T017M -186 DM S -CO PRINTP WORDS 1O9 �...... -�. «. �- IF QUIT CLAIM DEED In consideratio $. 10... 0- 0--_ ......... ....--- .---- ......- ....- . - - -- -- -- ----------------------- . - -, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, A/WE- ..MAURLC.E --- BROUDY --- and - --GER TRUDE. _ERQUUY,...his....wi.f e., -------------------------- . ........ ------------------------ - - __ - - -------- do. ....... hereby QUITCLAIM TO ... _--- ------ CI-TY ---- 0E --- E --SE.GUNDO-.,--- a- .muni.ci. pal ---c -on ora-ti.on.,------ ---- -- - - -- ............... an- .undiv.i - ed._on -e= faun. th.. in. tanest ...in- .and.._to------- - - - - -- all that real property in the_ . ........... . - ......_ ................_.._ -- - ------------------------------ County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: Lots 10, 11; 121and 13, Block 23, of El Segundo, recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of maps, Records of Los Angeles County. t s- as per map recorded in Book 20, pages 22 and 23 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder Of said County; be and the same are hereby accepted on behalf of the City of 21 Segundo; and . 1 PORM,. A -Z4 11.87 BM PRINTED WORDS 187 QUIT CLAIM DEED CORPORATION L L S I E O I L r, 0 Ivi P A IJ Y, .................................................. -- _------------- ---------- -- -- - .............. --------------- ....... ... - .- ...-- ...- .. -... - - --------- --------- ._-- --------- ._. - -- - -- ------------------------------ - - - - ....................... - - - -.. ..... .. _. ----------------------------------------- ------ ._ ... ------ ... --_ ..... ---------------------------- ----_.--- --- ---- ------..- .... ......................... -- ---- ...................... a -.Cal ii: ornitl. & corporation, ------- -- ------ --- --------- -- -- -------------------------- - - - - - -------------------------- ----- -------------------------------------------- in consideration of ------------------------------------------------------ --- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - -- .... - - - - . .......... . . — DOLLARS, to it in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby release, remise and forever quitclaim to e Present Record O,,vners as their Respective Interests all that real property in the _------------------------- Ct:.- of--- 1,- 1---S e ..... .. .--.................. ........ County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: Lots 1 to 28 inclusive, Block 23, 1-1 Segundo, as per Nap Book 18, Page 69, and Lots 29 and 30, Block 23, Tract No. 1826, E1 Segundo, as per Nap recorded in Book 21, Page 93, Records of Los Angeles County. This nuitclaim is given for the express purpose of quitclaiming that certain oil and gas lease desiF,nated as "El Segandt o Community Lease Number Twenty- Three ", dated Nay 10, 1937, by and between Elsie Oil Company, as Lessee, and Maurice Broudy and Gertrude Broudy, et al, as Lessors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above mentioned corporation has caused this deed to be duly executed and its corporate name to be subscribed hereto by its .... ........ ... ..... ... ........... President and attested by its ........................ Secretary, who has hereunto affixed its corporate seal, this .......... Second day o£ -- _-- - - - -_- September 19.18 ELS IE OIL COMPANY z Attest: .... -- , FORM 400 s.42 IOM Affix I. R. S. $ ----- Consideration less than (Quittla im imeeb In Conoibetation of $_5- e-W -------------- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ANNA MCKINETE, a widow, whose permanent address is ------ D-mi a, ------------------------------ __ do_e s hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to ------------------------ _ ------ _------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a t1unicipal corporation, whose permanent address is ... F'1_ SeFrvndo_,_ Californ_ =a }__________________________ -- - ---- --- --- - - - -- the real property in the ----------- City_- _of__E1 ---- S_e_ unci_o_________ _____________County of ----- Los__Aneles____, State of California, described as: Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 10 of El Segundo, in'the City of Ll SeFundo, County- of Los Angeles, State of Csliforn9.a, as per mar, recorded in Book In Page 69 of vans, in the office of t're County Recorder of said County. Dated this -------- i_4 day of ----------- February---------- - - - - -- 19_ �1. o R o�D c w :3 6 4 