R324I BooKII864 PAGE427 ashFiED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 0171 Of U.SZOUNDOO CALIFORNIAv AT ITS REGULAR MEETING NEW MAY 2% 1953. tta "1 70 1111t, of PRYV 1151., "",mltme, by f340wd 90� •mveying to Low city of ?I w"YOKS, - nowleQw, ocrpwiltlou or Los Algalm Gawwzyv woliv&WA, 0v jail Pavlerty in the City of El iocwxlo� cv5int"y �YP- ;,,,z stvte OR ovaizornQ2 described aw. WMIEL NQ 1. Ths, north 30,00 :�7saf, a:: �tv wwth Y005 fact of West one-haK of ho southmQ& ygmtow of W soutt- coot quarter of awtAw �, Touaon-Lp 3 Saqti-., 14 Want: 6.3.3. & Kr Enushe 5wa32 Mity cr k! Segundo, 140 AngLlmz Counkrt thorafrom the SaOarly 40.00 004 nWalK &h �Dt 2 The nmrth 3000 4at Qf tha cof tkunt PQrVvy Q We last onw-hal of Zwwblm-? mt qpunit"SZ, of the Snothow, quarter of $m�tlqml 19 3 suutbm Range 24 Wate S.B.B. & M,6 LA Valwandop City of N1 Sagundoo Lis higalm, C�9wntgvq f(Ar,,�e,at ljiu3 woeterly ce a Kno milk is to and distant 1,415.20 test nzatswilri of the oast ,,Pf said joction ?v said sparaUal lino IvirA a�i'.Pw thc� mutherly of the mosi� llm o"', Preglao Wrests f1cmarly Nartheme,11 ;A'rsatt -ia jai tive OwAs 02 the City �wz 91 12672v Fuge 114n WfWal Rowardr, W ;i?r-)J.d Int, cauaty, PAWL K, The morth DO.CO famt of tie womij j&05 f 14:1 scuthmest quartte as sm.00m Tv I SWULK, Slays I-SA C- 14 Wat I %%% A Q P SwICK Rcdw,", 3 V- 3-w. Parcyl A; That pertian of the q-pm,�,er of Sectim 7, amoYLP 3 3angs it Wwota 3=0 A H,,, 0outswuVorl'y Cr tk"a kn"I'Lovel'.,ug 10=111A linm Seek'a"dagg at a Plial in nhau afat.e.u1,1 IVAQ x" sa'.d Statics 7, sh0h ximt 0 north C50 19? An east 50003 KQ nonsavol aleng gaid. mutb JLL�-,,u i'm7,n 01' Dad Onctium ?n t0mew JoeTh Ow" 571 254 wodr. 400 foot mox. on >000 K, a pzy=i� ip ,Sifqt Of v0d SfKion A Wish WK io mahQ A 057 40'� wa� 39417 foot mauvwK Wmi Pjaid J,-ira fx,,a thc�;, C9 said So Q Lan ?" YeTmikoll That 'Colinn T Ke anuthsaw Pluanter w", win 6ciutlfg8 7 doacrlvn� av P,Ggizi'rivg at th,,iD imorknuilon af thq n44torJU aing of WS, mytheaW, , arl.,-a,s- afP swaviveav quaytm er sentim 7 vith the nwAh 1 2, F-1 ;-,Cga-2,x (40 soot W&0` tk,oL`bm Lsi,4: staY IJSZ„, w wid swil 0m CE 31 kywalea 3102"11110 a We- tenlc;�s r,-.'s' 2'�'O.co knot; thwmw' Vitt ✓0A maue, lla -.:: zn? gl'r'th 100 at El sqpvwk� t2hanc�l &%wlt baii n0vt% line to the cc bmgi�mswz, sweardiPrI.-I ft We odivial pint of K ! ,,z cO,.' lm,,! *,n rtle th,-, .3",;,Rwi z;( -XFXid A-nagozvvm��, Pair The south feet of the n th „0.013 s" ;''a 09 x fa <;. described op7cal of l rd a Thr4t s'<�e �.r. tar ; cat; .Lr.E3e1 r, ¢R '!'?ie.' a tka fsd3aii h +'` 5e . r I !u'fF';?F .:i ,.s t. F�...•',;.a r)Z EI Seg ea, d°.ovuty of ' ,, e�cs,zsm st'c&a c.5 forniar Lying betwoon tht) thsa 't art :, ,, of fik =<a 2 2110. i'leacrib!30' :'M d '�0 5vatkons3 ,43<13d C tv Und a 1$m:^ t le eaet L cal" &.0d zQrwpoll q4w_ 'Cr of Sae;ti '0 arnI Peas.-ILP t1watzem' �! JVInt in the =ath I-InG of thtl seemh n' MX) feat df SadAZI Ssastizrn,, a di tawe e tr ° `.:r�s °r :� 2 s 1,66 Imo: fv. w. t; :Uitcroaction of eald nonth tia<c? with tk i w1d nor�.h. terly Una of IwA described, ir, twIld deed tc °� szrkass:.a Cl4Y fo a Mswn C ,zs ,V4, for wblio atrefit purpmvas In connwtiox_� i th the r &ldraw "TZ of El Sc o Ewilevard in 63j "U4 city 'to wwi thD nmm 1".ft hgwe" r acce ?or wd cn bWbalt of 'a ha `nity a„ A El. S 90& are;?: IS IT FURETH&E MaOLYRUp i.'s s't t'il: C_f �y C.lork ? .r and she s;r, hereby amthorized and directed to owasr, naid im',, rmiwt to lxe filei in tho office of the Cuamty Haw, °, or of C; unty Ca,` cem a.> n STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. I. Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, Cali- fornia, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said body held on the 27th day of May, 1953, and that, as of this date, said resolution-has not been repealed or in any way amended. