T0241 • -- awr a-ai for AG, T R - eConsideration less than 56100.00_ C)S�7 Quitclaim Jmeeb 31n Consibetation of $_ 25 00- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, KNUT TVEDT and A1,1A1\1DA TVEDT, husband and wife, whose permanent address is------------------------------------------- do ------ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to ----------------------- ___- CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, whose permanent address is---------------- ------------- - - - - -- ---- - - ---- -------------------------------- the real property in the __ -------- City---o El -- LPgUa1 ------------------------ of___Las-- -4xTrzalea____, State of California, described as: Lots 59;"60 and 61, Tract 2540, as per map recorded in Boot: 25, Page 30 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County. Dated this - -------------- day of 19__44 FI o V a n n r F e C z z a x y b w a m ? O d n Y l i E-+ 053 a � H ! u IQ J Gi I I j r � � A ----- -alels put eluuo:) pits ao3 put u! 3clqud .Ve / leas Ien o PUB ue Sul ooaua1M , •aides aq3 palwaxa ----------------- — 'au— --- seg3 pa8paimompe pue 3uauz3sul Suio8a3o; aq o3 pagcnsgns---- -- --- ----- -- -alueu asoyA -------- uosiad aq3 aq o3 au o3 umousi--T ----------------------------------------- -- -- ---- -- ------ --- -- ---- - - - - -- ------- -- ------------ panadde diieuoszad 'S3uno:) gPGAI gnug pies 3o; pue ui Diigng AmnoN a I------- ------ ---- ------ ------- -- -- -- — --- -- - - -- - -------- - - - --------------------------- JePuau *S uuor -au: aio;aq ' 1 1 61 • - - - - -- — — ---- agog - --------- -------- - - -- -Jo Sep ---- ----- q�iv -- -- ---- --stg3 uo ( ------ --- - - - --- --- -- - - -- ------- - -- - -jD l7iUp0� ,�D J Solasu -\ 20Z 11 °eIuao3}IB3) 'o a�rat� n 0 b `[y E O Z= za a b C o O a. N a 1-I IQ H --- - - - - -- - -a3eag pue 43unoo pies ao; pui ux nlgnd . MON -- -------------- -- ------ ------- z� P a z e H H a W U u p x o 03 LE3 e �: n n� n W U u a b E E .leas lencgo put pueq Scu 003MIM -awes aq3 paawaxa-- - --: t - -3eg3 pazpalmomp? put 3uawni3sut Suiogaroj aq3 o3 pagp3sgns- -- jr — aweu asogm--- uosiad aq3 aq w aw o3 umou3( ------------------------- --------------- ------- ------------------- ------------ ---------- - - - --- ---- --------- pa3eadde Slleuosaad IS3unoD 4penT, epueazy ples jo3 put ul 31 gnd S3e3oN e -- ---- -------------------------------- -- -- — c — — — -- peu�gszepun eu9 'aw 330jaq 6i -- - -- -- ------- - - - -;o Sep - - - -- f--------- - - --sig3 up --- ----- - -'ssZe uy -sCZ —�o 4U1103 `8ju10i} log j0 338346 .. CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA. FEBRUARY 16, 1944. "RESOLVED, that that certain Quitclaim Deed, dated February 14, 1944, executed by %nut Tvedt and Amanda Tvedt, husband and wife, presented to this Council for its consideration, and con- veying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, that certain parcel of real property situated in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as follows: Lots 599 60 and 61, Tract 2540, as per map recorded in Book 25, Page 30 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, be and the same is hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said instrument in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California ". STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I. Victor D. McCarthy, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said Body held on the 16th day of February, 1944. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of E1 Segundo, California, this 18th day of February, 1944. ity Clerk of the City o, Californ a, V r �v V RON C14 h mroc*�j m o m ono k � CD n n CD rnw m µ � cct O C C a 0 1i O w � a V 1 M1 CA `� 6RUED AT "EST OF �v V RON C14 h mroc*�j m o m ono k � CD n n CD rnw m µ � cct O C C a 0 1i O w Affix I. R. S. $ Consideration less than 010Q�.00: , •- -- -FORM 9990 - 3-4040M Corporation O �Deeb WESTERN EXPLORATION COMPANY, a corporation, , a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business at 220_7 Temple Avenue, Los Angeles, Californis, in consideration of - - FIVE and 00/100 - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, to it in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant to CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a Municipal corporation, whose permanent address is El Segundo, California the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles State of California, described as Lots 59; 6d "and 61 r'Of Tract No. 254cr, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 25 Page 30 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. in Witne$s Wbered, said Corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by its President and its Secretary tbereunto duly authorized, this 7th day of May , 19-43 . L jXi. �ri y, 8 o � �'' L" •O m � Co H N f � Y z o WCW O w U a Z q h S L w � V Z � m L• � V U� y O m � � 5 � � P% e �'$ �IW O -- z z G a N z�c C2 is Wa w o e. r F E U d V] u •a7wS puv filunoo pies aq;'fav ul o d IUVION 1 Y L pas en o ue ue but ;}M I I 43 P P q $$3n •autus aq; paimm uoputod:o yns ;eq; aut o; pa8paimompe pup 'patmu uiwaq; uopuodio:) aq; to ;Itgaq uo ;uaummum uiq;tm aq; pamam oqm suosiad aq; aq o; aw o; umoux pue ';uau:nx;sui BuioBato; put utq ;im aq; pa ;naaxa ;eq; uoi;etodaw aq; uoT4eao aoo g 0 oTqBaoT is uzagsaM jo ,czu;ataag aq; aq o; am o; umoml Hacm% ,H —puu ' ;uapcsaa q; aq o; aut o; umou3i gear ZHg ateaddu dtteuosiad',t;uno:) ptes ao; pue ui aitgnd .iap;oN u ' 'aut ato;aq ' 4 h 61 ' Sep[ ;o 6ep iq; uo 10 "UnOD $41 10., Affix I. R. S. $ ----- Consideration less than $100.00 (Quittlatm %Deeb in Conofbetatfon of s- 35- r- 00 ----------- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, J. A. KEITH whose permanent address is --------- LQS__ elect Calif -ornia -------------------------- ----------------- do_e_;3- hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to -------------------- --_- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a Municipal Corporation, whose permanent address is ---------- Zl-_YogimdDr--SlalifArnia.,. ------- — ----------- — --- — --- — ---- — ---------------------- the real property in the -------------- MY—of _.E]. --- Segundo- ----------------- -- County of ---- 198- _Ai?gelB9____ -, State of California, described as: Lot 4 in Block 92 of E1 Segundo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 20 Pages 24 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Dated this ----------- 7th --------- -- -day of L) A - - - - -- ---- --- - - - - --- rl K z re Ca. y 3 e Ey d v z •n y ti a a « p a 0 0 N � H F � •°n � U � � :H 5 °' �. c i y d 3—+ O� a w f � zed •azng pue d7un0D pia aoj pue uc �gqud Am - --------- --- ----------- --- -- -- - - --- --- - ------ • • leas JET:) O IIE ue aiiII I .Ig P P q 003141M •amrs aqa painaaxa-- ------ -- ----- - pa8palmou3ze pus zuau:nzzsui 8u7o8azo; aqa o1 paquDsgns-------- - -- --- --- -- -acueu asogm -------- uoszad aqz aq of aui oz umoux ----------------------------------------------- ---- ----- -- ---- ------------------ r azsadde .1 euoszad •Szuno til'�'FS$ -- -g-- �--- - - - - -P II o piss zoj pue ut :)rignd I-MON e — --- ------ ------------ ------- - - - - -- r S2pu -- • -- [ {o--------------------------- •aux azojaq � 61 •---------------------- --- - -- - -- ----------------- jo – --- -- - - -- -LIB L srga u0 -------- -- sete�u� �b� —�0 &un03 00 -- "JIU20;}tg -3 ;0 3 ;030 Afi. T R S 9 Consi Agra ti nr 1aac than w,lnn _loo- :r^ • FORM AOO -A 3.41 5M ------------ Corporation Quitclaim WIeeb MCCRAY- ESTATE...COiyIPAi\iY, . a- _c- orporatio - -------------------- p y--- s of the State of .......................................... .......... .. .......... ........ with its principal place of bus ness at organized ..ae -uerl- laws in consideration of-- -. - - -{ IJ - -- 2nd -. OQ1100 --- - ... - --- - -_ , - -_ - -- --- - -.- - - -- _. - -- _ -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -DOLLARS, to it in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Remise, Release and Quitclaim to. ----------------- C- ITY- _0F_EL-- SEGUTMO,- _a_ -Mun cipal..coroorationx- - - -_.- -----°-------------------------- .............................................. --------------------------------------- ---------- ..------ ------ - - - --- ------ ............................ .. ------- ----- - --------- -- -. -... - --- - - - - --.............................. ------------------------------------------------_-------------------------...-------------------- --------- ---- .................. .......... whose permanent address is ------ Segundo., Californian --------------- _- -. - - -. the real property in the -------- C i. ty -- of -- E1--- Se- gundo -- ........County of ......... os. --Anse le- S- _ ... .. .................. State of California, described as: The South 235 feet of the North 275 feet of Lot 10 in Block 99 of El Segundo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, Mate of California, as per map recorded in Book 20, Pages 22 and 23 of Yaps Records of Los Angeles County. Lbrlt' i �Utt Witnem; Iftereaf, said Corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by its ................ ---------------- -............... President and ------------------------------------------ ....Secretary thereunto duly authorized, this ........... --------- 6th --------------- day of ------ .............. may ------- ----------- 19... L3.... MICR ESTAT COPdPANY, a corporation ---- -- ------ ----- --- -- ---{.-- --- -. -...° - - - - -- - - ------ -- ...- -- - 1. RY Fl RY------------------------ �-- �------------- �----= ����� ----.- ....- ... °.....-- ._... -- Secretary a ki z '•y i a �� ° e U" n z O' �• U n G Oi G z O, a 3 0: � Fl! o: sii r O o: •.i: rl •✓': Qi rl: rF. ohs yam ?n qo F o�z co r m 0 i/ � r�i1 yQy 0 i F HN A i 'R aagaaaaaQ sa�drj uo/ssm. +mg;� 6yV peas .io; pne m arlgnd .