R311Partial Reconveyance Whereas, Los Angeles Trust & Safe Deposit Company, a corporation, of Los Angeles, California, as Trustee under a deed of trust dated MAY 11, 1948 executed by JOHN RICHARD STANTON AND MURIEL M. STANTON, his wife as Trustor, and recorded on JUNE 10, 1948 in Book 27421 Page 92 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, has received from Beneficiary thereunder a written request to reconvey, in accordance with the terms of said Deed of Trust, the estate now held by said Trustee under said Deed of Trust in and to the hereinafter described property, said Beneficiary having presented said Deed of Trust and note or notes secured thereby for endorsement; NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with said request and the provisions of said Deed of Trust, said LOS ANGELES TRUST & SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, as Trustee, does hereby reconvey, without warranty, to THE PERSON OR PERSONS LEGALLY ENTITLED THERETO, the estate now held by it thereunder in and to that portion of the property described in said Deed of Trust, situate in the city of El Segundo, County of Los. Angeles California, described as: The northerly 5 feet of the West 46 feet of the Egst 92 feet of Lot 220, block 123, of E1 Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 22, Pages 106 -107 of Maps in the office of the county recorder of said county, a w o cd ..y $01 a t3•o 23 M3LIJMENT Ndq f. RE ORD A'E T OF JAN 29 1953 46 AW 1 P M - Booa4085 ILAunty of Los Awks, CeMomia FEE - MAME B. BEATTY, Couunty ✓Rwxdtr q 2 � „ w � o. x; o o 0 aa) C-) o a d r +1; O +a •'Q w : .H U) 'y Ui •: •rl ri j +3 U w N a, N <a U a) O w •d ! N o: o; d o W b i b U a�) � ) o � rii t0i Y a C o x; o ! a) •� N i O U) m m 4): o: r-f : $ c z: cv: w : o > a cos t3•o 23 M3LIJMENT Ndq f. RE ORD A'E T OF JAN 29 1953 46 AW 1 P M - Booa4085 ILAunty of Los Awks, CeMomia FEE - MAME B. BEATTY, Couunty ✓Rwxdtr q 2 � F o. o � � o A d •'Q O t�/a O I Q7 . LL It I ` U F F. W a�) Y a o m 4r •� N O m 9561 `gZ Iuily sandxg uoisscmmo� Cyq __ ______ a3elS Pue Slunop plea zoy pue ul •ll4.d Maio / •lsas jrwWo pus puuq 6m ssauj!& •aa;snay se amss aq; palnaaxa uollsaodaoa Bans l8gl am o; pa8palmompu - - pus 'pamsu ulaaagl uoipeaodaoo aql ;o pugaq uo amus agl palnaaxa oqm uosaad aql aq - ol am of umoux pus 'aalsnay su luamnalsm 8ui02aao; aql palnaaxa ;sill uoqsaodaw aql } 'duudmoa ;!soda([ ajsS zg ;snay salaSuV so7 aq; ;o luapjsaad aatA aql aq of am of umowl 9.XG48 -fK 'H 'V peasaddgd i[euoszad'alzlSpuvSlunooppsao ;pus m aggnd BasloN s 'pauStsaepun aql 'am aaoaaq Z56T `ST assguzaoso no 907[e2uV 807 3o.flunoD ;uaplsaad aa.A � a� •y ,Y'+ l 'scuao3HBo 3o alins --.._°---' ....................... .................I- -----------• ------ --.......--- A$ `aa�snay se 'Buuduto� ;teodaQ a ;eg �+ Isn a8uir s07 6MT'88 uo 'paztaoglne Sinp qunawgj quapcsaad earA s4i Sq acaea sac paxcpe ojunaaaq seq '993snay se 'Auladutoa ;isodaQ a;eS zg Isnay saiaftV so7 pies ';oaaagAj ssau;iAk uI