JOHN F. BENDER, Special City Attorney, City of El Segundo. GIZELLA M. ALLEN ASSOCIATE COUNSEL LAW OFFICES JOHN F. BENDER 1207 FINANCIAL CENTER BUILDING 704 SOUTH SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES 14, CALIF. VANDIKE 1431 IN REPLY, REFER TO FILE NO. May 5th, 1952 Mrs. Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk, E1 Segundo, California. Re: Lot 30, Block 10 of El Se�:undo Dear Mrs. Elsey:- I now have preliminary report re the above described property, and you are hereby authorized to have the enclosed. deed from the City to the purchasers executed when tie full amount of the purchase price has been paid to you. I also enclose form of statement of identity, which should be filled out and signed by purchasers. After the attached deed will you please return the policy. /as Encls. and statement of identity are executed, said documents to me and I will order ours very OHD F. BF'P D, Special City Attorney, City of E1 Segundo. a, May 7, 1952 Victor E. and Helena Mattson 135—C Standard street E1 o, California Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mattson; In connection with your purchase from the City of E1 2guT do of Lot 30, Block 1o, E1 Segundo Tract, I head you herewittR, estate meat of identity, which should be completed by you and returned to me at the earliest possible time. This statement is required by the title company before it can issue its title report on said property. Deed from the City of 11 Segundo, conveying the above mentioned property to you, has been executed and delivered to the title company. It will, therefore, be in order for you to call at this office and pay the balance due on the purchase price of said lot at any time within the next creek. Thanking you for your prompt attention, I am Wif Eno, Very truly yours, Mrs. Neva Me Elsey City Clerk May 149 1952 Mr, John F. Bender 1207 Financial Center Building 704 South Spring Street Los Angeles 14, California Dear Mr. Benders Re. Lot 300 Block 10 of El. Segundo. In connection with lot captioned above, I hand you herewith, duly executed deed conveying said property to the purchasers thereof by the City of E1 Segundo. Completed identity state- ment of the purchasers is also enclosed. The full amount of purchase price was paid to me as of this date. N/ jf Enc. -2 Very truly yours, Mrs. Neva M. Elsey City Clerk LAW OFFICES JOHN F. BENDER 1207 FINANCIAL CENTER BUILDING 704 SOUTH SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES 14, CALIF. VANDIKE 1431 GIZELLA M. ALLEN ASSOCIATE COUNSEL IN REPLY, REFER TO FILE NO. April 21, 1952 Mrs. Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk, City Hall, El Segundo, California. Re: Lot 30, Block 10, E1 Segundo Dear Mrs. Elsey:- Enclosed herein you will find original and copies of Resolution No. 1220, City Council accepting the cash bid of Victor E. Mattson as to the above described parcel of property. The above resolution is issued under Notice of Intention No. 10M. I have now ordered the preliminary report, and when I receive the same and find the City is in a position to complete the transaction, I will then forward to you the deed and breakdown of the sale in respect to said lot. Roars very truly, JOHN F. BENDER, Soecial City Attorney, City of El Segundo. /as Encls. cc: Mr. Clyde Woodworth, City Attorney. I said City for the sum of $700.00 cash, said title to be vested in Victor 20 Mattson and Helm& vattson, husband and wife, as joint tenants, BE AND THE SAME IS HERRBY ACCBPTEU. Fourths That the said acceptance of said bid and the sale herein made by virtue of this aecegton,00 thereof are see accepted and made subject to the tense and conditions of said "Notice No. Ton N of Intention to Bell City of rl Segundo Owned Real Property and Invit- ing Bids or offers Therefor ". Pis That the Mayor of the City of El Segundo is hereby authorized and instructed to e.ueouute, in the name of said City and on its behalf, a quitclaims deed of said real property to said purchasers, in form approved by the City Attorney or Special City Attorney, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to attest the name and affix the corporate seal of the said City thereto,, and to deliver said deed, together with policy of title insurance, to said purchaser. Sixths That the bid of said purchasers above referred to, be tiled in the office of the City Clerk of said City on file, and the said bid, and said "Notice No. Ten of Intention to Sell City of E1 Segundo owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers Therefor ", are hereby referred to and by this reference expressly incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Berths That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the original of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of said City cf Ei Segundo, and shall wake a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of said City Gouncil of said City, and in the minutes of the meeting at which the sane is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of April, 19520 William R. ATTSBTt Neva M. Elsey alty Clerk C-]IRTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF H. SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA. February 20, 1946 RESOLVED, that those certain Quitclaim Deeds, filed as one document, as follows, to -wit: Quitclaim Deed, dated the 16th day of January, 1946, executed by Fannie L. Mitchell, and conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: Lot 13, in Block 5 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and Quitclaim Deed, dated the 5th day of February, 1946, executed by Maurice E. Eldridge, Trustee, Maurice E. Eldridge and Grace Banks Eldridge, and conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia, described as: 'Nest 20 feet of the North 300 feet of Lot 3 in Block 93 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 20, Page 22 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and South 25 feet of "lest 20 feet of Lot 3, in Block 93 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 20, Page 22 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and Ouitclaim Deed, dated the 17th day of February, 1946, executed by Russell D. Harrison and Hazel Harrison, and conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: Lot 30 in Block 10 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, be and the same are hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said instrument's filed as one document in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) the City of E1 Segundo, California, full, true and correct copy of a