R310BooK40850 PAGF336 Partial Reconveyance Los Angeles Trust & Safe Deposit Company, a corporation, of -Los Angeles, California, as Trustee under Deed of Trust dated MARCH 309 1948 made by ROBERT HENRY LEWIS and MARYLYN E LEWIS, his wife as Trustor, and recorded on May 179 1948 in Book 27197 Page 330 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, has received from Beneficiary thereunder said Deed of Trust and note or notes secured thereby for endorsement and a written request to reconvey and in accordance with said request and the provisions of said Deed of Trust, does hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the estate now held by it thereunder in and to that portion of the property described in said Deed of Trust, situate in the City of El Segundo County of Los Angeles , California, described as: The northerly 5 feet of Lot 56 of Block 123, of El Segundo, in the City of El Segundo, as per map recorded in book 22, pages 106 - 107 of Maps in the office of the county recorder of said county EXCEPT the west 45 feet and the east 70 feet thereof, Dated--- .......... De9emb0r _14 s- .1952 .... ......... No. 88 -5157 V Los & Safe as Trustee, Vice President Q� Q m O. m W O 3 Pums c� c� a m d A m U k .2 r F 0 a �a V a 0 0+ 0 Q w 1- N 0 w M w U o: d 1� U: ) Mi O i ri N! W Q A d 0 o LL � e w wCD 0 C 00 r� cd aU2 D0 DO N N O 'd U ;J +3 b � b U N 0 O � O c�(�4 K40850 PAGE33, DOCUMENT No— ._s�51�� - - -• R CORDED AT �;�T OF D JAV 2y 1953 cn 46 1% 1 P.M. l BOOK40850 MGE336 OFFICIAL RECORDS 1 1 C''m I..08 Angtim C1If0InIs U FEE UAME .8 mr, couidy er OJ U � \ A .r{ U a 896T `0£ vu(' sarct% t uowwra oo .Gjgj ........................... :ois35 Pua Uunop piae ao a .u[ oprgng 6 .J. j ... ...... ......... r_7•�- /�� y 'Iaas juloluo pus pusq Am ssau;tm •aa}snay ss emus aq; pagnaaxe uot3saodaoa gons 3sg3 am o} pa.8pallmomj= pus 'paucuu uiaaag3 uo�3aaodaoa ag; ;o ;Isgaq uo emus aq3 pa3noaxa ogm uosaad agz aq o; am o; uhouK puu.'aa3suay su;uamna;suc 2moSaso; aq3 pa;naaxa;sq; uopuaodaoa aq3 '.fuadmoD a!sodaQ a ;sg V ;enay eala8uV so%j ay ; ;o ;uapisaaa aa.A ag; aq o3 am o; umou3j _ ,... 4.x8 ,46Fjq 'j; -V paasaddu Sipmosaad'a;u36 puu 13unoD plus ao; pus ,.. ut oggnd Aau}oN s 'paa8tsaapun aqg 'am aao ;aq Z96i `6Z s®gmeoea uo 'SS 1 ofi a: e N N N R