Z z d a m a O rzn N —_ . A i i d � i tea% d 0 I z86 i a .e cr _aigs pot L3unoj pus sof put u! iggn .trgoH -- ---- ---------------- — — -Teas leuigo put pueq Su: 003113IW •awes aq1 palmaxa------- -- - - - - -- --ads— 1eg1 pazpalmou111e put 1uau:nxlsut Suio8aloj aq1 o1 paqulsgns -- - - -- -- - -6 -_ -- -- - -aumu asogm = - - - -_ –uosaa dag1 aq o1 au: o1 umou3[ -------------------------------- ------ --- --------- - - - - -- -- '` -3 �L[ut Tg7q T --- pajeadde Allcuosiad IA3unoD ples 1o; put ui DTlqnd S1e40 e •------- --- ----- ---- ---- ---- - --- -- — — – -------------- – --------- lauz alo3aq 61 ;o uO – — S'�a!Ma-- 's-6T - -;o tOUnolb •ss FORM 400 •8-41 ,OM Affix I. R. S. $ ------ Consideration less than '- JO0.00 ' in conoirieratfon of s-5 - 0 0 --------------- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, RUSSELL D. EARRISON and HAZEL C. A.ARRISON, husband and wife, whose permanent address is--_---InElawo-actY_La-Lifor-ni.a--------------------------------------------------------------------- do______ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to ------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a Municipal corporation, whose permanent address is ------ I d -_ Segundo_,___ California -_____________________________ the real property in the ------------ City_- -Aa£__ E. L__ao_gunda ------------------ - --- County of --- Ins --- State of California, described as: Lot 2 in Block 39 of E1 Segundo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los An,,eles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 22 Pales % and 55 of Maps, in the office of tie County Recorder of said County. Dated this -------- - -- 1 ----- J_______day of -------Feb ------ 19_ -43. Y Z z d b 2 O ®d )T v r r FIt 0 A b O k a Q m z e W� °a L� b -- --- g put nod pte¢ ao) put u. oggnd -- - — • { - -- - — - - --- - -- ` Put *Mo S"4xa uOp mmmo �H aaea uc u _� teas tel�go pue pueq duc $$31"IM lames aqa pa3n:)axa ------- -- fiau — -tega pa8palAwu3he pue yuamnzasul 8uioSno; aq3 oa pagtnsgns--`--a B - - g- -au:eu asogm - -6 -- uosjad aq3 aq o3 am w umou3i -- ----- - - --- — motto s rise �-' Ta z e 3 s zaa s [ zZ 8'Us i1'" paieadde dlleuosiad •diuno:) plus jo; put ul ailgng SaeaoN e 'am aiolaq • -�—If-61 •--- - - - - -- - �3st�a� - -- -3o Gep— f �—aRga up saTa:�u� so7 "--j0 a3U110� 'f38 `911uouln 3o 339146 U a y oa ~ h h F L� b -- --- g put nod pte¢ ao) put u. oggnd -- - — • { - -- - — - - --- - -- ` Put *Mo S"4xa uOp mmmo �H aaea uc u _� teas tel�go pue pueq duc $$31"IM lames aqa pa3n:)axa ------- -- fiau — -tega pa8palAwu3he pue yuamnzasul 8uioSno; aq3 oa pagtnsgns--`--a B - - g- -au:eu asogm - -6 -- uosjad aq3 aq o3 am w umou3i -- ----- - - --- — motto s rise �-' Ta z e 3 s zaa s [ zZ 8'Us i1'" paieadde dlleuosiad •diuno:) plus jo; put ul ailgng SaeaoN e 'am aiolaq • -�—If-61 •--- - - - - -- - �3st�a� - -- -3o Gep— f �—aRga up saTa:�u� so7 "--j0 a3U110� 'f38 `911uouln 3o 339146 FORM ,OO s -ei 10M Affix I. R. S. $_Consideration less than yelOO.00 Quitclaim ;Deeb in ConoiDeration of s 0O_____________, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, W. S. NORMAN and F>'uryE/:'ovia9N, husband and wife whose permanent address is ....... PensacolaFloriday-------------------------------------------------------------------------- do_____ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to -------------------- ____ ------ _------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a Municipal corporation, whose permanent address is_____E1_ Se __ -------------------- _------------------ the real property in the____ - -pity 91-E! --- S ZIIWd - -------------------- — County of ---- I,4_s 911gQ e t__, State of California, described as: Let 5 of Tract 9549, in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 136 Page 35 of Maps, in the office of the Courty Recorder of said County. Dated this_______ 3!d--- _ ------ day of ..... _ .... Februai e A z b 7 Iw �-Jt: r� b no 0 d b O d Y F a W a Q w Z j� d W C"� Q ---- ---- _ -amS pue dlaaoD -pies ao; pue ui ijgndAmoN — lv -leas ieucgo pue pueq .sta 003W }M •acaes aq1 poln3m ------- - --- -gS - 1eg1 paspalmouxle pue wacumisuc suiosazo; aq1 of paqu3sgns -------- Zgj - -- ---- - gauieu asogm---- --uosiad aq1 aq o1 aui o1 umoux - - - --- - -- - - -- - - - - -- anadde S euoslad A3uno - - ilY PuB NVMO LH S M P II - ---------------- aiopq ' 7--61 •--- - - o sc 1 u V L L U n, b °J • `� L C fa E. m w s e o z h h F a W e e z � 5 P a y C L i u z g � C H 1; � g m m amp, ---- ---- _ -amS pue dlaaoD -pies ao; pue ui ijgndAmoN — lv -leas ieucgo pue pueq .sta 003W }M •acaes aq1 poln3m ------- - --- -gS - 1eg1 paspalmouxle pue wacumisuc suiosazo; aq1 of paqu3sgns -------- Zgj - -- ---- - gauieu asogm---- --uosiad aq1 aq o1 aui o1 umoux - - - --- - -- - - -- - - - - -- anadde S euoslad A3uno - - ilY PuB NVMO LH S M P II - ---------------- aiopq ' 7--61 •--- - - o sc 1 u • %bRM 400.8 -41 ,OM Consideration less than 4,100.00 Affix I. R. S. $------------ -- - - -- - (Quittlaim Jmeeb - ]n Conoiberatfon of $_ q0------------ receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, TO,- and ROSA .:'.O-,GAiiO, - 1so hros'rn as Rose _ °oregano, husband anc ,liife, whose permanent addressis_____.E_n_c n--t--s_,_ Califernia_,______-___________________________ ________ ______________________, do______ hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to -------------------------------------------- - --------- - -------------------------------- CITY OF EL SEGUI11)0, a ".unicinal corroration, whose permanent address is -------- E1 --- S -e- ;unda_,_ -CQ] ifnrnia. -------- - ---------- --_- --------- - --------------------------- the real property in the -------------- City of__E_1 --- Se_ undo_ -------------------- County of___- - LQ_s --- nelas_____, State of California, described as: The South 110 feet of Lot 5 in Block 104 of E1 Segundo, in the City of El Sec-urdo, County of Los An�celes, State of Coliforria, as per :nap recorded in Bo_,k 20 Pares 22 and 23 of %1Iaps; in the office of tl-e County Recorder of said County. Dated this - --- - -- 24th ---- -- -- ---- -day of--- - - - --- February-- -- ------ - - ---- 19.13 -• CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIF. MARCH 3RD, 1943. "RESOLVED, that those certain six Quitclaim Deeds, submitted as one document, presented this Council this date for consideration, executed by the several grantors hereinafter named, on the dates in- dicated after their respective names, quitclaiming to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, those certain parcels of real property in the said City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described respectively hereinafter in the column to the right of the respective names of said grantors, as follows, to -wit: Maurice Broudy and Gertrude Broudy, his wife, dated February 26th, 19439 as to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Elsie Oil Company, dated September 2nd, 1938, as.to - - - - - - - - - Anna McKinnie, a widow, dated February 24th, 1943, as to - - - - Russell D. Harrison and Hazel C. Harrison, husband and wife, dated February 24th, 1943, as to - - - - W. S. Norman and Ruth E. Norman, husband and wife, dated February 23rd, 1943, as to - - - - - - - - Tony Mongano and Rosa Mongano, also known as Rose Mongano, husband and wife, dated February 24th, 19431 as to Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 23 of E1 Segundo, recorded in Book 18, page 69 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County; Lots 1 to 28, inclusive, Block 23, E1 Segundo, as per map Book 18, Page 69; and Lots 29 and 30, Block 23, Tract No. 1826, E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 21, Page 93, Records of Los Angeles County; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 10, of E1 Segundo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 18, page 69 of maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; Lot 2, Block 39 of E1 Segundo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 22, Pages 54 and 55 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; Lot 5 of Tract 9549, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of Calif- ornia, as per map recorded in Book 136, page 35 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; The South 40 feet of Lot 5, in Block 104 of E1 Segundo, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 20, pages 22 and 23 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; the same are hereby accepted on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record said deeds, filed as one document, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California ". STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, Los Angeles County, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, at a regular meeting of said Body held on the 3rd day of March, 1943. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 5th day of March, A. D., 1943. 'I. _71 , (B SA Z' et Lr 14 'I. _71 , (B