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set mW hand and affixed the official seal of the City of E1 Segundo, California, this 29th dray of May, 1953. �A Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Californi . (SEAL) OIL 0WANtV z +r• NNI t +' M 5yj YE 101 x 111 Ti pii Granter, owner of the real property herei n de "1 , a "�` and convey to the CM OF XL SBf MDP a smsIAdP#1 oorpmZatiah, 10001W fll iw County of Los Angeles, State of Csliforui% herein called the Grantees an ease - ment and right of way for a public street, in, ever, upon and across that certain piece or parcel of land aituated, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows PARCEL 110. is The north 30.00 feet of the south 50.00 feet of the rest one -half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 7, Town- ship 3 South, Range 14 West, S.B.B. & 11., Rancho Sausal Redondo, City of E1 Segundo, Los Angeles County, Califormia, excepting therefrom the easterly 40.00 feet thereof. PARCEL N0. 2: The north 30.00 feet of the south 50.00 feet of that portion of the seat one -half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 79 Township 3 South, Range 14 West, S.B.B. & Y., in the Rancho Sausal Redondo, City of E1 Segundo, Los Angeles County, California, lying westerly of a line which is parallel to and d1w. tent 1,}1.15.20 feet westerly of the east line of said Section 7, said parallel line being also the southerly prolongation of the most westerly line of Douglas streets formerly Northrop street, of des - oribed in the dead to the City of E1 Segundo, recorded in Book 12672, Page 114s Official Records of said Los Angeles Coustty. PARCEL NO. 3s The north 30.00 feet of the south 50.00 feet of the Southwest quarter of Section 7, Tawnsbip 3 South, Range 3.4 Vast, S.B.B. & N., Rancho sausal Redondo, City of &1 Segundo, Los Angeles County, California EXCEPT therefrom the following described parcels: Parcel As That portion of the Southwest quarter of Section , ship 3 South, Range 24 bleat, S.B.B. & Y„ lying southwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point In the south line of said Sscticm 7, which point is north $9' 591 30II east 200.30 feet measured along said south line from the southwest corner of said Section 7; thence North 26. 571 25w rest 443.3 feet, more or less, to a point in the roast line of said Section 7, which point is north O. 051 11,5" weft 395.17 feet measured along said most lisle from the southwest corner of said Section 7. Parcel Bs That portion of the Southwest quarter of said Section 7 described as follower Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of tom, southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 7 with the north line of El Segundo Boulevard (4o feet wide); thence northerly along said seat line a distance of 160900 I B00N 1E34� .PAGE ,30 feet; thanes westerly and para11e1 with said north line of El Ssgunde Bsul.evor dy a distance of 270.00 feat; thence southerly and parallel with said east line to as intersection with the north line of E1 Segundo Bowlovard; thence easterly along said north Use to the polft of beginning, according to the official plat of the survey of said land an file in the Bureau Of Land Yauuge act. Pam No's 4S The aoath 30*0O feat of the north 50.Of1 feet of the following des - aribed parcel of lands That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 180 Township 3 eooths Range 14 West, S.B.B. &,X*s in the Rancho Saaeal. Redondo in the City of 11 Segundas Comity of Loa angelwas State of California, lying hetoesm the northeasterly line of the land described in deed to 8outhere California Edison CcWaWs recorded in Book 98JW# Page 33 of Official Records of said Comity and a line parallel with the east line of said Northwest quarter of Section 18 and passing through a point