T052.. ''U", . ,- #;Qam 400 11 i( Affix I. R. S. $- -Less than $100,00 auitcra im Deeb in Conoiberation of $--10, 00 -_ -__ receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, HARRY M. REGAN' and HILDA REGAN , his «rife, do ------ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation,, the real property in the_ City of-El Segundo_________ __ ______ _____ - -- _County of._Los Angeles __ State of California, described as: Lots 5vand 6, Block 15, E1 Segundo Tract, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Block 15, Lots 5 & 6 sold to ixter & Olga Benson 5 -28-52 Cont. # 766 APPROVED AS TO FOR( ECML CITY TTOef -EY Dated this --------- 2.i-S1 -------------- day of ----------- &Tanusa,2-g- ------ --- - - -- -- 19 -_46 -. --- - - - --- - - - -- -- ------ --- --- - - --- -- - - - - - -- - - ----- - - -- - T- 3F 4} _ • I kIy a O '� N F C N 9 z_ r L •� •A 7 tin ° o � Q z z z a O m o S Y C h I I I 0 i i Z z p" w t pat •d7aaoj pen so) pae b44ng "<ss3oH - - - - -- -07e -leas tepcgo pue pueq dw 0$3u31M -awes aq3 pnnaaxa ------------ fieu � --- - --- 2eg1 paSpatmowfn put, auawniisui SuioBaio; aq1 oa pagposgns------ g------ --- -sauieu asoq&-- s--uosiad aqa aq o1 aw o1 umou3t ------------- --- ---- ----- --- ----- - - - -- ue�e�--gP'C ?H Aue___ - --- aieadde 6 euosxad •Sauno P II J pies jo3 pue ui Dilqnd Gee o e - -------------------------------- law ajojaq --- 9,-6I - — -- -- ------------------ JO Lep---- ----- - - - -s - srgl up - -g3''II=Jhd9 �b'1� - -- -j0 d311ri0� `BJuao)IJUD jo 31PA6 FORM 400 Affix I. R. S. $_ Les s than x%100.00 QQuittlaim 3100eeh 31n C0n0j09tati0n of $__-'10._00 -- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, R. E. PERRY and PEARL PERRY do______ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to________________________------------------------------ - __ ------ --------------------- CITY OF EL SEGUEDO, a municipal corporation, the real property in the_City of El Segundo Los An eles _ - ------- --- County of- = °- - --- State of California, described as: Lot 9 in Blocl. 22 of El Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 16 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. T Lot 9 Block 22 52 Sold to Construction Finance Corp 3 -23 -53 See Cont. #794 Also See T 58 Dated this ------ ZQ -- ---day of - -- - — 19_ -46_. - ----- - -- — - - -------------------------- 'APPROVED AS TO FORM --- - - - - -- - - - -/T --- - ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------ ---- - -�� IAl. CITY AROI7PE4' r , . i. r < t O 2 U a o o Z z a z - u Y O G F Ooi VM ai u"' S� 1 I z�M o U z w a i i au pae I %luo:) pies ao) �as al aggng JunoH .Teas leucgo pue pueq Sur gganl}M •arses aql paln]axa----- jBu ---- ------- legl pa8pajmou3pe pue luawn]lsuc SuroSa]o; aql of pagp3sgns-- -- - -"'-g s aureu asogm s --- uosiad aql aq of our of umou3i ------------------------- - -------- - - -- -- ----- fis3Bd —T��Bd Pue - - fi�z� -ea •� : - - -- a]eadde S euos]ad •Sluno g P II D pies ]oj pue ui �rlgnd ]eioN e °----- ------ - --- -- ---- -- -, - peu:��ssepun - - --- ------------------ eu� - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- law a]ojaq ` -9T-6I ---- - --- ------ ----- - - - - -- ens --p -------------------- - -jo Sep- --- --- --q -- --`-- -- -- - -Sigl uo -- ------- saja�u�,--- - - - -'o 4uno3 'FOAM 400 Affix I. R. S, $--- 100.00 ___-_ - -_- -- - -_ $ .� '-s Less than Quitclaim Oub in Conoiatration of $-- -- '10.00 -- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, EDGAR R. MAGEE does hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, the real property in the_City of El Segundo — County of Los Angeles State of California, described as: Lot 16 in Block 15 of El Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18 Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. T Lot 16 Block 15, sold to Charles A. Brockus 10 -9 -46- Dated this - ---- `� ------- day of - ----- ------ -- - - --- - --- - --- ---- - - - -- 19- --- - - -- -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- ---- --- - -- ------------------------------ ------ - -- -- - -- APP - -- - - - -" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PECUL CI �TTOaMET c p S b ❑ O O z v z Z u z d "" U z ad. M _ o ��� z r F. Z Z `d � woo W - UOPSIMM � o VIM 9��� el 1e Inner e47 gal Puv ul •»qg pug dpu¢oD pigs aoj pug mellgng m's?+'ol�V—Ltl /`W /(1�0A1 ------------------------ _________________ V •leas leu>go put pueg Sux gganj }}�]1 au3es aq3 paanaaxa ----------------- Bu -- ----aeg3 paSpalemou3lae put 3uauma3sum SuioSaaoj aqa o3 paquasgns ---------- gT - - -asum asogm -------- uosiad aq3 aq o3 au: o3 uenoug -------------------------------------------- -- ----- ---------------- -- -- - --- – --- paaeadde Slleuosaad S3uno� esde� � ,ze2pg ples ao; put us allgng S3e3oH e ------------ ------ ----- - - - - ---- a --3- -- ----- - Bu------------------------------------- •aur 3103aq 6 L`?r – — -- -- - –= -- --;o Sep- --- -- - ----- ----- - -srg3 uo (---- - - - - -- - - — ;o i4uno2 l °e}uao ;}}e2 jo 31DWA U rs a r 1 Y CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY TBE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA FEBROARY 6, 1946. "RESOLVED that those certain Quitclaim Deeds, filed as one document, as follows; to -wit: Quitclaim Deed dated the 21st day of January, 1946, executed by Harry M. Regan and Hilda Regan, rj and conveying to the £ t�y of El Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in tha City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of-California, described as: Lots 5 and 6. Block 15, El Segundo Tract, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and Quitclaim Deed dated the 29th day of January, 1946, executed by R. E. Perry and Pearl Perry, and conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: Lot 9 in Block 22 of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and Quitclaim Deed, dated the 22nd day of January, 1946, executed by Edgar R. Magee and Dorothy Jane McGee, and conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: Lot 16 in Block 15 of El Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, be and the same are hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; and BE IT RJRTBER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said instrument in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California" STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I. Victor D. McCarthy, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said Body held on the 6th day of February, 1946. In Witness whereof, I hays hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said C4 this 8th day of February, 19 6. - �Ivy Uierx - vioy[ 01 ^�-oagunao,Nal. -r r�-i a � N� C vY imvia it d 8 A IS J Cy E3 W 4� vQ y . � . 4) t 12 sm swi N