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CERTIFIES COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL —j OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUND09 CALIFORNIA, AT ITS REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 23, 1953. RESOLVED Viet that cortain Stmt Daed, dated the 35th da.-I° of September, 1953Z executed by Lloyd Ba.rl -a and Hagar Barker, hied ulfe, conveying to they Cite of Ll Sejvmdo, a rranicipal corporation of Los Angeles County8 Califoxmia, the Inal Prope ty in the City of N1 Segundo, County of Lou Angeles a State of Cal - forgia, describau as: The east 25.00 feet of Lot 120v FrKK 1210 except tho northerly 86.3 fact thereof of El Kgunlo, Sheet too 88 as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 V Book 22 of NOW in the office of the County Recorder of Inc Angeles County, Ca7_'Rfor2Aa., WT Str+set Deed, da ed the 15th dre of S�ptunbor:, 19534, ax, tom. by Jack F. MIngoe and Kba Jean Qngas,, his a fov cony °i"Ag vc, 'tks�.j City of E1 SegwH do, a Hua.nicipal eotporaticn, of I,03 Aug .oleo California, the ram! prv,rty in the City of El Sorg-andog Ocure�y of Lo' Angeles,, Stztte of Ca:liforn3.a, described as: The west 21.00 :feet of tho south one -haaf of Lot 2348 except the southerly 47.00 .feet therefrom, Block 323; of El Segundo, Sheet. Aw E, as recowrldl ;d on rages 106 and 107 of Boots 22 of Me, in the ®f: ica of the Cc¢uty Recorder of Lou ka le, Cnunty, Street: Deed;, dated the 15th dakw ,�f .Scpty. bvr, 19538 by Ullliam J. Killer and Isabelle H. Molsero his a fo, eeaHecsgizag to the City of 31 ..agundoe a € w tei pal cwp= 3Lion of Los C ,QI County, Cal.iforrIa. the real prcaparty in the City of Ea Sogun€lo, County of Los Angsle a, State of Califoral-a, dcace&bed as. The West 25.00 feet of the southerly 17 fast of Lot 7348 Block 123; of El Segundo, 3haet. eAoo Ot as recorded =. Pages 105 = ;4 107 of Book 22 of 'I the To 1V . Angeles County, Oa.4 Kor ma. ar s, Street Deadq dated the 13th day of Jansa d;, 1953s acaeK:a: by 1ernon L. Whatley and Flossie & What.lty, hie wif'ev cGavyy._ ink; to the City of El S€g,undo, a walcipal corporation of Lv<a Angeles County, California, the real prropc,rty in tho City of ; L Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of (411 ornia, deourible4 The east 20.00 feet of the north 94.00 avast riff? Lot 111, Block 123; of E1 Segundo,, Slot Yea. S, as recorded on Pagcs 106 snit 107 of Vok; 22 of !laps in tho office of tho County Reeorder of Los Angeles Co4Hnty, Callfoaniab , M `^ i Bm,, 412 791 PAGE178 Street Deeds dated the 2dettt day cf Januaryq 1453, exacuted by James M. MOO and XathoKrn J. MOM, his vife, convoy- ing to the City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the roa2 property in the City of R1 Seg,,sadeq County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as. The east 2000 fact of Lot M!, Slant;. 123, aNcept the northerly 44.00 feet thereof; of in 3ee9undo, Shoot No. €3, as recorded an Paa&ao 106 and 107 of Book 22 of apses in the office of tho County Recorder of Los 161, Com,'.y0 Californi" 3 EM wows 2500 feet of M nowt a 47-00 .feat of Lact 1140 Stock 111 of III Sesualov Sheet Food rsa as �- recorded on Pages 1435 and 107 of Docks 22 of Naps in the office of the County Knordar, of Lon e,i6velas County, Cal:L'ornis," 0" Street Deed dated 02 19th Q r e.R :1953, by 6'seorge KenniRqton, Jr. and M?a Me he rrOgt ng h 1a rte' fe, cc:�:,- voyf.ng to the City of El Segundo, s;Qvpnr€at oa J: Los Angeles Coun;y, Callfornis, tho real ppvp tfir irr the City of tit. Segurato, County of Los Angalos, State of Qi,ifornira, described as: The West 2500 feet of the north -ha:V of Lot 1140 Slack UK axost the :northerly Q-00 feet thereof; of U Sagundo.9 Sheat Nv. 8, sa YQuordad on Pages 106 cad 10 of Book 22 of Naps in the office of the County Recordev of Leo 1mgselF.aes County, California.,: RMW < k4 n5a4: Dow atuluw, 1,d€3 24 i..: MFR i t :i • ;;:: y, ` La.tsf, `.a.._-d Lillian Entm, his _Aft -f; 's t , iZ,s ;ii4<y. of . r' Scp s; fa, a 'r- unicipaal corp tiur, ref' v 1 <E �r� cosrr; V , Ga~lOorTla, the rdal prujarrty _4rt " ea City of a4. `,;game, Ccu: Y of Leas Ar4,Fles, State of iaLifurniaz datncrib,d &B- The ua+ast 25S CD Met of the 66,,'1 &tea't of Lot 110„ 110 03; of Ei Sax edc, Shoot duos 8, as r<ecornal *a Oges 146 and IT of .ua3J- 2 of MaY in the sa.efiee CC the Cvumty ksccrd�r° ash Lot .ogles County, Califernia.0 M Bm,42731 - A.&J79 Moot Deed: dated. the 2t th (4say of April,, l,, 195;3, �acsac wdi by Wesco Homes, :sac,, a co ration, cos n rcying to the City of El Se o, a municipal corporatism at Qu Angaslts County, California, the real property % the City of hU °s. do, County of Los Angelea, State of California, described as-, The west 00 fact Block El Segundo Sheet "F Pages f• and 107 of Boolk at the County Recorder of ge , P- Stre€at Deed, dated the 131h day of September, 1953, executed . by Harold Ed Wilhite ani klargarett F. Kl!h % his Meg con7vy=. ing to the City of El sagun&3 a ==IciP,ral oor €;.ion of Log Angeles County,, CaliforKa, the .rez! propaat.Y in ftv, City Of L: Segundo, County of Los ?:ngaloav 5wto at aliforni.a. Mac:ribcd hen The vast 2500 feet of tho scout:, 127,6 fact of Lot 1139 Hock 1231 of rl Sag€aa lov Shoot M U, as recorded on Pages 106 and 10? of Book 22 of Naps in they office of the County RacorKr of Loa Angeles Cc;.zaty, , Califon a, , for public street purpt sas in commentioas tmi ,? th.t qpq nin'g Of e;r :+gtm Stroest, in said Cityp to gnd the siztxnr are h.oz'^,by cC;"ajA "a .-' "nxs d on br half of tM City of 10, Segundo-: and M� IT 1101EM, RZ;: : :—'7 d��'°g t li the ?i'..1 @t !71 --zl-: has vn.