in the south line of the north 20*00 feet of said Motion$ a distance easterly thereon, 2$081.66 fact from the intersection of said south line with the said northeasterly line of laid described in said deed to Scathern California Edison Company Said above described land is to be used for public street purposes only, and in the event that said land is net used for public street purposes W It after being so used* the assn is abandoned for sash purposes and vacated as a publie street, it shall revert to the owners of the adjoining property, their heirs, assentors, adninistratere, aneoessors and assigns. That durSng all the tine said parcels of land are used for the above purposes Grantors its successors and assigns, and its sabsidiariess, their success- ors and assigass sq# fron tins to tines at their awAmponsos lays construct, maintains operates repairs renews *hang* the size of, increase the wAdar of and ream pL" lines for the transportation of oils potrolemy goes gasoline# waters and other substances# and areots saintals operates repairs ranee$ add to and re- arm toUgraphs telephone and poser lines wWWrs along$ over and across said parcels of leads, subject only to reasonable regulation bJ the proper authorities, In the event that the emirei.es by the Orestes of any right granted here. in necossitatess;In the opinion of Grantors, its saecesseve or assigns or its subsidiaries or their successors or assigas, the relocations cgs treating or Ong of any pipe lines tolopelfts, telephone or poser line, or any otbsr structure now maintained ins midst or p{ea the above described land$ in order to protect or preserve its dwability or ussfulneass Grantee shall reimburse Grantors Its sweeessors or assigns., or its subsidiaries or their rdecoseers or assigns$ for the reasonable expenses incurred in so relocating$ Lowering$ treating or re. pairing scab structures. IN WITNESS VEMN, the Grantor has duly executed this instrweent at this 21st day of may , 19$3. STANDARD OIL CWAVr OF CAIMM MA 0 Mate of ltiatifornin l BaoA41_864 PACE431 City and County of San Francisco j On this ......�44.. ..... day of ...... ..._.... t......... in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-three before me, CHALMER —&,-, a Notary Public in and for said City and County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared. ....................................... -------------- ................... .......... ........... - - ---- D. B. Mr. HENRY ............... . ..... ......- °.... ..................... ---..known to me to be manager Real Estaia god Right of Wzy Oepartwnt of ----- $TAWiiDA1;D3 9iL- CiIINFA jai'_ OF" CA1: iFGP. 3I} A------------------------------------------- -- ----- ......... .............. .......... .. °...... ° -..... - °................... °- .... ...... ---the Corporation described in and that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person.... who executed it on behalf of the said Corporation therein named, and .......... .... he .............. acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same ................ ....................°°.......... ............................... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and mixed my 05cial Seal, at my office in the City and County and State aforesaid the day and year in this certificate above written. ------------- ---------- ----- - - ---- --------said.............. - -- ------ --n - - -..... ,.... Notary Public iv avd for said City and Couvq of..;; n Francisco, S to of California j -� *r • pt '`i 4 r�rV6 i..7±N XY�fy. h� a:} (• `�'.i I^ � Y r v .rl � }.` i yy a� �Ntf �'A xi"' .i "M }�44� 4{.' � i{:.• } - •i .Xa_. i4 (u 1 *�94 µt. n j,,pJ �� � ., 4 i!`.,✓t'y k.i � . -_ t r , ��� .,. � t v u .. ar�' i Q {' J ' if .ff$ 4 ♦ } r - *r J ., ��:� .,�� :C t v e. � 9P �k,. yTfi ... :Pt' rrAr• e. r ..3 a .. _