R433RECORDED IN OFFICIA4. RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIF. 40 M!n, r , t 12 P. M. AUG 7 1958 ear E, " cQUrlU RWnsoss r 3622 woK D180 PAGE 8'7 FR E STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALn'O wu.. a corporation, hereinafter called ^Grantors$ hereby gives and conveys unto the CITY OF EL SEUNDO., a municipal corporations County of Los Angeles, State of California$ hereinafter called "City"$ an easement for use as a public highway by said City, and not otherwise, over a parcel of land in said City des- cribed as follows: The Westerly 10 feet of the Easterly 40 foot of the Mi of the M* of the S* of Section 7s Township 3 South$ Range 14- West, S.B.B. & M.s in the Rancho Sausal Redondo. Grantor reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns$ for its and their benefit and the benefit of its and their present and future subsidiaries and their respective successors and assigns, the right at any time and from time to time, and at any place or placess to lays construct, reconstructs replaces renews. rspairs maintains operates change the size of, increase the number of and remove pipe lines, and appurtenances thereof, for the transportation of oil$ petroleum, gee, gasoline, water or other substances, and to construct, maintains, oper- ates repair, renew, add to and remove poles and overhead and underground wires, conductors, cables and conduites and appurtenances thereof$ over, under, along and across said parcel (but in such maumer as not to inter- fere unnecessarily with the use of said easement for road purposes)i and city expressly covenants that the rights so reserved may be so exercised during all the time said easement is used as a public highway, subject only to reasonable regulation by the proper authorities. This easement is given upon the express condition that it shall be used only as a public highway, and if it is not so used or if it is used for any other or additional purpose whatsoever$ Grantors its successors or assigns$ may thereupon re -enter and take and hold posses- sion of said parcel free of said easement. This easement is given subject to all valid and existing licensees leases, grants$ exceptions and reservations affecting said premises, but more particularly subject to the reservations, conditions and covenants hereinbefore made., and each of them. IN WITNESS F Grantor has executed this instrument this day of 1958. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA By STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA WESTERN OPERATIONS, INC. Its Attorney in Facts f SIBUAt Neftter, Real to an Right of Way Dept. i • e agsgS Pure Gqunoo Pulkklm pive ao Us Ul OTTggg X o :saa t L�oSs�O . 'UaggTam anoge gsaT,T a'4VQTtTgaao 3 M4, .. uT asaS pus dreP auq `009tousa3 asg 3o Rqunoo pure Rgto auq ut aSt ;o Rm qs rT1 ®r TatoT,T,TO dm p9xT3d'a Pus pUW Rm qas Oqunaaau aasu I `JOaHgj M SSA 4t M'•I41 'gosd uT Cauaoggy uons ss ames auq pagnoaxa 6•ouT �suo �gaadp.tzta }aaM 'stuaojTT'eo ,To Susdmoo TTO Pa'spuvgS PTres greuq Pus sTUao3TTre0 JO XuScTMO5 Tv6,,pxgPusgS PTss 3O gOre3 uT X9uaO4gy ss " OuI 'SUOTgsaadO UaagsaM `sTuaodTTBD 3o,A4% dmoD_'TTO paspusgS JO a=u auq PUP TsdTOuTad as ogaaauq reTuao,TTTao JO fusdmo0 TTO PJuPusgS 3o ameu auq pagTaosqns aq gsuq am oq paRpaTMOUSros pus sTuaoaTTso ,to RusdmoO TTO paspusgg ,To 40s3 UT .Cauaoggy aug ss quamnagsut utugtn auq oq pagTaosqns ST amsU asogx pus paqnoaxa greuq uotgsaoclaoO auq '•OUI ISUOTg1gaad0 UaagsaM (sTtiaoj.--rr:o ,To SUSdmOO TTO PaspusgS PTss 3o 3Tsuaq uo quamnagsuT uTg4TM auq pagnoaxa oun uosaad aqq aq Oq am Uno ure Ou ` o saa uaa sa "8 uao re o Ausdmoo TTO paBPUSgS 3O auq aq oq am oq UAOU31 peareadds moo•f TTsuosaad `uaOMs Pus pauOTssTm a BU Tsai— s us f, UnoO PUP AgM PTres TOJ pus ut oTTgncl Rasgo ° °am a.zo,Taq `b56T Pao'I ano 3o areal aug uT I To 9TU4 UO RJR 39bi dB-;a vog S$ (0 SlONZv9 s690 xamao 30 3ii0 BOOK D180 PAGE $9 This is to certify that the interest in the real property conveyed by the within deed to the City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on July 28 19 58 , and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer�> i Elated :: July 29, 1958 BY City' Cl "'ty of El Segundo, California �)