R402Boo.63727 PA 3lo DEED Parcel 10 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned Ernie A KAHN and Grace F KAHN husband and wife as joint tenants. do(es) hereby grant to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a Municipal Corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, an easement for public street, road and highway purposes, in, over and upon the following described real property situat- ed in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, to wit: The southerly ten (10) feet of Lots 244, 245and 246 in block 123 of El Segundo, in the city of El Segundo, county of Los Angeles, state of California, as per map recorded in book 22, page 106 of Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county. The Grantor(s) grant(s) to said City all rights to supervise or control the planting, maintaining, trimming or removing of any trees, shrubs, flowers, grass or other plants within said roadway; the Grantor(s) also grant(s) to the City the right to place under, over and across said roadway pipelines for the transmission of water, gas and petroleum products, and other equipment commonly used for the maintaining of public utilities, and specifically grants to the City of El Segundo the privilege of as- signing said rights; and waives all rights to the maintaining of any improvements or obstructions within said roadway; and in the acceptance of this deed by the City, no- thing herein contained shall be construed as an acceptance of any improvements made in or upon said roadway. It is understood that each of the undersigned Grantors grant only that portion of the above described parcel of land which is included within land owned by said Grantor(s) or in which said Grantor(s) is interested. IN WITNESS WHEREOF lVC have hereunto set oy.* hand(s) this 'r day of �ciN!/e7/ey 19,E . Ernie A.-- Kah'1f STATs of CAin'oam %, Grace F. Kahn county of Loa Angeles I W. 4n ON Tars day of 15F" i' y A.D., 191-4 before me, DOCUMENT No. 9 _ - -_ -- MICHAEL P. LOCKE RECORM AT REQUEST OF a Notary rPublic ina and �or ssa�id,,_„C;q ty;and—State, personally appeared �I TIM INSURANCE & TRUST CO. to be the person whose nan Instrument, and acknowledged IN WrrNFss WmmmoF, I have i the day and year in this certifi MICHAEL P. LOCKE in and for on Expires known to me,, d to the within the same. rnv oflicW seal o FEB 25 1 957 AT a A. M. BOOk537 27 PAGE3I0 OFFICIAL RECORDS RAY E. LEE, RECORD44 LOS ANGELES COUNTY, GLIB{ eTaaodTTeO - - 'op as TS Jo ATO auq do xa O �qTO 'dasTS 0T1 enaN - i !c •L56T 'faenagad do SeP uq£T 9T-q, °tTiao -STTeO 'opunTeS TS do �qTo aqq do Teas TeToTddo aqq paxTdde pue pueu fiu gas ogunaaau aneq I 'doaaagm ssaugTm uI •papuaure 8Sx Sue uT ao paTeadaa uaoq qou seq uoTgnTosaa pTeS 'ageP sTgq do se 'geqq Pu'a 0456T 4txenxga3 do S'eP g4TT aqq uo pTau 40q PTeS do 2=g99ui aeTn2aa e qe ATO pies do TTounoO ,�qTO auq gq pagdope uoTgnjosea e do Moo goaaaoo pue anaq 'TTnd e sT 2uTO29ao9 aqq gsgg d3Tq.zao Sgaaaq op 'eTuaodTTBO 'opun2aS TS JO ATO aqq do KsaTO Z4TO 'AsTS •yI enaN 'I ( • OMJSS 'IS d0 OLIO SS ( 'SS`ISONV SOI d0 71MOO ( `VIl�I'30dI'IVO dO SZVZS a +'eI OJTTaO 'dgunoO s9Ta2uV Goa do aapaooay �gmoo auq do aoTddo auq uT paooaa and paTTJ aq oq quaumagsuT pTes asnao og pagoaaTp pue pazTaougne -tgaaau ST aqs pue aq NaaTO ATO aqq geqq `QStI`IOeau 73'JHZund SCI Sg pue !opun2a5 TS do 6gTO aqq do dTegaq uo pue and pagdao -oe Aaaaq sT aures auq puv aq 'pasAGTnog opun2eo TS do 2uTuapTm auq ugTM uoTgoauuoo uT `S4TO pTes uT sasodand gaaags oTTgnd and •Rqunoo pTes do aapaooaa Bqunoo aqq do aoTddo aqq uT 'sdL -K do 90T aged 'ZZ Kooq uT papaooaa dim aad se 'eTuaodTTeO do agegs 'saTa2uV Goa do dqunoo 'opungeo TS do ATOauq uT 'opunPOS TS JO £ZT xooTq uT 917Z Pue '97Z `I"7Z sgoi do gaad (01) uaq STaaugnos av *Wl oq 'eTuaodTTeO do agegS 'saTa2uV so7 do 1SqunoO 'opuaGS TS do ATOagq uT fgaadoad Taaa pagTaasap 2uTAoTTod aqg 'aTuaodTTeO 'Xqunoo saTa2uV Goa do uoTgeaodaoo TedToTunui e 'opun2aS TS JO ZgTO auq oq 2uTPanuoo 'squeuag quToC se 'adTM pue puegsnq 'ugeN •d a0ea0 pue ugex •V aTuzg fq pagnoaxe 'L56T °Saenuep do NP gg9Z aqq paqep 'paGa uTegaao geqq geqq 'amwiOssult 'L56T 'TT 121 fluaSd TM uSILM 2I MOSU SZI LV `VIN"dodl -'IVO 'OMDae 'IS d0 .T.LIO MM d0 'IIONIlOO 7LIO =1 XE CIZLdOQV NOIZII'IOSSu do I.doO Q2IJIM20