(iatoN - • leas 1piaylo pup pupy .fm og3up1f •awes aql palnoaxa uoilujod.ioo yons 1pyl am of pa`dpolmouilop pup `pampu maiagl uoilpiod.ioa ayl }o ;lugaq uo luamn.ilsui ui7411m aql palnoaxa oqm suosiad ay aq of am of umoull pup `luamn.ilsui uigitm ayl palnoaxa lEgl uoijujodtoa ayl 9Tio ��_..B._r-- NVdU100 - IiZSa . XROOK ...... 1o.0 iujaioas -------------------- -- -------- ayl aq of am of umoul -. - ...- ----- ------ - -- --- -- -T-�-A_ - up •lua isa.i - a a o a P P. d---�---- --- ---- ------------ yl q 1 m of umou>f ...- ------------ ----- -------------- ----- ---------- --- .... --- - -- ------- uaddp osiad 7 ---- --•-- - - ----pas ,fllpu ',f uno0 P. T P l d AI - - - iES 30 UE UI ai R �EjO E 'am al0 a ... . ..... .. ....... O 4u 3 q ` �� 6I ` - ; p ---- . - ...... 4 0 1----------- ......--sata3izy--s6 - ;o d;uno� •Sp 1 `g�uxo3 ?IBS 3o a1n1�. CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CAL. MAY 12TH, 1943. "RESOLVED, that those certain quitclaim Deeds, submitted as one document, presented this Council for its consideration and quitclaiming to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, those certain parcels of real property, situated in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as Lots 59, 60 and 61 of Tract No. 2540, in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 25, Page 30 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; Lot 4 in Block 92 of E1 Segundo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 20, Pages 24 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, and the South 235 feet of the North 275 feet of Lot 10 in Block 99 of E1 Segundo, in the City'" ._.__._of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, s per map recorded in Book 20, Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, executed respectively by Western Exploration Company, a corporation, dated the 7th day of May, 1943; T. A. Keith, dated the 7th day of May, 1943, and McCray Estate Company, a corpo- ration, dated the 6th day of May, 1943, be and the same are hereby accepted on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; and BE IT FCRTMM RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said instruments, filed as one document, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County." STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY-OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foraging resolution is a full, true and correct copy of a resoltuion adopted by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, at a regular meeting of said Body held on the 12th day of May, 1943. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of El Segundo, California, this 13th day of May, 1943. Z01/6� 6,-4 1 —' City Clerk of the City (b_ Se , California. Rum to lok 00 -A REMOM AT REOLIM.T nr Ilk m aw COUNTY OF LOS ANGELFS DEPARTt� ?NT OF INSTTTUY'TONS SATISFACTION AND DISCf -ARGE OF ?FORTGAGE iCI06V ALL " EN BY THESE PRESENTS., That the County of Los An-slss, State of California, Hortga�ee, for a valuable consideration, does hereoy certify and declare that a certain raortgage bearing date the 27th day of May 1938, made an; executed by K=t Tvedt., separated., MortgagcrA of Los Angeles County, California, to County of Los Angeles, Alortgagee, and recorded in iook 16006 Pa`e 188 , Official Records of Los Angeles County, has been fully StTIS'IED; PAID and. DISCEAHGED. Tf•; VLLTN SS of Supervisors, the Chairman of sea t of said Bo 1? ATTE,3T - �411EREOF, the said County caused tL -se presents to said Board, attested b-,! and to be affixed hereto J. F. NICRONEY, County Clerk and ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los An ,aIAS, State of P.Alifornia �j � Deputy has, by order of its `noarcl. be exec ted in its name by the Cler 'thereof anc? the this aril c'.ay of COUPTITZ LOS AATGB'L, B Chairman, Board of Supervisos County of Los Angeles APPROVED AS TO FORM J. H. O'CONNOR coUWrkjq.ournsr,L OE iT F;i': ^.TE OF OALIrO'_I:NFA, ) County of Los Ang*lec. )s i On this c �l day cf 19• , before me, J. F. N60RONEY, Coun,,,T Clerk of t,)e County.:oT Los Angeles, 1state of Calif - n,nia, and e.c- officio Cl: ;r� of the superi,6�, Corn. rt ire ��c��. i o said County and State, pc sonallr appear1cd C' 'lt x 1-nown to me to be. the Cr_. _rman r <C tae Board of O"upel-,=Soi{b of the County that executed the ivit'_l.in instrument and the., person who executed the within instrument cn behalf of the Coun "N7 herein narrad and acknowledge-11 to me that said County execu',lecl the same. IN VVTMIiFSS IN ER' C?, T have hereunto set my hand and affixed ,my official soil the day a:.id year in this certificate first above written. 1W, J. F. HORONEY, County Clerk' and ex- VEd p$ 6Rf off' cio Clerk of the° said /Super. for Co t pf the State, of Cfilifc -via in - - an for the County of boa A J.les By_- - 'Deputy MA2 796 1M P.eV. 10 -2`Y41