�' i. hereby & +9: saUris. :2L. and 117100d 'bo cauz"+ :9hid :bas rai -onti o Kled for rac©M as one document in the office of 0& Coux0y Racarder of Lora Anjolla County, California, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) 1, Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said body held on the 23rd day of September, 1953, and that, as of this date, said resolution has not been repealed or in any way auendede In Witness Whereof, I hale hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of El Segundo, California, this 25th day of September, 1953 - -- Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk f the City of El Segundo, Californi {SEAL)" x, ry f.'• V' . soai,42791 r STREET DEED I SO FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, LLOYD BARKER and HAGAR BARKER, his wife, now of E1 Segundo, California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpet- ual easement and right of way for a public street, in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and described as follows: The east 25.00 feet of Lot 110, Block 123, except the northerly 86.3 feet thereof; of El Segundo, Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, (to be known as Oregon Street) and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of El Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto sub- scribed their names this 15 day of L44 � , 1953• Holders and Owners as joint tenants r Hag& Barker - 1 - 30042791 PmE181 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) �-- r s On this /S day of i , 1953, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared, LLOYD BARKER. AND HAGAR BARKER, his wife, known to be to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. P sa:i.dunty and State. M= misslon @Xpini Oct 13, 1934 Nox42791 PAGE1823 STREET DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JACK F. I4ENGES and RITA JEAN MENGES, his wife, now of E1 Segundo, California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual ease- ment and right of way for a public street, in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and described as follows: The west 25.00 feet of the south one -half of Lot 114, except the southerly 47.00 feet there- from, Block 123; of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, (to be known as Oregon Street) and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of El Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor ave hereunto sub- scribed their names this _ day of , 1953• Holders and Owners as -joint tenants Rita an Menges -1_ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) BGOA2 91 PxE183 ) SS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) On this 1S — day of � , 1953, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared, JACK F. MENGES and RITA JEAN MENGES, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS nW hand and official seal. l• l 0 otaxy Pub 'c i and for said Co y and State. .. ': My 06MM"1en *Xainc Oct. 13, 1"4 SEAL) — 2 — A2791 mur.184 STREET DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, WILLIAM J. KELLER and ISABF'TTF H. KELLliR, his wife, now of El Segundo, California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street, in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and described as follows: The west 25.00 feet of the southerly 47 feet of Lot 114, Block 123; of El Segundo, Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, (to be known as Oregon Street) and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Gran t r have hereunto sub- scribed their names this day of 193 Holders agid Owners as joint tenants William J. Kelley,,: Isabelle H; Keller - 1 - STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) SS. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) m42791 PA6E185 J�4)/ On this L day o£ , 1953, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared, WILLIAM J. KELLE.R. and ISAFSF,IJ2 H. KELLER, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. - 2 - otaryP ic`in and for said Punty and State. My Commisslon "Olm Ooh 19, 1904 pg,-'8� STREET DEED E!i FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, VERNON L. WHATLEY and FLOSSIE V. WHATLEY, his wife, now of E1 Segundo, California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the City of E1 Segundo, a Municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street, in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows: The east 25.00 feet of the north 94.00 feet of Lot 111, Block 123; of El Segundo, Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administra- tors, successors and assigns, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS whereof, the�aid Grantors have hereunto subscribed their names this day of , 19 H61ders and Owners as joint tenants Vernon L. Whatley // Flossie V. Whatley - 1 - R STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) ) SS COUNTY OF T ANGELES ) noy,,42791 PAnI87 On this day of before me, the undersigned, a N ary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared VERNON L. WHATLEY and FLOSSIE V. WHATLEY, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary) blic in and for said gounty and State. (SEAL) - 2 - RooK42791 RAGEISH STREET DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JAMES N. KISSICK and /}KATHEE�RYN J. KISSICK, his wife, now of S /r�rrS, C�Sav�✓r�/n. ( a�i , herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street, in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows: The east 25.00 feet of Lot 111, Block 123, ' except the northerly 94.00 feet thereof; of El Se _ gundo, Sheet No. B, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administra- tors, successors and assigns, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have hereuito subscribed their names this L7 day of { �" , 19, .S Holders and Owners as joint tenants James N. Kissick k v U. KathAryn J. Kissick - 1 - COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) EOGN42791 FAGE189 SS STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) On this �� day of 19�, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared JAMES N. KISSICK and KATHERYN J. KISSICK, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose mares are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. i - 2 - Notary Plublic in and for said County and State. My Commission Expires Dec. 2, 1956 I Q STREET DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, WILLIAM F. BENSON and ADELLA L. BENSON, his wife, now of E1 Segundo, California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street, in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows: The west 25.00 feet of the north 47.00 feet of Lot 114, Block 123; of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for - such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administra- tors, successors and assigns, P TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto subscribed their names this �� day of , 19 Holders and Owners as joint tenants %L/ J,- e.�vu>L -dam William F. Benson - 1 - COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES9) ) SS STATE OF CALIFORNIAv ) srmr42791 PAGE191 On this 2 day of before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared WILLIAM F. BENSON and ADELLA L. BENSON, his wife, ]mown to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that thW executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said County and State. My Commission Expires Dec, 2, 1956 - 2 - COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) o00YA2791 FABE193 ) SS STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) On this � day of lk 19 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared GEORGE KENNINGTON, JR. and LOUISE KENNINGTON, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. - 2 - 6 Notary Pub>iXVin and for said County and State. My Commission Expires April 2% 1764 auohV-791 mal, M STREET DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, NIAX KATZ and LILLIAN KATZ, his wife, now of _ '�joiu P 1 j�California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street, in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as follows: The east 25.00 feet of the northerly 86.3 feet of Lot 110, Block 123; of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, (to be known as Oregon Street) and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have duly executed this indenture on this } day of 19 S.3 . Holders and Owners as joint tenants Max Katz � Lillian Katz - 1 - c COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) ) SS. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) mrA2791 pAGE195 On this c:;,? T day of 19.> 3 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared MAX KATZ and LILLIAN`KATZ, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. -'4', "r �-za� Notary Public in and for said County and State. (BEAL) n* . - 2 - { =4279 fevv_j % STREET DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, WESCO HOMES, INC., a corporation, herein called the Grantor, owners of the real property hereinafter described, does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corpor- ation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street, in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated,lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as follows: The west 25.00 feet of Lot 115, Block 123; of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, (to be known as Oregon Street) and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor has duly executed this indenture on this -�_,q_ day of WESCO HOMES INC. By:� Its _. ATTEST: / �� Its (SEAL) — 1 — 1 iotr,42'791 PAR197 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) ) SS STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) On this a`% day of , 19S-3 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared > o known to me to be the , and �e-�.+✓ , known to me to be the of WESCO HODS, INC., known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. my commission Expires May B. 1964 —z — Notary Public in and for said County and State. eoox42791 PAGE198 STREET DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, recei t of which is hereby 0 ' M, to-YY acknowledged, HAROLD K. WILHITE and MARGARETTP. WILHITE, his wife, now of E1 Segundo, California, herein called the Grantors, owners as joint tenants, of the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, a perpetual easement and right of way for a public street, in, over, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows: The west 25.00 feet of the south 127.6 feet of Lot 113, Block 123; of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is not used for public street purposes or if after being so used, the same is abandoned for such purposes and vacated as a public street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, executors, administra- tors, successors and assigns, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of E1 Segundo, its successors and assigns, as and for a public street and for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the s '$ Gr ors have hereunto subscribed their names this �_ day o /Holders and Owners as joint tenants /{ Hdrold K. Wilhite Margaret7P. Wilhite - 1 - L r� ea0K42791 PABE199 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) SS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES.) On this %.3 day of , 19 a_3 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared HAROLD K. WILHITE and MARGARETTP. WILHITE, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the safe®.'. WITNESS my hand and official seal. G -2 - L ��J otary Pu li in and for said C6dnty and State. UY commfsslen exprrw 04* !; law V